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10-10-09, 18:38
In Bogota you've always had to present a cedula or passport to buy a comcel sim.No mention of cedula or passport needed to buy in Medellin at least as of a few weeks ago. Stalls and stands to buy are everywhere. Even if one place were to ask you, chances are the place next door will not.

10-10-09, 20:35
I can tell you for a fact that within the better class of Paisas, Mango's is not a place to go anymore ... Great news!! That ´better class of people´ in Medellin are way too arrogant for me.

I´ve avoided Mangos for years because of the pompous attitude, maybe I´ll make a return visit :)

Thanks!! hehehe

Mr Tango
10-10-09, 23:23
Second attempt to post (I may have timed out last time)

Gentlemen, thanks for the info. I already have an unlocked quad band phone, but possibly with the wrong frequency for internet (it's a euro model nokia n95). By the way, when I had a Blackberry Pearl under the 2 year contract with AT&T I called customer support and explained that I was going on vacation out of the country. I asked if they would unlock the phone so I could use my phone to have a local number and they unlocked it remotely. I think you'd have to be with them for a while and I'm betting they wouldn't do this with an iPhone (since they're so protective of this market). But hey it's worth a shot instead of buying another phone.

One question still not addressed, the performance of black market sims vs going to the authorized dealer (requiring a credula or passport). Do they work the same? A travel board said that the black markets can't be recharged once the cell company determines the account to be unauthorized. Which means getting new number. Anyone have any experience in how it takes to be detected?

10-11-09, 00:24
In Bogota you've always had to present a cedula or passport to buy a comcel sim.Likewise with other cities,I've had Comcel for years and whenever I lose a phone or give it to one of my novias family I have to fill out a shitload of paperwork and have my passport with me.

10-11-09, 00:27
Also which two carriers is the most popular. Tigo is one. What's the other?

I need to get myself one. All the paisas have no minutes. The only reason they can afford to keep a phone is that incoming calls are free. Many have borrowed my phone and the minutes just shrink away pretty quickly!Comcel is the largest carrier in Colombia.

10-11-09, 06:11

What is the new trendy spot where all the upper paisas go to now? Places like.

Mantra? Spazio? Armana?


I can tell you for a fact that within the better class of Paisas, Mango's is not a place to go anymore. As of the last couple of years. It has a reputation as a place that has a lot of prepagos and mafiosos.

The higher classes of people have other areas they go to.

10-11-09, 08:37
Thanks for the responses gentlemen. I already have an unlocked quad band phone so that's no problem. FYI. If anyone's been with AT&T for a while you can call them and ask to have your phone unlocked. Be sure to let them know you're asking because you're traveling out of the country and want to have a local number while you're down there. They remotely unlocked my Blackberry Pearl two years ago. Which was promptly left in a cab upon my arrival (arrrgh! ). Of course I wouldn't count on getting an iPhone unlocked since AT&T is so protective of them.

But I'm still wondering about getting a SIM card from an authorized dealer vs the knockoffs from the street vendors. Another board says that authorized dealers require ID and street vendors don't. They also say that the unregistered cards can run into problems recharging when Comcel finds the rogue number. Has anyone with these cards had to buy a new card and thus have a new phone number?The first time I went I got a SIM off the street. No ID or anything required.. Only 10k. Second time I just bought minutes and recharged. No problems whatsover. Same phone number. What's the big deal? If they won't recharge your phone, get a different card!

10-11-09, 13:48
I had Comcel on my unlocked phone. Some information, first the comcel store on Nutibari in Laureles is a great place to grab your sim card. Reasoning it was all one stop shopping there, I grabbed the sim, and put some peso's on the sim right there, but the biggest reason for hitting that location was that my phone wasn't truely unlocked. It was unlocked only for T-mobile cards here in the states. Right underneath the Comcel store there is a second Comcel store thats not up the stairs. At this location they can unlock phones for a small fee, this is priceless, they also here add spanish to phones that languages are just english and some sort of Asian language which some phones only have. I take all my old phones to them now and unlock them. I know you can call your carrier here in the states for the unlock code, but last time it didn't work, so that comcel location was priceless.


10-11-09, 16:13
Geraldine aka Demi Moore is under 18 years of age, 17 something but go for it guy's!

Aussie GregAre you sure? She had your meticulous partner look it over before he allowed her to stay with me. I wouldn't' think it would have fooled him. Must have been a helluva copy. I even took pictures of it to be safe. It says she is 20.

10-11-09, 21:33
I can tell you for a fact that within the better class of Paisas, Mango's is not a place to go anymore. As of the last couple of years. It has a reputation as a place that has a lot of prepagos and mafiosos.

The higher classes of people have other areas they go to.This kind of makes no sense. Is there a place mafiosos WILL NOT go to? Only places I can think of is, the low end casas in Centro. They probably prefer the Loutrons. If a place is nice. Whether it be a restaurant or discotec, I'm sure Mafiosos go too!

10-11-09, 22:18
Hi guys,

A few pics. of Party at My Place Parts l, ll, lll & lV with Charma, Geraldin, Nataly and others. Guys left out to preserve their Privacy ! Parts lll & lV comming later !

Frank casio!NICE, old gringo gigalo party.. lol jajaja

10-12-09, 00:50
This kind of makes no sense. Is there a place mafiosos WILL NOT go to? Only places I can think of is, the low end casas in Centro. They probably prefer the Loutrons. If a place is nice. Whether it be a restaurant or discotec, I'm sure Mafiosos go too!I don't understand why some guys are so concerned where Mafiosos hang. If guys mind their business, use basic street sense, and don't bring attention to themselves, then they should not have a problem.

10-12-09, 03:46
Are you sure? She had your meticulous partner look it over before he allowed her to stay with me. I wouldn't' think it would have fooled him. Must have been a helluva copy. I even took pictures of it to be safe. It says she is 20.I wonder myself. On a previous trip, some gringo wanted to take her back to the Mansion. She claimed she didn't have a cedula. Or maybe she didn't have one that would past muster.

Frank Casio
10-12-09, 18:24
Hi guys,

I've known Geraldyn for over a year and she certainly didn't look 15 years old then. In La Mayorista the very few 16 year olds that come there, run away when they see the police, and I never saw Geraldyn run away from anything. Plus those 2 or 3 young ones tend to hang out together. The police does check ID's in La Mayorista.

Geraldyn was suppose to bring me her ID the last time she was over My Place, but I forgot to ask. She's closer to 20 than anything. I thought she was 19, but if her ID said she was 20, then she probably just turned 20.

Is not easy to get your permanent ID in Colombia when you turn 18, they give you a temporary one way before you get the permanent one. I know guys that are 21 and still havn't gone around to go through the hassle of getting the permanent one, specially if they were from another part of the country originally.

If guys are so meticulous about the temporary ID, you're going to miss out on a lot of "hot", just turn 18 pussy! That's my take on it!

Are you sure? She had your meticulous partner look it over before he allowed her to stay with me. I wouldn't' think it would have fooled him. Must have been a helluva copy. I even took pictures of it to be safe. It says she is 20.

10-13-09, 04:17
Geraldine aka Demi Moore is under 18 years of age, 17 something but go for it guy's!

Aussie GregI guess we have a few guys here that could potentially be in violation of federal US laws concerning sex with minors while abroad.

Mr Tango
10-13-09, 05:39

The point of asking about blackmarket sims not being rechargable is that I don't want a new number (and new sim) mid trip.


The club scene site I found has added albums with the following titles over the past month: Spazio, Mango, Babylon, Oz, La Kasa, Mantra, Chiquita, Forum. Not sure they're all clubs, just some girls, or special events. If these aren't the top clubs, they've got to be popular after all the site is covering them.

10-13-09, 06:36
Interesting article on cnn about the drug trade in Medellin,


Mr Tango
10-13-09, 14:30
Looks like Hong Kong has their version of a Prepago, called compensated dating.


Aussie Greg
10-13-09, 15:20

I have been told by her sister that she's 17, anyway its not important.

Aussie G.

Hi guys,

I've known Geraldyn for over a year and she certainly didn't look 15 years old then. In La Mayorista the very few 16 year olds that come there, run away when they see the police, and I never saw Geraldyn run away from anything. Plus those 2 or 3 young ones tend to hang out together. The police does check ID's in La Mayorista.

Geraldyn was suppose to bring me her ID the last time she was over My Place, but I forgot to ask. She's closer to 20 than anything. I thought she was 19, but if her ID said she was 20, then she probably just turned 20.

Is not easy to get your permanent ID in Colombia when you turn 18, they give you a temporary one way before you get the permanent one. I know guys that are 21 and still havn't gone around to go through the hassle of getting the permanent one, specially if they were from another part of the country originally.

If guys are so meticulous about the temporary ID, you're going to miss out on a lot of "hot", just turn 18 pussy! That's my take on it!

Frank Casio
10-13-09, 16:34
There was a documentary in the news about Conneticut or one of the Northern States where the consent age was 16 and they were having 16 year old striptease dancers doing tricks because in that state prostitution was allowed as long as it was in doors. Everybody was outrage because technically it was legal and they couldn't do anything about it.

Well in Colombia the consent age is also 16. If the law couldn't do anything back home, I doubt that they are going to go after a few old farts in Colombia. I've only heard of the USA going after gringos, but only in extreme cases of blaten child prostitution-pedafiles. I'm talking about a perv. who from a bicycle threw $ bills to attract 8 yr. old kids.

In addition, the law in Colombia says you have to be caught in the act. That's why they have a hard time prosecuting even real child abuse. I read that in an article in "El Colombiano" about child prostitution some months back. The complaint was that children where driving in Taxis in the middle of the night for alleged child prostitution, but the police couldn't do anything about it because they have to be caught in the act.

Some of the girls tell me they started having sex at 8-10. And a school teacher friend told me that she had young students that were being abused, but couldn't do anything about it. Most prostitutes have had an early childhood experience, specially in the poorer sections, as Colombians like them very young. Sad, but true. The harrassment against the MM is because of it's location in El Poblado and high profile.

There's also a blame it on the "gringos" mentality being fanned, when it is the colombians who have created the hundreds of thousands of hookers. They were here long before any gringos walked these streets, and will be here long after. Americans are just stupid men who fall in love with them and want to marry them after they've been screwed up by the colombians. If Medellin, Costa Rica and Rio de Janeiro were Disney World, you wouldn't have "sex tourism".

Frank Casio!

I guess we have a few guys here that could potentially be in violation of federal US laws concerning sex with minors while abroad.

10-13-09, 18:05
For all you travelers, after 12 days, Lima is better for food, night life, taxis, hotels, sightseeing, surfing, product buys such as DVDS, its really cheap, half the price of Colombia, But Medellin is cheaper and easier for sex. End of story., If I see another short wearing or NorthFace zip off pants on another Eurpoean or American in my travels, you have to blend in folks. I will ***** slap the next one I see on the street and tell the local cops they tried to pick me up.

10-13-09, 20:15
For all you travelers, after 12 days, Lima is better for food, night life, taxis, hotels, sightseeing, surfing, product buys such as DVDS, its really cheap, half the price of Colombia, But Medellin is cheaper and easier for sex. End of story., If I see another short wearing or NorthFace zip off pants on another Eurpoean or American in my travels, you have to blend in folks. I will ***** slap the next one I see on the street and tell the local cops they tried to pick me up.Great, I love a good challang, but I dont like threats. I will be there 1 st week in November. Bet you miss.

Aussie Greg
10-13-09, 20:33

Can you please explain to me the harassment at MM you are talking about in your article, also I'm under the impression that the legal age of consent is 14 here in Colombia as told to me by our DUG lawyers, for Colombians that is.

Aussie G.

There was a documentary in the news about Conneticut or one of the Northern States where the consent age was 16 and they were having 16 year old striptease dancers doing tricks because in that state prostitution was allowed as long as it was in doors. Everybody was outrage because technically it was legal and they couldn't do anything about it.

Well in Colombia the consent age is also 16. If the law couldn't do anything back home, I doubt that they are going to go after a few old farts in Colombia. I've only heard of the USA going after gringos, but only in extreme cases of blaten child prostitution-pedafiles. I'm talking about a perv. who from a bicycle threw $ bills to attract 8 yr. old kids.

In addition, the law in Colombia says you have to be caught in the act. That's why they have a hard time prosecuting even real child abuse. I read that in an article in "El Colombiano" about child prostitution some months back. The complaint was that children where driving in Taxis in the middle of the night for alleged child prostitution, but the police couldn't do anything about it because they have to be caught in the act.

Some of the girls tell me they started having sex at 8-10. And a school teacher friend told me that she had young students that were being abused, but couldn't do anything about it. Most prostitutes have had an early childhood experience, specially in the poorer sections, as Colombians like them very young. Sad, but true. The harrassment against the MM is because of it's location in El Poblado and high profile.

There's also a blame it on the "gringos" mentality being fanned, when it is the colombians who have created the hundreds of thousands of hookers. They were here long before any gringos walked these streets, and will be here long after. Americans are just stupid men who fall in love with them and want to marry them after they've been screwed up by the colombians. If Medellin, Costa Rica and Rio de Janeiro were Disney World, you wouldn't have "sex tourism".

Frank Casio!

10-13-09, 21:23
Maybe one will miss out on the just turned legal, but IMHO, the risk just ain't worth the reward.

Lima Busy
10-13-09, 22:44
But Medellin is cheaper and easier for sex. End of story.,
IYHO! It may be cheaper than $7 in Mayorista, but I certainly doubt it is harder to open your wallet in Peru!

10-13-09, 23:40

The point of asking about blackmarket sims not being rechargable is that I don't want a new number (and new sim) mid trip.


The club scene site I found has added albums with the following titles over the past month: Spazio, Mango, Babylon, Oz, La Kasa, Mantra, Chiquita, Forum. Not sure they're all clubs, just some girls, or special events. If these aren't the top clubs, they've got to be popular after all the site is covering them.What club site would that be?


10-14-09, 00:55
For all you travelers, after 12 days, Lima is better for food, night life, taxis, hotels, sightseeing, surfing, product buys such as DVDS, its really cheap, half the price of Colombia, But Medellin is cheaper and easier for sex. End of story., If I see another short wearing or NorthFace zip off pants on another Eurpoean or American in my travels, you have to blend in folks. I will ***** slap the next one I see on the street and tell the local cops they tried to pick me up. Damn, Chip. No need to ***** slap anybody. You can't change guys. Let them walk their own path. You live, make mistakes, and learn from them. You know I did.

10-14-09, 02:25
i guess we have a few guys here that could potentially be in violation of federal us laws concerning sex with minors while abroad.i don't think it matters what the us law is. it matters the law of the country you are in. fyi, i just found a document on the net that says age of consent is 14 in colombia.

also, i don't want to cause a political uproar, but it's american arrogance (fyi i'm from the us) that causes other countries to hate the us. who says 18 is the age of consent? just because the us does everyone should adopt the same law? it varies in different countries. the statuatory [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) laws in the us are retarded. if a girl pretends to be 21 but is in fact 17 you go to jail for statuatory [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) even if it's consensual? i'm all for protecting minors and guys that go after minors should be burned at the stake, but situations like this where the girl pretends to be older should be considered differently.

to me geraldyn looks older than 18. i've only seen her pics and maybe on passing in mayorista. it shouldn't matter her real age, but laws are laws i guess. if you go for her because she hot and looks older... great but if you go for her knowing that she's a minor, that's just sick and you should be burned at the stake.

anyways, enough of my rants. let's get back to some more reports!

10-14-09, 02:33
... If I see another short wearing or NorthFace zip off pants on another Eurpoean or American in my travels, you have to blend in folks. I will ***** slap the next one I see on the street and tell the local cops they tried to pick me up.

Jeez, 'lighten up Francis' ... If these guys wanna be dorks, let 'em be. You do your thing, they'll do theirs, no reason to get all huffy puffy :)

Legal Tender
10-14-09, 06:20
i don't think it matters what the us law is. it matters the law of the country you are in. fyi, i just found a document on the net that says age of consent is 14 in colombia.

also, i don't want to cause a political uproar, but it's american arrogance (fyi i'm from the us) that causes other countries to hate the us. who says 18 is the age of consent? just because the us does everyone should adopt the same law? it varies in different countries. the statuatory [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) laws in the us are retarded. if a girl pretends to be 21 but is in fact 17 you go to jail for statuatory [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) even if it's consensual? i'm all for protecting minors and guys that go after minors should be burned at the stake, but situations like this where the girl pretends to be older should be considered differently.

to me geraldyn looks older than 18. i've only seen her pics and maybe on passing in mayorista. it shouldn't matter her real age, but laws are laws i guess. if you go for her because she hot and looks older... great but if you go for her knowing that she's a minor, that's just sick and you should be burned at the stake.

anyways, enough of my rants. let's get back to some more reports!§ 2423. transportation of minors

(a) transportation with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity.— a person who knowingly transports an individual who has not attained the age of 18 years in interstate or foreign commerce, or in any commonwealth, territory or possession of the united states, with intent that the individual engage in prostitution, or in any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense, shall be fined under this title and imprisoned not less than 10 years or for life.

(b) travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct.— a person who travels in interstate commerce or travels into the united states, or a united states citizen or an alien admitted for permanent residence in the united states who travels in foreign commerce, for the purpose of engaging in any illicit sexual conduct with another person shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.
(c) engaging in illicit sexual conduct in foreign places.— any united states citizen or alien admitted for permanent residence who travels in foreign commerce, and engages in any illicit sexual conduct with another person shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.
(d) ancillary offenses.— whoever, for the purpose of commercial advantage or private financial gain, arranges, induces, procures, or facilitates the travel of a person knowing that such a person is traveling in interstate commerce or foreign commerce for the purpose of engaging in illicit sexual conduct shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.
(e) attempt and conspiracy.— whoever attempts or conspires to violate subsection (a), (b), (c), or (d) shall be punishable in the same manner as a completed violation of that subsection.
(f) definition.— as used in this section, the term “illicit sexual conduct” means
(1) a sexual act (as defined in section 2246) with a person under 18 years of age that would be in violation of chapter 109a if the sexual act occurred in the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the united states; or
(2) any commercial sex act (as defined in section 1591) with a person under 18 years of age.
(g) defense.— in a prosecution under this section based on illicit sexual conduct as defined in subsection (f)(2), it is a defense, which the defendant must establish by a preponderance of the evidence, that the defendant reasonably believed that the person with whom the defendant engaged in the commercial sex act had attained the age of 18 years.

10-14-09, 07:19
the legal age of consent in most countries including colombia is 16 y/o. united states is one of the few countries that is 18. including having a drinking age of 21. most countries drinking age is 18.

i guess all the other countries in the world including all of europe, south america, asia are ****s?

i agree with you. **** should be banned from the board and reported to the law enforcement.

what these sickos don't know is the law enforcements actually have task forces who monitored the internet. that is how the guy from canada got caught in thailand. i hope aussie greg got tagged by the task forces or under the watch already.

Aussie Greg
10-14-09, 15:32
I wear shorts and I've lived here for around 7 years, I guess I'm a dork !!! and a few other things as well.

Aussie G

See you soon RICKER, bringing your sidekick?

Little Anna is back in town from the Republica Dominicana

Jeez, 'lighten up Francis' ... If these guys wanna be dorks, let 'em be. You do your thing, they'll do theirs, no reason to get all huffy puffy :)

10-14-09, 17:44
hioctane, i may be incorrect on this, but i am certain that some states have passed laws governing out of country activities, especially relating to sex with ****rs. of course, how they can enforce those laws i don't know, but i am sure i have read about such discussions in the past.

if anyone knows more, please chime in

10-14-09, 19:02
I don't think it matters what the US law is. It matters the law of the country you are in. FYI, I just found a document on the net that says age of consent is 14 in Colombia.Iirc there are three ages: one for sex with a partner of the same age (+/- some number of years); another for sex with anyone; and another for commercial sex work.

Anyone contemplating sex with a 14 yo should know that the locals in Colombia do not tolerate child sex abuse. And given their perfectly reasonable lack of faith in the police they tend to take matters into their own hands. Which typically means beating you to death.

All perfectly reasonable in my opinion.

Frank Casio
10-14-09, 19:13
Hi Greg,

Just from past reports on ISG regarding media coverage, police at MM, neighbors complainning, BBQ stopped, strict ID policies, etc. There is even a thread on another popular webpage (CR), "MM, is the place being slowly squashed? ". The report has had 65 comments and 2792 views. That's why I thought the MM was being harrassed. It must all be speculation then. I had also heard 14 as the consent age as well as 16, but I'd rather err on the high end then on the low end.

Frank Casio!


Can you please explain to me the harassment at MM you are talking about in your article, also I'm under the impression that the legal age of consent is 14 here in Colombia as told to me by our DUG lawyers, for Colombians that is.

Aussie G.

10-14-09, 20:38
Greetings everyone,

The Age of Consent is irrelevant.

What you need to know is the Age of Majority, which among other things is the age in which they can vote, get married, enlist in the military, and participate in commercial sex activities.

Please exercise caution.



10-15-09, 02:31
Even though age of consent in Colombia is 14, that is technically "suppose" to be between the young lady and her 15-16 year old novio. I know that part is laughable amongst Colombians. As an American citizen you cannot travel to Colombia or anywhere in the world for that matter with the intent on having any sort of relations with a girl under the age of 18 regardless whether it was intentional or accident. She lied to you, had a fake cedula, her sisters cedula, I thought she looked older etc etc whatever are not culpable excuses. As a consumer of the service or "john" it is your utmost responsibility to find out 100%.

10-15-09, 02:56
If I see another short wearing or NorthFace zip off pants on another Eurpoean or American in my travels, you have to blend in folks. I will ***** slap the next one I see on the street and tell the local cops they tried to pick me up.

What attire one chooses to wear while in country is really quite irrelevent. If one thinks that dressing like the locals in order to "blend in" or be less conspicuous makes them less conspicuous, they are deluded.

The average Colombian can spot a foreigner a mile away, based solely upon observing the persons physical characteristics, and mannerisms. Unless you look Colombian and speak Colombian spanish fluently, you don't blend in....period.

Recently, Colombia has been touting itself as an up-and-coming tourist destination. Colombian's need to change their mindsets and learn to accept that people who choose to visit their country from abroad don't look the same, dress the same, act the same, speak the same language, nor share the same cultural or social norms.

If you traveled to Scotland would you walk around town donning a kilt and blowing on the bagpipes so you can "blend in?"


10-15-09, 03:10
Any of you guys who live care to share any information on this story?


Looks like things are really heating up in Medellin. I visited last year and had a great time, but this story give me reason to question another trip.



10-15-09, 03:57
... See you soon RICKER, bringing your sidekick?

Little Anna is back in town from the Republica DominicanaHeya Aussie, see ya in a week, I'm bringing my bro this time.

Off to Brasil for a few days first, tomorrow.

I didn't know little Anna was in the DR. Working there or what?

I know you're glad she's back :)

10-15-09, 05:22
i really cannot tell you the true age of concent in colombia but most of the locals i have met from niquia to 12 to medellin are not really interested in age but in ganas. if the woman or in many cases the girl is will id is not usually asked for.

i met a girl from 12 de octubre who is 22 (21 when met) and she showed me nudies that her sons father had taken of her when she was 14; this is what you need to consider; she offered me the photos to think of her while apart and i refused them. you go through us customs with photos that are under the age of concent in the us could get you detain and/or in legal proceedings.

please consider this most important, though us customs might not be able to prove your perversion you can be detained and even brought up on charges. both tsa and customs are targeting persons traveling to "area" considered for the sex trade of ****. i do not know if colombia is on that list but you can be labeled as a sex offender just for having one **** photo. just not worth it.

and yes, some airports in the us have access to devices that can get into even encripted computers and cel phones.

age of concent is 18 in the us (17 if emancipated) please consider that when return to the us.

iirc there are three ages: one for sex with a partner of the same age (+/- some number of years); another for sex with anyone; and another for commercial sex work.

anyone contemplating sex with a 14 yo should know that the locals in colombia do not tolerate child sex abuse. and given their perfectly reasonable lack of faith in the police they tend to take matters into their own hands. which typically means beating you to death.

all perfectly reasonable in my opinion.

10-15-09, 05:36
But please heed my recommedation, if this is your thing leave the photos that might look too young in Colombia. Once stopped might get you stopped for a long time!

10-15-09, 09:30
Any of you guys who live care to share any information on this story?

http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/americas/10/14/colombia.hitmen/index.htmlWow, that's 2 negative stories on Medellin in as many days on the cnn web site. Ever since this financial crisis and the extradition of the local drug lords to the states, there's no more stories about how Medellin has changed for the better. I wonder if the videos are being broadcast on the cable channel or are just web only. Scaring mongers and other tourists away might actually be seen as a good thing for some of the more experienced (or cynical? ) members here!

Unless you're involved with some really shady people, or like hanging out in these poorer neighborhoods up the hills, I wouldn't worry too much about it. There's not much to see or do up there anyway, unless you enjoy poverty.

Also, many of these hit men and gang members spend most of their time hiding or hanging out in their "turf"; they would rarely venture out to the kinds of P4P venues or normal nightspots you'd be interested in because it's actually MORE dangerous for them to be out and about than for you. Remember, they're all targets in the gang war.

I wouldn't worry too much about getting gunned down by a professional sicario unless I had pissed off a Colombiano who happens to be a crime boss. I'd be more worried about getting robbed by a semi-pro criminal or run-of-the-mill delinquent; lately, it does seem they are targeting tourists/foreigners a bit more than in the past. Follow all the usual precautions that have been listed here a hundred times already and you'll increase the odds of having a safe trip.

Aussie Greg
10-15-09, 15:07
Yes, she back in next week, got alot of work booked up already !!

Please RICKER, no late night telephone calls this time, thanks mate, good to see you and Greg again.


Heya Aussie, see ya in a week, I'm bringing my bro this time.

Off to Brasil for a few days first, tomorrow.

I didn't know little Anna was in the DR. Working there or what?

I know you're glad she's back :)

10-15-09, 16:11
From my observations, this is all true and to add this is not just for "services" but a true relationship as well.

What is the need, you can have young at 18 or "To Catch a Predator Young" at 25 looking as 13; both are legal.

If one wants a youngster, is it for virginity? Do you really need to take the virginity of a child? If it is to have you; 18 is still young and thrilling enough. Last trip I was offered a double by the girl I mentioned yesterday. The second was a 14 year old (and years from her virginity); I admit I proverbially raised an eyebrow but as an American, and yes this is a social norms thing, I could not partake; took the 22 year old alone. She is young enough; great protruding (not sticking out to the sides) ass (Vida style though not as great but better because I got this not Guera).

Do we really need to deflower a youngster? Sad thing but many Colombian girls will not see their virginity past 13 why do we need to follow the local practice? I have been going to Colombia since 2005; first as a Husband but then for the thrill of the find. I truly get sad seeing all these children pregnant and the unwanted and runaways who find the streets and paste more appealing than a home and an education.

Just passing my principles and I am sorry for this (daughter 8 years of age I am old fashion enough to want to see her virginity last until after her teens).

I think we all know the legal age by now it is 14 by law for consenting regardless how much older the second party is (does not have to be two of 14 years, yes can be a 14 with a 50 years), use your own judgment and morals.

Even though age of consent in Colombia is 14, that is technically "suppose" to be between the young lady and her 15-16 year old novio. I know that part is laughable amongst Colombians. As an American citizen you cannot travel to Colombia or anywhere in the world for that matter with the intent on having any sort of relations with a girl under the age of 18 regardless whether it was intentional or accident. She lied to you, had a fake cedula, her sisters cedula, I thought she looked older etc etc whatever are not culpable excuses. As a consumer of the service or "john" it is your utmost responsibility to find out 100%.

10-15-09, 20:00
Yes, she back in next week, got alot of work booked up already !!

Please RICKER, no late night telephone calls this time, thanks mate, good to see you and Greg again.

A.G.Ok amigo, no calls to Anna, gotcha.

Problem is, when she finds out that I'm in town, she calls me to talk.

I'm like her Dr Phil, she likes to tell me her problems.

I think I'm the only gringo she's met that hasn't paid her for sex :)

Hasta pronto

10-15-09, 20:04
... What is the need, you can have young at 18 or "To Catch a Predator Young" at 25 looking as 13; both are legal.I think we all get the point already.

Think it's time for a seperate thread on this moral and legal issue.

Seems to come up every six months or so.

10-16-09, 01:40
I think we all get the point already.

Think it's time for a seperate thread on this moral and legal issue.

Seems to come up every six months or so.Yea, there's more fun in legal-land than one can possibly get to.

Why bother with anything else.

10-16-09, 02:37
I think we all get the point already.

Think it's time for a seperate thread on this moral and legal issue.

Seems to come up every six months or so.I second the motion.

Please Jackson, put this repetitive banter in its own thread.

Daves Pison
10-16-09, 03:39
are we having a problem with **** females or what? isn't enought ladies out there tha we have to be engaging with minors? not me i'll pass on it.

i think we all get the point already.

think it's time for a seperate thread on this moral and legal issue.

seems to come up every six months or so.

Legal Tender
10-16-09, 04:39
i think we all get the point already.

think it's time for a seperate thread on this moral and legal issue.

seems to come up every six months or so.maybe separate threads are a good idea. i suggest that if that is done the "moral" be serperated from the "legal". the two concepts certainly are different in consequence. and, any discussion of the attitudes of the citizens of medellin toward sex tourist (which is subject to frequent discussion) is certainly informed by this kind of discussion. within my limited knowledge, sex with children is not favored in any society. for citizens and lawful permanent residents of the usa a. if you go to a foreign country and have sex with a person under 18 years of age, you have committed a felony, subject to a limited affirmative defense of "i didn't know she was ****." put another way, one can be called a felon, for short. no one should be self destructive.

only good energy

Mr Tango
10-16-09, 04:46
What club site would that be?

ThanksDon't believe I'm allowed to post another site's name, am I?

Check your box for a PM with the site name.

10-16-09, 07:43

i rarely agree with you, but on this one we're completely in sync. p4p and **** sex, whether you're aware or not is an absolute no-no in colombia!

at girlfriend 4 a week, we have photographs of the cedulas of all our girls on file. the ladies are also required to bring their id's to their appointments with clients.

girlfriend 4 a week

even though age of consent in colombia is 14, that is technically "suppose" to be between the young lady and her 15-16 year old novio. i know that part is laughable amongst colombians. as an american citizen you cannot travel to colombia or anywhere in the world for that matter with the intent on having any sort of relations with a girl under the age of 18 regardless whether it was intentional or accident. she lied to you, had a fake cedula, her sisters cedula, i thought she looked older etc etc whatever are not culpable excuses. as a consumer of the service or "john" it is your utmost responsibility to find out 100%.

Dirty Willy
10-16-09, 19:02
Girls need to be at least 8 and young! You might want to clarify that.

Member #4176
10-16-09, 20:42
I have seen photos of Geraldine and wanted to know how I can hook up with her. Does anyone have her phone number or where she works?

Also, I have been to Cartagena but, this will be my first time in Medellin. Does anyone have any suggestions on apartments to rent or What part or Medellin I should stay. Any suggestion on where I should stay, what I should do, etc is appreciate.

Frank Casio
10-16-09, 20:49
Hi Idwib,

On the cheap end it would cost you around $500US for the girls and the drinks. But is a logistic nightmare to try to coordinate 8 irresponsible hookers, which most of them are, to do anything. At my last party I managed to get 7, and 5 showed up unexpectedly and 3 that I had invited never showed up. The advantage at My Place in La Mayorista is that all you have to do is go down the stairs to the strip and bring them up.

I also coordinated an orgy once with girls from Lindas Chicas, but they are expensive. Originally they wanted 150kcop each from each guy, I told them they were crazy, so they settled for 200kcop each, and all got nailed by all 4 of us. Their pussys were hurting after that. The lady from Lindas Chicas also made us pay 75kcop for each just to take them out.

Frank Casio!

Need quotes on number of different things.

- 3some.


- Sex Party in a rented suite or room. (want around 6 7 chicas)

Girls need to be at least 8 and young!

Quotes at other cities (Cali etc.) would be appreciated too!


10-16-09, 23:35
Feck me Idwib.

They need to be at least 8. AND. You want 67 of them.

Good luck with that one.

10-17-09, 00:08
i think this thread has gone into a tagent about **** sex in colombia. i think we all agree it's dispicable. this all started because someone commented that geraldyn aka "demi moore". seemingly a popular one around here is/was a minor. then people defend themselves with law. let's be real, i'm sure a lot of us at one time or another unknowingly had sex with a minor whether in colombia or another country. i doubt any of us card them, but even if we did we wouldn't know if it was real or fake or someone else's id. then comes talk about really really young ones.come on, this is not the same situation. anyways. use your best judgment and be safe!

Que Rico
10-17-09, 01:09
my two cents. there are people who lurk these boards looking for reason to label this a **** board. a mere mention of this could shoot to some over zelous news person (which it has on other boards) and cause a heap of trouble. the fact is if you are an american abroad your are required (by law) to abide to american laws which include age of consent. 18 in most states i would think anything less would be trouble.

this whole conversation is making me uneasy please stop.

Vicar Pab
10-17-09, 02:55

I will be down to Medellin on a business, Want to enjoy - the paisas, Do you guys know how are the strip club etiquettes in medellin, Is it touch and go like in US - Bouncers around or it is much more liberal. What extent one can go.


10-17-09, 03:02
Need quotes on number of different things.

- 3some.


- Sex Party in a rented suite or room. (want around 6 7 chicas)

Girls need to be at least 8 and young!

Quotes at other cities (Cali etc.) would be appreciated too!

Thanks! Idwib,

Lots of questions hermano!

There are various venues in which to search out your chicas;

Casas, strip clubs, street girls and escorts.

If you have some Spanish and don't resemble Quasimodo's twin brother

I would think the TLN and threesome should be easy!

The casas have a set rate for 2 chicas and a small propina in these hard economic times should get you some value added services.

Regarding TLN it can be as little as dinner & drinks but to be honest I have plenty extremly cute and sexy chicas who do tlns for as little as 100-150K.

I'm sure regarding your sex party with several young chicas that you meant 8 as in rating score and not age, at least I hope!

Buena Suerte

Jay Dayz
10-17-09, 05:14

I will be down to Medellin on a business, Want to enjoy - the paisas, Do you guys know how are the strip club etiquettes in medellin, Is it touch and go like in US - Bouncers around or it is much more liberal. What extent one can go.

ThanksFase II has an on-site motel for any of your extracurricular needs. Just check out the Medellin list for what is available. I would say that it is infinitely better than US strip clubs. The girls are hotter and the extras are easier to come by.

Lima Busy
10-17-09, 06:15
Wow, that's 2 negative stories on Medellin in as many days on the cnn web site. Ever since this financial crisis and the extradition of the local drug lords to the states, there's no more stories about how Medellin has changed for the better. I wonder if the videos are being broadcast on the cable channel or are just web only. CNN international is running them fairly regularly (Hong Kong version) and there is a new one coming out tomorrow or Sunday in their "Untold Stories" segment.

I forget what channel showed the segment about the "girlfriend" of the head Narco that got killed, but they are promoting a new series coming out about "MDE's Mafioso girlfriends".

10-17-09, 06:20
LOL LOL you can do more than just touching buddy. You can go bang bang!


I will be down to Medellin on a business, Want to enjoy - the paisas, Do you guys know how are the strip club etiquettes in medellin, Is it touch and go like in US - Bouncers around or it is much more liberal. What extent one can go.


10-17-09, 12:57
feck me idwib.

they need to be at least 8. and. you want 67 of them.

good luck with that one.of course 8 was rating not the age lol

10-17-09, 13:08
Hi Idwib,

On the cheap end it would cost you around $500US for the girls and the drinks. But is a logistic nightmare to try to coordinate 8 irresponsible hookers, which most of them are, to do anything. At my last party I managed to get 7, and 5 showed up unexpectedly and 3 that I had invited never showed up. The advantage at My Place in La Mayorista is that all you have to do is go down the stairs to the strip and bring them up.

I also coordinated an orgy once with girls from Lindas Chicas, but they are expensive. Originally they wanted 150kcop each from each guy, I told them they were crazy, so they settled for 200kcop each, and all got nailed by all 4 of us. Their pussys were hurting after that. The lady from Lindas Chicas also made us pay 75kcop for each just to take them out.

Frank Casio!Hey Frank,

I've been reading posts in this forum for a while.

And It seems like you are the one who I should ask about Colombia.

I am organizing a trip with couple of my buddies here.

And this trip is gonna be heavily focused on Chicas.

We are not interested in the site seeing at all.

Planning to be there sometime in NOV (likely to be beginning of the month)

Problem is none of us speak any spanish.

So we figured we would need a guide.

Of course we will pay.

Can you either be our guide? Or hook one up for us?

Thx. Waiting for your attention.

10-17-09, 13:12

Regarding TLN it can be as little as dinner & drinks but to be honest I have plenty extremly cute and sexy chicas who do tlns for as little as 100-150K.I would like to see what kinda chicas i could get for that price range.

that is surely much cheaper than buenos aires.. isnt it?

how is the quality of chicas & service in colombia comapred to BA?

10-17-09, 15:12
Depends on the Club here in Mde, I have seen Blow jobs in the chair, and have personally three fingered more than one while we chatted, no there nothing like thE USA, and also depends on the girls comfort zone, most don't wear panties so you can play if you buy them a drink and they can get a chance to sell you on short time in the sack, just be advised the best place to get set up for trouble is the Strip clubs, better keep it low profile if you don't look Colombian, my 2 cents anyways.

10-17-09, 15:19
I have seen photos of Geraldine and wanted to know how I can hook up with her. Does anyone have her phone number or where she works?

Also, I have been to Cartagena but, this will be my first time in Medellin. Does anyone have any suggestions on apartments to rent or What part or Medellin I should stay. Any suggestion on where I should stay, what I should do, etc is appreciate.Try RTFF and then asking specific questions that you need answered,you will be received here better if you do that.

10-17-09, 16:07

I will be down to Medellin on a business, Want to enjoy - the paisas, Do you guys know how are the strip club etiquettes in medellin, Is it touch and go like in US - Bouncers around or it is much more liberal. What extent one can go.

ThanksBased on your exchange with the ladies the culbs are very very liberal I have had dry humping, unit being pull out of pants to nearly insertion.

Keep the drinks and a good converstaion following, that is it.

John Gault
10-17-09, 16:42

I will be down to Medellin on a business, Want to enjoy - the paisas, Do you guys know how are the strip club etiquettes in medellin, Is it touch and go like in US - Bouncers around or it is much more liberal. What extent one can go.

ThanksIf you are referring to a lap dance. not only you can do pretty much what you want,the girl will even encourage you to take libertys that in the US would find you out the door. The main point is in MDE the goal is to get you to take them for a session after the dance. Please do not give them more than 20k for a dance.

10-17-09, 17:12

I will be down to Medellin on a business, Want to enjoy - the paisas, Do you guys know how are the strip club etiquettes in medellin, Is it touch and go like in US - Bouncers around or it is much more liberal. What extent one can go.

ThanksPretty sure it's touch and bye bye club.

Hello, Hotel, motel, Holiday Inn!

10-17-09, 20:02
my two cents. there are people who lurk these boards looking for reason to label this a **** board. a mere mention of this could shoot to some over zelous news person (which it has on other boards) and cause a heap of trouble. the fact is if you are an american abroad your are required (by law) to abide to american laws which include age of consent. 18 in most states i would think anything less would be trouble.

this whole conversation is making me uneasy please stop.agreed 100%. i am not going to get into it, but there are us laws that can implicate you in having sex with **** (under 18year old) women;consult an attorney with relevent experience if you do not belive me. regardless, the general rule of mongering to keep our hobby safe is to stay with women over 18. this also insures that you choose women who are responsble enough with their own emotions and life chooses so you are not doing undue harm. i really see little reason why anyone would choose a women under 18 (i personally would not, and avoid those who i suspect might, even those seem to be a very small percentage), for legal reasons, and to insure that we are with participants who can make good, informed, adult chooses. if those are not complelling reasons, they protecting the hobby for all of us should be. no moral judgment here, just looking at the practical realities of our being able to enjoy what we do safely and without undue public attenion.

this discussion in a public forum also makes me very edgy- this is a forum for adult mongers who want to be with adult women.

10-17-09, 22:40
Depends on the Club here in Mde, I have seen Blow jobs in the chair, and have personally three fingered more than one while we chatted, no there nothing like thE USA, and also depends on the girls comfort zone, most don't wear panties so you can play if you buy them a drink and they can get a chance to sell you on short time in the sack, just be advised the best place to get set up for trouble is the Strip clubs, better keep it low profile if you don't look Colombian, my 2 cents anyways.I don't know what strip club you've been to in MDE. I don't want people to have the impression that it's an all out orgy in the strip club. It's NOT! I personally have never seen a BJ or a girl pull out anyone's cock in any strip club. Yes, touching is more liberal. Give her a drink. Let her sit on your lap and feel her up a bit.

All strip clubs in MDE are FS! I mean sure you can ask them for a lapdance in the back if you want, but why? You can get a free lapdance at the table while she tries to convince you to take her to the back.

10-17-09, 22:58
this is a sex forum. the men that are interested in having sex with **** girls will not change, so please lets get back to names and good addresses for sex.


10-18-09, 00:39
I would like to see what kinda chicas I could get for that price range.

That is surely much cheaper than buenos aires. Isn't it?

How is the quality of chicas & service in Colombia comapred to BA? I just spent 9 days in Buenos Aires. First time there and although I debated going back to Colombia, I always like seeing new places.

For chicas I'd chose Medellin although Argentina isn't bad. Seemed like prices were about 25 to 50 % higher than Medellin. Also beware as certain BA clubs have a reputation as high priced, semi rip-off joints. I had a girl in Madahos ask for US$300 for an hour. LOL

I had 2 Argentines, 1 Cuban, 2 Dominicans, 1 from Paraguay and 1 from Uruguay where it seems Colombia has mostly home grown talent. Just my 2 cents but I think the Medellin paisas are much hotter than the native Argentinean girls.

Other items: It's pretty safe to walk around at 2AM solo. Many hotels are not chica freindly. Also BA did have some nice golf course which Colombia seems lacking in.


Always Randy
10-18-09, 01:14
Last Saturday night, my buddy and I spend our final night in Medellin at La Mayorista. After not seeing anything we liked, we ended up talking to a super friendly, cute Diana., 20 years old. Shared a beer at one of the discoteca bars at the end of the street. They were rushing around like mad men to take in all the tables. It was around 2:30 am We asked Diana, and she just had one word to say. "Policier".

We say goodbye to Diana and slipped her some Pesos even though we didn't do the act with her. She was good company to chat with and we took up about two hours of her time she could have spent looking for customers.

Hailed a taxi. This was a yellow cab sedan that stopped, not one of the little hatchback ones. For whatever reason the driver kept the interior light on which was bluish white.

We are going back to our hotel in El Poblado. This was around 3 am Early Sunday morning. We have to be at the airport at about 5:30 am

As the taxi went down the road that forks into two, a policeman waves us over. Okay, checkpoint. No big deal right? He asks all of us to get out of the cab. Gives us a pat down search, looks in the cab, my friend was concerned he may have tried to slip something in the front seat, but he did not.

He asked to see our id, we show him our photocopies of our passport with the photo page and the stamp of entry into Colombia. The hotel said that was all we needed to carry.

The Policeman then tells us in Spanish which we didn't understand at first, to pay the cab driver. Was he in it? Not sure because even he looked scared. So my buddy pays him the 4000 pesos fare and the police guy sends him off on his way.

We are now standing in a deserted street. It was brightly lit by street lamps but still no one around. The other cop was sitting by their motorcycle, not looking too interested. The short stumpy one keeps going on there is a problem. Passport not good enough. We asked what is the matter, he pointed to our entry stamp which was only 8 days earlier. We kept saying our passports are at the hotel. We are leaving today.

The other cop came over and asked what was wrong. The first one just said something about gringos and passport. Then they stood there without saying a word to each other like they were pondering. He said they are arranging an English police officer to come over but neither of us saw they made any attempt into their radio. Neither my wingman or I speak Spanish so we were stringing vocabulary together to communicate.

He asked us to empty out our pockets. In doing so, I dropped a condom, and he even bent over to pick it up for me. (any other time I would say LOL) I was nervous he might be pissed off that we were there to monger his women!

So we stood around for about 15 minutes not really sure what to do and without speaking, finally he waved another taxi to stop. Said some things to him and then told us to get in and gave us back our photocopies.

Was this a scam? My friend and I can't figure it out. Were they trying to get us to offer some money? Or is it really a problem to travel without our actual passports!

Got back to our hotel and finished packing and left Colombia a little rattle, but the overwhelming memories of the past week overshadow those 20 minutes. Medellin we will return for sure!

As a footnote: At the airport security, got another unexpected pat down. From the uniforms, looked like a Colombian solders were doing it. She was a young pretty female. Spread my arms expecting the wand but she grabbed my arms and chest! When done, walked through and my buddy ahead of me was just laughing because we would gladly go through that one again! Damn she wasn't thorough and missed my crotch!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

Member #3435
10-18-09, 04:01
Last Saturday night, my buddy and I spend our final night in Medellin at La Mayorista. After not seeing anything we liked, we ended up talking to a super friendly, cute Diana., 20 years old. Shared a beer at one of the discoteca bars at the end of the street. They were rushing around like mad men to take in all the tables. It was around 2:30 am We asked Diana, and she just had one word to say. "Policier".

We say goodbye to Diana and slipped her some Pesos even though we didn't do the act with her. She was good company to chat with and we took up about two hours of her time she could have spent looking for customers.

Hailed a taxi. This was a yellow cab sedan that stopped, not one of the little hatchback ones. For whatever reason the driver kept the interior light on which was bluish white.

We are going back to our hotel in El Poblado. This was around 3 am Early Sunday morning. We have to be at the airport at about 5:30 am

As the taxi went down the road that forks into two, a policeman waves us over. Okay, checkpoint. No big deal right? He asks all of us to get out of the cab. Gives us a pat down search, looks in the cab, my friend was concerned he may have tried to slip something in the front seat, but he did not.

He asked to see our id, we show him our photocopies of our passport with the photo page and the stamp of entry into Colombia. The hotel said that was all we needed to carry.

The Policeman then tells us in Spanish which we didn't understand at first, to pay the cab driver. Was he in it? Not sure because even he looked scared. So my buddy pays him the 4000 pesos fare and the police guy sends him off on his way.

We are now standing in a deserted street. It was brightly lit by street lamps but still no one around. The other cop was sitting by their motorcycle, not looking too interested. The short stumpy one keeps going on there is a problem. Passport not good enough. We asked what is the matter, he pointed to our entry stamp which was only 8 days earlier. We kept saying our passports are at the hotel. We are leaving today.

The other cop came over and asked what was wrong. The first one just said something about gringos and passport. Then they stood there without saying a word to each other like they were pondering. He said they are arranging an English police officer to come over but neither of us saw they made any attempt into their radio. Neither my wingman or I speak Spanish so we were stringing vocabulary together to communicate.

He asked us to empty out our pockets. In doing so, I dropped a condom, and he even bent over to pick it up for me. (any other time I would say LOL) I was nervous he might be pissed off that we were there to monger his women!

So we stood around for about 15 minutes not really sure what to do and without speaking, finally he waved another taxi to stop. Said some things to him and then told us to get in and gave us back our photocopies.

Was this a scam? My friend and I can't figure it out. Were they trying to get us to offer some money? Or is it really a problem to travel without our actual passports!

Got back to our hotel and finished packing and left Colombia a little rattle, but the overwhelming memories of the past week overshadow those 20 minutes. Medellin we will return for sure!

As a footnote: At the airport security, got another unexpected pat down. From the uniforms, looked like a Colombian solders were doing it. She was a young pretty female. Spread my arms expecting the wand but she grabbed my arms and chest! When done, walked through and my buddy ahead of me was just laughing because we would gladly go through that one again! Damn she wasn't thorough and missed my crotch!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.Dude: Sounds like a high risk situation to me.

You speak zilch Spanish and you're on Mayorista at 3:00am and have to be at the airport by 5:30.

You get in a Taxi and run into a check point. They evaluate you and eventually send you on your way without incident. Sounds like they did you a favor. (Who knows. You clearly don't. What was communicated between the taxi driver & these cops.)

It IS illegal to run around without your passport but hoardes of tourist (myself included) only carry a photocopy but we always manage to satisfy any officer's demand for ID when confronted. Normally. In addition to the copy of the passport. With a driver's license picture ID and communication skills. In the end, the Colombian cops did the right thing and sent you on your way.

The security pat downs at the airport are routine and were probably done by police. In Colombia, police wear green military style uniforms.

Maybe you're in over your head. I'd hate for you to run into a real problem.

It's Colombia. HELLO!

I don't know but that's just me.

All the best, Schwmm

BH Bound
10-18-09, 05:07
Remember, cops aren't just dicks in the United States. Maybe they were just being dicks. Maybe they were waiting for you to offer them money. Maybe they are bored and needed a laugh and were making fun of you after you pulled off in a taxi. Who knows. I'd just be grateful you didn't have to bribe them or that you didn't get arrested for nothing.

10-18-09, 07:00
Same thing happened to a buddie and me in Barranquilla. It was late, about 1:00am and we were strolling down the street looking for a place to eat or any possible wandering late night chicas. Out of nowhere appeared 2 motocops on one bike. They pulled up and told us to stop.

One of them started with all the questions .. where you from, where are you going etc.. We told them we are looking for a place to eat. We didn't have our passports or copies on us so he kept going on about problems .. jail etc.. etc.. but not taking any action to actually arrest us. Similar to your story, the other one didn't seem to interested in hassling us. Just sat on the moto looking bored.

After about 15 minutes or so of this I just reached into my pocket and handed the interrogator what I had with no words at all exchanged, about 20,000. He took it quickly put it in his front pocket and kept on with his interrogations as if nothing had happened. Then strangely he said .. "you were looking for a place to eat? .. ok, let's go!" That was very weird, we told them we weren't really that hungry anyway.

Finally after about 10 more minutes they insisted on escorting us back to our Hotel, came inside with us and chatted with the Portero getting glasses of water brought to them and paying us little attention at this point.

My buddy and I standing in the Hotel lobby watching them chit chat back and forth drinking water not knowing what they will do next but we weren't officially excused. Finally, they just left the Hotel and we never saw them again.

I've heard of this from a few others too. I would chalk this up as petty theft. I'm pretty sure your cabbie had nothing to do with it. I think they know they can't really do anything to you but are hoping you will get scared and give them something. That's the impression I got.

Eight years visiting Colombia and this has only happened once.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

Sam I Am
10-18-09, 09:09
For all you travelers, after 12 days, Lima is better for food, night life, taxis, hotels, sightseeing, surfing, product buys such as DVDS, its really cheap, half the price of Colombia, But Medellin is cheaper and easier for sex. End of story., If I see another short wearing or NorthFace zip off pants on another Eurpoean or American in my travels, you have to blend in folks. I will ***** slap the next one I see on the street and tell the local cops they tried to pick me up.Bet you probably never met David33's friends in Lima..

John Gault
10-18-09, 15:03
Last Saturday night, my buddy and I spend our final night in Medellin at La Mayorista. After not seeing anything we liked, we ended up talking to a super friendly, cute Diana., 20 years old. Shared a beer at one of the discoteca bars at the end of the street. They were rushing around like mad men to take in all the tables. It was around 2:30 am We asked Diana, and she just had one word to say. "Policier".

We say goodbye to Diana and slipped her some Pesos even though we didn't do the act with her. She was good company to chat with and we took up about two hours of her time she could have spent looking for customers.

Hailed a taxi. This was a yellow cab sedan that stopped, not one of the little hatchback ones. For whatever reason the driver kept the interior light on which was bluish white.

We are going back to our hotel in El Poblado. This was around 3 am Early Sunday morning. We have to be at the airport at about 5:30 am

As the taxi went down the road that forks into two, a policeman waves us over. Okay, checkpoint. No big deal right? He asks all of us to get out of the cab. Gives us a pat down search, looks in the cab, my friend was concerned he may have tried to slip something in the front seat, but he did not.

He asked to see our id, we show him our photocopies of our passport with the photo page and the stamp of entry into Colombia. The hotel said that was all we needed to carry.

The Policeman then tells us in Spanish which we didn't understand at first, to pay the cab driver. Was he in it? Not sure because even he looked scared. So my buddy pays him the 4000 pesos fare and the police guy sends him off on his way.

We are now standing in a deserted street. It was brightly lit by street lamps but still no one around. The other cop was sitting by their motorcycle, not looking too interested. The short stumpy one keeps going on there is a problem. Passport not good enough. We asked what is the matter, he pointed to our entry stamp which was only 8 days earlier. We kept saying our passports are at the hotel. We are leaving today.

The other cop came over and asked what was wrong. The first one just said something about gringos and passport. Then they stood there without saying a word to each other like they were pondering. He said they are arranging an English police officer to come over but neither of us saw they made any attempt into their radio. Neither my wingman or I speak Spanish so we were stringing vocabulary together to communicate.

He asked us to empty out our pockets. In doing so, I dropped a condom, and he even bent over to pick it up for me. (any other time I would say LOL) I was nervous he might be pissed off that we were there to monger his women!

So we stood around for about 15 minutes not really sure what to do and without speaking, finally he waved another taxi to stop. Said some things to him and then told us to get in and gave us back our photocopies.

Was this a scam? My friend and I can't figure it out. Were they trying to get us to offer some money? Or is it really a problem to travel without our actual passports!

Got back to our hotel and finished packing and left Colombia a little rattle, but the overwhelming memories of the past week overshadow those 20 minutes. Medellin we will return for sure!

As a footnote: At the airport security, got another unexpected pat down. From the uniforms, looked like a Colombian solders were doing it. She was a young pretty female. Spread my arms expecting the wand but she grabbed my arms and chest! When done, walked through and my buddy ahead of me was just laughing because we would gladly go through that one again! Damn she wasn't thorough and missed my crotch!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.I would bet money this was an attempt to get money from you. For once a lack of Spanish was a benefit. During the 15 minutes you guys stood there waiting I think you were supposed to offer to pay a fine on the spot, but lack of comunication helped you guys.

As far as you getting patted down at the airport, that is no big deal in colombia.

10-18-09, 17:06
Was this a scam? My friend and I can't figure it out. Were they trying to get us to offer some money? Or is it really a problem to travel without our actual passports!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.I doubt it. I've been thru several over the years and it seems that you get a different experience depending on who stops you. It's possible that they held you long enough to see that you weren't going to bribe them.

I rarely carry my passport. Sometimes I carry a photo-copy but most of the time I show my Florida Drivers License and tell them that this is my cedula from the US. I've even used that to gain entry into DAS. I doubt that a DL from the US is really good enough but most police are well enough trained to know the difference, in my opinion.

10-19-09, 02:05
Last Saturday night, my buddy and I spend our final night in Medellin at La Mayorista. After not seeing anything we liked, we ended up talking to a super friendly, cute Diana., 20 years old. Shared a beer at one of the discoteca bars at the end of the street. They were rushing around like mad men to take in all the tables. It was around 2:30 am We asked Diana, and she just had one word to say. "Policier".

We say goodbye to Diana and slipped her some Pesos even though we didn't do the act with her. She was good company to chat with and we took up about two hours of her time she could have spent looking for customers.

Hailed a taxi. This was a yellow cab sedan that stopped, not one of the little hatchback ones. For whatever reason the driver kept the interior light on which was bluish white.

We are going back to our hotel in El Poblado. This was around 3 am Early Sunday morning. We have to be at the airport at about 5:30 am

As the taxi went down the road that forks into two, a policeman waves us over. Okay, checkpoint. No big deal right? He asks all of us to get out of the cab. Gives us a pat down search, looks in the cab, my friend was concerned he may have tried to slip something in the front seat, but he did not.

He asked to see our id, we show him our photocopies of our passport with the photo page and the stamp of entry into Colombia. The hotel said that was all we needed to carry.

The Policeman then tells us in Spanish which we didn't understand at first, to pay the cab driver. Was he in it? Not sure because even he looked scared. So my buddy pays him the 4000 pesos fare and the police guy sends him off on his way.

We are now standing in a deserted street. It was brightly lit by street lamps but still no one around. The other cop was sitting by their motorcycle, not looking too interested. The short stumpy one keeps going on there is a problem. Passport not good enough. We asked what is the matter, he pointed to our entry stamp which was only 8 days earlier. We kept saying our passports are at the hotel. We are leaving today.

The other cop came over and asked what was wrong. The first one just said something about gringos and passport. Then they stood there without saying a word to each other like they were pondering. He said they are arranging an English police officer to come over but neither of us saw they made any attempt into their radio. Neither my wingman or I speak Spanish so we were stringing vocabulary together to communicate.

He asked us to empty out our pockets. In doing so, I dropped a condom, and he even bent over to pick it up for me. (any other time I would say LOL) I was nervous he might be pissed off that we were there to monger his women!

So we stood around for about 15 minutes not really sure what to do and without speaking, finally he waved another taxi to stop. Said some things to him and then told us to get in and gave us back our photocopies.

Was this a scam? My friend and I can't figure it out. Were they trying to get us to offer some money? Or is it really a problem to travel without our actual passports!

Got back to our hotel and finished packing and left Colombia a little rattle, but the overwhelming memories of the past week overshadow those 20 minutes. Medellin we will return for sure!

As a footnote: At the airport security, got another unexpected pat down. From the uniforms, looked like a Colombian solders were doing it. She was a young pretty female. Spread my arms expecting the wand but she grabbed my arms and chest! When done, walked through and my buddy ahead of me was just laughing because we would gladly go through that one again! Damn she wasn't thorough and missed my crotch!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.Dude,

The police probably saved you from much worse happening to you if you were wandering around in La Mayorista at 3 a.m.. You should have given them a nice propina.

10-19-09, 13:35
....... I show my Florida Drivers License and tell them that this is my cedula from the US. I've even used that to gain entry into DAS. To enter the DAS domain in Medellin, anything in a creditcard size with a name on it, will do.

10-19-09, 22:11
I still find it quite perplexing that all of these gringos traveling to Colombia without a firm command of the language? Its beyond me. Its situations like this that make me shrug my shoulders. The cops could have easily made things a living nightmare by detaining you until they have confirmation of your identities and made someone go back to your hotels to retrieve your passports in the mean time holding you there. Consider yourselves very lucky.

10-20-09, 05:06
... So we stood around for about 15 minutes not really sure what to do and without speaking, finally he waved another taxi to stop. Said some things to him and then told us to get in and gave us back our photocopies.

Was this a scam? My friend and I can't figure it out. Were they trying to get us to offer some money? Or is it really a problem to travel without our actual passports!

Amigo, these police were most likely making a routine stop and you guys' complete inability to communicate obviously caused lots of confusion between everyone. The police eventually just tired of it and sent you along your way.

Like Miami Heat said; it is incredible how guys with complete lack of spanish language skills will hang out til the wee hours in a sketchy area, and just hope for the best.

10-20-09, 05:14
I am planning a trip over to Colombia.

Thinking Medellin is a good place to monger.

Problem is that none of us has been there and we do not speak the language.

So we figured we would need a guide through our trip.

We are looking for a guide who

- speaks the language of course.

- speaks good english

- knows all the hot spots to monger

- has lots of experiences.

Trip is gonna take a place from NOV 10ish. And gonna last for about a week upon arrival.

If you are interested please email me

[Email address deleted by Admin]

And please leave your messenger (any. I'll install if needed) in the mail as I wish to discuss in real time.


EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

10-20-09, 06:30
You guys are going to Colombia and NONE of you speak any spanish?

Good luck with that. LOL

I am planning a trip over to Colombia.

Thinking Medellin is a good place to monger.

Problem is that none of us has been there and we do not speak the language.

So we figured we would need a guide through our trip.

We are looking for a guide who

- speaks the language of course.

- speaks good english

- knows all the hot spots to monger

- has lots of experiences.

Trip is gonna take a place from NOV 10ish. And gonna last for about a week upon arrival.

If you are interested please email me

[Email address deleted by Admin]

And please leave your messenger (any. I'll install if needed) in the mail as I wish to discuss in real time.


EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

10-20-09, 09:19
Oops seems like putting an email address isn't allowed.

Please leave your post here in the forum

I'll pm you as soon as I register as a member


Goga Fung
10-20-09, 12:39
We are looking for a guide who

- speaks the language of course.

- speaks good english

- knows all the hot spots to monger

- has lots of experiences.

Trip is gonna take a place from NOV 10ish. And gonna last for about a week upon arrival.

If you are interested please email me
And please leave your messenger (any. I'll install if needed) in the mail as I wish to discuss in real time.

Thx!I could recommend a guide with excellent English, but your profile does not accept private messages.

10-20-09, 15:41
I am planning a trip over to Colombia.

Thinking Medellin is a good place to monger.

Problem is that none of us has been there and we do not speak the language.

So we figured we would need a guide through our trip.

We are looking for a guide who

- speaks the language of course.

- speaks good english

- knows all the hot spots to monger

- has lots of experiences.

Trip is gonna take a place from NOV 10ish. And gonna last for about a week upon arrival.

If you are interested please email me

[Email address deleted by Admin]

And please leave your messenger (any. I'll install if needed) in the mail as I wish to discuss in real time.


EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!Yo,

I tried to pm You, but you have that option turned off which prevents me from giving you my contact information.

I will be your tour guide if you want.

Let me know.

I have lots of references.


10-20-09, 22:02
I am planning a trip over to Colombia.

Thinking Medellin is a good place to monger.

Problem is that none of us has been there and we do not speak the language.If this is your first time and don't speak Spanish, your best bet is a gringo hotel. Read the reports! Look at the pinned threads on this site. These are lots of reputable places to stay. They will even take you around and introduce you to girls for free! Medellin Mansion, El Castillo, Frank, Parcero are a couple to get you started.

Good luck!

10-21-09, 03:03
You guys are going to Colombia and NONE of you speak any spanish?

Good luck with that. LOLAt least he is smart enough to know that he needs a guide because they don't know any spanish,the first few times I went to Colombia I didn't know any spanish but I RTFF and I hired a guide. It's the guys that show up to Colombia with no guide,no spanish and no fucking clue that make me laugh.

10-21-09, 03:58
I use exchangerate.com to find out the exchange rate in most of the world for money.

However it shows the COP at a constant fixed rate. Where can I find the approximate exchange rate for the COP?



10-21-09, 04:21
I am planning a trip over to Colombia.

Thinking Medellin is a good place to monger.

Problem is that none of us has been there and we do not speak the language.

So we figured we would need a guide through our trip.


The experience you and your friends will have at the Medellin Mansion/Castillo will be unlike any other 1st time visit to a country where you basically don't know squat, not even the language!

From co-owner Greg or manger Marcy introducing you to a beautiful selection of 18, 19, 20 year old (average) Mansion girls whose sole purpose of being at the Mansion is to be with guests (you and your friends) to the El Centro tours hosted by co-owner Big Bad Boyd to some private introductions by co-owner Robert. Etc

Believe me and and more than a hundred satisfied guests of the Mansion/Castillo, you and your friends will NOT be disappointed.

Just get your ass there and everything and anything will be answered on spot. Plus you and your friends benefit from regular visitors that also take guys under there wings. Nothing could be simpler.

PM Greg or send an email to Marcy via infoatmedellinmansion (dot)com

Stay Horny My Friends!


10-21-09, 14:45

The experience you and your friends will have at the Medellin Mansion/Castillo will be unlike any other 1st time visit to a country where you basically don't know squat, not even the language!

From co-owner Greg or manger Marcy introducing you to a beautiful selection of 18, 19, 20 year old (average) Mansion girls whose sole purpose of being at the Mansion is to be with guests (you and your friends) to the El Centro tours hosted by co-owner Big Bad Boyd to some private introductions by co-owner Robert. Etc.

I'll second this advice from the Cubanut 100 percent!!

You'll be very happy cats and you'll enjoy and learn the 'ins and outs' of Medellin without wasting time and spinning your wheels.


Aussie Greg
10-21-09, 16:05

Thanks for the nice words and your view on first time travelers to Colombia.

As you know we also have the most experienced mongers the world has seen stay with us.

Large groups of guy's from CRT, WSG, CH ect
I guess we have a little to offer every body.

Aussie Greg

10-21-09, 18:12
I am travelling to Medellin In Nov, for 2 weeks, staying at Mansion, would like to know what range of $ would be needed on a per day basis, everything inclusive.

Hang Low 69
10-21-09, 21:28
I am travelling to Medellin In Nov, for 2 weeks, staying at Mansion, would like to know what range of $ would be needed on a per day basis, everything inclusive.

Blkryno.Without the hotel charge which is stated on their website I budget 175-200 per day.

My break down.

1 casa girl 40.000-65.000 peso

1 mansion blowjob 70.000-125.000 peso sometime full sex session depending on mood.

1 TLN novia/prepago 200.00 peso

90.000 peso food and drinks.

Thats 3 nuts a day for two weeks. Rum , food, fucking and fun.

And of course the great people of the mansion.

10-21-09, 23:24
Enter "usd to cop in google" or rtf."Colombian Peso exchange rate and related issues" forum.


I use exchangerate.com to find out the exchange rate in most of the world for money.

However it shows the COP at a constant fixed rate. Where can I find the approximate exchange rate for the COP?



10-22-09, 00:32
If you want really busty girls, Cali is your prime destination.

Maybe Cali Caste (?) could be your base.

- Cubanut knows alot about this place.

Greetings, Ken Apples

Thanks for the honeys, Cubanut. How much is it to stay at the mansion (as compared to inexpensive hotels) and do they have any really busty chicas there? :) Very interested.

D Cups

10-22-09, 05:54
I knew Medellin was amazing and I wanted to go. Never been out of the States except for Canada and Mexico. Was nervous but booked it at the Mansion. Called Marcy with a million questions cause I was really nervous and she was the best. I emailed Cubanut to ask for advice. (He said just get there) My advice to any newbies. Book a room and have the Mansion, arrange a driver to pick you up and the rest will be taken care of. I can't say enough about how great the staff are and how helpful they are for non spanish speaking americans. They will take care of everything. I was worried about changing dollars to Colombian Pesos and access to ATMs. Its no problem. Just get there. After 2 days you will feel like an expert and be advising the new guys who are just getting there. I thought it was gonna be great and it was way better than I had hoped. (I even had Marcy book a tour of the area outside town. Was awesome cause its tempting to never leave the Mansion) Made some great friends and can't wait to go back. Be smart be safe and have the time of your life. Marcy, Boyd, Greg and Robert are great. I can't wait to go back


10-22-09, 06:13
Hi everybody.

I would like to have some fresh information about the action in Medellin, This is gonna be my first time in da City, I know there are some locals and experienced mongers that know all the ins an outs. I would really appreciate a feedback.

First I want to know where are the hottest girls and how much I should paid for an hour. We want to keep the prices fair and not to spoil the fun.

Second what part of the city is a good part to stay and be close to the action. And Third, Is there a good and cheap rent a car agency? It would be good to rent a car?

Thank you so much guys,

I will be there after the 1st week of November, I can speak fluently Spanish, so if anybody needs help with the language barrier I can help some.

Any locals and travelers want to share a drink would be cool.


10-22-09, 07:20
Yeah.. thats why they stick to Costa Rica.

At least he is smart enough to know that he needs a guide because they don't know any spanish,the first few times I went to Colombia I didn't know any spanish but I RTFF and I hired a guide. It's the guys that show up to Colombia with no guide,no spanish and no fucking clue that make me laugh.

10-22-09, 09:44
You will find busty women in most the casas. If you go to any night clubs. You will find them all to be busty.

Cali and the Medellin is the plastic surgery capital of Colombia. Go to any clubs. All you will see is fake asses and fake tits.

Thanks for the honeys, Cubanut. How much is it to stay at the mansion (as compared to inexpensive hotels) and do they have any really busty chicas there? :) Very interested.

D Cups

10-22-09, 09:48
If you want really busty girls, Cali is your prime destination.

Maybe Cali Caste (?) could be your base.

- Cubanut knows alot about this place.

Greetings, Ken ApplesD-Cups,

Ken is right, for big & Busty try Cali!



10-22-09, 15:46
Thanks for the honeys, Cubanut. How much is it to stay at the mansion (as compared to inexpensive hotels) and do they have any really busty chicas there? :) Very interested.

D CupsDo you mean natural boobs or sillicons :( ?. If you don't mind the latest, Medellin (and I suppose MM) has a lot to offer.

10-22-09, 16:32
Yeah.. thats why they stick to Costa Rica.And then they B1tch and moan why they can't hook up with "non pros" as well. Breaking news, if you have no game or cant get laid on a regular basis in your home country. You will not get laid with "regular" girls in Medellin.

10-22-09, 23:15
You will find busty women in most the casas. If you go to any night clubs. You will find them all to be busty.

Cali and the Medellin is the plastic surgery capital of Colombia. Go to any clubs. All you will see is fake asses and fake tits.What? Fake asses? is there such a thing? Do fake asses have the same draw back as fake boobies? Nice to look at but not so nice to work with?

10-23-09, 01:05
What? Fake asses? is there such a thing? Do fake asses have the same draw back as fake boobies? Nice to look at but not so nice to work with?Yes there is.

They inject various substances in their asses to give a fuller rounder look.

One of the hottest proceedures right now is to lipo the belly, sides & back, then inject the fat cells into ech butock thru a tiny hole in the top of the ass crack.



I love Colombia.

10-23-09, 02:43
What? Fake asses? is there such a thing? Do fake asses have the same draw back as fake boobies? Nice to look at but not so nice to work with?I guess so. Never had any fake asses. The only sillytonta I had, was very reluctant in letting me fondle those fake tits with enthousiasm.

10-23-09, 03:34
What? Fake asses? is there such a thing? Do fake asses have the same draw back as fake boobies? Nice to look at but not so nice to work with?I've only had one girl with ass implants and though I didn't like it I wasn't totally put off by it. I generally won't go with a girl with fake tits,I think they are fucking disgusting.

10-23-09, 06:00
What? Fake asses? is there such a thing? Do fake asses have the same draw back as fake boobies? Nice to look at but not so nice to work with?I think latin guys like big asses. I've heard of a lot of fake asses. I knew a girl that was wearing an ass pad to make her ass look bigger!

10-23-09, 07:51
Agreed but most lose you at 'game'

And then they B1tch and moan why they can't hook up with "non pros" as well. Breaking news, if you have no game or cant get laid on a regular basis in your home country. You will not get laid with "regular" girls in Medellin.

10-23-09, 17:53
Well amigos, I'm fortunate to be here in Medellin at this time ... just got here last night.

Have to say, just cruising around last night, making the rounds, the quality of the muchachas (girls) was fantastico.

Much better than from my last visit.

From the Mayorista to the higher end clubs, more chicas and muchas chicas lindas.

Just like old times! I was pleasantly surprised and muy contento to say the least.

Off for more adventures today, and I'm sure more munequitas to meet!

Aussie Greg
10-23-09, 22:07

If you need a tourist guide here in Medellin then Tatiana my ex-girlfriend is the one.

She is definenely not a prepago, has just spent a year and a half in Italy learning Italian, speak very good english and knows the city and barrio's very well here in Medellin.

She charges 50, 000 pesos 4-5 hours plus taxi one way which is 12, 00 pesos.

A typical tour with Karen is:

Pablo Escobars grave site

Metro, metro cable, Santo Domingo, el centrol parque bolero, pasia village at Pobleto Pasia.

She's not intersted in finding girls or approaching them for you, she's just a tourist guide.

If anybody is interested in her service then I can put you in touch with her.

Aussie Greg

10-23-09, 22:20
this can't be said enough. true in medellin, and true everywhere.Well. I am going to have to disagree to part of your argument. The exchange rate goes for chicks as well as your money! You pull 3's in America, you can pull a 8 or 9 in South America.

Rich American Playboy. Play the part. You'd be surprised how far a cute little gift will go. You do have to have some game, sort of good looking, sort of in shape, be nice.

But if you can't pull you can't pull. It is easier in SA.

10-23-09, 23:21
Yes there is.

They inject various substances in their asses to give a fuller rounder look.

One of the hottest proceedures right now is to lipo the belly, sides & back, then inject the fat cells into ech butock thru a tiny hole in the top of the ass crack.



I love Colombia.This is the truth; I just banged a girl in DR who had that procedure done. Lots of girls envied the shape of her ass. Me and my buds heard various chicas we were with talking about her "silicon" as a negative--shit doesn't bother me so I sought her out and got the real story--lipo! Her ass and stomach (and cooch) were all so good I kept her for two days! All this did was make me wanna get back to my Colombianas; the only question is do I go with the familiarity of Medellin or the ass capital. Cali?

Member #4176
10-24-09, 00:55
I am going to Cartagena and I want to take trips to other cities (ie Medellin, Cali). Has anyone tried any of these airlines. Avianca (Airpasses), Aerorepublica, Satena, Aires, EasyFly. I heard there really reasonable. When I look at the sites it look cheap. So, I wanted to if there is anything I should know. Please, give me the 411.


10-24-09, 04:00
I disagree about 100%, I can go out in my country and find a decent girl to get a # and eventually sex in 3 dates in my country about 1/3 of the time I go out if I wanted. #'s are real easy for me in the USA, I just never follow up because I'm snagged already. In any latin american country I'm like 100x more popular when I go out because of my looks and my wallet (especially my wallet). POINT: I give this tip to many guy friends. If you can't get a decent girl here (the USA) get on a plane! I mated and had 3 kids with a blue eyed girl but I can already tell she is probably going to be replaced eventually with a latin nurse to drive me around, cook for me and massage me when I get older. I'll be in Spain on the Non Pros in 2.5 weeks.there you go -- thanks for sharing your brilliant discovery for success with women: $$$ and euros.

El Greco
10-24-09, 05:16
I am going to Cartagena and I want to take trips to other cities (ie Medellin, Cali). Has anyone tried any of these airlines. Avianca (Airpasses), Aerorepublica, Satena, Aires, EasyFly. I heard there really reasonable. When I look at the sites it look cheap. So, I wanted to if there is anything I should know. Please, give me the 411.

ThanksUse Avianca in preference to the others. It is the biggest of them all, used to be the national carrier of Colombia, now privatised, with the largest network.

10-24-09, 06:23
Yes there are Fake Asses. And you been to Medellin?

Oh boy. Yes, fake asses are very common in south america. Esp in Colombia, brazil, Venezuela and I think. Argentina.

They just inject some shit in their butt to create a rounder more protunding ass. Or they can get ass implants. Same thing as boob jobs.

What? Fake asses? is there such a thing? Do fake asses have the same draw back as fake boobies? Nice to look at but not so nice to work with?

10-24-09, 06:25
Yes, most Latino and Black dudes like big asses!

I'm one of the very few Asians that have the appetite of a black dude! LOL

I think latin guys like big asses. I've heard of a lot of fake asses. I knew a girl that was wearing an ass pad to make her ass look bigger!

10-24-09, 07:27
I disagree about 100%, I can go out in my country and find a decent girl to get a # and eventually sex in 3 dates in my country about 1/3 of the time I go out if I wanted. #'s are real easy for me in the USA, I just never follow up because I'm snagged already. In any latin american country I'm like 100x more popular when I go out because of my looks and my wallet (especially my wallet). POINT: I give this tip to many guy friends. If you can't get a decent girl here (the USA) get on a plane! I mated and had 3 kids with a blue eyed girl but I can already tell she is probably going to be replaced eventually with a latin nurse to drive me around, cook for me and massage me when I get older. I'll be in Spain on the Non Pros in 2.5 weeks.I think the truth as usual lies somewhere in the middle. Sure, few of the estrata-6 girls will go with a gringo but once they're past their "prime" you'd be surprised how the story starts to change. My buddy had a chance with a wealthy (she had an awesome car) and attractive paisa milf with a huge (although fake) rack; but she was married to some commander in the military so he wisely backed away from that, lol! :)

Anyway, many of these upper-class girls are as high-maintenance, or worse, than your average american woman. Who wants to fly thousands of miles to deal with that?? But there's still plenty of decent, pretty middle-class and working-class girls to meet and hook up with. They may not be stunners but still a step or two above your average gringa in looks and attitude.

I can only speak for myself but I grew up in a spanish-speaking household and my neighborhood is nearly half made up of native spanish speakers. So I've always been more comfortable and successful with the latinas. I also find it interesting how I prefer the 100% pure-bred ones from South America over the semi-Americanized ones that live or grew up here. . .

10-24-09, 16:52

If you need a tourist guide here in Medellin then Tatiana my ex-girlfriend is the one.

She is definenely not a prepago, has just spent a year and a half in Italy learning Italian, speak very good english and knows the city and barrio's very well here in Medellin.

She charges 50, 000 pesos 4-5 hours plus taxi one way which is 12, 00 pesos.

A typical tour with Karen is:

Pablo Escobars grave site

Metro, metro cable, Santo Domingo, el centrol parque bolero, pasia village at Pobleto Pasia.

She's not intersted in finding girls or approaching them for you, she's just a tourist guide.

If anybody is interested in her service then I can put you in touch with her.

Aussie GregNice Greg but if there are any vibes can I negotiate some side action? lol

10-24-09, 17:00
I think the truth as usual lies somewhere in the middle. Sure, few of the estrata-6 girls will go with a gringo but once they're past their "prime" you'd be surprised how the story starts to change. My buddy had a chance with a wealthy (she had an awesome car) and attractive paisa milf with a huge (although fake) rack; but she was married to some commander in the military so he wisely backed away from that, lol! :)

Anyway, many of these upper-class girls are as high-maintenance, or worse, than your average american woman. Who wants to fly thousands of miles to deal with that?? But there's still plenty of decent, pretty middle-class and working-class girls to meet and hook up with. They may not be stunners but still a step or two above your average gringa in looks and attitude.

I can only speak for myself but I grew up in a spanish-speaking household and my neighborhood is nearly half made up of native spanish speakers. So I've always been more comfortable and successful with the latinas. I also find it interesting how I prefer the 100% pure-bred ones from South America over the semi-Americanized ones that live or grew up here. . .Well said! I usually go for the estrato 2-3. You will find some definite diamonds in the rough and much much more humble which it the key for me. The trick is to weed out the sincere one's from the strict grilla bandidas. If you know your Colombianas well this screening process will take a very short time. Forget those rich bitches in Poblado and Envigado. Most have more money and nicer things than you and will be looking to maintain that lifestyle at all costs.

John Gault
10-24-09, 18:31
I am going to Cartagena and I want to take trips to other cities (ie Medellin, Cali). Has anyone tried any of these airlines. Avianca (Airpasses), Aerorepublica, Satena, Aires, EasyFly. I heard there really reasonable. When I look at the sites it look cheap. So, I wanted to if there is anything I should know. Please, give me the 411.

ThanksAerorepublica was great for me. I took it from BAQ to either MDE or San Andres, I don't remember which one ,but it was a good experence for me.

Member #4351
10-24-09, 20:41
Agree with Vic on Aerorepublica.

Everytime I took Avianca there was some problem or another.

Very rarely on time.

10-24-09, 23:00
Casa Verde on calle 58 in Centro is back online, Casa on the corner with the balcony, its a two story place, well they have a set of 18 year old twins that will rock you're world, I have seen midgets here but never a set of identical twins that are 9.5 in looks, Iow and it gets better there all the time, theres about 8 girls and all and range from 6.5 to 9.5, the gal that runs the place name is Diana, tell her Joseph sent ya.

10-24-09, 23:18
Aerorepublica was great for me. I took it from BAQ to either MDE or San Andres, I don't remember which one ,but it was a good experence for me.First choice is AeroRepublica for me on account of OnePass. Nothing wrong with Aires or EasyFly in my experience for getting to smaller cities, or into O. Herrera in Medellin. At Bogota airport, it's easy and penalty feee to change flights, get refunds, or to pick-up your onward right at the counter, especially if it's early in the morning, there are lots of options.

10-25-09, 01:12

If you need a tourist guide here in Medellin then Tatiana my ex-girlfriend is the one.

A typical tour with Karen is:

If anybody is interested in her service then I can put you in touch with her.

Aussie GregTo start with, what's her name? :confused:

10-25-09, 14:55
Well I've been in Medellin for one day, and I'm not trying to say that what I've seen on day 1 will hold much merit for my overall verdict on this city. But I can honestly say that I'm truly disappointed with what I've seen thus far. Especially for a city that has so much hype given to it.

10-25-09, 18:45
Is this casa verde aka mansion verde aka lindas chicas aka venus at Calle 58 (Av. Oriental) # 49-68, #17 on Tung’s Map?

Casa Verde on calle 58 in Centro is back online, Casa on the corner with the balcony, its a two story place, well they have a set of 18 year old twins that will rock you're world, I have seen midgets here but never a set of identical twins that are 9.5 in looks, Iow and it gets better there all the time, theres about 8 girls and all and range from 6.5 to 9.5, the gal that runs the place name is Diana, tell her Joseph sent ya.

Santiaghero 75
10-25-09, 23:38
Hi guys

I'll be in Medellin next March, so I'm just beginning to read this thread to have the basic infos.

Several time I found the term prepagos and I have some issues to understand the exact meaning.

So the question is: are prepagos the same of what in tailand are the free-lance?



10-25-09, 23:45
Well I've been in Medellin for one day, and I'm not trying to say that what I've seen on day 1 will hold much merit for my overall verdict on this city. But I can honestly say that I'm truly disappointed with what I've seen thus far. Especially for a city that has so much hype given to it.A little early to be making judgements huh bro?

I mean if you don't know Medellin and where to go and don't have the advantage of someone who knows the city to show you around. Well?

Get my point!

Btw. Habla Espanol?

There are many good reasons that so many of us love Medellin. Perhaps you just haven't found them yet.

Black Page
10-26-09, 00:54
I am going to Cartagena and I want to take trips to other cities (ie Medellin, Cali). Has anyone tried any of these airlines. Avianca (Airpasses), Aerorepublica, Satena, Aires, EasyFly. I heard there really reasonable. When I look at the sites it look cheap. So, I wanted to if there is anything I should know. Please, give me the 411.

ThanksI dont know Satena, Aires, EasyFly, but I heard they are reliable.
Best options for me is to use Avianca or Aerorepublica (owned by Copa), because they are the biggest ones and thus have more flights and connections. Very good airlines.

You should choose based on what is your Frequent Flyer program. If you are Elite or above with SkyTeam or Star Alliance, you inherit your privileges.

FF SkyTeam: fly with Avianca (but your miles will be only Award Miles and not Qualifying Miles on your SkyTeam account).

FF Star Alliance: fly with Copa code shared flights operated by Aerorepublica.

Copa/Continental left (mid October) SkyTeam and moved to StarAlliance.

10-26-09, 01:21
Well I've been in Medellin for one day, and I'm not trying to say that what I've seen on day 1 will hold much merit for my overall verdict on this city. But I can honestly say that I'm truly disappointed with what I've seen thus far. Especially for a city that has so much hype given to it.Where are you staying? If you're in Poblado, go chica watching in the malls.

10-26-09, 02:46
Well I've been in Medellin for one day, and I'm not trying to say that what I've seen on day 1 will hold much merit for my overall verdict on this city. But I can honestly say that I'm truly disappointed with what I've seen thus far. Especially for a city that has so much hype given to it.Where have you been? What are you looking for? What were your expectations? You still need to spend time looking but in my opinion the quality in Medellin in some of the casas, street walkers and la Mayorista has been going down considerably from when I first started going to Colombia.

10-26-09, 03:02
Well I've been in Medellin for one day, and I'm not trying to say that what I've seen on day 1 will hold much merit for my overall verdict on this city. But I can honestly say that I'm truly disappointed with what I've seen thus far. Especially for a city that has so much hype given to it.Having been a licensed optician for some twenty five years I feel qualified to say You must be f**king blind.

10-26-09, 03:46
Casa Verde on calle 58 in Centro is back online, Casa on the corner with the balcony, its a two story place, well they have a set of 18 year old twins that will rock you're world, I have seen midgets here but never a set of identical twins that are 9.5 in looks, Iow and it gets better there all the time, theres about 8 girls and all and range from 6.5 to 9.5, the gal that runs the place name is Diana, tell her Joseph sent ya.Rates? Phone Number of the place?

Sounds like my kind of place!!

Legal Tender
10-26-09, 05:35
Well I've been in Medellin for one day, and I'm not trying to say that what I've seen on day 1 will hold much merit for my overall verdict on this city. But I can honestly say that I'm truly disappointed with what I've seen thus far. Especially for a city that has so much hype given to it.Amigo,

Where have you been hanging out? If you don't love Medellin and its Piasas, please tell me where you have found more friendly people, better food, and most importantly more beautiful and sexy women.

Tomorrow will be a better day, I'm sure.

Only good energy for you.

10-26-09, 06:57
Well I've been in Medellin for one day, and I'm not trying to say that what I've seen on day 1 will hold much merit for my overall verdict on this city. But I can honestly say that I'm truly disappointed with what I've seen thus far. Especially for a city that has so much hype given to it.Stay in Miami then, its so nice there. Newly wed, and nearly dead.

10-26-09, 08:41
Well I've been in Medellin for one day, and I'm not trying to say that what I've seen on day 1 will hold much merit for my overall verdict on this city. But I can honestly say that I'm truly disappointed with what I've seen thus far. Especially for a city that has so much hype given to it.I've been in Medellin now for 3 days and have met more beautiful chicas on this trip than in a long time.

My only trouble has been the scheduling. My cel phone is ringing constantly with these new chicas I've met that want to hook up.
Hard to be at 2 places at once when more than 1 chica wants to meet.

Not sure of your situation, where you've been hanging out, your espanol ability (which adds greatly to the experience), your vibe, etc.

Hope things brighten up for you though.

10-26-09, 08:46
... the quality in Medellin in some of the casas, street walkers and la Mayorista has been going down considerably from when I first started going to Colombia.Actually amigo, on this trip I've been pleasantly surprised with the increase in quality on all levels.

Found a couple hot casa chicas who've treated me like their boyfriend and believe it or not a very cute Mayorista chica who just rocked my world.

10-26-09, 18:04
Having been a licensed optician for some twenty five years I feel qualified to say You must be f**king blind.LOL, Not hardly.

Where have you been? What are you looking for? What were your expectations? You still need to spend time looking but in my opinion the quality in Medellin in some of the casas, street walkers and la Mayorista has been going down considerably from when I first started going to Colombia.I have high expectations, particularly in what I'm looking for girls to do. But I'm referring to the overall quality vs quantity ratio that I'm seeing. There are some really hot girls here, but I'm not seeing them in the "quantity" that I expected here. The way people talk about Medellin I figured there'd be so many stunning girls here that you couldn't even walk down the street. Or maybe they're just all on vacation? I see higher quantity of hot chicks in Miami.

Where are you staying? If you're in Poblado, go chica watching in the malls.I'm in Poblado. I've been to the malls, I've been to a few bars/clubs, I've only been here 2 days still so I still have a lot of places to get to. But I'm looking for absolute stunners. I don't want 8's and 9's, I'm looking for 10's and 11's. Yes, I've seen them here. But as I've said, the sightings have been few and far in between.

10-26-09, 20:19
If you want 10 or 11's (11? Spinal tap fan, are you? ) go to loutron's. Although a little pricy (185k cop/hr) it has never disappointed me. And/or.

If you haven't already, pop for the yearly fee to access the pics in the photo gallery thread to get a feel of what's out there. And/or.

Spend a little time getting acquainted with the "Medellin lists" thread. Especially, world travel 69's latest list. (report #479). That report is priceless.

I'm in Poblado. I've been to the malls, I've been to a few bars/clubs, I've only been here 2 days still so I still have a lot of places to get to. But I'm looking for absolute stunners. I don't want 8's and 9's, I'm looking for 10's and 11's. Yes, I've seen them here. But as I've said, the sightings have been few and far in between.

10-26-09, 21:40
LOL, Not hardly.

I have high expectations, particularly in what I'm looking for girls to do. But I'm referring to the overall quality vs quantity ratio that I'm seeing. There are some really hot girls here, but I'm not seeing them in the "quantity" that I expected here. The way people talk about Medellin I figured there'd be so many stunning girls here that you couldn't even walk down the street. Or maybe they're just all on vacation? I see higher quantity of hot chicks in Miami.

I'm in Poblado. I've been to the malls, I've been to a few bars/clubs, I've only been here 2 days still so I still have a lot of places to get to. But I'm looking for absolute stunners. I don't want 8's and 9's, I'm looking for 10's and 11's. Yes, I've seen them here. But as I've said, the sightings have been few and far in between.And once again how is your Espanol ?

Hey Ricker,

If you are currently in MDE why don't you help this man find some quality chicas?

10-27-09, 00:12
Poblado is it, and the girls aren't anything special. Agreed. I travel a lot and Medellin is pretty boring. Last time I was there most guys were going to mayorista where the truck drivers go to get ass. Friendly? 67 men/week on average killed between the ages of 15 and 34 in 2009 thus far. Been there many times because of a few nonpro girlfriends but I need more of a theme.Yep, and probably 66 of the 67 were members of Colombian drug gangs,not the crowd I hang with when I'm in Medellin,it is a very friendly city.

10-27-09, 01:06
[QUOTE=Runner Up] Friendly? 67 men/week on average killed between the ages of 15 and 34 in 2009 thus far. QUOTE]Daily average is about 25 (175 per week) due to current turf war. It's a lot better than when I first came circa 1990, when it was 45 a day.

Ciao Ciao
10-27-09, 01:36
Well I've been in Medellin for one day, and I'm not trying to say that what I've seen on day 1 will hold much merit for my overall verdict on this city. But I can honestly say that I'm truly disappointed with what I've seen thus far. Especially for a city that has so much hype given to it.You said it Ledrak. The quality of the girls in MDE is disappointing and the service is really bad. Finally, someone tells the truth. Did I say that MDE is very dangerous as well? Everyone considering MDE should go to Miami instead.


10-27-09, 02:28
LOL, Not hardly.

I have high expectations, particularly in what I'm looking for girls to do. But I'm referring to the overall quality vs quantity ratio that I'm seeing. There are some really hot girls here, but I'm not seeing them in the "quantity" that I expected here. But I'm looking for absolute stunners. I don't want 8's and 9's, I'm looking for 10's and 11's. Yes, I've seen them here. But as I've said, the sightings have been few and far in between.You mean they're not just walking around on the street waiting to meet YOU? A Ukrainian 10 and a Paisa 10 like comparing apples and oranges. What were you expecting?

10-27-09, 02:45
No MW. Linda's chicas is about a block away from CV as you walk toward the metro and away from the red bridge. They are both on the same side of the street though.

If you know the red bridge, go to the side that ends at street level (the other end goes into a building) then walk toward the metro it will be at the corner of first street you come to. Sorry I don't know address but I have been in and around it many, many times.


10-27-09, 03:19
LOL, Not hardly.

I have high expectations, particularly in what I'm looking for girls to do. But I'm referring to the overall quality vs quantity ratio that I'm seeing. There are some really hot girls here, but I'm not seeing them in the "quantity" that I expected here. The way people talk about Medellin I figured there'd be so many stunning girls here that you couldn't even walk down the street. Or maybe they're just all on vacation? I see higher quantity of hot chicks in Miami.

I'm in Poblado. I've been to the malls, I've been to a few bars/clubs, I've only been here 2 days still so I still have a lot of places to get to. But I'm looking for absolute stunners. I don't want 8's and 9's, I'm looking for 10's and 11's. Yes, I've seen them here. But as I've said, the sightings have been few and far in between.I think if you find that many stunners in one place anywhere on earth... You'd be dreaming!!! :-D

Have you checked out Loutrons yet?

10-27-09, 04:25
Well I'm about to go to Medellin for a week in about 15 days or so...anyone got some good knowledge on where to meet good chicas, not the type for on hour but maybe the night or to take out for a good time or a good wingman. I come from Peru and I can return the favor if anyone wants to take a trip to Peru, I know a few good girls and many good places on Lima and Huancayo (far town out but very nice to tour). Any info in Medellin is appreciated or if you have some hock up or any special information that requires me to be a subscribed member, let me know I’ll do it.


10-27-09, 05:20
You are too vague in your explanation of what you are expecting. If you are a Muslim expecting you 40 virgins, you might not find it. If you can be more specific, as to what you were expecting someone might be able to help you.

Medellin is my second city that doesn't sleep and for you to criticize it as a murder capital is wrong; you are still alive. Does this mean you do not fall within the age range? Medellin has everything I can want in friends, family and women; I am interested day and night.

One did ask you where you have been and you avoided that answer. Maybe you should just return to that feast and leave the famine for me.

Good luck in finding what does not exist!

LOL, Not hardly.

I have high expectations, particularly in what I'm looking for girls to do. But I'm referring to the overall quality vs quantity ratio that I'm seeing. There are some really hot girls here, but I'm not seeing them in the "quantity" that I expected here. The way people talk about Medellin I figured there'd be so many stunning girls here that you couldn't even walk down the street. Or maybe they're just all on vacation? I see higher quantity of hot chicks in Miami.

I'm in Poblado. I've been to the malls, I've been to a few bars/clubs, I've only been here 2 days still so I still have a lot of places to get to. But I'm looking for absolute stunners. I don't want 8's and 9's, I'm looking for 10's and 11's. Yes, I've seen them here. But as I've said, the sightings have been few and far in between.

10-27-09, 06:46
Well I've been in Medellin for one day, and I'm not trying to say that what I've seen on day 1 will hold much merit for my overall verdict on this city. But I can honestly say that I'm truly disappointed with what I've seen thus far. Especially for a city that has so much hype given to it.Ledrak99,

If you want to see a Medellin pussy parade in 1 day then I suggest you first go on a Friday or Saturday to Loutron's about 6pm and get your groove on. Then go to Parque Lleras for dinner or just to hang out at one of the bars of cafe's at about 9pm to 11pm on either Friday or Saturday night. Then go to Mango's and check out the scene there then go to Fase Dos and get your groove on again.

Had you done all that on your first day, your comments would be way different. I know because that's how I spent my first day (a Saturday) in Medellin!



10-27-09, 07:44
Well I've been in Medellin for one day, and I'm not trying to say that what I've seen on day 1 will hold much merit for my overall verdict on this city. But I can honestly say that I'm truly disappointed with what I've seen thus far. Especially for a city that has so much hype given to it.First of all. What kind of women do you find attractive?

If you are into white skinny thin women. Than maybe medellins paisas don't meet your expectations.

If you are into latin women with booty and tits. Than I don't know what the hell is wrong with your vision. LOL Maybe you're more into the natural looking women?

I live in Hollywood and I work in show biz and work with hot models and actresses all the time, so I have Very high standards in women. I'm willing to pay top dollars for model material escorts.

I really don't know why you would be dissapointed with the paisas? You need to go to oviedo mall.

For mongers: Loutrons Massage Parlor. Fase dos. Youll will find some 10's there.

For scenery. Take a trip to guatape and visit el penol rock. Go to santa fe de antioqui too.

You need to do some explaining to all of in the forum. LOL

10-27-09, 07:49

Check out this website. Go to these night clubs. And you will see 10's and 11's.


Black Page
10-27-09, 12:20
You said it Ledrak. The quality of the girls in MDE is disappointing and the service is really bad. Finally, someone tells the truth. Did I say that MDE is very dangerous as well? Everyone considering MDE should go to Miami instead.
CiaociaoFantastic. I totally agree. Also, I hope that more and more people from Europe and USA, from now on, will understand this basic fact and stop going to waste time and money in MDE. Everyone should follow your advice and move to Miami!

PS: Miami is more agreeable also about security, not to mention the weather. For example, there are plenty of areas, especially in the suburbs, that are very nice for picnicking with your chica, day or night. The fact that many people speaks Spanglish makes even more entertaining when people approaches you while eating your sandwich.

10-27-09, 14:52
Good to hear a lot of critics don't like MDE, keep looking I am sure theres a place for you in this mongering kingdom, MDE is not for everyone, especially those who don't like the city life, its a big city with all the good and the bad, but its home for this Gringo for now, try Lima and David 33, he is a good guy and Lima has it all, just a few more hours from Miami.

Good luck.

10-27-09, 17:00
You are too vague in your explanation of what you are expecting. If you are a Muslim expecting you 40 virgins, you might not find it. If you can be more specific, as to what you were expecting someone might be able to help you.

Medellin is my second city that doesn't sleep and for you to criticize it as a murder capital is wrong; you are still alive. Does this mean you do not fall within the age range? Medellin has everything I can want in friends, family and women; I am interested day and night.

One did ask you where you have been and you avoided that answer. Maybe you should just return to that feast and leave the famine for me.

Good luck in finding what does not exist!I didn’t say anything about murder rates, etc. I have no problem with the city of Medellin itself, and how the people are. I get along with everyone here just fine. My only issue is the quantity of super hot chicks I’m seeing here.

What am I looking for specifically? I’m looking for the quality of chicks I see in this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqJQW3jnbfI

Not sure if I’ve been to Loutrons yet or not. Gotta check, I tend to forget the names of these places. But I’ll surely be there tonight if I haven’t.

Y Si, claro que hablo espanol. Eso no es el problema.

Goga Fung
10-27-09, 19:10
The way people talk about Medellin I figured there'd be so many stunning girls here that you couldn't even walk down the street. Or maybe they're just all on vacation? I see higher quantity of hot chicks in Miami.Dude,

In general if you want the best looking girls in the world they are probably in places such as NYC, Miami, etc.. where all the money and fashion biz are. I thought it was not a secret, it's really strange why you'd go to Colombia to look for 10's and 11's in high numbers.

But Medellin offers relatively high proportion of good-looking(more than average) women, and what is more important their availability/accessibility and friendliness. Most people here do not have access to the NYC model types of chicks, but if you do and you like their attitude and behaviors then you better stick to USA cities and not get disappointed by Colombia so much.

Dr Howard
10-27-09, 19:57
Hola mi amigo

Thanks now I will never go, happy?

Well maybe, any good drinks to be had, how about cookies?

Is the room by the pool, that bad.

10-27-09, 20:30
First of all thanks to seasoned mongers for providing me with excellent detailed tips on medellin. Been here 8 days so far & liking it.

Monday 19th. Arrived in Medellin via bus late in the evening around 9pm. Was damned tired and headed directly to Hostal Odeon. I believe, a member here commented on the theft that goes in here and I can re-affirm its true as I have lost my debit card so far here partially cause of me though. An english mate of mine I met in Quito recommended this hostal. It isn´t worth for 25K without wifi and I am shopping for a temporary place right now. Headed to the local strip clubs nearby(Grills). Plenty here, both on the street hostal odeon is in (Caracas) and one adjecent to it. Settled for the one dingy place in adjecent street. Most girls here are fat or borderline fat. Maybe few 7-8`s. free entry. Beers cost 4k each and maybe 1k tip for lousy stage dancers. Started talking to a petite one who said she´s from barranquilla and gave lots of information that will eventually come in handy. Was asking for 50k a pop inhouse. Declined as I was too tired. Left the place after 3 beers. On the way back met these dudes passing out cards and one offered inhouse service for 35k. We settled for 2 girls and I select one for 35. BAD MISTAKE as both were hideous and I caved in for a bbbj from one.

2-Tuesday 20th. Woke up early and did a little jogging at Parque Bolivar. Had tinto coffee for 300 pesos and chatted up the coffee girl herself. We settled for COP 30K for a lunch session. I still have her number. Maybe too petite for some here.
3-Wednesday 21st.Met some locals at a rock bar a block from hostal odeon, mezannine floor who recommended I head with them to live rock joint. Barely remember the name as I was too wasted. It was fun though and very safe. Perhaps some here do know of the place and can tell me.

4- Thursday 22nd. One of my new local friends from the other night and I headed to laureles. I believe the club is called Yanyeri. COP20K open bar and plenty of prepagos to choose from. Freebies if you got good game and your spanish is decent. Picked one of the ugly broads here who spoke english for cop50k.

5-Friday 23rd ate lunch at the local upscale scene poblado. A decent lebanese joint and tried to pick free street birdies early evening. Failed miserably. Met two 8 plus hotties who took me to the cleaners after they invited me for drinks at a local hippie joint Jamrock. Downed 30k on drinks here. Another 30k on food before heading with them to a concert in Palmaia club. Downed another 90k for ticket and booze. Overall damage 200k in one night. Yikes. Damn lot for a poor fella like me.
6- Saturday 24th Picked street chick at the local Parque bolivar in the morning for 25k session. Met two 2 english girls at sandiego mall in the evening who recommended a semi dive bar called later8 or something in Parque lleras. Has Jack Daniels posters all over. Finally managed to get my first local plastic freebie.

7-Sunday too tired to bother with girls and ended up watching a flick at local mall Premier Plaza. Did a little blackjack at the casino there. Saw a potential pickup bar there too, Beer House. Dude working there tells me plenty of fine freebies on weekends.

Overall, I must say I do like what I see in Medellin and girls here seem more approachable than the ones in cali. Had a hard time there and wasn´t really into the hardcore pros in sexta. This place definately lacks Quito´s variety though, both in terms in availability, proximity and food.

Now as to some of my serious issues, can any of the local expats here recommend a good english speaking lawyer who can help me with residency permits? Also are there expats renting co-ops or even shared apartments?

Decent sports pub where I can watch the world series or bball playoffs. Thanks fellow mongers and don´t mind my mediocre borderline pathetic english.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

10-27-09, 20:30
Some people need to stop putting words in my mouth. I NEVER said that I hated MDE or that it sucked, etc. I haven't been here long enough to determine that yet. What is DID say is that I've been disappointed with the amount of "top quality" girls I've come across thus far.

But don't worry, I will be hitting every place that's been mentioned recently (if I haven't already).

10-27-09, 21:05
First of all thanks to seasoned mongers for providing me with excellent detailed tips on medellin. Been here 8 days so far & liking it.

Monday 19th. Arrived in Medellin via bus late in the evening around 9pm. Was damned tired and headed directly to Hostal Odeon. I believe, a member here commented on the theft that goes in here and I can re-affirm its true as I have lost my debit card so far here partially cause of me though. An english mate of mine I met in Quito recommended this hostal. It isn´t worth for 25K without wifi and I am shopping for a temporary place right now. Headed to the local strip clubs nearby(Grills). Plenty here, both on the street hostal odeon is in (Caracas) and one adjecent to it. Settled for the one dingy place in adjecent street. Most girls here are fat or borderline fat. Maybe few 7-8`s. free entry. Beers cost 4k each and maybe 1k tip for lousy stage dancers. Started talking to a petite one who said she´s from barranquilla and gave lots of information that will eventually come in handy. Was asking for 50k a pop inhouse. Declined as I was too tired. Left the place after 3 beers. On the way back met these dudes passing out cards and one offered inhouse service for 35k. We settled for 2 girls and I select one for 35. BAD MISTAKE as both were hideous and I caved in for a bbbj from one.

2-Tuesday 20th. Woke up early and did a little jogging at Parque Bolivar. Had tinto coffee for 300 pesos and chatted up the coffee girl herself. We settled for COP 30K for a lunch session. I still have her number. Maybe too petite for some here.
Thanks for the report!

If you don't want to stay at a hostel, there are hotels in Laurales for 35k.

I want to try to hit up some regular paisas too. Any tips? I guess I'm so used to the American mentality that I'll get slapped in the face for asking her for sex... 5 minutes after meeting her!

10-27-09, 22:46
Some people need to stop putting words in my mouth. I NEVER said that I hated MDE or that it sucked, etc. I haven't been here long enough to determine that yet. What is DID say is that I've been disappointed with the amount of "top quality" girls I've come across thus far.

But don't worry, I will be hitting every place that's been mentioned recently (if I haven't already).I don't believe anyone was putting words in your mouth, rather just laughing at you. Your posts are impossible.

YMMV, but MDE is generally agreed to have the most beautiful latinas in the land, maybe the Venezolanos come first, and the Rio crowd always seems to get the number one vote.

Also, you don't even know what Loutron's is so come on, really, did you do your homework. I lived there for most of this year and I found stunner after stunner and stunner. Enjoy Miami. Also, based on your one sentence of Spanish, I would say your linguistics skills might be part of the problem. You can't access the very best in MDE with just Franklins. To have the most fun and access the best girls you have to speak Spanish. mis dos centavos.



10-28-09, 02:56
Well, I haven't being in Mde ever, But I think we have to give a break to Ledrak, He is just saying what is his experience so far in the City.

I know for a fact that paisas are gorgeous, I have met many of them in the States and some other countries, So I think our unlucky friend is just having some of those days.

I have had some experiences like that in Brasil and Paraguay. Get to a city with good reputation and be disappointed the first couple days. But suddenly hundreds of cuties just pop up from everywhere.

I can't wait to be there, 7th of Nov, is Saturday So I will do what Jershens and Cubanut sugest. =) I will let you guys know how it goes.

10-28-09, 04:37
First of all thanks to seasoned mongers for providing me with excellent detailed tips on medellin. Been here 8 days so far & liking it.

Monday 19th. Arrived in Medellin via bus late in the evening around 9pm. Was damned tired and headed directly to Hostal Odeon. I believe, a member here commented on the theft that goes in here and I can re-affirm its true as I have lost my debit card so far here partially cause of me though. An english mate of mine I met in Quito recommended this hostal. It isn´t worth for 25K without wifi and I am shopping for a temporary place right now. Headed to the local strip clubs nearby(Grills). Plenty here, both on the street hostal odeon is in (Caracas) and one adjecent to it. Settled for the one dingy place in adjecent street. Most girls here are fat or borderline fat. Maybe few 7-8`s. free entry. Beers cost 4k each and maybe 1k tip for lousy stage dancers. Started talking to a petite one who said she´s from barranquilla and gave lots of information that will eventually come in handy. Was asking for 50k a pop inhouse. Declined as I was too tired. Left the place after 3 beers. On the way back met these dudes passing out cards and one offered inhouse service for 35k. We settled for 2 girls and I select one for 35. BAD MISTAKE as both were hideous and I caved in for a bbbj from one.

2-Tuesday 20th. Woke up early and did a little jogging at Parque Bolivar. Had tinto coffee for 300 pesos and chatted up the coffee girl herself. We settled for COP 30K for a lunch session. I still have her number. Maybe too petite for some here.
3-Wednesday 21st.Met some locals at a rock bar a block from hostal odeon, mezannine floor who recommended I head with them to live rock joint. Barely remember the name as I was too wasted. It was fun though and very safe. Perhaps some here do know of the place and can tell me.

4- Thursday 22nd. One of my new local friends from the other night and I headed to laureles. I believe the club is called Yanyeri. COP20K open bar and plenty of prepagos to choose from. Freebies if you got good game and your spanish is decent. Picked one of the ugly broads here who spoke english for cop50k.

5-Friday 23rd ate lunch at the local upscale scene poblado. A decent lebanese joint and tried to pick free street birdies early evening. Failed miserably. Met two 8 plus hotties who took me to the cleaners after they invited me for drinks at a local hippie joint Jamrock. Downed 30k on drinks here. Another 30k on food before heading with them to a concert in Palmaia club. Downed another 90k for ticket and booze. Overall damage 200k in one night. Yikes. Damn lot for a poor fella like me.
6- Saturday 24th Picked street chick at the local Parque bolivar in the morning for 25k session. Met two 2 english girls at sandiego mall in the evening who recommended a semi dive bar called later8 or something in Parque lleras. Has Jack Daniels posters all over. Finally managed to get my first local plastic freebie.

7-Sunday too tired to bother with girls and ended up watching a flick at local mall Premier Plaza. Did a little blackjack at the casino there. Saw a potential pickup bar there too, Beer House. Dude working there tells me plenty of fine freebies on weekends.

Overall, I must say I do like what I see in Medellin and girls here seem more approachable than the ones in cali. Had a hard time there and wasn´t really into the hardcore pros in sexta. This place definately lacks Quito´s variety though, both in terms in availability, proximity and food.

Now as to some of my serious issues, can any of the local expats here recommend a good english speaking lawyer who can help me with residency permits? Also are there expats renting co-ops or even shared apartments?

Decent sports pub where I can watch the world series or bball playoffs. Thanks fellow mongers and don´t mind my mediocre borderline pathetic english.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.Nice set of days! So from your experence one the night clubs (grills), you wouldn't recommand the onces you went to right or have you found a good one. If your still their, I know in some countries they got a section on the news paper for some girls with picture and their number (I don't know if they show prices) but yea check it out if you ever got time.

10-28-09, 05:19
Need to be warm, please go take care of the. Stop wasting you time with the lesser thans in MDE.

I can help you if you need to make plans for the US or other parts of Europe. Enjoy the white of Europe and keep from the working class of MDE. Perhaps the German blood of Argentina can be more appealing to you.

Let me know what I can do to help you upgrade you tripping!

Fantastic. I totally agree. Also, I hope that more and more people from Europe and USA, from now on, will understand this basic fact and stop going to waste time and money in MDE. Everyone should follow your advice and move to Miami! Leave MDE alone!

PS: Miami is more agreeable also about security, not to mention the weather. For example, there are plenty of areas, especially in the suburbs, that are very nice for picnicking with your chica, day or night. The fact that many people there too speaks Spanish makes even more entertaining when people approaches you while eating your sandwhich.

10-28-09, 05:30
I beleive Valle is where Cali is located maybe this is your problem.

I think you are just looking the wrong way or being contrary. None on that video were extremely spectacular. You should either open your eyes, get out in public as recommended have your eye examined or just have your head examined.

Really, I seen phone girls that could match what claim you are looking for, just open you eyes (if you are serious)!

I didn’t say anything about murder rates, etc. I have no problem with the city of Medellin itself, and how the people are. I get along with everyone here just fine. My only issue is the quantity of super hot chicks I’m seeing here.

What am I looking for specifically? I’m looking for the quality of chicks I see in this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqJQW3jnbfI

Not sure if I’ve been to Loutrons yet or not. Gotta check, I tend to forget the names of these places. But I’ll surely be there tonight if I haven’t.

Y Si, claro que hablo espanol. Eso no es el problema.

Daves Pison
10-28-09, 05:38
Well my fellow mongers just got back from the city of renaissance Medellin. First of all I want to tell you that I haved lived in miami for the last 20 years and I can concur with some of you about the quality of women that we have in miami but, Medellin is a different city and their women just do it for me. Ok let's get started.

On Thursday upon my arrival from miami we check in our crashing place in poblado soon after we did go to parke lleras to check out the scene was not as crowded so we decided to hit our first place. Luna lunera we paid the 5, 000 col cover the we settle to a table and ask for a1/2 bottle of rum $42, 000 col call a few cuties then we started the hunting there was atleast 30 girls from 5's to 9's I sat down with 2 girls tatiana 19 an d ericka 21 we settle the deal for 150, 000 for 45 min for the 2, amazing wild sex with two fine young paisas love the jet black hair on both of them just the way my doctor recommended. We stayed there for 3 hours having a blast we left to carboncitos across the street to find other fine paisas but we told them we're going to come back later we had to go back to poblado to check something 1 hour later we got back to carboncitos just to find more fine paisas at carboncitos we order 1/2 of bottle of rum and 1/2 of aguardiente in whitch the 3 paisas drank it like water we danced until 4 am then decided to finish the party at our place plenty of sex and booss until 10 am

On Friday we decided to hit loutron after lunch in poblado the line up was pretty good just about 12 girls all 9's and 10's to my taste my buddies when in with samantha and tatiana I just chill out with one of the mamasan having a drink and asking for some sex she declined. Well we stayed there for 3 hours in the way down we decided to stop by el tesoro mall stratus 6 alot up scale stores and fine paisas all over the floors no luck here so we left to poblado to shower and get new clothes. We hit the lleras for dinner and walk lots of paisas everywhere then we left to mangos for the hunting of paisas the place was super full we settled for a table and 1/2 bothle of wiskey $160, 000 col I pick up a nice mona (blondy) big pechugas (tits) we danced the night away to my place to poblado to my jacuzzy amazing body to kill for love her g spot this is a dream but fellas do me a favor don't go to Medellin is very dangerous hahahahah more girls for me. I have more from palmahia and sabaneta in my next report just my kind of town love paisas.

Well my fellow mongers just got back from the city of renaissance Medellin. First of all I want to tell you that I haved lived in miami for the last 20 years and I can concur with some of you about the quality of women that we have in miami but, Medellin is a different city and their women just do it for me. Ok let's get started.

On Thursday upon my arrival from miami we check in our crashing place in poblado soon after we did go to parke lleras to check out the scene was not as crowded so we decided to hit our first place. Luna lunera we paid the 5, 000 col cover the we settle to a table and ask for a1/2 bottle of rum $42, 000 col call a few cuties then we started the hunting there was atleast 30 girls from 5's to 9's I sat down with 2 girls tatiana 19 an d ericka 21 we settle the deal for 150, 000 for 45 min for the 2, amazing wild sex with two fine young paisas love the jet black hair on both of them just the way my doctor recommended. We stayed there for 3 hours having a blast we left to carboncitos across the street to find other fine paisas but we told them we're going to come back later we had to go back to poblado to check something 1 hour later we got back to carboncitos just to find more fine paisas at carboncitos we order 1/2 of bottle of rum and 1/2 of aguardiente in whitch the 3 paisas drank it like water we danced until 4 am then decided to finish the party at our place plenty of sex and booss until 10 am

On Friday we decided to hit loutron after lunch in poblado the line up was pretty good just about 12 girls all 9's and 10's to my taste my buddies when in with samantha and tatiana I just chill out with one of the mamasan having a drink and asking for some sex she declined. Well we stayed there for 3 hours in the way down we decided to stop by el tesoro mall stratus 6 alot up scale stores and fine paisas all over the floors no luck here so we left to poblado to shower and get new clothes. We hit the lleras for dinner and walk lots of paisas everywhere then we left to mangos for the hunting of paisas the place was super full we settled for a table and 1/2 bothle of wiskey $160, 000 col I pick up a nice mona (blondy) big pechugas (tits) we danced the night away to my place to poblado to my jacuzzy amazing body to kill for love her g spot this is a dream but fellas do me a favor don't go to Medellin is very dangerous hahahahah more girls for me. I have more from palmahia and sabaneta in my next report just my kind of town love paisas

10-28-09, 05:42
I had stayed there many times without a problem until the last visit. I hope you reported this. Is the pregnant girl still cleaning the rooms? SHe was the one who got me.

There is a Hotel a little up the road called Villa Nueva; you might want to check them out. Last I check it was about 30K and they give you breakfast. I am trying to get their number as this will be the place I stay on the next visit.

I like the petitie type so if you think the phone girl is worth it, pass the number my way.

Good luck

First of all thanks to seasoned mongers for providing me with excellent detailed tips on medellin. Been here 8 days so far & liking it.

Monday 19th. Arrived in Medellin via bus late in the evening around 9pm. Was damned tired and headed directly to Hostal Odeon. I believe, a member here commented on the theft that goes in here and I can re-affirm its true as I have lost my debit card so far here partially cause of me though. An english mate of mine I met in Quito recommended this hostal. It isn´t worth for 25K without wifi and I am shopping for a temporary place right now. Headed to the local strip clubs nearby(Grills). Plenty here, both on the street hostal odeon is in (Caracas) and one adjecent to it. Settled for the one dingy place in adjecent street. Most girls here are fat or borderline fat. Maybe few 7-8`s. free entry. Beers cost 4k each and maybe 1k tip for lousy stage dancers. Started talking to a petite one who said she´s from barranquilla and gave lots of information that will eventually come in handy. Was asking for 50k a pop inhouse. Declined as I was too tired. Left the place after 3 beers. On the way back met these dudes passing out cards and one offered inhouse service for 35k. We settled for 2 girls and I select one for 35. BAD MISTAKE as both were hideous and I caved in for a bbbj from one.

2-Tuesday 20th. Woke up early and did a little jogging at Parque Bolivar. Had tinto coffee for 300 pesos and chatted up the coffee girl herself. We settled for COP 30K for a lunch session. I still have her number. Maybe too petite for some here.
3-Wednesday 21st.Met some locals at a rock bar a block from hostal odeon, mezannine floor who recommended I head with them to live rock joint. Barely remember the name as I was too wasted. It was fun though and very safe. Perhaps some here do know of the place and can tell me.

4- Thursday 22nd. One of my new local friends from the other night and I headed to laureles. I believe the club is called Yanyeri. COP20K open bar and plenty of prepagos to choose from. Freebies if you got good game and your spanish is decent. Picked one of the ugly broads here who spoke english for cop50k.

5-Friday 23rd ate lunch at the local upscale scene poblado. A decent lebanese joint and tried to pick free street birdies early evening. Failed miserably. Met two 8 plus hotties who took me to the cleaners after they invited me for drinks at a local hippie joint Jamrock. Downed 30k on drinks here. Another 30k on food before heading with them to a concert in Palmaia club. Downed another 90k for ticket and booze. Overall damage 200k in one night. Yikes. Damn lot for a poor fella like me.
6- Saturday 24th Picked street chick at the local Parque bolivar in the morning for 25k session. Met two 2 english girls at sandiego mall in the evening who recommended a semi dive bar called later8 or something in Parque lleras. Has Jack Daniels posters all over. Finally managed to get my first local plastic freebie.

7-Sunday too tired to bother with girls and ended up watching a flick at local mall Premier Plaza. Did a little blackjack at the casino there. Saw a potential pickup bar there too, Beer House. Dude working there tells me plenty of fine freebies on weekends.

Overall, I must say I do like what I see in Medellin and girls here seem more approachable than the ones in cali. Had a hard time there and wasn´t really into the hardcore pros in sexta. This place definately lacks Quito´s variety though, both in terms in availability, proximity and food.

Now as to some of my serious issues, can any of the local expats here recommend a good english speaking lawyer who can help me with residency permits? Also are there expats renting co-ops or even shared apartments?

Decent sports pub where I can watch the world series or bball playoffs. Thanks fellow mongers and don´t mind my mediocre borderline pathetic english.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

10-28-09, 07:29
La bella villa hotel

Contact Information:
Phone: 574 511 4915
Fax: 574 512 9477
E-mail: bellavillahotel(at)hotmail.com

Calle 53 No 50-28
Centro, Medellín, Colombia


First of all thanks to seasoned mongers for providing me with excellent detailed tips on medellin. Been here 8 days so far & liking it.

Monday 19th. Arrived in Medellin via bus late in the evening around 9pm. Was damned tired and headed directly to Hostal Odeon. I believe, a member here commented on the theft that goes in here and I can re-affirm its true as I have lost my debit card so far here partially cause of me though. An english mate of mine I met in Quito recommended this hostal. It isn´t worth for 25K without wifi and I am shopping for a temporary place right now. Headed to the local strip clubs nearby(Grills). Plenty here, both on the street hostal odeon is in (Caracas) and one adjecent to it. Settled for the one dingy place in adjecent street. Most girls here are fat or borderline fat. Maybe few 7-8`s. free entry. Beers cost 4k each and maybe 1k tip for lousy stage dancers. Started talking to a petite one who said she´s from barranquilla and gave lots of information that will eventually come in handy. Was asking for 50k a pop inhouse. Declined as I was too tired. Left the place after 3 beers. On the way back met these dudes passing out cards and one offered inhouse service for 35k. We settled for 2 girls and I select one for 35. BAD MISTAKE as both were hideous and I caved in for a bbbj from one.

2-Tuesday 20th. Woke up early and did a little jogging at Parque Bolivar. Had tinto coffee for 300 pesos and chatted up the coffee girl herself. We settled for COP 30K for a lunch session. I still have her number. Maybe too petite for some here.
3-Wednesday 21st.Met some locals at a rock bar a block from hostal odeon, mezannine floor who recommended I head with them to live rock joint. Barely remember the name as I was too wasted. It was fun though and very safe. Perhaps some here do know of the place and can tell me.

4- Thursday 22nd. One of my new local friends from the other night and I headed to laureles. I believe the club is called Yanyeri. COP20K open bar and plenty of prepagos to choose from. Freebies if you got good game and your spanish is decent. Picked one of the ugly broads here who spoke english for cop50k.

5-Friday 23rd ate lunch at the local upscale scene poblado. A decent lebanese joint and tried to pick free street birdies early evening. Failed miserably. Met two 8 plus hotties who took me to the cleaners after they invited me for drinks at a local hippie joint Jamrock. Downed 30k on drinks here. Another 30k on food before heading with them to a concert in Palmaia club. Downed another 90k for ticket and booze. Overall damage 200k in one night. Yikes. Damn lot for a poor fella like me.
6- Saturday 24th Picked street chick at the local Parque bolivar in the morning for 25k session. Met two 2 english girls at sandiego mall in the evening who recommended a semi dive bar called later8 or something in Parque lleras. Has Jack Daniels posters all over. Finally managed to get my first local plastic freebie.

7-Sunday too tired to bother with girls and ended up watching a flick at local mall Premier Plaza. Did a little blackjack at the casino there. Saw a potential pickup bar there too, Beer House. Dude working there tells me plenty of fine freebies on weekends.

Overall, I must say I do like what I see in Medellin and girls here seem more approachable than the ones in cali. Had a hard time there and wasn´t really into the hardcore pros in sexta. This place definately lacks Quito´s variety though, both in terms in availability, proximity and food.

Now as to some of my serious issues, can any of the local expats here recommend a good english speaking lawyer who can help me with residency permits? Also are there expats renting co-ops or even shared apartments?

Decent sports pub where I can watch the world series or bball playoffs. Thanks fellow mongers and don´t mind my mediocre borderline pathetic english.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

10-28-09, 07:55
Some people need to stop putting words in my mouth. I NEVER said that I hated MDE or that it sucked, etc. I haven't been here long enough to determine that yet. What is DID say is that I've been disappointed with the amount of "top quality" girls I've come across thus far.

But don't worry, I will be hitting every place that's been mentioned recently (if I haven't already).Well dude you are not alone as far as your initial opinion of MDE. I was there and went to all the main spots and was not impressed at all. Definitely not many dimes there imho. Not to say that it isn't any good, maybe I went on a bad week or my expectations were too high based on all good things I heard and read. Anyone on the fence about MDE its always better to see for yourself, maybe its for you or maybe not.

10-28-09, 09:47
That video was in Cali. Le Mejor Cola de valle. I was at the contest and had front row seats!

If you read my report in Cali section. Its a very long detail report with tons of photos from the contest.

That girl who was speaking is Johanna moladano. She was the winner of this years contest.

Yeah. Quick bitching and moaning and take your ass to Loutrons and Fase Dos. You won't regret it dude.

I didn’t say anything about murder rates, etc. I have no problem with the city of Medellin itself, and how the people are. I get along with everyone here just fine. My only issue is the quantity of super hot chicks I’m seeing here.

What am I looking for specifically? I’m looking for the quality of chicks I see in this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqJQW3jnbfI

Not sure if I’ve been to Loutrons yet or not. Gotta check, I tend to forget the names of these places. But I’ll surely be there tonight if I haven’t.

Y Si, claro que hablo espanol. Eso no es el problema.

10-28-09, 13:15

Check out this website. Go to these night clubs. And you will see 10's and 11's.

http://medellin.pegateya.com/design/pegateya/index.phpThese ladies in the foto section of that website.

Are they negotiatable working girls? Or just civis having fun in club?

Would like to know

Thank you.

Member #4176
10-28-09, 16:11
I am going to Medellin in January and I need to find a place to stay.

Has anyone done business with Juan Ventura? He rents apartments.

His site is http://www.cartagena.cc/Medellin/.

There is a place called "The Medellin Casa" that look really nice and I wanted to know if anyones been there, if its guess friendly, etc. If not does anyone have any recommendations on where to stay. Also, in Cartagena there a person called tony #1. He hangs out on Holliwood Beach. He is a guy that you talk to if you need something.

Does Medellin have someone like this?

10-28-09, 17:13
I have high expectations, particularly in what I'm looking for girls to do. But I'm referring to the overall quality vs quantity ratio that I'm seeing. There are some really hot girls here, but I'm not seeing them in the "quantity" that I expected here. The way people talk about Medellin I figured there'd be so many stunning girls here that you couldn't even walk down the street. Or maybe they're just all on vacation? I see higher quantity of hot chicks in Miami.

I'm in Poblado. I've been to the malls, I've been to a few bars/clubs, I've only been here 2 days still so I still have a lot of places to get to. But I'm looking for absolute stunners. I don't want 8's and 9's, I'm looking for 10's and 11's. Yes, I've seen them here. But as I've said, the sightings have been few and far in between.

And once again how is your Espanol ?

Hey Ricker,

If you are currently in MDE why don't you help this man find some quality chicas?

First of all, I'll say the guy is essentially correct in his observations. As we all know, there are not supermodel chicas, one after the other, just everywhere you look on the streets of Medellin.

If you kick back a bit and just chica-watch, of course you'll see some pretty cute chicas pass by and an occassional stunner, more than in most cities around the globe really.

You're not going to see stunner after stunner after stunner though.

If I wanted to see gorgeous girls, one after another, I'd just make my final destination the Miami International airport.

Heck, there in the airport, just get a plate of rice and beans and then a good cuban coffee and sit back and gaze at the many stunners from all over stroll by in their fancy and sexy traveling duds.

Beautiful sights for sure.

These beautiful chicas, like the ones you see in the MIAMI airport, NY, all over the US are mostly un-touchable, and even if they are approachable, they will almost certainly be very high-maintenance, very high priced, or very high on the beeatch factor.

NOW, at least for me, the BEAUTY of the Colombiana, not only in Medellin but all of Colombia, is their general friendlyness and approachability and their sweetness.

In Medellin and all of Colombia, there are many, many, chicas who are very attainable by just the normal guy, whether they be PFP chicas, regular chicas, 7's, 8's, 9's, or even 10's.

I can't really disagree with LEDRAK99 at all. He's just making his observations, based on his personal preferences, however, his agenda seems much different than mine.

When the RAINMAN asks me why "I don't help him (Ledrak) find some quality chicas?"

Well, it's because he (Ledrak) is obviously looking for a way different type of chica than I'm looking for.
He's looking for only the physically beautiful 10+ type chicas.

That's not me at all.
After years and years of visiting Colombia, I've found the real diamonds are the sweetheart type Colombianas, irregardless if she's a 7 or a 10.
Man, I've rejected chicas who were physically 10's, for other chicas a bit less hot but sweeter, because I'm just not into egomaniacs or pains in the butt.

A place like Loutron, for example, isn't my style. I don't want to pay some ridiculous price to lay back with a hot chick for an hour of her faking it.

Hey, I know some guys dig it and that's great, it's just not me.

I would rather take that pretty chica who may be an 8 or maybe even a 7 with an occasional 9 thrown in and schmooze her, make her smile, make her laugh, listen to her, get her to really dig me, take her out, have fun, and then she becomes a 10 plus to me, and we all know why.

Because the 'lovin' you'll get from her will make a trip to Loutron seem like jerkin' off.
She'll love you crazy with that Colombiana passion and the price will be a fraction of what you paid to some high-priced 'faker', if you even pay at all. And you'll have her for as long as you like, not for an hour that goes by quickly and seems like 5 minutes.

That's the true magic of Colombia and las Colombianas to me. Not to guage the amount of 10's or 11's I see on the street, but to feel the 'love' that is so difficult to find in the US / EUROPE.

mis pensamientos ... suerte amigos!!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

10-28-09, 17:17
I don't believe anyone was putting words in your mouth, rather just laughing at you. Your posts are impossible.

YMMV, but MDE is generally agreed to have the most beautiful latinas in the land, maybe the Venezolanos come first, and the Rio crowd always seems to get the number one vote.

Also, you don't even know what Loutron's is so come on, really, did you do your homework. I lived there for most of this year and I found stunner after stunner and stunner. Enjoy Miami. Also, based on your one sentence of Spanish, I would say your linguistics skills might be part of the problem. You can't access the very best in MDE with just Franklins. To have the most fun and access the best girls you have to speak Spanish. mis dos centavos.


JazzLaugh if you want to, I'm simply telling it like it is. If you don't believe it, then so be it. I really could give a damn what you think/believe one way or the other.

And if my Spanish is so off, why don't you correct it for me? I would love to hear what was so incoherent in my sentance.

Tony Squads
10-28-09, 17:37
Any information about this girls?

The people saying are paisas but not sure!


10-29-09, 00:51
I have done a lot of research. Thanks to all the guys that post. Special thanks to Rainman (a longtime friend and fellow monger).

I have a couple local "trusted" drivers that will help translate (Se hablo Espanol un poco), drive and make some introductions. One driver said $10usd/hr to drive us around which sounds more than reasonable.

My question is what would be an appropriate propina for the driver to make introductions to some lovely chicas?

I expect and WANT to show gratitude but I don't know what is the right amount. I don't want to excessively over compensate AND I don't want to under compensate at all.

Any suggestions

10-29-09, 04:09
I am going to Medellin in January and I need to find a place to stay.

Has anyone done business with Juan Ventura? He rents apartments.

His site is http://www.cartagena.cc/Medellin/.

There is a place called "The Medellin Casa" that look really nice and I wanted to know if anyones been there, if its guess friendly, etc. If not does anyone have any recommendations on where to stay. Also, in Cartagena there a person called tony #1. He hangs out on Holliwood Beach. He is a guy that you talk to if you need something.

Does Medellin have someone like this?Juan is a good guy and though I have never rented anything from him in Medellin I have rented from him many times in Cartagena,he is a true proffesssional.

Tony will take advantage of you big time if you let him,I have gotten a few good girls from him though.

10-29-09, 09:57
Probably most of the girls in the photos are just regular girls that are having fun. But I'm sure some are working girls.

But yah never know. If you go to mangoes. You will see alot of working girls. Its dificult to determine who is a regular girl. Or a working girl.

These ladies in the foto section of that website.

Are they negotiatable working girls? Or just civis having fun in club?

Would like to know

Thank you.

Black Page
10-29-09, 18:16
Need to be warm, please go take care of the. Stop wasting you time with the lesser thans in MDE.

I can help you if you need to make plans for the US or other parts of Europe. Enjoy the white of Europe and keep from the working class of MDE. Perhaps the German blood of Argentina can be more appealing to you.

Let me know what I can do to help you upgrade you tripping!Gosh, but I was kidding...! Wasn't it clear?

I thought it was obvious, so I did not add smileys like ;-) etc.

I am a true fan of Colombia and of Medellin. Please see my (very) informative posts in the MDE and CTG fora, if you dont remember.

I am sorry I contributed to add more confusion.

10-29-09, 18:39
I have done a lot of research. Thanks to all the guys that post. Special thanks to Rainman (a longtime friend and fellow monger).

I have a couple local "trusted" drivers that will help translate (Se hablo Espanol un poco), drive and make some introductions. One driver said $10usd/hr to drive us around which sounds more than reasonable.

My question is what would be an appropriate propina for the driver to make introductions to some lovely chicas?

I expect and WANT to show gratitude but I don't know what is the right amount. I don't want to excessively over compensate AND I don't want to under compensate at all.

Any suggestionsJust a comment about getting a driver. In Centro, there is no place to park. Once you get there, you're pretty much on your own. If it's your first trip, it is recommended that you save yourself a lot of headache and just stay at a gringo hotel... At least for the first couple of days. Most will wing with you and introduce you to paisas and translate for FREE. Of course the gringo hotels cost a little bit more, but you're getting extra service. After a couple of days with them, you should be able to get around on your own with taxis.

10-29-09, 21:39
Gosh, but I was kidding...! Wasn't it clear?

I thought it was obvious, so I did not add smileys like ;-) etc.

I am a true fan of Colombia and of Medellin. Please see my (very) informative posts in the MDE and CTG fora, if you dont remember.

I am sorry I contributed to add more confusion.Well, no worries amigo. Your earlier post was an OBVIOUS joke.

Suerte, Ricker

10-29-09, 21:48
I took a twisting bus ride high into the Andes to a cute pueblo called Jerico, to see some friends for a couple of days.

This is coffee plantation country, aka Juan Valdez.

I was surprised to see working chicas there. One was a good looker on the highway just out of town, another in town during the daytime. I was also told the Hollywood bar had action there.

I didnt participate in the scene because I was with my friends, but I´ll come back alone sometime.

Goga Fung
10-30-09, 03:13
Just a comment about getting a driver. In Centro, there is no place to park. Once you get there, you're pretty much on your own. Actually there are pay-for parking lots. Local drivers would know where. There are also signs with ads for that. You pay something like 2K per hour or something. I believe one can also park on a street but it is less secure of course.

10-30-09, 03:18
For the disillusioned one and all that jumped on his bandwagon. I respect his and their opinions but they should learn not to criticize others, that's all. Sorry if you were included but I was really hoping those who do not like it leave so the nice Colombians who care to meet gringos will not hook up with the negative gringos who just try to BUY them as meat and not know them as WOMEN!

Gosh, but I was kidding...! Wasn't it clear?

I thought it was obvious, so I did not add smileys like ;-) etc.

I am a true fan of Colombia and of Medellin. Please see my (very) informative posts in the MDE and CTG fora, if you dont remember.

I am sorry I contributed to add more confusion.

10-30-09, 04:50
I have done a lot of research. Thanks to all the guys that post. Special thanks to Rainman (a longtime friend and fellow monger).

I have a couple local "trusted" drivers that will help translate (Se hablo Espanol un poco), drive and make some introductions. One driver said $10usd/hr to drive us around which sounds more than reasonable.

My question is what would be an appropriate propina for the driver to make introductions to some lovely chicas?

I expect and WANT to show gratitude but I don't know what is the right amount. I don't want to excessively over compensate AND I don't want to under compensate at all.

Any suggestionsWhat kind of chicas? Pros? Semi pros? Amateurs? Chicas from casas?

If he is gonna take you to a casa or a bar I think is better you just call any of the taxis that are in the list and forget about the tipping and else.

If He knows some cute students that work under the radar, Then pay him the 10 bucks and tip him with 2 or 3 he will be pleased. Nobody tips them after they set a rate up. If the girls are stunners then tip him with 5 and he will bring you more and more.

I knew an independent taxi driver in Kiev who connected me with a bunch of gorgeous girls from the University that work part time only with references, It was the best mongering time ever for me. 8's 9's and all of them not spoiled by the rich tourists, only one service at day they do, sometimes only one at week, so you can imagine, they put all the energy and lust like a real hot girlfriend.

Let me know.

I will be in Medellin in a week if you still need some help.

10-31-09, 05:51
Hi guys

I'll be in Medellin next March, so I'm just beginning to read this thread to have the basic infos.

Several time I found the term prepagos and I have some issues to understand the exact meaning.

So the question is: are prepagos the same of what in tailand are the free-lance?


SantiagoPrepago chicas = p4p, escorts, gatitas, pros in general..

11-03-09, 01:14
So after a week, here’s my assesment on the scene in Medellin. If you’re just looking to get laid by 8’s and 9’s (the 10’s and 11’s are harder to come by), then Medellin will be like dream paradise for you. There are so many fuckable girls here that you should never have to fuck the same chick twice. And the best part is they all love to fuck like crazy, and become total sluts in the bedroom. Even the pros will fuck you for free (that seems to be the norm here, or maybe I’ve just been lucky).

But, I’m not just looking to get laid. I had an agenda here. For someone like myself, things are a bit more complicated. I need to find the best quality girls and be able to weed out the ones that weren’t going to work out for me. The casas are a complete waste of my time because you can’t talk and negotiate with the girls there. The bars/clubs are 50/50. If I can find the type of girl I’m looking for there (and that’s a big IF), then I have a fair chance of things working out in my favor. So I’ve had to work the bar/club angle, and establish some solid connections to really get what I’ve been looking for. And even with the right connections things have been way more difficult than they should be.

So, I know I’m being very vague here, but if you can read between the lines you might be able to understand where I’m coming from. Bottom line, I would come to Medellin any day to get laid, but not to do my job.

11-03-09, 09:54
I will be in Medellin in a week if you still need some help.Where are you staying? How long will you be there?

I will be there Nov 13. 22 (maybe longer).

Paul Frankl
11-03-09, 14:25
This is a great post and the bottom line!

I would rather take that pretty chica who may be an 8 or maybe even a 7 with an occasional 9 thrown in and schmooze her, make her smile, make her laugh, listen to her, get her to really dig me, take her out, have fun, and then she becomes a 10 plus to me, and we all know why.

Because the 'lovin' you'll get from her will make a trip to Loutron seem like jerkin' off. She'll love you crazy with that Colombiana passion and the price will be a fraction of what you paid to some high-priced 'faker', if you even pay at all. And you'll have her for as long as you like, not for an hour that goes by quickly and seems like 5 minutes.

That's the true magic of Colombia and las Colombianas to me. Not to guage the amount of 10's or 11's I see on the street, but to feel the 'love' that is so difficult to find in the US / EUROPE.

Mis pensamientos. Suerte amigos!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.[/QUOTE]

11-03-09, 16:11
So after a week, here’s my assesment on the scene in Medellin. If you’re just looking to get laid by 8’s and 9’s (the 10’s and 11’s are harder to come by), then Medellin will be like dream paradise for you. There are so many fuckable girls here that you should never have to fuck the same chick twice. And the best part is they all love to fuck like crazy, and become total sluts in the bedroom. Even the pros will fuck you for free (that seems to be the norm here, or maybe I’ve just been lucky)

Well, sure glad you cleared that up about the Paisas!

I bet it's just horrible making love to only the 8's and 9's.

I need the 10's and 11's too, if they exist!! The 9's just won't do it for me!!

Hey, just kidding amigo, I'll take the 'dream paradise' anyday :)

I wish you luck in your job and your quest for perfection.

11-03-09, 18:14
I found a great deal on air/hotel. Avianca from Miami to Medellin $248 plus taxes roundtrip. Intercontinental Hotel for 5000 priority club points per night (normally 30,000 points). Priority club randomly selects a few hotels around the world every quarter and drops the free nights to 5000 points. Great deal.

I want to try a few new things this trip. Has anyone been to a swinger club in Medellin? Also, are there any marriage agencies that someone can recommend.

11-03-09, 19:07
Guys. Don't bash Lendrak for liking 10s and 11s if that's what he likes.

If there is a city in the world with a high concentration of 10s and 11s that is available to the common folk, I would like to know too! That leaves places in the US out of the question. Most of the 10s and 11s in a developed country are mostly 8s and 9s anyway. But they have the money to be made up to look like 10s and 11s!

Paul, I know a girl with 7 or 8 looks can be a 10 or 11 overall. But that still doesn't change her physical 7 or 8 look. Of course most would rather have a 7 or 8 with a great 10 personality vs a 10 or 11 with 5 personality. You can't generalize that all 10s and 11s all have bad personalities/services though.

Personally, I'd rather find a 10 or 11 with a 10 or 11 personality. LOL. I know, like the holy grail. I'll stop for 8s and 9s on the way but that won't stop me from test driving a 10 or 11 and see if they have a great personality! If you won't even consider a 10 or 11 because you just assume they won't be good, well that just mean more for me =)

My 2 cents.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

11-03-09, 20:39
That porn star or mail order bride for you client or whatever business you are trying to allude to, that you were attempting to recruit, at least you found a way to enjoy the city and its people.

This post was a lot better than your introduction where you condemned the whole city and its surrounding pueblos. In the future please try to remember your 11 might not be the same as others. My first trip to MDE was not to find a new piece but to meet a new daughter and start a life.

I chose MDE (or MDE chose me) because I met my 111; the one who, to me would out beauty any (except for maybe the Fantastic Susan Storm, no, even better than she). Everyone has their own ideas of beauty and yours might not match others. I met a "Brady" girl one time at an airport in 1998 or 1999, she was coming off a flight from Europe and her passport was green from South America. This Victoria, without make-up was nothing special and you would not have thought her to be anything of beauty, yet NOW this Secret is considered one of the most beautiful women in the world.

TO each his own and humility should be a lesson you learn!

So after a week, here’s my assesment on the scene in Medellin. If you’re just looking to get laid by 8’s and 9’s (the 10’s and 11’s are harder to come by), then Medellin will be like dream paradise for you. There are so many fuckable girls here that you should never have to fuck the same chick twice. And the best part is they all love to fuck like crazy, and become total sluts in the bedroom. Even the pros will fuck you for free (that seems to be the norm here, or maybe I’ve just been lucky).

But, I’m not just looking to get laid. I had an agenda here. For someone like myself, things are a bit more complicated. I need to find the best quality girls and be able to weed out the ones that weren’t going to work out for me. The casas are a complete waste of my time because you can’t talk and negotiate with the girls there. The bars/clubs are 50/50. If I can find the type of girl I’m looking for there (and that’s a big IF), then I have a fair chance of things working out in my favor. So I’ve had to work the bar/club angle, and establish some solid connections to really get what I’ve been looking for. And even with the right connections things have been way more difficult than they should be.

So, I know I’m being very vague here, but if you can read between the lines you might be able to understand where I’m coming from. Bottom line, I would come to Medellin any day to get laid, but not to do my job.

11-04-09, 02:56
Where are you staying? How long will you be there?

I will be there Nov 13. 22 (maybe longer).Staying at El Poblado .. I'm very confident I will have some game going on by the time you get there, so you are welcome to join the fun.

where are you staying?

Nos vemos.


11-04-09, 03:03
Well, sure glad you cleared that up about the Paisas!

I bet it's just horrible making love to only the 8's and 9's.

I need the 10's and 11's too, if they exist!! The 9's just won't do it for me!!

Hey, just kidding amigo, I'll take the 'dream paradise' anyday :)

I wish you luck in your job and your quest for perfection.Ricker,

You are a perfect Lord, I haven't seen too many mongers act so cool and respect everybody's way of being.

No wonder why you have so much fun and girls fallow you like bees.

Honored to count with your friendship bro,

Have fun in Brasil, say Hi to my loving garotas please. God! What a blessed continent we have with so many gorgeous and amazing girls!


11-04-09, 19:14
Not sure if this is this right thread to ask this, but has anyone had decent experience with a Spanish School in Medellin. I'm looking for one that is located near where I'm likely to stay (Mansion or elsewhere in Poblado area).



11-04-09, 19:50
I saw lorena back in June.

Initially she wanted to go to some disco or two. She said she had her cousin with her & can I get a friend to come with.

I told her forget the disco, I just want to meet her. She showed up with her cousin who goes with a fellow monger. More about her later.

Lorena wanted 150k/2hrs. I told her 100k. She wouldn't budge, so I said 125k + 25k tip if earned. She agrees.

Besides a few stretch marks, her body rocks. A bit of a priss, though:

She enjoys DATY a lot. I was surprised by BBBJ but she didn't like me watching! Wtf! No anal, no position except mish, enthusiastic enough to make bed come aloose.

She seemed surprised I gave her the "extra" 25k. It was because of that body of hers, not her attitude.

She's prob. Asking for more (& maybe getting it) because we're keeping her busy.

After a day or two my British friend & I swapped. (he already posted a lot more promptly than me) Paola is really cute too. She looks a lot better than her pics in lorena's profile. A lot more accommodating, better attitude. Sweet, even. She too did BBBJ without me asking. Charges the same.

Maybe if you negotiate once she's there (like I did) & call her on an off day like tue or wed, she'd be willing to work with you.

Hope this helps.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

11-04-09, 20:39

You are a perfect Lord, I haven't seen too many mongers act so cool and respect everybody's way of being.

No wonder why you have so much fun and girls fallow you like bees.Hey, I've been called a lot of things, but never a Lord, lol!

In reality, I'm just another dude, lucky enough to be able to travel so much, hoping to meet some nice chicas.

Enjoy your upcoming maiden voyage to Medellin!

11-05-09, 18:34
Hey, I've been called a lot of things, but never a Lord, LOL!

In reality, I'm just another dude, lucky enough to be able to travel so much, hoping to meet some nice chicas.

Enjoy your upcoming maiden voyage to Medellin! LOL LOL. It was a little bit too much right? Sir Ricker hahaha

Hey enjoy your luck, but also is true that luck can be made.

I'll let you know how things go here. Thanks a lot for all the tips and help hermano.

Do not forget to go see Rafaela. This guy looking for 10's and 11's problably should go to Saopa and see if he still not finding Diosas.

Ledrak you are looking for VIP escorts to take them to the north?

Well, sorry bro but I really hope you can't find them. They got super spoiled, plastic and bitchy as soon as you put them in an international airport.

Just kidding. If you still in town let me help to look for some of them. Hey, who doesn't like aliens. As long they keep their make up on and don't fake their moaning I go for them.

11-05-09, 18:44
I saw lorena back in June.

Initially she wanted to go to some disco or two. She said she had her cousin with her & can I get a friend to come with.

I told her forget the disco, I just want to meet her. She showed up with her cousin who goes with a fellow monger. More about her later.

Lorena wanted 150k/2hrs. I told her 100k. She wouldn't budge, so I said 125k + 25k tip if earned. She agrees.

Besides a few stretch marks, her body rocks. A bit of a priss, though:

She enjoys DATY a lot. I was surprised by BBBJ but she didn't like me watching! Wtf! No anal, no position except mish, enthusiastic enough to make bed come aloose.

She seemed surprised I gave her the "extra" 25k. It was because of that body of hers, not her attitude.

She's prob. Asking for more (& maybe getting it) because we're keeping her busy.

After a day or two my British friend & I swapped. (he already posted a lot more promptly than me) Paola is really cute too. She looks a lot better than her pics in lorena's profile. A lot more accommodating, better attitude. Sweet, even. She too did BBBJ without me asking. Charges the same.

Maybe if you negotiate once she's there (like I did) & call her on an off day like tue or wed, she'd be willing to work with you.

Hope this helps.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.Thank you bro, there is also a report from another guy on the pictures board,

He said that is confirmed, She learned so fast to raise the prices, the gredy girl is trying to get 400k now, But I won't help her to fuck the market up, no Sr, If she want to get 400k she needs to go to the gym everyday, stay with me TLN and change the attitude, there are plenty of nice and gorgeous girls for 100k and my friends told me is good money being in Colombia.

I may try again but only f I have time, is not like she is the most pretty girl around. I'll be there Saturday morning, anybody in town now?


Aussie Greg
11-05-09, 20:18
Medellin Mansion.

December 1st - 20th cheap deal on accomodations

Guys, if you want a cheap deal, the Mansion and El Castillo is offering rooms at a flat rate of $50.00 per night except for premium rooms which are Mansion rooms 1 and 12 and El Castillo room 9, first come, first served as far as the room selection goes..
The first 3 weeks in December is always quiet here at the Mansion so that’s why Medellin Bob and Big Bad Boyd have slashed room rates for only this period of time, e-mail Marcy to get this great offer at info@medellinmansion.com

Price also includes a large breakfast, internet accsess, free laundry (no ironing) and many more freebees.

Aussie Greg

11-05-09, 21:18

I put the link here to not off topic the pictures board.

Rainman, Zig, thanks for the reports, seams like Angie-Lorena is a very voluble person, but hey, most young pretty girls are.

But surely I won't help to spoil her and make her think she can treat foreigners like "gringos" if you know what I mean, rich American people who doesn't have a clue how prices go. Thanks to this forum we are not that blind anymore. And many of us are not even rich haha

11-05-09, 23:39
Not sure if this is this right thread to ask this, but has anyone had decent experience with a Spanish School in Medellin. I'm looking for one that is located near where I'm likely to stay (Mansion or elsewhere in Poblado area).



The very best Spanish school. They took me from low intermediate to fairly advanced in six weeks. It is intensive, however, but close to all transportation and mi favorito barrio Belen, the school is in Poblado:




Vicar Pab
11-06-09, 05:27
Folks, Are there any nice fun place, massage parlor or a Strip club in El Pablado area. Please let me know

Aussie Greg
11-06-09, 16:22
No and never will be.

Aussie Greg

Folks, Are there any nice fun place, massage parlor or a Strip club in El Pablado area. Please let me know

11-06-09, 16:40
Arrived Wed night on Avianca around 6:00pm. Decided to take the bus to Intercontinental. It's supposed to go right past it. However, a group of around 8 get on the bus and talk the bus driver into taking a different route. Of course, the driver agrees...not caring about the other passengers. Typical of Colombia. The half hour ride ends up taking an hour. No big deal. Next time I'll take the taxi.

I headed to San Diego Show first. There were a couple decent choices. I got a bit grossed out by a few ultra fake-ass women there. Some really go too far with it. I seem to notice it's always the less attractive women that get up and dance at San Diego. I headed over to Fase 2 after having a couple of hot dogs outside San Diego (this guy and his partner is serving like 10 hot dogs a minute non-stop).

Fase 2 had some decent choices. I took a spinner to the room and it was a good session. On my way out, a spotted a petite street girl nearby Fase 2. I took her to a hotel and end up getting somewhat ripped off. She was a great performer, but she did upsell me and took 40 mil worth of food/drinks from the minibar. It was mostly my fault...I'd had too much to drink and didn't lay down the law like I should have.

Second night more of the same. This time took the best girl out of Fase 2. She was a decent performer in the room.

Intercontinental hotel has been great, but I wouldn't go unless you can get the price down to $100 or use points for free nights.

Frank Casio
11-06-09, 18:47
Hi guys,

I am a very lucky man. I found a home in Tampa within walking distance of The Hard Rock Cafe Casino, owned by the Seminole Indians. I´m within walking distance, so I wont have to worry about DUIs. This is probably the only place in Tampa that allows smoking in doors. There is also a Gentlemen´s Club (Sin city) near my house. Probably the only one in Tampa that allows alcohol. And to top it all off, a Hooters and a Winghouse also near by. The girls at the Casino are smoking hot ! I´ll be traveling back and forth more often. I love the women in Medellin, but I love the food in Tampa ! I get the best of both Worlds.

Frank Casio !

11-06-09, 22:43
Isn't Loutrons in Poblado? Or is that just outside of it?

No and never will be.

Aussie Greg

11-06-09, 22:48
Arrived Wed night on Avianca around 6:00pm. Decided to take the bus to Intercontinental. It's supposed to go right past it. However, a group of around 8 get on the bus and talk the bus driver into taking a different route. Of course, the driver agrees...not caring about the other passengers. Typical of Colombia. The half hour ride ends up taking an hour. No big deal. Next time I'll take the taxi.
I take the bus all the time. It takes at a MINIMUM 50 minutes to get from the airport into town. I know because I timed it every time. IMO, it's not worth the extra 50k to take a taxi alone.

Frank Casio
11-07-09, 06:42
It'S just outside of El poblado, in the direction of the airport. Almost straight up El Tesoro Mall. Beautiful girls, but expensive and a little bit conceded.

Frank Casio!

Isn't Loutrons in Poblado? Or is that just outside of it?

John Gault
11-07-09, 17:01
I take the bus all the time. It takes at a MINIMUM 50 minutes to get from the airport into town. I know because I timed it every time. IMO, it's not worth the extra 50k to take a taxi alone.I take the bus also. Is it still 6K?

11-07-09, 21:31
I take the bus also. Is it still 6K?Yep, Last time I went in September. Best deal in town. Takes you straight to El Centro and you can get a taxi from there.

11-07-09, 22:16
And being that the hotel is walking distance from the last stop; no problem.

I take the bus all the time. It takes at a MINIMUM 50 minutes to get from the airport into town. I know because I timed it every time. IMO, it's not worth the extra 50k to take a taxi alone.

11-08-09, 02:16
Folks, Are there any nice fun place, massage parlor or a Strip club in El Pablado area. Please let me knowFace ll and San Diego are very close to El Poblado Loma Linde area,takes me 5 minutes to get there.

I was at Face ll last night. Cute girls,7s and 8s. Very few 9s for my taste. I did Susana, she acts like a diva, her services is just OK very good fucker, but terrible kisser.

Kind of low punctuation to her, she gets her orgasms very fast, she trembles and stuff, not faked, super wet and sweaty, Nothing wrong with that. Problem is: After she is satisfied She starts asking for your "milk"
(they say "dame la lechita toda") breaking your concentration and flow (I really hate that shit! ). Not recommendable, you have to work her out a lot to get a reasonable good time. I will check San Diego tonight and see how it is.

Talking about Loutron, awesome place, many girls, only one I liked, 90% are all plastic curves, not my cup of tea. I'm used to the natural nice perfect and amazing to the touch butts from Brasil, Argentina, Venezuela and Paraguay. Plastic butts, not my turn on future.
I Know many dudes like them, so this is the place for those guys to go. Prices are higher than other places, 150k-1/2Hr 185k-1Hr and keep going up."three somes" are 300k.

Service was great, incredible passion and lust from Michele. I heard there are more girls that they didn't show up, So I will come back to check them out.

And last report is just a promise for now, I had the best sex so far with this cutie that is under the radar now, we will go out and stuff tomorrow. If she decides to start escorting I will let you guys know, she said she is thinking about it.

She's a solid 9 in my chart, beautiful face with green eyes, tide bootty, ZERO fat, very small waist, great attitude,

She is not a 10 becuz has fake boobies. That's all.
But sex and all the paisa romance and class is upscaled. Very classy, smart, gorgeous and an explosion of lust in the bed.

I'll Keep you guys updated .

11-08-09, 02:27
I don't know how updated is the list, but in El Poblado is a Massage Clinica.. and is very close to my place,, so I will check it out Monday.. I'll let you know.

Centro de Masajes Pekin, Calle 10A # 43A-31, Apt 201. 3 Chicas. Prices: 70k 45 min. Tel: 268 64 22. Hours: 10am to 8pm

11-08-09, 17:06

Do they have promo massages at this location or other locations like 2 x 1?

Thanks in advance.


I don't know how updated is the list, but in El Poblado is a Massage Clinica.. and is very close to my place,, so I will check it out Monday.. I'll let you know.

Centro de Masajes Pekin, Calle 10A # 43A-31, Apt 201. 3 Chicas. Prices: 70k 45 min. Tel: 268 64 22. Hours: 10am to 8pm

11-08-09, 18:34

Do they have promo massages at this location or other locations like 2 x 1?

Thanks in advance.

S7I have no clue yet. I haven't being in any massage casa yet, besides Loutron, of course this casa being the most exclusive in town has no promos at all, the best you can do there is going for the "playboy session" 150k 1/2 Hr, It worth it to me big time, they give you enough time to take a shower with the girl after the service. Treatment is VIP and upscale

Monday we start exploring the casas and massage parlors and let you know if I find anything.

11-09-09, 12:44
Back in Medellin where I spend most of weekend boozing. Started with :

Thursday 5th: Went to a local live band bar called El Deck in Poblado. Pretty decent place mostly full of college kids and prospective freebies. Drank the whole night with a friend and I believe one of the dudes who works there. Learned few interesting words too like no money gringo. Kinda felt bad and cheap as I am foreigner myself, especially coming from a college girl but its cool as she did pày her dues on my last trip. Arrived my place around 3am and called it an alone night by myself.

Friday 6th morning. Tried to get together with my petite tinto coffee seller at Parque Bolivar but she seemed cold. Heck I´ve only been with her 3 times and she tries to pull the whole sticky novia/attachment deal on me. Bought her a breakfast and told her will call her again in the evening.

Justafool mate unfortunately won't be able to pm you her number as I still haven´t paid my dues and will soon pay the yearly subscription needed.

I do not know if this against the forum rules but here´s my mail so I can send you her number: [Email address deleted by Admin]

Was kept busy by lawyer and a friend of mine throughout the day. Had dinner at my favorite lebanese diner in Poblado. Headed to Autopista late into the night around 1:30am and headed to Mr Bling. Got wasted again all by myself & learned the place fills up with prepagos late into the night. Was eyeing one big breasted bed thrasher but a yuppie local beat me to it. The bar fella told me she works at a local strip club. Came home around 6am and met my annoying tinto coffee seller for a Saturday morning session. This time she wanted 40k.

Saturday 7th: Luckily ran into an artisan expo in Parque Bolivar in the afternoon. Apparently this expo is held once every month. Managed to scoop 2 numbers from girls shopping there. Place is definately legit for freebies. In the evening ended up with one of my prepagos I met at a local grills bars in el centro on my earlier trip. After midnidnight went to Sanorama on Calle 52, another grills place. This place had 15 or so girls but only 4 were 8 decent and worthy 7-8. With a decent spanish one can bargain a decent price for the pros here. Asking price is 50K for half an hour. Ordered a beer and one Aimmy starts talking to me. An ugly tail and one wouldn´t pay a dollar for her. She was sweet though and talked about her time spent in Amsterdam and introduced me to the one I was eyeing, a petite black haired waitress. After consuming 4 local beer paisa for me and 3 costalenna for her we agreed on 100k late into the night session after closing at 2am. Beers are 3k there, we had 7 in all. 2hrs there, 21K for beers, 4k for dancing girls tips(yes I know I am greedy loser and tipped the only deserving girls not every cellulite fatties who hopped the pole), 10k on street food she wanted and 100k for her. Overall damage so far 135k. I owe a lot of my local games to a british fella I met in Quito who gave me the means, schemes and ways to trick even pros in the grills. She stayed at my place from 2am to 6am. Wanted DATY but I wouldn´t go for it. A bit too docile & timid in the beginning but relaxed further after she downed a half a bottle of smirnoff vodka I had in the minibar. Likes to do it in the shower which I found out later. Also likes to cuddle which isn´t really my thing. Wanted to kick her out after 2hrs but felt sorry for her as it was 4am which came in as a blessing in disguise and we had another early morning session in the shower. No bbbj but overall a good gfe and will hook up with her again. I do suspect she has a thing for americans though not that I am one and is looking for a ticket meal out of the country. Perhaps some of the seasoned mongers here can get a freebie from her.

Also speaking of Strip joints, are there any decent, bit upscale strip clubs I can visit in Medellin, ones like Dollhouse, Exstasis or 515 in Quito?

What about oriental girls? I do miss k pressure in hong kong? Maybe chinese
travelling prostitutes on their way to the US? Massage places?

Where can one go to on weekdays like Monday & Tuesday for mongering, pub scene, A local recommends avenida 10? Is it any good on weekdays.

How is time-out on weekdays. Anyone tried a bar called Licor across Jam Rock in Poblado? Place is backed and overflows on weekends with fine eye candies, mostly college kids. Your feedbacks appreciated.

Sunday 8th: Hooked up with one of my freebies from the artisan exbo.

Monday 9th: Been up from 4am and cant sleep working on a project. Let´s hope I get a freebie or at least a budget poon tonight. Cheers fellas.

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11-09-09, 16:36
It seems that I have to repeat couple of times the worrd "promo" "promo" to get a response. Sometimes on the way out they promise a promo on the next massage. They have to check with someone else before they can offer it.

Does Playboy offers real solid massage for 60 minutes ? At 150K that is a resort massage price for 60 mintes at some locations.

Look forward to the update.

I have no clue yet. I haven't being in any massage casa yet, besides Loutron, of course this casa being the most exclusive in town has no promos at all, the best you can do there is going for the "playboy session" 150k 1/2 Hr, It worth it to me big time, they give you enough time to take a shower with the girl after the service. Treatment is VIP and upscale

Monday we start exploring the casas and massage parlors and let you know if I find anything.

11-10-09, 01:40
Hi Guys,

I just got back from my 3rd trip to Medellin, and I must say it is true when they say 3rd times the charm. In the past I have stayed in Mansion, and Castillo and at the VIP Executive which ea one has a great atmosphere. This last time I decided to try something new and Different. I was refered to stay at a Penthouse Apartment runned by Robert (not the Robert from Castillo). The Penthouse is located at the most exclusive place in Medellin in the city, no worries about walking around at night (Edificio Fontanar). Now the place is huge and rooms run from 55 to 75 a night (see attached pics). It has it own exclusive pool, sauna & steam room. What I liked the most is that Robert was more than a host, he really cared how you spend the nights and took care of everything you need. Just ask and he will make sure you get what you ask.

1. Gilrs. Just ask what you are looking for and he will go out of the way to find thaT SPECIAL LADY FOR THE NIGHT. He even negociates the best price. I got some nice looking girls from 150k to 200k all night! Basically when they arrive he does the talking and he makes sure the girls stay until the negociated time and there is no need for the girl to ask for more $$ unless you want to tip them.

2. Breakfast included.

3. Airport pick up

4. Airport drop off

5. Hanging out at the penthouse feels like you are at home away from home. He even would cook for you on some nights at no charge.

6. Great guide

LIke I said, Robert really makes sure you have a good time and you enjoy the stay. Feel free to call his USA landline 954-530-9981 or cell 3002421933

His email [Email address deleted by Admin]

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Hamlet Gogo
11-10-09, 14:45
I'm flying out to Medellin on the first week of January. Require some much needed R&R after working for some time in Afghanistan after separating from the Air Force. I'm not too worried about the dangers as this will be my 39th country I've been too but I was wondering if somebody could give me some advice. I've rented an apartment at the http://www.Theapartmentmedellin.com/index.html and it did look really nice. Does anyone have any comments on it? Also if anybody is interested in hanging out, need a wingman since most of my buddies chickened out. I will be there for the whole month of January. I've read some posts about the Medellin Mansion but was too late since I've already put down a deposit on the place. It did sound pretty cool and I had one of my co-workers stay at the place about two years ago.

11-10-09, 19:33
LIke I said, Robert really makes sure you have a good time and you enjoy the stay. Feel free to call his USA landline 954-530-9981 or cell 3002421933Interesting, where are the pics? Does he have a website? Is this a new place or has it been reviewed here before?

11-10-09, 20:06
It seems that I have to repeat couple of times the worrd "promo" "promo" to get a response. Sometimes on the way out they promise a promo on the next massage. They have to check with someone else before they can offer it.

Does Playboy offers real solid massage for 60 minutes? At 150K that is a resort massage price for 60 mintes at some locations.

Look forward to the update.Ok Playboy is not a massage clinic. Is a type of massage Loutron offrers, I will ask for the promos. I did not ask because I do not come back to the same place often.

BTW clinica Peking at el poblado still operating. 2 chicks 7s maybe 8s fr some guys. 75k hour, Emergy chicks are not that cute, I liked only Paulina, perfect natural tide and slimm curvy body. Casa verde, twins are not there any more. Chicks 6s and maybe one 7 cool guy the manager. Joseph bro, all the chicks miss you and love you. I did Linda very cute mona, body is not all that, awesome service though.

At night was super wild, we report that later with some time.

11-10-09, 20:21
I'm flying out to Medellin on the first week of January. Require some much needed R&R after working for some time in Afghanistan after separating from the Air Force. I'm not too worried about the dangers as this will be my 39th country I've been too but I was wondering if somebody could give me some advice. I've rented an apartment at the http://www.Theapartmentmedellin.com/index.htmlI rented from Andrews company this apartment http://www.theapartmentmedellin.com/Apartment1203.html

I was very satisfied, but I would have been more satisfied with a 400-500 apartment instead of 600. Everything about them was handled excellently.

Hog Dog
11-11-09, 04:27
I rented from Andrews company this apartment http://www.theapartmentmedellin.com/Apartment1203.html

I was very satisfied, but I would have been more satisfied with a 400-500 apartment instead of 600. Everything about them was handled excellently.I heartily second Bbrocs' opinion.

I rented an apartment from Andrew and was treated MORE than fair. I'd reserved a 1-bedroom over near Parque Lleras, but he had some vacancies and offered to upgrade me for free to a larger, nicer apartment next door to Oviedo Mall. The apartment was perfectly equipped (including a local cell phone). Outstanding quality across the board, and the driver they referred me to (Sergio) was awesome with great english and a nice clean, new car.

I will absolutely call Andrew again next trip to Medellin.

Vic Serna
11-11-09, 04:34
Hello everyone, I'm Vic.

I'm a 21 year old Paisa, I lived in the U.S for about 7 years but I have been back in my beautiful city now for 4 years and Im having a great time. Im going to college here and to be able to pay for it Im offering my services as a translator/tour guide, I can help you out with many different things, I know the whole city, its culture, places...if you are interested write me an email and Ill be glad to help you out

[Email address deleted by Admin]

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Hamlet Gogo
11-11-09, 10:01
I've actually rented out the Penthouse 1408, http://www.theapartmentmedellin.com/Apartment1408.html.

It looked really nice and I just couldn't help myself)) Need some comfort! Overall my Spanish is not that great. I've worked for a comm company down in Ecuador, at the former Manta Air Base, before they shut it down this past September. Never had a chance to go because another company offered me a job in Europe so I skipped out. But I will never forget about my times in Ecuador. From what I've heard Colombia is a place to B. I'm hoping everything works out since I'm going to be there for a while.

11-11-09, 13:38
A lot already have the connections you offer. What pueblo are you in the know, anything new? Bello is a nut I have not cracked, any leads to bonitas there?

Have photos of NEW contacts; mujeres bonitas?


Hello everyone, I'm Vic.

I'm a 21 year old Paisa, I lived in the U.S for about 7 years but I have been back in my beautiful city now for 4 years and Im having a great time. Im going to college here and to be able to pay for it Im offering my services as a translator/tour guide, I can help you out with many different things, I know the whole city, its culture, places...if you are interested write me an email and Ill be glad to help you out

[Email address deleted by Admin]

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11-11-09, 13:42
Odeon used to be my stop until the last trip and I got ripped from the hotel. I was planning Bella Villa, something like that but if you have a better option for next Monday to Monday I am all ears.

I perfer to stay in that Parque Bolivar, San Antonio area, let me know what you know please.

Thank you

I heartily second Bbrocs' opinion.

I rented an apartment from Andrew and was treated MORE than fair. I'd reserved a 1-bedroom over near Parque Lleras, but he had some vacancies and offered to upgrade me for free to a larger, nicer apartment next door to Oviedo Mall. The apartment was perfectly equipped (including a local cell phone). Outstanding quality across the board, and the driver they referred me to (Sergio) was awesome with great english and a nice clean, new car.

I will absolutely call Andrew again next trip to Medellin.

11-11-09, 19:03
I've rented from Andrew twice with no complaints. I waited too late to get a reservation on this visit but will use him again on my next visit.

Currently I'm visiting and staying at a few hotels.


Hamlet Gogo
11-12-09, 13:16
Where would one go to find single available women. I've read up on Mango and it seems like that place is full of couples. Even if they are not they are usually with a group. I'm looking for the bars for the pre drinking and than clubs after.

11-13-09, 05:26
Where would one go to find single available women. I've read up on Mango and it seems like that place is full of couples. Even if they are not they are usually with a group. I'm looking for the bars for the pre drinking and than clubs after.Hey, I drink in Parque LLeras around happy hour. I am especially fond of a place called Wonka, especially the top floor with the roof that opens and the weird loungy vibe going on there. But as I walk around I look for the outdoor bars so I can see if there are women there. I notice that girls do go out in packs (3-4). Also on Fridays there's a Beer bar or two in Premium Plaza close to the casino, that someone posted here that it was happening on Friday and it was. When I'm in Laureles I hit bars along Nutibara by the traffic circle, and other side streets stemming off of Nutibara. When I'm down and dirty I like Mayorista.

11-13-09, 06:16
Was kept busy by lawyer and a friend of mine throughout the day. Had dinner at my favorite lebanese diner in Poblado. Headed to Autopista late into the night around 1:30am and headed to Mr Bling. Got wasted again all by myself & learned the place fills up with prepagos late into the night. Was eyeing one big breasted bed thrasher but a yuppie local beat me to it. The bar fella told me she works at a local strip club. Came home around 6am and met my annoying tinto coffee seller for a Saturday morning session. This time she wanted 40k.Can you share where Mr Bling is?

Que Rico
11-13-09, 19:53
Any opinions on the RomanceLatina parties?

Are these girls shills, pro's, non pro's or a mix of all of the above?I've never been there but I'm tempted to go to that party since I will be in town on that day. I have chatted with them and they don't seem to undertsand that there relationship type "one night stand " means they only want one night LOL they have no clue so its hard to tell who is prepago so I just ask. I can be your client (cliente) your friend (amigo) or your lover (novio) the choice is your s. People say most are pay per views. If you're going to the party PM me maybe I'll go.

11-14-09, 20:19
Hola, I'd like to find info about Florencia and when I try to search it I get 120 pages and I have to find Florencia on them. Is it impossible to find news. Perhaps do I make some error about "Search" function?

Thanks for your info.

11-15-09, 01:02
I've never been there but I'm tempted to go to that party since I will be in town on that day. I have chatted with them and they don't seem to undertsand that there relationship type "one night stand " means they only want one night LOL they have no clue so its hard to tell who is prepago so I just ask. I can be your client (cliente) your friend (amigo) or your lover (novio) the choice is your s. People say most are pay per views. If you're going to the party PM me maybe I'll go.Coming up to Medellin from Pereira on Monday where the cambios are exchangeing 1,889 pesos to the dollar. can anyone say if the rate is better in Medellin at the moment? (sorry if this is mis-threaded)

11-15-09, 06:05
I'll tell ya though, I've found the people of Brasil to rival Colombia for the top spot. Trust me, I love the Colombiana too. I've been with plenty of 'them.
I think though, I'll reserve my 'best' rating for the Brasiliera.Don't you think though that ther’s a big difference between well developed São Paulo and the rest of the country?

Perhaps because in São Paulo, the education level is higher and also there aren’t so many sex tourists as in other towns, so there is less defiance.

11-15-09, 08:29
Coming up to Medellin from Pereira on Monday where the cambios are exchangeing 1,889 pesos to the dollar. can anyone say if the rate is better in Medellin at the moment? (sorry if this is mis-threaded)About the same.

The best rate is at the banks . 1,970

11-15-09, 18:47
1. Go to upper right of page, click on "search this thread" which is right under page count (page 1 of), you'll get a drop drown.

2. Click "advance search" under search window.

3. On the next page, type in "Florencia" or whatever you want to search in keyword(s) window on left

4. In "show results as" click "reports"

5. Click "search now" button under that.

6. Next you'll see your results, the system already having scrolled down to the first (latest) result, in this case it'd be your post.

7. Click on underlined phrase in shaded portion of post: "info about search option"

8. You'll be taken to the specific post with the keyword highlighted in red.

Hope this helps

Hola, I'd like to find info about Florencia and when I try to search it I get 120 pages and I have to find Florencia on them. Is it impossible to find news. Perhaps do I make some error about "Search" function?

Thanks for your info.

11-15-09, 20:44
I think he means Bling Bling, which is a location of Mr. Cocktails. It's in front of Palmahia, which is between Poblado and Itagui, not far from Mangos. Quite a nice club, but the action starts VERY late.

If you come early, you can get great deals. The other day we went there on a Sunday night with a bunch of friends. The didn't charge us for cover and the media de ron was 2-for-1 (you pay 1, you get 2), which is perfect if you're with a group. We were 8 people and partied for ~ COP 80,000.

There are some other clubs in the same area.

Enjoy the life!

Girlfriend 4 A Week

Can you share where Mr Bling is?

11-15-09, 23:42
Coming up to Medellin from Pereira on Monday where the cambios are exchangeing 1,889 pesos to the dollar. can anyone say if the rate is better in Medellin at the moment? (sorry if this is mis-threaded)Is about the same rate as Pereira.

better rate on the ATMs from City Bank and Banco Colombiano.

How was Pereira? have some data?

I will be here in MDE for one more week if you want to hung around or need help or data.. send me a PM


11-15-09, 23:45
I have some good data to share but we are always short of time.

I will post some reports soon.

11-16-09, 14:28
7. Click on underlined phrase in shaded portion of post: "info about search option"

8. You'll be taken to the specific post with the keyword highlighted in red.

I'm sorry perhaps you don't understand me or I you.;)

If I write "Florencia" on Advanced Search Option I get a good result:

Other Areas, Medellin Reports, General Info, 2006 Medellin Reports.

For example if I click on "General info", I don't see any word with "Florencia" on the nex page, I don't even see "Florencia" on the second page, neither on the third, neither on the fourth, neither on the fifth page. I have noticed there are 123 pages, do I have to verify every page? May be the red "Florencia" word could be on the last page. Can you explain better, please?

Thanks a lot.