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Fun Luvr
05-29-21, 01:31
Looks like some nice streetwalkers in El Raudal.
https://youtu.be/3-ceEPyaLbAJust an observation. It appears most of the working girls are the ones not wearing a mask.

05-29-21, 01:45
Spot on! Pretty sad what I paid triggered his insecurities to that extent. Based on his post history, he seems like an angry lonely man.Anyone that agrees with 1 word that fool types is an even bigger fool.

I really need to stop being so charitable, when I say chumps like you "overpay" you know, I know as does everyone else.

You don't overpay, you get overcharged, you are so reprehensible to (even 3rd world putas) they really don't even want to touch you.

So you agree to a kings ransom, and Voila, you get some lame fully covered bullshit service.

I'm also guessing you have some cognitive issues, did you know the Philippines is a 3rd world country? Guess what so is Colombia, you bottom feeder LOL.

Mr Enternational
05-29-21, 01:50
No one mongerer or group of mongerers can destroy or even significantly effect what others pay for for play, in the Colombian market.Maybe what you are not realizing is that there is a Colombian Market and there is a Gringo Market in Colombia. Whether you want to believe it or not, we have seen what he is saying play out in the gringo markets of Costa Rica, Panama, Rio, and Sosua at least. Anyone that has frequented these places and has seen what has happened over time can attest to this.

It won't affect Surfer, Rice Rocket, TM; you know, the guys that play in the Colombian Market. But it will certainly affect guys that go stay in Poblado and get chicks from Gustos, Tinder, and Facebook; the Gringo Market in Colombia (as it has historically done in other monger locations).

05-29-21, 02:06
This is from a Facebook post in Medellin FB group:

"Guys, avoid the area of La 70/ area of Estadio / Laureles. Total chaos. People are ripping things out in the street, and using them as barricades. Police continue to sweep the area with tear gas. Steer clear, and stay in your house or shelter if you're in the area. ".Not surprised. That's where the students live. In centro, no pedo.

05-29-21, 02:08
At least you have a good attitude about it, "(overpaid, but whatever)".

Nothing wrong with destroying the market for everyone else, and yes that includes you too next time.

Hey there's a place called Cocal look it up I'm sure you'll love it, oh wait I'm guessing you're one of those "mongers" that destroyed it and now.

You want to find a new place to shit all over, so you can then come on ISG and add injury to injury and write about it here.

Muchas gracias from us all.Really? You think 1 guy overpays and it completely destroys the market for everyone? Do you really believe that? I have seen similar things said before and it always astounds me.

First of all there are sub-markets.

There are instagram models or other high end actresses etc that have a very high ask.

There are FaceBook girls that have a range. Ususally 150-250 + taxi or taxis.

There are other sources like PhotoPrepagos or Mileroticos and most of those rates are about 1/2 the FB girl rate.

There are high end strip clubs like La Isla or Fase Dos or Luna Lunera.

There are high end casas like Tantra or Energy.

There are medium end casas like New Life.

There are low end casas and thousands of them.

Then there are streetwalkers.

I didn't even assign a category to Gustos because it is kind of a one off.

Then there are regular girls who aren't prepagos but if they meet you and there's some money there. Well it negotiable.

So you think some guy pays too much for a girl from one of those categories and it ripples all across Medellin and when you go tomorrow to see your girl.

The word is out. One gringo paid too much so we all should get that amount.

Medellin is a city of 4 million (metropolitan area). What one gringo pays or 100 gringos pay or 1000 gringos pay has no effect on the market place.

Your girl hears her friend got 300 mil for an hour. She tells you she is worth that too. You tell her, sorry, I've got my number 2 girl for 200. Your number.

1 girl isn't going to go starving to get that elusive 300 mil pay day for long. She'll realize one guy paid too much, her clients aren't paying that much and.

Back she is at 200.

I don't think you should focus on what other guys are paying. People here talk enough about it. You know what the market prices should be. Stick with that.

If a girl wants more than you want to pay, "next".

05-29-21, 02:18
Maybe what you are not realizing is that there is a Colombian Market and there is a Gringo Market in Colombia. Whether you want to believe it or not, we have seen what he is saying play out in the gringo markets of Costa Rica, Panama, Rio, and Sosua at least. It won't affect Surfer, Rice Rocket, TM; you know, the guys that play in the Colombian Market. But it will affect guys that go stay in Poblado and get chicks from Gustos, Tinder, and Facebook; the Gringo Market in Colombia.You may have a point with those micro market examples and places I don't frequent and did not consider. But comparing Colombia to Panama or Costa Rica, is like apples and oranges, they are both small round fruits, jajaja. In fact, Colombia has ten times the population of those two examples which makes all the difference. In Colombia, if you have unlimited supply of putas, as I would argue, and no barriers to entry by either the suppliers or the buyers, then the only thing that sets price is the equilibrium point between supply and demand. Forget about the politics or the economics of the Colombian government, the puta market in Colombia is free enterprise and capitalistic.

I have been on small South Pacific Islands where the arrival of a cruise ship has an immediate and upward effect on prices. So I am not saying it doesn't happen, but Colombia is too big for that effect to occur on a macro scale. In Colombia at this moment, there are barriers to entry of buyers now because of Covid and political unrest, and the expected result from decreased demand would be downward pressure on prices, which I think I have seen in recent posts. Worrying about what one guy pays, and especially calling him out for it, is misguided at best. I care more about what the guy who pays what he wants has to say, than a guy who acts clearly in desperate self-interest. Who is bringing a history of success versus failure to the table? You can have the last word if you wish, I am done with this topic, for now.

05-29-21, 02:37
No one mongerer or group of mongerers can destroy or even significantly effect what others pay for for play, in the Colombian market.This is an old debate going back at least the 18 years I've been around forums such as this. Other mongers can affect particular markets. For example if there are a lot guys in town at a particular time overpaying the hotter Facebook girls, then this can make it hard to get appointments with the same girls unless one is willing to overpay as well. Consumer behavior does effect pricing. That said, such over paying with FB isn't going to have any effect on the Centro scene. The pricing in the strip clubs there will remain the same. Though there has been a growing tendency to try foreigners, like to hit them with a 50% price increase to see if they bite. Obviously that has worked before and word got around.

05-29-21, 03:39
Right now on a walk through Sur Americana Laureles I stumbled into a full scale riot. Lots of roads blocked, Estadio closed, fires everywhere and police are firing back with tear gas, other weapons and possibly stun grenades, its really kicking off right now as well as a shooting incident outside my apartment this morning. More details to follow.Friday at 12;30 PM I climbed in a taxi at the Exito in Poblado and told the driver I was going to the North Bus Station and he said it would take hours to get there because of the marches / protests and told me to take the Metro. And I did, and there were protestors walking down Avendia Las Vegas in Poblado, but it was odd in that the police were marching with them, and noting violent like you desribed. And the Autopista was a mess with bumper to bumper traffic in the northbound direction not moving, in essence a parking lot, and at the Caribe Metro station on the North side of town, the Autopista was a parking lot going south with the northbound lanes wide open. These ongoing protests have been compounding the Covid contagion count which is more than ever and a fourth surge is predicted and appears to already be happening. Next weekend is what's called a puente, meaning a long weekend, not a bridge due the National Holiday on the 7th. I hope they are not contemplating more weekend lockdowns as all the numbers and percentages of the ICU's aren't doing well.

05-29-21, 04:59
Really? You think 1 guy overpays and it completely destroys the market for everyone? Do you really believe that? I have seen similar things said before and it always astounds me.

First of all there are sub-markets.Agree with what you posted. See my previous post.

05-29-21, 05:43
Anyone that agrees with 1 word that fool types is an even bigger fool.

I really need to stop being so charitable, when I say chumps like you "overpay" you know, I know as does everyone else.

You don't overpay, you get overcharged, you are so reprehensible to (even 3rd world putas) they really don't even want to touch you.

So you agree to a kings ransom, and Voila, you get some lame fully covered bullshit service.

I'm also guessing you have some cognitive issues, did you know the Philippines is a 3rd world country? Guess what so is Colombia, you bottom feeder LOL.Yup, I overpaid and I'll price you out of the market LOL. You mad? Keep your insecurities in check

U act like I stole your lunch money, getting flashbacks of grade school? Can’t get laid thru other means?

05-29-21, 05:59
Yup, I overpaid and I'll price you out of the market LOL. You mad? Keep your insecurities in checkNot a chance honey, I do very well with putas jajajajaaaaaaa.

Where ever I go if I hear how mongers like you are being sodomized.

Do you think I want some of that overcharging, hell no.

I double down and offer way way less than everyone else, and demand even more (Thailand Mexico Philippines Colombia USA strip clubs et al).

Guess what I'll be fucking the puta in the ass bb (literally), I won't be taking it.

The more a puta likes you the less she will charge you.

The closer to free, the better.

There isn't any glam in being overcharged by 3rd world putas (or any puta).

When I was in Asia, just walking down the street very hot 18 yo putas (BTW I'm in my 50's).

Would fuck me for free, without me asking for it for free, I never even bought them a drink.

Why? "because I ain't no chump".

05-29-21, 07:10
Really? You think 1 guy overpays and it completely destroys the market for everyone? Do you really believe that? I have seen similar things said before and it always astounds me.

First of all there are sub-markets.

There are instagram models or other high end actresses etc that have a very high ask.

There are FaceBook girls that have a range. Ususally 150-250 + taxi or taxis.

There are other sources like PhotoPrepagos or Mileroticos and most of those rates are about 1/2 the FB girl rate.

There are high end strip clubs like La Isla or Fase Dos or Luna Lunera.

There are high end casas like Tantra or Energy.

There are medium end casas like New Life..And here's my example from 2 years ago:

A guy I know saw I was in Medellin and sent me a contact. He told me I must try her. I sent her a message and after some brief introductions asked her price. Her response was 300 k. I replied with "siempre pago 200 mil" and got an immediate okay from her.

If you're working in a small, closed system, prices will be driven up with demand. Sosúa is a good example. Without the gringos it's a sleepy little beach town. With a population of 50,000 it doesn't take too many tourists to cause a spike in the economy.

But prostitution is only a tiny part of the Medellin economy, and gringos are only a tiny part of the customer base.

Mr Enternational
05-29-21, 08:54
You may have a point with those micro market examples and places I don't frequent and did not consider. But comparing Colombia to Panama or Costa Rica, is like apples and oranges, they are both small round fruits, jajaja. In fact, Colombia has ten times the population of those two examples which makes all the difference.Unfortunately what we are talking about pertains to only hookers and foreign mongers, not the population at large. So it is in fact a micro market. Rio has 12 million people, but check the prices on the gringo market right before Help closed and right now at Mabs and Doce Vida. Chicks are asking up to 10 times what they were just over 10 years ago.

It will not affect me because I am in the trenches, speak the language, and am a hard bargainer. (Just today my nephew was buying a motorcycle and the guy wanted $2500. I told him to offer him $2000 and the guy accepted. That is the same way I do those chicks.) But the new guy that comes along is the one that is going to be in for it. But if you say fuck him, then fuck him I guess it will be.

05-29-21, 10:12
Looks like some nice streetwalkers in El Raudal.

https://youtu.be/3-ceEPyaLbAThanks for posting this. What do people think of the person at 4:00 - old enough? Definitely female?

05-29-21, 10:22
Rich people are smart with money they don't flush it down the toilet on 3rd world putas, if they were that dumb they wouldn't be rich.

Most "mongers" that overpay, do so out of pathetic desperation.

Show me someone that overpays 3rd world putas and I will show you someone with very low self-worth / self-esteem.

A fool and his loot soon part.

Most "rich" people are very frugal, that's how they got rich and that's how they stay that way.The good folks at Lamborghini, Bugatti, McLaren, etc disagree. In just about every area I can think of, including hookers there are rich people spending extravagant sums. In some instances it might be considered an investment, but usually it's simple vanity. For example, there is a market for gold plated toilets. Pretty sure your local burger flippers aren't buying them.

There are guys spending thousands every month on third world putas. I know of 1 guy who has spent well over $100 k US on a webcam model, who he's never met, over the last 3 years.

I can almost guarantee, the guys renting $1200 per night penthouses in Medellin aren't paying their hookers 30 k.

05-29-21, 12:39
Friday at 12;30 PM I climbed in a taxi at the Exito in Poblado and told the driver I was going to the North Bus Station and he said it would take hours to get there because of the marches / protests and told me to take the Metro. And I did, and there were protestors walking down Avendia Las Vegas in Poblado, but it was odd in that the police were marching with them, and noting violent like you desribed. And the Autopista was a mess with bumper to bumper traffic in the northbound direction not moving, in essence a parking lot, and at the Caribe Metro station on the North side of town, the Autopista was a parking lot going south with the northbound lanes wide open. These ongoing protests have been compounding the Covid contagion count which is more than ever and a fourth surge is predicted and appears to already be happening. Next weekend is what's called a puente, meaning a long weekend, not a bridge due the National Holiday on the 7th. I hope they are not contemplating more weekend lockdowns as all the numbers and percentages of the ICU's aren't doing well.No mas lockdowns!


05-29-21, 12:51
Unfortunately what we are talking about pertains to only hookers and foreign mongers, not the population at large. So it is in fact a micro market. Rio has 12 million people, but check the prices on the gringo market right before Help closed and right now at Mabs and Doce Vida. Chicks are asking up to 10 times what they were just over 10 years ago.

It will not affect me because I am in the trenches, speak the language, and am a hard bargainer. (Just today my nephew was buying a motorcycle and the guy wanted $2500. I told him to offer him $2000 and the guy accepted. That is the same way I do those chicks.) But the new guy that comes along is the one that is going to be in for it. But if you say fuck him, then fuck him I guess it will be.10 yrs is not a long time, can you imagine multiplying all puta prices in Colombia by 10, wowwwwww.

May as well just hit Los Angeles strip clubs.

Puta price inflation is a deadly cancer to this hobby.

05-29-21, 15:35
Rich people are smart with money they don't flush it down the toilet on 3rd world putas, if they were that dumb they wouldn't be rich.

Most "mongers" that overpay, do so out of pathetic desperation.

Show me someone that overpays 3rd world putas and I will show you someone with very low self-worth / self-esteem.

A fool and his loot soon part.

Most "rich" people are very frugal, that's how they got rich and that's how they stay that way.That's all well and good but you do know there are millionaires in the US paying $10,000 per hour for escorts of the same quality that we are paying $50 in Colombia.

05-29-21, 17:12
Right now on a walk through Sur Americana Laureles I stumbled into a full scale riot. Lots of roads blocked, Estadio closed, fires everywhere and police are firing back with tear gas, other weapons and possibly stun grenades, its really kicking off right now as well as a shooting incident outside my apartment this morning. More details to follow.Scary. Is this a 'hang tight, this is an isolated incident' kind of thing or is this widespread and has a high chance of continuing / spreading to other areas. Is it safe if you just stay in the hotel?

05-29-21, 17:44
The good folks at Lamborghini, Bugatti, McLaren, etc disagree. In just about every area I can think of, including hookers there are rich people spending extravagant sums. In some instances it might be considered an investment, but usually it's simple vanity. For example, there is a market for gold plated toilets. Pretty sure your local burger flippers aren't buying them.

There are guys spending thousands every month on third world putas. I know of 1 guy who has spent well over $100 k US on a webcam model, who he's never met, over the last 3 years.

I can almost guarantee, the guys renting $1200 per night penthouses in Medellin aren't paying their hookers 30 k.Some people think saving a few hundred dollars on prepagos is what's going to get them rich. Sounds more like a broke ass way of thinking. Penny pinch his way into riches LOL.

05-29-21, 17:44
That's all well and good but you do know there are millionaires in the US paying $10,000 per hour for escorts of the same quality that we are paying $50 in Colombia.Yup, many millionaires in Miami do just that.

05-29-21, 17:50
Not a chance honey, I do very well with putas jajajajaaaaaaa.

Where ever I go if I hear how mongers like you are being sodomized.

Do you think I want some of that overcharging, hell no.

I double down and offer way way less than everyone else, and demand even more (Thailand Mexico Philippines Colombia USA strip clubs et al).

Guess what I'll be fucking the puta in the ass bb (literally), I won't be taking it.

The more a puta likes you the less she will charge you.

The closer to free, the better.

There isn't any glam in being overcharged by 3rd world putas (or any puta).

When I was in Asia, just walking down the street very hot 18 yo putas (BTW I'm in my 50's).

Would fuck me for free, without me asking for it for free, I never even bought them a drink.

Why? "because I ain't no chump".Cool story bro. 50 yo talking like he's still in high school LOL.

05-29-21, 18:33
The good folks at Lamborghini, Bugatti, McLaren, etc disagree. In just about every area I can think of, including hookers there are rich people spending extravagant sums. In some instances it might be considered an investment, but usually it's simple vanity. For example, there is a market for gold plated toilets. Pretty sure your local burger flippers aren't buying them.

There are guys spending thousands every month on third world putas. I know of 1 guy who has spent well over $100 k US on a webcam model, who he's never met, over the last 3 years.

I can almost guarantee, the guys renting $1200 per night penthouses in Medellin aren't paying their hookers 30 k.I think comparing 3rd world putas to high end sports cars is a horrible analogy, you can resell the car.

You can't resell the puta after you popped, I see it more akin to a bottle of wine $20 vs $20000.


Sometimes you get what you pay for IE, Mercedes vs Hyundai.

Sometimes you don't.

With putas it doesn't apply, are there tiny variations in quality sure.

Not much.

I always want to be the top never the bottom.

Always the hunter never the prey.

Mojo Bandit
05-29-21, 21:03
Scary. Is this a 'hang tight, this is an isolated incident' kind of thing or is this widespread and has a high chance of continuing / spreading to other areas. Is it safe if you just stay in the hotel?I am not on the ground but watching to see if Medellin gets as bad as Cali, People are saying it's not but that it's an isolated incident but that its that they're isolated to certain areas that you can stay away from. It's not like it's a war zone where you don't know where the artillery is going to land next. These people put these videos out today and they are on the ground in Medellin. The 1st one has some awesome footage of the protests and Laureles.



05-29-21, 22:06
I can almost guarantee, the guys renting $1,200 per night penthouses in Medellin aren't paying their hookers 30 k.So do you think that guys who could easily afford renting $ 1200 a night penthouses in Medellin, which I don't think there are many of, would also not go with 30 K hookers.

Gringo Trooper
05-29-21, 22:10
I am not on the ground but watching to see if Medellin gets as bad as Cali.]I've got boots on the ground and Medellin is heavenly as always.

People are more desperate for money, than in my prior years of visiting MDE.

An indigenous women was about to start crying while she was asking me for money as I passed by.

There is a place called "drive-in" Covid testing on the corner just south of San Fernando Casino in El Poblado.

I got an antigen test there for $150,000 pesos (overpriced, I know). However, my results were ready online in an hour. You can walk up, however, it's closed on Sundays.

Some puta asked for a tip after she provided terrible service. I declined her request. However, that leads me to believe tourists are giving out tips to putas who didn't put in the work for it.

I walked by a beggar, who walked right up to me and I brushed him off a bit arrogantly. And he said something like "se vaya a la playa, yo." Either that means he would kill me or hopefully he just said something bizarre about the beach LOL.


05-29-21, 23:08
No mas lockdowns!

http://thecitypaperbogota.com/news/pandemic-pushes-3-6-million-colombians-into-poverty/27316?fbclid=IwAR0Ob_EqkssJxCuSS6fKW79cN0vH5FCu0AlujeJ851wM6nSwnMFgjaxkXuIMost definetely a boner killer. I will depart if they start up again. I can't be caged in anywhere. Some guys can deal with it, but I cannot, and I'm not one to try to skirt a lockdown requirement. Not at least in a foreign Country. I may have balls in some ways to do the things I do, but this, no I don't.

05-29-21, 23:50
Anyone have feedback on the following places:

The Secret Sala.


05-29-21, 23:59
Unfortunately what we are talking about pertains to only hookers and foreign mongers, not the population at large. So it is in fact a micro market. Rio has 12 million people, but check the prices on the gringo market right before Help closed and right now at Mabs and Doce Vida. Chicks are asking up to 10 times what they were just over 10 years ago.It maybe a bit disingenuous, to say chicks were asking 10 x more, without factoring in and taking into account inflation and the USD-BRL exchange rates. Today the worth USD is 3x to 4x more than Brazilian Real (BRL) was 10 years ago.

In 2011-April, 24 the rate was 1.56 https://www.xe.com/currencytables/?from=USD&date=2011-04-24#table-section .

Personally I think it's somewhat of a moot point, due to the fact, chicks can ask for any damn amount they choose to pull out of their pretty little creative minds. Heck I've been quoted 20 x what I thought was a reasonable going price. Question is...are YOU going to pay it?.

BTW, when I've been quoted 5x, 10x or 20x more than whatever I thought was the going rate, perhaps meant, she was really saying, "I'm really just not that into bumping-uglies with you". However, if you are dumb enough to pay that ridiculous asking price, then let's have at it.

05-30-21, 00:08
It maybe a bit disingenuous, to say chicks were asking 10 x more, without factoring in and taking into account inflation and the USD-BRL exchange rates. Today the worth USD is 3x to 4x more than Brazilian Real (BRL) was 10 years ago.

In 2011-April, 24 the rate was 1.56 https://www.xe.com/currencytables/?from=USD&date=2011-04-24#table-section .

Personally I think it's somewhat of a moot point, due to the fact, chicks can ask for any damn amount they choose to pull out of their pretty little creative minds. Heck I've been quoted 20 x what I thought was a reasonable going price. Question is...are YOU going to pay it?.

BTW, when I've been quoted 5x, 10x or 20x more than whatever I thought was the going rate, perhaps meant, she was really saying, "I'm really just not that into bumping-uglies with you". However, if you are dumb enough to pay that ridiculous asking price, then let's have at it.The lower the price the more she wants your milk, the higher the price the less she even wants to touch you.

Good luck having a good session whilst she is laying there with her eyes closed, high prices reflect a gag factor surcharge LOL.

05-30-21, 00:19
I am not on the ground but watching to see if Medellin gets as bad as Cali, People are saying it's not but that it's an isolated incident but that its that they're isolated to certain areas that you can stay away from. It's not like it's a war zone where you don't know where the artillery is going to land next. These people put these videos out today and they are on the ground in Medellin. The 1st one has some awesome footage of the protests and Laureles.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKfISCHZ6aQThere is tons of footage of this in FB etc. I have heard that a couple of hours after protests it was business as usual on 70. Chairs out and music blaring from the bars etc.

A BM who is on ground is recommending taking this shit seriously and not to venture to Laureles. Conflicted as I have trip coming up next week.

Mr Enternational
05-30-21, 00:58
It maybe a bit disingenuous, to say chicks were asking 10 x more, without factoring in and taking into account inflation and the USD-BRL exchange rates.Exchange rate has nothing to do with it. Chicks do not ask money based on an exchange rate, although some mongers may pay based on one. Mongers come from all over the world. No hooker is going to distinguish what the exchange rate is for a Canadian monger versus an Indian monger versus a Japanese monger.

Heck I've been quoted 20 x what I thought was a reasonable going price. Question is...are YOU going to pay it?.Not me. I have already stated that. But apparently somebody is or we would not be having this discussion.

LOL. A poster just wrote in the Rio thread:
Just messaged a few barravips girls that I liked to see what the rates are. All of them quoted 500 R / HR for incall, and 600-700 R + uber for outcall, like they are in a fucking union. And anywhere from 2000 R to 5000 R pernoite. I stood firm on my price (500 R pernoite, which I consider a great offer) and all of them wouldn't budge. One of them literally said 'go fuck yourself if you can't afford it"))))But keep believing the gringo market is not affected by one monger or group of mongers when those same chicks used to take $25 for all night, but now will not budge off of $400-$1000 a night when the minimum wage is $200 per month. You guys do it to yourselves.

05-30-21, 01:36
LOL. A poster just wrote in the Rio thread: But keep believing the gringo market is not affected by one monger or group of mongers when those same chicks used to take $25 for all night, but now will not budge off of $400-$1000 a night when the minimum wage is $200 per month. You guys do it to yourselves.This is correct, and to sweepingly say that "what others pay doesn't effect what you pay" is to say that consumer behavior doesn't effect pricing. That's ridiculous even for someone who halfway listened in high school. It's equally true that there are often a number of different markets in a large city. What spend thrifts / show offs do in the Medellin Facebook market will have no effect on the Centro street scene. There's also often little that can be done about rising prices and / or diminished quality of service. When a venue becomes well known there will always be guys coming and over paying and / or wimping out and paying girls in advance while accepting bad service without any complaint. That said there's still value in encouraging guys in a forum like this not to be part of the problem.

05-30-21, 01:57
So do you think that guys who could easily afford renting $ 1200 a night penthouses in Medellin, which I don't think there are many of, would also not go with 30 K hookers.Nope, we go to La Isla or Gusto.

05-30-21, 02:31
I saw a small group today go through San Diego. It was more like a scene from Drumline than a protest. At first I thought they might have been celebrating the Man you match. It was peaceful except for the very angry rush hour drivers shaking their fists and honking their horns.

I am not on the ground but watching to see if Medellin gets as bad as Cali, People are saying it's not but that it's an isolated incident but that its that they're isolated to certain areas that you can stay away from. It's not like it's a war zone where you don't know where the artillery is going to land next. These people put these videos out today and they are on the ground in Medellin. The 1st one has some awesome footage of the protests and Laureles.



05-30-21, 02:52
The price is controlled by supply and demand, pure and simple. If it makes a mongerer feel like he is controlling price individually by the deals he strikes, more power to him, but it's delusional, plain and simple. The price is a result of and not a cause of market forces in play. Personalizing it, and injecting ego into the formula is irrelevant. Price went up over time because of increased demand and pretending like you can control that by sticking to a certain price, will eventually eliminate you from the market. That is where the desperation comes from with these mongers who are functioning on the edge already. Their sense of inevitability that says no matter how much they complain, point fingers, blame others for their failures, it's going to happen. You are going to get priced out and good riddance, jejeje. Some of the beliefs systems here are laughable.

05-30-21, 03:26
Exchange rate has nothing to do with it. Chicks do not ask money based on an exchange rate, although some mongers may pay based on one. Mongers come from all over the world. No hooker is going to distinguish what the exchange rate is for a Canadian monger versus an Indian monger versus a Japanese monger.Not sure what the type of gringo nationality has to do anything, but whatever.

I beg to differ, exchange rates do play a part. When working P4P Brasileiras are dealing with gringos / estrangeiros (of any nationality), they will often inflate / adjust their offers based on what the USD:BRL exchange rate is doing. I've often found they are very savvy to this knowledge.

That same standard of pussy ten (10) years ago, where she was asking R$150 (or US$100)/ for overnight sex (in Rio) for example, she is now asking R$500-600+ (or US$100). It's the same standard of overnight pussy for the same US$100 dollars, just 10 years later. However, the ask in US dollars is the same 10 years later, not so much in Brazilian Reals. Its 4 x to 5 x more, 10 years later.

Why because of inflation and exchange rates manipulating the ratios of value over the years. Today, if the exchange rate was 1:1 (USD:BRL), how many Brazileiras, do you think, are going to be advertising their asking price at R$500+ (US $500+). Let alone hordes of guys flying to Brazil to pay US$500+ for pernoite.

Not me. I have already stated that. But apparently somebody is or we would not be having this discussion.

LOL. A poster just wrote in the Rio thread: But keep believing the gringo market is not affected by one monger or group of mongers when those same chicks used to take $25 for all night, but now will not budge off of $400-$1000 a night when the minimum wage is $200 per month. You guys do it to yourselves.

Although, you don't pay it (and nor do I), the ask (or the bid) is the ask. Take it or leave it. As is evidenced from the fine example you've provided from the Rio thread, "...One of them literally said 'go fuck yourself if you can't afford it.' ". Pay it, don't pay it, "It's up to you..." as they say in SEA.

Whether or not a market caves-in due to guy(s) overpaying, will always be pure subjective speculation and will never just be the ONLY reason a particular P4P market is so called, "ruined".

05-30-21, 03:30
I walked by a beggar, who walked right up to me and I brushed him off a bit arrogantly. And he said something like "se vaya a la playa, yo." Either that means he would kill me or hopefully he just said something bizarre about the beach LOL.

Cheers!I don't think he was talking about going to the beach or killing you. I suspect that he was talking about money, although playa is beach in Spanish, plata means money, so if it isn't that, then it's probably a saying or dicho. Maybe somebody knows what he was saying.

05-30-21, 03:53
Cool story bro. 50 yo talking like he's still in high school LOL.Seriously. "GAF".

05-30-21, 03:55
10 yrs is not a long time, can you imagine multiplying all puta prices in Colombia by 10, wowwwwww.

May as well just hit Los Angeles strip clubs.

Puta price inflation is a deadly cancer to this hobby.Ten years ago the USD to COP exchange rate was approximately 1,700 Pesos and now is around 3,700 Pesos to the USD.

I believe that 10 years ago the Putas were more expensive than today in Colombia.

Assuming a Puta cost 20 K ten years ago, that would of costed around $ 9 USD, and let's say a Puta costing 30 K today would be around $ 8 USD.

I think others can confirm my belief that Puta pricing really hasn't increased over the past ten years, at least in Colombia.

Mr Enternational
05-30-21, 04:13
I beg to differ, exchange rates do play a part. When working P4P Brasileiras are dealing with gringos / estrangeiros (of any nationality), they will often inflate / adjust their offers based on what the USD:BRL exchange rate is doing. I've often found they are very savvy to this knowledge.We have totally different experiences then. I most certainly knew no hooker or establishment with hookers that asked for less reais when the exchange rate fell from 3.89 BRL to 1 USD to 1.52 BRL to 1 USD. I think you give them too much credit. Those broads can not count. In Tijuana the exchange rate for Mexican Pesos to USD has doubled to 20 to 1, but if you ask for a price in pesos instead of USD, the chicks are still doing it as if it was still 10 to 1. And we are talking about hookers here. I have well educated friends in Brazil that have no idea what the Real is to the USD and they do not care because none of their bills are in foreign currency. To say a hooker is savvy about this and adjusts prices accordingly seems far-fetched. If the exchange fell and they moved prices down because of it, they could no longer pay their rent. I maintain that they are not concerned with exchange rate. Their only concern is what customers are willing to pay.

05-30-21, 05:27
So do you think that guys who could easily afford renting $ 1200 a night penthouses in Medellin, which I don't think there are many of, would also not go with 30 K hookers.I think that the guys actually renting the high end penthouses probably aren't partying with the Veracruz street girls. Same deal with the guys spending $600-$1000 a night at Gusto.

05-30-21, 06:13
I think comparing 3rd world putas to high end sports cars is a horrible analogy, you can resell the car.

You can't resell the puta after you popped, I see it more akin to a bottle of wine $20 vs $20000.


Sometimes you get what you pay for IE, Mercedes vs Hyundai.

Sometimes you don't.

With putas it doesn't apply, are there tiny variations in quality sure.

Not much.

I always want to be the top never the bottom.

Always the hunter never the prey.It's not my fault you're making generalizations.

Rich people are smart with money they don't flush it down the toilet on 3rd world putas, if they were that dumb they wouldn't be rich.

Most "mongers" that overpay, do so out of pathetic desperation.

Show me someone that overpays 3rd world putas and I will show you someone with very low self-worth / self-esteem.

A fool and his loot soon part.

Most "rich" people are very frugal, that's how they got rich and that's how they stay that way.Or, did someone else post that under your name?

Let's nip this in the bud. Most rich people didn't get rich by being frugal. Most rich people got rich by being born to rich parents. If they were frugal there wouldn't be a first class section on airlines, there wouldn't be $50-$100 k per night hotel rooms, there wouldn't be $100 k wristwatches, the list goes on and on.

If rich people were smart with their money explain Bernie Madoff. All you have to do is spend 2 hours in Parque Lleras and you'll understand that you don't know much about rich people. They're as likely as anyone to pay much more than necessary.

There's a guy who spends a lot of time in both Medellin and Thailand, nice guy, I've met him a few times. It's a running joke with several of the ex-pats that you don't want to get any of his girls when he's done with them, because they'll expect too much. You have to give them a few months to get connected back to the normal price structure.

There are guys buying putas houses, cars, jewelry and it's not the guys who are maxing out their credit cards to go on vacation.

As for the rest, either you were drunk when you wrote it, or you've never been with a working girl:

"With putas it doesn't apply, are there tiny variations in quality sure. Not much."

Tiny variations in quality? The variations in quality are much greater than the variations between a Mercedes and a Hyundai, much greater than the variations between a Trabant and a Rolls Royce, much greater than the variations between a rusted tricycle with bent wheels and a Bugatti Veyron.

There are hookers with open sores who haven't bathed in weeks and there are hookers who are spending $1,000 or more just to get ready for their customer. There are hookers with bodies that would have convinced Michelangelo to give up boys and hookers who would turn your stomach before they took their clothes off. There are hookers who you can't get away from quick enough and hookers who can convince you that you're the world's greatest lover.

Go to any casa in Medellin and you will find much more than a "tiny" variation in quality. Walk around the Veracruz stroll and you'll find an even greater variation in quality. Visit any of the strip clubs, from Taberna Victoria to La Isla and you'll see.

If you don't believe there's much variation in quality, you've never been the "hunter", or the "top."

05-30-21, 06:34
The lower the price the more she wants your milk, the higher the price the less she even wants to touch you.

Good luck having a good session whilst she is laying there with her eyes closed, high prices reflect a gag factor surcharge LOL.You expect me to believe that any of the girls in El Centro are only asking for 30 k from everyone because they really are desperate to have sex with everyone? Meanwhile the girls hanging all over the guys in Gusto, asking for $200 are disgusted by the guys there?

Does that translate to other areas as well? Do restaurants with $200 entrees just charge that much because they are disgusted by the customers? And the guys selling empanadas on the street love the customers?

Do you also believe gynecologists charge less for their more attractive patients?

Hookers don't "want your milk." They aren't spreading their legs and opening their mouths because they enjoy collecting sperm. It's a job. They do it for money. They don't show up at your door and suddenly lower or raise their rates because you look better or worse than they expected.

Not long ago you were complaining about people posting bad information and then you come out with this?

05-30-21, 06:56
We have totally different experiences then. I most certainly knew no hooker or establishment with hookers that asked for less reais when the exchange rate fell from 3.89 BRL to 1 USD to 1.52 BRL to 1 USD. I think you give them too much credit. Those broads can not count. In Tijuana the exchange rate for Mexican Pesos to USD has doubled to 20 to 1, but if you ask for a price in pesos instead of USD, the chicks are still doing it as if it was still 10 to 1. And we are talking about hookers here. I have well educated friends in Brazil that have no idea what the Real is to the USD and they do not care because none of their bills are in foreign currency. To say a hooker is savvy about this and adjusts prices accordingly seems far-fetched. If the exchange fell and they moved prices down because of it, they could no longer pay their rent. I maintain that they are not concerned with exchange rate. Their only concern is what customers are willing to pay.Leave exchange rates out of it and focus on one thing, Inflation.

What was the average price for a dozen eggs 10 years ago? What is it today? Has it stayed the same? Unlikely. It boggles my mind that mongers expect the price of pussy to never increase, when the price of everything else is going up.

Whether one segment of one market (the gringo segment of the pussy market) is outpacing inflation is possible, but there are other factors to consider. Are there more or less gringos buying pussy now? Are they a larger or smaller segment of the total market?

Mojo Bandit
05-30-21, 09:55
I am not on the ground but watching to see if Medellin gets as bad as Cali, People are saying it's not but that it's an isolated incident but that its that they're isolated to certain areas that you can stay away from. It's not like it's a war zone where you don't know where the artillery is going to land next. These people put these videos out today and they are on the ground in Medellin. The 1st one has some awesome footage of the protests and Laureles.



There is tons of footage of this in FB etc. I have heard that a couple of hours after protests it was business as usual on 70. Chairs out and music blaring from the bars etc.

A BM who is on ground is recommending taking this shit seriously and not to venture to Laureles. Conflicted as I have trip coming up next week.I just realized reading my post that I mistyped, I meant to say it is NOT an isolated incident but that it is isolated to the area that these protests are planed for as the people in these videos are saying, if you follow the notifications about when and where the protests are and stay away. I am just not sure where they post these notices of where and when the protests are going to be.

I do not know if the couple that make the "How to expat" are in Laureles and I agree if this shit is going down like this on La70 then a person staying in that area could get penned down in their apartment or hotel for the at least as long as the protest lasted. I think that one guy who made the video with that shows protest footage stays in EL Poblado, I think the protests in Poblado have been in the area of Exito / Calle 10/ Cr 43 a. I hear that the protests in Envigado are peaceful because the old hit crew that was the equivalent of Murder Inc (the real mafia hitman firm not the hip hop music label) that took over the cartels after Escobar went down, they put out the word that if there was any violence in Envigado they would be the ones to end it.

So depending on what type of mongering you do I think could effect your decision, for example if you did Facebook chicas or any chicas that come to you maybe get an apartment in the upper side of Poblado or out in Envigado if you can find something that allows visitors, I have read in the past that some guys prefer staying out in Envigado because it is walkable are and quiet.

05-30-21, 12:51
Follow this link.I have to admit I started this a couple of months ago and it works. I now have 42 connections (all chicas in Medellin and Cartagena). I am planning my trip for next year so should have over 100 by then. I also check their photos on google reverse image search, in a few cases I have found that the accounts are fake.

Thanks to JjBee62.

05-30-21, 15:47
I just realized reading my post that I mistyped, I meant to say it is NOT an isolated incident but that it is isolated to the area that these protests are planed for as the people in these videos are saying, if you follow the notifications about when and where the protests are and stay away. I am just not sure where they post these notices of where and when the protests are going to be.

I do not know if the couple that make the "How to expat" are in Laureles and I agree if this shit is going down like this on La70 then a person staying in that area could get penned down in their apartment or hotel for the at least as long as the protest lasted. I think that one guy who made the video with that shows protest footage stays in EL Poblado, I think the protests in Poblado have been in the area of Exito / Calle 10/ Cr 43 a. I hear that the protests in Envigado are peaceful because the old hit crew that was the equivalent of Murder Inc (the real mafia hitman firm not the hip hop music label) that took over the cartels after Escobar went down, they put out the word that if there was any violence in Envigado they would be the ones to end it.

So depending on what type of mongering you do I think could effect your decision, for example if you did Facebook chicas or any chicas that come to you maybe get an apartment in the upper side of Poblado or out in Envigado if you can find something that allows visitors, I have read in the past that some guys prefer staying out in Envigado because it is walkable are and quiet.Having been caught up in the riots the other day I have to disagree with everything you said and with the contents of those videos for a number of reasons and I have shared some of the shocking video footage and photos I took the other day with other BMs to back it up. By the way I'm typing this on mobile.

Laureles is considered to be safe area among tourists and expats as well as Poblado, with the protests you have no idea whether they will turn into all out war or not. With the protests in Laureles I know a number of guys who had no idea the protests were taking place. I heard there were protests but had no idea they would be in Laureles, as well as the fact that there was supposed to be the biggest protests of all time the week before which I don't think actually happened.

During the protests in Laureles I know BMs who stay in the hotels on La Setenta (I also think Osteknot does) and what happened was they set a bank on fire, fully ablaze inside which is next door to a popular hotel which I have video footage of. Now, for all of you saying well I guess it's ok if you just stay in your hote or apartmentl, I'd advise you rethink that when they start setting buildings and the infrastructure on fire which is exactly what happened.

The whole of the LE setanta became a war zone and what would happen if you had a flight out that day?

Now here is an interesting observation, while the bank and electricity boxes were on fire, people were just gathered directly outside taking pictures in front of the firefighters and next to the hotel. If that was in Europe everywhere within a 1 km radius would be evacuated and shutdown.

Now when these riots start up can anyone guarantee that the same thing won't happen again in Poblado where they start setting buildings on fire and all out anarchy takes place where you are in severe danger. No.

The fact of the matter is Medellin or Colombia is bubbling over right now and these people have upped the ante with no end in sight. During the recent riots I was actually walking home and walked into a full scale riot and got tear gassed. It was pretty scary with smoke and explosions everywhere.

Now you guys can watch youtube videos and listen to various Putas that are not usually the sharpest tools in the shed and are probably used to violence, in order to convince yourselves it's not that bad but when your hiding in your hotel room with buildings burning around you, premises getting ransacked and destroyed by an angry mob wondering if your building is going to be the next target I'm sure your opinion is going to be quite different.

Now before you all rush to PM for the footage I happy to share with 2 senior members such as Surfer, Mr Enternational or the Tall Man, dtc just PM your what's app but I can't sit here on mobile all day sending PMs to everyone. Take care out there.

Edit. Just a further observation for any of you that remember the riots in Tottenham London when they started settling buildings on fire in the same way and that situation quickly got out of control with people leaping from the top floors to get out. I'm not trying to scare anyone thinking of coming but I think it's time for a reality check..

05-30-21, 17:36
So what is your advice? Guys should not come here?

Having been caught up in the riots the other day I have to disagree with everything you said and with the contents of those videos for a number of reasons and I have shared some of the shocking video footage and photos I took the other day with other BMs to back it up. By the way I'm typing this on mobile.

Laureles is considered to be safe area among tourists and expats as well as Poblado, with the protests you have no idea whether they will turn into all out war or not. With the protests in Laureles I know a number of guys who had no idea the protests were taking place. I heard there were protests but had no idea they would be in Laureles, as well as the fact that there was supposed to be the biggest protests of all time the week before which I don't think actually happened.

During the protests in Laureles I know BMs who stay in the hotels on La Setenta (I also think Osteknot does) and what happened was they set a bank on fire, fully ablaze inside which is next door to a popular hotel which I have video footage of. Now, for all of you saying well I guess it's ok if you just stay in your hote or apartmentl, I'd advise you rethink that when they start setting buildings and the infrastructure on fire which is exactly what happened.

The whole of the LE setanta became a war zone and what would happen if you had a flight out that day?

Now here is an interesting observation, while the bank and electricity boxes were on fire, people were just gathered directly outside taking pictures in front of the firefighters and next to the hotel. If that was in Europe everywhere within a 1 km radius would be evacuated and shutdown..

05-30-21, 17:39
I find it very depressing what I have read about the protests, violence, and mayhem, especially in Laureles. I really like Laureles and would of never thought something like that would occur there. And am concerned that these protests in essence have been superspreader events as evidenced in the upward trend of COVID cases and am wondering know if there's going to be more weekend lockdowns.

Regardless, fuck all the madness going on in this Country, on Friday afternoon I left town and it was a hassle to get out of town with the Autopista all jacked up. Anyways I got to the Caribe station on the METRO and the North Bus Station and caught a collectivo to San Geronimo which is on the way to Santa Fe de Antioquia. When there's no traffic it usually only takes an hour to San Geronimo and another 1/2 hour to Santa Fe. I rented an apartment in San Geronimo, it's a small town with lots of Hostel's, hotels, and Fincas. At the main entrance to town there is an EXITO and where all transport stops in route headed north. In the town itself there is a central park, a Church, lots of small places to eat around the park, along with all kinds of stores. It's very kicked back, and the main mode of transport around town is by tuk-tuks just like in Asia.

On Saturday I caught a colectivo to Santa Fe to eat at my favorite restaraunt there named Casa Solariega. It's only open on Fridays and Saturday's and you have to have a reservation to eat there. The owner is from Belgium and the menu is all European, and they have a very large selection of beers from Europe and wines from all over the World. When you step into this place it's like being in Europe, you would never know your in Colombia. And if you like snail, rabbit, lamb, and European dishes like Bouillabaisse, Hungarian Goulash, and Lamb stews this is the place. There's no restaurant in Medellin like this and I highly recommend the place.

And just to stay on topic, there are a few girls working the streets in Santa Fe, yet I wasn't in a position to explore this as I always bring company with me when I head this direction. It's very relaxing having an apartment and nice large pools to play in.

Life is good!

05-30-21, 18:26
There is also strong evidence and video footage to suggest that the army are arming criminal elements to infiltrate protests in order to illegitimise thier cause, which will also make it easier for the government to crackdown harder.


05-30-21, 19:56
The price is controlled by supply and demand, pure and simple. If it makes a mongerer feel like he is controlling price individually by the deals he strikes, more power to him, but it's delusional, plain and simple. The price is a result of and not a cause of market forces in play. Personalizing it, and injecting ego into the formula is irrelevant. Price went up over time because of increased demand and pretending like you can control that by sticking to a certain price, will eventually eliminate you from the market. That is where the desperation comes from with these mongers who are functioning on the edge already. Their sense of inevitability that says no matter how much they complain, point fingers, blame others for their failures, it's going to happen. You are going to get priced out and good riddance, jejeje. Some of the beliefs systems here are laughable.Spot on. Especially when 50+ year olds start talking about alpha vs beta in the p4p market, hilarious stuff. I'll pay what I want for pussy and could careless if broke asses whine about it; call it gentrification, they can go find p4p in the barrios Jajajaja.

05-30-21, 20:17
It's not my fault you're making generalizations.

Or, did someone else post that under your name?

Let's nip this in the bud. Most rich people didn't get rich by being frugal. Most rich people got rich by being born to rich parents. If they were frugal there wouldn't be a first class section on airlines, there wouldn't be $50-$100 k per night hotel rooms, there wouldn't be $100 k wristwatches, the list goes on and on.

If rich people were smart with their money explain Bernie Madoff. All you have to do is spend 2 hours in Parque Lleras and you'll understand that you don't know much about rich people. They're as likely as anyone to pay much more than necessary.

There's a guy who spends a lot of time in both Medellin and Thailand, nice guy, I've met him a few times. It's a running joke with several of the ex-pats that you don't want to get any of his girls when he's done with them, because they'll expect too much. You have to give them a few months to get connected back to the normal price structure.

There are guys buying putas houses, cars, jewelry and it's not the guys who are maxing out their credit cards to go on vacation.Don't compare pussy to cars.

You can't compare a blowjob to a Mercedes.


You like to point to outliers, I've never seen a hooker with sores so I don't know where you monger, a puta spending $1000 to get ready for a john jajajajajajajajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

What in a movie called pretty woman.

For every fool sitting in 1st class with money there are 100 in coach.

BTW even airlines are ditching 1st class, not enough chumps (or expense accts that will pay for it).

Outliers are just that, I'm not going to post something and then argue with you for 2 hrs.

If you want to meet me, bring 10000 usd and I will and we will find a 3rd party to hold it.

I will prove what I do to you, or you get the loot.

Or I will gladly take it.

If you want to continually argue I will just use the ignore button.

So you can argue with someone else.

Here's a tip.

Think before you type and type slower maybe cut back on the caffeine.

05-30-21, 20:24
Alright finally got a subscription, if anyone's going to be there June 12-19 let me know, I'm looking to hit up the Mansion and other spots as well.

05-30-21, 20:58
You expect me to believe that any of the girls in El Centro are only asking for 30 k from everyone because they really are desperate to have sex with everyone? Meanwhile the girls hanging all over the guys in Gusto, asking for $200 are disgusted by the guys there?

Does that translate to other areas as well? Do restaurants with $200 entrees just charge that much because they are disgusted by the customers? And the guys selling empanadas on the street love the customers?

Do you also believe gynecologists charge less for their more attractive patients?

Hookers don't "want your milk." They aren't spreading their legs and opening their mouths because they enjoy collecting sperm. It's a job. They do it for money. They don't show up at your door and suddenly lower or raise their rates because you look better or worse than they expected.

Not long ago you were complaining about people posting bad information and then you come out with this?Do you want to repeat you don't think a puta in any city in the world will quote a guy that's a 10 the same as a 1, or a -10?

Do you realize how silly you look?

Here is my final reply to you, I'm not going to spend hours arguing with you because you have nothing better to do, like you do with Elvis.



If you are trying to get me to boast then I will, I do better than most, if that bothers you, take it up with your DNA providers, not me.

Your lame attempts at sophistry, and social inversion are unimpressive, I sure hope you aren't an atty.

Here are 2 NPR stories, go ahead and try to say this doesn't apply to putas, if anything its even much more pronounced in the puta market.

05-30-21, 22:43
You expect me to believe that any of the girls in El Centro are only asking for 30 k from everyone because they really are desperate to have sex with everyone? Meanwhile the girls hanging all over the guys in Gusto, asking for $200 are disgusted by the guys there?

Does that translate to other areas as well? Do restaurants with $200 entrees just charge that much because they are disgusted by the customers? And the guys selling empanadas on the street love the customers?

Do you also believe gynecologists charge less for their more attractive patients?

Hookers don't "want your milk." They aren't spreading their legs and opening their mouths because they enjoy collecting sperm. It's a job. They do it for money. They don't show up at your door and suddenly lower or raise their rates because you look better or worse than they expected.

Not long ago you were complaining about people posting bad information and then you come out with this?Most chicas on the planet will do anything with anyone with enough bribery.

Now for an example try to pull it off with one of them for $5, how many chicos can do it?

The truth is the truth whether you like it or not.


05-30-21, 22:55
There is also strong evidence and video footage to suggest that the army are arming criminal elements to infiltrate protests in order to illegitimise thier cause, which will also make it easier for the government to crackdown harder.

https://youtu.be/WB2isJA1JdUActually, it will make it harder for the Government to crackdown. Colombia, with what's been happening now, is bringing back memories of the Pablo Escobar days, not something they would like the world to be reminded of.

And I can tell you that there are many Colombians in Medellin who are ashamed of of their City's past history, which was once the murder capital of the world.

05-31-21, 00:18
So what is your advice? Guys should not come here?Honestly I don't feel that it's my call to make but it's clearly evident that ithere major civil unrest here which has been escalating with the potential for it to escalate even further. Coupled with the fact that most embassies are advising against travelling to Colombia and therefore if things go south you're unlikely to get assistance, is that a situation you want to put yourself in? If it was a friend asking me I would advise against it.

One more thing, on the same day as the riots around midday I heard someone screaming, I thought it was just another local looney. The screaming got louder and I heard breaking glass and more commotion. I decided to look out of my balcony and there was a crowd chasing 2, guys on a motorbike, with the guy on the back pointing a pistol at the crowd. Then I saw a girl also running while crying and picking up some belongings off the ground.

A couple of weeks coming back from dinner with Happy shiva I heard another commotion just off la Setenta on 44 a. A car started speeding up the street with yet again a crowd chasing it while there was a girl hanging on to the side of the car getting dragged all the way up the street. It was like something out of a movie.

Welcome to the mad House.

05-31-21, 00:30
Do you want to repeat you don't think a puta in any city in the world will quote a guy that's a 10 the same as a 1, or a -10?

Do you realize how silly you look?

Here is my final reply to you, I'm not going to spend hours arguing with you because you have nothing better to do, like you do with Elvis.



If you are trying to get me to boast then I will, I do better than most, if that bothers you, take it up with your DNA providers, not me.

Your lame attempts at sophistry, and social inversion are unimpressive, I sure hope you aren't an atty.

Here are 2 NPR stories, go ahead and try to say this doesn't apply to putas, if anything its even much more pronounced in the puta market.I thought you didn't like outliers? Now you're basing your claims on finding one hooker, one place in the world, who varies her rates?

Why is it that whenever I set up another monger with a girl in Medellin she sets her rate before knowing anything about the guy? Why is it that the casas and strip clubs have an established rate? Why do photoprepagos why mileroticos girls quote prices over WhatsApp? Why is it that one girl, charged the same price for 5 different guys over a period of several weeks, guys ranging from under 30 to over 60, from fit to fat?

What's this silliness about doing better than most? They're prostitutes. They sell sex for money. There's no better or worse. You pay, you get laid. As long as you bathe regularly and know how to use a toothbrush, you'll have no difficulty, regardless of what you look like. They don't base whether or not they're taking customers on how attractive they think the guy is. They base it on how much they need the money.

If you had ever been to a mongering destination you would know this. I've hung out with guys in Medellin who are still in their 20's and guys in their 70's. I've met up with guys who could barely climb a flight of stairs and guys who run marathons. I've seen guys who looked like models, and guys with faces even their mother has a tough time loving. They're all getting laid and mostly they're all paying about the same.

There's a simple way to solve this. I'll be in Medellin June 16-25. Just show up and hit me up. I'll call up a girl to meet you. You can prove that she'll charge you much less than her normal price.

05-31-21, 00:48
Spot on. Especially when 50+ year olds start talking about alpha vs beta in the p4p market, hilarious stuff. I'll pay what I want for pussy and could careless if broke asses whine about it; call it gentrification, they can go find p4p in the barrios Jajajaja.They all are from the barrios. Though some have been in the game long enough to get some risky surgery and a fake Gucci purse to tote. I've seen it time and again, girls start out in Centro strip clubs then graduate to Fase Dos. Or start in a Centro casa then go to Energy then Lutron, Facebook or Cartegena, and almost invariably looked better when they were new to game, natural, and charging a small fraction of the price they later came to expect. But in the process of paying more you get a bit better "ambience" though it all looks and smells about the same when the lights go on at the end of the night. And you can feel like a bigshot, Money Mayweather make it rain and what not, call others broke, but that's typically just as fake as the girls you are paying too much for. That said, enjoy. It's your fantasy. Jajajaja.

05-31-21, 01:26
They all are from the barrios. Though some have been in the game long enough to get some risky surgery and a fake Gucci purse to tote. I've seen it time and again, girls start out in Centro strip clubs then graduate to Fase Dos. Or start in a Centro casa then go to Energy then Lutron, Facebook or Cartegena, and almost invariably looked better when they were new to game, natural, and charging a small fraction of the price they later came to expect. But in the process of paying more you get a bit better "ambience" though it all looks and smells about the same when the lights go on at the end of the night. And you can feel like a bigshot, Money Mayweather make it rain and what not, call others broke, but that's typically just as fake as the girls you are paying too much for. That said, enjoy. It's your fantasy. Jajajaja.Yup, I prefer the fake look and the ambience at gusto / la isla over el centro. We have different tastes and budgets, spending 30 k vs 300 k doesn't make or break me. If I lived there, it would likely be different.

Ive never been to el centro, but based on the YouTube videos, the chicas are definitely not my type

Mojo Bandit
05-31-21, 02:46
Having been caught up in the riots the other day I have to disagree with everything you said and with the contents of those videos for a number of reasons

I know a number of guys who had no idea the protests were taking place. I heard there were protests but had no idea they would be in Laureles, as well as the fact that there was supposed to be the biggest protests of all time the week before which I don't think actually happened.

The whole of the LE setanta became a war zone and what would happen if you had a flight out that day?

Now when these riots start up can anyone guarantee that the same thing won't happen again in Poblado where they start setting buildings on fire and all out anarchy takes place where you are in severe danger. No.

The fact of the matter is Medellin or Colombia is bubbling over right now and these people have upped the ante with no end in sight. During the recent riots I was actually walking home and walked into a full scale riot and got tear gassed. It was pretty scary with smoke and explosions everywhere.

. Just a further observation for any of you that remember the riots in Tottenham London when they started settling buildings on fire in the same way and that situation quickly got out of control with people leaping from the top floors to get out. I'm not trying to scare anyone thinking of coming but I think it's time for a reality check..Thank you very much for this report, this is invaluable information, this is by far more information than I have seen anywhere else, The fact that you say people did not know these riots were going to take place is very important because it means there is no guarantee of avoiding it, I said in my post that Envigado looked like the wisest choice of places to stay right now, but then since there are only essentially two roads to get to the airport, if they shut them off that could be a disaster for anyone looking to get out. I have not heard anything about Cartagena but if I were looking to take a trip I personally would definitely avoid Medellin now and I would be looking hard at Cartagena to see what was happening there.

05-31-21, 03:00
It's true demonstrations and riots can pop off at any time at any place. It's also true the daily newspaper publishes a schedule so we can avoid them. Crimes and accidents of course are even more unpredicatable. If it's going to be a scary time it's best to go somewhere with a less frightening reputation. Today I sheltered in place because of a thunderstorm.

Thank you very much for this report, this is invaluable information, this is by far more information than I have seen anywhere else, The fact that you say people did not know these riots were going to take place is very important because it means there is no guarantee of avoiding it, I said in my post that Envigado looked like the wisest choice of places to stay right now, but then since there are only essentially two roads to get to the airport, if they shut them off that could be a disaster for anyone looking to get out. I have not heard anything about Cartagena but if I were looking to take a trip I personally would definitely avoid Medellin now and I would be looking hard at Cartagena to see what was happening there.

Gringo Trooper
05-31-21, 06:51
I was entering my hotel in Medellin after curfew tonight, and I couldn't help but overhear an American whining to the front desk about getting robbed.

The lobby was empty, but I just loitered so I could hear what happened. From the sound of his voice he was from New York or Jersey and looked like he was in his late 20's or early 30's.

He said "they took my Rolex watch and they even took my Gucci bag."

Then he went on to tell the receptionist that he got drugged. He also said he doesn't do drugs nor drink, so he was saying something about how he didn't know how a girl or girls drugged him.

He was fully alert and talking normally so he must have gotten robbed, not tonight, but on a prior day during his trip here.

I'm not sure why he thought it was okay to bring a Rolex and expensive items down here, but whatever, he hopefully learned his lesson.

I've been here for several days and have seen zero protests. But I did go on a coffee date with a girl (non-pro) that goes to the protests in El Centro obviously to protest.

She said the protesters have something called "line 1" which are the protesters who may or may not be criminals and don't give a crap about raising some hell. She stays in the back area, but it's still dangerous.

If you want to avoid the protests, just don't go to the areas where protests typically occur.


05-31-21, 07:09
Yup, I prefer the fake look and the ambience at gusto / la isla over el centro. We have different tastes and budgets, spending 30 k vs 300 k doesn't make or break me. If I lived there, it would likely be different.

Ive never been to el centro, but based on the YouTube videos, the chicas are definitely not my typeBefore I made to el centro Medellin a while ago I thought I knew it all by watching few vids. I did same for sosua, Costa Rica, etc. Boy was I wrong. Taking a shot and visiting el centro was the best part of my vacation. Don't get me wrong, I love face dos, I really enjoyed gusto and la isla, being all dressed up in ac, good music, drinks, have pretty ladies dancing on you, it's a dream come true. The fun in centro became addictive in a way, and I mean there were girls that were just as pretty and even more natural. The videos you watch only show like 5% of what really goes on, barely. If you walk around in the right spot you can truly discover some gems. I went nuts. And for 30 k pesos. Are you fuckng serious? When I told some Poblado / parque Lleras dudes about that place they didn't believe me till I showed some of the girls pic, then many of them went next day. My friends back home still cannot believe I can find dimes to fck for $10 usd, I found same in several local casas in Costa Rica and I though I found heaven. In one of them I banged an 8, all natural for like $5 usd, yes recently.

It's really nothing to argue about, facts are facts. You're either winning, losing, or think you're winning. Don't let your arrogance or silly perception keep you from living and experiencing things. Maybe is a fear of the streets, cowardice, laziness? Whatever it is it's pointless to argue about it. In a way, the fewer want to bes that stay away from the streets the fewer competition the alphas and the braves will have. Also it doesn't have to be one or the other. Why not all 10 options? I hunt these hoes in 10 different ways from fb, gusto type clubs, tinder, centro, casas, twitter, cupid sites, sa, heck I even fuckd few maids, waitresses and street vendor nonpros. Bangd moms and daughters, sisters, cousins, heck I've met some girls attempted to rob me and scam me, I still found a way to bang them cause they were pretty LOL. Two girls posted fake pics, lied, we argued and fought till cops almost called, then I made a deal. Lets just fuck and here's cash LOL. They tried to play me so I played them first as I'm always prepared. Doesn't matter how you do it just don't be closed minded thinking you know it all.

Viva El Centro!!

05-31-21, 10:31

I am organizing a trip there and I would like to find a girl to be with me for a week, what would be a good price for 7 days?

I'm looking for a normal girl, not a model, type GFE.


05-31-21, 14:05
Honestly I don't feel that it's my call to make but it's clearly evident that ithere major civil unrest here which has been escalating with the potential for it to escalate even further. Coupled with the fact that most embassies are advising against travelling to Colombia and therefore if things go south you're unlikely to get assistance, is that a situation you want to put yourself in? If it was a friend asking me I would advise against it..It's amazing to think that up until just a few months ago, COVID was the big concern with many in deciding whether or not to come to Medellin, and know it's civil unrest, yet COVID is raging thanks in good part to the protests. So for guys trying to decide whether to come down, this is something that should be considered as well. And I am saying this in terms if they start the weekend lockdowns again. I suppose will know what next weekend looks like maybe today or tomorrow. The next two weekends have National holidays associated with them on Monday's, so two three day weekends in a row. For me, getting locked down won't work, so I might fly out somewhere, or leave.

As far as what you have personally witnessed, I would not want to be caught up and saw what you've seen. The only thing I have witnessed personally are peaceful protesters walking down Avenida Las Vegas, and the Autopista either looking like a parking lot or totally deserted with no cars in one direction. I can see people here who do not follow the news, and not being aware of what's going on and being oblivious to it all, or perhaps they just have the attitude of fukitol.

I know this civil unrest issue has been simmering a long long time, but the timing / announcent of a very unfair tax scheme by Duque was like dropping a turd in a punchbowl, and the catalyst of the madness. I can't imagine what you witnessed happening in Laureles, but it did, and that means it could happen in a barrio like Provenza in Poblado. So is it really safe anywhere in town?

Anyways, you personally would advise a friend not to come to Medellin now, and I advised a friend of mine not to come down as well, but more in terms of potential weekend lockdowns versus the civil unrest which I think can be avoided if your very careful, but unfortunately besides that, there's the increased danger factor of being mugged and robbed / stabbed that has been occurring as well. So most definitely for a rookie mongerer, a first timer to Medellin, and / or a non Spanish speaker, stay away for while until things simmer down both in terms of the civil unrest and COVID.

05-31-21, 14:31
Thank you very much for this report, this is invaluable information, this is by far more information than I have seen anywhere else, The fact that you say people did not know these riots were going to take place is very important because it means there is no guarantee of avoiding it, I said in my post that Envigado looked like the wisest choice of places to stay right now, but then since there are only essentially two roads to get to the airport, if they shut them off that could be a disaster for anyone looking to get out. I have not heard anything about Cartagena but if I were looking to take a trip I personally would definitely avoid Medellin now and I would be looking hard at Cartagena to see what was happening there.It's difficult right now to give advice to others as to what City to visit in Colombia in the weeks to come. For some like myself, and I've been to Cartagena a few times, and it's a beautiful City, but doesn't fit how I roll, yet for others works well.

As far as the roads to and from the Airport being closed, as I recall the tunnel was shutdown earlier for a while at the onset of the protests but was opend a few weeks ago. The thought of access to the airport being blocked and shutting it down is most definitely a scary thought, but I suspect highly unlikely with Medellin being the second largest City in the Country so the Government would never allow this to happen, yet the ouftall of keeping access to the airport open could be very ugly, perhaps like something out of a war zone in the Middle East.

Up until a week ago, it seemed as though the civil unrest was simmering down, at least in Medellin, yet the madness continues.

COVID is one thing, yet the civil unrest adds a whole new dimension to things.

I have been saying "Fuckitall" a lot lately.

05-31-21, 14:42
Yup, I prefer the fake look and the ambience at gusto / la isla over el centro. We have different tastes and budgets, spending 30 k vs 300 k doesn't make or break me. If I lived there, it would likely be different.

Ive never been to el centro, but based on the YouTube videos, the chicas are definitely not my typeMaybe for shit and giggles you should visit El Centro. Just look around, you might be surprised by some of the women you see, or like many others be repulsed by what you see, and I'm speaking in terms of besides the women who work there.

Lots of guys have tried to pull the trigger there, but haven't been able to, and it's not a negative reflection on them, it's just how they roll.

Regardless, you should make a visit to the area at least once and check out Botero's sculptures and the Museum.

And who knows, you might even get lucky.

05-31-21, 16:18
I need some help. I was Covid positive a month ago and had mild symptoms. My understanding is that I would continue to show positive for weeks or months so obtaining a negative test prior to my next trip might be difficult or impossible. I have available a letter or recovery from a health administrator/epidemiologist and with that I guess a scientific expectation that I am not contagious nor susceptible. That's sufficient for travel within the US where a Covid diagnosis might be required.

I am able and capable of getting the vaccine as the CDC believes the vaccine is safe 14 after Covid symptoms subside. But having proof of vaccination would not matter per se if a negative test is required with that. I'm not even sure Colombia is requiring a vaccination, just thinking out loud as I type this.

I wish proof of recent recovery would be enough because there are questions emerging about effect amplification from the vaccine in post Covid patients. It's not clear if having a significant amount of antibodies with the vaccine causes the body to overreact or the Covid remnants to embed in tissue, whatever that result might be.

So anyway. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I've called the Consulate many times and cannot get a real person to answer the phone.

05-31-21, 16:28
A doctor's note that says you recovered during the past 90 days gets you in if I'm not mistaken. Confirm with your airline and migracion. Gov. Co.

I need some help. I was Covid positive a month ago and had mild symptoms. My understanding is that I would continue to show positive for weeks or months so obtaining a negative test prior to my next trip might be difficult or impossible. I have available a letter or recovery from a health administrator/epidemiologist and with that I guess a scientific expectation that I am not contagious nor susceptible. That's sufficient for travel within the US where a Covid diagnosis might be required.

I am able and capable of getting the vaccine as the CDC believes the vaccine is safe 14 after Covid symptoms subside. But having proof of vaccination would not matter per se if a negative test is required with that. I'm not even sure Colombia is requiring a vaccination, just thinking out loud as I type this.

I wish proof of recent recovery would be enough because there are questions emerging about effect amplification from the vaccine in post Covid patients. It's not clear if having a significant amount of antibodies with the vaccine causes the body to overreact or the Covid remnants to embed in tissue, whatever that result might be.

So anyway. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I've called the Consulate many times and cannot get a real person to answer the phone.

05-31-21, 16:57

Originally Posted by LatinaLover#1.

It's obvious old Joe can't put a cognitive thought together on his own. Do really think he is coming up with these dozens of EX orders on his own. The progressive left is setting his agenda on a daily basis. If you a free thinking, read between the lines, level headed individual and not a brain dead drone who holds the last liberal statements on social media as fact, you would be able to figure it out. Unfortunately, you and the left always resort to name calling and insults and not able to hold a fair and intellectual conversation and entertain an type of respectful debate, so for that reason I see you will never allow any discussion contrary to your thought process. So for that reason you are now on ignore.

Again another right wing post overlooked by the admin.

Again another right wing post overlooked by the admin.Surprisingly, you didn't call him racist homophone fascist?

Mr Enternational
05-31-21, 16:59
So anyway. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I've called the Consulate many times and cannot get a real person to answer the phone.The rule is simple, clear, and concise. Negative PCR test taken within 96 hours required for entry.

Who would read your letter anyway? The ladies at immigration that check the document do not speak English (assuming your letter is in English). They know to look for 4 things. Name, Date, PCR, Negative.

05-31-21, 17:04
I need some help. I was Covid positive a month ago and had mild symptoms. My understanding is that I would continue to show positive for weeks or months so obtaining a negative test prior to my next trip might be difficult or impossible. I have available a letter or recovery from a health administrator/epidemiologist and with that I guess a scientific expectation that I am not contagious nor susceptible. That's sufficient for travel within the US where a Covid diagnosis might be required.

I am able and capable of getting the vaccine as the CDC believes the vaccine is safe 14 after Covid symptoms subside. But having proof of vaccination would not matter per se if a negative test is required with that. I'm not even sure Colombia is requiring a vaccination, just thinking out loud as I type this.

I wish proof of recent recovery would be enough because there are questions emerging about effect amplification from the vaccine in post Covid patients. It's not clear if having a significant amount of antibodies with the vaccine causes the body to overreact or the Covid remnants to embed in tissue, whatever that result might be.

So anyway. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I've called the Consulate many times and cannot get a real person to answer the phone.https://www.colombia.travel/es/informacion-practica/salud-y-vacunas

Painfully hilarious! "Currently, there are no vaccinations required to enter the country."

No vaccine what so ever required, actually they have never heard of COVID 19.

I got this link from their embassy's website.

05-31-21, 17:12

The rule is simple, clear, and concise. Negative PCR test taken within 96 hours required for entry.
Who would read your letter anyway? The people at immigration that check the document do not speak English. They know to look for 4 things. Name, Date, PCR, Negative.So easy to find perfect answers in 30 seconds or less. But some most come to ISG self made experts & gurus for answers.

Colombia. Level 4: Do Not Travel.


05-31-21, 17:26

05-31-21, 18:30
We have different tastes and budgets, spending 30 k vs 300 k doesn't make or break me.Just for the record you have no clue what my budget is. Aside from the pandemic I'm in Nice, France every fall. That requires a budget, both for lodging and food and for the Russians and Ukrainians working out of apartments. BTW anyone interested in the scene there can PM me. I just see no reason to pay five to ten times as much for the same Medellin barrio girls in clip joints like La Isla and Gusto. You find girls just as hot in the Centro casas and strip clubs. I don't do the street scene. But if this viewpoint offends you then that's okay, as it may prove useful to others that come here to read.

05-31-21, 19:10
It's difficult right now to give advice to others as to what City to visit in Colombia in the weeks to come. For some like myself, and I've been to Cartagena a few times, and it's a beautiful City, but doesn't fit how I roll, yet for others works well.

As far as the roads to and from the Airport being closed, as I recall the tunnel was shutdown earlier for a while at the onset of the protests but was opend a few weeks ago. The thought of access to the airport being blocked and shutting it down is most definitely a scary thought, but I suspect highly unlikely with Medellin being the second largest City in the Country so the Government would never allow this to happen, yet the ouftall of keeping access to the airport open could be very ugly, perhaps like something out of a war zone in the Middle East.

Up until a week ago, it seemed as though the civil unrest was simmering down, at least in Medellin, yet the madness continues.

COVID is one thing, yet the civil unrest adds a whole new dimension to things.

I have been saying "Fuckitall" a lot lately.I was chatting with my old roommate last night, asking questions for my upcoming trip. She no longer lives in Colombia, but her family is still in Bogota and she still has friends in Medellin. Her advice to me was avoid the main cities because of the potential to be caught up in the violence.

I'm spending some time playing tourist this time, flying in and out of Bogota and driving to Medellin with some stops for scenic detours. I'll probably stay in Envigado or San Antonio de Prado to keep myself out of the excitement.

05-31-21, 19:30
A doctor's note that says you recovered during the past 90 days gets you in if I'm not mistaken. Confirm with your airline and migracion. Gov. Co.Good advice as always, the airlines will be on top of this for sure as to what is required, and with so many people being infected and recovered, there has to be a mechanism in place, just like in the USA with a Doctors note.

Mr Enternational
05-31-21, 20:08
https://www.facebook.com/2578168602223602/videos/749184142423557/That shit is too damn rampant. A lawyer friend in Barranquilla hit me up this morning saying she got her number back. I said what the hell are you talking about. She said she was coming back from doing a divorce in Santa Marta last week and some guys robbed her at gunpoint. Took her keys and purse. My number was in her office and she was able to transfer her old number to a new SIM. Be careful out there.

En Santa Marta la semana pasada fui a hacer un divorcio. Y cuando regresaba me salieron unos tipos con arma me quitaron las llaves mi bolso... Pues le entregue todo. Más vale mi vida. Hasta ahora recupere este cel. Y su numero fui a la empresa

05-31-21, 20:36
Maybe for shit and giggles you should visit El Centro. Just look around, you might be surprised by some of the women you see, or like many others be repulsed by what you see, and I'm speaking in terms of besides the women who work there.

Lots of guys have tried to pull the trigger there, but haven't been able to, and it's not a negative reflection on them, it's just how they roll.

Regardless, you should make a visit to the area at least once and check out Botero's sculptures and the Museum.

And who knows, you might even get lucky.You are right. Can't knock it til I try it. I normally stick with the clubs as that's what I'm used to (FKK sauna clubs). I've done photoprepagos for 50 k and 50 k for a chick from the clock tower in cartagena.

05-31-21, 20:39
Before I made to el centro Medellin a while ago I thought I knew it all by watching few vids. I did same for sosua, Costa Rica, etc. Boy was I wrong. Taking a shot and visiting el centro was the best part of my vacation. Don't get me wrong, I love face dos, I really enjoyed gusto and la isla, being all dressed up in ac, good music, drinks, have pretty ladies dancing on you, it's a dream come true. The fun in centro became addictive in a way, and I mean there were girls that were just as pretty and even more natural. The videos you watch only show like 5% of what really goes on, barely. If you walk around in the right spot you can truly discover some gems. I went nuts. And for 30 k pesos. Are you fuckng serious? When I told some Poblado / parque Lleras dudes about that place they didn't believe me till I showed some of the girls pic, then many of them went next day. My friends back home still cannot believe I can find dimes to fck for $10 usd, I found same in several local casas in Costa Rica and I though I found heaven. In one of them I banged an 8, all natural for like $5 usd, yes recently.

Viva El Centro!!Thanks for the tip, you're right I'm basing the quality of the el centro chicas solely off several YouTube videos. Whereas gustos and la isla are filled with 8's, would you say the ratio of 8's+ in el centro is on par with those clubs?

Fun Luvr
05-31-21, 21:05
I need some help. I was Covid positive a month ago and had mild symptoms. My understanding is that I would continue to show positive for weeks or months so obtaining a negative test prior to my next trip might be difficult or impossible. I have available a letter or recovery from a health administrator/epidemiologist and with that I guess a scientific expectation that I am not contagious nor susceptible. That's sufficient for travel within the US where a Covid diagnosis might be required. ...You can enter the US with that letter and a positive test (both within the last 90 days), but I don't think that will do you any good trying to enter Colombia. I think you have to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival.

As for getting the vaccine after you have had Covid, many doctors advise against that. They say the antibodies your body produces are more powerful than the vaccine.

05-31-21, 21:47
As for getting the vaccine after you have had Covid, many doctors advise against that. They say the antibodies your body produces are more powerful than the vaccine.What "doctors?" Rand Paul and who else? The overwhelming consensus is that those who have previously had Covid should get vaccinated but will be fine with a single dose.



P.S. Buyer beware when accepting unsourced medical opinions in a monger forum.

Mojo Bandit
05-31-21, 22:46
https://www.facebook.com/2578168602223602/videos/749184142423557/Was this one of the Facebook group feeds? I think that store guy actually had a little bit of luck on his side, it looks like he missed with his first shot as the guy turned around and how the robber missed with his first two shots at near point blank range, we will never know. For sure this could have gone either way.

05-31-21, 23:07
La 80 was shut down earlier this afternoon because of a scheduled demonstration. I haven't heard about violence or vandalism. There is a growing public call for an end to blockades and violent protests. It has about run its course. Check your embassy web sites. It's not always the most up to date information but they are rarely inaccurate. I was happy the rain let up early today.

It's difficult right now to give advice to others as to what City to visit in Colombia in the weeks to come. For some like myself, and I've been to Cartagena a few times, and it's a beautiful City, but doesn't fit how I roll, yet for others works well.

As far as the roads to and from the Airport being closed, as I recall the tunnel was shutdown earlier for a while at the onset of the protests but was opend a few weeks ago. The thought of access to the airport being blocked and shutting it down is most definitely a scary thought, but I suspect highly unlikely with Medellin being the second largest City in the Country so the Government would never allow this to happen, yet the ouftall of keeping access to the airport open could be very ugly, perhaps like something out of a war zone in the Middle East.

Up until a week ago, it seemed as though the civil unrest was simmering down, at least in Medellin, yet the madness continues.

COVID is one thing, yet the civil unrest adds a whole new dimension to things.

I have been saying "Fuckitall" a lot lately.

05-31-21, 23:13
Was this one of the Facebook group feeds? I think that store guy actually had a little bit of luck on his side, it looks like he missed with his first shot as the guy turned around and how the robber missed with his first two shots at near point blank range, we will never know. For sure this could have gone either way.And everyone take note of the MO. Guy on bike approaches guy on sidewalk first, seemingly asking for directions while partner with gun trails behind on foot, both in helmets naturally.

Travel Advisory 4 = stay away, good advice at this point IMO.

05-31-21, 23:28
Was this one of the Facebook group feeds? I think that store guy actually had a little bit of luck on his side, it looks like he missed with his first shot as the guy turned around and how the robber missed with his first two shots at near point blank range, we will never know. For sure this could have gone either way.If you watch carefully the store clerk looks to touch the thief on the back with his hand thus alerting him, and before any shots were fired.

05-31-21, 23:41
I've been in Mexico for 2 months and will be booking my cheap return flight, soon. I'm reading all the reports of violence, and expect to be on high-alert when out. Thankfully, if there is a lockdown, or severe civil unrest, I will have a penthouse that is built to be enjoyed. I literally would not need to leave. As long as Rappi is functioning, I can hunker down in comfort, and probably invite some friends over for a day or two at a time.

Anyway, Mexico was ok. Puerto Vallarta was much better than Playa del Carmen, as far as expenses, weather, and gringos. I can't wait to get back to Medellin. I was looking at maybe going to CDMX or elsewhere, and continuing to search for apartments in MDE. However, I found the perfect spot, and I'm sick of this heat. It has been really refreshing to not have any restrictions, and only wear a mask for the first two steps into an establishment. I had some great times going out but it can get pricey popping bottles at the high-end places in these tourist spots. Only had a couple 3sums (PV & GDL), but one was a freebie that was fairly memorable. I'm itching to get back to Medellin to return to my jacuzzi party threesome ways! I have used 90 days, thus far, and plan to get a student visa in a couple of months, so I can stay beyond 180 days. Hopefully nothing happens to affect that process, because I am paying up front for my 6.5 month rental that will put me up to right before Christmas.

Anyhow, I'm considering, for the first time, buying a burner phone. I have been lucky enough to never face the headaches that come with getting a phone stolen, or losing it, but I can't even imagine if that were to happen. I don't pay too much attention to the backups, storage, etc. , but I do have to have access to my phone at nearly all times for work purposes. So, I will RTFF, but with all the COVID & politics, who knows how the search will go, and maybe there is updated info available that hasn't been posted.


I have an iphone with T-Mobile e-SIM from the US & a Colombian physical SIM.


1) Which type of burner phone?

2) Is it possible to run the same WhatsApp number on multiple phones?

3) Should I just transfer my Colombian SIM back and forth between the two phones or get a second SIM?

I know all of this information is probably readily available on Google, but I'd rather get a concise response provided by some one that has been in my position or understands it.

06-01-21, 00:14
2) Is it possible to run the same WhatsApp number on multiple phones?
I have it on one phone and one laptop at the same time but I don't know if you can use it on two phones at the same time. I already lost my number so I can't try it. It should be easy enough for you to find out.

Mr Enternational
06-01-21, 00:18
2) Is it possible to run the same WhatsApp number on multiple phones?Whatsapp has to be signed up with the number, but after that it is on the phone. You can not use the same number for multiple phones, but you can use 2 numbers in the same phone if you have a phone with dual messenger capabilities. Once you add the number to a new phone, it deactivates in the previous phone.

06-01-21, 01:00
Well since not being at ground zero since last Wednesday, I decided to make a visit and deposit a load!

I left San Geronimo in the morning and arrived at the Northern Bus Terminal around noon, hopped in a cab to Poblado. Upon entering the on-ramp to the Autopista, it was like a parking lot and the driver said it wasn't good with the protesting wherever the fuck it was so he had to back up off the on ramp and I had him take me to the METRO to travel to Poblado. Finally got home, unpacked, made some calls and left at 3:30 PM for ground zero on the METRO. I got off at the Parque Berrio station and while walking down the stairs at ground level I saw three pretty girls, two of which were chatting, and another one talking with a guy. I walked a bit and turned around to watch them and suspected they were working but didn't want to butt in to their conversations. Anyways, I headed to the Veracruz Church and started making laps around the backide of the Church, the side of the Museum and back to the Church. Lots of girls out all over the place with a sprinkling of some very pretty ones, along with all the dumpy ones. It was impressive as to how many girls were out walking around and working, I think about as good as it gets for a Monday afternoon. While walking along side the Museum to the backstreet behind the Church there was a taller older woman, around thirty that I chatted with. She stuck out wearing a white dress and I had never seen her before so I stopped to chat with her. She said she had only been in Medellin for two weeks and was a bit aggressive, and I was interested, as I like thin taller girls most of the time but just couldn't pull the trigger at that moment. So out of curiosity I asked her how much and she said 30 K and I told her no thanks I was going to walk around some more and then she said how much was I willing to pay her. I told her what she quoted was okay, but that I just wasn't ready. She smiled at my response and was very polite about it all when I left. I went around the corner and thought, maybe I should of pulled her, and if it wasn't a good session, what the fuck, pay her and go pull another one. What struck me about her was how she didn't get pissed off about not being pulled and how polite she was. So after leaving and about ten minutes later I decided to pull her, and of course she was nowhere to be found. Oh well, that's how it goes a lot of times in El Centro.

So after not finding her I resumed taking my laps and low and behold the little spinner I met the Sunday before last was out so I took her upstairs and what a tight little thing with the tiny little butt. She likes doggy and was welping like a little dog, so tight and wet, I love it. Upon leaving the Zona Rosa the pregnant Vennie was out that quoted me 40 K and gave me a big smile. I'm tempted, but she's so big. So upon departing I decided to take another pass along side the Museum, and of course the tall slender girl in the dress was out and gave me a big smile when I approached. Since I had just dumped a load, the second one of the day, there was no way I could possibly dump another load so quickly being an old fart, so I told her how about tomorrow and she said she would be out early. I could see how desperate she was to get a client and gave her 10 K and told her manana, she profusely thanked me for giving her 10 K and I'm planning to give her a tryout tomorrow. My bet is she'll do anything I want.

And while going to the METRO, the same girls I noticed earlier were out at the stairs leading up the Station and there was a new girl out. I chatted with her and confirmed they were all working and another place to dig for buried treasure.

So my assessment of ground zero as of 4 PM Monday Memorial Day is as follows. Lot's of women available, and many are desperate, meaning anything goes literally. Now is a good time to be in Medellin if no weekend lockdowns and you you don't get mugged or caught up in a protest.

06-01-21, 01:05
I do not post often and I don't want to spread doubt. This year I've personally had more close calls with crime. The street urchins have become desperate.

I personally let my guard down a lot before 2/20.

Different story this year.

It's difficult right now to give advice to others as to what City to visit in Colombia in the weeks to come.

06-01-21, 01:06
That shit is too damn rampant. A lawyer friend in Barranquilla hit me up this morning saying she got her number back. I said what the hell are you talking about. She said she was coming back from doing a divorce in Santa Marta last week and some guys robbed her at gunpoint. Took her keys and purse. My number was in her office and she was able to transfer her old number to a new SIM. Be careful out there.

En Santa Marta la semana pasada fui a hacer un divorcio. Y cuando regresaba me salieron unos tipos con arma me quitaron las llaves mi bolso... Pues le entregue todo. Ms vale mi vida. Hasta ahora recupere este cel. Y su numero fui a la empresaWhat will happen to this guy that shot him? Will he be set free with no consequences or will he be in trouble? You see the guy (shooters employee) wrap guy up in bag and make it disappear, what's that all about? Any thoughts on weather this guy arrested or not!

06-01-21, 01:37

I have an iphone with T-Mobile e-SIM from the US & a Colombian physical SIM.


1) Which type of burner phone?

2) Is it possible to run the same WhatsApp number on multiple phones?

3) Should I just transfer my Colombian SIM back and forth between the two phones or get a second SIM?

I know all of this information is probably readily available on Google, but I'd rather get a concise response provided by some one that has been in my position or understands it.1) Anything cheap that can run what's app and uber and doesn't attract attention. Walk to Barra Ejecutiva from Nutibara Hotel and you will be spoiled for choice.

2) Only if you want to keep swapping the sims. Its one of the drawbacks of what's app compared to something like messenger where you can easily log in and out of accounts on different phones. Whats app is tied to the SIM card number.

06-01-21, 01:51
IAnyway, Mexico was ok. Puerto Vallarta was much better than Playa del Carmen, as far as expenses, weather, and gringos. I can't wait to get back to Medellin. I have used 90 days, thus far, and plan to get a student visa in a couple of months, so I can stay beyond 180 days. Hopefully nothing happens to affect that process, because I am paying up front for my 6.5 month rental that will put me up to right before Christmas.

Anyhow, I'm considering, for the first time, buying a burner phone. I have been lucky enough to never face the headaches that come with getting a phone stolen, or losing it, but I can't even imagine if that were to happen. I don't pay too much attention to the backups, storage, etc. , but I do have to have access to my phone at nearly all times for work purposes. So, I will RTFF, but with all the COVID & politics, who knows how the search will go, and maybe there is updated info available that hasn't been posted.Well I missed you in Puerto Vallarta and was there about ten days ago. Some things to consider about staying in Medellin longer than 180 days in a year. Technically speaking you become a tax resident after being in Colombia more than 180 days in a year, but I don't know if there is an exception for students.

Perhaps where your getting your student visa can shed some light on this, and something you should check into. The Colombian IRS called DIAN is getting more and more sophisticated, and there are several expat's living in Colombia who don't file Colombian taxes and could be in for quite a shock sometime in the future, so just something to check into.

As far as a burner phone, meaning not a smart phone, if that's what your talking about I recommend a Nokia. Lots of knockoffs but the real ones have a long battery life and are about $ 25 USD. But you can also get a smart phone for as low as 200,000 Pesos and it might be a better route for you as you can get data for like 2,000 Pesos a day. As far as Whatsapp on two different phones with different numbers, I tried that as I have two American cell numbers here, and they wouldn't allow it. My American cells stay inside my place, and I only go out with my burner phone.

06-01-21, 03:07
It's difficult right now to give advice to others as to what City to visit in Colombia in the weeks to come. For some like myself, and I've been to Cartagena a few times, and it's a beautiful City, but doesn't fit how I roll, yet for others works well.

As far as the roads to and from the Airport being closed, as I recall the tunnel was shutdown earlier for a while at the onset of the protests but was opend a few weeks ago. The thought of access to the airport being blocked and shutting it down is most definitely a scary thought, but I suspect highly unlikely with Medellin being the second largest City in the Country so the Government would never allow this to happen, yet the ouftall of keeping access to the airport open could be very ugly, perhaps like something out of a war zone in the Middle East.

Up until a week ago, it seemed as though the civil unrest was simmering down, at least in Medellin, yet the madness continues.

COVID is one thing, yet the civil unrest adds a whole new dimension to things.

I have been saying "Fuckitall" a lot lately.
I know this civil unrest issue has been simmering a long long time, but the timing / announcent of a very unfair tax scheme by Duque was like dropping a turd in a punchbowl, and the catalyst of the madness. I can't imagine what you witnessed happening in Laureles, but it did, and that means it could happen in a barrio like Provenza in Poblado. So is it really safe anywhere in town?

Anyways, you personally would advise a friend not to come to Medellin now, and I advised a friend of mine not to come down as well, but more in terms of potential weekend lockdowns versus the civil unrest which I think can be avoided if your very careful, but unfortunately besides that, there's the increased danger factor of being mugged and robbed / stabbed that has been occurring as well. So most definitely for a rookie mongerer, a first timer to Medellin, and / or a non Spanish speaker, stay away for while until things simmer down both in terms of the civil unrest and COVID.
It's true demonstrations and riots can pop off at any time at any place. It's also true the daily newspaper publishes a schedule so we can avoid them. Crimes and accidents of course are even more unpredicatable. If it's going to be a scary time it's best to go somewhere with a less frightening reputation.
Thank you very much for this report, this is invaluable information, this is by far more information than I have seen anywhere else, The fact that you say people did not know these riots were going to take place is very important because it means there is no guarantee of avoiding it, I said in my post that Envigado looked like the wisest choice of places to stay right now, but then since there are only essentially two roads to get to the airport, if they shut them off that could be a disaster for anyone looking to get out. I have not heard anything about Cartagena but if I were looking to take a trip I personally would definitely avoid Medellin now and I would be looking hard at Cartagena to see what was happening there.
Honestly I don't feel that it's my call to make but it's clearly evident that ithere major civil unrest here which has been escalating with the potential for it to escalate even further. Coupled with the fact that most embassies are advising against travelling to Colombia and therefore if things go south you're unlikely to get assistance, is that a situation you want to put yourself in? If it was a friend asking me I would advise against it.

One more thing, on the same day as the riots around midday I heard someone screaming, I thought it was just another local looney. The screaming got louder and I heard breaking glass and more commotion. I decided to look out of my balcony and there was a crowd chasing 2, guys on a motorbike, with the guy on the back pointing a pistol at the crowd. Then I saw a girl also running while crying and picking up some belongings off the ground.

A couple of weeks coming back from dinner with Happy shiva I heard another commotion just off la Setenta on 44 a. A car started speeding up the street with yet again a crowd chasing it while there was a girl hanging on to the side of the car getting dragged all the way up the street. It was like something out of a movie.

Welcome to the mad House.Thanks to the posts and earlier posts discussing civil unrest in the past two weeks, I have decided against visiting Medellin for now. I was to fly out tomorrow. Both the one in San Juan near 70 and the peaceful March yesterday in Poblado suggest that this will be unpredictable and frequent. At the minimum, we need to watch our backs constantly. Although I am familiar with multiple areas of the city. Poor language skills, people accustomed to violence, civil unrest and new covid numbers (30th May) combine to make it a difficult trip to navigate successfully.

I will keep a watch out for a few weeks to see how this plays out.

Thanks to everyone for their input and valuable information. Special call out to JohnnyO.

Thank you for your on-ground reports and analysis.

06-01-21, 03:16
Unfortunately, you can only use WhatsApp on one phone.

It's better to get a virtual number on your burner phone.

I've been in Mexico for 2 months and will be booking my cheap return flight, soon. I'm reading all the reports of violence, and expect to be on high-alert when out. Thankfully, if there is a lockdown, or severe civil unrest, I will have a penthouse that is built to be enjoyed. I literally would not need to leave. As long as Rappi is functioning, I can hunker down in comfort, and probably invite some friends over for a day or two at a time.

Anyway, Mexico was ok. Puerto Vallarta was much better than Playa del Carmen, as far as expenses, weather, and gringos. I can't wait to get back to Medellin. I was looking at maybe going to CDMX or elsewhere, and continuing to search for apartments in MDE. However, I found the perfect spot, and I'm sick of this heat. It has been really refreshing to not have any restrictions, and only wear a mask for the first two steps into an establishment. I had some great times going out but it can get pricey popping bottles at the high-end places in these tourist spots. Only had a couple 3sums (PV & GDL), but one was a freebie that was fairly memorable. I'm itching to get back to Medellin to return to my jacuzzi party threesome ways! I have used 90 days, thus far, and plan to get a student visa in a couple of months, so I can stay beyond 180 days. Hopefully nothing happens to affect that process, because I am paying up front for my 6.5 month rental that will put me up to right before Christmas.

Anyhow, I'm considering, for the first time, buying a burner phone. I have been lucky enough to never face the headaches that come with getting a phone stolen, or losing it, but I can't even imagine if that were to happen. I don't pay too much attention to the backups, storage, etc. , but I do have to have access to my phone at nearly all times for work purposes. So, I will RTFF, but with all the COVID & politics, who knows how the search will go, and maybe there is updated info available that hasn't been posted.


I have an iphone with T-Mobile e-SIM from the US & a Colombian physical SIM.


1) Which type of burner phone?

2) Is it possible to run the same WhatsApp number on multiple phones?

3) Should I just transfer my Colombian SIM back and forth between the two phones or get a second SIM?

I know all of this information is probably readily available on Google, but I'd rather get a concise response provided by some one that has been in my position or understands it.

Mojo Bandit
06-01-21, 03:19
If you watch carefully the store clerk looks to touch the thief on the back with his hand thus alerting him, and before any shots were fired.I notice this also, and it damn near got him killed, but what we will never know is if he said something as he touched him like "drop your gun I'm armed" or something to that effect because he did not want to shoot the robber in the back, either way I got to say he was a little stupid but he has gonads the size of basketballs. It was only because of the angle as the guy turned around that made him miss that first shot.

06-01-21, 12:58
No more weekend lockdowns on the horizon, only a curfew midnight to 5 AM according to the news.

Medellin is wide open, and I think people are getting burned out on all the protests.

So with that being said, right now is a good time to be in Medellin.

06-01-21, 13:16
You can enter the US with that letter and a positive test (both within the last 90 days), but I don't think that will do you any good trying to enter Colombia. I think you have to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival.

As for getting the vaccine after you have had Covid, many doctors advise against that. They say the antibodies your body produces are more powerful than the vaccine.This sounds suspiciously like trump's "many people have told me".

06-01-21, 14:36
Well since not being at ground zero since last Wednesday, I decided to make a visit and deposit a load!

I left San Geronimo in the morning and arrived at the Northern Bus Terminal around noon, hopped in a cab to Poblado. Upon entering the on-ramp to the Autopista, it was like a parking lot and the driver said it wasn't good with the protesting wherever the fuck it was so he had to back up off the on ramp and I had him take me to the METRO to travel to Poblado. Finally got home, unpacked, made some calls and left at 3:30 PM for ground zero on the METRO. I got off at the Parque Berrio station and while walking down the stairs at ground level I saw three pretty girls, two of which were chatting, and another one talking with a guy. I walked a bit and turned around to watch them and suspected they were working but didn't want to butt in to their conversations. Anyways, I headed to the Veracruz Church and started making laps around the backide of the Church, the side of the Museum and back to the Church. Lots of girls out all over the place with a sprinkling of some very pretty ones, along with all the dumpy ones. It was impressive as to how many girls were out walking around and working, I think about as good as it gets for a Monday afternoon. While walking along side the Museum to the backstreet behind the Church there was a taller older woman, around thirty that I chatted with. She stuck out wearing a white dress and I had never seen her before so I stopped to chat with her. She said she had only been in Medellin for two weeks and was a bit aggressive, and I was interested, as I like thin taller girls most of the time but just couldn't pull the trigger at that moment. So out of curiosity I asked her how much and she said 30 K and I told her no thanks I was going to walk around some more and then she said how much was I willing to pay her. I told her what she quoted was okay, but that I just wasn't ready. She smiled at my response and was very polite about it all when I left. I went around the corner and thought, maybe I should of pulled her, and if it wasn't a good session, what the fuck, pay her and go pull another one. What struck me about her was how she didn't get pissed off about not being pulled and how polite she was. So after leaving and about ten minutes later I decided to pull her, and of course she was nowhere to be found. Oh well, that's how it goes a lot of times in El Centro..Just read that Medellin curfew and lockdowns all go away June 8. I'm not certain about pico and cedula for shopping. Midnight curfew will continue this week.

El Mechanico
06-01-21, 14:45
Travel Advisory 4 = stay away, good advice at this point IMO.I have been watching the State Departments Travel Alerts for 4 years now and Colombia has been at Level 4 the entire time. I agree, it is very good advice right now due to the protests and the lockdown.

El Mechanico.

06-01-21, 14:54
I have been watching the State Departments Travel Alerts for 4 years now and Colombia has been at Level 4 the entire time. I agree, it is very good advice right now due to the protests and the lockdown.

El Mechanico.With State dept. Alerts is they always err on the conservative side and are overly cautious. I have been traveling to Colombia for over 10 years, many times a year and have never had a problem. However, I don't go to Buenaventura or the Dariand Gap or El Bronx when it was notorious for drugs and crime. Or the dangerous areas of the south. That being said I would not recommend a rookie to visit Colombia in this time of unrest with another large outbreak of Covid. When these issues subside, go and enjoy.

06-01-21, 14:56
I have been watching the State Departments Travel Alerts for 4 years now and Colombia has been at Level 4 the entire time. I agree, it is very good advice right now due to the protests and the lockdown.

El Mechanico.I'm sure I've seen it at Level 3 a number of times during that time frame.

06-01-21, 15:53
I haven't noticed pico / cedula enforcement. Maybe I shop at places that are too down market.

Just read that Medellin curfew and lockdowns all go away June 8. I'm not certain about pico and cedula for shopping. Midnight curfew will continue this week.

06-01-21, 16:10
Slapshot you can likely afford to replace a lost or stolen phone. No amount of money will replace your foreign phone number but a spare SIM card will. My two part advice is back up your phone content and keep it simple by using the same phone you use in Mexico, North America or wherever else; part two is get a spare SIM card so you can activate your phone number on it via the Internet or by calling your provider. It's a personal choice but I decided years ago I would not sweat material things I can easily replace. I'm not completely reckless. I don't carry my life savings in a backpack while I'm crawling around Centro. I used to use a generic phone cover so my fancy phone doesn't stick out. Now that I have one of those multi lens phones I keep that covered with my hand the rare times I use it out in an open public setting in Centro. When it's in your pocket a stick up guy is not going to make a distinction between a cheapo Opera Mall knockoff or a US $1300 Samsung S21. For me the convenience of my phone is worth more to me than $1,300. I know it's counterintuitive coming from a Centro rat who rarely breaks the 50 K COP barrier chica plus room included but it is how I roll.

Well I missed you in Puerto Vallarta and was there about ten days ago. Some things to consider about staying in Medellin longer than 180 days in a year. Technically speaking you become a tax resident after being in Colombia more than 180 days in a year, but I don't know if there is an exception for students.

Perhaps where your getting your student visa can shed some light on this, and something you should check into. The Colombian IRS called DIAN is getting more and more sophisticated, and there are several expat's living in Colombia who don't file Colombian taxes and could be in for quite a shock sometime in the future, so just something to check into.

As far as a burner phone, meaning not a smart phone, if that's what your talking about I recommend a Nokia. Lots of knockoffs but the real ones have a long battery life and are about $ 25 USD. But you can also get a smart phone for as low as 200,000 Pesos and it might be a better route for you as you can get data for like 2,000 Pesos a day. As far as Whatsapp on two different phones with different numbers, I tried that as I have two American cell numbers here, and they wouldn't allow it. My American cells stay inside my place, and I only go out with my burner phone.

06-01-21, 16:20
No more weekend lockdowns on the horizon, only a curfew midnight to 5 AM according to the news.

Medellin is wide open, and I think people are getting burned out on all the protests.

So with that being said, right now is a good time to be in Medellin.You guys should not change your Medellin visit outlook at the drop of the hat. Who is going to pay for my non refundable ticket and other costs I sunk in to cancelled trip, you or JohnnyO.

Just kidding! LOL.

06-01-21, 17:38
No more weekend lockdowns on the horizon, only a curfew midnight to 5 AM according to the news.

Medellin is wide open, and I think people are getting burned out on all the protests.

So with that being said, right now is a good time to be in Medellin.

Just read that Medellin curfew and lockdowns all go away June 8. I'm not certain about pico and cedula for shopping. Midnight curfew will continue this week.I'm so fucking excited to be going back! I've added about 100 WA contacts from SA in the last 2 months, since leaving. Looking forward to newbies & repeats, alike!

I'm kind of writing-off my first week, as it's just filler until I move into my long-term apartment. I'm considering staying in Envigado, just for a change of pace. Anyone stayed there and have a recommendation as to any smaller pockets that are good areas to be, or any specific apartments? I'd prefer to be by La Calle de la Buena Mesa (CL 30 Sur). Any restaurant or bar recommendations in the immediate area?

06-01-21, 18:32
I like Miraflores for authentic Peruvian food. There are so many restaurants it's hard to go wrong.

I'm so fucking excited to be going back! I've added about 100 WA contacts from SA in the last 2 months, since leaving. Looking forward to newbies & repeats, alike!

I'm kind of writing-off my first week, as it's just filler until I move into my long-term apartment. I'm considering staying in Envigado, just for a change of pace. Anyone stayed there and have a recommendation as to any smaller pockets that are good areas to be, or any specific apartments? I'd prefer to be by La Calle de la Buena Mesa (CL 30 Sur). Any restaurant or bar recommendations in the immediate area?

06-01-21, 21:08
Slapshot you can likely afford to replace a lost or stolen phone. No amount of money will replace your foreign phone number but a spare SIM card will. My two part advice is back up your phone content and keep it simple by using the same phone you use in Mexico, North America or wherever else; part two is get a spare SIM card so you can activate your phone number on it via the Internet or by calling your provider. It's a personal choice but I decided years ago I would not sweat material things I can easily replace. I'm not completely reckless. I don't carry my life savings in a backpack while I'm crawling around Centro. I used to use a generic phone cover so my fancy phone doesn't stick out. Now that I have one of those multi lens phones I keep that covered with my hand the rare times I use it out in an open public setting in Centro. When it's in your pocket a stick up guy is not going to make a distinction between a cheapo Opera Mall knockoff or a US $1300 Samsung S21. For me the convenience of my phone is worth more to me than $1,300. I know it's counterintuitive coming from a Centro rat who rarely breaks the 50 K COP barrier chica plus room included but it is how I roll.I agree on many of your points. My concern is, I guess, if I could buy a new phone in MDE (assuming it was stolen) and activate my T-Mobile e-SIM. I think I could be ok, as I was in Panama and was able to get customer service to help me fix some things. I use a dual-SIM so that DiDi, Rappi, putas, etc. Don't have my personal cell phone number. It also helps with being able to make / receive local calls when necessary. Maybe I'm over-thinking it. Hopefully, no report to follow! Thanks to all for the responses.

06-01-21, 21:16
I did a search of the forum and looked in a couple of other places off the forum but I can't find a lot of info about Edificio Portalegre II in Laureles. Anyone stay there and have any experiences about the place they could share?

06-01-21, 23:14
I agree on many of your points. My concern is, I guess, if I could buy a new phone in MDE (assuming it was stolen) and activate my T-Mobile e-SIM. I think I could be ok, as I was in Panama and was able to get customer service to help me fix some things. I use a dual-SIM so that DiDi, Rappi, putas, etc. Don't have my personal cell phone number. It also helps with being able to make / receive local calls when necessary. Maybe I'm over-thinking it. Hopefully, no report to follow! Thanks to all for the responses.And maybe AT & T and GoogleFi will allow you to remove the SIM card and put it into a international phone and it work. The one service that I know for a fact will not work after a phone crashes or breaks, is SPRINT. Thank God that T-Mobile has bought Sprint and those problems no longer occur. With T-mobile's Magenta Max plan, which is much cheaper than SPINT's best plan was, allows me to use whatsapp exclusively without ever being charged a fee due to unlimited data. The last time I was in Medellin, I did not worry about running out of data and looking for a store to top up my data, I just used my T-Mobile phone and that was it. As for burner phones, as long as the phone is unlocked and it comes from Metro-TMobile-ATandT-Cricket and the phone is older than 6 months old, you can have the phone unlocked and it will function in Medellin without a problem. As a matter of fact all American phones that function on a 4 G level, function much faster in Medellin than many of the phones you will buy in Medellin as most Colombian phones still function on a 3 G network. So if spending about $125 for a burner phone is too much, then good luck. You can always play tag with girls on facebook via computer, but if you can't leave your location with your main phone, and you do not want your main number exposed to a home life you have back where ever, you have to make some sacrifice. Nothing is complicated in Colombia other than buying property, cars, or trying to get services in your name. Everything else is very tolerable if you know what you want and you already have a game plan before arriving. Pollo Negro is out!

06-01-21, 23:36
I use a dual SIM phone too for the past 15 years. It's a real dual SIM phone (the kind that accepts two physical SIM cards) not an iphone. There are several iphone workarounds. You will be OK, no worries.

I agree on many of your points. My concern is, I guess, if I could buy a new phone in MDE (assuming it was stolen) and activate my T-Mobile e-SIM. I think I could be ok, as I was in Panama and was able to get customer service to help me fix some things. I use a dual-SIM so that DiDi, Rappi, putas, etc. Don't have my personal cell phone number. It also helps with being able to make / receive local calls when necessary. Maybe I'm over-thinking it. Hopefully, no report to follow! Thanks to all for the responses.

Mojo Bandit
06-02-21, 14:08
I agree on many of your points. My concern is, I guess, if I could buy a new phone in MDE (assuming it was stolen) and activate my T-Mobile e-SIM. I think I could be ok, as I was in Panama and was able to get customer service to help me fix some things. I use a dual-SIM so that DiDi, Rappi, putas, etc. Don't have my personal cell phone number. It also helps with being able to make / receive local calls when necessary. Maybe I'm over-thinking it. Hopefully, no report to follow! Thanks to all for the responses.

And maybe AT & T and GoogleFi will allow you to remove the SIM card and put it into a international phone and it work. TI really like Google FI for its international coverage, going from one country to another without worrying about the rates changing but it is not meant to be activated outside of the USA and a person has to use a workaround to accomplish this:


I also have read that Google means for their customers to use the service primarily in the USA and that buried in the "Terms Of Use" it says that if they determines that the usage is too extensive outside the USA than they may cut your service:


06-02-21, 15:18
You guys should not change your Medellin visit outlook at the drop of the hat. Who is going to pay for my non refundable ticket and other costs I sunk in to cancelled trip, you or JohnnyO.

Just kidding! LOL.Unfortunately things have been very un-predictable in Colombia, and a lot of things kind of defy logic in a sense. Such as the protests that started a month ago wrecking havoc all over the place, and a few days ago there were protesters protesting the protesters in Bogota all wearing white, begging for the blockades and violence to stop. I hope all of this protest madness is over. I think most Colombians are very fatigued about it and it will subside until the politicians come up with another ill timed idea.

However, the elephant in the room is COVID. Right now the infections are the highest they have ever been, yet everything is being opened back up full steam ahead. Doesn't make sense to me that there not instigating any more weekend lockdowns like they did before and the ICU's are still very full.

Regardless, with Medellin being wide open with no weekend lockdowns, at least for the time being, now's the time to come and enjoy. Probably the best place to be for mongering right now on the planet, way better than Mexico, however I don't know about Brazil. And you can forget Asia, the place is toast.

Sorry you cancelled your trip.

06-02-21, 17:17
Unfortunately things have been very un-predictable in Colombia, and a lot of things kind of defy logic in a sense. Such as the protests that started a month ago wrecking havoc all over the place, and a few days ago there were protesters protesting the protesters in Bogota all wearing white, begging for the blockades and violence to stop. I hope all of this protest madness is over. I think most Colombians are very fatigued about it and it will subside until the politicians come up with another ill timed idea.

However, the elephant in the room is COVID. Right now the infections are the highest they have ever been, yet everything is being opened back up full steam ahead. Doesn't make sense to me that there not instigating any more weekend lockdowns like they did before and the ICU's are still very full.

Regardless, with Medellin being wide open with no weekend lockdowns, at least for the time being, now's the time to come and enjoy. Probably the best place to be for mongering right now on the planet, way better than Mexico, however I don't know about Brazil. And you can forget Asia, the place is toast.

Sorry you cancelled your trip.One thing thing that makes me think. I live in a nice peaceful part of Laureles with a friendly local feel. I look out of my balcony and watch people just going about their business as well as the shops and restaurants getting ready for the days trade. I read about and saw lots of videos regarding robberies, protests and violence in Medellin but on my balcony it just looks any normal suburb in the world, but here's the thing, that normality can change in a heartbeat. In one single day I witnessed a mob running after a lunatic with a gun and all out war on the streets. Never ever let your guard down here or get complacent no matter how normal things appear to be.

06-02-21, 17:23
I thought all the American tier 1 providers like T-Mobile and at&t have international rates of US $0. 25 or so per minute in most countries beyond the USA Probably more important is the WIFI calling feature. Modern smartphones give users world wide inbound or outbound calling at no cost beyond the monthly service fee when the phone is connected to WIFI. Last week I heard a couple of women in a restaurant comparing mobile plan costs between Canada and the USA Both mentioned they pay a daily add on fee for a lower per minute rate.

I really like Google FI for its international coverage, going from one country to another without worrying about the rates changing but it is not meant to be activated outside of the USA and a person has to use a workaround to accomplish this:


I also have read that Google means for their customers to use the service primarily in the USA and that buried in the "Terms Of Use" it says that if they determines that the usage is too extensive outside the USA than they may cut your service:


06-02-21, 17:54
I thought all the American tier 1 providers like T-Mobile and at&t have international rates of US $0. 25 or so per minute in most countries beyond the USA Probably more important is the WIFI calling feature. Modern smartphones give users world wide inbound or outbound calling at no cost beyond the monthly service fee when the phone is connected to WIFI. Last week I heard a couple of women in a restaurant comparing mobile plan costs between Canada and the USA Both mentioned they pay a daily add on fee for a lower per minute rate.I use Verizon. For Canada they provide, at least on my plan, 0. 5 gb per day of 4 G data, calls and texts are free. An additional 0.5 gb costs $5. I'm in Toronto twice weekly and usually the 0. 5 gb is enough for each time.

In other countries pay $10 per day.

Mr Enternational
06-02-21, 18:21
However, the elephant in the room is COVID. Right now the infections are the highest they have ever been, yet everything is being opened back up full steam ahead. Doesn't make sense to me that there not instigating any more weekend lockdowns like they did before and the ICU's are still very full.Maybe after a year of this they are realizing lockdowns are not making a difference any more than curfews. Like Covid can tell time.

06-02-21, 19:38
Hi guys,

Some friends and I will be there in early July. Hopefully everything is opened then. If places are closed, or there are curfews, from what I've read there are some places like la Isla that remain open like usual even with curfew in effect. Is that true or am I missing something? I'd just like to know what remained open. How about a club like Gusto? During the 10-5 curfew, can you still have fun before it closes, or does it really close? I have enough info that I can have fun at my place, but I am hoping that if there are restrictions when I go, that I can still go to some places to have fun. And what about activities during the day? Like trips to Guatape? Thank you all for the posts. Everyone has been very helpful. I'll be sure to post about my adventures when I'm there next month.

Silver Turtle
06-02-21, 20:29
but on my balcony it just looks any normal suburb in the world,It is a disguise.

Mojo Bandit
06-03-21, 00:12
I thought all the American tier 1 providers like T-Mobile and at&t have international rates of US $0. 25 or so per minute in most countries beyond the USA Probably more important is the WIFI calling feature. Modern smartphones give users world wide inbound or outbound calling at no cost beyond the monthly service fee when the phone is connected to WIFI. Last week I heard a couple of women in a restaurant comparing mobile plan costs between Canada and the USA Both mentioned they pay a daily add on fee for a lower per minute rate.Verizon charges me $10 a day for international roaming plus the 25 cents a minute voice calls. I used to just grab a SIM after I reached Colombia but one time my bank card got flagged and canceled at the airport ATM when I landed in Cartagena and I luckily had brought a laptop that had a microphone and I had some money on my Skype account and reached my bank that way but I vowed to never land without service again, so I get the $17 + $10 per GB from Google Fi and with the initial and 5 GB its $67 and I am good for three weeks easily and as long as I use WIFI every chance I get I would probably be good for a month on what Verizon would charge me for week. I would only make a voice call if I get in a bind.

My phone does have WIFI call capability. I also have the "Google Voice" app on my phone that has its own phone number that can be used to make calls on WIFI but I have never used it. I think for me the internet aspect and data is more important part in case I am out where there is no WIFI and I need to use GPS or something. Many years ago I actually had a maps app downloaded to my phone that did not need data to use the GPS (this was before Google Maps was as good as it is now), I still download the map of the area using Google Maps "my maps" to save data on the ground.

06-03-21, 00:13
I use Verizon. For Canada they provide, at least on my plan, 0. 5 gb per day of 4 G data, calls and texts are free. An additional 0.5 gb costs $5. I'm in Toronto twice weekly and usually the 0. 5 gb is enough for each time.

In other countries pay $10 per day.I have Verizon as well but instead of paying the $ 10 per day while in Colombia I opted for a $ 40 a month International plan that gives me 100 minutes of talk time and so many text messages. I use Whatsapp so much for everything that it's cheaper to pay the $ 40 a month versus the $ 10 a day in my case being here for months at a time.

06-03-21, 01:09
OK, my curiosity got the best of me. I checked the t-mobile website. They have several US based plans that involve no daily fee and include free WIFI calling, free unlimited 2 G data, and free texts in Colombia and many other countries. The voice rate is $0.25/ minute. I don't understand why anyone would pay $10/ day.

Verizon charges me $10 a day for international roaming plus the 25 cents a minute voice calls. I used to just grab a SIM after I reached Colombia but one time my bank card got flagged and canceled at the airport ATM when I landed in Cartagena and I luckily had brought a laptop that had a microphone and I had some money on my Skype account and reached my bank that way but I vowed to never land without service again, so I get the $17 + $10 per GB from Google Fi and with the initial and 5 GB its $67 and I am good for three weeks easily and as long as I use WIFI every chance I get I would probably be good for a month on what Verizon would charge me for week. I would only make a voice call if I get in a bind.

My phone does have WIFI call capability. I also have the "Google Voice" app on my phone that has its own phone number that can be used to make calls on WIFI but I have never used it. I think for me the internet aspect and data is more important part in case I am out where there is no WIFI and I need to use GPS or something. Many years ago I actually had a maps app downloaded to my phone that did not need data to use the GPS (this was before Google Maps was as good as it is now), I still download the map of the area using Google Maps "my maps" to save data on the ground.

06-03-21, 02:49
Looks like Covid test will not be a requirement to get into Colombia according to el tiempo https://www.eltiempo.com/salud/colombia-ya-no-pedira-prueba-pcr-a-viajeros-593213.

Elvis 2008
06-03-21, 04:01
Looks like Covid test will not be a requirement to get into Colombia according to el tiempo https://www.eltiempo.com/salud/colombia-ya-no-pedira-prueba-pcr-a-viajeros-593213.LOL. Shit, I just got my Covid test done today.

Well at least, Colombia finally is starting to vaccinate everyone 50 and over, about fucking time.


Minister Ruiz said that at the moment it is in the highest part of the affectation by covid-19 and that "in no way should it be thought that the risk of covid-19 has been reduced neither by vaccination nor by the issuance of these measures".

(In addition: Third peak and unemployment further delay school alternation in Colombia) he.

Pointed out that the risk continues and that the eventuality of a fourth and fifth outbreak of covid-19 is "a reality and a perfectly feasible possibility that we will have in the future.

"However, it is important to bear in mind that economic activities cannot be reduced or stopped," Ruiz added.

I read this crap and it is no wonder people are rioting. Covid is not reduced by vaccine? Really? You finally got shutting down the economy did not stop the virus from spreading? You finally got that shutting down the economy and raising taxes was not a good idea? You finally got that testing foreigners for Covid was a waste of time and money? Finally? What took so long, Mr. Minister?

Man, the Colombian people deserve better than this clueless clown. He really is a mini Fauci.

Mr Enternational
06-03-21, 04:12
Looks like Covid test will not be a requirement to get into Colombia according to el tiempo https://www.eltiempo.com/salud/colombia-ya-no-pedira-prueba-pcr-a-viajeros-593213.Thanks brother. Why is this stuff not clear. I did a search and as far as I can tell the resolution is supposed to start tomorrow. No more PCR and no more of that Corona App.

El ministro de Salud, Fernando Ruiz, anunci que este jueves 3 de junio saldr la Resolucin 777 de 2021 Tambien se confirm que se eliminar la prueba PCR negativa para el ingreso a Colombia y se reiteraron las mnimas medidas de bioseguridad que hay que cumplir en esta reactivacin:

- Uso obligatorio del tapabocas de manera permanente.
- Lavado de manos frecuente.
- Mecanismos de ventilacin abierta o artificial para los espacios cerrados.
- Protocolo de limpieza y desinfeccin de todas las zonas e infraestructuras.
- Manejo de residuos.

Ruiz revel que Colombia no pedir ms el requisito de la prueba PCR a viajeros, tanto colombianos y extranjeros, que ingresen al pas. Tambin se eliminar CoronApp.



06-03-21, 13:06
This is interesting. I was interested in a side trip outside of Colombia instead of extending my visa, basically a visa run and this has made that idea much more appealing.

Thanks brother. Why is this stuff not clear. I did a search and as far as I can tell the resolution is supposed to start tomorrow. No more PCR and no more of that Corona App.

El ministro de Salud, Fernando Ruiz, anunci que este jueves 3 de junio saldr la Resolucin 777 de 2021 Tambien se confirm que se eliminar la prueba PCR negativa para el ingreso a Colombia y se reiteraron las mnimas medidas de bioseguridad que hay que cumplir en esta reactivacin:

- Uso obligatorio del tapabocas de manera permanente.
- Lavado de manos frecuente.
- Mecanismos de ventilacin abierta o artificial para los espacios cerrados.
- Protocolo de limpieza y desinfeccin de todas las zonas e infraestructuras.
- Manejo de residuos.

Ruiz revel que Colombia no pedir ms el requisito de la prueba PCR a viajeros, tanto colombianos y extranjeros, que ingresen al pas. Tambin se eliminar CoronApp.



06-03-21, 15:06
Yesterday evening around 8. 30 I left Occidental heading for either Avenida de grill or cornejos. I spotted cops in Botero and decided to loiter around the edge to see the type of girls available at that time and a decent looking girl approached. The deal was made and she asked which hotel I wanted to go to but the problem was I don't know any around by cornejos and I was not going to go to Zona Rosa at that time.

She said she knew somewhere and then we starting heading towards Occidental and it felt real sketchy and I always prefer to take the girl to my own hotel of choice. In the end I made a deal with her to come back my place, I took a chance as I do not like taking centro randoms to my apartment but it was actually a very session and today she is bringing a friend.

So can anyone recommend decent clean rooms by cornejos not too far off the main drag. What about that place right next door to cornejos which actually leads into the club itself?

06-03-21, 16:10
Hmmm my flight is on the 7th and my $100 Covid test is on the 5th. Now I'm not sure what to do. Do I cancel test and hope for the best or do it anyways just in case and not risk a non refundable $400 ticket.

Thanks brother. Why is this stuff not clear. I did a search and as far as I can tell the resolution is supposed to start tomorrow. No more PCR and no more of that Corona App.

El ministro de Salud, Fernando Ruiz, anunci que este jueves 3 de junio saldr la Resolucin 777 de 2021 Tambien se confirm que se eliminar la prueba PCR negativa para el ingreso a Colombia y se reiteraron las mnimas medidas de bioseguridad que hay que cumplir en esta reactivacin:

- Uso obligatorio del tapabocas de manera permanente.
- Lavado de manos frecuente.
- Mecanismos de ventilacin abierta o artificial para los espacios cerrados.
- Protocolo de limpieza y desinfeccin de todas las zonas e infraestructuras.
- Manejo de residuos.

Ruiz revel que Colombia no pedir ms el requisito de la prueba PCR a viajeros, tanto colombianos y extranjeros, que ingresen al pas. Tambin se eliminar CoronApp.



06-03-21, 16:16
LOL. Shit, I just got my Covid test done today.Ditto! $170 for two tests in Mexico, yesterday. Typical Colombia, just a flick of the switch. Tonight we have curfew! Today we don't need PCR! Yesterday we will have rain!

06-03-21, 16:17
Zona Rosa and the neighboring Bulevar Botero are open after dark. In fact, believe it or not, there are overnight guests on the upper floors at Bulevar Botero. Walking across Botero Plaza after dark is dodgy. Alternatives I can recommend are the short time places around Yakuza. Yakuza is in the same building as the Hotel Deseos for example. There are a few others nearby. They are more or less comparable to Zona Rosa.

Yesterday evening around 8. 30 I left Occidental heading for either Avenida de grill or cornejos. I spotted cops in Botero and decided to loiter around the edge to see the type of girls available at that time and a decent looking girl approached. The deal was made and she asked which hotel I wanted to go to but the problem was I don't know any around by cornejos and I was not going to go to Zona Rosa at that time.

She said she knew somewhere and then we starting heading towards Occidental and it felt real sketchy and I always prefer to take the girl to my own hotel of choice. In the end I made a deal with her to come back my place, I took a chance as I do not like taking centro randoms to my apartment but it was actually a very session and today she is bringing a friend.

So can anyone recommend decent clean rooms by cornejos not too far off the main drag. What about that place right next door to cornejos which actually leads into the club itself?

06-03-21, 17:15
I am stuck in Miami for 2 weeks on a business trip.

Have a free week and will be flying in to Medellin on Saturday for 5 days.

This is my first time there and I do not speak Spanish.

Read about 20 pages of reports so I feel I am familiar with a scene.

Will go to El Centro during the daytime and hangout in Park Lleras in the evening.

If anyone on the ground can show me the ropes. Dinner / drinks on me.

Any advise / suggestions will be appreciated!

06-03-21, 21:14
Zona Rosa and the neighboring Bulevar Botero are open after dark. In fact, believe it or not, there are overnight guests on the upper floors at Bulevar Botero. Walking across Botero Plaza after dark is dodgy. Alternatives I can recommend are the short time places around Yakuza. Yakuza is in the same building as the Hotel Deseos for example. There are a few others nearby. They are more or less comparable to Zona Rosa.Zona Rosa does have overnight rooms but only for Colombians. They are not licensed to have foreigners staying overnight there, only short time. I know this because I tried to rent a room for overnight and they told me about their license restrictions.

Member #2001
06-03-21, 22:20
Ditto! $170 for two tests in Mexico, yesterday. Typical Colombia, just a flick of the switch. Tonight we have curfew! Today we don't need PCR! Yesterday we will have rain!What? Thats alot of money. What tests did you take? Mine only cost me something like 260 pesos. For me it was walking distance and no lines?

06-03-21, 22:40
Ditto! $170 for two tests in Mexico, yesterday. Typical Colombia, just a flick of the switch. Tonight we have curfew! Today we don't need PCR! Yesterday we will have rain!I must have the magic touch. Last November they cancelled the PCR test requirement right before my trip. Now it looks like I'll avoid it again.

06-03-21, 22:42
The reality is that after more than 50 police murders of civilians over the recent weeks of protests, the govt has finally realised that no one gives a shlt about covid here. People would rather take their chances w a virus that only kills compromised and old people, than have their businesses ruined or starve to death.

Colombians want to get on with their lives, fuck the conservative over-cautious lockdowns. Yes, cases are higher than ever, and old and sick people should be cuatious. But the rest do not need to suffer.

Unfortunately things have been very un-predictable in Colombia, and a lot of things kind of defy logic in a sense. Such as the protests that started a month ago wrecking havoc all over the place, and a few days ago there were protesters protesting the protesters in Bogota all wearing white, begging for the blockades and violence to stop. I hope all of this protest madness is over. I think most Colombians are very fatigued about it and it will subside until the politicians come up with another ill timed idea.

However, the elephant in the room is COVID. Right now the infections are the highest they have ever been, yet everything is being opened back up full steam ahead. Doesn't make sense to me that there not instigating any more weekend lockdowns like they did before and the ICU's are still very full.

Regardless, with Medellin being wide open with no weekend lockdowns, at least for the time being, now's the time to come and enjoy. Probably the best place to be for mongering right now on the planet, way better than Mexico, however I don't know about Brazil. And you can forget Asia, the place is toast.

Sorry you cancelled your trip.

06-03-21, 23:07
What? Thats alot of money. What tests did you take? Mine only cost me something like 260 pesos. For me it was walking distance and no lines?That sounds like the wrong test. I'm also in Mexico and leaving this week for Medellin. The antigen test is cheap and results are almost instant, it sounds like that's the test you bought. You need a PCR test within 96 hours to enter. Although $2600 pesos still sounds like too much and idk why you would need 2 tests. My PCR test is costing me 2100 pesos though.

John Gault
06-03-21, 23:31
Hmmm my flight is on the 7th and my $100 Covid test is on the 5th. Now I'm not sure what to do. Do I cancel test and hope for the best or do it anyways just in case and not risk a non refundable $400 ticket.I'm almost in the same boat. My test is for this Sunday. I have read the web sites and it looks for no more tests to enter Colombia. The problem is when I got in touch with my airline was they knew nothing about no more tests. So I contacted 2 other airlines and they also were unaware of this.


This web site also still shows the test needed as does the two embassys also. To me other than the money involved is the stress in not knowing if the test will be done in time.

06-04-21, 01:30
What? Thats alot of money. What tests did you take? Mine only cost me something like 260 pesos. For me it was walking distance and no lines?Actually $ 170 USD for a PCR test is what laboratory's at least in Puerto Vallarta where charging unless you got tested at the Airport and it was about half of that amount. And 260 Pesos is about $ 13 USD so perhaps you meant to say 2,600 Pesos or about $ 130 USD for a PCR test where ever you got it. Regardless, no more testing required with the PCR tset being a pain in the ass.

06-04-21, 05:10
Hi brothers, can you please give me more info about the usual hotel policy about guests coming to your room? If you book a room for 2 persons. Do they charge something if you bring girl to the hotel room? Usually I book apartments and I have no such worries but strangely I can not find an apartment in Medellin that fits my needs and pocket at the same time. And the hotels offers that on a much better price. Usually it's the opposite.

Elvis 2008
06-04-21, 05:28
Hi brothers, can you please give me more info about the usual hotel policy about guests coming to your room? If you book a room for 2 persons. Do they charge something if you bring girl to the hotel room? Usually I book apartments and I have no such worries but strangely I can not find an apartment in Medellin that fits my needs and pocket at the same time. And the hotels offers that on a much better price. Usually it's the opposite.If you can get it, book the hotel haven. You can bring in unlimited guests as long as you bring them in one at a time.

Mojo Bandit
06-04-21, 05:37
Hi brothers, can you please give me more info about the usual hotel policy about guests coming to your room? If you book a room for 2 persons. Do they charge something if you bring girl to the hotel room? Usually I book apartments and I have no such worries but strangely I can not find an apartment in Medellin that fits my needs and pocket at the same time. And the hotels offers that on a much better price. Usually it's the opposite.

Check this thread....


06-04-21, 06:03
I checked it but can not find info about places that I'm interested. I'm thinking about one of these:

- Hotel Park 10.

- Cafe Hotel Medellin.

- 14 Urban Hotel.

- Manila Hotel Boutique.

- Leblon Suites Hotel.

- Soy Local.

Does anyone have experience with them or heard reviews?

06-04-21, 06:22
Hi brothers, can you please give me more info about the usual hotel policy about guests coming to your room? If you book a room for 2 persons. Do they charge something if you bring girl to the hotel room? Usually I book apartments and I have no such worries but strangely I can not find an apartment in Medellin that fits my needs and pocket at the same time. And the hotels offers that on a much better price. Usually it's the opposite.The policy varies with each hotel. Some will only allow the person's registered to the room. Some only allow a certain number of visitors. Some charge for each guest.

If you prefer an apartment in the Poblado area search for Lifeafar investments. They have a lot of apartments with a wide range of prices and you can ask about the guest policy for each without embarrassment.

You can also search for San Peter apartments. They are in Laureles and allow guests with no extra charges.

06-04-21, 07:23
I choose a hotel that does not charge a girl fee as long as you book for two. Location is key. Personally I like the Provenza area. Lleras is a bit too loud for me and Manila is too far. I stay at Provenza lofts (when I am in a budget mode) or Haven hotel when I am in the mood for a bit more luxury and when I plan to entertain some classier guests. He he. I shared their Penthouse suite with some friends and it is arguably the best Penthouse in a hotel in Medellin. The views and multiple jacuzzis are pretty cool.

I checked it but can not find info about places that I'm interested. I'm thinking about one of these:

- Hotel Park 10.

- Cafe Hotel Medellin.

- 14 Urban Hotel.

- Manila Hotel Boutique.

- Leblon Suites Hotel.

- Soy Local.

Does anyone have experience with them or heard reviews?

06-04-21, 16:08
Ok Dr. Fauci. What are you actually talking about? Sitting here in Cartagena hanging right now looking at the window and everybody on the beach having a great time and people in restaurants and all the rest it's just so much more propaganda you're putting out variants and all the other hysteria, give it a break none of the stuff works, lock downs, etc he disease is going to run its course it's unfortunate but it is what it is. Wait to the flu season comes and everybody dies next year ---you going to have all your panties at a bunch about that too aren't you? Colombia is not going back......

Once you remove the old and the compromised then the young and the uncompromised are the ones in intensive care. We've been experiencing that in the last 6 to 8 weeks, and its finally dropping again as we are have 60 plus percent with vaccinations. Our cases had become mostly the British variant, rapidly moving to the Indian variant. Both are a lot more contagious (read more airborne probably). And while a lot of the young people on respirators eventually recovered it was a very very tough time. With enough deaths as well.

I saw reports from Vegas in the last few days. Back to normal. Hate to throw rain on the parade. But with 30 to 50% of the people there not vaccinated (assuming the normal mix for the US) and if the variants are present there, there will be lots of Covid still to come.

As for Colombia. Terrrible dilemma and situation. On that I think we agree. The lockdowns and measures to stop these variants will be virtually impossible to follow in a place like that.

06-04-21, 16:49
LMFAO! "Dr. Fauci" that was a good one. There are a few guys during the height of the quarantine that caused a pile of threads to get moved to another area on this website. The prevailing theme was something along the lines of everything is going to die and there will be nothing left except a few coronavirus infected cockroaches. In was a fascinating study in human nature. People dealt with the quarantine and the uncertainty of the pandemic in wildly varying ways. Doomsday scenario insistence was one of them.

Ok Dr. Fauci. What are you actually talking about? Sitting here in Cartagena hanging right now looking at the window and everybody on the beach having a great time and people in restaurants and all the rest it's just so much more propaganda you're putting out variants and all the other hysteria, give it a break none of the stuff works, lock downs, etc he disease is going to run its course it's unfortunate but it is what it is. Wait to the flu season comes and everybody dies next year ---you going to have all your panties at a bunch about that too aren't you? Colombia is not going back......

06-04-21, 16:55
Manila is far away from what?

I choose a hotel that does not charge a girl fee as long as you book for two. Location is key. Personally I like the Provenza area. Lleras is a bit too loud for me and Manila is too far. I stay at Provenza lofts (when I am in a budget mode) or Haven hotel when I am in the mood for a bit more luxury and when I plan to entertain some classier guests. He he. I shared their Penthouse suite with some friends and it is arguably the best Penthouse in a hotel in Medellin. The views and multiple jacuzzis are pretty cool.

06-04-21, 17:01
Thanks, this is good intel. I don't have a lot of hotel experience here, at least not overnight hotel experience LOL! I'm going to remember this so I don't steer anyone wrong in the future.

Zona Rosa does have overnight rooms but only for Colombians. They are not licensed to have foreigners staying overnight there, only short time. I know this because I tried to rent a room for overnight and they told me about their license restrictions.

06-04-21, 18:03
The policy varies with each hotel. Some will only allow the person's registered to the room. Some only allow a certain number of visitors. Some charge for each guest.

If you prefer an apartment in the Poblado area search for Lifeafar investments. They have a lot of apartments with a wide range of prices and you can ask about the guest policy for each without embarrassment.

You can also search for San Peter apartments. They are in Laureles and allow guests with no extra charges.Actually life a f a are does not exist anymore they ripped everybody off look under l I v and contact them for apartments.

They have furnished nice apartments all over Medellin.

06-04-21, 19:13
the disease is going to run its course it's unfortunate but it is what it is.The goal has always been to minimize lose of life until vaccines could be developed and distributed. That's what has brought about the recent successes in the states, not the disease running it's course. And vaccinations are on the increase in Colombia which is excellent. The goal of restrictions as of late has always been to keep hospital ICUs from overflowing. Yes those measures have worked for that purpose, both recently and historically.

06-04-21, 19:45
Posts on this thread suggest that the Marriott is sometimes guest friendly, sometimes not, YMMV. Any tips for making it more so, or intel on how it's been dealing with the issue recently? I will likely stay there for my coming trip. I do have Titanium status, not sure if that will help, and can bring some small gifts for security.

06-04-21, 19:47
The prevailing theme was something along the lines of everything is going to die and there will be nothing left except a few coronavirus infected cockroaches. Somehow I missed all those posts. Many of us though wanted to take precautions and preserve life while vaccines were developed. The present successes in the states are encouraging to say the least, and we are expanding vaccine distributions to other nations.

John Clayton
06-04-21, 20:46
Ok Dr. Fauci. ...etc he disease is going to run its course it's unfortunate but it is what it is. ...It's never going to "run its course" because RNA viruses are orders of magnitude more mutagenic than DNA viruses. This post should be in the Grease Trap (American Politics) forum.

Blue Touch
06-04-21, 21:00

The Colombian people are not complying with the distance policy.

The goal has always been to minimize lose of life until vaccines could be developed and distributed. That's what has brought about the recent successes in the states, not the disease running it's course. And vaccinations are on the increase in Colombia which is excellent. The goal of restrictions as of late has always been to keep hospital ICUs from overflowing. Yes those measures have worked for that purpose, both recently and historically.

06-04-21, 21:24
Basically pre pandemia but w masks on chin.

Vennies charging 25 k, and theyre not bad. Sessioned with 3 this am, finished with 2. 25 k each room 6 k. Flacas, early 20's cute face. Buyers market. most girls charging 30 + room but i sure you can get that included

In theory you could smash 500 girls a year at this price for a total of 5-6 k usd. Candyland.

Botero and verazcruz packed, real talent around raudul hiding inn hallways, flacas not those operated freaks;) ... charging 50 k for 30 min room 11 k. I'm sure you can do 50 k total. Model type chicas.

pretty much back to normal. checking out clubs later

Elvis 2008
06-04-21, 22:05
It's never going to "run its course" because RNA viruses are orders of magnitude more mutagenic than DNA viruses.LOL. When they are created in nature, that is true. This one was man made, and the variants have been nowhere near as diverse as ones created by nature.

Read these two articles instead of watching MSNBC. They are non-partisan and you might actually learn something.

This article is a blister rebuttal of the Lancet piece where the authors claimed the virus was made by nature.


Lancet Article: For a precursor virus to acquire both the polybasic cleavage site and mutations in the spike protein suitable for binding to human ACE2, an animal host would probably have to have a high population density (to allow natural selection to proceed efficiently) and an ACE2-encoding gene that is similar to the human ortholog.

Rebuttal: Wait, wait, wait! You mean exactly like a bunch of ferrets or tree shrews, both of which have the same ACE2 receptor as humans, all jammed into a bunch of cages together and then infected over and over again in a lab?! That's crazy talk!!

Rebuttal: As we've explained before, there was no trace of this virus before November 2019, and full zoonotic jumps don't just magically happen, especially not of a virus that's so incredibly adapted to humans and able to infect us undetected and spread undetected, and then kill us after more than enough time has passed to find multiple new hosts.

Point is JC you can throw the book out on what RNA viruses have done in the past.

This more recent article actually is what changed everyone's opinion on the lab leak hypothesis:


Given what the vaccines target, I expect them to offer up immunity for a long time.

06-04-21, 23:16
Manila is far away from what?To walk from restaurant zone and zona rosa, which is where I like to hang out. Everyone is different. I prefer to walk. I minimize use of taxis and don't like dealing with traffic. I do like some restaurants in Manila and find myself taking a taxi / Uber there. I just don't like staying there.

06-05-21, 00:48
I'm so fucking excited to be going back! I've added about 100 WA contacts from SA in the last 2 months, since leaving. Looking forward to newbies & repeats, alike!

I'm kind of writing-off my first week, as it's just filler until I move into my long-term apartment. I'm considering staying in Envigado, just for a change of pace. Anyone stayed there and have a recommendation as to any smaller pockets that are good areas to be, or any specific apartments? I'd prefer to be by La Calle de la Buena Mesa (CL 30 Sur). Any restaurant or bar recommendations in the immediate area?I can't remember the name, but the restaurant at the northwest corner of Buena Mesa is good. Just north of that Jack and Roll has the best burgers in Medellin. However, for burgers go a couple blocks north on Avenida Poblado and you'll find Classic Diner, a 50's style burger joint. Pretty cool place.

A bit further north is Salpijugos. Lots of great food and smoothie options there. Down on Avenida Las Vegas check out LOS Contenedores. Several good restaurants there, Milagros, a Sushi place and a pizza place among others. Nice little area.

There's also the new Viva mall. All kinds of restaurant options there.

06-05-21, 03:02
Since when is MSNBC non-partisan? Jejeejej.

LOL. When they are created in nature, that is true. This one was man made, and the variants have been nowhere near as diverse as ones created by nature.

Read these two articles instead of watching MSNBC. They are non-partisan and you might actually learn something.

This article is a blister rebuttal of the Lancet piece where the authors claimed the virus was made by nature.


Lancet Article: For a precursor virus to acquire both the polybasic cleavage site and mutations in the spike protein suitable for binding to human ACE2, an animal host would probably have to have a high population density (to allow natural selection to proceed efficiently) and an ACE2-encoding gene that is similar to the human ortholog..

06-05-21, 03:16
I've been in El Centro every day this week, typically in the morning and late afternoons. I usually do one in the morning and one in the afternoon and go swimming in between. This week I have noticed more and more girls all over the place. They are under the METRO, around all the statues, the park adjacent to the Mueseum, the walkway alongside the Church, and lurking everywhere in addition to the backside of the Church with all the bars.

On Friday I arrived at 3 PM and stayed until 8 PM. The peak of girls was around 5 PM, there was easily three hundred out, not even counting the street on the backside of the Church, and I didn't even check out La Grief or Raudual to see what was going on. And some of the girls where like in "packs" of two to five girls making laps, and lots of very young ones.

And now things are only going to get worse which is a good thing since they have opened the border with Venezuela. My bet is there will be many more arrivals. And I have begun to notice a lot of prettier and thinner girls working then ever before. There used to be so many grotesque and fat Venezuleans and now the "A" team has started to arrive. And a lot more gringos have arrived as well. Since the lifting of the weekend lockdowns and the testing requirement, there's going to be an onslaught of them in the weeks to come.

Initial asking price from just about all is 30 K which is just a starting number. I have seen lots of the same girls out this week who have been there as early as 9 Am and still out at 7 PM, but it tapers off quickly after that. There are so many whom are very desperate for clients. I just don't see that many of these girls getting pulled. So basically you can have the pick of the liter these days.

And it was so packed at 5 PM at ground zero today it almost felt like being at Nana PLaza in Bangkok. May sound odd to some, and I can't wait till Thailand opens back up.

And with Asia in the shitter right now, I don't think there is a better mongering venue on the planet for SW's like in Medellin which I have said on many occasions lately.

06-05-21, 03:32
I'm almost in the same boat. My test is for this Sunday. I have read the web sites and it looks for no more tests to enter Colombia. The problem is when I got in touch with my airline was they knew nothing about no more tests. So I contacted 2 other airlines and they also were unaware of this.


This web site also still shows the test needed as does the two embassys also. To me other than the money involved is the stress in not knowing if the test will be done in time.I read on the news that Colombia will stop the PCR requirements for travelers in July.

Mojo Bandit
06-05-21, 03:53
I read on the news that Colombia will stop the PCR requirements for travelers in July.Can you provide us with that new source? Because that says July, I've been seeing June.

This report is from 2 days ago.


06-05-21, 06:22
The goal has always been to minimize lose of life until vaccines could be developed and distributed. That's what has brought about the recent successes in the states, not the disease running it's course. And vaccinations are on the increase in Colombia which is excellent. The goal of restrictions as of late has always been to keep hospital ICUs from overflowing. Yes those measures have worked for that purpose, both recently and historically.Yup, California tied the covid restriction tiers to ICU capacity by region. It helped drive down cases and things have been returning to normal.

06-05-21, 06:29
Basically pre pandemia but w masks on chin.

Vennies charging 25 k, and theyre not bad. Sessioned with 3 this am, finished with 2. 25 k each room 6 k. Flacas, early 20's cute face. Buyers market. most girls charging 30 + room but i sure you can get that included

In theory you could smash 500 girls a year at this price for a total of 5-6 k usd. Candyland.

Botero and verazcruz packed, real talent around raudul hiding inn hallways, flacas not those operated freaks;) ... charging 50 k for 30 min room 11 k. I'm sure you can do 50 k total. Model type chicas.

pretty much back to normal. checking out clubs laterPlease check out La Isla and Gusto.

Elvis 2008
06-05-21, 07:29
The goal has always been to minimize lose of life until vaccines could be developed and distributed. That's what has brought about the recent successes in the states, not the disease running it's course. And vaccinations are on the increase in Colombia which is excellent. The goal of restrictions as of late has always been to keep hospital ICUs from overflowing. Yes those measures have worked for that purpose, both recently and historically.Now it is vaccines? I thought lockdowns where you force people to stay indoors where the virus was spread was going to fix everything. Moving the goal posts again Cuomo?

Say it again Paulie. Say the governor of New York did a great job with the virus. I need the laugh.

Mojo Bandit
06-05-21, 08:47
I have found 4 airlines so far that are reporting that there is no test requirement to enter Colombia: Spirit, Copa, Jet Blue and Avianca. American Airlines is redirecting some website called "Sherpa" and it still has the test requirement on there.

Mr E just posted an image in the Bogota thread showing that Delta is also showing no test requirement

Unfortunately the Embassy website is running behind but I should think that the airlines matter more since they are the gatekeepers.

06-05-21, 13:25
I have found 4 airlines so far that are reporting that there is no test requirement to enter Colombia: Spirit, Copa, Jet Blue and Avianca. American Airlines is redirecting some website called "Sherpa" and it still has the test requirement on there.

Mr E just posted an image in the Bogota thread showing that Delta is also showing no test requirement

Unfortunately the Embassy website is running behind but I should think that the airlines matter more since they are the gatekeepers.A friend just bought a ticket on United, no test required. The invasion of the Gringos and Europeans has already begun, and they will be coming down in boatloads now that the Country has dropped it's testing requirement.

06-05-21, 14:49
Please check out La Isla and Gusto.Was in lleras last night to check it out, everything is open. walked by gustos around 8, lots of staff waiting around, i guess it gets packed later on.
didn't go in ....but plenty of girls in the park quoting 250-300 k, not sure if they would go lower, already finished three times yesterday, not interested in smashing was just having a few drinks and seeing the scene.

I chuckled to myself, because I saw a girl there that I saw in centro earlier that day. These same girls get dolled up and go to the gringos there for the big bux. Lost track of how many times I heard english spoken around me.

To be clear, this is NOT a knock on what people are willing to pay, who gives a sh*t. Just found it funny they upcharge like that. The taxi laughed when I told him, he said that's why he works poblado too.

Unfortunatly, the scene is still shit for non-pros, who wear one or two masks everywhere they go, masks, malls, etc.. Sure, you can ask them to pull it down, but I think why all the effort when I can just go pay 30 k for a hard 7 20 yearold spinner in veracruz. i cannot understate how many girls there are right now, literally 100 at least like surfer said

06-05-21, 16:46
I also saw stats that 0. 1% of infections came from open spaces. So all this mask wearing outside was just a load of garbage, as I suspected. And all those that complained about people not following protocols. Well those protocols were wrong.

Now it is vaccines? I thought lockdowns where you force people to stay indoors where the virus was spread was going to fix everything. Moving the goal posts again Cuomo?

Say it again Paulie. Say the governor of New York did a great job with the virus. I need the laugh.

06-05-21, 17:03
I've been in El Centro every day this week, typically in the morning and late afternoons. I usually do one in the morning and one in the afternoon and go swimming in between. This week I have noticed more and more girls all over the place. They are under the METRO, around all the statues, the park adjacent to the Mueseum, the walkway alongside the Church, and lurking everywhere in addition to the backside of the Church with all the bars.

On Friday I arrived at 3 PM and stayed until 8 PM. The peak of girls was around 5 PM, there was easily three hundred out, not even counting the street on the backside of the Church, and I didn't even check out La Grief or Raudual to see what was going on. And some of the girls where like in "packs" of two to five girls making laps, and lots of very young ones.

And now things are only going to get worse which is a good thing since they have opened the border with Venezuela. My bet is there will be many more arrivals. And I have begun to notice a lot of prettier and thinner girls working then ever before. There used to be so many grotesque and fat Venezuleans and now the "A" team has started to arrive. And a lot more gringos have arrived as well. Since the lifting of the weekend lockdowns and the testing requirement, there's going to be an onslaught of them in the weeks to come..I spent 60 nites in nana in 2019,3 floors of bars maybe 1000 or 1500 chicas on a packed night (maybe 10% Lb bars) now Soi Cowboy, I'm guessing at least 20 or 30% Lbs?

Not to mention the zillions of freelance Lbs just meters away on Sukumvit.

In any case not so fast back to Nana.


Enjoy El Centro.

06-05-21, 17:13
Flew in from Cancun, yesterday...

- Taxi dropped us at the wrong terminal.

- Taxi didn't have change.

- Line of 300 people for security in Cancun, many of whom still had to do the health form and did not find out until the front of the line that it was required or how to find it. It boggles my mind that they don't have a single staff member cruising the lines with a QR code to help explain and expedite the process.

- Everyone in the check-in line was pissed off, doing the Check Mig Form, weighing bags, smashing carry-ONS into the measure cube.

- I had already done my Check Mig, but could not select Colombia for my gal, and they said she needs to do it. The form wasn't working and the airport wifi sucked. Finally, the manager said take a screen shot of the error and show it when you arrive.

- The check-in agent charged me $170 for 2 bags being a combined 10kg overweight. I literally didn't even look at the receipt until we got on the plane, because I was already so annoyed I knew I would blow a gasket. It was some fucking crazy energy with a father sitting on the baggage scale, other people yelling about God knows what.

- They said I couldn't board without an outbound flight ticket. I told them I've gone to Colombia 10 times and never needed one, and that the Colombians can make their own decision if I can enter. I'd be happy to buy a flight on my phone upon arrival if it were to become and issue. Manager didn't help one bit, and I had to buy a $500+ roundtrip back to the US for August, which I was already planning to do at some point.

- We had seats 8A & 8C, the flight attendants start moving everyone from the front to their real seats. We were sitting in 6D & 6 , so us moving back 3 feet must have had an enormous effect on the weight distribution for takeoff. Then, they come back and ask us to move to row 27. I said, "OK but we can move back after take-off, right?" (I didn't want to be the last gringo in the immigration line. She says no. So, I went and sat in the jump seat. Such a fucking annoying 2 hours. I ended up moving back up to row 8 as they prepared for landing, and immigration took about 30 seconds as I was the first gringo in line.

- Traffic sucked around 7 p to Envigado, as predicted.

*No PCR Required / No Check Mig / No Proof of Outbound Flight* (This is not to say you shouldn't do Check Mig or have an outbound flight, just that I wasn't asked for either).

My small 1-bedroom is decent, brand new remodel, really nice location, and I like the local vibe. Pinky tried to take the 11p bus to go see her family, but it was full. So she had to Uber back and forth, then take the 930a. I'm looking forward to meeting up with some new chicas, and maybe a couple repeats, but today is strictly for getting wasted. It's kind of weird seeing all the masks, after being in Mexico, but no one was giving me dagger-eyes when I was walking around town with mine in my hand. If you haven't stayed in Envigado, I would recommend giving it a chance. Especially, if you're considering moving to Medellin and don't know where you want to live.


Mr Enternational
06-05-21, 17:38
*No PCR Required / No Check Mig / No Proof of Outbound Flight* (This is not to say you shouldn't do Check Mig or have an outbound flight, just that I wasn't asked for either).After you do checkmig online it is showing in the immigration system. After they scan your passport they can already see it so there is no need to ask.

06-05-21, 19:05
Just a quick confirm that centro is in full swings, at least a hundred girls in botero / veracruz / raudaul, tons of sexy ones too.

Picked this 19 yo venni flaca with natural dd and a pretty face by the clear walkway, yessica. She was moaning the whole time saying my dick was too big. Probably because she's only like 5 ft, I'm no swinger hahaha.

Lube really helps guys, trust me go buy it. I started laughing after because she said she leave centro at 17:00, cleans up, puts on a tight dress and heavy makeup and goes to parque lleras. She showed me pics and she was like a diff girl, hard 8. Said she charges gringos 200 k for one leche, lowest she goes is 150 k. i just paid 30k +7k room..lol.
She likes it because she said the viejos can't get hard so they just want her to get naked hahaah. Now that's a smart puta!

Demonstrations last night but everything is pretty safe, people are pretty tired of the protests. It's mostly college antifa type people now, not the whole population like during el paro.



06-05-21, 19:36
Was in lleras last night to check it out, everything is open. walked by gustos around 8, lots of staff waiting around, i guess it gets packed later on.
didn't go in ....but plenty of girls in the park quoting 250-300 k, not sure if they would go lower, already finished three times yesterday, not interested in smashing was just having a few drinks and seeing the scene.

I chuckled to myself, because I saw a girl there that I saw in centro earlier that day. These same girls get dolled up and go to the gringos there for the big bux. Lost track of how many times I heard english spoken around me.

To be clear, this is NOT a knock on what people are willing to pay, who gives a sh*t. Just found it funny they upcharge like that. The taxi laughed when I told him, he said that's why he works poblado too.

Unfortunatly, the scene is still shit for non-pros, who wear one or two masks everywhere they go, masks, malls, etc.. Sure, you can ask them to pull it down, but I think why all the effort when I can just go pay 30 k for a hard 7 20 yearold spinner in veracruz. i cannot understate how many girls there are right now, literally 100 at least like surfer saidThanks. The girls inside the clubs charge a bit more, but they tend to be hotter. But 8+ is good enough for me, thanks for the report.

06-05-21, 20:47
Flew in from Cancun, yesterday...

- Taxi dropped us at the wrong terminal.

- Taxi didn't have change.

- Line of 300 people for security in Cancun, many of whom still had to do the health form and did not find out until the front of the line that it was required or how to find it. It boggles my mind that they don't have a single staff member cruising the lines with a QR code to help explain and expedite the process.

- Everyone in the check-in line was pissed off, doing the Check Mig Form, weighing bags, smashing carry-ONS into the measure cube.

- I had already done my Check Mig, but could not select Colombia for my gal, and they said she needs to do it. The form wasn't working and the airport wifi sucked. Finally, the manager said take a screen shot of the error and show it when you arrive.

- The check-in agent charged me $170 for 2 bags being a combined 10kg overweight. I literally didn't even look at the receipt until we got on the plane, because I was already so annoyed I knew I would blow a gasket. It was some fucking crazy energy with a father sitting on the baggage scale, other people yelling about God knows what..It would be helpful to know which airline you were flying. I came back from Puerto Vallarta two weeks ago on Aeromexico with no bullshit whatsoever. They checked all my paperwork in PV, had signs with instructions on how to get the QR code to leave Mexico all organized, and didn't even ask about whether I had a return ticket which I didn't. Also, I have flown on Jeblue and they have never asked. However I have had COPA and Avianca ask about a return ticket.

So besides the return ticket issue, the airline sounded like a fucking mess so who were they so they can be avoided.

Oh, and welcome back, your past Penthouse / Jacuzzi follies and photos with all your Barbie Dolls are always a sight to see as lot of guys drool over them, but not me. LOL.

06-05-21, 20:50
Just a quick confirm that centro is in full swings, at least a hundred girls in botero / veracruz / raudaul, tons of sexy ones too.

Picked this 19 yo venni flaca with natural dd and a pretty face by the clear walkway, yessica. She was moaning the whole time saying my dick was too big. Probably because she's only like 5 ft, I'm no swinger hahaha.

Lube really helps guys, trust me go buy it. I started laughing after because she said she leave centro at 17:00, cleans up, puts on a tight dress and heavy makeup and goes to parque lleras. She showed me pics and she was like a diff girl, hard 8. Said she charges gringos 200 k for one leche, lowest she goes is 150 k. i just paid 30k +7k room..lol.
She likes it because she said the viejos can't get hard so they just want her to get naked hahaah. Now that's a smart puta!

Demonstrations last night but everything is pretty safe, people are pretty tired of the protests. It's mostly college antifa type people now, not the whole population like during el paro.


Jw.You're an inspiration for us Centro mongers LOL. I dunno bro, I'm on my way to Col on the 26th of this month, buying ticket later today and thinking Cartagena since I haven't been there a while, but damn Mde is calling me back. Last Dec was when I went there last and things were just about to close from 12 a to 10 p. Now that they're reopening not sure where I should be at and your story is def calling me back there man. I miss the young innocent centro beauties for $8 LMAO.

Mojo Bandit
06-05-21, 21:19
The "Sherpa" website the shows up when I check American Airlines travel destinations requirements is now showing not test required.


06-05-21, 21:26
Just a quick confirm that centro is in full swings, at least a hundred girls in botero / veracruz / raudaul, tons of sexy ones too.
i just paid 30k +7k room..lol.

Jw.Is it possible to take the girl to your hotel? I just don't' like these short time places. I prefer "my" place. And not to rush. I'm thinking for something like "let's go to my hotel, take that 30 k x 2 and let's take it slow and easy".

06-05-21, 21:59
I chuckled to myself, because I saw a girl there (Lleras) that I saw in centro earlier that day. These same girls get dolled up and go to the gringos there for the big bux. Lost track of how many times I heard English spoken around me.

To be clear, this is not a knock on what people are willing to pay, who gives a sh*t. Just found it funny they upcharge like that. The taxi laughed when I told him, he said that's why he works poblado too.Same girls, ten times the price. Is the same when comparing the Centro strip clubs to the "high end" ones near El Pablado. The girls are all from the same neighborhoods. Many started out in Centro then moved up for the better payday.

06-05-21, 23:44
Is it possible to take the girl to your hotel? I just don't' like these short time places. I prefer "my" place. And not to rush. I'm thinking for something like "let's go to my hotel, take that 30 k x 2 and let's take it slow and easy".Sure, but the price may depend on where your hotel is. If it's in Centro or close by, she'll be happy with that 30 k X 2 and yes you'll have more time. If you're staying in Poblado, she'll likely want more. Personally, I would test them out in one of the short time places for 30 k. Then if you get along, invite them to your hotel / apartment. Test drives IMO make a ton of sense.

06-06-21, 03:54
Whats up guys! This Medellin thread is massive and I've searched about 100 pages and figured I would just throw this out there!

Best budget hotel near El Centro. Like $20 to $30 a night range.


Can't wait to visit!

06-06-21, 05:20
Is it possible to take the girl to your hotel? I just don't' like these short time places. I prefer "my" place. And not to rush. I'm thinking for something like "let's go to my hotel, take that 30 k x 2 and let's take it slow and easy".Yea for sure, I never do that though, go back and read pollo negros posts or dm him, I remember that was his M. O.

And slapshot, yea plenty of hot girls 8+. Seems pretty much back to normal, confirmed that clubs open till at least 2 am.

06-06-21, 14:12
Same girls, ten times the price. Is the same when comparing the Centro strip clubs to the "high end" ones near El Pablado. The girls are all from the same neighborhoods. Many started out in Centro then moved up for the better payday.This photo is from Saturday night taken in Parque Lleras a friend of mine sent me. I know one of the girls in the photo and go with her from time to time and always meet her in El Centro.

There are no specific neighborhood (s) from which the girls who have worked in El Centro come from that also work in Lleras, and they come from all over Medellin, and not any specific barrios.

The common denominator of the girls working Lleras though is that they have to have "game" to work Lleras.

The notion that a Centro Chica can just get dolled up and boom their going to get 200 K versus 30 K working Lleras is a bit of an illusion.

Most Centro Chicas have little to no experience with foreigners, and would grapple with snaring a gringo in Lleras while the Chicas with "game" will be much more adept at snagging clients.

06-06-21, 14:55
A friend just bought a ticket on United, no test required. The invasion of the Gringos and Europeans has already begun, and they will be coming down in boatloads now that the Country has dropped it's testing requirement.Well you can strike Europeans of your list since it is still really complicated for us to get in and out of there and that is why I left on a one way ticket. We can't even travel to the US because of the presidential proclamation and as Colombia is still on a red list it means hotel quarantine on return at a cost of over 2000 euros.

Just a quick confirm that centro is in full swings, at least a hundred girls in botero / veracruz / raudaul, tons of sexy ones too.

Picked this 19 yo venni flaca with natural dd and a pretty face by the clear walkway, yessica. She was moaning the whole time saying my dick was too big. Probably because she's only like 5 ft, I'm no swinger hahaha.

Lube really helps guys, trust me go buy it. I started laughing after because she said she leave centro at 17:00, cleans up, puts on a tight dress and heavy makeup and goes to parque lleras. She showed me pics and she was like a diff girl, hard 8. Said she charges gringos 200 k for one leche, lowest she goes is 150 k. i just paid 30k +7k room..lol.
She likes it because she said the viejos can't get hard so they just want her to get naked hahaah. Now that's a smart puta!

Demonstrations last night but everything is pretty safe, people are pretty tired of the protests. It's mostly college antifa type people now, not the whole population like during el paro.


Jw.I went to Lleras for the first time the other night just to see it and as someone else said I heard lots of English around me. Definitely not my scene these type of gringo places, but honestly some really stunning girls walking around. Got quoted 200-300 k and they would absolutely not budge on that, I chuckled to myself. The other day I had 2 girls at my place for 2 hours for 200 k total. Got the number of 2 girls and the next day they were still not budging on price. They wanted to know why I wanted to pay less and I tried to explain to them I do not want to pay them little money but I am just not paying Poblado prices because I don't need to.

Also I had a centro girl at my place the other day and she told me she does 3 or 4 days in Lleras as well as centro LOL.

Is it possible to take the girl to your hotel? I just don't' like these short time places. I prefer "my" place. And not to rush. I'm thinking for something like "let's go to my hotel, take that 30 k x 2 and let's take it slow and easy".This is something I would advise against. As I was told by many veterans here most of these girls have never left centro as it is their natural habitat and a lot will not want to leave with you.

Honestly a lot of these are just cheap ho's and it takes a bit of hunting to find the gems. I've had a few centro girls here the last few days and honestly I cannot believe how uncivilised some of them are, putting out cigarettes on a wooden table, ash on the floor, needing drugs etc. I spent an hour cleaning up my apartment afterwards.

Thats why it works so well on the ground there, you pay cheap and if she's useless you've lost nothing really, if someone has potential then get their number and take them to your own hotel but taking a centro girl straight to your place without testing IMHO is madness.

At Slapshot on my way here I rented an airline ticket just as a precaution as I had issues with one way tickets before. They cost around $20, a few companies do them and the booking number shows up as a live booking on the airlines website.

06-06-21, 14:58
I left Lleras around 12, last night. When we got back into Envigado, I told the taxi driver I needed to pull out cash to pay him (normally I would take DiDi / Uber but it was slow and a cab was readily available). We went to the gas station, but the guy had been using my cell on the dash for the map, and he took off. The gas station says I can talk to some one about video on Tuesday. The police say go to Fiscalia, which is not open today. My last back up was April 15. I can't access WhatsApp on my computer, nor can I mark my phone as lost on icloud. What a day!

I fucking knew this bullshit would happen.

If anyone has specific advice regarding what to do, or if I were to buy a new phone, how to activate e-SIM with T-mobile, etc. , it would be greatly appreciated if you give me the short version.

06-06-21, 14:59
It would be helpful to know which airline you were flying. I came back from Puerto Vallarta two weeks ago on Aeromexico with no bullshit whatsoever. They checked all my paperwork in PV, had signs with instructions on how to get the QR code to leave Mexico all organized, and didn't even ask about whether I had a return ticket which I didn't. Also, I have flown on Jeblue and they have never asked. However I have had COPA and Avianca ask about a return ticket.

So besides the return ticket issue, the airline sounded like a fucking mess so who were they so they can be avoided.

Oh, and welcome back, your past Penthouse / Jacuzzi follies and photos with all your Barbie Dolls are always a sight to see as lot of guys drool over them, but not me. LOL.VIVA AIR or VIVA Airbus or some bullshit. Yellow and green logo.

06-06-21, 15:04
I respect all types of mongering. Whether it's centro or poblado or strip clubs to casas.

But stop with this misleading information.

Yes on occasion you'll see a centro girl try her luck in Poblado.

But you're not going to see a hardened Poblado girl take 30 k to sell her pussy.

She'll start at 200 usd and might work her way to 200 mil if she's desperate.

Centro girls don't work their way up to La Isla. Maybe it has happened on rare occasions but it doesn't work that way.

The higher end girls work at La Isla right now. It's wall to wall packed on weekends because they can be open past curfew hours.

They do not just let any girl walk in there to work.

Look guys whichever way you monger is your business.

If I sat here and tried to make fun of the guy spending more than me on the same girl, do you think that person is going to care?? He's in a position not to care.

It amazes me how misleading some information can be.

Just because you saw a handful of centro girls in poblado doesn't mean it's a regular occurrence. There's more drug addicts and fat girls in centro and you don't see much of that in Poblado or the higher end places.

Just as in life you'll get what you pay for.

My last trip I saw a guy offer a girl I know 3 million pesos. It was HIS offer. Good for him.

We discuss centro and poblado and all the venues. But I notice it's ALWAYS a centro hobbyist bringing something like this up. And then generalizes it like it's a normal occurrence. Which is completely not the case.

06-06-21, 15:44
100% agree on this!

I honestly cannot understand what should be so special about el Centro. I was living in Medellin for a couple years and am still visiting from time to time. Anyone who says the quality of girls in Centro is the same as in La Isla / Fase 2 club has no idea what he is talking about. Centro girls quality is usually low and what I saw in the recent videos posted here, not much has changed. Yes they are cheap and it might be possible to find some cute ones. Also true that some are going to Lleras at night trying to charge 10 times as much as during the day in Centro. I prefer Top quality girls 8's and above and these usually cost 200-800 k and no way can be found at Centro. Some here now probably calling me stupid, mostly those who never been to Isla because they do not want or cannot afford.

I respect all types of mongering. Whether it's centro or poblado or strip clubs to casas.

But stop with this misleading information.

Yes on occasion you'll see a centro girl try her luck in Poblado.

But you're not going to see a hardened Poblado girl take 30 k to sell her pussy.

She'll start at 200 usd and might work her way to 200 mil if she's desperate.

Centro girls don't work their way up to La Isla. Maybe it has happened on rare occasions but it doesn't work that way.

The higher end girls work at La Isla right now. It's wall to wall packed on weekends because they can be open past curfew hours.

They do not just let any girl walk in there to work.

Look guys whichever way you monger is your business.

If I sat here and tried to make fun of the guy spending more than me on the same girl, do you think that person is going to care?? He's in a position not to care.

06-06-21, 15:48
Was the OP saying that he's seen girls from Centro in La Isla? Or just Poblado? I think the second is very plausible. You see girls in Parque Lleras who probably also work centro (or facebook).

I think there are plenty of girls in Poblado who are addicts. Their addictions are just different. Coke, tussi, booze. Where as in centro, maybe is glue and weed.

For me personally, centro doesn't do a lot for me. That said, I have been to La Isla and those plastics don't do a lot for me either, especially since they are so overpriced because weekend warriors are throwing around their money (while the girls are laughing behind their backs).


Just because you saw a handful of centro girls in poblado doesn't mean it's a regular occurrence. There's more drug addicts and fat girls in centro and you don't see much of that in Poblado or the higher end places..

06-06-21, 15:52
VIVA AIR or VIVA Airbus or some bullshit. Yellow and green logo.Another Spirit, I won't fly with them, total bullshit buying a ticket with three options for baggage, the first one includes a small carry on, not overhead, the second option includes a checked bag but no overhead, and the third option which includes the overhead bag jacks the price up so high as you experienced. For somebody flying with nothing, a perfect option. By the time you add seat selection and baggage the price literally is the same as the other carriers.

06-06-21, 16:18
I respect all types of mongering. Whether it's centro or poblado or strip clubs to casas.

But stop with this misleading information.

Yes on occasion you'll see a centro girl try her luck in Poblado.

But you're not going to see a hardened Poblado girl take 30 k to sell her pussy.

She'll start at 200 usd and might work her way to 200 mil if she's desperate.

Centro girls don't work their way up to La Isla. Maybe it has happened on rare occasions but it doesn't work that way.

The higher end girls work at La Isla right now. It's wall to wall packed on weekends because they can be open past curfew hours.

They do not just let any girl walk in there to work.

Look guys whichever way you monger is your business.

If I sat here and tried to make fun of the guy spending more than me on the same girl, do you think that person is going to care?? He's in a position not to care.

It amazes me how misleading some information can be.

Just because you saw a handful of centro girls in poblado doesn't mean it's a regular occurrence. There's more drug addicts and fat girls in centro and you don't see much of that in Poblado or the higher end places.

Just as in life you'll get what you pay for.

My last trip I saw a guy offer a girl I know 3 million pesos. It was HIS offer. Good for him.

We discuss centro and poblado and all the venues. But I notice it's ALWAYS a centro hobbyist bringing something like this up. And then generalizes it like it's a normal occurrence. Which is completely not the case.Agree and some of the chicas have caught on, and they often ask you to make an offer, because I am sure there have been those throwing such stupid (and frankly unexpected) offers out, so why miss the chance at the payday. If you lowball them, they may just go quiet, but if you are within range, and they don't have a crazy offer then they will bite. But I have definitely noticed more of them asking what you want to offer. I have my offering mechanism, and use taxi as a little wiggle room. But if they want big money, even if I can afford it, it's a pass for me, no matter what they look like since in my experience the service is almost guaranteed to be a let down. A chica will almost always take a fair offer from someone she wants to or at least doesn't mind fucking.

Best sessions are with those you have some relationship with (more than 1st time), price point is at around market rate, and time is secondary as they are comfortable and maybe a little into enjoying themselves too.

06-06-21, 16:29
I left Lleras around 12, last night. When we got back into Envigado, I told the taxi driver I needed to pull out cash to pay him (normally I would take DiDi / Uber but it was slow and a cab was readily available). We went to the gas station, but the guy had been using my cell on the dash for the map, and he took off. The gas station says I can talk to some one about video on Tuesday. The police say go to Fiscalia, which is not open today. My last back up was April 15. I can't access WhatsApp on my computer, nor can I mark my phone as lost on icloud. What a day!

I fucking knew this bullshit would happen.

If anyone has specific advice regarding what to do, or if I were to buy a new phone, how to activate e-SIM with T-mobile, etc. , it would be greatly appreciated if you give me the short version.I know it's too late for this information now, but whenever a taxista needs direction I hang onto my phone and tell him when and where to turn. I've known too many people who have lost phones by charging them in a taxi, or letting the driver use their map.

If I was coming down this week I'd just bring you a phone, but I won't be in Envigado for another 10 days.

06-06-21, 16:36
Is it possible to take the girl to your hotel? I just don't' like these short time places. I prefer "my" place. And not to rush. I'm thinking for something like "let's go to my hotel, take that 30 k x 2 and let's take it slow and easy".If your hotel is on El Centro and reasonably close then it's possible. However, if you're in Poblado or Laureles most of them won't want to go. There's a bit of paranoia about leaving their comfort zone. There's also the time aspect. If traffic is bad they could miss 6 or 7 customers just to leave with 1. You can either rent your own place in El Centro to use for the girls there or use one of the better short time hotels like Premium Plaza or Zona Rosa.

06-06-21, 16:57

If anyone has specific advice regarding what to do, or if I were to buy a new phone, how to activate e-SIM with T-mobile, etc. , it would be greatly appreciated if you give me the short version.It appears to be straight forward following instruction here.


06-06-21, 17:25
Be sure to buy an unlocked phone. If you don't it's not the end of the world, you can get it unlocked but it will take up to a day. Also, and this is in no way me blaming you the victim, keep your phone in your hand or in your pocket at all times. That is my practice even at home on the rare occasions someone I don't know well is in my apartment. Another point for future reference is the DIDI app give you the option of using a taxi. You pay the meter reading using the same payment methods you use with independent DID drivers. And the taxis use their own phones to accept the trip and follow GPS guidance. I sometimes lose patience with taxistas fumbling routes and turn on my phone's GPS. In those situations I tell the taxista to turn off the radio and listen to the GPS. I keep the voice guidance in Spanish.

Anyway back to your phone, you won't have much problem setting up a new eSIM but it may take more than one try. I stick to physical SIMs for this reason. I also keep a spare phone but in a pinch I can use a friend's unlocked phone with a newly activated spare physical SIM I also keep handy.

I left Lleras around 12, last night. When we got back into Envigado, I told the taxi driver I needed to pull out cash to pay him (normally I would take DiDi / Uber but it was slow and a cab was readily available). We went to the gas station, but the guy had been using my cell on the dash for the map, and he took off. The gas station says I can talk to some one about video on Tuesday. The police say go to Fiscalia, which is not open today. My last back up was April 15. I can't access WhatsApp on my computer, nor can I mark my phone as lost on icloud. What a day!

I fucking knew this bullshit would happen.

If anyone has specific advice regarding what to do, or if I were to buy a new phone, how to activate e-SIM with T-mobile, etc. , it would be greatly appreciated if you give me the short version.

Mr Enternational
06-06-21, 17:35
If I sat here and tried to make fun of the guy spending more than me on the same girl, do you think that person is going to care?? He's in a position not to care.
The observation may not be for the guy spending more than you. It could just as well bring awareness to someone new that comes along. Just like when I went to Jamaica and they had the nice new shop where tourists could by things. I sensed something fishy and went outside to ask a local. Turned out locals could by the same shit around the corner 50 meters away for 1/4 of the price at a place that was not shiny and new. Nobody is being forced or made fun of to shop at either place, but it is information that can be taken into account of where to shop.

06-06-21, 22:18
At Slapshot on my way here I rented an airline ticket just as a precaution as I had issues with one way tickets before. They cost around $20, a few companies do them and the booking number shows up as a live booking on the airlines website.How do you rent airline tickets? Am curios? As this is something which can really be useful to me at times.

Elvis 2008
06-06-21, 22:45
If anyone has specific advice regarding what to do, or if I were to buy a new phone, how to activate e-SIM with T-mobile, etc. , it would be greatly appreciated if you give me the short version.With T mobile, you go onto their website and buy an international pass, $35 for 10 days, $50 for a month. That is the most painless way to go.

You do not need an international pass for Mexico (or Canada I think) but you do for South America.

06-06-21, 23:02
How do you rent airline tickets? Am curios? As this is something which can really be useful to me at times.I think I used this website https://bestonwardticket.com. You get emailed a ticket within a few hours which will be a live booking for 48 hours on the airlines website, you also can choose your destination. There are others if you Google it. An extremely useful service when using one way tickets and well worth 20 bucks.

Mr Enternational
06-06-21, 23:14
I think I used this website https://bestonwardticket.com. You get emailed a ticket within a few hours which will be a live booking for 48 hours on the airlines website, you also can choose your destination. There are others if you Google it. An extremely useful service when using one way tickets and well worth 20 bucks.You can also buy a real refundable ticket for free.

06-06-21, 23:44
You can also buy a real refundable ticket for free.That's true depending on what you are trying to do. For example if a return ticket from Medellin is needed, just buy it right before you leave then cancel it after you clear customs. US federal law gives a 24 hour window to cancel. Usually they wait until the 24 hours has expired before hitting your CC. If not you'll be promptly refunded.

06-06-21, 23:57
You can also buy a real refundable ticket for free.I am aware of that and that is an option but with the current situation I have spent months fighting airlines for refunds for "refundable tickets". A lot of airlines and companies are dragging their heels and have all types of T's & see's and its very easily to overlook a condition in terms of your refund, and I would rather do without the hassle of spending a few hundred dollars and then fighting to get it back. Simple solution for me, spend less than $20 and I have a live ticket within a few hours as I see my time as valuable.

06-07-21, 01:37
Very slow today in El Centro which is typical, yet two Sundays ago it was popping.

I arrived around 3 PM Sunday and just kind of hung around for a few hours making laps and talking to a few guys. Nothing to write home about, yet a few of my regulars were out and I kind of let them know not today, but thanks.

Around 5 PM I was getting tired and wanted to get back to my place for happy hour so pulled one of my regulars who I have known for at least seven years, longer than any of my others.

We checked into Zona Rosa and my god was she in heat! After about 25 minutes of huffing and puffing, she literally demanded that I come in her mouth. She had never asked me to do that before, and I typically don't finish with Blow jobs, and when I do the girls typically hit the bathroom to spit out the jizz.

Well this time, being the gentleman that I am, I decided to oblige and go with the flow.

Oh man she worked it and worked it and then I blew my load.

But she kept sucking, and when she pulled her head back, she had this shit eating grin on her face as she had swallowed my load. I don't think it was too tasty, but maybe it was!

Holy shit, major brownie points for what transpired. I never knew she was a swallower, and they are hard to come by.

I told her she was a dog in heat today. I'm not sure if I said it correctly in Spanish when I told her that she was a "Perra Caliente", but she understood what I was saying and smiled and said yes she was very horny today which in Spanish is "ganas" I believe.

For some reason I seem to have good experiences on Sundays in El Centro and today was a winner.

06-07-21, 03:52
I respect all types of mongering. Whether it's centro or poblado or strip clubs to casas.

But stop with this misleading information.

Yes on occasion you'll see a centro girl try her luck in Poblado.

But you're not going to see a hardened Poblado girl take 30 k to sell her pussy.

She'll start at 200 usd and might work her way to 200 mil if she's desperate.

Centro girls don't work their way up to La Isla. Maybe it has happened on rare occasions but it doesn't work that way.

The higher end girls work at La Isla right now. It's wall to wall packed on weekends because they can be open past curfew hours.

They do not just let any girl walk in there to work.

Look guys whichever way you monger is your business.

If I sat here and tried to make fun of the guy spending more than me on the same girl, do you think that person is going to care?? He's in a position not to care.Agree to disagree and your info is truly what's misleading. One thing I want to make clear and I speak for myself perhaps the other Centro guys. Just cause we go to Centro, it does not mean we don't also go to Poblado and spend 200-800 k when we feel like it. Not going to measure bank balance or dick size while at it, but I could. Also anyone who's so quick to mention they got money blah blah on an anonymous board on the internet that no one cares about is actually the one whos' broke and trying wayyy to hard. Anyone coming from the USA can have money. So it's not about that at all.

In fact I could even get into facts and stories how Wealthy people spend less in many ways. Yes there are some flashy dudes, but real wealthy men who built their castle from the bottom with their own sweat always make every dollar count. I used to be a banker, the clients that called to dispute $1-$5 late fees and finance charges were Always the ones with $100 k+ to several Millions of $ in their accounts, whereas the ones with bad credits with barely few hundreds dollars who are always paying overdraft fees and finances charges never or rarely call to dispute fees. If anything they were grateful to have an account in the first place. Hence the well known facts that bank / businesses make money usually only the medium class and especially on the poor. Consider this Free education, and try disciplining yourselves, as you're giving yourselves away as fakes and want to be cause you don't really have money if going to Poblado only is your argument.

My thing is if you're visiting a country, why not explore multiple places and methods? No different than eating street food and go where the locals go. Going to places that cater only to gringo to me is not a real local experience since they're targeting my dollar. No different than going on a cruise and staying on the Ship LOL. It's pathetic. And some would dare claiming they visited the country. No you didn't, you stayed on a fancy ship. Menus in English, Bitches speak English, LOL, all to trap my dollar. So no I want to get what the locals get, no Ingles, cheap street food, cheap cervezas, raw local pussy with no fake tits / No Fake asses targeting my tourist arse.

Why does it have to be a competition or one vs the other? Some dudes like myself get bored quick, some mornings I use Centro also for a little walk and exercise, evening I prob spend more than some of you in Poblado. Yes I sit in VIPs in both Gusto and Lleras park club, La Isla and all the others. I often walk in with two chicas or pick two chicas and buy a bottle to share with even strangers LOL. Most of what users write about centro is true, there are women from Poblado that I fuckd for 300 k that can't even come close to some of the Centro beauties. Not all of them but some for sure. Plus la Isla ain't really all that and some women in there I wouldn't fuck for free. I'd say 1 out of 10 women in la Isla is prob an 8-10, the rest or 90% are just average hoes.

When I went last time few months back, same girls coming from La Isla and Face dos went to other local after hour club after closing, and were asking 1/3rd of what they skd me before LOL. So 300 k got reduced to 120 k (actual going rate in the after hour club, 120 for 30 minutes, room upstairs and club still take a cut meaning they prob earn 50 k), met one in the street before she went inside, negotiated down to 50 k + taxi and ended pay paying 100 k at my place. Was around 4 am. Yes same hoe from La Isla who wanted 300 k. Of course many aren't going to go for it, plus the super hot ones always make enough money and don't go to after hrs and aren't desperate. But many of the others, still possible solid 6-8 range you can get cheap if you catch them in other places or if they like you.

So GTFOH. If you don't have games just say you don't but don't talk sh $t you know none about. It's also about not being afraid to visit clubs with no other gringos almost in sight. Some of you fellas maybe aren't fun, yes some of those hunnies are hardcore pros, but many of them are new to the game, or college student and besides they are all still human. If you're cool and they just want to hang with you sometimes the money becomes secondary. Women aren't machines, they can chose to charge you an amount and charge the other chomp less. They are not programmed to not have any feelings, or never get horny, and you all often forget that they still have boyfriends banging them for no dinero, or worse no boyfriends due their hobby meaning they still want dick when they've no client.

Bottom line, I don't want to offend anyone so Admin don't ban me for saying this LOL, but honestly if you joined this hobby because you failed with women and didn't have any games, or were unlucky with love for whatever reasons, then just learn and try to apply yourselves to become better, remember that practice makes perfect, and just don't argue. Just having stateside money that becomes a lot overseas and suddenly getting laid by women you've never had a chance to bed before does not make you a player, or think you know all about women. You are paying her while the local matcho with games with zero dollars is nutting in her free, daily!

Because believe it or not, many of us in hobby have been married, dated dimes back home, tons of them, fuckd the prom queen and everything in High school and still don't have any problem picking up dates. And for us this is just fun to continue our journey of passion and emptying our intensely filled Libido LOL.

06-07-21, 04:33
100% agree on this!

I honestly cannot understand what should be so special about el Centro. I was living in Medellin for a couple years and am still visiting from time to time. Anyone who says the quality of girls in Centro is the same as in La Isla / Fase 2 club has no idea what he is talking about. Centro girls quality is usually low and what I saw in the recent videos posted here, not much has changed. Yes they are cheap and it might be possible to find some cute ones. Also true that some are going to Lleras at night trying to charge 10 times as much as during the day in Centro. I prefer Top quality girls 8's and above and these usually cost 200-800 k and no way can be found at Centro. Some here now probably calling me stupid, mostly those who never been to Isla because they do not want or cannot afford.You fail in this debate because you think of women as Products in a shop.

If you just purchased a computer at Best Buy and spent $1000, and I claim to just have paid $100 for the exact same model at Walmart Brand new, obviously I'd be lying.

Well Gentlemen women aren't products. This is a personal hobby / business they do using their body, and yes I know it's the obvious but sometimes you all forget with so many crazy things I read on here and other places about hookers and pricing debates. So she can choose to charge 300 k one spot and 30 k another spot, and FREE even for some. Now I know many of you just flip out and losing your minds when guys mention free here. So I won't tell you about my free stories LOL.

I'm going to keep repeating this and support those who's experienced the same. I've met 8's, 9's and 10's in Centro charging 30 k, and I've tried asking them to come to my apt / hotel and price went up to 250-300 k or more, same if I see them in Parque Lleras. Reason is simple, when they're hot they're in high demand in the streets and can get even more money charging 30-60 k and upcharging for extra stuff like BBBJ, anal etc. This is coming from them and I was shocked when one claimed this, that she can make more money in street as she turned down a 200 k offer I made her to come to my hotel. It was around 7 pm which was prime time for her. As soon as I walked away someone grabbed her and she disappeared LOL.

It's a different dynamic in the street and I can see why also they could make more money. Plus she doesn't have to spend a hundred in a pretty dress, hair or too much make up. Economically it's smart. So when you think like that on their point of view, you'll see why those dimes exist in the street. Besides, Colombia is a country if 50+Million citizens, and only a few hundred women visit Poblado or Parque Lleras and those clubs you fake ballers call fancy. Meaning the majority of beautiful women or the real cream of the crop of the country remain unseen, with the locals or the Elites, Celebs, or work in private. Just don't be too closed minded.

06-07-21, 06:57
I went to Lleras for the first time the other night just to see it and as someone else said I heard lots of English around me. Definitely not my scene these type of gringo places, but honestly some really stunning girls walking around. Got quoted 200-300 k and they would absolutely not budge on that, I chuckled to myself. The other day I had 2 girls at my place for 2 hours for 200 k total. Got the number of 2 girls and the next day they were still not budging on price. They wanted to know why I wanted to pay less and I tried to explain to them I do not want to pay them little money but I am just not paying Poblado prices because I don't need to.But, there's a clown on here that claims he can get them for 30 k. I really want to see it happen, they'll laugh at him LOL.

06-07-21, 07:57
Hey all,

I'm planning on visiting Medellin for the first time soon. Since it's my first go around, main priority is safety / convenience. Planning on staying in Poblado as that's the touristy area. I would prefer the mongering be as "low touch" as possible, so girls coming to my hotel rather than me going to Centro everyday to find them for example. I don't have the time to slowly build up a list of connections on Facebook. How good are sites like Photoprepagos? Are the girls reliable? Are there any other good sources for finding girls online? If I get a hotel near parque Lleras, how easy is it to bring the girl back? Basically I'm looking for a staycation with mongering, so at most a short walk to parque Lleras from the hotel, nothing more.

06-07-21, 10:35
Hi brothers, can you please give me more info about the usual hotel policy about guests coming to your room? If you book a room for 2 persons. Do they charge something if you bring girl to the hotel room? Usually I book apartments and I have no such worries but strangely I can not find an apartment in Medellin that fits my needs and pocket at the same time. And the hotels offers that on a much better price. Usually it's the opposite.There are all kinds of different policies among different hotels, from wide open-rent by the hour, to no guests allowed period.

Many of my fellow mongers here know I have been a fan of Ayenda Hotels from the time I first set foot in Medellin in 2019. They unofficially have the mongering market square in their sights. The hotels are usually 3 stars, clean and do not mind guests. Their rates are among the lowest you will find. Contrary to common newbie opinion, you want a hotel that checks girls cedulas (ID's) and keeps controls, such as calling your room when a chica leaves and before they return her cedula to make sure you haven't been drugged and robbed, jajajja.

Ayenda hotels are not a chain or franchise. The hotels are privately owned a pay Ayenda a fee for use of their reservation system and marketing. As a result, it is not always "obvious" if a hotel is an Ayenda, especially from the street. They will have a separate name but somehwere it will say "Ayenda" with a number. That is another point of confusion. That number is not part of the address, but all Ayenda hotels have their own ID number, such as Ayenda 1234 (a real Ayenda hotel where I have stayed and recommend). Long story longer, search under "Ayenda" using your favorite hotel search engine.

When you book a double rate, assuming you are alone, that gets you one "free" joiner or chica or guest per check-in / check out time cycle. What that means if you have a girl arrive at 3 AM, she leaves at 9 AM (before check out) then another chica comes in later that same day after check in, even though you had 2 girls in less than 24 hours you still are at the one girl per hotel "day" and will not pay extra if you booked the double rate, capish? Don't get bogged down in those details, stay friendly with the girls at reception, the maids, etc. Strategically tip and you will get back you measly tips ten times over when the receptionist looks the other way during one of your quickies. If you are having to scrape by on your pesos that tight then stay home and save more pennies before you come, jajaja. One trip where you can do as you please with as many girls as you want is better than two trips where you sit on your ass alone in your hotel room because you can't afford another girl for three days or more.

Usually the difference from the single to double rate is less than the separate per chica guest fee you have to pay. That translates to if you are going to average one chica per day or more in your room, pay the double rate and save a few pesos. AFTER the first girl per day, again based on check in and check out times as I explained above, then you have to pay a joiner fee or guest fee ranging from 15 to 30 mil COP per girl.

I got "warnings" in more than one Ayenda hotel when I hit 5 separate girls in 24 hours and another time when I had four girls in my room at the same time, LOL. I circumvented the second complaint by booking two rooms at the same time so I could bring up more girls still, and at eleven dollars a night it was worth it.

If you are the whiny, complainer type then Ayendas may not be for you. I have had hit or miss hot water and have switched rooms to get a better WiFi signal, but if you stay polite and respectful, I find they bend over backwards to please.

To wit, I recently got a Whassap from "Katherine" who identified herself as employed at one of the many Ayendas where I have stayed in Medellin, Cali, and Bogota, see foto. She offered me a 20% permanent discount, which when combined with the 10% discount I also get from the booking site I use, puts me in the single dollar digits per night for a room. And I don't think my male ego was being delusional when I read between her winking emojis and other parts or her message that she is offering me an additional bonus upon my return, jajajaja. I will be booking there and checking her out.

Other random gratuitous fotos, I was looking for the pics from that exact night when I started with four chicas in one room, ended up with six chicas in two rooms at one of the Ayendas on Avenida 70. Who am I kidding, that entire week was a blur. Well anywho I found these.

06-07-21, 10:57
In Nov / Dec I made it known that lots of centros were parading in Parque Lleras for double income. In ddition centro strippers who work day time or have day off also is seen out in Parque Lleras. So even the illerates and unsophisticated have enough sense to explore added incomes in Lleras. Its common sense and factual. Nyc I think you are ignoring the truth to support your lunacy of paying high dollars in Colombia when you can get the same talent in New York for the same price. Yeah yeah yeah you have the dough so why not LOL. Anyways fortunately in Kenya I can give a girl a cheap / nice gift and she spends the whole night doing whatever I like. No silicons, no upsell, no in a rush to make more money, real 3 somes, cum in the mouth all day long LOL. I loved it tall man. 2 and half month without paying for pussy. Blakman out.

I respect all types of mongering. Whether it's centro or poblado or strip clubs to casas.

But stop with this misleading information.

Yes on occasion you'll see a centro girl try her luck in Poblado.

But you're not going to see a hardened Poblado girl take 30 k to sell her pussy.

She'll start at 200 usd and might work her way to 200 mil if she's desperate.

Centro girls don't work their way up to La Isla. Maybe it has happened on rare occasions but it doesn't work that way.

The higher end girls work at La Isla right now. It's wall to wall packed on weekends because they can be open past curfew hours.

John Gault
06-07-21, 12:35
I think I used this website https://bestonwardticket.com. You get emailed a ticket within a few hours which will be a live booking for 48 hours on the airlines website, you also can choose your destination. There are others if you Google it. An extremely useful service when using one way tickets and well worth 20 bucks.This is the kind of intel needed on this board rather than hear about how many orgasmos a fellow gave a Chica.

06-07-21, 13:29
Bestonwardticket IS a real ticket. It is a real travel agency and they create a REAL ticket. The difference is that it is their responsibility to cancel it and get the refund, rather than yours.

I used to just create my own "tickets" using dreamweaver and photoshop, but the cost of Bestonwardticket is USD 12, so I figured I may as well save my time, PLUS it is a genuine ticket, rather than my effort was just a screen print of a fake ticket. .

You can also buy a real refundable ticket for free.

06-07-21, 13:41
With T mobile, you go onto their website and buy an international pass, $35 for 10 days, $50 for a month. That is the most painless way to go.

You do not need an international pass for Mexico (or Canada I think) but you do for South America.I just switched from Verizon, they suck, to T-mobile and get my new phone today, just in time for my trip to Bogotá this Thursday. Do I need to do anything special to get the international pass? Do I need to do it before I leave the states? When I turned on my Verizon phone when I landed in Colombia everything switched automatically.

Mr Enternational
06-07-21, 14:19
I just switched from Verizon, they suck, to T-mobile and get my new phone today, just in time for my trip to Bogot this Thursday. Do I need to do anything special to get the international pass? Do I need to do it before I leave the states? When I turned on my Verizon phone when I landed in Colombia everything switched automatically.You want to make sure your phone is already set to roam automatically. Also you need a plan that includes it. I have the Amplified plan which includes free international internet among other things for $70. You do not need to buy any passes.

06-07-21, 14:49
Bestonwardticket IS a real ticket. It is a real travel agency and they create a REAL ticket. The difference is that it is their responsibility to cancel it and get the refund, rather than yours.

I used to just create my own "tickets" using dreamweaver and photoshop, but the cost of Bestonwardticket is USD 12, so I figured I may as well save my time, PLUS it is a genuine ticket, rather than my effort was just a screen print of a fake ticket. .So I'm a bit confused how these tickets work. They are actual tickets but good for only 48 hours?

So if you buy one what departure date to use.

So as an example if you know your going to stay at least 10 days in Colombia or more, what return date do you buy the ticket for.

Or does the ticket have to be within 48 hours for return upon arrival which might be odd if immigration wanted to see the return ticket, although it's typically the airlines that do before allowing you to board.

Maybe these are stupid questions but I would like to understand this better.

06-07-21, 18:13
So I'm a bit confused how these tickets work. They are actual tickets but good for only 48 hours?

So if you buy one what departure date to use.

So as an example if you know your going to stay at least 10 days in Colombia or more, what return date do you buy the ticket for.

Or does the ticket have to be within 48 hours for return upon arrival which might be odd if immigration wanted to see the return ticket, although it's typically the airlines that do before allowing you to board.

Maybe these are stupid questions but I would like to understand this better.Say you will arrive in MDE on 6/1 on a one way ticket. The airline wants you to have a return ticket leaving MDE. You go online to buy a ticket from MDE to another country for $12 to show the airline in order to board the flight. The $12 ticket will no longer be in the system after 48 hours (6/3). You will buy a real ticket when you decide to leave MDE.

06-07-21, 18:28
In Nov / Dec I made it known that lots of centros were parading in Parque Lleras for double income. In ddition centro strippers who work day time or have day off also is seen out in Parque Lleras. So even the illerates and unsophisticated have enough sense to explore added incomes in Lleras. He is saying don't generalize it like what you are doing.

Its common sense and factual. Your 8 does not work at El Centro, right? Common sense tells me that the girl who can make it in Parque Lleras don't have to work in El Centro. You can get some girls that work at both places but not all girls work at both places. You talking about the former (some) and Yang is saying that is not the same as the later (all).

06-07-21, 18:51
Say you will arrive in MDE on 6/1 on a one way ticket. The airline wants you to have a return ticket leaving MDE. You go online to buy a ticket from MDE to another country for $12 to show the airline in order to board the flight. The $12 ticket will no longer be in the system after 48 hours (6/3). You will buy a real ticket when you decide to leave MDE.Thats exactly it. The travel date will be after the 48 hour period it is live, in which case it will be cancelled. I will just reiterate Nounce's example and break it down a bit more, you fly into Colombia like me on a one way ticket, I don't know if I am going to have trouble at check in or not regardless of what the official information is which does not always carry through to the airlines. Therefore I rent a ticket for departure from Colombia a month after I land, it could be whenever you choose, even 2 weeks or 10 days after the date you land.

You buy or rent the ticket for $12 the day before you fly. In a few hours you get emailed a live ticket valid for departure from Colombia lets say 1 month after you land. You can show the check in your email confirmation and if they were to check with the airline website which is unlikely, it would show a valid booking. 48 hours after you purchase or rent the ticket, it gets cancelled automatically, by that time you're already balls deep in some centro poon. Everybody's a winner.

06-07-21, 19:02
Well Gentlemen women aren't products. This is a personal hobby / business they do using their body, and yes I know it's the obvious but sometimes you all forget with so many crazy things I read on here and other places about hookers and pricing debates. So she can choose to charge 300 k one spot and 30 k another spot, and FREE even for some. Now I know many of you just flip out and losing your minds when guys mention free here. So I won't tell you about my free stories LOL.

It's a different dynamic in the street and I can see why also they could make more money. Plus she doesn't have to spend a hundred in a pretty dress, hair or too much make up. Economically it's smart. So when you think like that on their point of view, you'll see why those dimes exist in the street. Besides, Colombia is a country if 50+Million citizens, and only a few hundred women visit Poblado or Parque Lleras and those clubs you fake ballers call fancy. Meaning the majority of beautiful women or the real cream of the crop of the country remain unseen, with the locals or the Elites, Celebs, or work in private. Just don't be too closed minded.While I can't say anything about el centro as its really not my scene. I will say that I agree that the same chick can pick and choose how much she goes for. This was made painfully obvious on my last trip. My buddy and I stuck mostly to FB girls since we landed just as a 6 day lock down started. I met with really cute chick for 200 k for about 2-3 hours and had a great time. I recommended him to contact her and he did. Well when he did she quoted him 350 k for one hour! And would not budge on it at all! So yeah, chicks can quote different prices to different people on a whim.

Blue Touch
06-07-21, 19:30
I met with really cute chick for 200 k for about 2-3 hours and had a great time. That's about the amount an average blue collar worker makes in a week. The value corresponds to USD4-600 for us.

06-07-21, 19:33
Agree to disagree and your info is truly what's misleading. One thing I want to make clear and I speak for myself perhaps the other Centro guys. Just cause we go to Centro, it does not mean we don't also go to Poblado and spend 200-800 k when we feel like it. Not going to measure bank balance or dick size while at it, but I could. Also anyone who's so quick to mention they got money blah blah on an anonymous board on the internet that no one cares about is actually the one whos' broke and trying wayyy to hard. Anyone coming from the USA can have money. So it's not about that at all.

In fact I could even get into facts and stories how Wealthy people spend less in many ways. Yes there are some flashy dudes, but real wealthy men who built their castle from the bottom with their own sweat always make every dollar count. I used to be a banker, the clients that called to dispute $1-$5 late fees and finance charges were Always the ones with $100 k+ to several Millions of $ in their accounts, whereas the ones with bad credits with barely few hundreds dollars who are always paying overdraft fees and finances charges never or rarely call to dispute fees. If anything they were grateful to have an account in the first place. Hence the well known facts that bank / businesses make money usually only the medium class and especially on the poor. Consider this Free education, and try disciplining yourselves, as you're giving yourselves away as fakes and want to be cause you don't really have money if going to Poblado only is your argument..Wise words wise one.

BTW congrats my reply to 3 million pesos was blocked.

Fun Luvr
06-07-21, 20:00
So I'm a bit confused how these tickets work. They are actual tickets but good for only 48 hours?

So if you buy one what departure date to use.

So as an example if you know your going to stay at least 10 days in Colombia or more, what return date do you buy the ticket for.

Or does the ticket have to be within 48 hours for return upon arrival which might be odd if immigration wanted to see the return ticket, although it's typically the airlines that do before allowing you to board.

Maybe these are stupid questions but I would like to understand this better.On almost any airline's website, you can make a reservation without paying for the ticket. The length of time you have until you pay for the ticket varies by the airline. On Copa, it is one day. If you don't pay within that time, the ticket is automatically cancelled. Some enterprising person is using that grace period to make some money, while also providing a service to travelers. The date can be any date you want just as long as some airline is making reservations for that date.

06-07-21, 20:22
On almost any airline's website, you can make a reservation without paying for the ticket."Almost any" excludes Jetblue and Spirit. This also begs the question of whether a simple reservation would qualify if proof of a return ticket is requested.

06-07-21, 20:33
Reason is simple, when they're hot they're in high demand in the streets and can get even more money charging 30-60 k and upcharging for extra stuff like BBBJ, anal etc. This is coming from them and I was shocked when one claimed this, that she can make more money in street as she turned down a 200 k offer I made her to come to my hotel.While we are providing personal experiences I'll say that I've had plenty of Centro casa girls where their share is about 25 K, come to my hotel for 100 K + taxi. And these are the better looking casa girls as that's all I choose. In fact I can't think of a single one that turned it down. Therefore readers can take your reported experiences, mine, and others and decide how they want to proceed. Wink.

06-07-21, 20:45
Centro girls don't work their way up to La Isla. Maybe it has happened on rare occasions but it doesn't work that way.You can assert this all you like but you are simply incorrect. You'll keep asserting it I know, so we can leave it to the readers to decide what is true. Virtually all these girls are from the poorer barrios. Many start in Centro and work their way up to El Poblado and areas nearby, or Cartagena once they get the money for better clothes, accessories and / or surgery. I've seen it time and again. It's true that the better looking ones of the crop tend to move up, but they are still the same barrio girls you find starting out in Centro. I personally prefer finding them when they first start out, are more natural and fewer miles.

Just Incognito
06-07-21, 20:58
You guys can go on Orbitz, buy a ticket and cancel it with no issues or charges within 24 hours. So, just before heading to the airport: buy your return ticket--print. Out the information and receipt they email you. Then cancel the ticket--and just show the airport people the ticket you purchased--and don't mention the cancellation. Or just wait until you get to where you are staying then cancel it (within 24 hours from purchase).

Its not difficult to figure out.

06-07-21, 21:15
Thats exactly it. The travel date will be after the 48 hour period it is live, in which case it will be cancelled. I will just reiterate Nounce's example and break it down a bit more, you fly into Colombia like me on a one way ticket, I don't know if I am going to have trouble at check in or not regardless of what the official information is which does not always carry through to the airlines. Therefore I rent a ticket for departure from Colombia a month after I land, it could be whenever you choose, even 2 weeks or 10 days after the date you land.

You buy or rent the ticket for $12 the day before you fly. In a few hours you get emailed a live ticket valid for departure from Colombia lets say 1 month after you land. You can show the check in your email confirmation and if they were to check with the airline website which is unlikely, it would show a valid booking. 48 hours after you purchase or rent the ticket, it gets cancelled automatically, by that time you're already balls deep in some centro poon. Everybody's a winner.This clears it up for me, what a deal when you think about it. So within forty eight hours of your departure flight you must do the deal with them. Makes sense now, and think how little it costs for this company to do this and the flexibility it provides someone.

06-07-21, 23:38
You guys can go on Orbitz, buy a ticket and cancel it with no issues or charges within 24 hours. So, just before heading to the airport: buy your return ticket--print. Out the information and receipt they email you. Then cancel the ticket--and just show the airport people the ticket you purchased--and don't mention the cancellation. Or just wait until you get to where you are staying then cancel it (within 24 hours from purchase).

Its not difficult to figure out.But you can do the same directly with the airline, is no need to use a go between if you are in the US. The 24 hours refund rule is federal law.

06-08-21, 00:47
Am pretty sure this 24 hour cancellation policy with airlines is only for flights originating in USA. Maybe most of you guys do that when visiting Colombia. But it is not an option for everyone.

You guys can go on Orbitz, buy a ticket and cancel it with no issues or charges within 24 hours. So, just before heading to the airport: buy your return ticket--print. Out the information and receipt they email you. Then cancel the ticket--and just show the airport people the ticket you purchased--and don't mention the cancellation. Or just wait until you get to where you are staying then cancel it (within 24 hours from purchase).

Its not difficult to figure out.

06-08-21, 01:01
I have a chica coming over tonight. I know her, but have not seen her in at least two years. She is supposed to come at 7. She messages me at 6:45 and asks if she can come at 8 so she can be punctual! Jejejejejejej Everyone would always be on time if they could just change the time of an appointment.

FYI. The Bank of Bogota and Daviendo are both boarded up on La 70 near Avenida San Peter. This is where I usually get my cash. I was surprised to find that out the hard way tonight. I guess it's off to the food course at the Jumbo! Plan accordingly if you stay in this area.

06-08-21, 01:03
I'm with you, Paulie. I prefer them when they start. The girls at La Isla, last time I went, had a lot of plastic and tended to have the bigger asses that Colombians like. Many of them had a lot of tats. These were not girls who grew up in Poblado!

They may have some beauty which is augmented by surgery. Some are good dancers. But in the end La Isla is still a strip club. Not really my scene. I like the flacas.

You can assert this all you like but you are simply incorrect. You'll keep asserting it I know, so we can leave it to the readers to decide what is true. Virtually all these girls are from the poorer barrios. Many start in Centro and work their way up to El Poblado and areas nearby, or Cartagena once they get the money for better clothes, accessories and / or surgery. I've seen it time and again. It's true that the better looking ones of the crop tend to move up, but they are still the same barrio girls you find starting out in Centro. I personally prefer finding them when they first start out, are more natural and fewer miles.

06-08-21, 01:35
Had a pretty good day, which consisted of a morning session at Ground Zero, lap swimming around lunch time, another late afternoon session at Ground Zero, and back at the ranch for happy hour and dinner.

Today I met one of my regulars in El Centro at 10 AM and took her to Hotel Deseos across from the bus stop for the Airport. The Hotel is very old and very funky. I'm surprised the elevator works in this 8 story building and is so slow it's faster to just use the stairs. The place is at least fifty years old with lots of original wood doors and tile work. No plastic coated melamine doors or cabinets in this place. The rooms have TV's, fans, and are very large, yet with tiny bathrooms.

I've probably been in at least 20 different rooms there, and they all have windows to the outside, cloth drapes and very slippery floors when wet. Today I was lucky I got a room that actually had a showerhead on the shower. I typically take my street urchins to Zona Rosa, no issues, no recording of documents, and 13 K. I also use Premier Plaza but nobody gets in without an ID, and 16 K. And Deseos costs 18 K, the most expensive of the three, but no document checks, and most of the rooms have mirrors on the ceiling. If you like watching your Chica riding you or while she is blowing you, some guys might like this place, but again, it's old and funky like me so I'm right at home.

Upon finishing my morning session I took some laps around ground zero at 12 PM and it was very dead, albeit the hardcore workers were there and I headed to Bellin to go swimming and then back to my place and returned at 4 PM to ground zero.

Upon arriving at Parque Berrio on Monday which was a Colombian National Holiday at 4 PM, I told myself not to expect anything out, including many of my regulars and that I would probably just take a few laps and go home. When I was at ground zero on Saturday when my saddle bags were sucked dry by one of my skanks, I had been looking for my new favorite spinner but she was not out. But today she was, and we checked into Zona Rosa and she serviced me well and got a pay raise!

Got home around 6:30 PM in time for happy hour.

Tomorrow is another day, maybe I will find a new one to add to the stable that actually has a phone.

Life is good in Medellin.

Mr Enternational
06-08-21, 01:40
This also begs the question of whether a simple reservation would qualify if proof of a return ticket is requested.Yes a simple reservation will do. Most of the time they only need to see the reservation to verify that you have one. At rare times they would need to put the ticket number in. Either way, once you have the two (reservation number and ticket number), you can cancel it. It is not checked or anything.

06-08-21, 01:42
I am very confused why anyone needs to pay a fee to accomplish what you can for free. I think everyone is familiar with the concept of a fully refundable fare. When you need a return ticket for immigration purposes that you don't plan to use you buy a fully refundable ticket and then you cancel the trip once you are done with immigration. It's amazing to me how often the simplest things are made complicated on this website.

I did not give any chicas orgasms today.

This is the kind of intel needed on this board rather than hear about how many orgasmos a fellow gave a Chica.

Mr Enternational
06-08-21, 01:50
You can assert this all you like but you are simply incorrect. You'll keep asserting it I know, so we can leave it to the readers to decide what is true. Virtually all these girls are from the poorer barrios. Many start in Centro and work their way up to El Poblado and areas nearby, or Cartagena once they get the money for better clothes, accessories and / or surgery.Aren't the chicks in these high-end fuck clubs generally older anyway (Not 18-24,25, or 26 for that matter)? It is not plausible that at their ages they just fell off of an onion truck hooker-ready and magically popped up at the most expensive places in town for their hooker debut. They are not going from zero to high class ho. Like you said they get the money for better clothes and surgery and shit first by turning tricks in the minor leagues.

06-08-21, 02:07
Aren't the chicks in these high-end fuck clubs generally older anyway (Not 18-24,25, or 26 for that matter)? It is not plausible that at their ages they just fell off of an onion truck hooker-ready and magically popped up at the most expensive places in town for their hooker debut. They are not going from zero to high class ho. Like you said they get the money for better clothes and surgery and shit first by turning tricks in the minor leagues.How many overpriced putas, start out at that price? 0.

How many loads has she swallowed to buy those fake tits? That fake ass.

How many loads has she taken in her anus for that purse and hair do?

What is the actual pene odometer reading for putas in a place like Gustos or La Isla?

I'm guessing much much higher than the street meat.

I'm also guessing most overpriced putas are walking HPV petri dishes, et al.

Fake people like fake shit.

I prefer petite no ink no implants no babies, under 25 yo.

06-08-21, 03:47
You fail in this debate because you think of women as Products in a shop..Touche.

Putas are not durable goods, or sports cars.

They provide a service.

Most akin to a manicure, a haircut, a massage.

How much would these fools pay for a manicure, 100 x more than the market rate? 1000 x? Look out if they think she's pretty LMAO.


You can't be overcharged by a 3rd world puta and recoup any of that money the next day by reselling her, like you could with a car or durable good.

06-08-21, 04:05
You guys can go on Orbitz, buy a ticket and cancel it with no issues or charges within 24 hours. So, just before heading to the airport: buy your return ticket--print. Out the information and receipt they email you. Then cancel the ticket--and just show the airport people the ticket you purchased--and don't mention the cancellation. Or just wait until you get to where you are staying then cancel it (within 24 hours from purchase).

Its not difficult to figure out.You're still not getting the point. Some people myself included don't want to stump up full price for a ticket and then go through a refund process when you can simply pay $12 to bypass that. Also it may surprise you to learn that not everybody is from the United States, there are other countries as well and as JustTK stated Orbitz is not an option for everyone.

Elvis 2008
06-08-21, 06:17
I just switched from Verizon, they suck, to T-mobile and get my new phone today, just in time for my trip to Bogot this Thursday. Do I need to do anything special to get the international pass? Do I need to do it before I leave the states? When I turned on my Verizon phone when I landed in Colombia everything switched automatically.You will be covered by a shit 3 G or lower plan automatically. You have to pay for the 4 G networks in Colombia with the pass. Just go on to myTmobile.com and put in international data pass. All you have to do is accept the charges. You can do it in Colombia or from the USA, but I like to have it activated before I go.

06-08-21, 06:29
You're still not getting the point. Some people myself included don't want to stump up full price for a ticket and then go through a refund process when you can simply pay $12 to bypass that. Also it may surprise you to learn that not everybody is from the United States, there are other countries as well and as JustTK stated Orbitz is not an option for everyone.Good point since you are outside the US. For myself there's nothing to "go through" with the refund process. With Jetblue and cancellation within 24 hours, I'm either never charged or the refund posts within a couple of days. They have to refund for cancellations within 24 hours, federal law. I've done this many times and haven't a second thought about it. This is surely something to consider for guys in the US.

06-08-21, 11:35
I've read 100's of pages in preparation for my first trip, lots of great info. But one question. When you get the girl for an hour is it one and done and then she's out? Or does this get negotiated beforehand?

Just Incognito
06-08-21, 13:15
Who is trying to help you.

You're still not getting the point. Some people myself included don't want to stump up full price for a ticket and then go through a refund process when you can simply pay $12 to bypass that. Also it may surprise you to learn that not everybody is from the United States, there are other countries as well and as JustTK stated Orbitz is not an option for everyone.1. There is no actual charge to a card and no need for a whole refund process if you make a reservation and cancel it within 24 hours--its literally as easy as clicking back onto orbitz, clicking My Trips-then pressing 'cancel'.

2. I do not live in the USA, I live in another country--so, again, in your attempt to dismiss and attack-you miss the forest through the trees. Orbitz works all over the world. I haven't been in the USA for more than a few days in almost a decade. I always use Orbitz-from outside he USA. Except North Korea. Orbitz and similar sites will work pretty much anywhere.

You can pay 12 dollars or you can pay nothing at all. Its the same effort.

I encourage people here instead of trying to push others down to lift themselves up--try and build up each others ideas and offer constructive suggestions not passive aggressive insults to people just offering to help by explaining what they have done that works.

Just Incognito
06-08-21, 13:17
Am pretty sure this 24 hour cancellation policy with airlines is only for flights originating in USA. Maybe most of you guys do that when visiting Colombia. But it is not an option for everyone.You are incorrect. I do not live in the USA. I don't book flights that originate in the USA. ALL Orbitz flights / rental cars / hotels etc can be cancelled within 24 hours of the reservation-so long as the trip hasnt actually started yet.

Instead of just making assumptions so you can be dismissive--maybe trust a little that some of us do this all the time--and there are many of us who do not live in the USA.

06-08-21, 15:23

I'm new to traveling but not to the lifestyle. I will be doing some walking for SWs and agency girls. Can y'all provide me with the places you contact when in Medellin. I'll be there from 24-28 if anyone wants to grab a beer and hit Centro. I have little Spanish speaking skills, so the more you know the better.

Also I'll be staying at Hotel M, let me know if that's worth my time?

06-08-21, 16:16
I am very confused why anyone needs to pay a fee to accomplish what you can for free. I think everyone is familiar with the concept of a fully refundable fare. When you need a return ticket for immigration purposes that you don't plan to use you buy a fully refundable ticket and then you cancel the trip once you are done with immigration. It's amazing to me how often the simplest things are made complicated on this website.

I did not give any chicas orgasms today.Ok this is the last time I am going to post on this because its obvious that some people have difficulty comprehending it. By your logic if I am going to Colombia on a one way ticket I should pay for a refundable return ticket and then cancel it, so what about my outward journey if I cancel my ticket. Or are you saying that I should just cancel the return part of the journey, or buy 2 separate tickets and cancel the return?

Either way let me tell you about the last time I had a refundable ticket. Qatar Airways confirmed I was entitled to a refund and asked if I preferred the refund or a voucher plus 10%, I chose the refund. Later they emailed a voucher. I then had to waste a huge amount of time calling them in the Middle East at my own expense well as trying to contact them on social media to get my refund.

In the end I filed a case with my credit card company and I lost more time compiling emails and communication to and from Qatar Airways in order for the bank to investigate. In the end I got my refund.

Can you see where I am going with this or is there still confusion?

Also there was a time when after flying into Cambodia about 50 times on a one way ticket they suddenly demanded a return ticket that I wasn't expecting and I was already late for the flight. For me ticket rental worked perfectly.

By the way I am not endorsing that company, someone on the board asked about it and I explained how I find it useful, for me it fulfils a need, each to their own. Thats it and I am done with this topic.

06-08-21, 17:20
"Either way let me tell you about the last time I had a refundable ticket. Qatar Airways confirmed I was entitled to a refund and asked if I preferred the refund or a voucher plus 10%, I chose the refund. Later they emailed a voucher. I then had to waste a huge amount of time calling them in the Middle East at my own expense well as trying to contact them on social media to get my refund. ".

Unfortunately not many airline companies are trustworthy. I booked a flight today to Bogota with Avianca and did not received the confirmation. No way to do anything online; they ask to call but its all answering machines and nobody to talk to. I think the biggest USA or EUROPEAN airlines are the least worst choice in term of customer service.

06-08-21, 18:19
I have a chica coming over tonight. I know her, but have not seen her in at least two years. She is supposed to come at 7. She messages me at 6:45 and asks if she can come at 8 so she can be punctual! Jejejejejejej Everyone would always be on time if they could just change the time of an appointment.

FYI. The Bank of Bogota and Daviendo are both boarded up on La 70 near Avenida San Peter. This is where I usually get my cash. I was surprised to find that out the hard way tonight. I guess it's off to the food course at the Jumbo! Plan accordingly if you stay in this area.Thank you for the update on La 70. I will be there soon and have been wondering about the rioting in that area. Any other tips to get around the area during this wild time? (I've stayed there before but during the calm times). Thanks.

06-08-21, 18:53
It has been quiet and normal since I have been here. The only problem was the banks / ATMs being boarded. That said, I went to the Jumbo 65 today. All entrances are closed and boarded except for the main entrance. Inside it's business as usual and all of the ATM machines work.

Thank you for the update on La 70. I will be there soon and have been wondering about the rioting in that area. Any other tips to get around the area during this wild time? (I've stayed there before but during the calm times). Thanks.