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04-19-08, 07:22
I want to be like Uncle Jack when I get old! :)

Well, it's good to see that at least one person out there can verify what I've tried to say now and then. That there is a high-end with some really stunning women, and that most of these are off-limits to the turistas unless you're hanging out with the right Colombians and are not just around for a few days.

In any case, if the street scene or the low-end casas are your thing, by all means enjoy it. I'm not all that crazy about them, but I've had decent/interesting experiences at those places too.

Just don't expect Sofia Vergara or Andrea Rincon types to pop up. :)

Wolfy Baby
04-19-08, 09:25
Is that ALL the women we deal with have to be treated with respect; this is especially important to bear in mind for visitors to country as potentially dangerous as Colombia. Doing so only enhances the experience for all parties involved. The inevitable sucess of a place like the Mansion does, unfortunately, have the side affect of drawing down some more unsavory, cheap-charlie types, who just a few years ago, would never have ventured beyond the relatively safe havens of the D. R. , or Costa Rica.

While I recently had a great visit renewing friendships with the Aussie and MDE Bob, as well as meeting new friends, my stomach would would turn as a particular 'monger' would proudly relate over breakfast how he would complain to a casa manager if a girl he just banged for an hour for 50k, had the temerity to ask him for a tip! Not to mention, never chipping in for the bill, but still hanging with the group at Mango's. I hope he recognizes himself here. "Ugly Americans" like him give us ALL a bad name.

04-19-08, 11:36
My best sexual memories have not been from the prettiest girls I have met, but more the kind of "girl next door" type with a extraordinary sexlust.

And even that I have never fucked a "true famous" celebrity fashiongirl, I can judge from their leaked sexvideos on the internet that the sex they provide is not on pair with what most males would call "hot sex".

However, I have had some really, really good sex with quite a few girls next door.

Bottomline: I'm in it for the fun sex. If you want surface, buy a fashion magazine.

Best regards / Ken Apples

I want to be like Uncle Jack when I get old! :)

Well, it's good to see that at least one person out there can verify what I've tried to say now and then. That there is a high-end with some really stunning women, and that most of these are off-limits to the turistas unless you're hanging out with the right Colombians and are not just around for a few days.

In any case, if the street scene or the low-end casas are your thing, by all means enjoy it. I'm not all that crazy about them, but I've had decent/interesting experiences at those places too.

Just don't expect Sofia Vergara or Andrea Rincon types to pop up. :)

Aussie Greg
04-19-08, 12:24
I asked my girlfirnd Cata yesterday, when we go out with a group to Mangos or where ever with a group of our guests and there escorts so to speak!

(at time's we have large groups at Mango's and resturants) every body will think you are the same as the escorts si o no! She said to me si, claro, don't you feel a little uneasy, she said yes I do but I don't care, a am really with you and this is your job to take people/guests out for a good time, we have been together for a year and a half.

I also asked her, are there many girls living off older men at all these Universities, she told me, ¨you wouldn't believe how many¨ I said to her yes I do.

I would say that every man here in Medellin who has money and a wife and children has a mistress, or two, even my father inlaw's from both my girlfriends.

Generally, Paisa's look down on Gringo's (and even other Colombian's from other parts of Colombia) now even more so, before when I was first here no.

Anyway, thats my two cents worth.

A. G.

04-19-08, 12:31
I am setting up a trust fund to help the girls here in Medellin. The girls that I have been with will all be taken care of for the rest of their lives. My children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are a bunch of spoiled brats who deserve nothing. My last days on this earth have been filled with happiness by a group of prostitutes and a couple prepagos. It is quit remarkable that things unfolded how they have, but they have, and that is how it is.I'm glad you filled the story in a bit, it makes a lot more sense in context!

My hat off to you, that's quite a piece of philanthropy.

Aussie Greg
04-19-08, 13:15
Who was the gringo that was shot in the passagers side driving down 33rd street this last week ? (4 bullets in his side but he lived, well he´s still alive)

His girlfrind was driving and she was killed, apparently they were after her!


04-19-08, 13:21
I am rotating about 5 chicas, paying between 30,000 to 100,000 and they get coming back and asking if they can bring friends. One amiga works in a disco for 25,000 a day so my additional 30,000 three days a week comes in real handy.

Count Dante
04-19-08, 14:19
I was also put off by Uncle Jack's first post, although I agreed with a large portion of the content. I was also confused as to his choices based on my limited experience with Colombia. I saw Americans living in Colombia with 1 or more extremely beautiful girlfriends and while some were paying like Uncle Jack, several were paying for little more than dinner and transportation. In these cases the girls really were girlfriends, not girls on their payroll who were pretending to be their girlfriends.

His second post explained a lot more, and his third post explained more still. He has a great granddaughter that spent $20K on her own birthday. Considering that, my guess is that Uncle Jack is his LATE 70's to 80's. The fact that he is wealthy and lives permanently in Colombia, opens up opportunities that most guys who only visit once or twice a year will never see. At the same time, his age limits the ability to fully use the venues that a lot of mongers on this board like, whether he would want to try those locations or not. Can you actually imagine an 80 something year old man trolling Mayorista or hitting several strip clubs every night looking for a 30 min lay? It is a much safer, convenient, and smarter course of action to have these two college students come by his house every day and give him what he wants. I find that a lot of the older guys tend to gravitate towards having a steady girl they call (they tend to lease, instead of rent).

Just as guys who live in Medellin have more options than guys who don't, and guys who have more money have more options than guys who don't, guys in their late 20's to early 50's have more (or shall we say different) options than guys in their 80's. Personally I hope to be like Uncle Jack when I am in my 80's, with 2 hot teenagers worshiping me. Seeing how my grandpa lived when he was in his 80's, I admire the lifestyle of Uncle Jack. It beats eating creamed corn while waiting to die in some nursing home. But right now, I'm 31 years old, and having the same two girls every day, no matter how beautiful they are, would bore the hell out of me.

I don't pay these girls for companionship. I pay them to fuck and leave. I can get companionship for free in the U. S. In fact, that is the problem for me in the States. Pretty girls are willing to fuck me, but they want a "relationship" to go with it. I can't be tied down to one girl at this time in my life, no matter how pretty, because eventually I will get bored. I know several guys who monger in Costa Rica and Colombia that are like that. Some of us WANT the random, wild, sex with a Mayorista girl, Mansion girl or stripper. Truth be told, there is something thrilling about hunting in the low end strip clubs and streets and finding that diamond in the rough. We aren't looking for someone to worship us, we want someone to fuck us and leave. Now, I have spent time with putas, hung out with them and done fun (non-sexual) things, but I am not paying for that shit.

I absolutely agree with his point about being respectful to these women. I disagree about negotiating on price, however. These girls (if they are smart) will start off with an inflated price if they think you can afford it and will pay it. However, I find that once I speak to them (in Spanish) and I inform them that I know what the standard price is, they have no problem agreeing to a more realistic number. Perhaps it is different in Medellin, but in most of my time in Latin America, the concept of negotiating for price is generally respected. In fact, I have had several Colombianas tell me about how little they respect guys who just spend money like it was water. They will take the cash, but they won't respect the guy that is giving it.

This certainly isn't to say that the girls Uncle Jack is playing with don't respect him. The fact is, he is operating at a completely different level than most of us, and in most cases with a very different type of girl. Between his residency, his wealth, and his age, he is much more playing the roll of sugar daddy than monger. No problem there, everyone has there own style. Me, I don't even like TLNs.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-19-08, 14:21
Uncle Jack,

It seems that you have a lot of resentment and you use your great wealth to purchase what you want.

I too come from that kind of family but I broke away from that when I was 20 and my mother told me she would disown me (as if I am property) for my engagement to a Puerto Rican who was not of the same faith. What to do? I moved out and held on to my freedom the money I earned on my own. While I was not rich when the inheritance came five years ago, I turned it way with out any gratification but a tax write-off.

To make a long chapter short, it seems you use you great wealth to control/buy people. If you choice the Cadillac that is fine for you but do not disguise it for what it is, you are using your money to find a woman who will worship you (because of your money) not them worship you for who you are. Anything to monger!

Sorry about your grandchildren but your two putas are no different; they will not die if you were too cut them off the will just move on to the next guy.

A little curious: it is very nice what you did for that little girl but, Woody Allen you did not say what she gives up to you. Just out of the kindness of your heart or do you just like slumming occasionally.

What I am talking about here is RESPECT not how much you guys are actually paying. If you people make an agreement to pay 50,000 pesos then that is a perfectly legitimate deal but there is no reason to act in such a disrespectful manner.

Let me explain using the example of the clowns I overheard at the restaurant. They were all talking shit about how they found girls the night before for 50,000 pesos and talked them down to 40,000. They were laughing about this and generally acting like complete idiots.

Well, these girls who are working for 50,000 pesos have had a hard life. They are there on the street because they cannot be anywhere else. And I assure you that they would rather be ANYWHERE else. I then see a group of much older men from the United States bragging how they talked down a poor girl by about $5.00.

I really got to wonder about these people. It just blows my mind that people like these clowns actually exist. You were born in the richest most powerful nation on earth yet are so low that you take pride in talking an impoverished girl down $5. 00.

Did you ever think that maybe she needs the money for something important? Even if it is not important I assure you she needs the money more than you do. I wondered if these Americans were all working for minimal wage so $5. 00 was a lot of money for them or if they all just had some sort of psychological disorder. When you see a girl on the street like that you should offer her more than what she asks simply because you can.

About 5 years ago I met a girl here who was working as a prostitute because her mother was very I'll. She could not afford to be in a private clinic and felt her mother would die without being in one. I sent someone directly to this clinic to see if she was telling the truth and it was true. I then went to the clinic and met her mother personally. The girl had quit school to work as a prostitute so she could help her mother.

I told the girl if she went back to school I would pay all that her mother needed. The clinic billed me each month until her mother eventually died. I ended up spending over 20 thousand dollars but I felt it was worth it. That girl has now completed college and has a future. I still see her once in a while and love her like she was my child.

My own great grandchildren are a bunch of self centered spoiled brats. I warned each one of them several years ago that they would be disinherited if they did not immediately change their lifestyles. They didn’t. Indeed, I just heard one spent about $20, 000 on her own birthday party. I sent her a birthday card the next day with a photo of a big zero on it so she knows her share of the inheritance. They think they will be able to still get my money after my death but they are in for a big shocker since every last penny is going to a charitable trust here in Medellin. The money has already been transferred outside of the United States and they are not going to be able to touch a dime.

My whole point here is most of you guys have a lot more than any of these girls will ever have and you should not take pride in being as cheap as you possibly can. These girls need to be shown kindness and respect. They are not standing on that street because they want to be. They are human beings who have been dealt a bad hand in life while most of you were born into the land of opportunity but it seems apparent that you never utilized those opportunities.

04-19-08, 14:40
Well I decided to stay in Laurelas for a few night because its near the Metro and its a 10 minute train ride to Centro. I arrived on Tuesday, grabbed a cab at the airport and arrived at the hotel within 40 minutes for 48,000 pesos.

The metro is loaded with so many hot chicas, that I could ride that thing all day long.

I started off at Athena and they had 8 chicas of which I wanted 4. One remembered me from last time and called the other two that were in her group and they have been coming over daily for 50,000 each.

I walked around BJ park and meet 2 street chicas that I hung around awile with and I don´t think I will have time for them this trip at all. I did have lunch with one hot one but I didn´t see her went I went thru the next day.

I went to new life and they had 15 there so I choose one asked her about coming back afterwards and she said 250,000 per night. I told her I will be here 12 nights and 100,000 was my limit. She just left here about an hour ago, our 4th night together. She arrives on time nightly.

I went to Sexy and they have two for one for 50,000 for 45 minutes. I had 4 sessions there and I showed the picture of my all night chica to the blonde and she likes her. I showed the all nighter the blonde last night and she likes her as well. Both are Bi and I shall have the blonde over on Monday hopefully.

Bell Suites had about 5 and I passed. I went to Kamasutra and they are doing the two for one for an hour for 45,000. I had a session and they wanted to come back for 120,000 each but I explained I pay about 50,000 and they quickly agreed. Maybe Monday, maybe Tuesday, I will see.

I have been using that map and its extremely helpful. Some casa have 12 or more working while others have about 8. There is no way I will get to all 30 casas this trip.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-19-08, 14:54
Even though I have nowhere the resources this man has, I understand his point of view. Every human being deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, especially when we travel to their lands. I have seen how disrespectful other people from the U. S. treat people in their lands. Usually, and deservedly in many cases, the locals don't tolerate the abuse. That's how, in many occasions, you hear of people getting their asses kicked. A lot of times, we don't see how our culture may clash with the host's way of living. At the same time, nickeling and diming providers can only result in one thing: Bad service. In all my travels, I've had bad service in 2 occasions; however, if you meet enough providers, you are bound to find an awful one from time to time. From my perspective, it is still not a good practice to complain in public or humiliate anyone for what happened. It is only money. I know for a fact that I will get it back. People are fighting everyday for bread and shelter in these countries, so they will do anything to get it. We are not entitled to dismiss their practices as it is us that are leaving the confines of our society to take advantage of theirs. As long as what you do makes you happy, does not offend anyone, or break the law, go for it. After all, we are all pursuing the same thing, our happiness. There is no need for put downs, accusations of price inflation, nickel and diming providers, etc. We all know our limits, so we need to stick to them and not worry about what the other guy does.

[QUOTE=Uncle Jack]What I am talking about here is RESPECT not how much you guys are actually paying. If you people make an agreement to pay 50,000 pesos then that is a perfectly legitimate deal but there is no reason to act in such a disrespectful manner.

Member #3435
04-19-08, 15:24
What Uncle Jack is basically saying is that he wants us to leave the chicas to the rich like him because we can't or choose not to pay what he can.

Let someone with Bill Gates' money go down and tell Uncle Jack that he's a piker for not giving the girls what Bill can, and I'll bet he would make the same arguments as we do against what he is saying.

Some of the guys on this board don't even make $45k net and even if they wanted to pay what Uncle Jack suggests is appropriate, they wouldn't have the money to eat or even get home.

I am not attacking the man, only his elitist attitude and his attack on we papis pobres.

Not everyone can abandon his family, move to Colombia, and spend his life savings on Colombianas.I don't get that from his posts at all. For me, his main point is that it pains him to see gringo low lifes acting stupid in public and routinely disrespectful to the girls. He's just articulating it to the community. Maybe he got fed up with it and just decided to let them have with both barrells. This board is better for it.

I've run into and seen the same types, albeit in many different forms, my whole travelling life. IMO, they should never step outside the US and I avoid them like the plague.

Member #3435
04-19-08, 15:28
My answer:

Who is disrespecting whom? Whenever there is a transaction that took place both parties are happy, right? Why the name calling about American "scum"?Because they are.

Shafty 7
04-19-08, 17:51
Like all of us Uncle Jack is both very insightful and willfully ignorant at the same time.

He is right on when he says that mongers need to treat the paisas with respect. This is a universal truism that doesn't go away just because you change you whole latitude.

However, he is just plain too comfortable in his own income bracket to understand the middle class type of guys who mostly frequent the mansion. Inflation is also a universal truism that Uncle Jack is mostly shielded from by a relatively large financial nestegg and a relatively short remaining life expectancy.

He is swimming in completely different waters than the typical mansion monger and so is basically coming here with an apples to oranges economic argument. Of course the common gringo is concerned about inflation in prices. To fail to recognize this as a real concern is just ignorant.

Secondly, despite what anyone of the "high rollers" here writes, Aussie Greg included, the pool of chicas that the typical mansion style middle class gringo monger is likely to be able to afford absolutely dwarfs the pool of chicas that the high rollers are talking about. By definition there will be more middle class mongers, both gringos and colombians, than there will be high rollers.

However, the paisas who are in the places that mansion mongers normally frequent - Mansion girls, San Diego, Face Dos, and about a dozen parlors - is actually quite small. Without a conscious effort to avoid paying higher prices, over time inflation will ensue.

I have been traveling to Medellin since December of 2003. On my first trip Loutron, the popular parlor, was 80k pesos and the dollar was trading at 2800 to 1. Thats $28.57 a pop gentlemen. Loutron is now 175k and the dollar is hovering around 1800 to 1. Thats $97.22 folks, a 340% increase in 4 1/2 years. Gas hasn't gone up that much.

I'm not arguing that Medellin isn't still a great place to enjoy a great time, but at this rate lots of folks will be getting priced out.

Better recognize.


04-19-08, 19:52
I retired and moved to Medellin almost 8 years ago. I have been reading this forum for a few months to get the occasional chuckle. But I finally got to jump in here and straighten things out since you guys have no idea what you are talking about.

Gringos do not set the price of pussy in Medellin except in places where gringos all hang out. Indeed, your influence in this area is so small outside of the mansion that it is laughable.

I bet no one on this forum has ever actually met the type of girl the rich Colombians are screwing. These girls would not be seen dead with a tourist gringo. They are getting probably the equivalent of $1000 USD a night from Colombian men.

Yes, that is not a mistake, I am talking 2 million pesos or more for TLN. You guys think you can compete with that?

There are top notch girls in Medellin that can get whatever they want. I am talking genuine models not wannabies. Many of the University students have Colombian Sugar Daddies that pay their entire tuition, books and other expenses. But I assure you that 99. 999% of the University students are not going to be seen in public with a gringo. These girls are very aware of their class position and realize that most of the gringos in Medellin are poor low class scum in the United States. These girls only date Colombians, or in the rare case rich gringos that live in Medellin.

I myself have lots of money and mingle with the upper class Colombians. I also speak perfect Spanish. Almost every wealthy Colombian I know has at least one mistress and they treat them like a princess, money, school, clothes, etc. Etc. Why would these girls want to be with some lowlife gringo who thinks he can give her $50?

One of my Colombian friends introduced me to his mistress. She is a girl that looks better than any of the Mango dancers. She attends the University of Medellin on his dime. Not only is she drop dead gorgeous but she is also smart and speaks English to some degree. She is a real "prepago" not some gringo puta. She will probably be with him until she graduates and gets a real job. She would never be described as a wh0re since she is with only this one guy until he dumps her.

She introduced me to two of her friends that I am now maintaining. The only way these girls agreed to meet a gringo was because of good references from the friend and the fact that I live here and have lots of money. I am seen as an investor here not as a tourist, and that was the big difference that allowed me to meet them.

Here is how things unfolded. The first girl was brought over to my house. I had to take her out for diner and talk to her so she would decide if she wanted to become my prepago. She had no sexual contact the first day. She then called me the next day and said that she would be my "girlfriend". She then came over and fucked my brains out. She never asked for one peso for the first couple of weeks. When it came time to pay her tuition the bill magically appeared in my office. We both understand that this is how it works but there is never any discussion of money. In her eyes she is not a wh0re but just a girl who needs a way to have an education.

The second girl got connected with me in the exact same way and our relationship is almost exactly identical. They know I am with more than one girl, and the occasional puta, but that is ok as long as it is not talked about.

So how much does it end up costing when I do the math? I would say about $2000 USD a month for each girl. I rotate the two girls every night so they are screwing me about 15 times a month. That works out to about $135 USD a night which is really cheap when I do the math like that.

In exchange for $4000 a month I get two girls that worship the ground I walk on. Normally one will come over in the evening about 6:00pm and we will have diner, talk about her school, and then fuck for a couple of hours. In the morning we will fuck again and then she will go off to school. Both of them are drop dead gorgeous teenagers. One is 18 and the other is 19. They could easily be Mango dancers but they would not lower themselves to that. They do not use condoms and have both been tested. They treat me exactly like they would their Colombian boyfriend. When they graduate they will go on to have normal jobs unlike many of the girls in Medellin who aspire to only be putas all their lives.

These girls are pure quality that can demand whatever price they want and get it. You are not going to find them hanging out in Mangos or within 10 miles of the mansion. You might see them in Parque Llerras but they are not going to talk to you. You know the girls you see in Llerras that are "stuck up", well the reason they are like that is they know most of the gringos are lowlifes and that a Colombian man will treat them like a princess.

All you guys who are with 50, 000 pesos girls have no idea what is out there. If you have money, real money, and you live here, then you really can have some of the most beautiful woman on the planet. These are what the Colombians call "prepagos" not the girls that mix with the outsiders.Gentlemen

Why is Uncle Jacks point of view shocking to some? He is so spot on its not funny! God Bless him for giving blunt reality in this forum! Bottom line. In society circles anywhere in the world this holds true. Living in Los Angeles especially! When I first arrived and was making my why up the industry ladder. I dating some nice looking women. Now 15 years later at the top of my game in my profession and the money that goes along with it. No more hot waitresses. I've now finally go into the holy grail of "Playboy" type of women. 15 years ago I used to see these women with the older guys and wonder why? And mind you. I'm a decent lookiing educated guy with a good personality and such but couldn't get more than a first date back then. These girls would size you up on that first date. And if they didn't think you were gonna afford them what they needed. That phone would not be picked up again. Is it cristal clear now? . Wealth and position in any part of the world at any time in history always has and will bear the fruit of that. The average guy drives a nice Ford. People in my circles drive nice Mercedes and such. Some men hire maids while other date maids. Bottom line is beautiful women cost money. Alot of it. And not everybody can afford it. Trips, shopping, getting hair and nails done. Nice dinners, entertaiment cost, acting classes etc etc. Hell. A girl I'm dating wanted to see the Lakers. Cost me $1200 for the night. These type of girls arent gonna sit in the 3rd level gentlemen. Buy those tickets. It will be the last time you see her. She'll find the guy that will buy the floor seats in one day having lunch with her friends at Sunset Plaza.

If your looking for love. Go find a nice girl outside of a major city. In the world I and so many in the world run in its all about power, status and money. Love is something that will be there as long as you maintaining the lifesytle. I work may ass off and I'm gonna enjoy the finer things in life. Even when I travel abroad.

In Medellin I'm not ingrained in the upper level of society there like Uncle Jack. But I do have resources that get me the university girls. And it costs. Sometime 2-3 times what the average guy on here pays. I know I know. I'm driving up prices right? No I'm not. As Uncle Jack has pointed out. These girls do this on the side to get ahead. But not with the average tourists paying average prices. As one giirl told me. She just would'nt even bother getting out of bed for those prices. All this holds true with best looking women in Russia, Asia, Canada, Europe etc etc.

And please don't take this post wrong or as any kind of put down gentlmen. It was not meant for that. Only to give another educated point of view of the hobby and lifestyle we live.

Best to all!


Col Bog 1
04-19-08, 20:32
Bog you are one hellified dude with the NASTY pics.Hi.

I'm sorry, my vocabulary is too short to understand this word (hellified), and so is my dictionary.

Mind explaining it to me?


Col Bog 1
04-19-08, 20:55
Col Bog 1,

As always fabulous photos and movies. I was curious, I understand you prefer smaller lighter girls but did you chose this one again because she has great sex skills and attitude? I ask this because she is slightly heavier, she is still very nice, I am not implying anything disrespectfull towards her but just wondered. Also could I politely ask why the intercourse scenes in general are short but the oral scenes are long, just curious. I really like the long oral scenes. Please do not be offended by my questions in any way, I am a big fan of yours, I really enjoy all your work here and we are really lucky to have the imput of your time and efforts.

Best of luck,

MagicHi Magic2000.

Thanks for your encouragements.

I see no disrespect in your mail and will try to answer you.

1) Why are my intercourse movies always shorter than the oral scenes?

It is mainly due to my poor capacity of screwing keeping the camera focused on the action. I found it very dificult to do and I always move a lot.

I can assure you that I have tried several way to do it, but, so far, I still have the problem. Best thing would be to have a third person taking the camera while I screw, but this is not easy to find neither.

Meanwhile, while on my back, it's much easier to make the movie watching the girl blowing me.

Another thing is that I'm not young anymore and have to remain concentrate to screw or I'll loose stiffness. I have no such problem with oral action and can easily focus on the movie.

2) Paola.

Yes you're right.

She is by no way the kind of girl that attracts me, but she was recommended by Camila (another good girl), and I always try the recommended girls as I have had my best experiences with them (like Karen, recommended by Acuerpado).

I mean, Paola is not young, not thin (as I like), but she loves to fuck and does it very well. I don't like to screw with girls who are telling me all the time to hurry, that I'm too big, that I have to give them more money for this or that. My relation with Paola is a sexual relation with respect, and, I hope, some friendship.

I was with her yesterday all night long till this morning, and we both pushed our sexual experiments a little further than we had never did before...(to be published later).

I have never been able to do this with a quick meeting. I do go with casa's girls and even street girls, but the experiment is always bad to average as it takes time to establish a relation and start to enjoy having sex with a customer. I really love to feel the girl enjoying what I do with them. I'm not stupid enough to think they love me or things like that. But Paola and Karen for example like to have sex with me. Once again, they wouldn't do it for free of course, but I really think they like to do it with me, and this increase my pleasure.

To resume : I prefer to fuck well with a 4 (or even a 3), than badly with a10 as it has happened to me so often.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-20-08, 01:05
Was in Medellin recently for business. However, did find time to explore some of the P4P scene on the budget end. Checking the map that has the photos attached (thanks, Dutchman), found out that I was pretty close to New Life (cll. 56, "Bolivia", #43-39, 2nd Fl), so had to check it out. Wound up going back three days in a row.

New Life is a well-run casa. The manager had me sit down in an alcove with some couches, then asked the girls to present themselves. Good line-up; must have been 12-15 girls, most of whom were do-able, with some very attractive ones. After picking the girl, you proceed to a room with a full bathroom for the session. If you want a drink, you can order one and have it added to your tab. Payment is afterwards, at a cashier’s window. Cost quoted was 35, 000/30 min. , 45, 000/45 min. When you pay, they offer you a candy, like as if you were settling the bill at a restaurant. In all of my sessions, the girls enjoyed themselves too or were much better actresses than I deserved for my 45, 000. Also, each time we finished, they were more than happy to spend the rest of the time cuddling and telling me their life stories.

My first choice was "Tatiana" (though she called herself "Veronica" the last day I was there). Tall, leggy blonde, 27-year old, pretty face – though not pretty enough to make her claim about being compared to Julia Roberts plausible. Huge silver dollar nipples, but pretty bad implants, nice figure, especially since she told me she had an 11-year old daughter. She also told me she worked in LDV in Cartagena in the past. It was an excellent session. DFK from the start, good CBJ with some ball licking. When I played with her pussy, she got really wet, and seemed to come – even squirting a little. Several positions for FS.

The next day, I snuck out for another afternoon session. Tatiana was still there, but I decided to go for variety. Picked a pretty morena named Sophia, originally from Cali; another excellent choice. Could have starred in "Big Tits, Round Ass. " What caught my attention was the way she filled out her jeans with her bubble butt. When we were in the room and undressed, I was a little disappointed to see that she had a bit of a belly in front, and thick legs. But that ass was definitely a keeper, and she had a very nice hourglass shape from behind (good hip-waist ratio) that drove me wild when we did FS in doggy. Sophia also claimed to be 27, and she too had a daughter – 9 years old. Sophia gave me a PSE. She didn’t DFK, but made up for it in other ways. She showed off her nice ass as she gave me a great wet, sloppy CBJ, including DT. She fingered herself with her pussy inches from my face, then lowered herself down on me for DATY. She loved to talk dirty during the session. We did FS in several positions, finishing in a very energetic doggy.

On the third day, I took advantage of my last day in the Centro and made my last visit to New Life. Saw both Tatiana and Sophia, but wound up going for the first girl in the line up, blonde Juliet, because I thought she was really pretty. Of the three chicas, the session with Juliet paled in comparison to those with Tatiana and Sophia. When Juliet undressed, she showed the effects of having a kid (3-year old daughter), and had thick legs. She wasn’t too enthusiastic, and didn’t smell very fresh below. She did loosen up after a bit, and we wound up having a good session, but she was the only one of the three that I would not repeat with.

The best thing about New Life that I can say is that, even going three times in three days, there were still lots of girls who intrigued me and who I would have loved to have taken on a trial run.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-20-08, 01:56
Casa Orentia (the casa with the white doors near Las Palmas)

Anywaz I checked out the place, multa is 120K COP, plus what arrangments you can come up with the chica.

Inhouse service is 150K for the chica and 70K for the room, grand total 230K for an hour, I thought it was kinda expensive, but I thought I would share the prices with yall.

Chicas, quality was good, about 10 plus girls, nice big house sofas ect. They offer liqour but not beer, open till 5am.

Uncle Jack
04-20-08, 01:58
i moved to medellin about 8 years ago but my first trip was closer to 11 years ago. i was on the board of directors of a philanthropy society. we had historically distributed our money to help the poor in the united states. however, in the nineties there was a feeling amongst our society that too many of the american poor had developed an entitlement complex where they just expected money to be handed to them time and time again. so we began exploring other options which ultimately resulted in about 15 million dollars being spent in latin american countries.

it was my job to travel around south america to see if our work was achieving results. there were no gringos in medellin 11 years ago and it was very dangerous in many places. a church group in colombia had set up a program for a group of displaced people living a few hours from medellin. i was brought into this small village "undercover". a group of about 40 people knew who i was but it was there job to make sure no one else found out. i lived with these people for about a week before returning to medellin. i then spent a couple months in medellin meeting with various charitable groups and other churches. i am not a religious person but we found working with religious groups is often more beneficial for the society than "for profit" ngos.

in medellin i met many, many, many girls from all classes of society that who had never seen a gringo in real life. none of them really asked me for cash flat out. i am not a foolish old man and completely realize that why these girls are attracted to me. however, even though i know the attraction is the money i still always saw a kindness in their hearts that i no longer see in american women. as a rich old geezer there are no shortages of young american woman who will try for a piece of the pie. i have been around gold diggers all my life so if anyone thinks i am driving at night with shades on, you better think again! what i can assure you is that american gold diggers are conniving cold hearted and ruthless. medellin girls are just trying to get ahead in life.

after medellin i traveled to several other places in latin america and often found the same type of kindness in the women that i did not see in the united states. the women i found in latin america reminded me of american woman who lived before the 1960s. they were sincere, loving and sensual beings unlike their modern day american counterparts. i was married for over 30 years until death did us part. i never cheated on my wife and i love her dearly. when she died i felt i would never be attracted to another woman again not because i could not find a gold digger but rather because gold diggers were all that were available. latin america changed everything for me since although i know the girls come with a price tag i also know there is a real human being inside of the body and am not so sure i can say the same thing in the united states. i did not have the opportunity to return to medellin for over a year but when i did i decided i would purchase an apartment and retire here.

over the years i have had every type of girl from every class of society in colombia. i often give them much more money than they are expecting simply because i understand that they need this money much more than i do. i do not spoil them by buying them houses or cars because that will make them just like by grandchildren. my grandchildren and great grandchildren are trust fund "surfer dudes" and wannabe paris hiltons. i have asked them to come to colombia many times because i want them to see how other people live but they are always a little too busy. they think when i die there it is going to be a giant tidal wave of money rolling into their trust funds but i will be laughing last in my coffin when they see the big zero.

some of the girls i have been with are the high society model girls who are largely only with rich colombians. these girls will ask for 2-3 million pesos for the night and colombian men will pay it. some of these women have accumulated a lot of money and some come from fairly well off families. however, they still charge for their services because they know they can. there is one modeling agency that deals exclusively with the high-end girls. they have a catalogue of girls with prices ranges starting at 2 million and ending up over 10 million for one particular woman who is a well known model. i am not going to say her name here but even though she is a rich model she is available and this is commonly known amongst the rich. she would not be seen dead with a tourist so it does not matter much to you guys.

on the other end of the scale i have been with girls directly from the ghetto. i have spent a lot of time in the poorest of poor areas overseeing projects i helped started. nobody knows who i am since i never put my name on anything as that would make my life very complicated. nevertheless, i do go up into some of the worse areas at least once a month.

the poor girls from the ghetto have a ruff life. this often results in them acting too hungry and trying to just grab what they can. however, at the same time some of them have hearts of gold and really appreciate your help. this is why i am so bitter towards these ******* scum americans who i see trying to talk down a girl $5 because they think it is cool. you guys are the lowest of the low and i would love to see some of you start getting what you deserve.

i will tell about one ghetto girl that was really special. about two months ago someone who knows me found a genuine sweetheart in a strata two area. the guy who found her said she had just turned 18, was absolutely beautiful but dirt poor. i have several people who look for these types of girls for me all over medellin.

this girl was told she would get 150, 000 pesos an hour and was very happy with that amount. when i saw her i was shocked at how genuinely beautiful she is. what was nicer though is she treated me with kindness. after sex she held my hand and talked about her life. she said that she wanted to go to school and study tourism. i really thought she was sweet.

if she did a "fuck and run" she would have got the 150, 000 pesos we had agreed on. however, since she made me smile i put a million pesos in an envelope and put it in her purse as she was leaving. she said thanks and left.

the most amazing thing happened about 5 minutes later which is why i am telling this story. she actually came back with the envelope to tell me i made a mistake. she thought i had handed her the wrong envelope and did not want me to think she had stole from me. i gave her another million for her honesty.

i told her then and there to never sell herself to any gringo except me. i told her when she needs money to think of me. she is a poor girl that very much could have ended up on the streets. the idea of some scumbag gringo corrupting her by trying to offer her 50, 000 pesos makes me sick.

so she goes home thinking that gringos are nice generous people. the irony is she will probably now seek out gringos. unfortunately if she does seek out gringos then she is going to run into some of the clowns i saw at the restaurant. she may very well have sex with some of these scumbags for 50, 000. they will probably sit around giving the hi-fives to each other and perhaps one of them will say he only gave her 40, 000. if that happens she will quickly change and her opinion of gringos will be that they are all like the scum that is showing up these days in medellin. she will then become a "fuck and run" girl who takes what she can.

i talk to a very few number of gringos in colombia. the gringos i know are all people who invested money here and are living here. we all agree 100% about what i have been saying about the scum that is showing up. you clowns are starting to make americans in general look bad. there is a lot of talk amongst the colombians about how you idiots are acting. if the clowns continue leading us down the path that we are heading then the colombians will soon grow to hate us. and this is the most important point!

i believe we are almost at the crossroads here in medellin where we will all either continue to be welcome guests or we will be seen as a bunch of lowlifes. every day i hear more and more comments about the stupidity of americans. three or four years ago i never heard one colombian say a bad word about any american but now almost on a daily bases i hear comments.

about a month ago i was in the park with some colombian friends. we eat diner about once a week in parque lleras. a gringo walks by with some dark black wildebeest of a woman with her breasts hanging out and her shorts shoved up her ass. almost everyone at my table started laughing and pointing this out. i noticed that other colombians at other tables were pointing this out as well. i was so embarrassed to be an american at that moment i felt like walking over and whacking this idiot over the head with my cane. i wonder if that piece of trash american is reading this right now? if so you committed a huge faux pas in front of hundreds of people. no colombian man would be seen dead in public with that girl. everyone is saying "look at that lowlife gringo with no shame. " you might as well have put a giant sign over your head saying "look at me i am white trash". if that type of woman is what you desire then enjoy her in your hotel but do not be parading her around strata 6 when people are trying to eat.

so as i said we are soon going to be hated by a lot of people because of the path the scum is setting for us. you clowns are an embarrassment for us all. learn to pay these girls all that you can afford so you set a high standard for gringos. you assholes who cannot afford what the colombians are paying should stay at home rather than bring shame on us all. and remember that these girls are human beings and should be treated as such.

my grandfather was a wealthy man and one thing he always told me was that no matter how much money someone has that if they do not have character then they are equal to a cockroach and deserve to be crushed. i can remember my father and him each morning greeting each worker with a handshake. they would sit and have a coffee with even the gardeners and ask about how their lives were. they never felt they were better than anyone and treated everyone with respect.

i think of them when i see the scum gringos walking around medellin. you guys think you are better then these people because you have a little more money than they do. you think you can treat some poor girl on the street like she is dirt since you were fortunate enough to be born in the united states. i am telling you that you are wrong. these girls are better than you. you are the bottom of the barrel and a complete disgrace to humanity. in short: you have no character. and keep that in mind because some of us have big feet.

i am going to get off my soapbox now. i do not think i will be making many more posts on this site but i will read it. the problem is i have arthritis and cannot type very much. so i have to go over to a friends place to write up these speeches. we spent two hours writing this up and i cannot burden him with these tasks every day.

on my final note, the next time i see you clowns making asses of yourselves in public i may not restrain myself. beware of the cane!

my $2000 a month girl is coming over now. she wants to cook up some cookies for me. bye guys.

editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-20-08, 02:07
My take out of this whole thread is that no matter what your economic status is, if your in this hobby, try to act like an adult and show you girl, no matter where you got her some respect. I have found that if you treat them nice they will want you to be a repeat customer, treat them as nothing more than a warm hole, and no matter how much money you toss at her your experience will not be the best.

Some of you have raised questions about how much this guy is spending. If you go back to his first post you will see that he figured it out to be about $135 a night. If you read into his post it is also sin condom. A lot of you will pay a premium for that service.

Like Uncle Jack said, don't be talking up your conquests with your buddies in the cafe down the street, you never know who is within earshot and not everybody wants to hear about what you did last night and what you paid for it. Try to show a little class.

Jack. I'm glad your living your life the way you want to. Screw anybody that has an issue with that. I just wish I was in the same tax bracket as you, but I know my "Stimulus check" will be going to help stimulate an economy that Mr. Bush would frown upon. LOL


04-20-08, 02:40
I like to speak in facts, things you can prove, things you observe. I realize I don't have the experience that guys like Ricker, Aussie Greg, Uncle Jack, Jackson, Sandman, Relapse, Seal85 ect have. I am only 27 years old, but going to sea these past 5 years and seeing the world I can understand exactly what your talking about, and I mostly agree. I came to Medellin to live when I was 25, not 85, or 45, or 55. I watch you guys, see how you operate ect. But lets get real.

Were all in Colombia because our money buys more, its cheap, nice and we get women we couldn't normally get, or these women treat us especially well becuase of our money, age, profession and class (I don't like the word class, plebe, 1st class, 4th class I thought it was B. S. Then and B. S. Now; but its life).

When I talk about prices here its only to assist mongers so they know what to pay, and don't get taken advantage. Honest business, you pay the set rates and have a good time.

Theres a word I like its called "community" and thats what we are us "gringos" in Medellin are a community like it or not.

Uncle Jack, some of your comments were exactly right on, respect Colombia, respect Colombian women don't treat them badly, don't hit them, pay them what was agreed upon and be gentlmen like and you will go far in Colombia. The essence of your reports was more like I have money and top quality girls so hahaha. That doesnt help anybody. If the point was that there are men with money who pay women lots of money I think everybody learned that lesson, its the reason why WERE ALL IN Colombia, AND READING THIS BOARD.

I agree a puta is a puta, prepago, grill, whatever, I personally find more respect for a women who sells her body to feed her family then a college girl who dates a 80 year old man for nice shoes, tuition and clothes. The only diffrence that matters is attitude, and how they treat you, make you feel. To each his own and it is what it is, but all this talk about class and the difference is stupid, and only serves to make the client feel better about his purchase! But don't kidd yourself or fool yourself becuase it is what it is

Colombia is changing, more gringos are coming in, our dollar is falling everybody needs to chip in with advice, and experience on getting gourgous women, and great service.

04-20-08, 05:52
I like to speak in facts, things you can prove, things you observe. I realize I don't have the experience that guys like Ricker, Aussie Greg, Uncle Jack, Jackson, Sandman, Relapse, Seal85 ect have. I am only 27 years old, but going to sea these past 5 years and seeing the world I can understand exactly what your talking about, and I mostly agree. I came to Medellin to live when I was 25, not 85, or 45, or 55. I watch you guys, see how you operate ect. But lets get real ...
Mi amigo Sailor, I dig what your saying!

What's funny to me is, now after Uncle Jack's posts, all these other guys making posts about how rich they are too.

You know as well as I do, the key to really enjoying Colombia and its' beautiful women is being able to talk with them and enjoy their loving nature.

Simply pay them fairly and treat them with kindness. It's very easy and very rewarding actually.

To be honest, most other gringos I meet in Colombia are OK, but the popularity of Medellin has certainly attracted some trash, and that's too bad.

Take care amigo

04-20-08, 07:54
I think it's important to review one thing Jack is talking about:

Guys, try to keep a low profile, remember this IS Colombia we're talking about here! Yeah, there's been a huge improvement in security but why push it? If you can, try to dress more like the locals, and talking loudly about chicas in English with your buddies in Parque Lleras is at the very least a tacky thing to do.

The foreigner status does give you a little protection, but I really think one day, one drunk stupid gringo is going to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) off the wrong guy (who just doesn't give a shit about your gringo status) in one of those techno joints and something very scary is going to happen to him.

One more thing: one girl I sessioned with showed me two fake $100 bills that she claimed she was paid with from a previous client.

Assuming that story's true, I hope no one here in this board is doing scumbag shit like that! If you can't afford the girl, just go to the cheaper venues. That girl got into a lot of trouble with her agency (they ended up firing her), not to mention the place she tried to exchange the counterfeit bills for pesos.

Also, who do you think owns or operates these agencies or some of the clubs? Some of these people are not exactly saints. . . and you're trying to pull a fast one on their turf, in friggin' Colombia??? It weirds me out the risks some gringos take here. I guess if you're leaving the country the next day, you can get away with that kind of shit, but otherwise, I think trying to perpetrate scams like that is just crazy.

Finally, someone responded to my last post by saying the hotter looking girls usually aren't as good in the sack. All I can say is that for me I've had some great sessions with some amazing bodies and I've also had some lackluster mechanical sessions with very plain looking girls. So at least from my experience, I don't see much of a connection between looks and session quality.

El Paisa
04-20-08, 08:26
As a medium class Colombian, i have to say I have more respect for people like Sailor2006 than Uncle Jack, even if Jack is so charitable and philanthropic and is giving all his money to poor people of Colombia. Maybe it is because they are more honest and they aren't kidding themselves and lying to themselves as well, thinking they are really great people, because they pay really well for sex, and thinking they aren't exploiting those girls.

What I am trying to say is, if you came here to pay for sex and girls, cool, treat the people around with respect, and I am pretty sure everyone will treat you the same. But please, please get off your high horse, and don't think that because you are paying really well, that doesn't make it less true that you are still paying for sex, as the rest of the people in this forum do.

Tom 33
04-20-08, 11:40
The more Uncle Jack writes, the less I like.

The Gringo paid 50K to a girl who is normally paid 20K by Colombians. I have only lived in Colombia for 5 years. In general Colombianos treat women much worse than Gringos do. That may not be true in your estrato 6 penthouse crowd, Jack. But it is true in my estrato 4 barrio.

I do agree with your comments about Gringos not affecting pricing. But I don't agree with much else you say.

04-20-08, 13:11
I moved to Medellin about 8 years ago but my first trip was closer to 11 years ago. I was on the board of directors of a Philanthropy Society. We had historically distributed our money to help the poor in the United States. However, in the nineties there was a feeling amongst our Society that too many of the American poor had developed an entitlement complex where they just expected money to be handed to them time and time again. So we began exploring other options which ultimately resulted in about 15 million dollars being spent in Latin American countries.
is coming over now. She wants to cook up some cookies for me. Bye guys.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Uncle Jack,

You're a bit tough on these tight ass type of guys but I agree with your assessment. I try and consider the source of their arrogance but I don't have to look far. You have a philanthropic bend that most Americans lack, due to our cultures feelings of superiority over any other cultures. I'm not excluding the philanthropists on that thought either. Sorry about that but imho the superiority issue can be a problem even with charities in that they use their monetary gifts as a means of control. It's well intentioned but again at times it goes to Americans general idea that we have all the answers. I could go on and on with this but I totally agree with you that Americans can be thoughtless (me included) when it comes to blending in and not making asses out of themselves. I tell you it will come back and bite us all in the ass if were not careful.

04-20-08, 13:38
Great reports Jack. I have thought of doing exactly what you are doing and plan my first trip to Colombia this year.

I have known hundreds of visiting Colombian SW in St Maarten in the last 3 years. Even the hardest pros among them have a soft side if you treat them with respect and tenderness. And the typical girl can be amazingly sweet.

But I can tell you, they are just like everyone in the world. When they have a few bad experiences with guys from a certain group, they stereotype that group and they stop giving good service to those guys, or charge them more money. Even to guys who are "innocent" but just look like the scum. And I have seen plenty of visiting Gringos disrespecting the girls here, although moist are respectful and so far the few sum have not created a bad reputation for Gringos (mainly because the local guys are much worse on average).

Jack mentioned that he keeps a low profile in Medellin. This seems like a good idea. I have worried about the same thing. If you are generous in Colombia, how do you avoid coming to the attention of dangerous low life's?

Thanks for adding life to the Medellin thread and sparking a really good discussion.


Aussie Greg
04-20-08, 15:02
I have been told and I dont whether its true, the Americian Embassy is re-locating to Medellin from Bogota.

They are moving into the new building being constructed in front of the Mansion.

Aussie Greg.

04-20-08, 15:18
Like Uncle Jack I have only lurked in the past but this topic has sparked my ass to post a thought that bothers me everyday. I am just an average working guy that at 50 yrs old is enjoying traveling away from the stateside gold diggers. I don’t fault them, it is a society we have developed and quite honestly I hold my own within that society but frankly I am just plain bored and wanting a change. Once finding Medellin I fell in love with the country and its people. In the past two years I have spent about 25% of my time there. I am in the process of setting up a second home and working on a couple business ventures. I have made some very good contacts with people of higher stature and have had some serious talks concerning the P4P scene in Colombia. I have had universal replies.

The Gringos coming here for sex with young ladies and flaunting it is RUINING our reputation.

I just had a Colombian couple visit me here at my home in Texas. During one of those similar discussions they told me that upon first making my acquaintance they were leery of me thinking that P4P was all I was interested in. They also told me that one of the things that changed their pre-conceived opinion of me was when they saw me repeatedly with the same lady and how I treated her and genuinely cared for her and her son. Yes, this lady is a working girl, and yes, they surly know.

I don’t feel I am any better than anyone here so please don’t miss-interpret me. I love the p4p scene. I play at all levels. But I keep that playing within the confines of the playground. I don’t get anything out of parading these young ladies around Oviedo mall or Parque LLeras. Personally I find it embarrassing and disgusting when I see it. Who do you think you are fooling? I am a very fit athletic man with plenty of game but I know I am not fooling anyone when seen doing this. Even when I do take one of my regular ladies out, even with the obvious feelings between us, I don’t fool myself into believing everyone around us isn’t wondering. What concerns me as much as my image is that of the ladies. In most cases they will accept these offers as they are hoping to get that new blouse they so need and desire or a nice meal and are willing to embarrass themselves for that gain but why put them thru that. If you want to help the girl, give her a tip so she can get what she really needs. Or better yet, take her to Exitos, give her some cash and wait in the coffee shop while she shops.

And watch what you are talking about in public. Don’t make an ass of yourself.

As for the rest of it. Offer the lady what the going rate is for the environment in which she is working and treat her like a princess. If you have traveled all this way to haggle over a few bucks you really are showing your true colors and will be rewarded as such. Bitching, whining and complaining isn’t going to change anything other that the way you are perceived. Who knows, maybe you just don’t give a fuck. Some of us do.

Lucky Strike
04-20-08, 23:46
Initially I was reading Uncle Jack's memoires with certain amount curiocity, but it has turned to pure repugnancy. Certain things he wrote have struck a nerve like nothing else I've read on this site so far.

I'd really like to write line-by-line response, but it's going to take time and I'm afraid it's going to be uninformative and extremely antagonistic. This is the short version, and if Jackson allows it to be posted, I just might do a full version later on.

This insight into Uncle Jack's life is what really made me mad:

I will tell about one ghetto girl that was really special. About two months ago someone who knows me found a genuine sweetheart in a strata two area. The guy who found her said she had just turned 18, was absolutely beautiful but dirt poor. I have several people who look for these types of girls for me all over Medellin. So, Uncle, you have some guys that scout barrios for fresh, uninitiated meat, just old enough for you not to go to jail, with the sole purpose to please you? The University-type girls don't satisfy you anymore?

This girl was told she would get 150, 000 pesos an hour and was very happy with that amount. When I saw her I was shocked at how genuinely beautiful she is. What was nicer though is she treated me with kindness. After sex she held my hand and talked about her life. She said that she wanted to go to school and study tourism. I really thought she was sweet.

If she did a "fuck and run" she would have got the 150, 000 pesos we had agreed on. However, since she made me smile I put a million pesos in an envelope and put it in her purse as she was leaving. She said thanks and left.

The most amazing thing happened about 5 minutes later which is why I am telling this story. She actually came back with the envelope to tell me I made a mistake. She thought I had handed her the wrong envelope and did not want me to think she had stole from me. I gave her another million for her honesty. She was "very happy" with COP 150k? She didn't really knew the going rate, did she? Were you her first trick, or just her first "gringo? " Or maybe yours was her first "dick" she's ever had? Was she a virgin? Was that the reason you were so generous?

And so you gave her "another million for her honesty".another proof that she was a "virgin" in the "business. " Do you really think your COP $2million (US $1100) will keep her off the streets? For how long? It's not enough to move out of the barrio, or to learn a trade, or to go to university.

The best part, however, is this:

I told her then and there to never sell herself to any gringo except me. I told her when she needs money to think of me. She is a poor girl that very much could have ended up on the streets. The idea of some scumbag gringo corrupting her by trying to offer her 50, 000 pesos makes me sick. First, you acknowledge that you're a selfish person that you are (in my opinion of course) and basically want to add this chica to your harem, but without any explicit promise to really help her to CHANGE her life. Then you have the cojones (I've got to give you that) to go on a rant about another gringo "corrupting her by rying to offer her 50,000"? Do you even realize that you've already done the "corrupting" part? Do you realize that YOU are the scumbag that you so much despise? Again, you took a poor (maybe desperate), naive, 18yr old chica and made her a (pick one) puta/prepago. You think not? If her family finds out, chances are she will be called a "puta" no matter what you think. Even if you think you've done an honorable thing by "helping" her. The reality is that you didn't.

So she goes home thinking that gringos are nice generous people. Unfortunately if she does seek out gringos then she is going to run into some of the clowns I saw at the restaurant. She may very well have sex with some of these scumbags for 50, 000. If that happens she will quickly change and her opinion of gringos will be that they are all like the scum that is showing up these days in Medellin. She will then become a "fuck and run" girl who takes what she can. And you will lose a chance to bang another naive chica that ganuinely worships you? Can't you just pay her and send he on her way? What did you do (other than paying her) to deserve her worship?

Uncle Jack, this girl will become what you've helped her to become.

If you're so worried, put her on your payroll. Or marry her.

One more point: because someone offers $50K for a "short time", he's a scumbag? Your "$2k girls" on average get COP $120 000 per day, is it so much money? By your own admission, upper-class model types get a lot more from Colomban sugar daddies. The girls who work in Panama and Caribbean islands earn a lot more per month than that. And, when in Colombia, they won't be seen with gringos just like 2 university p***as that you're sponsoring. And they are INDEPENDENT. And unlike your p***s, they don't buy Gucci and Prada, they have to support their families and their children. They are not upper class university wh**es who need more more more more, just like so despised by you USA women, but they're still loving and grateful. You can easily have a "prepago" in the States. What? You call them gold-diggers?

You guys think you are better then these people because you have a little more money than they do. It's your assumption. I can tell you that you are mostly wrong.

These girls are better than you. You are the bottom of the barrel and a complete disgrace to humanity. In short: You have no character. And keep that in mind because some of us have big feet. What about yourself? I think that the 18-year old girl that you "initiated" with the promise of COP $150k, the one who brought back 1million, is better than you as well!

And what's that about "big feet? " Please forgive me, English is not my 1st language, and I don't understand the meaning of this expression. Is it by any chance a threat?

I am going to get off my soapbox now. I do not think I will be making many more posts on this site but I will read it. The problem is I have arthritis and cannot type very much. My $2000 a month girl is coming over now. She wants to cook up some cookies for me. Bye guys. If you have a "heart of gold", and really want "to make a diference", why don't you buy a computer for that poor 18-yr old girl from the barrio, send her to computer courses where she'll learn the basics, and then ask her to type for you? I'm sure she'll be more than happy to take a break from f***ing you and making cookies and practice a skill.

In summary:

1. The sole purpose of Uncle Jack's rant is not to provide info, but to justify his selfish reasons for not wanting gringos in Colombia, and, perhaps, to justify his existence. It's so easy to say "you should respect the girls. " Do you think adding a COP1million adds to the respect? Not in my opinion.

2. It seems to me he thinks he's doing an honorable thing by "sponsoring" girls. However, he wants to have exclusive right to them, and all others, even those he's not paying them. Not becasue he's worried about them becoming p***as. Oh, noooo. His reason is that he doesn't want "a smoking gun" (a few rowdy gringos) to become a "mushroom cloud" (too many foreigners taking 1st stab at young fresh "meat") The p***s and prepagos are not your slaves, Jack, they deserve to have other means (even from other men) of supporting themselves. You may be rich, but you don't own them.

3. Becasue he's had a priviledged life and may have done some "charitable" deeds, he's better than the rest, and deserves more. Well, you are not charitable at all. It is called "quid pro quo": just like the rest of us you pay them for sex. And sex you get. It is not charity, it's paying for sex.

In my opinion, the charitable deeds that you may have done donot absolve you from what you're doing now.


If I'm totally wrong, and that 18yr old girl and others that you've "sponsored" are hardcore and have been in the business long before you/your pimps found them. Well, I'll take relevant parts of my rant back. But you have to find cojones to tell the world that I am wrong.


An interesting and relevant exchange takes place in the movie "Rosario Tijeras. " One plotline depicts a young, naive girl who for he 1st time goes to the VIP floor full of rich colombnians, gringos and "model-type" prepagos. This event changes her life. Near the end of the film, she goes to the apartment of the "wealthy colombian. " While kissing him, the following exchange takes place:

Rosario: you've always taken care of me. You've always treated me well and protected me

Sugar Daddy: Rosario, I want you for myself. Just for me

Rosario: Is there anyone who treats me better?

While still kissing him, she pums lead into his belly.

Uncle Jack, that 18-yr old girl may not have a gun, but make no mistake, if now she's kind and loving and naive as you claim she is, in a not so distant future she'll likely feel what is shown in the film. You said it yourself. Those girls are not stupid.

Escort King
04-21-08, 04:09
I have been told and I dont whether its true, the Americian Embassy is re-locating to Medellin from Bogota.

They are moving into the new building being constructed in front of the Mansion.

Aussie Greg.That will be handy for the marriage ceremonies.

Have the paperwork filled from the Mansion.

Hilary Gomez
04-21-08, 09:40
We have a three bedroom apt. in Poblado, Patio Bontio area. Close to parque lleras & Dann Carlton Hotel, Medellin Clinic. It is very private with large spaces, several terraces, including one with out side (private) shower.

The rent is $45/night for first floor bedrooms, there are two, and $75/night for the second floor master bedroom suite. The rates are reduced for guests staying longer than two weeks.

Internet access, cable TV and toll free phone to the U.S. are available & included in cost.
Contact whitelight for more information.WhiteLight,

I'm Interested in rent your apt, and i need more information, please send me the information. I need to know if all the rooms have bath, if you rent only 1 bedroom or rent the total apt. etc. TKS

Tom 33
04-21-08, 11:47
The Gringos coming here for sex with young ladies and flaunting it is RUINING our reputation.The vast majority of Colombians have no contact with any extranjeros and thus have no opinion what so ever. I have been embarrassed by some actions of a very few extranjeros. And I had quite a bit of contact with sex tourists during the 4 years I lived in Laguito. In my barrio in Medellín, Santa Mónica, the only time I see an extranjero is when I look in the mirror or when a friend comes to visit.

Aussie Greg
04-21-08, 12:42
First of all, I agree with alot of what Jack is saying, well 99% anyway.

In Medellin you can find (it takes time) these type of high class girls for alot less money than Jack is throughing around, good on him and if keeps him happy, go for it.

As my girlfriends are University students (yes they have graduated from high school!) I meet there friends and hear all there stories and problems, many have asked me to find nice boyfriends for them but I will not because of all the problems with relationships, money, family etc.

I ask my girlfriends, arnt you concerned about what people say when you are with me as its your country, your people. They have both said to me, yes they know what people say but they dont care, as they are happy with me. The girls parents know all about me but if there daugther is happy then so are they (well they put on a good face anyway)

I would say this, nearly every Colombian family man with money has his mistresses or two or three!

It all boils down to this, no money, no honey! Its only a question of how much.


Count Dante
04-21-08, 17:34

Didn't get to meet you when I was in Medellin in early April, but I look forward to meeting you in June.

You said that I guy can get a university girl for a lot less than what Uncle Jack is shelling out. Assuming a guy is living there, what does it take to get and keep one of these university girls? How much are we talking about, beyond dinner and entertainment? Is it a matter of paying their tuition? Getting them a job? Taking them on shopping trips? Slipping them an envelope full of pesos? How is it actually done and how much does it tend to cost? I know it varies depending on the girl and guy, but what is a ballpark estimate of what is expected and what the is the protocol for setting up such a relationship?

I saw so many guys in Medellin in these relationships, you would thing that every gringo was required to take a course on how to have a hot university student for a girlfriend/mistress as part of gaining their residency.

04-21-08, 19:07
I don't think it is right to attack Uncle Jack for his opinion. As an American I am well aware that many Americans traveling abroad are often the loudest, and sometimes if not often the rudest, in the crowd. It is almost like we get some level of freedom being in a non-aligned nation like Colombia, Thailand, etc. All travelers, no matter where they are from should be conscious of their actions, especially after they have had a bunch of drinks. We are often GUESTS in a foreign country and we should act respectfully of the Country and their culture.

Additionally, what is the point of being rude to the girls? They are just doing a job and trying to survive in this world of ours. Like any job, some girls are going to do their job better than others. I can't believe that girls grow up thinking, "gee, I want to live the life of a Barbie doll...NO I WANT TO S_ _ K D_ _ K FOR A LIVING!" A large percentage of these girls do it because they have to or they do not know another way. We benefit from this and thus have become MONGERS! I don't want to overpay, but I also don't want to haggle of $5. She needs it more than I do. However, I do not want to overpay or be a sucker either. But either way, we should treat the girls with respect as a human being.

As for the price, I should note that I have not been to Colombia (yet). However, I travel a lot and usually can understand the scene. As far as what Uncle Jack says, he is quite right. In any society there are going to be an upper level of intellectual and beautiful women. If you dated a Playboy model in America, I would bet that it is still going to cost more than $2000 per month, in one way or the other.

The girls that we know from mongering are a level down from that upper realm. They still might be beautiful, but most have not had the opportunity to go to school (past a certain point). Chances are, if you want what Uncle Jack is referring to, upper realm, educated, beautiful women, you are, no matter where you are, going to pay a premium for their companionship. Think about it...who the hell wants to be in their business. They do it out of need, not usually shear enjoyment. Those that get the opportunity to go to college usually do not HAVE to do this 7 nights a week at some cruddy bar. However, if the premium is right, like Uncle Jack is referring to, one would think that almost any girl could be bought (or at least rented). We benefit again!

I don't think we should judge either the girls or Uncle Jack. However, we should take to heart the parts of his emails that we believe might be true and try to make sure we do not act in that manner. We can be brothers in mongering and still be civil to all involved.

I for one, would love to spend the twilight of my life living like Uncle Jack is living (apart from not getting along with children and grandchildren). If only I was lucky enough...

Happy Mongering to All

04-21-08, 20:49
Hit the nail on the head, it takes TIME, lots of patience on our part, becuase youll find many many many girls here in Medellin, with bad service bad attitudes, and greedy to match, but with time, you can find awsome girls at cheap rates, weather it be by hour, day, week, or month. These "good girls" will worthship you, if you have a strong hand and treat them with respect and don't take their B. S. ! What I mean by this is if they lie to you, disrespect you ect. Colombian women are use to strong men, they like their guys to look good, be wealthy and most importantly be in control, and like ricker says talk to them, schmooz them ect. Must haves in Medellin to be like aussie greg ricker uncal buck!

1. Speak spanish
2. Have money
3. Have some style or game
4. Be a man

If your girl lies to you, disrespects you, comes late (way late),brings amigas, or cousins on dates or does not show she is toying with you and thinks of you a "gringo ATM" and does not respect you. DITCH HER ASAP

Gringo tourists (who dont speak spanish) can have an awsome time in medellin, the easist way is to stay at places like the mansion or castle (not a plug for greg just a fact), or hook up with guys whom live in medellin. these people have contacts and plenty of girls frequent the mansion, or even hit all the local hotspots and PAY REGULAR prices plenty of cute women there, for 100K or 150K.These girls are just as attractive as "high class" girls but they have more ware and tear on them....

but since this conversation is about the "college girls" whom dont work at places like F2, or SD but are still P4P, "aussie greg" and "uncal bucks" are
100% correct it takes time and money, becuase these girls dont wanna be seen with gringo tourist whom does not speak spanish and since she wont work at the local p4p to earn 2 million COP plus a month they will charge highrates and look for a longterm relationship from a rich colombian. its really just math again.

P.S. Jackson you edited some of my comments about the age of memebers of this board, my intent was not to insult you guys becuase your old, but merely to state "old dogs" think and act diffrently then us "puppies" i look forward to the day when i am as wise as you guys, and long long long time form now being able to make the other puppies and smaller dogs hide

First of all, I agree with alot of what Jack is saying, well 99% anyway.

In Medellin you can find (it takes time) these type of high class girls for alot less money than Jack is throughing around, good on him and if keeps him happy, go for it.

As my girlfriends are University students (yes they have graduated from high school!) I meet there friends and hear all there stories and problems, many have asked me to find nice boyfriends for them but I will not because of all the problems with relationships, money, family etc.

I ask my girlfriends, arnt you concerned about what people say when you are with me as its your country, your people. They have both said to me, yes they know what people say but they dont care, as they are happy with me. The girls parents know all about me but if there daugther is happy then so are they (well they put on a good face anyway)

I would say this, nearly every Colombian family man with money has his mistresses or two or three!

It all boils down to this, no money, no honey! Its only a question of how much.


Member #3435
04-22-08, 00:35
I have been told and I dont whether its true, the Americian Embassy is re-locating to Medellin from Bogota.

They are moving into the new building being constructed in front of the Mansion.

Aussie Greg.Hi Greg,

Those State Department gringos are smart! LOL


Tom Cruze
04-22-08, 01:12
No Colombian man would be seen dead in public with that girl. Everyone is saying "look at that lowlife gringo with no shame. "Here, we have to accept the fact that some mongers will fuck anything. Really, I'm not flaming anyone, but many of the pics of chicas posted I wouldn't even consider a blow job from and some of them are major league unattractive. But to each his own, those guys think their chicas are 7, 8, and 9s and for me they are zeroes. Whatever.

I'm totally into high end model type chicas but I can usually find great quality at $200-$300 USD. I'd pay $500+ for a hot model type chica but haven't found a source yet that delivers the goods and no just over-priced cute chick. Send me a PM if you can hook me up!

04-22-08, 03:54
I began reading Uncle Jack’s thesis with a sympathetic eye. I liked his subject ("It’s All About Respect") and I also treat all the girls, in fact, all people, with the type of courtesy and respect he described.

However, as I continued to read, I began to realize a number of things that concerned me.

First and foremost, his assertions regarding American women are outrageous and just plain wrong. Perhaps he, when he lived in the States, moved in certain circles because of his "station" where such women ("Gold Diggers") are prevalent, and he was just unable to branch out and get involved in groups where more "normal" American women are present. But in any case, his general characterization of American women as "conniving cold hearted and ruthless", in his words, is again, outrageous and just plain wrong Every day I work with dozens of American women, I know all the soccer moms from my sons’ teams, the ladies in my neighborhood, the volunteers at the free clinic where I am also a volunteer, my kids’ teachers and their friends’ moms, and many others, and I can’t think of a single one who I would classify as a Gold Digger. In fact, in all my 50 years, I’ve probably only met a handful, out of all the thousands of American women I’ve known, who might be characterized as such. Truly, I would be willing to assert, in the strongest possible terms, that 99% of the women to whom I just referred could not be purchased for sexual activity like the Columbian prostitutes with hearts of gold who Jack plays with. Perhaps that’s one of his issues with American women, that he couldn’t just throw them a few hundred dollars to have sex with him, or not, but regardless, American women are people too, with feelings every bit as deep and complex as the 18 year old Columbian girls selling their bodies to Jack, and if he could not find one, after his wife passed, who loved him for him regardless of his wealth, that is not a comment on American women. Based upon his essay, one could safely assume that he also hasn’t found a Columbian woman who loves him for just him, without his money.

Next, it was difficult to discern whether he just hates ALL "Gringos", or just the asshole Gringos, or if he just thinks that ALL Gringos are assholes, but once you saw through the veneer of his translucent altruism, you see an angry old man working hard to justify that anger. I agree that many sex tourists, some of whom are American, are assholes. Certainly this forum has posts from many of them. But when I’m punting in places where there are other Americans, most of those I meet are fine people who treat the girls with respect. I have been told by providers in many, many countries around the world that American clients are generally the NICEST and MOST RESPECTFUL clients; that they’re almost always the most GRATEFUL, and the general feeling is that, besides American culture, this is the case because of how difficult it is for a middle-aged man to get laid in the U. S. I’m not making this up, and I have heard this from working girls in at least 18 different countries. And yet, if you read Jack’s post, his animosity and invective against his "fellow" Americans is vicious, born out of something far deeper than just the simple embarrassments he describes. Okay, so Jack gives extra money to girls who are honest and who treat him well. So what? So do I, and so do a lot of Americans. We are, in fact, known for doing this throughout the world.

And now, we get to Jack himself. Okay, so he’s relocated to Columbia, a place where we ALL know a lot of Americans are afraid to come to (and which must be very, very far away from his "children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren"). So far away from them that he 1. Reduces them to nothing more than "Surfer Dudes" and "Paris Hilton Wannabe’s", which speaks volumes about his relationship with them (or lack thereof) and his feeble attempts to create relationships with them, and 2. Gleefully (I mean it, actually GLEEFULLY) relates how he’s planning on punishing them after he dies by not leaving them any money. So, what does this say about this kind of man? Isn’t it true that, by extension, if some of them WERE coming to visit him, he theoretically WOULD leave those that visited him money? In which case, wouldn’t he in fact be PAYING them also to be there for him? I think we see a pattern here. He certainly has the money to visit them, to get to know them beyond just calling them "Surfer Dudes" and "Paris Hilton Wannabes", but he insists on them visiting him, and those that haven’t, don’t get paid, when all is said and done. Jack, I don’t think you have a clue how a real family works. What would your wife have said about your choices, not just regarding your lifestyle (and the various people you have looking out for beautiful, poor, 18 year old girls for you to have sex with), but your animosity and obvious rejection of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I mean, do you really think that you’re a model for a grandparent?

Even that story about the Gringo who was walking in public with the Columbian girl who was dressed like a tart, and how embarrassed you were that a Gringo would be seen in public with such a woman. So, where’s your sensitivity towards THAT girl? I mean, here was a guy who treated her like a person; walking in public with her, when all the people you were with looked at her with disdain and spoke about her like she was an animal. Even YOU referred to her as "some dark black wildebeest of a woman", again, as if she was an animal. Shame on you! The hypocrisy is so thick I can’t stand it.

It’s very, very easy to be kind and generous when you’re wealthy, and the object of your affection is a beautiful, willing, and grateful 18 year old girl. Wow, I’m so impressed with how nice you can be. But the measure of a person is taken much more meaningfully from seeing how they treat their FAMILY, whose affection they should EARN, not PAY FOR. You should get on a plane and go spend some quality time with the Surfer Dudes and Paris Hilton Wannabes before it’s too late. And by the way, Surfer Dudes and yes, even Paris Hilton, have people who love them, and who they also love. You surround yourself with people who depend upon you for money, who are, in effect, employees, and tell yourself how great and sincere they are. Perhaps you’re just not comfortable being with people who don’t need your money, and are not willing to act as though they like you for that money. If your grandchildren and great-grandchildren only wanted your money, wouldn’t they be visiting you?

In any case, your viewpoint is terribly and unfortunately twisted beyond recognition. Yes, you correctly point out a number of things that are true. Some sex tourists are assholes, and some of those are American; the girls should all be treated with respect; one should not refuse to pay them a fair price simply because they’re desperate, and so on. These are fair and reasonable assertions that all good people can agree with. But your anger (and frankly, distinct LACK of respect and cold-heartedness towards American women, American men, your family, and others), betrays a hypocrisy the depth of which is far deeper than those other, fairly mundane observations.

Escort King
04-22-08, 05:44
Here, we have to accept the fact that some mongers will fuck anything. Really, I'm not flaming anyone, but many of the pics of chicas posted I wouldn't even consider a blow job from and some of them are major league unattractive. But to each his own, those guys think their chicas are 7, 8, and 9s and for me they are zeroes. Whatever.

I'm totally into high end model type chicas but I can usually find great quality at $200-$300 USD. I'd pay $500+ for a hot model type chica but haven't found a source yet that delivers the goods and no just over-priced cute chick. Send me a PM if you can hook me up!For the day. The hour would even be a bit much for me. Purely on priciple.

04-22-08, 07:01
I've been reading up on Colombia for the past few days, researching for my upcoming trip. I really enjoy some of the information that is available here. However, I did not agree with what Uncle Jack has posted!

For all of jack's "philantrophy, " the facts are that he abandoned his family, pays for companionship (as opposed to just f--king).

Now, I agree that loud, obnoxious people are the worst. However, I think most of the people on this board go to destinations for vacation, not charity work. Uncle jack, don't impose your flawed moral values upon the majority of mongers here.

Moreover, my opinion is that a small sample of outlandish gringos does not give an unfair impression of all foreigners. In fact, people that would hold onto these type of stereotypes are the worst of all. Why would I even want to associate with those such prejudices'?

In short, people are entitled to behave in any which way they want, they need to deal with the consequences. Uncle Jack's is clinging to those that will listen to him because he has no money.

Well, 1 more month, and I will be in Medellin. And no, I don't plan on making a fool of myself, just gonna try to enjoy whatever Medellin offers.

04-22-08, 07:23

If you're still out there reading this forum, I humbly urge you to look up the story of Omayra Sanchez. Maybe you know it already, but if not you can ask any of the locals or look it up on the internet.

I won't write up the whole tragedy but this goes back to the volcanic eruption in 1985 that destroyed the town of Armero killing over 20,000 people, Omayra being one of them. The Omayra story gripped the nation and the world, because of a very famous picture and a heartrending video clip of her, relaying a message to her mother while trapped in the wreckage of her home. This 13 year old girl died after 3 days trapped in the mud, as there was not enough resources nearby to try to save her.

Jack, if you really are wealthy and do philanthropy, I hope you consider doing something in her memory, like a scholarship program.

A real memorial to her and the other victims of Armero would be ideal but I'd imagine the politics and bureaucracy would probably make it impossible.

In any case, take care and good luck! Now back to the mongering. . . :)

04-22-08, 12:01
There is a cliche that goes something to the effect, those that have it, do not flaunt it, and it is my experience that those that have it are to tight to spend it, but here on the forum you can be whatever you want to be.

I am very happy with the fact that my conversation gets the girl, not the offering of the house, car, and airplane. It is just hilarious how all you big spenders have come out of no where to brag about being such great providers to these girls. What a fucking joke, but if you can live in the fantasy world of the rich while sitting behind your computer screen so be it. At least I know I LIVE IN REALITY, and do not have to be someone I AM NOT!

I am sure you big spenders are the same people on the ISG who do not spend the twenty dollars to become a paid member on the ISG, or leave a 10, 000 peso tip for a waiter on a 100, 000 pesos dinner, or do not leave a tip for a maid for cleaning your hotel room or apartment, and the same goes for the waiters and waitresses that serve you your drinks.

Here, we have to accept the fact that some mongers will fuck anything. Really, I'm not flaming anyone, but many of the pics of chicas posted I wouldn't even consider a blow job from and some of them are major league unattractive. But to each his own, those guys think their chicas are 7, 8, and 9s and for me they are zeroes. Whatever.

I'm totally into high end model type chicas but I can usually find great quality at $200-$300 USD. I'd pay $500+ for a hot model type chica but haven't found a source yet that delivers the goods and no just over-priced cute chick. Send me a PM if you can hook me up!

04-22-08, 12:09
The poor girls from the ghetto have a ruff life. This often results in them acting too hungry and trying to just grab what they can. However, at the same time some of them have hearts of gold and really appreciate your help. This is why I am so bitter towards these ******* scum Americans who I see trying to talk down a girl $5 because they think it is cool. You guys are the lowest of the low and I would love to see some of you start getting what you deserve.I agree that one should not try to bargain too hard with poor girls who desperately need money. It is clearly not ethical.

You clowns are an embarrassment for us all. Learn to pay these girls all that you can afford so you set a high standard for gringos. You assholes who cannot afford what the Colombians are paying should stay at home rather than bring shame on us all.I totally disagree with what you say here about the necessity of paying high prices to have sex with the most beautiful high class girls like Colombians do.

Why would you do that?

These girls are not poor. Some very old people even give them 2'000 USD a month.

If I can seduce and sleep with a very beautiful girl who likes me and who does not really need money (more than me), fair enough, I'll do it, whether in Colombia or anywhere else in the world. I make no excuse for not being as rich as some 80 year old guy, and I don't view all girls as prostitutes. Even the (high class) prostitutes sometimes want to have a BFE (Boyfriend Experience.

PS I am not American and I have never been to Medellin but I was thinking of going there. Now that I know the place is full of Americans who speak loud about their mongering activities in public places, I will not go.

Which is actually a good thing for Uncle Jack because I really enjoy to sleep with non married rich beautiful girls whose money is provided by some other guy.

Jose Lima
04-22-08, 15:30
What I am talking about here is RESPECT not how much you guys are actually paying.

I really got to wonder about these people. It just blows my mind that people like these clowns actually exist. You were born in the richest most powerful nation on earth yet are so low that you take pride in talking an impoverished girl down $5. 00.This amazes me anywhere in the world. These are the same guys who wont blink an eye about buying a $100 bottle of water at Mansion in miami beach or $50 for a non touching lapdance at scores in NYC. It boggles my mind the way people beat down chicas but wont make AIR complaint to the chick in mangos charging you $400,000 for a bottle of buchanans.

I had a rich friend who was seriously rich(Ferraris, Lamborginis, $11 million manison in Miami) and he agreed on a price with a chick of like $50 and then the chick falls asleep in the motel and he leaves her without paying. This boggled my mind. The kid thought it was funny.

04-22-08, 20:54
You said what I was thinking only you did it so much more eloquently.

I agree that there are some real low-lifes and scumbags in the world and some are Americans that visit Colombia. I too am saddened and embarrassed by a few of them.

But I still have a few issues with our new friend, Uncle Jack. For brevity I'll only post these two.

The guy who found her said she had just turned 18, was absolutely beautiful but dirt poor. I have several people who look for these types of girls for me all over Medellin.This is pretty sad. I'm 54 and not only do I not have people pimping for me but I seldom spend time with "girls" under 21. I also don't go to Mayorista or pick up streetwalkers and I've never had a girl complain about the money I paid her after dinner, dancing and spending the night.

A gringo walks by with some dark black wildebeest of a woman with her breasts hanging out and her shorts shoved up her ass. Almost everyone at my table started laughing and pointing this out. I noticed that other Colombians at other tables were pointing this out as well. I was so embarrassed to be an American at that moment I felt like walking over and whacking this idiot over the head with my cane. Here's a flash for you, not all gringos are Americans so I suggest get some facts before you start lumping all of us into this small subset you despise so much.

I first visited Colombia in 1999. I was married to a Colombian lady. We are divorced but still very good friends. In fact she called me just today to see how I was doing. Her father has told me on many occasions (since the divorce) that "my house is your house and you are always welcome there."

So you see, Uncle Warbucks, we may not all be a rich former big shot like you but we're still good people and we still treat others with respect and we still respect the people in the countries we visit.

Save your rath and disdain for the handful who need it and not everyone who visits Medellin and happens to be from America.

04-22-08, 21:24
I began reading Uncle Jack’s thesis with a sympathetic eye. I liked his subject ("It’s All About Respect") and I also treat all the girls, in fact, all people, with the type of courtesy and respect he described.

However, as I continued to read, I began to realize a number of things that concerned me.

First and foremost, his assertions regarding American women are outrageous and just plain wrong. Perhaps he, when he lived in the States, moved in certain circles because of his "station" where such women ("Gold Diggers") are prevalent, and he was just unable to branch out and get involved in groups where more "normal" American women are present. But in any case, his general characterization of American women as "conniving cold hearted and ruthless", in his words, is again, outrageous and just plain wrong Every day I work with dozens of American women, I know all the soccer moms from my sons’ teams, the ladies in my neighborhood, the volunteers at the free clinic where I am also a volunteer, my kids’ teachers and their friends’ moms, and many others, and I can’t think of a single one who I would classify as a Gold Digger. In fact, in all my 50 years, I’ve probably only met a handful, out of all the thousands of American women I’ve known, who might be characterized as such. Truly, I would be willing to assert, in the strongest possible terms, that 99% of the women to whom I just referred could not be purchased for sexual activity like the Columbian prostitutes with hearts of gold who Jack plays with. Perhaps that’s one of his issues with American women, that he couldn’t just throw them a few hundred dollars to have sex with him, or not, but regardless, American women are people too, with feelings every bit as deep and complex as the 18 year old Columbian girls selling their bodies to Jack, and if he could not find one, after his wife passed, who loved him for him regardless of his wealth, that is not a comment on American women. Based upon his essay, one could safely assume that he also hasn’t found a Columbian woman who loves him for just him, without his money.

Next, it was difficult to discern whether he just hates ALL "Gringos", or just the asshole Gringos, or if he just thinks that ALL Gringos are assholes, but once you saw through the veneer of his translucent altruism, you see an angry old man working hard to justify that anger. I agree that many sex tourists, some of whom are American, are assholes. Certainly this forum has posts from many of them. But when I’m punting in places where there are other Americans, most of those I meet are fine people who treat the girls with respect. I have been told by providers in many, many countries around the world that American clients are generally the NICEST and MOST RESPECTFUL clients; that they’re almost always the most GRATEFUL, and the general feeling is that, besides American culture, this is the case because of how difficult it is for a middle-aged man to get laid in the U. S. I’m not making this up, and I have heard this from working girls in at least 18 different countries. And yet, if you read Jack’s post, his animosity and invective against his "fellow" Americans is vicious, born out of something far deeper than just the simple embarrassments he describes. Okay, so Jack gives extra money to girls who are honest and who treat him well. So what? So do I, and so do a lot of Americans. We are, in fact, known for doing this throughout the world.

And now, we get to Jack himself. Okay, so he’s relocated to Columbia, a place where we ALL know a lot of Americans are afraid to come to (and which must be very, very far away from his "children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren"). So far away from them that he 1. Reduces them to nothing more than "Surfer Dudes" and "Paris Hilton Wannabe’s", which speaks volumes about his relationship with them (or lack thereof) and his feeble attempts to create relationships with them, and 2. Gleefully (I mean it, actually GLEEFULLY) relates how he’s planning on punishing them after he dies by not leaving them any money. So, what does this say about this kind of man? Isn’t it true that, by extension, if some of them WERE coming to visit him, he theoretically WOULD leave those that visited him money? In which case, wouldn’t he in fact be PAYING them also to be there for him? I think we see a pattern here. He certainly has the money to visit them, to get to know them beyond just calling them "Surfer Dudes" and "Paris Hilton Wannabes", but he insists on them visiting him, and those that haven’t, don’t get paid, when all is said and done. Jack, I don’t think you have a clue how a real family works. What would your wife have said about your choices, not just regarding your lifestyle (and the various people you have looking out for beautiful, poor, 18 year old girls for you to have sex with), but your animosity and obvious rejection of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I mean, do you really think that you’re a model for a grandparent?

Even that story about the Gringo who was walking in public with the Columbian girl who was dressed like a tart, and how embarrassed you were that a Gringo would be seen in public with such a woman. So, where’s your sensitivity towards THAT girl? I mean, here was a guy who treated her like a person; walking in public with her, when all the people you were with looked at her with disdain and spoke about her like she was an animal. Even YOU referred to her as "some dark black wildebeest of a woman", again, as if she was an animal. Shame on you! The hypocrisy is so thick I can’t stand it.

It’s very, very easy to be kind and generous when you’re wealthy, and the object of your affection is a beautiful, willing, and grateful 18 year old girl. Wow, I’m so impressed with how nice you can be. But the measure of a person is taken much more meaningfully from seeing how they treat their FAMILY, whose affection they should EARN, not PAY FOR. You should get on a plane and go spend some quality time with the Surfer Dudes and Paris Hilton Wannabes before it’s too late. And by the way, Surfer Dudes and yes, even Paris Hilton, have people who love them, and who they also love. You surround yourself with people who depend upon you for money, who are, in effect, employees, and tell yourself how great and sincere they are. Perhaps you’re just not comfortable being with people who don’t need your money, and are not willing to act as though they like you for that money. If your grandchildren and great-grandchildren only wanted your money, wouldn’t they be visiting you?

In any case, your viewpoint is terribly and unfortunately twisted beyond recognition. Yes, you correctly point out a number of things that are true. Some sex tourists are assholes, and some of those are American; the girls should all be treated with respect; one should not refuse to pay them a fair price simply because they’re desperate, and so on. These are fair and reasonable assertions that all good people can agree with. But your anger (and frankly, distinct LACK of respect and cold-heartedness towards American women, American men, your family, and others), betrays a hypocrisy the depth of which is far deeper than those other, fairly mundane observations.Nice post amigo. You write very well.

Though I believe Jack means well, like you say, he is definitely jaded. Obvious.

The funny thing is, I'm in Brazil (Sao Paulo) at the moment, just had a great time in a daytime place here where guys pay for love

All the girls were happy to see an American guy (me), they always tell me how much they dig the American guy. Muito simpatico (we are known as being very nice in general). That goes all over the Americas.

Of course there's the bad apple. That goes for every nationality. Again obvious.

As for American girls, well I hold nothing against them per se, it's more the culture of the west that doesn't agree with me.

I've been visiting, living, traveling throughout central and south America for more than 15 years now. And it's like being in a different universe here.

Bottom line is, I don't care if you're paying Uncle Jack prices to the chicas, or the going rate, if you treat them like a person, nicely. It just pays off. It's so simple. It's countless the number of times chicas have become my friends and I've gotten love from them for free (because they wouldn't take my money) or for whatever I felt like helping them with.

Of course if the chica is a bad apple. And of course they're out there too. You can respectfully and tactfully deal with them too without being an ass.

I'll be back in Medellin at the end of the month. What do you guys think? How about a big party at Uncle Jack's

Dollar Bill
04-22-08, 21:34
In any case, your viewpoint is terribly and unfortunately twisted beyond recognition. Yes, you correctly point out a number of things that are true. Some sex tourists are assholes, and some of those are American; the girls should all be treated with respect; one should not refuse to pay them a fair price simply because they’re desperate, and so on. These are fair and reasonable assertions that all good people can agree with. But your anger (and frankly, distinct LACK of respect and cold-heartedness towards American women, American men, your family, and others), betrays a hypocrisy the depth of which is far deeper than those other, fairly mundane observations.I too starting reading Uncle Jack's reports with open eyes. I am a North American male that has traveled to Colombia for business and also for pleasure. I am not a low life, like Jack likes to call us, but IMHO, a decent guy with a kind heart. Colombia is probably the most beautiful country that I have traveled to and has some pretty friendly people. There are some assholes also (in all the countries of the world) but even though, you should not stereotype the whole lot. I too have been an "ugly" American but that is my last resort when someone is trying to get over on me. Anyone would be "ugly" when someone is trying to take away your resources without something in return. (we all don't have money to burn like Jack does). I would rather say up front are looking for a gift than to have someone say one thing and then do another just to get your money. A person's word (or integrity) is the most important character trait (IMHO).

I was wondering if any of the members were going to object to what Uncle Jack was saying and I am glad someone did. I am sure that Trippstadt did not do it out of disrespect of Jack. It needed to be said because he, IMHO, was being two-faced. Saying how he loved to help out the poor and how he hated gold-diggers. What do you call the $2000 per month students? Wouldn't they be classified as gold-diggers or do you think they date men from lower levels of society? It is all about the money and nothing else. That is the first rule of gold-digging. Only target the rich.

Best of luck to all and especially Trippstadt for his balls to say what needed to be said.

Uncle Jack. I hope your golden years are filled with happiness! (and I hope you realize that once you are gone, you can not come back and reconcile with your family. Be the man that I am sure your family knows you are and take the first step.)

Enjoy the life!


04-22-08, 22:08
Commanders Intent: To screw cutties

Shit I forget the 5 pragrap oporder o well heres some pics, enjoy.

04-22-08, 22:39
This trip is winding down and I must return to sea, however port of call is Curaco, so "happy village" awaits thats what we call the campo!

I have some horrible news, in my travels of Medellin I have discovered a Lap Dance bar, this nasty places offers table top dances for 20K and private VIP dances for 30K, a dance is 2 songs, although drinks are cheap 5K beers, but on my last vist it was 7K, many of the girls from S. D. Are there including tight ass nicole. Now I hope all of you are sitting down for this becuase I couldn't belive this part my self. Anywaz during my first vist there I ran into a tall dark hiar girl big tits, curve ect. The way I like it anywaz I nodded to her she came over started to chit chat ect. Well apparently I already screwed her becuase she knew my name where I lived ect. We had met at S. D. Over a year ago, and I took her to my place. Well now she just dances no more "fuckie fuckie" I said I don't belive you, and she said she makes enough money just dancing, well I still didn't belive her untill I saw her do 4 table dances in a few hours! She earn her 80K with out sex, and on Friday in 1 hour I saw her do 3. At S. D. A girl needs to screw one customer to make 70-80K now they just do lap dances! I told her I would rather DIE then pay her for just a "hard on". Good news is not all the girls do that many table top dances it seemed like just the very pretty ones. But I think this trend will contiune not to our benfit. What the colombian men do is while drinking their bottle of booz the 4-5 of them will split a lap dance amongst the table, I saw it happen multiple times, in fact I never saw a one on one table top dances only groups, this colombians can afford

Imagine this a Colombia where the hottest girls, give you a hard on while taking your money, teasing you with their hot bodies and pretty faces, only to leave you to yourself at the end of the night and screw their stupid boy toys. You could probly still sleep with her but like all american strippers the price will go up! I mean youll be offering 200K 300K 400K, godforbid if the trend spreads to S. D. Or F2, dear god! I won't disclose the location of name of this place becuase frankly too many gringos would vist the place and it would be like pooring gasoline on a wild fire. Newbies giving 20K for lap dances thinking about what a great deal they are getting, I am sorry its for your own good! Things are chaing in Medellin!

04-23-08, 02:14
Commanders Intent: To screw cutties

Shit I forget the 5 pragrap oporder o well heres some pics, enjoy.Where did you find that nice looking Colombiana?

04-23-08, 02:36
What ever happened to the late night strip club, Panorama?

I can remember closing down La Isla, then heading down the hill to this place. No idea where it was... San Juan? Centro?

La Isla is closed now. I guess Panorama closed too, maybe someone can tell me for sure?

04-23-08, 12:45
Sunday was the pool party but I started the day off at 9am with my two massage chicas, followed by a Centro Run. The Casa have been off the hook this trip. There were about 20 chicas at the pool party and I arranged a session with her and we went for a ride to see where she lives afterwards. I was done with her but the Plumber had interest so I told her to come back on Monday for him. I have about 300 more pictures.

We choose two and had a session in the Jaccuzzi in El Polmero's room.

Sunday night we hit mayorista and the streets of San Diego but it was quiet as expected.

Monday was a banner day. Started off with my 9am massage and then 5 of us went to Centro to hit the same 7 casas which pretty much have at least 1 or 2 that I myself want. I choose Kamasutra again and had a 3 some for 45, 000 and Camilla was included one again.

The six o clock chicas showed up as planned and we hit the Jaccuzzi for a session before grabbing a bit at the restaurant complex around the corner from the mansion. Polmero wanted to eat the chica out so we chanted him on and his chica allowed it in front of us. When he was done I tossed my chica in there and he went to town on her.

So far I have been to Park llaras, Ovierdo mall, El Tesero Mall and Laurales to hang out and eat. There is so much here. I have decided to just keep those 8 or 9 casa in my rotation.

I have about 30 minutes of video from various events to figure out how to load.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-23-08, 16:08
That's what I've been trying to say here for awhile but no one believes me. I've been to some amazing fincas for the weekend with some affluent Colombians I know, these guys would never even think about looking for 40K COP chicas in centro or mayorista, that's the lowest of the low for them! :).The Centro houses are the lowest of the low for a lot of locals not just the rich and I'll tell you why. The girls - no matter how beautiful - and many are - are trash. Just imagine some US woman from the deep redneck woods who is missing a tooth, is loud, uneducated. Walking down the street with her screams "I'm with an uneducated trailor trash 2 bit hooker".

Now I know the girls in Centro aren't missing a tooth, but when you are from here and you speak the language that beautiful girl suddenly becomes ugly when she talks like "Boyz From the Hood".

You foreigners don't get this becuase you can't tell the difference - your spanish sucks, you are not from here and to you she is "just another girl, what's the problem?"

Some guys' dicks get limp when in the presence of a trailor trash chick in one of these casas - don't even need to be on the street embarrased. But if you are, the whole world knows you are with a cheap, low class hooker.

This is why many local mongers go to exclusive clubs and grab chicks that are are educated and speak/present themselves well and accompany these guys to where ever and everyone on the street thinks they are a couple. Image is very important in Colombia.

You gringos walking down the street with your estrato 2 ho from Bell Suite or New Life think that just because she's not flashing tits that no one knows the deal.

There are houses in Sabaneta, Envigado and Poblado that don't advertise at all. This is where the creme de la creme work and the rich in Colombia have no problem paying 300K,500K, and over 1 millone for high quality girl they can talk to who is going to rock their world on the street and in the cama.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Member #3437
04-23-08, 17:05
Is it ethical to screw multiple hoards of girls, including hookers?Is this a philosophy question? If so, my answer is yes. Tell me why according to your wv it isn't.

Member #3437
04-23-08, 17:12
since she made me smile I put a million pesos in an envelope and put it in her purse as she was leaving. She said thanks and left.

The most amazing thing happened about 5 minutes later which is why I am telling this story. She actually came back with the envelope to tell me I made a mistake. She thought I had handed her the wrong envelope and did not want me to think she had stole from me. I gave her another million for her honesty.

I told her then and there to never sell herself to any gringo except me.Hahahhahaha. That's some funny stuff!

04-23-08, 22:06
Any pics of the last pool party?

04-24-08, 00:12
I don't understand how this is a problem? Its kinda what makes Colombia great for Americans, or maybe just smart guys who see beauty and don't judge. Now I will admit, becuase I do speak spanish, its not the accent but the conversations you have with some of these girls, for intance the chica I had last night, dumb as a brick! She asked me where exactly Colombia is on map, and didn't even know how many people live in her country. A sweet girl good service but dumb! She coming over again tonight!

Back to my point, I think colombians are very judgmental, kinda hypocritical these are the guys whom call girls "putas" and them secretly call them for service. "It is what it is" and I will agree with you becuase what you say is true, but its BULL PERIOD. And its the oppertunity for "gringos" to date, and sleep with totaly hot women of this lower economic and social class.

I judge women on physical apperance, personality, style, common sense, and intrest in me. I don't care where she lives or if she is as dumb as a brick, if shes nice cute and great in bed, its the "high class" colombians loss and my gain!

With that said, please stop boasting of these great places or "call girls" beyond our reach, actually I have pretty damn good reach so show some pics or provided some details or warning, or something usefull.


The Centro houses are the lowest of the low for a lot of locals not just the rich and I'll tell you why. The girls - no matter how beautiful - and many are - are trash. Just imagine some US woman from the deep redneck woods who is missing a tooth, is loud, uneducated. Walking down the street with her screams "I'm with an uneducated trailor trash 2 bit hooker".

Now I know the girls in Centro aren't missing a tooth, but when you are from here and you speak the language that beautiful girl suddenly becomes ugly when she talks like "Boyz From the Hood".

You foreigners don't get this becuase you can't tell the difference - your spanish sucks, you are not from here and to you she is "just another girl, what's the problem?"

Some guys' dicks get limp when in the presence of a trailor trash chick in one of these casas - don't even need to be on the street embarrased. But if you are, the whole world knows you are with a cheap, low class hooker.

This is why many local mongers go to exclusive clubs and grab chicks that are are educated and speak/present themselves well and accompany these guys to where ever and everyone on the street thinks they are a couple. Image is very important in Colombia.

You gringos walking down the street with your estrato 2 ho from Bell Suite or New Life think that just because she's not flashing tits that no one knows the deal.

There are houses in Sabaneta, Envigado and Poblado that don't advertise at all. This is where the creme de la creme work and the rich in Colombia have no problem paying 300K,500K, and over 1 millone for high quality girl they can talk to who is going to rock their world on the street and in the cama.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-24-08, 01:35
It actually did bring to mind something I had not thought about before though and that is that I have never taken a prostitute out to eat to Parque Lleras or any place else to eat or even date for that matter. I do go with good friends and new friends (gents) that I meet in Medellin however. But judging from what Uncle Jack and so many others have said about rich guys and average guys taking their conquests to Parque Lleras for dinner, I may stop going out to Parque Lleras as well. I mean I'd rather not be surrounded by prostitutes and their Johns while eating. After all there is a time and a place for everything.Heya Cuba. You know we're amigos but I don't get this at all.

What does it matter if you take a working chica to eat? Parque Lleras or wherever.

What does it matter if they are they are dining near you with their friends?

Big deal really.

Take care.

Rob Hay
04-24-08, 02:42
It’s very, very easy to be kind and generous when you’re wealthy, and the object of your affection is a beautiful, willing, and grateful 18 year old girl. Wow, I’m so impressed with how nice you can be. But the measure of a person is taken much more meaningfully from seeing how they treat their FAMILY, whose affection they should EARN, not PAY FOR. Perhaps you’re just not comfortable being with people who don’t need your money, and are not willing to act as though they like you for that money. If your grandchildren and great-grandchildren only wanted your money, wouldn’t they be visiting you?

In any case, your viewpoint is terribly and unfortunately twisted beyond recognition. Yes, you correctly point out a number of things that are true. Some sex tourists are assholes, and some of those are American; the girls should all be treated with respect; one should not refuse to pay them a fair price simply because they’re desperate, and so on. These are fair and reasonable assertions that all good people can agree with. But your anger (and frankly, distinct LACK of respect and cold-heartedness towards American women, American men, your family, and others), betrays a hypocrisy the depth of which is far deeper than those other, fairly mundane observations.Wow. Tripp I couldn't agree with you more. But really out of respect I wouldn't have posted this. Uncle Jack seems like a very observant person so obviously he is already aware of the obvious. Honestly, I would give him a free pass to rant, rave and make hypocritical comments as long as he wants.

04-24-08, 06:27
After years of reading this forum I finally have to jump in after reading Jack’s comments and the responses his wisdom generated.

Jack, if I ever meet you I would like to shake your hand for having the balls (or perhaps the cane) to say how things really are. Anyone who thinks a "wh0re is a wh0re" or a "pussy is a pussy" just knows the low end of the scale and not the high end.

I work for a large American investment firm and get a whopping two whole vacations a year. When I travel I travel in style. My company has no problem putting me up in $3000 a night suites when we go on business trips. I expect quality and I will pay for it,.as simple as that. Cash is king in any country in the world.

These girls are not with us for any other reason than cash. The guys on here who talk about the free pussy they once got are either lying or were being played by a smart girl. I have seen these girls push the "off" button on so many guys’ brains that it is incredible. Sure she did not ask for 100, 000 pesos but you took her shopping right? I already know some guy is going to jump in here to claim he gets them all for free so before it is posted I will make my response which is "Suuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre you do! " LOL! By the way if you guys are such studs with unlimited free pussy why do you read this forum? Maybe you should start your own web site called the "International Free Pussy Guide". It would probably eventually get 5 or 6 members.

When I was last in Medellin I rented a Poblado mansion for a week at a price of $1000 a day. The price included a full staff to wait on me hand and foot. I sat all day by the pool being served wine while at least two girls rubbed my feet and fed me cheese. I do not think at any one time I had less than 2 girls in the house in addition to the staff. I was giving these girls nice shinny $100 bills any time they asked. Who cares if I spend $1000 or $2000 a day on girls? It is my money, I made it and I will spend it how I please.

I owner of the house gave me a few phone numbers of his private stock before he left. I told each girl that for every pretty amiga that showed up I would give her $20 and the amiga got $100. There were girls coming to the property all day and all night. A couple of the girls even turned out to be students. I brought in $9990 USD in cash and it was all gone long before I left.

I also hired a private English speaking driver who carried a gun. We went all over the nice parts of Medellin, Rionegra, Sabaneta, Evigato and even a one night trip to Santa Fe with a couple of babes. I saw all there was to offer.

But again, who cares how I spend my money? I had the time of my life. I got to spend a week living like Pablo and it cost me around $20K. How many guys can say that? I spent about $3000 a day on average. That same amount of money would get me ONE single high class escort in the United States. In Medellin that same amount of money got me a mansion, armed guard, full time staff, a lot of site seeing, and SEVERAL girls a day. Plus I found these girls more fun than the typical $3000 a day American escort.

On my next trip I am bringing 5 friends. When by buddies saw what I did they were drooling in envy. We are the types of guys who compete with each other by buying the best Rolexes and exotic cars. It use to be that whoever dies with the most toys wins. Now it has changed to whomever dies knowing the most pussy wins. When my buddies saw the photos of my girls they knew they were going to lose so we are making a group trip. I am sure Jack has us all beat but we are going to try to do our best at spending a lot of money because we want quality.

I really want to see the price of girls go up since it will help eliminate the poor guys. When I am in Black in Argentina I always see guys with class. The ones Jack euphorically calls scum are never in Black since they cannot afford a drink there let alone one of the girls. It is exactly the same as paying $100, 000 a year to join a private golf course. Not only is the grass greener but you are surrounded with guys who also have an extra $100, 000 which makes everything better.

People are really starting to explore Medellin these days. More and more gringos are living there and there is a lot of chat about investment. In fact the last time I was in Black almost everyone was talking about exploring Medellin. So, like it or not, the high end players are coming. If that means some of the poor guys will be pushed out, then all I can say is "too bad".

All this being said there are still a wide variety of girls and price ranges for everyone. I took a trip to Central and Majorista to see what all the talk was about. There were plenty of girls still in the $20 price range as far as I could tell. I even saw a group of gringos lurking around in the shadows trying to solicit these girls.

However, there is no way I am going to consider having sex with Majorista girls. First, almost none looked old enough. Second, there were very few that I would consider even cute. And third, many looked like they were addicted to something. My driver/bodyguard said it was not uncommon for them to be on glue. I was curious to see these places but after about 15 minutes I had saw all I needed to see. You can find a $20 drug addict in the United States with the same quality as a Majorista drug addict so why travel?

The simple fact of the matter is if these Majorista girls did not have some problem then they would be at a better place making a lot more money. That is how economics works. If they were good enough to make 150, 000 pesos at the Australian place then they would not be working for 50, 000 at Majorista. If there were good enough to get 500, 000 from a Colombian man then they would not be working at the Australian place.

I will be back in July for a week. If there are any real players out there who would like to hook up then send me a PM. Jack.good luck on everything. You Sir are a role model for us all. Do not let the other gringos make you so angry. Just remember you are getting what they cannot afford and will never know.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-24-08, 07:07
The Centro houses are the lowest of the low for a lot of locals not just the rich and I'll tell you why. The girls - no matter how beautiful - and many are - are trash. Just imagine some US woman from the deep redneck woods who is missing a tooth, is loud, uneducated. Walking down the street with her screams "I'm with an uneducated trailor trash 2 bit hooker".I hear you. I only got to check out New Life once, but quite frankly I was disappointed especially since a lot of guys here rave about the place. Maybe it was just a bad day?

Anyway, the way one girl introduced herself was definitely like she was an estrato 0! I kind of felt sorry for her and some of the other girls, not their fault they live in that kind of environment. I chose one of the girls in the lineup just for the heck of it, but her body turned out not to be all that and even putting that aside, the whole vibe of the place doesn't do it for me, not really an erotic experience.

Still if you're looking for a quickie on the budget tip, I guess it's a good option although this opinion is based on just my first impression.

04-24-08, 12:06
After years of reading this forum I finally have to jump in after reading Jack’s comments and the responses his wisdom generated.

Jack, if I ever meet you I would like to shake your hand for having the balls (or perhaps the cane) to say how things really are. Anyone who thinks a "wh0re is a wh0re" or a "pussy is a pussy" just knows the low end of the scale and not the high end.

I work for a large American investment firm and get a whopping two whole vacations a year. When I travel I travel in style. My company has no problem putting me up in $3000 a night suites when we go on business trips. I expect quality and I will pay for it,.as simple as that. Cash is king in any country in the world.

These girls are not with us for any other reason than cash. The guys on here who talk about the free pussy they once got are either lying or were being played by a smart girl. I have seen these girls push the "off" button on so many guys’ brains that it is incredible. Sure she did not ask for 100, 000 pesos but you took her shopping right? I already know some guy is going to jump in here to claim he gets them all for free so before it is posted I will make my response which is "Suuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre you do! " LOL! By the way if you guys are such studs with unlimited free pussy why do you read this forum? Maybe you should start your own web site called the "International Free Pussy Guide". It would probably eventually get 5 or 6 members.

When I was last in Medellin I rented a Poblado mansion for a week at a price of $1000 a day. The price included a full staff to wait on me hand and foot. I sat all day by the pool being served wine while at least two girls rubbed my feet and fed me cheese. I do not think at any one time I had less than 2 girls in the house in addition to the staff. I was giving these girls nice shinny $100 bills any time they asked. Who cares if I spend $1000 or $2000 a day on girls? It is my money, I made it and I will spend it how I please.

I owner of the house gave me a few phone numbers of his private stock before he left. I told each girl that for every pretty amiga that showed up I would give her $20 and the amiga got $100. There were girls coming to the property all day and all night. A couple of the girls even turned out to be students. I brought in $9990 USD in cash and it was all gone long before I left.

I also hired a private English speaking driver who carried a gun. We went all over the nice parts of Medellin, Rionegra, Sabaneta, Evigato and even a one night trip to Santa Fe with a couple of babes. I saw all there was to offer.

But again, who cares how I spend my money? I had the time of my life. I got to spend a week living like Pablo and it cost me around $20K. How many guys can say that? I spent about $3000 a day on average. That same amount of money would get me ONE single high class escort in the United States. In Medellin that same amount of money got me a mansion, armed guard, full time staff, a lot of site seeing, and SEVERAL girls a day. Plus I found these girls more fun than the typical $3000 a day American escort.

On my next trip I am bringing 5 friends. When by buddies saw what I did they were drooling in envy. We are the types of guys who compete with each other by buying the best Rolexes and exotic cars. It use to be that whoever dies with the most toys wins. Now it has changed to whomever dies knowing the most pussy wins. When my buddies saw the photos of my girls they knew they were going to lose so we are making a group trip. I am sure Jack has us all beat but we are going to try to do our best at spending a lot of money because we want quality.

I really want to see the price of girls go up since it will help eliminate the poor guys. When I am in Black in Argentina I always see guys with class. The ones Jack euphorically calls scum are never in Black since they cannot afford a drink there let alone one of the girls. It is exactly the same as paying $100, 000 a year to join a private golf course. Not only is the grass greener but you are surrounded with guys who also have an extra $100, 000 which makes everything better.

People are really starting to explore Medellin these days. More and more gringos are living there and there is a lot of chat about investment. In fact the last time I was in Black almost everyone was talking about exploring Medellin. So, like it or not, the high end players are coming. If that means some of the poor guys will be pushed out, then all I can say is "too bad".

All this being said there are still a wide variety of girls and price ranges for everyone. I took a trip to Central and Majorista to see what all the talk was about. There were plenty of girls still in the $20 price range as far as I could tell. I even saw a group of gringos lurking around in the shadows trying to solicit these girls.

However, there is no way I am going to consider having sex with Majorista girls. First, almost none looked old enough. Second, there were very few that I would consider even cute. And third, many looked like they were addicted to something. My driver/bodyguard said it was not uncommon for them to be on glue. I was curious to see these places but after about 15 minutes I had saw all I needed to see. You can find a $20 drug addict in the United States with the same quality as a Majorista drug addict so why travel?

The simple fact of the matter is if these Majorista girls did not have some problem then they would be at a better place making a lot more money. That is how economics works. If they were good enough to make 150, 000 pesos at the Australian place then they would not be working for 50, 000 at Majorista. If there were good enough to get 500, 000 from a Colombian man then they would not be working at the Australian place.

I will be back in July for a week. If there are any real players out there who would like to hook up then send me a PM. Jack.good luck on everything. You Sir are a role model for us all. Do not let the other gringos make you so angry. Just remember you are getting what they cannot afford and will never know.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Your post is going to ruffle a lot of feathers on this board, but kudos to you (you're account isn't accepting PM's btw).

We're both kind of in the same boat.- fortunately (un? I'm not totally sure yet), the recent east coast credit squeeze will give me the chance to spend six months traveling very soon.

MDE will be my home base, but I'll hop anywhere and everywhere (Colombia and other nearby cunts and countries). To counter one point you made, I often times get free chucha most places I travel too. Consider it having good game, decent looks, decent enough spanish abilities, a nice personality or a mix of all of those.- does it cost me in other ways? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. So why pay for it? Simply to avoid the hassles of having to deal with a girl getting attached and having to feel the guilt of hurting her.

Anyway, drop me a line whenever you get down to MDE. I'm sure by the time you are out there, I'll know every hot mami all throughout the city, and I love to share trophies to boot.

Count Dante
04-24-08, 12:38
Reading these posts about guys bragging about how much money they spent on a hooker and how Colombianos won't fuck a "low class" hooker, even if she is beautiful and a sweet person leads me to the conclusion that a lot of guys, both on this board, and probably everywhere, are banging hookers for reasons other than sex. It really seems as if some guys are trying to raise their self-esteem by talking about how high class their putas are and how much they cost. I really believe that some guys get off on act of spending a ton of money on pussy more than they do fucking the pussy. If that is what those guys need to feel good, and there are women that will service them, more power to them.

Others seem to be paying for companionship and someone to go out with more than for pussy. If you value being able to take your putas out on the town and have stimulating conversations with them over a candlelight dinner, I can understand why having a girl of a certain educational level would be good, much like guys who want girls that speak good English. Just don't come down on those of us who don't care if our puta is a university student or makes great conversation and is a good dancer. For us, a puta's BBBJ abilities greatly outweigh her ability to discuss the differences between the philosophical principles of Plato and Socrates. You are paying for companionship, we're just paying for sex. Both are O. K in my book. Different strokes for different folks.

The one thing I dislike about some Latin American cultures that I have been exposed to is the EXTREME class bias (and sometimes racism) in the culture. Sure there is class bias in the U. S. As well, but it is nowhere near as widespread and blatant as in Latin America. Colombia seems to have an extra dose of it, from what I can see.

Here, it seems that some people who claim to be "in the know" are actually criticizing those of us who are less experienced with Colombia for NOT adopting the class bias of native Colombianos. Why would we as visitors want to adopt one of the worst aspects of their culture (IMHO)?

I can see why taking girl dressed in hooker garb out for dinner to a Poblado restaurant would be inappropriate. But not wanting to be with a beautiful, sweet girl who is from a lower strata simply because she is "low class" isn't something that we should be striving for. Also, if I want to take a girl out to dinner afterward, and she is dressed decently (if not expensively), I'll do it, and fuck any Colombiano or gringo who doesn't like it. I don't give a shit what people in the U. S think, I certainly don't give a shit if some Colombianos think my date is low class.

Now, if she has a bad personality, or is so dumb that I can't hold a decent conversation with her, I'm not going to hang out with her. As I have said in previous posts, I pay for sex, not companionship. I would bet that 95-98%% of the putas I have banged, I never did anything with them besides sex. For that small 2-5% that I did hang out with and go to dinner with, I never paid them for that. We just hung out as friends, or after fucking and paying her, we were both hungry and decided to get something to eat together.

I'm not a Colombian. I'll never be a Colombian. Although I may be buying a place there as a second home next year, I have no desire to become a Colombian. Why in the world should I care what Colombians think of the prostitute I am fucking?

04-24-08, 12:41
Any pics of the last pool party?I will put them up next week.

04-24-08, 12:44
So we have been together about 9 nights and she has a friend that works at Loutrons. One night two big spenders come in and they want the friend and another so she calls her friend from the casa and she gets 800,000 for the night. You don't really know where these chicas are working when you are not around.

04-24-08, 13:08
So I have been here for 9 days and I have an all nighter for 100,000 per night, my morning massage chicas coming over at 9am for about 50,000 each, sometimes 1, sometimes 2. We have done casa runs and two places are having 2 for 1 for 45,000 or 50,000 plus the other casas are from 25,000 to 35,000. I have been averaging 200,000 to 300,000 a day on chicas but I am having about 3 to 6 a day. Back home, $180 gets me an hour.

04-24-08, 13:22
I hear you. I only got to check out New Life once, but quite frankly I was disappointed especially since a lot of guys here rave about the place. Maybe it was just a bad day?

Anyway, the way one girl introduced herself was definitely like she was an estrato 0! I kind of felt sorry for her and some of the other girls, not their fault they live in that kind of environment. I chose one of the girls in the lineup just for the heck of it, but her body turned out not to be all that and even putting that aside, the whole vibe of the place doesn't do it for me, not really an erotic experience.

Still if you're looking for a quickie on the budget tip, I guess it's a good option although this opinion is based on just my first impression.I pulled 1 out of there and had sessions with 2 others that caught my eye.

04-24-08, 13:31
These girls are not with us for any other reason than cash. The guys on here who talk about the free pussy they once got are either lying or were being played by a smart girl. I have seen these girls push the "off" button on so many guys’ brains that it is incredible. Sure she did not ask for 100, 000 pesos but you took her shopping right? I already know some guy is going to jump in here to claim he gets them all for free so before it is posted I will make my response which is "Suuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre you do! " LOL! By the way if you guys are such studs with unlimited free pussy why do you read this forum? Maybe you should start your own web site called the "International Free Pussy Guide". It would probably eventually get 5 or 6 members.

When I was last in Medellin I rented a Poblado mansion for a week at a price of $1000 a day. The price included a full staff to wait on me hand and foot. I sat all day by the pool being served wine while at least two girls rubbed my feet and fed me cheese. I do not think at any one time I had less than 2 girls in the house in addition to the staff. I was giving these girls nice shinny $100 bills any time they asked. Who cares if I spend $1000 or $2000 a day on girls? It is my money, I made it and I will spend it how I please ...Congratulations! You can't even imagine how much I admire guys who brag about spending so much money on chicas.

I'm happy for you actually and hope you enjoy your vacations.

You are correct. It is your money and you should spend as you please.

You're most likely astonished and amused by guys who get loved for free cause you couldn't even imagine it happening to you.

Luckily you've got plenty of shinny $100 bills, so you'll never be lonely.

Have fun out there!

04-24-08, 16:02
Hmmmmmmmm, reading this is interesting. First "Jeckleman", as in "Dr Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde". Also, its his VERY FIRST POST. Hmmmmmmmm.

Also, he blindly agrees with Jack having such big balls, ignoring all the other comments regarding Jack's vicious, anti-American post. For these and a myriad of other reasons (such as it's too poorly written to have come from someone who is in a position to casually spend $3,000 of expense account money per night for accommodations, and others), I am highly suspicious of this post (not indicting anybody, but each of you is free to have his own opinion). Perhaps Jack or a friend of his has signed up under another name?

As I said, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


After years of reading this forum I finally have to jump in after reading Jack’s comments and the responses his wisdom generated.

Jack, if I ever meet you I would like to shake your hand for having the balls (or perhaps the cane) to say how things really are. Anyone who thinks a "wh0re is a wh0re" or a "pussy is a pussy" just knows the low end of the scale and not the high end.

I work for a large American investment firm and get a whopping two whole vacations a year. When I travel I travel in style. My company has no problem putting me up in $3000 a night suites when we go on business trips. I expect quality and I will pay for it,.as simple as that. Cash is king in any country in the world.

These girls are not with us for any other reason than cash. The guys on here who talk about the free pussy they once got are either lying or were being played by a smart girl. I have seen these girls push the "off" button on so many guys’ brains that it is incredible. Sure she did not ask for 100, 000 pesos but you took her shopping right? I already know some guy is going to jump in here to claim he gets them all for free so before it is posted I will make my response which is "Suuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre you do! " LOL! By the way if you guys are such studs with unlimited free pussy why do you read this forum? Maybe you should start your own web site called the "International Free Pussy Guide". It would probably eventually get 5 or 6 members.

When I was last in Medellin I rented a Poblado mansion for a week at a price of $1000 a day. The price included a full staff to wait on me hand and foot. I sat all day by the pool being served wine while at least two girls rubbed my feet and fed me cheese. I do not think at any one time I had less than 2 girls in the house in addition to the staff. I was giving these girls nice shinny $100 bills any time they asked. Who cares if I spend $1000 or $2000 a day on girls? It is my money, I made it and I will spend it how I please.

I owner of the house gave me a few phone numbers of his private stock before he left. I told each girl that for every pretty amiga that showed up I would give her $20 and the amiga got $100. There were girls coming to the property all day and all night. A couple of the girls even turned out to be students. I brought in $9990 USD in cash and it was all gone long before I left.

I also hired a private English speaking driver who carried a gun. We went all over the nice parts of Medellin, Rionegra, Sabaneta, Evigato and even a one night trip to Santa Fe with a couple of babes. I saw all there was to offer.

But again, who cares how I spend my money? I had the time of my life. I got to spend a week living like Pablo and it cost me around $20K. How many guys can say that? I spent about $3000 a day on average. That same amount of money would get me ONE single high class escort in the United States. In Medellin that same amount of money got me a mansion, armed guard, full time staff, a lot of site seeing, and SEVERAL girls a day. Plus I found these girls more fun than the typical $3000 a day American escort.

On my next trip I am bringing 5 friends. When by buddies saw what I did they were drooling in envy. We are the types of guys who compete with each other by buying the best Rolexes and exotic cars. It use to be that whoever dies with the most toys wins. Now it has changed to whomever dies knowing the most pussy wins. When my buddies saw the photos of my girls they knew they were going to lose so we are making a group trip. I am sure Jack has us all beat but we are going to try to do our best at spending a lot of money because we want quality.

I really want to see the price of girls go up since it will help eliminate the poor guys. When I am in Black in Argentina I always see guys with class. The ones Jack euphorically calls scum are never in Black since they cannot afford a drink there let alone one of the girls. It is exactly the same as paying $100, 000 a year to join a private golf course. Not only is the grass greener but you are surrounded with guys who also have an extra $100, 000 which makes everything better.

People are really starting to explore Medellin these days. More and more gringos are living there and there is a lot of chat about investment. In fact the last time I was in Black almost everyone was talking about exploring Medellin. So, like it or not, the high end players are coming. If that means some of the poor guys will be pushed out, then all I can say is "too bad".

All this being said there are still a wide variety of girls and price ranges for everyone. I took a trip to Central and Majorista to see what all the talk was about. There were plenty of girls still in the $20 price range as far as I could tell. I even saw a group of gringos lurking around in the shadows trying to solicit these girls.

However, there is no way I am going to consider having sex with Majorista girls. First, almost none looked old enough. Second, there were very few that I would consider even cute. And third, many looked like they were addicted to something. My driver/bodyguard said it was not uncommon for them to be on glue. I was curious to see these places but after about 15 minutes I had saw all I needed to see. You can find a $20 drug addict in the United States with the same quality as a Majorista drug addict so why travel?

The simple fact of the matter is if these Majorista girls did not have some problem then they would be at a better place making a lot more money. That is how economics works. If they were good enough to make 150, 000 pesos at the Australian place then they would not be working for 50, 000 at Majorista. If there were good enough to get 500, 000 from a Colombian man then they would not be working at the Australian place.

I will be back in July for a week. If there are any real players out there who would like to hook up then send me a PM. Jack.good luck on everything. You Sir are a role model for us all. Do not let the other gringos make you so angry. Just remember you are getting what they cannot afford and will never know.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Escort King
04-24-08, 16:19
Cuba? Good enough to eat but not good enough to eat with. Would not of thought that was your attitude. But to each.

04-24-08, 17:48
Is this getting to another version of "my dick is bigger than your dick" ?

04-24-08, 17:56
Jeckleman proof is in the pudding, and I am calling you out, show some pics! Cadets do not lie cheat or steal. Blah blah blah blah but I get the point 5 years later I get the point, behave like a gentleman, and act like a man. Not a little girl who has to bragg about his new purchase or how much money he spent on this or that. Thats the problem with the states, these guys thinks its a compitition like they have to out bid other guys to feel good, thats why pussy is 4500 bucks an hour in the states, instead of 50 bucks, that why its a females world, and men are now "metrasexual" or whatever simply gay

And sorry to tell you there are plenty of guys who get it for free, just becuase you can't doesnt mean it doesnt happen, women are just like men they want a attractive man whom speaks spanish to whisper sweet nouthing into their ear, its reality I don't run away from it I except it, because "IT IS WHAT IT IS"

[Forum complaint deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove personal complaints regarding the management of The Forum.

Please be advised that The Forum is not the place to post your personal complaints about the management of The Forum. Instead, please use the Contact Us link at the bottom of this page to send me an email voicing your complaints about the management of the Forum, and I will respond as quickly as possible. Thanks!

Member #3437
04-24-08, 20:06
Congratulations! You can't even imagine how much I admire guys who brag about spending so much money on chicas.

I'm happy for you actually and hope you enjoy your vacations.

You are correct. It is your money and you should spend as you please.

You're most likely astonished and amused by guys who get loved for free cause you couldn't even imagine it happening to you.

Luckily you've got plenty of shinny $100 bills, so you'll never be lonely.

Have fun out there!Exactly.

It seems throwing money around and pretending you are living 'like Pablo' not only fools the girls, it fools the fool doing it.

04-24-08, 20:21
I'm sure it's just a coincidence that these two posters both use the spelling "wh0re".

What a load of bullshit.


Hi Nortelx,

I think that you're reading something into this that isn't accurate.

The reason that both of these members and others deliberately misspell the word wh0re is because they know that the correct spelling of the word will be starred out by the forum's software, as in this example: *****



04-24-08, 20:26
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because it was pointlessly argumentative.

A summation of the post: Ricker agrees with Sailor2006.

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange if information between men on the subject of finding women for sex. Let's stick to the subject.

04-24-08, 20:51
The Centro houses are the lowest of the low for a lot of locals not just the rich and I'll tell you why. The girls - no matter how beautiful - and many are - are trash. Just imagine some US woman from the deep redneck woods who is missing a tooth, is loud, uneducated. Walking down the street with her screams "I'm with an uneducated trailor trash 2 bit hooker".

Now I know the girls in Centro aren't missing a tooth, but when you are from here and you speak the language that beautiful girl suddenly becomes ugly when she talks like "Boyz From the Hood".

You foreigners don't get this becuase you can't tell the difference - your spanish sucks, you are not from here and to you she is "just another girl, what's the problem?"

Some guys' dicks get limp when in the presence of a trailor trash chick in one of these casas - don't even need to be on the street embarrased. But if you are, the whole world knows you are with a cheap, low class hooker.

This is why many local mongers go to exclusive clubs and grab chicks that are are educated and speak/present themselves well and accompany these guys to where ever and everyone on the street thinks they are a couple. Image is very important in Colombia.

You gringos walking down the street with your estrato 2 ho from Bell Suite or New Life think that just because she's not flashing tits that no one knows the deal.

There are houses in Sabaneta, Envigado and Poblado that don't advertise at all. This is where the creme de la creme work and the rich in Colombia have no problem paying 300K,500K, and over 1 millone for high quality girl they can talk to who is going to rock their world on the street and in the cama.Are you nuts!

First of all, I've met other clients, yes Colombianos, at these el centro casas.

Some are regular working guys, some are more affluent.

Secondly, there are all kinds of chicas working in these casas.

Yes of course some are the trashy, dummy type.

There are, however, some pretty nice and hard-working chicas too.

Some single-mothers (totally deserted by their Colombian man to care for their child), some university students paying for school (not all of them have an Uncle Jack) and some cute chicas working to provide for their families.

Some of us can actually talk to the chicas. Just like you speak english, some gringos can actually speak spanish at a level above "hola, como esta usted".

Reminder: most Colombian families are not of the high society, big money families. They have to work and sometimes at jobs they wouldn't exactly choose first.

To be honest, the BEST people I've met in Colombia have been from the simple and humble families.

You know, the hard-working type.

The ones who invite you to their homes and treat you like family.

The worst people have been the snobs who think their shit don't stink and treat their fellow, less fortunate countrymen like mierda.

Have fun in your private club. Big F'ng deal!

Sixpaku Too
04-24-08, 21:24
I'm looking foward to my first trip to Medellin on Memorial Day weekend for 4 nights. By reading the boards it seems like The Mansion is the place to be. Unfortunately, they are all booked for that weekend.

1. Can one still have a lot of fun without staying at the mansion? 2. What are any other places I may be able to stay at that has chicas hanging aroud? Or any other place thats close to the action?

3. Is this place Mango's a place to pick up chics? The photos I see of the women dancing there are Amazing.

4. Any other guys gonna be around that wanna get together to go hunting, let me know. Its always better to go with someone then alone. I am 35 y/o and 100% fluent in Spanish.

Appreciate the help, and any other tid bits.

04-24-08, 21:44
Commanders Intent: To screw cutties

Shit I forget the 5 pragrap oporder o well heres some pics, enjoy.Where did you find here?

04-24-08, 22:06
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted pursuant to the restrictions in the Colombia Forum prohibiting negative posts, said restriction being necessary to thwart the Serial Antagonists who would seek to destroy this forum as part of their strategy to dissuade anyone from visiting what they consider their private playground in Colombia.

In other words, if you don't have something positive to say, then please don't post. Thanks!

Tom 33
04-24-08, 22:41
This is getting ridiculous.

Anyone can spend whatever they want.

But don't should on me.

04-24-08, 23:09
Hmmmmmmmm, reading this is interesting. First "Jeckleman", as in "Dr Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde". Also, its his VERY FIRST POST. Hmmmmmmmm.


As I said, Hmm

TrippI dunno, but it raised a bunch o' red flags in my mind too, as well as leaving a bit of a bad taste. But whatever, its not my lifestyle and I ain't gonna loose any sleep over it. I can only assume that Jackson would have checked out the joining dates, ip addresses and such before he nominated it for a recommendation link.

Gary Groundwork
04-24-08, 23:42
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted pursuant to the restrictions in the Colombia Forum prohibiting negative posts, said restriction being necessary to thwart the Serial Antagonists who would seek to destroy this forum as part of their strategy to dissuade anyone from visiting what they consider their private playground in Colombia.

In other words, if you don't have something positive to say, then please don't post. Thanks!

Member #3437
04-25-08, 00:26
To be honest, the BEST people I've met in Colombia have been from the simple and humble families.

You know, the hard-working type.

The ones who invite you to their homes and treat you like family.

The worst people have been the snobs who think their shit don't stink and treat their fellow, less fortunate countrymen like mierda.

!The biggest pretentious fools I have ever met have been 'society' South Americans. The rest of them as a group are salt of the earth types, people you really like when you get to know them.

04-25-08, 01:07

I just had the best 3 some of my life, these two girls were great, and I performed as well too.

04-25-08, 01:39
The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange if information between men on the subject of finding women for sex. Let's stick to the subject.

I agree, Jeckleman posts and guys like him make no point.

I think these posts are an attack against the "price police" as jackson calls it; as I probly would get lumped into the "price police" group I will say that our posts arent meant to attack or be rude. Even though it sounds like it, but more to inform new vistors of established prices, and also help keep local prices down. WHY becuase we either live here or frequent the place often, and would like to continue to see normal prices and good service in our new home (downhill flight) I do this becuase I realize that some price increase happens when people are not informed or make stupid mistakes or get taken advantage of.

Did you know that the only independent working girls are on the street, ever wonder why some of those girls don't sit at clubs or casa but instead work the street, as some of the wiser "mongers" will tell you you can find some gems on the street. 90% of this "bussniess" in Medellin is operated or managed by somebody other then the girl whos cut is always less then 50% and that person is a GREEDY SOB, so we have more tourists and then we have more price increase, tourists= gringos, when will the price increase stop? When the market won't bear it anymore, IE when tourists stop visiting and paying those prices.

There is nothing anybody can do to stop this, or prevent anybody from tipping extremly well, it will stop when market won't pay it anymore. And were talking about sex, and gringos (newbies) so the market still has a long way to go, I don't like anymore then the rest but its the "fact of life"

Are there colombians who pay extremly well, YES, are there narcos who throw money around? Of course there are. The "big Players" are already here have been for many years, and there not gringos. Colombia is chaning fast, or appears to be. Whatever the case maybe enjoy and good luck

P.S. I want the name of these so called clubs that serve "high class" colombians, money is money is money! I wanna see a 2, 000, 000 COP girl! Or a 500K Chica! Show us some pictures so we can all drool! Throw out some details or usefull information!

Tom Cruze
04-25-08, 01:41
I owner of the house gave me a few phone numbers of his private stock before he left. I told each girl that for every pretty amiga that showed up I would give her $20 and the amiga got $100. There were girls coming to the property all day and all night. A couple of the girls even turned out to be students. I brought in $9990 USD in cash and it was all gone long before I left.That's how I roll also, but I still exercise some quality control, like tip a finder an $50 for locating really hot chicas not in the biz

Tom Cruze
04-25-08, 02:01
There are houses in Sabaneta, Envigado and Poblado that don't advertise at all. This is where the creme de la creme work and the rich in Colombia have no problem paying 300K,500K, and over 1 millone for high quality girl they can talk to who is going to rock their world on the street and in the cama.So how does one go about locating these houses if they don't adverstise? Help a brother out!

04-25-08, 02:25
Allow me provide an analogy so some of you guys can understand how the world works.

Last year I bought a brand new Maserati. It is a thing of true beauty that many people cannot appreciate. When I was in graduate school I remember a guy drove up beside me in a Countach. I was driving a Pinto at the time. I remember thinking to myself "man, some day I am going to own one of them". The Countach to me was a symbol of achievement and I admired the owner for having the success to own something so beautiful.

A couple of months ago someone keyed my Maserati. I was pissed off but I realized that anyone who would do that was just a jealous loser because he knew that he could never own something similar. So while some people look at beauty as inspiration to work hard knowing that they too can obtain it there are others who look at beauty with spite because it is out of their reach.

I think the guys who complain about the price of the high end girls are exactly like the guy who scratched my car. I worked hard to make my money and I deserve to drive a Maserati (plus my X5 and M3). How I spend my money is my business and I love spending it on girls. Some of these girls do not even realize that they are Maseratis but I am teaching them that they have a far greater value than most of the gringos are paying. I hope they all raise their price so that the Pinto drivers will either be inspired or get so pissed off that they leave.

You might find yourself a Pinto in the junkyard. It might even be possible to find yourself a free Pinto. But when it is all said and done you are still driving a Pinto. You are not going to find a Maserati free anywhere in the world. Beauty always has a price. There are those who will pay for it, there are those who admire it and then there are those who wish it did not exist.

So you found yourself a free Pinto. Maybe you have found 3 or 4 free Pintos. Congratulations. But remember it is a Pinto and the guy in the Maserati does not want a Pinto even for free. In fact he would pay to have a Pinto removed from his property.

I am sure some Pinto drivers look at me and say "well that thing depreciated thousand of dollars. Or "he is stupid because the insurance is so high". Or "he is wasting all his money on gas while my Pinto consumes much less". But the fact is the guys like me in the Maseratis do not give a shit what you think. We have the money to afford these things and we knew the costs of ownership when we bought it. In fact, we know the costs much more clearly than you guys will ever understand because what we have is out of your reach. (Still following the analogy guys? )

I do not hate the guy in the Pinto. I use to be him. What I hate is the guy in the Pinto who will always drive a' Pinto. And I am seeing a lot of permanent Pinto drivers in this forum.

So the next time I am in Colombia I am going to continue handing out shinny hundred dollar bills to every girl I meet. I am going to tell all my friends that they too should hand out hundred dollar bills. Every girl will go home with a smile on her face knowing that someone admired her beauty.

I have read all the negative comments which I clearly anticipated. But as I said the man in the Maserati does not care. Remember that the next time you see a Maserati zoom past your Pinto.

Uncle Jack is a man of great inspiration. He is driving an Enzo. Some day I too will drive an Enzo. Congratulations Jack. But be careful where you park it because there are lots of guys out there who will try to key it.

04-25-08, 02:37
I went to New Life once as well and those girl were SCARY. I looked at my driver and said "this is it, really? People pay for this?" But hey, to each there own but don't shit on everyone who pays more.

I hear you. I only got to check out New Life once, but quite frankly I was disappointed especially since a lot of guys here rave about the place. Maybe it was just a bad day?

Anyway, the way one girl introduced herself was definitely like she was an estrato 0! I kind of felt sorry for her and some of the other girls, not their fault they live in that kind of environment. I chose one of the girls in the lineup just for the heck of it, but her body turned out not to be all that and even putting that aside, the whole vibe of the place doesn't do it for me, not really an erotic experience.

Still if you're looking for a quickie on the budget tip, I guess it's a good option although this opinion is based on just my first impression.

04-25-08, 02:42
Exactly! Everyone needs to read this post before going to Medellin.

When I was in Majorista I could actually smell glue on one of the girls. You could see in their eyes that they were stoned out of their minds. I even remember reading a post on here where one guy said his regular girl was losing her memory because of long term glue use.

The Centro houses are the lowest of the low for a lot of locals not just the rich and I'll tell you why. The girls - no matter how beautiful - and many are - are trash. Just imagine some US woman from the deep redneck woods who is missing a tooth, is loud, uneducated. Walking down the street with her screams "I'm with an uneducated trailor trash 2 bit hooker".

Now I know the girls in Centro aren't missing a tooth, but when you are from here and you speak the language that beautiful girl suddenly becomes ugly when she talks like "Boyz From the Hood".

You foreigners don't get this becuase you can't tell the difference - your spanish sucks, you are not from here and to you she is "just another girl, what's the problem?"

Some guys' dicks get limp when in the presence of a trailor trash chick in one of these casas - don't even need to be on the street embarrased. But if you are, the whole world knows you are with a cheap, low class hooker.

This is why many local mongers go to exclusive clubs and grab chicks that are are educated and speak/present themselves well and accompany these guys to where ever and everyone on the street thinks they are a couple. Image is very important in Colombia.

You gringos walking down the street with your estrato 2 ho from Bell Suite or New Life think that just because she's not flashing tits that no one knows the deal.

There are houses in Sabaneta, Envigado and Poblado that don't advertise at all. This is where the creme de la creme work and the rich in Colombia have no problem paying 300K,500K, and over 1 millone for high quality girl they can talk to who is going to rock their world on the street and in the cama.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-25-08, 04:13
Heya Cuba. You know we're amigos but I don't get this at all.

What does it matter if you take a working chica to eat? Parque Lleras or wherever.

What does it matter if they are they are dining near you with their friends?

Big deal really.

Take care.
Cuba? Good enough to eat but not good enough to eat with. Would not of thought that was your attitude. But to each.Ricker & Escort King,

I guess you guys missed the "Pure Bull" statement after the two paragraphs.

I was being fisticious when I said I would not eat at Parque Lleras because prostitutes go there with their Johns. I was comparing that statement with the one Uncle Jack made about being embarrased to eat there with ******* Americans. Go back and reread it and you will understand. Sorry if it was too convincing.

BTW-It doesn't matter to me who is in Parque Lleras eating next to me.



Lucky Strike
04-25-08, 04:23
ISG shows that you've posted 4 reports, but when I execute a search to find other posts by "Jeckleman", it comes up with just one.

Could it be that you've changed your user name? I'd really like to see your prior posts.

Maybe Jackson will be kind enough to help me find out what the user name used to be and to locate 3 missing post?


Hi Lucky Strike,

You're chasing ghosts.

First, even when somebody changes their username, it is changed on all their past reports also.

Second, the answer to your mystery is that he had three reports pending moderation at the moment that you did your search.



04-25-08, 04:29
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because it was pointlessly argumentative.

A summation of the post: Ricker agrees with Sailor2006.

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange if information between men on the subject of finding women for sex. Let's stick to the subject.Actually you're right.

I'm going to take a breather from this Colombian forum for a bit too.

Entirely too much BS lately with all the Donald Trump wannabees, and myself adding to the mess.

Off to Brazil :)

04-25-08, 08:49
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report could potentially incite a flame war. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

04-25-08, 13:56
Where should I continue with my trip report. I don't want to mess up this section.

Last night we went to the Concert by some bbig time Reggae Tone groups. It was an experience.

Member #3437
04-25-08, 15:04
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

Member #3437
04-25-08, 15:08
BTW-It doesn't matter to me who is in Parque Lleras eating next to me.


CubanutBrings back a memory of me and you sitting in one of the restaraunts with three young medelling girls, and you kept giving them these little flowers you brought from back home, and the girls would get all excited.

Fun times.

Tom Power
04-25-08, 15:42
My two cents.

It seems here the big issues are:

1/ don't inflate the prices for everyone else

2/don't act like a jack as s making us all look bad.


If you haven't noticed the colombians are unlike any other latinos, they have a really big reputation for being opportunistic, they see themselves as culturally gifted with an inate ability to take advantage of situations, while they are sad about the tragedies in Colombia they take a grim pride in being the best at counterfiting, drug smuggling, kidnapping, and political corruption. Every girl I've ever met in Colombia takes the term 'Lista' to a extreme that I've never seen in mexico, Cuba or CR. Its only natural for girls to ask for more and more money its just that in Colombia the raising of prices has ocurred so much faster in such a short time when compared to how prices changed in other places like DR, Costa Rica and Cuba. The reason for this is that the average colombian hoo ker isn't stupid like her other latin colleages she takes pride in taking advantage therefore its just natural for the colombiana to ask for more and more. This is the main reason for the price increase, but that soap opera SIn Tetas no Hay Paraiso didn't help either, now every ho oker sees herself as a Prepago and can't get out of her mind El titi paying 500, 000 pesos for the night. If gringos are to blame it aint the wh0re mongers its more likely the thousands of guys who have never been to Colombia but manage to send money to their internet sweet hearts. You can pay anything you want the effect is minimal the real force driving prices up are the lista colombianas themselves.

Acting Like a Jac k AS S:

Uncle Jack don't worry too much about rude gringos. I was in covenas this January at a resort called la fragata in the pool were 4 colombian rancher types and they had a nice paisa hoo ker in thong that it looked like they all chipped in for, They were drinking rum from the bottle and she was making out with each of them in turn, they were loud vulgar and rude to pretty much everyone, but to be honest I didn't see any of the ladies or the kids roll their eyes or even react no one seemed to care. In the plaza in turbaco I've seen colombian guys pull up in their land cruisers and out pop the ho okers blaring music and dirty dancing right in front of the church. No to mention the zoo that is a cabalgata. Gringos at their worst are still pretty tame for Colombia maybe if Colombia ever becomes a spring break destination and the Cancun crowd shows up id get worried now those guys are rude.

I embrace my fellow gringos down in Colombia I can trust a gringo to watch my back and you can count on me to lend a hand. When I see a gringo in the tent beside me on the beach I don't see him as a rival but a brother on my side against the horde.

Remember, we're all in this together.

Tom Power

04-25-08, 15:47
Some tedious analogy about carsHi Jackson,

Is this really relevant to "the exchange of information between men on the subject of finding women for sex"? At the very least could it, and its brethren, be moved out of the Medellin forum before they cause an unwarranted jealous reaction from those of us who don't have an infinite bucket of dollars to play with? Or Pinto fans, of course.

Shafty 7
04-25-08, 16:28
1. Yes, one can have plenty of fun without going to the mansion. My first 30+ trips I stayed at the Hotel Park 10, also in poblado. The price is about 220k per night for a 2 room suite. This hotel is beautiful. They, like many hotels in poblado, have now started charging 25k-50k per night if a chica stays over with you. There are lots and lots of hotels that are similar.

If you stay at one of them you will need to do some extra homework (the medellin lists thread is a good place to start) so you know the casas and clubs to go to.

2a. I don't know that there are any other hotels that actually have chicas hanging out, but if you go out to the casas/clubs and get the phone #s of the chicas you like you will not need any chicas hanging around, just call who you want.

2b. "Close to the action", is a concept you should abandon asap. The "action" is in your bedroom or at the various casas/clubs. You will use the readily available and cheap taxis to take you to these places which are spread out in different areas of the city and you will use the phone to arrange action at your room.

3. While I am sure that chicks from Mangos have been picked up, it is not an especially good place to go to pick up chicks IMHO. Any of the malls in the city would be you a much quieter, more relaxed setting to talk to and pick up chicks. This is a good reason to stay somewhere other than the mansion, because if you are going to hunting in the non-p4p pool you don't want to walk your catch into the p4p pool. I have personally witnessed two different occasions where guys got blown out of the water with a regular chica when a few of the mansion girls showed up to "compete".

That said, if you are only going to be there for 4 days, and you are not going to be on the internet lining up dates ahead of time, then going the non-p4p route with its inherent uncertainties could wind up eating away a lot of your time without much of an action payoff. I'm not saying its impossible or even unlikely that you could score this way, but its a gamble with your most precious resource, in this case....time.

4. This is one of the reasons that I have been staying at the mansion lately. My normal traveling buddy brought home a paisa and so is pretty much out of the game. The mansion is a great place to find hunting parties for the p4p pool. I suggest you go by when you get into medellin. You can take a look at the place and perhaps they will have a last minute cancelation and you can get in there.

Also, you might run into some guys and get a few pointers or hook up at a club later.


I'm looking foward to my first trip to Medellin on Memorial Day weekend for 4 nights. By reading the boards it seems like The Mansion is the place to be. Unfortunately, they are all booked for that weekend.

1. Can one still have a lot of fun without staying at the mansion? 2. What are any other places I may be able to stay at that has chicas hanging aroud? Or any other place thats close to the action?

3. Is this place Mango's a place to pick up chics? The photos I see of the women dancing there are Amazing.

4. Any other guys gonna be around that wanna get together to go hunting, let me know. Its always better to go with someone then alone. I am 35 y/o and 100% fluent in Spanish.

Appreciate the help, and any other tid bits.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-25-08, 20:08
Some of these guys need to get out more.

The world is filled with rude Germans, the big joke when I was staying at the Mansion was that there was a German that the guys did'nt find offensive.

04-26-08, 07:33
Hey guys.

I know everyone on this posting are hornballs otherwise you guys wouldn't be coming back to Colombia for your sexual excursions! =)

Those who arent married. Would you guys considering marrying a Prostitute/hooker/escort?

Let say you met a beautiful sweet Colombia girls, very nice, caring, responsible, all the good qualities of a good wife, but she told her past she was a pro. Would you marry her?

Be honest guys!

For me.

I might marry one! LOL. Just as long she doesnt have any excess baggage or diseases!


04-26-08, 16:04
No to mention the zoo that is a cabalgata. Gringos at their worst are still pretty tame for Colombia Ain't that the fucking truth. Having enduring one cabalgata I've never been to another. A ruder, drunker, more abusive bunch of people I've never met in my life. Big crowds at celebrations are bad news.

It really might be the booze. I found myself starting to get that way once. I now no longer touch aquadiente, white tequila, or national licors apart from when it would be considered rude to refuse.

Shafty 7
04-26-08, 16:40
I was just thinking about a conversation a few of us had at the Mansion a couple of weeks ago and I thought I would post it here.

When, you go to the casas (Loutron, Blue Room, etc) bring a small notepad and a pen. Many of these places have you sit in a room and have the girls come in one at a time and then ask you to choose which one you want. It is sometimes very difficult to remember the name of the second or third one after you have seen 8 more chicas.

As each girl exits write down her name and rate her attractiveness on the 1 - 10 scale, that way you will have a record of who you saw and how hot they are. Then, after you have had your session, rate the one you picked on her performance 1 - 10 and if she was good definitely get her phone#.

Before you leave the casa make sure to get a business card. Want some action later? Call one of the chicas you had a good time with and have her come over before/after work or on sunday. Can't wait that long? or she can't make it? Call the casa and tell them to send over the next highest rated. Rate her performance. Get her #. Rinse and repeat.

As I was telling a table full of mongers this plan poolside at the mansion one of the more experienced guys walks in, fresh from a trip to Loutron, whips out his notepad and says, "Oh, you mean like this one?"

After a 4 day trip using this method you should have a list that looks something like this:

LOUTRON 444-4204 321-4490 175k

Alejandra 7
Claudia 7
Lena 9 9 000-000-0000
Paola 8
Johana 10 8 000-000-0000
Leidi 8
Jenifer 11 6
Estella 10 10 000-0000 000-000-0000
Carmen 9 8 000-0000

BLUE ROOM 250-0363 80k

Luz Stella 9 8 000-000-0000
Paola Andrea 8 10 000-0000
Diana 8
Marcela 5
Nathalia 7
Kelly 9 5
Gloria 8

Is that something you might be interested in?

By the way, those are the real phone #s and fairly current per hour prices for the casas.

Someone also suggested that you can just take your cell phone with you, put the #s in the phone and take a picture of each chica to remind you who is who. This works great for the chicas you session with, but doesn't help so much with remembering all the names at the introduction stage.

04-27-08, 03:35
Thats a good question many of the girls whom frequent the dating agencys are "prepagos" in their off time, while studying.

I guess the answear to that question would be diffrent for each person, but to answear a question with a question is their a diffrence between a hooker working in a "casa" and a girl who dates a 80 year old man for a "nice life" or a older man with profession and high paying job? My personal answear is its the same, no diffrence one has had more sex do to the nature of her work the other could be more ruthless and cutthroat do to the fact she is a predator looking for stablity and wealth.

So i would marry a "hooker" i have no problem with it as along as she hasnt been on the "industry" for long period of time, they tend to get jaded, when doing long tours heres what i would use to determine if a working girl can be a good wife.

1. Age young the better 20's
2. Time working
3. physical apprence
4. family members large family and you will be supporting them
5. conversation and conntection

The younger the girl, probly less time in the bussniess 20's is ideal; having children is a good sign means she is willing to do what it takes to provide for her kids, its respectable, a large family with no children means her parents put her to work becuase she can earn plata, not a good sign she is attached to the family and they will be a problem. physical apprence, your buying a wife lets not kid ourself, so if your buying something buy the style and size you want i personally like em tall, black hair, dark eyes, large chest, nice legs cute feet, little heavy or what i call thick, but just as important you want some one you connect with can talk and deal with, this takes time to devlope and discover.

I have had some good conversations about marrigage with the "working girls", most do want to leave the industry but are weary of "johns" and some are short timers, who put their time in make their money and leave to live their own lives. What i tell them is i am getting it out of my system in my 20's and will be ready to settle down in my early 30's, they dont believe me. as childish as it sounds may of these girls want to find "love" or the image of it, they want the flowers the phone calls the whispers the romance of a relationship, i use to think guys like ricker were full of shit, and stupid for smoozhing with the girls soo much, but i was WRONG, it makes a diffrence a huge diffrence. good tip

Hey guys.

I know everyone on this posting are hornballs otherwise you guys wouldn't be coming back to Colombia for your sexual excursions! =)

Those who arent married. Would you guys considering marrying a Prostitute/hooker/escort?

Let say you met a beautiful sweet Colombia girls, very nice, caring, responsible, all the good qualities of a good wife, but she told her past she was a pro. Would you marry her?

Be honest guys!

For me.

I might marry one! LOL. Just as long she doesnt have any excess baggage or diseases!


Count Dante
04-27-08, 06:45
....Those who arent married. Would you guys considering marrying a Prostitute/hooker/escort?

Let say you met a beautiful sweet Colombia girls, very nice, caring, responsible, all the good qualities of a good wife, but she told her past she was a pro. Would you marry her?Easy question for me. NO, NO, NO!

Here are my reasons:

1) I am not a big fan of marraige to begin with.

2) Considering the number of attractive, sweet, intelligent, educated Latinas out there, there is just no reason to marry a current or former prostitute.

3) I've seen tons of these marriages before, in multiple countries, and I bet less than 5% last 3 years.

4) I personally believe that once a woman has sold her ass it is like biting the apple from the "Tree of Knowledge" in the Garden Of Eden. She has crossed that line and is MUCH more likely to cross it again if times get rough financially (or if she see a nice pair of shoes in the mall). As a side note, I think the same can be said of men who frequent prostitutes (namely, us). How commited and faithful a husband can I be, knowing that I can have sex with a 18 year old gorgeous girl whenever I want, no matter how old I get. The temptation for new pussy is just to strong.

Guys tend to fall into relationships of dating/marrying putas because it is so easy. This girl's current (or former) job is to make men feel good. She knows just how to act to seem almost perfect. These hookers are much more direct about pushing a guy's buttons to make him fall for them. Sure, some guys have dated 9's and 10's in normal lives, but how many of those 9's and 10's treated those guys like a king and worshiped them.

Thats what gets guys. They have this unbelievably gorgeous girl treating them wonderfully and they don't have to work for it like they do with regular girls. Why work hard at pulling a 6 or 7 who seems somewhat interested in you, when this 9 or 10 acts like a new puppy who see's her master come through the door whenever she is with you. Being worshiped by a gorgeous woman is the ultimate mindfuck for guys.

The reason she is treating you like a king is because of the power difference in your relationship. Marrying her and/or bringing her back to the U. S destroys your power advantage. You want to hang out with these girls and (in some cases) even date them, fine. But don't marry them and don't bring them back to the U. S.

So Jergens007, did you fall for some Colombiana (current or former) pro while you were in Medellin?

04-27-08, 17:11
Hey Guys,

Just wanted to give do Kudos to Sailor2006. I hung out with him for a couple of days last week and Sailor2006 has a very nice apartment and really seems to have a handle on what is really going on in Medellin. I even saw the famous Sailor2006 couch were many of his HOT photos were taken!! LOL

The local bar establishments (Mgr's) were especially nice to us as Sailor2006 comes across as a true professional "Gringo" in the eyes of the locals.

Thanks for showing me some of your secret watering holes Sailor2006.

See ya again soon!


04-27-08, 20:31
... i use to think guys like ricker were full of shit, and stupid for smoozhing with the girls soo much, but i was WRONG, it makes a diffrence a huge diffrence. good tipWhat, me full of shit?

Just makes sense amigo. These are just girls. Like you said, they have their own hopes and dreams and desires.

My current novia in Venezuela was a pro at one time. She had a new baby, of course the father of the kid ran off, and her father had run off years before.

How can I hold it against a girl if she's had sex with many guys if I've most likely had sex with many more chicas than she has with clients. At least she was doing it for survival, me for sport.

Of course you can't be a dummy. There are obviously chicas who will use their "fake carino (affection)" towards a guy or guys to gain more money. Experience and communication skills teach you. I think I can spot them after 5 minutes now

Glad to see you maturing to a wise person Sailor

Really, among the sea of sillyness on this Colombian forum lately, I've enjoyed your posts.

Take care amigos!

04-27-08, 21:32
I was curious to know what the hygiene factor is in the centro mp's ?

Do these girls have access to soap and water in the room? I am asking this because I am a fan of DATY like I'm sure many of us are.

04-27-08, 21:51
So Jergens007, did you fall for some Colombiana (current or former) pro while you were in Medellin?

No I am sure he is just doing research for a "friend".

04-27-08, 23:52
Yes, at least some of them do that I know of for sure. I took a shower at two and most of the girls came in freshly showered. I do not know if this is at every casa but true at some. Sexi and Karma Sutra are two that come to mind now that I think about it.


Count Dante
04-28-08, 01:06
I was curious to know what the hygiene factor is in the centro mp's ?

Do these girls have access to soap and water in the room? I am asking this because I am a fan of DATY like I'm sure many of us are.Every girl I was with in the MPs washed their pussies when they were finished if the bathroom was right there.

I'm also a big fan of DATY, but I would never DATY an el centro MP girl or a Mayorista Street girls. I did DATY some mansion girls (they had just arrived and hadn't fucked another guy there, yet) and a few prepago types that I called over, but MP girls, in el centro? Nope. Some of these MP girls are getting 6-10 dicks in them a day. If you do decide to DATY, you may want to come to the MP as soon as they open, to get the girls reasonably fresh. YMMV.

Col Bog 1
04-28-08, 02:56
That night I could not call any of my favorite girls so I decided to go to the center and to see what was going on in the strip places.

My taxi left me near the Botero’s place and I first walk till the De Grief ave to have a look.

As usual at that time, I couldn’t see any interesting girl there.

I then walk back till the strip place and enter in several of them.

I usually got in and look if I see interesting girls (slim, attractive). If I can’t see them, I immediately leave the place without paying anything.

When I got in the American Bar (Calle Maracaibo) they had some nice girls, so I sat down and ordered a bottle of water.

I was looking to the 2 or 3 attractive girls when a fatty came and sat down by my side.

I politely told her that I was not interested in her, but she wouldn’t move, so I got mad and leave the place.

I walked a little bit more (20 meters) till the Barra ejecutiva and went in.

When I start to observe the girls, I immediately noticed a 10.

She was very cute, with false big tits and a slim body and a nice face.

I was lucky enough that time to have her seat with me.

We started to talk a little bit and after a while + a whiskey, we start to talk business.
She wanted 60K for 30 minutes… I said Ok but I want pictures, DATY and BBBJ.
She agreed. And we left for the room.

We closed the door and I took my camera. Immediately Zulia start to act like a playboy girl. I was delighted, I had a model (a 10, have a look at the pictures and movie) playing with me the game of the sexy excitement.

After maybe 5 minutes of this I had to think about acting as 30 minutes vanishes very fast. So, I start to take my clothes off and got close to Zulia. Unfortunately, the good moment was behind us. She gave me a very poor and short BBBJ and then she didn’t like the DATY, didn’t want to let me take pictures while acting, well, the classical story I have experimented so much with 10s, very nice looking girls and very bad bed behavior.

As I had had no sex for 5 days, I was able to reach climax with the condom, but of course, without enjoying it really.

After I came, I had maybe 5 minutes left, but Zulia was not interested in speaking with me. She just runs out of the room.

The room keeper asked me for a tip and then the door keeper !!! I gave nothing.
I was almost thinking of doing another tour to see if I could been luckier in another place but it was already late and I had an early appointment the following day, so I went back straight to my hotel.

I have made a movie from my meeting with Zulia.

Size : 18,4Mo
Length : 2’30”
Quality : Good, this girl is a real 10 in my book...



EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Tom Cruze
04-28-08, 03:03
Hey guys.

I know everyone on this posting are hornballs otherwise you guys wouldn't be coming back to Colombia for your sexual excursions! =)

Those who arent married. Would you guys considering marrying a Prostitute/hooker/escort?

Let say you met a beautiful sweet Colombia girls, very nice, caring, responsible, all the good qualities of a good wife, but she told her past she was a pro. Would you marry her?

Be honest guys!

For me.

I might marry one! LOL. Just as long she doesnt have any excess baggage or diseases!

Cheers!Dude, there is a term you need to become familar with in considering this decision, and that is "jaded". Like in the US with strippers, if they are in the biz longer than one year, forget about it unless you alsow want to live with drama, I. E. , issues with other guys screwing you girl for whatever reason.

Women in the sex biz lose respect for men or see them in a different light (a means, an ATM) after they see them trade dollars for physical pleasure. You can "save" a girl if she is fresh, but if she has lost that romatic love for men that most women have been spoon fed by their moms, she is a lost cause.

Just my 2 cents, from experience.

Tom Cruze
04-28-08, 03:07

I just had the best 3 some of my life, these two girls were great, and I performed as well too.Sailor,

Brunette in black has a hot body.

Kudos for living it up.

Col Bog 1
04-28-08, 03:09
The rest of my pictures from my meeting with Zulia.


Shafty 7
04-28-08, 03:34
Easy question for me. NO, NO, NO!

3) I've seen tons of these marriages before, in multiple countries, and I bet less than 5% last 3 years.

4) I personally believe that once a woman has sold her ass it is like biting the apple from the "Tree of Knowledge" in the Garden Of Eden. She has crossed that line and is MUCH more likely to cross it again if times get rough financially (or if she see a nice pair of shoes in the mall).While I agree with the Count's overall thesis, in my experience these 2 points are off.

I have 4 guys who work with me who have married colombianas who used to be in the game, the longest for about 6 years. All 4 a reasonably happy (they do still get that itch tho). I even have a fifth buddy who brought home a paisa last year and is planning to marry her.

I have been amazed at how these women completely leave that old life behind to become wives and mothers. Its like they flipped a switch. And, it does make sense when I think about lots of older women who used to be out there in the street when they were younger (not necessarily hooking), but you would never know it by how they act now.

I'm still not advocating any kind of marriage, but its not because I worry about how a woman would adjust to family life, especially a paisa, thats what they are socialized to want from the cradle.

04-28-08, 03:35
I was curious to know what the hygiene factor is in the centro mp's ?

Do these girls have access to soap and water in the room? I am asking this because I am a fan of DATY like I'm sure many of us are.Just speaking for my experiences in New Life, each room had a full bath (shower/toilet), and the girls showered after the session.

Col Bog 1
04-28-08, 05:41
That night I felt like trying a new pussy.

I tried several phone numbers Karen gave me, but I had no chance as the girls wouldn’t answer their pone or were already busy.

So, I could try the centre or a club, but I rather tried Mayorista.

I arrived their by taxi (4k from the Poblado), and start to walk along the strip.

I was curious to know who that night was there. I recognized and said Hello, to Daniela, but it was a slow night as there were not much girls or guys.

I walked up and down several times the strip. Some girls try to attract my attention but they were not my kind.

I was curious to see Milady but she was not there. I recognized several other girls, but nothing interesting. At a moment, I crossed way with a tall and thin light black girl.

We stared at each other but kept our ways. In my up and down I crossed her several times but she would just look at me and then, ignore me.

After a while, I found her seated in a bar with her friend, a fatty. We start to talk and they asked me for a drink (4K), and I said yes. The fatty quickly understood that I was interested in her friend and she pushes her in my arms. We talk business and she claimed 30K. I told her I wanted DATY, pictures and BBBJ. She asked for 20 more and we closed the business at 40K + the room (15K).

We went to a close motel and once in the room got naked. She let me do a few shots and then asked me to stop as she didn’t want to be taken screwing.

I started with my favourite DATY and the girl responded well. After maybe 7 minutes I think she even came! Of course, she might have play but I think that she was more a beginner. I then got close and wanted to enter but she asked me to put the condom. I told her that I wouldn’t feel much with the rubber on, but she remained firm.

So, I let her cover me and start to screw in missionary. After maybe 3 or 4 minutes I was loosing stiffness and start to complain.

I proposed her a tip to take it out and she accepted to discuss the price. We closed the deal for an extra 20K. Once again I was having BBFS!

We did several positions but this time I was feeling good and came after 10 minutes. We then washed ourselves with cold water as we were both sweating.

I paid her the extra for the BBFS and she left before me with a good bye kiss.

When I left the motel 5 minutes later, I saw her seated again with her friend and she wanted me to seat with them and has some drinks, but I was tired, so I declined the invitation and went back to my hotel with a taxi.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-28-08, 14:58
I have 4 guys who work with me who have married colombianas who used to be in the game, the longest for about 6 years. All 4 a reasonably happy (they do still get that itch tho). I even have a fifth buddy who brought home a paisa last year and is planning to marry her.Add me to the list. I'm married to a Colombian/Ecuatorian. She has no interest in going back to that life. It's tough to even get her to go to a strip club. She's happy with the change.

There are many girls that are hookers simply out of necessity to pay the bills or help their families. Given a choice, they would give it up in a minute. There are others, however, that like the life style, the attention and the better money than others around them are making. I had a Colombian like that - she didn't want to give it up. And I left her behind.


04-28-08, 15:01
Dude, there is a term you need to become familar with in considering this decision, and that is "jaded". Like in the US with strippers, if they are in the biz longer than one year, forget about it unless you alsow want to live with drama, I. E. , issues with other guys screwing you girl for whatever reason.

Women in the sex biz lose respect for men or see them in a different light (a means, an ATM) after they see them trade dollars for physical pleasure. You can "save" a girl if she is fresh, but if she has lost that romatic love for men that most women have been spoon fed by their moms, she is a lost cause.

Just my 2 cents, from experience.I would tend to agree. You have to catch them early if you're going to have a chance with them. Too much time in the working world and they are changed forever. That $$ is addictive and their respect for men goes out the window fast.


04-28-08, 15:24
The reason she is treating you like a king is because of the power difference in your relationship. Marrying her and/or bringing her back to the U. S destroys your power advantage. You want to hang out with these girls and (in some cases) even date them, fine. But don't marry them and don't bring them back to the U. S.For many, it's not about power, it's about respect and a relationship. If you treat them with respect, they will more likely do the same with you. Not all of us are interested in treating them like objects (although I've been guilty of that in past years).

I searched in many countries for years for that person I could truly connect with and I finally found her in Ecuador. And I married her. And we're both happy.

It sounds like you are a lot like I was in past years - the bad taste in the mouth with past relationships and wanting to take the easy lay. At least in my case, that gets tiring after years of traveling to many countries. I'm happy to settle down. I can still have fun without dealing with the headaches of worrying about getting robbed in the night, etc. There's a happy medium sometimes.

I have no interest in taking her to the states. If anything, we'd move to a different country so I can still enjoy different experiences.


Count Dante
04-28-08, 17:01
You guys could be right. Maybe Colombiana former/current hookers living in Colombia are different from hookers in every other Latin American country. I'm just not willing to risk half of my assets to test the theory.

But let me ask a question I alluded to earlier. Other than her POSSIBLY being a little hotter, is there really any reason to marry a Colombian (current or former) prostitute over a "regular" Colombiana? I understand that some guys just "fall in love" with their favorita and if the majority of their time is spent with pros, it is easy to begin to see them as potential marriage material. I just wouldn't consider it when taking in to account all of the hot single women in the country who are not hookers.

I know a fair number of Colombianos living in the U. S and many of them know of the amount of time I spend in Latin America and my willingness to purchase a home there and live semi-permenantly. No less than 4 of them tried to hook me up with their cousin/neice/friend. These ladies AREN'T looking to move to "El Norte". They are beautiful, educated, successful, and SINGLE. Talking to guys living here that are dating "regular girls" only reinforces this perspective for me.

If you guys are successful marrying former pros, you have my most sincere congradulations. It just is not a rational option for me. Also, it comes down to traits that I find valuable in a long term partner. The majority of pros (current and former) just don't have them. However, I know everyone is different.

In a way, I REALLY, REALLY hope it is true what you guys are saying about Colombiana former pros. However, I feel that if it is true now, it may not hold true in 10-15 years, as more gringos come down and try to play "Captian Save-A-Hoe" by sending these girls WU checks every month and they realize that they can do better stringing 4 guys along than marrying and being faithful to 1.

04-28-08, 17:12
Another new American owned entry in Medellin, in Park Lleras.


Don't let the name fool you. Pretty nice with cheap rooms and private rooms.

Be first to soil the sheets.

04-29-08, 05:47

Long story made short. This past Feb, my buddy and I attended a Sunday Pool Party at the Mansion. As usual, Greg, Robert, Boyd and the staff were great hosts.

As usual, great looking chicas showed up. There was lots of eating, drinking and good times and laughter amongst mongers. There was a dance/strip contest as well.

However, a few guys wanted a little something different. Now of course Mansion guests have seen lesbian shows before as well but never a LIVE SEX SHOW. Well Greg said he had the perfect girl to do the deed but we still needed a STUD. I quickly volunteered by buddy and after he agreed, we headed off to room 12.

I believe the pictures tell the rest of story better than I can.



04-29-08, 07:47

Good post buddy!

04-29-08, 07:53
So Jergens007, did you fall for some Colombiana (current or former) pro while you were in Medellin?I never paid for sex till took my first trip to Colombia back in Sept 07. I went to Fase 2, oh my gosh! The women were so damn hot!

So hot. I ask myself. Why in the hell are they working here? Shit. If they were in the US. Rich desperate mother fuckers would be showering with gifts, jewlery, a bmw. Like alot of these hot hoes in Hollywood.

The answer to your question. No I didn't fall for one while I was in Medellin. Honestly, If I spoke better spanish and lived in Medellin I probably would fall for one of the girls at Fase 2. LOL

04-29-08, 07:59
Col Bog 1,

Damn! Good pick! She is hot!

I would love to pound her ass! Great video too!

Where is Barra ejecutiva is that new casa? I didn't hear of this place when I'm down there. Is it upscale like Loutron and Fase 2?

04-29-08, 08:11
What up guys?

I am planning my next South American excursion In November. Its either Argentina or Brazil. I am leaning towards Brazil because I love their culture, music, food.

As far as women is concern, I into more of the light skinned Paisa types, I like big boobs, big booty, I admit, I do like them plastic. I love women with figures of Kim Kardashian, Sofia Vegara. You get the idea!

I know in Sao Paulo, you have more the lighter skinned european types.

Where as in Rio de Janerio have a good mixture of everything and alot of big bundas! =)

Help me out guys. Colombian women are hot as hell, they met beyond my expectations! I know Brazil is up there too! From my personal preference, that I stated. Who do you think I would like better. Brazilian women? Or Colombian women?


04-29-08, 12:19
Hi guys,

I found about 20 odd videos of a guy entering the seedy establishments doted around columbia. Check them out there pretty good


Cali Bog,

Keep up the good work, your reports stand out from others with your cool videos. If anyone else has any links to real hiddens camera etc please post links or vids.


El Greco
04-29-08, 12:53
What up guys?

I am planning my next South American excursion In November. Its either Argentina or Brazil. I am leaning towards Brazil because I love their culture, music, food.

As far as women is concern, I into more of the light skinned Paisa types, I like big boobs, big booty, I admit, I do like them plastic. I love women with figures of Kim Kardashian, Sofia Vegara. You get the idea!

I know in Sao Paulo, you have more the lighter skinned european types.

Where as in Rio de Janerio have a good mixture of everything and alot of big bundas! =)

Help me out guys. Colombian women are hot as hell, they met beyond my expectations! I know Brazil is up there too! From my personal preference, that I stated. Who do you think I would like better. Brazilian women? Or Colombian women?

Thanks!Hard to tell. I found brasilerinhas to be more "safadas" kinky I mean. Colombianas IMO have nicer faces bigger boobs and seem to be more sincere.

In your place I would try both countries. AVIANCA flies direct from Bogota to SAO. Used to fly to RIO too for a while but not anymore. No matter where you start from USA or Europe with an extra $50 or so you may have a stopover in Bogota on your way to SAO. From there is easy to reach RIO by bus too.

El Greco

04-29-08, 16:04
You guys could be right. Maybe Colombiana former/current hookers living in Colombia are different from hookers in every other Latin American country. I'm just not willing to risk half of my assets to test the theory.

But let me ask a question I alluded to earlier. Other than her POSSIBLY being a little hotter, is there really any reason to marry a Colombian (current or former) prostitute over a "regular" Colombiana? I understand that some guys just "fall in love" with their favorita and if the majority of their time is spent with pros, it is easy to begin to see them as potential marriage material. I just wouldn't consider it when taking in to account all of the hot single women in the country who are not hookers.

I know a fair number of Colombianos living in the U. S and many of them know of the amount of time I spend in Latin America and my willingness to purchase a home there and live semi-permenantly. No less than 4 of them tried to hook me up with their cousin/neice/friend. These ladies AREN'T looking to move to "El Norte". They are beautiful, educated, successful, and SINGLE. Talking to guys living here that are dating "regular girls" only reinforces this perspective for me.

If you guys are successful marrying former pros, you have my most sincere congradulations. It just is not a rational option for me. Also, it comes down to traits that I find valuable in a long term partner. The majority of pros (current and former) just don't have them. However, I know everyone is different.

In a way, I REALLY, REALLY hope it is true what you guys are saying about Colombiana former pros. However, I feel that if it is true now, it may not hold true in 10-15 years, as more gringos come down and try to play "Captian Save-A-Hoe" by sending these girls WU checks every month and they realize that they can do better stringing 4 guys along than marrying and being faithful to 1.Amigo,

The bottom line is, you can´t group all pros as the same, just as you surely can´t group all non-pros as the same.

Of course some pros are money hungry, jaded chicas who will do whatever it takes to earn or steal another peso, that's obvious.

Then again there are some real sweethearts.

Some guys meet girls as pros that of course they never would have gotten to meet had it not been for the chica´s temporary job.

Big deal!

To be honest, the nastiest barracudas I've met in my travels haven't been the pros.

Good luck amigos !!

04-29-08, 16:07
What up guys?

I am planning my next South American excursion In November. Its either Argentina or Brazil. I am leaning towards Brazil because I love their culture, music, food.

As far as women is concern, I into more of the light skinned Paisa types, I like big boobs, big booty, I admit, I do like them plastic. I love women with figures of Kim Kardashian, Sofia Vegara. You get the idea!

I know in Sao Paulo, you have more the lighter skinned european types.

Where as in Rio de Janerio have a good mixture of everything and alot of big bundas! =)

Help me out guys. Colombian women are hot as hell, they met beyond my expectations! I know Brazil is up there too! From my personal preference, that I stated. Who do you think I would like better. Brazilian women? Or Colombian women?

Thanks!Well, funny thing you ask!

I'm in Brazil at the moment. Don't have time right now to make the comparison. Got a lunch date!

I'll get back to that topic later today!

Col Bog 1
04-29-08, 16:13
Col Bog 1,

Damn! Good pick! She is hot!

I would love to pound her ass! Great video too!

Where is Barra ejecutiva is that new casa? I didn't hear of this place when I'm down there. Is it upscale like Loutron and Fase 2?Hi Jergens007,

Thanks for the good word.

Barra ejecutiva is in the Calle Maracaibo, between the Oriental and the centre.

You can't miss it.

It's a strip place, in the same street you have American Bar, and another one. If you turn left after american bar going toward the centre, you'll find some more places like that.

You get in and have a public strip show. You sit down and order a drink and can enjoy strip all night long.

Girls will probably try to make contact with you and ask you for a drink and then talk business.

These places in Maracaibo street are not upscale like Fase 2, and they are not as big as The San Diego place, but they are cheaper.

It's fun, but, for the moment, I have bad experiences there as the girls only want you to finish fast, so they can go back to the strip.

Have fun.

04-29-08, 20:03
MY preference is Columbia, but Brazil isi not bad at all. These are both great places. I would rather have these two to chose from then say Uk and France.


What up guys?

I am planning my next South American excursion In November. Its either Argentina or Brazil. I am leaning towards Brazil because I love their culture, music, food.

As far as women is concern, I into more of the light skinned Paisa types, I like big boobs, big booty, I admit, I do like them plastic. I love women with figures of Kim Kardashian, Sofia Vegara. You get the idea!

I know in Sao Paulo, you have more the lighter skinned european types.

Where as in Rio de Janerio have a good mixture of everything and alot of big bundas! =)

Help me out guys. Colombian women are hot as hell, they met beyond my expectations! I know Brazil is up there too! From my personal preference, that I stated. Who do you think I would like better. Brazilian women? Or Colombian women?


04-30-08, 00:47
Laurelas is a neighborhood that is Strata 4/5. It has a main street referred as La Setenta (70th Street) and it stretches from the Metro, which is 5 stops from Centro to the Univercity. I spent 4 nights there in a chica friendly hotel. The small room was 113,000 for 1 or 133,000 for 2. The suite was 133,000 for 1 or 165,000 for 2. All guests must sign in.

The metro was 1,400 pesos one way.

I saw a few Hotels that were in the 70,000 range as well as the 250,000 range. There are plenty of markets around as well.

They have free internet and free breakfast. There are about 10 other hotels on that street as well as many dozens of restaurants and bars.

There are a few casas within walking distance and Avenue 33 is nearby as well, with 3 casas located there.

I ate in about 8 restaurants including a Mexican Restaurant. The owner spoke English and spent a few years in Mexico.

This is a very active area with people out well past midnight.

I will be back in June for a week with a few buddies. I am getting two suites that connect and the wing has 6 rooms next to one another. Its about 40 minutes from the airport.

I will locate and insert the link. They require 1 nights deposit and they take credit cards without any kind of surcharge.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-30-08, 01:11
But let me ask a question I alluded to earlier. Other than her POSSIBLY being a little hotter, is there really any reason to marry a Colombian (current or former) prostitute over a "regular" Colombiana? I understand that some guys just "fall in love" with their favorita and if the majority of their time is spent with pros, it is easy to begin to see them as potential marriage material. I just wouldn't consider it when taking in to account all of the hot single women in the country who are not hookers.Most non-working girls wouldn't be caught dead with a gringo in Colombia for fear of being taken for a hooker. There's a reason many of the hookers don't work where they live. They travel from a ways away so their family, friends and people that know them can't run into them in strip clubs, chongos and like the like. With that said, the odds of landing a non-working girl is far less likely than you make it sound, in my opinion.

And I've seen that cycle repeated in many countries in central and south america. I live in Quito, Ecuador and it's certainly true here. It's hard to get girls into the sack. They are very conservative here.


04-30-08, 02:05
Help me out guys. Colombian women are hot as hell, they met beyond my expectations! I know Brazil is up there too! From my personal preference, that I stated. Who do you think I would like better. Brazilian women? Or Colombian women?

Thanks!Been both places many times. The women of Brasil and Colombia are both great, the best in LatAm! Since you have been to Colombia already, go visit Brasil. Split you time between Sao Paulo and Rio. Weekdays in Sao Paulo because SP is great every night. Weekends in Rio are fun.

SP and Rio are both like big cities in the US when it comes to getting in the top clubs. Tight door policies.- but once you are in there, you are GOLDEN.

If you are staying at one of the nicer hotels like the Emiliano (where I usually stay), Unique (haven't tried), Hyatt (good location b/c my old office was nearby), etc. They can usually get you on the list. If you are on ASW, then work that connection (if you don't know what it is, then nevermind, LOL).

The food in Colombia doesn't hold a candle to Brasil. Nightlife in Brasil is better. The women are about the same, but to me the women of Brasil exude much more sensual vibes. The way they speak Portuguese drives me insane, it is so sexy! Most importantly, all women I have met in Brasil aim to please. Not always so with the Colombianas.

04-30-08, 13:50
When lucky enough to develope love for another truely is a blessing and we cannot fight the feeling.

Is the ever a reason to "Marry" other than love. Prosti or not; unless love is involved it is all pink.

Prosti (the rich or the poor) deserves the romance and real love as well as any oher.

The cousin/neice/friend is either looking for sugar or a ride north. When you think of the difference in earning and the ease of world travel. Check th motives!

You guys could be right. Maybe Colombiana former/current hookers living in Colombia are different from hookers in every other Latin American country. I'm just not willing to risk half of my assets to test the theory.

But let me ask a question I alluded to earlier. Other than her POSSIBLY being a little hotter, is there really any reason to marry a Colombian (current or former) prostitute over a "regular" Colombiana? I understand that some guys just "fall in love" with their favorita and if the majority of their time is spent with pros, it is easy to begin to see them as potential marriage material. I just wouldn't consider it when taking in to account all of the hot single women in the country who are not hookers.

I know a fair number of Colombianos living in the U. S and many of them know of the amount of time I spend in Latin America and my willingness to purchase a home there and live semi-permenantly. No less than 4 of them tried to hook me up with their cousin/neice/friend. These ladies AREN'T looking to move to "El Norte". They are beautiful, educated, successful, and SINGLE. Talking to guys living here that are dating "regular girls" only reinforces this perspective for me.

If you guys are successful marrying former pros, you have my most sincere congradulations. It just is not a rational option for me. Also, it comes down to traits that I find valuable in a long term partner. The majority of pros (current and former) just don't have them. However, I know everyone is different.

In a way, I REALLY, REALLY hope it is true what you guys are saying about Colombiana former pros. However, I feel that if it is true now, it may not hold true in 10-15 years, as more gringos come down and try to play "Captian Save-A-Hoe" by sending these girls WU checks every month and they realize that they can do better stringing 4 guys along than marrying and being faithful to 1.

Client 9
04-30-08, 18:49
Most non-working girls wouldn't be caught dead with a gringo in Colombia for fear of being taken for a hooker. There's a reason many of the hookers don't work where they live. They travel from a ways away so their family, friends and people that know them can't run into them in strip clubs, chongos and like the like. With that said, the odds of landing a non-working girl is far less likely than you make it sound, in my opinion.

And I've seen that cycle repeated in many countries in central and south america. I live in Quito, Ecuador and it's certainly true here. It's hard to get girls into the sack. They are very conservative here.

DavidI completely disagree. There are endless Latinas, including Colombianas, that love to date Gringos and would love to marry a Gringo. In fact, Florida is full of such Latinas. Only a very small percentage of them are prostitutes.

There are also Latinas that would rather slit their wrists than date a Gringo. Of course, that can change instantly upon meeting the "right" Gringo.

I do agree that Latinas, especially Colombianas, are very image-conscious. That's a good thing. Any Gringo in Colombia known or rumored to spend most of his time with prostitutes will indeed have some difficulty with non-prostitutes. Colombians love to gossip, especially about Gringos. Gringos in Colombia need to be more discrete and more image-conscious if they have any interest in non-prostitutes.

Most Latinas in most parts of Latin America are not sexually conservative whatsoever. They will try to convince you that they are, especially if a Gringo seems to have outdated sexual attitudes. In particular, Latinas in the most popular countries (Colombia, Argentina, etc.) are not sexually conservative whatsoever.

Tom Cruze
04-30-08, 23:55
Most non-working girls wouldn't be caught dead with a gringo in Colombia for fear of being taken for a hooker.Funny, I recently had an interesting experience with this issue. There is a flip side to it also, I have discovered that many colombianas are catty and will spread rumors of other colombianas who date gringos as being prepagos. It's definitely a jealousy/"not letting someone else upgrade" kind of thing.

Yeah, it is interesting to her the various views of colombians as more and more gringos swim in their waters. I can only guess that colombian men don't dig, or better despise, gringos who come here to date/marry/hook up/bang their women.

Tom Cruze
05-01-08, 00:31
As a side note, I think the same can be said of men who frequent prostitutes (namely, us). How commited and faithful a husband can I be, knowing that I can have sex with a 18 year old gorgeous girl whenever I want, no matter how old I get. The temptation for new pussy is just to strong.Man, that is some deep shit. I'm wrestling with that same fricken issue, how can I be faithful knowing hot pussy is available on the fly down here? Heck, it's gotta be something colombian men deal with too ... but you gotta be a master at keeping from getting caught/raising suspicions?

Any tips from others? I recently had a near-hit and have to develop plans and patterns to be more stealthy, e.g., no multi-dating non-pros, just quick pro visits; getting a separate prepago SIM card; find a inexpensive hotel room you can operate out of during business hours, etc.

Thanks for any tips in advance!

05-01-08, 02:04
I completely disagree. There are endless Latinas, including Colombianas, that love to date Gringos and would love to marry a Gringo. In fact, Florida is full of such Latinas. Only a very small percentage of them are prostitutes.

Most Latinas in most parts of Latin America are not sexually conservative whatsoever. They will try to convince you that they are, especially if a Gringo seems to have outdated sexual attitudes. In particular, Latinas in the most popular countries (Colombia, Argentina, etc.) are not sexually conservative whatsoever.My comment was directed at Colombianas in Colombia. I was not talking about Florida (re-read my original post).

I said chicks in Ecuador are conservative. I've been in many countries where they aren't conservative too, however, that's not what I said.


05-01-08, 03:10
Most non-working girls wouldn't be caught dead with a gringo in Colombia for fear of being taken for a hooker.That's certainly not true!

I've met so many that would love to meet a nice gringo.

05-01-08, 06:07
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because it contributed nothing of value and in fact constituted a complete waste of bandwidth.

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange if information between men on the subject of finding women for sex. Let's stick to the subject.

[Photos deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: The photos originally included with this report was/were deleted in accordance with the Forum's Photo Guidelines prohibiting the posting of professionally produced photos. Please read the Forum's Photo Guidelines for further information.

Client 9
05-01-08, 06:17
My comment was directed at Colombianas in Colombia. I was not talking about Florida (re-read my original post).

DavidAlright, I re-read your original post. In your original post you state, quote, "Most non-working girls wouldn't be caught dead with a gringo in Colombia for fear of being taken for a hooker. "

I'm sorry, David, but I still completely disagree. If there is another country where it is easier to date beautiful non-prostitutes than it is in Colombia, then I would love to know what country it is. I would be happy to start going there. I'm a pragmatist.

In my opinion, Colombia is the absolute easiest place on Planet Earth to date beautiful non-prostitutes.

And it doesn't stop in Colombia. Even in Florida, Colombianas want to date and marry Gringos. Very few of them are prostitutes or ex-prostitutes. Colombianas do become somewhat more selective after arriving here, but they still want to date and marry Gringos.

Most non-prostitutes in Colombia love to date and marry Gringos.

However, it is true that non-prostitutes in Colombia will avoid Gringos known (or rumored) to spend most of their time with prostitutes.

It is also true that non-prostitutes in Colombia do not want to be seen dating Gringo after Gringo after Gringo. However, most Colombianas have never dated even one Gringo. Many Colombianas have never even met a Gringo.

It is your opinion that "most non-working girls wouldn't be caught dead with a gringo in Colombia for fear of being taken for a hooker. " It is my opinion that non-prostitutes in Colombia love to date and marry Gringos.

05-01-08, 15:03
Man, that is some deep shit. I'm wrestling with that same fricken issue, how can I be faithful knowing hot pussy is available on the fly down here? Heck, it's gotta be something colombian men deal with too ... but you gotta be a master at keeping from getting caught/raising suspicions?

Any tips from others? I recently had a near-hit and have to develop plans and patterns to be more stealthy, e.g., no multi-dating non-pros, just quick pro visits; getting a separate prepago SIM card; find a inexpensive hotel room you can operate out of during business hours, etc.

Thanks for any tips in advance!The point of marriage is being faithful to one person (or perhaps that's a concept that's been lost). If someone isn't ready for that step, they should stay single, in my opinion. The best of both worlds is if you have a girl that is willing to play with other girls - with you. And then you're not dodging bullets. I wouldn't like myself much if I had to lie to my wife about where I'm traveling to and why just so I could cheat on her.


05-01-08, 15:05
I'm sorry, David, but I still completely disagree. If there is another country where it is easier to date beautiful non-prostitutes than it is in Colombia, then I would love to know what country it is. I would be happy to start going there. I'm a pragmatist.I love the saying "agree to disagree."


05-01-08, 19:40
Alright, I re-read your original post. In your original post you state, quote, "Most non-working girls wouldn't be caught dead with a gringo in Colombia for fear of being taken for a hooker. "

I'm sorry, David, but I still completely disagree. If there is another country where it is easier to date beautiful non-prostitutes than it is in Colombia, then I would love to know what country it is. I would be happy to start going there. I'm a pragmatist.

In my opinion, Colombia is the absolute easiest place on Planet Earth to date beautiful non-prostitutes.

And it doesn't stop in Colombia. Even in Florida, Colombianas want to date and marry Gringos. Very few of them are prostitutes or ex-prostitutes. Colombianas do become somewhat more selective after arriving here, but they still want to date and marry Gringos.

Most non-prostitutes in Colombia love to date and marry Gringos.

However, it is true that non-prostitutes in Colombia will avoid Gringos known (or rumored) to spend most of their time with prostitutes.

It is also true that non-prostitutes in Colombia do not want to be seen dating Gringo after Gringo after Gringo. However, most Colombianas have never dated even one Gringo. Many Colombianas have never even met a Gringo.

It is your opinion that "most non-working girls wouldn't be caught dead with a gringo in Colombia for fear of being taken for a hooker. " It is my opinion that non-prostitutes in Colombia love to date and marry Gringos.Right on amigo! It's so obvious that it's not even worth debating really.

I'd also give first place to Colombia, followed by Brazil (Sao Paulo) and then Venezuela.

Good luck!!

Count Dante
05-01-08, 23:49

You have much more experience in Colombia than I do. However, your info about non-working girls not wanting to be seen with gringos is the exact opposite of what virtually every gringo I have met who has spent extended time in Colombia has told me.

Most of the Americans I know that have spent a lot of time in Colombia are non-mongers and don't know about my P4P activities down there. I've got several friends that went to Colombia to study Spanish. Others went down there for work. These were non-mongers between 27-43 years old. They were getting more ass than a toliet seat. They kept telling me about how wonderful the dating scene is there. They weren't dating putas or prepagos, but educated, working, attractive women. Other Guys that I met down in Colombia were frequently going out on dates with beautiful (non prostitute) Colombianas.

If there is a HUGE age disparity between the two (he is 65 and she is 18-25) I can see how people might think negatively of her, but that would be true in the U.S. too. I've heard a lot of non-mongers complain about living or spending a lot of time in Colombia. I have never heard any of the guys complain about not being able to find a date.

05-02-08, 01:04
It is my opinion that non-prostitutes in Colombia love to date and marry Gringos.Sure, why not with the "nice" and "rich" gringo perception we enjoy there. Whether real or contrived, it's certainly a positive image that the chicas buy into wholesale. The rather huge disparity in the quality of life, monetarily speaking, between their reality and ours makes the gringo novelty all the more attractive. If Latin America were on equal economic terms, I suspect it would be nowhere near the adult disneyland that it is now. An even playing field, if you will. See the US and any number of the other first world economies for a reality check.

05-02-08, 01:42
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because it contributed nothing of value and in fact constituted a complete waste of bandwidth.

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange if information between men on the subject of finding women for sex. Let's stick to the subject.

[Photos deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: The photos originally included with this report was/were deleted in accordance with the Forum's Photo Guidelines prohibiting the posting of professionally produced photos. Please read the Forum's Photo Guidelines for further information.Mmmm,

This is a first for me. My post was deleted for 1. Being a waste of bandwith and 2. Having included professionally produced photos.

1. The words I posted spoke of giving a girl money for love. How is this not keeping in check with what mongers do which is the subject of finding women for sex?

2. Thanks for the pat on my back that the pictures were of a professional nature but as I stated in my post, the pictures included were that of a Colombiana. Did I have to say EXACTLY how and where I found her and how many times I banged her etc....? And what the heck Admin, are you new to the monitoring of the board? You've never seen any other of my posts or pictures? Don't you know that I go to great pains to post only the best line of photos I take. Yes I, me, myself did take these pictures. I'd hardly say that the Nikon D50 I used is professonal standard (rather lower grade in the pro world). I just make sure the subjects I photograph are worth photographing.

Whatever, (no cheers in this case)


05-02-08, 08:31
Hey dudes!

Does anyone of you guys know who are the 2 hot ass madames at Loutrons?

Yes, the 2 hot hostess that greets you when you arrive at Loutrons.

One is blonde and one is a brunette. They both have big booty, big boobs, and beautiful face.

I think the brunette is name Deanna. Etc. And the blonde one. I don't remember. Any of you guys know their story? Were the pros at one point? Tied with the mafia?

Have any of you guys tried to hook up with them? Ha ha ha ha

05-02-08, 08:36
Has anyone been to pablo escobars villa? The hacienda napoles


I believe its a zoo now. I don't understand spanish. If someone can translate please do so.

I really want to visit his villa next time I'm in Medellin.

Let me know if you guys been there? How much does it cost? And transporation to get there.


05-02-08, 17:12
Sure, why not with the "nice" and "rich" gringo perception we enjoy there. Whether real or contrived, it's certainly a positive image that the chicas buy into wholesale. The rather huge disparity in the quality of life, monetarily speaking, between their reality and ours makes the gringo novelty all the more attractive. If Latin America were on equal economic terms, I suspect it would be nowhere near the adult disneyland that it is now. An even playing field, if you will. See the US and any number of the other first world economies for a reality check.Exactly.

There is a certain reality that latinas find foreigners more attractive and vice-versa. It's the same reason why I would never have married an american chick - they are boring to me. Then throw the higher economic status in there (or perceived) and you've got a great formula.

The part I find difficult is it's very hard to know if someone is "real" or not. It takes a long time with that person to give them a chance to show their real colors. If money is their real motivation (or an aspiration) and they are just smarter than the average chick there, then the guys are in for a surprise.


05-02-08, 17:22

You have much more experience in Colombia than I do. However, your info about non-working girls not wanting to be seen with gringos is the exact opposite of what virtually every gringo I have met who has spent extended time in Colombia has told me.

Most of the Americans I know that have spent a lot of time in Colombia are non-mongers and don't know about my P4P activities down there. I've got several friends that went to Colombia to study Spanish. Others went down there for work. These were non-mongers between 27-43 years old. They were getting more ass than a toliet seat. They kept telling me about how wonderful the dating scene is there. They weren't dating putas or prepagos, but educated, working, attractive women. Other Guys that I met down in Colombia were frequently going out on dates with beautiful (non prostitute) Colombianas.

If there is a HUGE age disparity between the two (he is 65 and she is 18-25) I can see how people might think negatively of her, but that would be true in the U.S. too. I've heard a lot of non-mongers complain about living or spending a lot of time in Colombia. I have never heard any of the guys complain about not being able to find a date.If guys are having great luck there in the dating scene, I would attribute it to a few things:

1) The chicks perceive the guys as being a long-term option rather than a fast in and out tourist;

2) The chicks don't perceive the guys as being mongers;

3) The guys aren't acting like mongers and doing monger activities;

Like it or not, word spreads very fast about the activities of mongers. The girls can ask a few friends and likely get the scoop on someone. In Cartagena (Laguito), forget trying to stay anonymous with what you do. People up and down those streets know your business (especially around LDV).

I'd be curious to know the truth of how many of those "working, educated" girls have turned tricks before or do it on the side if money is needed. If they are putting out that easily, I would suspect they got broken in someplace. I have been with a few of those "educated" girls too, but they were paying for their schooling by turning tricks. And they were young.


Client 9
05-02-08, 18:48
I've got several friends that went to Colombia to study Spanish. Others went down there for work.Exactly! It is best to have a pretext for being in Colombia. Foreign tourism is growing slightly in Colombia during the tenure of Uribe, but foreign tourism to Colombia is still minimal.

Do not say that you are "on vacation" in Colombia. How many Japanese families go "on vacation" to Colombia? How many German women go "on vacation" to Colombia? You need a pretext for being in Colombia.

If you don't have a pretext for being in Colombia, some will assume you are a desperate Gringo looking for prostitutes and prepagos.

The best route for meeting Latinas in every country that I have visited in Latin America is to study Spanish at a language institute or university. EAFIT in Medellin is a goldmine, and Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla is even better. There are countless Colombianas studying English and only a handful of Gringos studying Spanish.

Also, any of the "Colombo" centers are all excellent places.

It's just that easy. Of course, it does require time and money.

Client 9
05-02-08, 19:21
sure, why not with the "nice" and "rich" gringo perception we enjoy there. whether real or contrived, it's certainly a positive image that the chicas buy into wholesale. the rather huge disparity in the quality of life, monetarily speaking, between their reality and ours makes the gringo novelty all the more attractive. if latin america were on equal economic terms, i suspect it would be nowhere near the adult disneyland that it is now. an even playing field, if you will. see the us and any number of the other first world economies for a reality check. it's not just in colombia. florida is a great pond to fish for latinas, including colombianas. florida is a good pond. colombia is a really, really, really good pond.

do colombianas become more selective after arriving in florida? of course. but most of them still want to meet, date and marry gringos. however, the colombianas are able to be more selective in florida. likewise, i am more selective in colombia than i am in florida.

it's all a question of supply and demand.

of course, there are colombianas that would rather slit their wrists than date a gringo. however, that can change instantly when that colombiana meets the "right" gringo.

in medellin, you will hear many women make racist comments. and you know what? if will smith and tiger woods were to enter a medellin dance club, they would need machetes to scrape the piles of beautiful women off of themselves!

05-02-08, 21:37
If you don't have a pretext for being in Colombia, some will assume you are a desperate Gringo looking for prostitutes and prepagos.Uh. Who cares what people think or assume? It's none of their business. I travel to those countries to enjoy myself - if I'm worried about what people think, I should stay home.


05-02-08, 21:40
Do Colombianas become more selective after arriving in Florida? Of course. But most of them still want to meet, date and marry Gringos. However, the Colombianas are able to be more selective in Florida. Likewise, I am more selective in Colombia than I am in Florida.This is not the Florida forum. This is the place to discuss Colombia.


El Bombero
05-02-08, 22:02
Hey dudes!

Does anyone of you guys know who are the 2 hot ass madames at Loutrons?

Yes, the 2 hot hostess that greets you when you arrive at Loutrons.

One is blonde and one is a brunette. They both have big booty, big boobs, and beautiful face.

I think the brunette is name Deanna. Etc. And the blonde one. I don't remember. Any of you guys know their story? Were the pros at one point? Tied with the mafia?

Have any of you guys tried to hook up with them? Ha ha ha haOne of my trips to Loutrons I met the blonde (dyed) madame and thought she was hotter than the available line-up. So, when she asked which girl I wanted, I half-jokingly asked if she was available.

She DID NOT think that was even funny and asked my again, in a not-so-nice tone of voice which girl I wanted. So I left it at that.

After my session, I asked my cabbie Alejandro who the Madame was and, according to him, she was indeed at one time a working girl who married a rich client and then became the owner. According to him, her husband is connected and so is she.

Anyone can confirm this? Ironically, I thought the blonde and the brunette madames were WAY hotter than any of the too-young girls in the line-up. Even if they're tetas y culos are totally siloconas.

05-02-08, 22:55
it's not just in colombia. florida is a great pond to fish for latinas, including colombianas. florida is a good pond. colombia is a really, really, really good pond.

do colombianas become more selective after arriving in florida? of course. but most of them still want to meet, date and marry gringos. however, the colombianas are able to be more selective in florida. likewise, i am more selective in colombia than i am in florida.

it's all a question of supply and demand.

of course, there are colombianas that would rather slit their wrists than date a gringo. however, that can change instantly when that colombiana meets the "right" gringo.

in medellin, you will hear many women make racist comments. and you know what? if will smith and tiger woods were to enter a medellin dance club, they would need machetes to scrape the piles of beautiful women off of themselves!destitute, fresh off the barco (fob) florida tang is a weak argument bro.

reality is gonna bite you in the ass.

let's just say, you have the classic gringo monger mentality.

05-02-08, 23:21
Do Colombianas become more selective after arriving in Florida? Of course. But most of them still want to meet, date and marry Gringos. However, the Colombianas are able to be more selective in Florida. Likewise, I am more selective in Colombia than I am in Florida.Hmmmmm. I have a few rules I follow for dating these latinas.

The most important one. Keep them in their native country.

Boy do they change when they hit the US. I know I'm generalizing, but I've seen it many times with friends of mine.

05-03-08, 10:23
Could someone provide the streets/cross streets for the Mayorista Area?



05-03-08, 17:39
So I was sitting around thinking that I needed to expand my horizons and Santa Fe would do the trick. The Plumber and I had found two Paisas that we linked so we arranged a taxi for a day trip here. The total cost would be 200,000 and it was from 10am - 5pm.

We had a great meal, checked out a few smaller towns and Hotels along the way.

I plan on returning in the near future.

Client 9
05-03-08, 19:53
If guys are having great luck there in the dating scene, I would attribute it to a few things:

1) The chicks perceive the guys as being a long-term option rather than a fast in and out tourist;

2) The chicks don't perceive the guys as being mongers;

3) The guys aren't acting like mongers and doing monger activities;

Like it or not, word spreads very fast about the activities of mongers. The girls can ask a few friends and likely get the scoop on someone. In Cartagena (Laguito), forget trying to stay anonymous with what you do. People up and down those streets know your business (especially around LDV).

I'd be curious to know the truth of how many of those "working, educated" girls have turned tricks before or do it on the side if money is needed. If they are putting out that easily, I would suspect they got broken in someplace. I have been with a few of those "educated" girls too, but they were paying for their schooling by turning tricks. And they were young.

DavidWhile I didn't agree with some other comments by David, I certainly agree with everything David says here. For some reason, a lot of Gringos leave their common sense at the airport in Miami. I like Colombianas, but I don't put them on a pedestal. In Colombia, you need a healthy dose of skepticism. Colombianas are experts at telling guys what they want to hear, and some are good actresses. Determining the sincerity of Colombianas isn't that difficult, however.

Plain and simple, you should be looking for Colombianas that aren't looking for Gringos.

Non-prostitutes are a "no pain, no gain" situation in Colombia. Most Gringos are lazy and naive. Most Gringos date Colombianas they meet from the dating sites, marriage agencies, dance clubs known to be popular with Gringos, poolside at luxury hotels, etc. I hate to shatter the egos of some Gringos, but most of those Colombianas are prepagos.

I highly recommend you assume that such women are prepagos. Just because they don't charge you, doesn't mean they don't charge other guys.

I am not saying not to date such women. They can be a lot of fun. However, don't be naive. Recognize the type of woman that you are dating with both eyes wide open.

If you truly want a serious relationship with a Colombiana, then look for a Colombiana that isn't looking for Gringos. Be the fisherman, not the fish.

Client 9
05-04-08, 00:09
Uh. Who cares what people think or assume? It's none of their business. I travel to those countries to enjoy myself - if I'm worried about what people think, I should stay home.

DavidDavid, you made my point better than I ever could. If you haven't noticed, some here are interested in dating non-prostitutes. They need to care what others think. Your attitude explains your poor results with non-prostitutes and your jaded perspective.

Client 9
05-04-08, 00:13
This is not the Florida forum. This is the place to discuss Colombia.

DavidYou're right. It is the Colombia forum, and I am discussing Colombianas.

Why have you been discussing Ecuador in the Colombia forum?

Client 9
05-04-08, 00:19
Destitute, Fresh off the barco (FOB) Florida tang is a weak argument bro.

Reality is gonna bite you in the ass.

Let's just say, you have the classic gringo monger mentality.Obviously you don't live in Florida. There are plenty of Latinas, including Colombianas, in Florida that are not destitute. Many have citizenship or legal status. Believe it or not, there are Colombianas from wealthy families in Florida.

I'm not the one with the monger mentality. It is unfortunate that some Gringos have no self-confidence. That lack of self-confidence is the hallmark of the monger mentality.

Client 9
05-04-08, 00:30
Hmmmmm. I have a few rules I follow for dating these latinas.

The most important one. Keep them in their native country.

Boy do they change when they hit the US. I know I'm generalizing, but I've seen it many times with friends of mine.Ricker,

I'm not talking about importing. I am talking about Colombianas that already are citizens or have legal status in the U. S.

I know many Gringos that complain that they were "burned" by a Colombiana that they imported from Colombia. In most cases, those Gringos refuse to acknowledge the truth. The truth is that they don't speak Spanish, they impulsively married a Colombiana after a very short time period and they married a Colombiana that was a prostitute or prepago.

05-04-08, 12:52
Does anyone know any of the "**************" girls?

I'm talking about Milkymaria, Aria Valentino, Paris Milan, Chloe Veria, Tatiana La Vega and many more.

Some of them with their own websites and others in the different sites under the first address. Chloe, for sure, is from Medellin. Most of the others, I believe, are also paisas. A prosperous porn industry. Maybe some of us could fulfill the fantasy of actually fucking a pornstar. Oyeloca and pacinosadventures fans will know that the mansion and VIP have held some of these cuties (Juana, Jazmin) among their cast. But the first ladys are more my type - thick, busty, and downright wild.

Thanks beforehand for any info.

05-04-08, 13:48

I'm not talking about importing. I am talking about Colombianas that already are citizens or have legal status in the U. S.

I know many Gringos that complain that they were "burned" by a Colombiana that they imported from Colombia. In most cases, those Gringos refuse to acknowledge the truth. The truth is that they don't speak Spanish, they impulsively married a Colombiana after a very short time period and they married a Colombiana that was a prostitute or prepago.I agree with you amigo. I've seen these guys burned too.

I think the big factors being the lack of communication ability and relative short time knowing eachother.

To be honest though, most of the disasters I've seen have been with the non-pro type chica.

Couple guys I know met chicas on the internet. Neither guy speaks spanish.

They go to Colombia, meet their girls. Visit a few more times.

Get a fiancee visa, get married.

Six months to a year later ... Disaster.

I remember sitting next to one guy's new esposa on a flight to Cali.

By chance, we were both heading back to Cali for a visit. My buddy had to stay behind for work in the US.

All she did was ***** ***** *****. What happened to the sweetheart in her ??
And my friend, she was a regular chica ... an architect.

Speaking of Colombianas that are already citizens or legal in the US.

Well normally it's because they come from families with money.

I personally avoid them, they're usually the most spoiled of all.

My buddy dates one of them in Miami. What a pain in the butt she is.

I even dated a Colombiana from a well to do family in Miami at one time.

She was really beautiful, I was weak and stupid at the time :)

Oh my God what a spoiled little princess brat, and how she treated regular working people like crap.

Never again for me, whether they live in US or Colombia, I avoid the rich, spoiled brats.

I know that I'm generalizing again.

Just my observations from a lot of experience.

05-04-08, 13:56
While I didn't agree with some other comments by David, I certainly agree with everything David says here. For some reason, a lot of Gringos leave their common sense at the airport in Miami. I like Colombianas, but I don't put them on a pedestal. In Colombia, you need a healthy dose of skepticism. Colombianas are experts at telling guys what they want to hear, and some are good actresses. Determining the sincerity of Colombianas isn't that difficult, however.

Plain and simple, you should be looking for Colombianas that aren't looking for Gringos.

Non-prostitutes are a "no pain, no gain" situation in Colombia. Most Gringos are lazy and naive. Most Gringos date Colombianas they meet from the dating sites, marriage agencies, dance clubs known to be popular with Gringos, poolside at luxury hotels, etc. I hate to shatter the egos of some Gringos, but most of those Colombianas are prepagos.

I highly recommend you assume that such women are prepagos. Just because they don't charge you, doesn't mean they don't charge other guys.

I am not saying not to date such women. They can be a lot of fun. However, don't be naive. Recognize the type of woman that you are dating with both eyes wide open.

If you truly want a serious relationship with a Colombiana, then look for a Colombiana that isn't looking for Gringos. Be the fisherman, not the fish.Good advice amigo!

Nothing like dating chicas who collect their monthly Western Union money from their other boyfriends :)

05-04-08, 14:21
Obviously you don't live in Florida. There are plenty of Latinas, including Colombianas, in Florida that are not destitute. Many have citizenship or legal status. Believe it or not, there are Colombianas from wealthy families in Florida.

I'm not the one with the monger mentality. It is unfortunate that some Gringos have no self-confidence. That lack of self-confidence is the hallmark of the monger mentality.The point is not about getting desperate, vulnerable tang who are looking for a green card and a "life" with the media romanticzed gringo, which main stream media has put on a pedestal for as long as these chicas have been alive. Imagine that. This lifetime brainwashing, if you will, has given the chicas some pretty wacked, Hollywood imagery of the gringo. I have live in S. FL and sure, it's a hopping "pond", as you so eloquently put but let's be honest here, 99% of the "wide open" florida tang, fall into the FOB category, with almost certain prepago/puta baggage. 2nd gen "normal" Cubana tang, you say? Ok, but if that's your thing, then ask yourself why you like foreign, less jaded, tang in the first place. It's about getting the quote, "normal" chica, without the economic disparty equation, without any expectations from either party. Painfully obvious, this is what you are referring to regarding Florida tang. It's obvious you have quite the romanticed view, read naive, view of these chicas and if you're gonna believe what these few "legal", "not destitute" chicas tell you, the more power to you bro. These chicas lie their ass off, it's an inherent and necessary trait in their situtation, who can blame them. So the moral of this story is that finding that "normal" chica without the puta past is quite elusive, if not an entire pipe dream. Sure, hell, you might be one of those guys that constantly fall for these chicas and completely disregard any past puta and all the other baggage. Read. War brides throughout history. Not at all dissimilar.

05-04-08, 15:33
David, you made my point better than I ever could. If you haven't noticed, some here are interested in dating non-prostitutes. They need to care what others think. Your attitude explains your poor results with non-prostitutes and your jaded perspective.I'd say it's just the opposite. What people think of me is none of my business. It's a healthy attitude. It means I have self-esteem and don't need the approval of others to feel better about myself.

I didn't have a lack of luck with non-pros. I simply didn't care to put in the effort to win them over. If I wanted to put in that effort, I'd move back to the states (Yes, I am from Florida, born and raised). Honestly, I find non-working girls about as exciting as watching paint dry. About the same with American girls.

Catch a working girl before she's been enveloped by the life and it's possible to still find some keepers. I married mine.


05-04-08, 15:47

I'm not talking about importing. I am talking about Colombianas that already are citizens or have legal status in the U. S.

I know many Gringos that complain that they were "burned" by a Colombiana that they imported from Colombia. In most cases, those Gringos refuse to acknowledge the truth. The truth is that they don't speak Spanish, they impulsively married a Colombiana after a very short time period and they married a Colombiana that was a prostitute or prepago.As far as I'm concerned, a nationalized or legalized Colombiana in the US is no better than any other chick in the US. They might be prettier but they are quickly transformed into the US chicks that I can't stand.

Anyone hoping to get lucky bringing any foreigner (latina, asian, etc.) back to the US to be the perfect wife is fighting an uphill battle. They will change rapidly and become Americanized. As someone else said, keep them in their home country.

Anyone that doesn't speak Spanish well enough to grow a relationship is asking for trouble. If Communication is a key to marriage, you're already behind in the game from the start.

Being impulsive in marriage is certainly not a attribute unique to marrying Colombians. Plenty of Americans marrying Americans fall into the same category. This is certainly nothing unique to this situation.

Many prepagos or hookers turn out to be good wives if they haven't embraced the lifestyle. I've seen many turn out to be good catches. The key to the whole thing is how long they've done it and why they were doing it. Turning tricks to feed your kids but getting the heck out of the work when times improve doesn't make someone bad.


05-04-08, 15:54
Obviously you don't live in Florida. There are plenty of Latinas, including Colombianas, in Florida that are not destitute. Many have citizenship or legal status. Believe it or not, there are Colombianas from wealthy families in Florida.

I'm not the one with the monger mentality. It is unfortunate that some Gringos have no self-confidence. That lack of self-confidence is the hallmark of the monger mentality.I am from Florida, born and raised, and my best friend is latino. I have had many friends (male and female) over the years that are latino (from many countries) and it's just not the same to me. Americanized "tang" as someone put it is spoiled "tang". If you want legalized Colombians and the pickings are so great, why not stay in Florida? What's the need to go to Colombia or discuss Colombia travels for the purpose of sex?


05-04-08, 15:58
While I didn't agree with some other comments by David, I certainly agree with everything David says here. For some reason, a lot of Gringos leave their common sense at the airport in Miami. I like Colombianas, but I don't put them on a pedestal. In Colombia, you need a healthy dose of skepticism. Colombianas are experts at telling guys what they want to hear, and some are good actresses. Determining the sincerity of Colombianas isn't that difficult, however.

Plain and simple, you should be looking for Colombianas that aren't looking for Gringos.

Non-prostitutes are a "no pain, no gain" situation in Colombia. Most Gringos are lazy and naive. Most Gringos date Colombianas they meet from the dating sites, marriage agencies, dance clubs known to be popular with Gringos, poolside at luxury hotels, etc. I hate to shatter the egos of some Gringos, but most of those Colombianas are prepagos.

I highly recommend you assume that such women are prepagos. Just because they don't charge you, doesn't mean they don't charge other guys.

I am not saying not to date such women. They can be a lot of fun. However, don't be naive. Recognize the type of woman that you are dating with both eyes wide open.

If you truly want a serious relationship with a Colombiana, then look for a Colombiana that isn't looking for Gringos. Be the fisherman, not the fish.Just out of curiosity, how's your luck going with a non-pro? I'm assuming you won't be traveling back to Colombia in the future because the prospects in Florida are so overwelming that there's no need.

You honestly sound like you have no or very little experience in Colombia. It sounds like you're repeating things people have told you. If that is the case, you have nothing to add to a discussion such as this because you have no experience.


05-04-08, 16:02
You're right. It is the Colombia forum, and I am discussing Colombianas.

Why have you been discussing Ecuador in the Colombia forum?I don't hijack discussions in the Colombian forums with talk of Ecuador. I make a quick suggestion every once in a great while to take a trip here to try something different and I drop it.


05-04-08, 16:18
Sorry to those wanting to read about issues of Medillin. I'm guilty of partially hijacking this forum. There is no value in further discussing this issue in this forum.

05-05-08, 05:01
I am going to Colombia at the end of the month.

Does anyone know a girl that deep throats?

05-05-08, 07:14
Another interesting thread but why does everything devolve into sniping and flame wars nowadays?

As for this idea of marrying or dating non-pros, just keep in mind there's a large gray area in Colombia regarding sex for money. First of all, practically every successful Colombian male has a mistress on the side. I'm sure money is part of that equation. Then you have the phenomena of "amigos con derechos". Friends with benefits. Not to mention the "grillas" and "prepagas" All of them involve sex/companionship with some level of financial support or maybe just gifts.

And girls move in and out of these arrangements as their life and financial circumstances change. One girl I met at Lejano Oriente claimed she used to work at a bank making 4 million COP a month until she got laid off/fired.

Also, I suspect there's quite a bit more hanky-panky and screwing around amongst the general population in Colombia than in the states. It would help explain why there's so many beautiful women. It can't just be the altitude and the climate.

And that brings up the issue how important is fidelity to you? Can you handle the fact that your Colombian girlfriend/fiance/wife is likely screwing other men when you're not around?

I've reached a point in my life where it wouldn't bother me that much but I'd bet many guys would freak out. If you can't mentally handle the gray areas and the uncertainties, then Colombia is not for you. Stick with what you know in the states.

Col Bog 1
05-05-08, 07:25

2. Thanks for the pat on my back that the pictures were of a professional nature but as I stated in my post, the pictures included were that of a Colombiana. Did I have to say EXACTLY how and where I found her and how many times I banged her etc....? And what the heck Admin, are you new to the monitoring of the board? You've never seen any other of my posts or pictures? Don't you know that I go to great pains to post only the best line of photos I take. Yes I, me, myself did take these pictures. I'd hardly say that the Nikon D50 I used is professonal standard (rather lower grade in the pro world). I just make sure the subjects I photograph are worth photographing.

Whatever, (no cheers in this case)

CubanutHi Cubanut.

I can read that you're mad.

I just wanted to tell you that I admire your pictures and that they are very good to my humble opinion.

I would only disagree on one point :

You say that you you use a Nikon D50 and you let think that your camera (quite a good one on my book) produces great pictures.

It's not the camera that produces the pictures but the eye of the photographer.

Take care, you're a great photographer.

Col Bog 1
05-05-08, 07:34
The night had stated badly, no one was available or answering her phone.

I had try to contact Karen, Camila, and some other numbers that Karen had given me, but no, definitely no.

So I decided to go to the center and check it out.

When I walked out of my hotel, I realised that it was cold and I had to go back to take a sweater to resist the cold of that night.

I stopped a taxi (in bad shape) and asked him to take me to the Botero place. From the Botero Place, I walked down the Degrieff Ave and checked the girls. But, as usual, there was nothing really interesting (it was already dark) and I came back to the Botero place. From there, I walked here and there and suddenly realised that I was very close from Lindas Chicas (or Casa de piedras Calle 58 50A-54), and I decided to check if it was still open as Jchipper wrote that he had gone twice there and no one had opened the door for him.

I rang the bell once and nothing happened, so I insisted on the bell and finally, Mary Luz came and open the door. We were both very please to see each other. Mary Luz knew already that I had been with one of her friend when she was away (see my previous report on Katherine), and she gave me the classical scene of the jealous girl, nothing special.

She immediately wanted me to buy her a drink, but I refused. We kept speaking and I tried to know what she has done since our last meeting, but, as usual, Mary Luz has no conversation and the talk came quickly to an end.

Afer that, I asked her if she was willing to go for a TLN with me and (of course) she was very interested. So I explained them that I would pay the same thing as for Katherine: 200K. Nancy, the Mamasan went upstairs with Mary Luz and they both had a small talk before going down to tell me it was ok. Mary Luz "only" asked me to give her extra money for her taxi and I agree.

I then told her that I wanted to invite her for a late supper. I asked her if she would knew a restaurant where she would like to go, and she told me that she would like to go to the Parque Lleras to a restaurant she likes there.

We took a taxi till there (can’t remember the name of the restaurant, but it is on the parque) and there, she ordered a fish and I asked for a seafood rice. Mary Luz then ordered a glass of wine and a fruit juice and she finished everything! I was amaze that such a thin girl could eat so much! I realized later on in the evening that she was not as thin as the first time I had known her, I mean she still is very thin, but still, she has probably gained some weight and on such a thin girl, I noticed it immediately. I even remember that for a minute or two, I was wondering if she was not pregnant as her belly was inflated (have a look at the movie)!

We finished our meal and I tried to talk a little bit with her but, Mary Luz doesn’t speak much (at least with me).

We then took a taxi and went directly to my hotel, the San Fernando Plaza which is very close from the Lleras Parque.

We walked thru the lobby and, as usual, they didn’t asked me a thing. Great! Once in the room, we started our activity by a nice shower. I wanted to start screwing under the shower but she wouldn’t let me do it as the soap hurts her. After the shower, we dried ourselves and went to the bed.

I put her on her back and start a strong DATY fingering both her holes. After several minutes she came nicely (was it true? ).

She then pays me back giving me an incredible BBBJ. I mean that she is really good at this, knowing where to put her tongue and doing it very well.

I was lucky enough to keep control on my pleasure but had to stop her because I was feeling that I would come. I then had a rest for a minute and then start the intercourse with all the classical positions (Missionary, on our side, from behind) but she was not willing to let me take her doggy (too big and it hurts! ).

We did that for a good while and I was then so exhausted that I had to stop and had some rest. Mary Luz didn’t let me quite and start a HJ. She is not as good as this than doing a BBBJ, but it was still good. After 5 minutes rest, I was still hard and in better conditions, so we screw again. I think we did it for almost 2 hours. Poor Mary Luz.

Once again I was very tired and breathless. I desperately wanted to come but just couldn’t. So I put a porno movie on my laptop and watch it while Mary Luz was giving me again her wonderful BBBJ and then, I was lucky enough to come (yes, out of her).

We then went to the shower as I have put milk everywhere like I always do when I go BB.

Once the shower finished we had some sleep.

I think that she had not slept much as I was snoring. She told me later that she was kicking my feet to try to silent me but that it only worked for a limited amount of time.

At 6am I was ready again and start sucking her and fingering her ass, it was really very good.

We then start again the same games as the night before and we did it for a good 90 minutes. But once again I couldn’t come.

I then sat on the border of the bed and Mary Luz sat down on my dick. I took her butt in my hands and open it as she was mounting me Cow Girl. I was seeing her ass hole going up and down while my bared cock was doing her juicy pussy and that made me come at last!

We then had a quick last shower and I paid her the 200K + 10K. She wanted 10K more and after a short talk I gave them to her as she was so good.

I then took her till her taxi and went to my breakfast.

I have made a movie from my meeting with Mary Luz:

Size : 68,4Mo
Length : 9’00”
Quality : Good, You’ll see the kind of problem I have when the girl doesn’t want to let me take picture while having sex.



EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Client 9
05-05-08, 07:52
Sorry to those wanting to read about issues of Medillin. I'm guilty of partially hijacking this forum. There is no value in further discussing this issue in this forum.Jackson,

I appreciate your forum, and I think you are a good moderator. However, David is deeply upset that the recent series of posts is in the Medellin forum instead of the General Info forum.

Does your software permit you to move the recent series of posts to the General Info forum? If it does, please consider moving the recent series of posts to the General Info forum.

Personally, I don't care whether you move the posts or not. It's really not a big deal whatsoever. Keep up the good work, Jackson. It's unfortunate that the Colombia forums tend to attract whiners.


Hi Client 9,

Yes, the software has the capability to "split" a thread, but I just don't have the time to do it.



Client 9
05-05-08, 08:14
I'm assuming you won't be traveling back to Colombia in the future because the prospects in Florida are so overwelming that there's no need.

DavidDo you golf, David? Some golfers join local country clubs. Despite belonging to a specific country club, sometimes they golf at other local clubs. Despite belonging to local country clubs, sometimes they go on golf vacations to other states or other countries.

Some guys really like to chase a little white ball around an open field. Other guys really like to chase chicas.

Client 9
05-05-08, 08:34
Americanized "tang" as someone put it is spoiled "tang". If you want legalized Colombians and the pickings are so great, why not stay in Florida? What's the need to go to Colombia or discuss Colombia travels for the purpose of sex?

DavidI really like ice cream. I especially enjoy going to Baskin-Robbins. However, sometimes I cannot go to Baskin-Robbins so I just eat the vanilla ice cream in my freezer.

I like all kinds of ice cream. I like all kinds of women, too.

Client 9
05-05-08, 08:54
Many prepagos or hookers turn out to be good wives.

I've seen many turn out to be good catches.

DavidI am glad that you are happily married to a former prostitute, David.

However, we don't have to share your perspective or agree with your unusual choice.

If I take a wolf cub out of the forest and put it in my living room, the cub won't grow up to be a poodle.

Client 9
05-05-08, 09:18
The point is not about getting desperate, vulnerable tang who are looking for a green card and a "life" with the media romanticzed gringo, which main stream media has put on a pedestal for as long as these chicas have been alive. Imagine that. This lifetime brainwashing, if you will, has given the chicas some pretty wacked, Hollywood imagery of the gringo. I have live in S. FL and sure, it's a hopping "pond", as you so eloquently put but let's be honest here, 99% of the "wide open" florida tang, fall into the FOB category, with almost certain prepago/puta baggage. 2nd gen "normal" Cubana tang, you say? Ok, but if that's your thing, then ask yourself why you like foreign, less jaded, tang in the first place. It's about getting the quote, "normal" chica, without the economic disparty equation, without any expectations from either party. Painfully obvious, this is what you are referring to regarding Florida tang. It's obvious you have quite the romanticed view, read naive, view of these chicas and if you're gonna believe what these few "legal", "not destitute" chicas tell you, the more power to you bro. These chicas lie their ass off, it's an inherent and necessary trait in their situtation, who can blame them. So the moral of this story is that finding that "normal" chica without the puta past is quite elusive, if not an entire pipe dream. Sure, hell, you might be one of those guys that constantly fall for these chicas and completely disregard any past puta and all the other baggage. Read. War brides throughout history. Not at all dissimilar.Ripp,

I'm having great difficulty deciphering your point.

Are you saying most Latinas in the State of Florida are former prostitutes?

Client 9
05-05-08, 09:28
Nothing like dating chicas who collect their monthly Western Union money from their other boyfriends :)Now that's just plain funny. I'm glad somebody around here has a sense of humor.

Col Bog 1
05-05-08, 15:30
i wanted to try something new for that night and i decided to go to mayorista. my taxi left me at the end of the strip and i started to walk up and down.

it was a good night and there were plenty girls available, some new to me, and looking good.

after walking 3 times the strip to see what was available, i fixed my choice on an astounding cute little thing with red hair.

her name was andrea and she is a 10 in my book: tiny, she hardly reach my breastbone, she must be under 80 pounds (40 kg), a nice face, long red hair, a flat stomach, a doll and a dream.

at the beginning i was afraid she could be **** but looking better and closer, she looked over 18. she told me she was 20 and after we were thru she recognised to be 19 and having 2 kids! that’s just nonsense, nuts, a crime! so many lives destroyed having kids too early, or unwanted, why why why?

i negotiate with her bbbj + some pictures.

once in the room, she didn’t want me to turn the light on, so i had great difficulties to take pictures as my camera couldn’t focus well on her, and as it is all automatic, i couldn’t fix the focus to a reasonable range.

one naked, she absolutely refused to let me take anymore picture.

she then took a shower and asked me to clean my best friend. i had a shower just before leaving the hotel, and, even if i love to have shower with my girls, i hate to do it in a bad motel with only cold water, so i cleaned again my best friend and wait for my beauty to dry herself.

we then went to bed and she wanted to cover me immediately. i remind her her promises to gave me a bbbj, she said ok but short. she did it for maybe 30 seconds and badly as she doesn’t know how to blow a cock.

she then covered me and wanted to start riding me cow girl style.

as she was dry it was difficult to get in and she had to put some spit on the condom to put me in.

i was very stiff but once again i didn’t feel anything with the rubber.

we made all the classical positions and i tried to finger her ass but she was decided not to do it and refused any ass contact.

i tried to propose her a tip to go bb but she was very firm: no!

i then tried to gave her a daty and she let me do it for a short amount of time and then complained that she doesn’t like that, that she is not use to it, . a complete failure.

i didn’t insist and i think that i remained less than 2 or 3 minutes in daty.

after that, as i was still stiff, we kept our intercourse activity repeating all the classical positions. i was then desperate to come. once again i proposed her a tip to go bb but she remained firm and said no.

so i put her on my favourite position: on her side with rear entrance and did her like that for more or less 10 minutes before i could finally reach climax.

she didn’t want a dfk or a lfk, nothing.

she was the typical mayorista’s girl who says no to everything.

once again i had a bad experience with a 10.

total cost: 14 for the room + a beer and 25 for her.

i would rather pay more and have a better service.


05-05-08, 22:16
I really like ice cream. I especially enjoy going to Baskin-Robbins. However, sometimes I cannot go to Baskin-Robbins so I just eat the vanilla ice cream in my freezer.

I like all kinds of ice cream. I like all kinds of women, too.I think you're more in love with yourself than the Colombian women, honestly. I haven't run across such an arrogant/cocky person as you in quite a while.

Congrats on the love affair with yourself.


05-06-08, 01:02
I am going to Colombia at the end of the month.

Does anyone know a girl that deep throats?Sofia at New Life did DT on me, but then again I have a tiny dick.

05-06-08, 02:23
Some of these new posters have the same antagonizing, always have to get in the last word, know it all, writing style as some of the "Banished" or "Haven't heard from in a little while" posters that we thought left for good. Any "old school" members here will recognize the writing style and anecdotes. Anyone else agree. lol

Salsero Loco
05-06-08, 04:15
I visited Haciendo Napoles, Pablo Escobar's old finca, a year or so ago. It was definitely interesting, but it was not developed and according the website (which I only skimmed) the development seems to mostly be in the planning stages. It was interesting to see Pablo's old house, the swimming pool which used to full of beautiful Colombianas now full of algae, and all bedrooms full of holes where people went searching for buried treasure. You can walk right up to the ponds where Pablos hippos still thrive and wander through fields of cattle dotted with large concrete dinosaurs. Lots of displaced familes live in the outbuildings. I seem to recall there being a few simple hotels nearby. I drove there with a friend but I think you can fly and land on the airstrip Pablo used for his drug flights.

All in all an interesting place to visit, but would be far from my first choice in Colombia.


Has anyone been to pablo escobars villa? The hacienda napoles


I believe its a zoo now. I don't understand spanish. If someone can translate please do so.

I really want to visit his villa next time I'm in Medellin.

Let me know if you guys been there? How much does it cost? And transporation to get there.


05-06-08, 04:43

I'm having great difficulty deciphering your point.

Are you saying most Latinas in the State of Florida are former prostitutes?I think he may be angry that he thought a Latin chick turned him down in the states, its a different society and culture.

05-06-08, 14:40
Hi Cubanut,

I tried to reach you through p.m but was unsuccessful. Thanks for all your great contributions, and you are another case in the point I was trying to make to Jackson. The quality of the Colombian board has sunk to the very bottom of the barrel with loses such as yourself, Winner, and many others. Even Nibu, who has been caged in his own threads has taken a hit. Hopefully Jackson will see the deteriation soon, and moderate with an even kneel, instead of the this rediculous censorship/ironhand approach that he applies to only this board.


Hi UrbanWildlife,

You are completely wrong.

The fact is that informative contributions to the Colombia Forum are up by 30% since I initiated the full moderation.

If people don't like the way I moderate the forum, then they are welcome to go elsewhere. However, no matter what anyone decides, rest assured that I am not going to return the the days when the serial antagonists were trying to destroy this resource in their attempts to dissuade anyone from visiting Colombia, which they consider to be their personal playground.

In the past several months since I initiated full moderation on the Colombia forum, the serial antagonists who once infested the forum have moved on to other websites, one which was also compelled to place their Colombia Forum on full moderation, and the other which decided to stop taking new members to keep said serial antagonists out.

In addition, your comments about the forum being censored are also inaccurate. Apparently you missed an important day in civics class, so let me enlighten you.

"Freedom of Speach" is a constitutional protection of a citizen's right to speak out against the government, and as such it is a restriction on government activities attempting to curtail this right.

However, this forum is a private enterprise, and as such I cannot be compelled to publish whatever you choose to post, much in the same way as the New York Times cannot be compelled to publish every letter you might choose to send to their editor.

What I do in my forum is not called censorship, it's called editing, and it is a necessary function and the responsibility of every media publisher who wishes to maintain an organized publication.



05-06-08, 16:36
EDITOR'S NOTE: The general posting sections of the Forum are not the place to voice your complaints about the Forum's rules or operating procedures. In the future, please send any complaints about the Forum to me personally by email or PM, or post them in the Comment on Forum Rules section. Thanks!

05-06-08, 22:13
EDITOR'S NOTE: The general posting sections of the Forum are not the place to voice your complaints about the Forum's rules or operating procedures. In the future, please send any complaints about the Forum to me personally by email or PM, or post them in the Comment on Forum Rules section. Thanks!That's funny. I was just basically thanking the Cubanut for his contributions.

This forum has helped me greatly in my early years of exploring. For that I'm greatful.

Colombia is a great place for all. Just seems to be a lot of drama lately!

I'm in Brazil at the moment but off to Cali shortly. It will be fun to make the comparison between the 2 countries!

Take care amigos

05-07-08, 04:20

I'm having great difficulty deciphering your point.

Are you saying most Latinas in the State of Florida are former prostitutes?Client9,

I'm sure everyone wants to get back to talking about Medellin so I'll just provide a short answer to your question. The differences are academic, really.

Am I saying most Latinas in Florida are former prostitutes? No, I was referring to the newly arrived Latina, specifically the Columbiana, in S. Florida which you have to believe, have some sort of a pro past. Do I mean every single one of these FOB Columbianas? No on that count, well.

Phunluv's last post provides great insight into fundamental cultural differences.

Aussie Greg
05-07-08, 05:22

I was there about 5 months ago, took a tour their.
Pablo´s bull fighting ring has been fully developed, also the Jarasic Park paddock is finished, their working on the stables now and just recently they dug up the bottom of his pool and found dollars, euro´s, gold etc.

Any body wants to know any thing more, just ask me, regards.

Aussie Greg.

I visited Haciendo Napoles, Pablo Escobar's old finca, a year or so ago. It was definitely interesting, but it was not developed and according the website (which I only skimmed) the development seems to mostly be in the planning stages. It was interesting to see Pablo's old house, the swimming pool which used to full of beautiful Colombianas now full of algae, and all bedrooms full of holes where people went searching for buried treasure. You can walk right up to the ponds where Pablos hippos still thrive and wander through fields of cattle dotted with large concrete dinosaurs. Lots of displaced familes live in the outbuildings. I seem to recall there being a few simple hotels nearby. I drove there with a friend but I think you can fly and land on the airstrip Pablo used for his drug flights.

All in all an interesting place to visit, but would be far from my first choice in Colombia.


05-08-08, 05:38
April 29. Boarded the bus in Quito, Ecuador. After 28 months of circling South America it is time to break new ground and make for the border of Colombia. I know the border guards sometimes want to see proof of onward passage so I used Expedia and Paint to fake a flight ticket from Bogota to Canada, plus fake financial records for my bank account and credit card. Change a few numbers and one can be rich.

To my surprise it took six seconds to stamp out of Ecuador, five seconds to stamp into Columbia. Not a single question asked. Sixty day visa.

Caught a 800 peso bus to the bus terminal in Ipiales. First guy to greet me there asked "Pasto? " You bet. 5000 pesos, leaving immediately. This is efficient.

Outside the Pasto bus station I checked into a 12000 peso hotel for the night. The rule of travel for Colombia is: day time buses only, no night time. Two reasons: one is for safety, the other is to view the landscape -- half the reason I travel.

Found a Citibank ATM in Plaza de Narino, pulled 700,000 pesos. Viewed Volcan Galeras at 4200 meters. I noted "not a single bag search so far on this side of the border. No corpses littering the road, no masked bandits, no FARC guerillas -- but bring on the amputees -- guys with one arm or one leg, one arm and one leg, no legs, wrist and ankle stumps." Walked central for a few hours. A tame town. Retreated come 8pm for a good night's sleep.

April 30. On the bus to Popayan, one of two cities distinctly cautioned by both Canada and Australia: "We advise you to reconsider your need to travel to the cities of Cali and Popayan and most rural areas of Colombia because of the uncertain security situation."

On the way I noticed a pickup in military presence. The motorcycle soldier-groups seem to conduct roaming activities, setting up in one place for a while then moving up/down the highway. Also noticed during a restaurant break a soldier recording a jeep's license plates, driver's name, as the latter turned off the main highway onto a secondary road.

Made Popayan by 3:30pm, jumped off the bus in central, walked five blocks, checked into the first decent place I came across, Hotel Pass Home for 20000 pesos a night. Beautiful family run hotel. I laughed because she had bibles open in every room. I take it John Chapter 1 is a favorite. Orientated myself with a neighborhood walk, bought supper, posted some ISG-Quito finishings, retreated for the night come 9pm.

May 1. Visited two historic-colonial casas. On the way to the first casa I noticed people lining the streets, holding candles, waiting for a parade to begin. Thousands of people are in attendance. A deeply passionate Catholicism prevails. These days back home the only thing you can get people to parade for is gay pride. "Jesus is dead; long live the cock!"

After the parade I ascended El Morro de Tulcan, a hilltop for viewing the city. I eyed this hill yesterday but too many punks with beers were about. Today, however, families dominate. Up I go to snap pictures, Popayan being much smaller than I originally thought.

4pm. Descended the hill, within two blocks I looked behind me to see two drunks 'casually' following me, by their dress I can tell they are country bumpkins. I immediately took to crossing the road. Halfway across I do another shoulder check. One is pointing across the road, seemingly justifying to his partner why they should cross the road. It just happens to be the direction I am now going. Still in mid-cross I slow till they commit to crossing, then suddenly do a 180 degree turnabout, returning to the sidewalk I left. They keep on, me eying them, them 'not seeing' me. Back to central I go where the police are more predominant.

Internet for a bit. At 8pm I decide supper is due. It's dark, raining. I am a block from a chicken joint, cutting through a gas station parking lot, fifteen meters from a major road. Three city punks are also cutting through the lot. To avoid a crash-course I slightly altered my path. I casually look at the lead punk as we pass some three meters apart. He's inspecting me intensely. Hmmmm, so noted. Ten paces each in opposite directions. I shoulder check. As I thought: the lead has tipped his two friends, all three are doing a quick 180 degree turn. They note I note.

As I walk through the front of the gas station lot they cut around back. I see them emerge on the other side. It is raining so I am moving at a good clip, no need to run, into the chicken joint I go. They disappear into the rain and night.

That one-second of eye-contact refined my take on Colombia. These boys aren't the soft Indians of Peru, nor the sloppy street kids of Rio. When I looked into his eyes I saw something different. He was hard. He was sharp. He caught onto that slight change of trajectory instantly, through the night and through the rain. What saved me were my "Latino" colorings. It took him a few seconds to factor in the gringo elements. But he did -- and quickly. Fortunately for me safe distance was already established.

It was here I decided to implement the "Pakman." Years ago in southern Pakistan, an area more fucked up than Colombia has been or ever will be, I stopped shaving and dressed down so substantially that the locals were bewildered -- upon finding out I was a foreigner -- why I looked so poorly. One guy even offered to buy me a new shirt. Yes, it is time for a lockdown mode, the return of the Pakman, needing every advantage I can get to "blend-in" while travelling the south. Predicting I can breathe a little easier when reaching Medellin or Bogota.

May 2. I woke feeling as sharp as a razor and as bitter as the scorpion's sting. Obviously Uribe hasn't flushed 'em all down the shitter yet; crime still pays. Walked the eight blocks to the bus station, jumped on a bus to Cali. Military presence picked up along the highway.

Upon entry into southern Cali, for a 45 minute drive along Calles 5 and 10 to the bus station, I wrote: "Fuck me. I am back in (north) Rio. Homeless people everywhere. Hardened slum shithole streets."

Fortunately north Cali is a step up. Walked from the bus station to Iguana guest house, a bed for 14000 pesos. Nice, safe location. As always, throw the luggage into the room and begin scouting the neighborhood, central across the river: safety, food stores, restaurants, Internet, etc. Found a strawberry waffle and ice cream for 6600 pesos. Yum. Bought a city map along Av Sexta for 3000p. Printed off the ISG Cali casa list. Bought supper and retreated home to start cross-referencing fuckclubs.

May 3. It was post 1833 of the Cali board, by Catire, that clued me in on Cali's fuckclubs. I sighed. I've been through this already in Buenos Aires, Rio, Asuncion, La Paz. I hate the house-style setups. They are boring as fuck. I love the nightclub fuck-bars, loud music, dancing (and/or striptease), porn on tvs, cheap drinks, cheap cashsl*ts. Lots of energy to perk everyone up.

Cali's punishing heat gave me a throbbing headache upon drinking beers. I looked into two of the most popular casas. First: Clinica Doctor Amor. The setup is painful. Music barely heard, guys hardly drinking, girls forced to parade through "sala 1-2-3-4" (couches) to introduce themselves. Christ, they must do this two hundred times per day, if not more. No wonder they are uninspired. Maybe 15 chicas, none to my like. Sipped a 4000p beer, left.

Second: Ropa de Babe. Ten chicas, four of which were second-tier targets. I was uninspired. The person most eager to suck my dick was Bubbles, the gay presenter. Thick-cerveza head got worse with a second beer. I left. I found a restaurant for excellent grub. In the eve I went out in search of fuckclub Faraon (Pharoah), 2N 23-65. The addy is actually 2N 22-65. Closed. Appears permanently shut down. Pouring rain. Boots are soaked, clothes soaked, hair soaked (even with an umbrella), walked home sputtering "This city is a shithole!"

May 4. The zoo. Ever seen an ostrich sleeping? What an odd sight to see it sprawled on the ground. Visited the Iglesia de San Antonio for a hillside view of the city. Read through my guidebook to determine a country itinerary going forward: Armenia, Medellin, Cartagena, Bogota, Villa de Leyva. The rest of it does not interest me. There are activities, landscapes and biological diversity in other South American countries that equal and/or surpass what Colombia has but in safer environs. From day one I thought this and I continue to think this. Until Uribe flushes all the cockroaches down the toilet it's a bare-bones itinerary in 2008.

May 5. I woke wanting to hit more casas in the north. An 11am walk along Av Sexta, all shops still closed, snapped my temper. "I am sick of this city already." Grabbed my bag, hiked to the bus station and bought a one-way ticket out of Cali. Good riddance.

Armenia, 17000p hostal by the bus station, wandered the town for a couple hours. Started reading ISG-Medellin Lists to make my own consolidation.

May 6. To Medellin. The best and most scenic bus ride so far, following a surging-river valley. Picturesque landscaping. This made up for grandpa sitting in front of me. He had a monstrous case of death-breath. And the kid sitting beside me wouldn't shut up for the first two hours. For the last two hours he shut up all right, puke pouring out of his nostrils. Even with my stomach of iron the smell of puke sprayed on his clothes made me queasy.

12:22pm, a first glimpse of Medellin. First thought? "Now this is more like it! I am back in the mountains where I belong."

Metro-ed to station Prado. Hotel Cristal, 34000 per night ($20), private room and bath. Threw down the bag. For three hours I circled the streets, observing, noting things of interest. Looked into a dozen other hotels, found a better deal, more centralized, room twice as large, hardwood floors, stereo with cd player, tv, fan, 25000p, desk girl is prettier, a single block from grocery store Exito, lots of restaurants, 24 hour Internet, and a Citibank ATM nearby (El Union Centro Commercial, Carerra 49 y Calle 52-107), pulled 900,000 pesos. Picked up a large detailed city map for 21,800 pesos (Papeleria Marin Libreria, Calle 50 y 46-42). Photocopied the passport and visa. Ahhh, I quote the quote "luck is the residue of design."

Printed off my consolidated Medellin casa list. Retired for the night by 7pm, started cross-referencing casas on my map.

May 7. Changed hotels. Disengaged lockdown mode (i.e., Pakman status), prettying up for the chicas. Lunched, popped a cialis. 1:40pm, first casa visit being Venus, Calle 58 49-68, paid 35000 for 45 mins (2000 pennies), sexed Daniela, 21 years young. Tame cbj, tame sex, cute face, decent body (c-scar), usual positions, no kissing, still enough to pop over with a decent ass, flatdog saving the day as usual. I've sexed in tiny war-torn closets before but this is the first time I ever fucked on a plain mattress on the floor.

Net for 1.5 hours. Had a couple beers in a corner pub. Second casa, Barcelona, Calle 59 50-12, 4 chicas, none worthy of the cock. Left. Third casa, Alejas Sala Masajes, Calle 54 42-13, five chicas, none worthy of the cock, left.

More beers in a corner pub. 5pm. Fourth casa, New Life, Calle 56 43-39, six chicas, nada. Will have to return earlier another day as two decent lookers were leaving as I walked in.

Fifth casa is Geishas, Cr 43 56-47, chose Sonya, 21 years young, blonde, decent body, 30000 for 30 mins (1714 pennies), more receptive than Daniela but I didn't cum.

I exited Geishas. Looking at the list I see Aphrodite is right next door. I do a 180 degree turn, step back a few feet, walked in. Never done back-to-back thirty minute sessions before in different casas. Sat. Girls introduced. I looked at Laura's ass while she is walking away, which distracts me from the next girl, making for a laugh. Laura it is, 20 years young. 25000 pesos for 30 mins (1429 pennies). As the day wears on it just keeps on getting cheaper and cheaper.

Within fifteen minutes of exiting Sonya's pussy I was in Laura's mouth. Good cbj warmup. She mounted me. She can ride! This girl has some horsepower. Opted for missionary; she went for her clit with her fingers. I doubted its authenticity, having seen and experienced the "porno-imitation" before.

But when she put me on my back again, re-mounted while pinning me down, then doing the scrub-board rubbing on my pelvis and cock, there could be no doubt. She was game. With the pace of her breathing picking up I put my tongue to her neck and ears -- scrub, scrub, scrub -- and there she goes, sailing off the end of the world, into ecstasy, with loud grunts and moans.

She slowed down, lazily positioned into doggie. My turn! To flatdog, tasty ass cheeks swallowing the cock. Bye bye brain, Hello O (orgasm).

Day one in Medellin and I tagged three second-tier chicas. Not bad. I am in a more fuck-fiesta mood here in Med than in Cali, primarily because I am in a scenic-mountain city, cooler temp, so second-tier chicas will do nicely for cock massages until I find my petite and pretty 8teenie or 9teenie ideal.

Let the fucking continue ...

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

05-08-08, 18:45
Ok guys,

looking for a wingman, I will be traveling to Medellin for my 1st time. Staying at the Famous Medellin Mansion.

1-Anyone headed that way out of Miami?

2-Any top reccomendations where to visit, restaurants, clubs, sightseeing?

3-Any girl reccomendations & how to contact them? (photos will help...jaja!)

05-08-08, 19:30
Ok guys,

looking for a wingman, I will be traveling to Medellin for my 1st time. Staying at the Famous Medellin Mansion.

1-Anyone headed that way out of Miami?

2-Any top reccomendations where to visit, restaurants, clubs, sightseeing?

3-Any girl reccomendations & how to contact them? (photos will help...jaja!)I will around June 15 - July 16. I recommend you pay Jackson his $20 subscription fee to you can communicate with other members via the PM system. If not you risk not being able to communicate with people.

Most of your questions have already been answered in past posts.

05-08-08, 20:03
April 29. Boarded the bus in Quito, Ecuador. After 28 months of circling South America it is time to break new ground and make for the border of Colombia. I know the border guards sometimes want to see proof of onward passage so I used Expedia and Paint to fake a flight ticket from Bogota to Canada, plus fake financial records for my bank account and credit card. Change a few numbers and one can be rich.A little more danger and drama than I prefer but I'm glad you made it ok to Medellin.

I found the gay announcer comment funny. It seems like all the girls have gay "safe" friends.

I take it you didn't experience the frequent stops/searches that others report?

The nicer, cooler environment of Medellin is the place for me. That's why I live here in Quito.


05-08-08, 21:18

That was very insightful into what goes on when you go alone to those areas, I kinda like how you described Rio because I wouldn't expect it to have homeless people all over.

Thanks for all that info.

05-08-08, 22:11
Anyone else have recommendations for girls that deep throat.

05-09-08, 00:30
just recently they dug up the bottom of his pool and found dollars, euro´s, gold etc.Euros?

That's curious. Pablo was killed in 1993 and the euro was introduced in 1999.

From wikipedia.org:

"Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria, a.k.a. El Patrón or El Doctor (December 1, 1949 – December 2, 1993) gained world infamy as a Colombian drug dealer."

"The euro was introduced to world financial markets as an accounting currency in 1999 and launched as physical coins and banknotes on 1 January 2002. It replaced the former European Currency Unit (ECU) at a ratio of 1:1."

05-09-08, 16:56

That's curious. Pablo was killed in 1993 and the euro was introduced in 1999.

From wikipedia.org:

"Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria, a.k.a. El Patrón or El Doctor (December 1, 1949 – December 2, 1993) gained world infamy as a Colombian drug dealer."

"The euro was introduced to world financial markets as an accounting currency in 1999 and launched as physical coins and banknotes on 1 January 2002. It replaced the former European Currency Unit (ECU) at a ratio of 1:1."That would make it hard to have Euros then LOL! I visited Pablos grave last week and was surprised they had exhumed his body in 06. His nephew requested it. You can see it on You Tube just type Escobar exhummacion. Very interesting to say the least as the family stands around as they open his coffin and his nephew examines his skull, counts his teeth and pokes the holes in his skull. No rest for the wicked!

Aussie Greg
05-09-08, 17:01
Maybe it was diamonds, its was just what my secretary told me after reading the paper.



That's curious. Pablo was killed in 1993 and the euro was introduced in 1999.

From wikipedia.org:

"Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria, a.k.a. El Patrón or El Doctor (December 1, 1949 – December 2, 1993) gained world infamy as a Colombian drug dealer."

"The euro was introduced to world financial markets as an accounting currency in 1999 and launched as physical coins and banknotes on 1 January 2002. It replaced the former European Currency Unit (ECU) at a ratio of 1:1."

05-12-08, 02:10
thanks to malodr for posting in the medellin maps forum; i didn't even know it was there. with a city map on paper, a good camera, and armed with forum information i re-did the maps to suit myself, consolidated a list of places and addresses. tape the two maps together (map 2 slides under map 1) for full context.

i attach them to the end of this post if anyone is interested. i am holding off on posting them in the medellin maps section until i leave, as i would like to ask a few questions first, then add to / subtract from / revise the images.

if anyone has anything to add to the list and/or maps -- another casa, hours of operation, or if an addy or pricing is wrong, etc -- just let me know via the forum or a pm.

the questions i have are:

(1) is the address right for nana? there is no cr 57 48-09 or 48-69. is it closed? i could not find it.

(2) monte caprino. suspect it is no longer a casa but a normal home. i rang the buzzer, people peek through the shutters, no one opens the door. can someone confirm?

(3) play model, at cll 57 50-19, is the address right? is it closed? i could not find it. lots of trannies about.

(4) casa blanca. when i rang the buzzer no one answered. may be closed.

(5) dally, at cr 45 50-59, is a hotel. i think the lady said girls show up at night. huh? is this a casa or a hotel?

thursday, may 8. in ma piases i sampled tatiana, 20 years, 35k-30mins. beautiful girl, great hardbody, but she was distant. the mamasan here seems to run a tight show.

a few hours later in aiffe i sampled juliet, 19 years, 30k-30mins. another hardbody, jiggly c-tits, this one with a friendlier software package.

friday, may 9. in quito the most popular working name is andrea, here it seems to be camilla. there must be a camilla in every casa. in a sister-club of sexy, masajes 55-35, i picked up michelle, 23 years, 25k-30mins. a slender 8, long straight black hair to her ass, pretty face.

having finished my first circuit of central's casas come early evening i popped into strip club americana for a beer. a couple cuties present.

somehow convinced myself that i needed to see mangos. while going there i figured may as well stop in at mayorista's street scene for a friday night look. i had no idea where hotel el castillo was so i resolved to walk around the whole mayorista complex / district if need be. fortunately upon exiting the metro, ayura station, it was a mere four or five blocks before i hit the scene.

arrived about 9:30pm. sat for beers. this place is great! it's almost like a small piece of vila mimosa in medellin. a couple dozen bars, a dozen hotels, and a lot of chicas continuously coming and going.

almost immediately i saw a cute chica. she doesn't shy away, makes eye contact, smiles. mulatta. pretty face, long slender legs. after some time she came up to me and introduced herself, christine, 18 years young, speaks decent english. she asks "i am slim?" fuck yeah, baby, you're slimmer than a toothpick.

for a friday night there were a handful of petite fuckables present. by 1am i decided christine was the best thing going. 25k-40mins, hotel room 12k.

first thing in the room her eyes open wide with excitement: "do you like cocaine?!" i laughed "no thanks." fucking an 8teenie while listening to aerosmith's love in an elevator gives the song a new dimension. "going down?" a new memory to last forever. pliable, french kissing, she was a good sexing.

to my disappointment, however, the bars of mayorista closed at 1:30am. lame, dude. taxied home to central for 9000 pesos, last words written: "i fucked an 18 year pussy today. it was a good day."

i never did make mangos.

saturday, may 10. went to aiffe for a return session with juliet. instead the last chica to walk out astonished me with her beauty. wow. she is probably the hottest mulatta i have laid my eyes on. fernanda, 20 years, 30k-30mins. very friendly, long mane of curly black hair to her hot ass, perky c-cup tits, long slender fingers and toes, pretty face, curves galore. i am going to do a return session with her on monday and ask for pictures. i don't take a lot of pics anymore, only of the super-starlets. being a 9 she easily qualifies.

at night i returned to mayorista's street scene for more boozing and slumming. not as many girls on sat as fri. picked samantha, 19 years, 30k-30mins, hotel 12k.

a milestone in medellin: on thursday juliet had the honor of being the 200th chica sexed in south america in 25 months (april 2006 to present). an international breakdown looks like this:

quito: 152 chicas, 356 sessions
loja: 4 chicas, 4 sessions
brazil: 17 chicas, 30 sessions
peru: 7 chicas, 7 sessions
bolivia: 7 chicas, 9 sessions
argentina: 4 chicas, 5 sessions
paraguay: 4 chicas, 5 sessions
columbia: 9 chicas, 9 sessions

total: 204 chicas, 425 sessions.

i was striving to break the 200 mark in quito but it is columbia that comes through for me. hmmm, what milestone should i strive for next? i need something new to inspire me.

david3069: re: frequent stops/searches. ecuador military searched my bag on their side, but i have not been stopped or searched once in columbia.

artisttyp: re: dress in medellin. i have resumed normal look and dress here in medellin. though i keep an eye out i feel safe here. much safer than in lima for example. i was thinking after my first night in mayorista that i am in medellin, columbia, all pissed up and walking around the streets at 2am. it is odd as i never thought to be doing this.

editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Sixpaku Too
05-12-08, 17:25
Hey Tung,

Great report, one of the best in a long time. I will be heading down to Medellin for the first time in a week and a half. I am excited as fuck about it!

I see you were at Mayorista area at night. Is it safe there at night?

Is The centro different from Mayorista?

Just a couple of questions I had. I also look foward to any updates you have.


Zig Monger
05-12-08, 22:48
Hey Tung,

Great report, one of the best in a long time. I will be heading down to Medellin for the first time in a week and a half. I am excited as fuck about it!

I see you were at Mayorista area at night. Is it safe there at night?

Is The centro different from Mayorista?

Just a couple of questions I had. I also look foward to any updates you have.

ThanksMayorista seems much safer at night than centro. Never felt threatened at mayorista at night, and have been there solo on several occasions, though do keep your eyes open as anything is possible. Centro is just too dicey, in my opinion at night, although during the day relatively safe. Just too many drunken colombianos, street type of people hanging in that area after dark. There can be a diamond in the rough here, so shopping from the taxista is an option!

05-12-08, 23:19
i know this has been discussed here before but i am still not clear on a few things. i am sorry if this is a repeat topic.

i belong to jp morgan chase so i get ass raped everytime i use my debit card. as any seasoned traveler i carry some cash a credit card travelers checks etc.

my question is can i exchange dollars for pesos at cambios ? i've been told by one member that there is a cambio in poblado that only changes 100 dollar bills. this seems really weird to me. most latin countries will except everything but 100 bills. what is the norm for exchanging cash putting better atm rates aside?

can someone fill me in ?

i know about citibank and pre paid debit cards etc. i'm not intrested in any of them. i'm stuck with chase and that is how it goes.

by the way i am disgusted with the industry of making money off access to
your own money. it's gross.

thank you for your time.

05-12-08, 23:36
Hey Tungurahua,

nana is just back off the street a ways. if you turn on Oriental there is a park type place with a small street, nana is on that block, i will see if I can find a picture It is tough to find without someone showing you.

Play Model was there in November, but they might have closed down, not much of a line up anyway.

Dally is a night place, but they will lead you on about when the chicas arrive, Don't bother would be my advice.

Had Christine in January, really thin, but a real cokehead.

Fernanda was there in April, I had her on April 5. Plus she was working at New Life in November.

Thanks for the update

05-13-08, 00:22
I know you asked Tung but to answer one of your questions, yes Mayorista is very different from Centro. Mayorista is a strip of bars and little cheap hotels that is about a city block long more or less. There is a lot of action and people milling about. Plenty of street girls looking for business and if I am not mistaken, is best seen in the evening and night with Fri and Sat being the best nights. Other nights have action as well and I think there are some girls there during the day but not nearly as many.

Centro is an entire area (there are a few maps posted on here to give you an idea how big the area is) where a lot of casas are found but is very discreet. You will not usually see girls just hanging around looking for business. (There is a park where I saw some of everything going on during the days I walked through with Malodr but I cannot remember the name of it. It is mentioned here in the forum as well.) The casas are mostly just doors with very little else suggesting they are "casas". Centro casas mostly close at about 7 and it has been suggested to not be wandering around after that time unless you have some other purpose. Some of the casas in Centro are open later and you can see some of those mentioned in a few lists done by the guys here. Strip clubs are in Centro as well and are open at night but I was advised not to wander around going to them. Catch a cab.

I gathered this info from the board and from my first and only visit to MDE so I probably will get corrected on some info but I think I am not too far off base. I will be there for a week starting Wednesday and hope to know a lot more from this next trip.

Hope this was helpful!


05-13-08, 01:42
I know you asked Tung but to answer one of your questions, yes Mayorista is very different from Centro. Mayorista is a strip of bars and little cheap hotels that is about a city block long more or less. There is a lot of action and people milling about. Plenty of street girls looking for business and if I am not mistaken, is best seen in the evening and night with Fri and Sat being the best nights. Other nights have action as well and I think there are some girls there during the day but not nearly as many.

Centro is an entire area (there are a few maps posted on here to give you an idea how big the area is) where a lot of casas are found but is very discreet. You will not usually see girls just hanging around looking for business. (There is a park where I saw some of everything going on during the days I walked through with Malodr but I cannot remember the name of it. It is mentioned here in the forum as well.) The casas are mostly just doors with very little else suggesting they are "casas". Centro casas mostly close at about 7 and it has been suggested to not be wandering around after that time unless you have some other purpose. Some of the casas in Centro are open later and you can see some of those mentioned in a few lists done by the guys here. Strip clubs are in Centro as well and are open at night but I was advised not to wander around going to them. Catch a cab.

I gathered this info from the board and from my first and only visit to MDE so I probably will get corrected on some info but I think I am not too far off base. I will be there for a week starting Wednesday and hope to know a lot more from this next trip.

Hope this was helpful!

DPThe park you and Malodr were in is called Parque Bolivar.

Rock Harders
05-13-08, 02:10
Mongers, Artistyp in particular,

There are various casas de cambio thoughout Medellin, located in the various centro comericales in the poblado and san diego area, and also in several supermarkets (carulla for sure). In addition, Bancolombia and other banks will change cash, but only during very limited hours. However, I absolutely do not recommend changing cash for several reasons with only one exception, which I will describe. The actual rate for cash exchange of US dollars in Colombia is at least 15% less than the actual interbank exchange rate that you will get from drawing cash via ATM networks. The reason for this is twofold: one, the market in Colombian is absolutely flush with illegally earned US dollars as a result of the narcotics trade; two, the market is also flush with counterfeit US dollars, "made in Cali", which raises the risk of accepting US dollars for exchange. Unlike other Latin American countries, such as Brasil or Argentina where nearly every retail and dining establishment will accept US dollars, most in Colombia simply will not.

The one exception to this rule, and something I have withheld from posting here, is with the Euro. Cash Euro exchange rates are, inexplicably, 15% less than the real market rate. Back in December, when the USD was 1. 49 to the Euro, I was able to buy Euros in Colombia for 1. 32. This works because I was able to pull out USD at the then rate of about 2000 COP to USD, then take the COP and buy Euros from the Casa de Cambios at the equivalent of 1. 32 to the USD. Even with all the fees for the transaction, I for 15 more points on the exchange. As market conditions have not changed I assume this could still be done.


Rock Harders

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

05-13-08, 02:52
Mayorista seems much safer at night than centro. Never felt threatened at mayorista at night, and have been there solo on several occasions, though do keep your eyes open as anything is possible. Centro is just too dicey, in my opinion at night, although during the day relatively safe. Just too many drunken colombianos, street type of people hanging in that area after dark. There can be a diamond in the rough here, so shopping from the taxista is an option!I'll agree. Centro after dark can be quite dicey.

About a month ago I was in el Centro, hit a casa and left about closing time. Walked down to the area they call Junin con la Playa. Pedestrian traffic only, no cars.

Great area for chica gazing and grabbing a quick bite to eat.

Anyway, that area is fairly safe, even in the evening.

What was dumb of me was deciding to walk to the metro station from there at night.

I'll tell you what, some crazed, half naked street dude practically attacked me begging me for money.

I would've felt sorry for him but he was very aggressive and dangerous.

I saw him breaking open bags of garbage on the street like a wild animal and engulfing crap from the garbage.

He spotted me and practically attacked me screaming for money.

I ducked into this grocery store that had security guards outside and waited for a taxi to come by.

Definitely some strange MFo's in Centro, especially after dark.

You should keep your best guard up.

05-13-08, 10:27
Yup, I knew one of you guys would know the name. Malodr calls it "Blowjob Park" I think. LOL. I knew that wasn't the proper name. Even translated. LOL.

That was an interesting park. Lots of police there during the day. Even a little police sub station but when going by there at night, I saw very few police. There was a guy selling ice cream to the kids and their Mom's and an old crazy lady pulling at her crotch trying to sell me something that I tried hard not to even visualize just a few feet away from him. LOL. There were some glue sniffers (not openly sniffing but clearly high) mixed in with the casual business worker having a bite or reading a paper. There are a few very cute SW there and I know a couple guys that said they were fine (and cheap) but there are some trannys too that look like girls at first glance. Buyer beware.

Is it worth a visit. Yes. To me it was if to do nothing else but people watch for a few minutes. It reminded me of riding the subway without the train!


05-13-08, 11:51
Nice double thread going on here.

I sit in Miami and will check out the casas and Mayorista tonight. The current reports are timely and quite good. I personally take a wingman along on my night excursions to Mayorista. But it works either way.

As far as money, that is a good analysis Rock. The only thing I can add is that some banks like Vineyard Bank in California and many credit unions now offer atm cards with no fees trying to compete. I discovered this a few years ago and it offers a few advantages. First, the BofA can't rip you off for an 8$ fee every transaction. Secondly, you don't need to carry much money around nor do you need to carry traveler's checks. The exchange rate has been good to me in Asia and Latin America.

Safe Travels

05-13-08, 12:22
Mayorista is not what I would call safe by any means. That being said, it is relatively much more tranquillo than Centro at night. Centro at night is straight up crazy. Like Grand Theft Auto. Anarchy!

Anyway, one night I was at Mayorista and shots broke out, one guy got hit and a girl as well (the girl was the intended target). Police were there in a flash, the guy got away, both people that got shot looked like they would survive. Funny thing is, 45 minutes later, everything was back to normal. I'm sure others here can corroborate this. It was in the paper and I saw someone had even posted the link to the incident on another board.

Bottom line is always keep your guard up and don't consider anything as 'safe' in Colombia. You'll have a great time and come back home in one piece if you keep this mentality. I'm staying in Colombia now for the last month. In BOG but will be back in MDE in a week or so.

Hey Tung,

Great report, one of the best in a long time. I will be heading down to Medellin for the first time in a week and a half. I am excited as fuck about it!

I see you were at Mayorista area at night. Is it safe there at night?

Is The centro different from Mayorista?

Just a couple of questions I had. I also look foward to any updates you have.


05-13-08, 18:37
mongers, artistyp in particular,

there are various casas de cambio thoughout medellin, located in the various centro comericales in the poblado and san diego area, and also in several supermarkets (carulla for sure). in addition, bancolombia and other banks will change cash, but only during very limited hours. however, i absolutely do not recommend changing cash for several reasons with only one exception, which i will describe. the actual rate for cash exchange of us dollars in colombia is at least 15% less than the actual interbank exchange rate that you will get from drawing cash via atm networks. the reason for this is twofold: one, the market in colombian is absolutely flush with illegally earned us dollars as a result of the narcotics trade; two, the market is also flush with counterfeit us dollars, "made in cali", which raises the risk of accepting us dollars for exchange. unlike other latin american countries, such as brasil or argentina where nearly every retail and dining establishment will accept us dollars, most in colombia simply will not.

the one exception to this rule, and something i have withheld from posting here, is with the euro. cash euro exchange rates are, inexplicably, 15% less than the real market rate. back in december, when the usd was 1. 49 to the euro, i was able to buy euros in colombia for 1. 32. this works because i was able to pull out usd at the then rate of about 2000 cop to usd, then take the cop and buy euros from the casa de cambios at the equivalent of 1. 32 to the usd. even with all the fees for the transaction, i for 15 more points on the exchange. as market conditions have not changed i assume this could still be done.


rock hardersthis all makes sense. *do you think me getting ass raped for about $8 per $200 transaction( x30 days) is better than losing 15% on the exchange rate ?

i am staying for a month and i can't see myself giving these assholes $8 everytime i take my own money out.

i understand that other banks are in competition with each other but even citibank now charges for atm fees.

i do not feel comfortable traveling with a credit card offered by some rinky dink bank. chase is known world wide and their reputation is good. oddly enough i feel very secure with chase and that is important to me.

does it matter if my bills are 100's or 50's ?

this was a great post. thank you rock harders. i enjoyed your santa cruz de la sierra post as well.

05-13-08, 23:05
Mayorista is not what I would call safe by any means. That being said, it is relatively much more tranquillo than Centro at night. Centro at night is straight up crazy. Like Grand Theft Auto. Anarchy!

Anyway, one night I was at Mayorista and shots broke out, one guy got hit and a girl as well (the girl was the intended target). Police were there in a flash, the guy got away, both people that got shot looked like they would survive. Funny thing is, 45 minutes later, everything was back to normal. I'm sure others here can corroborate this. It was in the paper and I saw someone had even posted the link to the incident on another board.

Bottom line is always keep your guard up and don't consider anything as 'safe' in Colombia. You'll have a great time and come back home in one piece if you keep this mentality. I'm staying in Colombia now for the last month. In BOG but will be back in MDE in a week or so.I usually keep a driver and 1-2 wingmen with me.

Rock Harders
05-14-08, 08:10
Mongers, Artistyp-

You can withdraw 800, 000 COP from the Citibank ATM located in the Blockbuster Video store in Poblado. Thats about $470 USD all things considered, so paying $8 USD to pull that amount would be a per transaction fee of only about 1. 7% which is clearly far less than the minimum 15% hit you take to made the cash exchange at your choice of casa de cambio. I do not understand your hangup about wanting to keep a Chase card as your sole mode of money access; all debit cards these days are connected to the same networks, more or less, either Plus, Cirrus, or Link, the prestige of your bank has no bearing on whether an ATM machine will accept your card, only the networks your ATM card is associated with. When I travel in South America, I only use my ATM card (Wachovia) when I go to Colombia, because in all the other places I have been (Paraguay, Bolivia, Brasil, Uruguay, Cuba) and the country where I live (Argentina) you always get a better rate exchanging cash USD. USD cash is king in South America. Except in Colombia.


Rock Harders

Escort King
05-14-08, 08:21
this all makes sense. *do you think me getting ass raped for about $8 per $200 transaction( x30 days) is better than losing 15% on the exchange rate ?

i am staying for a month and i can't see myself giving these assholes $8 everytime i take my own money out.

i understand that other banks are in competition with each other but even citibank now charges for atm fees.

i do not feel comfortable traveling with a credit card offered by some rinky dink bank. chase is known world wide and their reputation is good. oddly enough i feel very secure with chase and that is important to me.

does it matter if my bills are 100's or 50's ?

this was a great post. thank you rock harders. i enjoyed your santa cruz de la sierra post as well.actually at $8 per $200 you are paying 4% exchange fee versus the other 15% over the vacation i imagine that will save you enough for some extra girls.

05-14-08, 14:14
this all makes sense. *do you think me getting ass raped for about $8 per $200 transaction( x30 days) is better than losing 15% on the exchange rate ?

i am staying for a month and i can't see myself giving these assholes $8 everytime i take my own money out.

i understand that other banks are in competition with each other but even citibank now charges for atm fees.

i do not feel comfortable traveling with a credit card offered by some rinky dink bank. chase is known world wide and their reputation is good. oddly enough i feel very secure with chase and that is important to me.

does it matter if my bills are 100's or 50's ?

this was a great post. thank you rock harders. i enjoyed your santa cruz de la sierra post as well.why don't you bring more cash with you and then when you run out, you hit the atms? that's what i do. the exchange rate for cash will probably still be better than the fees it sounds like you're getting whacked with.


05-14-08, 18:14
Actually at $8 per $200 you are paying 4% exchange fee versus the other 15% over the vacation I imagine that will save you enough for some extra girls.I am no accountant but yes I thought about that. The only issue would be the number of times I need to do it.

I will figure it out somehow. Thanks to everybody who took the time to answer.

By the way I have a theme song for my upcoming trip.

Grupo Gale "Ven a Medellin". Required listening.

World Jockey
05-15-08, 04:15
Ok fellas I need your assistance on breaking my Medellin monger virginity

I usually monger in DR this will be my 1st american run

Now ticket to MDE I can handle myself but before I get the ticket I need to know where to stay

Have searched the site but not found what I'm looking for either for one resaon or another

1. I'm looking for an apartment or hotel that is chica friendly but NOT a monger haven (mansion castillo.)

I want it close to the action (which I hear is the mayorista) but safe and no more that $60 per night

Now is this attainable in Medellin?

Or am I asking for too much

2. Is mayorista the best place for meeting p4p action in clubs and bars at basically night life in Medellin?

From what I have gathered from your posts el centro is good for massage parlor type deals during the daytime but not clubs at night.

Any links or contact info you guys send in reply would be greatly appreciated

Also I really gotta applaud you guys with these maps

Over in the DR forum I have yet to see one and its well needed


05-15-08, 05:27
Set for November 2008 in Medellin. This promises to be good. It's not likely, however, that a Haitian will be in the top Five! With the unselfish support of a few very generous sponsors, The Prize purse will be large enough to lure in the hottest of the hottest! Watch for details and dates soon! The "after" party will be very interesting!

05-15-08, 16:17
Ok fellas I need your assistance on breaking my Medellin monger virginity

I usually monger in DR this will be my 1st american run

Now ticket to MDE I can handle myself but before I get the ticket I need to know where to stay

Have searched the site but not found what I'm looking for either for one resaon or another

1. I'm looking for an apartment or hotel that is chica friendly but NOT a monger haven (mansion castillo.)

I want it close to the action (which I hear is the mayorista) but safe and no more that $60 per night

Now is this attainable in Medellin?

Or am I asking for too much

2. Is mayorista the best place for meeting p4p action in clubs and bars at basically night life in Medellin?

From what I have gathered from your posts el centro is good for massage parlor type deals during the daytime but not clubs at night.

Any links or contact info you guys send in reply would be greatly appreciated

Also I really gotta applaud you guys with these maps

Over in the DR forum I have yet to see one and its well needed

Thanks! Your concept of Medellin is way off the mark.

The Mayorista is not the center of night life in Medellin. It's a small area of low-end street girls and short time motels.

Sure there's several bars there for drinking a cerveza, but not what I would call the center of the action.

I sure wouldn't base my vacation around it.

Medellin is a spread out city with "action" in many areas.

You say you don't want to stay at a gringo type hotel. Well, a great advantage to those places is they keep you from spinning your wheels and wasting time, which is very easy to do in the spread out city Medellin.

I'd rather stay in el Centro or la Setenta area than the Mayorista if I wasn't staying at a place like the Mansion or el Castillo.

I for one highly recommend a new guy to start off at one of the gringo hotels on a first visit. If you want less of a feel of full time mongers' hotel, try the Castillo.

Good luck amigo!

05-15-08, 17:47
Your concept of Medellin is way off the mark.

The Mayorista is not the center of night life in Medellin. It's a small area of low-end street girls and short time motels.

Sure there's several bars there for drinking a cerveza, but not what I would call the center of the action.

I sure wouldn't base my vacation around it.

Medellin is a spread out city with "action" in many areas.

You say you don't want to stay at a gringo type hotel. Well, a great advantage to those places is they keep you from spinning your wheels and wasting time, which is very easy to do in the spread out city Medellin.

I'd rather stay in el Centro or la Setenta area than the Mayorista if I wasn't staying at a place like the Mansion or el Castillo.

I for one highly recommend a new guy to start off at one of the gringo hotels on a first visit. If you want less of a feel of full time mongers' hotel, try the Castillo.

Good luck amigo!Hey guys,

I myself will be visiting Medellin for the 1st time this July. I do want to experience the monger lifestyle in this vacation but also appreciate what Medellin has to offer from a tourist point of view. I will be staying in Medellin Mansion and will visit a few mongering venues, but besides that where can you hang out, meet REGULAr girls and attractiongs Medellin has to offer?



05-16-08, 16:11
If in fact, it is your first trip down here, staying at the mansion is quite easy. There is a certain anxiety about a first time trip anywhere but it will be alleviated there. You can get the lay of the land within 48 hours if you have any mongering experience or common sense.

My recommendations would be to read all the posts the past 6 months. You will understand a lot more then. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to send me a pm.

Safe travels.

Shafty 7
05-18-08, 04:01
Ok fellas I need your assistance on breaking my Medellin monger virginity

I usually monger in DR this will be my 1st american run

Now ticket to MDE I can handle myself but before I get the ticket I need to know where to stay

Have searched the site but not found what I'm looking for either for one resaon or another

1. I'm looking for an apartment or hotel that is chica friendly but NOT a monger haven (mansion castillo.)

I want it close to the action (which I hear is the mayorista) but safe and no more that $60 per night

Now is this attainable in Medellin?

Or am I asking for too much

2. Is mayorista the best place for meeting p4p action in clubs and bars at basically night life in Medellin?

From what I have gathered from your posts el centro is good for massage parlor type deals during the daytime but not clubs at night.

Any links or contact info you guys send in reply would be greatly appreciated

Also I really gotta applaud you guys with these maps

Over in the DR forum I have yet to see one and its well needed

Thanks!Newbies to the board should really read posts that are already up on the board for the information you are looking for before you ask a question. Most questions are already answered.

A really good answer to this question was posted on the very same page just a few posts down from the question post.

Metro-ed to station Prado. Hotel Cristal, 34000 per night ($20), private room and bath. Threw down the bag. For three hours I circled the streets, observing, noting things of interest. Looked into a dozen other hotels, found a better deal, more centralized, room twice as large, hardwood floors, stereo with cd player, tv, fan, 25000p, desk girl is prettier, a single block from grocery store Exito, lots of restaurants, 24 hour Internet, and a Citibank ATM nearby (El Union Centro Commercial, Carerra 49 y Calle 52-107), pulled 900,000 pesos. Picked up a large detailed city map for 21,800 pesos (Papeleria Marin Libreria, Calle 50 y 46-42). Photocopied the passport and visa. Ahhh, I quote the quote "luck is the residue of design."

Col Bog 1
05-18-08, 15:13
This day, I was able to be free after lunch.

I had a date with Karen at the Botero Café in the center.

She arrived (as usual) 30 minutes late, but that’s the price to pay to be with almost any good looking woman I know.

She proposed me to go back to the new Metro Cable (cable car) that opened recently.

I had already done this trip with Karen but it was late and already dark. This time, we wanted to see the "country side".

It was really nice, and I have been able to take a lot of pictures and to make movies. When we arrived at the last station, we walked out of the cable car to see the countryside from the terminal and we had the surprise to see that almost nobody would go down! All the people in the cable car were tourist!

This is very different from the other cable car, widely use by the local people. We asked to someone why local people wouldn’t take this Cable car and he explained us that people were afraid of the height!

I mean, it’s higher than the other Cable car, but if you’re used to Cable car in ski area, it’s nothing.

Of course, Medellin poor people don’t have the chance to go to ski area.

It seems that local people prefer to take their usual bus to go downtown. If things don’t change, this will be a financial disaster.

After going back, we decided to visit the contemporaneous museum of art.

We once again took the metro till the right station and walk till the museum.

As Karen was hungry, we stopped by the local Exito and I bought her some lasagna after choosing some clothes.

Funny thing was that we met Karen’s husband near the Exito. He was doing some visit in the neighborhood and he greeted us as old friends.

That still produces a strange impression to me even if it was not my first meeting with him.

Karen told me that they don’t live together anymore and that he knows about her activity.

We then walked till the museum and I bought a CD to burn to keep my promise to Paola to give her our pictures and movies.

The Museum is the smallest museum I have ever saw in my life!

It "only" has one mid-size room plus a covered roof with some urban sculptures exhibited.

Entrance is free and we made the tour in less than 15 minutes.

I spoke to the museum’s functionary and they told me that they should move to a bigger place soon.

After the visit, we were tired for having walking a lot in the heat, and we decided to go to my hotel to have a small rest and a shower.

Once in my room, we run a low warm bath as it was quite hot outside and we both got in the bath. There, of course, Karen started to take care of me. I didn’t want it as I had a TLN planed with Paola for this night, but how can you say to such a beautiful girl that starts a delicious HJ to stop? I couldn’t and in no time I had my fingers in her pussy too.

I was so concentrate in not coming that I was able to resist the HJ, but once under the shower to rinse the soap, I had to enter her pussy, and then, in a question of minutes I was enable to handle it and came.

I was very worried, what would I be able to do later that night with Paola?

I’m not a young guy anymore, the kind of folks that can come 3 times a day and remain stiff after it again and again. Blue pills help but it is difficult for me.

A little further, we got dressed and left to the Parque Lleras where we had an appointment with Paola.

She had told me that she just had her walking cast off one day ago and that she was still walking with difficulties.

The date was at the restaurant Al rojo, on the Lleras parquet and we sat down and wait for Paola to arrive.

When she finally arrived, I could see that she indeed had problem to walk. Poor girl! She couldn’t put her weight on her foot without pain.

But she could reach the table and sat down with us. I have to say that having supper with both of them is something I really enjoy, Who can have a nice supper with 2 mistress in a nice restaurant each of us knowing about our relation?

We ordered drinks and they had meat while I had a sea bass.

Once the supper finished, we all went in the same taxi and he took us directly to my hotel, there, I gave Karen 20K to pay the taxi back to her home (I had given her 100K before we left my room for her day +++ with me).

I crossed the hall of the San Fernando Plaza with Paola at my arm (she was limping), and, as usual, they didn’t ask a thing. We then went directly to my room.

We quickly took our clothes off and I was still worry about my capacity to take good care of Paola after coming a few hours before.

I took a Sildenafil and we start our games.

She loves my tongue and I love to give her strong DATY, what else can I ask for a start? She came as every time I have been with her, at her own rhythm with no rush, slowly and deeply. When she had her orgasm, I wanted to keep sucking, but she is like me: When she comes, it’s so strong that she can’t bear any additional sucking. She has to calm down first.

I let her recover for 3 minutes and then start in missionary. It was very good but I quickly lost my stiffness.

When I called Paola to come for a TLN with me, I explained (and insisted) that this time, she would have to let me enter her ass. But I was really worried as I was totally unable to enter her ass even if it would have been widely opened as I was so soft.

I was so desperate that I took a second blue pill and ask her to blow me.

After a while I was half stiff and I could screw a little bit. Unfortunately, she was very dry and she was having a bad time, complaining that I was hurting her.

She had an all month without screwing due to her accident and her walking cast, and she was irritated.

It was clearly not a pleasure. She had a cream but it was not a sexual cream so the lub power was very poor.

After a while, she asked me if she could blow me? I said sure and she started her favorite BBBJ. I mean, she really loves to blow and she does it really good.

But something was missing for my happiness, and I asked her to finger my ass while she was blowing.

She did it for a good while and I asked her to put me a second finger.

That was my first time with 2 fingers. Paola was afraid of hurting me but I was really feeling well and asked her to proceed.

I was really in heaven, I mean I love to be sucked and fingered and I was having 2 fingers in my ass that I could strongly feel!

Unfortunately, even like this, I was very far to come and I was feeling tired.

So, I decided to use my laptop and put some porn on it and asked Paola to keep blowing and fingering.

And then, at last, I was able to reach climax!

After that, a quick shower and a good night rest.

I was thinking that I had done nothing with her ass not even fingering it!

I woke up around 6am and so did Paola.

She told me that I had snored. I was very disappointed as I just had a surgery for this some days before.

We both went to the bath room and when I came back to the bed I was in a very good shape, having a strong erection and willing to screw.

We start all over again, but, as the night before, she was irritated and it was painful for her.

After some minutes, I finally got close form her hell’s door but she was not decided to let me enter.

But she had to. And with a lot of cream, moan and pain, I finally could enter her ass. I was very surprised she told me it was so painful as she was totally opened and I had no problem to get in. I mean that she was so opened that I could return into her ass without using my hands to force the entrance.

I think that I remained in her ass for a good 30 minutes doing her all the time. I really love it, doing her ass while I finger her pussy and feel it through my fingers and through my dick.

But I was still very far from coming. So, I repeat the same thing as the night before and had some porn on my laptop.

Then, back in her ass and then, at last, I could come good and strong.

We then showered again, and got our clothes on. I gave her 150K + 20K for her taxi. She didn’t want to have breakfast with me, so I took her till a taxi and kissed good bye.

I have made 4 movies from my meeting with Paola :

1) 2008-04-18_Mde-PaolaInHerAss-DATYISG.mp4
Size : 14,5Mo
Length : 1’54”
Quality : Ok, You’ll see how I lick that nice pussy, and the difficulties Paola had to shoot the movie.

2) 2008-04-18_Mde-PaolaInHerAss-BBBJISG.mp4
Size : 20,1Mo
Length : 2’37”
Quality : Ok, Paola is really a good blower

3) 2008-04-18_Mde-PaolaInHerAss-BBBJ&FingeringISG.mp4
Size : 91,2Mo
Length : 11’54”
Quality : Ok, I love to be fingered while she keeps blowing, and as you’ll see, Paola blows like a goddes!
If you don’t like to see a man receiving fingers in his ass, don’t download this movie!

4) 2008-04-18_Mde-PaolaInHerAss-Doggy&Ass.mp4
Size : 30,1Mo
Length : 3’56”
Quality : Average, due to poor light conditions, and the extreme difficulties I had to screw and record at the same time.

As my SteekR account is now full (1Go), I had to found another provider.
This one use exactly the same engine and hopefully will work just as well as SteekR.
Let me know if you have any problem.



Ps : A few tricks.

The voila site is in French

Just click on the folder and it will show you a thumbnail for each movie.

If you click on the thumbnail, you will see the movie directly from the site.

If you click on Télécharger, you’ll download the movie on your computer.

Have fun.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Col Bog 1
05-18-08, 15:18
Some extra pictures of my meeting with Paola.

The last picture (12) shows how I got fingered.
If you don't like that, don't watch it.
Just read the picture's title.


05-18-08, 20:47
monday, may 12. decided to ride north to take pictures of the city from the elevated metro platforms. at station acevedo i discovered what a metro-cable is: a cable car system attached to the metro line, extending up into the hills. it provides gorgeous views of the neighborhoods and city. at the top i exited the station to walk a couple blocks. when asked the metro security guard said it was safe to walk around. i figured "safe" was relative, in his case today it being safer than the 1980s and 1990s. i didn't wander off too far, turning around whenever punks on streetcorners appeared. by the end of the afternoon i had travelled the entire length of metroline1 from north to south.

tuesday, may 13. vistited the museo de antioquia, botanical gardens and cementerio de san pedro. artist botero isn't that far off with his "gordo" sculptures; that's the way most people in the world are -- fat.

about 8pm i headed down to carrera 54 y av de greiff to take a look. haha! this place makes the mayorista street scene look high class! hanging out for a half hour i saw two fuckables, one a street-hardened slender negrita, the other a softer slender white chica. tired from the day's activity i called it a night, walking the eight blocks home.

wednesday, may 14. resumed mongering with camilla, 22 years, of bell suite, 30k-30mins. a slender pretty mulatta. from the sound of the starting gun she was a firecracker. she didn't let up for the full 30 mins.

at 7:45pm i returned to cr 54 y av de greiff for some beers and a second look. spotted a superhot mulatta then she disappeared. while on a walk-a-round suddenly this cute girl emerged from a bar. i stood still. she smiled. i smiled. it's contract time. jennifer, 18 years young, 25k-30mins, 10k room. pliable, hardbody perfect, pure 8teenie.

at about 11pm i spotted another hottie emerging out of nowhere. she comes over. carolina, 18 years young, quoted 20k-30mins, 10k room. i buy us a round, treat her to a meal, walk to a hotel across the street. the hotel is diagonal from el faro; not far but far enough to give it a weird feel. i stopped at the entrance, looked back for fifteen seconds, scouting for warning signs. none. up i follow carolina.

three punks run the hotel lobby. 10k paid. to the third floor. past an open room where a bunch of young punks appear to be gambling. this is peripheral vision working, direct stares are off limits. our room is at the end of the hall. what the? it's not a rental room, it is where she lives with another girl. a coke dealer is dishing out product to the other girl. carolina immediately dives in, sprinking powder on a pipe and lighting up. i decline the offer, trying to avoid the stink of chemical smoke. she told me to relax, wait, lie back. i did. after munching on food she's back to the pipe. her roommate shows no inclination of leaving, yapping away.

carolina's eyes and face are all fucked up now, the sweet 8teenie i thought i met on the street is gone, stolen by the divine wind of kamikaze-cocaine. she's asking for the 20k up front, wants another rum. i say no, sex first, money second. she leaves, comes back with a cigarette and pop. back to the pipe. okay, this is just stupid. again she asks "can i have the 20k?" no. i sigh. time to cut losses. i get up, walk to the door, open it and walk out. "papi?" she peeks through the door. i keep walking.

the lead lobby punk asked me what's up. i pretended to smoke and get all fucked up, shaking my head "no sex." he smiles knowingly, opens the padlock on the door and frees my soul. home i go, satisfied with two good pussies for the day.

thursday, may 15. sampled camilla, 19 years, of venus, 30k-30mins. she looks more tahitian than colombian. cute but tame sex.

in the eve i visited conejitas strip club for some beers. a couple pretties but nah. these clubs irk me. must be the chicas asking for coins after every dance.

down to cr 54 y de greiff. ah, the hot mulatta is here! mileidy, 19 years young, 25k-60mins, 10k-30mins room. what a body: superslim, pretty face, tiny ass, with big jiggly tits. the combination is impossible but there she is, taking the cock, so she is real. maestro colblog1 shared pics post 2886.

friday, may 16. second session with camilla, 22 years, of bell suite, 30k-30mins. after jumped on the second metroline to ride the new cable car. this one is five times better than the original, looking down on (poor) neighborhoods from on high, up one hill, down its backside, up another hill. what a brilliant idea.

at night i found the mayorista street scene to be slow. taxied to cr 54 y de greiff. after chatting with paola on the street (she wanted to buy me beers!), found 9teenie mileidy at 1:30am and had to sink my cock between those incredible ass cheeks again. home.

saturday, may 17. hungover for most of the day, in a foul mood, i thought there was no way i was going to session. cr 54 y de greiff for a look, conejitas, then metroed to mayorista. with energy anew from 10:45 to 11:15pm i sexed petite jenny, perfect 8teenie, 25k-30mins, 10k room. after the session i met her 9teenie sister.

at about 11:45pm i noticed a slender girl in an orange dress. by 2:15am, fully recharged, after long looks, winks, i decided to invest. upon entering the room zoraida, 25 years, immediately gave me her tongue in some delicious french kissing. i dined at the y. mounted. we fucked for the next 45 minutes. a great session.

at 3:30am i was surprised to see the mayorista street scene still going strong. cabbed home for 8000p. zzzzzzzz.

micro-medellin: is mayorista and centro safe?

in mayorista i don't feel threatened. i walk the streets behind and around the main scene carrying a beer in my hand. the few days i have visited (at least) two policemen are present; on friday and saturday (nights) the street is blocked off from traffic. i have seen no fights or disturbances. no doubt some violent acts do go down here, as some of the boys drink heavily and get fucked up, but for the most part what i have seen it is tame. i walk in to the area from the metro without problem, catching a 8-9000 peso taxi to central when i am done. some members write they stay along the strip of bars without wandering off into sidestreets; if you are new to medellin or simply want to maximize safety while browsing chicas that is good advice.

central is a different story. there have to be at least a few thousand homeless people bedding down on sidewalks every night. i have been staying in a centro hotel now for two weeks, walking the streets at all hours of the day and night (9am to 3am). i have had no troubles. but i do keep very aware of my surroundings at all times. and no, you couldn't pay me to be a blonde with blue eyes.

post 3179 (page51), by casa medellin, had me laughing out loud when i read it. he writes it apocalyptically but it is a good picture of the darker side of life here.

many homeless individuals indeed resemble forest-like animals, scavenging for food in garbage bins and piles. my first walk to carrera 54 y av de greiff on tuesday i passed one guy sitting on the ground. you know the fat and gristle scraps cut and garbaged by a butcher? he found a large garbage bag full of that, pure raw scraps, and was feasting like a king on filet mignon in a classy restaurant. he thought he hit big-time pay dirt. a half hour later, when i re-passed him on my way home, his buddies had joined him. goddamn sometimes i wish i could photograph these things.

not even five minutes later, at the end of carrera 53, i came across a small square piled high with garbage, a dozen guys busting open the bags and chowing down. mirroring casa medellin's thoughts, these guys truly are animal status -- as in borderline (thinking) human beings. their degree of abstraction is limited to about two to three seconds into the future and five meters in front of them.

when walking centro always be conscious of where they are around you, look up the street to determine your path and if need be cross the street to avoid them (single or in groups), walk on the outside of sidewalks or on medians (road dividers) to keep minimum safe distance. if you turn onto a street and there are too many homeless guys on it, do not be afraid to immediately turn around and choose another route -- or go back the route you came. while i consider them mainly to be simple creatures you never know when one might get a 29 cent / 3 liter jug of bad hooch, spiced with too much drano, and freak out while you are in proximity.

for medellin street perspective i find tom33, ricker and aussie greg's posts to be good sources of information (plus the odd post from someone else).

macro-colombia: a perspective

for the last two years i have been listening to dozens of travellers say "colombia is safe!" all i have to say is: fuck off. mirroring the thoughts of other board members i too am weary of individuals trying to downplay the risks of colombia. yes today is better compared to what it was but the country's murder rate is still very high -- never mind all the other crime stats.

there is one thing i find lacking on the isg-colombia forum(s). there is a lot of chatter about how dangerous colombia is -- individual cities like cali, bogota, medellin, the countryside, etc. -- but i have yet to find a hard reference to what individuals may be familiar with. give me context! how dangerous is dangerous? what are the specifics? lonely planet writes "murders are down 40%." so does that mean in 2002 there were ten people murdered, in 2007 only six? hardly. generic statements like this are misleading and annoying.

on the isg-rio crime & safety board i once broke down the numbers to prove what country was more dangerous, brazil or the us. time to do the same thing for colombia and the us. here are the official numbers for colombia:

countrywide murders 2007: 15,400 (citizens only, not including combat deaths). population 44,000,000 makes for 35 murders per 100,000.
countrywide murders 2006: 17,206
countrywide murders 2005: 17,726.
countrywide murders 2003: 23,013
countrywide murders 2002: 28,837

the numbers for the united states are:

countrywide murders/manslaughters 2006: 17,034. population 301,000,000 makes for 5.7 murders per 100,000.
countrywide murders/manslaughters 2005: 16,900

first of all i trust the us numbers more than i do colombia's. each year in colombia i think there is an additional few thousand individuals who are slaughtered, shot, macheted, gutted, etc., then thrown into open pits like road kill -- and they never make the official police counts. but let us use what we have.

colombia has 14.6% of the us population yet has 90.4% of its murders.

put another way, colombia has 1/7 of the us population but 6x the murder rate.

if we extrapolated colombia to have an equal us population of 301,000,000 its murder rate at 35 per 100,000 would be the equivalent of 105,350 individuals per year (301,000,000 * 35 / 100,000 = x, x = 105350).

this is "safe" colombia in 2008.

how can i justify being here? it is simple: half lunacy, half rationality. in 2006 while in ecuador i watched uribe's re-election, then while travelling other s. american countries over the course of two years i waited for confirmation of the improving trend. i got it. uribe has two more years to go. while i would like to be optimistic about colombia's future i am wary of latin american politics: two steps forward, three steps back. is colombia's next president going to continue improvements? is it different for colombia this time around? i don't know. so i am sliding into colombia on the tail end of uribe's terms to take a look at the country.

for interest the latest city specific numbers i can find are: bogotá's kill rate is 23 per 100,000. cartagena is 22 per 100,000 (275 murders in 2006 using population 1,240,000). medellin 29 per 100,000 (2007 article). cali 65 per 100,000 (year unknown).

class is dismissed.

time to get some sun on sunday, shake these hangover cobwebs from the brain.

editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

05-19-08, 00:12
Why don't you bring more cash with you and then when you run out, you hit the ATMs? That's what I do. The exchange rate for cash will probably still be better than the fees it sounds like you're getting whacked with.

DavidI just got back from Medellin a few weeks ago and I brought Dollars.

What a pain in the ass to change dollars into pesos, and they charge fees too.

I had to fill out three sets of papers, they took a photocopy of my passport and fingerprints.

Save yourself the trouble, take an ATM card instead.

05-19-08, 00:14
this all makes sense. *do you think me getting ass raped for about $8 per $200 transaction( x30 days) is better than losing 15% on the exchange rate ?

i am staying for a month and i can't see myself giving these assholes $8 everytime i take my own money out.

i understand that other banks are in competition with each other but even citibank now charges for atm fees.

i do not feel comfortable traveling with a credit card offered by some rinky dink bank. chase is known world wide and their reputation is good. oddly enough i feel very secure with chase and that is important to me.

does it matter if my bills are 100's or 50's ?

this was a great post. thank you rock harders. i enjoyed your santa cruz de la sierra post as well.they would only change 100's for me.

05-19-08, 01:16
Some extra pictures of my meeting with Paola.

The last picture (12) shows how I got fingered.
If you don't like that, don't watch it.
Just read the picture's title.


Since you seem to like fingers and things up your ass, Have you ever thought about, or maybe you do already, try using a Vibrating anal plug or anal beads or ben wah balls or similar things like these? This might even enhance your pleasure even MORE if that is possible. p.s Thanks for your contributions AND most of all thanks for your WARNINGS about the photos of your anal play.

Sixpaku Too
05-19-08, 16:42
In the D.R. the girls will take either dollars or pesos, doesn't matter to them really.
Do the colombian chicsa take dollars?

If not, is there an ATMat the MDE airport so i can get some quick pesos, especailly for my cab ride?


Col Bog 1
05-20-08, 01:44

Since you seem to like fingers and things up your ass, Have you ever thought about, or maybe you do already, try using a Vibrating anal plug or anal beads or ben wah balls or similar things like these? This might even enhance your pleasure even MORE if that is possible. p.s Thanks for your contributions AND most of all thanks for your WARNINGS about the photos of your anal play.Hi Miami.

No, I've never think about that.

I love to be fingered while the girl blows me.

Fingering alone is not that good to me.


David Smash
05-20-08, 07:38
In the D.R. the girls will take either dollars or pesos, doesn't matter to them really.
Do the colombian chicsa take dollars?

If not, is there an ATMat the MDE airport so i can get some quick pesos, especailly for my cab ride?

ThanksI wouldn't pay ANY chica in ANY other country USD. Because pulling out dollars will attract lot of undesirable attention. There are plenty of ATMs right of the airport.

05-20-08, 15:57
In the D.R. the girls will take either dollars or pesos, doesn't matter to them really.

Do the colombian chicsa take dollars?Why would they want the hassle of a currency that depreciates daily that they then get burnt with the exchange penalty as well?

05-20-08, 19:08
I just got back from Medellin a few weeks ago and I brought Dollars.

What a pain in the ass to change dollars into pesos, and they charge fees too.

I had to fill out three sets of papers, they took a photocopy of my passport and fingerprints.

Save yourself the trouble, take an ATM card instead.That has to be the worst news I've ever heard while planning a trip. I am there for a month.

Can you tell me what kind of a fee they charge per $100 ?

What can I do ? Are there certain machines that let you take out more than others ?

This is horrible.

05-20-08, 20:50
In the D.R. the girls will take either dollars or pesos, doesn't matter to them really.
Do the colombian chicsa take dollars?

If not, is there an ATMat the MDE airport so i can get some quick pesos, especailly for my cab ride?

ThanksDo NOT introduce Dollars as a method of paying in Colombia! If they did or could things would get way out of hand even more than they are now by asking for $100+ dollar pops and things like that, You will be opening a PANDORAS BOX to the worst extreme. This is not C. R. Or D. R. To tell you the truth I don't even know why your paying the Dominican Hoes Dollars as well, Instead of the usual 1000 pesos ST and 1500-1800 TLN as well. As far as ATM's go hop in the cab an either stop at the ATM at the Gas station Half way to Medellin on the left side OR wait till you get into the city and stop at a reputable bank. ALSO I would never take $ out at the ATM at the airport for fear of someone seeing me and tailing me and the cab or even being "set up" by the Taxista which is very unlikely but then again NOT unheard of and ANYTHING goes in Colombia.

Client 9
05-21-08, 05:59
Do NOT introduce Dollars as a method of paying in Colombia! If they did or could things would get way out of hand even more than they are now by asking for $100+ dollar pops and things like that, You will be opening a PANDORAS BOX to the worst extreme. This is not C. R. Or D. R. To tell you the truth I don't even know why your paying the Dominican Hoes Dollars as well, Instead of the usual 1000 pesos ST and 1500-1800 TLN as well. As far as ATM's go hop in the cab an either stop at the ATM at the Gas station Half way to Medellin on the left side OR wait till you get into the city and stop at a reputable bank. ALSO I would never take $ out at the ATM at the airport for fear of someone seeing me and tailing me and the cab or even being "set up" by the Taxista which is very unlikely but then again NOT unheard of and ANYTHING goes in Colombia.I agree. You don't pay the taxista at the airport anyway. Have the taxista take you to a Davivienda ATM near your hotel before arrival at your hotel.