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11-06-12, 19:33
Forget Depeache Mode. If you REALLY want a Colombian woman to melt into pussy juice, learn the lyrics to Spanish songs, especially the old "baladas" or vallenato songs, or "salsa romantica", and if you can sing these lyrics a bit, even better. But this takes great spanish skills and a genuine love for the music.I agree.

This will sound corny, but I learned the words and sing the song by the Backstreet Boys, Nunca te hare Llorar. (I'll never make you cry)

I know, I know, the Backstreet Boys really?

But damn if it doesn't melt even the hardest muchacha, and it's fun.

11-07-12, 03:20
Forget Depeache Mode. If you REALLY want a Colombian woman to melt into pussy juice, learn the lyrics to Spanish songs, especially the old "baladas" or vallenato songs, or "salsa romantica", and if you can sing these lyrics a bit, even better. But this takes great spanish skills and a genuine love for the music.Well I can't sing and if I did the room would clear. I think you're missing my point. It's not what you say it's how you say it!

11-07-12, 06:07
What kind of drugs are you hallucinating on? Are you sure you were in Cartagena? The beaches are not even close to being nice, and the water is a sewage pit, and that is no exaggeration.The beaches of Bocagrande and El Laguito aren't like those you would find in Hawaii, Florida, Cayman Island, Thailand, but they aren't that bad. The water isn't crystal clear, but I wouldn't call it a sewage pit. I spent 3-4 hours a day swimming in the ocean for 5 days without any ill-effect and I didn't seen any evidence of sewage or trash that would make it a "sewage pit." The ocean currents help flush things out. I've been told that if it hasn't rained in awhile, the water can get somewhat "iffy," but that's a similar problem that I found in other areas like Phuket, Thailand. At some of the more popular beaches of Bocagrande, they rake the beach sand which kills that sand insect which is a nuisance.

Now the beaches around the old city of Cartagena, I'd avoid those.

Nino Bravo
11-07-12, 13:19
Well I can't sing and if I did the room would clear. I think you're missing my point. It's not what you say it's how you say it!Didn't miss your point, not at all. Just sayin' that the vast majority of Colombian women will be more impressed with lyrics from old baladas, vallenato and salsa romantica than lyrics from Depeche Mode. But, if Depeche Mode works for you, more power to ya'.

11-08-12, 00:41
Hahaha. Yes! We both forgot Spanish language skills!

Spanish skills are a must and most girls speak 1% or less English.

This one time in a club I quoted Depeache Mode's "Enjoy the Silence"! I told her in spanish "You're all I ever needed, All I ever wanted, here in my arms!" she melted into a puddle of hot pussy juice and we couldn't wait to get back to my place. SERIOUS making out in the Taxi!


*FOR THE NEWBS. This is not the DR or Asia! There is no novelty for dating a gringo in Colombia any more. So if you don't speak Spanish and you want to date a "regular" girl than you'd better be tall, rich, and handsome like Tom Brady! Or pay the $50 and get a Rosetastone program!Where the hell do you get Rosetta stone for $50? Last time I checked, thay wanted 5, or 6 hundred. I found it for $15, in the DR, but figured it was a demo, when it stopped working after 2 weeks.

11-08-12, 03:16
Where the hell do you get Rosetta stone for $50? Last time I checked, thay wanted 5, or 6 hundred. I found it for $15, in the DR, but figured it was a demo, when it stopped working after 2 weeks.Why do I bother posting here? Why do members focus on little details instead of the larger message or content? Are you guys that clueless to life and women?

$50 was a typo. $500 what was meant. That is on me and I'll stand up for it. Bud did you not read the part about finding a torrent client and getting the program for free? Hello McFly! FREE! I even told you to NOT share after you got the file to avoid any possible legal ramifications! Dude seriously! Step into the future! Use the "Interweb" for actual things other than free porn and how to find hookers (foreign and or domestic!)!

So recap, You can spend $500 (Five Hundred, no typo LOL) on Rosetta Sonte or spend 15 min finding a Torrent client (for you old guys there is a wikipiedia page so you don't have to be afraid of new things!) and then another 15 min finding a healthy and active torrent. Spend $500 or 30 min. Up to you; I can do no more.

Didn't miss your point, not at all. Just sayin' that the vast majority of Colombian women will be more impressed with lyrics from old baladas, vallenato and salsa romantica than lyrics from Depeche Mode. But, if Depeche Mode works for you, more power to ya'.Sir, with all due respect yes YOU DID miss my point. I was just trying to share a cool and fun story with the board and once again ya'll get bogged down in some other bullshit. Let me explain; It's funny that I used old song lyrics to romance a PYT in Colombia: why funny? Because she had no idea they were song lyrics and that it worked! I told her in the NATURAL flow of our romantic evening that "She was all I ever wanted, All I ever need, Here in my arms" and she melted! I could have used any old romantic song but I happened to use those!

Now you "just saying" that you will be able to incorporate old ballads, vallenato, ect song lyrics into your conversation and this will some how make you more fuckable to her? How? In what way is this organic and or in the natural flow of a conversation? Now if you're dancing with the girl and you know the lyrics and can sing along that is clutch and would work. But to say they'd be "impressed" that you know some old song is just not realistic. Would it work in America? You know the lyrics to "The Electric Slide" and some white girl is going to suck your dick? NO!

Say that out loud: "I am going to use old.corney song lyrics that she KNOWS and has heard 1000 times to "impress" her and then she'll want to sleep with me?

You kidding me? No Fucking way! What you going to wait and PRAY to God that they happen to play a song you have memorized at the club? PLUS you happen to be dancing with a girl when the song comes on? Can you not see the difference between the two examples? Natural flow of conversation vs forced and contrived. It's like coming up with a joke that is appropriate and off the top of your head that is delivered with impeccable timing vs a joke you have prepared and is forced into a conversation (Square Peg x Round Hole). The first is funny and wins the day and makes friends, the second is a momentum stopper and makes shit awkward.

Try this; look at the girls perspective.

ME: "Ay dios mio! This gringo just told me that he needs me, and has always wanted a girl like me, and he's holding me in his arms right here and right now"

You: "Ay que feo, this guy can't sing OR dance and he's screaming this old ass song that my parents like in my ear. I might have fucked him but he's blow it!"

Now if you can sing the old songs (or sing in general) that is impressive: AS LONG as it does not feel forced or contrived!

11-08-12, 13:23
Hey guys.

I heard from a buddy in Medellin last night that the police have recently been closing down the bar scene, as well as the street scene, at the Mayo, right at midnight.

Not the usual, shut the bars down and continue with the street party and fun, but booting everyone off the strip closed down.

Anyone have recent intel on that? Within the last week or so.

11-09-12, 17:38
Not the usual, shut the bars down and continue with the street party and fun, but booting everyone off the strip closed down.

Anyone have recent intel on that? Within the last week or so.Here was the scene on the Mayo strip. The bars were banned to have tables and chairs on the Mayo sidewalk, with the exception for the restaurants at the other end. Bars Monterey and Los Cristales have expanded the interior to accommodate as a consequence. All (bars and restaurants) opened until 2am on Friday night, until 1am on Saturday, and until midnight for the rest. Street party was like before, unaffected. Police presence was unnoticeable. Bar Veruzka played x-rated movies on two TVs, one in front and the other on the dance floor in the back. It'd be too bad if they shut it down completely because I liked to hang around and enjoyed the street scene after hours sometimes until sunrise. Nonetheless,

Cheers to all.

Mr Gogo
11-09-12, 18:05
Why do I bother posting here? Why do members focus on little details instead of the larger message or content? Are you guys that clueless to life and women?

$50 was a typo. $500 what was meant. That is on me and I'll stand up for it. Bud did you not read the part about finding a torrent client and getting the program for free? Hello McFly! FREE! I even told you to NOT share after you got the file to avoid any possible legal ramifications! Dude seriously! Step into the future! Use the "Interweb" for actual things other than free porn and how to find hookers (foreign and or domestic!)!

So recap, You can spend $500 (Five Hundred, no typo LOL) on Rosetta Sonte or spend 15 min finding a Torrent client (for you old guys there is a wikipiedia page so you don't have to be afraid of new things!) and then another 15 min finding a healthy and active torrent. Spend $500 or 30 min. Up to you; I can do no more.

Sir, with all due respect yes YOU DID miss my point. I was just trying to share a cool and fun story with the board and once again ya'll get bogged down in some other bullshit. Let me explain; It's funny that I used old song lyrics to romance a PYT in Colombia: why funny? Because she had no idea they were song lyrics and that it worked! I told her in the NATURAL flow of our romantic evening that "She was all I ever wanted, All I ever need, Here in my arms" and she melted! I could have used any old romantic song but I happened to use those!

Now you "just saying" that you will be able to incorporate old ballads, vallenato, ect song lyrics into your conversation and this will some how make you more fuckable to her? How? In what way is this organic and or in the natural flow of a conversation? Now if you're dancing with the girl and you know the lyrics and can sing along that is clutch and would work. But to say they'd be "impressed" that you know some old song is just not realistic. Would it work in America? You know the lyrics to "The Electric Slide" and some white girl is going to suck your dick? NO!

Say that out loud: "I am going to use old. Corney song lyrics that she KNOWS and has heard 1000 times to "impress" her and then she'll want to sleep with me?

You kidding me? No Fucking way! What you going to wait and PRAY to God that they happen to play a song you have memorized at the club? PLUS you happen to be dancing with a girl when the song comes on? Can you not see the difference between the two examples? Natural flow of conversation vs forced and contrived. It's like coming up with a joke that is appropriate and off the top of your head that is delivered with impeccable timing vs a joke you have prepared and is forced into a conversation (Square Peg x Round Hole). The first is funny and wins the day and makes friends, the second is a momentum stopper and makes shit awkward.

Try this; look at the girls perspective.

ME: "Ay dios mio! This gringo just told me that he needs me, and has always wanted a girl like me, and he's holding me in his arms right here and right now"

You: "Ay que feo, this guy can't sing OR dance and he's screaming this old ass song that my parents like in my ear. I might have fucked him but he's blow it!"

Now if you can sing the old songs (or sing in general) that is impressive: AS LONG as it does not feel forced or contrived!Funny shit, the famous MDE board burnout. Now you understand why guys stop posting and just lurk (like me). We often ask ourself "why bother?". You can educate these guys all day to learn the language and culture, don't dress like a gringo and branch out, only to find out they only leave the mansion to go to Parque Illeras and back to the mansion. Where is MHL, Cubannut, Mr Gogo etc? Probably in Colombia having a ball, quiet as kept.

11-09-12, 23:30
Here was the scene on the Mayo strip. The bars were banned to have tables and chairs on the Mayo sidewalk, with the exception for the restaurants at the other end. Bars Monterey and Los Cristales have expanded the interior to accommodate as a consequence. All (bars and restaurants) opened until 2am on Friday night, until 1am on Saturday, and until midnight for the rest. Street party was like before, unaffected. Police presence was unnoticeable. Bar Veruzka played x-rated movies on two TVs, one in front and the other on the dance floor in the back. It'd be too bad if they shut it down completely because I liked to hang around and enjoyed the street scene after hours sometimes until sunrise. Nonetheless,

Cheers to all.Thanks amigo!

Appreciate the update.

11-10-12, 00:30
Where the hell do you get Rosetta stone for $50? Last time I checked, thay wanted 5, or 6 hundred. I found it for $15, in the DR, but figured it was a demo, when it stopped working after 2 weeks.Actually, you can get it for free if you have the know-how (cough).

Member #4394
11-10-12, 03:42
Thanks for the report!

Here was the scene on the Mayo strip. The bars were banned to have tables and chairs on the Mayo sidewalk, with the exception for the restaurants at the other end. Bars Monterey and Los Cristales have expanded the interior to accommodate as a consequence. All (bars and restaurants) opened until 2am on Friday night, until 1am on Saturday, and until midnight for the rest. Street party was like before, unaffected. Police presence was unnoticeable. Bar Veruzka played x-rated movies on two TVs, one in front and the other on the dance floor in the back. It'd be too bad if they shut it down completely because I liked to hang around and enjoyed the street scene after hours sometimes until sunrise. Nonetheless,

Cheers to all.

11-11-12, 02:18
Why do I bother posting here? Why do members focus on little details instead of the larger message or content? Are you guys that clueless to life and women?

$50 was a typo. $500 what was meant. That is on me and I'll stand up for it. Bud did you not read the part about finding a torrent client and getting the program for free? Hello McFly! FREE! I even told you to NOT share after you got the file to avoid any possible legal ramifications! Dude seriously! Step into the future! Use the "Interweb" for actual things other than free porn and how to find hookers (foreign and or domestic!)!

So recap, You can spend $500 (Five Hundred, no typo LOL) on Rosetta Sonte or spend 15 min finding a Torrent client (for you old guys there is a wikipiedia page so you don't have to be afraid of new things!) and then another 15 min finding a healthy and active torrent. Spend $500 or 30 min. Up to you; I can do no more.

Sir, with all due respect yes YOU DID miss my point. I was just trying to share a cool and fun story with the board and once again ya'll get bogged down in some other bullshit. Let me explain; It's funny that I used old song lyrics to romance a PYT in Colombia: why funny? Because she had no idea they were song lyrics and that it worked! I told her in the NATURAL flow of our romantic evening that "She was all I ever wanted, All I ever need, Here in my arms" and she melted! I could have used any old romantic song but I happened to use those!

Now you "just saying" that you will be able to incorporate old ballads, vallenato, ect song lyrics into your conversation and this will some how make you more fuckable to her? How? In what way is this organic and or in the natural flow of a conversation? Now if you're dancing with the girl and you know the lyrics and can sing along that is clutch and would work. But to say they'd be "impressed" that you know some old song is just not realistic. Would it work in America? You know the lyrics to "The Electric Slide" and some white girl is going to suck your dick? NO!

Say that out loud: "I am going to use old. Corney song lyrics that she KNOWS and has heard 1000 times to "impress" her and then she'll want to sleep with me?

You kidding me? No Fucking way! What you going to wait and PRAY to God that they happen to play a song you have memorized at the club? PLUS you happen to be dancing with a girl when the song comes on? Can you not see the difference between the two examples? Natural flow of conversation vs forced and contrived. It's like coming up with a joke that is appropriate and off the top of your head that is delivered with impeccable timing vs a joke you have prepared and is forced into a conversation (Square Peg x Round Hole). The first is funny and wins the day and makes friends, the second is a momentum stopper and makes shit awkward.

Try this; look at the girls perspective.

ME: "Ay dios mio! This gringo just told me that he needs me, and has always wanted a girl like me, and he's holding me in his arms right here and right now"

You: "Ay que feo, this guy can't sing OR dance and he's screaming this old ass song that my parents like in my ear. I might have fucked him but he's blow it!"

Now if you can sing the old songs (or sing in general) that is impressive: AS LONG as it does not feel forced or contrived!Slamcity777.

Thank you. Never thought about grabbing it this way. Downloading 1, 2 & 3 as I am typing this message. I thank you very much. By the time I click upload, I should have the software.


11-11-12, 02:51
Funny shit, the famous MDE board burnout. Now you understand why guys stop posting and just lurk (like me). We often ask ourself "why bother?". You can educate these guys all day to learn the language and culture, don't dress like a gringo and branch out, only to find out they only leave the mansion to go to Parque Illeras and back to the mansion. Where is MHL, Cubannut, Mr Gogo etc? Probably in Colombia having a ball, quiet as kept.Thank you Goo! There should be a pop up when you click on the Colombia page: With basic info, No Spanish=No regular, You can get money out of the ATM for the best rates (depending if you bank has back end fees) , Stay at the Masion if it's your first time in Town, they'll smooth your transition. Ect, ect, ect. I"m sure I'm forgetting more of the cliches that plague the Colombia boards.

I hope it's OK that I PM you about the DR? I plan on going. And soon!


Thank you. Never thought about grabbing it this way. Downloading 1, 2 & 3 as I am typing this message. I thank you very much. By the time I click upload, I should have the software.

RRDude get the name right! It's Slamcity7777! Just kidding! You are very welcome and I am glad somebody actually reads my posts instead of skimming thro them looking for tiny details to focus in on and then later ***** about something unimportant. Remember it is when you "share" the file is when the PIGS send their lawyers out. If you read all the blogs and news blurbs about people getting sued for P2P and fined big numbers it's when they "seed" or share a large number of files for long periods of time. You have been warned!

If you are a member of a torrent community only seed till you have shared the exact amount of data you down loaded so you keep a decent ratio. Chances are slim but hey. Why take the chance?

RonnyRon please post back if everything works out for you. I'm sure some of the other guys would like to know what up too.

11-11-12, 02:56
There have been debates about Global Economy and Rosetta Stone. I miss those good reports about Medellin and it's very hot females. I have already Rosetta Stone and I have wasted years on Economic Theory, before starting to travel regulary to Latinamerica.

Mja, I use Romancelatina and Cupid sites before arriving. I think those babes that are offering their services are very hot.

Well, I need, and many with me, that somebody of you, present in Medellin Paradise Now, to right some reports. How has things evolved lately on the sex-front?

11-11-12, 15:54
Hey Slamcity maybe Ronny Ron was punning you when he dropped the "7" from your handle in reference to you having the typo dropping the "0" on the Rosetta Stone price

11-12-12, 01:28
I should say I'm greatful for the advice. I've been trying to figure out how to get out of paying for it for months. Now if I can only figure out WTF a torrent is.

Hasideas Tao
11-12-12, 14:01
If you like flacas like me, I found a new spot. I think they are another Fantasias location. Very convenient spot on Oriental. Can't miss it with bright pink curtains flying in the breeze from the third floor.

Crr 46 (oriental) 57A-21.

5 girls. I only saw three. One was a little worn out looking but the other 2 were 7s) I like Alejandra

Member #4176
11-12-12, 18:39
There have been debates about Global Economy and Rosetta Stone. I miss those good reports about Medellin and it's very hot females. I have already Rosetta Stone and I have wasted years on Economic Theory, before starting to travel regulary to Latinamerica.

Mja, I use Romancelatina and Cupid sites before arriving. I think those babes that are offering their services are very hot.

Well, I need, and many with me, that somebody of you, present in Medellin Paradise Now, to right some reports. How has things evolved lately on the sex-front?100% in agreement. I am interested in whats happening good, bad and new in Medellin.

11-13-12, 16:56
Here was the scene on the Mayo strip. The bars were banned to have tables and chairs on the Mayo sidewalk, with the exception for the restaurants at the other end. Bars Monterey and Los Cristales have expanded the interior to accommodate as a consequence. All (bars and restaurants) opened until 2am on Friday night, until 1am on Saturday, and until midnight for the rest. Street party was like before, unaffected. Police presence was unnoticeable. Bar Veruzka played x-rated movies on two TVs, one in front and the other on the dance floor in the back. It'd be too bad if they shut it down completely because I liked to hang around and enjoyed the street scene after hours sometimes until sunrise. Nonetheless,

Cheers to all.I hit the Mayo last night.

Was just as you described, no problem.

I spoke with the Policia that showed up.

They said the bars will close, on Thurs at 1am, Fri-Sat at 2pm, the rest of the week at Midnight.

The chicas and guys can roam the street 24 hours if they like.

11-14-12, 20:54
If you like flacas like me, I found a new spot. I think they are another Fantasias location. Very convenient spot on Oriental. Can't miss it with bright pink curtains flying in the breeze from the third floor.

Crr 46 (oriental) 57A-21.

5 girls. I only saw three. One was a little worn out looking but the other 2 were 7s) I like AlejandraI happened to be walking around that area yesterday, so I popped in for a looksy.

5 chicas presented, for my tastes. 2 were pretty nice.

I had fun with Jessica, nice flaquita.

Ok rooms too.

Normal area pricing.

11-15-12, 00:50
I have been contemplating a long time about a Colombia trip, trying determine how profitable it would be for me. Nevertheless, I'm very eager to make this trip.

So I have never been to South america and I have no idea what to expect, except for the beautiful girls. Here is what I want to ask being a Black-American I wonder is racism an issue in Colombia, from the public and the girls? Second, I understand Spanish is imperative but how far do you really get with English, e. G taxi, hotels, restaurants? Are girls non-cooperative if you don't speak great spanish? I intend to learn the very basics to get attention and convey what I want in Spanish but long convo won't be possible probably. This trip will be most likely with a friend who also doesn't speak Spanish.

Lastly, is Medellin the more fun place or is Bogota safer for a newbie? I know I have a tons of question but I appreciate everyone that gets answered.


Mr Gogo
11-15-12, 17:00
I have been contemplating a long time about a Colombia trip, trying determine how profitable it would be for me. Nevertheless, I'm very eager to make this trip.

So I have never been to South america and I have no idea what to expect, except for the beautiful girls. Here is what I want to ask being a Black-American I wonder is racism an issue in Colombia, from the public and the girls? Second, I understand Spanish is imperative but how far do you really get with English, e. G taxi, hotels, restaurants? Are girls non-cooperative if you don't speak great spanish? I intend to learn the very basics to get attention and convey what I want in Spanish but long convo won't be possible probably. This trip will be most likely with a friend who also doesn't speak Spanish.

Lastly, is Medellin the more fun place or is Bogota safer for a newbie? I know I have a tons of question but I appreciate everyone that gets answered.

Cheers!First pay the membership fee and we will give you all the info you need brother.

Member #4394
11-15-12, 17:52
1) Your race would have marginal or no impact on the game. Whether you are a good looking guy or not would have a lot of impact.

2) Many gringos at Mansion and others don't speak Spanish at all. You can buy pampering services and survive w / o speaking Spanish. But if you want to have fun, learn Spanish, as well as Colombian history and culture. Would it be fun to have a sex with girls whom you cannot have a conversation at all?

3) Medellin first. More numerous and more organized services.

Have fun.

I have been contemplating a long time about a Colombia trip, trying determine how profitable it would be for me. Lsewhere Nevertheless, I'm very eager to make this trip.

So I have never been to South america and I have no idea what to expect, except for the beautiful girls. Here is what I want to ask being a Black-American I wonder is racism an issue in Colombia, from the public and the girls? Second, I understand Spanish is imperative but how far do you really get with English, e. G taxi, hotels, restaurants? Are girls non-cooperative if you don't speak great spanish? I intend to learn the very basics to get attention and convey what I want in Spanish but long convo won't be possible probably. This trip will be most likely with a friend who also doesn't speak Spanish.

Lastly, is Medellin the more fun place or is Bogota safer for a newbie? I know I have a tons of question but I appreciate everyone that gets answered.


11-15-12, 18:14
I have been contemplating a long time about a Colombia trip, trying determine how profitable it would be for me. Nevertheless, I'm very eager to make this trip.

So I have never been to South america and I have no idea what to expect, except for the beautiful girls. Here is what I want to ask being a Black-American I wonder is racism an issue in Colombia, from the public and the girls? Second, I understand Spanish is imperative but how far do you really get with English, e. G taxi, hotels, restaurants? Are girls non-cooperative if you don't speak great spanish? I intend to learn the very basics to get attention and convey what I want in Spanish but long convo won't be possible probably. This trip will be most likely with a friend who also doesn't speak Spanish.

Lastly, is Medellin the more fun place or is Bogota safer for a newbie? I know I have a tons of question but I appreciate everyone that gets answered.

Cheers!Hey Jay, do not worry about being black, but to answer your question very accurately, you would probably fit in Ctg better since it has the most african decendants in all Colombia, but one thing I can tell you though from Colombian friends stories whom are black, is that when they visit cities up in the mountains like Medellin and Bogota they are probably the only 2 black men there in the whole area, the advantage to that is that if you play your game right and dress very cool you know what I mean, nike shoes and cool outfits, girls there think you are either an actor or a sports person, even a hiphop star or a reggaetton singer which will result in lots of attention and booty in your favor. Between Medellin and Bogota, I recommend Medellin, cleaner city and nicer weather, go ahead and buy your membership and get all the info you can, don't forget to consider Ctg after your visit to Medellin.

11-15-12, 18:20
1) Would it be fun to have a sex with girls whom you cannot have a conversation at all?YES, Actually, I prefer to keep the talking to a minimum!

11-15-12, 19:30
YES, Actually, I prefer to keep the talking to a minimum!Yep, the pure sex of course doesn't require any conversation at all.

I'm one, however, that likes to build a little rapport with a girl, whether it be a casa girl, street girl, Mansion girl, higher end girl, regular girl, etc.

To some naturally, the rapport doesn't matter at all.

I find the sexual event is much better when there's at least even a little energy and chemestry between you.

11-15-12, 19:58
While I agree with Ricker that facility with Spanish
will improve the GFE experience, plenty of guys enjoy
MDE with little or no Spanish. Good idea to learn a
few basics, but unless you're going spend lots of
time in Spain, or Latin America, going beyond the

Basics may not make sense.

Race likely won't matter.

I can't comment on Bogota. The cold weather
is enough reason for me to stay away.

11-15-12, 22:51
while i agree with ricker that facility with spanish.

will improve the gfe experience, plenty of guys enjoy.

mde with little or no spanish. good idea to learn a

few basics, but unless you're going spend lots of.

time in spain, or latin america, going beyond the

basics may not make sense.

race likely won't matter.

i can't comment on bogota. the cold weather.

is enough reason for me to stay away.i agree, race will not matter, however, it never hurts to continue to better your spanish.

of course you do not need to be able to speek spanish to enjoy medellin, however, as we all know, once you experience colombia and medellin, you will most likely return and as often as you can, soooooo going beyond the basics certainly makes sense.

when does it ever hurt to learn a foreign language?

the experience when able to communicate is exponentially better.

11-15-12, 23:53
The experience when able to communicate is exponentially better.My perference, when paying a prepago, is to have her use her mouth for purposes other than conversation,

11-16-12, 00:12
Great to hear that most people think race will not be an issue, which is in contrast to what I have sensed from other places around the web. But I guess as a "gringo" it would be hard to say, I`ve seen people saying as Medellin has the strongest concentration of people with Spanish heritage and black being rare, one can only imagine the ignorance. But I have met a Colombian before and she had the sweetest personality so I can only hope for more of this. Which makes me wonder are LT common and reasonable? Any tips on the best and safest places to stay for this business?

1) Your race would have marginal or no impact on the game. Whether you are a good looking guy or not would have a lot of impact.

2) Many gringos at Mansion and others don't speak Spanish at all. You can buy pampering services and survive w / o speaking Spanish. But if you want to have fun, learn Spanish, as well as Colombian history and culture. Would it be fun to have a sex with girls whom you cannot have a conversation at all?

3) Medellin first. More numerous and more organized services.

Have fun.Thank you.

1. Interesting to hear that you think good looks will have an impact. I would think that they are only after my pocket, I guess I should dress well.

2) Couldn't agree more, to really experience a person you also have to communicate and maybe share a laugh with the person. I do intent to try this at least. Otherwise I would go to Amsterdam where is all mechanical.

3) Can't wait to explore this argument further, I assume the girls are also better looking and more open perhaps.

11-16-12, 02:28
My perference, when paying a prepago, is to have her use her mouth for purposes other than conversation,Good for you!

11-16-12, 04:12
I have been contemplating a long time about a Colombia trip, trying determine how profitable it would be for me. Nevertheless, I'm very eager to make this trip.

So I have never been to South america and I have no idea what to expect, except for the beautiful girls. Here is what I want to ask being a Black-American I wonder is racism an issue in Colombia, from the public and the girls? Second, I understand Spanish is imperative but how far do you really get with English, e. G taxi, hotels, restaurants? Are girls non-cooperative if you don't speak great spanish? I intend to learn the very basics to get attention and convey what I want in Spanish but long convo won't be possible probably. This trip will be most likely with a friend who also doesn't speak Spanish.

Lastly, is Medellin the more fun place or is Bogota safer for a newbie? I know I have a tons of question but I appreciate everyone that gets answered.

Cheers!I had the same concerns (racism) that you have when I was thinking about making my first trip. I think most of the guys here have already answered the question but from my personal experience, if you're cool and easy going then the girls are cool and easy going. Put another way I've never had a girl in Medellin not take my money. As mentioned the girls like to have a good time and joke around so if you can speak a little of the language it does add to the experience. In any case take the plunge, you will not be disappointed.

11-16-12, 05:42
I was in Medellin for 10 days about a month ago I stayed at the Mansion 1 for the first 3 days. On the second day there a group of friends arrived at the mansion about 6 all of them African Americans. I talk to them a few times at the bar in the mansion and they told me they been going to Medellin for a few years and they always have a blast I bump into them a few times at different club and into other African Americans and I never saw any of them been treated any different from the other gringos including my self. And at the mansion one night I heard the girls talking about the 6 amigos and they think all black are big spender so they were trying really hard to get their attention (I guess they been watching 2 many rap videos were they make it rain).

About the looks well looks help everywhere especially if you are looking for the "GFE" but at the end is all about the money and sometime the possible Visa. I personally go for the "CSE" (Charlie Sheen Experience). Oh if is your first time stay at the Mansion.

Ps and this is to everyone else I haven't read the board in a while since before the trip but before I left there was some talk about the famous one (Demi Moore) people didn't know if she was still working or not well she is still working she is a decent fuck when she is sober and a pretty good thief. (big rookie mistake left my wallet out of the safe when I went into the shower and left her in the room) but if you are careful she likes to party and if you don't mind the stretch marks she not bad looking. The mansion is good for first timers but that's about it I guess I got there a few years 2 late not the party place that I read so mush about.

Great to hear that most people think race will not be an issue, which is in contrast to what I have sensed from other places around the web. But I guess as a "gringo" it would be hard to say, I`ve seen people saying as Medellin has the strongest concentration of people with Spanish heritage and black being rare, one can only imagine the ignorance. But I have met a Colombian before and she had the sweetest personality so I can only hope for more of this. Which makes me wonder are LT common and reasonable? Any tips on the best and safest places to stay for this business?

Thank you.

1. Interesting to hear that you think good looks will have an impact. I would think that they are only after my pocket, I guess I should dress well.

2) Couldn't agree more, to really experience a person you also have to communicate and maybe share a laugh with the person. I do intent to try this at least. Otherwise I would go to Amsterdam where is all mechanical.

3) Can't wait to explore this argument further, I assume the girls are also better looking and more open perhaps.

Pana Nyc
11-16-12, 10:21
I'm an American of Afro-Latino Panamanian decent I have been to Medellin multiple times and I have never ever had a problem in Colombia. Your best bet is to stay in Apartment depending how good you speak the language or just stay in a chica friendly hotel.

Great to hear that most people think race will not be an issue, which is in contrast to what I have sensed from other places around the web. But I guess as a "gringo" it would be hard to say, I`ve seen people saying as Medellin has the strongest concentration of people with Spanish heritage and black being rare, one can only imagine the ignorance. But I have met a Colombian before and she had the sweetest personality so I can only hope for more of this. Which makes me wonder are LT common and reasonable? Any tips on the best and safest places to stay for this business?

11-16-12, 13:27
Great to hear that most people think race will not be an issue, which is in contrast to what I have sensed from other places around the web. But I guess as a "gringo" it would be hard to say, I`ve seen people saying as Medellin has the strongest concentration of people with Spanish heritage and black being rare, one can only imagine the ignorance. But I have met a Colombian before and she had the sweetest personality so I can only hope for more of this. Which makes me wonder are LT common and reasonable? Any tips on the best and safest places to stay for this business? .Dude I can understand the race issue being on your mind but as for the rest please do some homework on your own. Where to stay for this business? Does it matter if I speak any Spanish? These two are the questions asked time and time and yes. Time again. Yes it matters if you speak Spanish and Stay at the Mansion / Casa Blanca or what ever it's called now. What is it called now again?

11-17-12, 02:26
Thanks to all, I got the picture now and I'm much more comfortable planing ahead now. I`ll get back at yall once I have been there.

Dude I can understand the race issue being on your mind but as for the rest please do some homework on your own. Where to stay for this business? Does it matter if I speak any Spanish? These two are the questions asked time and time and yes. Time again. Yes it matters if you speak Spanish and Stay at the Mansion / Casa Blanca or what ever it's called now. What is it called now again?Doing my best to learn basics spanish, its a beautiful language actually.

I'm an American of Afro-Latino Panamanian decent I have been to Medellin multiple times and I have never ever had a problem in Colombia. Your best bet is to stay in Apartment depending how good you speak the language or just stay in a chica friendly hotel.Glad to hear this its another proof for me.

I got some homework to do and read up a little here and there.

11-17-12, 07:54
Dude I can understand the race issue being on your mind but as for the rest please do some homework on your own. Where to stay for this business? Does it matter if I speak any Spanish? These two are the questions asked time and time and yes. Time again. Yes it matters if you speak Spanish and Stay at the Mansion / Casa Blanca or what ever it's called now. What is it called now again?Http://hotelmedellinplaza.com/

Member #4353
11-19-12, 05:25
Has anyone used Juan Carlos recently for airport pickup and chofering around Medellin lately? Going next week and my usual guy is no longer available.

Thanks in advance, Joe

11-19-12, 17:29
Has anyone used Juan Carlos recently for airport pickup and chofering around Medellin lately? Going next week and my usual guy is no longer available.

Thanks in advance, JoeThs guy is the Best http://medellinadventuretours.com/tours.htm

11-20-12, 02:41
I'm checking to see if anyone has heard anything about Colombia making it easier for their people to come to the US or the US making it easier for them.

My chica in Medellin sent me a message today saying that this is so.

But before you answer, you should know that this isn't a W. G. I met her a couple of years ago from a friend of a friend. She has a regular nine hour a day job then goes home to her kids. Nobody's perfect, but she's never asked for money or gifts since I've known her. Now she's letting it be known that she'd like to visit but we both know that she couldn't afford the airfare and that it would be on me. So, I'm not blinded by that 'sweet thing' and I wouldn't mind 'sponsoring' her for a few days. Just looking into the facts. 'Trust But Verify! '

11-20-12, 03:25
Heading to MDE for the first time Friday-Tuesday. I've mongered in Brasil, Thailand, Cambodia, Aruba and Curacao. Finding out about mongering in the ABC islands via ISG really fueled my lust for Colombianas, so now I'm looking forward to exploring the source. Feel free to private message me if you'll be in town this weekend.

11-20-12, 04:07
I'm checking to see if anyone has heard anything about Colombia making it easier for their people to come to the US or the US making it easier for them.

My chica in Medellin sent me a message today saying that this is so.

But before you answer, you should know that this isn't a W. G. I met her a couple of years ago from a friend of a friend. She has a regular nine hour a day job then goes home to her kids. Nobody's perfect, but she's never asked for money or gifts since I've known her. Now she's letting it be known that she'd like to visit but we both know that she couldn't afford the airfare and that it would be on me. So, I'm not blinded by that 'sweet thing' and I wouldn't mind 'sponsoring' her for a few days. Just looking into the facts. 'Trust But Verify! 'Yo they just invented this thing that is super awesome! It's called Google, it's this magic place where you can gather useful information AND porn. Sounds futuristic but I assure you it's kind of easy to use. Might be a bit hard to find but worth the effort. Look for it. Goo-gle. It's pronounced Goo-gle.

11-20-12, 08:16
Really? You've got nothing to do with your life than slam a member for asking a civil question? Is your life that empty? I can see if I was trying to insult someone or downgrading someone or something? But this? Asking each other for and exchanging info is why it's called a forum Einstein. If anyone has anything constructive to write, please do so, as I from this moment on, ignore the 'Brainiac' here while he tries to get a life.

Thanks in advance.

Yo they just invented this thing that is super awesome! It's called Google, it's this magic place where you can gather useful information AND porn. Sounds futuristic but I assure you it's kind of easy to use. Might be a bit hard to find but worth the effort. Look for it. Goo-gle. It's pronounced Goo-gle.

11-20-12, 08:27
Yo they just invented this thing that is super awesome! It's called Google, it's this magic place where you can gather useful information AND porn. Sounds futuristic but I assure you it's kind of easy to use. Might be a bit hard to find but worth the effort. Look for it. Goo-gle. It's pronounced Goo-gle.I've found this works pretty well for me! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1_tL-dlnJU

11-20-12, 12:11
I'm checking to see if anyone has heard anything about Colombia making it easier for their people to come to the US or the US making it easier for them.Nothing has changed on Colombian visas for Americans that I have heard of (and I am in the DAS office frequently). For Colombians wanting to visit the USA they announced an 'easing' during Obama's visit to Colombia. They didn't really make it easier to get the visa, they just indicated that they would be giving longer term visas now (up to 10 yeasrs I think, like other countries). Your girl still has to go through all the hoops: show stability, show economic means to pay for the trip, show reasons why she will return to Colombia (I. E. Kids, family, business) , etc.


11-20-12, 15:49
Thanks guy. Appreciate it.

Nothing has changed on Colombian visas for Americans that I have heard of (and I am in the DAS office frequently). For Colombians wanting to visit the USA they announced an 'easing' during Obama's visit to Colombia. They didn't really make it easier to get the visa, they just indicated that they would be giving longer term visas now (up to 10 yeasrs I think, like other countries). Your girl still has to go through all the hoops: show stability, show economic means to pay for the trip, show reasons why she will return to Colombia (I. E. Kids, family, business) , etc.


11-20-12, 16:13
I'm checking to see if anyone has heard anything about Colombia making it easier for their people to come to the US or the US making it easier for them.

My chica in Medellin sent me a message today saying that this is so.

But before you answer, you should know that this isn't a W. G. I met her a couple of years ago from a friend of a friend. She has a regular nine hour a day job then goes home to her kids. Nobody's perfect, but she's never asked for money or gifts since I've known her. Now she's letting it be known that she'd like to visit but we both know that she couldn't afford the airfare and that it would be on me. So, I'm not blinded by that 'sweet thing' and I wouldn't mind 'sponsoring' her for a few days. Just looking into the facts. 'Trust But Verify! 'BP, I can tell you that such opinion is certainly making the rounds within Colombia. I first heard it a few months back from a good friend who had her tourist visa application rejected twice in previous years. She'd heard the same as your chica, became somewhat optimistic and applied for the third time; lo and behold she was issued a tourist visa from that 3rd try here a couple of months ago. (Non WG, university degree, office job, stable upper middle class / but not rich family, etc.)

I can't say from verifiable data that the % of applicants issued tourist visas has gone up recently, but for what it's worth, I can tell you that your chica isn't the only one within Colombia who has recently come to believe so, or who is saying they've heard that there's been an easing by the USA

11-20-12, 17:50
Awhile back someone mentioned a new or unlisted casa at Room 217, Metropol Hotel, the correct address is Calle 47 # 45-11 [originally shown as Cra 45 and Calle 46] I was at the San Antonio Exito store so thot I wud have a look-see. From the entrance of the hotel you can see the Exito store down the hill toward the Metro. The hotel is upscale looking from short time centro hotels, even a pc for guest use in the lobby. So the hotel's appearance is as a 'regular hotel' rather than 'short time only'. On the 2nd floor you see a sign 'Sala 217' you go the left to find the 217 door. Upon entering [door was 1/2 open] U-turn down a short hallway to the reception desk. I was there at 1100, the guy at the desk said their was 3 chicas but all were 'occupado'. The hours are 10 to 10pm. When I asked when there wud be more chicas he said at 3pm. P. S. One block away is a hotel called "Hotel Metro" at Ca46 and Cr46

11-21-12, 03:53
Today I decided to return to Geisha's Casa at Prado Metro Station. This is probably the most convenient casa due to it's location on the Metro. I went up the stairs and knocked on the door.

Door opened by a Chico who had been through this before, it's no longer home to Geisha's! The poor bastard has to deal with gringos coming to his door for the next few years expecting to hit the chicas, not him. I hope he gets a reduction on his rent!

Anyway, what now? I head up Calle 57 thinking I'll walk over to New Life as thats pretty much a guaranteed good time. On the way, a chica hands me a card for Fantasias, I stop and she points up the stairs next to me. I'm right there, so I figure, I'll try that out. A selection of 5 or so chicas, none were outstanding but a couple were doable. So, I pick Tatiana and head to the room for a session, she was pleasant and accomodating, but not anything to write home about. I noticed that she kicked out the previous chica as we entered the room, but no sheets or pillow cases were changed before our session and the room lacked towels and tissues for cleaning up. Not much opportunity to use the shower without towels.

I guess you can call me unimpressed with Fantasias. So far, Energy is by far the best for talent and facilities, but it is a little inconvenient in its location if you are coming from Poblado. New Life is consistently good and well run.

11-21-12, 05:48
Just to let everyone know, as we approach Christmas the level of street crime typically increases in Medellin. Guess that everyone wants money for merry-making. One typical scenario comes when you are in a traffic jam. Be sure that you don't have anything valuable in sight, especially high-end phones. The bad guys know that you can't get away and they'll either (a) open the door and take whatever you've got or (be) if the door is locked, they'll pull a pistol and make you open the door, or break the window. Getaway is typically on a motorcycle.

Medellin is great, but watch your ass. Y'all be careful out there, hear?

11-21-12, 12:47
Doing my best to learn basics spanish, its a beautiful language actually.

Glad to hear this its another proof for me.I could fill 2 buckets with the Spanish Cd's I have, here is the best one I have found.


Member #4394
11-21-12, 17:22
I agree pretty much with everything you said. Energy is solid and New Life is decent, while personally I do not like the atmosphere of NL. As for "Fantasia," I guess you are talking about Casa De Fantasia. You are right that there is no stunner there. But somehow, every time I go there, I have a good luck and / or GFE. It is my favorite casa. If you like small chicas, this is the casa you want to visit.

Today I decided to return to Geisha's Casa at Prado Metro Station. This is probably the most convenient casa due to it's location on the Metro. I went up the stairs and knocked on the door.

Door opened by a Chico who had been through this before, it's no longer home to Geisha's! The poor bastard has to deal with gringos coming to his door for the next few years expecting to hit the chicas, not him. I hope he gets a reduction on his rent!

Anyway, what now? I head up Calle 57 thinking I'll walk over to New Life as thats pretty much a guaranteed good time. On the way, a chica hands me a card for Fantasias, I stop and she points up the stairs next to me. I'm right there, so I figure, I'll try that out. A selection of 5 or so chicas, none were outstanding but a couple were doable. So, I pick Tatiana and head to the room for a session, she was pleasant and accomodating, but not anything to write home about. I noticed that she kicked out the previous chica as we entered the room, but no sheets or pillow cases were changed before our session and the room lacked towels and tissues for cleaning up. Not much opportunity to use the shower without towels.

I guess you can call me unimpressed with Fantasias. So far, Energy is by far the best for talent and facilities, but it is a little inconvenient in its location if you are coming from Poblado. New Life is consistently good and well run.

11-21-12, 22:53
Hello fellow mongers,

Have read in detail the forum. Still missing infos on what are the high end places / casa in MDL? Traveling with executives need to be kind of safe, clean and plenty of silicone. Will appreciate couple of names for the pm (casas) and for the night (stripclub, disco w chicas). Promise detailed post on return

11-22-12, 15:44
Hello fellow mongers,

Have read in detail the forum. Still missing infos on what are the high end places / casa in MDL? Traveling with executives need to be kind of safe, clean and plenty of silicone. Will appreciate couple of names for the pm (casas) and for the night (stripclub, disco w chicas). Promise detailed post on returnHigh end daytime: Loutron, Abydos, Energy (in that order)

High end night time: Fase Dos, Luna Lunera (in that order)

11-23-12, 19:57
High end daytime: Loutron, Abydos, Energy (in that order)

High end night time: Fase Dos, Luna Lunera (in that order) Thank you. This list really boils it down.

11-24-12, 02:40
A Brazil and DR monger getting my first taste of Colombia starting this weekend and I have high hopes. I will be staying in the el polabo area with a Chica but I will have a couple of days to myself to enjoy the city. I have read some post and look at the casa map and all and from the looks of it there is a lot of fun in this city. There are so many places on that map that I want to ask from the veteran guys here is what are the 4 or 5 places (regular clubs, casas, etc) that you would say are a must visit for a new comer?

Member #4394
11-24-12, 03:26
For casas, check Energy, New Life and Sexy (Cra 45D). For cheap strip clubs, check the 4 clubs listed on the map. If you like high end places, go to Fase Dos instead. Also you may want to visit Mayorista SW area once. Have fun!

A Brazil and DR monger getting my first taste of Colombia starting this weekend and I have high hopes. I will be staying in the el polabo area with a Chica but I will have a couple of days to myself to enjoy the city. I have read some post and look at the casa map and all and from the looks of it there is a lot of fun in this city. There are so many places on that map that I want to ask from the veteran guys here is what are the 4 or 5 places (regular clubs, casas, etc) that you would say are a must visit for a new comer?

11-24-12, 14:28
Hola Gringos!

I am going to Medellin by the end of this year, beginning of next. I really need to book hotel or apartment hotel now. I have been reading here a lot to find tips on accommodations. I've found some tips, but would like more.

I am looking for apartment hotel first of all and second a chica friendly hotel. Quite safe neighborhood. I would like it to be close to casas. And this is where I can't make up my mind. El Centro, close to many casas, but not so safe. El Pablado not close to many casas, but safe. Can I get both safe area and close to many casas?

This is my frist time to Colombia. I have taken Spanish classes since septiembre and it is a lot of fun! I can do basic conversation, enough I think. Still I would like to have a guide some day (s) , that would be a lot of fun I think. Of course I am prepared to pay.

Final note here. I am visiting MFC a lot and one girl from Medellin told me I could stay with her. I don't think it is a good idea. What do you guys think? She is not the most beautiful girl and I have already date (s) with other girls in Medellin. I have probably already made up my mind to say thanks, but no thanks. Still it would be fun to hear what you guys think about this offer.

11-25-12, 00:54
I am going to Medellin by the end of this year, beginning of next. I really need to book hotel or apartment hotel now. I have been reading here a lot to find tips on accommodations. I've found some tips, but would like more.

I am looking for apartment hotel first of all and second a chica friendly hotel. Quite safe neighborhood. I would like it to be close to casas. And this is where I can't make up my mind. El Centro, close to many casas, but not so safe. El Pablado not close to many casas, but safe. Can I get both safe area and close to many casas?Buy a membership from Jackson so you can send and receive messages.

Get a apartment from Bbrocs dba Poblado Rentals, Google search it, he has studios and a two bedroom in Parque Lleras. You will not be close to the casas. If you get the studio make sure it is soundproof, the 2 bedroom if your a big wheel. Hotels? I don't recommend any too much BS.

Bbrocs also has guides that work with him and he can arrange your airport pickup seeing it is your first trip.

11-25-12, 02:07
Been to Medellin quite a few times but have been pretty laid back on the mongering thing. Looking to change that this time around (this week beginning Thursday). I speak Spanish natively although not Colombian and looking to bang a few chicas that for the most part already "booked". Except some are sharable if you know what I mean. Want the whole gang bang experience. Any one consider joining, I guess I could get locals too but I'd rather have something in common you know.

Legal Tender
11-25-12, 07:49
Want the whole gang bang experience. Any one consider joining, I guess I could get locals too but I'd rather have something in common you know.Interesting interest. The "gang bang" is reported to be an ancient practice with its origins being as a punishment of women for sexual misbehavior. My gut tells me that those who enjoy the practice need some serious therapy. In fairness, some women are reported to like it. But, I don't know any Paisa that would consent to being gang banged, and I would never introduce any of my friends to someone whose aim with them is a gang bang. You might find some among us who will message you to join you in this interesting sexual pleasure. Just call me "old school." I get no pleasure in degrading women.

Only good energy, amigo.

11-25-12, 14:47
Been to Medellin quite a few times but have been pretty laid back on the mongering thing. Looking to change that this time around (this week beginning Thursday). I speak Spanish natively although not Colombian and looking to bang a few chicas that for the most part already "booked". Except some are sharable if you know what I mean. Want the whole gang bang experience. Any one consider joining, I guess I could get locals too but I'd rather have something in common you know.Hmm. The use of the term "gang bang" might have some connotations that rub some folks the wrong way. Group sex might be a better softer term with out the baggage; unless you mean treating the girl like a rental car between three or more dudes. IMO that ain't cool. I like it in my pornos not real life but as long as you treat the girl well / correctly and you don't scar her for life I guess good luck to you.

There was a link to a swingers / gang bang club. I want to say it was in the Bogota reports years ago but it might have been some other city. If you're interested do a search and I'm sure it will pop up after a few pages.

11-26-12, 00:48
What's with you guys? I know a shocking amount of women who fantasize about, more than one man, at once. Obviously strickly for the submissive type, but I'm surprised with some of you guys', associating the act, with sexual violence. Who doesn't enjoy experiences with multiple women, and who's to say, some women, wouldn't enjoy a similar experience? To suggest that there would have to be something wrong with them is hypocritical! Sounds more like some fellas' might be more worried about sword clashing, and whether that makes you gay, rather than upholding womens rights. Afterall, what better place to take that position than, the international sex guide!

11-26-12, 00:54
Hi LT.

Just came back from MDE last week.

As Always I had an amazing time. Each trip I go to Medellin I feel like it was best trip ever. The city just keeps getting better and better. Anyways I don't know what kind of Gang bang you are saying that Paisas won't enjoy I and a friend of mine were with three chicks all night and they seemed to love it. Matter of fact they were all into it.

It all depends on the girls. If you know the girls who are sexually upbeat then girls are girls anywhere in the world they all have a dark side and they all want to get fucked good. First night we did this both I and my friends dicks were hurting the next morning due to extreme fucking.

Any one wants info on these girls let me know but you best prepared to spend some good money to have a great time.



Interesting interest. The "gang bang" is reported to be an ancient practice with its origins being as a punishment of women for sexual misbehavior. My gut tells me that those who enjoy the practice need some serious therapy. In fairness, some women are reported to like it. But, I don't know any Paisa that would consent to being gang banged, and I would never introduce any of my friends to someone whose aim with them is a gang bang. You might find some among us who will message you to join you in this interesting sexual pleasure. Just call me "old school." I get no pleasure in degrading women.

Only good energy, amigo.

11-26-12, 01:19
Anyone know of one in Medellin? Thanks

11-28-12, 07:53
I have few internet contacts I like to meet during afternoons and early evenings. Any suggestions? I like the HardRock cafe for early evenings and the MacDonald's across from it. I am staying in Poblado near Parque Illeras. I have not been to MDE in two years so I remember the general areas but I need help with some other cafe names and approx location so I can arrange some dates close to where I am staying. Thank you very much.

11-28-12, 18:54
I have few internet contacts I like to meet during afternoons and early evenings. Any suggestions? I like the HardRock cafe for early evenings and the MacDonald's across from it. I am staying in Poblado near Parque Illeras. I have not been to MDE in two years so I remember the general areas but I need help with some other cafe names and approx location so I can arrange some dates close to where I am staying. Thank you very much.There is bar I like, forget the name. If you're looking at Hotel Dan to the left there is a park and to the left of that is the bar / restaurant I like that over looks the park. Juan Valdez is casual and nice. The Mexican joint in La Estrada has pretty good food but it's $$$$. Can't seem to think of any others. I just take them to Crepes and Waffeles and they all love it!

11-28-12, 21:53
I like the little bars and the Mexican Restaurant on the 2nd floor of La Strada, beside Burger King. More bars and a sushi place on the 3rd floor.

I have few internet contacts I like to meet during afternoons and early evenings. Any suggestions? I like the HardRock cafe for early evenings and the MacDonald's across from it. I am staying in Poblado near Parque Illeras. I have not been to MDE in two years so I remember the general areas but I need help with some other cafe names and approx location so I can arrange some dates close to where I am staying. Thank you very much.

11-29-12, 00:07
Is it just the one's that come to Cartagena from Medellin that will do 2 or more? I used to not want to know who else was fucking my chica, after many years I am usually ok with their stories, seems to turn me on. Guess ass banging and cof is not respectful, shit! I have spent a shitload of $ trying to reform ho's, found out you can dress them up, send them to school, and I am still a ho! Most of them too.

Hi LT.

Just came back from MDE last week.

As Always I had an amazing time. Each trip I go to Medellin I feel like it was best trip ever. The city just keeps getting better and better. Anyways I don't know what kind of Gang bang you are saying that Paisas won't enjoy I and a friend of mine were with three chicks all night and they seemed to love it. Matter of fact they were all into it.

It all depends on the girls. If you know the girls who are sexually upbeat then girls are girls anywhere in the world they all have a dark side and they all want to get fucked good. First night we did this both I and my friends dicks were hurting the next morning due to extreme fucking.

Any one wants info on these girls let me know but you best prepared to spend some good money to have a great time.



11-29-12, 00:17
I understand that Abydos has moved from Avenida 33. Does anyone know if this is true and if so the new location.

11-29-12, 13:47
I understand that Abydos has moved from Avenida 33. Does anyone know if this is true and if so the new location.Wasn't it always on Avenida 33? Or do you mean they moved houses on 33?

11-29-12, 19:13
Have any of you figured out if you can take a class at the university without being a full time student? Can you purchase access to the gym / pool facilities without being a student? I once gained access to the university by asking to see the museum located on the campus.

Their website offers language classes but they might want to see some form of residency.

I am trying to find a way to gain daily access to the campus.


11-29-12, 23:11
wasn't it always on avenida 33? or do you mean they moved houses on 33?thank you chesrep001 and slamcity for the bar suggetsions.

slam, i think he is saying that it may have moved from avenida 33. if that is true, i would like to know as well.

11-30-12, 00:39
Anyone know of one in Medellin? ThanksI found this information but have never gone. I think they allow entrance as a boy+girl couple. Otherwise it would be a sausage fest of guys wanting 'free pussy' You can arrange to go with a pre-pago to gain entrance but I am not sure of the quality of the chicas that would attend once inside. Please report back if you do go.


There is Dreams (Colombia) and La Piscina (Estadio)

Legal Tender
11-30-12, 00:41
Some of the newer members may not be aware of an excellent video that's a few years old, but it is a classic. If you haven't seen it, I suggest that you take the time. It's an excellent representation of the beautiful women of Medellin, and was filmed at the Mansion.


11-30-12, 03:36
I will try to go.

I found this information but have never gone. I think they allow entrance as a boy+girl couple. Otherwise it would be a sausage fest of guys wanting 'free pussy' You can arrange to go with a pre-pago to gain entrance but I am not sure of the quality of the chicas that would attend once inside. Please report back if you do go.


There is Dreams (Colombia) and La Piscina (Estadio)

11-30-12, 04:18
I understand that Abydos has moved from Avenida 33. Does anyone know if this is true and if so the new location.Abydos is still on Av. 33. Just went there this evening. Line up good 7-8 chicas but, nothing spectacular.

11-30-12, 13:50
I took a few friends there and to energy.

In my honest opinion these 2 casas are (tourists casas) with high prices and mediocre service.

Better to hit a small place like New Life,

Just my opinion.


Abydos is still on Av. 33. Just went there this evening. Line up good 7-8 chicas but, nothing spectacular.

11-30-12, 18:36
You might enjoy some restaurants on Calle 10. Calle 10, one block from Parque Lleras, is fun and authentic. For breakfast, try Desayunadero La 10.


And Mondongos for lunch.



Haven't been to this one but it looks nice:


And a fun trip to take a date is to the Pueblito Paisa.


The view at night of the lights of Medellin is amazing, even more so at Christmas time.

Orgasm Donor
12-01-12, 08:19
There is bar I like, forget the name. If you're looking at Hotel Dan to the left there is a park and to the left of that is the bar / restaurant I like that over looks the park. Juan Valdez is casual and nice. The Mexican joint in La Estrada has pretty good food but it's $$$$. Can't seem to think of any others. I just take them to Crepes and Waffeles and they all love it!I went to that restaurant overlooking the park by the Dan Carlton. It has a big tree growing through the roof right? Ordered some Colombian Style Tamales we were waiting forever for them to arrive, like 45 minutes? I was starving! And when they finally came, literally ICE COLD. Seriously! Chunks of ice in the middle! NEVER AGAIN. Forget about complaining, they don't give a shit. That new pizza place right next to it is fairly good.

12-01-12, 14:31
There is bar I like, forget the name. If you're looking at Hotel Dan to the left there is a park and to the left of that is the bar / restaurant I like that over looks the park. Juan Valdez is casual and nice. The Mexican joint in La Estrada has pretty good food but it's $$$$. Can't seem to think of any others. I just take them to Crepes and Waffeles and they all love it!Is it Agucate?

12-01-12, 15:58
Is it Agucate?Maybe, I just went there for drinks one night and had a nice time. A few of ya'll seem to not like the place but it's in a nice location.

12-01-12, 23:38
Of course I am waiting on the guy to chime in, and say they've had enough of restaurants, and wants to know the new address for New Life or whatever, but awaiting that, my opinion is that the Aguacate restaurant is nice. It is the only restaurant I have ever been in with a tree growing up right in the middle of it. They have a bird house-feeder right out in front, or to the side, and you could sit there for hours watching the most incredible birds. The colors are crazy! As far as service, if you speak Spanish, I can't imagine any problem, they are anxious to please. If you expect to meet someone, a date, it's a great spot, because you can drink and watch birds or the park (Parque del Presidente) for as long as you like.


12-02-12, 02:32
Can anyone give us an update on whats going on there? Hearing rumors again of possible shut down. I know Ricker and Enzygo commented a couple of weeks ago but you know how the rumor mill grinds!

12-02-12, 17:26
of course i am waiting on the guy to chime in, and say they've had enough of restaurants, and wants to know the new address for new life or whatever, but awaiting that, my opinion is that the aguacate restaurant is nice. it is the only restaurant i have ever been in with a tree growing up right in the middle of it. they have a bird house-feeder right out in front, or to the side, and you could sit there for hours watching the most incredible birds. the colors are crazy! as far as service, if you speak spanish, i can't imagine any problem, they are anxious to please. if you expect to meet someone, a date, it's a great spot, because you can drink and watch birds or the park (parque del presidente) for as long as you like.

http://www.planb.com.co/medellin/restaurantes-en-medellin/sucursal/aguacate-arbol/45944chiming in (smile). i sent you a pm thanking you for the info. thank you for the recommendations. i just landed last night. i will check out a few and report back.

12-02-12, 21:33
Can anyone give us an update on whats going on there? Hearing rumors again of possible shut down. I know Ricker and Enzygo commented a couple of weeks ago but you know how the rumor mill grinds!Take care Amigo. See you soon I hope. It's been a while.


Hasideas Tao
12-03-12, 02:01
The Aids clinic?

Does that mean what I think it means and how much tip do you give for that kind of cooperation? Jeje.

I made sweet luv 2 two of them for a week after taking them to the 45 min. Clinic.

12-03-12, 16:31
Stayed at an apartment in Parque Illeras. Obviously great location but was a bit noisy, even with ear plugs. You can PM me for details or if I find time, I will post and hotel section.

I usually go the prepago route but I wanted to try non-pro. Tried to arrange few contacts using Romance latina. There were quite a few lookers that started corresponding but the correspondence is intermittent and I am not sure it is worth it. I have a friend with me so I had to arrange two dates. Karina, a sweet cute 21 yr old responded and met us at Hardrock (her choice). I like the place for the music and ambiance but the drinks are expensive and food is garbage. We had a good time hanging out and chatting. All of us went in a cab and they hooked us up with two small bags of some good quality stuff. Came to the apartment, danced to some cool music, went to dinner and realized that we won't be closing the deal other than getting a few DFKs. We sent them home with cab money. All in all it was an fun experience but I wish we had closed the deal as my girl was a doll.

Our first stop is Fase II. As we were entering at 10:30 PM, we saw two beautiful girls enter. Turns out they are twin sisters, though not identical. The blonde is Elaine and the brunette is Lupe. They were sweet, easy to talk to easily the best package available at that moment. We negotiated a TLN, where they stay till 5 AM. Went to the apartment and had a great time. The beautiful stripper girls dancing to music in your private apartment is something else. I hit it off very well with Elaine, though my friend thought Lupe was a bit cold but no dead fish. All four of us went out for late night munchies and continued non-stop fun till 3 AM.

I don't think I will forget this night anytime soon.

12-03-12, 16:32
The Aids clinic?

Does that mean what I think it means and how much tip do you give for that kind of cooperation? Jeje.Where is this clinic and what is involved? Need to give I'd? Do they test for other STD? How much does it cost?


12-03-12, 16:49
good food is an important part of my trips. thank you slam and chesrep001 or your suggestions. here is the feedback from two nights:

hardrock cafe: as i said earlier the drinks are good but very expensive and the food is horrible. i took a small bite out of my steak and left the rest of it. the service is slower even for colombian standards. i would go but i would not have more than a beer there.

sushi train in hotel diez. now this place is awesome. since this is the first time, i only ordered rolls and not sashimi, which is my favourite. i thought the rolls were one of the best. reasonably priced as well.

hot dod and hamburger place in parque illeras across the street from mercado and the bank of colombia atm. for a hole in the wall, the burger was perfectly done and my company loved the hot dog. it was open at 3 am and my be open all night.

trios: mexican type fast food on the west side of parque illeras. avoid. the meat was like chewing on bark.

12-03-12, 17:23
I usually go the prepago route but I wanted to try non-pro. Tried to arrange few contacts using Romance latina. There were quite a few lookers that started corresponding but the correspondence is intermittent and I am not sure it is worth it.99.9% of all the chicas on Romance Latina (for Medellin) are prepagos. In fact, you can often see a good number of them at the Mansion. I remember pointing out at least 4 of them to my wingman while at the mansion and the castillo (HMP1 & 2). I ended up calling at least two of them over from the website. Was intending to call over more, but it's the difference between having a chica right in front of you (chicas hanging around the Mansion) versus waiting for a chica to show up in a taxi (chicas from Romance Latina).

I also met the owner of Romance Latina. He and another guy were staying at the Castillo and were inviting chicas over from FB to recruit them for his website. Seemed like a cool guy.

Oh, and yes the correspondence can be intermittent. Some of those chicas don't check their messages for days or weeks at a time. That's why it is best to start at least two weeks to a month out before your trip trying to contact the ones you are interested in and get their contact info.

If you are looking for non-pros you might do better with Colombian Cupid.

*Fair Warning: The phrase "you looked hotter on the internet" comes into play when dealing with internet chicas. Some of these chicas put on weight over the years but fail to update their photos to reflect these changes, lol.

12-03-12, 17:31
99. 9% of all the chicas on Romance Latina (for Medellin) are prepagos. In fact, you can often see a good number of them at the Mansion. I remember pointing out at least 4 of them to my wingman while at the mansion and the castillo (HMP1 & 2). I ended up calling at least two of them over from the website. Was intending to call over more, but it's the difference between having a chica right in front of you (chicas hanging around the Mansion) versus waiting for a chica to show up in a taxi (chicas from Romance Latina).

I also met the owner of Romance Latina. He and another guy were staying at the Castillo and were inviting chicas over from FB to recruit them for his website. Seemed like a cool guy.

If you are looking for non-pros you might do better with Colombian Cupid.Looks like I ran into the one and only non-pro on RL. Karina 10 is her RL name. (smile). Another one keeps mailing me and she is clearly a pro. Alejita20, looks good in pics and video but they are probably old. She has two kids and I am always looking for someone who I can bounce a quarter on their abs. Anyone seen her?

Thank you for the input and solid advice. I will try CC for the next trip. Too late for this trip. Anyway, after yesterday I am almost convinced that pros is the way to go for me.

12-03-12, 17:44
Thank you for the input and solid advice. I will try CC for the next trip. Too late for this trip. Anyway, after yesterday I am almost convinced that pros is the way to go for me.Yeah, there is nothing like having guaranteed chocha! If I had two weeks or more to spend in Medellin I would put in more time trying to chase the "non-pros". But my trips usually run for a week or less, so I opt for the p4p option. Don't have time for any disappointments.

Orgasm Donor
12-03-12, 19:01
Is it Agucate?Yes, you are right! Aguacate. I must have read every magazine in the rack waiting for the icy frozen tamales to arrive.

I'm not a hater, but this was the worst service and food ever in all my visits to Colombia. No Bueno.

A horrible shame, because it has such a great location, vista, etc.

12-04-12, 00:18
Stayed at an apartment in Parque Illeras. I have a friend with me so I had to arrange two dates. Karina, a sweet cute 21 yr old responded and met us at Hardrock (her choice). I like the place for the music and ambiance but the drinks are expensive and food is garbage. We had a good time hanging out and chatting. All of us went in a cab and they hooked us up with two small bags of some good quality stuff. Came to the apartment, danced to some cool music, went to dinner and realized that we won't be closing the deal other than getting a few DFKs. We sent them home with cab money. All in all it was an fun experience but I wish we had closed the deal as my girl was a doll. Our first stop is Fase II. As we were entering at 10:30 PM, we saw two beautiful girls enter. Turns out they are twin sisters, though not identical. The blonde is Elaine and the brunette is Lupe. They were sweet, easy to talk to easily the best package available at that moment. We negotiated a TLN, where they stay till 5 AM. Went to the apartment and had a great time. The beautiful stripper girls dancing to music in your private apartment is something else. I hit it off very well with Elaine, though my friend thought Lupe was a bit cold but no dead fish. All four of us went out for late night munchies and continued non-stop fun till 3 AM.

I don't think I will forget this night anytime soon.Hey Vitrea, do you or your wingman speak Spanish? Just wondering why you thought you would not be able to close the deal with the RL chicas? Alcohol can be very persuasive, a lot of chicks really loosen up with such liquid encouragement.

Anyhoo, what time did you pull the Fase II chicas out and how much was the mutta (?) takeout fee? Plus how much did you negotiate for TLN? What happen with leaving at 5am?

Good job hooking up with sexy sisters, will there be a repeat performance?

12-04-12, 02:31
Yeah, there is nothing like having guaranteed chocha! If I had two weeks or more to spend in Medellin I would put in more time trying to chase the "non-pros". But my trips usually run for a week or less, so I opt for the p4p option. Don't have time for any disappointments.You hit the nail on the head. At this point in my life I have less time than money so I will stick to P4P. Though it might be too late to go backwards when I am less attractive than the persuasion power of my dollars (smile)

12-04-12, 02:33
Hey Vitrea, do you or your wingman speak Spanish? Just wondering why you thought you would not be able to close the deal with the RL chicas? Alcohol can be very persuasive, a lot of chicks really loosen up with such liquid encouragement.

Anyhoo, what time did you pull the Fase II chicas out and how much was the mutta (?) takeout fee? Plus how much did you negotiate for TLN? What happen with leaving at 5am?

Good job hooking up with sexy sisters, will there be a repeat performance?Repeat performance? I will let you know.

I actually requested them to leave at 3 AM so I could get some sleep. I did not want to wake up at 5 AM just to let them out of the high security apartment.

12-04-12, 17:31
Friends, I have read 10 pages but I haven't seen any price about fucking in Medellin. I mean finding girls in clubs and not at casas.

What prices are there now?

12-04-12, 20:42
Friends, I have read 10 pages but I haven't seen any price about fucking in Medellin. I mean finding girls in clubs and not at casas.

What prices are there now?There are not clubs in Medellin but only casas, massage, streeptease places and streetwalkers.

No clubs or bars with semi-pros like in Sousa or Cartagena but only beautiful hardened pros for Americans.

12-04-12, 20:44
Friends, I have read 10 pages but I haven't seen any price about fucking in Medellin. I mean finding girls in clubs and not at casas.

What prices are there now?There are not clubs in Medellin but only casas, massage, streeptease places and streetwalkers.

No clubs or bars with semi-pros like in Sousa or Cartagena but only beautiful hardened pros for Americans.

12-05-12, 00:40
Friends, I have read 10 pages but I haven't seen any price about fucking in Medellin. I mean finding girls in clubs and not at casas.

What prices are there now?Http://www.internationalsexguide.inf.04#post1295004 Post # 833

12-05-12, 08:53

Post # 833I'm sorry but is impossible to open that link.

12-06-12, 02:30
There are not clubs in Medellin but only casas, massage, streeptease places and streetwalkers.

No clubs or bars with semi-pros like in Sousa or Cartagena but only beautiful hardened pros for Americans.Not exactly true. There is La Manzana, Mayorista. And another strip on the side of Centro. Near San Antonio station as I recall. The chicks are not exactly high quality and mostly locals go to these places although a good number of gringos go to Mayorista. These are seedy places so go with care in a taxi and maybe with a guide.

12-06-12, 04:25
Hey Vitrea, do you or your wingman speak Spanish? Just wondering why you thought you would not be able to close the deal with the RL chicas? Alcohol can be very persuasive, a lot of chicks really loosen up with such liquid encouragement.

Anyhoo, what time did you pull the Fase II chicas out and how much was the mutta (?) takeout fee? Plus how much did you negotiate for TLN? What happen with leaving at 5am?

Good job hooking up with sexy sisters, will there be a repeat performance?I have more time to answer your questions now.

Yes we speak a little bit of Spanish, though not fluent. I generously use google translate on the phone. Chicas dig the fact that I am trying.

RL chica: I think I already answered that.

We pulled the sisters at 11 PM.

Fox hunter: the MULTA is 170K pesos and I think it is the same for one hour there but I am not sure. I generally prefer not to do it on site.

Almotu: I paid $250 USD for my girl for TLN. There will be some that think it is expensive and it is. For me it was worth every penny. My fiend who took Lupe did not think she was worth it.

MDE is true paradise in every way and there are so many stories to share.

12-06-12, 04:30
I'm sorry but is impossible to open that link.True that link does not work but please go to "Medellin list" thread and all the info is there. If I recollect correctly, TweedleD even posted a link to the latest list on the first page.

I only went to the well known and popular clubs and the MULTA is around 170. On site prices vary. La Isla has the lowest TLN price of 300K pesos and there are some cute Chicas there. Long report later.

12-06-12, 05:35
Not exactly true. There is La Manzana, Mayorista. And another strip on the side of Centro. Near San Antonio station as I recall. The chicks are not exactly high quality and mostly locals go to these places although a good number of gringos go to Mayorista. These are seedy places so go with care in a taxi and maybe with a guide.If La Mansana is the same place people also refer to as "La Mansanita" (has an outline of an apple over the entrance lit with a green neon light) then yes, it is definitely is a/in a seedy place. The quality was also terrible. We met a guy from the states staying at the Mansion that speaks Spanish fluently (Mexican-American) and we went there with him after leaving La Isla. He was saying that this is the place where all the girls go once the clubs they work at (like Luna Lunera) close for the night (like an after-hours place) to come make more money or money they did not make elsewhere. This was on a Saturday night and as the night progressed on (got there around 3am) I did not see any increase in quality.

Very local-type place. The people at the front door were very selective about the Colombianos they let inside. I guess we had "Americans" written all over us because they let us right in.

My wingman found a girl he liked and she was trying to convince him that it would be a fee (multa or salida) to take her out of there. But I think he just misunderstood her at first (I think all the chicas there are freelance). She was telling him that he had to pay her the money upfront. He ended up getting her number and we left. He called her the next day and she wanted 300k to come and visit him at the Castillo. None of the chicas in La Mansanita were even Mansion-quality chicas (many grades below Casa chicas even). I sure as hell did not see anyone in there worth even 100k. But the drinks were cheap. We got a bottle of rum and some cokes and shared it among the three of us.

Definitely don't go there alone and without any Spanish-speaking skill or a Spanish speaker who is fluent.

12-06-12, 08:56
If La Mansana is the same place people also refer to as "La Mansanita" (has an outline of an apple over the entrance lit with a green neon light) then yes, it is definitely is a / in a seedy place. The quality was also terrible. We met a guy from the states staying at the Mansion that speaks Spanish fluently (Mexican-American) and we went there with him after leaving La Isla. He was saying that this is the place where all the girls go once the clubs they work at (like Luna Lunera) close for the night (like an after-hours place) to come make more money or money they did not make elsewhere. This was on a Saturday night and as the night progressed on (got there around 3am) I did not see any increase in quality.

Very local-type place. The people at the front door were very selective about the Colombianos they let inside. I guess we had "Americans" written all over us because they let us right in.

My wingman found a girl he liked and she was trying to convince him that it would be a fee (multa or salida) to take her out of there. But I think he just misunderstood her at first (I think all the chicas there are freelance). She was telling him that he had to pay her the money upfront. He ended up getting her number and we left. He called her the next day and she wanted 300k to come and visit him at the Castillo. None of the chicas in La Mansanita were even Mansion-quality chicas (many grades below Casa chicas even). I sure as hell did not see anyone in there worth even 100k. But the drinks were cheap. We got a bottle of rum and some cokes and shared it among the three of us.

Definitely don't go there alone and without any Spanish-speaking skill or a Spanish speaker who is fluent.That's the place. I think they moved and and new management now. They passed out cards at San Diego last time I went. I have seen a lot of girls from the Centro strip clubs go there after they close at 2. There are nasty rooms in the back. I believe you have to pay up front if you session there. If you take them out there is multa. 50k I recall? It's been a while since I've been there. It's very hit or miss. About 40k for a media botella is as cheap as you are going to get in a local bar. BTW, be very careful with the chicas coming up and grinding on you to reggaeton. They might be trying to pickpocket you!

12-06-12, 09:02
Looks like I ran into the one and only non-pro on RL. Karina 10 is her RL name. (smile). Another one keeps mailing me and she is clearly a pro. Alejita20, looks good in pics and video but they are probably old. She has two kids and I am always looking for someone who I can bounce a quarter on their abs. Anyone seen her?

Thank you for the input and solid advice. I will try CC for the next trip. Too late for this trip. Anyway, after yesterday I am almost convinced that pros is the way to go for me.Alejandra is a Mansion vet.

12-06-12, 15:40
YO! Quick read to kill some time. This is all the stuff I've been saying FOR years on this board. Wait a sec. If the author is a member he's stealing my material!


Add #26 Learn to speak spanish and you have a primer for the Colombia Board.

12-06-12, 16:30
I got here 2 days ago. Still same old Mayo. The hours remain the same like Ricker said. I've seen a lot of 'new' chicas last night, not much the night before. I'll be there again tonight if anyone wants to have a drink.


12-06-12, 17:03
I was at La Mayorista some years ago for one week and I liked a lot walking in that street. In the day I visited Medellin and I went at casas by Metro, in the night I hunted for a gem at La Mayorista.

Every night I found an interesting girl to fuck.

12-06-12, 18:41
I'm sorry but is impossible to open that link.It's post # 833 in the Medellin list thread,

Hasideas Tao
12-07-12, 01:41
I went to this place on calle 61. (check Medellin maps) You walk in and its kind of like an apartment and girls are just hanging around. There is no formal presentation. Definitely a more laid back atmosphere. Nobody really interested me so I did not stay for long but I would go back to check it out again. Could be interesting.

Member #4394
12-07-12, 02:31
Would you please check Alejas (Cra 53 No. 61A-19) , which is very close to Artesanias, as well? I may check them by myself later.

I went to this place on calle 61. (check Medellin maps) You walk in and its kind of like an apartment and girls are just hanging around. There is no formal presentation. Definitely a more laid back atmosphere. Nobody really interested me so I did not stay for long but I would go back to check it out again. Could be interesting.

12-07-12, 18:13
Multiday Casa visits: Started with Lutron on Monday afternoon. My first time there. The place is a bit out of the way but not too bad. The house is huge and they have a very nice formal ambiance. There were 8 girls and I did not like any of them. All of them had the hardned pro look and 6-7 in looks at best. I did not travel thousands of miles to settle for a mediocre 7, so I left. Had a beer while I waited and it was 20, 000.

Next stop is Abydos. I have been there before and I remember having a great time with a beauty. None there today. 7 girls were presented and the laday said may be one more might be coming.

Last one for the afternoon is Energy. I found a fresh face there. 20 yrs old, no kids. She is 5' 6" and fit. Her smile enticed me. Her massage was OK and the sex was not as passionate but I enjoyed my time with her. She gave me her number and agreed to meet me outside at 9:30 but needed to go home at 11 PM. I never called her. My buddy who also went with meto Energy liked another girl from there as well and we saw her in the Havana bar in Parque Illeras that night. So we know these girls do go out.

I am sorry I am blanking on the names right now but will post if I recollect.

Later that night we hit the clubs and I breifly mentioned that in a post before.

(excuse the typos. The spanish keyboard in the airport lounge is driving me crazy (smile)

Fun Luvr
12-08-12, 04:33
Looks like I ran into the one and only non-pro on RL. Karina 10 is her RL name. (smile). Another one keeps mailing me and she is clearly a pro. Alejita20, looks good in pics and video but they are probably old. She has two kids and I am always looking for someone who I can bounce a quarter on their abs. Anyone seen her?

Thank you for the input and solid advice. I will try CC for the next trip. Too late for this trip. Anyway, after yesterday I am almost convinced that pros is the way to go for me.Alejandra has been around at least a couple of years. Her pictures on RL are old, but she still looks the same. She is tall, maybe 5'10", and very slim. She is not skinny, as you don't see bones. She looks like she grew too tall. Her body would fit very nicely in a 5' to 5'2" frame. She is very nice, almost shy, and that beautiful smile hardly ever left her face while we were together. If I have time, I will try to see her again when I am there in February.

Colombia Jake
12-09-12, 15:20
Came in Friday night and had seen some of Medellin and of course fase II but they wanted to really see the places that full time guys know about. We landed down on La Playa for the lights and all the cute girls walking around. They wanted to go to the Hippy Park and and strip clubs so off we went. Found a diamond at one of the clubs and a second at La Isla later. They all had fun back here and today they fly back to the high tech world in California. www.colombiajake.com

12-09-12, 21:21
Alejandra has been around at least a couple of years. Her pictures on RL are old, but she still looks the same. She is tall, maybe 5'10", and very slim. She is not skinny, as you don't see bones. She looks like she grew too tall. Her body would fit very nicely in a 5' to 5'2" frame. She is very nice, almost shy, and that beautiful smile hardly ever left her face while we were together. If I have time, I will try to see her again when I am there in February.Thank you for the positive report. I do like tall women (smile). I will contact her next time I am around. If I find the right chica, I like to spend some quality time with her and frankly, the problem in MDE is too many options and too little time.

12-10-12, 05:01
Thank you for the positive report. I do like tall women (smile). I will contact her next time I am around. If I find the right chica, I like to spend some quality time with her and frankly, the problem in MDE is too many options and too little time.Any info on Yamille Orozco or Wendy Herrera? Going to MDE Jan 25-28 AND Feb 20-26

12-10-12, 07:01
Saturday was some kind of religious holiday and many casas were closed. I first went to Francisco's place, around the corner from New-life. Some guys I met at the hotal said he had a good selection. Frank, as gringos call him, speaks excellent English and he has a couple of casas in the same block he operates. I lost the exact address but to get there, you take a left once you get out of New Life, cross the street at the intersection, turn right and cross the street and Frank's place is in the middle of the block on the left. You will Frank's tout with flyers trying to direct obvious mongers to his place.

The talent that day was quite slim. Of the 7 choices, none were too exciting. May be there was one that was BJ worthy but I passed. I tried another one of Franks place and it was even worse.

Hit New-life and it was BUSY. It was busier than a McDonalds at lunch time. The door was constantly chiming guys coming and going. 20 or so were working and the guy said. 11 rooms are busy! Good for them. I waited 30 minutes and chose Dulce. She had to be popular and some of you must know her, though she is easy on the eye, but mostly for her friendliness and service. She was not shy about sharing the fact that she truly enjoys anal sex and has a price list for all extras. I was not the in mood for a workout so I chose a lazy BJ. She immediately proceeded to do an enthusiastic BBBJ, which is a first for me in Colombia. To be honest I was a bit nervous but consoled myself due to the fact that there was shower in the room and jumped in it right away. BTW, no CIM though. If it was offered in rapid Spanish, I missed it. She earned her tip of 18K, which in return earned me a prolonged 'good-bye DFK'.

I went to New Life with a buddy and he chose Valentina. He said she was OK but a bit cold and had nowhere near the enthusiasm of Dulce.

12-10-12, 07:02
Fase II: Over all, this place remains the top club in terms of quality. There were extensive reports on the fact that there is a cover, drinks are priced and multa is ridiculous so I will limit my comments to the chicas. I went 4 nights in a week and there were stunners every night. I mentioned Elaine (who has a truly flawless toned body) and Lupe sisters in a previous post. Juliana is a classy 23 yr old MILF also from Pereira, very fair skinned and almost has the rose complexion of an irish redhead. She speaks excellent English and provided great TLN company. I saw two other stars that I would really liked to have tried but these two dudes kept them occupied with baileys. I only ran into one with a nasty attitude. I should have remembered her name just to report here but I don't. She wore a slim fitting red dress that night. She has stunning figure and softer features with a round face (hint of asian?). She was drinking ENSURE in the club. When I hello she barely looks away from her phone. After a minute of standing next to her with no response, I asked why she is said. That got her attention and generated a frown. She said that she is not sad. I said she is and gladly walked away in search of friendlier beauties.

La Isla: The new club that opened three months ago. This is on the hill side in Las Palamas. Most taxi drivers know where it is or they can radio and find out. The club is owned by an ex manager and ex friend of the owner of Fase II. They put a lot of money into this club. The two downsides I see here are, first it is too big. That makes you feel that it is empty. There were more girls working here than at any of the other clubs but it does not have the intimate feeling. Second, The centre stage is too high and it is hard to see chicas sitting in the very comfortable nicely designed couches located around the stage. It does have a cover, high priced drinks and a very expensive multa. Having said all that, I found my current Paisa girlfriend there :-). Her name is Sara. She is a petite spinner who rocked my world this week. I did three TLNs with her and to this day, some of the most fun I have had without clothes. She is 19 and has the energy to match her age but she has the sweetness of a child and the maturity of a 30 yr old. She is pure class. We hit it off well since the moment we met in the club and she took a liking to me, which certainly helps. If you see her, please treat her well, just like all of them deserve to be treated.

SanDiego: I thought was a dump and may be it's hay days are over. I did not find one that I would consider doing, even if they paid me.

Luna Luneres: I don't remember if I reported about this club but here it is (excuse if it is redundant). This club is a bit unique in that chicas can come and go as they please. What this means is that some chicas can be talked into leaving with you without having to pay a multa to the club or alternatively you can test drive them on site and if the chemistry is there, you can arrange for a TLN next day without them worrying about not showing up at the club. I had my girls (yes pleural) leave before me and walked out 5 minutes after I saw one of them leave. She was waiting in the cab for me. Overall the quality was average with the exception of the two I walked out with. BTW, I never saw them again at that club this week. It is physically close to SanDiego club on Ave 33. They charge cover on the weekends.

MDE is definitely going into the full blown 'navidad' mode. The city is beautiful. The Christmas lights are a bit tacky but at the same time visually stunning. It is a lot of fun to walk along the river at night and do a sunset stroll on Ave La Playa and end up at Parque Perediosta (sp) :-) . This year, National geographic rated MDE as the 4th best city in the world for Christmas lights. On the mongering side though, bouncers are reporting that many girls are not showing up due to the festivities and spending time with family. There will never be shortage but it might be a factor if you are very particular like me.

Hasideas Tao
12-10-12, 16:43
Would you please check Alejas (Cra 53 No. 61A-19) , which is very close to Artesanias, as well? I may check them by myself later.I went there too. Door locked, nobody answered.

Mr Gogo
12-10-12, 17:16
Vitrea, great reporting bro. You are a true asset to this board. Maybe now guys will follow your lead. Thanks again.

12-11-12, 02:03
Thank you for all the PM encouragements re my posts. That made me want to post more.

Linda's Chicas: AKA Casa de Piedra. The address and phone number on the MDE list is accurate. Phone is answered by a young lady that does not work and does not speak Spanish. I asked for Nancy and an older lady picked up who also did not speak english. I speak enough Spanish to ask for all natural (translate in casa speak: No silicones) , young (joven) , thin (flaka) fair skinned (blanca) and no strech marks or scars (no ninos). She clearly got the message and said she would have them ready to view in three hours. I called back in two and said I am coming in one hour. I called third time 15 min before and reconfirmed. May be it was too many unnecessary call but I wanted to make sure she knows we (two of us) are coming and she is going to have what we want.

Turns out Nancy is no more on site and the mamasan is a 70 yr old grandma with a sweet disposition but she can barely walk due to arthritis. When we got there she is watching over these three super cute girls, all of whom meet the above criteria. Two claim to be 18 and one is 19. The 19 year old paisa is Sara (not to be confused with my Sara from La Isla) with an adorable face, sweet smile, great body and a nice mellow attitude. My buddy was drawn to her immediately. I was left with the choice of Carolina who has all the above but more chirpy. Carolina also had braces and I if I had to guess on the street I would have thought she was 17. Both of these girls have hello kitty nail paint and hello kitty purses! Daniella, the third is the prettiest of all, slightly taller with a great body but she was scary young looking like she could be sixteen. I asked her twice how old she is and asked others in her absence and they all said she is 18. My North American pseudo morals won over the internal argument and I could not bring myself to seeing her naked, leave alone have sex with her. All of us sat and chatted for 15 minutes before having to make a decision. That was unlike in other casas.

80K for the room. 100K for the girl. 15K for a bottle of water and 5K for a condom and all of the prices are obviously a rip off in my opinion. Take out is 100K for casa and 200K for the girl, TLN which is clearly a better deal. My TLN was already set up and more importantly, I would have looked like the pervert I am, walking hand in hand or dirty dancing with an 18 yr old with hello kitty nail paint that looks like she is 16 or 17.

My buddy said Sara was fantastic. She was mellow outside as Carolina was being too chirpy and dominating the conversations but in the room Sara opened up. He was in the room for 70 minutes.

Carolina turned out to be a petite spinner with a tight body and no baby fat. You will think I am an idiot but I was too inhibited to have sex with her. She gave me a great BJ and she let me finish with a Russian so powerful that it hit her face and mouth. She did not blink and she looked adorable, just like in the legal teen porn videos.

Waiting for taxi would have been painful but the girls gave us company for 20 minutes cuddling on the sofa. We learned that these three live on site and they no longer have "100 girls" in the roster. I could not get any more info out of them. I will leave that part of intel gathering to a better looking and more fluent spanish speaker.

Overall, they delivered exactly what we wanted (may be more) , it is pricey but if you find the right girl, TLN is a greta deal. Mamasan confirmed that TLN is considered 10 PM to 10 AM. If you do not pick them up, you may have to pay for the taxi.

Legal Tender
12-11-12, 05:48
I'm in Colombia for 10 days, mainly business. The universities reconvene in mid January, and this little Paisa was recommended by one of her professors. To me, a perfect ass. Not bad for a future doctor.

Only good energy, amigos

12-11-12, 07:51
I'm in Colombia for 10 days, mainly business. The universities reconvene in mid January, and this little Paisa was recommended by one of her professors. To me, a perfect ass. Not bad for a future doctor.

Only good energy, amigosCan't tell if you are serious or speaking metaphorically about scholarships but it does not matter. Good for you. Thanks for your insightful posts and photographs. May be one day I will be able to dole out scholarships in MDE. (smile)

12-13-12, 07:40
Thank you for all the PM encouragements re my posts. That made me want to post more.

Linda's Chicas: AKA Casa de Piedra. The address and phone number on the MDE list is accurate. Phone is answered by a young lady that does not work and does not speak Spanish. I asked for Nancy and an older lady picked up who also did not speak english. I speak enough Spanish to ask for all natural (translate in casa speak: No silicones) , young (joven) , thin (flaka) fair skinned (blanca) and no strech marks or scars (no ninos). She clearly got the message and said she would have them ready to view in three hours. I called back in two and said I am coming in one hour. I called third time 15 min before and reconfirmed. May be it was too many unnecessary call but I wanted to make sure she knows we (two of us) are coming and she is going to have what we want.

Turns out Nancy is no more on site and the mamasan is a 70 yr old grandma with a sweet disposition but she can barely walk due to arthritis.Isn't that Nancy? I see the same old, limping old lady there every time the past 2-3 years. I've never had a good experience going there. Even though they say they are a 24/7 operation. They are not going to be able to call girls at like 2am in the morning! It will be the 2-3 girls that stay on premises. They keep telling me to come back at 8pm when most of the girls are there but I never got a chance to.

What time did you go?

12-13-12, 07:55
Luna Luneres: I don't remember if I reported about this club but here it is (excuse if it is redundant). This club is a bit unique in that chicas can come and go as they please. What this means is that some chicas can be talked into leaving with you without having to pay a multa to the club or alternatively you can test drive them on site and if the chemistry is there, you can arrange for a TLN next day without them worrying about not showing up at the club. I had my girls (yes pleural) leave before me and walked out 5 minutes after I saw one of them leave. She was waiting in the cab for me. Overall the quality was average with the exception of the two I walked out with. BTW, I never saw them again at that club this week. It is physically close to SanDiego club on Ave 33. They charge cover on the weekends.I think there are a lot of clubs that let the girls leave early. However, the manager will be pissed if they see her leaving with you and make you pay the multa. A lot of girls will refuse to do this because they are afraid of getting fired.

12-13-12, 10:16
My girlfriend would like to study to internationall air hostess, I. E. , she must be good at 3 to 5 five languages, so it's a long term agreement we have to make. I thus test how The Scholarship method works with her. The idea has been around long time since girls often have this approach, I. E. They want / need a boyfriend who can help them pay for their studies, which seems reasonable to me. It can be a good deal. In my case I will spend 3-6 months a year in Colombia / Latin America so there will be both time for spending time with her, but of course, the risk of this method is obvious. She can be playing me. Anyway, I want to learn about this method, paying for the hour is what is.

Cost for her education starts at 2, 5 million COP for every 3 month. Plus blaha-expenses, where one must find a limit.

Lately I have been in contact with 10 potential girlfriends. In one way or another they all need money, about 400k-1 million COP a month.

All of them have been Sweethearts so it's not much money. Actually it's kind of a miracle since meeting just one such girl would be spectacular in Sexprison.

12-13-12, 17:28
I will be in Medellin in 2 weeks. I have been in contact with a few of the girls at RL and CC. Do the RL chicks want Mansion prices if you are not staying at the Mansion? I don't want to pay the $150COP the Mansion girls want. Will they take 100COP?

99. 9% of all the chicas on Romance Latina (for Medellin) are prepagos. In fact, you can often see a good number of them at the Mansion. I remember pointing out at least 4 of them to my wingman while at the mansion and the castillo (HMP1 & 2). I ended up calling at least two of them over from the website. Was intending to call over more, but it's the difference between having a chica right in front of you (chicas hanging around the Mansion) versus waiting for a chica to show up in a taxi (chicas from Romance Latina).

I also met the owner of Romance Latina. He and another guy were staying at the Castillo and were inviting chicas over from FB to recruit them for his website. Seemed like a cool guy.

Oh, and yes the correspondence can be intermittent. Some of those chicas don't check their messages for days or weeks at a time. That's why it is best to start at least two weeks to a month out before your trip trying to contact the ones you are interested in and get their contact info.

If you are looking for non-pros you might do better with Colombian Cupid.

*Fair Warning: The phrase "you looked hotter on the internet" comes into play when dealing with internet chicas. Some of these chicas put on weight over the years but fail to update their photos to reflect these changes, LOL.

12-13-12, 17:33
As I seem to be forever planning a trip to, Columbia, admittedly I continue to get confused on the pricing. I've heard everywhere from 15-25$ U. S / Canadian, to $150, and up. Makes it difficult to gain some understanding over what to expect, in terms of budget. For example everyone knows if you go to, sosua, the going rate is 1500 DP ($37) , for a standard, and around twice that for a stunner. Is it worth going to, Colombia, With some concern towards your budget? We all know as a newbie anywhere your bound to overpay a little; But even the drink, lodging, and food prices, seem to be all over the place. Could use a little advice from the vets.

Thank you for all the PM encouragements re my posts. That made me want to post more.

Linda's Chicas: AKA Casa de Piedra. The address and phone number on the MDE list is accurate. Phone is answered by a young lady that does not work and does not speak Spanish. I asked for Nancy and an older lady picked up who also did not speak english. I speak enough Spanish to ask for all natural (translate in casa speak: No silicones) , young (joven) , thin (flaka) fair skinned (blanca) and no strech marks or scars (no ninos). She clearly got the message and said she would have them ready to view in three hours. I called back in two and said I am coming in one hour. I called third time 15 min before and reconfirmed. May be it was too many unnecessary call but I wanted to make sure she knows we (two of us) are coming and she is going to have what we want.

Turns out Nancy is no more on site and the mamasan is a 70 yr old grandma with a sweet disposition but she can barely walk due to arthritis. When we got there she is watching over these three super cute girls, all of whom meet the above criteria. Two claim to be 18 and one is 19. The 19 year old paisa is Sara (not to be confused with my Sara from La Isla) with an adorable face, sweet smile, great body and a nice mellow attitude. My buddy was drawn to her immediately. I was left with the choice of Carolina who has all the above but more chirpy. Carolina also had braces and I if I had to guess on the street I would have thought she was 17. Both of these girls have hello kitty nail paint and hello kitty purses! Daniella, the third is the prettiest of all, slightly taller with a great body but she was scary young looking like she could be sixteen. I asked her twice how old she is and asked others in her absence and they all said she is 18. My North American pseudo morals won over the internal argument and I could not bring myself to seeing her naked, leave alone have sex with her. All of us sat and chatted for 15 minutes before having to make a decision. That was unlike in other casas.

80K for the room. 100K for the girl. 15K for a bottle of water and 5K for a condom and all of the prices are obviously a rip off in my opinion. Take out is 100K for casa and 200K for the girl, TLN which is clearly a better deal. My TLN was already set up and more importantly, I would have looked like the pervert I am, walking hand in hand or dirty dancing with an 18 yr old with hello kitty nail paint that looks like she is 16 or 17.

My buddy said Sara was fantastic. She was mellow outside as Carolina was being too chirpy and dominating the conversations but in the room Sara opened up. He was in the room for 70 minutes.

Carolina turned out to be a petite spinner with a tight body and no baby fat. You will think I am an idiot but I was too inhibited to have sex with her. She gave me a great BJ and she let me finish with a Russian so powerful that it hit her face and mouth. She did not blink and she looked adorable, just like in the legal teen Porn videos.

Waiting for taxi would have been painful but the girls gave us company for 20 minutes cuddling on the sofa. We learned that these three live on site and they no longer have "100 girls" in the roster. I could not get any more info out of them. I will leave that part of intel gathering to a better looking and more fluent spanish speaker.

Overall, they delivered exactly what we wanted (may be more) , it is pricey but if you find the right girl, TLN is a greta deal. Mamasan confirmed that TLN is considered 10 PM to 10 AM. If you do not pick them up, you may have to pay for the taxi.

12-13-12, 17:46
As I seem to be forever planning a trip to, Columbia, admittedly I continue to get confused on the pricing. I've heard everywhere from 15-25$ U. S / Canadian, to $150, and up. Makes it difficult to gain some understanding over what to expect, in terms of budget. For example everyone knows if you go to, sosua, the going rate is 1500 DP ($37) , for a standard, and around twice that for a stunner. Is it worth going to, Colombia, With some concern towards your budget? We all know as a newbie anywhere your bound to overpay a little; But even the drink, lodging, and food prices, seem to be all over the place. Could use a little advice from the vets.The $15-25 are prices you are only going to see in the casas (except a place like Energy) and possibly La Mayorista.

The $150 you saw was possibly 150k COP ($83)? 150K is the asking price of Mansion chicas; 200-300k COP ($111-$167) is what the ask for TLN. You would also probably end of paying at or just north of $150 USD at places like Loutron, Fase Dos (pronounced "Fah-sey") and La Isla. I think you say Vitrea mentioning paying $150 because he chose to take the girls out of these establishments rather than session with them onsite.

Just look for the Medellin List in that section of the Colombia thread posted by World Travel 69. It has the prices listed for everything.

12-13-12, 18:11
Isn't that Nancy? I see the same old, limping old lady there every time the past 2-3 years. I've never had a good experience going there. Even though they say they are a 24/7 operation. They are not going to be able to call girls at like 2am in the morning! It will be the 2-3 girls that stay on premises. They keep telling me to come back at 8pm when most of the girls are there but I never got a chance to.Went to Casa de Piedra (Lindas Chicas) around 12-ish on a Saturday. We sat down and young girl told us that there were only two girls upstairs. We asked when more girls would be there and she said around 4 or so. We inquired about the "up to 100 chicas for you to choose from" (as stated on the Medellin List) , but the girl there looked as if she did not know what we were talking about. Also said they did not have a catalog of women photos, so I am not sure how that works as far as them calling chicas for you. We did not stay to see the two girls upstairs. We know we were in the right place because it did have the "big white metal gate.

12-13-12, 22:07
As I seem to be forever planning a trip to, Columbia, admittedly I continue to get confused on the pricing. I've heard everywhere from 15-25$ U. S / Canadian, to $150, and up. Makes it difficult to gain some understanding over what to expect, in terms of budget. For example everyone knows if you go to, sosua, the going rate is 1500 DP ($37) , for a standard, and around twice that for a stunner. Is it worth going to, Colombia, With some concern towards your budget? We all know as a newbie anywhere your bound to overpay a little; But even the drink, lodging, and food prices, seem to be all over the place. Could use a little advice from the vets.Mongerman,

Colombia is no different than any other mongering destination in the world, you can get a crack wh0re off the street for next to nothing or you can go to a high end club and spend 2-300 bucks, your choice. You mention the DR going rate of 1500 pesos, a lot of guys pay 1000 but you can also go to Passions in the early evening and pay 7000 pesos. The same goes for lodging, drinks etc. I have stayed at $10."hotels" in the campo of the DR and rented 4 bedroom villas in Caberete for hundreds of dollars per night. It is your choice how much you want to spend and what your budget is. That said, I have traveled to both Colombia and the DR over thirty times each and at the end of the day my cost is always more overall when I go to Colombia, money well spent in my opinion as my experience with the women of Colombia is generally much better, keeping in mind that there are all stars and star fish in both places.

Just my dos centavos, YMMV.

12-13-12, 22:19
My girlfriend would like to study to internationall air hostess, I. E. , she must be good at 3 to 5 five languages, so it's a long term agreement we have to make. I thus test how The Scholarship method works with her. The idea has been around long time since girls often have this approach, I. E. They want / need a boyfriend who can help them pay for their studies, which seems reasonable to me. It can be a good deal. In my case I will spend 3-6 months a year in Colombia / Latin America so there will be both time for spending time with her, but of course, the risk of this method is obvious. She can be playing me. Anyway, I want to learn about this method, paying for the hour is what is.

Cost for her education starts at 2, 5 million COP for every 3 month. Plus blaha-expenses, where one must find a limit.

Lately I have been in contact with 10 potential girlfriends. In one way or another they all need money, about 400k-1 million COP a month.

All of them have been Sweethearts so it's not much money. Actually it's kind of a miracle since meeting just one such girl would be spectacular in Sexprison.I want to be the first to go on record saying that you are going to get hosed and hosed badly. What is the upside of this kind of arrangement, I just don't get it. If you or anyone else thinks that paying for a girl's tuition is going to give you exclusive rights to her in any way you are BADLY mistaken.

Member #4394
12-13-12, 22:42
I went there 3 years ago. This old mamasan in the casa was yelling all the time, and I could not stand her. When I arrived there there was no girl, and the mamasan told me to wait for an hour. She said that the price was 200 something k peos, but I said that I would pay 80k or go to New Life or Energy. She gave in. In an hour. 5 girls showed up, all mediocre. I picked one and she was friendly and nice. When I handed 8ok to mamasan after the service, she said that I had to pay 200k peso. I said no. She told (yelled) me that I must pay for the beer. I told her that I did not drink anything in the casa. Then she yelled me that I must pay taxi fee for the girl. I said no and just got out of the reception room and a guy opened the gate. To me, the girls in Energy and NL are better than the girls in Lindas, and the mamasan in Lindas is a lowclass, harcore puta.

Originally Posted by Hioctane.

Isn't that Nancy? I see the same old, limping old lady there every time the past 2-3 years. I've never had a good experience going there. Even though they say they are a 24/7 operation. They are not going to be able to call girls at like 2am in the morning! It will be the 2-3 girls that stay on premises. They keep telling me to come back at 8pm when most of the girls are there but I never got a chance to.

Went to Casa de Piedra (Lindas Chicas) around 12-ish on a Saturday. We sat down and young girl told us that there were only two girls upstairs. We asked when more girls would be there and she said around 4 or so. We inquired about the "up to 100 chicas for you to choose from" (as stated on the Medellin List) , but the girl there looked as if she did not know what we were talking about. Also said they did not have a catalog of women photos, so I am not sure how that works as far as them calling chicas for you. We did not stay to see the two girls upstairs. We know we were in the right place because it did have the "big white metal gate.

12-14-12, 01:50
Isn't that Nancy? I see the same old, limping old lady there every time the past 2-3 years. I've never had a good experience going there. Even though they say they are a 24/7 operation. They are not going to be able to call girls at like 2am in the morning! It will be the 2-3 girls that stay on premises. They keep telling me to come back at 8pm when most of the girls are there but I never got a chance to.

What time did you go?She clearly told me and my buddy that she is not Nancy. I doubt if there is a misunderstanding about that but it is possible.

On that day, there are only three girls on premises. I went at 3 PM.

I should have negotiated the price but in general, I am not on a tight budget. The service was good and we spent almost two hours with the girls so I am all right. When we were delayed due to taxi, the girls sat cuddling with us. It was kind of fun.

12-14-12, 01:53
I think there are a lot of clubs that let the girls leave early. However, the manager will be pissed if they see her leaving with you and make you pay the multa. A lot of girls will refuse to do this because they are afraid of getting fired.Good to know. I was told that ONLY Luna allows early departure. I am talking about leaving around 10 PM though.

BTW, Juliana from Fase II said that she needs to pay multa to Fase II if she does not show up to work. My ATF from La Isla confirmed that it is not the case at La Isla.

12-14-12, 02:29
As I seem to be forever planning a trip to, Columbia, admittedly I continue to get confused on the pricing. I've heard everywhere from 15-25$ U. S / Canadian, to $150, and up. Makes it difficult to gain some understanding over what to expect, in terms of budget. For example everyone knows if you go to, sosua, the going rate is 1500 DP ($37) , for a standard, and around twice that for a stunner. Is it worth going to, Colombia, With some concern towards your budget? We all know as a newbie anywhere your bound to overpay a little; But even the drink, lodging, and food prices, seem to be all over the place. Could use a little advice from the vets.It is hard to do objective comparison between countries. I have been to DR but not to Sousa. Sounds like experienced mongers are telling you that DR is cheaper. I am price conscious but not on a tight budget. I go more with looks, for which I prefer CO and I am willing to pay extra (as attitude is almost the same. The girls are sweet in both countries).

Also note that in my recent series of reports I mostly went to well known high-end clubs that charge top dollar so it may seem expensive. You can have the same amount of fun or more at cheaper locations if you have time and inclination.

12-14-12, 02:43
Good to know. I was told that ONLY Luna allows early departure. I am talking about leaving around 10 PM though.

BTW, Juliana from Fase II said that she needs to pay multa to Fase II if she does not show up to work. My ATF from La Isla confirmed that it is not the case at La Isla.Fase II is VERY strict which is why some some of the hottest girls won't work there. You can't have a restrictive schedule if you have kids. I've seen Centro stripclub girls leave early when it's slow. I will try to find out more next time. Just don't let the manager find out!

Legal Tender
12-14-12, 02:51
My girlfriend would like to study to internationall air hostess, I. E. , she must be good at 3 to 5 five languages, so it's a long term agreement we have to make. I thus test how The Scholarship method works with her. The idea has been around long time since girls often have this approach, I. E. They want / need a boyfriend who can help them pay for their studies, which seems reasonable to me. It can be a good deal. In my case I will spend 3-6 months a year in Colombia / Latin America so there will be both time for spending time with her, but of course, the risk of this method is obvious. She can be playing me. Anyway, I want to learn about this method, paying for the hour is what is.

Cost for her education starts at 2, 5 million COP for every 3 month. Plus blaha-expenses, where one must find a limit.

Lately I have been in contact with 10 potential girlfriends. In one way or another they all need money, about 400k-1 million COP a month.

All of them have been Sweethearts so it's not much money. Actually it's kind of a miracle since meeting just one such girl would be spectacular in Sexprison.I have this arrangement with several girls now. They are all very serious students and have passion for what they want to do in this life. It is impossible to be "taken advantaged of" or "be played." It's rather simple. I don't ever do anything that I don't want to do. I have no expectations except these girls are going to become educated. This whole idea of monogamy in a sponsorship situation is unproductive. Among my scholarship recipients, there is not a party girl among them. And I can promise no one is having sex with them while I am. All of these girls have their own lives, and you've got to respect that. They are young girls! If they have a novio, who cares? None of them have time for a serious relationship. They are all about their education.

If you want to help one or more of these girls, it's your choice. Take responsibility for it, and have no expectation except the pleasure of enriching another's life. My experience is, and has been, that the affection, attention and appreciation that you receive is real. The less that you try to control one of them, the more tranquility and satisfaction you will receive. Do what you can and want to do, and own you choices. It follows, that it is impossible to be "played." Enjoy the opportunity to ease the suffering of another human being. Giving with an open heart and a noble purpose will result in a girl that wants to give you pleasure. Karma. Simply karma!

Only good energy!

12-14-12, 03:33
I have this arrangement with several girls now. They are all very serious students and have passion for what they want to do in this life. It is impossible to be "taken advantaged of" or "be played." It's rather simple. I don't ever do anything that I don't want to do. I have no expectations except these girls are going to become educated. This whole idea of monogamy in a sponsorship situation is unproductive. Among my scholarship recipients, there is not a party girl among them. And I can promise no one is having sex with them while I am. All of these girls have their own lives, and you've got to respect that. They are young girls! If they have a novio, who cares? None of them have time for a serious relationship. They are all about their education.

If you want to help one or more of these girls, it's your choice. Take responsibility for it, and have no expectation except the pleasure of enriching another's life. My experience is, and has been, that the affection, attention and appreciation that you receive is real. The less that you try to control one of them, the more tranquility and satisfaction you will receive. Do what you can and want to do, and own you choices. It follows, that it is impossible to be "played." Enjoy the opportunity to ease the suffering of another human being. Giving with an open heart and a noble purpose will result in a girl that wants to give you pleasure. Karma. Simply karma!

Only good energy!Words of wisdom! The key is. Don't expect monogamy (which is overrated) and you'll be fine. If you do, you'll get your heart broken.

Member #4394
12-14-12, 04:49
It is impossible to be "played" insofar as you have no expectations. You are played only when you have had an expectation for a return and it is not met.

I have this arrangement with several girls now. They are all very serious students and have passion for what they want to do in this life. It is impossible to be "taken advantaged of" or "be played." It's rather simple. I don't ever do anything that I don't want to do. I have no expectations except these girls are going to become educated. This whole idea of monogamy in a sponsorship situation is unproductive. Among my scholarship recipients, there is not a party girl among them. And I can promise no one is having sex with them while I am. All of these girls have their own lives, and you've got to respect that. They are young girls! If they have a novio, who cares? None of them have time for a serious relationship. They are all about their education.

If you want to help one or more of these girls, it's your choice. Take responsibility for it, and have no expectation except the pleasure of enriching another's life. My experience is, and has been, that the affection, attention and appreciation that you receive is real. The less that you try to control one of them, the more tranquility and satisfaction you will receive. Do what you can and want to do, and own you choices. It follows, that it is impossible to be "played." Enjoy the opportunity to ease the suffering of another human being. Giving with an open heart and a noble purpose will result in a girl that wants to give you pleasure. Karma. Simply karma!

Only good energy!

12-14-12, 05:33
As I seem to be forever planning a trip to, Columbia, admittedly I continue to get confused on the pricing. I've heard everywhere from 15-25$ U. S / Canadian, to $150, and up. Makes it difficult to gain some understanding over what to expect, in terms of budget. For example everyone knows if you go to, sosua, the going rate is 1500 DP ($37) , for a standard, and around twice that for a stunner. Is it worth going to, Colombia, With some concern towards your budget? We all know as a newbie anywhere your bound to overpay a little; But even the drink, lodging, and food prices, seem to be all over the place. Could use a little advice from the vets.Your Colombian budget will be TWICE your North Coast Dominican one.

12-14-12, 16:19
And I can promise no one is having sex with them while I am. All of these girls have their own lives, and you've got to respect that. They are young girls! If they have a novio, who cares? None of them have time for a serious relationship. They are all about their education.No disrespect sir but how on god's green earth would you know if they are having sex while you are gone, I'll tell you how, you don't. If you think that a young Colombiana can or will shut down or ignore her sexual desires for any length of time just because of your generosity you are badly mistaken. If you care if she is having sex with other men then how could you say "who cares" if she has a novio, if she has a novio she is banging the snot out of him, period.

12-14-12, 18:37
So I am in on the creep, I find this girl, a cute one I offer her 80k pesos. Take her back to the apartment bang her, takes my full load, get her FB page. Later that day I get her to add me as a friend. Later that night she posts with her smart phone with AK and they are making out in the pic, I am thinking how does my dick taste? LMAO. Just for the hell of it I click on his name like who is this dork? A handsome fellow I must say, says CEO of T@# lives in Florida, holy shit it is Legal Tender! I just banged his novia! Not that that is a first I must say, but to you bastards screwing mine, fuck you guys! LMAO

12-14-12, 19:31
So I am in on the creep, I find this girl, a cute one I offer her 80k pesos. Take her back to the apartment bang her, takes my full load, get her FB page. Later that day I get her to add me as a friend. Later that night she posts with her smart phone with AK and they are making out in the pic, I am thinking how does my dick taste? LMAO. Just for the hell of it I click on his name like who is this dork? A handsome fellow I must say, says CEO of T@# lives in Florida, holy shit it is Legal Tender! I just banged his novia! Not that that is a first I must say, but to you bastards screwing mine, fuck you guys! LMAOI know of one stunning girl, that would book 4 dates in a row, she was famous for DFK and BBBJ's plus some of the guys that had been with her really enjoyed eating at the "Y", Funny thing is, Her real boyfriend, liked to do her bareback!

12-14-12, 20:28
So I am in on the creep, I find this girl, a cute one I offer her 80k pesos. Take her back to the apartment bang her, takes my full load, get her FB page. Later that day I get her to add me as a friend. Later that night she posts with her smart phone with AK and they are making out in the pic, I am thinking how does my dick taste? LMAO. Just for the hell of it I click on his name like who is this dork? A handsome fellow I must say, says CEO of T@# lives in Florida, holy shit it is Legal Tender! I just banged his novia! Not that that is a first I must say, but to you bastards screwing mine, fuck you guys! LMAOHilarious, my point confirmed.

12-14-12, 20:33
I know of one stunning girl, that would book 4 dates in a row, she was famous for DFK and BBBJ's plus some of the guys that had been with her really enjoyed eating at the "Y", Funny thing is, Her real boyfriend, liked to do her bareback!Wierd but I can't even point out a dude I know that we ain't fucked the same chic, sick and twisted game I know, LT novia's lips were strawberry flavored from my cock lube anyway, can I have a ride on your helicopter too LT?

12-14-12, 20:35
I know of one stunning girl, that would book 4 dates in a row, she was famous for DFK and BBBJ's plus some of the guys that had been with her really enjoyed eating at the "Y", Funny thing is, Her real boyfriend, liked to do her bareback!Not unusual at all, in fact it is common practice.

12-14-12, 22:06
Your Colombian budget will be TWICE your North Coast Dominican one.It has been my experience that it is cheaper mongering in Medellin. Then again I stay away from high priced casas and high priced girls.

I usually do all ST and the price is generaly around $17/$20.

12-14-12, 22:11
Precisely what I was thinking. I suppose if your a lover of latin poon, there are no substitutes. IMO, I might be Looking towards, The Philippines, as an alternative. I'm even surprised by the cost of flights to, Medellin.

Your Colombian budget will be TWICE your North Coast Dominican one.

12-14-12, 22:31
Precisely what I was thinking. I suppose if your a lover of latin poon, there are no substitutes. IMO, I might be Looking towards, The Philippines, as an alternative. I'm even surprised by the cost of flights to, Medellin.And your cost of a trip to the Phillipines will be TWICE that of a trip to Colombia. The price of flights to Colombia between now and February are high because of the holidays and school vacations, it sucks but it is like this every year. Generally though, a ticket to the Phillipines is going to cost about $1000. More than a flight to MDE.

Legal Tender
12-14-12, 22:46
No disrespect sir but how on god's green earth would you know if they are having sex while you are gone, I'll tell you how, you don't. If you think that a young Colombiana can or will shut down or ignore her sexual desires for any length of time just because of your generosity you are badly mistaken. If you care if she is having sex with other men then how could you say "who cares" if she has a novio, if she has a novio she is banging the snot out of him, period.If there is one thing that I hate it's ambiguity. Well, loose pussy is worse. Digressing, what I wrote was: "And I can promise no one is having sex with them while I am." I can guarantee that because I don't do trios with two dudes and a girl. Now are they having sex when I not with them? I assume so because these are all young, beautiful and healthy girls. I really haven't thought about that. I do know that when I call any of them on their cell phones, all answer.

They don't need to be concerned with the Hillbilly's of this world because of financial reasons; none are party girls, and I do not attempt to exercise any control over their private lives. I have asked that if they have sex with someone else that they use a condom. Life is not risk free, but none of them would risk pregnancy with a local novio. Having had a vasectomy has proven to be a good choice.

Only good energy!

Legal Tender
12-14-12, 22:49
can I have a ride on your helicopter too LT?NO, you cannot.

12-14-12, 23:20
No it wouldn't. Cost for women, food, and lodging is similar to the, DR. Flights depend on where you coming from. I've never seen a flight to MED, from where I'm coming from, for less than $850. I've been looking for months on Airfare watchdog, and other sites. The flight to Manilla would be a few hundred dollars more, but I figure much of that difference, would be made up, with the savings in those other mentioned areas. Not to mention the language issue, which is a problem for me, and only increases the chances of paying more for everything. I think the pricing would be comparable to a trip to the, Philippines. Maybe If this, Legal Tender guy, would give me a lift in his helicopter, I could expect to spend a few more bucks, Buying Baileys' shots, for spoiled paisas'. Just putting it out there.

And your cost of a trip to the Phillipines will be TWICE that of a trip to Colombia. The price of flights to Colombia between now and February are high because of the holidays and school vacations, it sucks but it is like this every year. Generally though, a ticket to the Phillipines is going to cost about $1000. More than a flight to MDE.

12-15-12, 00:01
No it wouldn't. Cost for women, food, and lodging is similar to the, DR. Flights depend on where you coming from. I've never seen a flight to MED, from where I'm coming from, for less than $850. I've been looking for months on Airfare watchdog, and other sites. The flight to Manilla would be a few hundred dollars more, but I figure much of that difference, would be made up, with the savings in those other mentioned areas. Not to mention the language issue, which is a problem for me, and only increases the chances of paying more for everything. I think the pricing would be comparable to a trip to the, Philippines. Maybe If this, Legal Tender guy, would give me a lift in his helicopter, I could expect to spend a few more bucks, Buying Baileys' shots, for spoiled paisas'. Just putting it out there.I don't know where you are coming from but if that is the case I stand corrected. I would be curious to know where, but I understand if you don't want to share that info on this forum.

12-15-12, 00:16
No it wouldn't. Cost for women, food, and lodging is similar to the, DR. Flights depend on where you coming from. I've never seen a flight to MED, from where I'm coming from, for less than $850. I've been looking for months on Airfare watchdog, and other sites. The flight to Manilla would be a few hundred dollars more, but I figure much of that difference, would be made up, with the savings in those other mentioned areas. Not to mention the language issue, which is a problem for me, and only increases the chances of paying more for everything. I think the pricing would be comparable to a trip to the, Philippines. Maybe If this, Legal Tender guy, would give me a lift in his helicopter, I could expect to spend a few more bucks, Buying Baileys' shots, for spoiled paisas'. Just putting it out there.Airfare: do it with credit card miles. Hotels: stay in centro or mayo {under $30 a nite} Chicas: only go to centro casas 32000COP about $17. 78US Food: only eat empanadas off the street {about a buck} This is starting to sound like a pretty sucky vacation! Fuck it, get a real job!

12-15-12, 00:25
Airfare: do it with credit card miles. Hotels: stay in centro or mayo {under $30 a nite} Chicas: only go to centro casas 32000COP about $17. 78US Food: only eat empanadas off the street {about a buck} This is starting to sound like a pretty sucky vacation! Fuck it, get a real job!I almost fell off the chair laughing. Your response is hilarious.

12-15-12, 00:34
No it wouldn't. Cost for women, food, and lodging is similar to the, DR. Flights depend on where you coming from. I've never seen a flight to MED, from where I'm coming from, for less than $850. I've been looking for months on Airfare watchdog, and other sites. The flight to Manilla would be a few hundred dollars more, but I figure much of that difference, would be made up, with the savings in those other mentioned areas. Not to mention the language issue, which is a problem for me, and only increases the chances of paying more for everything. I think the pricing would be comparable to a trip to the, Philippines. Maybe If this, Legal Tender guy, would give me a lift in his helicopter, I could expect to spend a few more bucks, Buying Baileys' shots, for spoiled paisas'. Just putting it out there.Hey let me put this out there too. Paisas are arguably the sweetest girls in the World and I would not be quick to call them spoiled, especially since you seem to have not experienced them.

12-15-12, 00:38
Philippines. Maybe If this, Legal Tender guy, would give me a lift in his helicopter, I could expect to spend a few more bucks, Buying Baileys' shots, for spoiled paisas'. Just putting it out there.If his Helicopter rides like his novias then your in for a good ride, not quite as good as some of AG's ex-girlfriends but not bad.

12-15-12, 00:47
Airfare: do it with credit card miles. Hotels: stay in centro or mayo {under $30 a nite} Chicas: only go to centro casas 32000COP about $17. 78US Food: only eat empanadas off the street {about a buck} This is starting to sound like a pretty sucky vacation! Fuck it, get a real job!Shouldn't have left it out there. Had to know someone would jump on it; But thanks, tips!

12-15-12, 20:12
Guys, I posted this on SXM thread also;

What is the least expensive way to do a roundtrip from MDE to SXM? When I search form US, I am only finding high-cost US carriers close to $1000. Can't imagine girls or clubs paying that kind of money per trip so I am thinking there might be other options. Thank you.

Legal Tender
12-15-12, 20:22
Guys, I posted this on SXM thread also;

What is the least expensive way to do a roundtrip from MDE to SXM? When I search form US, I am only finding high-cost US carriers close to $1000. Can't imagine girls or clubs paying that kind of money per trip so I am thinking there might be other options. Thank you.I hate Spirit, but sometimes you got to do what you got to do. From LAX (not that far from SXM) in mid January Spirit prices out at $500. Of course, you'd have to add at least $100 for bags and selected seating.

12-15-12, 20:43
I hate Spirit, but sometimes you got to do what you got to do. From LAX (not that far from SXM) in mid January Spirit prices out at $500. Of course, you'd have to add at least $100 for bags and selected seating.Thank you much. I am referring to Saint Martin (SXM) in the Caribbean. Are we talking about the same airport?

12-15-12, 22:43
Thank you much. I am referring to Saint Martin (SXM) in the Caribbean. Are we talking about the same airport?Spirit connection from LAX has now got you sitting in FLL for 11hrs

Legal Tender
12-15-12, 23:06
Thank you much. I am referring to Saint Martin (SXM) in the Caribbean. Are we talking about the same airport?Sorry for wasting bandwidth.

Aussie Greg
12-16-12, 02:24
Try "Insel Air" $650.00 return.

A. G.

Guys, I posted this on SXM thread also;

What is the least expensive way to do a roundtrip from MDE to SXM? When I search form US, I am only finding high-cost US carriers close to $1000. Can't imagine girls or clubs paying that kind of money per trip so I am thinking there might be other options. Thank you.

12-16-12, 03:11
Try "Insel Air" $650. 00 return.

A. G.Thank you. Will do.

I went to their site and the price is decent just like A. G quoted. They connect in Curacao and I am having to overnight in Curacao both on outbound and return. Bummer.

12-16-12, 21:06
Guys, I posted this on SXM thread also;

What is the least expensive way to do a roundtrip from MDE to SXM? When I search form US, I am only finding high-cost US carriers close to $1000. Can't imagine girls or clubs paying that kind of money per trip so I am thinking there might be other options. Thank you.I think it's cheaper to look at local airlines. If you look at a US airline, they have to fly through the US.

12-17-12, 04:05
Does anyone know where the buenos Aires barrio of Medellin is and what metro station is near there?

Member #4394
12-17-12, 15:45
Alpujarra station. 5 minutes to the east.

Does anyone know where the buenos Aires barrio of Medellin is and what metro station is near there?

Fun Luvr
12-18-12, 00:54
I will be in Medellin in 2 weeks. I have been in contact with a few of the girls at RL and CC. Do the RL chicks want Mansion prices if you are not staying at the Mansion? I don't want to pay the $150COP the Mansion girls want. Will they take 100COP?Almost every RL chica I have contacted wants at least 150K COP. Earlier this year, one of them came to my apartment. We had not discussed money beforehand (my mistake). She told me 150K, I offered 120K, she walked. I gave her 20K for a taxi, even though she did not ask for taxi fare. I talked with one who wanted 200K. After some haggling, she agreed to 150K, but by that time I was turned off and told her not to come see me. All I have seen from RL have been nice, even the one who walked.

12-18-12, 03:05
I think it's cheaper to look at local airlines. If you look at a US airline, they have to fly through the US.I know right? Which one other than Insel?

12-18-12, 03:09
I know right? Which one other than Insel?No idea what airlines are from there. Your best bet is to go ask the local travel agency.

El Bacano
12-19-12, 16:39
Men just a fuuny thought. When I meet a pro , sometimes its best to not to negotiate so much as go with the flow, these girls surprise me with great methods, and even turns into the old GFE, I even find them asking me if theres anything I like doing, Stay cool everyone.

12-19-12, 20:07
Men just a fuuny thought. When I meet a pro

, sometimes its best to not to negotiate so much as go with the flow, these girls surprise me with great methods, and even turns into the old GFE, I even find them asking me if theres anything I like doing, Stay kool every 1Agree with you in principle but not a bad thought though sometimes it is a risk doing it that way on your first encounter with a pro. What if she thinks you are a sucker and demands a lot more and now it is either creates a scene or leaves a bad memory. I do agree that over negotiating kills it for me. BTW, I never bring up money the second time I am with a girl, even if the services provided and time we spent togather are different from the first time.

I picked up a girl once two trips ago, that spent 36 hours with me without mention of money. She even went home changed and changed to go to a nice restaurant and came back without taking money. That kind of mutual trust is rare and that was one of my top 5 experiences ever.

Member #4176
12-19-12, 21:45
Agree with you in principle but not a bad thought though sometimes it is a risk doing it that way on your first encounter with a pro. What if she thinks you are a sucker and demands a lot more and now it is either creates a scene or leaves a bad memory. I do agree that over negotiating kills it for me. BTW, I never bring up money the second time I am with a girl, even if the services provided and time we spent togather are different from the first time.

I picked up a girl once two trips ago, that spent 36 hours with me without mention of money. She even went home changed and changed to go to a nice restaurant and came back without taking money. That kind of mutual trust is rare and that was one of my top 5 experiences ever.I always talk negosio (business) first so there is no problems later. I harden pro only really cares about is the money, this way she know what I want and I know what she wants. I also say that there is room for a propina. So, she can still work on a GFE. If she is a non pro or not a working girl, I still will speak with her upfront about what she expects. I don't like surprises. A lot of non pro will say they're not a prepa but, times are hard, etc. Again, I tell them I am looking for someone to spend some time together but, sex is differently part of the time together. Anyway, I feel talking upfront (with respect) give me more of an experience later. Going with the flow can be expensive and sometime you end up with your dick in your hand. Some of these girls want to gas you as much as possible without giving up the ass.

12-20-12, 14:28
Guys, I posted this on SXM thread also;

What is the least expensive way to do a roundtrip from MDE to SXM? When I search form US, I am only finding high-cost US carriers close to $1000. Can't imagine girls or clubs paying that kind of money per trip so I am thinking there might be other options. Thank you.Good day. I flew COPA, MDE to Panama to SXM, I had to overnight in Panama going but not returning. Dates flown were Dec 5 and 13.

Price $716. The bummer on the trip was a full body x-ray at MDE Rionegro airport. I stood on a moving belt and was slowly moved thru the x-ray machine, this looked liked an x-ray machine from the 1960's. I am sure I glowed in the dark that night. I had to sign a paper that I was agreeing to an x-ray by the Colombian Police. The paper I signed said "x-ray". This was not the "body scan" phone both looking type unit that I have seen in either Toronto or Vancouver the past several years. There were 4 other persons in the room being subjected to the same bullshit. My thought was they are doing this just to keep the x-ray guy busy. The 'Glow Room" is to the left from where your 'carry on bags' or x-rayed. There was a Colombian Policeman standing beside the 'carry on' exit from the machine, when I picked up my bag, he asked me no questions, he just said to follow him.

12-20-12, 16:20
I always talk negosio (business) first so there is no problems later. I harden pro only really cares about is the money, this way she know what I want and I know what she wants. I also say that there is room for a propina. So, she can still work on a GFE. If she is a non pro or not a working girl, I still will speak with her upfront about what she expects. I don't like surprises. A lot of non pro will say they're not a prepa but, times are hard, etc. Again, I tell them I am looking for someone to spend some time together but, sex is differently part of the time together. Anyway, I feel talking upfront (with respect) give me more of an experience later. Going with the flow can be expensive and sometime you end up with your dick in your hand. Some of these girls want to gas you as much as possible without giving up the ass.I definitely understand your take on this, and do agree, especially for newbies, shy, lingo challenged, etc, etc.

I feel the girl out, her disposition, as we talk and get to know one another.

You're right, if she's hardcore, then upfront is the best way to go usually, though I rarely go with hardcore girls anyway.

If the girl is sweet and we're hitting it off, I just normally give whatever I feel.

It's a risk I guess, because if you read the girl wrong, (which through experience, I normally don't) , there could be some ensuing drama.

For me it's worth the small risk, I enjoy the romance, whether real or imagined.

Member #4394
12-21-12, 19:09
On Wednesday, I arrived at Casa de Fantasias around 1pm. Only 3 girls were available. They all were small chicas but mediocre. So I left the place. Too bad, this used to be my favorite casa. Walked for 5 mnts and arrived at Flaca (Carrera 46 57a-21 3rd floor.) 5 girls were available. Most of them were doable, but they were too big to be called 'flacas. ' I told mamasan I would come back.

I walked just a minute to Zandaly (Cra. 47 #57A-34, 2nd floor.) About 7 chicas were presented, and one of them was Tatiana, my ex-regular. She used to have blonde hair, but does have black hair now. That makes her look a little older- around 25, but still looks decent. There was also a flaca I liked. I forgot the name, maybe Sophia. It was a hard choice, but I chose Tati. The service was good, if not great or GFE. She gave me a decent massage and the sex was good. Next time I will try the flaca.

On Thursday, I arrived at Casa de Fantasias around 1pm. A lady, not mamasan, opened the gate and told me that there would be 3k presentation fee. Mamasan did not charge the fee yesterday. I asked the lady how many girls would be presented, and her answer was 'dos. ' I left.

I walked about 5 mntes to Sexi Fantasia 2 (Carrera 47 # 53-42). About 10 girls were presented. All were doable, and I liked a few. Most of them had big asses, but Karen and Sophia had (relatively) small asses. So, I asked mamasan to present these two chicas again. I talked to the both and they were friendly, but black hair Sophia had a beautiful face and long legs. So I went to the room with Sophia. 20 yo. The room, one of the south side, was too dark with a dim light. We just relaxed and talked about our private lives for a while. The sex was good, but not GFE. I may go back for another girl. BTW, there was a tall black girl with a beautiful body here, and some of you may like her.

12-22-12, 14:55
Almost every RL chica I have contacted wants at least 150K COP. Earlier this year, one of them came to my apartment. We had not discussed money beforehand (my mistake). She told me 150K, I offered 120K, she walked. I gave her 20K for a taxi, even though she did not ask for taxi fare. I talked with one who wanted 200K. After some haggling, she agreed to 150K, but by that time I was turned off and told her not to come see me. All I have seen from RL have been nice, even the one who walked.I met a Mansion girl, Karen, on RL and she remembered me and I asked about coming to my hotel and I didn't want to pay Mansion pricing. She told me she only goes to the Mansion and won't take less than $150K COP.

12-23-12, 01:56
won't take less than $150K COP.That's what it is and has been going on for a long time. I heard from a lot of Mansion guests I met at Mayo telling me these chicas are really spoiled. But to me, you pay for convenience and if you're a newbie, it aint bad at all.

By the way, Matt. Thanks for the report. Have you gone to Sara on this trip yet? Cra 45 # 57-71. I saw at least 5 chicas on my last trip that fit your type. Have fun amigo.


12-23-12, 17:57
That's what it is and has been going on for a long time. I heard from a lot of Mansion guests I met at Mayo telling me these chicas are really spoiled. But to me, you pay for convenience and if you're a newbie, it aint bad at all.

By the way, Matt. Thanks for the report. Have you gone to Sara on this trip yet? Cra 45 # 57-71. I saw at least 5 chicas on my last trip that fit your type. Have fun amigo.

Cheers.Yes Mansion girls have a great thing going. 150K for an hour or two is a huge take in Colombia. And they can hang out in a very nice environment with guys that generally treat them.

Very nicely.

12-24-12, 02:09

I'm going to be going to Medellin for the first time in January or February! Need some info on the best night clubs, best gym with the hottest girls, and best stripe clubs! I am Hispanic and speak Spanish perfectly! Any help would be appreciated!


12-24-12, 04:40
Hola Gringos!

I am going to Medellin by the end of this year, beginning of next. I really need to book hotel or apartment hotel now. I have been reading here a lot to find tips on accommodations. I've found some tips, but would like more.

I am looking for apartment hotel first of all and second a chica friendly hotel. Quite safe neighborhood. I would like it to be close to casas. And this is where I can't make up my mind. El Centro, close to many casas, but not so safe. El Pablado not close to many casas, but safe. Can I get both safe area and close to many casas?

This is my frist time to Colombia. I have taken Spanish classes since septiembre and it is a lot of fun! I can do basic conversation, enough I think. Still I would like to have a guide some day (s) , that would be a lot of fun I think. Of course I am prepared to pay.

Final note here. I am visiting MFC a lot and one girl from Medellin told me I could stay with her. I don't think it is a good idea. What do you guys think? She is not the most beautiful girl and I have already date (s) with other girls in Medellin. I have probably already made up my mind to say thanks, but no thanks. Still it would be fun to hear what you guys think about this offer.Dude. I just stayed in a penthouse apartment on Caracas and Oriental called "Thousandfirefly". It is a doorman building and the neighborhood is filled with chicas. The women in Camino Real will whistle at you. And there are about 30 casas within walking distance. I went to a different casa every day and felt completely safe walking around El Centro. Don't listen to those fools who want to live in Poblado and overpay for chicas. Hit me up if you need a map of the casas. I only paid $60 a night for the apartment, which was more like staying in the Dann Carlton or the Intercontinental, at less then half the price! This place even has a maid service every day and they serve you a breakfast anytime you want up till noon, which includes fresh fruit, arepas, eggs, cheese, coffee, fresh juice.included in the price! They can also offer high-end chicas to stay with you overnight. Just need to pay the house an additional $35 for this service. But if you want to meet young, educated, model-type ninas, go for it! Best way to contact them is via e-mail (gmail). They also provide airport pickup anytime.

12-24-12, 21:03
am going to medellin by the end january.

have this apartement e website?

sorry speek portuges or german

12-24-12, 21:45

I'm going to be going to Medellin for the first time in January or February! Need some info on the best night clubs, best gym with the hottest girls, and best stripe clubs! I am Hispanic and speak Spanish perfectly! Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks!I am glad that your Spanish is perfect and it will be a big plus. I am sure your english is perfect as well so please read the forum first and ask if you have any specific questions. Many of us have spent countless hours contributing. The least you could do is read it. Start with MDE lists then reports of distinction then move on to MDE reports.

Member #4244
12-25-12, 01:46
Dude. I just stayed in a penthouse apartment on Caracas and Oriental called "Thousandfirefly". It is a doorman building and the neighborhood is filled with chicas. The women in Camino Real will whistle at you. And there are about 30 casas within walking distance. I went to a different casa every day and felt completely safe walking around El Centro. Don't listen to those fools who want to live in Poblado and overpay for chicas. Hit me up if you need a map of the casas. I only paid $60 a night for the apartment, which was more like staying in the Dann Carlton or the Intercontinental, at less then half the price! This place even has a maid service every day and they serve you a breakfast anytime you want up till noon, which includes fresh fruit, arepas, eggs, cheese, coffee, fresh juice.included in the price! They can also offer high-end chicas to stay with you overnight. Just need to pay the house an additional $35 for this service. But if you want to meet young, educated, model-type ninas, go for it! Best way to contact them is via e-mail (gmail). They also provide airport pickup anytime.

Sounds like a fine setup but you can rent apartments in better neighborhoods for much less. $60 a night for an apartment in the Centro? You could stay at a nice independent hotel like the ones on Calle 10 for that price easily. An apartment should be less, practically anywhere, especially El Centro. I paid between 18K COP and 50K COP for apartments in those types of areas. For 30K COP a night I stayed in a strata 5, two bedroom apt. It was somewhat basic but had working hot water, working internet, maid service, etc. You have to go to the chicas, but that is fine by me. How weird is it to be one of these guys who LIVES in the centro and every puta and casa doorman knows him well enough to high five him on the street? I like to keep a safe distance from the sleaze, then dive in as I see fit. But if you want convenience and variety, sure stay in the centro. It's safe up to a point, I'd say once it gets late, yeah, walk with a quick pace and take taxis.

12-25-12, 02:37
Sounds like a fine setup but you can rent apartments in better neighborhoods for much less. $60 a night for an apartment in the Centro? You could stay at a nice independent hotel like the ones on Calle 10 for that price easily. An apartment should be less, practically anywhere, especially El Centro. I paid between 18K COP and 50K COP for apartments in those types of areas. For 30K COP a night I stayed in a strata 5, two bedroom apt. It was somewhat basic but had working hot water, working internet, maid service, etc. You have to go to the chicas, but that is fine by me. How weird is it to be one of these guys who LIVES in the centro and every puta and casa doorman knows him well enough to high five him on the street? I like to keep a safe distance from the sleaze, then dive in as I see fit. But if you want convenience and variety, sure stay in the centro. It's safe up to a point, I'd say once it gets late, yeah, walk with a quick pace and take taxis.WTS, well said. My thoughts exactly.

Senior Marioroth, The information you provided, if accurate, can be very useful to some. Also, I could not find "Thousandfirefly" and searched it many different ways on google. For someone to be able to actually use your info, you many want to post more details on how to contact them.

• BTW, Price / cost is different from value. Some look for value and some go with price alone. Not all that stay in Poblado are "fools", as you say.

12-25-12, 06:49
Sounds like a fine setup but you can rent apartments in better neighborhoods for much less. $60 a night for an apartment in the Centro? You could stay at a nice independent hotel like the ones on Calle 10 for that price easily. An apartment should be less, practically anywhere, especially El Centro. I paid between 18K COP and 50K COP for apartments in those types of areas. For 30K COP a night I stayed in a strata 5, two bedroom apt. It was somewhat basic but had working hot water, working internet, maid service, etc. You have to go to the chicas, but that is fine by me. How weird is it to be one of these guys who LIVES in the centro and every puta and casa doorman knows him well enough to high five him on the street? I like to keep a safe distance from the sleaze, then dive in as I see fit. But if you want convenience and variety, sure stay in the centro. It's safe up to a point, I'd say once it gets late, yeah, walk with a quick pace and take taxis.This place deserves 6 stars when it comes to quality. You sleep on an expensive tempurpedic mattress and you are served a Ritz Carlton type breakfast. How would you like to wake up before noon and get served papaya, granadilla, bananas, mangos, oranges, arepa, scrambled eggs, and fresh squeezed juice? All inclusive in the price and served to you with a smile. And by the way, the shower is big enough for you and three chicas. So if you want to live like a king for $60 / night, this is the place to be. You can email me for more information at [Email address deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

12-25-12, 08:03
I will be in Medellin Jan 2 if anyone wants to get together. First bottle on me! .


Member #4176
12-26-12, 19:01
Dude. I just stayed in a penthouse apartment on Caracas and Oriental called "Thousandfirefly". It is a doorman building and the neighborhood is filled with chicas. The women in Camino Real will whistle at you. And there are about 30 casas within walking distance. I went to a different casa every day and felt completely safe walking around El Centro. Don't listen to those fools who want to live in Poblado and overpay for chicas. Hit me up if you need a map of the casas. I only paid $60 a night for the apartment, which was more like staying in the Dann Carlton or the Intercontinental, at less then half the price! This place even has a maid service every day and they serve you a breakfast anytime you want up till noon, which includes fresh fruit, arepas, eggs, cheese, coffee, fresh juice.included in the price! They can also offer high-end chicas to stay with you overnight. Just need to pay the house an additional $35 for this service. But if you want to meet young, educated, model-type ninas, go for it! Best way to contact them is via e-mail (gmail). They also provide airport pickup anytime.Sound good. But, there isn't any info on the apartments contact. Send me a PM on the apartment so I can look into it.

12-27-12, 01:00
Dude. I just stayed in a penthouse apartment on Caracas and Oriental called "Thousandfirefly". It is a doorman building and the neighborhood is filled with chicas. The women in Camino Real will whistle at you. And there are about 30 casas within walking distance. I went to a different casa every day and felt completely safe walking around El Centro. Don't listen to those fools who want to live in Poblado and overpay for chicas. Hit me up if you need a map of the casas. I only paid $60 a night for the apartment, which was more like staying in the Dann Carlton or the Intercontinental, at less then half the price! This place even has a maid service every day and they serve you a breakfast anytime you want up till noon, which includes fresh fruit, arepas, eggs, cheese, coffee, fresh juice.included in the price! They can also offer high-end chicas to stay with you overnight. Just need to pay the house an additional $35 for this service. But if you want to meet young, educated, model-type ninas, go for it! Best way to contact them is via e-mail (gmail). They also provide airport pickup anytime.I was just looking for something like that. Haw can I contact them and what's the address? Is it close to Grand Hotel? In late January it will be my second time in Medellin and DON'T want to book hotel. Like this style. Give me more info please.

12-27-12, 23:35
Is it possible to visit the Mansion even if you are not staying there? Is it possible to pick up chicas from there if not staying?

Member #4394
12-27-12, 23:42
On Friday, I arrived at Masajes de Sexi, Carrera 45D # 57-67, around 1pm. Appro 12 girls were presented. All of them were gorditas. This place used to have a few decent looking chicas. I walked 5 mnts to Paris club, Cra47 No. 56-34. 6 chicas were presented, and I knew one of the girls, Maria Jose. I was with her twice at Casa de Fantasia in March. The first time was great GFE and the second time was a disaster. I posted the episode in March. Among the chicas presented, Maria Jose looked best, so I went to the room with her. As she took her cloth off in the room, her fat body was unveiled. Obviously she became fat since March. The sex was mediocre though she was friendly.

On Saturday, I stopped by Sexi Fantasia 1, Calle 54 (Caracas) # 49-97, around 2pm. Only 4 girls were presented and none of them were doable. I just stepped down to the second floor to visit Chicas Punto com. Appro 12 girls were presented, and I liked 4 girls. In the second presentation of these 4 girls I asked, Carolina, who was wearing glasses, looked cute. When I asked her to take her glasses off for me, she did it and smiled. So I picked Carolina. In the room, Carolina appeared to be very happy and talked to me a lot. She was very accommodating and tried various positions I liked. The sex was good, if not great. I just like her personality and I may go back to see her again.

On Wednesday, based on my amigo EZ's recommendation, I stopped by Sara, cra45 # 57-71, around 1pm. 4 chicas, all fat and short, were presented. When I was leaving, the infamous papa-san told me to pay 2k for the presentation. I told him that he did not tell me about the fee before the presentation. But the guy still insisted and did not unlock the gate, and we talked for about five minutes. As I handed 2k to him eventually, I told him that gringos and many Colombians would not come to this kind of business. He just said 'fine. '

Then I walked 3mnts to Coffee Club, Cra 45 No. 55-45. 4 chicas were presented, and only one, Angie, was doable. I left and walked to Sarita, cl55 n43-72. 3 girls were presented and none of them were doable. I came back to Coffee Club for Angie, but papa san told me that she was occupied. So I walked to Chicas Punto. About 10 girls were presented, but Carolina was not there. I picked Tatiana, a decent looking blonde. Though she was not indifferent to me in the room, her service was mechanical. I guess I will go with Carolina or another girl next time.

So far, Sexi Fantasia 2 and Chicas Punto Com have been the best casas for me.

12-28-12, 05:02
Price $716. The bummer on the trip was a full body x-ray at MDE Rionegro airport. I stood on a moving belt and was slowly moved thru the x-ray machine, this looked liked an x-ray machine from the 1960's. I am sure I glowed in the dark that night. I had to sign a paper that I was agreeing to an x-ray by the Colombian Police. The paper I signed said "x-ray". This was not the "body scan" phone both looking type unit that I have seen in either Toronto or Vancouver the past several years. There were 4 other persons in the room being subjected to the same bullshit. My thought was they are doing this just to keep the x-ray guy busy. The 'Glow Room" is to the left from where your 'carry on bags' or x-rayed. There was a Colombian Policeman standing beside the 'carry on' exit from the machine, when I picked up my bag, he asked me no questions, he just said to follow him.Was this leaving MDE? If so, they were probably just seeing if you had swallowed any drugs. If coming in, then I know of no explanation.

Joe Six Pack
12-28-12, 05:33
It really depends on how you screen the profiles, most good looking and hot girls do want money. I did meet a number of average looking girls on the site that did not want any money and were non-pros. If you screen the profiles and look for some clues you can meet some good non pros on RL.

99. 9% of all the chicas on Romance Latina (for Medellin) are prepagos. In fact, you can often see a good number of them at the Mansion. I remember pointing out at least 4 of them to my wingman while at the mansion and the castillo (HMP1 & 2). I ended up calling at least two of them over from the website. Was intending to call over more, but it's the difference between having a chica right in front of you (chicas hanging around the Mansion) versus waiting for a chica to show up in a taxi (chicas from Romance Latina).

I also met the owner of Romance Latina. He and another guy were staying at the Castillo and were inviting chicas over from FB to recruit them for his website. Seemed like a cool guy.

Oh, and yes the correspondence can be intermittent. Some of those chicas don't check their messages for days or weeks at a time. That's why it is best to start at least two weeks to a month out before your trip trying to contact the ones you are interested in and get their contact info.

If you are looking for non-pros you might do better with Colombian Cupid.

*Fair Warning: The phrase "you looked hotter on the internet" comes into play when dealing with internet chicas. Some of these chicas put on weight over the years but fail to update their photos to reflect these changes, LOL.

12-28-12, 05:59
Is it possible to visit the Mansion even if you are not staying there? Is it possible to pick up chicas from there if not staying?No. If you are staying anywhere else other than the Mansion then you will have to put together your own contacts before going or while down there.

But honestly, if you are looking for Mansion (HMP1) chicas then just join Romance Latina, LOL. I saw at least 8 different chicas from RL hanging around the Castillo (HMP2) while I was staying there and while visiting the Mansion (if you are staying at the Castillo then you already are invited to the Mansion at any time).

But the flip side of that is I also saw chicas who were not on RL and were just as hot. The good thing about the Mansion is that chicas that get invited over usually bring one of their (hot) friends.

12-28-12, 06:14
On Friday, I arrived at Masajes de Sexi, Carrera 45D # 57-67, around 1pm. Appro 12 girls were presented. All of them were gorditas. . .This place used to have a few decent looking chicas.

I walked 5 mnts to Paris club, Cra47 No. 56-34. 6 chicas were presented, and I knew one of the girls, Maria Jose. I was with her twice at Casa de Fantasia in March. The first time was great GFE and the second time was a disaster. I posted the episode in March. Among the chicas presented, Maria Jose looked best, so I went to the room with her. As she took her cloth off in the room, her fat body was unveiled. . . .

On Wednesday, based on my amigo EZ's recommendation, I stopped by Sara, cra45 # 57-71, around 1pm. 4 chicas, all fat and short, were presented. When I was leaving, the infamous papa-san told me to pay 2k for the presentation. I told him that he did not tell me about the fee before the presentation. But the guy still insisted and did not unlock the gate, and we talked for about five minutes. As I handed 2k to him eventually, I told him that gringos and many Colombians would not come to this kind of business. He just said 'fine. '. . . .

. . .I picked Tatiana, a decent looking blonde. Though she was not indifferent to me in the room, her service was mechanical. I guess I will go with Carolina or another girl next time.

So far, Sexi Fantasia 2 and Chicas Punto Com have been the best casas for me.Hey Matt, sorry to hear your casa runs have sub-par talent. Could this have anything to do with the Holidays? Did you visit New Life or Aiffe? When we met in late August, I had some fantastic sessions at Leidy (Calle 55 #43-72) and at a new casa (to me anyway) with the business card "Punto de Encuentro" down the street from Barcelona (I think it was Calle 58 or 59). So I recommend you pay them a visit.

Carolina sounds lovely, does she FK?

Any decent talent on the street, Near DeGrieff or by the Botero Museum (Cucuta?)

Thanks for reporting in, Matt and maintaining the casa map.

12-28-12, 15:09
Could anyone tell me what the Aiffe's address is?

Aussie Greg
12-28-12, 21:56
Is it possible to visit the Mansion even if you are not staying there? Is it possible to pick up chicas from there if not staying?NO, butttttttttttttttttt if you are a friend of MB or BBB, they have the right to invite friends and people who they like.

As for me, I have no friends so I invite nobody jajajajajaja.

A. G.

The new bar at MP 1 "La Cueva" is a hit, again please read above.

Member #4244
12-28-12, 23:18
There is nice depth to the lineups at the cheap places right now. New Life is deep with girls, more attractive than usual. It's still not what it was five years ago, but better than say a year and a half ago? Absolutely.

The downtown clubs had some crowds right before Christmas but are DEAD right now. Deals to be had, extra services should not be paid for. Pay you 60K-80K COP, do whatever you like (of course assuming the girl is comfortable). No 10s in there but when has there been? Lots of fuckable girls though, more than usual, nice variety, too with more body types, skin colors, etc than usual.

The lineups are the higher end places seem lacking a little but I am sure it's a temporary drag. Paisas Divinas service is always a good bet, you generally get what you see in the ad minus a slight touchup.

12-29-12, 00:01
There is nice depth to the lineups at the cheap places right now. New Life is deep with girls, more attractive than usual. It's still not what it was five years ago, but better than say a year and a half ago? Absolutely.

The downtown clubs had some crowds right before Christmas but are DEAD right now. Deals to be had, extra services should not be paid for. Pay you 60K-80K COP, do whatever you like (of course assuming the girl is comfortable). No 10s in there but when has there been? Lots of fuckable girls though, more than usual, nice variety, too with more body types, skin colors, etc than usual.

The lineups are the higher end places seem lacking a little but I am sure it's a temporary drag. Paisas Divinas service is always a good bet, you generally get what you see in the ad minus a slight touchup.Good to know! The downtown clubs, I am guessing you are talking about the ones on Maracaibo. But I remember the 60-80K price was for 30-40mins only, no? I have sessioned very few times in these clubs, it was always just for visual entertainment. Usually I had already sessioned in the afternoon or I have a date later that evening so never in a rush to pull the trigger.

I am very curious about your comment on Paisas Divinas. http://www.paisasdivinas.com/prepagos_medellin.php

Which chicas did you have a good time with? Are these girls really university students or casa / mayorista retreads? I noticed that the entry level girls are priced at 100K for 75mins and only CBJ, is that accurate? Did you just order domicilio and the paisa came to your apartment / hotel? I have heard rumors that some escort agencies actually have an apartment / casa where you can meet the girl in person before committing to the session. It would be great if you could write up a review so we can get an idea of what we can expect during a standard session with one of these escorts.

12-29-12, 02:46
I am in Medellin now and been here a week. Thanks for the centro map! But I think it would have been better (at least for us noobs) with a ultimate Medellin map with all places of whole Medellin area, the focus for updates would naturally still be centro casas coming and going. Perhaps opening the map for others to edit.

New life Twice. At first lineup the first girl in line was a pretty girl with silicone who stood much out from the others, the lineup was very long and seemed to take forever, I chose an average looking girl who presented herself more energetic. She was quite active during sex, but no kissing and no owo. She asked for propina, I only gave a token due to lack of kissing, plus I left after less than 20min.

Second time, the hottest girl from the first visit was nowhere in the lineup, chose another average. Kissing without tongue, very inactive during sex. Seemed depressed.

Fase dos.

Went there on a Saturday around 22-23 too early I think as more girls where coming when I left. 10k cover, was just 4-6 men in the locale. Extremely loud music made it impossible to talk, I found one girl I liked the looks of and she found another girl with good English to translate. After going to the room I was a bit disapointed in this light her face was still nice in shapes, but the light reaveled that makeup was parly hiding some not so nice skin. And when she took of her clothes, very tiny breasts one smaller than the other. Very thin.

But despite of her body lacking much female shapes she radiated very much confidence about her body in a very sexy way.

Very active during sex, clearly very fit. Good mood, much teasing. No kissing. She gave me far from a full hour, I was exhausted and did not bother trying to fight for what I paid for.

Next time I hope I will remember to ask girls around for FK and owo before going for anyone.

Energy by stadion.

First girl in lineup seemed eager to represent herself and she spoke some English, but was not willing to kiss and would not do owo. The IMO prettiest girl of the lineup was willing to do fk and owo for 50k extra each, I choosed her and 1h for 110k.

She was even more pretty naked, slim overall and stomach but still some shape on her natural breasts. I tried to get owo and fk togheter for 70k but failed, and choosed only fk. The kissing was only so so. She did not use lubrication, and the condom had very little lubrication, the sex was a bit painful for her. Due to her wanting an extra sum for having sex a second time, I made sure to fuck her for a long time, the condom broke. After sex I immediately took an shower since I was dripping of sweat when coming back she was on her way out even though it was more than 20min left. I managed to stop her we argued about the time which was not so easy due to my fucked spanish. Since she was a ***** I dressed and exited about 15min before planned.

If you are not interested in massage 1h in this place pose risk of poor value unless you perhaps negotiate in advance or perhaps YMMV works in yours favor.

12-29-12, 04:06
It really depends on how you screen the profiles, most good looking and hot girls do want money. I did meet a number of average looking girls on the site that did not want any money and were non-pros. If you screen the profiles and look for some clues you can meet some good non pros on RL.In my personal opinion non-pros are a big waste of time, unless you have several weeks to spend. If you just have few days, stick to pros. One big hint on RL is that pros have a lot of "amigos" and they are not shy about advertising it. Share if you have more tips on how to tell pros form non-pros.

12-29-12, 05:54
In my personal opinion non-pros are a big waste of time, unless you have several weeks to spend. If you just have few days, stick to pros. One big hint on RL is that pros have a lot of "amigos" and they are not shy about advertising it. Share if you have more tips on how to tell pros form non-pros.Non pros can be fun. Just don't expect sex the first couple of times and have pros on call when she leaves.

Easy to tell the pros. Get their email and / or facebook. If all their friends are pros, guess what? They are pros!

12-29-12, 13:54
In my personal opinion non-pros are a big waste of time, unless you have several weeks to spend. If you just have few days, stick to pros. One big hint on RL is that pros have a lot of "amigos" and they are not shy about advertising it. Share if you have more tips on how to tell pros form non-pros.Guys, if you really want to meet a Paisa non pro, Spanish is a must. Paisas love romantic music, if you know Spanish, then you are lucky, if you don, t, get up your fat lazy ass and memorize a sentence each day from a song like "maldita primavera" for mexican singer Yuri. Or "hijo de la luna" by Mecano. Or "Si tu no hubieras ido" by Mana. Go to a video bar musica romantica and sing along these songs and believe me, I guarantee you that you get laid in no time. And if you don't, I make you a bet, I'll pay your beer and even pay you a visit to a casa that's how confidence I am that you will get laid by a non pro. Paisas are the hottest women on this planet, and they love to be romanced and cuddled. You don't have to be rich or handsome unless you are a fat slob bastard.

12-29-12, 16:47
You have to pay extra for second relations with the girl despite the time you pay for. One hour could be 15 minutes if you shoot your load early on the girl. I believe the price is about K130 or K150 COP to have a second round with the provider. Last time there I was pricise when I asked for their rates, but the number excapes me. So you can have round 2 with the girl, you just have to pay for it.

Energy by stadion.

First girl in lineup seemed eager to represent herself and she spoke some English, but was not willing to kiss and would not do owo. The IMO prettiest girl of the lineup was willing to do fk and owo for 50k extra each, I choosed her and 1h for 110k.

She was even more pretty naked, slim overall and stomach but still some shape on her natural breasts. I tried to get owo and fk togheter for 70k but failed, and choosed only fk. The kissing was only so so. She did not use lubrication, and the condom had very little lubrication, the sex was a bit painful for her. Due to her wanting an extra sum for having sex a second time, I made sure to fuck her for a long time, the condom broke. After sex I immediately took an shower since I was dripping of sweat when coming back she was on her way out even though it was more than 20min left. I managed to stop her we argued about the time which was not so easy due to my fucked spanish. Since she was a * I dressed and exited about 15min before planned.

If you are not interested in massage 1h in this place pose risk of poor value unless you perhaps negotiate in advance or perhaps YMMV works in yours favor.

Aussie Greg
12-29-12, 18:06
"fat slob bastard" I like that, that should be somebodies name.

A. G.

Guys, if you really want to meet a Paisa non pro, Spanish is a must. Paisas love romantic music, if you know Spanish, then you are lucky, if you don, t, get up your fat lazy ass and memorize a sentence each day from a song like "maldita primavera" for mexican singer Yuri. Or "hijo de la luna" by Mecano. Or "Si tu no hubieras ido" by Mana. Go to a video bar musica romantica and sing along these songs and believe me, I guarantee you that you get laid in no time. And if you don't, I make you a bet, I'll pay your beer and even pay you a visit to a casa that's how confidence I am that you will get laid by a non pro. Paisas are the hottest women on this planet, and they love to be romanced and cuddled. You don't have to be rich or handsome unless you are a fat slob bastard.

12-30-12, 02:15
I am in Medellin now and been here a week. Thanks for the centro map! But I think it would have been better (at least for us noobs) with a ultimate Medellin map with all places of whole Medellin area, the focus for updates would naturally still be centro casas coming and going. Perhaps opening the map for others to edit.There are plenty of maps floating around. I think the community walk ones you can edit. They change so often, it's hard to maintain.

New life Twice. At first lineup the first girl in line was a pretty girl with silicone who stood much out from the others, the lineup was very long and seemed to take forever, I chose an average looking girl who presented herself more energetic. She was quite active during sex, but no kissing and no owo. She asked for propina, I only gave a token due to lack of kissing, plus I left after less than 20min.

Second time, the hottest girl from the first visit was nowhere in the lineup, chose another average. Kissing without tongue, very inactive during sex. Seemed depressed.DFK let alone LFk is very uncommon in these casa and strip clubs. If they ask for a propina, and their service is shitty or I don't plan on seeing them again, I just say next time. BTW, what is "owo"?

Fase dos.

Went there on a Saturday around 22-23 too early I think as more girls where coming when I left. 10k cover, was just 4-6 men in the locale. Extremely loud music made it impossible to talk, I found one girl I liked the looks of and she found another girl with good English to translate. After going to the room I was a bit disapointed in this light her face was still nice in shapes, but the light reaveled that makeup was parly hiding some not so nice skin. And when she took of her clothes, very tiny breasts one smaller than the other. Very thin.

But despite of her body lacking much female shapes she radiated very much confidence about her body in a very sexy way.

Very active during sex, clearly very fit. Good mood, much teasing. No kissing. She gave me far from a full hour, I was exhausted and did not bother trying to fight for what I paid for.

Next time I hope I will remember to ask girls around for FK and owo before going for anyone.That is a good time to go. It also depends what day you go. Thursdays and Fridays are usually the best.

I hate the pushup bras! If it's a stripclub, I usually wait until they get on stage first.

Energy by stadion.

First girl in lineup seemed eager to represent herself and she spoke some English, but was not willing to kiss and would not do owo. The IMO prettiest girl of the lineup was willing to do fk and owo for 50k extra each, I choosed her and 1h for 110k.

She was even more pretty naked, slim overall and stomach but still some shape on her natural breasts. I tried to get owo and fk togheter for 70k but failed, and choosed only fk. The kissing was only so so. She did not use lubrication, and the condom had very little lubrication, the sex was a bit painful for her. Due to her wanting an extra sum for having sex a second time, I made sure to fuck her for a long time, the condom broke. After sex I immediately took an shower since I was dripping of sweat when coming back she was on her way out even though it was more than 20min left. I managed to stop her we argued about the time which was not so easy due to my fucked spanish. Since she was a * I dressed and exited about 15min before planned.

If you are not interested in massage 1h in this place pose risk of poor value unless you perhaps negotiate in advance or perhaps YMMV works in yours favor.Energy raised prices again? It was 90k about 6 months back I believe.

You should bring your own lubrication. They usually don't have for some strange reason.

All these places are one pop and you're done. If you want them to stay and fill up the whole hour, you'll have to try to learn some Spanish and try to talk with them. What else do you want her to do? Just sit and stare at each other?

12-30-12, 15:42
Guys, if you really want to meet a Paisa non pro, Spanish is a must. Paisas love romantic music, if you know Spanish, then you are lucky, if you don, t, get up your fat lazy ass and memorize a sentence each day from a song like "maldita primavera" for mexican singer Yuri. Or "hijo de la luna" by Mecano. Or "Si tu no hubieras ido" by Mana. Go to a video bar musica romantica and sing along these songs and believe me, I guarantee you that you get laid in no time. And if you don't, I make you a bet, I'll pay your beer and even pay you a visit to a casa that's how confidence I am that you will get laid by a non pro. Paisas are the hottest women on this planet, and they love to be romanced and cuddled. You don't have to be rich or handsome unless you are a fat slob bastard.Good advice on Spanish and music tips. I would add Salsa dancing to the list of things that would add to the chances of hitting off with non-pros. I did not mean to say they are not fun. I was mostly referring to time investment that is needed. If some expects to land in MDE and bed a non-pro that evening, the chances are slim. No matter how good your game is.

12-30-12, 16:56
I am in Medellin now and been here a week. Thanks for the centro map! But I think it would have been better (at least for us noobs) with a ultimate Medellin map with all places of whole Medellin area, the focus for updates would naturally still be centro casas coming and going. Perhaps opening the map for others to edit.

New life Twice. At first lineup the first girl in line was a pretty girl with silicone who stood much out from the others, the lineup was very long and seemed to take forever, I chose an average looking girl who presented herself more energetic. She was quite active during sex, but no kissing and no owo. She asked for propina, I only gave a token due to lack of kissing, plus I left after less than 20min.

Second time, the hottest girl from the first visit was nowhere in the lineup, chose another average. Kissing without tongue, very inactive during sex. Seemed depressed.

Fase dos.

Went there on a Saturday around 22-23 too early I think as more girls where coming when I left. 10k cover, was just 4-6 men in the locale. Extremely loud music made it impossible to talk, I found one girl I liked the looks of and she found another girl with good English to translate. After going to the room I was a bit disapointed in this light her face was still nice in shapes, but the light reaveled that makeup was parly hiding some not so nice skin. And when she took of her clothes, very tiny breasts one smaller than the other. Very thin.

But despite of her body lacking much female shapes she radiated very much confidence about her body in a very sexy way.

Very active during sex, clearly very fit. Good mood, much teasing. No kissing. She gave me far from a full hour, I was exhausted and did not bother trying to fight for what I paid for.

Next time I hope I will remember to ask girls around for FK and owo before going for anyone.

Energy by stadion.

First girl in lineup seemed eager to represent herself and she spoke some English, but was not willing to kiss and would not do owo. The IMO prettiest girl of the lineup was willing to do fk and owo for 50k extra each, I choosed her and 1h for 110k.

She was even more pretty naked, slim overall and stomach but still some shape on her natural breasts. I tried to get owo and fk togheter for 70k but failed, and choosed only fk. The kissing was only so so. She did not use lubrication, and the condom had very little lubrication, the sex was a bit painful for her. Due to her wanting an extra sum for having sex a second time, I made sure to fuck her for a long time, the condom broke. After sex I immediately took an shower since I was dripping of sweat when coming back she was on her way out even though it was more than 20min left. I managed to stop her we argued about the time which was not so easy due to my fucked spanish. Since she was a * I dressed and exited about 15min before planned.

If you are not interested in massage 1h in this place pose risk of poor value unless you perhaps negotiate in advance or perhaps YMMV works in yours favor.I am sorry that you consistently had poor experience at many places. I have been to almost the same places as you did I did not have any problems with LFK and even DFK. Most of my reports in the last month were GFE type experiences. Sometimes, with casa girls, I had to say no because of my personal preference. Agree that it all comes down to the girl and necessarily the place. Don't take it the wrong way and see it as general suggestions for general benefit.

If you want LFK or DFK, maintain very good oral hygiene. Use mouth wash before hand and have chewing gum.

Don't show up to the casas dripping in sweat. I take a shower, deodorant and use a light perfume. I use a cab unless the walk is really short or I use the shower in the casa.

Don't be all calculative and try to over negotiate. Relax and be cool. Girls sense it if you are all business and they are all business back. In general, paisas are very sweet.

Good luck at the next place.

12-30-12, 19:26
I have quite good oral hygiene and floss everyday, and I visit first girl of the day before lunch. But I might use mouthwash before going. In Europe I am used to that girls who have kissing in their ads provide mouthwash in their bathrooms. Mouthwash was provided at Energy.

About sweat it`s funny that you mention because I recently found out my deodorant is no longer working so I have probably pestered some girls with sweat, during my first days here.

But I think it`s mostly due to other stuff not so easy to change.

12-30-12, 21:10
If you want LFK or DFK, maintain very good oral hygiene. Use mouth wash before hand and have chewing gum.

Don't show up to the casas dripping in sweat. I take a shower, deodorant and use a light perfume. I use a cab unless the walk is really short or I use the shower in the casa.

Don't be all calculative and try to over negotiate. Relax and be cool. Girls sense it if you are all business and they are all business back. In general, paisas are very sweet.

Good luck at the next place.Very sound advise. Paisas whether they are prepagos or not are women first and foremost and if you aren't squeeky clean you have no chance of a GFE experience.

12-30-12, 22:02
HiOctane, Vitrea. Your posts in response to Dritt are spot-on.

The thing with kissing is that I always try to ask ahead of time. I just can't enjoy myself without kissing so if it is not on the menu or they ask for an outrageous tip, I pass. Some girls just won't do it even if they readily agree to BBBJ. It can be an emotional thing with them, they keep that for their personal life.

HiOctane, owo is oral without condom. I think this is used in European boards more often than BBBJ. Most of the casas have increased their pricing over the past year. The ones in Centro by about another 5 COP each tier. When I went to Energy during my trip in Sept, it was already 110R per session. What's really bad is that they don't offer a 30min option.

12-31-12, 08:03
I went to New Life Sunday afternoon it seemed quite busy and the prettiest girls likely not available. 2 men coming after me got to choose before me, while other men where let behind me in the queue.

Chose a girl with a name I for a change can remember the sound of Mari.

Average looking, with slight freckles. When nude a reddish birthmark or something under right breast, not disturbing. Asked about besos reply SI and then asked con lengua the answer PUEDES bewildered me at the time so I added I would give propina for lengua. Still the kissing was only so so, no DFK. Quite good performance in riding position but only bothered for a brief time. A bit to theatrical sounds. Friendly or acting so, she gave me her telephone number if I wanted her to my apartment.

I gave a 10k propina it should probably have been half for the performance. While making it clear I would have given more for mas lengua.

I was presented the option of 30min when I was at Energy and it seems to be listed here


Mr Gogo
12-31-12, 18:25
Very sound advise. Paisas whether they are prepagos or not are women first and foremost and if you aren't squeeky clean you have no chance of a GFE experience.Each guy has his own way but I can't understand guys going to casas looking for GFE (Instant GFE). If a guy wants GFE then put in a little time, its not hard. Set an afternoon date before they work (at your place) , so you both can take a shower together and take your time. Get to know them on a personal level away from where they work. Casas are for guys who want to strap up and ride out for 30 minutes. Kissing a casas girl after she just took three loads from the guys you passed coming in is fucked up to me.

Happy New Years gents.

12-31-12, 22:55
Each guy has his own way but I can't understand guys going to casas looking for GFE (Instant GFE). If a guy wants GFE then put in a little time, its not hard. Set an afternoon date before they work (at your place) , so you both can take a shower together and take your time. Get to know them on a personal level away from where they work. Casas are for guys who want to strap up and ride out for 30 minutes. Kissing a casas girl after she just took three loads from the guys you passed coming in is fucked up to me.

Happy New Years gents.I agree. Getting a GFE generally takes a bit more time than one has at a casa. Of course, sometimes "strapping up and riding for 30 minutes" is just what the doctor ordered!

01-01-13, 00:52
. I was presented the option of 30min when I was at Energy and it seems to be listed here.

http://www.fantasiasenergy.com/p/servicios.htmlYes, I saw the webpage as well (after my visit). Yet when I asked the lady manager, what their prices were she only said 110R for the hour. With the lineup I saw that afternoon, I felt none of them was worth twice the rate of the casas in Centro so I left and was never tempted to return for the duration of my Sept trip.

01-01-13, 00:54
I use casas even though I prefer GFE because one do not need spanish skills, and one are not victim to flakiness. Since owo is not so common I don`t think much of the chance of her just having cum in her mouth. I kiss girls in eastern Europe who do owo and cim as standard, it`s not something that bothers me and I have never tasted any saltiness, except when the last load was my own that is.

Today I was at Atenea, where 2 nice girls in the lineup. Choosed Johanna or something, did not try to kiss because discovered she had two piercings in her tongue. The condom did not fit well to tight in the head and made my penis sore and insensitive so did not manage to cum.

Member #4244
01-01-13, 17:13
Good to know! The downtown clubs, I am guessing you are talking about the ones on Maracaibo. But I remember the 60-80K price was for 30-40mins only, no? I have sessioned very few times in these clubs, it was always just for visual entertainment. Usually I had already sessioned in the afternoon or I have a date later that evening so never in a rush to pull the trigger.

I am very curious about your comment on Paisas Divinas.


Which chicas did you have a good time with? Are these girls really university students or casa / mayorista retreads? I noticed that the entry level girls are priced at 100K for 75mins and only CBJ, is that accurate? Did you just order domicilio and the paisa came to your apartment / hotel? I have heard rumors that some escort agencies actually have an apartment / casa where you can meet the girl in person before committing to the session. It would be great if you could write up a review so we can get an idea of what we can expect during a standard session with one of these escorts.Hi, yes, I am referring to the ones on Maracaibo, which are relatively safe (have been to others that were a little dodgy). They are about 70K for a short time (half hour or 45 min, I don't know) but you can also bar fine the girls. It is 60K at all three places, I think, for sure your total should be 200K with the bar fine and the girl. Some girls might ask a bit more but I have never seen one that won't settle for 200K total. That's a good value if you ask me. 200K COP for both the girl and the bar's cut, a solid 8-12 hours of banging.

OK, now, Paisas Divinas. The pics are accurate, of course they are touched up slightly but there is no bait and switch or surprise. You will get the girl pictured, they will be as the measurements say, etc. Are they real Universitarias? Ha, what do you think? There are some low key casas that service that but they seem to go under for whatever reason. These girls are all early to late 20s. If they are casa retreads, they are coming out of Energy or Blue Room, maybe Lutron I don't know as I never really spent much time there. The service is generally good. Most offer BBBJ really, they seem hung up on saying it's CBJ on the site but I've never had one make a fuss. The girls are 100K or 120K for 75 minutes, yes, if they come to your place I think it's another 50K or 60K to cover cabs, time, etc. I don't know, I have a couple that come and visit me but we have our own arrangement.

They keep changing the names of the girls, I will have to take a look at the page and then tell you as far as recs. I say call the girls and talk to them, they will answer directly (not a reception service) and see how it goes. Ask about any additional services, chat them up a bit to check their attitude, etc. Overall I think it's a very good option if you are willing to pay a bit more and don't want the rushed,"McFuck" service of a massage parlor.

Member #4244
01-01-13, 17:14
You have to pay extra for second relations with the girl despite the time you pay for. One hour could be 15 minutes if you shoot your load early on the girl. I believe the price is about K130 or K150 COP to have a second round with the provider. Last time there I was pricise when I asked for their rates, but the number excapes me. So you can have round 2 with the girl, you just have to pay for it.This is an unwelcome change, I used to go there and Blue Room and always get two pops in an hour, same price.

I'm older and lazier now though, I would probably just stretch the one pop as far as I could anyway LOL.

Member #4244
01-01-13, 17:17
Each guy has his own way but I can't understand guys going to casas looking for GFE (Instant GFE). If a guy wants GFE then put in a little time, its not hard. Set an afternoon date before they work (at your place) , so you both can take a shower together and take your time. Get to know them on a personal level away from where they work. Casas are for guys who want to strap up and ride out for 30 minutes. Kissing a casas girl after she just took three loads from the guys you passed coming in is fucked up to me.

Happy New Years gents.You can get GFE at the better casas but don't look for it at New Life or some crap. Even if you get it there, it's all quick and dirty negotiations and rushed service. I had a nice Costena girl that was into kissing and taking it easy at New Life once but the only full on GFE service I've had was at Energy and Blue Room. They have changed owners and girls completely since I used to go there though.

You can definitely get GFE at the strip clubs. The key is to be able to talk to the girls, make them feel comfortable and, above all, make it clear what you want and what it costs. I always start out with casual conversation, slip in a couple of jokes and then move onto what I want to do. Usually they just say yes. If they don't, time to negotiate. If during these exchanges the girl has a shitty or reluctant attitude, move on.

Member #4244
01-01-13, 17:24
non pros can be fun. just don't expect sex the first couple of times and have pros on call when she leaves.

easy to tell the pros. get their email and / or facebook. if all their friends are pros, guess what? they are pros!precisely, the discretion of these girls is fine when it comes to you (i don't have them calling at inopportune times or coming by unannounced) but when it comes to themselves? ha, i mean it's so painfully obvious who is who, except that now many of them are smart enough to hide their friends list (as we all should be, too!).

non pros are a lot of fun, sure, but often you find them to be sort of semi-pros-girls who arent hookers but pay for plenty of things with the same coin-or a waste of time. a lot of the regular girls here are just as whimsical, disorganized and rep001ter brained as the pros, shockingly. these are young women in a developing nation, if you still date in your own country you know the young part alone has its own challenges lol.

you will also probably wind up seeing non pros as a waste of money early on. in the end they still have to be entertained (not an issue with pros) and they are bound to have necessities. i have been with a number of non pros here and i'm ambivalent about pursuing more. plus medellin, for a city of 2. 5 million or more people, is a very small world. i am always running into someone who knows someone i know who lives next door to someone else i know. there are definitely fewer than six degrees of separation here.

01-01-13, 17:44
I use casas even though I prefer GFE because one do not need spanish skills, and one are not victim to flakiness. Since owo is not so common I don`t think much of the chance of her just having cum in her mouth. I kiss girls in eastern Europe who do owo and cim as standard, it`s not something that bothers me and I have never tasted any saltiness, except when the last load was my own that is.

Today I was at Atenea, where 2 nice girls in the lineup. Choosed Johanna or something, did not try to kiss because discovered she had two piercings in her tongue. The condom did not fit well to tight in the head and made my penis sore and insensitive so did not manage to cum.Now we get a glimpse of your background, would I be correct to assume that you monger in FKKs and maybe some private apartments? I see that you also went to Cali, are you saying that it was easier for you to get what you want at Dr. Amor than in most of the Medellin casas? Before coming did you consider staying at the Medellin Plaza (aka Medellin Mansion) properties? Sounds like you might prefer that atmosphere than trudging from casa to casa.

And by all means, always bring your own condoms.

Depending on your preset expectations, some locales just might not work for your tastes. Maybe Medellin is one of those? At least you came and experienced it for yourself instead of being like some armchair mongers who is making up their mind from just reading some internet site which may contain good & false information.

Colombia Jake
01-01-13, 18:36
Busy month seems like the smart guys don't want to spend the holidays the same lonely way. Curt and Sterling arrived with very different agendas. Curt wants to find a girlfriend and Sterling wants to catch up for all the years of sexual deprivation in the USA. We took the tours and found enough of everything for everyone to be Happy for the Holidays! Photos at [Link(s) to Photo(s) on other sites deleted by Admin]


EDITOR'S NOTE: The links originally included with this report were deleted in accordance with the Forum's Posting Guidelines prohibiting the posting of links to photos stored on other sites.

If you have photos you would like to share with the forum membership, then please post them here.

Please read the Forum's Photo Guidelines (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-forumrules.php#photoguidelines) for further information.

01-01-13, 20:22
Now we get a glimpse of your background, would I be correct to assume that you monger in FKKs and maybe some private apartments? I see that you also went to Cali, are you saying that it was easier for you to get what you want at Dr. Amor than in most of the Medellin casas? Before coming did you consider staying at the Medellin Plaza (aka Medellin Mansion) properties? Sounds like you might prefer that atmosphere than trudging from casa to casa.

And by all means, always bring your own condoms.

Depending on your preset expectations, some locales just might not work for your tastes. Maybe Medellin is one of those? At least you came and experienced it for yourself instead of being like some armchair mongers who is making up their mind from just reading some internet site which may contain good & false information.In my dear Europe I monger in private apartments which might be the private apartment of the girl or a setup with 2-5 girls, Poland, Praha and Budapest mostly. I considered the Mansion but my Colombia visit is just part of a much bigger 5month Latin-America tour (more for nature than sex) and I have to hold a budget. I think my reviews might sound overly negative, I actually like New Life overall.

At Dr. Amor several of the good looking girls spoke English so easier to negotiate.

01-01-13, 22:37
Hi, yes, I am referring to the ones on Maracaibo, which are relatively safe (have been to others that were a little dodgy). They are about 70K for a short time (half hour or 45 min, I don't know) but you can also bar fine the girls. It is 60K at all three places, I think, for sure your total should be 200K with the bar fine and the girl. Some girls might ask a bit more but I have never seen one that won't settle for 200K total. That's a good value if you ask me. 200K COP for both the girl and the bar's cut, a solid 8-12 hours of banging.

OK, now, Paisas Divinas. The pics are accurate, of course they are touched up slightly but there is no bait and switch or surprise. You will get the girl pictured, they will be as the measurements say, etc. Are they real Universitarias? Ha, what do you think? There are some low key casas that service that but they seem to go under for whatever reason. These girls are all early to late 20s. If they are casa retreads, they are coming out of Energy or Blue Room, maybe Lutron I don't know as I never really spent much time there. The service is generally good. Most offer BBBJ really, they seem hung up on saying it's CBJ on the site but I've never had one make a fuss. The girls are 100K or 120K for 75 minutes, yes, if they come to your place I think it's another 50K or 60K to cover cabs, time, etc. I don't know, I have a couple that come and visit me but we have our own arrangement.

They keep changing the names of the girls, I will have to take a look at the page and then tell you as far as recs. I say call the girls and talk to them, they will answer directly (not a reception service) and see how it goes. Ask about any additional services, chat them up a bit to check their attitude, etc. Overall I think it's a very good option if you are willing to pay a bit more and don't want the rushed,"McFuck" service of a massage parlor.WTS, nice report / update on Paisas Divinas. Nice to actually see some field reports these days as some of these tend to get buried in the "discussions" that are probably best relegated to the general forum.

Member #4244
01-01-13, 22:55
Now we get a glimpse of your background, would I be correct to assume that you monger in FKKs and maybe some private apartments? I see that you also went to Cali, are you saying that it was easier for you to get what you want at Dr. Amor than in most of the Medellin casas? Before coming did you consider staying at the Medellin Plaza (aka Medellin Mansion) properties? Sounds like you might prefer that atmosphere than trudging from casa to casa.

And by all means, always bring your own condoms.

Depending on your preset expectations, some locales just might not work for your tastes. Maybe Medellin is one of those? At least you came and experienced it for yourself instead of being like some armchair mongers who is making up their mind from just reading some internet site which may contain good & false information.Dr Amor's in Cali is the best place for beautiful, beautiful girls and cold, mechanical service. My opinion, not a good rec for our new friend here.

01-02-13, 01:39
The key is to be able to talk to the girls, make them feel comfortable and, above all, make it clear what you want and what it costs. I always start out with casual conversation, slip in a couple of jokes and then move onto what I want to do. Usually they just say yes. If they don't, time to negotiate. If during these exchanges the girl has a shitty or reluctant attitude, move on.I agree with most of this, except for the negotiating price and services. I have a different strategy which has worked for me in Medellin casas, clinica dr amor in Cali and with santa fe girls in Bogota.

If I can, I talk to them first. Jokes, etc. In spanish. But if talking is not feasible, I just take them to the room for the minimum time. This is usually dirt cheap, like $15 in santa fe. In the room, I start with the back and forth, the talking, play some music on my mp3 player, ask about her kids, give her a massage, daty, etc. The idea is to throw her off her stride and don't let her start her standard condom-suck-fuck script. This means that much of the 20 minutes is "wasted", but there is usually enough time to get in some caresses and kisses and get a feeling for her interest in a GFE session. No need for negotiating either services or prices (which I find seldom works anyway) , I trust my judgement after 20 minutes of interaction. I also get a chance to explore them naked, which is sometimes a negative surprise. Then I either say thanks for your time and leave, or I have her extend the session. If she reaches for the condom for a CBJ, I have my own, which I put to the side of the bed and tell her I am very sensitive in my balls, could she kiss them a bit first. 90% have no problem with that and many just continue on to a BBBJ, encouraged by my moans of delight.


01-02-13, 03:33
I agree with most of this, except for the negotiating price and services. I have a different strategy which has worked for me in Medellin casas, clinica dr amor in Cali and with santa fe girls in Bogota. . . .

-zingZing, I have only been to Medellin and l like it there because there are a lot of mongering options from the casas, centro strip clubs, street girls, mayorista and the Mansion girls. It is very user friendly. How does Cali and Bogota compare in this respect? What are 'santa fe girls' are they the freelancers in front of short time hotels that you wrote about? From what I have briefly read there is only Dr Amor and one other casa in Cali? Dr Amor pricing-wise seem to equal to that of New Life plus Energy(?) The Cali nightclubs is pricier and more dangerous than Fase Dos(?) I'd appreciate your POV.

01-02-13, 04:15
What are 'santa fe girls' are they the freelancers in front of short time hotels that you wrote about? From what I have briefly read there is only Dr Amor and one other casa in Cali? Dr Amor pricing-wise seem to equal to that of New Life plus Energy(?) The Cali nightclubs is pricier and more dangerous than Fase Dos(?) I'd appreciate your POV.Cali. I didn't find prices at Dr Amor that high. Some girls are more than others, but 30k or 40k for 30 minutes is what I remember. 50k or 60k for an hour. There are some other daytime casas in the same general area. I found them using the list in ISG. There are other clubs near the avenida sexta. Including one with a lounge where you can sit and talk to the girls. Not as many options as Medellin, but not nothing. I have not gone to any nightclubs in Cali.

Bogota. The nightclubs in the north are expensive. I tried a few times when I was staying near the zona rosa. Santa Fe is the official red light district. There are night time clubs, which I don't have much experience with (piscina, castilla, paisas, etc.). Paisas after work can be packed with customers and girls hanging around that you can tak to, and strip shows. However, there are lots of short time hotels with a few girls standing in front. This is where I have the best luck, usually around 1pm, but there is more choice later in the afternoon. Usually 6k for the room, some places want 10k. 20 to 30k for the girl.

There are a lot of other options in Bogota, massage places, casas further north, etc.

By the way, I noticed that the Mansion on calle 116 has been torn down to create condos or something new.


01-02-13, 06:27
I met with Christina from the "Thread: Escort Classified Ads" for 2 hours 150k.

Her looks are in general good and as pictured. While I prefer thinner more petite girls, I did not have any problem with her look. Nice smile and she had a very good mood during the whole session. I found her more attractive when taking the last shower with her than when I came, due to the good experience.

Good GFE, DFK and takes lots of initiative to kissing. Good OWO. Active and enduring.


What I liked about Dr Amor was the standard of looks (though I did not like all the braces) which I have not found in such a mass here in Medellin. Also several of the beautiful girls spoke english well so easier to negotiate for me about kissing and owo. But yes indeed some where cold, but I tolerate more coldness from a hot girl than an average.

My experience is mostly from apartments with 1-8 girls all over Poland as well as Praha and Budapest. I have several times experienced most excellent GFE with a girl just to visit her some weeks or few months later and they have turned to ice at least in comparison to their former performance.

01-02-13, 16:27
Have any of you long term travelers to MDE figured out where to do laundry? I didn't find one laundry mat in the centro. My bill from my hotel was roughly $50 for a week's worth of clothing.

On another website someone mentions that you can rent a laundry machine for $5 a day. They deliver it to your apartment. This could be valuable information for someone. Ask the locals if they know about it.

Member #4394
01-02-13, 17:06
It appears that there is no concept of coin-operated laundromat in Colombia. Landromat in Colombia is a man-operated cleaning service, and costs a lot. Some ho"s"tels clean and iron your clothes for a lower price. Also, you may want to ask some Colombian housewives to do it for a cheaper price.

Have any of you long term travelers to MDE figured out where to do laundry? I didn't find one laundry mat in the centro. My bill from my hotel was roughly $50 for a week's worth of clothing.

On another website someone mentions that you can rent a laundry machine for $5 a day. They deliver it to your apartment. This could be valuable information for someone. Ask the locals if they know about it.

01-02-13, 17:11
Have any of you long term travelers to MDE figured out where to do laundry? I didn't find one laundry mat in the centro. My bill from my hotel was roughly $50 for a week's worth of clothing.

On another website someone mentions that you can rent a laundry machine for $5 a day. They deliver it to your apartment. This could be valuable information for someone. Ask the locals if they know about it.In the barrios there are guys that tow a washing machine with a bicycle and rent the machines out but only in the barrios, not in the city proper. The guy I use in Manizales charges 5000 pesos.

01-02-13, 17:34
I met with Christina from the "Thread: Escort Classified Ads" for 2 hours 150k.

Her looks are in general good and as pictured. While I prefer thinner more petite girls, I did not have any problem with her look. Nice smile and she had a very good mood during the whole session. I found her more attractive when taking the last shower with her than when I came, due to the good experience.

Good GFE, DFK and takes lots of initiative to kissing. Good OWO. Active and enduring.

What I liked about Dr Amor was the standard of looks (though I did not like all the braces) which I have not found in such a mass here in Medellin. Also several of the beautiful girls spoke english well so easier to negotiate for me about kissing and owo. But yes indeed some where cold, but I tolerate more coldness from a hot girl than an average.

My experience is mostly from apartments with 1-8 girls all over Poland as well as Prague (?) and Budapest. I have several times experienced most excellent GFE with a girl just to visit her some weeks or few months later and they have turned to ice at least in comparison to their former performance.Hey Dritt, I think some members jumped on you because it sounded like you were not having a good time and might bail on Medellin. You were being honest about what you want and how your needs were not being met.

I commend you for continuing your search for pleasure and what works for you in Medellin. Hopefully when your trip comes to an end, you can tell us with the knowledge you have gained whether you would return?

Quote: "I have several times experienced most excellent GFE with a girl just to visit her some weeks or few months later and they have turned to ice at least in comparison to their former performance.".

This so true and is an issue all around the world. The best we mongers can hope for is an inexpensive way to replace the girls that 'go bad' with fresh ones and in Medellin that can be done easily!

I have always heard good things about Polish girls. The ones that go to work in the FKKs get good reviews. Unfortunately most of Eastern Europe can get too cold for a vacation. I will search out your posts in that section of ISG.

01-02-13, 18:32
It appears that there is no concept of coin-operated laundromat in Colombia. Landromat in Colombia is a man-operated cleaning service, and costs a lot. Some ho"s"tels clean and iron your clothes for a lower price. Also, you may want to ask some Colombian housewives to do it for a cheaper price.Excellent idea. There are a few hotels around my area. Maybe I should shop around for laundry prices. Now that you mention it I might check around the neighborhood to see if any locals would like the business.


Member #4394
01-02-13, 19:21
Make sure they return ALL your clothes.

Excellent idea. There are a few hotels around my area. Maybe I should shop around for laundry prices. Now that you mention it I might check around the neighborhood to see if any locals would like the business.


01-02-13, 19:47
Make sure they return ALL your clothes.Another excellent idea!

Member #4244
01-02-13, 20:27
I agree with most of this, except for the negotiating price and services. I have a different strategy which has worked for me in Medellin casas, clinica dr amor in Cali and with santa fe girls in Bogota.

If I can, I talk to them first. Jokes, etc. In spanish. But if talking is not feasible, I just take them to the room for the minimum time. This is usually dirt cheap, like $15 in santa fe. In the room, I start with the back and forth, the talking, play some music on my mp3 player, ask about her kids, give her a massage, DATY, etc. The idea is to throw her off her stride and don't let her start her standard condom-suck-fuck script. This means that much of the 20 minutes is "wasted", but there is usually enough time to get in some caresses and kisses and get a feeling for her interest in a GFE session. No need for negotiating either services or prices (which I find seldom works anyway) , I trust my judgement after 20 minutes of interaction. I also get a chance to explore them naked, which is sometimes a negative surprise. Then I either say thanks for your time and leave, or I have her extend the session. If she reaches for the condom for a CBJ, I have my own, which I put to the side of the bed and tell her I am very sensitive in my balls, could she kiss them a bit first. 90% have no problem with that and many just continue on to a BBBJ, encouraged by my moans of delight.

-zingDo whatever works for you but to me that sounds like a waste of time and money. Why squander the fee for the minimum amount of time and then make the session rushed?

I say use the time beforehand to lower her guard and forge some chemistry. That way by the time we are in the room, we already kissing and there is no surprises or fusses. What is worse than having your dick hard and then talking business and decorum? That, to me, is extremely fucking boring and antithetic to the process.

To each his own, of course, your method works for you and makes you feel comfortable. I think I will stick with mine.

Member #4244
01-02-13, 20:29
Have any of you long term travelers to MDE figured out where to do laundry? I didn't find one laundry mat in the centro. My bill from my hotel was roughly $50 for a week's worth of clothing.

On another website someone mentions that you can rent a laundry machine for $5 a day. They deliver it to your apartment. This could be valuable information for someone. Ask the locals if they know about it.There are lavanderias in the area but they are surprisingly complicated and expensive.

Your best bet is to make a friend who had a washing machine. Even then, more often than not, they will have no dryer. Here it is pretty much an overnight ordeal to get your shit dry. So you had better know the person well enough to visit them twice in a short period of time and trust them with your stuff.

Here is my suggestion, get a maid to do it by hand. You can hire a maid for 10K pesos a day, maybe 20K tops. Get her to come and clean your clothes by hand. You can have her attend to any other little nuisances, too, clean the apartment if you're in one or cover anything your hotel doesn't do or sucks at.

Any expat or Colombian with a few dollars will know a maid and recommend her to you.

I have used various services and maids in several Colombian cities without losing so much as a sock. I would not be overly concerned about theft or loss

01-02-13, 20:44
I have used various services and maids in several Colombian cities without losing so much as a sock. I would not be overly concerned about theft or lossYou've been extremely fortunate and maybe I have been unfortunate but I have had shit go missing at least 50% of the time when using maids or friends of friends to do my laundry. Usually upon telling them that something is missing they "find" it though.

Member #4244
01-02-13, 21:07
A couple of quick things, one I have met a nice girl who will do GFE and has a very calm, uncomplicated attitude. Does not upsell extra services. Assuming you are clean and not a total troll, she will do pretty much anything I have found, and anything is anything although naturally some things go better than others. I usually like very petite girls but I make an exception for her. She is probably about 170 CM, not short, she has a little flab around her belly overall her fats are feminine (nice booty, C cups, soft all over). Her name is veronika or karina (karina is her real name). If you would like to be in contact with her, send me a PM. She works out of the barra ejecutiva sometimes, also makes house calls. TLN 200K-300K depending on your negotiating skills, full night or afternoon 150-200, short time 80K. If her holes were only a bit tighter, I think I'd just pay her a daily rate and keep her around for when the spirit moved me.

Bar Maracaibo has some better quality than usual now. Another Veronika (I think that is her actual name, too) is there who provides nice service and has a good attitude. Her skills are not that great but she is up for anything and very easy going. She is not the hottest of the bunch though. I plan to check out some others, will check in after.

Also, on the eating front. I am sure many of you have noticed that the distance from the ocean makes Medellin less than ideal for fish. I have tried some places recently. I have given up on sushi here but as my ex wanted to get some for old time's sake, we went to Sushi Light in La Strada. I must say it was better than the crappy chain place in El Poblado and had much more selection than other places I have been in MDE. Overall, they still have a very limited concept of how the cuisine should appear, feel and taste. Too much rice, too much vinegar, not especially fresh fish and overall kind of a tease. And this was probably the BEST place I have been in MDE, there some better options elsewhere.

But on the positive front, Mangle has expanded a bit and while they took a couple favorites off the menu, the service and quality are still very strong. Decent value, too, especially given its limited competition.

If you want a huge plate at a fair price and, importantly, frozen seafood and fish for home, check out C&C Camarones. They have at least one physical location plus they deliver and run around. You drop $12K-$25K COP and get a HUGE amount of food. They have a wide variety of fish from all over Colombia, Ecuador and even Mexico. Obviously if you want some monster prawns that could cost you $25 a pound in the US, they won be cheap here (40K COP per pound) but they do have them and it's not outrageous. Basic stuff like robalo, bravo, mero, atun, salmon, etc is very reasonably priced.

Member #4244
01-02-13, 21:09
You've been extremely fortunate and maybe I have been unfortunate but I have had shit go missing at least 50% of the time when using maids or friends of friends to do my laundry. Usually upon telling them that something is missing they "find" it though.Hmmm, well it's always best to confirm you've got everything anyway.

The services would have a hard time ripping you though, most of them take an inventory of what they give you. I don't have any friends here I'd be remotely concerned about stealing from me, but I guess I could see that being an issue.

Member #4394
01-02-13, 22:02
Sunday, Dec 30. Stopped at Chicas Punto Com, Calle 54 (Caracas) # 49-97, around 11am. 5 chicas were presented, and I liked Jimena, a 18 yo flaca. She had a nice tight body and beautiful face, but unfortunately she was a dead fish in bed. She was not interested in pleasing me at all.

After eating a decent thin-crust pizza close to Parque Bolivar, I arrived at Sexi Fantasia 2, Carrera 47 (Sucre) # 53-42, around 1pm. Mama san told me that there were only 2 girls available, but she remembered that I liked Sofia and told me that she was available. I told her that I would like Sofia but the room at the south-side was too dark. Mama san told me that I can use the north side room. Soon, Sofia showed up with a smile. This girl is very beautiful. She has a long, slim body and beautiful face. Her breasts are in perfect shape. Arguably, Sofia and Jacqueline, negra, are the stars at SF2. Sofia took me to the north-side room, which was wider and brighter. She first massaged my junior with her hands and later with a small vibrator. Later she let me massage her with the vibe, and she moaned. The sex was average, but I wouldn't complain for the price and her body.

Monday, Dec. 31. I arrived at Zanday, Cra. 47 #57A-34, around 11am. Appro. 5 chicas were presented and most of them were doable. I picked a cute 18 yo small flaca, Sofia. She had a small cute body, but her breasts were sagging a little. Still, her smile was great and she was a carinosa. While she gently massaged my dixx and ass, she licked my balls. It was very good service. The sex was above average. I like her friendliness and will go back to be with her again.

Overall, as of now, I recommend Chicas Punto, Sexi Fantasia 2, Zandaly and New Life

01-02-13, 23:42
A couple of quick things, one I have met a nice girl who will do GFE and has a very calm, uncomplicated attitude. Does not upsell extra services. Assuming you are clean and not a total troll, she will do pretty much anything I have found, and anything is anything although naturally some things go better than others. I usually like very petite girls but I make an exception for her. She is probably about 170 CM, not short, she has a little flab around her belly overall her fats are feminine (nice booty, C cups, soft all over). Her name is veronika or karina (karina is her real name). If you would like to be in contact with her, send me a PM. She works out of the barra ejecutiva sometimes, also makes house calls. TLN 200K-300K depending on your negotiating skills, full night or afternoon 150-200, short time 80K. If her holes were only a bit tighter, I think I'd just pay her a daily rate and keep her around for when the spirit moved me.

Bar Maracaibo has some better quality than usual now. Another Veronika (I think that is her actual name, too) is there who provides nice service and has a good attitude. Her skills are not that great but she is up for anything and very easy going. She is not the hottest of the bunch though. I plan to check out some others, will check in after.

Also, on the eating front. I am sure many of you have noticed that the distance from the ocean makes Medellin less than ideal for fish. I have tried some places recently. I have given up on sushi here but as my ex wanted to get some for old time's sake, we went to Sushi Light in La Strada. I must say it was better than the crappy chain place in El Poblado and had much more selection than other places I have been in MDE. Overall, they still have a very limited concept of how the cuisine should appear, feel and taste. Too much rice, too much vinegar, not especially fresh fish and overall kind of a tease. And this was probably the BEST place I have been in MDE, there some better options elsewhere.

But on the positive front, Mangle has expanded a bit and while they took a couple favorites off the menu, the service and quality are still very strong. Decent value, too, especially given its limited competition.

If you want a huge plate at a fair price and, importantly, frozen seafood and fish for home, check out C&C Camarones. They have at least one physical location plus they deliver and run around. You drop $12K-$25K COP and get a HUGE amount of food. They have a wide variety of fish from all over Colombia, Ecuador and even Mexico. Obviously if you want some monster prawns that could cost you $25 a pound in the US, they won be cheap here (40K COP per pound) but they do have them and it's not outrageous. Basic stuff like robalo, bravo, mero, atun, salmon, etc is very reasonably priced.The Peruvian place in front of La Strada has fantastic Ceviche. I'll be back in <2 weeks and it will be my first meal. I'm actually looking forward to it as much as I am the balmy weather and beautiful Paisas.

Member #4244
01-03-13, 15:40
Yeah, Combo, I saw that place and it looked good. I tried to bend my friend's ear but we were also going for sushi for sentimental reasons. I will have to try the Peruvian joint, although I may just to Peru instead.
