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01-29-09, 22:51
Spent 2 weeks in Medellin and this was my 3rd time there.

I just want to give an unbiased short report from an experienced traveler that speaks spanish but looks gringo as hell and is young and in good shape.

- I hated seeing those older gringos wih their prepagos in LLeras, makes us all look bad.

- I think that it is sad that someone would travel all the way to south america and pay for pussy, makes no sense. I went to Dos one time and didn't even think the girls were that hot.

- Lleras is the only nice section of poblado and Medellin and it may be 3 blocks by 1. 5 blocks. Poblado is the nice area but for american standards it is crap.

- All the americans that live there pretty much hate each other and try to compete against each other for prepagos. Prepagos!

- I learned that many guys actually think they have done something after banging a prepago other than busting a nut and spending some money.

- There are women there that are hot but even in my small city I see much more here. Most paisas are dogs but they are nice.

- I did manage to keep myself busy with the some very attractive ladies and it wasn't from hanging around lleras or malls!

- Many bars in lleras will not let gringos come in alone.

- The economy in Colombia is suffering just like most of the world and young ladies are being put out of work so they are a little desperate for something new. I sat at many diiners and listend to women tell me how bad it is in Colombia.

Overall I would never consider living in Medellin, it is a typical South American country with not a lot to do or look at. In fact if it weren't for all my ladies I would have been bored as hell.

I do have some unfinished business with a few other ladies I met in Medellin so I'll be back in a month. If I could though I would just fly them to Miami and finish the business.

This is all that came to mind from my trip.All of this, yet its your third time there. And you plan to go back? Hmmm.

01-30-09, 01:03
Heres some pictures of my Cartagena trip I took in October before going out to sea.

01-30-09, 01:23
I think that it is sad that someone would travel all the way to south america and pay for pussy, makes no sense.

I do have some unfinished business with a few other ladies I met in Medellin so I'll be back in a month. If I could though I would just fly them to Miami and finish the business.Oh the irony!

01-30-09, 01:58
I'd like to check out the BBQ on Sunday February 8th if there is one.

The more I read about them, the more this moves to the top of my TDL.You should go, its a must!

01-30-09, 02:41
Well hello Dr Fun! You sound like a barrel of laughs.

If only Medellin were up to American standards, I`d move there :)When I saw his post I thought he was yet another Code Pink clone, then I saw he has 88 posts, so I figures he's a guy that prefers mongering elsewhere so I started reading past posts and a theme emerged, and that was that he had more fun elsewhere and anyone that pays for the girls is a loser.

Now I've posted in the past and this bears repeating, if we're enjoying ourselves and respecting both the girls and the locals, then who cares. I'm in complete agreement with not being fond of 60 year old men who flaunt 18 year old prepagos in restaurants and draw attention to themselves by being loud and obnoxious, but they all know that their behavior comes with an inherent risk. I figure that the karmic forces will balance that equation in time.

As for guys bragging about paying to bust a nut, I've never seen that. I have seen guys that have bragged about how much fun they have and how good the GFE was, but in all my mongering I've never run across a guy that had p4p then bragged about his "game". As for spending the coin, if you have it to spend, go ahead. And if you can pass on info that would enable others to benefit, I'm OK with that too.

As for the comments that the Paisas are ugly, again beauty is in the eye of the beer holder and personally I find them to be the most beautiful I've seen. Maybe his tastes aren't the same and he has posts about enjoying Bogota. From what I've read Bogota and Medellin are two very different animals altogether. I'd prefer he'd post that Paisas aren't his cup of tea instead of calling them dogs.

But the poster does have a habit of showing up every few months to criticize those who partake in the p4p and I've met guys like him. When at the Mansion, we had a guest from the Castillo come by frequently, walk out to the pool area and just look at those enjoying themselves in disgust, many attempts to engage him in friendly conversation failed. So he's the wet blanket that you can count on every trip, guys that feel they're "above" the p4p, but yet stay in the mongering hotels like this poster has on many occasions.

As for women being more attractive in the USA, some are, yes. But the attitude of entitlement and the culture of emasculating men in addition to opportunities abroad make them less appealing IMO. This goes for Canada as well, my home.

Just my $10, 000 COP

El Minetero
01-30-09, 03:38
Older gringos with prepagos;

Just wait until you're older. Maybe you're a guy that can be satisfied with a woman your own age. When younger women are available, most men find them addictive. Remember, you're only as young as the women you feel.

Why travel all the way to South America to pay for pussy?

Why do men pay for pussy in the first place? Because it's quicker and easier, and far cheaper in the long run as far as time, emotion and expense are concerned. And we go to South America because the women are different, exotic, and far better and cheaper than the miserable slags that are selling it in America.

Some bars won't admit gringos without a woman;

So what? Not everyone wastes time and money in bars. Some get along just fine without alcohol. When people reflect back on their lives, most of the things they regret happened after midnight, in combination with alcohol.

Would you be kind enough to tell us what small city you're from, where there are many nice women?


El Minetero
01-30-09, 03:40
As of this posting, I can't see your report or photos yet, but I am eagerly awaiting them. Welcome back! I still remember one of your last photo postings of the petite spinner with the long brown hair over her breasts.


Nino Bravo
01-30-09, 03:51
Spent 2 weeks in Medellin and this was my 3rd time there.

I just want to give an unbiased short report from an experienced traveler that speaks spanish but looks gringo as hell and is young and in good shape.

- I hated seeing those older gringos wih their prepagos in LLeras, makes us all look bad.

- I think that it is sad that someone would travel all the way to south america and pay for pussy, makes no sense. I went to Dos one time and didn't even think the girls were that hot.

- Lleras is the only nice section of poblado and Medellin and it may be 3 blocks by 1. 5 blocks. Poblado is the nice area but for american standards it is crap.

- All the americans that live there pretty much hate each other and try to compete against each other for prepagos. Prepagos!

- I learned that many guys actually think they have done something after banging a prepago other than busting a nut and spending some money.

- There are women there that are hot but even in my small city I see much more here. Most paisas are dogs but they are nice.

- I did manage to keep myself busy with the some very attractive ladies and it wasn't from hanging around lleras or malls!

- Many bars in lleras will not let gringos come in alone.

- The economy in Colombia is suffering just like most of the world and young ladies are being put out of work so they are a little desperate for something new. I sat at many diiners and listend to women tell me how bad it is in Colombia.

Overall I would never consider living in Medellin, it is a typical South American country with not a lot to do or look at. In fact if it weren't for all my ladies I would have been bored as hell.

I do have some unfinished business with a few other ladies I met in Medellin so I'll be back in a month. If I could though I would just fly them to Miami and finish the business.

This is all that came to mind from my trip.Some of your points (not all) are very valid. I've been traveling to Colombia since 1994, have been to Medellin a many times, mostly before it was infested with gringos and other foreigners. Most here on this forum (especially those who don't speak spanish and only run with prepagos) would be very surprised how most gringos are looked at by the majority of Colombians in Medellin. And it's NOT in a very good light. Now, they would NEVER say it to a gringo's face, since Colombians are very non-confrontational (and very 2 faced). For that reason, I have no desire to travel to Medellin again. Don't want to be seen as a desperate gringo monger. And YES Ricker, they think that of you and every other gringo, UNLESS it can be proved otherwise (and who wants to be held up to such scrutiny? )

By the way, I own property in two other cities in Colombia, am very fluent in spanish, and never run with gringos while in Colombia, only with my woman (women) and colombian friends (just for the record)

Rico Fashizzle
01-30-09, 04:40
". Poblado will never be Costa Rica. The rich Colombians will never allow that. The trend now for the NMGs is to head out to the poorer areas where they do not feel as intimidated by the high standard of living in Poblado. "

Let me get this straight Casa Medellin.

You ramble on about being cultured and blah, blah, blah and then you go on to state you consider Poblado as being considered a "high standard of living"?

Poblado would be considered nothing more than middle class or slighty above middle class in just about every major metropolitan area in the USA.

If Poblado is your idea of "high standard of living" with its fancy Blockbuster and hip as can be McDonalds and cheesy outdated 1980's suburban USA malls then I guess you reached your pinnacle of culture and high society that it sounds like you so desperately crave.

And yet here you are hanging out in mongerville with the rest of us lowlifes.

You should change your hotel or whatever to casa mcdonalds de poblado so you can show off too everyone back in the states and wherever what the jewel crown of sacred poblado has too offer. The golden arches. And thats gives you braggin rights to consider yourself the almight "cultured" one? Give me a friggin break.

Wal mart gringos. Mcdonalds gringos. Whats the difference casa mcdonald0? Try and try as you may to be "more cultured" there in poblado next to the local blockbuster and mickey d's in a middle class suburban neighborhood located in third world south america makes you more cultured in your mind only.

01-30-09, 05:05
I agree with your observations completely and stopped visiting Medellin several years ago because of them. It is well past its prime and full of gringo viejo verdes. Do not discount the rest of Colombia though. Since you speak spanish there are much nicer cities you will enjoy much more, with more to do and a lot less drama.

Spent 2 weeks in Medellin and this was my 3rd time there.

I just want to give an unbiased short report from an experienced traveler that speaks spanish but looks gringo as hell and is young and in good shape.

- I hated seeing those older gringos wih their prepagos in LLeras, makes us all look bad.

- I think that it is sad that someone would travel all the way to south america and pay for pussy, makes no sense. I went to Dos one time and didn't even think the girls were that hot.

- Lleras is the only nice section of poblado and Medellin and it may be 3 blocks by 1. 5 blocks. Poblado is the nice area but for american standards it is crap.

- All the americans that live there pretty much hate each other and try to compete against each other for prepagos. Prepagos!

- I learned that many guys actually think they have done something after banging a prepago other than busting a nut and spending some money.

- There are women there that are hot but even in my small city I see much more here. Most paisas are dogs but they are nice.

- I did manage to keep myself busy with the some very attractive ladies and it wasn't from hanging around lleras or malls!

- Many bars in lleras will not let gringos come in alone.

- The economy in Colombia is suffering just like most of the world and young ladies are being put out of work so they are a little desperate for something new. I sat at many diiners and listend to women tell me how bad it is in Colombia.

Overall I would never consider living in Medellin, it is a typical South American country with not a lot to do or look at. In fact if it weren't for all my ladies I would have been bored as hell.

I do have some unfinished business with a few other ladies I met in Medellin so I'll be back in a month. If I could though I would just fly them to Miami and finish the business.

This is all that came to mind from my trip.

Latin Bound
01-30-09, 07:07
I'd like to check out the BBQ on Sunday February 8th if there is one.

The more I read about them, the more this moves to the top of my TDL.They are happening since the 2d week of January. I went a couple of weeks ago and was great. Rick is the owner of first american realty (google it. If you don't find it send me a message) you can contact them through their site. It is sundays from 3pm on.

Latin Bound
01-30-09, 07:41

I visited a place called Momentos Plaza near El Centro. It is a love motel with all services imaginable. Love hammocks, jacuzzi, love chairs etc. I met the supervisor, and not only is she gorgeous, she is very nice. After some talk she saw the light of allowing a discount to us pursuants of this hobby. She will give a 20% discount to anyone that uses the place that gets to know it through this site. I have no financial gain on this, just figured I could give back to the forum and help a gal that I really enjoyed talking to. I will be posting pics of the place soon. For contact info just send me a PM or look for it in the yellow pages.Well guys, here is the follow up as promised.

While in Medellin this time I decided to do some motels touring. This momentos place was just the best. The address is calle 49 number 42-63 Ayacucho and phone 228-2798. It is near istambul. The prices starts at 16000 pesos for the basic room (and believe me, they are awesome. Those are the ones shown in the next pics with different decoration styles) for a short stay (3 hours) up to 48000. Last one would be in a suite with jacuzzi. All rooms have overnite stay prices. Basic room for overnite would be 19000 pesos and up to the suite that would be 60000 pesos. I found it to be a deal all around specially if you take in account the plasma tv's and the dancing pole in one of the rooms! Got a great show in that one. Taking in account all of this, I always tipped the supervisor I connected. A 5, 000 pesos tip sure helped grease the wheels.

01-30-09, 10:54
Damn she looks good sailor! Where did you meet her at? Hope the sex was great!

Keep up the good work!

Heres some pictures of my Cartagena trip I took in October before going out to sea.

01-30-09, 12:20
I will be in MDE March for about three weeks.

I need a good price and good location for that time.

What are the daily rates and how far is this from El Centro.

I have been staying Odeon for the past few trips because of the reasons above + hot water.

More info (PM).

Well guys, here is the follow up as promised.

While in Medellin this time I decided to do some motels touring. This momentos place was just the best. The address is calle 49 number 42-63 Ayacucho and phone 228-2798. It is near istambul. The prices starts at 16000 pesos for the basic room (and believe me, they are awesome. Those are the ones shown in the next pics with different decoration styles) for a short stay (3 hours) up to 48000. Last one would be in a suite with jacuzzi. All rooms have overnite stay prices. Basic room for overnite would be 19000 pesos and up to the suite that would be 60000 pesos. I found it to be a deal all around specially if you take in account the plasma tv's and the dancing pole in one of the rooms! Got a great show in that one. Taking in account all of this, I always tipped the supervisor I connected. A 5, 000 pesos tip sure helped grease the wheels.

01-30-09, 19:07
Sorry I didn't give much detail about the pictures here's the report. Left Medellin October 3rd with blondie in tow, stay in Cartegena was about 10 days. Hotel was Isla Terri Bomba, some island across from the city. Luanch service to the old city was 15 minutes. Hotel was nice little private, food wasnt too good, but any anywaz Cartegena seems nice, more expensive then Medellin. I didn't do any mongering in town becuase I brought my own pussy.

I have known the grl for a couple years, so the trip cost me some clothes on my part and I paid the whole way and my old cell phone which she talked me into giving her. Sex was good, she has a decent attitude, terrific body. I don't normally do the whole repeating the same hoe for days on end, but I wanted to sit on the beach during the days, have some hot body toss me beers when I ask, and party at night.

Last week I was in Curacao, before I got off ship the Camp or "Happy village" as we call it is as good as it ever was, internet cafe, WiFi, a new bar, plenty of women A/C section. Hit too hot colombians for 30 dollars, it was great.

01-30-09, 21:03
Most here on this forum (especially those who don't speak spanish and only run with prepagos) would be very surprised how most gringos are looked at by the majority of Colombians in Medellin. And it's NOT in a very good light ...

... And YES Ricker, they think that of you and every other gringo, UNLESS it can be proved otherwise ...

... By the way, I own property in two other cities in Colombia, am very fluent in spanish, and never run with gringos while in Colombia, only with my woman (women) and colombian friends (just for the record)Good grief dude, did you actually ask all the Colombianos in Medellin what they thought of me personally?

We all appreciate how special you are compared to the rest of us.
I mean owning property and speaking spanish. Amazing.

Honestly, I hate to break it to ya, but you`d be far down my list of people I`d like to run with. I`m not into pompous.

And guess what? You`re not the only gringo who speaks spanish and owns property, at least I thought I heard myself speaking spanish today, and quite well if I don`t say so myself :)

Look forward to your next obsessive post about me and ALL the rest of us lower end gringos as you perceive.


01-30-09, 21:05
... Now I've posted in the past and this bears repeating, if we're enjoying ourselves and respecting both the girls and the locals, then who cares.

I'm in complete agreement with not being fond of 60 year old men who flaunt 18 year old prepagos in restaurants and draw attention to themselves by being loud and obnoxious, but they all know that their behavior comes with an inherent risk.

I figure that the karmic forces will balance that equation in time ...Right on Tweeners! I like your style amigo :)

01-31-09, 02:21
After 7 working trips to Bogota and little play time, all the people I run into in Bogota told me the women in Medellin are much more beautiful than Bogota.

All I can say just after one week in Medellin is I am pissed at myself for taking so long to get here. I didn't meet a bad person and everyone I talked to seemed to smile a lot and very friendly. A little different than Bogota.

The quality all around was excellent. My Host, John, at Laurles Duplex always keep me in excellent supply of ¨tourïst assistants¨and again, the quality was excellent.

Yesterday I had to check out Abydos. The place was very clean, and an excellent lineup of staff. I do not regret pìcking Issabela, a 5ft 10 girl that totally was a GFE experience. Didn't even have to sk for BBBJ. I left there very happy especially at 90, 000 pesos.

To finish my Medellin experience I had to do Loutrons one time. Even though at 170, 000 an hour, I was well pleased with the GFE experience. Catalina was my choice. A deffinate hottie. I learned from a manager there that Abydos is owned by the same people. The only difference in the rooms was Loutrons had an aquarium in every room.

Of course, New Life was much much more economical but for the first time here, what the heck. I did happen to like New Life as well. Janet, a tall med. Dark skin girl was most excellent. Little did I know that she worked there due tot he fact I had her in a three sum the night before at the Apartment.

A lot of thanks to all those who post here giving most excellent advice on who, what, when, where. I already figured out the how long ago. I met a lot of guys that are Americans that have taken up residence in Medellin and I fully understand why.

Now tomorrow, onto Bogota for a week. Work calls but only three days, then its ¨tourist time. When I get home, I do have a few photo's I will gladly share.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Salsero Loco
01-31-09, 03:25
I haven't checked in on the Medellin forum for a long time. I have spent years total in the city but very little time over the past two years since breaking up with my long-time paisa girlfriend. I now have a great gal from Barranquilla who is fantastic, though I would give up a kidney for her to be from Medellin so I could visit her there instead! Barranquilla is really boring and too hot for this white man!

I must say that I am far less cynical about the Colombians and their attitudes towards gringos than what folks are saying here. Granted, I do speak good spanish, hang mostly with Colombian friends, and know the culture pretty well (I can sing along with many salsas and vallenatos, know the slang and history) but still, I always felt that people treated me well because I treated them well, and they could tell that I was genuinely encantado with their country. I still think that Colombians are a uniquely friendly and generous people and will respond in kind to any one who treats them well. If people are arrogant assholes, but they gringos or martians, they will get what they deserve. And I think this is the case anywhere in the world.

I used to visit the massage places in Medellin a lot, the best in the country in my experience, cheapest and with girls with the best attitudes. I used to have this great routine where I went to the gym near Obelisco every day and then would walk over to Energy for a massage and extras afterwards, followed by a great cheap menu lunch. Man, if I could have afforded to stay in Medallo and keep that routine for a year I'd be posing for the cover of Men's Health! What an incentive to work out!

I also loved to walk around el Centro where I would see many major hotties who would more than likely go out with me, but because of the novia could not pursue those opportunities. Perhaps some of you should check that out.

In any event, I apologize for taking up valuable forum space with my nostalgia. Just hate to see what seems to be happening to one of my favorite places on the planet (and I have been to 45 countries at last count! )



EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

El Greggor
01-31-09, 09:42
Seems to me that you are quite a bitter Man. And thats giving you credit. I've seen the Great Ricker in action. And many Colombianas hearts skip a beat just when he walks in the room. You seem to have an odd predjudice against Gringos, not true of the Colombianas from what I've seen. You make it out as if they have a conspiracy against the outsider. People are people around the world. Theres been many Gringos who actually fall for and Marry these beauties and their love is returned. I wanna keep this short so I'll be here to educate you all later.

El Minetero
01-31-09, 10:03
I was just watching 'What about Brian', where Brian is reading the riot act to his married father about having an affair with a woman 30 years his junior. His father says, 'Women. Well, it's just Life, there's nothing like a woman. And when you're older, they look right through you. '

So, if an older man pays a woman for her companionship and favors, we're just trying to feel young and alive again. And it works!

I'm 59, just finished a five year relationship with a woman 30 years my junior. She's never been a prostitute, is intelligent and educated, and knows how to act. I don't think many people looked at us, except enviously, because we act respectful. I can see where people would resent numerous foreigners of any age flaunting obvious prostitutes in any part of the city.

There are not enough foreigners to support the trade of prostitutes, it's still a thing mostly of locals. But the locals keep it inside, as they live there and word gets around. Visitors should likewise be discreet.


Tom 33
01-31-09, 10:53
I'm in complete agreement with not being fond of 60 year old men who flaunt 18 year old prepagos in restaurants and draw attention to themselves by being loud and obnoxious, but they all know that their behavior comes with an inherent risk.I am 60 years old and live in Medellín. I have never met one 60-year-old in Medellín who was loud and obnoxious at any time. Loud and obnoxious is for the younger guys. Of course I do not live anywhere near Poblado.

Generally us old-timers have no need to flaunt anything to anyone. The last thing I would want to do with an 18-year-old prepago is take her to dinner.

As long as I am on a roll here, the most loud and obnoxious people I have seen in Colombia are Colombians on vacation in Cartagena. And that is one of the reasons that I left Cartagena.

I'm not big on loud and obnoxious period.

Most of the May-December couples that I see are both Colombian.

01-31-09, 18:41
Good grief dude, did you actually ask all the Colombianos in Medellin what they thought of me personally?

We all appreciate how special you are compared to the rest of us.
I mean owning property and speaking spanish. Amazing.

Honestly, I hate to break it to ya, but you`d be far down my list of people I`d like to run with. I`m not into pompous.

And guess what? You`re not the only gringo who speaks spanish and owns property, at least I thought I heard myself speaking spanish today, and quite well if I don`t say so myself :)

Look forward to your next obsessive post about me and ALL the rest of us lower end gringos as you perceive.

Sheeeesh!Don't look now Ricker but I think Nino has a giant sized MAN CRUSH on you ;) He can't seem to leave you alone lol!

Frank Casio
01-31-09, 19:38
Hi guys,

I´ll be away for most of February, I´m sure you guys will survive my absence ! Back in Medellin on Feb. 25 !

Frank Casio !

01-31-09, 22:50
Most guys go there and share the women at Dos and sandiego and loutron! That's it. To me that is weird. Again, I can't let all my secrets out but really if you’re going to South America to get laid do you really have to stand in the gringo line? I just wish my fellow countrymen would be a little more creative on how they choose/find their women.

I agree with that 100% but I would like to add that for most of the guys I met, it was either their first trip or they had made no effort to learn Spanish and as such were limited to how much of a true Colombian experience they could have.

For my 2nd trip next week, I will do things differently, from meeting locals (3 blind dates) to seeing a prepago that I've had a great time with. I will never understand going to the same place over and over and claiming to understand Colombia. I'm several trips away from making that kind of claim my self.

I saw this one gringo who was about 60 with a gym bag in his hand, muscle shirt on and work out shorts walking around with the most obvious prepago in town in lleras. His clothes were ridiculous because he did not have a muscle worth looking at as well. Anyone that saw the pair would think negatively about us. I was with a hot little girl and I was embarrassed.And I agree with that, saw that myself as well over and over. But to be fair, it's not just Colombia. I'm a vet of Costa Rica and I see the same thing there, even more so. For whatever reason, some guys just don't stop and think. I'm all for the fountain of youth and I'd love to be having a relationship with a 30 year old when I'm 60. Even so, before my first trip into Parque Lleras I asked Aussie Greg if it was cool that a 40 year old was bringing in a 25 year old and a 22 year old. And his response was that they were both nice girls, dressed conservatively and if I lived in Medellin, both girls would be well within my league as novias. I've always remembered that. But still I took the time for sober thought before going public. Quite clearly, some others don't.

01-31-09, 22:55
Well, I don't know. This is my first post on this site (I found out about it from CasaMedellin), and have been to Medellin 4 times, and love the place. I've never been badly treated by a Colombian, (maybe it's cultural, but they are sure a helluva lot nicer than anyone where I live), met a lotta fun Paisa, (who of course likes my AND my money) and still managed to visit Energy, New LIfe, KamaSutra and Abydos.

All these places during the day for less than $50. Love Parque LLeras, particularly at night, just for the people watching. I've never been refused entry anywhere, in fact the opposite, I've been shilled by PL clubs, but don't go in because the music is far too loud, and not what I like. Babylon, Mangos, Las Palmitas, never a problem.

My Spanish is ok, not great, but improving, and that is the biggest help of anything. So, whoever doesn't have fun in Medellin probably isn't trying.

01-31-09, 22:59
I am 60 years old and live in Medellín. I have never met one 60-year-old in Medellín who was loud and obnoxious at any time. Loud and obnoxious is for the younger guys. Of course I do not live anywhere near Poblado.

Also a good post, but from what I've read, you've done very well staying below the radar. My post was about those that don't. And to be fair, I was speaking about Poblado. Perhaps this next trip I'll see some other areas and get a more fair and balanced perspective.

Generally us old-timers have no need to flaunt anything to anyone. The last thing I would want to do with an 18-year-old prepago is take her to dinner.Every night in Parque Lleras and it's not limited to party spots, I've seen families out for dinner with horrified expressions on their face, usually sitting next to a visitor with a table full of prepagos drawing attention to themselves.

There's something wrong with making broad judgements on a goup of people that I'm not part of and for that I apologize to those of you that maintain respect and courtesy. I did however agree a little with Runner Up's post about these elder statesmen acting like they had game, when they just had cash.

It's my goal to keep enjoying Colombia, and not just Medellin. My first trip I spent way too much money and didn't do much in my short time there. If each trip my Spanish gets better, I spend less money, I see more of the country and I make more friends both pro and non-pro then I will consider myself a very lucky man.

Casa Medellin
02-01-09, 01:25
This person is a Troll. I have not talked to a newbie gringo in months. I also would not associate with anyone who uses words such as "lotta" or "helluva". And I certainly do not know people who go to New Life or the other places. Good grief.

Well, I don't know. This is my first post on this site (I found out about it from CasaMedellin), and have been to Medellin 4 times, and love the place. I've never been badly treated by a Colombian, (maybe it's cultural, but they are sure a helluva lot nicer than anyone where I live), met a lotta fun Paisa, (who of course likes my AND my money) and still managed to visit Energy, New LIfe, KamaSutra and Abydos.

All these places during the day for less than $50. Love Parque LLeras, particularly at night, just for the people watching. I've never been refused entry anywhere, in fact the opposite, I've been shilled by PL clubs, but don't go in because the music is far too loud, and not what I like. Babylon, Mangos, Las Palmitas, never a problem.

My Spanish is ok, not great, but improving, and that is the biggest help of anything. So, whoever doesn't have fun in Medellin probably isn't trying.

02-01-09, 02:36
I am 60 years old and live in Medellín. I have never met one 60-year-old in Medellín who was loud and obnoxious at any time. Loud and obnoxious is for the younger guys. Of course I do not live anywhere near Poblado.

Generally us old-timers have no need to flaunt anything to anyone. The last thing I would want to do with an 18-year-old prepago is take her to dinner.

As long as I am on a roll here, the most loud and obnoxious people I have seen in Colombia are Colombians on vacation in Cartagena. And that is one of the reasons that I left Cartagena.

I'm not big on loud and obnoxious period.

Most of the May-December couples that I see are both Colombian.I have to agree with this assesment. In the dozen or so times I have visited Colombia I have witnessed only once a gringo being obnoxious and that was in a disco (LDV) in Cartagena where most of the men were either Americans or Italianos. I too have seen the Colombians being rude but the Italians are a common sight in the loud and obnoxious category. IMHO it bothers some members here more than the locals. After years of bombs, FARC and paramilitaries I doubt seeing an older man with a prepago is that disturbing.

02-01-09, 18:59
Fellow deviants:

I am considering going to Medellin soon, only my second trip. I'd like to rent an apartment versus doing the hotel thing. I'd like to stay near/in Centro to be within walking distance of the massage places/casas as well as other night life. Any suggestions on which neighborhoods I should look for in my apartment search that would keep me from having to catch the metro or taxis?



Fla Fun
02-01-09, 19:58
I also would not associate with anyone who uses words such as "lotta" or "helluva". May I ask, then why are you spending your time on this site? Most of the guys here would use those expressions.

Lately you seem to spend a lot of time criticizing, especially adversely of other people. A critical comment or judgment of others, only serves to highlight your negatively to others. Perhaps a little self examination may be in order.

Recently, you have insulted alot of people and places. If you are trying to make yourself or your hotel look good, sadly it is having the opposite effect.

Tom 33
02-01-09, 22:36
I have to agree with this assesment. In the dozen or so times I have visited Colombia I have witnessed only once a gringo being obnoxious and that was in a disco (LDV) in Cartagena where most of the men were either Americans or Italianos. I too have seen the Colombians being rude but the Italians are a common sight in the loud and obnoxious category. IMHO it bothers some members here more than the locals. After years of bombs, FARC and paramilitaries I doubt seeing an older man with a prepago is that disturbing.The bodies in the Rio Medellín only a few years ago may have been just a tad more horrifying. ¿Quien sabe?

What horrifies the ricos in Poblado is anyone not from Poblado invading their turf. They wouldn't care if the prepagos were with guys 75 or 25. And I have seen some of those ricos in Cartagena acting like asses. But they would never act that way in Poblado.

Casa Medellin
02-02-09, 00:03
Another example of the brain power to be found in Medellin. If you go back and read, my only reason to start posting was because someone posted a link to my hotel and I wanted to make it clear that I did not want any of the mongers here showing up at my door as they will not be allowed in. So your allegation I am trying to make my hotel look good (to this audience) is ridiculous since I do not want people like you any where close to my place.

Anyway, if people will stop responding to my posts I will be more than happy to stop posting here.

May I ask, then why are you spending your time on this site? Most of the guys here would use those expressions.

Lately you seem to spend a lot of time criticizing, especially adversely of other people. A critical comment or judgment of others, only serves to highlight your negatively to others. Perhaps a little self examination may be in order.

Recently, you have insulted alot of people and places. If you are trying to make yourself or your hotel look good, sadly it is having the opposite effect.

02-02-09, 04:00
Every night in Parque Lleras...I've seen families out for dinner with horrified expressions on their face, usually sitting next to a visitor with a table full of prepagos drawing attention to themselves. In the last 2 1/2 years I've eaten in Parque Lleras restaurants 20+ times and have NEVER seen any "families" there.

I have seen maybe a dozen "older men with prepagos" but most of them were either me or friends of mine. I would guess 95% of the customers in Parque Lleras are under 35-year-old Colombians and Colombianas.

I did have an online chat with a 46-yr old lady who lives in Laureles last week (she wants to meet me). She said she doesn't go to Parque Lleras too often. When I asked her why she said she didn't like the "older men with young prepagos".

Rather than responding with "I resemble that remark" I just said, "Really? I've never noticed them before. But then I'm there for the atmosphere and the food. I really don't pay any attention to what the other people are doing. "

Good advice for her and some of guys here.

02-02-09, 05:55
Fellow deviants:

I am considering going to Medellin soon, only my second trip. I'd like to rent an apartment versus doing the hotel thing. I'd like to stay near/in Centro to be within walking distance of the massage places/casas as well as other night life. Any suggestions on which neighborhoods I should look for in my apartment search that would keep me from having to catch the metro or taxis?



To be quite honest with you, I have yet to find any furnished apartments in Centro available for short-term rentals. Sounds like a niche market some of the enterprising folks here should look into. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but I can say near certainty that they are not widely advertised online nor via the major subletters of furnished apartments.

All that being said, I have recently been staying in Laureles and enjoy the area a lot. It is worth staying here and getting away from Centro after the fun has been had. Plus it's only a 5-6mil taxi ride there.

02-02-09, 06:31
Another example of the brain power to be found in Medellin. If you go back and read, my only reason to start posting was because someone posted a link to my hotel and I wanted to make it clear that I did not want any of the mongers here showing up at my door as they will not be allowed in. So your allegation I am trying to make my hotel look good (to this audience) is ridiculous since I do not want people like you any where close to my place.

Anyway, if people will stop responding to my posts I will be more than happy to stop posting here.Actually, I enjoy your posts.

With most of the hotel proprietors touting their establishments and competing for attention, it's entertaining to read your posts telling guys NOT to show up at your place.

Quite entertaining really, and the arrogant tone of the posts make them even more amusing, though I don't believe that's your intention.

Thank you and good luck with your hotel and upscale clientele.

Tom 33
02-02-09, 10:04
Fellow deviants:

I am considering going to Medellin soon, only my second trip. I'd like to rent an apartment versus doing the hotel thing. I'd like to stay near/in Centro to be within walking distance of the massage places/casas as well as other night life. Any suggestions on which neighborhoods I should look for in my apartment search that would keep me from having to catch the metro or taxis?


RodeoCentro is not a good or safe place to stay especially if you don't know the area well. Many areas are not even very safe during the day.

Laureles Estadio is just across the river from Centro and is fairly safe for the most part. Also, nearly any bus in this area will take you into Centro near Exito. Just remember the number of the bus and where you got off for the return trip.

02-02-09, 23:55
Another example of the brain power to be found in Medellin. If you go back and read, my only reason to start posting was because someone posted a link to my hotel and I wanted to make it clear that I did not want any of the mongers here showing up at my door as they will not be allowed in. So your allegation I am trying to make my hotel look good (to this audience) is ridiculous since I do not want people like you any where close to my place.

Anyway, if people will stop responding to my posts I will be more than happy to stop posting here.How will you know to turn me away when I show up at your door? I'll show up there with a reservation and you will welcome me with open arms. I'm not a shit starter, but that was a silly statement to make!


02-03-09, 01:32
I will be in Colombia from March 05 to March 25, 2009; will you tell me what your rates will be. Keep in mind I am not there to "monger" but spend time with my children 3 and 7 years of age.

I am no saint and when I am not with them I will either be alone or with one of my lady friends who are from Floresta and 12 de Octubre (and other locations in Medellin and Bello).

let me know what the rates are for this time period.



Another example of the brain power to be found in Medellin. If you go back and read, my only reason to start posting was because someone posted a link to my hotel and I wanted to make it clear that I did not want any of the mongers here showing up at my door as they will not be allowed in. So your allegation I am trying to make my hotel look good (to this audience) is ridiculous since I do not want people like you any where close to my place.

Anyway, if people will stop responding to my posts I will be more than happy to stop posting here.

02-03-09, 01:37
A "friend" has invited me to stay with him and his family in Bello during my next visit to Colombia. I am hesitant to do so because it will limit my freedom to entering the house at certain hours and only be able to go out when accompanied by the friend.

He recommended to me "hotel laureles 70" claiming it is near Estadio; anyond have information about this hotel? A web address or phoen number?


02-03-09, 04:42
No offense but did you try "google"?

I tried it for kicks and look what I came up with.

Have Fun.


World Travel 69
02-03-09, 08:11

This is not a family travel site.

I suggest www.thorntree.com (lonelyplanet) and www.tripadvisor.com

Or something like that.

This site is for single men interested in sex.

Not lonely whatevers!

Tom 33
02-03-09, 14:32
A "friend" has invited me to stay with him and his family in Bello during my next visit to Colombia. I am hesitant to do so because it will limit my freedom to entering the house at certain hours and only be able to go out when accompanied by the friend.

He recommended to me "hotel laureles 70" claiming it is near Estadio; anyond have information about this hotel? A web address or phoen number?

ThanksI think that it is on la 70. There are 20-30 or more hotels in that area. This is one that I have personally seen: http://www.hotelfloridamedellin.com/somos.html. Book there. If you don't like it, take a stroll.

Casa Medellin
02-03-09, 14:33
If you make a reservation then of course you will be welcome.

However, if you try to bring in a bunch of hookers then they will be sent away.

How will you know to turn me away when I show up at your door? I'll show up there with a reservation and you will welcome me with open arms. I'm not a shit starter, but that was a silly statement to make!

Casa Medellin
02-03-09, 14:38
We are pretty much booked during that time period.

Here is a link that will help you find a hotel: http://internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=2654

I really would like to stop posting on here now as I have a lot of things to do this month. If anyone has any more comments please direct them to me in private message. I will try to respond in a couple weeks or so when I return from the finca.

I will be in Colombia from March 05 to March 25, 2009; will you tell me what your rates will be. Keep in mind I am not there to "monger" but spend time with my children 3 and 7 years of age.

I am no saint and when I am not with them I will either be alone or with one of my lady friends who are from Floresta and 12 de Octubre (and other locations in Medellin and Bello).

Let me know what the rates are for this time period.

02-03-09, 23:27
Justafool if you really want to stay at casa Medellin you can make a reservation at expedia. I checked your dates and they are available, but the Dann Carlton is just a little more since you will not be bringing a bunch of girls in. Also, I usually find the rate for Casa Medellin for about $ 60 a night on expedia. The benefit of expedia is you can get thank you points, and if there is a problem you will have a third party to help resolve any problems However, I have not stayed there so I can't make any comments on the hotel. I usually stay at the Dann Carlton, Hotel Estelar Poblado Plaza or the Sheraton. They all offer pretty nice accommodations. The best price I have found among the 3 of them is about $90 a night, and I am sure that has something to do with the season. Those hotels advertise much higher rates on there websites, and sometimes I have to wait to the last minute to book to get that rate, but with so many options in Medellin don't worry. You may also want to consider renting an apartment. You will probably get a better deal if you rent the apartment for the month.

02-03-09, 23:53
We are pretty much booked during that time period.

Here is a link that will help you find a hotel: http://internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=2654

I really would like to stop posting on here now as I have a lot of things to do this month. If anyone has any more comments please direct them to me in private message. I will try to respond in a couple weeks or so when I return from the finca.Casa Medellin,

Your posts lately have been rather funny. I find it funny how you don't want 'mongers' at your boutique hotel, but you continuously post here on a monger website. You try to promote your hotel as a non monger location, but realize its not that profitable. So you post on ISG hoping to make up the loss.

If you sleep with dogs, you will get fleas. Ha ha ha

It's ok brother, we are all in this game together.

02-04-09, 01:51
Fla Fun,

Thanks for running defense for me. Obviously, I am well aware that words such as 'lotta' and 'helluva' are intentional slang, purposely used here to have a little fun. I am surprised that someone would take offense to such language.

My point of the post had nothing to do with Mr. Casa Medellin (who in fact, DID introduce me to this site, and does know me), but simply to point out that anybody who isn't having fun in Medellin isn't trying very hard. One can have a good time simply people watching in PL, or running thru the shops in el Centro.

02-05-09, 01:08
Headed down to Medellin April 22nd to April 28th.

Anyone dare to list their top 3 casas for chicas?

Gfe Finder
02-05-09, 05:31
I arrived in Medellin on a very late flight. Although my schedule had a 6 hour layover in Panama City, I couldn’t do anything there because of a flight delay eating into too much of that time.

Strangely, I still had the energy to do something that night so I went to the San Diego Show. What I found was a very crowded main room, dancing girls whose appearance was mostly meh, and two very obnoxious practices. First, they ask that you spend $20K on drinks despite no cover (I ordered two Cokes as I like to keep my sobriety and judgment); second, all the girls who dance go around asking for tips afterwards.

After about an hour of these meh girls, I was about ready to leave until one girl actually returned my smiles and waves with some enthusiasm. She’s Annanita, 20, blond hair and brown eyes. We talked and cuddled for a while and got to know each other better. I took it as a good sign that she didn’t rush things, didn’t ask for sex right away, and was not afraid to stroke and caress various parts of me, so when the time came I decided to spend some more time with her in one of the on-site rooms.

Once inside, she became more aggressive. She had me lie down, she sucked my nipples, and she ground her crotch on mine. She was smiling wickedly not only from the fact she could feel my growing erection but also because she had pinned my arms down and thought that she had me stuck and helpless. I broke free of her grip and changed positions to be on top and in charge. She giggled in response. I kissed her lips and worked my way down to her neck and her nipples. My fingers felt her getting wet and excited, so we rolled over and she rode me cowgirl and reverse cowgirl for a while. She seemed particularly enthused by the latter, and it was while doing this that I came. Although I had a good time, I know that San Diego tends towards the higher end pricewise. Thus I decided to sample more women before making a decision whether to come back.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Gfe Finder
02-05-09, 05:38
During the morning, I went to the Museo de Antioquia. I enjoyed it, not only for the interesting works from local artists but also for an exhibit that they have on Spain throughout history.

In the afternoon, I made my way to New Life casa. Approximately 12 girls came out to greet me. A girl in a hot red dress caught my eye not only for her appearance but also because she smiled more brightly and was more talkative than the other girls. Her name is Kati, she’s 30 years old, brown hair and brown eyes, slender build (and as I found out later, gigantic nipples which begged to be sucked.) She took very good care of me, starting with an offer to dry out my clothes (the uphill walk from the Metro station made me quite sweaty.) We spent more time beforehand talking and getting acquainted. I found out she was new here. After we showered together, she offered me a massage. It was relaxing and much needed but Kati kept disparaging her skills while I continued to re-assure her.

When she finished massaging me she went down and licked around-- but not on-- my dick. At one point she aggressively tugged at my balls with her mouth. When I asked her to go easy, I think this sent her reeling and she got even more nervous. I heaped more compliments on her to get her to go on. She returned to blowing me and got on top. This went on for a while during which time I fulfilled a few-minutes-long dream and sucked her nipples. I suggested switching positions so that I could be on top. As I penetrated her deeper, she brought her knees closer to her ears. At this point our half-hour was up. Given her bright smile, some pleasant conversation, and that hot, slim body I found her charming and wanted to spend more time with her. So, we each ordered a drink. To place the order she called out for the attendant and handed it over with her back to the attendant, not even stepping out of the room, preferring instead to stick her arm behind and hope that someone grabbed it. She even covered her eyes with her other free hand! Yep, I thought, she’s new and very shy.

We had sex again and since I was so hot, I struggled to come and she took it personally. We decided to shower off. I asked if I could join her. "Only if you gift me a few kisses," she replied. I happily complied and because of her gentle kisses I was horny and ready again in a mere few seconds. She quickly moved to grab the condom and put it on me. I pressed her up against the wall as the hot, steamy water ran down my back. As I pushed harder and harder into her, she showed her pleasure through ever more enthusiastic moans and by rolling her head further and further back. Soon after we each had an orgasm! She gleefully rewarded me with a few more kisses, taking my bottom lip with her teeth. Before we said goodbye she mentioned that she would be working tomorrow, and I made sure to swing by.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Gfe Finder
02-05-09, 05:40
I slept in until rather late, so not much of a chance to do sightseeing other than the Medellin Museum of Modern Art. It was interesting but a lot smaller than I thought it was going to be. During my afternoon casa run I went back hoping to see Kati but I was told that she was not there that day. So I was again shown the lineup. The friendliest girl with the cutest smile in the group seemed to be Sofia, 23, a spinner with brown hair partially dyed blond.

Sofia wasn’t much of a talker so we started with a massage. She was noticeably more confident in her abilities, in particular reveling in finding and lightly brushing her nails on all the ticklish spots along my sides and under my armpits. She lingered with her massage and had me completely relaxed.

She did a covered blow job, and could not be persuaded to do otherwise. Once I got hard enough, she got on top and did cowgirl and reverse cowgirl with me. We admired each other in the mirror but I wanted to take my time building up to an orgasm. Sofia seemed to quickly lose her patience and wanted to change positions. Doggy style didn’t work, and missionary didn’t work, so she had an idea. We stayed in the missionary position, but she put her legs on the inside so that she could squeeze my dick more. This worked like magic! I tried to slow down and enjoy the sensation of pounding into a tight pussy but I just couldn’t hold back. I came with just a few minutes left before the half-hour mark. We showered, and I left.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Gfe Finder
02-05-09, 05:41
I went to Parque Explora in the early morning. For those that haven’t heard of it, it is a science center with many of the normal exhibits (e. g. an Archimedes Screw and a set of outside playground/science exhibits) and a fascinating aquarium with fish from all around the world. This was a lot of fun, quite easy to get to (Universidad Metro station), and something I definitely recommend doing.

When I went back to new life, Kati was still not there but Marianna was (brown hair, brown eyes, nice big hips.) We showered together and it was while showering that she committed a cardinal sin: avoiding my kisses, specifically turning her head to avoid my kiss, which landed on her cheek. When we finished showering she massaged me and gave me a blow job. During sex, I consciously engaged in some sperm management and decided that she would not get my orgasm. This choice unintentionally made it more erotic because without worrying about quickening my pace and trying to come, I just slowed down, laid back, and enjoyed the sensation of being inside her and looking in her eyes. I think she did too, because she finally stopped resisting my kisses and let me land a few—I even got some tongue action! I didn’t come and ultimately I still can’t recommend her.

Very close to New Life (in fact around the corner) is Masajistas 55-35. There I found 2 girls to my liking. Despite the place’s name, neither offered a massage.

Nicole—dark hair, green eyes, and a hot turquoise bra and panty outfit. She started by sucking on my nipples, taking pride in how effective this was and sucking harder when she could feel it working. As I like the sensation, I didn’t stop her; just laid back and enjoyed it. She gave me a covered blow job to finish getting me erect. Although we started in cowgirl, I explained that it would be easier to come if I were on top. She complied, and after a few minutes with some light kissing, I came while admiring her pretty green eyes. The whole time, Nicole seemed very nervous and was not very talkative. She even continued to address me with usted after I told her "¡Tutéame! " (I only used tú with her.)

Manuela—who had long dark hair and looked really cute in braces & a pink nightie. She too started with some nipple sucking and lingered when she found out how much I liked it. While we were having sex in cowgirl, I moved up and sucked her breasts for a while. From her moaning, she seemed to enjoy it. But, this position seemed to be tiring us both out. We moved so that I would be on top, and despite my best efforts, I was too drained from my time with Nicole and did not come.

Later that night, I went to Fase Dos. The reviews on this forum had me not expecting much; indeed I regret to say that I didn’t find much. That is, aside from the same pushy practice of dancers hustling for tips, girls pushing for time in the room, and me wanting to leave after not even an hour of this crap.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Daves Pison
02-05-09, 23:23
Firts timer will be there on March 26 to 29 any good suggestions. Mp or casas let me know.

Tom 33
02-05-09, 23:56
Look out, MM. You are going to bother some geniuses that continue to say that there is nothing to do other than chase chicas in this metro area of nearly 4 million people.

Parque Explora alone could take 2 days. Try Parque Pies Descalsos or the expo center nearby. Maybe the new aquarium would be of interest or the botanical gardens? The zoo?

Sky Ryder
02-06-09, 04:56
I spent last weekend in Medellin, my first visit in over 20 years. It was too long to wait. I just want to hit a few highlights.

First, a note about the Manison and it's owners and staff. Suffice it to say that I couldn't have asked for better or more knowledgeable hosts. I stayed at the Castillo and was VERY pleased. If you are looking for a 5 star, full service hotel, don't bother, that isn't what they are offering.

What I found was a great bed and breakfast experience, from hosts that know the town and offer their knowledge and experience without hesitation. I enjoyed a great Super Bowl party and found the ladies in attendance both desireable and plentyful. Gregg and Boyd don't make apologies for the policies they have in effect at their hotels, nor should they. I think they want to be sure that neither business they have built, nor their guests are jepoardized by irresponsible behavior.

Nothing in that comment should be interpreted as a negative. My personal experience is that the only restriction to the fun is one's imagination and stamina. In three short days, I enjoyed a wide variety of experiences. Some were better than others, but they all were worth my time.

In order of good times, here are my recommendations.

1. Under no circumstances miss an opportunity to get a massage and more from their resident "masajista" Olga, she is a treat and is a VERY talented lady. She will customize the session to your desire. I don't think "No" is in her vocabulary and is worth the trip on her own!

2. Connie is a hot little spinner that will rock your world, Carolina is a bit on the quiet side, but when the door gets closed she is a treat to be with. Both of these ladies have smokin' little spinner bodies and Carolina can really move on the dance floor. Yummy

3. Jessica was a fun evening, up until her cell rang and she had to attend to a family problem. In the spirit of fairness, I payed her for her time since we had already done dinner and were in the midst of a fun evening at a dance club. I still think it was the right thing to do, but she never made good on the promise to "complete" our date. I will take partial responsibilty for that, but am a little disappointed.

4. Anna Marie, one word. WOW. Really attractive and sweet girl, she couldn't stay until the game was over, so we made a date for Monday night. And she was bringing a friend. It was all good, until 45 mins before she was to show, she called and wanted more money. I was not happy and declined. Greg wasn't pleased with her as well, but it is what it is, I think she may find her referrals diminshed somewhat because of this event.

5. I didn't have a session with her, but Veronica is one hot little lady. On the list for next time.

Went to FASE II, I found a number of hot ladies and they were not aggressive. I would have made further inquires, but another Mansion guest was at the club more than a little drunk and I was concerned he might wind up in a bad situation, so I stayed pretty close to him and made sure we all got home in one piece. Well, he brought a nice "piece" home with him. When we arrived at the Castillo, she thanked me for helping out, I sure he would have done the same for me.

Did I mention that I really enjoyed the massage and more from Olga?

I can't wait until the next visit, I enjoyed meeting many of the guys staying in both hotels and in closing only one more thing to say. Maybe two.

The "paisas" as they call themselves are very beautiful women and people, and. Marcy is an absolute "knockout" as well as very smart and witty lady. I now have another unobtainable goal.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Gfe Finder
02-07-09, 02:15
Not to mention the Pueblito Paisa, the Metrocables, the Turibus. It seems impossible to do the city or its Paisas justice in less than a week.

Look out, MM. You are going to bother some geniuses that continue to say that there is nothing to do other than chase chicas in this metro area of nearly 4 million people.

Parque Explora alone could take 2 days. Try Parque Pies Descalsos or the expo center nearby. Maybe the new aquarium would be of interest or the botanical gardens? The zoo?

02-07-09, 22:10
. . . Heading back to Medellin in the end of March, it's been a while since I have been there. What are the going rates now a days? Let's see, last time Ive been it was roughly.

Show San Diego 80K
Mayorista 25K
Energy 60K
Face dos 150K
Centro 25KI think San Diego is now 100K+ for a session (45-60mins) & Energy is 80K+ for about the same time. Centro is drifting towards 35K for the hour. 25K for 30mins.

Tiny 12
02-08-09, 01:56
She even continued to address me with usted after I told her "¡Tutéame! " (I only used tú with her.)Having spent more time in Mexico and Panama than anywhere else in Latin America, that sounds really unnatural to me too. You just banged someone and she's calling you usted. But some Colombians use Ud. When talking to close friends, family members, etc. Others don't. I think there are regional variations, or at least I can say that in Cartagena and Barranquilla, "tu" is common, used like it is in Panama and Mexico. Anyway, if there are any grammar experts out there, I'd appreciate your take on this.

02-08-09, 10:16
I think San Diego is now 100K+ for a session (45-60mins) & Energy is 80K+ for about the same time. Centro is drifting towards 35K for the hour. 25K for 30mins.Finally someone answers my question.

Thanks for the update ALMOTU. I shall enjoy the $1 to 2, 500 peso conversion. LOL! Finally it is creeping back to what it use to be back in the days. I just got to deal with the spike in rates these chicks think they can get away with.

Frank Casio
02-08-09, 18:21
For one week stay ($150US) or longer at My Place or 2-3 guys 2-3 days you can get all the Monguer expertise acquired by Medellin Monguer King Frankcasio in 4 years, in just a couple of days, for free! You'll learn of places you never dreamed off, both on the low or high end, whatever your pleasure! Sunday BB-Qs, "Casas", Centro, Medellin Mansion, Fase ll, Maracaibo, San Diego, La Mayorista, Laureles, Sabaneta, Parque Lleras, Palmahia, Mangos and "Saturday Nights Out" with just normal girls, "non Pros"! Many members on this page can testify to my expertise! All you have to cover are expenses, Wingman Fees waved for My Place guests! Starting March 1st! What are you waiting for?

Right now I've been in Tampa a couple of days on business, and I'm just dying to get back to my Medellin Paradise where women abound, and every walk down the street is like attending a Model Show! Contact My Place directly at [Email address deleted by Admin] for info. And Reservatins!

Frank Casio!

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

02-09-09, 01:48
Having spent more time in Mexico and Panama than anywhere else in Latin America, that sounds really unnatural to me too. You just banged someone and she's calling you usted. But some Colombians use Ud. When talking to close friends, family members, etc. Others don't. I think there are regional variations, or at least I can say that in Cartagena and Barranquilla, "tu" is common, used like it is in Panama and Mexico. Anyway, if there are any grammar experts out there, I'd appreciate your take on this.I had that experience twice in Medellin. And I dont have much exposure to Medellin. I never experienced that in Cali, Equador or Peru where I have more exposure.

El Minetero
02-09-09, 03:55
A question for those of you who speak 'Colombian'. When I was in Bogota '76 - '80, they called cunnilingus 'La Menay', or something like that, and one who does, a 'menay-tero'. What is the correct spelling for 'Menay'?


02-09-09, 17:47
A question for those of you who speak 'Colombian'. When I was in Bogota '76 - '80, they called cunnilingus 'La Menay', or something like that, and one who does, a 'menay-tero'. What is the correct spelling for 'Menay'?

KTNot too sure, but on this trip whenever I've wanted something a little better, I've been asked for "La Menay" and I've reached for my wallet


Tom 33
02-09-09, 22:05
I had that experience twice in Medellin. And I dont have much exposure to Medellin. I never experienced that in Cali, Equador or Peru where I have more exposure.Actually in Medellín, they use vos.

Frank Casio
02-09-09, 22:17
Having spent more time in Mexico and Panama than anywhere else in Latin America, that sounds really unnatural to me too. You just banged someone and she's calling you usted. But some Colombians use Ud. When talking to close friends, family members, etc. Others don't. I think there are regional variations, or at least I can say that in Cartagena and Barranquilla, "tu" is common, used like it is in Panama and Mexico. Anyway, if there are any grammar experts out there, I'd appreciate your take on this.It's just a regional thing, ocuurring only in Medellin or Antioquia, most likely Pereira and possibly Cali, if i recall correctly ! It was what endeared me to the Colombian people, because it sounded so proper and formal, in a World where there is so much disrespect !

I now use only "usted" and feel weird using anything else even when I come home to Tampa ! I am a Spanish/Educ. Major ! I Used to love Spain because of their use of "vosotros", which is really plural for "tu" in old xv Century Spanish ! Now I use "vos" and "usted" and feel really good with my Spanish, rather than a lot of the ghetto type Spanish used in the States and a lot of other Countries !

Frank Casio !

Carlos Miami
02-09-09, 22:40
A question for those of you who speak 'Colombian'. When I was in Bogota '76 - '80, they called cunnilingus 'La Menay', or something like that, and one who does, a 'menay-tero'. What is the correct spelling for 'Menay'?

KTCan They be Saying "Lame Ahi" wich means Lick There?

02-10-09, 02:07
If you guys need a cheap place to stay, hit me up and I can give you his contact.

Ah, well. Do check out girlfriendforaweek.com and if you do happen to use their service, let us know! Man, I wish I had taken some pictures!I tried to send u a PM. But it wont go through.

Time Line
02-10-09, 06:51
Yes, that was a first timer report-because it was my first time in Colombia. But, by no means a scam. I have no affiliation with the website, and I get nothing out of it. If you want to believe it, believe it, or else don't. It was an attempt to share my true experience.

Yes, you can get girls for a lot cheaper in Medellin. I had them too. And I had my fun that way too. But girlfriendforaweek was a different experience. And, no these are not girls that are taken off the street and dressed up in nice clothes. I can at least attest to that. They are pretty sophisticated and passionate and from a decent background (or at least the girl I was with). They are not desperately poor, and hence are a little more expensive. The service is top notch- far exceeds the many thousand $ per night GF experience in Europe or America. At the end of it all, I did not feel that I was 'just ripped off'. And that to me is very important. I am sure there are at least a few people who understand me here. But I know, not everybody can appreciate the difference between a Ford and a Porsche.

If you happen to be in Medellin and have a little extra cash and want to do sth different, just give it a try. I think it will be something you will remember, and something that you will make you want to go back! True, you can do any girl with $150. But thats the thing, sometimes you get tired of 'doing' 'any girl'. I know somebody out there will lash back at me again. I will not bother to justify myself again. If you think this is a scam, then so be it. This kind of experience/service is clearly not for you. If you can have your fun some other way and be happy, thats great. But please don't post pictures of girls to show how 'hot' they are and that you got them for only $10 in Mayorista. We all know that.

Artisto Art
02-10-09, 07:18
Jackson should probably delete TIME LINE's post. It is a joke.

He states "It was my first time in Colombia, and I do not speak any spanish whatsoever." THEN: "I think we must have just sat and talked for like 3-4 hours or sth. It was deep"


Pretty sad.

Sky Ryder
02-10-09, 10:55
This discussion of using "vos/tu" vs "usted" is interesting to me(maybe not as interesting as the fun with the ladies.....but)

What spanish I know I learned in Argentina and was taught to use vos as well. They don't use vosotros there, but vos is more widely used than tu.

When I spoke with the ladies in Medellin they were surprised that a "gringo" would use "vos", and it brought a smile to their faces. When asked where I learned, I told them I learned it just so that I could speak better with them!

That also brought a smile, hey they knew it was BS, but at least it was quality BS!!

El Minetero
02-10-09, 14:00
I was directed to Wikipedia, which has a listing for 'Minetero', one who does 'La Mine'. I guess when they asked Tweeners for 'La Menay', he thought they were saying 'Show me the Mo-nay', when they really wanted him to dine at the Y. Someone needs to teach these girls how to say 'Suck my pussy, Popi'.


Goga Fung
02-10-09, 17:22
I've even been told that gringo's with low end girls have and will be refused entre into resturants at Parque Ileras,I'm wondering if there is a definition of high/low end girls? Any examples of both? Is it defined by looks/clothes/behavior? It looks like everybody has different tastes and opinions, sometimes strange tastes and standards. For example, I've seen pictures on the board where people say the girl is a "9", but in my opinion she would probably 2-3. Also from my experience in Medellin casas there are usually at most 1-2 good-looking girls out of 10.

So it's interesting, what is considered high/low for Parque Lleras, the girl's clothes, look or both? Or they could see that she's from some barrio in strata 1? What are they looking at when refusing entre?

Punter 127
02-10-09, 18:00
My wingman “Alan23” and I are on the last day of our first visit to Medellin; we have been pleasantly surprised with this city. We find that Medellin is clean and the people are friendly, we haven’t encountered any problems, and we never felt unsafe.

I’m not much of a club guy anymore, and I find that as I get older I like sex during the day best, so I only did chicas in the “Massage/Casas”, and in the price range of 45k pesos to 90k pesos (about 18-36 U.S. dollars). The quality of chicas was excellent; I had a session with a chica at “Adydos”; IMHO she could easily be a centerfold, the cost was $90k Pesos, ($36.00 U.S.) unbelievable!

“Centro de Relajcion Corporal Energy” also had a nice line up and they were asking 90k as well. WT69’s list says 75k, I don’t know if it was a gringo price or a price increase???

The chicas that I was with all offered very good service, not on the level of the chicas from Paraguay that can be found in Buenos Aires, but what Medellin chicas may lack in service they make up for in looks, IMHO. (Paraguayan chicas are in a league of their own) I also suspect the service level here would improve with repeat visits.

The chicas of Medellin are some of the prettiest I’ve seen anyplace, they are second to none in looks in my book. How did they get so many (natural) big breasted chicas in one city?

I have a lot of mongering experience much of which is in Buenos Aires and I’ve only spent a week here, but my initial thought is Medellin may well be a better mongering and living location than BsAs, all things considered.

I’m still weighing the pros and cons of Medellin vs. Buenos Aires; perhaps I’ll post those pros and cons in another post later.

Armed with the information from this form and a couple of English speaking taxi drivers we have had a very pleasant visit here.

Thank You, to all of you who have contributed to this forum.

I shall return to Medellin!

Punter 127

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

02-10-09, 18:46
I don't know if this report on girlfriend for a week is true or not, however I do know from experience that newbies get ripped, etc whenever they post on any high end venues. I went to Dominican Republic twice and stayed at high end places. I posted pictures and info and it was well received by a few but mostly I was ripped as a shill, the pictures I posted called into question etc.

If the person who questioned you about speaking with the girl since you don't speak spanish took the time to go to the site they would see that Scarlett speaks fluent English (one of the few that they make that claim on.

There are many super guys here and CRT but there are some guys who have nothing to share but like to rip others. Oh well, I guess that's just human nature. My two cents.


02-10-09, 21:35
Welcome to the new Medellin, full of desperate gringos searching and searching for wealth, respect, money, and hotties or just sex. You know were all pretty much the same, no matter how hard we try to seperate ourselfs from the pack, were all Fracked!

Another boat load of Coast aRican refugees arrives today, somebody should tell them this isn't the promise land. But I guess when your straving, and thirsty anything looks good.

What did you guys except, we are consumers we pay for sexual services their are bound to be bad websites, scammers, bad hotels, just like in any other service. Just be honest and report prices and try to keep it real.

Girlfriendforaweek, is some german dude who rented a penthouse from albert and posted room rental with him for 60 dollars a week, back then he called himself king of Medellin or something, anywaz to those of you out there whom want to try his service go head its a free world, but realize you can't buy a girlfriend, you can't buy honesty, you can buy a slave and pay for her schooling and hope it all works out in the end.

I agree why did Jackson let this guy post, it seems more and more your instrests always side with bussniess owners rather then consumers, beware of the consumer comrade.

Time Line
02-11-09, 02:28
Artisto Art,

Scarlett spoke perfect English, and quite a few of the girls from girlfriendforaweek do. I mentioned it in the report as well. If you are bent on not believing, you will find 10, 000 reasons to do so. And, if you can't find reasons, you make up your own. Its funny. I never knew that mentioning an escort site would generate so much heat. I had a good time, I thought I should let people know. Thats it. I agree its not a necessary experience, but it was a fun one. I agree that Mayorista, or the casas, or picking up non-pros in the malls (if you know spanish), or those 20-minutes banging that you get at Fasi Dos can be very fun as well. You don't have to agree with me. But, please do not just say that I am lying.

Paraco Joe,

Relax, Dude. How would you know that these girls are just 'dressed up' street hookers? Have you seeked their services? Do you know any one of them personally? Talk about bias and irresponsible posting. And the rate at girlfriendforaweek.com starts at $200 and upto $300. Its not $300-$400 like you said, and is not that expensive from $150 hookers that you mentioned. I don't understand, why this urge to make it look bad? Why make up numbers, why make up facts?

I htought it was a little expensive too, but now think it was worth it. If you say its expensive/pricey. Sure. I have nothing to say. Its not for everybody. But, don't call it a lie or a scam post, just because you want to believe so.

02-11-09, 02:52
just to say i have seen greg's new girlfriend and i would quit a lot of things for her!!

i've even been told that gringo's with low end girls have and will be refused entre into resturants at parque ileras, it all comes back to my view that paisas will not let medellin become a mongers destination, even police have started to raid low end ***** houses in el centrol looking for guy's with **** girls, das have raided a pay for view web cam apartment run by "wolfman".

even my new girlfriend won't be seen out at night with a ***** so my entertainment has been rejused, thats good in a way as i'm of the rum and making a idiot of myself.

just my two cents worth guy's, you all have a great day.

saussie greg

02-11-09, 13:07
I was directed to Wikipedia, which has a listing for 'Minetero', one who does 'La Mine'. I guess when they asked Tweeners for 'La Menay', he thought they were saying 'Show me the Mo-nay', when they really wanted him to dine at the Y. Someone needs to teach these girls how to say 'Suck my pussy, Popi'.

KTUmmm, yeah I was just teasing.

I'm so used to women in my wallet searching for money!

They should let me know if they find any


02-12-09, 13:43
So it's interesting, what is considered high/low for Parque Lleras, the girl's clothes, look or both? Or they could see that she's from some barrio in strata 1? What are they looking at when refusing entre?High-end:

*If your girl has keys to a car she just parked at the parqueo in the lot next
*She's rocking Diesel/True Religion Jeans, a Christian Audigier skirt
*Louis, Fendi, Gucci, Channel bag
*5" Louboutin's, Blahnik's, Bebe, Choos
*Every other week she's in a photo on pegateya partying at B-Lounge, Karma, etc.


*Dirt under her nails
*Tattoos anywhere on her hands/fingers
*Zero designer gear, bought her outfit in centro on the street
*took the bus to come meet you
*if she is a with a >45yo non-spanish speaking gringo and walks around with zero swagger and no idea where she is
*no education, obviously noticeable by how inarticulate/ghetto she speaks
*at any point, dips out of sight to whip out a black plastic bag to inhale from
*asks people around you "meregalas quinientos"

That would be what the parque lleras types perceive as high/low end. There is a middle spectrum too, but you didn't ask about that.

Bottom line for me.- if the girl has visited the States, Europe, etc. Has a visa and was NOT there for prepago activities, she would be the type of girl I'd see on a regular basis. She has a car, lives in Estrato 4-6, graduated from University or working on her Master (my girls tend to be in school studying still as I try to keep it < 25yo).

Tom 33
02-12-09, 16:16
One of the first questions we ask our girls when interviewing them is: “Have you worked as a hooker or prepago before?” If she says “Yes”, it’s the end of the interview, because she can’t work with us, because my experience is that the hookers/prepagos in Medellin are all cold and mechanical.I guess that you do not have much experience in Medellín then.

And how many prepagos would ever answer that question in the affirmative?

02-12-09, 17:47
Sorry I really have to argue your point, especially where you say.

One of the first questions we ask our girls when interviewing them is: "Have you worked as a hooker or prepago before? " If she says "Yes", it’s the end of the interview, because she can’t work with us, because my experience is that the hookers/prepagos in Medellin are all cold and mechanical. We know that there are cheaper offerings out there, and if we can’t offer anything special, we won’t be able to demand our rates and we won’t be around for very long.

Again as you say, you can spot the lairs, MY FRIEND there is a long trail of broken hearts and empty wallets in Colombia. These women have perfected the art of the lie, YOU won't BE ABLE TO TELL! Give me a break. Second why would you assume that if a girl is looking to work as a hooker, that its her frist time? I would have to assume quite the opposit.

Now towards your rates, dude! Women like all vices drugs, booz should get cheaper as you buy more. For example, weed basic regs sells for 5 dollars a nickel bag or 10 dollars a dime bag which is 1 gram and 2 grams, a quater ounce sells for 25 dollars which is 7. 5 grams, with an 28 once selling for 70-80 dollars PLUS, depending on quality and location. A quarter pound 4 onces sells for 20 dollars, and a full pound sells for 600 PLUS dollars. (South Florida prices1998). Hopefully everybody notices how the price per gram continues to drop as you buy more, and pay more. The point here is to say price gets cheaper as you buy more.

Now towards your pricing and rates which is split into 3 sections but my point applies to all 3, one full day costs 300 dollars now 2500 exchange (750, 000 pesos) 7 full days costs 1, 750. 00 DOLLARS or 4, 375, 000 pesos. So now the daily cost is 250 dollars per day, instead of 300, a savings of 50 dollars per day, not much of a price reduction, and it gets less and less for your 2-3 day pricing. Again my point here is the price should see a good drop in per day rates, but instead shows little savings for the "bulk buyer".

Now on to. Why in the world would anybody put out 4. 3 million pesos per week for a chica. I TELL YOU YOU THIS, if anybody instrested in this concept of girl friend for a week, if your willing to shell out that kinda money just go on a tour of the day time casas and offer 4 million for a week to any of the chicas working there that you like, THEY WILL JUMP AT THE OFFER! Energy, Lutron, Newlife doesn't matter.

Heres some more math, lutron high end casa charges 170K per hour, girl takes 50% if she is lucky but we shall use 50% so thats 85K per trick how many tricks in a day lets average 2 tricks per day so 60 guys in a month and she will earn 5 million pesos for the MONTH plus buy her own transport and food while working. I would like to point out that 50% isn't very likely more like take home is 30-40% lutron isn't open on sundays, but 60 tricks a month is probly on the higher end. Its my personl opinion through conversation and observation that take home salry for lutron girls is 3-4 million pesos a month.

So what you are infact charging for a week is what a high end hooker makes in a month. Now you may say I am comparing apples and oranges. That your paying for being with a "non hooker" a smart intelligent, pretty girl. I will say that we should just leave it to money and sex, anything eles is bullshit, it would be like comparing diffrent types of medications, when they are all the same chemical compositions.

I don't know what your cut is with the girls, probly 50/50 but still a very good pay day for he girl. 2 million a week. She probly be very happy is that was 2 million a month.

I perfer dealig directly with the girl and paying the girl directly, paying middlemen and pimps is the worst part of the sex trade, these guys and mama suns increase prices by as much as 60-70 percent making the hobby of mongering not much fun and more like an addiction. Never underestimate the power of greed and how it can destory a good thing.

02-12-09, 18:14
Well from the post and the prices listed by MedellinFan, this is the last stand before Medellin becomes like Costa Rica. Its a shame, maybe the forum has contributed to the demise, hell, I don't know. I really enjoy living here but if the low pfofile attitude doesn't return, well, its sad. Lets keep the info to PM, It may slow the tide of harm that is fast detroying our beautiful city. Its my 2 cents, this site is the best source of information, but low key is the secret to our Paradise stayin the heaven it is.

02-12-09, 22:21
What is UP with the midget sized condoms they use around these parts? Do Colombians have even tinier tools than their Asian counterparts?? Where can a guy buy a normal sized condom (like Lifestyles?)

Am I the only guy who feels like ole Pedro is getting stuffed into a condom that's so damn tight it makes the jeans on your typical latina look baggy?Cheap motels only stock cheap Chinese condoms. For example, Life brand, which retail at 500 pesos for a 3-pack. Now you understand why they feel so small?

On the more expensive end are the Colombian condoms like Today and Sanimed, about 7000 pesos for the 3-pack.

Your best choice is Piel or Confiamor, both made in Germany. Half the price of the Colombian brands for a 3-pack, and comfortable in size.

02-12-09, 23:40
To add to some of the comments Sailor stated, the idea that a girl gets rejected for having been a hooker or prepago in the past is ridiculous, mostly because it creates the circular argument, once she has participated in the gf/foraweek program, she HAS become a hooker, no matter how you slice it, and therefore is ineligible to continue.

As for the cost, I have not looked at the site, but 4. 375 million pesos is still US$2000, pretty good in anybody's money. The biggest difference I have found between the casas is the quality of the casa itself, and the ability of the girl to speak English, if she can't, she is immediately relegated to the cheaper casas. I have seen girls as good or better at Abydos/Energy/Blue Room as Loutron (only went to Loutron once), at at cost of 90k for the hour. More than once, I have been told by the girl that I was her first customer in three days or more, sure, she may be lying, but I have never been to any casa and seen anybody else there. Simply put, if even 3 guys per hour show up, that is 30 for the day, her best shot is maybe 3, or about 135k (assuming she gets 50%) or about $65 for the day. Sailor is right on, if you see a chica a couple of times, and she likes you, she'll hang off your arm for a week for no more than $500 max.

Medellin still has plenty to offer, but unlike before, one has to get past the middleman (I don't mind at all paying a share for the mamasan for the facilities)

02-13-09, 00:56
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the subject was not related to the purpose of this Forum, which is as follows:

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange if information between men on the subject of finding women for sex.

Tom 33
02-13-09, 13:56
Well from the post and the prices listed by MedellinFan, this is the last stand before Medellin becomes like Costa Rica. Its a shame, maybe the forum has contributed to the demise, hell, I don't know. I really enjoy living here but if the low pfofile attitude doesn't return, well, its sad. Lets keep the info to PM, It may slow the tide of harm that is fast detroying our beautiful city. Its my 2 cents, this site is the best source of information, but low key is the secret to our Paradise stayin the heaven it is.MDE will evolve with or without foreigners and nothing you or I write on any forum will make any difference at all.

In any market there will be high and low end. Since Colombians will continue to be better than 90% of the customers, they will always rule the market.

02-13-09, 18:06
Man, I'm obssessed with Pegateya. Is the talent displayed really available? Even if expensive it looks world class and the way those girls dress I can't help but think that most are open to an 'arrangement', especially if it's kept quiet. I'm a mid-50's gringo but speak OK Spanish, in fact would be coming to MDE primarily para hablar castellano mejor. I travel to Latin America regularly on business so I have a reasonable cover story. But I don't want to look foolish either, escorting a girl half my age around town.

02-13-09, 22:49
I checked out the website, it seemed like a social connection site, but the pictures were all from girls taken about town from various clubs? Anybody have information about this site? I'll check it out on my own just wondering.

02-14-09, 00:18
Man, I'm obssessed with Pegateya. Is the talent displayed really available? Even if expensive it looks world class and the way those girls dress I can't help but think that most are open to an 'arrangement', especially if it's kept quiet. I'm a mid-50's gringo but speak OK Spanish, in fact would be coming to MDE primarily para hablar castellano mejor. I travel to Latin America regularly on business so I have a reasonable cover story. But I don't want to look foolish either, escorting a girl half my age around town.Some of them are, most of them are just regular girls. Out of the girls that may possibly be available, only a small number would be open to an arrangement with a random gringo. The rest of them swing around the traquetos (i.e. narco boys), and/or with the young flashy extrajenros that they might meet at the disco.

I've picked up quite a few, mostly for free by meeting them while partying. Only twice was I ever asked for money (300kish from what I remember).

02-14-09, 01:30
I do not know about bait and switch but you can say over priced. What will your time be like over in Colombia I could set you up with a newly acquired friend and see what he can do for you.

Let me know you itin. Time frame and location.


I have read the opinion of others in regards to using escort sites in Medellin, but one thing I have found difficult to do is, if you are short on time and want prime meat its hard to be able to establish good connections.

Has any one ever used any of these services?


1. http://www.ladiesvip.com/medellin.htm

2. http://www.dulcex.com/modelos_medellin.php

3. http://www.e-extasis.com/medellin.htm

I saw the pics and they look great, but I have to wonder how much bait n switch happens. Also the price is high for MDE standards.

If the quality of the girls is as high as they advertise I would be willing to give it a try.

I look forward to the feedback.


02-14-09, 04:54
You guys make it sound as if you could just drag any girls out of the Casas and have the same experience you would have with Girlfriend 4 A Week. I don’t think that’s true.

Putting our girls into the same category as the casa girls is like telling a Porsche driver that he should have bought a Ford. Yes, a Ford is good enough for maybe the majority of drivers, but why don’t you ask a Porsche driver why he cares to pay the multiple of what a Ford costs to drive what is "just a car"?

Sure, I agree that you could probably spend time with a casa girl for less $$ than you pay us. But I doubt that your experience would be the same. I know the quality of the girls in the Casas quite well. With Time Line we for instance toured the Casas for an entire afternoon. We probably saw 10 Casas or so and if each Casa had let’s say 7 girls, we saw 70 girls just that afternoon. We actually had to go through 10 Casas to find two girls we would even just consider acceptable. NONE of them would even remotely qualified for Girlfriend 4 A Week, just judging from their beauty, not even talking about class or personality. The majority of the casa girls turned out to be quite overweight and surprise, surprise, had PUTA written all over them. And that’s exactly my point: These girls go through many men per day that within VERY FEW WEEKs, they turn into hardened hookers, no matter how sweet they might have been when they started. That’s exactly what I’m trying to avoid with Girlfriend 4 A Week: We only hire girls who haven’t been hardened yet and since our girls only have very few clients PER MONTH, they stay the same sweet human beings they were when they started with us. That’s why I feel as good about what we do as I do.

I had the idea for Girlfriend 4 A Week during my first visits to Medellin a couple of years ago. Like for many of you, my Spanish was limited, and I did the Casas, Loutron, Fase II, high-end prepagos (we’re talking about US $200/HOUR) and even had a look at the street girls (well, no, thanks). I have to say that I was not at all impressed by the P2P action in Medellin. What frustrated me at that time was the giant gap between the stunning beauty of the regular girls you could see in the malls and in Parque Lleras and the girls available for the horizontal tango for cash. I thought if I could offer a service where some of these sweet, stunning regular girls would be available as "short-term" girlfriends without the strings attached, I would do well. Well, that’s exactly what I’m doing today. You guys might or might not like it, but the number of customers we had over the last couple of months and especially the number of happy return customers seems to confirm my point of view.

There is a lot of talk on this board about how "the middleman" is bad. This might be your point of view, but let me just point out that I spend significant time and money selecting the girls available on my website. That enables my customers to hit the ground running. This is perfect for somebody who is only in town for a couple of days and doesn’t have time, the Spanish-skills and contacts or just not the desire to pull off a regular girl. I also believe that being able to pick your girl from a well-designed website where you can even see the faces of the girls adds significant value.

Happy mongering!

Girlfriend 4 A Week


To add to some of the comments Sailor stated, the idea that a girl gets rejected for having been a hooker or prepago in the past is ridiculous, mostly because it creates the circular argument, once she has participated in the gf/foraweek program, she HAS become a hooker, no matter how you slice it, and therefore is ineligible to continue.

As for the cost, I have not looked at the site, but 4. 375 million pesos is still US$2000, pretty good in anybody's money. The biggest difference I have found between the casas is the quality of the casa itself, and the ability of the girl to speak English, if she can't, she is immediately relegated to the cheaper casas. I have seen girls as good or better at Abydos/Energy/Blue Room as Loutron (only went to Loutron once), at at cost of 90k for the hour. More than once, I have been told by the girl that I was her first customer in three days or more, sure, she may be lying, but I have never been to any casa and seen anybody else there. Simply put, if even 3 guys per hour show up, that is 30 for the day, her best shot is maybe 3, or about 135k (assuming she gets 50%) or about $65 for the day. Sailor is right on, if you see a chica a couple of times, and she likes you, she'll hang off your arm for a week for no more than $500 max.

Medellin still has plenty to offer, but unlike before, one has to get past the middleman (I don't mind at all paying a share for the mamasan for the facilities)

02-14-09, 14:29
I checked out the website, it seemed like a social connection site, but the pictures were all from girls taken about town from various clubs? Anybody have information about this site? I'll check it out on my own just wondering.Yes duh, they state the name of the club and date under every album.

02-14-09, 18:03

For this price could i have not just stayed in NY, DC, MIA and have saved the airfare. Yes, I do understand it is 12 hours but it is also 12 hours of the beauty sponging... I have met in casas at times a miracle. I was married to a lady who for my eyes surpassed anyone you can advertise and she was from the small town Niquia. How can you asure the love will be better from a high priced HOOKER?

With supposed beauty doesn't ego follow?

How can an ad promice an experience the I will put ahead of being with one that I love.

Also, once popped you can no longer say she has never worked in the business. Do you get rid of them at that time?

You guys make it sound as if you could just drag any girls out of the Casas and have the same experience you would have with Girlfriend 4 A Week. I don’t think that’s true.

Putting our girls into the same category as the casa girls is like telling a Porsche driver that he should have bought a Ford. Yes, a Ford is good enough for maybe the majority of drivers, but why don’t you ask a Porsche driver why he cares to pay the multiple of what a Ford costs to drive what is "just a car"?

Sure, I agree that you could probably spend time with a casa girl for less $$ than you pay us. But I doubt that your experience would be the same. I know the quality of the girls in the Casas quite well. With Time Line we for instance toured the Casas for an entire afternoon. We probably saw 10 Casas or so and if each Casa had let’s say 7 girls, we saw 70 girls just that afternoon. We actually had to go through 10 Casas to find two girls we would even just consider acceptable. NONE of them would even remotely qualified for Girlfriend 4 A Week, just judging from their beauty, not even talking about class or personality. The majority of the casa girls turned out to be quite overweight and surprise, surprise, had PUTA written all over them. And that’s exactly my point: These girls go through many men per day that within VERY FEW WEEKs, they turn into hardened hookers, no matter how sweet they might have been when they started. That’s exactly what I’m trying to avoid with Girlfriend 4 A Week: We only hire girls who haven’t been hardened yet and since our girls only have very few clients PER MONTH, they stay the same sweet human beings they were when they started with us. That’s why I feel as good about what we do as I do.

I had the idea for Girlfriend 4 A Week during my first visits to Medellin a couple of years ago. Like for many of you, my Spanish was limited, and I did the Casas, Loutron, Fase II, high-end prepagos (we’re talking about US $200/HOUR) and even had a look at the street girls (well, no, thanks). I have to say that I was not at all impressed by the P2P action in Medellin. What frustrated me at that time was the giant gap between the stunning beauty of the regular girls you could see in the malls and in Parque Lleras and the girls available for the horizontal tango for cash. I thought if I could offer a service where some of these sweet, stunning regular girls would be available as "short-term" girlfriends without the strings attached, I would do well. Well, that’s exactly what I’m doing today. You guys might or might not like it, but the number of customers we had over the last couple of months and especially the number of happy return customers seems to confirm my point of view.

There is a lot of talk on this board about how "the middleman" is bad. This might be your point of view, but let me just point out that I spend significant time and money selecting the girls available on my website. That enables my customers to hit the ground running. This is perfect for somebody who is only in town for a couple of days and doesn’t have time, the Spanish-skills and contacts or just not the desire to pull off a regular girl. I also believe that being able to pick your girl from a well-designed website where you can even see the faces of the girls adds significant value.

Happy mongering!

Girlfriend 4 A Week


02-14-09, 18:33
Thanks Bonhead for destroying my hopes and dream!

So, this begs the question of whether a service like gf4awk is worth it if it could deliver a Pegateya quality prepaga. While 1 week at $2k is too much (and too long, I'd get bored), I'd probably go for 3-500 for a day or two. Looking at the website I'd agree that they look like high quality casa girls in nice dresses.

Still, don't underestimate the market for these services. I know guys who pay 1.5k AN HOUR for porn stars and UTR models, playmates etc. That about 5 times what I pay for top drawer GFE services here in the states. If such a market exists in US, a similar multiple may exist in MDE.

02-14-09, 21:06
Being the full on master that I am. It seems to me some of you are salesman. I won't name anyone though. I know guys come to Medellin for girlfreinds and such. Itll always be in the back of your mind that shes only doing it for the money. Just a thought. But it does come from awesome intellect. I'll be back.This is from someone with only 2 post LOL


02-14-09, 21:47
Medellin fan. I think your being little dishonest and kinda FULL OF IT. Lets get this out in the open, I know who you are, I know where you live, and I know why you started your bussniess. You are in fact breaking colombian law. Which doesn't really bother me, what bothers me is price hikes. Your not in that bussniess becuase you want to help us mongers out; your in it so you can make money so I would tell you this. GET A JOB, a real JOB, working for a living instead of gouging sex tourists. I don't know you personally and your probly a great guy but your not improving the sex trade here in Medellin, in fact you hurting it. I hate seeing how such a great place has become soo Hotel DelRay in a matter of a few years.

You compare fords to high end cars, and I agree there is quite a diffrence between the two, but you can only determine the real diffrences once you actually drive it. Were supposed to belive that becuase the girl is wearing a nice dress and has a high price tag, its supposed to be better. Something funny with that argument. What you are trying to do is take advantage of "johns" who don't know any better and make some money for yourselfs. And you know what to each thier own, do as you please. But don't except those of us whom know better to agree with you.

Pepe Tolete
02-14-09, 23:34
Why is anyone that doesn't like the mayorista scene attacked on this site. If you don't want to use the girlfriendforaweek service then don't use, but there are some of us that go into town for a few days and enjoy a high end experience with a girl that can comport herself in public.It's nice to party and enjoy Medellin night life with the company of a nice girl knowing that the end of the date is a done deal. I often use pre pagos in Medellin and find them very fulfilling. I only hope that the service catches on and has even more girls for me to choose from and enjoy during my next visit. Keep up the good work medellinfan and be assured you are a man of true vision. your service if it can live up to its propaganda is exactly what Medellin needed.

02-15-09, 02:50
You have only one gold girl? i thought wow 1600 is not bad for a week then i see u have only one gold girls and in my opinion the diamond girls would be worth the gold price. Man this is way to overpriced. Should be $1500 for week with the diamond girl then it would be worth it. I would even take her for a month for $5000. But 2300/week is too much.

You guys make it sound as if you could just drag any girls out of the Casas and have the same experience you would have with Girlfriend 4 A Week. I don’t think that’s true.

Putting our girls into the same category as the casa girls is like telling a Porsche driver that he should have bought a Ford. Yes, a Ford is good enough for maybe the majority of drivers, but why don’t you ask a Porsche driver why he cares to pay the multiple of what a Ford costs to drive what is "just a car"?

Sure, I agree that you could probably spend time with a casa girl for less $$ than you pay us. But I doubt that your experience would be the same. I know the quality of the girls in the Casas quite well. With Time Line we for instance toured the Casas for an entire afternoon. We probably saw 10 Casas or so and if each Casa had let’s say 7 girls, we saw 70 girls just that afternoon. We actually had to go through 10 Casas to find two girls we would even just consider acceptable. NONE of them would even remotely qualified for Girlfriend 4 A Week, just judging from their beauty, not even talking about class or personality. The majority of the casa girls turned out to be quite overweight and surprise, surprise, had PUTA written all over them. And that’s exactly my point: These girls go through many men per day that within VERY FEW WEEKs, they turn into hardened hookers, no matter how sweet they might have been when they started. That’s exactly what I’m trying to avoid with Girlfriend 4 A Week: We only hire girls who haven’t been hardened yet and since our girls only have very few clients PER MONTH, they stay the same sweet human beings they were when they started with us. That’s why I feel as good about what we do as I do.

I had the idea for Girlfriend 4 A Week during my first visits to Medellin a couple of years ago. Like for many of you, my Spanish was limited, and I did the Casas, Loutron, Fase II, high-end prepagos (we’re talking about US $200/HOUR) and even had a look at the street girls (well, no, thanks). I have to say that I was not at all impressed by the P2P action in Medellin. What frustrated me at that time was the giant gap between the stunning beauty of the regular girls you could see in the malls and in Parque Lleras and the girls available for the horizontal tango for cash. I thought if I could offer a service where some of these sweet, stunning regular girls would be available as "short-term" girlfriends without the strings attached, I would do well. Well, that’s exactly what I’m doing today. You guys might or might not like it, but the number of customers we had over the last couple of months and especially the number of happy return customers seems to confirm my point of view.

There is a lot of talk on this board about how "the middleman" is bad. This might be your point of view, but let me just point out that I spend significant time and money selecting the girls available on my website. That enables my customers to hit the ground running. This is perfect for somebody who is only in town for a couple of days and doesn’t have time, the Spanish-skills and contacts or just not the desire to pull off a regular girl. I also believe that being able to pick your girl from a well-designed website where you can even see the faces of the girls adds significant value.

Happy mongering!

Girlfriend 4 A Week


02-15-09, 04:56

I have tried the higher end to the low end of what Medellin offers. I like them all. I just got back from Medellin a few days ago and had I seen or known about Girlfriend For A Week, I would have tried them out as well.

There seems to be a whole big thing about what the definition of a prostitute is or isn't.

Three dictionary sources (Websters, Wiki, the Web) offer the following definitions of a PROSTITUTE:

1: To offer indiscriminately for sexual intercourse especially for money.

2: Sell one's body; exchange sex for money.

3: A man or woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money.

All sound pretty much the same.

So whether you want to fancy up the definition as Prepagos, Escorts, Providers, Semi Pro, Non Pro etc. It comes down to this simple fact: If a woman is accepting money or gifts "specifically" for the "exchange of sex", SHE IS A PROSTITUTE.

So just for the record, I have been with a GAZILLION prostitutes but I have also been with MANY non prostitutes. I prefer prostitutes at this stage in my life. Just my preference because I have no emotional ties to them nor they to me. I like it that way.

So now if someone wants to pay for sex, let them. And let them try a full range of girls/prices as well. There is something for everyone.

Sometimes, of course, without it being planned, you just click with a gal. I had that happen to me on this trip. Lady P is a sweetheart. Would even take me out to eat and drink at nice places and she'd insist on paying for it, bless her heart. The money she spent on me partly being what I had previously paid her for sex. Now she is what I call a "Stimulus Package"

Happy Mongering Fellas.

PS. Hey Ricker, Sorry we missed each other buddy in Medellin. Heading down to Brazil soon. Maybe we'll meet up then. Brushing up on my Portuguese as well.

Stay Horny My Friends,


Frank Casio
02-15-09, 04:57
For one week stay ($150US) or longer at My Place or 2-3 guys 2-3 days you can get all the Monguer expertise acquired by Medellin Monguer King Frankcasio in 4 years, in just a couple of days, for free! You'll learn of places you never dreamed off, both on the low or high end, whatever your pleasure! Sunday BB-Qs, "Casas", Centro, Medellin Mansion, Fase ll, Maracaibo, San Diego, La Mayorista, Laureles, Sabaneta, Parque Lleras, Palmahia, Mangos and "Saturday Nights Out" with just normal girls, "non Pros"! Many members on this page can testify to my expertise! All you have to cover are expenses, Wingman Fees waved for My Place guests! Starting March 1st! What are you waiting for?

Right now I've been in Tampa a couple of days on business, and I'm just dying to get back to my Medellin Paradise where women abound, and every walk down the street is like attending a Model Show! Contact My Place directly at [Email address deleted by Admin] for info. And Reservatins!

Hey guys!

Don't forget about My Place offer for March! With Medellinfan grabbing all the attention, I'm like wow, don't forget abot little old me!

Hey Medellinfan guy, give a free trial to Medellin Monger King, Frankcasio, "me", and I'll let the guys know if your a straight up guy, many guys here know me! I gave the Medellin Mansion and Gregg Aussie a thumbs up! Some of his ex-girls have come my way after Aussie re-shuffled his staff! But my acessment will be accurate! Your webpage looks good, we'll have to see the rest! I will give you a free review, as I am "Medellin Monger King"! If anybody has any doubts, lets go out a couple nights! But at least one night out with "non pros" has to be included in the Challenge, or no go, and "non pros" that will put out! That means your "non pros" have to put out for me, and mine for you! If you can't get "non pros" than I remain Medellin Monger King! I can get my guys the whole Medellin experience, "Pros" & "non pros"!

Frank Casio!

02-15-09, 05:31
You guys make it sound as if you could just drag any girls out of the Casas and have the same experience you would have with Girlfriend 4 A Week. I don’t think that’s true.

Happy mongering!Hi medellinfan,

I agree with your proposition above. But, when I look at the prices posted under here. I will not use your services.

You are dreaming. This category of mongers (who can afford the price) will not take the risk of going to Medellin. Maybe. Even if some do. They will meet the local 'easy to get' scene and then not be repeat clients. And as you know. A business is built on repeat clients not acquiring new ones all the time! Good luck but I am not buying!

Ice Categories

Duration of Service

(in US $)

Price Category Silver

Rates for Price Category Silver
12 hours $200
1 day (24 hours)
2 days (48 hours) $550
3 days (72 hours) $850
Extra Day (24 hours) $250
1 Week (7 days) $1,750

Price Category Gold

Price Category Gold
12 hours $250
1 day (24 hours) $350
2 days (48 hours) $650
3 days (72 hours) $1,000
Extra Day (24 hours) $300
1 Week (7 Days) $2,100

Price Category Diamond

Price Category Diamond
12 hours $300
1 day (24 hours) $380
2 Days (48 hours) $710
3 Days (72 hours) $1,090
Extra Day (24 hours) $330
1 Week (7 Days) $2,310

Rock Harders
02-15-09, 07:19

Obviously the prices outlined by Medellinfan are very, very high relative for the other options available in Medellin and other Colombian cities but could actually be worth it if these girls are at least 9/10 and do offer the true definition of girlfriend service. By true girlfriend service I am talking about bareback full service sex with cum in pussy along with kissing and bareback blowjobs with cum in mouth upon request. I would have no problem paying $350 USD for a true 9/10 or higher for 24 hours with these services.

As such, Medellinfan, do your girls offer these services?


Rock Harders

02-15-09, 16:49
Simliar things exists in Colombia, where you can get the 'models' I. E. The really high class ones. They will never show up on a web page, but they can be had through contacts. They run $500-$1, 000-$2, 000.

If the g4w is a good service, yes, people would pay that. I agree, for me personally, a week a long time for mongering. I'd prefer a night, then the day for myself, for business etc. And a new one next night. Or maybe a repeat if the service was excellent.

Thanks Bonhead for destroying my hopes and dream!

So, this begs the question of whether a service like gf4awk is worth it if it could deliver a Pegateya quality prepaga. While 1 week at $2k is too much (and too long, I'd get bored), I'd probably go for 3-500 for a day or two. Looking at the website I'd agree that they look like high quality casa girls in nice dresses.

Still, don't underestimate the market for these services. I know guys who pay 1.5k AN HOUR for porn stars and UTR models, playmates etc. That about 5 times what I pay for top drawer GFE services here in the states. If such a market exists in US, a similar multiple may exist in MDE.

02-15-09, 17:00
Medellin fan. I think your being little dishonest and kinda FULL OF IT. Lets get this out in the open, I know who you are, I know where you live, and I know why you started your bussniess. You are in fact breaking colombian law. Which doesn't really bother me, what bothers me is price hikes. Your not in that bussniess becuase you want to help us mongers out; your in it so you can make money so I would tell you this. GET A JOB, a real JOB, working for a living instead of gouging sex tourists. I don't know you personally and your probly a great guy but your not improving the sex trade here in Medellin, in fact you hurting it. I hate seeing how such a great place has become soo Hotel DelRay in a matter of a few years.

You compare fords to high end cars, and I agree there is quite a diffrence between the two, but you can only determine the real diffrences once you actually drive it. Were supposed to belive that becuase the girl is wearing a nice dress and has a high price tag, its supposed to be better. Something funny with that argument. What you are trying to do is take advantage of "johns" who don't know any better and make some money for yourselfs. And you know what to each thier own, do as you please. But don't except those of us whom know better to agree with you. Becareful Medellin fan. The Colombian goverment put little Alejandra in jail for sending girls to Bogota and making 100k off them. She is facing 7 years in prison for this. I still can't believe the punishment fits the crime. I hope we raise enough money to get her out of jail or find a good lawyer.

02-15-09, 17:08
Well guys, here is the follow up as promised.

While in Medellin this time I decided to do some motels touring. This momentos place was just the best. The address is calle 49 number 42-63 Ayacucho and phone 228-2798. The correct address is Calle 49 number 43-62. Calle 49 is also known as Ayacucho and Momentos is located almost opposite of Universidad de Antioquia.

02-15-09, 18:10
Why is anyone that doesn't like the mayorista scene attacked on this site. If you don't want to use the girlfriendforaweek service then don't use, but there are some of us that go into town for a few days and enjoy a high end experience with a girl that can comport herself in public.It's nice to party and enjoy Medellin night life with the company of a nice girl knowing that the end of the date is a done deal. I often use pre pagos in Medellin and find them very fulfilling. I only hope that the service catches on and has even more girls for me to choose from and enjoy during my next visit. Keep up the good work medellinfan and be assured you are a man of true vision. your service if it can live up to its propaganda is exactly what Medellin needed.Yeah right! , LOL I would never trust or believe a word or praise for this place by anybody with less than 100 posts! Heres a news flash, don't like what you have to offer? Don't use the service and thats it. Go and find your own p4p and make a deal with her for much much less or if you have some serious game, a few days for free!

Rock Harders
02-16-09, 08:23

You are exactly illustrating my point, if these girls are the top-shelf true GFE you are touting, I would not have to ask for these services at all, they would just be delivered as they are by my 9/10 Calena girlfriend who is living with me in Buenos Aires as we speak. Real Colombian girlfriends don't make their lovers wear condoms for anything at all, as such a service selling a real Colombian girlfriend experience at premium prices should offer this as a standard feature.

I'm a 26 year old guy with cash to spend and I have no problem picking up regular chicas in any country I am in; however, I pay for the convenience and for my own amusement. A service that you are offering would be right up my alley when I visit Medellin (twice a year generally) if it met my minimum requirements. $350 USD for 24 hours with a true 9/10 or better with a (as per my definition) girlfriend experience is not a bad deal in my book. Just don't try to sell me a phony, latex-covered, half-assed experience.


Rock Harders

02-16-09, 20:30

You are exactly illustrating my point, if these girls are the top-shelf true GFE you are touting, I would not have to ask for these services at all, they would just be delivered as they are by my 9/10 Calena girlfriend who is living with me in Buenos Aires as we speak. Real Colombian girlfriends don't make their lovers wear condoms for anything at all, as such a service selling a real Colombian girlfriend experience at premium prices should offer this as a standard feature.

I'm a 26 year old guy with cash to spend and I have no problem picking up regular chicas in any country I am in; however, I pay for the convenience and for my own amusement. A service that you are offering would be right up my alley when I visit Medellin (twice a year generally) if it met my minimum requirements. $350 USD for 24 hours with a true 9/10 or better with a (as per my definition) girlfriend experience is not a bad deal in my book. Just don't try to sell me a phony, latex-covered, half-assed experience.


Rock HardersRock Harders:

Well said and I agree 100%.I would pay those prices if I got everything mi novia gives me but we both know that would not be the case hence it would not be a TRUE GFE. I am planning a side trip to Medellin in July and will take one of his top girls for a twelve hour romp just for the sake of calling this dude out and I will report my experience accordingly.

02-17-09, 05:38
Now I'm here with my all powerfull and and all encompassing knowledge you only need to ask. Everyone here consider yourselves lucky. I'll be around.OK mr presidente! good timing! as I doubt that you will be around for too long.. here are my questions for the all knowing beast!

1. when will the money crisis end and I get 649K$s?

2. OK maybe you are not upto that one.... what are the 3 good MPs in medellin, san jose (CR) and Guadlajara (MX) that are on wikimapia?

3. OK maybe you are not that smart (presidentes are not required to be that).

Should we subscribe to 'girlfriends for a week'.? Now that is an easy one!

02-17-09, 10:09

I think too much time is wasted trying to debate whether or not Medellinfan offers a good deal or not with girlfriend for a week.

Simply wait for a report from a few mongers once they try out the service. I would have tried it had it already been up and running earlier last week.

In the meantime I really have never found it to be too hard to connect with Paisas (like the girl below I met last week) in the GFE sense once you put your mind to it. Of course a knowledge of the language or if the girl speaks your language as well is always a big help.

Stay Horny My Friends,


02-17-09, 15:05
So just for the record, I have been with a GAZILLION prostitutes but I have also been with MANY non prostitutes. I prefer prostitutes at this stage in my life. Just my preference because I have no emotional ties to them nor they t
So now if someone wants to pay for sex, let them. And let them try a full range of girls/prices as well. There is something for everyone.

Sometimes, of course, without it being planned, you just click with a gal. I had that happen to me on this trip. Lady P is a sweetheart. Would even take me out to eat and drink at nice places and she'd insist on paying for it, bless her heart. The money she spent on me partly being what I had previously paid her for sex. Now she is what I call a "Stimulus Package"

Happy Mongering Fellas.

PS. Hey Ricker, Sorry we missed each other buddy in Medellin. Heading down to Brazil soon. Maybe we'll meet up then. Brushing up on my Portuguese as well.Heya Cuba, good words amigo.

Like I always say, a guy will pay what he has to based on his abilities to meet, negotiate and schmooze a bit.

There always seems to be plenty of sweethearts in Medellin to find. The diamonds, 9s 10s, etc.
I just couldn't imagine paying an exuberant price like the GFFaDay advertises.

To each their own though, I'd just rather meet up with the chicas on their off time, after somebody pays them for a week so they can buy me dinner and give me an even better GFE like your gal did :)

Sorry I missed ya in Medellin too. See ya in Sao Paulo!

Give me a shout, I'll be there.

Tudo beleza! :)

02-17-09, 16:17
Most Colombian (and Brazilian) girls I have know, in and out of the "ame" would not insult their TRUE novio by expecting him to strap on a sock.

The pill is not that costly in Colombia and with no prescription it is reletively easy to obtain. As with much of the world most of the girls start taking the pill not just to keep from babies but to also control menstuation.

You are not sure of the world of woman as. As una rico Colombiano if he will keep a mstress who will make him cover up.

Condoms are used by the working girls and those smart enough to know that their man could be infected. TRUE girlfriend will not ask her boyfriend to cover up, therefore TRUE girlfriend experience (as opposed to just GFE) does not ask the payer to cover up (unless you are in the states).


You are exactly illustrating my point, if these girls are the top-shelf true GFE you are touting, I would not have to ask for these services at all, they would just be delivered as they are by my 9/10 Calena girlfriend who is living with me in Buenos Aires as we speak. Real Colombian girlfriends don't make their lovers wear condoms for anything at all, as such a service selling a real Colombian girlfriend experience at premium prices should offer this as a standard feature.

I'm a 26 year old guy with cash to spend and I have no problem picking up regular chicas in any country I am in; however, I pay for the convenience and for my own amusement. A service that you are offering would be right up my alley when I visit Medellin (twice a year generally) if it met my minimum requirements. $350 USD for 24 hours with a true 9/10 or better with a (as per my definition) girlfriend experience is not a bad deal in my book. Just don't try to sell me a phony, latex-covered, half-assed experience.


Rock Harders

02-19-09, 07:18
Just doing some research for my upcoming trip, these are the casas, strip clubs, and places where I've found locations listed. Hope it's useful, if there's more, let me know.

Casa Address 30 min 60 min
Abedos CLL 57 #46-12 30K 40K
Athena CR 47 #53-42 35K 45K
Barcelona CL 59 #50-12 30K 40K
Bell Suite CR 45 #56-45 30K 45K
Casa BlancaCR 50A #53-38
Geishas1 CR 50A #53-38 30K 40K
Geishas2 CR 43 #56-47 30K 40K
Kamasutra CLL53 #42-74P3 25K 45K
Lindas Chicas CLL58 #50A-54 - 200K
Paisas CLL 53 #42-56 35K 45K
JaponesCR 49 #57-51 L-222
Aiffe CR 45 #58-69 Apt 101 30K 45K
Alejas CLL 54 #42-13 40K 60K
Dally CR 45 #50-59
Nana CR 57 #48-09
Sexi (241) CR 45 #57-55
Venus CLL 58 #49-68 30K 45K
MonteCaprino CR 50 #60-47
New Life CLL 56 #43-39 30K 45K
Play Model CLL 57 #50-19
Zandaly CR 43 #56-49 25K
Inversions CR 47 #56-34 60K
Estambul CLL 49 #43-68 40K 60K
Masajes 55 CR 43 #55-35 25K 40K
Street Girls CR 54 y AvDeGreiff 25K
Ejecutivo S CLL 53 #48-20 60K
Conejitas S CR 52 #53-03 30K 40K
Bar Metropol Strip Club CLL 47 #45-11
L Americana Strip Club CLL 53 #49-50 No Cover / 3500 beer
Maracaido Strip Club CLL 53 #48-20
Las Gatas Strip Club CR 50 #52-94
Las America CLL 53 #49-114
Barra Ejecutiva CLL 53 #49-70
Grill la Nueva Avenida CLL 53 #51-18
Grill Maracaibo CLL 53 #49-82
Grill Occidental CLL 52 #53-158

02-20-09, 06:07
I'm going to be in Medellin for a month in an apartment that is 3 bedroom. Do you think I can find a paisa to stay with me the whole month in the 3 bedroom and share it with me. Is there any girls who give a monthly rate.

02-20-09, 14:18
I'm going to be in Medellin for a month in an apartment that is 3 bedroom. Do you think I can find a paisa to stay with me the whole month in the 3 bedroom and share it with me. Is there any girls who give a monthly rate.NO offense dude but why in the hell would you go to the "land of plenty" and want to shack up with the same chica? You might as well stay in the U.S. and get married.But to answer your question there are plenty of women that would gladly spend a month with you and I'm sure you could negotiate a good price but why,why,why?

02-20-09, 14:32
I'm going to be in Medellin for a month in an apartment that is 3 bedroom. Do you think I can find a paisa to stay with me the whole month in the 3 bedroom and share it with me. Is there any girls who give a monthly rate.Curry,

I'm guessing that this is your first time in Medellin and perhaps Colombia. No offense but why would you want to commit to one (1) chica when you are going to be in MDE for an entire month.

Having an entire month in MDE is like having a month in Orlando. You have sufficient time to ride all of the rides not only in WD World but at Universal as well!


02-20-09, 16:07
I'm going to be in Medellin for a month in an apartment that is 3 bedroom. Do you think I can find a paisa to stay with me the whole month in the 3 bedroom and share it with me. Is there any girls who give a monthly rate.Amigo, go to Medellin, go out and about, hit the casas, the night-clubs (pros), dance clubs (non-pros), etc.

You'll find someone who you bond with, pro or non-pro.

To order in advance for a month, without knowing someone, IMHO is not adviseable. A month is a long time.

Good luck

World Travel 69
02-20-09, 17:20
Here is a complete List.


Kool screen name

And thanx for the updated list.

02-20-09, 20:52
I'm going to be in Medellin for a month in an apartment that is 3 bedroom. Do you think I can find a paisa to stay with me the whole month in the 3 bedroom and share it with me. Is there any girls who give a monthly rate.I guess everyone is different, but I can't picture myself eating the same thing everyday for a month. Good Lord, there is so much to to choose from and try from the menu. Even a gfe. Have fun!

02-21-09, 05:21
Yes, we should all rent one of your non-prepagos for a month.

Let me see ... It'll only cost between $8,000-$10,000 US or maybe with your attractive monthly rate discount offer we could cut it down to 6 or $7000 dollars.

Hmmmm, it's a tough one, but I'd pass :)Is a lay away plan available?

02-21-09, 10:42
so that's why it would be preferable she stays with me and doesn't go anywhere else. I am clean and I prefer she be tested too. Any possibility of finding someone like this?Yeah, its called an esposa.

02-21-09, 16:24
so that's why it would be preferable she stays with me and doesn't go anywhere else. I am clean and I prefer she be tested too. Any possibility of finding someone like this?Yes, there's a possibility, of course.

Either check out that guy's Girlfriend for a week / month site and pay or just go down and make the rounds, put the word out and let it happen.

Trying to find a partner for a month over the internet is kinda silly.
That's a long time to hang with just one person, especially without ever meeting in person.

Don't you think it would best to go down and meet some chicas to see who you might bond with just a bit?

There are plenty of chicas, plenty of venues, I'm sure you'd find someone.

Da Kine Kid
02-22-09, 03:25
I've been back in the states for a little over a week and figured it was high time to share a few reviews of the lovely paisas I had the opportunity to spend some time with.

I got to El Castillo early Sunday afternoon and after settling in, made my way over to the mansion. Greg and Boyd had told me they were gonna have a little impromptu shindig around 4. Hot dogs, beers, and a few gals to brighten the place.

I got over there around 4:45-5ish, and noticed that things hadn't really seemed to materialize. I noticed there were only several girls and all seemed to be spoken for. I figured I'd come back a little later and see if things had picked up.

When I came back around 6 or 7, there were only a few girls hanging around, one of them unspoken for. I figured I better get while the gettin's good.

Carolina was a petite little thing, maybe 5'2", 100 pounds with a slight harelip that you kind of had to look hard to notice and didn't terribly detract from her looks.

True to what Boyd had told me(the girls who stop over ask for a firm 150K with little room for negotiation), she asked for 150, and I really wasn't in the mood to try and haggle or waste time, so I agreed and we headed back up the hill to my room.

We got right down to business and I was pleased that she didn't even try to swing the CBJ, but went right down on my cock with gusto. The blowjob was one of the best I've had, even though I'm not a huge fan of BJs in general.

I put on a condom and she started riding me, after a bit we switched to doggy and got my rocks off. We lay in bed for a bit while I recouped for the next pop.

I made the mistake of turning on the tv then and she couldn't take her eyes off Spiderman 2 while she blew me and I fucked her again. Kind of unprofessional.

After I finished, she washed up and took off. She was definitely not terribly enthusiastic, and I had much much better afterwards, but YMMV.

I talked to a couple other guys who had a great time with her. I was in a funk after talking to ex girlfriend right before I picked her up, so the lack of chemistry likely has a lot to do with it.

It kind of stung when another guy there told me he picked her up on La Mayorista for the standard 25K. But it was my first day, so I swallowed it as a lesson learned and moved on.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

02-22-09, 03:42
A friend of mine asked me this question, which I thought it to be quite interesting, so I thought I would pose the situation here then get back to him.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,



I have a question about law enforcement in Colombia. I have been to Colombia many times, and I would not consider myself a six-pack tourist and I know how to avoid getting myself into trouble.

My problem is, a lot of guys I meet up with in Colombia ARE six-pack tourists. It is so easy for any ugly SOB to score a beautiful colombian girl that they start thinking they are some kind of Don Juan. I would be happy to leave them to their delusions, except when they start flagerantly touching and hitting on a girl I am with (who is not a prepago).

I have no doubt that I could have flattened all of these guys no problem had I been so inclined, but was unsure of the legal ramifications that would have entailed. Drunken pudgy middle-aged software programmers from Silicon Valley do not frighten me, but Colombian police kind of do!!!

Do Colombian cops actually care if one gringo beats another gringo bloody? If I can speak Spanish and the other gringo can't, aren't the cops likely to side with me anyway? Can I just get away with paying a bribe or a night in jail? heck I would do it just for the story if that is the case! Or am I likely to run into much more serious consequences?

02-22-09, 10:15
I've been back in the states for a little over a week and figured it was high time to share a few reviews of the lovely paisas I had the opportunity to spend some time with.

I got to El Castillo early Sunday afternoon and after settling in, made my way over to the mansion. Greg and Boyd had told me they were gonna have a little impromptu shindig around 4. Hot dogs, beers, and a few gals to brighten the place.

I got over there around 4:45-5ish, and noticed that things hadn't really seemed to materialize. I noticed there were only several girls and all seemed to be spoken for. I figured I'd come back a little later and see if things had picked up.

When I came back around 6 or 7, there were only a few girls hanging around, one of them unspoken for. I figured I better get while the gettin's good.

Carolina was a petite little thing, maybe 5'2", 100 pounds with a slight harelip that you kind of had to look hard to notice and didn't terribly detract from her looks.

True to what Boyd had told me(the girls who stop over ask for a firm 150K with little room for negotiation), she asked for 150, and I really wasn't in the mood to try and haggle or waste time, so I agreed and we headed back up the hill to my room.

We got right down to business and I was pleased that she didn't even try to swing the CBJ, but went right down on my cock with gusto. The blowjob was one of the best I've had, even though I'm not a huge fan of BJs in general.

I put on a condom and she started riding me, after a bit we switched to doggy and got my rocks off. We lay in bed for a bit while I recouped for the next pop.

I made the mistake of turning on the tv then and she couldn't take her eyes off Spiderman 2 while she blew me and I fucked her again. Kind of unprofessional.

After I finished, she washed up and took off. She was definitely not terribly enthusiastic, and I had much much better afterwards, but YMMV.

I talked to a couple other guys who had a great time with her. I was in a funk after talking to ex girlfriend right before I picked her up, so the lack of chemistry likely has a lot to do with it.

It kind of stung when another guy there told me he picked her up on La Mayorista for the standard 25K. But it was my first day, so I swallowed it as a lesson learned and moved on.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Sorry guy didn't mean to destroy you illusions on that one. But I didn't even believe she was a mansion girl when I had her on Mayorista, until I saw her there a few days later. Many mansion girls work in casas and otehr places, but show up at the mansion for some quick $$. It is the ease of having them right in your room that you are paying rather than going out and getting your own.

John Gault
02-22-09, 14:41
A friend of mine asked me this question, which I thought it to be quite interesting, so I thought I would pose the situation here then get back to him.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


By CaptainPostal


I have a question about law enforcement in Colombia. I have been to Colombia many times, and I would not consider myself a six-pack tourist and I know how to avoid getting myself into trouble.

My problem is, a lot of guys I meet up with in Colombia ARE six-pack tourists. It is so easy for any ugly SOB to score a beautiful colombian girl that they start thinking they are some kind of Don Juan. I would be happy to leave them to their delusions, except when they start flagerantly touching and hitting on a girl I am with (who is not a prepago).

I have no doubt that I could have flattened all of these guys no problem had I been so inclined, but was unsure of the legal ramifications that would have entailed. Drunken pudgy middle-aged software programmers from Silicon Valley do not frighten me, but Colombian police kind of do!!!

Do Colombian cops actually care if one gringo beats another gringo bloody? If I can speak Spanish and the other gringo can't, aren't the cops likely to side with me anyway? Can I just get away with paying a bribe or a night in jail? heck I would do it just for the story if that is the case! Or am I likely to run into much more serious consequences?Since you speak Spanish and can explain the situation a bribe would work fine. You do not want to spend any time in a jail over there. Most likely no cops will even show up.

It sounds like this has happened to you a lot? Myself a quick word to the idiot would do the trick.The only time I have even gotten a response from another Hombre when I am with a sharp Chica is ( Can you get me one like that)

02-22-09, 16:03
A friend of mine asked me this question, which I thought it to be quite interesting, so I thought I would pose the situation here then get back to him.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


By CaptainPostal


I have a question about law enforcement in Colombia. I have been to Colombia many times, and I would not consider myself a six-pack tourist and I know how to avoid getting myself into trouble.

My problem is, a lot of guys I meet up with in Colombia ARE six-pack tourists. It is so easy for any ugly SOB to score a beautiful colombian girl that they start thinking they are some kind of Don Juan. I would be happy to leave them to their delusions, except when they start flagerantly touching and hitting on a girl I am with (who is not a prepago).

I have no doubt that I could have flattened all of these guys no problem had I been so inclined, but was unsure of the legal ramifications that would have entailed. Drunken pudgy middle-aged software programmers from Silicon Valley do not frighten me, but Colombian police kind of do!!!

Do Colombian cops actually care if one gringo beats another gringo bloody? If I can speak Spanish and the other gringo can't, aren't the cops likely to side with me anyway? Can I just get away with paying a bribe or a night in jail? heck I would do it just for the story if that is the case! Or am I likely to run into much more serious consequences?My suggestion for this guy is to get some more self-confidence. Is he going to lurk in he bushes when his girl is on her way to work or the supermercado and beat up every guy that hits on her then too? If his girl is going to stray, she's going to stray regardless -- might as well let that perra be someone else's problem.

02-22-09, 16:14
A friend of mine asked me this question, which I thought it to be quite interesting, so I thought I would pose the situation here then get back to him.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,



I have a question about law enforcement in Colombia. I have been to Colombia many times, and I would not consider myself a six-pack tourist and I know how to avoid getting myself into trouble.

My problem is, a lot of guys I meet up with in Colombia ARE six-pack tourists. It is so easy for any ugly SOB to score a beautiful colombian girl that they start thinking they are some kind of Don Juan. I would be happy to leave them to their delusions, except when they start flagerantly touching and hitting on a girl I am with (who is not a prepago).

I have no doubt that I could have flattened all of these guys no problem had I been so inclined, but was unsure of the legal ramifications that would have entailed. Drunken pudgy middle-aged software programmers from Silicon Valley do not frighten me, but Colombian police kind of do!!!

Do Colombian cops actually care if one gringo beats another gringo bloody? If I can speak Spanish and the other gringo can't, aren't the cops likely to side with me anyway? Can I just get away with paying a bribe or a night in jail? heck I would do it just for the story if that is the case! Or am I likely to run into much more serious consequences?Its never wise to "flex your muscles" in other countries, whether it be financial muscle or flat out "bloodying" someone up, gringo or not. Its my experience in hearing from natives of Caribbean and South American Countries that in most cases, you're still a gringo, fighting with a gringo, over a paisa which makes you a shit head. If you wallow with swine (the drunken gringo), you will be swine as well.

That doesn't mean you have to show weakness. The best way to handle it is protect the girl, and since you speak Spanish, tell her what you are doing, and leave the EGO behind. She will appreciate it as well. You're actually showing strength to diffuse the situation without a fight.

Summarily, DON'T RAISE A FIST.

02-22-09, 16:49
A friend of mine asked me this question, which I thought it to be quite interesting, so I thought I would pose the situation here then get back to him.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,



I have a question about law enforcement in Colombia. I have been to Colombia many times, and I would not consider myself a six-pack tourist and I know how to avoid getting myself into trouble.

My problem is, a lot of guys I meet up with in Colombia ARE six-pack tourists. It is so easy for any ugly SOB to score a beautiful colombian girl that they start thinking they are some kind of Don Juan. I would be happy to leave them to their delusions, except when they start flagerantly touching and hitting on a girl I am with (who is not a prepago).

I have no doubt that I could have flattened all of these guys no problem had I been so inclined, but was unsure of the legal ramifications that would have entailed. Drunken pudgy middle-aged software programmers from Silicon Valley do not frighten me, but Colombian police kind of do!!!

Do Colombian cops actually care if one gringo beats another gringo bloody? If I can speak Spanish and the other gringo can't, aren't the cops likely to side with me anyway? Can I just get away with paying a bribe or a night in jail? heck I would do it just for the story if that is the case! Or am I likely to run into much more serious consequences?70% chance if you explain the situation,act respectfully you will walk.Are we talking a black eye or a coma.All depends on the cops and the situation.Also a "donation" would not hurt!

Frank Casio
02-22-09, 20:33
A friend of mine asked me this question, which I thought it to be quite interesting, so I thought I would pose the situation here then get back to him.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,



I have a question about law enforcement in Colombia. I have been to Colombia many times, and I would not consider myself a six-pack tourist and I know how to avoid getting myself into trouble.

My problem is, a lot of guys I meet up with in Colombia ARE six-pack tourists. It is so easy for any ugly SOB to score a beautiful colombian girl that they start thinking they are some kind of Don Juan. I would be happy to leave them to their delusions, except when they start flagerantly touching and hitting on a girl I am with (who is not a prepago).

I have no doubt that I could have flattened all of these guys no problem had I been so inclined, but was unsure of the legal ramifications that would have entailed. Drunken pudgy middle-aged software programmers from Silicon Valley do not frighten me, but Colombian police kind of do!!!

Do Colombian cops actually care if one gringo beats another gringo bloody? If I can speak Spanish and the other gringo can't, aren't the cops likely to side with me anyway? Can I just get away with paying a bribe or a night in jail? heck I would do it just for the story if that is the case! Or am I likely to run into much more serious consequences?Just chill out guys, you don't come to Medellin Colombia to fight, you come here to have fun! The chubies also have a right to feel "king for a day", that's why we all come to Colombia for! And it doesn't fare well for any gringos to be fighting and creating a bad reputation for the rest of us! So just enjoy your stay with the ladies, relax, and don't be judgemental, every guy will find his way! If you have any consrtructive suggestions, offer them in a nice way, like I do wih my guests at My Place "!

Sorry guy, missed the part about them being disrespectfull, never had it happenned to me! I provide so many girls for my gringo friends that they always ask me ahead of time which are available and which is my date! Most of the time I don't take personal dates when I go out with gringos it's ussually a free for all. When I go out on a personal date I ussually go alone! It's best just to walk away and take your date elsewhwere, that's my opinion! There are so many girls in Medellin Paradise, why risk so much for one!

Although, now that I remember, I do take my friend "Cindy" out with the guys sometimes, "hands of her", she's my special "cutie"! Many of you have seen her in the "2008 Cabalgata pics. ", I bet your drulling, wipe off your mouth! She's also been in "Cindy at My Place" and "Cindy at My Apartment", bathing suit special! I know there are thousans of pics. Of Cindy out there, but you all have been respectfull, thanks! By the way, Cindy is a Model and a Math Major at the University of Antioquia!

Frank Casio

02-22-09, 21:01
A friend of mine asked me this question, which I thought it to be quite interesting, so I thought I would pose the situation here then get back to him.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,



I have a question about law enforcement in Colombia. I have been to Colombia many times, and I would not consider myself a six-pack tourist and I know how to avoid getting myself into trouble.

My problem is, a lot of guys I meet up with in Colombia ARE six-pack tourists. It is so easy for any ugly SOB to score a beautiful colombian girl that they start thinking they are some kind of Don Juan. I would be happy to leave them to their delusions, except when they start flagerantly touching and hitting on a girl I am with (who is not a prepago).

I have no doubt that I could have flattened all of these guys no problem had I been so inclined, but was unsure of the legal ramifications that would have entailed. Drunken pudgy middle-aged software programmers from Silicon Valley do not frighten me, but Colombian police kind of do!!!

Do Colombian cops actually care if one gringo beats another gringo bloody? If I can speak Spanish and the other gringo can't, aren't the cops likely to side with me anyway? Can I just get away with paying a bribe or a night in jail? heck I would do it just for the story if that is the case! Or am I likely to run into much more serious consequences?Geez, it´s always a great idea to get into bloody fights in third world countries, whether with locals or fellow countrymen.

Give me a break. Just call the guy an a..hole, laugh at him, allow him to look stupid and move on.
You´re in Colombia man. Think before you act.

02-22-09, 22:01
... It kind of stung when another guy there told me he picked her up on La Mayorista for the standard 25K. But it was my first day, so I swallowed it as a lesson learned and moved on ...

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Hey, you're a cool cat Da Kine, but what I'll never forget is your story about your initial Mayorista experience.

The bathroom issue. Never laughed so hard!

Take care amigo.

Aussie Greg
02-22-09, 22:15

A talk about fighting without Aussie Greg being involved !!! I like it.

Aussie Greg.

Member #3435
02-23-09, 04:46
Geez, it´s always a great idea to get into bloody fights in third world countries, whether with locals or fellow countrymen.

Give me a break. Just call the guy an a..hole, laugh at him, allow him to look stupid and move on.

You´re in Colombia man. Think before you act.Ricker says it best.

Come on man. Are you serious? Move on, hang low, and have fun.

Running scenarios about what are the risks of getting in fights with this type or that type and how the police will react?

That's not in our universe.

You have to understand that many guys on this board are real people. They are not going to let obvious stupidity pass without calling it.

And all said with utmost respect, LOL, Schwmm

Da Kine Kid
02-23-09, 23:21
Hey, you're a cool cat Da Kine, but what I'll never forget is your story about your initial Mayorista experience.

The bathroom issue. Never laughed so hard!

Take care amigo.Hahaha, yeah that was priceless! Or was it shameless? Oh well.

I'll share it with everyone else here as soon as I get a minute away from work.

I've got plenty more reviews/misadventures to share.

02-24-09, 04:33
Ya, I've seen her at both Mayorista and the Mansion. Kind of surprised me when I saw her at the Mansion. I wouldn't be too concerned about paying the additional amount at the Mansion. Just think of it as a "convenience fee".

I've been back in the states for a little over a week and figured it was high time to share a few reviews of the lovely paisas I had the opportunity to spend some time with.

I got to El Castillo early Sunday afternoon and after settling in, made my way over to the mansion. Greg and Boyd had told me they were gonna have a little impromptu shindig around 4. Hot dogs, beers, and a few gals to brighten the place.

I got over there around 4:45-5ish, and noticed that things hadn't really seemed to materialize. I noticed there were only several girls and all seemed to be spoken for. I figured I'd come back a little later and see if things had picked up.

When I came back around 6 or 7, there were only a few girls hanging around, one of them unspoken for. I figured I better get while the gettin's good.

Carolina was a petite little thing, maybe 5'2", 100 pounds with a slight harelip that you kind of had to look hard to notice and didn't terribly detract from her looks.

True to what Boyd had told me(the girls who stop over ask for a firm 150K with little room for negotiation), she asked for 150, and I really wasn't in the mood to try and haggle or waste time, so I agreed and we headed back up the hill to my room.

We got right down to business and I was pleased that she didn't even try to swing the CBJ, but went right down on my cock with gusto. The blowjob was one of the best I've had, even though I'm not a huge fan of BJs in general.

I put on a condom and she started riding me, after a bit we switched to doggy and got my rocks off. We lay in bed for a bit while I recouped for the next pop.

I made the mistake of turning on the tv then and she couldn't take her eyes off Spiderman 2 while she blew me and I fucked her again. Kind of unprofessional.

After I finished, she washed up and took off. She was definitely not terribly enthusiastic, and I had much much better afterwards, but YMMV.

I talked to a couple other guys who had a great time with her. I was in a funk after talking to ex girlfriend right before I picked her up, so the lack of chemistry likely has a lot to do with it.

It kind of stung when another guy there told me he picked her up on La Mayorista for the standard 25K. But it was my first day, so I swallowed it as a lesson learned and moved on.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Thai Laredo
02-24-09, 13:28
I recently stayed at the Mansion/El Castillo. I had a great time. Boyd really helped me with talking to the girls. I do not speak Spanish. His recommendations were always perfect, the restaurants and clubs were exactly what I was looking for.

I highly recommend that everyone go on a Casa trip with Boyd. I went several times. There were real winners in some. I admit there was not the consistent high quality that the Mansion is known for. Also the rooms are rough at best. But for the price you can’t beat it. I would guess every fourth chica I experienced in El Centro was Medellin Mansion material. I enjoyed the lazy, effortless fun at the Mansion. But going to El Centro was a great change! And cheap. I enjoyed one girl so much I had Boyd call her and talk her into spending the night with me.

I work in Iraq and try to do as much as I can on my R&R’s. So places like the Mansion are perfect for me. I am looking forward to my next visit.


Frank Casio
02-25-09, 02:28
Hi guys,

It's true Carolina is from la Mayorista, she was kind of like "my sweetheart" and a frequent guest at My Place! I visited with her daughter at the Hospital! We grew cold because I'm into variety! She is definitely a diamond in the rough and I'm glad she's at The Mansion, she deserves it! She had a baby through c-section so she is almost a virgin! When you say good-n-tight your describing Carolina! Her Cleft lip is hardly noticeble with her othe attributes! Now that Aussie has taken some of my girls, I can openly say that I have a lot of his ex-staff like Sandra, Paula, Claudia, Magally, Amparo, etc. !

I hope this ends forever the debate that there aren't "cuties" at La Mayorista or that somehow it's an area not worth pursuing! I have known this all the time and so have my "smart guests" who pay $12US for what others are paying $50US plus! Welcome to My Place in La Mayorista!

Frank Casio!

02-25-09, 17:18
I hope this ends forever the debate that there aren't "cuties" at La Mayorista or that somehow it's an area not worth pursuing! I have known this all the time and so have my "smart guests" who pay $12US for what others are paying $50US plus! Welcome to My Place in La Mayorista!

Frank Casio!Though cuties can definitely be found at the Mayorista, and I have found a few diamonds, the quality has seemed to have gone down a bit over the past year or so IMO.

I'm no stranger to the Mayorista, I've had fun there well before most even dared to visit Medellin.

It can be fun out there, but not a place to base your entire stay in Medellin, again IMO.

The majority of the chicas there will give you what you're paying for; a quick, no frills session, often with starfish service and that bored look.

Of course there are exceptions, and that's what can make it fun.

Again a lot depends on your ability to comunicate with them and soften them up a bit.

Good luck

Da Kine Kid
02-26-09, 01:04
This is a little hottie I picked up at a casa in Centro, I think it was called "Latinas". I don't recall her name, but that's no reflection of my experience with her. I love the way some of the casas seemed to cater to different tastes somewhat. This casa seemed to somewhat lean more towards having slender girls. She really struck my fancy as soon as I saw her, and I didn't regret my choice.

She was a lot of fun, a real hottie IMO(This picture doesn't really do her justice, but I wasn't there to snap a bunch of pics), and had a great attitude.

I remember one afternoon perusing a slew of casas with a few other dudes from El Castillo. I had my heart set on finding a petite girl that day, and my fanciful ideal seemed to be eluding me as we went from casa to casa, seeing the chicas available at the moment.

Haha, I remember we were at this one casa towards the end, after a series of places with progressively meatier paisas, and Ricker asked the madam for me if she had any petite girls. She told him "No, this is where guys come for the heavier girls, try this other place". When I heard that, I was like, "I fucking love Medellin! ".

Honestly, what a place! How many other cities in the world have such an abundance of hot girls that they can afford to cater to specific tastes, and even give up business and a recommendation for another place? Some of you more jaded, well traveled mongers may find this a naive observation, but it's just one more reason I loved Medellin. It has a great balance of selection, price, venue and safety.

I'm already planning my return trip once I get some "work stuff" figured out here. I'm thinking about coming back at least partially during the Feria de Las Flores. I hear it's a great time and that there's plenty more chicas around.

Any advice on whether or not that's a good time to visit?

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

02-26-09, 07:27
I'm with you Kid, if I wanted "large" girls I would stay here in the states. Your girl looks great, I would have tried to take her out of there and spend a few hours with her back at your place.

02-26-09, 14:12
Some of you more jaded, well traveled mongers may find this a naive observation, but it's just one more reason I loved Medellin. Well, I for one am not offended by the "jaded, well traveled monger" statement! Actually, I embrace the idea. Da Kine Kid, you just confirmed the throb in my knob as I am sitting here packing for my first Medellin trip tomorrow!

If you're not still there when I get there, or you're not soiling that petite meat, I hope to find her myself. Latina's here I come!

02-26-09, 15:51
Haha, I remember we were at this one casa towards the end, after a series of places with progressively meatier paisas, and Ricker asked the madam for me if she had any petite girls. She told him "No, this is where guys come for the heavier girls, try this other place". When I heard that, I was like, "I fucking love Medellin! ".do you or ricker remember where you were when he asked that?

02-27-09, 01:05
This is a little hottie I picked up at a casa in Centro, I think it was called "Latinas". I don't recall her name, but that's no reflection of my experience with her. I love the way some of the casas seemed to cater to different tastes somewhat. This casa seemed to somewhat lean more towards having slender girls. She really struck my fancy as soon as I saw her, and I didn't regret my choice.

She was a lot of fun, a real hottie IMO(This picture doesn't really do her justice, but I wasn't there to snap a bunch of pics), and had a great attitude.

I remember one afternoon perusing a slew of casas with a few other dudes from El Castillo. I had my heart set on finding a petite girl that day, and my fanciful ideal seemed to be eluding me as we went from casa to casa, seeing the chicas available at the moment.

Haha, I remember we were at this one casa towards the end, after a series of places with progressively meatier paisas, and Ricker asked the madam for me if she had any petite girls. She told him "No, this is where guys come for the heavier girls, try this other place". When I heard that, I was like, "I fucking love Medellin! ".

Honestly, what a place! How many other cities in the world have such an abundance of hot girls that they can afford to cater to specific tastes, and even give up business and a recommendation for another place? Some of you more jaded, well traveled mongers may find this a naive observation, but it's just one more reason I loved Medellin. It has a great balance of selection, price, venue and safety.

I'm already planning my return trip once I get some "work stuff" figured out here. I'm thinking about coming back at least partially during the Feria de Las Flores. I hear it's a great time and that there's plenty more chicas around.

Any advice on whether or not that's a good time to visit?

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Yeah I let you choose first and got an ok girl, the place used to be called athenas and is now called Latinas, not a bad casa, sometimes there are some nice ones in there.

Member #3435
02-27-09, 02:23

It's a great time to go to MDE. All around town it's a bigger & better party. The town is packed & hoppin.

Just budget for premium pricing for the room, typically 1/3 more, and a higher airfare.

I did it 2006 & 2007. Would like to repeat again but I have limited travel time and I like to branch out & see & do new things.


02-27-09, 03:17
This is a little hottie ... Slender ... She really struck my fancy as soon as I saw her ... I love Medellin ... It has a great balance of selection, price, venue and safety.I am usually quiet on pictures because so few ultra-sleek pretties get posted. But this one is a Tungurahuan beauty. Look at those exquisite lady limbs, elegant curves, delicate feet, long toes. I would love to invest some venture capital in her, Tung to tongue and balls deep. The picture may not showcase her full beauty but she reflects quality, a delightful femininity. Congrats, thanks for the pic and long live Medellin!

02-27-09, 13:26

It's a great time to go to MDE. All around town it's a bigger & better party. The town is packed & hoppin.

Just budget for premium pricing for the room, typically 1/3 more, and a higher airfare.

I did it 2006 & 2007. Would like to repeat again but I have limited travel time and I like to branch out & see & do new things.

SchwmmWas there for the entire event in 2007. I had a wonderful time, it gave me some other fantastic activities to particpate in aside from spending time with the ladies.

There are many events going on through out the week in different locations around the city. If you enjoy photography as a hobby, I suggest you attend the orchid garden showing as well as the parade of antique cars along el pablado street. Definitely a nice time of the year to go to Medellin.

02-27-09, 16:19
Haha, I remember we were at this one casa towards the end, after a series of places with progressively meatier paisas, and Ricker asked the madam for me if she had any petite girls. She told him "No, this is where guys come for the heavier girls, try this other place"

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Hahaha, yes I remember asking the madam that, but if you remember, at first I told her that you guys were gay and looking for men.

After her initial shock, I told her that I was joking and that you were in search of the flaquitas.

KC Questor
02-27-09, 22:55
Hahaha, yes I remember asking the madam that, but if you remember, at first I told her that you guys were gay and looking for men.

After her initial shock, I told her that I was joking and that you were in search of the flaquitas.So, um, which casa was it that had the gorditas?

I like the curvier girls, myself.

Frank Casio
02-28-09, 00:18
Though cuties can definitely be found at the Mayorista, and I have found a few diamonds, the quality has seemed to have gone down a bit over the past year or so IMO.

I'm no stranger to the Mayorista, I've had fun there well before most even dared to visit Medellin.

It can be fun out there, but not a place to base your entire stay in Medellin, again IMO.

The majority of the chicas there will give you what you're paying for; a quick, no frills session, often with starfish service and that bored look.

Of course there are exceptions, and that's what can make it fun.

Again a lot depends on your ability to comunicate with them and soften them up a bit.

Good luckHi Ricker,

I take all my guests to the "casas", Strip Tease Clubs and a lot of places they could not otherwise find on their own! While I agree with you that a person should not limit his Mongering to La Mayorista, it is definite cost effective to have My Place in La mayorista as Base!

First, at $25US a night or $150 a week they have hoards of money left over for what is really fun, "girls"! I often take them out on regular "Friday or Saturday Night outtings" with normal girls! Second, the location is great, about a ten minute "walk", reiterate "walk" from "Mangos" and "Palmahia", the best and largest Discos in Medellin, a five minute walk from "subway" to everywhere, Taxis and buses right down the stairs, a five minute drive to Parque Lleras, Poblado, Sabaneta & Envigado!

Last but not least, "cuties" a walk down the stairs 24/7 for when you feel lazy and don't feel lie going very far for some "company". Also there are some fair-basic Restaurants, pretty cheap, right down the stairs, along with the local friendly Pharmacy, Liquor Stores an Internet Cafes for. 75 cents an hour!

I think it's a bargain, and it will give you access to all "the wonders" that Medellin has to offer with an extra $50US ($100, 000cop) plus dollars or pesos "a day", in your pocket, to spend on "the good stuff"!

Frank Casio!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

02-28-09, 07:56
I've been here my first time less than 8 hours. Its an amazing city, phenominal looking chicas everywhere. I will say though, first timers should stay with guys like frank at frank's place, or john at the penthouse to ensure you get a fair shake at the city. There is a lot to see and do, and I don't recommend it without help. I am a major anal retentive preparer, but nothing prepares you for the overwhelming size of the place, or the unbelieveable looking women.

Sorry frank, I committed to staying with john at the penthouse before I knew about franks place. I am coming to visit asap. Lamayorista is on the top of my "tomorrow list".

John is cool as shit too, I brought him some things he needed from the usa and in return, he had a girl I'd seen in a picture there waiting to greet me. We spent 3 1/2 hours in my room before I came out for air! John, you rock.

Hi Ricker,I take all my guests to the "casas", Strip Tease Clubs and a lot of places they could not otherwise find on their own! While I agree with you that a person should not limit his Mongering to La Mayorista, it is definite cost effective to have My Place in La mayorista as Base! First, at $25US a night or $150 a week they have hoards of money left over for what is really fun, "girls"! I often take them out on regular "Friday or Saturday Night outtings" with normal girls! Second, the location is great, about a ten minute "walk", reiterate "walk" from "Mangos" and "Palmahia", the best and largest Discos in Medellin, a five minute walk from "subway" to everywhere, Taxis and buses right down the stairs, a five minute drive to Parque Lleras, Poblado, Sabaneta & Envigado! Last but not least, "cuties" a walk down the stairs 24/7 for when you feel lazy and don't feel lie going very far for some "company". Also there are some fair-basic Restaurants, pretty cheap, right down the stairs, along with the local friendly Pharmacy, Liquor Stores an Internet Cafes for. 75 cents an hour! I think it's a bargain, and it will give you access to all "the wonders" that Medellin has to offer with an extra $50US ($100, 000cop) plus dollars or pesos "a day", in your pocket, to spend on "the good stuff"! Frank Casio! EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

02-28-09, 16:32
Hi Ricker,

I take all my guests to the "casas", Strip Tease Clubs and a lot of places they could not otherwise find on their own! While I agree with you that a person should not limit his Mongering to La Mayorista, it is definite cost effective to have My Place in La mayorista as Base!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide. Info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php? ) for more information. I get ya Franky.

I wasn't referring to your business or place.

Just saying that the Mayorista chicas and service you get from them for the typical gringo is far from GFE and earth shattering.

You know that.

Of course you yourself visit frequently, you probably speak spanish and you've gained a bit of trust from some of the chicas.

Of course your experiece will be different.

I've bonded with some tasty chicas there too, but I'm good at it

Hey I'm not knocking your service at all.

Sounds like an economical alternative.

New guys should know that for the typical guy, a typical Mayorista experience is just up the scale from jerkin off.

Everybody, please stay at Frank's place, just be sure to get out and about and explore the other "fun" to be had about town.

Good luck amigos.

Frank Casio
02-28-09, 21:29
I've been here my first time less than 8 hours. Its an amazing city, phenominal looking chicas everywhere. I will say though, first timers should stay with guys like frank at frank's place, or john at the penthouse to ensure you get a fair shake at the city. There is a lot to see and do, and I don't recommend it without help. I am a major anal retentive preparer, but nothing prepares you for the overwhelming size of the place, or the unbelieveable looking women.

Sorry frank, I committed to staying with john at the penthouse before I knew about franks place. I am coming to visit asap. Lamayorista is on the top of my "tomorrow list".Hi Bob,

Thanks, I think La Mayorista is slow on Sundays, let me know if I´m wrong !Sundays and Mondays are my relax days ! It´s great Sat. nights after Discoteques are closed or any time after 9:PM !

However, I just got back from Tampa, Fl, and on Wed. the Mayor passed a new law closing everything down 12:30 to 1:00 AM in El Centro, excluding Tourist areas like Fase ll, Parque LLeras and I think San Diego, but everything in El Centro shuts down early ! I have to check if some of the all night places remain open ! I don´t know if the new law applies to La Mayorista, since I just got back !

If anybody goes down there tonight let me know, if I go I´ll let everybody know, thanks !

Frank Casio !

03-01-09, 01:14
As much as I appreciate the services offered by other members on this forum I feel extremely inclined to comment on "mayorista" as a base camp.

If I was coming to Medellin for my first time and wound up on mayorista I would be very upset.

Mayorista is an industrial area of Medellin. There is a huge wholesale market located there where I believe people buy food in bulk. Besides that there really is nothing besides the two block strip where the girls are. You will find a few bodegas to buy your snacks etc. a few hotels and a handful of little cafeterias. Even then it is hardly anything that could accomodate my needs. I am a mid range budget traveler so I don't expect the best but even then mayorista wouldn't suffice. Also it isn't the greatest area at night. The two block strip is loaded with drunk locals and it can be quiet noisy.

There is a metro station within a 15 minute walking distance from the strip. However you will soon realize that the metro can be a very stressful experience. It is almost always crowded and you would need to change to another train to get to the centro casas. You could take taxis but even that isn't a no stress gaurantee. Traffic jams also known as "tacos" can be brutal and extremely time consuming. True poblado would very close but believe me you will want easy access to the centro if you want to hit those casas.

Similar hotels for $25 can be found all over the centro. Just go on foot and see for yourself. Most do not speak english.

I don't want to bust anyone's bubble but again if someone told me to locate myself in mayorista I would have regretted taking their advice. With that said I think connecting with someone like a frank casio could be very benefical for certain people but I would set up base camp somewhere else.

Of course this is all IMHO and others may differ. My suggestions would be poblado, laurales, or the centro.

Peace and Love


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-01-09, 03:16
So, um, which casa was it that had the gorditas?

I like the curvier girls, myself.All the casas have gorditas, even the casa they recomend for the flaquitas.

You won't have a problem finding them.

03-01-09, 04:27
Franks Place should be boomin as the dollar is bumpin 2600 to 1 and the Spirit airlines cheap flights out of Florida are sooo Low, Frank is a cool guy and the prices he offers to gringo newbies is the bomb, good luck to you Frank, its guys like you who keep it real.



03-01-09, 07:55
Why in the world would anybody go on a monger trip and prebook a girlfriend?

Might as well reserve your cotten candy the day before the fair. I understand that many people are clueless and have never or seldom been away from their normal domains but this is just absolutely ridiculous. Most certainly is does not belong on a message board frequented by experienced mongers. It just proves that the free enterprise system will always prevail due to the rapidly declining intelligence level of all human beings.

Frank Casio
03-01-09, 19:49
Yes guys,

No kidding, right accross from where the naked statues stand at Parque Lleras there is a liquor store where a lot of cute girls go for beer & stuff! My friend Luke and I have met a few there! Aguila Light and Pilsen go for $1600cop each x 8= $12, 800cop! Right next door you'll see El Loco Carnal, Mexican Rest. , hot girls go in there also! Just get a delicious "Alambre", a good portion of a mix of chicken & Pork (or one or the other) with vegetables and 3 corn Tortillas! It's delicious and filling and you can drink it with one of your beers from next door! The "Alambre will run you another $10, 800cop, for a total of $23, 600cop! At $2, 500cop a $1, $10US= $25, 000cop! So there you have it, a meal and 8 beers for under $10US!

Next, if you want to go to a little bit higher end place just up the street, and sit down and watch a "parade", literally hundreds of some of the most beautiful women in the World, and spend another Whopping $10US for another 10 beers at $2, 500cop each you'll be set for a while, I think! And you have would have spent a total of $20US for supper an 18 beers!

After a meal, 18 beers and a parade of beautiful women your motors are probably running "down yonder"! So for another Whopping $12US you can come back to La Mayorista, which should be filled with "cuties" by this time (after 1AM), and bring home a "cutie" to My Place to get your. Wet for half an hour! Wow, you just spent $32US!

Frank Casio!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Frank Casio
03-01-09, 20:07
Hello guys,

Many of you have contacted me about staying at My Place at La Mayorista recently. Reservations have started to come in for the months of March through June ! So if you want in, you should be making your "reservations" soon !

Don´t forget at My Place in La Mayorista you´re free to come and go as you please, no controls ! You get your keys, orientation and a "safe" in each room to put your valuables and you´re good to go ! You can bring all the "cuties" you want, and they can stay with you as long as you want, no extra charge ! Wingman fees are waved for My Place guests for a stay of a week or longer or 2-3 guys for 2-3 days ! My expertise deliver to you in, one day for the day "action" and one night for the night "action" !

Frank Casio !

03-01-09, 20:44
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted pursuant to the restrictions in the Colombia Forum prohibiting negative posts, said restriction being necessary to thwart the Serial Antagonists who would seek to destroy this forum as part of their strategy to dissuade anyone from visiting what they consider their private playground in Colombia.

In other words, if you don't have something positive to say, then please don't post. Thanks!

03-02-09, 02:54
Come back to La Mayorista, which should be filled with "cuties" by this time (after 1AM), and bring home a "cutie" to My Place to get your. Wet for half an hour

Frank Casio!Once again, I wish you well in your buisiness, but to say the Mayorista will be filled with "cuties" is a great exaggeration.

It's normally filled with chicas in the 4 to 6 range, and that may even be a generous assessment, then with a few cuties about if you're lucky.

I have fun out there though just mingling with some of the food vendors, bar workers, etc that I've befriended over time.

03-02-09, 06:35
Once again, I wish you well in your buisiness, but to say the Mayorista will be filled with "cuties" is a great exaggeration. It's normally filled with chicas in the 4 to 6 range, with a few cuties about if you're lucky.Something for everyone in Mayorista, I was JUST THERE and there are 1's and 2's, and there are also some real GF material. Been here for 3 days, and finally ran into a guy I met the first day, and he took me. Frank, I may not get to meet you this trip, but you can bet the next time I'm down, I'll be back to the Mayorista!

03-02-09, 06:48
Hi Bob,

Thanks, I think La Mayorista is slow on Sundays, let me know if I´m wrong !Sundays and Mondays are my relax days.............. I don´t know if the new law applies to La Mayorista, since I just got back !

If anybody goes down there tonight let me know, if I go I´ll let everybody know, thanks !

Frank Casio !It was slow tonight, but that was good in my opinion, I got a great look at everything and sampled the service with little hassle. Room: 11, 000 pesos (about $4) and the girl was 25, 000 pesos (about. LOL! $10 US). I think Tuesday and Wednesday I'm just going to go there and do one right after the other. Maybe, if Frank has a room available, I can get it for the night and run them through there repeatedly. But that's just me thinking out loud.

Tom 33
03-02-09, 13:52
There is a metro station within a 15 minute walking distance from the strip. However you will soon realize that the metro can be a very stressful experience. It is almost always crowded and you would need to change to another train to get to the centro casas. You need to change trains to get to Laureles from la Mayorista. To get to the casas in el Centro, you just have to get off at Parque Berrio. You do not have to change trains.

You might want to think twice about the walk from la Mayorista to the Metro at night.

Client 9
03-02-09, 14:15

You have a great forum, and I appreciate your effort.

However, will you please consider giving Frank's Place and Girlfriend-For-A-Week their own threads?

I am sure that their respective businesses may interest some members, but personally I do not appreciate their continuous spam in the Medellin forum.

Thanks for considering my suggestion.

03-02-09, 18:07
Something for everyone in Mayorista, I was JUST THERE and there are 1's and 2's, and there are also some real GF material. Been here for 3 days, and finally ran into a guy I met the first day, and he took me. Frank, I may not get to meet you this trip, but you can bet the next time I'm down, I'll be back to the Mayorista!One mans CRAP or 1's and 2's are another mans Girlfriend! lol

03-02-09, 18:26
If I were, say, in Medellin on business without a lot of spare time I think I'd give Natasha a try. You call http://girlfriend4aweek.com, she comes to your hotel, bangs you for 12 hours and goes home with $250. You don't have to go prowling around town to find a date. If she's really as good as what I read, it would be worth it to me.

Admittedly, I don't know Medellin very well and so don't have a good handle on price and quality there. And if I'm on the other side of an issue from esteemed mongers like Beavis and Ricker I'm probably wrong. But compared to Panama that's not a bad price, and it's maybe 50% to 100% higher than what you'd pay for TLN in Cartagena or Bogota for an "8" or a "9" from an upper end club. If I've read a good review of the woman, if I have a pretty good idea she's not going to flake out on me, and if there's a money back guarantee, then I'd go for it.The going price is 100,000 to 200,000 for all night or $40 - $80.

03-02-09, 18:50
You need to change trains to get to Laureles from la Mayorista. To get to the casas in el Centro, you just have to get off at Parque Berrio. You do not have to change trains.

You might want to think twice about the walk from la Mayorista to the Metro at night.Yes you are right. I was confused with laureles.

My apologies.

03-02-09, 18:58
I just want to add this: The poster of the review in question (not on this board, I therefore don't want to post a link here) had not initially committed to Scarlett long term, but only for a night. The first night went well, so he extended next morning. That's when things started to go sideways. It went back and forth a couple of times and after 2.5 days, he told me that things were definitely not working between the two of them, and he had very valid complaints, that's why I volunteered to refund him 60% of his money, taking into account that the first night went well, otherwise he wouldn't have extended. Since then I had a couple of very serious talks with Scarlett and posted a "Not Available in February" sign on her profile for the most part of February, and when we last met about a week ago she showed already significant signs of improvements: She had started going to the gym, had already lost some weight, she had stopped smoking and she understands that her behavior was unacceptable and damaged not only her reputation but also the reputation of Girlfriend 4 A Week.Medellinfan,

I wish you and your company the best of luck. You will need it if you continue to employ chicas like Scarlett once they have become hardened and disinterested in the client. You state that you have had "a couple" of serious talks with her. Why? Isn't she at the point where she should no longer be with your company? You said before that you don't even hire girls that have worked the business before for fear of being hardened yet you still keep a "known" less than pleasing girl in the stable.

Also, how is this not pimping? I mean for example, the girls at the casas/night club like San Diego or Fase II get their pay and a client is paying a room fee (the fees are combined). Even a club's bar fine is to make up for the loss of an employee. The Mansion/Castillo get no part of the girls fee.

So what part/percentage of the fees/rates are actually going to the girls and how much is going to the company and how is this is not pimping? Are the girls being real expensive or the service?



03-02-09, 19:19

You have a great forum, and I appreciate your effort.

However, will you please consider giving Frank's Place and Girlfriend-For-A-Week their own threads?

I am sure that their respective businesses may interest some members, but personally I do not appreciate their continuous spam in the Medellin forum.

Thanks for considering my suggestion.Hi Client 9,

Good suggestions.

I've moved Girlfriend-For-A-Week to it's own thread. However, I only found 5 posts referencing "Frank's Place", which doesn't quite justify a new thread.

Please let me know if I've missed something.



03-03-09, 00:24
My sense of direction really sucks; all this time I have stayed near Parque Barrio and never noticed La Mayorista. I stay at Odean but do not really observe the names of the other places. I walk the areas all the time with a NY cool and have never had a problem I like walk by the museum at night when I am not ready to sleep to see if I want to "go up stairs" with someone. Thanks for the update. When I go this trip I will keep an eye on things.

I like the Metro in MDE it is clean and easy to take.

You need to change trains to get to Laureles from la Mayorista. To get to the casas in el Centro, you just have to get off at Parque Berrio. You do not have to change trains.

You might want to think twice about the walk from la Mayorista to the Metro at night.

03-03-09, 03:55
My sense of direction really sucks; all this time I have stayed near Parque Barrio and never noticed La Mayorista. I stay at Odean but do not really observe the names of the other places. I walk the areas all the time with a NY cool and have never had a problem I like walk by the museum at night when I am not ready to sleep to see if I want to "go up stairs" with someone. Thanks for the update. When I go this trip I will keep an eye on things.

I like the Metro in MDE it is clean and easy to take.Yeah, please keep an eye on things and keep walking with a NY cool.

Actually, I think you might be just a little confused, but I wish you well.

Frank Casio
03-03-09, 18:30
Hi guys,

I've lived in La Mayorista for over a year! I think that gives me a degree of expertise in the matter, oh, and 4 years in Envigado! The walk from La Mayorista to the subway is a straight walk and it takes a slow walker 10 minutes at the most, it takes me 5 minutes!

La Mayorista is a very large compound for wholesalers and retailers and a section of Banks "a la Carte"! There are 5 large Supermarkets, Olimpico, Makro and 3 others! These are all bunched together nearest to the street, along with the Banks! There are Cafeterias which kater to all the pretty girls which work at all of these Supermarkets and Banks! It's a very busy area, a lot cleaner and safer than El Centro! The walk from the subway to La Mayorista is travelled by thousands of regular folks every day, and is full with street venders. It's stratus "3", area around Bar El Faro in El Centro would be Stratus "1", El Poblado being a Stratus "5-6"!

There are not hundreds of "bumbs" like in El Centro begging for money, mostly vendors of gum and ciggarrets and shoe shiners, there are no sniffing glue "persons" like in El Centro", and the police closes the street on special holidays and some weekends around the girls, giving it a more festival atmosphere! There are no drunks walking around like some claim, only regular guys, truck drivers, many of them, and young guys drinking like in any other party section of the World! Colombians at La Mayorista mostly keep to themselves, pay very little attention to Americans, just go there to party with the girls!

The subway closes at 11:00 PM, and up until then there are Working Folks and College students walking up and down the street! If that frightens some individuals, then my advice to these people is to stay at home after 8:00 PM! I've never heard of one crime occurring in this section in all my time there, and much less against a "gringo"!

A few blocks from La Mayorista is "El Centro De La Moda", everybody from Medellin goes there to buy clothes because there are dozens of specialty clothing stores, Jeans, shirts, shoes, everything you can think of, at very low prices! This area is famous in all of Medellin!

I really don't know what is the motivation behind some of the less than factual statements posted about La Mayorista, but I really hope that some people get their facts straight! When I say cuties, they don't have to be "9-10s", "6-7s" are "cuties to me, and after 8-10 beers they definitely appear to be like "9 or 10s"! I send pictures, the first ever taken of La Mayorista, to anybody that asks for them ! It is not El Poblado, but is a Good-N-Cheap alternative to it, with access to everywhere via subway ant dozens of Taxis !

Frank Casio! (excuse the typos, as I'm in a hurry)

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-04-09, 02:00
Just a little luck or just look too evil to mess with.

I have never had a problem and if you want to see what I do just follow me next week. While you are at it you might be able to show me a hook up.

Confused not, what is there to be confused about? Now you have confused me!

Yeah, please keep an eye on things and keep walking with a NY cool.

Actually, I think you might be just a little confused, but I wish you well.

03-05-09, 02:16
Fellas, is there a bar in MDE that is likely to broadcast big time US sports?

I had good luck last year getting the folks at Bogota Beer Co. to flip one of the side tv's over to NBA playoffs even while everyone else in the joint was watching a football game.

I don't mind blending in and following local stuff, but I like my bball too!

03-05-09, 07:53
Enough rumor-mongering. And more talk about other mongering? Doesn't seem much of that here recently.

Checked out Fase Dos tonight (Wed). Lots of cute girls for every taste but less skinny ones than I like. I'd guess 40ish total (more than customers). Chicks doing the usual coming and going, with a number of gringo mongers, some LatAm-looking customers. Most tables had at at least one person at about 1am.

Picked a chick to try there since I had never used their rooms before. Turns out their rooms are pretty nice, high ceilinged fake-thatched roof, nice shower with glass side so you can watch your girl shower, felt reasonably private and clean.

150K total for room and girl for one hour. 4k for condoms if you neglected to bring your own. Cover charge into Fase Dos was 10K, Pilsner (can) beer was the usual marked-up 12K.

Service was thorough if business-like as expected for in-quarters there.

The night-time streets seemed a lot quieter than I've seen in past trips to Medellin. I asked 2 taxi drivers about it both who said it was just that was it Wed night and they expected Thursday to be busier.

03-05-09, 19:54
Greetings Everyone,

I have moved all of the reports related to Paraco Bob's Medellin Fears to a new thread titled "Paraco Bob's Medellin Fears".




03-05-09, 22:17
Buddy, Check this link out and you can see this bar that is brand new and pretty nice in Parque LLeras as well as other options. Alejandro is one of the owners at "Time Out", VERY nice guy as well as his brother and partner, They ALL speak PERFECT English!


Good Luck

Fellas, is there a bar in MDE that is likely to broadcast big time US sports?

I had good luck last year getting the folks at Bogota Beer Co. to flip one of the side tv's over to NBA playoffs even while everyone else in the joint was watching a football game.

I don't mind blending in and following local stuff, but I like my bball too!

03-06-09, 00:37
Fellas, is there a bar in MDE that is likely to broadcast big time US sports?

I had good luck last year getting the folks at Bogota Beer Co. to flip one of the side tv's over to NBA playoffs even while everyone else in the joint was watching a football game.

I don't mind blending in and following local stuff, but I like my bball too!Yup there is a NY'er who owns a sports bar, swing by there and gets all the game:

Champions Barra Deportiva y Restaurante/Hamburguesas Del Oeste

Cr 81 (a.k.a "la 80") No. 27a-24
Barrio Belén La Palma, Medellín
Tel: 3434343

03-06-09, 05:12
I arrived today and made my way to visit my Godson in Niquia all cool. On the way back to the hotel I walk to the trainstaion in Niquia and made it to the Metro at about 1030 pm. Made the train in seconds flat and arrived in Parque Barrio at about 1050 pm. Walked my obese ass over to this 24 hour internet cafe and decided to let you know I did not see what other have been saying. No extra cops and no extra murders.

On my way to Odeon, hopefully my luck remains.

Good luck and be safe.


03-06-09, 05:43
I went to Alejas a few weeks ago. There were only 6-7 chicas in the lineup, and really only 1 slender one (my type) of the bunch (Side note: is it just me or is it hard to find many thin spinner types in Medellin? ). I grabbed her quickly when another big group came in. I was shown a room upstairs but the room was not well lit and the light switch did not seem to work. The mama-san must have noticed my look of concern because she explained that she offered this room because of the attached bathroom but that I could have another one if I wanted. She then took me to the end of the hall to a different room, with no bathroom, and much better lit. It had a window that overlooked an interior courtyard/shaftway. Not the Four Seasons, but good enough.

After waiting in the room for a minute or two, Catalina (my chica) came upstairs. If you have not been to Alejas, the chicas do the lineup in just their bra and panties, so this is what Catalina was wearing when she came in the room. Catalina's about 5'4" or 5'5", thin, 22, long dark hair, and is a small B cup. Her face is pretty but she's not drop dead gorgeous. She has more of a girl-next-door look, which I like. She has a small tattoo with the letters "LA" on her ankle. I noticed she was smiling earlier and this was a good sign, as she was friendly and we had a little small talk before she removed what little clothing she had on and moved to the bed. I joined her on the bed and removed my clothes.

She noticed my man downstairs wasn't happy yet and she asked if I was "nervioso? " I told her yes and she started to relax me by giving me a HJ. It was decent but she kept up the small talk during it and I found it a little awkward to keep up the "quieres jugar al tenis" type conversation that I practiced long ago in junior high while she was strokin the pole. I asked for her to start (C)BJ to end the convo, and this worked. She has decent technique but not one of those enthusiastic devourer types. I told her I thought her face was pretty while she was doing this and she stopped, looked up and gave me a naughty look and said (I think) "what do you want to do to my face? " Boy, I have to practice my spanish skills better because (a) I'm not 100% certain that that's what she said and (b) if I was certain and I knew how to say "I want to unload on your pretty face", that's what I would have said. LOL. As it was, I had her to go back to a few more mins of BJ. I then then had her get in doggy with her face down on the bed (I pulled her arms back so she was supporting her weight with the side of her head). I rode her like this for a bit but didn't feel like it was going to happen so I told her I must have had too much partying the night before, to which she said "con chicas? " I said yes but thought this was kind of funny the way she said that.

Overall she was good fun, a nice girl. She says she has been working in the casa for 2 months. I got her number and gave her a call to see her another day to see if I could finish what I had started but either because of my poor Spanish direction-giving or because she did a typical chica flake, I never did end up meeting up with her again before I left.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-06-09, 09:33
Checked out Fase Dos for a 2nd night running (see earlier report), I sometimes find it illuminating to see a place multiple times in a row. This time a little more crowded, a few less chicks, but a few more skinny ones than the night before. I only keep track of the chicas I might want, but seemed like a sizable but not complete overlap (50-75% overlap for the ones I liked) with the night before. Many had changed their outfits though, heh.

Took a cute skinny chick, slender with straight highlighted hair and perky B cups.

Later I asked her about the cars parked in the center of the hotel area of the club, and she said they belonged to the employees. She also pointed out the Jefes' cars which were nice (and large for MDE) but not like the occasional BMWs that show up in Poblado.

The previous night there had been a number of SW on the streets just past Fase Dos (the usual haunts around c.c. San Diego) but none tonight, instead there was a large number of cops blocking most of the road around the main street intersection just past Fase Dos, couldn't tell what was going on. Presumably nothing unusual since neither taxi driver nor any of the police seemed at all agitated or interested. There was, however, a half-naked tranny on that corner (guess which half was naked) jumping up and down and screaming, whether related to what had happened or just generally loco, I don't know.

03-06-09, 12:42

Thanks for the quick info on the sports bars!

I report on what I find.

KC Questor
03-06-09, 23:10
hey guys,

i was packing for my upcoming trip to medellin and realized i have no clue what the typical dress is for guys going out at night. my usual vacation lately has been to a beach area (sosua, margarita, ocho rio) so i could get buy with t-shirts and shorts for most days and even at the clubs in the evenings it was light guayabera shirts and chinos.

so what do guys tend to wear when they go out in medellin? collared shirts and chinos, i hope. is it worth bringing a sports coat? i hope i won't be expected to wear a tie.

weather.com predicts rain for the next 10 days. yippee

Frank Casio
03-07-09, 03:10
Hey guys,

I might be oppenning a My Place ll in Laureles or El Prado-Las Casas ! Can´t make up my mind ! Any suggestions?

Frank Casio !

Frank Casio
03-07-09, 03:32
Hi guys,

I have seen some really weird dressed gringos in Parque Lleras, mostly young guys! Will not go into details, suffice to say that I would be embarrassed to be seen with them, and terrified at the thought that Colombians might identify gringos with that dress code!

Guys, it's very simple, there is "no ghetto" in Medellin! People here dress very main stream!

Just some nice jeans, a pair of nice Sneakers and any color shirt (light colors, preferably) in Parque Lleras! And same thing, but darker color shirts in El Centro and La Mayorista! That's all you need to know, very simple!

Frank Casio!

Member #3435
03-07-09, 03:59
hey guys,

i was packing for my upcoming trip to medellin and realized i have no clue what the typical dress is for guys going out at night. my usual vacation lately has been to a beach area (sosua, margarita, ocho rio) so i could get buy with t-shirts and shorts for most days and even at the clubs in the evenings it was light guayabera shirts and chinos.

so what do guys tend to wear when they go out in medellin? collared shirts and chinos, i hope. is it worth bringing a sports coat? i hope i won't be expected to wear a tie.

weather.com predicts rain for the next 10 days. yippeedude: granted, i'm half heated right now and don't give a shit about what i'm about to say but. if you don't know what the fuck to wear or what to pack after reading this forum or from your life experience then quite frankly, don't bother. and with all do respect, schwmm

Errol Flynn
03-07-09, 08:38
Hey guys,

I was packing for my upcoming trip to Medellin and realized I have no clue what the typical dress is for guys going out at night...

So what do guys tend to wear when they go out in Medellin? Collared shirts and chinos, I hope. Is it worth bringing a sports coat? I hope I won't be expected to wear a tie.Seems like a pretty valid question to me, especially with all the discussion of Walmart Gringos and obnoxious Americans going around this board. How can a first timer know what is right in Medellin? Seems like the point of this board is to help him get it right. So how about it, what do the Medellin veterans and experts suggest is appropriate for evenings out?

KC Questor
03-07-09, 09:38
Thanks Frank, that's what I thought. In most Latin countries the locals really dress up when they go out, and I would rather not look like an ugly American.

Thanks Schwmmr, that's helpful. I've seen a guy get kicked out of a casino in Panama because he wanted to take off his tie to shoot some craps. I've seen a bar girl refuse to go with a guy because he was wearing cowboy boots. I've seen $10 streetwalkers making fun of a group of frat boys for dressing "like roosters" in Costa Rica (although I think that was their hair as much as their clothes). Next time you are in a Ukrainian disco wearing the same stuff you packed for Phuket you'll wish you asked. Or maybe I'm the only one who doesn't want to look like a gringo tourist. That shit's fine in Sosua but too bad if asking about dressing for the nightlife in Medellin offends you.

03-07-09, 12:28
Dude: Granted, I'm half heated right now and don't give a shit about what I'm about to say but. If you don't know what the fuck to wear or what to pack after reading this forum or from your life experience then quite frankly, don't bother. And with all do respect, SchwmmHello,

Schwmmr is out of line for his response to you so let it pass. Your question is very legitimate. During the day time hours you can get by wearing a nice looking pair of shorts with a decent shirt. At night you will want to wear a nice pair of jeans and a dress shirt of some sort.

Anytime you are going out to meet girls leave the t-shirts and colorful shorts at your hotel or apartment.

I would also refrain from wearing tennis shoes at any time you are out looking for girls. Get yourself a good looking pair of sandals to wear, which can also be worn at night.

Lastly, remember you are in a foreign country, and Colombia at that. Keep your attitude in check, be aware of your surroundings at all times, and trust no-one. I am also seeing alot of guys come to Colombia, thinking because they are an American that all the girls are going to be begging for you. This is not the case at all. Make sure you treat them all with respect and class, and you will find the experience you receive back will be much more rewarding for you. If I can be of help to you in any other way, send me a p.m, and good luck to you. Have fun and be safe!

03-07-09, 13:46
hey guys,

i was packing for my upcoming trip to medellin and realized i have no clue what the typical dress is for guys going out at night. my usual vacation lately has been to a beach area (sosua, margarita, ocho rio) so i could get buy with t-shirts and shorts for most days and even at the clubs in the evenings it was light guayabera shirts and chinos.

so what do guys tend to wear when they go out in medellin? collared shirts and chinos, i hope. is it worth bringing a sports coat? i hope i won't be expected to wear a tie.

weather.com predicts rain for the next 10 days. yippeeno shorts in mde, unless you are young and stylish.

what crowd do you hang with?

i party a lot at different clubs, like i do here in nyc, mia, gru, gig, eze, etc. so i dress with party clothes on. hip-hop clubs will be more hip-hop wear, hoodies and uptowns.

house clubs, more trendy, maybe skinny jeans, and a young d&g t-shirt.

dinner with a girl, button down, trendy blazer and a pair of tr jeans.

03-07-09, 16:09
Hi guys,

I have seen some really weird dressed gringos in Parque Lleras, mostly young guys! Will not go into details, suffice to say that I would be embarrassed to be seen with them, and terrified at the thought that Colombians might identify gringos with that dress code!

Frank Casio!Hey this is Colombia. What next. Burgas for women. As far as I read. Colombia wasn't the middle east. If any thing they will be exposed to change.

Shorts can be worn any where during the day and I recommend it to people. Shit with all the hills, and if you are walking from casa to casa in Centro, shorts are more comfortable. As for night time well then no shorts. Medellin is not a beach town.

03-07-09, 17:29
Dude: Granted, I'm half heated right now and don't give a shit about what I'm about to say but. If you don't know what the fuck to wear or what to pack after reading this forum or from your life experience then quite frankly, don't bother. And with all do respect, SchwmmThis attitude needs to STOP! on the Medellin boards. I researched 3 sites, repeatedly, and never really got a good answer on how to dress until I went to travel sites online.

I wore kahkis for 2 days, all day until I literally sweat my ass off walking around. EVERYONE knew I was a gringo down there, it's damn near impossible to disguise. I finally threw on my one pair of shorts I brought "just in case", and they were fine during the day. I got the same "looks" I was getting with the kahkis.

At night, it was a pair of kahkis, or navys, a nice button down UNTUCKED and I was fine. MOST of the people had on a pair of "designer" jeans and a collared shirt untucked - not nice slacks and a sport coat. Granted, I didn't choose to go to some of the swankier nicer places, but I still saw 90% in NICE jeans and shirt.

One other mention: Black shoes, black tennis shoes, black, black, black. Don't know why, but black is the shoe color down there.

Agreed, this was my first trip, and onlly one week, but I saw it completely unnecessary to dress "designer". The vast majority of people I saw I would have considered to be "working class / middle class" dress.

Is it that difficult to describe something like that to a new person to the area without summarily calling him an idiot?

Daves Pison
03-07-09, 18:16
Fellas, is there a tax when you leave Medellin at the airport?

If there is one, do you paid in dollars or colombian pesos?

03-07-09, 18:42

I am also seeing alot of guys come to Colombia, thinking because they are an American that all the girls are going to be begging for you. This is not the case at all. Hee hee hee, see and here this all the time! If thats gonna be your attitude you might as well stay in the sates and wank as appose to coming all the way to Colombia to do that, or better yet just head right to mayorista and avoid all of the drama in the first place (just try to avoid "limpieza"). The girls, especially in mde do no give a shit where you are from.

One of my old posts! LOL

"just a *disclaimer* if you are a fat, out of shape, balding, no game, no style, with limited to no spanish speaking old gringo or any combination of the forehand mentioned. Do not think it will be a walk in the park to pick up "hotter" non pros just because you think your a gringo, and that gives you some kind of "edge". Because you are dead wrong and sorely mistaking and you will be very disappointed. This goes double in Medellin, where these girls have great style, and walk around with their "shit doesn't stink attitude" especially in the south, poblado, oviedo, tesoro, parque lleras, circus, mangos area were these girls are playing 2 or 3 guys at the same time and do not need our shitty dollars. They have more money than us coming in from many different sources LOL.

Now all of this goes out the window if #1 you have a huge giant wallet and #2 offer to take them to San Andres or Cartagena, then you could be shrek and walk around with the local reina. LOL

Da Kine Kid
03-07-09, 19:56
hey guys,

i was packing for my upcoming trip to medellin and realized i have no clue what the typical dress is for guys going out at night. my usual vacation lately has been to a beach area (sosua, margarita, ocho rio) so i could get buy with t-shirts and shorts for most days and even at the clubs in the evenings it was light guayabera shirts and chinos.

so what do guys tend to wear when they go out in medellin? collared shirts and chinos, i hope. is it worth bringing a sports coat? i hope i won't be expected to wear a tie.

weather.com predicts rain for the next 10 days. yippeei saw exactly one colombian wearing shorts during my 16 days in medellin, bogota and cartagena. even when it's hot out, they simply don't wear shorts. shorts will definitely make you stand out as a gringo, but hey, wear what makes you feel comfortable. some people get really hung up about trying to blend in and not wanting to stand out.

for going out at night, i'd say jeans or pants along with a short sleeved button up shirt or guayabera is perfect.

Shark Bait
03-07-09, 22:18
This has been a fascinating trip to Medellin to say the least. I have been coming to Colombia for about two years now and this story is really something . I have a paisa here which unfortunately is a golddigger. Before I came to Medellin I asked Diana to rent a finca in Santa Fe de Antioquia which she did for five days. When I arrived in Medellin I always come to Johns house in Laureles for the first two days and then leave for the finca. Diana comes over to Johns of course to give me a welcome back sexual encounter and then wants to go shopping. To hell with shopping so she goes shopping and I get laid over at Johns while she is gone. She was good little lay or as good as it gets when it is about the money. The time came to go to the finca so Diana and her friends came by to pick me up and away to the countryside. The first night while Diana and I were having sex I told her that the night before I had a dream that was a fantasy ( the dream was a lie). She asked me what the fantasy was and I told her that it was to have sex with her best friend while she watched. The next thing you know she asked her friend Carol what she thought of the fantasy. Carol liked the idea so it was four days of doing each or both of them while the other watched. We had to return to Medellin to Laureles and damn Diana started her period. I of course insisted on having sex, so she said she would call another friend of hers so I could be relieved of sexual tension. That afternoon Diana came by and called her friend. In about thirty minutes she came over and was very pretty and she could speak English very well as she lived in the states for thirteen years. Diana told me she picked her so I could talk dirty to her and she would understand everthing. I am thinking Diana put a lot of thought into this. Diana then told both of us the restrictions which were I could not kiss her or eat her pussy. The other restrictions were I had to wear a condom when she gave me head and of course when we were fucking. Diana left and returned in about an hour. She did not seem happy but not too angry either. That night Diana told me she did not like me fucking the other girls so she would give me head or a handjob until she finished her period. You know women in the states could learn from this, just because we are getting some strange pussy does not mean we do not love our wives. My last ex wife did not understand this and we were divorced. If my paisa was not such a jeckle and hyde she would be a keeper. She can be more of a ***** than any American woman I have been with. I do not have photos of the encounter as I enjoy not having to worry about trying to take photos while I am enjoying sex with the chicas here. Only in Colombia!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-08-09, 01:12
Guys, it's very simple, there is "no ghetto" in Medellin! People here dress very main stream!

Just some nice jeans, a pair of nice Sneakers and any color shirt (light colors, preferably) in Parque Lleras! And same thing, but darker color shirts in El Centro and La Mayorista! That's all you need to know, very simple!

Frank Casio!Gotta agree with Franky on this amigos.

Though everyone's got their own style, keep it simple like Frank said.

Maybe a pair of loafers as well as the tennies to wear in the evening.

Samy Dog
03-08-09, 02:21
1) My bank has ridiculous ATM surcharges whenever I use the card outside US. Is it better to bring cash and convert it locally. Do you guys recommend this and if so where would you change money in Medellin?

2) Is there public transport from the airport (metro train or a bus) to Laureles?

3) Where can I get a street map and is it easy to follow for the spanish challenged? How do you go from Laureles to the center of action?

4) Do taxis scam ya or are they pretty much reliable means of transport?

5) The list is very large. What are the must-go places?

I did do a lot of reading and have asked these questions as I could not locate specific answers.



Shark Bait
03-08-09, 02:40
I forgot to add that Diana is the chica that worked at the Blue Room. She is very streetwise and could sell an eskimo ice. I am wise to her so it is like a chess game.

World Travel 69
03-08-09, 03:18
I found Nana! Funny what the absence of letter A will do.

Villa Nueva East (Oriente) of Carrera 46 (Av. Oriental).

1. Nana, Calle 57A # 48-09, door bell upper right corner of the gate, near Calle Colombia (50). 6 Chicas. Prices: 30k 20 min., 30k 30 min., 50k hour. Tel: 512 78 69. Hours: Monday to Saturday 10am to 6:30pm. (#15 on Tung’s Map.)

Nana. I checked every place that was posted for this address. __ Chicas. Prices: ___. Hours: ____. (#27 on Tung’s Map.)

Does anyone have the correct and complete address?

Samy Dog
03-08-09, 03:28
Is there public transport (metro or bus) from the airport to Laurles? Do taxis run on meter and is the center of action closer to Laurles.

Client 9
03-08-09, 04:09
There are two different perspectives about how to dress in Colombia, and I think both are equally valid.

One perspective is "when in Rome, do as the Romans. " Colombian women do not like sandals, sneakers, cowboy boots, shorts, shirts with floral prints, baseball hats, etc. If your objective is bang to Colombian women, then you may want to consider the preferences of Colombian women. This is especially true for guys that include non-pros as part of their agenda. This is the pragmatic approach, and I usually go this route. I usually wear shoes, jeans/khakis and a button-down shirt with a collar.

On the other hand, there is another valid perspective. That perspective recognizes that the American education establishment and media establishment endlessly preach the value of diversity. The USA Is probably the most diverse country in the world, and Americans are expected to respect diverse cultures, diverse opinions, diverse lifestyles, diverse dress, etc. Foreigners behaving as they would in their home countries are not labeled "ugly" in the USA For doing so.

With a $14 trillion economy, the USA Is the wealthiest nation in world history. By contrast, Colombia has a $400 billion economy (smaller than the USA Defense budget) and lacks the competence to end a civil war that has lasted more than four decades. Personally, it's difficult to view Colombia as a success story.

Why should Americans imitate Colombians? It seems to me Colombians should imitate Americans, not vice versa.

Why are Americans "ugly" for dressing in Colombia as they do in America? If Americans respect diversity in America, then aren't Colombians "ugly" for not respecting diversity in Colombia?

Colombia is one of the most isolated countries in the world. Even though tourism to Colombia has increased, it is still minimal. Roughly 40 million tourists visit Orlando every year. The population of Colombia is also roughly 40 million. This is incomprehensible to Colombians. Most Colombians do not speak a foreign language. Most Colombians have never visited a foreign country. Most Colombians have never had any significant interaction with foreigners in their entire lives.

Basically, most Colombians are ignorant. It can be extremely frustrating to deal with Colombian ignorance.

One valid perspective is to dress the way Colombian women prefer. Another equally valid perspective is that if a Colombian woman is so ignorant that she is incapable of respecting a man from a foreign culture, then there are another 20 million Colombian women in Colombia. And most of them are very eager to meet foreign men.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Legal Tender
03-08-09, 04:19
One can’t argue with the truth: there is no dress code. But, why would one want to behave in a way that is not productive? I respect any point-of-view, but stupidity. We all know our primary goal. We know why we travel to places like Medellin. We know why we take our time to write here.

So, while there is no dress code, we can’t forget: "while in Rome do as the Romans do. " The simple formality exhibited by even the poorest Piasas is instructive of what they consider "respectful" and "proper". Why would anyone want to figuratively swim up stream? Don’t be the emblematic gringo. It is not productive.

Common sense makes my case. We all love antidote; sometimes it is the best evidence we have. During the holiday season I visited Medellin. At a nice restaurant, for which I dressed for dinner, I saw the most beautiful woman that I think I had ever seen. She was an 11. And, she was with her husband. As I was leaving, I stopped at their table, and looking directly at her husband, told him what good taste he had in women. And, that my comment was meant as a complement to him as a fellow hombre. He smiled, and after a brief and pleasant exchange, he invited me to join him and his wife for coffee. Long story short, on Sunday, which was the next day, I was invited to lunch with his family – his mother, father, 9 brothers and sisters, and all their spouses and children. His wife’s 21 year old sister was invited, and I had to tell him his wife was now the second most beautiful woman that I had ever met.

The end result: my purpose for traveling to Medellin wasn’t realized with her for a few more days. But, what a memory! There will be more to come, if that is what I want. It wouldn’t have ever been possible had I exploited the implied license of "there ain’t no dress code" by wearing shorts, or otherwise not showing some respect by my dress. Damn, use some sense fellows.

We have enough problem with image in Colombia given how USA Citizens are already perceived by the majority of Colombians: "Plan Colombia" is not their plan. If you don’t know what I write about, Google it. It doesn’t hurt to be able to discuss a little Colombian history.

03-08-09, 06:55
With a $14 trillion economy, the USA Is the wealthiest nation in world history. By contrast, Colombia has a $400 billion economy (smaller than the USA Defense budget) and lacks the competence to end a civil war that has lasted more than four decades. Personally, it's difficult to view Colombia as a success story.

Why should Americans imitate Colombians? It seems to me Colombians should imitate Americans, not vice versa.

Why are Americans "ugly" for dressing in Colombia as they do in America? If Americans respect diversity in America, then aren't Colombians "ugly" for not respecting diversity in Colombia? Ugh. Right here in a nutshell is exactly why American tourists are broadly (all over the world) considered the "ugly american", but also well tolerated (the money and tipping better than folks from other rich countries). Repugnant would be a decent summary also.

Invariably "gringo" style tourists adhering to your point of view are the loudest, shallowest, least respectful, and most obnoxious bunch of travelers and easy to spot from far away. Real travelers try avoid them like the plague.

Personally, the idea that "they" (Colombians or others) should act more American is the worse possible idea for either traveler or monger.

I mean why the hell not stay in the States if you want an experience more American? Why go somewhere else for something different, complain about it being different (until it changes and you no longer want to go there and ruined it for everybody else too? Check out Cancun sometime for example.)

I suspect that there's little point in arguing this with folks whose minds are set on how great their way of life is; all the more pathetic for the reasons of broad exposure and education that you cite (as an American with those advantages you have no excuse for not understanding more broadly).

You are posting to the Colombia forums after all, and not the USA ones. So clearly the AmericanWayIsRight isn't something you believe in either despite the eloquent ignorance of your position, or you're trolling.

I also suspect that right now is not a great time to be pointing out the value of the US economic system, hardly something to emulate (if you don't get that, pay better attention).

Yes, I'm American, and my rule is to tread lightly and do my best to perpetuate the diversity that is the reason most of us travel.

I visit Colombia specifically because it is Colombia and also because it isn't the USA. If you can't appreciate that, you really shouldn't be in Colombia, and the rest of the world would also appreciate it if you stayed the hell home.

Latin Bound
03-08-09, 12:25
Is there public transport (metro or bus) from the airport to Laurles? Do taxis run on meter and is the center of action closer to Laurles.the metro train does not run out that far. Buses will take you to el centro. From there you would need to take a taxi. From laureles you can either walk or take a taxi to whatever club you want that are in that area. However, you might find that many are not walking distance. On another note, most casas are in el centro.

Tom 33
03-08-09, 14:02
Fellas, is there a tax when you leave Medellin at the airport?

If there is one, do you paid in dollars or colombian pesos?Yes there is a tax, several actually. Many airlines include this in their tickets. I believe that you can pay in COP, USD or by credit card.

Tom 33
03-08-09, 14:10
1) My bank has ridiculous ATM surcharges whenever I use the card outside US. Is it better to bring cash and convert it locally. Do you guys recommend this and if so where would you change money in Medellin?

2) Is there public transport from the airport (metro train or a bus) to Laureles?

3) Where can I get a street map and is it easy to follow for the spanish challenged? How do you go from Laureles to the center of action?

4) Do taxis scam ya or are they pretty much reliable means of transport?

5) The list is very large. What are the must-go places?

I did do a lot of reading and have asked these questions as I could not locate specific answers.


SDIf you think you ATM charges are high, wait until you see the scalping you take changing USD. There are many US banks that charge nothing for ATM withdrawals. CapitalOne is one.

A mini-bus runs from around 5 am to 8 pm from the airport to el Centro. It costs about 6K.

Try Google Earth for street maps. Click "roads. "

MDE is spread out. There is no center of the action although el Centro has the largest concentration of casas.

Taxis are generally good and metered. But you may not want to hail taxis from the street at night or when you are alone. Call for a cab.

Member #3435
03-08-09, 16:55
Thanks Frank, that's what I thought. In most Latin countries the locals really dress up when they go out, and I would rather not look like an ugly American.

Thanks Schwmmr, that's helpful. I've seen a guy get kicked out of a casino in Panama because he wanted to take off his tie to shoot some craps. I've seen a bar girl refuse to go with a guy because he was wearing cowboy boots. I've seen $10 streetwalkers making fun of a group of frat boys for dressing "like roosters" in Costa Rica (although I think that was their hair as much as their clothes). Next time you are in a Ukrainian disco wearing the same stuff you packed for Phuket you'll wish you asked. Or maybe I'm the only one who doesn't want to look like a gringo tourist. That shit's fine in Sosua but too bad if asking about dressing for the nightlife in Medellin offends you.Ok fine. I was out out of line. Sorry.

But even now considering the question with a clear head, I'd consider it a valid question only if it's your first trip ever to Latin America.

All the best,


Frank Casio
03-08-09, 19:55
If you think you ATM charges are high, wait until you see the scalping you take changing USD. There are many US banks that charge nothing for ATM withdrawals. CapitalOne is one.Hey guys,

If you open an account with Compass Bank in Florida, there are no ATM fees whatsoever anywhere in the World ! I´ve had it for 4 years ! My Wachovia account shows the ATM fees, none with Compass Bank ! I think you can open an account on line!

Frank Casio!

Madd Love
03-08-09, 20:36
Ugh. Right here in a nutshell is exactly why American tourists are broadly (all over the world) considered the "ugly american", but also well tolerated (the money and tipping better than folks from other rich countries). Repugnant would be a decent summary also.

Invariably "gringo" style tourists adhering to your point of view are the loudest, shallowest, least respectful, and most obnoxious bunch of travelers and easy to spot from far away. Real travelers try avoid them like the plague.

Personally, the idea that "they" (Colombians or others) should act more American is the worse possible idea for either traveler or monger.

I mean why the hell not stay in the States if you want an experience more American? Why go somewhere else for something different, complain about it being different (until it changes and you no longer want to go there and ruined it for everybody else too? Check out Cancun sometime for example.)

I suspect that there's little point in arguing this with folks whose minds are set on how great their way of life is; all the more pathetic for the reasons of broad exposure and education that you cite (as an American with those advantages you have no excuse for not understanding more broadly).

You are posting to the Colombia forums after all, and not the USA ones. So clearly the AmericanWayIsRight isn't something you believe in either despite the eloquent ignorance of your position, or you're trolling.

I also suspect that right now is not a great time to be pointing out the value of the US economic system, hardly something to emulate (if you don't get that, pay better attention).

Yes, I'm American, and my rule is to tread lightly and do my best to perpetuate the diversity that is the reason most of us travel.

I visit Colombia specifically because it is Colombia and also because it isn't the USA. If you can't appreciate that, you really shouldn't be in Colombia, and the rest of the world would also appreciate it if you stayed the hell home.I think the other guy has a point.

Colombians come to our country and us as Americans are more receptive and welcoming than any other country. We allow/appreciate Foreigners to dress and come as they please without any negative bias towards them. Other countries should at least do the same when Americans go to their country.

Goga Fung
03-08-09, 21:42
Personally, the idea that "they" (Colombians or others) should act more American is the worse possible idea for either traveler or monger.
I visit Colombia specifically because it is Colombia and also because it isn't the USA. If you can't appreciate that, you really shouldn't be in Colombia, and the rest of the world would also appreciate it if you stayed the hell home.100% agree. Once a taxi driver in Medellin complained that he was kinda upset with some gringo tourists who don't know a word in spanish, but would expect that everybody would understand them and kiss their ass. On the other hand, he was very glad that other tourists are trying to learn the language and speak spanish.

Tom 33
03-08-09, 23:11
I also suspect that right now is not a great time to be pointing out the value of the US economic system, hardly something to emulate (if you don't get that, pay better attention).Yup the American system sucks. The only thing worse is what every other country in the world has. Did you ever wonder why the US dollar has drastically increased in value against world currencies?

Contrary to popular opinion, the rudest travelers I have seen in Colombia are the Colombians themselves. Cachacos on vacation in Cartagena take the cake. They are a main reason that I moved to Medellín 2 years ago.

Client 9
03-09-09, 00:38
Ugh. Right here in a nutshell is exactly why American tourists are broadly (all over the world) considered the "ugly american", but also well tolerated (the money and tipping better than folks from other rich countries). Repugnant would be a decent summary also.

Invariably "gringo" style tourists adhering to your point of view are the loudest, shallowest, least respectful, and most obnoxious bunch of travelers and easy to spot from far away. Real travelers try avoid them like the plague.

Personally, the idea that "they" (Colombians or others) should act more American is the worse possible idea for either traveler or monger.

I mean why the hell not stay in the States if you want an experience more American? Why go somewhere else for something different, complain about it being different (until it changes and you no longer want to go there and ruined it for everybody else too? Check out Cancun sometime for example.)

I suspect that there's little point in arguing this with folks whose minds are set on how great their way of life is; all the more pathetic for the reasons of broad exposure and education that you cite (as an American with those advantages you have no excuse for not understanding more broadly).

You are posting to the Colombia forums after all, and not the USA ones. So clearly the AmericanWayIsRight isn't something you believe in either despite the eloquent ignorance of your position, or you're trolling.

I also suspect that right now is not a great time to be pointing out the value of the US economic system, hardly something to emulate (if you don't get that, pay better attention).

Yes, I'm American, and my rule is to tread lightly and do my best to perpetuate the diversity that is the reason most of us travel.

I visit Colombia specifically because it is Colombia and also because it isn't the USA. If you can't appreciate that, you really shouldn't be in Colombia, and the rest of the world would also appreciate it if you stayed the hell home.Hi Rumpus, thanks for your input. However, I disagree.

I live in Orlando. The suburb adjacent to my suburb is predominantly Latino. They speak loudly and obnoxiously in Spanish. In fact, many refuse to learn English and demand that they have access to Spanish-speaking employees everywhere. They drive loud and obnoxious cars. They drive in an obnoxious and reckless manner. They engage in obnoxious and disrespectful behavior in restaurants, stores, etc. They wear loud and obnoxious clothing. They make zero effort to assimilate. They show absolutely no respect whatsoever for this country or its culture. Of course, the ultimate form of disrespect is that many are here illegally. Not surprisingly, the crime rate has skyrocketed as well.

If Americans can adapt to Latinos, why can't Colombians adapt to Americans?

If Latinos refuse to adapt in America, then why should Americans adapt in Colombia?

The USA is probably the most diverse country in the entire world. The education establishment and media establishment in the USA endlessly preach the supposed value of diversity. Americans are expected to respect diverse cultures, diverse opinions, diverse lifestyles, diverse dress, etc.

If Americans can respect diversity, then why can't Colombians overcome their ignorance and respect diversity in Colombia?

When I meet a Colombian woman that is so ignorant that she cannot respect and adapt to foreign cultures, I dump her. I don't waste my money and limited vacation time on such women. There are another 20 million women in Colombia, and most are very eager to meet foreign men.

Rumpus, you claim there are economic problems in the USA. However, there are economic problems everywhere in the world right now. And the USA still has the largest single-nation economy in world history despite the economic problems.

Rumpus, you suggest that I shouldn't travel abroad. If you are so ashamed of being American, maybe you should move abroad. By the way, why are Americans the only people in the world who are not allowed to be proud of their country?

I travel to Colombia for the beautiful women there. Other than that, I see no reason to travel to Colombia. And I'll continue traveling to Colombia despite your disapproval, Rumpus. See you in Colombia.

Client 9
03-09-09, 01:38
Hey guys,

I might be oppenning a My Place ll in Laureles or El Prado-Las Casas ! Can´t make up my mind ! Any suggestions?

Frank Casio !Hi Frank,

You certainly seem like an enthusiastic guy. It would be interesting to meet you someday.

Since you asked for suggestions, I have one for you. Why not open a place in the city of Pereira? Almost every Gringo I know wants to visit Pereira, and almost none of them have visited Pereira.

If you look around this forum, you will see that Gringos on top of Gringos are opening locations around Medellin. As the saying goes, I've seen this movie before.

When I first started visiting Colombia, Cartagena was the popular destination on these forums. Then "Cali Mania" began. Gringos on top of Gringos started opening so-called "marriage agencies" and other locations in Cali. Eventually, it was a bloodbath because there was so much competition. They all went bust.

Now, Medellin is the flavor-of-the-month. My suggestion is to leave Medellin before history repeats itself. Carve out a niche in Pereira where you will have it all to yourself. If you do, maybe you can convince Jackson to add a Pereira forum.

Good luck

03-09-09, 02:33
Well I see no problem with wearing shorts during the day time in Medellin. I have yet to see a women who would not talk to me or my friend who wore shorts. Secondly during the day time, true mongers, and not lovers or sight seers are usually going to casas. So no need to worry about dressing to pay a hoe for pleasure.

Night time now thats a different story. Sure pants, jeans, kakhis, and a decent shirt is always the way to go.

03-09-09, 05:46
Client 9 you are the exact thing that you despise of the latinos in Orlando. See my parents came to the US in the fifties and adapted to the US. Since they did that they have become very very successful. The latinos that we both are not fond of are the ones that come here and try to change the US to their culture instead of vice versa.

Without realizing it, in Colombia you are exactly what you have come to hate about foreigners in your country. By your comments it sounds as if you are there to just suck the life out of the chicas then leave instead of learning the culture and having a very very good time, everytime you go.

I am american and travel extensively since I do international sales (90% travel time). When I leave the US I have noticed that I hate americans too. The gringo becomes a complete moron when he passes through foreign immigration lines. They are morons! I say they and not me because I am not a dumb gringo, I am american, very big difference! One thing is to have a strong economy and all that and another [Political Commentary Deleted by Admin]. That does not fly with any culture just like when england tried to do it to the US before the war of independance, it did not fly then.

[Political Commentary Deleted by Admin]. Please do not be one of the people that adds to that stigma that will take decades to fix. When in Rome do as the romans and sleep with the romanas.

Just a point of view from a fellow american, not a dumb gringo, a fellow american.


EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited in accordance with the Forum's Zero Tolerance policy regarding reports containing any personal attacks or derogatory comments directed towards another Forum Member or the Forum Membership in general.

Hi Rumpus, thanks for your input. However, I disagree.

I live in Orlando. The suburb adjacent to my suburb is predominantly Latino. They speak loudly and obnoxiously in Spanish. In fact, many refuse to learn English and demand that they have access to Spanish-speaking employees everywhere. They drive loud and obnoxious cars. They drive in an obnoxious and reckless manner. They engage in obnoxious and disrespectful behavior in restaurants, stores, etc. They wear loud and obnoxious clothing. They make zero effort to assimilate. They show absolutely no respect whatsoever for this country or its culture. Of course, the ultimate form of disrespect is that many are here illegally. Not surprisingly, the crime rate has skyrocketed as well.

If Americans can adapt to Latinos, why can't Colombians adapt to Americans?

If Latinos refuse to adapt in America, then why should Americans adapt in Colombia?

The USA is probably the most diverse country in the entire world. The education establishment and media establishment in the USA endlessly preach the supposed value of diversity. Americans are expected to respect diverse cultures, diverse opinions, diverse lifestyles, diverse dress, etc.

If Americans can respect diversity, then why can't Colombians overcome their ignorance and respect diversity in Colombia?

When I meet a Colombian woman that is so ignorant that she cannot respect and adapt to foreign cultures, I dump her. I don't waste my money and limited vacation time on such women. There are another 20 million women in Colombia, and most are very eager to meet foreign men.

Rumpus, you claim there are economic problems in the USA. However, there are economic problems everywhere in the world right now. And the USA still has the largest single-nation economy in world history despite the economic problems.

Rumpus, you suggest that I shouldn't travel abroad. If you are so ashamed of being American, maybe you should move abroad. By the way, why are Americans the only people in the world who are not allowed to be proud of their country?

I travel to Colombia for the beautiful women there. Other than that, I see no reason to travel to Colombia. And I'll continue traveling to Colombia despite your disapproval, Rumpus. See you in Colombia.

Client 9
03-09-09, 11:12
100% agree. Once a taxi driver in Medellin complained that he was kinda upset with some gringo tourists who don't know a word in spanish, but would expect that everybody would understand them and kiss their ass. On the other hand, he was very glad that other tourists are trying to learn the language and speak spanish.I have spoken fluent Spanish for almost 15 years.

In Orlando, there are countless Latinos living here that refuse to learn English and demand access to Spanish-speaking employees in stores, restaurants, etc. They demand schools teach classes in Spanish. They demand landlords put all documents in Spanish. And so on and so forth.

If you think Colombian customers do not expect to have their asses kissed in Colombia, then you have never been to Colombia.

And when Colombian taxi drivers stop ripping off Gringos, I might start to give a rat's ass about what they think.

03-09-09, 12:32
I've been walking the gritty streets of downtown Medellin the last few days checking out the ¨merchandise'. Mainly the 2 streetwalker areas: one by the El Faro bar and the other a few blocks away on Calle 51-52.

I know you oldtimers are going to tell me how dangerous it is, but I haven¨t had any problems so far. I do my business from morning to early evening.

Basically I like the selection of dozens and dozens of chicas in each location, white, latina and black. Tall ones, short ones, older-younger, skinny-chunky, its all here. They¨re dressed in tight, short skirts and sexy high-heels. I personally like the older ones, a little chunky with big tits and bubble asses.

Most of these women are charging 15-20, 000 COP, that¨s cheap enough for me to have 2fers and 3fers everyday. Its funny, but I don't see that many mongers. I guess these guys do a quick hit and run. I like to hang out a little on the streets. Maybe thats bad, I don't know. I¨m actually getting to know some of the women by name: Rosa, Maria, Monica etc. Chao

03-09-09, 15:08
Well I see no problem with wearing shorts during the day time in Medellin. I have yet to see a women who would not talk to me or my friend who wore shorts. Secondly during the day time, true mongers, and not lovers or sight seers are usually going to casas. So no need to worry about dressing to pay a hoe for pleasure. Night time now thats a different story. Sure pants, jeans, kakhis, and a decent shirt is always the way to go.In light of all the suggestions, I am going to bring my worn out chino cargo pants, flip flops, my old t-shirt with a largemouth bass on it, and don my John Deer cap.

Seriously though, I doubt many have traveled as much, as long, or as many places as me, and if so, good on ya', but total conformity is not necessary. I saw some diversity there. There were lots of middle aged men in shorts in Laureles during the day, walking dogs, etc. There were men in sweat suits near the parks and on bikes.

Rather than use every issue on the Medellin board to thrash on "Gringos", "Americans", and "the American Economy", it would be much nicer if some of you guys that have moved there to be a little more honest and look around.

Frank Casio
03-09-09, 17:15
Hi Frank,

You certainly seem like an enthusiastic guy. It would be interesting to meet you someday.

Since you asked for suggestions, I have one for you. Why not open a place in the city of Pereira? Almost every Gringo I know wants to visit Pereira, and almost none of them have visited Pereira.

If you look around this forum, you will see that Gringos on top of Gringos are opening locations around Medellin. As the saying goes, I've seen this movie before.

When I first started visiting Colombia, Cartagena was the popular destination on these forums. Then "Cali Mania" began. Gringos on top of Gringos started opening so-called "marriage agencies" and other locations in Cali. Eventually, it was a bloodbath because there was so much competition. They all went bust.

Now, Medellin is the flavor-of-the-month. My suggestion is to leave Medellin before history repeats itself. Carve out a niche in Pereira where you will have it all to yourself. If you do, maybe you can convince Jackson to add a Pereira forum.

Good luckHi Client 9,

I love Pereira, the women are beautiful and the scenery on the way there is spectacular! I considered buying a property there, but I'm not much for travelling on a regulart basis! That's why I like My Place at La Mayorista, because the girls are just a walk down the Stairs! I'm considering Laureles or El Centro for the same reason!

The people in Pereira are considered Paisas, the last Paisa stronghold away from Medellin! The Clubs are very similar, the women are beautiful! There is a saying in Colombia that if you ask a woman from Pereirea "to sit, she'll lie down instead"! I was only there one night as I was having problems with my ex-girlfriend! I didn't score, but I got a few stairs! Another thing, I've heard Pereira is kind of dangerous becuse of drug dealers and Cali breaking down, I don't know? But the scenery there by bus or car is impressively beautiful!

Frank Casio!

KC Questor
03-09-09, 21:16
Ok fine. I was out out of line. Sorry.

But even now considering the question with a clear head, I'd consider it a valid question only if it's your first trip ever to Latin America.Man, look what a shitstorm we stirred up. I was planning to pack just like I do when I go to Costa Rica or Venezuela, but at the last minute I thought I'd ask if there was something special about the Paisa Dress Code that I might want to know.

I didn't end up packing shorts and I kind of which I had, just for walking to the store in the afternoon or whatever. Other than that, jeans and a t-shirt for casual wear and khakis with a collared golf shirt seems to be fine.

I do see lots of gringos dressed like gringos, but half of them have a girl on their arm so it can't hurt them too much. If they get dirty looks there's no way to tell if it is because they are dressed like they are or because they are dining with a gorgeous young paisa.

El Minetero
03-10-09, 05:05
< Why not open a place in the city of Pereira? Almost every Gringo I know wants to visit Pereira, and almost none of them have visited Pereira. >

Perhaps because there are no direct flights to Pereira. Bogota, Cartagena, Barranquilla and Medellin all can be reached by direct flights.

< If you look around this forum, you will see that Gringos on top of Gringos are opening locations around Medellin. >

Medellin is ten times the size and population of Pereira, therefore offering ten times the opportunities, both in potential patrons, and in SW's. Not to mention restaurants, bars and lodgings.

< My suggestion is to carve out a niche in Pereira where you will have it all to yourself. >

Frank is a successful businessman, and realizes that he must have a client base to succeed. Most pussy hounds coming to Colombia on vacation do not want to waste their limited time making another connection. As an example, coming from Atlanta to Pereira requires a 9 hour overnight in Bogota, either sitting in the terminal or incurring extra transportation and hotel expense.

Reading through the Pereira posts in the 'Other Cities' thread, there aren't that many P4P places there, and it's reported that the women in the Casas charge more than in Medellin.

< If you do, maybe you can convince Jackson to add a Pereira forum. >

This would be nice for those of us that are interested in Pereira, but who would post? How long has it been since the last post about Pereira? Pereira is too far off the Gringo Route to support a My Place. Might be a good place to open a retirement home for active seniors.

Khun Talung

Nino Bravo
03-10-09, 12:06
When I meet a Colombian woman that is so ignorant that she cannot respect and adapt to foreign cultures, I dump her. I don't waste my money and limited vacation time on such women. There are another 20 million women in Colombia, and most are very eager to meet foreign men.There are 20 million women in Colombia and MOST are very eager to meet foreign men? Jajaja. For a minute there Client 9 I was giving you the benefit of the doubt as far as your credibility goes, but after that statement I must look at you with raised eyebrows. Only a VERY small precentage of the 20 million Colombianas have any interest at all in meeting foreign men. Out of the 20 million Colombianas, many are already married, many are old, many are young children, and for your information, MOST young beautiful Colombian women have ZERO interest in foreign men. Please don't believe the marriage agency hype. They are very content with their Colombian men, thank you very much. Maybe you need to broaden your exposure on your next trip to Colombia. Stay out of the casas, use your fluent Spanish to mingle with regular folks, Colombians of class, then you might see that MOST Colombianas have no interest at all in meeting foreign men.

World Travel 69
03-10-09, 14:14
This is the bus line.

From the airport it takes you to El Centro, Carrera 50A # 53-13. Next the Hotel Botero and across the street from the Casa Puntocon (Geishas 1), Carrera 50A # 53-38.

Hours: From El Centro 4am to 7:30pm

From the Airport 6am to 10pm

If you think you ATM charges are high, wait until you see the scalping you take changing USD. There are many US banks that charge nothing for ATM withdrawals. CapitalOne is one.

A mini-bus runs from around 5 am to 8 pm from the airport to el Centro. It costs about 6K.

Try Google Earth for street maps. Click "roads. "

MDE is spread out. There is no center of the action although el Centro has the largest concentration of casas.

Taxis are generally good and metered. But you may not want to hail taxis from the street at night or when you are alone. Call for a cab.

03-10-09, 19:25
In light of all the suggestions, I am going to bring my worn out chino cargo pants, flip flops, my old t-shirt with a largemouth bass on it, and don my John Deer cap.

Seriously though, I doubt many have traveled as much, as long, or as many places as me, and if so, good on ya', but total conformity is not necessary. I saw some diversity there. There were lots of middle aged men in shorts in Laureles during the day, walking dogs, etc. There were men in sweat suits near the parks and on bikes.

Rather than use every issue on the Medellin board to thrash on "Gringos", "Americans", and "the American Economy", it would be much nicer if some of you guys that have moved there to be a little more honest and look around.Who cares what you look like when you are just wh0remongering? You could be walking around in a potato sack,, Just make sure your wallet is nice and fat with crispy 50mil bills and you will not have a problem getting laid in MDE, NOW if you want to try and hook up with the "hotter"non-pros? I doubt they will give you the time of day with your flip-flops and bass t-shirt, or your REEBOK sneakers with the dirty shoelaces. The Colombana is very materialistic and superficial and more and more are becoming veryvery picky who they choose to give the time of day to... The gringo "NOVELTY" has gone away a long long time ago!

Tom 33
03-10-09, 21:32
There are 20 million women in Colombia and MOST are very eager to meet foreign men? Jajaja. For a minute there Client 9 I was giving you the benefit of the doubt as far as your credibility goes, but after that statement I must look at you with raised eyebrows. Only a VERY small precentage of the 20 million Colombianas have any interest at all in meeting foreign men. Out of the 20 million Colombianas, many are already married, many are old, many are young children, and for your information, MOST young beautiful Colombian women have ZERO interest in foreign men. Please don't believe the marriage agency hype. They are very content with their Colombian men, thank you very much. Maybe you need to broaden your exposure on your next trip to Colombia. Stay out of the casas, use your fluent Spanish to mingle with regular folks, Colombians of class, then you might see that MOST Colombianas have no interest at all in meeting foreign men.
I live in estrato 4 in Medellín and have lived for 6 years in Colombia. Damn near every Colombiana I meet seems to fall all over me. And I am a fat, old guy.

Colombian men in general are mommas boys who cheat on their wives, beat them, and do not provide very well for their families. Even a fat old guy who is not Colombian looks good in comparison. I will grant that a significant minority of Colombianos do not fit this stereotype.

Is every hot, young Colombiana going to beg for your leche?

Hell no. But enough will.

Frank Casio
03-11-09, 00:45
This is the bus line.

From the airport it takes you to El Centro, Carrera 50A # 53-13. Next the Hotel Botero and across the street from the Casa Puntocon (Geishas 1), Carrera 50A # 53-38.

Hours: From El Centro 4am to 7:30pm

From the Airport 6am to 10pmThere is another one leaving from San Diego to Airport and back, until almost 10PM! I got lucky as I was comming out of the airport on my return from Miami a couple weeks ago and the bus stopped right in front of me! I guess he needed one more passenger! I was prepared to pay up to $60, 000cop for a Taxi. And instead I payed $6, 000cop for the bus to San Diego Mall, and $10, 000cop for a Taxi all the way accross town to Envigado!

Good Deal!

Frank Casio!

03-11-09, 01:44
I tried to pass by thie past Sunday to see if the BBQ is still going on, what happened too many ladies drank you out of business?

Hey guys,

I might be oppenning a My Place ll in Laureles or El Prado-Las Casas ! Can´t make up my mind ! Any suggestions?

Frank Casio !

Nino Bravo
03-11-09, 03:10
Once again the EXPERT appears.

Did you take a poll of these Colombian women?

Have you spoken with MOST of the young beautiful Colombian women?

You must obviously be living / visiting in a different Colombia than the rest of us.
To say that they are very content with their Colombian men is funny.Well, how many do you think are very eager to meet foreign men? Most? I would venture to guess far less than 10%, which would be 2 million women. I would venture to say that 10% is WAY too high. More like 1-2%. At the MOST. So no ricker, I don't need to talk to any of them in order to use my common sense and know that it is a very small percentage, and certainly not most.

Once again Ricker, your exposure to Colombian women is VERY limited. Casa *****s, and the easy non-pros, who, at the end of the day run back to their Colombian boyfriends after you leave town. The VAST majority of Colombian women prefer Colombian men. If that wasn't the case, the marriage agencies and on-line dating services that cater to Colombianas who are eager to meet foreign men would be over-flowing with millions of Colombianas. When in fact, I would venture to say that their memberships don't even come close to 50, 000 or more, and many who are on internet sites are looking for Colombian or other latin men from South American countries. Keep believing the Colombianas when they tell you the bullshit about how they hate Colombian men and prefer gringos. Then look around the next time you go out, anywhere in Colombia. Who are the Colombianas with? Yes, Colombian men. Jaja. And who are the Colombian women fucking when the naive gringo heads back to the states? . Jaja. Very, very few Colombianas marry gringos, in comparison to the number that marry and prefer Colombianos.

Think about it Ricker, just for a second. Use a little common sense. Most gringos come in contact with only a very small precentage of the female Colombian population.

World Travel 69
03-11-09, 13:20
I had a great one hour massage for 40k from Nieta? at the Masajes Japones, in C.C. Villanueva, Calle 57 # 49-44. Room 222. Tel: 251 51 58. Hours: 8am to 8pm.

I was hoping for a happy finish, but did not happen.

It is funny how you do not realize how sore your muscles can get from all the walking, until you get a massage.

Try it, you'll like it.

Oh yes, there were two other chicas there.

03-11-09, 20:23
Well, how many do you think are very eager to meet foreign men? Most? I would venture to guess far less than 10%, which would be 2 million women. I would venture to say that 10% is WAY too high. More like 1-2%. At the MOST. So no ricker, I don't need to talk to any of them in order to use my common sense and know that it is a very small percentage, and certainly not most.

Once again Ricker, your exposure to Colombian women is VERY limited. Casa *****s, and the easy non-pros, who, at the end of the day run back to their Colombian boyfriends after you leave town. The VAST majority of Colombian women prefer Colombian men. If that wasn't the case, the marriage agencies and on-line dating services that cater to Colombianas who are eager to meet foreign men would be over-flowing with millions of Colombianas. When in fact, I would venture to say that their memberships don't even come close to 50, 000 or more, and many who are on internet sites are looking for Colombian or other latin men from South American countries. Keep believing the Colombianas when they tell you the bullshit about how they hate Colombian men and prefer gringos. Then look around the next time you go out, anywhere in Colombia. Who are the Colombianas with? Yes, Colombian men. Jaja. And who are the Colombian women fucking when the naive gringo heads back to the states? . Jaja. Very, very few Colombianas marry gringos, in comparison to the number that marry and prefer Colombianos.

Think about it Ricker, just for a second. Use a little common sense. Most gringos come in contact with only a very small precentage of the female Colombian population.Not to dispute all that you've posted but the fact is, most Colombian Internet based marriage agencies fail not because they don't have enough girls, but that many of these girls, if not most, don't have Internet access at home. And with Colombian girls constantly losing cell phones, changing numbers. Etc they simply become unreachable.

I once had 45 paisas on my msn list and it wasn't unusual for some to log on maybe once a month when they had time/money to go to an Internet cafe. I can only speak for myself, but the impression I've seen is that foreign men do have some appeal beyond the P4P arena, whether that's a small sample or indicative of a bigger trend, I have to believe that soem of the paisas that took my to their homes would've gone with me to the airport THAT DAY if it meant they could begin a new life elsewhere, local novios be damned.

03-11-09, 21:50
Well, I'd have to respectfully disagree.

Of course Colombian women aren't going to fall all over you just because you're a foreigner, but MOST young Colombian women are NOT very content with their Colombian men, and would be VERY interested in meeting a man from abroad, especially if he presented himself properly.I agree with Ricker on this one. I'm 52 yrs. old, a bit overweight but I dress appropriately,speak decent but far from perfect spanish and not to pat myself on the back or anything but I have young hot Colombianas interested in me wherever I go and it is because of what Ricker has said many times and that is to treat the girls like human beings,speak some spanish,make them laugh,show some interest in them other than their sex and you'll have them eating out of your hand.

I must admit I am partial to the smaller cities like Armenia,Perriera and of course the crown jewel Manizales but I have been to Bogota,Cartagena and Medellin. For sure I am better off in the smaller cities as girls will talk to me just because I am a gringo,many girls in these cities have never met a guy from the U.S., I went to a party at mi novia's friends house two days ago and I was kind of like a circus freak as the girls were lining up to dance with me because none of them had ever met a gringo. In the bigger cities you will run into some hardcore chicas that won't show you any respect no matter what you do but they are the exception to the 20 million.

Just my opinion of course.

03-11-09, 21:59
Well, how many do you think are very eager to meet foreign men? Most? I would venture to guess far less than 10%, which would be 2 million women. I would venture to say that 10% is WAY too high. More like 1-2%. At the MOST. So no ricker, I don't need to talk to any of them in order to use my common sense and know that it is a very small percentage, and certainly not most.

Once again Ricker, your exposure to Colombian women is VERY limited. Casa *****s, and the easy non-pros, who, at the end of the day run back to their Colombian boyfriends after you leave town. The VAST majority of Colombian women prefer Colombian men. If that wasn't the case, the marriage agencies and on-line dating services that cater to Colombianas who are eager to meet foreign men would be over-flowing with millions of Colombianas. When in fact, I would venture to say that their memberships don't even come close to 50, 000 or more, and many who are on internet sites are looking for Colombian or other latin men from South American countries. Keep believing the Colombianas when they tell you the bullshit about how they hate Colombian men and prefer gringos. Then look around the next time you go out, anywhere in Colombia. Who are the Colombianas with? Yes, Colombian men. Jaja. And who are the Colombian women fucking when the naive gringo heads back to the states? . Jaja. Very, very few Colombianas marry gringos, in comparison to the number that marry and prefer Colombianos.

Think about it Ricker, just for a second. Use a little common sense. Most gringos come in contact with only a very small precentage of the female Colombian population."Once again Ricker, your exposure to Colombian women is VERY limited. Casa *****s, and the easy non-pros, who, at the end of the day run back to their Colombian boyfriends after you leave town."

Dude,you obviously don't know Ricker if you are saying stupid shit like this....

03-12-09, 00:50
Once again Ricker, your exposure to Colombian women is VERY limited. Casa *****s, and the easy non-pros, who, at the end of the day run back to their Colombian boyfriends after you leave town. The VAST majority of Colombian women prefer Colombian men.Because of work, I travel a lot. I have been all over Colombia. I'm not sure about Ricker's exposure, but I can attest to the fact that MOST Colombian women (not just ones from Medellin) LOVE gringos. I'm not just talking about girls from Casas, but women I meet for business, at gyms, restaurants, rich girls, poor girls, etc.

Additionally, some of those girls had Colombian boyfriends, but that did NOT stop them.

03-12-09, 00:59
Well, how many do you think are very eager to meet foreign men? Most? I would venture to guess far less than 10%, which would be 2 million women. I would venture to say that 10% is WAY too high. More like 1-2%. At the MOST. So no ricker, I don't need to talk to any of them in order to use my common sense and know that it is a very small percentage, and certainly not most.

Once again Ricker, your exposure to Colombian women is VERY limited. Casa *****s, and the easy non-pros, who, at the end of the day run back to their Colombian boyfriends after you leave town ... Once again Nino you make assumptions about me and my exposure to Colombia and Colombian women and it's a bit silly really.

Bottom line is, I don't believe most Colombianas are literally running around trying to meet foreigners, i.e. Internet dating, Marriage agency, etc.

I do believe, however, that most Colombianas are NOT very content with the typical Colombian man, and that many would love to meet a good intentioned, foreign man.

In actuality I have many Colombian friends that come from upper crust families to the less fortunate.

I'm only stating what I hear from them over the years, I'm not making mathematical equations and hypothesis.

That's my final answer :)

03-12-09, 04:58
Here is my 2 cents (or 2 cop).American men offer hope and financial stability to girls who have none.Love has nothing to do with most of these situations but a promise of a better life does.Next time you are in Medellin take the metro to the cable cars that go across the city and look down at how they live..it will explain a lot.

Legal Tender
03-12-09, 05:42
Are we having a logical disconnect here? Colombia's main exports are flowers, coffee, drugs and women. The latter usually on a unit of time basis. Colombia has no middle class. The 3 or 4%. The elite. Don't want to leave Colombia with a Gringo or otherwise.

Women want security. 97% of them will not and cannot find it in Colombia. Yes, when we Gringos go out at night most of the beautiful Colombian women are with Colombian men. Do you think the fact that this observation takes place in Colombia might be a reasonable explanation?

The Colombian women are female first, and Colombian second. A Gringo that can take them to a first world country is in great demand. Simple as that!

03-12-09, 13:06
Here is my 2 cents (or 2 cop).American men offer hope and financial stability to girls who have none.Love has nothing to do with most of these situations but a promise of a better life does.Next time you are in Medellin take the metro to the cable cars that go across the city and look down at how they live..it will explain a lot.Great point Mule.

I have explored the city and know what you mean.

03-12-09, 14:19
Its not only the opportunity for a better life that the women seek. It also has to do with the treatment, Gringo's are alot easier going, less abusive, give woman a lot more control of their own lifes.

Will tend to spoil the woman a bit more.

03-12-09, 14:59
Last night me and the gang (World Travel 69, Frank Casio) went to strip club Maracaibo on Calle 53 in downtown Medellin. Its a nice strip club with a good lively crowd.

There were about 10 young strippers we saw strut their stuff on stage, including sticking their panocha in our faces and crazy stuff. Some of the women had great bodies that had my lengua hard among other stuff. I highly recommend the place.

The nice thing about Maracaibo is that its not expensive. No entry fee, drinks are 4,000 pesos, and you are expected to tip the chica 1,000 pesos after the dance. Which is not too bad in my opinion.


03-12-09, 16:05
True! Most of my colombian GFs, including a couple of upper class girls, are BORED to death with their male counterparts. Specially in the higher income groups, in cities like Medellin and Cali, people seem to get married in their mid twenties. But lots of girls just don't want to throw their lives away, say, at 24; or just don't get to know the right guy at such a tender age.

In one of my best girlfriend's words, beautiful and in her early 30's: "There don't seem to be any guys around. The few who are worth any attention are already married (and their wives won't take their eyes off them, knowing how scarce they seem to be); others are gay, and the rest are a bunch of losers (alcoholics, drug addicts, rude, ignorant, stupid and immature guys. Most of you will know what I'm talking about). So. She concludes. There is simply nobody decent to fuck! " I myself have enjoyed the pros of this situation. As many of you mention, being clever, courteous (not stupid) and clean (in every sense) might lead to wonderful surprises.

With the correct attitude, those of us who enjoy something other than the HC scene of casas and P4P have a vast universe to explore among gorgeous and decent chicas here.

As the saying goes in Colombia, "when everybody's blind, the one eyed guy gets to be king".

Goga Fung
03-12-09, 16:11
Originally Posted by Goga Fung

100% agree. Once a taxi driver in Medellin complained that he was kinda upset with some gringo tourists who don't know a word in spanish, but would expect that everybody would understand them and kiss their ass. On the other hand, he was very glad that other tourists are trying to learn the language and speak spanish.I have spoken fluent Spanish for almost 15 years.

In Orlando, there are countless Latinos living here that refuse to learn English and demand access to Spanish-speaking employees in stores, restaurants, etc. They demand schools teach classes in Spanish. They demand landlords put all documents in Spanish. And so on and so forth.

If you think Colombian customers do not expect to have their asses kissed in Colombia, then you have never been to Colombia.Client 9, where do you see the hypocrisy? You cannot say that USA and Colombia are the same and people must behave the same way.

Latinos in USA are different people from Colombians in Colombia. How can you make this types of conclusions, that just because some Latinos in Orlando behave certain way, then gringos should behave the same way in Colombia? BTW, in Florida at least half a million of residents are Hispanic, can you say that there is any significant number of Colombian residents are gringos?

I also did not say anything about Colombian customers and what they expect, I was only telling the words of a Medellin taxi driver about gringo customers, what a local thinks about guests in his country.

And when Colombian taxi drivers stop ripping off Gringos, I might start to give a rat's ass about what they think.Maybe when gringos stop being gringos they will stop being ripped off?:)

I do not think I have been ripped off so far yet. Only maybe for 3-4K pesos at most, one-two times. Simply because I did not know exactly where I'm going, and the taxi driver of course did not mind to show me around as much as possible. It's not actually a rip off.

Do you know that sometimes in Eastern Europe a gringo(and locals too) can be easily ripped off for $100-$200? They may have some mafia controlled places where they must not charged you less than a certain amount. Also one friend got ripped off in Buffalo USA for $200, he was charged $220 by a taxi driver instead of $20. So who is the biggest rippoffer.. Actually Colombians have not learned yet how to rip off gringos.

Carlos Miami
03-12-09, 18:24
I have been living in Colombia for several Years. I got Married to A Colombian woman.

Colombian Women in General Prefer Foreigners, because colombian men have such a bad reputation. They are famous for Cheating, having multiple couples, and wanting the women to give financial support. In general colombian men are seen as lazy.

That is why any colombian women would prefer a man that gives finantial suport, and if he is foreigner it is much better.

If a colombian woman marries a foreigner she has more chances of getting a visa to the USA, Mexico, Canada. A situation that is off the record for the average colombian man.

Colombian women digg the Mexican, American, Canadian and Argentinian accent. They are much more opened to foreigners than the rest of women in Latin America.

I think that a foreigner in colombian has many more chances of hooking up with the same hottie than a colombian man.

Aussie Greg
03-12-09, 19:51
Any women seen with a gringo in Colombia is consided a PUTA, period.

Aussie Greg

03-12-09, 22:06
Any women seen with a gringo in Colombia is consided a PUTA, period.

Aussie GregWell that clears things up.

Thanks Aussie G :)

World Travel 69
03-12-09, 22:49
Enough talk about who the Chicas like and want to marry.

For some of you that like high class chicas. I reccomend this place. They were out of my price range.

Elements Spa (Hotel El Continental), Carrera 50 # 52-08, Piso 4. 8+ Chicas. Prices: 70k Exotic Massage, 150k Chica. Tel: 251 23 67. Hours: 1pm to 9pm. http://www.communitywalk.com/MedellinExecutiveHotel#00049i;I It has Nice roof top bar to sit and talk with the Chicas. They are all top of the line Chicas.

Here is another place that has models to serve you:

*1. Casa de Piedra, (Lindas Chicas) Calle 58 (Av. Oriental) # 50A-54, Big White Metal Gate. 6 Chicas on the premises, but has up to 100 chicas for you to choose from. Prices: Chica 100k 1.5 hours, includes room, 200k TLN, 75k Exit Fee. Tel: 254 05 98. Hours: Nanci the owner has a 24/7 operation, in which you can come by anytime and pick one of her 6 chicas or she will call anyone of 100 chicas that are available. She says most of her business is from 10pm to 6am. (#9 on Tung’s Map).

Again out of my price range.

Tony Squads
03-13-09, 00:28
I have been living in Colombia for several Years. I got Married to A Colombian woman.

Colombian Women in General Prefer Foreigners, because colombian men have such a bad reputation. They are famous for Cheating, having multiple couples, and wanting the women to give financial support. In general colombian men are seen as lazy.

That is why any colombian women would prefer a man that gives finantial suport, and if he is foreigner it is much better.

If a colombian woman marries a foreigner she has more chances of getting a visa to the USA, Mexico, Canada. A situation that is off the record for the average colombian man.

Colombian women digg the Mexican, American, Canadian and Argentinian accent. They are much more opened to foreigners than the rest of women in Latin America.

I think that a foreigner in colombian has many more chances of hooking up with the same hottie than a colombian man.I agreed,,just one more little thing we are better lovers than colombian dudes.

They always thinking how to cum faster!


03-13-09, 01:03
One thing about this debate on if Colombian women like Extranjeros that no one has asked -- would these same Colombianas you pick up out there give you any time of day if you met them back where you live (UK, Canada, US, etc.)? LOL