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02-25-11, 20:43
So, I've been reading the boards and this isn't my first rodeo but since my experience is all Rio. I was hoping to get some experienced insight form the local MDE crowd.

I've been reviewing the numerous Escort WebSites and wanted to see besdies GFE4WEEK, which site you recommended and had experience with.

1. Are the girls in add same that you get?

2. Are they friendly GFE types or purely mechanical.

3. Are their posted fees realty or do they nickel and dime you?

I'm trying to determine if I'd like to do a 1 a day website to guarantee the type of paisa I want besides of course doing the scavenger hunt of casas and strip clubs.

Okay one more quick. How likely do 1 week mongers get the opportunity to tell the 1st day or 2nd day Lady that she should come out with friends for fun and they acutally meet up with you? Yes I'm a nice guy to them but speak poquito spanish.You are going on a 5 day vacation. 1st time in MDE, and automatically you catapult yourself into the highly exhalted category of 1 week monger? That's not easy to get into and is something kinda,"Earned". Like being Grand Poobah at the Water Buffalo Lodge.

You have asked about the escort websites 3 times now.

You Do the escort website recon. Get back to us. Stop asking about it every week. Nobody knows, get it?

You had 6 posters already respond in depth to your questions for your 5 day stint. You seem to want to do something different. Suerte!

Here is your response to another poster after the second time you asked:

Breathe man. LOL it was a whopping one post for claification and yes I'll hop on a plane and figure it out. Just was curious about the formal escort sites if they were scams or quality and how they matched to the casas and strip clubs. No complication here, like most times its a scavenger hunt hit or missDude. You keep answering your own question and then come back a week later and ask it again.

YMMV with any and every woman and with the same woman on a different day.

I can't wait to read your report on the escort websites. But you and your posts scream one sided. I doubt you'll post anything. And don't mention this "other ISG handle" that you used to have on the RIO board or the "I've been reading the boards ". Nobody buys it. If you have another ISG handle you can get it reset.

The answer to your last question is that all depends on you and how flakey the girl is. If you are throwing around money you have a better shot. The girls here are pretty flakey.

By the way I'm being nice.

Legal Tender
02-26-11, 01:15
You are going on a 5 day vacation. 1st time in MDE, and automatically you catapult yourself into the highly exhalted category of 1 week monger? That's not easy to get into and is something kinda,"Earned". Like being Grand Poobah at the Water Buffalo Lodge.

You have asked about the escort websites 3 times now.

You Do the escort website recon. Get back to us. Stop asking about it every week. Nobody knows, get it?

You had 6 posters already respond in depth to your questions for your 5 day stint. You seem to want to do something different. Suerte!

Here is your response to another poster after the second time you asked:

Dude. You keep answering your own question and then come back a week later and ask it again.

YMMV with any and every woman and with the same woman on a different day.

I can't wait to read your report on the escort websites. But you and your posts scream one sided. I doubt you'll post anything. And don't mention this "other ISG handle" that you used to have on the RIO board or the "I've been reading the boards ". Nobody buys it. If you have another ISG handle you can get it reset.

The answer to your last question is that all depends on you and how flakey the girl is. If you are throwing around money you have a better shot. The girls here are pretty flakey.

By the way I'm being nice. Please, these personal attacks don't do anything to advance this thread. Please refrain from this kind of conduct. It is a distraction and completely unproductive.

Only good energy!

02-26-11, 02:38
How much more info do people need? There's World Traveler's comprehensive info, info re apartments, hotels, La Mayorista, El Centro, Casa Blanca, a Google map with all the casas pinpointed.. The only add'l info might be a real-time tracker of when the centro casas change addresses, or which girls move to a different casa. The girls could wear a GPS maybe.

As far as fantasy goes, what I wrote was no fantasy, it was just a good time. I've had bad times, I choose not to write about them.

02-26-11, 04:15
I'm so excited, I will be making my first trip to Medellin next Wednesday and I can't wait, I've already have about 23 contacts from Romance Latina waiting for me, but this is the one that I like the most!


I've been sending emails back and forth with her but I don't know that she's a prepago, and I don't want to ask and risk insulting her, so, I want to know if anyone has been with her before, please let me know, if you have then I can go forward and ask her out expecting more than just company!

Please let me know guys!

BTW, I will be staying at Casa Blanca 2, I will be easy to spot, I'm guessing that I will be the only Mexican staying there, let me know if you need a wingman, I don't know my way arround but I can speak spanish that mus be worth something.

02-26-11, 13:18
I'm so excited, I will be making my first trip to Medellin next Wednesday and I can't wait, I've already have about 23 contacts from Romance Latina waiting for me, but this is the one that I like the most!


I've been sending emails back and forth with her but I don't know that she's a prepago, and I don't want to ask and risk insulting her, so, I want to know if anyone has been with her before, please let me know, if you have then I can go forward and ask her out expecting more than just company!

Please let me know guys!

BTW, I will be staying at Casa Blanca 2, I will be easy to spot, I'm guessing that I will be the only Mexican staying there, let me know if you need a wingman, I don't know my way arround but I can speak spanish that mus be worth something. Do not know if she is P4P, tho I suspect it. She is also one of my RL friends so let me know. I have not had much email exchange with her so I cannot share that insight. I am sure you will have a memorable 1st trip to Medellin. The Paisa are wonderful, know how to have a good time while showing you one. Please also post your observations about how the new rules effect spare Paisas hanging around CB1. I realize you seem to be pre-arranging your dates, but I suspect some may never show and you might be looking for a spare. LOL

John Gault
02-26-11, 14:04
how much more info do people need? there's world traveler's comprehensive info, info re apartments, hotels, la mayorista, el centro, casa blanca, a google map with all the casas pinpointed. the only add'l info might be a real-time tracker of when the centro casas change addresses, or which girls move to a different casa. the girls could wear a gps maybe.

as far as fantasy goes, what i wrote was no fantasy, it was just a good time. i've had bad times, i choose not to write about them. {the girls could wear a gps maybe. } very good, although i think if they are having their period then it should automaticly turn off.

02-26-11, 20:34
I'm so excited, I will be making my first trip to Medellin next Wednesday and I can't wait, I've already have about 23 contacts from Romance Latina waiting for me, but this is the one that I like the most!


I've been sending emails back and forth with her but I don't know that she's a prepago, and I don't want to ask and risk insulting her, so, I want to know if anyone has been with her before, please let me know, if you have then I can go forward and ask her out expecting more than just company!

Please let me know guys!

BTW, I will be staying at Casa Blanca 2, I will be easy to spot, I'm guessing that I will be the only Mexican staying there, let me know if you need a wingman, I don't know my way arround but I can speak spanish that mus be worth something.95% of the Medellin based girls on RL are prepagos. You will find out for sure when you tell her you are staying at Casa Blanca, if she's not a prepago she is going to refuse to go there.

02-26-11, 21:33
{The girls could wear a GPS maybe. } Very good, although I think if they are having their period then it should automaticly turn off.Or if their kid is sick or their mom needs surgery or if their cell phone was just stolen, ya know stuff like that.

02-26-11, 21:40
Please, these personal attacks don't do anything to advance this thread. Please refrain from this kind of conduct. It is a distraction and completely unproductive.

Only good energy!That was not an attack. Please read the board and see he has asked this question 3 times already and has rec'd multiple in depth responses (none from you by the way) , talk about not doing anything to advance the thread.

People barked at him the second time with the same question. Stop being Ghandi and inform yourself beforehand.

Why don't we just come up with a Newbie Thread containing a few posts with just information that could supplement WT69 lists which are only lists, although excellent lists.

Legal Tender
02-27-11, 05:53
That was not an attack. Please read the board and see he has asked this question 3 times already and has rec'd multiple in depth responses (none from you by the way) , talk about not doing anything to advance the thread.

People barked at him the second time with the same question. Stop being Ghandi and inform yourself beforehand.

Why don't we just come up with a Newbie Thread containing a few posts with just information that could supplement WT69 lists which are only lists, although excellent lists. We were all newbies once. My respectful suggestion that these personal attacks do nothing to advance this thread is really illustrated by your writing. I don't question your judgment that repetitions of the same question occurred. It was a personal attack for multiple inquires. And it was you that chose to call him to task.

Look, most people are doing the best that they can. Some chose to engage negatively. My point is that approach is not only unpleasant to experience, but it is not productive. It advances nothing. I don't pretend to be Ghandi, but I do respect his wisdom, and try to apply it in my life. I don't trust any fucking preacher that has more than two suits, so Ghandi (with the possible exception of Dr. King, just because he was a monger, too) was the last spiritual leader than has any credibility with me. Please, consider being a little more like Ghandi. I think you will like yourself better. More directly though, I just trying to suggest that we all act like adults here and stop this sophomoric criticism of another poster.

Now, in order to make this distracting discussion less relevant and to make peace, I have a question for a proposed diversion. I have a butt load of photos of some of the hottest young women in Medellin. Not Cubanut quality. That dude has an eye for the lens. But pretty damn good. But, they were from a trip a couple of years ago. Should I still post them?

Only good energy!

02-27-11, 07:26
Well, everything is ready, my bags are packed, I will be arriving in Medellin next Wednesday! And sudenly, something came to mind, does anyone here is down in Medellin right now? If you are, How's the weather? Do I bring a bathing suit and short sleeves of a jacket and long sleeves?

02-27-11, 15:11
Well, everything is ready, my bags are packed, I will be arriving in Medellin next Wednesday! And sudenly, something came to mind, does anyone here is down in Medellin right now? If you are, How's the weather? Do I bring a bathing suit and short sleeves of a jacket and long sleeves?Well. MDE is called the City of Eternal Spring for good reason. Short sleeves may be in order some days, and not others and often it is cool at night where you may want a light jacket. I always bring a light water resistent jacket and it seems to fit the need just perfectly. Plus you will encounter some rain even though it is at the tail end of the warm / dry period. But whatever the case, neither pools at CB1 or 2 are heated, so the water stays pretty cold all year long. If you find that refreshing, bring your suit. I just find it very cold.

02-27-11, 17:25
You are going on a 5 day vacation. 1st time in MDE, and automatically you catapult yourself into the highly exhalted category of 1 week monger? That's not easy to get into and is something kinda,"Earned". Like being Grand Poobah at the Water Buffalo Lodge.

You have asked about the escort websites 3 times now.

You Do the escort website recon. Get back to us. Stop asking about it every week. Nobody knows, get it?

You had 6 posters already respond in depth to your questions for your 5 day stint. You seem to want to do something different. Suerte!

Here is your response to another poster after the second time you asked:

Dude. You keep answering your own question and then come back a week later and ask it again.

YMMV with any and every woman and with the same woman on a different day.

I can't wait to read your report on the escort websites. But you and your posts scream one sided. I doubt you'll post anything. And don't mention this "other ISG handle" that you used to have on the RIO board or the "I've been reading the boards ". Nobody buys it. If you have another ISG handle you can get it reset.

The answer to your last question is that all depends on you and how flakey the girl is. If you are throwing around money you have a better shot. The girls here are pretty flakey.

By the way I'm being nice. LOL, some people are sensitive. Wow! So, for a little clarification and yes you did Answer my question somewhat since NO ONE else did. 3 times, yep original post, good responses but nothing on Web Escorts. So a 2nd in middle of post after getting my head bit off and now a 3rd with its own individual post just in case some people with info only check out boards every couple of weeks and don't scroll back reading everything.

As for earned you've got to be kidding me. Try Marines for years, I've worked my way through many different countries P4P, so sorry if using the word Monger hurts your delicate sensibilities. How about I'm coming for a weeks vacation. But since I have a career and am not retired, getting out is Very Hard for me. Not like the Marines or living in Texas were I went to Mexico over 15 years every few months.

And your last ASSumption. Old handle, try getting divorced and wife keeps e-mail address. There is no Resetting it, so I had to start a new one, but yes even with my Rio excursions I only posted about 20 times over a few years.

So, my takeaway is it seems the old guard, of I practically live in MDE have no interest in the casual visitor who may get out a couple of times a year. Sorry to overanalyze my vacation on here. But its my first trip in 3 years to a new area and I'm probably being OCD. But yes some tough love has helped me get over the initial nerves of getting back out and just jumping in.

02-27-11, 17:26
95% of the Medellin based girls on RL are prepagos. You will find out for sure when you tell her you are staying at Casa Blanca, if she's not a prepago she is going to refuse to go there.Or if once you get in the taxi and you tell her where you are staying, she takes over giving the cab driver directions and knows where the bathrooms are once you get there jaja LOL. Looks pretty bandida to me. When they get all of those cheesy glamor shots types of provocative pictures to attract attention you can bet she's not at 7am mass on Sunday.

02-27-11, 17:30
This is the kind of perfect advice for new people to understand and relate how to qualify a girl. Thank you! I too am on CC and RL, which is a first since all other trips I just showed up and learned the ropes but then again I had time to know I could get back regularly, and this time is a big trial for me to determine if I want to get back into this travel style, since I'm skating around work some to do it and have obligations that make travel difficult.

95% of the Medellin based girls on RL are prepagos. You will find out for sure when you tell her you are staying at Casa Blanca, if she's not a prepago she is going to refuse to go there.

02-27-11, 17:31
Now, in order to make this distracting discussion less relevant and to make peace, I have a question for a proposed diversion. I have a butt load of photos of some of the hottest young women in Medellin. Not Cubanut quality. That dude has an eye for the lens. But pretty damn good. But, they were from a trip a couple of years ago. Should I still post them?

Only good energy! [/QUOTE]Yes please, pictures are always welcome!

02-27-11, 17:46
Or if once you get in the taxi and you tell her where you are staying, she takes over giving the cab driver directions and knows where the bathrooms are once you get there jaja LOL. Looks pretty bandida to me. When they get all of those cheesy glamor shots types of provocative pictures to attract attentions you can bet she's not at 7am mass on Sunday.Hahaha MHL exactly. Or if you look at their profile and the age range of men they are seeking is 18-80, LOL.

02-27-11, 17:56
Thank's Palermo, I'm going to use your strategy, I will call her the moment I get there and ask her out explaining my plans, if she doesn't want to go back to my hotel I will have my answer, very helpful and a time saver.

I have been chatting briefly with her too, but have not yet met her, and since I won't be back in MDE for a few weeks, if ever, I haven't asked too many questions.

My bet is she is a prepago, as manizales I think said. 95% on there are. My approach with the ones I wasn't sure about was to tell them my plan for our 'date' was a drink or two and then back to my apt. That makes it pretty obvious without mentioning payments or amounts.

Once you see their reaction to that, you'll know all you need to.

A very few would immediately ask me 'how much? ', and those I usually dropped, I don't like the very professional ones much. (I know some here would rather know exact details of costs and what's included, I'm not one of them)

The ones that just said 'sounds good' I went out with. Rarely any mention of amounts before, during or after. The ones that called me incessantly every day after for weeks I knew I overpaid, LOL.

Early on I was chatting with one girl and when she wanted clarification about exactly what the date was about, I got tired of beating around the Bush and told her 'look, I'll pay you, ok? ' and her response was kind of funny, she said 'please don't say that, it makes me sound like a prepago, let's say that you are helping me out with my studies'.

I know that's just a nonsensical distinction, but I understand where she's coming from and I prefer that kind of girl. She was quite a lot of fun, but a few pounds heavier than her pic looked, so I didn't see her more than once. She's a fairly well known girl too, I have seen her name and pic on here several times.

02-27-11, 17:59
Ok, thank you for the info. I will bring a mix of shirts, a light jacket and no bathing suit!

Well. MDE is called the City of Eternal Spring for good reason. Short sleeves may be in order some days, and not others and often it is cool at night where you may want a light jacket. I always bring a light water resistent jacket and it seems to fit the need just perfectly. Plus you will encounter some rain even though it is at the tail end of the warm / dry period. But whatever the case, neither pools at CB1 or 2 are heated, so the water stays pretty cold all year long. If you find that refreshing, bring your suit. I just find it very cold.

02-27-11, 18:22
LOL, some people are sensitive. Wow! So, for a little clarification and yes you did Answer my question somewhat since NO ONE else did. 3 times, yep original post, good responses but nothing on Web Escorts. So a 2nd in middle of post after getting my head bit off and now a 3rd with its own individual post just in case some people with info only check out boards every couple of weeks and don't scroll back reading everything.

As for earned you've got to be kidding me. Try Marines for years, I've worked my way through many different countries P4P, so sorry if using the word Monger hurts your delicate sensibilities. How about I'm coming for a weeks vacation. But since I have a career and am not retired, getting out is Very Hard for me. Not like the Marines or living in Texas were I went to Mexico over 15 years every few months.

And your last ASSumption. Old handle, try getting divorced and wife keeps e-mail address. There is no Resetting it, so I had to start a new one, but yes even with my Rio excursions I only posted about 20 times over a few years.

So, my takeaway is it seems the old guard, of I practically live in MDE have no interest in the casual visitor who may get out a couple of times a year. Sorry to overanalyze my vacation on here. But its my first trip in 3 years to a new area and I'm probably being OCD. But yes some tough love has helped me get over the initial nerves of getting back out and just jumping in. Me sensitive? Surely you jest. Your question was a answered buy multiple posters (me, ricker, DC Fan and gogo) and a conversation even ensued.




Rodeo indirectly chimed in.


As Did John Gault.


Gogo "Read my orig response"


DC Fan "Read my orig response"


The earning thing has nothing to do with your past life or how you saved the drowning child. This is a monger board not a Jerrry Falwell blog. The earning was a joke that had to do with your 5 days vs. The fact you called yourself a "1 week monger". It was a joke and even had a reference to the Flintstones.

I left you a totally detailed reponse. (please click on this one, anyone who thinks I "live in MDE have no interest in the casual visitor who may get out a couple of times a year" )


That is as long as a book. I help out the casual visitor frequently. Your problem is you want everything spoon fed, you're lazy and you will continue to ask the same question over and over again until someone gives you the freebie you think exists. Gogo and myself already answered your question.

Legal, it was not an attack at all and whatever it was it was not because "of multiple inquiries", as you assumed. It was because of "multiple answers". There is a difference.

He was answered, in depth and none of the answers were "RTTF". I know you are not privy to any of this. So, in order to be an adult and deponstrate how Zen you are why not lead by example and you do his homework for him. You go back and dig through the posts, do a search and find out what this guy who will be here for 5 days is looking for while he sits on the couch playing X-box. OK? That would "advance the thread" As you suggest, a little contribution from you, that would be nice. Oh, and no cheating by you. You are not allowed to review the already submitted thorough reponses.

By the way this was posted with good energy and peace and love. Please read it with that mindset as the hatred and sensitivity you both perceive comes from within yourselves.

02-27-11, 19:46
Ok, thank you for the info. I will bring a mix of shirts, a light jacket and no bathing suit!1 Long sleeved Tee. It may get a little brisk at night. Also have a button down long or short sleeve shirt for the fancy nights. Shorts are OK for comfort but screams tourist. Mostly everyone wears jeans. Even doctors. Don't tuck anything in to your jeans. It can get hot at times here until mid March. If you are staying at a place with a pool bring that bathing suit. The real feel temp is 75-82 during the day. Low-med humidity and after 8PM around 60-70. Cooler the higher up you go.

02-28-11, 01:35
Hi friends, tomorrow I will reach Laureles and I will stay there for 8 dias. I will sleep at Av. Nutibara. I'd like to get some girlfriend experience. Can you tell me some places where there is action in Laureles? I'd like ti find chicas on the street because I don't like very much drinking. I like more to meet girls on the street and speak with them.
I know Av. La 70 is a good spot, what are other hot spot where I can meet hot action?
Thanks for your precious news.

02-28-11, 02:12
Can anyone give any input about this hotel. Is it chica friendly? Staying there in April for a business and some side mongering. Thanks in advance.

02-28-11, 03:38
Can anyone give any input about this hotel. Is it chica friendly? Staying there in April for a business and some side mongering. Thanks in advance.Every hotel in Medellin is not looking to play morality police, however I'm guessing you should discretely get your guests in and out of there, as the place is fairly upscale and not specificly catering to mongers, its been done here many times, but Colombia is not Thailand,

02-28-11, 03:57
Been to Medellin once. Loved San Diego Club, had luck at one casa that I can't remember the name of, and went out to some of the better local clubs (I'm 30, decent looking, speak decent spanish) and managed to get lucky the old fashioned way. Had some 6-7 quality girls from other P4P spots.

Stayed at one of the apartments advertised here (pobladorentals) .2 bedroom with a deck@Lleras. Outstanding. Had Ruben pick me up and Jimmy drive me around a bit. Jimmy talks too much but both are good guys.

Hated Fase II. Went twice. Disappointed both times. Didn't see anything over an "8" there.

I did notice there are MUCH hotter girls out in Parque Lleras / Barrio Colombia clubs than any of the P4P casas / clubs I went to. I've been all around this board and am going back to MDE in a few weeks. I'd like to set up some higher-end action but am afraid of bait and switch and / or getting robbed. I don't mind spending $$$ if there is real quality and an opportunity to make a connection.

There is a lack of information about this topic here and if anyone is reading this and holding back info please share.


LOL, some people are sensitive. Wow! So, for a little clarification and yes you did Answer my question somewhat since NO ONE else did. 3 times, yep original post, good responses but nothing on Web Escorts. So a 2nd in middle of post after getting my head bit off and now a 3rd with its own individual post just in case some people with info only check out boards every couple of weeks and don't scroll back reading everything.

As for earned you've got to be kidding me. Try Marines for years, I've worked my way through many different countries P4P, so sorry if using the word Monger hurts your delicate sensibilities. How about I'm coming for a weeks vacation. But since I have a career and am not retired, getting out is Very Hard for me. Not like the Marines or living in Texas were I went to Mexico over 15 years every few months.

And your last ASSumption. Old handle, try getting divorced and wife keeps e-mail address. There is no Resetting it, so I had to start a new one, but yes even with my Rio excursions I only posted about 20 times over a few years.

So, my takeaway is it seems the old guard, of I practically live in MDE have no interest in the casual visitor who may get out a couple of times a year. Sorry to overanalyze my vacation on here. But its my first trip in 3 years to a new area and I'm probably being OCD. But yes some tough love has helped me get over the initial nerves of getting back out and just jumping in.

02-28-11, 04:04
Can anyone give any input about this hotel. Is it chica friendly? Staying there in April for a business and some side mongering. Thanks in advance.I stayed there about three years ago. Brought a chica back, kept her overnight, no problems.

Come to think of it, I've never had trouble bringing chicas into Colombian hotels, even at higher-end places like the Santa Clara in Cartagena. Just make sure your girl has her cedula with her, as sometimes the front desk will insist on recording your girl's info just to be safe.

02-28-11, 04:09
Been to Medellin once. Loved San Diego Club, had luck at one casa that I can't remember the name of, and went out to some of the better local clubs (I'm 30, decent looking, speak decent spanish) and managed to get lucky the old fashioned way. Had some 6-7 quality girls from other P4P spots.

Stayed at one of the apartments advertised here (pobladorentals).2 bedroom with a deck@Lleras. Outstanding. Had Ruben pick me up and Jimmy drive me around a bit. Jimmy talks too much but both are good guys.

Hated Fase II. Went twice. Disappointed both times. Didn't see anything over an "8" there.

I did notice there are MUCH hotter girls out in Parque Lleras / Barrio Colombia clubs than any of the P4P casas / clubs I went to. I've been all around this board and am going back to MDE in a few weeks. I'd like to set up some higher-end action but am afraid of bait and switch and / or getting robbed. I don't mind spending $$$ if there is real quality and an opportunity to make a connection.

There is a lack of information about this topic here and if anyone is reading this and holding back info please share.

Thanks. There's a number of options for opportunities to pay a higher price and get with some really attractive women, however my experience has been there is no correlation to amount of money spent and the quality of the experience, the best looking and most expensive girl I'd ever been with in Medellin was the biggest dud in the cama.

02-28-11, 04:21
I can relate to the hot dud, but still, hot is hot. Where are the most reliable places to look?

There's a number of options for opportunities to pay a higher price and get with some really attractive women, however my experience has been there is no correlation to amount of money spent and the quality of the experience, the best looking and most expensive girl I'd ever been with in Medellin was the biggest dud in the cama.

02-28-11, 05:08
And your last ASSumption. Old handle, try getting divorced and wife keeps e-mail address. There is no Resetting it, so I had to start a new one, but yes even with my Rio excursions I only posted about 20 times over a few years.A tip guys. Keep your personal and hobby related emails separate. I've gotten emails from guys from their work email address and it includes their company's street address and phone number in it!

02-28-11, 06:58
Nevermind. Airfare is almost triple my last trip. Is this all because of Libya? Wow.

I can relate to the hot dud, but still, hot is hot. Where are the most reliable places to look?

02-28-11, 15:42
Nevermind. Airfare is almost triple my last trip. Is this all because of Libya? Wow.Airfare and Politics


Hasideas Tao
03-01-11, 02:20
hey guys. last month medellin was fantastic. it's got to be the happiest place on earth. my report.

i emailed many references from isg for places to stay. wow! so many fantastic choices for places to stay! anyway, this guy juan i found here on isg presented me with some good options which i felt would suit my needs. i am a single traveler, not shy, not afraid to venture out on my own, day or night, and i speak enough really poor spanish to be smiled at and ultimately understood. juan and i emailed back and forth a few times. although, he was kind of slow to respond and did not always answer all of my questions directly. i asked for pictures and exact addresses which he did not provide. but through what i read and his correspondence i felt i would take the chance. when i arrived, i had his cell # as well as 3 other back up plans, just in case he flaked out. no need. he was waiting for me at the airport. he's a pretty popular guy, i guess, because he recognized another dude on my flight and asked me if i mind if he takes the extra passenger. i agreed and enjoyed a discount. he brought me to a place which was a very pretty 10 minute walk from parque lleras. it's a house with 4 or 5 rooms for rent. i saw two of the rooms. both very cute. spacious, spotless, comfortable bed, tv, ceiling fan, stove, microwave and small fridge, dresser. 1 large ikea like wardrobe. no safe. maid service every day. chica friendly. nothing fancy like some of the furnished apartments you will see for $90+ a night but i was very comfortable, as i will illustrate. i was given a key to a temperamental metal outside gate and a key to my room. not the most secure place but the threat level is low to non-existent in this neighborhood and few to none strangers on the premises. the owner and his son both speak english and are extremely amigable. (friendly) they let me borrow their laptop every day. the son asked for it back every night for a few hours so he could do his studies but always offered it back to me again. one evening i returned to my room to prepare for a guest only to discover my wacky tobaccy had been discarded by the maid. the owner immediately responded with. i'm sorry but no problem, i can take you and in 5 minutes we will find some. we drove to lleras and in less than 15 minutes i was back in my room, mission accomplished. on another occasion, i stopped at the supermarket to fill my typical medellin shopping list. water, chips (platanos, maduros why yucca) , jet chocolate, aguardiente, a few rolls, ham, cheese and fruit. the owner happened to be there and he drove me back to the house saving me the 10 minute up hill walk or 3mil taxi. just another example of how comfortable my stay was. after staying a week, when i was ready to leave, the son suggested next time i visit, hopefully he will not have so much work and invited me to go out with his friends and meet girls.


first night i'm thinking i need to get my first nut. no hassle no frills just break the ice. but let me also say i carry this fantasy that i will find a friendly paisa to be my girlfriend for my entire stay because that happened before. so, i go meet the dude who knows juan from the airport. he has no phone but we said we would meet at a specific time and place. by some small miracle, we find each other at botero park exactly as we said. he takes me around his hunting grounds, a few blocks from the park. many girls walking around and hanging out. had kind of a mayorista feel but a lot more going on as far as shops, street vendors, fruit vendors, cops, cars, live music, bars and other people that have nothing to do with the girls. we had a beer here and there. bought some stuff to smoke. chatted with girls. they ask for 30cop but my friend tells me not one of them will turn you down if you offer 20. then you have to pay for a room. for entertainment, we go and check out this 'hotel amor' a girl shows us three different rooms. each with its own special feature. a jacuzzi, sex chairs, mirrors on the ceiling, all very nice rooms which can be rented for a minimum of 4 hours. i think the least expensive was 60cop. we decided it would be a fun place to have our own little party if we met the right girls. didn't happen. overall, i found the quality of females on a monday night to be a little sketchy. although there were a few doable ones out of the hundreds available. for me, the whole scene was a little too seedy. i returned later in the week and found it to be a similar experience.

so then my friend brings me to his hotel called 61 prado. nice place. had a really classy feel to it. the owner is from holland and is young and kind of low key. the place is an oasis up the hill in centro close to many casas. inexpensive rates, dark, moody, stylishly decorated. incredible view from the roof. however, i get the impression that if you bring chicas in, you got to be quite. but worth contacting them to inquire. i know i will next time i visit.

so we head back out and walk to the other side of the metro where maricaibo and other clubs are. definite rise in quality (and price) from just a few blocks away hanging out in the bars on the street. so we cruise around. how annoying are the freaking bells every time you walk into a club? so i finally find a slim contender with the right kind of attitude. up-beat, flirtatious, sexy and understands my terrible spanish. i buy her a 10cop drink. she asks for another. i say i need to go to the bathroom and then why don't we go to the room. she says 80cop. dumb me just agrees because i am getting tired and just want this to happen already. (don't think being agreeable will get you better service. it doesn't) so we literally duck under the bar and then through a hole in the wall to find three small rooms. not nice at all but they seemed reasonably clean. i had a choice. bright lights or pitch black. i chose light. we both take a quick shower. which is kind of my prerequisite. i ask for a massage which she gives me. they always do. she asks for a tip and i say yeah sure with sarcasm. then we get at it. cute flexible little thing who seemed comfortable in every position. then after maybe 20 minutes she tells me i need to finish. what's funny is that because my small talk spanish is understandable, the chicas start chatting to me like i understand every word. but i can't understand anything except for the occasional hurry up, no more time, will you give me a tip. so, i just keep grinding away trying to ignore her chit chat. i felt like i was on a trapeze with this girl because i was able to throw her around so easily. as she's jabbering away. i had to laugh. out loud. then somebody knocks on the door. so i finish my business after a couple. five more minutes. done! talk about a no frills lay! only a good experience because thinking back, it was memorable and she was pretty cute for a blow up doll. i wanted to just get the heck out of there as quick as i could.

another notable evening: i hit up luna lunera. i love this place. of all the strip clubs, to me, it has the most dance club like atmosphere. i danced with and grinded on a few different hot ladies that any dude would be drooling over in the states. i hit it off pretty well with one in particular and we are keeping each other very well entertained drinking and chatting and giving small tips for encouragement. then my jealousy radar kicks in. mind you, there are dancers putting on some very provocative moves all around. i am trying to be polite about not ignoring or disrespecting my little pseudo-girlfriend but see'mon, there is flesh and skin tight jeans everywhere. she starts getting imo a little too psycho / desperate / pushy for my comfort. looking back i kind of understand because she spent a lot of time with me. but i was enjoying the whole atmosphere so much. i was just not ready to commit to the room and i wanted to keep exploring my options. so i asked her to leave. girl number 2 slips right into her place, who i had watched strip while chatting with #1. very attractive and also on the slim side. she's doing a great job getting me in the mood but being the pussy junky that i am, i cannot keep my eyes off of girl #3 who has been casually stalking me and making extended grinning eye contact. but i'm having a great time with #2 so i decide to see where it goes. eventually she gets up for the ladies room. suddenly the music stops and the lights get brighter. the club is closing! i need to make my decision. #3 moves in and is sweet as candy and right away i can tell she'll be a great kisser. and as i have been observing, has a bit more meat on her bones. so i take #3. i forget the cost. i think it was 160cop for the hour. the room was nice. spacious, clean. tv did not work as i was hoping for some porn. i shower, she showers and i start to notice, this girl is hiding her body. (stretch mark city) i don't push the issue. she is very accommodating! in my head i was like. is there a time limit? she totally loves sex as she makes many requests of how i should do her and places to stick my fingers. haha. ahhh memories. when we finnish, she tells me next time i can do it in her ass. overall good experience but the lesson i learned is that if in their stripper clothes, they are covering their belly, good chance it's for a reason. as i leave, i notice there are still girls walking around the club. they tell me the music stops at 2 or something like that but the club stays open until 6. wahhh? somebody please confirm this because that sounds like amazing possibilities to me. i was spent so i just went home.

visited fase 2. i felt it was a little less attitude than i remembered with lots of hotties prancing around but not nearly as fun for me as luna.

casas: i hit up new life. talk about the perfect morning! get up early. arrive in the area, have a tinto with some colombian bread and then get laid. i also went to another one of the favorites listed here on isg. can't remember the name. a lady always answers the door and says if you don't pick a girl it costs 3 mil just to look. they had a 2 girl special! checked out a few other casas as well but imo new life had the prettiest girls. his brothers spot has a special massage room or something. a torco i think they call it. anyone every try that?

three other evenings i called agencies off of my borrowed laptop. wow! i had like 15 windows open at the same time. i highly recommend using the available lists and just pick! it was a little tough finding someone who was available right away but it did work out two nights out of the three i made the attempt. amazing. the girls in colombia are actually the girls in the photos! and they're as sweet as high fructose corn syrup!

i called several numbers i collected while staying at mm during a previous visit. total bust except for one promising gorgeous paisa who returned my call. the hottest one too! one foxy fine chica. she met me in lleras. we had a fun dinner even though she did not eat or drink alcohol. went back to my place. fooled around a little and she was obviously getting tired. i asked her if she wanted money and she says no. wow! disappointed, i gave her cab money to go home. she texts me to apologize, which was a big surprise, and says she will make it up to me. i call her on another night and this time she's even worse! making ugly faces, not smiling, turns on the tv. i ask her if she needs money. she says no. i ask her to leave after about 20 minutes of my playful attempts at breaking the ice. next!

went to mayorista once during the day and once at night on what i think was a thursday. nothing of interest which was surprising because on previous visits i enjoyed the area very much.

if you want to impress your date take her to doctora out in sabanetta. she'll think you are so cool that you know a cool local scene. it's a string of about 5 bar / club / restaurants about a quarter mile from zona rosa in sabanetta. there were some dudes on horseback which i hear is common in the area. zr in sabanetta is kind of like parque lleras but less flashy, much less touristy. fine, if you have a date and want to see some place different.

also learned, sundays are tough. seems like everyone stays home and all the numbers you collected during the week do not pick up. but then monday they call you back. cultural thing i guess.

also, the train is cheap, easy, clean, safe and great! i know taxis are cheap but they do add up. however, i think it stops running at midnight. not sure. i always took the train out and a taxi back home. notable mention. i try to find older taxi drivers. imo they drive safer and are much more knowledgeable about getting wherever or whatever you want.

the moral of the story is 'options! ' i was totally chill the entire trip. well, maybe after the second day i was totally chill. it is just so easy to be polite, friendly and grateful when you can get laid at any moment you desire. all reasons for frustration or the necessity of putting up with even the smallest b. s. just vanish because you know how eeeeasy it is to find another person who is alllll smiles. in general the people of medellin are super friendly and helpful. i did encounter my small share of random assholes. i got hit in the face with a slice of lime while taking pictures of a busy scene of street vendors. maybe i deserved it because it was humbling. but it's like water off a ducks back when most people walk around smiling and making eye contact. and having improved my spanish a little before my visit made me feel as if anyone and everyone was approachable. and they were! i did not get one cold shoulder.

03-01-11, 03:50
It's been more than a few years since I have last posted but I've decided to start again as I've been inspired by a few of you guys. I have taken a lot of info from the board over the years; I've also given back a lot but mostly privately. There really are some guys on ISG that are amazingly generous. So, my intention is to see if I can add some insight and help some people out.

First, a little about me. I'm very, very good looking, in great shape, loaded and I get most of the girls for free or at least a huge discount. Sorry, I couldn't resist that! Just kidding.

All joking aside, I live in Medellin now, and I've also lived in Brazil, essentially twice, Panama for many years and very well traveled before all that. So, I've pretty much been around and I've seen and experienced a cupla things. I've had numerous friendships / relationships with beautiful Colombiana's and that's how I always treat it nowadays. I'm looking to make friends with the girls I meet and like, and for that, I get treated pretty darn well.

Here's a little bit of a report and that will give way to some of my random thoughts about Medellin and its various haunts and topics. I went to New Life the other day. I like New Life. It's probably the best casa because of the large selection they usually have. If you had asked me a few months ago I'd probably have said Masajes Sexy on 45D was the best, probably because I had a nice favorita there, who incidentally has since moved on to another casa. They also have a nice two girl special for like 60k or 70k depending on the time you want. 30 min or 60 min, I forget exactly. Well this particular favorita was the common denominator in a few different two girl sessions and she still is a friend, and a bona fide good chica. So anyway, my thoughts are now that NL is the best, based on the fact they usually have the most girls and hence the best selection. So I went to NL a couple of days ago and surprisingly it was on the weaker side as I've seen it in the past few months. A lot of 5's and 6's, that I've seen there time and again and girls I wouldn't even consider, but, having said that, about 3 slamming chicks, and all I really need is 1 or 2. In this case it was 45k for 45 minutes and a nice tip for the chica because I know the chica I selected well and she is awesome. Typically when I use the casa's it is for short time. 30 min, and its 35k, maybe 33k. So on this day, I got lucky because I saw a really great girl who I know and has been to my apartment a few times and we are very friendly. I have her phone number and she'll come over anytime I call her if she is not working at NL of course, but on this day I am there. Ironically, when she comes to my apartment she wants more $$ than what I pay when seeing her at NL. I don't really understand the logic in that, but I'm still ok with it because A. I think she is beautiful, B. It's still very cheap, and C. She is a great provider to me, so what the heck.

The first time I saw her at NL, I was like 'oh my god, what is this girl doing working here'. That rarely happens when I say that to myself in a casa. But it does happen from time to time, and that's why I think NL is best, the numbers. It's happened a few times at NL. Additionally, the first time I was with her, that day, there was no suck sin condom. Not even the offer of a nice propina would do the trick, which as many of you know, usually works. But I worked it and got her # and eventually got her to my apartment. This was not easy actually. These girls meet so many guys, and give out there #'s so much, they can't remember all the names of them. I told her I would definitely be calling, but it was a few days later. Well, I finally get her over and she remembers me, because we did have a nice time and I am at the very least memorable, and it's all good. After she arrived she tells me that as she was coming, she did not know who she was coming for. Imagine that. Well this time, in the comfort of my place, with the nice music and a few drinks and our budding friendship, she sucks sin condom like it's going out of style. One of the best and there's been a lot. She now has become a good friend and I enjoy seeing her.

Back to the idea of New Life IMO being the best because of the selection. Somebody made a post here about a great girl / time they had at Bell Suites recently. Well, I've been to Bell. A few times in fact. Never saw more than 5 girls, and mostly very average chicas. So, as a result of this recent post about Bell, I stopped in. Two girls available, neither of them above a 5, and really, that's a waste of time. As much as I like going to Centro, and I love going to Centro during the day to hang out, never at night but that's a whole other story, I really don't like messing around with casas that are going to have like 5 girls and most of them very average. YMMV.

As another example, I went to Geishas a few months back. My first attempt I couldn't find it. A waste of time. Then there was a youtube video on how to get there. So I went back. That's a lot of time invested in trying to find this damn casa. I get there and they have two girls, neither above a 5. C'mon man! Ya'll got to do better than that.

In addition to NL, I think that Masajes Sexy on 45D is a great casa. I think that Sexi Fantasias 2 on Carrera 47 is a damn good casa, and Angeles De Fuego is great as well. The latter well run very clean, obviously clean, and same management as NL. Some of these other Centro casas, and I've been to most, I've never seen a hot girl. Again, YMMV.

I think Energy is great. I think Abydos is awesome, and Loutron is great. Yes, let's start the great Loutron debate. This place, like Centaurus in Rio polarizes people. Lot's of guys hate it, and it is very expensive, and for that reason I do not go often. But I also like Fase Dos, San Diego, Luna Luneras, and never yet seen a girl I'd want to do for any price in Mayorista. Well, that maybe a slight exaggeration there, but you should get my point.

As far as Loutron goes, for the moment let's put money aside. It's a nice place. Nice grounds, peaceful, upscale and usually very pretty and fit nice looking chicas. My first ever trip to Medellin I went to Loutron, and after an amazing session with a super duper hottie, I remember just sitting outside, waiting for a taxi, taking in the scene, and the grounds. Another patron showed up and I caught a glimpse of the lineup again, with the little lab coats. I just like it. I now live nearby, so that helps. So the girl from my first ever trip there, gives me her # and she was so damn good, that I had her come over that night and f..K me some more, for less than half the price. Subsequently I saw her a few more times since and met and banged one of her friends who doesn't work anywhere (relatively). This is my modus operandi. If I have an especially good time with a chica, I'll get her # and see her outside. Once a girl comes to my apartment, and we hang, it's done. We are friends and the service is usually awesome. 99% of the time. And that's why I like Loutron. It is a venue to meet super hot girls usually, that I may want to see again and again. Clean, fit, and pretty girls, generally. Just a whole nutha level of quality IMO.

So, if you are on a budget, don't go to Loutron. If you don't mind dropping $110 US, then check it out. I view it as the entry price to possibly a good friendship with a hottie. I've never had a bad time there, but if I did, maybe I'd regret that $110 a little more. Plus the tip BTW. Girls at Loutron like elsewhere will like a tip and the service will be better no doubt if a tip is discussed privately in the room before. I just do this in a fun way and let the chica know that if everything is on the menu and we have a great time they'll be a decent tip. Heck I'm already in for $110 US, I got to protect my investment. This will further dissuade some from going, and it does me most times as well, but I recognize it as what it is. I can't change it. Loutron charges 220K. The girl should be hot and may work me for a tip for some things I like before we commence. But over time, I'm going to be getting that price way down, that service is going to be going way up and there in lies the potential value.

I view Abydos the same way. I have had numerous Abydos girls to my apartment. I had an Abydos girl that I saw first at Loutron. And she was awesome, and half the price just because I got her at Abydos and not Loutron. Go figure. Love Abydos. Great value.

Oh, back to Loutron for a moment. Two things. I stopped in there a few weeks ago to take a view of the lineup. I wasn't really in the mood for a girl, but I was a little bored and wanted to see the lineup. I left without taking a girl or buying a drink. They charged me 10k. This is why people hate the place. Stuff like that. Also should be noted, my first time ever going to Loutron I was first in Lleras hanging out drinking with a friend, and I decided to go to Loutron. I order a whisky when I get there. When leaving they go to charge me 35k for the same whisky I was drinking for 10k in Llerras an hour and a half earlier. It was my first time there and I told the woman there was no way in hell I was paying them 35k for a whisky. She ended charging me like 20k. Still a great time though.

Speaking of 35k whiskies, do you know that a shot of Old Parr is 34k at Fase Dos? The absolute worst place, hands down, without a doubt to drink in Medellin. I still love the place though, and you can't keep me way. Lot's of hotties. I am there let's say, 'Semi-regularly'. 95% of the girls are the same every time I go. But occasionally, there is a new super duper hottie. And then they are gone. I've missed a few girls that I couldn't get to in time that have now moved on. It's a damn shame. All I can hope for is they come home soon. One hottie whom I was crazy for is now working at La Palace in Panama, where they charge like $300-400 US. That's nuts. And after getting to know more than a few girls at FD, some have worked at La Palace or Elite in Panama, so in retrospect, a great value Fase Dos is comparatively speaking with La Palace, or even Madaho's or Blacks in Buenos Aires or Barbarellas in Rio and various places in Sao Paulo. Even though those places I mention are take out, I'd still rather pay 170k for 40 minutes for the same quality girl generally speaking. That's just me. I like San Diego and Luna. Both places are really friendly and laid back and much better to drink at then FD. There are lots of hot girls and many not so hot's as well and cheaper to drink. In fact I'd say Luna is the best place to drink.

My plan is to post more going forward, so I think that this post was a fair start, what do you think? I hope you all got some enjoyment out of it and maybe even spark a debate or two. Peace.

John Gault
03-01-11, 17:50
It's been more than a few years since I have last posted but I've decided to start again as I've been inspired by a few of you guys. I have taken a lot of info from the board over the years; I've also given back a lot but mostly privately. There really are some guys on ISG that are amazingly generous. So, my intention is to see if I can add some insight and help some people out.

First, a little about me. I'm very, very good looking, in great shape, loaded and I get most of the girls for free or at least a huge discount. Sorry, I couldn't resist that! Just kidding.

All joking aside, I live in Medellin now, and I've also lived in Brazil, essentially twice, Panama for many years and very well traveled before all that. So, I've pretty much been around and I've seen and experienced a cupla things. I've had numerous friendships / relationships with beautiful Colombiana's and that's how I always treat it nowadays. I'm looking to make friends with the girls I meet and like, and for that, I get treated pretty darn well.

Here's a little bit of a report and that will give way to some of my random thoughts about Medellin and its various haunts and topics. I went to New Life the other day. I like New Life. It's probably the best casa because of the large selection they usually have. If you had asked me a few months ago I'd probably have said Masajes Sexy on 45D was the best, probably because I had a nice favorita there, who incidentally has since moved on to another casa. They also have a nice two girl special for like 60k or 70k depending on the time you want. 30 min or 60 min, I forget exactly. Well this particular favorita was the common denominator in a few different two girl sessions and she still is a friend, and a bona fide good chica. So anyway, my thoughts are now that NL is the best, based on the fact they usually have the most girls and hence the best selection. So I went to NL a couple of days ago and surprisingly it was on the weaker side as I've seen it in the past few months. A lot of 5's and 6's, that I've seen there time and again and girls I wouldn't even consider, but, having said that, about 3 slamming chicks, and all I really need is 1 or 2. In this case it was 45k for 45 minutes and a nice tip for the chica because I know the chica I selected well and she is awesome. Typically when I use the casa's it is for short time. 30 min, and its 35k, maybe 33k. So on this day, I got lucky because I saw a really great girl who I know and has been to my apartment a few times and we are very friendly. I have her phone number and she'll come over anytime I call her if she is not working at NL of course, but on this day I am there. Ironically, when she comes to my apartment she wants more $$ than what I pay when seeing her at NL. I don't really understand the logic in that, but I'm still ok with it because A. I think she is beautiful, B. It's still very cheap, and C. She is a great provider to me, so what the heck.

The first time I saw her at NL, I was like 'oh my god, what is this girl doing working here'. That rarely happens when I say that to myself in a casa. But it does happen from time to time, and that's why I think NL is best, the numbers. It's happened a few times at NL. Additionally, the first time I was with her, that day, there was no suck sin condom. Not even the offer of a nice propina would do the trick, which as many of you know, usually works. But I worked it and got her # and eventually got her to my apartment. This was not easy actually. These girls meet so many guys, and give out there #'s so much, they can't remember all the names of them. I told her I would definitely be calling, but it was a few days later. Well, I finally get her over and she remembers me, because we did have a nice time and I am at the very least memorable, and it's all good. After she arrived she tells me that as she was coming, she did not know who she was coming for. Imagine that. Well this time, in the comfort of my place, with the nice music and a few drinks and our budding friendship, she sucks sin condom like it's going out of style. One of the best and there's been a lot. She now has become a good friend and I enjoy seeing her.

Back to the idea of New Life IMO being the best because of the selection. Somebody made a post here about a great girl / time they had at Bell Suites recently. Well, I've been to Bell. A few times in fact. Never saw more than 5 girls, and mostly very average chicas. So, as a result of this recent post about Bell, I stopped in. Two girls available, neither of them above a 5, and really, that's a waste of time. As much as I like going to Centro, and I love going to Centro during the day to hang out, never at night but that's a whole other story, I really don't like messing around with casas that are going to have like 5 girls and most of them very average. YMMV.

As another example, I went to Geishas a few months back. My first attempt I couldn't find it. A waste of time. Then there was a youtube video on how to get there. So I went back. That's a lot of time invested in trying to find this damn casa. I get there and they have two girls, neither above a 5. C'mon man! Ya'll got to do better than that.

In addition to NL, I think that Masajes Sexy on 45D is a great casa. I think that Sexi Fantasias 2 on Carrera 47 is a damn good casa, and Angeles De Fuego is great as well. The latter well run very clean, obviously clean, and same management as NL. Some of these other Centro casas, and I've been to most, I've never seen a hot girl. Again, YMMV.

I think Energy is great. I think Abydos is awesome, and Loutron is great. Yes, let's start the great Loutron debate. This place, like Centaurus in Rio polarizes people. Lot's of guys hate it, and it is very expensive, and for that reason I do not go often. But I also like Fase Dos, San Diego, Luna Luneras, and never yet seen a girl I'd want to do for any price in Mayorista. Well, that maybe a slight exaggeration there, but you should get my point.

As far as Loutron goes, for the moment let's put money aside. It's a nice place. Nice grounds, peaceful, upscale and usually very pretty and fit nice looking chicas. My first ever trip to Medellin I went to Loutron, and after an amazing session with a super duper hottie, I remember just sitting outside, waiting for a taxi, taking in the scene, and the grounds. Another patron showed up and I caught a glimpse of the lineup again, with the little lab coats. I just like it. I now live nearby, so that helps. So the girl from my first ever trip there, gives me her # and she was so damn good, that I had her come over that night and f. K me some more, for less than half the price. Subsequently I saw her a few more times since and met and banged one of her friends who doesn't work anywhere (relatively). This is my modus operandi. If I have an especially good time with a chica, I'll get her # and see her outside. Once a girl comes to my apartment, and we hang, it's done. We are friends and the service is usually awesome. 99% of the time. And that's why I like Loutron. It is a venue to meet super hot girls usually, that I may want to see again and again. Clean, fit, and pretty girls, generally. Just a whole nutha level of quality IMO.

So, if you are on a budget, don't go to Loutron. If you don't mind dropping $110 US, then check it out. I view it as the entry price to possibly a good friendship with a hottie. I've never had a bad time there, but if I did, maybe I'd regret that $110 a little more. Plus the tip BTW. Girls at Loutron like elsewhere will like a tip and the service will be better no doubt if a tip is discussed privately in the room before. I just do this in a fun way and let the chica know that if everything is on the menu and we have a great time they'll be a decent tip. Heck I'm already in for $110 US, I got to protect my investment. This will further dissuade some from going, and it does me most times as well, but I recognize it as what it is. I can't change it. Loutron charges 220K. The girl should be hot and may work me for a tip for some things I like before we commence. But over time, I'm going to be getting that price way down, that service is going to be going way up and there in lies the potential value.

I view Abydos the same way. I have had numerous Abydos girls to my apartment. I had an Abydos girl that I saw first at Loutron. And she was awesome, and half the price just because I got her at Abydos and not Loutron. Go figure. Love Abydos. Great value.

Oh, back to Loutron for a moment. Two things. I stopped in there a few weeks ago to take a view of the lineup. I wasn't really in the mood for a girl, but I was a little bored and wanted to see the lineup. I left without taking a girl or buying a drink. They charged me 10k. This is why people hate the place. Stuff like that. Also should be noted, my first time ever going to Loutron I was first in Lleras hanging out drinking with a friend, and I decided to go to Loutron. I order a whisky when I get there. When leaving they go to charge me 35k for the same whisky I was drinking for 10k in Llerras an hour and a half earlier. It was my first time there and I told the woman there was no way in hell I was paying them 35k for a whisky. She ended charging me like 20k. Still a great time though.

Speaking of 35k whiskies, do you know that a shot of Old Parr is 34k at Fase Dos? The absolute worst place, hands down, without a doubt to drink in Medellin. I still love the place though, and you can't keep me way. Lot's of hotties. I am there let's say, 'Semi-regularly'.95% of the girls are the same every time I go. But occasionally, there is a new super duper hottie. And then they are gone. I've missed a few girls that I couldn't get to in time that have now moved on. It's a damn shame. All I can hope for is they come home soon. One hottie whom I was crazy for is now working at La Palace in Panama, where they charge like $300-400 US. That's nuts. And after getting to know more than a few girls at FD, some have worked at La Palace or Elite in Panama, so in retrospect, a great value Fase Dos is comparatively speaking with La Palace, or even Madaho's or Blacks in Buenos Aires or Barbarellas in Rio and various places in Sao Paulo. Even though those places I mention are take out, I'd still rather pay 170k for 40 minutes for the same quality girl generally speaking. That's just me. I like San Diego and Luna. Both places are really friendly and laid back and much better to drink at then FD. There are lots of hot girls and many not so hot's as well and cheaper to drink. In fact I'd say Luna is the best place to drink.

My plan is to post more going forward, so I think that this post was a fair start, what do you think? I hope you all got some enjoyment out of it and maybe even spark a debate or two. Peace. {I hope you all got some enjoyment out of it and maybe even spark a debate or two. }

Mighty hard to get a debate on that great post you just made

03-02-11, 05:21
outstanding trip report!

hey guys. last month medellin was fantastic. it's got to be the happiest place on earth. my report.

i emailed many references from isg for places to stay. wow! so many fantastic choices for places to stay! anyway, this guy juan i found here on isg presented me with some good options which i felt would suit my needs. i am a single traveler, not shy, not afraid to venture out on my own, day or night, and i speak enough really poor spanish to be smiled at and ultimately understood. juan and i emailed back and forth a few times. although, he was kind of slow to respond and did not always answer all of my questions directly. i asked for pictures and exact addresses which he did not provide. but through what i read and his correspondence i felt i would take the chance. when i arrived, i had his cell # as well as 3 other back up plans, just in case he flaked out. no need. he was waiting for me at the airport. he's a pretty popular guy, i guess, because he recognized another dude on my flight and asked me if i mind if he takes the extra passenger. i agreed and enjoyed a discount. he brought me to a place which was a very pretty 10 minute walk from parque lleras. it's a house with 4 or 5 rooms for rent. i saw two of the rooms. both very cute. spacious, spotless, comfortable bed, tv, ceiling fan, stove, microwave and small fridge, dresser. 1 large ikea like wardrobe. no safe. maid service every day. chica friendly. nothing fancy like some of the furnished apartments you will see for $90+ a night but i was very comfortable, as i will illustrate. i was given a key to a temperamental metal outside gate and a key to my room. not the most secure place but the threat level is low to non-existent in this neighborhood and few to none strangers on the premises. the owner and his son both speak english and are extremely amigable. (friendly) they let me borrow their laptop every day. the son asked for it back every night for a few hours so he could do his studies but always offered it back to me again. one evening i returned to my room to prepare for a guest only to discover my wacky tobaccy had been discarded by the maid. the owner immediately responded with. i'm sorry but no problem, i can take you and in 5 minutes we will find some. we drove to lleras and in less than 15 minutes i was back in my room, mission accomplished. on another occasion, i stopped at the supermarket to fill my typical medellin shopping list. water, chips (platanos, maduros why yucca) , jet chocolate, aguardiente, a few rolls, ham, cheese and fruit. the owner happened to be there and he drove me back to the house saving me the 10 minute up hill walk or 3mil taxi. just another example of how comfortable my stay was. after staying a week, when i was ready to leave, the son suggested next time i visit, hopefully he will not have so much work and invited me to go out with his friends and meet girls.


first night i'm thinking i need to get my first nut. no hassle no frills just break the ice. but let me also say i carry this fantasy that i will find a friendly paisa to be my girlfriend for my entire stay because that happened before. so, i go meet the dude who knows juan from the airport. he has no phone but we said we would meet at a specific time and place. by some small miracle, we find each other at botero park exactly as we said. he takes me around his hunting grounds, a few blocks from the park. many girls walking around and hanging out. had kind of a mayorista feel but a lot more going on as far as shops, street vendors, fruit vendors, cops, cars, live music, bars and other people that have nothing to do with the girls. we had a beer here and there. bought some stuff to smoke. chatted with girls. they ask for 30cop but my friend tells me not one of them will turn you down if you offer 20. then you have to pay for a room. for entertainment, we go and check out this 'hotel amor' a girl shows us three different rooms. each with its own special feature. a jacuzzi, sex chairs, mirrors on the ceiling, all very nice rooms which can be rented for a minimum of 4 hours. i think the least expensive was 60cop. we decided it would be a fun place to have our own little party if we met the right girls. didn't happen. overall, i found the quality of females on a monday night to be a little sketchy. although there were a few doable ones out of the hundreds available. for me, the whole scene was a little too seedy. i returned later in the week and found it to be a similar experience.

so then my friend brings me to his hotel called 61 prado. nice place. had a really classy feel to it. the owner is from holland and is young and kind of low key. the place is an oasis up the hill in centro close to many casas. inexpensive rates, dark, moody, stylishly decorated. incredible view from the roof. however, i get the impression that if you bring chicas in, you got to be quite. but worth contacting them to inquire. i know i will next time i visit.

so we head back out and walk to the other side of the metro where maricaibo and other clubs are. definite rise in quality (and price) from just a few blocks away hanging out in the bars on the street. so we cruise around. how annoying are the freaking bells every time you walk into a club? so i finally find a slim contender with the right kind of attitude. up-beat, flirtatious, sexy and understands my terrible spanish. i buy her a 10cop drink. she asks for another. i say i need to go to the bathroom and then why don't we go to the room. she says 80cop. dumb me just agrees because i am getting tired and just want this to happen already. (don't think being agreeable will get you better service. it doesn't) so we literally duck under the bar and then through a hole in the wall to find three small rooms. not nice at all but they seemed reasonably clean. i had a choice. bright lights or pitch black. i chose light. we both take a quick shower. which is kind of my prerequisite. i ask for a massage which she gives me. they always do. she asks for a tip and i say yeah sure with sarcasm. then we get at it. cute flexible little thing who seemed comfortable in every position. then after maybe 20 minutes she tells me i need to finish. what's funny is that because my small talk spanish is understandable, the chicas start chatting to me like i understand every word. but i can't understand anything except for the occasional hurry up, no more time, will you give me a tip. so, i just keep grinding away trying to ignore her chit chat. i felt like i was on a trapeze with this girl because i was able to throw her around so easily. as she's jabbering away. i had to laugh. out loud. then somebody knocks on the door. so i finish my business after a couple. five more minutes. done! talk about a no frills lay! only a good experience because thinking back, it was memorable and she was pretty cute for a blow up doll. i wanted to just get the heck out of there as quick as i could.

another notable evening: i hit up luna lunera. i love this place. of all the strip clubs, to me, it has the most dance club like atmosphere. i danced with and grinded on a few different hot ladies that any dude would be drooling over in the states. i hit it off pretty well with one in particular and we are keeping each other very well entertained drinking and chatting and giving small tips for encouragement. then my jealousy radar kicks in. mind you, there are dancers putting on some very provocative moves all around. i am trying to be polite about not ignoring or disrespecting my little pseudo-girlfriend but see'mon, there is flesh and skin tight jeans everywhere. she starts getting imo a little too psycho / desperate / pushy for my comfort. looking back i kind of understand because she spent a lot of time with me. but i was enjoying the whole atmosphere so much. i was just not ready to commit to the room and i wanted to keep exploring my options. so i asked her to leave. girl number 2 slips right into her place, who i had watched strip while chatting with #1. very attractive and also on the slim side. she's doing a great job getting me in the mood but being the pussy junky that i am, i cannot keep my eyes off of girl #3 who has been casually stalking me and making extended grinning eye contact. but i'm having a great time with #2 so i decide to see where it goes. eventually she gets up for the ladies room. suddenly the music stops and the lights get brighter. the club is closing! i need to make my decision. #3 moves in and is sweet as candy and right away i can tell she'll be a great kisser. and as i have been observing, has a bit more meat on her bones. so i take #3. i forget the cost. i think it was 160cop for the hour. the room was nice. spacious, clean. tv did not work as i was hoping for some porn. i shower, she showers and i start to notice, this girl is hiding her body. (stretch mark city) i don't push the issue. she is very accommodating! in my head i was like. is there a time limit? she totally loves sex as she makes many requests of how i should do her and places to stick my fingers. haha. ahhh memories. when we finnish, she tells me next time i can do it in her ass. overall good experience but the lesson i learned is that if in their stripper clothes, they are covering their belly, good chance it's for a reason. as i leave, i notice there are still girls walking around the club. they tell me the music stops at 2 or something like that but the club stays open until 6. wahhh? somebody please confirm this because that sounds like amazing possibilities to me. i was spent so i just went home.

visited fase 2. i felt it was a little less attitude than i remembered with lots of hotties prancing around but not nearly as fun for me as luna.

casas: i hit up new life. talk about the perfect morning! get up early. arrive in the area, have a tinto with some colombian bread and then get laid. i also went to another one of the favorites listed here on isg. can't remember the name. a lady always answers the door and says if you don't pick a girl it costs 3 mil just to look. they had a 2 girl special! checked out a few other casas as well but imo new life had the prettiest girls. his brothers spot has a special massage room or something. a torco i think they call it. anyone every try that?

three other evenings i called agencies off of my borrowed laptop. wow! i had like 15 windows open at the same time. i highly recommend using the available lists and just pick! it was a little tough finding someone who was available right away but it did work out two nights out of the three i made the attempt. amazing. the girls in colombia are actually the girls in the photos! and they're as sweet as high fructose corn syrup!

i called several numbers i collected while staying at mm during a previous visit. total bust except for one promising gorgeous paisa who returned my call. the hottest one too! one foxy fine chica. she met me in lleras. we had a fun dinner even though she did not eat or drink alcohol. went back to my place. fooled around a little and she was obviously getting tired. i asked her if she wanted money and she says no. wow! disappointed, i gave her cab money to go home. she texts me to apologize, which was a big surprise, and says she will make it up to me. i call her on another night and this time she's even worse! making ugly faces, not smiling, turns on the tv. i ask her if she needs money. she says no. i ask her to leave after about 20 minutes of my playful attempts at breaking the ice. next!

went to mayorista once during the day and once at night on what i think was a thursday. nothing of interest which was surprising because on previous visits i enjoyed the area very much.

if you want to impress your date take her to doctora out in sabanetta. she'll think you are so cool that you know a cool local scene. it's a string of about 5 bar / club / restaurants about a quarter mile from zona rosa in sabanetta. there were some dudes on horseback which i hear is common in the area. zr in sabanetta is kind of like parque lleras but less flashy, much less touristy. fine, if you have a date and want to see some place different.

also learned, sundays are tough. seems like everyone stays home and all the numbers you collected during the week do not pick up. but then monday they call you back. cultural thing i guess.

also, the train is cheap, easy, clean, safe and great! i know taxis are cheap but they do add up. however, i think it stops running at midnight. not sure. i always took the train out and a taxi back home. notable mention. i try to find older taxi drivers. imo they drive safer and are much more knowledgeable about getting wherever or whatever you want.

the moral of the story is 'options! ' i was totally chill the entire trip. well, maybe after the second day i was totally chill. it is just so easy to be polite, friendly and grateful when you can get laid at any moment you desire. all reasons for frustration or the necessity of putting up with even the smallest b. s. just vanish because you know how eeeeasy it is to find another person who is alllll smiles. in general the people of medellin are super friendly and helpful. i did encounter my small share of random assholes. i got hit in the face with a slice of lime while taking pictures of a busy scene of street vendors. maybe i deserved it because it was humbling. but it's like water off a ducks back when most people walk around smiling and making eye contact. and having improved my spanish a little before my visit made me feel as if anyone and everyone was approachable. and they were! i did not get one cold shoulder.

03-02-11, 06:45
Very nice trip reports by Hasideas Tao and Speculator.

03-03-11, 09:23

Seeing as I hate freezing my balls off in the mid-west, it was time to head south. Medellin first for 8 days then on to Cali for a week.

I'll report more on Cali in the Cali section but wanted to share some info on Medellin here.

It was great seeing old friends and meeting new ones at the Casa Blanca 1 & 2 as well as my personal friends who live in Medellin.

I want to mention that it has gotten harder to meet girls at the Casa Blanca 1 & 2 Monday through Wednesday than in the past. I mean you actually have to ask Greg, Sarah Boyd or Jennifer to call some girls to come over. MAN it is just Sooo much work! LOL! Of course you know I am being sarcastic but I mean that's all one has to do. JUST ASK!

Anyway, Greg likes to have girls over Thursday through Sunday but Monday through Wednesday it's pretty peaceful unless you or a few mongers browse through the USB pictures and just pick out some girls to come over.

I actually spend more time away from the Casa Blanca so I don't really care much about having hordes of girls around but many guys come for that so like I said, JUST ASK.

Anyway, pretty much every thing in the recent posts below is the norm about the casas and clubbing.

One especially good point of interest that I did NOT see mentioned is that just around the corner from Casa Blanca 1 is the La Strada bar and disco scene. Especially good if not GREAT Thursday to Saturday evenings! Just walk down to the base of the hill to Ave Poblado and turn right and go about 100 yards and there you are. Right above the Burger King you will see the huge sign that saw LA STRADA. Take the escalators to the 2nd and or third floors.

La Strada is a bunch of small and large drink bars, all new venues. There are two discos on the 2nd and 3rd floors as well. Dry Martini bar is the largest of the bars. It almost doesn't matter where you pick to grab a drink, just go there and see all the BEAUTIFUL PAISA eye candy! If you thought Parque Lleras was filled with the creme de la creme of Medellin hotties, wait til you see LA Strada! You will get whiplash! Dozens and dozens of girls showing up in groups of mostly girls. Most dressed to the T's in fine fashion. Have a drink, take a deep breathe and Fuck it! Say Hello, to a few Paisas. Strike up a conversation. Be the Paisa worshiper you are and have fun!

Anyway, like I said pretty much everything else mentioned in other reports is the same. I went to several casas as well as the usual strip joints and of course Mayorista. It was fun to meet new girls at all the venues. The Paisa Pussy is as HOT! As ever.

Oh yeah and the Casa Blanca girls are still fine and sexy as ever. Of course your mileage will and can always vary from mine but I had a lot of fun with them too.

Here's a few of the Sunday Pool party girls that showed up. There were many more but I got tired of snapping pics and had a couple of yummies myself.

Stay Horny My Friends,











John Gault
03-03-11, 16:22
I got into town Monday afternoon. Of course another bad experence with Spirit Airlines. I booked the big front seat for an extra $35 a week before my flilght. . At the airport I am told my seat was sold twice. I really needed that seat as it the first one off the plane. This gives me the first line at customs and since I only use carry ons. I am out off the airport pronto. I am only in town for 7 nights so I am trying to make the most of it. I ask the guy who got my seat when he booked it and he tells he booked it just that morning. Steam is coming out my ears, but since I realize it is not the guys fault I dummy up.

I shared a cab to SD (14 K ). Then walked a couple of blocks to the Metro (155K ). From there I walked 10 minutes to Mayorista.

It has rained 2 out of the 3 days so far, but what else is new?

A lot of new girls in the big M, and pretty Diania has went to Panama to work. I have been gone since Nov. And most of my favorites are gone. One who is still here is Porn Star. I had a great session with her. I noticed while she was giving me a BBBJ that she kept slaping herself on the ass. I took the hint and attacked the other cheek. This brought on harder slaps from her so it ended up with me wacking her as hard as I could. I know she wanted more pain, but that is not my bag. As she was getting dressed I noticed that her butt was red as a beet.

I took a new friend (College pusher) to a few casa's yesterday and found Sexy's to be very good. 8 girls total, but 4 were awesome. My young friend took a sharp spinner for 30 minutes for 33 K.

Met hole ranger in the Casa and found him to be quite the gentleman

Carrera 45d No. 57-67 is the location.

Stupid me, one of my regulars wants me to take her to a disco this weekend. I ask her where and she says Mangos. I should of never left myself open like that. My move when she asked was to tell her where to go before she got the chance to go high end on me. O well she is a GFE so I guess I will bite the bullet.

I leave Monday and time flys here.

John Gault
03-03-11, 17:28
I got into town Monday afternoon. Of course another bad experence with Spirit Airlines. I booked the big front seat for an extra $35 a week before my flilght. . At the airport I am told my seat was sold twice. I really needed that seat as it the first one off the plane. This gives me the first line at customs and since I only use carry ons. I am out off the airport pronto. I am only in town for 7 nights so I am trying to make the most of it. I ask the guy who got my seat when he booked it and he tells he booked it just that morning. Steam is coming out my ears, but since I realize it is not the guys fault I dummy up.

I shared a cab to SD (14 K ). Then walked a couple of blocks to the Metro (155K ). From there I walked 10 minutes to Mayorista.

It has rained 2 out of the 3 days so far, but what else is new?

A lot of new girls in the big M, and pretty Diania has went to Panama to work. I have been gone since Nov. And most of my favorites are gone. One who is still here is Porn Star. I had a great session with her. I noticed while she was giving me a BBBJ that she kept slaping herself on the ass. I took the hint and attacked the other cheek. This brought on harder slaps from her so it ended up with me wacking her as hard as I could. I know she wanted more pain, but that is not my bag. As she was getting dressed I noticed that her butt was red as a beet.

I took a new friend (College pusher) to a few casa's yesterday and found Sexy's to be very good. 8 girls total, but 4 were awesome. My young friend took a sharp spinner for 30 minutes for 33 K.

Met hole ranger in the Casa and found him to be quite the gentleman

Carrera 45d No. 57-67 is the location.

Stupid me, one of my regulars wants me to take her to a disco this weekend. I ask her where and she says Mangos. I should of never left myself open like that. My move when she asked was to tell her where to go before she got the chance to go high end on me. O well she is a GFE so I guess I will bite the bullet.

I leave Monday and time flys here. I meant 1550K for the Metro fare not 155 K.

I was to late to edit it in time.

To much partying in to short a time. I need to give my brain a rest.

03-03-11, 18:31
first it was a pleasure meeting john gault and college pusher at the casa, we shared info on recent experiences in casa's etc.

the line up at sexy even with only apprx. 8 girls working was good. i echo comments made by john gault. half of the girls were among the best looking i have seen in mp's this trip. after a brew i took marisol for 30 mins. a few days ago when i was here the lineup was not this good. anyway marisol is only average in the cama, new and learning but worth the 33k spent.

you just never know unless you peek inside. the talent fluctuates daily!


03-03-11, 19:32
I gave a tour yesterday to Blue Room and Abydos. Blue had two girls working one was good. Abydos had 13 girls with over half good. Prices 86, 000 for 30 min at Blue and 100, 000 for 30 or 120, 000 for an hour at Abydos.

Colombia JakeJust curious, why does one need a tour guide to visit these 2 casas or any of the casas?

03-03-11, 20:05
Just curious, why does one need a tour guide to visit these 2 casas or any of the casas?Ricker,

And BTW I do not know CJ either, but perhaps it is for the same reasons that Boyd regularly leads casa tours with the CB guests. The simple truth is that things are changing rapidly in Medellin. In the mere 5 years that I have been traveling regularly I have witnessed many changes with virtually all of them being for the worst IMO.

More and more mongers are wanting to get in on the fun in Medellin (you can't outrun the Internet)

And many feel no need to learn the language or even the basic courtesy phrases in Spanish. I have seen the reputation of gringos begin to go to crap quickly. Too many guys coming in who have no

Chance of getting around effectively or safely on their own as they parade around Parque Gringo.

Opppppppssss I mean Parque Lleras in their shorts and sandals.

There is no need for me to elaborate further as most Medellin vets no well what I am talking about.

Don't get me wrong and I do not mean to appear too cynical but obviously we all know what happens to a destination once the cat gets out of the bag.

03-03-11, 20:36

Party at Hotel Intercontinental . Cali, on Thursday March 10th. 2011, at 8:00 PM.

Party in bar / club "Last Call" in Medellin on Friday March 11, 2011.

Address: Last call, Cra 38 number 8 52, parque lleras, Medellin, Colombia inside Parque lleras.

What time: At 8:00 PM.

Entry fee is $20, 000 peso or $10, call us for more info on [Telephone Number deleted by Admin].

Cash bar, one complimentary drink per person with paid entry.

To RSVP send email to [Email address deleted by Admin] Or for more information.

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted to remove personal telephone numbers. Please do not post personal telephone numbers in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you for this information directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

03-04-11, 02:49
. I have witnessed many changes with virtually all of them being for the worst IMO.

More and more mongers are wanting to get in on the fun in Medellin (you can't outrun the Internet)

And many feel no need to learn the language or even the basic courtesy phrases in Spanish. I have seen the reputation of gringos begin to go to crap quickly. Too many guys coming in who have no

Chance of getting around effectively or safely on their own as they parade around Parque Gringo.

Opppppppssss I mean Parque Lleras in their shorts and sandals.

There is no need for me to elaborate further as most Medellin vets no well what I am talking about.

Don't get me wrong and I do not mean to appear too cynical but obviously we all know what happens to a destination once the cat gets out of the bag. Yep, I know amigo, this has been discussed many times before, and I know where you're coming from and I agree.

It is what it is, however, so it's best just to accept it and enjoy.

Also maybe explore and find other areas that haven't been discovered, and maybe keep a few secrets for yourself :)

Member #4394
03-04-11, 03:40
To me Sexi 45D and Atenea are the best casas. My gut calculation is that 60-70 percent of Mayorista chicas are replaced with new ones every 6 months. Correct? I think I was with Porn Star almost every night in December. She said that she lives in a very small house with only two rooms with 2 brothers, 2 daughters (or sons), and her mother. I gave 40k peso for a session. She always said I was "duro" (tight on money?).
It is a very good and controversial topic if you want to go out and socialize with pros. For me, I do not. They will try to take advantage of you and ask you to buy bags, clothes, drinks, food, etc.

I got into town Monday afternoon. Of course another bad experence with Spirit Airlines. I booked the big front seat for an extra $35 a week before my flilght. . At the airport I am told my seat was sold twice. I really needed that seat as it the first one off the plane. This gives me the first line at customs and since I only use carry ons. I am out off the airport pronto. I am only in town for 7 nights so I am trying to make the most of it. I ask the guy who got my seat when he booked it and he tells he booked it just that morning. Steam is coming out my ears, but since I realize it is not the guys fault I dummy up.

I shared a cab to SD (14 K ). Then walked a couple of blocks to the Metro (155K ). From there I walked 10 minutes to Mayorista.

It has rained 2 out of the 3 days so far, but what else is new?

A lot of new girls in the big M, and pretty Diania has went to Panama to work. I have been gone since Nov. And most of my favorites are gone. One who is still here is Porn Star. I had a great session with her. I noticed while she was giving me a BBBJ that she kept slaping herself on the ass. I took the hint and attacked the other cheek. This brought on harder slaps from her so it ended up with me wacking her as hard as I could. I know she wanted more pain, but that is not my bag. As she was getting dressed I noticed that her butt was red as a beet.

I took a new friend (College pusher) to a few casa's yesterday and found Sexy's to be very good. 8 girls total, but 4 were awesome. My young friend took a sharp spinner for 30 minutes for 33 K.

Met hole ranger in the Casa and found him to be quite the gentleman

Carrera 45d No. 57-67 is the location.

Stupid me, one of my regulars wants me to take her to a disco this weekend. I ask her where and she says Mangos. I should of never left myself open like that. My move when she asked was to tell her where to go before she got the chance to go high end on me. O well she is a GFE so I guess I will bite the bullet.

I leave Monday and time flys here.

03-04-11, 04:41

Seeing as I hate freezing my balls off in the mid-west, it was time to head south. Medellin first for 8 days then on to Cali for a week.

I'll report more on Cali in the Cali section but wanted to share some info on Medellin here.

It was great seeing old friends and meeting new ones at the Casa Blanca 1 & 2 as well as my personal friends who live in Medellin.

I want to mention that it has gotten harder to meet girls at the Casa Blanca 1 & 2 Monday through Wednesday than in the past. I mean you actually have to ask Greg, Sarah Boyd or Jennifer to call some girls to come over. MAN it is just Sooo much work! LOL! Of course you know I am being sarcastic but I mean that's all one has to do. JUST ASK!

Anyway, Greg likes to have girls over Thursday through Sunday but Monday through Wednesday it's pretty peaceful unless you or a few mongers browse through the USB pictures and just pick out some girls to come over.

I actually spend more time away from the Casa Blanca so I don't really care much about having hordes of girls around but many guys come for that so like I said, JUST ASK.

Anyway, pretty much every thing in the recent posts below is the norm about the casas and clubbing.

One especially good point of interest that I did NOT see mentioned is that just around the corner from Casa Blanca 1 is the La Strada bar and disco scene. Especially good if not GREAT Thursday to Saturday evenings! Just walk down to the base of the hill to Ave Poblado and turn right and go about 100 yards and there you are. Right above the Burger King you will see the huge sign that saw LA STRADA. Take the escalators to the 2nd and or third floors.

La Strada is a bunch of small and large drink bars, all new venues. There are two discos on the 2nd and 3rd floors as well. Dry Martini bar is the largest of the bars. It almost doesn't matter where you pick to grab a drink, just go there and see all the BEAUTIFUL PAISA eye candy! If you thought Parque Lleras was filled with the creme de la creme of Medellin hotties, wait til you see LA Strada! You will get whiplash! Dozens and dozens of girls showing up in groups of mostly girls. Most dressed to the T's in fine fashion. Have a drink, take a deep breathe and Fuck it! Say Hello, to a few Paisas. Strike up a conversation. Be the Paisa worshiper you are and have fun!

Anyway, like I said pretty much everything else mentioned in other reports is the same. I went to several casas as well as the usual strip joints and of course Mayorista. It was fun to meet new girls at all the venues. The Paisa Pussy is as HOT! As ever.

Oh yeah and the Casa Blanca girls are still fine and sexy as ever. Of course your mileage will and can always vary from mine but I had a lot of fun with them too.

Here's a few of the Sunday Pool party girls that showed up. There were many more but I got tired of snapping pics and had a couple of yummies myself.

Stay Horny My Friends,










147132Hey Cubanut, I will be making my first trip to Colombia early April so I have a couple questions. I will stay at the CB for the week. You mentioned looking thru the USB pictures. Would it be dumb to ask what is the usb? Also, I assume the La Strada area is a non pro area. The photos you posted are impressive, at first I wasn't impressed but later in the day I took another look and they are very Beautiful women I must say. What is the average cost for say an hour an a half of their time? Also I require GFE, what is the attitude of the girls regarding GFE? I am arriving at the hotel Sunday night around 11 pm and I am not one to waste any time. I am hoping to get started right away. Thanks for the informative TR, AND THE pics are muy freaking bien. I am learning espanol so I should be ok in that dept, yea sure.

El Bacano
03-04-11, 19:14
I am very pleased with this board. I m trying to remain upbeat and pray that our city isn' t overrun by Gringo influx, I was actually there last month and only saw a few gringos. My common sense, which is very low, tells me Medellin is still labled dangerous on the net, and it kinda is, so I don't think it will be ruined anytime soon, keep up the mongerin Boys, and please post the new hot spots, thanks. Remember all men who have not been to Medellin yet, don't let Your gaurd down It can be dangerous

03-05-11, 01:41
Hi friends, I like to tell you something about Medellin. I have noticed P4P is good, there are many many wonderful putas but I thought easier to fuck regular girls. Rightly they like young and beautiful boys and not old guys. Thursday I went to La 70, I saw few people, then to Parque LLeras but there were few people too. Young reagular girls here seem to like going out with you for enjoying your money only. I ' getting many telephone calls from them at six or seven pm. I like to stay with them much time in the day but it was impossible. Yes I'm 50 years old, therefore I have switched on P4P scene. I went to New Life casa in the center, it was a good idea. Many wonderful girls (around 15) are pleased with me. I choose a wonderful 20 years old morena for 45 min. I paid 45. 000 pesos and she was very active and hot. Her name is Valeria and she works from 3 mounths. Then I went to Mayorista. I don't have words about Mayorista. It is unequalled, even if I have noticed the price are enough hight for one hour. They always ask 50. 000 pesos. Many putas every day, rough, fat but also some interesting girl.

I will give you other news the next days.

03-05-11, 03:27
Also maybe explore and find other areas that haven't been discovered, and maybe keep a few secrets for yourself :)Or even MORE then a few secrets. ;)

03-05-11, 12:57
Cubanut had mention in his last report Greg, Boyd etc. Is Robert still around? I know him from the Midwest. I've not been to Medellin or Colombia for that matter since 1976, Ya I'm an old bastard. This is the year I'm going back I hope.

03-05-11, 13:05
Correction, I've not been to Colombia since 1985 not that it really matters.

John Gault
03-05-11, 16:45
Or even MORE then a few secrets. ;)From each experenced Monger if one of his best secrets could be had, what a treasure of information that would be.

On another note me and Collage pusher did a mini casa tour. At New Life 15 to 20 Chicas were presented to us. I found one or two good, but we left. We then went to Atena and of the 6 girls there only one was good. The man in charge of Atena is a good guy.

Last Thursday night Mayorista was loaded with Hombres and was not a good night. I had to hunt all night to finally take one of my previous clients. Last night was much better. The place was jumping. I was running low on leche and of the two different girls I took that night I pumped away but no finish. On second thought it is not a bad thing to last for a while.

Looks like some disco action tonight with my favorite Pro. With her leche appears like magic.

03-05-11, 18:33
Took myself on a centro casa tour recently. It really is difficult to grab one of the plentiful yellow taxis that are ubiquitous all around the city and say 'El Palo and Calle 56 por favor', or perhaps 'Avenida 33, en Laureles, numero 64-198'. I can definitely see how a paid guide would be helpful. :)

I checked out a a few casa's while spending the entire afternoon in Centro, maybe 5 or 6 hours. It was a beautiful day, until a little rain about 5pm. I didn't see even one gringo anywhere the whole day. When I walked in to New Life, which was very busy with men, I was very clearly the only gringo.

I checked out Encuentros, which seems to be like another good casa, although I have never partaken. I've been there twice now. I remember the quality being a little better last time I checked it out a few months ago. They had about 10 girls, all 5's IMO.

Also checked out Atenea, and found the same thing. I also checked out Masajes Zandaly and found 5 girls, all 5's.

There is a listing on the Medellin list for a Paris club on Carrera 47 and that is closed. Also for a Massages 55. 35, and that is closed as well, although I could be wrong and have went to the wrong address, but I highly doubt it. I could use one of those paid guides for sure.

NL had like 15 girls, and only 2 or 3 nice once ones IMO.

The Centro casa's are what they are. They serve a purpose if not just an additional something to do.

Good thing for the Secrets.

Karl Marx
03-05-11, 18:37
I must say that Medellin is a paradise. Don't hesitate going there.

Complaints about girls behavour is childish. Of course they know that we come for erotic adventures and behave correspondingly.

If you are into a serious relationship you can have both prepagos and a family in Medellin.

Offer economic security and so long you are very descret you can have your fun.

Just Do It!

03-05-11, 21:22

[QUOTE=LuckyEddie; 1127998]Me sensitive? Surely you jest. Your question was a answered buy multiple posters (me, ricker, DC Fan and gogo) and a conversation even ensued."

So, Yes I will own up, lo ciento. I missed those first posts and thus reasked. LuckyEddie is correct you guys gave me or any noob more than enough ammunition to pop off with and here I only shot myself in the foot. Don't know how I missed that page with the replies but I guess in my excitement I overlooked it.

Thanks and happy hunting!

03-05-11, 21:27
Since I'm dancing on eggshells already I might as well ask a last question. I did see some stated to bring the mini lotions as gifts and other perfumes because they can be expensive in MDE and thus make good gifts.

1. What mini gift items go over well in MDE. Besides the lotions and perfumes?

2. Is it worth it to buy Alcohol at the international market when you fly over and if so which items are good to bring, since I'm not sure what is the most drunk or appreciated by the Paisa's.

Thanks for any additional shopping, gift or supply ideas!

03-05-11, 22:17
Girls love Bailey's- and it's cheap.

Also, there are no Victoria's Secrets in Colombia- yet they all know about it. The splashes and lotions from there would be much appreciated by Paisas.

Since I'm dancing on eggshells already I might as well ask a last question. I did see some stated to bring the mini lotions as gifts and other perfumes because they can be expensive in MDE and thus make good gifts.

1. What mini gift items go over well in MDE. Besides the lotions and perfumes?

2. Is it worth it to buy Alcohol at the international market when you fly over and if so which items are good to bring, since I'm not sure what is the most drunk or appreciated by the Paisa's.

Thanks for any additional shopping, gift or supply ideas!

03-06-11, 02:33
[QUOTE=HunterDave; 1129610]Gents,

Party at Hotel Intercontinental. Cali, on Thursday March 10th. 2011, at 8:00 PM.

Party in bar / club "Last Call" in Medellin on Friday March 11, 2011.

Address: Last call, Cra 38 number 8 52, parque lleras, Medellin, Colombia inside Parque lleras.

What time: At 8:00 PM.

Entry fee is $20, 000 peso or $10, call us for more info on [Telephone Number deleted by Admin].

Cash bar, one complimentary drink per person with paid entry.

Hello, ; The party info and address on this site.


Address: Last call, Cra 38 number 8 52, parque lleras, Medellin, Colombia inside Parque lleras.

Time: 8:00 PM.

Date: March 11th, Friday.

Entry free: 20000 peso or $10 USD.

Attached are the photos from last party

03-06-11, 03:24
Since I'm dancing on eggshells already I might as well ask a last question. I did see some stated to bring the mini lotions as gifts and other perfumes because they can be expensive in MDE and thus make good gifts.

1. What mini gift items go over well in MDE. Besides the lotions and perfumes?

Thanks for any additional shopping, gift or supply ideas!Nope you nailed it, Lotions and perfumes are always home runs. Maybe cheap BUT pretty silver ear rings. I always Buy a few different sized hoops and studs and see what kind of earrings she has; in terms of size ect. Once again for $5 silver earrings from the mall you come up looking the hero!

03-06-11, 07:11
key information:

name & age: danna, born 1993.

ethnicity: hispanic / colombian with light brown / olive skin.

hair. brown & goes below shoulders.

looks. physique is hot. 5'2" 95 lbs, flat tummy, nice 32bs, flawless skin, no kids / no stretchmarks; cute face.

when? 1st week of march.

where? bogota, chipanero area. my hotel.



price. $105 (200, 000 cop)

phone +57 1 8 012396.

the story:

had some trouble finding casas as listed in some reports. in the evening i called the agency. the phone systems is a bit confusing. at the end there's an option to ask for english. once someone picks up the phone you still have to ask "habla ingles?" so a lady that didn't speak any english answered and put guillermo on. he helped me with the selection of danni. he said he'd check her availibility and call me back, which he did. she came over in the allotted time. 45 minutes. guillermo called to let me know she was at the front of the hotel. i had to go pick her up. sort of embarassing, but prostitution is actually legal in colombia. she had a coat covering her jeans below her ass and sort of obfurep001ed her body. this was a good thing as the guests / staff would have stared more if she hadn't covered up! her face was a cute colombian face with lots of hispanic in it. to me it was a 7. 5. your rating could be higher or lower based on what you like, but i actually liked her look more than i usually like this type.

we got to my room & chatted little. her english skills are weak. i showed her the donation, but she made to move to pick it up. she took off her jacket / top to reveal a purple t-shirt and super-tight blue jeans that advertised a really nice ass. she asked to use the bano (bathroom) and came back out. started making out & the rest of the clothes started coming off. i had to help her out of her jeans as they were really tight over her ankles. she wore a very sexy purple bra / thong set. i'd rate her body an 8. 5. she has a nice flat tummy and i couldn't wait to caress & lick those delicious boobs. plus she is very light. which helped this session greatly.

after some more kissing, (where i introduced some mints as her breath was not that fresh) we got down to business. she needed some directions (e. g, not so rough) but was experienced enough. i put a finger in her pussy and she was getting wet. just looking at that body had made me rock hard. she got a cover and gave a pretty darn good cbj (i know, i know) that included deep throat. i am not huge, but apparently above average. it was quite something to see this young, tiny thing engulf me whole! after some time, she climbed on for cowgirl. (the reason i didn't go down on her, is because my finger in her pussy suggested something other than super fresh). she was pretty a pretty accomplished rider and made a lot of good sounds etc. i pulled her down and kissed her some more. i then sat her up and we did a position where we both sort of straddled each other and pounded the shit out of each other. i used my hand to slow her down when i didn't want things to get out of hand. after this i thought we shoud make use of the strategically placed mirror and desk. i had her face the desk and entered her for a standing doggie. this was followed by a standing fuck where i sort of held one of her legs up and fucked her standing up. this led to picking her up completely (got to love the light ones!) and pounded her. she was sort of surprised but seemed to really get into this. i then put us both on the bed and finished in mish (only because i couldn't get the condom off in time for cob. which she allows).

quick clean up and i got hard very quickly. for a while i finger fucked her but after about 5 minutes put on a condom and fucked her very hard and got a 2nd nut in record time. just call me 2 minute man. i've sort of been on a run where i can finish #2 very quickly and take a sick, twisted pride in doing so! i got rid of the evidence & she hung out for a while & then showered & left. overall a very nice hour.

tried to add a couple of photos but the system isn't letting me.

Travel Spirit
03-06-11, 19:42
If you pay for one hour, are multiple pops allowed?

03-06-11, 22:51
Fair warning to those considering staying in the 23rd story apartment offered at http://vacationrentalsmedellin.com

While renting a single room in the apartment, and being the only guest occupying the apartment, I was robbed of my cell phone, passport, and every last dollar in cash. The door to my "private" room was locked, the door to the apartment was locked, and the items that were stolen were locked inside of a large suitcase inside of my locked so-called "private" room. The theives obviously had access to both the apartment and the room that I was renting as there was no forced entry and proceeded to break the lock on my suitcase in order to go through the belongings inside. By the way, the electronic safes that were offered for use in the apartment were not secured to anything. I. E. If you put your cash in the safe, someone could just pick up the locked safe and walk away with it!

Police investigators called to the scene concluded the obvious. That it was an inside job with the proprietor of the rental the primary suspect to be involved in this robbery. I was away from the apartment for about two hours when the items were stolen and as far as I know, the security guards at the entrance of the building were the only people aware that I was away from the apartment. Who knows, they may have been in on informing that I was away.

The same proprietor of this apartment rental (a German guy named Robert) also runs Girlfriind4aweek escorts, so I would also use extreme caution and reserve should you be considering using this service or anything else that this person is involved in.

I paid a HUGE price for letting my guard down and allowng myself to believe that I was in a fairly secure environment (I. E. Security guarded building in the best part of Medellin, my own keys to the apartment and "private" room I had rented) and allowing myself to believe that the proprietor I was dealing with had some reasonable amount of trustworthiness. Don't make the same mistake I did! Dealing with this operation cost me thousands in cash, not to mention, having to fly to Bogota (no US embassy in Medellin) to get an emergency replacement passport so that I could leave the country and basically ruined my trip to Medellin. BEWARE!

03-07-11, 04:18
Hello, all. Arrived in Medellin 28 February. I spent the first two days at CB1 (see the CB thread for details) then moved to Hotel Alcaravan on the 3ed because I had some non-pros lined up.

First, Medellin. A very beautiful city. I had been in Cali for the last month and it was about what I expected for a Colombian city. Kind of dirty and crowed, etc. I was pleasantly surprised at Medellin. It is fairly clean, the traffic is not nearly as crazy as Cali, there are many modern areas, and the climate is awesome. Unlike Cali I was able to take a taxi off the street almost everywhere I went with no trouble.

For those looking for the little blue pills, I paid 5K pesos for two generic pills. It seemed to work as well as the name brand.

I checked into Hotel Alcaravan on the afternoon of the 3ed and I highly recommend this place. It was 42. 00 for two nights, the staff was exceptionally friendly and helpful, the rooms were clean with hot water and they had a small restaurant, bar, pool and sauna on site. It is also, quite literally, right around the corner from Mayorista. While there I hosted two pros and one non-pro in two days and had no trouble or extra charges at all. The only negative I can offer is that the rooms are very small.

On the afternoon of the 3ed I called Tatiana (see my report in CB thread) and she arrived with her girlfriend. We spent the next hour and a half breaking in the new room. The girls got undressed, I got a four hand massage and flipped over. Tati started on my junk, but quickly switched over to jamming her tongue down her girlfriends throat. I certainly did not complain as she proceed to kiss, lick and eat out her novia. Then they went to work with their mouths, skillfully applying a condom. When Tati opened the drawer for the condoms she was thrilled to find the bullet vibrator I had in the drawer and set it aside for later use. She then jumped on me and rode like a cowgirl as I made out with her novia. After about 10 minutes of that she swapped the condom and her girlfriend jumped on. I put her novia on my lap and fucked her as Tati leaned against the wall, watching us while she got off with the vibrator. After a while I pulled Tati onto my face while her novia rode me. As my tongue was buried in her snatch her novia leaned over to watch me eat her out and moan 'rico, papi'. That was about all I could handle. The girls hung around for a while longer and we all made out for a bit longer, but I had to kick them out as I had a date arranged with a non-pro.

The non-pro was, amazingly enough, also named Tatiana. Like my novia in Cali, I had met her through CC. She was a 21 year old spinner, but I was not entirely convinced about her looks from her pictures on CC. Let me just say, those pictures did not do her justice. The girl was fucking hot, looked just like Kesha. I was not entirely convinced about her at first as she was a bit cooler then most Colombian women. I was not sure if she was not interested, or perhaps just shy and immature. She commented several times that she had to go home that night because she had to work the next morning and did not have cloths. I told her if that was all she was worried about I would pay for a cab to go to her house and get cloths. Long story short, we ended up back at the hotel where we fucked like rabbits. And this girl was something else in the sack. She was so tight I could not get two fingers in her. I have never had a girl that could dance and fuck me at the same time. Seriously. She did not just lay there and take it. Every position she was in she would swirl and grind her hips into me. Her core tone and strength was amazing. I sent her off to work the next day with 10K for a taxi.

I had a date with another non-pro the next day, but actually canceled it to see Tati again. That day she emailed me to say she would not be staying at the hotel again that night. She said she had class until 7pm and wanted to be home by 10. I figured by her attitude at this point she was a semi-pro that was not interested because I had not paid her. I told her I would meet her at the metro to give her back the keys she left in my room and go about my way. When I met her at the Metro (about a half hour late as is normal for a Colombiana) she laid her head against my chest and said she was very sad I was leaving the next day. It did not take much convincing at all for her to agree to stay the night with me and I would send her home early the next morning in a taxi. We went to dinner and repeated the performance from the night before. The next morning I gave her 50K for a taxi and breakfast (the taxi ride to her house was about 22K) Many times she commented that she was sad to see me go and even emailed me the next day to say she had a good time and hopes to see me again soon and sent me a friend request on facebook. I guess I am convinced now that she was not a semi-pro and genuinely liked me. But she seems very hard to read, like I said, much cooler attitude than most Colombianas I met. Perhaps she is just shy, insecure and immature. She is only 21. I'm just not used to dating girls that young. I flew out he next morning, regrettably. Next visit to Colombia will be to Medellin todos. No more messing around in Cali.

Some thoughts for other newbs:

This place is really like being a kid in a candy store. The regular girls know you can get pussy at any time, so there are no catch me / fuck me games you experience with American girls. The are warm, feminine and seem genuinely interested in being a good novia / esposa. And the P4P girls are plenty, friendly, cheap and accommodating. There is literally not a single hour of the day where you can not go somewhere to get laid for cheap.

I spend a great deal of money to do the things I wanted to do, but you can live for very cheap here. A decent hotel for 20 dollars a day, a casa or Mayorista girl for 10-20 dollars a day and eating in the calle for 10 dollars a day. Take the metro and see tourist sights for another 10 dollars a day. Sixty bucks a day. I spend more than that when I go out on the weekends here at home. It really is a great deal.

Take care and good hunting to all.

Mr Gogo
03-07-11, 06:20
Fair warning to those considering staying in the 23rd story apartment offered at.


While renting a single room in the apartment, and being the only guest occupying the apartment, I was robbed of my cell phone, passport, and every last dollar in cash. The door to my "private" room was locked, the door to the apartment was locked, and the items that were stolen were locked inside of a large suitcase inside of my locked so-called "private" room. The theives obviously had access to both the apartment and the room that I was renting as there was no forced entry and proceeded to break the lock on my suitcase in order to go through the belongings inside. By the way, the electronic safes that were offered for use in the apartment were not secured to anything. I. E. If you put your cash in the safe, someone could just pick up the locked safe and walk away with it!

Police investigators called to the scene concluded the obvious. That it was an inside job with the proprietor of the rental the primary suspect to be involved in this robbery. I was away from the apartment for about two hours when the items were stolen and as far as I know, the security guards at the entrance of the building were the only people aware that I was away from the apartment. Who knows, they may have been in on informing that I was away.

The same proprietor of this apartment rental (a German guy named Robert) also runs Girlfriind4aweek escorts, so I would also use extreme caution and reserve should you be considering using this service or anything else that this person is involved in.

I paid a HUGE price for letting my guard down and allowng myself to believe that I was in a fairly secure environment (I. E. Security guarded building in the best part of Medellin, my own keys to the apartment and "private" room I had rented) and allowing myself to believe that the proprietor I was dealing with had some reasonable amount of trustworthiness. Don't make the same mistake I did! Dealing with this operation cost me thousands in cash, not to mention, having to fly to Bogota (no US embassy in Medellin) to get an emergency replacement passport so that I could leave the country and basically ruined my trip to Medellin. BEWARE!Sorry for your misfortune, But renting a room? Is you safety worth 25usd per day? My safety is more important than going the cheapo route. Also you didn't follow safety techniques. Hide your passport on the upper bottom under the kitchen sink, leave a few pesos laying around but hide the major deniro. Whats the use of stealing a passport that will be reported stolen? I think you got caught in someone elses bullshit. Someone wanted to make the establishment look bad or either you had some petty thieves.

Legal Tender
03-07-11, 07:58
Fair warning to those considering staying in the 23rd story apartment offered at.


While renting a single room in the apartment, and being the only guest occupying the apartment, I was robbed of my cell phone, passport, and every last dollar in cash. The door to my "private" room was locked, the door to the apartment was locked, and the items that were stolen were locked inside of a large suitcase inside of my locked so-called "private" room. The theives obviously had access to both the apartment and the room that I was renting as there was no forced entry and proceeded to break the lock on my suitcase in order to go through the belongings inside. By the way, the electronic safes that were offered for use in the apartment were not secured to anything. I. E. If you put your cash in the safe, someone could just pick up the locked safe and walk away with it!

Police investigators called to the scene concluded the obvious. That it was an inside job with the proprietor of the rental the primary suspect to be involved in this robbery. I was away from the apartment for about two hours when the items were stolen and as far as I know, the security guards at the entrance of the building were the only people aware that I was away from the apartment. Who knows, they may have been in on informing that I was away.

The same proprietor of this apartment rental (a German guy named Robert) also runs Girlfriind4aweek escorts, so I would also use extreme caution and reserve should you be considering using this service or anything else that this person is involved in.

I paid a HUGE price for letting my guard down and allowng myself to believe that I was in a fairly secure environment (I. E. Security guarded building in the best part of Medellin, my own keys to the apartment and "private" room I had rented) and allowing myself to believe that the proprietor I was dealing with had some reasonable amount of trustworthiness. Don't make the same mistake I did! Dealing with this operation cost me thousands in cash, not to mention, having to fly to Bogota (no US embassy in Medellin) to get an emergency replacement passport so that I could leave the country and basically ruined my trip to Medellin. BEWARE!I'm afraid, my amigo, that if you are looking for some compensation from Robert, who (or is it whom?) you identified as the German guy who ran Girlfriend4aweek, I know where you can find him. He is in the custody of the Office of the US Marshall in Dade County, Florida. He is under felony indictment returned by a federal grand jury. Of course, an indictment is no evidence of guilt. But, the Feds have him, and if the Feds (as in the United States Department of Justice) have taken an interest in you that has lead to an indictment, then just bend over, put your head between your legs, and kiss your sweet ass good bye.

I don't wish any ill will on anybody, but I think this fact is something that all of us mongers, young and old, rich and poor, and from every ethic group known to mankind, ought to know.

Only good energy!

03-07-11, 12:57
[QUOTE=TheSledgeHammer; 1130757]Fair warning to those considering staying in the 23rd story apartment offered at.


While renting a single room in the apartment, and being the only guest occupying the apartment, I was robbed of my cell phone, passport, and every last dollar in cash. The door to my "private" room was locked, the door to the apartment was locked, and the items that were stolen were locked inside of a large suitcase inside of my locked so-called "private" room. The theives obviously had access to both the apartment and the room that I was renting as there was no forced entry and proceeded to break the lock on my suitcase in order to go through the belongings inside. By the way, the electronic safes that were offered for use in the apartment were not secured to anything. I. E. If you put your cash in the safe, someone could just pick up the locked safe and walk away with it!

Police investigators called to the scene concluded the obvious. That it was an inside job with the proprietor of the rental the primary suspect to be involved in this robbery. I was away from the apartment for about two hours when the items were stolen and as far as I know, the security guards at the entrance of the building were the only people aware that I was away from the apartment. Who knows, they may have been in on informing that I was away.

The same proprietor of this apartment rental (a German guy named Robert) also runs Girlfriind4aweek escorts, so I would also use extreme caution and reserve should you be considering using this service or anything else that this person is involved in.

I paid a HUGE price for letting my guard down and allowng myself to believe that I was in a fairly secure environment (I. E. Security guarded building in the best part of Medellin, my own keys to the apartment and "private" room I had rented) and allowing myself to believe that the proprietor I was dealing with had some reasonable amount of trustworthiness. Don't make the same mistake I did! Dealing with this operation cost me thousands in cash, not to mention, having to fly to Bogota (no US embassy in Medellin) to get an emergency replacement passport so that I could leave the country and basically ruined my trip to Medellin. BEWARE! [/QUOTE.

]I'm afraid, my amigo, that if you are looking for some compensation from Robert, who (or is it whom?) you identified as the German guy who ran Girlfriend4aweek, I know where you can find him. He is in the custody of the Office of the US Marshall in Dade County, Florida. He is under felony indictment returned by a federal grand jury. Of course, an indictment is no evidence of guilt. But, the Feds have him, and if the Feds (as in the United States Department of Justice) have taken an interest in you that has lead to an indictment, then just bend over, put your head between your legs, and kiss your sweet ass good bye.

I don't wish any ill will on anybody, but I think this fact is something that all of us mongers, young and old, rich and poor, and from every ethic group known to mankind, ought to know.

Only good energy! Why is this guy "German Robert" locked up or a person of interest with the Feds? I don't want to start rumors but wasn't the same guy who auctioned off a 14/16 year old girls virginity on line a few years ago (4 o 5?)

I am sorry you got ripped off and robbed! That is the worst feeling especially when you are so far away from home! I have stayed in that same building and know the door men to be solid individuals so I think it might have just been the German.

Just my two cents.

Robert B
03-07-11, 14:26

He was walking with a female friend and wearing a gold chain. He got into a taxi and was stopped at a stoplight. A young man on a motorcycle pulled a gun to rob him and shot him in the chest. The police think the robber wanted the gold chain. He had been living in Medellin 9 months. Be safe out there!

PS: I know this can happen anywhere. I just want to remind everyone to keep there eyes open like you would in any large city.

03-07-11, 17:20
The are warm, feminine and seem genuinely interested in being a good novia / esposa.Spot on honest report except for, me spending time in 4 major cities in Colombia, the paisa is the most devilish, bandida, unfaithful of the bunch. Medellin is the the self proclaimed party city in Colombia and the girls are looking to party all day everyday. With or without their western union novios but preferably without so they can be themselves and hang out with their friends and lovers. They don't usually grow out of this stage until they reach their 30's or earlier if they have children and are looking for surrogate fathers.

03-07-11, 18:09

He was walking with a female friend and wearing a gold chain. He got into a taxi and was stopped at a stoplight. A young man on a motorcycle pulled a gun to rob him and shot him in the chest. The police think the robber wanted the gold chain. He had been living in Medellin 9 months. Be safe out there!

PS: I know this can happen anywhere. I just want to remind everyone to keep there eyes open like you would in any large city.No disrespect to the deceased but let this be a lesson to anyone who doesn't already know better, never, ever, ever wear jewelry of any kind in Colombia, period.

03-07-11, 19:45
If you pay for one hour, are multiple pops allowed?What a question! Ha ha. Only in the same girl! And maybe a multi chick discount! You remind me of some friends of mine that wanted to do 8 chicks or more in one sitting. I won't be traveling with him again. That get's annoying catering to someone's extreme sexual appetite

03-07-11, 20:44

He was walking with a female friend and wearing a gold chain. He got into a taxi and was stopped at a stoplight. A young man on a motorcycle pulled a gun to rob him and shot him in the chest. The police think the robber wanted the gold chain. He had been living in Medellin 9 months. Be safe out there!

PS: I know this can happen anywhere. I just want to remind everyone to keep there eyes open like you would in any large city. Though this is a horrific tragedy and R. I. P. to the victim. But you have to question his rudimentary street smarts especially after you claim him living in Medellin for 9 months? #1 Never walk around with anything that attracts attention or are not ready to loose or give up at a seconds notice and #2 If a fucking gun is involved just stand there and let them take your shit, is anything superficial worth your life.

I would even go as far as to say it might even have been a set-up by his "lady friend" who told her guy friends back in the barrio in estrato 1. That she's seeing a gringo who has a lot of money and wears a big gold chain. Who knows? Set ups happen every day. Never trust ANYBODY in Colombia.

Legal Tender
03-07-11, 21:44
[QUOTE=Legal Tender; 1130888]Why is this guy "German Robert" locked up or a person of interest with the Feds? I don't want to start rumors but wasn't the same guy who auctioned off a 14/16 year old girls virginity on line a few years ago (4 o 5?)In Case No. 10-20316-CR pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, the indictment, in relevant parts, reads: "[the defendant] did knowingly possess matter, that is, a computer file contained in a Dell laptop computer, which contained any visual depiction that has been shipped and transported using any means and facility of interstate and foreign commerce and in and affecting interstate and foreign commerce, by any means, including by computer, and the production of such visual depiction having involved the use of a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct as defined in Title 18, United States Code, Section 2256 (2) , and such visual depiction was of such conduct in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 2252 (a) 4) B) and (be) 2)."

This matter is going to hurt more than Robert's feelings. Chalk it up to bad Karma. . . . Decisions have consequences.

Only good energy!

03-07-11, 21:54
But, I have to agree with MHL, I can't imagine why anybody would be sporting a big gold chain, unless they.

Feel nothing can happen to them. I've heard stories of guys changing money at Bk of Colombia, and being noticed.

And they get robbed later on in the day. It is so easy to let your guard down, and gringos can be such a target. MHL, I think you are on to something about the setup, I guess it depends on the time of day and where it occurred, but normally the traffic is so bad in MDE that it would be very unlikely that someone would even notice anybody in a cab, unless they had advance info. The chica on her cellphone?? Who knows

03-08-11, 01:07
Though this is a horrific tragedy and R. I. P. To the victim. But you have to question his rudimentary street smarts especially after you claim him living in Medellin for 9 months? #1 Never walk around with anything that attracts attention or are not ready to loose or give up at a seconds notice and #2 If a fucking gun is involved just stand there and let them take your shit, is anything superficial worth your life.

I would even go as far as to say it might even have been a set-up by his "lady friend" who told her guy friends back in the barrio in estrato 1. That she's seeing a gringo who has a lot of money and wears a big gold chain. Who knows? Set ups happen every day. Never trust ANYBODY in Colombia. Struggle or no struggle wasting the guy gives the gang tons more street cred. Especailly if it was premeditated against a gringo.

The thing that get's me is where it happenend. This is Miravalle / El Nogal Los Almendras. 3 blocks from my grilfriend's apt, estrato 4/5 territory and Laureles is right there. This is right down the street from Los Molinos shopping center, on the 80 between the 30 and the 33.

What is this gang doing down that far? That's the real question.

I think the guy living there, off the beaten Poblado / Laureles path, maybe with a steady routine tipped someone off. You walk into a shop, buy some stuff, talk, now the shop owner knows you are a gringo. It's real easy to get made. Before you know it everyone in the barrio knows and who knows what could happen.

Similar thing happened last year on Calle 53 in Centro / Boston area, between Parque Periodista and Oriental. At night of course. And I would see this guy a few times beforehand making friends with everyone, having breakfast on Giradot talking about this and that really trying to get in with the neighbors. One night he walked into a bar I was in and I didn't even finish my beer. I ran out of the place and ran on the tab, I didn't want nothing to do with this guy whatsoever. Two months later he's gone. I get really scared for some of you guys venturing around. As tourists please stay in good areas until Medellin has a new Don Bernal.

03-08-11, 01:11
I'm doing a trip in June 2011. I'm either gana do Managua, Nicaragua. Or Medellin. Any advice? Is Medellin safe traveling alone? Has anyone been to Managua? Which is better for chicas?

03-08-11, 02:01
I've been in Medellin for about a month and I've been to a few places. Since I've enjoyed a lot of information on this forum I wanted to give something back.

I'm going to be here for another two weeks and I haven't been to Mayorista yet. If anyone is in the area and wants to meet up to go mongering over there send me a PM. I speak pretty fluent Spanish and don't have an obvious gringo look.

7. * New Life, Calle 56 (Bolivia) # 43-39, 2 piso, between Palo and Giradot. 8-10 Chicas. Prices: 35k 30 min. 45k 45 min. 60k hour. Tel: 216 27 04. Hours: Monday to Saturday. 9am to 8pm, Sundays 10am to 6pm. (#19 on Tung's Map.)I've been here twice. The first was with a hot young girl named Vanessa who says she is 21 years old. I went on a weekday in the afternoon and was one alone in the waiting room. There were about 15 girls that were showed to me, quite a few lookers. Vanessa had pretty robotic service and wouldn't kiss, but her tight body and pussy made up for those deficiencies.

The second time I went I was in the mood for a girl with big tits. I went on a Saturday at around 3:30 and there were about 10 Colombian dudes waiting in the lobby. I picked Paulina because she had the aforementioned requirements. She gave great head and offered BBBJ which I declined. I could tell that she had been with someone else before me which was a turnoff. Her tits were kinda saggy and I couldn't get it up for a second time.

1. Kassandra (Miel why Canela) , Carrera 65 # 32A-43. 6-8 Chicas. Prices: 60k hour. 130k Cola. Tel: 235 34 36, 265 36 56, Cell: 312 206 49 85. Hours: Monday to Saturday 10am to 8pm.This place has construction going on outside of it and I walked past it twice before I found it. It was close to my apartment so I decided to check it out. When I went in at around 2pm on a Thursday there were only two girls working. I went with the girl with big tits. She quoted me 70 and hour and 20 for BBBJ. The place reeked of onions because they were cooking lunch, and the smell got to me. I paid for an hour but after I came about 20 minutes in she told me I had to pay more to go again. What a ripoff. Don't go here, shitty location, shitty service and too expensive.

5. Conejitas Bar Show, Carrera 52 # 53-03. __ Chicas. Prices: Beer 4k, Chicas 50k 30 min. Tel: (57) (4) 251 62 68. Hours: Monday to Sunday. 6pm to 3am.I went here on a Wednesday night at around 10. I showed up too late because there were a lot of dudes and not many good looking women. I waited it out for about an hour and the hot ones started finishing up their first round. If you go here get here early. I was on my way out when Daniella teased me with her super long nails and playful attitude. She was a lot of fun.

1. * San Diego Grill (Show Club) , C. C. Milanesa Local 104, Calle 37 # 45-15. __ Chicas. Prices: Cover 3 Beer minimum 30k, Beer 10k. Chicas 120k 30 min. 130k hour, Room fee 45k. 200k TLN, Exit fee 150k. Tel: 261 04 76, 262 99 78. Hours: 8 pm to 2 am.A mate showed me this place my first week in town and I was quite pleased. Its pricey but the quality is bar none. Eventually Cindy came over and sat on my lap and we talked for about an hour before we went to the back room and I paid 100k for 30 mins. She was super down to earth and a lot of fun to be with. Her DFK's were filled with passion and got me super wet.

03-08-11, 02:55
For anyone in town that wants to grab a few brews in Mayorista (or see how the area is) , I'll be there Monday (tonight) , Tuesday, and Wednesday night. Most likely from 10 PM to early in the morning. How to find me? I'm a small Chinese guy usually sitting in front of "La Gran Avenida" which is towards the end of the block.

03-08-11, 08:32
This place has construction going on outside of it and I walked past it twice before I found it. It was close to my apartment so I decided to check it out. When I went in at around 2pm on a Thursday there were only two girls working. I went with the girl with big tits. She quoted me 70 and hour and 20 for BBBJ. The place reeked of onions because they were cooking lunch, and the smell got to me. I paid for an hour but after I came about 20 minutes in she told me I had to pay more to go again. What a ripoff. Don't go here, shitty location, shitty service and too expensive.If you go for an hour vs half hour, always specify that you want 2 cups (if you want that).

Thanks for the report!

03-08-11, 13:32
Anyone have a video link of what FASE 2 and San Diegoe strip clubs are like on the inside?


03-08-11, 14:36
I'm doing a trip in June 2011. I'm either gana do Managua, Nicaragua. Or Medellin. Any advice? Is Medellin safe traveling alone? Has anyone been to Managua? Which is better for chicas?Both are safe enough although Medellin is much safer overall, much better weather, much better women, a lot more venues for women and if you can believe it better food. Also there is a host of info here. Managua is stifling hot and humid. You will sweat like a pig the moment you setp off the plane. If you like the beach I would recommend Cartagena Colombia.

03-08-11, 14:49
It is certainly a tragedy that this young Briton lost his life. But the press says that a young motorcycle guy simply rode up next to the taxi and demanded the guy's gold necklace. And the press says the young guy belonged to a gang, comprised of many young, say 14 to 17 year olds, that was active in the area. Also, the victim resisted, according to the reports. So several people have drawn morals or lessons from this story, but it seems pretty simple. First, the gang involved is a bunch of young kids, so it's not any kind of sophisticated operation involving inside information. I think the single lesson to be learned, if one learns from a tragedy like this, is not to wear jewelry, and to give it up immediately if challenged. Also, the crime is perpetrated not by left-overs from the narco days, but by little kids with no sense at all, no planning or thinking, just a gun and a moto. Stay under the radar, and if you find yourself in that unfortunate situation, give it up, that would be the moral of the tragedy, if any.

03-08-11, 16:10
it is certainly a tragedy that this young briton lost his life ... i think the single lesson to be learned, if one learns from a tragedy like this, is not to wear jewelry, and to give it up immediately if challenged ...this is not a revelation.

i learned this from experienced travelers when i was starting out, though it is common sense too, and guys have been saying this for years.

as much as colombia has become a bit of a disney for gringos, it's still colombia.

Member #3437
03-08-11, 17:27
it is certainly a tragedy that this young briton lost his life. but the press says that a young motorcycle guy simply rode up next to the taxi and demanded the guy's gold necklace. and the press says the young guy belonged to a gang, comprised of many young, say 14 to 17 year olds, that was active in the area. also, the victim resisted, according to the reports. so several people have drawn morals or lessons from this story, but it seems pretty simple. first, the gang involved is a bunch of young kids, so it's not any kind of sophisticated operation involving inside information. i think the single lesson to be learned, if one learns from a tragedy like this, is not to wear jewelry, and to give it up immediately if challenged. also, the crime is perpetrated not by left-overs from the narco days, but by little kids with no sense at all, no planning or thinking, just a gun and a moto. stay under the radar, and if you find yourself in that unfortunate situation, give it up, that would be the moral of the tragedy, if any.i really screwed up one time, a long time ago, in venezuala. this story was immortalized with pics on the long defunct umv board that folded over 7 years ago. i flew in the morning, got my hotel and decided to take a stroll, forgetting i had my cheap ass gold chain on. this was middle of the day, downtown tourist area, with hundreds of people milling about. an art show and vendor show was set up and i was milling from vendor to vendor when all of a sudden i felt something hit me hard from behind and grab me in a bear lock. my mind raced, first impression "the police!" and i struggled to break free, then i saw about 5 teenage boys walking towards me. my mind was having a hard time processing what was going on, the idea that they were coming to help me occured, someone grabbed at my chain and scratched my chest hard. i had my passport, camera, and a couple of hundred dollars in my pants which energised me, and i broke free from the guy holding me, and punched one of the guys. i was grabbed again from behind, and punches started flying from all of them, hitting my face and chest. it really didn't hurt and didn't injure me much ie: not trained fighters. my mind went to my passport, etc, and i grabbed my pants pockets hard. they tried to loosen my hands but couldn't. i felt the guy behind me let go. then a push from behind, two kids stuck out their feet in a choreographed move, tripped me, and i heard all of them running at once. i got up and chased for about 10 steps and stopped myself, said "wtf are you doing" and turned and started walking. i occured to me that i may be stabbed and i felt all around my back and stomach. nothing. sigh of relief. i walked up to my friend's room, and told him what happened and showed him my battle scars.

the entire ordeal took maybe 15 seconds but seemed like a lot longer.

casualty: one piece of shit gold chain. bruises. scratches. my dignity.

lesson learned: never let your guard down. know what you are carrying and where you are at all times.

don't be stupid like me and fight back. this is probably the closest i have come to death ever.

positive side: one hell of a story to tell.

what happened: in big cities in south america, there are snatch and grab gangs of 5 to 7 teenagers looking for, well you to blunder into their territory. the biggest guy is the "holder" and the others take the goods. most of the time the attacked is smart enough not to fight back and their goal is accomplished in a matter of seconds. if not, they have a preplan to bail withing 20 seconds or so and they run for blocks. this is mostly because if the police catch them, they are in a world of hurt, so the mission is hit and run.

shit is serious guys. do not wear your chains, your watch, your expensive shirts in the streets in south america, even in the day. dress down and be aware.

03-08-11, 18:14
As much as Colombia has become a bit of a Disney for gringos, it's still Colombia.Thank god this is confined to just Medellin and CTG because any other places gringos REALLY stick out and there would be much more instances like this.

03-08-11, 18:40
Thank god this is confined to just Medellin and CTG because any other places gringos REALLY stick out and there would be much more instances like this.In my opinon this was a very sad case it could happen to any of us my advise is whenever somebody wants something from you give it to him your life means a lot more than money

John Gault
03-08-11, 20:07
I'm doing a trip in June 2011. I'm either gana do Managua, Nicaragua. Or Medellin. Any advice? Is Medellin safe traveling alone? Has anyone been to Managua? Which is better for chicas?I have been to MGA, and MDE is way more safe than nicaragua. The weather is much better in MDE. In Nicaragua it is very hot in the daytime.

John Gault
03-08-11, 20:19
For anyone in town that wants to grab a few brews in Mayorista (or see how the area is) , I'll be there Monday (tonight) , Tuesday, and Wednesday night. Most likely from 10 PM to early in the morning. How to find me? I'm a small Chinese guy usually sitting in front of "La Gran Avenida" which is towards the end of the block.If you see a Gringo with a gotee then it might be me. One question. Any Spinners in that Area?

03-09-11, 05:55
Gave a tour yesterday to New Life and Belle Suites. The good news for Belle Suites after having a terrible line up for weeks, they finally put the cute door manager in the line up and have a new person on the door. New Life had 14 in the line up with 4 or 5 winners. My client took a taste at both places with a hour break in between but still impressive for the 40 something crowd.

Colombia JakeWent with Colombia Jake to New Life. First stop on his afternoon tour. It is located at Calle 56 (Bolivia) No. 43-39. 2nd story between Palo and Girardot. It was the best place overall, with a large and good selection of ladies. I went for a small, petite beauty by the name of Stephanie.

Summary: Stephanie is about 5'1" tall and weighs 95 lbs. She has nice womanly curves but a flat tummy and her breasts appear to be about be cups. She has an olive complexion and long dark hair. She has a very pretty face.

The session consisted of 30 minutes of shower (individually) , massage, CBJ & MPCFS followed by another set of showers.

Session Details: We walked from the waiting area back to the room. It was pretty nice, clean and well-lit. There was an attached, small bathroom. . Once she got me hard witha CBJ, she climbed on for CG. We then moved to the Lotus position where we face each other sitting up with our legs wrapped around each other. I then flipped her over for mish. Finished in Perrito (doggy style). She took it all like a champ. It was not GFE, but it was only 35K COP or $19. This was the lowest price that I have paid for paid sex in my life so far.

After a break, we stopped by a place called "Play Girls." Calle 53 No. 43-07. 2nd Floor. They have a little fridge with beers stocked as you sit down. They had a good lineup and I went with Angelica (or something close to that).

Summary: Angelica was a bit more womanly (meaning not a total spinner) than Stephanie. I'd put her stats at about 125 lbs. 5'6", C cups, pretty face and long black hair. She looked good in her white nurse-like bra & panty outfit, though there was a bit of mommy tummy in evidence. We attempted to have sex :)

Session Details: The place was sort of a dump. The room was dark & the bathroom was really tiny. Angelica said the water was cold, so really didn't encourage me to take a shower. She didn't take one either. We took our clothes off and laid on the bed in the dark room. She didn't say much and from my perspective there was a bit of a lack of chemistry. Her moves felt very mechanical. Her attempt to do a CBJ actually hurt me more than they stimulated me. Let's just say that I failed to achieve lift-off. Wouldn't say it's her fault and if you do make it through the strange shopping center to this place, you might enjoy some of the line-up. Cost was only 32K COP or $17. This was the lowest price I paid to fail at paid sex :)

It was nice to have Jake take me to a few Casas. While they would not have been impossible to find alone, it certainly would have been harder. He was also helpful in other ways (e. G, getting me to a store to get my phone working in Colombia). For Colombia newbies (like me) he's a reasonable option.

Today I went back to New Life in the afternoon (without Jake). Gave the taxi driver the card :) Same story as yesterday. Walked in, rang a doorbell, they buzz you in. Go through another door, go up some stairs & you're in the New Life waiting hall. A guy came back & offered me a drink. Approximately 15 chicas with 4-5 being of very high quality. I actually asked for 3 to them to be shown again (Stephanie from yesterday, Pamela. A dark-skinned chick with huge boobs & a rocking body and a skinny, beautiful chick named Shirley.) Today I picked Shirley.

Summary: Shirley is very thin & about 5'3." She is very thin & has nice tan skin. About 105 lbs with A / B cups. She has a very pretty face. I got showers, massage, CBJ, CG & mission & more showers.

Session Details: We walked back from the viewing area to where the room was. The room wasn't quite as nice as yesterday but still clean, reasonably well lit, though the bathroom setup wasn't as good. We chatted while we got undressed. She didn't even ask me how long a session I watned. We showered individually & dried off. She asked if I wanted a massage & I said "Si." She gave a pretty good massage. On the flip, she first really gave me a massage before moving to caress other parts of me. She got a condom & proceeded to give me a pretty competent CBJ. She got on for a spirited CG. I put us into the Lotus position and flipped her over into missionary. At some point I sort of slowed my thrusting down. And she picked up ther pace. As I said more "mas," she got faster and faster, really fucking me from below. After not all that much time I blew a nice load into the condom. Another set of showers, a bit of chatting while we put on our clothes, paid the cashier on the way out and I was on my way

Still Learning
03-09-11, 10:25
I'm afraid, my amigo, that if you are looking for some compensation from Robert, who (or is it whom?) you identified as the German guy who ran Girlfriend4aweek, I know where you can find him. He is in the custody of the Office of the US Marshall in Dade County, Florida. He is under felony indictment returned by a federal grand jury.Ouch! That sounds bad. I met the guy a few years ago and he seemed all right. Do you mind sharing how you found that out? I emailed someone else that knows him and she claims he is in the hospital.

03-09-11, 17:26
It was nice to have Jake take me to a few Casas. While they would not have been impossible to find alone, it certainly would have been harder.This was true 9 years ago before Google Maps and other helpful tools. Cabbies know that area really, really well.

"Me lleva al centro, Argentina (57) con El Palo (45) , por favor" pronounced: "May jay-bah al centro, arhentina cone el palo, por fabor". This corner puts you right in the middle of group2.

Someone put this together:


The only problem I have is you guys keep adding the fly by night casas and WT69 is updating and erasing his document every other month. Guess what? These fly by night places close after 3 months or move down the street and you waste an hour looking for them. Forget them!

If you are only here for a week or two I would not bother trying to find anything that is not tried and true. Also most of these places are pretty much all the same so why bother?

Group 1 (Just off the Metro. Prado stop. Take the Niquia Train from Poblado) and up Oriental towards the curve. Geishas is right at the bottom of the stairs of the Metro)

Lindas Chicas. Geishas. Casa Verde. Nana.

Group 2 (a few blocks up from Oriental).

New Life. Aiffe. Belle Suite. Sexi. Atenea (Ven Y Relajate)

I prefer group 2. The 9 places above have all been open and in the same spot for over 5 years (Aiffe only 3 and was next door for about 6 months but had a lease problem, Geishas for 2 but both were open 7+ years prior to that) Casa Verde has changed names twice, and whatever.

You will never entrer one of the above places before 7PM and find it to be closed except for Good Friday and Christmas Day. A few Sunday Holidays like Mother's Day may have a weak lineup.

The bottom line is that ALL casas above and the fly by nighters pretty much all have the same YMMV girls. There is no casa that has only hotties or only GFE girls or only girls who do anal.

The only thing that differentiates these places is the location, ameneties, the vibe and price (pretty much all the same). If you can't find something after visiting 3 of these places, well you will find nothing in any of them.

Unless you know the girl, ask for half an hour only (In places where you have to decide up front like Belle Suite). You can jack it up to 45 mins or an hour once in the room. So, if she is a dud wether or not you shoot your load you only ended up paying for half an hour (35K). If she rocks once you are in the room tell her you changed your mind and want the 45mins / hour and pay only the difference. You may want to ask the host before even going to the room if you can add more time once you get in the room.

In New Life you pay when you leave, you don't have to commit to anything up front. Keep your eye on the clock as you enter the room as some girls won't say anything and you may be 1hr 10min and have to pay for 1. 5. In New Life there is a card for each room that has the start time printed on it. Written in by Mgmgt as the chosed girl comes to get you.

One time in New Life with a pre Mansion girl I spent the entire afternoon in the roomw with her. We ordered luch and beers. It was awesome.

Guys, Boyd from the Mansion goes to these places and recruits girls that perform well (maybe less these days). You go to these places and you can get a top notch chica before she moves up the ranks, charging the bigger bucks.

If you do Go to one of the fly by nighters your chances of incident (girl grabbing a 20 out of your wallet while you shower) , although quite low, will be a bit greater than one of the casas listed above.

New Life is hands down my favourite as there is usually 10-15 girls to choose from, lots of clean rooms since they redid the basement 3 years ago, HOT showers en suite (some places you need to leave the room in a towell (eg: Belle Suite). The rooms downstairs are cool and the whole procedure of in out pay is pretty comfortable.

Geishas moved 2 years ago but this current spot supposedly is going to be permanent and It is just down the stairs from the Metro (Prado). Literally right there. You could get off the train, stop in for a fuck and then hop on the train all within 45 mins.

No offense to the OP but if you need someone to lead you around perhaps Cartagena would be a better choice.

Colombia Jake
03-10-11, 01:33
Like a good coach I believe my players can hit it out of the park on every attempt! I'm not going to bench you for striking out and failing to deliver in key situations! You dusted yourself off and delivered the blast the next day!

More than anything I take the stress out of the search and I'm fairly fun to hang with! Sure you can do this alone but not that easily first time around. Colombia Jake.

Summary: Angelica was a bit more womanly (meaning not a total spinner) than Stephanie. I'd put her stats at about 125 lbs. 5'6", C cups, pretty face and long black hair. She looked good in her white nurse-like bra & panty outfit, though there was a bit of mommy tummy in evidence. We attempted to have sex.

Session Details: The place was sort of a dump. The room was dark & the bathroom was really tiny. Angelica said the water was cold, so really didn't encourage me to take a shower. She didn't take one either. We took our clothes off and laid on the bed in the dark room. She didn't say much and from my perspective there was a bit of a lack of chemistry. Her moves felt very mechanical. Her attempt to do a CBJ actually hurt me more than they stimulated me. Let's just say that I failed to achieve lift-off. Wouldn't say it's her fault and if you do make it through the strange shopping center to this place, you might enjoy some of the line-up. Cost was only 32K COP or $17. This was the lowest price I paid to fail at paid sex.

It was nice to have Jake take me to a few Casas. While they would not have been impossible to find alone, it certainly would have been harder. He was also helpful in other ways (e. G, getting me to a store to get my phone working in Colombia). For Colombia newbies (like me) he's a reasonable option.

03-10-11, 02:06
This was true 9 years ago before Google Maps and other helpful tools. Cabbies know that area really, really well.

"Me lleva al centro, Argentina (57) con El Palo (45) , por favor" pronounced: "May jay-bah al centro, arhentina cone el palo, por fabor". This corner puts you right in the middle of group2.

Someone put this together:


The only problem I have is you guys keep adding the fly by night casas and WT69 is updating and erasing his document every other month. Guess what? These fly by night places close after 3 months or move down the street and you waste an hour looking for them. Forget them!

If you are only here for a week or two I would not bother trying to find anything that is not tried and true. Also most of these places are pretty much all the same so why bother?

Group 1 (Just off the Metro. Prado stop. Take the Niquia Train from Poblado) and up Oriental towards the curve. Geishas is right at the bottom of the stairs of the Metro)

Lindas Chicas. Geishas. Casa Verde. Nana.

Group 2 (a few blocks up from Oriental).

New Life. Aiffe. Belle Suite. Sexi. Atenea (Ven Y Relajate)

I prefer group 2. The 9 places above have all been open and in the same spot for over 5 years (Aiffe only 3 and was next door for about 6 months but had a lease problem, Geishas for 2 but both were open 7+ years prior to that) Casa Verde has changed names twice, and whatever.

You will never entrer one of the above places before 7PM and find it to be closed except for Good Friday and Christmas Day. A few Sunday Holidays like Mother's Day may have a weak lineup.

The bottom line is that ALL casas above and the fly by nighters pretty much all have the same YMMV girls. There is no casa that has only hotties or only GFE girls or only girls who do anal.

The only thing that differentiates these places is the location, ameneties, the vibe and price (pretty much all the same). If you can't find something after visiting 3 of these places, well you will find nothing in any of them.

Unless you know the girl, ask for half an hour only (In places where you have to decide up front like Belle Suite). You can jack it up to 45 mins or an hour once in the room. So, if she is a dud wether or not you shoot your load you only ended up paying for half an hour (35K). If she rocks once you are in the room tell her you changed your mind and want the 45mins / hour and pay only the difference. You may want to ask the host before even going to the room if you can add more time once you get in the room.

In New Life you pay when you leave, you don't have to commit to anything up front. Keep your eye on the clock as you enter the room as some girls won't say anything and you may be 1hr 10min and have to pay for 1. 5. In New Life there is a card for each room that has the start time printed on it. Written in by Mgmgt as the chosed girl comes to get you.

One time in New Life with a pre Mansion girl I spent the entire afternoon in the roomw with her. We ordered luch and beers. It was awesome.

Guys, Boyd from the Mansion goes to these places and recruits girls that perform well (maybe less these days). You go to these places and you can get a top notch chica before she moves up the ranks, charging the bigger bucks.

If you do Go to one of the fly by nighters your chances of incident (girl grabbing a 20 out of your wallet while you shower) , although quite low, will be a bit greater than one of the casas listed above.

New Life is hands down my favourite as there is usually 10-15 girls to choose from, lots of clean rooms since they redid the basement 3 years ago, HOT showers en suite (some places you need to leave the room in a towell (eg: Belle Suite). The rooms downstairs are cool and the whole procedure of in out pay is pretty comfortable.

Geishas moved 2 years ago but this current spot supposedly is going to be permanent and It is just down the stairs from the Metro (Prado). Literally right there. You could get off the train, stop in for a fuck and then hop on the train all within 45 mins.

No offense to the OP but if you need someone to lead you around perhaps Cartagena would be a better choice. This is such a great post and so true. I hope all the guys visiting Medellin take note of this one. Hanging out in NL for the afternoon with a chica and ordering in, classic. I have a girl I like and know who expects more $$ when she comes to my home than what I can pay at NL. So now, I just see her at NL. Ordering in, lunch and beers, what a great idea.

I have a question about Lindas Chicas. I've been in there twice. Once during the day, and they had no girls, were not even open, but they invited me in and showed me around and told me they had many girls at night, starting from like 9. I returned soon after, if not that night, can't remember, between 9pm and 10pm, and they had like two girls.

What's the deal with this place? Is is it worth the time? I have even read in the past they have a book of available girls they can call, yada yada, but they don't. Or at least not one that was offered to me.

03-10-11, 03:41
Went with Colombia Jake to New Life ...

... It was nice to have Jake take me to a few Casas. While they would not have been impossible to find alone, it certainly would have been harder. Cracks me up.

I wonder how much Jake makes navigating the Central casas with guys.

Those Google maps, WT69 maps, etc are pretty difficult to follow :)

03-10-11, 04:11
Cracks me up.

I wonder how much Jake makes navigating the Central casas with guys.

Those Google maps, WT69 maps, etc are pretty difficult to follow.He makes like 30K and yet he has no idea what the hours are at the casas. I can't really see him having any customers and think the 4 who have posted here (with a total of 7 posts) are probably all him.

Gave the same visitor a two Casa Colombia Jake Tour yesterday. ..I did not know that most casas are open 7 days. Colombia JakeYeah, I want to pay this guy to show me around.

03-10-11, 04:17
Cracks me up.

I wonder how much Jake makes navigating the Central casas with guys.

Those Google maps, WT69 maps, etc are pretty difficult to follow. I think tours of the centro casas is a horrible idea. It screams "please rob me I know nothing". Any experienced traveler with some common sense can walk into any of these places and be treated fairly without a tour. Knowledge of spanish would be great but friendly hand gestures and a smooth attitude will take you a long way. The casas are very civilized and so are colombians. You will not be walking into a rat trap. These people are conducting a business.

When you dumb it down and offer tours things take a turn for the worse. If you won't go it by yourself then that's a sign that you shouldn't be doing it. I am not saying this to flame anybody but it does affect the future of mongering there IMHO.

As ricker mentioned this thread is loaded with info. Why would you want to make the first impression that you know nothing by being carted around? When and if you go back by yourself you will be the gringo that was escorted around. In those situations there are more chances that you will get taken advantage of.

The centro strip clubs are a little different. There is room for error in those places.

03-10-11, 04:51
I couldn't agree more.

I think tours of the centro casas is a horrible idea. It screams "please rob me I know nothing". Any experienced traveler with some common sense can walk into any of these places and be treated fairly without a tour. Knowledge of spanish would be great but friendly hand gestures and a smooth attitude will take you a long way. The casas are very civilized and so are colombians. You will not be walking into a rat trap. These people are conducting a business.

When you dumb it down and offer tours things take a turn for the worse. If you won't go it by yourself then that's a sign that you shouldn't be doing it. I am not saying this to flame anybody but it does affect the future of mongering there IMHO.

As ricker mentioned this thread is loaded with info. Why would you want to make the first impression that you know nothing by being carted around? When and if you go back by yourself you will be the gringo that was escorted around. In those situations there are more chances that you will get taken advantage of.

The centro strip clubs are a little different. There is room for error in those places.

Mr Gogo
03-10-11, 06:00
I think tours of the centro casas is a horrible idea. It screams "please rob me I know nothing". Any experienced traveler with some common sense can walk into any of these places and be treated fairly without a tour. Knowledge of spanish would be great but friendly hand gestures and a smooth attitude will take you a long way. The casas are very civilized and so are colombians. You will not be walking into a rat trap. These people are conducting a business.

When you dumb it down and offer tours things take a turn for the worse. If you won't go it by yourself then that's a sign that you shouldn't be doing it. I am not saying this to flame anybody but it does affect the future of mongering there IMHO.

As ricker mentioned this thread is loaded with info. Why would you want to make the first impression that you know nothing by being carted around? When and if you go back by yourself you will be the gringo that was escorted around. In those situations there are more chances that you will get taken advantage of.

The centro strip clubs are a little different. There is room for error in those places. Good post, and I agree totally. Guys take a cab to Mayorista, if you feel uncomfortable just leave, but atleast you know whats there. Then go to Luna Luneras (just average) or faze dos (overrated) just to see if you can establish a vibe. Then go to El central for a quickie. Its like going to a night club full of pick pockets and leaving with you wallet. Don't stay long and get comfortable. Then go to my favorita Sandiego (wzup Darly, Maria, Jensey) get a bottle of rum (25usd) sit back and enjoy the show. All these places are safe (well watch your ass in Central) so what do I need a tour giude for. Ohh if your a daytime casa guide check this forum take the metro but be back by night time.

Some of you lazy dudes really [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) me off. Its one thing to not want to learn the language or culture, but when you go there and stay in you room waiting for the finest girl to fuck you the best you have ever been fucked at a cheap price, just to stoke your ego, thats some weak Ass shit.

03-10-11, 07:07
Well, in reality the folks ganging up on the new guy are fatter & balder & maybe the neurons don't fire quite as fast. Basically can't make it at home anymore. :) You know who you are. It is always hard to be the new guy on the block. So bear with me for a minute post insult.

I've been lurking on the board for a few weeks & used it to get some basic info on Bogota & Medellin. The point of my few posts was to give back to the Hobbying community. I've actually had a pretty good time in Columbia. This was not a sex vacation for me. Not primarily anyway, though it's a nice bonus. This is pretty awesome place with great people (though undestandably many local don't seem to appreciate the gringos coming here for. As I've heard them say it "drugs and prostitutes"). Despite some very basic Spanish skills (& yes reasonably good Google / PC skills) I wasted a bit of time in Bogota trying to find casas that were listed but didn't seem to exist anymore.

The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. Entonces. I chose a different approach in Medellin than I did in Bogota.

Bogota cost & benefit: Taxis $10. Time 2 hours wasted ($200). Sex = 0. A bit later in the day I got a girl off solitasparati. Com for $100 and got off twice. So my bottom line for Bogota was 2 wasted hours and $110 for 2 orgasms from a pretty hot girl or if we value my time at $100 / hr then I got 2 orgasms for $310. I do better than that back in the states.

Medellin cost & benefit: Taxis $30. Time 3 hours with Jake including visits to several casas, of which maybe 1 hour was sort of wasted going to casas that didn't deliver. $40 to Jake. 1 hour on my own for taxi & transportation visit. Casa payments $60 resulting in 2 orgasms with pretty hot girls. Bottom line $130 for 2 orgasms and a wasted hour. If we value my time as above, I paid $230 for 2 orgasms. This is better than I do in the states. If we expand the analysis to include the girl I got from http://prepagosindependientes.com, then the bottom line goes to $330 for 4 orgams and a wasted hour. Still better thanI do in the states.

I can also now get incremental orgasms for about $30 including taxi cost. The above analysis may not be rational from the point of view of a Sr. Member that has been in Colombia for years, feel free to critique, but it's perfectly rational to me. I am not Jake. I'm sure just as you guys do, I could find all kinds of fault with him but I'm not inclined to do so. He saved me time & was not difficult to hang out with. If I had been on this board a bit longer and had more time, maybe I would have met one of the Sr. Folks out for a cerveza somewhere and I would have saved Jake's $40. That's a lot of "would haves" and was not an option for me as I didn't have PM capabilities. I expected to have a similar, hard, time finding casas in Medellin as in Bogota and decided to try to save some time. It worked for me. I'm not suggesting that it's the right way for everyone.

I recognize this sounds a bit angry, but there is really no need to jump on the newbie. You might have thought about leaving that behind in Jr. High School. I'm pretty sure I didn't break any rules and for that matter, didn't have fun at anyone else's expense. Peace.

Cracks me up.

I wonder how much Jake makes navigating the Central casas with guys.

Those Google maps, WT69 maps, etc are pretty difficult to follow.
Cracks me up.

I wonder how much Jake makes navigating the Central casas with guys.

Those Google maps, WT69 maps, etc are pretty difficult to follow.

Ho Whisperer
03-10-11, 09:08
I have a question about Lindas Chicas. I've been in there twice. Once during the day, and they had no girls, were not even open, but they invited me in and showed me around and told me they had many girls at night, starting from like 9. I returned soon after, if not that night, can't remember, between 9pm and 10pm, and they had like two girls.

What's the deal with this place? Is is it worth the time? I have even read in the past they have a book of available girls they can call, yada yada, but they don't. Or at least not one that was offered to me. [/QUOTE]I've been there 3 times over the last year or so and was wondering the same thing. My first visit there were 4 girls working at 4pm, only 1 I would do, so I left and continued my walk around centro. I stopped in another visit around 10pm one night and rang the bell for a while with no answer. My trip in July I stopped by late around 1 am, the mamasan finally answered the door and told me no girls were there but she could call some in. I was looking to score and not wait around for a suprise so I left.

Ho Whisperer
03-10-11, 09:15
I have a question about Lindas Chicas. I've been in there twice. Once during the day, and they had no girls, were not even open, but they invited me in and showed me around and told me they had many girls at night, starting from like 9. I returned soon after, if not that night, can't remember, between 9pm and 10pm, and they had like two girls.

What's the deal with this place? Is is it worth the time? I have even read in the past they have a book of available girls they can call, yada yada, but they don't. Or at least not one that was offered to me. I've been there 3 times over the last year or so and was wondering the same thing. My first visit there were 4 girls working at 4pm, only 1 I would do, so I left and continued my walk around centro. I stopped in another visit around 10pm one night and rang the bell for a while with no answer. My trip in July I stopped by late around 1 am, the mamasan finally answered the door and told me no girls were there but she could call some in. I was looking to score and not wait around for a suprise so I left.

03-10-11, 14:52
but there is really no need to jump on the newbie. You might have thought about leaving that behind in Jr. High School.
Well, in reality the folks ganging up on the new guy are fatter & balder & maybe the neurons don't fire quite as fast.Sort of contradictory there, no? No one personally attacked him or stuck out their tongue and said ""nyah nyah nyah nyah". I just saw people questioning the need of such service and if yes what are the implications of retaining that service from someone with limited experience here. That's what goes on here.

Question. How did you first find out about his being in existence? The two options for clarity would be: You read something on here on this board - Or somewhere else other than this board. Just curious, that's all. Thanks for your time and detailed report.

03-10-11, 15:47
Well, in reality the folks ganging up on the new guy are fatter & balder & maybe the neurons don't fire quite as fast. Basically can't make it at home anymore. :)Well though I'm not fat or bald (wheeeeeew), my neutrons never have fired quite as they should :)

Oh, and really, I just don't want to make it at home anymore, and am thankful that I don't have too.

I did enjoy your post on your casa visits, thank you for that.
Nice posts.

Reminded me of meeting your first girl Stephanie at NL, on her first day on the job a little while back, a really nice girl like you said. I even took her out a few times.

She also tried it as a Mansion girl, however, though sweet, she just lacks the passion and desire to give GFE to most.

Really wasn't trying to pick on the new guy, I was just crackin up as to things have changed mucho in Medellin over the past several years, from maps to guided tours, etc.

Hey, it was inevitable I guess.

I was even sad years back when the Mansion first opened it doors, just because I knew it would kick start the invasion.

It's all good though. Just like Frank on the Mayorista, Aussie and the boys in the Mansion, the GF for a Week guy (before his recent misfortune) , the VIP guy, and now Jake, etc.

If the market calls for these services, more power to 'em.

By the way, not dissin' you, but it's ColOmbia.
Disculpame for offending you and let's keep the fingers crossed that I never get fat or bald, (no offense to those dudes either btw)

Taker easy amigo.

World Travel 69
03-10-11, 17:01
2. * Casa de Piedra, (Lindas Chicas) Calle 58 (Av. Oriental) # 50A-54, Big White Metal Gate. 6 Chicas on the premises, at certain times, but has up to 100 chicas for you to choose from. Prices: Chica 100k 1 hour. 80k room fee. 275k TLN. 75k Exit Fee. Tel: 034 254 05 98. Hours: Nanci, the owner has a 24/7 operation, in which you can come by anytime and pick one of her 6 chicas or she will call anyone of 100 chicas that are available. She says most of her business is from 10pm to 6am. (#9 on Tung's Map).

I have a question about Lindas Chicas. I've been in there twice. Once during the day, and they had no girls, were not even open, but they invited me in and showed me around and told me they had many girls at night, starting from like 9. I returned soon after, if not that night, can't remember, between 9pm and 10pm, and they had like two girls.

What's the deal with this place? Is is it worth the time? I have even read in the past they have a book of available girls they can call, yada yada, but they don't. Or at least not one that was offered to me. I've been there 3 times over the last year or so and was wondering the same thing. My first visit there were 4 girls working at 4pm, only 1 I would do, so I left and continued my walk around centro. I stopped in another visit around 10pm one night and rang the bell for a while with no answer. My trip in July I stopped by late around 1 am, the mamasan finally answered the door and told me no girls were there but she could call some in. I was looking to score and not wait around for a suprise so I left. [/QUOTE]

03-10-11, 17:44
My business is good and helpful for the new visitors. I am not part of the Hotel that many attackers are involved with that used to be able to provide girls for the guys in the lobby but have been asked to stop that practice by the local police. I don't worry that people know that now and are going to other places. I have no overhead so you can't hurt me. I do three or four tours a month for fun and to lend a hand. I don't have a staff and expenses so lets go back and forth and see which side gets hurt.Hahaha, those guys from the 'Hotel' you refer to have never attacked you. I doubt they even know you or your 'guide service' exists or care.

I was just chuckling at the need for a guide to the Centro casas is all.
Are we not allowed to chuckle anymore?? hahaha

Hey, if you're making some extra pesos running guys to Central for 'fun and to lend a hand', cool beans for you amigo!

I doubt any side will get hurt as you say, unless maybe there's a pack of gringos on a tour to el Central at the wrong place at the wrong time and the wrong guys notice. And I sincerely hope that never happens.

Good luck!

03-10-11, 18:01
.. Also Ricker I need you help also. I got two Colombianas pregnant my last trip and need help with future child support payments. Tio Ricker has a good ring to it don't you think?Hey Gogo, I do kind of dig that. Tio Ricker haha.

Where do I send the plata?

03-10-11, 18:38
[QUOTE=World Travel 69; 1132225]2. * Casa de Piedra, (Lindas Chicas) Calle 58 (Av. Oriental) # 50A-54, Big White Metal Gate. 6 Chicas on the premises, at certain times, but has up to 100 chicas for you to choose from. Prices: Chica 100k 1 hour. 80k room fee. 275k TLN. 75k Exit Fee. Tel: 034 254 05 98. Hours: Nanci, the owner has a 24/7 operation, in which you can come by anytime and pick one of her 6 chicas or she will call anyone of 100 chicas that are available. She says most of her business is from 10pm to 6am. (#9 on Tung's Map).

I would love it if this were true, but from my account, actually here on the ground, it does not appear to be even remotely true. I'm hoping someone can step in and verify with their own experiences.

03-10-11, 18:46
2. * Casa de Piedra, (Lindas Chicas) Calle 58 (Av. Oriental) # 50A-54, Big White Metal Gate. 6 Chicas on the premises, at certain times, but has up to 100 chicas for you to choose from. Prices: Chica 100k 1 hour. 80k room fee. 275k TLN. 75k Exit Fee. Tel: 034 254 05 98. Hours: Nanci, the owner has a 24/7 operation, in which you can come by anytime and pick one of her 6 chicas or she will call anyone of 100 chicas that are available. She says most of her business is from 10pm to 6am. (#9 on Tung's Map).I would love it if this were true, but from my account, actually here on the ground, it does not appear to be even remotely true. I'm hoping someone can step in and verify with their own experiences.Not true from my experience either. Called at 12am and said I would be there in an hour with a description of what I liked. I get there an hour later and there were only 2 chicas on premises. I asked what about happened to the chicas? She said she will call them. WTF? Of course these two were not my type and they sat with me and tried to get me to take them. An hour later, she says the girls are sleeping and don't want to come. WTF? She says to come back at 8pm tomorrow and she will have a dozen for me. Whatever. Never got a chance to go back. There is no way this can be a 24/7 operation. I don't believe girls will wake up at 2am to go there.

03-10-11, 19:06
There is nothing wrong with someone charging money for their services. This is a market for this. Just keep in mind there are numerous alternatives. It is NOT recommended that a newbie pull up google maps and start looking on his own. You don't want to get lost etc. Also, it is different from some countries in that there are no signs outside the building saying "casa". You need someone to show you at least once how to read the street addresses and what to do when you get inside. If you stay Casa Blanca, Parcero's, Frank's, etc, they provide these services for free. You can also get a English speaking driving on the list for $10 / hour. You don't need more than an hour. The cheapest and best way is help from your fellow members! Just post your travel dates and someone is sure to wing with you!

03-10-11, 20:39
[QUOTE=World Travel 69; 1132225]2. * Casa de Piedra, (Lindas Chicas) Calle 58 (Av. Oriental) # 50A-54, Big White Metal Gate. 6 Chicas on the premises, at certain times, but has up to 100 chicas for you to choose from. Prices: Chica 100k 1 hour. 80k room fee. 275k TLN. 75k Exit Fee. Tel: 034 254 05 98. Hours: Nanci, the owner has a 24/7 operation, in which you can come by anytime and pick one of her 6 chicas or she will call anyone of 100 chicas that are available. She says most of her business is from 10pm to 6am. (#9 on Tung's Map).

I would love it if this were true, but from my account, actually here on the ground, it does not appear to be even remotely true. I'm hoping someone can step in and verify with their own experiences. I found the same thing when I just stopped in, short line up, but when I called a head and told her me and my boys were coming over; she set up a deep line up of exactly what we wanted.

03-10-11, 22:41
Hi, I have just stayed at La Mayorista for 4 days. At beginning I didn't like it but now I can tell I like it because every days there are new entries. Every day there were about 20-30 girls, ten girls were fixed girls, I think they live there but every day I always saw different new girls. Usually girls in La Mayorista are ugly but I every day I saw 2-3 beautiful and hot girls. They are few but sufficient to ave diversion. Every time I had to pay an extra money to get BBJ but here the money works fine. Usually they ask 30. 000 pesos for 30 min. and one hour for 50. 000 pesos.

I always I paid 80. 000 pesos for one hour but I have always gotten what I like: good fucking, BBJ, pictures, video, etc.

I hope it help you!

03-10-11, 23:31

Good questions. I think I heard about Colombia Jake here first or on another forum and then probably googled him as until recently I did not have access to PM on here. Can't swear 100% that was it, but think that's how I found him. Stephanie probably does lack the passion of a true GFE experience. Hard for me to judge what a "Mansion girl is (or was?) like since I'm not staying there. Did not realize I spelled Colombia wrong. My apologies that really shouldn't happen. My only excuse is it was late.


Well though I'm not fat or bald (wheeeeeew) , my neutrons never have fired quite as they should.

Oh, and really, I just don't want to make it at home anymore, and am thankful that I don't have too.

I did enjoy your post on your casa visits, thank you for that.

Nice posts.

Reminded me of meeting your first girl Stephanie at NL, on her first day on the job a little while back, a really nice girl like you said. I even took her out a few times.

She also tried it as a Mansion girl, however, though sweet, she just lacks the passion and desire to give GFE to most.

Really wasn't trying to pick on the new guy, I was just crackin up as to things have changed mucho in Medellin over the past several years, from maps to guided tours, etc.

Hey, it was inevitable I guess.

I was even sad years back when the Mansion first opened it doors, just because I knew it would kick start the invasion.

It's all good though. Just like Frank on the Mayorista, Aussie and the boys in the Mansion, the GF for a Week guy (before his recent misfortune) , the VIP guy, and now Jake, etc.

If the market calls for these services, more power to 'them.

By the way, not dissin' you, but it's ColOmbia.

Disculpame for offending you and let's keep the fingers crossed that I never get fat or bald, (no offense to those dudes either BTW)

Taker easy amigo.

03-11-11, 02:40
Question to the experienced Colombia mongers? Why hasn't anyone opened a large disco tech where all the girls there would be prostitutes like they have in Sao Paulo and had in Rio. With all the drug money out there, I would think it's a no-brainer.

Ho Whisperer
03-11-11, 02:46
Not true from my experience either. Called at 12am and said I would be there in an hour with a description of what I liked. I get there an hour later and there were only 2 chicas on premises. I asked what about happened to the chicas? She said she will call them. WTF? Of course these two were not my type and they sat with me and tried to get me to take them. An hour later, she says the girls are sleeping and don't want to come. WTF? She says to come back at 8pm tomorrow and she will have a dozen for me. Whatever. Never got a chance to go back. There is no way this can be a 24/7 operation. I don't believe girls will wake up at 2am to go there.Yep. Pretty much my experience also the 3 times I've showed up there. My first visit there were 4 girls working at 4pm, only 1 I would do, she said more would be showing up at 10-11pm, so I left and continued my walk around centro. I stopped in another visit around 10pm one night and rang the bell for a while with no answer. My trip last July I stopped by late around 1 am, the mamasan finally answered the door and told me no girls were there but she could call some in. I was looking to score something soon and not try my luck at what might drag up at that hour, so again I left.

I kept trying this place because I heard it was a 24hr operation and would have a good selection. I just never saw it

03-11-11, 03:31
... It is NOT recommended that a newbie pull up google maps and start looking on his own. You don't want to get lost etc. Also, it is different from some countries in that there are no signs outside the building saying "casa". You need someone to show you at least once how to read the street addresses and what to do when you get inside ...Now that's funny!!

Are Kindergarteners running to el Centro now to the casas??

Someone has to show guys how to read street addresses because there's not a blinking light that says "casa"??

What to do when you get inside??

It's not obvious??

Do you thinks there were always Google maps and Colombia Jake around to save us?

How did we make our way before all this?

If guys want to pay Colombia Jake or whoever to show them how to read street signs and addresses and how to act once in a casa, that's just dandy and I'm thrilled for Jake, but I can't help it, I think it's funny and maybe sad at the same time.

There's one thing for sure, the gringos have definitely landed in Medellin :)

03-11-11, 04:17
Boyd at casa blanca offer free tours included in price of room, Colombia Jake does tours, Medellin Piasa offers tours on the more outdoors nature type, Laura at www.pobladorentals.com Is available for outings and translations, Frank Casio will be your wingman for a price, I think goodtogo offers rooms and intro services if you ask him nicely, I find it amusing that folks want to make fun of someone that offers a service that another may percieve as having having value, It may have no value for the well seasoned bilingual traveler but for others it can invaluably enhance your vacation. {and, hey, when are they going to put up some neon signs outside them hard to find casas? }

03-11-11, 05:37
Once again the hotel you represent no longer offers girls on location! Your business is done! They know me and so do a lot of your customers who tell me there is no reason to return with no girls, and the price too high! No tour is free, you get them with over priced rooms. Once again lets keep doing this and see which business suffers more! I have a tour tomorrow! How many rooms are you going to lose tomorrow? Colombia Jake.Dude, you're on drugs.

I don't represent any hotel or any business, though I wish I did, especially if you're referring to the Mansion (CB1 y 2).
I was just there last month, and as always these days, they're full, and lots of girls, contrary to your belief.

By the way, I hope you do 20 tours tomorrow, I'm happy for you.

I'm done talking about these tours.
Have at it, and good luck to all.

03-11-11, 06:22

I certainly have no problem with you trying to make a buck by offering a service. That's capitalism and it's what makes the world go around. But why are you so antagonistic the CB1 and CB2?

Legal Tender
03-11-11, 06:42
Dude, you're on drugs.

I'm done talking about these tours.

Have at it, and good luck to all. As usual, a mundane discussion about the value of Who*e house tours turned in to a pissing match. As usual, Ricker took the road that leads to peace, but I say Wait A MINUTE! I'm ready to do some unbiased research. I'll go on Jake's tour as well as Boyd's. Now that Ricker has branded Jake as being on drugs it ought to be a fair contest. None of the tour directors will likely be unstoned. I can speak for the researcher, but I won't.

Let's see which ones entrepreneurial efforts can lead this researcher to an experience that is worthy of reporting to the brethren here. It could be a new casa. It could be a new Piasa. It could be. . . .

As an aside, Jake your private message isn't working. Please don't tell us that you haven't ponied up the $20. 00 for Jackson. Man, you got to spend a little money to make money.

Only good energy!

03-11-11, 08:32
Now that's funny!

Are Kindergarteners running to el Centro now to the casas?

Someone has to show guys how to read street addresses because there's not a blinking light that says "casa"?

What to do when you get inside?

It's not obvious?

Do you thinks there were always Google maps and Colombia Jake around to save us?

How did we make our way before all this?

If guys want to pay Colombia Jake or whoever to show them how to read street signs and addresses and how to act once in a casa, that's just dandy and I'm thrilled for Jake, but I can't help it, I think it's funny and maybe sad at the same time.

There's one thing for sure, the gringos have definitely landed in Medellin. Jake and those that provide similar services provide a valuable service to gringos that don't speak spanish and those that are going to Medellin for the first time. You think it's easy to read the addresses? I challenge someone to look at the casa list and plot them out on google maps. Even then, do you really want to be walking up and down the street holding a map like a tourist? You think this is NYC? You'll likely get robbed in Centro!

The road to Medellin was paved by guys that SPOKE spanish! All the guys that followed usually had guides. My first time, I stayed at the Mansion and got a tour from Boyd. After 1 tour, I was able to go out on my own. The advice was invaluable. Even before that, I was fully prepared with addresses and maps. Could I have done it on my own? Probably. But it saved me a lot of time not getting lost.

As for what happens in a casa? They'll usually sit you down and ask if you want a drink. Then they'll ask if you want to see the ninas. Not knowing the process, you'll look like a dumb idiot when they are talking to you in spanish and you look back with a blank look.

Everybody was a newbie once and a little hand holding the first time never hurt anybody.

03-11-11, 15:37
I have never been to the Mansion nor do I know where it is located. But every guy I have spoken to who has been there absolutely loves it and feels he rec'd tremendous value. There are still tons of women to be had there. Anyone who thinks otherwise is not knoledgable, and probably doesn't RTFF.

It doesn't cost the Mansion a nickel to give the casa tour. Boyd was going anyway. It's not like the Sunday Barbecue where food is purchased. That costs money. If Boyd stopped taking guys with him as he visited the casas the prices at the mansion would remain the same. It's about the comraderie and going together moreso than not having someone tell the text driver the address (whatta luxury!).

The tour guides here are really just wingmen. For sale. Yet wingmen are free. (see travel announcement board) you can meet them in many places. But no one wnats to pay for a wingman so it's a "casa tour".

I have no problem with anyone selling snow to the eskimos. The real fool here is the eskimo. Not the seller who has miraculously convinced the eskimo of his need for snow.

When I travel to Vegas I check out the hotel locations map, look at prices and amenities, read a few reviews, book the hotel. I tihnk everyone does that, no?

I don't need to pay a guide to meet me at the airport and hop in my cab to tell the driver to take me to my hotel on the strip. I don't need to pay a guide to show me the strip I'm on already it. I hear the MGM Grand has a great sports book, I see that it is not in walking distance of my hotel, and I hop in a cab. Do I need to hire a guide to hop in the cab with me and pay him to tell the driver "MGM Grand"?

If you can convince me that I need that, well then more power to you. Actually if you need that you probably shouldn't be travelling, sorry don't mean to be so harsh.

Do I really want to go to Rome and have another US tourist who has lived there for 6 months showing me around the Vatican in the middle of the tourist area? A waste of money.

I want hte bilingual local or the bilingiual from the US who's lived there much longer to take me off the beaten path. That is worth the money. But to pay another tourist (who has just moved there, can't hardly speak the language who does not even know the casa are open 7 days a week) to take me to a place where Hundreds of tourists like me go each and every month without incedent (and some of these guys are not the sharpest knives in the drawer mind you) , well you already know how 95% of this board feels about that.

There are cab drivers and guides on the WT69 document. Those guys are worth it, not some starry eyed gringo.

I consider myself intelligent, street smart and not a fool. I read here every day since 2003 that tourists come here and go to the casas. Without incident. Hundreds of them.

If you are smart enough to find this board and read a little then you are above the services of one of these tours. And therein lies the catch 22.

03-11-11, 15:40
Let's see which ones entrepreneurial efforts can lead this researcher to an experience that is worthy of reporting to the brethren here. It could be a new casa. It could be a new Piasa. It could be. . . .

As an aside, Jake your private message isn't working. Please don't tell us that you haven't ponied up the $20. 00 for Jackson. Man, you got to spend a little money to make money.

Only good energy!A toursist wh doesn't even know the casa are open 7 days a week is going to deliver the "new casa", the "new paisa"? His first shill account was deleted and he ponied up for the 2nd one.

03-11-11, 16:36
So entertaining to read the sandthrowing fight going on in MDE, while I shiver thru one of the coldest winters we have had in years. Life is so good down there, that is the only thing to worry about, not about fighting the.

30 below and snow we have had here.

On a personal note, although I do generally have a pretty good sense of direction anyway, I find it extremely easy.

To find the casas in el centro. The streets are numbered on an easy grid basis, except for a little bit around Parque.

Berrio, they are very straight, a good guide is the main drag Calle 46, I think, which is just a continution of

Ave Poblado. I have walked it on Sunday during the ciclovia. Worst case scenario is if you knock on the wrong door,

They will tell you next door, happened to me just once. During the day nobody has ever bothered me, and as I have reported in the past, I see virtually no gringos at all. (I note the confusing way this is being posted, I have tried to fix it in the past and cannot. If anybody knows why this is happening, please let me know)

03-11-11, 17:10
Jake and those that provide similar services provide a valuable service to gringos that don't speak spanish and those that are going to Medellin for the first time. You think it's easy to read the addresses? I challenge someone to look at the casa list and plot them out on google maps. Even then, do you really want to be walking up and down the street holding a map like a tourist? You think this is NYC? You'll likely get robbed in Centro!

The road to Medellin was paved by guys that SPOKE spanish! All the guys that followed usually had guides. My first time, I stayed at the Mansion and got a tour from Boyd. After 1 tour, I was able to go out on my own. The advice was invaluable. Even before that, I was fully prepared with addresses and maps. Could I have done it on my own? Probably. But it saved me a lot of time not getting lost.

As for what happens in a casa? They'll usually sit you down and ask if you want a drink. Then they'll ask if you want to see the ninas. Not knowing the process, you'll look like a dumb idiot when they are talking to you in spanish and you look back with a blank look.

Everybody was a newbie once and a little hand holding the first time never hurt anybody. Ok Ok. You win!!

We need guides!!


I totally agree!!

I don't care!!

but, can someone pass me Jakes number please??
(We're still allowed to joke right??) :)

As Legal Tender puts it ... Good energy to all, and have fun!

03-11-11, 17:22
. I'll go on Jake's tour as well as Boyd's. Now that Ricker has branded Jake as being on drugs it ought to be a fair contest. None of the tour directors will likely be unstoned. I can speak for the researcher, but I won't.

Let's see which ones entrepreneurial efforts can lead this researcher to an experience that is worthy of reporting to the brethren here. It could be a new casa. It could be a new Piasa. It could be. . . . Great idea! Hahaha.

Report back pronto.

PS. I believe Jake is only on drugs when he alludes that I'm the owner of the Mansion (CB) , and that it's going out of business, no girls, etc. He's probably a super-duper fantastic guy in person though and I highly recommend his tours.

Maybe he's just mistaken, 'cause I am thinking of renting a room in the basement of New Life and calling it 'Ricker's place'.

Peace baby.

03-11-11, 17:38
Great idea! Hahaha.

Report back pronto.

PS. I believe Jake is only on drugs when he alludes that I'm the owner of the Mansion (CB) , and that it's going out of business, no girls, etc. He's probably a super-duper fantastic guy in person though and I highly recommend his tours.

Maybe he's just mistaken, 'cause I am thinking of renting a room in the basement of New Life and calling it 'Ricker's place'.

Peace baby. Oh that sounds wonderful! I would definitely need #1 a tour #2 A guide to take me there and tell me what to do once a women is presented in front of me and finally #3 A big neon sign that says "Rickers Place" along with that curving blinking red arrow. Thank you!

03-11-11, 18:18
Oh that sounds wonderful! I would definitely need #1 a tour #2 A guide to take me there and tell me what to do once a women is presented in front of me and finally #3 A big neon sign that says "Rickers Place" along with that curving blinking red arrow. Thank you!I have a used neon that says "EAT AT JOES" with a red arrow. Perhaps Ricker can re arrange the letters and spell what he needs.

Hioctane the casas get about 10-20 non spanish speaking foreigners a week for the past 10 or more years.

I just don't recall one of our newbie posters here ever reporting a tremendous plight of confusion and horrible circumstance upon entering a casa for the first time.

The tour guides do provide a totally valuable service after they get a few months of serice under their belt by ending up Teaching English.

John Gault
03-11-11, 18:58
Question to the experienced Colombia mongers? Why hasn't anyone opened a large disco tech where all the girls there would be prostitutes like they have in Sao Paulo and had in Rio. With all the drug money out there, I would think it's a no-brainer.I have wished that for a long time.

For now you have to go to LDV in CTG for that in Colombia.

03-11-11, 19:08
I have wished that for a long time.

For now you have to go to LDV in CTG for that in Colombia.Wasn't that what the Dollhouse was? I never went but I heard they folded due to being under capitalized

Colombia Jake
03-11-11, 21:48
Daytime Casas are daytime casas! What separates me from the others is my Centro night tour! I won't go into details but 95% of this board have not, and do not go to a few of the places I go and yes to the normal person some of these might seem dangerous! I like to use another word "exciting!" Its a night you probably won't forget and I only mean that from the excitement level. No you won't be running for your life type of excitement either! Next tour is tonight!

Colombia Jake

03-12-11, 07:05
Ok Ok. You win!

We need guides!

I totally agree!

I am thinking of renting a room in the basement of New Life and calling it 'Ricker's place'.

Peace baby. Hey Ricker,

I remember the very 1st time going to New life. I doubt any other NL newbie showed up at NL for the 1st time escorted by you and two beautiful Paisas! You probably saw quickly how not much in life embarrasses me.

I remember asking Nathalie and your sweetie (at the time) to help pick out a good one for me, LOL! I remember that when I came out of the room, you and "M" had gone shopping. Nathalie had stuck around to wait for me and asked me "So how was it"? I put my fists on my hips and said loudly "I was GREAT"! She couldn't stop laughing!

NL would be my favorite casa as well as their sister location Nana's on that trip but later I looked around for more casas on my next trip. I did get a a couple of slips of paper on the streets from guys for other places. However the best thing I ever did was when my buddy "W" and I were at Sexi, we noticed a young guy delivering ice cream to a couple of the girls working there. We were outside when he came out and my buddy and I struck up a conversation as to where to get some ice cream because what he delivered looked great. He said just come with him. We traveled about 3 blocks and during this time he showed us where 4 other casas were (just pointing to them). We wrote down the addresses. So we make it back to the ice cream joint and each have an enormous ice cream dish! The young guy tells us he delivers to many of the casas in the area. We decided to hire the kid the for an hour and he showed us around to about 6 or 7 casas we previously did not know of. Among those I remember were Geishas, Aiffe (the old one) and Belle suite (right around the corner from NL)!

So I agree, a guide is great. Hire if you have to but a fellow monger is a good way to go. Can't even remember how many newbies I have lead to the El Centro watering holes over the last 5 years.

New Life is still my favorite El Centro casa though. I still get a kick that their is a convent directly across the street. I remember having breakfast and sitting along side some of the sisters while the had their "cafe con pan" at the small restaurant downstairs from New Life waiting for it to open.




03-12-11, 07:50
Before I start my report, I would like to thank all members that have private messaged me with answers and advice before my trip to Colombia. Also, many thanks to "John Gault", who has been a good mentor and friend during most of my time in Medellin.

Disclaimer: This report will be in a neutral tone and not meant to have negative feelings. Also, do not expect much mongering information in this report. But some relevant information. There could be things you disagree with. But remember I am a newbie.

Are you new to mongering (a vacation strictly for sex) and / or Colombia (Medellin specifically)? Before March 1st, I was pretty much a "virgin" to the former and the latter. Before coming to Medellin, I was pretty much thinking with my head from down below. But, during and after the vacation, I honestly do not think I can consider myself a true or hardcore mongerer, yet, more of a tourist that was willing to try new things.

Preparation before the trip:

Flight: If you are on the east coast, from what I have read, Spirit airlines is the cheapest to Medellin. No visa is required to go to Colombia if you are staying there for a short time. (For me, I was there for 10 days)

Money: I'm a student on a budget, $1000, Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure most of you would have no problem with $$. What to do when you get to Colombia? USE THE ATM (at all times). There is one on the second floor of the airport.

Essentials to bring: Think of it like any vacation in another country. There are condoms in Colombia, however if you have any preference, ie. Ultra thins. I suggest you bring a box.

Safety: It is rumored that Colombia is dangerous. It could be. Only if you lack COMMON SENSE. Like any other country, including the USA, there are dangerous areas. Make sure you read and study the following:

1. Common Sense.

2. Do not act like an arrogant asshole. You are in their homeland. Not yours. Like many say on the boards, be nice to the girls.

3. Do not stand out (in all aspects: appearance and personality). This means no jewelry or pretty much anything expensive (ie. The recent murder on the 22yr old british? Guy wearing a gold chain). In terms of clothing, if you like to dress like you are in Miami Vice, go for it but then you would be standing out and could be a green light for thieves. However, the girls (I'm talking about casa girls or streetwalkers) here really don't care what you wear. They only care about how fat your wallet is. Simple and casual clothing will do. And I guess some button downs and slacks / jeans if you want to go to a discoteca (club).

4. For me, I really don't like carrying around my actual passport especially in a foreign country. Make a photocopy or two and carry it around with you. Its a piece of paper. Also, make sure you carry your hotel's business card incase you get lost.

5. Taxis? Their plates are painted on their cars. Write it down and make sure the driver sees it. (Only if you are really worried about being kidnapped or whatever. Really no problems here tho)

Language barrier: You don't speak spanish but you want some Colombian pussy? I guess you could get away with just knowing 20 words of espanol. However, the more you know the better. Here is your spanish bible: Rick Steve's Spanish Phrase Book and Dictionary. This pocket book is pretty much your translator. It categorizes phrases for different occassions: what to say in the airport, restaurant, taxi, etc. There is also a ROMANCE section. I highly recommend it. Borders is going out of business. Go grab the small book for a couple bucks.

What to do in Medellin (for tourists)? If you want to do some tourist stuff. Outside of casas. Shoot me a PM.

Finally! Information for the Mongerer Like I said earlier, I don't think I could be considered a mongerer. Within the 9-10 days, I've only fucked 4 colombianas. It could have been more, but I'm EXTREMELY picky and was only looking for "pint sized" (5'0 to 5'3) chicas. (ask John Gault haha)

Before I go any further, for all you newbies and trolls (aka Guests. Or people who do not have an account made) who have posted, when a senior member says RTFF (Read the fucking forum). It basically means do some fucking research you lazy bastard. Also, sharing is caring. Many senior members are fed up because they share the information and get shit in return. Hence, they do not like helping newbies anymore. If you have used this website and / or asked for help. The least you can do is take 5-10 minutes of your time to report back relevant information. It also helps everyone else's experience too if we know the current low down. Ie. Which casas currently have hot / GFE chicas. If you are lucky like me, I had John Gault to show me around and hang out with during the first 7 days. Become more active on the boards and a senior member might do the same.

Easiest way to Research: Under Medellin Lists, there is a post written by World Traveler 69 of casas, hotels, etc. Made on I believe 1/1/2010 (not sure but its not too many pages back). EXTREMELY helpful post. Under Medellin Reports: fall back a couple pages are see where the best chicas are at. A reputable casa could have some crappy girls depending on the time period. If you are looking for the best experience and girls. Do some reading.

My Experiences: Keep in mind I'm extremely picky. Your cup of tea could not have been my cup of tea.

Casas (Only went to 3-4 casas and took only 1) :

MP Sexy. 45D # 57-67:8 girls that were shown. 3.4 that looked amazing but only one that was right for me. This was my first ever casa experience and I took a girl named Natalia (She was about 5'2-5'3 and slim body). Theres not much to say about her but. GFE. Maybe it was because I told her it was my first time at a casa or maybe because I'm asian. Who knows. But god dam did she EARN her money. Asked her for a BBBJ (mention "propina para ti" which means tip for you) and got that. The cost: 33k a half hour and 10k for a tip. (I think she woulda been happy with 5k. But like I said, she EARNED her money. Keep in mind 10k is $5. Don't be cheap, you tip this much to a shitty server in a franchise restaurant. Colombian girls would be literally all on your nuts the next time because she will remember you are a good tipper)

New Life: Theres a lot of hype for this casa. Approx 15-20 Chicas. Maybe 3-4 good looking (remember I'm picky). But none for me and John Gault did not take any either.

Atenas: Also some hype. Approx 6-7 Chicas. 2 good looking. None for me. John Gault sessioned though.

As John Gault refers to it. The Big M aka Mayorista :

I spent ALL but one night in Mayorista (I stayed in a hotel nearby). MANY dislike this area because it is known to have gordas (fatties) and feas (uglies). Yes, there are uglies, fatties, and grandmas. But in order to tolerate Mayorista: Patience. You need to come here with an open mind. If you are 100% wanting to find some pussy. Go to a casa or strip club. Mayorista is a street of 5-6 bars. There are many truckers here and locals that come to drink and to look at eye candy. Why did I not go elsewhere for all of my nights? Like I said, I don't consider myself a mongerer and I was there to drink and If I found someone I really liked then I'd take her.

Approximately 15-30 girls depending on the night (don't go on raining nights).25% do-able. Hotels right on the street. I took 3 girls from the area. Theres no point to name names because many streetwalkers come and go. Usually around 30k.

As a hardcore mongerer, in order to enjoy Mayorista. You should have some pros lined up just incase you don't see anyone you like in the area. John Gault had his pros lined up AND some regular girls on the strip.

Lessons Learned as a First time mongerer:

1. For streetwalkers, make sure you have some sort of connection before you take the girl. If not your experience can suck really bad. Thats what happened to me on my first p4p ever.

2. After a session and you REALLY like the girl. TAKE DOWN HER NUMBER / INFO. THIS IS A MUST.

3. Perspective in terms of $$ and time: For a streetwalker, this girl is thinking 30k for 15-30 minutes. For me, I was thinking 30k for me to bust. It takes me a while to bust a nut. So before negotiating for the session. REMEMBER in her mind, its about the time.

Well. Thats about it. I'm sure I'm missing something but I don't know what. Happy Hunting. PM me if you have any questions.

03-12-11, 08:05

Before the trip, I did mention that I would stay in Casa Blanca for a night or two. I don't think I really needed it because a senior member was helping me out. However, if you have the money. MANY recommend staying there if it is your first time in Medellin or mongering in general. However it is costly.

03-12-11, 11:13
Went on Friday, they had 10 girls on the line up, picked Isabel, she said she just finished her classes for the day at her college, she was studying to be a Vet. Works at Abydos to pay for college. She was 18 and looked her age. Very beautiful, smart and fun to be with. As soon as we get to the room, she undressed and asked me to do the same. She started the routine thing as in placing the condom and sucking my dick. She asked me to lay back and no touching, no kissing and it was just mechanical which I did not care for one bit. I asked her besos in lengua (tounge kissing) she said no. I promised to give her a good tip which it was 20mil pesos, and all I want for girlfriend sex, and her mood turned 360 degrees after that. She gave me the best girlfriend sex that I can ever dream of. She was just fresh form school and I was the first customer. She smelled like a rose, so I indulged my self and licked every inch of her body. I sucked her pussy and licked her ass till my tongue got tired. Then I fingered her pussy and inserted another finger in her ass while we were at a 69 position. Then I asked her to face me and we locked our tongues together for about good 20 minutes non stop. At this time I was getting stiff, she grabbed my cock and did some serious sucking till I shot my load in her mouth.

03-12-11, 11:44
As I was leaving my Abydos session, stepped out and it was raining. I had an umbrella, I looked to my right and saw a beautiful young spinner, not a prostitute, just left her part time job to go to her engineering class, I smiled at her she smiled back, asked her if she wants me to share my umbrella with her, she said sure. At that moment I knew I had gotten myself a non pro. Of course, along the way, I asked her for her phone number, and gave her mine. I will be calling her shortly and keep you guys updated. Yes Medellin beauties are approchable. You have to take the first step, they will not take the first initiative on the street.

03-12-11, 16:37
Went on Friday, they had 10 girls on the line up, picked Isabel, she said she just finished her classes for the day at her college, she was studying to be a Vet. Works at Abydos to pay for college. She was 18 and looked her age. Very beautiful, smart and fun to be with. As soon as we get to the room, she undressed and asked me to do the same. She started the routine thing as in placing the condom and sucking my dick. She asked me to lay back and no touching, no kissing and it was just mechanical which I did not care for one bit. I asked her besos in lengua (tounge kissing) she said no. I promised to give her a good tip which it was 20mil pesos, and all I want for girlfriend sex, and her mood turned 360 degrees after that. She gave me the best girlfriend sex that I can ever dream of. She was just fresh form school and I was the first customer. She smelled like a rose, so I indulged my self and licked every inch of her body. I sucked her pussy and licked her ass till my tongue got tired. Then I fingered her pussy and inserted another finger in her ass while we were at a 69 position. Then I asked her to face me and we locked our tongues together for about good 20 minutes non stop. At this time I was getting stiff, she grabbed my cock and did some serious sucking till I shot my load in her mouth.I too went to Abydos yesterday and I also had a great time. I realized it was actually my first time there in a few months. I thought the lineup was on the weaker side, significantly, than I have seen it in the past. In fact, while the lineup was being presented and progressing, I thought I was going to leave and then they got me on the last girl. This has also happened before. I just love those lab coats. I went about getting my great time a little differently, but the girl and I just hit it off, and she was a sweetheart, and a total s-l-u-t, a beautiful combination. Just like I like them. I'll spare you guys the sexual play by play, like the getting her in the lotus position. I don't even know what that is. I'm going to have to Google that one when I have some free time.

Some of this dialogue here on the board regarding the tour guides has been very, very funny. Some delusional, no doubt. I prefer the funny. I'm thinking about getting into the newbie tour business. I'm going to do it a little differently though if I do it.

I attached some photos of Abydos. This should simplify things considerably, if you are thinking about taking the considerable risk and plunge and actually trying to go to a casa unguided. Be careful, it's not for everyone. Hot girls in lab coats inside.

For you veterans, Abydos's building has been painted. It is now all white, used to be brownish. Can you read the address? This is going to be your single biggest weapon in being able to access the mystery that is the Medellin Casa, your ability to read numbers above a doorway. Ciao!

Travel Spirit
03-13-11, 11:41
I promised to give her a good tip which it was 20mil pesos, and all I want for girlfriend sex, and her mood turned 360 degrees after that. me and we locked our tongues together for about good 20 minutes non stop.Good indirect advice!

03-13-11, 17:07
Hey Ricker,

I remember the very 1st time going to New life. I doubt any other NL newbie showed up at NL for the 1st time escorted by you and two beautiful Paisas. Ohhhh I remember Cubanut, just like it was yesterday, and you still haven't paid me the 40K pesos for that tour. Hahaha.

Good times amigo, back in the day before el Centro maps and Google Medellin.

I still remember when the street cop showed me and Medellin Bob, New Life for the first time, and we blood brother swore that we wouldn't tell anybody about it, but you know how it is, hard to keep a secret like that forever. Hahaha.

I'm now on record as stating that guides are essential.

Thinking about starting up an 'el Central, night time bling bling tour', maybe in cahoots with Medellin Jake, though I haven't spoken with him yet.

Going to kick around some of the seedy areas of el Central at night with a bunch of us gringos, blinged up and see how long it takes before we attract attention.

Just kidding of course :)

Taker easy amigo.

03-13-11, 17:54
As I was leaving my Abydos session, stepped out and it was raining. I had an umbrella, I looked to my right and saw a beautiful young spinner, not a prostitute, just left her part time job to go to her engineering class, I smiled at her she smiled back, asked her if she wants me to share my umbrella with her, she said sure. At that moment I knew I had gotten myself a non pro. Of course, along the way, I asked her for her phone number, and gave her mine. I will be calling her shortly and keep you guys updated. Yes Medellin beauties are approchable. You have to take the first step, they will not take the first initiative on the street.Called her last night, but it was answering machine, at least I know it is a working number I think since it is the weekend, young Paisas are already hooked up in advance to go out to clubs. I'll try again tonight or Monday.

03-13-11, 19:24
As everyone has attested to. Even the vets. Everyone has had a guide of some sort take them to the casas when they started. Whether paid or unpaid, a guide / wing is great to get your feet wet.

Anyways. Let's back to the reports!

Great report CollegePusher. Did you hit your 1,000 budget? How many chicas did you bang?

03-13-11, 19:52
I stayed there August for Feria with 2 others has 3 rooms. I got the big one.

A girl was staying there previously had keys but wasn't allowed in by security. She left some things.

Robert doesn't own that apartment only leases it.

No curtains, Air conditioning, or room safes was deal killer for future trips.

Too bad beautiful view of city from apartment.

Sorry about your experience Sledgehammer.

03-13-11, 22:24
2. * Casa de Piedra, (Lindas Chicas) Calle 58 (Av. Oriental) # 50A-54, Big White Metal Gate. 6 Chicas on the premises, at certain times, but has up to 100 chicas for you to choose from. Prices: Chica 100k 1 hour. 80k room fee. 275k TLN. 75k Exit Fee. Tel: 034 254 05 98. Hours: Nanci, the owner has a 24/7 operation, in which you can come by anytime and pick one of her 6 chicas or she will call anyone of 100 chicas that are available. She says most of her business is from 10pm to 6am. (#9 on Tung's Map).

I've been there 3 times over the last year or so and was wondering the same thing. My first visit there were 4 girls working at 4pm, only 1 I would do, so I left and continued my walk around centro. I stopped in another visit around 10pm one night and rang the bell for a while with no answer. My trip in July I stopped by late around 1 am, the mamasan finally answered the door and told me no girls were there but she could call some in. I was looking to score and not wait around for a suprise so I left. [/QUOTE]Seems to me like things have changed for the worse at Lindas Chicas. Nanci (owner) used to have some very beautiful young girls but she has been losing the touch since last year. I think my last visit in November she told me that many of her girls went to Ecuador. I was hoping that she would have got more good looking girls by now but it seems like nothing has changed for the better atleast as of yet.

Medellin really sucks if you don't have your girl by 6 pm lined up for the night. Not many good options for night tiime searching of the girls.

As per Lindas Chicas, I usually called her around 6 pm and told her I will be at Lindas Chicas around 8 pm. Then I would call her at 8 pm and if she did not have girls yet I would tell her I will go eat and come around 9 pm. Usually she had few good looking girls for me to select around 9 pm. As usual "All good things come to an end."

Today I found out that Angie Lorena Munoz (my favorite) girl from last trip to Medellin is also out of market. She got engaged.

Oh well, as Angie says and I agree,"many other beautiful girls in Medellin."



03-14-11, 01:43
As I was leaving my Abydos session, stepped out and it was raining. I had an umbrella, I looked to my right and saw a beautiful young spinner, not a prostitute, just left her part time job to go to her engineering class, I smiled at her she smiled back, asked her if she wants me to share my umbrella with her, she said sure. At that moment I knew I had gotten myself a non pro. Of course, along the way, I asked her for her phone number, and gave her mine. I will be calling her shortly and keep you guys updated. Yes Medellin beauties are approchable. You have to take the first step, they will not take the first initiative on the street.I scored. Called this afternoon, she picked up, took her out to eat, but no sex accept kissing and cuddling. I am thinking maybe I should just stick to casas. In the long run, having several girlfriends becomes too expensive for my pocket. Since she is a young college student and has too many needs.

03-15-11, 17:18
Could use a pic of MP Sexy's entrance. Somehow when I scoured the area I couldn't find the exact address. At least NL was pretty close. Apparently I'm the only one that cannot find it. Weird. Found numbers higher & lower but not exact.

I too went to Abydos yesterday and I also had a great time. I realized it was actually my first time there in a few months. I thought the lineup was on the weaker side, significantly, than I have seen it in the past. In fact, while the lineup was being presented and progressing, I thought I was going to leave and then they got me on the last girl. This has also happened before. I just love those lab coats. I went about getting my great time a little differently, but the girl and I just hit it off, and she was a sweetheart, and a total s-l-you-t, a beautiful combination. Just like I like them. I'll spare you guys the sexual play by play, like the getting her in the lotus position. I don't even know what that is. I'm going to have to Google that one when I have some free time.

Some of this dialogue here on the board regarding the tour guides has been very, very funny. Some delusional, no doubt. I prefer the funny. I'm thinking about getting into the newbie tour business. I'm going to do it a little differently though if I do it.

I attached some photos of Abydos. This should simplify things considerably, if you are thinking about taking the considerable risk and plunge and actually trying to go to a casa unguided. Be careful, it's not for everyone. Hot girls in lab coats inside.

For you veterans, Abydos's building has been painted. It is now all white, used to be brownish. Can you read the address? This is going to be your single biggest weapon in being able to access the mystery that is the Medellin Casa, your ability to read numbers above a doorway. Ciao!

03-16-11, 08:44
Guys hope I don't sound creepy but, any recommendations on where to find hot paisa MILF's? Just want to try something new.

03-16-11, 12:17
Guys hope I don't sound creepy but, any recommendations on where to find hot paisa MILF's? Just want to try something new.Oh sure, just go to the MILF only casa in Centro. You don't know about the MILF paisa casa in Centro? Just consult the Medellin Lists.

Best of luck to ya

03-16-11, 13:02
Guys hope I don't sound creepy but, any recommendations on where to find hot paisa MILF's? Just want to try something new.Every single casa in Colombia will have a 40+ chica (s) claiming to be 29 and they almost all have kids in their teens. They work in the casas to try and make ends meet and to attempt to purchase the bare necessities for their babies.

Goga Fung
03-16-11, 13:56
Guys hope I don't sound creepy but, any recommendations on where to find hot paisa MILF's? Just want to try something new.I do not think one needs casas for that. I've met MILFs on regular bases, for example at a party, in a store. Also one horny MILF was cutting my hair, but I was not interested in them, and do not time anyway since there are so many young chicas. I also get contacted by MILFS on Rl site (http://www.romancelatina.com) all the time, but do have time or interest either to respond. I guess you can make them really happy.

03-16-11, 19:48
Guys hope I don't sound creepy but, any recommendations on where to find hot paisa MILF's? Just want to try something new.No need to be ashamed about liking MILFS. They give good BBBJ and tend to have large asses. I never saw many in the casas but you can definitely find some SW MILFS around the museum area (plaza botero). Mayorista may have a handful.

I still say the other SW street opposite of 53 De Greiff is your best option.

03-16-11, 21:15
I agree with Artisttyp. The 2 red light districts that he mentioned, Carrera 53, Calle 51 (around Iglesia Veracruz) , and 53 de Greiff have alot of MILFs. In fact they are in the majority in both areas. I just had a session with one today. She was good, lots of tongue and BBBJ action. No, I'm not going to mention her name.

No need to be ashamed about liking MILFS. They give good BBBJ and tend to have large asses. I never saw many in the casas but you can definitely find some SW MILFS around the museum area (plaza botero). Mayorista may have a handful.

I still say the other SW street opposite of 53 De Greiff is your best option.

03-17-11, 01:45
Very informative & helpful post sir.

Thanks KeepSmokingThatReefer.

Are you now asking the fat bald guys with slow neurons who can't make it at home anymore?

Why don't you hire your buddy Colombia Joke to give you another of his tours. Then you can post one more infomercial for him.

BTW, you're right. I picked on idiots in junior high too. Some things never change.


03-17-11, 03:56
I agree with Artisttyp. The 2 red light districts that he mentioned, Carrera 53, Calle 51 (around Iglesia Veracruz) , and 53 de Greiff have alot of MILFs. In fact they are in the majority in both areas. I just had a session with one today. She was good, lots of tongue and BBBJ action. No, I'm not going to mention her name.I think recommending a gringo newbie (which he sounds like) to go around looking for putas near de greiff or near Iglesia Veracruz is bad news EVEN in the daytime. Stick to the casas in the day and then try your luck at mayorista in the evening. Mayorista at least has some false sense of "security"

03-17-11, 06:53
I think recommending a gringo newbie (which he sounds like) to go around looking for putas near de greiff or near Iglesia Veracruz is bad news EVEN in the daytime. Stick to the casas in the day and then try your luck at mayorista in the evening. Mayorista at least has some false sense of "security"Thanks for all the recommendations guys. I appreciate it. I might be a "newbie' in Medellin but, I'm a long time monger through Thailand, Brazil, Mexico and Central America. The only place that fazed me so far was Honduras. But ugly skank putas and guys everywhere carrying machetes. I was told that's normal as they are mostly farm workers but, they do drink! That's again for all the help. Hopefully I come to my senses and stick with the tight less worn chicas.

03-17-11, 17:50
What are the top 2 or 3 escort sites. No bait and switch, reliable, established for awhile.

El Bacano
03-17-11, 21:24
For the most part I stick to the low rent girls lately. Easier to please and the ones that don't ask for anything ill give anything. Like many I am so depressed in the USA over the women ill do anything for a 9 or 10 that will actually like me. Even if its about money, Everytime a cute young girl percieves you as a 40 year old fossil, in the U. S. I'm so happy to be in Medellin. Ill be in heaven if an 18-21 yearold loves me one day. Hahaha.

Happy hunting boys.

John Gault
03-18-11, 03:44
For the most part I stick to the low rent girls lately. Easier to please and the ones that don't ask for anything ill give anything. Like many I am so depressed in the USA over the women ill do anything for a 9 or 10 that will actually like me. Even if its about money, Everytime a cute young girl percieves you as a 40 year old fossil, in the USA I'm so happy to be in Medellin. Ill be in heaven if an 18-21 yearold loves me one day. Hahaha.

Happy hunting boys. You sound a little vunerable. When you find that certain girl you are looking for, that is when you have to be very careful. These girls are masters at stealing your heart, and maybe everything else if you let them.

Good luck in your hunt.

03-18-11, 03:53
You sound a little vunerable. When you find that certain girl you are looking for, that is when you have to be very careful. These girls are masters at stealing your heart, and maybe everything else if you let them.

Good luck in your hunt. Now that's some good advice there amigo!

03-18-11, 07:09
You sound a little vunerable. When you find that certain girl you are looking for, that is when you have to be very careful. These girls are masters at stealing your heart, and maybe everything else if you let them.

Good luck in your hunt.That goes with any girl. Here or back home. Girls here just give you more attention so it's easy to fall in love. Before you give away your life savings, charge up your card, or get married. Talk to a friend. If they think it's too fast then it probably is!

03-19-11, 02:36
Just got back from Loutrons. My 3rd visit there and of course there is always one "bad" experience.

I selected a girl who's name escapes me but was very easy on the eyes.

I took the full 1 hour session with her.

30 minutes into the session she was asking for leche. Basically rushing me thru the session.

I personally feel that they shouldn't accept a 1 hour session if they are not up for it.

My prior two vivits were ok.

There are sooooooo many places to go that are cheaper. But that is why you pay more, right?

So when I went to pay Rosa in the office, she ask me how it went.

So, being a business owner and understandinig the importance of this question, I told her about the "dame tu leche" crap 30 minutes into the 1 hour session. She countered with questions like, Did she not give you a massage? And then followed with, let me bring her in here to discuss,

So I told her I did not want to discuss. I just wanted to give her feedback but she stood her ground fimly defending the girl.

The customer is CLEARLY the problem. Not her employee.

So anyway. No surprises. I won't go back to loutrons again as my same pesos would have scored 4 girls elsewhere.

Of course, finding a local girl is THE way to go. Still working on that one since I'm new to Medellin but getting closer everyday. .

The Fabone.

Frank Casio
03-19-11, 03:53
Hi guys,

Went to a Striptease club last night here in Tampa, FL, never again. That stupid whatever, for $30US had me in there for 1 minute and said the song was over, I was so frigen pissed. Just think all I can get for $30US in Medellin, Colombia. A nice young girl, a real massage for the first half hour and full blown phuck in the second half hour. And if I want, for $15US I can get a full blown phuck for half an hour with a beautiful 18 year old.

I'm done with the Striptease scene here in the USA. Last time I had any real fun, as you all know, I ended up spending $500US. I know, you all think I should know better, but sometimes I go out, get drunk and forget about my Medellin Paradise. Boy aren't we lucky!

Frank Casio

Gave a tour yesterday to a young guy from Texas who has already figured out the USA is done and this is place is coming up. The guy did a double which started with Angels 6 girls with one really good one that my client took for 30,000 peso's for 30 minutes. Then went to Sexy which had 9 fairly good girls then on to Bella Suites which is coming up again with 6 girls. On to New Life with 15 girls with half good enough. Went back to Sexy for his second session for 33, 000 peso's for 30 min.

Colombia Jake

03-19-11, 05:09
Thought I should start contributing. Been in Medellin for about three days now. Was at Fase II Tuesday and Wednesday night and the standouts for me were Helen (?) and Chantal. Of course, we all have different tastes, but Fase II had a solid lineup with a wide range of looks. Not too many men on those nights, so I would recommend those days. Not sure whether I was overcharged, but my sessions were 170k at South Beach. Seemed about right to me. Usual 10k entry fee. 18k beers for close to stage and 15k near the bar.

Went to Loutrons hoping to get some numbers. When you make that trip all the way up the hill, you want to see something you like. I didn't. They were busy and could only present a line-up of six girls. Spoke with Rosa for a bit and the pricing is 200k for an hour and 300k for two. Clearly, very pricey. She also said the were moving further up the hill in Junio.

I don't want to appear that these are the only type of places I goto, but luck shined on me at the Allegre Casino. I also made a morning casa run to New Life. The lineup was about 12 or 13 and a nice mix. Definitely for me a must stop because it always has a large selection. Can't remember the names of the standouts; can't even remember the name of the one I sessioned with. But you got to enjoy being presented girl after girl. The rest of my time has been spent with a woman I met on the last trip.

Well, I am now off to see whether Allegre will tell me to go with Helen / Chantal or Mayorista.

03-19-11, 14:02
Gave a tour yesterday to a young guy from Texas who has already figured out the USA is done and this is place is coming up. The guy did a double which started with Angels 6 girls with one really good one that my client took for 30, 000 peso's for 30 minutes. Then went to Sexy which had 9 fairly good girls then on to Bella Suites which is coming up again with 6 girls. On to New Life with 15 girls with half good enough. Went back to Sexy for his second session for 33, 000 peso's for 30 min.

Colombia JakeThat place coming up? The USA is Done? Done with what? I just like to see this young guy try to make it and start a business in Colombia with all of the corruption, strange business laws, palm greasing and most off all flaky employees. Especially if you don't even speak perfect Spanish? LOL *epic fail. Some of us love the USA and have done quite well here, quite well. I love Colombia but after a 2 or 3 weeks of staying there and dealing with flaky people as a whole (who only tell what you want to hear to get rid of you) , I am more than happy to return. Well at least we got rid of 1 ungrateful hater!

03-19-11, 14:42
I was looking at the Medellin lists. It says 120k for 30 and 130k for 1 hour at sandiego. Is that a misprint. Only 10k for an extra 30 minutes. Is fase dos 170k for 1 hour or 30. Also, it shows that only 2 strip clubs are recommended. How the hell can there only be 2 nice strip clubs in this whole city. Is bareback blowjob standard in Colombia like brazil or is it condoms 95% of the time like Costa Rica.

Travel Spirit
03-19-11, 17:34
How the hell can there only be 2 nice strip clubs in this whole city..What about La Dolce Vita and its very high end services? I've not found any report in the forum until now.

Pana Nyc
03-19-11, 19:47
San Diego is 120K for 30 min and also 40K now worth of drinks total damage 170K. Fase Dos is 10K entrance and 170K for 1 hr total damage with no drinks 180K. San Diego and Fase Dos are the best strips clubs / talent in Medellin at night in my opinion. In Colombia bbj's are not the norm unlike Brasil.

I was looking at the Medellin lists. It says 120k for 30 and 130k for 1 hour at sandiego. Is that a misprint. Only 10k for an extra 30 minutes. Is fase dos 170k for 1 hour or 30. Also, it shows that only 2 strip clubs are recommended. How the hell can there only be 2 nice strip clubs in this whole city. Is bareback blowjob standard in Colombia like brazil or is it condoms 95% of the time like Costa Rica.

Brother P
03-20-11, 02:31
Brethern, a short report on my first, but not last, trip to MDE. I was in town from 3/10 to 3/13. Picked up at the airport by Albert and Co. Got upgraded to an Apt that I shared with and american who is moving to MDE. He and hit exito, got some things for the apt, beer, food etc. We hit Parque Llerees, had some drinks, wandered about. He decided to call it an early night. I hit Face Dos. Mucho caliente chicas, however I decided not to pull the trigger. Headed over to Luna Lunera. At first, the talent was okay. Then I spotted a winner! She went by the name Marcela, and I had to have her! 160000 for an hour. We showered, she did a little dancing, a little titty f*g, CBJ, then some incredible sex. I was hitting it doggie style with her long hair alomost hittting her a, and was thinking, this is too good to be true!

Second day, me and my roommate rode the metro to enviago and walked around, then went to Centro and had a taxi take us to a casa. Got a cute spinner for 50000. She was hot, but she acted like that coochie was sore! Everytime it got good she interupted my stroke. Not a real good session, I guess for that price the cute ones stay busy.

That night, one of the bartenders for Llerees took me to some hole in the wall, I don't know where I was, but I had a blast! I also had a hottie, for 50000.

Next day, me and roommate hit Santa Fe and Oviendo malls. Cool to see. Had a whole fish, head and tail at Oviendo, awesome! It was like 15 dollars. That afternoon he and hit the cuban style bar in Lleeres, where they have the couches. Did some drinking. Then went back and showered. He decided to stay in. I hit palamira. It was a nice place. However, I don't speak much spanish, and it seemed to be mostly couples anyway. I paid 50000 for a bottle of dark rum, I drink about half, then off to Mayorista!

Mayorista didn't seem too dangerous, I had read different things. I did an intital walk trough. I seen a few 7 and 8s, a lot were lower than that. I grabbed a beer from some bar. I walked some more and seen a 7 that I thought was hot. She and her amiga were talking to some guy so I moved on. I seen, no BS, a 10! Young, may 20 or 21, light skinned, long black hair, nice sized breats, maybe even real! Slim waist. 25000 for 30 minutes, on location. I offered 150000 for dos horas, mi casa. She said she worked here, wasnt interested in leaving. So I got another beer, had a seat. The 7 that I thought was hot walked up and had a seat. I bought her a beer. Long story short. 200000 for 5 hours, total GFE, best girl of the trip! She would only let me take her photo if I was in it with her! LOL! She was probably 35, a vet for sure.

I've been to the DR, CR and Nicaragua, MDE was hands down the best, and I only scratched the surface! I can't wait to get back! I'm alrady reserved for 4/21 to 4/24. Anyone want to hang PM me. Peace!

Frank Casio
03-20-11, 03:09
Hi guy,

If she was 35, silicon boobs and her name was Julieth, that's my girlfriend, ha, ha. No but really, if you are talking about Julieth, she's a high end girl from Pereira. Just arrived 2-3 months ago and only knows La Mayorista. I helped her get settled when she arrived. She stayed with me in Envigado 3 days, and nights, ha, ha, until she got her furniture. She lives in Envigado in a higher end and more expensive area than I do, and she has a nice 2004 Mazda. A young guy that works at Del Tio Restaurant in La Mayorista told me that he didn't pay for sex, but when she came in he said she was the only girl he would pay for. I think she's gorgeous for 35, looks much younger, but she's still 35. Ýou guys know me, or anybody that has lived in Medellin as long as I have, we're spoiled for the 18 year olds, ha, ha. Well you guys understand, that's what Medellin does to you after a while.

Frank Casio!

Brethern, a short report on my first, but not last, trip to MDE. I was in town from 3/10 to 3/13. Picked up at the airport by Albert and Co. Got upgraded to an Apt that I shared with and american who is moving to MDE. He and hit exito, got some things for the apt, beer, food etc. We hit Parque Llerees, had some drinks, wandered about. He decided to call it an early night. I hit Face Dos. Mucho caliente chicas, however I decided not to pull the trigger. Headed over to Luna Lunera. At first, the talent was okay. Then I spotted a winner! She went by the name Marcela, and I had to have her! 160000 for an hour. We showered, she did a little dancing, a little titty f*g, CBJ, then some incredible sex. I was hitting it doggie style with her long hair alomost hittting her a, and was thinking, this is too good to be true!

Second day, me and my roommate rode the metro to enviago and walked around, then went to Centro and had a taxi take us to a casa. Got a cute spinner for 50000. She was hot, but she acted like that coochie was sore! Everytime it got good she interupted my stroke. Not a real good session, I guess for that price the cute ones stay busy.

That night, one of the bartenders for Llerees took me to some hole in the wall, I don't know where I was, but I had a blast! I also had a hottie, for 50000.

Next day, me and roommate hit Santa Fe and Oviendo malls. Cool to see. Had a whole fish, head and tail at Oviendo, awesome! It was like 15 dollars. That afternoon he and hit the cuban style bar in Lleeres, where they have the couches. Did some drinking. Then went back and showered. He decided to stay in. I hit palamira. It was a nice place. However, I don't speak much spanish, and it seemed to be mostly couples anyway. I paid 50000 for a bottle of dark rum, I drink about half, then off to Mayorista!

Mayorista didn't seem too dangerous, I had read different things. I did an intital walk trough. I seen a few 7 and 8s, a lot were lower than that. I grabbed a beer from some bar. I walked some more and seen a 7 that I thought was hot. She and her amiga were talking to some guy so I moved on. I seen, no BS, a 10! Young, may 20 or 21, light skinned, long black hair, nice sized breats, maybe even real! Slim waist. 25000 for 30 minutes, on location. I offered 150000 for dos horas, mi casa. She said she worked here, wasnt interested in leaving. So I got another beer, had a seat. The 7 that I thought was hot walked up and had a seat. I bought her a beer. Long story short. 200000 for 5 hours, total GFE, best girl of the trip! She would only let me take her photo if I was in it with her! LOL! She was probably 35, a vet for sure.

I've been to the DR, CR and Nicaragua, MDE was hands down the best, and I only scratched the surface! I can't wait to get back! I'm alrady reserved for 4/21 to 4/24. Anyone want to hang PM me. Peace!

Frank Casio
03-20-11, 03:56
Hey guys,

If you are wondering why I'm posting a lot more now it's because I'm back in Tampa, FL. Don't have a lot of time to post when I'm in Medellin. Plenty of time to kill here, but I'll make up for it when I get back.

Anyways, I just wanted to say, if your computer is all of a sudden moving very slowly, don't forget to check your computer trash bin. Mine had been going really slow since I got back to Tampa. I was close to junking it or having it checked, and a few minutes ago I thought to check my trash bin. It turned out that before I went back to Medellin the last time, I had deleted a ton of files that I had transferred to a back-up hard drive. Since those large files were deleted, but still in my trash bin hoarding memory, almost immediately after I emptied it, my laptop went back to feeling normal again. Sometimes the simplest things turn out to be the best solutions!

It reminds me of a guy who recently stayed at My Place. 62 yrs. Old, had not phucked in almost 15 years. Had even offered a girl at a Striptease Bar, somewhere in the good old USA, $1000US for, which she rejected. All it took was for him to discover Panama, where he gave a gorgeous girl the same $1000US, but the result was entirely different; she stayed with him for a whole month. After discovering Medellin, which he liked even better, and could have accomplished the same fit for $500US, he's a changed and happier man. Again, sometimes the simplest things turn out to be the best solutions!

Frank Casio!

Brother P
03-20-11, 04:24
She said her name was laura, I"m sure that was her working name, she was maybe 5 10, long brownhair, medium build. I have her photo, but I'm in it, so I won't post it! LOL! She was the best girl of the trip. Can't wait to get back in April!

03-20-11, 11:23
How much is San Diego for a hour? . I usually sleep during the day and do all my mongering at night. Are all the main casas open at night? Besides san diego and fase dos, where are the safest and best places to monger at night. I am not looking to save a buck by screwing girls for 20 bucks from the street. I only want the A and B places with minimal risk of getting robbed.


03-20-11, 14:49
I love Colombia but after a 2 or 3 weeks of staying there and dealing with flaky people as a whole (who only tell what you want to hear to get rid of you)Amen to that! I always think the same thing after being there for about 2 weeks.

Frank Casio
03-20-11, 17:29
Hi guy, no casas open at night only Striptease Clubs. Casas ussually close by 8PM. You should read on to earlier reports, the Medellin List, WorlTravel69 Reports, and you will be up to date in no time. Fase ll, San Diego, Luna Lunera, Loutron and Energy are the expensive higher end places, if that is what you are looking for.

Frank Casio!

How much is San Diego for a hour? . I usually sleep during the day and do all my mongering at night. Are all the main casas open at night? Besides san diego and fase dos, where are the safest and best places to monger at night. I am not looking to save a buck by screwing girls for 20 bucks from the street. I only want the A and B places with minimal risk of getting robbed.


Frank Casio
03-20-11, 17:39
Hi Bro,

Not the same girl. Julieth is about 5'4" and at least a 9 body wise with almost perfect ass and boobs. Maybe she was not there that night, or you would have noticed her, specially if you like the older girls. She got my attention and I ussually just like the younger 18-20 crowd.

Frank Casio!

She said her name was laura, I"m sure that was her working name, she was maybe 5 10, long brownhair, medium build. I have her photo, but I'm in it, so I won't post it! LOL! She was the best girl of the trip. Can't wait to get back in April!

Frank Casio
03-20-11, 18:05
Hi guy,

You might be right, flaky indeed. But if the whole country wasn't flaky you wouldn't have so many beautiful girls willing to put it out there for so little. Try finding women after U-turn 40, anywhere close to those, in the USA at any price, let alone for $15-30US. So I put up with the flakiness for what I get in return. Yeah, they are really smart here in the USA and Parque Lleras that's why they only phuck 18 yr. Olds, ha, ha. I don't think I want them to be that smart.

The only time USA girls go for sugar daddies or for questionable characters are when they are hooked on drugs. I think I'the rather put up with the "flakiness" in Colombia and continue to get my full body hour massages by beautiful 18 yr. Olds for $15US, then end up like my body M who had not phucked for 15 years and finally at 62 found a "flaky" hot girl in Panama who stayed with him for a full month for $1000US, when "smarter" streapers in the USA had turn down the same amount for just an hour. I'll stick to the "flaky" ones, but that's just my opinion.

Frank Casio!

That place coming up? The USA is Done? Done with what? I just like to see this young guy try to make it and start a business in Colombia with all of the corruption, strange business laws, palm greasing and most off all flaky employees. Especially if you don't even speak perfect Spanish? LOL *epic fail. Some of us love the USA and have done quite well here, quite well. I love Colombia but after a 2 or 3 weeks of staying there and dealing with flaky people as a whole (who only tell what you want to hear to get rid of you) , I am more than happy to return. Well at least we got rid of 1 ungrateful hater!

John Gault
03-20-11, 19:02
I can feel for this 62 year old guy who has not any action for 15 years, but please someone get him wise to the prices to be paid in Colombia. Yeah I know the story that one or two guys who overpay don't make a difference. Well IMHO to the girl who got the $1, 000 or $500 it will most certainly change her pricing policy.

We just had a long chat on this board on how MDE is soon to be overrun by guys who do not have a clue.

I remember about 6 months ago in Mayorista meeting a gringo who when I was trying to help him with prices and all he would say was I don't care what I pay these girls.

Fellows I rest my case.

03-20-11, 20:29
Thanks Frank. I checked the lists. San diego and fase dos are open until 2am and 4 am. Luna lunera is 24 hours. Is there a time range at each place where you would want to go to make sure you get to see all the best talent or is it great all night. I will be mongering from about 7pm until 4am. Will those 5 places keep me busy for the week. Care to add one more? When I'm in brazil there are only about 6 termas that are nice and I just juggle those for 10 days. I hope Colombia is close. Do you have any safety tips while taking a cab from place to place at those late hours. I don't do drugs or drink. Don't wear jewelery. I'm more worried about getting robbed by a cab driver.

Any advice on staying safe.

03-20-11, 20:51
One other thing. I don't want to contribute to price inflation in Colombia. I never pay more than market value anywhere I go. What is the average I should pay to get a girl to come to my place for a few hours or the night. I only hook up with 8-10's. 190k is 100 dollars. Can I get a girl for the night for 190k, or is that on the high side. One thing is for sure, it looks like I am going to have a great time at the clubs. It looks like its only going to be a 100 bucks to be with any girl at the clubs. If these are high end strip clubs like vegas or Cali, thats cheap.

Frank Casio
03-20-11, 23:28
Hey palermo, I don't get too many good reports from Cali. Last time I was there, a while back, even the "casas" were a dissappointment. The only cute girls in the "casas", the few found, were ussually Paisas from Medellin. The girls in Pereira are much hotter, but I think Pereira is a little more wild and unpredictable. I've been living in Colombia going on 6 years now, but I think the rule of thumb is not to argue with locals. Anywhere in the World is better not to argue with idiots. Just get away from them as soon as you can and hope you are not around when they fall, as they may take you down with them.

Frank Casio!

About putting up with the flakiness, but I find it's the average guy who's out to lunch, the women are pretty with it, and have a great sense of humour. Yeah, their mood does change dramatically by the minute. A lot of them will admit to being 'histerica'.

I just arrived at the Cali bus terminal, came on a last minute whim, did very little research (about to do it now) and told the driver to take me to the Don jaime on sexta.

I ask him if he knows where it is (I don't know why I waste my time with this question, they always say yes, then stop 2 blocks later to ask someone).

We get to sexta and cruise right by the hotel. I tell the guy, we just passed it. No we didn't he says, and stops to ask the guy on the sidewalk where it is. The guys who seems to live on Sexta says he has no idea. I tell the driver, listen to me, it's right there, I can see the sign.

No, no, it's over here, this aparta hotel is called don jaime apart hotel.


I start telling him to either listen to me and back up, or let me out and I'll walk back the 1 and a half blocks.

He ignores me and starts backing up, but stopping to ask every person on the street where it is.


After asking 3 more people in 1 block while backing up we are in front of the hotel so I jump out and the taxi driver is like 'what are you doing? '

I point to the HUGE Hotel Don jaime sign.

Oh, he says.

I ask him, how is it that I have been in Cali for under 15 minutes and I know more about the city than you do?

He shrugs and tries to tell me they changed the name of the apart hotel from Don jaime recently, I am so used to this BS from south americans (not just colombians believe me) I just laugh.

Believe me, I know why young colombianas aren't that keen on the locals.

P. S. I'll put my thoughts on don jaime and the apart hotel in the Cali thread where they belong. Cheers.

Frank Casio
03-20-11, 23:39
It's very unlikely you will ever get robbed by a Taxi Driver. Many have suffered that fate themselves, ussually from passangers. I would mostly just dress down, snickers, dark color T-shirt and jeans. Carry most of your money in your socks, but make sure you remember you have it there when you go in with a girl. Not too many robberies of tourists, but it never hurts to take precautions. For something different, and my favourite, you can try a massage at Linas'massage Parlor behind La Mayorista. Real oil massage for the first half hour and full blown phuck for the second half. In some of my last posts you can find instructions on how to get there. Be safe and have fun!

Frank Casio!

Thanks Frank. I checked the lists. San diego and fase dos are open until 2am and 4 am. Luna lunera is 24 hours. Is there a time range at each place where you would want to go to make sure you get to see all the best talent or is it great all night. I will be mongering from about 7pm until 4am. Will those 5 places keep me busy for the week. Care to add one more? When I'm in brazil there are only about 6 termas that are nice and I just juggle those for 10 days. I hope Colombia is close. Do you have any safety tips while taking a cab from place to place at those late hours. I don't do drugs or drink. Don't wear jewelery. I'm more worried about getting robbed by a cab driver.

Any advice on staying safe.

Member #4394
03-20-11, 23:45
Colombians, in particular, are full of lies and BS. Since they lie all the time, they got used to it and they are not embarrased or feel shame about lies and BS. Also depending upon your race, their attitude to you, thereby your experience in Colombia, differ a lot. I am Asian, and "a lot" of people came to me and did weired or stupid things to me. I noticed that they do not do the same to westerner-gringos, or to me when I am with gringos. Young, educated people were nice. But old, drunken guys were absolute losers. Plus, pedestrians on the street are not treated better than rebels in Lybia.

am so used to this BS from south americans (not just colombians believe me) I just laugh.

Believe me, I know why young colombianas aren't that keen on the locals.

P. S. I'll put my thoughts on don jaime and the apart hotel in the Cali thread where they belong. Cheers.

Frank Casio
03-20-11, 23:49
Hi John, I meant that she lived with him for a month for that much, in Panama. I'm sure the average price for each phuck was pretty low, not too mention all the hot pics. He got. I also said that you can probably do the whole month thing in Colombia for half the price, $500US, if you can find a girl who can concentrate that long. That's the hard part in Medllin, once they get payed they start thinking about the next guy, ha, ha. You just have to learn how to maneuver them. I know many of my guys at My Place in La Mayorista learn quickly, and then they have a great time. The golden rule is not to take anybody too seriously or expect working girls to be "rocket scientists".

Frank Casio!

I can feel for this 62 year old guy who has not any action for 15 years, but please someone get him wise to the prices to be paid in Colombia. Yeah I know the story that one or two guys who overpay don't make a difference. Well IMHO to the girl who got the $1, 000 or $500 it will most certainly change her pricing policy.

We just had a long chat on this board on how MDE is soon to be overrun by guys who do not have a clue.

I remember about 6 months ago in Mayorista meeting a gringo who when I was trying to help him with prices and all he would say was I don't care what I pay these girls.

Fellows I rest my case.

Frank Casio
03-21-11, 00:07
Hi guy,

The best place at 7PM is San Diego Grill, Fase ll which is right up the stree never gets hopping until 11PM, but Fase ll is the highest end with the most beautiful girls ($85US) and closes at 4AM, ussually Thur-Sat. Are good, don't know about the other days. San Diego is pretty consistant even as early as 7-8PM. Luna Lunera would probably be same as San Diego. Loutron and Energy are only day "casas".

Then there's "Conejitas","Maracaibo" and "Barra Ejecutiva", all Striptease Bars in EL Centro of Parque Berrios metro stop, but they are lower end, and from what you said, I don't think you would feel comfortable in those place, although they are much cheaper and some good talent can be found there,"hit or miss type deal".

Frank Casio!

Thanks Frank. I checked the lists. San diego and fase dos are open until 2am and 4 am. Luna lunera is 24 hours. Is there a time range at each place where you would want to go to make sure you get to see all the best talent or is it great all night. I will be mongering from about 7pm until 4am. Will those 5 places keep me busy for the week. Care to add one more? When I'm in brazil there are only about 6 termas that are nice and I just juggle those for 10 days. I hope Colombia is close. Do you have any safety tips while taking a cab from place to place at those late hours. I don't do drugs or drink. Don't wear jewelery. I'm more worried about getting robbed by a cab driver.

Any advice on staying safe.

03-21-11, 02:35
The amount of ethnocentric, foolish posts that have become the norm on this tread is making it nearlly unreadable. Way too many generalizations by those who do not speak the language well enough to know what is going on, and interact mostly only with hookers and others who are in the "business." For those of us who work with highly educated professionals in Colombia, the glib and easy generalizations come across as just foolish.

Besides, the purpose of this board is to share info about statagies for better mongering.

03-21-11, 04:21
How much is San Diego for a hour? . I usually sleep during the day and do all my mongering at night. Are all the main casas open at night? Besides san diego and fase dos, where are the safest and best places to monger at night. I am not looking to save a buck by screwing girls for 20 bucks from the street. I only want the A and B places with minimal risk of getting robbed.

ThanksFase ll I think a pop and the room is 200K. I think. Been a while since I've been there last, San Diego, Luna Lunera, and Lindas Chicas (call a head and tell Nancy what you're looking for) for night time, most all others close early. Or while you'll be eating breakfast! Good luck!

Legal Tender
03-21-11, 06:55
The amount of ethnocentric, foolish posts that have become the norm on this tread is making it nearlly unreadable. Way too many generalizations by those who do not speak the language well enough to know what is going on, and interact mostly only with hookers and others who are in the "business." For those of us who work with highly educated professionals in Colombia, the glib and easy generalizations come across as just foolish.

Besides, the purpose of this board is to share info about statagies for better mongering. A gust of reason and direction. Finally. I couldn't agree more about the foolish posts. Right on about the purpose of this board is to share. . . For better mongering. And, by inference, since you work with the "highly educated professionals" there, you can instruct us on how to monger among them. The inference is solidified by your stated disdain for those illiterate in the native language, who consort with "hookers" and others in the 'business. '

I simply couldn't agree with you more. You write the truth. Now, fellow monger, tell us about the mongering among the creme de la creme. And, without being indiscreet, what's the going rate for the educated, professional. . . (I assume you mean Who*re)? This is a board for mongers, and I'm ready to upgrade. There is nothing more pressing on my mind when I am enjoying one of the flowers of Medellin than her IQ or level of education. Drives me fucking crazy. I now know that I've been right. The miracle of genetic mixing coupled with a sweet and engaging personality doesn't mean shit.

Can we take a blood pledge not to screw any Piasa without at least a baccalaureate degree? No shit, I mean it: no more foolishness.

Only good energy!

Legal Tender
03-21-11, 07:03
Then there's "Conejitas","Maracaibo" and "Barra Ejecutiva", all Striptease Bars in EL Centro of Parque Berrios metro stop, but they are lower end, and from what you said, I don't think you would feel comfortable in those place, although they are much cheaper and some good talent can be found there,"hit or miss type deal".

Frank Casio! Frank, do you think anyone who would be "uncomfortable" in the el centro strip clubs would be comfortable in Medellin? Maybe we don't always have to be "comfortable"? Life is not risk free, and they are a real part of the p4p scene in Medellin. Haven't been there? You haven't experienced Medellin. Just an observation.

Only good energy!

03-21-11, 07:23
Frank, how would you compare the girls at FASE, San Diego, and Luna Lunera to the best strip clubs in vegas, Cali, or new york. Am I going to be shocked at how hot these girls compared to the US.

Member #4688
03-21-11, 07:27
I agree with Artisttyp. The 2 red light districts that he mentioned, Carrera 53, Calle 51 (around Iglesia Veracruz) , and 53 de Greiff have alot of MILFs. In fact they are in the majority in both areas. I just had a session with one today. She was good, lots of tongue and BBBJ action. No, I'm not going to mention her name.The place is called el raudal, Cucuta and de Greiff. I'll be checking this girls myself this summer. I'd really like to know more about this place, please anybody with stories about it, thanks guys. Youtube video of the place, hot paisa milfs.


03-21-11, 15:37
One need to be aware of the meaning of 'estudiar' in Colombia. Everybody studies in Colombia. This of course includes university but also any kind of vocational training at specialized schools – the only way to get sound vocational training at all. None of those schools are free of charge. After passing the 'colegio' with a baccalaureate degree (usually with 16) young people continue their education the one or the other way provided that the family can pay the school or university fee. Therefore some may resume their education with 18 or 20 or even older because neither the girl nor the family had the money to pay the fee once the girl left the college. Thus a student may just be a girl learning to become a nurse or a hotel receptionist. By our standards that may not be considered as 'highly educated professional'. As a rule of thumb the real highly educated girls will not be available for the hobby.

A gust of reason and direction. Finally. I couldn't agree more about the foolish posts. Right on about the purpose of this board is to share. . . For better mongering. And, by inference, since you work with the "highly educated professionals" there, you can instruct us on how to monger among them. The inference is solidified by your stated disdain for those illiterate in the native language, who consort with "hookers" and others in the 'business. '

I simply couldn't agree with you more. You write the truth. Now, fellow monger, tell us about the mongering among the creme de la creme. And, without being indiscreet, what's the going rate for the educated, professional. . . (I assume you mean Who*re)? This is a board for mongers, and I'm ready to upgrade. There is nothing more pressing on my mind when I am enjoying one of the flowers of Medellin than her IQ or level of education. Drives me fucking crazy. I now know that I've been right. The miracle of genetic mixing coupled with a sweet and engaging personality doesn't mean shit.

Can we take a blood pledge not to screw any Piasa without at least a baccalaureate degree? No shit, I mean it: no more foolishness.

Only good energy!

03-21-11, 15:46
One need to be aware of the meaning of 'estudiar' in Colombia. Everybody studies in Colombia. This of course includes university but also any kind of vocational training at specialized schools – the only way to get sound vocational training at all. None of those schools are free of charge. After passing the 'colegio' with a baccalaureate degree (usually with 16) young people continue their education the one or the other way provided that the family can pay the school or university fee. Therefore some may resume their education with 18 or 20 or even older because neither the girl nor the family had the money to pay the fee once the girl left the college. Thus a student may just be a girl learning to become a nurse or a hotel receptionist. By our standards that may not be considered as 'highly educated professional'. As a rule of thumb the real highly educated girls will not be available for the hobby.Thanks for the lesson on your first post Dueno. I guess you didn't realize that Legal Tender was just joking and being sarcastic in his post about only mongering with college grads.

03-21-11, 16:05
I know that he certainly was sarcastic, but nevertheless some board members may be impressed by the number of "students" among the working girls. For those I tried to explain.

Thanks for the lesson on your first post Dueno. I guess you didn't realize that Legal Tender was just joking and being sarcastic in his post about only mongering with college grads.

03-21-11, 18:33
We spend 50 minutes screwing our brains out, then I have 10 minutes, in Spanish, to explain how to properly

Cook the books. Even gotten a few dates out of it and more!

Probably the best reason ever to get an accounting designation

03-21-11, 20:51
Hell, I screw MILF's all the time in Medellin. They just happen to be 18 or 19 year old MILF's. At 30 they could be grannies.

ReefLOL! I Always thought MILFs were like over 30. Hahaha!

03-22-11, 06:16
I know that he certainly was sarcastic, but nevertheless some board members may be impressed by the number of "students" among the working girls. For those I tried to explain.And it is a good lesson. There are many voc tech programs in most large Latin American cites. These "institutos" range greatly in quality, and tend to focus nearlly exclusivly on careers and "training" and not on educacation, in the classical sense that we think of a university education. Several universities are MDE, for the record, are very, very good. UPB has many good programs, Nacional has a branch in MDE that has some quality departments (faculdades) , and Universidad de Antioquia is a solid public university, although with some serious overcrowding.

03-23-11, 03:59
Frank, do you think anyone who would be "uncomfortable" in the el centro strip clubs would be comfortable in Medellin? Maybe we don't always have to be "comfortable"? Life is not risk free, and they are a real part of the p4p scene in Medellin. Haven't been there? You haven't experienced Medellin. Just an observation.

Only good energy!Your energy might be good but your reasoning is lacking. There are tons of people who would be uncomortable in Centro strip clubs but are totally comfortable in other areas. And not just tourists. I am talking about Colombians born and raised.

The answer is yes, obviously.

Frank is responding to a poster looking for higher end putas end super safe, which is why he discounted the centro strip clubs. Reading what is actually posted before making yourself look bad probably is not a possibility with lack of reasoning displayed in your posts. Just an observation.

03-23-11, 04:20
Hi guys,

Went to a Striptease club last night here in Tampa, FL, never again.
Hi guys,

I'm done with the Striptease scene here in the USA. I ended up spending $500US. I know, you all think I should know better, but sometimes I go out.
Hi guys,

I've been trying to behave, but I'm a total screw up. Last night I went to the Emperor's Topless-Liquor and Nude Bar on Route 60 near Brandon.

But anyways, I was having a great time tipping all the girls left and right, even gave a $20 to a girl.

Those girls jumped on me from the minute I got in about the champagne room, $125 for 15 minutes.

But I was already down $300US and feeling it.
Hi guys,

To put this in perspective, my last report was Tampa, FL night out $500US!

Saved $450US from my last night in Tampa, FL and enjoyed the same things and some extras. Wow, only in Medellin Paradise can this feat be accomplished!

Frank Casio!
Hi guys,

In Medellin Paradise it really doesn`t make much difference, prices are so low and women so abundant and beautiful,

I went all out in Tampa, I spent $500US. Even though I`m a hot looking (ha, ha) Spanish-French American, when the girls look at my white whiskers, mostly they turn away when they are young. In Medellin Paradise that`s not a big problem, nothing a couple of bucks in your pocket can`t fix. Hence, Colombia is the great "equalizer"! Every three months you have this amazing revelation that the US is more expensive than Colombia. You post like it was your first time to the US. Maybe with your white whiskers is a smidge of Alzheimers? Frankie, everyone here knows the price diferential. Hehehehe

03-23-11, 20:11
I have just seen the hottest colombian chick in history, and I haven't even been there yet! Can I find this girl working at the clubs. I don't know how to make this a clickable link, but if someone knows, please repost it.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=su4Aq0X_zT0&feature=related Check the girl out at the 4:00 mark. Unbelievable!

El Bacano
03-23-11, 20:29
I got to say every time I go. Theres a diamond at maricaibo. Its too loud for me. But I aint there for the music. Cabs right out the door reasonably safe on that street. Don't go to far off the beaten path. Haha, hard to find strippers of that quality. Like a 8 or 9 in a raunchy strip club in the USA Only Colombia. True we all have different taste but I'm a true vet, I spend more for drinks in the USA than a girl in Medellin. Hahahahaha. Frank stay out out of the tampa clubs please.

Aussie Greg
03-24-11, 02:13

What is the true meaning of the word "MONGER"

Aussie Greg.

03-24-11, 02:29
I have just seen the hottest colombian chick in history, and I haven't even been there yet! Can I find this girl working at the clubs. I don't know how to make this a clickable link, but if someone knows, please repost it.


Check the girl out at the 4:00 mark. Unbelievable! I think No. 4 is a GDP. No. 5 has the best bunda.

Chocha Monger
03-24-11, 02:49

What is the true meaning of the word "MONGER"

Aussie Greg. "Monger" is a short form of the word "wh0remonger" so a monger is a man who consorts with ho's; a lecher; a trader of flesh.

03-24-11, 03:29

What is the true meaning of the word "MONGER"

Aussie Greg. Before you became an ENTREPRENEUR and from your Cali days with Ramon and from when you just arrived in Medellin. Look in the mirror! That would have been the "true" meaning of the word Monger. LOL

03-24-11, 04:15
Your dream girl looks like a chica I saw at Ottos Club In Bogota.


03-24-11, 04:58

What is the true meaning of the word "MONGER"

Aussie GregA while back you answered a question for me so I will recipocate.

Mon·ger (mnggr, mng-)


1. A dealer in a specific commodity. Often used in combination: an ironmonger.

2. A person promoting something undesirable or discreditable. Often used in combination: a scandalmonger; a warmonger.

Tr. V. Mon·gered, mon·ger·ing, mon·gers.

To peddle.

Greg, I think number 2 hits it on the money. I, myself think we are breeders, but monger sounds cooler.

I will be doing some serious breeding come April, can't wait.

Legal Tender
03-24-11, 05:04
Your energy might be good but your reasoning is lacking. There are tons of people who would be uncomortable in Centro strip clubs but are totally comfortable in other areas. And not just tourists. I am talking about Colombians born and raised.

The answer is yes, obviously.

Frank is responding to a poster looking for higher end putas end super safe, which is why he discounted the centro strip clubs. Reading what is actually posted before making yourself look bad probably is not a possibility with lack of reasoning displayed in your posts. Just an observation. There you go again, making statements without understanding the issue. Those folks that spend their time in Poblado never see the real Medellin. The centro strip clubs are part and parcel of what Medellin is all about. Now when it comes to choice of company, some would chose a less base chica than those found downtown. My point is that if you're going to be in Medellin, you should see an el centro strip club or two. Take a wingman. But, don't limit yourself to the Medellin experience out of fear. It's almost as bad as having such low self esteem that you have to attack in every post.

My ego is intact. I really don't give a big rat's ass about "how I look" to others. I do have a lot of compassion for those who need approval of others. But, don't worry, I like you.

Only good energy!

03-24-11, 13:39
There you go again, making statements without understanding the issue. Those folks that spend their time in Poblado never see the real Medellin.

My point is that if you're going to be in Medellin, you should see an el centro strip club or two.

But, don't limit yourself to the Medellin experience out of fear. It's almost as bad as having such low self esteem that you have to attack in every post.

My ego is intact. I really don't give a big rat's ass about "how I look" to others. I do have a lot of compassion for those who need approval of others. But, don't worry, I like you.

Only good energy!I understand the issue fine. The guy asked "I am only coming for 3 nights. Where can I go for totally high end girls that is 100% safe." Frank gave the perfect answer. You give Frank a hard time because he neglected to suggest Centro which goes against your desire for everyone to "experience the real Medellin". The guy didn't ask what he should do to experience the real Medellin. And therein lies the key as to why Frank gave perfect advice. He took the time to understand the poster's question. Frank is a good guy, in his 50s who has no problem with women in any country. Probably because he listens and has good energy. Women can sense that.

No need to call anyone out because they come to Medellin to do something different than you, dad. Some guys are in the discos every night. That's what they do. That is OK, isn't it?

The guy wrote that he is here to party all three 3 nights until the sun comes up with high end striipers and doesn't have the time to weed through the skanks and filth to find that diamond in the rough on the streets of centro. He is not looking for musuems nor is coming to experince your Medellin your way.

Frank, do you think anyone who would be "uncomfortable" in the el centro strip clubs would be comfortable in Medellin?!This silly question still cracks me up and really never needed to be asked and is still an obvious "yes". Just like in any large city on the planet. Everyone has places where they really don't feel comfortable going. This does not mean the rest of the city is garbage.

Lastly me pointing out your habit of missing the point and taking quality responses of others out of context can neither be construed as an attack nor as seeking approval of others because, truth be told, I am the approver and I never attack.

John Gault
03-24-11, 17:02

Member #4394
03-24-11, 22:47
Too loud and too dark for me.

I got to say every time I go. Theres a diamond at maricaibo. Its too loud for me. But I aint there for the music. Cabs right out the door reasonably safe on that street. Don't go to far off the beaten path. Haha, hard to find strippers of that quality. Like a 8 or 9 in a raunchy strip club in the USA Only Colombia. True we all have different taste but I'm a true vet, I spend more for drinks in the USA than a girl in Medellin. Hahahahaha. Frank stay out out of the tampa clubs please.

03-24-11, 23:14
Brethern, a short report on my first, but not last, trip to MDE.

. He decided to call it an early night. I hit Face Dos. Mucho caliente chicas,

. Next day, me and roommate hit Santa Fe and Oviendo malls. Cool to see. Had a whole fish, head and tail at Oviendo, awesome!

. I seen, no BS, a 10! Young, may 20 or 21, light skinned, long black hair, nice sized breats, maybe even real! Slim waist.

. Long story short. 200000 for 5 hours, total GFE, best girl of the trip!

I've been to the DR, CR and Nicaragua, MDE was hands down the best, and I only scratched the surface! I can't wait to get back! Thanks for the great report. Especially about the fish heads. Got to try that.

But seriuosly Costa Rica and Nicaragua suck compared to Medellin. I'm surprised you have not been to Brazil. All places have their goods and bads but they are not even close to Medellin. Honestly the sex you get from Brazilian women is something every man should try once. There is no comparison.

But Medellin is the hands down winner. The reasons why, besides the fact that the P4P scene is extremely affordable the women are hands down the sexiest and most beautiful to look at. And they for the most part have great personalities. Walking down the street, all over the city your head is constantly turning. And although the paisa women are slight drama queens and not as laid back nor as awesome in the sack as Brazilian women, they win, hands down. For their sheer beauty. The women in Medlelin are truly works of art.

For me the best places in Latin America are 3-DR. 2-Brazil, and number 1-Medellin.

03-24-11, 23:30
In my experiences in brazil and tijuana, whenever I checked out the C and D places, they were ALWAYS a disappointment. I tried that my last trip in brazil. I wasted 4 hours checking out all these dumps that everyone said had "diamonds". I didn't see one. I just wanted to know if el centro is going to be a waste of 4 hours like it was in brazil. These girls in the termas were hideous. The other thing is Colombia is cheap. It seems I will be able to get the best Colombia has for 85 to 100 at the high end clubs. Thats well within my budget. I just hope I don't get bored of the 5 or 6 places and end up branching out anyway.

03-25-11, 05:57
I got to say every time I go. Theres a diamond at maricaibo. Its too loud for me. But I aint there for the music. Cabs right out the door reasonably safe on that street. Don't go to far off the beaten path. Haha, hard to find strippers of that quality. Like a 8 or 9 in a raunchy strip club in the USA Only Colombia. True we all have different taste but I'm a true vet, I spend more for drinks in the USA than a girl in Medellin. Hahahahaha. Frank stay out out of the tampa clubs please.Out of the 3, I would say Ejectivo is the best and has the most girls.

03-25-11, 18:28
In my experiences in brazil and tijuana, whenever I checked out the C and D places, they were ALWAYS a disappointment. I tried that my last trip in brazil. I wasted 4 hours checking out all these dumps that everyone said had "diamonds". I didn't see one. I just wanted to know if el centro is going to be a waste of 4 hours like it was in brazil. These girls in the termas were hideous. The other thing is Colombia is cheap. It seems I will be able to get the best Colombia has for 85 to 100 at the high end clubs. Thats well within my budget. I just hope I don't get bored of the 5 or 6 places and end up branching out anyway.There are 3 clubs all in a row on the 53 (Mar, Ejec, Amer). Hit them at 9PM and decide for yourself. It will not take 4 hours to make your decision. 15-20 min cab ride $5-$7, Have a beer ($3) in each one. 15 mins, * 3 = 1 hour total and $21 max, not including the cab to the next place (see below) which would be 10-25 mins.

I can guess that you will be better suited based on your post with the 3 higher end places like Fase II, Luna Lunera and San Diego. ($85, $80, $70 for the hour, on site respectively). Drinks are expensive in these places in order to keep out the gazers and their water bottles and even enforce drink or $table minimums on certain nights. Best to be with a wingman and order medias of rum and coke. Luna for example charges 15K for a can of Pissen (Pilsen) /$8.

Note: SD and FaseII are close to each other geographically.

Some guys have no problem coming down here and not wasting time looking for the diamond in the rough- Other guys like Ricker and myself have more time and have no problem hunting. It's exciting. To each his own.

03-25-11, 18:37

You tried to give me a grammer lesson on "their and there" some time ago, so now it is my turn to school you on your spelling errors, such as striipers, musuems, OK,"nor is coming", experince, to name a few. What is up with all this eddie? You know I am just having a little fun with you! (smile)

Hope all is well with you, and possibly our paths will cross in the islands in the near future, as I am making plans to start splitting my time up between Colombia and the islands in the lesser antilles.
He is not looking for musuems nor is coming to experince your Medellin your wayThe "nor is coming." is grammatically correct but "nor is he Coming" would have been better. However I am busted everywhere else you mentioned. Maybe Jackson can implement Monger Spell Checker 2. 0? Just a thought. I am going to SXM late May for 2 weeks. I need a vaca. Badly.

03-26-11, 13:56
... Some guys have no problem coming down here and not wasting time looking for the diamond in the rough- Other guys like Ricker and myself have more time and have no problem hunting. It's exciting. To each his own.You're exactly right amigo! I could easily go Face Dos or Luna, etc and find a cute, high priced pro and I don't blame guys that do just that.

Like you said, however, I personally dig the hunt and then the 'courtship'.

For me that's at least half the fun.

John Gault
03-26-11, 15:36
There are 3 clubs all in a row on the 53 (Mar, Ejec, Amer). Hit them at 9PM and decide for yourself. It will not take 4 hours to make your decision. 15-20 min cab ride $5-$7, Have a beer ($3) in each one. 15 mins, * 3 = 1 hour total and $21 max, not including the cab to the next place (see below) which would be 10-25 mins.

I can guess that you will be better suited based on your post with the 3 higher end places like Fase II, Luna Lunera and San Diego. ($85, $80, $70 for the hour, on site respectively). Drinks are expensive in these places in order to keep out the gazers and their water bottles and even enforce drink or $table minimums on certain nights. Best to be with a wingman and order medias of rum and coke. Luna for example charges 15K for a can of Pissen (Pilsen) /$8.

Note: SD and FaseII are close to each other geographically.

Some guys have no problem coming down here and not wasting time looking for the diamond in the rough- Other guys like Ricker and myself have more time and have no problem hunting. It's exciting. To each his own. To me the hunt is half the fun. To take it even further, even in the high end joints you still have to hunt for the GFE. Of course if all you are interested in is the old in and out (Clock Work Orange) then it is all good.

John Gault
03-26-11, 16:00
It appears that some guys do read the board as I have had a few PM's lately concernig a Mayorista Chica that a few of us guys labeled Porn Star.

A little background on her first. A while back on every trip to Mayorista I would see a rather young blonde girl always standing in the same spot. She was on the slight side and to me had the girl next store look. I would always be tempted to take her, but for one reason or another I never pulled the trigger. One night four of us were sitting at a table in front of her and I related to the guys how I should just take her. Well Frank Casio was one of the guys at the table and I joked with him to go and talk with her since he was the king of Mayorista and he should check her out for us guests at his rooming house (Franks place ). So he calls her to the table and one of the younger guys take her.

After a while he comes back all excited and starts to say how this girl is a stone freak. The whole deal, spitting on his menber, slapping her face with it, wanting her ass smacked and a real cowgirl experence. Right away the other young guy at the table jumps up and takes her for a spin. He comes back with the same exact report. So I think I will take her the next night as I already had one of my regulars in line for a session.

She was as good as they said and during our stay that time we gave her the handle of Porn Star.

OK to answer the possible PM's on this matter I will say the best way to locate her is to look for a blonde in her early 20's who always wears high top sneakers BTW she never takes them off.

If you decide to try her out I have one word of caution. You must bring your A game. She will put a hurting on your dick if you come up a little lame. I sugest either Vitiman V or C.

Member #4394
03-26-11, 16:30
I was with her almost every night in December. I thought you called her Porn Star because she looked like porn actress Hillary Scott (see the attached pics). She is always in front of one of the hotels and "very slightly" shaking / dancing her body with music. As for the cow girl position, she twisted my legs in a way I never knew or tried. None of the girls I had been with tried this position. Next time I will try to learn and remember this position from her.

It appears that some guys do read the board as I have had a few PM's lately concernig a Mayorista Chica that a few of us guys labeled Porn Star.

A little background on her first. A while back on every trip to Mayorista I would see a rather young blonde girl always standing in the same spot. She was on the slight side and to me had the girl next store look. I would always be tempted to take her, but for one reason or another I never pulled the trigger. One night four of us were sitting at a table in front of her and I related to the guys how I should just take her. Well Frank Casio was one of the guys at the table and I joked with him to go and talk with her since he was the king of Mayorista and he should check her out for us guests at his rooming house (Franks place ). So he calls her to the table and one of the younger guys take her.

After a while he comes back all excited and starts to say how this girl is a stone freak. The whole deal, spitting on his menber, slapping her face with it, wanting her ass smacked and a real cowgirl experence. Right away the other young guy at the table jumps up and takes her for a spin. He comes back with the same exact report. So I think I will take her the next night as I already had one of my regulars in line for a session.

She was as good as they said and during our stay that time we gave her the handle of Porn Star.

OK to answer the possible PM's on this matter I will say the best way to locate her is to look for a blonde in her early 20's who always wears high top sneakers BTW she never takes them off.

If you decide to try her out I have one word of caution. You must bring your A game. She will put a hurting on your dick if you come up a little lame. I sugest either Vitiman V or C.

John Gault
03-26-11, 18:44
I was with her almost every night in December. I thought you called her Porn Star because she looked like porn actress Hillary Scott (see the attached pics). She is always in front of one of the hotels and "very slightly" shaking / dancing her body with music. As for the cow girl position, she twisted my legs in a way I never knew or tried. None of the girls I had been with tried this position. Next time I will try to learn and remember this position from her.I see you nailed her (literally ). That is a good description of her using that real porn star.

Ok, lets get to the heart of the matter. Almost every night in December. Wow I am impressed. The best I have done is twice with her on a trip. I hope you did not make the mistake I made of slapping her on the ass. When I switched positions with her she made me pay with slaps that really hurt, but me being so Macho I did not complain, but next time I did not slap her again.

I tell all my friends that you must do her at least once in your mongering life. Funny thing is most guys I tell this to do not partake of the festivities. Go figure.

03-26-11, 18:54
I don't like clock watchers. I'm assuming the girls at the top places are GFE. I planned on having a session and then getting their number for after work. I can also tell these girls to bring their friend for a 3 to 5pm romp. Thats another reason I like to monger at night. I want to bring some regulars or call a agency in the day.

03-26-11, 21:53
It appears that some guys do read the board as I have had a few PM's lately concernig a Mayorista Chica that a few of us guys labeled Porn Star.

A little background on her first. A while back on every trip to Mayorista I would see a rather young blonde girl always standing in the same spot. She was on the slight side and to me had the girl next store look. I would always be tempted to take her, but for one reason or another I never pulled the trigger. One night four of us were sitting at a table in front of her and I related to the guys how I should just take her. Well Frank Casio was one of the guys at the table and I joked with him to go and talk with her since he was the king of Mayorista and he should check her out for us guests at his rooming house (Franks place ). So he calls her to the table and one of the younger guys take her.

After a while he comes back all excited and starts to say how this girl is a stone freak. The whole deal, spitting on his menber, slapping her face with it, wanting her ass smacked and a real cowgirl experence. Right away the other young guy at the table jumps up and takes her for a spin. He comes back with the same exact report. So I think I will take her the next night as I already had one of my regulars in line for a session.

She was as good as they said and during our stay that time we gave her the handle of Porn Star.

OK to answer the possible PM's on this matter I will say the best way to locate her is to look for a blonde in her early 20's who always wears high top sneakers BTW she never takes them off.

If you decide to try her out I have one word of caution. You must bring your A game. She will put a hurting on your dick if you come up a little lame. I sugest either Vitiman V or C. They are pink high top converses to be exact. Haha

03-26-11, 23:50
I was reading that you should call a taxi company to have a driver pick you up from where you are. Do you guys do this or do you have a personal driver you call when your out there. Whats the best company to use out there.

03-27-11, 07:36
Hi guys.

I am a little overwhelmed with the number of forums in the Colombia section so I hope someone can help me out. Are there any places (disco's, clubs) in Bogota and Medellin where a lot of independent workin girls hang out? Like HELP in Rio de Janeiro, Black in Buenos Aires or Tequila Rocks in Lima? I'm looking for that kind of places because it feels like you're hunting but you can be confident about the outcome. Sex.) In these kind of places you can also find students or housewives that make a little extra on the side and not only the hardened sex pros.

And are there any termas in Bogota or Medellin like 4x4, Centaurus etc in Rio?

Hope someone can help me!



03-27-11, 08:01
I asked this question when I first came to this board. No help. No termas. Strip clubs and casas only. Sex on location at both.

03-27-11, 13:25
Hi guys.

I am a little overwhelmed with the number of forums in the Colombia section so I hope someone can help me out. Are there any places (disco's, clubs) in Bogota and Medellin where a lot of independent workin girls hang out? Like HELP in Rio de Janeiro, Black in Buenos Aires or Tequila Rocks in Lima? I'm looking for that kind of places because it feels like you're hunting but you can be confident about the outcome. Sex.) In these kind of places you can also find students or housewives that make a little extra on the side and not only the hardened sex pros.

And are there any termas in Bogota or Medellin like 4x4, Centaurus etc in Rio?

Hope someone can help me!


KanithaIn short. No.

You can always hunt and explore the various casas and clubs in Medellin for the easy-going, non-hardened pros, however, as discussed many times on this forum, Medellin lacks the type of club you and many others, including me, would love to visit.

Try Cartagena. There are various clubs of this type there, including the famous la Dolce Vita.

Good luck

03-27-11, 20:17
Hi guys.

I am a little overwhelmed with the number of forums in the Colombia section so I hope someone can help me out. Are there any places (disco's, clubs) in Bogota and Medellin where a lot of independent workin girls hang out? Like HELP in Rio de Janeiro, Black in Buenos Aires or Tequila Rocks in Lima? I'm looking for that kind of places because it feels like you're hunting but you can be confident about the outcome. Sex.) In these kind of places you can also find students or housewives that make a little extra on the side and not only the hardened sex pros.

And are there any termas in Bogota or Medellin like 4x4, Centaurus etc in Rio?

Hope someone can help me!


KanithaUnfortunately no termas exist in Medellin. A real shame as I love this and always make time to hit these up in SXM as there are 7 of these types of places. A few of them I would hang out in even when I was not looking for pussy as they were great hang outs off the beaten path, lots of girls there if necessary, no minimus and drinks cheaper than in tourist hangouts. Also open earlier and stay open later than the tourist places (11AM until 3AM). Sit at the bar, drink a few beers while watching a pro sporting event that I have money riding on from the sportsbook casino. Women walking around in lingere.

To me Medellin is still worth it even if the game is little different.

03-27-11, 21:04
Termas are one of the great experiences in life. Alas, they're only found in Rio (although I hear the FKK clubs in Germany are similar).

03-27-11, 21:11
Just got back from a quick trip to Medellin. Meet a friend there a retired pilot I've known since we were kids in Chicago. All you guys have talked about is true. I need to get back sooon.

Thanks to all.

03-27-11, 21:15
I was reading that you should call a taxi company to have a driver pick you up from where you are. Do you guys do this or do you have a personal driver you call when your out there. Whats the best company to use out there.Although I have hailed taxis numerous times in Medellin it's best advised to call a taxi company and have them dispatch a taxi to pick you up. This way there's a record of which driver took the call. The best taxi company IMO is Flota Bernal,


I've never had a problem with them.

03-28-11, 08:11
Can anyone answer a question if there are any swinger clubs in Medellin?


John Gault
03-28-11, 15:27
Questions I need answered:

1). Where can a guy go and get non-pros in Medellin?

2). Is it difficult to get todo noche with a prepago in Medellin?

3). How much should you pay for todo noche? Short time?

4). Do they like gringos in Medellin?

5). Is there a place similar to what the disco Help was in Medellin?

6). Where is a good place for a newbee to stay in Medellin?

7). Do the girls prefer a young guy who speaks limited spanish over a older guy with money who speaks spanish?

8). Are the taxi's safe?

9). If I do the girls really good, is it difficult to get rid of them?

10). Is it ok to wear shorts, t-shirts, and sandels in Medellin?

11). Is it a good idea to wear a condom with the girls in Medellin?

The Colombia board has so many different threads, that it confuses me because of all the information, so I am hoping you senior members can put the food on the plate for me. One last question for you veterans, can I get by on $50 to $75. 00 dollars a day for food, lodging, and entertainment, and still have a good time. I was told by another member that Nibu Rafael can, and some old guy from the east coast who goes by the name of Johnny Jump up Gault can, but the member who gave me this information does not have much experience in Medellin or Colombia for that matter, so I thought I would ask the forum senior members. OK since you mentioned my name Mr. Wise Guy I will you respond to all your questions.

1. On the Metro.

2. Yes.

3. $5 short time, $10 TLN.

4. No.

5. Yes Mango's, guys like you will love it there as the high class girls who go there would just love to meet you.

6. Calle 53, Av. De Grieff.

7. They really prefer a old ugly fat guy who has no money over a guy like you who is most likely very handsome and speaks good Spanish and has plenty of money to spend on them. Also I bet you dress like you read GQ.

8. Yes they are safe, but try to find one that is unmnarked and even better yet if you see one that has a extra guy in it then by all means pick that one.

9. You will have no problem getting rid of them I am sure.

10. Only thing is when you wear your sandels make sure you also have socks on.

11. Since I'm sure your immune system is just tip top I think you will be ok bareback. Why not even try anal without one.

To answer your last question of getting by on $50 to $75 a day in MDE I think after you are in place a while and learn the ropes of Poblado then in no time you will find a rich and beautiful Chica there who will let you stay with her for free and also pay for everything else.

I now see why you have problems with a lot of my fellow board menbers. You are a stupid Fuck who does not want to do his homework, but wants to be spoonfed and hand held.

Stay in the USA and also stay off this board till you grow up and instead of breaking balls do your home work and then when you come home after a nice trip then post a trip report instead of blasting other members who are looking to get valuble info from us Senior menbers.

03-28-11, 15:31
OK since you mentioned my name Mr. Wise Guy I will you respond to all your questions.

1. On the Metro.

2. Yes.

3. $5 short time, $10 TLN.

4. No.

5. Yes Mango's, guys like you will love it there as the high class girls who go there would just love to meet you.

6. Calle 53, Av. De Grieff.

7. They really prefer a old ugly fat guy who has no money over a guy like you who is most likely very handsome and speaks good Spanish and has plenty of money to spend on them. Also I bet you dress like you read GQ.

8. Yes they are safe, but try to find one that is unmnarked and even better yet if you see one that has a extra guy in it then by all means pick that one.

9. You will have no problem getting rid of them I am sure.

10. Only thing is when you wear your sandels make sure you also have socks on.

11. Since I'm sure your immune system is just tip top I think you will be ok bareback. Why not even try anal without one.

To answer your last question of getting by on $50 to $75 a day in MDE I think after you are in place a while and learn the ropes of Poblado then in no time you will find a rich and beautiful Chica there who will let you stay with her for free and also pay for everything else.

I now see why you have problems with a lot of my fellow board menbers. You are a stupid Fuck who does not want to do his homework, but wants to be spoonfed and hand held.

Stay in the USA and also stay off this board till you grow up and instead of breaking balls do your home work and then when you come home after a nice trip then post a trip report instead of blasting other members who are looking to get valuble info from us Senior menbers. Wow! Thanks for the tips! .

I think we should petition for "Medellin NEWBIES forum" to cut down on the clutter in here that B. H. So eloquently brought forward!

03-28-11, 16:14
That was pretty god damn funny!

03-28-11, 17:35
1). Where can a guy go and get non-pros in Medellin?I have just come back from Medellin and I can tell you girls like to give you a little and in little time.

I don't like very much Medellin but I can tell there are wonderful girls.

03-28-11, 19:34
Thank you for all your antagonistic and sarcastic words Johnny Jumpup Gault. Is this what the forum is all about these days. I guess things were better when it was on full moderation, as it would eliminate personal attacks like you just brought against me for asking some serious questions that would not only benefit me, but other new comers to Medellin as well.

I hope Jackson sees this personal attack of yours Johnny Jumpup and puts you on notice, or bans you all together, as it serves no positive purpose to the Medellin thread, or the Colombia forum. This is not your first personal attack, or your first attempt to start a flame war, as it seems to be happening quite often these days.

If any other members would be so kind to answer my questions for the 1000th time, it would be greatly appreciated, because there is so much information on the Colombia board, and so many threads that it would make me have to spend hours going back reading it all, and my eyes always get very tired after I am reading for about 10 to 15 minutes.

Does anyone know if there is a bar like HELP which was a famous bar in Rio de Janiero before its closing for prepagos in Medellin, Bogota, or Cali? Also, will I get alot of non-pro action because I am a gringo and very good looking, not to mention I have been told by many girls who are 10's on the scale in looks that I am the best of the best of lovers sexually?

Again, your kindness in helping answering my questions is very appreciated, but please leave the flaming, sarcasm, and antagonistic behavior out of it, as there are enough assholes on here like Johnny Jumpup.

I am also looking forward to the trip reports of several posters such as Tar Heel Bred, Whispering Ho, and others who requested information from various threads here on the ISG, but have failed to report back to us with their experiences despite having completed there trips. Did the 10's tell you that you were the best after or before you paid them for sex?

Que Rico
03-29-11, 03:39
Questions I need answered:

1). Where can a guy go and get non-pros in Medellin?

2). Is it difficult to get todo noche with a prepago in Medellin?

3). How much should you pay for todo noche? Short time?

4). Do they like gringos in Medellin?

5). Is there a place similar to what the disco Help was in Medellin?

6). Where is a good place for a newbee to stay in Medellin?

7). Do the girls prefer a young guy who speaks limited spanish over a older guy with money who speaks spanish?

8). Are the taxi's safe?

9). If I do the girls really good, is it difficult to get rid of them?

10). Is it ok to wear shorts, t-shirts, and sandels in Medellin?

11). Is it a good idea to wear a condom with the girls in Medellin?

The Colombia board has so many different threads, that it confuses me because of all the information, so I am hoping you senior members can put the food on the plate for me. One last question for you veterans, can I get by on $50 to $75. 00 dollars a day for food, lodging, and entertainment, and still have a good time. I was told by another member that Nibu Rafael can, and some old guy from the east coast who goes by the name of Johnny Jump up Gault can, but the member who gave me this information does not have much experience in Medellin or Colombia for that matter, so I thought I would ask the forum senior members.Yeah you were attacked and he was quite sarcastic but no offense Mr Blackhawk but if you read even 5 minutes of info on mongering on any board about any country you would have half the answers to your questions.

Never bang a hooker without a condom! Duh

Girls prefer money, it dosent matter how good your spanish is but better spanish gets better session.

Shorts and sandels? Is that a joke? Whenever traveling to a third world country you want to try and blend in. Gringos are known to wear sandels and shorts and Don Ho flower shirts. If you are a gringo the colombian Criminals know you have alot of money and you are stupid and don't even know how to call the police and they know you won't fight back, they don't care if they kill you it dosent bother them at all.

Look you insulted peoples intelligence by asking such rediculous questions. We share alot of info on the boards to help protect eachother maybe you should ready for awhile. Newbies stay at the casa blanca hotel you can meet other people like yourself there and they will put the food on your plate as you wish. Cuidado amigo. QR

03-29-11, 06:29
Questions I need answered:

1). Where can a guy go and get non-pros in Medellin?

2). Is it difficult to get todo noche with a prepago in Medellin?

3). How much should you pay for todo noche? Short time?

4). Do they like gringos in Medellin?

5). Is there a place similar to what the disco Help was in Medellin?

6). Where is a good place for a newbee to stay in Medellin?

7). Do the girls prefer a young guy who speaks limited spanish over a older guy with money who speaks spanish?

8). Are the taxi's safe?

9). If I do the girls really good, is it difficult to get rid of them?

10). Is it ok to wear shorts, t-shirts, and sandels in Medellin?

11). Is it a good idea to wear a condom with the girls in Medellin?

One last question for you veterans, can I get by on $50 to $75. 00 dollars a day for food, lodging, and entertainment, and still have a good time.Black Hawk69,

1. Where can a guy go and get non-pros in Medellin?

Right now one of the best places is called La Strada which is 2 floors of mini bars and two discos and a a large Martini bar on the second floor. It is right around the corner from Casa Blanca 1 (which I will detail later).

2. Is it difficult to get todo noche with a prepago in Medellin?

No, not at all. Just work out the right price and she's yours for the night.

3. How much should you pay for todo noche? Short time?

YMMV but in general $100, 000 cop to $150, 000 cop for ST (at your place). TLN average is $200, 000 cop to $350, 000 cop.

4. Do they like gringos in Medellin?

Yes they do. I have never really seen any evidence that Colombians in Medellin dislike Gringos. Of course the do dislike it when Gringos go to their fancy restaurants with loud and raunchy prepagos.

5. Is there a place similar to what the disco Help was in Medellin?

No, not in Medellin. In fact in Colombia I believe the only place that compares to a HELP disco would be in Cartagena called LDV = La Dolce Vita in the Laguita area. And to a lesser degree Tu Candeleria in Cartagena's Old City.

6. Where is a good place for a newbee to stay in Medellin?

I always respond to this question with the same answer and that is Casa Blanca 1 or 2. It simply is a great way for a newbie to get his feet wet. Casa Blanca 1 is more lively and more action takes place there. Casa Blanca 2 is uphill 3 blocks away and is more laid back. Many guys sing the praises of both places. Room rates are from $70 USD to about $110usd depending on amenities (note these prices are in USD).


7. Do the girls prefer a young guy who speaks limited spanish over a older guy with money who speaks spanish?

It really depends on the guy and of course the girl (I assume you mean non-pro). At times I have seen both kind of guys do quite well.

8. Are the taxi's safe?

In general yes. I only recommend an airport pick up from the international airport if coming in at night. Otherwise, during the day or coming on a national flight, hailing a taxi outside the airport is fine. In the city there really is no major occurrences of being robbed by the taxi driver. Of course at night there can be a case of the driver going "the long way" to squeeze a few extra pesos out of you.

9. If I do the girls really good, is it difficult to get rid of them?

No not really. I assume you mean non-pros. Keep in mind though that the girl is someone's daughter, sister, cousin, niece etc. This is Colombia and fucking a girl is one thing. Fucking a girl over is not a good idea.

10. Is it ok to wear shorts, t-shirts, and sandels in Medellin?

All are acceptable in the privacy of your residence. However, shorts are not acceptable fashion on the streets or generally any location in Medellin. Covered toe sandals are fine as well as T-shirts as long as it is not Tank Top style. Going out at night however you should drees better. A designer T-shirt or nice jeans and nice shoes is fine.

11. Is it a good idea to wear a condom with the girls in Medellin?

This is a question that every man needs to answer himself and not strangers on a Monger board.

One last question for you veterans, can I get by on $50 to $75. 00 dollars a day for food, lodging, and entertainment, and still have a good time.

At that price range you are looking at staying at a location like Frank's place. At $25 a day and visiting Mayorista and doing casa runs and eating on the cheap. But no way are you going to score with non pros with that small of a daily cash flow my friend. Will you have a good time? Well, again YMMV and depends on what a good time is to you.

I hope this helps. And like I said, I wish I had answered 1st before John Gault did because I was going to do the same thing. For example: 4). Do they like gringos in Medellin? I was going to answer: Sure they like Gringos, in fact they "like" beating the fuck out of Gringos. Haha! But he did give some great answers.

Now please someone bookmark this fricken answer for the next "newbie" asking the same questions.



03-29-11, 09:13
Is there a thin line between the prepagos and the non pros at la strada. I remember a post a while back that said almost all girls will accept money. Was that a false statement.

03-29-11, 14:33
Questions I need answered:

1). Where can a guy go and get non-pros in Medellin?

2). Is it difficult to get todo noche with a prepago in Medellin?

3). How much should you pay for todo noche? Short time?

4). Do they like gringos in Medellin?

5). Is there a place similar to what the disco Help was in Medellin?

6). Where is a good place for a newbee to stay in Medellin?

7). Do the girls prefer a young guy who speaks limited spanish over a older guy with money who speaks spanish?

8). Are the taxi's safe?

9). If I do the girls really good, is it difficult to get rid of them?

10). Is it ok to wear shorts, t-shirts, and sandels in Medellin?

11). Is it a good idea to wear a condom with the girls in Medellin?

The Colombia board has so many different threads, that it confuses me because of all the information, so I am hoping you senior members can put the food on the plate for me. One last question for you veterans, can I get by on $50 to $75. 00 dollars a day for food, lodging, and entertainment, and still have a good time. I was told by another member that Nibu Rafael can, and some old guy from the east coast who goes by the name of Johnny Jump up Gault can, but the member who gave me this information does not have much experience in Medellin or Colombia for that matter, so I thought I would ask the forum senior members.

Yeah you were attacked and he was quite sarcastic but no offense Mr Blackhawk but if you read even 5 minutes of info on mongering on any board about any country you would have half the answers to your questions ...

... Look you insulted peoples intelligence by asking such rediculous questions. We share alot of info on the boards to help protect eachother maybe you should ready for awhile. Newbies stay at the casa blanca hotel you can meet other people like yourself there and they will put the food on your plate as you wish. Cuidado amigo. QR
Black Hawk69,

... I hope this helps. And like I said, I wish I had answered 1st before John Gault did because I was going to do the same thing. For example: 4). Do they like gringos in Medellin? I was going to answer: Sure they like Gringos, in fact they "like" beating the fuck out of Gringos. Haha! But he did give some great answers.

Now please someone bookmark this fricken answer for the next "newbie" asking the same questions.


CubanutGreat answers from you guys to Black Hawk, however, except for JGault, I don't think you realize the Black Hawk was only being SARCASTIC in his questions.

He was mimicking all the recent, same question, repetetive posts.

Black Hawk has been around Colombia for quite some time now.

Travel Spirit
03-29-11, 14:52
Is La Strada better than Divina or Karma?

John Gault
03-29-11, 15:37
Great answers from you guys to Black Hawk, however, except for JGault, I don't think you realize the Black Hawk was only being SARCASTIC in his questions.

He was mimicking all the recent, same question, repetetive posts.

Black Hawk has been around Colombia for quite some time now. Ah Ricker, I see it is hard to pull the wool over your eyes.

03-29-11, 17:09
You are right my friend, but I was not being SARCASTIC on my post on the Cali thread about those sick mother fuckers who want to be shit and pissed on, have fingers and dildos rammed up there asses, who collect womens panties as a fetish, lick shit and assholes, carry around what they call a "kit" with alcohol wipes and so forth to wipe assholes, and the quality of the posters these days here on the ISG. This is factual information taken from these posters previous posts.

Thank you Ricker, MiamiHeatLuver, and Johnny Jumpup Gault for understanding the basis of my post that Ricker is referring to. This particular forum has become the joke of the ISG, after being one of the most special forums on the ISG for many years, as it is now filled with no peso gringos, posters with no knowledge of the culture of Colombia, posters who are lazy and want to be spoon fed, young mongers who have no etiquette on how to conduct themselves on international soil, unappreciative members who do not respect the knowledge and help of senior members, and who fail to contribute back to the forum, and a group of mongers who invaded Colombia from Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic, and then you have the sick fuckers I referred to above.

For you newbees seeking information, this is exactly why the experienced members on here are reluctant to share there information and knowledge. " lick assholes"

I lick their assholes, are you talking about me! But I usually make them take a shower first.

El Bacano
03-29-11, 18:31
It seems to me, that this forum is very diverse, some guys ask questions that others take as disrespectful, I just think that the veterans forget that some of these new guys are really just clueless, theres no reason to insult them, if you do want to offer any insight, just don't, as far as the wacked out sick people. I can understand your distaste, they must be weeded out from this forum, try to rember a hundred years ago when you were a rookie though, happy hunting.

03-29-11, 21:08
You are right my friend, but I was not being SARCASTIC on my post on the Cali thread about those sick mother fuckers who want to be shit and pissed on, have fingers and dildos rammed up there asses, who collect women's panties as a fetish, lick shit and assholes, carry around what they call a "kit" with alcohol wipes and so forth to wipe assholes, and the quality of the posters these days here on the ISG. This is factual information taken from these posters previous posts.

Thank you Ricker, MiamiHeatLuver, and Johnny Jumpup Gault for understanding the basis of my post that Ricker is referring to. This particular forum has become the joke of the ISG, after being one of the most special forums on the ISG for many years, as it is now filled with no peso gringos, posters with no knowledge of the culture of Colombia, posters who are lazy and want to be spoon fed, young mongers who have no etiquette on how to conduct themselves on international soil, unappreciative members who do not respect the knowledge and help of senior members, and who fail to contribute back to the forum, and a group of mongers who invaded Colombia from Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic, and then you have the sick fuckers I referred to above.

For you newbees seeking information, this is exactly why the experienced members on here are reluctant to share there information and knowledge. Gents, Out of all the boards I visit to ask an occasional question this one is the worst for getting answers. I have read the shit out of this board and and most of the answers are there but some are not. A while back I complimented and asked a couple of questions from cubanut. No reply from him. I guess I should have mentioned that I am extremely good looking an the girls sometimes pay me. Oh and they rub my bald spot for good luck.

Might as well try again w / some questions.

I read the going rate for CB chicas is 150/200k but there is no more info than that. Is that for 1 hr. 2 hrs.

At the casas, do these casa babes expect tips. What is the correct amount?

I read some casas offer drinks, do these casas have actual bars in them, or do they hand you a brew while you sit on some funky couch? I guess you can just hang around and drink or not?

What are the good reasonably priced escorts services that are reliable and deliver decent quality. In case I come home empty handed, I can still get a chica delivered to my room?

Where is a fitness center near the CB.

I like this board, but it is no fun sometimes being on the outside of the insiders. I found a way to get the info I needed, to feel confident enough to visit Medellin. I inboxed a couple guys and they were generous w / the info and I would do the same for any respectful mongerer. As for things getting worse as the op rants about, I say come on up to California, it's so pleasant!

One last IMPORTANT ISSUE. BH, please don't put panty collectors in the same boat as shit eaters. That's not right.

I hear they have 'used panty dispenser' machines in Japan. Appreciate any info always. Later.

03-29-11, 21:26
You are right my friend, but I was not being SARCASTIC on my post on the Cali thread about those sick mother fuckers who want to be shit and pissed on, have fingers and dildos rammed up there asses, who collect womens panties as a fetish, lick shit and assholes, carry around what they call a "kit" with alcohol wipes and so forth to wipe assholes, and the quality of the posters these days here on the ISG. This is factual information taken from these posters previous posts.

Thank you Ricker, MiamiHeatLuver, and Johnny Jumpup Gault for understanding the basis of my post that Ricker is referring to. This particular forum has become the joke of the ISG, after being one of the most special forums on the ISG for many years, as it is now filled with no peso gringos, posters with no knowledge of the culture of Colombia, posters who are lazy and want to be spoon fed, young mongers who have no etiquette on how to conduct themselves on international soil, unappreciative members who do not respect the knowledge and help of senior members, and who fail to contribute back to the forum, and a group of mongers who invaded Colombia from Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic, and then you have the sick fuckers I referred to above.

For you newbees seeking information, this is exactly why the experienced members on here are reluctant to share there information and knowledge. Shitting and Pissing fetishes? Holyyyy shit this place is going DOWNhill and fast, but I agree wholeheartedly with B. H. I would even go as fas as saying that Medellin is quickly getting to be on par as a Thailand or the Philippines. And all of that debauchery and perversions are JUST the things you know about.

P. S. Bro I thought we were sticking to the terms NMG= no money gringo, or the more recently adapted "Walmart Gringo" LOL

03-29-11, 22:18
Ah Ricker, I see it is hard to pull the wool over your eyes.Come on JG, besides your funny sarcastic reply, guys were replying to the BlackHawk post as if he was being serious.

Just pointing it out amigo. .

John Gault
03-29-11, 22:40
Shitting and Pissing fetishes? Holyyyy shit this place is going DOWNhill and fast, but I agree wholeheartedly with B. H. I would even go as fas as saying that Medellin is quickly getting to be on par as a Thailand or the Philippines. And all of that debauchery and perversions are JUST the things you know about.

P. S. Bro I thought we were sticking to the terms NMG= no money gringo, or the more recently adapted "Walmart Gringo" LOLPlease make some room in your maibox

Tiny 12
03-30-11, 01:30
Black Hawk, I was thinking your posts and the responses you generate are contributing a lot of clutter to the Colombia section of ISG. Then I read Gault's answers to your questions. Hilarious! Thanks Gault.

03-30-11, 01:41
What is La Strada? You walk down the hill to Ave. Poblado from CB 1 or 2, take a little right, and just past Burger King, on your right, you take the escalator up to the 2nd floor. On the 2nd floor there are several very relaxing places to have a beer, or a nice lunch or dinner. I love the 2nd floor because it's so relaxing, and you can appreciate the moment of being in paradise. The 3rd floor, has a Japanese restaurant, sushi and more, and some other bar-restaurants. Then the 4th floor, up more stairs, is a discoteca. I've never been to the disco, maybe it's really great, maybe not. Some people have said this whole La Strada is a great pick-up spot, but it has never seemed that way to me, not at all. I like to go with a girl, or for that matter with a dude friend, to have a beer and chill and appreciate being in paradise, without an immediate care in the world. So if someone thinks La Strada is Medellin's version of Help disco, that's not the case.

Sun Devil
03-30-11, 02:13
The name of the club on the 4th floor at La Strada is Crystal. The entrance fee is 15000 pesos per person. I went there last month and it was no big deal. Typical dance club with a bar that plays house music. When I go to Colombia, I can't be as debauch as when I go to the FKKs in Germany. Only girl that has ever done CIM with me was Wendy and Alejandra at CB1. However, Alejandra is now off the market since she is now Robert's girlfriend and has taken over Marci's position.

Frank Casio
03-30-11, 02:29
Hey guys,

I would lay off the name calling of less wealthy foreigners. That's why they come to Colombia, because it's cheaper. If you guys are so wealthy and generous why don't you all stay in the USA and pay $1000US an hour. But since you are cheap skates, what they call in Colombia "chichipatos" (wealthy, but cheap) you rather come to Colombia and pay much less. So stay off the name calling, I love Walmart, consider myself a Walmart Gringo and I'm not ashamed of it. So if you guys are so rich, high and mighty than don't come to La Mayorista to pick up cheap phucks, stay in Loutron and Fase ll and leave us Walmart Gringos in La Mayorista, we love it here!

Frank Casio!

Shitting and Pissing fetishes? Holyyyy shit this place is going DOWNhill and fast, but I agree wholeheartedly with B. H. I would even go as fas as saying that Medellin is quickly getting to be on par as a Thailand or the Philippines. And all of that debauchery and perversions are JUST the things you know about.

P. S. Bro I thought we were sticking to the terms NMG= no money gringo, or the more recently adapted "Walmart Gringo" LOL

Frank Casio
03-30-11, 02:40
Dear Frank!

Hope everything is fine with you, and that you have found a good paisa that you like.

I'm in Rio right now, and wanted to send you this personal message as you where talking about wanting to go to Rio and visiting (before closing) the Help disco.

I hold no stakes in any corner, and as things have change since my last visit to Rio in 2004, things have all changed for much the worse down here.

There is the neverending rambling on the forum regarding Rio vs Medellin.

That was a legit question a couple years ago, but after Help has closed and the political aims to make Rio a family destination, it has now come to one simple outcome in practical means:

Rio is over.

For the first time, newbee traveller, they might still find some things of intrest, but for a experienced guy like you, you would be deeply dissapointed, and probably think the whole hype was a big joke.

WHat you showed me in Medellin outdo the scene in Rio, by a big margin.

Maybe Medellin in not eather the same it was some 5 years ago, but the scene is at least alive. For example, you can't find a place like fase2 in Rio. It doesn't exist. The best stripjoint, barbarella is second even to Luna-luneras. And now we are talking about the best Rio offers these days.

For the non pro and pro girls, situation is the same. And prices are so high I find better prices even in Germany and Spain. (heck, even Brzilians in Panama City offers better rates)

Whap happened, If I make a guess, was the internet revolution. Not only for guys to learn where to hunt, but the girls also learned from their forums and friends where they could get the most money out of it.

Thats why you these days can find a lot of Brazilian girls working in Italy, Spain, Germany and even small countries like Sweden and Denmark.

Maybe the same thing happened in Medellin, that the girls started travelling the world as well (Panama, Equador, Peru and other destinations)

Heck, I even met Colombian girls in Bangkok in April, so It truly is a true, global world. For good and worse, it's just the way it is, and supply (girls) will always find demand (guy$) so maybe thats why the lack of stunners and easy pickup girl is hard to find these days. The girls also do travel (not to count those getting married abroad on top of that.)

So if you got a friend thinking about going to Rio, make him a favor by telling that if he goes for the girls, he better bring the big, deep wallet, and really downplay his expectations on quality.

To finish this personal letter, I bring you this little gift, so that you can say that you where here.

A short Photo-note:

I wasn't around when Studio54 was the center of gravity in the world of Disco early 80's, but the studio, the vibe, the people is gone now. And so is help, and so is Rio.

So this picture is actually the best to do from current state.

Have a good health, enjoy life, and best greetings,

Your friend, K.