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11-18-23, 15:47
I'd like a girl who is under 25, slim, pretty face, beautiful long hair. Who at least seems to like me. I am very polite, clean. I am 63 and look 63 but I look good for 63. Tall. I have blue eyes. I prefer no implants. We can just DFK kissing, cuddling, give each other oral sex. Chat a little on google translate. I'm fine with that. And pay a couple of hundred thousand pesos for a couple of hours.

I am alone. There is not door man. There are a lot of cameras....You can try the bar at Mansion or book a room there for a day. You can search the word Mansion here to find more info. DFK is very YMMV, not a service offered freely.

Judging by so many videos out there, many criminals don't seem to care about being caught on camera. There is a video showing a man gunned down on camera in front of a crowded club on Calle 10 last week.

11-18-23, 15:54

Sounds like a poster who has an axe to grind. Getting a bit old.

I think Medellin is safer than a lot of other destinations like the Dom Rep, Philippines or Thailand. Can't comment on Mexico as I've never been. Willing to bet that far more westerners are killed in Angeles City (Philippines) than in Colombia in total. Colombianos will try to direct you away from dangerous areas in my experience and Parque Lleras is fairly safe to walk around, even drunk as it's well lit and loads of cops about (especially now as they set up checkpoints on all the entrances to the Parque).

Usually when you read into a foreigner being killed in somewhere like Medellin (or Angeles, Pattaya, Cancun, Sosua, et al.) its usually because the foreigner ended up doing something stupid, like in the post you quoted. Guy was shot resisting a mugging, I'm a self defence practitioner (Krav Maga) and the best course of action in a robbery is to give them what they want. No phone, no matter how shiny or wallet no matter how full is worth getting shot or stabbed over. I'm no fan of muggings but if you get to the point where there is a physical confrontation it's already too late to start defending yourself and you fucked up, prevention is much better than cure on this one, I'd wager that the people who mugged this guy were following him for a while.

By and large Medellin is pretty safe, unless you're an idiot. Just take basic self preservation measures like not getting into fights with locals, don't get involved in the local drugs trade, don't walk down dark alleys, not accepting candy from strangers, so on and so forth.As a person who has been visiting Thailand and the Philippines for a while, I would disagree that Colombia is safer than those countries. I feel a sense of danger in Colombia that is not present in those countries,. Yes, you can take precautions in Colombia but you have to always be on alert. In Thailand and the PI, I am not always on alert. I would also say that the major cities in Mexico are safer than the big cities in Colombia.

There are a lot of positive things about Colombia but safety and crime is not one of them, in my opinion.

11-18-23, 16:42
I think Medellin is safer than a lot of other destinations like Thailand. OMG no fucking way.

11-18-23, 17:13
I'm completing trip number 20 to Medellin. While there are many on the board with more time on the ground, I feel comfortable to say I have knowledge of the lay of the land and a feel for trends. I'm not one for a blow by blow review. Rather, I'll just call out a few things people might find helpful.

I stayed at Hotel Dix. First time staying there. The accomodations are fair. It's clean. Convenient location if you hit up Lleras. It is very noisy. I'm not a particularly light sleeper but it was far from the most restful sleep I ever had. It is girl friendly. They have a security guard and a doorman. With so much focus on security lately, I was pleased with everyone I interacted with at Hotel Dix. I'd consider staying there again.

Overall feel: This is just my perception but there is a more on edge feel in MDE. I could be more influenced by the endless stream of bad news lately. But just an on the ground feel. It is different than even a few months ago. A friend that I will hang out with sometimes was pickpocketed in Lleras by a non-working girl. Took his phone. He didn't feel it, so she was good at her craft. He's really street smart. He reached for his phone, felt it wasn't there, looked up and saw the chica running. Though ill-advised, he chased her down and did retrieve it. The other difference is that the prices being asked are much higher. This has been widely reported on. I didn't pay more than 300 k for any girl. But there were some crazy asking prices. It really left me feeling very jaded. But then, you meet a true paisa that accepts the normal prices and MDE is back to being my favorite playground.

I rarely make recommendations but I'll offer up Geraldine at the Mansion. Really hot girl, in my opinion. All things considered, I'd rate her 8. 5 in looks. Granted, I had my beer goggles on but feel pretty confident in that score. Great personality. Amazing, amazing body. The BBBJ was unbelievable. I really can't find a bad word to say about her. No haggling. I would highly recommend.

The Mansion gets alot of bad press here. And I don't really stay at the hotel anymore. But that bar can be a great spot. The girls will try to milk you dry with drinks. But, if you tell one or two no, the chica network quickly relays that message. LOL But a great place to hang out with some good dudes. There are a couple annyoing regulars that seem to think they run the place. They are easily ignored and interesting conversation topics with the chicas. But last night, I counted about 5 girls that were near or above 8's. Probably 10 girls I would do. If you are less transactional, it's a great location to get to know the chica before pulling the trigger. Not a fan of the 50 k entrance fee. But overall, it's cost efficient. I went there with 600 k laat night. Had a blast. Hung out for a few hours. Had several drinks. Offered the standard mansion rate to the chica of my choice. Was a good night.

Gustos is usually fun to me. I was not impressed this trip. There are alot of sharks there. Obviously, someone is paying these prices. There are still some reasonable and nice girls there. But they are becoming a small minority. It was actually a fun place to people watch. You see some of these guys walk in. In 2 seconds, you can see what they are. It's actually funny to watch. The weekend warrior high rollers. The funny part is the sharks smell the blood in the water. I don't begrudge anyone with what they want to spend. But I'm amused by their actions.

Lleras: apart froym my amigo getting pickpocketed, I did pull 2 girls from Lleras and lived to tell about it. Both 250 k for whatever I wanted. Good experiences. And some decent looking girls available. But don't go before 10 pm.

Massage places: I love my massages. Still my favorite: Nuru massage at Happy Massage. I'd recommend Sofia or Lorena. FS not available but if you are into sensual massages, I haven't found one better, but you will shell out big dollars. Tried Aetnea Spa. Drew Andrea. Not a bad experience but I wouldn't return for her.

11-18-23, 17:47
So I was just curious. Since I've been back I wandered around parque lleras quite a few times. Literally all the clubs around the area were empty besides gustos and black diamond maybe.

Has any one been to any other club besides gustos?

I stood outside in front of black diamond and it didn't have good talent walking outside.Keep it Simple Stupid Weekend Warrior Guide to Medellin for those who don't use online apps.

Parque Lleras: Gustos and Black Diamond, which I assume used to be the Parque Lleras bar. Parque Lleras street walkers.

Strip Clubs: Fas Dos, La Isla, and Luna Lunera. These are your safest and best bets.

After party spot: El Faisan.

Daytime Massage: Loutron.

Take Uber everywhere. Rappi for food. Ibiza for a love motel.

For a weekend warrior this is how its done if you don't want to go the facebook or tinder route.

11-18-23, 20:02
Whaaaat? Submit blood work to the club. I highly doubt that. They come and go into that place just like any other bar or nightclub. No different than walking into a bar. They pay a cover charge I'm sure, and probably have to have their ID checked but that's it.Yeah no idea. Just what a friends family member whos from poblado area told me. He could def be bsing me I have no idea.

On the other hand though my friends protection ripped and the girl said she was getting her results the following week and sent it to him for peace of mind. No idea what to believe.

11-18-23, 20:05
Like others have said, the gusto price is old news. The original post quoted is specifically about street girl. I was just there last night to pick up something I left at the restaurant the night before. One paisa came up to me and she did not quote in USD. She became stone cold and turned away without saying anything when I told her I had a cita waiting. Earlier this week, I was quoted in COP as well. I did see the type of girl you like in the park while they were changing into "work" cloth under those booths to get away from the rain. I guess these might open at 200 USD an hour because they are changing into more formal dress. Last time I was there in good weather, I saw at least one standing there wearing night gown too.The street girls that quoted me $200 usd per hour were NOTTTTT the girls I like. They were just some really young braced out. No plastic done GND looking girls.

THAT is why I was suprised. If the girl LOOKED pro like done up, nails, plastic top and braz lift then I can get why.

Tbh maybe it was just an off night. And I only have a random Thursday-Friday as a data point.

Ill just have to go to medellin again and again and collect more data.

11-18-23, 20:08
I'd like a girl who is under 25, slim, pretty face, beautiful long hair. Who at least seems to like me. I am very polite, clean. I am 63 and look 63 but I look good for 63. Tall. I have blue eyes. I prefer no implants. We can just DFK kissing, cuddling, give each other oral sex. Chat a little on google translate. I'm fine with that. And pay a couple of hundred thousand pesos for a couple of hours.

I am alone. There is not door man. There are a lot of cameras.

Thank you for your advice. Maybe I'll make a foray into Gustos and see what happens.

What bothers me is that I've visited a lot places over these many decades and I have a creepy feeling that a certain percentage of Colombians. Maybe it's 5% or 10%, look at me as prey and they are predators. Maybe I'm being paranoid. However I don't like this feeling. Perhaps: Next year in Cebu? An average Colombian girl would be a really hot girl in the Philippines. And a hot Colombian girl does not exist in the Philippines. Which is why I am in Colombia. (Of course beauty is very subjective; just my personal taste.) However I don't feel too safe around here in El Poblado.DFK is hard to come by. But you can def work that into your negotiations.

You like the type of girl my friend likes. He was able to find more of the GND look at gustos but not that much.

I would check out loutrons too maybe even some other casas. You could get their whatsapp # from there.

Paisonprepago has a lot of girls you might like. But the internet website is tough to trust. I think a lot of people have used them though.

Hope you get what you're looking for. Gluck.

11-18-23, 20:10
You can try the bar at Mansion or book a room there for a day. You can search the word Mansion here to find more info. DFK is very YMMV, not a service offered freely.

Judging by so many videos out there, many criminals don't seem to care about being caught on camera. There is a video showing a man gunned down on camera in front of a crowded club on Calle 10 last week.For some reason I thought mansion meant loutron is this not the case?

I went back to reading casa blanca posts and never saw a pool or an area where girls were hanging around. Wtf I think I messed up and didn't check this place out. What do I have to google to find the address of this place. Or does casa blanca= loutron?

11-18-23, 20:54
For some reason I thought mansion meant loutron is this not the case?

I went back to reading casa blanca posts and never saw a pool or an area where girls were hanging around. Wtf I think I messed up and didn't check this place out. What do I have to google to find the address of this place. Or does casa blanca= loutron?Or look for info here. I think the website may not be working.

http://hotelmedellinplaza.com/You can find it on Google, search for Hotel M. I would avoid Loutron. You don't hear often that experienced monger session there. I would not go to Gusto to look for your type of girls either but you could go check it out for yourself.. You paid a premium for being what they expect you to be. You can test drive 3 girls outside of Gusto vs just one in Gusto when they could all arrive in the same taxi from the same barrio.

I have observed that some girls I know started to put on more makeup after they reach their early 20s

Mojo Bandit
11-19-23, 01:29
For some reason I thought mansion meant loutron is this not the case?

I went back to reading casa blanca posts and never saw a pool or an area where girls were hanging around. Wtf I think I messed up and didn't check this place out. What do I have to google to find the address of this place. Or does casa blanca= loutron?Plug this address into google maps and youll find its location.

Carrera 41 #2 Sur, Cl. 1a Sur #2 Sur-85, Medelln, Antioquia, Colombia

I tried plugging this address into Bing maps and it took me somewhere else. Same thing when I tried plugging it in to MapQuest. It only seems to work on Google maps. I do not understand how Google Maps comes up with this address. I don't completely understand Colombia's address system anyway LOL! I don't think Google does either.

It says Hotel Medellin Plaza on Bing maps

Here is an image of what the location and immediate surrounds looks like Google maps.

11-19-23, 01:53
You can test drive 3 girls outside of Gusto vs just one in Gusto when they could all arrive in the same taxi from the same barrio.

I have observed that some girls I know started to put on more makeup after they reach their early 20sCan you rephrase this sentence? I'm not sure what you mean. Is "drive 3" a club or are you saying I could get 3 of the same type of girls for the price I paid?

I just don't know how an asian guy like myself would be able to pull that off safely. Would love some tips for my next visit though.

Also thanks for the google map info. Appreciate it!

Mojo Bandit
11-19-23, 02:33
Can you rephrase this sentence? I'm not sure what you mean. Is "drive 3" a club or are you saying I could get 3 of the same type of girls for the price I paid?

I just don't know how an asian guy like myself would be able to pull that off safely. Would love some tips for my next visit though.

Also thanks for the google map info. Appreciate it!"could get 3 of the same type of girls for the price I paid".

He is saying the same girls inside Gusto are the same quality as the ones walking around in the park but cost a third of the cost of the ones inside, they all come in the same taxis from the same ghetto. Probably a barrio in Bello, LOL. He says "test drive" because they are ST unlike the chicas inside who are charging for TLN. I did literally pull three chicas from parque llears one night. The last one I paid extra to stay TLN -.

11-19-23, 03:10
Plug this address into google maps and youll find its location.

Carrera 41 #2 Sur, Cl. 1a Sur #2 Sur-85, Medelln, Antioquia, Colombia

I tried plugging this address into Bing maps and it took me somewhere else. Same thing when I tried plugging it in to MapQuest. It only seems to work on Google maps. I do not understand how Google Maps comes up with this address. I don't completely understand Colombia's address system anyway LOL! I don't think Google does either.

It says Hotel Medellin Plaza on Bing maps

Here is an image of what the location and immediate surrounds looks like Google maps.On my google maps shows as Hotel M (la mansion).

11-19-23, 03:21
Yeah no idea. Just what a friends family member whos from poblado area told me. He could def be bsing me I have no idea.

On the other hand though my friends protection ripped and the girl said she was getting her results the following week and sent it to him for peace of mind. No idea what to believe.I can see a casa asking the girls to get tested as there is a sort of employment aspect to their hours and who works there and who doesn't. But not so at Gustos. As I understand it the girls that go there are no different than you and I in the sense that they just decide to go there. And the bar may or may not care if they are propositioning other customers. Perhaps they facilitate some part of that but my understanding is that there is no direct connection between the business and the girls that show up there to try to get dates. So I don't see how they could even ask for any health information. Interesting story though. But I would not count on it reducing any risk.

As far as a particular chica getting tested, I'm sure if she was worried about pregnancy or disease she would or could do that on her own.

11-19-23, 04:32
"could get 3 of the same type of girls for the price I paid".

He is saying the same girls inside Gusto are the same quality as the ones walking around in the park but cost a third of the cost of the ones inside, they all come in the same taxis from the same ghetto. Probably a barrio in Bello, LOL. He says "test drive" because they are ST unlike the chicas inside who are charging for TLN. I did literally pull three chicas from parque llears one night. The last one I paid extra to stay TLN -.Ahhh I see.

Maybe I just had an off night or looked super touristy. All the street girls I approached charged the $200/ hour rate and they werent pretty. I only asked to get an idea.

Again this is only 2 nights and maybe 5 girls total so. Not much of a sample size.

11-19-23, 04:33
I can see a casa asking the girls to get tested as there is a sort of employment aspect to their hours and who works there and who doesn't. But not so at Gustos. As I understand it the girls that go there are no different than you and I in the sense that they just decide to go there. And the bar may or may not care if they are propositioning other customers. Perhaps they facilitate some part of that but my understanding is that there is no direct connection between the business and the girls that show up there to try to get dates. So I don't see how they could even ask for any health information. Interesting story though. But I would not count on it reducing any risk.

As far as a particular chica getting tested, I'm sure if she was worried about pregnancy or disease she would or could do that on her own.True. One of the girls I picked out did say I needed to buy her a drink for club policy. I just went a long with it. Since it was my first night there.

Mojo Bandit
11-19-23, 09:03
Ahhh I see.

Maybe I just had an off night or looked super touristy. All the street girls I approached charged the $200/ hour rate and they werent pretty. I only asked to get an idea.

Again this is only 2 nights and maybe 5 girls total so. Not much of a sample size.I am not sure that these girls did not mean 200 k pesos for an hour. I have not been down there in a while but that was the going rate for a long time. I have hard time seeing this go up to 200 USD for one hour.

11-19-23, 09:19
I am not sure that these girls did not mean 200 k pesos for an hour. I have not been down there in a while but that was the going rate for a long time. I have hard time seeing this go up to 200 USD for one hour.That's exactly what is happening. No one quotes in USD except for the girls in Gustos from what I understand. It has to be 200 mil and he is hearing doscientos and thinking it's $200 usd.

11-19-23, 15:39
I am not sure that these girls did not mean 200 k pesos for an hour. I have not been down there in a while but that was the going rate for a long time. I have hard time seeing this go up to 200 USD for one hour.These girls are smart. They say "doscientos" and will take what you give them.

11-19-23, 15:42
I can see a casa asking the girls to get tested as there is a sort of employment aspect to their hours and who works there and who doesn't. But not so at Gustos. As I understand it the girls that go there are no different than you and I in the sense that they just decide to go there. And the bar may or may not care if they are propositioning other customers. Perhaps they facilitate some part of that but my understanding is that there is no direct connection between the business and the girls that show up there to try to get dates. So I don't see how they could even ask for any health information. Interesting story though. But I would not count on it reducing any risk.

As far as a particular chica getting tested, I'm sure if she was worried about pregnancy or disease she would or could do that on her own.I've never been to Gustos but this place is beginning to sound alot like Helpee without the drama, excitement and numerous hotties.

11-19-23, 16:18
These girls are smart. They say "doscientos" and will take what you give them.Yes but why on earth would anyone think doscientos means $200 usd and not 200 lukas? When girls in centro say quarenta I don't think it means forty dollars, I think it means 40 mil pesos.

The US dollar is not the currency here and no one is carrying around dollars here either. Except for the poblado boys LOL.

11-19-23, 16:45
FACTS, where's the lie?

Keep it Simple Stupid Weekend Warrior Guide to Medellin for those who don't use online apps.

Parque Lleras: Gustos and Black Diamond, which I assume used to be the Parque Lleras bar. Parque Lleras street walkers.

Strip Clubs: Fas Dos, La Isla, and Luna Lunera. These are your safest and best bets.

After party spot: El Faisan.

Daytime Massage: Loutron.

Take Uber everywhere. Rappi for food. Ibiza for a love motel.

For a weekend warrior this is how its done if you don't want to go the facebook or tinder route.

11-19-23, 23:20
I've never been to Gustos but this place is beginning to sound alot like Helpee without the drama, excitement and numerous hotties.Gustos is not in the same universe as Help, as far as quality, quantity, and fun atmosphere. Though I guess Gustos is still open, so it wins there.

11-20-23, 02:44
Hi all.

I'm cross-posting with the Bogota forum. I have the opportunity of a last minute trip to Colombia over the Christmas / New Year period. I have been cautioned against Bogota due to a lack of company between Christmas and NYE. Is Medellin likely to be similar? It is slightly more expensive to get to MDE, but don't mind that if there are more options for company.


11-20-23, 04:07
Yes but why on earth would anyone think doscientos means $200 usd and not 200 lukas? When girls in centro say quarenta I don't think it means forty dollars, I think it means 40 mil pesos.

The US dollar is not the currency here and no one is carrying around dollars here either. Except for the poblado boys LOL.Cuarenta.

11-20-23, 04:24
I want to be a Poblado boy when I grow up.


11-20-23, 04:43

Sounds like a poster who has an axe to grind. Getting a bit old.

I think Medellin is safer than a lot of other destinations like the Dom Rep, Philippines or Thailand. Can't comment on Mexico as I've never been. Willing to bet that far more westerners are killed in Angeles City (Philippines) than in Colombia in total. Colombianos will try to direct you away from dangerous areas in my experience and Parque Lleras is fairly safe to walk around, even drunk as it's well lit and loads of cops about (especially now as they set up checkpoints on all the entrances to the Parque).

Usually when you read into a foreigner being killed in somewhere like Medellin (or Angeles, Pattaya, Cancun, Sosua, et al.) its usually because the foreigner ended up doing something stupid, like in the post you quoted. Guy was shot resisting a mugging, I'm a self defence practitioner (Krav Maga) and the best course of action in a robbery is to give them what they want. No phone, no matter how shiny or wallet no matter how full is worth getting shot or stabbed over. I'm no fan of muggings but if you get to the point where there is a physical confrontation it's already too late to start defending yourself and you fucked up, prevention is much better than cure on this one, I'd wager that the people who mugged this guy were following him for a while.

By and large Medellin is pretty safe, unless you're an idiot. Just take basic self preservation measures like not getting into fights with locals, don't get involved in the local drugs trade, don't walk down dark alleys, not accepting candy from strangers, so on and so forth. ".

I've never heard of a tourist being murdered in BKK Pattaya or even fucking Tijuana WTF are you smoking.


I think Medellin is the most dangerous city in the world for tourists and if you're a monger, your risks are much much higher.

Show me a city with more tourists being murdered, I doubt anywhere in Africa is this dangerous, Rio? Doubtful?

Mexico is safer and they have a full blown drug war going 24/7.

11-20-23, 05:28
Hi all.

I'm cross-posting with the Bogota forum. I have the opportunity of a last minute trip to Colombia over the Christmas / New Year period. I have been cautioned against Bogota due to a lack of company between Christmas and NYE. Is Medellin likely to be similar? It is slightly more expensive to get to MDE, but don't mind that if there are more options for company.

Thanks.The best place in Colombian between Christmas and New Year is Cali. Unless you have chicas you know from previous trips, it will be hard to find company in Medellin.

11-20-23, 09:22
So I've been planning this trip for 2 years now but I couldn't find anyone to go until now. Finally bought my ticket.

I will be there from Dec 11th - 17th.

Main priorities are Guatape, Loutron, Cerro El Picacho, Energy Spa, New Life, La Isla, Fase Dos, Luna Lunera, Comuna 13, Want to do a Colombian Party bus.

And Crepes and Waffles (LOL).

Definitely bar hopping all 7 of these days. If anyone wants to join for a beer I'm down.

I've been messaging Facebook girls for a while now. How much should I quote them?

Also any tips? Will probably end up at Gustos one day cause the first 3 days will be in Laureles then Poblado the last 3 days.

11-20-23, 12:12
Yes but why on earth would anyone think doscientos means $200 usd and not 200 lukas? When girls in centro say quarenta I don't think it means forty dollars, I think it means 40 mil pesos.

The US dollar is not the currency here and no one is carrying around dollars here either. Except for the poblado boys LOL.The girls I met at Gusto clearly spelled out it was dollar. When I asked one the price in peso, she looked up the conversion on Google. I think they have passed the stage of trying to scam mongers. I don't know about the girls on the street as I have never been quoted in dollar. It's always 250 mil to 350 mil. The lowest I got was about a week ago. 200 mil each for a trio. That is only because they asked me how much I would pay. They are inexperienced, done this only twice.

11-20-23, 12:46
Can you rephrase this sentence? I'm not sure what you mean. Is "drive 3" a club or are you saying I could get 3 of the same type of girls for the price I paid?

I just don't know how an asian guy like myself would be able to pull that off safely. Would love some tips for my next visit though.

Also thanks for the google map info. Appreciate it!It's roughly what MB explained. The quotes I got earlier this year was 200 to 300 dollars for one hour.

Although I don't go there to monger, but when I passed by after dinner, I would look around. Often I can find one or two that I have no problem taking. That's why I think one needs to shop around and do some homework to decide what is the price you want to pay. You can have 3 tries outside while one inside. Which one do you think will have the better odds of getting better sex? Do you think the same girl will quote monger 200 or 300 USD an hour when they work outside of Gusto? If you know what you are doing at Gusto based on your need, then go ahead.

For security, you can work together with your wingman. If I am really worry about security, I would hire a local, like the housekeeper and pay the same amount for watching my place from outside. That's the general idea.

11-20-23, 18:48
Any tips to avoid getting mugged while strolling for prostitutes?

Fun Luvr
11-20-23, 19:40
I will be there from Dec 11th - 17th.

Want to do a Colombian Party bus.

I've been messaging Facebook girls for a while now. How much should I quote them?Sounds like you are going to be very busy if you do all the things you listed.

There are party buses that leave from LA 70 in Laureles. If you walk from the Exito on LA 70 towards the Metro train on the left side of LA 70, you will see the advertisements for the buses. Probably also see the buses.

There is a chica on Facebook who does Comuna 13 tours. Look for Alee Quintero. She will take care of all your needs. There are reports that she will request many drinks during the tour, so keep that in mind.

Offer the FB chicas 200 mil plus one taxi to start, then go to 250 mil total (no taxi) if she rejects the first offer.

11-20-23, 21:01
Any tips to avoid getting mugged while strolling for prostitutes?It's high risk behavior, and I don't advise it. Better to get a reference, or visit one of the brothels for safety. If you decide to walk around Parque Lleras or Candelaria, below are some tips that might reduce your risk some, but it's still very dangerous.

1. Wear long pants and shoes. Walking around with shorts and sandals signals foreigner from further away before someone can even hear your accent. If your body can tolerate the heat, don't wear sunglasses or a hat either.

2. Don't speak english if you know spanish.

3. Look around to see if anyone is watching or following you before approaching a woman to speak with her.

4. Don't hail taxis from the street. If she asks you to get into a ride with a driver she knows, immediately go inside the nearest indoor business.

5. Don't spend time haggling on price. The more time you spend standing there talking, the more exposed you are.

6. El Centro is off limits at night, and Parque Lleras is ill advised, especially late in the evening.

11-20-23, 22:00
Any tips to avoid getting mugged while strolling for prostitutes?Dress like a Colombian (wear cheap clothing), do not wear jewelry or watch, preferably leave cell phone at hotel, do not leave a wallet impression on clothing (keep money in socks or flat and loose in pocket and don't carry too much).

11-20-23, 22:07
Medellin El Centro and Raudal 40,000 peso or 50,000 peso + per room from 9000 peso to 18000 peso, 30 minutes.

11-20-23, 22:09
Yes but why on earth would anyone think doscientos means $200 usd and not 200 lukas? When girls in centro say quarenta I don't think it means forty dollars, I think it means 40 mil pesos.

The US dollar is not the currency here and no one is carrying around dollars here either. Except for the poblado boys LOL.If a chica tells a guy doscientos and he pulls out US $200 you think she's going to tell him no I meant 200 mil pesos?

11-20-23, 23:07
If a chica tells a guy doscientos and he pulls out US $200 you think she's going to tell him no I meant 200 mil pesos?Obviously not. My whole point is that the dude would be an idiot to pull out $200 usd. Every country has its own currency (except for countries that use other countries' currencies such as Ecuador, Panama, and El Salvador). Anyways the currency here is Colombian Peso (COP) when you get an steps from a street vender and they say 2 mil or maybe they just say "dos" you know that it's 2 k COP not $2 usd. Same as a taco in Mexico when they say 20 you know it's a Benito not a Jackson.

11-20-23, 23:19
I need to buy a cheap burner phone from Colombia. Samsung often locks their phones with region locks so that they can be sold be in other regions as brand new. One must insert a sim of the country where they were bought from and make a 5 minutes long call to remove the stupid lock.

Does anyone, who bought a samsung phone from Colombia this year, know where phones sold in Colombia are region locked? And if Yes, using a Colombian Sim for 5 minutes voice call is enough to remove the lock?

Thanks for any advice.

11-20-23, 23:29

Sounds like a poster who has an axe to grind. Getting a bit old.

I think Medellin is safer than a lot of other destinations like the Dom Rep, Philippines or Thailand. Can't comment on Mexico as I've never been. Willing to bet that far more westerners are killed in Angeles City (Philippines) than in Colombia in total. Colombianos will try to direct you away from dangerous areas in my experience and Parque Lleras is fairly safe to walk around, even drunk as it's well lit and loads of cops about (especially now as they set up checkpoints on all the entrances to the Parque).

Usually when you read into a foreigner being killed in somewhere like Medellin (or Angeles, Pattaya, Cancun, Sosua, et al.) its usually because the foreigner ended up doing something stupid, like in the post you quoted. Guy was shot resisting a mugging, I'm a self defence practitioner (Krav Maga) and the best course of action in a robbery is to give them what they want. No phone, no matter how shiny or wallet no matter how full is worth getting shot or stabbed over. I'm no fan of muggings but if you get to the point where there is a physical confrontation it's already too late to start defending yourself and you fucked up, prevention is much better than cure on this one, I'd wager that the people who mugged this guy were following him for a while.

By and large Medellin is pretty safe, unless you're an idiot. Just take basic self preservation measures like not getting into fights with locals, don't get involved in the local drugs trade, don't walk down dark alleys, not accepting candy from strangers, so on and so forth. ".

I've never heard of a tourist being murdered in BKK Pattaya or even fucking Tijuana WTF are you smoking.


I think Medellin is the most dangerous city in the world for tourists and if you're a monger, your risks are much much higher.

Show me a city with more tourists being murdered, I doubt anywhere in Africa is this dangerous, Rio? Doubtful?

Mexico is safer and they have a full blown drug war going 24/7.I have mongered all over Latin America. All the top spots pose risks. I have run into problems in every destination except Panama and that is also because I was only in Panama a week. Without a doubt Cartagena is the most dangerous place for petty and serious crime, but they can all be dangerous even if you are not being stupid. The article makes sense, hopefully tourists pick safer more enjoyable destinations. I still love Medellin and Colombia, but its no longer my number one and I will never return to Cartagena. Well maybe I would under some circumstances, those vennies are fucking sexy haha.

11-21-23, 00:26
Any tips to avoid getting mugged while strolling for prostitutes?Wear a I Love Pablo Escobar tshirt. Make sure to bring the new I phone 15 pro max. If you're black, the newest air Jordan's so they know you are a basketball fan.

11-21-23, 01:00
Yes but why on earth would anyone think doscientos means $200 usd and not 200 lukas? When girls in centro say quarenta I don't think it means forty dollars, I think it means 40 mil pesos.

The US dollar is not the currency here and no one is carrying around dollars here either. Except for the poblado boys LOL.Theres no way I misunderstood what they said.

I took out deepl after. To confirm they meant USD.

I actually phrased it "200 k COP per hour? " after I heard them say dolares. I shouldve countered but it wasnt because I misunderstood them.

Or I just give off poblado vibes + "chino" vibes.

11-21-23, 01:24
Theres no way I misunderstood what they said.

I took out deepl after. To confirm they meant USD.

I actually phrased it "200 k COP per hour? " after I heard them say dolares. I shouldve countered but it wasnt because I misunderstood them.

Or I just give off poblado vibes + "chino" vibes.Well then all the Tussi they've been snorting must have fucked up there brains bcuz it will be a cold day in he'll when Street Walkers are getting $200 usd per hour.

11-21-23, 01:53
Medellin El Centro and Raudal 40,000 peso or 50,000 peso + per room from 9000 peso to 18000 peso, 30 minutes.Facts!

Finally someone is posting real information!

11-21-23, 02:34
So I've been planning this trip for 2 years now but I couldn't find anyone to go until now. Finally bought my ticket.

I will be there from Dec 11th - 17th.

Main priorities are Guatape, Loutron, Cerro El Picacho, Energy Spa, New Life, La Isla, Fase Dos, Luna Lunera, Comuna 13, Want to do a Colombian Party bus.

And Crepes and Waffles (LOL).

Definitely bar hopping all 7 of these days. If anyone wants to join for a beer I'm down.

I've been messaging Facebook girls for a while now. How much should I quote them?

Also any tips? Will probably end up at Gustos one day cause the first 3 days will be in Laureles then Poblado the last 3 days.Don't forget to leave a review about the trip. I'm going in February and I'm doing all I can to be prepared and to pork some latinas. [Email address deleted by Admin]- Email this guy for his Prepago Map of Medellin. Only cost $10 USD for lifetime access.

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

11-21-23, 03:21
I'm going to keep this short and simple. The disclaimer that should go without saying is what I am about to write is my opinion. US $200 in Gustos, Lleras, or anywhere in Medellin is batshit.

Theres no way I misunderstood what they said.

I took out deepl after. To confirm they meant USD.

I actually phrased it "200 k COP per hour? " after I heard them say dolares. I shouldve countered but it wasnt because I misunderstood them.

Or I just give off poblado vibes + "chino" vibes.

11-21-23, 03:48
In your opinion, would you say it's high risk as well in Santa Fe, Bogotá during the day? Thank you in advance for your time.

It's high risk behavior, and I don't advise it. Better to get a reference, or visit one of the brothels for safety. If you decide to walk around Parque Lleras or Candelaria, below are some tips that might reduce your risk some, but it's still very dangerous.

1. Wear long pants and shoes. Walking around with shorts and sandals signals foreigner from further away before someone can even hear your accent. If your body can tolerate the heat, don't wear sunglasses or a hat either.

2. Don't speak english if you know spanish.

3. Look around to see if anyone is watching or following you before approaching a woman to speak with her.

4. Don't hail taxis from the street. If she asks you to get into a ride with a driver she knows, immediately go inside the nearest indoor business.

5. Don't spend time haggling on price. The more time you spend standing there talking, the more exposed you are.

6. El Centro is off limits at night, and Parque Lleras is ill advised, especially late in the evening.

11-21-23, 04:18
Any tips to avoid getting mugged...Just some suggestions in general. There are a lot of foreigners in Poblado so it does not really matter how you dress. You should be prepared as if you would be robbed so carry only the things that you could lose, then there is no reason to resist. Avoid walking in deserted area, especially late at night.

El Centro is fine. I wear shorts and sandals all the time and I am not the only one. When it rains, it's better in short and sandals so I don't have to worry about the dirty flooded street or getting wet that much. If I go to the nasty short time hotel or the ones in the club, I can wear the sandals to the shower. When the girl spits on my sandals during blow job, I can wash it easily. So you see, there is no down side. It wasn't so bad at night if you know where you are going but I won't tell you it is safe. Centro is very busy during daytime and a tourist attraction. You can join a walking tour to get familiar with the area with guide. After that, you will know there is no reason to avoid it.

11-21-23, 13:16
I think this is overall terrific advice. Shorts and sandals in residential neighborhoods is not unusual. Around Centro I rarely see anyone other than foreigners and street people dressed that way. More important than any of this is training yourself to be aware of your surroundings and avoid letting anyone into your personal space.

Just some suggestions in general. There are a lot of foreigners in Poblado so it does not really matter how you dress. You should be prepared as if you would be robbed so carry only the things that you could lose, then there is no reason to resist. Avoid walking in deserted area, especially late at night.

El Centro is fine. I wear shorts and sandals all the time and I am not the only one. When it rains, it's better in short and sandals so I don't have to worry about the dirty flooded street or getting wet that much. If I go to the nasty short time hotel or the ones in the club, I can wear the sandals to the shower. When the girl spits on my sandals during blow job, I can wash it easily. So you see, there is no down side. It wasn't so bad at night if you know where you are going but I won't tell you it is safe. Centro is very busy during daytime and a tourist attraction. You can join a walking tour to get familiar with the area with guide. After that, you will know there is no reason to avoid it.

11-21-23, 14:30
Well then all the Tussi they've been snorting must have fucked up there brains bcuz it will be a cold day in he'll when Street Walkers are getting $200 usd per hour.No one is saying that streetwalkers are getting $200 an hour. There is just a single report that one single girl asked for US $200 and was turned down. A girl can ask whatever she wants. It doesn't mean that she will get it. Almost all guys will turn down that offer, but a girl can always hope. I haven't heard any guy saying that he accepted that offer. You can't blame a girl for asking. You can always counteroffer with what you think is fair. Even on Facebook, you get girls asking for a lot but it is your choice to accept it or reject it. I almost always counteroffer and sometimes despite the high opening offer, they will take the much lower counteroffer.

11-21-23, 14:37
I need to buy a cheap burner phone from Colombia. Samsung often locks their phones with region locks so that they can be sold be in other regions as brand new. One must insert a sim of the country where they were bought from and make a 5 minutes long call to remove the stupid lock.

Does anyone, who bought a samsung phone from Colombia this year, know where phones sold in Colombia are region locked? And if Yes, using a Colombian Sim for 5 minutes voice call is enough to remove the lock?

Thanks for any advice.I don't know the detail you are talking about. I bought one with dual SIMs in El Centro. It's unlocked or I never attempt to unlocked it, and it works fine in several countries I have been to since.

11-21-23, 15:07
You are ahead of the game. Dual SIM phones are always unlocked. They are also a good option for guys who are afraid to take their more expensive phones on the street because they can use them with their home SIM card and a local SIM. I've seen them sold for as little as 150,000 in the Opera mall.

I don't know the detail you are talking about. I bought one with dual SIMs in El Centro. It's unlocked or I never attempt to unlocked it, and it works fine in several countries I have been to since.

11-21-23, 15:16
Theres no way I misunderstood what they said.

I took out deepl after. To confirm they meant USD.

I actually phrased it "200 k COP per hour? " after I heard them say dolares. I shouldve countered but it wasnt because I misunderstood them.

Or I just give off poblado vibes + "chino" vibes.Here's the deal. When they say "doscientos" just assume it is pesos which is what they meant. If you ask "200 k COP per hour? " their predatory instincts kick in and think that you believe it could be dollars so they will instinctively reply "dolares".

11-21-23, 15:28
Here's the deal. When they say "doscientos" just assume it is pesos which is what they meant. If you ask "200 k COP per hour? " their predatory instincts kick in and think that you believe it could be dollars so they will instinctively reply "dolares".Yeah I understand but I think it's very important to verify. How else would I confirm? I always confirm price, pops, and other activities I want included in that price e before I agree.

Too many stories about miscommunication and girls refusing to leave etc. That I read on this board or another.

11-21-23, 15:30
I'm going to keep this short and simple. The disclaimer that should go without saying is what I am about to write is my opinion. US $200 in Gustos, Lleras, or anywhere in Medellin is batshit.Yup but gustos girls basically unionize and don't back down. Even the ugly ones.

I think negotiating all Night+ 3 pops at 250 isn't bad. Those were some of the deals I got but only for Thursday night. Friday the prices seemed to be non-negotiable.

This is specifically the 8+/10 girls in gusto. Not the street girls

11-21-23, 15:31
Yeah I understand but I think it's very important to verify. How else would I confirm? 。。。Some of the members have not been to Medellin recently like you, or get a quote from the SGs in Lleras. You don't really need to defend or debate your experience which they lack. We have gone thru this before. Almost the same thing except it was about gusto.

11-21-23, 15:32
Well then all the Tussi they've been snorting must have fucked up there brains bcuz it will be a cold day in he'll when Street Walkers are getting $200 usd per hour.Yeah that's why I just zoomed pass. They were barely a 6/10 in my subjective opinion.

11-21-23, 15:35
I have mongered all over Latin America. All the top spots pose risks. I have run into problems in every destination except Panama and that is also because I was only in Panama a week. Without a doubt Cartagena is the most dangerous place for petty and serious crime, but they can all be dangerous even if you are not being stupid. The article makes sense, hopefully tourists pick safer more enjoyable destinations. I still love Medellin and Colombia, but its no longer my number one and I will never return to Cartagena. Well maybe I would under some circumstances, those vennies are fucking sexy haha.Dude I love the vennies in Colombia too. Whenever I picked s girl I liked she happend to be Vennie.

I loved my medellin trip but if medellin is no longer your number 1 then which Latin country is? Trying to figure out if I can make it back there.

11-21-23, 16:08
Yup but gustos girls basically unionize and don't back down. Even the ugly ones.

I think negotiating all Night+ 3 pops at 250 isn't bad. Those were some of the deals I got but only for Thursday night. Friday the prices seemed to be non-negotiable.

This is specifically the 8+/10 girls in gusto. Not the street girlsNot a bad deal? Dude you just giving the puta a month of Colombian wage for a night of pleasure. Only your $US tinted eyes and thirst for pussy make you say that. A better strategy is just to collect their digits and message them the next morning. Then you will get the 300 mil price. And probably the $250 dude will be getting sloppy seconds.

11-21-23, 16:20
That's exactly what is happening. No one quotes in USD except for the girls in Gustos from what I understand. It has to be 200 mil and he is hearing doscientos and thinking it's $200 usd.Everyone in MDE basically knows Gustos is where the newbies, price insensitive, weekend warriors types land. They quote in dollars and dudes pay It. No local or anyone that knows anything about the MDE scene goes there. If they do occasionally it's to get a drink or two and collect digits. Just to put things in perspective I've had atleast 2 girls that I know about for 200 mil why taxi that regularly go to Gustos now.

11-21-23, 16:30
As a person who has been visiting Thailand and the Philippines for a while, I would disagree that Colombia is safer than those countries. I feel a sense of danger in Colombia that is not present in those countries,. Yes, you can take precautions in Colombia but you have to always be on alert. In Thailand and the PI, I am not always on alert. I would also say that the major cities in Mexico are safer than the big cities in Colombia.

There are a lot of positive things about Colombia but safety and crime is not one of them, in my opinion.Colombia has never been safe. It's safer than 20 yrs ago for sure. But compared to pre pandemic crime is up both petty and violent. Scams are plenty, and predatory pricing etc is rife particularly in tourist area. An additional fwct is that more I'll informed and naive people are visiting compared to before egged on by YouTubers misrepresenting the landscape. Those that can't speak Spanish, haven't done basic research, maybe never travelled outside of the US and generally ignorant about local norms. That's giving opportunity to more of these Criminals elements. That's it in a nutshell. I've been going to Colombia for 6 yrs and those are my observations.

11-21-23, 17:28
Yeah I understand but I think it's very important to verify. How else would I confirm? I always confirm price, pops, and other activities I want included in that price e before I agree.

Too many stories about miscommunication and girls refusing to leave etc. That I read on this board or another.Instead of saying "doscientos mil pesos colombianos" in your probably broken at best Spanish, just say "doscientos lukas. " The word Luka is Colombian slang that takes place or the words "mil pesos" (think of buck in American English like saying twenty bucks you say veinte lukas). It's much easier to say and less likely that you will butcher it. Also there's no mistaking dolares for lukas as they sound completely different. And it will show you know a little bit about the culture of this country if you are picking up on words like that.

11-21-23, 17:32
Not a bad deal? Dude you just giving the puta a month of Colombian wage for a night of pleasure. Only your $US tinted eyes and thirst for pussy make you say that. A better strategy is just to collect their digits and message them the next morning. Then you will get the 300 mil price. And probably the $250 dude will be getting sloppy seconds.I'm looking at per pop. Not per girl. Thats how I value it and see it. 300 k per pop vs 250 k 3 pops. 100 k more for that pop is nothing after conversion.

Like I said in my original post I didn't lock into one girl at gustos I took a bunch of numbers for the next night but I didnt have enough days there to be collecting them over a week. I have a bunch of them saved though for my next visit. Also the extra numbers that I took the girls were never available that morning or were busy the next night. I wish I had a week there

11-21-23, 17:37
Everyone in MDE basically knows Gustos is where the newbies, price insensitive, weekend warriors types land. They quote in dollars and dudes pay It. No local or anyone that knows anything about the MDE scene goes there. If they do occasionally it's to get a drink or two and collect digits. Just to put things in perspective I've had atleast 2 girls that I know about for 200 mil why taxi that regularly go to Gustos now.I generally disagree. I'm familiar with virtually all of the MDE options. I still enjoy Gustos because it's a nice party vibe. You are exactly right though. The girls at Gustos don't work exclusively at Gustos. They know, as you've pointed out, that there are a ton of newbies that don't know better and will pay their crazy prices. However, if they know you aren't a newbie, the prices are negotiable. I will not. Will not. Will not pay 200 USD. I used to think I was really bad at negotiations. It's not entirely comfortable for me. But the key is them believing and understanding that you know the game of MDE. Not the Gustos game, but the overall game. Will every girl there come down from 200? Nope. But I don't waste my time with them. They are sharks and far less likely to go above minimum expectations.

To me, the benefit of Gustos is the party and I still say it has the highest concentration of physical beauty. Looks aren't everything to me but Gustos has alot of lookers. It also has a more normal feel than say La Isla or strip clubs. So I wouldn't say "those in the know" avoid Gustos. You just have to know how to play the game. Or the sharks will play you as a chump.

11-21-23, 17:39
Everyone in MDE basically knows Gustos is where the newbies, price insensitive, weekend warriors types land. They quote in dollars and dudes pay It. No local or anyone that knows anything about the MDE scene goes there. If they do occasionally it's to get a drink or two and collect digits. Just to put things in perspective I've had atleast 2 girls that I know about for 200 mil why taxi that regularly go to Gustos now.The only issue with this, after I read 50+ pages of posts here, is there's no club type atmosphere like gustos that has been mentioned. Yes there's the strip clubs, the Casas, Facebook, websites and streets, but I really enjoy the club atmosphere like how they have it in cartagena with dolce del and space.

None of the other clubs (just in poblado that I was walking around to) seemed worth it? I mean black diamond was the only other busy night club there but the girls there didn't look attractive. And every other bar in and around the parque lleras area was EMPTY with the promoters telling me no cover free first drink.

So am I missing another club type atmosphere?

And before you guys say, just take her to your place to bang it out, I really prefer and enjoy the club atmosphere first before going back fo my place.

11-21-23, 17:42
Some of the members have not been to Medellin recently like you, or get a quote from the SGs in Lleras. You don't really need to defend or debate your experience which they lack. We have gone thru this before. Almost the same thing except it was about gusto.Ha thanks.

I mean sometimes I think its preference around here too. But I'm trying to stay objective to help a bunch of newbies looking in. I don't mind paying the extra 100 k cop per Pop if it means I get the girl that I prefer.

But people seem to think or assume I accepted ugly street girls at 200 usd / hour. I was just reporting my conversations and data points for yall.

11-21-23, 20:13
Ha thanks.

I mean sometimes I think its preference around here too. But I'm trying to stay objective to help a bunch of newbies looking in. I don't mind paying the extra 100 k cop per Pop if it means I get the girl that I prefer.

But people seem to think or assume I accepted ugly street girls at 200 usd / hour. I was just reporting my conversations and data points for yall.I will use this place in Sao Paulo to demonstrate the observation.


Sharon has different room sizes and different configurations. You can click on the logo at the upper left corner to get a glimpse of one type of room. The following is from different points of observations:

Man 0: never been to the place, only seen it online, You are in this category.
Man 1.D and Man 1.W: been to the place once and was assigned a small basic room.
Man 2.D and Man 2.W: been to the place once and was assigned a large sauna room.
Man 3: been to the place multiple times and been assigned large sauna room and small basic room.

Man 1.D and Man 2.D posted reports. They keep arguing with each other because the disagreement about the rooms. Man 1. W and Man 2. W stay quiet because they learned there are different types of rooms. Man3 already know there are different type of rooms. The above is made up for demonstration. I am Man3 because I have been to both rooms at Sharon. LOL.

I hope you get the point.

11-21-23, 20:30
Flew in town yesterday after a week vacation in the USA. It was extremely crowded in immigration. Took close to 45 minutes to get out of the airport. I guess a few planes landed at the same time. Also, this week is Thanksgiving in the USA so a lot of people are in or coming to Medellin this week since workers typically get 2 days off during the week in the USA. A lot of pookies and ray rays along with everything imaginable. Looks like all the fluff pieces being written about Medellin being "the place" to visit or even live is continuing its effect. I would think many of the mongering locations will be more congested this week along with everything else in town.

11-21-23, 21:55
Dude I love the vennies in Colombia too. Whenever I picked s girl I liked she happend to be Vennie.

I loved my medellin trip but if medellin is no longer your number 1 then which Latin country is? Trying to figure out if I can make it back there.If its a short trip of less than 2 weeks, I would pick Panama because its safer and feels like you have never even left the USA. They take the dollar and many people speak english. The girls are all business, but in a very good way. The girls charge a lot by Latin American standards, but service is very good and you don't have to worry as much about being scammed or drugged. Casinos, nice hotels, and ease of access to fine dining are all a bonus as well. Panama airport was also surprisingly easy to navigate. Panama has class, but its expensive.

I will say this, Medellin is the most exciting of all the destinations with the most options. If you want to be in semi-dangerous situations that can reward you with smokin hot latinas fucking you hard for a little cash, Medellin has it in bundles. After some close calls, I am not into that scene as much and just want a good time without the hassle fuck that comes with Medellin. I have a feeling in a few years the glory days of Medellin will be a thing of the past wild west style. Like Sousa, Jaco, and CDMX. I hear they were all amazing in their hey-days.

I wonder what will be the next Medellin? Would be fucking cool if Venezuela opened back up to travel for Americans. That play ground would be no joke.

11-21-23, 23:28
Hey guys! I'll be in Medellin in December with a friend. I'm looking for girls who will go out with us, grab drinks, food, clubs, then back to hotel to continue the party. Any idea of the best place to find a girl (s) that would join us. I was thinking an agency but they'll probably charge an arm & leg, or maybe try seeking? Any suggestion is greatly appreciate or if you have a contact of lady that might be interested, please message me. Thanks guys.

11-22-23, 00:06
I will use this place in Sao Paulo to demonstrate the observation.

Sharon has different room sizes and different configurations. You can click on the logo at the upper left corner to get a glimpse of one type of room. The following is from different points of observations:

Man 0: never been to the place, only seen it online, You are in this category.
Man 1.D and Man 1.W: been to the place once and was assigned a small basic room.
Man 2.D and Man 2.W: been to the place once and was assigned a large sauna room.
Man 3: been to the place multiple times and been assigned large sauna room and small basic room.

Man 1.D and Man 2.D posted reports. They keep arguing with each other because the disagreement about the rooms. Man 1. W and Man 2. W stay quiet because they learned there are different types of rooms. Man3 already know there are different type of rooms. The above is made up for demonstration. I am Man3 because I have been to both rooms at Sharon. LOL.

I hope you get the point.FANTASTIC demo. In short, always read reviews while acknowledging the different perspectives. I'd go a step farther. Man 2 may not have a care in the world about room size but it's super important to Man 4. Not only do we have different perspectives but we have different priorities.

11-22-23, 01:15
I heard a couple of months ago that they were going to be removing the police barriers around the park. Have they done that yet?

Happy hunting.


11-22-23, 01:47
Just some suggestions in general. There are a lot of foreigners in Poblado so it does not really matter how you dress. You should be prepared as if you would be robbed so carry only the things that you could lose, then there is no reason to resist. Avoid walking in deserted area, especially late at night.

El Centro is fine. I wear shorts and sandals all the time and I am not the only one. When it rains, it's better in short and sandals so I don't have to worry about the dirty flooded street or getting wet that much. If I go to the nasty short time hotel or the ones in the club, I can wear the sandals to the shower. When the girl spits on my sandals during blow job, I can wash it easily. So you see, there is no down side. It wasn't so bad at night if you know where you are going but I won't tell you it is safe. Centro is very busy during daytime and a tourist attraction. You can join a walking tour to get familiar with the area with guide. After that, you will know there is no reason to avoid it.Perhaps you need to get some girls in your line up in Centro who don't spit when they are blowing you, and even better yet who will swallow your Giz versus spitting on your sandals so they don't have to be decontaminated and pressure washed, especially if they are high end Keenes. LOL.

All kidding aside, I personally would never wear shorts and sandals in Centro simply because not many people dress that way in Centro, and dressing this way further helps to mark you as a foreigner, and a potential target for thieves.

As an example, if your walking in Centro and someone sees you from behind, not being able to see your front side meaning your face, etc. You may be assumed to be a foreigner versus in Poblado where it's common place to see people wearing shorts.

11-22-23, 02:05
I heard a couple of months ago that they were going to be removing the police barriers around the park. Have they done that yet?

Happy hunting.

Snook.Not quite yet but el mandato de Fico Gutiérrez starts in a little over a month from now on Jan 1st and he was the mayor before like from 2016 to 2020 before that idiot Quintero and they never had the barriers before in 2016 thru 2020 under Fico (or at least they didn't have them for any extended period of time like how it is now). So the general consensus is that after Fico takes over again that the vallas will be coming down.

11-22-23, 02:56
As a person who has been visiting Thailand and the Philippines for a while, I would disagree that Colombia is safer than those countries. I feel a sense of danger in Colombia that is not present in those countries.Me too. You are right. He is wrong. Colombia is more dangerous than Thailand and the Philippines. My buddy spends months in each country each year. He tells me to get the hell out of Colombia when I send him the latest dead gringo news articles. He has never been to Colombia but the news articles alone has him scared to visit.

11-22-23, 04:46
If its a short trip of less than 2 weeks, I would pick Panama because its safer and feels like you have never even left the USA. They take the dollar and many people speak english. The girls are all business, but in a very good way. The girls charge a lot by Latin American standards, but service is very good and you don't have to worry as much about being scammed or drugged. Casinos, nice hotels, and ease of access to fine dining are all a bonus as well. Panama airport was also surprisingly easy to navigate. Panama has class, but its expensive.

I will say this, Medellin is the most exciting of all the destinations with the most options. If you want to be in semi-dangerous situations that can reward you with smokin hot latinas fucking you hard for a little cash, Medellin has it in bundles. After some close calls, I am not into that scene as much and just want a good time without the hassle fuck that comes with Medellin. I have a feeling in a few years the glory days of Medellin will be a thing of the past wild west style. Like Sousa, Jaco, and CDMX. I hear they were all amazing in their hey-days.

I wonder what will be the next Medellin? Would be fucking cool if Venezuela opened back up to travel for Americans. That play ground would be no joke.Just judging by your definition it sounds like I would just love medellin more and I should just revisit it. Panama sounds fun but just too much like vegas. I really enjoy the club scene pick up.

Venezuela opening up with be awesome.

What were your close encounter stories?

11-22-23, 05:44
Just judging by your definition it sounds like I would just love medellin more and I should just revisit it. Panama sounds fun but just too much like vegas. I really enjoy the club scene pick up.

Venezuela opening up with be awesome.

What were your close encounter stories?If your new to the game and your budget conscious, I would pick Medellin as well. After a few years and many travels, you just get tired of the same old scams and bullshit and you'll appreciate a Vegas like atmosphere more even though I totally understand the appeal of traveling to a different nation with a different language and culture. I always preach moderation on your travels even though I don't always practice it. I loved hitting Gustos up to pick up a girl and take her to my airbnb with enough time to still hit up la Isla or El Faison for round two or three. A great, but dangerous move is doing the marching powder cab move. Get numbers from the girls at Gustos and go from girl to girl all over the city all night or have them meet you at your airbnb or love motel. I am not going to get into the dirty details because it will make me look foolish, but I will spit some sound advice that may seem obvious, but when your partying hard and looking for excitement- shit happens.

1. Never ever run out of cash while partying! Its hard to even fit a lot of cash in your wallet and when you open your wallet girls will pay attention to how loaded it is. Be discreet with your money and get a money belt and keep an emergency stash in there. Especially if your going hard all night. A lot of times for unknown reasons, late night the atms won't take your card or even run out of cash. Use a burner credit card in the clubs and save the cash for the girls.

2. Always negotiate in pesos and make sure you are clear on the deal. Don't think your Casanova and take a girl back to your place thinking your a romantic doing her a favor to be discreet without discussing price. You could be setting the stage to be rinsed and for her to get it in her head your soft and a target. Set the tone it's your show and she can act in it, but she sure as hell ain't the star.

3. If you end up in places you shouldn't be, always have an exit strategy. Know the exits and when to use them. If you start to notice aggression from the girl or other people around, its time to get the fuck out. I know that sounds stupid, but if your looking for more than the standard safe route and your venturing out to these girls places or bars or hotels outside Poblado, this is sound advice.

4. If in the spots like Parque Lleras or Cartagena, if your going to patrol for street walkers late, keep your guard up and head down. By 1 or 2 am You should have found what your looking for anyway. I have seen guys get cut down by a crowd of people and their shit run.

5. Watch your drink as much as you can and if something is too good to be true, it is. Be realistic about what is transpiring at all times.

6. Never break a deal. It's not worth it. If you find a girl is not giving you good service or she's nasty once you get her naked, politely pay her to leave and avoid the drama and refusing payment. Trust me.

7. Always check I. The. Don't think just because a girl is in a club she doesn't have a fake I. The. Black mail is very alive in this country, although most attempts can just simply be ignored if they don't have your FB or real number.

8. Don't be a tough guy. Most girls and their dealers / drivers carry knives and mace.

9. Don't do drugs or drink with the dealers or cab drivers no matter how fun in the moment it seems. They have nothing to offer you and you have everything to lose with them.

Hope this helps and after you get bored of Medellin, Mexico and Panama will be waiting for you.

11-22-23, 06:07
Hello There,

Can anyone advise me if it is okay to bring CBD gummies to Colombia? Sorry, but it helps me with getting deeper sleep. I am coming from the US.


11-22-23, 08:51
I would pick Panama because its safer and feels like you have never even left the USA.
Why the hell would someone travel all the way outside of the US just to go somewhere that felt like they never left the US?

11-22-23, 14:19
You are ahead of the game. Dual SIM phones are always unlocked. They are also a good option for guys who are afraid to take their more expensive phones on the street because they can use them with their home SIM card and a local SIM. I've seen them sold for as little as 150,000 in the Opera mall.Dual SIM has nothing to do with region locks. I have a dual sim phone that was region locked and hell of a time to get it unlocked. A real nightmare. Region locks are used to prevent sellers buying brand new phones from cheaper countries and selling them in where costs are higher. To remove region lock one must insert a local sim and make a 5 minutes call, then the phone is no longer brand new in the box.

But if someone has bought samsung a series phones in Colombia, never made any call in Colombia and still managed to use the phone in US then they are not region locked. If they work in Costa Rica but not in US they are region locked.

11-22-23, 14:21
My understanding is that it is required when flying from Colombia to CR except when you have stayed in major cities like Bogota, Medellin and Cali.

1. Can someone please confirm if it is so?

2. If I do decide to get one in Medellin, will it be "easy" to have it back dated a few days so as to get past the 10 days before arrival in CR issue?

TIA for sharing your experiences.

11-22-23, 15:28
Just judging by your definition it sounds like I would just love medellin more and I should just revisit it. Panama sounds fun but just too much like vegas. I really enjoy the club scene pick up....The city that probably fits you is Sao Paulo. Go check out the Sao Paulo thread. Their clubs are larger and more luxurious than what you see in Medellin. You need to prepare for a larger budget. Just to give you an idea, the cover ranges from 10 USD to 100 USD. You will see more than 100 girls in the popular ones on most nights. In the best clubs, most girls will have no problem making out with you like a girlfriends before the session to get your business, and you are unlikely to have a bad session because of that. I asked do you like to kiss, she said yes, then I said show me, next we are on the sofa making out. LOL I paid 3 times as much for in-call in Sao Paulo than in Medelln for the girl from the clubs. I can find cheaper if I want to spend the time but it will still be more than twice the cost of Medellin after all said and done.

11-22-23, 15:45
As an example, if your walking in Centro and someone sees you from behind, not being able to see your front side meaning your face, etc. You may be assumed to be a foreigner versus in Poblado where it's common place to see people wearing shorts.You are describing it like there is no foreigners in El Centro, and who do you think are all the victims in El Centro. Where do you think someone will come up from behind to steal from me in the crowd because I wear shorts? You know there is another poster living there like me. He is more a centro rat then me.

11-22-23, 18:11
in-call Should be outcall.

11-22-23, 18:28
You are describing it like there is no foreigners in El Centro, and who do you think are all the victims in El Centro. Where do you think someone will come up from behind to steal from me in the crowd because I wear shorts? You know there is another poster living there like me. He is more a centro rat then me.My point is that if your wearing shorts in Centro you may be assumed to be a foreigner, not that you may be robbed for wearing shorts. And yes, since the Pandemic ended there are a lot more foreigners in Centro, yet the victims of crime in Centro are primarily locals versus foreigners if that's what your asking.

11-22-23, 19:20
Why the hell would someone travel all the way outside of the US just to go somewhere that felt like they never left the US?Think hard. Pussy.

11-22-23, 19:44
The city that probably fits you is Sao Paulo. Go check out the Sao Paulo thread. Their clubs are larger and more luxurious than what you see in Medellin. You need to prepare for a larger budget. Just to give you an idea, the cover ranges from 10 USD to 100 USD. You will see more than 100 girls in the popular ones on most nights. In the best clubs, most girls will have no problem making out with you like a girlfriends before the session to get your business, and you are unlikely to have a bad session because of that. I asked do you like to kiss, she said yes, then I said show me, next we are on the sofa making out. LOL I paid 3 times as much for in-call in Sao Paulo than in Medelln for the girl from the clubs. I can find cheaper if I want to spend the time but it will still be more than twice the cost of Medellin after all said and done.I was going to suggest the same. He seems comfortable paying $200 USD or more for his encounters. For that type of monger, São Paulo is the perfect location. Quantity and quality of women is unparalleled, especially for big spenders. You can do it cheaper (the clinicas are great deals), but he will be in heaven hanging out in Scandallo, Bomboa, Cafe Photo, etc.

11-22-23, 23:50
I will need a Cardiac Ablasion in '24 and was wondering if anyone has had any experience in Medellin (there are a couple of hospitals that do it). I'm American and my insurance deductible is quite high so if I can schedule a procedure I usually do it overseas. A couple of years ago I had hernia surgery in Costa Rica and after a week of fun then surgery and recovery, my out of pocket was less than my deductible. I've had work done in Thailand, China, Taiwan and Australia and always came away cheaper than my deductible, so if I can have some fun and save money, why not. Any experience?

11-23-23, 03:37
I have mongered all over Latin America. All the top spots pose risks. I have run into problems in every destination except Panama and that is also because I was only in Panama a week. Without a doubt Cartagena is the most dangerous place for petty and serious crime, but they can all be dangerous even if you are not being stupid. The article makes sense, hopefully tourists pick safer more enjoyable destinations. I still love Medellin and Colombia, but its no longer my number one and I will never return to Cartagena. Well maybe I would under some circumstances, those vennies are fucking sexy haha.Cartagena has been known for being one of the safest places in the country as long as you stay inside the old city walls. While it is not uncommon to get pick pocketed or hounded by beggars, I don't hear many reports of violence inside the ancient city. Outside of the clock tower area, especially further south, things can get dangerous rather quickly.

In Colombia all you can do is try to mitigate your risks; certain behaviors are more risky than others. Having a local guide is the best way to stay out of trouble. Of course, many locals frown upon sex tourism, so finding the right native who is going to give you sound advice can be tricky.

11-23-23, 03:57
I was not aware there is such a thing as region locked phones. I am aware of carrier (e. G. Tigo, Claro, at&t etc.) locked phones.

Dual SIM has nothing to do with region locks. I have a dual sim phone that was region locked and hell of a time to get it unlocked. A real nightmare. Region locks are used to prevent sellers buying brand new phones from cheaper countries and selling them in where costs are higher. To remove region lock one must insert a local sim and make a 5 minutes call, then the phone is no longer brand new in the box.

But if someone has bought samsung a series phones in Colombia, never made any call in Colombia and still managed to use the phone in US then they are not region locked. If they work in Costa Rica but not in US they are region locked.

11-23-23, 06:06
I was not aware there is such a thing as region locked phones. I am aware of carrier (e. G. Tigo, Claro, at&t etc.) locked phones.Colombia has the regional lock thing. If you bring a phone in and it is not registered properly with the government after about 30 days it will be locked no matter what carrier SIM you have. You may have an initial window, but when you get the warning message you do need to go to the carrier and get them to register your phone IME properly. They need to use your ID, in the case of visitors that is your passport. If you don't have it properly registered no Colombian SIM will work - your phone will be effectively blocked in Colombia.

Mojo Bandit
11-23-23, 08:17
I will need a Cardiac Ablasion in '24 and was wondering if anyone has had any experience in Medellin (there are a couple of hospitals that do it). I'm American and my insurance deductible is quite high so if I can schedule a procedure I usually do it overseas. A couple of years ago I had hernia surgery in Costa Rica and after a week of fun then surgery and recovery, my out of pocket was less than my deductible. I've had work done in Thailand, China, Taiwan and Australia and always came away cheaper than my deductible, so if I can have some fun and save money, why not. Any experience?You should post this question with the expats groups in Colombia on Facebook. I know there are at least a few groups and youll find more people actually living in Colombia

11-23-23, 14:20
That one I do know about. It is not regional. It is Colombian. The subject comes up pretty regularly in this group. I run into it every time I get a new phone. It used to be a real pain until Claro set up a way to register phones on their website or via their app. Carrier locking prevents you using a SIM card issued by another carrier in a phone unless the phone is unlocked. It is neither regional nor country specific. I haven't bought a phone via a carrier in many years. When you run the numbers, the subsidy carriers give you combined with the rate plan requirements make the cost of buying an unlocked phone outright cheaper. That doesn't matter to people who can't come up with US $1,500 to buy a phone outright. Like many other marketing schemes, the carrier subsidy takes advantage of people with limited financial needs. It's the mobile phone equivalent of barrio stores that sell slices of cheese, loose cigarettes, and individual tampons for less than the cost of a full package but at a much higher individual cost.

Colombia has the regional lock thing. If you bring a phone in and it is not registered properly with the government after about 30 days it will be locked no matter what carrier SIM you have. You may have an initial window, but when you get the warning message you do need to go to the carrier and get them to register your phone IME properly. They need to use your ID, in the case of visitors that is your passport. If you don't have it properly registered no Colombian SIM will work - your phone will be effectively blocked in Colombia.

11-23-23, 16:06
Colombia has the regional lock thing. If you bring a phone in and it is not registered properly with the government after about 30 days it will be locked no matter what carrier SIM you have. You may have an initial window, but when you get the warning message you do need to go to the carrier and get them to register your phone IME properly. They need to use your ID, in the case of visitors that is your passport. If you don't have it properly registered no Colombian SIM will work - your phone will be effectively blocked in Colombia.The lock you have mentioned is regional lock or a country lock. Completely different that a region lock used by Samsung which in turn is completely different than a carrier lock.

11-23-23, 16:10
That one I do know about. It is not regional. It is Colombian. The subject comes up pretty regularly in this group. I run into it every time I get a new phone. It used to be a real pain until Claro set up a way to register phones on their website or via their app. Carrier locking prevents you using a SIM card issued by another carrier in a phone unless the phone is unlocked. It is neither regional nor country specific. I haven't bought a phone via a carrier in many years. When you run the numbers, the subsidy carriers give you combined with the rate plan requirements make the cost of buying an unlocked phone outright cheaper. That doesn't matter to people who can't come up with US $1,500 to buy a phone outright. Like many other marketing schemes, the carrier subsidy takes advantage of people with limited financial needs. It's the mobile phone equivalent of barrio stores that sell slices of cheese, loose cigarettes, and individual tampons for less than the cost of a full package but at a much higher individual cost.You don't need $1500 usd to buy an unlocked phone outright. China makes really good quality phones from companies like Huawei and Xiaomi that are very affordable unlocked outright and have decent specs that are nearly the same as more expensive top their phones.

For example my current phone is a Xiaomi Redmi Note 12's which I picked up for $200 usd brand new in the box carrier unlocked. It has as 6.43 inch amoled screen with 90 hz refresh rate, 8 gb of ram (expandable to 12 gb by using part of the storage space as ram) 256 gb of storage, dual sim card and microSD (up to 1 tb) all on the same sim card tray, 5000 mah battery that lasts me all day long, and a 108 megapixel camera and a Mediatek Helio G96 8 core chipset at 2.05 Ghz and a 33 w usb-see fast charger that gets me from 0 to 100 in a little over an hour.

All that for $200 usd and that was several months ago when it first came out, it looks like it can be found for $180 usd now.

And my old phone before this one I had a Huawei P30 which I also picked up for much less than $1500 usd, and it was an absolutely great phone that I had for over 3 years. Before Trump started the tech war against Huawei they were making great phones that rivaled Apple and Samsung and for a fraction of the cost.

11-23-23, 17:04
That one I do know about. It is not regional. It is Colombian. The subject comes up pretty regularly in this group. I run into it every time I get a new phone. It used to be a real pain until Claro set up a way to register phones on their website or via their app. Carrier locking prevents you using a SIM card issued by another carrier in a phone unless the phone is unlocked. It is neither regional nor country specific. I haven't bought a phone via a carrier in many years. When you run the numbers, the subsidy carriers give you combined with the rate plan requirements make the cost of buying an unlocked phone outright cheaper. That doesn't matter to people who can't come up with US $1,500 to buy a phone outright. Like many other marketing schemes, the carrier subsidy takes advantage of people with limited financial needs. It's the mobile phone equivalent of barrio stores that sell slices of cheese, loose cigarettes, and individual tampons for less than the cost of a full package but at a much higher individual cost.Twice I have had phones I brought with me from Canada, which were fully unlocked, become locked to all carriers in Colombia. First time I went there, had a dual SIM unlocked phone, got a Colombian SIM and number and it worked fine for the 25 days or so I was there. But just before I left there was a text message saying something about needing to have it registered. I ignored it because I was leaving and going back home. The next time I went there it was totally locked, and to get it unlocked I had to go back to the carrier I had been using that last trip, and they had to do some digging and finally got it unblocked.

The second time I brought a different new unlocked phone as a burner phone. Bought a SIM at a dealer store and they provided a number, etc. And said no need to do anything more. I used it for a while then got the same message. I went to a Claro company store and they said that the number was not mine, it was probably the dealerships number, and that I could not do anything about it. So I threw away that SIM, bought another at the Claro store, and they register it properly when you buy it.

Edward Q
11-23-23, 18:18
Came to MDE to get a bad tooth looked at. Turned out it really needed pulling. The night before my ordeal at the dentist, I picked up a young girl on Calle 10 in Poblado. So many many girls to choose from in and around Parque Lleras. I smiled at a few but waited until the time was right. I always like when a girl responds to "how much" with "how much do you say?" I got her to say a number then cut it in half. She said OK. On the way to the apartment she said her name was Valeri, she was 19, from Vennie land and only arrived 2 weeks ago. Based on her youthful, bubbly nature, I believed her. In the room I offered her some sexy clothing. She went nuts. Stripped immediately and tried everything on. She was very comfortable being naked in front of me and I was very comfortable staring at her and touching her body. This clothing thing is a definite ice breaker. Negotiations for BBBJ began. I claimed my resources were limited, so that put a ceiling on what she wanted. We settled on an additional 70 k. I know it's high but she started this with "I never do this. " Plus she was a hot 9. 5 in every way. So I paid the fee and she did a great job. Well, except for afterwards when she began to wash her sneakers in the sink and beg me for more clothing. She was very much into the sex. Asked me to tell her when I was about to cum so that we could cum together. It didn't work out that way but I loved her enthusiasm. And such a sweet little pussy and cupcake tits. She told me she had a child but her body did not look like it at all. Loaded up with clothing and 220 K she left a little pissed because I wouldn't give her an extra 20 for food.

Next day in the early afternoon I took a cab to El Centro. Big mistake. The cab ride, I mean. Traffic was unreal and the driver picked the wrong streets. I leapt from the cab at the sight of the first large bronze Botero statue. Walking around I noticed the girls were quite unattractive. And although it was obvious why they were there, very few even looked at me when I walked by. The cops seemed much more interested in hassling the trannies. I wound up sitting and just looking at the passing people. I felt safe but also knew to be cautious. If I had more time I probably would have walked around more and settled on some average talent. The smell of marijuana is so pervasive and the number of poor beggars and those out of their minds on drugs. Not as relaxing as I remembered it being. I found myself wishing for one of those biblical thunderstorms that often befalls MDE and sends people scurrying to the doorways, just because it bonds people to one common objective: stay dry.

My next stop was a late dentist appointment where this friendly dentist worked on me for 90 minutes. Afterwards, I had to take antibiotics and Hi-dose IBprofeino, and because of this and the anticipated pain, I thought I might skip the nighttime routine. Glad I didn't. Did a few loops around Lleras. The place, again, was filled with nice looking girls. I wound up sitting in a fairly open spot. I waited until the right girl caught my eye. I noticed one girl joking with a gringo, and I liked her attitude. She and her friends then approached me. I started with some light banter, like "Here comes trouble. " The girls were funny, especially the leader. This is the one I wound up with. On the way to the room I found out she was a Paisa, aged 23, with a young son. Again, she did not look at all like a mother. We had a few laughs trying to cross the streets and avoid getting run over. Also, she nearly stepped on a toddler who was let to roam the sidewalk by her mother, who sat begging for change. I grabbed her hand and we walked as a couple, joking at all the pot sellers who insisted their drugs was better than everyone else's. Back in the room she became more demure, while still enjoying herself. And just one thing told me that she was going to be a 10, the fact that she didn't ask for money up front. She also didn't negotiate at all for BBBJ, just nodded her assent for some promised "propina". I booked for 30 minutes but we hung out for over an hour. The clothing gimmick was unnecessary for her, but she seemed happy enough to take some with her. I won't bore you with the details, other than to say she was the first girl I was with this trip who eagerly enjoyed DATY. She came easily after that. This girl loved sex. I forgot all about the mouth pain and started to mentally plan our honeymoon. I walked her back. We got a beer. I made a date for the next day. We both joked about one of us not showing up. Best session of the trip.

Just a note: Strange to see cops everywhere. Never seen it like this before. Both in Poblado and El Centro. With gates set up to direct your entrance / exit along certain streets. So many offers to sell me drugs, one right in front of a policeman. Absurd. I am heading to BOG tomorrow. Hope all you guys who eat turkey today get yourselves properly stuffed. I'll be doing the stuffing tonight, if you know what I mean.

11-23-23, 18:22
Twice I have had phones I brought with me from Canada, which were fully unlocked, become locked to all carriers in Colombia. First time I went there, had a dual SIM unlocked phone, got a Colombian SIM and number and it worked fine for the 25 days or so I was there. But just before I left there was a text message saying something about needing to have it registered. I ignored it because I was leaving and going back home. The next time I went there it was totally locked, and to get it unlocked I had to go back to the carrier I had been using that last trip, and they had to do some digging and finally got it unblocked.

The second time I brought a different new unlocked phone as a burner phone. Bought a SIM at a dealer store and they provided a number, etc. And said no need to do anything more. I used it for a while then got the same message. I went to a Claro company store and they said that the number was not mine, it was probably the dealerships number, and that I could not do anything about it. So I threw away that SIM, bought another at the Claro store, and they register it properly when you buy it.You can register it yourself. That message you got had instructions on how to register it. Now a days you can register the phone thru the apps or on the website with either claro or Tigo. Back in the day like 2018 they had a system to where why could call a number or text a number and register it by entering the numbers to your passport and pressing the # button.

This is to a regional or carrier lock this is a system that is used in Colombia to stop stolen phones from working. There is a website called imeicolombia. Com where you check if a phone has been reported stolen and thus will be blocked. If buying a used phone I suggest you check the imei number on that website before buying it. Often dual sim phones will only have one of the imei numbers reported even if it is stolen. Anyways just register the phone when you buy it or bring it in from abroad it takes like 5 mins. You shouldn't have ignored that first message you got when why were leaving if you would have just registered it the then and there you wouldn't have had any problems on your returning trip. And you can do it all thru the phone itself, there is no need to go to the carrier store or a dealer store.

11-23-23, 22:52
My understanding is that it is required when flying from Colombia to CR except when you have stayed in major cities like Bogota, Medellin and Cali.

1. Can someone please confirm if it is so?

2. If I do decide to get one in Medellin, will it be "easy" to have it back dated a few days so as to get past the 10 days before arrival in CR issue?

TIA for sharing your experiences.You would not be required to vaccinate if you stayed in Medellin and flew out of there as the following cities are excluded from this: Barranquilla, Cali, Cartagena, Medellíand, and San Andrés Providencia.

11-24-23, 00:49
You should post this question with the expats groups in Colombia on Facebook. I know there are at least a few groups and youll find more people actually living in ColombiaThanks, I didn't think about that.

11-24-23, 05:08
Hello There,

Can anyone advise me if it is okay to bring CBD gummies to Colombia? Sorry, but it helps me with getting deeper sleep. I am coming from the US.

Thanks.Try warm milk. I can't believe you are asking if it's ok to bring drugs to Colombia.

Edward Q
11-24-23, 14:29
Spent most of the day watching football. At 7:00 I met V. in parque Lleras for another session. She was late but I was grateful that she showed up. Some of the "showroom shine" had worn off and I began to see that this angel from the night before was much more of a devil than I realized. For one thing, she was drunk. Not wasted, just a little glassy eyed. Her rambling conversation and giddy demeanor told me she was on something. At the liquor store she bought a Four Loco and we made our way to the apartment. Once again, I gave her some sexy clothing. She modeled. We snuggled for a good while. I could tell she wanted to relax and was in no hurry. Great GFE. We did every perverted thing I could think of. To my surprise she brought something called "Anal Lube" and applied it liberally. In the end I told her I was happy to meet a girl as perverted as me. She said, "Si. Anal es rico. " She would have hung out for a while longer but her speech was getting slurred and her eyes heavy. Sometimes I couldn't understand what she was saying and it turned out she was just singing lyrics to songs that popped into her head. Better to send her on her way. I recalled that prior to the real heavy petting she pulled something from her purse and went to the bathroom. I'm pretty sure it was coke. The fire in her loins and aggressive sex afterwards confirmed this. Also the fact that, in our conversation, she told me that last night, after leaving me, she hung out with friends until 8 AM. Like many young kids here, the drugs are just too available and irresistible. On the other hand, she could not have been more sexy and into it. Watching a girl from the street cum, really cum like a freight train, is rare. But V. has a real talent. I no longer had thoughts of planning our honeymoon, but still. She was amazing, sweet, playful and a little crazy. No talk of money until the end when I took out my wallet. Like last night it was 150 K plus 50 k tip. My kind of girl and one I will never forget.

Parque Lleras was dead in the afternoon. No girls. At 7:00 when I met my girl, there were only a few walking around. After the football game, around 11:00 PM, the park was out of control. Packed with people. Hawkers trying to get you in their club. Guys on the prowl or chatting up prospective dates. Cops getting loud and trying to control the drunks. And Girls everywhere, including some real stunners. One or two I had to circle back to confirm that they were as hot as I thought. If I only were a younger man.

Off to Bogota today.

11-24-23, 18:19
You are 100% correct. I was referring to flagship phones of the iphone 15/ Galaxy S23 ultra variety.

You don't need $1500 usd to buy an unlocked phone outright. China makes really good quality phones from companies like Huawei and Xiaomi that are very affordable unlocked outright and have decent specs that are nearly the same as more expensive top their phones.

For example my current phone is a Xiaomi Redmi Note 12's which I picked up for $200 usd brand new in the box carrier unlocked. It has as 6.43 inch amoled screen with 90 hz refresh rate, 8 gb of ram (expandable to 12 gb by using part of the storage space as ram) 256 gb of storage, dual sim card and microSD (up to 1 tb) all on the same sim card tray, 5000 mah battery that lasts me all day long, and a 108 megapixel camera and a Mediatek Helio G96 8 core chipset at 2.05 Ghz and a 33 w usb-see fast charger that gets me from 0 to 100 in a little over an hour.

All that for $200 usd and that was several months ago when it first came out, it looks like it can be found for $180 usd now.

And my old phone before this one I had a Huawei P30 which I also picked up for much less than $1500 usd, and it was an absolutely great phone that I had for over 3 years. Before Trump started the tech war against Huawei they were making great phones that rivaled Apple and Samsung and for a fraction of the cost.

11-24-23, 18:33
What happened to your phones was not locking. It was blocking. Colombia requires phones to be registered for reasons of theft control and preventing narcos and guerillas using them with no audit trail. I think you have 30 calendar days to register before the phone gets blocked.

Twice I have had phones I brought with me from Canada, which were fully unlocked, become locked to all carriers in Colombia. First time I went there, had a dual SIM unlocked phone, got a Colombian SIM and number and it worked fine for the 25 days or so I was there. But just before I left there was a text message saying something about needing to have it registered. I ignored it because I was leaving and going back home. The next time I went there it was totally locked, and to get it unlocked I had to go back to the carrier I had been using that last trip, and they had to do some digging and finally got it unblocked.

The second time I brought a different new unlocked phone as a burner phone. Bought a SIM at a dealer store and they provided a number, etc. And said no need to do anything more. I used it for a while then got the same message. I went to a Claro company store and they said that the number was not mine, it was probably the dealerships number, and that I could not do anything about it. So I threw away that SIM, bought another at the Claro store, and they register it properly when you buy it.

11-24-23, 18:58
Try warm milk. I can't believe you are asking if it's ok to bring drugs to Colombia.I sure hope he remembers to bring his own girl too.

11-24-23, 21:03
Next day in the early afternoon I took a cab to El Centro. Big mistake. The cab ride, I mean. Traffic was unreal and the driver picked the wrong streets.I suggest downloading and using this app called Picap. It's like Uber but on a moto. I've used it several times and not only is it cheaper than a traditional Uber but it also gets you to your destination faster as the motorcycles can split lanes and make it through traffic faster.

Just a note: Strange to see cops everywhere. Never seen it like this before. Both in Poblado and El Centro. With gates set up to direct your entrance / exit along certain streets. So many offers to sell me drugs, one right in front of a policeman. Absurd. I am heading to BOG tomorrow. Hope all you guys who eat turkey today get yourselves properly stuffed. I'll be doing the stuffing tonight, if you know what I mean.This is thanks to the ex-mayor Daniel Quintero and his leftist regime. He put up the barriers back in February around Plaza Botero and I believe in El Poblado like in March or April. He was overstepping his boundaries; a corrupt liberal politician who is currently under investigation for spending public funds (caja menor) on restaurants and hotels and other frivolous expenses all over the country from Bogota to Santa Marta. He even resigned early and didn't finish his term. In January Fico Gutierrez will be taking over and he is expected to take down the barriers and return some normalcy to Medellin. But until the end of December there is still one of Quinteros corrupt cronies filling in as substitute mayor so I don't expect the barriers to come down until after the change of power takes place.


11-26-23, 01:10
Curious is anyone has stayed at hostels and bring girls back? Assuming you get a private room. Has anyone had any issues? Thoughts?

How do the people stay there react, considering my experience with hostels tend to be busier with people around.


11-26-23, 01:12
Curious is anyone has stayed at hostels and bring girls back? Assuming you get a private room. Has anyone had any issues? Thoughts?

How do the people stay there react, considering my experience with hostels tend to be busier with people around.

Thanks.Very few hostels allow guests of any variety.

11-26-23, 03:11
Curious is anyone has stayed at hostels and bring girls back? Assuming you get a private room. Has anyone had any issues? Thoughts?

How do the people stay there react, considering my experience with hostels tend to be busier with people around.


Usually guests and mangements of hostels look down on mongering. Better get a short time hotel and avoid the trouble.

11-26-23, 03:22
I suggest downloading and using this app called Picap. It's like Uber but on a moto. I've used it several times and not only is it cheaper than a traditional Uber but it also gets you to your destination faster as the motorcycles can split lanes and make it through traffic faster.

This is thanks to the ex-mayor Daniel Quintero and his leftist regime. He put up the barriers back in February around Plaza Botero and I believe in El Poblado like in March or April. He was overstepping his boundaries; a corrupt liberal politician who is currently under investigation for spending public funds (caja menor) on restaurants and hotels and other frivolous expenses all over the country from Bogota to Santa Marta. He even resigned early and didn't finish his term. In January Fico Gutierrez will be taking over and he is expected to take down the barriers and return some normalcy to Medellin. But until the end of December there is still one of Quinteros corrupt cronies filling in as substitute mayor so I don't expect the barriers to come down until after the change of power takes place.

-Gabacho.Yes, I look forward to the return of the gang boys and the violence and muggings in Botero Plaza.

11-26-23, 04:44
Yes, I look forward to the return of the gang boys and the violence and muggings in Botero Plaza.The gangs, violence, and muggings never left, it's just been pushed outside of the barriers. Coincidencently the majority of the working girls are also outside of the perimeter of the barriers. And in fact it makes the pedestrian walkway (Calle 51) between Cras 52 and 53 much more crowded and prone to muggings.

Even Fernando Botero (RIP) wanted the barriers taken down and voiced his opinion about it before he died. He said his statues were for all of the public, not just for foreign tourists.

Besides the barriers are unconstitutional under Colombian federal law because all plazas, parques, and public places in Colombia are guaranteed by their own constitution to be open to all citizens, even if they are homeless people, informal salespersons, or prostitutes.

11-26-23, 06:00
Looking for an airbnb in Laureles, with AC and a hot tub and guest friendly. Anyone with options please send me a message.

11-26-23, 07:21
STD in Centro?

I am sitting on the cement block on the side of the church. Girl motions me to come so I run over like a lost puppy as I always do (I am well trained). She asks me about "no condom". I have been with her 3 times and always with a condom. I do not understand. Her friend says "other girls". I say sometimes. My girl says the dreaded "gonno" word. They both then walk away to stand at the other end of the alley way on the side of the church. I can only interpret this as they heard of someone with gonno. No girl has ever talked about STDs to me before in any city I have been in so I can only assume something is going around. Some of these girls work at Parque Lleras too so if you guys hear of anything please post or send me a message and I will post minus your name / ID.

Centro Barriers.

Far more positives having them than not. I see so many tour guides with some groups as large as 25 people and a lot more tourists in general. The old Premier Plaza is going upper scale with the customers they want to attract. Two new taco restaurants and another steak house place (I think). The two taco places have outside tables and now one of the old time restaurants has added some outdoor tables. Inside the barriers during "police hours" as I like to call it, I do not have to worry about taking my phone out and I see a lot less problems in general. If the barriers go then the vendors return and block a lot of the picture taking of the tourists and bring so much noise with them. I think and hope they are here to stay.

Sushi (serious stuff to discuss).

I love the fake sushi places. Fresh Fish, Hamai, and Colombian Sushi are all the same place. I walked there today for something to do. Their address is a lie. If you do Street View on Google maps they are on the opposite side at the bottom of the small 5 story building. My Sushi & Wok and Gari Food are both the same place also. Same food same receipt. Not that good. The first one is better. So 5 business are actually just 2. Wonder how many more there are.

Violence (comes and goes in spurts).

Afternoon a few days ago. Two black guys fighting. Not sure if 2 locals, 2 foreigners, or 1 of each. Not serious.

Afternoon several days ago. Two street girls mini fight at entrance to ST hotel on side street across from D1. Girl 1 tried walking away into the hotel. Girl 2 grabbed her hair from the back and threw her to the ground by her head. Ouch! And threw some punches. Real punches like a guy would.

9:00 pm tonight. Sitting on the concrete block on the side of the church. Street girl and maybe ex-BF on his motorcycle. Knives out! If he would have connected she would have been blinded or not made it to the hospital if he hit her throat. He was swinging at head level. She cut his seat up. Stabbed his back tire 10 times which I am sure was flat by morning. She flattened the front tire with her 5th stab. Everyone just watched for 10 minutes then started to get them apart. No cops with a police station 1 block away.

Game Over.

Colombians are so friendly my ass. I never saw a tenth of this kind of shit when I was in the Philippines. Going back to Asia. So tired of this shit. This place is all yours. Leaving for the last time in January (if I make it). Did I just hear clapping? OMG! I think I can actually hear some of you guys smiling!

11-26-23, 17:39
What happened to your phones was not locking. It was blocking. Colombia requires phones to be registered for reasons of theft control and preventing narcos and guerillas using them with no audit trail. I think you have 30 calendar days to register before the phone gets blocked.Sorry if dumb question. I wouldn't be in Medellin longer than 7 days, but I have google Fi, any phone issues (other than having it stolen) while down there?

11-26-23, 18:31
... The two taco places have outside tables and now one of the old time restaurants has added some outdoor tables....I read a news report from H13 N or something like it that more Prevenza restaurants are moving in. It says the one next to WOM is from Provenza but I could be wrong.

11-26-23, 19:56
Sorry if dumb question. I wouldn't be in Medellin longer than 7 days, but I have google Fi, any phone issues (other than having it stolen) while down there?My Google FI has been useless this trip. No "Welcome to Colombia" message this trip unlike all my other visits. SIM did not work after 2 weeks. Ordered 2. The second again lasted about 2 weeks. My belief is Google no longer has a deal with the cell phone companies here since we do not register our phones. My third FI SIM I can make calls for 2 weeks now but no WIFI access. PM if you have problems. I will tell you all about Google's idiot help desk!

Steve 9696
11-26-23, 20:10
Sorry if dumb question. I wouldn't be in Medellin longer than 7 days, but I have google Fi, any phone issues (other than having it stolen) while down there?Fi works great in Medellin. And everywhere else! I find I sometimes have to turn my phone off and back on or wait a bit for it to figure out a new country. But then you are good. Prob used in 10+ countries last year. All good. It's amazing.

11-26-23, 21:29
Thanks for the STD public service announcement. I guess you felt the need to go there because you like to bareback. So there are STDs around hooker strolls. Can you also confirm there is gambling in Las Vegas?

STD in Centro?

I am sitting on the cement block on the side of the church. Girl motions me to come so I run over like a lost puppy as I always do (I am well trained). She asks me about "no condom". I have been with her 3 times and always with a condom. I do not understand. Her friend says "other girls". I say sometimes. My girl says the dreaded "gonno" word. They both then walk away to stand at the other end of the alley way on the side of the church. I can only interpret this as they heard of someone with gonno. No girl has ever talked about STDs to me before in any city I have been in so I can only assume something is going around. Some of these girls work at Parque Lleras too so if you guys hear of anything please post or send me a message and I will post minus your name / ID.

Centro Barriers.

Far more positives having them than not. I see so many tour guides with some groups as large as 25 people and a lot more tourists in general. The old Premier Plaza is going upper scale with the customers they want to attract. Two new taco restaurants and another steak house place (I think). The two taco places have outside tables and now one of the old time restaurants has added some outdoor tables. Inside the barriers during "police hours" as I like to call it, I do not have to worry about taking my phone out and I see a lot less problems in general. If the barriers go then the vendors return and block a lot of the picture taking of the tourists and bring so much noise with them. I think and hope they are here to stay.

Sushi (serious stuff to discuss).

I love the fake sushi places. Fresh Fish, Hamai, and Colombian Sushi are all the same place. I walked there today for something to do. Their address is a lie. If you do Street View on Google maps they are on the opposite side at the bottom of the small 5 story building. My Sushi & Wok and Gari Food are both the same place also. Same food same receipt. Not that good. The first one is better. So 5 business are actually just 2. Wonder how many more there are.

Violence (comes and goes in spurts).

Afternoon a few days ago. Two black guys fighting. Not sure if 2 locals, 2 foreigners, or 1 of each. Not serious.

Afternoon several days ago. Two street girls mini fight at entrance to ST hotel on side street across from D1. Girl 1 tried walking away into the hotel. Girl 2 grabbed her hair from the back and threw her to the ground by her head. Ouch! And threw some punches. Real punches like a guy would.

9:00 pm tonight. Sitting on the concrete block on the side of the church. Street girl and maybe ex-BF on his motorcycle. Knives out! If he would have connected she would have been blinded or not made it to the hospital if he hit her throat. He was swinging at head level. She cut his seat up. Stabbed his back tire 10 times which I am sure was flat by morning. She flattened the front tire with her 5th stab. Everyone just watched for 10 minutes then started to get them apart. No cops with a police station 1 block away.

Game Over.

Colombians are so friendly my ass. I never saw a tenth of this kind of shit when I was in the Philippines. Going back to Asia. So tired of this shit. This place is all yours. Leaving for the last time in January (if I make it). Did I just hear clapping? OMG! I think I can actually hear some of you guys smiling!

11-27-23, 01:28
My point is that if your wearing shorts in Centro you may be assumed to be a foreigner...I suggest you count how many locals are wearing shorts next time when you go to El Centro,. There are some vendors under Parque Berrio wearing shorts. I saw a whole group of locals sitting by the fence at the corner of the museum wearing shorts. In less then 2 minutes I counted 20 then I gave up.

Based on what you said, a man with blonde hair or over 6 foot tall has the same effect of wearing shorts.

Mr Enternational
11-27-23, 02:37
I suggest you count how many locals are wearing shorts next time when you go to El Centro,. There are some vendors under Parque Berrio wearing shorts. I saw a whole group of locals sitting by the fence at the corner of the museum wearing shorts. In less then 2 minutes I counted 20 then I gave up.Years ago I took pictures of a lot of people downtown wearing shorts and ballcaps and posted them here. I do not know how that myth persists.

The same thing was said about Santo Domingo. I asked a chick I was messing with at the time and she said most of the ones you see in slacks are going about their work day. Sure enough go to the mall in the evening and there are plenty of men with their families wearing shorts. So we may be observing something but coming up for the wrong reasons as to why we are seeing it. Just like the dude that made the original "A wolf" observation. He had to come back and admit he had it all wrong. Too late, because people have already ran amuck with his incorrect theory.

Based on what you said, a man with blonde hair or over 6 foot tall has the same effect of wearing shorts.That is why my brother JTK wears what he wants. No matter what he does or does not wear, he is still standing out. Nobody is first going he has on shorts so he is definitely not from here, then secondly saying he is 7 feet tall so there is a chance he is not from here. As far as I know he has not run into any problems from wearing shorts and sandals all the time.

11-27-23, 02:52
I suggest you count how many locals are wearing shorts next time when you go to El Centro,. There are some vendors under Parque Berrio wearing shorts. I saw a whole group of locals sitting by the fence at the corner of the museum wearing shorts. In less then 2 minutes I counted 20 then I gave up.

Based on what you said, a man with blonde hair or over 6 foot tall has the same effect of wearing shorts.Most (self-respecting) Colombians wear long trousers, it's mainly Venezuelans that are wearing shorts and various loose rapper clothing (and Vennies do love their airflow and sandals). But them wearing shorts due to a different skin complexion doesn't have such a blinding effect like a gringo showing off his white legs.

I don't think I have ever seen a Colombian wearing sandals here (I wonder whether they go in the sneakers to the beach when they play tourist). Venezuelans, sure, they don't even mind wearing flip flops out and about (but then at least have the decency to put on the socks while doing so LOL).

11-27-23, 03:20
Yes, I look forward to the return of the gang boys and the violence and muggings in Botero Plaza.LOL Exactly. And all the zombies in the park. I hope the barriers stay. It way more chill inside since they're up.

They should install some more benches at the plaza for people to sit though.

11-27-23, 03:23
I don't know why this particular topic is so persistent. To give it a bit of context, compare the average age of this web site's membership with the average age of Colombian guys who wear shorts around Centro. The bottom line is everyone is free to dress as they please. With freedom comes responsibility and consequences.

I suggest you count how many locals are wearing shorts next time when you go to El Centro,. There are some vendors under Parque Berrio wearing shorts. I saw a whole group of locals sitting by the fence at the corner of the museum wearing shorts. In less then 2 minutes I counted 20 then I gave up.

Based on what you said, a man with blonde hair or over 6 foot tall has the same effect of wearing shorts.

11-27-23, 03:29
The "gringo" Mike S. (34-38 years old) was killed with a crossbow on a farm in Envigado.

The alleged murderers of the American were a woman and her accomplice, motive being stealing jewelry and money.


11-27-23, 04:52
The "gringo" Mike S. (34-38 years old) was killed with a crossbow on a farm in Envigado.

The alleged murderers of the American were a woman and her accomplice, motive being stealing jewelry and money.

https://www.minuto30.com/con-una-cruceta-al-gringo-mike-smith-lo-mataron-en-una-finca-de-envigado/1531823/?no_cache=1701018994I was literally just saying like a week ago that there would be more. And what do you know iphone 15, jewelry, money, 2 women. It's like I predicted the future.

11-27-23, 05:17
I don't know why this particular topic is so persistent. To give it a bit of context, compare the average age of this web site's membership with the average age of Colombian guys who wear shorts around Centro. The bottom line is everyone is free to dress as they please. With freedom comes responsibility and consequences.It's not about freedom or comparison. It's about the irrational fear. Think about it. Do you think the robber is going to rob me if I wear a football shirt and shorts? I personally think the robber will be pretty dumb to do it as it is obvious I don't have much on me. This is an extreme example but you can get the point.

I don't agree or disagree that they target all gringos. I think they target money so they target anyone who they think have money. We think they target all gringos because most only read news related to gringos, or because a large portion of gringos have money relatively speaking.

11-27-23, 10:57
It's not about freedom or comparison. It's about the irrational fear. Think about it. Do you think the robber is going to rob me if I wear a football shirt and shorts? I personally think the robber will be pretty dumb to do it as it is obvious I don't have much on me. This is an extreme example but you can get the point.

I don't agree or disagree that they target all gringos. I think they target money so they target anyone who they think have money. We think they target all gringos because most only read news related to gringos, or because a large portion of gringos have money relatively speaking.Who's that gringo from Canada who lives homeless on the streets of the Bronx smoking bazuko? I saw him on a YouTube video. They definitely aren't targeting him and he is a gringo.

I agree that they target gringos that appear to have money.

11-27-23, 13:10
You can't have your cake and eat it too. Benches were removed to discourage loitering in the park. The stated objective of the barriers and the bench removal was to "take back the park" from undesirables (anyone who isn't a tourist). The last Mayor did it as a hail Mary attempt to salvage the sinking campaign of his progressive alliance after it had become clear in the polls that it was quickly trending downward. There were constant photo ops and flashy staged performance events. At one point the barriers were pushed down and sculptures were vandalized by protestors. Mayor Quintero had then re-installed. The streets are saying Fico will remove the barriers when he takes over next year. I think there is a happy medium of restricting street cart vendors with public address systems and allowing the traditional mix of punter rats, chicas, and drug dealers. We will all see what happens two or three months from now.

LOL Exactly. And all the zombies in the park. I hope the barriers stay. It way more chill inside since they're up.

They should install some more benches at the plaza for people to sit though.

11-27-23, 17:05
You can't have your cake and eat it too. Benches were removed to discourage loitering in the park. The stated objective of the barriers and the bench removal was to "take back the park" from undesirables (anyone who isn't a tourist). The last Mayor did it as a hail Mary attempt to salvage the sinking campaign of his progressive alliance after it had become clear in the polls that it was quickly trending downward. There were constant photo ops and flashy staged performance events. At one point the barriers were pushed down and sculptures were vandalized by protestors. Mayor Quintero had then re-installed. The streets are saying Fico will remove the barriers when he takes over next year. I think there is a happy medium of restricting street cart vendors with public address systems and allowing the traditional mix of punter rats, chicas, and drug dealers. We will all see what happens two or three months from now.Good explanation. Since the plaza has been "taken back" now and they don't even frisk anyone anymore they should put back the benches, or install more. It's just strange that people have to brake their asses on the park fence or sit uncomfortably crouched alongside museum (with rats frolicking behind, and even then there is often no extra space) to be able to rest while seeing the major tourist attraction. The remaining benches seem to be almost always occupied by the same locals anyways.

11-27-23, 20:29
You can't have your cake and eat it too. Benches were removed to discourage loitering in the park. The stated objective of the barriers and the bench removal was to "take back the park" from undesirables (anyone who isn't a tourist). The last Mayor did it as a hail Mary attempt to salvage the sinking campaign of his progressive alliance after it had become clear in the polls that it was quickly trending downward. There were constant photo ops and flashy staged performance events. At one point the barriers were pushed down and sculptures were vandalized by protestors. Mayor Quintero had then re-installed. The streets are saying Fico will remove the barriers when he takes over next year. I think there is a happy medium of restricting street cart vendors with public address systems and allowing the traditional mix of punter rats, chicas, and drug dealers. We will all see what happens two or three months from now.I say fuck the barriers and I say fuck Daniel Quintero too.

"Taking back the park from undisreables" is in clear violation of this law (see attached foto). How can you have a law that says that public parks cannot bre closed that they must be open to all the citizens for their enjoyment and free transit while at the same time picking and choosing which citizens are allowed in??

Daniel Quintero is a fucking criminal. I say lock his ass up!

11-27-23, 20:39
This message is for all you poblado boys aka weekend warriors, passport bros, etc. You come down here flashing your IPhone 15 Pro Max 512 gb and your gold chains and flashy jewelry and this is what will happen to you:


Follow along.

11-27-23, 22:00
It is absolutely the same few locals who camp out on the benches most days. The older coffee ladies claim them early in the day and take turns making sales rounds and keeping their thermoses on the benches so they have seats when they want them. A few of the same oldtimers sit with them for an hour or so at a time. The second most popular bench alternative after the fences is the fountain on the Nutibara side of the plaza. None of it makes any sense and the barrier entrances have recently been manned by police on a part time basis only. On a related note, I asked a city worker why trees were cut down along the side of the Palacio Uribe cultural center. I had assumed it was to give the authorities an unobstructed CCTV view but he told me it was because the trees were diseased and had to be cut down to avoid them falling on a passerby. He didn't have an answer when I asked if they would be replaced. Ever since the pandemic when something like a couple of dozen people had the entire plaza to ourselves for months, I've felt a closer connection with what goes on there. I didn't think that was possible but the pandemic changed many of our beliefs.

Good explanation. Since the plaza has been "taken back" now and they don't even frisk anyone anymore they should put back the benches, or install more. It's just strange that people have to brake their asses on the park fence or sit uncomfortably crouched alongside museum (with rats frolicking behind, and even then there is often no extra space) to be able to rest while seeing the major tourist attraction. The remaining benches seem to be almost always occupied by the same locals anyways.

11-28-23, 01:57
The "gringo" Mike S. (34-38 years old) was killed with a crossbow on a farm in Envigado.

The alleged murderers of the American were a woman and her accomplice, motive being stealing jewelry and money.

https://www.minuto30.com/con-una-cruceta-al-gringo-mike-smith-lo-mataron-en-una-finca-de-envigado/1531823/?no_cache=1701018994Read the comments to see what (a lot of) Colombians think of male tourists looking for pussy.

11-28-23, 02:24
Read the comments to see what (a lot of) Colombians think of male tourists looking for pussy.Can you really blame them for thinking that way?

To be honest the weekend warriors need to just go away.

Mr Enternational
11-28-23, 03:08
Read the comments to see what (a lot of) Colombians think of male tourists looking for pussy.There were 8 comments. One said they do not learn. Another said that is what you get for coming here looking for hookers. Another said it is the Venezuelans doing all the killing. The other 5 said to stop blaming the victim and that nobody deserves to die because they sought the services of a hooker. Which of these are you saying is what Colombians think of male tourists looking for pussy?

Different people have different thoughts concerning different things. Is anyone supposed to live their lives based on the diversified thoughts of strangers? The comment saying that is what you get also said you come do it here because it is not legal there. Duuuhhh. As if that constitutes a wrong doing. The same way people from there go to overseas because more money is paid. The same way I go to the racetrack to drive fast because there is a speed limit on the public roads. Am I supposed to not go somewhere something is allowed just because it is not allowed where I live? That would be dumb.

11-28-23, 04:21
Quintero is out of the picture now. Two years ago he had himself and his core followers convinced he was a future president of Colombia. Now that he resigned in disgrace and his patron Gustavo Petro has more active scandals than all his predecessors combined, only the most delusional believe he has any political future. You might be right about him going to jail. Even if Fico agrees with the barriers I don't see that he has any choice but to remove them to avoid getting the stink of Quintero's disastrous term on him.

I say fuck the barriers and I say fuck Daniel Quintero too.

"Taking back the park from undisreables" is in clear violation of this law (see attached foto). How can you have a law that says that public parks cannot bre closed that they must be open to all the citizens for their enjoyment and free transit while at the same time picking and choosing which citizens are allowed in??

Daniel Quintero is a fucking criminal. I say lock his ass up!

11-28-23, 13:53
Can you really blame them for thinking that way?

To be honest the weekend warriors need to just go away.All should be welcome to visit Colombia. Stop worrying about other guys and just enjoy your visit. When I visit, I don't pay any attention to what other guys are doing and paying. I spend what I want and I don't really care what a bunch of anonymous strangers think. There are those who call guys spending a lot of money on girls simps but a number of these guys just make more money than you and the money they spend is not that much to them. I know a number of guys who work in the financial industry in New York City who come down to Medellin. They make millions each year so spending US $100 on a girl is not a big deal to them. Are they simps because they make so much money than you and are willing to spend it? I don't think so. They come down, get the girls they want, have a good time, and go back home happy.

John Gault
11-28-23, 15:00
Oh wait a minute it was in Envigado not Centro. My bad. Of course it is stupid to bring gold chains to Colombia. Many moons ago I bought a nice Emerald pinky ring in CTG. Gold was a lot cheaper then. It took a few trips before it was stolen while I was asleep. After that I don't wear any fancy stuff in Colombia. Who am I trying to impress? The only people who would care are crooks and gold digger chicas. In 2010 I stayed in Envigado and I did not see one working girl. Times change I guess.

11-28-23, 16:22
If I'm honest my opinion is Colombians, men and women, of course know all about the game and the fact that they are of course by far the majority players. What they and I dislike is the flamboyant behavior of some short term punters that gives the country and the game a bad name.

Can you really blame them for thinking that way?

To be honest the weekend warriors need to just go away.

11-28-23, 16:40
All should be welcome to visit Colombia. Stop worrying about other guys and just enjoy your visit. When I visit, I don't pay any attention to what other guys are doing and paying. I spend what I want and I don't really care what a bunch of anonymous strangers think. There are those who call guys spending a lot of money on girls simps but a number of these guys just make more money than you and the money they spend is not that much to them. I know a number of guys who work in the financial industry in New York City who come down to Medellin. They make millions each year so spending US $100 on a girl is not a big deal to them. Are they simps because they make so much money than you and are willing to spend it? I don't think so. They come down, get the girls they want, have a good time, and go back home happy.You missed my point entirely. The problem isn't what I think. The problem is what Colombians think. These weekend warrior types are getting murdered by the boat load and they are giving gringos a bad reputation in Colombia. Don't take my word for it, read the comments on the Minuto30 article that Combo pointed out.

11-28-23, 21:04
Oh wait a minute it was in Envigado not Centro. My bad. Of course it is stupid to bring gold chains to Colombia. Many moons ago I bought a nice Emerald pinky ring in CTG. Gold was a lot cheaper then. It took a few trips before it was stolen while I was asleep. After that I don't wear any fancy stuff in Colombia. Who am I trying to impress? The only people who would care are crooks and gold digger chicas. In 2010 I stayed in Envigado and I did not see one working girl. Times change I guess.Lately, this type of tragic death is happening very frequently. No good. Either there is an organized gang out there who knows how to rob and murder tourists or Newbees keeping their guards off or Americans are easy target?

11-28-23, 22:11
Lately, this type of tragic death is happening very frequently. No good. Either there is an organized gang out there who knows how to rob and murder tourists or Newbees keeping their guards off or Americans are easy target?How many of these fine upstanding tourists would wear their bling and pull out their iPhone 15's in the worst ghetto section of their respective cities? How many would go strolling alone in those same areas day or night?

Yet these same people seem to lose all their common sense when they get on a plane and come here.

For some unknown reason which only makes sense to themselves they want to wear their open chested silk shirts and their bling and expensive watches. Oddly enough they get robbed and sometimes with fatal consequences. They bring girls to their rooms without a hotel reservation desk to verify IDs and pour out alcoholic drinks only to find that they got drugged and robbed and if they are lucky they survived the experience.

If it sounds like I'm blaming the victims, well, that isn't my point. Guys who come here need to remember to bring their common sense as well as their passport. Wearing bling just isn't going to impress anyone. Except the poor, desperate thieves who prey on the weak. Drinking in your room with girls you don't know is just begging to be victimized.

Drinking or not, when you leave a restaurant at night, instead of walking down dark empty streets, load the app. DiDi, Uber whatever and call them to the restaurant instead of walking alone down some dark side streets.

If this doesn't make sense to you. Take a 6 month vacation and stay in mid-town Manhattan. You'll get an education in common sense. Your bad (or careless) habits will get you mugged but probably not killed. After that you'll be prepared to handle yourself in Medellin or any of a number of other Central or South American cities without getting yourself killed.

11-28-23, 23:24
It's the same for me. There are unfortunate incidents of this sort that are widely reported. I take pains to avoid anyone reading about me in the media. I think the explanation is a combination of the two things you mentioned. It happens to Colombians too but you don't see it reported as intensely as it is when it happens to foreigners. An example of what I mean is the case of the American guy who murdered his Colombian girlfriend. It was covered live 24/7 in all media. Colombian guys killing their girlfriends is something that happens several times a day but it never dominates the airwaves the way that single case did.

Lately, this type of tragic death is happening very frequently. No good. Either there is an organized gang out there who knows how to rob and murder tourists or Newbees keeping their guards off or Americans are easy target?

11-29-23, 01:52
Most (self-respecting) Colombians wear long trousers, it's mainly Venezuelans that are wearing shorts and various loose rapper clothing (and Vennies do love their airflow and sandals). But them wearing shorts due to a different skin complexion doesn't have such a blinding effect like a gringo showing off his white legs.

I don't think I have ever seen a Colombian wearing sandals here (I wonder whether they go in the sneakers to the beach when they play tourist). Venezuelans, sure, they don't even mind wearing flip flops out and about (but then at least have the decency to put on the socks while doing so LOL).How exactly do you know who is Colombian and who is Venezuelan?

11-29-23, 02:41
How exactly do you know who is Colombian and who is Venezuelan?You can tell as soon as you hear them talk. The Venezuelans sound completely different and use different words than the Colombians such as "epa" for "hola" and they say "naguara" and "verga" alot. Paisas instead of saying "verga" will say "hijueputa" or "que gonorrea". Also Paisas tend to have a very distinctive accent where they don't pronounce the letter "the" at the end of words surrounded by vowels. For example "pescado" is pronounced "pescao" and mercado is "mercao" etc.

Also paisas tend to be more fare skinned and Venezuelans more darker skinned but that isn't always the case and isn't a for sure way to tell.

Generally the Venezuelans look poorer and work informal jobs such as selling coffee, single cigarettes, and candies from a street cart often made from a stolen grocery store cart which they call a Chasa or Chasita.

11-29-23, 04:02
How exactly do you know who is Colombian and who is Venezuelan?I know who is Venezuelan and who is Colombian by knowing the girls, their amigas and novios, seeing with whom they hang out with, and then seeing with whom these people hang, and so on and so forth, quickly you'll see who's who and generally they don't seem to mix. I had a Colombian girl refusing to ask another girl a question for me (there was some commotion and I wanted to know what was it about) because she was a Vennie, so she quickly found a Colombian girl to ask, she identified her non-Venezuelan nationality just by looking around, she didn't even know her.

11-29-23, 04:28
Lately, this type of tragic death is happening very frequently. No good. Either there is an organized gang out there who knows how to rob and murder tourists or Newbees keeping their guards off or Americans are easy target?Organized gangs in Colombia? I don't see how that's possible. And it's absolutely not possible that clueless gringos are an easy target. No way. Unless maybe it's a tragic form of Darwinism.

11-29-23, 15:59
Organized gangs in Colombia? I don't see how that's possible. And it's absolutely not possible that clueless gringos are an easy target. No way. Unless maybe it's a tragic form of Darwinism.All sarcasm aside, a "tragic form of Darwinism" is exactly what this is. The weekend warriors are going to continue to get scoped, robbed, and or murdered until they learn to leave the iPhone 15 and the bling bling at home. And all that will be left will be us Centro rats who have nothing to steal, and we'll still be getting dirty street pussy on our dirty dix, amen!

11-29-23, 16:09
....Do you think the robber is going to rob me if I wear a football shirt and shorts? ......Be careful to wear the correct football shirt for the locale you are visiting or you may be attacked for a different reason.

11-29-23, 21:42
I'll post a couple of reports, since I want to provide details in case it's useful for anyone. In short, Medellin is always awesome.

Days 1-3.

Long report – apologies – but I went for volume this trip and ended up at 11 total girls in 5 days. Pleased with that!

I swear each visit to Colombia, things get weirder. Last trip to Bogota, half the girls offered me bareback sex without me even asking, which of course I accepted! (Got tested, all clean). This trip, a third of the girls straight up asked me to fuck their ass. 2 of the girls said they had never tried it, but wanted to and asked if I'the oblige them. One only wanted anal, the other 2 anal after some pussy banging. 1 wanted it, but we didn't get to that. So yeah, 4 of 11 wanted ass play. Why this trip? What is in the water? No idea.

Cash: Airport withdrawal. Revolut card at Serviciobanco (It's a green, black and white ATM. At the airport, they allow up to $2,000,000 pesos for foreign cards. Got the whole $2 M for $501.19, including fees for a USD to COP rate of 4,035.40. FYI – all the exchange places were giving $3,700 to $3,750 COP per USD. As always, ATM withdrawal much better option! Other withdrawals were at Davivienda, where they charge no fees, but Revolut charged me 5%. In those later days, the exchange rate was worse, but I still ended up at $3,920 / USD for those exchanges, still better than the little shops. The money exchange place right inside the west side of Lleras was at $3,600 to USD! Don't do it!

Stay: Hotel Selis in Poblado, literally 1 block from Lleras southwest entrance. Very nice hotel, less than 1 year old, comfy beds. They are guest friendly, but you only get 1 free guest registration. Each time after that, if they change the name of the guest, they charge $100 k. They are VERY concerned about your safety and stated that they would not let girls leave without me accompanying them downstairs and the front desk confirming that I was okay before the girls leave. I have to believe this is due to all the recent killings of gringos lately.

On a related note, I had never actually had a conversation with any of the police officers near Lleras, but upon exiting the Pollos al Carbon on Calle 10 a very nice officer, first name Jorge, asked me where I was from, how long in town, the usual niceties. After speaking in Spanish for a few minutes, I asked if they were getting English lessons due to all the foreign tourists and he confirmed they are getting English lessons 3 days a week for 4 hours, which seems like a very good thing. We practiced for a bit, and he was doing pretty well! Notthing perfect, but he understood me and I understood him. Then he asked me if I had any interest in the street chicas and I said, Yeah, but I'm careful. To which he added, "You speak Spanish, so you can communicate and evaluate the girls, but be very careful, most are ok, but there are some bad ones. Make sure to get them registered at the hotel, make sure they're not drugged up looking, or overly drunk, etc. And then all will be well". Seems like good advice.

Anyway, on to the girls, in order by day:

Lleras area – Wednesday night to Thursday morning 10 PM – 2 AM.

Dolce – Slim, petite, small tits, great ass. Took her to a "notel / motel" called las cabañas that she recommended, where they rent the rooms for 3-4 hours for a flat price. She gave spectacular oral service, then saw my bottle of lube, put on the condom and asked if she could put it in her ass, since it was more stimulating to her while she plays with herself. 2 condoms later, I was out, after which she wanted bareback anal while she massaged her clit like crazy. All in all, great experience. $150 k to her for her "taxi ride" and $50 k (I think, don't remember) to the hotel.

Plaza Botero – Thursday afternoon and then Lleras area late Thursday to 3 PM Friday.

Went to Botero, bought a couple of beers for some girls, hung out at the Mexican Restaurant across from the church. Upon taking a tour of the plaza, ran across.

Lizbet – petite negrita with an awesome body, spectacular ass and nice slightly more than handful titties, and her hair in bolitas on both sides. A cross of two strippers at my local strip club that I've fantasized about banging, so she was very appealing to me! Went to La Zona Rosa hotel for a quick visit. Once there, she said, "let's wash you and me". Ok. Went to the bathroom and she washed the dick for me, very sensual, good soap, good concentrated effort, all while stroking it and giving me great eye contact. Amazing, I never felt so clean or horny! Went to the bed and she went straight to BBBJ with great tongue and sucking action, no teeth! All CFS from there, which was great, she was very sweet, but just a tad high from the weed she had smoked a little earlier. Went the whole 30 minutes, multiple positions, but finished from behind (en cuatro) like all the girls seem to prefer. Came hard! Strangely, she was a super passionate kisser, just really into it, which I love. Nice way to end the afternoon trip to Botero.

Went back to Lleras area, had some food, took a nap, so I'the be ready to wander Lleras and Calle 10, headed through the park, over to Calle 10, west down 10, until I ran into. Yes, the exact same girl, Lizbet. We exchanged some smiles, pleasantries and she asked if I wanted to go again, since I had told her the girls charged more in Lleras and she came to find out, but hadn't run across anyone she found interesting yet. Debated. Told her maybe. Walked to the end of the block, turned the corner, then turned back around and went and got her. She asked, "You'll pay me what you did this afternoon, right and I'll stay all night?" I thought $100 k total for TLN, hell yeah!. She was very excited, apparently not remembering that I told her Lleras girls charged more. (Not how much, just more). Took her to my hotel, no cost as she was my first registered guest, they took all her cedula information and up we went. This was maybe 2 AM, or so, and she stayed till 3 PM the next day with multiple rounds of kissing, sex, sleep, kissing, sex, sleep, rinse, repeat. Lovely girl. So good, I thought about having her stay longer. Ended up giving her $150 k, plus 4 beers, breakfast and a couple cocktails. Not a bad deal at all! Second best experience of the trip.

Friday night – Went to Botero to see what was what, but it rained buckets, so I took the taxi back to the hotel, rested till about 10 PM, then had a night out at the regular discos, finishing at Casa De La Luna at 6 AM, lots of girls tourists and locals, so good eye candy, but only dancing. Very fun night anyway!

See report #2 for Saturday. Monday morning.

11-29-23, 22:16
Botero Plaza. Recuperated, wanted to sample a few to see what was up in cheap pussyland, aka Botero area.

Ana – pequeña tiny titties, beautiful smile, probably 19-20 tops, dark hair with lighter highlights throughout, super cute college freshman type look. Went to the room and she did BBBJ for an extra $20 k. It was ok. I don't think she was super experienced. Fucked with a condom for a while with her only allowing about 3/4 penetration because she said, "eres grande!" (yeah, no, good one though), when she got off from riding me and said, "I'll give you everything", and I'm like, "Uh, we already did what I was expecting". To which she said, I have always wanted to try anal and I think you will be patient with me and I love the shape of your dick. Ok, whatever. Compliments will get you everywhere. So I clarified that a) you have NEVER done this, correct? (right) and then B) go slowly, take your time, ease it in, etc. She said, "You do that for me, from behind". Ok, here we go. Got her over the edge of the bed, lots of lube, slowly put it in as she gasped and covered her mouth, told her it will be better once it's all the way in as it's fattest at the tip, slight taper to the base. She's nodding, hand over her mouth, while I slowly get it all the way in her ass. She's really not enjoying it, but kept at it, while I massaged her clit and then she took over the clit massage for me. Went at this for about 5-7 minutes, after which she couldn't take it anymore. Pulled out, washed up a bit, and she gave me a nice BBBJ for a few more minutes till the time was up. $50 k to her, $20 k for BBBJ and then she asked for another $20 k for the ass. I was like, "wait a minute, YOU asked for the ass", to which she smiled and said, "yeah, but you enjoyed yourself, right?" Ok, fine, another $20 k. So $90 k and as we're walking out she's saying how she's never felt a painful sensation like that before, mixed with pleasure, and wondered how long it would take for her anus to stop quivering. It was actually amusing how she was diagnosing how her anus / ass felt after her first anal experience.

On to the next about 30 minutes later.

Andrea – I ran across this girl the afternoon before, Friday, but it started bucketing rain right when I was going to take her to the room. She has a serious lazy eye and / or 2 lazy eyes, because they will cross at just random times. She's not high, could carry on a conversation, has a pretty smile and face, very slim body with slightly visible abs, nice small titties, nice ass, but flatter than the other 2 above. Whatever. Ran across her again on Saturday and I was like, "let's go". Went to the "rojo hotel" out the gate in front of the church, cross the street, 2 doors down. $10 k for the room, $40 k for her, $20 k for BBBJ after I asked if she would do it, etc. She undresses, cleans herself up, then goes to town with the BBBJ. Put on the condom, used a little of my lube, and we fucked every which way positions for the next 25 minutes. Crazily, she said nearly every guy finishes with her in 5 minutes or so, but by this point, I've got my stamina and I made her go the distance. She was panting, complaining "te duras mucho! After too long in a position, etc. But made it to the end. Did not come, as I'm saving it for the 3rd or 4th one of the day. She said, "You'll look for me if you come back tomorrow, right?" Yep, but I'm looking for many tryouts, so probably won't go with you again, I thought to myself. She's cute, fun, smells great and is a great girl, if you don't mind the "bien pinche bizco" appearance.

Back to the Mexican restaurant for some totopos and guac, and beers to recuperate.

About an hour later, make the stroll past the annoying drunk gringos on the bench (without their assembly of 3 trans girls this time) and ran into #3 for the afternoon:

Yessica. Culona - pelo rojo Venezolana in front of the little beer store next to the passageway running down to the bathrooms and across from another little beer place on the corner. I had bought her a beer on Thursday and she's a great, great shit talker about how she's going to fuck your brains out, suck your cock till you can't take it anymore, etc. And so after buying her another beer $6 k for an Aguila, I'm like "Let's go." She's just giggling at this point. Not my typically favorite body type (slim, small tits, round ass), instead she's got medium tits, big shapely ass, great smile with braces. What percentage of girls in Colombia DOESN'T have braces? Anyway, back to La Zona Rosa, full 30 minute session, all the positions, great BBBJ, great action overall, plus she's shit talking the whole time. Just great fun. Told her I wasn't going to come and she's like, "I can make you!" I said, "No you can't!" She did give it her very best effort, pero me aguante! If you like curvy girls, with attitude, who will work hard, you really can't go wrong with her! $50 k for her and the room, $12 k in beers, $20 k for BBBJ. For just over $20 USD, a great deal.

Last one for the afternoon / evening, walked around Botero again, by the statue in the middle between the 2 beer shops on the corner on your left and the other tienda on the corner on the right, facing the museum down a bit on your left, I run across.

Valentina. Pequeña negra – truly spectacular "paquete" in her clothing. Rojo Hotel once again. Once undressed, major kiddie damage, but by this point, I was committed. She didn't ask for extra for bareback oral, and did a really thorough, passionate blowjob. Good moaning, stroking, no teeth, lots of tongue. All good. Then, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl and she asked for "de cuatro". Always de cuatro. It was fine, but that's when I noticed she had that musky vinegar type smell, basically because she hadn't washed herself before we began other than a quick water rinse. Good thing the fan was behind me, and mostly pushed the light nasty smell away from me. Added more lube, which helped tremendously too. Banged away and then all of sudden she starts clenching her pussy muscles something fierce, which was a spectacular sensation and. The big finale cumshot. All good! $40 k to her $10 k to the room, nothing additional.

Additional info, no action, skip if you like, but it was funny / fun:

While waiting to see if I could muster another 5th "ratico" for the day, I sat down on the bench in front of the Mexican restaurant and 2 cute girls immediately start chatting with me. Astonished I could actually understand all their 'Mor. Me encanta tu espanol. Marica, puedes creer que habla espanol ese gringo. Que buena platica. " etc. Too funny. I love all the 'mors and 'maricas. Anyway, they said they were done for the night, but wanted to know if I'the buy them a beer. I knew where this is going, so sure, why not? Got 2 rounds of beers at the Mexican restaurant, then a small plato and a snack. All in about $40 k. They asked what I was doing, I said going back to the hotel to sleep. They were like, "aaaawwww, come on, let's go to La 70 and dance!

You know, I can sleep when I'm dead. Go to my hotel, they register the girls even though they weren't staying (fortunately didn't charge me, although he was going to! Then I changed and we went to La 70 to 2 different places. Got a bottle of rum in each place, plus snacks and some other stuff. I paid for everything and ended up with about 12 rent-a-friends by the end of the night. One of the girls, 'mor Angela, was much cuter than the other and I was actually fantasizing about banging her while we were dancing, but then I ended up dancing with some other dude's girlfriend, while he danced with Angela and then we all swapped again. In the meantime, the other girl, Valeria, who had been on her phone for an hour plus, got a late start drinking but by 3 AM was HAMMERED. I thought to myself, I'm not a babysitter, her problems are not my problems, so I gave Angela $50 k for the taxi for her and Valeria and I jetted. As I'm in the taxi and he's getting ready to leave, the drunk one runs out and tried to grab me through the driver's window, to get me to stay. Instead she got a little cigarette burn on her arm from the one he was smoking, yelped, pulled her arm back and we were off. I apologized for the inconvenience, gave him a tip when he got me to the hotel and that was the end of that night! Total cost of this experience $60 USD for the 2 bottles of rum, snacks, beers for the other folks, and another $20 k to the taxi driver, plus a small tip. All total maybe $70 USD, by far the most I spent the whole trip, but still very fun.

11-29-23, 23:38
Sorry for these long reports, but it really was a good trip and I want to provide good details, please skim through if you don't want to read the whole thing.

Botero Sunday / Monday Morning – Days 4&5.

Flor. Negra MILF – saw this one standing in front of one of the shoe / purse / phone case sellers, shading herself from the sun. Hot today! She tells me yeah, so hot, nobody's working, except me! I didn't get it at that moment, so I took a stroll around the plaza, past the museum, and when I got back. She was still standing there. This time, she had her shirt a lot more unbuttoned, reached in to adjust her bra and stroked her left tit for me, saying, "Vamos! I responded, "Vamos!" Went to La Zona Rosa, where she washed herself for a good while, I washed myself, and we got on the bed a little damp and proceeded to make it more damp! She did a fantastic oral, lots of tongue, great eye contact, and then she went to get on top. She said, "preservativo? I said, no, while laughing. She's laughing, then goes serious and says, "I'm good without one, if you are. " Yes, yes I am! She rode me, while I'm doing my best to hold out, she's telling me when you're about to come, let me know and you can shoot it anywhere on my body, just not the face. Ok, sounds great! Made it about 5 minutes, switched to doggy, went another 3-5 minutes, and pulled out finishing on her back. Great view, white cum on her black body. Love it! $50 k for the room and her, plus a $50 k tip for the bareback entertainment. Later bought her 3-4 beers at the Mexican restaurant, where she's good friends with pretty much everyone who works there, so the whole conversation was very lively, especially with the futbol match on.

1+ hours later, recuperated, I tell the group, "Ahorita regreso." and make tour of the plaza. Spot a girl that I'the seen the day before who really intrigued me and went to introduce myself to:

Teresa. This was my favorite of the trip, my favorite "look", the girls who have that Andean face, with long black hair, cat eye shaped eyes, high cheekbones and pronounced chin and jawline, slim body. Striking looking and I just really, really like these types of girls. Huge turn on for me. Straight on, this girl's face, to me, was a solid 9. 5, damn near perfect, braces of course, probably only dropped her to a 9. She likely will not be the same for others, but to me, that look, dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin, high cheekbones, etc. Is just my absolute favorite.

Anyway, on to "rojo hotel", where by this point the check-in ladies are just laughing when they see me, as I've been there 4-5 times in 2 days, I buy them a beer and a bag of chips, for which they're very appreciative. Keep the girls happy, they treat you well! $10 k for the room, a bargain.

My indigenous beauty took off her clothes, revealing a very interesting mixture of 1 milk-engorged right breast, plus one normal breast. She saw my expression (excited!) and squirted some milk in my mouth. Love that! What a way to start.

She thoroughly washed herself, I did the same, then we flopped on the bed and got to work. Great BBBJ, lots of tongue, fantastic eye contact that I love so much, great enthusiasm, more milk squirting, tit sucking / milk drinking, then she got on with a condom. She hesitated when I asked her, no condom? Seriously hesitated for what felt like 15-30 seconds, but then she said, "No, no estoy enfermo why no quiero estar." But she hesitated for so long, I nearly thought I'd won the bareback lottery!

No worries, off to condom fucking, all positions probably 20 minutes, nearly all of this with her milky tit in my mouth. At this point I can't believe we haven't gotten the "dreaded knock". Instead, after a cowgirl session, she gets up and says, "I've never tried anal, will you do it with me?" I thought to myself, "What in the actual fuck is going on this week in this town with half the girls wanting anal sex and half of those first-timers! I said, "por supuesto". And this time, she took direction well, lowering her asshole onto my dick slowly, gently easing it in, all the while with lots of lube and patience. Got it fully inserted and she starts riding it slowly, steady deep strokes, without getting too close to it popping out. No painful gasps, not too much in the way of grimacing, lots of clit rubbing, and great moaning. Seemed to enjoy herself, since she kept going long after I though she would stop.

About 10 minutes of anal sex, with a lot of kissing, grinding, etc. I realize just how great she smells and tastes, so I ask if I can eat her out. She's panting a little, stops, lifts her ass off my dick, gives me a big grin and says, Yes! I let her mount my face and eat her out for what felt like 15-20 minutes, all the while looking up at that beautiful face. So fucking tasty, goddamn! I absolutely love eating tasty pussy!!

After eating pussy until my jaw couldn't take it anymore, we stopped, and conversed for probably close to 40-45 minutes. She's just a very nice girl, pretty damn smart, lots of good conversation on a range of topics, which for a 19 year old, I was very impressed by. Most of the 19 year olds only think about looks, looks, clothing, makeup, looks, shoes, etc. This girl was a genuine treat to spend time with. After a good while I realized it was DARK outside the window. She says, "we should probably go", and so we left the hotel. The ladies at the front waved goodbye, didn't ask for any additional money for overstaying the paid half hour by well over an hour, which was great. Best experience this trip, mainly for just how great this girl was as a human being.

Lleras Sunday night 11 PM to midnight.

Of course, after the great experience with my high cheekbones pretty girl, I knew the next one was not going to match up, but you know what, I'm a horny motherfucker and it's my last true night in town. After recuperating at the hotel for a while, I walk down to the little beer shop on the NW corner of LLeras, buy a beer and start wandering the parque. Immediately, I run across another of my favorite types, a negra MILF from Cali:

Laura, another big shit talker, which by now is 50/50 if it's going to be the same in the room. Talked all about what she'll do, great blowjob, no condom of course, only $200 k for sex and, oh I also really love it IN THE ASS. All that for a Lleras girl at $200 k is not bad, I'm thinking. By now, I'm ready again, so I say, yeah, let's go. 50/50, I'll roll the dice. Go to the little place on Calle 10, yellow paint, called Garden Lleras Hostel / Hotel, and which rents rooms by the hour when it's busy in Lleras. Good news: they card you and the girl and take photocopies of the ID. Bad news, short term rental is now up to $100 k for up to 3 hours. Damn.$70 k when I was last there in August, also a Sunday night. Bought the girl and me a beer from the front desk lady (very sweet, forget her name) and go to the room. She undresses, and not too bad mommy damage for a lady approximately 28-32 by my guess. Great tits, goddamn. Big booty, firm, great for grabbing. Anyway, she washes, I wash, she starts sucking BBBJ for "propina que quieras", yeah, we'll see where that ends up. Does a great job, lots of tongue, good enthusiasm. She gets on and rides cowgirl like a maniac, then wants me to pound her missionary, then from behind. All good till "en cuatro" at which point, despite the quick washing, she has a smelly ass / pussy. I'm good and hard, so it doesn't affect me, but it was a close one as to whether it'd drop off or not. Got her positioned to where the fan was behind us, and went to town. After about 10 minutes though, she asks me to eat it and I say, "Nope, I'm done, thanks. " And paid her and left.

Another example of when you have a truly off the charts mongering experience, the next one probably has zero chance of living up to it. Back to the hotel for one of my only non-vampire hours nights of the trip, meaning to sleep before 4-5 AM.

Finally, Plaza Botero Monday – return flight delayed to late afternoon, so I realize I have at least 2 hours extra to kill, so I head downtown from Poblado. Not having a lot of time, I choose:

Paola – Venezolana, blanquita, pero no buena. We ought to label these girls "ilusiones" because they look good, smell good, pretty face, nice makeup, but when you get them to the room, it's all "I don't mount guys", "Don't touch my pussy", "I only allow en cuatro and missionario", blah, blah, blah. I pounded her missionary for 5 minutes while she seriously just stared at the ceiling like a dead fish, and then from behind for about 10 minutes while watching her tits swing in the mirror to my left. Not bad, but her terrible attitude and lack of enthusiasm meant I finished early. Without finishing. No worries, back outside and I run into one that I'the seen the last 2-3 days and had on my list, a very pretty negrita called:

Laurena – negrita bonita why muy buena. A reversal of the other situation, when you have just had a bad mongering experience, the odds seem to be good that the next one will be good. This girl has a pretty face, braces (of course), probably mid to late 20's, long straight black hair, great smile and is a true hourglass figure. Small waist, giant tits, big ass. Classic. Anyway, we get upstairs, $10 k for the room, $50 k to her (rojo hotel ladies seriously laughing now when I come in and shaking their heads, they're my friends now, buy them a panque since it's mid-late morning and they say they need a snack, sure thing), get to the room and there's 3 beds, 2 singles and a queen. So odd. I've never seen that layout before. We pick the queen size one, she goes and really washes, I wash, and we get going. It's cool in the room, since it's at the back of the hotel, so no real sweating from the action. She gives a spectacular bareback blowjob, with the popping sound like pulling out a lollipop when she pulls it out of her mouth, grinning. Love that shit! Does this for a good 10 minutes, just sucking and tonguing, licking ballsack, sucking balls, jesus, a true professional. I finally can't take it and say, "montame por favor! She puts the condom on and goes to town. Those huge tits swinging as she's bouncing up and down, a glorious sight. About 10 minutes of this and she's like, "pon me en cuatro". Of course en cuatro. No anal requests this time, but that's fine, her beautiful big black ass, perfect heart shape, firm, but with nice movement when pounding, yeah, all good. Pound away for about 7 minutes and she says, "duras mucho, has tendio sexo hoy?" and I say, "si, pero no me vine", she laughs and says, I'm going to make you come. I ask for her to mount me again, and with some awesome cowgirl slipnslide, plus massive titties in my mouth, I finally climax and am done for the trip.

All in all, great visit. Lleras girls are still prettier and generally higher quality than the Botero girls, but Botero has some gems, you just need to sit down, drink a beer, take in the scene, walk the plaza and see what's available. With a little patience, you can find something approaching a mid-range Lleras girl, but for only $50-100 k (depending on extras) and that's just so damn cheap compared to even the cheapest Lleras girl. If there were only decent hotels near Botero and anything approaching fine dining, I'd probably just stay there. But it's only 15-20 minute cab ride for $13-15 k that it's worth it to me to stay in a nice hotel by Lleras, have tons of dining options available, plus much nicer places for a cocktail in Provenza, then just run to Botero to get down and dirty for cheap.

Nomars777 – out!

11-30-23, 03:22
Sorry for these long reports...

Nomars777 out!Great read. The man knows how to do Centro. Hats off for a detailed and accurate write up.

11-30-23, 15:03
Sorry for these long reports, but it really was a good trip and I want to provide good details, please skim through if you don't want to read the whole thing.

Botero Sunday / Monday Morning Days 4&5.

Flor. Negra MILF saw this one standing in front of one of the shoe / purse / phone case sellers, shading herself from the sun. Hot today! She tells me yeah, so hot, nobody's working, except me! I didn't get it at that moment, so I took a stroll around the plaza, past the museum, and when I got back. She was still standing there. This time, she had her shirt a lot more unbuttoned, reached in to adjust her bra and stroked her left tit for me, saying, "Vamos! I responded, "Vamos!" Went to La Zona Rosa, where she washed herself for a good while, I washed myself, and we got on the bed a little damp and proceeded to make it more damp! She did a fantastic oral, lots of tongue, great eye contact, and then she went to get on top. She said, "preservativo? I said, no, while laughing. She's laughing, then goes serious and says, "I'm good without one, if you are. " Yes, yes I am! She rode me, while I'm doing my best to hold out, she's telling me when you're about to come, let me know and you can shoot it anywhere on my body, just not the face. Ok, sounds great! Made it about 5 minutes, switched to doggy, went another 3-5 minutes, and pulled out finishing on her back. Great view, white cum on her black body. Love it! $50 k for the room and her, plus a $50 k tip for the bareback entertainment. Later bought her 3-4 beers at the Mexican restaurant, where she's good friends with pretty much everyone who works there, so the whole conversation was very lively, especially with the futbol match on.Excellent report Señor Nomars. A true centro street rat enjoying himself in the belly of the beast and reporting accurate information about his adventures. We need more guys like you on ISG. Thank you.

11-30-23, 15:44
......we got on the bed a little damp and proceeded to make it more damp......A damp bed could either be good or not so good. Good because the dampness was because it was recently washed and not dried fully or not so good because.....hope it was good for you.

On another note from your report you must speak good Spanish. Well done.

11-30-23, 16:54
A damp bed could either be good or not so good. Good because the dampness was because it was recently washed and not dried fully or not so good because.....hope it was good for you.

On another note from your report you must speak good Spanish. Well done.You're right on with the first observation. We dried, but quickly, so a little damp from not being fully dried off. Get so damn sweaty there anyway in the late afternoon, it was going to be damp either way.

All I know is the cleaning ladies in those places work hard, they are always in there immediately after, stripping the sheet (s), setting up the room again, new towel, little soap package, toilet paper roll, etc. If I see them, I try to give them a $10 k tip or so, since it's better when the rooms are clean.

Since I didn't clarify in the posts, "Rojo Hotel" is Hotel Botero Real, the 3rd or 4th picture on Google for the hotel shows the exterior. It really is much nicer, cleaner and unbelievably, cheaper, than La Zona Rosa Hotel, which seems hit or miss on cleanliness.

Thanks on the Spanish. It is of giant assistance in chatting with the girls. Really helps to establish a connection that is much deeper and clarifies those who are genuine from those who are not. Generally, but not always.

11-30-23, 21:02
Your reports warm my Centro rat heart.

You're right on with the first observation. We dried, but quickly, so a little damp from not being fully dried off. Get so damn sweaty there anyway in the late afternoon, it was going to be damp either way.

All I know is the cleaning ladies in those places work hard, they are always in there immediately after, stripping the sheet (s), setting up the room again, new towel, little soap package, toilet paper roll, etc. If I see them, I try to give them a $10 k tip or so, since it's better when the rooms are clean.

Since I didn't clarify in the posts, "Rojo Hotel" is Hotel Botero Real, the 3rd or 4th picture on Google for the hotel shows the exterior. It really is much nicer, cleaner and unbelievably, cheaper, than La Zona Rosa Hotel, which seems hit or miss on cleanliness.

Thanks on the Spanish. It is of giant assistance in chatting with the girls. Really helps to establish a connection that is much deeper and clarifies those who are genuine from those who are not. Generally, but not always.

12-01-23, 13:19
I have just returned from a two week vacation in Medellin. I am an American, divorced, 63 years old, not bad looking for that age, zero knowledge of Spanish and on a budget. I happened to be quite attracted to young Spanish women. I am a big user of Google translate.

I arrived the night of Sunday November 13.

On Monday night Juliana came over. 19 years old. I found her through Colombian Cupid. For some reason I thought Colombian Cupid would be the perfect place to meet semi-pros. I would say half the girls on the site are very open to play for pay. My expectation was that Juliana and I would spend the entire two weeks together. We had spent three weeks chatting online including two video chats. We exchanged many photos. However in person she showed no attraction to me. She was on Facebook non-stop. Even while we were* in bed together she was watching youtube music videos. I can do whatever I want to her but without much interest from her. I could have bought a plastic doll. Plus she was overweight even though in her photos she was slim. After spending 24 hours with her, and having unprotected vaginal sex once, I kicked her out. And I had to spend two hours arguing with her because she was begging for another $100 to pay her rent. Total cost: $600. (I was sending her money prior to arriving in Colombia.).

Tuesday night Yennifer came over. 19 years old. I met her through Colombian Cupid. Passionate, but she requires a condom for vaginal intercourse and she is chubby although in her photos she is slim. She probably used photos which were a few years old. $150 and no ejaculation.

Saturday night November 18 Manu Gomez age 23 came over for an hour. I met her through Colombian Cupid. She was very passionate, she seemed to really want to get fucked right now this minute, and somewhat attractive however she has terrible pregnancy stretch marks. We had sex without a condom and it cost about $100.

Sunday night Silvanaa Arenass came over. I met her through Colombian Cupid. She is a little fat. I paid her about $140. She stayed for an hour. We gave each other oral sex and I masturbated on her.

Monday night I met Valentina Gomez. She is the sister of Manu Gomez. Age 24. She was more attractive than her sister, however still a little out of shape and she was on her period, which she didn't tell me in advance. She showed me the bleeding. She would not remove her underpants. I paid her about $170.

Tuesday night Felina came over. I picked her up in Parque lleras. She was very young, fairly attractive however she required a condom for oral sex, vaginal sex and even to touch my penis. We undressed, sat on the bed and I rubbed her pussy. She was probably there for about 45 minutes. Cost about $140.

I decided to try the brothels.

So on Wednesday November 21 at 4:00 pm, I arrived at.


Cra. 81 #42 52, Laureles. Estadio, Medellin, Laureles, Medellin, Antioquia Colombia apartment 202 +57 32xxxx183.

I chose Samantha. She is 19, has the body of a Playboy centerfold (all natural) and a very friendly and very passionate attitude. Her face is pretty but not beautiful. In total (considering attitude and beauty combined) I would give her a 9 out of 10. Cost for sex with uncovered blowjob: $65 per hour.

I spent an hour with her on Wednesday, three hours Thursday, two and half hours on Friday, three hours on Sunday and three hours on Monday. Obviously I cannot read her mind however I am convinced that she really liked having sex with me.

We had sex and also watched a few movies together on my laptop: Beautiful, Shallow Hal, Source Code and Johnny English all with Spanish subtitles while cuddling nude.

Since 1991, she is the most beautiful woman who I have had sex with and it was probably the best sex of my life. So the hours which I spent with Samatha saved the trip and made it worthwhile.

I'm attaching the photo of her ad from the brothel website however it really does not do her justice.

Monday night I was on the plane home.

I think that this is the smart thing to do in Medellin. Unless your Spanish is at least intermediate, or you're young and good looking or rich, which will broaden your options, don't waste time with street girls or web sites including Facebook, Colombian Cupid or Seeking.

Any online photos and even video chats are inaccurate. You can't trust them. Also it's impossible to get a good sense of the girl's attitude online. Plus she'll over charge you. And if you have some snacks or beverages in your apartment, kiss those goodbye.


There are very hundreds of beautiful and affordable girls there. You can see them nearly nude in person before you pick. The price is fixed by the madam. You may need to try a few out before you find the right one but you will find her. These are a few which I have heard of besides the one I went to.


There are two branches, one in the La America neighborhood and one in LOS Colores.


Carrera 74 #49-101, Laureles. Estadio, Medellin, Colombia.


Carrera 80 No 44 be - 139, Medellin Colombia.

Zandaly Masajes.

Cra. 47 #57 a-34, La Candelaria, Medellin, La Candelaria, Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia.

Masajes Aventura.

Cra. 55 #61 a-30, La Candelaria, Medellin, La Candelaria, Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia.

Also google "Salones de Masajes Erticos Medellin" for dozens of results.

I recommend taking Uber everywhere. It costs $5 or something. It's so much easier and more convenient than public transportation. Also being inside an Uber you will probably not get mugged, gunned down or pickpocketed.

Also, something else which was a pleasant surprise: no prescriptions. I take anti-anxiety medication which is a controlled substance in the rest of the world as well as a few other prescription medications and of course viagra. No prescription, no problem. Just buy whatever you want. At least this was my experience with pharmacies in the El Poblado area.

So this was my very limited adventure in Medellin and this is my advice. If anyone has any additional suggestions or strategies, I would love to hear about them for the next time. And I'm sorry, I am old and lazy and I don't think I'm going to learn Spanish. I'm a Google translate man.

12-01-23, 16:52
Your reports warm my Centro rat heart.I'm glad to hear it! I really do love sitting down, having a beer, watch the girls walk by and try to give you the "raised eyebrow / head tilt. Come and buy me" look. It makes it easier to evaluate from many angles, over a few minutes and to see if any of them are going to be good. I'd say talking to them in person gives me about a 70% chance that they won't suck. It doesn't always work, especially if I make a hasty decision, such as with my 2nd to last one on Monday morning, Paola la no buena Venezolana, but if I take my time, it's probably an 80% chance my time with the chica will be good.

Love el centro!

12-01-23, 19:17
You and I were there at the same time. I looked to see if you had private messaging enabled, as I was going to buy you a beer, but it wasn't working. Maybe next time.

Either way, you enjoyed yourself, which is really all that matters. I don't really think there's only ONE way to do Medellin, for anyone, it's really the way that works best for you and your situation.

Don't sell yourself short on Espanol, start with Duolingo or Babbel or other app-based language learning, then join a local language exchange group on Meetup or similar. Then go and practice. The basics will come quickly, with more practice you'll be better at more intermediate topics and the locals will love you for that. A little more time and you'll be having really good conversations and they'll love you even more. Be patient and you can definitely learn it.

One other benefit of language learning, even as an older person, is that it stimulates the creation of more and different synapse connections, which strengthens more and different parts of your brain. Good for keeping old-age related mental problems away!

Best of luck!

I think that this is the smart thing to do in Medellin. Unless your Spanish is at least intermediate, or you're young and good looking or rich, which will broaden your options, don't waste time with street girls or web sites including Facebook, Colombian Cupid or Seeking. *.

Any online photos and even video chats are inaccurate. You can't trust them. Also it's impossible to get a good sense of the girl's attitude online. Plus she'll over charge you. And if you have some snacks or beverages in your apartment, kiss those goodbye.


There are very hundreds of young, beautiful and affordable girls there. You can see them nearly nude in person before you pick. The price is fixed by the madam. You may need to try a few out before you find the right one but you will find her. These are a few which I have heard of besides the one I went to.


There are two branches, one in the La America neighborhood and one in LOS Colores.


Carrera 74 #49-101, Laureles. Estadio, Medellin, Colombia.


Carrera 80 No 44 be - 139, Medellin Colombia.

Zandaly Masajes.

Cra. 47 #57 a-34, La Candelaria, Medelland, La Candelaria, Medelland, Antioquia, Colombia..

12-01-23, 21:07
... If anyone has any additional suggestions or strategies, I would love to hear about them for the next time. And I'm sorry, I am old and lazy and I don't think I'm going to learn Spanish. I'm a Google translate man.The freelancer route needs a monger with some experience with handling local woman, it's not point and click, not only the OP overpaid horribly (from the description these are 10 $-30 $ women), he got the bad service for it and bad looking women. New with no Spanish = just go to casas, or the Mansion. Seems like not much RTFF has been done here in any case so hard to feel sorry for the OP. At least these online randos didn't drug the OP, so there's a silver lining.

12-02-23, 00:08
Be careful to wear the correct football shirt for the locale you are visiting or you may be attacked for a different reason.I'm a Nacional fan. What neighborhoods like Medellin?

12-02-23, 00:36
Nacional (green) or Medellin (red) is OK. You'll get a bit of good natured stick if you wear Medellin Jersey but nothing dangerous. I don't think the "clasico" Medellin / Nacional game will happen again before next year. Things get messy around and in the stadium when those teams meet. Nacional jerseys get safe and free passage citywide.

I'm a Nacional fan. What neighborhoods like Medellin?

Fun Luvr
12-02-23, 01:25
I have just returned from a two week vacation in Medellin. I am an American, divorced, 63 years old, not bad looking for that age, zero knowledge of Spanish and on a budget. ... If anyone has any additional suggestions or strategies, I would love to hear about them for the next time.You asked, so here's a few suggestions. You paid at least double of what you should have paid. Never pay with US dollars. I don't think there is a merchant in Medellin that will accept USD. I use Facebook for almost all my contacts. I pay 250 mil or less for the chica. That includes taxi fare. I usually spend about an hour with the chica. We never discuss amount of time. If one quotes me a price by the hour, I drop her. You can get a much better view of the chica on Facebook, and almost all the recent photos posted were taken recently. Be aware that if the only body pictures are looking down from above her head, she is probably overweight. You can't see the size of her from that angle. If she only posts photos of her upper body, from the breasts up, she is probably overweight.

There are also websites with chicas. Mileroticos, Catadorcolombia, and Photoprepagos are just a few. I've never used them, but I heard many of the chicas use photos that have been enhanced. Those sites list prices also.

Good luck with your next visit and save some money.

12-02-23, 05:02
I kicked her out. And I had to spend two hours arguing with her because she was begging for another $100 to pay her rent. Total cost: $600. (I was sending her money prior to arriving in Colombia.).You get rid of a girl when she is out of your hotel room and outside the hotel. Say what needs said and walk away 10 minutes maximum. Two hours arguing on your vacation was very stupid. You doing what you did and paying what you paid is what gets guys killed because you showed her stupidity, weakness, and lots of money! Glad you are a quick learner. Sounds as if the guy that came here and the guy that left here were two different guys.

12-02-23, 05:43
Que pena contigo! I almost wept after reading your experience with chicas. First of all, I would avoid Colombian Cupid, Tinder, and Seeking. Stick with FB. The prices you paid for overweight, unenthusiastic girls made me sad. Trust me. You can find some quality chicas on FB at a very fair price (another poster mentioned 250 mil, including taxi, which should work. Don't give up. Just change your approach. Eventually you can tape into primas and amigas of chicas who are good. You should expect GFE, BBBJ at a minimum. I go raw with FB chicas who are not pros (if they are pros they'll insist on condom anyway and I am happy to oblige). Anal is not overly common, but ass play works with man, especially once they feel how good it is if you are gentle with them. You won't always get roses, but you had a pretty bad streak on that trip. Karma hopefully says it's much better next time.

I have just returned from a two week vacation in Medellin. I am an American, divorced, 63 years old, not bad looking for that age, zero knowledge of Spanish and on a budget. I happened to be quite attracted to young Spanish women. I am a big user of Google translate.

I arrived the night of Sunday November 13.

On Monday night Juliana came over. 19 years old. I found her through Colombian Cupid. For some reason I thought Colombian Cupid would be the perfect place to meet semi-pros. I would say half the girls on the site are very open to play for pay. My expectation was that Juliana and I would spend the entire two weeks together. We had spent three weeks chatting online including two video chats. We exchanged many photos. However in person she showed no attraction to me. She was on Facebook non-stop. Even while we were* in bed together she was watching youtube music videos. I can do whatever I want to her but without much interest from her. I could have bought a plastic doll. Plus she was overweight even though in her photos she was slim. After spending 24 hours with her, and having unprotected vaginal sex once, I kicked her out. And I had to spend two hours arguing with her because she was begging for another $100 to pay her rent. Total cost: $600. (I was sending her money prior to arriving in Colombia.).

Tuesday night Yennifer came over. 19 years old. I met her through Colombian Cupid. Passionate, but she requires a condom for vaginal intercourse and she is chubby although in her photos she is slim. She probably used photos which were a few years old. $150 and no ejaculation.

Saturday night November 18 Manu Gomez age 23 came over for an hour. I met her through Colombian Cupid. She was very passionate, she seemed to really want to get fucked right now this minute, and somewhat attractive however she has terrible pregnancy stretch marks. We had sex without a condom and it cost about $100.

Sunday night Silvanaa Arenass came over. I met her through Colombian Cupid. She is a little fat. I paid her about $140. She stayed for an hour. We gave each other oral sex and I masturbated on her.

Monday night I met Valentina Gomez. She is the sister of Manu Gomez. Age 24. She was more attractive than her sister, however still a little out of shape and she was on her period, which she didn't tell me in advance. She showed me the bleeding. She would not remove her underpants. I paid her about $170.

Tuesday night Felina came over. I picked her up in Parque lleras. She was very young, fairly attractive however she required a condom for oral sex, vaginal sex and even to touch my penis. We undressed, sat on the bed and I rubbed her pussy. She was probably there for about 45 minutes. Cost about $140.


12-02-23, 06:53
Que pena contigo! I almost wept after reading your experience with chicas. First of all, I would avoid Colombian Cupid, Tinder, and Seeking. Stick with FB.Before going I spent months on FB trying to arrange meetings with girls in Medellin and I got a lot of girls trying to sell "content" and few if any who were willing to do video chats to verify their appearance. I felt very suspicious that I was being scammed by some fat old men who were grabbing porn off the web from who knows where and who were trying to sell it to me for hundreds of dollars. Or it might have been real girls trying to sell porn but not actually willing to meet in person. And incidentally I have used FB for years for normal personal things so I am very familiar with it. I created a new profile specifically for Medellin girls. I couldn't find anyone who sounded legitimate to me.

Also incidentally when I referred to prices in dollars, I just did that to make it more easily understandable. I only actually used pesos worth about that many dollars. The brothel took Visa.

About getting drugged by girls who popped in from Colombian Cupid, the girls were all very decent. They probably cheated me a little here and there like saying that the taxi cost them 40,000 pesos when it was really 15,000 but nothing terrible happened. On the street one night my phone was pickpocketed however after having heard all the stories about stolen phones in Medellin, I brought a really junky old phone, cracked screen, one camera was broken, etc. I think he did me a favor.

Personally, I don't know why the brothels don't get more attention, especially if your Spanish or appearance isn't good enough to charm the beauties in Parque lleras and get special good deals from them.

12-02-23, 10:55
We had sex and also watched a few movies together on my laptop: Beautiful, Shallow Hal, Source Code and Johnny English all with Spanish subtitles while cuddling nude.

Since 1991, she is the most beautiful woman who I have had sex with and it was probably the best sex of my life. So the hours which I spent with Samatha saved the trip and made it worthwhile..The journey is worth the price we pay. Especially when the memories are of encounters like you have described.

12-02-23, 12:49
Anal is not overly common, but ass play works with man, especially once they feel how good it is if you are gentle with them. Being gentle with a man during assplay is good advice (I think) though I'd still suggest OP to give women another chance (even after such bad experiences.).

12-02-23, 15:10
The journey is worth the price we pay. Especially when the memories are of encounters like you have described.For most new visitors to Medellin, you are going to make mistakes and you probably won't find your best girls but you learn from your mistakes and it tends to get better with future trips. Think of the first trip as the exploration trip where you are learning things without the expectation that things will go great. Some guys do get lucky but most have a mixed trip of good girls and bad girls. With additional trips, you can build up your list of good girls to see along with new girls to try out. You can visit Medellin with no Spanish but it would be better if you could learn just a little bit of Spanish. If you visit for the first time and you didn't get drugged or robbed or both, consider that a successful trip. Being ripped off or overpaying for things is not unusual for newcomers as you start learning the prices of things.

12-02-23, 16:12
Nacional (green) or Medellin (red) is OK. You'll get a bit of good natured stick if you wear Medellin Jersey but nothing dangerous. I don't think the "clasico" Medellin / Nacional game will happen again before next year. Things get messy around and in the stadium when those teams meet. Nacional jerseys get safe and free passage citywide.Free advice. Do not wear a Colombian football shirt in Panama. You're welcome.

Mr Enternational
12-02-23, 16:24
Before going I spent months on FB trying to arrange meetings with girls in Medellin and I got a lot of girls trying to sell "content" and few if any who were willing to do video chats to verify their appearance. I felt very suspicious that I was being scammed by some fat old men who were grabbing porn off the web from who knows where and who were trying to sell it to me for hundreds of dollars. Or it might have been real girls trying to sell porn but not actually willing to meet in person.That begs the question as to why you sent money to the chick that would eventually treat you like shit? I am in the camp of you definitely did not read this forum before your undertakings. One cardinal rule is not to send money. But I guess you learned that first hand by reinventing the wheel. Another one is why are you trying to arrange meetings months before you go there? You do not do that with hookers. You arrange the meeting when you are there and ready. Would you have called the brothel where Samantha works and told them you will be there in March? So why do it with the girls on facebook?

Here is a scammer video that is funny as fuck for you guys that like to send money.


P.S. There is already more porn than a person can handle in a lifetime free on the internet. No need to buy somebody's content.

12-02-23, 16:36
Before going I spent months on FB trying to arrange meetings with girls in Medellin and I got a lot of girls trying to sell "content" and few if any who were willing to do video chats to verify their appearance. ....

Personally, I don't know why the brothels don't get more attention, especially if your Spanish or appearance isn't good enough to charm the beauties in Parque lleras and get special good deals from them.You don't need to arrange anything ahead of the time. You shouldn't anyway because you think the girl think like you and will honor their word or show up as expected.

The easier approach is to let girl know about 2 weeks in advance you will be in Medellin and get WhatsApp numbers. You can start chatting at this point if you want. I personally only do it after I have arrived. Most girls I contacted this month have no problem showing up the same day or the next day that I contacted them. My shortest record is that I made contact with one at 9 PM and she showed up at my apartment at 11 PM. She is 162 cm tall and 46 kg. She even asked me later what did II think about the session with her. I told her BBBJ can be better and she said she would keep that in mind the next time. You will have a better chance of doing video call if you are already in Medellin.

Think this way, you can spend the same amount of money on 3 times the number of girls you have met. It's a numbers game. You will have a better chance finding someone you like if you can met more. Just pay them to go away and you don't even need to fuck them. I stayed here longer so I have more leverage. If the girl wants higher price, I just told her what my offer is. Sometimes they will change their mind. I had one this month, she changed her mind two days later, and now is offering her friend for trio like other girls and offered to do everything I asked them to do. For those from dating sites, you can just ask them out for a coffee or something before committing to price and sex if you want to check out the appearance.

Brothels do get attention but it is not usually for people who want outcall. The service tends to be limited too. You just haven't been able to make the right connection with other approaches but you will find it if you tried it enough times.

You can be robbed in a car. Uber is safer but you can still be robbed in various ways.

I think you should consider learning as a process. It doesn't have to reach the final goal to be useful. If you never start, then you are always stuck in the same place. Similarly, your next trip is going to build on top of this experience but don't limit yourself to brothels. It's not the best option for what you said you prefer.

12-02-23, 18:44
You asked, so here's a few suggestions. You paid at least double of what you should have paid. Never pay with US dollars. I don't think there is a merchant in Medellin that will accept USD. I use Facebook for almost all my contacts. I pay 250 mil or less for the chica. That includes taxi fare. I usually spend about an hour with the chica. We never discuss amount of time. If one quotes me a price by the hour, I drop her. You can get a much better view of the chica on Facebook, and almost all the recent photos posted were taken recently. Be aware that if the only body pictures are looking down from above her head, she is probably overweight. You can't see the size of her from that angle. If she only posts photos of her upper body, from the breasts up, she is probably overweight.

There are also websites with chicas. Mileroticos, Catadorcolombia, and Photoprepagos are just a few. I've never used them, but I heard many of the chicas use photos that have been enhanced. Those sites list prices also.

Good luck with your next visit and save some money.I assume you negotiate with the FB girls to get to your 250 price. What are they typically asking for to begin with? How do your negotiations usually go?

12-02-23, 19:56
TexaxPistol first time report is a very good one, and it takes guts to do so. Sure, this forum has all the info and advice from experienced users, but often the newbie is lured away by websites like Cupid, Seeking, where photos and chats seem great, and way easier and safer than picking up girls from the street, especially when one does not speak the language. He is one of many doing this daily, before the first time in Colombia. The girls on the online sites are great at social engineering, telling the guys all the things they want to hear. Had a girl I met through Cupid, a stunner, met her and she was so so in bed, but good as company. Once she contacted me about being very sick, needing antibiotics and no money, sent pictures of herself crying. I sent some money via WU, as I knew her already. Next day, the working girl was in Cancun with another guy, posting photos on IG. She also had used my tablet before and left history. She was on all online dating sites know to mankind, from arab dating to euro, asian dating, bla bla, all! She also was going to youtube to watch videos on how to trap men to feel bad about them and take care of them.

Advice here is don't trust anything they say, don't send money, doubt the photos, and don't pay for trips to meet you for first time. You are stuck as you can't really kick her out since she doesn't live here and has no money, and it will ruin your vacation (experience speaking here).

All else said, if you must learn by yourself, practice the "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me".

12-02-23, 20:31
She wanted this in USD by the way.

12-02-23, 23:32
That begs the question as to why you sent money to the chick that would eventually treat you like shit? I am in the camp of you definitely did not read this forum before your undertakings. One cardinal rule is not to send money. But I guess you learned that first hand by reinventing the wheel. Another one is why are you trying to arrange meetings months before you go there? You do not do that with hookers. You arrange the meeting when you are there and ready. Would you have called the brothel where Samantha works and told them you will be there in March? So why do it with the girls on facebook?Now I definitely see that I was being very naive and I threw away a lot of money. I hope that all that money went to help some sick grandmothers out there in slums someplace.

As of now this is my philosophy:

Don't bother with meeting anyone on the Internet. Instead go to airbnb. Book a decent apartment maybe in Laureles, which is nice but less expensive than El Poblado. After arriving in said apartment open up the Uber app and put in the address of one of the numerous brothels. In 20 or 30 minutes you're there, after a comfortable car ride and maybe $5 on the credit card. You are introduced to a half dozen almost nude young girls. If you see one you who you like and chances are you will then hand over the credit card and pay $65 for an hour including uncovered oral. Or worse case Uber over to the next brothel. Even if you are charged an $8 presentation fee although you chose no one, I don't think that's going to bankrupt anyone. I think that they do that just to keep out pests who are not seriously looking for sex and who are just visiting brothels for presentations.

What could possibly be simpler, easier or more affordable anywhere in the world? (I haven't yet tried Thailand or the Philippines however I personally prefer Latinas over Asians.).

12-03-23, 00:12
I use Facebook for almost all my contacts. I pay 250 mil or less for the chica. That includes taxi fare. I usually spend about an hour with the chica. We never discuss amount of time. If one quotes me a price by the hour, I drop her. You can get a much better view of the chica on Facebook, and almost all the recent photos posted were taken recently.Are the girls or some of the girls you use obvious pros (for example selling photo and video content)? For the semi-pros (ones that look kinda normal), do you just come out and asked them up front if the they escort or whatever on the side or do you build up a rapport with them over time and feel them out, before you come out and ask them?

Steve 9696
12-03-23, 00:50
Are the girls or some of the girls you use obvious pros (for example selling photo and video content)? For the semi-pros (ones that look kinda normal), do you just come out and asked them up front if the they escort or whatever on the side or do you build up a rapport with them over time and feel them out, before you come out and ask them?Medellin is unique in that you can use FB like a escort / hookup service. Once you friend a guy or girl with lots of fairly sexy looking Amigas it's like a pyramid scheme and you hook onto a hundred of their friends. Just say "250 mas taxi" or whatever you are offering and they will say yes or no or come back with a negotiation figure. It's really like shooting fish in a barrel. No pretense at all.

Fun Luvr
12-03-23, 03:05
Are the girls or some of the girls you use obvious pros (for example selling photo and video content)? For the semi-pros (ones that look kinda normal), do you just come out and asked them up front if the they escort or whatever on the side or do you build up a rapport with them over time and feel them out, before you come out and ask them?I define a pro as someone who does P4P full time and has no other activities or sources of income. I have some Facebook friends who were pros when I met them, and some who became pros after I met them. Most of my FB friends are not what I define as pros.

I'm an old guy. When I become friends with an early 20's chica, I don't need to ask if she's P4P. Why else would see want to befriend me? If I'm interested, within the first 5 messages, I tell her I want to see her. The answer is almost always positive. I can only think of three chicas, out of more than 300, who asked why I want to see her. I tell her I want to have sex with her. Two have said they are not P4P. No one has gotten upset when I tell her what I want.

There are many chicas in Medellin who accept the opportunity to earn some quick money. They don't consider sex, even with strangers, as immoral. I've had sex with waitresses, bartenders, store clerks, and friends of causal friends who I haven't had sex with.

12-03-23, 03:11
Now I definitely see that I was being very naive and I threw away a lot of money. I hope that all that money went to help some sick grandmothers out there in slums someplace.

As of now this is my philosophy:

Don't bother with meeting anyone on the Internet. Instead go to airbnb. Book a decent apartment maybe in Laureles, which is nice but less expensive than El Poblado. After arriving in said apartment open up the Uber app and put in the address of one of the numerous brothels. In 20 or 30 minutes you're there, after a comfortable car ride and maybe $5 on the credit card. You are introduced to a half dozen almost nude young girls. If you see one you who you like and chances are you will then hand over the credit card and pay $65 for an hour including uncovered oral. Or worse case Uber over to the next brothel. Even if you are charged an $8 presentation fee although you chose no one, I don't think that's going to bankrupt anyone. I think that they do that just to keep out pests who are not seriously looking for sex and who are just visiting brothels for presentations.

What could possibly be simpler, easier or more affordable anywhere in the world? (I haven't yet tried Thailand or the Philippines however I personally prefer Latinas over Asians.).With all due respect you probably should hold off coming to Medellin for a year and use that time to really read the forum. I'm not talking about the last trip and not knowing the fair market price of your entertainment. That is an independant judgement you or anyone else would make. But just reading your new plan. I would point out that the best way to enjoy your trip here is to go to an ATM and pull cash. Put your credit card in the safe. Don't pay for the brothel with your credit card that is just nuts. You pay with cash just like every Colombian person does. Now I can understand paying your AirBnB with a credit card but seriously pay for everything else in cash.

Mr Enternational
12-03-23, 03:21
put in the address of one of the numerous brothels. In 20 or 30 minutes you're there, after a comfortable car ride and maybe $5 on the credit card. You are introduced to a half dozen almost nude young girls. If you see one you who you likeDo not forget to get her contact info so she can come over when she has time off.

Fun Luvr
12-03-23, 03:28
I assume you negotiate with the FB girls to get to your 250 price. What are they typically asking for to begin with? How do your negotiations usually go?They first agree to see me. Then I ask them 200 mil plus taxi. That's usually the first mention of money. Some agree and some ask for more. For those who ask for more, I offer 250 including taxi. If they don't agree, I thank them for considering visiting me. Then I move on.

For those who initiate the talk about money, my procedure is the same. Those who start with a price, it's usually 300 to 350 mil.

12-03-23, 03:31
...What could possibly be simpler, easier or more affordable anywhere in the world? (I haven't yet tried Thailand or the Philippines however I personally prefer Latinas over Asians.).Brazil is easier and much better service on average simply based on your description but the price will depend on where you go.

It is only easier if you always start from the same starting point. At this time of year, many mongers who frequent Medellin probably will tell you they got whatsapp messages everyday from girls asking for a date. You pick one and they show up at your door. I would say it is easier than what you describe. Most mongers don't deal with clock watcher like FL described so it is cheaper than casas at the comfort of your own apartment. One thing about Medellin is that most working girls have no job. As a result, they are going to stick around longer if they like you or your place.

12-03-23, 03:43
They first agree to see me. Then I ask them 200 mil plus taxi. That's usually the first mention of money. Some agree and some ask for more. For those who ask for more, I offer 250 including taxi. If they don't agree, I thank them for considering visiting me. Then I move on.

For those who initiate the talk about money, my procedure is the same. Those who start with a price, it's usually 300 to 350 mil.200 mil plus taxi is usually 250 mil in total because transport is usually 25 mil each way for the girls. For girls who ask for more, 250 including taxi is basically the same offer, 250 mil minus 50 mil transport roundtrip. You're not really offering more at all.

12-03-23, 06:07
Oops. Should have proofed my original post better. I meant to write "many" not "man".

Being gentle with a man during assplay is good advice (I think) though I'd still suggest OP to give women another chance (even after such bad experiences.).

12-03-23, 07:25
She wanted this in USD by the way.Fixing error in post, pictures added (she wanted this in usd, because she's spent time in the states).

12-03-23, 14:19
Brazil is easier and much better service on average simply based on your description but the price will depend on where you go.I have been looking at Sao Paulo as a location for my next adventure. However I get the impression that prices for sex are about 50% higher than Medellin. Sao Paulo seems to be a more affluent city in general compared to Medellin, for example comparing average salaries of bank tellers and youth unemployment rates.

That makes me wonder if I'm not really getting more bang for my buck, so to speak, in Medellin.

About better service, I've tried some Brazilian women in Europe and I have no complaints however at least in my small sampling I didn't feel that they were more passionate than Colombians. All members of the Iberian species seem to be pretty passionate on average.

12-03-23, 17:00
Fixing error in post, pictures added (she wanted this in usd, because she's spent time in the states).This obviously isn't a Colombiana you are corresponding with.

12-03-23, 17:52
I have been looking at Sao Paulo as a location for my next adventure. However I get the impression that prices for sex are about 50% higher than Medellin. Sao Paulo seems to be a more affluent city in general compared to Medellin, for example comparing average salaries of bank tellers and youth unemployment rates.

That makes me wonder if I'm not really getting more bang for my buck, so to speak, in Medellin.

About better service, I've tried some Brazilian women in Europe and I have no complaints however at least in my small sampling I didn't feel that they were more passionate than Colombians. All members of the Iberian species seem to be pretty passionate on average.We are talking about brothels and casas based on your post.

See the attached picture for the promotional price for a trio for an hour. This one is mid range. You can calculate the cost using the exchange rate 5 to 1 USD. The girl will bring clean sheet and towel to the room with A / see and Listerine. I would say this level of amenities is better. You can just guess and adjust for price increase a year later to come to a number and compare to what you get in Medellin. That will show you how overpriced Medellin is in that specific price range.

The other pictures are just showing the daily line up updates to show the "easy" part. I pick this because it does not show the face. I don't need to visit the casa to know what is in store. I can just reserve on WhatsApp if I want.

The majority of SP mongers use this as a 2nd or 3rd option, and mainly for day time. The primary is the club scene which can easily cost hundreds a night.

...About better service, I've tried some Brazilian women in Europe and I have no complaints however at least in my small sampling I didn't feel that they were more passionate than Colombians. All members of the Iberian species seem to be pretty passionate on average.

Keep in mind , the context is casas, you are not getting the same level of service in Medellin on average by default, I would say far from it. Medellin's strength is much larger quantity in a small city compared to SP. My guess is you still have better sex experience waiting for you in the future if you keep at it in either city

12-03-23, 18:07
200 mil plus taxi is usually 250 mil in total because transport is usually 25 mil each way for the girls. For girls who ask for more, 250 including taxi is basically the same offer, 250 mil minus 50 mil transport roundtrip. You're not really offering more at all.It depends on the locations but 30 mil will be a good estimate on average. The girl may opt for moto to keep more money too.

12-03-23, 20:04
Fixing error in post, pictures added (she wanted this in usd, because she's spent time in the states).You're paying the iMessage premium! Anytime a chick is using imessage instead of whatsapp tack on 15-20% of the price. Because A she has an iphone and be she knows how to use it and communcates with gringos often.

12-03-23, 21:03
They first agree to see me. Then I ask them 200 mil plus taxi. That's usually the first mention of money. Some agree and some ask for more. For those who ask for more, I offer 250 including taxi. If they don't agree, I thank them for considering visiting me. Then I move on.

For those who initiate the talk about money, my procedure is the same. Those who start with a price, it's usually 300 to 350 mil.About what percentage of them decline your offer of 250?

12-03-23, 21:28
This obviously isn't a Colombiana you are corresponding with.A Colombian that lived in the states and is playing the high end escort role. Think she was deported.

12-03-23, 22:12
30,000 is a lot. Bello to Poblado is a good trip benchmark. Unless it is surge pricing, bad weather, or very late at night 20,000 should cover that trip most of the time. The most effective way to avoid ride share cost discrepancies is to send the car yourself. That also gives you the extra benefit of not having to guess when the girl will arrive because you can track the trip real time.

You can also get the girl to share the trip details with you even if you don't send the car yourself. I always refuse requests from girls to pay taxistas. It's an individual decision; I just see no need or benefit in doing it.

It depends on the locations but 30 mil will be a good estimate on average. The girl may opt for moto to keep more money too..

Mr Enternational
12-03-23, 23:53
This obviously isn't a Colombiana you are corresponding with.Nah. That is actually a Black American male that he is writing with. It reads like the same person is writing both parts of the conversation.

12-04-23, 01:40
We are talking about brothels and casas based on your post. See the attached picture for the promotional price for a trio for an hour. This one is mid range. You can calculate the cost using the exchange rate 5 to 1 USD. Thank you for the information about brothel prices in Sao Paulo. Based on these reviews.


It looks like a typical brothel in Sao Paulo is about $40/ hour which seems to be about $25 lower than Medellin. Good to know.

12-04-23, 04:12
Que pena contigo! I almost wept after reading your experience with chicas. First of all, I would avoid Colombian Cupid, Tinder, and Seeking. Stick with FB. .Seeking has been my go to. College girls bareback everything and I don't even have to ask. All those fb girls ran through asf. The pros I come across are pretty obvious through initial msgs usually want 350 K+ and everything condom, hell no. I imagine guys like this and countless others probably pay it when they see the hot pros and don't have a choice. I usually pay 250 k -350 k 2 pops.

My advice is if they come out with that amor' in every sentence bullshit. Instant pass. A few of my favoritas actually catch feelings which makes it awkward at times. but just play along, and milk it some more.

12-04-23, 04:47
See the attached picture for the promotional price for a trio for an hour. This one is mid range. You can calculate the cost using the exchange rate 5 to 1 USD. Something else also occurred to me. Are the Sao Paulo brothel workers who are in the $40/ hour range more likely to be black, mulatto or 30+? I would prefer to go up to $65 in Medellin for a brothel worker who is white and college age.

12-04-23, 05:27
Stumbled upon a hottie with great tits and ass in centro the other day.

50 mil she says and 20 la pieza.

Well, mor, that's fine but why 20? Are you trying to take advantage of me?

It's because I don't have a cedula.

Oh? And why not?

Because I'm 15.

Oh shit. Hold on. Are you serious?

Si mor en serio.

Wow. Awkward. Last closer look. Chao entonces.

Hanged out in the bar on the other side of the street to enjoy the views and see the other talent passing by and couldn't help but notice some motorbike riders stopping quite abruptly to take a look at her and locals queueing to talk to her. Hold on, is it legal or something? Googled it. As I thought, it's not legal even for Colombians, years in prison, but they don't care apparently.

FYI though 14 is the age of consent, it does not apply to prostitution, it's still 18. I'm not an American and only Colombian law is important to me. Don't call me a pedo either, she's been looking as womanly developed as they come, to which I guess her popularity with Colombians can attest to, since they do like them with some meat on, tetonas and culonas.

Anyway, be careful and always ask for a cedula, heard that Colombian prisons are not that comfortable. Not to mention gringos are always good target for an extorsion and I'm pretty sure they have cameras in that hotel she's been using. Wouldn't be totally surprised if there were even some inside the rooms.

12-04-23, 13:11
Stumbled upon a hottie with great tits and ass in centro the other day.

50 mil she says and 20 la pieza.

Well, mor, that's fine but why 20? Are you trying to take advantage of me?

It's because I don't have a cedula.

Oh? And why not?

Because I'm 15.

.I had a similar experience. This law, that prostitution is illegal before 18, was only enacted in 2009. I'm not clear how often Colombian authorities enforce it. And I really felt conflicted because the girl was really poor. This is her and her family's survival. However I firmly believe "If you can't do the time don't do the crime. ".

12-04-23, 14:21
30,000 is a lot. Bello to Poblado is a good trip benchmark. Unless it is surge pricing, bad weather, or very late at night 20,000 should cover that trip most of the time. The most effective way to avoid ride share cost discrepancies is to send the car yourself. That also gives you the extra benefit of not having to guess when the girl will arrive because you can track the trip real time.

You can also get the girl to share the trip details with you even if you don't send the car yourself. I always refuse requests from girls to pay taxistas. It's an individual decision; I just see no need or benefit in doing it.

.I often use Uber to send the girl home to Bello. For me, it is usually not 20 mil but often 25 mil or more. Sometimes it is close to 30 mil. In my experience, it is rarely 20 mil but then again, it depends on exactly where the girl is located, whether it is raining, etc. I always offer to pay the transport cost for girls.

12-04-23, 16:22
Something else also occurred to me. Are the Sao Paulo brothel workers who are in the $40/ hour range more likely to be black, mulatto or 30+? I would prefer to go up to $65 in Medellin for a brothel worker who is white and college age.What you read is the discount price for foristas. A forista discount let you pay half hour rate for one hour session. You won't get that rate as a new customer.

Black is minority in the clinicas. There is a wide range of prices. GPG does not have review for higher price places. Medellin may win in look department in that price range but I have not been to and probably never will go to places in that price range in Medellin to draw any conclusion.

It is better to post question direct to SP thread.

12-04-23, 16:22
Something else also occurred to me. Are the Sao Paulo brothel workers who are in the $40/ hour range more likely to be black, mulatto or 30+? I would prefer to go up to $65 in Medellin for a brothel worker who is white and college age.First of all quote your figures in COP because using USD is confusing. Anyways assuming an exchange rate of 4000 to 1 then your $65 would equal $260 k COP.

Now I am no expert on Casas (brothels) but I'm pretty sure they are not charging 260 k pesos. I believe there are some Casas in Centro that start out around 70 mil for half an hour and maybe like 120 mil-140 mil for an hour.

So 260 mil (or $65 as you are saying), even if you were paying for an hour, would still be about double what it should be. And Sao Paulo and Brazil as a whole is more expensive than Colombia and Medellin.

If you want value for your dollars (pesos) stay in Colombia but branch out. Bogota has a lot of casas in the chapinero area. Also I read there were some casas in Cali that charge 70 mil /120 mil. Also cheaper deals can be found in the eje cafetero region (Manizales, Pereira, and Armenia).

You need to do some more RTFF before you come back again. And never ever ever ever send money to anyone whether you are here or not that is an unforgivable mortal sin. I would have told that first puta to fuck me without a rubber for 100 mil pesos or else she can kick rocks and if she needed an extra 100 mil for her rent well then she better hurry up and go fuck some other parceros. Her chocha is her biggest asset.


12-04-23, 16:36
Nah. That is actually a Black American male that he is writing with. It reads like the same person is writing both parts of the conversation.I thought the same thing. I have never seen a paisa or any Colombiana for that matter who wrote perfect English like that and used American lingo and abbreviations such as Lmao.

Even if it actually was a woman of Colombian decent whom he was messaging, I would still classify her as an American not a Colombian just because of how she is speaking.

It's like trying to say those third generation chicanos who don't speak any Spanish are Mexicans, they can say they are Mexican all they want but they aren't, they are Chicanos, or as the real Mexicans call them, pochos. You set them down en la ciudad de Mexico and they wouldn't know a gringa from a taco de canasta LOL.

12-04-23, 16:46
I had a similar experience. This law, that prostitution is illegal before 18, was only enacted in 2009. I'm not clear how often Colombian authorities enforce it. And I really felt conflicted because the girl was really poor. This is her and her family's survival. However I firmly believe "If you can't do the time don't do the crime. ".And for people living in US, Canada, or many other countries the home laws are "extra territorial" meaning that under 18 with a prostitute is illegal in your home country no matter where in the world it happens. Several Canadians are in the pen because of being with underage workers in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand. Etc. So in reality the laws that are the strictest apply. Even if it were legal in Colombia you could be convicted in many of the home countries we come from.

12-04-23, 17:11
Can anyone help me find an English speaking driver in MDE?

12-04-23, 18:03
I often use Uber to send the girl home to Bello. For me, it is usually not 20 mil but often 25 mil or more. Sometimes it is close to 30 mil. In my experience, it is rarely 20 mil but then again, it depends on exactly where the girl is located, whether it is raining, etc. I always offer to pay the transport cost for girls.Try indriver or didi and you may find it to be cheaper than Uber. Even Picap (if she isn't scared to ride a moto) would be even less probably about 15 k.

12-04-23, 18:19
30,000 is a lot. Bello to Poblado is a good trip benchmark. Unless it is surge pricing, bad weather, or very late at night 20,000 should cover that trip most of the time. The most effective way to avoid ride share cost discrepancies is to send the car yourself. That also gives you the extra benefit of not having to guess when the girl will arrive because you can track the trip real time.

You can also get the girl to share the trip details with you even if you don't send the car yourself. I always refuse requests from girls to pay taxistas. It's an individual decision; I just see no need or benefit in doing it.

.How do you get the girls to share the trip details with you even if you don't send the car? All I ever get is a bunch of BS when asking where they are at when they are late as usual. I will start sending cars for all the ones who want me to pay for it.

12-04-23, 18:28
I often use Uber to send the girl home to Bello. For me, it is usually not 20 mil but often 25 mil or more. Sometimes it is close to 30 mil. In my experience, it is rarely 20 mil but then again, it depends on exactly where the girl is located, whether it is raining, etc. I always offer to pay the transport cost for girls.It's a give and take price negation. Obviously it won't work as well in your case, instead of 250 you might offer 270 to achieve similar effect.

12-04-23, 18:34
How do you get the girls to share the trip details with you even if you don't send the car? All I ever get is a bunch of BS when asking where they are at when they are late as usual. I will start sending cars for all the ones who want me to pay for it.You can tell them to send you live location on WhatsApp. There are drawbacks in sending car. The girl may miss the pickup. Depending on where the girl lives, it may take forever to get a car. I ordered Uber for some girls, and I have encountered problems mentioned.

12-04-23, 19:02
Are there any budget places to stay around Parque Lleras that are girl friendly, around 50 dollars a night or less?

I've read the forum and the places that I've found that are girl friendly, I. E Dix and Mansion are more than this. All I need is a clean room, wifi and a shower. Appreciate any suggestions.

12-04-23, 19:27
You can tell them to send you live location on WhatsApp. There are drawbacks in sending car. The girl may miss the pickup. Depending on where the girl lives, it may take forever to get a car. I ordered Uber for some girls, and I have encountered problems mentioned.It works best to use Uber to send her home but not for picking up girls for the reasons stated. The girls are infamously late in getting ready to go so you can't depend on the girl actually getting into the Uber when it arrives.

I am starting to think that the all-inclusive deal is better. For example, instead of an offer of 200 mil plus taxi which is an unknown amount and could be more or less 25 mil each way, maybe 250 mil in total would be better and the girl can find the best deal in transport for herself. In the end, it is just a difference of $1 to $3 for transport. I don't sweat over such small amounts when I am on vacation. I mentioned that whenever I use Uber to send the girl back to Bello, it is usually around 25 mil one way.

I know that there is this suspicion that the girl is working with the driver to conspire to jack up the fare, and it may be true but generally the higher fare is 30 mil and it is only a 5 mil difference. That is way I said perhaps it is better just to give an all inclusive rate and she can work out the transport for herself.

That is one of the disadvantages of Facebook girls. With streetwalkers and night club girls in Poblado, the girl is already near your hotel and there is no transport cost. You usually don't have to give her anything to go home because she is going back to the night club or street. In any case, you don't have any responsibility for her travel back to her home. Same with the casa girls, you go there and the deed is done. But with FB girls, someone has to pay for her transport to go to your hotel and if you don't pay it, she has to pay it out of the amount you give her.

Now, bear in mind, some younger girls don't have the money to pay for the taxi. In that case, you need to go down and pay the driver when she arrives. I have had a few girls say that to me.

12-04-23, 21:42
What could possibly be simpler, easier or more affordable anywhere in the world? (I haven't yet tried Thailand or the Philippines however I personally prefer Latinas over Asians.).Please try them both! BTW, Filipinas are a combination of Asian and Latinas. The best of both worlds!

12-04-23, 22:52
You can tell them to send you live location on WhatsApp. There are drawbacks in sending car. The girl may miss the pickup. Depending on where the girl lives, it may take forever to get a car. I ordered Uber for some girls, and I have encountered problems mentioned.You can tell them to do a lot of things but that doesn't mean they are going to do them. Especially when they are late for a date. I have had girls miss the pick up and its a pain in the ass.

12-05-23, 00:22
I often use Uber to send the girl home to Bello. For me, it is usually not 20 mil but often 25 mil or more. Sometimes it is close to 30 mil. In my experience, it is rarely 20 mil but then again, it depends on exactly where the girl is located, whether it is raining, etc. I always offer to pay the transport cost for girls.Ok so I get lot of prices from fb girls located in Bello for 100 k for 2 hours and 140 k for over night, I gather if I go to them in Bello (which is not going to happened), so the going price for taxi ride one way to el Poblado or Laureles is BTW 20 k and 30 k? Do you think the price for the girl would increase from 100 k 2 hrs if she came to me. Oh yeah is it common for guys to go out and visit them in way out places like Bello?

12-05-23, 02:51
Ok so I get lot of prices from fb girls located in Bello for 100 k for 2 hours and 140 k for over night, I gather if I go to them in Bello (which is not going to happened), so the going price for taxi ride one way to el Poblado or Laureles is BTW 20 k and 30 k? Do you think the price for the girl would increase from 100 k 2 hrs if she came to me. Oh yeah is it common for guys to go out and visit them in way out places like Bello?I have been to Bello several times. I once went there to fuck the older sister of this chick Wendy whom I met in Botero. She lived in a barrio of Bello called el porvenir. She gave me the direcion as well as shared her ubicación en tiempo real thru WhatsApp with me and I picked her up in a taxi.

We then went to a nearby short time hotel that the cab driver recommended when I asked him because I didn't know the area for shit. He took us to some hotel I think it was called Hotel America or something like that and it was 25 k for 3 hours in an actually pretty nice room that was big with 2 beds and the standard flat screen and a good strong fan.

We had unprotected sex for about 40 mins and I came inside her and afterwards she gave me a satisfying full body back massage (neck, shoulders, back, legs, and feet). I believe I gave her 150 k COP for the whole thing and we were in the room for maybe a little over an hour.

Afterwards we left the hotel and I flagged down a taxi for her to take her back to where I picked her up (I didn't give her any extra for the taxi she paid it from her 150 k).

I then asked a few people "disculpa done queda la estación del metro?" and I was told to hang a right and walk straight down like 5 blocks and I would run into it. I asked again after about 3 blocks just to make sure I was going the right way and I was. I suppose I could have used Google maps but I think my phone had died.

The area didn't seem any more rough than Aranjuez, Santo Domingo, or Popular and in fact no one tried to Rob me or kill me, but then again I don't go flashing any bling bling or gold chains either so that probably helped.


P.S.: I'm not sure if it counts as Bello or not but if you take the metro going north all the way to the end of the line and get off at Niquia there is this really nice mall there called Centro Comercial Puerta del Norte. I go there often to eat McDonald's and Popsy and there's even a nice cine inside the mall if you want to watch a movie but they only have movies in Spanish not English but I actually enjoy watching movies in Spanish as I consider it part of the experience of being here.

12-05-23, 03:38
You can tell them to do a lot of things but that doesn't mean they are going to do them. Especially when they are late for a date. I have had girls miss the pick up and its a pain in the ass.Yesterday a girl wanted me to order Uber after we had an agreement that she paid her own transportation. I told her to take metro and I offered to pick her up from metro station. She was also late because she lost her signal at home. I asked her to prove it and she gave me a discount of 10 mil which I did not take. LOL. I forgave her and she promised to perform .

Today, another date has her best friend with her. Almost begging me to take them both because her friend was already with her. I am interested having sex with her friend but I am a patient man. I told her she could bring her friend, but I am not going to have sex with her, and I won't pay her. LOL.

I am not afraid to cancel the appointment. Why give them so much power?

12-05-23, 03:52
Yesterday a girl wanted me to order Uber after we had an agreement that she paid her own transportation. I told her to take metro and I offered to pick her up from metro station. She was also late because she lost her signal at home. I asked her to prove it and she gave me a discount of 10 mil which I did not take. LOL. I forgave her and she promised to perform .

Today, another date has her best friend with her. Almost begging me to take them both because her friend was already with her. I am interested having sex with her friend but I am a patient man. I told her she could bring her friend, but I am not going to have sex with her, and I won't pay her. LOL.

I am not afraid to cancel the appointment. Why give them so much power?Yea see I told you guys to make them take the metro or the bus. It works when they need the money and it's way cheaper.

12-05-23, 04:15
Ok so I get lot of prices from fb girls located in Bello for 100 k for 2 hours and 140 k for over nightThat's suspiciously cheap. How old are they?

Do you think the price for the girl would increase from 100 k 2 hrs if she came to me. That's something to discuss with each girl really.

Oh yeah is it common for guys to go out and visit them in way out places like Bello?It's not common.

12-05-23, 04:24
Yesterday a girl wanted me to order Uber after we had an agreement that she paid her own transportation. I told her to take metro and I offered to pick her up from metro station. She was also late because she lost her signal at home. I asked her to prove it and she gave me a discount of 10 mil which I did not take. LOL. I forgave her and she promised to perform .

Today, another date has her best friend with her. Almost begging me to take them both because her friend was already with her. I am interested having sex with her friend but I am a patient man. I told her she could bring her friend, but I am not going to have sex with her, and I won't pay her. LOL.

I am not afraid to cancel the appointment. Why give them so much power?I let the Vennie girl I met Lleras use her own transportation and she showed up with dude that she lives with. Not her boyfriend but he fucks her from time to time. This a favor for bunking at his place. When they were at the gate I didn't know and he looked pissed and was mean mugginbg me. It was priceless almost like cuckold. LOL.

12-05-23, 04:39
I notice some guys forget about the cash payment option for uber or didi. Also, as someone else mentioned, you can ask girls to send their live location. I lost interest years ago in waiting for girls to show up and guessing when or if they will arrive. Life is too short to be sitting around with your thumb up your ass wondering whether you are going to be blown off.

How do you get the girls to share the trip details with you even if you don't send the car? All I ever get is a bunch of BS when asking where they are at when they are late as usual. I will start sending cars for all the ones who want me to pay for it.

12-05-23, 05:01
That's suspiciously cheap. How old are they?

That's something to discuss with each girl really.

It's not common.That's what I thinking, especially if they expect me to goto Bello? Maybe they're thinking if the price is cheap they can lure me or whoever out there and who knows what would happen. But that was a price at least 3 different fb girls quoted me "Who knows".

Mr Enternational
12-05-23, 08:53
I am interested having sex with her friend but I am a patient man. I told her she could bring her friend, but I am not going to have sex with her, and I won't pay her. LOL.

I am not afraid to cancel the appointment. Why give them so much power?Because mfs are horny and not getting pussy where they are from. You are used to it, so you don't have a reason to let them run you, thinking you are going to lose out on something.

12-05-23, 09:16
Oh yeah is it common for guys to go out and visit them in way out places like Bello?I took it to the next level and live out in Bello, best decision ever, and saving on chica taxis is just icing on the cake. BTW, I started hanging out in Bello circa 2015 so I'm a guy speaking from Bello and barrio experience.

12-05-23, 14:08
That's what I thinking, especially if they expect me to goto Bello? Maybe they're thinking if the price is cheap they can lure me or whoever out there and who knows what would happen. But that was a price at least 3 different fb girls quoted me "Who knows".I don't think they'd expect you to come to Bello. Either way, you'd have to pay for a transport for yourself or for a chica, so why not save yourself a hassle and a security risk and just pay for her transport.

The only way I can imagine they'd tell you that you need to come there is if they are actually working in casa / brothel and can't leave until their shift is done.

I mean you could go, senor RiceRocket99 plays around in Bello, but he's more of an exception (and an inspiration), experienced monger and as far as I remember a Spanish native speaker, relatively young, can pass for a local and has network of contacts there.

Visiting unknown chica met briefly on the internet in her barrio and the area you know nothing about isn't probably the best idea, but to each their own.

12-05-23, 15:38
I made my flight arrangements and I have been RTFF and it has been useful to prepare for trip in terms of what to expect, how to be safe etc, learning Spanish (just bought Duolingo). But I have some tactical questions for which I'm unable to pickup the answers from the posts (very likely my comprehension issues).

1. Stay. I'm narrowing down to El Poblado or Laureles based many posts that say safe bet for first timers in terms of safety. But I could not narrow down to specific hotel or airbnb that ids the girls every time and 24 X7 security etc. I don't mind a small fee for each guest if that's what I need to pay for my peace of mind. Any recommendations or keywords I need to search the forum for specific hotel or airbnb recommendation?

2. Facebook contacts. I established a facebook couple of months and started providers in my local area but I need to be friends with girls in Medellin. I'm not sure how to do that. Somebody mentioned that there is dedicated post that covers the tips / steps to find girls in Medellin to send friend request but I could not find that post. Can someone kindly provide some information please?

3. Phone. I want to access my US phone number so am I better off to buy a dual SIM cheap phone here in US and activate my local number in one of the SIMs and buy another SIM when I'm in Medellin? If so, where would I buy it? In the airport? I heard someone mentioned "Claro" is that store or a carrier?

Sorry for all newbie questions. I didn't skip on RTFF but I just have tactical guidance. I promise post my experience after my trip.

12-05-23, 16:57
Ok so I get lot of prices from fb girls located in Bello for 100 k for 2 hours and 140 k for over night, ...You can't believe these numbers regardless of age if you are contacting FB girls. The odds makes it almost impossible to have "lot of".

12-05-23, 17:10
You can't believe these numbers regardless of age if you are contacting FB girls. Certainly not "a lot", the odds makes it almost impossible.100 k for 2 hours isn't impossible (if it was a repeat Chica who doesn't clock watch) but 140 k for an amanecida I think maybe he misunderstood something.

12-05-23, 17:17
The area didn't seem any more rough than Aranjuez...The nightlife area is Obrero.

I was at Aranjuez during la alborada after midnight. I knew my phone data was going to expire. I ordered Cabify and had connection, so I thought I had one more day and I went to El Centro to have fried chicken, only to find out around 12:40 that I no longer had data. Before I would just walk, but I decided to get a taxi just to be safe after some incidents I ran into earlier this year. It was difficult to get taxi until I walk to closer to the middle of the road to get the taxi to stop.

12-05-23, 17:24
...I am starting to think that the all-inclusive deal is better..You get a peace of mind and keep control. Ordering car is giving control to the girl like you are her secretary. It also gives the girl a chance to keep more money if they choose alternative transportation.

It works often but there are situations that make it not ideal. The Uber can get lost and off by a few blocks while going home. Sure, like some have said you get a safety warning, but do you really want to cancel the car? I never did because I don't want the girl to be stranded which was the case almost every time. Or the Uber can tell the girl you have not paid even though it is set up as credit card payment. There are just too many potential issues that I speak from experience. I do still order car for girl when needed but that is not my preference.

12-05-23, 17:31
How does a girl keep more money if you send a car for her?

You get a peace of mind and keep control. Ordering car is giving control to the girl like you are her secretary. It also gives the girl a chance to keep more money if they choose alternative transportation.

12-05-23, 18:04
How does a girl keep more money if you send a car for her?It refers to when you don't send a car.

You get a peace of mind and keep control. ... It also gives the girl a chance to keep more money if they choose alternative transportation.

12-05-23, 18:45
Another SW hottie without cedula. She swears she's 18 but got robbed and lost it. Doesn't have a photo of it. Says she'll have to arrange something called contrasena (with soft n).

Any way to verify / retrieve the cedula info just by the number? She can of course recite it in her sleep like all Colombians.

Probably not. Oh well.

12-05-23, 19:36
Another SW hottie without cedula. She swears she's 18 but got robbed and lost it. Doesn't have a photo of it. Says she'll have to arrange something called contrasena (with soft n).

Any way to verify / retrieve the cedula info just by the number? She can of course recite it in her sleep like all Colombians.

Probably not. Oh well.They can look up the number of her cedula online the same way the cops do with their hand held devices. But I don't think it shows a picture all they will be able to see is the cedula number, nombre, apellidos and date of birth.

A contraseña (with enye not a soft and, what the hell is a soft and?) is legit. It is similar to a cedula and has her picture and date of birth and is usually issued while they are waiting for their cedula to be issued for the first time.

12-05-23, 20:26
1. Stay. I'm narrowing down to El Poblado or Laureles based many posts that say safe bet for first timers in terms of safety. But I could not narrow down to specific hotel or airbnb that ids the girls every time and 24 X7 security etc. I don't mind a small fee for each guest if that's what I need to pay for my peace of mind. Any recommendations or keywords I need to search the forum for specific hotel or airbnb recommendation?Should consider, being your first time, to stay at The Mansion (http://hotelmedellinplaza.com) which caters to what you seek. Safe and easy in Poblado.

Your US phone should work fine, most locals use WhatsApp for communications. Check what your carrier offers for foreign data in Colombia. There's also WIFI at most hotels and restaurants.

Fun Luvr
12-05-23, 21:24
About what percentage of them decline your offer of 250?I'm late responding because I've been traveling. It is less than 10% who decline. I don't solicit a great number. I try to find two or three new chicas when I'm in Medellin for a month. I can somewhat eliminate many of them just by looking at their FB posts. If they have consistent posts showing them in Europe and / or Mexico, I don't bother with them. If they are covered with tattoos and have had lots of cosmetic procedures, they're not my type. I have more than enough friends on FB to take care of me, but I suppose it's the monger mentality. I want to experience what's on the other side of the fence.

12-05-23, 21:37
Thanks for the information. I just read some of your posts in this thread. Very useful! Thank you so much! I will email mansion ask about the rooms.

Also, I noticed in the travel announcements that our stays will overlap (mine are from Jan 13th to 15th). I would like to meet up preferably in Mansion bar for beer. BTW, I'm also from FL (Orlando) .

Should consider, being your first time, to stay at The Mansion (http://hotelmedellinplaza.com) which caters to what you seek. Safe and easy in Poblado.

Your US phone should work fine, most locals use WhatsApp for communications. Check what your carrier offers for foreign data in Colombia. There's also WIFI at most hotels and restaurants.

12-06-23, 06:20
I notice some guys forget about the cash payment option for uber or didi. Also, as someone else mentioned, you can ask girls to send their live location. I lost interest years ago in waiting for girls to show up and guessing when or if they will arrive. Life is too short to be sitting around with your thumb up your ass wondering whether you are going to be blown off.I have never had a Brazilian girl show up on time. NEVER. They are always late. You just have to tell them if they are more than 30 minutes late you're leaving. I had a girl what's app me 2 hours after appointment time. I said sorry I'm out.

12-06-23, 11:58
but I need to be friends with girls in Medellin. I'm not sure how to do that. .

Find her on Facebook. You can add friends from her friend list. Then look for a guy on her friend list with "Cpa-pc" in his name, his list is also open, you can add his friends too.

I had the misfortune of seeing Jenni Munoz today.

I had the misfortune of seeing Jenni Munoz today. ..

12-06-23, 13:16
.Today, another date has her best friend with her. Almost begging me to take them both because her friend was already with her..I have seen this girl a few times. She wanted 350 mil total originally. She does stand out in appearance. She eventually agreed to 250 mil. In the middle of the session, I had to re-negotiate to have BBBJ for 50 mil more. LOL. I lost my erection during negotiation, but she sucked well until I recovered, this is the main reason I repeated with her. She is a very good kisser without restriction. She also has the stamina for CG that she did in her unique way. She hit me up again. BTW, I never initiated contact with her after the first date. I got her to agree to my terms and made sure she would not create problem like the first time and added a few more details. I knew she was a clock watcher during negotiation so one thing I got her to agree is to take everything slow and no rush. I told her she would have more money already if she stopped negotiating all these minor things. She agreed after a couple of days.

Fast forward to trio. She had mentioned trio before, and we negotiated for a while. She offered to give me a good discount and would do anything I told them to do. HAHA. It was 250 + 200. I said 2 pops. I don't really want 2 pops, but it gives me flexibility. She said 2 and a half hours for 2 pops for 500 total. Then it became 3 hours. I did not take it and always said to come alone. Until this time, that she offered 250 + 150 which I countered 250 + 100. She started to ask very nicely, and I agreed to 400 total. They like men and women but they are not lovers, just best friends and they had sex twice before. She played the music mixed by a Colombian DJ from Youtube which I could not find from Apple Music so I let her play from Youtube. It appeared my phone had problem with youbute so I lost my erection again while trying to get the music back but the double BBBJ recovered it very quickly. They stayed for about 2. 5 hours.

Despite the appearance that there are more demand and the price increase , it seems to me most girls are not that busy. One may say the better looking girls have more demand. I don't disagree but I think the demand is not that high across the board for good looking FB girls and there are not that many from my point of view

12-06-23, 13:20
OK, thanks, that makes sense to me. I think I was up too late the night before I read that.

It refers to when you don't send a car.

12-06-23, 14:38
They can look up the number of her cedula online the same way the cops do with their hand held devices. But I don't think it shows a picture all they will be able to see is the cedula number, nombre, apellidos and date of birth.

A contrasea (with enye not a soft and, what the hell is a soft and?) is legit. It is similar to a cedula and has her picture and date of birth and is usually issued while they are waiting for their cedula to be issued for the first time.Thanks Gabacho, that's a good info.

12-06-23, 15:15
A contrasea (with enye not a soft and, what the hell is a soft and?) is legit. It is similar to a cedula and has her picture and date of birth and is usually issued while they are waiting for their cedula to be issued for the first time.Isn't it excellent how correct Spanish is impossible on this board? Great job, mods! And Hi Cheesy Larry.

12-06-23, 16:58
Anyone know how far the Hotel Dix is from the Mansion bar / dance floor where we would be able to meet the girls? Uber cost?

The reason for the question is, I'm trying to make reservation with Mansion for my travel dates but it appears they need a referral for that because when I asked them availability and rates they responded with the question to share the name of the friend that recommended their place. Not sure how to respond to that, obviously I do not want to mention of this forum etc. Didn't realize they need referral but understand why they have that system.

So trying to look to alternative stay arrangements and want to make sure that the place I stay is not too far Mansion bar.


12-06-23, 17:48
They can look up the number of her cedula online the same way the cops do with their hand held devices. But I don't think it shows a picture all they will be able to see is the cedula number, nombre, apellidos and date of birth.BTW just found this link to the tool on the police website to do the basic background check based on the cedula number. It doesn't show much info though, just the full name and offences, if any. Better than nothing.


Also, there is an app called Verifiquese Cedula that I'm checking now, it seems to have links to multiple government verification databases/websites.

12-06-23, 18:09
I agree with you. I think guys who put up with girls showing up 30 minutes or more late are doing a disservice to themselves and to the rest of us. We all have only a limited time in life. It makes no sense to me to spend it with my thumb up my ass wondering when or if a girl is going to show up. The hell with that nonsense.

I have never had a Brazilian girl show up on time. NEVER. They are always late. You just have to tell them if they are more than 30 minutes late you're leaving. I had a girl what's app me 2 hours after appointment time. I said sorry I'm out.

12-06-23, 19:24
BTW just found this link to the tool on the police website to do the basic background check based on the cedula number. It doesn't show much info though, just the full name and offences, if any. Better than nothing..I think that link there is just for checking if a person has any active denuncias against them which is roughly like an arrest warrant. If you stay here long enough you will start to run into cops like at metro stations and parks and shit and they will come up to you and / or stop you as you walk by for no apparent reason and ask you for your numero de cedula. They then check it in their little hand held devices and it tells them if you have any denuncias then they say gracias and let you go. As a foreigner you can just say "soy extranjero" and usually they won't even ask for your number but I always pull out my US passport card which I keep in my wallet and just show them that and they don't even try to enter the numbers off of it they just look at it and hand it back to me and that's it.

There is a different web site that does have the date of birth and I know some hotels use it to verify if a cedula is real or not by checking it on the website. They can even check cedulas venezolanas too but not sure if that requires a different website. I'll have to ask the hotel dude where I usually stay in Bogota they know what website it is.

12-06-23, 20:11
You don't need a referral to book at Mansion. Someone is egging you on. Perhaps a referral is needed for some occasional discount offers they may run but anyone can book Mansion unless the rules changed while I was sleeping recently. Jajajaja.

Anyone know how far the Hotel Dix is from the Mansion bar / dance floor where we would be able to meet the girls? Uber cost?

The reason for the question is, I'm trying to make reservation with Mansion for my travel dates but it appears they need a referral for that because when I asked them availability and rates they responded with the question to share the name of the friend that recommended their place. Not sure how to respond to that, obviously I do not want to mention of this forum etc. Didn't realize they need referral but understand why they have that system.

So trying to look to alternative stay arrangements and want to make sure that the place I stay is not too far Mansion bar.
