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Member #4244
02-08-14, 18:40
I guess some guys are into masochism. They purposely go out of their way to find the Sharon Stone character from the movie "Casino".You're not giving this one enough credit, she is masterful at playing these guys but the NATURAL way she does it is what is so fucking impressive. She also is helped by very unassuming appearances. She is 4'7", very smooth and sweet looking. Here is a for instance, her and three friends went to Panama to ply their trade in Colon. When they got to the airport, the other three were held and sweated extensively about their purpose in the country, the nature of their work, etc, etc. It was obvious why they were there and she came with them. However, they just let her walk right through and into the country without so much as a follow-up question. She's also pretty masterful at playing into a guy's ego. Really she missed her calling as a protagonista de nuestra tele (soap opera star) hahaha.

And there are many like her, some with better intentions but the same results. You're not going to find stable, trustworthy people in this business, sorry.

Member #4287
02-08-14, 19:28
How many Medellin h00kers do you know that have pictures of themselves in Miami? A K1 (fiance) visa is the most likely scenario. The USA does not hand out tourist visas to young Colombian women very easily, it is almost impossible.Getting a tourist visa is a lot easier than it used to be.

Just go to a travel agency in Colombia buy a trip and some will help you fill out the visa paperwork and if you don't get it they will refund you the money you paid. About a 60% chance of getting a tourist visa if you have a some decent coin in the bank which is higher odds than Wendy was actually in Miami. Saw her inside a plane and her saying she was in Miami which means at best there is a 50/50 chance she was actually there. Jajaja

Colombia Jake
02-08-14, 19:38
Enjoyed taking Rich and Barry to the Super Bowl Party at LL with Vegas Steve cleaning up on all the Peyton-Bronco lovers! Robert is here after an 18 hour adventure coming from Sosua Dominican. After the nap heading out to the Park Lleras for 3 for 1 sunrises and a few of the full timers to get the night started. Running low on energy we headed downtown to the Cool park to take in the scene and its always a experience that few ever forget. On to a few strip clubs including La Noche which has some potential and finished up at the Mayorista which had a good crowd with one or two keepers. Heading to the Big three Casas today after my game. New pictures of Rich and Barry out front of Carmens on the Colombia Jake website. Thanks for your support! Jake

02-08-14, 19:51
You're not giving this one enough credit, she is masterful at playing these guys but the NATURAL way she does it is what is so fucking impressive. She also is helped by very unassuming appearances. She is 4'7", very smooth and sweet looking. Here is a for instance, her and three friends went to Panama to ply their trade in Colon. When they got to the airport, the other three were held and sweated extensively about their purpose in the country, the nature of their work, etc, etc. It was obvious why they were there and she came with them. However, they just let her walk right through and into the country without so much as a follow-up question. She's also pretty masterful at playing into a guy's ego. Really she missed her calling as a protagonista de nuestra tele (soap opera star) hahaha.

And there are many like her, some with better intentions but the same results. You're not going to find stable, trustworthy people in this business, sorry.Anyone got any pictures of this Wendy? Just curious.

Member #4287
02-08-14, 19:53
Anyone got any pictures of this Wendy? Just curious.Better yet anyone have pics of Wendy by any Miami landmark? Jajaja

Member #4394
02-08-14, 20:41
Perhaps boredom is more painful than poverty for the most people?

For many of these girls and certainly someone like her, what you do is who you are.

Their mind doesn't work the way most people's mind works, neither do their emotions. They have a thought process and a way of doing things that transcends reason.

I like to offer an example / parallel from another walk of life. I know a guy, basically a rich hippie. His pops struck it rich mining, I mean we are talking tens of millions of dollars if not a couple hundred by now. The guy lived a sheltered life until 18 when he became a heroin junkie. Naturally, this led him into the supply side of the business, and he had a nice little racket running between his hometown and Philly with all sorts of drugs and cash changing hands.

Fast forward 20+ years, the guy has had a couple stints in jail (which could have been much longer if not for $$$) , two deaths (yes, twice declared dead and resuscitated) and all sorts of dope, this guy is still being supported 100% by his folks and STILL getting his nose dirty. His thinking is hustle, fast money, come up, get over. Even though he has absolutely no necessity to do so. He has enough money to support himself along with his various habits and hobbies, yet he is still out there putting himself at risk and getting involved with dicey stuff.

Same kinda thing I have seen in the hooking world. I know a girl, a career prepago with now eight years sold in the game. She has thrice had tickets out where she could have had her own home and seed money for her own business, but instead stiffed the guys on some small change as a stepping stone to her next whoring trip. Three times that I know about LOL.

Aussie Greg
02-08-14, 20:59
I have known Wendy and Demi more than anyone.

As soon as the money runs out, so does the false love and attention jajajajajaa and that is the case for 99. 9% of the cunts.

Some of the guys (including what's his name, shit lost it) think different, poor bastards.

Aussie Greg.

Legal Tender
02-08-14, 23:24
Anyone got any pictures of this Wendy? Just curious.Wendy claims to be in Panama now.

Member #4244
02-09-14, 01:06
Ahhh, here I am thinking she posted pics in Miami. It matters not either way LOL.

Matt I am not sure I understood your comment. To me, in both cases neither person has a reason to be bored. The prepago, yes, she has to feign amorrrrrrr for her debit card, er, boyfriend, but that's only a sliver of the day with endless benefits. She could have been set up, but what she knows is hooking, hooking, hooking. When I last talked to her, she had purchased a house and wiped out her money. She had three more "business trips" planned. The first one she already did, she met some guy in Aruba, set him up to marry him, worked him for a bunch of cash and the day they were supposed to go to Holland together she bailed for St Maarten after asking him for the money to get there. She is now working on a Curacao thing and then some other trip after a stint in Cartagena.

Even on a more innocent level, you see how these women treat their ACTUAL boyfriends when they are with you. They will pop your cock out of their mouth to these poor saps "I love you!"

Don't go putting a water hose in an electric socket. Everything has its compartment in life, guys.

As for the other example, the guy is just a nut. Even if he didn't like the fun kind of drugs, he's so medicated for various behavioral conditions and what not that he'd be zoned out either way. Still, the guy has a house paid for, car paid for, a wife that has a job (who is, predictably, also nuts) and he has $1000+ a week in straight pocket money, plus various "bonuses." He could do whatever the hell he wants, but what do you do when you do what you want? That's a question everyone should ask himself.

Legal Tender
02-09-14, 02:27
Even on a more innocent level, you see how these women treat their ACTUAL boyfriends when they are with you. They will pop your cock out of their mouth to these poor saps "I love you!"I submit that any woman that doesn't cut off her cell phone anytime you want her undivided attention is not only not a novia, she is disrespectful. There are exceptional circumstances, of course, but they better be few and far between and disclosed before the sex starts. I maybe a fanatic about that.

02-09-14, 02:44
Are you guys seriously turning into a bunch of prepago groupies? It truly must be cold and boring where you are.

I've been with Wendy, yeah, she's great. So was the girl I did at Latina's a couple days ago, and the girl I did at Juliana's for 35k cop yesterday.

Instead of pondering where Wendy is this week, what her favorite color was last week, or which Back Street Boy you most resemble, call your travel agent and get on the tour bus.

Wendy claims to be in Panama now.

02-09-14, 02:56
Wendy claims to be in Panama now.Hmmf. Unless someone has better pictures, she seems incredibly ordinary. Geraldine is much prettier.

02-09-14, 03:11
There is nothing to worry about. If this Wendy is as popular as everyone says, then she actually may have given up income to be with this guy. And who am I to stand in the way of true love.

But on the flip side, just go to the Thailand forum. The path to true love is riddled with thousands of corpses of guys who believed the pillow talk.It's all the same http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXP5yu0552E

Member #4244
02-09-14, 03:32
I submit that any woman that doesn't cut off her cell phone anytime you want her undivided attention is not only not a novia, she is disrespectful. There are exceptional circumstances, of course, but they better be few and far between and disclosed before the sex starts. I maybe a fanatic about that.Well dude, number one don't take things so literally, I don't mean ACTUALLY popping your cock out of her mouth. If you'd like a concrete example, I once took a young lass on a trip to the coast for a couple weeks. She had to tell her live-in boyfriend a whopper to get away. Once after I deposited a liter of cum into her anus and flipped on an NBA game, her boyfriend called and I heard a solid ten minutes of how much she missed him while I sat there trying not to crack up. She hung up the phone and laid a deep kiss on me, 20 minutes later we went at it again. I seem to recall her having the booze and me having the chronic, and on that joyous day I believe the Lakers may have beaten the Supersonics.

Let's not let your According to Hoyle's rulebook on prepagos detract from a valid point or ruin a good story. Thanks.

Member #4244
02-09-14, 03:44
It's all the same.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXP5yu0552EThis guy is dropping science. Again, PUT YOURSELF ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS EQUATION AND OBSERVE. I have a lady friend from a port town who moved to MDE. She has a European guy sending her 5, 000, 000 pesos a month, buying her phones and Playstations and so forth. He put a rock on her finger, haven't been married though (gave her the ring two years ago!). When I come to town, I call her, she comes over and for 200, 000 pesos, I bust that thing out until she drops. She goes out all the time. She just about never passes the opportunity for a gig. She does exactly the shit Cuba Dave does in this video. If anything, the support lets her be lazy about gigs or picky about the payments, but not even close to close to faithful or honest.

Put yourself in their position, they are there, you are at home. You might be living some sort of stoic lifestyle (probably not by choice though LOL) but she doesn't have to and IS NOT.

Don't get me wrong, I have sent a few bucks here or there but always with a cost / benefit analysis. If it's a one-time thing or a real pinch or small change I don't give a fuck about, fine. Anyone talking $500 a month, $2000 a month, shit on a schedule, HA. RUN, FORREST, RUN! Even if it works for a while, it's not going to last. Eventually she will entertain the possibility of making what she was making-which was enough, close to it or more than enough-AND picking up your money.

So, as LT says, if you're doing good without expecting anything in return, fine, go for it. But don't think this girl is a vending machine that if you put enough money or good deeds in, that a respectable woman will pop out. It doesn't work that way. I can't believe we are having this discussion in a forum full of veterans to be honest.

02-09-14, 03:44
I seem to recall her having the booze and me having the chronic, and on that joyous day I believe the Lakers may have beaten the Supersonics.Classic, LOL! That day must have been a good day :D

(sadly, half of the members here won't recognize the reference)

Legal Tender
02-09-14, 04:16
This guy is dropping science. Again, PUT YOURSELF ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS EQUATION AND OBSERVE. I have a lady friend from a port town who moved to MDE. She has a European guy sending her 5, 000, 000 pesos a month, buying her phones and Playstations and so forth. He put a rock on her finger, haven't been married though (gave her the ring two years ago!). When I come to town, I call her, she comes over and for 200, 000 pesos, I bust that thing out until she drops. She goes out all the time. She just about never passes the opportunity for a gig. She does exactly the shit Cuba Dave does in this video. If anything, the support lets her be lazy about gigs or picky about the payments, but not even close to close to faithful or honest.

Put yourself in their position, they are there, you are at home. You might be living some sort of stoic lifestyle (probably not by choice though LOL) but she doesn't have to and IS NOT.

Don't get me wrong, I have sent a few bucks here or there but always with a cost / benefit analysis. If it's a one-time thing or a real pinch or small change I don't give a fuck about, fine. Anyone talking $500 a month, $2000 a month, shit on a schedule, HA. RUN, FORREST, RUN! Even if it works for a while, it's not going to last. Eventually she will entertain the possibility of making what she was making-which was enough, close to it or more than enough-AND picking up your money.

So, as LT says, if you're doing good without expecting anything in return, fine, go for it. But don't think this girl is a vending machine that if you put enough money or good deeds in, that a respectable woman will pop out. It doesn't work that way. I can't believe we are having this discussion in a forum full of veterans to be honest.Interesting observations and opinions. I'm talking about more money that you mentioned, and I've never been "taken advantage of" or "scammed" by any of my scholarship recipients. I've got one that a little pleasure giving has been beneath her dignity, and I've known her for a year and a half. All I want is to see these girls are educated, independent, and passionate about something worthwhile in their lives. I'm in Medellin now. She's finally agreed to come to the apartment alone. An interesting challenge. This "relationship" will last until she gets her degree if she maintains at least a 4 point (out of 5). I think she is a respecable woman. And, I think her dignity level is about to be lowered, or at least satisfied. My argument is that if you don't want to have sex with someone who is actually interested in your life, then who? It's worked great so far. No victims in my life, only good energy.

You're making all the dudes victims because of choices they made. The source of all pain is unfulfilled expectations. I've been disappointed by a girl or two, but just because of lack of performance in the classroom. No excuses for failure.

We've got our fair share of Misogynist here. No compassion for victims, it's all about ego.

Member #4244
02-09-14, 04:20
Interesting observations and opinions. I'm talking about more money that you mentioned, and I've never been "taken advantage of" or "scammed" by any of my scholarship recipients. I've got one that a little pleasure giving has been beneath her dignity, and I've known her for a year and a half. All I want is to see these girls are educated, independent, and passionate about something worthwhile in their lives. I'm in Medellin now. She's finally agreed to come to the apartment alone. An interesting challenge. This "relationship" will last until she gets her degree if she maintains at least a 4 point (out of 5). I think she is a respecable woman. And, I think her dignity level is about to be lowered, or at least satisfied. My argument is that if you don't want to have sex with someone who is actually interested in your life, then who? It's worked great so far. No victims in my life, only good energy.

You're making all the dudes victims because of choices they made. The source of all pain is unfulfilled expectations. I've been disappointed by a girl or two, but just because of lack of performance in the classroom. No excuses for failure.

We've got our fair share of Misogynist here. No compassion for victims, it's all about ego.Hi, LT, to be clear, I know you are the center of the universe but apart from the bit where I agree with something you have said a number of times, this post was not directed at you in any way.

I don't know the precise terms of your scholarships or exact what your expectations are. I don't think your situation is typical so why would I extrapolate to offer general advice to other people?

I do think you're wealthy and emotionally divorced enough to pull your thing off, at least from the sound of things. Sometimes I think your views tend to reflect that and don't present the most accurate picture to others in different situations. But, above all, as I said, not every comment about giving money to a woman is directed at you. You're doing your thing, great, it seems like you are enjoying yourself and that is what matters. I do find a lot of your posts to be dubious though, for example where here you acknowledge "lowering a woman's dignity" and then say you "have no victims" in the same breath. It's one of many examples, but hey, most of us are inconsistent, we just tend to space out our contradictions a bit more.

I'm not making anyone a victim, we all make choices and deal with the consequences. I'm just trying to help people navigate the terrain, avoid pitfalls, have a better time and not have to learn by screwing up themselves. I think that is what we are all here to do. As far as how much money, I just threw random numbers out there. That's all relative to one's own level of affluence anyway. As far as having some brute attitude towards women, sorry, I'm not the one equating the relationship with a prepaid "novia" with "any relationship with any woman." That was you, my friend. There are all different kinds of people in this world. The kind who fall in love instantly for a buck are the kind to avoid big commitments with.

Legal Tender
02-09-14, 04:29
I have known Wendy and Demi more than anyone.

As soon as the money runs out, so does the false love and attention jajajajajaa and that is the case for 99. 9% of the cunts.

Some of the guys (including what's his name, shit lost it) think different, poor bastards.

Aussie Greg.When does the "money run out?" It runs out when she can trade up. That goes for 99. 9999 of all women. At bottom, anyone of any substance should be under a guardianship if he didn't insist on a pre nuptial agreement and consult with counsel that knows what he or she is talking about. I've got to admit, there is risk, but it can be minimized.

Member #4244
02-09-14, 04:39
When does the "money run out?" It runs out when she can trade up. That goes for 99. 9999 of all women. At bottom, anyone of any substance should be under a guardianship if he didn't insist on a pre nuptial agreement and consult with counsel that knows what he or she is talking about. I've got to admit, there is risk, but it can be minimized.Wow, no misogyny in that statement! You are a true gentleman, how could any of us ever criticize? Since you seem to be dying to know my opinion, you are pretty much a chickenhawk in a guru's robe from what I can tell.

Legal Tender
02-09-14, 04:44
Hi, LT, to be clear, I know you are the center of the universe but apart from the bit where I agree with something you have said a number of times, this post was not directed at you in any way.

I don't know the precise terms of your scholarships or exact what your expectations are. I don't think your situation is typical so why would I extrapolate to offer general advice to other people?

I'm not making anyone a victim, we all make choices and deal with the consequences. I'm just trying to help people navigate the terrain, avoid pitfalls, have a better time and not have to learn by screwing up themselves. I think that is what we are all here to do. As far as how much money, I just threw random numbers out there. That's all relative to one's own level of affluence anyway. As far as having some brute attitude towards women, sorry, I'm not the one equating the relationship with a prepaid "novia" with "any relationship with any woman." That was you, my friend. There are all different kinds of people in this world. The kind who fall in love instantly for a buck are the kind to avoid big commitments with.I don't disagree that my situation is different than most. I guess you and I disagree on what the pitfalls to avoid are. Obviously, you hold women who provide sexual pleasures "prepaid" as less desirable as a woman one could have a relationship with. Probably true in the minds of most. The only commitment that I make is to do what I say that I will do. Anyone can help a worthwhile girl. I'm a big supporter of the "Western Union" novio. Just a few buck a month would help almost of these girls. Life in Colombia without money is not easy. It's not the same sexual experience as one would have in a casa, not saying there is anything wrong with that. I guess I don't hold sex workers in low regard. Maybe the most honest women around. I was not offended what you wrote or take it personally. We don't always agree, but my way is much more tranquil, I think.

02-09-14, 04:48
I'm a big supporter of the "Western Union" novio. Just a few buck a month would help almost of these girls. Life in Colombia without money is not easy.LT, life ANYWHERE without money is not easy. For both men and women, LOL.

You really should watch the video link TweedleD just posted. You are "Big Papi" whereas the rest of us are quite happy being "Pocket Change". It's only 6:55 minutes.

This one is good as well (though almost 15 minutes long):

Cubadave talks about the dreaded RFM (Request for money)


Cuba Dave: Your gal is everybody's pal

Legal Tender
02-09-14, 05:50
LT, life ANYWHERE without money is not easy. For both men and women, LOL.

You really should watch the video link TweedleD just posted. You are "Big Papi" whereas the rest of us are quite happy being "Pocket Change". It's only 6:55 minutes.

This one is good as well (though almost 15 minutes long) :

Cubadave talks about the dreaded RFM (Request for money)


Cuba Dave: Your gal is everybody's palI think everyone ought to watch this video. He is spot on what many of these girls will do and ask for. My situation is a little bit different in material respects. First, to my knowledge I've never given a had a financial commitment with an active sex worker. Second, I have no expectation of having a novia, with one exception. Cuba Dave's assumptions is that with financial assistance the supposed novia won't have to sell a little pussy on occasion. It reminds me of a situation in Time's Square a couple of new years eves ago. I was with a 40 year old American woman. Generally way over my age limit- but she was educated and interesting and had a smoking body. Digressing, I gave some homeless fellow $10. And she chastised me explaining that he was probably going to buy drugs or booze. My thought was and is "what he does with the money is not my problem, he said that he was hungry." Same with any request for financial assistance. All you have to do is say no. Just don't have any expectations that are ego centric. Don't do anything that you don't want to do and take complete responsibility for your choices. Cuba Dave invites you to have the choice to be a victim. Eliminate that possibility by understanding what you do is YOUR choice.

Make sense?

02-09-14, 06:29
LT, life ANYWHERE without money is not easy. For both men and women, LOL.

You really should watch the video link TweedleD just posted. You are "Big Papi" whereas the rest of us are quite happy being "Pocket Change". It's only 6:55 minutes.

This one is good as well (though almost 15 minutes long) :

Cubadave talks about the dreaded RFM (Request for money)


Cuba Dave: Your gal is everybody's palAnybody with Common Sense will tell you that you can buy a women's pussy but you cannot buy her heart.

The one thing you have to understand about women, is that if a women really likes you, you do not have to send her money. Most of these girls have local boyfriends and they don't give them shit, because at the end of the day they love them.

02-09-14, 06:34
I think everyone ought to watch this video. He is spot on what many of these girls will do and ask for. My situation is a little bit different in material respects. First, to my knowledge I've never given a had a financial commitment with an active sex worker. Second, I have no expectation of having a novia, with one exception. Cuba Dave's assumptions is that with financial assistance the supposed novia won't have to sell a little pussy on occasion. It reminds me of a situation in Time's Square a couple of new years eves ago. I was with a 40 year old American woman. Generally way over my age limit- but she was educated and interesting and had a smoking body. Digressing, I gave some homeless fellow $10. And she chastised me explaining that he was probably going to buy drugs or booze. My thought was and is "what he does with the money is not my problem, he said that he was hungry." Same with any request for financial assistance. All you have to do is say no. Just don't have any expectations that are ego centric. Don't do anything that you don't want to do and take complete responsibility for your choices. Cuba Dave invites you to have the choice to be a victim. Eliminate that possibility by understanding what you do is YOUR choice.

Make sense?I got to say the Cubadave guys tells a good story and he does not hemm and haww at all during his video. Makes it easier to watch. He makes good sense and is clearly a hard core monger master! If you want to be nice to a girl be nice, if you want to just to be down there and have your turn that's fine too.

Ok. Mini report from today. Went back to Loutron as my novia (Screw you Cubadave! Hahahah!) had plans with her mom. I had a session with Angie who is SUPER pretty! Her face and smile are both amazing. SUCH a beauty especially if you like lighter skinned latinas. Great natural body, big ass for her frame, and awesome boobies. The cons: all the usual Loutron bullshit. She worked there before, got fired for getting fat (hahah! They told her to not come back from her vacation / holiday break!), and she got off her ass and got right and tight again!

Def a solid "A" experience in my book but we've had a few sessions before so established chemistry.

Member #4244
02-09-14, 06:48
I don't disagree that my situation is different than most. I guess you and I disagree on what the pitfalls to avoid are. Obviously, you hold women who provide sexual pleasures "prepaid" as less desirable as a woman one could have a relationship with. Probably true in the minds of most. The only commitment that I make is to do what I say that I will do. Anyone can help a worthwhile girl. I'm a big supporter of the "Western Union" novio. Just a few buck a month would help almost of these girls. Life in Colombia without money is not easy. It's not the same sexual experience as one would have in a casa, not saying there is anything wrong with that. I guess I don't hold sex workers in low regard. Maybe the most honest women around. I was not offended what you wrote or take it personally. We don't always agree, but my way is much more tranquil, I think.I guess one of the fundamental things we differ on is that whether it is "a few bucks a month" or "much more than we are talking about" or "a scholarship," the criteria seems to be first and foremost that the girl is attractive and you are getting sex out of the deal. I believe we have already had this conversation. You named one girl who is an exception (for the time being!) and a couple young African men (whom I can only assume you did not bed LOL) , but overall I find it the whole schtick a bit disingenuous. I have no doubt we have more to agree on that disagree about, but that is sort of an ongoing rift between our viewpoints. Our approach and experiences are pretty similar, but the way we view it is pretty different.

Legal Tender
02-09-14, 06:52
I guess one of the fundamental things we differ on is that whether it is "a few bucks a month" or "much more than we are talking about" or "a scholarship," the criteria seems to be first and foremost that the girl is attractive and you are getting sex out of the deal. I believe we have already had this conversation. You named one girl who is an exception (for the time being!) and a couple young African men (whom I can only assume you did not bed LOL) , but overall I find it the whole schtick a bit disingenuous. I have no doubt we have more to agree on that disagree about, but that is sort of an ongoing rift between our viewpoints. Our approach and experiences are pretty similar, but the way we view it is pretty different.We don't see things like they are, we see things like we are.

Member #4244
02-09-14, 07:01
Incidentally I find Cuba Dave, though generally accurate, to be a little heavy handed. I have definitely met girls that only ask for help when they REALLY need it and are modest about their requests. I feel like Paisas in particular can go either way, either they are all out money hungry succubi or they have this ingrained humility that keeps them very simple and straightforward, as long as you don't get way tooooooooo close. Same thing with taking them to dinner or somewhere, I take zero issue with that as long as there is some spark there. I guess what I am trying to say is that I have a few pros and "semi pros" as real friends and the same way I'd treat a friend with less money than me that I wasn't schtupping, I will treat them with perhaps just a little bonus for that post-coital afterglow.

Anyway LT, I don't want some funk between us to grow for no reason and clog up the forum. I can respect your hustle and I get the benefits you get from it. It's a little tangled for my liking, but that's a personal / situational thing. I definitely understand it though and I know you have a fucking ball doing it.

Iguana Six
02-09-14, 08:21
I think some of us are over-analyzing these providers, some are investing too many emotions in our providers, and some of us are investing too much emotion in the discussion.

Put things in perspective. Imagine you are a 20-something in the states. You can't find a job, you can't get money to go to school, you live with your parents. Maybe you got a kid to support. (Actually, thanks to Obamanomics, many Generation Y or millennial generation-types are in this situation.) A friend tells you that if you hang out at this certain bed and breakfast or a certain bar, you can make more than a week's or even a month's salary spending a couple of hours with some foreign woman. Sure, they might be twice your age, some might be drunk / overweight / boorish / hygiene challenged, while some might be completely incompetent in the amorous arts, and others are from countries that are much more prosperous than yours and don't speak your language, but they are not ALL like that. You have to make some mental adjustments, because this really isn't what you thought you were doing with your life just a few years ago when you were in high school and dreamed about growing up to be an astronaut, NASCAR driver, rock star, FBI agent, or internet start up millionaire. How sane do you think you would be after a few months if you don't make those mental adjustments.

Now, if someone is not grounded, this could warp your thought processes, but let's toss in another variable. This is what the Japanese would call "a floating world." You are sitting on the banks of a river, and the river is constantly changing as it flows past you every minute. It is never the same river, minute by minute. Much is constant in your world, but the stream of foreigners keeps changing, like the items on a grocery store cash register conveyor belt. Some clients are nice, but they will be gone in a week, a few days, even the end of the weekend. Some come back, but they want to pick up with you were they "left off", but you never left.

Now toss in another variable. Some of these clients are crazier than you are. Some are emotionally less mature than you are. Some of them are using the trips down in lieu of therapy to get over their last divorce. Some of them "don't get" the basic facts of the "relationship" and think they are in "puppy love" with you like you were high school sweethearts and you went to the prom together, and now they are reuniting with you after their first semester at state college.

Friends, let's put things in perspective. Let's dial back the drama a little. Yes, the "provider with a heart of gold" is something to be treasured, but very rare. Let's stop obsessing over the unicorn. In the end, it doesn't matter whether it has a horn or not, a regular horse will get us where we want to go.

Member #4287
02-09-14, 08:22
Hmmf. Unless someone has better pictures, she seems incredibly ordinary. Geraldine is much prettier.After reading this board for a while, I have come to the conclusion that everybody's subjective experiences are soooo different with these women that it is best to just post pics whenever possible. Jajaja

02-09-14, 08:26
We don't see things like they are, we see things like we are."I tell so many lies I have to write them down and keep them in the lie box so I can keep them straight."

Iguana Six
02-09-14, 08:44
Sometimes, when you find yourself staring into the darkness of the abyss, it just means that you need to pay your cable bill.

02-09-14, 12:00
It started with me almost not making it because of 2 snowstorms in the NYC area. Actually I had to buy a separate ticket for 1st segment of flight to MDE going from NYC to Ft Lauderdale since the original flight was cancelled for snow, unfortunately I had to pay for it. The good that came out of it is. I had an extra day in Florida so I made time to start my move down south early-met new lanlord, signed apt lease and paid deposit-this is the last winter I'm ever going to see-it was not my idea to move to NYC from Hawaii, I was conned into it by some asshole!

With everything done in Florida, got on flight to MDE, that was on time but got a little delay leaving Florida due to a thunderstorm-20 min, not a problem. Arrived MDE, got picked up by driver from the Mansion as arranged. Checked in the Mansion, got cleaned up and went downstairs to bar-La Cuerva. No sooner than I stepped in before I was met by 3 chicas. I chose Stefany, had an awesome time with her but short because I was tired due to being up days before worrying about whether planes can leave NY, had 4 hrs sleep in previous 4 days, a good thing because I bought the last seat on that earlier flght to Florida. I got Stefany's number to see her next day.

Day 2 and final day of this short trip, was offered breakfast at the mansion so I took it. Afterwards I spent most of the day shopping down the street at Oviedo mall a nice mall to lady watch, would have been better if my language skills are better I think, got more than a few smiles back from chicas instead of the look of disgust if I stare at 20 something chicks in NY just because of my age. I'll work on learning Spanish before next trip! Feeling a lot better of myself that I spent money on myself instead of letting chicks in NY just use me and get nothing in return. After this trip and previous to SJO, I'm sticking to mongering instead of trying to get for free. After shopping I went to dinner at food court in mall.

I got back to the Mansion in late afternoon, got some rest and went back downstairs to La Cuerva. Once again was met back 3 more Chicas soon as I walked in! This time I chose Kelly hung out with her at the bar awhile enough for Stefany to show up since I called her earlier! She said not a problem and do I want them both and I said great! I had a much better time this time around since I'm not tired. We even communicated fine using Google translate from my laptop! I had great time with both Stefany and Kelly and I'll say it's even more true than when I finished my SJO trip when someone from this board said I, ll be forever turned off by gringas in NYC. Now for sure I'm just going to save up from the now short hops to MDE, SJO from Florida. I don't know if 20 something non pros in Florida have same attitude towards us older guys bit it's not worth waste of time? When I, m guaranteed what I want south of the border! Also lastly what I had concern of being hassled by Customs coming back for a 2 day stay did not happen just as a few of you here said it won, t. Neither did long waits- I cleared customs in FLL in half hour from time I stepped off plane till I hit the next bit of business to do in Ft Lauderdale!

02-09-14, 17:22
Are you guys seriously turning into a bunch of prepago groupies? It truly must be cold and boring where you are.

I've been with Wendy, yeah, she's great. So was the girl I did at Latina's a couple days ago, and the girl I did at Juliana's for 35k cop yesterday.

Instead of pondering where Wendy is this week, what her favorite color was last week, or which Back Street Boy you most resemble, call your travel agent and get on the tour bus.Right on Jonesie!

After breezing through a few pages of philosophy, I was happy to find yours as well as the photos posted by socker.

There's always another great girl just around the corner, and the hunt is fun too.

02-09-14, 19:11
Right on Jonesie!

There's always another great girl just around the corner, and the hunt is fun too."Instead of pondering where Wendy is this week, what her favorite color was last week, or which Back Street Boy you most resemble, call your travel agent and get on the tour bus."

LOL. Priceless.

I am getting on the tour bus, be in MDE in 10 days. Anyone around to share a drink, stories and do a walking tour. PM.


02-09-14, 19:18
I think some of us are over-analyzing these providers, some are investing too many emotions in our providers, and some of us are investing too much emotion in the discussion.

Now, if someone is not grounded, this could warp your thought processes, but let's toss in another variable. This is what the Japanese would call "a floating world." You are sitting on the banks of a river, and the river is constantly changing as it flows past you every minute. It is never the same river, minute by minute.

Friends, let's put things in perspective. Let's dial back the drama a little. Yes, the "provider with a heart of gold" is something to be treasured, but very rare. Let's stop obsessing over the unicorn. In the end, it doesn't matter whether it has a horn or not, a regular horse will get us where we want to go.That was a very nice analysis indeed. I enjoy when people write insightful posts, not so much fun when the fellows start giving each other shit, or shit like mine is bigger than yours or I know better than you because I got two more trips under my belts, etc.

Let's share some good stories, updates as to where some good fun may be had and luckily connect with a few nice girls in the process. And if you find the one woman in the world for you then best wishes and good luck.

Vegas Jeff
02-09-14, 22:33
Incidentally I find CubaDave, though generally accurate, to be a little heavy handed. I have definitely met girls that only ask for help when they REALLY need it and are modest about their requests. I feel like Paisas in particular can go either way, either they are all out money hungry succubi or they have this ingrained humility that keeps them very simple and straightforward, as long as you don't get way to close.I met CubaDave on one his last trips to San Jose, many years ago, before he started going exclusively to Sosua. After we left the Del Rey we would walk down the hill and he would go to The Freebird and I would go to The Presidente. When you are with him in person he is not this heavy-handed and he is actually very laid back. It is just necessary for him to be firm in getting his points across. I would encourage newbies to watch all his videos. The girl in the video below I had in common with him. I had sex with her about 5-6 times.

I agree with Wilt's perspective on Paisas and I rarely read this on the Colombia forum. I like the words "ingrained humility". I also find Colombian woman to very committed once they find the right man. This does not apply to the working girls. Most people don't realize that Colombia has one of the lowest divorce rates in the world.


02-10-14, 00:58
I submit that any woman that doesn't cut off her cell phone anytime you want her undivided attention is not only not a novia, she is disrespectful. There are exceptional circumstances, of course, but they better be few and far between and disclosed before the sex starts. I maybe a fanatic about that.I once asked a provider to switch off her phone before we got down to business and she said she can't because if her boyfriend calls she must answer as he does not know what she does and she wants to keep it that way.

02-10-14, 01:44
Greetings all,

I'm a senior member on the domestic website and an occasional international traveler. Just came back from Sosua in August and looking forward to my first trip to Medellin and / or Bogota Feb 26-Mar 7. Looking for any and all contact- it's always safer for ugly Americans to travel in pairs or better. I have good Spanish skills, better than average knowledge of customs and history of the country, and would love to share wingman duties. Drop me a line, let's have a safe good time.

Member #4244
02-10-14, 01:59
Send me a PM closer to your arrival. I may still be there. Enjoy

Legal Tender
02-10-14, 07:00
Right on Jonesie!

After breezing through a few pages of philosophy, I was happy to find yours as well as the photos posted by socker.I hope that a little philosophy is not a bad thing. But I was sure happy to see Socker's photos. I don't think we have a thread about moving to Colombia, and I found this dude's observations worth the listen. I.

Moving to Latin America: A Gringo Warning.


02-10-14, 10:53
After reading this board for a while, I have come to the conclusion that everybody's subjective experiences are soooo different with these women that it is best to just post pics whenever possible. JajajaI would still do Geraldine even though she's sloppy fat now. She still has a pretty face and some big ol tits!


02-10-14, 19:25
If you have her info outside of Facebook, could someone relay to Catherine (Cat IP) that her Facebook account has possibly been compromised. Her account is "mentioning" a ton of folks and the post says "entrar aqui" and "sexy video, click here".

I hope you guys were smart enough not to have clicked on the link, LOL!

Optic Guard
02-10-14, 19:47
If you have her info outside of Facebook, could someone relay to Catherine (Cat IP) that her Facebook account has possibly been compromised. Her account is "mentioning" a ton of folks and the post says "entrar aqui" and "sexy video, click here".

I hope you guys were smart enough not to have clicked on the link, LOL!1 of My friends got caught with facebook text to young girls from Medellin they took the Laptop and charged him with solicitation of a minor he could got to Jail here in the US for 20 years so wipe

Your computers clean before you come back to the US

02-10-14, 20:36
One could always limit their travel companions to the ages of 18 and over. So there's also that.

1 of My friends got caught with facebook text to young girls from Medellin they took the Laptop and charged him with solicitation of a minor he could got to Jail here in the US for 20 years so wipe

Your computers clean before you come back to the US

Member #4394
02-10-14, 23:09
Who are"they"?

1 of My friends got caught with facebook text to young girls from Medellin they took the Laptop and charged him with solicitation of a minor he could got to Jail here in the US for 20 years so wipe

Your computers clean before you come back to the US

02-11-14, 00:38
1 of my friends got caught with facebook text to young girls from medellin they took the laptop and charged him with solicitation of a minor he could got to jail here in the us for 20 years so wipe

your computers clean before you come back to the usbetter yet, stay away from ****d girls and you won't have any problems.

02-11-14, 01:08
1 of My friends got caught with facebook text to young girls from Medellin they took the Laptop and charged him with solicitation of a minor he could got to Jail here in the US for 20 years so wipe

Your computers clean before you come back to the USHold up buddy! We all need more details! A text message or PM via FB is enough to be convicted of solicitation of a minor? What?

Details please! Is Hey let's meet up? Enough or is there more to it? Was he or she explicit in their communications?

He got pintched on the US side correct? Had he any previous issues?

02-11-14, 02:49
better yet, stay away from ****d girls and you won't have any problems.exactly. i talk to dozens of girls on fb but unless they have their birthdate in their profile i stay away, they could lie of course but the feds couldn't hold me responsible if they misrepresented themselves. in person i always ask for i'd, period.

02-11-14, 02:55
better yet, stay away from ****d girls and you won't have any problems.not sure if he said ****d."young" could mean anything. 18, 19. i agree, a little more explanation is in order. i've never seen a laptop being turned on. was he playing with his phone and someone happened to see a pic of of someone that looks young?

02-11-14, 04:31
If you have her info outside of Facebook, could someone relay to Catherine (Cat IP) that her Facebook account has possibly been compromised. Her account is "mentioning" a ton of folks and the post says "entrar aqui" and "sexy video, click here".

I hope you guys were smart enough not to have clicked on the link, LOL!

Cat: "Hay cierto mensaje q esta mensaje q esta corriendo donde estáand etiquetadas varias personas no soy yo la que lo esta mandando es un virus

Lo siento


02-11-14, 17:56
not sure if he said ****d."young" could mean anything. 18, 19. i agree, a little more explanation is in order. i've never seen a laptop being turned on. was he playing with his phone and someone happened to see a pic of of someone that looks young?read the post again. he said that he could be charged with solicitation of a minor, that wouldn't happen if they were 18, 19.

02-11-14, 18:40
not sure if he said ****d."young" could mean anything. 18, 19. i agree, a little more explanation is in order. i've never seen a laptop being turned on. was he playing with his phone and someone happened to see a pic of of someone that looks young?as long as you can prove they're not ****, you're fine. if you're not sure or they can't prove it- 16 will get you life in a colombian (or us) penitentiary- and rightly so.

Vegas Jeff
02-11-14, 19:48
1 of my friends got caught with facebook text to young girls from medellin they took the laptop and charged him with solicitation of a minor he could got to jail here in the us for 20 years so wipe

your computers clean before you come back to the us
not sure if he said ****d."young" could mean anything. 18, 19. i agree, a little more explanation is in order. i've never seen a laptop being turned on. was he playing with his phone and someone happened to see a pic of of someone that looks young?all of these things have happened many times before. i mentioned, a few months ago, that i have a friend who knew a guy who went to jail in costa rica for a month. he went to jail for exactly this reason which was having pictures of an ****d girl on his computer. he had to pay a 10k usd fine of which half went to the family and the other half went to the court. the girl was only 17 at the time and when they seized the computer she was already 18. she was probably told about the 18 law and knew that he had the pictures on the computer. the authorities arrested the guy at his apartment and not at the airport. you don't go to jail for breaking the law. you go to jail for being stupid. on a side note i bring two 18 inch laptops through the airport every time i come to colombia and have never been stopped or questioned about anything. i have made about 15 trips.

Member #4287
02-11-14, 19:55
1 of My friends got caught with facebook text to young girls from Medellin they took the Laptop and charged him with solicitation of a minor he could got to Jail here in the US for 20 years so wipe

Your computers clean before you come back to the USI thought this LSD trip was going to end with Wendy coming to the US on a fiancee visa to get married but now I see that is not the case. Jajaja

Legal Tender
02-11-14, 19:57
Sorry amigos not what you're thinking, but a gem anyway. I highly recommend the free app called "Easy Taxi." It works great on my old IPhone, and is invaluable to those among us that struggle with the Spanish language. The app locates your location (with a screen to correct any mistake. It's using GPS) hit a button and within a few seconds you receive a photo of your driver, his taxi I'd, vehicle license plate number, and his phone number. His progress is dynamically tracked, with estimated time of arrival. And, of course, an alert when the taxi has arrived. And, it is in English.

Sometimes just simple things make you smile. Good energy, amigos

02-12-14, 00:35
The app locates your location (with a screen to correct any mistake. It's using GPS) hit a button And within a few seconds you receive a photo of your driver, his taxi I'd, vehicle license plate number, and his phone number. His progress is dynamically tracked, with estimated time of arrival. And, of course, an alert when the taxi has arrived. And, it is in English.

Sometimes just simple things make you smile. Good energy, amigosWell, at least the NSA and the Colombian government know how to locate you should they have any questions, LOL.

02-12-14, 01:22
Hi everyone,

Thinking of going to MDE the weekend of Mardi Gras at the end of the month. Anyone ever been at the Mansion at that time before? Do the girls take off and do their own thing? Is there enough traffic to keep you happy?

Thanks in advance!

02-12-14, 01:54
Hi everyone,

Thinking of going to MDE the weekend of Mardi Gras at the end of the month. Anyone ever been at the Mansion at that time before? Do the girls take off and do their own thing? Is there enough traffic to keep you happy?

Thanks in advance!Most likely no one in Colombia will have any knowledge of Mardi Grais. It's going to be just another day to them. I've never seen the Mansion do anything special for Mardi Gras either.

02-12-14, 02:09
Most likely no one in Colombia will have any knowledge of Mardi Grais. It's going to be just another day to them. I've never seen the Mansion do anything special for Mardi Gras either.Really? I thought that Mardi Gras in Barranquilla is a huge celebration.

02-12-14, 02:14
Really? I thought that Mardi Gras in Barranquilla is a huge celebration.You are probably thinking about "Carnival" (pronounced "CAR-KNEE-VAL"):

"The grand parade, held on a Saturday afternoon each year just before the start of the Catholic feast of Lent, is the party’s culmination. You’ll realize immediately it’s carnival weekend because the minute you finish with Colombian customs at the airport, after the 2.5 hour long flight from Miami, the party is on - bands playing in the airport, models offering everyone drinks and a jammed arrival terminal full of excitement and anticipation for the weekend’s big party."


The only type event that grand in Medellin is the Flower Festival ("Feria de las Flores") held in August every year.

Member #4244
02-12-14, 04:01
Carnival in Barranquilla is trash, anyway IMO. They love to hype it as the second biggest one in the world. By some measure, that is probably true. But compared with the shit that pops off in Brazil (I also hear Barbados and some islands have cool ones) it's fucking nothing. Bunch of families and shit, a lame ass parade. I did have a guy offer me a night with one of the Aguila girls for something like $1500 USD. I declined but I gave it a little thought LOL. Overall it's a crowded mess. I admit the clubs go off for that shit, but they are not bad on any given weekend. There is also a lot of crime during it, the most common racket is one guy acts like he is partying and having a good time, he blinds you momentarily (either with foam or flour) and two other guys run your pockets real quick. Getting a cab is also typically a disaster at that time.

Member #4244
02-12-14, 04:04
Also, whoa, optic guard, can you elaborate on this incident?

Legal Tender
02-12-14, 07:00
On a side note I bring two 18 inch laptops through the airport every time I come to Colombia and have never been stopped or questioned about anything. I have made about 15 trips.
1 of My friends got caught with facebook text to young girls from Medellin they took the Laptop and charged him with solicitation of a minor he could got to Jail here in the US for 20 years so wipe

Your computers clean before you come back to the US
Also, whoa, optic guard, can you elaborate on this incident?None of us know of the facts, but:

"Statistics compiled and published by the CBP in 2006 indicate that "[o]and a typical day, more than 1. 1 million passengers and pedestrians. Are processed at the nation's borders." Securing America's Borders at Ports of Entry, USA Customs and Border Protection. 2 (Sept. 2006) , https://www.hsdl.org/?view&did=469950.n4 [*24] Using that figure, fewer than one in a million electronic devices were detained by the CBP. Stated another way, there is less than a one in a million chance that a computer carried by an inbound international traveler will be detained. Even in the case of a quick look and search of a computer, in which CBP officers simply have a traveler boot the laptop up, and look at what is inside, United States v. Arnold. 533 F. 3d 1003, 1009 (9th Cir. 2008) , as opposed to a more comprehensive forensic search that would presumably occur if a computer were detained, the number of USA citizens subject to such a search comes to approximately 4. 9 per day, or less than a five in a million chance that their computer will be subject to any kind of search. Even if both USA citizens and aliens are counted, there is about a 10 in a million chance that such a search will take place. See United States v. Ickes. 393 F. 3d 501, 506-07 (4th Cir. 2005) (rejecting as "far-fetched" the suggestion that "any person carrying a laptop computer. On an international flight would be subject to a search of the files on the computer hard drive[, ]" because "[see]ustoms agents have neither the time nor the resources to [*25] search the contents of every computer")"

Abidor v. Napolitano. 2013 USA Dist. LEXIS 181891, 23-25 (E. D. N. Y. Dec. 31, 2013)

Hanshin Baka
02-12-14, 07:27
1 of My friends got caught with facebook text to young girls from Medellin they took the Laptop and charged him with solicitation of a minor he could got to Jail here in the US for 20 years so wipe

Your computers clean before you come back to the USI looked at all pf your posts before writing this and to be honest am a bit high, but I have been to MDE about 30-40 times now. I have been secondary searched 5 o 6 times in LA, once in Houston and JFK on Jan 10th of this year. Never, never did they look at my ipad, camera or laptop. They were looking for drugs, money or other items. I think this post is kind of like Wendy in Miami, you can believe it, but if you do I would like to sell you something.

02-12-14, 12:42
Could someone give me the skinny on the dynamics of working girls in Medellin? From what I gather, most are working in the traditional venues, but what's the street girl situation? Also, are there safe ways indulge your inner 420 connoisseur in a safe manner? I'm heading to Medellin at the end of the month for the first time (long time traveler, first time in SA) and would love any and all info anyone would like to share. For example, the Dominican Republic charges $80 to leave the country- an unpleasant surprise. Any unpleasant surprises anyone would like to share? Also, I'm looking to stay in Hotel Normandie- any thoughts? All comments welcome.


02-12-14, 13:41
i looked at all pf your posts before writing this and to be honest am a bit high, but i have been to mde about 30-40 times now. i have been secondary searched 5 o 6 times in la, once in houston and jfk on jan 10th of this year. never, never did they look at my ipad, camera or laptop. they were looking for drugs, money or other items. i think this post is kind of like wendy in miami, you can believe it, but if you do i would like to sell you something.agreed, just came back from 2 trips-mde, sjo never got sent to secondary on those but i did get sent to secondary at sea coming from amsterdam, lax from hong kong never searched my electronics, just a 5min look through my bags and i, m on my way-think they were looking for drugs, actually the whole plane was met at gate on the flight from hong kong by cbp guy with a drug dog, still no issues dog just scanned all of us, guy thanked us for cooperation and left.

also there's no worries if you have pics or videos of your ladies you meet mongering as long as you don't go after ****d. i proudly have my 1st costa rica chica on my laptop desktop and my 2nd medellin mansion chica on background on my phone.

Member #4244
02-12-14, 18:05
None of us know of the facts, but:

"Statistics compiled and published by the CBP in 2006 indicate that "[o]and a typical day, more than 1. 1 million passengers and pedestrians. Are processed at the nation's borders." Securing America's Borders at Ports of Entry, USA Customs and Border Protection. 2 (Sept. 2006) ,


[*24] Using that figure, fewer than one in a million electronic devices were detained by the CBP. Stated another way, there is less than a one in a million chance that a computer carried by an inbound international traveler will be detained. Even in the case of a quick look and search of a computer, in which CBP officers simply have a traveler boot the laptop up, and look at what is inside, United States v. Arnold. 533 F. 3d 1003, 1009 (9th Cir. 2008) , as opposed to a more comprehensive forensic search that would presumably occur if a computer were detained, the number of USA citizens subject to such a search comes to approximately 4. 9 per day, or less than a five in a million chance that their computer will be subject to any kind of search. Even if both USA citizens and aliens are counted, there is about a 10 in a million chance that such a search will take place. See United States v. Ickes. 393 F. 3d 501, 506-07 (4th Cir. 2005) (rejecting as "far-fetched" the suggestion that "any person carrying a laptop computer. On an international flight would be subject to a search of the files on the computer hard drive[, ]" because "[see]ustoms agents have neither the time nor the resources to [*25] search the contents of every computer")"

Abidor v. Napolitano. 2013 USA Dist. LEXIS 181891, 23-25 (E. D. N. Y. Dec. 31, 2013) Thanks, that was informative and makes the story below seem even less likely

Member #4244
02-12-14, 18:15
Could someone give me the skinny on the dynamics of working girls in Medellin? From what I gather, most are working in the traditional venues, but what's the street girl situation? Also, are there safe ways indulge your inner 420 connoisseur in a safe manner? I'm heading to Medellin at the end of the month for the first time (long time traveler, first time in SA) and would love any and all info anyone would like to share. For example, the Dominican Republic charges $80 to leave the country- an unpleasant surprise. Any unpleasant surprises anyone would like to share? Also, I'm looking to stay in Hotel Normandie- any thoughts? All comments welcome.

SammyMiamiHey man let me answer your preguntas in reverse order. Normandie, where is that, on Maracaibo, Calle 53? I knew some Slovenian guy that was living in that place, said it was fine. I never went to visit him or stayed there. Options are plentiful, I don't know if a first timer would want to stay in the centro though. IMO el Poblado makes life a hassle. I only stay there when I have a live-in chick, otherwise I think renting an apartment in onquistadores or possibly Laureles is a better bet. You can get decent places for reasonable prices, I stayed in a decent sized one-bedroom with kitchen for 35K COP a night (just under $20 USD).

In Colombia they won't charge you to leave the country unless you overstay your welcome (you will see how many days you have on your passport stamp. 30-90). You have to stand in line at the airport (short line) and get a paper with a stamp on it, that takes the place of the departure tax which is otherwise something like $36 (or may have increased).

LOLatthe question about 420 in Medellin. The clock is broken. The small hand is just past the four and the big hand is right on it. Ask the girls. That's not all that's available either.

I think your first question can be answered by searching, but since digging through this forum has been complicated by a lot of nonsense posting, I'll say that you can find girls in numerous ways. 1) Massage Parlors, your cheapest and most day-friendly option. Range in price from $9 USD to $100 USD, most falling in the range of about $15USD to $50 USD. This is for a half hour to an hour, full service, extras you have to negotiate. 2) Strip Clubs, which are typically open in the evening and late night. These are numerous though not as numerous or cheap as the MPs, prices ranges from $20 USD to $90 USD typically for a 40 minute or hour session. 3) Escort services, which go through online personal ads, websites, word of mouth, Facebook, etc. You can also find a decent number of pros and freelancers just approaching girls, but I don't know how good your Spanish is. 4) Street action and La Mayorista. Various places in town where the street girls hang out but I'd only recommend the San Diego area as a somewhat safe place. It will take some Spanish and a little bit of balls, but you can come up on some sweet action for cheap. $10 USD to $50 USD for street action, typical range is $15-$25 though.

02-12-14, 19:09
Hey man let me answer your preguntas in reverse order. Normandie, where is that, on Maracaibo, Calle 53? I knew some Slovenian guy that was living in that place, said it was fine. I never went to visit him or stayed there. Options are plentiful, I don't know if a first timer would want to stay in the centro though. IMO el Poblado makes life a hassle. I only stay there when I have a live-in chick, otherwise I think renting an apartment in onquistadores or possibly Laureles is a better bet. You can get decent places for reasonable prices, I stayed in a decent sized one-bedroom with kitchen for 35K COP a night (just under $20 USD).

In Colombia they won't charge you to leave the country unless you overstay your welcome (you will see how many days you have on your passport stamp. 30-90). You have to stand in line at the airport (short line) and get a paper with a stamp on it, that takes the place of the departure tax which is otherwise something like $36 (or may have increased)..Thank you for your info- I owe you one. My Spanish is workable, my accent better than average. I usually get mistaken for an Argentino with poor language skills. Jajajjaa I'm a good sized guy but pretty good at staying out of trouble, but then again part of that is making sure you're not where it's liable to start. I'd love more info on La Mayorista and San Diego- barrios- as well as more info on renting a place. I'm a better than average chef, so that can work in my favor. I was looking for something close to the action, as I don't want to rent a car. Is it hard to get taxis in those areas in the wee hours? Love to spend a few hours picking your brain, but many thanks for what you've already shared. I'll be keeping a journal while down there and will post upon my return. Again, your info was a slam dunk, Wilt. Let me know when I can repay the favor.


02-12-14, 19:23
Could someone give me the skinny on the dynamics of working girls in Medellin? From what I gather, most are working in the traditional venues, but what's the street girl situation? Also, are there safe ways indulge your inner 420 connoisseur in a safe manner? I'm heading to Medellin at the end of the month for the first time (long time traveler, first time in SA) and would love any and all info anyone would like to share. For example, the Dominican Republic charges $80 to leave the country- an unpleasant surprise. Any unpleasant surprises anyone would like to share? Also, I'm looking to stay in Hotel Normandie- any thoughts? All comments welcome.

SammyMiamiI've been to the Dominican Republic 30+ times and was never charged $80. To leave, WTF are you talking about?

02-12-14, 23:18
I've been to the Dominican Republic 30+ times and was never charged $80. To leave, WTF are you talking about?In accordance with Dominican Republic laws, upon arrival at the customs and immigration desk in the airport you are required to purchase a 30-day tourist card (US$10 fee cash in only, no credit or debit cards). By Dominican law, there is also a US$20 departure tax, the cost of which is usually included in your airfare.

02-13-14, 02:58
In accordance with Dominican Republic laws, upon arrival at the customs and immigration desk in the airport you are required to purchase a 30-day tourist card (US$10 fee cash in only, no credit or debit cards). By Dominican law, there is also a US$20 departure tax, the cost of which is usually included in your airfare.Well, you can quote whatever you want to, but I'm here to tell you that DR customs officials at the airport charged everyone $80, and I had been warned when I stopped in Curacao that this would be the case. When is the last time you were in DR?

02-13-14, 05:23
Well, you can quote whatever you want to, but I'm here to tell you that DR customs officials at the airport charged everyone $80, and I had been warned when I stopped in Curacao that this would be the case. When is the last time you were in DR?I was there three weeks ago and I was only charged the usual $10 on arrival. Certainly not saying you're BSing. The $80 thing just sounds weird.

Member #4244
02-13-14, 05:43
Thank you for your info- I owe you one. My Spanish is workable, my accent better than average. I usually get mistaken for an Argentino with poor language skills. Jajajjaa I'm a good sized guy but pretty good at staying out of trouble, but then again part of that is making sure you're not where it's liable to start. I'd love more info on La Mayorista and San Diego- barrios- as well as more info on renting a place. I'm a better than average chef, so that can work in my favor. I was looking for something close to the action, as I don't want to rent a car. Is it hard to get taxis in those areas in the wee hours? Love to spend a few hours picking your brain, but many thanks for what you've already shared. I'll be keeping a journal while down there and will post upon my return. Again, your info was a slam dunk, Wilt. Let me know when I can repay the favor.

MiamiSammyNo need to repay any favor, if you have other questions PM me as I can share some details more liberally within the context of a private conversation. I dunno about a few hours lol, but whatever you need to know I am a la orden.

It's easy to get a taxi anywhere and they are pretty inexpensive. Not much traffic at night either, during the day there is some in the centro and in El Poblado/Envigado until after working hours. You will almost never spend more than $10 USD on cab fare, that would take you way the hell up to Bello or well down into Envigado. Typically you're looking at $3-5 for a fare. I would not consider that to be an issue, it's convenient to travel via cab and there is also the metro. I would absolutely not recommend renting a car. Driving here is fucking atrocious.

Mayorista, every cabbie will know where it is. I think it's kinda shitty but some swear by it, though some have always said it's gotten worse (I thought it sucked before). There were some gems there, I believe it, but I never found them. I stayed there once, disaster, far from everything (about $8 in a cab, but you will see that means a long ride) and all there is the bars, a couple restaurants and a bunch of markets. Not the best area in any way, shape or form.

San Diego is hit and miss but if there is no action there are some strip clubs right there also. That's an easy shot from the Centro or wherever, really. Have the cabbie take you around, he will know what streets to hit, 30, 33, that area. As far as food, yeah get an apartment then and cook for yourself. Renting an apartment in the San Diego is not a bad bet, there are decent places at decent prices there. I like Conquistadores more, very relaxed, but San Diego has a couple big ass malls, some markets and plenty of action.

Food and shit, yeah you can get your own stuff and cook it. It'll be better than the fast food. I have been a couple world class restaurants here but overall I don't care for the food all that much. I usually find some simple, tasty places and stick with them. It is definitely not Peru or Argentina in that regard.

02-13-14, 07:22
Well, you can quote whatever you want to, but I'm here to tell you that DR customs officials at the airport charged everyone $80, and I had been warned when I stopped in Curacao that this would be the case. When is the last time you were in DR?I was there two weeks ago, five weeks ago and eleven weeks ago and it is what TweedleD quoted it is.

02-13-14, 15:46
I was there three weeks ago and I was only charged the usual $10 on arrival. Certainly not saying you're BSing. The $80 thing just sounds weird.My airline ticket to the DR shows a DR Airport Authority Fee ($15) and DR Airport Infrastructure Fee ($16.30).

02-13-14, 15:58
Thank you for your info- I owe you one. My Spanish is workable, my accent better than average. I usually get mistaken for an Argentino with poor language skills. Jajajjaa I'm a good sized guy but pretty good at staying out of trouble, but then again part of that is making sure you're not where it's liable to start. I'd love more info on La Mayorista and San Diego- barrios- as well as more info on renting a place. I'm a better than average chef, so that can work in my favor. I was looking for something close to the action, as I don't want to rent a car. Is it hard to get taxis in those areas in the wee hours? Love to spend a few hours picking your brain, but many thanks for what you've already shared. I'll be keeping a journal while down there and will post upon my return. Again, your info was a slam dunk, Wilt. Let me know when I can repay the favor.

MiamiSammyCheck out these places:




Colombia Jake
02-13-14, 16:41
Http://www.colombiajake.com/Robert took off to check out the Mansion for a few days and Alaska Matt arrives here tonight for a blow out weekend! Many times it surprises me which guys are into what? Often times Guys that I never expect to say I want you to help guide me to the party say it! Do what Robert did, mix it up next time your in town and see what Colombia Jake and the Mansion have to offer with a few days at each. I bet you will have the same surprise as to what different types of fun you can experience at each.


02-13-14, 20:44
Hi Guys,

I'm fairly new to the Hobby having enjoyed SJO a few times and would like to know your preference on the question of SJO vs. MDE. SJO is so centralized with great action in Barrio Amon. As I've read thru the postings here going back a few months I have the impression that the girls in MDE are: prettier, better priced and the amateurs are more pliant.

The lists name so many spots that using a guide seems to make sense. Right?

I have other questions about Mansion vs. Others, etc, but will save that for another posting.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.


02-13-14, 21:11
Check out these places:




%3Fq%3Dhotel%2Bcentral%2Bplaza%2Bmedellin%26hl%3Den-US.The Macedonia looks nice. From the photos it looks like is around the corner from Mayo.

I am going to give the Alcaravan a try for at least a couple of days but will stop by the Macedonia and check it out. If I do not like it there I may just go to stay at an apartment in Poblado.

I may rent one room in Centro for one day just for kicks and see how it goes.

It has been suggested that renting apartments by Estadio or Conquistadores maybe less a hassle then one in Poblado in terms of easier access to fun times (part of reason I am trying hotels in Mayo). Does anyone know which website to check for rentals in that area?

Report coming up. Will try to make it a semi-live one.


Member #4244
02-13-14, 22:56
Hey man PM me I know a guy with apartments in Conquistadores, assuming his number hasnt changed like every other "se me perdio el celuar" motherfucker in this country.

Don't stay in the Mayo, period, trust me. It's just a fucking dump and it's pretty isolated.

02-13-14, 23:09
Hey man PM me I know a guy with apartments in Conquistadores, assuming his number hasnt changed like every other "se me perdio el celuar" motherfucker in this country.

Don't stay in the Mayo, period, trust me. It's just a fucking dump and it's pretty isolated.Thanks buddy, I will PM you.

I have stayed at Mayo before. At Frank's place before he sold it. Sometimes I like to get down and dirty. LOL. So I will check out the hotel scene for a couple of days there. But I expect I will need a change of scenery after a few days.

Apartment with access to a pool would be ideal.

02-13-14, 23:30
I was there three weeks ago and I was only charged the usual $10 on arrival. Certainly not saying you're BSing. The $80 thing just sounds weird.Well, I'm glad they dropped it. I posted a quick exploratory question on the DR forum, so maybe I'll get some info there. I actually based my decision to go to MDE on the $80 charge. Everyone was really complaining about it at the time, so good for us. Glad you guys didn't have to shell out the extra.

02-14-14, 00:37
Well, I'm glad they dropped it. I posted a quick exploratory question on the DR forum, so maybe I'll get some info there. I actually based my decision to go to MDE on the $80 charge. Everyone was really complaining about it at the time, so good for us. Glad you guys didn't have to shell out the extra.Are you not (North) American MiamiSammy? I've heard of Canadians and folks from other countries having to pay an exit fee to leave the DR. I've never paid an exit fee either. Only the $10 tourist (tax) entrance fee.

Member #4244
02-14-14, 00:43
Thanks buddy, I will PM you.

I have stayed at Mayo before. At Frank's place before he sold it. Sometimes I like to get down and dirty. LOL. So I will check out the hotel scene for a couple of days there. But I expect I will need a change of scenery after a few days.

Apartment with access to a pool would be ideal.LOL, Frank's place. Holy fuck, what a hole. I stayed there on my first trip here. If we ever meet in person I will tell you a funny ass story about some shit that happened while I was there. Frank was cool about it. The place was rank but he was a first class dude, very nice, very helpful.

02-14-14, 00:48
Hi Guys,

I'm fairly new to the Hobby having enjoyed SJO a few times and would like to know your preference on the question of SJO vs. MDE. SJO is so centralized with great action in Barrio Amon. As I've read thru the postings here going back a few months I have the impression that the girls in MDE are: prettier, better priced and the amateurs are more pliant.

The lists name so many spots that using a guide seems to make sense. Right?

I have other questions about Mansion vs. Others, etc, but will save that for another posting.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

HeartmuscleI'll save you some time:

Stay at the Mansion. See my "Mansion Refresher" post:


Get a group of other guys staying at the mansion together, share a taxi and hit the casas or strip clubs on the list.

Once you get a few trips under your belt, branch out into the apartments. Invite the chicas contacts you made at the mansion over to visit you. Try your hand at an online dating site like Latin American Cupid.

If your Spanish sucks, don't bother with the apartment/online dating option until it gets better.

02-14-14, 01:39
Are you not (North) American MiamiSammy? I've heard of Canadians and folks from other countries having to pay an exit fee to leave the DR. I've never paid an exit fee either. Only the $10 tourist (tax) entrance fee.A lot of countries charge an exit fee. For US citizens (or tickets bought in the US. Not sure which), it's included in the ticket price.

Legal Tender
02-14-14, 02:26
I'll save you some time:

Stay at the Mansion. See my "Mansion Refresher" post:


Get a group of other guys staying at the mansion together, share a taxi and hit the casas or strip clubs on the list.

Once you get a few trips under your belt, branch out into the apartments. Invite the chicas contacts you made at the mansion over to visit you. Try your hand at an online dating site like Latin American Cupid.

If your Spanish sucks, don't bother with the apartment / online dating option until it gets better.Really, all a new guy needs to know.

Vegas Jeff
02-14-14, 02:56
I'll save you some time:

Stay at the Mansion. See my "Mansion Refresher" post:


Get a group of other guys staying at the mansion together, share a taxi and hit the casas or strip clubs on the list.

Once you get a few trips under your belt, branch out into the apartments. Invite the chicas contacts you made at the mansion over to visit you. Try your hand at an online dating site like Latin American Cupid.

If your Spanish sucks, don't bother with the apartment / online dating option until it gets better.Heartmuscle, the advice above as well as the link attached explains it all.

Plenty of options in Medellin once you are there a few times and learn the lay of the land.

On the map below try to see barrios 10, 11, 14, and south of 14. Study your Spanish as you will need it. Every little bit helps. Good luck.


02-14-14, 05:14
As advertised on his website we had a friend waiting for us in Colombia. Went down during Super Bowl weekend Jake took us around to a few casas also hooked us up with some of his chica friends. Not knowing much Spanish I wouldn't have done it any other way he had a place to stay and a great host. Went to liquid for the Super Bowl met some great guys including Vegas Jeff. Looking forward to another trip in a month or two.

Member #4244
02-14-14, 07:53
Hi Guys,

I'm fairly new to the Hobby having enjoyed SJO a few times and would like to know your preference on the question of SJO vs. MDE. SJO is so centralized with great action in Barrio Amon. As I've read thru the postings here going back a few months I have the impression that the girls in MDE are: prettier, better priced and the amateurs are more pliant.

The lists name so many spots that using a guide seems to make sense. Right?

I have other questions about Mansion vs. Others, etc, but will save that for another posting.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

HeartmuscleBe honest here, what is your level of Spanish, how old / mobile are you, how comfortable are you in sort in between situations (girl is not an outright prepago or perhaps not one at all) , how much are you willing to explore, how comfortable are you in a new and potentially unnerving / disorienting setting?

If your Spanish is not very good, you are older and / or have issues doing a lot of walking and what not, you're a little uncomfortable around non-pros (also pertains to the Spanish question) , you only have a short time or don't want to wander much, or you're a little freaked out by people on speaking a different language that are a bit unsavory, then I'd say either stay in Costa Rica or, if anything, do the Mansion.

The Mansion you can look at positively or negatively. If you like hanging around the Sportsman's Lodge in CR, you will like the Mansion. Girls on site and they are tailored to western tastes, meaning thin girls and some even have some level of English. There are other hobbyists around, they are all foreigners as well. The value is not superlative but it's not poor either and there are some beautiful girls that work there (not sure if I would call them semi pros but whatever, minor point of contention).

Now if you are an adventurous spirit, experienced monger, whatever, well one could view it as a bunch of jaded old farts sitting around for the girls to show up and work them as opposed to getting out and really seeing what this city has to offer.

But my advice is stay in San Jose. Don't come to Medellin. Nothing to see here ;)

02-14-14, 10:40
Be honest here, what is your level of Spanish, how old / mobile are you, how comfortable are you in sort in between situations (girl is not an outright prepago or perhaps not one at all) , how much are you willing to explore, how comfortable are you in a new and potentially unnerving / disorienting setting?

If your Spanish is not very good, you are older and / or have issues doing a lot of walking and what not, you're a little uncomfortable around non-pros (also pertains to the Spanish question) , you only have a short time or don't want to wander much, or you're a little freaked out by people on speaking a different language that are a bit unsavory, then I'd say either stay in Costa Rica or, if anything, do the Mansion..I agree the chicas in MDE are prettier and less mechanical! But I think I'll joggle between the two.

02-14-14, 14:34
Be honest here, what is your level of Spanish, how old / mobile are you, how comfortable are you in sort in between situations (girl is not an outright prepago or perhaps not one at all) , how much are you willing to explore, how comfortable are you in a new and potentially unnerving / disorienting setting?

If your Spanish is not very good, you are older and / or have issues doing a lot of walking and what not, you're a little uncomfortable around non-pros (also pertains to the Spanish question) , you only have a short time or don't want to wander much, or you're a little freaked out by people on speaking a different language that are a bit unsavory, then I'd say either stay in Costa Rica or, if anything, do the Mansion.

The Mansion you can look at positively or negatively. If you like hanging around the Sportsman's Lodge in CR, you will like the Mansion. Girls on site and they are tailored to western tastes, meaning thin girls and some even have some level of English. There are other hobbyists around, they are all foreigners as well. The value is not superlative but it's not poor either and there are some beautiful girls that work there (not sure if I would call them semi pros but whatever, minor point of contention).

Now if you are an adventurous spirit, experienced monger, whatever, well one could view it as a bunch of jaded old farts sitting around for the girls to show up and work them as opposed to getting out and really seeing what this city has to offer.

But my advice is stay in San Jose. Don't come to Medellin. Nothing to see here.Just a quick editorial for the MDE newbie question. WTS provides very good feedback as do many others on this board, but I will always disagree with the advice that one needs to speak spanish to travel to MDE. With a couple of exceptions. Kinda hard to "smooze" non-pros if you cannot communicate with them. Also, if you are looking for girls who will spend a good amount of time with you, like all day or nite, you might get bored if you cannot communicate with them. But if short-time session with some of the hottest women on this planet are what you seek, you will enjoy yourself. But the number of places where you can have an excellent time without speaking more than a few words of Spanish are plentiful!

I spoke almost zero Spanish when I started coming her in 2009. Granted, I speak a much more now and my experiences have improved since then; but they were pretty damn good before! I would also recommend the Mansion as you dip your toe into Colombian waters. You will find a few girls who desire to practice their English on you. But you will also find some like-minded hombres who might be able to help you explore the city in a way you might not otherwise do solo. The mansion staff and owners are a great source of tourist information and will be more than happy to help you navigate your way around the city and stay safe. They can even connect you with drivers that would take you out club-hopping if that is something you want and do not mind spending a little coin to have a driver at your disposal all night. I stayed there exclusively for about 1. 5 years. Now I stay in apartments because I am more comfortable navigating the city and I enjoy the privacy an apartment affords me.

Please post a report if you do go. I always find it refreshing to read new MDE experiences. Reminds me of my first visit!

02-14-14, 15:28
LOL, Frank's place. Holy fuck, what a hole. I stayed there on my first trip here. If we ever meet in person I will tell you a funny ass story about some shit that happened while I was there. Frank was cool about it. The place was rank but he was a first class dude, very nice, very helpful.LOL. Yeah. Frank is a good guy.

The place was basic but it was in the right place and at a very cheap price. It was funny. When you pick a Mayo girl and they did not know yet they were a bit aprehensive to go to your room and rather would stay at their vetted hotel. But once you told them it was Frank's place then it was all good. They knew the way just fine. Hahah.

Had a couple of good parties there and one or two not so good times with angry chicas. But it was all good. I would stay there again if it was available.

Well, hopefully we can meet buddy. Beers on me.

02-14-14, 16:12
LOL. Yeah. Frank is a good guy.

The place was basic but it was in the right place and at a very cheap price. It was funny. When you pick a Mayo girl and they did not know yet they were a bit aprehensive to go to your room and rather would stay at their vetted hotel. But once you told them it was Frank's place then it was all good. They knew the way just fine. Hahah.

Had a couple of good parties there and one or two not so good times with angry chicas. But it was all good. I would stay there again if it was available.

Well, hopefully we can meet buddy. Beers on me.Is Frank still operating? Reminds me of my favorite bar in La Paz, MX- "Shut Up, Frank's Bar and Grill".

Member #4244
02-14-14, 17:51
I agree the chicas in MDE are prettier and less mechanical! But I think I'll joggle between the two.I have zero interest in going back to San Jose. All the hottest girls provide totally mechanical service and it seems like the same slags have hung around the circuit forever. There is also a big disconnect between the cutest girls on the street and the prepagos. I guess that is a good sign for the country (maybe) , but not for us. It's a pretty dumpy city, too, food is no better than MDE and has fewer options. I can't think of anything all that fun to do in San Jose. The MPs are cheap enough I guess, but not that cheap and the girls get run through. One time one of those broads at LH told me she fucked FORTY guys in a day once. You got the girls coming from Colombian but they are ruthless about money, nothing like Colombians on their own turf. If someone sent me for free, sure, I'd go, but to spend my money there? No thanks. I'd honestly rather go to Nicaragua, where the service is better and you can see some cool stuff (though not in Managua, which is a dump).

Member #4244
02-14-14, 17:55
Just a quick editorial for the MDE newbie question. WTS provides very good feedback as do many others on this board, but I will always disagree with the advice that one needs to speak spanish to travel to MDE. With a couple of exceptions. Kinda hard to "smooze" non-pros if you cannot communicate with them. Also, if you are looking for girls who will spend a good amount of time with you, like all day or nite, you might get bored if you cannot communicate with them. But if short-time session with some of the hottest women on this planet are what you seek, you will enjoy yourself. But the number of places where you can have an excellent time without speaking more than a few words of Spanish are plentiful!

I spoke almost zero Spanish when I started coming her in 2009. Granted, I speak a much more now and my experiences have improved since then; but they were pretty damn good before! I would also recommend the Mansion as you dip your toe into Colombian waters. You will find a few girls who desire to practice their English on you. But you will also find some like-minded hombres who might be able to help you explore the city in a way you might not otherwise do solo. The mansion staff and owners are a great source of tourist information and will be more than happy to help you navigate your way around the city and stay safe. They can even connect you with drivers that would take you out club-hopping if that is something you want and do not mind spending a little coin to have a driver at your disposal all night. I stayed there exclusively for about 1. 5 years. Now I stay in apartments because I am more comfortable navigating the city and I enjoy the privacy an apartment affords me.

Please post a report if you do go. I always find it refreshing to read new MDE experiences. Reminds me of my first visit!"hard" to schmooze non-pros? How about fucking impossible. Are you using sign language? You can bed a slewbag with body language if she is wasted at a disco, I guess, I mean I did it in the Czech republic, but overall it's difficult and less rewarding, a bad combination.

You can come and go to the MPs and strip clubs for some wam bam thank you mam. They will know numbers in english to tell you the prices and the parts are universal. So, to say you can get sucked and fucked without spanish seems unnecessary to state. But will you enjoy your time here? No. You won't come close to maximizing the potential partners and potential experience with those partners, and you will be bored as hell in a country with few english speakers. I think Lima is a much better option for the non spanish speaker.

BH Bound
02-14-14, 20:38
I remember a year or two back, discovering this guy's videos. I find these mini-docs pretty fun. He travels to countries and most of his videos show the locals and his attempts to date them. Interesting stuff. He put up a new video, but Isabella and her friend look familiar to me, like I've seen them here or on Colombiancupid. What do you guys think? Prepagos? Working girls? Non-pros?


Member #4244
02-14-14, 21:11
Not to sound above anyone, but I have to say I have been a little discouraged by some inquiries here and the response to them.

Recently I had a guy PM me about a girl I mentioned. Her incall / outcall rates are pretty standard (100K-180K depending on details) and she doesn't care for TLN. He pressed her on it and she told him fine 600K. He's like "I can get three girls for that price." Then why ask about this specific one and why insist on TLN?

I had one guy PM me about a girl, I told him she would provide knockoff service and include pretty much extra he could imagine in the price, which would be somewhere in the area of 250K-500K COP depending if it was short time, TLN, whatever. He comes back balking at that price when he gets quoted it. I don't set the prices and I don't see any money off of this shit, in fact it's mostly a waste of time, especially with reactions like these.

Lastly there was a guy with some oddball requests and a lot of general questions that I helped willingly. I set him up with someone I trust very much, she arranged a couple girls for him (not garden variety action, either) and he flaked on the three of them. The two girls she was going to send cancelled dates and she hustled over to get them at the arranged time.

I'll help anybody I have promised to help, but please don't fuck around. The funny shit to me is how mongers complain about the girls being flaky, in my experience most of you seem about as capable of completing a plan as a bipolar middle schooler. I don't care when you flake on beers, truth be told I don't care about meetups, but if other people are involved I hate to see their time and money wasted.

Legal Tender
02-14-14, 22:03
The funny shit to me is how mongers complain about the girls being flaky, in my experience most of you seem about as capable of completing a plan as a bipolar middle schooler. I don't care when you flake on beers, truth be told I don't care about meetups, but if other people are involved I hate to see their time and money wasted.Wilt is one of the most helpful senior members regarding Medellin. I guess I'm old school. I kind of expect the girls to be a little flakey, asi es Colombia. Most have no concept of "being on time." We should all do exactly what we say that we're going to do.

02-14-14, 23:44
Wilt is one of the most helpful senior members regarding Medellin. I guess I'm old school. I kind of expect the girls to be a little flakey, asi es Colombia. Most have no concept of "being on time." We should all do exactly what we say that we're going to do.Ummm. Excuse me? Where are you guys finding these "un-flakey" women? I've never really met one, myself. They're all flakey on some level in my book. It's all those other levels that interest me.

02-15-14, 02:21
Ummm. Excuse me? Where are you guys finding these "un-flakey" women? I've never really met one, myself. They're all flakey on some level in my book. It's all those other levels that interest me.Actually no one said they were finding "un-flakey" women.

I kind of expect the girls to be a little flakey, asi es Colombia. Most have no concept of "being on time.".

02-15-14, 02:32
Lastly there was a guy with some oddball requests and a lot of general questions that I helped willingly. I set him up with someone I trust very much, she arranged a couple girls for him (not garden variety action, either) and he flaked on the three of them. The two girls she was going to send cancelled dates and she hustled over to get them at the arranged time.

I'll help anybody I have promised to help, but please don't fuck around. The funny shit to me is how mongers complain about the girls being flaky, in my experience most of you seem about as capable of completing a plan as a bipolar middle schooler. I don't care when you flake on beers, truth be told I don't care about meetups, but if other people are involved I hate to see their time and money wasted.I hear ya Wilt. Over the years I've learned to help guys out by steering them in the right direction, giving advice, etc, however, that's about it.

Setting guys up and giving out contacts has usually resulted in bad results, and almost always has been the dude's fault.

Obviously there's some pretty cool guys out there, however, as you well know, not all guys are on the same wavelength as far as their game plan with girls and how they treat them.

I enjoyed the help from guys when I was new, and I like to give back.

So posting experiences and giving advice when asked is cool, but after a while, you'll tire of the flakes when giving out contacts, especially to guys you don't even know.

02-15-14, 03:03
i'll help anybody i have promised to help, but please don't fuck around. the funny shit to me is how mongers complain about the girls being flaky, in my experience most of you seem about as capable of completing a plan as a bipolar middle schooler. i don't care when you flake on beers, truth be told i don't care about meetups, but if other people are involved i hate to see their time and money wasted.i'm surprised you even go out of your way to offer recs. i do not know any of the guys on this board personally. some of them could be weirdo degenerate perverts into some really deviant shit.

chica: "hey, remember that guy you gave my number to? well, when i went to meet him at his apartment he (pick your fill in):

-wanted to be fucked in the ass with a dildo

-was the only person i was supposed to meet, but when i arrived there were 5 other guys there

-wanted to tie me up, gag me, and simulate a [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) fantasy

-said you told him i will fuck him bareback, with anal + atm, and cim

what kind of sick people do you associate with?"

i don't know about you, but i'm not willing to risk my cred making chica recs to some random guy who pms me on a sex forum. i'm especially not recommending any of my regulars/favorites to be ruined by gringo tomfoolery! i have no problem offering up info on where to find chicas though.

the other side of this coin is just because a chica was awesome in the sack and gfe with me does not mean you will have the same experience with the same chica. there is still this thing called "chemistry", no matter how much guys try to deny it exists in p4p.

02-15-14, 03:08
"hard" to schmooze non-pros? How about fucking impossible. Are you using sign language? You can bed a slewbag with body language if she is wasted at a disco, I guess, I mean I did it in the Czech republic, but overall it's difficult and less rewarding, a bad combination.

You can come and go to the MPs and strip clubs for some wam bam thank you mam. They will know numbers in english to tell you the prices and the parts are universal. So, to say you can get sucked and fucked without spanish seems unnecessary to state. But will you enjoy your time here? No. You won't come close to maximizing the potential partners and potential experience with those partners, and you will be bored as hell in a country with few english speakers. I think Lima is a much better option for the non spanish speaker.It's not impossible. It's called Google Translate. Of course, you'll need to build something online first. Once they get to know you and you want to meet, you can continue to communicate via Google translate on your cell phone. I did that in Ukraine once. I don't speak a word of Russian and we went to a restaurant and just texted back and forth. LOL

Member #4244
02-15-14, 03:33
i'm surprised you even go out of your way to offer recs. i do not know any of the guys on this board personally. some of them could be weirdo degenerate perverts into some really deviant shit.

chica: "hey, remember that guy you gave my number to? well, when i went to meet him at his apartment he (pick your fill in) :

-wanted to be fucked in the ass with a dildo.

-was the only person i was supposed to meet, but when i arrived there were 5 other guys there.

-wanted to tie me up, gag me, and simulate a [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) fantasy.

-said you told him i will fuck him bareback, with anal + atm, and cim

what kind of sick people do you associate with?"

i don't know about you, but i'm not willing to risk my cred making chica recs to some random guy who pms me on a sex forum. i'm especially not recommending any of my regulars / favorites to be ruined by gringo tomfoolery! i have no problem offering up info on where to find chicas though.

the other side of this coin is just because a chica was awesome in the sack and gfe with me does not mean you will have the same experience with the same chica. there is still this thing called "chemistry", no matter how much guys try to deny it exists in p4p.obviously those are other concerns however the girl has to address that with virtually any client. escorts and independents field cold calls all the time. at a salon or strip joint, the guy basically walks up and plunks down his money. the girls have their way of feeling that out (though it's hardly fail proof) and i don't suspect isg members are any more dangerous or perverted than your average client. but yeah that is just another thing pushing me off the fence. the girls tend to appreciate the referrals, though i don't reap any rewards (usually recommend friends of friends or girls i am not personally seeing).

02-15-14, 04:42
i'm surprised you even go out of your way to offer recs. i do not know any of the guys on this board personally. some of them could be weirdo degenerate perverts into some really deviant shit.

chica: "hey, remember that guy you gave my number to? well, when i went to meet him at his apartment he (pick your fill in) :

-wanted to be fucked in the ass with a dildo.

-was the only person i was supposed to meet, but when i arrived there were 5 other guys there.

-wanted to tie me up, gag me, and simulate a [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) fantasy.

-said you told him i will fuck him bareback, with anal + atm, and cim

what kind of sick people do you associate with?"

i don't know about you, but i'm not willing to risk my cred making chica recs to some random guy who pms me on a sex forum. i'm especially not recommending any of my regulars / favorites to be ruined by gringo tomfoolery! i have no problem offering up info on where to find chicas though.

the other side of this coin is just because a chica was awesome in the sack and gfe with me does not mean you will have the same experience with the same chica. there is still this thing called "chemistry", no matter how much guys try to deny it exists in p4p.what's wrong with wanting to be fucked up the ass with a dildo?

Legal Tender
02-15-14, 05:47
what's wrong with wanting to be fucked up the ass with a dildo?
i'm surprised you even go out of your way to offer recs. i do not know any of the guys on this board personally. some of them could be weirdo degenerate perverts into some really deviant shit.

chica: "hey, remember that guy you gave my number to? well, when i went to meet him at his apartment he (pick your fill in) :

-wanted to be fucked in the ass with a dildo.

-was the only person i was supposed to meet, but when i arrived there were 5 other guys there.

-wanted to tie me up, gag me, and simulate a [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) fantasy.

-said you told him i will fuck him bareback, with anal + atm, and cim

what kind of sick people do you associate with?"

i don't know about you, but i'm not willing to risk my cred making chica recs to some random guy who pms me on a sex forum. i'm especially not recommending any of my regulars / favorites to be ruined by gringo tomfoolery! i have no problem offering up info on where to find chicas though.

the other side of this coin is just because a chica was awesome in the sack and gfe with me does not mean you will have the same experience with the same chica. there is still this thing called "chemistry", no matter how much guys try to deny it exists in p4p.safepros, when are you going to tell us about the deviant stuff? just kidding. i noticed in your example you used the qualifier,"simulate" a [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) fantasy. bottom line, whatever two or three or more choose to do sexually, as long as it is consensual, go for it. for example, i understand that a lot of mongers like anal sex. i don't get it; when you've found heaven why go down that chocolate highway?

speaking of heaven, i met this girl that is always dressed very modestly, and had been telling me that she takes sex very seriously, but that she loved it. and, she kept telling me that once i saw the stars. las estrellas. that i would find heaven. cielo.

sure enough, if you can see the stars they do lead to heaven.

only good energy from this girl.

Member #4244
02-15-14, 07:00
Yeah I mean as I said those are risks with any client. I never tell the guy she will provide any extras and I never tell the girl anything other than the truth about how I know the person. Whatever they square away is between them and really it's no different than any other gig she might have.

02-15-14, 14:49
Speaking of heaven, I met this girl that is always dressed very modestly, and had been telling me that she takes sex very seriously, but that she loved it. And, she kept telling me that once I saw the stars. Las estrellas. That I would find heaven. Cielo.

Sure enough, if you can see the stars they do lead to heaven.

Only good energy from this girl.Nice photos LT.

Nino Bravo
02-15-14, 15:04
I remember a year or two back, discovering this guy's videos. I find these mini-docs pretty fun. He travels to countries and most of his videos show the locals and his attempts to date them. Interesting stuff. He put up a new video, but Isabella and her friend look familiar to me, like I've seen them here or on Colombiancupid. What do you guys think? Prepagos? Working girls? Non-pros?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0Ljih9ABoE#t=1209Lesson # 1. They all have novios. No exceptions!

Nino Bravo
02-15-14, 15:16
I remember a year or two back, discovering this guy's videos. I find these mini-docs pretty fun. He travels to countries and most of his videos show the locals and his attempts to date them. Interesting stuff. He put up a new video, but Isabella and her friend look familiar to me, like I've seen them here or on Colombiancupid. What do you guys think? Prepagos? Working girls? Non-pros?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0Ljih9ABoE#t=1209Lesson # 2. This guy's pre kindergarten Spanish is going to turn off more women (non pros) than it will attract, no matter his looks.

02-15-14, 15:18
You can come and go to the MPs and strip clubs for some wam bam thank you mam. They will know numbers in english to tell you the prices and the parts are universal. So, to say you can get sucked and fucked without spanish seems unnecessary to state. But will you enjoy your time here? No. You won't come close to maximizing the potential partners and potential experience with those partners, and you will be bored as hell in a country with few english speakers. I think Lima is a much better option for the non spanish speaker.You you are totally right, from our perspective. However, I would have to say that 30% of the hombres I know have NO interest in getting to know the girls beyond the view during doggie or with "splooge" on their face, talking to them or going anywhere with them in the city. They are interested in hitting 2-4 hotties per day, PERIOD! Just saying. Everybody rolls differently and I am not in a position to say whether or not the member I was responding to will or will not enjoy himself if he does not follow steps A, B and C. Maybe he is less social like I am and does not require the same things or activities others may need to enjoy his time. Your advice has always been good, but I have never agreed, and will never agree with anyone who says that visitors need to learn the local language to have a good time. I have been to Thailand 8-10 times and I have never learned to speak Thai. I have been to the Philippines over 10 times and do not speak Tagalog. OK. Bad example as English is widely spoken. I have been to Vietnam and do not speak Vietnamese. I have been to Mexico, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Costa Rica, Peru, and Colombia and did not speak any Spanish until just within the last year. And I had awesome and memorable times everywhere I went. I believe the times you have in any one location are more directly linked to attitude and expectations. My friendly attitude and reasonable expectations have allowed me to have memorable experiences wherever I have been. Been a few bad experiences, some related to language shortfalls, but those are minimal. Soon, I will venture to Brazil, and I have no intention on learning more than a few words of Portuguese. I anticipate I will have a memorable and rewarding trip.

02-15-14, 16:43
Funny thing about that plane pic, it was a Thursday afternoon and raining cats and dogs in miami. In the pic it was raining cats and dogs. I'm not certain but its a believable pic. However what threw me off was she went from miami back to Panama to ohio back to Panama going by her FB check-ins. All in one week and the only FB check-in in the states was a Wendy's in ohio. That was very wierd.

Getting a tourist visa is a lot easier than it used to be.

Just go to a travel agency in Colombia buy a trip and some will help you fill outvisa paperwork and if you don't get it they will refund you the money you paid. About a 60% chance of getting a tourist visa if you have a some decent coin in the bank which is higher odds than Wendy was actually in Miami. Saw her inside a plane and her saying she was in Miami which means at best there is a 50/50 chance she was actually there. Jajaja

Member #4244
02-15-14, 16:48
lts, never have i said one needs to learn spanish, only that it helps maximize their experience and minimize some risk. i don't think we disagree there.

beyond that it is just a matter of preference. i hardly ever travel anywhere without knowing the basics of the local language, unless it's a country where everyone under a certain age speaks english as well (sweden might be one example). whether i am going for mongering, leisure, business, whatever, i learn at least the basics. even when i went to some smaller cities in quebec, i got up to speed on basic french. i just find it so weird not to be able to communicate with anyone.

02-15-14, 17:26
"hard" to schmooze non-pros? How about fucking impossible.

You can come and go to the MPs and strip clubs for some wam bam thank you mam. They will know numbers in english to tell you the prices and the parts are universal. So, to say you can get sucked and fucked without spanish seems unnecessary to state. But will you enjoy your time here? No. You won't come close to maximizing the potential partners and potential experience with those partners, and you will be bored as hell in a country with few english speakers. I think Lima is a much better option for the non spanish speaker.Lima is better than Colombia? I will ask you to elaborate.

There are few "venues" in Lima, and the prices there are unreasonably high. The women can be pretty, but definitely not in the league of Colombian girls. I would so that English is spoken equally in both countries. My suspicion is that many of the forum poster's opinions on Lima are based on their hookup with this one guy, Dave-something. You don't hear much from guys going another way.

Now I agree, Peru is better if you take into account general tourist opportunities. But for punting? I don't think so.

02-15-14, 18:51
All in one week and the only FB check-in in the states was a Wendy's in ohio. That was very wierd.She was just joking with the Ohio one. It said she was at Wendy's (the burger joint) in Ohio.

I'm sure she was just poking fun since her handlers (snitches) here were relaying back to her that we were discussing her on ISG.

02-15-14, 19:15
Is Frank still operating? Reminds me of my favorite bar in La Paz, MX- "Shut Up, Frank's Bar and Grill".Frank sold his place a few months ago. As far as I know the new owner does not do daily or weekly rentals. However, I do plan on stopping by and confirm this.

02-15-14, 19:52
Lima is better than Colombia? I will ask you to elaborate.

There are few "venues" in Lima, and the prices there are unreasonably high. The women can be pretty, but definitely not in the league of Colombian girls. I would so that English is spoken equally in both countries. My suspicion is that many of the forum poster's opinions on Lima are based on their hookup with this one guy, Dave-something. You don't hear much from guys going another way.

Now I agree, Peru is better if you take into account general tourist opportunities. But for punting? I don't think so.While I enjoyed Lima, I was there for more for tourist reasons (I. E. Machu Picchu, Cuzco, etc.). But I have to agree with you, the prices when I did partake were far too high for my liking. And since I was heading to Medellin for a week on the end of that trip, I struggled paying higher prices for the same Colombianas I would get for half the price the next week. IMHO, the Colombianas in the Lima clubs were by far the hottest and most worth taking home. I never did partake in David's services, so I cannot comment. However, I have many friends who have and swear by the selection of university hotties he can connect you with for far more reasonable prices. Not sure if he is still assisting like that.

02-15-14, 20:10
lts, never have i said one needs to learn spanish, only that it helps maximize their experience and minimize some risk. i don't think we disagree there.

beyond that it is just a matter of preference. i hardly ever travel anywhere without knowing the basics of the local language, unless it's a country where everyone under a certain age speaks english as well (sweden might be one example). whether i am going for mongering, leisure, business, whatever, i learn at least the basics. even when i went to some smaller cities in quebec, i got up to speed on basic french. i just find it so weird not to be able to communicate with anyone.the ability to greet a local in their own tongue is the best way to immediately show respect for the culture. i've made a habit of asking every one i've met that has a different mother tongue to teach me three things- how to say hello, goodbye, and thank you. knowing the language of your host country on any level is simply a matter of respect, and the key to opening up the hearts of the people. the more you know the language, culture, history, and even current events, not only will you present yourself and represent the usa in a much more positive light, but you will, as my tall friend said, maximize your own enjoyment.

02-15-14, 20:18
Most Americans don't even attempt to speak other languages, they expect everyone to speak English. When the do try to speak in another language, it's generally only to talk louder (as if they were deaf instead of non-English speakers) and put an "0" on the end of everything. Those who make an effort are really rewarded by Latin hospitality.

I'll offer one more reason to learn at least a little Spanish- it give your girl a modicum of control. You may not think this important, but women totally dig being needed and being in the power position of teacher. Needing help with your spanish gives you a whole arena of things to talk about with that hottie- stop trying to schmooze with your NYC A-game and take advantage of her need to nurture your dumb, hardly-spanish speaking ass. Women love men who are helpless in areas they're strong- have you ever asked a chick how to cook something or how you sew something? They're all over it- same with language. I've gotten more pussy playing dumb than trying to out-suave the local suavecitos. They love it. Play to your strengths- sometimes being a dumb gringo can pay dividends, as long as it's not a dumb, rude gringo. Nobody likes an asshole.

Member #4394
02-15-14, 20:31
Foreigners (ie. Hispanics) in the USA who speak English with those who don't. Which group is more approachable and sociable to you?

You you are totally right, from our perspective. However, I would have to say that 30% of the hombres I know have NO interest in getting to know the girls beyond the view during doggie or with "splooge" on their face, talking to them or going anywhere with them in the city. They are interested in hitting 2-4 hotties per day, PERIOD! Just saying. Everybody rolls differently and I am not in a position to say whether or not the member I was responding to will or will not enjoy himself if he does not follow steps A, B and C. Maybe he is less social like I am and does not require the same things or activities others may need to enjoy his time. Your advice has always been good, but I have never agreed, and will never agree with anyone who says that visitors need to learn the local language to have a good time. I have been to Thailand 8-10 times and I have never learned to speak Thai. I have been to the Philippines over 10 times and do not speak Tagalog. OK. Bad example as English is widely spoken. I have been to Vietnam and do not speak Vietnamese. I have been to Mexico, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Costa Rica, Peru, and Colombia and did not speak any Spanish until just within the last year. And I had awesome and memorable times everywhere I went. I believe the times you have in any one location are more directly linked to attitude and expectations. My friendly attitude and reasonable expectations have allowed me to have memorable experiences wherever I have been. Been a few bad experiences, some related to language shortfalls, but those are minimal. Soon, I will venture to Brazil, and I have no intention on learning more than a few words of Portuguese. I anticipate I will have a memorable and rewarding trip.

Member #4244
02-15-14, 21:42
Lima is better than Colombia? I will ask you to elaborate.

There are few "venues" in Lima, and the prices there are unreasonably high. The women can be pretty, but definitely not in the league of Colombian girls. I would so that English is spoken equally in both countries. My suspicion is that many of the forum poster's opinions on Lima are based on their hookup with this one guy, Dave-something. You don't hear much from guys going another way.

Now I agree, Peru is better if you take into account general tourist opportunities. But for punting? I don't think so.There are actually quite a few venues in Lima and the pricing is comparable. You look at Las Cucardas. 80 soles roughly for service, that is just under $30 USD. That doesn't compare with Centro strip clubs? I would argue on any given night LC might have more talent. Then you have the MP type places (e. G. Trocadero) that are dirt cheap. It is more spread out (bigger city, more like Bogota than MDE)

I certainly found more people who spoke English throughout Lima, I mean people on the street, not the girls. There are also more foreigners living there permanently. None of David's friends spoke English, so how many false assumptions can I address here?

Obviously the quality and culture of mongering is WAY better in MDE, but Lima is more of a city where you can actually do things, it's a bit more pleasant all around, it has more English speakers, many places accept and / or change dollars and the fact that David, Sly and others are there gives you some well-laid inroads. I'm not sure where this was unclear.

Member #4244
02-15-14, 21:52
Took a bored stroll through the Centro. A lot of casas around Cra 45, but all were pretty shitty. Aiffe right now is in a downswing, maybe two fuckable young ones and they aren't that appetizing. Quality is in a real lull there. Conversely New Life has their best lineup in sometime, maybe a couple years even. I would say there are two that anyone would be excited to bang and another half dozen that would at least hit your radar. Now is a good time to go and check it out before they have a bunch of turnover. The Centro strip clubs, eh, lot of veteranas in all of them. Cute 19 year old Joanna (not sure her stage name) , mocha cutie at La Barra Ejecutiva plus one or two other presentable ones. Bar Maracaibo was a pretty much a disaster like usual. There is a skinny chick that hangs in front of those clubs, her name is Angie. She works independently. She is not the most beautiful girl (pretty average, thin, not much body) but she has a cool attitude and is willing to do anything if you ask nicely. If you're bored, take her for a spin. 30K-50K pesos for FS and as I said she aims to please.

Member #4244
02-15-14, 21:54
While I enjoyed Lima, I was there for more for tourist reasons (I. E. Machu Picchu, Cuzco, etc.). But I have to agree with you, the prices when I did partake were far too high for my liking. And since I was heading to Medellin for a week on the end of that trip, I struggled paying higher prices for the same Colombianas I would get for half the price the next week. IMHO, the Colombianas in the Lima clubs were by far the hottest and most worth taking home. I never did partake in David's services, so I cannot comment. However, I have many friends who have and swear by the selection of university hotties he can connect you with for far more reasonable prices. Not sure if he is still assisting like that.His pink pages are still full, he is a real ass dude who makes nothing from the service yet arranges it like a pro. I tried to see a lot of other things but rarely partook, his friends were all a lot of fun/

02-16-14, 03:34
I'll offer one more reason to learn at least a little Spanish- it give your girl a modicum of control. You may not think this important, but women totally dig being needed and being in the power position of teacher. Needing help with your spanish gives you a whole arena of things to talk about with that hottie- stop trying to schmooze with your NYC A-game and take advantage of her need to nurture your dumb, hardly-spanish speaking ass. Women love men who are helpless in areas they're strong- have you ever asked a chick how to cook something or how you sew something? They're all over it- same with language. I've gotten more pussy playing dumb than trying to out-suave the local suavecitos. They love it. Play to your strengths- sometimes being a dumb gringo can pay dividends, as long as it's not a dumb, rude gringo. Nobody likes an asshole.IMO a girl would much rather be able to have a normal conversation with you than nurture you and try and teach you spanish.

Girls, and most definitely latinas, love to talk and tell you their hopes, dreams, desires, etc.

I agree with not trying to out-suave the local suavecitos. Just be cool, friendly, and respectful, and of course speak the lingo.

I don't think many girls are really going to be turned on because they want to nurture your fumbling spanish, however, if it's worked for you, that's great.

02-16-14, 04:20
Girls, and most definitely latinas, love to talk and tell you their hopes, dreams, desires, etc.

I don't think many girls are really going to be turned on because they want to nurture your fumbling spanish, however, if it's worked for you, that's great.I agree. I remember in my early days how annoyed a chica would look after rambling on about something for almost a minute, only to hear me say "lo siento, pero no entiendo".

02-16-14, 07:22
His pink pages are still full, he is a real ass dude who makes nothing from the service yet arranges it like a pro. I tried to see a lot of other things but rarely partook, his friends were all a lot of fun/Who is this David in Lima? Some local legendary monger? How does one get hold of him?


Mr Jetsetter
02-16-14, 07:52
Who is this David in Lima? Some local legendary monger? How does one get hold of him?

TIAGo to the ISG Peru Forum and click on the link to David 33's Peru Forum.

Aussie Greg
02-16-14, 11:09
Ask him Aussie Greg wants to know how his salsa dancing lessons are going!


Go to the ISG Peru Forum and click on the link to David 33's Peru Forum.

02-16-14, 12:50
IMO a girl would much rather be able to have a normal conversation with you than nurture you and try and teach you spanish.

Girls, and most definitely latinas, love to talk and tell you their hopes, dreams, desires, etc.

I agree with not trying to out-suave the local suavecitos. Just be cool, friendly, and respectful, and of course speak the lingo.

I don't think many girls are really going to be turned on because they want to nurture your fumbling spanish, however, if it's worked for you, that's great.I'm not saying it's better than speaking fluent Spanish, I"m saying go with what you have. If you don't speak it, enlist her nurturing instinct to help you get better. They do love playing that role. Women also use situations like that as a forum to talk nonstop while you throw in an occasional and enthusiastic,"Claro!" And hell, if you've got the language and the game, give the local boys hell! The point is, if you can't speak well but have a little Spanish you can use that to your advantage instead of simply letting it be a liability.

02-16-14, 14:19
IMO a girl would much rather be able to have a normal conversation with you than nurture you and try and teach you spanish.

Girls, and most definitely latinas, love to talk and tell you their hopes, dreams, desires, etc.

I agree with not trying to out-suave the local suavecitos. Just be cool, friendly, and respectful, and of course speak the lingo.

I don't think many girls are really going to be turned on because they want to nurture your fumbling spanish, however, if it's worked for you, that's great.True true Parcero Ricker. All very true and good stuff.

Rule number one is money talks and bull shit walks. Truth be told you can't compete with the local Papicito. He's young, funny, can sing all her favorite salsa or reagetone songs with her, dance and is not 20+ years older than she is. She wants to be with him. But she needs to be with you! There exceptions so let's not start the usual "gringo abuelo vs young gringo" argument this boards loves to mutate into. Enjoy the girl, show some respect and consideration and you'll be all set. For example a few months back Dude X was like "So and So chica wanted $___ to bang in the AM after we agreed on $___ for TLN. I woke her up at 6AM after drinking all night and she was cranky. The nerve of her!" Or some shit like that.

Good example of get a clue bro. She's a working girl but she's also a person. If dude would have just let the day play out I'm almost certain things would have played out better. Think on it. When are you yourself ever happily woken up at 6AM for anything?

Also if you're know to only do the bare min. $150-$200 ST with maybe $5K for a cab and the next guy is willing to pony up $20k for a round trip who you think she going to come running to? This leads back to one of my mantras that I've been blasting on 11 (spinal tap. Watch it!) for ages. Do not be cheap!

Just to keep it short as Ricker said "Just be cool, friendly, and respectful, and of course speak the lingo." & my two cents "Don't be cheap of wallet or spirit".

Nino Bravo
02-16-14, 15:08
IMO a girl would much rather be able to have a normal conversation with you than nurture you and try and teach you spanish.

Girls, and most definitely latinas, love to talk and tell you their hopes, dreams, desires, etc.

I agree with not trying to out-suave the local suavecitos. Just be cool, friendly, and respectful, and of course speak the lingo.

I don't think many girls are really going to be turned on because they want to nurture your fumbling spanish, however, if it's worked for you, that's great.It's not an opinion, but a fact, that you will further with the girls, especially non-pros, if you are fluent in Spanish. These girls grow tired of gringos who talk baby talk Spanish. They want someone they can bring around their friends and family without feeling embarrassed to have a grown ass man speaking baby talk to them. They also love to joke, enjoy their music and the lyrics. Learn a lot of latin songs, especially baladas romanticas, and its a done deal. Many many colombianas have confessed to me that gringos who can't speak Spanish well is a big turn off. Just view that video that was posted early, of the Travel Bum, and see how he struck out with his baby talk Spanish.

There used to be a segment on a Medellin radio station in the mornings, that did a routine, making fun of gringos and the way they spoke baby talk spanish. Again, there might be some desperate girls who will put up with it, and of course the mansion girls and others will, due to the money aspect.

And it's not a matter of trying to be suave, that's ridiculous. But its a matter of being yourself, having fun and communicating on an intelligent level.

02-16-14, 15:59
True true Parcero Ricker. All very true and good stuff.

Rule number one is money talks and bull shit walks. Truth be told you can't compete with the local Papicito. He's young, funny, can sing all her favorite salsa or reagetone songs with her, dance and is not 20+ years older than she is. She wants to be with him. But she needs to be with you! There exceptions so let's not start the usual "gringo abuelo vs young gringo" argument this boards loves to mutate into. Enjoy the girl, show some respect and consideration and you'll be all set. For example a few months back Dude X was like "So and So chica wanted $___ to bang in the AM after we agreed on $___ for TLN. I woke her up at 6AM after drinking all night and she was cranky. The nerve of her!" Or some shit like that..It really doesn't seem that we're in disagreement. I only suggested that, if your skills are lacking you can adapt alternate strategies that could serve you well. Of course, being young, rich, charismatic, local, handsome and in possession of a great big schwantztücher never hurts.

02-16-14, 18:58
I think everybody is different and enjoy life in a different way. Some dudes like just to bang the chic and don't have any problem with zero communication or exchange of words, that is cool if you like it, some others need some "human" touch, faked or real, that is cool also.

I can talk just for myself, I like to communicate, I like to laugh and move her a little bit if is possible, even just for a short friendship, I try to talk the language but is impossible to learn all the different languages from all the countries I have been at. English is an amazing tool of communication, we are lucky we speak it. But there were sometimes I wish I could speak the native language. I have lost soo many opportunities with so many stunning girls. So for me learning a foreign language is important. I can kind of talk or understand several but is not ever enough. Languages are so awesome, open a new horizon en perceptive of the culture and richness of any country, unfortunately I'm not an Eisenstein but it would be very cool.

Well, now can we talk about girls? That we can do it in English =)

02-16-14, 19:14
Took a bored stroll through the Centro. A lot of casas around Cra 45, but all were pretty shitty. Aiffe right now is in a downswing, maybe two fuckable young ones and they aren't that appetizing. Quality is in a real lull there. Conversely New Life has their best lineup in sometime, maybe a couple years even. I would say there are two that anyone would be excited to bang and another half dozen that would at least hit your radar. Now is a good time to go and check it out before they have a bunch of turnover. The Centro strip clubs, eh, lot of veteranas in all of them. Cute 19 year old Joanna (not sure her stage name) , mocha cutie at La Barra Ejecutiva plus one or two other presentable ones. Bar Maracaibo was a pretty much a disaster like usual. There is a skinny chick that hangs in front of those clubs, her name is Angie. She works independently. She is not the most beautiful girl (pretty average, thin, not much body) but she has a cool attitude and is willing to do anything if you ask nicely. If you're bored, take her for a spin. 30K-50K pesos for FS and as I said she aims to please.Thanks bro, not much has changed then, casas and cheap bars still short of talent but is very understandable and not a surprise, their prices are very cheap for us, But locals with very low income have to have some fun also, So there is a very long future for those places, but as we said many times before, hot chics won't concentrate there, fun to explore tough, an eventual lost gem can be found with a lot of luck. Bro thanks for up dating. One of the few useful reports lately.

Member #4244
02-17-14, 00:53
Overall I thought the talent was OK, like I said New Life has gotten a shot in the arm and the other places had plenty of passable values. Centro strip joints always get chickenhawked by the bigger players, a lot of girls at the more expensive clubs cut their teeth and the Barra and places like that. At this point I just take passes when I am bored, I have a nice little set of regulars and modest stream of non-pros though I admit sometimes I'm a bit lazy for that.

As far as Spanish goes, why even limit yourself? Are you going to become some Latin poet? No, but you can find yourself in another language. Certainly the humor of a North American is a lot more sophisticated than that of your average Colombian. You can be funny, you can charming. Don't think you're just getting by, have some fun with it.

02-17-14, 01:09
I think the logic behind learning / improving Spanish varies alot depending on how much time one spends in L. America. For a lot of guys that do a week or two a year, I don't think there's much sense in putting in lots of effort learning the language. OTOH, for guys that spend significant time there, it does make sense.

I do have to mention that I did several trips to Brasil over the years and despite speaking next to no Portugues, I had the best mongering experiences of my life. Also did Thailand a few times speaking no Thai, and I enjoyed it very much.

I do speak good Spanish now. But every time I visit Colombia or the DR, I meet plenty of fellow mongers that don't speak the language at all. And they seem like they are having a fantastic time. Could they have a better time if they spoke more Spanish? Most likely, but it may or may not be worth their time to learn more. Also have to consider that most USA guys have a difficult time picking up languages.

Hell, CubaDave has been to the DR, Cuba, and CR hundreds of times and he speaks very little Spanish. Yet he seems to have a great time.

Vegas Jeff
02-17-14, 01:30
I remember a year or two back, discovering this guy's videos. I find these mini-docs pretty fun. He travels to countries and most of his videos show the locals and his attempts to date them. Interesting stuff. He put up a new video, but Isabella and her friend look familiar to me, like I've seen them here or on Colombiancupid. What do you guys think? Prepagos? Working girls? Non-pros?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0Ljih9ABoE#t=1209I have seen a lot of crappy videos but this one is actually well done and pretty accurate in general.

There is some good advice given all throughout this video.

I even noticed the guy at 13:20. He still hangs out around the Parque Berrio metro station.

BH Bound, nice video.

Member #4244
02-17-14, 02:45
Yeah I mean if you are blowing town in four days one time, what would the point be? But if you're going for a while or returning multiple times, I think it's a no-brainer.

Vegas Jeff
02-17-14, 03:00
I think the logic behind learning / improving Spanish varies alot depending on how much time one spends in L. America. For a lot of guys that do a week or two a year, I don't think there's much sense in putting in lots of effort learning the language. OTOH, for guys that spend significant time there, it does make sense.

I do have to mention that I did several trips to Brasil over the years and despite speaking next to no Portugues, I had the best mongering experiences of my life. Also did Thailand a few times speaking no Thai, and I enjoyed it very much.

I do speak good Spanish now. But every time I visit Colombia or the DR, I meet plenty of fellow mongers that don't speak the language at all. And they seem like they are having a fantastic time. Could they have a better time if they spoke more Spanish? Most likely, but it may or may not be worth their time to learn more. Also have to consider that most USA guys have a difficult time picking up languages.

Hell, CubaDave has been to the DR, Cuba, and CR hundreds of times and he speaks very little Spanish. Yet he seems to have a great time.I have been reading some advice lately about not needing Spanish in Colombia. Just remember that some of the advice is being giving to guys who have depended heavily on the English speakers in these foreign destinations. Also, many of these foreign destinations have a p4p scene that is located in a very small area.

There have been many trip reports, on this forum, where guys have said that their lack of Spanish hurt them considerably. I also meet guys who say they have almost no Spanish and after listening to them talk I realize they have a small base. There is huge difference between no Spanish and a small base.

All you need is 10+ common verbs and conjugate I and you. This is 20+ words total. Verbs like want, need, think, understand, call, drink, eat, like, hear, to go, to know, etc.

10-15 basic questions or phrases.

50-100 basic nouns and other common words.

Numbers, Colors, Question words, etc.

It is important to learn words that you will use around the girls like fast, slow, suck, towel, soap, wet, dry, tired, etc.

I would say that if you have half of what is listed above you have the minimum. It doesn't even matter if you can say one sentence correctly. You have enough if you can string together words to communicate ideas.

If you are the type of guy who has short trips and has no inclination to learn a small base of Spanish, don't come to Colombia.

If you have a little more time and can power through the frustration of learning a small base, come to Colombia if you want.

02-17-14, 03:56
I think the logic behind learning / improving Spanish varies alot depending on how much time one spends in L. America. For a lot of guys that do a week or two a year, I don't think there's much sense in putting in lots of effort learning the language.I wouldn't frame it that way. You have to look past just only wanting to better communicate with chicas. Even if you are only down for a few days a few times a year, you need to be aware of what is going on around you in an all-Spanish speaking environment.

-If you are at a bar with your friend with two chicas and the two of them are discussing drugging you once you take them back to your apartment and letting their amigos in to rob you (talking openly about it since they figure you won't understand what is being said) , this is something you would want to be aware of.

-If you are in a taxi and the taxista is on his cell phone telling his buddies that he has a passenger with a smartphone and a wad of cash in his pocket, I think you would want to be able to understand the conversation (and the fact that you are in danger).

-If you are having a medical emergency (alone) in your apartment, how do you know what to tell the operator (in Spanish)? How do you know how to direct them to where you are? The current medications you are taking? Your medical history (that may have led to the current cause)?

-Etc, etc.

A less extreme version of this:

Back in my early days of mongering, me and a wingman (who had been mongering longer and spoke and understood a fair amount of Spanish) were walking back to New Garden in Sosua with our chicas. He had arranged TLN with his chica, and I was only going to do ST with my chica.

The two chicas were talking to one another while we walked. My wingman's chica was telling my chica that once she was done with me to call her so that she could say it was her mother calling to say her daughter was sick; giving her an excuse to leave. Clearly they thought that we had no idea about what they were discussing (I had no clue).

My wingman gave me the heads up in English because (ironically) they had no idea what he was saying to me!

02-17-14, 03:58
Yeah I mean if you are blowing town in four days one time, what would the point be? But if you're going for a while or returning multiple times, I think it's a no-brainer.Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0fqyKXI7KM

02-19-14, 12:05
First of all I love and use this site a lot. In the last five years this site has been of great value to me. I have been to Medellin two times both staying at the Mansion. No complaints but this time I will stay in another hotel. I am having a hard time understanding the city of Medellin. I don't know the area to stay in or play in or tour in or eat in. I spend a lot of time researching through this sit and really the internet in general. Hopefully one of you gents can help me. The four basic questions everyone has about a new city is as I mentioned earlier. What area is best to stay in, what area is where all or at least a great deal of the action in then, for a tourist, what are some of the tourist things to do and what area are they located in and most of all lets talk food. I am not a high roller but I do enjoy a good meal. Normally when I get the bill for my meal the wine is as much as the meal. Hopefully, most will see these requests as within he scope of the ISG and give your help.

HR 10

Wet Nose
02-19-14, 12:38
First of all I love and use this site a lot. In the last five years this site has been of great value to me. I have been to Medellin two times both staying at the Mansion. No complaints but this time I will stay in another hotel. I am having a hard time understanding the city of Medellin. I don't know the area to stay in or play in or tour in or eat in. I spend a lot of time researching through this sit and really the internet in general. Hopefully one of you gents can help me. The four basic questions everyone has about a new city is as I mentioned earlier. What area is best to stay in, what area is where all or at least a great deal of the action in then, for a tourist, what are some of the tourist things to do and what area are they located in and most of all lets talk food. I am not a high roller but I do enjoy a good meal. Normally when I get the bill for my meal the wine is as much as the meal. Hopefully, most will see these requests as within he scope of the ISG and give your help.

HR 101) Best area to stay in: Poblado. The closer to the subway station, the better. Some might say centro is better but that place is creepy at night.

2) Best area to play: centro. 90% of the casa action is in centro.

3) Tourist things to do & place to eat: look up tripadvisor. Com.

02-19-14, 14:15
If you are the type of guy who has short trips and has no inclination to learn a small base of Spanish, don't come to Colombia.Here we go again. LOL

02-19-14, 14:27
First of all I love and use this site a lot. In the last five years this site has been of great value to me. I have been to Medellin two times both staying at the Mansion. No complaints but this time I will stay in another hotel. I am having a hard time understanding the city of Medellin. I don't know the area to stay in or play in or tour in or eat in. I spend a lot of time researching through this sit and really the internet in general. Hopefully one of you gents can help me. The four basic questions everyone has about a new city is as I mentioned earlier. What area is best to stay in, what area is where all or at least a great deal of the action in then, for a tourist, what are some of the tourist things to do and what area are they located in and most of all lets talk food. I am not a high roller but I do enjoy a good meal. Normally when I get the bill for my meal the wine is as much as the meal. Hopefully, most will see these requests as within he scope of the ISG and give your help.

HR 10I have been struggling with the same. I am getting tired of having to take taxis everywhere, from Poblado, not to mention a bit tired of Parque Lleras. Future trips for me are more likely to be in the Laureles / El Estadio area within a short walk to the Metro station or where I can walk to get food / drink. I also want to spend a little more time exploring the la 70 area. They have a good nitelife scene and plenty of places for local food. Have a favorita that works nearby and it would make it easy for her to stay with me for a few days at a time. While I am not a casa kind of guy, I do totally enjoy wandering around el Centro in the day and absorbing the sights, smells and sounds of Colombia. Been there before late at night and it was a bit un-settling. LOL Make sure the hotel you select allows visitors. I am an apartment kind of guy, but have had friends that did not inquire beforehand, only to be denied at the time, and having to move the next day.

Colombia Jake
02-19-14, 16:10
Http://www.colombiajake.com/You guys just keep coming and I keep you busy and happy! Carlos arrived from California via Panama and continues to have reverse sticker shock with the prices for everything being so much less here! Good looking guy but a little shy, so I took him out around town to some of my hunting grounds and opened a few conversations to show him how its done. Didn't take him long to get the hang of it, but once again and I can't emphasize this enough, its not easy to get a full date for the night time here! What I mean is someone to go out with you and have a drink or two and walk around the park with no rush, and eventually come back and take care of business leaving you feeling like you had a full night of fun! You can get the one hour date or the just drinks date but getting the whole package is why I'm here. Lots of new videos and photos on the website above. Thanks and see you soon!


Member #4244
02-19-14, 16:45
1) Best area to stay in: Poblado. The closer to the subway station, the better. Some might say centro is better but that place is creepy at night.

2) Best area to play: centro. 90% of the casa action is in centro.

3) Tourist things to do & place to eat: look up tripadvisor. Com.Why are the only two options El Pobaldo or El Centro? You have TONS of neighborhoods in Medellin. As someone else mentioned, staying in El Poblado (or worse yet further South in El Envigado) presents a ton of traffic and taxi hassles trying to get anywhere. Your second point certainly illustrates why that is problematic.

Great tip on TripAdvisor, wow, I bet the guy never in a million years thought of such an obscure source of information or that sort of innovative way to research his travel plan. Can you tell me more about this Goggles or Googly thing I have been hearing about? I hear you just type a word and they return millions of results. What a time to be alive!

Tourism wise I mean honestly what is there to do in Medellin? Could any person from a developed country tell me how awesome it is for sightseeing with a straight face? The museums are kind of cool, OK, that's maybe one quarter of one day right there. I've never done the Esobar tourism stuff really. There are a lot of nice lookout points and little getaway spots near the city, but nothing I'd seek out as a regular tourist. You come here to have adult fun and socialize. That's my take on it.

There are some good restaurants but that depends where you're staying and what you like. The one absolute can't miss place to eat is Brulee in El Envigado. I would put it up against La Vitrola and the like any day of the week. Truly a world class restaurant that would not be at all out of place in Argentina, the U.S., France, etc. Be prepared to get hit accordingly, if you go during Medellin gourmet month (typically September) you can get away with $40-$50 USD a head, more like $100 typically. I find the tourism guides have really shitty insight into where to eat here. There are some good places in the Centro, La Pizzeria on Calle Argentina (57), La Palozetta on Calle 54 and Credenza between 53/54 on Cra 45. Restaurante Itaca is another hidden gem in that neighborhood, but I do mean hidden. In El Poblado there are so many places but so few deliver. If you ask me the stuff in Lleras ranged from overpriced mediocrity to out and out dog shit. Mangle Seafood on Calle 10 is definitely worth a visit.

02-19-14, 17:15
First of all I love and use this site a lot. In the last five years this site has been of great value to me. I have been to Medellin two times both staying at the Mansion. No complaints but this time I will stay in another hotel. I am having a hard time understanding the city of Medellin. I don't know the area to stay in or play in or tour in or eat in. I spend a lot of time researching through this sit and really the internet in general. Hopefully one of you gents can help me. The four basic questions everyone has about a new city is as I mentioned earlier. What area is best to stay in, what area is where all or at least a great deal of the action in then, for a tourist, what are some of the tourist things to do and what area are they located in and most of all lets talk food. I am not a high roller but I do enjoy a good meal. Normally when I get the bill for my meal the wine is as much as the meal. Hopefully, most will see these requests as within he scope of the ISG and give your help.

HR 10You do good things on the Uruguay Forum. Thanks.

As far as food goes Poblado rules and Centro is number 2 *IMO. When I went back to Laureles (Estadio) this trip all I saw were local food type places that you can easily find in centro. Before there used to be international restaurants like mexican food asian etc.

The beauty of eating in centro is you have a few mall style food courts which offer you variety. The downside is most of them close at 4pm. Some stay open until 7pm. After 7pm your choices for food diminishes greatly. I resorted to sweet cakes several nights out of necessity. You can have a decent meal in Poblado but GREAT meals (IMO) do not exist for the most part in MDE. MDE has sex drugs and booze. Those are the headliners.

The budget action is in the centro. Don't be scared of centro just get out by 8pm if you aren't comfortable. I actually recommend staying in centro and cabbing it home from other areas. Chances are you can take a metro to wherever you are going at night then cab it back. That way you can save on cab fare. However you might like centro at night. It is a totally different vibe and quite interesting. Unless you want more of the same booze girls drugs there isn't much to do at night that you can't do before 12am. You may want to be a day person on this trip. It depends on your mongering style. I was up at 9am everyday to get the most out of the day.

You should visit the grave of Pablo Escobar in Sabaneta (metro stop sabaneta). Go on the cable cars (Santo Domingo) see the Botero Museum. If you have time there are some trips to the countryside within 2 hours of MDE. For that you would need to take the bus or hire a driver. Others have gone to the theater movies local parks. A first timer to MDE can keep busy with these activities. I can no longer entertain myself this way since I've been to MDE too many times.

If I can answer anything else for you send me a pm. I'd be happy to assist you. Eventually I will pick your brain again when I go back to BA / Uruguay this summer.

02-19-14, 18:05
-If you are at a bar with your friend with two chicas and the two of them are discussing drugging you

-If you are in a taxi and the taxista is on his cell phone telling his buddies that he has a passenger with a smartphone and a wad of cash in his pocket, (and the fact that you are in danger).Reminds me of a movie scene.

Trautman: Look John, we can't have you running around out there wasting friendly civilians.

Rambo: There are no friendly civilians!

02-19-14, 18:06
Why are the only two options El Pobaldo or El Centro? You have TONS of neighborhoods in Medellin. As someone else mentioned, staying in El Poblado (or worse yet further South in El Envigado) presents a ton of traffic and taxi hassles trying to get anywhere. Your second point certainly illustrates why that is problematic.Most stay in El Poblado, El Centro, or Laureles. There are pluses and minuses to all of them. It really depends what you like to do. I like to do everything from the low end to the high end. It depends on the mood and who I'm with. I think my next trip I will stay in San Diego. It seems to be the center that everything passes through.

02-19-14, 18:40
First of all I love and use this site a lot. In the last five years this site has been of great value to me. I have been to Medellin two times both staying at the Mansion. No complaints but this time I will stay in another hotel. I am having a hard time understanding the city of Medellin. I don't know the area to stay in or play in or tour in or eat in. I spend a lot of time researching through this sit and really the internet in general. Hopefully one of you gents can help me. The four basic questions everyone has about a new city is as I mentioned earlier. What area is best to stay in, what area is where all or at least a great deal of the action in then, for a tourist, what are some of the tourist things to do and what area are they located in and most of all lets talk food. I am not a high roller but I do enjoy a good meal. Normally when I get the bill for my meal the wine is as much as the meal. Hopefully, most will see these requests as within he scope of the ISG and give your help.

HR 10This covers resturants really well, http://www.medellinexplorer.com/ Bookings. Com or airbnb work well for lodging, The" list" has got you covered for entertainment, Touristy things like a botanical park, a park with fat statues, a Spanish library, a Pablo tour are all listed in trip advisor or get a copy of the lonely planet book, finally if you need more help there are a number of guides that will run you around town for a small fee.


02-20-14, 19:43
TweedleD gf hotels.

Great read from.


Is Diez Hotel El Poblado girl friendly? If not, what are some.

Of gf hotels.


02-21-14, 05:16
There are some good restaurants but that depends where you're staying and what you like. The one absolute can't miss place to eat is Brulee in El Envigado. I would put it up against La Vitrola and the like any day of the week. Truly a world class restaurant that would not be at all out of place in Argentina, the U.S., France, etc. Be prepared to get hit accordingly, if you go during Medellin gourmet month (typically September) you can get away with $40-$50 USD a head, more like $100 typically. I find the tourism guides have really shitty insight into where to eat here. There are some good places in the Centro, La Pizzeria on Calle Argentina (57), La Palozetta on Calle 54 and Credenza between 53/54 on Cra 45. Restaurante Itaca is another hidden gem in that neighborhood, but I do mean hidden. In El Poblado there are so many places but so few deliver. If you ask me the stuff in Lleras ranged from overpriced mediocrity to out and out dog shit. Mangle Seafood on Calle 10 is definitely worth a visit.Are these all recommended Italian Eateries?

Member #4244
02-21-14, 05:36
Are these all recommended Italian Eateries?No, only La Palazetta is an Italian place that was owned by an actual Italian. She has since died but they have kept the old recipes. They have pastas, huge portion entrees (chicken parm, steaks, veal, bass) and pretty good desserts as well. La Pizzeria I suppose you could call Italian, it's a wood-oven pizza joint.

Nothing is Italian about Credenza though, it's inside the Colombo-Americano so it's sort of continental fare. Entrees range from smoked tahine to piled high nachos. They've got sandwiches, wraps and various entrees (salmon, steak, chicken dishes, etc). They do have some pastas and also some ramen noodle dishes. Really it is a hodge podge menu, but thoughtful enough and a very pleasant atmosphere. They also have a couple cute waitresses.

Brulee is another level of restaurant from all these and is also pretty diverse. There is limited Italian influence I suppose but more French, Brazilian and other cuisines. Really a great place, superb service, impeccable atmosphere and a favorite with the upper crust for sure.

02-21-14, 12:27
No, only La Palazetta is an Italian place that was owned by an actual Italian. She has since died but they have kept the old recipes. They have pastas, huge portion entrees (chicken parm, steaks, veal, bass) and pretty good desserts as well. La Pizzeria I suppose you could call Italian, it's a wood-oven pizza joint.

Nothing is Italian about Credenza though, it's inside the Colombo-Americano so it's sort of continental fare. Entrees range from smoked tahine to piled high nachos. They've got sandwiches, wraps and various entrees (salmon, steak, chicken dishes, etc). They do have some pastas and also some ramen noodle dishes. Really it is a hodge podge menu, but thoughtful enough and a very pleasant atmosphere. They also have a couple cute waitresses.

Brulee is another level of restaurant from all these and is also pretty diverse. There is limited Italian influence I suppose but more French, Brazilian and other cuisines. Really a great place, superb service, impeccable atmosphere and a favorite with the upper crust for sure.Ok guys: How about this? I'll post an actual trip report about fucking pretty appropriate girls if we all (not calling out anybody, just happened to quote Wilt (no beef homie) as he was engaged with othre pillars of this community) try our best to post in the appropriate and accurate topic heading and direct the new kids on the block to do the same. Deal? Tenemos un acuerdo?

Not trying to be a MB cop but.

All this food stuff could be and should be under "Colombia Food" and all the Hotel chatter. Yep you guessed correctly under "Hotels & Apartments Medellin".1 it keeps the TR topic less cluttered 2 makes finding info easier for the next guy 3 that is where the info belongs.

Pretty please? Can we try to make an effort to keep it tighter and a bit more organized? Moving forward all the info will be easier to find.

Movie Trailer version of my TR: If I get some positive feedback I'll go into the highlights and the "dear penthouse" level stuff! LOL!

And well other than the first part most of my Mongering will have to be coming soon!

First few days tied up with novia but did manage a few runs to Lourtron. Say what you will about cost the line up is Amazing! Which is to their credit as it had fallen off the last few times I went over say. Two ish years? A few real 10's IMO based on looks and performance. Usual Loutron bull shit but for the level of chica and atmosphere I like it. Also near my apt so it's an easy mission for me if my time is tight.

Thurs: Called up the Ex. Super excited to see me. Did not get fat! Werd up! LOL! Once again more details if we can keep it tight.

Fri: Have several FB dates lined up.

Sat: Novia.

Sun: Several FB dates lined up.

Let's keep the TR section about actual reports and the rest where it all belongs por favor!

Member #4244
02-22-14, 02:13
Casa run the other day, Latinas has a nice lineup right now with a couple cute flacas. Paris and Andromeda were similar, small runs of 6-10 girls but some decent talent. You have to hit these places while the lineups are decent. Aiffe is still pretty ho-hum, New Life has some winners but they get run through all day. Loads of foot traffic and it seems to mostly be for a couple of them. On one hand this casa run was refreshing because there was some decent talent and places I hadn't been to in some time. On the other, I'm always a little disappointed with the atmosphere and hygiene in these places. I will probably take this run again to get a couple more numbers of girls that piqued my interest to see them outside the scene. I might venture over to Blue Room or one of those places if I have time. I'll be here a while longer but between regulars and social stuff it's hard to really hit new places regularly.

Made this run with another member here, very chill guy, seems to have his shit together but not to the point where he's not having plenty of fun.

I know the food stuff belongs under dining but it was asked (and followed up on) here. If the mods could move the whole discussion, that would be ideal I suppose.

02-22-14, 03:37
Casa run the other day, Latinas has a nice lineup right now with a couple cute flacas. Paris and Andromeda were similar, small runs of 6-10 girls but some decent talent. You have to hit these places while the lineups are decent. Aiffe is still pretty ho-hum, New Life has some winners but they get run through all day. Loads of foot traffic and it seems to mostly be for a couple of them. On one hand this casa run was refreshing because there was some decent talent and places I hadn't been to in some time. On the other, I'm always a little disappointed with the atmosphere and hygiene in these places. I will probably take this run again to get a couple more numbers of girls that piqued my interest to see them outside the scene. I might venture over to Blue Room or one of those places if I have time. I'll be here a while longer but between regulars and social stuff it's hard to really hit new places regularly.

Made this run with another member here, very chill guy, seems to have his shit together but not to the point where he's not having plenty of fun.

I know the food stuff belongs under dining but it was asked (and followed up on) here. If the mods could move the whole discussion, that would be ideal I suppose.Thanks for the quick TR! I wasn't calling anybody out especially you Wilt. No beef homie! Hahaha! Keep thing tight and we'll all roll smoother!

Tonight was awesome. Also. Another teaser. Pulled the legendary and elusive REGULAR girl off the Metro a few days back. That went very well! So just anohter teaser. Cooperation and the TR flow smoother. Keep up with the BS and what not. TRs get lost in the wash.

02-22-14, 13:20
Casa run the other day, Latinas has a nice lineup right now with a couple cute flacas. Paris and Andromeda were similar, small runs of 6-10 girls but some decent talent. You have to hit these places while the lineups are decent. Aiffe is still pretty ho-hum, New Life has some winners but they get run through all day. Loads of foot traffic and it seems to mostly be for a couple of them. On one hand this casa run was refreshing because there was some decent talent and places I hadn't been to in some time. On the other, I'm always a little disappointed with the atmosphere and hygiene in these places. I will probably take this run again to get a couple more numbers of girls that piqued my interest to see them outside the scene. I might venture over to Blue Room or one of those places if I have time. I'll be here a while longer but between regulars and social stuff it's hard to really hit new places regularly.

Made this run with another member here, very chill guy, seems to have his shit together but not to the point where he's not having plenty of fun.

I know the food stuff belongs under dining but it was asked (and followed up on) here. If the mods could move the whole discussion, that would be ideal I suppose.I challenge that this forum is for sex in Medellin only. Certainly that's the primary function, but the auxillary information about places to stay as well as what to eat and what not to eat is all part of the deal. No, I don't want this to turn into the Food Network, but I appreciate the additional information in one place, rather than trying to glean little bits and pieces from all over. For those of you who support more relaxed parameters of discussion, thank you. For those purists who don't eat and sleep on park benches, I'm in awe.

02-22-14, 14:31
Tonight was awesome. Also. Another teaser. Pulled the legendary and elusive REGULAR girl off the Metro a few days back.What is Metro precisely? Do you mean a disco or the street?

02-22-14, 15:44
The public transportation train that runs from one end of the city to the other. It's a super model freak show.

What is Metro precisely? Do you mean a disco or the street?

Member #4244
02-22-14, 16:16
What is Metro precisely? Do you mean a disco or the street?I am guessing he means off the actual Metro, the city train system.

It is a great place to flirt and hone your language skills.

02-22-14, 16:48
I challenge that this forum is for sex in Medellin only. Certainly that's the primary function, but the auxillary information about places to stay as well as what to eat and what not to eat is all part of the deal. No, I don't want this to turn into the Food Network, but I appreciate the additional information in one place, rather than trying to glean little bits and pieces from all over. For those of you who support more relaxed parameters of discussion, thank you. For those purists who don't eat and sleep on park benches, I'm in awe.I'm glad to see I am not the only one who appreciates discussion with "more relaxed discussion" from time to time!

02-22-14, 16:59
I know the food stuff belongs under dining but it was asked (and followed up on) here. If the mods could move the whole discussion, that would be ideal I suppose.Don't worry about it. It all pertains to Medellin.

On one hand this casa run was refreshing because there was some decent talent and places I hadn't been to in some time. On the other, I'm always a little disappointed with the atmosphere and hygiene in these places. I will probably take this run again to get a couple more numbers of girls that piqued my interest to see them outside the scene.I knew a chica that worked as a "masajista" during the day. One time (the only time I ever called her over) she came over smelling like "budussy" (butt and pussy). Kinda turned me off to wanting to meet chicas who work in Casas outside of them. I guess it may be different if you can get them to bypass work for a day to come and hang with you or something.

02-22-14, 20:31
Casa run the other day, Latinas has a nice lineup right now with a couple cute flacas. Paris and Andromeda were similar, small runs of 6-10 girls but some decent talent. You have to hit these places while the lineups are decent. Aiffe is still pretty ho-hum, New Life has some winners but they get run through all day. Loads of foot traffic and it seems to mostly be for a couple of them. On one hand this casa run was refreshing because there was some decent talent and places I hadn't been to in some time. On the other, I'm always a little disappointed with the atmosphere and hygiene in these places. I will probably take this run again to get a couple more numbers of girls that piqued my interest to see them outside the scene. I might venture over to Blue Room or one of those places if I have time. I'll be here a while longer but between regulars and social stuff it's hard to really hit new places regularly.

Made this run with another member here, very chill guy, seems to have his shit together but not to the point where he's not having plenty of fun.

I know the food stuff belongs under dining but it was asked (and followed up on) here. If the mods could move the whole discussion, that would be ideal I suppose.Wilt are you still in mde. I am here now!

Drinking too much with some old acquientances. Mayo sucks now. An occasional interesting one. Weak. Got to start casa runs soon. Centro had 3 hotties but that is it. One was too wasted for my taste. Maracaibos talent last night way better than Barra Ejecutiva.

Oh well. Will look again today.



02-22-14, 21:00
i have set up a couple cute girls for tonight at my apartment my friend can't make it. is any in the city want to hang out? i think i can handle both of them but a big problem is that they don't do three somes, and leave one girl waiting for turn is not that cool. girls are cute and young, send me pm for more details and picks. the action is at 8:00 pm so hurry guys =) if you can send your phone that would really speed up the communication.

pd: those friking new pop up banners in the page are so annoying

02-23-14, 03:02
If anyone knows anyone that might fit the bill, please PM and let me know. And yes, it HAS to be a women.

Attached is a copy of the Chica Recruitment Flyer that we have been handing out in select areas. We are already inundated with girls, and desperately need someone to manage them. We are also giving free pole dancing classes to qualified girls, and are hoping for a few really talented ones that we can train to higher levels of creative and exotic type dancing.

We are still working hard for the opening of the full service public club. Expect sometime end of March.

02-23-14, 17:54
If anyone knows anyone that might fit the bill, please PM and let me know. And yes, it HAS to be a women.

Attached is a copy of the Chica Recruitment Flyer that we have been handing out in select areas. We are already inundated with girls, and desperately need someone to manage them. We are also giving free pole dancing classes to qualified girls, and are hoping for a few really talented ones that we can train to higher levels of creative and exotic type dancing.

We are still working hard for the opening of the full service public club. Expect sometime end of March.I was going to stop by last night and the taxistas had not ideal where it was.

What are days and times of operation_?

Ahhh...never mind i google it...sorry...

will stop by sometime soon...cheers!

02-23-14, 18:46
I challenge that this forum is for sex in Medellin only. Certainly that's the primary function, but the auxillary information about places to stay as well as what to eat and what not to eat is all part of the deal. No, I don't want this to turn into the Food Network, but I appreciate the additional information in one place, rather than trying to glean little bits and pieces from all over. For those of you who support more relaxed parameters of discussion, thank you. For those purists who don't eat and sleep on park benches, I'm in awe.Yes, this forum is for Medellín, but there are threads for food, hotels, wing requests, etc. For vets, a free style forum might be ok, but it makes it extremely difficult for newbies to find information and then they get flamed for it wanting to wade through the chit chat. This isn't isolated to this forum. Maybe the mods can me more proactive in moving posts to the right location.

Case in point. I was looking for information about Thailand. I had to go back 10-15 pages of chitchat to finally get to a report. In fact, this discussion should probably go in the general section. If you want to see more mish mash of posts, maybe this forum needs a "new posts" function.

02-23-14, 19:28
I am guessing he means off the actual Metro, the city train system.

It is a great place to flirt and hone your language skills.Ok, now I understand but in which area there are so many beautiful girls? I was in Medellin some years ago and I took the train from Mayorista to the center of Medellin. It was in day time but I have not seen any girl.

02-23-14, 22:22
Don't worry about it. It all pertains to Medellin.Cool, because I want to revive it. Man, I know that some hardliner is going to skewer me on this one, but I have to ask!

I LOVE Colombian sancocho. Where is the best place that in Poblado, I. E, close to the Mansion?

Thanks in advance!

02-24-14, 02:59
Cool, because I want to revive it. Man, I know that some hardliner is going to skewer me on this one, but I have to ask!

I LOVE Colombian sancocho. Where is the best place that in Poblado, I. E, close to the Mansion?

Thanks in advance!Maybe you might get more of a response in the Medellin Food topic?

02-24-14, 03:04
Yes, this forum is for Medellín, but there are threads for food, hotels, wing requests, etc. For vets, a free style forum might be ok, but it makes it extremely difficult for newbies to find information and then they get flamed for it wanting to wade through the chit chat. This isn't isolated to this forum. Maybe the mods can me more proactive in moving posts to the right location.I'm not completely understanding this post. You say that it is extremely difficult for newbies to find information without having to wade through "chit chat", but if they are looking for:

threads for food, hotels, wing requests, etc.

Then why are they not posting those questions in those particular threads / forums you mentioned?

This "chit chat" is what people are coming to the Medellin Reports to read about, as it has everything that has to do with anything pertaining to Medellin (reports, philosophies, cultural topics, etc.).

Perfect example, why the hell would we open a new thread just to talk about the Metro in Medellin?:

I am guessing he means off the actual Metro, the city train system.

It is a great place to flirt and hone your language skills.

This would not go in the "General Info" thread because that forum is "Colombia specific" (hence the term "General"), whereas this thread is "Medellin specific".

I think it is the newbie who is not utilizing the thread correctly.

Want to know about The Mansion? There is a thread for that (seriously, it's under the User Threads as "Casa Blanca Medellin")

Need a Wingman? Travel Announcements thread, no?

Need a Medellin hotel or apartment? Well I'll be damn, there's a thread for that as well!

Using a cell phone in Colombia? Holy shit Batman!!

Do you see where I am going with this? So if a newbie comes here asking about such things, how are we in the wrong for telling them to RTFF?

Or maybe one of us vets need to take it upon ourselves to put together a "How to RTFF" PDF guide??

You can check my past posts: I've been pretty consistent with answering questions newbies have posted in this forum, regardless if they do no ask about the Mansion in the Casa Blanca Medellin thread, or food questions in the Colombian Food thread (sorry Manny51, I have no idea about Colombian Sancocho, but Vegas Jeff posted a response to your question in the Colombian Food thread). If I don't have the answer then I definitely direct them to where they can find it.

02-24-14, 04:29
Yes, this forum is for Medellíand, but there are threads for food, hotels, wing requests, etc. For vets, a free style forum might be ok, but it makes it extremely difficult for newbies to find information and then they get flamed for it wanting to wade through the chit chat. This isn't isolated to this forum. Maybe the mods can me more proactive in moving posts to the right location.

Case in point. I was looking for information about Thailand. I had to go back 10-15 pages of chitchat to finally get to a report. In fact, this discussion should probably go in the general section. If you want to see more mish mash of posts, maybe this forum needs a "new posts" function.That's just the nature of the beast. Welcome to the internet. This your first time online?

02-24-14, 05:28
Many good points on forum structure and layout. But what many guys don't realize things are the way they are for a reason. Many times they evolved this way via trial and error.

I too thought about creating a superior way to reference information, and tried it out with my site. Creating separate forums for every possible topic and sub topic. What followed were a lot of empty forums with little activity. Even with ISG's six figure membership, critical mass in any forum is necessary to keep the attention of the participants. I have the luxury of a boutique membership where I can adventure into new experimental referencing strategies without the chaos it would cause on a board this size if it turns out to be a bad idea. The result being a mix of both better and worse.

In English, I'm saying things are set up the way they are for a reason. Many times because other ways of doing things didn't work very well. You'll never make everyone happy all the time. In the end, we're all trying to find a way to deliver the information, entertainment, and sense of community in the most efficient way possible.

As they say, a spoon full of sugar.

02-24-14, 18:19
Want to know about The Mansion? There is a thread for that (seriously, it's under the User Threads as "Casa Blanca Medellin")

Need a Wingman? Travel Announcements Thread, no?Oops that was me hahaha. Sorry guys, won't happen again (but man was so much fun that night) , Travel announcements is not a place to ask for a last minute wingman. I think general info would be the proper posting I was in a hurry. Anyways sorry I haven't report and collaborate in a more productive way, unfortunately the girls I have seen so far don't share their info openly, and I have to respect that. As soon I have some public information to share I will you guys know. Good luck to all.

02-24-14, 18:36
Oops that was me hahaha. Sorry guys, won't happen again (but man was so much fun that night) , Travel announcements is not a place to ask for a last minute wingman. I think general info would be the proper posting I was in a hurry.No need to apologize amigo. Honestly if you had posted it anywhere but in this thread it probably would have went unnoticed.

As I've stated before I do not have a problem with any and all things related to Medellin being posted here. It is the purists doing all the kicking and screaming.

Member #4244
02-24-14, 19:49
Nice lineup right now at Club Paris. Out of five or maybe six total girls, I thought three were doable and then some. Luisa, a thin raven haired girl who might qualify as a spinner was intriguing. Paola had a girl next type vibe, pretty face with a nice smile. I have heard good things about her and almost went with her. Instead it was Vanessa, a Calena with an incredible, soft set of see cups and a friendly attitude. She was a bit nervous it being the first time we had met, but once she relaxed it was a pleasant session. Deep throat, BBBJ, whatever positions you like but definitely seems averse to anal.

02-24-14, 20:03
Ok, now I understand but in which area there are so many beautiful girls? I was in Medellin some years ago and I took the train from Mayorista to the center of Medellin. It was in day time but I have not seen any girl.You don't see any girls at all? Just guys everywhere? That is hard to believe!

What are you looking for? A regular girl or a working girl? This is not a small town like Sosua where every girl you see is a working girl. It's like any other big city. If you want to try to find beautiful regular girls, go to the mall or to the discos at night.

02-25-14, 12:30
you don't see any girls at all? just guys everywhere? that is hard to believe!

what are you looking for? a regular girl or a working girl? this is not a small town like sosua where every girl you see is a working girl. it's like any other big city. if you want to try to find beautiful regular girls, go to the mall or to the discos at night.you have misunderstood me. what i mean is. how can you stop a girl who is taking the train or is getting off from the train? do you sell figurines and suggest her a purchase? i'd to know really how you catch your prey.

02-25-14, 15:58
Last time I was down in Medellin I stayed at the Mansion, went to Fase dos and made casa runs. Arriving tonight for a 7 day stay. Mansion said they were booked so I got a hotel for the entire stay. I am looking for UTR girls on this trip. Part time university girls, models. I am only interested in 9s and 10s (Kate upton my idea of a 10). I would appreciate any referrals, Facebook connections etc. I will treat them extremely well and will keep their info private. I would appreciate any referrals.


Black Page
02-25-14, 17:15
you have misunderstood me. what i mean is. how can you stop a girl who is taking the train or is getting off from the train? do you sell figurines and suggest her a purchase? i'd to know really how you catch your prey.it looks like years of p4p practice made you forget how to deal with regular girls for regular relations in a regular context.

come on, don't you know how to approach a girl? how would you do in your hometown? certainly in dallas (this is just an example) you would not approach a girl in a mall waving a big pack of notes in your right hand and pulling her with the left.

your only weapon is your charme. if you have it, ok. if you don't, your only option is a casa.

medellin is a normal city, populated by lots of hard honest workers and educated people. warning: upper class people can be extremely sophisticated. if your approach is wrong, they will consider you as you would consider an homeless who approaches you insistently beggin for money in usa.

good hunt.

02-25-14, 17:58
It looks like years of P4P practice made you forget how to deal with regular girls for regular relations in a regular context.I'm sorry but you don't understand my bad English and now I expalin better: why at Metro and not at bar, restaurants, discos, parks, ets etc. Do you think Metro is better that all other options? It is very singular.

02-25-14, 18:45
Hey fellows,

Moving to an apt in poblado today. Been doing a bit of centro and mayo chics and some cultural. What little there is. Stuff and shopping.

If anyone is around let's meet for a drink or some casa runs.

I found were liquid lounge is but is still unclear to me when the open hours are. Is right around where fase II is.

Anyways. Let me know if anyone wants to meet.


02-25-14, 20:00
Hey fellows,

Moving to an apt in poblado today. Been doing a bit of centro and mayo chics and some cultural. What little there is. Stuff and shopping.

If anyone is around let's meet for a drink or some casa runs.

I found were liquid lounge is but is still unclear to me when the open hours are. Is right around where fase II is.

Anyways. Let me know if anyone wants to meet.

Cheers, Https://www.facebook.com/liquidloungemedellin

02-26-14, 22:00
Hi all,

I have heard that in Medellin must be a Chica Hotel. Like a Hotel with Chicas that are there permanently. Is that true? Anyone knows something about that?

Thank you in advance.


El Bacano
02-26-14, 22:30
Hey guys,

I'll be in Medellin soon. I'll post a message, any Lizards here want to try to maximize the beautiful city experiment, I'll meet up with there, I think dating the help rule is one that must be be broken often. Haha

02-26-14, 23:53
Hey guys!

I am pretty new here so I hope this is a good place to ask my stuff. I am staying (for at least) one month in Medellin and I would like to enjoy some of the local pleasures.

I am not into having penetration-sex with prostitutes but very much into "sexual-massages". So I feel like "brothels" and "casas" are a bit out of question for me (?)

I have read on another site that you can have like 45 minutes massages with 2 girls for like 60KCOP. (In Villa Nueva, name is: Sexi Sala De Masajes). Sounds really good but would that be quality? Can I expect good HJ / BJ? Good looking locals?

Could your guys recommend me the best possible place to have the kind of massage I am looking for? What kind of price? Directions?

That would be absolutely amazing! TY in advance.

02-27-14, 00:37
Hey fellows,

Moving to an apt in poblado today. Been doing a bit of centro and mayo chics and some cultural. What little there is. Stuff and shopping.

If anyone is around let's meet for a drink or some casa runs.

I found were liquid lounge is but is still unclear to me when the open hours are. Is right around where fase II is.

Anyways. Let me know if anyone wants to meet.

Cheers, Concarne, I see that TD posted facebook link. Make sure you have the address written down before you get in a cab. I had a hard time finding it the last time I tried a few months ago. I had to give up and go to Fase II.

02-27-14, 00:43
Last time I was down in Medellin I stayed at the Mansion, went to Fase dos and made casa runs. Arriving tonight for a 7 day stay. Mansion said they were booked so I got a hotel for the entire stay. I am looking for UTR girls on this trip. Part time university girls, models. I am only interested in 9s and 10s (Kate upton my idea of a 10). I would appreciate any referrals, Facebook connections etc. I will treat them extremely well and will keep their info private. I would appreciate any referrals.

JebapafJebapaf, If you had taken the time to report on your adventures the last time you were in Medellin, I (and some others) would have gladly helped you out. You contributed nothing but you are expecting a lot. Good luck with 9s and 10s. Sorry and I am not trying to be a jerk but that is the reality. That is how the world works.

02-27-14, 00:50
Yes, this forum is for Medellíand, but there are threads for food, hotels, wing requests, etc. For vets, a free style forum might be ok, but it makes it extremely difficult for newbies to find information and then they get flamed for it wanting to wade through the chit chat. This isn't isolated to this forum. Maybe the mods can me more proactive in moving posts to the right location.

Case in point. I was looking for information about Thailand. I had to go back 10-15 pages of chitchat to finally get to a report. In fact, this discussion should probably go in the general section. If you want to see more mish mash of posts, maybe this forum needs a "new posts" function.I agree with Hioctane. Forums are only as good as the organization of the threads. They were running into a similar issue in german FKK threads and they started a "lounge-chat" thread to chit chat and the "reports' threads are back to trip reports. Not a bad idea if you think about it.

02-27-14, 01:47
I agree with Hioctane. Forums are only as good as the organization of the threads. They were running into a similar issue in german FKK threads and they started a "lounge-chat" thread to chit chat and the "reports' threads are back to trip reports. Not a bad idea if you think about it.Yeah maybe rename the General Information thread to, Medellin Chit Chat. Excellent idea and much needed. Keep the new thread in the top tier threads where it's in eye sight all the time. Good idea Vitrea.

02-27-14, 04:52
Happy to say you heard wrong.

Hi all,

I have heard that in Medellin must be a Chica Hotel. Like a Hotel with Chicas that are there permanently. Is that true? Anyone knows something about that?

Thank you in advance.


02-27-14, 06:00
Hey guys!

I am pretty new here so I hope this is a good place to ask my stuff. I am staying (for at least) one month in Medellin and I would like to enjoy some of the local pleasures.

I am not into having penetration-sex with prostitutes but very much into "sexual-massages". So I feel like "brothels" and "casas" are a bit out of question for me (?)

I have read on another site that you can have like 45 minutes massages with 2 girls for like 60KCOP. (In Villa Nueva, name is: Sexi Sala De Masajes). Sounds really good but would that be quality? Can I expect good HJ / BJ? Good looking locals?

Could your guys recommend me the best possible place to have the kind of massage I am looking for? What kind of price? Directions?

That would be absolutely amazing! TY in advance.Any of the girls in any of the over 50 centro casas would be happy to give you a little tuggy! Saves wear and tear on the vag!

02-27-14, 06:57
Yeah maybe rename the General Information thread to, Medellin Chit Chat. Excellent idea and much needed. Keep the new thread in the top tier threads where it's in eye sight all the time. Good idea Vitrea.Thank you. Any changes to the main thread section would have to be done by Admin. A user thread won't have the same usage or acceptance. Akin to a second page in google search :-D.

I contacted Jackson so lets wait and see if he will do it.

02-27-14, 07:04
Hey guys!

I am pretty new here so I hope this is a good place to ask my stuff. I am staying (for at least) one month in Medellin and I would like to enjoy some of the local pleasures.

I am not into having penetration-sex with prostitutes but very much into "sexual-massages". So I feel like "brothels" and "casas" are a bit out of question for me (?)

I have read in Wikisexguide that you can have like 45 minutes massages with 2 girls for like 60KCOP. (In Villa Nueva, name is: Sexi Sala De Masajes). Sounds really good but would that be quality? Can I expect good HJ / BJ? Good looking locals?

Could your guys recommend me the best possible place to have the kind of massage I am looking for? What kind of price? Directions?

That would be absolutely amazing! TY in advance.Like TD says, anyone will be happy to do a pretend massage and tug. I think what you mean is a decent massage on a real table with a nice tug from a pretty girl in an upscale location? Those are definitely available. I reported on a few last year. Fernanda in Laureles comes to mind. She is a solid 9. Use the search function.

If you don't find them, post some reports of your early days in MDE and I will find them for you.

02-27-14, 15:45
Hey fellows,

Moving to an apt in poblado today. Been doing a bit of centro and mayo chics and some cultural. What little there is. Stuff and shopping.

If anyone is around let's meet for a drink or some casa runs.

I found were liquid lounge is but is still unclear to me when the open hours are. Is right around where fase II is.

Anyways. Let me know if anyone wants to meet.

Cheers, Bro, we have tried to send you PM but your inbox is full. Clean it up and send me PM. We are going out tonight.

Yesterday Luna Lunera. Usually Wednesdays are the first good day of the week for clubbing, LL had a real good line of hotties. Most of them curvy looking. MY friend got an spinner Sofia. Nice looking girl, and I had my first bad XP = (I don't even remember the name of the girl. Looked decent with clothes but real bad breast with out.

So Luna Lunera still good on quality. If anybody likes silicon, Camila is the one. A stunning hot brunet but with a hard core attitude she was real good in bed last trip but has some terrible local reviews I won't repeat because plastic is not in my menu. 130k half hour 35k minimum consuming. No cover

02-27-14, 16:40
Hey guys!

I am pretty new here so I hope this is a good place to ask my stuff. I am staying (for at least) one month in Medellin and I would like to enjoy some of the local pleasures.

I am not into having penetration-sex with prostitutes but very much into "sexual-massages". So I feel like "brothels" and "casas" are a bit out of question for me (?)

I have read on another site that you can have like 45 minutes massages with 2 girls for like 60KCOP. (In Villa Nueva, name is: Sexi Sala De Masajes). Sounds really good but would that be quality? Can I expect good HJ / BJ? Good looking locals?

Could your guys recommend me the best possible place to have the kind of massage I am looking for? What kind of price? Directions?

That would be absolutely amazing! TY in advance.I believe a lot of girls would be willing to offer this type of service. At the mansion, there's also that one woman that offers a great massage with extras. I forgot her name. She has an amazing body!

02-27-14, 17:09
like td says, anyone will be happy to do a pretend massage and tug. i think what you mean is a decent massage on a real table with a nice tug from a pretty girl in an upscale location? those are definitely available. i reported on a few last year. fernanda in laureles comes to mind. she is a solid 9. use the search function.

if you don't find them, post some reports of your early days in mde and i will find them for you.thanks for the tip, i will look for her. good since i live very close to laureles.

i obviously have seen about the "casas" in the centro but i do not want to go in this kind of places. i am looking to go by daytime in a place only specialized into sex-massages. which i have struggled a bit with. so please, if you have some tips for me, it would be really super appreciated. i would go there this weekend and make a report.

as for my report of my first week in mde well. i have mainly discovered the medical system around here! broke my arm in the states a month ago (i am from europe though) and decided to do my revalidation in here. my physiotherapist (i can recommend her to anyone who ask) is nice and does a super good job. she comes after her work (around 8/9pmish) and cost "only" 30k per hour. went to do some x rays too (in centro de fracturas, in the center). quite cheap, like 35k per x-ray. and got them 1hour after arriving in the place.

as for the girls, from what i have seen. well, the reputation is not usurped damn! still have some regrets not talking with this 10' black / caribbean nurse girl i have seen in the metro few days ago. my spanish is average only though. but i am 6'5, 30y old and i believe i can be attractive to girls."unfortunately" (?) even though i am too tall to be local, i don't really look non local.

last but not least, i have made good friends with this 22y old really nice girl, super tall (about 6'1) for a local. but damn, she works all the time (typical paisa?) in some architecture projects. difficult to see her. and i have difficulties knowing "how to go to the point" with her. (have seen her 3/4 times but 2 last times, she was with the physio, who's a friend of her).


02-27-14, 17:52
Bro, we have tried to send you PM but your inbox is full. Clean it up and send me PM. We are going out tonight.

Yesterday Luna Lunera. Usually Wednesdays are the first good day of the week for clubbing, LL had a real good line of hotties. Most of them curvy looking. MY friend got an spinner Sofia. Nice looking girl, and I had my first bad XP = (I don't even remember the name of the girl. Looked decent with clothes but real bad breast with out.

So Luna Lunera still good on quality. If anybody likes silicon, Camila is the one. A stunning hot brunet but with a hard core attitude she was real good in bed last trip but has some terrible local reviews I won't repeat because plastic is not in my menu. 130k half hour 35k minimum consuming. No coverCleaned up. Sorry.

Going to energy today. Then museum hahah. Maybe bkue room later if I can find it.

I want to check out some live music. Thinking eslabon perdido. Salsa night tonigh. Who is up for it?

Found some interesting calle near centro. But it seems is only lesbians and gays there. Nobody was pushy and a couple of the lesbians were super hot. Bummer. A bit sketch. They call it calle del pecado. It has a real name. I forget. Starts with B. Anyways close to the SG centro area. Nothing special just different.

02-27-14, 18:44
Bro, we have tried to send you PM but your inbox is full. Clean it up and send me PM. We are going out tonight.

Yesterday Luna Lunera. Usually Wednesdays are the first good day of the week for clubbing, LL had a real good line of hotties. Most of them curvy looking. MY friend got an spinner Sofia. Nice looking girl, and I had my first bad XP = (I don't even remember the name of the girl. Looked decent with clothes but real bad breast with out.

So Luna Lunera still good on quality. If anybody likes silicon, Camila is the one. A stunning hot brunet but with a hard core attitude she was real good in bed last trip but has some terrible local reviews I won't repeat because plastic is not in my menu. 130k half hour 35k minimum consuming. No coverWhen did they start the minimum consumption thing? It's funny that soda is 2-3k and yet a small can of beer is around 12k. Their drink prices are just stupid.

Vegas Jeff
02-27-14, 19:06
I'm sorry but you don't understand my bad English and now I expalin better: why at Metro and not at bar, restaurants, discos, parks, ets etc. Do you think Metro is better that all other options? It is very singular.This gets asked on here from time to time. Most of the new guys get this all wrong. Many guys stay in El Poblado and then hit on the girls in the street. For you guys trying to pick up regular girls you might want to go to the areas where the poor people frequent or work. For you new guys with limited game I wish you luck trying to pick up University students near the metro as you will need it. The guys who find great nonpro girls, who have time, will have sex with these girls 50-100+ times. For you guys on short trips IMO you are wasting your time as you have no time to nurture these situations. Just my two cents.

02-28-14, 03:44
When did they start the minimum consumption thing? It's funny that soda is 2-3k and yet a small can of beer is around 12k. Their drink prices are just stupid.I don't know bro, but if you order beer they bring you the 3 minimum right away. Too bad

02-28-14, 06:44
I believe a lot of girls would be willing to offer this type of service. At the mansion, there's also that one woman that offers a great massage with extras. I forgot her name. She has an amazing body!I believe her name is Olga, and I agree that she has one heck of a body, for her age. I don't have her number handy, but any one staying at the Mansion can get you her phone number.

02-28-14, 08:15
I believe a lot of girls would be willing to offer this type of service. At the mansion, there's also that one woman that offers a great massage with extras. I forgot her name. She has an amazing body!Olga, absolutely kicks ass! If you enjoy really hard deep tissue stuff. For a bit extra there is the, technically perfect BBBJ, sort of reminds me of those lyrics "you make a grown man cry, you make a dead man cum" PM me for phone # she does house calls

02-28-14, 10:45
Olga, absolutely kicks ass! If you enjoy really hard deep tissue stuff. For a bit extra there is the, technically perfect BBBJ, sort of reminds me of those lyrics "you make a grown man cry, you make a dead man cum" PM me for phone # she does house callsYou have pics of her? Stats?

Aussie Greg
02-28-14, 12:14
Twed should know, he fell in love with her, even took her to San Andreas and tried to take her out off the game. Jajaja.


! QUOTE=TweedleD; 1537795]Olga, absolutely kicks ass! If you enjoy really hard deep tissue stuff. For a bit extra there is the, technically perfect BBBJ, sort of reminds me of those lyrics "you make a grown man cry, you make a dead man cum" PM me for phone # she does house calls[/QUOTE]

02-28-14, 15:39
This gets asked on here from time to time. Most of the new guys get this all wrong. Many guys stay in El Poblado and then hit on the girls in the street. For you guys trying to pick up regular girls you might want to go to the areas where the poor people frequent or work. For you new guys with limited game I wish you luck trying to pick up University students near the metro as you will need it. The guys who find great nonpro girls, who have time, will have sex with these girls 50-100+ times. For you guys on short trips IMO you are wasting your time as you have no time to nurture these situations. Just my two cents.I wouldn't way "poor people" I'd say. Normal or middle class (relative) In Poblado every half decent looking non pro get swarmed by every abuelo gringo with a pocked full of viagra or back packer with a pocket full of nothing and 10 issues of Lonely Planet! Hahahh!

Must speak Spanish well enough to hold a decent conversation beyond the usual first 10min chats. If you are a handsome guy & in shape the language requirement goes down a little. If you are only say 5-10 years older than the chica the requirement goes down even further. I know the young, handsome, and in shape comments will spark a bunch of older, fat, ugly dudes to ring in with their "not me! No sir! I still do ok!" good for you save it we're talking in basic guide lines here.

Time is also key like VJ said. Unless you take them to the club and dance your ass off and load her ass up with drinks you will need time to land a non pro. That's just how it is. Unless you're young, handsome, and in good shape. If you're old, ugly / not handsome, and in horrible shape bring money!

02-28-14, 15:57
This gets asked on here from time to time. Most of the new guys get this all wrong. Many guys stay in El Poblado and then hit on the girls in the street. For you guys trying to pick up regular girls you might want to go to the areas where the poor people frequent or work. For you new guys with limited game I wish you luck trying to pick up University students near the metro as you will need it. The guys who find great nonpro girls, who have time, will have sex with these girls 50-100+ times. For you guys on short trips IMO you are wasting your time as you have no time to nurture these situations. Just my two cents.Exactamente!

The non-pros I currently enjoy the company of, whether it be in Medellin, Cali or Brazil for that matter, I met casually, then nurtured the friendships over time and now enjoy the fruits.

Like Vegas Jeff says, meet regular type girls like students, girls working in stores, cafes, etc.
The 'born-with a- golden spoon' type girls, IMO are much more difficult to crack and also IMO aren't even worth it.
(i.e. Parque Lleras)

Get contact info. Write emails, texts, make calls and on future trips meet up again.

Has worked great for me.

I use a friendly but non-aggressive approach with the non-working girls.

Make them laugh.

I imagine this approach should be the obvious best approach for most.

If you don't speak spanish, unless maybe you're strikingly good looking, and even then it'd be difficult, the non- pro scene will be limited.

02-28-14, 16:17
I went to New Life on Wednesday. A good line up. Out of the 10 they had at least 3 were very nice. I picked Stephanie. Very cute girl. Not so in shape when the clothes came off but still a real cutie. She's new, only been there for a month. It was a very nice experience and she is very affectionate. I haven't been on the prowl in Medellin since 2010. I've been in Medellin 6 times since then to date a girl I met while paragliding in San Felix.

While at New Life there were 3 local guys there watching the lineup parade. After I walked out of the building one of them started talking to me and he had fairly good English. These were some pretty care free guys in their 50's who were drinking some tequila and were out looking for some mischief. I talked to them for a while and they said that one of the guys knew another good place to hit. It took us a while to find it but the name is Pasarella. The address is Calle 59 (Cuba) No 50-67. It is on the 2nd floor. The gate on the street has a padlock on it at all times and once you ring the bell they come down to let you in. Average girls in this one besides a very good looking girl named Valentina. She has the body of a very fit aerobics instructor and a beautiful face. She told me she works out 3 hours per day at the gym, and I don't doubt it. Lots of energy with this girl. A rigorous BJ followed by multiple positions. No rush. Would highly recommend seeing this beauty. Prices appear to be the same as New Life. I paid 38k for 30 minutes.

The next morning I hit Energy over by the Stadium. Definitely a step up from the Centro casas in location and lineup. More expensive. As I paid 95k for 30 minutes. I think the girl I saw was Stephanie also. Very cute, beautiful face and smile. 20 years old. Multiple positions, Has braces (didn't make a difference). One of the girls in the lineup who I will see on this trip was Luna. Beautiful face, great rack and Colombian ass. You could see 2 girls at new life for the price of one here, but Energy definitely gives a more upscale experience. I am headed out today for more hunting. Going to take the Pablo Escobar tour in the next few days. I am headed out to Fase Dos with the 3 guys I met at New Life. They were great guys so I decided to treat them to a free entry fee to Fase and buy them a few drinks when we get there. , more reports to follow.

02-28-14, 16:39
Sometimes it would be great to jut get a great massage with a BBBJ as a release. Go ahead and PM me her info whoever had them please.

I believe her name is Olga, and I agree that she has one heck of a body, for her age. I don't have her number handy, but any one staying at the Mansion can get you her phone number.

02-28-14, 17:48
Cleaned up. Sorry.

Going to energy today. Then museum hahah. Maybe bkue room later if I can find it.

I want to check out some live music. Thinking eslabon perdido. Salsa night tonigh. Who is up for it?

Found some interesting calle near centro. But it seems is only lesbians and gays there. Nobody was pushy and a couple of the lesbians were super hot. Bummer. A bit sketch. They call it calle del pecado. It has a real name. I forget. Starts with B. Anyways close to the SG centro area. Nothing special just different.Energy was ok yesterday. About 10 presented. 3 doable.

Took Vanessa. Pretty nice in the room. Quite cute face. Good energy.

As my friend Q drills from time to time. Casa quality nowhere near what you find in Rio. Oh well. This is a place for expats. But why rehash all that is been said. Other than the occasional luck shot. I would want to just meet the regulars and hang and take it from there but with short trips even fluent in spanish. Sg and casas and clubs it is.

02-28-14, 19:34
Twed should know, he fell in love with her, even took her to San Andreas and tried to take her out off the game. Jajaja.


! QUOTE=TweedleD; 1537795]Olga, absolutely kicks ass! If you enjoy really hard deep tissue stuff. For a bit extra there is the, technically perfect BBBJ, sort of reminds me of those lyrics "you make a grown man cry, you make a dead man cum" PM me for phone # she does house calls[/QUOTE]Yeah, that didn't work out so well, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WL6tCqnPOSA

02-28-14, 20:22
[QUOTE=Concarne; 1536700]Hey fellows,

Moving to an apt in poblado today. Been doing a bit of centro and mayo chics and some cultural. What little there is. Stuff and shopping.

If anyone is around let's meet for a drink or some casa runs.

I found were liquid lounge is but is still unclear to me when the open hours are. Is right around where fase II is.

Anyways. Let me know if anyone wants to meet.

Cheers, [/QU.

Hey Concarne.

Are you the same Concarne from Club Hombre? I am in town so Liquid will be more fun than usual. We haven't been working hard on our previous business model of being a gringo club because we are converting to a full public strip club. But we still have an at least a few non Mansion unjaded cute girls here every night.

Call 26A #43F-72 is our address. I just connected our address to Google Maps and Waze so it should be much easier to find. Our hours are currently Wed-Sunday 8-3am but don't come before 10.

Come and say hello and I'll buy you a drink. Saturday night is our free photo session promo for the girls, so we should have a nice collection of photogenic girls wanting Av8r's photography skills.

02-28-14, 21:05
And a Mamasan as well (manager of girls).

If anyone knows any girls who might be interested in dancing for us, please refer them to our Facebook page or call Larry our manager at 301-445-7734. https://www.facebook.com/liquidloungemedellin/info

Attached is a copy of the Chica Recruitment Flyer. Feel free to give to anyone interested. For more info and photos, see my thread in the Liquid thread under Colombia section.

Joe Six Pack
02-28-14, 21:56
Just got back from my third Medellin and Bogota trip with my buddies, we were just there to check out the local dating and club scene.

Compared to Medellin, Bogota has many upscale New York style clubs. Really had a blast at Andres Carne de Res, we took a table in the VIP section and ordered a Old Parr bottle with Red bull. The girls were just smoking hot and very approachable, and a majority of them spoke decent English. If you were dressed nice and offer them a shot of high end whiskey many were willing to join you at your table. If will really enjoy if you spoke a bit Spanish but not required, I spoke decent Spanish and was able to connect with some hot girls.

In Medellin we toured Luxury, Envy, Club S, and Karma. All were very decent but small compared to Bogota clubs, the girls were not all that sophisticated, mostly wearing jeans and no english at all! The cover for most clubs was 15000 peso like 7 dollars.

I met this one girl Johanna on one of the dating sites.


Also called RL. She was cute 23 year old, we decided to meet at a restaurant in Lleras first, she ask if it was ok to bring her friends, I said it was cool as I had a buddy with me. After we consumed few drinks at the sky bar we decided to try club Envy as it was just a few blocks away. Envy is a high end clubs and was filled with many hotties, we danced with her and two of her friends, I connected with Johanna instantly, we stated making and soon decided to take the party to our apartment in Las Palmas, she slept with me that night and one of her friends hit the sack with my buddy which was cool. She or her friend asked for any money, we only paid for her taxi, I thought we got lucky.

But the next day, we messages me and says it is kind of urgent and she has to pay tuition and she said if she can borrow some money. I am not sure what to say, I really do not want to turn her down, she was only asking for 200K, but not sure if she is really playing games.

I was wondering if any one had any encounter with this girl or if you can recognize her just wanted to make sure she is not a player. If she has a real need I have no issues paying her, she was really good in bed. Attached are her photos.

Thanks in advance for sharing info.

03-01-14, 02:41
Just got back from my third Medellin and Bogota trip with my buddies, we were just there to check out the local dating and club scene.

Compared to Medellin, Bogota has many upscale New York style clubs. Really had a blast at Andres Carne de Res, we took a table in the VIP section and ordered a Old Parr bottle with Red bull. The girls were just smoking hot and very approachable, and a majority of them spoke decent English. If you were dressed nice and offer them a shot of high end whiskey many were willing to join you at your table. If will really enjoy if you spoke a bit Spanish but not required, I spoke decent Spanish and was able to connect with some hot girls.

In Medellin we toured Luxury, Envy, Club S, and Karma. All were very decent but small compared to Bogota clubs, the girls were not all that sophisticated, mostly wearing jeans and no english at all! The cover for most clubs was 15000 peso like 7 dollars...There are no loans in Latin America. It is just the way money is asked for. And it is not done is a sneaky way. People here are indirect. Give her the 'loan' or not. But understand you are NOT to ask for the money back.

Member #4394
03-01-14, 03:03
It is her polite way to remind you that it is customary / etiquette that a gentleman in that situation would give the lady that amount of money. 200k seems to be reasonable.

But the next day, we messages me and says it is kind of urgent and she has to pay tuition and she said if she can borrow some money. I am not sure what to say, I really do not want to turn her down, she was only asking for 200K, but not sure if she is really playing games.

I was wondering if any one had any encounter with this girl or if you can recognize her just wanted to make sure she is not a player. If she has a real need I have no issues paying her, she was really good in bed. Attached are her photos.

Thanks in advance for sharing info.

03-01-14, 03:43
I met this one girl Johanna on one of the dating sites.


I connected with Johanna instantly, we stated making and soon decided to take the party to our apartment in Las Palmas, she slept with me that night and one of her friends hit the sack with my buddy which was cool. She or her friend asked for any money, we only paid for her taxi, I thought we got lucky.

But the next day, we messages me and says it is kind of urgent and she has to pay tuition and she said if she can borrow some money. I am not sure what to say, I really do not want to turn her down, she was only asking for 200K, but not sure if she is really playing games.

I was wondering if any one had any encounter with this girl or if you can recognize her just wanted to make sure she is not a player. If she has a real need I have no issues paying her, she was really good in bed. Attached are her photos.

Thanks in advance for sharing info.
It is her polite way to remind you that it is customary / etiquette that a gentleman in that situation would give the lady that amount of money. 200k seems to be reasonable.What he said.

RL is a known prepago site. I would say 99.9 percent of the chicas on that site are pros.

Vegas Jeff
03-01-14, 04:14
The next morning I hit Energy over by the Stadium. Definitely a step up from the Centro casas in location and lineup. More expensive. As I paid 95k for 30 minutes. I think the girl I saw was Stephanie also. Very cute, beautiful face and smile. 20 years old. Multiple positions, Has braces (didn't make a difference). One of the girls in the lineup who I will see on this trip was Luna. Beautiful face, great rack and Colombian ass. You could see 2 girls at new life for the price of one here, but Energy definitely gives a more upscale experience. I am headed out today for more hunting. Going to take the Pablo Escobar tour in the next few days. I am headed out to Fase Dos with the 3 guys I met at New Life. They were great guys so I decided to treat them to a free entry fee to Fase and buy them a few drinks when we get there. , more reports to follow.IMO The Blue Room has the best talent of the daytime MP's right now.

If you like skinny girls, Andrea is as good as can be found in a daytime mp. I haven't sessioned with Sara but she has a nice body also.

I have been just about everywhere over the past month with the exception of Loutron.

You might want to consider the hour rate as high end daytime casas have very high 30 min rates.

Energy 60 min 120k. Blue Room 60 min 100k.

03-01-14, 04:33
Olga, absolutely kicks ass! If you enjoy really hard deep tissue stuff. For a bit extra there is the, technically perfect BBBJ, sort of reminds me of those lyrics "you make a grown man cry, you make a dead man cum" PM me for phone # she does house callsOlga offers a pretty kickass porn star experience. I've heard rumors where she use to be Pablo Escobar's personal girl or something like that? How often do you get to bang someone that banged someone famous?

03-01-14, 04:51
Has anyone been there lately? I have a quick question to ask you. PM me and I will present it.


Member #4394
03-01-14, 07:24
Many girls at Energy will give you numbers and come to your place if you ask them.

I went to New Life on Wednesday. .

03-01-14, 16:33
I saw where someone posted on here about a casa in Centro called Paris Club. I hit that casa on Friday around 11 or 12:00. 3 girls total at the time. A nice cute, very pleasant girl named Paola (I think. Starts with a P) was there. I took her as she was very cut. Great ass. Small on top probably a small B but such a cute girl. Not the most bubbly girl, but she is a little shy. Service was good. No complaints. She was a real trooper while I was having my way with here. For 19 bucks I have no complaints at all.

Last night I decided to go to Fase 2 around 10:00pm. It was dead when I got there. A couple of guys came in sat beside me. They were from Florida and we sat and drank while the action heated up. There is absolutely no need to get to this place until 11:00pm. Really dead the first hour we were there. Talent was mediocre. There were I would say about 3 that were interesting. I would rank these 3 an 8, 8.5, and a 9. My new friends hooked up with the 8 and 8. 5. I watched this beauty (9) dance on the stage and her body was outstanding. Gorgeous ass. Totally built. As soon as she came of the stage I approached her and told her I wanted to see her. I went to pay for it over at the bar. I asked if I could pay with dollars. They figured that it would be 109 dollars. You definitely want to pay with pesos in this place, definitely cheaper. Anyways, I take this girl next door to the South Beach rooms. Amazing body. I am drooling. She didn't crack a smile the entire time. All business. Maybe 1. 5 minutes of BJ and then as soon as she mounted me the fake moans began. I decided I wanted to be on top. She said I was big as we started in this position and for the first 5 to 7 minutes I was only in half way going slow. More fake moans. At this point I knew this was not going to be a good experience. I started putting the pedal to the metal. More fake moans and requests for me to finish. Terrible service. Her name is Julieta. Stay away. If you go there see a girl named Perla. One of my new friends saw her. She was the 8. 5. I got her number (if anyone wants it let me know). She was smiling the whole time we were there. Always look for attitude. If they act like a princess in the club then they are going to act like a princess in the bed. I should have known better. I was amazed by my girl's body and at the time didn't think past that. Needless to say I will not be going back to Fase Dos.

Legal Tender
03-01-14, 21:39
Many girls at Energy will give you numbers and come to your place if you ask them.These tits can be found on a slim 22 year old MILF (and MIDF) that can often be found at Energy. Depends on one's tastes, of course, but I though this pair were close to perfection. A pleasure giver, for sure.

03-01-14, 22:21
Hey guys,

Sorry for insisting, I have been really looking into this in the forum / reports but still am very unsure.

Could any one recommend me a place that is not a "casa / brother" (I do not wish to go there) where you can get nice full body massage (+ make me see.)? For prices like 50/60k for 1 hour massage? With possibilities of having 2 girls at the same time?

Definitely more helpful to have someone posting reports than someone like me "whining for answers" but. Yeah, I just feel like I need someone (s) advice in here.


Legal Tender
03-02-14, 03:13
Hey guys,

Sorry for insisting, I have been really looking into this in the forum / reports but still am very unsure.

Could any one recommend me a place that is not a "casa / brother" (I do not wish to go there) where you can get nice full body massage (+ make me see.)? For prices like 50/60k for 1 hour massage? With possibilities of having 2 girls at the same time?

Definitely more helpful to have someone posting reports than someone like me "whining for answers" but. Yeah, I just feel like I need someone (s) advice in here.

Thanks!A good start is at the Mansion, where any first time visitor should seriously consider. Olga is not a spring chicken, rides a motorcycle, and has a very hard and well conditioned body. Gives a hell of a massage. Several years ago I stayed there and Olga would come over each morning for anyone needing a good massage. Half way though the massage she ran out of lotion. I ask if she needed to get more, and her reply was "as long as I have these hands and this mouth, that's all I need." Soon I understood what she meant and was in full agreement. You won't have any trouble finding what you're looking for. Just relax and get to the City of Eternal Spring.

Only good energy, amigo

03-02-14, 03:49
Hey guys,

Sorry for insisting, I have been really looking into this in the forum / reports but still am very unsure.

Could any one recommend me a place that is not a "casa / brother" (I do not wish to go there) where you can get nice full body massage (+ make me see.)? For prices like 50/60k for 1 hour massage? With possibilities of having 2 girls at the same time?

Definitely more helpful to have someone posting reports than someone like me "whining for answers" but. Yeah, I just feel like I need someone (s) advice in here.

Thanks!I could be wrong, but even in Medellin, I don't know of anyone who gives a professional massage, with or without the happy ending for less than 80k, and the infamous Olga, is going to be more than that.

03-02-14, 04:02
Don't recall current prices 110 or 120k per hour? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvSbNrtJYtc

03-02-14, 07:47
Hey guys,

Sorry for insisting, I have been really looking into this in the forum / reports but still am very unsure.

Could any one recommend me a place that is not a "casa / brother" (I do not wish to go there) where you can get nice full body massage (+ make me see.)? For prices like 50/60k for 1 hour massage? With possibilities of having 2 girls at the same time?

Definitely more helpful to have someone posting reports than someone like me "whining for answers" but. Yeah, I just feel like I need someone (s) advice in here.


I guess you are interested in Medellin massage chics (which are zero to none) so I will reply here w / what I can tell you. Massages are great but not a latin chica forte, way too much work involved but probably possible nonetheless.

A few options from my imagination and not experience.

1. Find 2 freelancers and negotiate the details (in a cafe or bar) take them to a short time hotel. Have your own supplies and watch them work your willy.

2. Do the same w / any hooker in Medellin Facebook, strip club, Mansion, (costly but the best) or stay at a hotel in La Mayorista and and hire 2 girls there. You will have to have all the accouterments at every venue. What you are shooting for should be very satisfying w / minimal skill involved. If you were at the Mansion you could easily interview lovely women that will rub your body and theirs and end up w / a gooey mess at the end.

What you want is not much and Medellin is a good place to get it all.

Best to you.

This happened to me one night.

03-02-14, 10:53
1. Find 2 freelancers and negotiate the details (in a cafe or bar) take them to a short time hotel. Have your own supplies and watch them work your willy.Sometimes agreed details are not those you like and you have to pay the agreed money. Some years ago I went to La Mayorista and I saw a beautiful girl. I stopped her and I asked her a BBBJ. The girl has a wonderful body (rate 9+) but gave me a ridiculous BBBJ. A very bad and quick BBBJ. Another time I asked another BBBJ to a girl I have known on Facebook and she give me the same bad BBBJ. Now I'm thinking about what you tell on this forum. It seems Medellin is an Earthly Paradise but I have to tell you: if you are a lucky man you can find what you like but it not always is what you write about Medellin. I'd like to read more objective posts about girls in Medellin. Try to be impartial in your judgements.

03-02-14, 22:09
Loutron, Abydos, Energy or Blue Room open on Sunday?

03-02-14, 23:10
Just wanted to say thank you for all the advices guys! Things are more clear now. Very much appreciated!

03-03-14, 01:17
redacted, I've changed my mind about my post

Member #4244
03-03-14, 15:06
I saw where someone posted on here about a casa in Centro called Paris Club. I hit that casa on Friday around 11 or 12:00. 3 girls total at the time. A nice cute, very pleasant girl named Paola (I think. Starts with a P) was there. I took her as she was very cut. Great ass. Small on top probably a small B but such a cute girl. Not the most bubbly girl, but she is a little shy. Service was good. No complaints. She was a real trooper while I was having my way with here. For 19 bucks I have no complaints at all.

Last night I decided to go to Fase 2 around 10:00pm. It was dead when I got there. A couple of guys came in sat beside me. They were from Florida and we sat and drank while the action heated up. There is absolutely no need to get to this place until 11:00pm. Really dead the first hour we were there. Talent was mediocre. There were I would say about 3 that were interesting. I would rank these 3 an 8, 8.5, and a 9. My new friends hooked up with the 8 and 8. 5. I watched this beauty (9) dance on the stage and her body was outstanding. Gorgeous ass. Totally built. As soon as she came of the stage I approached her and told her I wanted to see her. I went to pay for it over at the bar. I asked if I could pay with dollars. They figured that it would be 109 dollars. You definitely want to pay with pesos in this place, definitely cheaper. Anyways, I take this girl next door to the South Beach rooms. Amazing body. I am drooling. She didn't crack a smile the entire time. All business. Maybe 1. 5 minutes of BJ and then as soon as she mounted me the fake moans began. I decided I wanted to be on top. She said I was big as we started in this position and for the first 5 to 7 minutes I was only in half way going slow. More fake moans. At this point I knew this was not going to be a good experience. I started putting the pedal to the metal. More fake moans and requests for me to finish. Terrible service. Her name is Julieta. Stay away. If you go there see a girl named Perla. One of my new friends saw her. She was the 8. 5. I got her number (if anyone wants it let me know). She was smiling the whole time we were there. Always look for attitude. If they act like a princess in the club then they are going to act like a princess in the bed. I should have known better. I was amazed by my girl's body and at the time didn't think past that. Needless to say I will not be going back to Fase Dos.Julieta is a classic example of a girl who started relatively fresh and wound up a total *****. When she worked at the Barra Ejecutiva I'd go in there and for 80K-100K pesos I would pound her asshole every night. As soon as she got to F2, she gave me the cold shoulder. A couple times, eh, it was circumstance maybe but the third time she flat out told me she wasn't interested, even with a tip on top of the absurd 170K fee. She went from hustling 1K tips and 50K fucks in a centro bar to turning down good money for a gig with someone she knew really well?

I saw this with a girl recently at a casa. She could making more at a place like F2 or the Mansion, I admit, but inside of a month she went from offering BBFS for a very reasonable tip to not even offering BBBJ or accepting a relatively heavy tip for it. Above just the service side of things, you can see a change in the girls' attitudes. Ah well, there is a pipeline of hot women here, no need to get hung up on a particular one.

Vegas Jeff
03-03-14, 16:30
Julieta is a classic example of a girl who started relatively fresh and wound up a total. When she worked at the Barra Ejecutiva I'd go in there and for 80K-100K pesos I would pound her asshole every night. As soon as she got to F2, she gave me the cold shoulder. A couple times, eh, it was circumstance maybe but the third time she flat out told me she wasn't interested, even with a tip on top of the absurd 170K fee. She went from hustling 1K tips and 50K fucks in a centro bar to turning down good money for a gig with someone she knew really well?

I saw this with a girl recently at a casa. She could making more at a place like F2 or the Mansion, I admit, but inside of a month she went from offering BBFS for a very reasonable tip to not even offering BBBJ or accepting a relatively heavy tip for it. Above just the service side of things, you can see a change in the girls' attitudes. Ah well, there is a pipeline of hot women here, no need to get hung up on a particular one.Wilt, we have both seen this too many times. I remember a new girl named Maria from The Del Rey in CR. Jonesie had sex with her, in her first week of work, and then when he was about to cum she requested it on her face. I would say that it is rare that you will get this type of request from a girl on her first time being with you. Dennis, from the Freebird, and Todd from Sabana Park did a threesome with her a week later. Dennis took a picture of her with two loads on her face. Dennis was having sex with her a few times a week for about a month afterward. At three months she was completely cold and would not even do BBBJ.

Like you said, above all is the difference in the girls' attitudes. Almost all of my regulars quit their gigs within the first month.

03-03-14, 19:36
Wilt, we have both seen this too many times. I remember a new girl named Maria from The Del Rey in CR. Jonesie had sex with her, in her first week of work, and then when he was about to cum she requested it on her face. I would say that it is rare that you will get this type of request from a girl on her first time being with you. Dennis, from the Freebird, and Todd from Sabana Park did a threesome with her a week later. Dennis took a picture of her with two loads on her face. Dennis was having sex with her a few times a week for about a month afterward. At three months she was completely cold and would not even do BBBJ.

Like you said, above all is the difference in the girls' attitudes. Almost all of my regulars quit their gigs within the first month.LOL, ah Dennis still has one of the best photo albums!

03-03-14, 22:23
I have a noviecita that after much coaxing she agreed to a threesome. Does anyone know a girl who is good for this. I need someone who isn't a newb to the threesome game and cute / sexy that my girl will not be grossed out by. If you prefer to PM me by all means.

03-03-14, 22:45
I have a noviecita that after much coaxing she agreed to a threesome. Does anyone know a girl who is good for this. I need someone who isn't a newb to the threesome game and cute / sexy that my girl will not be grossed out by. If you prefer to PM me by all means.Http://xhamster.com/movies/868385/johan_y_lorena_de_medellin_show_lesbiana.html I'll PM you their facebook

03-03-14, 23:06
Anyone have this paisa's Facebook? If so, please PM it to me, if possible. http://xhamster.com/movies/2682475/amazing_body_from_medellin_webcam.html

03-03-14, 23:56
I saw where someone posted on here about a casa in Centro called Paris Club. I hit that casa on Friday around 11 or 12:00. 3 girls total at the time. A nice cute, very pleasant girl named Paola. ... [ .... ] Last night I decided to go to Fase 2 around 10:00pm. It was dead when I got there. [...] Needless to say I will not be going back to Fase Dos.Thanks for your write up, warts and all.

03-04-14, 00:34
I was about to book my ticket to come down this weekend but, was told by my friend that there is a primary election Sunday March 9th and that there will be no Liquor sales Saturday and Sunday?

I made the mistake of going to Panama a few years back during election time and it was very boring and dry.

Can someone with knowledge please confirm this or let me know about this weekend. March 8th and 9th.

I am trying to find something on line and it appears there is some sort of primary election but, can not find any other info.


03-04-14, 01:00
Interesting posts by two well respected posters (WTS and VJ). It is actually sad to see what can happen to these girls. I goes to show that it is a very rough business they choose to work in and I am sure not every guy treats them well. The more attractive she is the busier she getting pounded hard every night and adding a few bad experiences can easily make her jaded. Some are not smart or sophisticated enough to at least treat those guys nicely that treated them nicley in the past. Personally, I don't get upset when I run into a cold one (I do when I run into a bitXXchy one) but on the flip side I have learned to truly appreciate girls that remain sweet, which is SOOOO hard to do.

03-04-14, 02:22
Julieta is a classic example of a girl who started relatively fresh and wound up a total. When she worked at the Barra Ejecutiva I'd go in there and for 80K-100K pesos I would pound her asshole every night. As soon as she got to F2, she gave me the cold shoulder. A couple times, eh, it was circumstance maybe but the third time she flat out told me she wasn't interested, even with a tip on top of the absurd 170K fee. She went from hustling 1K tips and 50K fucks in a centro bar to turning down good money for a gig with someone she knew really well?

I saw this with a girl recently at a casa. She could making more at a place like F2 or the Mansion, I admit, but inside of a month she went from offering BBFS for a very reasonable tip to not even offering BBBJ or accepting a relatively heavy tip for it. Above just the service side of things, you can see a change in the girls' attitudes. Ah well, there is a pipeline of hot women here, no need to get hung up on a particular one.She started out nice and giving as can be, getting her ass pounded every night. Not just by our, Wilt, but dude after dude, dick after dick, clean, dirty, skinny, fat, short, tall, decent looking, ugly looking.

Jaja, WTF?

Sounds to me that she's making some better career moves! Wilt? Maybe she was tired of the ass pounding? LOL. Shit bro (no pun) give the chica a break will ya?

Unless we can do a better job then there's no good cause to be unhappy w / this one. She has moved to a different space, she's trying to get thru this part of her life.

No one here can criticize her for being more cautious and / or offering less. It's her business and she does it the way she wants to. If you got her before she tightened her rules then be happy! Now that it is different be on your way and wish her well. No rocket science here, just professional courtesy and respect.

I am more in line w / this sentiment.

Interesting posts by two well respected posters (WTS and VJ). It is actually sad to see what can happen to these girls. I goes to show that it is a very rough business they choose to work in and I am sure not every guy treats them well. The more attractive she is the busier she getting pounded hard every night and adding a few bad experiences can easily make her jaded. Some are not smart or sophisticated enough to at least treat those guys nicely that treated them nicely in the past. Personally, I don't get upset when I run into a cold one (I do when I run into a bitXXchy one) but on the flip side I have learned to truly appreciate girls that remain sweet, which is SOOOO hard to do.These chicas (all decent hookers) have one of the hardest jobs on the freaking planet. They should get the benefit of the doubt from mongers. The general public hates them, they need a break from the people who know them, us.

Black Page
03-04-14, 03:12
I will be back to this lovely place in a couple of weeks.

Oh, the spice will be that my lovely, formerly puta in CTG (the same as last year, for those who archive my reports. I guess not many, but who knows.) will join me for 3-4 days as novia.

We have a special feeling and she is a nice lady. Now, she stays at home to take care of her little girl in a small town of inner Colombia. It's a while she does not work in CTG or other cities.

Now, I have a question for old regular experts.

She would like to explore the night life of MDE with me, possibly not just Poblado bars. Last year, we went to a swinger club (see report March 2013) , but on a Monday it was almost empty and we took it as a piece of curiosity.

Any hint for this time? What about the swinger club scene in MDE? Some will admit only couples like in BOG? Any hope to have some fun not on Saturday? Any club you recommend from the List? Is the List up to date on this, by the way?

Thanks a lot!

Member #4244
03-04-14, 03:38
I will be back to this lovely place in a couple of weeks.

Oh, the spice will be that my lovely, formerly puta in CTG (the same as last year, for those who archive my reports. I guess not many, but who knows.) will join me for 3-4 days as novia.

We have a special feeling and she is a nice lady. Now, she stays at home to take care of her little girl in a small town of inner Colombia. It's a while she does not work in CTG or other cities.

Now, I have a question for old regular experts.

She would like to explore the night life of MDE with me, possibly not just Poblado bars. Last year, we went to a swinger club (see report March 2013) , but on a Monday it was almost empty and we took it as a piece of curiosity.

Any hint for this time? What about the swinger club scene in MDE? Some will admit only couples like in BOG? Any hope to have some fun not on Saturday? Any club you recommend from the List? Is the List up to date on this, by the way?

Thanks a lot!Hey man there are a couple of swingers clubs in barrio Colombia. One is on the fifth or sixth floor of some industrial building. The other is on Friday nights from like 7-12 or 7-2. If you want info on the latter, PM me, I will get it from my lady friend. I had planned to go last week but she got sick and we had to bag it.

i would not expect to find such functions on random nights like sunday through wednesday.

03-04-14, 03:39

These chicas (all decent hookers) have one of the hardest jobs on the freaking planet. They should get the benefit of the doubt from mongers. The general public hates them, they need a break from the people who know them, us.Well said. I was trying to say the same but just not as eloquent.

P. S. By no means I promote or encourage bad service or attitude.

03-04-14, 04:49
After getting frustrated with my search for an apartment I settled on this new hotel when I got a rate I could not pass up. Has anyone been here and what is their policy with girls?