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12-26-23, 05:13
Now that Medellin is getting more dangerous, have you guys ever thought of having two wallets. One with a little money with no ids you give to robbers and your real small wallet with your money you put in your sock. When you need to pay for your meal, you go to the bathroom and take your cash out.

12-26-23, 05:47
Yup that was me.I figured it was because judging from your posts I figured you wouldn't put up with that shit. Moonshot would have probably bought the beer and Nounce would have probably bought them dinner. Jaja.

From both incidents I have become alot more selective about who I invite to come to my place. Usually only paisa not Veneca and only ones whom I know and trust and have previously vetted. That's why I wanted to try the FB thing since she was close to el Centro. I was hoping that we would have met outside to avoid any drama. I figured it would have been a test run. If anything it's a learning curve. There's just a lot more bullshit involved when they know where your staying and it's not so easy to just pull out the arrangement.

12-26-23, 07:03
I figured it was because judging from your posts I figured you wouldn't put up with that shit. Moonshot would have probably bought the beer and Nounce would have probably bought them dinner. Jaja.

That's why I wanted to try the FB thing since she was close to el Centro. I was hoping that we would have met outside to avoid any drama. I figured it would have been a test run. If anything it's a learning curve. There's just a lot more bullshit involved when they know where your staying and it's not so easy to just pull out the arrangement.I would advise you to not give up on the Facebook chicas as they are not all bad apples. Maybe for next time have them meet you at the parque berrio metro station or in plaza botero and then take them to one of the short term hotels for a test run. This is how I usually do it now when dealing with ones I don't know yet.

I recommend hotel pasaje real as a good place to take them, it's 22 k for 3 hours and the rooms are clean. It's on Calle 51 and Junin. They sell the condoms for 2 k separate from the room fee but I never fucking use them LOL.


12-26-23, 16:44
How does hosting FB / seeking girls in Mansion work? I know there is no fee to bring girls and I know they record the ids of guests. When I mention the ID check to the girls I was talking to, some of them either disappeared or became super slow and enthusiasm went down completely which I'm totally ok with, in fact, those are kinds we are trying to avoid after all. But still have 1 or 2 leads, that has not backed down yet. And I checked their information on the Chick-a-check site, nothing negative. Done video call to make sure the person matches the picture etc. So questions I have are.

1. What else can I do ahead of time to reduce my risk with these girls?

2. What should I expect from the Mansion in terms of their support? I mean like, do they check with their guests first before letting the girl leave the hotel? Do they stop anyone else entering the hotel if the girl sends the room# to somebody after coming to the room? Etc. Anything else?

May be I'm paranoid but just planning ahead to reduce the risk since I have couple of more weeks for my trip.

12-26-23, 16:47
I want bring up a topic on crime in poor countries. People keep bringing up excuses why people steal in third world countries. When I was in Manila there was just as much poverty, if not more than Medellin, and no one was robbing people, and there weren't reports of any scoping. I never felt safer, even in the dump areas. Isn't it more cultural, that Asians have more morals than Hispanics overall. Why aren't Philippinos robbing people left and right. Why is it when a bunch of Hispanics come to America, a large portion of them become gang bangers and are up to no good, but when Asians come here they generally contribute, and aren't starting their own ms13.

Aren't some cultures just morally bankrupt and it's how they are raised, does anyone really believe that these millions of migrants that have come in to America aren't going to have a huge affect on crime in America. Some will work but the rest will be criminals. What do you guys think. Am I being xenophobic or is it the truth.Truth!

Especially the Venezuelans they are almost as bad as the MS-13 Salvadoreños that you mentioned.

I know several vennies who have left from Medellin and Bogota and went to Eagle Pass, TX and when they get there, the government is buying them plane tickets to New York City, Chicago, and Florida as well as giving them free cell phones and prepaid visa debit cards.

The when they get to NYC, Miami or Chicago, guess what they're doing? They're not working normal dignified jobs, no they are prostituting just like they did in Colombia. I have several on my Facebook that are posting pictures in front of times Square sporting the same mini faldas and high heels like as if they were in parque lleras.

You have crooked Joe Biden to thank for this. I expect crime will be on the rise in the US very soon in fact it probably is already.

12-26-23, 18:26
I want bring up a topic on crime in poor countries. People keep bringing up excuses why people steal in third world countries. When I was in Manila there was just as much poverty, if not more than Medellin, and no one was robbing people, and there weren't reports of any scoping. I never felt safer, even in the dump areas. Isn't it more cultural, that Asians have more morals than Hispanics overall. Why aren't Philippinos robbing people left and right. Why is it when a bunch of Hispanics come to America, a large portion of them become gang bangers and are up to no good, but when Asians come here they generally contribute, and aren't starting their own ms13.

Aren't some cultures just morally bankrupt and it's how they are raised, does anyone really believe that these millions of migrants that have come in to America aren't going to have a huge affect on crime in America. Some will work but the rest will be criminals. What do you guys think. Am I being xenophobic or is it the truth.Careful there my man. You are painting with a very wide brush.

12-26-23, 18:45
Everybody, this is excellent advice. It's worked well for me for years.

I would advise you to not give up on the Facebook chicas as they are not all bad apples. Maybe for next time have them meet you at the parque berrio metro station or in plaza botero and then take them to one of the short term hotels for a test run. This is how I usually do it now when dealing with ones I don't know yet.

I recommend hotel pasaje real as a good place to take them, it's 22 k for 3 hours and the rooms are clean. It's on Calle 51 and Junin. They sell the condoms for 2 k separate from the room fee but I never fucking use them LOL.


12-26-23, 18:55
This time a tourist from the Dominican Republic who was visiting Medellin was scoped and robbed by his Tinder Date. The bitxh even stole the TV from the Airbnb as well as the dude's belongings and charged over 3 million pesos to his credit cards.


Follow Along.

12-26-23, 19:08
Now that Medellin is getting more dangerous, have you guys ever thought of having two wallets. One with a little money with no ids you give to robbers and your real small wallet with your money you put in your sock. When you need to pay for your meal, you go to the bathroom and take your cash out.I carry a thin fake wallet with fake cards and $7 USD and 20 k COP and a red demo iPhone (one of those fake ones used at stores, feels real but doesn't work) in my front pocket. In a separate pocket, I have my actual cash and a single CC I carry at a time. I don't bother with my license or passport, I have pictures of those in my real phone in my back pocket. Hidden by my loose t-shirt. Sometimes I carry a light jacket with inside pockets for my real stuff. If anyone confronts me I can pull out my fake wallet and red fake phone and hand it over and get out. Hasn't happened to me in Medellin, but this worked for me in Europe years ago.

12-26-23, 19:24
I want bring up a topic on crime in poor countries. People keep bringing up excuses why people steal in third world countries. When I was in Manila there was just as much poverty, if not more than Medellin, and no one was robbing people, and there weren't reports of any scoping. I never felt safer, even in the dump areas. Isn't it more cultural, that Asians have more morals than Hispanics overall. Why aren't Philippinos robbing people left and right. Why is it when a bunch of Hispanics come to America, a large portion of them become gang bangers and are up to no good, but when Asians come here they generally contribute, and aren't starting their own ms13.

Aren't some cultures just morally bankrupt and it's how they are raised, does anyone really believe that these millions of migrants that have come in to America aren't going to have a huge affect on crime in America. Some will work but the rest will be criminals. What do you guys think. Am I being xenophobic or is it the truth.Interesting points. I'm no snowflake but I'm not 100% in love with how you generalized. But I agree with your overarching point. I believe it stems from a fairly uninformed bias that we see play out on a micro level with the mujeres. My turn to generalize. LOL I would venture to say the VAST majority of hispanics firmly believe americans sleep on piles of money and just waste it all away. It's like they just think things are cheaper in Colombia, Brazil, etc. And that is the only thing that matters. They don't have a clue about cost of living in the US.

I'll be the first to admit that making money and avoiding poverty is much easier in the States. Undeniable. But what I'm talking about is the insanely inaccuarate depiction of EVERY american is wealthy, greedy and wasteful being the assumption amongst most hispanics. I think that bias plays at least some part of targeting gringos. And I'm talking about "average" latinos, not sharky putas.

John Gault
12-26-23, 19:33
Can you give me a little more detail when you say "the Casas" please? In South America I've only been to a few of the "Strip" clubs in Quito Ecuador so when you say "casas" what are you referencing and can you give me a few good ones to choose from pleas?Club de Amigas Sexy. Sala de Masajes, Carrera 45 the # 57-67.

Zanday Carrera 47 #57 a-34.

New Life. This one used to be good but I have not been there in years.

12-26-23, 19:33
Now that Medellin is getting more dangerous, have you guys ever thought of having two wallets. One with a little money with no ids you give to robbers and your real small wallet with your money you put in your sock. When you need to pay for your meal, you go to the bathroom and take your cash out.Thought this was pretty much standard operating procedure. When I roam the streets of zona norte in Tijuana at 2 or 3 in the morning, I'll actually have three "wallets". LOL I divided up my fun money fairly evenly amongst two wallets, so whether it's a chica or a mesero, they can't see how much I'm actually carrying. Wallet 3 is the easy access, hand it over wallet, if needed. Thankfully I've never needed to do that. I honestly fear that I'll be the "tough guy" out of principle. But, I do carry that 2nd or 3rd wallet with a few dollars and pesos.

As for a phone, I do carry a relatively newer phone. It's not my primary and has no cell service. Wi-fi only. And I've wiped any apps or banking info from it. It's somewhat inconvenient to not have cell service when you are out and about. But I've always made it work. Most of the time, my primary phone is in the safe.

12-26-23, 20:02
I can easily image a scenario that police will ask him to pay 200 mil as agreed. It's an uncenssary hassle regardless,Nounce can you please tell us what exact crime CeeJay would have been arrested and charged with for refusing to pay her the 200 mil after politely declining her services??

Let's apply your same logic to buying a used toaster to put this into perspective.

So I find a nice used toaster on Facebook marketplace, Haceb, stainless steel finish, advertisement says it works like new, etc. I message the seller and we agree on 40 mil for the toaster, we agree to meet in parque San Antonio to make the transaction.

Upon meeting the woman shows me the toaster and it is all scratched up on the stainless steel finish and has a dent on the side and doesn't look as it did in the pictures from the Facebook marketplace advertisement.

I politely decline to purchase the toaster as it is not what I was expecting to purchase. Now according to your logic, she can call the police and the police will force me to give her the 40 mil pesos because I wasted her time? And she gets to keep the toaster too? Really Nounce this is what you are saying. I just changed it from purchasing sexual services to purchasing a toaster but the fundamentals of the transaction are the same.

No one in their right mind would think it would be fair for the police to make me the woman the 40 mil and she keeps the toaster. But yet if it is a sex worker it is okay for her to charge me the whole price for the services eventhough said services were never rendered?

12-26-23, 20:48
It is not something I do. It is not unusual or a new idea. There are regular references to multiple wallets, burner phones, cheap phones, pocket money etc. I don't think any of the Colombia specific travel kit ideas do any harm beyond the inconvenience. I take a different approach and maintain a way to recover my phone configuration and data including the telephone numbers. I also have a way to disable my phone and financial apps and cards, none of which have access to funds until I add them from tools that are not on my phone but are accessible to me via the web browser on my phone or any other device.

Now that Medellin is getting more dangerous, have you guys ever thought of having two wallets. One with a little money with no ids you give to robbers and your real small wallet with your money you put in your sock. When you need to pay for your meal, you go to the bathroom and take your cash out.

12-26-23, 22:19
Club de Amigas Sexy. Sala de Masajes, Carrera 45 the # 57-67.

Zanday Carrera 47 #57 a-34.

New Life. This one used to be good but I have not been there in years.New Life lineup really sucks, not good anymore. Always crowded with gringos.

12-26-23, 22:22
Oh boy.

Colombia - How I was Almost Taken & Kidnapped in the Colombian Mountains


At least he was bold enough to speak up about it.

12-26-23, 22:40
This is poor fellow is not having a Merry Christmas.

https://youtu.be/dJ9QG8r3BGY?si=bcMmQ3fM0EyttA8iSome of you guys believe this? You do not shit where you eat. You believe that these girls actually brought the victim to their own house or even someone they know's house? The girls have neighbors who could witness this. What if a friend stopped by to say Hello,. Have you ever heard of something like that before? It is amazing what people believe.

12-26-23, 22:50
Sorry this is just a bunch of nonsense. There's a huge amount of videos on youtube of the centro girls. If you can point me out some really hotties, 8-9-10's I'll buy you a beer LOL. 98% of those girls are just frikking ugly in my book. There are some doables there for sure but for hot girls you just need to go to different venues like Loutron or La Isla and pay up.I am not familiar with Colombia, I go to Tijuana. The difference you see between the girls you see in HK to other clubs and those to the streets is remarkable. You just can't compare the women you see in clubs like Hong Kong in Tijuana and club Aquah in Puerto Vallarta to any club in the world in my book, certainly to what I have seen in the US and Thailand. My opinion.

Mr Enternational
12-26-23, 23:25
Now that Medellin is getting more dangerous, have you guys ever thought of having two wallets. One with a little money with no ids you give to robbers and your real small wallet with your money you put in your sock. When you need to pay for your meal, you go to the bathroom and take your cash out.When I am overseas I do not carry 1 wallet, why would I need to carry 2. Money, ID, and 1 credit card. What are you guys trying to show pictures of your family like this is the 1970's?

12-27-23, 02:30
Be safe you all medallin is getting dangerous and whacky.


12-27-23, 04:01
Oh boy.

Colombia - How I was Almost Taken & Kidnapped in the Colombian Mountains


At least he was bold enough to speak up about it.Guys, F any Hollywood blockbuster you've ever seen in your life up until today 😮 The stuff this guy talked about having to do two days hidden in a dirty bathroom stall would cause anyone to cancel their flight! Wow. Not to mention this guy almost also got himself killed by the owner of a home he entered in and grabbed a knife from the kitchen!

12-27-23, 05:57
Be safe you all medallin is getting dangerous and whacky.

https://youtu.be/fGEznkzORCo?si=NGfzbc8u9kWAxUBBIn Tijuana, usually in December and mostly after the 15th of Dec, robberies, muggings and killings tick up. You guys think this is what is happening in Medellin or has it always been as such this year entirely?

12-27-23, 09:09
[Racial Epithet(s) Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited in accordance with the Forum's Zero Tolerance policy regarding reports containing racial epithets.

Please be advised that Forum Members who succeed in having three or more of their reports deleted for personal attacks, racial epithets or other derogatory comments, will be banned under the Forum's Serial Antagonist Policy.

12-27-23, 10:12
Oh boy.

Colombia - How I was Almost Taken & Kidnapped in the Colombian Mountains


At least he was bold enough to speak up about it.Are you kidding? Thinking some tour guide dude he just met is his friend because he is giving him money and paying his abuela triple for nail polish? How can anyone be that naive.

You don't bring thousands of dollars of electronics into Colombia and let people know you have them unless it's someone you've actually known for a while.

I'm not saying what happened isn't unfortunate, because it is, but most of this can be avoided.

Also the dude that got drugged because he went to some girls' house. Again, why!? Why go someone's house you don't know?

For the dude that just simply got mugged with his friends by the taxi driver in Laureles. It does sound like an unfortunate situation. But it was 10:30 at night and I'm sure they're all speaking English to each other and probably in a "solo" area.

Most of these situations can be avoided by simply not trusting anyone unless you've known them for months. And even then, don't go to mountaintops with them on a motorcycle at night. Don't go to anyone's house you haven't known for a while. Don't walk around late at night with your friends speaking English.

I know Colombia can be dangerous, I almost got robbed myself. But, I was in a stupid situation as well (walking around late at night next to a bad neighborhood) and I recognized it and learned from it.

12-27-23, 10:45
Now that Medellin is getting more dangerous, have you guys ever thought of having two wallets. One with a little money with no ids you give to robbers and your real small wallet with your money you put in your sock. When you need to pay for your meal, you go to the bathroom and take your cash out.It's not "getting more dangerous". It's ALWAYS been dangerous. The difference is everyone on YouTube taunting it as some paradise that is less dangerous than everyone claims it to be and thus people being to let their guard down.

Anyone from Colombia or any Latin American country in general will give you and would have always given you the advice to never take much cash out with you when you go out and "nunca dar papaya". No watches, no jewelry, no fancy clothing, no man buns or an unbuttoned shirt that immediately scream "tourist". Carry a credit card and a small amount of cash and ideally cheap burner phone. Blend the fuck in.

I want bring up a topic on crime in poor countries. People keep bringing up excuses why people steal in third world countries. When I was in Manila there was just as much poverty, if not more than Medellin, and no one was robbing people, and there weren't reports of any scoping. I never felt safer, even in the dump areas. Isn't it more cultural, that Asians have more morals than Hispanics overall. Why aren't Philippinos robbing people left and right. Why is it when a bunch of Hispanics come to America, a large portion of them become gang bangers and are up to no good, but when Asians come here they generally contribute, and aren't starting their own ms13.

Aren't some cultures just morally bankrupt and it's how they are raised, does anyone really believe that these millions of migrants that have come in to America aren't going to have a huge affect on crime in America. Some will work but the rest will be criminals. What do you guys think. Am I being xenophobic or is it the truth.Corruption means there are no consequences for crime. The police are young, don't care, and don't do anything. A lot of this came from the fact that most of the world's coca is grown in Latin America and specifically, Colombia. Guess what happens when you have a highly valuable drug in a poor country situated within spitting distance of the world's superpower? Well you get greed, cartels, corruption, etc. They're still suffering from it even if people say Medellin is a paradise for foreigners and the narcos are gone.

I can tell you there are plenty of Colombians with very good morals. Maybe to a fault. Most of them are very religious.

12-27-23, 14:38
Be safe you all medallin is getting dangerous and whacky.

https://youtu.be/fGEznkzORCo?si=NGfzbc8u9kWAxUBBThat was about the same ATTEMPTED "kidnapping" incident that was reported by SavePros321 several posts earlier, except your link was by a different brother referencing the incident reported by the original poster and in his title the incident had grown from an attempted kidnapping to an actual one. This kind of shows how these reports can quickly grow into something more dramatic than what actually happened.

Now, the last thing I want to do is imply that Medellin is completely safe. Far from it and as of late it has been getting worse. HOWEVER, the hysteria over recent incidents has been leading many to believe its somehow so much worse than its actually been all along. What was true before and is even more true now is that, yes it can be very dangerous, but one just has to be smart about things. Take reasonable precautions and don't so readily trust people you've just met and don't really know all that well. If you do that, sure bad things might still happen to yo, but your odds of those things happening will be drastically reduced.

Case in point what happened to this guy. For one thing, parts of his story just don't add up. Like he says he broke his leg but was still somehow able to run, jump over barbed wire fences and climb up buildings. What was he Superman? Or maybe his "broken leg" was more like a sprained ankle or something. What else did he exaggerate? He also talked about doing some pretty wild things to elude the guys he thought were pursuing him, like cutting off his hair and stripping off his clothes and shoes, but holding on to the $3000 camera he had brought with him (and which was the one thing any pursuer was really after). What is his life worth to him? If he was really fearful for his life and a bunch of guys were chasing him mainly to steal his expensive camera (or any other valuables) and if I was him I'd just let them have it and keep my clothes on. Actually, I would never take an expensive camera like that up into the back alleys of an impoverished mountainside barrio late into the night in the first place (with a "trusted" guide I had just met on that trip or not). In fact, I'd even be very wary of going to an area like that at night even without any camera or other valuables.

My point is, with few exceptions, most of these incidents involved relative newbies to Medellin or, if not, vets who made stupid mistakes like "dar papaya" or bringing someone (or worse more than one) that they just met back to their apartment or leaving a drink unattended. Those are all things that one can avoid doing (or if not done in ways that mitigate risk). For example, I like to have a phone on me at all times, but if I'm going anywhere which could be sketchy, I only bring a cheap burner phone with little to no personal data on it that could get compromised. Also only as much cash as I might need on that outing, which in Colombia is no more than $30-40 and which I would not be so horribly upset losing if I did get robbed, and never ever any jewelry of any kind. If I bring a credit card, I bring only which, along with any excess cash, I keep well hidden somewhere I won't reveal on my body. If I go someplace where I drink, I always wait until I'm done with my drink before I make any trip to the can. My list of precautions go on, but most of these have already been mentioned many times on ISG and, also in most cases, in most of these recent incidents the victim has slipped up on one or more of these rules.

12-27-23, 14:51
Be safe you all medallin is getting dangerous and whacky.

https://youtu.be/fGEznkzORCo?si=NGfzbc8u9kWAxUBBWhat I would like to see is a video of a guy who observed all the cautions required in being in Medellin and still got scoped / kidnapped / etc.

12-27-23, 14:56
I am not familiar with Colombia, I go to Tijuana. The difference you see between the girls you see in HK to other clubs and those to the streets is remarkable. You just can't compare the women you see in clubs like Hong Kong in Tijuana and club Aquah in Puerto Vallarta to any club in the world in my book, certainly to what I have seen in the US and Thailand. My opinion.I believe that in posting one should try to be as clear as possible, do not leave your conclusions to individual perception. The question can be asked relating to your post. Are the street girls much better than the ones in the clubs? Reread your post. Its unclear and ambiguous.

12-27-23, 15:06
This is good context. I think this topic is at that place in the news cycle where facts and context take a back seat to narrative driven perception. Another example of this phenomenon happened a few years ago when Rupert Murdoch owned conservative media outlets promoted a narrative that visitors to the Dominican Republic were at lethal risk, with an angle that all inclusive resort liquor was adulterated and poisonous. Statistical analysis showed there was no uptick in the number of tourist deaths and injuries compared to previous years, but it did not slow down the flow of scary stories. Muggings and drugging related robberies absolutely happen in Medellin. They are not new. I have seen nothing beyond anecdotal media reports about an upward trend (I don't consider youtuber videos to be a legitimate news sources). I'm mildly interested in the law enforcement statistics. My opinion, based on what experience I may have, is personal safety practices that have been effective for years will continue to be effective if they are applied consistently. I think inexperienced punters can benefit from the recent surge in reporting about the incidents because it makes them aware of the danger. It's noteworthy that you don't see many reports involving victims from inner city and urban centers. I think that is because they are more likely to be aware of the risk when they arrive.

That was about the same ATTEMPTED "kidnapping" incident that was reported by SavePros321 several posts earlier, except your link was by a different brother referencing the incident reported by the original poster and in his title the incident had grown from an attempted kidnapping to an actual one. This kind of shows how these reports can quickly grow into something more dramatic than what actually happened.

Now, the last thing I want to do is imply that Medellin is completely safe. Far from it and as of late it has been getting worse. HOWEVER, the hysteria over recent incidents has been leading many to believe its somehow so much worse than its actually been all along. What was true before and is even more true now is that, yes it can be very dangerous, but one just has to be smart about things. Take reasonable precautions and don't so readily trust people you've just met and don't really know all that well. If you do that, sure bad things might still happen to yo, but your odds of those things happening will be drastically reduced.

Case in point what happened to this guy. For one thing, parts of his story just don't add up. Like he says he broke his leg but was still somehow able to run, jump over barbed wire fences and climb up buildings. What was he Superman? Or maybe his "broken leg" was more like a sprained ankle or something. What else did he exaggerate? He also talked about doing some pretty wild things to elude the guys he thought were pursuing him, like cutting off his hair and stripping off his clothes and shoes, but holding on to the $3000 camera he had brought with him (and which was the one thing any pursuer was really after). What is his life worth to him? If he was really fearful for his life and a bunch of guys were chasing him mainly to steal his expensive camera (or any other valuables) and if I was him I'd just let them have it and keep my clothes on. Actually, I would never take an expensive camera like that up into the back alleys of an impoverished mountainside barrio late into the night in the first place (with a "trusted" guide I had just met on that trip or not). In fact, I'd even be very wary of going to an area like that at night even without any camera or other valuables.

My point is, with few exceptions, most of these incidents involved relative newbies to Medellin or, if not, vets who made stupid mistakes like "dar papaya" or bringing someone (or worse more than one) that they just met back to their apartment or leaving a drink unattended. Those are all things that one can avoid doing (or if not done in ways that mitigate risk). For example, I like to have a phone on me at all times, but if I'm going anywhere which could be sketchy, I only bring a cheap burner phone with little to no personal data on it that could get compromised. Also only as much cash as I might need on that outing, which in Colombia is no more than $30-40 and which I would not be so horribly upset losing if I did get robbed, and never ever any jewelry of any kind. If I bring a credit card, I bring only which, along with any excess cash, I keep well hidden somewhere I won't reveal on my body. If I go someplace where I drink, I always wait until I'm done with my drink before I make any trip to the can. My list of precautions go on, but most of these have already been mentioned many times on ISG and, also in most cases, in most of these recent incidents the victim has slipped up on one or more of these rules.

12-27-23, 15:07
I think you will have to wait a long time to see that.

What I would like to see is a video of a guy who observed all the cautions required in being in Medellin and still got scoped / kidnapped / etc.

12-27-23, 15:15
I was in Medellin last week. It turned into a medical tourism trip because I had to visit the hospitals a number of time is for a medical issue but t I did have some time for fun in between hospital visits. I stayed in Laureles and was not drugged or robbed. No one attempted to steal anything for me when I was walking around. I was not kidnapped except for the hospital which kept me overnight on one day. For this trip, I decided to see girls on Facebook that I had already seen on previous trips. They were all young and attractive and provided solid performances like they did on previous trips. There were no disappointments or lack of effort. There was one risky situation when one of my girls brought a friend to wait for her when she visited me and I said her friend could come in. It was a risk that I probably should not have taken but her friend was young and attractive and I could not resist. It was not an ideal trip due to the medical issues but I made the best of it and I still enjoyed my visit. After a few trips, you should be able to find some girls that you enjoy being with, and not every trip needs to be meeting brand new girls who may or may not be good in bed. Unless you want to meet brand new girls on each trip which has its own benefits.

12-27-23, 15:36
Nounce can you please tell us what exact crime CeeJay would have been arrested and charged with for refusing to pay her the 200 mil after politely declining her services??...Where did I say he would be arrested or charged? You already quoted my answer. One possible scenario is the police look at their transaction record. The police can ask him to pay 200 mil. This is usually what have been reported in the past. At most, they both are at fault, you blame it entirely on the girl. That is one of our differences. I would pay 100 mil to the girl because I would think it is half my fault without condom assuming I wanted to get out of the deal. It is not so difficult to just go to D1 downstairs to get a condom, or Rappi it.

I would tell girl I will pay for the taxi and ask her to leave if I don't like what I see in ADVANCE. I would not let the girl come thinking otherwise.

If the girl agrees to bring cedula but comes without. I could choose to pay nothing because it is 100% on the girl.

In your driver / beer case, I would go out the pay the indriver whether I use fake name or not. I had an agreement with the driver and the driver did nothing wrong unless you count asking your permission is wrong.

Your toaster example does not fit. While the toaster seller said it'is like new but did the girl said she had perfect stomach? My original post is for new mongers coming here and more about prevention. That is why I suggest to ask the girl if she has kid or not. These things can be sorted out before.

12-27-23, 16:09
Where did I say he would be arrested or charged? You already quoted my answer. One possible scenario is the police look at their transaction record. The police can ask him to pay 200 mil. This is usually what have been reported in the past. At most, they both are at fault, you blame it entirely on the girl. That is one of our differences. I would pay 100 mil to the girl because I would think it is half my fault without condom assuming I wanted to get out of the deal. It is not so difficult to just go to D1 downstairs to get a condom, or Rappi it.

I would tell girl I will pay for the taxi and ask her to leave if I don't like what I see in ADVANCE. I would not let the girl come thinking otherwise.

If the girl agrees to bring cedula but comes without. I could choose to pay nothing because it is 100% on the girl.

In your driver / beer case, I would go out the pay the indriver whether I use fake name or not. I had an agreement with the driver and the driver did nothing wrong unless you count asking your permission is wrong.
It is implied that the police would arrest him. Or charge him with something in order to make him pay her the 200 mil otherwise what is to stop him from just refusing to pay anything and walking away?

The only thing the police can do is threaten to arrest him for not paying her otherwise he would just say no he isn't paying and they would be at a standstill. I mean how else could the police "make him pay her"? Are they going to take out their service weapons and point them at his head and threaten to shoot him. If he doesn't pay up?

And yes exactly I considered the driver asking me permission to buy beer and then have me pay him back as a breach of conduct. The platform is for providing transportation and the messaging function within the app for communicating with the drivers about pickup locations, wait times, etc. Not for panhandling customers for beer money, surely indriver must have a rule against this type of behavior and as far as I'm concerned he should have lost his ability to drive for the platform. Try asking people for beer money while working a a normal job in the US and see how long until you get fired.

Jose Flores
12-27-23, 16:35
I've stayed in hotel nutibara before but it's a bit expensive per night. It's nicer than I need. I am okay with a more basic room, what do you all suggest? I only need a bed, own bathroom and basic wifi (does not need to be rock solid).

Also, what are the going prices for street girls?

12-27-23, 16:36
You're missing my point. In El Salvador the president had to round up 70 k gang members and put them in prison. It's like working never came to mind. Just being a total pos did by default. In Thailand or Manila, they didn't have to round up 70 k murderers. In Manila I saw poverty and living areas that I wouldn't let my dog live in, and they didn't resort to hard crime. I know the taxis rip you off and tipping culture their is annoying but I'm talking hard core criminals. In Venezuela its like they automatically became kidnappers and armed robbers.

I've been broke before, and I never robbed a 7/11. In America there are over 300 k Hispanic gang members. There are so many jobs in America, why do these Hispanics automatically resort to being these evil people that do horrible things instead of just getting a job. People say that's racist to call Hispanics out, I say BS. It's true. I know white guys commit crime too, but there aren't 300 k white gang members in America. Why are we supposed to be alright with 4 million illegals from mainly Hispanic countries coming in without background checks, ids, infectious diseases check. Where does this brown privilege come from.The vast majority of Hispanic immigrants are hard working individuals willing to take jobs you and your kind refuse to touch. I am sure the janitors in your company are Hispanics, 100%. Right now California is kept somewhat affordable because the cheap labor Hispanic immigrants provide.

Stop painting with a very wide brush and filter your language. Come on.

12-27-23, 17:12
I believe that in posting one should try to be as clear as possible, do not leave your conclusions to individual perception. The question can be asked relating to your post. Are the street girls much better than the ones in the clubs? Reread your post. Its unclear and ambiguous.Your statement can be unclear too. What does "better" mean? Left to the reader's perception. Looks, attitude, cost, safety.

In any case, I wrote there is a difference. I thought that is a good vista point to leave it.

12-27-23, 18:28
Well Hotel Nutibara is perfect for you. And street girls near hotel nutibara in Plaza Botero ask 50 000.

I've stayed in hotel nutibara before but it's a bit expensive per night. It's nicer than I need. I am okay with a more basic room, what do you all suggest? I only need a bed, own bathroom and basic wifi (does not need to be rock solid).

Also, what are the going prices for street girls?

12-27-23, 19:44
It is implied that the police would arrest him. Or charge him with something in order to make him pay her the 200 mil otherwise what is to stop him from just refusing to pay anything and walking away?

The only thing the police can do is threaten to arrest him for not paying her otherwise he would just say no he isn't paying and they would be at a standstill. I mean how else could the police "make him pay her"? Are they going to take out their service weapons and point them at his head and threaten to shoot him. If he doesn't pay up?

And yes exactly I considered the driver asking me permission to buy beer and then have me pay him back as a breach of conduct. The platform is for providing transportation and the messaging function within the app for communicating with the drivers about pickup locations, wait times, etc. Not for panhandling customers for beer money, surely indriver must have a rule against this type of behavior and as far as I'm concerned he should have lost his ability to drive for the platform. Try asking people for beer money while working a a normal job in the US and see how long until you get fired.I remember a case in Costa-Rica about 10 or so years ago when two mongers from the US had misunderstanding with tica about the amount of compensation she was to receive for servicing both of them and refused to pay the money she was expecting. The two ended up spending 6 months in Costa-Rican jail before being allowed to return home. Naturally it ended up costing them 1,000+ time more than the difference in the amount too.

I don't know about anybody else but if I were to be detained by cops in South America I'd do whatever needs to be done to avoid being taken to the station, pay whatever is asked of me. Because once you there, the case might be bumped up to the 'matter of principal'. Once you begin to hear stuff like "If I were to do what you did in your country what do think would happen to me? " you're in deep doodoo. Naturally the embassy wouldn't do much to help a hobbyist beyond maybe serving as a messenger to your relatives, and chances are wouldn't be able to do much either even if it wanted to.

If police gets somehow involved in your dealings with puta I think it's better to pay what needs to be paid and get out of the situation right there and then. IMHO.

12-27-23, 20:41
My opinion, based on what experience I may have, is personal safety practices that have been effective for years will continue to be effective if they are applied consistently.This. I liken it to riding a motorcycle on a public highway. The moment you get "comfortable" is when your risk shoots way up. You have to always be aware and scanning the environment when you're in a situation where the stakes are higher.

Captain Solo
12-27-23, 20:47
In day time, Plaza Botero in El Centro and surrounding shopping streets have tens of not hundreds thousands people walking, eating, shopping. It's OK to walk, but when the night falls, the entire area are closed down, locked up, totally dark like hell with filthy hobos scurrying in the dark. Even policia are afraid to drive in after dark.

In day time, hundreds girls stand around Plaza Botero and in front of stores selling sex, but most were old and chunky, not my taste. At the NE corner of Carr 53 and Calle 51 behind the Iglesia de Vera Cruz, half a dozen hot girls hang out, a few nice, clean, very pretty. They took me to hotels a few doors away. $10 for girls and $2 for the room. Hotels check girls IDs and don't want to have problems with LEs so you are less likely to get robbed or things stolen.

I took pics of dozens girls hang out in front of the church front door step with policias and their patrol cars in the church yard. A WG was screaming and yelling at me. I threatened to call in policias. She did not shut up. 2 policia came to meet me. I told them I only took pictures of the church, nothing else. They were smiling. There are a few small signs "No Photos" on the streets. After some argument with my broken 1 YO Spanish, the sergeant took out his cuff. I told him he could delete the pics in my tel which he did. They looked at the pics with WG, church and patrol cars in the same shots, smiling broadly. They let me go. The loud girl kept squealing in front of the church so the came over talking to her. She did not stop. Eventually they cuffed her and put her in their patrol car.

Did see 2 policia on motorbike talking to a guy with a Sony webcam at that corner. After checking the camera, they cuffed and walked him down the street towards the Museum of Antiquity. Damn. I still have pics of girls, church, policias.

Areas around hotel Nutibara are busy with pedestrians and traffic at night, but don't ever think of walking around El Centro after dark.

12-27-23, 21:07
I remember a case in Costa-Rica about 10 or so years ago when two mongers from the US had misunderstanding with tica about the amount of compensation she was to receive for servicing both of them and refused to pay the money she was expecting. The two ended up spending 6 months in Costa-Rican jail before being allowed to return home. Naturally it ended up costing them 1,000+ time more than the difference in the amount too.

I don't know about anybody else but if I were to be detained by cops in South America I'd do whatever needs to be done to avoid being taken to the station, pay whatever is asked of me. Because once you there, the case might be bumped up to the 'matter of principal'. Once you begin to hear stuff like "If I were to do what you did in your country what do think would happen to me? " you're in deep doodoo. Naturally the embassy wouldn't do much to help a hobbyist beyond maybe serving as a messenger to your relatives, and chances are wouldn't be able to do much either even if it wanted to.

If police gets somehow involved in your dealings with puta I think it's better to pay what needs to be paid and get out of the situation right there and then. IMHO.You just have to recall the infamous Secret Service incident in Colombia from the past as to what could happen when there is disagreement with the girl over money. Misunderstanding over money to be paid. Refusal to pay the money. Hotel yelling incident and police called. Heads rolling.

12-27-23, 21:32
The vast majority of Hispanic immigrants are hard working individuals willing to take jobs you and your kind refuse to touch. I am sure the janitors in your company are Hispanics, 100%. Right now California is kept somewhat affordable because the cheap labor Hispanic immigrants provide.

Stop painting with a very wide brush and filter your language. Come on.I could not agree with you more. As a young teenager growing up on a farm in New Mexico there were illegals coming up from Mexico to work. There were all sorts of derogatory names people called them. My father used to hire them. It was customary 50+ years ago. I made some unsavory comment once and my father helped me see the light. He told me I could call them whatever I wanted but those men walked 600+ miles to work the fields and they sent almost everything they earned (other than food and drink costs) back to their family using Western Union. They worked whatever jobs were available, and instead of buying a bus ticket home they walked so as to save the money.

Flash forward 50 years, and I would ask the original poster if he ever stayed in a hotel? The maids are almost all Hispanic and they work two or three jobs to earn enough money to buy their children clothes and send them to school. The men are no different, working whatever jobs they can get. I somethings think we should allow more immigrants in and start kicking out the racist complainers, most of whom are lazy and do no work at all.

12-27-23, 21:52
I remember a case in Costa-Rica about 10 or so years ago when two mongers from the US had misunderstanding with tica about the amount of compensation she was to receive for servicing both of them and refused to pay the money she was expecting. The two ended up spending 6 months in Costa-Rican jail before being allowed to return home. Naturally it ended up costing them 1,000+ time more than the difference in the amount too.

I don't know about anybody else but if I were to be detained by cops in South America I'd do whatever needs to be done to avoid being taken to the station, pay whatever is asked of me. Because once you there, the case might be bumped up to the 'matter of principal'. Once you begin to hear stuff like "If I were to do what you did in your country what do think would happen to me? " you're in deep doodoo. Naturally the embassy wouldn't do much to help a hobbyist beyond maybe serving as a messenger to your relatives, and chances are wouldn't be able to do much either even if it wanted to.

If police gets somehow involved in your dealings with puta I think it's better to pay what needs to be paid and get out of the situation right there and then. IMHO.Well if the chica has already provided services and then you are refusing to pay her then that is totally different. By all means you should pay the agreed upon amount.

However if you never even had sex then why would you be expected to pay her anything other than perhaps her transportation?

12-28-23, 02:38
I remember a case in Costa-Rica about 10 or so years ago when two mongers from the US had misunderstanding with tica about the amount of compensation she was to receive for servicing both of them and refused to pay the money she was expecting. The two ended up spending 6 months in Costa-Rican jail before being allowed to return home. Naturally it ended up costing them 1,000+ time more than the difference in the amount too.

I don't know about anybody else but if I were to be detained by cops in South America I'd do whatever needs to be done to avoid being taken to the station, pay whatever is asked of me. Because once you there, the case might be bumped up to the 'matter of principal'. Once you begin to hear stuff like "If I were to do what you did in your country what do think would happen to me? " you're in deep doodoo. Naturally the embassy wouldn't do much to help a hobbyist beyond maybe serving as a messenger to your relatives, and chances are wouldn't be able to do much either even if it wanted to.

If police gets somehow involved in your dealings with puta I think it's better to pay what needs to be paid and get out of the situation right there and then. IMHO.Makes no sense. It's not the police business. These countries are so backward.

12-28-23, 03:29
Makes no sense. It's not the police business. These countries are so backward.If she serviced both of them and they refused to pay they should be jailed. Why not? It's police business when there are rapes and sexual assaults including refusal to pay as agreed.

12-28-23, 04:53
I think you will have to wait a long time to see that.Do not believe it for a second the violence did not decrease it just stayed off the headlines because Escobar got whacked and the rebels surrendered but the US still buys coke so the power vacuum created new players but people believed the hype hence the amount of foolishness going on.

12-28-23, 05:14
Can you give me a little more detail when you say "the Casas" please? In South America I've only been to a few of the "Strip" clubs in Quito Ecuador so when you say "casas" what are you referencing and can you give me a few good ones to choose from pleas?Click on:



Google "Salones de Masajes Erticos Medellin".

I would choose any of them at random and if you aren't happy, then take an Uber down the street to the next one. There are a lot of amazing girls out there who will give you a great time, in a safe place, for 200K per hour. That's about $50. I don't think any place in the world can beat that.

12-28-23, 06:14
About safety in Medellin, I think that people's opinions depend a lot upon their personal experience. If someone has been the victim of an armed robbery or a drugged robbery, then Medellin is a war zone, the most dangerous city on earth. If they have not, then Medellin is not bad, just don't do anything stupid. The truth is probably somewhere in between. However this is a poor city in a poor country with weak law enforcement. You are not in Kansas anymore.

First of all I suggest arriving with a cheap cellphone because it's quite possibly going to disappear at some point. The iPhone which I brought with me (and which was promptly lost to a pickpocket) was an iPhone 8 with a cracked screen and one camera didn't work. A Samsung Galaxy A03 is a perfectly decent phone costing about $110.

Don't carry a lot of cash or use ATM's more than necessary. Most places take credit cards.

Run shopping errands and visit ATMs between 7:00 am and 10:00 am. Criminals are sleeping because they stay up late.

For sex, go to brothels (aka casas or erotic massage spas). Get to and from the brothels using Uber.

I realize that many people enjoy the late night clubbing and picking up girls at clubs and bringing them back to the airbnb or hotel room. If that's your thing and you must do it, I can completely understand that, however realize that your risk of a very bad experience is greatly increased. No one knows what the odds are exactly, but in exchange for that experience you are taking a risk.

12-28-23, 06:42
I only need a bed, own bathroom and basic wifi.Mandala Botero (booking.com) is cheaper and closer (next to the metro). Casa Botero is ground zero. Nothing is closer and a little cheaper still. Do not stay in the back because noise from the bars until 2 am. Not on hotel websites Inbetween the museum and the church with big balcony. Calle Real (booking.com) super close. Overpriced for the value in my mind. Visit all 3 and view rooms in less than 1 hour.

I was going to send private message but you have not paid. Pay the membership.

Cocr Brotheler
12-28-23, 06:48
Seriously sage advice Texas Pistol!

Is what I do out of habit hobbying during the days then staying in or near my room at night NEVER trying to get dates from social media. Maybe if I there long term and can learn how to filter out the bad ones I could do social media however I love daytime brothels and potential contacts for P4P outside them! However need to speak at least basic Spanish to do this.

I want to live to see another day!

For bros dating chicas off social media:

1. DO NOT allow them to bring another chica with them into your abode.

2. Make them turn off their cell phones and lock them along with any of their belongings into something which you can lock. If you do not bring locks and haven't thought about this DON'T visit anywhere in LATAM. Just plain ignorant, unprepared and untravelled to travel here. Of course many other places around the world could have issues as well.

Cocr Brotheler
12-28-23, 07:33
I am aware of it. It has been discussed. It's the presentation. LOL.It's also because the human waste and any poo paper do not go to sewage treatment plants instead directly into shit river Rio Medellin (like shit river TJ or shit river Olongapo, P.I. etc.) and / or if they do send to sewage treatment plants these do not have in-line waste grinders.

Yum pleasant stuff to discuss on a working girl board LOL.

Related to the safety discussion I try blend in and avoid anything touristic down there. Before or after a good session in El Centro I can just sit at the bottom of Metro San Antonio stairs and chill and watch people but ONLY during the day. I carry very little $ and mostly in a money belt, no dar la papaya, speak good basic Spanish and always wear a hat so not a "dead" giveaway I am a gringo. And having basic street sense keep moving when feel eyes on you a great great asset.

I become "one" with the City and the City Primavera Eternal so far has placed her blessings upon me.

In Jesus name I pray amen for the gift of young, hot, nubile, firm CO womens!

Ewww I hate it when a 65+ year old Gringa in the U.S. sets her eyes on me.

12-28-23, 07:48
I carry very little, speak good basic Spanish and always wear a hat so not a "dead" giveaway I am a gringo.I am 6'1" (185 cm), blue eyes and I'm not really white, I am actually pink. Swedish / German background. I am working on my Spanish. I just signed up for a really interesting website called lingopie where you learn a language while watching movies and TV programs. I'm not giving up. However I am afraid that my physical appearance is going to give me away no matter what. I think that in Medellin I have a bright flashing "gringo" sign on my forehead. Which sometimes is good. I think that Colombian women are kind of interested in gringos. However unfortunately so are robbers.

12-28-23, 08:14
Makes no sense. It's not the police business. These countries are so backward.

Absolutely, especially when there's no transaction or beforehand discussion why you're even meeting. It's like it is what I say or think it is, regardless of what it actually even is. Due process there is through pesos and charge cards.

12-28-23, 09:11
If she serviced both of them and they refused to pay they should be jailed. Why not? It's police business when there are rapes and sexual assaults including refusal to pay as agreed.They did pay but she said it was less than they agreed. I side with the guys. These chicks are scammers.

Mr Enternational
12-28-23, 13:01
First of all I suggest arriving with a cheap cellphone because it's quite possibly going to disappear at some point. The iPhone which I brought with me (and which was promptly lost to a pickpocket) was an iPhone 8 with a cracked screen and one camera didn't work. A Samsung Galaxy A03 is a perfectly decent phone costing about $110.On the other hand, they might stab you for making them go through all the trouble of stealing such a cheap ass phone from you. I suggest bringing an expensive phone so at least your life will not be taken over something so cheap.

Jose Flores
12-28-23, 13:11
Well Hotel Nutibara is perfect for you. And street girls near hotel nutibara in Plaza Botero ask 50 000.Thanks for the response & info. Any other hotels besides Nutibara in the area?

- I heard of hotel pasaje but the only concerns with a cheaper hotel for me are: mold / pests & security from the cleaning staff / other guests.

I am used to paying 35 k-50 k cop a night outside of medellin so Nutibara now seems expensive to me. It's nicer hotel of course.


12-28-23, 15:13
It is implied that the police would arrest him. ....Yea, a generous five percent maybe depending on what you do.

... It's an uncenssary hassle regardless,95%.

12-28-23, 15:19
...... always wear a hat so not a "dead" giveaway .......The hat thing is something I've often contemplated. The problem is that Colombian men do not wear hats so I would stand out for the very reason of wearing a hat and having stood out for that reason my gringoism will come to the fore. Its a pity that Colombians do not wear hats as that's a good way of being incognito.

12-28-23, 15:40
2. Make them turn off their cell phones and lock them along with any of their belongings into something which you can lock. If you do not bring locks and haven't thought about this DON'T visit anywhere in LATAM. Just plain ignorant, unprepared and untravelled to travel here.Good advice but I'm not sure I follow the logic on number 2. Is this a typo? Obviously, guys should lock up anything they brought that has value. But locking HER stuff up with a lock you have? I'm not sure how we benefit safety-wise and I can see that causing a problem more often than not. Maybe I'm reading it wrong. Or maybe I've been the ignorant one. LOL.

12-28-23, 18:47
Thanks for the response & info. Any other hotels besides Nutibara in the area?

- I heard of hotel pasaje but the only concerns with a cheaper hotel for me are: mold / pests & security from the cleaning staff / other guests.

I am used to paying 35 k-50 k cop a night outside of medellin so Nutibara now seems expensive to me. It's nicer hotel of course.

Thanks.There are numerous hoteles that fit your budget on El Palo con Maturin and El Palo con El Huevo and the surrounding area. Hoteles that come to mind are Casa Real, Buen Samaritano, and Hotel Zeus among others.

Prices range will be 40 mil to 50 mil per day and they are all within walking distance to Plaza Botero. Rooms are generally small but clean, don't expect air conditioning only a fan, there might be hot water sometimes, and an occasional cockroach or two. But other than that the rooms will be decent for the price range and close to the action.


12-28-23, 19:51
Click on:



Google "Salones de Masajes Erticos Medellin".

I would choose any of them at random and if you aren't happy, then take an Uber down the street to the next one. There are a lot of amazing girls out there who will give you a great time, in a safe place, for 200K per hour. That's about $50. I don't think any place in the world can beat that.If you are going to paint a picture, finish the job or it is useless. Fine I will do it. I have done the photoprepagos, skokka, and mileroticos in many cities many times. All have the same results. The ads of individual girls and spas are only 30% true. Years old pictures, photo shopped, and girls that simply never worked there but used as a bait and switch. Go read my Cucuta report that is 2 weeks old. Reality is that 70% of the girls are 3-5 years older, 15-20% fatter, and / or simply do not and have never existed. I posted 2 months ago about my Laurels encounters and put in a link of a black girl I really wanted at a spa but nobody here knew anything. I went to that spa 2-3 times and she was never there. They even sent a tan Latina to me trying to tell me that she was the black one. I laughed and left never to return. Sad because I would have taken one of the other girls but too pissed off to do so. Also, did not want to give in to their bait and switch BS!

12-28-23, 21:07
I'm 80% sure I'll be in MDE in February. Still working on logistics. Last visit, I stayed at Hotel Dix and I loved the convenience to Lleras. Wasn't a huge fan of the luxury level but it was definitely adequate.

I typically spend alot of time at Gustos. (Flame away, haters. LOL But I've had some success there while sticking to a 600 K limit.) I enjoy the vibe, even if I just hang out there for an hour or so. That said, I'm curious what bars others have found fruitful. I don't read much about that on this board.

I've never had much success at Lleras Park, now Black Diamond. I think I've had one good session from there for 300 K. But that was 2 years ago. Anytime I walk in there recently, it feels about 100 to 1 women to men. While that's good in most cases, it's not a relaxing place to me. Seating is limited and girls often operate in packs.

Hookah. For some reason, I've had alot of success there.

Glow. Is that still the current name? I've never had a good experience there. The drinks are higher and they try to put off an elevated vibe. But it's always been near empty. I will say the girls that I have seen there were pretty hot. One weird story: a civie chica tried picking me up for a 3 some with her and her man. She was hot as hell but pretty sure I might not have fared well if I went with them. LOL.

So what bars in that area have had good results for you?

12-28-23, 21:13
Mandala Botero (booking.com) is cheaper and closer (next to the metro). Casa Botero is ground zero. Nothing is closer and a little cheaper still. Do not stay in the back because noise from the bars until 2 am. Not on hotel websites Inbetween the museum and the church with big balcony. Calle Real (booking.com) super close. Overpriced for the value in my mind. Visit all 3 and view rooms in less than 1 hour.

I was going to send private message but you have not paid. Pay the membership.I used to stay in Calle Real back in like 2021 and it was always 40 mil plus a 10 mil chica fee. But I stopped in a cpl months ago (not that I needed a room because I have my own place now) just to ask how much their rooms were now and the dumb ass front desk dude was trying to talk to me in English (which pissed me off) even though I was asking him in perfect Spanish "cuanto vale una habitacion por una persona una noche?

Anyways the answer I got is that they are now charging 70 mil which is nearly double what it was in 2021 and I forgot to ask about the excedente fee for having chicas visit.

I cannot recommend that hotel tho as their stupid aluminum bed frames will break if you use the beds to have sex. Also they once charged me for a small blood stain a Chica got on the sheets that was like the size of a quarter and they just washed them and still reused them but yet I had to pay 20 mil for no reason. The manager there is fucking scumbag.

I suggest walking a cpl blocks and checking out the hotels I just mentioned in my previous post as they are half the price and a better value. Plus you will be closer to Exito San Antonio which is a nice grocery store to stalk up on supplies and has alot more products than D1.

12-28-23, 23:36
The problem is that Colombian men do not wear hatsMany locals, both young and old, wear caps.

12-28-23, 23:53
On the other hand, they might stab you for making them go through all the trouble of stealing such a cheap ass phone from you. I suggest bringing an expensive phone so at least your life will not be taken over something so cheap.I have never heard of a robbery where the robber takes the time to look over the phone and appraise its value before leaving. "Hold on a second. This is only a Galaxy A03? Well that's not good enough. I wanted at least an iPhone 12 Pro. I'm going to kill you. " The same with money. If you're only carrying 100 K then he'll take that. So long as you give him immediately everything which he thinks you have on you, then you should be ok.

12-29-23, 02:11
Now, I'm doing my research up until my trip in February. With all the killings and drugging and kidnapping I keep seeing the same mistakes over and over.


German guy named Dr Travel was highly naive and went back to these females house, got drugged and lost money among other things. For one, if anyone is offering to take you home after just meeting you in a third world country then run. Two, he brought all his important stuff with him, phone, wallet, etc. When I'm down there, I'm carrying a clip with only enough and a burner. Three, he got lucky that he didn't die but went on Youtube to tell his story, got a gracious 3 grand donation from his viewers, spoke about that three grand and decided to stay so he can continue his passion.

Last story I want to mention is this one guy who was in Medellin for a while with his native friends just to be switched up on and nearly lost his life.


I don't know the guy but for him not to know about his friends drug habit, the obvious set up of him bringing his expensive equipment to the hill at night and etc is again sad but can't really put too much blame on him as he thought he was good when really he wasn't.

Man, I just want some ass and come back to the States alive. I'm not doing the Tinder thing, not out on the streets after dark, just going to Uber and Taxi to spots at night (If I see if it's worth it) and lastly, just got to be smart and not stay in one space for too long when I'm on the streets and blend in, no jewlery, etc and everything should be fine. I got my basic spanish down but working on being really decent by the time my trip comes up.

Another thing I'm doing is looking ladies up on Miltereroticos and cross checking them on Catador Colombia and Don Colombia so I won't waste my time. Got to be better, man.

12-29-23, 03:59
Another thing I'm doing is looking ladies up on Miltereroticos and cross checking them on Catador Colombia and Don Colombia so I won't waste my time. Got to be better, man.I think reviews are better than nothing, however ultimately beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Last year I was in Barcelona for a few days and in advance I spent weeks researching the local review boards. This girl was very highly praised. Her photos look amazing and allegedly were accurate. Prices were reasonable for Barcelona.

Nuria at Vecinitas brothel Avinguda Diagonal, 345,08037 Barcelona, Spain 110 euros per hour.


I booked two hours. I knocked on the door and was answered by a chubby young woman. I thought that this might be some sort of receptionist but after being led into a bedroom I realized: this is Nuria. Apparently some men didn't care if she was about 30 pounds (15 kilo) heavier than her photos. But I do. Other than that she was great, very friendly, very passionate and she was still attractive, however I expected something better for my 220 euros. And there may be poorly reviewed girls who I would like. "She had a bad attitude. " What kind of attitude did he have?

At this point, I need to go to a brothel and see a line up. Otherwise I'm just going to throw away precious time and money.

12-29-23, 04:29
If you are going to paint a picture, finish the job or it is useless. Fine I will do it. I have done the photoprepagos, skokka, and mileroticos in many cities many times. All have the same results. The ads of individual girls and spas are only 30% true. Exactly. I'm saying pick a brothel, get an address and physically take an Uber over there. Physically see the girls with your own eyes and with almost no clothes on. If not happy, Uber down the street to the next one. If after a few line ups in Medellin you don't find something exciting, then you probably just don't like Colombian girls. Which is fine. Thailand, Brazil, Germany etc etc await you.

12-29-23, 05:06
I think reviews are better than nothing, however ultimately beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Last year I was in Barcelona for a few days and in advance I spent weeks researching the local review boards. This girl was very highly praised. Her photos look amazing and allegedly were accurate. Prices were reasonable for Barcelona.

Nuria at Vecinitas brothel Avinguda Diagonal, 345,08037 Barcelona, Spain 110 euros per hour.


I booked two hours. I knocked on the door and was answered by a chubby young woman. I thought that this might be some sort of receptionist but after being led into a bedroom I realized: this is Nuria. Apparently some men didn't care if she was about 30 pounds (15 kilo) heavier than her photos. But I do. Other than that she was great, very friendly, very passionate and she was still attractive, however I expected something better for my 220 euros. And there may be poorly reviewed girls who I would like. "She had a bad attitude. " What kind of attitude did he have?

At this point, I need to go to a brothel and see a line up. Otherwise I'm just going to throw away precious time and money.It's a good idea for a first timer. Picking a brothel and scoping talent. I was also thinking Fase Dos and porking a stripper. It's a little more but heard worth it.

12-29-23, 05:38
It's a good idea for a first timer. Picking a brothel and scoping talent. I was also thinking Fase Dos and porking a stripper. It's a little more but heard worth it.In Medellin the strip clubs are actually just brothels with some drinks, dancing and so on thrown in. As the Bard said "What's in a name? That which we call a rose, By any other word would smell as sweet. "

12-29-23, 06:50
Definitely racist or either you do not travel much. Because the same things you talk about happen in parts Europe and Asia where there are no Hispanic people, but I guess you have not been to those places to observe and interact with it. So what will be their excuse or do they get a pass?Never been to Europe. Can't comment on it. Was in Asia for 2 weeks and didn't see graffiti everywhere, but I did see poverty everywhere. I still felt safe and the poor people were still nice, even though they didn't have a pot to piss in. I'm at the point now where I think people earn the reputation they have. Serial killers, mass shooters, gang bangers, welfare queens, lynchings, mass retail theft. They are all associated with certain groups and it's usually pretty accurate. Who caused Miami to be the murder capital of the country in the 80's? Was it white people, no. Black people, no. Mexicans, no. Was it Cubans, Yes. Fortunately they have turned that negative behavior around and Miami has a low crime rate today. Why can't the other poor groups do the same and constantly making excuses for what they do. I saw an interview on you tube where this black person said it's now considered acting white to be clean and presentable when you go out. LOL.

12-29-23, 08:49
On a positive note, this fellow says that Medellin is just fine if you follow a few simple rules.


Just don't visit a neighborhood before confirming with local people that it's safe, don't go to dark isolated places ever and don't wear or carry anything expensive in public.

Regardless of how obviously American you are, thieves need to budget their time and they don't have time for Americans who don't look rich unless you put yourself in a such a vulnerable place (like visiting Bello, going hiking at night) in which case they can't resist the easy opportunity. The horror stories are media sensationalism and Western anti-Colombian propaganda.

So if you're just hanging around El Poblado or Laureles in your average looking shirt, slacks and shoes that you got at Kmart and you're using a cheap phone you're fine. There is virtually zero risk.

In this slightly later video he adds that accepting an invitation to have casual, free sex with a woman who is so beautiful that in the US she would never be interested in you can be dangerous.


I'm not entirely convinced, however it's interesting to hear a different perspective after all the doom and gloom lately.

Have a happy new year everyone. Have fun and stay safe, whatever that means exactly.

12-29-23, 11:43
From reading all these posts, I'm starting to realize it's safer in Ted Bundys back seat than Medellin. Are hotel rooms still safe or are they getting past security and robbing them too. I know apartments and air be and BS are just bending over for criminals.

12-29-23, 11:56
Right now I'm speaking with her on facebook. She's very sexy. I want meet her but I'm very careful who I meet. Is anybody here who met her recently?

12-29-23, 13:58
So if you're just hanging around El Poblado or Laureles in your average looking shirt, slacks and shoes that you got at Kmart and you're using a cheap phone you're fine. There is virtually zero risk.Come again? Maybe 10% of crime is even reported and robberies at knife or gun point of people just hanging out in exactly those more affluent areas are not uncommon, happens to Colombians and gringo-looking folks as well, they will be spotted even if they dress down. But yeah, have nothing of value to rob, and even if you do give it up and don't resist (like the two tourists that's been shot for it recently) and you should be able to keep your health.




12-29-23, 16:05
I have never heard of a robbery where the robber takes the time to look over the phone and appraise its value before leaving. "Hold on a second. This is only a Galaxy A03? Well that's not good enough. I wanted at least an iPhone 12 Pro. I'm going to kill you. " The same with money. If you're only carrying 100 K then he'll take that. So long as you give him immediately everything which he thinks you have on you, then you should be ok.I think they'd be happy to take whatever phone you have but you better have considerable cash on you. I can see them harming you if you have very little or no cash on you.

12-29-23, 18:39
I think they'd be happy to take whatever phone you have but you better have considerable cash on you. I can see them harming you if you have very little or no cash on you.Got to disagree here. You got to think what their motivation is. They want money and valuables. They gain nothing from killing you. If anything, it might (slightly) put more motivation behind an investigation. A gringo robbery is a non-event but as the murder totals tick up, it's harder to ignore, politically. I think what's most important to survive the encounter is that they believe they shook every last peso out of you.

My biggest advice to anyone visiting Medellin at this point is to do a self-assessment. How street smart are you? I'm white, live in suburbia and don't walk the mean streets. LOL But, I have a very good awareness and more importantly, I know my gut feel has kept me out of several bad situations. It's hardly foolproof but I can usually tell if a person has bad intentions. Random crimes, like a moto robbery, just really can't be prevented. What we should really focus prevention efforts on is who we interact with. I have no plans on curtailing my partying. But I will only do it with people that I trust and my gut feels very comfortable with.

12-29-23, 20:55
I was asking him in perfect Spanish "cuanto vale una habitacion por una persona una noche?.Yo mister perfect, it's 'para' una persona. Por una noche.

12-29-23, 21:04
On a positive note, this fellow says that Medellin is just fine if you follow a few simple rules.

https://youtu.be/BpgSCZbKyKM?si=xrTshhwiv3BmaZqm This guy, so he tells us, left Australia disenchanted with the 9-5 life then landed in Medellin during the pandemic. He's been in the city all of two years while positioning himself as an expert on all related topics. But the bigger issue is that he's selling consultation time and "Move to Medellin" courses at a hefty price tag, with his sidekick, a Colombian who lived in the states but, as he told the YouTube audience, was deported. The point is he has every reason to downplay the safety concerns as such threatens the cash flow that pays for his life in Medellin.



Regardless of how obviously American you are, thieves need to budget their time and they don't have time for Americans who don't look rich unless you put yourself in a such a vulnerable place (like visiting Bello, going hiking at night) in which case they can't resist the easy opportunity. Nope. Anyone who has spent any time in Latin America knows that virtually all North Americans are presumed to be rich, and practically all of us who take these trips are when compared to poorer to average Colombians. The same goes for many Euros and Aussies. It can come down to how well you can blend in. For example many black and Hispanic guys can do a pretty good job of it if they dress like locals. But as many locals have told me, white foreigners often have distinctive facial features that give them away, "es la cara. ".

The horror stories are media sensationalism and Western anti-Colombian propaganda. I take it you are paraphrasing this YouTuber AK Joel. The West doesn't need to pick on Colombia as they do a fine enough job doing that to themselves. The judicial system is weak and the police are about useless. Criminal elements thrive and the perceived rich tourists are special targets. Colombia has a level 3 out of 4 with the US State Dept, "reconsider travel," because they have well earned it.

I'm not entirely convinced, however it's interesting to hear a different perspective after all the doom and gloom lately. The locals will tell you that Medellin is a dangerous place, for them and especially for tourists. That said there's of course plenty you can do to minimize risk, but keep your head on a swivel, scanning your environment, etc. As when you are comfortable you are more at risk. So look at your "doom and gloom" at one end of the spectrum and Pollyannas with a financial motive like AK Joel at the other and the truth probably lies in the middle.

Have a happy new year everyone. Have fun and stay safe, whatever that means exactly.You also, as well as all on the forum. I've read some of your recent posts and found them helpful.

12-29-23, 21:07
Prices were reasonable for Barcelona.Nuria at Vecinitas brothel Avinguda Diagonal, 345,08037 Barcelona, Spain 110 euros per hour.
.So why would you book two hours with someone you had never met? And there are lots of brothels in Barcelona for 80 euro an hour, 50 the half.

12-29-23, 23:17
Got to disagree here. You got to think what their motivation is. They want money and valuables. They gain nothing from killing you.That isn't what he said though. He said nothing about killing. This is what he said:

I think they'd be happy to take whatever phone you have but you better have considerable cash on you. I can see them harming you if you have very little or no cash on you.It's common for thieves in a head on, "gentleman's" robbery to beat the victim up if they have little or nothing to give up. This is done out of frustration. That though is likely more common somewhere like the states where robbers are often junkies in need of a fix. It's wise though to carry around about 200 mil, peanuts to North Americans but a good bit of change to a Colombian.

But this all assumes you're going to get a "gentleman's robbery" in the first place, with an opportunity to cooperate and hand over your stuff. Hit and runs are common in Latin America where a group just swarms in kicking ass, empties your pockets, and runs. Though based on anecdotal reports these don't appear to be so common in Medellin, but are more so in Brazil.

Just comes down to what that pussy is worth to you. You can take some precautions while accepting some risks or go to a safer place. It's an individual decision. Some people just hate the idea of staring at a machete or down the barrel of a gun, even if it likely will end well.

12-29-23, 23:17
Got to disagree here. You got to think what their motivation is. They want money and valuables. They gain nothing from killing you. If anything, it might (slightly) put more motivation behind an investigation. A gringo robbery is a non-event but as the murder totals tick up, it's harder to ignore, politically. I think what's most important to survive the encounter is that they believe they shook every last peso out of you.

My biggest advice to anyone visiting Medellin at this point is to do a self-assessment. How street smart are you? I'm white, live in suburbia and don't walk the mean streets. LOL But, I have a very good awareness and more importantly, I know my gut feel has kept me out of several bad situations. It's hardly foolproof but I can usually tell if a person has bad intentions. Random crimes, like a moto robbery, just really can't be prevented. What we should really focus prevention efforts on is who we interact with. I have no plans on curtailing my partying. But I will only do it with people that I trust and my gut feels very comfortable with.The "mean" streets of Medellin have become a shit show it does not matter how street-smart you are if the group targeting you are organized technically aware and somewhat professional this European got robbed out of 15 k in crypto and he had an iPhone so the robbers scanned the face these guys are not idiots, in my opinion, the spot has been blown up and need to look for greener pastures.


12-29-23, 23:54
Dead body just collected in Centro. Looked like coming from the ST hotel Botero Real on the side of the church.

12-30-23, 00:21
Dead body just collected in Centro. Looked like coming from the ST hotel Botero Real on the side of the church.Yup that is Botero Real right there behind.

Mr Enternational
12-30-23, 01:16
Got to disagree here. You got to think what their motivation is. They want money and valuables. They gain nothing from killing you.They gain nothing FROM YOU by killing you. But maybe they have other things to gain by killing you that has nothing to do with you or your belongings. Maybe YOU should think what their motivation could be, but that you never really know.

12-30-23, 02:42
Dead body just collected in Centro. Looked like coming from the ST hotel Botero Real on the side of the church.Given the age of some of the guys going in there, the habits of some of the women, and the amount of drugs in the mortar of the church (at least before the most recent renovations), I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often.

12-30-23, 03:09
Yo mister perfect, it's 'para' una persona. Por una noche.Same shit.

12-30-23, 05:58
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12-30-23, 06:03
So why would you book two hours with someone you had never met? And there are lots of brothels in Barcelona for 80 euro an hour, 50 the half.I believed all the great reviews, which also said that the photos were accurate. She sounded like the hottest girl in Spain. I thought that I couldn't go wrong. So lesson learned. Even video chatting with girls in advance doesn't always work. Maybe there are filters for that now also.

Seeing, physically with my own two eyes, is believing. That's is my new motto.

12-30-23, 12:23
Upcoming trip Jan 3 , cap fell out of mouth, need it put back in, so minor dental work needed, anyone know of good dentist close to park lieras area, thanks in advance, probably get a cleaning while at it also.

12-30-23, 15:52
Video chat filters are not new. It's important to insist that they be removed. I have a few with / without photos and videos I keep as a reminder of how important it is. I don't sweat it most of the time unless I'm dealing with a premium cost or someone who is at an inconvenient distance. I'm resigned to taking an L from time to time.

I believed all the great reviews, which also said that the photos were accurate. She sounded like the hottest girl in Spain. I thought that I couldn't go wrong. So lesson learned. Even video chatting with girls in advance doesn't always work. Maybe there are filters for that now also.

Seeing, physically with my own two eyes, is believing. That's is my new motto.

12-30-23, 15:52
Yo mister perfect, it's 'para' una persona. Por una noche.So you go around to all the hotels telling them to change the word "hale" to "jale" that they often have painted on the doors here?

12-30-23, 16:00
Anyone we know?

Dead body just collected in Centro. Looked like coming from the ST hotel Botero Real on the side of the church.

12-30-23, 20:05
Anyone we know?The fact is that a lot of Colombians rob and murder other Colombians in Medellin. I was reading an article recently in a Colombian newspaper that many gay men are victims of drugging robberies. It's really sad.

Fun Luvr
12-30-23, 20:53
Upcoming trip Jan 3 , cap fell out of mouth, need it put back in, so minor dental work needed, anyone know of good dentist close to park lieras area, thanks in advance, probably get a cleaning while at it also.I went to Dr. Marcel Hincapie in Laureles a few years ago to have a cap re-installed. I don't remember the cost, but it was cheap. I also got a cleaning there earlier this year. It was a very good cleaning, not like they do in the US. Cost was 180 mil. They want a panoramic x-ray prior to cleaning, but it only cost 20 mil. Had to go to a different place for the x-ray. His address is CL 44 #68a-43, Second floor. CL 44 is San Juan Ave. WhatsApp # 3116179457.

12-30-23, 21:59
This is true. The local media treat the stories differently according to the victim's identity. Victims with professional careers are treated with respect, foreigner victims are positioned as the root of all that is bad in Colombia. The American scumbag who murdered his Colombian girlfriend and dumped her body in Bogota got 24/7 coverage for two full days on Caracol. The fact is that sort of crime is very common but you will never see a Colombian perpetrator splashed incessantly for two full news cycles. Bogota has a really bad reputation for Colombian on Colombian drugging robberies. The gay angle is a thing worldwide.

The fact is that a lot of Colombians rob and murder other Colombians in Medellin. I was reading an article recently in a Colombian newspaper that many gay men are victims of drugging robberies. It's really sad.

12-30-23, 23:38
At one point, Medellin averaged 600 murders per month. A month, not per year LOL. So I'm not really surprised that some people are getting robbed and killed. It sounds like these girls / robbers are going to kill the the golden goose.

12-31-23, 00:27
At one point, Medellin averaged 600 murders per month. A month, not per year LOL. So I'm not really surprised that some people are getting robbed and killed. It sounds like these girls / robbers are going to kill the the golden goose.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_by_homicide_rate

Medellin didn't even make the top 50.

12-31-23, 03:10
Any recommendations for or against Hotel Dix. From a few posts it looks like a good spot. I am only there for two days and want to maximize my punting time. I'd also take any recommendations on other places.

I'm also looking for recommendations on the best / safest places to find the ladies. I'm not trying to nickel and dime things and I'd rather pay a little more for convenience and safety so if anyone has suggestions on places to visit I'd appreciate it. I've heard NewLife is a decent spot. I prefer strip clubs (if they are reasonably safe) and "spa's" where I get to pick from a lineup.

No negative or sarcastic comments necessary as we are all just trying to be safe and share helpful information.

Thanks in advance!

12-31-23, 09:34

Medellin didn't even make the top 50.https://rapidtransition.org/stories/the-medellin-miracle/

12-31-23, 10:51
https://rapidtransition.org/stories/the-medellin-miracle/They said 20 per 100 k for Medellin. New Orleans is number 1 at 74 per 100 k to give you an idea.

https://wirepoints.org/chicago-new-orleans-were-the-nations-murder-capitals-in-2022-a-wirepoints-survey-of-americas-75-largest-cities/#text=It%20 was%20 the%2011th%2 Dstraight, and%20 San%20 Antonio%20 (231).

12-31-23, 10:54
The fact is that a lot of Colombians rob and murder other Colombians in Medellin. I was reading an article recently in a Colombian newspaper that many gay men are victims of drugging robberies. It's really sad.They watched the Dahmer documentary on Netflix and thought it would be a good idea to copy.

12-31-23, 13:54
I'm also looking for recommendations on the best / safest places to find the ladies.Search here.



Google "Salones de Masajes Eróticos Medellin" for dozens of results.

Take an Uber back and forth. It's so easy, safe and only about $5 or so.

My personal favorite (although I am certain that there are many, many great choices):


Ángeles Spa.

Cra. 81 #42 52, Laureles. Estadio, Medellíand, Laureles, Medellíand, Antioquia Colombia apartment 202.

+57 3207376183.

She is 19 years old, playboy centerfold body and new to the business with a very fun, friendly attitude. If you want to, please tell her that her 63 year old American boyfriend, who is a very bad boy, sent you. I think she'll know who that is.

Contact the brothel through whatsapp. It's 200 K per hour with uncovered blow job.

Does anyone have any thoughts about getting a brothel girl's personal cell phone number and then inviting her over your apartment? Of course you'll pay her in cash what you would have paid the brothel but now she will keep all of it. This is especially important on Sundays when generally brothels are closed. Girls are not allowed to do this according to brothel rules but most probably will do it.

On the one hand, if I have already met her a few times, I feel like I know her and I do know where she works. On the other hand, what is really stopping her from drugging me and robbing me? I am leaning toward doing it. Actually I did do it and nothing happened. However on the other hand it sounds a little risky. I am bringing a stranger into my apartment.

12-31-23, 20:49
They said 20 per 100 k for Medellin. New Orleans is number 1 at 74 per 100 k to give you an idea.

https://wirepoints.org/chicago-new-orleans-were-the-nations-murder-capitals-in-2022-a-wirepoints-survey-of-americas-75-largest-cities/#text=It%20 was%20 the%2011th%2 Dstraight, and%20 San%20 Antonio%20 (231).But the potential for violence is there. If they were averaging over 7000 murders per year, it can quickly climb. And also considering that they are actively targeting men with these crimes, I don't know how man people can still think it's no big deal and think with their little heads instead LOL.

12-31-23, 20:57
I went to Dr. Marcel Hincapie in Laureles a few years ago to have a cap re-installed. I don't remember the cost, but it was cheap. I also got a cleaning there earlier this year. It was a very good cleaning, not like they do in the US. Cost was 180 mil. They want a panoramic x-ray prior to cleaning, but it only cost 20 mil. Had to go to a different place for the x-ray. His address is CL 44 #68a-43, Second floor. CL 44 is San Juan Ave. WhatsApp # 3116179457.Went to Hincappie two years ago. Did not like the guy after a few visits. Felt like he was condescending and arrogant. He can do the work but I would not go back. I felt he might take advantage of foreigners- my opinion. He does so little work with foreigners that his office worker (s) referred to me as the gringo. If I needed major work I would go to one of the dentists recommended on facebook groups for Medellin expats. There are quite a few in the Poblado area that speak english, do not overprice foreigners, and are recommended.

I have used a dentist I've used since in Llerres, in the building next to the Church, across the street from Parque Poblado. Small office but able to do basic work. Will try to post his address. Quite a few dentists in that building.

12-31-23, 21:11
Search here.



Google "Salones de Masajes Erticos Medellin" for dozens of results.

Take an Uber back and forth. It's so easy, safe and only about $5 or so.

My personal favorite (although I am certain that there are many, many great choices):


ngeles Spa.

Cra. 81 #42 52, Laureles. Estadio, Medelland, Laureles, Medelland, Antioquia Colombia apartment 202.

+57 3207376183.

She is 19 years old, playboy centerfold body and new to the business with a very fun, friendly attitude. If you want to, please tell her that her 63 year old American boyfriend, who is a very bad boy, sent you. I think she'll know who that is.

Contact the brothel through whatsapp. It's 200 K per hour with uncovered blow job.

Does anyone have any thoughts about getting a brothel girl's personal cell phone number and then inviting her over your apartment? Of course you'll pay her in cash what you would have paid the brothel but now she will keep all of it. This is especially important on Sundays when generally brothels are closed. Girls are not allowed to do this according to brothel rules but most probably will do it.

On the one hand, if I have already met her a few times, I feel like I know her and I do know where she works. On the other hand, what is really stopping her from drugging me and robbing me? I am leaning toward doing it. Actually I did do it and nothing happened. However on the other hand it sounds a little risky. I am bringing a stranger into my apartment.Any others small hidden MPs you know of? I enjoy Laureles and would like to find a few spots. Went to Energy once two weeks ago and it was weak to put it mildly. Not a good lineup. Nothing shown that I would do.

As far as getting a girl from a MP to come over, I think it's pretty safe once you get to know her. You can read a girl after a couple of sessions. Also, she would know she can be found and the shop most likely has their cedula, address and phone number if police had to investigate. My experience with small shops, sometimes the girls give out one of the house cell phone numbers because they are instructed to and probably threatened not to see customers outside the shop. I've wpp'd thinking it was her personal and find out it's one of the shop phones. If you are in the room, she probably has her cellphone. Get her Insta, Face, and wpp from her personal phone and see where it goes. If a girl said she wants to bring a friend, could be a warning sign. I would consider asking her to arrive in a basic yellow taxi. I just feel like it's less likely to be a set up as opposed to a friend driving her that she calls an Uber but still an unknown man knowing where you are staying.

Gringo Trooper
12-31-23, 22:01
Just finish a week long trip to Medellin. Been going there consistently for 10 years for context.

"The passport bros" and influx of tourists post covid have really messed up the dynamics of this city.

The criminals are now more aggressive and confident in their tactics, thanks in part to naive tourists.

Had a great day sessioning in Centro today. 23 year old chica from Venezuela. Upon leaving Centro I hopped in a taxi and my taxi driver (an old dude), had no shoes because he was "just robbed at gunpoint".

The spa fantasia energy spa next to el stadio used to be awesome. Now the lineup was 7 women and they were not hot in my opinion. I picked one girl there who I unfortunately discovered she was on her period and there was blood all over the place. I told the manager because it was disgusting.

La Isla used to be awesome. Thanks passport bros for ruining this club. It's now essentially mandatory to buy bottle service I you want to it down or even stand at the bar. Since I was drinking water the staff made me stand in the corner away from the bar. Took a chica home from La Isla and she was so so, nothing special.

Parque Lleras is the same. Some gems can still be found there at night. I saw a lot of the same girls from parque lleras working during the daytime in centro.

Long story short, I still had fun as always. The crime here is annoying as fuck. The tourists messed this city up in the past few years.

I highly recommend the Ayahuasca excursion in Guarne. It was fucking epic.

12-31-23, 22:04
How is a place with multiple ads on the busiest punter site in Medellin hidden? Maybe you meant "unknown to you?

Any others small hidden MPs you know of? I enjoy Laureles and would like to find a few spots. Went to Energy once two weeks ago and it was weak to put it mildly. Not a good lineup. Nothing shown that I would do.

As far as getting a girl from a MP to come over, I think it's pretty safe once you get to know her. You can read a girl after a couple of sessions. Also, she would know she can be found and the shop most likely has their cedula, address and phone number if police had to investigate. My experience with small shops, sometimes the girls give out one of the house cell phone numbers because they are instructed to and probably threatened not to see customers outside the shop. I've wpp'd thinking it was her personal and find out it's one of the shop phones. If you are in the room, she probably has her cellphone. Get her Insta, Face, and wpp from her personal phone and see where it goes. If a girl said she wants to bring a friend, could be a warning sign. I would consider asking her to arrive in a basic yellow taxi. I just feel like it's less likely to be a set up as opposed to a friend driving her that she calls an Uber but still an unknown man knowing where you are staying.

12-31-23, 23:09
End of the Centro barriers it seems.

01-01-24, 02:52
Yes, this was expected to coincide with Fico's return to City Hall.

End of the Centro barriers it seems.

01-01-24, 02:54
Fico also had the barriers around the Metropolitan police station in San Jose removed. The barriers around that very busy bit of sidewalk near San Antonio were a constant reminder of the Quintero fiasco.

End of the Centro barriers it seems.

01-01-24, 02:56
Facts are boring and they ruin juicy threads.


Medellin didn't even make the top 50.

01-01-24, 03:28
Any others small hidden MPs you know of?The place that I went to I believe I found on https://co.mileroticos.com and there are new ads appearing regularly and many more which come up on a google search. They should communicate via whatsapp and some brothels also have telegram channels. They should be happy to send a catalogue of currently available girls. My sense is that anything under 150 K per hour may not be the best quality. Uber is not that expensive and even paying 30 K for a lineup will not bankrupt me so I personally would, if need be, shuttle around until I find the right place at the right time. There are a lot of hidden gems out there. Really beautiful young girls who are still new to the business and who will really appreciate a respectful gentleman.

If a girl said she wants to bring a friend, could be a warning sign. I was offered a threesome at one point "my friend and I will pamper you". I turned it down. First of all, I don't think I would really even like it that much. I'm 63. One girl at a time is plenty for me at this point and then there is the safety problem. However particularly on Sunday, when the brothels are generally closed, I will probably invite a girl who I already have been with in a brothel to my apartment for a private, sort of under the table, meeting. Obviously the brothel madam can't know about it because she will feel she is getting cheated out of her percentage and would fire the girl. But if you have a good rapport with the girl, she will probably be happy to do it and keep all the money herself.

01-01-24, 03:28
Any recommendations for or against Hotel Dix. From a few posts it looks like a good spot. I am only there for two days and want to maximize my punting time. I'd also take any recommendations on other places.

I'm also looking for recommendations on the best / safest places to find the ladies. I'm not trying to nickel and dime things and I'd rather pay a little more for convenience and safety so if anyone has suggestions on places to visit I'd appreciate it. I've heard NewLife is a decent spot. I prefer strip clubs (if they are reasonably safe) and "spa's" where I get to pick from a lineup.

No negative or sarcastic comments necessary as we are all just trying to be safe and share helpful information.

Thanks in advance!For two nights, Hotel Dix will be fine. In my opinion, the rooms are just adequate. Nothing spectacular. 2 or 2. 5 star in comparison to US hotels, in my opinion.

As for maximizing time, that all depends on where you are hunting. If you are looking in Lleras and surrounding bars, it's hard to beat the location. It's within walking distance of most everything around there. To me, that's the selling point of Hotel Dix. But if you're visiting casas and strip clubs primarily, you have better options at that price point.

You mention safety. I enjoy Lleras and the surroundings but that's one of the places you need to be very careful. Casas are safe. Strip clubs are safe but I've never been a big fan of Medellin's strip clubs. Way overpriced, in my opinion. The girls are pretty and nice enough. But every experience I've had in them has been far more business oriented than meeting girls at bars. But again, much safer.

01-01-24, 03:58
If a girl said she wants to bring a friend, could be a warning sign. Great advice. Makes me think back to my first visit to Medellin. Stayed at an odd AirBnB in Poblado. Called Soy Local. It's now listed as a Houstel. Carrera 34 8 a-24. Really weird place. First night in Medellin, I can't wait to visit this place I heard about: Parque Lleras. Walk around and I was completely overwhelmed. I was tired from the flight so I was just going back to crash. Start walking toward my room and two girls grab me and convince me a threesome would be a great idea. One from Venezuela. (This was many years ago when Vennies weren't so plentiful.) Take them back. Have a good session. (Good, not spectacular.) One wants to spend the night. Without even thinking about it, I agree. She was the lesser attractive girl but we kind of clicked. So I go to sleep. This AirBnB doesn't even have a safe in the room. I mean, I don't think I could have made many more bad decisions than I did that night. Everything ended up great. Thankfully, I avoided any more bad decisions. Almost made another as I woke up. This girl was spooning me, wakes me up grinding her ass on me. I'm nearly banging her ass bare. She says we don't need a condom. LOL. That woke me up and thankfully I passed.

Today, there's no way I'd get past so many red flags. I look at it as using up one of my nine lives. There's so much talk about the bad of Medellin. And rightfully so. It's a pretty dangerous place. But sometimes it is overstated.

01-01-24, 05:26
Returned from Cucuta last week to Centro. Found the city had changed the lights or the light bulbs between the church and the museum. Much brighter now. But had found that they had also taken down the Christmas lights two weeks before Christmas because of vandals.

December 31 morning and afternoon the police barrier around Botero was taken down. That very night (after 8:00 pm) a new private company barrier was put up and extended, but will be taken down January 1 after the mayor gives his speech and the concert is over in Botero. Avoid this area because of the traffic. They have closed the street that curves around Botero Park. Barrier across the street at Hotel the'Grief and under the metro on the side of Hotel Nutribara near D1.

Congratulations to all you idiots that wanted the barrier removed. Now the thieves, homeless, and the push cart vendors with their loud speakers will be returning.

I called it and saw it less than 12 hours after The Wall came down. Not a minute was wasted. 6:15 pm and dark. I walked the side of the museum, turned left past the bars, then turned left to go to the church. POS thieves and drug dealers out in force. First night with the police gone. Sorry police cruising past and around every half hour (maybe). I sat on the side of the church. 6:45 pm something happens on the dark alleyway on the side of the church. I think it was a robbery that did not pan out. 10 minutes later a robbery. The guys hand the phone or wallet to the girl and she walks quickly in front of the church to get away. The victim chases the girl and the bad guys chase after the victim. She gets away. The 2 or 3 police trainees at the corner near the Mor Dis because do nothing. 5 minutes later the victim along with a motorcycle cop walk down the church alley. The rest of the night was pretty dead with no people. Normally the thieves return in an hour after the police leave and repeat but they went partying since it was New Years Eve. Just wait until all the POS losers learn The Wall has been taken down and the police have basically left the area.

Leaving within the week to another city for a week or so before I have to return to Medellin to catch my flight out of here. I stayed a few weeks too long and owe Immigration which will be paid by credit card. I can not remember. Is there any money I need to pay at the airport on my way out? I am leaving with no COP because I have no plans to return and time soon.

01-01-24, 15:00
Fico also had the barriers around the Metropolitan police station in San Jose removed. The barriers around that very busy bit of sidewalk near San Antonio were a constant reminder of the Quintero fiasco.The barriers over there made little sense to me tbh, like what's the point of even gating the police headquarters in the first place.

I wonder if they removed the barriers in Poblado as well.

01-01-24, 15:06
I called it and saw it less than 12 hours after The Wall came down. Not a minute was wasted. 6:15 pm and dark. I walked the side of the museum, turned left past the bars, then turned left to go to the church. POS thieves and drug dealers out in force. First night with the police gone. Sorry police cruising past and around every half hour (maybe). I sat on the side of the church. 6:45 pm something happens on the dark alleyway on the side of the church. I think it was a robbery that did not pan out. 10 minutes later a robbery. The guys hand the phone or wallet to the girl and she walks quickly in front of the church to get away. The victim chases the girl and the bad guys chase after the victim. She gets away. The 2 or 3 police trainees at the corner near the Mor Dis because do nothing. 5 minutes later the victim along with a motorcycle cop walk down the church alley. The rest of the night was pretty dead with no people. Normally the thieves return in an hour after the police leave and repeat but they went partying since it was New Years Eve. Just wait until all the POS losers learn The Wall has been taken down and the police have basically left the area. .Not even a half an hour and back to shit already.

Last week I saw a lardon on a bike getting captured thanks to those barriers and the robbed guy yelling and chasing after him.

It was an improvement and made for safer and more relaxed mongering in the area.

Well, que pena, it was nice while it lasted, now back to the head on a swivel, especially after 6.

The 2 or 3 police trainees at the corner near the Mor Dis because do nothing.Yeah couple days ago I saw a local trying to talk to them report a robbery, two police-women or rather police-girls were actively ignoring him, like he was not even there, trying not to listen and make him go away, one literally shrugged her shoulders and looked another way. They seem to be there more for a decoration.

01-01-24, 15:09
If I remember correctly, the police station barriers went up during the tax reform riots just after the pandemic. Those crowds got pretty squirrely at times. Alpujarra and the surrounding area was heavily paint bombed. I'm glad the barriers are gone and I'm glad the riots died down. I reckon Fico will bring down the Poblado barriers as well in order to officially declare the end of the Pinturita era.

The barriers over there made little sense to me tbh, like what's the point of even gating the police headquarters in the first place.

I wonder if they removed the barriers in Poblado as well.

Mr Enternational
01-01-24, 15:33
Last week I saw a lardon on a bike.Huh? "A lardon, also spelled lardoon, is a small strip or cube of fatty bacon, or pork fat (usually subcutaneous fat), used in a wide variety of cuisines".

01-01-24, 16:13
Huh? "A lardon, also spelled lardoon, is a small strip or cube of fatty bacon, or pork fat (usually subcutaneous fat), used in a wide variety of cuisines".He's obviously meant to write the Spanish word "ladrón" which means a thief, robber, or bandit in English.

01-01-24, 16:33
"Lardon" is also a typo for "ladron" -- which makes a lot more sense in Spanish.

Fun Luvr
01-01-24, 16:44
Leaving within the week to another city for a week or so before I have to return to Medellin to catch my flight out of here. I stayed a few weeks too long and owe Immigration which will be paid by credit card. I can not remember. Is there any money I need to pay at the airport on my way out? I am leaving with no COP because I have no plans to return and time soon.There are no fees to be paid on exit if you don't have any fines.

01-01-24, 17:03
There are no fees to be paid on exit if you don't have any fines.He's talking about a salvaconducto which carries a fine for staying longer than 90 days without getting a prorrogar extension. Depending on how long a person stays past their 90 days allowed by the entry stamp, the fines can be as much as $400 usd.

Elvis 2008
01-01-24, 18:01
I am not TjBrazil but OMG! I am racist. Guess what? Everyone is. Many Asians wear so much white makeup and use whitening creams and soaps. The darker you are in many African, Asian, and Latin countries puts you at a severe disadvantage in jobs, housing, and dating.

The funniest thing is that blacks in the USA are the ones that cry about it the most, but are the biggest racists of all.LOL. Yeah, I remember someone laughing on TV at Toyota fighting racism. A commentator said, "Toyota? Racism? Japan is the most racist country in the world. " It is just that American racism was made out to be mostly about whites and blacks.

I called it and saw it less than 12 hours after The Wall came down. Not a minute was wasted. 6:15 pm and dark. I walked the side of the museum, turned left past the bars, then turned left to go to the church. POS thieves and drug dealers out in force. First night with the police gone. Sorry police cruising past and around every half hour (maybe). I sat on the side of the church. 6:45 pm something happens on the dark alleyway on the side of the church. I think it was a robbery that did not pan out. 10 minutes later a robbery. The guys hand the phone or wallet to the girl and she walks quickly in front of the church to get away. The victim chases the girl and the bad guys chase after the victim. She gets away. The 2 or 3 police trainees at the corner near the Mor Dis because do nothing.Another good post. Yeah, you have gotten to the core issue with a lot of crime, the police allowing it to happen. There was a list of most violent cities listed here, and most are in Mexico, but it misses the point. On the list, you see Juarez and Tijuana, but El Paso and San Diego, on the other side of the border, are among American's safest cities. Given how many people cross the border every day, it is naive to think the USA keeps out all the criminals.

What was going on was the Sinaloa cartel in Mexico, which is the biggest, made sure that tourists and businesses, which they get protection money from or run, were spared in the cartel wars. Even though these were violent cities, I felt fairly safe in both.

Now you have the Jalisco cartel, and they have no such limits and will kill or kidnap anyone anywhere. I suspect it was one of their operatives who killed a man in the Hyatt in the Cancun area and scared the shit out of everyone. One hopes that the no killing boundaries in Mexico that the Sinaloa cartel established are restored, but it is up in the air right now. Apparently, Jalisco is getting stronger.

Still, you can see in part what causes crime is the attitude of law enforcement. We just saw in San Francisco pols address the homeless problem when Xi came to town. The single worst area I have ever seen in my life for muggings was in Rio de Janeiro Brazil in the early 2000's. Brazil got the World Cup and Olympics and are told they need to clean up their streets and apparently they did. All of a sudden the government started to care if tourists got mugged.

The ultimate test for me and women is if I had to hide my wallet or put it into a safe versus trusting the woman and leaving it out in the open. You would think leaving your wallet out is a sure sign you are going to get burned, but I only misjudged one woman in Colombia on this. What I found was this huge gap in trust. Some Colombian women were so trusting of me they fucked me without asking for a penny and there were others who would rob me blind in a second. Colombia was so binary.

If the police do not care if people get mugged, then Medellin, Colombia is in that early Rio 2000's period IMO. What is sad is that Venezuela used to be the country with property rights and prosperity and Colombia was the black sheep of the family. The roles reversed, and Colombia has come a long way, but IMO I just wonder if they are slipping back to their old ways. It sure seems like it. IMO Colombia really is at a crossroads right now.

01-01-24, 21:16
The barriers with police monitoring the entrance / exit were a very good thing. I felt much safer inside them than outside. Now all the mongers who were complaining about them for some dumb reason can start complaining about the increased crime in those areas. I hope they leave them up in Provenza because I will be there this month.

01-02-24, 00:30

I have a trip planned soon and I'm a man in my early 30's decent looking, decent spanish, wanted to know what would be the best option for me if I wanted to find the thick busty colombians I see online?

Better to hit the strip club, massage places or just go in the street bars and try to get a chat with them?

I have looked online and ngl every girl I've seen on those dating website was below 5/10, (the escort websites too) so where can I find the real baddies? I have read other people posts but it just seems its always a hit or miss situation. Can anybody show where to hang? The type of girls I really look like her https://twitter.com/honeyybeebby?lang=en..


01-02-24, 00:42
Thanks for the tips! I'm totally fine with adequate lodging since it comes with the benefit of quick / convenient access to the ladies (which is my main focus). Do you have any recommendations on specific casa's to visit? I do prefer the more personal touch rather than the business oriented approach. In Europe (specifically Scotland / UK and Germany) I've enjoyed the spa experience of walking in and being greeted by the ladies and having my pick so to speak. I assume that is what the casa experience is like. If I am wrong, please correct me.

For two nights, Hotel Dix will be fine. In my opinion, the rooms are just adequate. Nothing spectacular. 2 or 2. 5 star in comparison to US hotels, in my opinion.

As for maximizing time, that all depends on where you are hunting. If you are looking in Lleras and surrounding bars, it's hard to beat the location. It's within walking distance of most everything around there. To me, that's the selling point of Hotel Dix. But if you're visiting casas and strip clubs primarily, you have better options at that price point.

You mention safety. I enjoy Lleras and the surroundings but that's one of the places you need to be very careful. Casas are safe. Strip clubs are safe but I've never been a big fan of Medellin's strip clubs. Way overpriced, in my opinion. The girls are pretty and nice enough. But every experience I've had in them has been far more business oriented than meeting girls at bars. But again, much safer.

01-02-24, 00:47

I have a trip planned soon and I'm a man in my early 30's decent looking, decent spanish, wanted to know what would be the best option for me if I wanted to find the thick busty colombians I see online?

Better to hit the strip club, massage places or just go in the street bars and try to get a chat with them?

I have looked online and ngl every girl I've seen on those dating website was below 5/10, (the escort websites too) so where can I find the real baddies? I have read other people posts but it just seems its always a hit or miss situation. Can anybody show where to hang? The type of girls I really look like her https://twitter.com/honeyybeebby?lang=en..

Thanks!You could read this forum.

P.S. If you don't do your research, I'll be looking forward to your post-wakeup without any belongings report.

P.S.S. Yes, I get the sarcasm... ;-)

01-02-24, 01:55
The barriers with police monitoring the entrance / exit were a very good thing. I felt much safer inside them than outside. Now all the mongers who were complaining about them for some dumb reason can start complaining about the increased crime in those areas. I hope they leave them up in Provenza because I will be there this month.The barriers were what I considered "mongering interference. " They didn't make the area any safer, just pushed all the criminal element outside of the perimeter of the barricades, along with the majority of the working girls (the ones that aren't fucking 40 years old atleast) as well. Which meant that instead of having a big open plaza to look for chicas, you were crammed up in between the church and hotel Botero Real in that pedestrian walkway along with the chicas and the ladrones all crammed in there with hardly any space to walk. Making it easier for the ladrones to do a snatch and run.

As someone who has been mongering in the plaza for several years before the barricades and during the 11 months with the barricades, I can assure you that it was much better before the barricades.

I remember chicas used to line the area from the tostao to the church on both sides by the entrance to the CC Veracruz and on the side by Premier Plaza (or whatever the FK they call it now). There also used to be alot of chicas around the horse statue and several other statues too and it was much easier doing laps around the church and the bar street and come back down again to see who might have been missed on the first go around.

And all the stupid tourists with their families weren't there to get in the way. And if you wanted a single cigarette you didn't have to walk outside the barriers to buy one from a vendor.

I'll be heading down there tomorrow to check it out, I look forward to Botero Plaza getting back to normal. God knows it's about time.


01-02-24, 02:53
I doubt they will be left up anywhere in the city. As best I could tell, when the barriers were up the crime was concentrated against their exterior. I agree that now that they are gone it will again be necessary to remain alert and aware of your surroundings while in the park. I prefer it that way because it was super inconvenient to have to double back behind the church to get into the plaza after a quick run past the bars. The barriers were never sustainable. They were an unsuccessful political stunt aimed at propping up the doomed re-election campaign of the last mayor. I should not delve too deeply into local politics but it is a big part of the barrier story. Ex mayor Quintero may face jail time once Petro is out of office and no longer able to protect him. We can meanwhile expect to see a firmer law enforcement hand by the incoming mayor Fico.

The barriers with police monitoring the entrance / exit were a very good thing. I felt much safer inside them than outside. Now all the mongers who were complaining about them for some dumb reason can start complaining about the increased crime in those areas. I hope they leave them up in Provenza because I will be there this month.

01-02-24, 03:52
Watch this guy's story that happened recently in Cali, Colombia. Same scenario can happen in Medelland. He's very lucky to be alive. Let this be a learning lesson to everyone.


01-02-24, 04:31
The type of girls I really look like her https://twitter.com/honeyybeebby?lang=en.. Thanks!For Medellin I am an erotic massage spa believer. However according to that photo which is your goal, I'm not sure that girl is real. Maybe you need to visit some high end gentleman's clubs in the US, maybe London or Berlin, someplace where Anna Nicole Smith would have worked back in the day. Possibly high end London escort agencies. If you have a big enough budget I'm sure that your fantasy is out there someplace.

01-02-24, 05:49

I have a trip planned soon and I'm a man in my early 30's decent looking, decent spanish, wanted to know what would be the best option for me if I wanted to find the thick busty colombians I see online?

Better to hit the strip club, massage places or just go in the street bars and try to get a chat with them?

I have looked online and ngl every girl I've seen on those dating website was below 5/10, (the escort websites too) so where can I find the real baddies? I have read other people posts but it just seems its always a hit or miss situation. Can anybody show where to hang? The type of girls I really look like her https://twitter.com/honeyybeebby?lang=en..

Thanks!What has your research found out?

01-02-24, 06:49
I thought Christmas Day would be the quietest but New Years Day was. Roughly half the Rappi restaurants were closed Christmas Day but around two thirds were closed on New Years Day. It was the most quiet day. Very few people were out. Just a hand full of girls at Botero. One girl I was going to repeat with returned home after an hour. I was sexless today but not in the mood anyways so no big deal. So sad to say that.

The Wall is gone again. Ten hoodlums out on the side of the church. 5 on one bench and 5-6 on the other waiting for victims. There was no other reason to be out today. I am not big and always alone so now at night I have to walk around near the museum and avoid the side of the church walking path.

There was a ghetto wannabe Latino who wanted to bump fists with some black local guy and act like bros near the corner of the church. But the black guy did not seem to know him. I walked away because some drunk guy kept trying to talk to me. When returning 15 minutes later I saw the ghetto wannabe Latino at the other end of the alleyway talking to police. He had a broken bottle in his hand. He put it down and explained what happened to the police. He had a 2 inch cut on his bicep. Later I asked a vendor with very poor English near the church about it. Some lady was arguing with him. I asked if she was black because this idiot seemed like he wanted to be annoying by approach blacks being their friends. He said yes but who knows. His English is bad and my Spanish is nill. I just thought that would be funny if the wannabe was trying to be black and got cut for bothering the lady because he did not "make the cut" of being black enough. Haha. He did get a ride away in the police van. The fun is just starting. Next weekend when all the POS learn The Wall is gone and the police too.

Guess I am not as racist as I thought. I did the deed with a black girl 3 days in a row. Model face and rock hard body.

Damn you 2 week millionaires. The locals have the money but they would not do this. Street girl showed me a picture of her in a helicopter and on the helicopter pad at Guatape (The Rock).

I deflated a 2 week millionaire. He showed me a picture of his 150,000 COP or more Parque Lleras girl. I was with her 4 times a few months ago for a lot less in Centro. Poor guy.

Mr Enternational
01-02-24, 12:05
I have a trip planned soon. I have looked online and ngl every girl I've seen on those dating website was below 5/10, (the escort websites too) so where can I find the real baddies? The type of girls I really look like her https://twitter.com/honeyybeebby?lang=en..So you planned a trip to Colombia to look for the American chicks that you drool over online? Does not seem like you planned at all, or did no research before planning. That is like me planning a trip to China then asking everybody where I can find the street tacos and margaritas.

01-02-24, 14:07
From FB group:

I was attacked by several venezuelans, they threw me to the floor and started to kick me and punch me because I wasn't giving them my cards. Luckily I wasn't stabbed, not a cool way to start the new year. There were people around, but they just stared at how I was getting robbed, even though I was screaming for help. After the thieves left I wasn't able to stand up on my two legs because of the wounds, and nobody approached to give a hand.

And other guy:

I had a similar situation with three costenos who attacked me with a metal pipe in la playa. Blew out my pupil so now one doesn't close completely from lights. And I'm pretty sure I tore my rotator cuffs because moving my arms was near impossible for a couple months afterwards.


01-02-24, 15:43
I got some pictures earlier this morning of plaza Botero without the barricades. This is the first time since early February of 2023 that the area has looked like this. I knew in my heart and soul that the barricades would not last forever.


01-02-24, 15:55
Can you please suggest a chica-friendly place to stay at Medellin? I want to know based on your recent experience since it changes every month. I will stay for 5 days and may have a session with two girls. Thanks in advance.

01-02-24, 16:18
What is the purpose of reposting police blotter type crime reports? I think we are past the point where even people with no interest in Colombia are aware of the increased media coverage. Are you going to share some safety recommendations, areas to avoid, something beyond 'these dudes got robbed?

From FB group:

I was attacked by several venezuelans, they threw me to the floor and started to kick me and punch me because I wasn't giving them my cards. Luckily I wasn't stabbed, not a cool way to start the new year. There were people around, but they just stared at how I was getting robbed, even though I was screaming for help. After the thieves left I wasn't able to stand up on my two legs because of the wounds, and nobody approached to give a hand.

And other guy:

I had a similar situation with three costenos who attacked me with a metal pipe in la playa. Blew out my pupil so now one doesn't close completely from lights. And I'm pretty sure I tore my rotator cuffs because moving my arms was near impossible for a couple months afterwards.


01-02-24, 16:23
This guy broke at least two universal rules of Colombia: 1. He let unknown girls up into his Airbnb without having the Portero hold their cedula. 2. he allowed girls to bring unknown friends with them. The story is weird AF because all of a sudden there are dudes with guns in their apartment, how did they get by the Portero? He just all of a sudden says there is a guy with a gun at his head in his Airbnb, while the girls were in the bathroom. WTF.

Anyone that rents a house *without a portero in Cali Colombia to play with putas is a moron. Colombians would never do what these guys did. Other than that, take a look at the pictures of the girls this guy had over without knowing them, knowing anything about them other than they are putas: both ugly and serious barrio vibes.

Watch this guy's story that happened recently in Cali, Colombia. Same scenario can happen in Medelland. He's very lucky to be alive. Let this be a learning lesson to everyone.


01-02-24, 16:33
You hit the nail on the head. I agree with every bit of this. I learned some things about other members here who complained about the barrier removal. One member described our reasons for wanting it gone as "stupid. " I think it's important to try to understand opposing points of view. The reasons cited for wanting the barrier to remain boiled down to feeling safer in the plaza. RI can understand how an occasional visitor would think that but I know it wasn't as safe as it may have felt, especially not in the areas nearest the barrier. If you don't live here you would have no need to cross the plaza outside the barrier to go from the metro to the Dollar City in the Nutibara but believe you me it was much riskier and inconvenient with all the desperate street people looking for an easy victim to jump out at from behind the vendor carts that clogged the area. Even short term visitors would have to cross the gamines zone to get to the entry checkpoints. I suspect these may be guys who don't remember several previous attempts at barriers around the plaza. The most recent one before what was removed this week was actually stolen piece by piece at night and sold for scrap in nearby Prado.

The barriers were what I considered "mongering interference. " They didn't make the area any safer, just pushed all the criminal element outside of the perimeter of the barricades, along with the majority of the working girls (the ones that aren't fucking 40 years old atleast) as well. Which meant that instead of having a big open plaza to look for chicas, you were crammed up in between the church and hotel Botero Real in that pedestrian walkway along with the chicas and the ladrones all crammed in there with hardly any space to walk. Making it easier for the ladrones to do a snatch and run.

As someone who has been mongering in the plaza for several years before the barricades and during the 11 months with the barricades, I can assure you that it was much better before the barricades..

01-02-24, 17:17
Thanks for the tips! I'm totally fine with adequate lodging since it comes with the benefit of quick / convenient access to the ladies (which is my main focus). Do you have any recommendations on specific casa's to visit? I do prefer the more personal touch rather than the business oriented approach. In Europe (specifically Scotland / UK and Germany) I've enjoyed the spa experience of walking in and being greeted by the ladies and having my pick so to speak. I assume that is what the casa experience is like. If I am wrong, please correct me.I don't really have a favorite casa or even a reliable recommendation. To me, casas are very safe, efficient and fine parts of the game. They just aren't my favorite method. I prefer getting to know the girl a bit more. The other reason I don't have a recommendation is that they seem to vary. I've visited casas that others recommended and didn't enjoy it as much and vice versa. This board has a lot of recommendations. My suggestion would be to prioritize those with larger numbers to choose from. (But even that varies.) I think Energy and New Life have been board favorites at times. Loutron is also discussed often, but a higher price point. If money is no object, I'd recommend at least stopping in to Loutron and check out their selection. I've always found at least three very attractive girls there on any visit. And my experiences have been mostly really good there. (Had one bad one, but it happens anywhere I suppose.).

All that said, most of the casas are the same setup. I know you are looking for convenience but my best advice to you for casas: ubers are cheap in Medellin. Make a list of casas that interest you. Prioritize them. Then get an uber and start checking them off. If you don't like the selection, leave. At worst, you'll be out 30 k pesos as a viewing fee. Then uber to the next one. But most will give you a live selection. The girls will come out one by one, introduce themselves for a couple seconds, then you make your choice. Efficient.

01-02-24, 17:31
Anyone have any opinions / experiences with the hot tub rooms at Hotel Dix. I found some old reviews (Tripadvisor from several years ago) that say the hot tub in the room isn't that great but with those being so old I'm not sure how much it's changed. I do enjoy a hot tub and it's nice to relax in (especially with a nice Colombian lady LOL) after a long day. As always, thanks in advance.

01-02-24, 17:59
The barriers were what I considered "mongering interference. " They didn't make the area any safer, just pushed all the criminal element outside of the perimeter of the barricades, along with the majority of the working girls (the ones that aren't fucking 40 years old atleast) as well. Which meant that instead of having a big open plaza to look for chicas, you were crammed up in between the church and hotel Botero Real in that pedestrian walkway along with the chicas and the ladrones all crammed in there with hardly any space to walk. Making it easier for the ladrones to do a snatch and run.

As someone who has been mongering in the plaza for several years before the barricades and during the 11 months with the barricades, I can assure you that it was much better before the barricades.

I remember chicas used to line the area from the tostao to the church on both sides by the entrance to the CC Veracruz and on the side by Premier Plaza (or whatever the FK they call it now). There also used to be alot of chicas around the horse statue and several other statues too and it was much easier doing laps around the church and the bar street and come back down again to see who might have been missed on the first go around.

And all the stupid tourists with their families weren't there to get in the way. And if you wanted a single cigarette you didn't have to walk outside the barriers to buy one from a vendor.

I'll be heading down there tomorrow to check it out, I look forward to Botero Plaza getting back to normal. God knows it's about time.

-Gabacho.The plaza had enough of young girls inside (eg as reported by the guy who just sat at the restaurant inside the barriers and found plenty) and many of the girls were doing the rounds anyway, but clearly you haven't been visiting centro often (eg your last comment about chorizos place closed, which's been gone for a long time or the fact the passage behind museum was open, which was the same case for a while).

At least it was an outside place where one could rest their head relatively undisturbed. The new restaurants even got so comfortable as to offer outside sitting. I wonder how will they handle the influx of pesterers now.

No problem with crime being pushed outside to one place either, at least everybody knew where to be careful, and it's not like this was the only crowded passage, there are many more at least as crowded and more on and around Carabobo anyway.

And it's only at the very beginning when they pushed the girls and other 'undesirables' back and were frisking people, but not long after that girls were back, plenty of drunkenness and fights inside too (got a video of one SW face kicking another one in there) , and yeah, there were enough small cart vendors inside as well if a cigarette was needed.

Ironic that they've put their own barriers for their political event yesterday when they came all in fancy dressed and even bleached the ground LOL.

Plaza Botero with barriers was much safer, regardless of politics behind installing it in the first place, but it's a moot point anyway, got to adjust to the new situation accordingly.

01-02-24, 18:57
There is a Casa in Centro near Centro Comercial La Cascada, right near there, that is pretty much all big like that. Just crazy asses etc. It's on the second floor right in one of those small commercial centers near there.


I have a trip planned soon and I'm a man in my early 30's decent looking, decent spanish, wanted to know what would be the best option for me if I wanted to find the thick busty colombians I see online?

Better to hit the strip club, massage places or just go in the street bars and try to get a chat with them?

I have looked online and ngl every girl I've seen on those dating website was below 5/10, (the escort websites too) so where can I find the real baddies? I have read other people posts but it just seems its always a hit or miss situation. Can anybody show where to hang? The type of girls I really look like her https://twitter.com/honeyybeebby?lang=en..


01-02-24, 20:00
From FB group:

I was attacked by several venezuelans, they threw me to the floor and started to kick me and punch me because I wasn't giving them my cards. Luckily I wasn't stabbed, not a cool way to start the new year. There were people around, but they just stared at how I was getting robbed, even though I was screaming for help. After the thieves left I wasn't able to stand up on my two legs because of the wounds, and nobody approached to give a hand.

And other guy:

I had a similar situation with three costenos who attacked me with a metal pipe in la playa. Blew out my pupil so now one doesn't close completely from lights. And I'm pretty sure I tore my rotator cuffs because moving my arms was near impossible for a couple months afterwards.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/themedellinexpats/permalink/7452127544820990/One of the posts from that link said his ex girlfriend was pulled off a bus and raped in front of a cop and he did nothing. If all tourists stop going the whole country collapses. Let's hope.

01-02-24, 20:04

I have a trip planned soon and I'm a man in my early 30's decent looking, decent spanish, wanted to know what would be the best option for me if I wanted to find the thick busty colombians I see online?

Better to hit the strip club, massage places or just go in the street bars and try to get a chat with them?

I have looked online and ngl every girl I've seen on those dating website was below 5/10, (the escort websites too) so where can I find the real baddies? I have read other people posts but it just seems its always a hit or miss situation. Can anybody show where to hang? The type of girls I really look like her https://twitter.com/honeyybeebby?lang=en..

Thanks!You realize that's a Western (likely American) women who is using filters to enhance her already large breasts, correct? She isn't Colombian. But to answer your question, if you want girls similar to this your best bets are likely Fase II and La Isla.

01-02-24, 20:38
What is the purpose of reposting police blotter type crime reports? I think we are past the point where even people with no interest in Colombia are aware of the increased media coverage. Are you going to share some safety recommendations, areas to avoid, something beyond 'these dudes got robbed?The purpose is to stay informed and as a reminder. Make your own conclusions, anyone further interested can just ask the guy where did he get robbed and beaten.

01-02-24, 21:19
Good luck! Looking forward to hearing how it went and how it compares to pre and during the barricades.

The barriers were what I considered "mongering interference. " They didn't make the area any safer, just pushed all the criminal element outside of the perimeter of the barricades, along with the majority of the working girls (the ones that aren't fucking 40 years old atleast) as well. Which meant that instead of having a big open plaza to look for chicas, you were crammed up in between the church and hotel Botero Real in that pedestrian walkway along with the chicas and the ladrones all crammed in there with hardly any space to walk. Making it easier for the ladrones to do a snatch and run.

As someone who has been mongering in the plaza for several years before the barricades and during the 11 months with the barricades, I can assure you that it was much better before the barricades.

I remember chicas used to line the area from the tostao to the church on both sides by the entrance to the CC Veracruz and on the side by Premier Plaza (or whatever the FK they call it now). There also used to be alot of chicas around the horse statue and several other statues too and it was much easier doing laps around the church and the bar street and come back down again to see who might have been missed on the first go around.

And all the stupid tourists with their families weren't there to get in the way. And if you wanted a single cigarette you didn't have to walk outside the barriers to buy one from a vendor.

I'll be heading down there tomorrow to check it out, I look forward to Botero Plaza getting back to normal. God knows it's about time.


01-02-24, 21:26
Watch this guy's story that happened recently in Cali, Colombia. Same scenario can happen in Medelland. He's very lucky to be alive. Let this be a learning lesson to everyone.

https://youtu.be/Uz25FyOKqjE?si=iE30bRmwHvAerfwCNew story every week now and most of these incidents aren't even reported.

He did break a few "rules" - but these things sort of snowball. A female friend is coming over to your pool. That's probably OK. She decides to bring a friend. Risks go up but what do you tell her? The guy was an experienced traveler who spoke some Spanish, but he let his guard down a bit and let some things slide.

01-02-24, 21:46
I struggle with the fact that it's only been 11 months since the barrier was installed because it really seemed like much longer - - good riddance!

I got some pictures earlier this morning of plaza Botero without the barricades. This is the first time since early February of 2023 that the area has looked like this. I knew in my heart and soul that the barricades would not last forever.


01-02-24, 21:58
The portero, if there was one, could have been in on it. If there is an upside to the growing flood of stories like this it would be that there will be fewer unsuspecting victims. I might be trying too hard to apply logic to the situation.

This guy broke at least two universal rules of Colombia: 1. He let unknown girls up into his Airbnb without having the Portero hold their cedula. 2. he allowed girls to bring unknown friends with them. The story is weird AF because all of a sudden there are dudes with guns in their apartment, how did they get by the Portero? He just all of a sudden says there is a guy with a gun at his head in his Airbnb, while the girls were in the bathroom. WTF.

Anyone that rents a house *without a portero in Cali Colombia to play with putas is a moron. Colombians would never do what these guys did. Other than that, take a look at the pictures of the girls this guy had over without knowing them, knowing anything about them other than they are putas: both ugly and serious barrio vibes.

Fun Luvr
01-03-24, 01:35
This guy broke at least two universal rules of Colombia: 1. He let unknown girls up into his Airbnb without having the Portero hold their cedula. 2. he allowed girls to bring unknown friends with them. The story is weird AF because all of a sudden there are dudes with guns in their apartment, how did they get by the Portero? He just all of a sudden says there is a guy with a gun at his head in his Airbnb, while the girls were in the bathroom. WTF.If you had listened to his story and read the comments, you would know that there was no portero. It was a villa, not an apartment or condominium building. His friend went with the two ladies to let them out and was confronted with guys with guns. He did make mistakes by allowing the first two women to invite other people. Hindsight is 20/20. If he had it to do over, he probably would not let his friend go to the gate after one of the ladies told his friend that the first two women were planning to rob them. He should have stayed put and called his friend on the outside, or the police, for help in getting the women out of his villa. I think his encounter is a story to learn from.

01-03-24, 02:10
Take a look at the thumbnail of this vid and I'm sure she could've gotten many of us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rxs1B0cZH4.

Dude clearly broke some of rules or dumb shit not to do.

- She couldn't wait for his Uber and rushed him in her taxi. DUMB SHIT.

- She talked him into visiting her apt LMAO. Who the fuck does that? Why tf would any gringo go to a chica's apt unless you know her really well? - DUMB SHIT.

One of my centro gal told me few days ago that 3 gringos got killed via scopalomine like 2-3 weeks ago from centro rats and didn't even make the news. She said some girls don't even put it in your drinks, they would put the powder on their breast, neck, stomach area, and come close to you to hug you and baam you're scoped. Or while you're sitting especially. So watch out for that shit. In about 3 weeks once my lease is up I'm heading to Bog for the rest of my 6 mo. Then won't be back in this BS. I can get hawkers anywhere heck prob North Korea will be safer at this point.

Be safe out there.

01-03-24, 02:40
If you had listened to his story and read the comments, you would know that there was no portero. It was a villa, not an apartment or condominium building. His friend went with the two ladies to let them out and was confronted with guys with guns. He did make mistakes by allowing the first two women to invite other people. Hindsight is 20/20. If he had it to do over, he probably would not let his friend go to the gate after one of the ladies told his friend that the first two women were planning to rob them. He should have stayed put and called his friend on the outside, or the police, for help in getting the women out of his villa. I think his encounter is a story to learn from.Agree, I think he did not act with the urgency needed. Hearing "hey, you're going to be robbed" while in Colombia would light a fire under my ass.

The other big lesson I take away from it, largely because I'm guilty of it, is getting too comfortable. I have several "friends" in Colombia. Male and female. I've known all of them for years. But truth be told, I've only been to the house of a few. Met their families. The others? This makes me think twice about trusting them. Sad, but that's reality.

01-03-24, 02:52
The ultimate test for me and women is if I had to hide my wallet or put it into a safe versus trusting the woman and leaving it out in the open. You would think leaving your wallet out is a sure sign you are going to get burned, but I only misjudged one woman in Colombia on this. What I found was this huge gap in trust. Some Colombian women were so trusting of me they fucked me without asking for a penny and there were others who would rob me blind in a second. Colombia was so binary.

If the police do not care if people get mugged, then Medellin, Colombia is in that early Rio 2000's period IMO. What is sad is that Venezuela used to be the country with property rights and prosperity and Colombia was the black sheep of the family. The roles reversed, and Colombia has come a long way, but IMO I just wonder if they are slipping back to their old ways. It sure seems like it. IMO Colombia really is at a crossroads right now.Same, I left my burner phone on the counter while I got my date a snack in the other room and never had an issue. (about 7 woman). Like you, 1 woman I forgot to pay and she told me when she was in her indriver that she had to go to her university and to "pay later". Another (if you read my reports from last April) I never paid again for sex after meeting her parents. Though, I really enjoyed her company, and would much rather lay in bed and laugh at her english and her laugh at my spanish, but we always ended up fucking, never asked me for money since the 1st time, think she considered me her BF at that point. We still talk today. My point, I 100% agree with you that there is a HUGE trust gap in Colombia, or at least Medellin and that Colombia is indeed at a crossroad, well said brotha!

The barriers were what I considered "mongering interference. " They didn't make the area any safer, just pushed all the criminal element outside of the perimeter of the barricades, along with the majority of the working girls (the ones that aren't fucking 40 years old atleast) as well. Which meant that instead of having a big open plaza to look for chicas, you were crammed up in between the church and hotel Botero Real in that pedestrian walkway along with the chicas and the ladrones all crammed in there with hardly any space to walk. Making it easier for the ladrones to do a snatch and run.

As someone who has been mongering in the plaza for several years before the barricades and during the 11 months with the barricades, I can assure you that it was much better before the barricades.

I remember chicas used to line the area from the tostao to the church on both sides by the entrance to the CC Veracruz and on the side by Premier Plaza (or whatever the FK they call it now). There also used to be alot of chicas around the horse statue and several other statues too and it was much easier doing laps around the church and the bar street and come back down again to see who might have been missed on the first go around.

And all the stupid tourists with their families weren't there to get in the way. And if you wanted a single cigarette you didn't have to walk outside the barriers to buy one from a vendor.

I'll be heading down there tomorrow to check it out, I look forward to Botero Plaza getting back to normal. God knows it's about time.

-Gabacho.1st off thanks for the pics you posted, looks so different without the barriers. I was there last April when they were in place and felt safe. A change in vibe once you leave and start walking down the street past the church. The woman are more touchy feely as you walk by, I felt I was being watched, constantly looking over my shoulder. I don't know how you guys have the balls to go to Centro at night, after 6 pm. I would like to try, but with someone perhaps for my first few times my next trip next month. I 100% agree that the barriers were a good thing and made mongering easier in centro.

01-03-24, 03:44
In about 3 weeks once my lease is up I'm heading to Bog for the rest of my 6 mo. Then won't be back in this BS. I can get hawkers anywhere heck prob North Korea will be safer at this point. Be safe out there.

I haven't travelled the entire world, but I am very impressed by the beauty, youth, passion and low prices of Medellin girls. If you like girls of Spanish ancestry then this is paradise. I can't wait to get back. But go to the "erotic massage salons" aka brothels. Anything else is Russian roulette. Unless you enjoy that kind of danger, excitement, living on the edge situation, don't do it.

And besides violent crime, if you pick up girls on the street or off the internet, without some good Spanish language negotiating skills, you can easily get very overcharged. Like paying 300 K for a 50 K experience.

Also: If you are looking for a normal, not transactional, romantic relationship, whether something serious and long term or a short term hookup, then just stay home. You will find in the US, for free, the same women that you will find in Colombia, for free. The plane trip to Colombia did not transform you into a male model or rock star. The pesos do that. Lots of pesos.

01-03-24, 04:04
clearly you haven't been visiting centro often (eg your last comment about chorizos place closed, which's been gone for a long time or the fact the passage behind museum was open, which was the same case for a while).
Yea I think I mentioned in some of my posts recently that I haven't been going to Centro as often as I used to. I think in the whole month of December I went maybe 3 or 4 times total. Also I don't always go inside the barriers as it was a waste of time to go in there. I would generally hit the pedestrian walkway between the church and Botero Real and then walk down to the bar street and pull girls from the yellow panaderia (yellow restaurant).

I believe during my May-June trip that Chorizos & Asados was still there if I remember correctly.

Also there is a whole lot more area outside of plaza botero itself where there are chicas, pedestrian walkway, the bar street, parque berrio metro stairs, prado area short time hotels (the area where they sell used and stolen stuff on the ground) , parque Bolivar in front of the water fountain, and last but not least a whole separate venue that no one on ISG ever seems to even mention called San Diego / La Cuarenta (after 10 pm).

So when I'm saying I go to Centro it doesn't necessarily mean inside of Botero Plaza.

01-03-24, 04:34
I haven't travelled the entire world, but I am very impressed by the beauty, youth, passion and low prices of Medellin girls. If you like girls of Spanish ancestry then this is paradise. I can't wait to get back. But go to the "erotic massage salons" aka brothels. Anything else sounds to me like Russian roulette. Unless you enjoy that kind of danger, excitement, living on the edge situation, don't do it. And besides violent crime, if you pick up girls on the street or off the internet, without some good Spanish language negotiating skills, you can easily get very overcharged. Like paying 300 K for a 50 K experience.Spanish is pretty good and super low key. Prob why I survived almost 4 mos so far here without an incident. Most fellow mongers I meet that are here long-term also practice the common sense you wrote above. I work on a PC all day and I'm tired of seeing bad news, drugging, all this BS like daily now popping on my Youtube feed LOL. I'm like am I next or what?. But then I know I don't do dumb shit. Since I'm no longer using Tinder or apps, I try to meet randoms in person besides the typical erotic spas / casas, so I flirted with this beauty at the mall few days ago. Tall, model type, morena, 20 yrs, old. Amazingly got her attention and exchanged whatsapp and banged her on 12/31 in a love motel since I no longer bring new girls to my apt. We went to lunch first to discuss future arrangements like a GF / BF w benefits and agreed. Shit was so sweet OMG. Temporarily forgot all the medellin dramas and loved life for that entire 5 minutes I lasted LOL. Kidding I lasted a little longer but dang, aint nothing like nonpro latin pussy LOL. Rob me already lmao.

01-03-24, 05:12
I haven't travelled the entire world, but I am very impressed by the beauty, youth, passion and low prices of Medellin girls. If you like girls of Spanish ancestry then this is paradise. I can't wait to get back. But go to the "erotic massage salons" aka brothels. Anything else is Russian roulette. Unless you enjoy that kind of danger, excitement, living on the edge situation, don't do it.

And besides violent crime, if you pick up girls on the street or off the internet, without some good Spanish language negotiating skills, you can easily get very overcharged. Like paying 300 K for a 50 K experience.

Also: If you are looking for a normal, not transactional, romantic relationship, whether something serious and long term or a short term hookup, then just stay home. You will find in the US, for free, the same women that you will find in Colombia, for free. The plane trip to Colombia did not transform you into a male model or rock star. The pesos do that. Lots of pesos.Your Edit is too funny for me to not reply to. You are 100% right, yet you wouldn't make that comment if we had profile pics LOL. Not all of us here are old farts. I'm not a male model but still young and look good and in shape. So yeah I can pull normal women from the states and also been doing that here and everywhere I travel. Good look or not why tf would any man in their 30's or 40's only fuck hookers forever? Geesh. No love ever? Further, before you write this type of dumb shit don't assume we all travel for pussy. Some of us are tired of paying 5 K rent apt in big cities and can barely save. So maybe it's ambition. Keyword matter notice I didn't say "affordability" LOL. . huge difference. Same with pussy, some travel to get that as a luxury, fun or debauchery, not a necessity.

Elvis 2008
01-03-24, 06:11
You will find in the US, for free, the same women that you will find in Colombia, for free.If you are looking for an average looking woman in the USA, without student debt, without mental illness, without a kid, and who is not obese, you are down to 1% of all American women, and this is not even including if they have jobs. And even if you meet a top 1% woman, demand for her is going to be so through the roof, she will probably turn you down if you do ask her out. What is top 1% in the USA is a dime a dozen in Colombia.

The plane trip to Colombia did not transform you into a male model or rock star. The pesos do that. Lots of pesos.Average income in USA is $5000 a month or so. In Colombia, it is $500. If you are making $100,000 per year in the USA, you are doing okay. In Colombia, you are the equivalent of a millionaire.

Also: If you are looking for a normal, not transactional, romantic relationship, whether something serious and long term or a short term hookup, then just stay home. That is good advice if you are hanging around the hooker / stripper type. They will rob you blind. When you move up the socioeconomic chain, the women I have met have been trustworthy, great in bed, super smart, and immensely talented. Guys were so used to paying that I would have to tell them not to and tell them "Do not pay them and see if they really like you", and they were amazed when so often the women did not ask for money. Time and again, guys are amazed at how many women liked them for them.

Sure, there is a money component, and Colombian women are told to pursue men with money, but money drives American women too.

My current gal's favorite relative is her uncle, and I like him too. She says he is not macho, and I know what she means. He provides for his family, does not cheat on his wife, works hard, is smart, and is not cooking up ways to try to rip people like me off. I mention that because he is the only Colombian man I know like that. It amazed me how every woman I went out with had a half sister or brother because their father was off fucking some strange. They do not even try to hide it.

So the competition from the typical Colombian man is not much.

When I showed my friends a pic of my gal, they all said the same thing, "There is no way you could get a woman who likes that in the USA. " So I wanted to show a photo here of a woman who liked her, and I did. My gal's doppelganger was on the arm of a billionaire.

And I have met her friends. One gorgeous one came on hard to a 64 year old friend of mine who was married.

But you do not want to get messed up with a hooker / stripper / cam girl / stripper type in Colombia. It is just not as easy to meet the higher class women. They are busy. But they are way different than the entitled American woman. Way different.

01-03-24, 12:13
Take a look at the thumbnail of this vid and I'm sure she could've gotten many of us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rxs1B0cZH4.

Dude clearly broke some of rules or dumb shit not to do.

- She couldn't wait for his Uber and rushed him in her taxi. DUMB SHIT.

- She talked him into visiting her apt LMAO. Who the fuck does that? Why tf would any gringo go to a chica's apt unless you know her really well? - DUMB SHIT.

One of my centro gal told me few days ago that 3 gringos got killed via scopalomine like 2-3 weeks ago from centro rats and didn't even make the news. She said some girls don't even put it in your drinks, they would put the powder on their breast, neck, stomach area, and come close to you to hug you and baam you're scoped. Or while you're sitting especially. So watch out for that shit. In about 3 weeks once my lease is up I'm heading to Bog for the rest of my 6 mo. Then won't be back in this BS. I can get hawkers anywhere heck prob North Korea will be safer at this point.

Be safe out there.That's the biggest problem. I'm real smart about watching my drinks. Never leave it unattended, but since they are putting it on their body now, there is no escaping it. It's scary stuff. I say F Colombia now.

01-03-24, 12:48
I once had a girl show up at my apartment with an uninvited friend. I had told the doorman to let her in when she arrived. When I opened my door and noticed she was with another girl I told her no and shut the door. She got on the elevator and left the building. That might have been my brush with danger. I'll never know.

The purpose is to stay informed and as a reminder. Make your own conclusions, anyone further interested can just ask the guy where did he get robbed and beaten.

01-03-24, 12:55
You are going to risk the danger of Medellin for 3 weeks because of a lease? Is the lease really worth the risk or is the risk really not as important as the lease? If the reposted news reports die down will you come back? That's enough questions. Now I will make a statement you can verify on your own if you are interested. The volume of crime in Bogota, including drugging robberies, is vastly greater than it is in Medellin. Be safe.

Take a look at the thumbnail of this vid and I'm sure she could've gotten many of us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rxs1B0cZH4.

Dude clearly broke some of rules or dumb shit not to do.

- She couldn't wait for his Uber and rushed him in her taxi. DUMB SHIT.

- She talked him into visiting her apt LMAO. Who the fuck does that? Why tf would any gringo go to a chica's apt unless you know her really well? - DUMB SHIT.

One of my centro gal told me few days ago that 3 gringos got killed via scopalomine like 2-3 weeks ago from centro rats and didn't even make the news. She said some girls don't even put it in your drinks, they would put the powder on their breast, neck, stomach area, and come close to you to hug you and baam you're scoped. Or while you're sitting especially. So watch out for that shit. In about 3 weeks once my lease is up I'm heading to Bog for the rest of my 6 mo. Then won't be back in this BS. I can get hawkers anywhere heck prob North Korea will be safer at this point.

Be safe out there.

01-03-24, 13:02
There is a Casa in Centro near Centro Comercial La Cascada, right near there, that is pretty much all big like that. Just crazy asses etc. It's on the second floor right in one of those small commercial centers near there.Well this is new. A casa right next to all of the street walkers and Centro bars? Are you sure you are not thinking about one of the many short time hotels in the area? First time I hear anyone ever mentioning a casa being in there.

01-03-24, 13:10
Also: If you are looking for a normal, not transactional, romantic relationship, whether something serious and long term or a short term hookup, then just stay home. You will find in the US, for free, the same women that you will find in Colombia, for free. The plane trip to Colombia did not transform you into a male model or rock star. The pesos do that. Lots of pesos.Now that I frequent Mexico and to some extent South America, I have not slept with any woman from the USA in the last 10 years. When I think of US American women, to me it feels like sleeping with a dude, unnatural, weird and offensive. Why would any str8 man want to sleep with women from a culture that produces insolent disrespectful psychos.

01-03-24, 13:15
...... She said some girls don't even put it in your drinks, they would put the powder on their breast, neck, stomach area, and come close to you to hug you and baam you're scoped......Is this true? Can that happen? This is awful. I love me some knockers.

01-03-24, 14:32
Hotel Dix is nice but nothing really upscale like the Dann Carlton and it's a bit pricey for what it is because of the location. I stayed there a while back one night and basically you're paying for location on CL 10 right near Lleras and girl friendly. This is perfect if you just have a short stay, but I wouldn't book there for longer than 4-5 nights. This area some nights late get full of pickpocket teams that target drunk foreigners. The hot tubs take 30 minutes to fill up. Have fun.

Anyone have any opinions / experiences with the hot tub rooms at Hotel Dix. I found some old reviews (Tripadvisor from several years ago) that say the hot tub in the room isn't that great but with those being so old I'm not sure how much it's changed. I do enjoy a hot tub and it's nice to relax in (especially with a nice Colombian lady LOL) after a long day. As always, thanks in advance.

01-03-24, 14:51
I believe that is an urban legend. That they can blow it in your face or just touch you with it on your skin. No. This drug whatever it is (probably scopelamine mixed with benzos), you have to ingest it and a decent amount too. For it to work. Listen to that video of the Indian guy, they forced the two of them to drink it at gun point, one of them only drank half and he was just chill while the other guy drank an entire glass full was also fine and even stayed conscious and both were alright in the end. There is simply no way this is happening because you motor-boated some titties.

That's the biggest problem. I'm real smart about watching my drinks. Never leave it unattended, but since they are putting it on their body now, there is no escaping it. It's scary stuff. I say F Colombia now.

01-03-24, 15:07
But go to the "erotic massage salons" aka brothels. Anything else is Russian roulette. Unless you enjoy that kind of danger, excitement, living on the edge situation, don't do it. This is just silly. The casas are the *worst of Medellin, the most antiseptic, lowest level chicas. Why not learn some Spanish, learn to dance, meet some ladies and pay them to leave? There is literally no danger if you follow two rules. 1. Watch your drink. 2. (most important rule) Have your portero or hotel lobby hold, physically, their cedula (national ID) while you fuck and the portero is instructed to only give it back to her *if you are there in person to give the green light all is OK.

You will find in the US, for free, the same women that you will find in Colombia, for free. The plane trip to Colombia did not transform you into a male model or rock star. The pesos do that. Lots of pesos.If you are really looking for love and not just to get laid (which places you not on this forum), Colombian women are some of the most feminine traditional loving women in the world. #2 next to Brazil.

01-03-24, 15:30
I've heard this for years. So far I have it filed along with the one about people distributing handbills on the street laced with a substance that will knock you out so they can rob you.

Is this true? Can that happen? This is awful. I love me some knockers.

01-03-24, 16:15
Is this true? Can that happen? This is awful. I love me some knockers.True. And also not new. It's been reported in the past. I have no first hand knowledge to confirm or deny. When I've seen it reported in the past, it was allegedly with girls IN a club. That seems a bit odd, given that they aren't alone with the guy and the random nature of it. I'd also wonder if scopolamine left on the skin for any length of time has some effect on the girl.

Nonetheless, yes it's been alleged for years now. I also read that some girls distributed it through DFK. But that seems entirely implausible and unlikely, even if they were working with partners.

Fun Luvr
01-03-24, 16:20
Is this true? Can that happen? This is awful. I love me some knockers.I don't think there are any reported incidents of scopolamine being absorbed through the skin, or through the air. Think about that logically; if it could be done, why wouldn't it affect the woman. I do believe some women put it on their nipples. I think I was a victim of that one time. I got very light-headed and unbalanced, but still able to function mentally. If they ever resort to synthetic opioids, that will be a different story. Just touching it or breathing it can have serious effects, including death.

Nil Admirari
01-03-24, 16:22
...One of my centro gal told me few days ago that 3 gringos got killed via scopalomine like 2-3 weeks ago from centro rats and didn't even make the news. She said some girls don't even put it in your drinks, they would put the powder on their breast, neck, stomach area, and come close to you to hug you and baam you're scoped. ..So watch out for that shit. ... I can get hawkers anywhere heck prob North Korea will be safer at this point.

Most all of us have always kept a watchful eye on our drinks. But I'm quite skeptical of these second-hand reports of scopolamine tainted boobs and nips that have been popping up on this thread of late. To a skeptic like me, sounds like paranoid, social media, scaremongering (literally and figuratively) of the most unhinged sort.

That said, it would be welcome if someone with real medical, pharmacological, or forensic credentials could chime in on the subject. Or if anyone has a link to some authoritative literature with credible evidence that guys have really been scoped in this manner.

Absent that, on with the show! (Well, in the meantime maybe I will try to be alert to any sugar-frosted titties that may come my way.)

01-03-24, 17:00
100% correct. This is an urban myth, you have to ingest it or put it in your nose or a permeable membrane. Like other drugs. And it isn't that powerful that a spec of it would do it, this is an extract from a tree leaf mixed with benzos. I can't think of any drug really that can go through the skin by casual contact. That's not to say don't be careful with your drink otherwise. This is what happens is that guys get drunk and setup usually by another person offering chicas. If you aren't wary enough to be suspicious of who you are going with, then 100% of these cases are tossed into the drink while not looking.

Most all of us have always kept a watchful eye on our drinks. But I'm quite skeptical of these second-hand reports of scopolamine tainted boobs and nips that have been popping up on this thread of late. To a skeptic like me, sounds like paranoid, social media, scaremongering (literally and figuratively) of the most unhinged sort.

01-03-24, 17:25
Just to play devil's advocate, if the benzodiazepine or whatever other substance were so powerful that it could be topically effective, how would someone be able to administer it from their tits without feeling its effect?

100% correct. This is an urban myth, you have to ingest it or put it in your nose or a permeable membrane. Like other drugs. And it isn't that powerful that a spec of it would do it, this is an extract from a tree leaf mixed with benzos. I can't think of any drug really that can go through the skin by casual contact. That's not to say don't be careful with your drink otherwise. This is what happens is that guys get drunk and setup usually by another person offering chicas. If you aren't wary enough to be suspicious of who you are going with, then 100% of these cases are tossed into the drink while not looking.

01-03-24, 17:30
Is this true? Can that happen? This is awful. I love me some knockers.The girl who told me that lives in Belen near me, from VZ and likely the most trusted and honest wg I know in mde. She's a sweetie to the point we meet for lunch occasionally. I've heard of that before and some talk about it on YT. Almost like that zombie powder they blow in your face in Haiti to control you (check those stories if you haven't). When I first read about those practices in Colombia I even thought the devil's breath / scopalomina was the same as the one used in the old Carib folk tale. As the two countries did have migrations and connected roots. That shit is real obviously mofos are dropping from it.

01-03-24, 17:43
You are going to risk the danger of Medellin for 3 weeks because of a lease? Is the lease really worth the risk or is the risk really not as important as the lease? If the reposted news reports die down will you come back? That's enough questions. Now I will make a statement you can verify on your own if you are interested. The volume of crime in Bogota, including drugging robberies, is vastly greater than it is in Medellin. Be safe.Common sense bro. Of course our lives is worth more than a few hundreds. I'm not in danger LOL. Mde itself is. Can't allow fear to run me off like that, and just like in everything it's risk management. I met a fella the other at a casa and he lives in bello w a local wife. Doesn't date on app or mess w the scene that targets us and he's fine. We can see many on YT living and enjoying the city, incl women expats. So while the dangers exists, which is in every country mde just require a new level of awareness since it's changing. And no I wouldn't even come if I knew things would worsen. Medellin is on a transition of increase danger, maybe going back to its old ways unless things change. And we don't want to be the Guinea pig for the experiment till others stop coming LOL. So I will get the fuck out, just on my own terms. The slight hood and ganster idgaf side of me hate the idea of being forced to do anything. If I'm in the street and everyone starts running I'm usually calm and walk. Call me a rebel LOL. I'm just glad that many tourists are now canceling their plans to come here and hopefully soon a huge reduction of tourism can starve these mfrs.

01-03-24, 18:05
The barriers were what I considered "mongering interference. " They didn't make the area any safer, just pushed all the criminal element outside of the perimeter of the barricades, along with the majority of the working girls (the ones that aren't fucking 40 years old atleast) as well. Which meant that instead of having a big open plaza to look for chicas, you were crammed up in between the church and hotel Botero Real in that pedestrian walkway along with the chicas and the ladrones all crammed in there with hardly any space to walk. Making it easier for the ladrones to do a snatch and run.They removed the barriers cause Cartagena needed to borrow them! LMAO. Cartagena's new mayor is "getting rid of prostitution" in the center by placing barriers. LOL. We'll see how long that last.

01-03-24, 18:38
Now that I frequent Mexico and to some extent South America, I have not slept with any woman from the USA in the last 10 years. When I think of US American women, to me it feels like sleeping with a dude, unnatural, weird and offensive. Why would any str8 man want to sleep with women from a culture that produces insolent disrespectful psychos.I need to do some research to find out if too much pussy affects the brain LOL. Because I didn't have a great answer for that silly comment but you did. Thanks bro.

As if if we need normal women USA could offer that lmao. Traveling isn't only for P4P. In fact the opposite. Most people who started to uncover that we were in the Matrix were simply seeking a better life, or stumbled upon it once overseas on vaca and realizing women are better nearly everywhere else. There are tons and tons of dudes young and old living overseas, for better lifestyles in general incl better food, cheaper rent, better women, the hookers are just bonuses. If you want normal it's even a better reason to travel. Why go back? LOL. That comment made zero sense.

01-03-24, 19:11
If you are looking for an average looking woman in the USA, without student debt, without mental illness, without a kid, and who is not obese, you are down to 1% of all American women, and this is not even including if they have jobs. And even if you meet a top 1% woman, demand for her is going to be so through the roof, she will probably turn you down if you do ask her out. What is top 1% in the USA is a dime a dozen in Colombia.

Average income in USA is $5000 a month or so. In Colombia, it is $500. If you are making $100,000 per year in the USA, you are doing okay. In Colombia, you are the equivalent of a millionaire.

That is good advice if you are hanging around the hooker / stripper type. They will rob you blind. When you move up the socioeconomic chain, the women I have met have been trustworthy, great in bed, super smart, and immensely talented. Guys were so used to paying that I would have to tell them not to and tell them "Do not pay them and see if they really like you", and they were amazed when so often the women did not ask for money. Time and again, guys are amazed at how many women liked them for them..I'm traveling to Medellin for the first time and the type of woman I'm looking for seems to match what you're describing. Educated and smart, talented. How do I go about meeting them? I'm a mid-30's male and I'll be staying in El Poblado.

01-03-24, 20:02
This is just silly. The casas are the *worst of Medellin, the most antiseptic, lowest level chicas. Why not learn some Spanish, learn to dance, meet some ladies and pay them to leave? There is literally no danger if you follow two rules. 1. Watch your drink. 2. (most important rule) Have your portero or hotel lobby hold, physically, their cedula (national ID) while you fuck and the portero is instructed to only give it back to her *if you are there in person to give the green light all is OK.

If you are really looking for love and not just to get laid (which places you not on this forum), Colombian women are some of the most feminine traditional loving women in the world. #2 next to Brazil.While you're going out to dance with the chicas, you could suddenly end up looking down the barrel of a gun and some psycho is demanding your phone and wallet. If you are taking an Uber from one casa to the next, not so much. And a lot of casa girls, at least if they are in the 200 K range, are really hot and you can see them with almost no clothes on before you pay. If you need that club experience, that's great however you are taking significant a risk.

Also I stayed in an airbnb without a 24/7 doorman. I am going to guess that a place with that type of security is quite a bit more expensive. Also, I don't really feel like constantly remembering not to drink anything unless I am 100% sure that it wasn't tampered with. Personally, I think it would a little bit kill the mood.

And about marrying a girl in a foreign country, I think it can be a good if you have some sort of good job in that foreign country and you are going to stay there with her. However if you are bringing her back to the US, and she is "out of your league" the type of girl who would not date you if she was American, then I think that your odds are not better than if you just stayed in the US and dated American women. She will get her green card, learn English, get a job and dump you.

01-03-24, 20:30
Common sense is crucial. It's all a question of perspective. I don't discount the validity of your casa waiting room acquaintance from Bello. From my perspective, Colombia quite a long way to go until it could be like the old days I remember when I first came here for business in the 90's. We were not allowed out of our hotel or office without armed security. As recently as 10 years ago you could not enter the Oviedo Mall parking lot unless you submitted your car to inspection of its undercarriage by a security guard holding a mirror attached to an extension pole. I had not thought about that in many years until a few weeks ago when I saw a guard at the entrance to the Alpujarra underground parking doing it. It used to be standard procedure here. I wonder what my gut tells me is true and most of these unfortunate victims don't have much experience in the country, or less than they think they do.

Common sense bro. Of course our lives is worth more than a few hundreds. I'm not in danger LOL. Mde itself is. Can't allow fear to run me off like that, and just like in everything it's risk management. I met a fella the other at a casa and he lives in bello w a local wife. Doesn't date on app or mess w the scene that targets us and he's fine. We can see many on YT living and enjoying the city, incl women expats. So while the dangers exists, which is in every country mde just require a new level of awareness since it's changing. And no I wouldn't even come if I knew things would worsen. Medellin is on a transition of increase danger, maybe going back to its old ways unless things change. And we don't want to be the Guinea pig for the experiment till others stop coming LOL. So I will get the fuck out, just on my own terms. The slight hood and ganster idgaf side of me hate the idea of being forced to do anything. If I'm in the street and everyone starts running I'm usually calm and walk. Call me a rebel LOL. I'm just glad that many tourists are now canceling their plans to come here and hopefully soon a huge reduction of tourism can starve these mfrs.

01-03-24, 20:30
While you're going out to dance with the chicas, you could suddenly end up looking down the barrel of a gun and some psycho is demanding your phone and wallet.I've lived in Medellin for over 7 years. This literally never happens. Nobody gets robbed at gunpoint inside a club while dancing with a girl. What little danger there is, are the chicas, not armed robbery. There are guys on this forum that monger el centro in Medellin at night on the street. And they'll keep doing it and likely never have an issue (even though I would never do that ever) because they know what they are doing.

01-03-24, 23:45
They removed the barriers cause Cartagena needed to borrow them! LMAO. Cartagena's new mayor is "getting rid of prostitution" in the center by placing barriers. LOL. We'll see how long that last.Cartagena can fucking keep the barriers lmao. I wonder if they sent them via servientrega LOL.

01-03-24, 23:46
And about marrying a girl in a foreign country, I think it can be a goodGetting married to any girl, anywhere is a bad idea.

01-04-24, 00:45
Nobody gets robbed at gunpoint inside a club while dancing with a girl.I meant while you're wandering around somewhere in El Poblado at night from one club to the next. Supposedly that is prime armed robbery territory.

Mr Enternational
01-04-24, 01:10
The girl who told me that lives in Belen near me, from VZ and likely the most trusted and honest wg I know in mde. She's a sweetie to the point we meet for lunch occasionally. I've heard of that before and some talk about it on YT. Almost like that zombie powder they blow in your face in Haiti to control you (check those stories if you haven't). When I first read about those practices in Colombia I even thought the devil's breath / scopalomina was the same as the one used in the old Carib folk tale. As the two countries did have migrations and connected roots. That shit is real obviously mofos are dropping from it.That shit ain't real. My girl is Latina and practices Santeria (Condomble, Vodun, Voodoo or whatever you want to call it) and is at my house right now. I just asked her about blowing powder into someone's face to control them and she looked at me like I was crazy. All the shit is is a drug like GHB (date raape). There is no mystery behind it and no creative ways to get it into a person's system. Once again there is nobody that has not been taken advantage of this way and their story starts off with I was not drinking or anything. Stop fucking drinking around folks and you will not get got.

Is blowing powder into someone's face really a thing or is it just an old wives tale? I have never seen somebody report it happening to them like that. I am sure if someone blew powder in your face you would have time to say what the fuck are you doing and get away. You would not just be instantly under their control. I have only seen this in the movie The Serpent and the Rainbow.

"In a time of social and political unrest in Haiti, anthropologist Dennis Alan (Bill Pullman) travels to the torn country to study a Voodoo drug used in religious practices to turn victims into living zombies. With the help of a witch doctor (Brent Jennings) and a fellow researcher (Cathy Tyson), Dennis pieces together the deadly mystery. But as Dennis uncovers the secrets behind the mysterious powder, he must evade the Haitian authorities who view his research as a potential threat. ".

01-04-24, 01:21
It happens in restaurants from time to time. This is why I avoid having my back to the street or sitting at table on or near the street. If something pops off I want to have a chance to stash valuables before the crooks get to me.

I've lived in Medellin for over 7 years. This literally never happens. Nobody gets robbed at gunpoint inside a club while dancing with a girl. What little danger there is, are the chicas, not armed robbery. There are guys on this forum that monger el centro in Medellin at night on the street. And they'll keep doing it and likely never have an issue (even though I would never do that ever) because they know what they are doing.

01-04-24, 01:22
Getting married to any girl, anywhere is a bad idea.I can't really argue with that. I am divorced twice, one American one Russian.

01-04-24, 01:44
That's the biggest problem. I'm real smart about watching my drinks. Never leave it unattended, but since they are putting it on their body now, there is no escaping it. It's scary stuff. I say F Colombia now.That may or may not happen, but putting it in a drink is the easiest and most efficient way to get it in your system. So that's what we should be careful about.

You are going to risk the danger of Medellin for 3 weeks because of a lease? Is the lease really worth the risk or is the risk really not as important as the lease? If the reposted news reports die down will you come back? That's enough questions. Now I will make a statement you can verify on your own if you are interested. The volume of crime in Bogota, including drugging robberies, is vastly greater than it is in Medellin. Be safe.Yeah, Bogota is even more dangerous than Medellin. And the weather's not as nice.

01-04-24, 01:45
Common sense is crucial. It's all a question of perspective. I wonder what my gut tells me is true and most of these unfortunate victims don't have much experience in the country, or less than they think they do.Other than homicides no one really knows what the odds are or how much it's changing for the worse because so few robberies are reported.

In retrospect, I did some foolish things in Colombia, as I have in every other place I have been including the US and nothing serious has ever happened to me.

People who have had a bad experience in Medellin will swear it's hell on earth and people who have not had a bad experience (yet) will say it's all exaggerated.

Personally, after my vast two week experience there plus all the youtube videos, news reports, this forum, etc etc I think that if you are white and you are on the street or in a bar in Medellin you are very possibly in someone's crosshairs. It's not a remote chance, it's a fairly good chance. I would avoid the street and the bars as much as possible. I believe that the street after sunrise but before 10:00 am is probably good because criminals are up late and they also have to sleep.

01-04-24, 02:03
I'm traveling to Medellin for the first time and the type of woman I'm looking for seems to match what you're describing. Educated and smart, talented. How do I go about meeting them? I'm a mid-30's male and I'll be staying in El Poblado.You probably need to get a job. Then meet her through work or meet her brother or best friend through work and have them set you up. From what I understand, Colombians are very cautious about strangers, there is no hookup culture, so you need to have some sort of solid social connection in advance. You might be teaching English classes in a school for adults and get acquainted with an adult female student.

01-04-24, 02:24
You probably need to get a job. Then meet her through work or meet her brother or best friend through work and have them set you up. From what I understand, Colombians are very cautious about strangers, there is no hookup culture, so you need to have some sort of solid social connection in advance. You might be teaching English classes in a school for adults and get acquainted with an adult female student.Colombians are very cautious about strangers for good reason. For a good part of their history, that stranger might be trying to kill or kidnap you. Therefore they generally go out with friends and they keep an eye on each other.

01-04-24, 03:29
Thanks for the info. I am only in Medellin for 2 1/2 days so for me it's about maximizing my playtime LOL.

Hotel Dix is nice but nothing really upscale like the Dann Carlton and it's a bit pricey for what it is because of the location. I stayed there a while back one night and basically you're paying for location on CL 10 right near Lleras and girl friendly. This is perfect if you just have a short stay, but I wouldn't book there for longer than 4-5 nights. This area some nights late get full of pickpocket teams that target drunk foreigners. The hot tubs take 30 minutes to fill up. Have fun.

01-04-24, 08:42
What do you think of these new ordinances from the city of Medallin new mayor put it down guess he does not want public mongering.


01-04-24, 14:34
As a foreigner you have the advantage that a good girl will see you as kinder, sweeter and less dangerous than the average Colombian guy. This is mostly bad tbh because most of them will see you as a mark $ - all females do this everywhere, it's in their nature. Never let them know if you are loaded. Part of the dating culture in Latam is the man pays, so it will be very hard to know if she really loves you, or if she is just taking advantage. Unless you spend a lot of time with her and are a good judge of character.

I agree with the other posts that the culture is wary of strangers and that they go out in groups and take care of each other. But women are amazing and looking to be admired, especially by a foreigner. They respond to flirting, if done well, amazingly.

I'm traveling to Medellin for the first time and the type of woman I'm looking for seems to match what you're describing. Educated and smart, talented. How do I go about meeting them? I'm a mid-30's male and I'll be staying in El Poblado.

01-04-24, 14:40
What do you think of these new ordinances from the city of Medallin new mayor put it down guess he does not want public mongering.

https://youtu.be/UVjozKqkmSw?si=qsJ9d1vHF5LtHEs0That's 1. Cartagena only, not Medellin 2. Only applies to the historic area, and 3. Temporary: only until March 24'.

01-04-24, 15:05
What do you think of these new ordinances from the city of Medallin new mayor put it down guess he does not want public mongering.

https://youtu.be/UVjozKqkmSw?si=qsJ9d1vHF5LtHEs0No no not in Medellin bro it's Cartagena. In Medellin we got a good new mayor who was previously the mayor in 2016 - 2019 and street mongering is alive and well, in fact the new mayor here is actually promoting mongering by having removed the stupid barriers and returning the area to how it used to be before 2023.

01-04-24, 15:21
It happens in restaurants from time to time. This is why I avoid having my back to the street or sitting at table on or near the street. If something pops off I want to have a chance to stash valuables before the crooks get to me.Like a place that is right off of the street and some morons walk in off their bike to rob cell phones. Yeah, unlikely but possible. But if you are out with a girl in almost any club or nice restaurant, you are safer in the club than when you hop in a taxi to go home. Nicer decent clubs in Poblado or la 70 have security at the door. I was responding to Tex, who thinks taking a girl out dancing in Medellin is a high risk activity because you may end up looking down the barrel of a gun. Cheers.

01-04-24, 15:27
This is what I was referring to in my response to the "I don't want the barriers removed" posts. The new mayor is known for a firm anti-crime and law enforcement stance.

What do you think of these new ordinances from the city of Medallin new mayor put it down guess he does not want public mongering.


01-04-24, 15:29
New life half hour cost is now 70.

01-04-24, 17:09
Inflation is real. I'm pretty sure Amigas Sexxy is still 65/ half hour. It's starting to get popular with gringos lately. The nearby Aiffe is only 60/ half hour but really struggling for staff quality.

New life half hour cost is now 70.

01-04-24, 17:21
I watched the video and realized it is about Cartagena after I responded. I usually avoid youtube videos of this sort. It's a good example of how random guys can say whatever they want on there and viewers pick up on it in a game of telephone and turn it into the media frenzy we are seeing now about the dangers of Medellin. If it keeps nervous punters away I guess it's not a bad thing.

No no not in Medellin bro it's Cartagena. In Medellin we got a good new mayor who was previously the mayor in 2016 - 2019 and street mongering is alive and well, in fact the new mayor here is actually promoting mongering by having removed the stupid barriers and returning the area to how it used to be before 2023.

01-04-24, 17:51
Hello, will be going to MDE next week, or Back to SOSUA LOL. I'm a bit uncomfortable I'm so used to Sosua. I Would like to know exactly where all the action is, I've seen videos on YouTube of "Parque Lleras" with alot of chicas at night, and Also El Centro that was marked as "dangerous" but nice woman roaming around, and I'm going to assume brothels. Not quit sure the walking distance between the areas. What area should I stay in or landmark should stay close to (Airbnb) where I could walk to all the action. Thanks in advance! I've attached links to the videos I'm talking about in the description.

Will decide and book my flight tonight based on you guys feedback! Thanks a million times.



01-04-24, 18:00
New life half hour cost is now 70.That's 2nd increase in a year for that same boring sloppy lineup.

01-04-24, 18:51
This is what I was referring to in my response to the "I don't want the barriers removed" posts. The new mayor is known for a firm anti-crime and law enforcement stance.There were a number of reasons for the barriers, and it was not to get rid of mongering, but to keep it and the vendors, etc etc out of the immediate area of the museum. The area behind the museum and the behind the little white church is zoned as a red light area (zona de tolerencia) but I don't think that extends out into the plaza Botero. Anyway, it seems like it is an unpopular effort and especially the part where it is seen as keeping the less privileged people away from the public displays of Botero art, the sculptures, etc.

The barriers changing the traffic flow into Parque Lleras were set up specifically over concerns about underage prostitution, and there initially was some presence of agencies that try to combat that, for example they had staff at the area around the entrance to try to talk to and protect children that were hanging out around there. Again, whether this has helped to deal with that who knows. And it may have also been to try to slow down the prostitution in general in that area, as the city was seeing it as a negative for general tourism and for the image of the city. They certainly do not like being seen as a sex tourism destination.

01-04-24, 19:26
Bienestar familiar (the agency you mentioned) has had an office in the alleyway leading from Parque Berrio to church for many years. Also, the police's women and children special brigade regularly set up intervention tents and work out of their vans in the middle of the plaza. How effective they have been I will leave up to the experts. When the barriers were initially put up I posted here that the one advantage was the reduction in vendors with loudspeakers and the most annoying of the panhandler / thieves. I also complained that those benefits did not begin to outweigh the disadvantage for my main reason for being in the plaza. Your point about limited access for the less privileged is very well taken. Not long before his death, Botero himself cited this as the reason he disagreed with the barrier. All that aside, I stand by my assessment that the real reason for the barriers in Centro and Poblado was political. The Mayor, who had been recalled and who later resigned in disgrace, did it as a political stunt to revive his moribund election campaign. Good riddance to the barrier and to the clownish Daniel Quintero. I am Knowledge and I approve of this message.

There were a number of reasons for the barriers, and it was not to get rid of mongering, but to keep it and the vendors, etc etc out of the immediate area of the museum. The area behind the museum and the behind the little white church is zoned as a red light area (zona de tolerencia) but I don't think that extends out into the plaza Botero. Anyway, it seems like it is an unpopular effort and especially the part where it is seen as keeping the less privileged people away from the public displays of Botero art, the sculptures, etc.

The barriers changing the traffic flow into Parque Lleras were set up specifically over concerns about underage prostitution, and there initially was some presence of agencies that try to combat that, for example they had staff at the area around the entrance to try to talk to and protect children that were hanging out around there. Again, whether this has helped to deal with that who knows. And it may have also been to try to slow down the prostitution in general in that area, as the city was seeing it as a negative for general tourism and for the image of the city. They certainly do not like being seen as a sex tourism destination.

01-04-24, 19:29
I haven't been in there often or recently enough to judge the lineup. Based on what I know of the place I have no reason to doubt your assessment. With no hesitation I will say the atmosphere in the waiting area has always been a bad combination of an inner city medical clinic waiting room, an American frat party, and an abandoned property auction. I'm mystified by its popularity.

That's 2nd increase in a year for that same boring sloppy lineup.

01-04-24, 19:35
Unlikely? For every grainy hotel and apartment security camera video of unattractive street girls carrying sacks of some unfortunate punters belongs, there are many more videos of armed robberies in restaurants and bars. The closest I've personally come to witnessing one was when I read about the robbery and realized I was having a meal just across the street when it happened. I figure if I can be that close at the same time and not even notice it then I needed to up my precaution game. If you look at some of the videos what stands out is how nonchalant the victims are, almost as if they expect it. The Colombian saying is "hoy me tocó. ".

Like a place that is right off of the street and some morons walk in off their bike to rob cell phones. Yeah, unlikely but possible. But if you are out with a girl in almost any club or nice restaurant, you are safer in the club than when you hop in a taxi to go home. Nicer decent clubs in Poblado or la 70 have security at the door. I was responding to Tex, who thinks taking a girl out dancing in Medellin is a high risk activity because you may end up looking down the barrel of a gun. Cheers.

01-04-24, 19:53
That's 2nd increase in a year for that same boring sloppy lineup.New Life is for the moron weekend warrior newbys who don't speak spanish and have no clue what they are doing.

The girls there are trash, beat up, run-thru hags. 5 years ago we would make a stop there once in awhile and occasionally find a fresh girl.

Those days are long gone.

01-04-24, 20:23
Common sense bro. Of course our lives is worth more than a few hundreds. I'm not in danger LOL. Mde itself is. Can't allow fear to run me off like that, and just like in everything it's risk management. I met a fella the other at a casa and he lives in bello w a local wife. Doesn't date on app or mess w the scene that targets us and he's fine. We can see many on YT living and enjoying the city, incl women expats. So while the dangers exists, which is in every country mde just require a new level of awareness since it's changing. And no I wouldn't even come if I knew things would worsen. Medellin is on a transition of increase danger, maybe going back to its old ways unless things change. And we don't want to be the Guinea pig for the experiment till others stop coming LOL. So I will get the fuck out, just on my own terms. The slight hood and ganster idgaf side of me hate the idea of being forced to do anything. If I'm in the street and everyone starts running I'm usually calm and walk. Call me a rebel LOL. I'm just glad that many tourists are now canceling their plans to come here and hopefully soon a huge reduction of tourism can starve these mfrs.Completely agree, though it's clear that "common sense" differs significantly from person to person. That's why tools like Chica Check can help guys who are new to MDE, before they get targeted by scammers / robbers; at least it was helpful for me. Even got a free month of VIP access after a chat with the admin.

01-04-24, 21:30
Good luck! Looking forward to hearing how it went and how it compares to pre and during the barricades.I just went to monger in plaza botero this morning. After hopping off the bus in the prado centro area where they sell stuff on the ground under the metro, I walked across the street and directly into the Plaza and straight down to the church without any checkpoint to walk through.

Theres girls around the water fountains again and sitting on the brick work of the church. The area feels more open and free again like how it always used to be pre-2023.

As far as you sissy boys who say it was better with the barriers you can still go hide behind the barriers in parque lleras. Maybe that will be your new safe place since plaza botero is no longer safe for you guys unless if you've got some real cajones LOL.

As far as my session went I found a 24 year old vennie. BBFS CIP for 80 mil and I paid for the pieza at hotel botero real still 9 mil. She was kind of mechanical and didn't like to kiss or make eye contact but she smelled and tasted clean and I got my nut off inside her so I was a happy camper.

Afterwards I talked to my homegirl Gaby out in front of the church for a bit and she agreed that is better now without the stupid barriers and things are getting back to how they used to be before.

I think maybe I'll start going down there more often again.


Michael Taylor
01-04-24, 21:44
Incoming Moron Weekend Warrior.

I'm travelling to Medellin soon and will be staying in the El Poblado area (near the Santafe Mall). I don't speak any Spanish. I'm mostly interested in full service massage places (or brothels, if they exist). I'm pretty comfortable with the protocols in the US when it comes to getting extra services in massage parlors, but I'd appreciate any tips in Medellin. Is it legal there or do I have to be discreet. If I wanted an hour massage that includes Full Service, what would the total cost be (session cost + tip).

Thanks for any advice. I did scroll through the pages here before posting this. We have a similar forum where I am (Maryland) and I know to RTFF first.

01-04-24, 21:48
New Life is for the moron weekend warrior newbys who don't speak spanish and have no clue what they are doing.

The girls there are trash, beat up, run-thru hags. 5 years ago we would make a stop there once in awhile and occasionally find a fresh girl.

Those days are long gone.5 years ago, webcam and onlyfans was not so common. Also don't forget the guys flying girls out, paying them cash to be on call if you will. So, I guess the pool of workers has shrunk who work at those casas.

01-04-24, 22:53
Besides Energy, what are some good parlors in the Laureles area?

01-04-24, 23:40
New Life is for the moron weekend warrior newbys who don't speak spanish and have no clue what they are doing.

The girls there are trash, beat up, run-thru hags. 5 years ago we would make a stop there once in awhile and occasionally find a fresh girl.

Those days are long gone.I still go in for that rush of seeing a new girl.

Theres currently one new girl, she's a few weeks pregnant and lactating. That was a nice surprise.

I need to find some other economical casa de cita now. That was my I don't even want to think, I just know I want to bust a nut for a good price. 70 is pushing it for me even for their lineup now.

01-05-24, 00:09
Ya know. I have been to Medellin about a half dozen times and I hope to go back. My knee needs a replacement and the walking would be hard on me so I will stay in my southern base of operation which is Sosua. I am not trying to start one of those compare and contrast arguments. I don't use the traditional mongering venues here anymore because it has been about 50% ruined and 50% overinflated- I have found a better way. Anyhow, I can't help but notice that the posts here are starting to look like they did in the Sosua section about 6 or 7 years ago and I suspect for the same reason.

Elvis 2008
01-05-24, 00:16
I'm traveling to Medellin for the first time and the type of woman I'm looking for seems to match what you're describing. Educated and smart, talented. How do I go about meeting them? I'm a mid-30's male and I'll be staying in El Poblado.I used seeking.com, but I am not sure it is good anymore to find women like this.

If your goal is being a sugar daddy, I would print up business cards and hand them to hot women and tell them you are hiring.

If your goal is a serious relationship, I would do something now I have not done before which is to flat out ask the hot women if they were single and if they said yes, I would tell them I was from the USA and wanted to meet Colombian women and ask them out for coffee or a drink. Colombian women usually do not say no much or try to put men down so they might give you a fake number or their real number and not respond to you, but they do not seem to be the kind who would put you down.

And for long term, I would only go for white collar women or those studying to be white collar.

So knowing what I know now, I would be much more forward, nice but very forward.

01-05-24, 01:12
I don't want to sound like a complete wet-behind-the-ear newb, but how does Parque Lleras work. I walk around there and it's dead as fuck. The only people approaching me are doormen trying to get me to pay for over price drinks. All the chicas are on their cellphones tiktoking it up or some shit. What am I missing about this place?

01-05-24, 01:59
I believe that is an urban legend. That they can blow it in your face or just touch you with it on your skin. No. This drug whatever it is (probably scopelamine mixed with benzos), you have to ingest it and a decent amount too. For it to work.The thought that they would even go through the trouble to manufacturing scopelamine when there's so many other available sources of drugs out there just as or more effective, such as Ketamine, Benzodiazepine's, Xanax. Etc. Scopelamine is basically used for Nausea conditions and of course drugging's I guess if available. Is there that many out work pharmaceutical chemists available or desperate to go through the trouble of making scopelamine instead of 2C-B or Fentanyl, which Medellin has become huge player in the manufacturing of fentanyl, especially in Bello. There's been at least 6 overdose in Cartegena from fentanyl laced Ketamine, probably more by now. Just think Scopelamine is just more of insinuation of to describe insidious situation.

01-05-24, 04:20
I just pulled the trigger and purchased a flight for Medellin. I Opted out of the Dominican Republic, now only issue is which area should I stay? Point me to a landmark or something! I want to be somewhere within walking distance to all the babes. Where can I find babes in the Morning. The afternoon. And at night time. Any additional tips would be highly appreciated. How's the safety there? I hear so many different things about scopelamine, robberies etc. Thanks a million times xxx.

01-05-24, 05:10
I was responding to Tex, who thinks taking a girl out dancing in Medellin is a high risk activity because you may end up looking down the barrel of a gun. Cheers.What I'm talking it about is that when you are walking around El Poblado at midnight or 2:00 am going to or from a club, bar hopping and so on there is definitely a risk of an armed robbery.

Consider this armed robbery caught on video at the Click Clack Hotel 37 #10 A 29, El Poblado, a 5 star luxury hotel a few blocks from Parque lleras and Provenza. On the night of February 25, 2023 two men pulled up next to the hotel restaurant on a motorcycle, one entered with a gun and demanded valuables from the guests and then fled on the motorcycle driven by his accomplice.


How likely is it that you'll have the business end of a gun pointed at you while having a night out in El Poblado? No one knows. Many crimes are not reported. But it does happen.

01-05-24, 05:28
I don't want to sound like a complete wet-behind-the-ear newb, but how does Parque Lleras work. I walk around there and it's dead as fuck. The only people approaching me are doormen trying to get me to pay for over price drinks. All the chicas are on their cellphones tiktoking it up or some shit. What am I missing about this place?If you see a pretty girl walk over and smile and say "Hola!" If she seems very happy to see you, then either you are extremely handsome or she's working. Take it from there. You are looking for companionship, etc.

01-05-24, 05:30
What's everyone's experience been like when trying to record your your time with some of these ladies. Are they generally accepting or 100% against it etc. When you was in Ecuador the women I was with were always ok with it and seemed to enjoy putting on a show for the camera.

01-05-24, 05:32
Besides Energy, what are some good parlors in the Laureles area?Google "Salones de Masajes Eróticos Medellin". Click on "more places". Use the map and zoom in on the area you are interested in. The only way to know what's good is to go and see for yourself, however I would be a little hesitant if it's under 150 K per hour.

01-05-24, 05:47
Google "Salones de Masajes Erticos Medellin". Click on "more places". Use the map and zoom in on the area you are interested in. The only way to know what's good is to go and see for yourself, however I would be a little hesitant if it's under 150 K per hour.I do thank you for this method, and I will look around the map. What I am hoping for is recent first hand accounts of Laureles parlors. I know its going to depend on my experience in the moment, there are no guarantees of a good time. But hopefully someone out there can share some info. If not, I'll wing it no worries.

01-05-24, 06:18
I do thank you for this method, and I will look around the map. What I am hoping for is recent first hand accounts of Laureles parlors. I know its going to depend on my experience in the moment, there are no guarantees of a good time. But hopefully someone out there can share some info. If not, I'll wing it no worries.Personally, a month and a half ago I went to one place.

ngeles Spa.

Cra. 81 #42 52, Laureles. Estadio, Medelland, Laureles, Medelland, Antioquia Colombia.

Apartment 202.

+57 3207376183.

They can be contacted by WhatsApp.

I met one girl: Samantha and I ended up spending a total of about 11 hours with her. 200 K per hour including uncovered blow job. I was very happy with that.

However on my next trip, I will probably drop in on a few places. I'm not too interested in anyone's opinion since Uber is just a few dollars and the girls at these place can change from hour to hour, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, different men like different kinds of sex, etc. Really cheap places I might be a little skeptical about, but you never know. I might check out one or two.

For what it's worth this is the local mongering site

They seem to favor
Which has two branches, one in the La America neighborhood and one in Los Colores so they are on the outskirts of Laureles.

01-05-24, 13:04
Even the working girls in Colombia are traditional in that the man approaches the woman first. Especially in public, not sure if you expected them to cat-call at you or what. When times where slow they would and those are the ones to avoid. Also depends on the time of day or night. Some of these girls spend like 10 hours a day standing there waiting. Trust me they're not shy, they're just bored. Any girl just loitering around that area is working. You can tell if they're on their way somewhere. I just go up and see what they are like, flirt etc and get a phone number.

I don't want to sound like a complete wet-behind-the-ear newb, but how does Parque Lleras work. I walk around there and it's dead as fuck. The only people approaching me are doormen trying to get me to pay for over price drinks. All the chicas are on their cellphones tiktoking it up or some shit. What am I missing about this place?

01-05-24, 13:13
Consider this armed robbery caught on video at the Click Clack Hotel 37 #10 A 29, El Poblado, a 5 star luxury hotel a few blocks from Parque lleras and Provenza. On the night of February 25, 2023 two men pulled up next to the hotel restaurant on a motorcycle, one entered with a gun and demanded valuables from the guests and then fled on the motorcycle driven by his accomplice.


How likely is it that you'll have the business end of a gun pointed at you while having a night out in El Poblado? No one knows. Many crimes are not reported. But it does happen.Here is one of many websites dedicated to the weekly robberies and shootings throughout Texas. https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/tag/robbery/. You might have been one of those people who stayed home to stay safe during Covid. God bless you. Stay safe. Only go to the massage houses and private apartments if you think that makes you safer. To me it is silly af to live your life that way. I live in Medellin for 7 years, what am I going to do stay home? LOL.

01-05-24, 13:48
Definitely looks better. More police during daytime. They seem to be pushing the vendors out manually and keeping the place and park clean, turning around and pestering some people. Will see how long that will last. Even the market under Parque Berrio metro northbound is like 10% of it's former vendor size, or less, but groups of older locals still hanging around looking at nothing and themselves, since there aren't many vendors. Haven't noticed usual druggies and homeless hanging around in there around the second fountain either, seems like they are keeping them out as well.

Seen the police pushing out the WGs from the front of Veracruz too but's it's like grinding water, as long as police stands there and tells each one to move they move, soon as police is gone, WGs are back. Curiously they didn't have a problem with WGs front of Veracruz when the barriers were up.

As for mongering, I don't see benefits of no-barriers personally -- same hookers as always anyway just need to be more careful after dark inside plaza, since robbers heave infinitely more ways to escape now and that's about it, probably won't be hanging out in PB until late night as I often used to but will see.

01-05-24, 13:57
Well this is new. A casa right next to all of the street walkers and Centro bars? Are you sure you are not thinking about one of the many short time hotels in the area? First time I hear anyone ever mentioning a casa being in there.There is no casa there afaik. Closest casa to veracruz is next to hotel desesos (which is shit) and then armonia (I think that's the name) nearby.

01-05-24, 14:24
Incoming Moron Weekend Warrior.

I'm travelling to Medellin soon and will be staying in the El Poblado area (near the Santafe Mall). I don't speak any Spanish. I'm mostly interested in full service massage places (or brothels, if they exist). I'm pretty comfortable with the protocols in the US when it comes to getting extra services in massage parlors, but I'd appreciate any tips in Medellin. Is it legal there or do I have to be discreet. If I wanted an hour massage that includes Full Service, what would the total cost be (session cost + tip).

Thanks for any advice. I did scroll through the pages here before posting this. We have a similar forum where I am (Maryland) and I know to RTFF first.Fellow Marylander so here you go. Full service massage places on the upper floors of the mall directly across the street from the entrance to the Oviedo mall, which also has a full service massage place. Just a few blocks from Santa Fe. Usually you will get a CMT level massage with extras available. It's very expensive for Medellin and you will be negotiating extras during the massage when you are nude with a stiff dick. Not a great bargaining tactic. Massage itself can range a bit but last time I went it was around 175-250 mil for a hour depending on what massage place you choose. You can start negotiating whenever you want during the massage by rubbing her ass and pussy through her clothes. She will take the cue open with an absurdly high number but some dumb shits must pay it because it's cheap compared to here in the USA Counter at about a third of what she wants and see where it ends up. She will likely negotiate down but she knows that you having a raging boner and thus she has the upper hand. Don't assume she has a condom. Take one or 2. She probably will not fuck you without one. It's been awhile since I've been there so maybe inflation has hit these prices. All in expect around 500 mil. Outrageous for Medellin but they are in an upscale safe mall with a nice "office", you will get an CMT level massage and you are negotiating with a stiff dick. Plenty of cheaper options if you look on Mileroticos for massage but don't expect a CMT level massage just sex. Use Uber to travel. It's cheap and easy. Google translate is an amazing tool. Download it and learn how to use it. Have it handy while you are on the massage table to negotiate. Also learning a few key phrases in Spanish helps. Others have posted here which ones are useful. Lastly don't be flashy, drunk, or high in public and keep your street smarts sharp and listen to the inner voice if it is saying something doesn't seem right it's likely on target. Carry only what you need and if someone sticks a gun or knife in your face promptly hand over your valuables. Get a cheap burner phone.

01-05-24, 16:07
Here is one of many websites dedicated to the weekly robberies and shootings throughout Texas. https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/tag/robbery/. You might have been one of those people who stayed home to stay safe during Covid. God bless you. Stay safe. Only go to the massage houses and private apartments if you think that makes you safer. To me it is silly af to live your life that way. I live in Medellin for 7 years, what am I going to do stay home? LOL.I've lived in Medellin for 7 years as well. Posting about violence in Texas is irrelevant to what happens in Medellin. I have a residence in the USA as well in a city with very little crime and I don't use it as a reference point for Medellin either. There is crime all over the world, but the subject at hand is Medellin, Colombia.

01-05-24, 16:27
Right, and this topic started as a response to what TexasPistol said right here a couple days ago

go to the "erotic massage salons" aka brothels. Anything else is Russian roulette. Unless you enjoy that kind of danger, excitement, living on the edge situation, don't do it..

He went on to say that anything other than brothels is "russian roulette" because taking a girl out dancing runs the risk of looking down the barrel of a gun. I responded that the danger *particular to Medellin and what sets Medallo apart from the rest of the world, is that the danger comes from the Chicas and drugs into drinks. He disagreed. So you are commenting on the tail end of an exchange. Mr. TexasPistol. Who is from Texas presumably. Feels comfortable going to the grocery store and out to dinner in the Lone Star state ,but Medellin is Russian Roulette, Nah.

I've lived in Medellin for 7 years as well. Posting about violence in Texas is irrelevant to what happens in Medellin. I have a residence in the USA as well in a city with very little crime and I don't use it as a reference point for Medellin either. There is crime all over the world, but the subject at hand is Medellin, Colombia.

01-05-24, 17:32
In Texas only good guys have guns. Forgive that off topic political messaging. Back to the matter at hand, I feel like there is more than enough safety information floating around mainstream and punter forums to equip even the most casual short term visitor with the tools needed for personal security. There are no sure fire 100% effective protection measures. There are effective ways to control the risk and, if applied consistently, Medellin can be made as safe as any comparable city. My advice to anyone who is so nervous about it they don't feel they can relax enough to enjoy their time here is to go somewhere else. Every few days someone comes on here to tell us they are, to paraphrase, "done with this fucking place. " I don't understand the need to be the person who has to loudly slam the cinema hall door on the way out of a movie they don't like but whatever. I wish everyone a fun and safe existence wherever they decide to go.

Right, and this topic started as a response to what TexasPistol said right here a couple days ago


He went on to say that anything other than brothels is "russian roulette" because taking a girl out dancing runs the risk of looking down the barrel of a gun. I responded that the danger *particular to Medellin and what sets Medallo apart from the rest of the world, is that the danger comes from the Chicas and drugs into drinks. He disagreed. So you are commenting on the tail end of an exchange. Mr. TexasPistol. Who is from Texas presumably. Feels comfortable going to the grocery store and out to dinner in the Lone Star state ,but Medellin is Russian Roulette, Nah.

01-05-24, 17:47
Oh man, I know the place you mean. It was and maybe still is called Yakuza. It's always been rough. I have run into a handful of diamonds in there over the years but you have to scratch through a whole lot of coal in that joint.

There is no casa there afaik. Closest casa to veracruz is next to hotel desesos (which is shit) and then armonia (I think that's the name) nearby.

01-05-24, 19:28
What is safer Medellin or Bogota?? I know a lot depends on you and how careful you are. But for the guys that have been to both, which do you find a safer place? My biggest fear is getting drugged or robbed.

01-05-24, 19:34
There are fewer vendors under the metro overpass and Parque Berrio because they are no longer all squeezed against the barrier competing for foot traffic between the barrier entrances. That was brutal.

Definitely looks better. More police during daytime. They seem to be pushing the vendors out manually and keeping the place and park clean, turning around and pestering some people. Will see how long that will last. Even the market under Parque Berrio metro northbound is like 10% of it's former vendor size, or less, but groups of older locals still hanging around looking at nothing and themselves, since there aren't many vendors. Haven't noticed usual druggies and homeless hanging around in there around the second fountain either, seems like they are keeping them out as well.

Seen the police pushing out the WGs from the front of Veracruz too but's it's like grinding water, as long as police stands there and tells each one to move they move, soon as police is gone, WGs are back. Curiously they didn't have a problem with WGs front of Veracruz when the barriers were up.

As for mongering, I don't see benefits of no-barriers personally -- same hookers as always anyway just need to be more careful after dark inside plaza, since robbers heave infinitely more ways to escape now and that's about it, probably won't be hanging out in PB until late night as I often used to but will see.

01-05-24, 19:35
Medellin is safer. Don't take my word for it, ask the police.

What is safer Medellin or Bogota?? I know a lot depends on you and how careful you are. But for the guys that have been to both, which do you find a safer place? My biggest fear is getting drugged or robbed.

Husker Dude
01-05-24, 20:11
Fellow Marylander so here you go. Full service massage places on the upper floors of the mall directly across the street from the entrance to the Oviedo mall, which also has a full service massage place. Just a few blocks from Santa Fe. Usually you will get a CMT level massage with extras available. It's very expensive for Medellin and you will be negotiating extras during the massage when you are nude with a stiff dick. Not a great bargaining tactic. Massage itself can range a bit but last time I went it was around 175-250 mil for a hour depending on what massage place you choose. You can start negotiating whenever you want during the massage by rubbing her ass and pussy through her clothes. She will take the cue open with an absurdly high number but some dumb shits must pay it because it's cheap compared to here in the USA Counter at about a third of what she wants and see where it ends up. She will likely negotiate down but she knows that you having a raging boner and thus she has the upper hand. Don't assume she has a condom. Take one or 2. She probably will not fuck you without one. It's been awhile since I've been there so maybe inflation has hit these prices. All in expect around 500 mil. Outrageous for Medellin but they are in an upscale safe mall with a nice "office", you will get an CMT level massage and you are negotiating with a stiff dick. Plenty of cheaper options if you look on Mileroticos for massage but don't expect a CMT level massage just sex. Use Uber to travel. It's cheap and easy. Google translate is an amazing tool. Download it and learn how to use it. Have it handy while you are on the massage table to negotiate. Also learning a few key phrases in Spanish helps. Others have posted here which ones are useful. Lastly don't be flashy, drunk, or high in public and keep your street smarts sharp and listen to the inner voice if it is saying something doesn't seem right it's likely on target. Carry only what you need and if someone sticks a gun or knife in your face promptly hand over your valuables. Get a cheap burner phone.It's called Rio Sur Mall. Level 4 towards the back is OM Spa for men. There are also 4-5 other places there too.

01-05-24, 20:20
What is safer Medellin or Bogota?? I know a lot depends on you and how careful you are. But for the guys that have been to both, which do you find a safer place? My biggest fear is getting drugged or robbed.I would say they are basically equivalent. The risk of getting drugged and / or robbed is proportional to your level of common sense. You won't get drugged like in a movie. You get drugged when someone puts something in your drink. Are you coming here to drink? I would seriously suggest you drink in the Sport's bar at San Peter with your homies. You should never be drinking with a girl in your hotel room or Air be-and-be. It will require you to be incredibly vigilant and suspicious all the time which surely will detract from your experience.

If you are smart enough to not drink with the girls and if you go to a strip bar, drink water with a screw top cap that you can keep with you at all times. If you do those things you aren't going to get drugged.

As far as getting robbed. Are you smart enough to keep everything of value in your safe? Or a locked up suitcase? Are you secure enough to leave your bling at home? Are you smart enough to NOT pull our your expensive cell phone every time it buzzes or chimes. Duck into a coffee shop or bakery to check your messages, if you must. Stay away from empty deserted streets. Cabs are cheap, really cheap.

You see, if you bring your common sense and realize you are in a country where half the population is very poor, so "no the papaya" (that is a Colombian saying which literally means don't "don't give papaya" meaning don't make yourself an attractive victim). Your junk wants to come here and play if you bring your brains along too you should have no real problems.

01-05-24, 21:49
I checked out New Life to just get the check in the box. Attached is the price list. I thought it was interesting the specificity for time slots. The array of girls was dizzying. They brought them out in rapid succession and expect you to remember their name or number. My brain ain't that good but they worked with me to get the girl I wanted.

01-05-24, 22:33
What is safer Medellin or Bogota?? I know a lot depends on you and how careful you are. But for the guys that have been to both, which do you find a safer place? My biggest fear is getting drugged or robbed.Been to both and in both there are druggings and robberies. I have never had either of those happen to me, but I've met several people that have.

I think it's a random shot either one. Depends on where you are, what you are doing, and just random chance. You will get opinions, I'm sure, but I would say they are equal. People's feeling of safety is not a reliable indicator of anything.

01-05-24, 23:34
What is safer Medellin or Bogota?? I know a lot depends on you and how careful you are. But for the guys that have been to both, which do you find a safer place? My biggest fear is getting drugged or robbed.Medellíand's homicide rate is about 50% higher according to one source I looked at. A couple of others, the difference wasn't as much but MDE's rate was higher everywhere I looked. I've been to both and had issues in MDE and no issues in BOG, but of course that is a random sample of one.

01-05-24, 23:53
If you see a pretty girl walk over and smile and say "Hola!" If she seems very happy to see you, then either you are extremely handsome or she's working. Take it from there. You are looking for companionship, etc.That's how easy it is in Medellin. When you say hola with a gringo accent and she engages, you basically will f her. I've done that in malls a bunch of times. My success rate was about 50/50. As for sex, I'd say half of them wanted money up front, the other half did not, but I usually take them to nice places to eat and shop, and I would give them 100 mil at the end if our time is great.

01-06-24, 03:05
Right, and this topic started as a response to what TexasPistol said right here a couple days ago


He went on to say that anything other than brothels is "russian roulette" because taking a girl out dancing runs the risk of looking down the barrel of a gun. I responded that the danger *particular to Medellin and what sets Medallo apart from the rest of the world, is that the danger comes from the Chicas and drugs into drinks. He disagreed. So you are commenting on the tail end of an exchange. Mr. TexasPistol. Who is from Texas presumably. Feels comfortable going to the grocery store and out to dinner in the Lone Star state ,but Medellin is Russian Roulette, Nah.No offense to TexasPete, sorry TexasPistol LOL, I think anything he posts should be taken with a grain of salt. He obviously has very limited experience in Medellin and is basing his opinions off of hearsay he has read from other posts.

If I remember correctly, his first trip to Medellin was just last month and he severely overpaid, he posted about this in December quoting prices in USD and stating that he was paying $60 usd for short time encounters at casas which he called brothels.

Unless someone has atleast 10 2 week-long trips under his belt or has stayed here for several months at a time, then he really doesn't know what he is talking about. You can't just come here for a few days and visit a few casas / brothels and then proclaim to be a Medellin expert.

01-06-24, 08:22
About the eternal question: How dangerous is Medellin?

Honestly, I just don't know and I doubt that anyone else does. There are so many different opinions online from seemingly sincere people.

This fellow declares that he spent a year traveling through 26 countries and the one place he will NOT visit again is Medellin.


This video just came out and he says it's no worse than the US.


According to him, there were three serious incidents recently however they were unique exceptions and besides them, crime isn't a big problem.

My personal opinion is this. I'm a sex tourist. Personally, I'm not interested in music, dancing, drinking, nightlife. I want sex with a minimal risk of getting killed. So if Location A (streets of El Poblado) is rumored to have a serious risk and Location be (brothels) seems to have no risk, and both locations are about the same price with the same quality of women, I am going to be.

I am seriously considering trying the Philippines for my next trip for several reasons, such as less of a language barrier, but also because of the (alleged) crime problem in Medellin.

01-06-24, 11:30
Perfect summary, well put.

There are no sure fire 100% effective protection measures. There are effective ways to control the risk and, if applied consistently, Medellin can be made as safe as any comparable city. My advice to anyone who is so nervous about it they don't feel they can relax enough to enjoy their time here is to go somewhere else.