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Hasideas Tao
10-22-11, 02:53
In my experience, most girls I've met don't have 24/7 internet access. How have you overcome this issue? Thanks.

Why not befriend a girl online that lives in a spanish speaking country and talk to her on Skype and save the $8 an hour for buying more pussy. I have two girls I speak with on Skype, one of which I speak to every night for about two hours. It has helped me tremendously.

10-22-11, 03:07
You could pay $8 an hour to a professional Spanish teacher or you could learn by chatting with random native speakers. The former could result in learning very good Spanish while the latter could result in talking like a homey from the hood. I learned Spanish on the streets and when I later took some formal classes, I realized that not only was my grammar not very good but that I did not know what slang was acceptable vs. rather rude. So I think Esteban's approach is a good one and Manizales' is sort of a fall back position if $8 per hour is a lot of money to a particular person at a particular time in their life. However, and perhaps importantly, how do we define a "professional" Spanish teacher? I am certified to teach ESL (English as a second language) so I suppose that makes me a "professional" English teacher. I am not certified to teach Spanish. However, I have been a lot more successful in teaching English speakers to speak Spanish than I have been in teaching Spanish speakers to speak English. I've taught a lot of things over the years and I would sure hope that $8 an hour would not be viewed as excessive for a highly qualified person. I caught two students buying a paper from a paper mill in India and I caught them because a) the paper was so good and b) the two assholes bought the same paper. A lot of things pissed me off about this incident but the fact they paid the guy $2 an hour pissed me off more than anything.

10-22-11, 08:16
Agreed, a combination of "throw yourself in the pool" by simply talking as much as possible with the natives along with formal classes is a great two-pronged approach. Getting into "trapped" situations, such as riding in a bus or collectivo and striking up a conversation, bullshitting with a cab driver, or best yet, long-time pillow talk with a chica has provided me at least one word or phrase per conversation that was new to me. Also agree that while conversation with las desecuadas is simple, spanish has so many levels, the various subjunctive clauses, pluperfect, imperative, etc that can be very daunting at first. To me, it's been like a series of doors. I walk through one door, then realize there's another in front of me. Thousands of colloqualisms and expressions, different ones in each country. All the while you work on your gringo accent with the are's and the's.

The thing that really made me take quantum leaps in spanish was immersion classes, two in Costa rica, one in Cartagena. They are expensive, but worth every penny. A good immersion school will challenge you, put you past your level of comfort, but in a fun way. And 8 hours a day listening to spanish really forms new pathways in the brain. Turning on spanish subtitles on the latina telenovelas has been an education, once watched the entire Rosario Tijares soap opera from Medellin. Though I've found that all criminals in telenovelas talk very fast and speak really crappy spanish, but you'll pick up some interesting dirty words!

Reading books can be difficult as I've found that written spanish can diverge from spoken spanish much more than english. But try books for adolescents, they're easier to read, but still challenging. Cuidad de las Bestias by Isabella Allende was very interesting.

You could pay $8 an hour to a professional Spanish teacher or you could learn by chatting with random native speakers. The former could result in learning very good Spanish while the latter could result in talking like a homey from the hood. I learned Spanish on the streets and when I later took some formal classes, I realized that not only was my grammar not very good but that I did not know what slang was acceptable vs. rather rude. So I think Esteban's approach is a good one and Manizales' is sort of a fall back position if $8 per hour is a lot of money to a particular person at a particular time in their life.

10-22-11, 20:05
Anyone in Medellin right now has a report to share. I'd love to hear from you. Learning Spanish is NOT my favorite subject.

10-22-11, 23:34

$572. 60 if you leave on 14th and come back on 22nd. Flight leaves from Niagara Falls. American side; (Sammy. You The MAN!

10-24-11, 01:59
I certainly am not taking a pro to dinner and I enjoy taking fine girls to dinner before and after I make sweet love to them!

Why would I not pay for a cab for a sweet girl I just made love to. Pro or non pro.

I enjoy buying a girl a few outfits and makeup for gifts. I'm not poor and I think I might fall into that 1 percent that union workers and Obama luvers hate so much!

10-24-11, 02:04
I took about 25 credit hours at a university. I have been out of the country and into spanish speaking countries on average 2 months for the last 13 years. I also employ spanish speaking (no ingles) workers here in the states and communicate with them on a daily basis. My spanish, looks and picking up non pros is advanced!

10-24-11, 14:36
I certainly am not taking a pro to dinner and I enjoy taking fine girls to dinner before and after I make sweet love to them!

Why would I not pay for a cab for a sweet girl I just made love to. Pro or non pro.

I enjoy buying a girl a few outfits and makeup for gifts. I'm not poor and I think I might fall into that 1 percent that union workers and Obama luvers hate so much!I'm not sure I get the point of your post here Seρor Tennis, other than letting the members of this board know that you are a 1%'er in your third post, big fucking deal.

Legal Tender
10-24-11, 14:41
I certainly am not taking a pro to dinner and I enjoy taking fine girls to dinner before and after I make sweet love to them!

Why would I not pay for a cab for a sweet girl I just made love to. Pro or non pro.

I enjoy buying a girl a few outfits and makeup for gifts. I'm not poor and I think I might fall into that 1 percent that union workers and Obama luvers hate so much!Those in the one percent don't have to advertise that status.

Member #4244
10-24-11, 16:11
I certainly am not taking a pro to dinner and I enjoy taking fine girls to dinner before and after I make sweet love to them!

Why would I not pay for a cab for a sweet girl I just made love to. Pro or non pro.

I enjoy buying a girl a few outfits and makeup for gifts. I'm not poor and I think I might fall into that 1 percent that union workers and Obama luvers hate so much!Before AND after, huh? How many dinners do you eat?

No one dislikes you because you make 350K+, that's probably not even true. You do, however, employ illegal immigrants and use your "affluence" to travel to third-world countries to pay poor girls for sex, two truly commendable traits!

I love guys who come here to talk themselves up, maybe instead of paying for a blowjob you should pay for a hug and a pat on the back. So far a couple posts and zero relevant info, awesome, thanks!

Was just in MDE, had the GF with me so no action but I did see nice lineups at Energy and New Life while saying Hello, to a friend. In San Andres now, weather is finally beautiful. I'll be here a while, anyone who wants info let me know, same goes for Santa Marta (posted this in the CTG forum as well) as I've spent a lot of time there.

10-24-11, 17:08
. My spanish, looks and picking up non pros is advanced!Well I certainly do admire you, are there any 'how to' books in the works to help the rest of us to the advanced level? Thanks!

10-24-11, 18:28
I took about 25 credit hours at a university. I have been out of the country and into spanish speaking countries on average 2 months for the last 13 years. I also employ spanish speaking (no ingles) workers here in the states and communicate with them on a daily basis. My spanish, looks and picking up non pros is advanced!You sound like another beloved member on here who loved to brag about his pick up skills, money he had, good looks, non pros and freebies. Coincidentally he as well loved to play tennis. Hmmmmm

El Bacano
10-24-11, 20:51
Men allways dress as nice as you can, try to remain open minder and generally happy, theres nothing more gratifying than finding a beautiful women that is attracted to you, you can increase the odds ten fold with your upbeat attitude, forget all the negative vibes and get out there, have the mindset that you are experimenting so there there is no failure, this advice is for nonpros.

You Can
10-25-11, 00:28
It goes for pros too! A looooooooooooooooooooong long way! And that no bullshit!

Men allways dress as nice as you can, try to remain open minder and generally happy, theres nothing more gratifying than finding a beautiful women that is attracted to you, you can increase the odds ten fold with your upbeat attitude, forget all the negative vibes and get out there, have the mindset that you are experimenting so there there is no failure, this advice is for nonpros.

10-25-11, 02:50
It goes for pros too! A looooooooooooooooooooong long way! And that no bullshit!Of course, this is nothing new, or rocket science. It's just plain common sense and been discussed many times before.

You Can
10-25-11, 03:16
Like I said! If it was rocket science, I would not be on this board. But believe me some people just don't get it. But I am not mad at them!

Of course, this is nothing new, or rocket science. It's just plain common sense and been discussed many times before.

10-25-11, 06:21
Come on Ricker, don't burst Baca's bubble. He has these epiphany's every once in a while and just HAS to share them. Next week's episode: "Bacano discovers toothpaste!"

Reef.Episode 2:2 BACANO leaves his mothers basement, discovers daylight and " Wow, there is a whole another world besides World of Warcraft!"

10-25-11, 16:05
i want to introduce myself. i'm gary. 50's, tall, slim, educated, excellent condition, investment sales, now colorado skier, biking mountains. i have been studying (alone) spanish for two years to prepare! coming to medellin solo, on 11-23 12-12 to determine if i want to live there. i just finished 6 mos. of reading all the blogs from #300 to present. 100 hours. whoo!

mongering: my experience is in the south florida strip-clubs where, can you believe i had 3500 lap dances over ten years (usd$80k). full contact with 'hands up' (on). orgasims most nights. last year. 10 days / 10 girls in san salvador. brothel and strip bar (s) each day / night. price $1 per min. girls looks; i had all 8's and 9's, stunning, and i'm real fussy. i'd even rate a 10 on two of the ten girls if they were taller. most actitudes were excellent. very pleasantly surprised with that! bbbbj the norm. no propina. excellent! of course san salvador itself is only safe in very very limited areas. virtualy no walking the city anyplace, and i'm not nervous. .

so now medellin! i have a penthouse. 8th floor in pablado / sandiego.

ayuda: 1.) not much talked / resolved about **** girls and the law? 2.) anybody on safety / experiences in and around the centro strip-clubs? 3.) is there allot of police shake downs?

thanks for all the blog info! sincerely; gary

10-25-11, 21:26
i want to introduce myself. i'm gary. 50's, tall, slim, educated, excellent condition, investment sales, now colorado skier, biking mountains. i have been studying (alone) spanish for two years to prepare! coming to medellin solo, on 11-23 12-12 to determine if i want to live there. i just finished 6 mos. of reading all the blogs from #300 to present. 100 hours. whoo!

mongering: my experience is in the south florida strip-clubs where, can you believe i had 3500 lap dances over ten years (usd$80k). full contact with 'hands up' (on). orgasims most nights. last year. 10 days / 10 girls in san salvador. brothel and strip bar (s) each day / night. price $1 per min. girls looks; i had all 8's and 9's, stunning, and i'm real fussy. i'd even rate a 10 on two of the ten girls if they were taller. most actitudes were excellent. very pleasantly surprised with that! bbbbj the norm. no propina. excellent! of course san salvador itself is only safe in very very limited areas. virtualy no walking the city anyplace, and i'm not nervous. .

so now medellin! i have a penthouse. 8th floor in pablado / sandiego.

ayuda: 1.) not much talked / resolved about **** girls and the law? 2.) anybody on safety / experiences in and around the centro strip-clubs? 3.) is there allot of police shake downs?

thanks for all the blog info! sincerely; garygary,

i hope you are not asking if it is legal to bang **** girls. it is not. if you are of that persuasion (i hope you are not) , you are a sick low-life fuck and admin should revoke your membership.

Member #4244
10-26-11, 02:58
i want to introduce myself. i'm gary. 50's, tall, slim, educated, excellent condition, investment sales, now colorado skier, biking mountains. i have been studying (alone) spanish for two years to prepare! coming to medellin solo, on 11-23 12-12 to determine if i want to live there. i just finished 6 mos. of reading all the blogs from #300 to present. 100 hours. whoo!

mongering: my experience is in the south florida strip-clubs where, can you believe i had 3500 lap dances over ten years (usd$80k). full contact with 'hands up' (on). orgasims most nights. last year. 10 days / 10 girls in san salvador. brothel and strip bar (s) each day / night. price $1 per min. girls looks; i had all 8's and 9's, stunning, and i'm real fussy. i'd even rate a 10 on two of the ten girls if they were taller. most actitudes were excellent. very pleasantly surprised with that! bbbbj the norm. no propina. excellent! of course san salvador itself is only safe in very very limited areas. virtualy no walking the city anyplace, and i'm not nervous. .

so now medellin! i have a penthouse. 8th floor in pablado / sandiego.

ayuda: 1.) not much talked / resolved about **** girls and the law? 2.) anybody on safety / experiences in and around the centro strip-clubs? 3.) is there allot of police shake downs?

thanks for all the blog info! sincerely; garyyou will not find such information here however you can very very easily find information on such laws in colombia. it boils down to the fact that you should not mess around with anyone under 18. this is for legal reasons as well as safety reasons. you can find anything but be careful what you wish for, there are risks involved. i would never attempt anything like that and would not recommend anyone else does, obviously.

centro strip clubs are very safe imo, i remember the first time some expats told me about it they were very cautionary. there is no need, they have private security and the streets are empty except for a few crackheads you could push over with a feather. don't linger around and tempt fate but overall you can walk around the area and certainly cab it without fear.

police in colombia treat tourists much better than they do locals. carry identification with you, you will be totally fine. the only way i've seen a bribe solicited is when someone was actually doing something wrong and in that case, hey, it's better to be shaken down than locked up. cops are cool here, they give you directions, they take pictures of you and your girlfriend. you don't see their ugly side as a tourist, but you sure as hell read about it in the newspaper.

Mr Gogo
10-26-11, 06:13
You will not find such information here however you can very very easily find information on such laws in Colombia. It boils down to the fact that you should not mess around with anyone under 18. This is for legal reasons as well as safety reasons. You can find anything but be careful what you wish for, there are risks involved. I would never attempt anything like that and would not recommend anyone else does, obviously.

Centro strip clubs are very safe IMO, I remember the first time some expats told me about it they were very cautionary. There is no need, they have private security and the streets are empty except for a few crackheads you could push over with a feather. Don't linger around and tempt fate but overall you can walk around the area and certainly cab it without fear.

Police in Colombia treat tourists MUCH better than they do locals. Carry identification with you, you will be totally fine. The only way I've seen a bribe solicited is when someone was actually doing something wrong and in that case, hey, it's better to be shaken down than locked up. Cops are cool here, they give you directions, they take pictures of you and your girlfriend. You don't see their ugly side as a tourist, but you sure as hell read about it in the newspaper.I respectfully disagree about Centro strip clubs being VERY safe. I have never seen police there and the private security are the ones I don't trust. Door men at the clubs are too friendly and nosy for such a zombie zone that is not policed. And the crackheads are the ones that might pull a knife out of nowhere. Do not interact with these crackheads and if they get too close step back to establish a comfort zone. Do not walk around there and never take a cab sitting out front of the clubs. Walk to the corner and linger for a minute to make sure you arent followed then hail a cab that just dropped someone off and is leaving. Don't get caught slipping in Centro because you let your guard down. There are some gems working in the clubs but you never know if they are part of the setup. Get their number and bring them to you where you feel more comfortable. I always breeze thru there. Order a beer, check the scene out and before I finish my beer I'm going to the next club. Actually I feel safer in La Mayorista because there are police nearby and more gringos.

I do agree that the police are very respectful. I've been stopped on the street in Envigado going home by police who just frisked me to make sure I didn't have drugs or a weapon, then I was on my way one minute later. No words were talked except hold your hands up for a search.

10-26-11, 15:31
you will not find such information here however you can very very easily find information on such laws in colombia. it boils down to the fact that you should not mess around with anyone under 18. this is for legal reasons as well as safety reasons. you can find anything but be careful what you wish for, there are risks involved. i would never attempt anything like that and would not recommend anyone else does, obviously.

centro strip clubs are very safe imo, i remember the first time some expats told me about it they were very cautionary. there is no need, they have private security and the streets are empty except for a few crackheads you could push over with a feather. don't linger around and tempt fate but overall you can walk around the area and certainly cab it without fear.

police in colombia treat tourists much better than they do locals. carry identification with you, you will be totally fine. the only way i've seen a bribe solicited is when someone was actually doing something wrong and in that case, hey, it's better to be shaken down than locked up. cops are cool here, they give you directions, they take pictures of you and your girlfriend. you don't see their ugly side as a tourist, but you sure as hell read about it in the newspaper.i agree here, and why does that guy even bring up the **** girls, dude there's plenty of beautiful chicas 18 and over, or maybe your south florida lap dances should suffice, dios mio!

i wouldn't, however, blow off the potential for danger anywhere in el central at night and state "no need" for cautionary.

experienced and street smart guys, which it seems you are, you're right, can maybe walk around the area with no problem, but just because you've only seen a few crackheads around means nothing, that area is where bad can happen when you're not suspecting it. been there, experienced it.

always keep your eyes open, and keep a pair on the back of you're head too. a little paranoia on the streets of colombia is not a bad thing.

i've been mugged / attempted mugged 4 times in my travels; twice in colombia (el central) , once in venezuela, and once and most recently in brazil, and all 4 times, spaced a few years apart is when i was walking about, whistling dixie, guard down, thinking i was safe with my head up my arshe.

i agree, no problem with taxi in and out of those clubs.

and guys, disculpa my rant about safety in el central, but i don't like to see it's potential for danger downplayed, especially at night.

10-26-11, 15:52
hi again,

wilt, thanks for the detailed and positive answer to my question (s). great to hear about police. on the **** question. my purpose for the question should be obvious even to the slower bloggers. the problem is the ease inwhich one could end up with an **** girl! a simple fake cedule would do it, or just a girl who looks older, like so many of them do, plus drinking. couple this 'ease' with severe consequences and obvio we have a very important subject worth getting answers to. wilt, believe me i've looked, on-line tells me one thing, but my conversations with my realtor tells me another. a segundo realtor in medellin says it's a non-issue and in reality there is no age limit! problem example; if in a casa, what if it is found the girl is ****? i guess i need to talk to some lawyers for details on the law and the reality of how it actually plays out. interesting: i've read 100's of blogs, some very well expressed, got so much great info, but i also see mixed in the stupid judgments, agnst, and profanity. to me that writer automatically looses credibility for any future comments. is boring, and a waste of time. it's a 'class and education' issue. in my experience 'lashing out' with little provocation usually comes from poor parenting. it's defense (they are insecure) by offense. i can picture their faces when they are writting. sad. what do you guys think? on the ongoing bbbj topic. my opinion, same as one blogger recently wrote. a seccion without bbbj has little value.

gary de colorado

You Can
10-26-11, 15:53
from what i understand, regardless of what country you are in, you are bound by the laws of the us. i don't know what the law is in colombia but i never fool with anyone under the age of 18 and have no desire to.

i want to introduce myself. i'm gary. 50's, tall, slim, educated, excellent condition, investment sales, now colorado skier, biking mountains. i have been studying (alone) spanish for two years to prepare! coming to medellin solo, on 11-23 12-12 to determine if i want to live there. i just finished 6 mos. of reading all the blogs from #300 to present. 100 hours. whoo!

mongering: my experience is in the south florida strip-clubs where, can you believe i had 3500 lap dances over ten years (usd$80k). full contact with 'hands up' (on). orgasims most nights. last year. 10 days / 10 girls in san salvador. brothel and strip bar (s) each day / night. price $1 per min. girls looks; i had all 8's and 9's, stunning, and i'm real fussy. i'd even rate a 10 on two of the ten girls if they were taller. most actitudes were excellent. very pleasantly surprised with that! bbbbj the norm. no propina. excellent! of course san salvador itself is only safe in very very limited areas. virtualy no walking the city anyplace, and i'm not nervous. .

so now medellin! i have a penthouse. 8th floor in pablado / sandiego.

ayuda: 1.) not much talked / resolved about **** girls and the law? 2.) anybody on safety / experiences in and around the centro strip-clubs? 3.) is there allot of police shake downs?

thanks for all the blog info! sincerely; gary

World Travel 69
10-26-11, 16:01
In case you haven't notice it is hard to read Posts in IE. For some reason Windows takes all the space out.

Try Mozilla Firefox or Google's Chrome web browsers.

10-26-11, 16:06
I respectfully disagree about Centro strip clubs being VERY safe. I have never seen police there and the private security are the ones I don't trust. Door men at the clubs are too friendly and nosy for such a zombie zone that is not policed. And the crackheads are the ones that might pull a knife out of nowhere. Do not interact with these crackheads and if they get too close step back to establish a comfort zone. Do not walk around there and never take a cab sitting out front of the clubs. Walk to the corner and linger for a minute to make sure you arent followed then hail a cab that just dropped someone off and is leaving. Don't get caught slipping in Centro because you let your guard down. There are some gems working in the clubs but you never know if they are part of the setup. Get their number and bring them to you where you feel more comfortable. I always breeze thru there. Order a beer, check the scene out and before I finish my beer I'm going to the next club. Actually I feel safer in La Mayorista because there are police nearby and more gringos.

I do agree that the police are very respectful. I've been stopped on the street in Envigado going home by police who just frisked me to make sure I didn't have drugs or a weapon, then I was on my way one minute later. No words were talked except hold your hands up for a search.Excellent advise, Ricker's too. I enjoy the clubs in El Centro but I leave before nightfall.

10-26-11, 16:18
"From what I understand, regardless of what country you are in, you are bound by the laws of the US. I don't know what the law is in Colombia but I never fool with anyone under the age of 18 and have no desire to."

Absolutely true, at least assuming you are a US citizen, regarding this area. It is known as the "doctrine of exterritoriality," in case there is a quiz.

Member #4244
10-26-11, 16:23
Perhaps saying "very safe" was taking it a bit far however I don't think the private security is an issue. I think it's better to have a cabbie or two in your phone to call for a ride rather than 1) trusting the ones in front (although it's not that big a deal) or 2)"wandering" to the corner.

The crackheads, of course you maintain a safe distance but they are generally harmless, well, not to themselves, but otherwise. Shit can pop off in El Centro but I lived down the street (between those clubs and Parque Periodista) and I walked to / from my apartment almost every night to at least have a drink over there.

I guess rather than "very safe," I would say "safer than advertised," and say that, as always, one should be aware of their surroundings and not venture into anything that feels risky. Otherwise, go in, have a good time, listen to the bad music and stick it in something nice.

As far as the other stuff, the laws in Colombia are ambiguous enough that you could land in a jam and even if not the venues for that sort of thing lend themselves to robberies and worse. Think about it, if a girl XX years old is selling herself on the street, why would she be above burandanga'ing your ass? You don't want that to happen, believe me, I know people who have been victims of that. You will lose more than just what you've got in your pocket and it could have long-term health effects. Girls that desperate need money desperately for poverty, drugs or some combination thereof. Not only is it fucked up from a moral standpoint, it's dangerous from a logistical and a legal perspective.

Besides, with all the petite girls with braces, you can find 18/19 yr olds that look younger anyway. This is a site about men being women and the hobby should be about men being with women. It's exploitative enough withing bringing kids into it for fuck's sake.

Legal Tender
10-26-11, 18:35
"From what I understand, regardless of what country you are in, you are bound by the laws of the US. I don't know what the law is in Colombia but I never fool with anyone under the age of 18 and have no desire to."

Absolutely true, at least assuming you are a US citizen, regarding this area. It is known as the "doctrine of exterritoriality," in case there is a quiz.18 USCS § 2423.

§ 2423. Transportation of minors

(a) Transportation with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity. A person who knowingly transports an individual who has not attained the age of 18 years in interstate or foreign commerce, or in any commonwealth, territory or possession of the United States, with intent that the individual engage in prostitution, or in any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense, shall be fined under this title and imprisoned not less than 10 years or for life.

(be) Travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct. A person who travels in interstate commerce or travels into the United States, or a United States citizen or an alien admitted for permanent residence in the United States who travels in foreign commerce, for the purpose of engaging in any illicit sexual conduct with another person shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.

(see) Engaging in illicit sexual conduct in foreign places. Any United States citizen or alien admitted for permanent residence who travels in foreign commerce, and engages in any illicit sexual conduct with another person shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.

(the) Ancillary offenses. Whoever, for the purpose of commercial advantage or private financial gain, arranges, induces, procures, or facilitates the travel of a person knowing that such a person is traveling in interstate commerce or foreign commerce for the purpose of engaging in illicit sexual conduct shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.

(e) Attempt and conspiracy. Whoever attempts or conspires to violate subsection (a) , (be) , (see) , or (the) shall be punishable in the same manner as a completed violation of that subsection.

(f) Definition. As used in this section, the term "illicit sexual conduct" means (1) a sexual act (as defined in section 2246 [18 USCS § 2246]) with a person under 18 years of age that would be in violation of chapter 109A [18 USCS §§ 2241 et seq. ] if the sexual act occurred in the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States; or (2) any commercial sex act (as defined in section 1591 [18 USCS § 1591]) with a person under 18 years of age.

(g) Defense. In a prosecution under this section based on illicit sexual conduct as defined in subsection (f) 2) , it is a defense, which the defendant must establish by a preponderance of the evidence, that the defendant reasonably believed that the person with whom the defendant engaged in the commercial sex act had attained the age of 18 years.

10-26-11, 18:59
I don't go anywhere near el centro after dusk, even in the day you have to have your street smarts at an all time high. These crackhead or interesada mofos would love to fuck with a white, drunken gringo mofo who they automatically presume as to having something of value. Be strong and direct but not a rambo, If they sense weakness they will pounce and want to leech along with you becoming your long lost amigo. I try not to disrespect anybody no matter who it may be, whos to say one if these scumbags wont stab you in the back if they feel disrespected when you're not looking.

If you can't speak fluent spanish and can't comprehend the concept of trying to blend in, do yourself a favor and just stay out you're not missing anything detrimental or that cannot be seen by watching the cantina scene from starwars. I'm not a pussy by any means and that's coming from a guy who can easily walk around the OPA LOCKA or OVERTOWN areas here in MIAMI..

Don't muck with the police, be respectful and offer yourself when asked for frisking. This will happen randomly everywhere. And also when riding in vehicles (even taxis) If they take the shit out of your pockets. With eye contact make it known to the police that you are keeping an eye on your shit. If you spend a lot of time like myself in all parts of Colombia you WILL get shaken down sooner or later.

There are big signs now when you get off the plane in Colombia that if they catch you fucking around with minors they will fuck you up for 30yrs. And if you survive that I'm sure you will be booted back to the US for another 30. Obviously there are enough scumbags there now OR going there that they needed to put the signs up to remind people.

Mr Gogo
10-26-11, 21:06
I don't go anywhere near el centro after dusk, even in the day you have to have your street smarts at an all time high. These crackhead or interesada mofos would love to fuck with a white, drunken gringo mofo who they automatically presume as to having something of value. Be strong and direct but not a rambo, If they sense weakness they will pounce and want to leech along with you becoming your long lost amigo. I try not to disrespect anybody no matter who it may be, whos to say one if these scumbags won't stab you in the back if they feel disrespected when you're not looking.

If you can't speak fluent spanish and can't comprehend the concept of trying to blend in, do yourself a favor and just stay out you're not missing anything detrimental or that cannot be seen by watching the cantina scene from starwars. I'm not a pussy by any means and that's coming from a guy who can easily walk around the OPA LOCKA or OVERTOWN areas here in MIAMI.

Don't muck with the police, be respectful and offer yourself when asked for frisking. This will happen randomly everywhere. And also when riding in vehicles (even taxis) If they take the shit out of your pockets. With eye contact make it known to the police that you are keeping an eye on your shit. If you spend a lot of time like myself in all parts of Colombia you WILL get shaken down sooner or later.

There are big signs now when you get off the plane in Colombia that if they catch you fucking around with minors they will fuck you up for 30yrs. And if you survive that I'm sure you will be booted back to the US for another 30. Obviously there are enough scumbags there now OR going there that they needed to put the signs up to remind people.Lmao, 'cantina scene from Star Wars describes it perfectly'. When I exit the cab in El Centro at night its like being on another planet. The funny part is El Centro makes you really appreciate arriving in Mayorista, go figure.

10-27-11, 02:54
But my only problems of late in Centro have been that clubs like Ejetivo and Maricaibo have bumped thier prices up 10, 000 pesos, OWG

Legal Tender
10-27-11, 03:57
But my only problems of late in Centro have been that clubs like Ejetivo and Maricaibo have bumped thier prices up 10, 000 pesos, OWGIt's been a while. Do you still have to crawl under the bar with your chosen Paisa to for a "more intimate" place at Maricibo?

Mr Gogo
10-27-11, 05:29
hi again,

wilt, thanks for the detailed and positive answer to my question (s). great to hear about police. on the **** question. my purpose for the question should be obvious even to the slower bloggers. the problem is the ease inwhich one could end up with an **** girl! a simple fake cedule would do it, or just a girl who looks older, like so many of them do, plus drinking. couple this 'ease' with severe consequences and obvio we have a very important subject worth getting answers to. wilt, believe me i've looked, on-line tells me one thing, but my conversations with my realtor tells me another. a segundo realtor in medellin says it's a non-issue and in reality there is no age limit! problem example; if in a casa, what if it is found the girl is ****? i guess i need to talk to some lawyers for details on the law and the reality of how it actually plays out. interesting: i've read 100's of blogs, some very well expressed, got so much great info, but i also see mixed in the stupid judgments, agnst, and profanity. to me that writer automatically looses credibility for any future comments. is boring, and a waste of time. it's a 'class and education' issue. in my experience 'lashing out' with little provocation usually comes from poor parenting. it's defense (they are insecure) by offense. i can picture their faces when they are writting. sad. what do you guys think? on the ongoing bbbj topic. my opinion, same as one blogger recently wrote. a seccion without bbbj has little value.

gary de coloradolet me completely understand. you come with your first post about sneaky shit and you basically get a pass (the whole forum shouldve jumped in you ass, but even i let it slide) , then you come with your second post insulting members education level? i guess we won't be hearing much more from you after your weak approach was rejected. stop thinking about little girls and fuck grown women sir. and you have the nerve to talk about another posters credibility? then you talk about another posters class and education issues? also as far as me now" lashing out" at you, read your second post. we gave you a pass and you "lashed out" at us. what does that say about your parents? its time to change your handle and try again playa, because gary1 has no creditibily, no class, and bad parents.

the best thing you said was that a"bbbj seccion has little value". maybe the university you went to didn't explain how to spell "section".

gogo de isg.

10-27-11, 15:00
The best thing you said was that a"BBBJ seccion has little value". Maybe the University you went to didn't explain how to spell "section".

Gogo de ISG.Obviously these are two different words with two different meanings.

You two gentlemen were both correct but misunderstood one another. Section in Spanish is seccion with an accent over the o, and session is sesion, again with that accent over the o.


10-27-11, 15:34
hi again,

on the **** question. my purpose for the question should be obvious even to the slower bloggers. the problem is the ease inwhich one could end up with an **** girl! a simple fake cedule would do it, or just a girl who looks older, like so many of them do, plus drinking. couple this 'ease' with severe consequences and obvio we have a very important subject worth getting answers to.

gary de coloradogary,

there are some of us who read this board who are pretty sensitive on this topic. i would never want to be affiliated in any way with a ****. i don't care if its legal or not. its just plain wrong. i have a teenage daughter and i can tell you that she and her friends are not mature enough to make certain decisions that might make a negative impact on their lives. perhaps if you had couched the question in terms of how to avoid the situation, it would have been an appropriate question. obviously, you are not a **** so its no big deal.

Legal Tender
10-27-11, 16:04
i want to introduce myself. i'm gary. 50's, tall, slim, educated, excellent condition, investment sales, now colorado skier, biking mountains. i have been studying (alone) spanish for two years to prepare! coming to medellin solo, on 11-23 12-12 to determine if i want to live there. i just finished 6 mos. of reading all the blogs from #300 to present. 100 hours. whoo!

mongering: my experience is in the south florida strip-clubs where, can you believe i had 3500 lap dances over ten years (usd$80k). full contact with 'hands up' (on). orgasims most nights. last year. 10 days / 10 girls in san salvador. brothel and strip bar (s) each day / night. price $1 per min. girls looks; i had all 8's and 9's, stunning, and i'm real fussy. i'd even rate a 10 on two of the ten girls if they were taller. most actitudes were excellent. very pleasantly surprised with that! bbbbj the norm. no propina. excellent! of course san salvador itself is only safe in very very limited areas. virtualy no walking the city anyplace, and i'm not nervous. .

so now medellin! i have a penthouse. 8th floor in pablado / sandiego.

ayuda: 1.) not much talked / resolved about **** girls and the law? 2.) anybody on safety / experiences in and around the centro strip-clubs? 3.) is there allot of police shake downs?

thanks for all the blog info! sincerely; garygogo and estiban's writings are representative of the overwhelming majority of members here when it comes to fucking children. ****s are societies' cancer. turning to your original writing, which in part you wrote: "not much talked / resolved about **** girls and the law" it is ambiguous, viewed in the most favorable light. we "slow" posters are not very good mind readers. it would have been easy to simply ask what does a monger do to insure that he doesn't have sex with a girl that cannot legally consent: a child cannot consent. instead of conceding your poorly written post was ambiguous, you attack those who took issue with your question. bottom line is that if you're coming to colombia for the first time with the intention of having sex with children, you have no place on this site.

if you want to be well received here, your generalized derogatory judgments about the education, family background, etc, of the members are not factually based, and certainly not productive. i'm going to give you some free advice. look in the mirror. everyone is entitled to a second chance. i believe in forgiveness and redemption, as i hope most members here do also. and, of course.

only good energy

Member #4244
10-27-11, 16:24
hi again,

wilt, thanks for the detailed and positive answer to my question (s). great to hear about police. on the **** question. my purpose for the question should be obvious even to the slower bloggers. the problem is the ease inwhich one could end up with an **** girl! a simple fake cedule would do it, or just a girl who looks older, like so many of them do, plus drinking. couple this 'ease' with severe consequences and obvio we have a very important subject worth getting answers to. wilt, believe me i've looked, on-line tells me one thing, but my conversations with my realtor tells me another. a segundo realtor in medellin says it's a non-issue and in reality there is no age limit! problem example; if in a casa, what if it is found the girl is ****? i guess i need to talk to some lawyers for details on the law and the reality of how it actually plays out. interesting: i've read 100's of blogs, some very well expressed, got so much great info, but i also see mixed in the stupid judgments, agnst, and profanity. to me that writer automatically looses credibility for any future comments. is boring, and a waste of time. it's a 'class and education' issue. in my experience 'lashing out' with little provocation usually comes from poor parenting. it's defense (they are insecure) by offense. i can picture their faces when they are writting. sad. what do you guys think? on the ongoing bbbj topic. my opinion, same as one blogger recently wrote. a seccion without bbbj has little value.

gary de coloradotake you foot off the pedal here. if you want candid advice, pay your $20 so you can receive pms and see pictures. in general, you're in here for the first time asking for information and learning the rules and mores of the boards. so you have to play your role here for a bit like anywhere else. i'd be happy to help but please can the indignation and armchair psychology.

Alex Po
10-27-11, 16:40
I'm seaching a Colombian's map of placeas where girls can be founded (Medelin, Bogota.) Do you collect this information?

10-27-11, 16:43
I've been to Medellin 8 times. 7 of them I've stayed in hotels in El Centro. Walked all over El Centro, from one end to another. Been to the red light districts dozens and dozens of times. Also the strip clubs and casas numerous times.

Never been robbed, hasseled or threatened. I do keep a low profile and walk very forthright and don't linger around too much. I don't stay up late at night, usually in my hotel room by 11pm. But I do think you guys are exaggerating the danger factor in El Centro.

10-27-11, 17:09
I've been to Medellin 8 times. 7 of them I've stayed in hotels in El Centro. Walked all over El Centro, from one end to another. Been to the red light districts dozens and dozens of times. Also the strip clubs and casas numerous times.

Never been robbed, hasseled or threatened. I do keep a low profile and walk very forthright and don't linger around too much. I don't stay up late at night, usually in my hotel room by 11pm. But I do think you guys are exaggerating the danger factor in El Centro.You're right, it's not like you're going to get jumped the moment you walk about out there.

The potential is there though, just watch yourself is all.

I've been out there doing what you've done, but for many years, have had a few incidents, but yes, I'm still alive and kickin'.

Not the Zwilight Zone out there but it ain't Kansas either.

Mr Gogo
10-27-11, 17:13
I've been to Medellin 8 times. 7 of them I've stayed in hotels in El Centro. Walked all over El Centro, from one end to another. Been to the red light districts dozens and dozens of times. Also the strip clubs and casas numerous times.

Never been robbed, hasseled or threatened. I do keep a low profile and walk very forthright and don't linger around too much. I don't stay up late at night, usually in my hotel room by 11pm. But I do think you guys are exaggerating the danger factor in El Centro.You seem to be on point with your awareness. Its not like walking around Sante fe mall or Poblado. I've only gone to El Centro at night, so my opinions are limited to that. I just don't think it is wise for some newbie to leave the mansion at night solo to venture to El Centro because he read here that it was very safe. Just saying.

10-27-11, 17:17
hi again,

wilt, thanks for the detailed and positive answer to my question (s). great to hear about police. on the **** question. my purpose for the question should be obvious even to the slower bloggers. interesting: i've read 100's of blogs, some very well expressed, got so much great info, but i also see mixed in the stupid judgments, agnst, and profanity. to me that writer automatically looses credibility for any future comments.

gary de coloradoi'm definitely one of the "slower bloggers", but hopefully i haven't lost credibility with gary, it means so much to me.

now let's get back to how we can keep gary from getting arrested with **** girls haha.

btw, i'm also very tall, at least in japan i was, and am very physically fit and love to read my horoscope everyday :)

Mr Gogo
10-27-11, 17:20
Obviously these are two different words with two different meanings.

You two gentlemen were both correct but misunderstood one another. Section in Spanish is seccion with an accent over the o, and session is sesion, again with that accent over the o.

Peace.And you are correct. But being the other words in the sentence were english I thought he might be confused. But I will now give him the benefit of saying he was working on his two year Spanish lesson.

Hasideas Tao
10-27-11, 17:24
Thanks for the legal info. It has been my understanding I am bound by the local laws of the land, I did not realize, as a USA citizen, I am technically bound by USA laws no matter where I travel?

Last trip back from Colombia, when I entered the USA, everything I had was searched. Two officers removed everything from my bags and went in every pocket, zipper and pouch. I did notice they were not so careful about the pockets of my clothing. It was a very uncomfortable feeling. It was like an interrogation and quite intimidating. They were not friendly. They asked questions like;

Is there anything you have that I should know about?

The form you filled out on the plane, claiming property you are bringing into the USA, is a serious legal document. Now is your last chance to make changes.

Do you have anything sharp in your bags that might injure me?

How much cash are you carrying?

I was even asked, and I quote."Did you smoke marijuana while you were in Colombia? Tell me the truth. It is not illegal."

That brings me to my question. What concern is it of the USA customs what I do while I am in another country? And is there anything they can do about it? Is it possible to incriminate myself for something I did in the past outside the USA border? Can they send me back to Colombia for the local authorities to deal with?

I have heard mention about photos on computers and how anything questionable should be put on a flash key.

But what you DO and any confession of what you did. Can they do anything about it? Ie: smoking and p4p?

Obviously if you have anything on you, I suppose it is best to fess up. But as far as what you say. Whats the best policy. Just say nothing? Deny everything? Say something like, I do my best to respect all laws no matter where I travel? Anyone have advice on how to deal with these types of bouncers? I met a border patrol officer once in a casual atmosphere and the only useful tidbit I got from him was."they know who they are going to search before you even get off the plane."

At another station, I also overheard another guy being interrogated. They were asking him all sorts of questions about who he stayed with, why he went, how he knew these people and if he had any intention of bringing them into the the USA in exchange for money. I was mostly paying attention to what was happening with me but from what I saw, it really looked ridiculous. The guys says, whats so strange about talking on Skype and then meeting someone. The officer says, yeah, everything seems a little strange with you and its going to get more strange. I understand the need to monitor and protect the border but it just seemed so caveman like. For this guy and for myself. I definitely got a whiff of guilty before proven innocent which is really not cool.

18 USCS § 2423.

§ 2423. Transportation of minors

(a) Transportation with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity. A person who knowingly transports an individual who has not attained the age of 18 years in interstate or foreign commerce, or in any commonwealth, territory or possession of the United States, with intent that the individual engage in prostitution, or in any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense, shall be fined under this title and imprisoned not less than 10 years or for life.

(be) Travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct. A person who travels in interstate commerce or travels into the United States, or a United States citizen or an alien admitted for permanent residence in the United States who travels in foreign commerce, for the purpose of engaging in any illicit sexual conduct with another person shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.

(see) Engaging in illicit sexual conduct in foreign places. Any United States citizen or alien admitted for permanent residence who travels in foreign commerce, and engages in any illicit sexual conduct with another person shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.

(the) Ancillary offenses. Whoever, for the purpose of commercial advantage or private financial gain, arranges, induces, procures, or facilitates the travel of a person knowing that such a person is traveling in interstate commerce or foreign commerce for the purpose of engaging in illicit sexual conduct shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.

(e) Attempt and conspiracy. Whoever attempts or conspires to violate subsection (a) , (be) , (see) , or (the) shall be punishable in the same manner as a completed violation of that subsection.

(f) Definition. As used in this section, the term "illicit sexual conduct" means (1) a sexual act (as defined in section 2246 [18 USCS § 2246]) with a person under 18 years of age that would be in violation of chapter 109A [18 USCS §§ 2241 et seq. ] if the sexual act occurred in the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States; or (2) any commercial sex act (as defined in section 1591 [18 USCS § 1591]) with a person under 18 years of age.

(g) Defense. In a prosecution under this section based on illicit sexual conduct as defined in subsection (f) 2) , it is a defense, which the defendant must establish by a preponderance of the evidence, that the defendant reasonably believed that the person with whom the defendant engaged in the commercial sex act had attained the age of 18 years.

You Can
10-27-11, 17:59
I probably shouldn't say this but they have asked me what I was doing down there and I said getting fucked up and fucking alot of women. The guy kind of looked at me like he didint know if I was kidding or not and so I looked at him straight in the eye and said I'm serious. They went all thru my bags and I was on my way but it took like an hour.

Thanks for the legal info. It has been my understanding I am bound by the local laws of the land, I did not realize, as a USA citizen, I am technically bound by USA laws no matter where I travel?

Last trip back from Colombia, when I entered the USA, everything I had was searched. Two officers removed everything from my bags and went in every pocket, zipper and pouch. I did notice they were not so careful about the pockets of my clothing. It was a very uncomfortable feeling. It was like an interrogation and quite intimidating. They were not friendly. They asked questions like;

Is there anything you have that I should know about?

The form you filled out on the plane, claiming property you are bringing into the USA, is a serious legal document. Now is your last chance to make changes.

Do you have anything sharp in your bags that might injure me?

How much cash are you carrying?

I was even asked, and I quote."Did you smoke marijuana while you were in Colombia? Tell me the truth. It is not illegal."

That brings me to my question. What concern is it of the USA customs what I do while I am in another country? And is there anything they can do about it? Is it possible to incriminate myself for something I did in the past outside the USA border? Can they send me back to Colombia for the local authorities to deal with?

I have heard mention about photos on computers and how anything questionable should be put on a flash key.

But what you DO and any confession of what you did. Can they do anything about it? Ie: smoking and p4p?

Obviously if you have anything on you, I suppose it is best to fess up. But as far as what you say. Whats the best policy. Just say nothing? Deny everything? Say something like, I do my best to respect all laws no matter where I travel? Anyone have advice on how to deal with these types of bouncers? I met a border patrol officer once in a casual atmosphere and the only useful tidbit I got from him was."they know who they are going to search before you even get off the plane."

At another station, I also overheard another guy being interrogated. They were asking him all sorts of questions about who he stayed with, why he went, how he knew these people and if he had any intention of bringing them into the the USA in exchange for money. I was mostly paying attention to what was happening with me but from what I saw, it really looked ridiculous. The guys says, whats so strange about talking on Skype and then meeting someone. The officer says, yeah, everything seems a little strange with you and its going to get more strange. I understand the need to monitor and protect the border but it just seemed so caveman like. For this guy and for myself. I definitely got a whiff of guilty before proven innocent which is really not cool.

John Gault
10-27-11, 18:24
Thanks for the legal info. It has been my understanding I am bound by the local laws of the land, I did not realize, as a USA citizen, I am technically bound by USA laws no matter where I travel?

Last trip back from Colombia, when I entered the USA, everything I had was searched. Two officers removed everything from my bags and went in every pocket, zipper and pouch. I did notice they were not so careful about the pockets of my clothing. It was a very uncomfortable feeling. It was like an interrogation and quite intimidating. They were not friendly. They asked questions like;

Is there anything you have that I should know about?

The form you filled out on the plane, claiming property you are bringing into the USA, is a serious legal document. Now is your last chance to make changes.

Do you have anything sharp in your bags that might injure me?

How much cash are you carrying?

I was even asked, and I quote."Did you smoke marijuana while you were in Colombia? Tell me the truth. It is not illegal."

That brings me to my question. What concern is it of the USA customs what I do while I am in another country? And is there anything they can do about it? Is it possible to incriminate myself for something I did in the past outside the USA border? Can they send me back to Colombia for the local authorities to deal with?

I have heard mention about photos on computers and how anything questionable should be put on a flash key.

But what you DO and any confession of what you did. Can they do anything about it? Ie: smoking and p4p?

Obviously if you have anything on you, I suppose it is best to fess up. But as far as what you say. Whats the best policy. Just say nothing? Deny everything? Say something like, I do my best to respect all laws no matter where I travel? Anyone have advice on how to deal with these types of bouncers? I met a border patrol officer once in a casual atmosphere and the only useful tidbit I got from him was."they know who they are going to search before you even get off the plane."

At another station, I also overheard another guy being interrogated. They were asking him all sorts of questions about who he stayed with, why he went, how he knew these people and if he had any intention of bringing them into the the USA in exchange for money. I was mostly paying attention to what was happening with me but from what I saw, it really looked ridiculous. The guys says, whats so strange about talking on Skype and then meeting someone. The officer says, yeah, everything seems a little strange with you and its going to get more strange. I understand the need to monitor and protect the border but it just seemed so caveman like. For this guy and for myself. I definitely got a whiff of guilty before proven innocent which is really not cool.I have had my share of USA officals asking me question, and going thru my stuff. Really it is so simple to avoid any problems.

1. Everything in your bag should be without contraband.

2. All declarable items should be listed on your custom form with the correct value.

3. All questions about your purpose to visit Colombia should be answered with a simple one word answer- tourist.

4. Just relax, and look at all that fine Colombian pussy entering the USA.

10-27-11, 18:53
Well gents it's been mildly entertaining reading the recent posts here. I'm off to a centro casa now to spend some pesos. Hope to God the line up is decent at my first stop. Tired of bouncing around to 3-4 casas trying to find what I like. Good thing they're all pretty close to each other! Will report later if I see anything worthwhile.

10-27-11, 19:19
I probably shouldn't say this but they have asked me what I was doing down there and I said getting fucked up and fucking alot of women. The guy kind of looked at me like he didint know if I was kidding or not and so I looked at him straight in the eye and said I'm serious. They went all thru my bags and I was on my way but it took like an hour.Not a good idea to say things like that if you don't want to be delayed longer in the future. Not that they can do anything about it if you aren't carrying anything illegal but why stir the pot. I get searched all the time but when they ask me why I was there I am fortunate to have the excuse of going to visit my daughter, I offer up a copy of her Colombian birth certificate and they shut the fuck up. When in other countries I tell them that I was on vacation and give them a name of a hotel in the city that I stayed and that usually will suffice, I have never been interrogated beyond that but I don't give them a reason to either because I know damn well that if I do they can and will delay me in the future and why on earth would anyone want their trip home to be longer than it already is? No offense You Can but not a smart move on your part.

10-27-11, 19:24
I am not a lawyer. I am not a lawyer. OK, I said that twice. My understanding of the "doctrine of extraterritoriality" is that it does not mean you are subject to all US laws such as marijuana laws, when you are out of the US. But, it's been specifically extended to having sex with anyone under 18 for money. Google "extraterritoriality," or "extraterritoriality doctrine" and see what you come up with.

Sky Ryder
10-27-11, 19:36
I probably shouldn't say this but they have asked me what I was doing down there and I said getting fucked up and fucking alot of women. The guy kind of looked at me like he didint know if I was kidding or not and so I looked at him straight in the eye and said I'm serious. They went all thru my bags and I was on my way but it took like an hour.I am sure this won't be a popular answer, but these are NOT the people to screw with if you travel. The can (and do) enter information about you in the "data base" and it can and does effect how "easy" it is to enter the country. I, on purpose didn't say the USA, because from my considerable travel experiences, the people tasked with "guarding" the borders of almost any country seem to have a similar mindset.

I am a little surprised you didn't get an "opportunity" to sit in one of the rooms while they asked you to further explain your reasons for travel.

I would NEVER admit to anything that was against the law in the USA, and I can assure you that ignorance of the law won't go far as a form of explanation.

It is sometimes very difficult to be pleasant to the CBD people that take themselves too serious, but I would never want to irritate one of them. A single, male traveler, coming from any "exotic" location (S. E. Asia, So. Amer, etc) is a prime target for a more in depth look, so keep ones cool, be forthcoming, and have your story straight, ie. I was a "tourist"!

You may not find yourself in "trouble" otherwise, but I can assure you won't find the immigration process a pleasant one. Of course this is just my opinion.

10-27-11, 19:42
Not a good idea to say things like that if you don't want to be delayed longer in the future. Not that they can do anything about it if you aren't carrying anything illegal but why stir the pot. I get searched all the time but when they ask me why I was there I am fortunate to have the excuse of going to visit my daughter, I offer up a copy of her Colombian birth certificate and they shut the fuck up. When in other countries I tell them that I was on vacation and give them a name of a hotel in the city that I stayed and that usually will suffice, I have never been interrogated beyond that but I don't give them a reason to either because I know damn well that if I do they can and will delay me in the future and why on earth would anyone want their trip home to be longer than it already is? No offense You Can but not a smart move on your part."Went down to see my girlfriend again", seems to work with those guys.

"Yep, met her on the internet".

Those guys in Miami are still high on re-runs of Miami Vice episodes, wouldn't mess with them, you'll be OK but they can sure mess with you for a good few hours if they want.

Went thru Orlando my last time back from Colombia, thru Panama, the guy was nothing but just genuinely curious about the beauty and sweetness and availability of the Colombianas.

He was thinking about retiring and moving there.

Courteous and respectful are a good tact.

10-27-11, 20:33
Speaking of borders / customs issues, is there still the European-looking DAS agent in a nice suit checking passports at the Medellin intl. Airport (in the line waiting to get passports stamped)? That guy always gave me the creeps early in the morning, though probably because I was still under the influence of the previous night's shenanigans.

Legal Tender
10-27-11, 21:08
i'm definitely one of the "slower bloggers", but hopefully i haven't lost credibility with gary, it means so much to me.

now let's get back to how we can keep gary from getting arrested with **** girls haha.

btw, i'm also very tall, at least in japan i was, and am very physically fit and love to read my horoscope everyday.reminds me of an interview that i saw once with a famous jockey. he said that the girls always mentioned how short he was. his reply was that he was much taller when he stood on his wallet.

10-27-11, 23:15
I have been secondaried at both LAX and MDE.

At LAX I was targeted before I ever made it off the plane. The officer took me to a far off place in the airport, quizzing me along the way. While he was checking my bags he said that I was "taking this very well". I said I understood that he was just doing his job. I also said that I had done nothing illegal, and I had nothing illegal, so no matter how long it took, I was going home tonight. He seemed to lighten up after that, and when he found some extra condoms in my bag I explained that I was over optimistic. He got a good laugh out of that, and then ask me if I had ever been to the PI or LOS. I said no, and he said that I would like both. He then said he had been to both in the Marines. He finished by typing into the computer and I asked him if I was being placed on the "good guy" list now. He said yes. I have not been stopped on any of my other trips when coming back into the country. Did he?

In MDE I'm not really sure what happened. I was at the gate waiting boarding when the gate agent tells me "there is a problem with your luggage for home, come with me". This is not something I really wanted to hear in Colombia. The other person that they brought, at the same time, was a young lady who was dressed like she just came from a Grateful Dead concert. A hot young lady in fatigues starts asking me questions, which I ask to to please speak slowly, which she does. She goes through my bag, takes my DVD player, and MP3 speaker, I assume to be x-rayed. She comes back, and they both go back into the luggage. She then finds my extra condoms, and I get a real stink eye. I just smile and say nothing. She lets me go with a buenos tardes.

IMO, for me anyway, it was best to be pleasant and tell them to take their time. I understood that they were just doing their job. It seemed to put both at ease. Since I had done nothing wrong, and had nothing illegal in both cases, it was no big deal to me.

I have a good friend who is an attorney. He says the only three things that you need to know about law is deny, deny, deny. When they tell you to be honest that if you tell them it will be easier on you, that is a lie. It will be easier on them.

Health & happiness to all.

Hasideas Tao
10-28-11, 00:01
Thanks Dickhead for the suggestion and I am grateful that you are not a lawyer. I think the lesson here is if "they" want to fuck with you "they" can. Just don't break any laws, or at least the obvious one's, stay calm and be nice. I guess admitting to anything which may be publicly frowned upon is not a great idea, as someone has pointed out "they" can make direct comments to "your permanent record" It's my simple goal when crossing borders to be left alone and not say or do anything that would raise suspicion during future journeys. I would like to take a moment to stand on my soap box as a reminder to all,"you got to fight for your right, to paaaartyyyy" hehe, and what I mean by that is, we are loosing our freedoms every day. So much that we travel to foreign countries just to get away from "the man" Sux. And after all, aside from the obvious pitfalls of introducing a Paisa to your hometown, whats so illegal about finding a smoking hot chica, who makes you feel like a king, is grateful for running hot water, just so happens to be bisexual and awesome in every way and then marrying her in her local church, does that make you married in the USA too?

10-28-11, 00:07
I'd been wondering the same. They can't force you to recognize the marriage "state-side", can they?

Chica would need a lawyer, etc. Who'd pay for all the ICE fees and such- I think it would stay local and not come back to bite you in the ass. Anyone know for sure?

Thanks Dickhead for the suggestion and I am grateful that you are not a lawyer. I think the lesson here is if "they" want to fuck with you "they" can. Just don't break any laws, or at least the obvious one's, stay calm and be nice. I guess admitting to anything which may be publicly frowned upon is not a great idea, as someone has pointed out "they" can make direct comments to "your permanent record" It's my simple goal when crossing borders to be left alone and not say or do anything that would raise suspicion during future journeys. I would like to take a moment to stand on my soap box as a reminder to all,"you got to fight for your right, to paaaartyyyy" hehe, and what I mean by that is, we are loosing our freedoms every day. So much that we travel to foreign countries just to get away from "the man" Sux. And after all, aside from the obvious pitfalls of introducing a Paisa to your hometown, whats so illegal about finding a smoking hot chica, who makes you feel like a king, is grateful for running hot water, just so happens to be bisexual and awesome in every way and then marrying her in her local church, does that make you married in the USA too?

You Can
10-28-11, 01:00
[Its pretty simple, if you didn't do anything wrong what can they do to you? Its not illegal to go get fucked up and spend the night with hot women. I will say this, you would think it would be a little more pleasant and welcoming to come back to your country, but sometimes when your going thru a border check you get the feeling your an illegal alien!

QUOTE=Supersteve; 1211053]I have been secondaried at both LAX and MDE.

At LAX I was targeted before I ever made it off the plane. The officer took me to a far off place in the airport, quizzing me along the way. While he was checking my bags he said that I was "taking this very well". I said I understood that he was just doing his job. I also said that I had done nothing illegal, and I had nothing illegal, so no matter how long it took, I was going home tonight. He seemed to lighten up after that, and when he found some extra condoms in my bag I explained that I was over optimistic. He got a good laugh out of that, and then ask me if I had ever been to the PI or LOS. I said no, and he said that I would like both. He then said he had been to both in the Marines. He finished by typing into the computer and I asked him if I was being placed on the "good guy" list now. He said yes. I have not been stopped on any of my other trips when coming back into the country. Did he?

In MDE I'm not really sure what happened. I was at the gate waiting boarding when the gate agent tells me "there is a problem with your luggage for home, come with me". This is not something I really wanted to hear in Colombia. The other person that they brought, at the same time, was a young lady who was dressed like she just came from a Grateful Dead concert. A hot young lady in fatigues starts asking me questions, which I ask to to please speak slowly, which she does. She goes through my bag, takes my DVD player, and MP3 speaker, I assume to be x-rayed. She comes back, and they both go back into the luggage. She then finds my extra condoms, and I get a real stink eye. I just smile and say nothing. She lets me go with a buenos tardes.

IMO, for me anyway, it was best to be pleasant and tell them to take their time. I understood that they were just doing their job. It seemed to put both at ease. Since I had done nothing wrong, and had nothing illegal in both cases, it was no big deal to me.

I have a good friend who is an attorney. He says the only three things that you need to know about law is deny, deny, deny. When they tell you to be honest that if you tell them it will be easier on you, that is a lie. It will be easier on them.

Health & happiness to all.[/QUOTE]

You Can
10-28-11, 01:06
Like I said it isn't smart, but for some reason it works for me, why lie? I tell them like it is, thats what I done and theres nothing illegal about it that I know of, I am in no hurry to get home believe me! I will sit around as long as they like, I could not care one second. What did you do in Colombia! Got fucked up and fucked a bunch of women! Its what happened and I am sticking to that. I can't fuck that story up because its true.

"Went down to see my girlfriend again", seems to work with those guys.

"Yep, met her on the internet".

Those guys in Miami are still high on re-runs of Miami Vice episodes, wouldn't mess with them, you'll be OK but they can sure mess with you for a good few hours if they want.

Went thru Orlando my last time back from Colombia, thru Panama, the guy was nothing but just genuinely curious about the beauty and sweetness and availability of the Colombianas.

He was thinking about retiring and moving there.

Courteous and respectful are a good tact.

You Can
10-28-11, 01:12
Well I travel all the time and I tell it like it is. They can enter whatever they want in there data base. Gee, what would it be, asked traveler what he did while away alone in Colombia and he responded he got fucked up and fucked a bunch of hot women. Oh yea, we better keep a close eye on this guy! Come on Man, you got to be kidding.

I am sure this won't be a popular answer, but these are NOT the people to screw with if you travel. The can (and do) enter information about you in the "data base" and it can and does effect how "easy" it is to enter the country. I, on purpose didn't say the USA, because from my considerable travel experiences, the people tasked with "guarding" the borders of almost any country seem to have a similar mindset.

I am a little surprised you didn't get an "opportunity" to sit in one of the rooms while they asked you to further explain your reasons for travel.

I would NEVER admit to anything that was against the law in the USA, and I can assure you that ignorance of the law won't go far as a form of explanation.

It is sometimes very difficult to be pleasant to the CBD people that take themselves too serious, but I would never want to irritate one of them. A single, male traveler, coming from any "exotic" location (S. E. Asia, So. Amer, etc) is a prime target for a more in depth look, so keep ones cool, be forthcoming, and have your story straight, ie. I was a "tourist"!

You may not find yourself in "trouble" otherwise, but I can assure you won't find the immigration process a pleasant one. Of course this is just my opinion.

You Can
10-28-11, 01:14
Amen, my man! Straight anwer, nice and to the point!

I have had my share of USA officals asking me question, and going thru my stuff. Really it is so simple to avoid any problems.

1. Everything in your bag should be without contraband.

2. All declarable items should be listed on your custom form with the correct value.

3. All questions about your purpose to visit Colombia should be answered with a simple one word answer- tourist.

4. Just relax, and look at all that fine Colombian pussy entering the USA.

10-28-11, 01:27
[The only three things that you need to know about law is deny, deny, deny. When they tell you to be honest that if you tell them it will be easier on you, that is a lie. It will be easier on them. I honestly couldn't agree more!

Professor 1
10-28-11, 01:31
I did not realize, as a USA citizen, I am technically bound by USA laws no matter where I travel?Yes, USA law may apply in certain instances.

They asked questions like;

Is there anything you have that I should know about?

The form you filled out on the plane, claiming property you are bringing into the USA, is a serious legal document. Now is your last chance to make changes.

Do you have anything sharp in your bags that might injure me?

How much cash are you carrying?

I was even asked, and I quote."Did you smoke marijuana while you were in Colombia? Tell me the truth. It is not illegal."No, there is NOTHING that CBP needs to know.

You have no changes to make to the document, because you completed it truthfully.

Give an honest answer to the sharp object question. Yes, I have ink pens in my bag.

I need to count the cash that I am carrying. I took one thousand and spent the difference between that and what I have.

Is it possible to incriminate myself for something I did in the past outside the USA border? Can they send me back to Colombia for the local authorities to deal with?Yes. Do not confess to anything. Let the government prove it, if it can.

I have heard mention about photos on computers and how anything questionable should be put on a flash key.You should NOT possess any questionable photos. I do not take any. If CBP finds a questionable photo of someone of a questionable age, the burden in essence shifts to you to prove otherwise.

Obviously if you have anything on you, I suppose it is best to fess up. But as far as what you say. Whats the best policy. Just say nothing? Deny everything?Do not confess to anything. If CBP finds something, and it should not, you will need a lawyer. If you confess, you will need a lawyer. You get no brownie points for confessing to something that the government might not find in the first place. Do not make wacky statements that suggest that you did something and you are trying to be cute.

The guys says, whats so strange about talking on Skype and then meeting someone. The officer says, yeah, everything seems a little strange with you and its going to get more strange.CBP does not need to know that you talk on Skype. You are a tourist and wanted to visit another country. All my computer photos are touristy photos. Upon returning from Spain, CBP claimed that they wanted to view my photos. I pulled a chair, sat down, and told them to order a pizza since I have over 800 touristy photos. After viewing the first 50 or so of boring, touristy shots, CBP told me to get out. I laughed and left. CBP did not need to know about the girls that I met on my non-sightseeing days.

Member #4244
10-28-11, 03:02
I've been to Medellin 8 times. 7 of them I've stayed in hotels in El Centro. Walked all over El Centro, from one end to another. Been to the red light districts dozens and dozens of times. Also the strip clubs and casas numerous times.

Never been robbed, hasseled or threatened. I do keep a low profile and walk very forthright and don't linger around too much. I don't stay up late at night, usually in my hotel room by 11pm. But I do think you guys are exaggerating the danger factor in El Centro.Exactly, like I said, I used to cruise over every night about 10PM, stay for a couple hours or whatever. Some nights I'd go see a lady friend who stayed in a hotel a block from there and wander home at whatever hour. While I'm not an easy mark (under 30 and the size of four crackheads) , I'm not foolish enough to think that makes me bulletproof. If you invite trouble, it'll be courteous enough to answer, but if you just walk or cab in and go about your business, you'll be fine.

The centro is not even close to the most dangerous area in Medellin.

The Assman
10-28-11, 03:40
Is it legal to bring generic viagra from Colombia to U. S?

Is there a limit as to how much you can bring?

I assume it is legal cause I've done it before but then I remember Rush Limbaugh getting busted at an airport for having viagara, although I think he was charged because it was in someone else's name.

Legal Tender
10-28-11, 04:06
1. A USA Citizen Cannot Be Denied Re-Entry To Her Own Country.

A federal judge in Puerto Rico – a territory sensitive to the rights and privileges of its residents' USA citizenship — said it best: 'The only absolute and unqualified right of citizenship is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the United States; a citizen cannot be either deported or denied reentry. ' USA v. Valentine. 288 F. Supp. 957, 980 (D. P. R. 1968).

So, while some posters implied worried that a citizen who refused to answer CBP questions would be denied re-entry to the United States, the USA government does not have the power to prevent a citizen's re-entry.

2. (The Right To) Silence Is Golden.

This is principally about the right to silence. CBP officers are law enforcement (pictured) , who can detain you, arrest you and testify against you in criminal court. You place yourself in jeopardy every time you speak to them about anything.

CBP officers are not your friends. CBP officers treat returning USA citizens as potential criminal defendants. You should likewise treat them as if they were corrupt cops on a power trip, targeting you to goose their arrest statistics. The best way to protect yourself against their depredations is to refuse to speak to them or to answer their questions.

3. Any Misstatement To A Federal Officer Can Result In Your Arrest.

If a federal officer claims you lied to him, you can be arrested and charged with the crime of making false statements. You do not have to make the statements under oath (which would be the different charge of perjury).

This statute – which is referred to as Section 1001 — is the reason why Martha Stewart has a Bureau of Prisons number.

The only way to immunize yourself against a false statements charge is to refuse to speak to federal officers.

'Wait, ' you ask, 'what about telling the truth? ' Doesn't work. If, in the course of your conversation, you mis-remember something or speak inarticulately, you can now be arrested. Innocent mistake? Prove it in court after being jailed, charged, tried and paying for a lawyer.

Cardinal Richelieu is alleged to have said, 'If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him. ' That's also how the false statement charge works. Any cop or prosecutor can concoct a 'lie' from your statements.

The only way to protect yourself from a false statement charge is to refuse to speak to federal law enforcement officers.

4. 'Business or Pleasure? ' Is A Trap.

Which brings us to the reason why, contrary to the belief of many commenters, the seemingly innocuous CBP question of whether your international trip was for business or pleasure is a trap.

You say 'business' (because you were at a conference) but the stamps in your passport indicate that you're returning from a tourist destination like Bali. Now the officer can argue that you have made a false statement, have engaged in an attempt to claim improper business deductions under the Internal Revenue Code and have broken any other federal criminal law — there are more than 10, 000 — which he can mold around the circumstances.

You and your travelling companion say 'pleasure' but you're returning from Antwerp, a city known for its diamond trade not its nightlife. Liars and smugglers! And, with two people involved, the feds can levy conspiracy and aiding and abetting charges.

[Clarification: I'm not saying these charges would stick. I'm saying they can be concocted because of purported inconsistencies in your story. My point is that the officer acting in bad faith wouldn't have that ammunition if you invoked your right to silence. ]

Answering the question also immediately opens you up to more questions, which can lead to more chances for the feds to claim that you said something suspicious, inconsistent or false.

(In addition, and this is very much a lawyer's objection, the question requests a legal conclusion. I have no idea how many federal laws create a distinction between business and pleasure travel or what standards are used. It's not my call.)

5. Politeness Would Make No Difference.

To the authoritarian mind, there are only two responses to a demand: submission or defiance, and anything less than total submission is defiance. A Lutheran grandmother from Savannah with manners from an antebellum finishing school would be hassled if she refused to answer CBP's questions.

Answering with a tart 'None of your business' underscores that I will not be pushed around and – potentially important from a criminal procedure perspective – is an unambiguous statement that I am not waiving any rights. It is a line in the linoleum.

Further, why is politeness a one-way street? The entire cop ethos is based on intimidation and domination. We should be able to give the officers a little of their own medicine, and, if they're as tough as they claim, they can take it.

6. There Is A Profound Difference Between A USA Citizen Entering a Foreign Country and a USA Citizen Re-Entering Her Own Country.

There is a distinction between a USA citizen entering a foreign country (where she can be refused entry for any reason or no reason) and a USA citizen returning to the USA (where she cannot, as noted in Item No. 1, be denied entrance). These are completely different situations with almost no overlap in terms of governing law, procedures, rights, anything.

7. The Other People In Line.

This is a bright red herring. To the extent any immigration or customs line is being slowed down by a citizen refusing to answer questions, it's because the CBP officer refuses to accept the fact that the citizen is lawfully exercising her rights (as several commenters noted).

As a practical matter, there's almost no hold up. When a citizen refuses to answer questions at the first CBP kiosk, she is ordered to secondary within a minute or two. The wait is less than it might be if a returning citizen submitted to questioning or had a complicated, multi-national family situation.

In addition, living in a free country means that sometimes you are inconvenienced by others' assertions of their rights. On occasion, you have to see advertisements for products you think are disgusting, have your morning commute hampered by a strike, or have to drive half a mile out of your way because of the GLBT parade.

8. Small, Successful Battles Can Prevent Large, Losing Battles.

When it comes to rights, you don't know in advance what battle will be important. But you do know, based on history and human nature, that a right undefended will shrivel and die. If you don't fight for the small right, you won't be in a position to assert the large right.

Moreover, the existence of the right of privacy is usually based on whether people have a current expectation of privacy in a certain situation. To the extent that people decline to assert their right of privacy, it slips away. Lack of vigilance by citizens begets more government power.

9. Travellers Who Have Presented Proof of USA Citizenship Should Not Be Detained For Refusing To Answer Questions.

Once a traveler has provided bona fide proof of USA citizenship, he or she is entitled to re-enter the country. CBP should not be asking questions as a matter of course, and, if citizens assert the right to silence, CBP should not be detaining them.

Sky Ryder
10-28-11, 06:38
1. A USA Citizen Cannot Be Denied Re-Entry To Her Own Country.

A federal judge in Puerto Rico – a territory sensitive to the rights and privileges of its residents' USA citizenship — said it best: 'The only absolute and unqualified right of citizenship is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the United States; a citizen cannot be either deported or denied reentry. ' USA v. Valentine. 288 F. Supp. 957, 980 (D. P. R. 1968).

When it comes to rights, you don't know in advance what battle will be important. But you do know, based on history and human nature, that a right undefended will shrivel and die. If you don't fight for the small right, you won't be in a position to assert the large right.

Moreover, the existence of the right of privacy is usually based on whether people have a current expectation of privacy in a certain situation. To the extent that people decline to assert their right of privacy, it slips away. Lack of vigilance by citizens begets more government power.

9. Travellers Who Have Presented Proof of USA Citizenship Should Not Be Detained For Refusing To Answer Questions.

Once a traveler has provided bona fide proof of USA citizenship, he or she is entitled to re-enter the country. CBP should not be asking questions as a matter of course, and, if citizens assert the right to silence, CBP should not be detaining them.LT,

I am not a lawyer and don't even sleep in Holiday Inn Express, but I couldn't agree with you more. When rights aren't defended they shrivel up and die. That doesn't mean however that exercising those right are without consequences. I would wager a large sum that someone who acts in a perceived defiant manner upon reentering the USA (a citizen) will ultimately receive an additional level of scrutiny that is consistent with the CBP mandate. I suspect that higher level of scrutiny would not be restricted to a single journey. I don't want to highjack this thread, but the change in the way privacy laws and law enforcement's ability to circumvent those laws in the interest of "national security" is the greatest loss suffered in the USA since 2001.

10-28-11, 07:52
2. (The Right To) Silence Is Golden.

This is principally about the right to silence. CBP officers are law enforcement (pictured) , who can detain you, arrest you and testify against you in criminal court. You place yourself in jeopardy every time you speak to them about anything.

CBP officers are not your friends. CBP officers treat returning USA citizens as potential criminal defendants. You should likewise treat them as if they were corrupt cops on a power trip, targeting you to goose their arrest statistics. The best way to protect yourself against their depredations is to refuse to speak to them or to answer their questions.

3. Any Misstatement To A Federal Officer Can Result In Your Arrest.

If a federal officer claims you lied to him, you can be arrested and charged with the crime of making false statements. You do not have to make the statements under oath (which would be the different charge of perjury).

This statute – which is referred to as Section 1001 — is the reason why Martha Stewart has a Bureau of Prisons number.

The only way to immunize yourself against a false statements charge is to refuse to speak to federal officers.

'Wait, ' you ask, 'what about telling the truth? ' Doesn't work. If, in the course of your conversation, you mis-remember something or speak inarticulately, you can now be arrested. Innocent mistake? Prove it in court after being jailed, charged, tried and paying for a lawyer.

Cardinal Richelieu is alleged to have said, 'If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him. ' That's also how the false statement charge works. Any cop or prosecutor can concoct a 'lie' from your statements.

The only way to protect yourself from a false statement charge is to refuse to speak to federal law enforcement officers.Here's an interesting lecture by a law professor and a police officer as to why you should never speak to the police:


It's more than 45 minutes long, but it's short if you only watch the first half which is given by the law professor and his advice is the most important one to remember. The second half is given by the police officer and he more or less confirms everything that's said by the law professor so you can skip it.

You Can
10-28-11, 11:21
Hopefully we can get off this, customs has never been a big problem for me, I been detained twice and like I already said I talked to them. If your weak or the scared type it can be unsettling, but mostly its an hour of going thru your bags and questioning you. Its not that big of a deal unless your bringing kilos or a suit case filled with marijuana home with you. Its not that tough to read the form and mark it appropriately. I did enjoy that video, but this is why I am not big on attorneys. I never had a major problem in the 2 detainments and have been thru customs many times. Hopefully we can move on now. Take your trips, enjoy yourself and have a good time.

Here's an interesting lecture by a law professor and a police officer as to why you should never speak to the police:


It's more than 45 minutes long, but it's short if you only watch the first half which is given by the law professor and his advice is the most important one to remember. The second half is given by the police officer and he more or less confirms everything that's said by the law professor so you can skip it.

10-28-11, 13:24
18 uscs § 2423.

§ 2423. transportation of minors

(a) transportation with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity. a person who knowingly transports an individual who has not attained the age of 18 years in interstate or foreign commerce, or in any commonwealth, territory or possession of the united states, with intent that the individual engage in prostitution, or in any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense, shall be fined under this title and imprisoned not less than 10 years or for life.

(be) travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct. a person who travels in interstate commerce or travels into the united states, or a united states citizen or an alien admitted for permanent residence in the united states who travels in foreign commerce, for the purpose of engaging in any illicit sexual conduct with another person shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.

(see) engaging in illicit sexual conduct in foreign places. any united states citizen or alien admitted for permanent residence who travels in foreign commerce, and engages in any illicit sexual conduct with another person shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.

(the) ancillary offenses. whoever, for the purpose of commercial advantage or private financial gain, arranges, induces, procures, or facilitates the travel of a person knowing that such a person is traveling in interstate commerce or foreign commerce for the purpose of engaging in illicit sexual conduct shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.

(e) attempt and conspiracy. whoever attempts or conspires to violate subsection (a) , (be) , (see) , or (the) shall be punishable in the same manner as a completed violation of that subsection.

(f) definition. as used in this section, the term "illicit sexual conduct" means (1) a sexual act (as defined in section 2246 [18 uscs § 2246]) with a person under 18 years of age that would be in violation of chapter 109a [18 uscs §§ 2241 et seq. ] if the sexual act occurred in the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the united states; or (2) any commercial sex act (as defined in section 1591 [18 uscs § 1591]) with a person under 18 years of age.

(g) defense. in a prosecution under this section based on illicit sexual conduct as defined in subsection (f) 2) , it is a defense, which the defendant must establish by a preponderance of the evidence, that the defendant reasonably believed that the person with whom the defendant engaged in the commercial sex act had attained the age of 18 years.thats the good thing about casas, termas, or clubs like help or fase dos, you know they are 18. you don't have to worry about a **** girl who looks 21. its very dangerous nowadays to pick up a working girl away from a business enviroment. you never know if you will be setup.

10-28-11, 14:31
Is it legal to bring generic viagra from Colombia to U. S?

Is there a limit as to how much you can bring?

I assume it is legal cause I've done it before but then I remember Rush Limbaugh getting busted at an airport for having viagara, although I think he was charged because it was in someone else's name.No it is not legal. That said, I have traveled back and forth with it in my checked bags a million times without issue. I won't do it anymore because I have been pulled into secondary four out of last five trips and the stuff is so cheap that if I have a couple left over I will just throw them away. On my last trip upon landing at JFK from Bogota there was an army of customs officers waiting at the carousel and my bags were checked, but these guys do such a shitty job it's no wonder people smuggle stuff all the time. I won't take the risk again though.

Member #4244
10-28-11, 15:01
I have been secondary'ed at many airports, I have to travel a lot for work plus I have a lot of stamps in my passport and a beard, so yes it happens all the time.

I almost think you can learn about a country's culture through the experience, for example the Canadians cannot even feign severity, they are just too nice.

In Colombia international flights they are almost certainly going to rifle through your carry on and personal item, that is in the primary search. The secondary searches I've been through mostly consisted of a body scan and a series of questions. You go off into another room (in Cartagena it is up some stairs) and it doesn't take that long.

In the USA, it often consists of a second, more thorough search and can also mean going into a little office with an officer. I've always just been asked more specific questions about the purpose of my trip or whatever.

I would not bring back generic meds from Colombia, not because of the risk but because you can just order them straight to your home for a much cheaper price. Just order them and bring them with you, they never check much of anything coming in let alone that (nor do the Colombian authorities give a shit). Coming back you can either check them or just ditch your remaining supply.

More and more I think the focus is on big quantity smugglers of whatever substance and weapons / explosives, small time stuff does not get sweated unless officer hardass finds that marijuana seed in your jean pocket and just HAS to screw you over.

Dmd Joe
10-28-11, 15:12
Where can you watch all the football games this weekend in Medellin?

10-28-11, 17:08
Where can you watch all the football games this weekend in Medellin?Parque Lleres (I assure you're in that General Area) Hooters and Time Out right across the street. They show NFL games and I assume you could get them to put on College too.

BUT! Sat and Sun are Ley Seca. No beer no nothing so those places might be closed. I heard rumor that at Tiger's Paw Hostel they showed the games and served beer in cups and stuff. But I heard that from a guy who knew a kid staying there who couldn't' afford socks so take a chance and go down there if you're desperate.

10-28-11, 17:14
Is it legal to bring generic viagra from Colombia to U. S?

Is there a limit as to how much you can bring?

I assume it is legal cause I've done it before but then I remember Rush Limbaugh getting busted at an airport for having viagara, although I think he was charged because it was in someone else's name.Well both Viagra and Cialis are prescription drugs so in the USA you need a script. BUT If you act cool and confident you'll be all right. I've been randomly selected twice by customs coming back they see Colombia and a young guy and I get flagged all the time. I just go and chat with the guy as if we're on an elevator together or at a diner as he searches my shit, try to be polite and helpful. You kow normal and you're fine. They're looking for KEYS of Coke not some limp dick gringo coming back with a hand full of ED tabs.

What also help is to take them out of the box; NOT THE FOILS. Put them into a baggie with day-quil, allergy pills, common cold shit, anything that comes in a blister pack that you would normally have with you when you travel. In an x-ray the just look like any ordinary pills (as long as it's not like hundres of them) and even during a hand search if they don't open the bag and read each foil they'd just check it and move on. You have to remember this guy is making $12-$15 bucks an hours. He just looking to run out the clock on the day and go home, have a beer, see his kids.

10-28-11, 21:46
Where can you watch all the football games this weekend in Medellin?www.firstrowsports.tv

10-28-11, 22:39
Where can you watch all the football games this weekend in Medellin?Try Hooters or Time Out, across the street, in Parque Lleras, Poblado.

Member #4176
10-29-11, 07:27
Exactly, like I said, I used to cruise over every night about 10PM, stay for a couple hours or whatever. Some nights I'd go see a lady friend who stayed in a hotel a block from there and wander home at whatever hour. While I'm not an easy mark (under 30 and the size of four crackheads) , I'm not foolish enough to think that makes me bulletproof. If you invite trouble, it'll be courteous enough to answer, but if you just walk or cab in and go about your business, you'll be fine.

The centro is not even close to the most dangerous area in Medellin.I agree both that the is danger but, if you keep smart you can avoid problems. Know when and where the problems are. If you don't seem like a target there should be no problem.

You Can
10-29-11, 12:48
12 to 15. An hour? US customs officers make a lot more then that, everything else you said is true, they have never questioned me about the viagara, and I always bring about 75 back with me. I just put them in a old prescription bottle that use to have my blood pressure medicine in.

Well both Viagra and Cialis are prescription drugs so in the USA you need a script. BUT If you act cool and confident you'll be all right. I've been randomly selected twice by customs coming back they see Colombia and a young guy and I get flagged all the time. I just go and chat with the guy as if we're on an elevator together or at a diner as he searches my shit, try to be polite and helpful. You kow normal and you're fine. They're looking for KEYS of Coke not some limp dick gringo coming back with a hand full of ED tabs.

What also help is to take them out of the box; NOT THE FOILS. Put them into a baggie with day-quil, allergy pills, common cold shit, anything that comes in a blister pack that you would normally have with you when you travel. In an x-ray the just look like any ordinary pills (as long as it's not like hundres of them) and even during a hand search if they don't open the bag and read each foil they'd just check it and move on. You have to remember this guy is making $12-$15 bucks an hours. He just looking to run out the clock on the day and go home, have a beer, see his kids.

You Can
10-29-11, 12:53
What are you talking about when you say just order cialis and bring it with you its cheaper? Generic cialis is dirt cheap in Cartagena. I pay between 1 and 2 dollars apiece. I can't find that anywhere in the states even with my prescription plan.

I have been secondary'ed at many airports, I have to travel a lot for work plus I have a lot of stamps in my passport and a beard, so yes it happens all the time.

I almost think you can learn about a country's culture through the experience, for example the Canadians cannot even feign severity, they are just too nice.

In Colombia international flights they are almost certainly going to rifle through your carry on and personal item, that is in the primary search. The secondary searches I've been through mostly consisted of a body scan and a series of questions. You go off into another room (in Cartagena it is up some stairs) and it doesn't take that long.

In the USA, it often consists of a second, more thorough search and can also mean going into a little office with an officer. I've always just been asked more specific questions about the purpose of my trip or whatever.

I would not bring back generic meds from Colombia, not because of the risk but because you can just order them straight to your home for a much cheaper price. Just order them and bring them with you, they never check much of anything coming in let alone that (nor do the Colombian authorities give a shit). Coming back you can either check them or just ditch your remaining supply.

More and more I think the focus is on big quantity smugglers of whatever substance and weapons / explosives, small time stuff does not get sweated unless officer hardass finds that marijuana seed in your jean pocket and just HAS to screw you over.

Member #4244
10-29-11, 13:59
RE: ED stuff, I guess Cialis is still about $1-$1. 50 a pill but you can get levitra and viagra for way less. Viagra like 30 cents a pill from raymeds if you buy a good number, free shipping, too.

RE: American football in MDE, well you will get games of the week on cable. Often it's the Chargers because they run the feed in from Mexico, who frequently has the Chargers (proximity to Mexico / Tijuana). Sometimes there is another game, they showed the Falcons and Panthers the last time I bothered to watch. There are also college games on, strangely I've noticed there will be a live game or two on Saturday, and then some replays on Sunday.

Outside of what random stuff (and the NCAA games are truly random it seems) , there is a bar in parque lleras, are you walk up the hill it's on the right hand side, that sort of fancies itself an American sports bar. I checked it out during the NCAA tournament but it was already in the Elite 8 so all the games were on TV anyway. There or maybe Hooters might be your best bet for any additional games. Overall the interest is very limited in American football. Basketball is more popular and on the coast they actually show as many MLB games in a day as USA cable and more than Canadian cable. Some days you see five or six games between ESPN, Fox Sports, UNE stations and the weird Caribe channel that showed the World Series this year.

10-29-11, 14:18
[Also, try the Alamo Bar also in PArque Lleras. The American owners have a similar bar in Buenos Aires in the Calle Uruguay and Santa Fe Avenida area.

QUOTE=BayBoy; 1211376]Try Hooters or Time Out, across the street, in Parque Lleras, Poblado.[/QUOTE]

10-29-11, 14:55
What are you talking about when you say just order cialis and bring it with you its cheaper? Generic cialis is dirt cheap in Cartagena. I pay between 1 and 2 dollars apiece. I can't find that anywhere in the states even with my prescription plan.I didn't think generic Cialis was available anywhere in Colombia, I have asked in at least a dozen farmacias and was told the same thing. I am curious as to what the name of the product would be.

10-29-11, 16:18
What are you talking about when you say just order cialis and bring it with you its cheaper? Generic cialis is dirt cheap in Cartagena. I pay between 1 and 2 dollars apiece. I can't find that anywhere in the states even with my prescription plan.There is NO generic Cialis or Tadalfil in Colombia. Only the Lilly Original and it is very expensive. Like 90k for four 10mg, available in any supermaket pharmacy or drogas la rebaje.

10-29-11, 16:21
[Also, try the Alamo Bar also in PArque Lleras. The American owners have a similar bar in Buenos Aires in the Calle Uruguay and Santa Fe Avenida area.

QUOTE=BayBoy; 1211376]Try Hooters or Time Out, across the street, in Parque Lleras, Poblado.

The Alamo Bar has closed and gone out of business. Didn't last very long maybe 7-8 months is all. I like the one in BA, a fun place to go and have a beer, watch a game.

You Can
10-30-11, 02:30
Well, I don't know what you call it but I buy sildenfil 50 mg tablets for 15000 peso and I get 4 tablets each of 50mg. You only need 1 tablet and you will be ready for slamming the thing in whatever comes your way. Believe me I'm 50 years old and do all kind of drinking and you name it and this stuff never lets me down. I'm not real smart so maybe its not generic cialis but its dick pills and they work. I believe 15, 000 peso is like 8 us dollars so thats 2 us dollars per pill. I go there all the time and will be there again Nov 3. All the pharmacys will try to charge you more but they haggle and I buy all my stuff cheaper then if you just take what they say. I got one pharmacy where the guy sells to me with no receit but you take that for what it is, then I only pay like 50 cent apiece and give him the money directly and its right in the pharmacy.

QUOTE=MiamiHeatLuver; 1211600]There is NO generic Cialis or Tadalfil in Colombia. Only the Lilly Original and it is very expensive. Like 90k for four 10mg, available in any supermaket pharmacy or drogas la rebaje.[/QUOTE]

You Can
10-30-11, 02:33
Thanks I will check that out, I don't know what raymeds is but I will google it. Thanks again.

RE: ED stuff, I guess Cialis is still about $1-$1. 50 a pill but you can get levitra and viagra for way less. Viagra like 30 cents a pill from raymeds if you buy a good number, free shipping, too.

RE: American football in MDE, well you will get games of the week on cable. Often it's the Chargers because they run the feed in from Mexico, who frequently has the Chargers (proximity to Mexico / Tijuana). Sometimes there is another game, they showed the Falcons and Panthers the last time I bothered to watch. There are also college games on, strangely I've noticed there will be a live game or two on Saturday, and then some replays on Sunday.

Outside of what random stuff (and the NCAA games are truly random it seems) , there is a bar in parque lleras, are you walk up the hill it's on the right hand side, that sort of fancies itself an American sports bar. I checked it out during the NCAA tournament but it was already in the Elite 8 so all the games were on TV anyway. There or maybe Hooters might be your best bet for any additional games. Overall the interest is very limited in American football. Basketball is more popular and on the coast they actually show as many MLB games in a day as USA cable and more than Canadian cable. Some days you see five or six games between ESPN, Fox Sports, UNE stations and the weird Caribe channel that showed the World Series this year.

10-30-11, 05:09
The Alamo Bar has closed and gone out of business. Didn't last very long maybe 7-8 months is all. I like the one in BA, a fun place to go and have a beer, watch a game.Very true. Great bar and I met a bunch of cool guys down there to hit the clubs with. Did they have girls down there in BA at that bar? I was always too focused on the games.

10-30-11, 05:15
FrankCasio = PrimitiveHere is the bottom line. If you don't like Franks Place, don't stay there. I know frank. We are now friends. He I is not hurting for cash. So I am sure he doesn't give a shit if you like his place or not. But here is the reality. For hunting pussy in Mayo it is perfect. If Mayo is not for you, stay somewhere else. But for you to say primative is BS. I do okay and can easily afford to stay anywhere in Medellin. I stay in Mayo and I am safe and happy with the accommodations at Franks.

Mr Gogo
10-30-11, 05:46
Thanks I will check that out, I don't know what raymeds is but I will google it. Thanks again.YouCan much props bro, you initially came off sort of hardcore with your earlier posts, but I'm feeling the respect you give to this forum. Before every post you had started with' What the fuck are you talking about' but now I respect most of what your saying. You are an asset to this comminity.

You Can
10-30-11, 12:10
I love this forum! Sometimes I do come off like a jackoff, but I don't mean to. I tri to give back with whatever help I can. Have a great day! Leaving for Cartagena this Thursday!

YouCan much props bro, you initially came off sort of hardcore with your earlier posts, but I'm feeling the respect you give to this forum. Before every post you had started with' What the fuck are you talking about' but now I respect most of what your saying. You are an asset to this comminity.

10-30-11, 14:52
Everything below is accurate but I think one important point might have been omitted. While it is true a USA citizen cannot be denied re-entry to the USA, the circumstances of re-entry could leave the citizen in law enforcement custody. Several reasons for a citizen being detained are detailed below. My point is the best play is to avoid unusual interactions that would call attention to yourself and raise suspicions. Have fun.

1. A USA Citizen Cannot Be Denied Re-Entry To Her Own Country.

A federal judge in Puerto Rico – a territory sensitive to the rights and privileges of its residents' USA citizenship — said it best: 'The only absolute and unqualified right of citizenship is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the United States; a citizen cannot be either deported or denied reentry. ' USA v. Valentine. 288 F. Supp. 957, 980 (D. P. R. 1968).

So, while some posters implied worried that a citizen who refused to answer CBP questions would be denied re-entry to the United States, the USA government does not have the power to prevent a citizen's re-entry.

2. (The Right To) Silence Is Golden.

This is principally about the right to silence. CBP officers are law enforcement (pictured) , who can detain you, arrest you and testify against you in criminal court. You place yourself in jeopardy every time you speak to them about anything.

CBP officers are not your friends. CBP officers treat returning USA citizens as potential criminal defendants. You should likewise treat them as if they were corrupt cops on a power trip, targeting you to goose their arrest statistics. The best way to protect yourself against their depredations is to refuse to speak to them or to answer their questions.

3. Any Misstatement To A Federal Officer Can Result In Your Arrest.

If a federal officer claims you lied to him, you can be arrested and charged with the crime of making false statements. You do not have to make the statements under oath (which would be the different charge of perjury).

This statute – which is referred to as Section 1001 — is the reason why Martha Stewart has a Bureau of Prisons number.

The only way to immunize yourself against a false statements charge is to refuse to speak to federal officers.

'Wait, ' you ask, 'what about telling the truth? ' Doesn't work. If, in the course of your conversation, you mis-remember something or speak inarticulately, you can now be arrested. Innocent mistake? Prove it in court after being jailed, charged, tried and paying for a lawyer.

Cardinal Richelieu is alleged to have said, 'If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him. ' That's also how the false statement charge works. Any cop or prosecutor can concoct a 'lie' from your statements.

The only way to protect yourself from a false statement charge is to refuse to speak to federal law enforcement officers.

4. 'Business or Pleasure? ' Is A Trap.

Which brings us to the reason why, contrary to the belief of many commenters, the seemingly innocuous CBP question of whether your international trip was for business or pleasure is a trap.

You say 'business' (because you were at a conference) but the stamps in your passport indicate that you're returning from a tourist destination like Bali. Now the officer can argue that you have made a false statement, have engaged in an attempt to claim improper business deductions under the Internal Revenue Code and have broken any other federal criminal law — there are more than 10, 000 — which he can mold around the circumstances.

You and your travelling companion say 'pleasure' but you're returning from Antwerp, a city known for its diamond trade not its nightlife. Liars and smugglers! And, with two people involved, the feds can levy conspiracy and aiding and abetting charges.

[Clarification: I'm not saying these charges would stick. I'm saying they can be concocted because of purported inconsistencies in your story. My point is that the officer acting in bad faith wouldn't have that ammunition if you invoked your right to silence. ]

Answering the question also immediately opens you up to more questions, which can lead to more chances for the feds to claim that you said something suspicious, inconsistent or false.

(In addition, and this is very much a lawyer's objection, the question requests a legal conclusion. I have no idea how many federal laws create a distinction between business and pleasure travel or what standards are used. It's not my call.)

5. Politeness Would Make No Difference.

To the authoritarian mind, there are only two responses to a demand: submission or defiance, and anything less than total submission is defiance. A Lutheran grandmother from Savannah with manners from an antebellum finishing school would be hassled if she refused to answer CBP's questions.

Answering with a tart 'None of your business' underscores that I will not be pushed around and – potentially important from a criminal procedure perspective – is an unambiguous statement that I am not waiving any rights. It is a line in the linoleum.

Further, why is politeness a one-way street? The entire cop ethos is based on intimidation and domination. We should be able to give the officers a little of their own medicine, and, if they're as tough as they claim, they can take it.

6. There Is A Profound Difference Between A USA Citizen Entering a Foreign Country and a USA Citizen Re-Entering Her Own Country.

There is a distinction between a USA citizen entering a foreign country (where she can be refused entry for any reason or no reason) and a USA citizen returning to the USA (where she cannot, as noted in Item No. 1, be denied entrance). These are completely different situations with almost no overlap in terms of governing law, procedures, rights, anything.

7. The Other People In Line.

This is a bright red herring. To the extent any immigration or customs line is being slowed down by a citizen refusing to answer questions, it's because the CBP officer refuses to accept the fact that the citizen is lawfully exercising her rights (as several commenters noted).

As a practical matter, there's almost no hold up. When a citizen refuses to answer questions at the first CBP kiosk, she is ordered to secondary within a minute or two. The wait is less than it might be if a returning citizen submitted to questioning or had a complicated, multi-national family situation.

In addition, living in a free country means that sometimes you are inconvenienced by others' assertions of their rights. On occasion, you have to see advertisements for products you think are disgusting, have your morning commute hampered by a strike, or have to drive half a mile out of your way because of the GLBT parade.

8. Small, Successful Battles Can Prevent Large, Losing Battles.

When it comes to rights, you don't know in advance what battle will be important. But you do know, based on history and human nature, that a right undefended will shrivel and die. If you don't fight for the small right, you won't be in a position to assert the large right.

Moreover, the existence of the right of privacy is usually based on whether people have a current expectation of privacy in a certain situation. To the extent that people decline to assert their right of privacy, it slips away. Lack of vigilance by citizens begets more government power.

9. Travellers Who Have Presented Proof of USA Citizenship Should Not Be Detained For Refusing To Answer Questions.

Once a traveler has provided bona fide proof of USA citizenship, he or she is entitled to re-enter the country. CBP should not be asking questions as a matter of course, and, if citizens assert the right to silence, CBP should not be detaining them.

10-30-11, 15:52
Well, I don't know what you call it but I buy sildenfil 50 mg tablets for 15000 peso and I get 4 tablets each of 50mg. You only need 1 tablet and you will be ready for slamming the thing in whatever comes your way. Believe me I'm 50 years old and do all kind of drinking and you name it and this stuff never lets me down. I'm not real smart so maybe its not generic cialis but its dick pills and they work. I believe 15, 000 peso is like 8 us dollars so thats 2 us dollars per pill. I go there all the time and will be there again Nov 3. All the pharmacys will try to charge you more but they haggle and I buy all my stuff cheaper then if you just take what they say. I got one pharmacy where the guy sells to me with no receit but you take that for what it is, then I only pay like 50 cent apiece and give him the money directly and its right in the pharmacy.

QUOTE=MiamiHeatLuver; 1211600]There is NO generic Cialis or Tadalfil in Colombia. Only the Lilly Original and it is very expensive. Like 90k for four 10mg, available in any supermaket pharmacy or drogas la rebaje.[/QUOTE]Sildenafil is generic Viagra. Be careful where you buy it as there are a ton of counterfeits out there. If you have a good source selling at a good price as you apparently do stick with them. If you go back to the same store and they are selling a different brand of sildenafil I suggest buying only a couple and trying them out first. I bought sildenafil from the same store for years and the last time I went there they sold me sildenafil from a different company and it was shit.

10-30-11, 16:36
Sildenafil is generic Viagra. Be careful where you buy it as there are a ton of counterfeits out there. If you have a good source selling at a good price as you apparently do stick with them. If you go back to the same store and they are selling a different brand of sildenafil I suggest buying only a couple and trying them out first. I bought sildenafil from the same store for years and the last time I went there they sold me sildenafil from a different company and it was shit.[/QUOTE]Really? Fake Sildenafil in stores? Even in like a drogaria en a nice store? I'm thinking maybe on line it would be suspect but in a store?

RE Cialis: I have not found any knock-offs or generic versions in South America or even in China the land of bootlegs! Well in China if they were bootlegs they did everthing perfectly and usually there is something off about the product. I just got 4 cialis and 5 sildenafils for my long weekend from a drogaria en an Olympia it was $68. 65 for the entire kit. The largest chunk of the cost coming from the cialis. The guy even said "These (the cialis) are very expensive; these (the sidenz) are cheaper*"

Sorry I don't have an accurate price break down, in Colombia I never ask a price for anything, I just buy it and enjoy it. I'll worry when I'm home in the states sitting in my cubical waiting for my supervisor to ok my vacation days for my next trip down!

I'd like to share an ED tip with ya'll.

What I like to do is get say a 20 (I think that's the size) of Cialis and then when I'm ready take a. 5 or. 25 of a viagra and you'll be ROCK the tower of power! Fast acting and LONG and I do mean LONG lasting! Like if you're looking to go on a marathon fucking session.

10-30-11, 17:12
Sildenafil is generic Viagra. Be careful where you buy it as there are a ton of counterfeits out there. If you have a good source selling at a good price as you apparently do stick with them. If you go back to the same store and they are selling a different brand of sildenafil I suggest buying only a couple and trying them out first. I bought sildenafil from the same store for years and the last time I went there they sold me sildenafil from a different company and it was shit.Really? Fake Sildenafil in stores? Even in like a drogaria en a nice store? I'm thinking maybe on line it would be suspect but in a store?

RE Cialis: I have not found any knock-offs or generic versions in South America or even in China the land of bootlegs! Well in China if they were bootlegs they did everthing perfectly and usually there is something off about the product. I just got 4 cialis and 5 sildenafils for my long weekend from a drogaria en an Olympia it was $68. 65 for the entire kit. The largest chunk of the cost coming from the cialis. The guy even said "These (the cialis) are very expensive; these (the sidenz) are cheaper*"

Sorry I don't have an accurate price break down, in Colombia I never ask a price for anything, I just buy it and enjoy it. I'll worry when I'm home in the states sitting in my cubical waiting for my supervisor to ok my vacation days for my next trip down!

I'd like to share an ED tip with ya'll.

What I like to do is get say a 20 (I think that's the size) of Cialis and then when I'm ready take a. 5 or. 25 of a viagra and you'll be ROCK the tower of power! Fast acting and LONG and I do mean LONG lasting! Like if you're looking to go on a marathon fucking session.[/QUOTE]The fake sildenafil I have gotten was at a small farmacia in Medellin and another mom and pop place in Sosua, DR. I now only buy them at large supermarket farmacia's and have not had any problems. I'll have to try your tip on mixing the two ED med's, thanks for the advise.

You Can
10-30-11, 18:44
I never had a problem and yea I always go to a drug store, same one everytime and never had any problems. One pill works for me and I'm good even into the next day. Can't wait to get back the Nov3!

Sildenafil is generic Viagra. Be careful where you buy it as there are a ton of counterfeits out there. If you have a good source selling at a good price as you apparently do stick with them. If you go back to the same store and they are selling a different brand of sildenafil I suggest buying only a couple and trying them out first. I bought sildenafil from the same store for years and the last time I went there they sold me sildenafil from a different company and it was shit.Really? Fake Sildenafil in stores? Even in like a drogaria en a nice store? I'm thinking maybe on line it would be suspect but in a store?

RE Cialis: I have not found any knock-offs or generic versions in South America or even in China the land of bootlegs! Well in China if they were bootlegs they did everthing perfectly and usually there is something off about the product. I just got 4 cialis and 5 sildenafils for my long weekend from a drogaria en an Olympia it was $68. 65 for the entire kit. The largest chunk of the cost coming from the cialis. The guy even said "These (the cialis) are very expensive; these (the sidenz) are cheaper*"

Sorry I don't have an accurate price break down, in Colombia I never ask a price for anything, I just buy it and enjoy it. I'll worry when I'm home in the states sitting in my cubical waiting for my supervisor to ok my vacation days for my next trip down!

I'd like to share an ED tip with ya'll.

What I like to do is get say a 20 (I think that's the size) of Cialis and then when I'm ready take a. 5 or. 25 of a viagra and you'll be ROCK the tower of power! Fast acting and LONG and I do mean LONG lasting! Like if you're looking to go on a marathon fucking session.[/QUOTE]

10-30-11, 19:10
I'd like to share an ED tip with ya'll.

What I like to do is get say a 20 (I think that's the size) of Cialis and then when I'm ready take a. 5 or. 25 of a viagra and you'll be ROCK the tower of power! Fast acting and LONG and I do mean LONG lasting! Like if you're looking to go on a marathon fucking session.The fake sildenafil I have gotten was at a small farmacia in Medellin and another mom and pop place in Sosua, DR. I now only buy them at large supermarket farmacia's and have not had any problems. I'll have to try your tip on mixing the two ED med's, thanks for the advise.[/QUOTE]Oh yeah I forgot to put: Take only. 5 of the Cialis too. Well do what works for you. You don't want to over do it; trust me these are powerful drugs we're playing with.

Hey I was going to ask: Have you guys ever had a ED hang over? By this I mean like over a long trip you needed more and more to get the same Tower of Power or have a difficult time getting an erection with out? Yes I am lucky enough to get my own boners but it is the fucking with a condom that kills it for me.

10-30-11, 20:54
Ya I know that place sux but the real thai is in p. Lleras called royal thai. Owner is thai, and I know thai! And it is good! Panang gai, spring rolls and cashew chicken is a great meal for 2!Royal Thai is DECENT, I wouldn't say it's GOOD. And Thai Co. Is HORRIBLE. It's a trendy place to get some drinks with a girl, not to eat Thai Food.

Mr Gogo
10-31-11, 06:40
The fake sildenafil I have gotten was at a small farmacia in Medellin and another mom and pop place in Sosua, DR. I now only buy them at large supermarket farmacia's and have not had any problems. I'll have to try your tip on mixing the two ED med's, thanks for the advise.Oh yeah I forgot to put: Take only. 5 of the Cialis too. Well do what works for you. You don't want to over do it; trust me these are powerful drugs we're playing with.

Hey I was going to ask: Have you guys ever had a ED hang over? By this I mean like over a long trip you needed more and more to get the same Tower of Power or have a difficult time getting an erection with out? Yes I am lucky enough to get my own boners but it is the fucking with a condom that kills it for me.[/QUOTE]I've never had a hangover, unless your talking about flying out horny as hell because the cialis is still kicking in. But what I've noticed is that I've had a flush rush within an hour after taking it. My best results are to wake and eat a fruit breakfast at 10am. Then water myself down (no alcohol of food) and take a pill at 2pm. As long as I don't eat a big meal or drink alcohol I'm good when I head out at night about 8pm.

Driver 8
11-01-11, 04:55
I've been mooching off of everyone's info for long enough without giving back; thanks to everybody out there for making this a great site. Last week a buddy of mine and I hit some casas, here's how it went. Between 10-12 a. M. We hit New Life, Sexy Fantasias, Zandalay, Coffee Shop, Belle Suite, pretty much most of the ones within walking distance of each other in the Prado area. Honestly, I didn't see a single girl in any of those places that I'd rate above a 5 or 6. Maybe I just hit it too early, or on a bad day, or maybe I just like the flacas too much, but we went about 0-for-30 on the centro chicas. So after lunch we headed over to the Estadio area to Energy. It's more expensive, but in the lineup of 10 girls there were a couple of 8s and most of the rest were in the 6-7 range. My buddy took a well-developed morenita named Valentina and I took a taller, lighter-skinned girl who went by Karen. We were quoted 80k for 1/2 hour and 100k for a full hour, so an hour it was. Karen had a really pretty face, sweet disposition, and aside from some pretty floppy tits she was tight all around. No DFK but she gave a decent BBBJ for about 5 minutes before she slipped on the condom and we got down to business. Overall I'd give her 9/10 face. 7/10 body and 8/10 service. Propina 10k. My buddy's girl was maybe even a little hotter although he says she stayed on the phone for 15 minutes, which seems pretty fucked up but he still enjoyed himself. Overall, I thought Energy was a nice, clean, upscale environment that would be worth revisiting. I'll give the centro casas another go sometime, but did not get a good first impression of the quality there.

11-01-11, 14:43
I've been mooching off of everyone's info for long enough without giving back; thanks to everybody out there for making this a great site. Last week a buddy of mine and I hit some casas, here's how it went. Between 10-12 a. M. We hit New Life, Sexy Fantasias, Zandalay, Coffee Shop, Belle Suite, pretty much most of the ones within walking distance of each other in the Prado area. Honestly, I didn't see a single girl in any of those places that I'd rate above a 5 or 6. Maybe I just hit it too early, or on a bad day, or maybe I just like the flacas too much, but we went about 0-for-30 on the centro chicas. So after lunch we headed over to the Estadio area to Energy. It's more expensive, but in the lineup of 10 girls there were a couple of 8s and most of the rest were in the 6-7 range. My buddy took a well-developed morenita named Valentina and I took a taller, lighter-skinned girl who went by Karen. We were quoted 80k for 1/2 hour and 100k for a full hour, so an hour it was. Karen had a really pretty face, sweet disposition, and aside from some pretty floppy tits she was tight all around. No DFK but she gave a decent BBBJ for about 5 minutes before she slipped on the condom and we got down to business. Overall I'd give her 9/10 face. 7/10 body and 8/10 service. Propina 10k. My buddy's girl was maybe even a little hotter although he says she stayed on the phone for 15 minutes, which seems pretty fucked up but he still enjoyed himself. Overall, I thought Energy was a nice, clean, upscale environment that would be worth revisiting. I'll give the centro casas another go sometime, but did not get a good first impression of the quality there.Yep, those casas are definitely hit and miss, ya just never know what you might or might not find.

John Gault
11-01-11, 18:17
I've been mooching off of everyone's info for long enough without giving back; thanks to everybody out there for making this a great site. Last week a buddy of mine and I hit some casas, here's how it went. Between 10-12 a. M. We hit New Life, Sexy Fantasias, Zandalay, Coffee Shop, Belle Suite, pretty much most of the ones within walking distance of each other in the Prado area. Honestly, I didn't see a single girl in any of those places that I'd rate above a 5 or 6. Maybe I just hit it too early, or on a bad day, or maybe I just like the flacas too much, but we went about 0-for-30 on the centro chicas. So after lunch we headed over to the Estadio area to Energy. It's more expensive, but in the lineup of 10 girls there were a couple of 8s and most of the rest were in the 6-7 range. My buddy took a well-developed morenita named Valentina and I took a taller, lighter-skinned girl who went by Karen. We were quoted 80k for 1/2 hour and 100k for a full hour, so an hour it was. Karen had a really pretty face, sweet disposition, and aside from some pretty floppy tits she was tight all around. No DFK but she gave a decent BBBJ for about 5 minutes before she slipped on the condom and we got down to business. Overall I'd give her 9/10 face. 7/10 body and 8/10 service. Propina 10k. My buddy's girl was maybe even a little hotter although he says she stayed on the phone for 15 minutes, which seems pretty fucked up but he still enjoyed himself. Overall, I thought Energy was a nice, clean, upscale environment that would be worth revisiting. I'll give the centro casas another go sometime, but did not get a good first impression of the quality there.You can't put up with a girl your paying 100K for an hour to talk on the phone for 15 minutes. Really that is outragous. Your friend needed to say something to the girl about it, and if she still did not get off the phone than the jeffe should have been informed of this on his way out the door.

As far as the casa's they are good value, and all that, but not my cup of tea.

Aussie Greg
11-02-11, 23:27

I know this is not the right forum but if any body needs info on the Rio Atrato, Quibdo to Turbo "fast taxi boat trip" (I've done it 3 times now) let me know.

I also export timber to Asia, Australia and Canada if anybody wants to buy some.

I specialise in exotic timber.

Aussie Greg.

11-03-11, 04:06
Not to worry.

You only take it when you need it. When you are sick.

The time I got really sick, I had changed my flight so many times leaving B. A. I had to go home through Rio. That would have been great, but I was so sick and dizzy I could barely leave the hotel for the three days I was there.

I wish I had the Z Pac then.Sorry to jump in on this topic a few days late but. Ay yi yi.

Get sick, take a Z pack. Damn, medicine is SO SIMPLE.

Parainfluenza virus, coronavirus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, respiratory syncitial virus, influenza A and B.

What do these have in common other than being 65%+ or greater of ALL upper respiratory infections? ALL of them will make you sick, SOME may kill you, NONE of them will be helped by an antibiotic.

Also, what if you have an atopic allergy (non infectious, allergen based)? What system do you think gets activated? The little' ol' thing we call an immune system. The end pathways have common mediators, which is why patients come in saying "I have a lousy immune system. I get sick all the time". Surprise! Your immune system is working overtime and you never needed an antibioic ( unless you get secondarily infected)!

Guess how many Z packs or equivalent antibiotics they've ingested before finding the diagnosis was wrong and someone gives them medicine that treats their underlying problem?

Last, there's a thing called the placebo effect. Look into it the next time you take your Z pack and feel the healing move through your body. Just like it did every. time. before. Like magik!

Cough longer than three weeks? Whole new set of diagnostic possibilities, only two of them are infectious.

All these things add up to why medicine is not something you Google or plug into a cookbook. It's why good docs clean up bad diagnoses all day long from those who should know better, let alone those practicing shade tree medicine.

I wouldn't get so irritated save for the missed diagnosis, wasted time and massive numbers of drug resistant bugs, brought on by injudicious ding-dong prescribing, particulary by third world pharmacists and travelers who don't know that "being sick" means a wide spectrum of things.

So let's exercise a little freaking caution shall we? Or, if your only tool is a hammer you'll treat everything like a nail. Or next time your car breaks down replace the starter even if the problem's in the distributor. Or research causes of fluoroquinalone resistant gonorrhea in Asia.

Adios, I'm off to give my 'ho her sixth orgasm of my session (as usual). She was so enthralled with BocaGrande (my nic to "the ladies") I was able to bang this report out between O's. Every time she finishes she screams "mas dinero" so I know I nailed it.

And so it goes...

11-03-11, 04:17
Work in healthcare myself- couldn't agree more. This "prophylactic" ingestion of antibiitics is reckless and miguided.

Sorry to jump in on this topic a few days late but. Ay yi yi.

Get sick, take a Z pack. Damn, medicine is SO SIMPLE.

Parainfluenza virus, coronavirus, rhinorvirus, adenovirus, respiratory syncitial virus, influenza A and B.

What do these have in common other than being part of the 65%+ of upper respirator infections? ALL of them will make you sick, SOME of them may kill you, NONE of them will be helped by an antibiotic.

Also, what if you have an atopic allergy (non infectious, allergen based)? What system do you think gets activated? The little' ol' thing we call an immune system. The end pathways have common mediators, which is why patients come in saying "I have a lousy immune system. I get sick all the time". Surprise your immune system is working overtime! Guess how many Z packs they've ingested before finding someone who can give them something that actually works.

Last, there's a thing called the placebo effect. Look into it the next time you take your Z pack and feel the healing move through your body. Just like it did every. Time. Before. Like magik!

All these things add up to why medicine is not something you google or plug into a cookbook. It's why good docs clean up bad diagnoses all day long from NPs and PAs, let alone those practicing shade tree medicine.

I wouldn't get so irritated save for the massive numbers of drug resistant bugs, brought on by injudicious prescribing, particulary people who don't know that "being sick" means a wide spectrum of things.

So let's exercise a little freaking caution shall we? Or, if your only tool is a hammer you'll treat everything like a nail. Or next time your car breaks down replace the starter even if the problem's in the distributor.

11-03-11, 05:50
OK, had to chime into the discussion.

I had an (entirely fictional) drug issue in Colombia.

So just to get this out of the way I like to smokea the herb, legal non intoxicating supplements in case anyone's listening.

I don't make a big deal out of it, if it's there it's there, if not then I do without.

I had a very nice chica who had a connection who got me the very good mix (I was surprised to find almost no hydro) and a very cool cabdriver that drove me locally.


I had a stash in the front of my bag. We were going by bus from CTG to Santa Marta for Semana Santa (Easter weekend).

Anyways, in the middle of nowhere we were pulled over by the Colombian military. The first thing they did is taKe all the baggage off the bus and separate the men from the women.

As they were pulling us off the bus I said to mi amor (maybe looking for reassurance)"You know, there's all that stuff in my bag". I thought she'd reassure me, but her little doe eyes got wide and she said "I KNOW".

That's when I realized I was going to die. Not metaphorically but legally, professionally and physically.

Now imagine, you're off a tourist bus. All your equipaje is in a huge pile. They're frisking dudes in front of you.

At this point since I figured I was screwed I might as well make some small talk. Get to know your who you'll be paying off in advance and generate some good will.

I have enough Spanish to be poorly understood dangerous, so within a few minutes I'm rapping with the military, one is asking me if I can help get his sister a job in California. I'm taking addresses down and all of a sudden it's all good. They did a pat search on everybody but didn't get into the bags and we got of scot free.

Not recommended but good for late night fires. By the way I realize this is a MDE board but this could've happened anywhere.

11-03-11, 06:28
Hello, all. I am taking a trip to MDE this weekend. I just saw Monday is ALL Saints Day in Colombia. I am just making sure before I get on my flight Thursday Afternoon that everything will be open and MDE will be hopping like normal this weekend.

I made the mistake of going to A latin American country over Semana Santa.Easter one year and the whole country was dead for a week.

I do not want to make a mistake again like that.

Just want to know if ALL will be open and there are no weird liquor laws or early closure laws this weekend. Thanks

11-03-11, 11:46
Hello, all. I am taking a trip to MDE this weekend. I just saw Monday is ALL Saints Day in Colombia. I am just making sure before I get on my flight Thursday Afternoon that everything will be open and MDE will be hopping like normal this weekend.

I made the mistake of going to A latin American country over Semana Santa. Easter one year and the whole country was dead for a week.

I do not want to make a mistake again like that.

Just want to know if ALL will be open and there are no weird liquor laws or early closure laws this weekend. ThanksSome of the Fellas who live down Medellin full time might be better judges but from what I've seen when there is a Puente weekend (I think that's what they call it in Col.) Medelliln will be kind of dead. I've been down there for I'd say 8-10 times not knowing it was a long weekend and the party scene was dead! Clubs, bars, Lleres, the streets, dead with tumbleweeds rolling around. Everybody hits up the Finca and once again it's just in my experience IME, this also sucks a big chunk of the Working Girls out of the pool as well. They get hired out for the long weekend. I assume you meant the party scene as you drew a comparison to your Samana Santa experience the regular casas should be open but it will be on a case by case basis; I can't remember if any were open last time this happened to me. Hmmm.

Colombia has a TON of long weekends and not a single one of them is able to tell you what they're for or about! They just know that there is no work and the banks are closed! Some friendly advice; On Thurs & Friday lock up as many girls numbers as you can and have them on stand by for Sun and Mon just in case because if you're looking to party "normally" I don't think it's going to happen or rather as large of a party you'd envision. Good luck, hope this helps and please report back

11-03-11, 17:07
Slamcity. Thanks for the post. That is actually what I am afraid of. These Latin American countries and there holidays are nuts. I was in El Salvador for New years eve this year thinking it would be a huge party. The exact opposite as everyone stays in their houses with there Family. Or they all leave the city for the beach. It was a ghost town. All bars everything closed!

In anycase, We will be there from Thurs night to Sunday morning so hopefully Friday and Saturday night will be normal.

As long as the chicas are around and plentifull in the strip clubs, Medellin Mansion, Mayorsita et I am happy!

A lot of the Apt rentals and also hotels are very full so that may or not be a sign. It has been hard booking one. Even the mansion es completely full.

Well, I guess its too late now as I bought my ticket last night and so did my friend off to the airport I go.

If anyone else has any advice let me know. Thanks.

11-03-11, 17:13
Went on a ************ tour last night to a bunch of cool places including a place where everybody openly parties on. From there hit some strip clubs and casas. The cool park where everyone was high was great for a couple vodkas and fresh OJ's and music from back in the day!That's awesome, thanks for this! Good lookin out!

11-03-11, 17:28
Slamcity. Thanks for the post. That is actually what I am afraid of. These Latin American countries and there holidays are nuts. I was in El Salvador for New years eve this year thinking it would be a huge party. The exact opposite as everyone stays in their houses with there Family. Or they all leave the city for the beach. It was a ghost town. All bars everything closed!

In anycase, We will be there from Thurs night to Sunday morning so hopefully Friday and Saturday night will be normal.

As long as the chicas are around and plentifull in the strip clubs, Medellin Mansion, Mayorsita et I am happy!

A lot of the Apt rentals and also hotels are very full so that may or not be a sign. It has been hard booking one. Even the mansion es completely full.

Well, I guess its too late now as I bought my ticket last night and so did my friend off to the airport I go.

If anyone else has any advice let me know. Thanks.This weekend will be business as usual in Medellin with a 3 day weekend as Monday being a Festivo "all saints day" Many people will try to get away somewhere if they can afford it. A lot of my boys and lady friends are leaving tonight to the coast. Besides that? Medellin will be on a regular debauchery schedule LOL. If you are worried about not finding anything good for Sunday Monday, you better stock up on good puta performers digits prior.

11-03-11, 20:23
Miami Heat. Thanks- I kind of figured things at least Fri and Sat would be business as usual with Sunday and Monday dead. We are leaving Sunday AM so hopefully I'm good.

One more question. We are staying in an Apartment and was told there is No Ac in most Medellin apartments including this one. Last 3 times I was there I stayed in a hotel with AC.

Climate seemed fine at night but during the day it was warm.

I am assuming with just a fan in the bedroom and the windows open we should still be okay. Any thoughts.

11-03-11, 20:32
My buddy Jeff is a AC baby, and he has no problem in Medellin with the ceiling fan on sleeping. Not even windows open. If you must have AC, maybe a hotel with AC is the way to go? Best part of living in Medellin is no need for AC or heaters. This might be a question for the sub topic of hotels and apartments and not under reports.

Miami Heat. Thanks- I kind of figured things at least Fri and Sat would be business as usual with Sunday and Monday dead. We are leaving Sunday AM so hopefully I'm good.

One more question. We are staying in an Apartment and was told there is No Ac in most Medellin apartments including this one. Last 3 times I was there I stayed in a hotel with AC.

Climate seemed fine at night but during the day it was warm.

I am assuming with just a fan in the bedroom and the windows open we should still be okay. Any thoughts.

11-03-11, 20:38
Miami Heat. Thanks- I kind of figured things at least Fri and Sat would be business as usual with Sunday and Monday dead. We are leaving Sunday AM so hopefully I'm good.

One more question. We are staying in an Apartment and was told there is No Ac in most Medellin apartments including this one. Last 3 times I was there I stayed in a hotel with AC.

Climate seemed fine at night but during the day it was warm.

I am assuming with just a fan in the bedroom and the windows open we should still be okay. Any thoughts.Medellin as a city has some of the strangest inconsistent weather of any country I have visited. It changes daily and even hourly sometimes, from hot and sunny to dark, cold, rainy and windy in a span of hours. It is so strange and people talk of "rainy seasons" For me? This 2011 was the year of the rain. It rained so freaking much, sometimes all day and all night for weeks. I have never seen so many streets and sides of mountains washed away from the rain erosion. I kinda laugh at the guys trying to cement the sides of these mountain i was like "if mother nature wants to take that concrete along with the side of the mountain, shes gonna do it easily"

This in turn would make things windy, cooler and bearable for me. Usually though when there is no rain and no wind the air becomes very stagnant and uncomfortable for me and I long for AC or at least a FAN to put on me and blow the air around. They call Medellin the city of the Eternal Spring but being from Miami I don't know how they do it all year long without A / C or even ceiling fans. I rent many apartments in MDE and none of them had neither so I had to beg the rental companies for one or NOW? I bring my own fan, believe me it makes all the difference for me in the day and at night when I'm trying to sleep.

11-03-11, 21:53
Thanks for the great input. If the apt doesn't have a fan I will run to store and buy one. Can't sleep without one. Especially after a night of passionate love making. Yeah right!

11-03-11, 22:41
Thanks for the great input. If the apt doesn't have a fan I will run to store and buy one. Can't sleep without one. Especially after a night of passionate love making. Yeah right!Thats why I bring my own, I ran to Exito and the cheapest one they had which was really Chinese crapola was like 85k and then I said to myself I'm not taking this shit back home with me and I'm for sure not going to leave it with the management who promised me a fan and never delivered to let some other monger use it.

11-04-11, 03:32
You can't put up with a girl your paying 100K for an hour to talk on the phone for 15 minutes. Really that is outragous. Your friend needed to say something to the girl about it, and if she still did not get off the phone than the jeffe should have been informed of this on his way out the door.

As far as the casa's they are good value, and all that, but not my cup of tea.Heya Johnny G, speaking of your cup of tea, I've been on the ground running here in Medellin, met up with Lucky Eddy at the Mayo last night, had some good fun. Lucky is a cool cat.

Promised myself I wasn't going to fall in love on this trip, I've got too many "novias" between Brazil and Cali and Medellin already hahaha, but of course I met another angel last night. Downright beautiful.

Spent all last night with her, then today running around and hangin at the park with her and her hijo.

Oh well, you only live once, and I'm a quality over quantity type anyway.

Take care amigos, off and runnin'

11-04-11, 04:20
Tired of paying $50-60 USD for driver pickup, opted for microbus to san diego (7k cop) then taxi to mayorista (just over 10k cop) where I'm staying.


Took a mayo walk after a quick shower. Dissapointed. It's only 5pm.

After 2 hours of eating & settling in some more went back. Took carolina for 30k. In the street dark she looked doable: thin, nice face. Better light showed a beaky nose but what the hell, I'm not boinking her nose. Nice enough but mechanical. No 2nd's for me, thank you.

Fase dos:

Got there right before 9pm. 10k to see 4-5 girls texting, popping gum or gossiping while security is watching soccer on tv.

Runway empty. Hey, just like home at a neighborhood bar.

5k for an oj.

Couple of girls almost doable, that's it.

Handful of girls report for duty. Even in street clothes some have potentail. One caught my eye for the wrong reason. I swear she looked like she was wearing depends under those jeans. Nope. Her outfit revealed a HUGE ass.

Finally, they fire up the runway at 10pm. 1st girl ok but not 170k ok, after dance she got 2k from me to go away.

2nd girl: blagh. I'm out of there.

Got to remember: don't go to fase dos before 10pm. (they open at 6pm, why?)

Back to mayo:

Found paola (I think) for 30k. Nice face & bod. Kinda shitty attitude. Lousy lay. Shoulda quit while I was kind of ahead.

Some time in the eve. Guy rings doorbell at frank's ¨my place¨ looking for his friend. Couldn't help him.

If it was one of you guys, sorry I wasn't too chatty, mostly being cautious.

Off to hunt for woozle.

11-04-11, 18:54
A friend of mine told me about a place called El Hanger however I have not seen any reference to it with all the posts I have read. Can anyone tell me if this place really exists?

11-04-11, 20:59
Took some guys around last night to help them find what they were looking for.I'd hate to even speculate what that could have been, Gentlemen, HE'SSSSSS BAAAAAAACKKKK, je je je

11-04-11, 23:01
Went to a place this afternoon called Exclusively for Men. In MetroCentro Rio sur. Its a legit massage place and we were not looking for extras. Just a great massage and they provided. The girls that were in there were 20-25 and all smoking hot. The massage is completely nude for the clients. They certainly brushed by the Hammer many times and the massage is excellent. I doubt she would have done anything extra if I asked although maybe for the right money but we were just looking for a good teaser for tonights festivities and they provided. 30, 000 pesos for a solid 65 minutes.

Nice and relaxing way to spend an hour.

In the apartment at night a fan and open window is great during the day when the sun is out and directed towards our side of the building its a little warm.

Also, is it just me or do the hot water heaters in these Latin Am. Countries amuse. This is one tiny little wall unit as big as a loaf of bread and the water moves through it and it instantly heats it. It is then directed towards the shower. Not as hot as our US model Water heaters get but good enough. Was in Nicarauga and the hotel we stayed at had this contraption on top of the shower pipe right before the head and it was an electrical thing with all these wires coming out. Just before the water exited the shower head it electrified it and become warm. Saw sparks and heard crackling sometimes. That has to have electrocuted some people.

11-05-11, 00:20
I have been secondary'ed at many airports, I have to travel a lot for work plus I have a lot of stamps in my passport and a beard, so yes it happens all the time.

I almost think you can learn about a country's culture through the experience, for example the Canadians cannot even feign severity, they are just too nice.

In Colombia international flights they are almost certainly going to rifle through your carry on and personal item, that is in the primary search. The secondary searches I've been through mostly consisted of a body scan and a series of questions. You go off into another room (in Cartagena it is up some stairs) and it doesn't take that long.

In the USA, it often consists of a second, more thorough search and can also mean going into a little office with an officer. I've always just been asked more specific questions about the purpose of my trip or whatever.

I would not bring back generic meds from Colombia, not because of the risk but because you can just order them straight to your home for a much cheaper price. Just order them and bring them with you, they never check much of anything coming in let alone that (nor do the Colombian authorities give a shit). Coming back you can either check them or just ditch your remaining supply.

More and more I think the focus is on big quantity smugglers of whatever substance and weapons / explosives, small time stuff does not get sweated unless officer hardass finds that marijuana seed in your jean pocket and just HAS to screw you over.Wilt.

I am curious is there anything in your past that shows up that causes you to be flagged?

My passport is full of stamps and I have traveled extensively for the last 35 years. I am missing the beard. Kidding.

Never have I been searched, or sent to secondary search in any country. I frequently carry meds purchased outside of the US, Cannabis seed stock or within Europe grass or hash.

I am not advising anyone to break laws, just relaying my experience.

John Gault's advice is golden. Simply 'tourism' is the best answer.

Reading thru the posts on this it appears most people talk way to much.

What I do is none of their business. IMHO there is no reason for a lengthy explanation.

Your right, customs has much bigger things to look for than our 'little boner' pills ect.


11-05-11, 00:34
I don't know the details, but I heard today that a few days ago a visiting Australian guy was shot, robbed and killed during an attempted kidnapping in Belin. If you are a visitor here, STAY ON THE BEATEN PATH!


11-05-11, 00:37
The cabbie from the airport told me to put my head down twice when a group of motos passed by. He said sometimes they see a tourist or gringo on the route from the airport in a taxi and will run the taxi off the road or to a stop and steal luggage et. I don't know how prevelant it is but I wasn't that worried.

11-05-11, 00:56
I don't know the details, but I heard today that a few days ago a visiting Australian guy was shot, robbed and killed during an attempted kidnapping in Belin. If you are a visitor here, STAY ON THE BEATEN PATH!

RelapseAussie Greg? The Australian dude who rents the apartments? Do you have a link to share with us? The killing of a gringo would have definitely made the front page of el Colombiano or similar and I don't see shit.. http://www.elcolombiano.com/

John Gault
11-05-11, 02:05
Heya Johnny G, speaking of your cup of tea, I've been on the ground running here in Medellin, met up with Lucky Eddy at the Mayo last night, had some good fun. Lucky is a cool cat.

Promised myself I wasn't going to fall in love on this trip, I've got too many "novias" between Brazil and Cali and Medellin already hahaha, but of course I met another angel last night. Downright beautiful.

Spent all last night with her, then today running around and hangin at the park with her and her hijo.

Oh well, you only live once, and I'm a quality over quantity type anyway.

Take care amigos, off and runnin'So you two guys were having a blast while I was suffering in Nicaragua. For a while I thought I was going to make it my secret place, but the terrible interstructure wore me down. Not a day without powere outs and internet down time and holes in the road where you think you may fall to China.

So Mr. Ricker did Lucky show you my roof top spot? Now that Sir is a secret to be kept from the unwashed masses. LOL.

Legal Tender
11-05-11, 18:28
I'm in Medellin for a while, and when I visit I try to take in a game of one of the two Medellin professional teams. One plays tonight. I highly recommend the experience. The energy and excitement of the fans is much more intense than what one experiences at an American professional game. It's a glimpse into Paisa intensity. And, of course, some of the hottest women on earth are in attendance.

Only good energy, amigos

11-05-11, 19:52
The Alamo was the only one in parque lleras that was showing the bears game last year.

I just called their. Some girl confirmed they're closed.

I asked her if she had any suggestions for this Monday night football & she couldn't help.

Any body have any other suggestions?

Thank you.

The Alamo Bar has closed and gone out of business. Didn't last very long maybe 7-8 months is all. I like the one in BA, a fun place to go and have a beer, watch a game.

11-05-11, 20:55
In case you haven't heard, stay away at night on Calle 53 (Av. De Grieff) & Carrera 53.

I was there around 9pm last night just leaning on the wall across the street from most of the action, just looking to see what 's what, sipping a mountain dew. I'm thinking:this ain't so bad.

There was a police vehicle sitting there with a cop standing beside it looking like he's waiting for instructions.

No more than 10 minutes after he left, two guys in their mid 20's walked by me. One of them mumbled something. I just shook my head no without looking at him.

They took about 15 steps then one pulled a knife out as they began to turn back.

I pulled against the wall, (not sure why; fight / flight?) the other guy said something & they continued the other way.

Maybe they decided that glass bottle in my hand was a bit of a field leveler.

As I walked across the street I realized I was holding the bottle like he was holding his knife.

Maybe if they had more than a knife, they may've gone thru with what they had in mind.

Took a hot little spinner (don't ask me her name) for 20k & got the fuck out of there.

As I got back to mayo area that now seemed safer, it started to hit me how bad that could've turned out. (it takes me a whole).

Nothing a few shots of agua ardiente couldn't help.

I don't know the details, but I heard today that a few days ago a visiting Australian guy was shot, robbed and killed during an attempted kidnapping in Belin. If you are a visitor here, STAY ON THE BEATEN PATH!


11-05-11, 20:59
Do you have the address? I can't seem to find it.


Went to a place this afternoon called Exclusively for Men. In MetroCentro Rio sur. Its a legit massage place and we were not looking for extras. Just a great massage and they provided. The girls that were in there were 20-25 and all smoking hot. The massage is completely nude for the clients. They certainly brushed by the Hammer many times and the massage is excellent. I doubt she would have done anything extra if I asked although maybe for the right money but we were just looking for a good teaser for tonights festivities and they provided. 30, 000 pesos for a solid 65 minutes.

Nice and relaxing way to spend an hour.

In the apartment at night a fan and open window is great during the day when the sun is out and directed towards our side of the building its a little warm.

Also, is it just me or do the hot water heaters in these Latin Am. Countries amuse. This is one tiny little wall unit as big as a loaf of bread and the water moves through it and it instantly heats it. It is then directed towards the shower. Not as hot as our US model Water heaters get but good enough. Was in Nicarauga and the hotel we stayed at had this contraption on top of the shower pipe right before the head and it was an electrical thing with all these wires coming out. Just before the water exited the shower head it electrified it and become warm. Saw sparks and heard crackling sometimes. That has to have electrocuted some people.

Aussie Greg
11-05-11, 22:10

I was attending games at the stadium when all you gringos were to scared to go!

The DIM tv show even came to the old Medellin Mansion to inverview me with the DIM logo in my swimming pool.

I attended a game here in Cali last Wednesday night to see my beloved DIM "Medellin rojos" play Calias America.

I left just before injury time losing 1 nil. Well after I left we scored 2 goals in injury time and ended up winning 2. 1

The poor Calinas! Who were signing all night Paisa Putas! Which I agree with, there all putas!

Aussie Greg.

P. S. How about another Casa Blanca Cali!

I'm in Medellin for a while, and when I visit I try to take in a game of one of the two Medellin professional teams. One plays tonight. I highly recommend the experience. The energy and excitement of the fans is much more intense than what one experiences at an American professional game. It's a glimpse into Paisa intensity. And, of course, some of the hottest women on earth are in attendance.

Only good energy, amigos

Aussie Greg
11-05-11, 22:15
You should know mate, you have been robbed/drugged and nearly all other gringos living in Medellin and Colombia.
Every Colombian that I know have been robbed at gunpoint.
My lattest girlfriend was attacked after she got off a bus, left on the strret for a couple of hours before a person found her and called the police and she spent two nights in hospital. She asked me to buy her another telephone and I said fuck you, youll get robbed again !!

A. G.

I don't know the details, but I heard today that a few days ago a visiting Australian guy was shot, robbed and killed during an attempted kidnapping in Belin. If you are a visitor here, STAY ON THE BEATEN PATH!


Aussie Greg
11-05-11, 22:28
Druggy, more and more westerners are coming here for drugs, pitty.


Took some guys around last night to help them find what they were looking for. They wanted to party so we went to a cool party area and after a good buzz was on we locked on to these hippy rock and roll party girls. Good times!

11-05-11, 23:20
Not the greatest night last night. First off the taxis have no idea where they are going. Easily spent 2 hours of the night driving in circles and I had the directions for each place we went to written down. First was a resteraunt in Palms Mall. Had the address dude had no idea where to go. I asked him please call the resteraunt (which I had the number) and he refused to use his cell. Instead he just drove around and tried to find it.

Second we took a cab from there and tried to stop by the Medellin Mansion. Two different takis couldn't find it and I had the address. Not the phone number though. Horrible.

Finally gave up on trying to find the mansion and went to San Diego Strip club. Not great. No cover but a three beer minimum. Had one beer paid for 3 and left.

Next stop Luna Lunera. My favorite back in the day. $10, 000 peso cover. 4 beer minimum per person. Four beers totaled. 55, 000 pesos. I asked why they said they had a promotion at midnight a lesbian show. The place was packed. Ofcourse being from the US every strip club has a lesbian show although its not really a show its just a normal thing. So I was not impressed. Found a nice spinner there. Sat with her in a booth and she fired up a joint. She wasnt the only one smoking in the club out in the open. Interesting. Ordered a bottle of tequila 185, 000 for Cuervo 1800 wayyy over priced but my buddy and I wanted to get drunk. Waited untill 2 am as she said if we waited untill her and her friend were off work we wouldn't have to pay the $150, 000 exit fee. Sat and waited 2:00 came her and her friend got dressed and we arranged to meet them a block up the street. Five minutes later she came back and said the boss wouldn't let her leave, so we ended up paying 300, 000 for her and that included the exit fee. My friend paid the same for his. It was for TLN and at this point I was pretty hammered. Decided to stop by the casino on the way back to the Apt. Proceeded to lose 2, 000, 000 pesos in about 15 minutes. Pissed we left went back to the Apartment did the deed twice and she left at 8am. Not a bad night but It gets very tiring paying these ridiculous prices down here. Are all the patrons in the club paying the cover and the high beer prices. I guess so. I don't go to the casas or the one hour love hotels, so I just really don't see any other way to avoid it down here. If anyone has any advice other than the obvious which would be go to a room in the club for 30 minutes or go to a cheaper club (with less quality) or go to Mayorista let me know. I would be happy to hear it. Thanks!

The Tall Man
11-05-11, 23:28
Not the greatest night last night. First off the taxis have no idea where they are going. Easily spent 2 hours of the night driving in circles and I had the directions for each place we went to written down. First was a resteraunt in Palms Mall. Had the address dude had no idea where to go. I asked him please call the resteraunt (which I had the number) and he refused to use his cell. Instead he just drove around and tried to find it.

Second we took a cab from there and tried to stop by the Medellin Mansion. Two different takis couldn't find it and I had the address. Not the phone number though. Horrible.

Finally gave up on trying to find the mansion and went to San Diego Strip club. Not great. No cover but a three beer minimum. Had one beer paid for 3 and left.

Next stop Luna Lunera. My favorite back in the day. $10, 000 peso cover. 4 beer minimum per person. Four beers totaled. 55, 000 pesos. I asked why they said they had a promotion at midnight a lesbian show. The place was packed. Ofcourse being from the US every strip club has a lesbian show although its not really a show its just a normal thing. So I was not impressed. Found a nice spinner there. Sat with her in a booth and she fired up a joint. She wasnt the only one smoking in the club out in the open. Interesting. Ordered a bottle of tequila 185, 000 for Cuervo 1800 wayyy over priced but my buddy and I wanted to get drunk. Waited untill 2 am as she said if we waited untill her and her friend were off work we wouldn't have to pay the $150, 000 exit fee. Sat and waited 2:00 came her and her friend got dressed and we arranged to meet them a block up the street. Five minutes later she came back and said the boss wouldn't let her leave, so we ended up paying 300, 000 for her and that included the exit fee. My friend paid the same for his. It was for TLN and at this point I was pretty hammered. Decided to stop by the casino on the way back to the Apt. Proceeded to lose 2, 000, 000 pesos in about 15 minutes. Pissed we left went back to the Apartment did the deed twice and she left at 8am. Not a bad night but It gets very tiring paying these ridiculous prices down here. Are all the patrons in the club paying the cover and the high beer prices. I guess so. I don't go to the casas or the one hour love hotels, so I just really don't see any other way to avoid it down here. If anyone has any advice other than the obvious which would be go to a room in the club for 30 minutes or go to a cheaper club (with less quality) or go to Mayorista let me know. I would be happy to hear it. Thanks!Mfins. Dude, you've got that kind of bucks to blow on CO pussy and the casinos down there, damn where did I go wrong in my career choice. Urrrrrrrrr!

Member #4244
11-06-11, 00:30
MFins, if you're buying bottle service and gambling a thousand bucks at these bullshit little tables at the casinos here, I think you know where to start in saving money LOL.

At the Centro strip joints you should not pay a dime over 200K TLN including multa. SW 100K, including Mayo. Elsewhere, best bet is to make plans with the girls away from work.

The beers and covers and shit, I don't know, I guess SD has a cover now. Fase II has a cover. Those are inevitable. I have never been charged a cover anywhere else. How much were the beers? Standard is like 5K per beer and 10K for chica's drinks, that seems to be a standard in some other cities as well.

11-06-11, 02:10
There were no chica drinks to be bought at luna although my chica never asked for one and the Musera didn't pressure. So I don't know.

It was rougly $7. 50 a beer. And the minimum was four at a time. Its just hard for me to believe these other patrons are buying this. Unless they are just buying a bottle of Aguadiente and nursing it all night.

Calling an old stand by tonight and going for dinner and drinks. She won't ask for money just some chips in the casino although that may cost me more in the long run.

At least for the first night The quality here wasnt worth the price.

11-06-11, 02:38
At least for the first night The quality here wasnt worth the price.Used to be. Try negotiating a little more if you're into it but you definitely have the C. R. High Roller mentality. A lot of the hotter prepagos have moved "underground" and work on referrals and are the friends of friends and friend of other prepagos who are trying to make some extra money for their kids, school or Christmas.

Next p4p you get with who's HOT ask her if she has any friends who need money. All of them will say yesss! But make sure you tell her that her friend must be amazing as well and to not disappoint you!

I wasn't aware you could just "stop by" the Mansion anyways unless you know boyd, the aussie or Medellin bob.

11-06-11, 04:01
Not the greatest night last night. First off the taxis have no idea where they are going. Easily spent 2 hours of the night driving in circles and I had the directions for each place we went to written down. First was a resteraunt in Palms Mall. Had the address dude had no idea where to go. I asked him please call the resteraunt (which I had the number) and he refused to use his cell. Instead he just drove around and tried to find it.

Second we took a cab from there and tried to stop by the Medellin Mansion. Two different takis couldn't find it and I had the address. Not the phone number though. Horrible.

Finally gave up on trying to find the mansion and went to San Diego Strip club. Not great. No cover but a three beer minimum. Had one beer paid for 3 and left.

Next stop Luna Lunera. My favorite back in the day. $10, 000 peso cover. 4 beer minimum per person. Four beers totaled. 55, 000 pesos. I asked why they said they had a promotion at midnight a lesbian show. The place was packed. Ofcourse being from the US every strip club has a lesbian show although its not really a show its just a normal thing. So I was not impressed. Found a nice spinner there. Sat with her in a booth and she fired up a joint. She wasnt the only one smoking in the club out in the open. Interesting. Ordered a bottle of tequila 185, 000 for Cuervo 1800 wayyy over priced but my buddy and I wanted to get drunk. Waited untill 2 am as she said if we waited untill her and her friend were off work we wouldn't have to pay the $150, 000 exit fee. Sat and waited 2:00 came her and her friend got dressed and we arranged to meet them a block up the street. Five minutes later she came back and said the boss wouldn't let her leave, so we ended up paying 300, 000 for her and that included the exit fee. My friend paid the same for his. It was for TLN and at this point I was pretty hammered. Decided to stop by the casino on the way back to the Apt. Proceeded to lose 2, 000, 000 pesos in about 15 minutes. Pissed we left went back to the Apartment did the deed twice and she left at 8am. Not a bad night but It gets very tiring paying these ridiculous prices down here. Are all the patrons in the club paying the cover and the high beer prices. I guess so. I don't go to the casas or the one hour love hotels, so I just really don't see any other way to avoid it down here. If anyone has any advice other than the obvious which would be go to a room in the club for 30 minutes or go to a cheaper club (with less quality) or go to Mayorista let me know. I would be happy to hear it. Thanks!Let me see if I got this right. You paid 300. 000 for a girl which you think the price is too high, I agree but she would never be free so lets say 125. 000 would be a fair price. That's 175. 000 more than what we both agree would be a fair price. But you went to a casino and let them thieving bastards take you for 2. 000. 000 and you're complaining about the price of the girl? If you bounced from the casino after the first five minutes down 500. 000 you would have been much better off amigo. I live five minutes from two of the largest casinos in the world and never step foot in either one of them, now I know why. I'd rather spend it on pussy.

Legal Tender
11-06-11, 05:41
I'm in Medellin for a while, and when I visit I try to take in a game of one of the two Medellin professional teams. One plays tonight. I highly recommend the experience. The energy and excitement of the fans is much more intense than what one experiences at an American professional game. It's a glimpse into Paisa intensity. And, of course, some of the hottest women on earth are in attendance.

Only good energy, amigosGame is Sunday - 11-6

11-06-11, 05:42
Has anyone here checked out the Envy rooftop bar @ The Charlee hotel in Medellin? Seems like it could be a great party with good music and a beautiful crowd, but I could be completely off. Is it a good spot to meet some of the hotter girls in Medellin?

11-06-11, 08:08
Let me see if I got this right. You paid 300. 000 for a girl which you think the price is too high, I agree but she would never be free so lets say 125. 000 would be a fair price. That's 175. 000 more than what we both agree would be a fair price. But you went to a casino and let them thieving bastards take you for 2. 000. 000 and you're complaining about the price of the girl? If you bounced from the casino after the first five minutes down 500. 000 you would have been much better off amigo. I live five minutes from two of the largest casinos in the world and never step foot in either one of them, now I know why. I'd rather spend it on pussy.Yeah when I read that report, something didn't add up, LOL. First of all, it's not good to gamble when you're really hammered; last time I hung out with my buddy (in the casino in Oviedo mall) who likes to gamble, he left the place with over a million pesos in winnings after playing for about an hour. He only had a few drinks although he got totally destroyed later that night, LOL. It really shouldn't be too hard to make some money in these casinos; most of the locals aren't good gamblers when it comes to the poker table, and even if you don't win big, it should be almost impossible to lose by that much (which is crazy because it could mark you in that venue as an easy target or for a potential robbery, makes you look like a big spender / sucker). I have a funny feeling this guy was scammed both at the poker table and in the club (luna lunera) ; the girl gave him some bs story, it may even never have been her intention to let him leave without paying the salida.

When the story changes at the last minute, you got to hold your ground (and your pride) and just say no problema llamame manana (no problem, call me tomorrow). See if you can arrange a daytime meeting. Once she realizes you're not an easy mark, she'll either eject or compromise; either way it's to your advantage, if she ejects, then you know right then it wouldn't have been that good of a session anyway.

Chocha Monger
11-06-11, 19:07
Druggy, more and more westerners are coming here for drugs, pitty.

A. G.Aussie,

Thanks to the internet and perceptions that Colombia is now as safe as Costa Rica due to setbacks suffered by the insurgency, you can expect a lot more Western hippie types showing up in your neighborhood looking for cheap cocaine and flea ridden street-stalkers. What is the Mansion's policy on the admission of guests who are dope fiends?

11-06-11, 19:41
Not the greatest night last night. First off the taxis have no idea where they are going. Easily spent 2 hours of the night driving in circles and I had the directions for each place we went to written down. First was a resteraunt in Palms Mall. Had the address dude had no idea where to go. I asked him please call the resteraunt (which I had the number) and he refused to use his cell. Instead he just drove around and tried to find it.

Second we took a cab from there and tried to stop by the Medellin Mansion. Two different takis couldn't find it and I had the address. Not the phone number though. Horrible.

Finally gave up on trying to find the mansion and went to San Diego Strip club. Not great. No cover but a three beer minimum. Had one beer paid for 3 and left.

Next stop Luna Lunera. My favorite back in the day. $10, 000 peso cover. 4 beer minimum per person. Four beers totaled. 55, 000 pesos. I asked why they said they had a promotion at midnight a lesbian show. The place was packed. Ofcourse being from the US every strip club has a lesbian show although its not really a show its just a normal thing. So I was not impressed. Found a nice spinner there. Sat with her in a booth and she fired up a joint. She wasnt the only one smoking in the club out in the open. Interesting. Ordered a bottle of tequila 185, 000 for Cuervo 1800 wayyy over priced but my buddy and I wanted to get drunk. Waited untill 2 am as she said if we waited untill her and her friend were off work we wouldn't have to pay the $150, 000 exit fee. Sat and waited 2:00 came her and her friend got dressed and we arranged to meet them a block up the street. Five minutes later she came back and said the boss wouldn't let her leave, so we ended up paying 300, 000 for her and that included the exit fee. My friend paid the same for his. It was for TLN and at this point I was pretty hammered. Decided to stop by the casino on the way back to the Apt. Proceeded to lose 2, 000, 000 pesos in about 15 minutes. Pissed we left went back to the Apartment did the deed twice and she left at 8am. Not a bad night but It gets very tiring paying these ridiculous prices down here. Are all the patrons in the club paying the cover and the high beer prices. I guess so. I don't go to the casas or the one hour love hotels, so I just really don't see any other way to avoid it down here. If anyone has any advice other than the obvious which would be go to a room in the club for 30 minutes or go to a cheaper club (with less quality) or go to Mayorista let me know. I would be happy to hear it. Thanks!Really?

Advice: meet chicas (wherever) , bond, be nice, get their digits, call them later, waaaah-laaaah, good times, easy pricing.

I'm now in Medellin, not even actively seeking new chicas, but you just can't help it, so many sweethearts, so little time, only one pene haha.

No reason at all to play the fool, plenty of chicas looking to please on the side.

Good luck

11-06-11, 19:58
So you two guys were having a blast while I was suffering in Nicaragua. For a while I thought I was going to make it my secret place, but the terrible interstructure wore me down. Not a day without powere outs and internet down time and holes in the road where you think you may fall to China.

So Mr. Ricker did Lucky show you my roof top spot? Now that Sir is a secret to be kept from the unwashed masses. LOL.Sorry to hear about your Nica troubles senor JG.

I have fond memories of Central America, but have moved south these days.

Nope, Lucky didn't give up your secret roof top spot, but we had a blast.

I met a real beauty at the Mayo, had to break her in haha.

Interesting girl as she turns down at least 80-90 percent of guys that approach her.

I got my foot in the door with a box of chocolates, and then won her with the charm. Though I'm usually a sapo, I had a good carma goin' on that night haha

Now she runs to me when she sees me and spend a few hours together.

Met another sweetheart last night, offered her some dinner, we sat and chatted, showed her my "nice guy" face, and then she killed me with love and carino for a couple hours.

All in all, a great time in Medellin. Leaving soon for my hideout in Brazil. Maybe one-day I'll let you in on the not-so-traveled hideaway, but definitely not for the masses as you say haha.

I've seen and met plenty of other gringos on this viaje to Medellin.

Some cool dudes and some some not, and a few real "strangeoooos".

I've actually had guys come up to me and ask me how I got this chica or that chica to sit and talk with me or leave with me.

It's really not that difficult, it's just simply being nice to them, really. Treat them like a human being, a sweet young girl, make them laugh, have them feel comfortable.

Huge difference between a 20 minute boom boom session and a 2-3 hour love session, which is what you'll get with just a little personality, and the price between the 2 is not that great.

Good luck amigos ..

11-06-11, 20:03
You should know mate, you have been robbed / drugged and nearly all other gringos living in Medellin and Colombia.

Every Colombian that I know have been robbed at gunpoint.

My lattest girlfriend was attacked after she got off a bus, left on the strret for a couple of hours before a person found her and called the police and she spent two nights in hospital. She asked me to buy her another telephone and I said fuck you, youll get robbed again!

A. G.Fortunately, only robbed at my condo, Plaza Alejandria. Yes, you are correct, everyone of us who live here have at one time or another been robbed, drugged or both. A little funny, fortunately no one was hurt, but a few guys have been robbed up to 4 or 5 times.

Hope all is well!


11-06-11, 21:03
Fortunately, only robbed at my condo, Plaza Alejandria. Yes, you are correct, everyone of us who live here have at one time or another been robbed, drugged or both. A little funny, fortunately no one was hurt, but a few guys have been robbed up to 4 or 5 times.

Hope all is well!

RelapseI read with interest about this muggings and being drugged.

Are these situations of being in the wrong place looking for women?

Going to the market in the daytime?

Home or apartment invasions?

Being flashy, riding public transportation?

I don't consider myself a lucky person, but have been to Brazil, Cartagena, Colombian, Mexico, Jamacai, Thailand and a few others and never been mugged, or drugged, yet enjoying the night life in these said countries, what's going on in Medellin that is so different?

I ask since I will be there for a month next year, and it won't frighten me off from coming, but could some of these incidents been avoided?

Just a open question no insults intended


11-06-11, 23:01
I read with interest about this muggings and being drugged.

Are these situations of being in the wrong place looking for women?

Going to the market in the daytime?

Home or apartment invasions?

Being flashy, riding public transportation?

I don't consider myself a lucky person, but have been to Brazil, Cartagena, Colombian, Mexico, Jamacai, Thailand and a few others and never been mugged, or drugged, yet enjoying the night life in these said countries, what's going on in Medellin that is so different?

I ask since I will be there for a month next year, and it won't frighten me off from coming, but could some of these incidents been avoided?

Just a open question no insults intended


Colombia is a wonderful country with many, many fine, wonderful people. There is though a small level of indigenous rif-raf here who will jump at any opportunity to get a buck. My case, I happened 2. 5 years ago. I had lived at Plaza Alejandria 3 years. One night my door bell rang and without looking out the door's security hole or realizing the Porteros had not called me, I opened my door. Well damn, I was greeted by 3 Colombians with pistols pointed at me. Had it just been 3 Colombians we'd had a hell of a brawl, but being a gun nut myself and realizing I was instantly out gunned, I just said Howdy! The only comfort I had was I had heard Colombian burglers weren't violent. They just wished to take things and depart. When they found my cell phone I spoke up and told them I needed my sim card. I'll be damn they took the sim card out of my phone and laid it on a table. The whole episode cost me $7, 500. Dollars, and 2 new Porteros got fired.

No, one doesn't judge a country by a few assholes. Hell, my business in Kentucky was robbed twice and my house once. Realize though, we are Gringos or nonindigenous rif-raf, and we do stick put like the perverbial sore thumb.


Aussie Greg
11-07-11, 00:13
Mansion policy? Well when I'm there anyway.

I'll call the drug squad with there sniffer dogs if I find out if there is any dugs are on my property.

I get a high out of life, poor bastards who need extra shit to help themselves.

A. G.

QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1214435]Aussie,

Thanks to the internet and perceptions that Colombia is now as safe as Costa Rica due to setbacks suffered by the insurgency, you can expect a lot more Western hippie types showing up in your neighborhood looking for cheap cocaine and flea ridden street-stalkers. What is the Mansion's policy on the admission of guests who are dope fiends?[/QUOTE]

11-07-11, 02:37
Let me see if I got this right. You paid 300. 000 for a girl which you think the price is too high, I agree but she would never be free so lets say 125. 000 would be a fair price. That's 175. 000 more than what we both agree would be a fair price. But you went to a casino and let them thieving bastards take you for 2. 000. 000 and you're complaining about the price of the girl? If you bounced from the casino after the first five minutes down 500. 000 you would have been much better off amigo. I live five minutes from two of the largest casinos in the world and never step foot in either one of them, now I know why. I'd rather spend it on pussy.It wasn't the chica price that bothered me it was more the idiot taxistas and the ridiculous drink prices. 300, 000 for TLN is fine. However also getting the run around and waiting for her to get off work for a cheaper price only to be told when the time came for her to leave that she couldn't was annoying.

11-07-11, 02:44
Yeah when I read that report, something didn't add up, LOL. First of all, it's not good to gamble when you're really hammered; last time I hung out with my buddy (in the casino in Oviedo mall) who likes to gamble, he left the place with over a million pesos in winnings after playing for about an hour. He only had a few drinks although he got totally destroyed later that night, LOL. It really shouldn't be too hard to make some money in these casinos; most of the locals aren't good gamblers when it comes to the poker table, and even if you don't win big, it should be almost impossible to lose by that much (which is crazy because it could mark you in that venue as an easy target or for a potential robbery, makes you look like a big spender / sucker). I have a funny feeling this guy was scammed both at the poker table and in the club (luna lunera) ; the girl gave him some bs story, it may even never have been her intention to let him leave without paying the salida.

When the story changes at the last minute, you got to hold your ground (and your pride) and just say no problema llamame manana (no problem, call me tomorrow). See if you can arrange a daytime meeting. Once she realizes you're not an easy mark, she'll either eject or compromise; either way it's to your advantage, if she ejects, then you know right then it wouldn't have been that good of a session anyway.I think you are interperiting my post wrong or maybe it comes across wrong the way I wrote it. No one scammed me. (although maybe the price of the drinks) I lost in the casino. It happens thats not the issue. I enjoy playing and do it when I am on Vacation. Sometimes I win. More often than not I lose. I play black jack.

The girl gave a good session. It was just the total hassle of everything. Taxis et. Then the switcheroo with the price. I had already invested my night into this girl and wasnt going to go home to my hand. I agree if I didn't care one way or the other I would have just played hard ball but I wanted to bang this girl.

The hassle of the night and the cost wasnt worth it for the quality available. I guess thats my point.

11-07-11, 02:51
Saturday Night had a better night with my old stand by. I went to Face dos with her and my buddy. Some hotties but still wasnt great quality. Drinks were actually reasonable. My buddy took one out of the club.

Went to San Diego again. Better quality fun time.

Did not go back to Luna Lunera.

Will never get used to leaving the Medellin airport. Long lines huge security got pulled into a room and had two drug dogs sniff everything except my balls. Took an hour or more.

Only went to MDE for 3 days so maybe some of you guys who go and stay longer its not as bad but, I really find Medellin a little on the difficult side.

11-07-11, 02:53
One more thing. We called Medellin Mansion Sat night as we wanted to stop by check the place out and see if there were any girls hanging around like I have read on the forums.

Was told by the Security Guard who answered the phone that unless I was staying at the hotel I could not go in. I didn't know that was the policy but I certainly Understand it.

11-07-11, 03:14
One more thing. We called Medellin Mansion Sat night as we wanted to stop by check the place out and see if there were any girls hanging around like I have read on the forums.

Was told by the Security Guard who answered the phone that unless I was staying at the hotel I could not go in. I didn't know that was the policy but I certainly Understand it.Mfins: You been around long enough to know an FOR ALL THE NEWBIES. If you are not staying at CB or MM or what ever you are calling it YOU CAN"T CAN'T CAN'T go and steal their chicks!

I know I tried to to hop the fence and they sicked the DOGS on me!


Aussie Greg
11-07-11, 19:25
Hotel policy.

Yes we can show non guests around but only during office hours of 10. 00am and 4. 00pm Mon to Frid, please call first for appointment as Alexa is always busy.

As for sticking the dogs onto you, no, only me! Ja ja ja.

A. G.

Mfins: You been around long enough to know an FOR ALL THE NEWBIES. If you are not staying at CB or MM or what ever you are calling it YOU CAN"T CAN'T CAN'T go and steal their chicks!

I know I tried to to hop the fence and they sicked the DOGS on me!


11-07-11, 19:30
You should know mate, you have been robbed / drugged and nearly all other gringos living in Medellin and Colombia.

Every Colombian that I know have been robbed at gunpoint.

My lattest girlfriend was attacked after she got off a bus, left on the strret for a couple of hours before a person found her and called the police and she spent two nights in hospital. She asked me to buy her another telephone and I said fuck you, youll get robbed again!

A. G.I know that the obvious correct reaction to being robbed at gun point is to surrender your money and valuables. However, there may be situations where self defense skills would be desirable to know. There are situations where fighting back may be the best option. I would recommend anyone to get basic self defense training such as Krav Maga. We have an excellent school (not Krav Maga) in my area, that is solely how to repel an attacker. It is NOT kung-fu mystical nonsense, but just the nitty gritty basics of survival:




11-07-11, 20:01
Hotel policy.

Yes we can show non guests around but only during office hours of 10. 00am and 4. 00pm Mon to Frid, please call first for appointment as Alexa is always busy.

As for sticking the dogs onto you, no, only me! Ja ja ja.

A. G.What you talking about? I still have a dog tooth in my butt from when you "released the hounds on me"!



I stand corrected. But the girls are not there at that time correct or the visitors can't take the girls? Or can they? I'd imagine the main draw for a non guest / visitor would be the girls and not so much the decorations.

For example if I wanted to come and scoop a chick during office hours that would be a no correct?

Member #4394
11-08-11, 03:34
Just curious, in what situations would fighting back be better than let money be robbed? Thanks.

I know that the obvious correct reaction to being robbed at gun point is to surrender your money and valuables. However, there may be situations where self defense skills would be desirable to know. There are situations where fighting back may be the best option. I would recommend anyone to get basic self defense training such as Krav Maga. We have an excellent school (not Krav Maga) in my area, that is solely how to repel an attacker. It is NOT kung-fu mystical nonsense, but just the nitty gritty basics of survival:




11-08-11, 06:56
Mansion policy? Well when I'm there anyway.

I'll call the drug squad with there sniffer dogs if I find out if there is any dugs are on my property.

I get a high out of life, poor bastards who need extra shit to help themselves.

A. G.

QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1214435]Aussie,

Thanks to the internet and perceptions that Colombia is now as safe as Costa Rica due to setbacks suffered by the insurgency, you can expect a lot more Western hippie types showing up in your neighborhood looking for cheap cocaine and flea ridden street-stalkers. What is the Mansion's policy on the admission of guests who are dope fiends?[/QUOTE]Got to call Bullshit on this one. What you call being high on line is being a lush, and a mean one at that. No problem with not wanting to keep illegal drugs off your property, but I personally witnessed you being an asshole to several people while drunk. Save us the "high on life" sanctamoneous bullshit. I love your place, but you treat people like shit-thank god for Boyd and Robert. Many of us stay in spite of you, not because of you.

11-08-11, 07:15
The Alamo was the only one in parque lleras that was showing the bears game last year.

I just called their. Some girl confirmed they're closed.

I asked her if she had any suggestions for this Monday night football & she couldn't help.

Any body have any other suggestions?

Thank you.There is a Hostel across from the Crepes and Waffles in zona rosa that has direct tv and shows all the games. They only have 4 tvs one being a big screen but if you ask them they will put any game on you want. They have the NFL package. I don't remember the name but its a really nice Hostel in a very nice area

11-08-11, 09:11
Just curious, in what situations would fighting back be better than let money be robbed? Thanks.Just a wild guess but it would probably NOT be better to fight back when you open your apartment door and 3 colombian guys are pointing guns at you, LOL! Just goes to show you can never truly let your guard down; if I'm an apartment owner or renter in MDE or some other colombian city, you better be on good first-name terms with your porteros and remember anytime there's a change in the routine at the front desk, like a new portero, there's an opportunity for trouble. If you're going to stay in MDE for awhile, you've got to be on top of that. There's a saying down there that goes like "papaya dada, papaya partida"; it's hard to translate but what it really means is if you make yourself an easy target, it's like someone MUST take advantage of you. Basically, this country works on the reverse of the Golden Rule, LOL!

11-08-11, 14:48
I know that the obvious correct reaction to being robbed at gun point is to surrender your money and valuables. However, there may be situations where self defense skills would be desirable to know. There are situations where fighting back may be the best option. I would recommend anyone to get basic self defense training such as Krav Maga. We have an excellent school (not Krav Maga) in my area, that is solely how to repel an attacker. It is NOT kung-fu mystical nonsense, but just the nitty gritty basics of survival:



http://youtu.be/NYjk4H-_eU4Extremely bad advise in my opinion. I can't think of any situation where fighting back is the BEST option. In a third world country such as Colombia life is very cheap and a thief with a weapon won't hesitate to use it because the likelihood of getting caught and thrown in prison is slim.

Hasideas Tao
11-08-11, 16:58
i know that the obvious correct reaction to being robbed at gun point is to surrender your money and valuables. however, there may be situations where self defense skills would be desirable to know. there are situations where fighting back may be the best option. i would recommend anyone to get basic self defense training such as krav maga. we have an excellent school (not krav maga) in my area, that is solely how to repel an attacker. it is not kung-fu mystical nonsense, but just the nitty gritty basics of survival:how is this for self defense. i am not a fighter so i try to utilize non violent strategies. here goes:

this took a little while to get used to but now it has become second nature.

i leave a nice chunk of change in my hotel safe. because i know i will likely need it if and when i bring home company.

then i keep a copy of my i'd, maybe one credit card / atm card, large bills and my room key in my wallet. that goes in my sock.

in my right hand pocket, i have all my coins and small bills for taxi, tips and drinks. never much more than 20k.

in my left pocket i keep only a few 20k bills, a vitamin a condon and a little one shot packet of lube.

so my strategy is like this; when in the game, on the playing field, loading my bases, psyching out my opponent, my hand only goes into my right hand pocket. all my tools for leveraging my power are in my right hand. when the pressure is on, no fumbling through all those damn zeros they put on all their money. this goes for dancers, street vendors, taxis, and also holds true for a mugging. right hand pocket would get emptied onto the floor. with loose change and bills rep001tering and i would disappear like batman in a puff of smoke.

any time i need more cash, i can easily pull a 20k out of my left pocket because i know exactly what is there without even looking. if i need any more that that, i will either pretend i don't have it or excuse myself to a private area which also proves beneficial for negotiations. (don't forget, as horny as you may be, they are even more hungry. so, making them wait for you is invaluable)

i would like to add, i often carry a camera as well as a cell phone. in such cases i may use a little camera case like for a point and shoot. mine has several pockets for hiding all sorts of good stuff. i loop it through my belt, kind of on the back of my hip and then it is easily concealed under my shirt.

so, now that you all know my secrets, please don't mug me. in the most unexpected moments, things can get confusing and intense. i hope this helps some dudes to be prepared. i welcome any comments and constructive criticisms.

safety, peace and fun!

11-08-11, 17:00
there may be situations where self defense skills would be desirable to know. There are situations where fighting back may be the best option.Yo have two chances of survival when being robbed at gunpoint: 'slim and none'. Man. I miss this man.

Mr Gogo
11-08-11, 18:02
I always carry a photocopy (I have three) of my passport. I also take just enough money for drinks, taxis, and food (120usd) a nigt. I wear a fifty dollar watch (good watch is in safe). I have my 20usd Colombian phone (iphone is in safe). I don't wear jewelry of designer clothes. I don't fuck outside my condo, if I see something I like I exchange numbers and bring them to my place later. My doorman knows I walk the girls up and out later. Everything goes in the safe except for the money I will give her later. Don't let her fix you a drink. Hide your laptop until you finish fucking and arent sleeping. When confornted with a robber with a gun or knife, do as they say. You want them to fell comfortable so they don't shoot you. One hesitant moment or smart word can set them off. If they want my 20 dollar phone and cheap watch and a few dollars, they can have it. I'm not trying to go home in a body bag. Just look at it as a donation to charity.

In our game its not just the dudes that will rob you, the girls are part of the setup also.

11-08-11, 19:43
Just curious, in what situations would fighting back be better than let money be robbed? Thanks.Matt,

Maybe you didn't read my qualifier. If they have a gun or knife, I am handing it all over. If it is some pinche cholo, I will beat the little fuck down.

11-08-11, 23:45
A knife you can run from, sometimes. A gun, not so much. The one time I had a knife pulled on me, the guy pulled it just a little too soon, maybe 6-8 feet instead of the recommended 3 or 4 feet, and I turned and ran. Most low lifes aren't in very good shape. Was it the right thing to do? I don't know; I just reacted. In general everyone says,"Well, if someone does X, I will do Y." Maybe, but if no one has ever done X to you it's hard to say how you will respond.

Medellνn is the only place I have ever been successfully robbed, if you want to call dislocating my jaw to steal 1700 pesos "successful." Maybe ten days later, two guys messed with me right downtown in broad daylight with the cops watching, and I resisted, and the cops did nothing and then threatened to arrest me for "excessive use of force against a Colombian citizen." Translation: we want a bribe. Also got scammed by a taxista who then called the cops on me. All of this in five weeks. I have been to 30 countries and Medellνn is, in my opinion, the most dangerous place I have been.

Nice weather, though.

11-09-11, 00:07
Nice weather, though.I believe you're not in Medellin right now. Caught the metro back to Mayo from Parque Berrio, intended to disembark at station Ayura and it was raining like there was no tomorrow the past two days. But the thing was I truly believed the metro skipped Ayura and proceeded to stop only at the next station, Envigado. Or was it me that missed a station given that I was a little tired? So obviously I had to go a U-turn.

Member #4394
11-09-11, 01:05
Sounds prudent. I hope I am reading right this time. Thanks.


Maybe you didn't read my qualifier. If they have a gun or knife, I am handing it all over. If it is some pinche cholo, I will beat the little fuck down.

John Gault
11-09-11, 15:22
I believe you're not in Medellin right now. Caught the metro back to Mayo from Parque Berrio, intended to disembark at station Ayura and it was raining like there was no tomorrow the past two days. But the thing was I truly believed the metro skipped Ayura and proceeded to stop only at the next station, Envigado. Or was it me that missed a station given that I was a little tired? So obviously I had to go a U-turn.At rush hour some of the trains blow right by Ayura, and then stop at Envigado. The first time it happened to me I also thought it was my fault. I'm sure they announce it as the train is pulling up to where you get on, but you need decent Spanish to understand the loudspeaker.

11-09-11, 17:59
'Business' seemingly remains excellent for Porn Star even though she apparently just picked up another 5 lbs after another every time I saw her. In one of the nights I was at Mayo, I witnessed, with an amazement, that at least 3 guys picked her up within a span of 2 hours. Man. She looks really heavy now. But still hot compared to a majority of girls there in some particularly slow night.

More and more gorditas show up to parade up and down the Mayo sidewalk. A few priced $20K / 30min as I walked by them. They're just not my type.

I picked up a dead fish in one night. Look 7, body 7, and she was exactly my type for those of you that know me. Paid her $20K / 30min after the sex and bye bye.

Last night was particularly exceptional. More girls than guys. Spotted 3 chicas above 7 but did not pick up anyone because I had TLN with 2 non-pros, one new and one favorite, one on each night, on 2 consecutive nights and was exhausted. Only wanted to check out the scene. A few decent chicas (6 or 7) walked by me and demanded $30K for ONE HOUR. I asked them again to confirm and yes, gentlemen, $30K PESOS FOR ONE HOUR. I thought they must have had a SALE going on. JAJAJAJAJA.

I saw a table of 3 or maybe 4 gringos in front of hotel Los Cristales next to hotel Cielo Azul. If they were one or all of you, I salute you. I was standing close to the street and watching how they were operating. I did not see any of them leave with a chica. Wondered why. Very strange.

And Matt. Los Cristales is the hotel next to Cielo Azul, not La Amistad. But I think you and I are the only ones that want to remember these names. Strange again.

Also seen, just like many times before, was another group of 3 good-looking and very young gringos. What in the world were they doing in Mayo, again I thought.

A Colombian guy- better looking than most Colombianos there, from Manizales approached me and asked how much one chica cost. Was informed this was his first time in Mayo. I told him $20K / 30 min. Not longer than 5 minutes, I saw him leave with a chica, probably a 6.

Member #4244
11-09-11, 18:05
Wow, I don't want to jinx my luck here or make light of any of your experiences but none of these things have ever come remotely close to happening to me.

I have spent close to a year and a half total in Colombia, with much of it being in Medellin and never had a hairy situation with a Colombian. I go places by myself all the time, too, and while I don't tempt fate I am certainly not afraid to go out at night, hang out in a neighborhood (no strata 1 stuff, but 2s, definitely) , etc.

Not once have I been in a confrontation or even felt like I was being sized up in a way that could have led to an altercation or robbery. Part of it is probably my age / size, that keeps away the riff raff looking for an easy score and the fact that I'm American keeps away serious kidnappers. Still, there's a pretty big gray area between those two groups.

One thing I would watch very closely is your drinks at a bar, I do know several people who've had burundanga experiences and that sounds really really shitty. Plus it can have lasting effects, too. Just nasty stuff. Overall I think if you exercise a little bit of caution and don't lollygag, you're pretty safe in any big city, Medellin included. The places out in the cut are the most dangerous, especially any border towns or trafficking routes. You could your life there pretty easily.

Really it's pretty remarkable how far security has come in Colombia in ten years, let alone 20. I know a lot of older people here or the girls tell me about when they were kids. Tons of kidnappings, shootouts, explosions and wild ass shit that seems like a distant memory to this generation of young Colombians.

11-09-11, 20:31
When I was there last year, Nancy charged me 140k for 2 hrs with the best looking girl of about ten. This year she says 170k for 2hrs.

A little after midnight this past Thur, she only had 4 girls & only Sofia, a nice litlle spinner (my fave) was doable.

We agreed on 150k but at the end she charged me 20k for 2 drinks, so she got her 170k.

Frankly, Nancy looked even more tired / bored this yr. Than last, I don`t think she give a shit any more.

I don't know what this place used to be before but it was probably great looking in its heyday. I think this place, with all that room has a lot of potential with the right investor.

For now, I think I'll stay away.

11-10-11, 00:39
Wow, I don't want to jinx my luck here or make light of any of your experiences but none of these things have ever come remotely close to happening to me.

I have spent close to a year and a half total in Colombia, with much of it being in Medellin and never had a hairy situation with a Colombian. I go places by myself all the time, too, and while I don't tempt fate I am certainly not afraid to go out at night, hang out in a neighborhood (no strata 1 stuff, but 2s, definitely) , etc.

Not once have I been in a confrontation or even felt like I was being sized up in a way that could have led to an altercation or robbery. Part of it is probably my age / size, that keeps away the riff raff looking for an easy score and the fact that I'm American keeps away serious kidnappers. Still, there's a pretty big gray area between those two groups.

One thing I would watch very closely is your drinks at a bar, I do know several people who've had burundanga experiences and that sounds really really shitty. Plus it can have lasting effects, too. Just nasty stuff. Overall I think if you exercise a little bit of caution and don't lollygag, you're pretty safe in any big city, Medellin included. The places out in the cut are the most dangerous, especially any border towns or trafficking routes. You could your life there pretty easily.

Really it's pretty remarkable how far security has come in Colombia in ten years, let alone 20. I know a lot of older people here or the girls tell me about when they were kids. Tons of kidnappings, shootouts, explosions and wild ass shit that seems like a distant memory to this generation of young Colombians.Wilt, I respect your outlook on the safety in Colombia but you couldn't be more wrong. Just because it hasn't happened to you doesn't make it any safer. Back in the '80's it was much more dangerous for Colombians due to the drug violence. The danger to gringos is robbery and that hasn't changed one bit, sorry. And your size and age doesn't mean squat to a thief, ask the member here Bango Cheito, he is a very big boy and had to fight for his life and damn near lost it. I too have spent a considerable time in Colombia and consider myself lucky to have had only a pickpocket incident and a knife drawn on me in a dispute and I am the lowest key dude you will ever meet. One can reduce their odds of being a victim by taking your advise, especially concerning drinks but at the end of the day Colombia is a third world country and at any time trouble can and eventually probably will find you.

11-10-11, 00:59
Biggest target these days besides the obvious bling wearing fool?? Girls with Blackberrys!! Almost every single chica I know on FB and 2 dudes have been robbed usually by two punks on a moto. One driver for the quick get away why the other does the gun toting dirty work.

These are girls from every estrato. But more recently girls from estratos 5-6 because the punks know where the IPHONE 4's and blackberry's are in abundance. Every freaking week I see a new post by a girl on FB that she has been robbed. The girls are always devastated but It's almost surreal because it's like they expect it to come sooner of later. My other boy was robbed leaving his house in Laureles in a dark area, had to give up his wallet, watch and they took his shitty old nokia.

All I walk around with in MDE is a Kenneth Cole watch. 200k pesos, a nokia 2210 (cheapest model) , some raincoats and copy of my passport and that's it. Me to SICARIO: "YOU WAN'T IT? HERE TAKE IT CON GUSTO!"

You think the worldwide isn't hitting Colombia as well? A lot of my lady friends are sitting at home online on the weekends because they have not even one peso in their pockets and no dude has asked them out yet.

Don't leave the house with anything you can't live without. PERIOD.

At night you can add digital camera to that list but I usual roll with my posse' of locals.

Member #4394
11-10-11, 01:33
I noticed that Porn Star was getting big. I see that most of Mayo chicas get fat after working there regularly. I have not seen single girl who got thin. It is not surprising since they get beers and food from guys there. It would be difficult not to eat or drink, and just stand in Mayo.

You are right about Cristales. In dark area between Cristales and Amistad, gang guys are hanging around. Usually one of them is killed every year.

'Business' seemingly remains excellent for Porn Star even though she apparently just picked up another 5 lbs after another every time I saw her.

More and more gorditas show up to parade up and down the Mayo sidewalk. I thought they must have had a SALE going on. JAJAJAJAJA.

Always Randy
11-10-11, 02:43
Do you have the address? I can't seem to find it.

ThanksI was also interested in a decent massage by lovely chicas. I found their web site and from the video would seem very enticing if those were the actual masseuses.


They are located on the 4th floor of the Rio Sur mall (centro comerciale). The mall is in Poblado directly across from Oviedo Mall and McDonald's.

Stopped by yesterday around 5pm. I was quoted a rate of COP 70. 000 pesos for the massage. That's more than double the COP 30 mil that Mfins paid for his massage. (Posting# 8546 November 4th) Mfins did you get a 2 hand or 4 hand massage? I wonder if the price I was quoted was for a 4 hand because they promote that on their web site.

The receptionist girl said it would be a 20 minute wait so I didn't stick around. Debating if I should go back. It works out about $35usd which is still pretty cheap if it is a good massage compared to back home.

It was a pretty quiet shop and I didn't see any other sgn of the other services they offer on their web site.

11-10-11, 06:20
Just back from Medellin. Spent a little more than a week there.

Great time as usual.

Overall thoughts:

Still the prettiest girls on the planet IMO, but not near as hot in the cama as the Brasileiras, again IMO.

Went about everywhere in Medellin for the PFP recon.

Strip clubs, high end and low, the central street (BTW, if you don't think it's dangerous out there, you're nuts) ,

The Mayo, the Mansion, daytime casas and of course some good old Non Pro fun too, which was more expensive

Than any of the Pros, cause I was buying dinners, gifts, family stuff, etc.

Funny thing is, the hottest chica I was with was a Mayo chica I met and befriended.

Lots of fuglies out there but got I got lucky and found her, cause she doesn't trounce about there.


Took some schmoozin because she was very leary and cold at first, without good spanish and personality,

She'd be a cold one for sure, and I saw her turn down or just ignore guys alltogether.

Happens a lot with some of the hot ones at the Mayo actually. Selective.

Anyway, I ended just calling her and we'd meet up.

Great loving sex with her, once she realized I wasn't a monster haha.

Now she's texting me on my US phone.

I'm going to keep her in the stable for my next visit.

Fun times, I'll be back soon.

Tomorrow back to Brasil, my Garotas (chicas) are getting restless haha.

11-10-11, 08:16
Started the day with the Medellin chica list.

Went to Geishas's, which is well documented on ISG and youtube on how to get there. Once inside, was told there are 'dos chicas, nada mas' so I took Vanessa for $35, 000 COP and was satisfied. I asked her why there were only two girls working and she basically said because not a lot of chicos come there. I took that and got back on the metro. My opinion is that this place is super safe and super easy to get to, since it is basically at the bottom of the metro station stairs, which are highly protected by the police. Centro is hit or miss in my opinion, but why risk saving $15-$20 in a chica for a chance that something bad may happen to you. I'd rather pay the $20 and be safe.

Later this night, went to Afinitron on Calle 33. Seems to be better than in the past, with about 10-14 chicas working. I went to the upstairs rooms, $55, 000 for a media de Ron and 2 shows. As advertised. Looks like they now own the brothel that was next door as they now offer sexo next door. Instead of in the upstairs room which seemed to be common practice a few years ago. The hotel / short time rooms next door seemed safe to me, but there was not anyone else there besides the lady that opened the door, in case something went down. I took Leidy for $80, 000 COP, she was asking $100, 000, I got her down. But she was worth it, in my eyes.

Seems like the owner Marcoi has had a medical problem and is in the hospital as of now. But all in all, seemed a safe place for gringos, but as always, be careful.

Leidy told me she usually has four clients per night, one of those being a gringo. Take that for what its worth.

11-10-11, 16:05
I noticed that Porn Star was getting big. I see that most of Mayo chicas get fat after working there regularly. I have not seen single girl who got thin. It is not surprising since they get beers and food from guys there. It would be difficult not to eat or drink, and just stand in Mayo.

You are right about Cristales. In dark area between Cristales and Amistad, gang guys are hanging around. Usually one of them is killed every year.Six years ago you might see one fat girl a day. Now damn near 70% of them are fat! Yes, I like the thin side of medium build.

The last time I visited M-Street I was singing the song in my mind "Who let the pigs (dogs) out?"


11-10-11, 17:49
I was also interested in a decent massage by lovely chicas. I found their web site and from the video would seem very enticing if those were the actual masseuses.


They are located on the 4th floor of the Rio Sur mall (centro comerciale). The mall is in Poblado directly across from Oviedo Mall and McDonald's.

Stopped by yesterday around 5pm. I was quoted a rate of COP 70. 000 pesos for the massage. That's more than double the COP 30 mil that Mfins paid for his massage. (Posting# 8546 November 4th) Mfins did you get a 2 hand or 4 hand massage? I wonder if the price I was quoted was for a 4 hand because they promote that on their web site.

The receptionist girl said it would be a 20 minute wait so I didn't stick around. Debating if I should go back. It works out about $35usd which is still pretty cheap if it is a good massage compared to back home.

It was a pretty quiet shop and I didn't see any other sgn of the other services they offer on their web site.Last May I visited their old location in the hills above Poblado, which I found to be pretty cool actually. Unfortunately, the massage was pure crap. I paid 70k pesos for the tantric massage which they advertise on their web site as a sensual massage focusing on your erogenous zones. I think it was pretty clear what I was expecting; I great massage with a happy ending. The masseuse, average looking at best, was totally worthless and I felt like I was her first client. And no amount of coaxing after the flip would convince her to take care of me. After a shower I asked the secretary (who was smoking hot, BTW) , what was the deal with the misleading advertising? She stated your knees and elbows could be considered erogenous zones. Perhaps they've changed masseuses since that time and the quality of the massage has improved. But my experience was not good.

I'm still looking for a place where I can get a high-quality massage in a spa environment (with steam room, etc) and a happy ending. Something along the lines of Colmegna Spa in Buenos Aires. Does such a place exist here?

11-10-11, 18:39
Just back from Medellin. Funny thing is, the hottest chica I was with was a Mayo chica I met and befriended.Here's a quick looksy at my Mayo friend.

(sorry, I don't post faces, too many Schmucks out there showing the fotos.)

11-10-11, 18:41
Six years ago you might see one fat girl a day. Now damn near 70% of them are fat! Yes, I like the thin side of medium build.

The last time I visited M-Street I was singing the song in my mind "Who let the pigs (dogs) out?"

RelapseCorrecto senor, but on the other hand, I've seen pretty gordito gringos too, maybe 90% haha

Luckily, they've got some cash :)

11-10-11, 18:49
I'm with ya amigo.

Though, you're most likely not going to run into trouble, especially following obvious precautions, you just never know when it's going to hit ya.

Each attempted mugging on me is when I was feeling smug and secure, without a worry in the world. Sure wakes ya up fast.

It's out there guys, I wouldn't listen to the "this place is safe" blah blah. The riff-raff is out there, you just might not see it.

No scare tactics here, just keep your eyes open and wits about ya.

Have fun!

11-10-11, 18:51
Biggest target these days besides the obvious bling wearing fool? Girls with Blackberrys! Almost every single chica I know on FB and 2 dudes have been robbed usually by two punks on a moto. One driver for the quick get away why the other does the gun toting dirty work.

These are girls from every estrato. But more recently girls from estratos 5-6 because the punks know where the IPHONE 4's and blackberry's are in abundance. Every freaking week I see a new post by a girl on FB that she has been robbed. The girls are always devastated but It's almost surreal because it's like they expect it to come sooner of later. My other boy was robbed leaving his house in Laureles in a dark area, had to give up his wallet, watch and they took his shitty old nokia.You said it amigo.

That's why when I help out an amiga and buy her a cell phone, it's a simple, but nice one.

100-150K pesos max.

Buy an expensive one is throwing money away, it's almost sure to be stolen or lost (usually in a taxi haha).

11-10-11, 19:07
Whatever they quote, I always go 5k lower & they always accept.

They see their 2nd. Chance of getting more from you while getting the room by asking for a bag of chips or a beer.

I whisper in their ear if things go well, they`ll get a tip (usually that 5k)


1. Better session.

2. Both of us happy campers.

3. Thinner, healhtier Mayo girls.

Just doing my part.

I see that most of Mayo chicas get fat after working there regularly. I have not seen single girl who got thin. It is not surprising since they get beers and food from guys there. It would be difficult not to eat or drink, and just stand in Mayo.

11-10-11, 19:13
Here's a quick looksy at my Mayo friend.

(sorry, I don't post faces, too many Schmucks out there showing the fotos.) That dirty little thing sure looks delicious! Good one! Thanks for sharing.

11-11-11, 03:27
Last May I visited their old location in the hills above Poblado, which I found to be pretty cool actually. Unfortunately, the massage was pure crap. I paid 70k pesos for the tantric massage which they advertise on their web site as a sensual massage focusing on your erogenous zones. I think it was pretty clear what I was expecting; I great massage with a happy ending. The masseuse, average looking at best, was totally worthless and I felt like I was her first client. And no amount of coaxing after the flip would convince her to take care of me. After a shower I asked the secretary (who was smoking hot, BTW) , what was the deal with the misleading advertising? She stated your knees and elbows could be considered erogenous zones. Perhaps they've changed masseuses since that time and the quality of the massage has improved. But my experience was not good.

I'm still looking for a place where I can get a high-quality massage in a spa environment (with steam room, etc) and a happy ending. Something along the lines of Colmegna Spa in Buenos Aires. Does such a place exist here?Thats interesting. We went to a place called Exclusively For Men in Poblado. We did not want a happy ending place just a normal sensual massage. It was a legit place but because of the name we figured maybe there is a happy ending. Once again not looking for one but wouldn't complain if it happened. Anyway over an hour for 70, 000. COmpletely nude no towel no boxers. She said do you want 30 minutes face down and 30 min face up. I said perfect. Well she did about 55 minutes face down and about 10 minutes face up. After the 55 minutes face up I was pretty turned on and was anxious to see how the face up time would go but she rushed it and abruptly said were done and left. I am not complaining because I went for a normal good massage and it was one but, it seems like there may be more than a few of these Male massage type places that prey on teasing.

Always Randy
11-11-11, 03:34
Last May I visited their old location in the hills above Poblado, which I found to be pretty cool actually. Unfortunately, the massage was pure crap. I paid 70k pesos for the tantric massage which they advertise on their web site as a sensual massage focusing on your erogenous zones. I think it was pretty clear what I was expecting; I great massage with a happy ending. The masseuse, average looking at best, was totally worthless and I felt like I was her first client. And no amount of coaxing after the flip would convince her to take care of me. After a shower I asked the secretary (who was smoking hot, BTW) , what was the deal with the misleading advertising? She stated your knees and elbows could be considered erogenous zones. Perhaps they've changed masseuses since that time and the quality of the massage has improved. But my experience was not good.

I'm still looking for a place where I can get a high-quality massage in a spa environment (with steam room, etc) and a happy ending. Something along the lines of Colmegna Spa in Buenos Aires. Does such a place exist here?Yep, you are right. The Receptionist is smoking hot. Wish she was the masseuse. My buddy and I have appointments booked for tomorrow. Will report back how it went. Sure it may be strictly a legit massage, but why tease with a name like that?"Exclusively for Men"? So far the best massage I've had was in Lima at a R & V#3 that had the steam room, BJ and happy ending! It would be nice if Medellin had something similiar!

11-11-11, 03:53
I couldn't find it but thanks to Always Randy's research I went there today.

I think the original poster might've had the price wrong, I paid 70k for 1 hour of a totally legit massage: the girl was noticeably pregnant & even if I was into that, she brushed by the boys just once, which was fine by me.

The massage quoted as ¨classic om¨ was fine but they don't have a shower, she sprays you with alcohol & rubs it (the oil) off with a towel. Had to go home & take a shower.

May go back unless I find a plce with a shoer &, ideally, a sauna.

I was also interested in a decent massage by lovely chicas. I found their web site and from the video would seem very enticing if those were the actual masseuses.


They are located on the 4th floor of the Rio Sur mall (centro comerciale). The mall is in Poblado directly across from Oviedo Mall and McDonald's.

Stopped by yesterday around 5pm. I was quoted a rate of COP 70. 000 pesos for the massage. That's more than double the COP 30 mil that Mfins paid for his massage. (Posting# 8546 November 4th) Mfins did you get a 2 hand or 4 hand massage? I wonder if the price I was quoted was for a 4 hand because they promote that on their web site.

The receptionist girl said it would be a 20 minute wait so I didn't stick around. Debating if I should go back. It works out about $35usd which is still pretty cheap if it is a good massage compared to back home.

It was a pretty quiet shop and I didn't see any other sgn of the other services they offer on their web site.

Member #4176
11-11-11, 07:37
I was there in Sept and went all over. Hit the strip clubs in central, the SW in cental, the casas, and mayo. One of the hottest girl I hooked up with was the mayo chica. Her name was yully. Super hot, her personality was somewhere in the middle. By far the street walkers in El central (that area) was the dangerous. Even th e prepas said not to hang around after 9 at night.

Just back from Medellin. Spent a little more than a week there.

Great time as usual.

Overall thoughts:

Still the prettiest girls on the planet IMO, but not near as hot in the cama as the Brasileiras, again IMO.

Went about everywhere in Medellin for the PFP recon.

Strip clubs, high end and low, the central street (BTW, if you don't think it's dangerous out there, you're nuts) ,

The Mayo, the Mansion, daytime casas and of course some good old Non Pro fun too, which was more expensive

Than any of the Pros, cause I was buying dinners, gifts, family stuff, etc.

Funny thing is, the hottest chica I was with was a Mayo chica I met and befriended.

Lots of fuglies out there but got I got lucky and found her, cause she doesn't trounce about there.


Took some schmoozin because she was very leary and cold at first, without good spanish and personality,

She'd be a cold one for sure, and I saw her turn down or just ignore guys alltogether.

Happens a lot with some of the hot ones at the Mayo actually. Selective.

Anyway, I ended just calling her and we'd meet up.

Great loving sex with her, once she realized I wasn't a monster haha.

Now she's texting me on my US phone.

I'm going to keep her in the stable for my next visit.

Fun times, I'll be back soon.

Tomorrow back to Brasil, my Garotas (chicas) are getting restless haha.

Fla Fun
11-11-11, 13:51
There is a Hostel across from the Crepes and Waffles in zona rosa that has direct tv and shows all the games. They only have 4 tvs one being a big screen but if you ask them they will put any game on you want. They have the NFL package. I don't remember the name but its a really nice Hostel in a very nice areaThe name of the Hostel is called Tiger Paw Hostel. The address is Car 36 No. 10-49, Medellin, Colombia.

The rooms can sometimes be a bit noisy.

11-12-11, 15:27
I was there in Sept and went all over. Hit the strip clubs in central, the SW in cental, the casas, and mayo. One of the hottest girl I hooked up with was the mayo chica. Her name was yully. Super hot, her personality was somewhere in the middle. By far the street walkers in El central (that area) was the dangerous. Even th e prepas said not to hang around after 9 at night.How you doing Play Hard 68. We had a good time going to all the hot spots in el centro in Sept. The strip clubs, casas and the streetwalker areas. I think they're safe in the daytime but I wouldn't go at night either. That Demi Moore chica was pretty hot. I like the el centro area of Medellin because there's such a good concentration of action hot spots, all close by within walking distance to my hotel.

Going to Nicaragua in January. If I don't like it, I'll be back to Colombia.

11-12-11, 15:32
Thursday. 11/10/11, in Mayo was the second consecutive excellent night. There were more doable chicas, many of whom were rubias. 5 natural and 3 fake, kind of a rare occurrence. Of course we all know the quality at Mayo dramatically improve as the weekend approaches. I counted at least 30 girls, half of whom looked like new chicas on the block. But I noticed guy were picking them up at a rather snail pace. Very unusual! I could see the desperation in the faces of these girls due to the slowness of the action as the night drew to a close. All bars, discotecas, and restaurants on the strip were ordered to shut their doors at 1am in the morning (the night before was at midnight). Heavy police presence could be seen on the street to enforce the law. 2 vans. 5 motorcycles, and at least 20 cops. At this moment I felt La Mayorista was the safest place to be in all of Colombia. There were a few gringos but they were not hanging around all night long like I was. Again, I just wanted to check out the scene, had a few $2K beers, chatted with a few chicas, mingled with some Colombianos, and if I saw someone I liked, I would grab her. All Carolinas, including mine, were there, and also present were Porn Star and 'La Chinita'. I was looking for a particular chica but she could not be found. I finally ended it up picking with an old favorite, Andrea, at a litte past 2:30am. She only asked me for $20K / 30min but after the deed, I gave her $25K. Like many times before, she enthusiastically offered good Mayo sex and an exceptionally nice attitude. Great girl.

Member #4244
11-12-11, 15:41
To say that there is still danger or even considerable danger is accurate. To say that the risk of violence to anyone, foreigners included, has not changed from 30 or even 15 years ago is totally inaccurate. At that time, a foreigner traveling to Colombia would be similar to a foreigner traveling to Haiti today. It had the highest murder rate in the world at one point. The drug violence today insulates tourists to some degree, then it did not. It's not as though guerilla-paramilitary warfare, terrorism and other public violence only touched Colombians in that era because of some selective action. Any tourist who was there faced those risks as well as an even higher risk of robbery than they carry today.

Yes, Colombia has gotten SAFER and yes for EVERYONE. That does not, however, mean that it is outright SAFE for anyone, local or tourist.

11-12-11, 16:02
Thanks. I'm sure she is a pro but she acts like she isn't and I never go to any of the pro places so I need a little help. I don't care if she is just curious.I, for one, have never seen her in La Mayorista. We will let you know if she comes up somewhere. Relax.

11-13-11, 03:56
A little after 8pm we had a hard time getting to their new location from El Centro.

After 4-5 taxi drivers turning me & a fellow monger down when we told them where we wanted to go, the last one said that traffic is so bad because something about "el partido" (the game) that it would take forever to get there & we should jump on the train to Poblado station & take a taxi from there.

Once at the Poblado station, no less than eight drivers claimed they didn`t know how to get there.

We were ready to give up when this last guy grudgingly took us after getting directions from the babe at Loutron`s. He said it`s far & he`ll have to come back without a fare.

It was way way up there!

The fare was 12k plus 5k tip (cause we felt like it, there).

Once there, the guard told us it`s 10k to walk in.

We walked in & was greeted by an attractive, professional looking 30ish female (as usual)

Only three other guys were there & one of them picked my friend`s choice, so they reintroduced themselves & he picked another one. Forgot her name.

I picked Lina. Very cute spinner with an amazing ass.

The breakdown:

1. One hour of "masage": $185k (I think)

2. One hour of "masage why relaciones" (massage & sex) : 210k.

3. One & a half hour for number two plus strip tease. 240k.

We both picked number 2.

After a quick, playful shower, Lina takes a bottle of oil & asks me if I`m ready for a massage.

I said "come here", grab the oil off her hand & off we go!

Highly recommend her, she knows what`s she`s doing.

We each paid 215k (210k plus 5k for a water) so th 10k to walk in is rolleed into the price.

When I started coming to MDE, Loutron`s had me picking 3-4 of about 12 girls.

Its been gettiing proggressively worse, though: this time, I only picked one out of ten. `

As with the rest of MDE, the girls are generally getting thicker. Shame.

I must say, Lina was well worth it.

11-13-11, 19:36
Hey everyone- Planning to visit Medellin in December and have a question about Lindas Chicas- this could be for Midwest who was just there or anyone on the board. I just wanted to know for sure since on past posts it has said that there are usually only about 8-10 chicas at Lindas Chicas at a time but Nancy has a book you can look at and she can call any of 50 or so other girls that are available. Is this true about her access to many other girls from a book with their photos or can you only choose from the girls that are actually there at that time? Would like to know based on my choices- always like a greater selection of chicas like everyone else.


Member #4176
11-14-11, 04:45
How you doing Play Hard 68. We had a good time going to all the hot spots in el centro in Sept. The strip clubs, casas and the streetwalker areas. I think they're safe in the daytime but I wouldn't go at night either. That Demi Moore chica was pretty hot. I like the el centro area of Medellin because there's such a good concentration of action hot spots, all close by within walking distance to my hotel.

Going to Nicaragua in January. If I don't like it, I'll be back to Colombia.I had a blast. I apprec you showing me the central spots. I want to remember that strip club that was down stairs if you remember the name and address let me know. That chica from the strip club (las americas) came by my apartment later that week. She was ready to please. I will be going back to Medellin in May. Let me know if you might be around. Later, keep safe.

11-14-11, 18:15
I had a blast. I apprec you showing me the central spots. I want to remember that strip club that was down stairs if you remember the name and address let me know. That chica from the strip club (las americas) came by my apartment later that week. She was ready to please. I will be going back to Medellin in May. Let me know if you might be around. Later, keep safe.Conejitas Strip Club. Carrera 52 # 53-03

11-14-11, 19:25
Hey everyone- Planning to visit Medellin in December and have a question about Lindas Chicas- this could be for Midwest who was just there or anyone on the board. I just wanted to know for sure since on past posts it has said that there are usually only about 8-10 chicas at Lindas Chicas at a time but Nancy has a book you can look at and she can call any of 50 or so other girls that are available. Is this true about her access to many other girls from a book with their photos or can you only choose from the girls that are actually there at that time? Would like to know based on my choices- always like a greater selection of chicas like everyone else.

ThanksThis used to be a favorite of mine but from the last few posts (Use the Search Option "Lindas Chicas") Nancy has fallen off a bit. From my own experience Nancy would call more girls if you didn't like the ones she had. Just tell her want you want or like and she'd fill the order. My buddy would call ahead and make sure she had a good talent pool for us. Please report back. Like I said this used to be one of my most favorite spots in Mede.

11-14-11, 19:30
Last time I was there Nancy said she had "muchisimas" girls, but not there. It was thur. Night so maybe Fri / Sat night is better.

She mentioned no book to me. In fact, I suggested that she take a pic of the alleged tons of girls with face blurred & stick them in a book.

I was about to suggest that she can email me the pics & I can share them with my American friends (She mentioned on previous occasion that she sometimes turns away locals & prefers "extranjeros") but her underwhelming response leads me to think:

1) she`s overstating how many girls she has access to.

2) she doesn`t really care anymore.

Probably a little of both.

In any case, according to other posts, late is better.

If you go there late, take a cab (shitty area) & tell the cabbie there`s 5k (or 10k, whatever) for him if he waits to see if you stay or not. If you don`t, you don`t have to wait for a cab or worse, what if she tells you she doesn`t call taxis for non-customers. If you stay, don`t forget to pay that cabbie, maybe get his number & see if he`s in the area when you`re done.

The price seems to be negotiable, you might want to do that on the phone, before you get there. I always get better results that way. And, hey, ask her about that book. Won`t hurt, right?

Hope this helps.

Hey everyone- Planning to visit Medellin in December and have a question about Lindas Chicas- this could be for Midwest who was just there or anyone on the board. I just wanted to know for sure since on past posts it has said that there are usually only about 8-10 chicas at Lindas Chicas at a time but Nancy has a book you can look at and she can call any of 50 or so other girls that are available. Is this true about her access to many other girls from a book with their photos or can you only choose from the girls that are actually there at that time? Would like to know based on my choices- always like a greater selection of chicas like everyone else.


11-14-11, 19:54
Like a dumbass, I got to Time Out at 12pm to watch an NFL game that starts at 4pm. So, what to do?

Having just had an ok breakfast at one of the few places open that early in Parque Lleras,"Bagels & Brunch", calle 9a 38-26, off to New LIfe it is.

Karen, a sweet 20 year old with nice caramel candy skin, a great face & gorgeous ass was waiting for me.

Not a wrinkle on her bod. I saw her perkies & I just had to ask if she had any kids & unsurprisingly she said no.

I normally do not want to know (bit of a turn-off) but a lot of providers seem to want to share that. Maybe angling for a better tip.

Anyway, New LIfe comes thru again.

11-14-11, 20:51
Last time I was there Nancy said she had "muchisimas" girls, but not there. It was thur. Night so maybe Fri / Sat night is better.

She mentioned no book to me. In fact, I suggested that she take a pic of the alleged tons of girls with face blurred & stick them in a book.

I was about to suggest that she can email me the pics & I can share them with my American friends (She mentioned on previous occasion that she sometimes turns away locals & prefers "extranjeros") but her underwhelming response leads me to think:

1) she`s overstating how many girls she has access to.

2) she doesn`t really care anymore.

Probably a little of both.

In any case, according to other posts, late is better.

If you go there late, take a cab (shitty area) & tell the cabbie there`s 5k (or 10k, whatever) for him if he waits to see if you stay or not. If you don`t, you don`t have to wait for a cab or worse, what if she tells you she doesn`t call taxis for non-customers. If you stay, don`t forget to pay that cabbie, maybe get his number & see if he`s in the area when you`re done.

The price seems to be negotiable, you might want to do that on the phone, before you get there. I always get better results that way. And, hey, ask her about that book. Won`t hurt, right?

Hope this helps.In my opinion, Nancy is done, she is history, she can't go beyond what she has on site, maybe she'll try to call you one or two from outside her place but that's about it. She is overpriced. To Pay $170 an hour is ridiculous. I would rather go Loutron for that price.

I am really surprised Medellin does not have a place like Blue Marlin at the Del rey in Costa Rica.

11-15-11, 04:08
I couldn't find it but thanks to Always Randy's research I went there today.

I think the original poster might've had the price wrong, I paid 70k for 1 hour of a totally legit massage: the girl was noticeably pregnant & even if I was into that, she brushed by the boys just once, which was fine by me.

The massage quoted as ¨classic om¨ was fine but they don't have a shower, she sprays you with alcohol & rubs it (the oil) off with a towel. Had to go home & take a shower.

May go back unless I find a plce with a shoer &, ideally, a sauna.Thats the place. If I said 30k then I mis-spoke or mis-typed. It is 70, 000. My friend got a massage by the pregnant girl and he said she required him to keep his boxers on, or a towel. She was not attractive and he got the short end of the stick. The girl I went with was HOT and gave a great massage. Required me to be completely nude. Other than the 50 minutes down and 10 minutes up she was great. I forgot her name but there are only 2 girls working there at any given time, so make sure you pick the hot one.

11-15-11, 04:10
The name of the Hostel is called Tiger Paw Hostel. The address is Car 36 No. 10-49, Medellin, Colombia.

The rooms can sometimes be a bit noisy.Yes thats the place. We didn't stay there only went on Sunday to watch the games. I have never stayed in a Hostel before but, the place looks nice and the location was great

El Bacano
11-15-11, 22:03
Theres an awesome bar right across the street from oviedo mall with lots of flat screens. 12 k pesos beers but well worth it because you are watching in class. It is just before Sante fe mall. I try to stay away from the NFL while away but can't seem to help myself. Sunday being slow anyways this bar made me feel like a king.

11-16-11, 01:41
FYI: It`s 170k for two hours. Still, she really pushes the 2 hour thing & I`m usually good after an hour anyway.

To Pay $170 an hour is ridiculous. I would rather go Loutron for that price.

11-16-11, 10:39
Hi, I still owe you a bottle from last May re the "Coffee Shop" tip about "our spinner". I just arrived back in mde from the frozen north. Salud

11-16-11, 15:24
Theres an awesome bar right across the street from oviedo mall with lots of flat screens. 12 k pesos beers but well worth it because you are watching in class. It is just before Sante fe mall. I try to stay away from the NFL while away but can't seem to help myself. Sunday being slow anyways this bar made me feel like a king.I've been to this place also to watch football. I dig it too!

Nice looking little waitresses to flirt with, then an easy walk to Santa Fe if ya like.

11-16-11, 16:33
I've been to this place also to watch football. I dig it too!

Nice looking little waitresses to flirt with, then an easy walk to Santa Fe if ya like.When all else fails, www.firstrowsports.com

11-16-11, 20:40
The night before last, after the usual "30k. 25k, ok" I enjoyed Cristal, a light skinned spinner with a bit of a beak but otherwise nice face & with that classic Colombian ass which she happens to know how to move in bed.

She agreed to come over yesterday as well. Never discussed $. Actually, she almost left without getting paid.

I just gave her 50k for a little over an hour & she was more than happy. Very sweet girl.

While taking a break, she mentioned she worked at Loutron`s & New Life, as well as a strip bar in Rio Negro. I believe her but I asked her why Mayo. She says she has a regular job & she can come & go as she pleases.

She mentioned that her sister was out there when I first met her & after she showed me her pic on her phone, I realized I was eyeing her as well.

Cristal is leaving for Cartagena tonight (I bet on the bus recommended by to another monger here) so I asked her about her sister coming over. She`s supposed to call me later today. Should be fun.

Member #4394
11-18-11, 03:07
Hey, it is your money. Glad that you had a good time with a girl you like.

FYI: It`s 170k for two hours. Still, she really pushes the 2 hour thing & I`m usually good after an hour anyway.

11-20-11, 04:15
Details may be a little spotty as a got back a few days ago, but I wanted to add a report on my trip to MDE from 11/9. 11/13.

Day One.

I flew in on Spirit from O'Hare. FLL. MDE. Immediately upon boarding the flight to MDE, I find that the plane is packed with the sexy paisas, with silicone tits, ass and nose jobs easily appreciated, I LOVE IT!

As we landed in MDE, I noticed a lot of putas hanging around for their paychecks to arrive. I kept making eye contact with a nice silicona that I kept making eye contact with, I finally realized she was a girl I kicked out of my room in the mansion the last time I was here because she refused to kiss and only offered a CBJ. She looks great with those new tits, I definitely wouldn't kick her out again.

Went to the market, settled into Casa Loma (beautiful place) and headed out to Loutron around 6:00PM. The new house is further away, but only about a $10K COP ride out there. The lineup was looking amazing, tons of flacas with very well done implants. I had a hard time picking and went through the lineup 3 times as there were so many hotties. I ended up picking Alejandra, who has to be the hottest girl I have ever f*cked, even though she has a see-section scar. We played around a bit in the room before getting down to business. She doesn't kiss and it is a CBJ, but that didn't bother me at all this trip. My most memorable sessions this trip were actually with girls that were not GFE but had a fun, slightly bitchy, personality and could play "the game" a little. I guess that made it feel more like a natural interaction than the girls that would just be submissive, I like them with a little attitude. Anyways, Alejandra was great in the sack, and actually slipped in for a little LFK during the heat of the moment. Afterward I got her number but didn't end up meeting up with her, biggest mistake of my 3 trips to MDE. Loutron was $225K COP for a session with a beer, and you have to pay a cover charge if you do not session.

That night I headed over to B-lounge for their Wednesday night party. The music sucked for the most part but the crowd had a couple cutties and the bartender as amazingly hot, but had no idea what a redbull vodka was. I was able to chat up a couple of girls outside while getting a smoke and continued inside, but I didn't want to risk my time on an unsure thing. I find it easier to approach attractive women in MDE as I can attribute my lack of game to the language barrier, tends to help my ego, and the girls seem to have fun with a little bit of a language barrier. I headed over to FASE II and ended up snagging Sylvanna for a few drinks, she's a very shy girl but has a great body, and is usually dancing with a silver outfit on. I've had good luck at FASE with getting GFE session and had a great time with Sylvanna. I believe a session on-site is around $190K COP, of which they get $120k. Day one was by far my best day of the trip.

Day Two.

The next day I called up an ex-Loutron girl I had in my phone. Unfortunately, the past year has not been kind as she's plumped up a bit. She stopped by and did anything and everything I asked for, and was $150K for 3 hours. While she was cute and was willing to do anything, I just didn't have as great of a time with her.

I went out to Thai Co. In Parque Lleras for dinner, which seems to be quite the hotspot right now. A ton of people there for just drinks and fairly good eye candy. I was supposed to meet a prepago I connected with over facebook at midnight so I swung by Fase again in the mean time and was tempted to take Biana, a 30 year old with a smoking hot face but no silicone and a little too much of an ass. I got her number for takeout but she wouldn't budge from $200K / hr and I didn't feel she would be worth it. My last day Sylvanna said she told the other girls about us fvcking for for 30. 40 minutes the other night and that is probably why others were charging a lot for takeout, lazy women. Tatiana the prepago flaked on me and I didn't end up doing anything that night. Day two was an absolute bust overall.

Day Three.

I woke up and made plans to see Tatiana during the day, while she flaked on me, she is way too hot not to sample and I arranged to see her around 3PM. I grabbed lunch at Ay Caramba! In parque lleras, smoking hot waitress and eye candy galore during the daytime, plus the food isn't bad. I think the fajitas with a couple of drinks came out to $20K COP. Back at the apartment I met up with Tatiana and made good use of the hot tub. I'll eventually attach some photos, this girl has a perfect body (very slim with great tits) and would be a ton of fun to meet up with for a night out. We agreed to $200K for the night, and instead of discussing money I paid her the same for the 3 hours we were hanging out. Unfortunately she is a bartender at a club and is only able to get out Sunday. Wednesday nights, so I wasn't able to fully enjoy. Unfortunately she asked me not to give out her contact info and only meets friends of friends.

That night I also arranged to meet with another Tatiana I met on facebook. The girl ran 3 hours late and after refusing to talk $ before meeting, asked for $500K for the night. I kicked her out and headed to the rooftop bar at the Charlee hotel in parque lleras, ENVY. The place has got good music, a beautiful crowd a rooftop pool and an amazing view, the Le Bain of Medellin. I would definitely recommend going there with a group of well dressed 20. 30 somethings that go hard. DO NOT go there if you have problems getting into a club in NY, Miami, Vegas or LA, you will stick out like a sore thumb. Drinks are 20. 25K a piece with expensive bottles and they also throw a Saturday pool party o I stopped by Fase for a bit and chatted with Sylvanna, but really wasn't liking anything else there.

Day Four. Final day.

I headed out to a cuban restaurant in parque lleras for breakfast, and it was just packed with hotties. The place is a bit a of a hole in the wall but had good food and the scenery just couldn't be beat. I arranged to meet Sylvanna from Fase back at my apartment and she arrived about an hour late, but let me know before hand. I was a little disappointed that she wasn't as dolled up with makeup as she normally is at Fase, but she still looked good. The session was hot and heavy, and she was willing to do anything and everything.

Later that day I headed back to Loutron to see if I could find Alejandra again. Unfortunately I showed up too late and they were about to close at 7 (usually close at 10 on weekdays) and she was taken already. I ended up taking Valentina, another girl with a great fake body, but just wasn't as good as Alejandra.

I had always wanted to try Sara from Colombiascortvip and gave them a call that night. Sara is a very hot spinner that has got some spice to her. She has a great, fun personality and we had a fun time dancing and drinking before getting down. She was not GFE, but it was a great session nonetheless and I would definitely recommend her if you like small spinners. I will definitely see her again if I return to Medellin soon.

Overall, I had a fun time in Medellin, the place has the most beautiful women in the world. I've realize though, that I just need 1 session a day and much prefer the LDV / freelance bar type setup vs casas and strip clubs. If you all have any recommended places to visit to enjoy these, I am all ears (Bogota? Cuba? Somewhere else?).

Many thanks to all the contributing members here for helping me know where to go.

11-20-11, 04:35
Sara from Colombiascortvip

11-21-11, 17:02

Great report with lots of detail. Thanks for sharing. I have questions:

1) How do you know that your facebook friends are prepagos? I know most girls in Colombia have a price, but its hard to tell if they are pro, semi-pro or just plain sexy from their facebook pages. LOL.

2) Remind me never to go to Loutron for that kind of money.

3) What planet is Tatiana from that she thinks she can get 500K?


Details may be a little spotty as a got back a few days ago, but I wanted to add a report on my trip to MDE from 11/9. 11/13.

Day One.

I flew in on Spirit from O'Hare. FLL. MDE. Immediately upon boarding the flight to MDE, I find that the plane is packed with the sexy paisas, with silicone tits, ass and nose jobs easily appreciated, I LOVE IT!

As we landed in MDE, I noticed a lot of putas hanging around for their paychecks to arrive. I kept making eye contact with a nice silicona that I kept making eye contact with, I finally realized she was a girl I kicked out of my room in the mansion the last time I was here because she refused to kiss and only offered a CBJ. She looks great with those new tits, I definitely wouldn't kick her out again.

Went to the market, settled into Casa Loma (beautiful place) and headed out to Loutron around 6:00PM. The new house is further away, but only about a $10K COP ride out there. The lineup was looking amazing, tons of flacas with very well done implants. I had a hard time picking and went through the lineup 3 times as there were so many hotties. I ended up picking Alejandra, who has to be the hottest girl I have ever f*cked, even though she has a see-section scar. We played around a bit in the room before getting down to business. She doesn't kiss and it is a CBJ, but that didn't bother me at all this trip. My most memorable sessions this trip were actually with girls that were not GFE but had a fun, slightly bitchy, personality and could play "the game" a little. I guess that made it feel more like a natural interaction than the girls that would just be submissive, I like them with a little attitude. Anyways, Alejandra was great in the sack, and actually slipped in for a little LFK during the heat of the moment. Afterward I got her number but didn't end up meeting up with her, biggest mistake of my 3 trips to MDE. Loutron was $225K COP for a session with a beer, and you have to pay a cover charge if you do not session.

That night I headed over to B-lounge for their Wednesday night party. The music sucked for the most part but the crowd had a couple cutties and the bartender as amazingly hot, but had no idea what a redbull vodka was. I was able to chat up a couple of girls outside while getting a smoke and continued inside, but I didn't want to risk my time on an unsure thing. I find it easier to approach attractive women in MDE as I can attribute my lack of game to the language barrier, tends to help my ego, and the girls seem to have fun with a little bit of a language barrier. I headed over to FASE II and ended up snagging Sylvanna for a few drinks, she's a very shy girl but has a great body, and is usually dancing with a silver outfit on. I've had good luck at FASE with getting GFE session and had a great time with Sylvanna. I believe a session on-site is around $190K COP, of which they get $120k. Day one was by far my best day of the trip.

Day Two.

The next day I called up an ex-Loutron girl I had in my phone. Unfortunately, the past year has not been kind as she's plumped up a bit. She stopped by and did anything and everything I asked for, and was $150K for 3 hours. While she was cute and was willing to do anything, I just didn't have as great of a time with her.

I went out to Thai Co. In Parque Lleras for dinner, which seems to be quite the hotspot right now. A ton of people there for just drinks and fairly good eye candy. I was supposed to meet a prepago I connected with over facebook at midnight so I swung by Fase again in the mean time and was tempted to take Biana, a 30 year old with a smoking hot face but no silicone and a little too much of an ass. I got her number for takeout but she wouldn't budge from $200K / hr and I didn't feel she would be worth it. My last day Sylvanna said she told the other girls about us fvcking for for 30. 40 minutes the other night and that is probably why others were charging a lot for takeout, lazy women. Tatiana the prepago flaked on me and I didn't end up doing anything that night. Day two was an absolute bust overall.

Day Three.

I woke up and made plans to see Tatiana during the day, while she flaked on me, she is way too hot not to sample and I arranged to see her around 3PM. I grabbed lunch at Ay Caramba! In parque lleras, smoking hot waitress and eye candy galore during the daytime, plus the food isn't bad. I think the fajitas with a couple of drinks came out to $20K COP. Back at the apartment I met up with Tatiana and made good use of the hot tub. I'll eventually attach some photos, this girl has a perfect body (very slim with great tits) and would be a ton of fun to meet up with for a night out. We agreed to $200K for the night, and instead of discussing money I paid her the same for the 3 hours we were hanging out. Unfortunately she is a bartender at a club and is only able to get out Sunday. Wednesday nights, so I wasn't able to fully enjoy. Unfortunately she asked me not to give out her contact info and only meets friends of friends.

That night I also arranged to meet with another Tatiana I met on facebook. The girl ran 3 hours late and after refusing to talk $ before meeting, asked for $500K for the night. I kicked her out and headed to the rooftop bar at the Charlee hotel in parque lleras, ENVY. The place has got good music, a beautiful crowd a rooftop pool and an amazing view, the Le Bain of Medellin. I would definitely recommend going there with a group of well dressed 20. 30 somethings that go hard. DO NOT go there if you have problems getting into a club in NY, Miami, Vegas or LA, you will stick out like a sore thumb. Drinks are 20. 25K a piece with expensive bottles and they also throw a Saturday pool party o I stopped by Fase for a bit and chatted with Sylvanna, but really wasn't liking anything else there.

Day Four. Final day.

I headed out to a cuban restaurant in parque lleras for breakfast, and it was just packed with hotties. The place is a bit a of a hole in the wall but had good food and the scenery just couldn't be beat. I arranged to meet Sylvanna from Fase back at my apartment and she arrived about an hour late, but let me know before hand. I was a little disappointed that she wasn't as dolled up with makeup as she normally is at Fase, but she still looked good. The session was hot and heavy, and she was willing to do anything and everything.

Later that day I headed back to Loutron to see if I could find Alejandra again. Unfortunately I showed up too late and they were about to close at 7 (usually close at 10 on weekdays) and she was taken already. I ended up taking Valentina, another girl with a great fake body, but just wasn't as good as Alejandra.

I had always wanted to try Sara from Colombiascortvip and gave them a call that night. Sara is a very hot spinner that has got some spice to her. She has a great, fun personality and we had a fun time dancing and drinking before getting down. She was not GFE, but it was a great session nonetheless and I would definitely recommend her if you like small spinners. I will definitely see her again if I return to Medellin soon.

Overall, I had a fun time in Medellin, the place has the most beautiful women in the world. I've realize though, that I just need 1 session a day and much prefer the LDV / freelance bar type setup vs casas and strip clubs. If you all have any recommended places to visit to enjoy these, I am all ears (Bogota? Cuba? Somewhere else?).

Many thanks to all the contributing members here for helping me know where to go.

11-22-11, 02:33

Great report with lots of detail. Thanks for sharing. I have questions:

1) How do you know that your facebook friends are prepagos? I know most girls in Colombia have a price, but its hard to tell if they are pro, semi-pro or just plain sexy from their facebook pages. LOL.

2) Remind me never to go to Loutron for that kind of money.

3) What planet is Tatiana from that she thinks she can get 500K?

Ciao!1} All my Facebook friends are prepagos 2) Don't go to Loutron 3) Tatiana is from Earth, I think? But the experience is out of this World, well worth 500k, I hope this clears things up for you.

11-22-11, 04:10
All I have to say is you are a house owner's dream client. In love with silicone, makeup and marked up prices. The most important for you, me and everyone else is we enjoy ourselves. Thanks again for taking the time to write this.

Details may be a little spotty as a got back a few days ago, but I wanted to add a report on my trip to MDE from 11/9. 11/13.

Day One.

I flew in on Spirit from O'Hare. FLL. MDE. Immediately upon boarding the flight to MDE, I find that the plane is packed with the sexy paisas, with silicone tits, ass and nose jobs easily appreciated, I LOVE IT!

As we landed in MDE, I noticed a lot of putas hanging around for their paychecks to arrive. I kept making eye contact with a nice silicona that I kept making eye contact with, I finally realized she was a girl I kicked out of my room in the mansion the last time I was here because she refused to kiss and only offered a CBJ. She looks great with those new tits, I definitely wouldn't kick her out again.

Went to the market, settled into Casa Loma (beautiful place) and headed out to Loutron around 6:00PM. The new house is further away, but only about a $10K COP ride out there. The lineup was looking amazing, tons of flacas with very well done implants. I had a hard time picking and went through the lineup 3 times as there were so many hotties. I ended up picking Alejandra, who has to be the hottest girl I have ever f*cked, even though she has a see-section scar. We played around a bit in the room before getting down to business. She doesn't kiss and it is a CBJ, but that didn't bother me at all this trip. My most memorable sessions this trip were actually with girls that were not GFE but had a fun, slightly bitchy, personality and could play "the game" a little. I guess that made it feel more like a natural interaction than the girls that would just be submissive, I like them with a little attitude. Anyways, Alejandra was great in the sack, and actually slipped in for a little LFK during the heat of the moment. Afterward I got her number but didn't end up meeting up with her, biggest mistake of my 3 trips to MDE. Loutron was $225K COP for a session with a beer, and you have to pay a cover charge if you do not session.

That night I headed over to B-lounge for their Wednesday night party. The music sucked for the most part but the crowd had a couple cutties and the bartender as amazingly hot, but had no idea what a redbull vodka was. I was able to chat up a couple of girls outside while getting a smoke and continued inside, but I didn't want to risk my time on an unsure thing. I find it easier to approach attractive women in MDE as I can attribute my lack of game to the language barrier, tends to help my ego, and the girls seem to have fun with a little bit of a language barrier. I headed over to FASE II and ended up snagging Sylvanna for a few drinks, she's a very shy girl but has a great body, and is usually dancing with a silver outfit on. I've had good luck at FASE with getting GFE session and had a great time with Sylvanna. I believe a session on-site is around $190K COP, of which they get $120k. Day one was by far my best day of the trip.

Day Two.

The next day I called up an ex-Loutron girl I had in my phone. Unfortunately, the past year has not been kind as she's plumped up a bit. She stopped by and did anything and everything I asked for, and was $150K for 3 hours. While she was cute and was willing to do anything, I just didn't have as great of a time with her.

I went out to Thai Co. In Parque Lleras for dinner, which seems to be quite the hotspot right now. A ton of people there for just drinks and fairly good eye candy. I was supposed to meet a prepago I connected with over facebook at midnight so I swung by Fase again in the mean time and was tempted to take Biana, a 30 year old with a smoking hot face but no silicone and a little too much of an ass. I got her number for takeout but she wouldn't budge from $200K / hr and I didn't feel she would be worth it. My last day Sylvanna said she told the other girls about us fvcking for for 30. 40 minutes the other night and that is probably why others were charging a lot for takeout, lazy women. Tatiana the prepago flaked on me and I didn't end up doing anything that night. Day two was an absolute bust overall.

Day Three.

I woke up and made plans to see Tatiana during the day, while she flaked on me, she is way too hot not to sample and I arranged to see her around 3PM. I grabbed lunch at Ay Caramba! In parque lleras, smoking hot waitress and eye candy galore during the daytime, plus the food isn't bad. I think the fajitas with a couple of drinks came out to $20K COP. Back at the apartment I met up with Tatiana and made good use of the hot tub. I'll eventually attach some photos, this girl has a perfect body (very slim with great tits) and would be a ton of fun to meet up with for a night out. We agreed to $200K for the night, and instead of discussing money I paid her the same for the 3 hours we were hanging out. Unfortunately she is a bartender at a club and is only able to get out Sunday. Wednesday nights, so I wasn't able to fully enjoy. Unfortunately she asked me not to give out her contact info and only meets friends of friends.

That night I also arranged to meet with another Tatiana I met on facebook. The girl ran 3 hours late and after refusing to talk $ before meeting, asked for $500K for the night. I kicked her out and headed to the rooftop bar at the Charlee hotel in parque lleras, ENVY. The place has got good music, a beautiful crowd a rooftop pool and an amazing view, the Le Bain of Medellin. I would definitely recommend going there with a group of well dressed 20. 30 somethings that go hard. DO NOT go there if you have problems getting into a club in NY, Miami, Vegas or LA, you will stick out like a sore thumb. Drinks are 20. 25K a piece with expensive bottles and they also throw a Saturday pool party o I stopped by Fase for a bit and chatted with Sylvanna, but really wasn't liking anything else there.

Day Four. Final day.

I headed out to a cuban restaurant in parque lleras for breakfast, and it was just packed with hotties. The place is a bit a of a hole in the wall but had good food and the scenery just couldn't be beat. I arranged to meet Sylvanna from Fase back at my apartment and she arrived about an hour late, but let me know before hand. I was a little disappointed that she wasn't as dolled up with makeup as she normally is at Fase, but she still looked good. The session was hot and heavy, and she was willing to do anything and everything.

Later that day I headed back to Loutron to see if I could find Alejandra again. Unfortunately I showed up too late and they were about to close at 7 (usually close at 10 on weekdays) and she was taken already. I ended up taking Valentina, another girl with a great fake body, but just wasn't as good as Alejandra.

I had always wanted to try Sara from Colombiascortvip and gave them a call that night. Sara is a very hot spinner that has got some spice to her. She has a great, fun personality and we had a fun time dancing and drinking before getting down. She was not GFE, but it was a great session nonetheless and I would definitely recommend her if you like small spinners. I will definitely see her again if I return to Medellin soon.

Overall, I had a fun time in Medellin, the place has the most beautiful women in the world. I've realize though, that I just need 1 session a day and much prefer the LDV / freelance bar type setup vs casas and strip clubs. If you all have any recommended places to visit to enjoy these, I am all ears (Bogota? Cuba? Somewhere else?).

Many thanks to all the contributing members here for helping me know where to go.

11-22-11, 04:12

Great report with lots of detail. Thanks for sharing. I have questions:

1) How do you know that your facebook friends are prepagos? I know most girls in Colombia have a price, but its hard to tell if they are pro, semi-pro or just plain sexy from their facebook pages. LOL.

2) Remind me never to go to Loutron for that kind of money.

3) What planet is Tatiana from that she thinks she can get 500K?

Ciao!1) Like any other type of network effect, you have a couple of prepagos and mongers from previous trips on your FB and it starts to recommend their friends and others that will likely be prepagos. The beauty of network effects.

2) Gladly, I will happily keep them for myself. I know most on here hate the place, but IMO it has BY FAR the hottest girls in Medellin. I have yet to see a puta in the mansion, Fase II, Luna Lunera, etc that could touch Alejandra or a couple of other Loutron girls in terms of looks. All of this is of course, in the eye of the beholder. Plus, I don't have an issue with non-GFE sessions and they were actually the most fun this past trip.

3) Just to clarify, the Tatiana that wanted 500k was a different tatiana than the one in the pictures. I found during our brief encounter that she has many high $ puta friends that are on websites ($400K / hr) and she wanted to call one of them over before I heard the price and put a quick end to it. If I could get the bartender from be-lounge or the hostess at Ay Caramba for $500K TLN, I would jump at the chance.

11-22-11, 17:41
Anyone around to hang out and have a couple of drinks?

As much as I may end up hating it (or loving it) I will have to check out Loutron and see for myself what the deal is. I will definitely sample and then compare to the less expensive options.

I blend so I will be combing the less moneyed and / or tourist oriented places hoping for the diamond in the rough.

Wish me luck!

11-23-11, 10:56
Anyone around to hang out and have a couple of drinks?

As much as I may end up hating it (or loving it) I will have to check out Loutron and see for myself what the deal is. I will definitely sample and then compare to the less expensive options.

I blend so I will be combing the less moneyed and / or tourist oriented places hoping for the diamond in the rough.

Wish me luck!Energy and New Life can have stunning girls in there. You can pull 2 or 3 girls from there for the price of one at Loutron. LOL

11-23-11, 18:54
Energy and New Life can have stunning girls in there. You can pull 2 or 3 girls from there for the price of one at Loutron. LOLThanks for the tip mate! Will check for sure and compare.

Does it matter which days? I imagine weekends may have better selection?


11-23-11, 19:05
Sorry didn't find the Medellin hotel and apartment thread.

Reading the threads I figured that this agency is pricey but reputable and providing a good service. I even remember Barry (screenname bbroc) was offering a 10% discount to ISG-members.

My experience with them so far. They answered fast to my Inquiries and offered to send me a quote after selecting an apartment. To my big surprise I got a quote higher than what is mentioned on their homepage. So let us open the discussion, if ISG-members get a surcharge instead of a discount.

An other question I would like to have feedback is question 26 from their FAQ page:

26. Can I bring guests back to the apartment?

Once you have arrived at your apartment, it is literally your home away from home. Guests may visit you in the apartment as many times as you like, whenever you like without additional cost, however any person staying more than one night will be required to pay.

So are they girl friendly – in my opinion a main reason to choose an apartment instead of hotel. So do they really charge? Do they charge for staying with your novia several nights, but for having another prepago every night its free?

So please give your experiences / thoughts.

11-23-11, 19:12
Thanks for the tip mate! Will check for sure and compare.

Does it matter which days? I imagine weekends may have better selection?

CheersOn the contrary, I've found the hotter putas in the casas on the weekdays. The girls save their money for the weekends to get their nails and hair done along with some new clothes to party with!!

Or they have to stay home with their kids, husbands and novios on the weekends. Its pretty funny, most of the chicks will tell you that they tell their families or boyfriends that they work in offices and stores and they ACTUALLY buy that excuse or are playing stupid. Jaja LOL

11-23-11, 21:20
Kinda like how one of my ATFs tells her family she's a secretary. A secretary who can't type, use a computer, or even spell might be a bit of a rarity these days.

Hasideas Tao
11-23-11, 23:41
I hope to inspire some fresh, not necessarily new, dialog. Just my stream of consciousness of what is relevant to me.

Which are the best raincoats? Sensitivity wise. Because I think they all suck and I am getting desperate and I wasn't smart enough to save the wrapper when I thought I found a good one. For a while I was using dry ones by Trojan and bought these mini one shot packets of lube which seemed to be okay. Kind of thick but it was better than others since the damn thing wasnt sliding around because of the lube inside.

Which are the best bootleg Vitamins? Personally, the one's they sell in Colombia that are like little diamonds, I think are the best. Not the rounded diamond shape ones which are also bigger. I commonly find it difficult to finish, even with the real stuff. However, there could be many other factors which inhibit on any given occasion. I have a pretty high metabolism and eat many small meals a day. Maybe someone in the field can come up with some exact names. I ordered from India once and I thought they were okay but kind of week considering the strength they were labeled. I was later warned (by just another dude) not to order from India because their regulations on quality and contents are bad.

Best Cafe, panaderia: Darn it I wish I paid more attention to names on my last visit but in Centro on the East side of Ave Oriental at or near Calle 57a. For me its a perfect spot to give my mojo an extra boost while waiting for 10:30 or 11 to roll around. Located on a corner, they have a complete selection of Colombian pastries and breads. Everything I have tried there has been great! And a cute paisa brings your order to your table. Situated right around the corner from both Angels de Fuego and Massages de Sexi and others.

Best lunch spot: Nutibarra. I tout this place all the time. Diagnonally across from Parque Botero. Kind of like a big terrace raised off of street level. Roasted chicken is fresh and awesome. Once it was a little over cooked which made the wing inedible but the rest was still delicious. And not expensive.

Best Casa: I vote for New Life. There have been times when it was a complete miss but more than any of the others, it has been great. PS I have kinda of noticed the locals call them something other than Casas but can't remember the word. Anyone know?

Best Road trip: So far for me it's El Penol. The big rock with like 600 stairs the zig zag up the crack. Hehe. And the cute town 5 minutes away. Careful. The buses back to Medellin stop running kind of early. Spending a Friday night in the town would probably be a lot of fun though.

Biggest waste of time: Taking the metrocable to the National parque past the Biblioteca. And I even rented horses. Whatever. The metrocable is cool and so is the biblioteca and the area around it. But in my opinion the park itself is kind of a waste and takes a long time to get to. And they charge you an extra metrocable fee. Anyone else have a great time there? Something I missed?

Best Festival or Holiday. I have only been to the Flower Festival. It was pretty cool. With lots of things to see around the city. Personally, I prefer to visit during just a regular calm time but it seems to me like Halloween can be particularly entertaining if you're in a good spot.

Biggest boobs: I have witnessed the largest encounters at F2. You might think Hooters but no.

Ok enough. Feel free to add any of your own personal biggests and bestests.

Best local attraction. Besides the women.


Frederic Hard
11-24-11, 00:58
Jetlagged but went to Energy hoping for a great start to my umpteenth MDE trip. Did not happen. Unfortunately, picked Lauda who knew just what not to do to keep me down. I do not recommend. Receprion requested 98, 000COP. I hope its inflation and not gringo price. Either way its bad though. To address the theme bestest from previous contribution my best condom is durex ultra sensitive I seem to enjoy my sessions most with that brand. I rate Colombian women as the 3rd hottest in Latin America. I rate Argentinians as numero uno followed by Brazilians. I always have great sessions in Brazil the best I have anywhere in the world but have scaled back my activities there to avoid going bankrupt.

Mtn Snow
11-24-11, 08:27
I hope to inspire some fresh, not necessarily new, dialog. Just my stream of consciousness of what is relevant to me. I

Which are the best raincoats? Sensitivity wise. Because I think they all suck and I am getting desperate and I wasn't smart enough to save the wrapper when I thought I found a good one. For a while I was using dry ones by Trojan and bought these mini one shot packets of lube which seemed to be okay. Kind of thick but it was better than others since the damn thing wasnt sliding around because of the lube inside.

Which are the best bootleg Vitamins? Personally, the one's they sell in Colombia that are like little diamonds, I think are the best. Not the rounded diamond shape ones which are also bigger. I commonly find it difficult to finish, even with the real stuff. However, there could be many other factors which inhibit on any given occasion. I have a pretty high metabolism and eat many small meals a day. Maybe someone in the field can come up with some exact names. I ordered from India once and I thought they were okay but kind of week considering the strength they were labeled. I was later warned (by just another dude) not to order from India because their regulations on quality and contents are bad.

Best Cafe, panaderia: Darn it I wish I paid more attention to names on my last visit but in Centro on the East side of Ave Oriental at or near Calle 57a. For me its a perfect spot to give my mojo an extra boost while waiting for 10:30 or 11 to roll around. Located on a corner, they have a complete selection of Colombian pastries and breads. Everything I have tried there has been great! And a cute paisa brings your order to your table. Situated right around the corner from both Angels de Fuego and Massages de Sexi and others.

Best lunch spot: Nutibarra. I tout this place all the time. Diagnonally across from Parque Botero. Kind of like a big terrace raised off of street level. Roasted chicken is fresh and awesome. Once it was a little over cooked which made the wing inedible but the rest was still delicious. And not expensive.

Best Casa: I vote for New Life. There have been times when it was a complete miss but more than any of the others, it has been great. PS I have kinda of noticed the locals call them something other than Casas but can't remember the word. Anyone know?

Best Road trip: So far for me it's El Penol. The big rock with like 600 stairs the zig zag up the crack. Hehe. And the cute town 5 minutes away. Careful. The buses back to Medellin stop running kind of early. Spending a Friday night in the town would probably be a lot of fun though.

Biggest waste of time: Taking the metrocable to the National parque past the Biblioteca. And I even rented horses. Whatever. The metrocable is cool and so is the biblioteca and the area around it. But in my opinion the park itself is kind of a waste and takes a long time to get to. And they charge you an extra metrocable fee. Anyone else have a great time there? Something I missed?

Best Festival or Holiday. I have only been to the Flower Festival. It was pretty cool. With lots of things to see around the city. Personally, I prefer to visit during just a regular calm time but it seems to me like Halloween can be particularly entertaining if you're in a good spot.

Biggest boobs: I have witnessed the largest encounters at F2. You might think Hooters but no.

Ok enough. Feel free to add any of your own personal biggests and bestests.

Best local attraction. Besides the women.

ThanksI get mine at a site called condom depot. They have the quality and quantity going for them. I recommend Kimonos micro thins. A blue packet. They have the best sensation. Great post. I hope to meet you someday in Medellin.

Sky Ryder
11-24-11, 09:57
I hope to inspire some fresh, not necessarily new, dialog. Just my stream of consciousness of what is relevant to me.

Which are the best raincoats? Sensitivity wise. Because I think they all suck and I am getting desperate and I wasn't smart enough to save the wrapper when I thought I found a good one. For a while I was using dry ones by Trojan and bought these mini one shot packets of lube which seemed to be okay. Kind of thick but it was better than others since the damn thing wasnt sliding around because of the lube inside.

Biggest boobs: I have witnessed the largest encounters at F2. You might think Hooters but no.

Ok enough. Feel free to add any of your own personal biggests and bestests.

Best local attraction. Besides the women.

ThanksI also get mine from the condom depot. They have the best prices and ship quickly. My all time favorite is Crown. The are the most sensitive, and strongest I have ever found. I also have a small allergy it seems to latex, but for some reason have never had a problem with the Crown brand. They also have another "model" called Seven I think which is pretty good. After those, I have good luck with Lifestyles micro-thin, but I like one that has a touch of lube on the inside as well. I also suggest Pjur personal lube, the stuff is the bomb! Good for any location, a little goes a long way and at least for me always seem to make things a little smoother, no matter how wet the girl seems to be.

I would agree that F2 has the most consistent gathering of large (mostly fake) tits I have every seen outside of a Las Vegas strip club! While they don't compare in terms of shear size, a night at Escape in Hong Kong watching all the little Viet gals with their plastic boobs is pretty eye catching as well.

11-25-11, 17:14
I'm in Medellintill Dec 2, and need some recomendations for a massage place or a good casa to find a beutiful girl for a session, any help is appreciated.

11-25-11, 19:43
I'm in Medellintill Dec 2, and need some recomendations for a massage place or a good casa to find a beutiful girl for a session, any help is appreciated.Here is a good tip; read the boards, use the search feature, and I'll save you the trouble of asking: If you don't speak spanish or are VERY handsome you have no chance with "regular"girls.

Report back

Member #4394
11-25-11, 22:29
Please check the "Info for Newbies" thread. Thanks.

I'm in Medellintill Dec 2, and need some recomendations for a massage place or a good casa to find a beutiful girl for a session, any help is appreciated.

Thor Real
11-25-11, 23:52
Back in MDE after a few months absence. Arrived on Wednesday headed for Abydos, yesterday went to Energy and today New Life. Have some time now so can post, have not in the past due to lack of time. I notice that what I'm about to do is not usually done in this forum but is done in others but what the heck. Went with pen and paper to New Life, was presented with 15 chicas as follows:

Melinin. 5/10.

Jessica. 5.

Nicole. 6.

Sada. 4.

Julietta. 5.5.

Pamela. 5.

Carolina. 5.

Leidi. 5.

Daniela. 4.

Carlene. 7.

Luiza. 6.

Marcela. 6.

Cameela. 5.

Michelle. 6.

Suzanna. 5.

There were 3 other dudes checking the lineup, I was slow on the draw and lost arlene and Luiza. Went with Nicole, nothing to write home about.

11-26-11, 15:23
One guy's 5 is another's 8, and could be another's 10.

Happy holidays!

11-26-11, 19:06

Marry a semi / prepago or get her a VISA for your country. Keep everything confidential, maybe move to a another city with more work for you and her. Make your homework to make sure that everything is legal.

If she is a professional guapa she can easily pay half of your cost of living after she has created a client network, with little work. If she works a lot she can save (a lot of) money.

Then you take long vacacions in Colombia (or where you prefer to go). Start preparing to live there as retired.

You save all expenses on mongering and get a beautiful wife who can contribute to the households expenses.

If you have a flexible work, you can escape northern US / Canada or Europe for some horrible winter months every year, without having to being mongering desperate. Visit only your favorites while being there.

The thing is that she can divorce you after 2-3 years and then get a permanent VISA. But she will be looking for other men either way, so you don't have to be depressed when she files for a divorce, just make sure that you have signed "capitulaciones matrimoniales" so you don't loose your house and car and have to pay alimoney for years.

11-26-11, 19:07
One guy's 5 is another's 8, and could be another's 10.

Happy holidays!I'm curious to see what his criteria is. Also performance, attitude, services provided also need to be considered. What would you rather have? A 10 in the street that is a 2 in the sack or a 6-7 in the street that fucks like a porn star-girlfriend?

11-26-11, 19:26

I have met guapas who actually have considered my idea to come and work as a pornomodel in the US or Europe.

I have looked a what a pornomodel can make and with success she can make a lot of money while actually having realitively little sex with other men (models).

That is also an option.

The producion companies welcome latinas because they accept lower wages, but still very high, and today this business is professionally run, even Milcap (Private) are on the Nasdaq.

90% of us mongerers have nnormal incomes, it's just to expensive to make your erotic dreams come true on an ordinary salary even if you are mongering in Colombia. You have to make compromises that gives that ease on the erotic and economical pressure. Because mongering is adictive, more than alcohol or cocaine.

11-26-11, 20:30

If your girl makes some pornos and get a name, she can charge a lot more as a stripper, and the number of men actually having sex with her will decrease. She will bring her stripper friends to parties and you can enjoy their

Company as well.

11-26-11, 21:59
Hi Guys,

Been trawling a little on Colombia Cupid in the hope of increasing the numbers of contacts I have when I get to Medellin next month.

Would you agree that any younger chica (23) who writes that she is "looking for a guy 20-45." is 100% P4P?

In one particular case I'the be happy if she is P4P because I would be more than happy to bone one in particular but even so, these girls play it very slow – they are not exactly working to keep you interested!

Has anyone actually met up with CC girls who fall into the 'almost certainly P4P' category? Appreciate any comments.

I guess the saying that there is 'no fool like an old fool" applies here!


Member #4176
11-27-11, 00:44
Hi Guys,

Been trawling a little on Colombia Cupid in the hope of increasing the numbers of contacts I have when I get to Medellin next month.

Would you agree that any younger chica (23) who writes that she is "looking for a guy 20-45." is 100% P4P?

In one particular case I'the be happy if she is P4P because I would be more than happy to bone one in particular but even so, these girls play it very slow – they are not exactly working to keep you interested!

Has anyone actually met up with CC girls who fall into the 'almost certainly P4P' category? Appreciate any comments.

I guess the saying that there is 'no fool like an old fool" applies here!

BubbaUsually when I see looking for a guy 18-70 that means p4p. Also, when it says activity partner. But the biggest clue is how there dressed in the fotos. But, what I do in the most polite manner is talk nogocios.

Member #4176
11-27-11, 00:48
I'm in Medellintill Dec 2, and need some recomendations for a massage place or a good casa to find a beutiful girl for a session, any help is appreciated.No offense but, should have done your homework. There is a list of casas, and places you can go. You can talk with the girls at the casas and set something up for later dates. The other resources are the cab drives.

Member #4176
11-27-11, 00:58
Sorry didn't find the Medellin hotel and apartment thread.

Reading the threads I figured that this agency is pricey but reputable and providing a good service. I even remember Barry (screenname bbroc) was offering a 10% discount to ISG-members.

My experience with them so far. They answered fast to my Inquiries and offered to send me a quote after selecting an apartment. To my big surprise I got a quote higher than what is mentioned on their homepage. So let us open the discussion, if ISG-members get a surcharge instead of a discount.

An other question I would like to have feedback is question 26 from their FAQ page:

26. Can I bring guests back to the apartment?

Once you have arrived at your apartment, it is literally your home away from home. Guests may visit you in the apartment as many times as you like, whenever you like without additional cost, however any person staying more than one night will be required to pay.

So are they girl friendly – in my opinion a main reason to choose an apartment instead of hotel. So do they really charge? Do they charge for staying with your novia several nights, but for having another prepago every night its free?

So please give your experiences / thoughts.I have used these guys 2 or 3 times before the apartments are nice and they were girl friendly. The only problem was with the noise. Brought 2 girls home one nite and we were all drunk and making alot of noise. The desk called me and told me there were complaints. The next day was told that residence didn't want noise after 10.

11-27-11, 01:13
Hi Guys,

Been trawling a little on Colombia Cupid in the hope of increasing the numbers of contacts I have when I get to Medellin next month.

Would you agree that any younger chica (23) who writes that she is "looking for a guy 20-45." is 100% P4P?

BubbaNote so much the 20-45 range thing. If she's 20's then a guy 15-20 years older is pretty common in Colombia. Now if she's says 20-60 or 80 then yes 100% working girl.

Good luck. I actually have met several nice "normal" girls and only 1 semi-pro. From what I read Romancelatina is full of working girls.

11-27-11, 02:07
Hi Guys,

Been trawling a little on Colombia Cupid in the hope of increasing the numbers of contacts I have when I get to Medellin next month.

Would you agree that any younger chica (23) who writes that she is "looking for a guy 20-45." is 100% P4P?

In one particular case I'the be happy if she is P4P because I would be more than happy to bone one in particular but even so, these girls play it very slow – they are not exactly working to keep you interested!

Has anyone actually met up with CC girls who fall into the 'almost certainly P4P' category? Appreciate any comments.

I guess the saying that there is 'no fool like an old fool" applies here!

BubbaI am 50 years old and have Been on the site for 2 months now, and have written to about 15 women. 2 have remain in contact the entire time and wll probably meet one for sure when I come in May 2012.

But I joined not for your reasons, so perhaps my comments are not what your looking for, the young ones that have contacted me, seem to be after just the $$, the youngest 18 years, but she keeps writing even after I have said I'm only going to MDE, to look for a future retirement spot.

Another thing is I only reply to the women that send me interest which are generally 35 years to 45 years, I'm looking for more of the friend that knows the area person, not a hump session.

So my picks are plain, employed and non smokers, in fact the one from Bogota I have talked to the most on "Skype" is 40 years old, works in a clinic and her youngest child is 16 years old, we talk every Friday on Skype and my spanish has improved dramatically, she corrects my grammer, past and present forms, we do actually conversations I will have in taxi's, on the street, in the stores.

This would not be provided to me I think by a young one, cause as we know because we were young once, attention and focus is just not there

So yes in my opinion the site worked wonders for me, but I was looking for friends that could show me Colombia, I let the women pick me, and I made it clear from the start I wasn't after sex or a wife


11-27-11, 03:26
I am 50 years old and have Been on the site for 2 months now, and have written to about 15 women. 2 have remain in contact the entire time and wll probably meet one for sure when I come in May 2012.Thanks Nowrath. Appreciate your comments. I have had contact with quite a few older women who I have replied to and one or two of them look like they could be long term friends. Not trying to defend myself here but I do reply and treat them respectfully and don't bullshit. All the same, I can feel myself getting drawn in slowly.

So I agree that there are plenty of very nice attractive older women on the site who could easily develop into good friends and mixed amongst them are the P4P girls that as you indicate and young and not too worried by what might happen tomorrow.

Somehow I doubt that I can meet these women and also meet P4P women in a single trip. I think it would have to be separated in time and space!

Thanks again.


11-27-11, 07:56
Somehow I doubt that I can meet these women and also meet P4P women in a single trip. I think it would have to be separated in time and space!

BubbaI do it all the times. You have to arrange your time as you see fit. As mentioned here before, Colombian women are often very flaky. You need a backup plan and the P4P women are just that.


Hasideas Tao
11-27-11, 15:59
I did the dating sites too before my last visit. It can be encouraging and misleading at the same time. The pros, after 1 or 2 contacts, will just give you their email and number and tell you to contact them when you arrive. Good luck catching them at the right moment. The semi pros and non pros will take a little longer for them to size you up. My experience was, while it was exciting getting responses from many hot chicas, collecting emails and numbers and a chance to get a little Spanish practice, in the end it was not a great tool as far as actually meeting girls. IMHO these females have a very RIGHT NOW mindset which can be great and frustrating as well. The key is to not let any single chica get stuck in your head. In the US, where everyone is so busy, real or pretend, when meeting girls I say something like, it's interesting to meet you, maybe we can meet up sometime, and then try to plan something with them in the near future. If I happen to make their top ten things to do list, we meet. In Colombia, be it online, at a club or on the street, I say something like, Nice to meet you, do you want to blah blah blah with me right now, tonight or tomorrow? If they like your suggestion, are not doing anything or yours is a better offer, they just might agree. Good manners will often get you very positive feedback. One in the hand is worth two in the Bush, is in full effect in Colombia.

Hi Guys,

Been trawling a little on Colombia Cupid in the hope of increasing the numbers of contacts I have when I get to Medellin next month.

Would you agree that any younger chica (23) who writes that she is "looking for a guy 20-45." is 100% P4P?

In one particular case I'the be happy if she is P4P because I would be more than happy to bone one in particular but even so, these girls play it very slow – they are not exactly working to keep you interested!

Has anyone actually met up with CC girls who fall into the 'almost certainly P4P' category? Appreciate any comments.

I guess the saying that there is 'no fool like an old fool" applies here!


Thor Real
11-27-11, 19:30
One guy's 5 is another's 8, and could be another's 10.

Happy holidays!And one guy's 5 could be another's 3. I try to be as objective as possible and rating has nothing to do with performance. I returned to New Life on Saturday and sampled Jessica who was much better in the sack than Nicole. I generally find less good looking chicas much betterr in bed than their better looking sisters. Nicole was so damn lazy. I saw more consistent 6'2 and 7's at Abydos and Energy. I will return to these establishments with pen and paper before I leave Medellin but before that, Leutrons.

The Tall Man
11-28-11, 03:31
Hasideas Tao. Perfectly said! My experience is the same.

The Tall Man

11-28-11, 07:18
My experience was, while it was exciting getting responses from many hot chicas, collecting emails and numbers and a chance to get a little Spanish practice, in the end it was not a great tool as far as actually meeting girls. IMHO these females have a very RIGHT NOW mindset which can be great and frustrating as well. .Thanks Hasideas Tao. Plus Play Hard, Siam City and Ezyngo. You guys really crystallized the situation and the advice was great.

