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08-27-13, 05:10
Have met a lot of women on Facebook and I think I can tell who the Mansion girls. Their pricing seems high and what they provide kind of short term for it. (e. G, $COL 150.000 for 1-1/2 hour) Was paying that for 3-4 hours with non-Mansion girls earlier in the year. Anyone have color on current pricing now?


Legal Tender
08-27-13, 07:58
Finally found a girl with a bunch of others in a doorway for one of the ultra-cheap notels. She had this cute face and I went for it. She looked good, but turned out to be flabby, hairy and so on. Beyond the face, not much appeal.

But I had paid for the shitty little room and went for it. Got her to ditch the condoms and give me BBFS. She was nice, but otherwise not great. After I was done, I walked around awhile more, got something to eat, chatted with a few folks (LOL) , saw a lot of chicks who made me think,"Damn, I should have picked her," then finally got the hell out.I've never commented on another amigos sex practices. I assume that most, especially with a novia, will go BBFS. But with a street walker that is having sex with many, many men a day. An el centro sex worker. I simply don't understand the cost. Benefit analysis. What are you thinking? Especially when you write that you have a SO at home.

But, only good energy and good luck, amigo.

08-27-13, 08:33
I love women. I love working girls. I love women who are working girls because they give me the best sexual bang for my money, I don't get hassles or problems that I can't get rid of within ten or fifteen minutes, I don't have to deal with a woman's historical baggage, and the best thing of all about working girls and my approach to them is that I'm almost never bored. I'm always getting surprises. It is the element of surprise that tops my list of priorities. Which is another way of saying that I am, in everything I do, a dedicated, irrepressible butterfly. To put the matter differently, I am committed to promiscuity in all of its many possible meanings. I'm promiscuous in what I read, in what I eat, in the company I seek, in the drugs I do, in the movies and museums I visit, and of course in my sex life. Well, I am not entirely promiscuous in my sex life; I am thoroughly heterosexual.

For nearly sixteen years I have traveled the world, and largely, often almost exclusively, for the purpose of whoring with girls and women. Argentina, Peru, Cambodia, China, the Dominican Republic, Vietnam, Brazil, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, the Netherlands, Italy, Mexico, the Philippines, Cuba, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras, Australia—just about any place where you find working girls in one guise or another. In brothels, bars, the street, discos, back alleys, truck stops, massage parlors, restaurants, tea houses, the beach.

I cannot in all honesty say exactly how many working girls—different ones—I've been with since I seriously began my travels in search of sexual adventure and variety. I've never kept track of the actual number. Nor have I had any interest in doing so. If I had to venture a guess, however, I'the say that over the sixteen years that I have pursued my hobby with immodest zest I have averaged between 50 and 70 different couplings a year; in 2003, an above average year, the number exceeded 100.

I have strong memories of the best of these half hour, three hour, one day, one night sexual adventures: mental pictures of where I had sex, what I did with the girl or woman, what she looked like, how she dressed and behaved, how we began and how we parted. My library of memories is solely in my head. I have never taken a single photograph of a woman with whom I have had sex. The cold truth is that I cannot remember the names of more than twenty percent of the hundreds and hundreds of women I have been with. I only needed to know a name when we hooked up, in order to be able to show her some respect and to increase the pleasure of what we did by making it less impersonal. Invariably, though, within a day or two, only the experience and the memory mattered, and a name for most of the women I'the been with quickly became an irrelevancy. For within a day or two of a sexual coupling, sometimes hours, I would find myself in pursuit of yet another girl or woman. My thoughts would be tightly focused on what I might like to try next: as to shape, age, color, disposition, weight, dress, in addition to all those sexual matters that any serious *****monger obsesses about—the approach, the pause, the lingering warm up, two-holing or three-holing, the kissing and embraces, the shower together, and the leaving. Variation and novel combinations are always the real issue. Repetition and the familiar are to be avoided as much as possible. They are the banes of all marriages, all relationships, all friendships.

By about the third year of my global *****mongering I had developed a firm list of rules, or what I would tell myself were the Ten Commandments of a Happy *****monger. I share them here for the benefit of other *****mongers. No doubt many have lists of their own dos and don'ts. Even perhaps superior to and more detailed than mine.

08-27-13, 12:46
I've never commented on another amigos sex practices. I assume that most, especially with a novia, will go BBFS. But with a street walker that is having sex with many, many men a day. An el centro sex worker. I simply don't understand the cost. Benefit analysis. What are you thinking? Especially when you write that you have a SO at home.

But, only good energy and good luck, amigo.+1000 to this LT!

Let's be honest; Sex with a condom sucks! Having your dick fall off or your life impacted with an SDT sucks way more! Like LT said you essentially chose to go raw dog with a low level street walker type working girl that has no super vision, no required testing, ect. There is a big difference in going raw with a girl like that and say a girl you pick up in the states at a bar. Shit! Even the working girls at the lowest level in the sates know better than to go raw with a first time client!

If you're going to play the game you got to play smart, no silly or stupid turn overs.

El Bacano
08-27-13, 14:42
I like what you say, I'd go down that rabbit hole, I got nothing better to do.

08-27-13, 15:21
One of the rules that Jackson has expressly developed, is not commenting on safe sex practices except on the forum designed for that purpose. I've been mongering 22 years. We all have our own personal preferences, risk levels, etc. We all fall somewhere on a gray scale from the blackest of blacks to the whitest of whites. Most of the world would criticize All of us. You choose to criticize me because I go further into the abyss than most of you (but surely not all). There sure as hell is no need to go down the road of criticizing me on that level. There's a reason Jackson has prohibited that type of commentary. I'm surprised all of you don't know that.

Nonetheless, thanks for the attempts at help. I'm back in the states now and no telling if I'll ever get to Medellin again. I'm very unlikely to travel internationally except for work. I expect to be in Cali in a few years, but otherwise who knows. Loved my time in Medellin, though, even if it didn't work out perfectly. Loved it!

08-27-13, 16:22
Have met a lot of women on Facebook and I think I can tell who the Mansion girls. Their pricing seems high and what they provide kind of short term for it. (e. G, $COL 150. 000 for 1-1/2 hour) Was paying that for 3-4 hours with non-Mansion girls earlier in the year. Anyone have color on current pricing now?

ThanksWell, if they're Mansion girls, they're going to ask for what they get at the Mansion, which is usually 150k. Having said that, what they ask for is not necessarily what one should pay.

08-27-13, 17:28
On the last night of my last trip in March, I went to a disco that was part of a late night 5 or 6 bar / disco complex that was south of Poblado just off the highway. Was fun and I noticed it was mostly non-pro, but I did notice some gringo deals cut and a pair offered themselves to me too. I enjoy all of the offerings of Medellin, except high end night clubs, but this is my favorite way to play.

Does anyone know the name of this area? I think the best time to go would be 1 am or later. Does that seem right?

Better yet, can anyone please recommend their favorite discos for finding ladies who want to go semi-pro for a few hours or a night?


08-27-13, 17:41
i like what you say, i'd go down that rabbit hole, i got nothin better to do.ten commandments,

1. never sleep with the same woman more than twice. or three times at the very most. even if she is irresistible and perfectly charming and wild at heart and in bed, never, ever pay her for sex two days in a row. by returning to the same woman repeatedly one is asking for trouble. requests for money beyond that agreed to. a request for additional money via the telling of sad and unhappy personal or family stories that may or may not be true. with each subsequent coupling with the same woman the likelihood or one or both parties becoming attached or having feelings called romantic love increase, and with it all of the undesirable consequences and boredom well known to all honest men who are married, were married or are in relationships.

then too by having sex with the same woman more than twice or three times a dedicated and disciplined *****monger deprives himself of difference, of diversity, of novelty, of the unexpected. those very concepts that get to the core of exploiting to the fullest these brief lives we all have to thoroughly enjoy our most basic animal instincts.

2. give every working girl the respect you give to any person with whom you can imagine having a loving relationship of indefinite duration. you are buying a service, and in so doing are asking that the working girl will be honest in delivering what is promised. she may not be honest, and many do not deliver on their promises; nevertheless, there is no reason to treat an unknown one-timer shabbily simply because other working girls you have been with have not performed as promised or implied.

3. commandment two notwithstanding, work from the assumption that everything a working girl tells you is a lie, and, more to the point, that her behavior in bed or what she tells you will not be a true picture of how she in fact feels toward you. her job is to create an illusion, to bring you to climax, and, in most parts of the world and most of the time, to get rid of you as soon as possible. those who are genuinely good at what they do are able to make the difference between illusion and reality seem trivial. once the thinking summarized here in commandment three is integrated into the mental software of a true and disciplined *****monger there will be few disappoints or regrets.

4. do not give any working girl honest information about who you are or what you do or where you are from, and most certainly do not give her a telephone number, mailing address or e-mail address. tell her whatever will most likely get her to meet your needs. if the first commandment is followed faithfully, there is absolutely no need for the woman to have any legitimate or honest personal information about you. giving her such information will, as often as not, work against your best interest, which is first and foremost about meeting your sexual and novelty needs-real, fantastical, and otherwise.

5. before agreeing to go with a working girl or paying a bar fine or its equivalent (as in thailand and the philippines) , make it perfectly clear what you expect in the way of services. do not leave anything implied or up to her imagination, for to do so is assuredly a recipe for disappointment, misunderstanding, and unforeseeable and unpredictable consequences. there is, admittedly, a tradeoff here with the primary concern with surprise, and thus this commandment is one to be broken as whim and circumstance dictate.

6. do not take drugs or have too much alcohol when whoring because not only will enjoyment be sacrificed, but also you will not be able to respond appropriately and to best advantage to events that cannot be predicted and come at unexpected moments. furthermore, too much alcohol often results in a lack of caution: failure to note that the woman is sick or has a suspicious sore. or, alas, losing hold of one's faculties to such an extent that one goes bareback for vaginal or anal sex.

7. after you get to the room, if you see, or smell, or sense that something is not right (the working girl's on drugs, she seems diseased, it looks like you've walked into a setup to rob you, she's not going to come through on her principal promises) , then cut your losses. get rid of her right away; don't commit the concorde fallacy and throw more time and money at an ill-conceived investment. tell her you're not feeling well or have bad stomach cramps or are going to throw up, whatever. then leave, or ask her to leave right away. if necessary to avoid a scene or something not easily controlled, give the working girl a small amount of money to get rid of her.

8. if a working girl comes through on all of her promises, and proves to be good indeed, show your appreciation. tip her, and honestly compliment her on her skills. you are not only making her feel good about herself, but you are almost guaranteeing that the next guy she's with will be more than happy with what he asked and paid for. that next guy could be you returning for the second and last time.

9. never have sex with a girl that's ****, the appropriate age determined by the country in which you have sex with her. if in doubt about her age, walk away and find someone else.

10. always wear a condom for vaginal and anal sex. to not do so is not just to risk a disease that could be fatal, but also to rob you of one or more novel experiences while you are recovering from your stupidity.

08-27-13, 18:07
Ten Commandments,

1. Never sleep with the same woman more than twice. Or three times at the very most.

4. Do not give any working girl honest information about who you are or what you do or where you are from,

5. Before agreeing to go with a working girl or paying a bar fine or its equivalent (as in Thailand and the Philippines) , make it perfectly clear what you expect in the way of services.Very good advice, but it is very restrictive. From my experience of a 17-year mongering activities, I allow the following:

1. If I really like a woman, I would sleep with her many, many times. I've done 40 times once, and close to that many times. The key is to always have several active favs lined up, so that you don't fall in love with one of them.

4. This is also way too restrictive, and limit how much fun you can have with a woman. I give all sort of general info about me, but never personal stuff like address, personal phone number, real name, etc.

5. Especially in places like Thailand, where the language is a barrier, it is difficult to agree on anything before hand. Plus you have the local customs that differ from one area to the next, in terms of services typically offered. Negotiating services sometimes take all the fun out of it.

08-27-13, 23:23
very well-written. i have to say i agree with them all.

ten commandments,

1. never sleep with the same woman more than twice. or three times at the very most. even if she is irresistible and perfectly charming and wild at heart and in bed, never, ever pay her for sex two days in a row. by returning to the same woman repeatedly one is asking for trouble. requests for money beyond that agreed to. a request for additional money via the telling of sad and unhappy personal or family stories that may or may not be true. with each subsequent coupling with the same woman the likelihood or one or both parties becoming attached or having feelings called romantic love increase, and with it all of the undesirable consequences and boredom well known to all honest men who are married, were married or are in relationships.

then too by having sex with the same woman more than twice or three times a dedicated and disciplined *monger deprives himself of difference, of diversity, of novelty, of the unexpected. those very concepts that get to the core of exploiting to the fullest these brief lives we all have to thoroughly enjoy our most basic animal instincts.

2. give every working girl the respect you give to any person with whom you can imagine having a loving relationship of indefinite duration. you are buying a service, and in so doing are asking that the working girl will be honest in delivering what is promised. she may not be honest, and many do not deliver on their promises; nevertheless, there is no reason to treat an unknown one-timer shabbily simply because other working girls you have been with have not performed as promised or implied.

3. commandment two notwithstanding, work from the assumption that everything a working girl tells you is a lie, and, more to the point, that her behavior in bed or what she tells you will not be a true picture of how she in fact feels toward you. her job is to create an illusion, to bring you to climax, and, in most parts of the world and most of the time, to get rid of you as soon as possible. those who are genuinely good at what they do are able to make the difference between illusion and reality seem trivial. once the thinking summarized here in commandment three is integrated into the mental software of a true and disciplined *monger there will be few disappoints or regrets.

4. do not give any working girl honest information about who you are or what you do or where you are from, and most certainly do not give her a telephone number, mailing address or e-mail address. tell her whatever will most likely get her to meet your needs. if the first commandment is followed faithfully, there is absolutely no need for the woman to have any legitimate or honest personal information about you. giving her such information will, as often as not, work against your best interest, which is first and foremost about meeting your sexual and novelty needs-real, fantastical, and otherwise.

5. before agreeing to go with a working girl or paying a bar fine or its equivalent (as in thailand and the philippines) , make it perfectly clear what you expect in the way of services. do not leave anything implied or up to her imagination, for to do so is assuredly a recipe for disappointment, misunderstanding, and unforeseeable and unpredictable consequences. there is, admittedly, a tradeoff here with the primary concern with surprise, and thus this commandment is one to be broken as whim and circumstance dictate.

6. do not take drugs or have too much alcohol when whoring because not only will enjoyment be sacrificed, but also you will not be able to respond appropriately and to best advantage to events that cannot be predicted and come at unexpected moments. furthermore, too much alcohol often results in a lack of caution: failure to note that the woman is sick or has a suspicious sore. or, alas, losing hold of one's faculties to such an extent that one goes bareback for vaginal or anal sex.

7. after you get to the room, if you see, or smell, or sense that something is not right (the working girl's on drugs, she seems diseased, it looks like you've walked into a setup to rob you, she's not going to come through on her principal promises) , then cut your losses. get rid of her right away; don't commit the concorde fallacy and throw more time and money at an ill-conceived investment. tell her you're not feeling well or have bad stomach cramps or are going to throw up, whatever. then leave, or ask her to leave right away. if necessary to avoid a scene or something not easily controlled, give the working girl a small amount of money to get rid of her.

8. if a working girl comes through on all of her promises, and proves to be good indeed, show your appreciation. tip her, and honestly compliment her on her skills. you are not only making her feel good about herself, but you are almost guaranteeing that the next guy she's with will be more than happy with what he asked and paid for. that next guy could be you returning for the second and last time.

9. never have sex with a girl that's ****, the appropriate age determined by the country in which you have sex with her. if in doubt about her age, walk away and find someone else.

10. always wear a condom for vaginal and anal sex. to not do so is not just to risk a disease that could be fatal, but also to rob you of one or more novel experiences while you are recovering from your stupidity.

08-28-13, 00:46
If we could make "smileys" here I'd put the guy clapping! Well written and well said. I enjoyed the part about tipping. As with any service a tip it a representation of quality of service and should only be given when earned and deserved. Sort of a mute point as you couldn't get a tip out of some of the cheap gringos here with a can of WD40!

There sub section "You are not a porn star so don't have a threesome. They will run game on you and you'll find yourself waking up in the morning shy of most if not all of your stuff. Happens all the time and the hustle is the same. Two girls, awesome time, porn star style, sleepy, wake up no more porn star or lap top, phone, passport, ect.

Ten Commandments,

1. Never sleep with the same woman more than twice. Or three times at the very most. Even if she is irresistible and perfectly charming and wild at heart and in bed, never, ever pay her for sex two days in a row. By returning to the same woman repeatedly one is asking for trouble. Requests for money beyond that agreed to. A request for additional money via the telling of sad and unhappy personal or family stories that may or may not be true. With each subsequent coupling with the same woman the likelihood or one or both parties becoming attached or having feelings called romantic love increase, and with it all of the undesirable consequences and boredom well known to all honest men who are married, were married or are in relationships.

Then too by having sex with the same woman more than twice or three times a dedicated and disciplined *monger deprives himself of difference, of diversity, of novelty, of the unexpected. Those very concepts that get to the core of exploiting to the fullest these brief lives we all have to thoroughly enjoy our most basic animal instincts...

08-28-13, 04:08
Threesomes can be fantastic. The key is you need to have them in a safe setting with girls that you know. But yes, you can run into trouble if you're not smart about them. I've had dozens of very good threesomes in Rio (and a few foursomes). In MDE, I've had a few good ones, though the Paisas don't tend to be as wild as the Garotas.

QUOTE=SlamCity7777; 1464623]If we could make "smileys" here I'd put the guy clapping! Well written and well said. I enjoyed the part about tipping. As with any service a tip it a representation of quality of service and should only be given when earned and deserved. Sort of a mute point as you couldn't get a tip out of some of the cheap gringos here with a can of WD40!

There sub section "You are not a porn star so don't have a threesome. They will run game on you and you'll find yourself waking up in the morning shy of most if not all of your stuff. Happens all the time and the hustle is the same. Two girls, awesome time, porn star style, sleepy, wake up no more porn star or lap top, phone, passport, ect.[/QUOTE]

08-28-13, 05:52
Hey Greg,

If you fancy hooking up to explore some of SA's hidden treasures while Aus try to assemble some credibility at cricket, feel free to contact me. I live in CPT. It can be quite a fun place in SA summer.

I'm in Medellin from 29 Aug for 1 week. Anybody fancy meeting up for some girly fun?

Hi Mel,

Yep, the only issue for her was no buses on Monday and the land slide on the road to Bogota from Medellin.

Cricket, great, spent 3 months in India and Bangladesh early this year watching the Australian team get flogged, going to Australia for our summer to watch England play in Australia on home soil and then on the way back to Colombia, a month and a half in South Africa watching Australia get flogged again, and a few wildlife tours in Zim and Zambia. I'll need a holiday mate in St Maartin when I get back!

Medellin team! I conduct interviews nearly every night mate "its a girl team"!

A. G.

Legal Tender
08-28-13, 07:33
one of the rules that jackson has expressly developed, is not commenting on safe sex practices except on the forum designed for that purpose. i've been mongering 22 years. we all have our own personal preferences, risk levels, etc. we all fall somewhere on a gray scale from the blackest of blacks to the whitest of whites. most of the world would criticize all of us. you choose to criticize me because i go further into the abyss than most of you (but surely not all). there sure as hell is no need to go down the road of criticizing me on that level. there's a reason jackson has prohibited that type of commentary. i'm surprised all of you don't know that.

nonetheless, thanks for the attempts at help. i'm back in the states now and no telling if i'll ever get to medellin again. i'm very unlikely to travel internationally except for work. i expect to be in cali in a few years, but otherwise who knows. loved my time in medellin, though, even if it didn't work out perfectly. loved it!
ten commandments,

1. never sleep with the same woman more than twice. or three times at the very most. even if she is irresistible and perfectly charming and wild at heart and in bed, never, ever pay her for sex two days in a row. by returning to the same woman repeatedly one is asking for trouble. requests for money beyond that agreed to. a request for additional money via the telling of sad and unhappy personal or family stories that may or may not be true. with each subsequent coupling with the same woman the likelihood or one or both parties becoming attached or having feelings called romantic love increase, and with it all of the undesirable consequences and boredom well known to all honest men who are married, were married or are in relationships.

9. never have sex with a girl that's ****, the appropriate age determined by the country in which you have sex with her. if in doubt about her age, walk away and find someone else.

10. always wear a condom for vaginal and anal sex. to not do so is not just to risk a disease that could be fatal, but also to rob you of one or more novel experiences while you are recovering from your stupidity.twisted replies to questions about his having sex with high volume street walkers without a condom by (1) suggesting that safe sex issues are reserved by jackson for a thread on that topic, and (2), since he enjoys that behavior, it shouldn't be the subject of comment. maybe he's right, but i'm always curious what drives someone to such reckless behavior. possible pathology? but to each his own. contrast that with tweedle's advice to always us a condom.

more substantively, i can't believe most mongers want to follow tweedle's "ten commandments." i don't know an experienced monger that has gone to colombia for many years that hasn't developed more than p4p relationship with a girl or two. an "attachment" is not a bad thing. i dare say that at least on some level we all want intimacy on a level other than sex. being interested in a girl's life does not equate with marriage. besides, there is nothing better than the "i know you care about me" sex.

i agree about no sex with **** girls. but if you're a usa citizen or lawful resident, it is a federal felony to travel outside the usa and have sex with an individual under 18, nothwithstanding the age of consent in the other country.

it's interesting how different folks view their time with the beautiful women of medellin.

only good energy!

08-28-13, 18:22
Ok, let's cut the shit here. Working in the "sex industry" fucking blows. Real sex work is about showing up at a millionaire crackhead's house with a big box of Wet Ones, letting him bang the shit out of you for three days (even though he pulled a gun on you for sitting on the left-hand side of his bed) , and then leaving with $1, 900. No matter what the empowered academics in San Francisco pretend to believe, whoring—in any form—is hell, and the only reason women do it is to get money! If you want to try it out, be prepared to have nothing to show for years of suffering but a blown-out septum and some lumpy fake tits. It's like extreme waitressing. You make hundreds of dollars a night licking ass and then you immediately spend it on drugs just to feel normal again.

08-28-13, 19:08
Good call guys. Whatever you do. Do not get sloppy drunk with any girl. She will take advantage of you in some way or another. I have found that in Medellin a lot of the girls in the downtown strip clubs like the white stuff. So be very careful.

Very good advice, but it is very restrictive. From my experience of a 17-year mongering activities, I allow the following:

1. If I really like a woman, I would sleep with her many, many times. I've done 40 times once, and close to that many times. The key is to always have several active favs lined up, so that you don't fall in love with one of them.

4. This is also way too restrictive, and limit how much fun you can have with a woman. I give all sort of general info about me, but never personal stuff like address, personal phone number, real name, etc.

5. Especially in places like Thailand, where the language is a barrier, it is difficult to agree on anything before hand. Plus you have the local customs that differ from one area to the next, in terms of services typically offered. Negotiating services sometimes take all the fun out of it.

Aussie Greg
08-28-13, 22:04
will be in cape town from the 27th feb, till the 7th march mate, will do.
toured s.a. in 89 and 90, backpacked up to zambia and malawi.
i'm on another road trip to the valle while your here in medellin, get back late sept, before heading to australia for 5 months.

guys, just got back from doradal, hacienda napoli's (over 15 times now) and then onto puerto berrio, who ever wants info pm me.
also just got back (today) from manizales, chinchina, santa rosa de cabal (thermales) pereira, contargo, armenia (panaca) la victoria, la union (grape industry, both table and wine) in the valle, again any body wants info, pm me.

a. g.

quote=justthekid; 1464702]hey greg,

if you fancy hooking up to explore some of sa's hidden treasures while aus try to assemble some credibility at cricket, feel free to contact me. i live in cpt. it can be quite a fun place in sa summer.

i'm in medellin from 29 aug for 1 week. anybody fancy meeting up for some girly fun?[/quote]

08-28-13, 22:18
Ok, let's cut the shit here. Working in the "sex industry" fucking blows. Real sex work is about showing up at a millionaire crackhead's house with a big box of Wet Ones, letting him bang the shit out of you for three days (even though he pulled a gun on you for sitting on the left-hand side of his bed) , and then leaving with $1, 900. No matter what the empowered academics in San Francisco pretend to believe, whoring—in any form—is hell, and the only reason women do it is to get money! If you want to try it out, be prepared to have nothing to show for years of suffering but a blown-out septum and some lumpy fake tits. It's like extreme waitressing. You make hundreds of dollars a night licking ass and then you immediately spend it on drugs just to feel normal again.Actually most professions, tesching, maids, ditch diggers would not show up if they didn't get paid. From reading this forum some guys like to be the licker instead of the lickee, to each his own. I have met some chicas that believe that it is ok and use it as an means to get to the next step. Wow, if men got paid, oh shit they would do it for nothing! Some chicas actually enjoy the sex, not all, but some. But, yes, if not for dinero they probably wouldn't show up. And wives, best get them a regala if you want to get Mr. Johnson well taked care of.

Legal Tender
08-28-13, 22:46
Ok, let's cut the shit here. Working in the "sex industry" fucking blows. Real sex work is about showing up at a millionaire crackhead's house with a big box of Wet Ones, letting him bang the shit out of you for three days (even though he pulled a gun on you for sitting on the left-hand side of his bed) , and then leaving with $1, 900. No matter what the empowered academics in San Francisco pretend to believe, whoring—in any form—is hell, and the only reason women do it is to get money! If you want to try it out, be prepared to have nothing to show for years of suffering but a blown-out septum and some lumpy fake tits. It's like extreme waitressing. You make hundreds of dollars a night licking ass and then you immediately spend it on drugs just to feel normal again.You don't describe the girls in Medellin that trade some loving for a little financial assistance. Most are young mothers or university students just trying to make their lives a little easier and hoping to find someone to show them a little compassion, care and interest. What you describe is almost unknown in the Colombia I know, except the rare exception of some narco trafficker's behavior.

And, as an aside, they're all sex workers at some level or another. Women provide sexual pleasure in order to obtain security. Now that can be paid by the hour or based on a lifetime commitment. There is no free sex, but to suggest what you do is just wrongheaded. Maybe you need to change your class of companions. Just say'in.

Only good energy, though.

08-29-13, 00:00
A guy is hanging out in his favorite bar when he spots a fabulous babe.

Walking in on the arm of some ugly man.

He asks the bartender about her and is surprised to discover that she's a prostitute.

He watches her the rest of the night, amazed that someone so attractive could be available to him.

The next night he goes back to the bar, and sure enough she shows up again, only this time alone.

The guy gets up his nerve and approaches her."Is it true you're a prostitute?"

"Why, sure, big boy. What can I do for you?"

"Well, I dunno. What do you charge?"

"I get $100 just for a handjob. We can negotiate from there."

"$100! For a handjob? Are you nuts?"

"You see that Ferrari out there?" The guy looks out the front door,

And sure enough there's a shiny new Ferrari parked outside.

"I paid cash for that Ferrari with the money I made on handjobs.

"Trust me, it's worth it."

The guy mulls it over for a while, and decides what the hell.

He leaves with her, and gets the most unbelievable experience he's ever had.

This handjob was better than any complete sexual experience in his miserable life.

The next night he's back at the bar, waiting eagerly for her to show up.

When she does, he immediately approaches her."Last night was incredible!"

"Of course it was. Just wait till you try one of my blowjobs."

"How much is that?"


"$500! C'mon, that's ridiculous!"

"You see that apartment building across the street?"

The guy looks out front at a 12 story apartment building.

"I paid cash for that building with the money I made on blowjobs. Trust me, it's worth it."

Based on the night before, the guy decides to go for it.

He leaves with her, and once again is not disappointed.

He nearly faints. Twice. The next night he can hardly contain himself until she shows up.

I'm hooked, you're the best! Tell me, what'll it cost me for some pussy?"

She motions for him to follow her outside.

She points down the street, where between the buildings he can see Manhattan.

"You see that island?"

"Aw, see'mon! You can't mean that!"

She nods her head."You bet. If I had a pussy, I'd own Manhattan!"

Member #4244
08-29-13, 06:11
Oe, llaves, here is a little info on MDE as I have been here longer than planned (cancelled Lima trip due to a cold).

OK, there are some new places. One is Liquid Lounge. I went when the place was opening because I was in the area. It is a bit difficult to find, but it is in Barrio Colombia and the address on their Facebook page is correct. It is 20K COP to get in, that also entitles you to two drinks at the bar. Given that there was a not a SOUL inside when I arrived, I found it odd that the doorman tried to charge me to get in. It didn't take much persuading to get him to let me just check it out. I dig the interior, spacious sofas, bunch of TVs, Playstation stuff, etc. The upper floor is a VIP room with stripper poles and so forth. I will come back to check out some NFL action, I suppose. I am undecided on the place, I will have to go back when there are some actual people there. I did notice that they discouraged Colombian dudes from coming, but if you have a dollar in your pocket, they will take it I am sure.

There is a new place near Parque Lleras. I don't remember the name but it is the same owner as Club Maracaibo in El Centro. The place is decent enough. There was one stunning girl, a few above average and some average ones. That's a mix you'd find in the Centro for 80K a pop on a good night. Here they want 170K or 180K (cannot recall) for 40 minutes. The place closes at 1AM. I got there late and did not partake, only one girl would have interested me at that price.

The Centro spots are ehhhh at the moment. Went to the greasier ones (Hilton, Conejitas, etc) and they were pretty dead. Maracaibo seems to have a policy of NOT hiring lookers now LOL. Barra Ejecutiva is OK, they did lose Julieta to Fase II though, which is a big blow IMO.

She is there along with a number of hot girls. I went Fase II on a Sunday and liked the selection, not a lot of dudes either. I would recommend a girl there but I only remember her real name and not her stage name. Petite blonde with a great set of naturals, fun attitude although she is a little shy.

San Diego continues to fuck around for the minimum, they try and hit you 95K for half bottle of booze or some bullshit. I have a favorite there but we just hang around outside the place. I do not know too much about the quality of the girls at the moment, it was decent in February when I was last there. At this point, SD is actually pricier than Fase II, which is weird to me as I recall when SD was about 50% the price.

Massage spots, eh, lots of bleh, I found a new one at New Life but overall thought they had a pretty half assed selection. Lots of small places, nothing great to report from them though.

Street action is pretty dead, as dead as I have seen it. There are some gems to be had, but lots of junk, too.

08-29-13, 15:22
I realize this is a bit off topic, but does anyone know if the casinos in Medellin have sports books? Or are there any other places to bet on sports in Medellin? Such as betting parlors or the like?

08-29-13, 21:40
This is the kind of info that helps the next guy out. I'm heading there in a week and will be at HMP 2. My Spanish is much better each trip. I will hit all the places mentioned by Wilt. I have been to the El Centro strip clubs but not the higher end joints. A year ago I took a Las Americas dancer to the beautiful Nutibara Hotel for serious sweaty fun. I enjoyed her action she was sexy and fun. Cost was 50,000 to LA and forgot what I gave her, maybe 100/150,000 for TLN. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Thanks again Wilt for the great info.

Oe, llaves, here is a little info on MDE as I have been here longer than planned (cancelled Lima trip due to a cold).

OK, there are some new places. One is Liquid Lounge. I went when the place was opening because I was in the area. It is a bit difficult to find, but it is in Barrio Colombia and the address on their Facebook page is correct. It is 20K COP to get in, that also entitles you to two drinks at the bar. Given that there was a not a SOUL inside when I arrived, I found it odd that the doorman tried to charge me to get in. It didn't take much persuading to get him to let me just check it out. I dig the interior, spacious sofas, bunch of TVs, Playstation stuff, etc. The upper floor is a VIP room with stripper poles and so forth. I will come back to check out some NFL action, I suppose. I am undecided on the place, I will have to go back when there are some actual people there. I did notice that they discouraged Colombian dudes from coming, but if you have a dollar in your pocket, they will take it I am sure...

Big Dogie
08-29-13, 21:52
I realize this is a bit off topic, but does anyone know if the casinos in Medellin have sports books? Or are there any other places to bet on sports in Medellin? Such as betting parlors or the like?I am headed to MDE in November and wondering if there is any poker rooms?

Anyone have any experience with this outfit? http://www.parceritas.com/index.asp



Member #4244
08-29-13, 23:16
I realize this is a bit off topic, but does anyone know if the casinos in Medellin have sports books? Or are there any other places to bet on sports in Medellin? Such as betting parlors or the like?There is little if any sports gambling at the casinos. You can bet ponies or greyhounds at the track or from books around town. There is gambling on jai alai maybe but I have not seen it in MDE. Cock fighting as well, seems more prominent on the coast.

I know a few years ago Intralot was operating some sort of sports book operation, primarily international football (soccer). I do not know if that is still the case. They had the exclusive contract. There are bookies to bet futbol for sure, ask doormen and they will probably know

08-30-13, 01:47
Hello All, Private party this Friday at Liquid lounge in barrio Colombia at 9:00 PM, no cover, all who are in Medellin this week are welcome to come.

Or PM me for details

Member #4244
08-30-13, 02:40
I am headed to MDE in November and wondering if there is any poker rooms?

Anyone have any experience with this outfit?



B DPoker is not terribly popular but yes there are casinos that have it. Simpler table games like blackjack and roulette are very common.

Member #4244
08-30-13, 02:47
This is the kind of info that helps the next guy out. I'm heading there in a week and will be at HMP 2. My Spanish is much better each trip. I will hit all the places mentioned by Wilt. I have been to the El Centro strip clubs but not the higher end joints. A year ago I took a Las Americas dancer to the beautiful Nutibara Hotel for serious sweaty fun. I enjoyed her action she was sexy and fun. Cost was 50,000 to LA and forgot what I gave her, maybe 100/150,000 for TLN. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Thanks again Wilt for the great info.You can still get the girls for 200K COP total TLN out of those centro joints, some for less, in rare instances a bit more. I have only been to Bar Las Americas once. It has kind of a fucked up schedule.

Fase II girls charge 300K COP TLN but the multa (bar fine) is 170K. I have a couple lady friends there who come to see me on their off days for 250K or 300K TLN, much better for both parties involved. Ditto for my SD friend, usually it's more like 7PM to 3 or 4 AM, but that is effectively TLN for 250K. Of course your mileage may vary. I am not the most stunning chap but I am a young-ish guy with some charisma. I find I have no trouble getting whatever I want in terms of extras, but I know some have said they find it difficult (extra time, anal, bb whatever, etc).

If you guys are here now, I will probably go to that Liquid Lounge thing Friday, barring my hands filling up with 18 year old spinner I have recently befriended here. Her pussy is so shallow, it's like diving into the kiddie pool. She is pretty touch and go with availability (HS student) but when she is around, mmmmmmm, quite a delight.

I will probably check out La Isla and Luna Lunera soon just as a matter of interest, see what's good there. Has anyone been up to Leutron lately? I have never sessioned there but I admit I have thought about it.

Another question, has anyone managed to track down the Universitarias spot? Large building, at least six stories and maybe 10. Rooftop bar where you pick your girl (all very clean and fresh faced) , sauna, turco, etc. I cannot find this fucking place for the life of me. I went four years ago and I would love to return.

Anybody here now or coming soon, feel free to PM. Obviously I can give more details privately on girls, party stuff, etc. Enjoy Medellin, gentlemen.

Hanshin Baka
08-30-13, 03:59

Another question, has anyone managed to track down the Universitarias spot? Large building, at least six stories and maybe 10. Rooftop bar where you pick your girl (all very clean and fresh faced) , sauna, turco, etc. I cannot find this fucking place for the life of me. I went four years ago and I would love to return.I think you are talking about the old Intercontinental en el centro, obviously jot the one in Las Palmas, if so it is closed. For a daytime spot to have a drink, try the cafe on the top floor of the english school columbo americano or something like that in el centro.


08-30-13, 05:16
Hello All, Private party this Friday at Liquid lounge in barrio Colombia at 9:00 PM, no cover, all who are in Medellin this week are welcome to come.

Or PM me for detailsMy e mail said it starts at 10 pm

Member #4244
08-30-13, 05:19
I think you are talking about the old Intercontinental en el centro, obviously jot the one in Las Palmas, if so it is closed. For a daytime spot to have a drink, try the cafe on the top floor of the english school columbo americano or something like that in el centro.

HBHmmmm, perhaps, but I am not so sure. This place was run by a little older lady, she had reddish hair and was very formal. She was the owner. She would greet you downstairs and then take you to the roof to see the girls. I was opening late afternoon, evening and night, but not too late. The girls were all 19-21, very fresh and actual university students. I had a lovely time there but soon after I met my ex and stopped really whoring around for a while.

08-30-13, 14:11
Oe, llaves, here is a little info on MDE as I have been here longer than planned .Yes, señor, Thanks for the Medellin update!

Member #4244
08-30-13, 15:34
As you may have read in the news, the rural strikes have now reached the cities and gained support from students and other pissed off people. I would not say it is a volatile political climate, but this is as tense as I have seen things in five+ years.

I would not be concerned from a safety standpoint, that's overblown, but know that in these days the city and the mongering action is pretty subdued. Yesterday and today a lot of girls who live outside the city center (in Bello or Castillas or Sabaneta or Itagui or Envigado or whatever) are just staying home. Clubs are slow, streets are empty and businesses are closed.

This should blow over pretty quickly, but it is something to be aware of.

08-30-13, 18:43
Anyone in MDE now? What's the situation? Are there protests going on? Causing any disruptions to transport?

08-30-13, 21:54
This should blow over pretty quickly, but it is something to be aware of.Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=my3doRW-HWA

Member #4244
08-30-13, 23:11
Anyone in MDE now? What's the situation? Are there protests going on? Causing any disruptions to transport?There is increased traffic because the truckers are clogging up some highways and some streets are closed here or there. Overall I think the worst of the disruption was yesterday and some traffic jams today. I went to go to the Jumbo on Calle 65, usually a ten minute ride, I gave up after ten minutes sitting on one street. My friend came down from Castillas and she said the traffic sucked, she was almost a half hour late and she is typically very punctual (rare for a Paisa, I know!).

TweedleD, not sure what the Watts video was about. Reminds me of the time I was in Vancouver and there was a small riot (2011 Stanley Cup). People there apologized profusely to me as a foreigner. I told them, don't sweat it, I lived in LA back in 1992!

NCL Pimp, I got your PM dude but your inbox is full. Delete some messages and send me another PM, we can talk then.

08-31-13, 02:25
Went tracking down Liquid Lounge today. Think I found it. Said LLM on the logo outside.

But not open. Was 14:30 pm. Anyone know the opening hours?


08-31-13, 04:07
Anyone in MDE now? What's the situation? Are there protests going on? Causing any disruptions to transport?Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_I4SQV3ulC8


Be careful down there.

08-31-13, 21:53


Be careful down there.Oh boy!

I was planning a visit next week, but this protest may just put a damper on it.

Any word on how the situation is these days?

Hate to go down and waste time with places all closed and chicas staying home.


08-31-13, 22:18
Oh boy!

I was planning a visit next week, but this protest may just put a damper on it.

Any word on how the situation is these days?

Hate to go down and waste time with places all closed and chicas staying home.

Thanks.Strike has been going on for over a week, Will it all calm down or will it escalate? Interesting article http://www.colombia-politics.com/santos-lost-colombia/

08-31-13, 23:14
Strike has been going on for over a week, Will it all calm down or will it escalate? Interesting article.

http://www.colombia-politics.com/santos-lost-colombia/Thanks amigo!

I may just hit Brazil instead, then Colombia at the end of the month if things cool down a bit.

Member #4244
09-01-13, 04:29
I am there now. There is nothing to worry about. I am right in the heart of it, too, not in some ritzy area floating above the masses. Santos is bungling a lot of things and of course there is always a level of tension in a country that still has a good deal of poverty. But I wouldn't sweat it at all. Brazil is a fine option, of course, but I wouldn't make any changes or cancellations based on political tension.

Member #4244
09-01-13, 04:35
Went tracking down Liquid Lounge today. Think I found it. Said LLM on the logo outside.

But not open. Was 14:30 pm. Anyone know the opening hours?

ThanksIt is not an MP, it's a night spot. They open at six most nights but there is no reason to bother showing up before 10 if that early. Then again, from what I have seen in two visits, there is not much reason to show up at all. Pretty underwhelming and the door man is sheisty. He tried to charge me once when there was not ONE other person inside (female or male) and again when I came with a friend for the "free" party. The girls were nothing special and for a place that is geared toward foreigners I saw no foreign sports, no playstations set up and no real selection of imported beer or liquor. Very garden variety place with a bit of an identity crisis. That's just my nickel.

09-01-13, 11:29
Anyone at the Mansion now or Liquid Lounge Party? Anybody see Alexa Rios Lujan? Trying to track her down. Lost her contact info. HELP!

09-01-13, 13:51
Went tracking down Liquid Lounge today. Think I found it. Said LLM on the logo outside.

But not open. Was 14:30 pm. Anyone know the opening hours?

ThanksThey are pretty good at updating their status on their facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/liquidloungemedellin Open 6pm til 2am Wed. Sat. It's only been open for less than 2 weeks so give it time to build word of mouth amongst the working girls. I saw many guys that have already hooked up a date enjoying themselves there. It's a good spot to bring such a date since the prices are very reasonable and couches are comfy for making out on. There stripper poles on the 2nd floor but no hired strippers performing though. Foosball table has been setup on that floor as well, PS3 just arrived but hasn't been setup yet. There is big projection screen on the main floor above the dancefloor connected to US cable channels via slingbox so sports season should be sweet!

Liquid Lounge is a 'stone's throw from Fase II and the Premium Plaza mall. The cute wait staff speaks some English - FYI. I don't know the cocktail prices but I paid 5K COP for can beer like Pilsen & Aguila and 7K for Heineken & Corona.

09-01-13, 13:53
Anyone at the Mansion now or Liquid Lounge Party? Anybody see Alexa Rios Lujan? Trying to track her down. Lost her contact info. HELP!She is not on facebook using that name right now so maybe she is off the market. Good luck wth your search though.

Member #4244
09-01-13, 17:21
I have moved on from one of my regulars, so why not share her info now? Julieta, formerly of the Barra Ejecutiva, currentlyatFase II. 20 years old, very slim and shapely, smaller bolt-ons that are new, very smooth skin and will do just about anything. BBFS and BBA. You are reading that correctly. If she shoots it down, please don't be a dipshit and say "BUT I READ ON THE INTERNET THAT YOU DID!" Your mileage may vary obviously, but in 40 or so sessions I never had an issue. I've decided to move on because I really do not like Fase II and it's difficult to see her outside of it because she is raking in cash seven nights a week there.

I have her number, but you'd do better going to F2. She is there, every fucking night.

09-01-13, 17:36
I am there now. There is nothing to worry about. I am right in the heart of it, too, not in some ritzy area floating above the masses. Santos is bungling a lot of things and of course there is always a level of tension in a country that still has a good deal of poverty. But I wouldn't sweat it at all. Brazil is a fine option, of course, but I wouldn't make any changes or cancellations based on political tension.Thanks for the update Wilt, apreciate it.

09-01-13, 17:39
I have moved on from one of my regulars, so why not share her info now? Julieta, formerly of the Barra Ejecutiva, currentlyatFase II. 20 years old, very slim and shapely, smaller bolt-ons that are new, very smooth skin and will do just about anything. BBFS and BBA. You are reading that correctly. If she shoots it down, please don't be a dipshit and say "BUT I READ ON THE INTERNET THAT YOU DID!" Your mileage may vary obviously, but in 40 or so sessions I never had an issue. I've decided to move on because I really do not like Fase II and it's difficult to see her outside of it because she is raking in cash seven nights a week there.

I have her number, but you'd do better going to F2. She is there, every fucking night.I hear ya amigo.

It's the natural cycle as you well know.

You'll undoubtedly find a new favorite, if not already.

The hunt sometimes is just as fun.


Aussie Greg
09-01-13, 17:42
I've driven from Medellin to Doradel, Rio Magdalena, Puerto Berrio and back to Medellin.

Also driven Medellin to Manizales, Pereira, Armenia and onto Cali in the last week (I'm in Cali now) and have had only one hold up for a hour outside Pereira by strikers.

In fact the strike has been good for me, no large trucks on the road to slow me down.

Yep, the ruling upper class have lost the plot. It will be another communist country next year after the elections.

A. G.

09-01-13, 19:02
Nothing discernible on the streets of Medellin at the moment. Life goes on as normal for th city dwellers as far as I can see.

Think it's right that the people demonstrate and protest against abuse from the people that are supposed to be ruling them failry.

Strike has been going on for over a week, Will it all calm down or will it escalate? Interesting article.


Member #4244
09-01-13, 22:39
It is funny to read the USA coverage, which has been woefully deficient and predictably focused on guerillas infiltrating the protest and other bassackwards buzz words associated with Colombia.

Of course the leftist English language press here and in Europe are making it out to sound like a revolution is imminent.

I do think there is a good deal of resentment toward the trade relationship with the USA, the treatment of farmers (in a recently agrarian society in many places) , the wealthy, the wages for most workers and so forth. All the conditions that could set something off under the right circumstances. I do not, however, feel like things are moving in that direction at all. I do think this is the end for Uribe-Santos and their ilk, but that is not such a bad thing. Uribe served his purpose here, but those guys have outstayed their usefulness in my humble opinion.

As far as Julieta, eh, she was already on the bubble after going to F II, this just closed the case. She is pretty hot though and as I said you can negotiate pretty much whatever, with that many visits I wasn't even tipping her for the extras after the first couple times. I don't GAF, just figured I'd share with you boys so you could also enjoy.

09-01-13, 23:23
This my first trip to Colombia (in fact, South America). Must say, I am really enjoying Medellin. It is quite a happening city lot sof music and sporting events etc.

Food and prices are great.

Like the casas in Centro. Been to New Life and Sex Fantasies 2 so far. 1 very good result. 1 pretty mediocre. Suppose it's a lot to do with pot luck when one doesn't speak a word of Spanish! . But both great prices. Went to Luna Lunera too but am not inclined to pay 400% extra for the same thing!

Finding my way round fine, people very friendly and curious. Seems pretty safe to me, if one exercises a degree of caution.

Enjoy walking about Centro. In fact the only part I am not keen on is El Poblado. Seems really artificial and needlessly expensive.

My only complaint so far is the lack of action in the evenings. All the casas are closed so there is not much to do if one doesn't like the strip joints.

Member #4394
09-02-13, 01:28
Go to La Mayorista (after 9pm) for street actions. There are street actions in the night in El Centro as well, but too dangerous.

My only complaint so far is the lack of action in the evenings. All the casas are closed so there is not much to do if one doesn't like the strip joints.

09-02-13, 03:44

Yes understood.

But was really thinking more along the lines of bars for picking up working girls etc. The strip joints are very expensive compared to day time action. Doesn't seem to make sense to me.

Go to La Mayorista (after 9pm) for street actions. There are street actions in the night in El Centro as well, but too dangerous.

09-02-13, 03:47
Street action. I just feel a bit under pressure to make instant calls on the street. And not speaking the lingo make it's all the more difficult. If I could sit down and have a drink and 'connect' a little, I'd feel more comfortable on selection.

Go to La Mayorista (after 9pm) for street actions. There are street actions in the night in El Centro as well, but too dangerous.

Aussie Greg
09-02-13, 03:50
From Colombia reports.

Coffee Farmers.
Coffee farmers are striking because the sector claim that subsidies promised by the government to compensate for falling international coffee prices has never reached farmers.
In March the government agreed to pay coffee farmers a subsidy known as the Grower Ingress Protection, which guarantees that they will not lose money with the fluctuation in grain prices.
The production costs of coffee are between $335 and $365, while its market price is approximately $245. The subsidy of $85 promised by the government barely compensates for the loss.
Vicor Correa, one of the coffee strikes organizers, told Colombia Reports however that such subsidies have 'not made it to the farmers yet. '

Truckers are striking against high gasoline prices.
In February the government raised the price of fuel by 6, resulting in a strike by the truckers. After no reduction in fuel costs, the truckers have decided to continue demonstrations.
The president of Colfecar (Colombia's road freighters union) Jaime Sorzano said that constant increases in fuel prices have 'become intolerable and unsustainable. '
The price per gallon of gasoline is now $4. 82 in Bogota. The share of an average wage to the price of gas puts Colombia in the top 10 of Bloomberg's 'pain at the pump' rankings.
This hike has no purpose and is not in [step] with the quality of infrastructure. [the] quality of roads, the expensive tolls and the price of diesel and biodiesel, ' said Sorzano.
The union leader said that approximately 34 percent of truckers' costs is fuel, so with each increase the business becomes less profitable.

University teachers.
University teachers are striking over the government's alleged failure to honor agreements made after earlier strikes this year.
In an interview with Colombia Reports, FECODE Secretary General Rafael Cuello Ramirez detailed the issues at stake.
Last May 21, we signed an act of agreement with the Education Ministry; those terms, however, have been delayed by the national government, specifically the Minister of Education. We agreed on a text, and it was written, but the spirit of what was agreed to hasn't come to fruition, ' said Ramirez.
The most blaring inconsistency has to do with the state's allegedly continued delinquency on the sizable debts it owes its education employees.
Today, the [Education] Ministry's debt to retired pension and benefits funds exceeds $49 million. We're asking the government to open up just $1. 7 million in the budget it is supposed to pass October 31 to go toward the amortization of its debt, ' added Ramirez.
One of the more pressing concerns for FECODE regarding the government's faulty debt payments is the financial welfare of education employees whose contracts have been terminated, in many cases because of cost-cutting measures.
'Right now we have been notified of 15, 000 severances but do not have the money to pay any of the teachers [their severance packages]. '

Miners have been striking since July 17 demanding the repeal of a decree that orders for the destruction of machinery used in the informal, and according to the law illegal mining industry.
Stella Luz Ramirez, executive director of the Confederation of Colombian miners justified the strike, stating 'the national government has failed us twice. On July 25 last year we agreed not to strike because the government pledged to improve conditions in the sector, but they once again broke their word. This time, we will not yield. '
Miners are seeking the repeal of decree 2235 of 2012, which authorizes the destruction of machinery used in exploration of minerals without legal authorization.
Ramirez argues however, that the decree 'violates due process and the right to self defense' as it has led to the destruction of materials used in the informal mining industry.
Miners have called for the government to create a law, clearly differentiating between informal, and illegal mining.

Rice growers.
Rice growers are striking as the government has failed to respond to their letters, in which they have put forward a four point plan that they feel could bring the sector out of its current state of crisis.
The rice farmers' four main propositions are as follows:
•Prices: The first point that the farmers are claiming is related to establishing new base prices per field, per year, which, according to producers, would allow them to judge how much each harvest would make and how much to sow.
•Control of imports: Another demand is that the government shut off the importation of rice from the United States and Andean Community Nations (CAN) such as Peru and Ecuador due to the increase that they say internal demand has on prices.
•Contraband: In addition to these imports, rice farmers point to contraband as a factor in the sector's troubles. More stringent border control from the government is called for to stem the entry of contraband rice into Colombia.
•Modernization: Finally the farmers are asking for resources in order to modernize, in particular, machinery for the post-harvesting process.

Sugar cane cutters.
Sugar cane cutters want to be directly hired for the companies that they work for.
Prior to the reform of Colombian labor law in 1990, this was the case. The legislation however, allowed for the sub-contracting of work through labor intermediaries which severed the relationship between employee and employer.
Jhonsson Torres, Vice President of Sinalcorteros (sugar cane union) explained the impact of the legislation.
The law ended labor stability for workers. This was when the plantations took advantage and removed the cane cutters from collective bargaining agreements. We became contractors, ' said Torres. 'My father made good money. We lost all that. '

Putumayo peasants.
Putumayo peasants are striking because they disapprove of the governments manual eradication of coca in the region.
Many of Putumayo's peasants grow coca as they say it is their only means of economic income.
Without adequate alternative development plans in place, the destruction of coca crops in the region leaves the peasants with no viable source of income, they say.

09-02-13, 04:03
"One compels respect from others when one knows how to defend one's dignity as a human being. This is not only true in private life; it has always been the same in political life as well.

Political rights do not originate in parliaments; they are rather forced upon them from without. All political rights and liberties which people enjoy to-day, they do not owe.

To the good will of their governments, but to their own strength. Governments have always employed every means in their power to prevent the attainment of.

These rights or render them illusory. Great mass movements and whole revolutions have been necessary to wrest them from the ruling classes, who would never have consented to them voluntarily. The whole history of the last three hundred years is proof of that."

Rudolph Rocker.Odd the way one's current readings align with events of the day. Since he died over 50 years ago, it just goes to show how these principles are universal.

From Colombia reports.

Coffee Farmers.

Coffee farmers are striking because the sector claim that subsidies promised by the government to compensate for falling international coffee prices has never reached farmers.

In March the government agreed to pay coffee farmers a subsidy known as the Grower Ingress Protection, which guarantees that they will not lose money with the fluctuation in grain prices.

The production costs of coffee are between $335 and $365, while its market price is approximately $245. The subsidy of $85 promised by the government barely compensates for the loss.

Vicor Correa, one of the coffee strikes organizers, told Colombia Reports however that such subsidies have 'not made it to the farmers yet. '


Truckers are striking against high gasoline prices.

In February the government raised the price of fuel by 6, resulting in a strike by the truckers. After no reduction in fuel costs, the truckers have decided to continue demonstrations...

Legal Tender
09-02-13, 07:44
It will be another communist country next year after the elections. A. G.We know one Paisa that will think that heaven will have arrived if that happens. Lucky for you, you are exempt from the "list."

09-02-13, 08:42
Oh well, So much for the billions USA taxpayers paid for "Plan Colombia"

Member #4244
09-02-13, 15:54
oh well, so much for the billions usa taxpayers paid for "plan colombia"

plan colombia was messy, it had "short run" written all over it. i wouldn't say a move left diminishes its real goals. it helped stabilize some things within the country and it got us a strong ally within the region, one that bordered an antagonistic country and also the biggest country (economically and geographically) in the region, along with two other nations as well. sure, part of the movement was combating leftists, but leftists militants, not the sentiment within the population. in the end, the u.s.a. basically got what it was after.

that and also the recent trade agreement with the usa certainly have their role in the current unrest. one of the things that i didn't see skimming that colombia reports swipe was that the rice farmers, among others, are seeing some of their crops confirep001ed and destroyed as part of that trade agreement, monsanto and big agra basically want a seed and equipment monopoly, which increases costs for farmers as profit margins were already slim to none. the same thing happened to usa farmers. enormous banks taking minuscule banks once again.

Member #4244
09-02-13, 15:56
Go to La Mayorista (after 9pm) for street actions. There are street actions in the night in El Centro as well, but too dangerous.There is a relative lack of street action in the Centro most nights, but some in San Diego more often than not. Personally I don' think it is all that dangerous, but that of course is a matter of how much risk you are willing to take.

09-02-13, 17:55
There is a relative lack of street action in the Centro most nights, but some in San Diego more often than not. Personally I don' think it is all that dangerous, but that of course is a matter of how much risk you are willing to take.Is the walk from Ayura Metro Station to Mayorista safe at night?

Vegas Jeff
09-02-13, 23:32
This my first trip to Colombia (in fact, South America). Must say, I am really enjoying Medellin. It is quite a happening city lot sof music and sporting events etc.

My only complaint so far is the lack of action in the evenings. All the casas are closed so there is not much to do if one doesn't like the strip joints.This is a legitimate complaint about MDE and a disadvantage in comparison to the DR and Costa Rica for those who have short trips. In those places you can just walk out the door at night into 100+ girls. This is why many guys go online to meet girls for night action in MDE. This is also an advantage of staying at The Mansion where girls are available for dates at night.

The opposite is true for those with extended trips. In the DR and Costa Rica, the guys who live there are limited to the same girls as tourists in general. You may meet a girl on her first day at The Del Rey but within a few weeks to a few months she will become a professional. In MDE there are many girls who don't work in strip clubs or have sex with a bunch of Gringos whose "fresh" attitude extends well beyond this. Even if you are able to find fresh attitudes with the girls in those places they are probably going to be 5's and 6's. In MDE these girls are 7's and 8's. Big difference IMO.

Aussie Greg
09-02-13, 23:47
I hope so, jajajajaja.

A. G.

We know one Paisa that will think that heaven will have arrived if that happens. Lucky for you, you are exempt from the "list."

09-03-13, 00:32
Thanks Matt,

Yes understood.

But was really thinking more along the lines of bars for picking up working girls etc. The strip joints are very expensive compared to day time action. Doesn't seem to make sense to me.La mayorista is exactly that, bars for picking up working girls. I'm not sure why people call la mayorista "street action". Actually the centro strip joints aren't very expensive. Not as safe as many would like, but I wouldn't say expensive at all.

09-03-13, 01:06
Thanks for the protest chatter. Always nice to know what's going on around down South America.

Does anybody have any intel / update on the Legendary "Wendy Inc"? She still in the game? Gringo Sponsor? Actual Novio? Got a baby put in her by a useless Colombian Dude? Found God? Enrolled in some sort of university or language school?

I'm headed down in a few months and I hope to track her down for a date. Finally! She is hard to get a hold of. For obvious reasons! LOL!

09-03-13, 01:22
La mayorista is exactly that, bars for picking up working girls. I'm not sure why people call la mayorista "street action".l.Probably because most of the girls are on the street.

09-03-13, 01:52
Probably because most of the girls are on the street.Yea they're on a street. A street full of pickup bars.

The words "street action" make me think of a "track" or corner where streetwalkers stroll getting in and out of cars. La mayorista is a strip of bars where you can invite a lady to drink with you then if you like her you can use the short time motel or back to your own place.

I don't think anybody would recommend that you pull up to la mayorista in a taxi and pick up a chica without getting down from the car. I'm sure it can be done but it isn't the standard procedure.

09-03-13, 02:27
Yes. But I guess it depends on you!

Is the walk from Ayura Metro Station to Mayorista safe at night?

Member #4244
09-03-13, 02:38
To answer some questions, the walk from the station to the Mayorista is safe at night, but then again I also think the Centro strip clubs are safe. I have never seen anything more than a fist fight near there and at most have had to shove a gamin (bum) or two off me. I lived in the Centro and have spent time there outside of that. Yes, it is not good to linger around where there are no people or dilly dally near the museum, but the bars themselves are safe to arrive at in a taxi or even talk from a short distance IMO.

Agreed that the Mayo is not real "street action." Near Prado metro station and throughout San Diego and some parts of downtown, there is legit street action at times. I know there is some elsewhere, too, but haven't really found it. You can luck out and find a nice one in SD. Prior to this trip, I was a little squeamish about the street girls, but I found two very nice ones that have proven trustworthy and provide excellent service. Both 18, neither does any hard drugs.

09-03-13, 03:41
yea they're on a street. a street full of pickup bars.

the words "street action" make me think of a "track" or corner where streetwalkers stroll getting in and out of cars. la mayorista is a strip of bars where you can invite a lady to drink with you then if you like her you can use the short time motel or back to your own place.

i don't think anybody would recommend that you pull up to la mayorista in a taxi and pick up a chica without getting down from the car. i'm sure it can be done but it isn't the standard procedure.ok ok, it's not classic street action, like on a street corner.

and the street is not really full of pickup bars, it's mostly full of little short time motels, a few little divey restaurants, with a few rep001tered bars.

the vast majority of the chicas don't hang in the bars, but on the street, waiting for possible customers.

you don't have to invite her for a drink or enter any bar, you can just approach and choose.

it's really more of a controlled street action.

09-03-13, 14:46
Ah, wish I had known that a few days ago. Yeah, 'street action' is totally the wrong term for it then. It's 'bar action'.

La mayorista is exactly that, bars for picking up working girls. I'm not sure why people call la mayorista "street action". Actually the centro strip joints aren't very expensive. Not as safe as many would like, but I wouldn't say expensive at all.

09-03-13, 17:46
To answer some questions, the walk from the station to the Mayorista is safe at night.I'll respectfully disagree with this one. It's a long poorly lit walk. Frank Casio and a group of his boarders got mugged at gun point right off of this metro station. Old history but things haven't gotten better.

09-03-13, 20:25
What are the going rates at these two clubs now?

[QUOTE=WiltTheStilt; 1465195]San Diego continues to fuck around for the minimum, they try and hit you 95K for half bottle of booze or some bullshit. I have a favorite there but we just hang around outside the place. I do not know too much about the quality of the girls at the moment, it was decent in February when I was last there. At this point, SD is actually pricier than Fase II, which is weird to me as I recall when SD was about 50% the price.

09-04-13, 02:25
Could anyone help with some daytime spots in MDE? What's a good general time to hit up the casas / bars?

09-04-13, 10:46
I create a profile with a new hotmail. Com account. Then I give Medellin as my place of living. Then FB automatically starts to send me samples of people in Medellin, to become friend with.

Use the word " chica", modelo","paisa" and some pages with models turn up, groups, or girls that have followers.

When you search friends there are a button to choose geografic location, I have there Copenhagen, where I was born, and Medellin as current location. FB gives you opportunity to search friends via some criteria, choose,"living in " = Medellin.

When you see babes in hot fotos it's a good chance just to ask her if she want to hook up, come to your hotel.

Then she have friends which are similar to her.

Running out of become friend option happens rapidly, but then you just choose follow, or just send a message.

I discovered this at the end of my last trip, FB is free and much more efficient than Cupid or any other site.

It's a revolution, both for the girls and the mongerers. Free, quick response, and close to unlimited supply of hot paisas!

But for sure there are many pretty girls in MDE that looks, for sex, sex for money, boyfriend from a rich country, husband.

Take into account tthat according to statistics I read. 80% of the population is young in MDE. 0-18 or 0-25 y/o.

It should become 800,000 girls 18-27 or 20-30 y/o.

Then a lot of hot girl move from their small towns to find work, study, prepago working in Medellin, so there are even more young good looking girls.

That leaves us with maybe 100,000 10 point girls. 100,000 9 point girls. Etc. Or maybe 50% of those figures and the place is still a paradise because of the liberal attitude towards selling sex or buying it. It is so common that I think every Colombian man goes to prepagos from time to time, no matter if he is single, have a girlfriend, lover, or a wife!

And since there is a hard competition for attention and the lack of regular work it creates a very good ratio in your favour. A friend in Medellin tells me that if they ask for 200 mil COP, he talk them down to 100 k COP, which represents 3 days work for 1-2 hours of sex. And that's why they are so eager to become prepagos part time, they can then work a few hours and then focus on studies. Or parting, buying expensive accessoars.

I have been astound how many good looking girls sell their services via FB. Just look for girls with sexy fotos and the chance seems to be at least 50% that she is a part time prepago. At least.

09-04-13, 17:17
How does one go about finding a chica in mde for todo la noche?

09-04-13, 18:03
How does one go about finding a chica in mde for todo la noche?Pretty much the same way its done worldwide http://www.dongordo.com/

09-04-13, 18:19
Facebook is certainly very helpful but like any of the various avenues for p4p. Do your homework! Photos in profiles can be deceptive. They can be old photos or shot at a more flattering angle. I setup a date with one chica and the girl that arrived was 30lbs heavier after childbirth. Still attractive, service was good but will not repeat. Luckily, I got her below the market rate.

Many mansion girls have their profiles on FB but I am not sure about talking them down by 50. There is usually some room for negotiation so you chat with them and see what's her vibe. With FB messenger, I don't even need a cellular number anymore. It's great just using FB via WiFi. They have free Wifi in most of the malls now, I can girlwatch while continuing to work my FB contacts by chatting. I didn't buy into a data plan, I was not that in a rush.

There IS no substitute for a face-to-face meeting that you can have at the Mansion, strip club, casa, dance club but FB can be a valuable additional tool for hobbying.

09-04-13, 20:35
Yes, I agree. However, I have other interests too, and I love a good late dinner, and I need to sleep, so FB is the perfect tool for me.

Since I'm 40 why-o I feel that I need this kind of sex as a kind of top priority, and I have choosen long vacations, up to total 5 months a year and exluded car, children, wife, house. It does not help that my novia is model, she only makes my hormone levels rise from high MDE-level to a state of mind where I feel free from anxiety, enjoying the time with her and "the others" completly, wiping out all negative energy of me.

I have had as a strategy to take1-2 days of the week and focus on sex entirely. I have 4-5 different girls, which with transport and calling girls on paisasdivinas, masajistaspaisas etc, which can be a slow process, it takes at least 10 hours to complete 5 sessions. I start the day with a steady breakfast, and overdosing Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. Then I need a lot of water, and Zero alcohol, as it can be tempting to sit down and have a beer, but I do that at 9pm, maybe in company of a hot paisa! To make the marathon experience possible, I come only with the last girl, which requieres discipline, but Viagra makes it so much easier, not only to get and hold a perfect erection, but it tighten the penis so much so it becomes easy to control the ejeaculation impulse. Maximum lust and sexual frustration for 10 hours. Then my penis is swollen 1-2-3 days and need total rest, since the prepagos tries hard to make me come (rapidly) , but they can't) the poor thing is attacked fiercley all day long.

With independent semi-prepagos from FB I can invite them to my hotel / apartment and save a lot of time and energy, but actually I have to say that it is a risk of getting robbed, but I will go for it, those hours in the taxi and cafees feel very long indeed.

I had my best sessions with one girl in Poblado, but it is too far away from Estadio / Suramericana where I always stay. In Las Americas, Cra. San Juan (78) and 42-20; they had 5 good looking girls giving excellent service. The price was 120+40 for BBBJ, but they pay 30 to the house, hence they make 130, but if one can have a deal, for example not less than 3 sessions. 100 +taxi can be accepted I have heared from a monger-friend who lives permanently in MDE. They, coming to my apartment / hotel, it would be great, but my sweet girls in the reception would of course think what the hell of mission I m performing.

Super important, Dear fellow mongers: I must add that at the Studio San Juan (78) and 42-20 became a sexual success, following my maximum lust-frustration-imposiblle-to make me-cum-program, completed with 100% hygien. I carried clothes to be able to change after every session. I took a shower or jaccuzi bath before leaving my hotel. I brought my aftershave, shampoo and showered cleaning my body carefully before and after every session. Plus: I used, with the girl, alocohol desinfection cream. Me or she used it on my penis, hands etc. And on her also. This really made them relax! They felt secure with me, since STD is a risk in their work. 100% clean and 100% gentleman and I got super service! High quality condoms is also a must since cheaper ones have a tendency to crack.

Next move can be to skip the prepagos and focus on my novia- and her sexy and horney friends! She is very jealous, so it is a hard task to persuade her that I need this sex, since if the multiple sex is not performed it leaves me with a "permanent" frustration" and low hormone levels! Well, she and her friends, like 4000 other paisas, are working as webcam models, so I hope to use that as an argument, for me to have my share of the good things in life. Her friends are on it, she gets jealous at me for only looking at a hottie! I accept and enjoy her modelling since I'm a fan of Latina pornostars like Lupe Fuentes (Little Lupe) and other Pocahontas-girls.



, and.


At San Juan both very very nice, I can not find the other 3 at San Juan.


Poblado Maybe 30 why-o supergood service, except for not permitting BBBJ. She called me 10 min. After I had left, I had forgotten a bag in her apartment which she brought to the gate, she was also taking a taxi, she huged and kissed me in the street on my cheek in front of everyone there, it felt strange, but of course very nice.

Facebook is certainly very helpful but like any of the various avenues for p4p. Do your homework! Photos in profiles can be deceptive. They can be old photos or shot at a more flattering angle. I setup a date with one chica and the girl that arrived was 30lbs heavier after childbirth. Still attractive, service was good but will not repeat. Luckily, I got her below the market rate.

Many mansion girls have their profiles on FB but I am not sure about talking them down by 50. There is usually some room for negotiation so you chat with them and see what's her vibe. With FB messenger, I don't even need a cellular number anymore. It's great just using FB via WiFi. They have free Wifi in most of the malls now, I can girlwatch while continuing to work my FB contacts by chatting. I didn't buy into a data plan, I was not that in a rush.

There IS no substitute for a face-to-face meeting that you can have at the Mansion, strip club, casa, dance club but FB can be a valuable additional tool for hobbying.

09-05-13, 01:44
Visited there today. Was very impressed with the line up. Maybe not so many girls to choose from (about 7 or 8) but the quality was very good.

I chose Luna (aka Tania). Unfortunately turned out to be a bad choice. She is very cute and has a great bod (nice tits and wait, but small butt I'm afraid) , only 20 yoa. She also speaks EN a little, which I have found to be rare indeeed among casa chicas. She told me she is studying psychology. Personally, I don't think she should give up on that just yet. She has only been working 1 week (she says) and she was a pretty poor actress, had to be said.

Real shame because she was one horny looking chick!

Next time, I'll choose one of the other 4 or 5 good looking girls they had and find someone with more experience.

09-05-13, 03:45
This makes a hell of a lotta sense VB. Thanks.

I myself am looking to move on from ST pregpagos to something more LT (by that I mean 2-3 months LOL)

But one question, how good is your Spanish? I'd be afraid of misunderstanding with my limited Spanish.

I create a profile with a new hotmail. Com account. Then I give Medellin as my place of living. Then FB automatically starts to send me samples of people in Medellin, to become friend with.

Use the word " chica", modelo","paisa" and some pages with models turn up, groups, or girls that have followers.

When you search friends there are a button to choose geografic location, I have there Copenhagen, where I was born, and Medellin as current location. FB gives you opportunity to search friends via some criteria, choose,"living in " = Medellin.

When you see babes in hot fotos it's a good chance just to ask her if she want to hook. Up, come to your hotel.

Then she have friends which are similar to her.

Running out of become friend option happens rapidly, but then you just choose follow, or just send a message...

Member #4244
09-05-13, 17:10
What are the going rates at these two clubs now?

[QUOTE=WiltTheStilt; 1465195]San Diego continues to fuck around for the minimum, they try and hit you 95K for half bottle of booze or some bullshit. I have a favorite there but we just hang around outside the place. I do not know too much about the quality of the girls at the moment, it was decent in February when I was last there. At this point, SD is actually pricier than Fase II, which is weird to me as I recall when SD was about 50% the price.Fase II. 170K, San Diego. 180K. I do not know if it is supposed to be 40 minutes or one hour or what. I think at F2 it's an hour, I stayed that long without a knock once, less the other time. In SD I think it is supposedly 40 minutes but I stayed once for well over an hour without a knock. I find that tipping whomever watches the rooms is a good idea. Anything from 2K to 5K, which is chump change, will get you and your lady friend unlimited time in basically any casa.

Member #4244
09-05-13, 17:37
I'm glad others are finding value here but to me this man is writing a lot and saying very little of value. He is pointing to obvious places, giving odd suggestions and also dishing out some misinformation. I had a longer response typed out but I don't want to step on toes or break any board rules. I am just saying, the veteran guys can see some holes, the less experienced guys should use common sense.

09-05-13, 19:15
I'm glad others are finding value here but to me this man is writing a lot and saying very little of value. He is pointing to obvious places, giving odd suggestions and also dishing out some misinformation. I had a longer response typed out but I don't want to step on toes or break any board rules. I am just saying, the veteran guys can see some holes, the less experienced guys should use common sense.I am a fan of the casa! They always seem to get the job done

09-06-13, 01:42
Can someone comment on the best way to get to Poblado from the airport? If a taxi is the best option, do they vary in price?

09-06-13, 02:33
Can someone comment on the best way to get to Poblado from the airport? If a taxi is the best option, do they vary in price?I always use guys with private cars instead of taxis. For me it keeps down the image of what someone coming from the airport in a yellow taxi portrays: A person with a pocket full of cash and possibly a laptop and a few smart phones on him.

PM me if you want the guy I use. He is a very professional guy and speaks English, puts all of your bags in the trunk of his car, and knows where he is going ahead of time. You make your reservation with him via email and he will email you back to confirm everything. I also use him for return trips back to the airport. If he tells you he will be there to pick you up at 5am, he will be there by 4:59am.

Chris Long
09-06-13, 02:39

The airport in Medellin is fairly well laid out no major hitches or extreme security checks, no visa tax or fee either coming or leaving.


I arranged for the Mansion to pick me up at the airport cost was around 70,000 pesos, I looked into other options and drivers and all seemed to be charging around the same price. The drive from the airport to the Mansion was around twenty minutes give or take.

Once at the mansion I used taxis which were safe, fair and reliable, all drivers I had used their meter and cost was relatively inexpensive to get around town. The mansion will call a taxi for you and take the license plate number of the driver.


I stayed at the Mansion so the neighborhood and that part of the city was very nice clean upper scale and I felt perfectly safe.

The Mansion:

In my opinion the Mansion is the place to be in Medellin http://hotelmedellinplaza.com/ And I was very happy I stayed there. The place is clean safe quiet and comfortable, the staff was very attentive polite and ready to help. There is a great group of guys there, many of whom will be more than happy to show you around and teach you the ropes if it is your first time in Medellin.

I was a little apprehensive at first about staying at the Mansion, I've met mongers from Asia to the Caribbean, Central and South America who have stayed there and all had warned me about the owner Aussie Greg. I only met him once while I was there and he struck me as a polite quite hospitable guy. He seemed like a pretty nice guy to me.

The women usually start arriving around 2. M and would generally hang around the pool area or inside the front parlor until about 6. M when the bar at the Mansion La Cueva would open, then they would go down stairs to the La Cuava, many would hang around until midnight or 1:am. Some days seemed to have more girls than other days and some times seemed to have more girls than other times. Often there would be a dozen or so and at other times there may be just two or three. The girls to my knowledge do not work for the mansion but if need be they can call and invite some girls to come over and visit.

I personally thought the women at the mansion were super hot, In my opinion there was never at any time anything less than an 8 and most of the women I seen, were in my opinion in the 9 or 10 category, I was very, very, very, pleased with the quality of women I found at the Mansion and also the quality of service I received from the mansion girls.

The Mansion is located at the end of a dead end street on your right, it is a nice neighborhood, so don't worry about the dead end street. Leaving the Mansion and walking down to the corner and then turning right the next street you come to will be a major street and across the street you will find a nice shopping center McDonalds the Oviado (sp?) mall which has money exchanges in the mall that are easy to find and a super market, nice clean safe upper class area. You can also walk down to this area to pick up a taxi, as stated above I found the taxis to be safe inexpensive and reliable. A good land mark to use and one that I used when walking back to the mansion is look for the tall office building with dark aquarium green windows it is on the street you take to walk back up to the mansion.

I never found out why but it is not a good thing to talk about Mayorista (sp?) at the mansion. This was my first time in Medellin and I had read about Mayorista as well as the other monger location in Medellin and I was curious to check them out, but was told by some of the vets at the mansion not to mention that word around the staff at the Mansion.

I visited many of the monger locations in Medellin by taxi and found them to all be a relatively short cab ride from the mansion maybe ten to twenty minutes tops.

The Mansion chicas are friendly but not overly aggressive; it's not like Rumbas or D'Latin in Sosua or the Del Ray or Sportsman's in SJ. That is they do not overtly try to make eye contact with you and approach you. But all it will take is you going up to them and politely introducing yourself and asking if she would like to come back to your room. Within two minutes or less of introducing myself to a chica at the mansion I was on my way back to my room with her.

San Diego, Fase Dose:

Visited both of these strip clubs several times, there is a 10, 000 peso cover charge to enter. Both clubs were nice both had some HOT women in them and in my opinion the quality of women in both were about the same, however, Fase Dose charges more. These clubs were nice but pale in comparison to many of the gogo bars in Asia or even the Hong Kong Club in Tijuana. There are girls standing around or drinking with customers who are available to go to the back room with you, a girl will strip on stage but the show is nothing like you will find in Asia or even the HK in Tijuana, after she is done striping she will walk around to all of the customers for a tip and even ask if you want to go to the back room with here while another girl takes her turn on stage. The rooms at both places were not bad reminded me of the same type of rooms you will find in the thermas (sp?) in Rio. I received good service from the girls I took from there but always confirmed before taking them that BBBJ and DATY were on the menu at the agreed upon price. I also noticed some of the San Diego girls hanging out at the Mansion during the day time.


Visited this street once, as stated above not a good thing to mention this place at the Mansion, it is basically two blocks or so long with girls standing on one side of the street or walking up and down the street. There are some bars and restaurants and short time hotels. I felt perfectly safe there and believe the area to be perfectly safe and was a short cab ride from the Mansion. There were some attractive women there, however, many were past the expiration date and should have retired some time ago. The short time hotels were clean safe modern and the short time price was inexpensive 20,000 pesos for the half hour. Price for the chicas was relatively inexpensive; some must have seen me as a newbie and tried quoting me $100 USA and then came down to $50 USA but most were quoting me 30,000 to 50,000 pesos for the half hour. As stated there are some attractive doable women there but even at the bargain basement price I found it hard to justify going when there were nine's and tens prancing around the Mansion who didn't fuck you but made love to you.


I was told before going down there is no central place to pick up P4P chicas and had read some reports that said the Mansion no longer had girls coming over to hang out. All of this is not true, however, I made several Facebook dates before coming to Medellin all of which I regret. I found once I arrived at the mansion many of the Facebook dates I made were already Mansion chicas hanging around so there was really no need to set up Facebook dates with them. The ones that were not already Mansion chicas that came over were ok but did not live up to their pictures in Facebook in my opinion and with the exception of one if I had seen them at the Mansion I probably would not of chosen them. All of the Facebook dates wanted cab money as well as the fee and none of the Facebook dates would give BBBJ all gave CBJ, whereas every Mansion chica I had gave BBBJ. In retrospect I regret making the Facebook dates and on my future trips I will skip Facebook all together.


In my opinion the women of Medellin were hot, it seemed no matter where I was I could find women I considered to be nine's and ten's. As stated above I thought the women at the Mansion were an eight or above, I thought many of the women at San Diego and Fase Dose were hot and there were some attractive women to be had on Mayorista.


At the Mansion the standard price is 150,000 pesos for a couple hours or so, at San Diego strip club the girls seem to set their own price and I was quoted anywhere from 100, 000 pesos to 150,000 pesos for the half hour. On Mayorista the general quote was anywhere from 30,000 pesos to 50,000 pesos for the half hour plus 20,000 for the short time room.


Every Mansion girl gave me BBBJ DATY and DFK and all gave me great service. The San Diego girls also gave me great service. The Mayorista girl was a little more like a typical USA street walker in attitude or a Tijuana door girl in price, It required a tip for complete nudity and an additional tip for BBBJ.

Liquid Lounge:

Asked about it every night and tried going twice, The place was pretty slow every time I went practically no one there each time I went just a couple Mansion chicas hanging out. I don't wish ill on anyone but personally I would rather the place not be there. If successful the Mansion chicas will start hanging out there at night and not the La Cueva at the Mansion which means you will have to take a cab over there and then a cab back once you pick your chica, the way it is now the chicas are already at the Mansion all you have to do is go down stairs and pick the one you want and walk her back to your room.


Everything works in Columbian Pesos so you will have to exchange your money. The mansion does not exchange money but there are money exchanges at the Oviado mall just a block or so from the Mansion, an easy and safe walk. If you book the driver through the mansion you can ask him to stop and exchange money before he drops you off at the mansion.


I felt very safe everywhere I went, the mansion and the local neighborhood is very safe, I felt safe at Mayorista, I felt safe at the strip clubs and I felt safe being transported by the Taxis. I believe for the most part provided you don't do anything stupid or are not into stupid things Mongering in Medellin is very safe.


Spanish is the official language, I don't speak Spanish but had no problem getting around and communicating. The P4P chicas all know what you are there for and it will not be hard to come to an arrangement with them. Some of the staff at the mansion speak English and many of the Mansion vets who will take you under their wing either speak Spanish or have been around enough that they will be able to assist in anything you will need.

Final Thoughts:

I was pleasantly surprised by the Mansion, Medellin and the Columbian women. I barely scratched the surface of mongering on this trip but have already booked the flight for my return visit. Three trips to Asia a trip to Rio and countless trips to POP have given me enough points for a free trip back to MDE. I was pleased with the Mansion the quality of women available there and the service provided by them. I also liked the other P4P options available in Medellin. I was disappointed in the whole Facebook hook up thing just as I was disappointed in the DIA thing when I went to Asia and will avoid this on my future trips.


09-06-13, 02:55
I always use guys with private cars instead of taxis. For me it keeps down the image of what someone coming from the airport in a yellow taxi portrays: A person with a pocket full of cash and possibly a laptop and a few smart phones on him.

PM me if you want the guy I use. He is a very professional guy and speaks English, puts all of your bags in the trunk of his car, and knows where he is going ahead of time. You make your reservation with him via email and he will email you back to confirm everything. I also use him for return trips back to the airport. If he tells you he will be there to pick you up at 5am, he will be there by 4:59am.Thanks. I already got a private car quote for 72, 000 pesos. Does that seem reasonable? I paid $30 US in 2010.

09-06-13, 03:52
Thanks. I already got a private car quote for 72, 000 pesos. Does that seem reasonable? I paid $30 US in 2010.Yep. That's what my guy charges as well.

09-06-13, 04:35

I've heard lots of guys openly discuss Mayorista at the Mansion with no discomfort. It seems odd that you thought it was a no-no to bring it up. Having said that, IMO, it's nothing to write home about. If I feel like venturing out of the friendly confines of the Mansion, I generally have better luck in FaseII, LL, or even the Centro clubs than Mayorista.

09-06-13, 07:25
Hola, got here yesterday at 6 pm, in La Cueva at 8 hooked up w / my first 19 yr old Evelyn.

She was spectacular for TLN and a sex monster, would not leave me alone finally came around 3am and then no sleep for 5 hrs, couldn't drift off.

Today I met Carolyne at La Cueva (met on FB) a cherubic 19 yr old blond and w / a little guidance she turned out to be a great little dick sucker. I don't come unless the sex is great. So far so very good. There was one stunner from last night that I really want, I hope I get her. So many hot chicas here that my next 3 day are booked. While at La Cueva w Carolyne there was a very energetic chica w / big white titties and a Hollywood face. They were doing shots of Tequila and her dancing told me she would be a really good fuck. So I have a date w / her Friday and a date w / the famous Demi on Sunday. There is so much good talent here I almost changed my mind about Demi but she is a Colombian icon. I have a lot of time so I will be screwing some incredible flesh these next 7 days. I love these hookers (some have regular jobs or school) in Medellin, they have class and want to please. I'm a lucky man.

My buddy Lefeu is doing rather well too.


Vegas Jeff
09-06-13, 08:48
In my opinion the Mansion is the place to be in Medellin.


And I was very happy I stayed there. The place is clean safe quiet and comfortable, the staff was very attentive polite and ready to help. There is a great group of guys there, many of whom will be more than happy to show you around and teach you the ropes if it is your first time in Medellin.

I personally thought the women at the mansion were super hot, In my opinion there was never at any time anything less than an 8 and most of the women I seen, were in my opinion in the 9 or 10 category, I was very, very, very, pleased with the quality of women I found at the Mansion and also the quality of service I received from the mansion girls.It sounds like The Mansion was the highlight of your trip. I have recommended The Mansion many times to first timers visiting Medellin. A base of hot girls, other guys and staff to answer questions, etc. When I was at The Mansion about 2 1/2 years ago most of the guys would hang with the girls in the common living area for 1-2 hours before taking them. I found most of the girls to be sweet and patient. Was this what was happening or were guys just grabbing them and taking them to the room. Also, how long was the total time that you spent with each Mansion girl on average?

I am a little surprised that a guy with your experience didn't check out the Centro casas. You will have to put it on the list for next trip. If you want to spend a little more money check out Abydos, Energy, Blue Room, or Loutron.

Nice report.

09-06-13, 12:13
Thanks. I already got a private car quote for 72, 000 pesos. Does that seem reasonable? I paid $30 US in 2010.Regular taxis only cost a fixed 59k from the airport. No meter.

Legal Tender
09-06-13, 18:02
Hola, got here yesterday at 6 pm, in La Cueva at 8 hooked up w / my first 19 yr old Evelyn.

She was spectacular for TLN and a sex monster, would not leave me alone finally came around 3am and then no sleep for 5 hrs, couldn't drift off.

Today I met Carolyne at La Cueva (met on FB) a cherubic 19 yr old blond and w / a little guidance she turned out to be a great little dick sucker. I don't come unless the sex is great. So far so very good. There was one stunner from last night that I really want, I hope I get her. So many hot chicas here that my next 3 day are booked. While at La Cueva w Carolyne there was a very energetic chica w / big white titties and a Hollywood face. They were doing shots of Tequila and her dancing told me she would be a really good fuck. So I have a date w / her Friday and a date w / the famous Demi on Sunday. There is so much good talent here I almost changed my mind about Demi but she is a Colombian icon. I have a lot of time so I will be screwing some incredible flesh these next 7 days. I love these hookers (some have regular jobs or school) in Medellin, they have class and want to please. I'm a lucky man.

My buddy Lefeu is doing rather well too.

CiaoI understand that you are very well versed in the Philippine offerings, too. It's great that you're having a good time in the City of Eternal Spring. Only good energy from your report. It echos my observations about the girls of Medellin too. I'd love to read about the comparisons and contrasts of the Paisa and the Pinay girls, if you have time and inclination to share your observations and conclusions. Meanwhile, we're trying to keep Medellin for ourselves, so don't tell anybody. .

Only good energy, amgio

09-06-13, 18:16
It sounds like The Mansion was the highlight of your trip. I have recommended The Mansion many times to first timers visiting Medellin. A base of hot girls, other guys and staff to answer questions, etc. When I was at The Mansion about 2 1/2 years ago most of the guys would hang with the girls in the common living area for 1-2 hours before taking them. I found most of the girls to be sweet and patient. Was this what was happening or were guys just grabbing them and taking them to the room. Also, how long was the total time that you spent with each Mansion girl on average?

I am a little surprised that a guy with your experience didn't check out the Centro casas. You will have to put it on the list for next trip. If you want to spend a little more money check out Abydos, Energy, Blue Room, or Loutron.

Nice report.Just a couple of questions from someone considering going a first time.

How does the rotation work? Are there women there all the time 24/7? Or do they show up at certain parts of the day? Which days of the week are best? Weekdays better than weekends? (I remember reading the forum in the past, and someone said that the women like to go off and do their own thing on the weekends).

09-06-13, 19:13
Just a couple of questions from someone considering going a first time.

How does the rotation work? Are there women there all the time 24/7? Or do they show up at certain parts of the day? Which days of the week are best? Weekdays better than weekends? (I remember reading the forum in the past, and someone said that the women like to go off and do their own thing on the weekends).If Boyd is there you can talk to him and he will help you find what you are looking for via his facebook amigas. But no, there are not chicas there 24/7. They have to be invited over by the Mansion staff.

During the day can be kind of slow (even on weekends) , but picks up in the evening closer to La Cueva opening.

The better question is are the Mansion chicas now being made to go to Liquid Lounge as they try to get that venture of the ground? If that is the case, then is La Cueva being shut down on these nights?

Taken from C R T by Brown_Cobra (a guy who was staying at the Mansion last week):

"all Mansion girls are visiting Liquid Lounge at night. I am not sure what's the point staying at the Mansion anymore!!! Mansion will be happy to shut down the bar if there is a big party at Liquid Lounge. They both have same owners!!!!"

09-06-13, 20:29

I am heading to Colombia for 12 days at the end of the month. 4 days in each Cartagena, Bogotá & Medellin. I am looking for some good reliable girls to meet in these places so could anyone PM me some contact details of chica's you would recommend or any other advice for a newbie to Colombia. I will post a report on my return, any help would be appreciated.

09-06-13, 20:31
Hola, got here yesterday at 6 pm, in La Cueva at 8 hooked up w / my first 19 yr old Evelyn.

She was spectacular for TLN and a sex monster, would not leave me alone finally came around 3am and then no sleep for 5 hrs, couldn't drift off.

Today I met Carolyne at La Cueva (met on FB) a cherubic 19 yr old blond and w / a little guidance she turned out to be a great little dick sucker. I don't come unless the sex is great. So far so very good.

My buddy Lefeu is doing rather well too.

CiaoGood to hear that the Mansion is still hopping. Don't you mean Evelin R? And Carolyne is a bit plump no? Studying fashion? I hope the rest of your trip goes just as well!

09-07-13, 03:20
Regular taxis only cost a fixed 59k from the airport. No meter.Thanks. That is about what I paid in 2010.

Aussie Greg
09-07-13, 03:28
SP, please get your facts right.

If Boyd is there you can talk to him and he will help you find what you are looking for via his facebook amigas. But no, there are not chicas there 24/7.
A. G.
I think Boyd is back early November.

They have to be invited over by the Mansion staff.
A. G.
The mansion staff do not invite any girls over, and by the way, the hotel is called Hotel Medellin Plaza, has done for 2 years now.

During the day can be kind of slow (even on weekends) , but picks up in the evening closer to La Cueva opening.
A. G.
Depends, I could check the entry list for you if you like and give the day to day numbers but put it this way. A guest wrote here once that there was only 5-6 girls come on over and when I looked at the entry list he was far out, the correct number was 10 to 15 each afternoon over the few days that he said.
Guests invited there female friends and also girls come over for the pool and fashion shop that we have. The hotel is also having a hairdressing shop built.
La Cueva the bar at the hotel opens at 6. 00pm every night so the bar invites and agrees for people to enter the bar "not hotel staff"
La Cueva is a different company that runs the bar at the hotel.

The better question is are the Mansion chicas now being made to go to Liquid Lounge.
A. G.
I don't think so and by the way LL is a bar where any girl / person can enter, if I was a **** / dirty working girl and wanted to make money, I'd probley go there too.

As they try to get that venture of the ground?
A. G.
Who is "they"? Boyd and myself are not share holders, wouldn't have touched it even if they gave me shares but I wish them luck.

If that is the case, then is La Cueva being shut down on these nights?
A. G.
Jajajaja, you wouldn't know would you! For your information, La Cueva is open 6. 00pm to late night / early morning. 7 nights a week.

Taken from C R T by Brown_Cobra (a guy who was staying at the Mansion last week) :
"all Mansion girls are visiting Liquid Lounge at night.
A. G.
I don't think so but as LL is welcome to any girl who has a cedula then any girl can go I guess.

I am not sure what's the point staying at the Mansion anymore!
A. G.
So far this year, its our best year on record and we have been going for 9 years now, thanks guys.

Mansion will be happy to shut down the bar if there is a big party at Liquid Lounge.
A. G.
La Cueva has only done that once and that was for one of our best guests who wanted an big party which La Cueva could not cater for because of the size of the party.

They both have same owners!
A. G.
What a statement, I know I am not, I know Boyd is not and I only know that one of the partners of HMP and the owner of La Cueva helped the LL owners out for a month and a half getting the place renovated and up and running, whether he is a share owner, I really don't know, not my business, I have not been told and I have not asked.
All I say, good luck to them.
Inside information! The owners of LL are two long term repeat guests and a newbie who have stayed at HMP over the years, they all got drunk one night and said, lets do it! And I think that's the truth too.

A. G.

09-07-13, 08:31
Can someone explain a few things. What exactly is La Cueva? If you stay at the Mansion, can you get in the Liquid Lounge for free? I remember there was a sister property / hotel linked to the Mansion. Is this place still open. Where exactly is Liquid Lounge if you are staying at the mansion.


09-07-13, 15:01
i'm a newby to medellin who visited each of these clubs once. we went to fase dos and la isla on a tuesday night and san diego on the next night, a wednesday.

fase dos was not happening when we arrived at 11pm. there were maybe 10 customers and 20 girls rep001tered through a space large enough for hundreds. the energy was low and the music super-loud. the girls stripped on an elevated runway. the interval between girls was quite lengthy. all the girls danced well, though none were over-the-top hot strippers. i approached a beauty (9 face, never saw her naked but probably 8+ body) and spent some time chatting. to my eyes she was the best there. most others were the "big ass big tits gordita" type popular among the colombian men. i never got around to asking the price, but i know it would have been high. i just wasn't feeling the vibe from her. eventually she wandered off and failed to return my text msg the next afternoon. cost for me and my buddy to enter fase dos and split a half-bottle of vodka with orange juice mixer was around 100mil cop each.

we next visited la isla, which was much better. maybe 40 men and 50+ girls? plus the girls were better dancers, and occasionally would dance two at a time. entrance and another half-bottle of vodka with mixer were about the same as fase dos, around 100mil cop for each of us. i chatted up one girl who was not one of the best there, but quite good (7. 5?) , and her opening offer was 700mil cop.

i didn't bother negotiating further. my buddy found a real hottie for 300k (a good price in that club) , plus multa (take-out fee) of 100mil or maybe 150mil. she was a 20-yo slender and tall girl who oozed sex appeal. we left in a taxi and she asked the taxi to stop as she had forgotten something. i got a nice view of her climbing the steps of the back entrance into the club, her impossibly-short skirt (really just the length of a t-shirt) bouncing halfway up her tight ass with each step. wonderful!

shortly after leaving la isla we were pulled over by a pair of policeman. they were searching for guns and / or drugs, which we did not have, so after a friendly pat-down and some discussion, we were on our way. no such thing as probable cause in colombia. i suspect if they had found something we would have been asked to pay our fine directly to the arresting officer. but who knows?

the next night we went to san diego show. this is a bit more of a down-and-dirty operation. costs are lower and girl quality also lower. however, amid a sea of gorditas, i did spot a tall-and-slender gem who i had to have. on-site cost was 150mil including room for one hour, though she didn't limit the time. this girl was actually quite spectacular, body-wise, though i think she had a surgically enhanced culo. service was skillful and enthusiastic. mid-way through she even surprised me by initiating dfk. searching for individual girls in clubs like this depends so much on your tastes. so i'm not going to report her name. just go and find what you like. or not. but it's fun to check it out. added note: all the girls here could dance and strip very well. one particular girl might have the best combination of body and dance ability i've ever seen. she came on-stage after my encounter with the tall-and-slender gem, as i waited for my buddy to finish his session, so i just admired from afar. who knows, maybe i'll return to sample her bedroom skills, as well.

btw, these clubs are no-smoking. as are all enclosed restaurants and bars and clubs in colombia. smoking is allowed in exterior patio areas, of which there are many. this is a big advantage of colombia over china, the other place i go.

09-07-13, 18:00
H / R: La Cueva is inhouse party spot of the Mansion which was the parking garage I think. Basically it was created because the noise level poolside got to be too disruptive with the neighbors so at night the partying gets moved to La Cueva. If you stay at the Mansion or El Castillo, you can party at La Cueva. The good thing about that for the Mansion management is now that can make some money from alcohol with the cash bar since before guests would just bring their booze poolside.

The Liquid Lounge is a club located near Premium Plaza mall, Fase II and a bunch of other discos in Barrio Colombia. The investors are Mansion regulars and they have the business model to give mongers staying elsewhere access to the Mansion talent pool. Robert helps with the recruiting. They have a foosball table upstairs where there is a stripper pole. Esteef, one of the partners told me they just received an official stripper license from the local officials which should be interesting. They have a 10/12 foot screen with a HD projector connected to a slingbox in the US. Unfortunately, the opening NFL game didn't come through well. Its a work in progress that has great potential.

I was there in the neighbor and got to see some of the working Mansion girls which I would not have otherwise since I stayed in an apartment. Saw a bunch of guys already picked their dates for the night having a good time!

Member #4244
09-07-13, 18:01
i'm a newby to medellin who visited each of these clubs once. we went to fase dos and la isla on a tuesday night and san diego on the next night, a wednesday.

fase dos was not happening when we arrived at 11pm. there were maybe 10 customers and 20 girls rep001tered through a space large enough for hundreds. the energy was low and the music super-loud. the girls stripped on an elevated runway. the interval between girls was quite lengthy. all the girls danced well, though none were over-the-top hot strippers. i approached a beauty (9 face, never saw her naked but probably 8+ body) and spent some time chatting. to my eyes she was the best there. most others were the "big ass big tits gordita" type popular among the colombian men. i never got around to asking the price, but i know it would have been high. i just wasn't feeling the vibe from her. eventually she wandered off and failed to return my text msg the next afternoon. cost for me and my buddy to enter fase dos and split a half-bottle of vodka with orange juice mixer was around 100mil cop each.

we next visited la isla, which was much better. maybe 40 men and 50+ girls? plus the girls were better dancers, and occasionally would dance two at a time. entrance and another half-bottle of vodka with mixer were about the same as fase dos, around 100mil cop for each of us. i chatted up one girl who was not one of the best there, but quite good (7. 5?) , and her opening offer was 700mil cop.


i didn't bother negotiating further. my buddy found a real hottie for 300k (a good price in that club) , plus multa (take-out fee) of 100mil or maybe 150mil. she was a 20-yo slender and tall girl who oozed sex appeal. we left in a taxi and she asked the taxi to stop as she had forgotten something. i got a nice view of her climbing the steps of the back entrance into the club, her impossibly-short skirt (really just the length of a t-shirt) bouncing halfway up her tight ass with each step. wonderful!

shortly after leaving la isla we were pulled over by a pair of policeman. they were searching for guns and / or drugs, which we did not have, so after a friendly pat-down and some discussion, we were on our way. no such thing as probable cause in colombia. i suspect if they had found something we would have been asked to pay our fine directly to the arresting officer. but who knows?

the next night we went to san diego show. this is a bit more of a down-and-dirty operation. costs are lower and girl quality also lower. however, amid a sea of gorditas, i did spot a tall-and-slender gem who i had to have. on-site cost was 150mil including room for one hour, though she didn't limit the time. this girl was actually quite spectacular, body-wise, though i think she had a surgically enhanced culo. service was skillful and enthusiastic. mid-way through she even surprised me by initiating dfk. searching for individual girls in clubs like this depends so much on your tastes. so i'm not going to report her name. just go and find what you like. or not. but it's fun to check it out. added note: all the girls here could dance and strip very well. one particular girl might have the best combination of body and dance ability i've ever seen. she came on-stage after my encounter with the tall-and-slender gem, as i waited for my buddy to finish his session, so i just admired from afar. who knows, maybe i'll return to sample her bedroom skills, as well.

btw, these clubs are no-smoking. as are all enclosed restaurants and bars and clubs in colombia. smoking is allowed in exterior patio areas, of which there are many. this is a big advantage of colombia over china, the other place i go.thank you for the report, i will have to check out la isla again soon.

just an fyi, the cops stopping you is nothing. it happens sometimes when you are in a cab. they are mostly looking for weapons or large quantities of drugs. the searches on tourists are mostly perfunctory, usually they crack jokes, ask for my i'd and let me go. if you have a small amount of drugs on you, bear in mind that is legal in colombia. if they try to shake you down, the price will likely be cheap and worth paying to avoid hassle, but i have not heard of this happening and it should not happen.

09-07-13, 18:04

I am heading to Colombia for 12 days at the end of the month. 4 days in each Cartagena, Bogotá & Medellin. I am looking for some good reliable girls to meet in these places so could anyone PM me some contact details of chica's you would recommend or any other advice for a newbie to Colombia. I will post a report on my return, any help would be appreciated.Sure, we believe you!

Member #4244
09-07-13, 19:13
Hey WiltTheStilt,

Still waiting for you to respond to my post on the other areas thread to back up your last post, or were you posting false information. Thanks.Hi, I will have to go to that section and look, I'd be glad to help. I never post false information, so that part I can answer here.

Went to Aiffe yesterday. Decent lineup, about six girls. This place seems to have reclaimed its identity. All the girls were younger. 18-23, all but one was slim and a couple were pretty cute. I went with Sofia, nice attitude, cute smile (braces on it) and a nice slender body with perky breasts.

09-07-13, 20:23
Great video for getting better service with working girls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uldt6Y-CE3s

09-07-13, 20:36
H / R: La Cueva is inhouse party spot of the Mansion which was the parking garage I think. Basically it was created because the noise level poolside got to be too disruptive with the neighbors so at night the partying gets moved to La Cueva. If you stay at the Mansion or El Castillo, you can party at La Cueva. The good thing about that for the Mansion management is now that can make some money from alcohol with the cash bar since before guests would just bring their booze poolside.

The Liquid Lounge is a club located near Premium Plaza mall, Fase II and a bunch of other discos in Barrio Colombia. The investors are Mansion regulars and they have the business model to give mongers staying elsewhere access to the Mansion talent pool. Robert helps with the recruiting. They have a foosball table upstairs where there is a stripper pole. Esteef, one of the partners told me they just received an official stripper license from the local officials which should be interesting. They have a 10/12 foot screen with a HD projector connected to a slingbox in the US. Unfortunately, the opening NFL game didn't come through well. Its a work in progress that has great potential.

I was there in the neighbor and got to see some of the working Mansion girls which I would not have otherwise since I stayed in an apartment. Saw a bunch of guys already picked their dates for the night having a good time!Thanks for the clarification. Its been a while since I have been to Colombia, and I plan on going back in the next 6 months. A few other questions, if you don't mind: Is La Isla a new stripclub, because I don't remember anyone mentioning it last time I went. If you had to name the top 3 or 4 strip clubs and top 3 or 4 casas for 2013, what would they be. Don't ding aclub for price in your evaluation. Just quality, quantity of girls, and niceness of place. Last time I went it was fase dos san diego and I think Luna Lunera was the third. Its been a while. A new updated list of the top 3 or 4 strip clubs and top 3 or 4 casas would be helpful.


Member #4244
09-08-13, 01:13
Great video for getting better service with working girls.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uldt6Y-CE3sRedd is the best!"I hope I haven't offended of you, and if I have, well, the show's almost over and ya stayed so fuck ya, ya dummy!"

Member #4244
09-08-13, 07:16
Saturday night the strip joints were pretty full, wider selection than usual but nothing that grabbed my attention between F2, San Diego and the Centro spots.

Street action was DEAD. It has been pretty dead since the end of August, that last Friday was super busy but the last nine nights have been very slow. Unusual for Saturdays to be so down, tonight was very empty.

I met what one might describe as a semi pro (for me, it's a threshold matter, sex for money=pro) , a universitaria who is 24 with no kids. I had just about given up when I stumbled onto her. Nice attitude, very permissive, cool for some cheap sleazy unexpected fun.

One note is that La Manzana is CLOSED. I have a friend who worked there, she had told me that they closed for a three nights in a row but were expected to re-open. Something vague about the owner being at a finca and then some other issue. Well, I don't know if it ever reopened but my guess is no. I saw her today and she told me it closed. A cabbie confirmed this as well. The same owners have Los Gordos, which is still open for business. I don't know if it took over the Manzana schedule opening at 11ish, but at any rate no one is really there until 2 or so in the morning.

Same cabbie gave me a rec for a massage place on El Palo. Surprisingly this guy had decent taste, so maybe it's worth checking out. I will let you know, it may already be on the list but either way I will update with info on the lineup and stuff next week.

Member #4427
09-08-13, 12:42
I am coming to Medellin next month. I have an over night planned for Guatape, with one of the mansion girls I do have a hotel booked already. Does anyone have any other insight on Guatape, dining, club, even outdoor bar. Just looking for some insight. Thanks in advanced.

09-08-13, 13:30
I went there only once, and the most fun thing was a party boat that goes out in the lake for about 2 hours. It's a big boat, with like two decks, lots of fun. Tripadvisor says a restaurant "La Fogata" is good. A trip to El Penol is in order. You can take a little trip around town in one of those 3-wheeler taxis. Re a nice bar, I don't think there is one. Went there on a bus from the North terminal as I recall, not a bad trip.

09-08-13, 23:16
Has anyone sessioned with this girl, and is she any good?

Member #4244
09-08-13, 23:44
Has anyone sessioned with this girl, and is she any good?Nice waist, sweet face. Where did you find her?

Went to new life today. Pretty weak Sunday lineup. I had a cute black chick in mind as a safety pick, but some other dude grabbed her immediately. There were four legitimately fat girls there, not curvy, not busty, not trosa, but gordisimas. I picked a young one named andrea, pretty slim, said she was 18 with one kid. Horrible session, I had given her a 20K tip up front and that was all I paid. I told the jefe about her shitty attitude and service and he agreed that I should not pay a peso more than I already had. For a colombian business owner to give you something free, you know there was a legitimate gripe. Last week my friend found a METAL WIRE in her hamburger and the restaurant didn't comp it.

09-08-13, 23:52
I understand that you are very well versed in the Philippine offerings, too. It's great that you're having a good time in the City of Eternal Spring. Only good energy from your report. It echos my observations about the girls of Medellin too. I'd love to read about the comparisons and contrasts of the Paisa and the Pinay girls, if you have time and inclination to share your observations and conclusions. Meanwhile, we're trying to keep Medellin for ourselves, so don't tell anybody. .

Only good energy, amgioYeah, everyone here is good at keeping Medellin a secret, jaja. I don't think you need to worry about that because most mongers are too lazy to learn the lingo. If you come here w / out communication skills you will get half the Medellin experience. The language barrier is a good thing, those who learn the language are rewarded for it. I'm still a Medellin amateur but I have nerve and know how to handle women so I do well I think. As for the PI that also is a special place and we can share some info soon. Thanks for the good energy.

Almotu, As for names I shouldn't have posted them just trying to be complete. Both ladies perform at the high level I require to finish. C was primed and ready for my dick, she made some moves I was impressed w / and allowed a slippery F Fing which made JJ really happy, he got air, which is not easy for a 60 yr old. She did a superb job, BBBJ only w / face finish. Thank you god.

E was more a super session w / everything included. I want to repeat w / her.

Last night my bud and I went to La Mayorista and the talent there was pretty nice. I hooked up w / a faced beauty and that action is permanently inscribed on my brain, wish I had a pic of her.

Going to see Demi tonight. Last night at the LL she did a strip tease for the mongers there, she is quite the entertainer. She's probably bored w / just one gringo to excite, we'll see. I'll go deep w / her and maybe get to that dark zone we both enjoy, who knows.

Hope all is well w / all the bros here. Ciao

09-09-13, 07:00
Has anyone sessioned with this girl, and is she any good?Man who ever you are would it be not better to ask friends on her friends list. Wow I recommend this girl to few friends and then it goes on ISG.

Anyways getting back to your question. I was the first gringo for this girl. As per her session. She is a sweet girl and she will treat you nice. Nothing wierd just nice sweet love.



Vegas Jeff
09-09-13, 07:56
i am coming to medellin next month. i have an over night planned for guatape, with one of the mansion girls i do have a hotel booked already. does anyone have any other insight on guatape, dining, club, even outdoor bar. just looking for some insight. thanks in advanced.i will tell you a little about my guatape experience. taxi ride was a little over an hour and a half. don't let the taxis rip you off. the printed rate for guatape is 150k one way or 260k round trip. it is printed inside the cab. cabs in medellin will do it for far less. i asked about 5 cabs near parque lleras and got one to do it for it for 90k. 100k will get it done easy as a few others quoted me this. get a taxi that can pick you up for the return trip also for 100k and i will explain why later. if others of you are budget minded the bus from the north bus terminal is less than 20k per person. i think it might even be 12k. cab from centro 10k to north terminal. cab from el poblado is 15-20k to north terminal.

left el poblado with my girlfriend and a friend. cab broke down about 20 minutes from guatape on the way up the hill in a town of about 10k population. payed the cab 80k and told the guy i needed the 10k for the bus. the buses there are all modified old pickup trucks with seats in the cab. they have colombian permits on the inside with posted rates to different places. i think it was 3-5k per person to guatape. if you are staying overnight utilize this bus or the three wheelers to get around. got off at the rock "la piedra". they have beer at the top and you may need a few after climbing the 800 steps. spectacular views from the rock. take a picture with your girl up there and i will bet they will be your best pictures of the trip. the restaurant has a great view at the rock also.

we took a three wheeler for 10k to guatape from the rock. arrive at guatape. a little town square and not much else. if you walk down to the docks that is where you pickup the boats. there was a large boat with two decks. it wasn't going to be leaving for a while. plenty of private boats. paid 80k for full lake ride. a city used to exist below what is now the lake. you gain some perspective on this as you get to the far end of the lake and see a piece metal with a cross which is on top of a church barely penetrating the water. guatape is very deep in some parts of the lake. when i return to the docks i am ready to return to medellin. problem is there are no taxis in this town. this is why i stated earlier to arrange for the roundtrip for 100k and get the taxis phone number and call him an hour and a half before you want to return. available taxi is in the small city about 20 minutes away. taxi is firm at 150k to north bus terminal. he won't even discuss going to el poblado. i offer 120k and tell the guy i am going to have a beer. 5 minutes later he agrees. i would have paid the 150k after my beer as i would have had no choice. he lets us off at the north bus terminal. i grab another cab for about 15k and return to el poblado.

the hotels are pretty spread apart near guatape. big open spaces with nothing in between. this is not a lake with much infrastructure. what you have at your hotel is all you have for a mile or more in either direction. not much happening at guatape.

i enjoyed my trip and am glad that i went. lake guatape is not a place to do twice imo though. this is the only touristy thing other than hang gliding in mde that i would recommend.

if you see anything that i missed at guatape feel free to post after your trip. gl.


Vegas Jeff
09-09-13, 08:05
Just a comment on airport rates. Airport rate is 58k-59K, depending on company, and 2k per extra passenger. Most just ask for 60k. I recommend using cabs that have radios as they are safer in general for airport transport. I grab a cab off the curb at the airport but feel out the drivers. I look for older gentlemen or a clean cut young guy with a new car or a radio inside. Returning to the airport is easy. Just call for a cab from your hotel or apartment. Only drivers who work for companies that have radios will pick you up.

I would not discourage any of you guys from using a hotel taxi for 70k to 80k if you are a first timer. This is a difference of $5-$10. The driver will know where you are going as well as have some type of relationship with the hotel. The apartment companies can arrange for airport pickup and drop off also.

Vegas Jeff
09-09-13, 08:26
Man who ever you are would it be not better to ask friends on her friends list. Wow I recommend this girl to few friends and then it goes on ISG.If you have a deep talent pool of girls and you want to share some with friends it is all good. But if in your tight inner circle you have a girl who has no experience why would you recommend her to your gringo friends? If you met her online she was going to find her way to other gringos quickly if she hadn't already. You might have just sped up the process a little bit.

09-09-13, 08:58
Today I re-learned an important lesson.

I pulled a beautiful 'Mansion girl' today for a session, though I rarely do this.

Very pretty face and even better body. I'd rate her a 9 at least, maybe her ass a 10, so I figured I'd go for it.

Anyway, she was nice, OK kisses, OK sex, the faked moans were kind of funny though.

Afterwards I set the 150K pesos next to her purse and she looked disappointed that there wasn't more.

She was dressed and gone like a hurricane, I was dazed hahaha.

I'd rate her close to a 10 in looks and her service / attitude a generous 7.

Fast forward to later in the evening.

I go to the Mayorista to help out a buddy, not expecting to do anything myself.

My buddy was with another chica and I spotted a cutie, among the sea of un-doable chicas at the Mayo.

This girl I'd rate at about a 7. Just really cute, not a beauty.

Anyway, we chat, I buy her something to drink, we head to one of the better motels around the corner.

Let me tell you, this girl just plain made love to me, like damnnnnnnnnnnn, so nice and sweet and loving.

We never talked price, we stayed together a couple hours.

When I set 100K pesos next to her purse, she asked me if that really was all for her, almost crying.

Total sweetheart. I gave her another 20K for a taxi, unsolicited.

Like I said, I'd rate her looks as a 7 and her service / attitude at a definite 10.

I learned again tonight what I already knew.

The hot 9-10 rated chicas that have been around the gringo circuit, just cannot compare to the sweet 7s who loves you like her long lost man returning home from war.

I'll take the sweet 7 anyday.

Have fun amigos

09-09-13, 10:00
Drop down to a less than 5, then you're really living!

Mr Gogo
09-09-13, 14:27
Today I re-learned an important lesson.

I pulled a beautiful 'Mansion girl' today for a session, though I rarely do this.

Very pretty face and even better body. I'd rate her a 9 at least, maybe her ass a 10, so I figured I'd go for it.

Anyway, she was nice, OK kisses, OK sex, the faked moans were kind of funny though.

Afterwards I set the 150K pesos next to her purse and she looked disappointed that there wasn't more.

She was dressed and gone like a hurricane, I was dazed hahaha.

I'd rate her close to a 10 in looks and her service / attitude a generous 7.

Fast forward to later in the evening.

I go to the Mayorista to help out a buddy, not expecting to do anything myself.

My buddy was with another chica and I spotted a cutie, among the sea of un-doable chicas at the Mayo.

This girl I'd rate at about a 7. Just really cute, not a beauty...Exactamente amigo, its that quiet 7 leaning against the wall that no one pays attention to that will give you the best time. Most guys here want the 10 but usually the sex is rushed because she has more options.

With me it's the natural features. She must have pretty toes and hands, no crow feet. I don't like a lot of makeup and fake breasts. If the face is average but she has the other features she is good for me. Small breasts and petite is my type.

The main key is if she is rushing or just happy to occupy your time.

09-09-13, 19:41
Thanks for the clarification. Its been a while since I have been to Colombia, and I plan on going back in the next 6 months. A few other questions, if you don't mind: Is La Isla a new stripclub, because I don't remember anyone mentioning it last time I went. If you had to name the top 3 or 4 strip clubs and top 3 or 4 casas for 2013, what would they be. Don't ding aclub for price in your evaluation. Just quality, quantity of girls, and niceness of place. Last time I went it was fase dos san diego and I think Luna Lunera was the third. Its been a while. A new updated list of the top 3 or 4 strip clubs and top 3 or 4 casas would be helpful.

ThanksI can't help you there since on this short trip I did nothing but visit Liquid to hang out with my amigos Esteef and Wild Bill. I just met up with my favoritas and did the Facebook thing (with the help of fellow mongers who did not mind pointing me in the right direction) Did not go to any strip clubs nor casas. I will probably change it up again in the Fall.

Member #4287
09-09-13, 20:22
Today I re-learned an important lesson.

I pulled a beautiful 'Mansion girl' today for a session, though I rarely do this.

Very pretty face and even better body. I'd rate her a 9 at least, maybe her ass a 10, so I figured I'd go for it.

Anyway, she was nice, OK kisses, OK sex, the faked moans were kind of funny though.

Afterwards I set the 150K pesos next to her purse and she looked disappointed that there wasn't more.

She was dressed and gone like a hurricane, I was dazed hahaha.

I'd rate her close to a 10 in looks and her service / attitude a generous 7.

Fast forward to later in the evening.

I go to the Mayorista to help out a buddy, not expecting to do anything myself.

My buddy was with another chica and I spotted a cutie, among the sea of un-doable chicas at the Mayo.

This girl I'd rate at about a 7. Just really cute, not a beauty.

Anyway, we chat, I buy her something to drink, we head to one of the better motels around the corner.

Let me tell you, this girl just plain made love to me, like damnnnnnnnnnnn, so nice and sweet and loving.

We never talked price, we stayed together a couple hours.

When I set 100K pesos next to her purse, she asked me if that really was all for her, almost crying.

Total sweetheart. I gave her another 20K for a taxi, unsolicited.

Like I said, I'd rate her looks as a 7 and her service / attitude at a definite 10.

I learned again tonight what I already knew.

The hot 9-10 rated chicas that have been around the gringo circuit, just cannot compare to the sweet 7s who loves you like her long lost man returning home from war.

I'll take the sweet 7 anyday.

Have fun amigosI agree. Although I have to say I get very good to spectacular service from mansion chicas, there are quite a few guys that get no love from them and actually prefer the not so hot casa chicas. If you have the time to spend hunting for prime pussy in the mayorista it isn't a bad idea. They are just too far and between for me to bother but I understand the attraction. If I lived in Medellin I would spend a lot more time looking for unspoiled chicas.

Aussie Greg
09-10-13, 02:42
Ricker, so sir, a body of 9 yes but a face of a 7.

A. G.

Today I re-learned an important lesson.

I pulled a beautiful 'Mansion girl' today for a session, though I rarely do this.

Very pretty face and even better body. I'd rate her a 9 at least, maybe her ass a 10, so I figured I'd go for it.

Anyway, she was nice, OK kisses, OK sex, the faked moans were kind of funny though.

Afterwards I set the 150K pesos next to her purse and she looked disappointed that there wasn't more.

She was dressed and gone like a hurricane, I was dazed hahaha.

I'd rate her close to a 10 in looks and her service / attitude a generous 7.

Fast forward to later in the evening.

I go to the Mayorista to help out a buddy, not expecting to do anything myself.

My buddy was with another chica and I spotted a cutie, among the sea of un-doable chicas at the Mayo.

This girl I'd rate at about a 7. Just really cute, not a beauty.

Anyway, we chat, I buy her something to drink, we head to one of the better motels around the corner.

Let me tell you, this girl just plain made love to me, like damnnnnnnnnnnn, so nice and sweet and loving.

We never talked price, we stayed together a couple hours.

When I set 100K pesos next to her purse, she asked me if that really was all for her, almost crying.

Total sweetheart. I gave her another 20K for a taxi, unsolicited.

Like I said, I'd rate her looks as a 7 and her service / attitude at a definite 10.

I learned again tonight what I already knew.

The hot 9-10 rated chicas that have been around the gringo circuit, just cannot compare to the sweet 7s who loves you like her long lost man returning home from war.

I'll take the sweet 7 anyday.

Have fun amigos

09-10-13, 02:45
Ricker, so sir, a body of 9 yes but a face of a 7.

A. G.Now you're being a bit harsh mate hahaha.

Good seeing you again amigo.

See you at the World Cup!

09-10-13, 02:52
I agree. Although I have to say I get very good to spectacular service from mansion chicas, there are quite a few guys that get no love from them and actually prefer the not so hot casa chicas. If you have the time to spend hunting for prime pussy in the mayorista it isn't a bad idea. They are just too far and between for me to bother but I understand the attraction. If I lived in Medellin I would spend a lot more time looking for unspoiled chicas.Si señor, the service is most always spectacular.

That's just what it is too, service.

For true romantic though, it's still lacking that real cariño, especially for those who speak spanish reasonably well, and are accustomed to when a girl just "falls" for you.

Not knocking it, I just dig the non-gringo spoiled girl.

09-10-13, 04:24
Si señor, the service is most always spectacular.

That's just what it is too, service.

For true romantic though, it's still lacking that real cariño, especially for those who speak spanish reasonably well, and are accustomed to when a girl just "falls" for you.

Not knocking it, I just dig the non-gringo spoiled girl.I also speak Spanish fluently, I am interested in visiting Medellin for some pretty girls, I know inside strip clubs Yocan find those elusive 9 and 10's, and if I ever need them then I know where to find them. What I am interested in is the University girls that are offering real cariño like you said, what do you recommend as far as clubs or bars for these passionate girls. I should be in Medellin Nov. 1st, and I will have lots of money. I'm not into Liquid or the Mansion etc. I'm not looking for gringo spoiled girls.

09-10-13, 18:34
I also speak Spanish fluently, I am interested in visiting Medellin for some pretty girls, I know inside strip clubs Yocan find those elusive 9 and 10's, and if I ever need them then I know where to find them. What I am interested in is the University girls that are offering real cariño like you said, what do you recommend as far as clubs or bars for these passionate girls. I should be in Medellin Nov. 1st, and I will have lots of money. I'm not into Liquid or the Mansion etc. I'm not looking for gringo spoiled girls.Great video for getting better service with working girls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uldt6Y-CE3s

09-10-13, 18:52
Took a tour and found a skinny tall model type in the casa near Alfies and New Life. Just what I was looking for.


This is not a picture site anymore than liquid lounge so it should be ok!Never heard of Alfies.

But is this the same tour where Jake whisks you away on his bike and the two of you go on a magical Medellin adventure together?:

By Drewby (C R T)

"Jake came over on his motorcycle and picked me up. We dropped off my knapsack at his place, and then went on a tour of the centro casas.

"Monday night, Jake took me on a night tour on his bike and it was thrilling. Beautiful night, fresh air and seeing the city on the back of a bike gives you an experience that you would not get in a taxi. I felt like I was in a movie. We first started off like in a james bond movie as we winded our way up the mountain and then took an unmarked road up to the top to go see Loutron, a high end casa, I think at 220k an hour.

Jake then too me on a madmax tour of the seedier side of town as we saw the trannies, the drugged out street prostitutes, and a tent city of homeless."

Sounds romantic :-/

Member #4244
09-10-13, 19:00
Do you mean Aiffe?

I like how people take the "tours" when there are dudes on every corner handing out flyers. I guess finding a place on a grid with an address can prove challenging! I am just fucking with you, glad you had a good time.

Aussie Greg
09-10-13, 19:17

just purchased a farm an hour south of pereira with a few mates on the cali highway for a dude ranch, should be up and running by the middle of next year.
the dude ranch will be a smaller version of panaca and farm practice will be based on organic farming and green living with access to local entertainment, if you know what i mean !!!!
the farm is located 40 minutes from pereira international airport and 45 minutes from the city center.
the airport has flights to panama city and also houston.
busses run every half an hour to both cali and pereira.
we will be having airport pickup, drop off.
the farm will be not have a discriminate policy, all persons are welcome.
more information/photos as the dude ranch develops will be published.
will also be looking into the weight loss/exercise programs in association with farm activities for guests.
the farm now has 4,000 guanabana fruit trees which will be reduced for pasture and other types of fruit trees ie banana, maracuya, grapes (uva) peaches, plums, all types.
animals will include cattle, both dairy and beef, horses (chuck wagon) piggies, choookies, doggies and already on the farm is a pond holding tilapia fish.
the farm has a large organic fertilizer production facility for its fruit trees.
the large house will do for the first year before a row of stabben cabins being built.
stay tuned.

aussie greg.

Aussie Greg
09-11-13, 03:10

Coming to the Dude Ranch?

A. G.

09-11-13, 19:40
I also speak Spanish fluently, I am interested in visiting Medellin for some pretty girls, I know inside strip clubs Yocan find those elusive 9 and 10's, and if I ever need them then I know where to find them. What I am interested in is the University girls that are offering real cariño like you said, what do you recommend as far as clubs or bars for these passionate girls. I should be in Medellin Nov. 1st, and I will have lots of money. I'm not into Liquid or the Mansion etc. I'm not looking for gringo spoiled girls.To be honest, my best plan is no plan.

I visit Medellin, have been for years, and just go with the flow.

I think lots of guys think and go at it like this too.

I usually stay at the Castillo (Plaza 2) , which I highly recommend for anyone, either Plaza 1 or 2.

Especially for those that are new to the scene.

You meet experienced cool guys, weed out easily the occassional butt head you'll meet there and pick up valuable info and make some friendships maybe.

Also, obviously you'll meet the girls there and see who you click with.

From there, I just do my thing.

From restaurants to the stores, the gym, el Centro shopping, casas, strip clubs all over, etc, etc I just keep my eye out.

I've even met girls on the Metro.

Then of course I have old flames and new flames that I re-kindle with.

A lot of course depends on your personality, spanish ability and your looks to some degree.

You don't have to be a GQ model, however, being in OK shape and looking good and having a youthful, fun attitude go a long way.

Good luck!

Member #4244
09-11-13, 19:58
Gents I went to Aiffe again this morning and was impressed once again with the selection. Three very slim waisted girls under 20 and a couple others that had different body types and were also young. I went with Sofia again. She is very pretty, skills are just OK, attitude is pretty nice. Take charge of the session a bit. Everything is covered though. I plan on trying Luna tomorrow, a very beautiful girl whom I spoke with briefly today.

More updates to come, enjoy

Member #4244
09-11-13, 22:19
Boys, here is a non sex related report, although of course in the mind of the monger, everything is sex related. If you were not aware, September is Medellin Gourmet month.

You can choose from a number of restaurants, some of which are good, some of which are Tony Roma's, and they have a prix fixe (that's french for cheap fuck) sort of deal. Most are 35K for three courses, some are 55K for three courses. The restaurants seem to be more liberal with their offerings than what is presented here, most will let you have any app / entree / desert for the price, but some undoubtedly stick to what is shown here:


The deals are good, I have gone to a couple places and it wound up being about half price relative to the menu prices. There is a nice variety also.

If you are here and would like to eat pizza that is not undercooked and overpriced (1969) , a big chain (Domino's) or an outright abortion (virtually any Colombian pizza chain) , then check out La Pizzeria. It is on Calle Argentina right above Girardot, I believe. Wood oven, thin crust, delicious toppings (I recommend panceta, eggplant or generously sliced pepperoni). There is a good pasta place near there as well, it is at Calle 54 / Carerra 45, you will see a sign that says "LO MEJOR EN PASTAS" and to its immediate right a staircase to walk up. La Pizzeria has pizzas from 20K to 26K, one size only, Lo Mejor en Pastas has entrees between 17K and 28K. Nice atmosphere and good food at both places. The service at the pasta spot is excellent.

Legal Tender
09-12-13, 01:11

just purchased a farm an hour south of pereira with a few mates on the cali highway for a dude ranch, should be up and running by the middle of next year.

the dude ranch will be a smaller version of panaca and farm practice will be based on organic farming and green living with access to local entertainment, if you know what i mean!

the farm is located 40 minutes from pereira international airport and 45 minutes from the city center.

the airport has flights to panama city and also houston.

busses run every half an hour to both cali and pereira.

we will be having airport pickup, drop off.

the farm will be not have a discriminate policy, all persons are welcome.

more information / photos as the dude ranch develops will be published.

will also be looking into the weight loss / exercise programs in association with farm activities for guests.

the farm now has 4, 000 guanabana fruit trees which will be reduced for pasture and other types of fruit trees ie banana, maracuya, grapes (uva) peaches, plums, all types.

animals will include cattle, both dairy and beef, horses (chuck wagon) piggies, choookies, doggies and already on the farm is a pond holding tilapia fish.

the farm has a large organic fertilizer production facility for its fruit trees.

the large house will do for the first year before a row of stabben cabins being built.

stay tuned.

aussie greg.

coming to the dude ranch?

a. g.actually, i think i would love to spend some time there. those of us who have been coming to medellin for years get a little jaded about the scene. i still love it but a nice tranquil finca in the country sounds very therapeutic. no doubt,"company" will be available when you want it. after all, it's still in colombia. ag, this sounds like your dream, and of course, i want to be supportive, my friend.

Member #4244
09-12-13, 04:05
Expounding upon the Medellin Gourmet post, here are a couple I have tried.

I went to Tierra Fusion Pero with a friend on his way back to the UK. It is located inside La Strada, very easy to find on the first floor. Their offerings on the MG site were all wrong, they had literally one of those things on the actual menu and even it was a bit different than it was shown. I thought the place would have some authentic Peruvian fish (as they say on the menu) but everything was tilapia and, in one starter, tuna. They also had prawn dishes and octopus in one of the ceviches. Despite the odd switch, the food was decent, the jugos were very good and overall for 35K I thought it was an excellent value. Two big prawns served over polenta and veggies to start, a robust ceviche with mango and red peppers as the main course and then a couple desserts to share, including a cheesecake actually resembled a homemade cheesecake (rare in Colombia). La Strada has a bunch of options, they are all OK. I also took a date to Sushi Light, though they were not participating. Sushi is basically not a thing in Medellin, but the place is passable. The only good joints are in Bogota IMHO.

That said, I would very highly recommend the place I took a lady friend this evening. It is in Envigado, about a 13K taxi ride from the Centro. It is called Brulee. 55K was a steal here, you would pay that for the average main course and up to 85K for some. The service was excellent. Their election of cocktails, wines and even juices (Brazilian fruits!) was wide ranging. The food was both well prepared and well presented. This is a pimp place to take a date, no question. There were some stunning guests and the place was packed on a Wednesday night. If you are in MDE and looking for fine dining, I can't think of a better place.

You can see the menu offerings, they are absolutely accurate on the site. We tried and shared the salmon app (incredible, I wish they had it as a main course) , the pumpkin cheesecake one (interesting, savory and warm take on the dish) , the stuffed steak (very tender meat and a well thought-out dish) , the salmon raviolis (ravishing combination of flavors) and the two desserts (the macaroon is the one to get).

Ricardo Torres
09-12-13, 04:28

Just in case you have not seen it.


09-12-13, 16:18
Gents I went to Aiffe again this morning and was impressed once again with the selection. Three very slim waisted girls under 20 and a couple others that had different body types and were also young. I went with Sofia again. She is very pretty, skills are just OK, attitude is pretty nice. Take charge of the session a bit. Everything is covered though. I plan on trying Luna tomorrow, a very beautiful girl whom I spoke with briefly today.

More updates to come, enjoyI just returned from Medellin, and I agree.

Aiffe was by far the best casa.

New Life, like Wilt posted, full of gordas.

The Colombianos were salivating, the gringos were running hahaha.

Checked out a few other casas, and really nothing.

Member #4244
09-12-13, 16:48
Update on the blonde posted below (photo with her face and all LOL) , I think she is a flake of some sort for sure. Another member had difficulty contacting her and arranging anything (he can share the details if he feels so inclined) but I took a shot at contacting her anyway. We spoke on Facebook, cracked a bunch of jokes and got to know one another. I told her we should hang out Thursday, now let's get to the ugly part, the business details. We made an agreement and chatted a couple more times online, plus exchanged cell numbers.

I talked to her Wednesday but now today, Thursday, I see she has either disabled her profile or unfriended / blocked me. No answer on her cell. Seems like a lot of run around. Also strange is that she appears to be petite and the photo below says "spinner," yet she told this other member she was about 5'7" or 5'8". Too bad, she is a stunning muchacha.

John, you said you have sessioned with her. Any clarification here? Thank you

09-12-13, 17:17
Gents I went to Aiffe again this morning and was impressed once again with the selection. Three very slim waisted girls under 20 and a couple others that had different body types and were also young. I went with Sofia again. She is very pretty, skills are just OK, attitude is pretty nice. Take charge of the session a bit. Everything is covered though. I plan on trying Luna tomorrow, a very beautiful girl whom I spoke with briefly today.

More updates to come, enjoyWent to Aiffe yesterday around 3:30pm, based on your post, and I was pleased. I ended up selecting Luna, but I like a few others (Melissa, and someone else). My session with Luna was great. She was a sweet as can be, average face, and decent body.

In the past, and on this trip as well, I liked New Life. They tend to have 12 to 15 ladies, and I always find 4/5 to my liking. So, the odds are favorable. I was a bit concerned yesterday, since I hate walking out, but things turned out well.

One comment on the service: I usually get BBBJ and LK in exchange of a propina.

Member #4244
09-13-13, 00:14
She reappeared, apologized and rescheduled. We'll see.

Nothing major to report, I did go to an OK casa but didn't partake. I don't know the name but it's on Cra 45 with CL 58, right after you cross Argentina. Upstairs place, run by some hairy Colombian dude. 4-6 girls it seemed, decent spread.

The Tall Man
09-14-13, 02:53
Damn what a great report! Perfectly written and spot on to the tee!

The Tall Man.


The airport in Medellin is fairly well laid out no major hitches or extreme security checks, no visa tax or fee either coming or leaving.


I arranged for the Mansion to pick me up at the airport cost was around 70, 000 pesos, I looked into other options and drivers and all seemed to be charging around the same price. The drive from the airport to the Mansion was around twenty minutes give or take.

Once at the mansion I used taxis which were safe, fair and reliable, all drivers I had used their meter and cost was relatively inexpensive to get around town. The mansion will call a taxi for you and take the license plate number of the driver.


I stayed at the Mansion so the neighborhood and that part of the city was very nice clean upper scale and I felt perfectly safe.

The Mansion:

In my opinion the Mansion is the place to be in Medellin.


And I was very happy I stayed there. The place is clean safe quiet and comfortable, the staff was very attentive polite and ready to help. There is a great group of guys there, many of whom will be more than happy to show you around and teach you the ropes if it is your first time in Medellin.

I was a little apprehensive at first about staying at the Mansion, I've met mongers from Asia to the Caribbean, Central and South America who have stayed there and all had warned me about the owner Aussie Greg. I only met him once while I was there and he struck me as a polite quite hospitable guy. He seemed like a pretty nice guy to me.

The women usually start arriving around 2. M and would generally hang around the pool area or inside the front parlor until about 6. M when the bar at the Mansion La Cueva would open, then they would go down stairs to the La Cuava, many would hang around until midnight or 1:am. Some days seemed to have more girls than other days and some times seemed to have more girls than other times. Often there would be a dozen or so and at other times there may be just two or three. The girls to my knowledge do not work for the mansion but if need be they can call and invite some girls to come over and visit.

I personally thought the women at the mansion were super hot, In my opinion there was never at any time anything less than an 8 and most of the women I seen, were in my opinion in the 9 or 10 category, I was very, very, very, pleased with the quality of women I found at the Mansion and also the quality of service I received from the mansion girls.

The Mansion is located at the end of a dead end street on your right, it is a nice neighborhood, so don't worry about the dead end street. Leaving the Mansion and walking down to the corner and then turning right the next street you come to will be a major street and across the street you will find a nice shopping center McDonalds the Oviado (sp?) mall which has money exchanges in the mall that are easy to find and a super market, nice clean safe upper class area. You can also walk down to this area to pick up a taxi, as stated above I found the taxis to be safe inexpensive and reliable. A good land mark to use and one that I used when walking back to the mansion is look for the tall office building with dark aquarium green windows it is on the street you take to walk back up to the mansion.

I never found out why but it is not a good thing to talk about Mayorista (sp?) at the mansion. This was my first time in Medellin and I had read about Mayorista as well as the other monger location in Medellin and I was curious to check them out, but was told by some of the vets at the mansion not to mention that word around the staff at the Mansion.

I visited many of the monger locations in Medellin by taxi and found them to all be a relatively short cab ride from the mansion maybe ten to twenty minutes tops.

The Mansion chicas are friendly but not overly aggressive; it's not like Rumbas or D'Latin in Sosua or the Del Ray or Sportsman's in SJ. That is they do not overtly try to make eye contact with you and approach you. But all it will take is you going up to them and politely introducing yourself and asking if she would like to come back to your room. Within two minutes or less of introducing myself to a chica at the mansion I was on my way back to my room with her.

San Diego, Fase Dose:

Visited both of these strip clubs several times, there is a 10, 000 peso cover charge to enter. Both clubs were nice both had some HOT women in them and in my opinion the quality of women in both were about the same, however, Fase Dose charges more. These clubs were nice but pale in comparison to many of the gogo bars in Asia or even the Hong Kong Club in Tijuana. There are girls standing around or drinking with customers who are available to go to the back room with you, a girl will strip on stage but the show is nothing like you will find in Asia or even the HK in Tijuana, after she is done striping she will walk around to all of the customers for a tip and even ask if you want to go to the back room with here while another girl takes her turn on stage. The rooms at both places were not bad reminded me of the same type of rooms you will find in the thermas (sp?) in Rio. I received good service from the girls I took from there but always confirmed before taking them that BBBJ and DATY were on the menu at the agreed upon price. I also noticed some of the San Diego girls hanging out at the Mansion during the day time.


Visited this street once, as stated above not a good thing to mention this place at the Mansion, it is basically two blocks or so long with girls standing on one side of the street or walking up and down the street. There are some bars and restaurants and short time hotels. I felt perfectly safe there and believe the area to be perfectly safe and was a short cab ride from the Mansion. There were some attractive women there, however, many were past the expiration date and should have retired some time ago. The short time hotels were clean safe modern and the short time price was inexpensive 20, 000 pesos for the half hour. Price for the chicas was relatively inexpensive; some must have seen me as a newbie and tried quoting me $100 USA and then came down to $50 USA but most were quoting me 30, 000 to 50, 000 pesos for the half hour. As stated there are some attractive doable women there but even at the bargain basement price I found it hard to justify going when there were nine's and tens prancing around the Mansion who didn't fuck you but made love to you.


I was told before going down there is no central place to pick up P4P chicas and had read some reports that said the Mansion no longer had girls coming over to hang out. All of this is not true, however, I made several Facebook dates before coming to Medellin all of which I regret. I found once I arrived at the mansion many of the Facebook dates I made were already Mansion chicas hanging around so there was really no need to set up Facebook dates with them. The ones that were not already Mansion chicas that came over were ok but did not live up to their pictures in Facebook in my opinion and with the exception of one if I had seen them at the Mansion I probably would not of chosen them. All of the Facebook dates wanted cab money as well as the fee and none of the Facebook dates would give BBBJ all gave CBJ, whereas every Mansion chica I had gave BBBJ. In retrospect I regret making the Facebook dates and on my future trips I will skip Facebook all together.


In my opinion the women of Medellin were hot, it seemed no matter where I was I could find women I considered to be nine's and ten's. As stated above I thought the women at the Mansion were an eight or above, I thought many of the women at San Diego and Fase Dose were hot and there were some attractive women to be had on Mayorista.


At the Mansion the standard price is 150, 000 pesos for a couple hours or so, at San Diego strip club the girls seem to set their own price and I was quoted anywhere from 100, 000 pesos to 150, 000 pesos for the half hour. On Mayorista the general quote was anywhere from 30, 000 pesos to 50, 000 pesos for the half hour plus 20, 000 for the short time room.


Every Mansion girl gave me BBBJ DATY and DFK and all gave me great service. The San Diego girls also gave me great service. The Mayorista girl was a little more like a typical USA street walker in attitude or a Tijuana door girl in price, It required a tip for complete nudity and an additional tip for BBBJ.

Liquid Lounge:

Asked about it every night and tried going twice, The place was pretty slow every time I went practically no one there each time I went just a couple Mansion chicas hanging out. I don't wish ill on anyone but personally I would rather the place not be there. If successful the Mansion chicas will start hanging out there at night and not the La Cueva at the Mansion which means you will have to take a cab over there and then a cab back once you pick your chica, the way it is now the chicas are already at the Mansion all you have to do is go down stairs and pick the one you want and walk her back to your room.


Everything works in Columbian Pesos so you will have to exchange your money. The mansion does not exchange money but there are money exchanges at the Oviado mall just a block or so from the Mansion, an easy and safe walk. If you book the driver through the mansion you can ask him to stop and exchange money before he drops you off at the mansion.


I felt very safe everywhere I went, the mansion and the local neighborhood is very safe, I felt safe at Mayorista, I felt safe at the strip clubs and I felt safe being transported by the Taxis. I believe for the most part provided you don't do anything stupid or are not into stupid things Mongering in Medellin is very safe.


Spanish is the official language, I don't speak Spanish but had no problem getting around and communicating. The P4P chicas all know what you are there for and it will not be hard to come to an arrangement with them. Some of the staff at the mansion speak English and many of the Mansion vets who will take you under their wing either speak Spanish or have been around enough that they will be able to assist in anything you will need.

Final Thoughts:

I was pleasantly surprised by the Mansion, Medellin and the Columbian women. I barely scratched the surface of mongering on this trip but have already booked the flight for my return visit. Three trips to Asia a trip to Rio and countless trips to POP have given me enough points for a free trip back to MDE. I was pleased with the Mansion the quality of women available there and the service provided by them. I also liked the other P4P options available in Medellin. I was disappointed in the whole Facebook hook up thing just as I was disappointed in the DIA thing when I went to Asia and will avoid this on my future trips.


09-14-13, 04:40
Damn what a great report! Perfectly written and spot on to the tee!

The Tall Man.So you went all the way to Colombia and can't spell Colombian? I smell a rat. Here is my response.

I speak basic Spanish and can find my own ladies in town W / o paying them directly for sex. You may have felt safe but many gringos have been robbed just down the hill from the Mansion, in the Mansion and all over the city. Many gringos have also been killed. I will supply links if you want.

The Mansion or Casa Blanca is where you want to be if and only if you can't speak the language, are too lazy to find the nice women of Medellin that have jobs and may want to have a fling with a gringo or a gringo boyfriend or you like to pay $80 for a hole that has been tenderized by some other goob down the hall for the last 180 days!

IMHO I have much more fun finding a gem that looks forward to sleeping with me that she goes to the mall and buys a new pair of sexy ropa interior for me to enjoy. Can't wait till I return and sends me a full medical so I can enjoy her with no condom.


09-14-13, 12:05
She reappeared, apologized and rescheduled. We'll see.

Nothing major to report, I did go to an OK casa but didn't partake. I don't know the name but it's on Cra 45 with CL 58, right after you cross Argentina. Upstairs place, run by some hairy Colombian dude. 4-6 girls it seemed, decent spread.A general heads up about flaky chicas. They have lives too.

It's not like in the Philippines, Costa Rica, Dominican, and Panama; the girls have lives at home in Colombia and that makes it hard to schedule and to keep an a time table. When they're at a "working girl-town" it just work so they can stay on schedule. Here they have the kid, some loser boyfriend, family demands, schools, regular dates, traffic is a monster, and every other weekend is a freaking holiday. I'm not condoning this type of behavior but I can understand. I am in sales for both my jobs and the running around I do is mind blowing! I need my oil changed like ever other week! LOL! Trust me it's hard to keep a time table when you're at the mercy of other factors.

Member #4244
09-14-13, 16:48
Street action in San Diego, Laura, an 18 year old with a pretty face and one kid, solid service and attitude. Has a tat that says LUCIANA on her back, pretty easy to spot as a young, pretty girl with dark hair and a bit taller than most. 50K full service, you can negotiate whatever with her I "imagine."

09-14-13, 19:09
For the last 6 mo? Some have been at it 5/10 years

Member #4244
09-14-13, 19:40
A general heads up about flaky chicas. They have lives too.

It's not like in the Philippines, Costa Rica, Dominican, and Panama; the girls have lives at home in Colombia and that makes it hard to schedule and to keep an a time table. When they're at a "working girl-town" it just work so they can stay on schedule. Here they have the kid, some loser boyfriend, family demands, schools, regular dates, traffic is a monster, and every other weekend is a freaking holiday. I'm not condoning this type of behavior but I can understand. I am in sales for both my jobs and the running around I do is mind blowing! I need my oil changed like ever other week! LOL! Trust me it's hard to keep a time table when you're at the mercy of other factors.Dude, I used to live here, I know how life is. If you can't make it on time, that's expected, can't make it once, OK, but if you're consistently flaky then it doesn't matter the reason why, it's just a matter of moving on to someone more dependable.

As far as the other comment about the guy who made the report being a "rat" (you didn't make it, I know) , that seems a little harsh. I have had a lot of luck with a variety of types of girls here, but not everyone spends weeks on end or months or years here. If you're only here for a week, you want something reliable. I think people are getting a little deep into their own perspective here. Just my two cents.

09-14-13, 23:25
The Mansion or casa Blanca is where you want to be if and only if you can't speak the language, are too lazy to find the nice women of Medellin that have jobs and may want to have a fling with a gringo or a gringo boyfriend or you like to pay $80 for a hole that has been tenderized by some other goob down the hall for the last 180 days!

IMHO I have much more fun finding a gem that looks forward to sleeping with me that she goes to the mall and buys a new pair of sexy ropa interior for me to enjoy. Can't wait till I return and sends me a full medical so I can enjoy her with no condom. Thanks!Seems once every month someone comes up w / a gem like this, can't wait for next month's brilliant quote. The guys has 2 post and pretty much insulting every monger here. You want us to be be like you, quite FOS, but then what would you have to write about then?

09-15-13, 00:04
So the 8 days are over and I powered thru some great nookie and some average nookie. The mansion girls were good for the most part but there were a few "so so" nights where the talent went south. I enjoy the Mayorista a couple of nights, I like that scene quite a bit, the energy and blasting salsa, way cool. Both LM ladies I saw were gems in their own way. The strip clubs were "so so" in El Centro and later in the week hooked up w / good ole, Wilt the Stilt in Botero Plaza, had a brew and talked shop. Very nice respectful dude and lucky to have so much Medellin time.

Spent one night w / Geraldine and she was the winner of the week w / a stupendous display of nastiness that I prefer. Most of the mansion ladies are a bit scripted and predictable but if you prime them up a bit these chicas get better in la cama, some mansion ladies are all business tho and don't drink. I had quite a few great performances because it's fiesta time w / me, half the ladies are into fiesta time and that's the best action for me.

There were also some stupid chicas who either created vendettas against me (made appts w / no intention of showing so they could wreck my night or something) or outright lied to get into my habitacion. Outside I spot this huge titted chica named Nicol, wearing a dress that emphasized her tits. I took her to my room. And got into the sex only to find out she had just had surgery on her tits and "the said tits' were not to be touched and or freed from the industrial sport bra. So I had to bite the bullet and find my way thru the session w / out screaming at her. What a fucking rip-off, strutting her tits at the mansion and not warning the monger they are not on the menu this night. Total rip-off this Nicol was, I was dying to have her tits but of course I assume they are up for grabs when I get her home. So there are some underhanded chicas at the mansion and they should be barred from the gringos when they rip-off the guys.

The trip was a success except that I took Hector's advice on my return flight home. When at the end of my first day we made plans for him to pick me up at the Castile for a 6am flight to El Salvador at 4:30am. I didn't realize that his advice was wrong and that I needed to be at the airport at 4:00am. I missed my scheduled flight, lost $200 to the airlines, $100 for another night at HMP2 and the transportation cost $70, plus a free day at home before my work week starts. Not even a sorry from Hector, what a great guy. I've always used him and have always tipped him and his advice on when to be picked up has always been perfect until this trip where he cost me almost $400. He lost my business and my selling of his services, not even a sorry from him, just 70,000p.

Oh well, I would post some pics but this forum frowns on that sort of thing. Medellin has lost a little appeal for me but there are some wonderful working girls there and the HMP staff is awesome and always helpful.

09-15-13, 01:48
So you went all the way to Colombia and can't spell Colombian? I smell a rat. Here is my response.

I speak basic Spanish and can find my own ladies in town W / o paying them directly for sex. You may have felt safe but many gringos have been robbed just down the hill from the Mansion, in the Mansion and all over the city. Many gringos have also been killed. I will supply links if you want.

The Mansion or casa Blanca is where you want to be if and only if you can't speak the language, are too lazy to find the nice women of Medellin that have jobs and may want to have a fling with a gringo or a gringo boyfriend or you like to pay $80 for a hole that has been tenderized by some other goob down the hall for the last 180 days!

IMHO I have much more fun finding a gem that looks forward to sleeping with me that she goes to the mall and buys a new pair of sexy ropa interior for me to enjoy. Can't wait till I return and sends me a full medical so I can enjoy her with no condom. Thanks!That's fine and dandy, but really not relevant for guys that are down there for a week or less. Not enough time to develop something with non-pros.

09-15-13, 02:01
Really want to go to Cali & Medellin but need wingman that's experienced there, or that speaks Spanish. I'm set to go both places a couple of weeks before Christmas, but going solo so if I can't find anyone. I may have to go somewhere else like DR (where its safer). Please let me know if anyone is available or can advise me on any suggestions. Looking preferably for younger late 20s / early 30s (or older guys that can keep up LOL) if possible.

Thanks guys!

09-15-13, 02:53
You can tell he has been around here for a while, but has multiple handles, and is using this one to antagonize.You should know Ricardo, because you are him. Why don't you trolls go to, say, the Argentina forum?

09-15-13, 06:12
Chris, this was an excellent report! Thanks for taking the time to write it, full of good, detailed info.

However, I would like to report on my own experience with Facebook that was different from yours. I just got home tonight after spending 10 days in Medellin, with my wingman socker. This was also my 2nd trip, having been there last March for 2 weeks. The last time I was there, I found it fairly difficult to connect with the popular chicas at the cueva. Think Wendy, Yamii, Angelina , Geraldine , Tatiana, etc. Every time one of them was at the cueva, she would be surrounded by several mongers, making it difficult to approach her, for a newbie like me. I found it much easier to schedule a session with them via Facebook, and I was fairly successful, despite the flaking I experienced with some of them. They are terrible at conducting business, always late, missing appointments without bothering to contact you. Despite all that, I had fun. I just made sure to have a plan B every time I made an appointment.


The airport in Medellin is fairly well laid out no major hitches or extreme security checks, no visa tax or fee either coming or leaving.


I arranged for the Mansion to pick me up at the airport cost was around 70, 000 pesos, I looked into other options and drivers and all seemed to be charging around the same price. The drive from the airport to the Mansion was around twenty minutes give or take.

Once at the mansion I used taxis which were safe, fair and reliable, all drivers I had used their meter and cost was relatively inexpensive to get around town. The mansion will call a taxi for you and take the license plate number of the driver.


I stayed at the Mansion so the neighborhood and that part of the city was very nice clean upper scale and I felt perfectly safe.

The Mansion:

In my opinion the Mansion is the place to be in Medellin.


And I was very happy I stayed there. The place is clean safe quiet and comfortable, the staff was very attentive polite and ready to help. There is a great group of guys there, many of whom will be more than happy to show you around and teach you the ropes if it is your first time in Medellin.

I was a little apprehensive at first about staying at the Mansion, I've met mongers from Asia to the Caribbean, Central and South America who have stayed there and all had warned me about the owner Aussie Greg. I only met him once while I was there and he struck me as a polite quite hospitable guy. He seemed like a pretty nice guy to me.

The women usually start arriving around 2. M and would generally hang around the pool area or inside the front parlor until about 6. M when the bar at the Mansion La Cueva would open, then they would go down stairs to the La Cuava, many would hang around until midnight or 1:am. Some days seemed to have more girls than other days and some times seemed to have more girls than other times. Often there would be a dozen or so and at other times there may be just two or three. The girls to my knowledge do not work for the mansion but if need be they can call and invite some girls to come over and visit.

I personally thought the women at the mansion were super hot, In my opinion there was never at any time anything less than an 8 and most of the women I seen, were in my opinion in the 9 or 10 category, I was very, very, very, pleased with the quality of women I found at the Mansion and also the quality of service I received from the mansion girls.

The Mansion is located at the end of a dead end street on your right, it is a nice neighborhood, so don't worry about the dead end street. Leaving the Mansion and walking down to the corner and then turning right the next street you come to will be a major street and across the street you will find a nice shopping center McDonalds the Oviado (sp?) mall which has money exchanges in the mall that are easy to find and a super market, nice clean safe upper class area. You can also walk down to this area to pick up a taxi, as stated above I found the taxis to be safe inexpensive and reliable. A good land mark to use and one that I used when walking back to the mansion is look for the tall office building with dark aquarium green windows it is on the street you take to walk back up to the mansion.

I never found out why but it is not a good thing to talk about Mayorista (sp?) at the mansion. This was my first time in Medellin and I had read about Mayorista as well as the other monger location in Medellin and I was curious to check them out, but was told by some of the vets at the mansion not to mention that word around the staff at the Mansion.

I visited many of the monger locations in Medellin by taxi and found them to all be a relatively short cab ride from the mansion maybe ten to twenty minutes tops.

The Mansion chicas are friendly but not overly aggressive; it's not like Rumbas or D'Latin in Sosua or the Del Ray or Sportsman's in SJ. That is they do not overtly try to make eye contact with you and approach you. But all it will take is you going up to them and politely introducing yourself and asking if she would like to come back to your room. Within two minutes or less of introducing myself to a chica at the mansion I was on my way back to my room with her.

San Diego, Fase Dose:

Visited both of these strip clubs several times, there is a 10, 000 peso cover charge to enter. Both clubs were nice both had some HOT women in them and in my opinion the quality of women in both were about the same, however, Fase Dose charges more. These clubs were nice but pale in comparison to many of the gogo bars in Asia or even the Hong Kong Club in Tijuana. There are girls standing around or drinking with customers who are available to go to the back room with you, a girl will strip on stage but the show is nothing like you will find in Asia or even the HK in Tijuana, after she is done striping she will walk around to all of the customers for a tip and even ask if you want to go to the back room with here while another girl takes her turn on stage. The rooms at both places were not bad reminded me of the same type of rooms you will find in the thermas (sp?) in Rio. I received good service from the girls I took from there but always confirmed before taking them that BBBJ and DATY were on the menu at the agreed upon price. I also noticed some of the San Diego girls hanging out at the Mansion during the day time.


Visited this street once, as stated above not a good thing to mention this place at the Mansion, it is basically two blocks or so long with girls standing on one side of the street or walking up and down the street. There are some bars and restaurants and short time hotels. I felt perfectly safe there and believe the area to be perfectly safe and was a short cab ride from the Mansion. There were some attractive women there, however, many were past the expiration date and should have retired some time ago. The short time hotels were clean safe modern and the short time price was inexpensive 20, 000 pesos for the half hour. Price for the chicas was relatively inexpensive; some must have seen me as a newbie and tried quoting me $100 USA and then came down to $50 USA but most were quoting me 30, 000 to 50, 000 pesos for the half hour. As stated there are some attractive doable women there but even at the bargain basement price I found it hard to justify going when there were nine's and tens prancing around the Mansion who didn't fuck you but made love to you.


I was told before going down there is no central place to pick up P4P chicas and had read some reports that said the Mansion no longer had girls coming over to hang out. All of this is not true, however, I made several Facebook dates before coming to Medellin all of which I regret. I found once I arrived at the mansion many of the Facebook dates I made were already Mansion chicas hanging around so there was really no need to set up Facebook dates with them. The ones that were not already Mansion chicas that came over were ok but did not live up to their pictures in Facebook in my opinion and with the exception of one if I had seen them at the Mansion I probably would not of chosen them. All of the Facebook dates wanted cab money as well as the fee and none of the Facebook dates would give BBBJ all gave CBJ, whereas every Mansion chica I had gave BBBJ. In retrospect I regret making the Facebook dates and on my future trips I will skip Facebook all together.


In my opinion the women of Medellin were hot, it seemed no matter where I was I could find women I considered to be nine's and ten's. As stated above I thought the women at the Mansion were an eight or above, I thought many of the women at San Diego and Fase Dose were hot and there were some attractive women to be had on Mayorista.


At the Mansion the standard price is 150, 000 pesos for a couple hours or so, at San Diego strip club the girls seem to set their own price and I was quoted anywhere from 100, 000 pesos to 150, 000 pesos for the half hour. On Mayorista the general quote was anywhere from 30, 000 pesos to 50, 000 pesos for the half hour plus 20, 000 for the short time room.


Every Mansion girl gave me BBBJ DATY and DFK and all gave me great service. The San Diego girls also gave me great service. The Mayorista girl was a little more like a typical USA street walker in attitude or a Tijuana door girl in price, It required a tip for complete nudity and an additional tip for BBBJ.

Liquid Lounge:

Asked about it every night and tried going twice, The place was pretty slow every time I went practically no one there each time I went just a couple Mansion chicas hanging out. I don't wish ill on anyone but personally I would rather the place not be there. If successful the Mansion chicas will start hanging out there at night and not the La Cueva at the Mansion which means you will have to take a cab over there and then a cab back once you pick your chica, the way it is now the chicas are already at the Mansion all you have to do is go down stairs and pick the one you want and walk her back to your room.


Everything works in Columbian Pesos so you will have to exchange your money. The mansion does not exchange money but there are money exchanges at the Oviado mall just a block or so from the Mansion, an easy and safe walk. If you book the driver through the mansion you can ask him to stop and exchange money before he drops you off at the mansion.


I felt very safe everywhere I went, the mansion and the local neighborhood is very safe, I felt safe at Mayorista, I felt safe at the strip clubs and I felt safe being transported by the Taxis. I believe for the most part provided you don't do anything stupid or are not into stupid things Mongering in Medellin is very safe.


Spanish is the official language, I don't speak Spanish but had no problem getting around and communicating. The P4P chicas all know what you are there for and it will not be hard to come to an arrangement with them. Some of the staff at the mansion speak English and many of the Mansion vets who will take you under their wing either speak Spanish or have been around enough that they will be able to assist in anything you will need.

Final Thoughts:

I was pleasantly surprised by the Mansion, Medellin and the Columbian women. I barely scratched the surface of mongering on this trip but have already booked the flight for my return visit. Three trips to Asia a trip to Rio and countless trips to POP have given me enough points for a free trip back to MDE. I was pleased with the Mansion the quality of women available there and the service provided by them. I also liked the other P4P options available in Medellin. I was disappointed in the whole Facebook hook up thing just as I was disappointed in the DIA thing when I went to Asia and will avoid this on my future trips.


Vegas Jeff
09-15-13, 09:02
A general heads up about flaky chicas. They have lives too.

It's not like in the Philippines, Costa Rica, Dominican, and Panama; the girls have lives at home in Colombia and that makes it hard to schedule and to keep an a time table. When they're at a "working girl-town" it just work so they can stay on schedule. Here they have the kid, some loser boyfriend, family demands, schools, regular dates, traffic is a monster, and every other weekend is a freaking holiday.Your point about the traveling girls being organized I agree with but the local girls having lives as an excuse I don't. Imagine you had to be somewhere at a certain time and needed a babysitter. You would get it done without regularly being late. The girls who work regular jobs are always on time. Working girls just prioritize meeting a foreigner differently. If you look at the lives of these girls it is filled with disfunction. It is almost like dealing with children sometimes.

09-15-13, 16:36
The trip was a success except that I took Hector's advice on my return flight home. When at the end of my first day we made plans for him to pick me up at the Castile for a 6am flight to El Salvador at 4:30am. I didn't realize that his advice was wrong and that I needed to be at the airport at 4:00am. I missed my scheduled flight, lost $200 to the airlines, $100 for another night at HMP2 and the transportation cost $70, plus a free day at home before my work week starts. Not even a sorry from Hector, what a great guy. I've always used him and have always tipped him and his advice on when to be picked up has always been perfect until this trip where he cost me almost $400. He lost my business and my selling of his services, not even a sorry from him, just 70, 000p.I hear ya Socker, however, the whole Hector thing must have been a misunderstanding between you two.

It seems like he believed you were taking a domestic flight maybe, and still you may have been running a bit late.

Honestly though, we're big boys here.

World traveling girly chasers.

To think you could leave the Castillo at 0430, for about a 30-40 minute ride to the airport, and be OK for an international flight at 0600 is just naive really.

Some thinking is required.

Don't mean to knock you, but Hector is and has been a great guy ever since I've known him, for many years now.

It had to be a misunderstanding and especially if making that flight was that critical, perhaps the light bulb should have popped on in your cabeza too.

Good luck amigo.

09-15-13, 17:43
Trip advice on how to extend your dollar.

Airport: A taxi to Poblado will cost you $56K, but you can always take a shared bus which runs every 30 min from

Airport to Santa Fe area and take a cab back to your Apt, you can just pay $5K for bus and $5K for the cab and save $46K.

Do not change your money at the airport if you can, just change the bare min needed to get home.

Buy duty fee liquor at the airport, liquor can be expensive in the stores.

Money Exchange: Cash is the king, gring cash if you can, you will not get a good rate from the ATM, usally you can get a 10 to 20 peso difference for every dollar.

For 1000 dollars you end up saving 20K. Best place to change is in Lleras near calle 10 & carrera 38, they usually are 10 peso higher than Oviado or Santa fe.

Always check the daily rate http://www.unicambios.com.co/home.html

Safety: It is not worth loosing stuff, always put your stuff in a locker, it is very easy to loose stuff and money in Medellin. Girls can mix drugs in your drink and you en.

End up gettign kocked out. Always put your stuff away, carry bare min cash and a cheap phone. Never walk alone at night, walk only in high traffic areas.

Timing: Avoid peak times such as July 4th, Labor day, Halloween, Thanks giving etc, one you end up paying higher airline fare, second the hotels and apartments also will be expensive.

You also are competing with other gringos for the girls. If you go during non peak days, you pay less for hotels, air and you get quality girls for less.

The Jan to March and Sep to First week of Nov are the cheapest months to travel.

Place: Stay close to metro or any place close to a main streat or close to lleras. You end up paying less for the cabs, paying for cabs can really pinch your wallet, some.

Of the girls will come from Bello, Copacabna, Robledo etc and the taxi can cost 25K, ask the girls to take the metro and then catch a cab back to your place.

Shop around for the best apartment, craigs list has a lot of apartment postings.

Girls: Typical pro will charge you 150K for 2 to 3 hours, Fase II girls are $180K for 1 hour, Mansion / Liquid girls are $150K, El centro MPs are about $70K for one hour. The quality of the girls at

Fase II and Energy has been very good. I try to balance between pro and non pros. I guess we need both.

The cheapest way is to go for non pros and semi pros, if you get lucky you can just pay $50K for entire night, or just pay for the taxi and a small gift. If you are decent looking and speak some Spanish you can score with local regular girls.

Find some good dating sites such as http://www.Romancelatina.com And cupid, amorlatina usually they run free promotions, google for free promo codes and get as many contacts as you can, the girls in Medellin can be really busy, with school, work, night life etc, expect to make face to face contact with only 10% of contacts you have. FB is good, but.

Is limited in search capablities and it takes time to develop and add new friends, it is better to start with dating site where you can slice and dice get fast contacts

And then develop the relations on FB. They are both free and can be complimentary.

Also look for free party invitations on the web.

What to bring: Buy duty free liquor, bring cheap perfumes and gifts from US, they will come very handy. Just look for sales in CVS, WalMart etc, buy cheap $5 perfumes as gifts.

Girls will love it and give you hugs and kisses for free.

Attached are photos of some regular girls I met during my trip and I only paid for the taxi and some gifts.

09-15-13, 19:34
I hear ya Socker, however, the whole Hector thing must have been a misunderstanding between you two.

It seems like he believed you were taking a domestic flight maybe, and still you may have been running a bit late.

Honestly though, we're big boys here.

World traveling girly chasers.

To think you could leave the Castillo at 0430, for about a 30-40 minute ride to the airport, and be OK for an international flight at 0600 is just naive really.

Some thinking is required.

Don't mean to knock you, but Hector is and has been a great guy ever since I've known him, for many years now.

It had to be a misunderstanding and especially if making that flight was that critical, perhaps the light bulb should have popped on in your cabeza too.

Good luck amigo.You are correct I have the final say so in the end it is my fault for taking bad advice after a full day of traveling. I accepted his bad advice while I was tired and it bit me, you are correct, my mistake. But w / Hector there is very little friendliness, it's all business. I have used him 5 times and every time except one he's been accurate, and he doesn't admit his mistake this time. That's not my style, if I accidentally screw somebody I am very contrite about it and would offer some consolation, so that's what I don't like about the mistake. It's water under the bridge now and I will try to use other transportation in the future. I like kind understanding people who can admit a mistake, he's a bit of a machine. I appreciate your opinion, thanks. Sitting here in my apt in SF I am totally lost, jaja, I need time to adjust.

Legal Tender
09-15-13, 21:10
So the 8 days are over and I powered thru some great nookie and some average nookie.

There were also some stupid chicas who either created vendettas against me (made appts w / no intention of showing so they could wreck my night or something) or outright lied to get into my habitacion. Outside I spot this huge titted chica named Nicol, wearing a dress that emphasized her tits. I took her to my room. And got into the sex only to find out she had just had surgery on her tits and "the said tits' were not to be touched and or freed from the industrial sport bra. So I had to bite the bullet and find my way thru the session w / out screaming at her. What a fucking rip-off, strutting her tits at the mansion and not warning the monger they are not on the menu this night. Total rip-off this Nicol was, I was dying to have her tits but of course I assume they are up for grabs when I get her home. So there are some underhanded chicas at the mansion and they should be barred from the gringos when they rip-off the guys.

The trip was a success except that I took Hector's advice on my return flight home. When at the end of my first day we made plans for him to pick me up at the Castile for a 6am flight to El Salvador at 4:30am. I didn't realize that his advice was wrong and that I needed to be at the airport at 4:00am. I missed my scheduled flight, lost $200 to the airlines, $100 for another night at HMP2 and the transportation cost $70, plus a free day at home before my work week starts. Not even a sorry from Hector, what a great guy. I've always used him and have always tipped him and his advice on when to be picked up has always been perfect until this trip where he cost me almost $400. He lost my business and my selling of his services, not even a sorry from him, just 70, 000p.

Oh well, I would post some pics but this forum frowns on that sort of thing. Medellin has lost a little appeal for me. .I don't understand why anyone would chose to react in such an unproductive way. We can't control what situations we find ourselves facing, but we do chose our reactions. Nicoi was not prepared for sex work. A gentle statement to her that she would have to go, with offer of a few pesos for transportation would have resolved the problem, with no drama. As far as Hector is concerned, Hector shows up when he's told. It's our responsibility to to decide when we leave to go to the airport. Now, if a driver didn't show up on time, that's a different issue. We should take responsibility for those choices that our ultimately ours.

I'm sorry that Medellin and the girls there have lost some appeal for you. With all kindness, I suggest that if you return with a mindset that these girls are not just "nookie" the bloom will be back on the rose. You'll have a better time, and a much better memory.

Only good energy, remember that, por favor.

09-15-13, 21:57
This obviously had to be your first international flight, so I presume you arrived either by boat or slogged it across the darien gap, I would be interested to hear about your trip to Colombia.

09-15-13, 22:39
Believe it or not, it is easy to find good looking women in Medellin and tough to find men to hang out.

I am coming alone, renting an apartment close to Parque LLeras. My girlfriend has lot of friends and she always asking me to introduce my friends to her friends.

Unfortunately I do not have any friends in Medellin as I fly solo most of the time.

If anyone would like to party, hangout and meet cute girls please I'm me, I will be in Medellin from Oct 28th to Nov 1st.

There is not charge all the drinks are on me.

I appreciate if you can send me an I'm, please send me your local phone and email.

09-15-13, 22:53
So my first experience of Medellin was mid August. WOW was it complete opposite of Barranquilla as basically everyone told me it would be. I love this place. Was not hot as Quilla and the women, WOW. Que Bonitas. I met my girl and we stayed in El Poblado. Very nice area and it was only a block or two to Sante Fe mall. That mall was amazing. Went to the movies and even though it was in Spanish it was still enjoyable. I'm still young hearted so I also enjoyed the arcade next to it.

I never got a chance to really explore much of the casas or massage parlors. I was only in Medellin for 3 days and it wasnt long enough. I already bought my ticket to return in January. This time I'm there for 10 days. I'm saving money by staying with my girl in her place so I should have the ability to party a little more. Though of you that want to go and explore along with your sexcapades, the metrocable was fun. Took it up the mountain to visit my girls family. Awesome views.

Now, how the heck do I find all these facebook chicas you are all discussing? It would be nice to network a little prior to my visit. I found one that was mentioned on here but her friend list is too full to add others and she never reads her emails. Looks pretty damn hot though. Besides her, not sure how to search for others and if it is worth trying to communicate prior to my next trip.

Love the site, love the stories, and hoping my next trip gives me some stories and info of my own to share. I didn't see many older gringos anywhere I was. I kinda stood out. I'm a 36 yro white american that speaks Spanish and I thought I would see more my age or older but none.

09-15-13, 23:01

In my opinion the Mansion is the place to be in Medellin.


And I was very happy I stayed there. The place is clean safe quiet and comfortable, the staff was very attentive polite and ready to help. There is a great group of guys there, many of whom will be more than happy to show you around and teach you the ropes if it is your first time in Medellin.

I was a little apprehensive at first about staying at the Mansion, I've met mongers from Asia to the Caribbean, Central and South America who have stayed there and all had warned me about the owner Aussie Greg. I only met him once while I was there and he struck me as a polite quite hospitable guy. He seemed like a pretty nice guy to me.

The women usually start arriving around 2. M and would generally hang around the pool area or inside the front parlor until about 6. M when the bar at the Mansion La Cueva would open, then they would go down stairs to the La Cuava, many would hang around until midnight or 1:am. Some days seemed to have more girls than other days and some times seemed to have more girls than other times. Often there would be a dozen or so and at other times there may be just two or three. The girls to my knowledge do not work for the mansion but if need be they can call and invite some girls to come over and visit.

I personally thought the women at the mansion were super hot, In my opinion there was never at any time anything less than an 8 and most of the women I seen, were in my opinion in the 9 or 10 category, I was very, very, very, pleased with the quality of women I found at the Mansion and also the quality of service I received from the mansion girls.

The Mansion chicas are friendly but not overly aggressive; it's not like Rumbas or D'Latin in Sosua or the Del Ray or Sportsman's in SJ. That is they do not overtly try to make eye contact with you and approach you. But all it will take is you going up to them and politely introducing yourself and asking if she would like to come back to your room. Within two minutes or less of introducing myself to a chica at the mansion I was on my way back to my room with her...Thanks Chris this a great report and helps with newbs like me. My mongering experience is limited to DR (and Cuba) , and this time around.

I was looking between CR and Colombia, Colombia now the front runner!

I prefer GFE rather than a quick in and out and it seems the Medellin girls at the Hotel Medellin (Mansion) are the best for this.

Few questions, hoping anyone can help.

1. How similar is the mansion to say blackbeards in DR; are the chicas more freelancers or there is a mamasan you can talk to if any issues? How late until are the Chicas there? I like the idea of taking a girl in the room jacuzzi as I did in the outdoor jacuzzi in DR.

2. I prefer slender and tall girls to the more 'gordita' type, but from my research it appears Colombian girls are more the gordita-type, big ass / breasts. Can I find a good mix of girls or slender / tall available (and is this what you mean by 9/10?) but I really need to search? How much for TLN with mansion girls and can you Shots on goal as many times as you want? At blackbeards in DR, twice was the rule with TLN (though I found a few were fine with more, given a propina)

3. This Mayorista place, could it compare with D'Latin and Rumba in that it's the same style of freelancers for pickup? Can I bring them back to the mansion? I know this last question is strange, bringing back girls to a place with more girls. But I found in DR I could work multi-day deals with ones I 'clicked' with, $140 for two nights with a real DR J-Lo look-alike 9 hottie, etc.

4. How was the food at the Mansion and in Colombia in general? The food at Blackbeards was quite good, significant drop in quality everywhere else in the DR. Yes I am there for girls but let's face it, a nice steak after a fuckathon hits the spot!


09-16-13, 01:01
I hear ya Socker, however, the whole Hector thing must have been a misunderstanding between you two.

It seems like he believed you were taking a domestic flight maybe, and still you may have been running a bit late.

Honestly though, we're big boys here.

World traveling girly chasers.

To think you could leave the Castillo at 0430, for about a 30-40 minute ride to the airport, and be OK for an international flight at 0600 is just naive really.

Some thinking is required.

Don't mean to knock you, but Hector is and has been a great guy ever since I've known him, for many years now.

It had to be a misunderstanding and especially if making that flight was that critical, perhaps the light bulb should have popped on in your cabeza too.

Good luck amigo.I don't post here often (if at all) , but I have been to Medellin many times in the last 2 years and have used the Mansion's transportation services each time. With respect to Hector, it must have been a misunderstanding, he is one of the most trustworthy people I have met in Medellin. I don't know what happened in this situation, but my guess it was a misunderstanding.

Mr Gogo
09-16-13, 04:29
I've been to all the places you mentioned, so let me give my opinion. I'm guessing by the places that you mention that you haven't done your Spanish homework, thats why you talk about point and click places LOL. The mansion and Black beards are structured for guys that want the easiest route and who usually don't speak Spanish.

I see you also want GFE. I guess at point and click places that means cuddling after sex and a steak dinner. Its good that you understand that point and click places usually offer over night GFE, then she is on to the next guy. I have seen guys fall in love and marry Black beards chicas only to be single in Black beards 2 years later, heart broken.

Mayorista is nothing like D'Latins. Mayorista is seedy and grimy, sort of like its own world. But there is pussy there, just wasn't my spot and they are freelancers. D'Latins is a little better but the tricks are now fucking on an hourly basis. GFE can be had there but luckily I have spots in Puerto Plata and Santo Domingo. The mansion will suit your needs because the girls are sweet. Cuba was the spot for a real GFE but spanish is a must. Take Costa Rica off your list.

Didn't see many fat girls in Colombia, don't know where you got that from. In fact I thought Colombia had the most beautiful women in the world, but now I'm hooked on the Cubanas natural beauty.

Here is a little advice; Get your own place away from the "sex resorts" and branch out and pick your own girls, instead of being offered a limited lineup where you share girls with the boys. But first do your Spanish homework bro.

Good luck.

09-16-13, 05:35

Don't worry about any gorditas with big asses and tits. You will be in skinny-bytch heaven at the mansion. That's mostly what the owners there like and invite over, which is why I haven't been back.

A lot of the questions you are asking have been answered a million times already. Just read some of the recent reports and go back to posts between the 2011-2012 time frame.

I have been to the DR 6 time and trust me when I tell you there is very little comparison; like apples to oranges. You are talking about D'Latins which is in Sosua, and Medellin is nothing like Sosua.

BUT: Liquid Lounge would be very similar to D'Latins. But as you can see from the few reports about the place it still has not gotten off the ground just yet. Most guys go there and just end up leaving and walking over to Fase Dos (a strip club).

(The last Newsletter Liquid Lounge send out was muy caliente though :)

Also, you probably do not want to be bringing any chica you met in Mayorista back to your hotel room. Use the short-term love motels in that area. Last thing you want is for her to relay to her "handlers" how rich you are (laptop, smartphone where you are staying, etc.).

Param Ahmad
09-16-13, 05:45
A recent Friday night in Medellin I decided to check out Liquid Lounge, Calle 26A, #43F-72 about 10 pm and was the only customer. There were about four girls, none especially great looking. One of them quoted me 150, 000 Colombian pesos for one hour at my hotel. She said there are no private rooms at Liquid Lounge, so it is apparently solely a "take-out" sort of place. If Liquid Lounge usually has so few customers I won't be surprised if Liquid Lounge isn't around a year or two from now.

I continued on to Fase II. It was now well after 10 pm. I looked around a few times and counted the number of women, counting as many as 26. Again I found none tempting.

A taxi driver took me to Luna Lunera on Avenida 33 where there were probably twice as many women as Fase II, but none looked good to me, probably in part because I like thinner women than all but one I saw, and that one wasn't otherwise attractive.

I walked across Avenida 33 to 64-198 Avenida 33, which was (past tense) the location of Abydos. I thought it might be worth a look because it was one of only two places I've found a sufficiently attractive woman in such places in Medellin in the past. It appeared to be closed. A man on the sidewalk, seeing me checking the place out, told me Abydos has closed. A Google Advanced Search for Abydos limited to internationalsexguide (dot) info yielded no reports about the closing of Abydos. Can anybody report whether it is closed temporarily or permanently or if it only moved to a different location?

There are pretty women in Medellin, Colombia, but in my experience you seldom will find one offering herself for an hour for a price. On the other hand, if you like moderately chubby girl-next-door types, you'll save a lot of money in Medellin compared to lots of other parts of the world, but then if you are satisfied with such women, you probably don't need to be paying for sex in the first place.

09-16-13, 05:48
Love the site, love the stories, and hoping my next trip gives me some stories and info of my own to share. I didn't see many older gringos anywhere I was. I kinda stood out. I'm a 36 yro white american that speaks Spanish and I thought I would see more my age or older but none.Next time you go take a trip up and down Calle 10 and also check out Parque Lleras. They won't be hard to spot in their shorts and flip flops.

I saw a lot of young people there last month. On my way to lunch on Sunday I got stopped by two young cute American chicks (they asked me if I spoke English, but they could tell my ass was American too, LOL). Her husband had moved down there to teach English.

And what were these two cuties stopping me for? They were passing out pamphlets about giving your life to Christ :-/

09-16-13, 06:22
A recent Friday night in Medellin I decided to check out Liquid Lounge, Calle 26A, #43F-72 about 10 pm and was the only customer. There were about four girls, none especially great looking. One of them quoted me 150, 000 Colombian pesos for one hour at my hotel. She said there are no private rooms at Liquid Lounge, so it is apparently solely a "take-out" sort of place. If Liquid Lounge usually has so few customers I won't be surprised if Liquid Lounge isn't around a year or two from now.

I continued on to Fase II. It was now well after 10 pm. I looked around a few times and counted the number of women, counting as many as 26. Again I found none tempting.

A taxi driver took me to Luna Lunera on Avenida 33 where there were probably twice as many women as Fase II, but none looked good to me, probably in part because I like thinner women than all but one I saw, and that one wasn't otherwise attractive...I agree with you Param about not finding too many attractive girls at Fase II. I was there not too long ago, and found that most of the girls.

Were average looking, some had decent bodies, due to their implants. Many looked like they had hight mileage. I found that the places in Bogota such as Lalos, Casanovas, had a much better looking assortment of women than any place in Medellin. Although, I cannot speak for the Medellin Mansion. Will have to check that out.

Also, when you say "you seldom will find one offering herself for an hour for a price", I don't quite understand what you are referring to.

Because Fase II definitely is only short time. 1 hr with the girls. Can you or someone else please elaborate on this?


09-16-13, 06:36
There are pretty women in Medellin, Colombia, but in my experience you seldom will find one offering herself for an hour for a price. On the other hand, if you like moderately chubby girl-next-door types, you'll save a lot of money in Medellin compared to lots of other parts of the world, but then if you are satisfied with such women, you probably don't need to be paying for sex in the first place.I just got back from a 14-day mongering trip in Medellin, and I found plenty of pretty women, offering themselves for a price of 150K pesos, at the Mansion or through FB. These women were not chubby at all, but rather slim. Of course, it is possible that what I consider pretty may not appeal to you.

09-16-13, 06:57
I walked across Avenida 33 to 64-198 Avenida 33, which was (past tense) the location of Abydos. I thought it might be worth a look because it was one of only two places I've found a sufficiently attractive woman in such places in Medellin in the past. It appeared to be closed. A man on the sidewalk, seeing me checking the place out, told me Abydos has closed. A Google Advanced Search for Abydos limited to internationalsexguide (dot) info yielded no reports about the closing of Abydos. Can anybody report whether it is closed temporarily or permanently or if it only moved to a different location?Abydos is a daytime casa.

Try it again during daylight hours and I'm sure it will be operating as normal.

Member #4244
09-16-13, 07:06
a recent friday night in medellin i decided to check out liquid lounge, calle 26a, #43f-72 about 10 pm and was the only customer. there were about four girls, none especially great looking. one of them quoted me 150, 000 colombian pesos for one hour at my hotel. she said there are no private rooms at liquid lounge, so it is apparently solely a "take-out" sort of place. if liquid lounge usually has so few customers i won't be surprised if liquid lounge isn't around a year or two from now.

i continued on to fase ii. it was now well after 10 pm. i looked around a few times and counted the number of women, counting as many as 26. again i found none tempting.

a taxi driver took me to luna lunera on avenida 33 where there were probably twice as many women as fase ii, but none looked good to me, probably in part because i like thinner women than all but one i saw, and that one wasn't otherwise attractive.

i walked across avenida 33 to 64-198 avenida 33, which was (past tense) the location of abydos. i thought it might be worth a look because it was one of only two places i've found a sufficiently attractive woman in such places in medellin in the past. it appeared to be closed. a man on the sidewalk, seeing me checking the place out, told me abydos has closed. a google advanced search for abydos limited to internationalsexguide (dot) info yielded no reports about the closing of abydos. can anybody report whether it is closed temporarily or permanently or if it only moved to a different location?

there are pretty women in medellin, colombia, but in my experience you seldom will find one offering herself for an hour for a price. on the other hand, if you like moderately chubby girl-next-door types, you'll save a lot of money in medellin compared to lots of other parts of the world, but then if you are satisfied with such women, you probably don't need to be paying for sex in the first place.dude, you are just scraping the surface. to say there are a bunch of chubby girl next door types available in mde is insanity. but please, leave more for the rest of us.

Member #4244
09-16-13, 07:09
Next time you go take a trip up and down Calle 10 and also check out Parque Lleras. They won't be hard to spot in their shorts and flip flops.

I saw a lot of young people there last month. On my way to lunch on Sunday I got stopped by two young cute American chicks (they asked me if I spoke English, but they could tell my ass was American too, LOL). Her husband had moved down there to teach English.

And what were these two cuties stopping me for? They were passing out pamphlets about giving your life to Christ :/When I went to that new spot in lleras (same owners as bar maracaibo) , the cabbie said there were street walkers in that area. I found it somewhat difficult to believe, at least not as a set track.

09-16-13, 10:27
I don't understand why anyone would chose to react in such an unproductive way. We can't control what situations we find ourselves facing, but we do chose our reactions. Nicoi was not prepared for sex work. A gentle statement to her that she would have to go, with offer of a few pesos for transportation would have resolved the problem, with no drama. As far as Hector is concerned, Hector shows up when he's told. It's our responsibility to to decide when we leave to go to the airport. Now, if a driver didn't show up on time, that's a different issue. We should take responsibility for those choices that our ultimately ours.

I'm sorry that Medellin and the girls there have lost some appeal for you. With all kindness, I suggest that if you return with a mindset that these girls are not just "nookie" the bloom will be back on the rose. You'll have a better time, and a much better memory.

Only good energy, remember that, por favor.I gave a TR w / everything of import to the next guy, Mansion action, El Centro strip clubs, La Mayorista, etc. The bait and switch by Nocole was just plain uncool. We were both in the bed (mostly undressed) when she explained that I couldn't see or touch her most prominent assets (the ones I paid for). The assets she used deceitfully to entice me. Your saying I'm being unreasonable? She's a rip off, plain and simple and I was kind enough not to kick her out of my room. The sex w / her mouth was okay at best, she was a phony, plain and simple Bro! In this regard I did nothing wrong, I'm good w / or w / out your nod of approval.

Hector is another story. He should have said he made an error but he didn't, that's all he did wrong in my mind. I should have caught the problem and changed my pick up time and I did not, missing the flight was my fault. That whole week I was in Medellin was a whirlwind and most days were spent w / hangovers and planning for the oncoming night. So now when I look back at the flight issue I take more responsibility for not catching the mistake. The amount of traveling experience I have is minimal and this was the first time I missed a flight so I was shocked and dismayed. Hector knew how unhappy I was because I called him right away, he got another driver to take me back to HMP2, luckily my rm. Was available for one more night. As time went on I tried to make the best of it and did. I saw 2 additional ladies that day and my new flight schedule (the next day) allowed for an 11 hr layover in San Salvador. I got to explore San Salvador a bit w / my brothers novia (as tour guide) , my first impressions are not that good but it was good to get my feet on the ground there. So as of this minute I am glad I received some resistance here because I deserved it except for the Nicol thing. Hector is a good guy but he keeps his personality to himself. I'm not going to let this stop me from using his services that benefit me, he is like clock work, very professional. I just need to vent a little at the end of my TR.

And "w / out bad energy there would be no good energy".

Pipe Layer99
09-16-13, 10:44
I don't understand why anyone would chose to react in such an unproductive way. We can't control what situations we find ourselves facing, but we do chose our reactions. Nicoi was not prepared for sex work. A gentle statement to her that she would have to go, with offer of a few pesos for transportation would have resolved the problem, with no drama.Socker has a point. The girl has a nice rack and ends up going to his room. But 'somehow' she neglected to tell him the tits were off limits. Hmmmm That is pretty shady. If she had mentioned that upfront, before going to the room, he could have made a decison based on that info. Now if he takes her, he knows what he is getting and what he is not getting. However, she wants the money, so she didn't say anything until AFTER they are in the room. That's the shady part.

Once she is in the room and they are getting ready to have a romp, she stands a good chance of sealing the deal. If she told him before, he may have very well said no thanks.

Too bad the boobies we love so much were not part of the plan. I would not be happy with that either.

I agree with the part about sending her away. Depending on how horny I am and what options are available, a taxi may have very well been called.

09-16-13, 11:38
Socker has a point. The girl has a nice rack and ends up going to his room. But 'somehow' she neglected to tell him the tits were off limits. Hmmmm That is pretty shady. If she had mentioned that upfront, before going to the room, he could have made a decison based on that info. Now if he takes her, he knows what he is getting and what he is not getting. However, she wants the money, so she didn't say anything until AFTER they are in the room. That's the shady part.

Once she is in the room and they are getting ready to have a romp, she stands a good chance of sealing the deal. If she told him before, he may have very well said no thanks.

Too bad the boobies we love so much were not part of the plan. I would not be happy with that either.

I agree with the part about sending her away. Depending on how horny I am and what options are available, a taxi may have very well been called.I had to have a "hands off" or "very gental" or two in my time in Colombia and once in the states. Just like Shocker said; girl just got them, very nice to look at but they were not read for a "time trial". Sounds lame the entire thing, I'd not go as far to say dishonest but deceptive and for sure misleading. What was her name again? I'm going down in Feb for a visit and the new boobies should be ready to go by then! LOL!

Hasideas Tao
09-16-13, 13:07
So where is the best place to go watch American football these days besides Hooters or La Cueva?

Also, any nice pool halls to be found? A comfortable place to entertain myself and my girl. Not billiards.

I also heard of a pistol firing range but have had no success finding it.

The yellow pages in Medellin are kind of unreliable. I'm hoping to hear some field reports.

Looking for up to date opinions. What are your best, ehem,"date spots," or non sex / pre-sex entertainment venues going on these days?

I have found a couple of casinos pretty fun and a little cash can really go a long way in Medellin.

Paintball? Mud runs?

Going back to Medellin next month and I want to compile an awesome to do list.


Member #4244
09-16-13, 15:09
So where is the best place to go watch American football these days besides Hooters or La Cueva?

Also, any nice pool halls to be found? A comfortable place to entertain myself and my girl. Not billiards.

I also heard of a pistol firing range but have had no success finding it.

The yellow pages in Medellin are kind of unreliable. I'm hoping to hear some field reports.

Looking for up to date opinions. What are your best, ehem,"date spots," or non sex / pre-sex entertainment venues going on these days?

I have found a couple of casinos pretty fun and a little cash can really go a long way in Medellin.

Paintball? Mud runs?

Going back to Medellin next month and I want to compile an awesome to do list.

Thanks!American football is televised on regular cable. I do not know of any places with Sunday Ticket, although a couple places in El Poblado pushed "American Sports," I found that it just meant that they would put on the Final of March Madness instead of the friendly futbol match that most places would be showing. They show at least one and often two afternoon games on Fox Sports (feed is from Mexico, I believe) and the Sunday Night game is usually on ESPN. These games can be watched anywhere with a TV, basically.

As for shooting ranges, well I am a lover not a fighter but ironically Medellin "Romance" tours says that an outdoor range is part of their package. Contact them for more info, ask them where it is and what it's called, then call the place directly and bypass the tour BS. I do know that *legal* gun ownership here is quite expensive. The same pistols you can buy at WalMart for $250 will cost three or four times that much here, and ammunition is also expensive, someone once told me around $1 a round. This is to say that the gun ranges here are probably somewhat expensive.

There are a lot of casinos, I am sure you can figure that one out. One thing I don't know about is Sports Books, that was being discussed here earlier. Lots of ways to bet on futbol if that is your thing, not sure about other sports.

I have heard of paintball here but I bet you will be disappointed. Not long ago they were playing with real bullets in the woods here.

There are loads of date spots, you have to feel this out with the chica. La 33 has plenty of good cocktail spots, there are numerous discussions of restaurants, lookout spots, etc here in the forums.

You could always buy Rick Steve's Guide to Medellin.

09-16-13, 16:29
. Hector is another story. He should have said he made an error but he didn't, that's all he did wrong in my mind. I should have caught the problem and changed my pick up time and I did not, missing the flight was my fault. That whole week I was in Medellin was a whirlwind and most days were spent w / hangovers and planning for the oncoming night. So now when I look back at the flight issue I take more responsibility for not catching the mistake. The amount of traveling experience I have is minimal and this was the first time I missed a flight so I was shocked and dismayed. Hector knew how unhappy I was because I called him right away, he got another driver to take me back to HMP2, luckily my rm. Was available for one more night. As time went on I tried to make the best of it and did. I saw 2 additional ladies that day and my new flight schedule (the next day) allowed for an 11 hr layover in San Salvador. I got to explore San Salvador a bit w / my brothers novia (as tour guide) , my first impressions are not that good but it was good to get my feet on the ground there. So as of this minute I am glad I received some resistance here because I deserved it except for the Nicol thing. Hector is a good guy but he keeps his personality to himself. I'm not going to let this stop me from using his services that benefit me, he is like clock work, very professional. I just need to vent a little at the end of my TR.

And "w / out bad energy there would be no good energy".Hey Sock, good for you for at least accepting some blame with the whole Hector, missed flight fiasco.

Funny thing is Hector has always been very personable and friendly, and has actually become a friend.

As far as the girl with the "no touch" new tatas, well that does suck (or not suck, hahaha).

We've all been sham- boozled by girls, it happens.

It just makes the good experiences that much better, and through experience, you get tricked much less often.

I'm actually wondering if I met you in Medellin.

Where you the young, happy guy that I kept teasing about shouting out "60, 000 pesos for..."?

Just wondering.

Taker easy amigo.

09-16-13, 19:29
Attached are photos of some regular girls I met during my trip and I only paid for the taxi and some gifts.PL,

You mentioned you had luck with regular girls. Do you know the language? Or, good enough just to get by? Also, where / what location was good for you to score some fine chicas for free? Please share your insight because I'll be heading to MDE next month!


Member #4244
09-16-13, 19:53
If anyone needs a driver I know a guy who is extremely trustworthy, great person. He has his own chevy sedan that is nice and roomy. He gets you places quickly and converses very well (in spanish, of course). He had been charing 60K but it may now be 70K, you will have to square it away with him.

As far as intl flights, here they actually suggest three hours in advance but honestly in literally every country I have been it is two hours in advance. I would advise sticking to that and not cutting it too close.

Nothing much new to report here, settled into a nice groove. Some buddies are coming down next weekend, I am sure that will force me away from the regulars and into some new action to share.

09-17-13, 01:00
I just found the board and was hoping some veterans might be able to offer some advice.

I have another 2 weeks in Medellin and was wondering:

1) For a guy who speaks a little Spanish, Where would be a good place to meet a regular Colombiana or even a semi-pro girl? Not sure if it matters but I can dance a little Salsa too.

2) Do you have to stay at the hotel Medellin to hangout their during the day? I'm thinking that maybe I can meet a Chica during the day, maybe at the pool and arrange something.

3) How does someone get to Mayorista street. At least the part where the women are on display?

And just throwing this one out there.

4) I could use a wingman someone to go out with. If anyone is in the city now (or will be in the next 2 weeks) and willing to "show me the ropes" so to speak, I'd be happy to pick up the tab for a fun night out.

Sorry if the answers are already out there but I have limited computer access right now and can't surf as much as I would like.


Legal Tender
09-17-13, 03:23
He got another driver to take me back to HMP2, luckily my rm. Was available for one more night. As time went on I tried to make the best of it and did. I saw 2 additional ladies that day and my new flight schedule (the next day) allowed for an 11 hr layover in San Salvador. I got to explore San Salvador a bit w / my brothers novia (as tour guide) , my first impressions are not that good but it was good to get my feet on the ground there. So as of this minute I am glad I received some resistance here because I deserved it except for the Nicol thing. Hector is a good guy but he keeps his personality to himself. I'm not going to let this stop me from using his services that benefit me, he is like clock work, very professional. I just need to vent a little at the end of my TR.

And "w / out bad energy there would be no good energy".I'm just feeling good energy here. Sounds like U-turned lemons into lemonade. Unfortunately, we have all had similar experiences with a working girl, as Ricker reminded us. Come back to Medellin, there's a whole world there other than the girls at the Mansion, on the street or in the casas.

09-17-13, 03:36
Attached are photos of some regular girls I met during my trip and I only paid for the taxi and some gifts.Exactly how long was your trip. Those photos are dated 2012 & 2009. LOL.

09-17-13, 05:17
Thanks for the info!

How is the food at the hotel Medellin, cannot find anything on that?

How much for TLN with the chicas at the hotel, has anyone tried?


Don't worry about any gorditas with big asses and tits. You will be in skinny-bytch heaven at the mansion. That's mostly what the owners there like and invite over, which is why I haven't been back.

A lot of the questions you are asking have been answered a million times already. Just read some of the recent reports and go back to posts between the 2011-2012 time frame.

I have been to the DR 6 time and trust me when I tell you there is very little comparison; like apples to oranges. You are talking about D'Latins which is in Sosua, and Medellin is nothing like Sosua.

BUT: Liquid Lounge would be very similar to D'Latins. But as you can see from the few reports about the place it still has not gotten off the ground just yet. Most guys go there and just end up leaving and walking over to Fase Dos (a strip club).

(The last Newsletter Liquid Lounge send out was muy caliente though.

Also, you probably do not want to be bringing any chica you met in Mayorista back to your hotel room. Use the short-term love motels in that area. Last thing you want is for her to relay to her "handlers" how rich you are (laptop, smartphone where you are staying, etc.).

Param Ahmad
09-17-13, 06:13
.. .. .. Also, when you say "you seldom will find one offering herself for an hour for a price", I don't quite understand what you are referring to.What I mean is none of the pretty girls I saw in Medellin were prostitutes.

Because Fase II definitely is only short time. 1 hr with the girls. Can you or someone else please elaborate on this?Next to Fase II is a place called Night Beach or some similar name, which is buildings inside a larger building with private rooms with private bathrooms where you can take the girls you meet at Fase II, probably only for an hour or two. I don't know about overnight.

09-17-13, 07:03
So where is the best place to go watch American football these days besides Hooters or La Cueva?

Also, any nice pool halls to be found? A comfortable place to entertain myself and my girl. Not billiards.

I also heard of a pistol firing range but have had no success finding it.

The yellow pages in Medellin are kind of unreliable. I'm hoping to hear some field reports.

Looking for up to date opinions. What are your best, ehem,"date spots," or non sex / pre-sex entertainment venues going on these days?

I have found a couple of casinos pretty fun and a little cash can really go a long way in Medellin.

Paintball? Mud runs?

Going back to Medellin next month and I want to compile an awesome to do list.

Thanks!The bar across the street from Hooters. Timeout, I believe, shows American football also.

09-17-13, 07:17
A recent Friday night in Medellin I decided to check out Liquid Lounge, Calle 26A, #43F-72 about 10 pm and was the only customer. There were about four girls, none especially great looking. One of them quoted me 150, 000 Colombian pesos for one hour at my hotel. She said there are no private rooms at Liquid Lounge, so it is apparently solely a "take-out" sort of place. If Liquid Lounge usually has so few customers I won't be surprised if Liquid Lounge isn't around a year or two from now.

I continued on to Fase II. It was now well after 10 pm. I looked around a few times and counted the number of women, counting as many as 26. Again I found none tempting.

A taxi driver took me to Luna Lunera on Avenida 33 where there were probably twice as many women as Fase II, but none looked good to me, probably in part because I like thinner women than all but one I saw, and that one wasn't otherwise attractive.

I walked across Avenida 33 to 64-198 Avenida 33, which was (past tense) the location of Abydos. I thought it might be worth a look because it was one of only two places I've found a sufficiently attractive woman in such places in Medellin in the past. It appeared to be closed. A man on the sidewalk, seeing me checking the place out, told me Abydos has closed. A Google Advanced Search for Abydos limited to internationalsexguide (dot) info yielded no reports about the closing of Abydos. Can anybody report whether it is closed temporarily or permanently or if it only moved to a different location?

There are pretty women in Medellin, Colombia, but in my experience you seldom will find one offering herself for an hour for a price. On the other hand, if you like moderately chubby girl-next-door types, you'll save a lot of money in Medellin compared to lots of other parts of the world, but then if you are satisfied with such women, you probably don't need to be paying for sex in the first place.Liquid Lounge just opened recently. They are still getting their feet wet.

Sounds like you have been travelling to Asia. Latin girls are known for their curvaceous bodies (tits and ass). Of course there are varieties, but if that is not your thing. Then Latin girls might not be for you.

09-17-13, 07:20
What I mean is none of the pretty girls I saw in Medellin were prostitutes..I would strongly agree with this comment. If you like super attractive Colombianas, which I do as well, I am going to recommend Bogota's high end places such as Lalos, Casanovas, or other places near Zona Rosa. One can meet hot non-pro girls on Colombian.

Cupid based out of MDE though, that is why I go there. For mongering, Bogota is better overall IMO.

09-17-13, 07:42
Trip advice on how to extend your dollar.

Airport: A taxi to Poblado will cost you $56K, but you can always take a shared bus which runs every 30 min from

Airport to Santa Fe area and take a cab back to your Apt, you can just pay $5K for bus and $5K for the cab and save $46K.

Do not change your money at the airport if you can, just change the bare min needed to get home.

Buy duty fee liquor at the airport, liquor can be expensive in the stores.

Money Exchange: Cash is the king, gring cash if you can, you will not get a good rate from the ATM, usally you can get a 10 to 20 peso difference for every dollar.

For 1000 dollars you end up saving 20K. Best place to change is in Lleras near calle 10 & carrera 38, they usually are 10 peso higher than Oviado or Santa fe.

Always check the daily rate...Just wanted to make some corrections.

It's 8k bus from the airport. Taxi to Poblado from the bus is about 8-10k.

Best exchange rate is with a no fee ATM card. Like Schwab (see the Money Exchange thread).

Good luck getting a girl to take a metro and taxi.

09-17-13, 07:45
Socker has a point. The girl has a nice rack and ends up going to his room. But 'somehow' she neglected to tell him the tits were off limits. Hmmmm That is pretty shady. If she had mentioned that upfront, before going to the room, he could have made a decison based on that info. Now if he takes her, he knows what he is getting and what he is not getting. However, she wants the money, so she didn't say anything until AFTER they are in the room. That's the shady part.

Once she is in the room and they are getting ready to have a romp, she stands a good chance of sealing the deal. If she told him before, he may have very well said no thanks.

Too bad the boobies we love so much were not part of the plan. I would not be happy with that either.

I agree with the part about sending her away. Depending on how horny I am and what options are available, a taxi may have very well been called.I just met her the other day. Nice girl. If you had done any talking to her before bringing her back, you would know that she just had a breast reduction and it's still very sensitive. Give her some time to heal!

09-17-13, 09:43
I had to have a "hands off" or "very gental" or two in my time in Colombia and once in the states. Just like Shocker said; girl just got them, very nice to look at but they were not read for a "time trial". Sounds lame the entire thing, I'd not go as far to say dishonest but deceptive and for sure misleading. What was her name again? I'm going down in Feb for a visit and the new boobies should be ready to go by then! LOL!As I was leaving the Mansion she was coming to the Mansion in a cab. She looks better than decent (normally wouldn't choose her) but when I saw her huge tits laying so nicely in their compartment I just had to have them. She went upstairs and Carlos was working the door. She signed in w / Carlos and as she was signing in I asked Carlos (in front of Nicol) are these real dude? We both looked at them (huge cleavage) and he said, yeah Socker they are. When I first saw her / them I thought they looked real, otherwise I would not waste time on fakes tits, don't like them. Fast-forward to after she tells me I can't see or touch them, she then says she had them reduced! She did not have a breast enlargement, she had a freaking breast reduction. (I'm thinking) Oh shitttt, a few days ago they were even bigger?

What she did is called bait and switch. She baited me w / her killer big tits. Did I get to see these mammoth delights? No. And forget about the other fun things you can do w / huge tits. My only compensation is they were probably better looking in a bra but I will always wonder about these tits that got away. Never really knowing what I missed. Somebody please go and whip them out and let me know how they look and feel so I can cry in my beer. Shheeee.

Fast-forward to now. The chic played me and got over, now I have the fish that got away story, I guess we're even.

Member #4244
09-17-13, 13:48
[QUOTE=JayRich; 1473002]I just found the board and was hoping some veterans might be able to offer some advice.

I have another 2 weeks in Medellin and was wondering:

1) For a guy who speaks a little Spanish, Where would be a good place to meet a regular Colombiana or even a semi-pro girl? Not sure if it matters but I can dance a little Salsa too.

This seems like an odd question, where would be a good place to meet any non-pro? Universities, supermarkets, shopping malls, the street, wherever. There is no bar where regular girls congregate LOL, they are all over the place. The phrase "semi-pro" is always ridiculous to me (if you take sex for money, then you are a prostitute) but I suppose there you'd do well working Facebook a bit or looking on the street where a lot of high school and college girls will ply their trade on an infrequent basis. Otherwise it's kind of guess-and-check, follow hunches, approach women, do not be afraid to be shot down.

2) Do you have to stay at the hotel Medellin to hangout their during the day? I'm thinking that maybe I can meet a Chica during the day, maybe at the pool and arrange something.

I think that's the case until the evening when La Cueva opens, I am not sure. I am certain this info has been covered if you search though. I doubt any hotel where you're not saying will let you hang around their pool, that would be a first.

3) How does someone get to Mayorista street. At least the part where the women are on display?

Just ask a cabbie to take you to the Mayorista. Nothing is hidden. There are a bunch of supermarkets and a short distance away a row of bars with the girls. There isn't much else there. They will know you don't want to go buy peanut butter and Preparation H.

4) I could use a wingman someone to go out with. If anyone is in the city now (or will be in the next 2 weeks) and willing to "show me the ropes" so to speak, I'd be happy to pick up the tab for a fun night out.

Feel free to send me a PM if you like, I might still be here, let me know the dates. Cheers.

Member #4244
09-17-13, 13:53
PL, you mentioned you had luck with regular girls. Do you know the language? Or, good enough just to get by? Also, where / what location was good for you to score some fine chicas for free? Please share your insight because I'll be heading to MDE next month! Thanks!They are not fish, dude, there is not a sweet spot or a particular kind of bait. Know how to communicate, sharpen your instincts and be charming. Most guys do none of the three, so they are better off sticking to P4P if you ask me. Patience is also a virtue, but it's sometimes hard to have it when you're in town for a week and know you can get a sure thing 24/7.

This is also a hard question to answer without knowing how old you are and what type of girls you want. If you're a young guy I would tell you to hang with a university crowd, but if you're 50 years old that would be creepy and implausible.

09-17-13, 16:07
I just found the board and was hoping some veterans might be able to offer some advice.

I have another 2 weeks in Medellin and was wondering:

1) For a guy who speaks a little Spanish, Where would be a good place to meet a regular Colombiana or even a semi-pro girl? Not sure if it matters but I can dance a little Salsa too.

2) Do you have to stay at the hotel Medellin to hangout their during the day? I'm thinking that maybe I can meet a Chica during the day, maybe at the pool and arrange something.

3) How does someone get to Mayorista street. At least the part where the women are on display?

And just throwing this one out there.

4) I could use a wingman someone to go out with. If anyone is in the city now (or will be in the next 2 weeks) and willing to "show me the ropes" so to speak, I'd be happy to pick up the tab for a fun night out.

Sorry if the answers are already out there but I have limited computer access right now and can't surf as much as I would like.

ThanksThe "normal girl" question is asked time and time again. If you're not in town for an extended period of time you're hamstrung. The "I'm dating / fucking a gringo" trick has worn off long ago! If you can't meet girls in America you are not going to be able to pull girls in Colombia. If you're good looking, funny, and charming you wouldn't be asking how to meet girls in Colombia. Stick to working girls. You'll be happier.

09-17-13, 17:56
PL, you mentioned you had luck with regular girls. Do you know the language? Or, good enough just to get by? Also, where / what location was good for you to score some fine chicas for free? Please share your insight because I'll be heading to MDE next month! Thanks!Well there are a couple options.

You can visit the "Non-pro Martini bar", lots of regular, hot Paisas waiting to be picked up there.

No spanish required, they're all issued digital translators.

Or of course, you can just hit Parque Lleras in the evening wearing a T-shirt saying,"I am a Gringo, let's get it on"

Hahaha, just kidding of course.

Best course of action.

Learn spanish, learn more spanish, get conversational.

Be born with or develop a friendly, cool, open personality.

Stay in at least relatively decent shape.

Be polite, but talk to anyone that may interest you, whether it be in a cafe, bar, nightclub, gym, dry cleaner, lobby, metro, street, whatever.

And finally, learn more Spanish.

Good luck.

09-17-13, 19:30
Why go to Medellin? Usual suspects, in the usual places http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yclJ6LpccXY

09-17-13, 19:53
Hey what places were those "moderately chubby girl next door types" at? I need thick voluptuous girls in my life! LOL (I don't do skinny petite "anorexic" girls) I need more cushion. For the pushing! LOL

09-17-13, 20:54
How is the food at the hotel Medellin, cannot find anything on that?

How much for TLN with the chicas at the hotel, has anyone tried?There is no food at Hotel Medellin Plaza (the Mansion). You can buy food from the store and (politely) ask the maids if they can cook it for you. Just give them a tip as an appreciation.

For food, most people usually walk to Oviedo or Santa Fe mall, which is about a 10-12 minute walk from the mansion. You can also take a taxi, but it is perfectly safe (and visually appealing) to walk to these places, even at night.

There are lots more food options on Calle 10 (KFC, Dominos, Frisby's Chicken, Burger King, etc.) , but I would not advise walking there from the Mansion (too far). Have the night guy or one of the maids order from either of these places for you, as they all do delivery (yes, even KFC and Burger King!).

As far as TLN with a Mansion chica, expect to pay 250K to 300K COP. Some may go for less if it is very late in the night, but don't expect any of the very popular chicas to go for less than that. As always recommended, you can save a lot of money and ass pain by doing short time (ST) with a chica first. That way if you get her in your room and she pulls some bullshit like she doesn't do BBBJ or you can't touch her tits, you are only out of 100-150K (or nothing if you immediately send her packing) as opposed to 250K-300K. If the two of you hit it off very well (it was an amazing session) you can always ask her to give you her number and invite her back for TLN the next day (or a few days later). It's best to set TLNs up ahead of time in case a chica needs to find a babysitter or something.

P. S.: Pay the $19.95/yr so that you can PM/receive PM's (Private Messages) from other members who may be willing to give you more information behind-the-scenes. You also can view photos posted and get an idea of what you could expect.

09-17-13, 23:05
The bar across the street from Hooters. Timeout, I believe, shows American football also.About a block up the road from there, the Irish pub (formerly El Alamo) also shows American football.

09-17-13, 23:13
There is no food at Hotel Medellin Plaza (the Mansion). You can buy food from the store and (politely) ask the maids if they can cook it for you. Just give them a tip as an appreciation.

For food, most people usually walk to Oviedo or Santa Fe mall, which is about a 10-12 minute walk from the mansion. You can also take a taxi, but it is perfectly safe (and visually appealing) to walk to these places, even at night.

There are lots more food options on Calle 10 (KFC, Dominos, Frisby's Chicken, Burger King, etc.) , but I would not advise walking there from the Mansion (too far). Have the night guy or one of the maids order from either of these places for you, as they all do delivery (yes, even KFC and Burger King!).

As far as TLN with a Mansion chica, expect to pay 250K to 300K COP. Some may go for less if it is very late in the night, but don't expect any of the very popular chicas to go for less than that. As always recommended, you can save a lot of money and ass pain by doing short time (ST) with a chica first. That way if you get her in your room and she pulls some bullshit like she doesn't do BBBJ or you can't touch her tits, you are only out of 100-150K (or nothing if you immediately send her packing) as opposed to 250K-300K. If the two of you hit it off very well (it was an amazing session) you can always ask her to give you her number and invite her back for TLN the next day (or a few days later). It's best to set TLNs up ahead of time in case a chica needs to find a babysitter or something.

P. S. : Pay the $19. 95 / yr so that you can PM / receive PM's (Private Messages) from other members who may be willing to give you more information behind-the-scenes. You also can view photos posted and get an idea of what you could expect.I think your advice to ST with a chica the first time is right on. IMO a basic rule of mongering. I can't understand why a guy would commit to TLN w / o knowing how he gets along with the chica.

I've also found with some Mansion girls that if you do short-time and you get along well and it's late, she will be happy to extend it to TLN for no extra. Though, as SavePros pointed out, this may not work with some of the more popular girls. I'm generally not a fan of TLN, so I make it clear that I'm not going to pay extra for it, but if she wants to stay o/n and and behaves herself, it's cool.

09-17-13, 23:59
They are not fish, dude, there is not a sweet spot or a particular kind of bait. Know how to communicate, sharpen your instincts and be charming. Most guys do none of the three, so they are better off sticking to P4P if you ask me. Patience is also a virtue, but it's sometimes hard to have it when you're in town for a week and know you can get a sure thing 24/7.

This is also a hard question to answer without knowing how old you are and what type of girls you want. If you're a young guy I would tell you to hang with a university crowd, but if you're 50 years old that would be creepy and implausible.WiltTheStilt, thanks! LOL, yes, that would be creepy! Well, I'm coming in a group of four or five, from late 20's to early 30's. I like them university type, (20+) , pretty, fit, looking to party (not crazily) , def not into big women etc. Where does the university crowd usually hang around at?

Well there are a couple options.

You can visit the "Non-pro Martini bar", lots of regular, hot Paisas waiting to be picked up there.

No spanish required, they're all issued digital translators.

Or of course, you can just hit Parque Lleras in the evening wearing a T-shirt saying,"I am a Gringo, let's get it on"

Hahaha, just kidding of course.

Best course of action.

Learn spanish, learn more spanish, get conversational.

Be born with or develop a friendly, cool, open personality.

Stay in at least relatively decent shape.

Be polite, but talk to anyone that may interest you, whether it be in a cafe, bar, nightclub, gym, dry cleaner, lobby, metro, street, whatever.

And finally, learn more Spanish.

Good luck.Ricker, which Martini bars are popular around MDE? I've been to Cali before but since we're of Indian descent, most Colombianos think we're Colombians until we start to speak. My Spanish is not terrible but it's not great. It's good enough to get around, tell the girls what I want, order food, tell the cabbie where I want to go etc. Girls always tell me that my Spanish is good, guess it's my pronunciation. Anyways, we're not big or hefty nor ripped. I think I'm attractive as most girls do comment, que lindo, bonito, rico, whatever, and I'm not trying to sound cocky but just trying to give you an idea on where we would have the most luck trying to pick up girls without having to pay. I'm always down to pay regardless but it's just the excitement of trying to pick up a girl that is thrilling to me, that challenge. And, if I do fail, at least I know I have casas / strip clubs as a backup so I'm not so stressed. I'm also doing the FB thing so I have a few options. Oh, I am still learning Spanish since the last time so I def understand the importance of learning the language!

Thanks in advance to both of you vets!

Member #4244
09-18-13, 14:53
There are a lot around campuses and the nearby parks. There is no "Peach Pit" of Beverly Hills 90210 fame or anything. The richer ones will be in Lleras and stuff, I doubt that's really the scene for a traveler whose plan B is mongering. You will pay more chasing "free" pussy (especially in a shorter time frame) than P4P here, but by all means go for it. The universities organize a lot of concerts and lectures and shit for students, there are private things like that and sometimes cool parties with girls, graffiti, party favors and more.

But, speaking to Ricker's understandably sarcastic point and the one I was trying to make below, this is a hard question to ask because non-pros are not going to organize themselves in the way that pros are. Why would they? That wouldn't make any sense. You're basically asking where are the best singles bars in Medellin. It's not like New York City where there is a hot set of meat markets for particular age groups or something, sorry to disappoint you. You sound like you have a decent base to explore from, get out there and use it.

Aussie Greg
09-18-13, 15:42

The new dude ranches name is "Outback Mansion....69" be up and running by the middle of next year. I have fotos but carnt be fucked down sizing. them.

A. G.

09-18-13, 17:58
[QUOTE= I'm not trying to sound cocky but just trying to give you an idea on where we would have the most luck trying to pick up girls without having to pay.[/QUOTE]How about Pattaya LOL!

09-18-13, 18:12
When I travel, I do it so I don't have to play the dating game. You can stay in the states and waste your money wining and dining.

In a place like Medellin where you have an unlimited supply of hot women for little money, it makes no sense to be spending time and money on a dating maybe.

To each his own but unless you plan on being there for a long period of time, in my opinion dating is a waste of time.

When I'm in Medellin, I want as many gf's as I can buy. LOL

09-18-13, 18:18
There are a lot around campuses and the nearby parks. There is no "Peach Pit" of Beverly Hills 90210 fame or anything. The richer ones will be in Lleras and stuff, I doubt that's really the scene for a traveler whose plan B is mongering. You will pay more chasing "free" pussy (especially in a shorter time frame) than P4P here, but by all means go for it. The universities organize a lot of concerts and lectures and shit for students, there are private things like that and sometimes cool parties with girls, graffiti, party favors and more.

But, speaking to Ricker's understandably sarcastic point and the one I was trying to make below, this is a hard question to ask because non-pros are not going to organize themselves in the way that pros are. Why would they? That wouldn't make any sense. You're basically asking where are the best singles bars in Medellin. It's not like New York City where there is a hot set of meat markets for particular age groups or something, sorry to disappoint you. You sound like you have a decent base to explore from, get out there and use it.Haha, I hear ya! Thanks for the input! Either way, we'll be carrying around some 'meat' that will be needing a little bit of beating and pounding anyways!

Saludos amigos!

09-18-13, 21:27
When I travel, I do it so I don't have to play the dating game. You can stay in the states and waste your money wining and dining.

In a place like Medellin where you have an unlimited supply of hot women for little money, it makes no sense to be spending time and money on a dating maybe.

To each his own but unless you plan on being there for a long period of time, in my opinion dating is a waste of time.

When I'm in Medellin, I want as many gf's as I can buy. LOLLength of visit is the key. IMO for a week or less, it's ridiculous to go the non-pro route. Time is precious on such a short visit, and most of us don't want to spend it with blue balls.

09-19-13, 03:51
WiltTheStilt, thanks! LOL, yes, that would be creepy! Well, I'm coming in a group of four or five, from late 20's to early 30's. I like them university type, (20+) , pretty, fit, looking to party (not crazily) , def not into big women etc. Where does the university crowd usually hang around at?

Ricker, which Martini bars are popular around MDE? I've been to Cali before but since we're of Indian descent, most Colombianos think we're Colombians until we start to speak. My Spanish is not terrible but it's not great. It's good enough to get around, tell the girls what I want, order food, tell the cabbie where I want to go etc. Girls always tell me that my Spanish is good, guess it's my pronunciation. Anyways, we're not big or hefty nor ripped. I think I'm attractive as most girls do comment, que lindo, bonito, rico, whatever, and I'm not trying to sound cocky but just trying to give you an idea on where we would have the most luck trying to pick up girls without having to pay. I'm always down to pay regardless but it's just the excitement of trying to pick up a girl that is thrilling to me, that challenge. And, if I do fail, at least I know I have casas / strip clubs as a backup so I'm not so stressed. I'm also doing the FB thing so I have a few options. Oh, I am still learning Spanish since the last time so I def understand the importance of learning the language!

Thanks in advance to both of you vets!What they are trying to say is that there are no specific spots. Basically, Colombianas are very friendly and approachable. Just go up and say hi wherever you are. Your best bet is to go to Parque Lleras or Barrio Colombia and go into any place with loud music and have a look around. Get a drink and settle in. Obviously, don't treat the girls like hookers or you are asking for trouble. Just go up to them and introduce yourself. You will probably have a higher success rate of getting a girl to talk to you than back in the States. Same basic rules of picking up a chick applies, the only difference is that most will actually talk to you. Rather than make a disgusted face and walk away! Oh another thing, just because they talk to you more, doesn't mean that they are easier to bed than a girl in the States!

Good luck!

09-19-13, 14:42
What they are trying to say is that there are no specific spots. Basically, Colombianas are very friendly and approachable. Just go up and say hi wherever you are. Your best bet is to go to Parque Lleras or Barrio Colombia and go into any place with loud music and have a look around. Get a drink and settle in. Obviously, don't treat the girls like hookers or you are asking for trouble. Just go up to them and introduce yourself. You will probably have a higher success rate of getting a girl to talk to you than back in the States. Same basic rules of picking up a chick applies, the only difference is that most will actually talk to you. Rather than make a disgusted face and walk away! Oh another thing, just because they talk to you more, doesn't mean that they are easier to bed than a girl in the States!

Good luck!Definitely! Totally agree and understand what you all mean! Thanks for the feedback. I'll be sure to check out those areas.

09-20-13, 01:47
I love reading some of the so called expert responding to someone's inquiry on getting a GF for only a week. Everyone tells you naaa, don't waist your time. Or not possible or better stick to the easier rout of pros or you'll need more time. Bla. Blablaa wrong!

All you need some Spanish, walking el centro NOT the fucking poblado and approach approach numerous times.

Read my reports. I'm not going to repeat myself. I think I did why'all a great service by now.

My proof is in my photos. Not my bla. Bla. Blaaa

Member #4244
09-20-13, 02:24
I love reading some of the so called expert responding to someone's inquiry on getting a GF for only a week. Everyone tells you naaa, don't waist your time. Or not possible or better stick to the easier rout of pros or you'll need more time. Bla. Blablaa wrong!

All you need some Spanish, walking el centro NOT the fucking poblado and approach approach numerous times.

Read my reports. I'm not going to repeat myself. I think I did why'all a great service by now.

My proof is in my photos. Not my bla. Bla. BlaaaIt's easy to get a girlfriend for a week, sure, but you're basically finding someone who wants to give you a higher level of companionship at a more reasonable price. Keep fooling yourself that girls want to sleep with you almost immediately and hang around the entire time you're in town because of your Spanish skills and charm. Those things are near requisites, but the cash in your pocket is still the sine qua non here. On top of that, as you can see, there are guys here with mixed levels of ability and comfort.

I have had non pro GFs here, what some would call semi-pros (a dumb term, I'll reiterate) and even full on pros for short flings. But I'm not going to pretend my experience applies to everyone. And if it is so great with just a little effort, why advertise it? I get the feeling a lot of people come here to feel secure about themselves. Like meth addicts who smoke it and look down on the people who spike it. Just relax, we can help each other out without tooting our own horns or figuring everyone is in the exact same position.

09-20-13, 03:09
I love reading some of the so called expert responding to someone's inquiry on getting a GF for only a week. Everyone tells you naaa, don't waist your time. Or not possible or better stick to the easier rout of pros or you'll need more time. Bla. Blablaa wrong!

All you need some Spanish, walking el centro NOT the fucking poblado and approach approach numerous times.

Read my reports. I'm not going to repeat myself. I think I did why'all a great service by now.

My proof is in my photos. Not my bla. Bla. BlaaaThat's great BrasilSoccer. But really, I can have relationships with girls in the States. The bad is that they are usually w / in 15 years of my 49; but the good is I have time to develop something with them which contributes to an emphathetic relationship (GFE). OTOH I go to MDE, Brasil, the DR, etc to bone different hot-looking 20 year-olds every day for a week or so. It's fantasy week and I'm guesssing that's how most ISGers look at their vacation in MDE. Now if I lived in MDE long-term, I would certainly attempt to do the relationship / dating thing there. I speak good Spanish and I'm a reasonably sociable guy and trying for the satisfaction of a GFE would make alot of sense.

I'm by no means an expert. It's just my opinion that for a guy in MDE for a week, trying for a GF for a week with a nonpro probably is not the best use of his precious vacation time. However, everyone is different, and we are all free to do what we'd like. I don't think any of the readers year take my 2 cents as being an ironclad rule.

09-20-13, 04:11
It's easy to get a girlfriend for a week, sure, but you're basically finding someone who wants to give you a higher level of companionship at a more reasonable price. Keep fooling yourself that girls want to sleep with you almost immediately and hang around the entire time you're in town because of your Spanish skills and charm. Those things are near requisites, but the cash in your pocket is still the sine qua non here. On top of that, as you can see, there are guys here with mixed levels of ability and comfort.

I have had non pro GFs here, what some would call semi-pros (a dumb term, I'll reiterate) and even full on pros for short flings. But I'm not going to pretend my experience applies to everyone. And if it is so great with just a little effort, why advertise it? I get the feeling a lot of people come here to feel secure about themselves. Like meth addicts who smoke it and look down on the people who spike it. Just relax, we can help each other out without tooting our own horns or figuring everyone is in the exact same position.Why are we still on this topic? I'm not trying to be a hater; just the opposite in that I'm keeping it real with the New Kids and Rookies. Keep it simple, use common sense, and be real. If you're not pulling any sort of chicks in your home country what makes you think you can pull chicks in a place where you don't even speak the language? No funny joke, no clever one liners, no charming compliment, no playful banter can be told to a girl that does not speak English and if you don't speak Spanish you up shit's creek. If you're "Tom Brady" handsome then you're not going to have any issues in any country! Blond hair and blue eyes are an advantage as the old adage "Opposites Attract" and clearly in most of South America and Asia people have darker features so "ojos claros" are very desired. As they are for us gringos too!

The "Hey look a Gringo! I'd like to fuck him" affect has long passed.

If you have to ask "Where do I pick up girls in ________" you need more help then you think. Same places as every country BRO! Bars, Clubs, Mall, Ect. Just say hello and strike up a conversation. If she smiles back and you can make her laugh you on a good path. If she looks away and does not really engage you need to cut your losses and move on. It's pretty much like a sales job it's a numbers game, keep asking, keep smiling, and with some luck you'll close a deal or two! Once again Spanish language skills come into play.

If you do get a number from the Legendary Regular Girl don't be butt-hurt if rings off the hook or goes right to voice mail. The "Paisa Game" is well documented on the boards and experienced first hand by the Mede veteranos that the girls don't want to hurt your feelings or a awkward situation so they give you one number and use a different sim card. If they do pick up, you make a date, don't be surprised if she flakes last second or ghosts totally.

Here it is.

Take notes and use common sense (I'm young, fun, decent looking, and yes I have "game" both Foreign and Domestic so I'm not full of shit.) If you don't speak Spanish go to a club with loud music, smiles and body language will get you over the language barrier for the short term. Do not be cheap! I can't stress that enough! Do Not Be Cheap! Get a table, near the main dance floor! If one guy in your group bitches "it's too loud!" Smack him and tell him to man up! LOL! Buy a bottle because waiting for a drink sucks and it looks like you have a clue, and offer the girls drinks back at your table. See what happened there? You have a place to isolate a girl you've targeted and you have a drink right there ready for her. 2+2=4!

If you can dance do it! If you can't dance get drunk and dance as best you can. It's the wiliness to get out there to be Fun and cool that girls like plus you don't want to lose "contact" with a girl you trying to sleep with! Seriously!

Bonus tip: If there is a older or fatter chick (or both!) show her some attention and include her in the rounds of shots and photos. She'll be less likely to cock block if you do this. Got to show the "Shield" some love.

Don't try to pick up the bar tender or waitress they get hit on all the time by tourists, ex pats and locals so for a short time visitor you are at a huge disadvantage. Unless you can speak Spanish and are "Tom Brady" handsome.

Bonus tips: Do not wear cargo shorts, flip flops, NFL jerseys, and I forget the other "Come on Man!" stuff but there is more. Think casual Friday as a good rule of thumb. Colombia is very image aware and if you look like some back packer chump that's how the Colombians will see you and treat you!

At Wilt: Great comment."people come here to feel secure about themselves." So true so true for so many reasons!

09-20-13, 04:12
. Just relax, we can help each other out without tooting our own horns or figuring everyone is in the exact same position.Right on Wilt. I agree 110 percent.

Thank you.

Member #4287
09-20-13, 06:34
WiltTheStilt, thanks! LOL, yes, that would be creepy! Well, I'm coming in a group of four or five, from late 20's to early 30's. I like them university type, (20+) , pretty, fit, looking to party (not crazily) , def not into big women etc. Where does the university crowd usually hang around at?

Ricker, which Martini bars are popular around MDE? I've been to Cali before but since we're of Indian descent, most Colombianos think we're Colombians until we start to speak. My Spanish is not terrible but it's not great. It's good enough to get around, tell the girls what I want, order food, tell the cabbie where I want to go etc. Girls always tell me that my Spanish is good, guess it's my pronunciation. Anyways, we're not big or hefty nor ripped. I think I'm attractive as most girls do comment, que lindo, bonito, rico, whatever, and I'm not trying to sound cocky but just trying to give you an idea on where we would have the most luck trying to pick up girls without having to pay. I'm always down to pay regardless but it's just the excitement of trying to pick up a girl that is thrilling to me, that challenge. And, if I do fail, at least I know I have casas / strip clubs as a backup so I'm not so stressed. I'm also doing the FB thing so I have a few options. Oh, I am still learning Spanish since the last time so I def understand the importance of learning the language!

Thanks in advance to both of you vets!Martini bar. DRY in La Strata.

Sunday – Karma (reggaeton, hip hop) or Tropical Cocktails (Sabaneta)

Monday – La Octava (rock)

Tuesday – El Eslabon Prendido (live salsa)

Wednesday – B-Lounge (crossover, ladies night)

Thursday. Babylon (crossover, ladies night) or Bendito Seas (crossover, ladies night)

Friday – Dulce Jesus Mio (crossover) or Trilogia Bar (live cover band + crossover DJ)

Saturday – Luxury Discoteca or Son Havana (live salsa band)

Vegas Jeff
09-20-13, 07:48
All you need some Spanish, walking el centro NOT the fucking Poblado and approach approach numerous times.This is great advice and something that I have not heard mentioned on this board often. I live in El Poblado 5-6 months per year and I almost never hit on regular girls there. These girls have seen tourists, been hit on by tourists, and have an opinion regarding tourists. Many tourists stay in El Poblado and then walk the streets trying to pick up girls. Wrong approach guys. Also, you are prime target for the drug scopolamine in and around Parque Lleras. Very scary. If you are determined to meet regular girls leave El Poblado and try your luck.

09-20-13, 13:17
Martini bar. DRY in La Strata.

Sunday – Karma (reggaeton, hip hop) or Tropical Cocktails (Sabaneta)

Monday – La Octava (rock)

Tuesday – El Eslabon Prendido (live salsa)

Wednesday – B-Lounge (crossover, ladies night)

Thursday. Babylon (crossover, ladies night) or Bendito Seas (crossover, ladies night)

Friday – Dulce Jesus Mio (crossover) or Trilogia Bar (live cover band + crossover DJ)

Saturday – Luxury Discoteca or Son Havana (live salsa band) A very nice and diverse list. Several I know of and several I do not. But in particular I love the live salsa places. Can't dance salsa, but LOVE listening to the music. Are you saying Luxury has live salsa on Sat or just Son Havana?

Member #4244
09-20-13, 17:43
You can find a lot of mixed action up at Palmahia, loads of non-pros, drunk girls and often pros, too. A friend made me take her up there and we noticed a big car full of prepagos arriving, I guess it was one of their birthdays. I am sure a few are in there. That's a nice type of scene, where you've got a variety of options without too much ambiguity. There are places like that in CTG that are a little more on the pro side, these are a little more on the non pro side.

I've noticed a good amount of jazz and DJs arriving in the Centro. You can see flyers posted in and around Parque Periodista for that kind of stuff.

Member #4287
09-20-13, 21:16
A very nice and diverse list. Several I know of and several I do not. But in particular I love the live salsa places. Can't dance salsa, but LOVE listening to the music. Are you saying Luxury has live salsa on Sat or just Son Havana?Just Son Havana. Have yet to see a live band in Luxury which plays crossover.

09-20-13, 21:34
A very nice and diverse list. Several I know of and several I do not. But in particular I love the live salsa places. Can't dance salsa, but LOVE listening to the music. Are you saying Luxury has live salsa on Sat or just Son Havana?If you like Salsa, I highly recommend El Suave on La Setenta. Compared to Eslabon Prendido, it has better music, much more space, and is safer to leave from late at night. IMO it's every big as good as some of the legendary Cali discotecas. It's good Wed - Sat.

09-20-13, 22:05
Las Americas the strip club on the "centro strip" which has been closed for several months and has had a for sale sign on the door, was open today. That is the door was open and looking inside you can see major renovations taking place, they nuked the inside. There are going to lots of "hot buns" in the new place, even "takeout". It is going to open as a panaderia, spanish for bakery, so the neighbours told me.

09-21-13, 18:46
If you like Salsa, I highly recommend El Suave on La Setenta. Compared to Eslabon Prendido, it has better music, much more space, and is safer to leave from late at night. IMO it's every big as good as some of the legendary Cali discotecas. It's good Wed - Sat.Excellent. Thanks.

09-22-13, 05:50
Here you go. http://medellinliving.com/nightlife/

09-22-13, 23:45
"That's gold, Jerry, Gold!"

It looks like I may have to spend a few nights outside of the Hotel Medellin due to availabilty.

Reading the Medellin hotels forum, I can't decide the next best hotel outside of Medellin for newbie mongering, any suggestions what is the next best after Hotel Medellin for beginners?


Don't worry about any gorditas with big asses and tits. You will be in skinny-bytch heaven at the mansion. That's mostly what the owners there like and invite over, which is why I haven't been back.

A lot of the questions you are asking have been answered a million times already. Just read some of the recent reports and go back to posts between the 2011-2012 time frame.

I have been to the DR 6 time and trust me when I tell you there is very little comparison; like apples to oranges. You are talking about D'Latins which is in Sosua, and Medellin is nothing like Sosua.

BUT: Liquid Lounge would be very similar to D'Latins. But as you can see from the few reports about the place it still has not gotten off the ground just yet. Most guys go there and just end up leaving and walking over to Fase Dos (a strip club).

(The last Newsletter Liquid Lounge send out was muy caliente though.

Also, you probably do not want to be bringing any chica you met in Mayorista back to your hotel room. Use the short-term love motels in that area. Last thing you want is for her to relay to her "handlers" how rich you are (laptop, smartphone where you are staying, etc.).

09-24-13, 14:30
Las Americas the strip club on the "centro strip" which has been closed for several months and has had a for sale sign on the door, was open today. That is the door was open and looking inside you can see major renovations taking place, they nuked the inside. There are going to lots of "hot buns" in the new place, even "takeout". It is going to open as a panaderia, spanish for bakery, so the neighbours told me.Good one, LOL!

09-24-13, 22:57
"That's gold, Jerry, Gold!"

It looks like I may have to spend a few nights outside of the Hotel Medellin due to availabilty.

Reading the Medellin hotels forum, I can't decide the next best hotel outside of Medellin for newbie mongering, any suggestions what is the next best after Hotel Medellin for beginners?Www.colombiajake.com Plenty of help, or www.pobladorentals.com Or any regular hotel www. Bookings. Com then if you need it hire a guide, https://www.facebook.com/jimmy.giraldo.77?hc_location=stream

El Bacano
09-25-13, 22:00
Men I find it extremely fun to visit malls and even ride trains to meet non pros. Haha. I just go out with a light hearted attitude with no agenda with no goals but to talk to as many girls as possible, might get ignored alot but so what, it only takes one to put your mind in the right frame. And Ill take one of these girls out with the idea of cultivating a non pro, and of course ill hit the strip clubs or whatever after words. And the casas in the day.

09-25-13, 22:35
Men I find it extremely fun to visit malls and even ride trains to meet non pros. Haha. I just go out with a light hearted attitude with no agenda with no goals but to talk to as many girls as possible, might get ignored alot but so what, it only takes one to put your mind in the right frame. And Ill take one of these girls out with the idea of cultivating a non pro, and of course ill hit the strip clubs or whatever after words. And the casas in the day.Malls, metro, in street, in works like a charm.

I met my current girlfriend while she was waiting for the bus. I invited her to have cup of coffee. And then we became a couple.

Spanish is esential, but you don't have to be fluent, medium skills are good enough. Take some intense-courses at for ex. UPB, a week 4hs a day plus homework, it pays off!

Medellin does not have seasonal changes in day 7 Night-time, it is always 6am-6pm. In Scandinavia, Canada we enjoy having sun for 18-24hs a day during summertime.

So I think it is a waist of time being awake at late night, because you will sleep to 11am. 1pm and then you need food, shower, arrends, you miss 60% of those 12hs with sun.

Daytime fishing is a superb way of finding girls, but one have to be cautious not to offend people. But if you are an gentleman it's a least good a method as clubs and casas. And the excitement. It's wow, just meet a girl and everything can happen from cero to marriage.

09-26-13, 22:36

Plenty of help, or.


Or any regular hotel.


Bookings. Com then if you need it hire a guide,

https://www.facebook.com/jimmy.giraldo.77?hc_location=streamNote that Colombia jake is a shared unit. Jake and another guy stay in two of the three bedrooms. Jake is a nice guy and I like him but his setup is not for everyone.

Poblado rentals is mostly solid though I find the manager a bit quirky but manageable. I have new favorite place and I will post a link if anyone is interested in a bit fancy spot.

09-28-13, 18:24
Note that Colombia jake is a shared unit. Jake and another guy stay in two of the three bedrooms. Jake is a nice guy and I like him but his setup is not for everyone.

Poblado rentals is mostly solid though I find the manager a bit quirky but manageable. I have new favorite place and I will post a link if anyone is interested in a bit fancy spot.I would love to know about the fancy spot. I was thinking of booking at the Mansion. But want to check the other alternatives as well.


09-29-13, 20:54
I would love to know about the fancy spot. I was thinking of booking at the Mansion. But want to check the other alternatives as well. ThanksThis is my favourite place in MDE. Top end for one person but a great deal if you are sharing with one other and a steal if you are sharing with two.


Member #4244
09-30-13, 03:35
I find it interesting that some members here are hesitant to share information about favorite girls or favorite casas-things that anyone with a dollar in their pocket and one eye in a socket can see and have-but we are so cavalier about the whole fishing thing. Anyone with the skills and impetus knows how to approach regular girls. Do we need to tell every Gringo noob to hit on girls in the Centro? The Colombian men already fuck it up enough with their antics that make girls pass through the Centro like Jackie Joyner Kersee, now we need to stigmatize gringos (even further)?

Just my two cents on a recent trend here. If you need to be told to be charming and to speak the language, then no one should really tell you anything.

09-30-13, 16:22
Malls, metro, in street, in works like a charm.

I met my current girlfriend while she was waiting for the bus. I invited her to have cup of coffee. And then we became a couple.

Spanish is esential, but you don't have to be fluent, medium skills are good enough. Take some intense-courses at for ex. UPB, a week 4hs a day plus homework, it pays off!

Medellin does not have seasonal changes in day 7 Night-time, it is always 6am-6pm. In Scandinavia, Canada we enjoy having sun for 18-24hs a day during summertime.

So I think it is a waist of time being awake at late night, because you will sleep to 11am. 1pm and then you need food, shower, arrends, you miss 60% of those 12hs with sun.

Daytime fishing is a superb way of finding girls, but one have to be cautious not to offend people. But if you are an gentleman it's a least good a method as clubs and casas. And the excitement. It's wow, just meet a girl and everything can happen from cero to marriage.Rather than UPB [Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana] I have a 23 year old for a spanish teacher at least once a week 100k for 3 hrs at my place, less cost than one on one at UPB for 3 hours. We try to do 1 hour of spanish with an online spanish course I obtain free from my home town library, but sometimes we cut it a bit short for more funtime with the teacher. I also get to learn phrases like "you have beautiful nipples and they sure get hard when I lick them" which is far more useful than "where can I buy some oranges and what is the cost of a metro ticket" that the regular schools teach.

09-30-13, 19:14
Rather than UPB [Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana] I have a 23 year old for a spanish teacher at least once a week 100k for 3 hrs at my place, less cost than one on one at UPB for 3 hours. We try to do 1 hour of spanish with an online spanish course I obtain free from my home town library, but sometimes we cut it a bit short for more funtime with the teacher. I also get to learn phrases like "you have beautiful nipples and they sure get hard when I lick them" which is far more useful than "where can I buy some oranges and what is the cost of a metro ticket" that the regular schools teach.Care to share contact info? I agree with you. A private, independent teacher is way better than doing classes at UPB or Eafit. You can do the class when it fits your schedule and you don't have to worry about the other students not being at your level. From what I understand, Eafit and UPB don't even guarantee that a class will run (if it doesn't get enough enrollees). It would suck to plan a trip down there and then have your class not run.

09-30-13, 23:18
Sessioned with Susanna from the Paisascort website. Place was easy enough to find, close to the primera Parque Laureles. Not really her apartment but a shared thing were you are escorted to a room to wait. And wait. She was 15 minutes late getting to the room, hora latina I suppose but if I'm paying for it would be nice not to keep me waiting in a room.

A little thicker around the hips than it appears in the pictures and the boob job wasn't that great. Face looks older (mid 30s) but maybe that's just the life getting to her. Started with a massage that was mechanical and uncreative, finished with sex that was equally lousy. Doesn't kiss and wants to go straight to covered blowjob and sex.

Could add more detail but really don't think its worth it. Not worth even the lower price of $100k.

Might try a couple of the others from the site or bounce to another.

On a more positive note, have been to Conejitas a couple of times and sessioned with Luisa, a very skinny girl with a dragon tattoo on her back. Face isn't the prettiest but great attitude and very accommodative. I prefer the more discrete escorts with apartments but if you're around Conejitas, look her up.

Any reports on other escorts? Someone that at least pretends to enjoy themselves?

Vegas Jeff
10-01-13, 00:24
Care to share contact info? I agree with you. A private, independent teacher is way better than doing classes at UPB or Eafit. You can do the class when it fits your schedule and you don't have to worry about the other students not being at your level. From what I understand, Eafit and UPB don't even guarantee that a class will run (if it doesn't get enough enrollees). It would suck to plan a trip down there and then have your class not run.Many of these UPB, Eafit, etc teachers will teach you in their spare time for $15-$20 / hr. You just have to go to the school and speak with the teachers. IMO it is better to go to the school and sit in an empty room with a chalkboard than learning from your house. Every 30-40 hours of classtime you should see improvement. If you have a month three days per week and three hours per day should get you to a basic foundation.

The website below has 1000's of popular English movies dubbed in Spanish. This is great for the girls that you like to spend time. Just connect your laptop to the TV with an HDMI cord. Great for Spanish practice, especially when you know the scenes of the movie, and for separating the rounds of sex with the girls. GL.


Member #4244
10-01-13, 07:10
Sessioned with Susanna from the Paisascort website. Place was easy enough to find, close to the primera Parque Laureles. Not really her apartment but a shared thing were you are escorted to a room to wait. And wait. She was 15 minutes late getting to the room, hora latina I suppose but if I'm paying for it would be nice not to keep me waiting in a room.

A little thicker around the hips than it appears in the pictures and the boob job wasn't that great. Face looks older (mid 30s) but maybe that's just the life getting to her. Started with a massage that was mechanical and uncreative, finished with sex that was equally lousy. Doesn't kiss and wants to go straight to covered blowjob and sex.

Could add more detail but really don't think its worth it. Not worth even the lower price of $100k.

Might try a couple of the others from the site or bounce to another.

On a more positive note, have been to Conejitas a couple of times and sessioned with Luisa, a very skinny girl with a dragon tattoo on her back. Face isn't the prettiest but great attitude and very accommodative. I prefer the more discrete escorts with apartments but if you're around Conejitas, look her up.

Any reports on other escorts? Someone that at least pretends to enjoy themselves?I don't use escorts for exactly that reason. No chance to see the real girl and no chance to break the ice. I have gotten recs from friends and they almost never pan out. I understand that the girl is going to be cautious when you have not met, with reason. At the same time, I don't want her to show up, be a bust and then demand a small or not so small pile of pesos. It's just not an ideal medium to me and I don't get why people continue to do things sight unseen in a city where it's not necessary. I see the appeal, but it just doesn't pan out, as I think you have found.

Vegas Jeff
10-02-13, 08:26
This brings me to make an observation that may not be too popular with some here, but here goes. Speaking of MDE I feel with this opening of the LL and all the Mansion girls there with their 150K price tag it is really going to make MDE not the place I knew and loved. Even now the Mayo girls (some) are asking 50K instead of the usual 30K. So these business men who are promoting all this 150K stuff are really going to bite us in the butt. Yeah I know some of you guys feel it is still a bargain compared to sex prison, but fuck that.

Go ahead boys fire away.I was at The Mansion a little over 2 years ago and it was 150mil then for 2-3 hours if you could keep them entertained. I don't think much has changed in the past 2 years. Many of the recent reports have stated great experiences from The Mansion girls as being hot and giving good service. As far as The Mayo goes IMO it is better to try to pull girls off the street in Centro or even do the daytime casas instead of going to The Mayo. 30 Centro Casas 200+ girls. 30K-38K 1/2 hour with facility included.

Member #4287
10-02-13, 21:08
This brings me to make an observation that may not be too popular with some here, but here goes. Speaking of MDE I feel with this opening of the LL and all the Mansion girls there with their 150K price tag it is really going to make MDE not the place I knew and loved. Even now the Mayo girls (some) are asking 50K instead of the usual 30K. So these business men who are promoting all this 150K stuff are really going to bite us in the butt. Yeah I know some of you guys feel it is still a bargain compared to sex prison, but fuck that.

Go ahead boys fire away.You are comparing apples to oranges.

The guys that pay 150K are looking for something different than the guys that pay 30 to 50K in el centro. They are looking for pleasant company and a GFE in the bedroom. A lot of the guys that pay 300K for "todo la noche" are paying for a diversion and haven't resigned themselves to paying for every single piece of ass that they are ever going to get for the rest of their lives. So the service and experience is a lot more important than the price.

I have met a number of guys that do not like Mansion girls and the reason is simple. They aren't getting what they paid for. They are getting a straight up sex act that can be easily had in the casas for 100K less.

I rarely go to day time casas any more. Most of the time I can't even find one chick that I would pay to bang. Last time I went I saw a couple that I would have probably banged if they weren't charging and even when I do find one that stands out enough to attract my attention she usually sucks in the bedroom. Every now and then you will find one that has potential and you can get her phone number and meet her outside the place and turn the sex from mechanical to "I can't believe a prepago just fucked me that good" but that is rare and look at all the time involved.

Mayo can be a bargain and you can find a hottie that is half the price of the Mansion. But most of the time I find nada, zilch, nothing at all that interests me. So you have to ask yourself is a night of wacking off worth the risk. If I stayed in Medellin for months instead of weeks I would frequent Mayo more often. But it just isn't worth the trade off for me right now.

10-02-13, 22:58
Hello everyone!

I am thinking of coming to Medellin for the first time at the end of the month. Pretty sure that I am going to stay at the Mansion. Actually, the punting options are pretty solid.

My question is actually on other stuff. I wanted to go to places like the Coffee region in the South, or the Pablo Escobar ruins in the east. I look at a map, and these things are like 100 miles away. And yet, the bus rides are all listed as like 5 hours! Why? Are the buses slow? Is traffic bad? Are the roads twisty mountain roads that you drive 10 MPH on? Would it help if I bought a car?


10-02-13, 23:46
Hello everyone!

I am thinking of coming to Medellin for the first time at the end of the month. Pretty sure that I am going to stay at the Mansion. Actually, the punting options are pretty solid.

My question is actually on other stuff. I wanted to go to places like the Coffee region in the South, or the Pablo Escobar ruins in the east. I look at a map, and these things are like 100 miles away. And yet, the bus rides are all listed as like 5 hours! Why? Are the buses slow? Is traffic bad? Are the roads twisty mountain roads that you drive 10 MPH on? Would it help if I bought a car?

Thanks!Yeah man the roads bro the roads. Plus the bus has to stop for everybody. As a first timer you'll have plenty to do in Medellin Proper, Pablo's grave is in Medellin, you can see where he was gunned down (so I've been told) and Rio Claro is just up the road a few hours vs 5, and so are the little pueblos where Paisas like to weekend.


Colombia Jake
10-02-13, 23:54

Plenty of help, or.


Or any regular hotel.


Bookings. Com then if you need it hire a guide,

https://www.facebook.com/jimmy.giraldo.77?hc_location=streamAt this time my place is solo! I changed the standard room to give guys a lot more room, and I'm running a October $75 a night special. Take a look at the bigger room on the ColombiaJake link above!



10-03-13, 01:56
Just got back from my second trip to MDE. Seems like this trip was even better than the last one. I'll write a report later, but all I can say is wow. I should have returned to MDE sooner.

Vegas Jeff
10-03-13, 02:17
Hello everyone!

I am thinking of coming to Medellin for the first time at the end of the month. Pretty sure that I am going to stay at the Mansion. Actually, the punting options are pretty solid.

My question is actually on other stuff. I wanted to go to places like the Coffee region in the South, or the Pablo Escobar ruins in the east. I look at a map, and these things are like 100 miles away. And yet, the bus rides are all listed as like 5 hours! Why? Are the buses slow? Is traffic bad? Are the roads twisty mountain roads that you drive 10 MPH on? Would it help if I bought a car?

Thanks!Prepare to spend 4++ hours on the bus each direction for these far away excusions. The roads are mountainous and winding. It is better to do the coffee region when you have 2+ days and check out Manizales, Periera, Armenia, etc. For a guy staying at The Mansion this would not be recommended.

I would recommend Lake Guatape. If you leave in the morning you can be back for the evening. Guatape is only 2 hours by bus out of The North Bus Terminal.

10-03-13, 07:26
Based in San Javier,"Comuna 13", x-paramilitarians and "campesinos" without ability or will to integrate into the normal social life now has become a plague for Medellin. My friend that works for the MDE Municipality told me that even Exito and big companies pays for "protection". Police and military fights on, but getting rid of the problem would almost be to start a strong military offensive amongst civilians. Behind a frontline in San Javier the power is the Gangs, well trained and with long experience of military service, the FED, Police and militaries can't beat them.

I have friends that runs small business that had confirmed this in confidence. Pay or get wacked!

So the award "The Most Innovative City In The World" by Wall Street Journal / Citicroup didn't do them homework to well. There are still a lot of fear amongst people and gang criminality is rising rapidly again in MDE.

The Maniacs that runs those criminal gangs will never adapt to society. During an half-informal peacetalk between with a group of gang-leaders and represants from the authorities, one gangster just pick up his gun, shot the guy next to him, put down the gun, all in a blick on an eye, and then continued the conversation that nothing had happend. This is part of the real life in MDE that tourists know little about, but once accepted as more than a tourist, people has started telling me thing that are horrible that goes on in a scale that we foreigners from the 1st world can not imagine.

A human life is still not worth much in Colombia.

Extreme inequality in incomes and possibility are the 10th worst in the world, only is it worse in 9 African countries according to cia. Gov / factbook. In spite of the "success" with Plan Colombia" and Uribe's huge popularity, he or his generals authorised the killing of peasants and nameing them FARC-member, in Colombia commonly known as "falsas progresivas".

Medellíand has now the reputation of being an super-innovative and business friendly city, the best in Latinamerica. But it is still very dangerous.

Respect for a human life is still on a 3 world level.