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11-19-21, 02:26
Going back for the new year when my days reset, can anyone OTG report back if casas / clubs / gyms / restaurants are requiring proof of vaccine for entry?

Not looking to start any debate, just want to see what the policy is.

Thanks for your time.

Jw.Supposedly the law went into effect on the 16th and does not specifically mention restaurants, or casa's, but places of recreation and bars are listed. No mention of supermarkets or stores. So very vague and I'm sure there will be some subsequent posts in the next few weeks as to which establishments are checking for it.

I just carry a copy of my vaccination card and ID with me, and don't see an issue as a foreigner being denied entry anywhere, but did submit my information via WhatsApp to EPS which included sending them a photo of my vaccination card so I could obtain a digital code on my phone to be used for entry, yet they haven't got back to me with it yet, and a friend of mine applied as well and hasn't gotten his code yet either, so there might be a glitch in the system, or maybe there is a backlog of requests to obtain the digital code, who knows it's Colombia.

Regardless, if you carry a photocopy of your vaccination card with you, you shouldn't have any problems.

Mojo Bandit
11-19-21, 04:11
I had a mandatory stomach x-ray once when leaving Cali. I was on the flight by myself. American Airlines? They probably thought I was a drug mule.My first few adventures into Colombia were all in Cartagena. When I first started going there a dozen years ago every male gringo traveling solo could expect the following. This was before Cartagena rebuilt their airport so it was a lot smaller and shabbier back then and on the way to your gate there would be groups of soldiers standing around tables with machine guns slung on their shoulders in the ready position, and you put your bags on the table and they rummaged through them while you watched and then they sent you to this room that had the x-ray machine. I just assume that was just standard procedure for all gringo males traveling alone. This did not stop for me until they built the new airport about my 4th trip down there.

11-19-21, 04:57
This post is mainly for entertainment purposes. The Web site gremlins are attacking my fotos again and I can't get them posted in a consistent order. There should be ten fotos.

I suppose I show a somewhat different approach compared to what I read here a lot. Not better, just different. I am a monger who had more than a couple of weeks to spend in Medellin each year, by choice. Plenty of guys before me have made the big move to MDE but I am still in transition. I maxed out my tourist visa for the last two years in MDE. Well, I have ten days left on my tourist visa for 2021, then the calendar resets on Jan 1st to 180 days. More accurately, 90 + 90 days as you have to reapply before the first ninety days is up if you are still there after the first consecutive 90 days. If you leave the country and come back immigration will grant the second ninety day extension at the airport. That's how it happened to me in 2020 and 2021 but we are talking about Colombia and that doesn't automatically mean the process will be the same when some other Gringo goes through it. In other words, check it out for yourself and do your own due diligence.

I've had my recent fun in the states but life is generally more fun, exciting, easier, and cheaper in MDE so I would like to spend more than ten days in MDE for the remainder of this calendar year, if possible. That requires me to get my act together on my on-line immigration visa application that I started today.

The solo chica in the white top with the bare shoulders, jeans in one foto and boy shorts it the other with the bigger ass, she is super hot and I have only known her very recently from on-line. These girls can be the best actresses and world-class con artists you have ever met. They will fool the best and I am still susceptible, but that does not exclude the possibility of finding a rare gem, and I have found a few who remain in my ranked line-up for almost two years now. I will be happy if a fraction of the dirty talk I have been Whassapping with this new chica comes to fruition when I return to MDE. She has not asked and has not received one peso, I have to at least meet a girl, first. I told her today I was going to insert "gomitas' or gummy candies in her pussy with my tongue, lick them out, and then transfer them to her mouth. Jajajaja, her exact response was, "Wau, seria super rico, amor. " BTW, I have noticed that so many chicas in Colombia are crazy about gomitas, go figure.

She has been on her own and living on the streets since she was twelve years old which is sad and tragic, but good for the purposes of the Traci Lords Syndrome that like any red-blooded male with a trace of testosterone still left, I will use to my advantage if presented with the opportunity. She is nineteen years old now and doing on line stuff that requires proof of age.

I may never hook up with this new chica, too soon to tell. But the fantasy alone is worth the price of admission and it's not as if I don't already have fifteen equally gorgeous girls waiting for me, my cock, and my wallet, in reverse order, when I return to Medellin. The only problem is logistical, and figuring out in which order they should be seen because once they know you are there, they don't let up and the list becomes more difficult to manage around a critical mass of ten plus chicas. Jejeje.

Catgirl, mi Numero Uno novia will be the last to know when I return but she figures out when I am in Medellin usually within a week or so when I won't turn my phone camera on to show her where I am. Good news on that front and something more to look forward to, she has confirmed the pending three-way with herself, her new novia, and me. I did not ask, I waited for them to come to me. They are Paisas (an indigenous group of Colombianas specific to the Medellin region), the same miniature size and they look alike, sort-of. They were the couple I posted recent fotos of here. I will repeat one foto of them both spreading their asses. Also, another foto of Catgirl's novia with her open mouth showing she is a good catcher, jeje. One of the "sayings" I was taught early on in Medellin, was, "When your girl cheats on you, often it is with another girl" and there is a strong acceptance of female bisexuality in MDE.

Hot Housewife left her significant other and has been messaging me to return to Medellin and "penetrate" her, the word she uses. Let me look for a foto of her gorgeous body. Her face is super cute, too. I think I will change her name to Sexy Student since she left her man and she is still a full-time student. She is "that girl" on campus you always wished you could fuck. I am here to tell you that waiting, if anything, has made it all the better, jeje. She is the middle one in the foto of the three topless torsos. Gawd, that foto reminds me, that four-way was epic. That foto was before the four of us got started in a hotel room barely bigger than a walk-in closet with no windows, shortly after I arrived during my most recent trip. We were all soaking wet with sweat including our hair stuck to our face at the conclusion. That room was supposed to be for storage of my things while I stayed with my then Numero Two chica at her casa in Bello, but best laid plans often go awry, especially in MDE. What ends up happening often turns out better than anything I could've thought up on my own.

The foto with the two chicas on the bed with their legs intertwined is from that same four-way encounter, Hot Housewife is on the left, a few of you may recognize Super Groovy on the right. The bed is up against the wall on three sides, like several super-small Manhattan hotel rooms I have stayed in before, jajaja.

Came across another foto that showcases Hot Housewife's damn near purrfekt ass up close in the foreground in a much bigger room in a luxury hotel. That is Scarlet in the background with her red hair who is almost a sex slave. Without my asking, she brings me a string of new girls, most of them gorgeous, including Hot Housewife and Super Groovy above, as one way to profess her love and submissiveness to me. And the word "no" is not in her vocabulary when it comes to sexual activity. I say "almost' because there has not been any of the BDSM stuff.

The last girl Scarlet brought me before I returned to the states last month, I named Purrfeckt Paisa and she has no physical weaknesses, if the Vickie's Secret model type floats your boat, jeje. She is featured in the three fotos not described yet. That is her nearly purrfekt torso kneeling on the bed with pink bikini underwear and jewelry in her navel. Those are her gorgeous eyes in the three-way selfie where Scarlet is about to give me a spontaneous BJ. Everytime I scanned for a foto I saw five more I thought were post-worthy, but I am limiting myself to ten.

Ostee Out, and as always, Keep On Keepin' On. I'll be there, soon.

11-19-21, 05:01
My first few adventures into Colombia were all in Cartagena. When I first started going there a dozen years ago every male gringo traveling solo could expect the following. This was before Cartagena rebuilt their airport so it was a lot smaller and shabbier back then and on the way to your gate there would be groups of soldiers standing around tables with machine guns slung on their shoulders in the ready position, and you put your bags on the table and they rummaged through them while you watched and then they sent you to this room that had the x-ray machine. I just assume that was just standard procedure for all gringo males traveling alone. This did not stop for me until they built the new airport about my 4th trip down there.Back in the mid-90's on a flight from Quito to the USA that stopped in Bogota -- to let passengers on only -- military came through the cabin with sniffing drug dogs and looked inside everything. Sure they're still checking, only in more surreptitious ways now.

11-19-21, 05:06
For guys staying at the Nuitbarra, Poblado can also be reached in about the same time from the Parque Berrio metro station.You forgot an important detail. Buses and the metro stop running around 10:30 PM so a taxi will be required after that to return to Nutribara (Centro area). I think it is around 15,000 COP for taxi back.

Fun Luvr
11-19-21, 05:30
Going back for the new year when my days reset, can anyone OTG report back if casas / clubs / gyms / restaurants are requiring proof of vaccine for entry?

Not looking to start any debate, just want to see what the policy is.

Thanks for your time.

Jw.Tonight was the first time I have been asked for proof of vaccination. It was at a disco bar on LA70 in Laureles. I have been to restaurants, stores, and shopping centers and not asked.
The rule has only been in effect for three days, so things can change before the first of the year.

11-19-21, 06:47
Non-pros don't tend to get hooked up, that's what you do with working girls. Do you speak Spanish? If not, forget non-pros. Unless they speak English, it's not going to work. Unlike a working girl, a non-pro will not be jumping into bad with you with 3 minutes of meeting. You will actually need to talk, go out, do things, and may eventually come back to your room. The word "may" should be in italics. It's not a given you'll get laid on the first or second date. You still interested?Plus, who's going to hand out contact info for any non-pro they're seeing? To a complete stranger? That's like giving your mother's address to the guy on the street who says he hasn't eaten in 2 days.

11-19-21, 06:54
Thanks, I appreciate the advice from you and Mr. E. Hotel is booked when I'm coming but I found a suitable Airbnb near the metro station in Poblado. Best of both worlds and chica friendly.2 things to be aware of.

1. Close to the Metro station might be misleading. From the Poblado station there's a rather steep hill to climb.

2. The Poblado station gets very busy, so you will want to plan accordingly.

Litmus Smut
11-19-21, 14:40
These relationships sometimes spike and result in nothing, but sometimes they show signs of change quickly.

The dollar is nearing 4000 COP. Has any one seen prices impacted in the meat trade? Historical charts show the declining value of the COP, did mongers experience price adjustments that rose above their corresponding USD value?

I get the sense that this is a very cost conscious group and even the slightest upshift in cost would be reported here. I mostly see comments about more working girl mongers arriving in SA since other areas are shut down, which has increased demand, throwing the market out of wack. So, anyone notice a changing pricing scheme due to the declining peso, or is it transitory and the girls are going to eat ot?

11-19-21, 14:56
I am trying to book Hotel Nutibara for December for 2 weeks but the hotel is sold out on most booking sites. I was there for 2 weeks just a week ago, and I could easily book the room for $20/ night. It had become my favorite hotel. I am disappointed that I will have to stay elsewhere.

Anybody knows comparable hotel in el centro that is chica-friendly and same price range?If you try multiple booking sites, you will better chances. I think you tried booking.com. Tried that site, it showed none available in Nutibera when I stayed there last week. Next minute, I was able to book right away with lower price even. It's weird both agoda and booking.com are owned priceline, still there is discrepancy in their inventory.

11-19-21, 16:55
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

11-19-21, 17:21
You forgot an important detail. Buses and the metro stop running around 10:30 PM so a taxi will be required after that to return to Nutribara (Centro area). I think it is around 15,000 COP for taxi back.Good point, for anybody who is out late, especially if they have climbed the hill from the Poblado Metro Station up Calle 10 past Parque Poblado and are hitting the bars around the Lleras and Provenza area, the cab ride home is cheap. I think lots of guys here have never experienced the Metro, and it can be a godsend or hellish depending on when you ride.

I have seen horrendous lines at the Poblado Metro Station starting around 5 PM that go all the way from the turnstile entrances all the way to Avenida Las Vegas and down a ways. And once you go down to the stairs to the platform, it's a whole other scene when the cars show up heading to Centro at this hour. Lot's of times people don't get in and if they do it can be like a can of sardines.

When ever I see the Metro crowded like that, I walk down to the end of the platform as typically every body wants to get in the front cars so they don't have to walk down the Platform. Lots of times when I head to Centro I make sure I leave Poblado by no later than 4:00 PM and typically no problem with a wait to get on. And typically when I return say around 6 PM, it's not to bad heading back from the Parque Berrion Station.

So for guys staying at Hotel Nutibarra and heading to Poblado, it's not really a problem going in that direction, but in the other direction it can be a nightmare. So for guys who are going out to dinner, and returning before 11 PM when the METRO shuts down it's perfect.

Other considerations are the frequency of the trains which vary during the day, and there is limited service on Sundays meaning you may have to wait 15 minutes for a car. Another bottleneck / gaggle is the San Antonio Station at times and travelling from the Hotel Nutibarra to Laurels at rush hour can be challenging, and a taxi ride as well at that time.

Also, it's best to get a Civica card which I think they charge 6,000 for and then load it up with credit. The reason I point this out as I have seen long lines of people buying single rides or more and having to wait a long time in line. I carry two Civica cards with me, and keep them loaded up. Also with a Civica card travel on the connecting bus lines is included as well.

Another alternative to the Metro are the public busses of which there are many, but you don't want to ride them anywhere at rush hour. There also is a bus that leaves from around the corner of Hotel Nutibarra which goes to Parque Poblado which I have taken at times from Centro as well.

11-19-21, 19:32
So, anyone notice a changing pricing scheme due to the declining peso, or is it transitory and the girls are going to eat ot?The declining Peso means nothing and doesn't register for most girls in Colombia, except the ones who quote, and get paid in USD which are very few.

Inflation is more an issue, and typically everything goes up the first of the year in Colombia like clockwork like taxi fares, and other things. Because all businesses only accept Colombian Pesos, the declining peso doesn't factor into their pricing, but other things do. What's interesting is that I remember when the exchange rate was 1,800 CP to the USD, so in reality a lot of things have not gone up in the last ten years due to the strong USD, and in fact, some things are actually cheaper than ten years ago. So a girl going for 20,000 COP ten years ago, who now goes for 30,000 COP actually costs less now than ten years ago.

Just my observation, and I'm not an economist.

Fun Luvr
11-19-21, 19:32
Also, it's best to get a Civica card which I think they charge 6,000 for and then load it up with credit. The reason I point this out as I have seen long lines of people buying single rides or more and having to wait a long time in line. I carry two Civica cards with me, and keep them loaded up. Also with a Civica card travel on the connecting bus lines is included as well.Is a Civica card the one with VIAJEMETRO on it? If not, where do you get a Civica card?

11-19-21, 19:35
Is a Civica card the one with VIAJEMETRO on it? If not, where do you get a Civica card?The card can be obtained at all ticket booths and say CIVICA on them. They used to be free and you could get them at a few stations and needed your ID to get one. They finally figured out to charge for them, and anyone can buy them, with no ID required at every ticket booth.

11-19-21, 19:58
You forgot an important detail. Buses and the metro stop running around 10:30 PM so a taxi will be required after that to return to Nutribara (Centro area). I think it is around 15,000 COP for taxi back.Have mentioned it several times here now. Just go to Mercado de la Playa. Open air dining and drinking mall with about 20-30 restaurnats and bars, 10 minutes walk from Nutibara. Open til late. 5 k in taxi.

11-19-21, 21:07
If you try multiple booking sites, you will better chances. I think you tried booking.com. Tried that site, it showed none available in Nutibera when I stayed there last week. Next minute, I was able to book right away with lower price even. It's weird both agoda and booking.com are owned priceline, still there is discrepancy in their inventory.I tried hotel.com and expedia.com - they both list nutibata for $32 but say hotel is not available on any date during 1st December to 20 December.

Agoda lists nutibara for $22, but when you select the days in December, it asks for $87/ day. I stayed at Nutibara for 2 weeks in November for less than $30, and now it wants 3 times the money. I sent whatsapp message directly to Nutubara to book the hotel but they have not responded to my request in last 24 hours.

I am looking at these hotels but not sure if they are chica friendly. Can somebody confirm that they are chica friendly?

Hotel Cristal.

Cra. 49 #57-12, Medellíand, Antioquia, Colombia.

+57 317 8942170.

Hotel 47 Medellin Street.

CL. 47 ##45-47, Medellíand, Antioquia, Colombia.


+57 310 3651661.

11-19-21, 23:01
2 things to be aware of.

1. Close to the Metro station might be misleading. From the Poblado station there's a rather steep hill to climb.

2. The Poblado station gets very busy, so you will want to plan accordingly.Near to me is walking distance. My Airbnb is just west of CR43 A near CL10. No matter how I slice it, I'm going to be walking up and down hills unless I cab it. Medellin is new to me but I tend to get by wherever I go.

Always appreciate advice and feedback.

11-20-21, 01:36
Have mentioned it several times here now. Just go to Mercado de la Playa. Open air dining and drinking mall with about 20-30 restaurnats and bars, 10 minutes walk from Nutibara. Open til late. 5 k in taxi.The minimum cab fare these days is $5,600.

11-20-21, 02:14
I am traveling in 2 weeks and looking for Chica friendly as well.

I tried hotel.com and expedia.com - they both list nutibata for $32 but say hotel is not available on any date during 1st December to 20 December.

Agoda lists nutibara for $22, but when you select the days in December, it asks for $87/ day. I stayed at Nutibara for 2 weeks in November for less than $30, and now it wants 3 times the money. I sent whatsapp message directly to Nutubara to book the hotel but they have not responded to my request in last 24 hours.

I am looking at these hotels but not sure if they are chica friendly. Can somebody confirm that they are chica friendly?

Hotel Cristal..

11-20-21, 14:32
I tried hotel.com and expedia.com - they both list nutibata for $32 but say hotel is not available on any date during 1st December to 20 December.....This is due to the gringo invasion of Centro and posters giving good reviews on ISG. I've stayed at the Nutibara for many years pre covid (short time) and I've never ever seen it anywhere near full, rooms have always been readily available.

11-20-21, 16:33
Was thinking for my next journey out it may be MDe. Thinking of bringing a lite suitcase and shopping there to blend in and just for style.

Anywhere recommended best to make a cheap but hip fashion statement?

Also is there a good sex shop to buy vibrators and such? LOL.The Super Fashion Center in Mayorista is an excellent place to buy denim straight from the factories. Bargaining is acceptable.

The malls are also very good for higher-end fashion but at extremely good prices. Always load up on denim while visiting Medellin.

Lucky Nuts
11-20-21, 16:57
The declining Peso means nothing and doesn't register for most girls in Colombia, except the ones who quote, and get paid in USD which are very few.

Inflation is more an issue, and typically everything goes up the first of the year in Colombia like clockwork like taxi fares, and other things. Because all businesses only accept Colombian Pesos, the declining peso doesn't factor into their pricing, but other things do. What's interesting is that I remember when the exchange rate was 1,800 CP to the USD, so in reality a lot of things have not gone up in the last ten years due to the strong USD, and in fact, some things are actually cheaper than ten years ago. So a girl going for 20,000 COP ten years ago, who now goes for 30,000 COP actually costs less now than ten years ago.

Just my observation, and I'm not an economist.Hey guys I've lost track of the conversations here weeks ago as been too busy playing the game than to read & write. But just took a quick glance this morning. Here's the new 2022 taxi fares:

Taxi tarifs go up in 2022, starts from 3. 800 pesos, minimum fare 5. 800 pesos, hourly 25.500 pesos and airport 90.000 pesos including the tolls.

Loving the exchange rate here and trying to help out as many chicas as I'm physically able haha.

11-20-21, 17:52
5-6 years ago this girl came to my hotel. 15 seconds of blowing me then complaining she is tired. I was like-dude-you just started gets to sucking. She was all attitude and not into it. Then she stops grabs a condom and says its time to fuck her. She was a boring lay. Boring person. I managed to nut in the bag after a while-we got shower-I get out of the shower: blood drops on the bed--and she says her period must just be starting.

I was grossed out and livid. She could tell. I kicked her out. Luckily housekeeping was in the hallways, so I pulled the sheets, grabbed 20,000 kcop and asked the housekeeper to put new sheets on the bed and swap my towels. Which she did.

Under no circumstances should anyone ever see this girl. She was a truly horrible fuck-the epitome of dead fish just laying there, and a truly lazy cocksucker-10 seconds of dick sucking. Wtf? Do your job lady! She was a boring person to attempt to talk to, way too obsessed with selfies and her phone. And this was 5-6 years ago. How she is still in this game--just with more tattoos now-is astonishing. Talk about getting by with a nice pair of fake tits! Sheesh!Thanks to both of you for this warning!


11-20-21, 18:35
The new taxi rates make didi / uber / indriver yet more attractive options. Even if the rates were the same or if the ride share apps cost a bit more I would still avoid taxis because most of the taxis are small and uncomfortable compared to the cheapest class of ride share cars. I am also fed up with stubborn taxistas who don't pay attention to waze traffic alerts and drive into traffic jams because they prefer routes that are familiar to them. I occasionally use Coopebombas. The credit card acceptance rate is somewhere around 50%, whether or not you set your profile to credit card only. If you are short on time taxis can be the only option, especially during rush hour. I do my best to give myself extra time so I don't have to resort to taxis.

Hey guys I've lost track of the conversations here weeks ago as been too busy playing the game than to read & write. But just took a quick glance this morning. Here's the new 2022 taxi fares:

Taxi tarifs go up in 2022, starts from 3. 800 pesos, minimum fare 5. 800 pesos, hourly 25.500 pesos and airport 90.000 pesos including the tolls.

Loving the exchange rate here and trying to help out as many chicas as I'm physically able haha.

11-20-21, 18:44
The declining Peso means nothing and doesn't register for most girls in Colombia, except the ones who quote, and get paid in USD which are very few.

Inflation is more an issue, and typically everything goes up the first of the year in Colombia like clockwork like taxi fares, and other things. Because all businesses only accept Colombian Pesos, the declining peso doesn't factor into their pricing, but other things do. What's interesting is that I remember when the exchange rate was 1,800 CP to the USD, so in reality a lot of things have not gone up in the last ten years due to the strong USD, and in fact, some things are actually cheaper than ten years ago. So a girl going for 20,000 COP ten years ago, who now goes for 30,000 COP actually costs less now than ten years ago.

Just my observation, and I'm not an economist.This right here is why prices inflate. Stupid gringos not understanding that legal tender in Colombia is pesos and the economy works in pesos, most of their GDP I. E. Exchange of goods and services is in pesos. Only imports are affected and inflation adjusts for that. It's also why certain locally produced goods like fruits are insanely cheap, and imported goods which navigate weak currency, tariffs and large mark ups e. G. IPhones are insanely expensive.

11-20-21, 21:06
This right here is why prices inflate. Stupid gringos not understanding that legal tender in Colombia is pesos and the economy works in pesos, most of their GDP I. E. Exchange of goods and services is in pesos. Only imports are affected and inflation adjusts for that. It's also why certain locally produced goods like fruits are insanely cheap, and imported goods which navigate weak currency, tariffs and large mark ups e. G. IPhones are insanely expensive.And I think the chicas would be considered "locally produced. ".

11-20-21, 22:49
And I think the chicas would be considered "locally produced. ".Apart from the Venezuelans, and since they now allow USD as tender in Venezuela, perhaps that's why the prices are going up! Hehe.

11-21-21, 00:06
And I think the chicas would be considered "locally produced. ".Actually, if you consider that lots of the Chicas are Venezuelans, technically speaking, they would be considered "outsourced" versus "locally produced", kind of like imported meat! LOL.

11-21-21, 02:42
A lot of punters, and also civilians used to stay at that big hotel across the street from Yakuza. I think the Nutibara probably has some of that business now.

This is due to the gringo invasion of Centro and posters giving good reviews on ISG. I've stayed at the Nutibara for many years pre covid (short time) and I've never ever seen it anywhere near full, rooms have always been readily available.

11-21-21, 02:47
This is due to the gringo invasion of Centro and posters giving good reviews on ISG. I've stayed at the Nutibara for many years pre covid (short time) and I've never ever seen it anywhere near full, rooms have always been readily available.Yep, the second tier cities IE barranquilla Cali bucaramanga are where it's at right now if you want unseasoned pros and want the "gringo" exotic factor. Unfortunately medellin has been gringo-fied, at least in most of the casa girls and most of the main centro sw ime.

11-21-21, 04:59
Anyone got a scoop on weather this is real or not?


11-21-21, 06:40
Did you find any prego in Medellin? I am traveling soon. Can you share your experience? Chica friendly hotel?

Will be in Medellin in November for a week or so. Would really like to see a pregnant girl, if anyone knows one please let me know.

11-21-21, 17:47
Medellin has 60,000 reports, no. 1 in the world!

Paisas seem greedy (They say that costeñas and Venezolanas are much more warm heart ❤65039;.

Also north east Brazil girls, that they are world no. 1.

Prices seem low here, if one compare, the rapid hiking process broke down in 2108 when Venezolanas flooded the market and are in combination with the pandemic recession now, with differences, back to what was normal 2009-2013 when I travelled most frequently.

Tu still unreasonable greedy attitude.

When Venezuela gets normalised one must go there and enjoy!

I just mean, it's parties walk away disappointed, she earn nothing, I have to find another girl, I finally do, but it takes so much time.

Things are for sure more culturally complicated in Cartagena Santa Marta and Barranquilla, but when finally finds the clubs, casa just for native Colombian customer, prices drop 50%. Camaro128 wrote some good reports about this. Back in the day there was Frank Casio here in Medellin, with his budget thinking, recommending La Mayorista. With his own economic hotel. Easy 50% better than Parque Lleras.

If one think over the course of a 100 day sty, it become a lot of wasted money, just for overpaying!

Are the mentality different in Medellin compared to Cali, Bogota, Cartagena, are girls from Medellin also notably more beautiful, so they tend to become prepagos since men pay them a lot more, both parties get what they want, easy good sex with beautiful young girls and they get 100-200-300 k just for sex meeting while that represents a lot of hours and days of work for the vast majority of prepagos, in a store or such.

In other cities, paisas seem to be over represented, so there might be a different culture here. More willing to make business out of what in other Colombian cities or Departments are often not for sale.

11-21-21, 18:47
This right here is why prices inflate. Stupid gringos not understanding that legal tender in Colombia is pesos and the economy works in pesos, most of their GDP I. E. Exchange of goods and services is in pesos. Only imports are affected and inflation adjusts for that. It's also why certain locally produced goods like fruits are insanely cheap, and imported goods which navigate weak currency, tariffs and large mark ups e. G. IPhones are insanely expensive.Agree and guys don't know when to zip it. They think they are self appointed town criers.

Many of these clowns are huddled together in Botero Plaza inches from the monger hotel. Clones in groups wearing short pants looking like a lineup for a firing squad LOL. Invisible blinking sign on forehead says "Yo dar Papaya".

Likely they take the first offer a girl throws at them "because its cheaper than back home" They pay extra for a girl to take her top off or DATY. Tipping is Mandatory.

Probably ask "how much in dollares" lmfao.

JK, nobody fits that modus operandi, right?

11-21-21, 23:02
How is the Covid19 in the mongering scene in Medellin. What precautions should I take as far as public transportation? Should I avoid the metro and take taxis only. Has anybody caught it from the local girl's? How are the MP's and the strip bars dealing with it or is it just business as usual? Any info would help. Thanks in advance.

Lucky Nuts
11-22-21, 02:23
How is the Covid19 in the mongering scene in Medellin. What precautions should I take as far as public transportation? Should I avoid the metro and take taxis only. Has anybody caught it from the local girl's? How are the MP's and the strip bars dealing with it or is it just business as usual? Any info would help. Thanks in advance.One of the safer places on earth right now.


11-22-21, 02:40
The Street putas are also on their own Liga.

The one with green blond dyed hair Was spraying parfum directly on her pussy After every Session I did with her.

I asked her if this is not burning on her pussy. She said no.

ITs very good and because of that She had never an STI haha.

Totally loco.This has to be your favo who sucks without making you shower and you go down on her without her showering, hey to each their own, but I wouldn't risk it! Pollo Negro is out

11-22-21, 03:13
How is the Covid19 in the mongering scene in Medellin. What precautions should I take as far as public transportation? Should I avoid the metro and take taxis only. Has anybody caught it from the local girl's? How are the MP's and the strip bars dealing with it or is it just business as usual? Any info would help. Thanks in advance.COVID19 isn't the virus you should be concerned about.

11-22-21, 04:18
You must love how they are described! The Girls that is...No respect for the working girls, despite all the good times we get from them. What a shame!

11-22-21, 04:39
Hmm, I spent a month there a few years ago and saw ZERO violence, I was only in El Centro a few times during my stay though. There was a big party in Laureles with live music at night with at least 20,000 people and I felt safe walking around. Everyone was just having a great time. You may want to think about staying in Laureles next time to come to visit.

I am comparing street area to street area of Pattaya, Thailand, Angeles City, Philippines. Not really fair in that the other two countries street girl area is mostly foreigners with few locals versus Colombia which is almost all locals. Now this does not happen all the time but it feels like it when I compare it to my visits to the Thailand or Philippines. Violence. It is like never ending here.

Last night at 8:00 pm two guys get into a fight at the corner of the Botero church. Police grab one guy but not the other who of course magically gets away. The guy they capture it seems was stabbed or beat in the head. Not much blood but he soon lays down, loses consciousness, carried to the police truck, and taken to the hospital.

Last Sunday at 1:00 in the afternoon on the corner diagonal from the back of the museum where the bars start. There is a man and woman in their late 50's or early 60's drunk fighting. They wrestle to the ground. She is trying to kick him in the face. At first it was funny because the whole thing is like watching a replay MMA fight in slow motion. He gets away and backs up 3 meters and pulls a knife. Then another guy walks him across the street and he leaves. Unreal!

Same day a street girl standing in front of one of the statues near the corner of the statue. Her loser boyfriend is on the side of the statue who yanks her hair where her head hit or nearly hit the statue.

Later that same day another street girl and loser boyfriend are fighting and she bites his chest to get away.

Two weeks ago two girls are fighting. I have seen enough hair pulling on other girlie fights so ignore it. Minute later I look and the girl on the bottom is bleeding. The top girl was punching, not pulling hair, and gave her a bloody nose. Police come but let the both girls go 3 minutes later.

Even when these people talk they get in each others faces pointing fingers and waving their arms around. Puts me in attack mode when they are doing this next to me. Not use to it and do not like it. It is not relaxing to be around. God knows what all happens the hours between 9 pm to 2 am when they are all nice and drunk. Oops reminds me of a time last year I was out at only 8:30 pm behind the church at the bars. Some guy got hit in the head with a bottle and lost a lot of blood. There was a puddle equal to the size of a basketball on the ground and plenty on his shirt. Not sure how he did not pass out.

Colombia is cheap all around. But the food sucks. Everything is so far away from each other. The other two countries the street girls, strip bars, discos, good restaurants, hotels, and mall are all walking distance to each other. Here everything is so far away from each other that a taxi is required.

Also, tired of everyone trying to rip me off. This time International Smiles. My quote was $2900 three months ago. It just jumped to $10,500 with a discount that came to $8100 because I have a special situation which is true but not that unique of a problem. Like they could not have contacted me several months ago as soon as they knew? Nope. It will take a month to do the work and they know I leave in a month. They put me in a time crunch thinking I will cave. No, especially when I get pissed off. I can return in February and have someone else do the work or get it done in another country. They do not like giving out receipts or giving estimates by email or written on paper. Very professional and want to send by Whatsapp! Tired of feeling financially raped.

So when Asia opens up I will be gone. I think I will visit Colombia for 6 months every two years. This is a place for me to visit but not retire. Very little peace of mind here. Can not wait until I can return to Asia and try some new countries there.

11-22-21, 05:02
How is the Covid19 in the mongering scene in Medellin. What precautions should I take as far as public transportation? Should I avoid the metro and take taxis only. Has anybody caught it from the local girl's? How are the MP's and the strip bars dealing with it or is it just business as usual? Any info would help. Thanks in advance.When I was there in July, I did catch it from swapping too much saliva with a chica. I was fully vaccinated (2 shots) with Moderna. Luckily I was asymptomatic with only a minor sore throat and cough. I did not want to quarantine min 10 days, so found a loop hole and a very affordable one way business class tix to Tij airport. No testing req to enter Mexico or cross the border into San Diego. If you are fully vaccinated, enjoy life, indulge and roll the dice. I do, I'm in Brasil right now and will fly up to MDE next week for a third time this year. Buena suerte, I do mask up for everything except shagging and kissing. Luvchicas.

11-22-21, 06:54
Hmm, I spent a month there a few years ago and saw ZERO violence, I was only in El Centro a few times during my stay though. There was a big party in Laureles with live music at night with at least 20,000 people and I felt safe walking around. Everyone was just having a great time. You may want to think about staying in Laureles next time to come to visit.My first sentence tells everyone I am comparing street scene to street scene of 3 different countries. Mostly to help the guys from the other two countries to inform them that this street scene is vastly more dangerous.

Your experience from years ago was years ago versus my just happened last month. In addition, there were far less Venezuelans years ago.

I only spent 2 weeks in Laureles so you beat me by 2 weeks. But I have 13 months (nearly every single day) Centro experience in the last 3 years so your few visits to Centro are meaningless.

The "next time you come to visit" comment. I am still here and do leave until the first week in December.

Lastly, I visited Bogota 1 month, coffee triangle (Manizales, Pereira, Armenis) 1. 5 months, Cucuta 2 months, Barranquila 2 months, Cartegena 2 weeks. So I know my xxxx.

11-22-21, 16:21
She looks a bit rough.

This has to be your favo who sucks without making you shower and you go down on her without her showering, hey to each their own, but I wouldn't risk it! Pollo Negro is out

11-22-21, 16:26
I've found Asia to be cheaper than South America, but I prefer South America. I grew up in an urban area so what goes on in Centro doesn't send me into a tizzy.

Hmm, I spent a month there a few years ago and saw ZERO violence, I was only in El Centro a few times during my stay though. There was a big party in Laureles with live music at night with at least 20,000 people and I felt safe walking around. Everyone was just having a great time. You may want to think about staying in Laureles next time to come to visit.

11-22-21, 19:38
I've found Asia to be cheaper than South America, but I prefer South America. I grew up in an urban area so what goes on in Centro doesn't send me into a tizzy.What did you find cheaper in Asia than in South America?

Are you talking abut food, accommodations, and women?

I remember Cambodia around ten years ago being cheaper then Colombia all around for food, lodging, and women.

And I can imagine perhaps nowadays some very rural parts of Asia being cheaper than South America as far as food and accommodations, but in terms of women?

So what are you referring to?

11-23-21, 00:55
Looking to link up with some fellow monger on here, so we can hit up some casas, clubs, bars, street girls you name it. PM me if you're down. I'm from NYC and I have frequented several chica houses out here and several Indy's. Check my post history for verification.

I also speak Spanish, as I am Hispanic. 30 years old, just giving you an idea how I am.

I plan to visit Medellin, Bogota, and Cartagena. Looking to spend my first weekend in Medellin, 2nd weekend in Bogota and then finish it all off with a weekend in Cartagena.

PM me if interested. Looking forward to mongering hard and seeing 3-5 girls a day.

11-23-21, 02:29
Thanks again to Gabacho.

Having a blast out here with El Centro girls.

Paying rates of 25,000-30,000 for each girl.

5 girls in 2 days so far. 2 Colombians and 3 Vennies.

Finally popped my first 18 year old. 5"10 Venezuelan African girl with a perfect body.

It also doesn't hurt being a darker Mexican American male.

Everyone here thinks I'm Colombian until I begin speaking with my "Mexican" accent LOL.

I'm very happy with El Centro girls and see no need to check out Parque Lleras or the casas.

Gabacho is right. 4-8 it's amazing with hundreds of hot girls in each direction!

Here's to more days at El Centro!

11-23-21, 04:21
When I was there in July, I did catch it from swapping too much saliva with a chica. I was fully vaccinated (2 shots) with Moderna. Luckily I was asymptomatic with only a minor sore throat and cough. I did not want to quarantine min 10 days, so found a loop hole and a very affordable one way business class tix to Tij airport. No testing req to enter Mexico or cross the border into San Diego. If you are fully vaccinated, enjoy life, indulge and roll the dice. I do, I'm in Brasil right now and will fly up to MDE next week for a third time this year. Buena suerte, I do mask up for everything except shagging and kissing. Luvchicas.Would you mind expanding a bit on how you did this? What happened when you tested positive? Did anyone on the ground in Colombia tell you that you had to quarantine? And if so, how were you able to get a flight to Tijuana? I have a trip scheduled in a couple weeks and I'm freaking out about the possibility of being forced to quarantine for two weeks in Colombia. I would appreciate some details on what are the possibilities.

11-23-21, 05:25
Thanks again to Gabacho.

Having a blast out here with El Centro girls.

Paying rates of 25,000-30,000 for each girl.

5 girls in 2 days so far. 2 Colombians and 3 Vennies.

Finally popped my first 18 year old. 5"10 Venezuelan African girl with a perfect body.

It also doesn't hurt being a darker Mexican American male.

Everyone here thinks I'm Colombian until I begin speaking with my "Mexican" accent LOL.

I'm very happy with El Centro girls and see no need to check out Parque Lleras or the casas.

Gabacho is right. 4-8 it's amazing with hundreds of hot girls in each direction!

Here's to more days at El Centro!I want to add that Although I don't have any posts here on ISG I was posting regularly on USASG. Would love to monger with others from here (again Jan 1-16th) would be so dope!

11-23-21, 06:00
Would you mind expanding a bit on how you did this? What happened when you tested positive? Did anyone on the ground in Colombia tell you that you had to quarantine? And if so, how were you able to get a flight to Tijuana? I have a trip scheduled in a couple weeks and I'm freaking out about the possibility of being forced to quarantine for two weeks in Colombia. I would appreciate some details on what are the possibilities.I'll try to be brief: to return to the US, one is req to take and be negative on antigen test. At MDE airport testing site I was told I failed, was positive. The testing staff just told me to find an doctor for treatment and quarantine. As I previously wrote, I was asymptotic and did not want to spend another 10 days in MDE, I found a cheap biz class tix on Avianca and Aeromexico that flew me into TIJ airport. No Covid questions asked for or req to show, either Mexican or American customs. And just walked across the border into San Diego and Ubered to SAN Int'l, bought a tix on line and flew home sweet home. I did try my best to mask up and not talk to people. Tried to limit any exposure to others. Upon return home, contacted my PCP who referred me to a Covid MD and my main side effect found was my O2 saturation was low at 91% She implored me to get admitted to ER and a Covid ward, where I spent 5 days getting Remdesivir and antibiotics and my insurance was billed $112,000 buck $. Got to live indulge. Luvchicas.

11-23-21, 06:23
Looking to link up with some fellow monger on here, so we can hit up some casas, clubs, bars, street girls you name it. PM me if you're down.Funny, first time when I was in Colombia, I hit up all those 3 cities like you mentioned. All has it own flavor. Anyway, you need to become a subscriber of the forum to send / receive PMs.

11-23-21, 11:41
I appreciate your post. She is always posting and dancing and showing off her body. She looks sexy, so glad you steered us away.

We agreed for having a dinner before, but she spent most of the time with her phone, until I told her that after dinner I would have gone home without her.

At home I pumped her with energy for 20 minutes (thanks Cialis), with her asking to finish. I paid the agreed 300 mil COP. I feel like a goat for having agreed that amount. The really nice ones rarely provide decent service. I'm attaching her FB pic, the one that forced me to want her. At least you can avoid the same mistake. Or maybe with you she will be cheaper and fun!

11-23-21, 12:00
I've been down in Centro for a couple days and in the casas I haven't seen one (that I know of).

11-23-21, 12:04
Funny, first time when I was in Colombia, I hit up all those 3 cities like you mentioned. All has it own flavor. Anyway, you need to become a subscriber of the forum to send / receive PMs.Thank you for that last part. Going to work on getting the BTC payment sent over this evening. Anyone whose planning to go over to Colombia beginning of January, keep me in mind. My PMs should start working by tonight. I already booked the flight and I have no one to go with. LOL.

11-23-21, 14:39
I think the loophole he is referring to is this:

From: https://mx.usembassy.gov/covid-19-information-for-u-s-citizens-in-mexico/.

Entry via Land and Sea Ports.

S. citizens and lawful permanent residents (LPRs) may enter via land ports of entry or via ferry regardless of vaccination status and are not required to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test.

Would you mind expanding a bit on how you did this? What happened when you tested positive? Did anyone on the ground in Colombia tell you that you had to quarantine? And if so, how were you able to get a flight to Tijuana? I have a trip scheduled in a couple weeks and I'm freaking out about the possibility of being forced to quarantine for two weeks in Colombia. I would appreciate some details on what are the possibilities.

Mr Enternational
11-23-21, 15:20
I think the loophole he is referring to is this:

From: https://mx.usembassy.gov/covid-19-information-for-u-s-citizens-in-mexico/.Besides that you could get into a world of shit when you are dragging tons of luggage and they ask you how long you have been in Mexico and you say 1 hour then they find out you live on the east coast somewhere.

11-23-21, 16:21
Would you mind expanding a bit on how you did this? What happened when you tested positive? Did anyone on the ground in Colombia tell you that you had to quarantine? And if so, how were you able to get a flight to Tijuana? I have a trip scheduled in a couple weeks and I'm freaking out about the possibility of being forced to quarantine for two weeks in Colombia. I would appreciate some details on what are the possibilities.The airlines will not let you get on a plane bound for the US without a negative COVID test.

Sounds like he caught COVID, took a one way ticket to Mexico, which has no COVID testing requirements, and then used a land crossing to get across.

It's not a loophole or anything like that. An American Citizen cannot be denied entry back into the US. All these COVID testing rules are requirements the Federal Government has placed on the Airlines, not Homeland / Customs.

11-23-21, 16:35
I was last in Asia about a year before the pandemic. I spent a couple of weeks in Shanghai in 2019. I don't even remember the last time I was in Thailand, maybe four or five years ago. I found food, lodging, and women overall cheaper than comparable commodities in South America. Of course the key word is "comparable" because a five star hotel in Asia is more expensive than a Raudal fleabag that rents by the 20 minute interval. Sticking with the five star hotel example, a place like the Four Points in the Oviedo mall isn't nearly as nice as the high end businessman hotels in Shanghai which cost 25% to 30% less, and yes I've stayed in both. I'm not going to go down the rat hole of numerical ratings for women but for those who are familiar with the southern China barbershop scene I consider that comparable to Centro. Airfare is another whole ball of wax for people coming from the Americas, especially east coast Americas.

What did you find cheaper in Asia than in South America?

Are you talking abut food, accommodations, and women?

I remember Cambodia around ten years ago being cheaper then Colombia all around for food, lodging, and women.

And I can imagine perhaps nowadays some very rural parts of Asia being cheaper than South America as far as food and accommodations, but in terms of women?

So what are you referring to?

11-23-21, 16:35
Besides that you could get into a world of shit when you are dragging tons of luggage and they ask you how long you have been in Mexico and you say 1 hour then they find out you live on the east coast somewhere.He should just use the Cross Border Express and Cross at Otai Mesa. The CBX is considered a land crossing back into the US, even though it's at the Tijuana Airport. If they ask why he's not flying directly into San Diego, he should just tell the truth, and say that scheduling a flight from Colombia into San Diego was a logistical nightmare. They all have some messed up layovers. If he's a US Citizen they're not going to give him any grief. So many Americans use that bridge, it's not going to look out of the ordinary.

From there, I'm sure there's an Uber or a shuttle that can get him over to the San Diego airport.

11-23-21, 18:19

I know a bunch of people who did it from Canada to US but I agree with you Mexico to US would raise a bunch of red flags. I wouldn't do it but looks like it is possible.

Besides that you could get into a world of shit when you are dragging tons of luggage and they ask you how long you have been in Mexico and you say 1 hour then they find out you live on the east coast somewhere.

11-23-21, 18:38
I'll try to be brief: to return to the US, one is req to take and be negative on antigen test. At MDE airport testing site I was told I failed, was positive. The testing staff just told me to find an doctor for treatment and quarantine. As I previously wrote, I was asymptotic and did not want to spend another 10 days in MDE, I found a cheap biz class tix on Avianca and Aeromexico that flew me into TIJ airport. No Covid questions asked for or req to show, either Mexican or American customs. And just walked across the border into San Diego and Ubered to SAN Int'l, bought a tix on line and flew home sweet home. I did try my best to mask up and not talk to people. Tried to limit any exposure to others. Upon return home, contacted my PCP who referred me to a Covid MD and my main side effect found was my O2 saturation was low at 91% She implored me to get admitted to ER and a Covid ward, where I spent 5 days getting Remdesivir and antibiotics and my insurance was billed $112,000 buck $. Got to live indulge. Luvchicas.You said you had a sore throat and cough while in Medellin according to your first post, and upon returning to the USA where admitted to the hospital for five days?

Interesting, so did your condition worsen while in transit from Colombia, and did you realize how sick you were requiring hospitalization, as it sounds as though you were pretty sick and you said you were asymptotic at the MDE airport, so what happened to you doesn't sound like it was any fun, and over $20,000 a day for five days in the hospital, sounds incredible what happened to you.

What's also is disturbing was that you were vaccinated as well and got sick. Something to think about as every time I have left Colombia it's a sigh of relief when I get a negative test result, and the thought of what one might have to do in your situation. Your not he first board member here that caught COVID in Colombia, but it was dealt with it in Colombia.

Makes you think about what insurance coverage you have while in Country if at all, and also the treatments available in Colombia versus the USA.

11-23-21, 19:43


Basically what theyre doing in Austria. Where this idiocy comes from I don't know, it if passes it will go into effect Dec. 16. Since they're thinking about it, it will probably happen.

How the police will enforce it? They won't, another joke.

FYI to any mongers there.

11-23-21, 20:03


Basically what theyre doing in Austria. Where this idiocy comes from I don't know, it if passes it will go into effect Dec. 16. Since they're thinking about it, it will probably happen.

How the police will enforce it? They won't, another joke.

FYI to any mongers there.Here's a quote from the article:

"So far, Antioquia is one of the departments with the highest number of coronavirus cases reported daily throughout the national territory, with about 500 infections every day. For this reason, the department is expected to face a fourth peak of the pandemic soon. "

So yes, societies have every right to protect themselves from people who don't care enough about themselves and others to get the jabs. Yes enforcement will be difficult, but everyone said the same about the smoking bans. It does get old though, the crying about vaccines, mask mandates, etc. Just post the info minus the tears. Thanks for posting the article.

11-23-21, 20:13
Anyone been to the Centro clubs in the past couple of days?

Are they asking for vax cards on entry? Thanks!

11-23-21, 21:01
I'm not going to go down the rat hole of numerical ratings for women but for those who are familiar with the southern China barbershop scene I consider that comparable to Centro. .I missed out on the Centro equivalent when in China and looked for it but was not successful, but did find a couple of brothels, and you talk about a language barrier, it was a challenge beyond belief.

I wish I could claim to be an experienced China street rat like you (LOL), if that's what they call the barbershop patrons there.

11-23-21, 21:49
Basically what theyre doing in Austria. Where this idiocy comes from I don't know, it if passes it will go into effect Dec. 16. Since they're thinking about it, it will probably happen.
Was chatting with a restaurant owner today. She said she is not going to enforce vax cards in her restaurant. She says most of her cleints don't want the vax and she has some lawyer friends that are willing defend her should the police or government try to impose it on her.

She also said that a group of high profile lawyers are getting together to try to overthrow the new legislation on the grounds that it is against civil rights and unconsititutional, amongst others words that I couldn't understand. Hehe. Big protests are coming too. They did it before when they imposed laws for PCR tests to enter the country etc. There was legal battles with that. Hopefully sanity will prevail for once in Colombia.

11-23-21, 23:26


Basically what theyre doing in Austria. Where this idiocy comes from I don't know, it if passes it will go into effect Dec. 16. Since they're thinking about it, it will probably happen.

How the police will enforce it? They won't, another joke.

FYI to any mongers there.Not sure where your getting the date of December 16 from. According to the articles, the curfew will only be instigated for those un-vaccinated in the event ICU capacity is going to be overloaded. This was how it was done before.

As far as enforcement, yes, it will be a joke in most instances, with a lot of places looking the other way or accepting anything presented to them. What could be a nightmare though would be if they required you to be vaccinated to use the METRO, and they tried to check every rider, versus random checking.

11-24-21, 00:18
I'll try to be brief: to return to the US, one is req to take and be negative on antigen test. At MDE airport testing site I was told I failed, was positive. The testing staff just told me to find an doctor for treatment and quarantine. As I previously wrote, I was asymptotic and did not want to spend another 10 days in MDE, I found a cheap biz class tix on Avianca and Aeromexico that flew me into TIJ airport. No Covid questions asked for or req to show, either Mexican or American customs. And just walked across the border into San Diego and Ubered to SAN Int'l.Can't say you didn't bust the right move. Can say that to board a plane to Mex (or US) you have to sign attestation to not having been tested positive for covid in the previous 14 days.

11-24-21, 00:38
Was chatting with a restaurant owner today. She said she is not going to enforce vax cards in her restaurant. She says most of her cleints don't want the vax and she has some lawyer friends that are willing defend her should the police or government try to impose it on her.

She also said that a group of high profile lawyers are getting together to try to overthrow the new legislation on the grounds that it is against civil rights and unconsititutional, amongst others words that I couldn't understand. Hehe. Big protests are coming too. They did it before when they imposed laws for PCR tests to enter the country etc. There was legal battles with that. Hopefully sanity will prevail for once in Colombia.I too hope sanity will prevail and they find a way to enforce the law. It will save lives and certainly make the option of visiting Colombia much safer.

11-24-21, 01:06
I too hope sanity will prevail and they find a way to enforce the law. It will save lives and certainly make the option of visiting Colombia much safer.I do as well, irrespective of what someone with an axe to grind, who claims to be in Medellin claims they heard from a restaurant owner.

11-24-21, 01:09
Not sure where your getting the date of December 16 from. According to the articles, the curfew will only be instigated for those un-vaccinated in the event ICU capacity is going to be overloaded. This was how it was done before.

As far as enforcement, yes, it will be a joke in most instances, with a lot of places looking the other way or accepting anything presented to them. What could be a nightmare though would be if they required you to be vaccinated to use the METRO, and they tried to check every rider, versus random checking.My fault, the Dec. 16 date came from a friend in bucaramanga who said they will start enforcing it there on that date. Not MDE.

There was a giant protest against the vaccine mandate in peru these past days, so good to keep an eye out for any civil unrest / el paro type situation.

11-24-21, 02:24
I'll try to be brief: to return to the US, one is req to take and be negative on antigen test. At MDE airport testing site I was told I failed, was positive. The testing staff just told me to find an doctor for treatment and quarantine. As I previously wrote, I was asymptotic and did not want to spend another 10 days in MDE, I found a cheap biz class tix on Avianca and Aeromexico that flew me into TIJ airport. No Covid questions asked for or req to show, either Mexican or American customs. And just walked across the border into San Diego and Ubered to SAN Int'l, bought a tix on line and flew home sweet home. I did try my best to mask up and not talk to people. Tried to limit any exposure to others. Upon return home, contacted my PCP who referred me to a Covid MD and my main side effect found was my O2 saturation was low at 91% She implored me to get admitted to ER and a Covid ward, where I spent 5 days getting Remdesivir and antibiotics and my insurance was billed $112,000 buck $. Got to live indulge. Luvchicas.Thanks for the response. Did your condition worsen that much by the time you talked with your PCP? It sounds like you were in decent shape, then all of a sudden your O2 was low and you were in a Covid ward running up a huge bill. Seems like a nice money-maker for the hospital. Virtually every non-elderly person I know who has gotten Covid had very mild or no symptoms. The one exception was a guy who is extremely obese. He was in the hospital a while.

FWIW, the machinations you went through to get back to the USA sound almost as bad as being stuck quarantined in a room in Colombia. And at least in the room you won't infect anyone else or be sick while traveling which can be very unpleasant.

I'm leaning towards taking my trip, but I think I'll get a booster shot this weekend. And bring lots of books loaded on my iPad in case I get stuck in Colombia.

11-24-21, 03:12
I'm leaning towards taking my trip, but I think I'll get a booster shot this weekend. And bring lots of books loaded on my iPad in case I get stuck in Colombia.With the latest posts about COVID in Colombia, and the specter of having to deal with it there, I wonder how many guys, including yourself, have health insurance that will cover it there.

I have health insurance that provides coverage in Colombia, including a letter from the carrier that COVID is covered, albeit quarantine requirements are not included.

You brought up getting a booster shot before returning.

Good idea, as the Colombian government is predicting another surge.

For guys coming down to Colombia, besides being vaccinated, in my opinion it would be a good idea to have insurance as well.

11-24-21, 04:46
Thanks for the response. Did your condition worsen that much by the time you talked with your PCP? It sounds like you were in decent shape, then all of a sudden your O2 was low and you were in a Covid ward running up a huge bill. Seems like a nice money-maker for the hospital. Virtually every non-elderly person I know who has gotten Covid had very mild or no symptoms. The one exception was a guy who is extremely obese. He was in the hospital a while.

FWIW, the machinations you went through to get back to the USA sound almost as bad as being stuck quarantined in a room in Colombia. And at least in the room you won't infect anyone else or be sick while traveling which can be very unpleasant.

I'm leaning towards taking my trip, but I think I'll get a booster shot this weekend. And bring lots of books loaded on my iPad in case I get stuck in Colombia.Just chiming in here. I got my booster 2 weeks before my trip last month. Just got back from MDE. Kissed and made out with a few chicas that had noticeable coughs. Passed through many packed shoulder to shoulder corridors and walkways through Comuna 13 with most not wearing masks. In short, get the booster shit was golden made to the airport and did the rapid test. And just to be safe I did a PCR test at my hospital the morning after my flight. Negativo.

11-24-21, 06:30
What's the lastest covid procedures for entering and leaving Medellin. According to the airlines and state dep your directed to the web site Check-Mig registration where you fill out a form on line no more 72 hrs before and then again after you leave Colombia. It also states that you don't need a covid test before or after you leave Colombia, nor do you need to be vaccinated for covid. Is this true? It seems on the dos website Colombia and Mexico are the only two countries exempt from these requirements at least for the USA I really don't want to quarantine in Colombia.

11-24-21, 06:50
Just chiming in here. I got my booster 2 weeks before my trip last month. Just got back from MDE. Kissed and made out with a few chicas that had noticeable coughs. Passed through many packed shoulder to shoulder corridors and walkways through Comuna 13 with most not wearing masks. In short, get the booster shit was golden made to the airport and did the rapid test. And just to be safe I did a PCR test at my hospital the morning after my flight. Negativo.AS did I. Over 2 months probably under 50. Yet that vaccine did not help with Bronchitis. My doctor friend asked me if it was worth it? I said hell yes. NOW nearly 4 months later I am cancelling a 1 month trip till the bronchitis is totally gone. Those girls transmit much more than Covid. Take your vitamins. There is no safe and guaranteed passage in life. Maybe I will do Tijuana for a few days. I used to live there.

11-24-21, 07:24
You said you had a sore throat and cough while in Medellin according to your first post, and upon returning to the USA where admitted to the hospital for five days?

Interesting, so did your condition worsen while in transit from Colombia, and did you realize how sick you were requiring hospitalization, as it sounds as though you were pretty sick and you said you were asymptotic at the MDE airport, so what happened to you doesn't sound like it was any fun, and over $20,000 a day for five days in the hospital, sounds incredible what happened to you.

What's also is disturbing was that you were vaccinated as well and got sick. Something to think about as every time I have left Colombia it's a sigh of relief when I get a negative test result, and the thought of what one might have to do in your situation. Your not he first board member here that caught COVID in Colombia, but it was dealt with it in Colombia..Only had minor sore throat and minor cough. I felt good, was not sick, was not going to die, but Covid specialist implored me to get admitted just because of 91% O2 saturation. I felt it was a waste of money, but had nothing to lose but 5 days of my life and a $250 dollar co-pay. Yes I was vaccinated, and yes I caught it from one of many chicas I did the deed with. But if it was not for being fully vaccinated, I would not of flown out of the country and engage in risky behaviors. In Brasil right now, and returning to Colombia on Thursday to indulge Luvchicas.

11-24-21, 07:41
Thanks for the response. Did your condition worsen that much by the time you talked with your PCP? It sounds like you were in decent shape, then all of a sudden your O2 was low and you were in a Covid ward running up a huge bill. Seems like a nice money-maker for the hospital. Virtually every non-elderly person I know who has gotten Covid had very mild or no symptoms. The one exception was a guy who is extremely obese. He was in the hospital a while.

FWIW, the machinations you went through to get back to the USA sound almost as bad as being stuck quarantined in a room in Colombia. And at least in the room you won't infect anyone else or be sick while traveling which can be very unpleasant.

I'm leaning towards taking my trip, but I think I'll get a booster shot this weekend. And bring lots of books loaded on my iPad in case I get stuck in Colombia.Actually I thought I was getting better, but after O2 saturation test. The Covid specialist implored me to get admitted, and my hospital had Covid rooms available. So I went. Honestly, everything went well after testing positive and getting back to US. I just didn't want to spend another 10 days in MDE quarantining, being careful not to infect others, requiring me not to go out and indulge with the natives. IE. Chicas. It would be hard to be in the land of plenty and refrain! I only left the US to indulge after almost 2 years of being grounded, because I was fully vaccinated. No mRNA injection, no leaving the country! Luvchicas.

11-24-21, 11:23
What's the lastest covid procedures for entering and leaving Medellin. According to the airlines and state dep your directed to the web site Check-Mig registration where you fill out a form on line no more 72 hrs before and then again after you leave Colombia. It also states that you don't need a covid test before or after you leave Colombia, nor do you need to be vaccinated for covid.I would say you shuld put your trust more in government migration sites than a monger forum for your immigration advice. My latest knowledge is that you do not need the vax nor a test result to enter Col. I know of no country that requires a test result to leave (though I suppose there may be a few crazies around the world). Test results are required to enter, not to leave.

Chk-Mig is form filling is required too.

The anecdotal health advice in this section makes me giggle. I guess whatever makes people happy is good. Go take your booster, or nr 4, or nr 10. Or how about you get urself in good shape instead of being a walking, living, breathing health risk! Take some responsibility for your own health state, then maybe you would be less worried about smthg that is normally only dangerous to the vulnerable.

Mr Enternational
11-24-21, 14:25
Just chiming in here. I got my booster 2 weeks before my trip last month. Just got back from MDE. Kissed and made out with a few chicas that had noticeable coughs. Passed through many packed shoulder to shoulder corridors and walkways through Comuna 13 with most not wearing masks. In short, get the booster shit was golden Funny. I have done the same things many times and have not gotten any shots. Why have I been golden? Matter of fact, the people that I know that got shots and ended up not being golden participated in no such behavior and are not particularly unhealthy and don't know how they ended up not being golden.

11-24-21, 15:30
Good deal, it might cut down on the crowds in Centro and on public transport. Maybe we will see anti-vaxxers take their crusade to the public via jailhouse interviews like Eldridge Cleaver. Everyone gets to make their choices. I read that in Serbia there is no enforcement of COVID rules or vaccination requirements. That might be a place to go to be free.



Basically what theyre doing in Austria. Where this idiocy comes from I don't know, it if passes it will go into effect Dec. 16. Since they're thinking about it, it will probably happen.

How the police will enforce it? They won't, another joke.

FYI to any mongers there.

11-24-21, 15:36
The biggest difference I noticed is the sheer volume of options in China. The language barrier is rough for sure. I had a breakthrough when I decided to ignore it. That was how I discovered the barbershop scene, a level below the brothels and massage parlors.

I missed out on the Centro equivalent when in China and looked for it but was not successful, but did find a couple of brothels, and you talk about a language barrier, it was a challenge beyond belief.

I wish I could claim to be an experienced China street rat like you (LOL), if that's what they call the barbershop patrons there.

11-24-21, 15:45
I'm hoping there would be a one time presentation of vaccination certificates for holders of registered Civicas (the Civicas with senior citizen or physical impairment discounts). The vast majority of metro riders use unregistered civicas so the waiting lines might be brutal.

As long as we are on the subject of the metro. When the fuck will Colombians stop hovering at the doors of the cars even when they aren't getting off for several stops. I feel badly about it but it's gotten to the point that I just push the aside or step on feet. I've been on metros in many countries. This is the only place where riders act as if the middle of the car is bottomless pit you will never get out of. OK, that is my rant for today. LOL.

Not sure where your getting the date of December 16 from. According to the articles, the curfew will only be instigated for those un-vaccinated in the event ICU capacity is going to be overloaded. This was how it was done before.

As far as enforcement, yes, it will be a joke in most instances, with a lot of places looking the other way or accepting anything presented to them. What could be a nightmare though would be if they required you to be vaccinated to use the METRO, and they tried to check every rider, versus random checking.

Fun Luvr
11-24-21, 16:33
What's the lastest covid procedures for entering and leaving Medellin. According to the airlines and state dep your directed to the web site Check-Mig registration where you fill out a form on line no more 72 hrs before and then again after you leave Colombia. It also states that you don't need a covid test before or after you leave Colombia, nor do you need to be vaccinated for covid. Is this true? It seems on the dos website Colombia and Mexico are the only two countries exempt from these requirements at least for the USA I really don't want to quarantine in Colombia.Most of your information is correct, with a few changes. You must fill out the Check-mig form 48 hours to 1 hour before your flight into Colombia and before leaving Colombia, not AFTER you leave. If you are flying to the US, you must have a negative Covid test no more than three days before the day of your flight. Antigen test is accepted.

11-24-21, 18:08
The biggest difference I noticed is the sheer volume of options in China. The language barrier is rough for sure. I had a breakthrough when I decided to ignore it. That was how I discovered the barbershop scene, a level below the brothels and massage parlors.A true street rat at heart wherever in the world, and I found China fascinating.

However, I doubt you would partake in an equivalent "Centro " scene in New Delhi, India. I was taken to one of the areas by a guide, and was frightened as hell, and language wasn't an issue, but it was just to bizarre, with some very scary beast providers beckoning me.

I did visit some upscale massage places though, and in one of them, the provider started licking my ass, and I didn't even request it, nor do I like it, but it happened, and I guess she was what I would call a "Rear Admiral".

Mr Enternational
11-24-21, 18:08
If you are flying to the US, you must have a negative Covid test no more than three days before the day of your flight. Antigen test is accepted.Negative PCR or antigen test only. 3 days if you are vaccinated. 1 day if you are not.

11-24-21, 18:18
Checked in at hotel Nutibara to show a coupla firiends around town. Receptionist asked if we had vax cards. I said "do we need one now? She said "yes". But we checked in without being asked to show anything and that was the end of it. Maybe she let me pass because she knows me, or maybe they are just not very diligent. Either way, its a risk for us Globe Earthers.

11-24-21, 18:34
Checked in at hotel Nutibara to show a coupla firiends around town. Receptionist asked if we had vax cards. I said "do we need one now? She said "yes". But we checked in without being asked to show anything and that was the end of it. Maybe she let me pass because she knows me, or maybe they are just not very diligent. Either way, its a risk for us Globe Earthers.Perhaps you know the answer to this question.

If someone has only received only the first shot of a vaccine, and has proof of it, will they let them in to establishments that are checking.

Since technically speaking fully vaccinated means 2-3 shots, what are the new requirements for entry.

And are hotels now requiring that all guests be vaccinated to stay at the Hotel?

Maybe your not the right guy to ask, but maybe you know, or someone else does.

11-24-21, 20:34
I would say you shuld put your trust more in government migration sites than a monger forum for your immigration advice.

The anecdotal health advice in this section makes me giggle. I guess whatever makes people happy is good. Go take your booster, or nr 4, or nr 10. Or how about you get urself in good shape instead of being a walking, living, breathing health risk! Take some responsibility for your own health state, then maybe you would be less worried about smthg that is normally only dangerous to the vulnerable.My take is that most all of us are sex addicts, and if we can just hear about just one guy taking a risk without a condom or using his cellphone in public without incident, then we could be just as lucky as well.

That goes for using illicit drugs, getting on a plane knowing you have covid, or skirting laws or regulations (incl. Common sense) meant to protect us from ourselves.

Got to love the super mongers that say it never happens because "I drank pond water as a kid" or "just take 500 MG of eucalytus bark 6 x a day".

Can you spell DENIAL, boys and girls? LOL.

My latest take on Botero freelancers is that most are Venezuelan and often give bad service, ask for pmt in advance and upsell. Ymmv.

Could be my imagination but they are often taller with longer faces and all business.

Some casas have these same providers asking " tip for me?


Now who was the first dumass gringo that taught them that? Imo, when I meet a Venny provider, she already has 1 strike against her.

Buy Local!!

Mojo Bandit
11-25-21, 02:00
Perhaps you know the answer to this question.

If someone has only received only the first shot of a vaccine, and has proof of it, will they let them in to establishments that are checking.

Since technically speaking fully vaccinated means 2-3 shots, what are the new requirements for entry.

And are hotels now requiring that all guests be vaccinated to stay at the Hotel?

Maybe your not the right guy to ask, but maybe you know, or someone else does.I have not seen the actual wording of the legislation or regulation regarding this but the information on the Colombian Minister of Health website does not mention hotels. The are targeting areas where lots of people gather in close proximity to one another. They use the expression "que implique aglomeraciand" translated to english means involving agglomeration translated to everyday language means collecting in a mass clumped in together -.


The website says.

"Finally, he recalled that the measure, for now, is given for all massive events: concerts, fairs and places such as restaurants, bars, gastrobars, bingo halls, casinos, stadiums, but it will constantly be evaluating whether we need to extend the measure to other spaces. "Today he is not, for example, to get on a plane or enter churches but we will be evaluating the measure permanently," he concluded.

11-25-21, 02:37
I have not seen the actual wording of the legislation or regulation regarding this but the information on the Colombian Minister of Health website does not mention hotels. The are targeting areas where lots of people gather in close proximity to one another. They use the expression "que implique aglomeraciand" translated to english means involving agglomeration translated to everyday language means collecting in a mass clumped in together -.

https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Alcaldes-responsables-de-hacer-cumplir-la-medida-del-carne-de-vacunacion.aspx..Well in answer to one of my own questions, apparently to enter all of the places mentioned, effective on December 1 next week, for entry, you must have either two doses of a COVID vaccine unless it's the J & J vaccine.

The reason I was curious about this is because one of my girls has only had the 1st shot, so I told her today to get the second shot ASAP, or we won't be able to dine out.

So if this is truly enforced, and guys are going out with one of their girls somewhere, they better confirm that they've been fully vaccinated, which not everyone has.

The last thing you want to happen to you is show up somewhere, and be denied entry, which I'm sure is going to be a problem for everyone.

And of course, and I brought this up earlier, what about the Metro and public buses?

Totally falls under the definition, yet my bet is they won't instigate this for public transportation, as it would cause total mayhem.

I know they tried "social distancing" on the METRO during the beginning of the Pandemic, but that didn't last long.

11-25-21, 03:14
And are hotels now requiring that all guests be vaccinated to stay at the Hotel?
.Tbh I haven't seen the actual legislation. Bcos you hope to get out of here soon. But anyway it seems obvious that what is right today will be wrong tmrw. Its an ever changing mess, so my advice would be to be prepared. . And expect the absurd. Hehe.

11-25-21, 03:59
I've had a few restaurants ask for vaccination proof. I have the real thing to show but it's obvious to me that any reasonably realistic document will do. I do notice it's the more upscale restaurants that request it.

I have not seen the actual wording of the legislation or regulation regarding this but the information on the Colombian Minister of Health website does not mention hotels. The are targeting areas where lots of people gather in close proximity to one another. They use the expression "que implique aglomeraciand" translated to english means involving agglomeration translated to everyday language means collecting in a mass clumped in together -.


The website says.

"Finally, he recalled that the measure, for now, is given for all massive events: concerts, fairs and places such as restaurants, bars, gastrobars, bingo halls, casinos, stadiums, but it will constantly be evaluating whether we need to extend the measure to other spaces. "Today he is not, for example, to get on a plane or enter churches but we will be evaluating the measure permanently," he concluded.

Lucky Nuts
11-25-21, 04:26
I've been down in Centro for a couple days and in the casas I haven't seen one (that I know of).The casas suck latey imo unless you like your chicas thick. Really they have become a waste of time as it seems the hotter chicas just don't work in casas. I have found the hottest chicas de Venezuela working at Bar Grille Nueva across from Botero Plaza in el centro. There are some 20 to 22 year old flacas working lately. If you are in el centro after dark you might also find the same at Conejitas. But I know they start before dark at Grille Nueva.

As for the casas I know Chicas Sexi Amigas has Venzs because a couple weeks ago I asked a few of them "de donde eres". I'm quite sure you'll also find them at New Life and Zandaly too. But all will be older and thicker than the chicas at Grille Nueva from my experiences the last couple months

11-25-21, 05:10
You will find younger and thinner girls in Plaza Botero than you do in the casas these days. As always, the casas are hit or miss. Plaza Botero is always chock a block. A friend of mine who runs a casa told me it is lately hard to keep a stable staff because the girls don't want to complete their shifts and because they make more on facebook.

The casas suck latey imo unless you like your chicas thick. Really they have become a waste of time as it seems the hotter chicas just don't work in casas. I have found the hottest chicas de Venezuela working at Bar Grille Nueva across from Botero Plaza in el centro. There are some 20 to 22 year old flacas working lately. If you are in el centro after dark you might also find the same at Conejitas. But I know they start before dark at Grille Nueva.

As for the casas I know Chicas Sexi Amigas has Venzs because a couple weeks ago I asked a few of them "de donde eres". I'm quite sure you'll also find them at New Life and Zandaly too. But all will be older and thicker than the chicas at Grille Nueva from my experiences the last couple months

11-25-21, 05:11
The casas suck latey imo unless you like your chicas thick. Really they have become a waste of time as it seems the hotter chicas just don't work in casas. I have found the hottest chicas de Venezuela working at Bar Grille Nueva across from Botero Plaza in el centro. There are some 20 to 22 year old flacas working lately. If you are in el centro after dark you might also find the same at Conejitas. But I know they start before dark at Grille Nueva.

As for the casas I know Chicas Sexi Amigas has Venzs because a couple weeks ago I asked a few of them "de donde eres". I'm quite sure you'll also find them at New Life and Zandaly too. But all will be older and thicker than the chicas at Grille Nueva from my experiences the last couple monthsI will def try those places out before I leave. They just open late and I try to be back in my hotel in centro before dark.

How is the experience staying at one of the short time hotels in plaza Botero. About the same amount of issues as staying in centro across from new life? Thinking about changing hotels for my last few days.

11-25-21, 08:12
Most of your information is correct, with a few changes. You must fill out the Check-mig form 48 hours to 1 hour before your flight into Colombia and before leaving Colombia, not AFTER you leave. If you are flying to the US, you must have a negative Covid test no more than three days before the day of your flight. Antigen test is accepted.I'm only going to be there for 4 days. So, I can use the same test for entering and leaving. Where do they test? At the MDE airport? And how much? The Airlines are greedy assholes and ill do anything to sell a seat. So, if your asymptomatic and they let you board the plane and then you test positive in Colombia and now you have to spend your vacation quarantining in Colombia for 10 days. That make so much more sense then avoiding that situation all together by testing you before you get on the plane. I mean I'm going there for the Chica's not the medical care.

11-25-21, 14:20
I'm only going to be there for 4 days. So, I can use the same test for entering and leaving. Where do they test? At the MDE airport? And how much? The Airlines are greedy assholes and ill do anything to sell a seat. So, if your asymptomatic and they let you board the plane and then you test positive in Colombia and now you have to spend your vacation quarantining in Colombia for 10 days. That make so much more sense then avoiding that situation all together by testing you before you get on the plane. I mean I'm going there for the Chica's not the medical care.I think you miss the point. If you test positive you can spread it to others and you certainly should not be on a plane. Knowingly putting others at risk this way should be an automatic criminal conviction, not just a quarantine in a hotel in Colombia.

Others will comment, but if you are planning on being in Colombia for 4 days you will need a test there to return back. There are many posts here about various locations for testing in Bogota and in Medellin, and at the airport in Bogota. And posts about whether you need a test within 24 hours of your return flight (if you are unvaccinated) or 3 days (fully vaccinated).

11-25-21, 14:32
The casas suck latey imo unless you like your chicas thick. Really they have become a waste of time as it seems the hotter chicas just don't work in casas. I have found the hottest chicas de Venezuela working at Bar Grille Nueva across from Botero Plaza in el centro. There are some 20 to 22 year old flacas working lately. If you are in el centro after dark you might also find the same at Conejitas. But I know they start before dark at Grille Nueva.

As for the casas I know Chicas Sexi Amigas has Venzs because a couple weeks ago I asked a few of them "de donde eres". I'm quite sure you'll also find them at New Life and Zandaly too. But all will be older and thicker than the chicas at Grille Nueva from my experiences the last couple monthsBesides Grille Neuva where have the the hotter chicks gone to then?

11-25-21, 14:33
... I was taken to one of the areas by a guide, and was frightened as hell, and language wasn't an issue, but it was just to bizarre, with some very scary beast providers beckoning me......As a public service notice to guys who may be interested, in Sonagashi, Kolkata, India, I saw streetwalkers who were seriously old, I'm talking 70's and 80's.

11-25-21, 16:48
It's about 3 months since leaving my recently bought Bello apartment. After furnishing it, I left it pretty much unused. My brother, who is not a monger and is lucky to be able to work remote, lives with his novia in Envigado. I had them check on my apt on couple of occasions and do some clean up since dust can build up after a while. Anyways, been here a week and loving it! I don't see any gringos and hot normal chicks everywhere I walk. Took down a few numbers on cold approaches and went on a couple regular dates, but no score. Best case was a make out session.

On the other hand, I have a good stable of chicas that are up for anything including BBFS. They stay and chill for as long as I want them, and they're happy with 150-200 mil and I'm always stocked with food, liquor, weed, white and pink powder. Tomorrow, going to splurge and have a nice dinner in Poblado. I'll def be seeing gringos there. You guys can have el Centro, Laureles, Envigado and Poblado, just don't come to Bello. It's super dangerous and kidnapping possibility is very high! (wink, wink).

BTW, Happy Thanksgiving! I'm grateful for paisa pussy! Remember tussi makes the pussy juicy!

11-25-21, 17:33
The casas suck latey imo unless you like your chicas thick. Really they have become a waste of time as it seems the hotter chicas just don't work in casas. I have found the hottest chicas de Venezuela working at Bar Grille Nueva across from Botero Plaza in el centro. There are some 20 to 22 year old flacas working lately. If you are in el centro after dark you might also find the same at Conejitas. But I know they start before dark at Grille Nueva.

As for the casas I know Chicas Sexi Amigas has Venzs because a couple weeks ago I asked a few of them "de donde eres". I'm quite sure you'll also find them at New Life and Zandaly too. But all will be older and thicker than the chicas at Grille Nueva from my experiences the last couple monthsDo you have an address for Bar Grille Nueva?

11-25-21, 18:17
Looking for some advice guys. I'm coming to Medellin in December and my last two full days will be 12/24-12/25 and leaving on the 26th. Currently I'm booked in an Airbnb for my whole stay. I'm wondering if I should change to a hotel with a bar and restaurant for the last couple of nights. Anyone who lives in Medellin or has visited during Christmas, can you tell me how shut down is the city on Christmas Eve and Christmas?

Thanks for the replies.

11-25-21, 20:28
It's about 3 months since leaving my recently bought Bello apartment. After furnishing it, I left it pretty much unused. My brother, who is not a monger and is lucky to be able to work remote, lives with his novia in Envigado. I had them check on my apt on couple of occasions and do some clean up since dust can build up after a while. Anyways, been here a week and loving it! I don't see any gringos and hot normal chicks everywhere I walk. Took down a few numbers on cold approaches and went on a couple regular dates, but no score. Best case was a make out session.

On the other hand, I have a good stable of chicas that are up for anything including BBFS. They stay and chill for as long as I want them, and they're happy with 150-200 mil and I'm always stocked with food, liquor, weed, white and pink powder. Tomorrow, going to splurge and have a nice dinner in Poblado. I'll def be seeing gringos there. You guys can have el Centro, Laureles, Envigado and Poblado, just don't come to Bello. It's super dangerous and kidnapping possibility is very high! (wink, wink).

BTW, Happy Thanksgiving! I'm grateful for paisa pussy! Remember tussi makes the pussy juicy!Tussi makes the pussy juicy lmao! I love it!

Damn don't even talk about all them drugs LOL I'm already paranoid after learning about that scary drug Scopolamine aka burundanga. I believe that's more of an issue in Bogota, as that's where it's mainly grown supposedly.

I plan to stay in Laureles by Calle 70 because they say it isn't as expensive as things are in the Poblado area, and I noticed that a lot of girls from Mileroticos actually host from the Laureles area also, so that's a huge PLUS!

Would you mind sharing some of the BBFS girls with me? I would truly appreciate that.

I'm actually going January 1st - 16th to Medellin, but I am planning to take some of those days to visit Bogota, and Cartagena. I haven't fully planned it all out yet. With that said, I do need a travel buddy, as I'm not so sure that my friend is going to make it. He said he's going to get his flight, but hasn't got it yet and it's been days now.

So if anyone here is down to hitup Colombia in the first half of the month of January, again just hit up my Inbox, I'd be glad to be your travel buddy. It's much safer going to places with someone else vs being all alone. Add the fact that I'm Latino, and speak fluent Spanish, it is definitely a huge PLUS incase you can't speak Spanish. So yea, I haven't booked my Airbnb / Hotel or anything yet, but I will get to that soon, just need to know who my travel buddies will be LOL.

I know I'm new to the International scene, but have posted plenty of reviews for chica houses out here in NYC, look me up on USA Sex Guide.

And yea RiceRocket99, PM me about the BBFS girls if you don't mind brother. I would love to partake. 150 mil-200 mil pesos sounds very reasonable for that kinda service:

Fun Luvr
11-25-21, 21:23
I'm only going to be there for 4 days. So, I can use the same test for entering and leaving. Where do they test? At the MDE airport? And how much?Now, you've gone off the reservation. You don't need a test to enter Colombia. They don't test you when you arrive. Sometimes, they will take your temperature in the hallway leading to immigration. If you have a high temperature, I suppose then you must take a test.

I don't know why you would get tested before leaving the US, but if you had a negative test on the day you left and are fully vaccinated and only stayed three nights in Colombia, then you could use that test for your return flight. I'm guessing that you are counting the day you arrive and the day you leave as two of the fours days you plan to be in Colombia. You can get tested at the MDE airport. I believe someone posted recently that the cost is 90,000 COP.

11-25-21, 22:13
Tussi makes the pussy juicy lmao! I love it!

Damn don't even talk about all them drugs LOL I'm already paranoid after learning about that scary drug Scopolamine aka burundanga. I believe that's more of an issue in Bogota, as that's where it's mainly grown supposedly....
:Everyone that I know that has been scoped it has happened in Medellin. I cannot imagine there being any less in Medellin than Bogota. The drug is all over the world, but especially available in Colombia and other parts of South America.

Never let your drink out of your sight. Never accept an opened or prepared drink from people you don't know. Don't pick up some random chicas in a bar in Parque Lleras, and then leave your drink and go to the bathroom. Ordering a mixed drink at a legitimate bar is generally fine, just make sure the bar staff are the ones that hand it to you. The risk is from the company you keep.

11-25-21, 23:48
You can get tested at the MDE airport. I believe someone posted recently that the cost is 90,000 COP.Thanks. Do you know any place in Poblado or around Parque Berrio el centro area that does covid tests?

11-26-21, 02:36
I tried hotel.com and expedia.com - they both list nutibata for $32 but say hotel is not available on any date during 1st December to 20 December.

Agoda lists nutibara for $22, but when you select the days in December, it asks for $87/ day. I stayed at Nutibara for 2 weeks in November for less than $30, and now it wants 3 times the money. I sent whatsapp message directly to Nutubara to book the hotel but they have not responded to my request in last 24 hours.

I am looking at these hotels but not sure if they are chica friendly. Can somebody confirm that they are chica friendly?..Hotel 47 Medellin Street is chica friendly.

11-26-21, 03:48
Do you have an address for Bar Grille Nueva?It is in the same block as Conejitas and next door to Hotel De Greif which is.

CL. 53 #51-41 and right across from Plaza Botero.

11-26-21, 05:34
It's about 3 months since leaving my recently bought Bello apartment. After furnishing it, I left it pretty much unused. My brother, who is not a monger and is lucky to be able to work remote, lives with his novia in Envigado. I had them check on my apt on couple of occasions and do some clean up since dust can build up after a while. Anyways, been here a week and loving it! I don't see any gringos and hot normal chicks everywhere I walk. Took down a few numbers on cold approaches and went on a couple regular dates, but no score. Best case was a make out session.

On the other hand, I have a good stable of chicas that are up for anything including BBFS. They stay and chill for as long as I want them, and they're happy with 150-200 mil and I'm always stocked with food, liquor, weed, white and pink powder. Tomorrow, going to splurge and have a nice dinner in Poblado. I'll def be seeing gringos there. You guys can have el Centro, Laureles, Envigado and Poblado, just don't come to Bello. It's super dangerous and kidnapping possibility is very high! (wink, wink).

BTW, Happy Thanksgiving! I'm grateful for paisa pussy! Remember tussi makes the pussy juicy!RR99,

I corresponded with a while back under a friend who had PM access. Unfortunately, I don't.

If you remember? You and I have a lot in common, live in Bay Area, have family from Centro America, habla Espanol, and same race. Well I'm Rio Negro seeing friends and my new novia. I will go to MDE Saturday for dinner and spend the night there with the nova. I will probably hole up Saturday at the Hampton Inn, and then move to the Nutibara Sun / Mon. I see you are kinda far away in Bello, but me gustaria encontrar ud? Como hmno? I have no PM access. Luvchicas.

Lucky Nuts
11-26-21, 14:47
Do you have an address for Bar Grille Nueva?Grill Nueva is at Calle 53 #51-18.

Lucky Nuts
11-26-21, 14:54
Thanks. Do you know any place in Poblado or around Parque Berrio el centro area that does covid tests?There is a walk up covid test center set up across the street from Energy Living address is carrera 30 #10-225. I asked the price when I walked past a couple weeks ago and was told 130 mil.

11-26-21, 17:35
I have used SA in Medellin and had no luck. I probably didn't put enough time in. Have had some success with it in Mexico though. I was wondering if Colombian Cupid is just as good as SA because Colombian Cupid is way cheaper. I don't want to use Tinder or Facebook for reasons of discretion. I was just browsing on SA and there doesn't look like a lot girls compared to the size of the city. Looking for a hot GFE for 2 or 3 nights a week during my 2 week trip. I have also heard, sometimes these girls will pick you up from airport if you connect well on sykpe and WhatsApp. Would be a cool goal to achieve and get a little different experience in. And yes obviously I know not to strike a multi-day deal with a chica I haven't met yet, but hoping to hit the ground running. Is this a reasonable plan of attack? Anyone want to share a story where they pulled something like this off?

11-26-21, 17:59
The pawn shop and the Playboy hairdresser are on either side of its entrance.

It is in the same block as Conejitas and next door to Hotel De Greif which is.

CL. 53 #51-41 and right across from Plaza Botero.

11-26-21, 19:33
I have used SA in Medellin and had no luck. I probably didn't put enough time in. Have had some success with it in Mexico though. I was wondering if Colombian Cupid is just as good as SA because Colombian Cupid is way cheaper. I don't want to use Tinder or Facebook for reasons of discretion. I was just browsing on SA and there doesn't look like a lot girls compared to the size of the city. Looking for a hot GFE for 2 or 3 nights a week during my 2 week trip. I have also heard, sometimes these girls will pick you up from airport if you connect well on sykpe and WhatsApp. Would be a cool goal to achieve and get a little different experience in. And yes obviously I know not to strike a multi-day deal with a chica I haven't met yet, but hoping to hit the ground running. Is this a reasonable plan of attack? Anyone want to share a story where they pulled something like this off?My response is not Medellin specific, but I have had much better luck with Colombians on Latin American Cupid as opposed to Colombian Cupid. Plus Latin American Cupid opens you up to women from other countries. Disclaimer: I have not had a paid account on either since Covid started. I've been working my way through my pre-Covid backlog of ladies I wanted to meet and just struck gold earlier this month in Bogota.

11-26-21, 21:30
We agreed for having a dinner before, but she spent most of the time with her phone, until I told her that after dinner I would have gone home without her.

At home I pumped her with energy for 20 minutes (thanks Cialis), with her asking to finish. I paid the agreed 300 mil COP. I feel like a goat for having agreed that amount. The really nice ones rarely provide decent service. I'm attaching her FB pic, the one that forced me to want her. At least you can avoid the same mistake. Or maybe with you she will be cheaper and fun!However she is worth friending on FB I think because she is friends with almost every MED girl I friend on FB. If she looks as good naked as she does in her pics I'd probably do her once even if she just laid there. LOL.

11-26-21, 22:29
I have used SA in Medellin and had no luck. I probably didn't put enough time in. Have had some success with it in Mexico though. I was wondering if Colombian Cupid is just as good as SA because Colombian Cupid is way cheaper. I don't want to use Tinder or Facebook for reasons of discretion. I was just browsing on SA and there doesn't look like a lot girls compared to the size of the city. Looking for a hot GFE for 2 or 3 nights a week during my 2 week trip. I have also heard, sometimes these girls will pick you up from airport if you connect well on sykpe and WhatsApp. Would be a cool goal to achieve and get a little different experience in. And yes obviously I know not to strike a multi-day deal with a chica I haven't met yet, but hoping to hit the ground running. Is this a reasonable plan of attack? Anyone want to share a story where they pulled something like this off?SA worked well for me but my firs time going to Medellin I used CC I also found it very useful besides freelancing I would say tinder is the best options you can find many non pros and pros or just girls in need not really sure your Spanish skills but nothing Google translate won't fix. Pay for the month of tinder gold or premium which ever it is that allows you to change your location to each girls. So if you're still state side you can search in Colombia. Best of luck with SA ans CC I maybe talked to 30 girls with tinder pros and non pros I spoke with over 200 again I can speak Spanish but like I said Google translate should help you. From the girls on tinder to the girls I already know who I don't help to the ones I know that I do help and tinder that part of my vacation was never an issue. Frankly I always live with not seeing 40 plus girls they are everywhere. You really don't even need an app to "pre plan".

11-26-21, 22:49

CL 54 # 42 - 57, Medellin, Antioquia.

NO gringo dollars accepted ASK AND YOU WILL BE * rotflmfao.

11-27-21, 02:59
Being a younger and party animal type chino that speaks Spanish and understands and appreciates paisa pride, passion, and culture, it just doesn't get any easier to hook up with chicas from pros to non pros and everyone in between. I always say I'm a chino paisa hasta la chimba. You and I would prob rock and roll barrios like Manrique and Aranjuez, I usually go with chicas, but with a wingman and chicas it's game over LOL. Well, we prob won't be able to hook up unless you end up on the north side of town. Anyways, best of luck! (Don't think you'll need it).

On a side note, I've been partying up in my apartment unit (I live on 28th floor in a 30 story building) till 4 or 5 am the past few nights and surprisingly, I haven't gotten any complaints. I do keep the noise level at a minimum, but the chicas always be trying to turn up to the next level every chance they get. I'll try to survive the best I can this weekend.


I corresponded with a while back under a friend who had PM access. Unfortunately, I don't.

If you remember? You and I have a lot in common, live in Bay Area, have family from Centro America, habla Espanol, and same race. Well I'm Rio Negro seeing friends and my new novia. I will go to MDE Saturday for dinner and spend the night there with the nova. I will probably hole up Saturday at the Hampton Inn, and then move to the Nutibara Sun / Mon. I see you are kinda far away in Bello, but me gustaria encontrar ud? Como hmno? I have no PM access. Luvchicas.

11-27-21, 04:07
I was in Medellin a few week ago. Met many girls through friends of friends. The problem is that once I left Medelland they kept asking me when would I come back because they need some extra cash. Some of them asked me if I can send them a few pesos. I never send money so I always say no.

This morning a girl asked if I could lend her money for an emergency. I immediately said no. Then she asked me if I knew someone would would be interested in seeing her. She is absolutely a sweet girl and very cute. She helped out with a few things so I feel like I owe her. If you guys are in Medellin now and would like to meet a very cute and sweet girl let me know. I am happy to share her WhatsApp and you talk to her directly. She is 22 yrs old, doesn't speak any English and is Not a pro.

Cheers,She goes out with any gringo for free? Guaranteed sex or just a regular date?

11-27-21, 04:33
I have used SA in Medellin and had no luck. I probably didn't put enough time in. Have had some success with it in Mexico though. I was wondering if Colombian Cupid is just as good as SA because Colombian Cupid is way cheaper. I don't want to use Tinder or Facebook for reasons of discretion. I was just browsing on SA and there doesn't look like a lot girls compared to the size of the city. Looking for a hot GFE for 2 or 3 nights a week during my 2 week trip. I have also heard, sometimes these girls will pick you up from airport if you connect well on sykpe and WhatsApp. Would be a cool goal to achieve and get a little different experience in. And yes obviously I know not to strike a multi-day deal with a chica I haven't met yet, but hoping to hit the ground running. Is this a reasonable plan of attack? Anyone want to share a story where they pulled something like this off?Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Colombian Cupid is not really a "hook up" site for foreigners compared to SA, Tinder, or Facebook.

And the odds of pulling off what you want to do are almost like a snowball's chance in hell on Colombian Cupid, unless your a rich, Spanish speaking, Bradd Pitt looking type of guy.

11-27-21, 06:53

The USA Has New COVID-19 Test Requirements Starting on November 8, 2021.

See here on the CDC website –.

If you plan to travel internationally, you will need to get a COVID-19 viral test (regardless of vaccination status) before you travel by air into the United States. You must show your negative result to the airline before you board your flight.

Fully vaccinated: The viral test must be conducted on a sample taken no more than 3 days before the flight's departure from a foreign country if you show proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Not fully vaccinated: The viral test must be conducted on a sample taken no more than 1 day before the flight's departure from a foreign country if you do not show proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

More information.

If you are a non-USA Citizen who is a nonimmigrant (not a USA Citizen, USA National, lawful permanent resident, or traveling to the United States on an immigrant visa), you will need to show proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before you travel by air to the United States from a foreign country.

Some categories of noncitizen, nonimmigrants are excepted from this requirement. If you meet the criteria for one of these categories, you will need to fulfill additional requirements to travel by air to the United States.

At this time, all air passengers ages 2 or older, regardless of citizenship or vaccination status, must show a negative result of a COVID-19 viral test or documentation of recovery from COVID-19 before they board a flight to the United States. For more information about these testing requirements, visit Requirement for Proof of Negative COVID-19 Test or Documentation of Recovery from COVID-19.

A PCR Test is No Longer Required for Travel to Colombia.

According to El Tiempo, the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, explained on Wednesday the guidelines of resolution 777 of 2021, which sets the criteria for the economic and social reactivation of the country.

In an interview with Caracol Noticias, Ruiz revealed that Colombia will no longer request the requirement of the PCR test from travelers, both Colombian and foreign, who enter the country. Also, the CoronApp requirement will be removed.

The bottom line is it will no longer be necessary for travelers to present a negative PCR test upon arrival in the country. This measure began to take effect on June 1, 2021, as confirmed by the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz.

Click on link for further info and testing locations: https://medellinguru.com/pcr-test-covid-19-test/.

11-27-21, 20:10
I got this from an expat facebook group. Apparently they come to you!

11-27-21, 20:17
I arrived in MDE a couple of days ago. Immigration didn't even ask me the purpose of my trip (I'm Canadian).

I've been to a few restaurants, and only one restaurant asked me for my vax card. I showed him a digital copy from Canada on my phone and there were no issues.

Spent some time with the wonderful tour guide and prepago Laura Bustamante. Good as always.

Also, stay away from this one. She pretends she is not a prepago until its time for her to leave and she asks for money. I gave her 100 k plus taxi both ways. https://www.facebook.com/nativalencia.1447.

Mr Enternational
11-27-21, 20:34
Also, stay away from this one. She pretends she is not a prepago until its time for her to leave and she asks for money. I gave her 100 k plus taxi both ways. https://www.facebook.com/nativalencia.1447.What was the full story?

11-28-21, 00:11
I got this from an expat facebook group. Apparently they come to you!Thank you for posting this, seems the cheapest for PCR test.

11-28-21, 00:20
I understand that the girls are paraded before you in a casa letting you decide which one seems attractive but how do you know what services she offers and for how much?

For example if I am interested in DFK and GFE kind of una hora, how do I ensure that the girl I selected will provide these services?

11-28-21, 04:34
Fuck! Last April my flight and Airbnb was booked for my first trip to Medellin. A week or so out, Medellin's curfew and lockdowns go into effect. I rebooked to Bogota and found an Airbnb then Bogota went into lockdown. I then rebooked to Cartagena and pulled off my vacation. Now, my flight and Airbnb are booked for Medellin and I'm set to land in less than three weeks and this omicron variant is freaking everyone out. Will I ever visit the city of eternal spring? I have 22 hours to cancel my Airbnb without penalty. Tiempos locos.

11-28-21, 15:48
What was the full story?She was shy to the point of awkwardness. Her BJ was the worst I ever had. Very petite, but not tight at all.

11-28-21, 18:44
I understand that the girls are paraded before you in a casa letting you decide which one seems attractive but how do you know what services she offers and for how much?

For example if I am interested in DFK and GFE kind of una hora, how do I ensure that the girl I selected will provide these services?Hmm that's a tough one there. Maybe the madam should know. You don't want to openly ask all of them Alright so which one of you mamasitas will allow "trato de novios" (GFE)? LOL I feel like girls would want to be discreet about it, would be kind of awkward, they'd surely be embarrassed to say they do, so I totally get it LOL.

I think best bet is asking the madam who works the house. They should know what their services include.

11-28-21, 21:49
I understand that the girls are paraded before you in a casa letting you decide which one seems attractive but how do you know what services she offers and for how much?

For example if I am interested in DFK and GFE kind of una hora, how do I ensure that the girl I selected will provide these services?It is hit or miss to get extras with casa girls. Since most girls would be busy with other customers, the presentation can be very thin to choose from. Make it a point to have runner-up selection when you choose. Before you go to her room, take her on side booth and chat with her about your extra requests. She will either agree without extra charge, or agree with extra charge which could be 30 k or 50 k (for DFK) for each extra service you want or she may flat out say she does not provide such service. In that case, you can wait for another presentation or go with your runner-up selection and repeat the process. Not many casa girls provide DFK even with extra money and even if they agree to it, they may only give LFK. If you are into GFE and DFK, you will have better success with fb girls than casa girls.

11-28-21, 21:58

CL 54 # 42 - 57, Medellin, Antioquia.

NO gringo dollars accepted ASK AND YOU WILL BE * rotflmfao.Try https://www.proanalab.com/.

110 k for antigen test, They visit your hotel / apartment to take the test and tell you within 5 min your test results and email the same in couple of hours.

11-28-21, 22:14
Hotel 47 Medellin Street is chica friendly.Hotel 47 charge 30 k per visitor.

Hotel cristal charge 20 k per visitor.

Laureles Plaza hotel charge 50 k per visitor.

61 Prado guesthouse does not charge for visitors unless they stay overnight. This hotel has good reviews and gets booked up fast.

Nutibata hotel does not charge for visitors but it has jacked up the daily rate from $30 in November to $90 for December.

11-28-21, 22:17
In Bogota in Santa Fe I have multiple girls that give me BBFS for 50 k to 70 k (one that even comes back to my hotel for an hour for 50 k). In Medellin I found one older Colombian chica en centro that gave me BBFS for only 30 k COP and numerous Venezolanas willing to accept 70 k.Think you can put me on with the BBFS girls from Santa Fe? Like passing on their contacts? I'm going beginning of January to Bogota.

11-28-21, 22:58
Tussi makes the pussy juicy lmao! I love it!

Damn don't even talk about all them drugs LOL I'm already paranoid after learning about that scary drug Scopolamine aka burundanga. I believe that's more of an issue in Bogota, as that's where it's mainly grown supposedly.

I plan to stay in Laureles by Calle 70 because they say it isn't as expensive as things are in the Poblado area, and I noticed that a lot of girls from Mileroticos actually host from the Laureles area also, so that's a huge PLUS!

Would you mind sharing some of the BBFS girls with me? I would truly appreciate that.

I'm actually going January 1st - 16th to Medellin, but I am planning to take some of those days to visit Bogota, and Cartagena. I haven't fully planned it all out yet. With that said, I do need a travel buddy, as I'm not so sure that my friend is going to make it. He said he's going to get his flight, but hasn't got it yet and it's been days now.

So if anyone here is down to hitup Colombia in the first half of the month of January, again just hit up my Inbox, I'd be glad to be your travel buddy. It's much safer going to places with someone else vs being all alone. Add the fact that I'm Latino, and speak fluent Spanish, it is definitely a huge PLUS incase you can't speak Spanish. So yea, I haven't booked my Airbnb / Hotel or anything yet, but I will get to that soon, just need to know who my travel buddies will be LOL.Damn that's exactly when I am going except that I might be staying for an extra day. I'm from Canada and am coming from Toronto and I'm from that scene mostly. I don't speak Spanish unfortunately which is what I am worried about and was supposed to go with a friend, but canceled. I wanted to inbox you but I am new to this forum. Do you have an itinerary of where you want to go? Because I am kind of lost honestly and would enjoy going with someone rather going and hobbling alone.

El Moreno 92
11-28-21, 23:36
Last night checked into Orange Suites on Calle 8 near Parque Poblado.

Facebook chica came through. She is definitely a Colombian LBFM. Slim, nice tetas, long black hair, nice smooth light brown skin with a cute face. She looks like a cross between a young Mariah Carey and Beyonce. She sat me down in a chair, took my bone out, I covered it up and she sat on it. Man she was a screamer and rode me good. I think I nutted in about 15 minutes. I laid down a bit. She went to the balcony and seemingly took 100 selfies. I got hard again. Bent her over and clapped her cheeks from behind with NO RUBBER (Dumb I know it). But that was the best feel I had in a long time. Blasted my entire load in her. I went two more rounds and unloaded in her before I got really tired. That chica can screw. After TLN, she left in the morning. Gave her 350 mil pesos.

I am about to meet her at Fugitivos in the Manila part of Poblado. After some good wings, papa and cerveza on tap, we will be in a screwfest again.


11-29-21, 00:40
Last night checked into Orange Suites on Calle 8 near Parque Poblado.

Facebook chica came through. She is definitely a Colombian LBFM. Slim, nice tetas, long black hair, nice smooth light brown skin with a cute face. She looks like a cross between a young Mariah Carey and Beyonce. She sat me down in a chair, took my bone out, I covered it up and she sat on it. Man she was a screamer and rode me good. I think I nutted in about 15 minutes. I laid down a bit. She went to the balcony and seemingly took 100 selfies. I got hard again. Bent her over and clapped her cheeks from behind with NO RUBBER (Dumb I know it). But that was the best feel I had in a long time. Blasted my entire load in her. I went two more rounds and unloaded in her before I got really tired. That chica can screw. After TLN, she left in the morning. Gave her 350 mil pesos.

I am about to meet her at Fugitivos in the Manila part of Poblado. After some good wings, papa and cerveza on tap, we will be in a screwfest again.Very very nice. I just PM'ed you actually about the FB chica. That's just how I like them too the way you described!

11-29-21, 01:26
Hi does anyone know what happened to the medellinguru.com site? I keep getting "Error 1020 access denied" when going there. I'm trying to find out if there are any curfews right now or in the future. I'm planning a trip to Medellin from Dec 26 - Jan 3. TIA.

11-29-21, 01:44
Aside from rumors, there are no curfews at this time and none are planned. As always, it is situational and the situation is subject to change. Medellin guru, just my opinion, is not a consistently accurate source of information.

Hi does anyone know what happened to the medellinguru.com site? I keep getting "Error 1020 access denied" when going there. I'm trying to find out if there are any curfews right now or in the future. I'm planning a trip to Medellin from Dec 26 - Jan 3. TIA.

11-29-21, 01:47
You can only fuck after dark?

Fuck! Last April my flight and Airbnb was booked for my first trip to Medellin. A week or so out, Medellin's curfew and lockdowns go into effect. I rebooked to Bogota and found an Airbnb then Bogota went into lockdown. I then rebooked to Cartagena and pulled off my vacation. Now, my flight and Airbnb are booked for Medellin and I'm set to land in less than three weeks and this omicron variant is freaking everyone out. Will I ever visit the city of eternal spring? I have 22 hours to cancel my Airbnb without penalty. Tiempos locos.

11-29-21, 03:50
Hi does anyone know what happened to the medellinguru.com site? I keep getting "Error 1020 access denied" when going there. I'm trying to find out if there are any curfews right now or in the future. I'm planning a trip to Medellin from Dec 26 - Jan 3. TIA.Maybe he didn't pay his hosting bill. Search for him on FB, he's there.

11-29-21, 04:16
Hotel 47 charge 30 k per visitor.

Hotel cristal charge 20 k per visitor.

Laureles Plaza hotel charge 50 k per visitor.

61 Prado guesthouse does not charge for visitors unless they stay overnight. This hotel has good reviews and gets booked up fast.

Nutibata hotel does not charge for visitors but it has jacked up the daily rate from $30 in November to $90 for December.What about Hotel Lincoln in Laureles? Anyway to find out how much or if the hotel charges fees?

11-29-21, 04:36
Hi does anyone know what happened to the medellinguru.com site? I keep getting "Error 1020 access denied" when going there. I'm trying to find out if there are any curfews right now or in the future. I'm planning a trip to Medellin from Dec 26 - Jan 3. TIA."Boots on the ground" right now, there is no curfew in MDE. Nor was there any when I was there in July and Oct. Haven't heard about any future "toque de queda" either. Just cum Luvchicas.

Fun Luvr
11-29-21, 06:27
Hi does anyone know what happened to the medellinguru.com site? I keep getting "Error 1020 access denied" when going there. I'm trying to find out if there are any curfews right now or in the future. I'm planning a trip to Medellin from Dec 26 - Jan 3. TIA.I just tried going to his site and got there without a problem. He does have some type of browser check before opening his site. There are no curfews in Medellin, and the locals are not predicting any. Of course, that could change at any time.

11-29-21, 15:21
Do not want to waste vacation time so contemplating a trip during the week of Christmas. Tickets have become sky high compared to last month.

Some comments in the thread suggest the Christmas week is a shutdown for the city. How bad is this holiday shutdown?

Would you recommend not making trip? I am thinking even if casas are shutdown or have limited hours, the FB and SA should work. What about Centro? Guessing much limited street scene.

Is it worth hitting Colombia during this time or should I postpone to another month?

11-29-21, 16:55
Fuck! Last April my flight and Airbnb was booked for my first trip to Medellin. A week or so out, Medellin's curfew and lockdowns go into effect. I rebooked to Bogota and found an Airbnb then Bogota went into lockdown. I then rebooked to Cartagena and pulled off my vacation. Now, my flight and Airbnb are booked for Medellin and I'm set to land in less than three weeks and this omicron variant is freaking everyone out. Will I ever visit the city of eternal spring? I have 22 hours to cancel my Airbnb without penalty. Tiempos locos.I wouldn't cancel, if the Country shuts down to foreign visitors will know before your arrival date. God forbid if this is a redux of February 2020, when Colombia shut the Country to foreign visitors. As far as curfews and lockdowns, it's a function of ICU capacity, and the Country just won't be able to handle more lockdowns as the economic damage is to great.

So I would sit tight, and if the Country shuts down you should be able to get your deposit back.

Husker Dude
11-29-21, 19:51
Hi does anyone know what happened to the medellinguru.com site? I keep getting "Error 1020 access denied" when going there. I'm trying to find out if there are any curfews right now or in the future. I'm planning a trip to Medellin from Dec 26 - Jan 3. TIA.I keep getting that error too. I posted that on his FB page & he replied, should be able to get on now. I tried & still denied.

11-29-21, 20:20
I am in Medellin and looking for a fun girl. I am not paid member here. [Email address deleted by Admin]

I was in Medellin a few week ago. Met many girls through friends of friends. The problem is that once I left Medelland they kept asking me when would I come back because they need some extra cash. Some of them asked me if I can send them a few pesos. I never send money so I always say no.

This morning a girl asked if I could lend her money for an emergency. I immediately said no. Then she asked me if I knew someone would would be interested in seeing her. She is absolutely a sweet girl and very cute. She helped out with a few things so I feel like I owe her. If you guys are in Medellin now and would like to meet a very cute and sweet girl let me know. I am happy to share her WhatsApp and you talk to her directly. She is 22 yrs old, doesn't speak any English and is Not a pro.

Cheers,EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

11-29-21, 23:21
I just got here. Are there any good Casas? I saw the excellent map, but it is a lot of information. I am looking for a good place with top quality, not doing anything at all with texting, WhatsApp, or Facebook. Any recommendations?

11-29-21, 23:24
Is anyone else having problems using the app? I did read somewhere it's no longer required but just wanted to be sure since I'm flying into Cartagena soon.

11-29-21, 23:36
What was the name of the Sala de citas with the cuartos next door that were all like grass huts under an airplane hangar?

11-29-21, 23:51
I just got here. Are there any good Casas? I saw the excellent map, but it is a lot of information. I am looking for a good place with top quality, not doing anything at all with texting, WhatsApp, or Facebook. Any recommendations?Just go to zandalay and new life. And read the forum or use the search bar.

11-30-21, 01:13
What was the name of the Sala de citas with the cuartos next door that were all like grass huts under an airplane hangar?Not a sala de citas. Or a casa as they are known in Medellin. Probably the place next to Fase Dos, the strip club. Where you take a chica from the main part of the club.

11-30-21, 01:16
I wouldn't cancel, if the Country shuts down to foreign visitors will know before your arrival date. God forbid if this is a redux of February 2020, when Colombia shut the Country to foreign visitors. As far as curfews and lockdowns, it's a function of ICU capacity, and the Country just won't be able to handle more lockdowns as the economic damage is to great.

So I would sit tight, and if the Country shuts down you should be able to get your deposit back.I would cancel if you can do it without penalty. Then rebook closer to your arrival date.

PS just found your original post and my reply is certainly too late... Either way it should work out. I doubt very much that there will be a total shutdown again.

11-30-21, 01:42
Is anyone else having problems using the app? I did read somewhere it's no longer required but just wanted to be sure since I'm flying into Cartagena soon.They are having technical difficulties with the Check Mig app and it's currently not required, at least last I checked. However, they are back to requiring the paper form they formerly used (or something similar). I assume for inbound passengers it will be handed out during the flight, as before. However, for outbound passengers they will need to give extra time to go through Migracion before boarding.

11-30-21, 01:56
I would cancel if you can do it without penalty. Then rebook closer to your arrival date.

PS just found your original post and my reply is certainly too late... Either way it should work out. I doubt very much that there will be a total shutdown again.I rolled the dice and kept the reservation. Most I can lose is a couple hundred $ and I'm banking on this being overblown.

11-30-21, 01:58
I would cancel if you can do it without penalty. Then rebook closer to your arrival date.

PS just found your original post and my reply is certainly too late... Either way it should work out. I doubt very much that there will be a total shutdown again.No worries- I appreciate the advice. I kept the rental and taking the bet that there won't be a shut down.

11-30-21, 02:04
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Colombian Cupid is not really a "hook up" site for foreigners compared to SA, Tinder, or Facebook.

And the odds of pulling off what you want to do are almost like a snowball's chance in hell on Colombian Cupid, unless your a rich, Spanish speaking, Bradd Pitt looking type of guy.Are you sure? I checked Colombian Cupid out and there is a HUGE selection of women actively using the site. I am assuming a good portion of them might be down for a good time for some pay to play action. Or you think they are just looking to date foreigners for free? That would surprise me, but I haven't used the site before so I don't really know.

11-30-21, 02:43
Do not want to waste vacation time so contemplating a trip during the week of Christmas. Tickets have become sky high compared to last month.

Some comments in the thread suggest the Christmas week is a shutdown for the city. How bad is this holiday shutdown?

Would you recommend not making trip? I am thinking even if casas are shutdown or have limited hours, the FB and SA should work. What about Centro? Guessing much limited street scene.

Is it worth hitting Colombia during this time or should I postpone to another month?If you're talking about the week between Christmas and New Year's, go to Cali. I think La Feria is live again this year (it was only "virtual" last year). It's a good time. Medellin will be dead that week.

11-30-21, 04:41
I rolled the dice and kept the reservation. Most I can lose is a couple hundred $ and I'm banking on this being overblown.I think you made the right call, if you cancelled, and things are overblown which hopefully they are, the place you reserved or something similar might not be available on such short notice. And if there were a shutdown of the Country, you would get your money back.

11-30-21, 05:27
I used the Mig app yesterday (Sunday) and it worked fine. Left today. Airport was busy (post-Thanksgiving. Gringos going home) and the line to get the COVID test was longer than I've ever seen.

I did have to show my vaccination card at check-in for Spirit. I never once had to show it while I was in Medellin, though.

P.S. - tired of having to get COVID test every time I leave Colombia (I got once a month). Finally got so fed up that I wrote both of my Senators telling them how stupid it was that I had to waste time and money to get a COVID test when I have 3 vaccinations (not to mention that we have people cross the border every day with no COVID test).

They are having technical difficulties with the Check Mig app and it's currently not required, at least last I checked. However, they are back to requiring the paper form they formerly used (or something similar). I assume for inbound passengers it will be handed out during the flight, as before. However, for outbound passengers they will need to give extra time to go through Migracion before boarding.

11-30-21, 06:13
Probably the place next to Fase Dos, the strip club. Where you take a chica from the main part of the club.That's it!! Gracias, Amigo!

Fantastic time with the Paisa Mia Khalifa in there tonight. Also I had a great conversation with mi taxista about the city today, plus he slowed past Parque Lleras to point out a known pick pocket and also flew back to the door in reverse when I didn't go in. It turns out I was 15 minutes early.

11-30-21, 06:15
Also, perhaps off topic. But where is the best location to view la Alborada tomorrow at midnight?

11-30-21, 15:56
Earlier this week I shared a link to a girl and within 24 hours I get a message from her asking if I post it on Facebook that she was a Prepago. The only place I shared that information was on this forum so someone here must have contacted her and treated her like a pro even though I implied she wasn't.

Now I understand why people rarely share contact information. Too bad I wanted to share more this week.

11-30-21, 15:56
P.S. - tired of having to get COVID test every time I leave Colombia (I got once a month). Finally got so fed up that I wrote both of my Senators telling them how stupid it was that I had to waste time and money to get a COVID test when I have 3 vaccinations (not to mention that we have people cross the border every day with no COVID test).You have to get a COVID test (they say) bcos the vaccine does not work to prevent you rom catching COVID. It is quite effective at the start, but very leaky after a few months.

The rules on land crossings are different to air crossings. This is bcos when you cross a border by air you are a risk to fellow passengers in the airport, taxies, buses, plane, restaurants etc. But when you cross a border in your own car, you are a risk to no one.

Mr Enternational
11-30-21, 16:42
Earlier this week I shared a link to a girl and within 24 hours I get a message from her asking if I post it on Facebook that she was a Prepago. The only place I shared that information was on this forum so someone here must have contacted her and treated her like a pro even though I implied she wasn't.

Now I understand why people rarely share contact information. Too bad I wanted to share more this week.Are you being serious right now? This is a board to share information on where guys can go to get their rocks off. Did you actually give out information to over 500,000 members on this board in hopes that nobody would contact her to fuck? Was your purpose that everybody would see her and she would be flooded with money and no requests to fuck?

If you are posting a chick's information on here then 10 times out of 10 it should only be because she is willing to fuck for money (or free) or can connect people to chicks that fuck for money. I do not understand your purpose for posting this chick if it was not for her to be fucked by as many guys that wanted to fuck. This is not a charity website.

11-30-21, 17:43
They are having technical difficulties with the Check Mig app and it's currently not required, at least last I checked. However, they are back to requiring the paper form they formerly used (or something similar). I assume for inbound passengers it will be handed out during the flight, as before. However, for outbound passengers they will need to give extra time to go through Migracion before boarding.The Site is up, and running, kind of. It took me several attempts, and the system is very buggy. I got bumped four times with an error message saying the server wasn't working, also upon trying to advance to the next page after putting in my hosting address information the system would try to load, and then just go back to the same page not ever loading, this happened three times, and three times while filling in information on various pages, they would just disappear and go back to the previous page. They now have questions whether you have been to a list of African countries, but other than that, after about ten attempts, I completed the process, printed a copy, and got an E-mail immediately.

Technical difficulties for sure which started last week.

11-30-21, 17:45
Also, perhaps off topic. But where is the best location to view la Alborada tomorrow at midnight?Iceland will be your best bet.

11-30-21, 17:57
Earlier this week I shared a link to a girl and within 24 hours I get a message from her asking if I post it on Facebook that she was a Prepago. The only place I shared that information was on this forum so someone here must have contacted her and treated her like a pro even though I implied she wasn't.

Now I understand why people rarely share contact information. Too bad I wanted to share more this week.Pro tip: unless you're sharing a negative review, clear it with the chica before posting her info to a site like this.

11-30-21, 18:19
Last time in Medellin was a few years ago when the airport was under construction / remodeling and there was no duty free after arrival. Is there one now before exiting for a cab? I can also use the ones in Panama if not and anyone ever compare prices? I would like to buy a couple bottles of liquor that are not available in Exito or liquor stores that I've seen.

Also, Where is the Medellin sports bar and any reviews? I saw it mentioned somewhere but can't remember where. Would like to watch the Super Bowl.

Chris H
11-30-21, 19:38
Are you being serious right now? This is a board to share information on where guys can go to get their rocks off. Did you actually give out information to over 500,000 members on this board in hopes that nobody would contact her to fuck? Was your purpose that everybody would see her and she would be flooded with money and no requests to fuck?

If you are posting a chick's information on here then 10 times out of 10 it should only be because she is willing to fuck for money (or free) or can connect people to chicks that fuck for money. I do not understand your purpose for posting this chick if it was not for her to be fucked by as many guys that wanted to fuck. This is not a charity website.Mr. E, you know how these dudes are, getting their feelings all up in it. Want to brag about some chick, but don't want anyone else to contact and smash. SMH.

Jose Flores
11-30-21, 19:42
Do you guys recommend renting a short term room (different from your own room) and if so what are the rates near el poblado / parque Lleras? I was planning to stay in a hotel near parque Lleras and bringing girls over to that room (I believe I would have to pay about $12 USD each time) from the street or through an escort service but now I am rethinking this just for security / safety / peace of mind.

In these areas do you guys have a set of hotels to use or do you follow girls to the suggested hotel? How about if in el centro during the day? What is the standard / safer option?

I was planning to hang around el centro during the day and spend time at night near parque Lleras / Poblado.

Elvis 2008
11-30-21, 21:11
I just got in. The lines were awful. I was at the front and had to wait only 15 minutes but there were like 200 people behind me. I think those folks had to wait 2 hours to get through. Customs is asking for address and phone number of where you are staying and were inputting it into the computer. I think they have done this before, but it seemed to prolong the trip. No one asked for vaccine card. Airline was more concerned about check mig than anyone in customs.

Flights to CTG are crazy high this holiday time $700+ and Spirit flight was full. I paid half that last month and flights in late January are half that as well.

It seems like customs has gotten to be a mess everywhere in Colombia. Thank God I was at the front.

11-30-21, 21:47
Are you sure? I checked Colombian Cupid out and there is a HUGE selection of women actively using the site. I am assuming a good portion of them might be down for a good time for some pay to play action. Or you think they are just looking to date foreigners for free? That would surprise me, but I haven't used the site before so I don't really know.Yes I'm sure, I'm on the site, and a small fraction of the women are looking for foreigners, let alone guys twenty years or older. And like I said before, if you look like Brad Pitt, are within ten years of the age of the women your looking for, are rich, and fluent in Spanish, there is a huge selection of women. But again, out of all the options out there, it's not really a hook up venue compared to Facebook or Tinder. And yes their are women on the Site that might be interested in you and want to have a good time, but they probably won't fit what your looking for age and looks wise, unless you meet the criteria I described.

So unless you are as I described, and I'm not, and probably over 95% of the guys don't fit what I described either, it will most probably be a waste of time for you.

I've had no success with it, stick to Facebook and Tinder.

11-30-21, 22:41
Mr. E, you know how these dudes are, getting their feelings all up in it. Want to brag about some chick, but don't want anyone else to contact and smash. SMH.The problem is most guys are idiots. Here's what typically happens when someone posts a girl's information here:

1.50+ guys send her a message asking for nude photos.

2.20+ guys send her a picture of their dick.

3.15-20 guys send them insulting or threatening messages.

4.5-10 guys who will never be in the area contact them and try to get them to come to a hotel to meet them, even though they aren't in the same country.

5.5 guys waste their time trying to get them to agree to all kinds of bizarre shit for free.

6. Maybe 1-5 guys who are actually interested in meeting her under reasonable terms send a nice message.

Even the most hardcore pro isn't going to be thrilled when someone posts their contact info on a public forum.

Personally, I don't want anyone to contact one of my favorites and "smash", because "smash" is what 5 year olds do. A few select people I will ask if they are interested and then connect them directly with a girl, but there's no guarantee that will work. Just recently I did that, connected a good friend with a girl who has been very dependable for me. She started off insisting on 300 k, even though I give her 200 k. Then she refused to consider BBBJ, even though I get that from her.

If you're looking for girls for sex, you're best bet is to find your own. If you want to smash, maybe you should invest in some Legos.

11-30-21, 22:45
She pretends she is not a prepago until its time for her to leave and she asks for money. I gave her 100 k plus taxi both ways. https://www.facebook.com/nativalencia.1447.I had her last month in poblado. She came to my hotel. Money was discussed early on. Ended up paying 120 mil for 3 pop and 4 hours. She was getting stomach pain from all that.

I bought bottle of Jim Beam. She drank 80% of it. Still was fine.

11-30-21, 23:19
Last time in Medellin was a few years ago when the airport was under construction / remodeling and there was no duty free after arrival. Is there one now before exiting for a cab? I can also use the ones in Panama if not and anyone ever compare prices? I would like to buy a couple bottles of liquor that are not available in Exito or liquor stores that I've seen.

Also, Where is the Medellin sports bar and any reviews? I saw it mentioned somewhere but can't remember where. Would like to watch the Super Bowl.I recently went through PTY to MDE and checked prices on perfume and liquor and PTY was a clear winner.

Mojo Bandit
11-30-21, 23:56
Also, perhaps off topic. But where is the best location to view la Alborada tomorrow at midnight?Alborada en Medellíand why Envigado: ¿Qué actividades habrá? (Alborada in Medellíand and Envigado: What activities will there be?


I translate pages using the Chrome Google Translate extension.

12-01-21, 01:44
I recently went through PTY to MDE and checked prices on perfume and liquor and PTY was a clear winner.Thanks Huacho, that's good to know. I'll stock up in Panama then. Salud!

12-01-21, 03:15
Did the Botero hotel located behind hotel Nutibara and across from Yakusa close down for good or is it being renovated? I passed it earlier today and it looked like it was condemned.

12-01-21, 03:44
I don't think it's reasonable to expect any result other than what happened. If this were Pinterest group for quiltmaking then you would have cause to be disappointed. This is of course nothing remotely like a Pinterest site for quiltmaking. I honestly don't understand what is surprising about the outcome.

Earlier this week I shared a link to a girl and within 24 hours I get a message from her asking if I post it on Facebook that she was a Prepago. The only place I shared that information was on this forum so someone here must have contacted her and treated her like a pro even though I implied she wasn't.

Now I understand why people rarely share contact information. Too bad I wanted to share more this week.

12-01-21, 06:59
Did the Botero hotel located behind hotel Nutibara and across from Yakusa close down for good or is it being renovated? I passed it earlier today and it looked like it was condemned.Pretty sure it is closed down for good. I was in centro around April, and it was deserted.

Fun Luvr
12-01-21, 07:15
Last time in Medellin was a few years ago when the airport was under construction / remodeling and there was no duty free after arrival. Is there one now before exiting for a cab? I can also use the ones in Panama if not and anyone ever compare prices? I would like to buy a couple bottles of liquor that are not available in Exito or liquor stores that I've seen.

Also, Where is the Medellin sports bar and any reviews? I saw it mentioned somewhere but can't remember where. Would like to watch the Super Bowl.There are duty free stores in MDE between immigration and baggage claim.

Medellin Sports Bar is in the San Peters apartment building, first floor where the Philly Steaks place used to be. It's rather small, but plenty of TV's, and there are female bartenders.

Mojo Bandit
12-01-21, 14:12
The United States is tightening up on how long before travel into the USA you can take your Covid test. It is going from 72 hours to 24 hours.


12-01-21, 14:34
There are duty free stores in MDE between immigration and baggage claim.

Medellin Sports Bar is in the San Peters apartment building, first floor where the Philly Steaks place used to be. It's rather small, but plenty of TV's, and there are female bartenders.I know the building and will be fairly close to there for Super Bowl so this is great news. Thanks Fun Luvr! I ate breakfast there a few times when it was named something Buffalo after the type of burgers they had. Or maybe it was across the lobby. Small but comfortable and female bartenders are always a plus.

12-01-21, 16:40
The United States is tightening up on how long before travel into the USA you can take your Covid test. It is going from 72 hours to 24 hours.

https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/us-cdc-urges-americans-avoid-travel-niger-poland-over-covid-19-2021-11-30/Thanks for this important information. This new provision has not been formally implemented.

12-01-21, 16:56
The United States is tightening up on how long before travel into the USA you can take your Covid test. It is going from 72 hours to 24 hours.

https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/us-cdc-urges-americans-avoid-travel-niger-poland-over-covid-19-2021-11-30/Still merely proposed, though. Not effective yet.

12-01-21, 17:10
The United States is tightening up on how long before travel into the USA you can take your Covid test. It is going from 72 hours to 24 hours.

https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/us-cdc-urges-americans-avoid-travel-niger-poland-over-covid-19-2021-11-30/.Not a big deal, but if they require you to quarantine at home for a week, might as well shut the Country down. If the new variant is bad ass which they really don't know yet, there could be a redux of February 2020. Things will really be screwed up all over the world. Will know soon enough.

12-01-21, 17:20
The United States is tightening up on how long before travel into the USA you can take your Covid test. It is going from 72 hours to 24 hours.

https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/us-cdc-urges-americans-avoid-travel-niger-poland-over-covid-19-2021-11-30/Looks like nothing official yet and just considering it from what I'm reading in your attachment.

12-01-21, 17:25
I started getting "an unexpected database error occured" message yesterday and still getting it today. Anyone else or is it something I did?

If it was something I did, any way to fix it? I only discovered the site recently and had been doing a lot of research on it with my trip coming up this week.



12-01-21, 17:37

12-01-21, 18:14
Looks like nothing official yet and just considering it from what I'm reading in your attachment.Apologies as the similar responses hadn't been posted yet.

12-01-21, 18:21
The Metro (train) was pack yesterday at around 5 pm from Poblado towards El centro way more than what it used to be. Before it was bad, now its beyond capacity and your not going be able to get off at your stop if your not positioned at the door. Even heading to Poblado from El centro around noon was over packed. Usually it wasn't so packed around noon hours. I'm probaby going to avoid the Metro all togeather and relie on cabs.

12-01-21, 19:05
The Metro (train) was pack yesterday at around 5 pm from Poblado towards El centro way more than what it used to be. Before it was bad, now its beyond capacity and your not going be able to get off at your stop if your not positioned at the door. Even heading to Poblado from El centro around noon was over packed. Usually it wasn't so packed around noon hours. I'm probaby going to avoid the Metro all togeather and relie on cabs.Yes best not travel from Poblado to Centro after 5 PM on the Metro, but a cab will take a long time.

However, if you walk to the very end of the platform at the Poblado Station, the cars will be a little less packed as most people try to get in a car as closer to the bottom of the stairs so they don't have to walk the length of two football fields.

12-01-21, 19:51
Earlier this week I shared a link to a girl and within 24 hours I get a message from her asking if I post it on Facebook that she was a Prepago. The only place I shared that information was on this forum so someone here must have contacted her and treated her like a pro even though I implied she wasn't.

Now I understand why people rarely share contact information. Too bad I wanted to share more this week.Did somebody post her on FB, or did they contact her by private message?

If the former, that's not right and that person needs to be outed. But if they contacted her privately and asked about a "date", then that's what the point was of posting her info no? I'm not trying to be an a-hole, but what did you think was going to happen? If she was a non-pro, she wouldn't be going with just anybody who contacts her out of the blue. With all due respect, if they don't wanted be treated like pros, they shouldn't sleep with guy for money.

12-01-21, 19:54
So is everybody getting their vaccines now that they will probably be required? It's not official yet, but the writing is on the wall, that's where this thing is heading.

If not, you're running out of places that don't require vaccines.

Would you quit the hobby over it?

Just curious about people's viewpoints on this.

Litmus Smut
12-01-21, 20:16
I would like the Romeos' opinions on the matter of maintaining contact with working girls met in MED.

I was in MED recently, got too many numbers to remember who was who. Out of all the girls, there is one I would definitely like to revisit and turn into a date or overnight thing. When we met, her beauty and her charm were enchanting. Conversation was flowing. So, I am keeping communication with her via WhatsApp, but gosh is our conversation one-sided. To her credit, she replies and replies quickly (two obvious good signs), but it is hard to get her to say much other than acknowledge my message with a "Hi."

My question (perhaps an age-old question) is how to cultivate communication? I recognize that I have to look at this from a john / prosti-relationship point-of-view, so how have others managed to turn a one-time meeting into a sustained relationship?

From what I have read, bunch of guys have their regulars. Therefore, opinions and anecdotes are welcome.

12-01-21, 23:17
I would like the Romeos' opinions on the matter of maintaining contact with working girls met in MED.

I was in MED recently, got too many numbers to remember who was who. Out of all the girls, there is one I would definitely like to revisit and turn into a date or overnight thing. When we met, her beauty and her charm were enchanting. Conversation was flowing. So, I am keeping communication with her via WhatsApp, but gosh is our conversation one-sided. To her credit, she replies and replies quickly (two obvious good signs), but it is hard to get her to say much other than acknowledge my message with a "Hi."

My question (perhaps an age-old question) is how to cultivate communication? I recognize that I have to look at this from a john / prosti-relationship point-of-view, so how have others managed to turn a one-time meeting into a sustained relationship?

From what I have read, bunch of guys have their regulars. Therefore, opinions and anecdotes are welcome.I'm glad you had a good time and connected with somebody, but I hope that you aren't entering dangerous territory when you start talking "relationship". You don't mean actual relationship, correct? There is no relationship, these are not your friends. I wouldn't fully trust even the ones that I've know for years. Basically, it's a mutually beneficial business relationship. Yes, that sounds cold, but it's best to keep that mindset. But there are ones which become regulars because they seem to be genuinely interested in my or pleasing me.

From my experience doing this since 2005 in multiple countries, the ones that reply or say "Hi", or "Hola", and not much more is because they just want to keep themselves on top of your whatsapp chat list, and keep them in your mind, a mental bump. The ones who really enjoy the time with me always ask me about work or my family, or tell me something personal about them. I prefer those over the "Hola" ones. Just saying hola to me means that they have zero interest beyond getting paid. I avoid those.

12-02-21, 00:39
[Deleted by Admin]

She will give company for 50 mil cop per hour. As a wingwoman with you paying transport and for food and drinks at your own discretion.

12-02-21, 00:43
I never once got asked for my vax card while I was in Colombia. Until I was leaving to go back to the USA And Spirit asked to see it.

The big issue seems to be that they schedule too many arrivals too close together. It is especially bad when you flight is a bit late. My last two flights to MDE were late by about 30-40 minutes, so we all ended up behind the folks from another flight.

I just got in. The lines were awful. I was at the front and had to wait only 15 minutes but there were like 200 people behind me. I think those folks had to wait 2 hours to get through. Customs is asking for address and phone number of where you are staying and were inputting it into the computer. I think they have done this before, but it seemed to prolong the trip. No one asked for vaccine card. Airline was more concerned about check mig than anyone in customs.

Flights to CTG are crazy high this holiday time $700+ and Spirit flight was full. I paid half that last month and flights in late January are half that as well.

It seems like customs has gotten to be a mess everywhere in Colombia. Thank God I was at the front.

12-02-21, 01:08
Yes I'm sure, I'm on the site, and a small fraction of the women are looking for foreigners, let alone guys twenty years or older. And like I said before, if you look like Brad Pitt, are within ten years of the age of the women your looking for, are rich, and fluent in Spanish, there is a huge selection of women. But again, out of all the options out there, it's not really a hook up venue compared to Facebook or Tinder. And yes their are women on the Site that might be interested in you and want to have a good time, but they probably won't fit what your looking for age and looks wise, unless you meet the criteria I described.

So unless you are as I described, and I'm not, and probably over 95% of the guys don't fit what I described either, it will most probably be a waste of time for you.

I've had no success with it, stick to Facebook and Tinder.I am a large, heavy man in my upper 50's. I am truthful about my weight and that I am looking for short term relationships. I have been on both sites for about a month now. I am being overwhelmed by my ladies! So far, I have 11 girls who want to spend time with and expect compensation. They know that this is not just for an hour or two, but 3-4 hours and maybe overnight.

These are all girls, under 25. About half with kids. Average 7-8 with one true 9 spinner no kids. I also have about 15 girls with only a few hinting at financial help and rest no mention. Age for these girls more widespread, from 19 to 30. Again, 7-8 girls and one 9. I believe that a couple might want to spend time with me and expect no money, but the rest will. And then I have about 10+ girls, generally 22-44 who have not hinted at needing money at all and two have basically seem real eager to meet and screw, with no compensation mention whatsoever. I still have about 10 contacts that I will get in touch once I am in Medellin. These are all girls I would rate 7-8 and again one 9, at least with clothes on.

I like two types of girls. Little petite spinners or the taller the better and if tall, some extra weight acceptable although I prefer slim. Not every girl fits in this category, but about a half do. Most of the girls are short somewhat thick but still with nice figures, including one girl with mammoth breasts, natural I think. I do not like fat asses and avoid those girls. So, my girls range from tiny spinners to tall and amazon like and just about everything, but sexy, in between. I will do into details about my methods, but a good picture, being patience, and careful reading of profiles are the key.

12-02-21, 01:52
I am a large, heavy man in my upper 50's. I am truthful about my weight and that I am looking for short term relationships. I have been on both sites for about a month now. I am being overwhelmed by my ladies! So far, I have 11 girls who want to spend time with and expect compensation. They know that this is not just for an hour or two, but 3-4 hours and maybe overnight.

These are all girls, under 25. About half with kids. Average 7-8 with one true 9 spinner no kids. I also have about 15 girls with only a few hinting at financial help and rest no mention. Age for these girls more widespread, from 19 to 30. Again, 7-8 girls and one 9. I believe that a couple might want to spend time with me and expect no money, but the rest will. And then I have about 10+ girls, generally 22-44 who have not hinted at needing money at all and two have basically seem real eager to meet and screw, with no compensation mention whatsoever. I still have about 10 contacts that I will get in touch once I am in Medellin. These are all girls I would rate 7-8 and again one 9, at least with clothes on.

I like two types of girls. Little petite spinners or the taller the better and if tall, some extra weight acceptable although I prefer slim. Not every girl fits in this category, but about a half do. Most of the girls are short somewhat thick but still with nice figures, including one girl with mammoth breasts, natural I think. I do not like fat asses and avoid those girls. So, my girls range from tiny spinners to tall and amazon like and just about everything, but sexy, in between. I will do into details about my methods, but a good picture, being patience, and careful reading of profiles are the key.I forgot to mention. About half are Latina Cupid and other half Colombia Cupid. The Latina Cupid girls are more overt in letting you know they seek pay for play.

12-02-21, 03:05
Fuck Covid and it's devil spawn Omicron, I'm coming to Medellin on 12/16 for10 days. Any fellow mongers want to grab a drink and hang out? Send me a PM if you're down.

12-02-21, 03:16
It's not official yet, but the writing is on the wall, that's where this thing is heading.
If not, you're running out of places that don't require vaccines.
I don't think its that's simple TBH. I think there are still some twists and turns to come. What happens when more of the world realises that they have bought in to a never ending cycle of vaxs? What happens when ppls realise that new variants make the vax almost worthless? What happens when more people realise that COVID isn't actually dangerous at all if your healthy.

It seems to be a bit of a race of time at the moment, between the pro-vax sheeple view and the pro-science anti-mandate view. To me, it is not clear who will win out, especailly since its so easy to fake a vax card to buy time. Bit like faking an onward ticket when you arrive in a new country.

Litmus Smut
12-02-21, 03:26
When I said I read about other hors d'erves mongers with girls they had on call, available for any southbound visit, that is what I meant by relationship. (I have found it hard to be articulate when type on a phone and I got to keep it quick so the sever doesn't kick me before I post.) Yeah, nah, yeah, relationships are dead to me. That's why I decided to buy skin to skin affection instead of trying to earn it.

On the same page as you about one-word replies. I would have liked to do a bit more than just stay on the top of her phone's chat history, aka try to learn a bit about each other, but I learned before in life to not try too hard. Yes, I double and tripled texted other girls in the past and killed whatever interest there may have been. Lesson learned. I have just occasionally messaged this one these past few months and will try a little harder in the week or two leading up to a January return. I'll prolly ask more direct questions and try to set a meeting or two up for then, but in the interim since she's not trying I'm matching her level.

One thing I can say is cool is she's not asking for money. Buuut. She's not asking anything! LOL.

My original post was hoping to glimpse into how to secure that connection in the month prior to heading to MED again. My guess, like with all skittish creatures such as girls and horses, is I can't force it. It takes time and trust and occasions. All of which I can't do from a far. I guess I'll find out if we'll be able to meet around NY.

I'm glad you had a good time and connected with somebody, but I hope that you aren't entering dangerous territory when you start talking "relationship". You don't mean actual relationship, correct? There is no relationship, these are not your friends. I wouldn't fully trust even the ones that I've know for years. Basically, it's a mutually beneficial business relationship. Yes, that sounds cold, but it's best to keep that mindset. But there are ones which become regulars because they seem to be genuinely interested in my or pleasing me.

From my experience doing this since 2005 in multiple countries, the ones that reply or say "Hi", or "Hola", and not much more is because they just want to keep themselves on top of your whatsapp chat list, and keep them in your mind, a mental bump. The ones who really enjoy the time with me always ask me about work or my family, or tell me something personal about them. I prefer those over the "Hola" ones. Just saying hola to me means that they have zero interest beyond getting paid. I avoid those.

12-02-21, 03:48
Hey guys, I just booked 3 nights at the mansion on December 30,31, and Jan 1. Due to waiting too long, I couldn't all 3 nights at M1, which is what I prefer due to being close to the bar next door. So I have to stay at M2 on Dec 31. I've been to M1 twice already, but never M2 and don't even know where that is. They told me it's 2 blocks away up the hill. Has anyone here ever stayed at M2? If so how close / far of a walk is it time wise? And is it safe to walk from M1 to M2 late at night or is it better to take a cab? Sorry for the many questions but since I will be at M2 on New Year's Eve and planning on spending that night at the bar next to M1, I want to prepare myself. TIA.

Iguana Six
12-02-21, 04:23
Hey guys, I just booked 3 nights at the mansion on December 30,31, and Jan 1. Due to waiting too long, I couldn't all 3 nights at M1, which is what I prefer due to being close to the bar next door. So I have to stay at M2 on Dec 31. I've been to M1 twice already, but never M2 and don't even know where that is. They told me it's 2 blocks away up the hill. Has anyone here ever stayed at M2? If so how close / far of a walk is it time wise? And is it safe to walk from M1 to M2 late at night or is it better to take a cab? Sorry for the many questions but since I will be at M2 on New Year's Eve and planning on spending that night at the bar next to M1, I want to prepare myself. TIA.It is about 2 blocks, 300 meters up the hill. Hill is steep, so it is a good cardio work out going uphill. Going downhill, no sweat. Walk is safe, even at night. Street has been turned into a one-way traffic lane, going down hill, so taking a cab from M1 to M2 involved circling around back to the top of the hill. Rooms are nice.

12-02-21, 04:35
I would like the Romeos' opinions on the matter of maintaining contact with working girls met in MED.

I was in MED recently, got too many numbers to remember who was who. Out of all the girls, there is one I would definitely like to revisit and turn into a date or overnight thing. When we met, her beauty and her charm were enchanting. Conversation was flowing. So, I am keeping communication with her via WhatsApp, but gosh is our conversation one-sided. To her credit, she replies and replies quickly (two obvious good signs), but it is hard to get her to say much other than acknowledge my message with a "Hi."

My question (perhaps an age-old question) is how to cultivate communication? I recognize that I have to look at this from a john / prosti-relationship point-of-view, so how have others managed to turn a one-time meeting into a sustained relationship?

From what I have read, bunch of guys have their regulars. Therefore, opinions and anecdotes are welcome.Not a personal knock but if you are good with communicating with American girls you should have no problems with Colombians. There is no secret advice or strategy after being yourself.

If you're awkward with Americans you will be awkward with Colombians. Not the end of the world, you need to work on that and look into working on prolonging conversations, don't do what 1000 simps do to beautiful women "how are you" "you're beautiful, how was your day' = Boring.

Look at what she likes to do: hobbies, interests and go from there.

12-02-21, 04:50
Yes best not travel from Poblado to Centro after 5 PM on the Metro, but a cab will take a long time.Yeah, but it seems that its pack all the time in either direction any time of the day compared to a few years ago.

Your right about that! The metro doesn't get caught in traffic, which reminds me why I often chose the Metro over a cab. The cabs seem to get caught in traffic either direction unless traveling late into the night hours. Like today, I took a cab in both directions, but it seems to take at least twice as long going to Poblado from El centro by cab, and that's if the cab driver even know where he's going, which can triple the time of the trip. What I started doing (way back) to simplify it for the cab drivers is when travel from El centro to Poblado is to take a cab on carrera 46 Oriental headed towards Poblado and then do the exact opposite when traveling back to El centro from Poblado, which is take a cab on Carrera 43 A headed towards El centro. This way the cab drivers only have travel in a straigh direction, instead taking you on a tour of Medellin.

12-02-21, 06:14
especailly since its so easy to fake a vax card to buy time. Bit like faking an onward ticket when you arrive in a new country.Except for faking a vax card could sicken and kill a lot of other people, while faking onward travel does not. Just pointing that out for you.

12-02-21, 06:23
So, I am keeping communication with her via WhatsApp, but gosh is our conversation one-sided. To her credit, she replies and replies quickly (two obvious good signs), but it is hard to get her to say much other than acknowledge my message with a "Hi."She's just not into you, dude.

Mr Enternational
12-02-21, 06:36
I am a large, heavy man in my upper 50's. I am truthful about my weight and that I am looking for short term relationships. I have been on both sites for about a month now. I am being overwhelmed by my ladies! So far, I have 11 girls who want to spend time with and expect compensation. They know that this is not just for an hour or two, but 3-4 hours and maybe overnight.Good job CM. But being a Cupid vet let me remind you of the age old adage: Don't count your chickens before they hatch. And this goes triple for Medellin. Out of those 11 you will be quite lucky if 1 shows up.

12-02-21, 06:44
I forgot to mention. About half are Latina Cupid and other half Colombia Cupid. The Latina Cupid girls are more overt in letting you know they seek pay for play.Well, sounds like I should check out Latina Cupid. Incredible about what your reporting, I guess I need to gain a substantial amount of weight, and advertise as being fat, and out of shape to attract the ones you have in your stable. LOL.

Or maybe it's just the sign of the times, regardless, your the first guy I've seen on this board in the last five years reporting to have such success with a "formal" dating site in Colombia.

12-02-21, 07:16
It seems that the starting price for the MP clubs are now 50 k-55 for half an hour.

The starting price for Dulce Compania on carrera 45 (El Palo) # 57-55 was 50 k for half an hour.

New Life Calle 56 (Bolivia) #43-39 55 k-30 min, 70 k-45 min, 90 k 1 hour and of course the price continues to increase with each increment of time after that.

Club Amigas sexy Carrera 45 d # 57-67,(kinda like a knock off New Life, at least its set up similarly) 55 k-30 min, 70 k-45 min, 85 k-1 hour. 3 k viewing fee.

ZaZa Carrea 47 (Sucre) # 53-42,50 k-30 min and continues up from there.

Locura's Calle 57 a #46-10, probably starts at 50 k, didn't get price, only 2 girls which they finally showed me from the gate they never opened it for me. Couldn't understand them maybe they were trying to direct me to Safari #46-21 which didn't I find, but judging from what I seen through the gate it was still set up like a MP club with active bar, idk.

Pamela's (ex Paisa relax) Carrera 45 (El Paola)#57-71 closed at least when I was there around 2 pm.

Paris Club Carrera 47 (Sucre) #56-34 closed I was there at around 3 pm.

Yukusa Carrera Carrera 50 a #53-38 still open, didn't go inside, although there was 2 fat chicas waiting at the door.

Well I guess they sync the prices with the usd.

12-02-21, 11:18
Good job CM. But being a Cupid vet let me remind you of the age old adage: Don't count your chickens before they hatch. And this goes triple for Medellin. Out of those 11 you will be quite lucky if 1 shows up.I am assuming 1 in 3 actually show up. But we will see.

12-02-21, 15:29
So is everybody getting their vaccines now that they will probably be required? It's not official yet, but the writing is on the wall, that's where this thing is heading.

If not, you're running out of places that don't require vaccines.

Would you quit the hobby over it?

Just curious about people's viewpoints on this.There will always be street walkers my friend.

12-02-21, 19:17
Went to Proanalab and got a Antigen covid test today. Only took 20 minutes. Not far from Parque Berrio metro stop near Plaza Botero in El centro. I walked it.

Test Location – PROANALAB, Carrera 49 #60-05, Prado, El Centro.

Website: https://www.proanalab.com/.

PCR test cost – 220,000 pesos.

Antigen test cost – 90,000 pesos.

Hours: Monday to Friday: 7 am to 4 pm, Saturday: 7 am to 1 pm.

Appointment – not needed.


Member #4740
12-02-21, 22:48
Went to Proanalab and got a Antigen covid test today.

https://www.proanalab.com/.Did you get it by mail in PDF format?

This test is valid for 24 h so if you late your flight its important you have soft copy in PDF format.

12-02-21, 23:21
I used to stay at M1 and then M2 quite a lot until a few years ago. M2 is alright. It has actually been improved since my days. Pool area, etc. , but don't expect high class. It is much quieter than M1. Girls generally do not hang out at M2. You either bring them up for M1 or import them. M2 is only a couple of blocks away, BUT it is up a steep hill. So depending on your shape and your adjustment to the altitude, you might be huffing quite a bit when you finish the walk. But good exercise. IMO, you do not need a cab, even at night. However, if you are with a chica, she will often want one, especially if she is wearing heals. Some cabs will "cheat" and make a left on the road (which starts out as one way in the wrong direction and then becomes two way) and others will insist on following the road and taking the long way around.

Hey guys, I just booked 3 nights at the mansion on December 30,31, and Jan 1. Due to waiting too long, I couldn't all 3 nights at M1, which is what I prefer due to being close to the bar next door. So I have to stay at M2 on Dec 31. I've been to M1 twice already, but never M2 and don't even know where that is. They told me it's 2 blocks away up the hill. Has anyone here ever stayed at M2? If so how close / far of a walk is it time wise? And is it safe to walk from M1 to M2 late at night or is it better to take a cab? Sorry for the many questions but since I will be at M2 on New Year's Eve and planning on spending that night at the bar next to M1, I want to prepare myself. TIA.

12-03-21, 00:14
Went to Aiffe on Calle 57 (Argentina) 43-27 earlier today. Sat down, waited for the presentation, the first girl comes out, shows herself and goes back through the curtain. Waited for the next girl, the lady comes out and I though she said wait a moment the girls were getting ready, but more like there' s only one girl. They usually had at least between 5 to 8 girls if I remember. I guess now this is the new norm. This place is one girl away from closing.

Then I just settled for the New Life again. I guess you can consider it reliable. The line-up of girls is always the same in my experience with this MP over the years. The girls always thick full of silocone. They all look the same. Its like your seeing the same girl in a different out fit or like she's changing outfits behind the curtain. Usually, once in a while there's one that's more thinner or petite out the group. If there's a really top notch chica, your lucky you seen her at all, because she's busy or booked and your trying to figure out where she is or think was this the girl I seen during the presentation (confusing her with similar looking girl but doesn't look as good this time, but swore you seen her) and if you find out that she does exist and show up the following day and your the first patron through the door you eventually find out after a few presentations that she's busy or booked for the whole day. Just one of my past experiences there. Well, at least they wear numbers now.

12-03-21, 03:07
It seems that the starting price for the MP clubs are now 50 k-55 for half an hour.

The starting price for Dulce Compania on carrera 45 (El Palo) # 57-55 was 50 k for half an hour.

New Life Calle 56 (Bolivia) #43-39 55 k-30 min, 70 k-45 min, 90 k 1 hour and of course the price continues to increase with each increment of time after that.

Club Amigas sexy Carrera 45 d # 57-67,(kinda like a knock off New Life, at least its set up similarly) 55 k-30 min, 70 k-45 min, 85 k-1 hour. 3 k viewing fee.

ZaZa Carrea 47 (Sucre) # 53-42,50 k-30 min and continues up from there.

Locura's Calle 57 a #46-10, probably starts at 50 k, didn't get price, only 2 girls which they finally showed me from the gate they never opened it for me. Couldn't understand them maybe they were trying to direct me to Safari #46-21 which didn't I find, but judging from what I seen through the gate it was still set up like a MP club with active bar, idk.d.Thanks for sharing the info.

12-03-21, 03:44
Went to Aiffe on Calle 57 (Argentina) 43-27 earlier today. Sat down, waited for the presentation, the first girl comes out, shows herself and goes back through the curtain. Waited for the next girl, the lady comes out and I though she said wait a moment the girls were getting ready, but more like there' s only one girl. They usually had at least between 5 to 8 girls if I remember. I guess now this is the new norm. This place is one girl away from closing.More likely they had something like four girls and the others were busy. I'd also be surprised if she said anything to you in English.

Cocr Brotheler
12-03-21, 04:00

Which airline did you fly? Was it non-top or layover in CDMX? I just searched daily departures form TIJ and only flights within MEX.


12-03-21, 04:30

Which airline did you fly? Was it non-top or layover in CDMX? I just searched daily departures form TIJ and only flights within MEX.

Thanks.I've flown this route in the past and I found it cheaper to fly cheap from Tijuana to cdmx on a domestic carrier and then buying a second ticket for the cdmx to Medellin leg of the trip. The cheapest flight I've found out if Mexico City is viva air Colombia.

12-03-21, 04:53

Which airline did you fly? Was it non-top or layover in CDMX? I just searched daily departures form TIJ and only flights within MEX.

Thanks.If you plan to go to Tijuana, the only way will me by connecting in Mexico City. No airline currently flies there from abroad.

12-03-21, 06:19
More likely they had something like four girls and the others were busy. I'd also be surprised if she said anything to you in English.So your saying that the Aiffe is becoming that popular, that would be a first. Over the last 10 yrs that I visited there off and on there has always been a minimum of at leasrt 5 girls and I was the only one there before and after I left, I never seen anybody else there, but who knows its possible. I don't know if its the covid that's killing the MPs or the girls are just getting smarter with social media by freelancing and cutting the clubs out or maybe their just walking the streets.

12-03-21, 07:21

Which airline did you fly? Was it non-top or layover in CDMX? I just searched daily departures form TIJ and only flights within MEX.

Thanks.It was flights I found on my Avianca app. Put in city pairs MDE to TIJ and a date, and lucked out on a cheap Biz class fare. Routing went: MDE BOG MEX on AV, cleared customs migra in Mexico City. Then caught connecting flight on AeroMexico.

MEX TIJ. Buena suerte! Luvchicas.

12-03-21, 10:16
I need a hotel for a night. Preferably in Poblado as that will be closer to my reservation. Really want to know which ones are chica friendly. I fly in on the 4th and my reservation isn't until the 5th. Also, if anyone wants to link up while I'm down here I'd be down. Thanks.

12-03-21, 13:24
I'm hearing reports of people getting scoped trying to pick up the girls I Medellin. I know it's been around for awhile but getting worse these days. Has anybody experienced this? And how common would you say it is.

12-04-21, 15:25
Are the CS debit cards still the best or among the top debits to use at the ATM's? I got one a couple years ago when they were first being recommended but haven't been down since. Thanks.

12-04-21, 16:46
I'm hearing reports of people getting scoped trying to pick up the girls I Medellin. I know it's been around for awhile but getting worse these days. Has anybody experienced this? And how common would you say it is.There are reports in Facebook MDE groups, usually Tinder girls.

12-04-21, 19:25
I'm hearing reports of people getting scoped trying to pick up the girls I Medellin. I know it's been around for awhile but getting worse these days. Has anybody experienced this? And how common would you say it is.
There are reports in Facebook MDE groups, usually Tinder girls.Guessing you guys mean drugged? If so, are they trying this on in-calls or perhaps meeting places when not paying attention?

Cocr Brotheler
12-04-21, 23:37
Thanks you bros!

CDMX to BOG has many flights per day. I can have a lot of fun in BOG as well!

12-05-21, 04:07
Flying to Medellin tomorrow on my second visit, the first was in last July. I wrote a few trip reports back then. I am pretty excited for this trip, I've got many girls lined up from facebook. The selection of chicas is much better than my previous visit, mainly because I've spent time curating a nice list of friends on FB. Most are accepting 150 k mas LOS taxis, with a few going for 200 k. Will write a trip report when I return. In the meantime, I've got a few questions.

1. Any recommendations on nice rooftops bars in Laureles? I am willing to travel to Poblado if that's where the nicer bars are.

2. I know Laura Bustamante has been mentioned in this forum a few times. She's on my friend list and has reached out to me a few times. How's her prepago service? Not interested in any tours.

3. When is the best time to go to La Isla for the nicest selection of chicas?

12-05-21, 16:36
Having done the RTFF for past few days, here is what I summarize the mongering scene looks like.

Medellin. Smaller city but mainly casa oriented. No freelancers during the day, freelancers available in evening in Parque Lleras but better to not hang around after 11 PM. Hotels allow only free guest per day. Day time action limited to casas or FB girls. Centro Ok during the day for casas but picking up street girls means choosing a ST hotel nearby so it becomes a casa kind of situation.

Bogota. Day time action available in Santa Fe, has fewer but enough casas. Not advisable to be in Santa Fe area after dark. Overall more day time, freelancer options to choose because of Santa Fe but most hotels allow only one free guest. Bogota is better for someone who prefers sex in hotel rooms, Medellin is better for casa rooms.

What do you think about above mentioned observations. Am I mostly correct?

12-05-21, 18:20
Are the CS debit cards still the best or among the top debits to use at the ATM's? I got one a couple years ago when they were first being recommended but haven't been down since. Thanks.Yes -- reimbursement of ATM fees. Works at most Colombian ATM machines.

Mr Enternational
12-05-21, 20:30
Bogota. Day time action available in Santa Fe, has fewer but enough casas. Not advisable to be in Santa Fe area after dark.Incorrect. I would say not to go to Santa Fe until night. Haven't you ever heard the freaks come out at night? Bogota has tons of casas, but for some reason posters here only end up at Mezzanine. Check the Bogota Lists thread where WT69 has worked hard on a map with more casas in Bogota than you can shake a stick at.

12-05-21, 23:02
Just got back from Medellin. Avoid Hotel Haven. Service was some of the poorest I've experienced. About halfway through my 10 day stay the Supervisor can't remember his name older balding guy knocks on my door tells me check out is at 11 am. I showed him I prebooked my stay for 10 days not 6. He says sorry then leaves. I left right after that to have some fun at Energy and came back at 4 pm. He tells me at the front desk lobby that I have to change rooms because of raining leaks.

Obvious this was just to get me to change rooms and rent it out at a higher cost.

Anyways Hotel Haven fuck that place. Went to a better hotel with better service few blocks away. Also requested a fresh towel that never came from front desk.

12-05-21, 23:48
Yes -- reimbursement of ATM fees. Works at most Colombian ATM machines.Good to know, thanks Shamester! I think Bancolombia is the one I use since it's very close to my hotel.

12-06-21, 01:48
Hi everybody,

I plan to come in January in Colombia, Bogota, Medellin for the first time in my life! I want visit the country, but I want to meet very sexy ladies, working girls, hookers. I don't care about the price.

But I found that girl on facebook with this customer. On the video it was written, the video was done in Parque Lleras Poblado. Do you know where it is? And do you know that girl? I think she's a pro.

I dream of her and I really would love meet her! Anyone can help me to be in touch with her? If yes, I give you a nice commission. I dream meet her and spend time with her and make love with her of course. Money isn't a problem for me.

[Photos Deleted by Admin]

12-06-21, 04:26
Guessing you guys mean drugged? If so, are they trying this on in-calls or perhaps meeting places when not paying attention?Scopalmine put in your drink. When you are not looking I would presume. Guys that I know of that have had this happen have had it happen in their apartment, in a bar, or restaurant. Usually after a few drinks. That way no one can tell if you are just drunk or drunk and drugged. Especially the person drugged. If they are still functional they most often don't know they have been drugged.

Lucky Nuts
12-06-21, 05:14
Hi everybody,

I plan to come in January in Colombia, Bogota, Medellin for the first time in my life! I want visit the country, but I want to meet very sexy ladies, working girls, hookers. I don't care about the price.

But I found that girl on facebook with this customer. On the video it was written, the video was done in Parque Lleras Poblado. Do you know where it is? And do you know that girl? I think she's a pro.

I dream of her and I really would love meet her! Anyone can help me to be in touch with her? If yes, I give you a nice commission. I dream meet her and spend time with her and make love with her of course. Money isn't a problem for me.Since money "isn't an issue" for you and you "don't care about price" you should just go to Club Gusto. The chicas at Gusto are willing to charge you as much as you are willing to pay. They prefer 100 dollar bills instead of the local currency.

On the other hand if you arrange meetings with chicas on Facebook please don't offer to pay these girls more than 200 mil pesos (the local currency) plus taxis to and from your apartment. 99 percent of the chicas will accept that. The ones that will not really don't want to do it so how good would the session be if you bribe them into visiting you? Actually you should first offer 150 mil plus taxis as the vast majority will accept that.

Admin deleted your pics. Feel free to PM on the off-chance I know who you are asking about. BTW, once you have found Club Gusto you will also find yourself in Parque Lleras

12-06-21, 05:15
Flying to Medellin tomorrow on my second visit, the first was in last July. I wrote a few trip reports back then. I am pretty excited for this trip, I've got many girls lined up from facebook. The selection of chicas is much better than my previous visit, mainly because I've spent time curating a nice list of friends on FB. Most are accepting 150 k mas LOS taxis, with a few going for 200 k. Will write a trip report when I return. In the meantime, I've got a few questions.

1. Any recommendations on nice rooftops bars in Laureles? I am willing to travel to Poblado if that's where the nicer bars are.

2. I know Laura Bustamante has been mentioned in this forum a few times. She's on my friend list and has reached out to me a few times. How's her prepago service? Not interested in any tours.

3. When is the best time to go to La Isla for the nicest selection of chicas?# 1 Envy rooftop bar on the top of Hotel Charlee in Parque lleras. Great views, music, drinks & Sunday brunch.

# 2 Her service is excellent. She is not a young hardbody but a bit older & curvy & she knows how to make a man happy, any way you like it.

# 3 La Isla is best Wednesday thru Saturday nights from 11 pm til close, usually 4 am.

12-06-21, 05:51
Just got back from Medellin. Avoid Hotel Haven. Service was some of the poorest I've experienced. About halfway through my 10 day stay the Supervisor can't remember his name older balding guy knocks on my door tells me check out is at 11 am. I showed him I prebooked my stay for 10 days not 6. He says sorry then leaves. I left right after that to have some fun at Energy and came back at 4 pm. He tells me at the front desk lobby that I have to change rooms because of raining leaks.

Obvious this was just to get me to change rooms and rent it out at a higher cost.

Anyways Hotel Haven fuck that place. Went to a better hotel with better service few blocks away. Also requested a fresh towel that never came from front desk.I agree that you have to watch out for yourself here. In September, I booked (at a higher cost) a larger room with a couch for 3 weeks (I wasn't go to spend that much time in a hotel with just a bed to lie on). When I checked in, I was put in a room with just a bed, with only 3-4 feet on each side for walking around. When I went to the front desk to point out the issue, they said not all rooms have couches. I pulled up a picture of the website and showed them the room I booked showed a couch, and threw a bit of a fit. They finally relented after 30 minutes, but there was tension with the front desk the rest of the time that made coming and going a bit uncomfortable. Also, for about a week straight, I didn't even get towels when the room was cleaned, but only after I called the front desk and often they were not brought until late afternoon when laundry was finished. Not the maids' fault, they just don't seem to have enough to go around. Which is preposterous for a nicer hotel. I'the pass on this place.

El Moreno 92
12-06-21, 06:17
Medellin Sports Bar is in the San Peters apartment building, first floor where the Philly Steaks place used to be. It's rather small, but plenty of TV's, and there are female bartenders.Wait. There is a sports bar there? How long has it been there? I stay at the San Peter when I stay in Laureles. I loved the JM Grill on the first floor. They had GOOD BREAKFAST. But they closed in 2019.

12-06-21, 07:41
There are all kinds of "regular" girls, meaning non Play 4 Pay (or is it Pay 4 Play? Whatever), with whom you can maintain a satisfying, fulfilling relationship between visits to our beloved Medellin, I use Whassap for the free phone and video calls. I've done it, continue to do it. But if you are finding those girls standing around in front of the Vera Cruz Church or at your friendly neighborhood casa, then don't expect a high quality relationship. I've posted before that the best way to meet a "normal" girl is look for one while she is at work. She has a job. She has some sense of responsibility. She is still Colombian so more than likely she loves to fuck as much as you do. When guys here write absolute truths about all the women they meet in MDE, ask yourself in what kind of pool are they swimming? I have the full range of chicas in my ranked line-up from conservative working girl who does not expect anything extra to full-time puta drug dealer and user, who BTW is hawt as fuck. They all have their place. Don't try to put a square peg in a round hole. Or if you prefer a Biblical reference, don't try to make a silk purse out a sow's ear.

There is one, super-simple, obvious, easy, fail-safe and time-tested way to tell if a chica is really into you or not for those of you looking for more of a relationship and not just a wet mudhole to fuck. For some reason a lot of guys are too simple-minded or blinded to do it or see it. Stop all support, direct and indirect, money and gifts, and see if she sticks by you. That approach is a little over-simplistic because of the culture, if the girl thinks you really love her, then even regular girls see money and giving as a sign of true love, so there is some cross-over. But for the most part, it's a simple and accurate barometer, especially for chicas you have known for awhile. If you want a regular girlfriend and you open with, "I am never going to give you anything" that is not the recipe for success either, jajaja.

We all have our own selection bias and we are all biased from our own experiences, that's only natural. I got a nice reminder of that when I was on a roll here last visit earlier this year extolling the virtues of the pink shit, and how great it made sex and how the chicas all loved it. Then I met up in person with another member here, nice guy, who told me that on my recommendation he tried the pink shit, twice even, didn't hate it, didn't particularly like it. Even more strangely to me, he said half the chicas he offered it to didn't want anything to do with it. Great feedback and I suddenly realized, clearly I oversold the concept. Through my own selection bias I was (subconsciously?) picking out the chicas who I knew would like it and run with it. I literally never met a chica who didn't at least try it and 90% of them came back for more. I am not trying to convince anyone and we could be talking about Tussi or negro cono or Paisa pussy, it doesn't matter. I am saying that was a good example of my own selection bias and how that did not transfer over to the next guy's experience.

That parallel happens all the time here when you recommend for or against anything, which is why one of my other often repeated sayings is, "Consider the source. " So where does a guy look? You can start over like me and assume everything you know and have learned in life is wrong, jajjaja, or really your best bet is if you are lucky enough to find one or two or possibly even three like-minded mongers and keep that circle-jerk going as long as you can. Otherwise, find your on way through the bits and pieces you can assemble from here. There is no one answer or one way to do anything in a place as wide open as Medellin. I don't pretend to be a subject matter expert on MDE yet, but as my detractors hate to hear me say, I have mongered on six continents and been laid on all seven, so this ain't my first rodeo.

I have my tickets and my reservations for my return to MDE. For two years in a row I will have max'd out my tourist visa at 180 days per year, and I am in the middle of upgrading that. I have a new apartment in Aurora with my GF, great neighborhood, sort of under the radar. I never hear anyone talk about Aurora, mi novia grew up there and I like what I've seen so far. Will post pics.

I saw a strange post here about the cost and unavailability of the Nutibara Hotel in El Centro. Not true. 4 nights, with their banging' breakfast for $111 USD which may not be cheap by MDE standards but hell, yeah. Going to stay there first before I get willingly shackled in Aurora, but as we know, plans are usually futile in MDE. I will wait and see what Medellin has in store for me, and then go with the flow, jeje. Ostee Out.

How about some gratuitous fotos, all from my last trip, and I will try not to do repeats? As always, my fotos are original, unless I forget to mention a stray one that a chica sent me but I am taking 99% of the fotos you see. A couple of mongers here with too much spare time and not enough pussy have tried to find my fotos on the Internet elsewhere and so far I think they are batting somewhere's around 0 for 10 thousand, jajajaja.

The preggo's due date is 2 days after I arrive. She sent me that foto today. I told her to keep her leg crossed and hang onto that baby so I can get me some of that prime full-term preggo pussy. Plus after she delivers, she's not going to feel like having sex for a little while, at least not below the waist, depending on how convincing I can be. That reminds me of an old joke, When are you supposed to stop having sex with a pregnant girl? When the head of your penis starts hitting the head of the baby, jajaja.

I wish I could show you the face of the tall skinny brunette in the pink bikini underwear, also shown giving me a blow job. Gorgeous. They're not my best fotos but I quickly picked ones that I did not have to spend extra time blurring out their faces. Except for that one skank showing me her pussy hole, her look was hilarious. Keep On Keepin' On!

12-06-21, 11:20
Since money "isn't an issue" for you and you "don't care about price" you should just go to Club Gusto. The chicas at Gusto are willing to charge you as much as you are willing to pay. They prefer 100 dollar bills instead of the local currency.

On the other hand if you arrange meetings with chicas on Facebook please don't offer to pay these girls more than 200 mil pesos (the local currency) plus taxis to and from your apartment. 99 percent of the chicas will accept that. The ones that will not really don't want to do it so how good would the session be if you bribe them into visiting you? Actually you should first offer 150 mil plus taxis as the vast majority will accept that.

Admin deleted your pics. Feel free to PM on the off-chance I know who you are asking about. BTW, once you have found Club Gusto you will also find yourself in Parque LlerasThanks for your answer. In fact, I just tried to send you a private email but I can't join pictures.

I'll try again to upload the picture here but I'm scared Admin delete again.

If you can help me with her, it would be very nice.

Thanks to let me know that the normal price is about 200 000 pesos which is less 50 Euros. But are the girls very sexy when you pay that amount?

For these holidays I was thinking to spend about 300 euros per day.

I don't know what you think.

[Photo Deleted by Admin]

Fun Luvr
12-06-21, 15:32
Wait. There is a sports bar there? How long has it been there? I stay at the San Peter when I stay in Laureles. I loved the JM Grill on the first floor. They had GOOD BREAKFAST. But they closed in 2019.It's been there for just over a month, according to the owner.

12-06-21, 16:46
There is one, super-simple, obvious, easy, fail-safe and time-tested way to tell if a chica is really into you or not for those of you looking for more of a relationship and not just a wet mudhole to fuck. For some reason a lot of guys are too simple-minded or blinded to do it or see it. Stop all support, direct and indirect, money and gifts, and see if she sticks by you. That approach is a little over-simplistic because of the culture, if the girl thinks you really love her, then even regular girls see money and giving as a sign of true love, so there is some cross-over. But for the most part, it's a simple and accurate barometer, especially for chicas you have known for awhile. If you want a regular girlfriend and you open with, "I am never going to give you anything" that is not the recipe for success either, jajaja.
Got to disagree with this Osteo. You are not empathising with their situation. A girl might be in to you, but she is in a difficult financial situation. If you cut all support then you will force her to make a decsion -.

1. see a guy that she is in to and that could support her but chooses not to do so.

2. seek another guy that does support her.

If she is in a desperate financial situation, she will obviously choose option 2, despite how much she is in to you.

A far better way to judge a girl is to live with her, and / or take the time to understand her life situation and to respond accordingly.