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Nil Admirari
11-18-22, 05:06
....Keep the phone in a front pants pocket. If you need to look at the phone, step into a building or stop and put your back against the wall. Before pulling out your phone look both ways to see if anyone is watching you. Have Google Maps open with your destination marked. That way you only need a few seconds to get your bearings...........
A small supplement to JjBee's useful advice, which captures my own cell phone security practice, except for the following additional precaution which some might find useful.

My every sojourn in Medellin, I intend to get a SIM card for a burner phone, but never get around to doing so, and instead end up carrying my "irreplaceable" iPhone with me most everywhere. However, especially in sketchy neighborhoods or at night, as an added theft-prevention measure, instead of carrying my phone in a front pocket, I'll tuck it under my shirt and belt and halfway into my underpants It always has felt quite secure lodged in there, albeit my happening to sport jockey shorts rather than boxer briefs may provide a little extra protection against the phone slipping unnoticed down a pants leg. I still find it quite easy to extract the phone when stepping into a doorway to check a text or google maps. Been doing this for five years now when mongering in Colombia and never have misplaced a phone or had one ripped off.

11-18-22, 10:56
I have been in Medellin & Bogota 5 times. Only the last time it rained so much I left early (after 10 weeks) trying to shoot pictures of waterfalls with a drone was a disaster. Rainy day women are fun but even they get tiring. So I have a 3 week trip planned / booked to arrive next week, Thanksgiving. OR I can cancel that and come for 3 weeks starting February 15. Who has an opinion I know it will be cold in Bogota, doesn't bother me. I know it will rain on and off in Medellin. I hate High humidly with the heat in Cartagena (OK never been there as yet) Which time of the year would you guys recommend. Now or February?

Side note: it will be sunny and 72 F in Tijuana / Ensenada / San Diego all winter. Bullets flying. (not raining bullets on me I hope) been there far too many times.

11-18-22, 15:29
There's a picture of her in this link.

https://nextshark.com/california-man-found-dead-after-tinder-date-in-colombia/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook#Echobox=1668639621.Terrible that they felt they needed to kill him after drugging him.

11-18-22, 15:44
Maybe he resisted at one point or another, or he might have died from an adverse reaction to the drug that they used.

Terrible that they felt they needed to kill him after drugging him.

11-18-22, 15:51
I just noticed the report that the visit to Medellin was his first trip outside the United States. I was surprised to see that because I saw an earlier report that described him as an avid traveler.

Terrible that they felt they needed to kill him after drugging him.

11-18-22, 15:54
It seems a bit excessive but I'm glad it works for you.

A small supplement to JjBee's useful advice, which captures my own cell phone security practice, except for the following additional precaution which some might find useful.

My every sojourn in Medellin, I intend to get a SIM card for a burner phone, but never get around to doing so, and instead end up carrying my "irreplaceable" iPhone with me most everywhere. However, especially in sketchy neighborhoods or at night, as an added theft-prevention measure, instead of carrying my phone in a front pocket, I'll tuck it under my shirt and belt and halfway into my underpants It always has felt quite secure lodged in there, albeit my happening to sport jockey shorts rather than boxer briefs may provide a little extra protection against the phone slipping unnoticed down a pants leg. I still find it quite easy to extract the phone when stepping into a doorway to check a text or google maps. Been doing this for five years now when mongering in Colombia and never have misplaced a phone or had one ripped off.

11-18-22, 16:42
Terrible that they felt they needed to kill him after drugging him.Often it is because of dosage of the drug. The "homemade" version is very likely unpredictable as far as strength.

11-18-22, 16:49
Often it is because of dosage of the drug. The "homemade" version is very likely unpredictable as far as strength.Also they got to work very quick. Its not like they are going to carry a spatula around with them and measure it out.

11-18-22, 17:18
... will the victim be in a state of mind where they would open a security box in their apartment knowingly while intoxicated / drugged, etc. ....There is a guy who rides a BMW Adventure was drugged by a Tinder date and hold for several days to empty his bank account. Search robbery in Colombia on youtube and look at the incidents reported this year and you will get an idea about safety in Colombia. Several bloggers were robbed and most of them consider themselves experienced traveler.

11-18-22, 17:20
Excellent info! Thanks!You don't need to take out your phone if you have a Bluetooth headset and use it to listen the the instruction from the map.

Mr Enternational
11-18-22, 17:57
This whole topic raises a question that perhaps you and / or others can answer. It also raises another question. What happened to the steaks he was cooking?

11-18-22, 20:32
While I don't live there, I travel to Medellin monthly. So based on that, my answer is that, from a weather perspective, neither time is any better or worse than the other AT THE MOMENT. The weather in Medellin has been shit (with rare exceptions) for more than one year. And my ex-in-laws report to me that there's been a lot of rain in Bogota as well. Eventually La Nina will pass and Medellin will get back to being the City of Eternal Spring,. But not yet. So pick the time that works best for you or do both.

P.S. - to reiterate, it's currently not a "rain on and off" situation in Medellin. It's mostly rain on. My recollection is that you often get a few hours in the morning that are nice and if you are lucky it extends into the early afternoon, but after that expect there to be rain in the afternoon and evening. Sometimes all night. It's been kind of a bummer. Luckily the jacuzzi on the roof of the apartment where I stay has a roof over the top of it, so I can at least be in the jacuzzi when it rains, optimally with a chica.

I have been in Medellin & Bogota 5 times. Only the last time it rained so much I left early (after 10 weeks) trying to shoot pictures of waterfalls with a drone was a disaster. Rainy day women are fun but even they get tiring. So I have a 3 week trip planned / booked to arrive next week, Thanksgiving. OR I can cancel that and come for 3 weeks starting February 15. Who has an opinion I know it will be cold in Bogota, doesn't bother me. I know it will rain on and off in Medellin. I hate High humidly with the heat in Cartagena (OK never been there as yet) Which time of the year would you guys recommend. Now or February?

Side note: it will be sunny and 72 F in Tijuana / Ensenada / San Diego all winter. Bullets flying. (not raining bullets on me I hope) been there far too many times.

John Gault
11-18-22, 20:54
Is the Hotel Nutibara guest friendly? I stayed there in Jan 2019 and they did not allow guests after 6 PM. I wonder what is the policy now.

11-18-22, 21:25
Is the Hotel Nutibara guest friendly? I stayed there in Jan 2019 and they did not allow guests after 6 PM. I wonder what is the policy now.For me they are chica friendly, but I follow rules: real ID req and left with reception, and only short time 1-2 hour conjugal visits. Also being a frequent client helps! Luvchicas.

11-18-22, 22:24
Is the Hotel Nutibara guest friendly? I stayed there in Jan 2019 and they did not allow guests after 6 PM. I wonder what is the policy now.I was just there in August / Sept and didn't have any issues.

Que Rico
11-18-22, 22:42
Yes, it was slipped in a shot / trago of aguadiente.

To be honest, I rarely drink hard liquor anymore, but I had bought it to take to a Paisa friends place later in the week for a small get together. When the girl arrived we had some red wine first. Then she saw the aguadiente and asked if I liked it, which I affirmed. She said she did too (which should have been a sign as most girls don't! I opened it and poured small shots first as she only looked like 110 lbs.

I then put some steaks on the balcony grill and continued chatting with her through the doorway (I speak conversational spanish). I wrap up steaks and go back inside where she has larger pre poured shots suggests we do another one. I say ok if you do yours first. She does, gives me a wink, and says your turn. I do mine next and as I did it I could see it was cloudy, but it was too late. Hit me like a ton of bricks and 'big tree, fell hard'.

Other reports talk about a 'Zombie' state. I didn't experience that, but it may have just been due to my dosage. My experience was more akin to what people say when they've been date raped.Amigo, I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you thank God you're alive but I do want to steer you somewhere it wouldn't be a bad idea if you went to Facebook and joined the group Medellin hall of shame, that group focuses on prevention of getting drugged or robbed by the girls we date in Medellin also they post everybody's story it would be great if you could post your story there. You could possibly save somebody's life add yourself to the group and mention when you're trying to join that you had recently got scoped. Nobody in the group has ever been drugged since they joined it definitely helps.

11-18-22, 22:46
Yes I've heard the stories.

1. They blow the power into your face. That's James Bond, not real life. It would require exceptional precision and timing, and you'd still be "what the fuck? Hey asshole what was that all about?

2. The girl puts it on her skin, so when you kiss her you get drugged. That's a lot of kissing and would require about 10 times the dosage. Plus Scopolamine can be absorbed through the skin so they are more likely to drug themselves.

3. They put it on doorknobs. That one came from a YouTube Medellin "expert. " Unless you're sucking doorknobs or immediately linking your hands after grabbing a doorknob, not much of a risk.

Occam's Razor. The easiest way is probably the right way. It's not difficult for a pretty girl to get a gringo to drink with her. It's not complicated for a pretty girl to distract a drunk gringo long enough to put something in his drink. If you're in a bar suggested by the girl, she can easily have accomplices drug your drink.Any day of the week I would rather be paranoid than drugged and robbed. Is it possible new drugs and methods can emerge? IDK, but bottom line, know the rules of the game before you roll the dice. More rules you know, greater the chances of winning. Any game where the loser ends up drugged / robbed / maybe even dead- is a game I want my odds as high as possible. To each their own though.

11-19-22, 00:01
This whole topic raises a question that perhaps you and / or others can answer. Whatever the drugs are that get used, will the victim be in a state of mind where they would open a security box in their apartment knowingly while intoxicated / drugged, etc. I know guys with a gun to their head would do so, but it sounds like in a lot of cases the guys just pass out and then get robbed. And your to be commended for sharing your experience, you can never let your guard down because when you least expect it, you can jacked up.I can only share my experience. I don't think these girls are smart enough to titrate the dose and I do believe I was given scolpamine vs ketamine or something else.

My dose was somewhat cloudy and I believe quite large, enough to knock me out quickly and completely for 2 days (scary stuff), but I survived as I'm 210 lbs. I'm making a leap, but Paul (kid who was killed) may have been given a similar dose and being smaller didn't make it.

One member asked about security, the girl, and girl's potential accomplice. Firstly, this building is in a nice Laureles neighborhood (Conquistadores) and did not have security / portero. I've been going to Medellin for 10 years and thought I was fine without it. Had stayed at this place 2 times prior. And liked the ease of a couple girls a day and more of my own place. While there is no security you do need a key to be let out of the building. None of my keys were taken so I'm still not completely sure how she got out or how she was smart enough to think of it. I do think she (and potential accomplice) could have been rummaging through my things for 2-3 hours while I was passed out though as the steaks were half eaten (bastards!) and they found a few things I'd hidden. At some point she / they recognized the need for door keys and found them in my main room.

I am guessing that she had an accomplice based upon the number of items taken (loaded into luggage which she also stole) and that I was in communication with her. Or whomever responded, afterwards and they noted discussions with their 'novio. ' I was trying to buy my items back, but it didn't work out. I also had / have decent cuts on my arms and hands although I'm not sure if they're from me defending myself or falling. They did use my face image to get into my phone and laptop, so I could have been trying to prevent that. It remains a mystery.

Also, for what it's worth, My credit cards were also used in the Manrique, Boston, and Bello areas while I was knocked out.

11-19-22, 00:06
I understand how you are feeling coming off of the incident, but it does not have to stop. If the chick is a real nonpro and not someone up to no good then it is easy to find this out by vetting her.

One of the first things I ask a chick is what she does for a living..... The don't have idle time to putz off.

Colombia is not like the Dominican Republic where chicks will sit on their ass for years staring at the sky without a job. Chicks that have jobs are not the ones out doing this kind of nefarious stuff.You are absolutely right about due diligence, although I don't know that they all need a serious job. Many girls I'm with, and same with others, are students or 'influencers / sugar babbies'. What I will share is that someone on FB or Reddit mentioned that he won't go out with a girl that doesn't at least have IG. I'd say 95% of young Colombian women have it. I mean this is a country heavily focused on aesthetics and image. If she won't share then something is up. If you have that from them and some interaction I think you can weed out a good number of the bad ones.

11-19-22, 00:15
Amigo, I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you thank God you're alive but I do want to steer you somewhere it wouldn't be a bad idea if you went to Facebook and joined the group Medellin hall of shame, that group focuses on prevention of getting drugged or robbed by the girls we date in Medellin also they post everybody's story it would be great if you could post your story there. You could possibly save somebody's life add yourself to the group and mention when you're trying to join that you had recently got scoped. Nobody in the group has ever been drugged since they joined it definitely helps.Thank you for that! I was invited to the Scolopamine group for Colombia. Is that the same one? There are 4,000 guys in that. Unfortunately this drugging is quite prevalent.

The Scolopamine group was also helpful to make connections with those that want to raise awareness of this and force the Medellin Mayor and Police to do a bit more about it. Who knows what might happen, but stay tuned.

11-19-22, 00:23
Wait, WTAF, there is a scolopamine group that is 4,000 strong? My life has been a lie.

Thank you for that! I was invited to the Scolopamine group for Colombia. Is that the same one? There are 4,000 guys in that. Unfortunately this drugging is quite prevalent.

The Scolopamine group was also helpful to make connections with those that want to raise awareness of this and force the Medellin Mayor and Police to do a bit more about it. Who knows what might happen, but stay tuned.

11-19-22, 00:58
January through April and June through October are the least rainy periods in Medellin.

While I don't live there, I travel to Medellin monthly. So based on that, my answer is that, from a weather perspective, neither time is any better or worse than the other AT THE MOMENT. The weather in Medellin has been shit (with rare exceptions) for more than one year. And my ex-in-laws report to me that there's been a lot of rain in Bogota as well. Eventually La Nina will pass and Medellin will get back to being the City of Eternal Spring,. But not yet. So pick the time that works best for you or do both.

P.S. - to reiterate, it's currently not a "rain on and off" situation in Medellin. It's mostly rain on. My recollection is that you often get a few hours in the morning that are nice and if you are lucky it extends into the early afternoon, but after that expect there to be rain in the afternoon and evening. Sometimes all night. It's been kind of a bummer. Luckily the jacuzzi on the roof of the apartment where I stay has a roof over the top of it, so I can at least be in the jacuzzi when it rains, optimally with a chica.

11-19-22, 01:16
Is there a scenario where they can drug you without you drinking? I've heard stories through the years of such but they all seem to be too far-fetch in my opinion.There are other possibilities as others have listed. But the easiest by far is in a drink. Which doesn't necessarily have to be alcoholic.

Watch your drink, whether it be booze or Diet Coke.

And they're less likely to do it in a public place because if you go unconscious in a restaurant or club, it might be hard to explain. Which doesn't mean it will never happen.

11-19-22, 01:45
The drugging is much more of a concern for me than anything that could be stolen from me. I could replace everything in my apartment and dispute or pay off unauthorized credit card charges without a problem. You never know how you will react to a substance you haven't previously ingested. It's frightening to even think about it.

I can only share my experience. I don't think these girls are smart enough to titrate the dose and I do believe I was given scolpamine vs ketamine or something else.

My dose was somewhat cloudy and I believe quite large, enough to knock me out quickly and completely for 2 days (scary stuff), but I survived as I'm 210 lbs. I'm making a leap, but Paul (kid who was killed) may have been given a similar dose and being smaller didn't make it.

One member asked about security, the girl, and girl's potential accomplice. Firstly, this building is in a nice Laureles neighborhood (Conquistadores) and did not have security / portero. I've been going to Medellin for 10 years and thought I was fine without it. Had stayed at this place 2 times prior. And liked the ease of a couple girls a day and more of my own place. While there is no security you do need a key to be let out of the building. None of my keys were taken so I'm still not completely sure how she got out or how she was smart enough to think of it. I do think she (and potential accomplice) could have been rummaging through my things for 2-3 hours while I was passed out though as the steaks were half eaten (bastards!) and they found a few things I'd hidden. At some point she / they recognized the need for door keys and found them in my main room.

I am guessing that she had an accomplice based upon the number of items taken (loaded into luggage which she also stole) and that I was in communication with her. Or whomever responded, afterwards and they noted discussions with their 'novio. ' I was trying to buy my items back, but it didn't work out. I also had / have decent cuts on my arms and hands although I'm not sure if they're from me defending myself or falling. They did use my face image to get into my phone and laptop, so I could have been trying to prevent that. It remains a mystery.

Also, for what it's worth, My credit cards were also used in the Manrique, Boston, and Bello areas while I was knocked out.

11-19-22, 02:02
I can only share my experience. Also, for what it's worth, My credit cards were also used in the Manrique, , and Bello areas while I was knocked out.What your sharing is an eye opener, as nobody on this thread as I recall over the past five years has ever shared in such detail as to what happened to them after being drugged like you.

A heavy duty wake up call for sure.

I'm assuming there was no safety box in the apartment, or if there was, it had a physical key versus being electric?

And what about your Passport, did they leave that behind?

And again, thanks for sharing your story!

11-19-22, 02:21
MDE comments.

I have not been to MDE in several years and only two times in the last dozen years or so and not an expert. But I remember my first time quite well. It was def going to be a mongering trip and I was also traveling solo. Through these pages, I met this middle age fellow from NYC area and we arranged to meet on my arrival. When the date finally arrived, I met this guy and his quite unattractive Colombian GF at a cafe in MDE. He was not a handsome guy, bald, overweight and did not seem very worldly either. Nevertheless, he did give me the lowdown at the time on how to pursue chicks in MDE and we parted friends shortly after.

I did not contact him again and went my own way. I found a small hotel to stay near Parque Lleras owned by an American guy named Tom who was a former Florida cop. From what I heard, he has long since fled the scene and returned to US. Another American I know called Dave F. Owned a bar at the time in Parque Lleras called The Alamo. I met him there on of my first nights in MDE and also met this Colombian girl. She was with some friends and a cousin from Florida. We all ended up at her friends condo where her buddy told me go ahead and bang her if you want, which I promptly did at his condo. She ended up being a bit needy so threw back in the pond but did also monger a bit at one of the clubs. Think I was at Fase1 or something similar. Had one hottie from there before I left town.

However, a few weeks after I left, I read that the guy I met off ISG was found dead in a short term hotel room. Don't think they ever solved it like so many others since then.

I visited another time because I met a nice woman and her Mom who were traveling in Peru and invited me for a visit. Though I never got laid, I did enjoy my time with as as they took me to their relatives finca out by the airport. Overall it was a good time but as on my first trip it rained constantly and it was the cold and hard version so for me coming for the weather does not make sense.

But it seems to me that MDE is much too dangerous to even consider coming again. Going through all the elaborate means to hide your phone, vet the chicas, and generally keep your wits about you does not a good holiday make.

11-19-22, 04:11
Mr international made a great point. If these girls have no jobs and are "loosely" employed yellow flags should go up. See how she talks, especially in texting. If the slang is strong, probably not a university student either. Again, this is something guys who live there or visit would spot more easily who are the grillas, or the scope queens. It's actually quite easy to spot the non grillas. But these chicks are not so easy to crack and are not into p4 p perhaps especially if you are not in their social circle or know locals. The weekend warriors and mongers who visit sporadically I am assuming stick to the p4 p girls who happen to look more on the grilla side. Again, there are normal looking girls who may work on the side etc. Just takes time to find them.

I'm going to go off on a tangent as I want to share my experiences. I lived full time in medellin for 2 years several years back and visit every year for a few weeks since. When I first visited medellin I stayed in an Airbnb in laureles and a roommate said that he keeps his wallet in the fridge where the butter is kept. Yet I read in. A post here that the crooks actually took the butter too! I am certain they will ransack the apartment. What advice could I give you? Use a burner phone, old laptop and have a second credit card that has a max withdrawal rate per week or month etc. What's wrong with love motels? The locals use them. I read on here and shout out to the poster this particular motel has electronic locks on the doors. Nobody can leave without being escorted. Ok, let's say she is brazen and drugs you up in the motel and does a faux hysteric Latina berserk "show". Much like how Colombians use the phrase haciendo el show when children act out. Let's hope the motel staff keep her while the police are called. There are phone tracking apps where you can follow your phone. There are apps which can help you track other peoples phones. It's on the illegal side so I won't get into that part.

What's going to happen to these scopa gangs? My guess is that there will be more of them as the economy is not looking good anywhere. Ohhh saw a great documentary by vice on the synthetic drug tussi. Guys stay away from that crap. It got its name from 2 cb which was created in the 1970's but this new version even may have fentanyl. This version is not 2 cb. It's a concoction of drugs with pink food colouring. Any chick doing it in your apartment just be careful she does not die then you have a headache dealing with police etc. Even false accusations ohhh you gringo monster poisoned this angels from Manrique with the huge tattoo on her leg and her name is "Leidy Yanet Quintero Restrepo (made up name). Tussi is not 2 cb.

Told ya off on a tangent. Next address I hope to talk about more healthier stuff like 3 somes etc. Confession, that is still on my bucket list. To each his own. Guys be safe! Remember there are motels that are more secure than your building. They are quite affordable and safer IMHO.

11-19-22, 05:17
Thank you for that! I was invited to the Scolopamine group for Colombia. Is that the same one? There are 4,000 guys in that. Unfortunately this drugging is quite prevalent.

The Scolopamine group was also helpful to make connections with those that want to raise awareness of this and force the Medellin Mayor and Police to do a bit more about it. Who knows what might happen, but stay tuned.https://www.facebook.com/groups/mdehallofshame they are posting about the girl.

Someone make a long list of SAFE Vs. RISKY ways of getting laid here. Put it into a post of distinction and save some lives. Elvis?

11-19-22, 09:06
https://www.facebook.com/groups/mdehallofshame they are posting about the girl.

Someone make a long list of SAFE Vs. RISKY ways of getting laid here. Put it into a post of distinction and save some lives. Elvis?The post needs to be posted elsewhere, then the link posted in links to posts of distinction. I'll work on it if I can finish before the drugs kick in.

Voodoo Jones
11-19-22, 15:43
Yes I've heard the stories.

1. They blow the power into your face. That's James Bond, not real life. It would require exceptional precision and timing, and you'd still be "what the fuck? Hey asshole what was that all about?

2. The girl puts it on her skin, so when you kiss her you get drugged. That's a lot of kissing and would require about 10 times the dosage. Plus Scopolamine can be absorbed through the skin so they are more likely to drug themselves.

3. They put it on doorknobs. That one came from a YouTube Medellin "expert. " Unless you're sucking doorknobs or immediately linking your hands after grabbing a doorknob, not much of a risk.

Occam's Razor. The easiest way is probably the right way. It's not difficult for a pretty girl to get a gringo to drink with her. It's not complicated for a pretty girl to distract a drunk gringo long enough to put something in his drink. If you're in a bar suggested by the girl, she can easily have accomplices drug your drink.According to the below article, you cannot be drugged through skin absorption or getting the drug blown into your face. It's definitely being administered through drinks. I'm visiting Medellin next month for the first time, but when I was in Bogota, I made sure to never leave my drink unattended (even when they were in my apartment) and didn't get drunk. If I took a drink from my fridge, I made sure it was sealed. I may have let one take a sip from my bottle, but still kept eyes on her.


I see Chicago85 is an experienced traveler and his story reminds me that having a front desk that scans all visitors' ID is important. You can't avoid all scammer, but having to provide their real names and photos can help keep you safe.

11-19-22, 15:48
The drugging is much more of a concern for me than anything that could be stolen from me. I could replace everything in my apartment and dispute or pay off unauthorized credit card charges without a problem. You never know how you will react to a substance you haven't previously ingested. It's frightening to even think about it.Yes indeed, those doing the drugging aren't physicians, and you could easily die. If your going to be robbed, might as well be with a gun held to your head.

11-19-22, 15:55
After all this discussion about drugging's, I am going to bring it back to why guys come to Colombia, the young attractive chicas and the good GFE experiences for a reasonable price.

I was in Medellin during the same week that Paul and. Was killed and a fellow board member was drugged and robbed. I already posed a short trip summary so you know that I had a good time and everything went well. There was no time when I felt in danger and I did not have any concerns about any of my girls. I stuck exclusively to Facebook and I chatted for a while with most of the girls who I decided to meet to come to my hotel room. My hotel copied the ID card of the girls.

I will describe my experience with MM and it was typical of all my sessions.

I had chatted with her a few weeks prior to my trip and we had pleasant small talk. She did the usual sweet talk about how excited she was to meet me and how handsome I was.

Then I contacted her when I was in Medellin and she said she wanted to meet me. I offered 200 mil for 2 hours plus transport and she accepted. I asked for sex without a condom and she said that would be fine. I was busy with other girls for a while but when I finally got back to her, she was eager to meet. She arrived within 30 minutes of the scheduled time which is acceptable to me in light of traffic in Medellin.

She is 24, slim, petite, small breasts, pretty face, no kids. She is a webcam model. She spoke some English but not a lot. I speak some basic Spanish but not a lot. Google Translate was very helpful.

She was very friendly and easy to chat with (using the translator).

I gave her a sensual massage to start and she said she really enjoyed it. I enjoyed putting my hands all over that beautiful body and I find that a massage puts a woman at ease.

She has smooth skin. She gave me a good blowjob, mixing up techniques and I was happy. Then she got on top, grabbed my cock and eased it in. Nothing like the first moment when your cock slips into a tight pussy bareback. It's very nice. She was very energetic and really got into it. Then we switched to doggy which is always great for the view and I pounded away. Finally, for the finish, we switched to missionary and I pumped away until I finished with a nice creampie. She was in no rush to get me off her.

It was a nice GFE session. We had some chit chat before and after the session and she did stay 2 hours. She told me she uses a dildo when she does webcam but she does not do anal with the dildo. During a webcam session recently, a guy had asked her to put it in her ass and she said no and said she would refunded his money instead. This is definitely a girl who tries to give you your money's worth and I felt that during the session. She is a good find and I would see her again.

Some guys have asked me for the contact info for the girls that I have seen. This is my take on it. I have put in the hours to set up a good Facebook profile, find FB girls, chatted with a large number of girls, engaged in a lot of chatting to find out more about them, tried to screen out the bad ones and find the good ones, and I think my efforts have been successful at finding good girls in MDE.

Now anonymous strangers want me to give them the names of these girls that I have seen after all this effort in exchange for absolutely nothing. It just doesn't seem like a good deal to me. There is definitely plenty of downside. The girls will get busier and perhaps raise their prices. And very little upside for me as far as I can see. Now I know that some of you may say, you should share for the good of the monger community, share and share alike. Well, for me, sharing means an exchange of information and, that is not what is happening here. Very few guys here are willing to share the contact info of their best girls for the reasons that I have mentioned or they have very little to share. There is also the fact that these FB girls are semi-pros and not openly advertising as escorts similar to Seeking girls.

I have actually shared contact info for agencies and online escorts with over 30 guys in my posting for Guadalajara so I think I already done my part in giving back.

11-19-22, 17:33
What your sharing is an eye opener, as nobody on this thread as I recall over the past five years has ever shared in such detail as to what happened to them after being drugged like you.

A heavy duty wake up call for sure. I'm assuming there was no safety box in the apartment, or if there was, it had a physical key versus being electric?

And what about your Passport, did they leave that behind? And again, thanks for sharing your story!I just want to help ensure everyone is safe and this goes beyond any concerns of personal embarrassment, at least for me. The success of those that drug is based on people not reporting and the cops doing nothing. The more that this is reported, the less successful they will be. And I agree with others that the attempts will become much more prevalent in the future given the economy unless the Medellin politicians and police are forced to do something (ie be tougher on those committing these crimes). Right now it's a slap on the wrist in Colombia whereas I believe date rape / drugging is a serious felony in the US. I mean, several individuals have died from it so you could also charge with attempted murder.

Getting to your questions. There were a series of filing cabinets with locks that I used to put my computer, money, CCs, and ID in. I then put the locks in 3 different places. Since I was out for a long period of time they found two of these keys and took items. Unfortunately these two areas had most of my stuff. I also hid some money and IDs in inserts for my shoes. This they did not find and is what I used to get back on my feed. Along with help from friends in Melling.

They did take the Passport, which is a pain in the ass to replace. I needed to fly to Bogota and get an Emergency Passport with the US Embassy. While I was there I met another guy (younger kid) who had also been drugged in Medellin and doing the same. The US Embassy was relatively efficient about it. I entered the Embassy at 9:30 am and had a Passport by 2:30 pm that day and flew out late that night. The thing that was frustrating is that they didn't seem to care much that I had been the victim of a serious crime (assault and battery). I asked to speak with an official there and they said they were aware of Paul's murder, and increasing crime, but there was not much they could do and that it was entirely up to me to follow up with the Medellin Police. I was not expecting a lott of hand holding, but the US has historically given Colombia a tremendous amount of aid annually ($500M to $1B) and accepted HUGE numbers of immigrants each year. I thought we'd have more influence.

Que Rico
11-19-22, 17:47
There's another tool there's a website that's free it's called chicacheck. Co. The guy uploaded 10,000 Colombian Facebook profiles of girls you can run your girl through the search and get her Facebook profile or you can add a review on some of the girls or even upload photos it's a brand new site so they don't have a lot of the details filled in yet but it's a great place to start they're going to post a section called bad girls of Medellin and it's going to have pictures of all the girls that were accused of robberies and druggies and you could just swipe through them to see if your date is one of those photos check it out it's free Chicacheck. Co it's up to us to give the reviews and fill in the blanks.

Voodoo Jones
11-19-22, 17:57
I just want to help ensure everyone is safe and this goes beyond any concerns of personal embarrassment, at least for me. The success of those that drug is based on people not reporting and the cops doing nothing. The more that this is reported, the less successful they will be. And I agree with others that the attempts will become much more prevalent in the future given the economy unless the Medellin politicians and police are forced to do something (ie be tougher on those committing these crimes).I definitely appreciate other members being candid about these dangers because I assume most men never report it due to the social stigma. There was another member a few days ago that wrote a story about getting into a car with a woman and getting mugged by a gang. My takeaway is Medellin is more dangerous than Bogota, where I felt safe walking around at night by myself (though I did stay in the Parque 93 and Zona Rosa areas, which are some of the most upscale neighborhoods).

I had a lot of success using Seeking in Bogota and plan on doing the same in Medellin (also might try FB). I think it's safer when you're texting the girl for a couple weeks before arriving because there's a time investment that most scammers won't bother with. If someone is trying to rob you, it's going to be a numbers game where she is trying to meet up with as many men as soon as possible.

Tinder and Bumble are also geared towards anonymity because you can't browse through profiles like Seeking or FB. You're shown 1 girl at a time and once they block you, you won't be able to find her profile again. You also can't tell how long they've been on the app. Seeking at least shows you that they've been on the site for a while and if they block you there, you can just create a new account and find her profile again. With FB, you can at least see her friends, posting activity, and make a better guess if her info on there is real. Again, none of this is foolproof, but I think it will reduce the overall risk.

11-19-22, 18:57
There appears to be a companion website to the mdehallofshame FB group chicacheck. Co, free to join and the FB group asks you to sign up for chicacheck before joining. You can search FB chica reviews by name or FB profile link. Glad someone did started this.

11-19-22, 19:15
Once again, we all owe you a debt of gratitude for sharing what happened. I'm convinced it will prevent it happening to us. Diplomats who man embassies and consulates are not responsible for law enforcement or criminal investigations. Their role is to assist and facilitate when citizens get involved with local law enforcement, either as crime victims or crime suspects. We are each responsible for our own dealings with local law enforcement. That is an unpopular and not widely known fact, but it is a fact. The high profile case of Brittany Griner is an example. The USA State Department is aware of each reported case involving its citizens. It uses that and other information to issue travel warnings.

I just want to help ensure everyone is safe and this goes beyond any concerns of personal embarrassment, at least for me. The success of those that drug is based on people not reporting and the cops doing nothing. The more that this is reported, the less successful they will be. And I agree with others that the attempts will become much more prevalent in the future given the economy unless the Medellin politicians and police are forced to do something (ie be tougher on those committing these crimes). Right now it's a slap on the wrist in Colombia whereas I believe date rape / drugging is a serious felony in the US. I mean, several individuals have died from it so you could also charge with attempted murder.

Getting to your questions. There were a series of filing cabinets with locks that I used to put my computer, money, CCs, and ID in. I then put the locks in 3 different places. Since I was out for a long period of time they found two of these keys and took items. Unfortunately these two areas had most of my stuff. I also hid some money and IDs in inserts for my shoes. This they did not find and is what I used to get back on my feed. Along with help from friends in Melling.

They did take the Passport, which is a pain in the ass to replace. I needed to fly to Bogota and get an Emergency Passport with the US Embassy. While I was there I met another guy (younger kid) who had also been drugged in Medellin and doing the same. The US Embassy was relatively efficient about it. I entered the Embassy at 9:30 am and had a Passport by 2:30 pm that day and flew out late that night. The thing that was frustrating is that they didn't seem to care much that I had been the victim of a serious crime (assault and battery). I asked to speak with an official there and they said they were aware of Paul's murder, and increasing crime, but there was not much they could do and that it was entirely up to me to follow up with the Medellin Police. I was not expecting a lott of hand holding, but the US has historically given Colombia a tremendous amount of aid annually ($500M to $1B) and accepted HUGE numbers of immigrants each year. I thought we'd have more influence.

11-19-22, 19:37
Any day of the week I would rather be paranoid than drugged and robbed. Is it possible new drugs and methods can emerge? IDK, but bottom line, know the rules of the game before you roll the dice. More rules you know, greater the chances of winning. Any game where the loser ends up drugged / robbed / maybe even dead- is a game I want my odds as high as possible. To each their own though.Sounds like a good strategy for russian roulette! Keep playing with the best odds possible so you can tempt fate and procreate.

Is it addiction, instinct, suicidal tendency? Any card carrying psychologists here? Ha ha ha.

11-19-22, 19:39
I just want to help ensure everyone is safe and this goes beyond any concerns of personal embarrassment, at least for me. The success of those that drug is based on people not reporting and the cops doing nothing. The more that this is reported, the less successful they will be. And I agree with others that the attempts will become much more prevalent in the future given the economy unless the Medellin politicians and police are forced to do something (ie be tougher on those committing these crimes). Right now it's a slap on the wrist in Colombia whereas I believe date rape / drugging is a serious felony in the US. I mean, several individuals have died from it so you could also charge with attempted murder.

Getting to your questions. There were a series of filing cabinets with locks that I used to put my computer, money, CCs, and ID in. I then put the locks in 3 different places. Since I was out for a long period of time they found two of these keys and took items. Unfortunately these two areas had most of my stuff. I also hid some money and IDs in inserts for my shoes. This they did not find and is what I used to get back on my feed. Along with help from friends in Melling.

They did take the Passport, which is a pain in the ass to replace. I needed to fly to Bogota and get an Emergency Passport with the US Embassy. While I was there I met another guy (younger kid) who had also been drugged in Medellin and doing the same. The US Embassy was relatively efficient about it. I entered the Embassy at 9:30 am and had a Passport by 2:30 pm that day and flew out late that night. The thing that was frustrating is that they didn't seem to care much that I had been the victim of a serious crime (assault and battery). I asked to speak with an official there and they said they were aware of Paul's murder, and increasing crime, but there was not much they could do and that it was entirely up to me to follow up with the Medellin Police. I was not expecting a lott of hand holding, but the US has historically given Colombia a tremendous amount of aid annually ($500M to $1B) and accepted HUGE numbers of immigrants each year. I thought we'd have more influence.Sounds like you figured it all out, when is your next trip and what will you be doing differently?

11-19-22, 20:46
Hello all!

I was in Medellin pre covid and had a great time. Met some girls in parque lleras and off photoprepagos. Stayed at an Airbnb. Never had any trouble. Going back now in a few weeks and I notice a lot of people say they met girls via Facebook? I have not done that and would love to know how / where to start. Also concerned about all the issues with crime. I think I should be fine as it's me and another guy friend. We never go anywhere alone, don't get get hammered drunk and watch our drinks, don't do drugs. We do have an Airbnb again by lleras not a hotel but all the reviews mention it being pretty secure. Any advice from recent travelers or advice on the Facebook angle would be appreciated!

11-19-22, 20:55
I just want to help ensure everyone is safe and this goes beyond any concerns of personal embarrassment, at least for me. The success of those that drug is based on people not reporting and the cops doing nothing. The more that this is reported, the less successful they will be. And I agree with others that the attempts will become much more prevalent in the future given the economy unless the Medellin politicians and police are forced to do something (ie be tougher on those committing these crimes). Right now it's a slap on the wrist in Colombia whereas I believe date rape / drugging is a serious felony in the US. I mean, several individuals have died from it so you could also charge with attempted murder.

Getting to your questions. There were a series of filing cabinets with locks that I used to put my computer, money, CCs, and ID in. I then put the locks in 3 different places. Since I was out for a long period of time they found two of these keys and took items. Unfortunately these two areas had most of my stuff. I also hid some money and IDs in inserts for my shoes. This they did not find and is what I used to get back on my feed. Along with help from friends in Melling.

They did take the Passport, which is a pain in the ass to replace. I needed to fly to Bogota and get an Emergency Passport with the US Embassy. While I was there I met another guy (younger kid) who had also been drugged in Medellin and doing the same. The US Embassy was relatively efficient about it. I entered the Embassy at 9:30 am and had a Passport by 2:30 pm that day and flew out late that night. The thing that was frustrating is that they didn't seem to care much that I had been the victim of a serious crime (assault and battery). I asked to speak with an official there and they said they were aware of Paul's murder, and increasing crime, but there was not much they could do and that it was entirely up to me to follow up with the Medellin Police. I was not expecting a lott of hand holding, but the US has historically given Colombia a tremendous amount of aid annually ($500M to $1B) and accepted HUGE numbers of immigrants each year. I thought we'd have more influence.Did the younger guy give you any details on him being drugged?

11-19-22, 21:02
I just want to help ensure everyone is safe and this goes beyond any concerns of personal embarrassment, at least for me. The success of those that drug is based on people not reporting and the cops doing nothing. The more that this is reported, the less successful they will be. And I agree with others that the attempts will become much more prevalent in the future given the economy unless the Medellin politicians and police are forced to do something (ie be tougher on those committing these crimes). Right now it's a slap on the wrist in Colombia whereas I believe date rape / drugging is a serious felony in the US. I mean, several individuals have died from it so you could also charge with attempted murder.

Getting to your questions. There were a series of filing cabinets with locks that I used to put my computer, money, CCs, and ID in. I then put the locks in 3 different places. Since I was out for a long period of time they found two of these keys and took items. Unfortunately these two areas had most of my stuff. I also hid some money and IDs in inserts for my shoes. This they did not find and is what I used to get back on my feed. Along with help from friends in Melling.

They did take the Passport, which is a pain in the ass to replace. I needed to fly to Bogota and get an Emergency Passport with the US Embassy. While I was there I met another guy (younger kid) who had also been drugged in Medellin and doing the same. The US Embassy was relatively efficient about it. I entered the Embassy at 9:30 am and had a Passport by 2:30 pm that day and flew out late that night. The thing that was frustrating is that they didn't seem to care much that I had been the victim of a serious crime (assault and battery). I asked to speak with an official there and they said they were aware of Paul's murder, and increasing crime, but there was not much they could do and that it was entirely up to me to follow up with the Medellin Police. I was not expecting a lott of hand holding, but the US has historically given Colombia a tremendous amount of aid annually ($500M to $1B) and accepted HUGE numbers of immigrants each year. I thought we'd have more influence.Where were you staying? Was there security there?

11-19-22, 21:38
Where were you staying? Was there security there?He mentioned in another post there was no doorman, just needed the keys to get out.

11-19-22, 21:48
Did the younger guy give you any details on him being drugged?Not much. He said he was dating the girl off and on and when he told her he was thinking of ending it with her she got upset and a night or two later she drugged him. He woke up without his passport and laptop. He knew the girl decently well it seemed.

11-19-22, 23:28
FYI there is a lower cost, less restrictive casa just next door to Energy. I don't believe it has a name and they no longer do line ups. The girls work off mileroticos and similar web sites, by appointment. How much less than Energy, almost half at 90 K / half four + any extra you can think of.I have bin trying to find this place, with no luck. Can you help me with a pointer to a girl who works there?



11-19-22, 23:36
https://www.facebook.com/groups/mdehallofshame they are posting about the girl.

Someone make a long list of SAFE Vs. RISKY ways of getting laid here. Put it into a post of distinction and save some lives. Elvis?Surfer, Mr. E. JjBee62 Knowledge Chicago Miami Elvis etc. I think you guys will like these posts over 100 photos of beautiful (& DANGEROUS) girls.


I can send you screen shots or maybe some of you will also join.

11-20-22, 00:51
Hmm, maybe I should check this out.

Surfer, Mr. E. JjBee62 Knowledge Chicago Miami Elvis etc. I think you guys will like these posts over 100 photos of beautiful (& DANGEROUS) girls.


I can send you screen shots or maybe some of you will also join.

Mr Enternational
11-20-22, 01:49
I'm assuming there was no safety box in the apartment, or if there was, it had a physical key versus being electric?
It does not matter. Look at The Lock Picking Lawyer on youtube and he will show you how easy most safes are to get into. A lot of them can be opened simply with a magnet. Others just by hitting it with your fist while turning the knob.

11-20-22, 01:51
Hmm, maybe I should check this out.Thanks! The Andrea Restrepo is definitely fake. Don't fall for it guys!

11-20-22, 02:25
The address is posted several times in the section. You only need to past it into the map website or application of your choice for a street view and walking directions.

I have bin trying to find this place, with no luck. Can you help me with a pointer to a girl who works there?



11-20-22, 03:54
Someone should develop a subscription based service and application that would provide an efficient, structured mini-workflow on a cellphone to gather details around dates (eg Prepagos, SBs), places (address and room numbers), and encounters. For example, it would ask you to take and upload a high quality selfie / ID photo of the individual; photograph the front and back of their cedula; capture screenshot of their social media and / or dating site profile; cellphone number and emergency contact information which it would text and await a confirmation. It would also capture where you plan to entertain the individual and the details of the portero or front desk person working. And timing of planned encounters, requiring you to "close your flight plan" afterwards and, if you fail to do so by a predetermined time, inundate you with texts and, failing a response with a correct passphrase, calling the police or a private security team and a private medical service to visit you.

It could also provide real-time instructions / protocols for defeating common strategems. (For example, after drinks have been poured, switching them twice or thrice (indicated by the app) in front of the girl, and / or cross contaminating them with a syringe or spoon and inviting the guest to drink first with a timer function to see whether they conk out before drinking yours.) The service could also rent out small GPS tracking devices, a dye pack attached to your laptop and valuables bag, motion detectors connected to a high intensity alarm (to do a soft impound of the guest's phone, placed underneath the detector that could only be deactivated with a code that you know, without triggering the audio alarm); and SIM or wi-fi enabled, velcro-attached motion-activated surveillance camera outside the door. ("Antes de entrar, vamos a tomar why enviar un fotico a mi empresa de seguridad privada. Sonrisa! A panic button on the app could be used to communicate to the service that the previously registered encounter is going south and then lock the app. The user would then need to provide a correct passphrase in a video call in order to opt out of an armed, motorcycle-dispatched security response.

It would also be useful find out whether there is a simple lab test for Scopolamine to test a suspect drink.

My guess is that visitors to a place such as Medellin would pay good money for such a subscription and that additional features of this application would also do wonders for other corners of the global personal services industry (possibly to used by by outcall providers as well). Even a greatly simplified minimum viable product of all this might be adequate to defeat most threats.

There is a lot of great IT and call centre talent in Medellin. This would be a great use of their talents.

11-20-22, 05:24
There is a gofundme page to help with funeral expenses.



11-20-22, 10:26
I have bin trying to find this place, with no luck. Can you help me with a pointer to a girl who works there?


Sandy.This has been mentioned a couple of times recently. Follow this post to see the address.

Yes, I covered this in a post about a week ago. Another member here thought he was in Energy but when he described the location and the prices I knew it was the place you visited. ...

Question about facebook

Go to read Reports of Distinction thread

11-20-22, 17:24
I am not judging. This is an honest observation. This post strikes me as more plausible as trolling victims than a serious product pitch.

Someone should develop a subscription based service and application that would provide an efficient, structured mini-workflow on a cellphone to gather details around dates (eg Prepagos, SBs), places (address and room numbers), and encounters. For example, it would ask you to take and upload a high quality selfie / ID photo of the individual; photograph the front and back of their cedula; capture screenshot of their social media and / or dating site profile; cellphone number and emergency contact information which it would text and await a confirmation. It would also capture where you plan to entertain the individual and the details of the portero or front desk person working. And timing of planned encounters, requiring you to "close your flight plan" afterwards and, if you fail to do so by a predetermined time, inundate you with texts and, failing a response with a correct passphrase, calling the police or a private security team and a private medical service to visit you..

11-20-22, 17:59
Sounds like you figured it all out, when is your next trip and what will you be doing differently?I guess the moral of the story would be to always stay somewhere that has security 24/7 and ask the Portero to hold on to the Chicas cedula / passport until you physically escort her out of the building. Under these circumstance the worst that could happen is a Chica could get into your safety box / belongings and take things that would not be noticed upon her departure. Like only taking a small amount of money from a wallet, etc.

There's been multiple posts about this happening over the years here.

11-20-22, 19:01
As probably you guys all know the Government want to discourage sexual tourism. That is why when you get a room at most places they asked you to sign a form to no bring prostitutes etc to the room.

If you need to do that many things to not get drugged is it not better to not bring a girl over? Or go to a sex-motel with the exact amount of money for the prepago and for the room and the driver so if she is about to rob you she won't get nothing?

I mean why do things if your life is in danger. The drugging probably won't stop now. The minimum monthly salary is I think now something less then 200 Dollar. Most cases won't get reported because guys do not want to get the police or building staff involved if they signed to not bring prepagos to their room and if they are reported the police got so many things to do, murder homocide things to solve to looks up girls that drugs tourist. And as many times people could tell a guy about a danger they will probably do it anyway.

11-20-22, 21:38
I agree but there's more to it, I'm not knocking anybody but there's a lot of people on here that don't see a value in mutual attraction for example if I go on dates in the states with a girl and I'm attracted to her and she's attracted to me when that moment comes she grabs my arm and pulls me in the bedroom she's hot for me and she wants to fuck and she's doing it to please herself you will never get that from a prostitute you will get a fake performance for me I can feel the energy the longer I'm in this game the less I want high mileage papa goes you know the ones that you negotiate with them they come in your apartment they don't smile they come in the bedroom they take their clothes off and they put a condom on you and do a fake BJ for three minutes then they climb on top of you and say give me the milk why are you taking so long they don't kiss they don't want you to give them oral and they're not there to have an orgasm some people don't understand this but there is a massive difference I mean a world of difference when a girl is hot for you it doesn't matter what she does or what her performances it's 100 times better than a Stone cold prostitute looking for milk and money.Exactly. It's "that YUMMM moment".

Elvis 2008
11-20-22, 23:24
Surfer, Mr. E. JjBee62 Knowledge Chicago Miami Elvis etc. I think you guys will like these posts over 100 photos of beautiful (& DANGEROUS) girls.


I can send you screen shots or maybe some of you will also join.Don, I do not play anymore. Thing about Medellin is that I always considered it overrated. On the sugar baby front, some of the women I met there were hot and often good in bed, but too many were short term oriented. Paulie called the whole country of Colombia a scam and I get why he said that, but I am not sure I agree with that statement. If he left it to just Medellin, I probably would agree.

I was in Brazil in 2004, and I was the only one in our party of 3 who did not get mugged. A friend was walking the tourist area of Atlantic Avenue at night and was jumped by 3 guys. No one gave a shit. My brother and I were in the center of town the next day, where there are few tourists, and a pickpocket tried to grab his wallet, and there was like a whole platoon of police after the attempted thief. That told me with the Brazilian police where their priorities were, and it was protecting Brazilians not tourists.

In Cartagena a few years ago, there was a senior member of police busted for trafficking women especially the Vennies. If the police had tie ins to the scopolamine poisonings, and I have no evidence they are, it would not surprise me in the least. There was a guy here named Dublin who called police in Cartagena thinking they would be on his side when WGs tried to rip him off. The police took the WG side and told him to pay the women.

For safety purposes, I always thought it best to get the hotel staff on your side. If they call the police on your behalf, IMO you will be far better off than if you do it on your own. When I stayed in a hotel a while and was screening prospects, I tipped the doormen and staff, joked with them, and got on a first name basis with them. If it is your word against hers, you are probably going to lose. If it is you and a hotel staff's word against hers, IMO I think the odds go in your favor.

Keep in mind though that many hotels do not want to see you brining in women who look like hookers. One of my seeking women came to the Marriott in super short shorts and the manager almost had a seizure. I paid a guest fee just to smooth things over and it calmed him down.

At the end of the day though, the police will do what the pols tell them to, and the pols usually do represent the will of the people. Point is if the people think it is okay to mug mongers, and I get the feeling many think it is okay, then this is going to continue.

At this point, the only way I would go to Medellin is if I screened the women extensively and stayed in a place with high security. Otherwise, I would just avoid it and head to places in Colombia where these poisonings are not an issue or at least much less of one. This is some pretty scary shit.

Litmus Smut
11-21-22, 01:05

I will be in Medellin from January 16 to January 21 (5 Days). I reached out like this before and met some good ISG brothers and looking to do the same again. This announcement is to see if anyone is interested in either or both of these two things:

- Lunch.

** I've met other mongers in Medellin on previous trips and had lunch with them. I found the socializing to be good way to get into the groove of a far off city.

** Would aim to have a handshake, trade stories, and tips on locations of girls as we all have our habits that we prefer.

- Provenza.

** I've gone solo through Provenza and never stopped for a sit and a beer there. The place looks too damn nice, too social to keep passing up, but I do not want to do that solo. Provenza is not as easily allow for a solo gringo, so looking for a wingman to simply chill with.

** Looking for possible wingman for dance clubs. An ISG brother sparked my interest, so that is an itch I want to scratch.

That's it. If anyone is up for one or both, message me.

About me: I'm exceptionally normal. No anxiety issues, no prescriptions, no drugs. Just a beer and occasional cigarette from the street vendors.

Voodoo Jones
11-21-22, 03:27
I'll be in Medellin on December 9th and staying for a week. First time here, but I've been to Bogota twice earlier this year and hooked with 3 of the same girls on both trips.

Here's an odd question: are weekdays or weekends better for meeting up with the FB women in Medellin? I have a girl I met in Bogota that will visit for a couple days. I was wondering if I should have her over the weekend or come during the end of my trip on Wednesday.

11-21-22, 04:33
Don, I do not play anymore. Thing about Medellin is that I always considered it overrated. On the sugar baby front, some of the women I met there were hot and often good in bed, but too many were short term oriented. Paulie called the whole country of Colombia a scam and I get why he said that, but I am not sure I agree with that statement. If he left it to just Medellin, I probably would agree.

I was in Brazil in 2004, and I was the only one in our party of 3 who did not get mugged. (GREAT STORY) A friend was walking the tourist area of Atlantic Avenue at night and was jumped by 3 guys. No one gave a shit. My brother and I were in the center of town the next day, where there are few tourists, and a pickpocket tried to grab his wallet, and there was like a whole platoon of police after the attempted thief. That told me with the Brazilian police where their priorities were, and it was protecting Brazilians not tourists.

In Cartagena a few years ago, there was a senior member of police busted for trafficking women especially the Vennies. If the police had tie ins to the scopolamine poisonings, and I have no evidence they are, it would not surprise me in the least. There was a guy here named Dublin who called police in Cartagena thinking they would be on his side when WGs tried to rip him off. The police took the WG side and told him to pay the women.

For safety purposes, I always thought it best to get the hotel staff on your side. If they call the police on your behalf, IMO you will be far better off than if you do it on your own. When I stayed in a hotel a while and was screening prospects, I tipped the doormen and staff, joked with them, and got on a first name basis with them. If it is your word against hers, you are probably going to lose. If it is you and a hotel staff's word against hers, IMO I think the odds go in your favor.

Keep in mind though that many hotels do not want to see you brining in women who look like hookers. One of my seeking women came to the Marriott in super short shorts and the manager almost had a seizure. I paid a guest fee just to smooth things over and it calmed him down.

At the end of the day though, the police will do what the pols tell them to, and the pols usually do represent the will of the people. Point is if the people think it is okay to mug mongers, and I get the feeling many think it is okay, then this is going to continue.

At this point, the only way I would go to Medellin is if I screened the women extensively and stayed in a place with high security. Otherwise, I would just avoid it and head to places in Colombia where these poisonings are not an issue or at least much less of one. This is some pretty scary shit.Elvis, I am at a very safe 5* hotel. They love me there. Check ID's & not going to let the SW, Ho's & scanks in. I know the management. I wouldn't consider bringing some WG over there. (well unless she is extremely hot & conservatively dressed) I appreciate and respect the hotel managers. My own friends (in business etc) and girls I've met over time are waved in. When I accompany them.

I think yes it is an accepted behavior for guys and girls to run wild in Medellin. Getting into trouble at the cost of death to some, bragging rights about how many pops blah, blah. So my post was to see if the sensible guys could slow down and think about their actions before it's too late. And I have asked around to the people who run the tourism office and own hotels and new hotel developments. You are partially correct, Medellin has IMAGE problems. My friends who visited from Vegas watched 3 robberies within 1 block in one hour in Lleras. They say they will never come back.

We dealt with this in Vegas 30 years ago. Girls were grabbing guys dicks on the sidewalks. Now we have family's with strollers on the sidewalks. Busier than ever and the ho's are relegated to specific playgrounds. (LOL) Medellin (& Colombia) has far more tourists interested in Tours & Adventures and exploring the country than looking for hookers. It's probably #1 or 2 in the world for ecotourism, and adventure seekers. #2 for it's diversity of wildlife, tropical birds. There are more backpackers and digital nomads coming than the "mongers" Last time I counted there were 58 Hostels in Medellin. Really. And all had tour desks with things to do besides looking for pros.

I am not saying that Vegas doesn't still have plenty of naughtiness to go around. LOL. The top 9 of 10 nightclubs in the world are here. And yes armatures, pros, whatever you call them (college kids on Spring break) are using the thousands of hotel rooms every night to fuck. We are making gobs of money with very little gambling anymore. LOL So Maybe we are that horrible entity your GF is talking about. LOL but we do a better job with marketing the image!

Medellin needs to start rebranding so people can use the streets bringing kids with strollers for visits. It will happen. Maybe 30 years from now, maybe sooner.

11-21-22, 05:14
If you think Medellin has an image problem now you should have seen it when I used to come here for business back the 90's. Armed guards were common. In fact as recently as 10 years ago the entrance to parking garages at the malls were manned by security guys with mirrors on extension poles they used to make sure cars waiting to get in were not rigged with bombs. Today, as far as tourism officials and the government in general is concerned punters don't exist. That's the real answer for guys who keep asking "why doesn't the government do something. " The government will step in if and when missionaries, NGO workers, or ecotourists (the real ones, not punters pretending to be for the benefit of their families back home) start turning up drugged / robbed / dead. We are a subculture and therefore not a priority for law enforcement or politicians. The mayor is under constant pressure from powerful conservative groups (uribistas). He was recalled and forced out of City Hall until Petro re-instated him. There is no way he or Petro are going to advocate on behalf of sex tourists because it would give his political opponents more ammunition. The "say no to the sex tourist" movement is alive and well. You can find signage in business once you get a few streets away from Parque Lleras. The USA State Department and European foreign ministries are also unlikely to prioritize the issue ahead of immigration, narcotraffic, and intelligence coordination vis-a-vis Venezuela and its relations with Russia and China. Real talk, in the bigger picture national leaders have to manage we are just not very important.

Elvis, I am at a very safe 5* hotel. They love me there. Check ID's & not going to let the SW, Ho's & scanks in. I know the management. I wouldn't consider bringing some WG over there. (well unless she is extremely hot & conservatively dressed) I appreciate and respect the hotel managers. My own friends (in business etc) and girls I've met over time are waved in. When I accompany them.

I think yes it is an accepted behavior for guys and girls to run wild in Medellin. Getting into trouble at the cost of death to some, bragging rights about how many pops blah, blah. So my post was to see if the sensible guys could slow down and think about their actions before it's too late. And I have asked around to the people who run the tourism office and own hotels and new hotel developments. You are partially correct, Medellin has IMAGE problems. My friends who visited from Vegas watched 3 robberies within 1 block in one hour in Lleras. They say they will never come back..

11-21-22, 07:01
If you think Medellin has an image problem now ...............Today, as far as tourism officials and the government in general is concerned punters don't exist. That's the real answer for guys who keep asking "why doesn't the government do something. " The government will step in if and when missionaries, NGO workers, or ecotourists (the real ones, not punters pretending to be for the benefit of their families back home) start turning up drugged / robbed / dead. We are a subculture and therefore not a priority.I too have friends who have not forgotten those days during and after Escobar. Buildings blowing up. They seem to think I will disappear there. Casacol wants to see most of the "mongers" to stay home. Because those eco tourists and digital nomads bring in a lot more $. So I hope we can all get along. When I see them I will NOT mention our secrets.

$ exchange at airport per https://en.casacol.co/blogs/where-to-change-money-in-medellin/.

11-21-22, 07:07
Keep in mind though that many hotels do not want to see you brining in women who look like hookers. One of my seeking women came to the Marriott in super short shorts and the manager almost had a seizure. I paid a guest fee just to smooth things over and it calmed him down. Lmao he would of dropped dead if he saw the way girls in vegas dress now a days with those see thru dresses in the hotel lobby's haha.

11-21-22, 07:24

I will be in Medellin from January 16 to January 21 (5 Days). I reached out like this before and met some good ISG brothers and looking to do the same again. This announcement is to see if anyone is interested in either or both of these two things:

- Lunch.

** I've met other mongers in Medellin on previous trips and had lunch with them. I found the socializing to be good way to get into the groove of a far off city.

** Would aim to have a handshake, trade stories, and tips on locations of girls as we all have our habits that we prefer.

- Provenza.

** I've gone solo through Provenza and never stopped for a sit and a beer there. The place looks too damn nice, too social to keep passing up, but I do not want to do that solo. Provenza is not as easily allow for a solo gringo, so looking for a wingman to simply chill with.

** Looking for possible wingman for dance clubs. An ISG brother sparked my interest, so that is an itch I want to scratch.

That's it. If anyone is up for one or both, message me.

About me: I'm exceptionally normal. No anxiety issues, no prescriptions, no drugs. Just a beer and occasional cigarette from the street vendors.I will be arriving the 19th for a week solo, My first time there so it would be cool to shoot the shit with someone like you said for lunch or whatever. I plan to check out provenza as well. I have some chicks I'm talking to already that I might take on dates but I still plan on checking out gustos, la isla club and maybe the mansion.

As far as non mongering activities I'm thinking about doing airbnb tours to comuna 13, maybe gautupe and fuck it perhaps a pablo escobar tour if I get bored.

About me: I'm in my mid 30's,in shape, not bad looking, oh and hispanic and fluent in spanish too so there's that. If you can relate and as long as you don't have a huge gut haha or anyone else who see's this if you're going to be in town, hit me up, we could make a good team at the clubs / bars. Just beers for me too, not trying to get drunk or mess with drugs.

11-21-22, 14:54
This is true. It's been happening for years. It's getting more media attention recently because it's good clickbait. It reminds me of a couple of years ago when there was a flurry of reporting that tourists were turning up dead in the Dominican Republic. As it turned out the overall incidence was in line with other tourism hubs and had not spiked as the reports suggested. The druggings in Colombia are a real thing and there are effective ways to prevent it. I have no objection to it getting hyped up in the press because it's likely to remind guys to be careful and it's likely to discourage guys who are prone to becoming victims from coming here.

I guess the moral of the story would be to always stay somewhere that has security 24/7 and ask the Portero to hold on to the Chicas cedula / passport until you physically escort her out of the building. Under these circumstance the worst that could happen is a Chica could get into your safety box / belongings and take things that would not be noticed upon her departure. Like only taking a small amount of money from a wallet, etc.

There's been multiple posts about this happening over the years here.

Mr Enternational
11-21-22, 15:12
Today, as far as tourism officials and the government in general is concerned punters don't exist. That's the real answer for guys who keep asking "why doesn't the government do something. " The government will step in if and when missionaries, NGO workers, or ecotourists (the real ones, not punters pretending to be for the benefit of their families back home) start turning up drugged / robbed / dead. We are a subculture and therefore not a priority for law enforcement or politicians. Exactly. Why do mongers keep thinking they are somebody? People in this hobby get really inflated egos. You are in a very small circle of people in the grand scheme of things and not propping economies up as many assume. They do not need your kind around there. You are not the first class golden goose that you think you are; you are simply being tolerated. Sure a few lazy hookers are depending on you, but the other 99.999999% of the population thinks of you as a gnat on a dog's dick and could give 2 fucks. Just another hard-up clueless foreign guy here for drugs and prostitutes.

Mr Enternational
11-21-22, 15:23
One of my seeking women came to the Marriott in super short shorts and the manager almost had a seizure. I thought seeking's finest were supposed to be the bees knees? Even centro chicks have sense enough to change out of their hooker gear before leaving the strip.

Reminds me of a chick that came to see me in Manila. I had previously met her in a hooker club but this time she was coming 2 hours from her house. She showed up in full hooker gear. I said why are you dressed like that? You do not have any normal clothes? She actually said that she changed into that after getting off the bus and before arriving at my hotel and left her normal clothes in her bag wherever the hell. Here I am thinking we are about to go out and do normal shit. But not with her dressed like that! Fucked her and paid her and sent her on her way. Most of these chicks are as dumb as rocks.

11-21-22, 15:31
no drugs. Just ... an occasional cigarette from the street vendors.So, no drugs except for the absolute most dangerous one that has killed the most people. Got it.

11-21-22, 15:40
I'll be in Medellin on December 9th and staying for a week. First time here, but I've been to Bogota twice earlier this year and hooked with 3 of the same girls on both trips.

Here's an odd question: are weekdays or weekends better for meeting up with the FB women in Medellin? I have a girl I met in Bogota that will visit for a couple days. I was wondering if I should have her over the weekend or come during the end of my trip on Wednesday.Its going to heavily depend on whether or not the FB girl has a day job or does some other type of work/school.

Voodoo Jones
11-21-22, 17:36
If you need to do that many things to not get drugged is it not better to not bring a girl over? Or go to a sex-motel with the exact amount of money for the prepago and for the room and the driver so if she is about to rob you she won't get nothing?I know drugging is more common in Medellin, but when I visited Bogota, I always had the women come to my apartment / hotel. The ones I met off Seeking, I would meet them at a restaurant within walking distance and never revealed where I was staying until we got there. If they were catfishing me, it would give me an opportunity to walk away.

The apartment or hotel had 24/7 security and required IDs are all visitors. I also never left my drinks unattended and ordered all transportation myself. I recommend Uber because if something goes wrong, at least they have the driver's personal info. A friend of a friend was robbed in Bogota once by getting into a taxi he hailed off the street and the driver took him somewhere where two other men got into the car.

I don't think what I did in Bogota was overly-cautious. It was the basic advice I got here and what I would repeat in any city I visit alone.

11-21-22, 19:03
I am not judging. This is an honest observation. This post strikes me as more plausible as trolling victims than a serious product pitch.Not trolling anyone. I lived part-time and later full-time in Medellin for 9 years and hung out with dozens of locals. The expression, "There but for the grace of god, go I," fully applies. Everything in my product suggestion / collection of safety protocols is the result of thinking through now, in full view of the details of these appalling crimes, how one could conceivably defend against them. I am certainly not implying that I would have implemented these protocols during my time in Medellin, absent the knowledge only now coming to light of the modus operandi of these criminals.

11-21-22, 19:35
I know drugging is more common in Medellin, but when I visited Bogota, I always had the women come to my apartment / hotel. The ones I met off Seeking, I would meet them at a restaurant within walking distance and never revealed where I was staying until we got there. If they were catfishing me, it would give me an opportunity to walk away.

The apartment or hotel had 24/7 security and required IDs are all visitors. I also never left my drinks unattended and ordered all transportation myself. I recommend Uber because if something goes wrong, at least they have the driver's personal info. A friend of a friend was robbed in Bogota once by getting into a taxi he hailed off the street and the driver took him somewhere where two other men got into the car.

I don't think what I did in Bogota was overly-cautious. It was the basic advice I got here and what I would repeat in any city I visit alone.All great guidelines that every hobbyists should emulate. While one can't 100% eliminate risk, you can make it pretty marginal w these common sense precautions.

Mr Enternational
11-21-22, 19:36
This is true. It's been happening for years. It's getting more media attention recently because it's good clickbait. It reminds me of a couple of years ago when there was a flurry of reporting that tourists were turning up dead in the Dominican Republic. As it turned out the overall incidence was in line with other tourism hubs and had not spiked as the reports suggested. That was said to be US government propaganda put out to discourage tourism because the Dominican government had started working more with the Chinese government.

Too many strange things about some of those stories that led me to call BS. For instance one story said that a couple was killed when their car was run off the road and into the ocean on their drive from Punta Cana to Santo Domingo airport. Well for that drive one would have to be driving west. The seaside is on the part of the highway going east. Also you can not see ANY water on the westerly drive from Punta Cana to the Santo Domingo airport. You can only see the water on the easterly drive from Santo Domingo city to the airport. Seemed to be only Americans that were dying from those stories that were put out.

Elvis 2008
11-21-22, 19:44
I thought seeking's finest were supposed to be the bees knees? Even centro chicks have sense enough to change out of their hooker gear before leaving the strip.Why would you expect a clueless daughter in a rich family to behave the same as a typical WG?

11-21-22, 19:59
It is travel 101. Once we are liquored up it becomes an advanced course of study. With practice it becomes second nature.

All great guidelines that every hobbyists should emulate. While one can't 100% eliminate risk, you can make it pretty marginal w these common sense precautions.

11-21-22, 20:00
It will heavily depend on what the girl's boyfriend or husband allows.

Its going to heavily depend on whether or not the FB girl has a day job or does some other type of work/school.

11-21-22, 20:13
I know drugging is more common in Medellin, but when I visited Bogota, I always had the women come to my apartment / hotel. The ones I met off Seeking, I would meet them at a restaurant within walking distance and never revealed where I was staying until we got there. If they were catfishing me, it would give me an opportunity to walk away.

The apartment or hotel had 24/7 security and required IDs are all visitors. I also never left my drinks unattended and ordered all transportation myself. I recommend Uber because if something goes wrong, at least they have the driver's personal info. A friend of a friend was robbed in Bogota once by getting into a taxi he hailed off the street and the driver took him somewhere where two other men got into the car.

I don't think what I did in Bogota was overly-cautious. It was the basic advice I got here and what I would repeat in any city I visit alone.All this is sound advice to stay safe. I have visited Medellin twice and I have followed these basic guidelines. I have not run into any problems but I am an experienced monger in other countries and have always been careful and aware of my surroundings. One thing that helps me is that I have always in big cities in America and in big cities like Baltimore, New York City, Chicago, and the like, you just are careful and not very trusting of people. Ha ha ha. I mention that because people in small towns and the smaller cities tend to be more trusting and nice and unfortunately, they are more likely to be taken advantage of in places like Medellin.

11-21-22, 21:47
Exactly. Why do mongers keep thinking they are somebody? People in this hobby get really inflated egos. You are in a very small circle of people in the grand scheme of things and not propping economies up as many assume. They do not need your kind around there. You are not the first class golden goose that you think you are; you are simply being tolerated. Sure a few lazy hookers are depending on you, but the other 99.999999% of the population thinks of you as a gnat on a dog's dick and could give 2 fucks. Just another hard-up clueless foreign guy here for drugs and prostitutes.Best post I have read in a long time. More mongers need to read this and check their attitude.

11-21-22, 22:31
I've been hearing these reports for 15 years. They spike up from time to time but it's been consistent. In an earlier post I described the security situation here back in the 90's. I don't doubt the drugging and robberies were happening then too. There were fewer foreigners then and with all the other horrific stuff happening I did not get the attention it does now. I wonder if I would be at more risk if I were less of a Centro rat.

Not trolling anyone. I lived part-time and later full-time in Medellin for 9 years and hung out with dozens of locals. The expression, "There but for the grace of god, go I," fully applies. Everything in my product suggestion / collection of safety protocols is the result of thinking through now, in full view of the details of these appalling crimes, how one could conceivably defend against them. I am certainly not implying that I would have implemented these protocols during my time in Medellin, absent the knowledge only now coming to light of the modus operandi of these criminals.

11-22-22, 00:58
It will heavily depend on what the girl's boyfriend or husband allows.Lot's of girls here as you mention have boyfriends or husbands that know exactly what they are doing seeing clients and are partaking in the monies made.

I have two in my stable just like this, and the boyfriends / husbands know exactly what is going on, and they are "kinda okay " with it, not sure how to articulate it, but they just tolerate it, as it helps pay the bills.

11-22-22, 01:51
All this is sound advice to stay safe. I have visited Medellin twice and I have followed these basic guidelines. I have not run into any problems but I am an experienced monger in other countries and have always been careful and aware of my surroundings. One thing that helps me is that I have always in big cities in America and in big cities like Baltimore, New York City, Chicago, and the like, you just are careful and not very trusting of people. Ha ha ha. I mention that because people in small towns and the smaller cities tend to be more trusting and nice and unfortunately, they are more likely to be taken advantage of in places like Medellin.I disagree with your final assumption. People in small towns are more trusting, of their neighbors. However, the big city is where all the bad stuff happens, so they tend to be distrustful of strangers.

Now, they might be easier to trick or scam, bit not many of them are going to show up in Medellin believing everyone is their friend.

Until I was 18 I was rarely more than a 10 minute walk away from fresh cowshit.

11-22-22, 02:01
I've been hearing these reports for 15 years. They spike up from time to time but it's been consistent. In an earlier post I described the security situation here back in the 90's. I don't doubt the drugging and robberies were happening then too. There were fewer foreigners then and with all the other horrific stuff happening I did not get the attention it does now. I wonder if I would be at more risk if I were less of a Centro rat.Back in December 2017 3 foreigners were killed in Medellin in something like 48 hours. 1 American was allegedly drugged by a girl at his apartment near Parque Poblado. She opened the door for her boyfriend. The gringo was still alert enough to put up a fight, and was stabbed and killed. The killer was caught not long after. The girl was found cowering in the apartment.

The second, a Mexican national was found dead, stuffed in a large suitcase along Calle 10. Apparently he was from a Mexican cartel and whatever business he was engaged in went wrong.

The final one, 2 Cuban nationals working in Medellin were found drugged along Autopista Sur south of Medellin. One died from the drugs, the other was hospitalized and recovered.

11-22-22, 02:23
Sure a few lazy hookers are depending on you, but the other 99.999999% of the population thinks of you as a gnat on a dog's dick and could give 2 fucks. Just another hard-up clueless foreign guy here for drugs and prostitutes.Hey! . Cry cry cry. And I thought we were friends. :(

11-22-22, 03:56
Returning to Medellin next month, haven't been around for a while, is Parque Lleras still good for picking up hookers? Heard some people say the hookers no longer congregate there.

11-22-22, 04:52
Returning to Medellin next month, haven't been around for a while, is Parque Lleras still good for picking up hookers? Heard some people say the hookers no longer congregate there.Did not see any attractive hookers last visit in March. Saw over weights, drug addicts, etc. Nothing worth a dime. Park was closed for renovation, not sure if it is open again.

Try the clubs mentioned, for take out, or on premises.

11-22-22, 10:29
I'm arranging a date with a girl from FB who also works as Webcam model (I found this out later, we started chatting for a languagge exchange). I have already sent 50 mil for contenito via western union (and price for rato 200 mill when we meet. I'm the one who offered money and she said why not) .

She is Venezuelan and she sent me a photo of her venezuelan cedula when we were joking about age, someone in this forum mention that some hotels don't allow Venezuelan with no colombian ID? Can someone please clarify this?

Also, when I asked her for passport photo (I knew already she didn't have one) she said that her dad is a Colombian nationality and she's will get a passport as soon she manage to save money as it's expensive to get one, is this how it works or shall raise a red flag? She moved to Colombia only 2 years ago, she's 24.

Another option, as I have her cedula already, would be to ask her if she's happy for me to register both of us for an airbnb I know close to a casa and where to go so I could do double duty when she decide to leave (Maximum price and minimum time are set).

No need to say cards and passport will stay in my real hotel and I will make her aware of this (in a nice way).

First timer in Colombia so trying figure out if I'm geting thinghs right.


11-22-22, 10:41
Returning to Medellin next month, haven't been around for a while, is Parque Lleras still good for picking up hookers? Heard some people say the hookers no longer congregate there.They are still there, just been pushed up one block to the Calle 10 intersection.

11-22-22, 10:47
Exactly. Why do mongers keep thinking they are somebody? ....I think they think just like normal people. Criminals don't make the distinction either.

11-22-22, 12:26
Why would you expect a clueless daughter in a rich family to behave the same as a typical WG?& all the other nightclub party girls and all Pro Pussy girls.. with $$ for nothin wearin those "outfits" baring it all. "that's the way we do it".... just ignore me. . . I like Colombia and Mexico a whole lot more.

Nil Admirari
11-22-22, 14:04
Returning to Medellin next month, haven't been around for a while, is Parque Lleras still good for picking up hookers? Heard some people say the hookers no longer congregate there.

I departed Medellin in September, but several recent posts suggest that the Parque Lleras streetwalker action has gravitated in large part from the street fronting the Park itself and Gustos, to Calle 10 and perhaps even into Provenza. My own experience over extended visits the past four years:
Though based in Laureles, I would get over to Poblado once or twice a week for Spanish/English intercambios or some other event, usually followed by a SW fishing expedition around the park. Perhaps in one out of four or five visits I would spot a highly doable chica, and in one in twenty or so trolling trips, score a real keeper. Two additions to my long-term stable (gals I've been seeing regularly for a couple of years now) were found at Parque Lleras --and are comparable in looks and GFE performance to the best of the ladies that I have pulled from Luna Lunera and Fase II. That said, it definitely takes patience if you're super choosy like me and content to go home alone and still horny 4 out of 5 visits. That's why I usually only bother to make the Parque Lleras rounds if I'm in Poblado on other business,

11-22-22, 14:50
I have already sent 50 mil for contenito via western union (and price for rato 200 mill when we meet. I'm the one who offered money) ... First timer in Colombia so trying figure out if I'm getting things right.You're not. You sent money to some ho you have not met. No.

11-22-22, 15:08
I'm arranging a date with a girl from FB who also works as Webcam model (I found this out later, we started chatting for a languagge exchange). I have already sent 50 mil for contenito via western union (and price for rato 200 mill when we meet. I'm the one who offered money and she said why not) .

She is Venezuelan and she sent me a photo of her venezuelan cedula when we were joking about age, someone in this forum mention that some hotels don't allow Venezuelan with no colombian ID? Can someone please clarify this?

Also, when I asked her for passport photo (I knew already she didn't have one) she said that her dad is a Colombian nationality and she's will get a passport as soon she manage to save money as it's expensive to get one, is this how it works or shall raise a red flag? She moved to Colombia only 2 years ago, she's 24...I'm certain that three places I know well in Laureles would deny entry. San Peter Apartments, Hotel Dorado and Thematic Luxury. (Thematic is a short-term hotel but much nicer than the typical. But more costly too). I asked at Thematic and they wanted a passport or a document from Migracion Colombia.

Since she has a Colombian father she should be able to get a Colombian cedula. Why hasn't she done that if she has been living in Medellin for 2 years?? As to the passport? I'm curious how she is going to pull that stunt off. She would need a Colombian cedula in order to get a Colombian passport (BTW I was actually looking at this with a Colombiana last night, the cost is less than 200 mil, so not that expensive). Is she planning on returning to Venezuela to get a Venezuelan passport?

As to your plan to rent an Air-bnb. I imagine if you get one without a security desk to monitor entry you could make it work. But are you really eager to take on that risk?

11-22-22, 15:30
I'm arranging a date with a girl from FB who also works as Webcam model (I found this out later, we started chatting for a languagge exchange). I have already sent 50 mil for contenito via western union (and price for rato 200 mill when we meet. I'm the one who offered money and she said why not) .

She is Venezuelan and she sent me a photo of her venezuelan cedula when we were joking about age, someone in this forum mention that some hotels don't allow Venezuelan with no colombian ID? Can someone please clarify this?

Also, when I asked her for passport photo (I knew already she didn't have one) she said that her dad is a Colombian nationality and she's will get a passport as soon she manage to save money as it's expensive to get one, is this how it works or shall raise a red flag? She moved to Colombia only 2 years ago, she's 24.
Yeah, some hotels will not accept Ven cedulas. It's crazy. Col Immigration will accept it, but a hotel won't. WTF? They are easy to forge though, there is a shop behind hotel nutibara which makes them for 50 k.

Not sure why you need a passport photo. Girls usully look better in more relaxed photo sessions. Ven passports cost USD 300 - a crazy high prices for Venzlans. Thats why most don't have them.

P.S.: my webcam model is 40 k. Just saying.

11-22-22, 16:18
Exactly. Why do mongers keep thinking they are somebody? People in this hobby get really inflated egos. You are in a very small circle of people in the grand scheme of things and not propping economies up as many assume. They do not need your kind around there. You are not the first class golden goose that you think you are; you are simply being tolerated. Sure a few lazy hookers are depending on you, but the other 99.999999% of the population thinks of you as a gnat on a dog's dick and could give 2 fucks. Just another hard-up clueless foreign guy here for drugs and prostitutes.Chill, that's the Sosua mongers.

11-22-22, 18:13
Chill, that's the Sosua mongers.No. I've been reading this board for a long time and what he's saying has been said many times. Guys say that hotels should be thanking us, instead of charging extra for chicas aren't uncommon. Some have even said the Colombian government should recognize how important we are to the economy.

But most of us are just another guy getting off a plane. Nobody is having a parade to welcome the mongers. Most people assume we're just here as normal tourists. That's where everyone should strive to be. Keep a low profile.

Don't put a woman in lingerie on a leash and walk her around Provenza. Don't post on YouTube telling guys that all Colombian women will fuck if you insult and sexually assault them in public (it happened). Don't walk around shouting "donde estan las putas!" And don't walk around flashing your cash and jewelry.

Have fun, do your thing, but don't end up aa a front page news story.

11-22-22, 18:17
Chill, that's the Sosua mongers.Do you mean the BroHams?

11-22-22, 18:34
I'm arranging a date with a girl from FB who also works as Webcam model (I found this out later, we started chatting for a languagge exchange). I have already sent 50 mil for contenito via western union (and price for rato 200 mill when we meet. I'm the one who offered money and she said why not) .

She is Venezuelan and she sent me a photo of her venezuelan cedula when we were joking about age, someone in this forum mention that some hotels don't allow Venezuelan with no colombian ID? Can someone please clarify this?

Also, when I asked her for passport photo (I knew already she didn't have one) she said that her dad is a Colombian nationality and she's will get a passport as soon she manage to save money as it's expensive to get one, is this how it works or shall raise a red flag? She moved to Colombia only 2 years ago, she's 24..You're not getting things right.

The money you sent wasn't payment for anything. If she told you she'll fuck for 200 k, and you already gave her 200 k, she's got no reason to fuck you, unless she expects at least 200 k more.

Any place with acceptable security probably won't let her in on just a Venezuelan cedula. Deliberately finding ways to avoid security, especially for a newbie is a bad idea. Then letting the girl know there's more money and plastic at another location? Probably will ruin your chances of winning Rookie Monger of the Year award.

Planning anything that involves "when she decides to leave" is a huge mistake. You bring 1 over, fuck her, pay her and send her away. Then you repeat with another girl. And another. Then, if you want to see the first 1 again, bring her back for another session. Don't put her name on the Airbnb and don't let her decide when to leave.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy having a girl hang out for 2-4 hours, but that's it unless I've got enough time with her to trust her.

Elvis 2008
11-22-22, 20:09
Chill, that's the Sosua mongers.Nah, Mr. E is totally right. Your typical monger is delusional about his status. The ex-Colombian president came out and said we want the sex tourist gone. It reminded me of the time when all these states in the USA started going after mongers. They said guys seeing prostitutes were supporting trafficking. When guys heard about that, they all were like "I am not for trafficking. " instead of the government is coming for your ass.

Fast forward a few years, and Robert Kraft, the billionaire owner of the New England Patriots, gets busted. The police faked a bomb scare to put a camera in an oriental massage parlor. The woman who got Kraft off with a HJ was Chinese American and some douche bag prosecutor was like, "Kraft is supporting trafficking. " It is at that point I think guys got it. If the cops are going to be faking bomb scares and going after Kraft, what chance do I have? I am not playing in the USA anymore. The woman who serviced Kraft refused to testify against him and the court threw the video of Kraft's HJ out and Kraft walked, but thousands of other men got caught in these stings.

If I asked the average guy paying for women in the USA, do you pay women for sex? And follow that up with: are you a law abiding citizen? I bet you 99% of guys would answer both questions yes without even seeing the hypocrisy.

11-22-22, 21:16
They are still there, just been pushed up one block to the Calle 10 intersection.Ah ok, do you know if there is still a police presence in the area for tourist safety in the calle 10 intersection?

Voodoo Jones
11-22-22, 21:47
I'm arranging a date with a girl from FB who also works as Webcam model (I found this out later, we started chatting for a languagge exchange). I have already sent 50 mil for contenito via western union (and price for rato 200 mill when we meet. I'm the one who offered money and she said why not) .

She is Venezuelan and she sent me a photo of her venezuelan cedula when we were joking about age, someone in this forum mention that some hotels don't allow Venezuelan with no colombian ID? Can someone please clarify this?

Also, when I asked her for passport photo (I knew already she didn't have one) she said that her dad is a Colombian nationality and she's will get a passport as soon she manage to save money as it's expensive to get one, is this how it works or shall raise a red flag? She moved to Colombia only 2 years ago, she's 24.

Another option, as I have her cedula already, would be to ask her if she's happy for me to register both of us for an airbnb I know close to a casa and where to go so I could do double duty when she decide to leave (Maximum price and minimum time are set).

No need to say cards and passport will stay in my real hotel and I will make her aware of this (in a nice way).

First timer in Colombia so trying figure out if I'm geting thinghs right.

Thanks.Personally, I didn't ask any of the women in Bogota for their IDs. I left it up to the front desk to do that and just followed the precautions I mentioned in my previous post. Now, when I returned to Bogota, I did book a hotel for a couple days with one and needed a copy of her ID to book, but I already hooked up with her 3 different days on my first trip and felt comfortable enough to have her stay overnight. I wouldn't recommend having someone you met for the first time stay overnight at your hotel. Have fun and tell her to go home.

Also, I never recommend giving a woman money that you never met, even if you're "buying" videos or photos from her. She can easily be telling other dudes the same shit and then ghosting them. Besides, you can get free videos and photos online. Women think somehow their ass and tits are worth more because you're talking to them. We're not here to collect photos, we're here to collect experiences.

11-22-22, 22:51
If anyone wants to chill grab a drink and swap stories and perhaps go hunting during the holidays when shit is closed. Inbox me. In early 40's native Spanish speaker.

11-22-22, 23:14
There's another tool there's a website that's free it's called chicacheck. Co. The guy uploaded 10,000 Colombian Facebook profiles of girls you can run your girl through the search and get her Facebook profile or you can add a review on some of the girls or even upload photos it's a brand new site so they don't have a lot of the details filled in yet but it's a great place to start they're going to post a section called bad girls of Medellin and it's going to have pictures of all the girls that were accused of robberies and druggies and you could just swipe through them to see if your date is one of those photos check it out it's free Chicacheck. Co it's up to us to give the reviews and fill in the blanks.I registered. I think it's a good venture. I submitted some reviews and comments to chickas I have met. If more do it will be a goldmine. Thank for the tip QueRico!

Voodoo Jones
11-22-22, 23:25
Has anyone seen this YouTube video about a guy who was drugged in Cartagena and tracked down the girl in Medellin? There's also a part 2.


Long story short: he lives in Cartagena, invited a woman on Tinder, she doesn't want any payment, just wants to party and drink with her friend. They come over, the guy's friend was supposed to be there but he opted out, then he tells her to pour him a drink (yeah, I know) and he's out shortly after.

He paid some cops in Medellin to confront the girl, she admitted to robbing him, and they found a chemical in their bag. We will have to wait for a part 3 to know the conclusion.

What can we learn from this? First, he immediately invites the girl over the same day. Not unusual, but risky because she's not asking for any payment. She just wants to drink and bring a friend along.

I had the pros come over the same day, but the women from Seeking I talked to for a week before I got there. A scammer probably isn't going to spend time texting and getting to know you. You might never even go to Colombia then all that time would be for nothing.

I guess the moral of the story is that the Medellin cops will help if you pay them and do all the work yourself to identify the woman. That why it's always worth it to stay somewhere that IDs are mandatory to enter. Can she use a fake ID? Sure, but I wouldn't be able to spot one. I have more faith in the security guy at the front desk though.

Mr Enternational
11-23-22, 00:34
Lot's of girls here as you mention have boyfriends or husbands that know exactly what they are doing seeing clients and are partaking in the monies made.

I have two in my stable just like this, and the boyfriends / husbands know exactly what is going on, and they are "kinda okay " with it, not sure how to articulate it, but they just tolerate it, as it helps pay the bills.That is because many people or cultures think more of sex than it really is. Those that are able to "tolerate" it, as you put it, have reached a higher level of understanding. Those that can not tolerate it are just selfish as fuck. Not saying that being selfish is a bad thing, but a lot of people look at it as being a bad thing unless it involves their partner not sharing their body with anyone else. Then all of a sudden selfishness is supposedly a good thing.

Mr Enternational
11-23-22, 00:52
I have already sent 50 mil for contenito via western union (and price for rato 200 mill when we meet. I'm the one who offered money and she said why not).Yeah because who is going to say no to free money. Nothing to figure out. You threw away the money. Not saying anything is wrong with that, but I would not rest my hope of getting laid on some stranger claiming their father is of a certain nationality and the proper documentation will be in hand soon. It is hard enough to get chicks that already have their documents in hand to show up.

There is a saying about the best laid plans. In my experience things work best when a guy is on deck with money to give and a chick is on the same deck with pussy to be exchanged for it. Not well I have money and will be happy to part with it today in hopes of getting some pussy 18 weeks from now. Just kiss the money goodbye and next time don't spend it until the pussy is in front of your face ready to be fucked.

11-23-22, 01:23
Yo Bro. Were you referring to me below!! Hehehe.

It was nice knowing you too. I am planning to be on ground 3rd week of Jan. Do not have dates yet.

Will let you know.


I will be in Medellin from January 16 to January 21 (5 Days). I reached out like this before and met some good ISG brothers and looking to do the same again. This announcement is to see if anyone is interested in either or both of these two things:

11-23-22, 03:41
You bring 1 over, fuck her, pay her and send her away. Then you repeat with another girl. And another. Then, if you want to see the first 1 again, bring her back for another session. Don't put her name on the Airbnb Does security care if it's a different girl every night? Or do they assume when you add a guest to your reservation it's suppose to be the same chick every day?

11-23-22, 04:01
It's quite a bit more widespread than that.

Chill, that's the Sosua mongers.

11-23-22, 04:16
The 50 mill cop I have sent were for videos only and for me a way to check if she had update photos. When we meet she will take the 200 agreeded for the rato. She 's more like she would like to fuck, stay around a bit doing other staff, propina for extra this and that and home, I don't let them sleep over. And the maximum time would be around 3 hrs for the first time.

Agree for the rest and I will take the advice not to co booking with me.

I will probably go for a love motel with her, it's seems the easier option.

I can still pay en extra hour to the love motel if needed.

You're not getting things right.

The money you sent wasn't payment for anything. If she told you she'll fuck for 200 k, and you already gave her 200 k, she's got no reason to fuck you, unless she expects at least 200 k more.

Any place with acceptable security probably won't let her in on just a Venezuelan cedula. Deliberately finding ways to avoid security, especially for a newbie is a bad idea. Then letting the girl know there's more money and plastic at another location? Probably will ruin your chances of winning Rookie Monger of the Year award.

Planning anything that involves "when she decides to leave" is a huge mistake. You bring 1 over, fuck her, pay her and send her away. Then you repeat with another girl. And another. Then, if you want to see the first 1 again, bring her back for another session. Don't put her name on the Airbnb and don't let her decide when to leave.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy having a girl hang out for 2-4 hours, but that's it unless I've got enough time with her to trust her.

11-23-22, 04:23
Are there are any love motels in el poblado besides las cabanas? I tried out Las cabanas love motel down the hill from parque lleras and found it underwhelming and slightly overpriced. Are there any other love motels nearby? Love motels seem to be prevalent throughout the city but I haven't noticed any in el poblado for some reason. A friend who lives on 70 raves about the new Ibiza lounge that opened this past year. The jacuzzi suite runs 80 k for 6 hours.

11-23-22, 05:42
You're not. You sent money to some ho you have not met. No.The money probably ended up in the hands of a Venezuelan dude. The stupidity with this guy is astonishing. Never send money period. This is even worse than the 2 k tips at the strip clubs.

OK carry on.

11-23-22, 13:19
I'm not trying to " Deliberately avoiding security " when I have actually suggested to register her ID for the booking with airbnb a few lines later.

Ok I understand she is an immigrant from Venezuela but I don't understand why she shouldn't be allowed to check in because of her immigrant status.

They are not all criminals unless I'm missing something.

Anyway, I'm a bit after this lady as she seems to tick some boxes:

As I mentioned we started chatting for a language exchange, we like the same music, she's bisexuale and happy to bring a friend.

Ideally I'm looking for one lady to see more regularly and than top up with casas and street hunting, one to have a bit of GFE if it makes sense + she likes fiesta and all the jazz.

I'm aware this does require a lot of trust. I like the barrio lady. If she doesn't fuck thinghs up it can be a deal for both.

I have a membership so I can receive private messages as well.

You're not getting things right.

The money you sent wasn't payment for anything. If she told you she'll fuck for 200 k, and you already gave her 200 k, she's got no reason to fuck you, unless she expects at least 200 k more.

Any place with acceptable security probably won't let her in on just a Venezuelan cedula. Deliberately finding ways to avoid security, especially for a newbie is a bad idea. Then letting the girl know there's more money and plastic at another location? Probably will ruin your chances of winning Rookie Monger of the Year award.

Planning anything that involves "when she decides to leave" is a huge mistake. You bring 1 over, fuck her, pay her and send her away. Then you repeat with another girl. And another. Then, if you want to see the first 1 again, bring her back for another session. Don't put her name on the Airbnb and don't let her decide when to leave.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy having a girl hang out for 2-4 hours, but that's it unless I've got enough time with her to trust her.

11-23-22, 15:06
A lot of guys are putting their faith in hotel security but there are potential flaws. Many of these girls are recruited by criminal gangs and are not working solo. How easy would it be for criminal gangs to create or obtain fake IDs for these girls? I don't think it would be very difficult. Keep in mind that these IDs are looked at by reception staff who are not experts in analyzing IDs and probably look at the ID for a few seconds. So it may be the case that the hotel has a copy of a fake ID.

Now perhaps they call you when the girl walks out alone. But sometimes the hotel lobby is large and it can be easy to evade hotel staff to leave the hotel. Also sometimes reception is busy helping others. And if the girl is experienced, she probably has done it already.

Now, lets say, you call the police and you have a picture or name of the girl and you are a tourist who is there for one week. They are probably not going to catch her while you are there, if they bother to put in the effort. How much do you trust the Colombian police to do their job on behalf of a gringo who is leaving soon? When they do catch her and there is a preliminary hearing, are you going to fly back and testify against her? I didn't think so. I wouldn't if it didn't fit my vacation schedule. I think the police and criminals know this too. So they probably let her go because there are no witnesses to testify against her. This is assuming that they could actually find her even if they know her name. I don't know how easy it would be find someone in Medellin but given the less organized nature of Colombia, I think it would be difficult unless you have the money to paid someone to track her down.

None of this is meant to scare you from coming to Colombia. It just means that you have be careful in Colombia because it is a more dangerous country than other mongering countries such as Thailand or Costa Rica.

11-23-22, 15:10
It's quite a bit more widespread than that.I hear the wife beaters and the nike slides are invading Cartagena.

11-23-22, 15:35
Does security care if it's a different girl every night? Or do they assume when you add a guest to your reservation it's suppose to be the same chick every day?Each place has its own rules. But my experience is that it is only the one chica that you have registered with you that would be allowed.

The only way you will know is to check beforehand with your host (if you are going to an Airbnb) or with hotel.

11-23-22, 16:15
A lot of guys are putting their faith in hotel security but there are potential flaws. Many of these girls are recruited by criminal gangs and are not working solo. How easy would it be for criminal gangs to create or obtain fake IDs for these girls? I don't think it would be very difficult. Keep in mind that these IDs are looked at by reception staff who are not experts in analyzing IDs and probably look at the ID for a few seconds. So it may be the case that the hotel has a copy of a fake ID.

Now perhaps they call you when the girl walks out alone. But sometimes the hotel lobby is large and it can be easy to evade hotel staff to leave the hotel. Also sometimes reception is busy helping others. And if the girl is experienced, she probably has done it already.

Now, lets say, you call the police and you have a picture or name of the girl and you are a tourist who is there for one week. They are probably not going to catch her while you are there, if they bother to put in the effort. How much do you trust the Colombian police to do their job on behalf of a gringo who is leaving soon? When they do catch her and there is a preliminary hearing, are you going to fly back and testify against her? I didn't think so. I wouldn't if it didn't fit my vacation schedule. I think the police and criminals know this too. So they probably let her go because there are no witnesses to testify against her. This is assuming that they could actually find her even if they know her name. I don't know how easy it would be find someone in Medellin but given the less organized nature of Colombia, I think it would be difficult unless you have the money to paid someone to track her down.

None of this is meant to scare you from coming to Colombia. It just means that you have be careful in Colombia because it is a more dangerous country than other mongering countries such as Thailand or Costa Rica.Some places scan IDs (barcodes) rather than make copies. Fake ID would probably won't pop up in the system once scanned. Also, some places lock the doors after 8 or 9 pm, so you can't just sneak in or out without being unnoticed, a security guy has to open the door for you or your guest.

11-23-22, 16:22
Are there are any love motels in el poblado besides las cabanas? I tried out Las cabanas love motel down the hill from parque lleras and found it underwhelming and slightly overpriced. Are there any other love motels nearby? Love motels seem to be prevalent throughout the city but I haven't noticed any in el poblado for some reason. A friend who lives on 70 raves about the new Ibiza lounge that opened this past year. The jacuzzi suite runs 80 k for 6 hours.This is a very good question. Love hotels in Poblado could be cheaper than taking a chick home with joiner fees and safer as maybe they can't steal your shit as bad.

I have a feeling walking down Calle 10 in the evening, there might be a few people that would know that answer. They might be dressed in very short skirts and always make eye contact with you.

Perhaps someone can ask them and report back.

11-23-22, 16:24
100 % agree, the lady who recently killed that guy days before dated someone else and she accessed dude building with an ID. Than she pushed him to drink and all the story is on Reddit.

But yes I wouldn't rely on a that, it's just a piece of plastic with a picture anyone can make better than real ones.

A lot of guys are putting their faith in hotel security but there are potential flaws. Many of these girls are recruited by criminal gangs and are not working solo. How easy would it be for criminal gangs to create or obtain fake IDs for these girls? I don't think it would be very difficult. Keep in mind that these IDs are looked at by reception staff who are not experts in analyzing IDs and probably look at the ID for a few seconds. So it may be the case that the hotel has a copy of a fake ID.

Now perhaps they call you when the girl walks out alone. But sometimes the hotel lobby is large and it can be easy to evade hotel staff to leave the hotel. Also sometimes reception is busy helping others. And if the girl is experienced, she probably has done it already.

Now, lets say, you call the police and you have a picture or name of the girl and you are a tourist who is there for one week. They are probably not going to catch her while you are there, if they bother to put in the effort. How much do you trust the Colombian police to do their job on behalf of a gringo who is leaving soon? When they do catch her and there is a preliminary hearing, are you going to fly back and testify against her? I didn't think so. I wouldn't if it didn't fit my vacation schedule. I think the police and criminals know this too. So they probably let her go because there are no witnesses to testify against her. This is assuming that they could actually find her even if they know her name. I don't know how easy it would be find someone in Medellin but given the less organized nature of Colombia, I think it would be difficult unless you have the money to paid someone to track her down.

None of this is meant to scare you from coming to Colombia. It just means that you have be careful in Colombia because it is a more dangerous country than other mongering countries such as Thailand or Costa Rica.

11-23-22, 17:04

Boots on ground. I used to get a good massage with awesome service in Aisha Spa.

Looks like it has closed. Any alternative nearby in Laureles now.

11-23-22, 18:04
Hi Elvis,

I don't think you will find many members here who would advocate going on paid dates in the US where it could leave you with a criminal record or a place on the sex offender list. There are numerous guys who suffered that fate who now wish they had paid the cost of airfare to avoid it. Robert Kraft's very high net worth and very advanced age sets him way apart from most of us I reckon. I always advise keeping as low a profile as practical to avoid problems.

Nah, Mr. E is totally right. Your typical monger is delusional about his status. The ex-Colombian president came out and said we want the sex tourist gone. It reminded me of the time when all these states in the USA started going after mongers. They said guys seeing prostitutes were supporting trafficking. When guys heard about that, they all were like "I am not for trafficking. " instead of the government is coming for your ass.

Fast forward a few years, and Robert Kraft, the billionaire owner of the New England Patriots, gets busted. The police faked a bomb scare to put a camera in an oriental massage parlor. The woman who got Kraft off with a HJ was Chinese American and some douche bag prosecutor was like, "Kraft is supporting trafficking. " It is at that point I think guys got it. If the cops are going to be faking bomb scares and going after Kraft, what chance do I have? I am not playing in the USA anymore. The woman who serviced Kraft refused to testify against him and the court threw the video of Kraft's HJ out and Kraft walked, but thousands of other men got caught in these stings.

If I asked the average guy paying for women in the USA, do you pay women for sex? And follow that up with: are you a law abiding citizen? I bet you 99% of guys would answer both questions yes without even seeing the hypocrisy.

Voodoo Jones
11-23-22, 18:34
A lot of guys are putting their faith in hotel security but there are potential flaws. Many of these girls are recruited by criminal gangs and are not working solo. How easy would it be for criminal gangs to create or obtain fake IDs for these girls? I don't think it would be very difficult. Keep in mind that these IDs are looked at by reception staff who are not experts in analyzing IDs and probably look at the ID for a few seconds. So it may be the case that the hotel has a copy of a fake ID.To play devil's advocate: if a Colombian can't spot a fake ID, then what chance does a foreigner have? It shouldn't be your only safeguard though.

A recurring theme we see in these druggings is that the men were drinking with the women. Most either had the woman serve them a drink or left their drinks unattended. I think this is the #1 rule we all should follow. If you need to take a piss, finish your drink and order / get one when you get back. If she got one for you when you were gone, say you've had enough and let her drink it.

And it should go without saying: don't get drunk guys. Keep your wits about you at all times.

11-23-22, 18:50
Does security care if it's a different girl every night? Or do they assume when you add a guest to your reservation it's suppose to be the same chick every day?Usually, no. They don't care. However, it depends on the hotel.

11-23-22, 18:59
Are there are any love motels in el poblado besides las cabanas? I tried out Las cabanas love motel down the hill from parque lleras and found it underwhelming and slightly overpriced. Are there any other love motels nearby? Love motels seem to be prevalent throughout the city but I haven't noticed any in el poblado for some reason. A friend who lives on 70 raves about the new Ibiza lounge that opened this past year. The jacuzzi suite runs 80 k for 6 hours.Motel Ibiza, just south of Mayorista on Autopista Sur is a quick taxi ride away from Parque Lleras. Looks like they've raised prices. 108 k for 6 hours for the basic jacuzzi suite (jacuzzi, stripper pole, couch, sound system, TV, queen bed, sex chair, fully equipped mini bar, plus room service for food, drinks and sex toys). Very secure. Also the rooms have some of the best showers in Medellin.

Looks like they now have a second location on Carrera 80 in Laureles.

11-23-22, 19:54
Nah, Mr. E is totally right. Your typical monger is delusional about his status. The ex-Colombian president came out and said we want the sex tourist gone. It reminded me of the time when all these states in the USA started going after mongers. They said guys seeing prostitutes were supporting trafficking. When guys heard about that, they all were like "I am not for trafficking. " instead of the government is coming for your ass.

Fast forward a few years, and Robert Kraft, the billionaire owner of the New England Patriots, gets busted. The police faked a bomb scare to put a camera in an oriental massage parlor. The woman who got Kraft off with a HJ was Chinese American and some douche bag prosecutor was like, "Kraft is supporting trafficking. " It is at that point I think guys got it. If the cops are going to be faking bomb scares and going after Kraft, what chance do I have? I am not playing in the USA anymore. The woman who serviced Kraft refused to testify against him and the court threw the video of Kraft's HJ out and Kraft walked, but thousands of other men got caught in these stings.

If I asked the average guy paying for women in the USA, do you pay women for sex? And follow that up with: are you a law abiding citizen? I bet you 99% of guys would answer both questions yes without even seeing the hypocrisy.Exactly. If everyone flies down there and acts like a wreckless asshole, authorities and the public will be more inclined to crack down on the sex trade. Like that guy Osteo who would constantly post about his whoring and drug use all over the forum, then guys read that and go down there and act a fool. Speaking of Oseo, what happened to that guy? I haven't seen his posts lately, did he finally overdose or get locked up? LOL I miss his posts, they were funny.

But in all seriousness, dudes should monger with class, tip appropriately, contribute to the local economy, keep your head down, and hope the game isn't ruined by the authorities in the near future.

11-23-22, 19:56
I'm not trying to " Deliberately avoiding security " when I have actually suggested to register her ID for the booking with airbnb a few lines later.

Ok I understand she is an immigrant from Venezuela but I don't understand why she shouldn't be allowed to check in because of her immigrant status.

They are not all criminals unless I'm missing something.

Anyway, I'm a bit after this lady as she seems to tick some boxes:

As I mentioned we started chatting for a language exchange, we like the same music, she's bisexuale and happy to bring a friend.

Ideally I'm looking for one lady to see more regularly and than top up with casas and street hunting, one to have a bit of GFE if it makes sense + she likes fiesta and all the jazz.

I'm aware this does require a lot of trust. I like the barrio lady. If she doesn't fuck thinghs up it can be a deal for both.

I have a membership so I can receive private messages as well.Let's start with "her immigrant status. " The law in Colombia requires hotel guests to pay a 19% tax on their hotel stay. Foreigners who have been in the country less than 90 days are exempt from the tax. Residents are not exempt. That's reason 1. Reason 2, Colombia no longer recognizes Venezuelan cedulas as acceptable identification. Try registering at a Medellin hotel with just your driver's license.

Registering someone else in your Airbnb is fine, if you know and trust them. Chatting with someone and buying videos doesn't equal knowing them.

Of course she clicks all the boxes. Doesn't that seem strange to you? It's unthinkable that her life path has paralleled your own close enough so she's an ideal match. Over my life I've went on dates with several women who agreed that sushi was the greatest and then backed down when it came time to eat.

Of course she's bisexual and will bring a friend. Haven't you been reading the forum? Having a friend makes it incredibly easy to drug and rob someone. And if you find an Airbnb where you don't have to worry about security, you might wake up to find you're also liable for the stuff stolen from the apartment.

I'm not telling the story again, but I've been exactly where you are. I wanted 1 girl to do the whole GFE thing with. Fortunately, all the ISG guys telling me I was making a mistake finally got through to me and I took the advice I'd been arguing against.

In my situation I was much better off than you. I didn't have to worry about being drugged and robbed. Just had to worry about wasting my vacation and throwing away a lot of money. I could have ended up depressed and broke. You could end up broke and dead.

If it was me, with the extra information you added about the girl, I'd only see her if I wanted the adrenaline rush of thwarting someone intent on robbing me. I say that because she's checked the boxes on my danger zone form. I could be wrong, but in a land full of fine, fuckable and affordable pussy, there are too many options to close every other door before your feet are touching Colombian soil.

The way to find 1 girl to spend most of your time with isn't to fall for someone online. You use the Cinderella method. Substitute your dick for the glass slipper. Substitute pussy for feet (unless you have a foot fetish). Test the pussies with your dick until you find your princess.

Or, at least do us the favor of reporting on the robbery.

11-24-22, 02:10
Went by the place this afternoon. Was plenty busy but saw middling talent with about half a dozen girls available. Prices were 160000 COP ( 35 USD) for an hour of massage and full sex with only one orgasm allowed. Quickly excused myself.

Place is the opposite of the in-your-face Thailand sex style. Hoping the trip gets better as time goes on as initial impressions are lacking in the girls department. Did not see anything noteworthy walking around the parque in the same time period.

11-24-22, 03:05
Let's start with "her immigrant status. " The law in Colombia requires hotel guests to pay a 19% tax on their hotel stay. Foreigners who have been in the country less than 90 days are exempt from the tax. Residents are not exempt. That's reason 1. Reason 2, Colombia no longer recognizes Venezuelan cedulas as acceptable identification. Try registering at a Medellin hotel with just your driver's license.

Registering someone else in your Airbnb is fine, if you know and trust them. Chatting with someone and buying videos doesn't equal knowing them.

Of course she clicks all the boxes. Doesn't that seem strange to you? It's unthinkable that her life path has paralleled your own close enough so she's an ideal match. Over my life I've went on dates with several women who agreed that sushi was the greatest and then backed down when it came time to eat.

Of course she's bisexual and will bring a friend. Haven't you been reading the forum? Having a friend makes it incredibly easy to drug and rob someone. And if you find an Airbnb where you don't have to worry about security, you might wake up to find you're also liable for the stuff stolen from the apartment.

I'm not telling the story again, but I've been exactly where you are. I wanted 1 girl to do the whole GFE thing with. Fortunately, all the ISG guys telling me I was making a mistake finally got through to me and I took the advice I'd been arguing against.

In my situation I was much better off than you. I didn't have to worry about being drugged and robbed. Just had to worry about wasting my vacation and throwing away a lot of money. I could have ended up depressed and broke. You could end up broke and dead.

If it was me, with the extra information you added about the girl, I'd only see her if I wanted the adrenaline rush of thwarting someone intent on robbing me. I say that because she's checked the boxes on my danger zone form. I could be wrong, but in a land full of fine, fuckable and affordable pussy, there are too many options to close every other door before your feet are touching Colombian soil.

The way to find 1 girl to spend most of your time with isn't to fall for someone online. You use the Cinderella method. Substitute your dick for the glass slipper. Substitute pussy for feet (unless you have a foot fetish). Test the pussies with your dick until you find your princess.

Or, at least do us the favor of reporting on the robbery.Well said! Hopefully adding to this message will save a newbies life. Stateside, girls will not offer to bring a friend on your date. It just doesn't happen. Don't these cats find it odd that this shit happens in Colombia? They think they are hot shit but there are high status men in that country too who have their pick of the litter. The excuse, ohhh I am scared. Can I bring a friend? Please!! Do not be so naive. If she wants to bring a friend make sure it is for drinks at a bar with you and a few buddies. Then isolate your date while your buddy isolates her friend and separate and conquistarla! In other words win her over. There are exceptions definitely, however this fantasy of a threesome etc is a foolish one especially with all of the scopalamine robberies. I just know that 27 foreigners were killed in medellin or Colombia this year. Many were drugged on top of that. Nevermind the locals who were killed or drugged.

Even veterans drop the ball and let their guards down when dealing with girls from the internet or in lleras for example. I would start reading the last 10 pages of this forum!

JJBEE if I ever meet you I guess by destiny, drinks on me! I would love to pick your brain on the webcam industry too.

11-24-22, 03:11
Why don't you try Fase II or La Isla and go from there.

Went by the place this afternoon. Was plenty busy but saw middling talent with about half a dozen girls available. Prices were 160000 COP ( 35 USD) for an hour of massage and full sex with only one orgasm allowed. Quickly excused myself.

Place is the opposite of the in-your-face Thailand sex style. Hoping the trip gets better as time goes on as initial impressions are lacking in the girls department. Did not see anything noteworthy walking around the parque in the same time period.

11-24-22, 06:05
Let's start with "her immigrant status. " The law in Colombia requires hotel guests to pay a 19% tax on their hotel stay. Foreigners who have been in the country less than 90 days are exempt from the tax. Residents are not exempt. That's reason 1. Reason 2, Colombia no longer recognizes Venezuelan cedulas as acceptable identification. Try registering at a Medellin hotel with just your driver's license.

Registering someone else in your Airbnb is fine, if you know and trust them. Chatting with someone and buying videos doesn't equal knowing them.

Of course she clicks all the boxes. Doesn't that seem strange to you? It's unthinkable that her life path has paralleled your own close enough so she's an ideal match. Over my life I've went on dates with several women who agreed that sushi was the greatest and then backed down when it came time to eat.

Of course she's bisexual and will bring a friend. Haven't you been reading the forum? Having a friend makes it incredibly easy to drug and rob someone. And if you find an Airbnb where you don't have to worry about security, you might wake up to find you're also liable for the stuff stolen from the apartment.

I'm not telling the story again, but I've been exactly where you are. I wanted 1 girl to do the whole GFE thing with. Fortunately, all the ISG guys telling me I was making a mistake finally got through to me and I took the advice I'd been arguing against.

In my situation I was much better off than you. I didn't have to worry about being drugged and robbed. Just had to worry about wasting my vacation and throwing away a lot of money. I could have ended up depressed and broke. You could end up broke and dead.

If it was me, with the extra information you added about the girl, I'd only see her if I wanted the adrenaline rush of thwarting someone intent on robbing me. I say that because she's checked the boxes on my danger zone form. I could be wrong, but in a land full of fine, fuckable and affordable pussy, there are too many options to close every other door before your feet are touching Colombian soil.

The way to find 1 girl to spend most of your time with isn't to fall for someone online. You use the Cinderella method. Substitute your dick for the glass slipper. Substitute pussy for feet (unless you have a foot fetish). Test the pussies with your dick until you find your princess.

Or, at least do us the favor of reporting on the robbery.This post should be required reading before joining this hobby.

Que Rico
11-24-22, 06:40
I've been watching discussion I'the like to add my input I've been coming here for 12 years I've never seen the Drugging so active now it is because they know they won't get caught most foreigners don't go to the police and if they do they have to provide the video tapes photographs things like that if you think taking her ID and registering it with the front desk is going to help you were dead wrong since when did you ever see them take her ID and actually go find a girl that drugged you I don't think it's ever happened there's a few people who pursued justice on their own and pushed and pushed and I think one girl got arrested and is going to be sentenced soon.

The best way to stop them is prevention stay off the dating sites if you meet girls make sure they're referred by friends it doesn't matter if you have the license plate of the car they photographs and video evidence in identification the police are not going to do anything for a robbery maybe a murder but look at what's going on right now I could've caught that girl that drugged the Asian man I would just set her up through her WhatsApp it's that simple they have her number. If you get a copy of her ID have her send it to you front and back have it on your phone and send it to a friend that might deter her a little if she's dumb enough to think the police will actually do something. No the thing you can do if you can tell her a little story and shower photographs in those Facebook groups of the girls that have been exposed and Caught put a scaring her a little bit. It's open season on foreigners everyone's doing it I've had girls ask me do I know where they can get the drugs they said I don't want to do it I'm just curious where did the girls get it sounds kind of strange doesn't it.

11-24-22, 07:34
Motel Ibiza, just south of Mayorista on Autopista Sur is a quick taxi ride away from Parque Lleras. Looks like they've raised prices. 108 k for 6 hours for the basic jacuzzi suite (jacuzzi, stripper pole, couch, sound system, TV, queen bed, sex chair, fully equipped mini bar, plus room service for food, drinks and sex toys). Very secure. Also the rooms have some of the best showers in Medellin.

Looks like they now have a second location on Carrera 80 in Laureles.Love Motel app https://motelnowapp.com/ BTW JlBee62 you have amazing info. I want to check out Ibiza next week.

11-24-22, 07:39

They recently opened in Medellin Airport. Claim to give BETTER than published rates and if you order by phone or online prior to arrival. No lines! (supposedly) I will try to reach them tomorrow. Anyone know how how long the lines are currently at the MED airport?

Mr Enternational
11-24-22, 08:37
Anyway, I'm a bit after this lady as she seems to tick some boxes:

As I mentioned we started chatting for a language exchange, we like the same music, she's bisexuale and happy to bring a friend.
And you are ticking all the boxes of someone that is about to be taken advantage of and that things are not going to end well for. I have been meeting chicks online since there was an online to be on. No matter how bisexual one has been, she is not going to just volunteer to bring a friend without meeting a guy unless something is not on the up and up. You have just squared your chances of being fucked not in a good way. Meeting up with 2 chicks without ID at the same time. You could use a course in street wise.

Voodoo Jones
11-24-22, 16:05
And you are ticking all the boxes of someone that is about to be taken advantage of and that things are not going to end well for. I have been meeting chicks online since there was an online to be on. No matter how bisexual one has been, she is not going to just volunteer to bring a friend without meeting a guy unless something is not on the up and up. You have just squared your chances of being fucked not in a good way. Meeting up with 2 chicks without ID at the same time. You could use a course in street wise.This was pretty much my experience: I met the woman alone for lunch first, went back to my place for a few hours, and towards the end she asked if I wanted a threesome with her friend.

Another woman I was talking to immediately pitched the idea of a threesome. They didn't want to meet first, they wanted to immediately go back to my place. She said something like "we're two very busy people who only study and work, we don't have time for anything else". I declined.

11-24-22, 16:24
And you are ticking all the boxes of someone that is about to be taken advantage of and that things are not going to end well for. I have been meeting chicks online since there was an online to be on. No matter how bisexual one has been, she is not going to just volunteer to bring a friend without meeting a guy unless something is not on the up and up. You have just squared your chances of being fucked not in a good way. Meeting up with 2 chicks without ID at the same time. You could use a course in street wise.I would second everything Mr E just said. I wrote up some beginners rules a long time ago. One of the basics is that you don't plan an overnight or a trio or a trip with a girl you haven't met before. It inevitably leads to regret (or worse).

Here are some common sense hints: 1. Don't even think about doing a trio with a girl you haven't met. 2. Even if you have met her, don't arrange a trio if she is the one to initiate the idea. It should be your idea. 3. If she does want to do a trio with a "friend" it isn't a bad idea A: to get a bunch of pictures of her friend to see if you find her attractive. B: To be clear about what types of activities are going to take place (I. E. Girl-girl action or will it just be tag-team on you) and what you are expected to pay. C: You should session once with the "friend" to see how the two of you get along in an intimate scenario.

Most trios end up being a big disappointment.

John Gault
11-24-22, 17:02
I printed out the form this morning so I hope that will be ok. I have always in the past have gotten a quick response to my E- Mail.

Anyone else have this happen to them?

I also posted on the General Info board but I also did it here as the MDE board has the most traffic.

11-24-22, 18:10
Love Motel app https://motelnowapp.com/ BTW JlBee62 you have amazing info. I want to check out Ibiza next week.I've probably been to Motel Ibiza 15 times. It's pricey, but most girls aren't in a hurry to leave once they get there.

11-24-22, 18:22
Are ID's required at the short time hotels in centro? If so, will a US drivers license suffice or do you need to have your passport? Gracias amigos!

11-24-22, 18:41
I printed out the form this morning so I hope that will be ok. I have always in the past have gotten a quick response to my E- Mail.

Anyone else have this happen to them?Your question made me curious so I did a search on my email and realized that 3 of last 4 trips they never emailed me confirmation. The only time they did was summer 2021, none since. I always have done a screen shot of the confirmation screen and emailed it to myself but I have never been asked to see it nor had any problems. You printed out yours so you should be fine.

11-24-22, 18:44
I am currently in Medellin. The arrival was a bit shitty because Medellin's airport is currently performing maintenance at night (around 1 am). My initial flight was a bit late so it got cancelled because Medellin's airport shut down at 1 am. I don't know if they are done w the maintenance but if you flight is late you might end up w a cancelled flight.

A few of my friends went semi pros. They told me there is a bunch of Mexican guys recruiting Medellin girls. Kicker is that these Mexican guys only want them for more than 2 months and after that they get new girls. They can come back after 2 months.

I am always happy to see my friends and I like to think they are happy to see me too. Happy to share their contact info. I feel terrible that I can only see them once or twice because of work.

11-24-22, 18:49
Every single time I visited Medellin immigration never checked the form. The airlines does but they only give it a quick look.

I printed out the form this morning so I hope that will be ok. I have always in the past have gotten a quick response to my E- Mail.

Anyone else have this happen to them?

I also posted on the General Info board but I also did it here as the MDE board has the most traffic.

11-24-22, 18:56
Are ID's required at the short time hotels in centro? If so, will a US drivers license suffice or do you need to have your passport? Gracias amigos!You need your passport.

11-24-22, 19:19
Where is everyone going for Thanksgiving dinner in medellin? Any recommendations for good traditional thanksgiving food?

11-24-22, 20:17
After all this talk about crime and druggings in Medellin, I will talk about a good day that I had in Medellin on my last trip.

A few months ago, I was chatting with this girl on Facebook in Medellin. We had a good chat and she was eager to meet me but she was not yet 18 so that was a problem. I went on my first trip to Medellin and did not see her for obvious reasons. Well, on my second trip, she turned 18 two days into the trip and wanted to meet with me ASAP to make some of that gringo money. I offered her 200 mil for 2 hours, plus transport, and sex without a condom and she accepted my offer. It is possible that she would have accepted less but I am comfortable with that number. She had a digital version of her cedula and I checked with the hotel and they said it would be ok so I told her to come over at night.

She comes over and her digital cedula checks out and up she goes to my room. She is a curvy girl with large breasts and a cute face. Later she said she was nervous in the beginning because she had never done this before. We chatted first and then I took some pictures as she started taking off her clothes exposing her large natural breasts. I gave her a sensual massage and put my hands all over that young fit body, needed extra massage oil for those big breasts. Then I started sliding my cock between her breasts and then into her mouth. We switched positions so she could be more comfortable giving me a blowjob. It was a decent blowjob and she took directions very well.

She then climbed on top and eased my cock into her pussy and grinded away. It was nice with those big breasts in my face. Then we switched to doggy and I grabbed those breasts and banged away. Very nice indeed. Finally for the big finish, we switched to missionary, I picked up the speed and came inside her pussy. I have a vasectomy so I don't worry about pregnancy.

A very nice GFE session. She was friendly and was not in a rush.

This is a good example of why we come to Medellin. Young attractive curvy girl who just turned 18 a day earlier, eager to start making some money. I am an average looking monger in his late 50's. Life is good.

11-24-22, 21:36
Are ID's required at the short time hotels in centro? If so, will a US drivers license suffice or do you need to have your passport? Gracias amigos!Fwiw, I've been to 3-4 of the el centro ST hotels on carrera 53 and have never been asked for my passport. Ymmv.

11-24-22, 22:05
Are ID's required at the short time hotels in centro? If so, will a US drivers license suffice or do you need to have your passport? Gracias amigos!Most places don't check. The only place that I know will check is Premier Plaza. I went a few weeks ago with a Vennie and I went there to have the hotel check her Venezuela cedula but they said they were fully booked at 10 AM so I did not use it. I remember they used to not allow Venezuela ID but the girl told me they do now. That's why I went.

11-25-22, 00:48
Where is everyone going for Thanksgiving dinner in medellin? Any recommendations for good traditional thanksgiving food?My wingman gave me a choice to go to Patrick's Iris bar, but we opt for steak. LOL.

11-25-22, 01:05
And you are ticking all the boxes of someone that is about to be taken advantage of and that things are not going to end well for.....

...They are not all criminals unless I'm missing something.

Anyway, I'm a bit after this lady as she seems to tick some boxes:....What you miss is that most of them who want something from you lie. It is one of their survival tools. What else do you want them to tell you?

11-25-22, 01:12
Those who insist on sex without a condom are any of you taking Truvada PrEP?

11-25-22, 02:14
What you miss is that most of them who want something from you lie. It is one of their survival tools. What else do you want them to tell you?Even if she doesn't plan on drugging / robbing him, it's not a good idea to plan to spend extended time with something you've never met in person. You have no idea how much you'll like her when you meet. Meet her in person first. Spend an hour or two in the sack. If you still like her and you seem to get along, spend a little more time together.

This is Mongering 101. In addition to plain common sense.

11-25-22, 03:17
Went to a few casas this afternoon. Started with New Life in El Centro. A few girls there 7+ to my liking. Took the first one who was tall and slim. She gave an excellent massage for 45 minutes. First customer strength. Last 15 minutes were for a CBJ and banging.

Total cost was 100000 COP ( 22 USD) with an additional 20000 for a tip. Rooms were basic.

Second place I explored was Amigas Sexy a few streets over. Took another girl, a tight spinner 23 year old with one child. Still had a tight stomach but damn that pussy was wide. She wanted 50000 COP for BBBJ. I opted for HJ before sex. Took the 30 minutes option for 60000 COP. Tipped her 20000 after the session. Room was a step above Heaven Above with a jacuzzi.

Went two other places nearby but only stopped by to have a drink and check them out as I was finished for the day. Hoping to check out more in the coming days.

11-25-22, 05:52
.... Hoping to check out more in the coming days.I think you can try to explore strip club like Grill Nueva Avenida. The service and pricing is more favorable and girls of different body type. I was at New Life today with my wingman.

Nil Admirari
11-25-22, 16:15
Are ID's required at the short time hotels in centro? If so, will a US drivers license suffice or do you need to have your passport? Gracias amigos!

You need your passport.After a Thanksgiving Day break from ISG, I'm belatedly chiming in on the above exchange of posts from yesterday.

Short term hotels, if they require an ID at all, have always accepted a xerox copy of my passport, More often than not they have only been interested in the chica's ID. When out and about mongering, my passport itself always remains in the safe in my apartment.

11-25-22, 16:50
..., a tight spinner 23 year old with one child. Still had a tight stomach but damn that pussy was wide. ....A tight spinner with a wide pussy. Not surprising because the hottest girls have the widest pussies. They are the ones most men choose.

11-25-22, 16:57
....This is a good example of why we come to Medellin. Young attractive curvy girl who just turned 18 a day earlier, eager to start making some money. I am an average looking monger in his late 50's. Life is good.In a 2018 trip to Medellin a 17 yr old decided to chat me up in a bus from Poblado to El Centro. I was an obvious foreigner and perhaps she wanted to practice her English. She was a dental student and eager to get as much info on the US as possible as her plan was to practice dentistry there. What a pity she was only 17.

11-25-22, 17:04
After a Thanksgiving Day break from ISG, I'm belatedly chiming in on the above exchange of posts from yesterday.

Short term hotels, if they require an ID at all, have always accepted a xerox copy of my passport, More often than not they have only been interested in the chica's ID. When out and about mongering, my passport itself always remains in the safe in my apartment.Yep, a copy works. And my initial response was more about normal hotels, etc. Who are required to have ID, being a passport for foreigners. I am not sure about the short-term places. My response was more about acceptable form of ID which is passport, not a drivers license.

11-25-22, 18:55
A tight spinner with a wide pussy. Not surprising because the hottest girls have the widest pussies. They are the ones most men choose.This right here is really frustrating. I have hot ass MILF down there with the tightest body and perfect man-made boobs ever (she knows they are her best pair of assets) but OMG, her pussy is loose asf. Even with what I'm packing there's hardly any feeling no matter the position. Of course it only means we'the have to fuck for much longer than I want to. I'the love to bareback her to finish early but I'm not risking it. Sigh.

11-25-22, 19:17
A week before my last trip, I get a FB friend request from a young attractive girl, KK. I check out her profile and see that she is 18, petite, super slim and attractive so I accepted her friend request. She sends me a message and we engage in the usual small chat and she says she wants to meet me when I am in Medellin. I ask her how much she is expecting and she says 400 mil. I give her my standard opening offer, 200 mil, 2 hours, sex without a condom. As I always say, most girls say no, some girls say yes and there is some wiggle room. She says it would be fine with me. So she moves up on my list of girls to see.

My first choice, another 18 year old girl, is on her period so KK gets the prime first day spot. She shows up and her ID checks out. She looks like her pictures and I am happy. We chat, she strips down and I take a few pictures. She is very small, perhaps 5 feet, 90 pounds. I give a short sensual massage and she seems to enjoy it. I gesture for her to give me a blowjob and it is decent but nothing special. She could improve in that area but it was a nice try. Then she got on top, grabbed my cock and eased it into her pussy. Definitely a nice feeling. She really got into it on top and showed a lot of energy. She was actually moving too fast for me and I slowed her down a bit. Then we switched positions to doggy and here I was a bit careful because she is very small and I didn't want to hurt her. For the finale, we switched to missionary and I took my time before finishing with a creampie.

She was friendly, didn't rush me and allowed me to have my way. I was very happy with her performance.

As I said in my last post, despite all the news about druggings and robberies, this is why we come to Colombia. A young attractive girl eager to meet with older gringos to make some money and willing to work hard to please the gringo so that she can get repeat business.

She turned out to be the only girl I saw twice on my last trip.

11-25-22, 21:43
A tight spinner with a wide pussy. Not surprising because the hottest girls have the widest pussies. They are the ones most men choose.I have noticed this trend over the years. Still surprising in a bad way.

Went back again to New Life and chose a skinny wide-hipped MILF who had white skin and a very nice face, all natural. Her pussy was the tightest I've had yet. Her ass looked impossible but was confirmed all natural. Not sure how some of these girls get their shapes without being fatties but being young must help a lot. Do these curvy skinny Colombianas blow up past a certain point?

11-25-22, 21:45
I think you can try to explore strip club like Grill Nueva Avenida. The service and pricing is more favorable and girls of different body type. I was at New Life today with my wingman.Thank you. I'll check it out. Mostly into petite girls. Not sure if any particular establishment is known for these types of girls.

11-25-22, 22:11
In general, I would say the casa talent level has fallen off since C19. I've noticed less casas and less talent. Not sure if its Lleras, webcams, Onlyfans, or whatever but the talent you used to find in casas isn't there on a consistent basis. Don't get me wrong, its still a good time depending on what you like.

11-25-22, 22:20
My wingman gave me a choice to go to Patrick's Iris bar, but we opt for steak. LOL.I wish I had chosen to go eat a steak too. I had the Thanksgiving dinner at Patrick's. It was not good. Which steakhouse did you goto? Any reccomendations? I liked Don Diablo. They have dry aged steaks there.

11-26-22, 01:03
Is there a lab in or near Poblado where you can get STD tested and get the results quickly?

11-26-22, 03:52
In general, I would say the casa talent level has fallen off since C19.The only casa I visit is Loutron and there I'd say the experience is the opposite, last few months the line up has been awesome. You got t be at the right time though, if it's busy the hotties are taken.

11-26-22, 04:20

11-26-22, 04:38
In general, I would say the casa talent level has fallen off since C19. I've noticed less casas and less talent. Not sure if its Lleras, webcams, Onlyfans, or whatever but the talent you used to find in casas isn't there on a consistent basis. Don't get me wrong, its still a good time depending on what you like.Parque Lleras is under construction at the current time. Do the girls shift somewhere else?

11-26-22, 06:57
Is there a lab in or near Poblado where you can get STD tested and get the results quickly?I use CLínica Somos but as for fast, what are you talking? The ONLY fast rest is 3rd and 4th gen HIV. Everything else is 24 hrs up to 7 days no way to change that.

Also I'm very unhappy with the limited testing Somos offers. Outside of Bangkok it is hard to find a thorough test seemingly anywhere of 17 big ones. Having recebtly caught a rarely tested for bug it does matter A LOT.

Mr Enternational
11-26-22, 07:27
She wanted 50000 COP for BBBJ. I opted for HJ before sex. Took the 30 minutes option for 60000 COP. Tipped her 20000 after the session. Who gives a 33% tip to not get what they want?

11-26-22, 07:57
Total noob here. When using love motels how do you approach it. Do you tell the girl you are using a love motel? I'm curious with how to take advantage of love motels when, from reports, most girls are late.

Can you easily increase time if necessary?


11-26-22, 08:08
Parque Lleras is under construction at the current time. Do the girls shift somewhere else?Been undergoing construction for awhile now. Not sure if things changed but I was through there a couple of months ago and the girls still hung around the main clubs and also were walking throughout the neighborhood and scattered throughout the bars. It was a Saturday night and I definitely saw a lot out there.

Nil Admirari
11-26-22, 15:39
Total noob here. When using love motels how do you approach it. Do you tell the girl you are using a love motel? I'm curious with how to take advantage of love motels when, from reports, most girls are late.Can you easily increase time if necessary? Thanks.One of my regulars for a couple of years was a Venezuelan chica who didn't have a cedula that would pass muster with the receptionist in the San Peter Apartments. Initially, she would meet me there and we would then walk to a neighborhood Love Hotel, but each of the nearby ones had cramped, shoebox size rooms. At some point I found a Love Hotel about a mile away with spacious rooms and more amenities, and arranged to have her meet me there (the Golden Suites, on Nutibara). Predictably, she arrived 20 minutes late,. So, instead, after that experience, I arranged for her to come by the San Peter in a taxi, text me on her arrival, and then we would drive together to the hotel.

That worked well. But on reflection (especially after reading the flurry of recent reports on this thread of drugings and robberies), as a common-sense precaution I would modify this procedure, even with a chica whom I already knew pretty well: Instead of getting into a car with a driver she had obtained (a somewhat risky proposition), I would either arrange for an Uber to bring her to me and then continue on to the hotel, or I would have her exit her taxi at my building, wait for me outside or in reception, and then go together in a taxi that I had personally ordered myself or in one that I would flag down in the street.

I can't imagine that you would have a problem increasing the time in a Love Hotel room except perhaps on the busiest times of the week. For example, I can recall arriving at the Golden Suites on a Friday or Saturday night without a reservation and having to wait 20 minutes or so for a room to open up. Perhaps under these circumstances, the hotel would give precedence to the couples waiting for a room, rather than allowing you to extend your the time of your tryst. As always, Happy Hunting.

11-26-22, 15:59
... As always, Happy Hunting. I would tell girl to send me her live location so I can track her. I would send her to the building near the love motel so she would not know where I live. If she does not have data, get her number and put data on her phone at gana. I don't send my exact location to the girl. It is always another building nearby.

11-26-22, 16:08
In a 2018 trip to Medellin a 17 yr old decided t... was a dental student....Most 17 yr old are still in high school. Maybe she said she wanted to be a dentist.

11-26-22, 16:15
I wish I had chosen to go eat a steak too. I had the Thanksgiving dinner at Patrick's. It was not good. Which steakhouse did you goto? Any reccomendations? I liked Don Diablo. They have dry aged steaks there.Madurando, this is mentioned by Surfer. It also serves dry aged steak. I am not sure I would recommend it after going there a few times. It is not busy. Seating is nice with a great view and open hours are longer. Service is fast and friendly. It's the person who handle the grill may need improvement because the quality varies.

11-26-22, 16:25
Exactly...Let's look at it in a different way. Would you know about it if Os did not post? Just based on reading his posts, he is someone who wants to live the fullest now and die tomorrow (if an accident happens) without regret. Do you really listen to everything the governments tell you? He just peeled away another layer to observe what many don't see and report it here.

11-26-22, 17:10
Let's look at it in a different way. Would you know about it if Os did not post? Just based on reading his posts, he is someone who wants to live the fullest now and die tomorrow (if an accident happens) without regret. Do you really listen to everything the governments tell you? He just peeled away another layer to observe what many don't see and report it here.What Os posted he was doing, is just not how the vast majority of the posters here monger as you have eluded to.

And yes, "some" of the things he did others do here, but not with such reckless abandon.

Living life to the "fullest" means something totally different to everyone, and it boils down to how guy's roll here, so how Os was rolling here was definitely entertaining, but I doubt any one would really like to emulate how he rolls.

11-26-22, 17:17
Saw this in New Life yesterday. Complimentary Champagne.

11-26-22, 17:20
Total noob here. When using love motels how do you approach it. Do you tell the girl you are using a love motel? I'm curious with how to take advantage of love motels when, from reports, most girls are late.

Can you easily increase time if necessary?

Thanks.My go-to motel is Thematic Luxury on Calle 33. They have a waiting room just up some stairs at the reception area. I just wait there until the girl alerts me she has arrived. Then I go down and meet her and we get our room then. The rooms in these nicer places are for 3 hours and you can extend an hour. Nil Admirari mentioned the Golden Suites on Avenida Nutibara and it works pretty much the same way.

11-26-22, 17:28
Total noob here. When using love motels how do you approach it. Do you tell the girl you are using a love motel? I'm curious with how to take advantage of love motels when, from reports, most girls are late.

Can you easily increase time if necessary?

Thanks.To avoid any confusion, there are 2 types that some might consider "love motels. " The first are short time hotels, which you can find in El Centro and Mayorista. They rent basic rooms in 30 minute increments (per hour in Mayorista). They are generally only used by guys picking street girls.

Love Motels vary from a very basic room (Suites 44 in Laureles), to a deluxe room (Motel Ibiza in Itagui). They rent from 3 to 6 hours. I've used Motel Ibiza many times and several other places once.

The process at Motel Ibiza is simple. The taxi will pull up to the gate just like a drive-thru speaker at McDonald's. Tell them what kind of room you want (only with jacuzzi, or with jacuzzi and sauna). You'll be told a room number, gate will open and the taxi will drive to your door. The number light will be flashing and the door will be open. About 3 years ago they had a security guard at the gate checking cedulas.

Inside there will be an unmarked switch to close the door. Close door, climb stairs and you'll be in your room. Stripper pole, couch, sound system, love chair, bed, jacuzzi, shower, sink and toilet, along with a mini fridge will be in the room. Price list for things in the fridge is posted. Bubble bath, lube, condoms and some cheap sex toys can be found there, along with a good selection of drinks and snacks. There's a little cabinet over the fridge, that's where you pay when you're finished.

You need to call the front desk to get the jacuzzi turned on, the air conditioning turned on and to get your bill and check out. They will also get a taxi for you. After you call to get the bill, someone will come (behind the walls) and lock the fridge, so they can swing it open and see what you used. Once the bill is ready you'll hear a buzzer. Open the cabinet, pay the bill and when your taxi arrives they will open the door downstairs.

I've always told girls that they would be picking me up and then we would go to a motel. Most have been excited to go to Motel Ibiza. They message me when they arrive at the meeting spot, I hop in the taxi and give the new destination.

11-26-22, 17:36
Exactly. If everyone flies down there and acts like a wreckless asshole, authorities and the public will be more inclined to crack down on the sex trade. Like that guy Osteo who would constantly post about his whoring and drug use all over the forum, then guys read that and go down there and act a fool. Speaking of Oseo, what happened to that guy? I haven't seen his posts lately, did he finally overdose or get locked up? LOL I miss his posts, they were funny.

But in all seriousness, dudes should monger with class, tip appropriately, contribute to the local economy, keep your head down, and hope the game isn't ruined by the authorities in the near future.I think Osteo was in Florida according to 1 of his last posts.

11-26-22, 17:46
What Os posted he was doing, is just not how the vast majority of the posters here monger as you have eluded to.....What is the difference in your above statement than when I said "many don't see"? It's a way to understand it without making judgement. It's reckless only because he wrote it, otherwise you don't know. What do you consider reckless?

11-26-22, 18:24
Good move changing to uber. Besides the safety factor there is the added benefit of not having to guess when the girl will arrive.

One of my regulars for a couple of years was a Venezuelan chica who didn't have a cedula that would pass muster with the receptionist in the San Peter Apartments. Initially, she would meet me there and we would then walk to a neighborhood Love Hotel, but each of the nearby ones had cramped, shoebox size rooms. At some point I found a Love Hotel about a mile away with spacious rooms and more amenities, and arranged to have her meet me there (the Golden Suites, on Nutibara). Predictably, she arrived 20 minutes late,. So, instead, after that experience, I arranged for her to come by the San Peter in a taxi, text me on her arrival, and then we would drive together to the hotel.

That worked well. But on reflection (especially after reading the flurry of recent reports on this thread of drugings and robberies), as a common-sense precaution I would modify this procedure, even with a chica whom I already knew pretty well: Instead of getting into a car with a driver she had obtained (a somewhat risky proposition), I would either arrange for an Uber to bring her to me and then continue on to the hotel, or I would have her exit her taxi at my building, wait for me outside or in reception, and then go together in a taxi that I had personally ordered myself or in one that I would flag down in the street.

I can't imagine that you would have a problem increasing the time in a Love Hotel room except perhaps on the busiest times of the week. For example, I can recall arriving at the Golden Suites on a Friday or Saturday night without a reservation and having to wait 20 minutes or so for a room to open up. Perhaps under these circumstances, the hotel would give precedence to the couples waiting for a room, rather than allowing you to extend your the time of your tryst. As always, Happy Hunting.

11-26-22, 18:34
It's not hard to see the targeted marketing here. Did they even bother with a Spanish language version of the advert? New Life is a very well known quantity so I won't bore anyone further about it. The alborada is maybe not quite as well known. Basically, it is over the top fireworks that begin about 3 PM and begins to peter out between 5 AM and 6 AM on December 1. It really sucks. It drives pets crazy and it makes any restful sleep impossible. The morning news on December 1 always includes several sad stories of young children and teenagers who are left with lifetime disabilities after they lose fingers, hands, and sometimes even arms, all because of selfish drunken people who can't conceive of another way to celebrate the beginning of the holiday season.

Saw this in New Life yesterday. Complimentary Champagne.

11-26-22, 19:24
What do you consider reckless?Reckless? Anything that makes the locals frown upon that foreigner because the locals may generalize that all foreigners are that way. Anything that is illegal (especially in public) like buying, using, or smelling of drugs. Guys that are "loud" in dressing that says I have money so please rob me. Guys that talk loudly so that people 2+ meters away can hear what they are saying like they are someone to be heard or are special in some way but obviously are the complete opposite. This is especially true if you are loudly negotiating what you want the girl to do in bed while "regular" everyday people are passing by and have to hear you and they have kids with them.

I saw Osteo a few times at Centro. Hard to miss based on his appearance and how he carried himself since he looked like a 70's or hard rock dressed guy. Not sure how he acted but based on his endless need for attention on this site I really doubt he had the ability to turn his attention seeking "please please please good lord look at me" off in public. Newbies visit this site a few weeks before their first Colombia trip and read Osteos crap and assume this is how foreigners act and copy his crap.

But in private do largely whatever you want to do as long as others are not negatively affected. Example is stay in your apartment and drink until you pass out or go out on the hotel balcony and get high. You had fun and nobody was effected.

But if you are at the appropriate location for attention then do so. You are at a concert then scream your head off. You are at a disco then dress so wildly that you get everyone's attention.

So many idiots can not figure out that yelling to the lyrics in a loud bar or concert is fine but yelling the lyrics to a song you are listening to with headphones on walking down the mall is not fine. Darwin needs to do some triple shifts at work.

11-26-22, 20:17
Let's look at it in a different way. Would you know about it if Os did not post? Just based on reading his posts, he is someone who wants to live the fullest now and die tomorrow (if an accident happens) without regret. Do you really listen to everything the governments tell you? He just peeled away another layer to observe what many don't see and report it here.I stick to the facts and not looking at things a different way. Yes I would know everything I know about Colombia irregardless of what he or anyone posts. I understand his way of life and I don't knock him for it, he wants to enjoy life as much as possible for a very short limited amount of time and play the game at dangerous levels to the point they are unnecessary. That's his choice, god bless him. As I have stated before, we all should be more discreet about what we post on an open forum as to preserve the game. The purpose of the forum is not draw as much negative attention to it as humanly possible by posting a dozen times a day about every nut we ever busted and every drug we sniffed up our nose. Do what you want when you land, just use logical discretion as to what you post. That is the point I am trying to make. The focus should be on exchanging useful information as too where to find the girls you prefer and at the prices you can afford.

It will be a sad day when Medellin turns into Buenos Aires or Havana. Sure you can still monger in those cities, but it certainly isn't as fun as it used to be.

If more guys played the game with class, treated the girls right, treated the people right- mongers and the hobby will most likely be tolerated to a higher degree. The narrative of promoting reckless behavior does nothing to help us in the long run. Preserve the game for the next generation my fellow travelers LOL.

11-26-22, 21:17
What is the difference in your above statement than when I said "many don't see"? It's a way to understand it without making judgement. It's reckless only because he wrote it, otherwise you don't know. What do you consider reckless?Reckless simply put is a lack of care about risks or danger. And there can be quite a bit of risk and danger while mongering in Colombia versus most other countries. Some of the dangers include being drugged and robbed, along with engaging in risky sex. These for the most part can be mitigated by taking precaution, however we have read several posts here about the dangers I've mentioned, and in a lot of the instances, what happened could of been avoided.

11-26-22, 21:19
But on reflection (especially after reading the flurry of recent reports on this thread of drugings and robberies), as a common-sense precaution I would modify this procedure, even with a chica whom I already knew pretty well: Instead of getting into a car with a driver she had obtained (a somewhat risky proposition), I would either arrange for an Uber to bring her to me and then continue on to the hotel, or I would have her exit her taxi at my building, wait for me outside or in reception, and then go together in a taxi that I had personally ordered myself or in one that I would flag down in the street.
A chica I had on my to-do list my recent trip, sent photos of her friend due to her not actually living in Medellin (she lived 2 hrs away). I agreed to see her friend after seeing the ass on her; perfectly shaped Negrita! Day of our appointment, I was upstairs waiting for her at my Airbnb when security buzzed me to come downstairs. I went down and security told me she didn't have a cedula (I stressed this multiple times in coordinating her visit), was very sketchy, and wouldn't recommend inviting her to my place. From previous visits I had built a rapport with the gentleman and mentioned to him to look out for me and I naturally took care of him whenever I visited. I pulled the chica aside and said I couldn't see her and handed her some cash for her time and ride back home. She looked very disappointed and small head was in full force of taking charge. I quickly remembered seeing several posts on here about Ibiza in Itagui, so told her to meet me there in an hour if she was up for it. I looked up the location and sent her a pin drop. I went back up, got ready and hailed a taxi down to Ibiza, where she was waiting at the entrance. We went in, ordered the room, and the rest is history. In hindsight that was really dumb on my part but then again perhaps taking her to a love motel saved me from getting drugged. Overriding security's recommendation would've been even dumber. I would never know.

11-27-22, 01:53
.... along with engaging in risky sex. ...He is not the only one if you mean what I think you mean. Do you remember there was another member with several girls in a jacuzzi, probably in a penthouse, and police came knock on the door? I would like to hear your opinion which one is more risky?

...Not sure how he acted but based on his endless need for attention on this site I really doubt he had the ability to turn his attention seeking....But that is your guess based on what he wrote, right? You can't point out what is reckless based on seeing him outside several times.

I stick to the facts and not looking at things a different way. ....You can stick to the fact from your point of view, but that is not universally true.

11-27-22, 02:06
... Mostly into petite girls. Not sure if any particular establishment is known for these types of girls.That is why I gave you the suggestion as I know what New Life is like. Tonight is good if you can go but it is packed. El Centro also has plenty

11-27-22, 03:26
Not sure how he acted but based on his endless need for attention on this site I really doubt he had the ability to turn his attention seeking "please please please good lord look at me" off in public.

But that is your guess based on what he wrote, right? You can't point out what is reckless based on seeing him outside several times.You answered your own question to me using my quote above. Are you mental or something because I already clearly answered your question before you even asked it. My "not sure" = your "guess". Darwin is looking for you.

Elvis 2008
11-27-22, 03:55
The narrative of promoting reckless behavior does nothing to help us in the long run. Preserve the game for the next generation my fellow travelers LOL.Ram, early on in the hobby I mistakenly thought getting the hot woman was validation of my manhood. When I got to know the women, I quickly saw how many women were addicted to drugs and would do anything to get them and how much mental illness there was. Obviously, attaching validation to these women was nuts. As an aside, I made two rules for the hobby I have tried to stick by. The women in the hobby are for fun and to make us feel good. If they or the hobby is not fun, stop. If a woman is no longer making you feel good, get rid of her.

But mental illness is not just on the female side. When a guy is driving a car 140 MPH down the highway while stoned and getting a blowjob, I do not see that as a guy living his life to the fullest. I see a guy who is feeling so depressed and so badly that he does not care if he lives or dies.

When you have a guy like that, nothing you post here is going to get them to change their behavior.

11-27-22, 07:26
Hi guys. I am going to Columbia. Medellin, Bogota and Cartagna next month. I am looking for the big fake tits, barbie look. Cost isn't a thing. I want top notch latina bimbos. Hot as fuck. I have been looking on escort sites. Where the top price is 200000.300000. Was looking for better looking. Appreciate any links or pm messages. Thanks.

11-27-22, 10:19
So I been searching Facebook and I've been coming across a lot of girls with chest, arm and thigh tattoos. Is this a thing in Colombia? Do a lot of these fb girls have tattoos? Because I've heard girls with tattoos are exactly the ones we should avoid to prevent getting robbed or drugged. I'm also looking for the thick Barbie look type girls preferably no tattoos and classy looking. I'm hoping I'll come across some at gustos, mansion, la isla or fase 2?

11-27-22, 13:30
I am looking for the big fake tits, barbie look. I want top notch latina bimbos. Hot as fuck. I have been looking on escort sites. Where the top price is 200000.300000. Was looking for better looking. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just keeping looking. There are plenty of plastics online, and in the expensive clubs. I can't give you more specifics because its those types of girls that I dislike.

11-27-22, 15:20
So I been searching Facebook and I've been coming across a lot of girls with chest, arm and thigh tattoos. Is this a thing in Colombia? Do a lot of these fb girls have tattoos? Because I've heard girls with tattoos are exactly the ones we should avoid to prevent getting robbed or drugged. I'm also looking for the thick Barbie look type girls preferably no tattoos and classy looking. I'm hoping I'll come across some at gustos, mansion, la isla or fase 2?So far, I have not met a girl without tattoos in Medellin. Some have a lot, some have a few but none had none. It is just a thing in Medellin with young people in Medellin. It has no connection with being robbed or drugged. At least with me so far. Good luck finding a girl without any tatts because that eliminates a lot of girls in Medellin.

11-27-22, 15:39
Most 17 yr old are still in high school. Maybe she said she wanted to be a dentist.I think you are correct, she was some sort of lab technician employee who was preparing to be a dental student. She was wearing some sort of medical uniform.

11-27-22, 16:00
There are several good reports already on this thread for trip panning purposes so this is just some observations from last month. I had a good time.

As others have been noting, there seems to be a sustained increase*in tourists coming to the city.

Multiple Airbnb's I have stayed before and other hotels either had limited availability or no availability at all. The rise of remote workers may also have contributed to this.

The immigration line took about 30 minutes and I had one of my regular chica pick me up. I saw a drunk tourist on his first visit pull out his phone and show pics of FB chicas to multiple people while asking them about getting to Poblado. This kind of behaviour is appalling!

Whenever I did street and casas, I generally noticed a fairly good increase in tourists than last year. Do not know if this is coming off of pandemic rebound or because*this is a good mongering destination and tourist growth is organic. Casas girls have also increased their tips, from 20 k to 50 or 100 k.

I met multiple ISGers and we hung out and created a WhatsApp group. We also went to a few bars in Manrique.

Most of this year, I used tinder / bumble and other sites for overnight wine and dine, kept off of FB, Did not pick up anyone in the PL area but either ways the area is in construction and SWers have moved.

Sugar dating sites have changed the game a bit. There are multiple profiles who are on bumble, SA and tinder but also on FB. Several are students or office workers and you have to arrange your schedule based on when they get off work. My go to places for dinner are either in Provenza or mercado del rio.

Several chicas in SA have specialized, one specifically has a passport and mostly wants to travel. One picks up those who are nomad workers. She cooks, cleans the apartment and laundry during working hours etc. And establishes a long term relationship. Multiple chicas have shown their principal daddies who sent monthly maintenance but are able to come only once a year.

Many SA chicas I have seen early in the year have now moved on to other (richer) daddies. *One explicitly told me that I cannot afford her since she is high maintenance despite me paying her generously by SA standards. She got 2 iphone 14 pros from one of her regular guys!

Over Past couple of trips, I met multiple chicas with a day job and was able to do some activities. A swim instructor took me to the school where she worked and I had a good time watching her teach. One nursing student took me to her classes in Cena. I met a girl who works as a dentist in centro area and sat in her clinic watching her doing fillings and ogling her assistants.

One chica asked to if she could bring Novio after seeing my apartment. She came over next day with her BF* and we drank and went to a disco in Poblado. He left after partying and she left in the morning.

I will be travelling to smaller towns on my next trip and will report back.

11-27-22, 16:06
Took a walk around LLeras and Calle 10 about 7 PM on Saturday and again on Sunday around 8 AM. Interesting in the evening as the street along side Gusto's side of the park is being re-done so it's only a narrow walkway. In most places, there's not enough area for SW's to hang as they would basically be blocking the walkway in many areas. So after walking alongside that side of the park I went to Calle 10 and started walking up towards Provenza and there was a line up of girls and seemed like quite a few and some pretty ones, along with some very aggressive ones, or perhaps I should say very hungry ones as one was after me, LOL.

Anyways, some parts of the Park seem almost complete, but at the bottom of the park they still have a large subsurface drainage basin to install which involves a lot of concrete work so it's going to take a awhile.

And on Sunday morning I went by and there were construction crews working on a Sunday. So who knows how things will transform when the park re-opens. I'm wondering that if besides the SW's in the Park there will also be all the SW's up Calle 10 and on the side streets. Who knows as it's interesting how things evolve and change here.

11-27-22, 16:32

Man robbed at gun point while sitting outside and eating ice cream.

11-27-22, 16:37
... Because I've heard girls with tattoos are exactly the ones we should avoid to prevent getting robbed or drugged. ...That is a stereo type, not true in my experience.

11-27-22, 16:53
..., I do not see that as a guy living his life to the fullest.....I think your analogy is not appropriate in this context because we are talking about someone making a conscious decision when he is sober. I think you are making a judgement based on your value. I may even agree with your judgement. What I am suggesting is to remove personal judgement and see things from his point of view to understand it but you don't have to agree with it

11-27-22, 16:59
You answered your own question to me using my quote above. Are you mental or something because I already clearly answered your question before you even asked it. My "not sure" = your "guess". Darwin is looking for you.Thank you for your confirmation. I have always enjoyed your posts.

11-27-22, 17:25
I think your analogy is not appropriate in this context because we are talking about someone making a conscious decision when he is sober. I think you are making a judgement based on your value. I may even agree with your judgement. What I am suggesting is to remove personal judgement and see things from his point of view to understand it but you don't have to agree with itSo your not saying the poster being discussed here was sober all the time as it seemed more like he was in a daze with all the stuff he was consuming, even apologizing or I should say letting others know he was high when writing his posts.

The consumption of all the stuff he was consuming would definitely cloud someone's decision making for sure, but perhaps not him. I'm surprised he didn't crash and burn on multiple occasion's during his visits here. Never a dull moment for him, and at the end of the day, that's what I think most of us are here for, so if you survive how you like to monger un-scathed, well that's to be admired in many ways.

11-27-22, 17:26
Hi guys. I am going to Columbia. Medellin, Bogota and Cartagna next month. I am looking for the big fake tits, barbie look. Cost isn't a thing. I want top notch latina bimbos. Hot as fuck. I have been looking on escort sites. Where the top price is 200000.300000. Was looking for better looking. Appreciate any links or pm messages. Thanks.Might consider adding Cali to your itinerary. More silicone tits and ass than any other city I've been to.

11-27-22, 17:44
So I been searching Facebook and I've been coming across a lot of girls with chest, arm and thigh tattoos. Is this a thing in Colombia?If you like girls without tattoos Medellin is probably not the place for you. You will be hard pressed to find many girls over the age of 18 who have none.

11-27-22, 17:57
Someone mentioned that the immigration line at the airport was 30 minutes. I can tell you that I had a miserable experience and waited over 1 hour at the immigration line. It was the longest that I had ever waited in immigration at any country. I did arrive on Saturday and maybe that was a factor.

11-27-22, 18:10
So your not saying the poster being discussed here was sober all the time as it seemed more like he was in a daze with all the stuff he was consuming, even apologizing or I should say letting others know he was high when writing his posts....That is the consequence (instead of the cause) of his decision before coming to Medellin, for example. I don't know when and I am just assuming.

Again, not making judgement, as far as his posts go, he was happy to be in paradise and stayed as long as he could. He, RR, and SS all have similar close encounter and they have reported. Do you think they are that different except the venues? Based on your response to my posts before, you tolerate certain thing, can you say that you see no benefit from that?

I will use a person who enjoys extreme sport as an example. If this person has a family with kids, and he goes out to do the extreme stuff. It is less reckless to do it with insurance than without insurance to cover his family. If this person choose to do it because he does not have family or obligation but he will stop once he has family, then it is less reckless as well. I don't see it as black and white when observing but that is just me.

11-27-22, 18:33
Just a reminder for those who don't know. Always decline conversion rate at any ATM. $311 vs $337. Don't worry - declining won't cancel your transaction.

11-27-22, 18:49
If you like girls without tattoos Medellin is probably not the place for you. You will be hard pressed to find many girls over the age of 18 who have none.Despite tattoos are very popular among Medellin chicas, that's not 100% accurate statement. A lot of FB girls outside of the most popular Bello's chicas don't have any tattoos or have one or couple small ones. You can find girls without tattoos in casas, strip clubs or among El Centro SWs.

11-27-22, 18:51
That is the consequence (instead of the cause) of his decision before coming to Medellin, for example. I don't know when and I am just assuming.

Again, not making judgement, as far as his posts go, he was happy to be in paradise and stay as long as he can. He, RR, and SS all have similar close encounter and they have reported. Do you think they are that different except the venues? Based on your response to my posts before, you tolerate certain thing, can you say that you see no benefit from that?

I will use a person who enjoy extreme sport as an example. If this person has a family with kids, and he goes out to do the extreme stuff. It is less reckless to do it with insurance than without insurance to cover his family. If this person choose to do it because he does not have family or obligation but he will stop once he has family, then it is less reckless as well. I don't see it as black and white when observing but that is just me.Annoying, I suppose the moderators wouldn't allow my last post regarding this. Anyway, OS bought a piece of land and was building a house for a hooker! Dude bought multiple scooters for hookers he was banging. How many phones did he have stolen? How often was he using drugs?

There is enjoying life and then there is just being a fool who wants to die. That guy clearly wanted to die. You are actually comparing his behavior with extreme sports, dude, see'Mon. Man. Mountain climbing and buying homes for hookers is not in the same universe, let alone ballpark LOL.

Elvis is correct though, some guys you just can't make a point too.

I would bet my last dollar, we never see a post from OS again as something tragic has probably ocurred to him. Sad, but true.

11-27-22, 19:13
I hope the guy is on a self-imposed sabbatical because of a period of clarity. I can't think of many better possible results of what I had been reading here. It just did not feel like it was heading to a good place.

So your not saying the poster being discussed here was sober all the time as it seemed more like he was in a daze with all the stuff he was consuming, even apologizing or I should say letting others know he was high when writing his posts.

The consumption of all the stuff he was consuming would definitely cloud someone's decision making for sure, but perhaps not him. I'm surprised he didn't crash and burn on multiple occasion's during his visits here. Never a dull moment for him, and at the end of the day, that's what I think most of us are here for, so if you survive how you like to monger un-scathed, well that's to be admired in many ways.

11-27-22, 19:35
Arte Dolce is different from the many nearby businesses in an important way. A robber can get in and out of the place rapidly without encountering any resistance from a reception or host area. It is set up so that the employees and the cash are protected but the customers are completely exposed. Nearby businesses have checkpoints at their entrances. The places closer to la 10 like Social, Burdo, and Gato have similarly exposed outdoor tables but they are actively monitored by the police and private security. Most of the businesses in Provenza are glorified fast food counters with chairs and loudspeakers. The small number of quality restaurants all control their entrances. The victim in the reddit report decided to wear a fake Rolex and a gold chain. It appears to have attracted attention. I expect he will reconsider that decision.


Man robbed at gun point while sitting outside and eating ice cream.

11-27-22, 20:11

Came across this video and even with many MDE yrs in me, found it a useful reminder when I head back out there next month. Think I'll be safer and have more fun hanging out in Bello than Poblado hehe.

11-27-22, 20:52
There are several good reports already on this thread for trip panning purposes so this is just some observations from last month. I had a good time.

As others have been noting, there seems to be a sustained increase*in tourists coming to the city.

Multiple Airbnb's I have stayed before and other hotels either had limited availability or no availability at all. The rise of remote workers may also have contributed to this.

The immigration line took about 30 minutes and I had one of my regular chica pick me up. I saw a drunk tourist on his first visit pull out his phone and show pics of FB chicas to multiple people while asking them about getting to Poblado. This kind of behaviour is appalling!

Whenever I did street and casas, I generally noticed a fairly good increase in tourists than last year. Do not know if this is coming off of pandemic rebound or because*this is a good mongering destination and tourist growth is organic. Casas girls have also increased their tips, from 20 k to 50 or 100 k..Hey Sankarshetty,

I will be traveling in December first and 2nd week, I sent you a PM.

11-27-22, 21:06
I have a friend who is 29 only 1 tattoo and is looking to make some extra money for Christmas and for the new year. She is a single mom with 2 kids, I have known her for 4 years. She is not a pro, she works in a restaurant kitchen. She asked if I knew how she could make extra money. I thought I would put this out there. PM me for details and I will send a pic and her WA to contact her. She is asking for 250 mil per hour.

Despite tattoos are very popular among Medellin chicas, that's not 100% accurate statement. A lot of FB girls outside of the most popular Bello's chicas don't have any tattoos or have one or couple small ones. You can find girls without tattoos in casas, strip clubs or among El Centro SWs.

11-27-22, 21:32
So I been searching Facebook and I've been coming across a lot of girls with chest, arm and thigh tattoos. Is this a thing in Colombia? Do a lot of these fb girls have tattoos? Because I've heard girls with tattoos are exactly the ones we should avoid to prevent getting robbed or drugged. I'm also looking for the thick Barbie look type girls preferably no tattoos and classy looking. I'm hoping I'll come across some at gustos, mansion, la isla or fase 2?Finding women without tattoos is getting very challenging everywhere, and is close to impossible in MDE.

11-27-22, 21:37
Reckless? Anything that makes the locals frown upon that foreigner because the locals may generalize that all foreigners are that way. Anything that is illegal (especially in public) like buying, using, or smelling of drugs. Guys that are "loud" in dressing that says I have money so please rob me. Guys that talk loudly so that people 2+ meters away can hear what they are saying like they are someone to be heard or are special in some way but obviously are the complete opposite. This is especially true if you are loudly negotiating what you want the girl to do in bed while "regular" everyday people are passing by and have to hear you and they have kids with them.

I saw Osteo a few times at Centro. Hard to miss based on his appearance and how he carried himself since he looked like a 70's or hard rock dressed guy. Not sure how he acted but based on his endless need for attention on this site I really doubt he had the ability to turn his attention seeking "please please please good lord look at me" off in public. Newbies visit this site a few weeks before their first Colombia trip and read Osteos crap and assume this is how foreigners act and copy his crap.

But in private do largely whatever you want to do as long as others are not negatively affected. Example is stay in your apartment and drink until you pass out or go out on the hotel balcony and get high. You had fun and nobody was effected.

But if you are at the appropriate location for attention then do so. You are at a concert then scream your head off. You are at a disco then dress so wildly that you get everyone's attention.

So many idiots can not figure out that yelling to the lyrics in a loud bar or concert is fine but yelling the lyrics to a song you are listening to with headphones on walking down the mall is not fine. Darwin needs to do some triple shifts at work.There once was a guy that dressed and acted like a clown because he saw it in a circus. No law against that.

Girls and thieves in centro, Medellin have an eye for tourists and newbies so the price triples and sometimes they try to figure the easiest quickest way to roll you.

11-27-22, 22:41
Nothing but stunners.

There were obstacles getting here late Friday. Check Mig broken, Driver did not show, Cambio rates all BS and changing day to day. Bof A Bankcard declined everywhere. LOL Taxi thru the tunnel at 40 km / HR and painting / in tunnel construction (asphyxiating air) but by 8 PM all was well. My go to driver (friend) shows me Lleras and Calle 10 SW's. Actually better quality than I expected and easier access to eye candy, restaurants etc. Then the park used to be.

Then things start to morph into some different reality. Blonde 21 years old at a strip club, 300 COP GUAU. Was wiped out, ate at the outside walk up dinner. (twice) Next day (Saturday) wandering to Santa Fe mall, Cambio rates and cop availability NADA. Used hotel front desk for Cambio. Was a better rate. Went to La Isla. Was sparse at 11 PM but not to disappoint I found a bilingual stunner. Was still tires from the trip and from last nights stunner so got her number and head out to Fase 2, OMG a nearly exact replica of the blonde from the night previously. I thought she was the same girl. I was wrong. Where do these stunning blondes come from? I think they are sisters, I was afraid to ask (Later I will) so we also sessioned, same $300 cop. Plus since it lasted 1. 5 hours (wtf?) I tipped 100 COP Sex was amazing. Body amazing, attitude. Can't believe it.

You guys remember the Shannon Twins that Hefner adopted? These 2 Colombian girls blow them away! I cannot believe it's true. They are probably sisters. My work is cut out for me. 3 stunners in 2 days and I am here for 3 weeks. Dance card is full.

11-27-22, 22:48
Switching from the laptop to the phone to post a photo. More later.

11-27-22, 22:52
That is a stereo type, not true in my experience.You need more experience then. In the jungle that we play (mongering areas) the more tats in majority of cases equates to more sexual partners and trouble with the law. I believe that women with a large lower back tat have almost always been players at the time of the stamp. They may not be years later but at that time lots of sexual partners. Not called Tramp Stamp for nothing. Also, find that the more tats on a guy the more problems he had with the law in his life. Stereotypes are not made but earned. Like do not walk down a dark alley and do not go out late at night flashing wealth. But if you feel like the exceptions are the way to go then I will happily walk around Botero at 1 am while you wear expensive clothes, jewelry, and phone in your hand. 10 meters behind you I will happily watch you practice what you preach not to judge people late at night because nobody is out to get you and see what happens.

Tell what is your experience with the saying / stereotype of "You can take the girl out of the bar but not take the bar out of the girl"? There are exceptions, but The Rule still stands. You seem to want to find all the exceptions lately with your postings and questioning guys with their definitions. WTF? You just bored?

11-28-22, 00:03
The only casa I visit is Loutron and there I'd say the experience is the opposite, last few months the line up has been awesome. You got t be at the right time though, if it's busy the hotties are taken.Is loitering better than the mansion? I've noticed nobody really talks about mansion anymore.

11-28-22, 00:46
I have a friend who is 29 only 1 tattoo and is looking to make some extra money for Christmas and for the new year. She is a single mom with 2 kids, I have known her for 4 years. She is not a pro, she works in a restaurant kitchen. She asked if I knew how she could make extra money. I thought I would put this out there. PM me for details and I will send a pic and her WA to contact her. She is asking for 250 mil per hour.No offense, but if it's not you who suggested the price it sounds as a 29 yo HARD PRO with golden pussy syndrome and 2 kids "She is asking for 250 mil per hour" : non-pro will NEVER use "per hour".

11-28-22, 02:04
Is loitering better than the mansion? I've noticed nobody really talks about mansion anymore.It depends where you choose to loiter.

11-28-22, 02:21
Someone mentioned that the immigration line at the airport was 30 minutes. I can tell you that I had a miserable experience and waited over 1 hour at the immigration line. It was the longest that I had ever waited in immigration at any country. I did arrive on Saturday and maybe that was a factor.I landed on Saturday around 1 pm as well, and it took me close to an hour to clear the migracion line.

11-28-22, 03:09
Energy living check in to my suite with a full size jacuzzi on the balcony. One of my regular girls I met in Bogotá met me here for the weekend and we had a great time during the day. They now have a nice restaurant downstairs to take girls as well. Very guest friendly place full of gringos. Friday night went to la Isla got there early and it didn't really get busy until 11:30 at night. Maybe 100 girls at midnight and only 35 at 10:00 pm. Price was 350,000 to go upstairs. Got a bottle of champagne and celebrated.

Saturday night walked around lleras park with all the construction the hoe train was more spread out onto Calle 10 with the fast food restaurants. Can't believe how slow the construction in the park been like that for a few trips now. Then decided to do the strip club tour. Started at Giselle Barra dance for 10 pm only 10 girls some much older with one young skinny looker showing up at eleven. It's a very small club like hole in the wall thoughts. Next up fase dos at 11 pm they have renovated inside and with new leather chairs etc. About 35 girls inside two were to my liking one was a blonde girl I hooked up with in March at la Isla guess she had switched places. Think her name was Nala she had one of the tightest pussys ever. Keegal grip the whole time must have asked doctor for an extra stitch LOL. Finally returned to La Isla at midnight. Instantly took a cute brunette with a nice young juicy fake bum. Round one done. Had a few drinks had to buy a 6 coronas bucket to get a seat. Then found a skinny brunette and took her upstairs. As the night was winding down I made the move and took a cute young blonde with a tight spinner body and asked for her to come to my place.

Here's where the scams begin the guy at the counter said it would be 2,000,000 pesos for take out. I laughed and told the girl to take my number and she could message me later. To come for 1,000,000 for the night. Within five minutes she texted back saying let's go. Paid only 200,000 k for bar exit fee and 800 k to her. She loved taking pictures and videos with the jaHad a great time popping bottled in the jacuzzi she loved the private view of medellin. Had a great time with lots of action all over the condo and some nice long relaxing BBBJ without asking.

Mr Enternational
11-28-22, 03:23
No offense, but if it's not you who suggested the price it sounds as a 29 yo HARD PRO with golden pussy syndrome and 2 kids "She is asking for 250 mil per hour" : non-pro will NEVER use "per hour".LOL. And I seriously doubt they would say 250 either. They know that is a lot of damn money, unlike normal hookers that see guys give that amount in tips alone so they assume all foreigners are rich. We all know these new chicks start off at 100,000 and tend to stay as long as you want. Then later in the game they want more money and want it by the hour after enough foreigners have contacted them with offers by the hour because that is how it is done back home.

11-28-22, 03:39
It is pretty much random and depends on how many other international flights arrive at the same time.

Someone mentioned that the immigration line at the airport was 30 minutes. I can tell you that I had a miserable experience and waited over 1 hour at the immigration line. It was the longest that I had ever waited in immigration at any country. I did arrive on Saturday and maybe that was a factor.

Elvis 2008
11-28-22, 03:44
I think your analogy is not appropriate in this context because we are talking about someone making a conscious decision when he is sober.As someone else pointed out, he was not sober much of the time.

I think you are making a judgement based on your value.Showboating, taking unnecessary risks, and having to be the center of attention are signs of narcissism. Those are what others have said here. They are not my values.

What I am suggesting is to remove personal judgement and see things from his point of view to understand it but you don't have to agree with itThat is fair if the guy is not crazy. If he is a narcissist, then he is a miserable insecure person who is projecting an image of a good time Charlie to lure guys in. Do Tussi, fuck women who try to poison you, pegging is great; that is living life to the fullest.

Why would he do that? Well if he can do that now he can feel more normal and has company, and as they say, misery loves company.

11-28-22, 05:48
Energy living check in to my suite with a full size jacuzzi on the balcony. One of my regular girls I met in Bogot met me here for the weekend and we had a great time during the day. They now have a nice restaurant downstairs to take girls as well. Very guest friendly place full of gringos. Friday night went to la Isla got there early and it didn't really get busy until 11:30 at night. Maybe 100 girls at midnight and only 35 at 10:00 pm. Price was 350,000 to go upstairs. Got a bottle of champagne and celebrated.

Saturday night walked around lleras park with all the construction the hoe train was more spread out onto Calle 10 with the fast food restaurants. Can't believe how slow the construction in the park been like that for a few trips now. Then decided to do the strip club tour. Started at Giselle Barra dance for 10 pm only 10 girls some much older with one young skinny looker showing up at eleven. It's a very small club like hole in the wall thoughts. Next up fase dos at 11 pm they have renovated inside and with new leather chairs etc. About 35 girls inside two were to my liking one was a blonde girl I hooked up with in March at la Isla guess she had switched places. Think her name was Nala she had one of the tightest pussys ever. Keegal grip the whole time must have asked doctor for an extra stitch LOL. Finally returned to La Isla at midnight. Instantly took a cute brunette with a nice young juicy fake bum. Round one done. Had a few drinks had to buy a 6 coronas bucket to get a seat. Then found a skinny brunette and took her upstairs. As the night was winding down I made the move and took a cute young blonde with a tight spinner body and asked for her to come to my place.

Here's where the scams begin the guy at the counter said it would be 2,000,000 pesos for take out. I laughed and told the girl to take my number and she could message me later. To come for 1,000,000 for the night. Within five minutes she texted back saying let's go. Paid only 200,000 k for bar exit fee and 800 k to her. She loved taking pictures and videos with the jaHad a great time popping bottled in the jacuzzi she loved the private view of medellin. Had a great time with lots of action all over the condo and some nice long relaxing BBBJ without asking.800 K was for an all nighter? How many pops.

11-28-22, 06:12
I have a friend who is 29 only 1 tattoo and is looking to make some extra money for Christmas and for the new year. She is a single mom with 2 kids, I have known her for 4 years. She is not a pro, she works in a restaurant kitchen. She asked if I knew how she could make extra money. I thought I would put this out there. PM me for details and I will send a pic and her WA to contact her. She is asking for 250 mil per hour.Quoting an hourly rate? Sure to be a rush job. Thanks but no thanks!

11-28-22, 06:17
Friday night went to la Isla got there early and it didn't really get busy until 11:30 at night. Maybe 100 girls at midnight and only 35 at 10:00 pm. Price was 350,000 to go upstairs. Got a bottle of champagne and celebrated. She loved taking pictures and videos with the jaHad a great time popping bottled in the jacuzzi she loved the private view of medellin. Had a great time with lots of action all over the condo and some nice long relaxing BBBJ without asking.350 k? What happened to the firm non negotiable price of 300 k? Is that not a thing anymore at la Isla?

I'm staying at a Airbnb apartment building to my surprise just a few minutes walking distance from la Isla, from the pics it looks like it's at the top of a hill, reviews say it has the absolute best view of Medellin, I'm excited.

Mr Enternational
11-28-22, 06:21
Paid only 200,000 k for bar exit fee and 800 k to her. Had a great time with lots of action all over the condo and some nice long relaxing BBBJ without asking.Paid only? I would hope that for that much money a lot more would be done without asking. You make it sound like she did you a favor.

11-28-22, 06:21
It depends where you choose to loiter.LOL I meant to write Loutron.

11-28-22, 09:50
You need more experience then. In the jungle that we play (mongering areas) the more tats in majority of cases equates to more sexual partners and trouble with the law. I believe that women with a large lower back tat have almost always been players at the time of the stamp. They may not be years later but at that time lots of sexual partners. Not called Tramp Stamp for nothing. Also, find that the more tats on a guy the more problems he had with the law in his life. Stereotypes are not made but earned. Like do not walk down a dark alley and do not go out late at night flashing wealth. But if you feel like the exceptions are the way to go then I will happily walk around Botero at 1 am while you wear expensive clothes, jewelry, and phone in your hand. 10 meters behind you I will happily watch you practice what you preach not to judge people late at night because nobody is out to get you and see what happens.

Tell what is your experience with the saying / stereotype of "You can take the girl out of the bar but not take the bar out of the girl"? There are exceptions, but The Rule still stands. You seem to want to find all the exceptions lately with your postings and questioning guys with their definitions. WTF? You just bored?Most of us aren't paying guys for sex, so we're not running into the problems you seem to be having with tattooed Colombian men. Maybe it's your cologne.

Tattoos are common. There are many women with tattoos who aren't working the streets in El Centro. There are many women with tattoos who aren't part of a criminal gang focused on robbing gringos (from the original question). Obviously Nounce has had sex with tattooed women. Obviously most of those women haven't robbed and killed him. That corresponds with my own experience. I honestly can't remember the last time I was murdered by a woman with tattoos.

Stereotypes are the lazy man's way of explaining his bigotry. They're almost always false.

11-28-22, 12:21
800 K was for an all nighter? How many pops.For 3 hours. I prefer to sleep alone had another girl coming during the day anyways LOL.

11-28-22, 15:58
It's a little bit of money but we only live once. The important thing is that you enjoyed it.

For 3 hours. I prefer to sleep alone had another girl coming during the day anyways LOL.

11-28-22, 16:17
So you are saying the curtains matched the drapes?

Nothing but stunners.

There were obstacles getting here late Friday. Check Mig broken, Driver did not show, Cambio rates all BS and changing day to day. Bof A Bankcard declined everywhere. LOL Taxi thru the tunnel at 40 km / HR and painting / in tunnel construction (asphyxiating air) but by 8 PM all was well. My go to driver (friend) shows me Lleras and Calle 10 SW's. Actually better quality than I expected and easier access to eye candy, restaurants etc. Then the park used to be.

Then things start to morph into some different reality. Blonde 21 years old at a strip club, 300 COP GUAU. Was wiped out, ate at the outside walk up dinner. (twice) Next day (Saturday) wandering to Santa Fe mall, Cambio rates and cop availability NADA. Used hotel front desk for Cambio. Was a better rate. Went to La Isla. Was sparse at 11 PM but not to disappoint I found a bilingual stunner. Was still tires from the trip and from last nights stunner so got her number and head out to Fase 2, OMG a nearly exact replica of the blonde from the night previously. I thought she was the same girl. I was wrong. Where do these stunning blondes come from? I think they are sisters, I was afraid to ask (Later I will) so we also sessioned, same $300 cop. Plus since it lasted 1. 5 hours (wtf?) I tipped 100 COP Sex was amazing. Body amazing, attitude. Can't believe it..

11-28-22, 16:23
LOL. And I seriously doubt they would say 250 either. They know that is a lot of damn money, unlike normal hookers that see guys give that amount in tips alone so they assume all foreigners are rich. We all know these new chicks start off at 100,000 and tend to stay as long as you want. Then later in the game they want more money and want it by the hour after enough foreigners have contacted them with offers by the hour because that is how it is done back home.Yup. Most definitely not a non pro.

11-28-22, 17:26
Paid only? I would hope that for that much money a lot more would be done without asking. You make it sound like she did you a favor.For the best looking girl in La Isla yes. She was very busy the day before with other guys I was satisfied and got her WhatsApp etc now to arrange time on my own. Most important thing is to collect WhatsApp for future trips and day time chilling etc. Far better prices during the day and nice to have someone to relax by the pool with etc.

11-28-22, 18:15
... WTF? You just bored?Maybe, LOL. The reason is two interesting members stop posting in the past month but i am glad you are still here.

I will reply with detail when I have time and feel like doing it. Below is the clue that I can come up in a short time.

I've been invited and participated in many Saturday / Sunday family events...If you want to go barrio, you have better be invited. If you want to imitate what he is doing, you also need to have the same condition.

11-28-22, 20:27
1 mil for 3 hours for a chick in Medellin, that's wild. I wonder what she looked like before all the plastic and money.

11-28-22, 21:54
I honestly can't remember the last time I was murdered by a woman with tattoos.

Stereotypes are the lazy man's way of explaining his bigotry. They're almost always false.Question to think about. You check into a hotel for one night and there is a set of hot triplet sisters working at the front desk of the hotel. They look the same in face, body, and how they are dressed obviously. You want all of them but just hoping to nail just one. Which one do you think you have the best chance with? The one with zero tattoos? The one with 3 tattoos? Or the one with 7 tattoos?

Please do not answer JjBee62. I know this could simply kill you not to reply because you have this need to comment on everything. But this is simply a thinking exercise for everyone. Doing this to you is mean like teasing a dog with a bone but do try your best to let this tattoo conversation end here.

11-28-22, 23:50
Has anybody had success using a Wells card to get cash from ATM's?

11-29-22, 00:02
Has anybody had success using a Wells card to get cash from ATM's?It will work but its going to cost you a foreign transaction fee.

11-29-22, 05:18
Question to think about. You check into a hotel for one night and there is a set of hot triplet sisters working at the front desk of the hotel. They look the same in face, body, and how they are dressed obviously. You want all of them but just hoping to nail just one. Which one do you think you have the best chance with? The one with zero tattoos? The one with 3 tattoos? Or the one with 7 tattoos?

Please do not answer JjBee62. I know this could simply kill you not to reply because you have this need to comment on everything. But this is simply a thinking exercise for everyone. Doing this to you is mean like teasing a dog with a bone but do try your best to let this tattoo conversation end here.If you want to try a thinking exercise, put some thought into it. Otherwise it falls apart.

1. The chance of meeting 1 person who is a triplet is extremely slim. About 1. 5% of all births are multiple births and 1% of multiple births are triplets or more. Add in young, female, hot and all working at the same place at the same time and you're somewhere in the winning the lottery 3 times probability range.

2. Most hotels don't allow people to work the front desk in micro bikinis. In typical hotel work attire, there's no chance that all of a woman's tattoos will be visible. In reality, each of them might have 20 tattoos, but most, if not all would be covered by clothing.

3. It doesn't matter how many tattoos any woman has if she's not interested. If the 1 with no tattoos (in the fantasy hotel with hot, naked triplets working the desk) is smiling and flirting with me, that's the easy choice. Forget for a second that you'll have no idea how many tattoos each have. Why depend on number of tattoos when it's much easier to just talk to all of them and read their reactions?

How is that mean to me? Did you think asking me not to respond to something ridiculous would have an effect on me?

11-29-22, 06:27
How to Meet a Beautiful Colombian Woman in Medellin Without Ending Up in a Body Bag. A Very Short Guide for Foreigners.

Dedicated to all foreigners who lost their lives trying to meet Colombian women. In 2022 about 25 and counting. And that's just in Medellin.

The safest way to meet a Colombian woman in Medellin is to meet a "good girl. " Good girls have things going on in their lives, they study and / or work, come from decent families and have morals. They are not "easy. " They are not "party girls. ".

The best ways to meet a good Colombian woman are in real life. In organic environments such as school, work, through friends, through activities or a hobby. There is no lack of activities or events going on all the time in Medellin. And I mean activities besides going out and partying. There is something for everyone. From bicycling to art events to cooking classes.

With a good woman, you need to take your time, show her you're sincere and treat her with respect. You're unlikely to have sex with her on the first date.

Good women are generally not on apps that you're used to such as Tinder. On the contrary, Tinder is very dangerous as there are scopolamine gangs operating on it and looking for new victims.

You're most likely a tourist, staying in Colombia only for a few days, weeks or months and you may respond to this with: "Bro, I don't have time for all this good girl stuff, I just want to get laid bro. ".

OK, fair enough. There is a way to do that too without ending up in a body bag.

Prostitution is legal in Colombia but keep in mind that it's frowned upon. Bragging about your adventures, especially to locals is not the best idea. Be discrete and tactful. Locals do not appreciate foreigners treating Colombia as their brothel and sex tourists are seen in a very bad light. Unless you want to be stereotyped as a sex tourist keep your naughty adventure to yourself and maybe your "bros. ".

Since prostitution is legal in Colombia, there are established business that satisfy this demand. Using these business is SAFE. You will not be robbed or drugged and nothing will happen to you. Why? Because it's in the interest of these businesses to keep their clients safe and they make sure their girls don't mistreat clients.

There are basically two types of organized establishments in Colombia where you can purchase sex. Strip clubs and casas. Strip clubs are just like strip clubs in the USA, except they have rooms where you can take any girl you like. Casas are essentially brothels.

Nothing will happen to you in a strip club or a casa. Some of the most well-known strip clubs are La Isla and Fase Dos. As for casas, they are more lowkey but you can ask any taxi driver and he'd be happy to help you out.

Now, that you know what is safe, let's go over what is NOT safe.

1. Picking up hookers in the street in foreigner-heavy areas such as Park LLeras.

2. Bringing any girl to your place on the first date. Good girls are unlikely to agree and if a girl agrees you're running a substantial risk of her being a really bad girl.

3. Using apps such as Tinder.

4. Picking up girls in bars and clubs in foreigner-heavy areas such as Park Lleras and La 70. If you venture out to middle class or lower class barrios, you can actually do this with virtually no risk because the scopolamine gangs are simply not hunting there.

5. Meeting girls on Facebook, especially in foreigner groups. Yes, they are also being targeted by scopolamine gangs. Definitely avoid girls with revealing photos who randomly added you as a friend.

If you follow this guide, your chance of being scopolamined is very low, even if you choose to pay for sex. I personally recommend putting in the time and effort and discovering the inner beauty of good Colombian women. Their kindness, warmth and many other great qualities.

11-29-22, 06:59
Energy living check in to my suite with a full size jacuzzi on the balcony. One of my regular girls I met in Bogot met me here for the weekend and we had a great time during the day. They now have a nice restaurant downstairs to take girls as well. Very guest friendly place full of gringos. Friday night went to la Isla got there early and it didn't really get busy until 11:30 at night. Maybe 100 girls at midnight and only 35 at 10:00 pm. Price was 350,000 to go upstairs. Got a bottle of champagne and celebrated.

Saturday night walked around lleras park with all the construction the hoe train was more spread out onto Calle 10 with the fast food restaurants. Can't believe how slow the construction in the park been like that for a few trips now. Then decided to do the strip club tour. Started at Giselle Barra dance for 10 pm only 10 girls some much older with one young skinny looker showing up at eleven. It's a very small club like hole in the wall thoughts. Next up fase dos at 11 pm they have renovated inside and with new leather chairs etc. About 35 girls inside two were to my liking one was a blonde girl I hooked up with in March at la Isla guess she had switched places. Think her name was Nala she had one of the tightest pussys ever. Keegal grip the whole time must have asked doctor for an extra stitch LOL. Finally returned to La Isla at midnight. Instantly took a cute brunette with a nice young juicy fake bum. Round one done. Had a few drinks had to buy a 6 coronas bucket to get a seat. Then found a skinny brunette and took her upstairs. As the night was winding down I made the move and took a cute young blonde with a tight spinner body and asked for her to come to my place.

Here's where the scams begin the guy at the counter said it would be 2,000,000 pesos for take out. I laughed and told the girl to take my number and she could message me later. To come for 1,000,000 for the night. Within five minutes she texted back saying let's go. Paid only 200,000 k for bar exit fee and 800 k to her. She loved taking pictures and videos with the jaHad a great time popping bottled in the jacuzzi she loved the private view of medellin. Had a great time with lots of action all over the condo and some nice long relaxing BBBJ without asking.The definition of a weekend warrior. To each their own. I never pass on info to them, because frankly they don't need it, and I don't like their approach which bends the local landscape the wrong way. I can however highly reccomend Gustos to you, and loutron as well to add to your la Isla bargain basement discount deal. As long as you stick to those areas I think we can all be happy.

11-29-22, 07:57
Switching from the laptop to the phone to post a photo. More later.

So you are saying the curtains matched the drapes?Took me 15 minutes to decide they were 2 different girls. #2 had a small tattoo. I still am having issues uploading photos. Gr

11-29-22, 08:00
So you are saying the curtains matched the drapes?You are correct sir.