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04-10-21, 03:16
Regarding #3, trying to impress the girls is really not a good idea. Best to get that mindset out of your system when pursuing this hobby.

No! Absolutely not! Never! I would rather just give the girl my ATM card and tell her to go withdraw how much she wants.

1. It doesn't matter how pleased she will be, because you pay her after she's finished and ready to leave.

2. The exchange rate is always changing. The price of pussy is fairly stable. Are you planning on checking the current rate each time, doing the math and pulling out your small change? Or were you thinking a $100 bill would make her happy? It should, because you'll be overpaying by 80-350%.

3. It sounds like you're wanting to impress the girls. If you want to impress them, give them a handful of gummi worms or other cheap candy and eat their pussy. You'll save a lot of money and you're more likely to succeed.

Having a bunch of girls lined up before you get to Medellin is like having a bunch of birdies lined up before you get on the first tee. You're not going to hit all the holes you think you will.

Your enthusiasm is great and will probably be expensive.

You'll be in Colombia. Pay in Colombian pesos.

04-10-21, 03:27
I had a great three months but it was time to leave.

I accomplished most of my goals, went to the mountaintop and saw the casa being built for Catgirl and I by her family. That was a great cross cultural experience that I will never forget, staying with her family in a small pueblo barely accessible by 4 WD that sustained itself by growing coffee on the mountainside.

That is mi novia Catgirl and her novia, Haz.

Medellin is where my heart is and I am back in the states taking all the necessary steps to move there permanentlyMoving a bit fast there Speedy Gonzalez.

Some of you guys get a taste of foreign chocha and lose your damns minds!

Not trying to tell you how to live your life amigo, just try not to end up like this guy (who was also moving a bit fast):

Horrifying end for man seeking love in Brazil


Mojo Bandit
04-10-21, 03:28
Selling the apartment if priced properly will not be the issue, the issue will be if you want to get the money from the sale of the apartment out of the Country, and back into the USA.

If so, you will have had to properly brought the money into the Country to begin with, meaning the moneys used to purchase the property were properly identified and recorded, or you will never get your money out of the Country.I heard a guy say he bought his apartment from a Colombian but they wanted the purchase to be done in US dollars and with a US bank, therefor the money never even entered Colombia, he said this prevented him from getting the residency visa that would have normally been possible but due to the transaction of the money happening outside of the country it could not be verified so now it sounds also as if he will have the same problem you guys are describing if he wants to sell and get the money out of the country.

04-10-21, 08:16
They didn't get me.


04-10-21, 15:25
True. That's why I would never spend what I could not afford to lose (or at least not be able to access). I am not looking for rental income. If I died, I'd just give it to my ex-wife and daughter, who are both Colombian and USA Citizens.

Maybe not lose money in COP term but it is difficult to say when the money is converted back to USD. I looked it up and COP has depreciated more than 40% in the last 10 years.

Personally, I prefer to buy income property in US and spend the income in Colombia.

Mr Enternational
04-10-21, 15:54
True. That's why I would never spend what I could not afford to lose (or at least not be able to access). I am not looking for rental income. If I died, I'd just give it to my ex-wife and daughter, who are both Colombian and USA Citizens.That is why it is smarter to rent, especially for older people. How do you look at 60 years old talking about buying some shit. There is too much uncertainty buying things overseas. With this pandemic, regular foreign visitors have not been able to enter the Philippines in 1 year. Imagine if you had bought something over there that you could not even get to. All the shit that I have in Thailand, if I never went back I have no problem losing it. My $1500 6 year old scooter is the most expensive thing I have. $300 TV. $50 microwave. Clothes from Goodwill. If I had a $60,000 crib over there that I could not get to for whatever reason, I would be stressed as fuck.

04-10-21, 17:17
Moving a bit fast there Speedy Gonzalez.

Some of you guys get a taste of foreign chocha and lose your damns minds!

Not trying to tell you how to live your life amigo, just try not to end up like this guy (who was also moving a bit fast):

Horrifying end for man seeking love in Brazil

https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/horrifying-end-for-man-seeking-love-in-brazil/I'm sure this time it will be a happily ever after fairy tale ending.

One thing I learned is that if you still have other girlfriends you aren't going to stop seeing and she still has other boyfriends and or girlfriends she's not going to stop seeing, it's not time to settle down.

About the time he finishes paying for that house being built, he's going to discover that it wasn't being built for him and her and that he has no claim on it.

04-10-21, 17:58
Hey guys,

this is my first post. I really tried to look for the answer in previous reports but I got so many different answers. I have been silently following your discussions on ISG since December / January I believe. Now:

1. Let's pretend I go to El Centro and I speak to a girl on the street and she says 30 K Pesos. I know the word prepago so: Do I pay her before or after the sex?

2. I read many times from different people that you should never pay in advance. I am now confused.

Please go easy on me.

Frank Lucas
04-10-21, 18:02
Thanks, now that makes sense, me like you. Likes to buy income property in USA and spend my money on Colombia, I almost fell for it once when Panama was booming thank god it got to difficult and I backed out!Agreed. A good friend of mine advised me of the same thing. I also agree with Mr. E, just rent that way you can move around it you don't like and area. Or want to live in different area of the country. The best advice ever is to rent. At least for us older folk.

04-10-21, 18:10
Or just save it for the next trip.

Very true, most of these countries currency is not fully convertible. Which means that Major world currencies can be exchanged to their currency, but you cannot exchange their currency with Major world currency. When I was leaving Rio for USA, I had approx. 200 dollar worth of local Brazilian currency, but the exchange place at the airport could not exchange for USD. I have to spend all the money at the airport buying things unnecessary. Surprisingly Dominican Republic and Mexico currency is convertible but not India or Brazil whose economy is much better.

You can always bring your money back to USA and there are currency brokers who will charge you a handsome fees. Or maybe you will be lucky to find US, Canadian or European buyer for your apartment.

04-10-21, 18:16
Multiple times I have considered buying an apartment in Colombia but the numbers never make sense. The ROI is no better than in US, plus there is double taxation issue. The biggest issue is the currency depreciation risk you are taking. The prices for these apartments tend to go up as the peso depreciates but that gets you to net neutral at best instead of any gains. As most of the members suggested, best to rent unless you are planning to live there permanently. I have a real estate broker that is trying hard to sell me an apartment but when I ask him how the numbers make sense. He has no answer.

Learn from all the American's that have bought properties overseas and can't wait to get rid of them.

True. That's why I would never spend what I could not afford to lose (or at least not be able to access). I am not looking for rental income. If I died, I'd just give it to my ex-wife and daughter, who are both Colombian and USA Citizens.

04-10-21, 18:23
I heard a guy say he bought his apartment from a Colombian but they wanted the purchase to be done in US dollars and with a US bank, therefor the money never even entered Colombia, he said this prevented him from getting the residency visa that would have normally been possible but due to the transaction of the money happening outside of the country it could not be verified so now it sounds also as if he will have the same problem you guys are describing if he wants to sell and get the money out of the country.There are strict guidelines and procedures required to obtain a residency visa in Colombia, let alone all the pitfalls of buying property as there are no "escrow companies" so hence you have to utilize attorneys to do your due diligence, and finding a competent and trustworthy Colombian attorney is difficult, and anyone can be an attorney in Colombia, all they need is a degree, and there is no bar exam which at least is a benchmark, but doesn't mean the attorney will be any good.

If this individual you mentioned did actually buy the property and paid for it in US dollars from a US Bank, he may have an issue even selling the property to begin with, let alone getting his money out of the Country. When properties are sold and bought in Colombia, they use notarys, almost like para-legals to facilitate the recording of ownership, and with no trackable / verifiable purchase information which is used as a basis for taxation, this may preclude someone from buying the property.

The selling and buying of real estate in Colombia is not regulated in the sense like in most States in the USA, like in Callifornia where there is a stack of disclosures required for transactions. It's basically like the "wild west" with so many pitfalls, hence gringos getting burned is the "norm". And there are no "exclusive listings" there will be multiple agents representing sellers and different prices as well.

World Travel 69
04-10-21, 18:34
Here is a map.

Have Fun.

I've never been clear on what are the boundaries of Raudal. I've walked down on DeGrief many times a few blocks further than Conejitas. Down by where Bar Hilton is. Is that DeGrief?

04-10-21, 18:35
Multiple times I have considered buying an apartment in Colombia but the numbers never make sense. The ROI is no better than in US, plus there is double taxation issue. The biggest issue is the currency depreciation risk you are taking. The prices for these apartments tend to go up as the peso depreciates but that gets you to net neutral at best instead of any gains. As most of the members suggested, best to rent unless you are planning to live there permanently. I have a real estate broker that is trying hard to sell me an apartment but when I ask him how the numbers make sense. He has no answer.

Learn from all the American's that have bought properties overseas and can't wait to get rid of them.Yes there are taxation issues depending on whether your considered a "tax resident" meaning your in the Country more than six months a year. If you did own an apartment in Colombia, and were not in the Country more than six months a year, and did not rent or have any rental income form the apartment, there would be no "double taxation issues", however if you had rental income, and were in the Country less than six months you would have to pay approximately 20% of the net income in taxes to DIAN the Colombian IRS but these taxes would be deductible on your USA tax return. And if your in the Country more than six months a year whether you have Colombian rental income or not you would need to file taxes in Colombia, and may have to pay taxes to DIAN depending on your wealth and income. For this reason, most foreigners of wealth do not reside in the Country more than six months a year.

04-10-21, 18:38
I'm sure this time it will be a happily ever after fairy tale ending.

One thing I learned is that if you still have other girlfriends you aren't going to stop seeing and she still has other boyfriends and or girlfriends she's not going to stop seeing, it's not time to settle down.

About the time he finishes paying for that house being built, he's going to discover that it wasn't being built for him and her and that he has no claim on it.Most definitely water under the bridge.

04-10-21, 19:00
Moving a bit fast there Speedy Gonzalez.

Some of you guys get a taste of foreign chocha and lose your damns minds!

Not trying to tell you how to live your life amigo, just try not to end up like this guy (who was also moving a bit fast):

Horrifying end for man seeking love in Brazil

https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/horrifying-end-for-man-seeking-love-in-brazil/Thanks for the shout-out and concern, really.

I've known my novia for 2 years. This is my second trip to MDE, I spent 6 months here first time pre-Covid starting in 2019, for a total of nine months here.

As far as first taste of Paisa Poontang, I have mongered on six continents, been laid on seven. I am not liquidating my assets back here in the states so there will be 3-4 trips per year back and forth, hopefully with the various chicas I put on "work" visas, but I openly admit to that part being unchartered territory at this stage. I had more pussy in the United States than I needed but was fed up with the culture, personal and professional.

I had my sites on settling in Cambodia (Lao was better except it is landlocked) and thought Medellin was the last place I wanted to be until I got here for the first time in 2019. I lived in Miami during the height of the Cocaine Wars and my impression of Medellin was all that Pablo Escobar shit, so I was trying to avoid coming here. I had met my novia briefly elsewhere, and we Wassapped for a year before I showed up. Her not wanting to leave Medellin (Unlike the 90 Day Fiance reality TV show) and wanting me to come here instead intrigued me, but of course that did not rule-out potential foul-play.

I took all kinds of precautions before my first visit. I hired a Private Detective agency and did a back ground check on her and had her shadowed before I arrived. I had every bit of identifying data I could confirm on her, her family, and her friends on file with my attorney before I left. I did not tell her my arrival date. I sent a double in my place for our first meeting here. Now it all seems overly cautious and paranoid. But not at that time.

This is not my first rodeo, but I have done and do a lot of things in ways that I would not suggest other guys try. If I die tomorrow I die a happy man, literally, preferably not being tortured to death, jaja. Other than that, I live life to the fullest.

One of my best friends in the world is an ex-hardcore Puerto Rican drug dealer and he was convinced that if I went to the mountaintop to see my casa build, that I was going to end up as pig-feed after they tortured my assets out of me, like the poor guy in your linked story. Made me stop and pause but obviomente I went anyway. I found warm, gentle and loving people. Catgirl's family welcomed me like part of their own and the love was real all the way from the 92 year old great grandmother down to her stud-muffin brother.

No regrets. I got this. There is no such thing as Heaven-On-Earth, Utopia, Garden of Eden, Shangrila, Nirvana, or Shambala, but for me Medellin is as close as I will get in this lifetime. There is no reason for me to look back. I am setting up a lifestyle for an apartment in the city and a place in the country to get away and chillax. Sort of the Manhattan-Connecticut lifestyle, except here a helluva lot cheaper, and I prefer Medellin to Manhattan, anyway.

The last foto is the view from our front door at our casa on the Mountaintop, overlooking the pueblo school. After a two hour bus ride from Terminal Norte in MDE, it takes another hour to get up the mountain by 4 WD, barely, if it hasn't rained. Easier access by horseback. If you met Catgirl you would think she was a city girl, but she was reared there and still spends a lot of time on the mountain. I can ride, but not like her with our dog Leah in one hand, plucking and eating mangos out of a tree with the other, on the steepest and most treacherous horse trail I had ever been on, jajaja.

Thanks again for the feedback! Ostee Out.

04-10-21, 19:13
Hey guys,

this is my first post. I really tried to look for the answer in previous reports but I got so many different answers. I have been silently following your discussions on ISG since December / January I believe. Now:

1. Let's pretend I go to El Centro and I speak to a girl on the street and she says 30 K Pesos. I know the word prepago so: Do I pay her before or after the sex?

2. I read many times from different people that you should never pay in advance. I am now confused.

Please go easy on me.A few times the girl wanted to be paid up front, I politely took a pass and moved on to someone else. So many choices no reason to get hornswoggled. Make sure you have a clear understanding of what you will pay, in pesos not dollars. If you can, nail down the services provided including the time. Don't be afraid to get specific. If you can't reach an agreement or feel comfortable about the transaction, move on. Ten times better to find someone else than to get stuck in a situation you don't want to be in.

04-10-21, 19:20
Hey guys,

this is my first post. I really tried to look for the answer in previous reports but I got so many different answers. I have been silently following your discussions on ISG since December / January I believe. Now:

1. Let's pretend I go to El Centro and I speak to a girl on the street and she says 30 K Pesos. I know the word prepago so: Do I pay her before or after the sex?

2. I read many times from different people that you should never pay in advance. I am now confused.

Please go easy on me.If she demands pre-payment walk away and find another, if she is in your room, boot her out.


Mr Enternational
04-10-21, 20:18
1. Let's pretend I go to El Centro and I speak to a girl on the street and she says 30 K Pesos. I know the word prepago so: Do I pay her before or after the sex?

2. I read many times from different people that you should never pay in advance. I am now confused.Prepago is just Colombian slang for hooker. It does not mean you pay the girl beforehand. In a facebook group that I am in a guy said he cursed a girl out when she told him she was a prepago. He thought she was saying that he had to pay beforehand. We explained to him that it just meant she was a prostitute. I guess it is one of those occurrences when it not only helps to know the language, but the culture as well.

04-10-21, 20:37
Among guys, we often use "puta. " It is a bit crude and I don't know any chicas in Medellin who like to be called a puta. "Prepago" is a nicer sounding word for prostitute, as Mr. E said. Some chicas who are really sensitive about what they do (especially some of the ones who are a bit older) refer to themselves as a "dama de compania. ".

Prepago is just Colombian slang for hooker. It does not mean you pay the girl beforehand. In a facebook group that I am in a guy said he cursed a girl out when she told him she was a prepago. He thought she was saying that he had to pay beforehand. We explained to him that it just meant she was a prostitute. I guess it is one of those occurrences when it not only helps to know the language, but the culture as well.

04-10-21, 20:44
I took all kinds of precautions before my first visit. I hired a Private Detective agency and did a back ground check on her and had her shadowed before I arrived. I had every bit of identifying data I could confirm on her, her family, and her friends on file with my attorney before I left. I did not tell her my arrival date. I sent a double in my place for our first meeting here. Now it all seems overly cautious and paranoid. But not at that time.

No regrets. I got this. There is no such thing as Heaven-On-Earth, Utopia, Garden of Eden, Shangrila, Nirvana, or Shambala, but for me Medellin is as close as I will get in this lifetime. There is no reason for me to look back. I am setting up a lifestyle for an apartment in the city and a place in the country to get away and chillax. Sort of the Manhattan-Connecticut lifestyle, except here a helluva lot cheaper, and I prefer Medellin to Manhattan, anyway.

The last foto is the view from our front door at our casa on the Mountaintop, overlooking the pueblo school. After a two hour bus ride from Terminal Norte in MDE, it takes another hour to get up the mountain by 4 WD, barely, if it hasn't rained. Easier access by horseback. If you met Catgirl you would think she was a city girl, but she was reared there and still spends a lot of time on the mountain. I can ride, but not like her with our dog Leah in one hand, plucking and eating mangos out of a tree with the other, on the steepest and most treacherous horse trail I had ever been on, jajaja.

Thanks again for the feedback! Ostee Out.Seems like quite an Estate you have up there on the Mountaintop, and being a Contractor the delivery of construction materials like blocks, lumber, fixtures, conduits, plaster, tile, roofing, cement, sand, and so on must of been quite an undertaking utilizing 4 WD vehicles. Almost as though more of an issue the transport of materials versus the actual construction, assuming this is what you built, and I am curious as to your source of power and water there.

Regardless, it's quite an accomplishment, and I agree with you in that Medellin is about as close as you can get to Heaven on Earth if you have the time and money to enjoy it.

04-10-21, 20:48
Happy for you bro.

04-11-21, 00:01
Among guys, we often use "puta. " It is a bit crude and I don't know any chicas in Medellin who like to be called a puta. "Prepago" is a nicer sounding word for prostitute, as Mr. E said. Some chicas who are really sensitive about what they do (especially some of the ones who are a bit older) refer to themselves as a "dama de compania..There used to be a girl in my line up who if I even suggested that she was pay for play, forget about using the word puta, she would not come near me. I was always "helping" her as a friend. She stuck to her guns on this, one time for weeks, until I finally acquiesced and agreed, "You are not a puta, you do not have sex for money. I am helping you as a friend. " Then she would come over and boff my brains out. Like I said, she was certifiable but I liked her. But after adding Secret and Silky this trip, no more room for her.

I can't recall my name for her, but she was built, and could dance in a way that was truly a turn-on. She would go out in public with her camel toe showing like this without a second thought, jaja.

04-11-21, 00:22
As far as grabbing pros or non pros have you guys ever just paid in USD?? Instead of COP?? My thought was maybe they would be more pleased seeing that USD. I've been on LAC and have a bunch of girls lined up also some that want to show me around and hopefully can turn into a fun time I am set to leave on the 18th and I am renting a air bnb.N-O. The idea is absurd. As was pointed out by another member, if you want to pay dollars go to Ecuador,. Or Panama if you really want to part with large amounts.

04-11-21, 00:26
I don't think anyone will be allowed to leave their homes, so not sure about getting chicas to visit you during a complete lockdown.

I may be late on this, but yes they can still come to you (and leave again) by taxi or ride share app.

04-11-21, 00:29
El Colombiano is reporting a complete lockdown, from 8 pm Thursday to 5 am Monday.Life is about 67% normal in my immediate neighborhood, last summer was much worse.

04-11-21, 00:36
I tell her to take a taxi which I will pay for. She gets here and a chica taking a taxi means her friend will take her and they will rinse you on the price, from the club to Laureles she wants 20,00.

I try to get her an uber and she insists she wants her own taxi costing 25,000 which of course is not even a taxi.

Guys, take note.

04-11-21, 02:03
I always sort of assumed that area was Raudal, but I could never find anything that identified it as such. FWIW I saw possibly the two hottest chicas I've every seen in Medellin in that area (real close to Bar Hilton) several years ago. I had just sessioned at a casa and didn't have energy for a dupla. I asked them for their number, but they said it was now or never and I declined. Every trip since then, I try to take a walk down there to see what's available, but nothing really appeals to me.

Here is a map.

Have Fun.

04-11-21, 02:14
Seems like quite an Estate you have up there on the Mountaintop, and being a Contractor the delivery of construction materials like blocks, lumber, fixtures, conduits, plaster, tile, roofing, cement, sand, and so on must of been quite an undertaking utilizing 4 WD vehicles. Almost as though more of an issue the transport of materials versus the actual construction, assuming this is what you built, and I am curious as to your source of power and water there.

Regardless, it's quite an accomplishment, and I agree with you in that Medellin is about as close as you can get to Heaven on Earth if you have the time and money to enjoy it.There was an existing structure. We had foundation and walls already. Transportation of materials is right about at 50% of total cost. Added more walls with adobes. We formed five of these pillars with rebar while I was there because we are adding a second story. I wouldn't call it an Estate, jaja, pretty ramshackle at this stage, but our casa will probably be the biggest one there once we are done, still less than 1500 sq ft.

I am really doing it for Catgirl so she will always have a place to go without having to worry about rent for the rest of her life. If the Richard Burton / Liz Taylor relationship I have with Catgirl ends on a sour note, I can walk away without a second thought. That is one of the many wonderful things about Medellin. There are so many gorgeous loving chicas waiting in the wings, but Catgirl is back at Numero Uno.

We have electricity and even an occasional WiFi signal. We will have indoor plumbing. The air is pure and the water is clean and comes straight off the mountain without any processing. If you look close at the vista foto from my previous post you can see the lone power wire that serves the entire village. I love it there. They broke out this 12 year old bottle of Scotch whiskey for a little housewarming party we had in our living room, and then used lime and salt with it, just like tequila, jajaja! Heresy, right? Noooo, guess what? It was delicious! Jajaja. That is Catgirl doing some interior measurements. The red foto is our kitchen temporarily set up as DJ booth for Catgirl's brother. We rocked the Casbah for a nice little party in our living room while I was there. Colombians love there huge speakers, right?

04-11-21, 02:55
I always sort of assumed that area was Raudal, but I could never find anything that identified it as such.See the word Raudal in the image.

04-11-21, 03:21
See the word Raudal in the image.I consider the Raudal and Avenida de La Grief areas basically the same in the sense that they basically are a block apart, and there appears to be more action at Raudal and the corner where that building goes around the corner versus up Avenida de La Grief.

The confusion is perhaps people are thinking they are two different and distinct mongering destinations, but their are SW's walking between the two locations so I see it as one area, but it definetely is distinct from the Botero area, but only a block away.

04-11-21, 03:50
Thanks for the shout-out and concern, really.

I've known my novia for 2 years. This is my second trip to MDE, I spent 6 months here first time pre-Covid starting in 2019, for a total of nine months here.

As far as first taste of Paisa Poontang, I have mongered on six continents, been laid on seven. I am not liquidating my assets back here in the states so there will be 3-4 trips per year back and forth, hopefully with the various chicas I put on "work" visas, but I openly admit to that part being unchartered territory at this stage. I had more pussy in the United States than I needed but was fed up with the culture, personal and professional.

I had my sites on settling in Cambodia (Lao was better except it is landlocked) and thought Medellin was the last place I wanted to be until I got here for the first time in 2019. I lived in Miami during the height of the Cocaine Wars and my impression of Medellin was all that Pablo Escobar shit, so I was trying to avoid coming here. I had met my novia briefly elsewhere, and we Wassapped for a year before I showed up. Her not wanting to leave Medellin (Unlike the 90 Day Fiance reality TV show) and wanting me to come here instead intrigued me, but of course that did not rule-out potential foul-play.

I took all kinds of precautions before my first visit. I hired a Private Detective agency and did a back ground check on her and had her shadowed before I arrived. I had every bit of identifying data I could confirm on her, her family, and her friends on file with my attorney before I left. I did not tell her my arrival date. I sent a double in my place for our first meeting here. Now it all seems overly cautious and paranoid. But not at that time.

This is not my first rodeo, but I have done and do a lot of things in ways that I would not suggest other guys try. If I die tomorrow I die a happy man, literally, preferably not being tortured to death, jaja. Other than that, I live life to the fullest.

One of my best friends in the world is an ex-hardcore Puerto Rican drug dealer and he was convinced that if I went to the mountaintop to see my casa build, that I was going to end up as pig-feed after they tortured my assets out of me, like the poor guy in your linked story. Made me stop and pause but obviomente I went anyway. I found warm, gentle and loving people. Catgirl's family welcomed me like part of their own and the love was real all the way from the 92 year old great grandmother down to her stud-muffin brother.

No regrets. I got this. There is no such thing as Heaven-On-Earth, Utopia, Garden of Eden, Shangrila, Nirvana, or Shambala, but for me Medellin is as close as I will get in this lifetime. There is no reason for me to look back. I am setting up a lifestyle for an apartment in the city and a place in the country to get away and chillax. Sort of the Manhattan-Connecticut lifestyle, except here a helluva lot cheaper, and I prefer Medellin to Manhattan, anyway.

The last foto is the view from our front door at our casa on the Mountaintop, overlooking the pueblo school. After a two hour bus ride from Terminal Norte in MDE, it takes another hour to get up the mountain by 4 WD, barely, if it hasn't rained. Easier access by horseback. If you met Catgirl you would think she was a city girl, but she was reared there and still spends a lot of time on the mountain. I can ride, but not like her with our dog Leah in one hand, plucking and eating mangos out of a tree with the other, on the steepest and most treacherous horse trail I had ever been on, jajaja.

Thanks again for the feedback! Ostee Out.Bro, you did not send a double in on your first date with your novia 😂. What did she say when you showed up on the second date then?

04-11-21, 04:49
Bro, you did not send a double in on your first date with your novia 😂. What did she say when you showed up on the second date then?I picked a public place with a good vantage point. Catgirl knew what I looked like already but it had been a year since she saw me in person and then it was only for a day. I sent in a guy early with same build, same hair, wearing what I said I would be wearing and I observed from a vantage point. It was stupid sort of because it didn't guarantee anything but I wanted to make sure she showed up alone before I showed myself. Was a dude I met on the plane at random and I gave him 200 mil plus taxi and never saw him again for 15 minutes work.

04-11-21, 04:50
I took all kinds of precautions before my first visit. I hired a Private Detective agency and did a back ground check on her and had her shadowed before I arrived. I had every bit of identifying data I could confirm on her, her family, and her friends on file with my attorney before I left. I did not tell her my arrival date. I sent a double in my place for our first meeting here. Now it all seems overly cautious and paranoid. But not at that time.So you are telling me you two did not video conference several times a week? She had no idea what you looked like, your voice, mannerisms? She sounds like a clueless keeper to me. You sent a double for what purpose? You think she was going to kidnap you? You paid someone to look into her family and friends? How sad when you could have simply met them first. One simple night out on the town with her and her friends could have told you a ton if you pay attention. Easy quick ways to test her. Have someone try to pick her up and if she is not interested then have him offer money and see if she bites. Ask her and her friends if they want to do some drugs together. Put that app on her phone that sends all voice, text, pictures, and locations she has been to you. Just a few days of that will tell you far more than what any detective could. This information you gave to your attorney for what purpose? You supposedly spent all that time and money when you could have simply gone on a few dates and possibly learned you really did not want her to begin with. Kinda sounds like the cart before the horse big time.

Some girls I really liked a lot until I met the girl's friends. Then my interest dropped. Plus, your gut feeling should tell you more than what some detective could. No proof needed.

Having to do all that from someone that claims to have so much life experience is mind numbing.

04-11-21, 07:27
Bro, you did not send a double in on your first date with your novia 😂. What did she say when you showed up on the second date then?There are times, when reading the stories when you just have to stand back and admire the fertilizer.

04-11-21, 13:08
Hi guys,

Quick question. Where is the best place to get a good exchange rate from usd. To cop, using my ATM is not a option and everywhere I go is charging huge fees. Any help would be appreciated.

The Tall Man
04-11-21, 16:01
I always sort of assumed that area was Raudal, but I could never find anything that identified it as such. FWIW I saw possibly the two hottest chicas I've every seen in Medellin in that area (real close to Bar Hilton) several years ago. I had just sessioned at a casa and didn't have energy for a dupla. I asked them for their number, but they said it was now or never and I declined. Every trip since then, I try to take a walk down there to see what's available, but nothing really appeals to me.
See the word Raudal in the image.Over the past 7 plus years I have spent a lot of time in Raudal but not necessarily for the street and bar putas but rather because I have a good Colombian friend who owns and operates a printing business right across the street and a few doors down. The whole area has probably hundreds of small printing shops.

Yes over the past 5 years I too have found just a handful of new chicas in Raudal looking to make a splash into the scene and needing some money for expenses. A few of these were simply young and fresh and fun as they were so new but these are not the norm as you need to put in the time and effort.

In past years I have ridden with him as he delivers printing orders to clients in all areas of the Medellin valley (restaurants, hotels, motels, offices, etc.). Just cool to ride along and see the normal working day of a paisa.

He visited me back in California about 6 years ago and I took him and a few of his family members to the tourist spots in LA and Las Vegas, Nevada so when I am down in centro I always stop by and have a drink and laugh and joke about the chicas. What I have seen and some of them experienced myself is just fun like I am a teenager again.

The joke between us is that I stop by to visit him only because of the 'economical' putas of Raudal. Putas are always available but a good and fun friend is special.

Great Sunday to all!

The Tall Man.

04-11-21, 16:40
I am in Medellin and it is a bit different, the law is a bit more strict about Pico why cedula, meaning they will not allow you into the stores (the bank for me, they wouldn't take my driver's license over my passport) and did not allow me to retrieve money that I had sent myself on Thursday when I arrived and told me to come back on Friday, assuring me that they would be open, guess what? They were closed and I had to really walk all over centro and Medellin to find a Bancolombia to retrieve my cash, other than that, girls are readily available if you already have your list of reliable girls. I have a list of reliable girls, so the girls were no problem. I rented a very expensive Finca through Airbnb and they cancelled on me, luckily I went through airbnb and not anyone I know personally so they immediately refunded my money plus a $150 gift certificate after I contacted BOA and informed them not to pay these people as they had assured me that the finca would be open, guess what, they lied. Luckily I have an apartment here, with a girlfriend, and plenty of food, so we are partying like rock stars here at my apartment, wish it would have been at the nice finca, but oh well, I needed a break from the USA and I have really relaxed, rested, had fun at parties and is currently getting ready to return to America tomorrow. All in all not bad for a 5 day get away at a price of about $240 usd, hope all of you guys are having fun who are here in Medellin, but do not take the curfew lightly, I clearly see they are really handing out fines this year, which was not the case last year. Pollo Negro is out!

04-11-21, 18:18

They specialize in pre-investigating on-line dating scams and they have offices in several different cities in Colombia.

Not cheap, but that depends on what you have at risk. I would do it all the same way again.

Ostee Out.

04-11-21, 18:21
Hi guys,

Quick question. Where is the best place to get a good exchange rate from usd. To cop, using my ATM is not a option and everywhere I go is charging huge fees. Any help would be appreciated.Go to Centro Comercial Oviedo. It's in Poblado on Avenida Poblado. There are several money exchange places there.

04-11-21, 19:10
Colombians love there huge speakers, right?Pathetically cheap, garbage sound systems with harmonic distortion that is off the charts.

04-11-21, 19:14
Hi guys,

Quick question. Where is the best place to get a good exchange rate from usd. To cop, using my ATM is not a option and everywhere I go is charging huge fees. Any help would be appreciated.I did some business with PANACAMBIOS in Unicentro mall a few weeks ago. I would return.

The Tall Man
04-11-21, 22:04
I am in Medellin and it is a bit different, the law is a bit more strict about Pico why cedula, meaning they will not allow you into the stores (the bank for me, they wouldn't take my driver's license over my passport) and did not allow me to retrieve money that I had sent myself on Thursday when I arrived and told me to come back on Friday, assuring me that they would be open, guess what? They were closed and I had to really walk all over centro and Medellin to find a Bancolombia to retrieve my cash, other than that, girls are readily available if you already have your list of reliable girls. I have a list of reliable girls, so the girls were no problem. I rented a very expensive Finca through Airbnb and they cancelled on me, luckily I went through airbnb and not anyone I know personally so they immediately refunded my money plus a $150 gift certificate after I contacted BOA and informed them not to pay these people as they had assured me that the finca would be open, guess what, they lied. Luckily I have an apartment here, with a girlfriend, and plenty of food, so we are partying like rock stars here at my apartment, wish it would have been at the nice finca, but oh well, I needed a break from the USA and I have really relaxed, rested, had fun at parties and is currently getting ready to return to America tomorrow. All in all not bad for a 5 day get away at a price of about $240 usd, hope all of you guys are having fun who are here in Medellin, but do not take the curfew lightly, I clearly see they are really handing out fines this year, which was not the case last year. Pollo Negro is out!Good to see you back in Medellin PN. My cell phone took a dump last week so lost your digits but had a Samsung tech down in centro, in all those shops over towards Junin, he was able to salvage the contacts for me so I can now re-establish my contacts, yip-yee!

The cell tech guy charged me, get this, 1 mil to salvage all of my contacts. Got to love Colombia! I gave him 4 mil and he was thrilled. He does not know it but I spent literally 5 days and about 6 hours trying to do what he accomplished in about 20 minutes.

You mentioned that your leaving tomorrow?

The Tall Man.

The Tall Man
04-11-21, 22:34
There was an existing structure. We had foundation and walls already. Transportation of materials is right about at 50% of total cost. Added more walls with adobes. We formed five of these pillars with rebar while I was there because we are adding a second story. I wouldn't call it an Estate, jaja, pretty ramshackle at this stage, but our casa will probably be the biggest one there once we are done, still less than 1500 sq ft.

I am really doing it for Catgirl so she will always have a place to go without having to worry about rent for the rest of her life. If the Richard Burton / Liz Taylor relationship I have with Catgirl ends on a sour note, I can walk away without a second thought. That is one of the many wonderful things about Medellin. There are so many gorgeous loving chicas waiting in the wings, but Catgirl is back at Numero Uno.

We have electricity and even an occasional WiFi signal. We will have indoor plumbing. The air is pure and the water is clean and comes straight off the mountain without any processing. If you look close at the vista foto from my previous post you can see the lone power wire that serves the entire village. I love it there. They broke out this 12 year old bottle of Scotch whiskey for a little housewarming party we had in our living room, and then used lime and salt with it, just like tequila, jajaja! Heresy, right? Noooo, guess what? It was delicious! Jajaja. That is Catgirl doing some interior measurements. The red foto is our kitchen temporarily set up as DJ booth for Catgirl's brother. We rocked the Casbah for a nice little party in our living room while I was there. Colombians love there huge speakers, right?That's really cool. The smart guys, like us hehehe, love to find and carve out our little bit of paradise. I have done this maybe 6 or 7 times in the past 11 years of me here in Medellin and I too have never looked back. Live, love and enjoy!

My last paradise similar to yours finally evaporated into nothing about 5 months ago but when it was on damn it was fun. So enjoy when you can.

And yes they all fade away or change at some point, they all do so just enjoy the present and know when, not if but when, yours comes to it's conclusion there are always others ready to pick up the slack. Love it.

The Tall Man.

04-11-21, 23:30
This is true much more often than not. It's all about the volume.

Pathetically cheap, garbage sound systems with harmonic distortion that is off the charts.

04-11-21, 23:31
That is a very interesting line of work.


They specialize in pre-investigating on-line dating scams and they have offices in several different cities in Colombia.

Not cheap, but that depends on what you have at risk. I would do it all the same way again.

Ostee Out.

04-12-21, 00:27
As reported in El Colombiano, next Friday thru Sunday total lockdown.

Only three days to shop next week on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday with an 8 PM curfew Monday thru Thursday until 5 AM. So after 8 PM on Thursday your basically supposed to stay in doors until Monday at 8 AM. As soon as the weekend lockdowns cease I will be flying down, but cases in Antiqouia hit a new high on Saturday and the ICU's are full so it may be a while. I hope for everyone's sake things improve rapidly. This is very sad for the Country.

04-12-21, 02:22
That's really cool. The smart guys, like us hehehe, love to find and carve out our little bit of paradise. I have done this maybe 6 or 7 times in the past 11 years of me here in Medellin and I too have never looked back. Live, love and enjoy!

My last paradise similar to yours finally evaporated into nothing about 5 months ago but when it was on damn it was fun. So enjoy when you can.

And yes they all fade away or change at some point, they all do so just enjoy the present and know when, not if but when, yours comes to it's conclusion there are always others ready to pick up the slack. Love it.

The Tall Man.And Enjoy the Ride.

04-12-21, 02:27
I consider the Raudal and Avenida de La Grief areas basically the same in the sense that they basically are a block apart, and there appears to be more action at Raudal and the corner where that building goes around the corner versus up Avenida de La Grief.

The confusion is perhaps people are thinking they are two different and distinct mongering destinations, but their are SW's walking between the two locations so I see it as one area, but it definetely is distinct from the Botero area, but only a block away.I wasn't sure, it this a Barrio? A building? A street? A Club? I think I get it now thanks to your post, and I will check it out next visit.

04-12-21, 02:54
I'll be in Colombia from 25 June to 18 July. I'm as USA Gringo as they come. I ran across a youtuber who claims to have experienced an amazing, secret brothel in Medellin. If you email him, he'll tell you the location for $75. Here's his youtube channel: https://youtu.be/G-XYkcikM6I.

I feel like this is a scam. I'm assuming the place he's describing isn't such a secret or he's making it all up. This sounds like a similar brothel / table experience I had in Monterrey.

If anyone will be in Colombia at this time, please hit me up. I enjoy sharing a beer and comparing notes about experiences.

Fun Luvr
04-12-21, 03:09
As reported in El Colombiano, next Friday thru Sunday total lockdown.

Only three days to shop next week on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday with an 8 PM curfew Monday thru Thursday until 5 AM. So after 8 PM on Thursday your basically supposed to stay in doors until Monday at 8 AM. As soon as the weekend lockdowns cease I will be flying down, but cases in Antiqouia hit a new high on Saturday and the ICU's are full so it may be a while. I hope for everyone's sake things improve rapidly. This is very sad for the Country.Not sure what dates you're referring to as "next week" This week, April 11 to April 18, there will be four open days, although pico y cedula will be in effect. At the present time, the lockdown and curfew are scheduled to end Monday, April 19, at 5 am.

04-12-21, 03:16
I'll be in Colombia from 25 June to 18 July. I'm as USA Gringo as they come. I ran across a youtuber who claims to have experienced an amazing, secret brothel in Medellin. If you email him, he'll tell you the location for $75. Here's his youtube channel: https://youtu.be/G-XYkcikM6I.

I feel like this is a scam. I'm assuming the place he's describing isn't such a secret or he's making it all up. This sounds like a similar brothel / table experience I had in Monterrey.

If anyone will be in Colombia at this time, please hit me up. I enjoy sharing a beer and comparing notes about experiences.Jajaja. I will save you $75. He's talking about Loutron and 90% of this board has heard of this place. Its nice, the girls are hot, and its about $100 US for the hour give or take based on the exchange rate. Been there done that, check the box for me.

The downsides, service is covered everything, very mechanical, sometimes not even kissing, and the hot girls are doing many punters a day, and jaded. Zero connection with most of them. I wouldn't knock anyone who wants to do this, but not my cup of tea. Then again, I met a few punters chilling there that were cool, and swore that is all they need or were interested in. One dude from indiana, was there for the 3rd time that week, and would typically hang out for 3-4hrs go twice and leave, rinse and repeat.
If all the weekenders stuck to Gustos and Loutron, I for sure and I suspect much of this board will happily cede this to them. LOL.
Just don't want them fucking up the whole market.

04-12-21, 03:17
Not sure what dates you're referring to as "next week" This week, April 11 to April 18, there will be four open days, although pico y cedula will be in effect. At the present time, the lockdown and curfew are scheduled to end Monday, April 19, at 5 am.Next weekend, meaning from the evening of the 15th on Thursday at 8 PM until the morning of the 19th on Monday at 5 AM total lockdown. Hope that clarifies it for you.

Sorry I cannot cut and paste the article, but sad news indeed as basically a repeat of this last weekend.

04-12-21, 04:09
This is a translation.

Luis Fernando Suárez, governor in charge of Antioquia, announced that despite the measures taken at Easter and this weekend, which will bring results in the coming weeks, the situation is now critical, so action must be taken at least throughout April, with the accordion model (4 days of opening for 3 closings). The hospital network is estimated to be decongested at the end of this month.

It is then that a curfew was decreed for life from this Monday 12 April until Thursday throughout the apartment, from 8 night to 5 in the morning.

Dry law will apply at the same times throughout the department.

In turn, the continuous curfew will be repeated throughout the apartment, from Thursday, April 15, at 8 at night and until Monday 19, until 5 am.

In addition, in the department you will continue to apply the peak and certificate measurement to supply. However, there will be a variation and that is that on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays it will apply only for three digits, depending on the last number of the card. People with digit 0, 1, 2, 3 may be supplied on Tuesday; Wednesday, 4.5 and 6 and Thursday; 7.8 and 9.


04-12-21, 04:30
Does total lockdown mean that people don't go to work on Friday?

Are the streets empty?

04-12-21, 04:33
I'll be in Colombia from 25 June to 18 July. I'm as USA Gringo as they come. I ran across a youtuber who claims to have experienced an amazing, secret brothel in Medellin. If you email him, he'll tell you the location for $75. Here's his youtube channel: https://youtu.be/G-XYkcikM6I.

I feel like this is a scam. I'm assuming the place he's describing isn't such a secret or he's making it all up. This sounds like a similar brothel / table experience I had in Monterrey.

If anyone will be in Colombia at this time, please hit me up. I enjoy sharing a beer and comparing notes about experiences.$75? Lmao. A membership here is much cheaper and you'll get 1,000 times the information from people who actually know Medellin.

04-12-21, 14:44
Jajaja. I will save you $75. He's talking about Loutron and 90% of this board has heard of this place. Its nice, the girls are hot, and its about $100 US for the hour give or take based on the exchange rate. Been there done that, check the box for me.

The downsides, service is covered everything, very mechanical, sometimes not even kissing, and the hot girls are doing many punters a day, and jaded. Zero connection with most of them. I wouldn't knock anyone who wants to do this, but not my cup of tea. ....My last trip to Loutrons was about 4/5 years ago. The price is as you stated but my experience with the girls was different. I got very good service from the girls I went with. It was all covered unless you pay more as is the case with most casas in Medellin. The girls are definitely a notch above those in other casas. I prefer the previous location, the new location freaks me out.

04-12-21, 15:32
Are children in school. ? That's the number one spreader despite what any government wants to say.

As reported in El Colombiano, next Friday thru Sunday total lockdown.

Only three days to shop next week on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday with an 8 PM curfew Monday thru Thursday until 5 AM. So after 8 PM on Thursday your basically supposed to stay in doors until Monday at 8 AM. As soon as the weekend lockdowns cease I will be flying down, but cases in Antiqouia hit a new high on Saturday and the ICU's are full so it may be a while. I hope for everyone's sake things improve rapidly. This is very sad for the Country.

04-12-21, 16:04
Are children in school. ? That's the number one spreader despite what any government wants to say.No idea, this is what I saw, and read about. But one of my Chicas said schooling is virtual which is a total joke anyways. This whole thing is very sad. I left last Tuesday and am ready to return, but I am not going to be caged in on the weekends. I would be climbing the walls, and am not one to be outside when your not allowed to be, although I know other guys with bigger balls are doing it.

04-12-21, 16:46
This is a translation.

In addition, in the department you will continue to apply the peak and certificate measurement to supply. However, there will be a variation and that is that on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays it will apply only for three digits, depending on the last number of the card. People with digit 0, 1, 2, 3 may be supplied on Tuesday; Wednesday, 4.5 and 6 and Thursday; 7.8 and 9.

https://www.eltiempo.com/colombia/medellin/medidas-en-medellin-y-antioquia-por-el-covid-19-580166Thanks for clarifying, yet what is confusing is there was no mention of Pico y Cedula for Monday. So not sure if that means all stores are wide open on Monday which I suspect is the case being shutdown for three days, or all closed. Regardless, the three day weekend shutdowns are the "boner killer" and why I left town. As soon as there are no more weekend lockdowns I will be back in a heartbeat!

04-12-21, 17:18
My last trip to Loutrons was about 4/5 years ago. The price is as you stated but my experience with the girls was different. I got very good service from the girls I went with. It was all covered unless you pay more as is the case with most casas in Medellin. The girls are definitely a notch above those in other casas. I prefer the previous location, the new location freaks me out.Can someone PM the address of Loutron? I have one, but I think it's the old location. I'm heading to MDE tomorrow and want to stop by before the toque kicks in on Thursday.

Fun Luvr
04-12-21, 17:31
Does total lockdown mean that people don't go to work on Friday?

Are the streets empty?People still went to work during the lockdown. Grocery stores and pharmacies were open, but only one person in a family was allowed to go shopping. Traffic was still on the streets, but less than normal. This morning at 10:30 there was about the same amount of traffic as Friday. I am only reporting on Laureles; I don't know what it is like in other areas.

04-12-21, 17:44
People still went to work during the lockdown. Grocery stores and pharmacies were open, but only one person in a family was allowed to go shopping. Traffic was still on the streets, but less than normal. This morning at 10:30 there was about the same amount of traffic as Friday. I am only reporting on Laureles; I don't know what it is like in other areas.I'm not sure about the one person shopping rule during the total lockdown period, but the weekend before last when I was in town the streets where pretty much deserted after the evening curfew started in Poblado in the Astorga, Manilla, and Patio Bonito barrios. However I have heard in the lower strata barrios there is much less compliance with the lockdown requirements.

04-12-21, 19:10
Your box is full.

04-12-21, 19:11
Does anyone know any places where there's a hot tub in the room that allow girls to come in.

04-12-21, 23:39
Jajaja. I will save you $75. He's talking about Loutron and 90% of this board has heard of this place. Its nice, the girls are hot, and its about $100 US for the hour give or take based on the exchange rate. Been there done that, check the box for me.Thank you so much for saving me $75, which will now go to supporting the paisa economy. I enjoy hitting up the high-end clubs maybe once or twice, but I really enjoy finding a places off the beaten path or an independent who provides a real connection. Looking for that special place where my blue eyes and tall build gets me a lot of milage for my peso. (Or all the Colombian ladies sick of us American gringos?) On one of my Mexico trips, I even convinced a provider to visit me in the USA. Can't wait to visit.

04-13-21, 01:04
Finish school 3. 30. After weekend house arrest I need to get out and about. 3. 30 does not leave me with much time as I will leave 2 hours before lockdown. A chica wants to come round so I agree. At school she says she will come with the baby, wtf no. Lets go centro.

I park myself at the corner street bar opposite the yellow restaurant. Damn, a few real stunners, the best I've seen yet but they don't make eye contact. Some girls think they can get by on looks alone and they can be dead fishes in the room.

Across the road by the yellow restaurant I seen an Indian looking girl and a girl in red. As I cross the road India lookalike starts to leave. Ill have a drink in red and black bar. Passing girl in red she smiles.

1 or 2 cuties in the bar. I go out to girl in red. Small talk. When I pick up centro hookers I have a checklist in my head, this time I remember oral naturales. She wants 50 including anal, I say cuarenta why propina, no problem lets go.

Now I know some guys will balk at haggling over a couple of $$ and will just throw the hooker the 50 because its basically nothing but IMHO its not about the money. I think its important to show these putas that you have some level of control over the situation, because if some spot weakness they will pounce, which is why I usually prefer to go to the hotel of my choice. This is coming from my own experience of letting chicas be in total control which can end badly. In Cambodia where I had a bad experience I will never ever let a chica take me to a room. If any of you guys have ever been to Cambodia you will know how some of the alleyways and entrances can be to some accommodations. A maze of dark, weird and outright scary rat runs.

Anyway after the yellow restaurant, next to the arcade opposite the motorbike park place is one of the nicest short time rooms I have ever been in. I could not believe it which is why I made a mental note of where exactly it was. 12000 for the room, beats by go to Zona Rosa by a long shot.

The girl was eager to please, great session. No type of attitude but I forget something on my checklist, pago despues because she asks for payment before we begin but I say despues and she is cool with that. I asked her about visiting me this weekend which she can do but said she was going to Bogota today but I really could not understand what she was saying after that and I have no idea when she returns to Medellin, but I said I would look for her in centro this week as I did not take a phone with me. Good session so I give her 45 k.

At parque berrio on the way home I decide to do a surfer and chat to a cute coffee girl, Cathy. Damn she was sweet and alone, most have other girls or guys around them. I buy a Tinto and make small talk. She says she works there every day. Tomorrow I will take her number, I hope Surfer will be proud.

04-13-21, 01:37
Does anyone know any places where there's a hot tub in the room that allow girls to come in.http://motelibiza.com/tarifas


04-13-21, 05:03

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8YuilYHJjM.The Love motels in Chapinero do and Paisa has a hot tub room.

Lucky Nuts
04-13-21, 05:15
Does anyone know any places where there's a hot tub in the room that allow girls to come in.https://havenluxurysuites.com/

04-13-21, 05:27
Friday and Saturday. (lock down days).

Several girls out and available. I chose a repeat and a new girl. Oops the new girl was a dud. First thing in the room and she wanted me to buy her a beer. When we were done she peed on the toilet seat. Kill me now. The police were putting people in the big truck and taking them away both nights after 6:30 pm. Not everyone just certain people. No idea who or how they were making their choices. One local alone guy was siting on the edge of the fountain in front of the church. We was chosen. I heard a commotion and saw the police had him on the ground with one of their knees on his head. Taken to the truck.

Sunday. (lock down day).

Fewer people than usual (duh) and the police were running people off by passing by more regularly. But still some girls out and had me an OK new girl. I was outside waiting for my Rappi delivery at 6:30 pm (dark outside). Had two punks eye balling me to rob me. I looked them up and down so they knew that I knew who they were. They sat down at some benches waiting to see if I would be walking that way not knowing that I was standing in front of my hotel waiting for a delivery and would not be walking down any streets.

Monday. (curfew day).

Curfew starts at 8:00 pm but at 7:45 the police stopped two foreigners in front of the church who were staying at Premier Plaza right next door. One guy has been here for months and the other 2 weeks. They focused on the new guy for some reason. Let them go to the hotel but looked like the police were not happy. An hour after curfew an age 45-50 couple walking the side of the church were stopped by police. The guy had a beer in his hand that the cop hit and knocked to the ground. Guy mouthed off and the cop pushed him with one hand against the wall. The wife or GF got between them. Police let them go. Then yelled at some other people walking by to get off the streets. Police are not happy campers today. Police appear tired to be telling people over and over again what the people already know but are not doing. Get your ass home!

Hate the girls in front of that yellow restaurant.

Saw two new girls at 10:30 am. Then at 11:00 am saw the one I wanted alone (someone took her friend). Watched her for 10 minutes at the corner of the museum near the statue. Approached and offered 30,000 but she immediately replied "small". I did not ask how much she wanted because she did not even think about my offer and poor eye contact. Hours later I saw her just around the corner of that yellow restaurant (corner Carrera 52 Calle 51). Now I know where she got her price and attitude from.


Getting depressed. Partly lock down but I think mostly because I have a constant need for new girls and only a handful left that I have not taken. Plus, same scene day in and day out. Maybe next week try a new city.

Best short time hotel.

Botero Real near the side of the church charges 10,000 for 1 hour. Big clean rooms. But they check identification.


At the bottom entrance of Govinda's they sell pineapple, banana, raisin, and carrot cake / bread for 1,000. The carrot is great.

04-13-21, 05:35
Since I've never been, can someone tell me how likely it is that a random chica would be okay with you filming the whole thing. Like is that something you negotiate in advance or do you just pull the camera out?

04-13-21, 08:59
Thank you so much for saving me $75, which will now go to supporting the paisa economy. I enjoy hitting up the high-end clubs maybe once or twice, but I really enjoy finding a places off the beaten path or an independent who provides a real connection. Looking for that special place where my blue eyes and tall build gets me a lot of milage for my peso. (Or all the Colombian ladies sick of us American gringos?) On one of my Mexico trips, I even convinced a provider to visit me in the USA. Can't wait to visit.Were you really going to pay that guy $75 to get that information?

04-13-21, 10:42
I used Motel Ibiza and it was awesome.



The Tall Man
04-13-21, 14:31
Finish school 3. 30. After weekend house arrest I need to get out and about. 3. 30 does not leave me with much time as I will leave 2 hours before lockdown. A chica wants to come round so I agree. At school she says she will come with the baby, wtf no. Lets go centro.

I park myself at the corner street bar opposite the yellow restaurant. Damn, a few real stunners, the best I've seen yet but they don't make eye contact. Some girls think they can get by on looks alone and they can be dead fishes in the room.

Across the road by the yellow restaurant I seen an Indian looking girl and a girl in red. As I cross the road India lookalike starts to leave. Ill have a drink in red and black bar. Passing girl in red she smiles.

1 or 2 cuties in the bar. I go out to girl in red. Small talk. When I pick up centro hookers I have a checklist in my head, this time I remember oral naturales. She wants 50 including anal, I say cuarenta why propina, no problem lets go.

Now I know some guys will balk at haggling over a couple of $$ and will just throw the hooker the 50 because its basically nothing but IMHO its not about the money. I think its important to show these putas that you have some level of control over the situation, because if some spot weakness they will pounce, which is why I usually prefer to go to the hotel of my choice. This is coming from my own experience of letting chicas be in total control which can end badly. In Cambodia where I had a bad experience I will never ever let a chica take me to a room. If any of you guys have ever been to Cambodia you will know how some of the alleyways and entrances can be to some accommodations. A maze of dark, weird and outright scary rat runs.

Anyway after the yellow restaurant, next to the arcade opposite the motorbike park place is one of the nicest short time rooms I have ever been in. I could not believe it which is why I made a mental note of where exactly it was. 12000 for the room, beats by go to Zona Rosa by a long shot.Good report. Half the fun and sometimes maybe the best part of the trolling, the hunt is trying out a new hotel, one that you have never been in before. I have been in just about every hotel and motel at some time or another in the past 8 years.

I too was down in centro yesterday, Monday April 12, and after just playing around for a few hours found me a dark skinned morena in botero. ASk which hotel / motel she uses and she pointed across the street to the Hotel the' Greiff located right next to Conejitas strip club. So off we go.

Nice attitude at the reception desk, the place is well lite, clean, porno was on the TV as we entered the room, hot water in the shower, clean towels, the rooms are just about as clean as they can be and the best is that the white bed sheets are white and clean and not soaked in wet cum like just about every other motel / hotel in centro. The cost was I think 14 mil and was in the room for a little over an hour and just a good decent room.

My room was located on the third floor and the windows over looked Botero plaza and so great view (along with the puta on the bed with her legs spread wide open as she is fingering herself to make wet for my arrival hehehe).

A good hotel and a good session.

Much love and respect to all!

The Tall Man.

04-13-21, 14:43
But I can honestly tell you that I walked through Centro yesterday on my way out to the airport and it was some rough looking young chics in the park so good luck with finding that diamond in the rough. I am sure that there are 1 or 2 diamonds out there but you might be there all day. On a side note, I arrived on the 8th of April and Spirit airlines knew this, I also took a test Covid before I left and I had the lab to pick it up on April the 9th, I received my results at midnight on April the 12th. This is the same process that I used on my last trip but my last trip was only 3 days. My paperwork was legit, my paperwork came from the same lab that allowed me to enter into Colombia, but spirit would not allow me to get on a plane until I was re-tested, so if you are doing a quick turn around, 4 days or more, do not chance it, arrive early to the airport, like 4 hours early instead of the required 3, go the the bottom floor and check in with Salud the Aueropuerto (Airport Health) pay the $80,000 pesos, get the antigen test and then spirit and other airlines will allow you to fly. I missed my flight, but as it would turn out, I was supposed to leave at 2:30 pm and arrive at FLL at 6:30 pm and have a 4 hour layover, to go to Orlando. Spirit had another flight leaving at 5:30 pm and they placed me on that flight after they found out what I did for a living and certain people called and pressured them to put me on the next flight leaving. Funny thing is that they even had my same Big Front Seat open for the flight at 5:30 pm?

If I was anyone who was thinking about traveling to Colombia right now, I would wait until I could see if they are going into full lockdown again. I had a blast in the 9 months that I spent in Colombia, but after returning to the US and seeing the money that they were offering me to just sit in certain establishments, there is no way that I could afford to be in Colombia on another lockdown and actually become trapped in Colombia again for another amount of months. I can tell you in my many of years working in my career I have never earned the amount of money that I have earned this year in 3 months. If you are already set and you no longer work and have no desire to work then Colombia is the place to be, but if you are still earning a living and still working, I would not want to miss the kind of money that is floating around the USA right now. I enjoyed my 5 days that I stayed in Colombia, but the current path that I am on in the USA will get me to Colombia permanently much faster. To all who are having a blast in Colombia, enjoy and make memories, to those of us who are still gathering coins for future ventures, make the decision that best fits you. Pollo Negro is out!

04-13-21, 15:21
Anyway after the yellow restaurant, next to the arcade opposite the motorbike park place is one of the nicest short time rooms I have ever been in. I could not believe it which is why I made a mental note of where exactly it was. 12000 for the room, beats by go to Zona Rosa by a long shot.Nice report but a little bit cryptic when it comes to the location of exactly where you were. Can you provide more detail as to where this Hotel is you found and the name of it. You mention a motor bike park place. There are a few on the backside of the Church, and one as I recall in the walking passageway alongside the Church. So the yellow restaurant is the one on the corner, as it is right by a motorbike parking place. As far as the Love Motel you like, I'm assuming it had hot water, two towels, a flat screen, etc. And what direction and how far from the restaurant. I'm always looking for new places to try so a name of the place would help. Typically the Love Motels down from the restaurant you mention are scabie and bed bug infested places but cheap as hell, so this sounds like a newly renovated place.

As your aware it's a total buyers market right now for SW's in El Centro, as basically their working days have been halved. No problem driving a hard bargain for guys that like to do that, but your better pressed not to be a hard ass over $ 2-3 USD up front with these girls as you mentioned as I believe you get better service from the get go, and well worth a great session versus a shitty session from a girl who feels she's been hosed going in, but the reality is the locals aren't even paying 30 K to these girls, even though the majority will ask for this, especially of gringos if not more, hoping a guy will accept it.

Nice to see a report from "ground zero" , as soon as the weekend lockdowns cease I'll be back down in a heartbeat!

04-13-21, 16:05
Friday and Saturday. (lock down days).

Several girls out and available. I chose a repeat and a new girl. Oops the new girl was a dud. First thing in the room and she wanted me to buy her a beer. When we were done she peed on the toilet seat. Kill me now. The police were putting people in the big truck and taking them away both nights after 6:30 pm. Not everyone just certain people. No idea who or how they were making their choices. One local alone guy was siting on the edge of the fountain in front of the church. We was chosen. I heard a commotion and saw the police had him on the ground with one of their knees on his head. Taken to the truck.

Sunday. (lock down day).

Fewer people than usual (duh) and the police were running people off by passing by more regularly. But still some girls out and had me an OK new girl. I was outside waiting for my Rappi delivery at 6:30 pm (dark outside). Had two punks eye balling me to rob me. I looked them up and down so they knew that I knew who they were. They sat down at some benches waiting to see if I would be walking that way not knowing that I was standing in front of my hotel waiting for a delivery and would not be walking down any streets.

Monday. (curfew day).

Curfew starts at 8:00 pm but at 7:45 the police stopped two foreigners in front of the church who were staying at Premier Plaza right next door. One guy has been here for months and the other 2 weeks. They focused on the new guy for some reason. Let them go to the hotel but looked like the police were not happy. An hour after curfew an age 45-50 couple walking the side of the church were stopped by police. The guy had a beer in his hand that the cop hit and knocked to the ground. Guy mouthed off and the cop pushed him with one hand against the wall. The wife or GF got between them. Police let them go. Then yelled at some other people walking by to get off the streets. Police are not happy campers today. Police appear tired to be telling people over and over again what the people already know but are not doing. Get your ass home!.Nice report and sounds like the guys staying at Premier Plaza are in good position to pull the girls that are out working during the lockdown. Because the Hotel has an outdoor balcony directly over the walkway, and I personally have done this before, you can just sit up there, and it's almost like throwing out a fishing line you can easily snag something because everybody walks by there.

04-13-21, 18:57
Nice report but a little bit cryptic when it comes to the location of exactly where you were. Can you provide more detail as to where this Hotel is you found and the name of it. You mention a motor bike park place. There are a few on the backside of the Church, and one as I recall in the walking passageway alongside the Church. So the yellow restaurant is the one on the corner, as it is right by a motorbike parking place. As far as the Love Motel you like, I'm assuming it had hot water, two towels, a flat screen, etc. And what direction and how far from the restaurant. I'm always looking for new places to try so a name of the place would help. Typically the Love Motels down from the restaurant you mention are scabie and bed bug infested places but cheap as hell, so this sounds like a newly renovated place.

As your aware it's a total buyers market right now for SW's in El Centro, as basically their working days have been halved. No problem driving a hard bargain for guys that like to do that, but your better pressed not to be a hard ass over $ 2-3 USD up front with these girls as you mentioned as I believe you get better service from the get go, and well worth a great session versus a shitty session from a girl who feels she's been hosed going in, but the reality is the locals aren't even paying 30 K to these girls, even though the majority will ask for this, especially of gringos if not more, hoping a guy will accept it.

Nice to see a report from "ground zero" , as soon as the weekend lockdowns cease I'll be back down in a heartbeat!Surfer. I will try to give more detail. If my extra detail does not help then let me know so I can post a street view pic. With your back to the yellow restaurant on the strip, face right towards the back of the museum. Literally only walking a few steps the first bar as you walk will be a black and red bar, next to the bar as you walk there will be a gaming arcade. At the side of the gaming arcade a stairway will lead to the hotel which I didn't get a name. With your back to the stairway, directly opposite across the road you will see a motorbike park place, that way you will know your at the right place.

Now I was just thinking about this yesterday. I wonder if all the rooms were like the one I had, as I am presuming most on that strip are the grotty 6 mil rooms, perhaps they upsold the gringo the better room. Either way they gave me the very first room off to the right.

Yes I agree about haggling, if a chica says 40,000 and you know you can take adavantage and hardball her down to 20000-25000 I don't agree with that and it is not my way of doing business as I don't think it will lead to anything good. However if you are quoted 50% more than the going rate there is nothing wrong with countering and offering a tip on top for good service, as I have said I think it gives you more control over the situation.

At tall man I think I know the rooms you described. There is a maze of rooms behind / part of cornejitos. You walk along and around these rooms when cornejitos closes around different stairways and then all of a sudden you leave cornejitos at a different place to the entrance.

Silver Turtle
04-13-21, 19:01
For the last few years, some white trash / trouble makers stayed at Premier Plaza, and they caused a bunch of problems. The locals don't like gringos at Premier. Some of these guys were alcoholic, sociopath, retarded, etc. They drunk and talked loud with putas on the street. They acted like a big shot and they were disrespectful to the locals. Some of them had physical fights with locals, and were extorted by the gangs later. Naturally, gringos at Premier are marked by the locals and police.

Friday and Saturday. (lock down days).

Monday. (curfew day).

Curfew starts at 8:00 pm but at 7:45 the police stopped two foreigners in front of the church who were staying at Premier Plaza right next door. One guy has been here for months and the other 2 weeks. They focused on the new guy for some reason. Let them go to the hotel but looked like the police were not happy.

04-13-21, 19:46
If I was anyone who was thinking about traveling to Colombia right now, I would wait until I could see if they are going into full lockdown again.Medellin Guru is predicting that the weekend lockdowns will remain in effect for the rest of the month.

The trend is really not going in a positive direction. As of yesterday the ICU rate is at 95%, which is no bueno:


I can easily see this running well into May unfortunately.

04-13-21, 20:30
Since I've never been, can someone tell me how likely it is that a random chica would be okay with you filming the whole thing. Like is that something you negotiate in advance or do you just pull the camera out?You negotiate it in advance. It's like anything else that might be important to you for a session. If it's something you want to do, you get it agreed upon beforehand.

04-13-21, 20:50

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8YuilYHJjMDoes this hotel check the female ID?

Mr Enternational
04-13-21, 20:58
so if you are doing a quick turn around, 4 days or more, do not chance it, arrive early to the airport, like 4 hours early instead of the required 3, go the the bottom floor and check in with Salud the Aueropuerto (Airport Health) pay the $80,000 pesos, get the antigen testThat is good information. Yesterday, a buddy that was in Medellin had some company come to the apartment to test his group for 160,000 each. What a rip. At the airport in Bogota they charge 150,000, which is wow as well. I got mine at a clinic yesterday in Bogota for 80,000, while most every other clinic I checked was 140,000 and 150,000.

04-13-21, 23:12
I am staying at an AirBNB near 2nd park Laurles. I arrived Friday afternoon and had a girl come down from Bello in taxi no problem not very good service and paid 200 mil. Saturday had another SA girl 19 come over much better and she came from Santo Domingo so the chicas are able to get around during complete (haha) lockdown. Met an older SA lady that I really clicked with and have seen her in the mornings to early afternoons lots of fun and open minded. She has no problem getting out during the lockdown. She lives near the local Airport, not Rio Negro.

I know SA is controversial but I decided to give it a try and seems / is more expensive but met a 19 yo up in Guarne (45 min) bus ride for the night last night. WoW 2. 5 hrs of see her orgasm. She is not very experienced in sex and was tight. Licked her for maybe a minute and she was cumming. Was worth the hotel $41 and 300 mil for 3 hrs. She is super busy with work in a place 1. 5 hrs from MDE but will see her in Guarne the night before I leave. Guarne is only 20 min from the Rio Negro airport so was a no brainer. For all the Centro Rats this not for you, but I thought I would give it a try and have about 20 names in WA from my 3 weeks on SA. It is $100 for a month, a rip off but lots of contacts and hopefully less mileage girls. A few of the FB girls are asking stupid amounts starting at 350 and then end with 250 mas taxi so 300. I have another week and Thur starts another complete lockdown, girls come in and we order domocillios.

04-13-21, 23:56
I am staying at an AirBNB near 2nd park Laurles. I arrived Friday afternoon and had a girl come down from Bello in taxi no problem not very good service and paid 200 mil. Saturday had another SA girl 19 come over much better and she came from Santo Domingo so the chicas are able to get around during complete (haha) lockdown.Appreciate the "boots on the ground during lockdown" report. If a chica comes over to visit you, do they have to stay until the next day? Or are they still able have a taxi or Uber come and get them from your place to go back home after the two of you are done hanging out?

04-13-21, 23:58
Does this hotel check the female ID?Yes. It's been about 20 months since I was last there, but they were checking the girls ID.

04-14-21, 02:04
Medellin Guru is predicting that the weekend lockdowns will remain in effect for the rest of the month.

The trend is really not going in a positive direction. As of yesterday the ICU rate is at 95%, which is no bueno:


I can easily see this running well into May unfortunately.Unfortunately I see this as well, and hope I'm wrong, as I had no problem with the evening curfews until morning, but being totally caged in, not being able to come and go as you please during the day is a total no go for me, hence I bailed. For some guys this isn't a problem, as they can get girls to visit during the lockdown, so they are content, and with Rappi it's not like you can't get anything you want delivered, so not much of an issue, but for some like myself, it's just the thought of not being allowed out, and not a function of whether I can see girls during the lockdown.

It also depends on what part of town your staying in as well. I know for a fact that basically all the of neighborhoods in and around Parque Lleras and Parque Poblado where like a ghost town over the last weekend shutdown, and other poorer areas not so much, such as El Centro.

04-14-21, 15:22
All have been leaving just like no lockdown so really strange. The restaurants all closing for 4 days sucks, but getting chicas domocillios in not a problem.

Appreciate the "boots on the ground during lockdown" report. If a chica comes over to visit you, do they have to stay until the next day? Or are they still able have a taxi or Uber come and get them from your place to go back home after the two of you are done hanging out?

Mojo Bandit
04-14-21, 15:40
All have been leaving just like no lockdown so really strange. The restaurants all closing for 4 days sucks, but getting chicas domocillios in not a problem.Are you saying there's no Rappi delivery no nothing food wise, like you had to stock up on groceries and fend for yourself?

04-14-21, 15:51
Are you saying there's no Rappi delivery no nothing food wise, like you had to stock up on groceries and fend for yourself?No, Rappi is alive and well and restarau.

04-14-21, 16:32
Does anyone know if Loutron or La Isla plan on being open during these lockdowns?

04-14-21, 16:33
Of course and most of the contagion and infection is happening in the barrios where people are not wearing masks or socially distancing so basically to protect those who refuse to protect themselves everything is shut down.

Unfortunately I see this as well, and hope I'm wrong, as I had no problem with the evening curfews until morning, but being totally caged in, not being able to come and go as you please during the day is a total no go for me, hence I bailed. For some guys this isn't a problem, as they can get girls to visit during the lockdown, so they are content, and with Rappi it's not like you can't get anything you want delivered, so not much of an issue, but for some like myself, it's just the thought of not being allowed out, and not a function of whether I can see girls during the lockdown.

It also depends on what part of town your staying in as well. I know for a fact that basically all the of neighborhoods in and around Parque Lleras and Parque Poblado where like a ghost town over the last weekend shutdown, and other poorer areas not so much, such as El Centro.

04-14-21, 17:00
I am staying at an AirBNB near 2nd park Laurles. I arrived Friday afternoon and had a girl come down from Bello in taxi no problem not very good service and paid 200 mil. Saturday had another SA girl 19 come over much better and she came from Santo Domingo so the chicas are able to get around during complete (haha) lockdown. Met an older SA lady that I really clicked with and have seen her in the mornings to early afternoons lots of fun and open minded. She has no problem getting out during the lockdown. She lives near the local Airport, not Rio Negro.

I know SA is controversial but I decided to give it a try and seems / is more expensive but met a 19 yo up in Guarne (45 min) bus ride for the night last night. WoW 2. 5 hrs of see her orgasm. She is not very experienced in sex and was tight. Licked her for maybe a minute and she was cumming. Was worth the hotel $41 and 300 mil for 3 hrs. She is super busy with work in a place 1. 5 hrs from MDE but will see her in Guarne the night before I leave. Guarne is only 20 min from the Rio Negro airport so was a no brainer. For all the Centro Rats this not for you, but I thought I would give it a try and have about 20 names in WA from my 3 weeks on SA. It is $100 for a month, a rip off but lots of contacts and hopefully less mileage girls. A few of the FB girls are asking stupid amounts starting at 350 and then end with 250 mas taxi so 300. I have another week and Thur starts another complete lockdown, girls come in and we order domocillios.What exactly is SA I've been using ALC and very happy with the results even more with new total lockdown but I will not cancel my trip and still head over to Medellin I land the 18th.

Fun Luvr
04-14-21, 20:13
Are you saying there's no Rappi delivery no nothing food wise, like you had to stock up on groceries and fend for yourself?I have not seen any news that the lockdown will be any different from last week. If it is the same, Rappi and other delivery services will be operating. Many restaurants will be open for delivery only. Grocery stores and pharmacies will be open.

04-14-21, 21:09
All have been leaving just like no lockdown so really strange. The restaurants all closing for 4 days sucks, but getting chicas domocillios in not a problem.All restaurants will not be closing for 4 days. As stated they will remain open for delivery only. I think you should be clear with the info you are providing as many folk are relying on these reports in terms of whether they should travel all not.

Also the same question keeps getting asked again and again, can chicas travel in taxis? Some will and some won't risk it, its that simple, it will depend totally on the girl. Ubers will still be operating but they may be more difficult at certain times and in certain locations. Also a point to note, I would be wary of letting a chica I didn't know take a taxi to me in case she had issues getting transport on the way back and she took advantage of the situation or you got stuck with some lunatic.

If these weekend shut downs continue I may be tempted to take a room at ground zero for a night or 2. Can anyone provide info on how it is in Botero through the night, are reasonably mentally stable chicas there all night long or is it full of zombie glue sniffers after a certain time. I presume you would be equally confined to the Premier Plaza due safety issues after a dark.

04-14-21, 21:32
Also the same question keeps getting asked again and again, can chicas travel in taxis? Some will and some won't risk it, its that simple, it will depend totally on the girl. Ubers will still be operating but they may be more difficult at certain times and in certain locations. Also a point to note, I would be wary of letting a chica I didn't know take a taxi to me in case she had issues getting transport on the way back and she took advantage of the situation or you got stuck with some lunatic.
This is the reply I was looking for. Thanks a mil amigo!

04-14-21, 23:49
I have just heard that weekend lockdowns will continue for the next 3 weekends. Does anybody know if all major cities will have the same curfew or can someone recommend another city to spend a weekend in without curfew, maybe Cali, Cartegena or Barranquilla.

04-15-21, 00:12
If these weekend shut downs continue I may be tempted to take a room at ground zero for a night or 2. Can anyone provide info on how it is in Botero through the night, are reasonably mentally stable chicas there all night long or is it full of zombie glue sniffers after a certain time. I presume you would be equally confined to the Premier Plaza due safety issues after a dark.Your asking a question that I doubt anyone will know the answer to as to what the conditions actually are during the lockdown at night, but during normal times the place in the later evening hours will primarily be glue sniffers (some of which are hot, yet stinky, and anything goes as they are so out of it), zombies, homeless, thieves, mis-fits, un-desirables etc.

And as far as "mentally stable chicas", well don't expect many out, especially after the curfew let alone during normal times.

I know there's another board member who has been there during the lockdown hours and has reported on it, and other guys have been there during the day last weekend and hopefully someone will respond to your post besides me.

As I have posted before, the PP does have a balcony over the passageway which I have used in the past when I used to stay there, and you could very easily sit out there and if you see a prospect, summons them up for a drink to interview them. You could do very well during the day during the curfew if allowed to be sitting up there and reeling them in as there are so many desperate girls.

My suggestion though would be that you go to the PP and speak with them before the lockdowns begin. You should inquire that if during the day or evening during the lockdown they will not have an issue with you "reeling them in" from the balcony, and of course you would be buying beverages from them for your potential victims.

The reason I suggest this is because they may have a policy because of COVID against it, kind of like no fishing off the bridge, however they may not have a problem with it, but you will probably be hit with a joiner fee.

The frustration with the daytime lockdowns is being confined, and for some in a Hotel room, along with the availability of girls, unless you live in Medellin, and without a rolodex of dependable and vetted girls, it's most definitely a challenge, but I can see the PP option being very viable.

If you have decent Spanish speaking skills, and "grease the skids" ,meaning givng tips to the staff there you could do just fine. At least that is what I would do, and my bet is there are other gringos there now doing just what I have described.

04-15-21, 00:26
I have just heard that weekend lockdowns will continue for the next 3 weekends. Does anybody know if all major cities will have the same curfew or can someone recommend another city to spend a weekend in without curfew, maybe Cali, Cartegena or Barranquilla.Go to the publication El Colombiano and translate to English as there are constant articles about the lockdowns within the Country.

Most cities within the Country I suspect will be having weekend lockdowns, and my bet is your best option if stuck in the Country is to stay in Medellin, versus the other Cities you mention. And you will also have the issue of travelling to the other Cities, and if your flying you have to have the Corona App on your phone to get into the airport for a domestic flight (Big Brother), deal with the airports, and travelling by bus will be time consuming and won't be fun either.

Again, I think your best option is staying in Medellin and working it best you can.

04-15-21, 00:40
Since I've never been, can someone tell me how likely it is that a random chica would be okay with you filming the whole thing. Like is that something you negotiate in advance or do you just pull the camera out?I would not pull out my camera without asking first. If you want to take fotos depends on the chica. You will get every kind of response from an absolute refusal to anything goes and everything in between. I have one girl who will do anything in front of the camera as long as she is not shown performing sexual acts. She will pose nude, with spread pussy shots and showing her face as long as she is not fucking or sucking. The most common answer I get is yes, you can take fotos but you cannot show their faces. Or you can show their face when they are not nude. Also, remember these girls will do just about anything for a price. I can't recall the last time I paid extra for fotos, very rare for me, but if she is hesitant and for some reason you you really want the fotos, pay her an extra 50 mil COP.

I get the best results by telling them ahead of time I will not show their face, and I give them full delete options on any foto I have taken at the end of the session. Don't hand them your phone. In fact, don't ever let one of these chicas touch your fone. If you have seen how fast their little fingers can fly, they can do alll kinds of damage in seconds not minutes. I have been victim to this twice because I did not follow my own advice. That is a seperate subject. I will still let a girl I know touch my phone usually to pick out music if I am standing right there to look at the screen.

So in the end, go thru the fotos together and keep your word about deleting the ones she wants deleted. If a chica sees that you keep your word and can be trusted that is best for all interested parties, even if you never see her again. But for those chicas who evole into repeats for you, building up a certain level of trust pays huge dividends in all kinds of ways. Any girl from a prepago to your wife needs two things before they will bring their "A game" to your bed. She wants to feel safe, and she wants to feel she can trust you. I know there are a lot of guys here who will tell you that is irrelevant, and I agree if you are solely an El Centro one-and-done-rat, it's not quite as important, but even in that setting and for guys who visit short term, who would pass up on a repeat with a great girl? Ostee Out.

04-15-21, 02:10
Your asking a question that I doubt anyone will know the answer to as to what the conditions actually are during the lockdown at night, but during normal times the place in the later evening hours will primarily be glue sniffers (some of which are hot, yet stinky, and anything goes as they are so out of it), zombies, homeless, thieves, mis-fits, un-desirables etc.

And as far as "mentally stable chicas", well don't expect many out, especially after the curfew let alone during normal times.

I know there's another board member who has been there during the lockdown hours and has reported on it, and other guys have been there during the day last weekend and hopefully someone will respond to your post besides me.

As I have posted before, the PP does have a balcony over the passageway which I have used in the past when I used to stay there, and you could very easily sit out there and if you see a prospect, summons them up for a drink to interview them. You could do very well during the day during the curfew if allowed to be sitting up there and reeling them in as there are so many desperate girls.

My suggestion though would be that you go to the PP and speak with them before the lockdowns begin. You should inquire that if during the day or evening during the lockdown they will not have an issue with you "reeling them in" from the balcony, and of course you would be buying beverages from them for your potential victims.

The reason I suggest this is because they may have a policy because of COVID against it, kind of like no fishing off the bridge, however they may not have a problem with it, but you will probably be hit with a joiner fee.

The frustration with the daytime lockdowns is being confined, and for some in a Hotel room, along with the availability of girls, unless you live in Medellin, and without a rolodex of dependable and vetted girls, it's most definitely a challenge, but I can see the PP option being very viable.

If you have decent Spanish speaking skills, and "grease the skids" ,meaning givng tips to the staff there you could do just fine. At least that is what I would do, and my bet is there are other gringos there now doing just what I have described.I appreciate all your advice, it provides a lot to think about. I have actually been at ground zero during full lockdown on my last visit and there certainly were a few girls around but only a small handful. On reflection I don't think PP is a viable option as part of the fun of centro is doing the laps and vetting the chicas as well as the fact I have been refused twice at PP due to ID issues with myself and a chica which I did report about and they may as you have stated put some extra measures in place once full lockdown kicks in.

This issue for me is that I am doing intensive schooling durning the week which I am committing myself to and once I take care of a few chores there is not much time left before curfew. The weekend is my main chance to unwind, I can get reliable chicas to the apartment but I hate the fact that there is no other option than confinement.

I guess I'll have to sit this one out or maybe I'll go camping LOL.

04-15-21, 03:12

Not all the restaurants are closed during the lock down days. There are a few scattered small local restaurants that are open. But you will not know until you walk down the street during lock down to find them. They open their "garage door" half way and then you duck inside. If I remember correctly you have 1 hour of exercise to walk around but I would not wonder off more than 5 blocks away. All large restaurants and franchises will be closed for sit down eating. Many delivery options: Rappi, Domicilios, direct contact. Please do not hurt yourself reading Post #45327 where I stated I had a Rappi delivery.


I have never been but pretty sure I know enough. Loutron and La Isla are big clubs that require a fairly large attendance to make it worth even opening their doors and then worth getting in trouble for breaking lock down rules. So the chances they will be open would be. What do you think?


I stated I am at Ground Zero and listed what has happened every single day! It has been posted for years from an abundance of people that Botero is generally considered a no mans land after 8:00 PM even during normal times. But you are asking if going out during a lock down or after curfew is a good time to find girls at Botero? You are not smart enough to simply go find a girl during daytime hours like I have posted that I did? You are a whole new level of ISG village idiot.

Gringo Trooper
04-15-21, 03:27
The notion that these lockdowns will do anything to reduce COVID in Colombia is incorrect, in my opinion.

Their hospital and medical system is at 95% capacity. The country has had 1 full year to increase their medical facilities, especially their ICU's.

However, the country likely didn't do bull to be proactive. Their medical system is crap and yes I've been to their largest hospital.

Here I am in Florida, where everything is open, and I just got a free Pfizer vaccination today. Colombia like the rest of South America has incompetent leadership.

In any event, I'd rather be with you all living in Medellin (with lockdown) right now as opposed to living here in the you. S sex prison.

At least all of these new cats from the states likely won't be visiting and ruining Colombia as bad as it's been, like was done in Sosua.

Nil Admirari
04-15-21, 04:37
I'm in the process of drafting a long overdue, detailed report on my mongering life and times here in Medellin, and hope to submit shortly. In the meantime I thought I would share this recent experience which may suggest one viable option for those suffering terminal cabin fever during the lockdown, and determined to find some curfew hour nooky.

Late one night, a few weeks ago (pre Toque de Queda) I stopped by the Luna Lunera club briefly en route home from another tryst. Somewhat desultory, but fulnd one chick that I wanted for whom I planned to return for ta test drive. None of the normal security / greeters outside, and the club deserted and silenced within.

Tuesday of this week I returned around 6 PM, a couple of hours before the 8 PM curfew descended. However, out of the gloom a woman approached me and, somewhat surprised, offered to take me upstairs for a chica viewing. As we walked through the empty club, I remembered having read hear, last summer during the earlier / prolonged general shut-down, that Luna Lunera was closed as a club, but was operating from an apartment complex as a casa.

Once upstairs, I was seated in a small room with a couple of sofas, and, rather the a one-by-one line-up presentation, 6 or 7 chicas were paraded in all together for my inspection. 170 K for half hour and 250 k or so for an hour. The one chick I spoke with refused to provide BBBJ and DFK on the premises--would happily do so at my home. More on how this played out later. (Possibly some of the other ladies more ready to bend the rules.).

For now, I just wanted to share that. On asking, I was told that Luna Lunera remains in operation 24/7 on the second floor on a 24/7 basis--so this may provide one option for those determined to venture out during curfew hours, willing to spring for the prices cited above, and possibly having to settle for no upgrades in basic services. That said, if you plan to give the Club a try and speak some Spanish, you may want to call or write to them before visiting them, to be sure they will be open and how many about how man chicas will most likely be available st the hour that you plan to come.

04-15-21, 12:23
Go to the publication El Colombiano and translate to English as there are constant articles about the lockdowns within the Country.

Most cities within the Country I suspect will be having weekend lockdowns, and my bet is your best option if stuck in the Country is to stay in Medellin, versus the other Cities you mention. And you will also have the issue of travelling to the other Cities, and if your flying you have to have the Corona App on your phone to get into the airport for a domestic flight (Big Brother), deal with the airports, and travelling by bus will be time consuming and won't be fun either.

Again, I think your best option is staying in Medellin and working it best you can.I was suppose to travel today to Medellin from USA, but I postponed my trip due to curfew as I have experienced boredom during my last visit in January. Finding girls during curfew was not a problem as I have contacts on SA and Cupid, but I do not want to confine in my 400 sf apartment with a non English speaking Chica, or watching Netflix and local channels. The airlines changed my reservation due to Curfew excuse until May 4th, but Airbnb host do not want to change the dates as he already got paid in advance. Anyway, its just a loss of $300 for Airbnb that I can suck up. Hopefully the restrictions will be lifted in May. I appreciate all the members who are constantly reporting their daily activities and sharing useful information.

The Tall Man
04-15-21, 13:38
All restaurants will not be closing for 4 days. As stated they will remain open for delivery only. I think you should be clear with the info you are providing as many folk are relying on these reports in terms of whether they should travel all not.

Also the same question keeps getting asked again and again, can chicas travel in taxis? Some will and some won't risk it, its that simple, it will depend totally on the girl. Ubers will still be operating but they may be more difficult at certain times and in certain locations. Also a point to note, I would be wary of letting a chica I didn't know take a taxi to me in case she had issues getting transport on the way back and she took advantage of the situation or you got stuck with some lunatic..Just my dos pesos about staying at ground zero, my Colombian buddy does it all the time but he has probably a dozen 'go to' chicas that he repeats, just don't be expecting to pull anything off the streets after 8 PM.

Example was last night, I tried my darn-est with 2 chicas that I meet earlier in the afternoon in Botero but the stars were not aligned, at about 6 PM I ran into a vennie I played with about a year ago, she is one great fuck, anyway I told her to meet me at Palametto and like a train schedule in Germany she was there.

Anyway yes the sex was great, total GFE, a good solid and willing performer so at 2 minutes to 8 PM last night, as we were leaving the hotel, the whole area was paroled with the most police motorcycles and cars and on foot cops literally with sirens blasting and high powered speakers blasting away for people to leave and to close shops, etc. , etc. , this is what Nazi Germany must have been like clearing out the Jews back in the day. It was almost surreal like I was watching a movie.

I took a spin around the area in my car, it is now 8:15 pm and things were already completely shut down and people literally fleeing the area.

The cops take this shit seriously.

Much love and respect to all, just a heads-up!

The Tall Man.

04-15-21, 13:50
Contact Airbnb directly and tell them about the "complete" lockdown and see if they will refund your money.

I am here in my apt and it does get pretty boring but, it is better here with chica domocillos rather than the desert of the US.

I was suppose to travel today to Medellin from USA, but I postponed my trip due to curfew as I have experienced boredom during my last visit in January. Finding girls during curfew was not a problem as I have contacts on SA and Cupid, but I do not want to confine in my 400 sf apartment with a non English speaking Chica, or watching Netflix and local channels. The airlines changed my reservation due to Curfew excuse until May 4th, but Airbnb host do not want to change the dates as he already got paid in advance. Anyway, its just a loss of $300 for Airbnb that I can suck up. Hopefully the restrictions will be lifted in May. I appreciate all the members who are constantly reporting their daily activities and sharing useful information.

04-15-21, 13:54
Tons of girls but costs $100 for a month, this allows you to send / receive messages. In a few weeks I had 20+ WA numbers.

What exactly is SA I've been using ALC and very happy with the results even more with new total lockdown but I will not cancel my trip and still head over to Medellin I land the 18th.

04-15-21, 15:24
I'm in the process of drafting a long overdue, detailed report on my mongering life and times here in Medellin, and hope to submit shortly. In the meantime I thought I would share this recent experience which may suggest one viable option for those suffering terminal cabin fever during the lockdown, and determined to find some curfew hour nooky.

Late one night, a few weeks ago (pre Toque de Queda) I stopped by the Luna Lunera club briefly en route home from another tryst. Somewhat desultory, but fulnd one chick that I wanted for whom I planned to return for ta test drive. None of the normal security / greeters outside, and the club deserted and silenced within.

Tuesday of this week I returned around 6 PM, a couple of hours before the 8 PM curfew descended. However, out of the gloom a woman approached me and, somewhat surprised, offered to take me upstairs for a chica viewing. As we walked through the empty club, I remembered having read hear, last summer during the earlier / prolonged general shut-down, that Luna Lunera was closed as a club, but was operating from an apartment complex as a casa.

Once upstairs, I was seated in a small room with a couple of sofas, and, rather the a one-by-one line-up presentation, 6 or 7 chicas were paraded in all together for my inspection. 170 K for half hour and 250 k or so for an hour. The one chick I spoke with refused to provide BBBJ and DFK on the premises--would happily do so at my home. More on how this played out later. (Possibly some of the other ladies more ready to bend the rules.).

For now, I just wanted to share that. On asking, I was told that Luna Lunera remains in operation 24/7 on the second floor on a 24/7 basis--so this may provide one option for those determined to venture out during curfew hours, willing to spring for the prices cited above, and possibly having to settle for no upgrades in basic services. That said, if you plan to give the Club a try and speak some Spanish, you may want to call or write to them before visiting them, to be sure they will be open and how many about how man chicas will most likely be available st the hour that you plan to come.They are on Mileroticos website, just search for Luna Lunera.

Here https://co.mileroticos.com/escorts/luna-lunera-por-que-tu-lo-pediste-escort-hermosas-a-domicilios/18002420/.

Saving you 50 mil, ask for promo. The business is hurting because of all these curfew and lockdowns, so the place is opened like a casa now.

04-15-21, 16:00

Not all the restaurants are closed during the lock down days. There are a few scattered small local restaurants that are open. But you will not know until you walk down the street during lock down to find them. They open their "garage door" half way and then you duck inside. If I remember correctly you have 1 hour of exercise to walk around but I would not wonder off more than 5 blocks away. All large restaurants and franchises will be closed for sit down eating. Many delivery options: Rappi, Domicilios, direct contact. Please do not hurt yourself reading Post #45327 where I stated I had a Rappi delivery.


I have never been but pretty sure I know enough. Loutron and La Isla are big clubs that require a fairly large attendance to make it worth even opening their doors and then worth getting in trouble for breaking lock down rules. So the chances they will be open would be. What do you think?

JohnnyO..Keep posting, I read your reports, and they are very valuable and I know other's appreciate them as they give them an idea of the challenges of mongering during this difficult time.

04-15-21, 16:20
Just my dos pesos about staying at ground zero,

at 2 minutes to 8 PM last night, as we were leaving the hotel, the whole area was paroled with the most police motorcycles and cars and on foot cops literally with sirens blasting and high powered speakers blasting away for people to leave and to close shops, etc. , etc. , this is what Nazi Germany must have been like clearing out the Jews back in the day. It was almost surreal like I was watching a movie.

I took a spin around the area in my car, it is now 8:15 pm and things were already completely shut down and people literally fleeing the area.

The cops take this shit seriously.

Much love and respect to all, just a heads-up!

The Tall Man.Good advice for others to take the curfew seriously.

One Chica told me they have buses they throw the people into, and then jail them somehere for thirty six hours, at least this was before the total lockdowns, and charge them a fine.

Silver Turtle
04-15-21, 19:08
Good idea. Employees at Premium Plaza hotel don't like gringos, and the gringo clients are not treated good or fairly. Also, frequently their belongings are stolen, or disappearing. Plus, the (organized) punks outside mark gringos in the hotel and they trick or attack the latter.

I appreciate all your advice, it provides a lot to think about. I have actually been at ground zero during full lockdown on my last visit and there certainly were a few girls around but only a small handful. On reflection I don't think PP is a viable option as part of the fun of centro is doing the laps and vetting the chicas as well as the fact I have been refused twice at PP due to ID issues with myself and a chica which I did report about and they may as you have stated put some extra measures in place once full lockdown kicks in.

This issue for me is that I am doing intensive schooling durning the week which I am committing myself to and once I take care of a few chores there is not much time left before curfew. The weekend is my main chance to unwind, I can get reliable chicas to the apartment but I hate the fact that there is no other option than confinement.

I guess I'll have to sit this one out or maybe I'll go camping LOL.

04-15-21, 22:01

Not all the restaurants are closed during the lock down days. There are a few scattered small local restaurants that are open. But you will not know until you walk down the street during lock down to find them. They open their "garage door" half way and then you duck inside. If I remember correctly you have 1 hour of exercise to walk around but I would not wonder off more than 5 blocks away. All large restaurants and franchises will be closed for sit down eating. Many delivery options: Rappi, Domicilios, direct contact. Please do not hurt yourself reading Post #45327 where I stated I had a Rappi delivery.


I have never been but pretty sure I know enough. Loutron and La Isla are big clubs that require a fairly large attendance to make it worth even opening their doors and then worth getting in trouble for breaking lock down rules. So the chances they will be open would be. What do you think?


I stated I am at Ground Zero and listed what has happened every single day! It has been posted for years from an abundance of people that Botero is generally considered a no mans land after 8:00 PM even during normal times. But you are asking if going out during a lock down or after curfew is a good time to find girls at Botero? You are not smart enough to simply go find a girl during daytime hours like I have posted that I did? You are a whole new level of ISG village idiot.Although you have provided on the ground reports I was also seeking other opinions on the subject. Unfortunately if everyone here had the same attitude as you then the board would descend into chaos within no time and would become completely useless, however if insulting other BM's helps with your own insecurities then go right ahead, knock yourself out. I won't even bother retaliating as its not worth it.

04-15-21, 22:42
I have been in Bogota for a week and flying into MDE tomorrow for another week before I'm back to the US. I have about 20 "girlfriends" there who have given me the lowdown, so sharing it with you.

During the lockdown, you need to take a taxi / uber everywhere, but there is no problem if you have a girl ready via SA / FB / etc. Clubs and bigger spas are still open. When in doubt, ask them via WhatsApp first. The Mansion in Poblado is open for their pool parties, just arrive via Uber, and don't risk walking if you are in Poblado. Parque Lleras and other "outdoor" spaces are clearly closed, but those girls are working in clubs / spas where they can. Energy is clearly where a lot of girls are going, and the pool I have seen like 200+ WhatsApp stories from girls posting up there. You really can't go out anywhere, so the best bet is to stay in a hotel that has amenities you can enjoy (like onsite restaurants and a pool). My plan is to work during the day, bring a FB girl in for a lunch break, and then if she is good, invite her + her friends back to party that night in the room. All these girls are happy to hustle their own friends and take a rake off the top.

04-15-21, 23:53
Good idea. Employees at Premium Plaza hotel don't like gringos, and the gringo clients are not treated good or fairly. Also, frequently their belongings are stolen, or disappearing. Plus, the (organized) punks outside mark gringos in the hotel and they trick or attack the latter.I agree that the thugs outside of the Hotel know that gringos stay there and target them, yet the gringos that aren't treated well by the Hotel employees bring it on totally themselves, meaning their dicks to the staff and how they conduct themselves, hence the treatment at times you have described.

However, for the gringos that are respectful, give them like 2,000 peso tips (which is chump change), they will bend over backwards to accommodate you. The problem is that most gringos are arrogant and totally disrespectful, hence the treatment they get, and deserved.

I have always had good experiences there, and it simply boils down to "people skills", and you do have to have some Spanish speaking skills.

I do know of other's who have had problems there, and won't patronize the place, as they can be very strict wanting to see foreigners ID's and verifying Chicas credentials as well, but they are just doing their job.

If I didn't have a place to stay in Medellin, and was in Medellin right now during the Pandemic, I would stay there, and grease the skids as I like to say with the employees, and go fishing off the balcony during the daytime lockdown.

04-16-21, 00:15
Also, if anyone is in MDE right now and wants to grab a beer at The Mansion or another club, hit me up via PM.

04-16-21, 00:22
I wouldn't plan anything until Bogata announces what's going to be happening it seems like an extension the current curfew guidelines are inevitable and it appears that going to make even more drastic decisions based on the numbers that are coming in in some areas of the country..... Possibly even a month-long national lockdown?

I have been in Bogota for a week and flying into MDE tomorrow for another week before I'm back to the US. I have about 20 "girlfriends" there who have given me the lowdown, so sharing it with you.

During the lockdown, you need to take a taxi / uber everywhere, but there is no problem if you have a girl ready via SA / FB / etc. Clubs and bigger spas are still open. When in doubt, ask them via WhatsApp first. The Mansion in Poblado is open for their pool parties, just arrive via Uber, and don't risk walking if you are in Poblado. Parque Lleras and other "outdoor" spaces are clearly closed, but those girls are working in clubs / spas where they can. Energy is clearly where a lot of girls are going, and the pool I have seen like 200+ WhatsApp stories from girls posting up there. You really can't go out anywhere, so the best bet is to stay in a hotel that has amenities you can enjoy (like onsite restaurants and a pool). My plan is to work during the day, bring a FB girl in for a lunch break, and then if she is good, invite her + her friends back to party that night in the room. All these girls are happy to hustle their own friends and take a rake off the top.

04-16-21, 00:44
He probably could have been a bit more gentlemanly in his response to you but I thought, more or less, the same thing in terms of how well documented the situation is in Botero after about 8 pm. It's a dangerous place even in normal times but now I think only the truly desperate will be out there either hustling for a fix, or a scam, or in your case a robbery or worse. Best to really do your research on this idea.

Although you have provided on the ground reports I was also seeking other opinions on the subject. Unfortunately if everyone here had the same attitude as you then the board would descend into chaos within no time and would become completely useless, however if insulting other BM's helps with your own insecurities then go right ahead, knock yourself out. I won't even bother retaliating as its not worth it.

04-16-21, 01:35
I hope Admin doesn't have an issue with these photos as this is some of what my buddies sent me today which I found amusing.

My buddy who is in Medellin was at ground zero today around 2 PM and has been in Medellin for the past two months and is at ground zero everyday in the early afternoon and this is what he said "place was packed. New faces everywhere. Most I've ever seen in El Centro today" and my response was, "not surprising since starting tomorrow it will be totally shutdown until Monday" and his response was, "Exactly".

What a sad state of affairs for everyone in Colombia.

04-16-21, 03:01
Sorry but I hate stupid and that day I walked 2 guys around the block and showed them 5 great girls, 9 bad girls, and to avoid the front of the yellow restaurant. They said they wanted to get a drink or something and I needed to hunt. I walked around the block to fulfill my daily quota (just 1) but nothing found sat that time. Saw the 2 idiots talking to some girls in front of the restaurant I just said not to go to. I watched for 3 minutes and could see the girl they were talking to was looking away a lot (not interested, not needing money). Two days later one of them walks up to chat. I asked him if they both had found a bed buddy the day I left them. He told me how his friend had a horrible girl who had him wash his junk. The guy thought BJ ahead but none to be had. The girl then gave him the rules. "No This. No That. Do not even dream about XYZ. " I asked where his buddy found her and he did tell the truth that they messed up in not listening to me. His buddy before was talking about how they are all hoes and we are the kings and they have to do as they are told since we have the money. I hate that! He said that he lays down the rules before hand so there would not be any problems. But then he paid first. Every damn thing I said not to do he did because he thought he was special.

This guy staying at Premier Plaza told me he found a new girl and was training her. Like he knows something. That was a girl I knew. She comes out maybe for 5 days, gone 9, appears 1, gone 3, appears 3, gone 11. You never know so he never saw her. I had had her a month prior and twice 7 months ago. But he thought he had found something special and training her. I so wanted to burst his bubble but did not want to ruin anything for her. Idiot!

Guy staying at Boulevard Botero across from Premier Plaza. He is all proud of himself. He educated some Botero girl about all the money she could make at Park Lleras. But she comes back sometimes and still sees him. He says because, "She must like me". She does go to Park Lleras at times but she has no phone at that time so that is a hard game to play there without one. Well I saw her several times with other guys in Botero and took her twice myself (never had her before that). Guess I must be special too? Saw her today and she has a phone. Told her to meet me this week because I have sexual needs that she has to fulfill. Stop being a * and share your blessings (tits) with me. She called me her * and that she will fit me in ASAP. Love her attitude.

All the times mongering I never met any foreigners. I did this time because bored and no one to speak English with. Huge mistake. Will never do it again. Each one is stupid, lies, and even tries cock blocking me. Too many examples to list.


OK the story starts out, "There is this girl. " Judge a book by it's cover fits 90% of the time. I found my 10% wrong but in a good way. This girl sits / stands at the corner of the church fence. She is tall with long hair and short bangs. She is always on her phone and has an angry look about her. She is on the phone, talking to her friends, or sitting next to the vendor cart that is right there but facing away from the people waking by so you do not see her. I saw her off and on for 2 months I was here 7 months ago but never took her. Now back I have watched her for over a month and always wanted to take her. Swearing she would get on her phone during sex or turn into an evil princess and make demands of what I could not do. I finally did the frog thing. I jumped. She was on her phone walking up the hotel stairs and a few minutes into the room. I set her phone down. She never messed with it. She is a happy camper and fun. I have been with her twice. Last time she kicked my empty 5 liter water container on accident walking out the door. Next day I told her she kicked and dented my water container with her fat foot and owes me a new one. Then told her to put her fat feet on a diet. She is thin and could not give a shit what I say or do. She just laughed. I know others have wanted to take her but got the same vibe. Take her. Great personality and I do not know Spanish. So if you know Spanish you should have a better time. One small bad. Boobs are little soft. Not as firm as I had thought with her fit body.

Silver Turtle
04-16-21, 16:03
I agree that the thugs outside of the Hotel know that gringos stay there and target them, yet the gringos that aren't treated well by the Hotel employees bring it on totally themselves, meaning their dicks to the staff and how they conduct themselves, hence the treatment at times you have described.

However, for the gringos that are respectful, give them like 2,000 peso tips (which is chump change), they will bend over backwards to accommodate you. The problem is that most gringos are arrogant and totally disrespectful, hence the treatment they get, and deserved..How could the locals distinguish the 10 percent of nice gringos from 90 percent of rude gringos? They don't like gringos in the area (or nation) though they may smile to your wallet.

I have always had good experiences there, and it simply boils down to "people skills", and you do have to have some Spanish speaking skills.For several years, your posts exhibited (cognitive / psychological) bias. You frequently described the Veracruz as the exciting area with many attractive girls. You almost always downplayed the danger and the number of robbed / assaulted gringos in the area. Your description of the Botero area is much closer to your fantasy / imagination and more distant from the reality. When other posters question about your description and offer more realistic picture, you accept their view and modify your position. But next day, you resume posts of the fantasy.

04-16-21, 16:09
OK the story starts out, "There is this girl. " Judge a book by it's cover fits 90% of the time. I found my 10% wrong but in a good way. This girl sits / stands at the corner of the church fence. She is tall with long hair and short bangs. She is always on her phone and has an angry look about her. She is on the phone, talking to her friends, or sitting next to the vendor cart that is right there but facing away from the people waking by so you do not see her. I saw her off and on for 2 months I was here 7 months ago but never took her. Now back I have watched her for over a month and always wanted to take her. Swearing she would get on her phone during sex or turn into an evil princess and make demands of what I could not do. I finally did the frog thing. I jumped. She was on her phone walking up the hotel stairs and a few minutes into the room. I set her phone down. She never messed with it. She is a happy camper and fun. I have been with her twice. Last time she kicked my empty 5 liter water container on accident walking out the door. Next day I told her she kicked and dented my water container with her fat foot and owes me a new one. Then told her to put her fat feet on a diet. She is thin and could not give a shit what I say or do. She just laughed. I know others have wanted to take her but got the same vibe. Take her. Great personality and I do not know Spanish. So if you know Spanish you should have a better time. One small bad. Boobs are little soft. Not as firm as I had thought with her fit body.A most entertaining read your post, and you've hit on a whole multitude of issues about the scene in El Centro and how un-expected and random things can be. You most definitely cannot judge a book by it's cover, and perceptions or vibes of how things might be with a woman you go with, and how things actually transpire in the room are typically unpredictable.

Unfortunately with the Pandemic, and up until a few weeks ago, Colombia has been one of the few wide open mongering destinations open on the Planet, hence the onslaught of mongers descending on Medellin along with their know it all attitudes as has been noticed by many others since last September.

As soon as things normalize if ever around the World including Asia, and other venues open back up, there will be less mongers in Colombia.

Colombia is not really a "user friendly" place to monger compared to other places, albeit inexpensive, with the main drawbacks being the language and danger factor which isn't really an issue in other mongering destinations.

The Tall Man
04-16-21, 16:20
I hope Admin doesn't have an issue with these photos as this is some of what my buddies sent me today which I found amusing.

My buddy who is in Medellin was at ground zero today around 2 PM and has been in Medellin for the past two months and is at ground zero everyday in the early afternoon and this is what he said "place was packed. New faces everywhere. Most I've ever seen in El Centro today" and my response was, "not surprising since starting tomorrow it will be totally shutdown until Monday" and his response was, "Exactly".

What a sad state of affairs for everyone in Colombia.Ditto that! I spent 3 or 4 hours and trolled all over yesterday Thursday afternoon, placed was packed and I too saw new faces but also many of the same girls out plying their trade in response to the 3 day curfew.

I got a few new numbers but did not partake as at about 4 PM I wanted to beat the traffic out of centro and glad I did as there was major traffic jams (tacos) and accidents all over the city.

I am having my ATF trying to come over this afternoon and stay a day or two. She is a special non-pro that I met a few years ago from where? Bello! Gawd got to love the cuties that bello puts out.

All is good at ground zero!

The Tall Man.

04-16-21, 18:06

What would this group recommend as a fair offer for SA girls for either a) the evening for a few hours including dinner, drinks, and the rest of the evening back at the apartment or b) the same as (a) but also spend the night?

An SA girl just asked for the equivalent to 400 USD for the overnight option. Just starting to have these discussions and will learn the market in Colombia but perhaps this group has thoughts as well.

Sidenote: this is my second post and received a super helpful response on my first post which was much appreciated. Booked a nice private apartment with outdoor jacuzzi in walking distance to everything near Parque Lleras. Landing for my first time in Medellin on the 25th. Look forward to sharing a trip report afterwards.

04-16-21, 19:51
How could the locals distinguish the 10 percent of nice gringos from 90 percent of rude gringos? They don't like gringos in the area (or nation) though they may smile to your wallet.

For several years, your posts exhibited (cognitive / psychological) bias. You frequently described the Veracruz as the exciting area with many attractive girls. You almost always downplayed the danger and the number of robbed / assaulted gringos in the area. Your description of the Botero area is much closer to your fantasy / imagination and more distant from the reality. When other posters question about your description and offer more realistic picture, you accept their view and modify your position. But next day, you resume posts of the fantasy.That's not been my experience at all. I'm a fairly obvious gringo and almost everywhere I've gone in Medellin people were warm and friendly to me. Neighbors in the 2 apartment buildings I lived in would chat with me. Cashiers in Carulla, Euro and Jumbo were pleasant to me. Other than the rare person giving me a nasty look, it always seemed like people were happy to see and talk with this big, happy gringo. It's a big reason why I keep coming back.

How do you tell the rude guy in a bar from the friendly guys in the bar? The rude guy is the one acting rude. Don't you think Colombians can recognize rude when they see it?

Veracruz is an exciting area and there are many attractive girls. Surfer has repeatedly, as have the other El Centro aficionados, told people that it requires patience. You might need to take 2 or 3 laps before you find what you want. That's been what I've seen. Although I don't partake from the street, I do enjoy walking the area and used to take 3 full laps every day, while getting in my daily exercise.

For the record, my full lap is from Botero Plaza, down the Veracruz alley, stroll Veracruz then walk down to Raudal, continue past all the print shops, then cover each street between Calle 53 and 54 until I get back to the metro tracks. From there, back to Botero for another lap.

From what I've seen, the thieves in El Centro don't look for gringos. They look for easy targets. If a gringo is walking around with a bulging wallet, with his nose glued to his latest and greatest iPhone, he's an easy target. If a gringo is being loud and obnoxious, he's an easy target.

However, if the gringo is just going about his business, the same as every other person in the area, he attracts little extra attention.

04-16-21, 23:01
I'll be in Medellin on Monday and staying for about 2 months (depending on how my apt search / purchase goes in Bello). It's been a few years since I hit up the Mansion, but it's nostalgic place for me. My first trip to Medellin 8 or so years ago, I stayed there and enjoyed it to the fullest. I still get their email updates / info. I'll have to hit up their Thursday pool parties (1 pm-8 pm) just to reminisce and splurge a little haha. It's 50 mil entrance fee with full access to their chicas albeit most have been around the block more times than not.

It'll be interesting convo if I decide to take a Mansion chica and she'll ask which room I'm staying, then I'll say I'm not staying in here or Poblado, she'll say where and I'll say Bello. She might respond me too haha. A Chino from Bello, they can call me Chino Bello, has a nice ring to it.

Anyways, paisas do house parties to the fullest during lockdown weekends. I was invited to a family party during last year's Christmas lockdown in Pachelly neighborhood of Bello. There were like 20 people maskless, both young and old just eating, drinking, cooking, partying from dawn to dusk to dawn back to dusk. Nothing like big party home cooked meals!

Also, if anyone is in MDE right now and wants to grab a beer at The Mansion or another club, hit me up via PM.

04-16-21, 23:23
When I first arrived during the first weekend shutdown a couple of weeks ago I asked my regular driver to pick up my regular girl and he advised against as it could be problematic. I was able to get her an uber later.

Today über prices are almost triple the usual fare. Normal fare to pick up my girl around 8000, uber wanting 22000 due to high demand although this fluctuates every 10-15 mins or so. I prefer uber as card payments are easier and I am having issues with didi.

Also when I sent an uber for my regular today I got a message from him asking if she had permission to move as there were a lot of police controls and stops. So this along with recent reports from Tall Man and it seems like its getting tougher to move either yourself or girls around at the moment during these shutdowns.

04-16-21, 23:36

What would this group recommend as a fair offer for SA girls for either a) the evening for a few hours including dinner, drinks, and the rest of the evening back at the apartment or b) the same as (a) but also spend the night?

An SA girl just asked for the equivalent to 400 USD for the overnight option. Just starting to have these discussions and will learn the market in Colombia but perhaps this group has thoughts as well.
SA is an economy unto itself. A "fair offer" is going to be whatever that particular chica is asking for.

You said an SA girl just asked you for the equivalent of 400 USD. Do you really think she is going to go for your counter offer of 120 k-150 k COP (which is pretty standard outside of the SA economy)?

You also have to ask yourself what do you gain flying thousands of miles to pay a gringo tax of 400 USD to some chica the locals probably have for 80 k?

04-17-21, 00:26
These are facts.

SA is an economy unto itself. A "fair offer" is going to be whatever that particular chica is asking for.

You said an SA girl just asked you for the equivalent of 400 USD. Do you really think she is going to go for your counter offer of 120 k-150 k COP (which is pretty standard outside of the SA economy)?

You also have to ask yourself what do you gain flying thousands of miles to pay a gringo tax of 400 USD to some chica the locals probably have for 80 k?

04-17-21, 00:31
I am in Mde now and using SA, seems some want $150 usd and I laugh and most will take 200 mil or 250 mil I have not had a over night chica so can't say on that. I found a couple FB chicas that were happy with 150 plus taxi. So it really depends on the chica. Last night I gave 250mil to a 21 yo student who looked AWESOME in the photos but without makeup was just average. She did let me do everything bareback.

I also found another 19 yo student who I paid 300 mil for 2. 5 hrs and she did everything bareback too, but had to meet her in Gurane and pay for a hotel, so not as inexpensive as I hope but it was worth it to me. Will see her the night before I leave, since Gurane is only 20 min from the Rio Negro airport.

SA is an economy unto itself. A "fair offer" is going to be whatever that particular chica is asking for.

You said an SA girl just asked you for the equivalent of 400 USD. Do you really think she is going to go for your counter offer of 120 k-150 k COP (which is pretty standard outside of the SA economy)?

You also have to ask yourself what do you gain flying thousands of miles to pay a gringo tax of 400 USD to some chica the locals probably have for 80 k?

Silver Turtle
04-17-21, 00:47
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

04-17-21, 00:47
I am in Mde now and using SA, seems some want $150 usd and I laugh and most will take 200 mil or 250 mil I have not had a over night chica so can't say on that. I found a couple FB chicas that were happy with 150 plus taxi. So it really depends on the chica. Last night I gave 250mil to a 21 yo student who looked AWESOME in the photos but without makeup was just average. She did let me do everything bareback.

I also found another 19 yo student who I paid 300 mil for 2. 5 hrs and she did everything bareback too, but had to meet her in Gurane and pay for a hotel, so not as inexpensive as I hope but it was worth it to me. Will see her the night before I leave, since Gurane is only 20 min from the Rio Negro airport.Jbg64 and Savepros321, thank you, this is very helpful. I'm mostly interested in how liberal and relaxed the women are outside of the US and a fair exchange and even more compelling, the sheer abundance of attractive women. So yeah, I'd pay whatever locally but I can only maybe find a couple of attractive providers in Colorado for any given month. Setting aside two weeks and this still not being enough time to visit with all of the available and available women is a dream.

04-17-21, 01:03
Also when I sent an uber for my regular today I got a message from him asking if she had permission to move as there were a lot of police controls and stops. So this along with recent reports from Tall Man and it seems like its getting tougher to move either yourself or girls around at the moment during these shutdowns.That is a true boner-killer.

Also, even though they have been doing lockdowns since the beginning of the month, the total ICU rate just continues to climb higher (now at just over 97%: https://dssa.gov.co/index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&layout=category&task=category&id=127&Itemid=352).

So nothing they have been doing there has been working. They are going to have to go back to total quarantine if they expect to get that number back below 80% even. Which is interesting because almost a year ago around this time they were lifting the quarantine.

04-17-21, 01:13
Police pickup truck with 4 people caught in the back. Big canopy covered truck had around 10 people caught by police. I saw them grab 3 people but no idea how they are picking the lucky ones. While others just walk around not bothered. Still some girls out and available. I took 2 repeats I saw wandering around today. No two girls tomorrow. Nearly had a heart attack.

04-17-21, 01:45
However, if the gringo is just going about his business, the same as every other person in the area, he attracts little extra attention.He attracts plenty of extra attention as compared to the locals by the mere fact that he's a gringo, who in their minds is more likely to have a fair amount of cash and a nice phone, and is less likely to put up a fight. We can inject anecdotes, like "well I've never had any problems" or what not, but at the end of the day the bad guys know who we are so be watchful and take precautions. Moseying around like the locals isn't enough.

P.S. Dangers increase with increased desperation and these are especially desperate times.

04-17-21, 02:42
With 6 million people they've got about a thousand in the ICU hospital for covid. Louisiana has 4 and a half million people and we maxed out at about 1,300 in the hospital a few months ago, and are now down to about 320. All without a total lockdown. We've got about a million people vaccinated.

That is a true boner-killer.

Also, even though they have been doing lockdowns since the beginning of the month, the total ICU rate just continues to climb higher (now at just over 97%: https://dssa.gov.co/index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&layout=category&task=category&id=127&Itemid=352).

So nothing they have been doing there has been working. They are going to have to go back to total quarantine if they expect to get that number back below 80% even. Which is interesting because almost a year ago around this time they were lifting the quarantine.

Mr Enternational
04-17-21, 03:07
Today ber prices are almost triple the usual fare. Normal fare to pick up my girl around 8000, uber wanting 22000 due to high demand although this fluctuates every 10-15 mins or so. I prefer uber as card payments are easier and I am having issues with didi.Uber was uber-expensive in Bogota last weekend as well. Cabify/Easy Taxi had normal prices and you can use your card.

04-17-21, 03:07
Police pickup truck with 4 people caught in the back. Big canopy covered truck had around 10 people caught by police. I saw them grab 3 people but no idea how they are picking the lucky ones. While others just walk around not bothered. Still some girls out and available. I took 2 repeats I saw wandering around today. No two girls tomorrow. Nearly had a heart attack.Three weekends ago when the weekend lockdowns were from 5 PM until 5 AM versus the entire weekend I was speaking with one of the Porteros in the building I live in that work from 6 AM to 6 PM and I asked him what happens if he gets stopped by the Police when leaving work and it's after the curfew time of 5 PM which was in effect then. He said not a problem, he shows them his work badge and explains the shift hours, and no problem. So I suspect some of the people walking around may have a legitimate excuse for being out after curfew. And there might also be some out who have "bribed" the Police, meaning giving them some money, but I really don't know as my limited experience during the past five years with the Police is that they have been very professional.

04-17-21, 03:42
That is a true boner-killer.

Also, even though they have been doing lockdowns since the beginning of the month, the total ICU rate just continues to climb higher (now at just over 97%: https://dssa.gov.co/index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&layout=category&task=category&id=127&Itemid=352).

So nothing they have been doing there has been working. They are going to have to go back to total quarantine if they expect to get that number back below 80% even. Which is interesting because almost a year ago around this time they were lifting the quarantine.Unfortunately we are in unchartered territory as to what might really work. The new strain taking hold has been wrecking havoc in Brazil, is trampling Uruguay, and Chile and Argentina aren't doing well either. It's so depressing what's happening as up until three weeks ago it was like pre-pandemic times, even better, and now it's like a sinking ship, and what is really heartbreaking is the toll it's taking on the Colombians.

04-17-21, 06:19
Jbg64 and Savepros321, thank you, this is very helpful. I'm mostly interested in how liberal and relaxed the women are outside of the US and a fair exchange and even more compelling, the sheer abundance of attractive women. So yeah, I'd pay whatever locally but I can only maybe find a couple of attractive providers in Colorado for any given month. Setting aside two weeks and this still not being enough time to visit with all of the available and available women is a dream.Discuss overnight after meeting the girl, not before.

04-17-21, 07:47

What would this group recommend as a fair offer for SA girls for either a) the evening for a few hours including dinner, drinks, and the rest of the evening back at the apartment or b) the same as (a) but also spend the night?

An SA girl just asked for the equivalent to 400 USD for the overnight option. Just starting to have these discussions and will learn the market in Colombia but perhaps this group has thoughts as well.

Sidenote: this is my second post and received a super helpful response on my first post which was much appreciated. Booked a nice private apartment with outdoor jacuzzi in walking distance to everything near Parque Lleras. Landing for my first time in Medellin on the 25th. Look forward to sharing a trip report afterwards.I would recommend not even thinking about having a girl for the overnight option until you've had at least one session with her.

For $400 she better be staying for at least 3 or 4 days. That's about 90 days of salary for a minimum wage worker in Colombia. Or that's 1 month rental of a nice 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment (unfurnished) in Poblado. Or it's dinner and drinks for you and 10 friends at one of the more expensive restaurants in Medellin. Or it's 4 round trip air tickets to the Colombian city of your choice. Or, if you eat cheaply, it's enough to buy you 3 meals a day for at least a month.

Do you have a better grasp of the economics now?

As for what to pay, you're looking at it wrong. You shouldn't be paying anything for her to have dinner and drinks with you. You're buying the food and the drinks, and probably paying for her taxi. What you're paying for is for her to come to your place and bust your nut after she's had the free food and drink.

Personally, I would never agree to more than 300 mil (and I've never agreed to more than 200 mil), but she would have to be spectacular at that price. Assuming she's that spectacular, and her performance lives up to her looks, I might go as high as 500 k for overnight.

But that's just me. I can find all the girls I want for 200 k or less.

04-17-21, 14:51
Private security have had an exemption from curfew and quarantine rules since the very beginning of the pandemic in Colombia. They have the same free transit status as police, military and health care workers. It would otherwise be a burglar's field day.

So this next week will determine how worthwhile it is to visit Colombia for the coming month or two.

Three weekends ago when the weekend lockdowns were from 5 PM until 5 AM versus the entire weekend I was speaking with one of the Porteros in the building I live in that work from 6 AM to 6 PM and I asked him what happens if he gets stopped by the Police when leaving work and it's after the curfew time of 5 PM which was in effect then. He said not a problem, he shows them his work badge and explains the shift hours, and no problem. So I suspect some of the people walking around may have a legitimate excuse for being out after curfew. And there might also be some out who have "bribed" the Police, meaning giving them some money, but I really don't know as my limited experience during the past five years with the Police is that they have been very professional.

04-17-21, 15:27
I would recommend not even thinking about having a girl for the overnight option until you've had at least one session with her.

For $400 she better be staying for at least 3 or 4 days. That's about 90 days of salary for a minimum wage worker in Colombia. Or that's 1 month rental of a nice 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment (unfurnished) in Poblado. Or it's dinner and drinks for you and 10 friends at one of the more expensive restaurants in Medellin. Or it's 4 round trip air tickets to the Colombian city of your choice. Or, if you eat cheaply, it's enough to buy you 3 meals a day for at least a month.

Do you have a better grasp of the economics now?

As for what to pay, you're looking at it wrong. You shouldn't be paying anything for her to have dinner and drinks with you. You're buying the food and the drinks, and probably paying for her taxi. What you're paying for is for her to come to your place and bust your nut after she's had the free food and drink.

Personally, I would never agree to more than 300 mil (and I've never agreed to more than 200 mil), but she would have to be spectacular at that price. Assuming she's that spectacular, and her performance lives up to her looks, I might go as high as 500 k for overnight.

But that's just me. I can find all the girls I want for 200 k or less.Well said, I could not have put it better myself. I totally agree with your outlook on pricing and we are in the same camp in terms of what we are and not willing to pay. Of course I accept we all have different wants, needs and expectations of value so there is no right and wrong just whatever works for you. If any chick ever quoted me $400 here in Colombia there would be absolutely no further discussion under any circumstances.

Dick Hertz
04-17-21, 16:25
I will be back in Medellin next month and is looking for a chica that is willing to do videos. I lost contact with my regular. All videos are for my private collation and would never be uploaded.

04-17-21, 17:01
I will be back in Medellin next month and is looking for a chica that is willing to do videos. I lost contact with my regular. All videos are for my private collation and would never be uploaded.I don't think we are your target audience, lmao!

Mr Enternational
04-17-21, 18:19
Or it's 4 round trip air tickets to the Colombian city of your choice.Bullshit. I bought a round trip ticket between Cali and Bogota the other day for $38. So that $400 is 10 round trip tickets and 4 days lunch.

Personally, I would never agree to more than 300 mil (and I've never agreed to more than 200 mil), but she would have to be spectacular at that price.I have never even paid a hooker on earth $100 for Long Time. For $400 she would have to be one of those Captain Kirk space aliens.

04-17-21, 23:09
I am in Mde now and using SA, seems some want $150 usd and I laugh and most will take 200 mil or 250 mil I have not had a over night chica so can't say on that. I found a couple FB chicas that were happy with 150 plus taxi. So it really depends on the chica. Last night I gave 250mil to a 21 yo student who looked AWESOME in the photos but without makeup was just average. She did let me do everything bareback.

I also found another 19 yo student who I paid 300 mil for 2. 5 hrs and she did everything bareback too, but had to meet her in Gurane and pay for a hotel, so not as inexpensive as I hope but it was worth it to me. Will see her the night before I leave, since Gurane is only 20 min from the Rio Negro airport.Jbj64,

Do you discuss bareback with these chicas before meeting, or are you finding that in the moment, these chicas don't ask you to wrap up?

Thank you.

04-18-21, 00:29
I will be back in Medellin next month and is looking for a chica that is willing to do videos. I lost contact with my regular. All videos are for my private collation and would never be uploaded.Are readily available, just ask & bring your bankroll, anything and everything is possible in Medellin. Pollo Negro Is Out!

04-18-21, 00:32
So this next week will determine how worthwhile it is to visit Colombia for the coming month or two.For me personally, as soon as the weekend lockdowns stop, "I'll be back".

Three weekends ago when there was only an evening curfew starting at 5 PM and ending the following morning it was tolerable when I was there, as I was able to get out everyday, so I was okay with it. But being caged in for 72 hours at a time just wasn't going to work for me, hence I departed.

According to an article in El Colombiano today, the same weekend lockdown scenario will take place starting next weekend from Thursday at 8 PM until Monday morning.

In regards to whether it's worthwhile for someone to visit Colombia, that is most probably a definite "no" for most mongers until the weekend lockdowns cease, but nobody knows when they will end.

I track what's going on everyday, and the numbers are not going in the right direction in regards to ICU capacity which the Colombian government has been using as it's metric to make the lockdown decisions.

I am have resigned myself, based on what is happening in the other South American Countries that it might be a while until this surge abates and envision this 4/3 Lockdown scenario could easily go thru May or longer, but I hope I am dead wrong as I'm climbing the walls to return.

And if things were to get worse, I honestly can't see them going into a "full lockdown" further decimating the economy which has been shattered.

So many places I used to patronize where I live have ceased to exist, and it's disheartening.

And so much desperation, especially now with this 4/3 Lockdown scenario going on, which is really taking a toll on many of the Chicas in El Centro as was evidenced by so many of them being out Thursday looking for clients.

Monday ought to be a very good day indeed at "ground zero" for those in town!

04-18-21, 00:32
Police pickup truck with 4 people caught in the back. Big canopy covered truck had around 10 people caught by police. I saw them grab 3 people but no idea how they are picking the lucky ones. While others just walk around not bothered. Still some girls out and available. I took 2 repeats I saw wandering around today. No two girls tomorrow. Nearly had a heart attack.Aren't complete lockdown for the week ends only? My understanding is that from 5 a to 8 p during week days you can walk outside.

04-18-21, 00:43
I wouldn't plan anything until Bogata announces what's going to be happening it seems like an extension the current curfew guidelines are inevitable and it appears that going to make even more drastic decisions based on the numbers that are coming in in some areas of the country..... Possibly even a month-long national lockdown?Projections from this website give you an idea on how things will turn out Covidwise in Colombia.


04-18-21, 01:43
All of those charts indicate that we are at the peak right now and things are going to get dramatically better. Thanks.

Projections from this website give you an idea on how things will turn out Covidwise in Colombia.


Fun Luvr
04-18-21, 01:56
Aren't complete lockdown for the week ends only? My understanding is that from 5 a to 8 p during week days you can walk outside.The Medellinguru website reports that El Colombiano reported today that the curfew will be in effect next week from 8 pm to 5 am, and the lockdown will also be in effect from Thursday, April 22, at 8 pm until Monday, April 26, at 5 am. The pico y cedula schedule also will change next week, according to Medellinguru. To answer your question, yes, during the day from Monday morning until Thursday evening, you are allowed to be outside as much as you want.

The whole curfews and lockdowns are a bunch of BS. All anyone needs to do is compare the Covid stats of Florida and California. Florida is practically completely open, and has been for months, while California has been closed. The per capita stats of the two states are almost the same.

04-18-21, 02:22
All of those charts indicate that we are at the peak right now and things are going to get dramatically better. Thanks.Nobody in Colombia is predicting anything other than more lockdowns and restrictions in the coming weeks. So unless you know something that the people in charge there don't, you are expressing optimism at best.

Don't forget the ICU rate in Medellin was 90% the week before Santa Semana, and is only shot up since then.

04-18-21, 02:29
Aren't complete lockdown for the week ends only? My understanding is that from 5 a to 8 p during week days you can walk outside.Oops! I typed Thursday but meant Friday. Curfew days are Mon-Thurs. Lockdown is Fri-Sun. But can change as I am typing this.

Saturday nothing to report except the excitement of watching a police officer with a city employee leading 2 separate phone accessory carts to the police station because they are not supposed to be out. Food cart would have been OK. Yes, I should have taken a picture it is so hard to believe.

04-18-21, 02:36
So this next week will determine how worthwhile it is to visit Colombia for the coming month or two.Another thing travelers are not adding into their calculus: what if you go down there and happen to catch COVID? Do you really want to be in a situation where there is no room for you in the ICU with the current levels almost at 100% capacity? What if they have to transport you out of the city to a place where you have no connections and are trying to get by with your kindergarten Spanish-speaking skills? Talk about a nightmare scenario!

04-18-21, 02:56
For me personally, as soon as the weekend lockdowns stop, "I'll be back".

Three weekends ago when there was only an evening curfew starting at 5 PM and ending the following morning it was tolerable when I was there, as I was able to get out everyday, so I was okay with it. But being caged in for 72 hours at a time just wasn't going to work for me, hence I departed.

According to an article in El Colombiano today, the same weekend lockdown scenario will take place starting next weekend from Thursday at 8 PM until Monday morning.

In regards to whether it's worthwhile for someone to visit Colombia, that is most probably a definite "no" for most mongers until the weekend lockdowns cease, but nobody knows when they will end.

I track what's going on everyday, and the numbers are not going in the right direction in regards to ICU capacity which the Colombian government has been using as it's metric to make the lockdown decisions.

I am have resigned myself, based on what is happening in the other South American Countries that it might be a while until this surge abates and envision this 4/3 Lockdown scenario could easily go thru May or longer, but I hope I am dead wrong as I'm climbing the walls to return.The rule I've been using for the past year is 6 weeks. Whatever a city or country does takes about 6 weeks before you will see results.

This works both ways. When the US started with the lockdowns and masks things looked much better after 6 weeks. When states reopened schools, after 6 weeks we were in another surge.

It actually takes 4 weeks before numbers should start dropping, but it takes an additional 2 weeks to get below the level you were at before you took action.

If these lockdowns are effective, ICU numbers should be coming down before the end of April and should look much better by mid May.

04-18-21, 03:06
I am usually going down on them and then I usually slip it in and don't say anything, usually I get the "condom amor" but sometimes you get lucky.


Do you discuss bareback with these chicas before meeting, or are you finding that in the moment, these chicas don't ask you to wrap up?

Thank you.

04-18-21, 03:11
The whole curfews and lockdowns are a bunch of BS. All anyone needs to do is compare the Covid stats of Florida and California. Florida is practically completely open, and has been for months, while California has been closed. The per capita stats of the two states are almost the same.For the comparison of Florida and California, I agree, the lockdowns in California didn't seem to make any difference.

But I don't think you can use the same logic when it comes to Colombia, with the differences being the percentage of people being vaccinated, the housing situation with multi-generational families living together, and the variants in Colombia.

Regardless, time will tell. If we see a drop in infections within the next few weeks and the weekend lockdowns stop, that is great news and perhaps indicate they helped, if not, we might never know.

All very depressing regardless of how you look at things.

04-18-21, 05:18
Interesting topic.

In the past 10 years here in Medellin I, like a thousand others, have met hundreds if not more than a thousand single mothers raising their kids as the Colombian biological father just fucks them and when they get pregnant find another.

I personally know one paisa who had a baby with a costeno who lived in Medellin, he has had 9 baby's with 8 different women and this in not out of the realm of normal by any measure rather the culture ingrained in the majority of the women is that them getting pregnant with such a guapo is like wining a lottery.

He does not pay a dime for any of the 9 kids and as this information is now 3 years old chances are that he has had 4 to 6 more babies.

And this guy is not necessarily attractive rather in fact he is chubby, about 40 yo now, and drives a delivery truck.

Other single moms I know personally, most are in starta 2 to 4, if they get something from the biological father it is about 150 mil a month.

I have also met a few gringo (from Canada) biological fathers and my experience is that they too, even though they have the means to support their baby / kid the find good lawyers to get them out of payment.

Now I have a real twist to this pregnancy thing.

I happen to have an extremely rare color of eyes which are not only rare in the worlds population but especially so in Colombia.

So I often have young and very fertile paisas and Venezuelans, once I get to know them, ask me if I would impregnate them as in their words "I would have the dream baby with your European traits and very rare color eyes", this is no joke as this is a regular occurrence and they are serious.

So I need to be careful. In the past 2 month alone I have had 3 serious offers to impregnate them, they even go so far as saying that they will not hold me financially responsible, right!

The Tall Man.Yes, I've been told I have eyes "of a Barbie Doll". Ha ha.

04-18-21, 15:19
The rule I've been using for the past year is 6 weeks. Whatever a city or country does takes about 6 weeks before you will see results.

This works both ways. When the US started with the lockdowns and masks things looked much better after 6 weeks. When states reopened schools, after 6 weeks we were in another surge.

It actually takes 4 weeks before numbers should start dropping, but it takes an additional 2 weeks to get below the level you were at before you took action.

If these lockdowns are effective, ICU numbers should be coming down before the end of April and should look much better by mid May.The lockdowns I'm sure are helping, but will they be enough.

On Saturday El Colombiano had an article that the hospitals in Antoquioa are now conducting "ethical triage" to determine who gets an ICU bed if there is no availability even after looking for Hospital beds outside of Antoquioa. I think this is the worst it's been since the Pandemic in Colombia, yet I hope what your hoping for is true, because if things don't start going in the opposite direction this could be going on for a while like in Brazil.

Such a sad mess for Colombia, as up until a few weeks ago things were about as close to "normal" as they could be. And the cycle worldwide you have described is like a "bell curve", hence moving forward visits to Colombia may have to be timed accordingly to coincide with the "lockdown windows" on the curve. So mongering in Colombia has now taken on a new dimension at least for me as to when to return and I suspect others as well.

04-18-21, 15:44
Another thing travelers are not adding into their calculus: what if you go down there and happen to catch COVID? Do you really want to be in a situation where there is no room for you in the ICU with the current levels almost at 100% capacity? What if they have to transport you out of the city to a place where you have no connections and are trying to get by with your kindergarten Spanish-speaking skills? Talk about a nightmare scenario!You bring up an issue I grappled with back in November when I came down to Medellin for a week, albeit at the time the ICU's were not overflowing. Back in November there were no testing requirements to either enter or leave the Country, and at that time I had not been vaccinated so I decided to come down for a week and also took out a health insurance policy for the week I'd be here. The specter of being in a Hospital in Colombia, which for many issues would not be a problem, but for COVID I don't think so given the limited availability of treatments. So for my trip in November my rationale was if I got infected I would most probably be back in the USA by the time I knew it as the thought of being hospitalized in a foreign country doesn't sound good.

For anyone contemplating coming down to Colombia in the near future I would strongly recommend three things.

First make sure you have been vaccinated, secondly, have medical coverage that covers COVID, and is acceptable at most of the Hospitals, albeit availability may be an issue, and lastly, wait until the current surge has subsided and there are no more weekend lockdowns.

I've been vaccinated and have worldwide health coverage, so I'm just waiting for the weekend lockdowns to end, and suspect there are many other board members sitting on the "side lines" like myself ready to leap, and hopefully sooner than later.

I have so many wives, candy girls, and coffee girls whom are walking the streets of Medellin waiting for my return!

04-18-21, 15:53
I am not seeing much discussion about vaccination status as the path back to normality. I am NOT talking about whether or not you believe in the vaccine or politicizing it, I don't care. But I believe the handwriting is on the wall that being vaccinated is going to be required for international travel. I have been back in the USA for two weeks and in that short time there have appeared two huge, free, drive through vaccination stations set up in the busiest areas of the city. I don't need to be vaccinated, I am still immune, I didn't really want one, but they made it so easy, I did not have to get out of my car or show ID to get vaccinated, for free. I have an appointment for my second dose. Colombia won't be like it was until a critical mass of it's population is vaccinated. I don't have a timetable for that but the drug companies are trying to vaccinate the entire world, not just the USA, obviously. The buzzword I keep hearing is "vaccination passport."

04-18-21, 16:37
Yes, I definitely would go without being vaccinated. I I think you'd be crazy to go down there without being vaccinated.

Another thing travelers are not adding into their calculus: what if you go down there and happen to catch COVID? Do you really want to be in a situation where there is no room for you in the ICU with the current levels almost at 100% capacity? What if they have to transport you out of the city to a place where you have no connections and are trying to get by with your kindergarten Spanish-speaking skills? Talk about a nightmare scenario!

Elvis 2008
04-18-21, 17:02
For the comparison of Florida and California, I agree, the lockdowns in California didn't seem to make any difference.

But I don't think you can use the same logic when it comes to Colombia, with the differences being the percentage of people being vaccinated, the housing situation with multi-generational families living together, and the variants in Colombia.

Regardless, time will tell. If we see a drop in infections within the next few weeks and the weekend lockdowns stop, that is great news and perhaps indicate they helped, if not, we might never know.

The rule I've been using for the past year is 6 weeks. Whatever a city or country does takes about 6 weeks before you will see results.

This works both ways. When the US started with the lockdowns and masks things looked much better after 6 weeks. When states reopened schools, after 6 weeks we were in another surge.

It actually takes 4 weeks before numbers should start dropping, but it takes an additional 2 weeks to get below the level you were at before you took action.

If these lockdowns are effective, ICU numbers should be coming down before the end of April and should look much better by mid May.It amazes me here we are a year later, and people are still talking about IF lockdowns work. There is no evidence that they do and even if they did, it would not matter because as I have said a million times before, viruses mutate and in some cases get more deadly. Colombia has the Brazil variant of the virus.


And if you look at the numbers in Brazil, and you will see they are scary as shit.

Like the PCR testing for entrance and the travel ban, this is the Colombian government "doing something" about Corona. In this case, it is once more doing something stupid. With this kind of incompetence, my bet is the COP is going to stay down for a long time.

What works? The mRNA vaccines work best and the amazing part there was actually a country that followed the data versus just kowtowing to the private interest groups like the vaccine companies and blowhards like Fauci. The UK had public health experts that actually looked at the data themselves and recommended that more people get one dose of the mRNA than prioritizing high risk people get two.

And now the UK is wide open.

100% of Colombia's effort for Covid prevention should be focused on the vaccine. For travelers, that should mean getting rid of the pointless PCR testing, taxing travelers, and putting said money into vaccines and increased ICU capacity. The testing is just a fucking gift to lab companies when Colombia itself needs the money.

I have twice now taken a Colombian to Mexico. In fact, I am here now with three women (two Mexicans and one Colombian in tow). I asked the Mexican women and many people in their families had been vaccinated. The Colombian woman told me no one in her household has gotten vaccinated but I do know one Colombian girl whose grandmother has been.

I cannot tell you how different the attitudes are here in Mexico versus Colombia.

Another poster mentioned that going through customs put a damper on his trip.

The Colombian I have here had never traveled before so it was interesting to see things through her eyes. So we get to the airport three hours early and get to Wingo. I mean they were not bad there, but it was like 15 minutes per person. I think I have gotten a handle on it, but I forgot to download my Mexican entrance application. We got the Corona app for her but not one for me.

So outside the airport, there was one checkpoint for the Corona app. Then there was the Wingo counter. Then a woman who prevented us going through customs until our Colombian migration form was filled out. Then there was Customs itself. Customs had prevented another one of my women from getting in so I was worried about that stop. Fortunately, we were able to be seen together and whisked through.

Then once we got through customs, we ran into two tough looking police officer types who asked about money right outside of customs. All in all, there were five check points in the Bogota airport.

In Mexico, there was the migration form. Then a Covid form that had to be filled out. We go through Mexican customs. My Colombian girl only had gotten her passport the day before but fortunately as I traveled with her, we go through customs no problem. I was proud of her. My mixed Costena had the part down perfectly. With every question, she smiled and said "Si senor" showing total compliance.

Then there was the baggage, one checkpoint to tear our Covid form, another to collect them and hit a red button, another where we put our bags through a machine, and a new wrinkle, Mexican customs thoroughly searching every bag. All in all, there were 10 yes 10 fucking check points. If you are a government expert loving type douche, you say all this is necessary.

The humor is when we finally exited the automatic doors and got approached by someone selling us a taxi who tried to look official. I laughed and told my costena, "No, it is okay. You can tell her to fuck off. ".

Well, I am off to Xcaret to teach my Costena how to snorkel. She learned about tacos pastor, horchata, and cenotes yesterday. And tonight I will get back to the tough job of satisfying all these women. I am glad though that one country is still interested in having tourists.

04-18-21, 17:12
Well I just got the news that the toque de queda or curfew will extend for the the following weekend. If you are caught you may get fined 900 mil peso. Well what can we do? I'll be there that weekend but will follow their strict rules.

Mr Enternational
04-18-21, 17:41
Yes, I definitely would go without being vaccinated. I I think you'd be crazy to go down there without being vaccinated.You would go without being vaccinated, but you think others have to be crazy to go without being vaccinated? I have been to 9 countries since this thing started and Colombia 3 times during the past year. I have no intention of getting vaccinated. I was at a packed comedy show a couple weeks ago and the comic clowned me because I was the only one with a mask on. Haven't caught it yet and not even worrying about it.

04-18-21, 18:02
You would go without being vaccinated, but you think others have to be crazy to go without being vaccinated? I have been to 9 countries since this thing started and Colombia 3 times during the past year. I have no intention of getting vaccinated. I was at a packed comedy show a couple weeks ago and the comic clowned me because I was the only one with a mask on. Haven't caught it yet and not even worrying about it.As soon as availability for my age group was announced I set up my appointment. I'm now 3 weeks past my second shot (and still wear a mask wherever I go). Lost an aunt to this crap a year ago. One of my cousin's lost her husband about 7 months ago. He was in the ICU room next to me when I spent a night there. Just found out yesterday that 3 other cousins (all of them "nobody is going to vaccinate me" types) are sick, 1 just went to the hospital.

I'll keep postponing my next trip until things are looking better in Medellin. Maybe by the end of May.

04-18-21, 18:54
For the comparison of Florida and California, I agree, the lockdowns in California didn't seem to make any difference.You should google it. Compare it by county or region, then you might get a different picture. There are 50 states, why only pick these two states? Why not compare all 50 states? I would agree with this conclusion if I see consistency across the nation.

If there is one populous region in a state that is hit very hard, the entire state won't look good. If I were going to debate it by cherry picking, then I would pick two counties that would bolster my argument and ignore the rest of the counties that are against my argument.

All very depressing regardless of how you look at things.

Indeed, just when I started to consider Thailand, it now also looks shaky.

04-18-21, 19:16
I am not seeing much discussion about vaccination status as the path back to normality. I am NOT talking about whether or not you believe in the vaccine or politicizing it, I don't care. But I believe the handwriting is on the wall that being vaccinated is going to be required for international travel. I have been back in the USA for two weeks and in that short time there have appeared two huge, free, drive through vaccination stations set up in the busiest areas of the city. I don't need to be vaccinated, I am still immune, I didn't really want one, but they made it so easy, I did not have to get out of my car or show ID to get vaccinated, for free. I have an appointment for my second dose. Colombia won't be like it was until a critical mass of it's population is vaccinated. I don't have a timetable for that but the drug companies are trying to vaccinate the entire world, not just the USA, obviously. The buzzword I keep hearing is "vaccination passport."Unfortunately Colombia is a long way off from it's population becoming fully vaccinated, and as your aware a lot of people in the Country got the Chinese vaccine wth an admitted low efficacy, and those people are now going to want to get the Pfizer vaccine. The actual question is whether a Country can actually vaccinate it's way out of the Pandemic which the USA is attempting to do right now, but may never achieve given that a lot of people are reluctant to get vaccinated, so nobody really knows at this point in time. As far as Colombia, it may end up that the virus will just run it's course thru the Country versus being eradicated thru the population being vaccinated.

As far as vaccination passports, I am perplexed when I hear people who are against them for whatever reason, and a lot of people are against them. I see no difference with the "Yellow Fever Shot" required for entry into certain Countries and don't know why this hasn't been worked out already but am guessing the authentication of those people being actually vaccinated is part of the reason. It will eventually become a worldwide requirement, it's just a matter of time, and Countries are already starting to accept them as a basis for entry.

Mr Enternational
04-18-21, 20:19
You should google it. Compare it by county or region, then you might get a different picture. There are 50 states, why only pick these two states? Why not compare all 50 states?Because those 2 states handled it complete opposite (Florida out partying with the Covid; California hiding in the house from the Covid), but still pretty much have the same results.

04-18-21, 20:52
Because those 2 states handled it complete opposite (Florida out partying with the Covid; California hiding in the house from the Covid), but still pretty much have the same results.Nounce was correct. This is cherry picking of data, which is especially popular among those eager to take off their masks and get their dicks wet. We can also look at very restrictive states like Vermont and Hawaii that have both done way better than FL or CA. There's also distinct differences between FL and CA when it comes to housing and population densities. And as we know, restrictions without effective enforcement / compliance are much less irrelevant.



04-18-21, 21:20
Because those 2 states handled it complete opposite (Florida out partying with the Covid; California hiding in the house from the Covid), but still pretty much have the same results.Yup. Texas and Florida (fairly open) vs CA, NJ, MI, et al (strict lockdown). There is virtually no correlation to infection rates.

FWIW I think there's still a lot we don't know. Governments all over the world are frequently throwing shit against the wall, hoping something will work.

04-18-21, 21:43
As soon as availability for my age group was announced I set up my appointment. I'm now 3 weeks past my second shot (and still wear a mask wherever I go). Lost an aunt to this crap a year ago. One of my cousin's lost her husband about 7 months ago. He was in the ICU room next to me when I spent a night there. Just found out yesterday that 3 other cousins (all of them "nobody is going to vaccinate me" types) are sick, 1 just went to the hospital.

I'll keep postponing my next trip until things are looking better in Medellin. Maybe by the end of May.This is sad to hear of so many people within your family becoming ill, and you would think that especially those who partake in our "sport" (not you or I) would take getting vaccinated seriously, but there are members who won't which defies logic to me. Our sport exposes us to so many unknown people so I kind of view the Vaccine somewhat similar to a condom.

What I can tell you as to what I experienced being in Medellin in November 2020 prior to being vaccinated, versus in late February to early April of this year after being vaccinated was a whole different mindset for me.

In November I stayed off the Metro and away from people as much as possible and basically was a bit paranoid, especially when in El Centro about getting infected.

Upon returning in February after being vaccinated, I basically put COVID in the rear view mirror, not meaning that I wouldn't wear a mask or abide the rules, but more in the sense that I'm supposedly at least 90% protected with no underlying health conditions so the odds of getting sick and dying were very low. Hence I operated while in town exactly as before the Pandemic, riding the METRO, and banging away in El Centro besides other places.

04-18-21, 21:47
Well I just got the news that the toque de queda or curfew will extend for the the following weekend. If you are caught you may get fined 900 mil peso. Well what can we do? I'll be there that weekend but will follow their strict rules.Man, that is a steep fine. That's about as much as you can pull out of the ATM there at one time.

Also will be a huge deterrent for chicas to try to risk such a heavy fine to try to come and visit you during curfew.

I enjoy all of my chicas, but I can't think of one that I would want to have stay with me Thursday through Monday. You might as well say you are married at that point, LOL!

04-18-21, 22:07
Because those 2 states handled it complete opposite (Florida out partying with the Covid; California hiding in the house from the Covid), but still pretty much have the same results.We can also add Oregon and Washington, both states with heavy restrictions, with large urban centers as well as plenty of rural that have done way better than FL or CA.


04-18-21, 22:39
Unfortunately Colombia is a long way off from it's population becoming fully vaccinated, and as your aware a lot of people in the Country got the Chinese vaccine wth an admitted low efficacy, and those people are now going to want to get the Pfizer vaccine. The actual question is whether a Country can actually vaccinate it's way out of the Pandemic which the USA is attempting to do right now, but may never achieve given that a lot of people are reluctant to get vaccinated, so nobody really knows at this point in time. As far as Colombia, it may end up that the virus will just run it's course thru the Country versus being eradicated thru the population being vaccinated.

As far as vaccination passports, I am perplexed when I hear people who are against them for whatever reason, and a lot of people are against them. I see no difference with the "Yellow Fever Shot" required for entry into certain Countries and don't know why this hasn't been worked out already but am guessing the authentication of those people being actually vaccinated is part of the reason. It will eventually become a worldwide requirement, it's just a matter of time, and Countries are already starting to accept them as a basis for entry.Anyone out there who believes it is going to be left up to individual choice as far as Enternational travel is concerned is kidding themselves and doesn't really understand the ramifications of moving around the world unfettered. You will have to show proof of vaccination or you won't be allowed entry to Colombia and just about every other country in the world, sooner than later, is my prediction, and that doesn't take a degree in epidemiology. I don't give a flying fuck about the politics or effectiveness of the vaccine. I happen to believe the risk of the vaccine harming you is much less than the risk of catching COVID and the harm that can do, which is small. Even though I don't need it, I am getting my second dose of vaccine in anticipation that proving vaccination status will soon be the new standard requirement for international travel.

Mr Enternational
04-18-21, 22:47
As far as vaccination passports, I am perplexed when I hear people who are against them for whatever reason, and a lot of people are against them.People do not want to be marked and segregated according to their willingness to accept the vaccine. A vaccine passport seems to be an irrelevant thing anyway seeing that the vaccine does not prevent you from getting covid or spreading it. All a passport would be saying is that you probably won't die from getting it. The yellow fever card, however, says that you can not infect the mosquitos which would in turn infect other people.

04-18-21, 22:52
It seems to be kind of a moot thing seeing that the vaccine does not prevent you from getting covid or spreading it.And nothing in that statement matters because the government is pushing hard for people to get the vaccine, and if they have to "incentivize" you to do it by restricting you from getting on an airplane and traveling internationally, the will do it.

04-18-21, 23:06
So far, I haven't found a single health agency, from the Catron County New Mexico Health Department to the WHO, or governments, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, which are basing pandemic responses and recommendations on what they're reading on the ISG Medellin forum. Maybe that's the whole problem.

Or maybe most of us here lack the qualifications (or are too damn lazy) to fully understand the data and draw reasonable conclusions.

On the subject of mongering, for those who use Facebook, Yennifer Taborda recently split up from her pandemic boyfriend and is back on active duty, although she's apparently keeping pretty busy.

04-18-21, 23:25
During the total lockdown periods (Fri-Sun morning / afternoon), it sounds like the girls can still come to us, but can we go out to them (in a taxi)? In other words, if we book a taxi, and go door to door, is that a risk?


Black Page
04-18-21, 23:29
People do not want to be marked and segregated according to their willingness to accept the vaccine.True, but this is a sensational evidence of how some press and some people twists facts to mislead.

If I allow people to travel to my home country depending on their skin color or religion, I am discriminating arbitrarily. But if I allow only vaccinated people to enter my country, I am keeping out those that are more likely to bring infections to my citizens. We do it for Yellow Fever or other diseases, I do not see why we should not do it with COVID.

So, all you no-vax guys, stay happy and relax at your home, travel to third world, but I will not allow you to enter my borders, neither I will allow you to get on my aircrafts, because my passengers must travel safe!

I can't wait such vaccination pass will be introduced. Not a panacea, but definitely it will help me a lot to travel.

A vaccine passport seems to be an irrelevant thing anyway seeing that the vaccine does not prevent you from getting covid or spreading it. You are probably wrong on this. This is not known yet, at least for the moment. On the contrary, I read there is some preliminary evidence that at least some vaccines are quite effective also in preventing the infection (you know that in medicine the 100% success probability does not exist, never, in any therapy).

What you wrote above is the prudent current assessment, based on empirical data collected in these few last months. Next year we will know more. We can hope vaccines will also help to prevent infections, but nobody knows yet how effectively.

04-18-21, 23:40
People do not want to be marked and segregated according to their willingness to accept the vaccine. A vaccine passport seems to be an irrelevant thing anyway seeing that the vaccine does not prevent you from getting covid or spreading it. All a passport would be saying is that you probably won't die from getting it. The yellow fever card, however, says that you can not infect the mosquitos which would in turn infect other people.Well it's interesting that you think that the vaccine does not prevent you from getting COVID, as a lot of Countries are relying on it in hopes of re-opening sooner. And in Thailand, if you've been vaccinated, they reduce how long you have to be quarantined to enter versus those who haven't.

Regardless, I think your in the minority, in that eventually I see it as being a requirement to enter many Countries, no different than the Yellow Fever shot. And for those who have not been vaccinated, they may be subject to quarantines and other limitations to enter Countries that don't require you be vaccinated.

Anyways, you may find yourself in a pickle, and it won't be the first time, because if you refuse to be vaccinated, and are barred from those Countries requiring it, you will have to get a new handle, as you will no longer be able to be the one and only Mr. International on ISG! LOL.

04-19-21, 00:02
True, but this is a sensational evidence of how some press and some people twists facts to mislead.

If I allow people to travel to my home country depending on their skin color or religion, I am discriminating arbitrarily. But if I allow only vaccinated people to enter my country, I am keeping out those that are more likely to bring infections to my citizens. We do it for Yellow Fever or other diseases, I do not see why we should not do it with COVID.

So, all you no-vax guys, stay happy and relax at your home, travel to third world, but I will not allow you to enter my borders, neither I will allow you to get on my aircrafts, because my passengers must travel safe!

I can't wait such vaccination pass will be introduced. Not a panacea, but definitely it will help me a lot to travel.

You are probably wrong on this. This is not known yet, at least for the moment. On the contrary, I read there is some preliminary evidence that at least some vaccines are quite effective also in preventing the infection (you know that in medicine the 100% success probability does not exist, never, in any therapy).

What you wrote above is the prudent current assessment, based on empirical data collected in these few last months. Next year we will know more. We can hope vaccines will also help to prevent infections, but nobody knows yet how effectively.Vaccine potency varies for sure. Take one look at Israel (mostly PFE) v Chile (Mostly Sinovac) and their current numbers. Both nations are well on their way to vaccinating their populations.

However to say that they don't work is utter bullshit. Have a look at Israel who has vaccinated about 60% of their population with Pfizer bioNTech vaccine. Alos bear in mind that this vaccine is not approved for the under 16(roughhly 20% of the population). So only 1/4 have not and likely will not. They barely get 20-30k people a day to take the shot now.
Their case numbers are next to zero. I think they had like 30 cases and a couple of deaths today. If you get the vaccine especially one of the mRNA ones. You stand an above 90% chance of not getting the disease. If you do it is likely to be milder. This has been shown to be the case against most of the variants as well. What is more it remains unclear but very likely that even if you do get the disease you are less likely to be a heavy spreader. This is the case with other vaccinations. I am baffled at why the CDC is taking this long almost 5 months since mass vaccinations with these mRNA vaccines started to come up with that information. The press is not doing their job on that By pressing the CDC officials, who are notoriously risk averse, IMHO.
Finally, the rapid antigen tests that we are using to allow people to travel are not without their own shortcomings. There are false negatives associated with this test. In addition there is 5 days incubation periods to consider. So when you are using a non-bullet proof method to allow international travel why can you not do so with a highly efficacious vaccine. Politics more at play more than science IMHO.

Mr Enternational
04-19-21, 00:28
True, but this is a sensational evidence of how some press and some people twists facts to mislead.

If I allow people to travel to my home country depending on their skin color or religion, I am discriminating arbitrarily. But if I allow only vaccinated people to enter my country, I am keeping out those that are more likely to bring infections to my citizens. We do it for Yellow Fever or other diseases, I do not see why we should not do it with COVID.

So, all you no-vax guys, stay happy and relax at your home, travel to third world, but I will not allow you to enter my borders, neither I will allow you to get on my aircrafts, because my passengers must travel safe!You assume that a vaccine passport will only be used for those that want to travel abroad. It could just as well be used to discriminate against citizens of your own country. So because I chose not to take the vaccine and get the passport I am looked down upon and can only go to grocery stores on Tuesdays between 3 and 4 pm. It could be used as a mark of the beast of sorts where when you do not have it the mundane things you used to do with relative ease have been made very difficult. [Deleted by Admin]

Mr Enternational
04-19-21, 00:41
Well it's interesting that you think that the vaccine does not prevent you from getting COVID, It is not my thinking. I know a lot of things, but medicine, diseases, and vaccines are none of the things I am well versed in. But I do know how to look shit up and research. What I said was according to the CDC, not according to me:

"scientists are still learning how well vaccines prevent you from spreading the virus that causes COVID-19 to others, even if you do not have symptoms. Early data show the vaccines do help keep people with no symptoms from spreading COVID-19, but we are learning more as more people get vaccinated. Were also still learning how long COVID-19 vaccines protect people. For these reasons, people who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 should keep taking precautions in public places, until we know more, like wearing a mask, staying 6 feet apart from others, avoiding crowds and poorly ventilated spaces, and washing your hands often. "


Anyways, you may find yourself in a pickle, and it won't be the first time, because if you refuse to be vaccinated, and are barred from those Countries requiring it, you will have to get a new handle, as you will no longer be able to be the one and only Mr. International on ISG! LOL.LOL. Just because I am not getting the vaccine, does not mean I do not have a vaccine card! You forget that I am a highly educated streetwise dude. I stay ready so I will not have to get ready.

04-19-21, 00:41
Man, that is a steep fine. That's about as much as you can pull out of the ATM there at one time.

Also will be a huge deterrent for chicas to try to risk such a heavy fine to try to come and visit you during curfew.

I enjoy all of my chicas, but I can't think of one that I would want to have stay with me Thursday through Monday. You might as well say you are married at that point, LOL!The fine is not 900,000 Pesos, but 90,000 Pesos for being caught.

04-19-21, 00:50
During the total lockdown periods (Fri-Sun morning / afternoon), it sounds like the girls can still come to us, but can we go out to them (in a taxi)? In other words, if we book a taxi, and go door to door, is that a risk?

TIA.See this post:

When I first arrived during the first weekend shutdown a couple of weeks ago I asked my regular driver to pick up my regular girl and he advised against as it could be problematic. I was able to get her an uber later.

Today ber prices are almost triple the usual fare. Normal fare to pick up my girl around 8000, uber wanting 22000 due to high demand although this fluctuates every 10-15 mins or so. I prefer uber as card payments are easier and I am having issues with didi.

Also when I sent an uber for my regular today I got a message from him asking if she had permission to move as there were a lot of police controls and stops. So this along with recent reports from Tall Man and it seems like its getting tougher to move either yourself or girls around at the moment during these shutdowns.So it does not look like it is possible, but I will like the OP chime in if he has any new intel.

Also this post:

Well I just got the news that the toque de queda or curfew will extend for the the following weekend. If you are caught you may get fined 900 mil peso. Well what can we do? I'll be there that weekend but will follow their strict rules.So given that most guys here would never agree to give a chica $200+ USD, it is highly unlikely most chicas will risk getting fined to come and see you and then not get help from you to bail them out of the fine if they do get caught.

04-19-21, 01:35
Anyone out there who believes it is going to be left up to individual choice as far as Enternational travel is concerned is kidding themselves and doesn't really understand the ramifications of moving around the world unfettered. You will have to show proof of vaccination or you won't be allowed entry to Colombia and just about every other country in the world, sooner than later, is my prediction, and that doesn't take a degree in epidemiology. I don't give a flying fuck about the politics or effectiveness of the vaccine. I happen to believe the risk of the vaccine harming you is much less than the risk of catching COVID and the harm that can do, which is small. Even though I don't need it, I am getting my second dose of vaccine in anticipation that proving vaccination status will soon be the new standard requirement for international travel.Thanks Surfer and Osteoknot. You are speaking for the majority of us and I disagree with Mr Enternational about the vaccines and the covid passport.

04-19-21, 01:48
You assume that a vaccine passport will only be used for those that want to travel abroad. It could just as well be used to discriminate against citizens of your own country. So because I chose not to take the vaccine and get the passport I am looked down upon and can only go to grocery stores on Tuesdays between 3 and 4 pm. It could be used as a mark of the beast of sorts where when you do not have it the mundane things you used to do with relative ease have been made very difficult. Ask the Jews that were in the Holocaust, the Cambodians under the Polpot regime, or the apartheid era South Africans how this vaccine passport thing could go very left.I'm pro vax I recd Moderna at the you of Chicago in Sept and anti vax passport.

Its never good to give govt more power over our lives, I don't even think I should need a fucking passport period.

04-19-21, 01:50
This is sad to hear of so many people within your family becoming ill, and you would think that especially those who partake in our "sport" (not you or I) would take getting vaccinated seriously, but there are members who won't which defies logic to me. Our sport exposes us to so many unknown people so I kind of view the Vaccine somewhat similar to a condom.

What I can tell you as to what I experienced being in Medellin in November 2020 prior to being vaccinated, versus in late February to early April of this year after being vaccinated was a whole different mindset for me.

In November I stayed off the Metro and away from people as much as possible and basically was a bit paranoid, especially when in El Centro about getting infected.

Upon returning in February after being vaccinated, I basically put COVID in the rear view mirror, not meaning that I wouldn't wear a mask or abide the rules, but more in the sense that I'm supposedly at least 90% protected with no underlying health conditions so the odds of getting sick and dying were very low. Hence I operated while in town exactly as before the Pandemic, riding the METRO, and banging away in El Centro besides other places.I love vaccines and hate condoms jajajajajaja.

04-19-21, 02:26
Well it's interesting that you think that the vaccine does not prevent you from getting COVIDIt reduces serious illness and death so it reduces risk. Flu vaccine is similar

04-19-21, 03:28
Just because I am not getting the vaccine, does not mean I do not have a vaccine card! You forget that I am a highly educated streetwise dude. I stay ready so I will not have to get ready.Of course, how stupid of me to assume you would ever get caught in a pickle!

04-19-21, 04:01
During the total lockdown periods (Fri-Sun morning / afternoon), it sounds like the girls can still come to us, but can we go out to them (in a taxi)? In other words, if we book a taxi, and go door to door, is that a risk?

TIA.I don't think it's an issue of whom is going to see whom, but an issue if you get stopped by the Police and asked a bunch of questions.

However a Colombian would be better pressed to deal with the Police in route somewhere, versus a gringo in a taxi trying to explain why they are out during a lockdown unless it was for a legitimate reason.

So to answer your question, your better pressed not to be going out during a curfew unless you have a legitimate reason to do so, albeit I know all of the board members here would agree that going to bone a hooker during the curfew is a legitimate reason to be out.

04-19-21, 04:20
You assume that a vaccine passport will only be used for those that want to travel abroad. It could just as well be used to discriminate against citizens of your own country. So because I chose not to take the vaccine and get the passport I am looked down upon and can only go to grocery stores on Tuesdays between 3 and 4 pm. It could be used as a mark of the beast of sorts where when you do not have it the mundane things you used to do with relative ease have been made very difficult. Ask the Jews that were in the Holocaust, the Cambodians under the Polpot regime, or the apartheid era South Africans how this vaccine passport thing could go very left.It takes a truly special type of mind to unironically compare people judging you for not getting the vaccine to the Holocaust. Bravo.

04-19-21, 08:00
Amongst us, would you value his information, or would you still have arrogance bias against his research if it does not agree with your beliefs. Men are going to be men and with that said, let's stop beating a dead horse. You can either get the vaccination or not, wait and see what the ramifications are in the future, but for the love of mongering, let us not argue about vaccines and covid if there are no readily credentialed scientist amongst us! Pollo Negro is out!

04-19-21, 15:59
It takes a truly special type of mind to unironically compare people judging you for not getting the vaccine to the Holocaust. Bravo.We can only hope that you are being facetious.


P.S. Don't forget that he also got Polpot in there. Give him extra points for that. LOL.

Black Page
04-19-21, 16:01
You assume that a vaccine passport will only be used for those that want to travel abroad. It could just as well be used to discriminate against citizens of your own country. (....)
Ask the Jews that were in the Holocaust, the Cambodians under the Polpot regime, or the apartheid era South Africans how this vaccine passport thing could go very left.You are too intelligent to not recognize ex post the enormity of your reasoning.
1) Jews and Cambodians were not bearing an infectious disease.
2) The plan here is to prevent those who are not vaccinated to enter my country, not to mass kill them.

And yes, the vaccine passport in many countries will be a pass not only to travel, but also to attend mass events or other things. Highly democratic countries may pose additional tedious requirements to those who have not a green pass, without banning them.
I highly doubt I will be allowed to first enter, then do anything interesting in Singapore without such a pass, for example. And I do not expect Singaporean Authorities will care a damn f*ck if I complain because I feel discriminated LOL. Nobody will force ME to get a vaccine shot, but also nobody can force THEM to welcome me if I do not accept a vaccination.

Incidentally, I note that any time I applied to enter USA I had to declare that I was not planning to do anything illegal, anything *immoral* (gosh! that was a problem), and I was not infected with syphilis or other infectious diseases.

04-19-21, 17:16
Incidentally, I note that any time I applied to enter USA I had to declare that I was not planning to do anything illegal, anything *immoral* (gosh! that was a problem), and I was not infected with syphilis or other infectious diseases.God forbid if upon entering Colombia I had to declare the activities I would be partaking in!

And I can just imagine you declaring that you would be prowling the bowels of El Centro after midnight looking for providers to service you in the back seat of your car.

And here we are today hotly debating vaccines.

When will this all be over and we can get back to the fun times before the Pandemic when are only worries are getting the Clap.

04-19-21, 17:33
the vaccine passport in many countries will be a pass not only to travel, but also to attend mass events or other things. Highly democratic countries may pose additional tedious requirements to those who have not a green pass, without banning them.
I highly doubt I will be allowed to first enter, then do anything interesting in Singapore without such a pass, for example. And I do not expect Singaporean Authorities will care a damn f*ck if I complain because I feel discriminated LOL. Nobody will force ME to get a vaccine shot, but also nobody can force THEM to welcome me if I do not accept a vaccination.
What would happen if people without VP get in as every one else are vaccinated?

Regardless, I think your in the minority, in that eventually.

I wrote this 3 months ago. Use common sense and logic, one can come to the same conclusion. Vaccine is not a force shield

As I understand it, vaccine does not mean one will not get infected.

04-19-21, 18:11
What would happen if people without VP get in as every one else are vaccinated?
I wrote this 3 months ago. Use common sense and logic, one can come to the same conclusion. Vaccine is not a force shieldThe debate continues.

Yesterday France announced that it would be letting Americans into the Country who have been vaccinated with out having to quarantine. And Greece and other Countries will be following suit as well to open up for the Summer.

Vaccine Passports, or whatever you want to call them, are already here.

We can debate this left and right, and whether they work, but at the end of the day, if you want to travel easily, internationally, and be admitted places your going to have to eventually get vaccinated.

I have a friend who didn't like the idea of getting vaccinated, yet he likes to travel, and got vaccinated so that he could travel, but also thinks the vaccines are a joke but realizes the forthcoming impediment (s) without being vaccinated.

So everyone will have to decide whether or not to get vaccinated as not being vaccinated will hamper International travel. However, for those who are not going to get vaccinated, yet have "false proof" of being vaccinated. I personally find this to be deplorable as someone in this situation might unknowingly be ill, or become ill, and infect someone.

Maybe somebody will go to ground zero today and report on a very nasty encounter so we can move on!

World Travel 69
04-19-21, 18:47
Report from Jesus in Cali, watching the News.

In Medellin there are no beds in the hospitals, they are 98% full.

450 people are waiting for a beds.

04-19-21, 19:15
Report from Jesus in Cali, watching the News.

In Medellin there are no beds in the hospitals, they are 98% full.

450 people are waiting for a beds.Besides no beds in the Hospitals, it has been reported in the local news that "ethical triage" is currently occuring in Medellin, meaning Doctors are now making decisions based on who get's an ICU bed when they are full, which is something Hospitals all over the World have been trying to avoid.

Imagine being a Doctor having to decide who gets an ICU bed between a young person and an old person, knowing that most probably one will not survive.

This situation is exactly what everyone had hoped to avoid, hence the lockdowns and curfews to try to avoid it.

It's so sad what's going on.

04-19-21, 19:57
What's the word on places like New Life and massage parlors in centro? Its been awhile since I've seen anyone report on these places. Business as usual? Open? Closed? How have things changed during corona? Mask policy entering and mask policy alone with chicas in the room etc? Are the girls standoffish now? Whats up? Heading back in early June, if the govt doesn't screw it up more before I get there. Smh.

04-19-21, 20:02
A friend in MDE sent me this yesterday, thought I'd share it as it may be helpful to someone.

04-19-21, 21:03
What's the word on places like New Life and massage parlors in centro? Its been awhile since I've seen anyone report on these places. Business as usual? Open? Closed? How have things changed during corona? Mask policy entering and mask policy alone with chicas in the room etc? Are the girls standoffish now? Whats up? Heading back in early June, if the govt doesn't screw it up more before I get there. Smh.Lots of questions there.

Long story short: until the ICU rate there drops to at least below 85%, any further trip planning to Medellin in the next few months will be futile.

Info curtesy of Medellin Guru:

New Curfew Measures from President Duque

On April 4, President Duque announced measures for curfews and pico y cedula in Colombian municipalities depending on ICU occupancy from April 5 to April 19.

For cities with ICU occupancy between 50 and 69 percent optionally establish pico y cedula measures and establish curfews between midnight and 5:00 am

For cities with ICU occupancy between 70 and 79 percent establish pico y cedula measures and establish curfews between 10:00 pm and 5:00 am

For cities with ICU occupancy between 80 and 85 percent establish pico y cedula measures and establish curfews between between 8:00 pm and 5:00 am

For cities with an ICU occupancy greater than 85 percent establish pico y cedula measures and establish curfews between between between 6:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.

On April 17, the ICU occupation in Antioquia was 97.39 percent out of a total of 1,420 ICUs available in Antioquia.


As of this post, the ICU rate has climbed to 97.82%:


04-19-21, 21:47
What is the rule during the full lockdown as far as grocery shopping?

During the weekend it's full lockdown, but they listed pico y cedula (Friday and Sunday are odd and Saturday is even). Can you go to the grocery store? TIA.

04-19-21, 21:58
Greetings fellow members,

I am a long time lurker, first time poster. I have done my fair share of RTFF. I am planning a trip in July and will follow up with a FR. Although it may be mechanical, I was wondering if someone could point me in the directions of twins or possibly triplets willing to do a 3/4 some. It's more of a bucketlist item than anything. Again, I am new and understand I don't have much to offer yet in the form of a FR, as this would be my first trip, but any help would be much appreciated. And while I'll be staying in Medellin and Cartagena for the majority of the trip (20 ish days) I would be willing to check out Bogota or Cali for the experience. Thanks again guys.

04-19-21, 22:45
You assume that a vaccine passport will only be used for those that want to travel abroad. It could just as well be used to discriminate against citizens of your own country. So because I chose not to take the vaccine and get the passport I am looked down upon and can only go to grocery stores on Tuesdays between 3 and 4 pm. It could be used as a mark of the beast of sorts where when you do not have it the mundane things you used to do with relative ease have been made very difficult.

How dare you challenge or disagree with these rabid partisan ideologues.

You ought to be whipped in public!!

04-19-21, 22:49
A friend in MDE sent me this yesterday, thought I'd share it as it may be helpful to someone.So basically at 8 pm Curfew and half the people can use the stores each day. What they really need to do is go into the barriers and make sure the people wear masks but that's easier said than done right it is the land of Pablo Escobar or was.

04-19-21, 22:55
You are too intelligent to not recognize ex post the enormity of your reasoning.
1) Jews and Cambodians were not bearing an infectious disease.
2) The plan here is to prevent those who are not vaccinated to enter my country, not to mass kill them.

And yes, the vaccine passport in many countries will be a pass not only to travel, but also to attend mass events or other things. Highly democratic countries may pose additional tedious requirements to those who have not a green pass, without banning them.
I highly doubt I will be allowed to first enter, then do anything interesting in Singapore without such a pass, for example. And I do not expect Singaporean Authorities will care a damn f*ck if I complain because I feel discriminated LOL. Nobody will force ME to get a vaccine shot, but also nobody can force THEM to welcome me if I do not accept a vaccination.

Incidentally, I note that any time I applied to enter USA I had to declare that I was not planning to do anything illegal, anything *immoral* (gosh! that was a problem), and I was not infected with syphilis or other infectious diseases.You assume that a vaccine passport will only be used for those that want to travel abroad. It could just as well be used to discriminate against citizens of your own country.

Ask the Jews that were in the Holocaust, the Cambodians under the Polpot regime, or the apartheid era South Africans how this vaccine passport thing could go very left.

Patriot Act.

04-19-21, 23:44
Just landed yesterday, staying in Niquia. Today, ID ending with 0-1 can enter certain spots (grocery stores, banks, etc). Monday: 0-1, Tuesday: 2-3-4, Wednesday: 5-6-7, Thursday: 8-9. I have 4 forms of ID / Passports, each ending with a different digit so no problem for me. I make wallet size color copies of passports that are laminated so they look legit. I used Driver's License today and also before during last Christmas / NY lockdowns and never had a problem. The security people just look at last digit and all good. I know some people here have said only can enter with passport, but in my experience never had to show it unless my passport had the corresponding digit.

04-19-21, 23:54
You assume that a vaccine passport will only be used for those that want to travel abroad. It could just as well be used to discriminate against citizens of your own country. So because I chose not to take the vaccine and get the passport I am looked down upon and can only go to grocery stores on Tuesdays between 3 and 4 pm. It could be used as a mark of the beast of sorts where when you do not have it the mundane things you used to do with relative ease have been made very difficult.

How dare you challenge or disagree with these rabid partisan ideologues.

You ought to be whipped in public!!Pot calling the kettle black. The Chicken Little conspiracy theory hawkers are the rabid partisan ideologues, with heads full of wingnut news and social media.


Fun Luvr
04-20-21, 02:58
What is the rule during the full lockdown as far as grocery shopping?

During the weekend it's full lockdown, but they listed pico y cedula (Friday and Sunday are odd and Saturday is even). Can you go to the grocery store? TIA.Yes, grocery stores and pharmacies will be open to those with the pico y cedula numbers you stated. Last weekend, the gate to the Laureles Viva CC was closed. Entrance to the the Exito was through their garden center.

04-20-21, 03:11
Yes, grocery stores and pharmacies will be open to those with the pico y cedula numbers you stated. Last weekend, the gate to the Laureles Viva CC was closed. Entrance to the the Exito was through their garden center.This is confusing, are you saying that anyone can leave during the weekend curfew to go shopping if their ID number corresponds with the allowable day. Something doesn't sound right about this, as if this is what your saying, it would mean that perhaps 1/2 of the population could be out shopping on any one day of the total lockdown. And although the markets like EXITO are open for delivery items, I don't believe they are open for business as usual during lockdown and curfew hours.

Lucky Nuts
04-20-21, 03:38
Greetings fellow members,

I am a long time lurker, first time poster. I have done my fair share of RTFF. I am planning a trip in July and will follow up with a FR. Although it may be mechanical, I was wondering if someone could point me in the directions of twins or possibly triplets willing to do a 3/4 some. It's more of a bucketlist item than anything. Again, I am new and understand I don't have much to offer yet in the form of a FR, as this would be my first trip, but any help would be much appreciated. And while I'll be staying in Medellin and Cartagena for the majority of the trip (20 ish days) I would be willing to check out Bogota or Cali for the experience. Thanks again guys.I wouldn't normally post links to the chicas on a public forum but these twins are wide open about their activities with gringos. They are very nice girls too.


Their price for a session (1 1/2 to two hours) is 200 mil plus 50 taxi. So if you want both that would be 450 mil. Please don't overpay the facebook girls

04-20-21, 03:45
You know what, my local bar in my home town in North America recently reopened after being shuttered most of the year. But they adopted a new policy, which requires proof of vaccination card to enter, though you can sit outside in the cold if you don't have a vaccination. I stopped in last week, showed my card info on my cell phone and went into the bar to enjoy a few cocktails without having to worry that the other patrons may be infected.

I frankly don't care that people like you feel inconvenienced. My health and safety and the success of the bar is much more important than whether or not you feel discriminated against.

Pot calling the kettle black. The Chicken Little conspiracy theory hawkers are the rabid partisan ideologues, with heads full of wingnut news and social media.


04-20-21, 03:49
I checked their photos and they look pretty cute. I assume you were happy with the experience. I plan on visiting Cartagena in mid October and might consider a detour to MDE if they are still available.

I wouldn't normally post links to the chicas on a public forum but these twins are wide open about their activities with gringos. They are very nice girls too.


Lucky Nuts
04-20-21, 04:03
I checked their photos and they look pretty cute. I assume you were happy with the experience. I plan on visiting Cartagena in mid October and might consider a detour to MDE if they are still available.I find them to be average for facebook girls. But yes they check all the boxes of what is expected for standard services. Still neither makes my repeat list or I wouldn't post the link here lol

04-20-21, 04:31
I wouldn't normally post links to the chicas on a public forum but these twins are wide open about their activities with gringos. They are very nice girls too.Thank you very much! As you said, I'll make sure to stay on point with the pricing!

04-20-21, 16:24
Okay. I am new here and plan on going to Medellin for the first time in the next month or two. I am an African American male, age 24. I have a great paying job where I am making 80 K USD as a single man. I was wondering how do I start meeting people on Seeking Arrangements. It seems like all the girls on there are only looking for white males aged 35+. I mean, I am attractive and have a good built. Any suggestions? Like how should the initial convo start? Straight to the point like " hey, I need a companion for a day and will pay you 350 k to show me around and have some fun". Or less subtle like " Wow you are beautiful. Want someone to show me around."


And damn I see a lot of playa's on here so please put me on to game.

04-20-21, 17:19
You know what, my local bar in my home town in North America recently reopened after being shuttered most of the year. But they adopted a new policy, which requires proof of vaccination card to enter, though you can sit outside in the cold if you don't have a vaccination. I stopped in last week, showed my card info on my cell phone and went into the bar to enjoy a few cocktails without having to worry that the other patrons may be infected.

I frankly don't care that people like you feel inconvenienced. My health and safety and the success of the bar is much more important than whether or not you feel discriminated against.You are preaching to the choir and completely misinterpreted my post. Hit up the guy the I was responding to, or make better use of the quote function. Cheers.

04-20-21, 18:22
Okay. I am new here and plan on going to Medellin for the first time in the next month or two. I am an African American male, age 24. I have a great paying job where I am making 80 K USD as a single man. I was wondering how do I start meeting people on Seeking Arrangements. It seems like all the girls on there are only looking for white males aged 35+. I mean, I am attractive and have a good built. Any suggestions? Like how should the initial convo start? Straight to the point like " hey, I need a companion for a day and will pay you 350 k to show me around and have some fun". Or less subtle like " Wow you are beautiful. Want someone to show me around."


And damn I see a lot of playa's on here so please put me on to game.None of that matters.

The most important factors are:

1) Do you speak (passable) Spanish and can understand in written form enough to have an intelligible message exchange?

2) Are you going to pay the chicas on Seeking what they are asking for?

3) If you are not her "preference", keep moving until you find chicas who are more open.

04-20-21, 19:06
Okay. I am new here and plan on going to Medellin for the first time in the next month or two. I am an African American male, age 24. I have a great paying job where I am making 80 K USD as a single man. I was wondering how do I start meeting people on Seeking Arrangements. It seems like all the girls on there are only looking for white males aged 35+. I mean, I am attractive and have a good built. Any suggestions? Like how should the initial convo start? Straight to the point like " hey, I need a companion for a day and will pay you 350 k to show me around and have some fun". Or less subtle like " Wow you are beautiful. Want someone to show me around."


And damn I see a lot of playa's on here so please put me on to game.There is another thread here dedicated to SA. You should look it up.

On seeking, the most common terms I have seen used is seeking "mutually beneficial relationship". They will tell you they want help economically. That is what you can start with if asked, and the girls know what it means. I think it is better not beating around the bush by asking them to show you around and stuff like that. You want to have sex on the first date and that is what you should focus on directly or indirectly. I have never met a Colombiana that has problem talking about sex.

It seems like all the girls on there are only looking for white males aged 35+. Where do you get this idea from? Never heard of it.

04-20-21, 20:23
You know what, my local bar in my home town in North America recently reopened after being shuttered most of the year. But they adopted a new policy, which requires proof of vaccination card to enter, though you can sit outside in the cold if you don't have a vaccination. I stopped in last week, showed my card info on my cell phone and went into the bar to enjoy a few cocktails without having to worry that the other patrons may be infected.

I frankly don't care that people like you feel inconvenienced. My health and safety and the success of the bar is much more important than whether or not you feel discriminated against.This is not a forum for these topics and arguments. Nobody here gives a shit about what happens at your local townie bar in North America. Nor whether you are afraid of viruses, clowns, boogiemen, or dark spaces. Take it elsewhere.
See post #45473 to learn how to contribute properly to this forum

04-20-21, 20:52
Okay. I am new here and plan on going to Medellin for the first time in the next month or two. I am an African American male, age 24. I have a great paying job where I am making 80 K USD as a single man. I was wondering how do I start meeting people on Seeking Arrangements. It seems like all the girls on there are only looking for white males aged 35+. I mean, I am attractive and have a good built. Any suggestions? Like how should the initial convo start? Straight to the point like " hey, I need a companion for a day and will pay you 350 k to show me around and have some fun". Or less subtle like " Wow you are beautiful. Want someone to show me around."


And damn I see a lot of playa's on here so please put me on to game.Your probably one of the youngest posters here, as a lot of us here are "old farts", with I would say the majority of the members on the Medellin thread being over 40 years old.

And as far as Seeking Arrangements, I have no experience with them, but from what I can gather it sounds like a sugar daddy site, hence the clientale are going to be older males versus someone your age, at least that is what I think.

So in thinking about this, this may be to your advantage in you that you may hook up with someone your own age which some of the women might also like besides an old, fat, and wrinkled dude.

Yet you have to keep in mind though that at the end of the day, it's going to be a monetary transaction.

And given your young and tender age, this whole mongering business must be very new to you.

Whatever you do, you need to be flexible, and consider maybe Facebook as an option as well. Lots of posts here, about how it works, along with pricing and some of the "pitfalls" you might encounter with it.

Regardless, when you show and if Medellin is not under any extreme lockdowns, there will be all kinds of casa's and clubs you can patronize as well. And even El Centro might be an option for you!

04-20-21, 22:20
Okay. I am new here and plan on going to Medellin for the first time in the next month or two. I am an African American male, age 24. I have a great paying job where I am making 80 K USD as a single man. I was wondering how do I start meeting people on Seeking Arrangements. It seems like all the girls on there are only looking for white males aged 35+. I mean, I am attractive and have a good built. Any suggestions? Like how should the initial convo start? Straight to the point like " hey, I need a companion for a day and will pay you 350 k to show me around and have some fun". Or less subtle like " Wow you are beautiful. Want someone to show me around."


And damn I see a lot of playa's on here so please put me on to game.I am assuming you don't want to use FB for discretionary reasons which is why you are asking about SA. The biggest problem with SA is not your race or age, its the availability of the girls and you. Many will not want to communicate with you much until you are just a few days from arriving to the city because you are just one of a hundred guys they are communicating with on the SA platform. Medellin is saturated with beautiful girls willing to fuck for cash. If you have the cash, you will get some very beautiful women. If you put the time in, you will also make a lot of contacts on SA, but its really not necessary. You can easily just roll into Medellin with no contacts and immediately start scoring very high level girls from multiple different sources, Parque Lleras, FB, Milerticos, strip clubs, LOL cab drivers who know girls, etc. If you are really looking to spend a lot of time with a single girl for a few days and form a real friendship / relationship, then SA is a good option. Some girls will be offended if you are very forward offering money for cash as they want to be more discreet about what you are both doing, but the vast majority will not care and understand they want to get fucked for cash and have a good time just like you. Be yourself, be upfront with what you want, be respectful, be cautious, and enjoy the process and you cannot fail in Medellin. My best advice would be to learn as much Spanish as you can, its a life long skill that always gives back and you will enjoy your trips much more besides just the girls. I would also not recommend getting tied up with a single girl for a whole day, especially if your just starting out in your 20's. Your probably going to want to run the gauntlet once you see what you can get. Good luck.

04-21-21, 00:02
This is not a forum for these topics and arguments. Nobody here gives a shit about what happens at your local townie bar in North America. Nor whether you are afraid of viruses, clowns, boogiemen, or dark spaces. Take it elsewhere.
See post #45473 to learn how to contribute properly to this forumDrop dead, pal. I have contributed considerably more to this forum than you have, including MDE, and my response was to someone else's illogical arguments made on this page. If you have got a beef, then write to him (Marquis deSade1).

04-21-21, 00:24
Having serious issues with Spirit airlines, does anyone know a corporate office fone number?

Google is failing me.

Muchas gracias.

04-21-21, 00:45
Okay. I am new here and plan on going to Medellin for the first time in the next month or two. I am an African American male, age 24. I have a great paying job where I am making 80 K USD as a single man. I was wondering how do I start meeting people on Seeking Arrangements. It seems like all the girls on there are only looking for white males aged 35+. I mean, I am attractive and have a good built. Any suggestions? Like how should the initial convo start? Straight to the point like " hey, I need a companion for a day and will pay you 350 k to show me around and have some fun". Or less subtle like " Wow you are beautiful. Want someone to show me around."


And damn I see a lot of playa's on here so please put me on to game.I'm youngish (under 35) and see where you're coming from. The mongering life is the way to go. Get a senior membership so we can DM bro.



04-21-21, 00:49
Okay. I am new here and plan on going to Medellin for the first time in the next month or two. I am an African American male, age 24. I have a great paying job where I am making 80 K USD as a single man. I was wondering how do I start meeting people on Seeking Arrangements. It seems like all the girls on there are only looking for white males aged 35+. I mean, I am attractive and have a good built. Any suggestions? Like how should the initial convo start? Straight to the point like " hey, I need a companion for a day and will pay you 350 k to show me around and have some fun". Or less subtle like " Wow you are beautiful. Want someone to show me around."


And damn I see a lot of playa's on here so please put me on to game.Surfer is right, but I wouldn't let others' experiences or beliefs keep you from trying SA. I've had several freebies off SA, which started off with normal chat and an invitation. As another poster said, I'd avoid the full day stuff. Now, to be fair, I think the SA freebies were hoping for the Disney movie fairytale, and only ended up with a fun night. It would have been easy to fall into something with a few of them, but that's not what I was looking for, and when I notice they are looking to hook a gringo, I'm out. On the flip side, one of the few times I've been tricked by photos was also SA. You're a young guy, so you should understand the concepts of photo filters and angles. If you notice too many of either, it's probably for good reason. As Surfer mentioned, I have used SA as a mid-30's into my late-30's and that might actually be a benefit. The age range of the freebies was typically the 22-25 range, where they think they know more than the newbie chicks and they have more to offer. As far as that is from the truth, that's their mentality. I'd say a week before your trip, get a month premium account, spend a few days mining for connections / likes / conversations. I always try to take the conversation to WhatsApp, and then in the contact, I save their name with SA + MDE + user name. This way, I have something to go back to if they don't have a clear profile photo on WhatsApp or don't send any photos there. I don't want to start the debate, but Spanish definitely has helped me. I can now tell stories and joke around, even though I can't understand everything they say. Good luck and do it your way!

For those feeling stuck and hopeless in Medellin, or looking for a different option, Mexico is the wild wild west. I carry a mask for the one step into a restaurant, store, or bar. Side note, my buddy that was in Medellin for a couple months left for the US to get his vaccination and handle some personal things, and ended up getting COVID. He left on a Thursday and got symptoms Sunday or Monday, so I'm assuming he got it while traveling. Good thing he had to pay to get a test before leaving! Anyway, he was in pretty rough shape. He is maybe mid-50's and in decent shape; no underlying health issues that I'm aware of. He ended up going to the hospital to get the COVID cocktail pump. Stay safe & cheers. With all that's going on, I'll probably hold off returning to Medellin until late May or June.

04-21-21, 03:14
I'm youngish (under 35) The mongering life is the way to go.JW.Yes indeed, unless you want to have offspring, getting married is a total waste of time.

And after you have been married and divorced, like myself, and get to bang anything and everything under the sun you will ask yourself, what the fuck was I thinking to get married to begin with, as a variety of new pussy is hard to resist.

The "mongering life" if you can afford it is like being a kid in a candy shop.

If I knew what I know now, I would of never gotten married.

04-21-21, 03:58
Having serious issues with Spirit airlines, does anyone know a corporate office fone number?

Google is failing me.

Muchas gracias.Run forest run, gross horrible to zero customer service, please stay away, not sure where your from but jet blue is amazing! Good luck travel safe!

Mojo Bandit
04-21-21, 04:16
Okay. I am new here and plan on going to Medellin for the first time in the next month or two. I am an African American male, age 24. I have a great paying job where I am making 80 K USD as a single man. I was wondering how do I start meeting people on Seeking Arrangements. It seems like all the girls on there are only looking for white males aged 35+. I mean, I am attractive and have a good built. Any suggestions? Like how should the initial convo start? Straight to the point like " hey, I need a companion for a day and will pay you 350 k to show me around and have some fun". Or less subtle like " Wow you are beautiful. Want someone to show me around."


And damn I see a lot of playa's on here so please put me on to game.You definitely need to get a membership here on this site so we can private message you, once your membership is active you can click on anyone's name that is in dark blue where in their post and a dropdown menu opens up, then you can see if they are able to get and send messages, send me a private message.

Nil Admirari
04-21-21, 05:32
A response to three recent queries from BMs about how the Governor's curfews and other restrictions have impacted a mongers modus operandi here in Medellin--or mine, at least:

Question # 1: One BM recently asked about home visits by chicas during curfew hours. Depending on their appetite for risk, I've found some ladies willing to travel to and from my apartment during curfew hours; others not. FYI, the official fine for violating the curfew (and the other restrictions) is a whopping 900 thousand pesos and change. (Spanish readers can check this link: https://colombia.as.com/colombia/2021/04/10/actualidad/1618084470_476287.html#text=La%20 orden%20 de%20 comparendo%20 es, comportamiento%20 contrario%20 a%20 la%20 convivencia. &text=La%20 multa%20 tipo%204%20 equivale, total%20 de%201.161. 856%20 pesos).

During WhatsApp texting to set up visits, I've made sure that the invited lady really feels comfortable venturing out during the forbidden hours. Of my core stable of four chicas, three have visited during the curfews, while just one has demurred (a Venezuelan with cédula issues). I've had some second thoughts as to whether it's right for me to allow them to risk the fine, but horniness and lust has trumped any moral imperative. That said, in the (I would surmise, very unlikely) event any of their taxis got pulled over by the police and my chica couldn't talk (or flirt) her way out of a humongous fine, I like to think that I would volunteer to share in the cost, or perhaps pick it up entirely (assuming, of course, that she could provide paperwork to prove she actually had gotten caught and fined). A harder (hypothetical) call: What would I do if one of them would claim to have been stopped by a cop and then to have slipped him 200,000 pesos to let her off--but, needless to say, with no City of Medellin receipt to confirm the payment.

Question # 2: Yesterday BM HotRockIt asked "What's the word on places like New Life and massage parlors in centro? It's been awhile since I've seen anyone report on these places. Business as usual? Open? Closed? How have things changed during corona?

In my experience, if a casas remains open at all (and most do), it's pretty much business as usual within the working hours allowed by the curfew rules on any given day (with the minor exception, in a few casas, of a mandatory dose of hand spray on entry). I've window-shopped at Fantasias Energy twice, Eros once, and a week ago Tuesday made the rounds of the casas just to the north and east of El Centro: Las Casa de Doña Fanny and a nameless casa in the same block, Zandalay, Barcelona Sala de Mansajes, Traviesas Sexi, Dulce Compañía, Masajes Aiffe, and New Life all were open. A few were closed: Pamela's permanently; some others (Casa de Piedra / Lindas Chicas) at least on day a checked (I can't say if just temporarily). As I and others have previously reported, Luna Lunera seems to be operating pretty much as a 24/7 casa rather than a night club, except on evenings when the curfew began at 11 PM rather than 5 or 8 PM. When Some of the manasan style managers wore masks, but lineups were all unmasked, and the four or so times I have headed to a habitacióand with a chica, once the door has closed, it's, indeed, been very much business as usual.

Question #3. Yesterday RiceRocket99 shared information on Pico why cédula regulations, and reported having no problem (on his designated days) using a xerox of his passport to gain entry to grocery stores and banks. For what it's worth, over the past couple of weeks, I have been in and out of Exito Laureles why Exito Setenta on a number of occasions, and have also visited a couple of major shopping centers (UniCentro), usually on my assigned Pico why cédula day and with a copy of my passport in my back pocket--and not once have I been asked to show any ID to gain entrance. Nonetheless, if your errand requires a taxi rather than a walk around the corner, you're probably well advised to stick to your designated shopping day.

In respect to shopping during the Friday-Sunday 24 hour / day lockdown, here's a roughly translated quote in El Tiempo from the governor of Antioquia, Luis Fernando Suárez: "On whether you can enter supermarkets to stock up, Suárez clarified that these large stores will not be able to open and will only be able to provide services through a mobile application or homes."

04-21-21, 15:43
I'm youngish (under 35) and see where you're coming from. The mongering life is the way to go. Get a senior membership so we can DM bro.


JW.Mongering life has its obvious advantages. However, married life has advantages as well, the advantage is greater advancement at work. Mongering and chasing women take up a lot of time which could be devoted to working harder at your job and moving up the ranks.

04-21-21, 15:53
Question # 1: One BM recently asked about home visits by chicas during curfew hours. Depending on their appetite for risk, I've found some ladies willing to travel to and from my apartment during curfew hours; others not. FYI, the official fine for violating the curfew (and the other restrictions) is a whopping 900 thousand pesos and change. (Spanish readers can check this link: https://colombia.as.com/colombia/2021/04/10/actualidad/1618084470_476287.html#text=La%20 or
den%20 de%20 comparendo%20 es, comportamiento%20 contrario%20 a%20 la%20 convivencia. &text=La%20 multa%20 tipo%204%20 equivale, total%20 de%201.161. 856%20 pesos).
During WhatsApp texting to set up visits, I've made sure that the invited lady really feels comfortable venturing out during the forbidden hours. Of my core stable of four chicas, three have visited during the curfews, while just one has demurred (a Venezuelan with cdula issues). I've had some second thoughts as to whether it's right for me to allow them to risk the fine, but horniness and lust has trumped any moral imperative.I don't know how the "fine system" works in Colombia, yet a lot of people don't even have bank accounts in Colombia, let alone Chicas carrying say 200,000 Pesos on them to bribe someone. I'm going to have to assume that if the Police are going to fine someone they enter it in their database / record for the persons Cedula, and don't know how they handle this for foreigners. The fine amount is roughly the Country's monthly minimum salary and seems out of proportion, and I see the Government having a hard time collecting the fines in that a lot of people don't have a months salary of savings let alone bank accounts.

Hopefully things will get better with no more lockdowns and the issue your grappling with will disappear. And when you think about it, the girls willing to see you must be very desperate and it's sad that they have to take the risks associated with visiting you.

Just Incognito
04-21-21, 16:05
Okay. I am new here and plan on going to Medellin for the first time in the next month or two. I am an African American male, age 24. I have a great paying job where I am making 80 K USD as a single man. I was wondering how do I start meeting people on Seeking Arrangements. It seems like all the girls on there are only looking for white males aged 35+. I mean, I am attractive and have a good built. Any suggestions? Like how should the initial convo start? Straight to the point like " hey, I need a companion for a day and will pay you 350 k to show me around and have some fun". Or less subtle like " Wow you are beautiful. Want someone to show me around."


And damn I see a lot of playa's on here so please put me on to game.Don't bother with anything on SA or Facebook until a couple of days before you arrive.

1st message: Hi, you look beautiful. I will be in Medellin (again) in 2 days. I hope we have the chance to meet up.

That's all. Quick and easy, the less said the better.

Then, once there-let people no you are there and ready.

I would start with casas and strip clubs if possible. Or the Mansion.

Messaging more than a few days before arrival is just wasting time.

04-21-21, 16:11
Mongering life has its obvious advantages. However, married life has advantages as well, the advantage is greater advancement at work. Mongering and chasing women take up a lot of time which could be devoted to working harder at your job and moving up the ranks.Yea, totally, at least for me mongering has helped a lot with work as i don't need to set up dinner dates etc. to try and get "lucky" with non-pros as often. gotta love pros. and surfer, I was already married and divorced, maybe have kids in the later years but yes, kid in a candy store (with the candy being 20 why / o vennies!

It seems as if even the locals don't know how the new decrees work, but for those of you on the ground / recently here, how was / is total confinement?

It seems as if all 6 major regions are working in tandem now with restrictions, with curfew being 8 pm-5-am mond-wed / thurs and total lockdown from thurs-Sunday until at least may 2nd.

Total lockdown being literal confinement in the apartment? Not even able to catch a cab to visit a mileroticos or prepagos girl? If so, that's going to fucking suck for my upcoming trip hahahha.

I'm thinking a good alibi would be to carry a backpack and plane ticket, if you get pulled over you're just "going to the airport".

I can work around the curfews and get the love making in during the day.



D Cups
04-21-21, 16:34
Mongering life has its obvious advantages. However, married life has advantages as well, the advantage is greater advancement at work. Mongering and chasing women take up a lot of time which could be devoted to working harder at your job and moving up the ranks.No wonder I was so successful!

Fun Luvr
04-21-21, 19:21
Question #3. Yesterday RiceRocket99 shared information on Pico why cdula regulations, and reported having no problem (on his designated days) using a xerox of his passport to gain entry to grocery stores and banks. For what it's worth, over the past couple of weeks, I have been in and out of Exito Laureles why Exito Setenta on a number of occasions, and have also visited a couple of major shopping centers (UniCentro), usually on my assigned Pico why cdula day and with a copy of my passport in my back pocket--and not once have I been asked to show any ID to gain entrance. Nonetheless, if your errand requires a taxi rather than a walk around the corner, you're probably well advised to stick to your designated shopping day.

In respect to shopping during the Friday-Sunday 24 hour / day lockdown, here's a roughly translated quote in El Tiempo from the governor of Antioquia, Luis Fernando Surez: "On whether you can enter supermarkets to stock up, Surez clarified that these large stores will not be able to open and will only be able to provide services through a mobile application or homes."Every time I have gone into the Laureles Exito or the Exito in Molinos CC, the security person checks my ID before allowing me to enter. There is no check when entering the shopping centers because restaurants and some other establishments are not subject to pico y cedula. Even the little D1 stores check ID's. I have seen them turn away locals who did not have the proper number.

The Laureles Exito has been open for customers to shop the past two weekends during the lockdown.

04-21-21, 21:40
Yes, that is so true. I'm still amazed how many girls here in their 20's don't even have a basic bank account. Don't even talk about credit cards, virtually non-existent because I think there is no defined system like credit history or credit score like the States. And those that have a bank account (usually savings, for some reason checking account not as common), won't have much in it. One time a girl showed me she had like 50 mil pesos in her savings. I had to do a bancolombia transfer so she would have enough to help me buy some party favors.

I don't know how the "fine system" works in Colombia, yet a lot of people don't even have bank accounts in Colombia, let alone Chicas carrying say 200,000 Pesos on them to bribe someone. I'm going to have to assume that if the Police are going to fine someone they enter it in their database / record for the persons Cedula, and don't know how they handle this for foreigners. The fine amount is roughly the Country's monthly minimum salary and seems out of proportion, and I see the Government having a hard time collecting the fines in that a lot of people don't have a months salary of savings let alone bank accounts.

Hopefully things will get better with no more lockdowns and the issue your grappling with will disappear. And when you think about it, the girls willing to see you must be very desperate and it's sad that they have to take the risks associated with visiting you.

Mojo Bandit
04-21-21, 22:40
Okay. I am new here and plan on going to Medellin for the first time in the next month or two. I am an African American male, age 24. I have a great paying job where I am making 80 K USD as a single man. I was wondering how do I start meeting people on Seeking Arrangements. It seems like all the girls on there are only looking for white males aged 35+. I mean, I am attractive and have a good built. Any suggestions? Like how should the initial convo start? Straight to the point like " hey, I need a companion for a day and will pay you 350 k to show me around and have some fun". Or less subtle like " Wow you are beautiful. Want someone to show me around."


And damn I see a lot of playa's on here so please put me on to game.

Don't bother with anything on SA or Facebook until a couple of days before you arrive.

1st message: Hi, you look beautiful. I will be in Medellin (again) in 2 days. I hope we have the chance to meet up.

That's all. Quick and easy, the less said the better.

Then, once there-let people no you are there and ready.

I would start with casas and strip clubs if possible. Or the Mansion.

Messaging more than a few days before arrival is just wasting time.With all due respect your advice is obviously well intended and thoughtful but I have say that as far as Facebook goes, you have to keep in mind that BlackCrystal is completely new to the scene. Its not like three days before I go to Colombia I just search "prepago" and a magic list appears. If a person wants to be having sex with the hottest chicas in Medellin than waiting until the last minute to start finding contacts is not a good strategy unless someone is spoon feeding them to you. It is best not to actually contact the chicas and set up citas until a few days before going down, but it took me about a month to get a list of twenty "hot" chicas together on Facebook that I knew would respond.

04-21-21, 23:03
Yes, that is so true. I'm still amazed how many girls here in their 20's don't even have a basic bank account. Don't even talk about credit cards, virtually non-existent because I think there is no defined system like credit history or credit score like the States. And those that have a bank account (usually savings, for some reason checking account not as common), won't have much in it. One time a girl showed me she had like 50 mil pesos in her savings. I had to do a bancolombia transfer so she would have enough to help me buy some party favors.Actually they do have a defined credit history and rating system in Colombia, however you have to be registered thru your Cedula to be part of it, and once registered you will be tracked and a credit score will be generated on you. If you have ever been in a store where someone is purchasing something with a credit card they will always ask, "cuantos quotas", meaning how many payments do you want to make for your purchase. I know that might sound pretty strange, because in the USA you can decide when you get your credit card bill what you want to do, but you will hear this question every time when someone uses a credit card to purchase something in Colombia.

04-21-21, 23:39
Run forest run, gross horrible to zero customer service, please stay away, not sure where your from but jet blue is amazing! Good luck travel safe!I have a flight with spirit end of may; I will let you know haw it went.

04-21-21, 23:49
I have a flight with spirit end of may; I will let you know haw it went.I've had nothing but good results with Spirit especially with their Colombia service. I was on a JetBlue flight from Miami to New Orleans that was an absolute nightmare plane was about 20 years old.

04-22-21, 00:59
Brief notes. Since Monday centro was boring. Slim pickings compared to the Thursday before weekend lockdown. Lots of girls refusing oral sin condon compared to last week where there so many hotties up for anything. Strip clubs quiet even my favourite avenida de grill, left after 1 drink. Amazing session in Zandaly, an English speaking Colombian cracked open a fresh bottle of rum for me, drinks for me, the girl and the session just over 100.000 wow. The most underrated Casa in Medellin, no I have not been to all of them but that lady Catalina (Mamasan), staff and guests are so friendly to gringos with terrible Spanish.

First time at Dulce Campana really good line up, amazing session. Oral sin condon as standard as reported. Back of house admin lady Isabelle speaks English but I used my weak Spanish with the front of house Mamasan (What do they call them in Spanish?) Definitely returning.

I have already posted about this but I will mention it again. Some but not all shops have numbers for Pico why cedula, I open any document on my phone, like today my drivers licence and I zoom right into whatever number is required out of and I have never ever been asked for anything more. I think when they see an obvious gringo they cannot be bothered like today when they guy wanted to see my receipt leaving jumbo I was just waved by, I get this feeling a lot of the time.

Exito and D1 have been open on the weekend.

04-22-21, 03:34
Brief notes. Since Monday centro was boring. Slim pickings compared to the Thursday before weekend lockdown. Lots of girls refusing oral sin condon compared to last week where there so many hotties up for anything. Strip clubs quiet even my favourite avenida de grill, left after 1 drink. Amazing session in Zandaly, an English speaking Colombian cracked open a fresh bottle of rum for me, drinks for me, the girl and the session just over 100.000 wow. The most underrated Casa in Medellin, no I have not been to all of them but that lady Catalina (Mamasan), staff and guests are so friendly to gringos with terrible Spanish.

First time at Dulce Campana really good line up, amazing session. Oral sin condon as standard as reported. Back of house admin lady Isabelle speaks English but I used my weak Spanish with the front of house Mamasan (What do they call them in Spanish?) Definitely returning.Girls refusing oral sin condom, wow, oh well.

I remember before the pandemic asking a Venezuelan how much more to bareback her just out of curiosity, and she told me it would be an expensive upcharge, and when I asked how much, she said 5.000 Pesos, yet I just couldn't do it as it was going to force me out of retirement to pay for the upcharge. LOL.

As far as lots of girls refusing to oral sin condom, I find it a bit peculiar given the hard times were in. Maybe it's the way you brought it up, and did you make an offer to pay more for it and where the girls still then opposed to it?

You said your Spanish skills are weak, so that may of been part of the problem which is not a reflection on you.

I personally willl not go with a girl who doesn't provide this service, and handle it differently with the new SW's I go with as I typically just ask if they are going to blow me without a condom, and the best answer you can get in Spanish is "of course", and when I get this answer, which is always music to my ears however seems like, "hey you stupid fuck", we always blow guys without a condom, which makes sense to me, especially for the locals.

Regardless, as long as the long weekend lockdowns continue, my bet is every single girl who earlier said no to the BBBJ will do it with no upcharge on Thursday if pressed to do so, along with a lot of bare-back specials being available.

04-22-21, 04:01
"cuantos quotas", meaning how many payments do you want to make for your purchase.I think this is common in Latin America. Some payment devices have this built-in. One need to choose sin cuota or input 1.