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08-01-19, 22:56
El Poblado and El Centro. There is something for everyone. And plenty of fuglies around Veracruz, Casas, Strip Clubs as well as diamonds in the ruff as well.The ones in centro I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. The chica in El Poblado will insist on covered for everything for 300 k.

This is why I stick to Cartagena where Venezuelans can be had for 150 k-200 k, and most will agree to bareback.

08-01-19, 23:19
The ones in centro I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. The chica in El Poblado will insist on covered for everything for 300 k.

This is why I stick to Cartagena where Venezuelans can be had for 150 k-200 k, and most will agree to bareback.If you think Cartagena is good for what your looking for, than I suggest you try Santa Marta. And 150 K to 200 K, that would be highway robbery in Santa Marta assuming you speak some Spanish!

08-02-19, 00:06
Also never considered is the wide range of readers of this forum. Ones guy's "I sense danger, I'm nervous" is another guy's "no big deal we got this shit at home".Exactly. For example the never-ending argument about whether Centro is dangerous or not. I also say it depends on who is asking. If you grew up in a rough neighborhood in Chicago or Detroit, you probably won't bat an eyelash. But a guy who's lived in a lily-white suburb his whole life will likely be pretty uncomfortable.

There are so many qualifications to the issue of safe vs dangerous, that that questions can't simply be answered yes or no.

08-02-19, 01:29
Paris is a no go zone for many. It's pretty much a poster child for dodgy barrios. The "bus invasion" robbery is not so unusual and yes Colombians are by far the most frequent victims. Videos are not hard to find online because more and more buses have security cameras. My advice is stick to primary routes (e. G. Sabaneta via Avenida Poblado, Centro / Laureles via la 33 etc.) during daytime hours if you ride buses. Uber and taxis are less risky. There is always some risk, it's all about taking reasonable precautions.

My favorite girl lives in Paris, a barrio in Bello. She sends me a message three days ago that while on the bus from work to where she lives in Paris, four "hombres" get on the bus, two with knives and two with guns and basically took everybody's things of value such as money, phones, etc. There were nine passengers including the conductor.

We mostly hear on this board about the instances involving gringos, however the Colombians are just as much targets as we are, and more so.

08-02-19, 03:02
Howdy folks,

I left Colombia after living in medellin centro for 2 yrs! I saw just about everything there, ventured just about everywhere for the hobby (except casas and pros!) Previous to those 2 yrs in el centro, I lived in Envigado 2 months and previously in el Poblado 4 months.

You can see my contributions starting 2010 and also in the photo thread.

The great thing about mongoring in medellin is that you're in a modern city with so much things to do with high quality of standards of living at a lower price, and best of all for me the amazing climate and scenery (minus the pollution unfortunately).

And IMHO the least thing the women (compared to other places I've been to)! Cuban and Malagashy girls are way better and IMHO nobody comes close to cubanas! A Cuban landlord told me once about the Cubans: there is not a problem that can't be solved with sex as in no taboos!

So here are my simple tips (in no particular order of importance) that I went by during my stay specially in El Centro;.

1) I leave my passport secured in my room and I take a small photocopy of the front page and laminate it like an ID plus max 50 k cop.

2) I don't dress like a gringo I. E. No flip-flops or shorts.

3) I maintained a good relationships (insurance) with my building security, local vendors and businesses.

4) Rum not guaro for my girls. Highly recommend and most girls will resist. LOL because they know!

5) I came back home from el centro by 9 pm the time when ÉXITO super market closes! NEVER EVER BROOK THIS RULE.

6) I had the number of the US consulate in my phone contacts.

P. s: I'm not a typical monger and banging chics everyday wasn't my goal. Enjoying medellin was!

08-02-19, 03:09
Gringo es sealado de incitar al acoso sexual en Medellin


08-02-19, 03:57
I wish things were better in their Country and they would go back home. I liked the area much more before they invaded this area. I know there are other's on this board who are in pig heaven with all this abundant cheap pussy, but it has driven a lot of the Colombians out, and they are not happy campers with what as been happening.I've been saying for a while they will regret the letting the Venezuelans in. Soon they will have to bare their children, build schools or just neglect their own because of the burden Venez will put on them. The longer it goes on the worse for Colombia (obviously) because once they become acclimated and entrenched they will not leave.

08-02-19, 04:19
I've been saying for a while they will regret the letting the Venezuelans in. Soon they will have to bare their children, build schools or just neglect their own because of the burden Venez will put on them. The longer it goes on the worse for Colombia (obviously) because once they become acclimated and entrenched they will not leave.Agreed as to what will occur and other Countries have been putting the brakes on the influx of Venezuelans such as Peru. Many years ago millions of Colombians flooded into Venezuela during the height of all the violence and killing. Hence I guess the current Colombian government regime has allowed the massive influx of them in return perhaps for what they did for them many years ago?

Regardless, the majority of the Colombians I have talked with are opposed to the heavy influx of them and are are aware that they will end up paying for them along with the strain it is and will put on them as you mention. Right now there is an added value tax of 19% in Colombia for all goods and services which will surely go up. And this is besides income and property taxes that Colombians and residents are subject to.

08-02-19, 04:22
Gringo es sealado de incitar al acoso sexual en Medellin

https://www.elcolombiano.com/antioquia/con-curso-gringo-incita-al-acoso-sexual-en-medellin-GH11342554Maybe you can provide a translation into English for the Spanish challenged including myself?

John Clayton
08-02-19, 05:27
Gringo es sealado de incitar al acoso sexual en Medellin

https://www.elcolombiano.com/antioquia/con-curso-gringo-incita-al-acoso-sexual-en-medellin-GH11342554A douche. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a good Spanish equivalent.

Ty Down
08-02-19, 05:39
Gringo es sealado de incitar al acoso sexual en Medellin

https://www.elcolombiano.com/antioquia/con-curso-gringo-incita-al-acoso-sexual-en-medellin-GH11342554Stupid Shit in Medellin.

08-02-19, 10:45
Agreed as to what will occur and other Countries have been putting the brakes on the influx of Venezuelans such as Peru. Many years ago millions of Colombians flooded into Venezuela during the height of all the violence and killing. Hence I guess the current Colombian government regime has allowed the massive influx of them in return perhaps for what they did for them many years ago?They share the same colors on their flags. In fact if you aren't from the region you may even mistake the Colombian flag for the Venezuelan one. Their cultures are almost identical and while I can now tell the difference in dialects, I couldn't before. One big give away of Venezuelans (especially from Caracas) is the way they pronounce "entonces. " I've met more Colombians married to Venezuelans than I have Colombians married to Colombians.

Regardless, the majority of the Colombians I have talked with are opposed to the heavy influx of them and are are aware that they will end up paying for them along with the strain it is and will put on them as you mention. Right now there is an added value tax of 19% in Colombia for all goods and services which will surely go up. And this is besides income and property taxes that Colombians and residents are subject to.The Colombian government is handing out residency to Venezuelans and has been for a while. The borders are pretty much open as long as they have passports and don't overstay. Many Venezuelans will pay 1 k USD to purchase a passport in Venezuela and then cross in and out of Colombia to do their purchases.

I don't expect the issue to be resolved anytime soon. The Colombian economy will at some point benefit from just having more people in it.

08-02-19, 15:34
I really miss Germany where I sessioned hot girls, got GFE in a great environment and BBBJ is the norm. On another note I am seeing much less Venezuelans than I did in April and none in casas so far; are they heading back?

Ty Down
08-02-19, 17:01
Maybe you can provide a translation into English for the Spanish challenged including myself?Here ya go Surfer-.

Gringo is accused of inciting sexual harassment in Medellin.

An American who calls himself "coach" dating causes outrage in Medellin for promoting the objectification of women and profit from it by offering courses to other foreigners to conquer them.

This is Austen Summers, a man who was denounced in social networks, this week, by feminist groups in the city such as Bolivar in Falda and Wikigrillas. On the internet the subject published videos in which he or other men chase women, insinuate themselves and reach the point of intimidating some.

For this reason, the campaign "Medellin is not your *****" (Medellin is not your dog) was created, with which the complaint is made public and the public is alerted to the "courses of conquest" dictated by Summers.

The Bolvar collective in Falda explained that the method of American clients is to besiege women in public places, record them and then publish the videos without consent.

The "course" of Summers.

Although the situation could begin long ago, it was this week, after a follow-up of the groups, that the case was made public. Given this, Summers made their social networks private, such as Instagram and the videos related to Medellin from their YouTube channel, were hidden.

"Two women wrote to us two weeks ago, they showed us profiles of the man, they denounced sexual harassment and we realized that it was not only him, but another number of foreigners who were doing the same," said Margarita Restrepo, co-director of Bolvar in Skirt.

Even Summers had on YouTube a kind of documentary entitled 'Medellin Immersion', in whose description Colombians are described as submissive, with better bodies and more willing to sexuality than American women.

"The man offers theory to teach to distract and confuse the victims, and some end up crying. This is a wake-up call, because although we do not have strong evidence to affirm it, we believe that behind what Summers offers there can be a network of sexual exploitation, "said Restrepo.

A video shows a fragment of a woman who responds to one of Summers's clients, stating that "you keep pushing me to do things that I don't like, you say things in public and you embarrass me (while crying). ".

For Carlos Charry, a doctor of Sociology and professor at the Universidad del Rosario, the principle of believing that women can be treated as an object is the same as that applied in other forms of moral superiority such as racism or xenophobia. "In this case, what is most unworthy is that it also makes it marketable," said the expert.


The involved does not appear.

On the other hand Summers, who in Internet publications claims to live in Medelland, has changed their accounts on social networks and although we try to contact him through his Facebook page, at the end of this edition he did not respond.

When you check your publications on networks, updates appear that place you in Canada, where you would have traveled in recent days, according to your records.

Summers wrote about the case in one of his stories on Instagram. He said that the irony of women who oppose harassment, whom he called "feminazis", is that they are the same who insult him, threaten him with death, who say they know where he lives and who only seek to embarrass him in public.

THE COLOMBIAN contacted the Secretariat of Security of Medellin, a dependency that affirmed that there is no formal complaint of the victims of this situation; However, the Women's Secretariat heard about the case, feminist groups shared their evidence and the process was channeled with the judicial authorities to open a process.

Restrepo said they are in permanent contact with the mayor's office to see how the complaint evolves. From Bolivar in Skirt they expect the foreigner to answer for their actions.

"As a group we reject the naturalization of this type of behavior, which only contributes to stereotyping women and, therefore, to violence against it on a large scale," he concluded.

He has a website - https://www.austensummers.com/story

His twitter - https://twitter.com/leaustensummers?lang=en

08-02-19, 17:53
Maybe you can provide a translation into English for the Spanish challenged including myself?http://www.internationalsexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?3946-Stupid-shit-in-Medellin

08-02-19, 19:32
Here ya go Surfer-.

Gringo is accused of inciting sexual harassment in Medellin.

An American who calls himself "coach" dating causes outrage in Medellin for promoting the objectification of women and profit from it by offering courses to other foreigners to conquer them.

This is Austen Summers, a man who was denounced in social networks, this week, by feminist groups in the city such as Bolivar in Falda and Wikigrillas. On the internet the subject published videos in which he or other men chase women, insinuate themselves and reach the point of intimidating some.

For this reason, the campaign "Medellin is not your *****" (Medellin is not your dog) was created, with which the complaint is made public and the public is alerted to the "courses of conquest" dictated by Summers.
nThanks for the translation, and like you said, this is "stupid shit".

The Tall Man
08-02-19, 19:38
I've been saying for a while they will regret the letting the Venezuelans in. Soon they will have to bare their children, build schools or just neglect their own because of the burden Venez will put on them. The longer it goes on the worse for Colombia (obviously) because once they become acclimated and entrenched they will not leave.
Agreed as to what will occur and other Countries have been putting the brakes on the influx of Venezuelans such as Peru. Many years ago millions of Colombians flooded into Venezuela during the height of all the violence and killing. Hence I guess the current Colombian government regime has allowed the massive influx of them in return perhaps for what they did for them many years ago?

Regardless, the majority of the Colombians I have talked with are opposed to the heavy influx of them and are are aware that they will end up paying for them along with the strain it is and will put on them as you mention. Right now there is an added value tax of 19% in Colombia for all goods and services which will surely go up. And this is besides income and property taxes that Colombians and residents are subject to.

They share the same colors on their flags. In fact if you aren't from the region you may even mistake the Colombian flag for the Venezuelan one. Their cultures are almost identical and while I can now tell the difference in dialects, I couldn't before. One big give away of Venezuelans (especially from Caracas) is the way they pronounce "entonces. " I've met more Colombians married to Venezuelans than I have Colombians married to Colombians.

The Colombian government is handing out residency to Venezuelans and has been for a while. The borders are pretty much open as long as they have passports and don't overstay. Many Venezuelans will pay 1 k USD to purchase a passport in Venezuela and then cross in and out of Colombia to do their purchases.

I don't expect the issue to be resolved anytime soon. The Colombian economy will at some point benefit from just having more people in it.This unfortunate situation for Venezuela, but fortunate for us mongers, is here to stay and will only become more complicated in terms of how to handle this influx in the long run.

The Tall Man.

08-03-19, 00:45
They share the same colors on their flags. In fact if you aren't from the region you may even mistake the Colombian flag for the Venezuelan one. Their cultures are almost identical and while I can now tell the difference in dialects, I couldn't before. One big give away of Venezuelans (especially from Caracas) is the way they pronounce "entonces. " I've met more Colombians married to Venezuelans than I have Colombians married to Colombians.

The Colombian government is handing out residency to Venezuelans and has been for a while. The borders are pretty much open as long as they have passports and don't overstay. Many Venezuelans will pay 1 k USD to purchase a passport in Venezuela and then cross in and out of Colombia to do their purchases.

I don't expect the issue to be resolved anytime soon. The Colombian economy will at some point benefit from just having more people in it.Yup. There is no country in the World more similar to Colombia than Venezuela and vice versa. They are truly Sister Countries.

08-03-19, 01:02
I hate to break it to you currently in Germany and majority of FKK BBBJ is extra these days. Yes sometimes you will get a girl that will do it for free. But these days is almost always extra.

I really miss Germany where I sessioned hot girls, got GFE in a great environment and BBBJ is the norm. On another note I am seeing much less Venezuelans than I did in April and none in casas so far; are they heading back?

08-03-19, 01:59
Yup. There is no country in the World more similar to Colombia than Venezuela and vice versa. They are truly Sister Countries.Gran Colombia — when they were one country.

08-03-19, 02:34
Well since there isn't many of these anymore. Here is my contribution.

Did 7 days in airbnb walking distance from lleras. Arrived around 10:00 pm flight was delayed. My buddy and I decided that we weren't going to get crazy that night but we decided to walk to Gusto (Warning small rant coming) and check it out, first mistake. Got in around 11:30 it was a good crowd a lot of no so good looking girls. A couple cute ones and 3-5 hot nothing above a 9. Started talking to this shorty super petite with black hair and boltons, really big smile bought her a drink. She says straight aways says $200 usd that's the going rate at Gusto apparently, I should have walked away then but didn't, second mistake, but she was bubbly and had had good attitude a couple drinks later I counter her 300 K I usually never go that high but whatever little head took over, it happens to the best of us. She said ok. Can I have 100 k now so I can get something from the bathroom attendant. She said she would leave her purse with me, cool. She goes off and disappears for 10-15 minutes her friend was with us the whole time talking and hanging out. All of the sudden she grabs her purse and goes to the bathroom. So I follow and I see her making out with other guy. I ask her WTF? She said that she doesn't leave the club with out $200 usd. So I asked for the money back and she refused. Had to get the management involved and even he said no but she would give me half. I usually never get mad at things but I got pretty mad I talked the Gusto manager to have her give me half of it back and cut my losses. Moral of the story Gusto Sucks as usual and nobody should go there you are wasting your money and time!! But my buddy did get the phone number of the hottest girl there barely a 9 as she was walking out with another guy. Wich ended up asking for 250 USD when they talked the next day and wouldn't budge LOL.

Day 2: woke up early had bfast met my Buddys Colombian friend that helped this entire trip I really can not mention how much help this guy was. From finding apartments, rides to and from the airport, girls, driving us around everywhere. Really a good guy, he lived in the US for a while I would totally recommend him. PM for contact if you want. So to the action had one of Vanesa restrepo girls show at 11:30 ish I really forgot her name but she was good looking and had really good attitude so my buddy and his girl and I we talked and had some drinks thinking we were just hanging out. Then she says you got 30 minutes left. Ok sweet, LOL thanks for telling me. So we run to the bedroom and she was ok BBBJ, CFS, finish on tits. 250 K more than what I usually pay for a girl I don't know, but whatever. This is exactly one of the reasons why I prefer a FB girl over connection from another girl. I had a 3 PM Karina met her before in other trips https://www.facebook.com/Karisuperwoow very skinny but still a nice ass. Little submissive nice personality. 200 K BBBJ, CFS, lots of positions, facial. My buddy then finished with his girl and it was around 6 ish. Went out to eat. My 9 pm showed up in time I have met her before and she was really good then and I actually saw her twice on that trip, https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100022027354170 , exotic looking kinda tallish a super amazing girl great attitude some tats. Loves other girls really good for threesomes, 200 K BBBJ, jacuzzi action for a while CFS, more BBBJ, talked for a while to catch up. Then some very hard doggy in the jacuzzi. Then moved to the bed room. For every position you can think of and CIM. Really great girl. Left around 12 am.

Day 3: my buddy wasn't feeling too well so I headed to a casa New life by my self. Selection was ok it was Sunday. Got this curvy, big ass white girl with nice bolt ONS. Normal price, little extra for BBBJ and CFS and some greek. She seemed to really get into it doggy. Sorry I forgot her name. I decided to walk down to veracruz area and see what's up in the street girls. YIKES, it was a scary selection. Only 2-3 doable everything was really bad. I actually approached the best one of the bunch she had really nice tits and everything covered. I could tell it was going to be super mechanical so I passed. For who ever likes going there more power to you. But there is some real hood rats there.

Got back to the house around 4 and had https://www.facebook.com/daniela.vallejoruiz1 come over at 6 pm she was actually super nice my buddy had her sister Dulce so they came together, they really look alike. Angie is definitely the more experiences and better looking really nice body and bolt ONS, very good attitude. Her sister is very petite and looks very young but she does have a good Cedula we both checked on that. We hung out for a while and we all jumped in the jacuzzi and had drinks. We asked if they do threesomes together and the party almost ended right then and there. LOL. Big no no for them, I was super sad panda when they told us. We even offered a substantial more amount of $ an it was still a no. Believe me me and my buddy both tried. But they were cool after that. In the bedroom BBBJ, CFS lots of positions CIM. 200 K.

10 PM one of my all time favorites came over just happened to be named Angie as well. Have know her for 4 years ish when she was just getting started. And she is still super amazing girl one of the best attitudes I have ever seen in a chica, she is very petite but she hits the gym super hard and had the best 100% natural ass in the business it almost looks like a colombian fake ass. Has some tattoos I don't mind. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100016840396258 no need to add more to her she is just amazing. 250 K BBBJ, CFS, lots of laughs. CIMWS. Totally worth it.

Day 4: buddy and I slept in and went out to lunch came back had a 2 pm Emily https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010548030863 she is petite and very new to the game only 2 months it showed but its ok she was a bit reserved but she held her self well she is very white skinned. 200 K bobby, CFS it was ok but I am sure she will get better. Not a bad choice.

Had 2 set up after her for 6 and 9 both ended up flaking, Imagine that another reason why sometimes you need to double book LOL so I went to lleras and sat at a bar and people watched still entertaining called it an early night.

Day 5: buddy and eye did a case run New life again and check the new talent. Very good selection. I grabbed a flaca with big nalgas and pretty face. She ended up being a total freak. BBBJ, rim, more BBBJ, CFS, cow girl, reverse cow girl, doggy, back to mish jack hammer. Then some really hard doggy, she tells me to stop and grabs lube and my dick and just sticks it in the back door. Who am I to deny her that. Slow at first but then she took a pounding, finished on her back. I wish I remembered her namegoes to show you that the casas are still good. Went out to eat and back to the house by 5. Took a nap and had a new girl come over around 9 not expecting anything. I was super shocked when she showed up. She looks 5 times better in person. Huge smile, laughs, skinny, really pretty face and some of the BEST natural tits I have seen on a 20 yo. Just amazing big be almost see cup. Super perky ready to be licked. We just hung out for a while and really just chilled super easy going and did I mention amazing tits and body, with a fantastic smile to go along. 200 K BBBJ, CFS in lots of positions, more BBBJ and facial. Took it like a champ and just caught about it A+ in my book, will definitely see her every trip I am down there. Gave her 50 K tip since she stayed till midnight.

Day 6: had another noon cancellation. This was the worse trip I had in regards to flakes and cancelation, so my 3 pm showed only 20 minutes late a tall skinny negrita with a tight body and some natural 19 yo perky tits to die for https://www.facebook.com/melissa.restrepobenavides really cool girl a bit shy in the beginning but once she relaxes she really comes alive. And let me tell this girl likes to BBBJ a lot. And she is good! She is skinny and has semi large super perky boobs and she tastes amazing. Made her cum DAY. Then I did some FIV, I have a special technique, LOL. Made her squirt in less than 2 minutes. So I decided to keep on going. She ended up coming and squirting 6 times in less than 10 minutes. Last one shot so hard it splatter the tv mounted on the wall. I literally had to fold a towel into 4 to keep it from going to the bed. And she soaked all that towel. She was totally spent. She just rolled over and literally took a 20-30 min nap. LOL after she came to and 3 bottles of water later. LOL she did a super sloppy BBBJ she says its her favorite. Then cow girl and doggy with a vibrator on her clit and came again. Mish then finished with CIMWS. Also she is not camera shy if you ask nicely and give her a tip. She mentioned that she has done greek in the past but is not her favorite. She will definelty be in my repeat list.

Day 7 had and evening flight so did another casa run in the am 11 ish New life again. Some new girls from the last time. I grabbed a very dark mulata with an ass that you could sit your beer on and some really nice natural boobs. In the room, BBBJ for a tip at the end. Then because reverse cow girl it looked amazing. Then onto some super amazing doggy it was an amazing view! Finished on her boobs.

3 pm had Angie Munoz come back for a repeat, she is just amazing!

6 pm had Manuela come back also I could play her her amazing boobs and do other things to her, funny is that Angie was still at the house when she arrived and they hit it off very well and talked for a while and made friends. Will have to follow up on this next time I visit. LOL.

Thats all.

SO Don't go to Gusto unless you want to over pay and meh service and clock watcher.

Double book.

Casas are still awesome.

Repeats are ok.

And there is nothing wrong with tipping if its great service it will go a long way for the next time.

08-03-19, 14:04
What could a rest room attendant have that cost 100 K? It would have to be a big pile of perico. I'm not being completely fair because the combination of fatigue, horniness, and the lights and loud music can dull the senses. I don't mean to criticize, this is just a reminder to myself and everyone else. Don't hand cash to random girls in public places. It really weakens your negotiating position, which isn't strong to begin with in Gustos.

You rallied well. Casas to the rescue once again. The Veracruz visit, well one should not be surprised to find hood rats in the heart of the hood. So it's official now, the word is out that Veracruz is not lined with clones of Rihanna and Princess Diana.

Thanks for the report. I learned a bit and it was fun to read.

Well since there isn't many of these anymore. Here is my contribution.

Did 7 days in airbnb walking distance from lleras. Arrived around 10:00 pm flight was delayed. My buddy and I decided that we weren't going to get crazy that night but we decided to walk to Gusto (Warning small rant coming) and check it out, first mistake. Got in around 11:30 it was a good crowd a lot of no so good looking girls. A couple cute ones and 3-5 hot nothing above a 9. Started talking to this shorty super petite with black hair and boltons, really big smile bought her a drink. She says straight aways says $200 usd that's the going rate at Gusto apparently, I should have walked away then but didn't, second mistake, but she was bubbly and had had good attitude a couple drinks later I counter her 300 K I usually never go that high but whatever little head took over, it happens to the best of us. She said ok. Can I have 100 k now so I can get something from the bathroom attendant. She said she would leave her purse with me, cool. She goes off and disappears for 10-15 minutes her friend was with us the whole time talking and hanging out. All of the sudden she grabs her purse and goes to the bathroom. So I follow and I see her making out with other guy. I ask her WTF? She said that she doesn't leave the club with out $200 usd. So I asked for the money back and she refused. Had to get the management involved and even he said no but she would give me half. I usually never get mad at things but I got pretty mad I talked the Gusto manager to have her give me half of it back and cut my losses. Moral of the story Gusto Sucks as usual and nobody should go there you are wasting your money and time!! But my buddy did get the phone number of the hottest girl there barely a 9 as she was walking out with another guy. Wich ended up asking for 250 USD when they talked the next day and wouldn't budge LOL..

08-03-19, 16:36
Visited Pamela's carrera 45 #57-71. Mamasan directs me to waiting area where 5 delectable morsels present themselves followed by the mamasan who comes up to me and introduces herself as Paula. Chose mamasan, only the second time I've done that in LA, first time was in San Salvador 11 years ago. 40,000 pesos / 30 minutes. Good times.

08-03-19, 18:18
SO Don't go to Gusto unless you want to over pay and meh service and clock watcher.
FWIW I went to Gusto twice my last trip and it was at best mediocre. If I were in need I could have found one that was good enough but more than 200 k would have been overpayment. These were one, maybe two feature girls (nice face, decent tits, not too overweight, etc) but none were total packages worth premium money. A couple of hotter girls seemed to be with a group of guys as if came in a group just to dance. The working girls were average. I did not make conversation or try to get wpp digits.

Sailor Jim
08-03-19, 19:50
Stupid Shit in Medellin.You meant to say stupid gringos in medellin.

Sailor Jim
08-03-19, 19:53
Yup. There is no country in the World more similar to Colombia than Venezuela and vice versa. They are truly Sister Countries.Colombia and Venezuela used to be one country. Gran Colombia.

Sailor Jim
08-03-19, 20:13
Well since there isn't many of these anymore. Here is my contribution.

Did 7 days in airbnb walking distance from lleras. Arrived around 10:00 pm flight was delayed. My buddy and I decided that we weren't going to get crazy that night but we decided to walk to Gusto (Warning small rant coming) and check it out, first mistake. Got in around 11:30 it was a good crowd a lot of no so good looking girls. A couple cute ones and 3-5 hot nothing above a 9. Started talking to this shorty super petite with black hair and boltons, really big smile bought her a drink. She says straight aways says $200 usd that's the going rate at Gusto apparently, I should have walked away then but didn't, second mistake, but she was bubbly and had had good attitude a couple drinks later I counter her 300 K I usually never go that high but whatever little head took over, it happens to the best of us. She said ok. Can I have 100 k now so I can get something from the bathroom attendant. She said she would leave her purse with me, cool. She goes off and disappears for 10-15 minutes her friend was with us the whole time talking and hanging out. All of the sudden she grabs her purse and goes to the bathroom. So I follow and I see her making out with other guy. I ask her WTF? She said that she doesn't leave the club with out $200 usd. So I asked for the money back and she refused. Had to get the management involved and even he said no but she would give me half. I usually never get mad at things but I got pretty mad I talked the Gusto manager to have her give me half of it back and cut my losses. Moral of the story Gusto Sucks as usual and nobody should go there you are wasting your money and time!! But my buddy did get the phone number of the hottest girl there barely a 9 as she was walking out with another guy. Wich ended up asking for 250 USD when they talked the next day and wouldn't budge LOL.

Day 2: woke up early had bfast met my Buddys Colombian friend that helped this entire trip I really can not mention how much help this guy was. From finding apartments, rides to and from the airport, girls, driving us around everywhere. Really a good guy, he lived in the US for a while I would totally recommend him. PM for contact if you want. So to the action had one of Vanesa restrepo girls show at 11:30 ish I really forgot her name but she was good looking and had really good attitude so my buddy and his girl and I we talked and had some drinks thinking we were just hanging out. Then she says you got 30 minutes left. Ok sweet, LOL thanks for telling me. So we run to the bedroom and she was ok BBBJ, CFS, finish on tits. 250 K more than what I usually pay for a girl I don't know, but whatever. This is exactly one of the reasons why I prefer a FB girl over connection from another girl. I had a 3 PM Karina met her before in other trips https://www.facebook.com/Karisuperwoow very skinny but still a nice ass. Little submissive nice personality. 200 K BBBJ, CFS, lots of positions, facial. My buddy then finished with his girl and it was around 6 ish. Went out to eat. My 9 pm showed up in time I have met her before and she was really good then and I actually saw her twice on that trip, https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100022027354170 , exotic looking kinda tallish a super amazing girl great attitude some tats. Loves other girls really good for threesomes, 200 K BBBJ, jacuzzi action for a while CFS, more BBBJ, talked for a while to catch up. Then some very hard doggy in the jacuzzi. Then moved to the bed room. For every position you can think of and CIM. Really great girl. Left around 12 am.

Day 3: my buddy wasn't feeling too well so I headed to a casa New life by my self. Selection was ok it was Sunday. Got this curvy, big ass white girl with nice bolt ONS. Normal price, little extra for BBBJ and CFS and some greek. She seemed to really get into it doggy. Sorry I forgot her name. I decided to walk down to veracruz area and see what's up in the street girls. YIKES, it was a scary selection. Only 2-3 doable everything was really bad. I actually approached the best one of the bunch she had really nice tits and everything covered. I could tell it was going to be super mechanical so I passed. For who ever likes going there more power to you. But there is some real hood rats there.

Got back to the house around 4 and had https://www.facebook.com/daniela.vallejoruiz1 come over at 6 pm she was actually super nice my buddy had her sister Dulce so they came together, they really look alike. Angie is definitely the more experiences and better looking really nice body and bolt ONS, very good attitude. Her sister is very petite and looks very young but she does have a good Cedula we both checked on that. We hung out for a while and we all jumped in the jacuzzi and had drinks. We asked if they do threesomes together and the party almost ended right then and there. LOL. Big no no for them, I was super sad panda when they told us. We even offered a substantial more amount of $ an it was still a no. Believe me me and my buddy both tried. But they were cool after that. In the bedroom BBBJ, CFS lots of positions CIM. 200 K.

10 PM one of my all time favorites came over just happened to be named Angie as well. Have know her for 4 years ish when she was just getting started. And she is still super amazing girl one of the best attitudes I have ever seen in a chica, she is very petite but she hits the gym super hard and had the best 100% natural ass in the business it almost looks like a colombian fake ass. Has some tattoos I don't mind. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100016840396258 no need to add more to her she is just amazing. 250 K BBBJ, CFS, lots of laughs. CIMWS. Totally worth it.

Day 4: buddy and I slept in and went out to lunch came back had a 2 pm Emily https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010548030863 she is petite and very new to the game only 2 months it showed but its ok she was a bit reserved but she held her self well she is very white skinned. 200 K bobby, CFS it was ok but I am sure she will get better. Not a bad choice.

Had 2 set up after her for 6 and 9 both ended up flaking, Imagine that another reason why sometimes you need to double book LOL so I went to lleras and sat at a bar and people watched still entertaining called it an early night.

Day 5: buddy and eye did a case run New life again and check the new talent. Very good selection. I grabbed a flaca with big nalgas and pretty face. She ended up being a total freak. BBBJ, rim, more BBBJ, CFS, cow girl, reverse cow girl, doggy, back to mish jack hammer. Then some really hard doggy, she tells me to stop and grabs lube and my dick and just sticks it in the back door. Who am I to deny her that. Slow at first but then she took a pounding, finished on her back. I wish I remembered her namegoes to show you that the casas are still good. Went out to eat and back to the house by 5. Took a nap and had a new girl come over around 9 not expecting anything. I was super shocked when she showed up. She looks 5 times better in person. Huge smile, laughs, skinny, really pretty face and some of the BEST natural tits I have seen on a 20 yo. Just amazing big be almost see cup. Super perky ready to be licked. We just hung out for a while and really just chilled super easy going and did I mention amazing tits and body, with a fantastic smile to go along. 200 K BBBJ, CFS in lots of positions, more BBBJ and facial. Took it like a champ and just caught about it A+ in my book, will definitely see her every trip I am down there. Gave her 50 K tip since she stayed till midnight.

Day 6: had another noon cancellation. This was the worse trip I had in regards to flakes and cancelation, so my 3 pm showed only 20 minutes late a tall skinny negrita with a tight body and some natural 19 yo perky tits to die for https://www.facebook.com/melissa.restrepobenavides really cool girl a bit shy in the beginning but once she relaxes she really comes alive. And let me tell this girl likes to BBBJ a lot. And she is good! She is skinny and has semi large super perky boobs and she tastes amazing. Made her cum DAY. Then I did some FIV, I have a special technique, LOL. Made her squirt in less than 2 minutes. So I decided to keep on going. She ended up coming and squirting 6 times in less than 10 minutes. Last one shot so hard it splatter the tv mounted on the wall. I literally had to fold a towel into 4 to keep it from going to the bed. And she soaked all that towel. She was totally spent. She just rolled over and literally took a 20-30 min nap. LOL after she came to and 3 bottles of water later. LOL she did a super sloppy BBBJ she says its her favorite. Then cow girl and doggy with a vibrator on her clit and came again. Mish then finished with CIMWS. Also she is not camera shy if you ask nicely and give her a tip. She mentioned that she has done greek in the past but is not her favorite. She will definelty be in my repeat list.

Day 7 had and evening flight so did another casa run in the am 11 ish New life again. Some new girls from the last time. I grabbed a very dark mulata with an ass that you could sit your beer on and some really nice natural boobs. In the room, BBBJ for a tip at the end. Then because reverse cow girl it looked amazing. Then onto some super amazing doggy it was an amazing view! Finished on her boobs.

3 pm had Angie Munoz come back for a repeat, she is just amazing!

6 pm had Manuela come back also I could play her her amazing boobs and do other things to her, funny is that Angie was still at the house when she arrived and they hit it off very well and talked for a while and made friends. Will have to follow up on this next time I visit. LOL.

Thats all.

SO Don't go to Gusto unless you want to over pay and meh service and clock watcher.

Double book.

Casas are still awesome.

Repeats are ok.

And there is nothing wrong with tipping if its great service it will go a long way for the next time."But my buddy did get the phone number of the hottest girl there barely a 9 as she was walking out with another guy. Wich ended up asking for 250 USD when they talked the next day and wouldn't budge LOL."

USD $250 converts to more than a month's salary. Just sayin'.

"Can I have 100 k now so I can get something from the bathroom attendant."

The old "I need $35 dollars now so I can buy something in the bathroom" trick. That's the second time I've fallen for that this week!

"SO Don't go to Gusto unless you want to over pay and meh service and clock watcher." You forgot to mention and have your money stolen with no recourse. That's a bummer. Lesson learned. Great report by the way.

08-03-19, 20:58
Well since there isn't many of these anymore. Here is my contribution.

Did 7 days in airbnb walking distance from lleras. Arrived around 10:00 pm flight was delayed. My buddy and I decided that we weren't going to get crazy that night but we decided to walk to Gusto (Warning small rant coming) and check it out, first mistake. Got in around 11:30 it was a good crowd a lot of no so good looking girls. A couple cute ones and 3-5 hot nothing above a 9. Started talking to this shorty super petite with black hair and boltons, really big smile bought her a drink. She says straight aways says $200 usd that's the going rate at Gusto apparently, I should have walked away then but didn't, second mistake, but she was bubbly and had had good attitude a couple drinks later I counter her 300 K I usually never go that high but whatever little head took over, it happens to the best of us. She said ok. Can I have 100 k now so I can get something from the bathroom attendant. She said she would leave her purse with me, cool. She goes off and disappears for 10-15 minutes her friend was with us the whole time talking and hanging out. All of the sudden she grabs her purse and goes to the bathroom. So I follow and I see her making out with other guy. I ask her WTF? She said that she doesn't leave the club with out $200 usd..I need some more info on the day 5 chica that put in her ass for you, freaks like her are hard to find anywhere!

I'm learning from you guys are will be planning my first trip hopefully before the year ends. What's a casa run? The talent market?

08-04-19, 02:21
I need some more info on the day 5 chica that put in her ass for you, freaks like her are hard to find anywhere!

I'm learning from you guys are will be planning my first trip hopefully before the year ends. What's a casa run? The talent market?I'm interested in the girl that came after casa run with perfect natural tits, pretty face and all. Facebook profile if you want to share please.


08-04-19, 04:29
With Panama.

Colombia and Venezuela used to be one country. Gran Colombia.

08-04-19, 12:26
I need some more info on the day 5 chica that put in her ass for you, freaks like her are hard to find anywhere!.https://www.photoprepagos.com/prepagos/antioquia/medellin/sexo-anal

Oh, but there is and doesn't seem hard to find at all in Colombia for that matter if you willing to pay an extra 18 USD propina. My trip is in October but I have been "networking" with a few of these photoprepagos on Whatsapp, been gauging prices and negotiating possible future pricing LOL. From my few exercises, I have found that ALL the ladies on the site will respond within 30 minutes if not right away and is receptive to any attempt of broken Spanish on the whatsapp and most know very very basic English ideas, as I would imagine this site be a BIG player for locals and gringos alike.

Thus, I have no worries about finding the anal in Medellin. Just need to scope out Love Motels or AirBNB suites to host these prepagos in, certainly not in my own temple. Luckily, many of these online vixens have reviews on local Columbia Foro's if you are wise enough to seek after. Knowing this fact now, honestly, I can get posted up in a Love Motel of 7-Days (entirety of my allotted vacation PTO days) relying entirely on this site and a Food-delivery app and Never leave the premise. There are like 100+ anal vixens on the site, rationale, even if 50% won't answer, you still looking at 50+ to deal with. This fantasy alone drives me to try to move here and teach English online for a gringo salary.

But I have other things I would like to do in Medellin this trip, although I would imagine I would use this site to try to set up at least my daily morning nut with an anal vixen off this site. Honestly, wish I had more time to spend here.

08-04-19, 12:31
One of the FB chicks indicated the tunnel is open to traffic now. Can anyone confirm?

Travis McGee
08-04-19, 19:36
Which of her tunnels did she say is open to traffic?

One of the FB chicks indicated the tunnel is open to traffic now. Can anyone confirm?

08-04-19, 22:05
Please allow me to get this off my chest. The going rate for a hotel or apartment visit in Colombia, Medellin or otherwise, is $150,000 COP 1 hour. If you're paying more you're being played or just naive. And, you're doing disservice to the entire scene there. In many circumstances it can actually be less, much less. Allow yourself to pay more only if there is unusual value added, I. E. Taxi delivery, referral service, special services,. Ok. But everything starts at 150,000 COP, period. If any woman in Colombia (or most of the rest of the world) propositions you in USA Dollar terms, your natural and immediate impulse should be to laugh and walk away. If it is not your impulse, do it any way. You will avoid regrets. She is a hardened pro with no interest in serving you. Most Colombians have rarely even seen US money, its not part of their reality. She's been well coached in ripping off stupid gringos and other foreigners. Is this you, or what? Have a spine and hold the line. $150,000 COP. Its not complicated. They most often come around to agree, if not. Who cares? Isn't the point of traveling to leverage the exchange rate? .

Additionally. Parque Lleras is a fun place of course. , but is the most disadvantageous place in the city to meet girls. Take them there on a date? Sure. But meet them elsewhere.

I hope this helps someone. Bring it on haters and white knights.

08-04-19, 23:34
One of the FB chicks indicated the tunnel is open to traffic now. Can anyone confirm?https://www.portafolio.co/economia/infraestructura/en-15-dias-estrenan-tunel-de-oriente-en-medellin-532180

08-05-19, 00:01
I couldn't agree more. I especially appreciate the advice about 150 K being a not to exceed number and it's not hard to get it for less. Some will ignore or dispute this advice, but it is the truth.

Please allow me to get this off my chest. The going rate for a hotel or apartment visit in Colombia, Medellin or otherwise, is $150,000 COP 1 hour. If you're paying more you're being played or just naive. And, you're doing disservice to the entire scene there. In many circumstances it can actually be less, much less. Allow yourself to pay more only if there is unusual value added, I. E. Taxi delivery, referral service, special services,. Ok. But everything starts at 150,000 COP, period. If any woman in Colombia (or most of the rest of the world) propositions you in USA Dollar terms, your natural and immediate impulse should be to laugh and walk away. If it is not your impulse, do it any way. You will avoid regrets. She is a hardened pro with no interest in serving you. Most Colombians have rarely even seen US money, its not part of their reality. She's been well coached in ripping off stupid gringos and other foreigners. Is this you, or what? Have a spine and hold the line. $150,000 COP. Its not complicated. They most often come around to agree, if not. Who cares? Isn't the point of traveling to leverage the exchange rate? .

Additionally. Parque Lleras is a fun place of course. , but is the most disadvantageous place in the city to meet girls. Take them there on a date? Sure. But meet them elsewhere.

I hope this helps someone. Bring it on haters and white knights.

08-05-19, 00:25
Please allow me to get this off my chest. The going rate for a hotel or apartment visit in Colombia, Medellin or otherwise, is $150,000 COP 1 hour. If you're paying more you're being played or just naivePlease listen to this guy.

Now by the way, what are good negotiation methods to handle the taxi fee bullshit? My friends were handing out 30,000 to girls coming AND going for their "private drivers" like fucking candy to tricker treaters on halloween. It did [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) me off. I haven't taken an Uber in months in this city that came to even HALF that wtf. However it is intimidating or tricky the way they show up and then the guy is just in the car demanding to be paid.

08-05-19, 00:44
Are the girls actually in the park or are they simply around the area on those streets?

08-05-19, 00:48
I had one girl pull that on me once and that was the last time I bothered to see her. I think I paid like 30-35 K for her driver, argued for a bit and paid him. I made sure she knew I wasn't happy. She kept trying to reach me several times a day during the week I was there for a date which I refused. She lost a good customer over something stupid.

I tell the girls that I will pay 15 K each way up front if they ask for cover of taxi fare now.

08-05-19, 00:50
Please allow me to get this off my chest. The going rate for a hotel or apartment visit in Colombia, Medellin or otherwise, is $150,000 COP 1 hour..............I prefer to go where the Colombianos go not where the gringos go, for short time. Hotel Metropolitano, Calle 54, COP 25,000 per day. I hope you gringos reading this don't start going there and begin tipping the maitre d'hotel.

08-05-19, 01:46
I prefer to go where the Colombianos go not where the gringos go, for short time. Hotel Metropolitano, Calle 54, COP 25,000 per day. I hope you gringos reading this don't start going there and begin tipping the maitre d'hotel.Too late you posted it on the internet LOL.

08-05-19, 01:59
Parque Lleras is a fun place of course. , but is the most disadvantageous place in the city to meet girls. Take them there on a date? Sure. But meet them elsewhere.
Good post. The only thing I would say about the above is not to discourage people from fishing in certain lakes because you really might not want them fishing in the lake you enjoy. There are a limited number of lakes. It might be more advantageous for yourself and "the scene" to let those folks keep fishing in those other lakes. I know you weren't specific but I've seen other people post specific information and later they wonder why the lake they enjoyed fishing in has gone downhill. Happy fishing!!

08-05-19, 02:38
That is such an old Latin America game I'm a little surprised it still works. Here is the simple solution, stay in your room or apartment and wait for the girl to come to your door. She may call or text. If she does, remind her of the deal you made and restate the price. If she brings up a taxi at that time, or when you are making the date, say you won't pay it. It's always better to clear that up before the date but if it comes up at her arrival time you are in control if you are behind your door because you can move on to another girl. Not too many of them will turn their back on the money you guys pay for an extra 30 K.

08-05-19, 02:45
Isn't that the joint where trannies hang out at the entrance, on the southern end of Parque Bolivar on calle 54? I always thought the stairs up to the lobby look cleaner than anything else in the immediate area.

I prefer to go where the Colombianos go not where the gringos go, for short time. Hotel Metropolitano, Calle 54, COP 25,000 per day. I hope you gringos reading this don't start going there and begin tipping the maitre d'hotel.

08-05-19, 03:31
I had one girl pull that on me once and that was the last time I bothered to see her. I think I paid like 30-35 K for her driver, argued for a bit and paid him. I made sure she knew I wasn't happy. She kept trying to reach me several times a day during the week I was there for a date which I refused. She lost a good customer over something stupid.

I tell the girls that I will pay 15 K each way up front if they ask for cover of taxi fare now.Last visit the lady asked if I would cover taxi and I told her sure, within reason (she lives in Bello, I was staying in Laureles). She said how about 20 mil ida y regresso (go to and return from). Esta bien says I. So when she WApp'd me that she was close, I went downstairs only to see her approaching on foot. The Estadio metro station was 1/2 mile away and she was just trying to up her 'earn' by the taxi fare (less the metro fare). I thought about saying something, but if she was willing to walk 1/2 a mile each way for an extra 15 mil (20 - 5 for metro) who am I to cry foul. My point is if you give her your address, she is going to check how to get there most economically and try to get you to add some taxi money. I'm not saying that is a bad thing but if you start getting asked for more than 20 mil, well, ask where she is coming from. Bello to Poblado sure, bad traffic and a long distance, but if you're in Laureles or Belen anything more than 20 mil is taking advantage.

Big Boss Man
08-05-19, 03:33
Anybody have success in this market? I matched with her on Tinder. I gave her my usual response as an opening. Para ser honesto y así no hay malentendidos, solo estoy buscando dama de compañía. Estaré en Medellín a partir del xx de agosto. Hopefully she will come back with a price.

08-05-19, 03:46
....The going rate for a hotel or apartment visit in Colombia, Medellin or otherwise, is $150,000 COP 1 hour. If you're paying more you're being played or just naive. And, you're doing disservice to the entire scene there. In many circumstances it can actually be less, much less. Allow yourself to pay more only if there is unusual value added, I. E. Taxi delivery, referral service, special services,. Ok. But everything starts at 150,000 COP, period. If any woman in Colombia (or most of the rest of the world) propositions you in USA Dollar terms, your natural and immediate impulse should be to laugh and walk away. If it is not your impulse, do it any way. You will avoid regrets. She is a hardened pro with no interest in serving you. Most Colombians have rarely even seen US money, its not part of their reality. She's been well coached in ripping off stupid gringos and other foreigners. Is this you, or what? Have a spine and hold the line. $150,000 COP. Its not complicated. They most often come around to agree, if not. Who cares? Isn't the point of traveling to leverage the exchange rate? .

Additionally. Parque Lleras is a fun place of course. , but is the most disadvantageous place in the city to meet girls. Take them there on a date? Sure. But meet them elsewhere.

I hope this helps someone. Bring it on haters and white knights.You know, I think we all see this kind of evaluation all the time. To you the standard rate is 150 mil for an hour. With respect, that is a great medium figure to use when you talk to your prospective date. I've had them tell me "amor, I get 300 mil from my dates (I'm translating their comments) and I just respond that is too much for me but best of luck. This usually gets a 250 mil but only for you amor. Now is the time to inquire if you have any extra kink you want included or maybe 2 hours or whatever. About half the time this discussion ends something like 'you want more than I can spend' and we end our texting or she'll offer '200 mil and I'll cover my taxi's'. If the girl is really good looking it might be worth it but just remember if you beat her up too much in the negotiation, she isn't going to feel motivated to pleasure you any more than is necessary. You want there to be a little incentive for her not just in the monetary reward but you want her to think if she pleases you she may get another date or two or three while you're visiting.

Just to be clear, we're talking about 'prepagos' on facebook or twitter or tinder etc. Casa prices are quite a bit lower for the most part and street prices are lower still.

08-05-19, 03:58
Anybody have success in this market?23 K followers? Sounds like she has a gig as a model and is somewhat known. I think you have your best chance if you speak Spanish pretty well and even so, if you start with offers of xxx or how much? You're likely going to just be ignored. My experience hasn't been so great with those models and I can somewhat carry a conversation in Spanish (not fluent by any means but in the intermediate range). If you can engage in a conversation and she finds out you're from the US and she has a mercenary side, you'll let you know what she wants. But don't expect any bargains. She likely already has sugar-daddies lined up. I'm not trying to discourage you, but these chics may not be the best use of your prospecting time.

08-05-19, 11:57
https://www.portafolio.co/economia/infraestructura/en-15-dias-estrenan-tunel-de-oriente-en-medellin-532180Great, I hope there won't be any delays from the airport MDE because of this.

08-05-19, 12:18

Oh, but there is and doesn't seem hard to find at all in Colombia for that matter if you willing to pay an extra 18 USD propina. My trip is in October but I have been "networking" with a few of these photoprepagos on Whatsapp, been gauging prices and negotiating possible future pricing LOL. From my few exercises, I have found that ALL the ladies on the site will respond within 30 minutes if not right away and is receptive to any attempt of broken Spanish on the whatsapp and most know very very basic English ideas, as I would imagine this site be a BIG player for locals and gringos alike.

Thus, I have no worries about finding the anal in Medellin. Just need to scope out Love Motels or AirBNB suites to host these prepagos in, certainly not in my own temple. Luckily, many of these online vixens have reviews on local Columbia Foro's if you are wise enough to seek after. Knowing this fact now, honestly, I can get posted up in a Love Motel of 7-Days (entirety of my allotted vacation PTO days) relying entirely on this site and a Food-delivery app and Never leave the premise. There are like 100+ anal vixens on the site, rationale, even if 50% won't answer, you still looking at 50+ to deal with. This fantasy alone drives me to try to move here and teach English online for a gringo salary.

But I have other things I would like to do in Medellin this trip, although I would imagine I would use this site to try to set up at least my daily morning nut with an anal vixen off this site. Honestly, wish I had more time to spend here.Photoprepago and milerotica are known for having many scammers and fake pics on there.

The person showing up may look drastically different than the one you thought would show up.

No experience with it myself but just hearsay.

08-05-19, 12:30
Are there short time hotels available in all areas? Do they have any in Laureles?

Anyone have any recommendations with info like prices / quality etc?

08-05-19, 13:24
Isn't that the joint where trannies hang out at the entrance, on the southern end of Parque Bolivar on calle 54? I always thought the stairs up to the lobby look cleaner than anything else in the immediate area.Yes lots of Trannies in this area, not the safest place to be when all the business's around the area shut down at night.

08-05-19, 13:34
That is such an old Latin America game I'm a little surprised it still works. Here is the simple solution, stay in your room or apartment and wait for the girl to come to your door. She may call or text. If she does, remind her of the deal you made and restate the price. If she brings up a taxi at that time, or when you are making the date, say you won't pay it. It's always better to clear that up before the date but if it comes up at her arrival time you are in control if you are behind your door because you can move on to another girl. Not too many of them will turn their back on the money you guys pay for an extra 30 K.You are correct, lots of girls actually spend very little on transport as they may take a bus, the Metro, or taxi part of the way coming and going. With bus fares fares running approximately 2,200 COP, the Metro about 2,650 COP, and the minimum taxi fare at 5,500 COP some of these girls might come out 20,000 COP ahead depending on where they travel to and what time of day it is.

08-05-19, 13:37
Are the girls actually in the park or are they simply around the area on those streets?Those girls in the park and on the streets are there to sell girl scout cookies and other treats.

08-05-19, 14:13
Which bank'a ATM give the best rates for a chase debit cards? I. E fees and exchange rate.

08-05-19, 14:25
I have had the exact same thing happen to me. I also think that alot of the chicas are late is because they take the bus and do not know when they will get their by bus. I know alot of chicas that don't take the metro due to getting groped when it is packed, which is becoming more and more frequent.

Last visit the lady asked if I would cover taxi and I told her sure, within reason (she lives in Bello, I was staying in Laureles). She said how about 20 mil ida y regresso (go to and return from). Esta bien says I. So when she WApp'd me that she was close, I went downstairs only to see her approaching on foot. The Estadio metro station was 1/2 mile away and she was just trying to up her 'earn' by the taxi fare (less the metro fare). I thought about saying something, but if she was willing to walk 1/2 a mile each way for an extra 15 mil (20 - 5 for metro) who am I to cry foul. My point is if you give her your address, she is going to check how to get there most economically and try to get you to add some taxi money. I'm not saying that is a bad thing but if you start getting asked for more than 20 mil, well, ask where she is coming from. Bello to Poblado sure, bad traffic and a long distance, but if you're in Laureles or Belen anything more than 20 mil is taking advantage.

08-05-19, 14:41
There are quite a few. On Avenida Colombia one of the more expensive is Thematic suites I think its around 50 K, but very secure and nice with jacuzzi and they lock you in the room so you call the front desk to get the door unlocked this way both of you leave at the same time, no chance of being drugged. There another one I have used on Av 80 do recall the name and one near Av nutibarra why la 80, could not find on google maps but that's not surprising. I think on the Medellin List there is a section for love motels.

Are there short time hotels available in all areas? Do they have any in Laureles?

Anyone have any recommendations with info like prices / quality etc?

08-05-19, 14:45
I always try to use Davidienda they seem to be the best. I did an experiment at a mall and took out 100 k pesos from 3 different ATM one after the other and this one cost me the least so that is why I use them. Good luck with the Chase fees they suck, I use Schwab or USAA they both reimburse you for ATM fees.

Which bank'a ATM give the best rates for a chase debit cards? I. E fees and exchange rate.

08-05-19, 15:20
Isn't that the joint where trannies hang out at the entrance, on the southern end of Parque Bolivar on calle 54? I always thought the stairs up to the lobby look cleaner than anything else in the immediate area.You're correct. Trannies hang out next door. At first they semi-pestered me when walking alone heading to c.c. , now they don't. The hotel serves my purpose but may not be suitable for most gringos.

08-05-19, 15:26
I always try to use Davidienda they seem to be the best. I did an experiment at a mall and took out 100 k pesos from 3 different ATM one after the other and this one cost me the least so that is why I use them. .............I did the same after reading a past post on the economy of using Davidienda, now I only use them.

08-05-19, 15:34
Photoprepago and milerotica are known for having many scammers and fake pics on there.

The person showing up may look drastically different than the one you thought would show up.

No experience with it myself but just hearsay.Yes, if you read my posting, I mentioned that some of these girls have been reviewed on the local boards and I suggest to chase those first. There are also numerous attempts in the past by other ISG-er's to call these girls, most suggest to meet them at a local cafe before actually engaging to fuck them so you can make sure its the same girl or an adequate catfish before you actually have her come to your love motel or you accompany her into a room.


This is a local mongering site with I would imagine mostly Colombian mongers. And when I mentioned that there are 100+, that is just drawing an upper limit of sorts. There are a few bombshell vixens for 35 USD that take anal on this site and luckily they have been spoken about on Catador Colombia.

Big Boss Man
08-05-19, 16:16
23 K followers? Sounds like she has a gig as a model and is somewhat known. I think you have your best chance if you speak Spanish pretty well and even so, if you start with offers of xxx or how much? You're likely going to just be ignored. My experience hasn't been so great with those models and I can somewhat carry a conversation in Spanish (not fluent by any means but in the intermediate range). If you can engage in a conversation and she finds out you're from the US and she has a mercenary side, you'll let you know what she wants. But don't expect any bargains. She likely already has sugar-daddies lined up. I'm not trying to discourage you, but these chics may not be the best use of your prospecting time.It turns out one of my best friends who spends significant time in Medellin has her on Facebook. I sent him a picture which I will not do on a public board. On Facebook, there are guys whining "Why don't you answer my messenger?' I don't speak Spanish. But wow it is hard to fake those videos. She is a little vacant in the eyes.

Actually I met a rising Instagram model (4000 followers) three years ago when she was 19 or 20 that a taxi driver set me up with. She remembers me but when I try to set up a date for an upcoming trip she just keeps saying she is busy. She has been doing music videos lately. That one followed direction fairly well.

08-05-19, 17:53
Just to be clear, we're talking about 'prepagos' on facebook or twitter or tinder etc. Casa prices are quite a bit lower for the most part and street prices are lower still.If the girls in Casa's and on the streets all also have pussies and assholes, why roll the dice with a Facebook or tinder girl? Every other drugging happens to be associating yourself with one, and yet I have yet to read about anything happening at a casa. I understand the fantasy aspect of fucking a street hoe but why risk the former 2 while places like FaseII and Las Islas are around to provide similar quality looking girls in a controlled environment? Isn't it 200 Mil to bang out a chick at one of these higher end places, you can do it there and won't have to worry about the Chica raiding your shit as you go take a long [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140). Maybe there is an appeal to Facebook hoes I am not seeing. I have been hit-up by a few and tbh, they are not much hotter than the hoes I see online on Photoprepagos.

You guys also always mention how facebook girls are super late to the dates. I don't know man, I don't have a lot of patience. Part of why I want to fly down to a 3rd world country chasing their cheap and readily available pussies. If I can take a cab ride to a location knowing there are hoes there hot and ready when I arrive no matter what. On my schedule, is enough for me to say fuck the Facebook game.

My biggest fear is really to wait on a date, get impatient when she gives me that bullshit Colombian timing, jerk off to relieve the wait-anxiety and have no interest in the ***** that is stuck in traffic. I rather chase orgasms while on foot out and about. I am not trying to frustration-jerk myself out of a nut with the little bit of time I get to spend in Colombia.

Mr Enternational
08-05-19, 17:53
It turns out one of my best friends who spends significant time in Medellin has her on Facebook. I sent him a picture which I will not do on a public board. On Facebook, there are guys whining "Why don't you answer my messenger?' I don't speak Spanish. But wow it is hard to fake those videos. She is a little vacant in the eyes.

Actually I met a rising Instagram model (4000 followers) three years ago when she was 19 or 20 that a taxi driver set me up with. She remembers me but when I try to set up a date for an upcoming trip she just keeps saying she is busy. She has been doing music videos lately. That one followed direction fairly well.What is the big deal about some chick taking pictures, putting them on the internet, and a bunch of guys drooling over them? I don't get it. And what is the significance of how many guys have drooled over a chick to what you will pay her? Seems like one would be willing to pay more for a chick that has been drooled over less, instead of paying more for sloppy 23,000ths. I guess I am more of a road less traveled guy.

Big Boss Man
08-05-19, 19:06
What is the big deal about some chick taking pictures, putting them on the internet, and a bunch of guys drooling over them? I don't get it. And what is the significance of how many guys have drooled over a chick to what you will pay her? Seems like one would be willing to pay more for a chick that has been drooled over less, instead of paying more for sloppy 23,000ths. I guess I am more of a road less traveled guy.The problem with the road less traveled is that you will always stay in the minor leagues. There are only a few spots available in the majors and many guys competing for them. So who do you want to be, James Hardin averaging 30 in the NBA or Stephon Marbury averaging 30 in China? Their income statements and balance sheets probably look similar.

The road less traveled reminds me an image of a small town in New England not New York City. Instead of Robert Frost maybe you should try, if you have not already, to read F Scott Fitzgerald "The Beautiful and the Damned".

Or as Bob Dylan suggests in Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat sometimes we are just curious.

"Well you, look so pretty in it.

Honey, can I jump on it sometime?

Yes, I just want to see.

If it's really that expensive kind. ".

There are many ways to play your hand.

08-05-19, 19:31
The problem with the road less traveled is that you will always stay in the minor leagues. There are only a few spots available in the majors and many guys competing for them.... Say what?

None of that made sense, LOL.

I'm with Mr E.

Sticking on the road less traveled.

Always have, always will.

08-05-19, 20:27
If any veterans of the Medellin scene want to do a centro or strip club run I would appreciate the help learning the ropes. I speak fluent Spanish and have been to Medellin and other cities in Colombia a few times. PM me.

D Cups
08-05-19, 21:30
One of my Colombian Cupid interests with a beautiful face hit me up from Bogota but I will only be in Medellin (for one week). I understand it costs about $50 USD for roundtrip BOG to MDE. Has anyone flown a chica in from BOG? Just curious if it is a hassle or what. Thanks for any replies.

Member #2001
08-05-19, 21:33
Colombia and Venezuela used to be one country. Gran Colombia.Colombia use to be alot bigger than that. Panama, Ecuador, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and parts of Peru and Brazil use to be parts of Colombia. I guess it use to be a huge part of the Spanish empire.

08-05-19, 22:15
The problem with the road less traveled is that you will always stay in the minor leagues. There are only a few spots available in the majors and many guys competing for them. So who do you want to be, James Hardin averaging 30 in the NBA or Stephon Marbury averaging 30 in China? Their income statements and balance sheets probably look similar.

The road less traveled reminds me an image of a small town in New England not New York City. Instead of Robert Frost maybe you should try, if you have not already, to read F Scott Fitzgerald "The Beautiful and the Damned".

Or as Bob Dylan suggests in Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat sometimes we are just curious.

"Well you, look so pretty in it.

Honey, can I jump on it sometime?

Yes, I just want to see.

If it's really that expensive kind. ".

There are many ways to play your hand.Sounds like you should stick to the major leagues in NY and London.

Blue Touch
08-05-19, 22:37
Suriname was Dutch colony.

Colombia use to be alot bigger than that. Panama, Ecuador, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and parts of Peru and Brazil use to be parts of Colombia. I guess it use to be a huge part of the Spanish empire.

08-06-19, 00:53
So far I've sessioned in twelve casas and as always Energy, which I visited today, requires special mention. Before this trip report I must state that I have considered the facebook, instagram, Colombia Cupid, etc. thing but cannot see myself going through with it. I find it convenient to just visit a casa or pick up a street babe and head to a st hotel. My Spanish is not good enough to make spending a longer time with a chica interesting. Hell, even when I pay for the night at a st hotel I am ready to leave after my second pop. My hat's off to you guys who can take these girls to your hotel and spend tons of time with them.

At Energy I was introduced to fourteen chicas all of whom were doable in my book. I required two presentations to decide, the second with all my chosen girls together. Chose the one I thought the best looking of the lot, Camilla. She was very enthusiastic and the session was enoyable. However, I spent more than I would like to for a casa visit. One hour = COP 150. I also had to give her COP 50 for my special treats. Nevertheless, I will visit Energy again as the chicas are a cut above the rest.

On my agenda is Tantra, I was not enthralled by my first visit there earlier this year but would give them a second chance even though their price is akin to that of Energy.

Big Boss Man
08-06-19, 00:54
Sounds like you should stick to the major leagues in NY and London.Actually I am not major league. I have rejection letters from Harvard, Stanford and MIT to prove it. But I am not ashamed that I competed and failed.

Anyway this Instagram, Tinder and Facebook chica never responded to me. But I imagine she reached out to numerous guys and went out on a date last night. I am just wondering what kind of offer she took and how well she performed. If that situation comes up again what are the best tactics.

As an experiment, I signed up for the Secret Benefits site. I notice that the sugar babies that I find the most attractive disappear rather quickly.

So I wonder if I offered the Instagram model model 640 COP (the price I paid for a top Colombian looker at Habanos 3 weeks ago) within 15 minutes of her matching with me on Tinder if we would have been fucking in the Ibizia Suites an hour later?

08-06-19, 01:29
If your in Medellin right now, and like the SW scene, it doesn't get any better than I have seen it in the last two days in El Centro in the afternoons between 4 to 6 PM around the Museum, the Veracruz Church, and Carrera 53 that runs behind the Church and the Museum. Due to the flower festival going on there are street performers in front of the Museum and lots and lots of people, tourists, etc. One thing I did notice that I had never seen in this area before was a young family, a blond haired blue eye couple with two young kids standing where the Trannies hang at Veracruz Church who started walking towards the backside of the Church to Carrera 53 with all the bars, etc.

But besides this, I noticed lots of new girls I had never seen before, a mixture of Colombians and Vennies, and some very pretty and thin ones.

It was so busy in El Centro yesterday afternoon that two of my favorite hotels were totally booked when I showed up with one of my regulars, and a buddy of mine experienced the same thing yesterday as well. It's mind boggling how many girls are available right now in this area, it's like they are coming out of the woodwork and it's going to be good all week, and a buyers market.

08-06-19, 01:45
If the girls in Casa's and on the streets all also have pussies and assholes, why roll the dice with a Facebook or tinder girl? Every other drugging happens to be associating yourself with one, and yet I have yet to read about anything happening at a casa. I understand the fantasy aspect of fucking a street hoe but why risk the former 2 while places like FaseII and Las Islas are around to provide similar quality looking girls in a controlled environment? Isn't it 200 Mil to bang out a chick at one of these higher end places, you can do it there and won't have to worry about the Chica raiding your shit

You guys also always mention how facebook girls are super late to the dates. I don't know man, I don't have a lot of patience. Part of why I want to fly down to a 3rd world country chasing their cheap and readily available pussies. If I can take a cab ride to a location knowing there are hoes there hot and ready when I arrive no matter what. On my schedule, is enough for me to say fuck the Facebook game.

My biggest fear is really to wait on a date, get impatient when she gives me that bullshit Colombian timing, jerk off to relieve the wait-anxiety and have no interest in the ***** that is stuck in traffic. I rather chase orgasms while on foot out and about. I am not trying to frustration-jerk myself out of a nut with the little bit of time I get to spend in Colombia.All of your logic and points are right on the money as far as I am concerned. However everybody rolls different, and some guys are into Facebook and may be because they have never done the SW scene, visited a Casa, or hit up a Strip Club. Or it's just their personal preference as to how they want to roll.

08-06-19, 01:56
One of my Colombian Cupid interests with a beautiful face hit me up from Bogota but I will only be in Medellin (for one week). I understand it costs about $50 USD for roundtrip BOG to MDE. Has anyone flown a chica in from BOG? Just curious if it is a hassle or what. Thanks for any replies.Not sure whether the fare of $ 50 USD round-trip is correct but all a Colombian needs to fly is a Cedula so there should be no hassle unless you need to buy her ticket for her. If so have her send you a copy of her Cedula so you get her name right on the ticket.

Mr Enternational
08-06-19, 02:40
Anyway this Instagram, Tinder and Facebook chica never responded to me. But I imagine she reached out to numerous guys and went out on a date last night. I am just wondering what kind of offer she took and how well she performed.What is it that makes you imagine that? You saw a few fotos and now you have her life all figured out. Could even be a scammer for all you really know. You are sounding like a stalker.

So I wonder if I offered the Instagram model model 640 COP (the price I paid for a top Colombian looker at Habanos 3 weeks ago) within 15 minutes of her matching with me on Tinder if we would have been fucking in the Ibizia Suites an hour later?I thought the main purpose of P4P was to cut through the bullshit. Now you are driving your anxiety level up plotting how to pay someone that you don't even know is really real.

08-06-19, 02:50
Actually I am not major league. I have rejection letters from Harvard, Stanford and MIT to prove it. But I am not ashamed that I competed and failed.

Anyway this Instagram, Tinder and Facebook chica never responded to me. But I imagine she reached out to numerous guys and went out on a date last night. I am just wondering what kind of offer she took and how well she performed. If that situation comes up again what are the best tactics.

As an experiment, I signed up for the Secret Benefits site. I notice that the sugar babies that I find the most attractive disappear rather quickly.

So I wonder if I offered the Instagram model model 640 COP (the price I paid for a top Colombian looker at Habanos 3 weeks ago) within 15 minutes of her matching with me on Tinder if we would have been fucking in the Ibizia Suites an hour later?Probably not. Add another 0 and you'll get into the unlikely, but maybe range.

She is most likely pulling in $1,000-$2500 USD per week from guys that just want her to chat with them online. Maybe she emails a few nude photos or even videos to the high rollers. If she decides to go out with one he's flying her to some exotic location and he's probably young, fit and loaded.

Sorry for the negativity. I was good friends with a top tier adult entertainer many years ago. She had 2 customers she would sleep with. One took her on trips to Europe and Australia, bought her an Infiniti, a Harley and a house. The other one looked like the cover of a romance novel. She would accept modeling gigs for expenses plus $250 per hour for nude, $500 per hour for explicit.

Anyone hitting her up with a cash offer for sex got laughed at.

08-06-19, 03:10
If the girls in Casa's and on the streets all also have pussies and assholes, why roll the dice with a Facebook or tinder girl? Every other drugging happens to be associating yourself with one, and yet I have yet to read about anything happening at a casa. I understand the fantasy aspect of fucking a street hoe but why risk the former 2 while places like FaseII and Las Islas are around to provide similar quality looking girls in a controlled environment? Isn't it 200 Mil to bang out a chick at one of these higher end places, you can do it there and won't have to worry about the Chica raiding your shit as you go take a long [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140). Maybe there is an appeal to Facebook hoes I am not seeing. I have been hit-up by a few and tbh, they are not much hotter than the hoes I see online on Photoprepagos.

You guys also always mention how facebook girls are super late to the dates. I don't know man, I don't have a lot of patience. Part of why I want to fly down to a 3rd world country chasing their cheap and readily available pussies. If I can take a cab ride to a location knowing there are hoes there hot and ready when I arrive no matter what. On my schedule, is enough for me to say fuck the Facebook game..Everyone goes for different things. However, it takes experience to learn which is going to be right for you. Your experience will almost definitely fall well short of your expectations.

The "hoes" in the casas are hot and ready for you the same as the bored girl behind the cash register at McDonald's is hot and ready to take your order. You're just another customer. The most attractive ones are seeing 10 customers a day. Do you honestly believe she's going to be thrilled to see you?

There's nothing wrong with casas. They serve a purpose and they can be fun, if you manage your expectations and use the big head to make the decisions. If you pick a girl based only on looks you'll be disappointed. She's either going to negotiate to double the price or she's going to just lie there bored until you finish.

Turgid wrote about Camilla at Energy. She's an excellent example. She's very attractive. She also has a great attitude. She looks you in the eyes and let's you know she's interested. In the room she makes sure you have a good time. There might be others who look better, but when you look in their eyes, there's nothing. No spark. No interest.

08-06-19, 03:38
Actually I am not major league. I have rejection letters from Harvard, Stanford and MIT to prove it. But I am not ashamed that I competed and failed.

Anyway this Instagram, Tinder and Facebook chica never responded to me. But I imagine she reached out to numerous guys and went out on a date last night. I am just wondering what kind of offer she took and how well she performed. If that situation comes up again what are the best tactics.

As an experiment, I signed up for the Secret Benefits site. I notice that the sugar babies that I find the most attractive disappear rather quickly.

So I wonder if I offered the Instagram model model 640 COP (the price I paid for a top Colombian looker at Habanos 3 weeks ago) within 15 minutes of her matching with me on Tinder if we would have been fucking in the Ibizia Suites an hour later?

I will let others speak to their experiences. Mine is that the pros. The ones that have travelled, typically on instagram, and other social media and have boat loads of followers, seldom perform. They are eye candy. They know it well, and know how to cash in on it. Performance is not needed as a part of that equation. Offers come easy, and if yours is not enough, or quick enough or wahtever else, then your transaction is deleted.

The good ones are those new to the game, or the part time ones, or the ones knowing it is P4 P but perhaps hoping for more. You'd be ignorant to dismiss all these as minor leagues or be and see class hoes. Some are great lookers, and give you the GFE and even PSE that your instagram models will never do. Anyway to each their own.

Big Boss Man
08-06-19, 03:50
What is it that makes you imagine that? You saw a few fotos and now you have her life all figured out. Could even be a scammer for all you really know. You are sounding like a stalker.

I thought the main purpose of P4P was to cut through the bullshit. Now you are driving your anxiety level up plotting how to pay someone that you don't even know is really real.I have been on other Tinder dates in Medellin. I tell them straight out that I am looking for only compaia dama. We always agree on a price beforehand. I turn down the ones who want to go to a bar or dinner.

No need to get tense because you can get laid within an hour in Medellin. I can afford to go to Fase Dos or La Isla if it is late in evening. I have been to both places solo. No problem.

How I am her stalker if she is the one who matched with me on Tinder? I follow her on Instagram but I have never messaged her. She looks good in a bikini. What can I say?

In your script she stayed at home Sunday night and masturbated herself to sleep. In my script, she hooked up with somebody and made some money. Or in reality it was something in between.

I literally have "liked" hundreds of girls in Medellin on Tinder. I am currently matched with about 10 of them. I have also tried to connect with Facebook chicas. There are many guys on this Board chasing Facebook chicas.

The chance of it being a set up is why you meet them in a public place or at a motel.

In conclusion, we have one guy that has pursued Instagram models but nothing has come of it. He thinks you need to be fluent in Spanish perhaps because these woman want to be seduced.

I had the unicorn event of a Instagram model that I follow matching with me on Tinder. I said I was only looking short-term physical intimacy and I would be in Medellin later this month. She did not respond.

So from reading the Board Facebook yes, Tinder maybe and no one has had any luck with Instagram. I would like more reports on agencies and apartments in Laureles (I have reported on three).

08-06-19, 03:57

Oh, but there is and doesn't seem hard to find at all in Colombia for that matter if you willing to pay an extra 18 USD propina. My trip is in October but I have been "networking" with a few of these photoprepagos on Whatsapp, been gauging prices and negotiating possible future pricing LOL. From my few exercises, I have found that ALL the ladies on the site will respond within 30 minutes if not right away and is receptive to any attempt of broken Spanish on the whatsapp and most know very very basic English ideas, as I would imagine this site be a BIG player for locals and gringos alike.

Thus, I have no worries about finding the anal in Medellin. Just need to scope out Love Motels or AirBNB suites to host these prepagos in, certainly not in my own temple. Luckily, many of these online vixens have reviews on local Columbia Foro's if you are wise enough to seek after. Knowing this fact now, honestly, I can get posted up in a Love Motel of 7-Days (entirety of my allotted vacation PTO days) relying entirely on this site and a Food-delivery app and Never leave the premise. There are like 100+ anal vixens on the site, rationale, even if 50% won't answer, you still looking at 50+ to deal with. This fantasy alone drives me to try to move here and teach English online for a gringo salary.

But I have other things I would like to do in Medellin this trip, although I would imagine I would use this site to try to set up at least my daily morning nut with an anal vixen off this site. Honestly, wish I had more time to spend here.Thanks for the response, there's a lot to learn when playing out of the US. There's no reviews posted up on this site?

Big Boss Man
08-06-19, 04:03
I will let others speak to their experiences. Mine is that the pros. The ones that have travelled, typically on instagram, and other social media and have boat loads of followers, seldom perform. They are eye candy. They know it well, and know how to cash in on it. Performance is not needed as a part of that equation. Offers come easy, and if yours is not enough, or quick enough or wahtever else, then your transaction is deleted.

The good ones are those new to the game, or the part time ones, or the ones knowing it is P4 P but perhaps hoping for more. You'd be ignorant to dismiss all these as minor leagues or be and see class hoes. Some are great lookers, and give you the GFE and even PSE that your instagram models will never do. Anyway to each their own.There is a classic story from Buenos Aires. There was a chica that met one of the guys from the AP House. I don't even remember her name now. Perhaps she was working at a low-end privado when she was discovered. Soon she was a featured dancer at Jackson's stripper parties. Next thing she has her picture painted on the entrance wall at Hippo which was a high-end strip club in Recoleta. Last time I saw her at Hippo I was introduced to her and then 10 minutes later she was out the door with another guy. They say she was getting $200 for a 30 minute encounter. I myself never had the pleasure of her company. So she went from being a $30 chica to a $200 chica within the span of two years or so. GeneHickman you are absolutely right about finding them early in their careers.

08-06-19, 04:12
If the girls in Casa's and on the streets all also have pussies and assholes, why roll the dice with a Facebook or tinder girl? Every other drugging happens to be associating yourself with one, and yet I have yet to read about anything happening at a casa. I understand the fantasy aspect of fucking a street hoe but why risk the former 2 while places like FaseII and Las Islas are around to provide similar quality looking girls in a controlled environment? Isn't it 200 Mil to bang out a chick at one of these higher end places, you can do it there and won't have to worry about the Chica raiding your shit as you go take a long ssst. Maybe there is an appeal to Facebook hoes I am not seeing. I have been hit-up by a few and tbh, they are not much hotter than the hoes I see online on Photoprepagos.

You guys also always mention how facebook girls are super late to the dates. I don't know man, I don't have a lot of patience. Part of why I want to fly down to a 3rd world country chasing their cheap and readily available pussies. If I can take a cab ride to a location knowing there are hoes there hot and ready when I arrive no matter what. On my schedule, is enough for me to say fuck the Facebook game.

My biggest fear is really to wait on a date, get impatient when she gives me that bullshit Colombian timing, jerk off to relieve the wait-anxiety and have no interest in the ***** that is stuck in traffic. I rather chase orgasms while on foot out and about. I am not trying to frustration-jerk myself out of a nut with the little bit of time I get to spend in Colombia.You raised several points that are worthy of discussion. So, why peruse the Facebook / Tinder / On-line girl aren't they more of a danger? I would argue that they are not. We all have our preferred methodology and I'm not here to tell you mine is better than yours. It's not. Yes, I've read about the drugging. But it doesn't concern me so much. Why not? Because first of all, I make it a policy to not take a new girl, I don't know or who doesn't come highly recommended by someone I respect and bring her to my hotel room. Now understand my hotel will make a copy of her cedula (and she better remember to bring it as I asked) but even so, if I haven't seen her before I usually take her to a love-hotel. Yes it adds 15-20 bucks to my date but the nice places lock you in the room until you're done and then they check the mini-refrigerator to make sure nothing has been taken and if so, they charge you for it before you can leave. This guarantees that the girl better not try to drug you because she won't get out of the room without the police there. After a first visit that was comfortable I don't mind having them to my hotel, but I sure as hell put away anything that I don't want stolen either in a safe or some good hiding place (or have the front desk hold it for me).

But the facebook / tinder / whatever girls are more expensive so why? I get to look at pictures read some of their posts and get a flavor of the girls life. Maybe I like it, maybe I don't. If I do and she responds to a message, I get to chat her up a little and see if I think we would have a good time together or is she too mercenary. A lot of these girls have some work that they do and this is a way to earn more. It's frequently not an "only" source of income. This has worked pretty well. I would say that my experiences were good (or better) at least 75% of the time using this paradigm. My experiences at casas has been less expensive (for sure) but I would say my degree of satisfaction was more like 33% of the time maybe slightly higher, say 40%.

Some of the online sights Mileroticos or Photoprepagos frequently you are dealing with an agency or a person of entrepreneurial leanings (to be nice about it) and they send the girls out as the calls come in so you can frequently find yourself with the girl that you didn't really want, knocking on your door. If you could be sure, you would probably only deal with independents but it's not easy to be sure. And as far as timeliness. Well Latinas are very good with time but I tend to stay in Laureles that side and the girls don't get hung in traffic nearly as often. Poblado is usually congested and you can count on delivery being late.

Yes, I could save some money if I went more with the casas but I like to do things during the days and so ordering in for the evenings (even if it means a quick cab ride to the love hotel) works for me. It might not be a good trade off for you, in which case I say: Best of Luck! Enjoy.

08-06-19, 13:30
So this is kind of related to our sport, but kinda not so lets see.

Anyone here have experience going to clubs in Medellin (doesn't matter what kind I guess) to find girls and perreo to reggaeton? Or this is literally fucking every where like sand at the beach?

Yes yes, I realize it just a prelude to the actual event of banging the shit out of her but the act of finding the girls and having them grind on (like many many during a period in the dance floor). But this is really hot, at least IMO.

Aside from not trying to get my wallet jacked from behind, being drugged in my drink at the club, I realize there is some exposure / risk to this.

Ideally, I would like to hit casa's in the day time and / or SW's but at night I would like to get a 4-star dinner then heading to one of these clubs to find bitches to grind on and possibly turning that into a paid encounter. I also can't imagine a better way to break the ice with some of these girls. Or is this what is being done already? When ya'll say "picking up girls" at places like Club Gusto, do y'all try to dance with her a bit or its str8 up:


Cuanto cuesta?

Vamos una motel!

08-06-19, 13:36
All of your logic and points are right on the money as far as I am concerned. However everybody rolls different, and some guys are into Facebook and may be because they have never done the SW scene, visited a Casa, or hit up a Strip Club. Or it's just their personal preference as to how they want to roll.I guess. Just that the former 3 options is purely on your schedule and the facebook / Tinder / cupid shit is ultimately on her Colombian timing / schedule.

08-06-19, 17:43
So this is kind of related to our sport, but kinda not so lets see.

Anyone here have experience going to clubs in Medellin (doesn't matter what kind I guess) to find girls and perreo to reggaeton? Or this is literally fucking every where like sand at the beach?

Yes yes, I realize it just a prelude to the actual event of banging the shit out of her but the act of finding the girls and having them grind on (like many many during a period in the dance floor). But this is really hot, at least IMO.

Aside from not trying to get my wallet jacked from behind, being drugged in my drink at the club, I realize there is some exposure / risk to this.

Ideally, I would like to hit casa's in the day time and / or SW's but at night I would like to get a 4-star dinner then heading to one of these clubs to find bitches to grind on and possibly turning that into a paid encounter. I also can't imagine a better way to break the ice with some of these girls. Or is this what is being done already? When ya'll say "picking up girls" at places like Club Gusto, do y'all try to dance with her a bit or its str8 up:


Cuanto cuesta?

Vamos una motel!Great plan McLuvin!

Wouldn't change a thing.

08-06-19, 18:18
Ideally, I would like to hit casa's in the day time and / or SW's but at night I would like to get a 4-star dinner then heading to one of these clubs to find bitches to grind on and possibly turning that into a paid encounter. I also can't imagine a better way to break the ice with some of these girls. Or is this what is being done already? When ya'll say "picking up girls" at places like Club Gusto, do y'all try to dance with her a bit or its str8 up:


Cuanto cuesta?

Vamos una motel!Easier said than done for your after dinner adventures, an earlier poster got totally hosed by a Chica in Gustos and deserves a lot of respect for reporting how he got duped while most guys wouldn't report something like that.

08-06-19, 18:27
I guess. Just that the former 3 options is purely on your schedule and the facebook / Tinder / cupid shit is ultimately on her Colombian timing / schedule.I think Bogota is better for your plan, have you considered it? Santa Fe is concentrated in one area, not spread out like Medellin.

08-06-19, 18:56
For the life of me, I have always tried to figure out, what was so hard about going to Centro and Parque Botero and hand picking you a nice little 18 year old from Veracruz and having a really good time with her? Many guys on the board try and tell you that all of the girls from Veracruz and Centro are dirty. Trust is, I have a friend that travels to Medellin frequently and only sees girls from the Poblado area, he sent me a pic of some cream that one of the high priced girls had accidentally left at his place and I immediately informed him to get to a pharmacy and ask from some Flagyl and remain free of sex for 7 days. This is a perfect example of thinking that a certain area only produces wholesome people or women. There are dirty girls in Poblado and Laureles, just as many as you may think are in Vera Cruz. Any time a woman goes P4P and doesn't strap up, there's always the possibility that she can contract something that my leave you itching or leaking, that's just my 2 cents.

My history from reading this board is this: there are a group of mongers who thrive on striking fear in the new mongers, just to keep you away from Centro and the rock bottom prices. Sure there are robberies and muggings everywhere, but I haven't seen it and I walk around centro every day that I am in Medellin. It reminds me of the way I've seen things transpire in America, if you stoke the fire long enough, then the ones who are interested in possibly seeing Medellin will shy away and not come due to the fear of being robbed, mugged, or drugged.

I can personally take you to 20 to 25 chicas between 18 and 20 years old with cedulas in hand and you would think that these girls were [CodeWord905] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord905). I'm not into paying sky high prices for surgically fixed girls that have a following, or hyped up by promo ads and instagram. I want to know how you perform sexually, not what you look like and how big your boobs are, that bologna doesn't mean anything to me. Can you satisfy me in the bedroom or not? I'the rather have a cute 18 yr old diamond in the rough from Vera cruz for 50 mil pesos, 3 times a day that goes out of her way to please me, than to have a 450 mil hyped up chic from Vane's group who's clock watching and trying to get out of the session with as much money as possible and the minimal work. Plain and simple, to each his own, but Centro is no more dangerous than any big city in the US, any monger who tells you it is, is full of crap and trying to scare you away from the diamonds at rock bottom prices, take a look. Pollo Negro is out!

08-06-19, 19:02
Hahahaha, yeah. I wish I could go back sooner. Manuela super amazing boobs are in my mind every day along with with Michel's freakiness and Angie ass.

"But my buddy did get the phone number of the hottest girl there barely a 9 as she was walking out with another guy. Wich ended up asking for 250 USD when they talked the next day and wouldn't budge LOL."

USD $250 converts to more than a month's salary. Just sayin'.

"Can I have 100 k now so I can get something from the bathroom attendant."

The old "I need $35 dollars now so I can buy something in the bathroom" trick. That's the second time I've fallen for that this week!

"SO Don't go to Gusto unless you want to over pay and meh service and clock watcher." You forgot to mention and have your money stolen with no recourse. That's a bummer. Lesson learned. Great report by the way.

08-06-19, 19:04
I think Bogota is better for your plan, have you considered it? Santa Fe is concentrated in one area, not spread out like Medellin.That would have to wait til next trip, I have been research Medellin to no end and is way invested to be here this upcoming trip.

There is a very specific anal vixen in Medellin (well reviewed on the local foros) that I am dying to try to see. She resembles Elisa Sanches but IMO hotter with more tattoos. I hope to network with her like a week prior to my arrival so I can penetrate that asshole the moment I land.

At this point, Bogota is just not in my radar for now. Although after discovering this specific vixen, I have inevitably try to find other anal vixens in other parts of Colombia but really couldn't find someone else to replace this fixation.

Even if I end up not being able to see this specific culo, Its a major driving force / motivation for me to realize this trip.

Mr Enternational
08-06-19, 19:14
Ideally, I would like to hit casa's in the day time and / or SW's but at night I would like to get a 4-star dinner then heading to one of these clubs to find bitches to grind on and possibly turning that into a paid encounter. I also can't imagine a better way to break the ice with some of these girls. Or is this what is being done already? When ya'll say "picking up girls" at places like Club Gusto, do y'all try to dance with her a bit or its str8 up:

Hola! Cuanto cuesta? Vamos una motel!Time and time again on ISG I have said to go up to a hooker, get the price straight, then leave. (I have never understood the idea of guys feeling the need to buy them drinks.) The problem is that many guys want to feel loved, socialize, or gather a connection from a hooker. They want to date them because maybe they do not get a chance to date regular girls. It may work out that way sometimes, but fuck that shit. In Thailand we say that guys want to date hookers and fuck regular chicks. That is backwards.

The hookers know what they are there for: MONEY! A lot of times a monger does not realize what a hooker is for: FUCKING! Find a normal chick to take to 4-star dinners and out to buy drinks. There are tons of them waiting.

Did you not see what the brother posted the other day? He called himself doing all the shit you are asking about; buying drinks, trying to make friends, giving advances. Where did it get him? Because the hooker knew what she was there for and that is exactly what she got.

My buddy and I decided that we weren't going to get crazy that night but we decided to walk to Gusto (Warning small rant coming) and check it out, first mistake. Got in around 11:30 it was a good crowd a lot of no so good looking girls. Started talking to this shorty super petite with black hair and boltons, really big smile bought her a drink. She says straight aways says $200 usd that's the going rate at Gusto apparently, I should have walked away then but didn't, second mistake, but she was bubbly and had had good attitude a couple drinks later I counter her 300 K I usually never go that high but whatever little head took over, it happens to the best of us. She said ok. Can I have 100 k now so I can get something from the bathroom attendant. She said she would leave her purse with me, cool. She goes off and disappears for 10-15 minutes her friend was with us the whole time talking and hanging out. All of the sudden she grabs her purse and goes to the bathroom. So I follow and I see her making out with other guy. I ask her WTF? She said that she doesn't leave the club with out $200 usd.

P.S. IMHO, if a Colombian chick that you do not know is letting you grind on her then she is already there to get paid! There is no need to turn anything into anything. Stop with all the fantasy shit. There is no need to break any ice with hookers. Does your boss have to break any ice with you when you get to work in the morning? Heck no. You walk in the door ready to work because that is what you are there for.

So to the action had one of Vanesa restrepo girls show at 11:30 ish I really forgot her name but she was good looking and had really good attitude so my buddy and his girl and I we talked and had some drinks thinking we were just hanging out. Then she says you got 30 minutes left. Ok sweet, LOL thanks for telling me.

08-06-19, 19:29
Time and time again on ISG I have said to go up to a hooker, get the price straight, then leave. (I have never understood the idea of guys feeling the need to buy them drinks.) The problem is that many guys want to feel loved, socialize, or gather a connection from a hooker. They want to date them because maybe they do not get a chance to date regular girls. It may work out that way sometimes, but fuck that shit. In Thailand we say that guys want to date hookers and fuck regular chicks. That is backwards.

The hookers know what they are there for: MONEY! A lot of times a monger does not realize what a hooker is for: FUCKING! Find a normal chick to take to 4-star dinners and out to buy drinks. There are tons of them waiting.

Did you not see what the brother posted the other day? He called himself doing all the shit you are asking about; buying drinks, trying to make friends, giving advances. Where did it get him? Because the hooker knew what she was there for and that is exactly what she got.

P.S. IMHO, if a Colombian chick that you do not know is letting you grind on her then she is already there to get paid! There is no need to turn anything into anything. Stop with all the fantasy shit. There is no need to break any ice with hookers. Does your boss have to break any ice with you when you get to work in the morning? Heck no. You walk in the door ready to work because that is what you are there for.I get what you been saying since I join this board. I am not trying to complicate things. I just find the perreo part to be fucking hot, similar to my fantasy of fucking a street hoe. I am not trying to take no ***** out to 4-star restaurant, don't get me wrong. I am not trying to date anyone when I'm in Sin City 3. 0 but at the same time I don't want every encounter to be str8 business, not in a club with a club chick, that's what my day time schedule is for when I prowl Centro for street-culito.

08-06-19, 21:05
So this is kind of related to our sport, but kinda not so lets see.

Anyone here have experience going to clubs in Medellin (doesn't matter what kind I guess) to find girls and perreo to reggaeton?
You can find this at most if not all the strip clubs. If she sits with you and you buy her some drinks sure, most girls will dance with you if you want. It may be a little strange for you as you might be the only person at the strip club dancing with a girl. But it does happen.

Normal clubs are another matter. You should bring your own, I've never been to a club in Medellin where people mingle. Colombians bring their friends and mostly stick to their own groups. Others may correct me here if they know of a place where people are more apt to mingle and meet strangers, but I've never seen it in Medellin, at least in the Reggaeton scene. In Bogota, I've heard there are clubs where singles can go and meet other people, but they weren't reggaeton clubs and I never actually went.

08-06-19, 23:22
I get what you been saying since I join this board. I am not trying to complicate things. I just find the perreo part to be fucking hot, similar to my fantasy of fucking a street hoe. I am not trying to take no ***** out to 4-star restaurant, don't get me wrong. I am not trying to date anyone when I'm in Sin City 3. 0 but at the same time I don't want every encounter to be str8 business, not in a club with a club chick, that's what my day time schedule is for when I prowl Centro for street-culito.Paul Simon wrote some words of wisdom for you, back in 1973:

"If you took all the girls I knew.

When I was single.

And brought them all together for one night.

I know they'd never match.

My sweet imagination.

Everything looks worse in black and white".

Fantasies are great, right up to the moment they run into reality. Then you're left either feeling really silly or extremely disappointed.

Leave your fantasies at home and you'll have a much better time.

08-07-19, 00:27
That exploding sound is the massive truth bomb you dropped with this post.

08-07-19, 04:00
You know, I think we all see this kind of evaluation all the time. To you the standard rate is 150 mil for an hour. With respect, that is a great medium figure to use when you talk to your prospective date. I've had them tell me "amor, I get 300 mil from my dates (I'm translating their comments) and I just respond that is too much for me but best of luck. This usually gets a 250 mil but only for you amor. Now is the time to inquire if you have any extra kink you want included or maybe 2 hours or whatever. About half the time this discussion ends something like 'you want more than I can spend' and we end our texting or she'll offer '200 mil and I'll cover my taxi's'. If the girl is really good looking it might be worth it but just remember if you beat her up too much in the negotiation, she isn't going to feel motivated to pleasure you any more than is necessary. You want there to be a little incentive for her not just in the monetary reward but you want her to think if she pleases you she may get another date or two or three while you're visiting.

Just to be clear, we're talking about 'prepagos' on facebook or twitter or tinder etc. Casa prices are quite a bit lower for the most part and street prices are lower still.Yes, 150 k is the "50-yard-line" if you will. You can try to take the ball down closer, or get pushed back. Depends on a lot of factors. But have a point of reference, and some dignity and self respect. If you're going to let women walk all over you, or get trounced a war with a she-devil, just stay in the US or western Europe. Be civil, be kind, have fun, make friends.

08-07-19, 05:05
There are quite a few. On Avenida Colombia one of the more expensive is Thematic suites I think its around 50 K, but very secure and nice with jacuzzi and they lock you in the room so you call the front desk to get the door unlocked this way both of you leave at the same time, no chance of being drugged. There another one I have used on Av 80 do recall the name and one near Av nutibarra why la 80, could not find on google maps but that's not surprising. I think on the Medellin List there is a section for love motels.Thanks I saw Thematic suites as well but it's for 3 or 6 hours.

Since you can't bring in a different girl after the first time, this is pointless for me and I would rather get hotels which charge by each hour.

08-07-19, 10:28
This is what I gather from reading here so please correct me if I'm wrong.

1. Average price: 150 mil plus taxi (20 mil?

2. Average time: this I'm not sure, people say they're not in a hurry to leave. In my experience, they leave after sex.

3. Extra negotiation: I know a guy that always pay 200 mil but he wants to fuck twice. Do you pay for extra? CIM, Anal and BTW how do you say those extra in Spanish?

BBBJ = sexo oral sin condom, this I know.

CIM = ?

Anal = ?

And some other extra in Spanish that someone can chime in.

Whatever I miss or left out, please feel free to add in. Thanks.

08-07-19, 16:23
For the life of me, I have always tried to figure out, what was so hard about going to Centro and Parque Botero and hand picking you a nice little 18 year old from Veracruz and having a really good time with her? Many guys on the board try and tell you that all of the girls from Veracruz and Centro are dirty. ..............Its all about ambiance; frankly, I can't do the sw thing all the time, the streets are noisy, crowded, polluted and just not conducive to me being put in a love making mode. Furthermore, there are many skanky items plying their wares. However, to think that there are no clean, attractive chicas to be found on the streets is a big mistake. I find that if they accept my invitation for a drink or a meal, if they're hungry, before going to a short time hotel I get really good service. I don't mind walking the streets with them, no one knows me in Medellin.

08-07-19, 16:50
This is what I gather from reading here so please correct me if I'm wrong.

1. Average price: 150 mil plus taxi (20 mil?

2. Average time: this I'm not sure, people say they're not in a hurry to leave. In my experience, they leave after sex.

3. Extra negotiation: I know a guy that always pay 200 mil but he wants to fuck twice. Do you pay for extra? CIM, Anal and BTW how do you say those extra in Spanish?

BBBJ = sexo oral sin condom, this I know.

CIM = ?

Anal = ?

And some other extra in Spanish that someone can chime in.

Whatever I miss or left out, please feel free to add in. Thanks."leche en su boca", "por el culo", "toda la noche".

08-07-19, 16:51
That exploding sound is the massive truth bomb you dropped with this post.So which post and / or posts are we talking about here!

So many "truth bombs", so much disinformation at times, who knows what really is the truth some times.

08-07-19, 16:53
I am disappointed with what I have read over and over on this thread and on many others.

What I see is people come to the board to try to get help getting what they want from their trip and all they get is people telling them they are stupid and to do something else instead.

To those that came here looking for help getting what you want.

You do you buddy. Don't let anyone tell you to do the opposite and seek other things.

You have an idea in your mind of what you are trying to do, you do it. You may crash and burn and you may end up without what you want but you have to do you. It is your money, it is your time, it is your trip. You spend it the way you want to.

Chase that unicorn. Chase that fantasy. Chase that dream.

When someone tells you do the opposite, put that in the not helpful column and move on.

When someone tells you some good advice on how to get what you want, take that advice and put in the helpful column and try to work that into your plan.

To those that think they are helping by telling someone to do something totally different.

There is nothing wrong with telling someone you disagree and suggesting a few different options.

What you should also include is thoughts and ideas that help him accomplish what he is seeking, no matter how you feel about it personally.

Too often I see people telling others how to get what the one giving advice likes and wants instead of helping the guy get what he wants.

Just because you don't agree with it or think it's a waste of time does not invalidate what he wants. That is what he wants, help him get it the best you can.

People are different. What you want could be different than what they want. Different strokes for different folks.

You think it's a bad idea to find facebook girls. Ok, say that but why not also use your experience to try and help him make the most of the approach he wants to take. Give him some tips on how to do it better, how to increase his chance of success.

You think it's a bad idea to try to create a certain fantasy, OK, say that but also share your wisdom and experience to help him try to build his fantasy and end the trip with a success instead of a failure.

Hey pal, I don't think Facebook is a good way to meet girls for sex, in my experience you will find "this happens" . But if you try this approach I have found that if you do "this and this", you will have better success.

Do you really think someone asking for advice to get "X" is going to abandon his wants and do what you seek instead? No, he is going to try and do his thing anyway. So let's try to help him get his "X" and stop trying to convince him that just because you like something different, that is what he should do instead. Please help him increase his chances of getting "X", because at the end of the day, he has to do him and not do you.

08-07-19, 17:02
Its all about ambiance; frankly, I can't do the sw thing all the time, the streets are noisy, crowded, polluted and just not conducive to me being put in a love making mode. Furthermore, there are many skanky items plying their wares. However, to think that there are no clean, attractive chicas to be found on the streets is a big mistake. I find that if they accept my invitation for a drink or a meal, if they're hungry, before going to a short time hotel I get really good service. I don't mind walking the streets with them, no one knows me in Medellin.For some, the SW scene can be surreal with what can be found out there besides all the riff-raff.

The SW scene is totally unpredictable, can be very dangerous, but on the other hand out of this world at times.

However you have to spend a lot of time plying the streets to truly experience the SW scene.

I know there are others that can relate to this.

08-07-19, 19:53
Its all about ambiance; frankly, I can't do the sw thing all the time, the streets are noisy, crowded, polluted and just not conducive to me being put in a love making mode. Furthermore, there are many skanky items plying their wares. However, to think that there are no clean, attractive chicas to be found on the streets is a big mistake. I find that if they accept my invitation for a drink or a meal, if they're hungry, before going to a short time hotel I get really good service. I don't mind walking the streets with them, no one knows me in Medellin.Became extremely professional. Being professional 24/7 eventually drives me crazy. The streets give me an opportunity to see how everyone moves, who, what, where, how, & when. Thats why a budget no longer matters to me, why pay 10 times a rate because I'm too lazy to walk around and meet people. Many of Veracruz chics are met by just asking simple questions. I'm not staying hidden in Poblado and american tourist areas and over charged for services, nope, I'll go to parque Botero daily & see who needs a companion. It's a easy choice for me! Pollo negro is out!

Mr Enternational
08-07-19, 21:31
I am disappointed with what I have read over and over on this thread and on many others. What I see is people come to the board to try to get help getting what they want from their trip and all they get is people telling them they are stupid and to do something else instead. To those that came here looking for help getting what you want. You do you buddy. Don't let anyone tell you to do the opposite and seek other things. You have an idea in your mind of what you are trying to do, you do it. You may crash and burn and you may end up without what you want but you have to do you.Sorry. I am just a guy that would rather not waste my time trying to reinvent the wheel. If someone with more experience tells me I should not get my hopes up for a particular thing then I have no problem listening.

There are times and places for everything. What one place is good for, another may not be good for. For example if a guy talks about his fantasy is to do a threesome. The advice would be different if he is traveling to Dominican Republic or Philippines where an advertised threesome is going to mean 2 girls taking turns with 1 guy, as opposed to if he was going to Brazil where the 2 girls are going to do each other and the guy at the same time. I am going to warn him that the Dominican Republic is not the place to go looking for the Brazil type threesome.

The advice would also be different if one was to pick up a street girl in Vera Cruz where she would do everything he wants for one flat fee as opposed to one picking up a street girl in Tijuana where they are going to charge for shit a la carte, even taking their clothes off. Don't get bent out of shape if someone with more experience says this is not really the place for what you are looking for.

I would rather someone warn me before I went chasing unicorns and going home disappointed. That is why I posted recent examples of someone trying exactly what another was looking for and the shit went down the tubes; because it is a nuance of that particular place. In Pattaya there are 10,000 discos where he can go do his grinding and whatever else he was after, but that same thing does not hold true for Medellin.

08-07-19, 23:01
This agency promotes socials as a way to meet Latin women and is having a social in Medellin on August 16-17. Wondering if anyone has attended? The location? If anyone has met girls who are interested in sex, or only marriage? Their website is loveme dot com. I am not interested in giving them advertising, so if the URL needs to be deleted, not big deal. They charge $450 for attending each social and I thought that was a lot of money for meeting some pussy. Most of these girl are probably looking for marriage, or not? Any men who have attended?

08-08-19, 01:42
What were some of your guys favorite touristy stuff to do in Medellin when you first went?

I'm sure you guys weren't non stop mongering so there had to have been activities or places you checked out.


08-08-19, 03:40
"leche en su boca", "por el culo", "toda la noche".Thank you.

BTW, do you always negotiate all the extra like CIM, BBBJ, etc before or after you met the girl. Some girls will ask for money right away, I usually negotiate extra with her then. Some girls don't mention anything at all, and just ask for the address. Also does anyone run into problem paying first then the girl refuse to do the extra that we agreed on.


08-08-19, 03:59
I would rather someone warn me before I went chasing unicorns and going home disappointed. I agree that we should give warnings, that is why I made a point to say we should still tell him that he is chasing a unicorn and to offer other suggestions. I made that point more than once.

I did not suggest we do not give warnings that failure rate is high for a certain approach. I encouraged it.

I'm not suggesting people should not offer alternatives, I'm suggesting that people should also include advice and experience on how to get what he wants, no matter if we find it worthy or not.

By the way, I certainly didn't have you in mind when I wrote my thoughts. I'm not sure why what I said struck a chord with you or why you would feel the need to be defensive about what I said.


08-09-19, 03:46
'm not staying hidden in Poblado and american tourist areas and over charged for services, nope, I'll go to parque Botero daily & see who needs a companion. It's a easy choice for me! Pollo negro is out!So you're saying other people are "hidden" and "over charged." So your way is better. You sound like you want all those dudes in Parque Lleras walking around Parque Botero with you? Is that what you really want? I don't get the logic or your endgame?

El Moreno 92
08-09-19, 05:03
This is what I gather from reading here so please correct me if I'm wrong.

1. Average price: 150 mil plus taxi (20 mil?

2. Average time: this I'm not sure, people say they're not in a hurry to leave. In my experience, they leave after sex.

3. Extra negotiation: I know a guy that always pay 200 mil but he wants to fuck twice. Do you pay for extra? CIM, Anal and BTW how do you say those extra in Spanish?

BBBJ = sexo oral sin condom, this I know.

CIM = ?

Anal = ?

And some other extra in Spanish that someone can chime in.

Whatever I miss or left out, please feel free to add in. Thanks.CIM = "leche en su (or tu) boca" Note: A chica (Venezolana) told me "acabas en mi boca" (She told me to finish her mouth).

Anal = "sexo por el culo".

08-09-19, 05:33
So you're saying other people are "hidden" and "over charged." So your way is better. You sound like you want all those dudes in Parque Lleras walking around Parque Botero with you? Is that what you really want? I don't get the logic or your endgame?I can totally relate to where PN is coming from and his preference for the SW scene in Parque Botero. And he is correct, Poblado has a lot of American tourists and are overcharged there for everything versus any other part of Medellin.

08-09-19, 12:56
So you're saying other people are "hidden" and "over charged." So your way is better. You sound like you want all those dudes in Parque Lleras walking around Parque Botero with you? Is that what you really want? I don't get the logic or your endgame?You over read my post and injected your own interpretation of my post. I have been to parque lleras and personally saw what they do to American tourist out there, now, what I am saying is this, I, Pollo negro will not be in Poblado being overcharged because I am a tourist. I, pollo negro, find everything I want and need in Parque Botero, just as others my find what they need in Poblado. Did that kind of clear things up? And I might add, I find what and what I need in parque Botero at a fraction of Poblado's price. Pollo negro is out!

El Moreno 92
08-09-19, 15:09
What were some of your guys favorite touristy stuff to do in Medellin when you first went?

I'm sure you guys weren't non stop mongering so there had to have been activities or places you checked out.

Thanks.Plaza Botero.

Parque de las Luces (Better at Night).

Pueblito Paisa.

City Museum.

Antioquia Museum.

Mercado del Rio.

Comuna 13.

Rooftop where Pablo Escobar was captured and killed (In LOS Olivos).

I rode the Metro de Medellin and the Cable Cars.

Cerro Picacho (Cristo Salvador del Picacho Statue. Highest point in Medellin).

Santa Elena (Zip lining there too).

Parque Bolivar.

Outside of the city:

Guatape (Very colorful and artsy small town).

Guarne. The ATVs (Cuatrimotos in Spanish).

La Piedra del Penol (Walked up the 740 steps).

Coffee Tour.

Santa Fe de Antioquia (Puente Occidental Bridge).

Mr Enternational
08-09-19, 15:37
I'm not sure why what I said struck a chord with you or why you would feel the need to be defensive about what I said.Not at all. It was merely a response to your post in an open forum.

El Moreno 92
08-09-19, 15:53
Any other apartment building that is as good as San Peter? I like to have a back up choice. Thanks.1. Blux Apartments (Poblado).

2. Soul Lifestyle Apartments (Poblado).

I have stayed in those as well as the San Peter. The only difference is that they are not in Laureles like the San Peter.

08-09-19, 20:05
You over read my post and injected your own interpretation of my post. I have been to parque lleras and personally saw what they do to American tourist out there, now, what I am saying is this, I, Pollo negro will not be in Poblado being overcharged because I am a tourist. I, pollo negro, find everything I want and need in Parque Botero, just as others my find what they need in Poblado. Did that kind of clear things up? And I might add, I find what and what I need in parque Botero at a fraction of Poblado's price. Pollo negro is out!Not a misinterpretation at all. You're repeating what you've said in the past. If all those dudes that are trying to turn Gustos into the New Clasicos wind up on the same corner as you in El Centro, we can all have a good laugh. Enjoy!!

08-09-19, 20:30
Not a misinterpretation at all. You're repeating what you've said in the past. If all those dudes that are trying to turn Gustos into the New Clasicos wind up on the same corner as you in El Centro, we can all have a good laugh. Enjoy!!I think PN has a point when comparing Parque Lleras to Parque Botero. He is pretty generous by offering to show people around in several posts.

08-09-19, 20:41
I can totally relate to where PN is coming from and his preference for the SW scene in Parque Botero. And he is correct, Poblado has a lot of American tourists and are overcharged there for everything versus any other part of Medellin.I think this is an obvious point and a dead horse that has already been beaten to death. It's like saying Trump is President of the USA. I don't think anyone is in disagreement that just about everything is cheaper in El Centro than El Poblado. That being said, is the point to encourage the readership, which might include active forum participants, lurkers, trolls, etc. To abandon El Poblando for Plaza Botero? Or are we disparaging El Poblado to make some other point?

08-09-19, 20:42
He is pretty generous by offering to show people around in several posts.A OK, now I have a better idea of the goal.

08-09-19, 22:14
A OK, now I have a better idea of the goal.Which is what?

08-09-19, 22:43
Thank you.

BTW, do you always negotiate all the extra like CIM, BBBJ, etc before or after you met the girl. Some girls will ask for money right away, I usually negotiate extra with her then. Some girls don't mention anything at all, and just ask for the address. Also does anyone run into problem paying first then the girl refuse to do the extra that we agreed on.

Thanks.With the exception of strip clubs and some casas, you don't pay first in Colombia. If you're paying first, you're doing it wrong. If a girl insists on being paid first, unless you're in a strip club or a casa, walk away.

08-09-19, 23:06
I think this is an obvious point and a dead horse that has already been beaten to death. It's like saying Trump is President of the USA. I don't think anyone is in disagreement that just about everything is cheaper in El Centro than El Poblado. That being said, is the point to encourage the readership, which might include active forum participants, lurkers, trolls, etc. To abandon El Poblando for Plaza Botero? Or are we disparaging El Poblado to make some other point?It's the "Who's the Better Monger" game. There's no real rules, you just pick something you prefer, declare it the best, attack anything you don't prefer and declare yourself the winner.

Of course there is no best way. It's all subjective. No matter how good of a time someone in El Centro is having with a girl, the mongers in Poblado, Laureles, Envigado, Sabaneta, Belen and elsewhere aren't feeling a thing.

There are guys who can't enjoy El Centro. It's outside of their comfort zone. It doesn't benefit them to insist they come to El Centro. It's not helpful to insinuate they're a loser for not staying in El Centro.

There are guys who can't afford El Poblado. Paying $40-$100 a night for a room isn't in their budget. You can tell them about the views and the jacuzzi and the parade of Facebook girls coming through, but it won't help them.

For every spot in Medellin there are some who can't or won't stay there. For every price range of the girls there are some who can't or won't spend the money.

If you're new to mongering, or new to Medellin, find your niche. Figure out what and where is best for you. Don't put much faith in anyone telling you their way is the best way. It's only best for them. Unless they find a way to use your dick, it's not best for you.

08-09-19, 23:10
I think this is an obvious point and a dead horse that has already been beaten to death. It's like saying Trump is President of the USA. I don't think anyone is in disagreement that just about everything is cheaper in El Centro than El Poblado. That being said, is the point to encourage the readership, which might include active forum participants, lurkers, trolls, etc. To abandon El Poblando for Plaza Botero? Or are we disparaging El Poblado to make some other point?I think you missed the point, PN was just stating his personal preferences and why in Medellin, and your post took everything out of context and twisted it around as to what he was saying.

I was only acknowledging his personal preferences and observations which I agree with and nothing more whatsoever.

Hopefully this clears things up for you regarding my post.

08-10-19, 01:05
I'm on vacation in Medellin, I want to go out like this girl, some know how she is in bed, BBBJ, CIM.




08-10-19, 03:07
I think this is an obvious point and a dead horse that has already been beaten to death. It's like saying Trump is President of the USA. I don't think anyone is in disagreement that just about everything is cheaper in El Centro than El Poblado. That being said, is the point to encourage the readership, which might include active forum participants, lurkers, trolls, etc. To abandon El Poblando for Plaza Botero? Or are we disparaging El Poblado to make some other point?I have a friend who lives by the word of Poblado, he also was taking Flagyl to clear up that same itch he obtained in Poblado, for a significant fee. But hey, if trying to convince the reader that better, cleaner, safer WGs are in Poblado, go ahead, I know bettter. The fresh new talent is at ground zero, Centro! I haven't seen one post that theoretically proves that safer, cleaner, better girls are in Poblado versus Centro, the only relevance to each location is that one charges more than the other and both produce the same outputs! To each their own, but I've had my take or I have been taken in Poblado and I don't want to get took again! Pollo negro is out!

08-10-19, 03:47
Is payment typically done after or before the session at the clubs like Gusto or the massage parlors?

08-10-19, 04:43
Yes, if you read my posting, I mentioned that some of these girls have been reviewed on the local boards and I suggest to chase those first. There are also numerous attempts in the past by other ISG-er's to call these girls, most suggest to meet them at a local cafe before actually engaging to fuck them so you can make sure its the same girl or an adequate catfish before you actually have her come to your love motel or you accompany her into a room.


This is a local mongering site with I would imagine mostly Colombian mongers. And when I mentioned that there are 100+, that is just drawing an upper limit of sorts. There are a few bombshell vixens for 35 USD that take anal on this site and luckily they have been spoken about on Catador Colombia.Nice, useful looking blog.

08-10-19, 19:16
Last night while taking a shower after a day of casa hopping I noticed a bruise on my dick. I had forgotten to take along lube and one of the girls I banged did not have any. She was a young Venezuelan with a very tight pussy. While screwing her I felt a wonderful and keenly detectable sensation of pain and pleasure. Obviously I used a condom (the dynamics of which might have been partially responsible for the abrasion). A first for me in almost five decades of coition.

08-10-19, 20:25
Is payment typically done after or before the session at the clubs like Gusto or the massage parlors?If you're planning on having a session at Gusto it should be interesting. Gusto is a regular night club. There's no sessioning there, no place to session there.

If you decide to go to Gusto, which almost nobody recommends, and you decide to pick up a girl in Gusto, you will pay her after. You will pay her a whole lot afterwards, especially if you don't clarify with her, before you leave Gusto, how much she wants. You need to be very clear on the amount. Unless you're speaking flawless Spanish, the girls will give you prices in dollars. You probably won't encounter this except around Parque Lleras.

Some guys will argue it's not necessary to clarify the currency. You're in Colombia. If someone is giving prices in dollars they should say dollars. However, when a girl in Gusto tells you "300", would you rather take 2 seconds to ask "pesos? Or spend 30 minutes arguing because she wants 300 dollars and you only have 300 k pesos?

Massage parlors are typically paid after. Casas it all depends on which casa. Some you pay in advance. Some you pay after. Strip clubs you pay before.

08-10-19, 20:42
Is payment typically done after or before the session at the clubs like Gusto or the massage parlors?Always pay after, regardless what the female said.

08-10-19, 21:20
numerous attempts in the past by other ISG-er's to call these girls, most suggest to meet them at a local cafe before actually engaging to fuck them I don't think these girls will meet you outside without any deal in place beforehand. I am almost sure they won't meet you at a cafe. That is just not how it works based on my own experience.

Don't expect them to be always on time because they could go radio silent at any time for no reason. Sometimes translator won't work because they will send voice message that you may not understand. Just be prepare to encounter situation like these occasionally.

08-10-19, 22:10
Last night while taking a shower after a day of casa hopping I noticed a bruise on my dick. I had forgotten to take along lube and one of the girls I banged did not have any. She was a young Venezuelan with a very tight pussy. While screwing her I felt a wonderful and keenly detectable sensation of pain and pleasure. Obviously I used a condom (the dynamics of which might have been partially responsible for the abrasion). A first for me in almost five decades of coition.Five decades of fucking or 50 years and you have never gotten a case of road rash on your Johnson. Must of been pretty dry both inside and outside of the condom. I always put on the brakes when it's dry and lube up however I can. I've had many cases of road rash over the last five decades. A simple thing to help in this situation is to apply a thin coat of Bebe rash ointment (zinc oxide) to the affected areas. You may think I am crazy, but a dermatologist told me about this and it does work wonders when you get a rash, at least it does for me and reduces down time when on extended periods of mongering.

Member #2001
08-10-19, 23:10
Thank you.

BTW, do you always negotiate all the extra like CIM, BBBJ, etc before or after you met the girl. Some girls will ask for money right away, I usually negotiate extra with her then. Some girls don't mention anything at all, and just ask for the address. Also does anyone run into problem paying first then the girl refuse to do the extra that we agreed on.

Thanks.Yea, that sucks. Its a Colombian thing, I think. Most places I have been to payment is done after. This is why I hate to pay first. Pay first and the service is bad equals disappointment. My experiences have been, when paying later you always get better service. Actually it happened to me in the Vera Cruz area. I payed first and the girl said she was going for a beer and never came back. For me next time they want to pay in advance, it will be in a hotel, with the security takes the ID, or in a love motel when they copy the ID, or in a casa, where she is employed. I am a bit shy about street walkers now in that area. I am sure I will get over it though.

It also like to hear from other people what their experiences have been with the prepago shit.

08-10-19, 23:24
Yea, that sucks. Its a Colombian thing, I think. Most places I have been to payment is done after. This is why I hate to pay first. Pay first and the service is bad equals disappointment. My experiences have been, when paying later you always get better service. Actually it happened to me in the Vera Cruz area. I payed first and the girl said she was going for a beer and never came back. For me next time they want to pay in advance, it will be in a hotel, with the security takes the ID, or in a love motel when they copy the ID, or in a casa, where she is employed. I am a bit shy about street walkers now in that area. I am sure I will get over it though.

It also like to hear from other people what their experiences have been with the prepago shit.Simple solution for the street walkers, before taking them tell them you always pay afterwards. If they blink, walk.

Mr Enternational
08-10-19, 23:47
For me next time they want to pay in advance, it will be in a hotel, with the security takes the ID, or in a love motel when they copy the ID,Looks like you have not learned your lesson. The next time they want you to pay in advance you should walk. Or better still make the deal to pay after during the price discussion so it is never an issue. Never take your clothes off before she does. You can not be so anxious to be getting some pussy that you forget these things, because a hustler is waiting for you to slip.

I was in Tijuana the other day and almost slipped with a street girl. She told me 200 pesos ($10) for her and 60 pesos for the room. As I was paying for the room I thought what the fuck am I doing and caught myself. I quickly told her no clothes and I pay after. She said of course. Turned out to be one of the best sessions I have had down there despite the nonstop messages that her boyfriend kept sending.

08-11-19, 00:50
Time For Another Episode Of Blame The Victim.

(This time we switch to the gringo area called Laureles).

08-11-19, 00:52
PN was just stating his personal preferences and why in MedellinGotcha. Got no issues with Pollo. Good luck.

08-11-19, 01:42
First time in Medellin and I found this place via GMaps, they also have a FB page. 100 k /30 min CBJ (less on weekdays). Got Roxana, mid-late 20's, pierced nip, tan skin, curly hair. Would say 7. 5/10.

Good service, friendly and not in any rush. She's there Tues / Fri / Sat. Would definitely come back to this place.

I'm a complete rookie, so is tipping necessary in Colombian MPs? If so how much especially if you know you'll be coming back. Thanks.

(I didn't tip BTW, looked at her reaction and she didn't seem to mind).

Member #2001
08-11-19, 01:54
That happened only once and I learn from it. These girls though always want their stuff up front. I get tired of hearing it. Yea pay after or its a no go. Thats what I do in other countries.

08-11-19, 02:04
Time For Another Episode Of Blame The Victim.

(This time we switch to the gringo area called Laureles).You can't ever seem to let your guard down here, not anywhere. About a year ago I was having dinner with a buddy in Astorga and his backpack got lifted and nobody noticed. Fortunately there was nothing of value in the backpack.

And you are correct, this victim is to blame as he should of known better than to be walking around with his Passport. Mine is locked in my security box in my apartment and only leaves that box when I am leaving the Country.

I have a copy of it with me at all times, and if you carry a photocopy of your Passport along with a photocopy of the page with the stamp and date of entry into Colombia, your not going to have any problems if stopped and asked for ID.

08-11-19, 02:18
That happened only once and I learn from it. These girls though always want their stuff up front. I get tired of hearing it. Yea pay after or its a no go. Thats what I do in other countries. To my mind, demanding payment ahead almost certainly means bad attitude afterwards. I am talking like a 99% likelihood. At that point it don't matter if she looks like Ms Universe for me. Better to cut bait as quickly as possible. If your little head is taking over, open up your fave porn site and look at some pics or clips or something, because the session probably won't eclipse that. Frankly its a blessing in disguise. Best seek clarification ahead.

Gustos is a very ridiculous rip off joint. Its more for the guys that have zero skills or interest in exploring, and want point and click and don't care the price. Psome of tem are there for the weekend or just a couple of days. Even then the reports usually show the prepagos often don't treat their customers that well.

My one time there, i was walking by and the bouncer offered entry free of charge, I spent an hour before chicas started rolling in, I spent about another hour and chatted up a couple of girls and left without listening to nor making an offer. Nothing there seemed to catch my excitement, no authenticity, a lot of silicone and inflated prices. To each their own.

08-11-19, 02:24
Looks like you have not learned your lesson. The next time they want you to pay in advance you should walk. Or better still make the deal to pay after during the price discussion so it is never an issue. Never take your clothes off before she does. You can not be so anxious to be getting some pussy that you forget these things, because a hustler is waiting for you to slip.

I was in Tijuana the other day and almost slipped with a street girl. She told me 200 pesos ($10) for her and 60 pesos for the room. As I was paying for the room I thought what the fuck am I doing and caught myself. I quickly told her no clothes and I pay after. She said of course. Turned out to be one of the best sessions I have had down there despite the nonstop messages that her boyfriend kept sending.You must of really been out of it in Tijuana Mr. E.

I'm surprised you didn't clarify what was included for those 200 Pesos beforehand. Maybe a few cervezas beforehand perhaps?

The Tijuana street girls are notorious for quoting 200 Pesos which typically includes them only taking off their dress / and or pants, two positions, and 20 minutes. Every time I have been there and they start with the base price of 200 Pesos and then tell me what the add-ONS are for a Blowjob, there top off, more positions, etc. I end up walking. I was down there two weeks ago and it's a shit-hole with all the drugs being dealt on the street and the crooked cops who are looking for any excuse to rip you off. I feel more comfortable walking around El Centro then Cauhilla in Tijuana. At least the cops in Medellin don't fuck with you here, at least that has been my experience.

08-11-19, 02:26
I don't think these girls will meet you outside without any deal in place beforehand. I am almost sure they won't meet you at a cafe. That is just not how it works based on my own experience.

Don't expect them to be always on time because they could go radio silent at any time for no reason. Sometimes translator won't work because they will send voice message that you may not understand. Just be prepare to encounter situation like these occasionally.Agree it speeds up heading. Healing should be quick, but your risks go up needless to say. So take the needed precautions. Are you near the end of yoir tour of duty? Bummer when at the start.

08-11-19, 02:29
If you're planning on having a session at Gusto it should be interesting. Gusto is a regular night club. There's no sessioning there, no place to session there.

If you decide to go to Gusto, which almost nobody recommends, and you decide to pick up a girl in Gusto, you will pay her after. You will pay her a whole lot afterwards, especially if you don't clarify with her, before you leave Gusto, how much she wants. You need to be very clear on the amount. Unless you're speaking flawless Spanish, the girls will give you prices in dollars. You probably won't encounter this except around Parque Lleras.

Some guys will argue it's not necessary to clarify the currency. You're in Colombia. If someone is giving prices in dollars they should say dollars. However, when a girl in Gusto tells you "300", would you rather take 2 seconds to ask "pesos? Or spend 30 minutes arguing because she wants 300 dollars and you only have 300 k pesos?

Massage parlors are typically paid after. Casas it all depends on which casa. Some you pay in advance. Some you pay after. Strip clubs you pay before.Sorry I didn't mean Gustos, I meant to say Fase Dos. I plan to check out Gustos just to see what it's like but I've already decided that I won't be having any sessions there.

So looks like you pay before at Fase Dos then? That's a shame cause I feel because it's a strip club, girls can easily scam by making up some sort of excuse to get away and then not come back if their getting paid before the session.

08-11-19, 02:34
I blame the thief.

Time For Another Episode Of Blame The Victim.

(This time we switch to the gringo area called Laureles).

Jack Jones Dtw
08-11-19, 02:36
Never take your clothes off before she does.Yes. And when you do, place them on the other side of the room opposite of the door. Keep yourself between your items and the exit door. Even if it means putting them on the floor. Prevent quick exits.

08-11-19, 03:10
There are great views in Centro too but it is really scuzzy. I love it. I am a Centro rat.

It's the "Who's the Better Monger" game. There's no real rules, you just pick something you prefer, declare it the best, attack anything you don't prefer and declare yourself the winner.

Of course there is no best way. It's all subjective. No matter how good of a time someone in El Centro is having with a girl, the mongers in Poblado, Laureles, Envigado, Sabaneta, Belen and elsewhere aren't feeling a thing.

There are guys who can't enjoy El Centro. It's outside of their comfort zone. It doesn't benefit them to insist they come to El Centro. It's not helpful to insinuate they're a loser for not staying in El Centro.

There are guys who can't afford El Poblado. Paying $40-$100 a night for a room isn't in their budget. You can tell them about the views and the jacuzzi and the parade of Facebook girls coming through, but it won't help them.

For every spot in Medellin there are some who can't or won't stay there. For every price range of the girls there are some who can't or won't spend the money..

08-11-19, 03:35
So looks like you pay before at Fase Dos then? That's a shame cause I feel because it's a strip club, girls can easily scam by making up some sort of excuse to get away and then not come back if their getting paid before the session.You have to pay the multa to the Bar for the girl to leave with you. Plenty of girls there will say that you need to pay them before can take them back to your place but it isn't true. I have never paid a FASE 2 chick upfront to come back to my place. I pay the multa to get them out of the club and then pay the chick after the deed is done.

If they insist on payment upfront a take a pass. It is actually much better to just get phone numbers and call them up later. If they decide to spend a night with you rather than going to work. Then you have a much better shot at an enjoyable experience compared to just pulling them out the same night you meet them.

08-11-19, 05:15
You have to pay the multa to the Bar for the girl to leave with you. Plenty of girls there will say that you need to pay them before can take them back to your place but it isn't true. I have never paid a FASE 2 chick upfront to come back to my place. I pay the multa to get them out of the club and then pay the chick after the deed is done.

If they insist on payment upfront a take a pass. It is actually much better to just get phone numbers and call them up later. If they decide to spend a night with you rather than going to work. Then you have a much better shot at an enjoyable experience compared to just pulling them out the same night you meet them.Interesting, thanks.

And what about for when doing the deed at Fase Dos? Do you pay before or after?

Also is this the same protocol for the other strip clubs like La Isla, Loutron, Lana Lunera etc or is it different at each place?

Thanks again.

08-11-19, 11:46
I have found Energy Massage posting on Youtube and it certainly gets my attention. Is there a metro station nearby?

Energy is in the Laureles district and I may well be staying in this area, would a Uber taxi be the best way of getting there.

A fee of 150,000 cop was mentioned earlier, but the poster paid an additional 50,000 cop. Is this tip expected every time?

08-11-19, 12:12
Sorry I didn't mean Gustos, I meant to say Fase Dos. I plan to check out Gustos just to see what it's like but I've already decided that I won't be having any sessions there.

So looks like you pay before at Fase Dos then? That's a shame cause I feel because it's a strip club, girls can easily scam by making up some sort of excuse to get away and then not come back if their getting paid before the session.It doesn't work that way at Fase Dos.

Once you decide on a girl she'll lead you over to where you pay. Then she'll lead you outside to the place next door where the rooms are. You'll go to the window where they'll hand over towels and a condom (there's a charge for the condom) and the girl will take you to the room.

If some girl tries to get you to pay while you're still sitting at the table, she's trying to scam you.

08-11-19, 12:14
Yes. And when you do, place them on the other side of the room opposite of the door. Keep yourself between your items and the exit door. Even if it means putting them on the floor. Prevent quick exits.You've clearly never seen the floors in the rooms in the El Centro strip clubs.

08-11-19, 12:20
There are great views in Centro too but it is really scuzzy. I love it. I am a Centro rat.I love the El Centro views too. Scuzzy has its appeal. It just doesn't appeal to everyone. I've taken guys through El Centro who practically walk around on their toes to keep their shoes from touching anything dirty. Can't imagine how they'd react a few blocks north and west where all the dumpster divers take their garbage to sell.

08-11-19, 13:00
It's the "Who's the Better Monger" game. There's no real rules, you just pick something you prefer, declare it the best, attack anything you don't prefer and declare yourself the winner.

There are guys who can't enjoy El Centro. It's outside of their comfort zone. It doesn't benefit them to insist they come to El Centro. It's not helpful to insinuate they're a loser for not staying in El Centro.
Agree. I also think one can have fun and report back without putting down others either directly or passively. IMO, one of the beauties of mongering in MDE is that we all aren't limited to one small area.

Case in point, the pic is from a guy who comes to Medellin to floss and habitually posts about it in the FB groups. Some guys are El Poblado dudes and it's better that way. I have no incentive to steer him to another part of town through social media, youtube, emails, etc., which are often based on information from this forum.

08-11-19, 14:51
............ Actually it happened to me in the Vera Cruz area. I payed first and the girl said she was going for a beer and never came back............If you meet a street walker, pay her first and then she says she's going for a beer, and returns, marry that girl!

08-11-19, 15:17
Agree. I also think one can have fun and report back without putting down others either directly or passively. IMO, one of the beauties of mongering in MDE is that we all aren't limited to one small area.I really can't think of another mongering destination like MDE anywhere in the world. When you factor in all of the different venues, the price range from low end to high end, the beautiful women, the weather, and close proximity to the USA is hard to beat. The only downside is how dangerous it can be, and the language issue which affects some.

The Tall Man
08-11-19, 16:00
I have a friend who lives by the word of Poblado, he also was taking Flagyl to clear up that same itch he obtained in Poblado, for a significant fee. But hey, if trying to convince the reader that better, cleaner, safer WGs are in Poblado, go ahead, I know bettter. The fresh new talent is at ground zero, Centro! I haven't seen one post that theoretically proves that safer, cleaner, better girls are in Poblado versus Centro, the only relevance to each location is that one charges more than the other and both produce the same outputs! To each their own, but I've had my take or I have been taken in Poblado and I don't want to get took again! Pollo negro is out!Hey PN,

Are you back in Medellin now? I returned from SoCal this past week and after a month hiatus so glad to be back in the dirty dilapidated scummy area that we both love called el centro! Already partied down there 3 times in the past 4 days. And now I am sitting in my apartment here in Medellin I will be back down in centro in a few hours.

To each his own and I am living the dream of a rockstar on a nominal budget.

The Tall Man.

Big Boss Man
08-11-19, 16:04
My brother used to frequent Soi 7 Biergarden in Bangkok. I met him there a few times and I cannot stand the place. Yes the women are cheaper at the Biergarden but I rather go to an oily or a soapy. I liked the Soi 33 art bars which were more expensive than the oilies. Probably the only difference between the art bars and the Biergarden was that the girls wore fancier dresses and applied their makeup better. Why would Medellin be any different than Bangkok? The art bars failed around the time when the oilies became predominant near the Phrom Phong skytrain stop.

08-11-19, 16:30
My brother used to frequent Soi 7 Biergarden in Bangkok. I met him there a few times and I cannot stand the place. Yes the women are cheaper at the Biergarden but I rather go to an oily or a soapy. I liked the Soi 33 art bars which were more expensive than the oilies. Probably the only difference between the art bars and the Biergarden was that the girls wore fancier dresses and applied their makeup better. Why would Medellin be any different than Bangkok? The art bars failed around the time when the oilies became predominant near the Phrom Phong skytrain stop.Well one of the major differences is looks and what appeals to a person. I've been to Bangkok and visited a lot of Asia back in the day. Lots of good, cheap pussy to be had but I prefer a big booty Colombian. From me Thailand is super far but if it wasn't I'd go there often LOL. That's another level of mongering from what I remember. Phuket and Pattaya beach are something else! People would think I was full of shit if I posted the stories from back in the day. There's no need to search forums or facebook girls if going there. You can find whatever the hell you want in no time out there. Soapies, head bars, lady boys, anal queens, whatever; It's the only place where I actually got tired of pussy one day. I got a fuckin handjob at the goddamn airport because I had a long wait. It's fuckin ridiculous.

The Tall Man
08-11-19, 17:10
It's the "Who's the Better Monger" game. There's no real rules, you just pick something you prefer, declare it the best, attack anything you don't prefer and declare yourself the winner.

Of course there is no best way. It's all subjective. No matter how good of a time someone in El Centro is having with a girl, the mongers in Poblado, Laureles, Envigado, Sabaneta, Belen and elsewhere aren't feeling a thing.

There are guys who can't enjoy El Centro. It's outside of their comfort zone. It doesn't benefit them to insist they come to El Centro. It's not helpful to insinuate they're a loser for not staying in El Centro..Spot on. We all have different sized wallets, different tastes, some like me wanting to quench a new perversion that I need to try (nothing wired), some of us like plastic and some like me hate it, some of us enjoy to know the chica a little and yet some are just find them and pay them and fuck them and leave (not my style), some like to mix it up and some prefer what they are used to, some have different levels of comfort and some like me always go out of their comfort zone, all in all to each his own.

I have fucked models in Moscow, have enjoyed the most beautiful women I have ever seen and been with in a termas in Rio 20 years ago, I have played in the FKK clubs in Germany, love to mix it up with playing in the Philippines and the DR and Cuba and Ecuador and all through Mexico, spent more dollars than I care to know in strip clubs in Las Vegas and elsewhere in the US, but love the simple next door over the top passionate Colombian with all natural curves and fresh attitude on life here in Medellin.

All fun and great experiences, but to each his own. I have found my spot, my niche here in Medellin and on a budget.

Here I sit in my apartment on this Sunday morning and I have already received 3 or 4 whatsapp messages from different paisa chicas wanting to know what am I doing this Sunday afternoon, where in the world could I be where I can choose which pussy I want to be balls deep into this afternoon.

There is no right or wrong way to play, just enjoy, life is short!

The Tall Man.

Mr Enternational
08-11-19, 17:30
I liked the Soi 33 art bars which were more expensive than the oilies. Probably the only difference between the art bars and the Biergarden was that the girls wore fancier dresses and applied their makeup better. Why would Medellin be any different than Bangkok?I used to go eat at BM Giotto's place on Soi 33, but never saw a reason to spend $100 for a girl there. I was more of a Nana parking lot guy where I could get the chicks for $15, pretty much the same how I am a downtown guy in Medellin and not a Poblado guy there.

As has been said before, you are paying for the ambiance, setting, clothes, and makeup, which for me are not as big of a deal as the price difference. Hell, me and my wingmen were in Nice fucking street chicks behind bushes, so a downtown ST hotel in Medellin that could use a couple coats of paint is nothing to me. I understand a lot of guys want the royal comfort treatment though. I save that for regular chicks that I am dating. I don't need anything special for a quick fuck hooker.

Big Boss Man
08-11-19, 18:54
I used to go eat at BM Giotto's place on Soi 33, but never saw a reason to spend $100 for a girl there. I was more of a Nana parking lot guy where I could get the chicks for $15, pretty much the same how I am a downtown guy in Medellin and not a Poblado guy there.

As has been said before, you are paying for the ambiance, setting, clothes, and makeup, which for me are not as big of a deal as the price difference. Hell, me and my wingmen were in Nice fucking street chicks behind bushes, so a downtown ST hotel in Medellin that could use a couple coats of paint is nothing to me. I understand a lot of guys want the royal comfort treatment though. I save that for regular chicks that I am dating. I don't need anything special for a quick fuck hooker.For me, my two girlfirends are much more expensive than $100 or $200 an hour hookers. I still remember playing blackjack with Leonard Tose at 2 AM in Las Vegas forty to fifty years ago. I was playing a money management system based on $2 a hand so my biggest bet might have been $16. He was playing $100 to $500 a hand. He just looked at me and said, "It's all relative. It's all relative. ".

08-11-19, 19:18
Hey PN,

Are you back in Medellin now? I returned from SoCal this past week and after a month hiatus so glad to be back in the dirty dilapidated scummy area that we both love called el centro! Already partied down there 3 times in the past 4 days. And now I am sitting in my apartment here in Medellin I will be back down in centro in a few hours.

To each his own and I am living the dream of a rockstar on a nominal budget.

The Tall Man.I will be back in Medellin for a 30 day stay. I am currently planning on how I will spend my month in Medellin and I plan on doing a lot of studying for a future job interest. I may go to parque Botero daily, but only after I get my exercise & studying in, this will be the first time that I really have ample time to sit around study & concentrate on some serious studying while in Medellin. I can read fast so 30 days is more than enough time for me to read, review, & freshen up on studies while there, plus I'm starting the first leg of my dental surgery. Got a decent list of girls I can choose from, so I'll see how much fun I can have in 30 days. Pollo negro is out!

08-11-19, 20:03
This agency promotes socials as a way to meet Latin women and is having a social in Medellin on August 16-17. Wondering if anyone has attended? The location? If anyone has met girls who are interested in sex, or only marriage? Their website is loveme dot com. I am not interested in giving them advertising, so if the URL needs to be deleted, not big deal. They charge $450 for attending each social and I thought that was a lot of money for meeting some pussy. Most of these girl are probably looking for marriage, or not? Any men who have attended?Barranquilla is a better bet to meet nice girls at the AFA socials.

08-11-19, 20:06
I have a friend who lives by the word of Poblado, he also was taking Flagyl to clear up that same itch he obtained in Poblado, for a significant fee. But hey, if trying to convince the reader that better, cleaner, safer WGs are in Poblado, go ahead, I know bettter. The fresh new talent is at ground zero, Centro! I haven't seen one post that theoretically proves that safer, cleaner, better girls are in Poblado versus Centro, the only relevance to each location is that one charges more than the other and both produce the same outputs! To each their own, but I've had my take or I have been taken in Poblado and I don't want to get took again! Pollo negro is out!I'm a Centro guy for mongering and a Poblado guy the rest of the time.

Mojo Bandit
08-11-19, 23:00
There are guys who can't afford El Poblado. Paying $40-$100 a night for a room isn't in their budget. You can tell them about the views and the jacuzzi and the parade of Facebook girls coming through, but it won't help them.

I have to ask: What is a Facebook girl?

08-11-19, 23:15
I've been thinking of visiting Medellin sometime later this year and was wondering how it compares to somewhere like Pattaya, Thailand. My biggest concern from some of the things I have been reading about Colombia is that women seem to be a bit more stuck up compared to thai women. I loved how laid back Thailand was and was hoping to find another place like that closer to home. I enjoy doing the touristy sight seeing stuff but most of my trips center around partying and women.

Any mongers who have been to both Thailand and Colombia that can give a good comparison of the two?

Mr Enternational
08-12-19, 00:19
I've been thinking of visiting Medellin sometime later this year and was wondering how it compares to somewhere like Pattaya, Thailand. My biggest concern from some of the things I have been reading about Colombia is that women seem to be a bit more stuck up compared to thai women.It is apples and oranges. Medellin is a big city where you can find chicks for P4P in certain houses, clubs, and online besides the basic streetwalkers that you can find in damn near any city.

Pattaya is a town that was invented for mongers. 95% of the women that you will run into out and about in Pattaya, you could end up fucking free or with pay. Remember most chicks that you will meet in Pattaya are backwoods farm girls that came or were sent to the place by their family to make some money.

Hookers in Medellin are usually from around that area and will be heading back to their house soon with the spoils of the day to be with their families. Many of their families may not even know what they are doing whereas in Thailand selling sex does not have the same stigma as it does in the west. Hell, a few years ago there was a monk that was even encouraging it. He was like if these foreigners are coming here with money then get all you can. You have to be able to recognize a blessing when you see it.

Fun Luvr
08-12-19, 01:03
I have to ask: What is a Facebook girl?A female who has a profile on the Facebook website.

Mojo Bandit
08-12-19, 01:20
A female who has a profile on the Facebook website.I'm trying to understand this thing about the girls and Facebook. What does it mean to monger that these particular girls have profiles on Facebook? I have seen Facebook mentioned before but do not understand how a monger uses Facebook to find chicas. And how would a person know that this is a "Facebook girl" walking by? Are there girls that have specific Pregago pages on Facebook?

Mojo Bandit
08-12-19, 01:22
I sent this out as a private message to senior member but I am just going to throw it on here for general advice:

I am mid fifties and I am balding on top and very large around the mid section, l'm talking pregnant with twins large. I have played this game in Cartagena but I was not as large than and not as many wrinkles. I met girls on line (LatinAmericanCupid) and met them for dinner, met them at my apartment etc. Of the chicas I met online I only had sex with like three out of like ten (I've made three total trips to Cartagena). I also fished in the clubs, and the square there.

I am planning a trip to Colombia in the next couple of months, probably October. I am not sure that I am going to Medellin but I am considering it. I am currently running the gamut with girls I met online, juggling conversations with them on ColombianCupid and Whatsapp when they give up their number. Talking to a couple of stunners in Medellin and if something looks for sure there than I will go. One girls profiles states "something mutually beneficial".

But I am a guy on a budget. When I meet these stunners online.

A- how do I feel them out to see if they are looking for financial compensation and let them know that I am willing to do that without insulting them?

Be- how much financial compensation and what form are we talking (ie pay them some cash? Take them shopping? Offer to pay some of their bills?) and.

See- I would like to know what kind of budget I need to satisfy them?

Thanks for reading this and thanks for any advice you can throw my way.

08-12-19, 01:33
I'm a Centro guy for mongering and a Poblado guy the rest of the time.Your not alone, El Centro by day, Poblado the rest of the time for me as well.

I guess we might be called "half breeds" by other members on this board!

08-12-19, 02:36
I'm trying to understand this thing about the girls and Facebook. What does it mean to monger that these particular girls have profiles on Facebook? I ?I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell you this since this forum bans the use of foreign languages but #1 way too many whorish underwear and bikini photos to be an average Jane and #2 she writes to you starting off with (and this is an honest to god copy paste): "Hola Amor".

08-12-19, 03:28
I'm a Centro guy for mongering and a Poblado guy the rest of the time.Same here. I always hit Centro once or twice a trip, but at the end up the day I like staying in a nice neighborhood, whether it be Poblado, Laureles, Envigado, or Belen. I'm on vacation and I want to be in reasonably pleasant surroundings.

08-12-19, 03:40
I've been thinking of visiting Medellin sometime later this year and was wondering how it compares to somewhere like Pattaya, Thailand. My biggest concern from some of the things I have been reading about Colombia is that women seem to be a bit more stuck up compared to thai women. I loved how laid back Thailand was and was hoping to find another place like that closer to home. I enjoy doing the touristy sight seeing stuff but most of my trips center around partying and women.

Any mongers who have been to both Thailand and Colombia that can give a good comparison of the two?Most here have been to both. I'm not sure any place in the world compares to Pattaya. It's not a normal city. You've probably got 50,000 or more available girls within a few miles in any direction. Personally, I found the place overwhelming.

Medellin is a normal city with pleasant weather and lovely women. At current exchange rates, it's laughably cheap. I don't think the women are stuck up at all. But you have to realize you can't just approach a regular chica like she's a pro.

08-12-19, 03:54
I just recently returned from a two month trip in Brazil. I had a blast there so I am currently planning another 2. 5 - 3 months trip back to Brazil soon. And I plan to hop over to Colombia to take a break from all the Brazilian pussies I will be f**king. I thought I put my post here in the Medellin form as this is this the most active of the Colombia forms.

I have been to Colombia once several several years ago before the recent mass influx of Venezuelans. The thought of me taking advantage of the current situation in Venezuela have me now developing a huge fetish for some Venezuelan pussies. Then I will be able to cross it off my bucket list. I have been going through a lot of posts and have nailed down 4 possible cities I want to visit:

1) Cucuta. Never been to it and I know its more dangerous than the well trodden paths. But the prospect of TLN BBBJ + BBFS + CIM / CIP with Venez pussies for dirt cheap (from what I've read) got me sold. Planning on this to be the first place I hit in Colombia. If I can get all the CIP I want here, then hell I may just stay here for the entire trip. I think by day 3 I should be able to figure out if I want to lengthen my stay here or not.

2) Bogota. Had visited Santa Fe when I was there on my first and only trip years ago. From what I've read, a lot of Venez pussies can be found here also. Will be looking for Colombian pussies as well. I'm think at least a 5 day stay here, longer if Cucuta disappoints. What do ya'll think?

3) Medellin. Had a memorable session with a beautiful Colombian at a casa here (can't remember the name) so Medellin holds a special place in my heart. Again from what I've read so far, many SW in el centro and plaza Botero, along with casas and clubs. Planning to stay at least 5 days here as well.

4) Cartagena. Never been here but from what I can tell, its a touristy town and seems pussy prices are the highest here. Is that correct? The main pick up spot for chicas is at the clocktower. Lots of Venez pussies here as well, I think.

Seems like however, most of hotels and airbnb apts are not GF. May skip here.

With my main objective of BBFS + CIP with Venez girls, I know I won't be able to have my itinerary down until I'm on the ground. I'm not looking to wife up any girl. I'm up for all or any suggestions? I have some experience in Brazil so I can help out if anybody needs it. Just PM me. Do you guys think its a good idea to hit Cucuta first? Is Bogota or Medellin better for hunting Venez pussies?

08-12-19, 04:19
I sent this out as a private message to senior member but I am just going to throw it on here for general advice:

I am mid fifties and I am balding on top and very large around the mid section, l'm talking pregnant with twins large. I have played this game in Cartagena but I was not as large than and not as many wrinkles. I met girls on line (LatinAmericanCupid) and met them for dinner, met them at my apartment etc. Of the chicas I met online I only had sex with like three out of like ten (I've made three total trips to Cartagena). I also fished in the clubs, and the square there.

I am planning a trip to Colombia in the next couple of months, probably October. I am not sure that I am going to Medellin but I am considering it. I am currently running the gamut with girls I met online, juggling conversations with them on ColombianCupid and Whatsapp when they give up their number. Talking to a couple of stunners in Medellin and if something looks for sure there than I will go. One girls profiles states "something mutually beneficial".

But I am a guy on a budget. When I meet these stunners online..I'll try to answer your questions, beginning with "What is a Facebook girl?

Working girls around the world are discovering the benefits of using social media to find their customers. In Medellin several hundred of them can be found on Facebook. Many of them are indistinguishable from any other young woman on Facebook. They'll have pictures of their kids, pets, parents and friends. Others routinely post sexy pictures saying "disponible", or "citas disponible" (available, or dates available). Several posts have been written on how to start locating them. Search the forum.

There are advantages and disadvantages dealing with Facebook. Some of the advantages are that you get a fuller picture of the girls. You can see current pics, find out about kids, friends and what they enjoy. Most are also not clock watchers. I usually spend at least 2 hours with a Facebook girl. I've also had very few problems getting BBBJ without any upcharge.

Disadvantages are price, most want 150-200 k plus extra for taxi. If you're just looking to spend 15-30 minutes getting a quick but, El Centro casas are a better deal. Paisas are famous for being late for everything and Facebook paisas keep with the trend. Some will also become beggars, wanting money for whatever current problem they're having.

Meeting girls online:

Unless you're planning an extended stay, or plan on frequent return trips, you are probably better off sticking with a straight cash transaction. Avoid anyone looking for a relationship. They'll be much more expensive in the long run. I wouldn't offer to pay bills either.

Just tell them what you're looking for. "Hello. How are you? You're very beautiful. I will be visiting soon. I want to meet you. I like meeting beautiful women. " I usually add a joke / test next. Something like "l prefer to meet beautiful women in my bed. Naked. " They'll either laugh or agree. A few might be offended, but I've never had it happen.

Then it's just a matter of setting the price. Most guys recommend you offer the first price. I find that it works either way. 150 k is a standard price. Some will go lower, most will try for higher. If she opens with a higher price, I respond with "I always pay 150 k."

08-12-19, 05:43
Interesting, thanks.

And what about for when doing the deed at Fase Dos? Do you pay before or after?

Also is this the same protocol for the other strip clubs like La Isla, Loutron, Lana Lunera etc or is it different at each place?

Thanks again.If you do them at FASE 2 or any other strip club you pay before. Which is why I have never done a chick at any club. Even when I pull them out of the club on the same night there is only a one in four chance of really having a very good experience. If you get their phone number and get them to come over to your place there is at least a 50 - 50 chance of having a great time with them.

Can't imagine what the odds are if you bang them in the place. But not very good.

At any rate clubs are the last place you should go. You will have a much better time in general with facebook chicks.

08-12-19, 14:17
Has anybody been to New Life in Medellin recently? If so what's it looking like in there? I'm coming down to Medellin in October and plan on spending time in there.

08-12-19, 15:14
Are there good condoms on the sex-shops of Medellin?

I know condoms have to be available in local pharmacies but I am looking for condoms that are slightly more fancy than the generic.

Anyone have experience buying condoms like Durex Invisible Thin in Medellin or something of that nature like Trojan BareSkin series?

This is not something I can easily order to the house risking having to explain this package to anyone if the shipping idiots don't pack discreet. Or should I buy them on my way to the airport here in NYC instead of doing it in Medellin?

08-12-19, 15:59
If you do them at FASE 2 or any other strip club you pay before. Which is why I have never done a chick at any club. Even when I pull them out of the club on the same night there is only a one in four chance of really having a very good experience. If you get their phone number and get them to come over to your place there is at least a 50 - 50 chance of having a great time with them.

Can't imagine what the odds are if you bang them in the place. But not very good.

At any rate clubs are the last place you should go. You will have a much better time in general with facebook chicks.There are actually casas where you are required to pay first, Energy and Chicas punto com come to mind, it is a worrying trend (caused by recalcitrant gringos?). Thankfully, there are others where you still pay after like gringo central New Life (has the hottest chicas in my book).

08-12-19, 17:22
There are actually casas where you are required to pay first, Energy and Chicas punto com come to mind, it is a worrying trend (caused by recalcitrant gringos?). Thankfully, there are others where you still pay after like gringo central New Life (has the hottest chicas in my book).Except for 1 time, I always paid afterwards at Energy. I know that Club Sexxy Amigas is a prepay place, but people seem to get better, on average, service there than New Life. Although, New Life does have the better lineup.

08-12-19, 17:45
I just recently returned from a two month trip in Brazil. I had a blast there so I am currently planning another 2. 5 - 3 months trip back to Brazil soon. And I plan to hop over to Colombia to take a break from all the Brazilian pussies I will be f**king. I thought I put my post here in the Medellin form as this is this the most active of the Colombia forms.

I have been to Colombia once several several years ago before the recent mass influx of Venezuelans. The thought of me taking advantage of the current situation in Venezuela have me now developing a huge fetish for some Venezuelan pussies. Then I will be able to cross it off my bucket list. I have been going through a lot of posts and have nailed down 4 possible cities I want to visit:

1) Cucuta. Never been to it and I know its more dangerous than the well trodden paths. But the prospect of TLN BBBJ + BBFS + CIM / CIP with Venez pussies for dirt cheap (from what I've read) got me sold. Planning on this to be the first place I hit in Colombia. If I can get all the CIP I want here, then hell I may just stay here for the entire trip. I think by day 3 I should be able to figure out if I want to lengthen my stay here or not.Your objective of BBFS and CIP can be found in Colombia, it will be a matter of various factors, including money which I believe your aware of, and I will leave it at that.

In regards to which City for Venez Pussies well of course the border town of Cucuta will have a lot, but I have never been there but there are others who have. Consideration of the climate might be a factor, which you won't be able to beat in Medellin. And El Centro is ground zero for Venez Pussies there as they have taken the place over in my opinion, however there are a lot of fat and ugly ones, but again that is just my opinion.

Another city you didn't mention was Santa Marta, I prefer it over Cartagena, lots of Venez girls, great food, girl friendly hotels, nicer beaches than Cartagena, and cheap compared to Cartagena. More information can be found on that thread.

You will find everything your looking for in Colombia, and I think Medellin will turn out to be the best City for you, but that is just my opinion, others may differ.

08-12-19, 19:39
Are there good condoms on the sex-shops of Medellin?

I know condoms have to be available in local pharmacies but I am looking for condoms that are slightly more fancy than the generic.

Anyone have experience buying condoms like Durex Invisible Thin in Medellin or something of that nature like Trojan BareSkin series?

This is not something I can easily order to the house risking having to explain this package to anyone if the shipping idiots don't pack discreet. Or should I buy them on my way to the airport here in NYC instead of doing it in Medellin?I suggest you bring any condoms you like from the USA for your trip as the selection here won't be as good. Also lube as well, I haven't seen Astro-Glide in any of the pharmacies here either. Maybe they carry it in the sex shops, but it will be much easier to bring your own supplies with you. God forbid you get stuck using the condoms establishments use here.

Better yet, just bare-back all your Chicas, than you won't need to worry about bringing condoms, and can use spit lube when necessary.

Fun Luvr
08-12-19, 21:14
Are there good condoms on the sex-shops of Medellin?

I know condoms have to be available in local pharmacies but I am looking for condoms that are slightly more fancy than the generic.

Anyone have experience buying condoms like Durex Invisible Thin in Medellin or something of that nature like Trojan BareSkin series?

This is not something I can easily order to the house risking having to explain this package to anyone if the shipping idiots don't pack discreet. Or should I buy them on my way to the airport here in NYC instead of doing it in Medellin?Buy them on the way to the airport. There are a few US brands at the pharmacies in Medellin, but I haven't seen any of the thin condoms.

Mr Enternational
08-12-19, 21:28
Are there good condoms on the sex-shops of Medellin? Anyone have experience buying condoms like Durex Invisible Thin in Medellin or something of that nature like Trojan BareSkin series?If you want to pay like $20 for a pack of 3, then wait until you get to Colombia.

08-12-19, 22:47
Has anybody been to New Life in Medellin recently? If so what's it looking like in there? I'm coming down to Medellin in October and plan on spending time in there.They had roughly a dozen chicks the last holiday on Wed. 2 black chicks with very low haircuts. Half were stacked and kind of thick. Julietta is tall and pretty. 20 yo. Baby damage. I didn't see any 9's or 10's. If they had 9's I would be at NL now instead of on the board. But they also would charge more and be busier. There are 2 medium height chicks I'm considering. I probably would only do 25% of the lineup I saw last week.

Big Boss Man
08-13-19, 00:01
Meeting girls online:

Just tell them what you're looking for. "Hello. How are you? You're very beautiful. I will be visiting soon. I want to meet you. I like meeting beautiful women. " I usually add a joke / test next. Something like "l prefer to meet beautiful women in my bed. Naked. " They'll either laugh or agree. A few might be offended, but I've never had it happen.

Then it's just a matter of setting the price. Most guys recommend you offer the first price. I find that it works either way. 150 k is a standard price. Some will go lower, most will try for higher. If she opens with a higher price, I respond with "I always pay 150 k."Be careful what you say. I have had an account banned on Tinder. Try to get the Whatsapp as soon as possible before you get into the nitty gritty.

Mojo Bandit
08-13-19, 00:21
I'll try to answer your questions, beginning with "What is a Facebook girl?

Working girls around the world are discovering the benefits of using social media to find their customers. In Medellin several hundred of them can be found on Facebook. Many of them are indistinguishable from any other young woman on Facebook. They'll have pictures of their kids, pets, parents and friends. Others routinely post sexy pictures saying "disponible", or "citas disponible" (available, or dates available). Several posts have been written on how to start locating them. Search the forum.

Thank you, that clears it up as far as what is a Facebook girl. Now I just need to find the profiles. I found couple off of one post and one has accepted my friend request. I noticed that some profiles have "followers" versus "Friends" and I'm thinking that might help see their posts but I'm not sure it gives you direct contact. I will keep searching the forum, from what you say there is an upside to these girls.

I am currently talking to several women in Cartagena and Medellin, I might visit both places, on ColombianCupid, I have had some good luck and some bad luck with this in the past. I have already had women mention their "poor circumstances" and have blown those girls off. I am juggling contact with so many I cannot even count. I have about 20 phone numbers and am talking to them on Wh*pp and as soon as I detect that they might be expensive then I blow them off and block them. This approach has actually gotten me some free putane in the past in Cartagena (only twice actually in my three visits there) with women who were not semi-pros but just wanted to be entertained by a man, these women said that Colombian men are not at all romantic and that they are glad for some really romantic man to come along. I suspect one just really wanted to get laid herself and wanted to fuck someone she would never have to see again. This was probably dumb luck for me. I have also met women on there that are semi-pros and I bought them some clothes for their kid for some event coming up at their church. Many women will blow me off even after having many many conversations about how we are going to go to dinner etc, I hedge my bets by juggling all these women before I go. It takes a lot of time texting and getting phone numbers but if it gets me with one of these beauties than it will be worth it. My phone is blowing up from girls on wha*pp as we speak.

08-13-19, 00:44
Thank you, that clears it up as far as what is a Facebook girl. Now I just need to find the profiles. I found couple off of one post and one has accepted my friend request. I noticed that some profiles have "followers" versus "Friends" and I'm thinking that might help see their posts but I'm not sure it gives you direct contact. I will keep searching the forum, from what you say there is an upside to these girls.

No need to be in Medellin for making a friendlist. You need to be in Medellin for the girls to take you seriously over FB chat.

Below is a list with profiles who have open friends tab I. E you can see all their friends:



https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011323845278 -- pretty sure most the girls in his friendlist will accept your request.

https://www.facebook.com/Malcolm.Babygrand.Flythe -- most the his friends are also prepagos.


Just keep adding the friends from above profiles and don't over do it to trigger FB spam detectors. Also don't forget to add gringos to your list. Will later help you to know who is a prepago and who is not.

08-13-19, 01:10
...........Better yet, just bare-back all your Chicas, than you won't need to worry about bringing condoms, and can use spit lube when necessary.This surfer guy has your best interest at heart. Always take the advice of anonymous people on the internet.

Big Boss Man
08-13-19, 01:55
Also lube as well, I haven't seen Astro-Glide in any of the pharmacies here either.I bought KY at the Exito in the Unicentro mall last August.

08-13-19, 03:57
This surfer guy has your best interest at heart. Always take the advice of anonymous people on the internet.I don't think Fortune Waffles knows what to think of my post. Perhaps to much of a contrast of options available to monger's here that can occur. And was I joking, or being serious about bare-backing the Chicas which I suppose your wondering.

08-13-19, 04:20
Spot on. We all have different sized wallets, different tastes, some like me wanting to quench a new perversion that I need to try (nothing wired), some of us like plastic and some like me hate it, some of us enjoy to know the chica a little and yet some are just find them and pay them and fuck them and leave (not my style), some like to mix it up and some prefer what they are used to, some have different levels of comfort and some like me always go out of their comfort zone, all in all to each his own.

I have fucked models in Moscow, have enjoyed the most beautiful women I have ever seen and been with in a termas in Rio 20 years ago, I have played in the FKK clubs in Germany, love to mix it up with playing in the Philippines and the DR and Cuba and Ecuador and all through Mexico, spent more dollars than I care to know in strip clubs in Las Vegas and elsewhere in the US, but love the simple next door over the top passionate Colombian with all natural curves and fresh attitude on life here in Medellin.

All fun and great experiences, but to each his own. I have found my spot, my niche here in Medellin and on a budget.

Here I sit in my apartment on this Sunday morning and I have already received 3 or 4 whatsapp messages from different paisa chicas wanting to know what am I doing this Sunday afternoon, where in the world could I be where I can choose which pussy I want to be balls deep into this afternoon.

There is no right or wrong way to play, just enjoy, life is short!

The Tall Man.Hey, did you receive my PM?

Mojo Bandit
08-13-19, 05:19
Just keep adding the friends from above profiles and don't over do it to trigger FB spam detectors. Also don't forget to add gringos to your list. Will later help you to know who is a prepago and who is not.Thank you a lot. This is a little gold mine. Right now I am just book marking a lot of the profiles in my browser. I sent out a few friend request and FB popped up with a little message "are you sure you know this person?" So I slowed down to avoid FaceBook Jail. The Last guy on this list has his friends list turned off.

I also will not send a friend request if there are not gringos in their friend list, and I dont know whats going on when they only have "follow" as an option and no option for a "Friend Request"

08-13-19, 05:43
If you want to pay like $20 for a pack of 3, then wait until you get to Colombia.Unless I'm reading it wrong, that seems pretty damn expensive.

08-13-19, 08:46
Thank you a lot. This is a little gold mine. Right now I am just book marking a lot of the profiles in my browser. I sent out a few friend request and FB popped up with a little message "are you sure you know this person?" So I slowed down to avoid FaceBook Jail. The Last guy on this list has his friends list turned off.

I also will not send a friend request if there are not gringos in their friend list, and I dont know whats going on when they only have "follow" as an option and no option for a "Friend Request"So is Medellin the best city in Colombia?

08-13-19, 12:59
I sent out a few friend request and FB popped up with a little message "are you sure you know this person?" So I slowed down to avoid FaceBook Jail. The Last guy on this list has his friends list turned off.

I also will not send a friend request if there are not gringos in their friend list, and I dont know whats going on when they only have "follow" as an option and no option for a "Friend Request"Facebook Jail, this social media stuff is just too much for me. I'm old school, and I know some guys swear by it, but I just don't have the patience to deal with all the bullshit associated with using Facebook. God forbid if Facebook threw me in jail.

08-13-19, 15:03
Are there good condoms on the sex-shops of Medellin?

I know condoms have to be available in local pharmacies but I am looking for condoms that are slightly more fancy than the generic.

Anyone have experience buying condoms like Durex Invisible Thin in Medellin or something of that nature like Trojan BareSkin series?

This is not something I can easily order to the house risking having to explain this package to anyone if the shipping idiots don't pack discreet. Or should I buy them on my way to the airport here in NYC instead of doing it in Medellin?The Amazon Locker seems designed for this situation.

Big Boss Man
08-13-19, 16:13
I find it hard to believe that a popular Facebook chica like Yisela Restrepo who has several photos of herself at Energy Living, Blux and other hotels such as the Charlee and Dann Carlton is coming out for $150 K. That Energy Living place looks nice.

However I also noticed that agencies such as La Celestina have come down on their pricing compared to August 2018. One chica I track is down to $340 k for two hours 220 k for one hour. That would be cheaper than I paid 3 Vany's list chicas last year.

It also helps that the dollar is stronger now. 320 K to $100 compared to 300 k to $100 August 2018.

60% of the Tinder chicas accepted 200 k. I was getting fairly specific about what I wanted them to do. Rejections might have been do to the requirements because the chicas that rejected me did not even counter the price. I have a small sample size of 10 matched Tinder chicas so it would not pass a clinical trial. I lhave a certain look I like so I would only like about 5 to 10% of the chicas on Tinder. I rejected about 75% of the chicas that liked me first on Tinder. Of course I am banned on Tinder probably for being too specific. I had to pay $28 so I could swipe in area that was not local. I also found that buying boosts helps.

Oh well, I will see how it all works out next week. If one or two of these Tinder chicas is a keeper, it will have been $60 well spent. 2 of the chicas have a ton of personality on Whatsapp. They are not the best lookers but they are doable. I will just have to more careful on tinder next time.

Mr Enternational
08-13-19, 16:36
I find it hard to believe that a popular Facebook chica like Yisela Restrepo is coming out for $150 K.

However I also noticed that agencies such as La Celestina have come down on their pricing compared to August 2018. One chica I track is down to $340 k for two hours 220 k for one hour. That would be cheaper than I paid 3 Vany's list chicas last year.Maybe mongers are wising up and they are not getting as much business as before.

08-13-19, 17:04
Except for 1 time, I always paid afterwards at Energy. I know that Club Sexxy Amigas is a prepay place, but people seem to get better, on average, service there than New Life. Although, New Life does have the better lineup.Come to think of it when I was a regular at Energy I used to pay after. I am no longer a regular there. Generally, I get better service at most other casas than New Life but I really like their lineup. Juliana won't let me molest her boobs but by jove she's hot. I really enjoyed banging her and had to pay COP 50 extra for my special thrills, still would not let me at her boobs.

08-13-19, 18:00
So is Medellin the best city in Colombia?Is strawberry the best flavor ice cream?

08-13-19, 18:31
You can use google translate on the article if you don't understand Spanish.

Bottomline: Scopolamine on ATM keypads might be a risk, but probably not.

Lo pueden drogar ponindole escopolamina en un cajero?


08-13-19, 21:26
You can use google translate on the article if you don't understand Spanish.

Bottomline: Scopolamine on ATM keypads might be a risk, but probably not.

Lo pueden drogar ponindole escopolamina en un cajero?

https://www.eltiempo.com/colombia/otras-ciudades/es-posible-intoxicarse-con-escopolamina-por-el-simple-contacto-395044The USA Embassy recommends that American citizens adhere to the following recommendations to minimize the likelihood of being victimized by scopolamine while in Colombia:

Avoid going into bars or nightclubs alone (although groups have also been targeted).

Never leave drinks or food unattended.

Do not accept food or drinks from strangers.

Do not leave bars, restaurants or nightclubs with strangers.

And I would add to this list, be careful about inviting strangers to your home and seek medical assistance if you think you have been drugged.

MMMm, will be tricky to vacation in Medellin if you cannot order food from a restaurant or drinks. Or pick up chicks from clubs and not bring them back to your apartment.

08-13-19, 22:33
Your objective of BBFS and CIP can be found in Colombia, it will be a matter of various factors, including money which I believe your aware of, and I will leave it at that.

In regards to which City for Venez Pussies well of course the border town of Cucuta will have a lot, but I have never been there but there are others who have. Consideration of the climate might be a factor, which you won't be able to beat in Medellin. And El Centro is ground zero for Venez Pussies there as they have taken the place over in my opinion, however there are a lot of fat and ugly ones, but again that is just my opinion.

Another city you didn't mention was Santa Marta, I prefer it over Cartagena, lots of Venez girls, great food, girl friendly hotels, nicer beaches than Cartagena, and cheap compared to Cartagena. More information can be found on that thread.

You will find everything your looking for in Colombia, and I think Medellin will turn out to be the best City for you, but that is just my opinion, others may differ.I am aware of the hot climate in Cucuta. I actually enjoy the heat so I don't think that will be too big of a problem for me. I was Cambodia in April and endured through 100 degree temperatures. Just need to make sure the hotel I stay at will have A / C. I am really looking forward to Cucuta. Seems like there is large amount of Venezuela pussy there. So I will probably devote a lot of my time there. Will ask the Venezuela girls for price of regular service first then offer extra for barebacking. I'm sure most of these Venezuela girls are in desperate need of money.

If the Venezuela pussies in el centro Medellin is still strong when I'm there, I will no doubt spend some time there as well. I have a wide range when it comes to taste in women. Not an issue for me if they are fat as long as they are decent looking.

Will probably head to Bogota when I'm in Medellin since the two cities are fairly close and see what kind of Venezuela talent is on offer there. But I will probably skip Cartagena and Santa Marta. I think there will be enough pussies in Cucuta, Medellin, and Bogota for 4 weeks.

For anyone who might be traveling from Brazil to Colombia in the future, just remember that Colombia requires a yellow fever vaccination for entry into Colombia.

Mojo Bandit
08-13-19, 23:02
So is Medellin the best city in Colombia?I have yet to visit Medellin, but I have been to Cartagena. I have also been a sporadic reader of these threads on and off for about ten years. Look at the number of reports in the Cartagena thread compared to Medellin thread. From what I have experienced and what I have read the quality and the price of chicas is way better in Medellin. On the other hand, Cartagena is a better place to visit as a tourist (some may argue different and I welcome their arguments). But again the overall quality of women and the price is probably say better in Medellin.

Big Boss Man
08-13-19, 23:17
I am not really a Medellin expert. This trip will put me just over 30 days spent in Medellin. I was looking over my old reports. My first trip to Medellin was 2011.

I did a round at Energy in 2011 and paid $52 for one hour. Today the same hour costs $44. If you convert 2011 USD into 2019 real dollars then in 2011 you paid the equivalent of $58 for one hour at Energy.

Using the Fantasy Energy index, the price for pussy in Medellin has fallen 24% over the last 8 years.

Why I am lucky? I was looking at exchange rates last month and it was 3200 to 1. I was basing all my calculations for this trip on that number. I looked at it today and it is 3400 COP to $1. Wow.

If my math is wrong don't shoot me, just correct it.

08-13-19, 23:38
I am not really a Medellin expert. This trip will put me just over 30 days spent in Medellin. I was looking over my old reports. My first trip to Medellin was 2011.

I did a round at Energy in 2011 and paid $52 for one hour. Today the same hour costs $44. If you convert 2011 USD into 2019 real dollars then in 2011 you paid the equivalent of $58 for one hour at Energy.

Using the Fantasy Energy index, the price for pussy in Medellin has fallen 24% over the last 8 years.

Why I am lucky? I was looking at exchange rates last month and it was 3200 to 1. I was basing all my calculations for this trip on that number. I looked at it today and it is 3400 COP to $1. Wow.

If my math is wrong don't shoot me, just correct it.The exchange rate of dollars to reais (Brazil) is currently also at an all time high of 1:4. I haven't ventured into Colombia lately but am planning a month long trip to Cucuta, Medellin, and Bogota when I return to Brazil.

I have quit my full time job and am now just working part-time, so I have big chunks of times (months) off.

If the currently exchange rate for pesos and reais holds you can be sure I will be spending all of my free time in between the legs of beautiful Brazilians, Venezuelans and Colombians.

08-13-19, 23:43
I am not really a Medellin expert. This trip will put me just over 30 days spent in Medellin. I was looking over my old reports. My first trip to Medellin was 2011.

I did a round at Energy in 2011 and paid $52 for one hour. Today the same hour costs $44. If you convert 2011 USD into 2019 real dollars then in 2011 you paid the equivalent of $58 for one hour at Energy.

Using the Fantasy Energy index, the price for pussy in Medellin has fallen 24% over the last 8 years.

Why I am lucky? I was looking at exchange rates last month and it was 3200 to 1. I was basing all my calculations for this trip on that number. I looked at it today and it is 3400 COP to $1. Wow.

If my math is wrong don't shoot me, just correct it.Where did you exchange your currency at? If an ATM, which specific one?

Looks like you got some pretty generous rates.

08-13-19, 23:58
Sexy Amiga is at Cra 45 #57-71. Two doors to the Left is 57-61. Its on the corner of Calle 58 on L side. See photo representations. About a 4 min walk from New Life. 10 k cheaper. I like NL better. Hired a chubby 25 yo with great rack. Light skin. Some of the rooms have peeping cracks. Service was cool. Service at NL has been better for me. I wanted to try something new. 3 chicas in the lineup. All doable. 6.5's. I left a 25% tip.

Except for 1 time, I always paid afterwards at Energy. I know that Club Sexxy Amigas is a prepay place, but people seem to get better, on average, service there than New Life. Although, New Life does have the better lineup.

08-14-19, 00:11
MMMm, will be tricky to vacation in Medellin if you cannot order food from a restaurant or drinks. Or pick up chicks from clubs and not bring them back to your apartment.Not really. It doesn't say not to order food and drinks from a restaurant. It says not to accept them from strangers. Bars and restaurants won't last long if the owners start drugging all the customers.

However, if you're sitting in a bar and someone comes up and offers you a drink you didn't order, don't drink it.

John Clayton
08-14-19, 00:44
... I looked at it today and it is 3400 COP to $1. Wow...I've been making the same calculation. I want to get there before they dollarize the peso. But, the place we really should be thinking about is Argentina. Their peso dropped 25% today. It was 4 pesos to the dollar in 2010. Now it's 55!

08-14-19, 01:15
............ And El Centro is ground zero for Venez Pussies there as they have taken the place over in my opinion, however there are a lot of fat and ugly ones, but again that is just my opinion.............I have been in Medellin now for close to three weeks and I am yet to see the multitude of Venezuelans of which you speak. Firstly, there are much less in the casas than when I was last here in April. There are much less beggars holding signs stating (Soy Venezuelano etc. "). I have been walking all over El Centro looking for the Vene beauties with very little success. So far I have only sessioned Colombian street walkers and would definitely not pass on quality Venez punani if found. Where are they? Surfer, thanks for your input but I would really like other mongers to tell me what I'm doing wrong. I'm thinking that those I saw last April have moved on to somewhere else.

Mojo Bandit
08-14-19, 01:46
Is it a problem bringing chicas back to vacation apartments in Medellin the way it is in Cartagena? Do I need to be looking for a Chica friendly place or am I safe to just find an Airbnb?

08-14-19, 01:53
I have been in Medellin now for close to three weeks and I am yet to see the multitude of Venezuelans of which you speak. Firstly, there are much less in the casas than when I was last here in April. There are much less beggars holding signs stating (Soy Venezuelano etc. "). I have been walking all over El Centro looking for the Vene beauties with very little success. So far I have only sessioned Colombian street walkers and would definitely not pass on quality Venez punani if found. Where are they? Surfer, thanks for your input but I would really like other mongers to tell me what I'm doing wrong. I'm thinking that those I saw last April have moved on to somewhere else.Wow, good to know from someone on the ground. Maybe they went back to Venezuela? Have you been to Bogota? Supposedly there are lots of Venezuela girls in Santa Fe? I'm planning to go to Cucuta, which I know for sure will be full of them.

Big Boss Man
08-14-19, 01:58
I've been making the same calculation. I want to get there before they dollarize the peso. But, the place we really should be thinking about is Argentina. Their peso dropped 25% today. It was 4 pesos to the dollar in 2010. Now it's 55!I was in Argentina in April. I was getting 42 to 1. A chica I liked that I payed $100 to is now getting $80.


08-14-19, 02:14
I have been in Medellin now for close to three weeks and I am yet to see the multitude of Venezuelans of which you speak. Firstly, there are much less in the casas than when I was last here in April. There are much less beggars holding signs stating (Soy Venezuelano etc. "). I have been walking all over El Centro looking for the Vene beauties with very little success. So far I have only sessioned Colombian street walkers and would definitely not pass on quality Venez punani if found. Where are they? Surfer, thanks for your input but I would really like other mongers to tell me what I'm doing wrong. I'm thinking that those I saw last April have moved on to somewhere else.Turgid, you are doing nothing wrong, I have not been specific as to where I have seen them all and it hasn't been in the Casa's or the bars, but specifically in and around the Park directly in front of the Museum and the pedestrian walkway to the Veracruz Church. The last few days I have seen more of them then I have ever seen, and if you go there around 4 in the afternoon you will just end up shaking your head as to how many there are.

Today I was in El Centro at 11 AM and again at 5 PM. I ran into one of my Colombian regulars at 5 PM and when we got to the room the first thing she said was that she had never seen so many girls out there, and I asked her if they were Vennies which I knew, and she said yes, and that they have been running the Colombians out. And recently there have been a lot of new prettier and thin ones showing up that I have never seen before besides the Fuglies.

If your still in town, go down there tomorrow afternoon and hang out for a while and you will see them all. You can't miss them.

08-14-19, 02:24
If the Venezuela pussies in el centro Medellin is still strong when I'm there, I will no doubt spend some time there as well. I have a wide range when it comes to taste in women. Not an issue for me if they are fat as long as they are decent looking.Well if you don't have a problem with decent looking beached whales, your going to have a field day and the pick of the litter in Medellin with all the fat Venezuelans. In fact, you could easily line up a couple of tag teams to take "arriba" who will do everything your looking for. Sounds like your going to be cream pieing a lot of ladies on your trip! Your my hero, have a good time and report back on your escapades!

08-14-19, 03:38
Had a nice time in Medellin. It was my first I got confused and spent more money as per standards since everything was dam cheap. 4th day I went to Loutron again this time my experience was not that good compared to my previous visit. I planned to choose a girl with real boobs since I was too bored of girls who did cheap surgery soo hesitant when touching, as if they going to blast. The place had long wait time of 45 min. I went with a girl 7/10 she had braces on her teeth. She was the only 1 with real boobs LOL. She wasn't that energetic but co-operated also she used to check time on her phone. I wasn't interested in completing full hour. I just digged in and out of there ASAP. Same night we went Babylon club which is right opposite to ART hotel and my hotel receptionist recommended it as high end club but not close to what I imagined but Girls in the club are local, good looking and with groups or boyfriends. Many reserved tables before. Corona and cover was bit expensive I didn't care something to drink and stock on the pray. Not a place for gringos same as luxury club. I didn't see any gringo on Saturday night. It was too dark. Place was like a cave and music was kind of fire alarm siren we couldn't stand anymore. Last 2 days I sticked with same girl from Colombian cupid. I usually don't like arranged meetings thinking its not safe. I took a chance since my friends were there. She was 5/10 down to everything and a true GFE. So I didn't bother to go to centro may be next visit. I spent 900 mil for 2 days not sure whether its high or low. I liked the experience, she offered everything and hungry for sex, we spoke for quite sometime. I have attached 2 pics of her. Overall maybe I didn't utilize my time properly and missed few places but Vacation was good. I was relaxed and now back to my binary life and felt New York is so overrated on everything pussy to parking when I reached midnight and gave 83 US $ for uber for 30 min ride. I definitely visiting Medellin again maybe November or December not sure.

User guide: Do not go to gusto, geisha, Loutron and high end clubs.

08-14-19, 03:50
I find it hard to believe that a popular Facebook chica like Yisela Restrepo who has several photos of herself at Energy Living, Blux and other hotels such as the Charlee and Dann Carlton is coming out for $150 K. That Energy Living place looks nice.

However I also noticed that agencies such as La Celestina have come down on their pricing compared to August 2018. One chica I track is down to $340 k for two hours 220 k for one hour. That would be cheaper than I paid 3 Vany's list chicas last year.

It also helps that the dollar is stronger now. 320 K to $100 compared to 300 k to $100 August 2018.

60% of the Tinder chicas accepted 200 k. I was getting fairly specific about what I wanted them to do. Rejections might have been do to the requirements because the chicas that rejected me did not even counter the price. I have a small sample size of 10 matched Tinder chicas so it would not pass a clinical trial. I lhave a certain look I like so I would only like about 5 to 10% of the chicas on Tinder. I rejected about 75% of the chicas that liked me first on Tinder. Of course I am banned on Tinder probably for being too specific. I had to pay $28 so I could swipe in area that was not local. I also found that buying boosts helps.

Oh well, I will see how it all works out next week. If one or two of these Tinder chicas is a keeper, it will have been $60 well spent. 2 of the chicas have a ton of personality on Whatsapp. They are not the best lookers but they are doable. I will just have to more careful on tinder next time.The favorable currency fluctuations have no impact on the ground except to make you more of a spendthrift. You are in Colombia, learn to think in colombian pesos. Anytime a chick quotes me in $, she is off the list, and I just reply back asking why $ in Colombia. The next quote is always smaller in COP and I never respond.

The ones that ask you what you are willing to pay are better.

08-14-19, 04:02
The favorable currency fluctuations have no impact on the ground except to make you more of a spendthrift. You are in Colombia, learn to think in colombian pesos. Anytime a chick quotes me in $, she is off the list, and I just reply back asking why $ in Colombia. The next quote is always smaller in COP and I never respond.

The ones that ask you what you are willing to pay are better.If a girl brings up the $/ Col exchange rate, my policy is to ignore them, cut off all contact. It's a very good sign that it won't be a good experience.

08-14-19, 04:29
Is it a problem bringing chicas back to vacation apartments in Medellin the way it is in Cartagena? Do I need to be looking for a Chica friendly place or am I safe to just find an Airbnb?Every Airbnb is different. The owners decide on the rules about guests. So you have to ask if they allow guests. I have yet to find one that I was comfortable bringing guests to.

And basically same with apartments.

So yes, whether it is Airbnb's, apartments, or hotels the only way to know is to ask, if it is not clearly stated in the rules or description.

08-14-19, 13:50
MMMm, will be tricky to vacation in Medellin if you cannot order food from a restaurant or drinks. Or pick up chicks from clubs and not bring them back to your apartment.I think casa's are still the best option for fucking, you can get posted up in one, bring like 200 USD and just bang out like 5 chicas, that should satisfy any libido quota.

I would also start reading prepago reviews off CatadorColombia to see which ones don't have a smelly poon, which of them are actually real, which one upsells on Sexo Oral Natural, etc etc etc. You can order a legit one to your chica-friendly hotel room. I think you will end up paying around 20-30% lower than a girl off Parque Lleras, at least comparing the prices listed of ISG members on this thread. Their thread also covers street walker action as well as reviews on the casas.

Considering the exchange rate of from ANY gringo currency right now, I bet if you stick to 4-5 star restaurants in Medellin, I cannot imagine they risk an international reputation to drug someone for a few grand and a camera at best. Ready-made deep fried empanadas off the street or in corner stores, I also cannot imagine be drugged, eat them immediately anyways. There is also the rappi food delivery app, or uber-eats.

I've always been a fan of just buying the destination currency in my home-country, then just bring it into customs in an envelope. When that runs out, besides not risking a bandit at the mall, I can't imagine taking an uber to a bank to get money, then taking an uber str8 back to your hotel wouldn't be the safest of bets.

Those are genuine warnings against drugging. But I think most are easily avoidable, especially if you flew in predominantly for some pussies / assholes on the cheap anyways. There is a "street-wise" way to go about anything, especially if you mentally prepare for all the possible treacheries. Realize if you get picked for the armed robbery, its just your day to give it up. No level of preparation will surmount to a bandit's sudden whim, we can just try to hedge against all that by moving in the shadows as you go about banging out the beautiful insides of Colombianas and Venezuelanas.

08-14-19, 13:50
If a girl brings up the $/ Col exchange rate, my policy is to ignore them, cut off all contact. It's a very good sign that it won't be a good experience.This goes to show how much of a business this is for these women when their in tune with exchange rates, etc. Business women all the way, entrepreneurs to a certain extent. None of my crew has any idea what the exchange rates are, and some don't even know what US Dollars are if you can believe that. Totally foreign to them.

Yesterday I gave one of my regulars 45,000 COP at the end of our session and she just looked at me and thanked me profusely. A lot of times I have a hard time believing how little $ 13.50 is to me, and how much it is for others. I grapple with this at times, and the innocence I see from some of the women I go with who are so poor, and are just trying to make ends meet is saddening.

And then you have the "professional hooker businesswomen" you've mentioned, who are mini-bankers, kind of like stock traders and most likely will be delivering their clients a very rushed, mechanical, rule laden session.

08-14-19, 13:53
I know it's not the same for every girl but in general. I know 150 mil is average for a session. Does it include BBBJ, multiple pop, CIM, etc. I know it's best to talk with the girl about all the extra before the session but that make it too much of a business transaction. And I know it is a transaction but I don't want to make it so damn obvious. I prefer GFE or at least the illusion of it. If the girl ask for tip for extra, is 20-50 mil a reasonable tip.

And what about todo la noche price? 300 mil on average?


08-14-19, 14:11
I find it hard to believe that a popular Facebook chica like Yisela Restrepo who has several photos of herself at Energy Living, Blux and other hotels such as the Charlee and Dann Carlton is coming out for $150 K. That Energy Living place looks nice.

However I also noticed that agencies such as La Celestina have come down on their pricing compared to August 2018. One chica I track is down to $340 k for two hours 220 k for one hour. That would be cheaper than I paid 3 Vany's list chicas last year.

It also helps that the dollar is stronger now. 320 K to $100 compared to 300 k to $100 August 2018.

60% of the Tinder chicas accepted 200 k. I was getting fairly specific about what I wanted them to do. Rejections might have been do to the requirements because the chicas that rejected me did not even counter the price. I have a small sample size of 10 matched Tinder chicas so it would not pass a clinical trial. I lhave a certain look I like so I would only like about 5 to 10% of the chicas on Tinder. I rejected about 75% of the chicas that liked me first on Tinder. Of course I am banned on Tinder probably for being too specific. I had to pay $28 so I could swipe in area that was not local. I also found that buying boosts helps..It's not that hard to believe. I imagine, with new guys, she starts out asking 200-300 k. How far she comes down depends on how bad she needs the money and how the guy approaches her.

I'm sure she's seeing a lot of repeat customers. If she's only taking 5 citas a week, that's 3 million a month. Plus tips, plus taxis, plus gifts. That's not bad for a 10-12 hour work week in Medellin.

08-14-19, 14:49
I'm looking for the cheapest (safe) places in the world where I can get light-skinned GFE providers for kissing with tongue.

Mr Enternational
08-14-19, 16:38
Wow, good to know from someone on the ground. Maybe they went back to Venezuela? Have you been to Bogota? Supposedly there are lots of Venezuela girls in Santa Fe? I'm planning to go to Cucuta, which I know for sure will be full of them.I have posted pictures in the Bogota thread of Venezuelan chicks lined up on the street in Santa Fe. Not sure whether it matters if a place is full of them or partially full of them unless you plan on fucking hundreds. You can only fuck one at a time.

08-14-19, 16:44
...........Today I was in El Centro at 11 AM and again at 5 PM. I ran into one of my Colombian regulars at 5 PM and when we got to the room the first thing she said was that she had never seen so many girls out there, and I asked her if they were Vennies which I knew, and she said yes, and that they have been running the Colombians out. And recently there have been a lot of new prettier and thin ones showing up that I have never seen before besides the Fuglies............Why are you the only monger saying about all these Venezuelans? Can anyone else corroborate? I am here and have been seeing mostly Colombians on the streets and although I have sessioned a few (Colombians only) I have found the street scene to be somewhat dismal. Casas are much better. For example, there's hardly anything to be found on the streets comparable to New Life's lineup in my books.

Big Boss Man
08-14-19, 16:52
The favorable currency fluctuations have no impact on the ground except to make you more of a spendthrift. You are in Colombia, learn to think in colombian pesos. Anytime a chick quotes me in $, she is off the list, and I just reply back asking why $ in Colombia. The next quote is always smaller in COP and I never respond.

The ones that ask you what you are willing to pay are better.Where or when did I say I negotiated in dollars? I like to convert to dollars because I get paid in dollars, travel all over the world not just Colombia and it is a dimension of comparing experiences between countries. Which was cheaper paying 230,000 COP or 2500 Baht for 90 minutes of massage and sex?

I always negotiate services before money. Price does not matter if the chica will not perform certain services. I also want the chica to be happy. Nothing worse than to try having sex with a sullen chica. If that happens then I usually try to immediately schedule another experience which ends up costing me more money. My methods are not foolproof. I still have bad experiences.

I tend to play in the mid-tier markets which is where I am the most comfortable. I need Pollo Negro to gentrify Centro as ISG fears he will before I go back down there.

Here is the sum total of what I know about the inexpensive markets. Chicas Lindas was a superior casa to New Life in 2011 based on my experience. Right now on the local Board, the guys rank Zandaly over New Life. On ISG, Chicas Lindas and Zandaly hardly ever get a mention.

I am not on the ground yet, but based on Whatsapp conversations, prices in Colombian pesos are lower than what they were in August 2018. Plus there seems to be many more chicas available as I am getting more Tinder matches than last year.

Big Boss Man
08-14-19, 17:05
Where did you exchange your currency at? If an ATM, which specific one?

Looks like you got some pretty generous rates.I use a debit card with no foreign currency fees and no ATM fees. However you pay them by having money in a brokerage account. If you buy a CD they get. 0025 per year. If you use their ETFs they get fees. So nothing is free.

I recommend Servibanca ATM. They are the green ones. https://atmhero.net/countries/8541/servibanca-colombia/ Itau and Servibanca have an affliiation so they both have the same withdrawal limits. I don't exchange in Colombia. The one time I did I did not get a good rate. I learned my lesson.

Big Boss Man
08-14-19, 17:29
It's not that hard to believe. I imagine, with new guys, she starts out asking 200-300 k. How far she comes down depends on how bad she needs the money and how the guy approaches her.

I'm sure she's seeing a lot of repeat customers. If she's only taking 5 citas a week, that's 3 million a month. Plus tips, plus taxis, plus gifts. That's not bad for a 10-12 hour work week in Medellin.She will do my 90 minute program for 200 COP plus taxi. It is the same price I am offering the Tinder chicas.

One reason I am surprised is that I found her through that Instagram model with the 25 k followers. There are pictures with the two of them together on the model's Facebook page. I may do a cita with her to see if I can get to the model. Remember the Instagram model was the one who matched me on Tinder but never responded back to my message. I speculated on ISG if I offered her 640 K COP on the spot if I could have been meeting her within an hour. You thought not. I can afford to go on one lark per trip.

08-14-19, 17:54
It's not that hard to believe. I imagine, with new guys, she starts out asking 200-300 k. How far she comes down depends on how bad she needs the money and how the guy approaches her.

I'm sure she's seeing a lot of repeat customers. If she's only taking 5 citas a week, that's 3 million a month. Plus tips, plus taxis, plus gifts. That's not bad for a 10-12 hour work week in Medellin.These prices seem a little steep. Is this a Facebook / Tinder thing?

08-14-19, 20:03
Why are you the only monger saying about all these Venezuelans? Can anyone else corroborate? I am here and have been seeing mostly Colombians on the streets and although I have sessioned a few (Colombians only) I have found the street scene to be somewhat dismal. Casas are much better. For example, there's hardly anything to be found on the streets comparable to New Life's lineup in my books.To be clear, I have never made a comparison of the Chicas in the Casa's compared to the SW's in EL Centro, in fact I have made mostly made disparaging remarks about the Venezuelans in my posts. I agree with you that the line-up at New Life is better than what can be found looks wise versus the SW's, but everybody rolls different and the casa's appear to be your personal preference versus mine which is the SW scene. We are both equals here in partaking in what we both like, and that's all that matters.

As far as other board members witnessing what I have, Pollo Negro has talked about his observations / experiences with the Venezuelans in the specific area I mentioned in my post. The other El Centro street rats on this board if they elect to do so will also be able to confirm what I have observed, at least the ones that live here or have been here for a while.

Lucky for me I am in EL Centro in the area I mentioned six days a week typically in the afternoons so I have a lot of time on the ground in this area. I speak with lots of Chicas and ask them where they are from, etc. So that's how I know what the population of the Chica's are, which has been confirmed by my Colombian regulars.

08-14-19, 20:47
Planning a trip to either Medellin or Sao Paulo and it's a bit tough to decide. Are people using their real facebooks to contact Medellin facebook girls? I'd rather opt to make a fake one but not sure how serious girls would take me if I had no pics or anything. Brazil seems to have a big twitter presence, are there Medellin girls out there on twitter?

I see that the options for P4P are the casas, street walkers, independents on facebook and clubs / strip clubs. If I wanted the most gorgeous where should I start? And how reliable is photoprepagos, the options seem limited there in comparison to Brazil's counterpart.

Either way hope to make a trip out there soon and add some report.

08-14-19, 21:44
I have posted pictures in the Bogota thread of Venezuelan chicks lined up on the street in Santa Fe. Not sure whether it matters if a place is full of them or partially full of them unless you plan on fucking hundreds. You can only fuck one at a time.Sounds like your off your game Mr. E if your not fucking more than one at a time.

Maybe you need a check up, and need to start taking Testosterone to get back on your game!

Pilot Pete
08-14-19, 22:51
I use WhatsApp on my Iphone here in USA but understand that a new phone or SIM card is needed once in MDE. I would welcome advice on finding complete understanding of the cellphone & WhatsApp solution in MDE. Thank you.

Big Boss Man
08-14-19, 23:19
These prices seem a little steep. Is this a Facebook / Tinder thing?She is A Facebook chica that has hundreds of American friends and has several photos of herself at Energy Living. I surmised that a chica like that had to be getting more than the 150 K that seems to be the agreed upon ISG Facebook rate. But now based on further evidence I think I am wrong. One of my good ISG travel buddies would take a turn with her in heartbeat. We are a good travel buddies because when we walk into a place we both have different tastes as to what is best in class. We don't fight over the same chica.

08-14-19, 23:30
To be clear, I have never made a comparison of the Chicas in the Casa's compared to the SW's in EL Centro, in fact I have made mostly made disparaging remarks about the Venezuelans in my posts. I agree with you that the line-up at New Life is better than what can be found looks wise versus the SW's, but everybody rolls different and the casa's appear to be your personal preference versus mine which is the SW scene. We are both equals here in partaking in what we both like, and that's all that matters.

As far as other board members witnessing what I have, Pollo Negro has talked about his observations / experiences with the Venezuelans in the specific area I mentioned in my post. The other El Centro street rats on this board if they elect to do so will also be able to confirm what I have observed, at least the ones that live here or have been here for a while.

Lucky for me I am in EL Centro in the area I mentioned six days a week typically in the afternoons so I have a lot of time on the ground in this area. I speak with lots of Chicas and ask them where they are from, etc. So that's how I know what the population of the Chica's are, which has been confirmed by my Colombian regulars.I will confirm. I made a few tours of El Centro last month.

The lineup on Veracruz and Raudal looked about the same as I remember it from Feb / March of 2018. However, Botero Plaza had a lot of girls hanging around. I'm assuming they were Venezuelan. I'd guess between 30-50 in the early afternoon.

I disagree with your assessment though. There were quite a few fat ones. There were several older ones. There was even one who I'll call "hammerhead", you've probably seen her. But there were also several who looked pretty good to me. I also noticed a few more better looking ones along Veracruz too.

Mr Enternational
08-14-19, 23:42
We are a good travel buddies because when we walk into a place we both have different tastes as to what is best in class. We don't fight over the same chica.One of my good buddies lives in downtown Medellin. We first met in Rio in 2003. We went to 4x4 termas and ended up liking the same girl. No need to fight over her. We both went back and fucked her at the same time. She tried to kiss him after I skeeted in her mouth.

08-14-19, 23:55
These prices seem a little steep. Is this a Facebook / Tinder thing?What do you consider steep? I speculated the Facebook girl mentioned might be available for 150 k, however when she's talking to a new guy she'll probably ask for 200-300 k. That's now been confirmed.

It's pretty common, any time you're dealing with a freelancer, for her to start at a higher price. At the current rate 300 k is less than $100. This girl could get $300 per hour in the US. Some guy who's never been outside the US before might be thrilled to get her for under $100.

The going rate of 150 k is less than $50.200 k is only about $16 more. Is that too much? Most Facebook girls are fine with staying 2 or 3 hours for 150-200 k. Downtown casas charge about 50 k for 30 minutes.

It comes down to knowing your own preferences. I like to spend some time talking, take a shower together or sit in the jacuzzi for awhile, get in lots of foreplay, spend some time trying to make sure she enjoys herself, work through several positions and then relax together for awhile before grabbing a shower to clean up. With some girls I can stretch that out to 3 hours. While I might be able to do that in a casa, it'll cost me 250-300 k.

With Facebook girls, I won't deal with time constraints. If a girl mentions a cost per hour, I pass. In a few cases I'll let them know they'll be there for 3 hours.

Some guys aren't interested in that. 20-30 minutes for 30-50 k is perfect for them.

08-14-19, 23:57
Had a nice time in Medellin. It was my first I got confused and spent more money as per standards since everything was dam cheap.... Last 2 days I sticked with same girl from Colombian cupid. I usually don't like arranged meetings thinking its not safe. I took a chance since my friends were there. She was 5/10 down to everything and a true GFE. So I didn't bother to go to centro may be next visit. I spent 900 mil for 2 days not sure whether its high or low. I liked the experience, she offered everything and hungry for sex, we spoke for quite sometime. I have attached 2 pics of her. Overall maybe I didn't utilize my time properly and missed few places but Vacation was good. I was relaxed and now back to my binary life and felt New York is so overrated on everything pussy to parking when I reached midnight and gave 83 US $ for uber for 30 min ride. I definitely visiting Medellin again maybe November or December not sure.

User guide: Do not go to gusto, geisha, Loutron and high end clubs.Great report Jaytosore! Don't worry too much about if you overpaid for the girls. It was your first time in Colombia so you can now use that experience on your future visits. Sounds like you had a good time with most of the girls so that is all that matters. That girl in the pic you posted she's pretty cute, I would rate her a 7/10 as oppose to 5/10. Are those pics recent or are they old?

08-15-19, 00:12
Turgid, you are doing nothing wrong, I have not been specific as to where I have seen them all and it hasn't been in the Casa's or the bars, but specifically in and around the Park directly in front of the Museum and the pedestrian walkway to the Veracruz Church. The last few days I have seen more of them then I have ever seen, and if you go there around 4 in the afternoon you will just end up shaking your head as to how many there are.

If your still in town, go down there tomorrow afternoon and hang out for a while and you will see them all. You can't miss them.Can you be more specific of the location? The park you mentioned is it "Plaza Botero"? The museo de Antioquia is right next to it (on google map). And the Veracruz church you mentioned is it between Calle 52 and Calle 51? Trying to pinpoint the location down so I know exactly where to go when I arrive.

Big Boss Man
08-15-19, 00:33
One of my good buddies lives in downtown Medellin. We first met in Rio in 2003. We went to 4x4 termas and ended up liking the same girl. No need to fight over her. We both went back and fucked her at the same time. She tried to kiss him after I skeeted in her mouth.I might be homophobic. I still get the willies when I think about a particular scene from The Grafenburg Spot. http://www.iafd.com/title.rme/title=grafenberg+spot/year=1985/grafenberg-spot.Htm..

08-15-19, 00:45
I know it's not the same for every girl but in general. I know 150 mil is average for a session. Does it include BBBJ, multiple pop, CIM, etc. I know it's best to talk with the girl about all the extra before the session but that make it too much of a business transaction. And I know it is a transaction but I don't want to make it so damn obvious. I prefer GFE or at least the illusion of it. If the girl ask for tip for extra, is 20-50 mil a reasonable tip.

And what about todo la noche price? 300 mil on average?

Thanks.Yes and yes. You are in the right ball park. They usually ask for taxi on top of the 150 k negotiated and I preset that usually at 20-25 k or so and let it go. If the service is particularly good, or I negotiated an extra or some such thing, I round up to 200 k and that always makes them happy. These are good easy money opportunities in Medellin right now. For those of you that think more $ gets you finer pussy or performance, I wish you well. My experience is that the correlation is not clear. Read on a few pages earlier about the dude with his Gusto's write up.

08-15-19, 00:49
I have posted pictures in the Bogota thread of Venezuelan chicks lined up on the street in Santa Fe. Not sure whether it matters if a place is full of them or partially full of them unless you plan on fucking hundreds. You can only fuck one at a time.It all about the optics for me. Some member posted in the Sao Paulo forum that he prefers the smaller clubs of 10-15 girls. But for me, the more, the merrier. L find that even in 4 x 4 on a busy night does not have the amount of girls I like to see in one place. Would have to at least double that.

I wish there was a Latin version of Pattaya or AC with all Latina pussies as oppose to Asians.