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07-13-16, 01:52
And at the current exchange rate of $1 US = 2934 COP, 33 million COP cash would equal $11,028 US, which, now, doesn't belong to Jake anymore. It belongs to the Government of Colombia.So that's money he won't be able to use to hire the lawyer to which he is not entitled, or to post bail, to which he is also not entitled. But I'm sure the jury he's not entitled to will be fair, and the right to confront his accusers that he does not have will prove his innocence, which is not legally presumed. In any event, he is not entitled to a speedy trial.

I'm thinking the Napoleonic Code will come as a bit of a shock to him.

07-13-16, 02:01
The bottom line is simply don't be trying to make a living off those women. Peru David, Cuba Dave, Colombia Jake, all felt the need to make some $$ off the local ladies. Bad idea!

The allegations re minors I don't even believe. For example, if Colombia Jake had a 13 year old in his apt, why would his roommate Eric be walking around as I write? The authorities make these allegations to cover up the fact that they are simply arresting a pimp. Pimping is wrong, but they can't be satisfied with a simple justification.

The moral of the story is, don't retire unless you have the money.I'm somewhat inclined to believe in this possibility as well Chesscat. They already have him on the pimping charge; they could be making up the minors and drug manufacturing stuff to make it sound much more serious. I highly doubt they are going to go trying to track down all the chicas he employed. Just say that he was pimping minors and dealing in drugs and lay the burden on him to prove otherwise (which is futile). I mean, who's going to believe the word of a gringo foreigner pimp?

Either way, this was meant to scare the shit out of any future would-be flesh entrepreneurs trying to set up something similar in Medellin. They've already got you on the pimping charge; any and everything else they throw in as well is just icing on the top. And even if you are not guilty of the extra charges, your name is besmirched and your life is ruined forever.

07-13-16, 02:05
Nice observation Dickhead!

So that's money he won't be able to use to hire the lawyer to which he is not entitled, or to post bail, to which he is also not entitled. But I'm sure the jury he's not entitled to will be fair, and the right to confront his accusers that he does not have will prove his innocence, which is not legally presumed. In any event, he is not entitled to a speedy trial.

I'm thinking the Napoleonic Code will come as a bit of a shock to him.

07-13-16, 02:26
Mansion is cool. I don't know what Du Parc is. I recommend http://www.hotelparque70.com/ . It is the bomb!

I just booked my flights to Mde next week. I was going to stay at the mansion for a few days then du Parc but now debating on no mansion at all.

07-13-16, 02:28
I'm somewhat inclined to believe in this possibility as well Chesscat. They already have him on the pimping charge; they could be making up the minors and drug manufacturing stuff to make it sound much more serious. I highly doubt they are going to go trying to track down all the chicas he employed. Just say that he was pimping minors and dealing in drugs and lay the burden on him to prove otherwise (which is futile). I mean, who's going to believe the word of a gringo foreigner pimp?

Either way, this was meant to scare the shit out of any future would-be flesh entrepreneurs trying to set up something similar in Medellin. They've already got you on the pimping charge; any and everything else they throw in as well is just icing on the top. And even if you are not guilty of the extra charges, your name is besmirched and your life is ruined forever.My opinion is there is something to the minors charge. The US isn't going to get involved helping bring down a small time pimp in Colombia. They will get involved if minors are involved, they've already done so several times.

07-13-16, 02:34
Several times? In my opinion, the charges against Peru David were exaggerated, that is fabricated with respect to minors, and re Cuba Dave, there were never any such charges. So what are you saying?

Where is any proof against anybody? I think the US makes baseless accusations, and encourages the local governments, Peruvian, CR or Colombian, to make similar baseless accusations. Re the charges in Colombia, I will bet anyone a dinner at Dejame que te cuente, en la 70, that these accusations re a minor are not borne out by October / November, when I am going down again.

My opinion is there is something to the minors charge. The US isn't going to get involved helping bring down a small time pimp in Colombia. They will get involved if minors are involved, they've already done so several times.

James Dandy
07-13-16, 02:40
My prediction is Jake will be doing his time in a US prison. First, the US was involved in his arrest, and second, Colombia has no problem forking over lawbreakers to the US. Several local men who never stepped foot in the US have been extradited there to do time, even as all their activities were in Medellin. Colombia is just going to kick him out forever anyway, and they have faith the US will come down plenty hard on him, so why hassle or pay for him? He's just a liability to Colombia if they have to watch him.

Jake will wish he was in a Colombian prison, where it would be rougher living but he would get out much sooner than what he is going to get in the US. Once he's out and on probation looking for a shit job that accepts guys who have to inform their boss they are a convicted sexual predator, or whatever they call it, he can look forward to paying all that back child support he skipped out on when he moved to Medellin.

For Jake, it doesn't matter one little bit if people believe the charge or not, they are what they are, and they are very serious. No use in trying to defend him when you weren't there and can't know what transpired. He was asking for trouble and he found it, regardless of every little detail that you can't possibly know.

In general, Colombians are very patient but Jake shoved it in everybody's faces. Colombian law enforcement even warned a couple months ago this was coming, and described Jakes bullshit to a tee when they stated what they were going after. What is the big surprise?

07-13-16, 03:03
You are right James Dandy. There is no point in trying to defend him. Nevertheless, as far are minors, I doubt it. This is just a charge they throw in, until the public has lost interest.

The bottom line though, is don't fight The Man. Don't even attract his attention. The Man being Uncle Sam.

My last trip down was quite fun, I don't have to worry about The Man. I wanders around El Centro, wanders around La 70, and Energy, and who cares?

So the Man can do what he wanna do.

"What we have here is a failure to communicate!"

My prediction is Jake will be doing his time in a US prison. First, the US was involved in his arrest, and second, Colombia has no problem forking over lawbreakers to the US. Several local men who never stepped foot in the US have been extradited there to do time, even as all their activities were in Medellin. Colombia is just going to kick him out forever anyway, and they have faith the US will come down plenty hard on him, so why hassle or pay for him? He's just a liability to Colombia if they have to watch him.

Jake will wish he was in a Colombian prison, where it would be rougher living but he would get out much sooner than what he is going to get in the US. Once he's out and on probation looking for a shit job that accepts guys who have to inform their boss they are a convicted sexual predator, or whatever they call it, he can look forward to paying all that back child support he skipped out on when he moved to Medellin.

For Jake, it doesn't matter one little bit if people believe the charge or not, they are what they are, and they are very serious. No use in trying to defend him when you weren't there and can't know what transpired. He was asking for trouble and he found it, regardless of every little detail that you can't possibly know.

In general, Colombians are very patient but Jake shoved it in everybody's faces. Colombian law enforcement even warned a couple months ago this was coming, and described Jakes bullshit to a tee when they stated what they were going after. What is the big surprise?

07-13-16, 03:50
Mansion is cool. I don't know what Du Parc is. I recommend http://www.hotelparque70.com/ . It is the bomb!This is Du Parc: https://www.google.com/search?q=hotel+du+parc&rlz=1 C1 AFAB_enUS570 US575&oq=hotel+du+parc&aqs=chrome. 69 i57 j69 i64.2687 j0 j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=hotel+du+parc+medellin.

It seems pretty nice and someone said it was Chica friendly. I can't find anything on Parque 70, there website is empty and nothing on google search. The reason I'm kinda spooked about Mansion is the charges everyone is talking about. I've never been to MDE or met Jake, but from my experience in SJ / Jaco and in Asia these hotels where girls hang out could be seen as pimping in someones eye.

07-13-16, 06:28
Several times? In my opinion, the charges against Peru David were exaggerated, that is fabricated with respect to minors, and re Cuba Dave, there were never any such charges. So what are you saying?

Where is any proof against anybody? I think the US makes baseless accusations, and encourages the local governments, Peruvian, CR or Colombian, to make similar baseless accusations. Re the charges in Colombia, I will bet anyone a dinner at Dejame que te cuente, en la 70, that these accusations re a minor are not borne out by October / November, when I am going down again.It started in 2004. There were three rather high profile cases, one from Russia, 2 from Cambodia. Since then there have been cases in several countries including the Philippines, Thailand, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. The US helped bust a sex trafficking ring, involving minors, in the DR last spring.

07-13-16, 07:26
The problem is that the Poblado / Parque Lleras scene is concentrated in a small area that's supposed to be a high-income neighborhood, instead of an industrial no-man's-land at night like the San Diego strips. So it becomes high-profile, which is a problem for mongers and the guys that cater to them. It's clear now Poblado is only big enough for the Casa Blanca (aka Mansion), nothing much beyond that will be tolerated and the Mansion has had to tone down its scene over the years in case you haven't been paying attention.

Gringos naturally feel like a fish out of water in areas that don't look like a first-world country and apartments that don't have first-world amenities. They're on vacation so they feel that everything should be top-of-the-line including the whole environment that surrounds them. Thus the Poblado scene evolved into what it is today. But a monger trip doesn't really work that way, sometimes it's better to be low-profile and even slum it a bit.

It's gotten so bad some guys were pointing out a year ago already that the Mayorista scene was going down because the chicas were going up to Poblado for the bigger payday, instead of servicing local mongers and truckers at the Mayo.

I can guarantee you that seeing Mayo chicas prowling the Lleras park did not go well with the locals, LOL!

If this Jake guy didn't have all those tacky web sites and ran his apartment near Mayorista for instance, or some other lower-tier neighborhood, I bet he would still be around, but some guys personality-wise can't accept staying under the radar. I noticed this bizarre narcissistic (sociopaths even?) need to show the world what a great lifestyle he was leading, including even some half-contrived homage from a friend / client who supposedly left a voice mail message about what a genius he is for the way he's living large down in MDE, which of course comes off sounding like a somewhat lame sales pitch. See for yourselves, his sites are still up and his vids and pics are still there.

It's ironic to hear his "friend's" spiel now, considering what happened. A few years of "paradise" will now be paid for by decades in prison, yikes.

But I was a bit jealous, I must confess, of those two hot sisters in his pics. One of them I believe was his GF (supposedly). Now, I kind of feel bad for them as their pics are being showcased on these news sites as they are the hottest looking girls Jake features on his various pages; so naturally the media just took those, one news site didn't even bother to blur the faces!

James Dandy
07-13-16, 11:27

If they really did find a 13 yr old girl in his apartment, he is going to have a tough time explaining that one. If true, he is a bigger scumbag than many already imagined.

07-13-16, 13:00
This is not directed at any individual member, so please don't anyone take offense. I think the matter of Jake has been fully covered here by now. It's probably best to move on. After all, he is not the first and he probably won't be the last to get himself in trouble by breaking pimping laws.

Loading this site up with daily references to him at his alleged crimes only creates a Google searchable audit trail that I doubt anyone here wants. This is only my opinion but please everyone think about it.


If they really did find a 13 yr old girl in his apartment, he is going to have a tough time explaining that one. If true, he is a bigger scumbag than many already imagined.

Fun Luvr
07-13-16, 14:59
It started in 2004. There were three rather high profile cases, one from Russia, 2 from Cambodia. Since then there have been cases in several countries including the Philippines, Thailand, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. The US helped bust a sex trafficking ring, involving minors, in the DR last spring.There was also the French guy from Medellin who ran "Girlfriend for a week". He was arrested in Miami and convicted of supplying minors.

Black Page
07-13-16, 16:53
By the way, what happened to Frank Casio?
I hope he's ok.
I did not like his style of writing with many "!!", but I appreciated his enthusiasm. It reminds me something.

James Dandy
07-13-16, 17:09
This is not directed at any individual member, so please don't anyone take offense. I think the matter of Jake has been fully covered here by now. It's probably best to move on. After all, he is not the first and he probably won't be the last to get himself in trouble by breaking pimping laws.

Loading this site up with daily references to him at his alleged crimes only creates a Google searchable audit trail that I doubt anyone here wants. This is only my opinion but please everyone think about it.LOL, you really think you're secretly on the internet? You can thank Jake if you have any worries, not the people that post about him and denounce him! If you weren't doing anything like Jake, you shouldn't worry about it, and no, not everything on the topic has been covered as new details continue to come out now and will in the future.

Your post is a strange one, indeed. Why are you worried about a "searchable audit trail" on Jake's crimes, you might want to call Caracoltv too bc his bust was on the tv news today as well. When it hits the US news, you can call CNN and tell them to quit talking about it because you don't want to draw attention to yourself, and see how that works out!

For example, authorities were apparently observing Jake for a year before busting him. That was new information and interesting enough to share. Stay tuned, I am sure there are more revelations to come.

Mr Gogo
07-13-16, 17:35
By the way, what happened to Frank Casio?
I hope he's ok.
I did not like his style of writing with many "!!", but I appreciated his enthusiasm. It reminds me something.Frank Casio lives near me and I haven't heard from him in awhile so I just now called. Someone else answered the phone and didn't know him, so maybe he has a new phone. Hopefully he is okay because I thought he was a cool guy.

07-13-16, 18:10
First of all, I have met the guy out in town and really thought he was a bit of a tool-bag. On this site I have criticized him as well. But I never saw him with anyone under 18 the few times I did run into him so for that I will not pass judgement until we learn more. I pray that he wasn't stupid enough to do that when there is thousands upon thousands of over 18 year old in Medellin. Thousands.

Fact- Medellin has been trying to clean up the prostitution. Like many things in Latin America the effort is slow because "hey we can look into that manana" type of attitude. 5 years ago Parque Lleras was full of mid to upper class Colombian families having dinner. Now there are blatant street walkers in the parque.

Fact- Jake was pimping, and publicly promoting it on his websites.

Put those two facts together and its easy to see why Jake got on the local police radar. They would like nothing more than to make an example of some gringo and Jake made it easy for them. I am sure he was on their radar for quite some time and was being watched until they thought they had enough evidence to bust him.

Fact- Jake is in jail now and being threatened with very long prison sentences in both Colombia and the USA. His Spanish is not amazing and he is shitting his pants. The cops are offering him reduced sentences if he cooperates. And by cooperate that means giving out the passport copies he has of guests, emails, and phone numbers. Jake has already given those up, believe me.

If Jake has a copy of your passport, the authorities have it now. When you try to re-enter the USA you will be going to the secondary line every time for a long time. Don't book a connecting flight with less than 4 hours of time in between. If you try to come back to Colombia, my guess is you are going to the secondary line, the tertiary line and then perhaps being denied entry. If Jake has your passport I would find a new place to do this hobby period. Take it from a guy that spent several years working in an Embassy overseas. But I'm sure most of you will just say fuck you I know better than you, they can't stop me. So drive on with your mission then.

Fact- what Jake is accused of and what David in Lima is accused of is far far different. Trust me I do not like Jake but he is nothing like David. I've met both in person, who else here has?

Rumor- black page this is 2nd or 3rd hand but I heard Frank Casio died a few years ago in Florida. I forget the circumstances but it wasn't old age.

To the guy that is hesitant to stay in the Mansion now. The police have known exactly what the Mansion is for 10 years probably. The mansion is very careful about appearing to not be a brothel. That's why they don't take any money from the girls. They comply with all regulations that a hotel does and they are careful not to overstep the line because then they would be sitting next to Jake right now.

07-13-16, 20:50
Frank Casio lives near me and I haven't heard from him in awhile so I just now called. Someone else answered the phone and didn't know him, so maybe he has a new phone. Hopefully he is okay because I thought he was a cool guy.That's good to know that Frank is still around. As I said my info about him was second hand at least and a rumor only.

07-13-16, 20:54
Cute spinner available. Pm me If interested.

07-13-16, 21:03
If Jake has a copy of your passport, the authorities have it now. When you try to re-enter the USA you will be going to the secondary line every time for a long time. Don't book a connecting flight with less than 4 hours of time in between. If you try to come back to Colombia, my guess is you are going to the secondary line, the tertiary line and then perhaps being denied entry. If Jake has your passport I would find a new place to do this hobby period. Take it from a guy that spent several years working in an Embassy overseas. But I'm sure most of you will just say fuck you I know better than you, they can't stop me. So drive on with your mission then..This is exactly my take on what may occur to those who stayed at Jake's whose copies of their passport (s) are in the hands of the authorities. I cannot speak to what may occur to those who return to Colombia, however for those US clients of Jake that have either Nexus, Sentri, or Global Entry they will face some tough questions upon trying to renew their status, let alone being sent to secondary every time they arrive in the US from overseas. Anyone who has expedited access into the US from either Mexico, Canada, or overseas will know exactly what I'm talking about.

Mr Enternational
07-13-16, 22:16
Cute spinner available. Pm me If interested.Y'all ain't got enough of that shit yet? You better let these dudes finds their own broads and let these broads find their own dudes.

07-13-16, 22:32

El Mechanico
07-13-16, 23:23
MDE 6.30-7.4. 16.


I love Copa Airlines but my goodness, the 6 am departure just kills me as I have to drive 2 hrs to get to the airport in and. O. So this was a 6:49 departure time which meant to be safe I needed to be there at 4:49 am Which means I have to leave my house at 2:29 am which means I need to wake up at 1:29 am which means I can't really sleep the night before an early morning flight. So starting out worn out from the get go. Uneventful flight from MSYPTY MDE. Mansion Taxi waiting on me with my name on a placard. To easy not to go thru the Mansion Drivers. Like someone else said, and IMHO, we are at our most vulnerable coming from & going to the airport with CCs, Passport, cash & any other valuables to risk a for hire airport taxi. ¬¬ Split a cab with another guy that sat next to me on the plane so it was only $15 USD. On the return flight it was 75 k COP which was about $26. Again, the peace of mind was worth it to me. Never took a bus or the metro while down there because I found the taxi fares ridiculously cheap. The most I spent on a one way trip was $5. Mostly short trips to Centro, Mayorista, the cigar shop on C10, etc. A taxi from the M1 up the hill to the M2 was 5 k COP which was about $1.75 USD which was well worth it after several beers & a Piasa in tow. Apparently, 5 K COP was the minimum for getting in a cab although the meter starts at 2,700 COP I believe and doesn't get over 3500 COP from M1 to M2.

Money exchange:

Went to Oviedo Mall to the left on Poblado Ave when coming down the hill from either the M1 or M2. Exchanged $USD on Thu at the Western Union in the mall at a rate of 2850 COP to $1 US. I made the mistake of paying my M bill in USD to get the 20% discount, but little did I know, their exchange rate was 2818 to 1. After that, I relied on my Schwab card at the ATMs & got around 2843 to 1.


Room 7 at the M2 was all a guy could ask for. The A / see was to cold, I had hot water but it took about 3-4 min to warm up in the shower, mini-fridge was great for bottled water & beer. 4 towels per day was quite enough & the staff was more than adequate cleaning the room & restocking the towels. If there was noise from the other guys I didn't hear it. M2 was plenty quiet. Walking down the hill was no problem. After the 2nd or 3rd time walking up, I said to heck with that & just got a 5 k cab when I could.


Breakfast at the M2 every morning was more than filling. 2 or 3 eggs scrambled with cheese or ham (the ham looked a lot like baloney to me), a piece of toast & either pineapple or papaya had me good to go each morning. Ate at Mondongos, Calle 10, and the steak was awesome as were all the sides. One day for lunch, we went down from the M1 & to the Left on Ave. Poblado was a place called JC Deliciosa where they had an array of Arepas. I had the large Mar why Tierra Peru (26,900 COP) & the Mango Milk (6500 COP) & both were over the top awesome. The smaller arepa would have been more than adequate.

When we went to Mayorista, I had a ½ rotisserie chicken & a bottle of some kinda of agua con gas from one of the little restaurants for about 13 k COP. It was surprisingly good. One night ate at Barbacoa Hamburgers & Beer, to the right on Ave. Poblado. Probably $15 USD or so but the burgers were big enough to make two meals out of. Very good burger & beer within a 5 min walk from the M1. Sun July 3rd for the Pool Party, they served tacos which. Well. They were tacos & filled you up. They were fine and that's all I'll say about that. Overall the food, especially in the restaurants was extremely good.

Touring / Sight seeing:

Went to Mayorista one night with a couple of ISG guys & had a good time only because I was with them. I would not have wanted to be there by myself. To many shady looking characters casing the group of gringos. I'm not a young man anymore & probably couldn't fight my way out of a paper bag anymore so I really don't care for places like that anymore. Went to Fase II after that & had a good time but no body pulled a chica from there. I promise to myself to get out more next trip.

Random thoughts:


And reading more than 200 pages of the ISG forum in preparation for my first trip to MDE, several things stuck with me.

-1) The Paisas are really some of the most beautiful women in the world. There are beautiful women on every corner of the globe but my goodness, even the average ones were hot in the MDE!

-2) Some people are not happy unless they are bitching. One guy whom we ran into at Fase II was complaining about there being no skinny women. I quickly surveyed the scene & counted 6 or 7 chicas that were at least 9's & couldn't have weighed more than 47 kilos. Un-freaking-believable!! Then at breakfast he kept referring to Angeles City in the Philippines & how he could walk 20 yds out of his room & get 100 girls that weighed 90#. Well this ain't the AC Dorothy! Be glad you are here & quit bitching about how hard it is to find a spinner!

-3) Retirement. My thoughts are, if you have to rely on someone else to pay your way, or you can't afford a $3 cab ride because you can get a bus for 25 cents, then don't brag about being retired. You should have worked a little longer. You missed the lecture on what you need to retire comfortably. Although, one should not be a Mr. BigShot & throw money around like he just won the lottery, if one has to ride the bus because he can't afford a cab, get someone else to pay his way, give a girl $13 in a cesspool of an MP / casa in lieu of $50 for a comfortable 2 hour session at his apartment, etc. , etc. , etc. , then he completely missed the idea and timing of when to retire. I guess if some people didn't self-gloss, they would have no sense of worth at all. Again, Un-freaking-believable!

-4) I alluded to this in my preliminary report but will bring it up again. While most of the guys I met at the M1 & M2 were pretty cool & congenial, there were 2 that stick out in my mind as being on the other side of the coin. One was the complainer I referenced in #2) above. No need to expand to much more on this. He seemingly was blaming his inability to find a suitable Piasa on lack of available talent! Really, anybody else on the face of the planet ever have any trouble getting the hook-up in MDE with 150 K COP on their hand? I didn't think so. The other doofus I met was so proud of his Spanish that he told me he was fluent 3 times in the first 5 minutes of meeting him at breakfast one morning. Then he proceeds to start bragging about how he is about to retire in one year & he is a professor & then he says, "I'm a professor and I'm good at it! Really? You're so good that nobody except your immediate family & the students that took your class know who the fluke you are? Un-freaking-believable. You have to go down to the MDE & self gloss like a 4th grader trying to get noticed? Then, a day or two later I hear him talking to a cabbie & I'm telling you Peggy Hill from King of the Hill is 10 X more fluent than he was. Cartoon Spanish at it's finest! OK, enough of the rant. Everyone else I met was nice enough that these 2 clowns didn't ruin it for me. Are & be were as nice as could be & went out of their way to help me when they could. I couldn't ask for more pleasant owners!!


PM me with an email add for a detailed chica report. All I will put here is, for a first timer to MDE, I don't see how I could have done better than the Mansion girls. WOW! No wonder some guys don't ever leave the Mansion.

You can have my share of Mayorista. We saw 2 worth calling spinners & do-able. The rest were sloppy, dumpy or silicone overloaded. You can also have my share of the casas. I'll go back one more time next trip, but if the experience is similar to this trip, the savings is not worth it. Does anyone really think they change the sheets after each pop? My vote is no & that is downright F-in nasty!! The 2 I pulled seemed rushed to get back in the rotation.

I know it's long and drawn out but I wanted to put as much detail as possible so as not to be accused of not contributing!!

Until next time.

El Mechanico

James Dandy
07-13-16, 23:47
Contrary to what some here would like to happen, it appears the Jake story is just beginning to gain traction with wider audiences. This article makes the problem sound worse than the others.


07-14-16, 01:06
Cute spinner available. Pm me If interested.How apt the timing of this post. You cannot make this shit up, hahaha!

A Senior Member just reminded me about another one of "The Fallen": remember Peter, owner of the now defunct La Passions in Sosua?

The mansion is very careful about appearing to not be a brothel. That's why they don't take any money from the girls. They comply with all regulations that a hotel does and they are careful not to overstep the line because then they would be sitting next to Jake right now.

This is how Blackbeards in Puerto Plata is able to stay out of trouble. Unlike Peter of La Passions, Blackbeards does not touch any of the money going to the chicas. They only provider beds, food, and booze. All p4p money is exchanged directly between the chicas and the mongers staying there.

A lot of sex entrepreneurs fail to realize that A Colombian or a Dominican can get away with owning a Casa or Escort Agency BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING COLOMBIAN OR DOMINICAN, LOL. They are not going to let your gringo ass come into their country and set up shop like you are Hugh mu-tha-fuk-in Hefner or some shit. And your every-day local is not just going to wake up one morning and decide to get into the Casa or Brothel business. You'd better believe those guys who run them are connected all the way to the top and in ways you don't even want to imagine.

Jake was way out of his element. Just like a video game, there are levels to this shit, lol!

07-14-16, 02:10
I'm confused. Why would this guy have a copy of anybody's passport?

This is exactly my take on what may occur to those who stayed at Jake's whose copies of their passport (s) are in the hands of the authorities. I cannot speak to what may occur to those who return to Colombia, however for those US clients of Jake that have either Nexus, Sentri, or Global Entry they will face some tough questions upon trying to renew their status, let alone being sent to secondary every time they arrive in the US from overseas. Anyone who has expedited access into the US from either Mexico, Canada, or overseas will know exactly what I'm talking about.

07-14-16, 02:27
You misunderstood my post. I don't know the guy, never met him, and I'm not the least bit worried about him or what he may say to anybody. This is why the subject bores me. I'm a little disappointed about what seems like a few guys focused on stirring up fear and drama. As I said originally, it's not the first time nor will it probably be the last time this kind of thing happens. I didn't mean to offend anybody. The only new information I've seen the past couple of days is the number of national outlets that have picked up the story, no new facts. Anyone who wants to should of course continue posting links and play by play. It's easy enough to look past it.

LOL, you really think you're secretly on the internet? You can thank Jake if you have any worries, not the people that post about him and denounce him! If you weren't doing anything like Jake, you shouldn't worry about it, and no, not everything on the topic has been covered as new details continue to come out now and will in the future.

Your post is a strange one, indeed. Why are you worried about a "searchable audit trail" on Jake's crimes, you might want to call Caracoltv too bc his bust was on the tv news today as well. When it hits the US news, you can call CNN and tell them to quit talking about it because you don't want to draw attention to yourself, and see how that works out!

For example, authorities were apparently observing Jake for a year before busting him. That was new information and interesting enough to share. Stay tuned, I am sure there are more revelations to come.I just read the last bit of this post. It's news that authorities were investigating him for a while? How is that news and what would the alternative be. Law enforcement decided to bust him one morning because they saw him on the Internet? LOL!

07-14-16, 02:31
http://colombiareports.com/medellin-begins-cracking-sex-tourism/Have any of you guys noticed the "Say No To Sex Tourism" posters at various tourist sites in Medellin?

07-14-16, 02:33
Most every bar and restaurant in Provenza.

Have any of you guys noticed the "Say No To Sex Tourism" posters at various tourist sites in Medellin?

07-14-16, 02:36
After I saw Colombia Jake's very own admission that he sometimes posts pictures of his clients without their consent, that was enough for me to know to stay very far away from that guy. You can read Jake's own words below, basically saying that he doesn't care if the lives and marriages of his clients are ruined by their photos being plastered all over the Internet with known prostitutes.

I am always curious if your male clients are consenting to having you put their photos all over the Internet on a well-trafficked Internet site? Do they know that you're going to put their picture up here before you post it?

Just curious.

I have no shame in living the lifestyle I live as a matter of fact I'm proud of what I do and my lifestyle. The fear of having your picture on a adult website with a legal of age beautiful women is over blown in my opinion. Most of the time I get verbal approval. If I forgot to ask, sorry but that's where it ends with me. I smile when you put your camera up to take my photo. If I don't want my picture shown I turn away from the shot which my girlfriend and I do quite a bit when were out and people are randomly taking photos because you really have no control of what others do with their pictures in their camera. I go through phases where I take pictures of clients followed by long periods when I don't. I've never had a guy say I lost my job or my empty marriage took a hit because of your photo but then again you wouldn't be here if that marriage was great now would you. If your not proud of having sex with beautiful women we really don't have a lot in common and you can see from my website what you get with me. Mayweather v Pacman fight here Saturday night but you must take the $75 girlfriend package. Mixers are provided along with a girlfriend.

07-14-16, 02:37
Have any of you guys noticed the "Say No To Sex Tourism" posters at various tourist sites in Medellin?Just pretend you are a local. If asked, just say your Mother's Mother's Husband's Father's Grandfather was Colombian, LOL.

If Colombia is not passing a law to outlaw prostitution and shutter all of the casas in El Centro, just continue to do as the Romans do while in Rome (with non-minors).

07-14-16, 03:56
I'm confused. Why would this guy have a copy of anybody's passport?If you were renting rooms wouldn't you want to have copies of your renters identification in case there was a problem, I would.

Member #4398
07-14-16, 04:22
Here is a video of the arrest a la Osama Binladen killing style with an army of police armed to the teeth with automatic weapons. Jake probably shit in his pants that date.


07-14-16, 04:32
Just pretend you are a local. If asked, just say your Mother's Mother's Husband's Father's Grandfather was Colombian, LOL.

If Colombia is not passing a law to outlaw prostitution and shutter all of the casas in El Centro, just continue to do as the Romans do while in Rome (with non-minors).Signs saying no to sex tourism, when I arrive tomorrow I'll see if any are posted at the Airport, and look for them in front of all the casa's in El Centro, and postings in Parque Lleras, and in front of all the Strip Clubs, and in hotel lobbies, at the Metro Stations, in the cabs, and everywhere else.

07-14-16, 04:41
Great report, I'll be in Medellin Jul 18-23rd with the first 3 nights at the mansion. If anyone is going to be around hum.

MDE 6.30-7.4.16.

Until next time.

El Mechanico

07-14-16, 06:44
I'm confused. Why would this guy have a copy of anybody's passport?Because he provided lodging for his customers, according to his website. I'm pretty sure the law requires a copy of either a local ID or a passport.

07-14-16, 10:53
Since he never really used his own thread, suggestion, can we all use it now for all things related to his case, warnings and such?


07-14-16, 11:28
Since he never really used his own thread, suggestion, can we all use it now for all things related to his case, warnings and such?

GF.Since he never really listened to our continued pleadings asking him to use his own damn thread instead of posting his garbage in this one, not a chance amigo :)

Black Page
07-14-16, 11:47
Because he provided lodging for his customers, according to his website. I'm pretty sure the law requires a copy of either a local ID or a passport.This is so obvious. I have been astonished to see so many asking "did he get the passports?" Or even worse things like "I doubt one was so fool to give him the real name!", etc.

By law in Colombia, any establishment providing lodging must take note of the passport ID and data OF ALL GUESTS. When you go to a hotel, they make a copy of your passport. When you bring a guest to your room, the doorman records the data of the cedula of your guest. If he does not, he is closing his eyes.

By the way, I find this so annoying. If I rent an apartment, it should be my business who I take to my apartment as my guest! I don't really like to see the doorman to question my girls and ask them the cedula in the middle of the night, at least if they are my friends and I have no doubts about them.

I had more than one argument with some members of ISG about this, who jumped on me just because I wrote that I don't understand why in Colombia they are so strict in registering all guests. Those Americans found suspicious that I did not like the doorman register the guests of my apartment in CTG, but they are the same Americans who find natural that they can bring anyone, at any time, without any control to a room at Hilton in Dallas, not to mention crappy motels, without the security even raising the eyebrows. (For those who are curious: if I bring a married woman to my apartment, as I did once, allow me the prefer she's not registered on the guest book with her real name and cedula number).
By the way, in Colombia I was not asked to provide my cedula only in crappy hotels in the centro of Medellin or in some, but not all, love motels.

07-14-16, 12:48
I visited Jake's place back in November of 15. I went there because it was my first time in Medellin and it was cheap and seemed safe. I met some girls, of course. Nothing going on there like drugs or girls of dubious age as far as I could see. But what I learned was that you don't really need a guy like him to get with the exact same girls he sets you up with. They are everywhere. You see all those little brick houses up the side of the mountain? Duh! So, do yourself a favor. Go to Medellin. Stay the hell away from Lleras. Hell, stay away from Poblado. Walk up to any girl you want and spit out a few lines of memorized Spanish. If you are looking for a hooker. Just go to the casas. They are a great deal and have some really hot girls. It's super easy to get a girl to be your guide for all the other activities. The girls there are just very open to the possibility of having sex with you. They aren't stigmatized by age difference or how you look so much. And if you are planning a trip in advance, I would recommend striking up a relationship with some girls in advance. You will have a much better time while you are there. I can also help out if anyone needs advice. I have made connections with some apartment owners and can hook you up with a much better place than Jake could offer for far less. Hell, I will offer consulting services if you want. I have really dug into this city and made some great relationships with all kinds of people. I don't mind helping out. It's really very easy to do this on your own. You can really make some sweet girl very happy, if even for a short time. Seems like a real gray area in Medellin between going there to meet girls and sex tourism. I really can't tell the difference, because meeting girls here is pretty much like finding sex. In my personal experience. So, just go there to meet girls. The sex will come. Feel free to PM me if you need some help.

Mr Enternational
07-14-16, 15:51
Signs saying no to sex tourism, when I arrive tomorrow I'll see if any are posted at the Airport.The signs have been there forever, but they mean none with people under 18, not consenting adults.

P.S. The ones that TroyBoy posted after this are not the signs that I was referring to. But it begs the question, who is the sign geared towards and how are they supposed to determine whether a person is a sex tourist, and even then what are they supposed to be saying no about?

Mr Enternational
07-14-16, 15:57
Because he provided lodging for his customers, according to his website. I'm pretty sure the law requires a copy of either a local ID or a passport.Law shmaw. According to the news reports, he was not exactly operating within the bounds of the law now was he?

07-14-16, 16:10
Have any of you guys noticed the "Say No To Sex Tourism" posters at various tourist sites in Medellin?On my very recent trip to Medellin I also had noted a number of trendy Parque Lleras restaurants displaying signage: "No To Sex Tourists".

In the past I have felt comfortable dining in Lleras with my date. I would never kiss, grope or act inappropriately. I now feel just the sight of a 60 yr gringo with a 20 yr chica screams "ST" I have now made a decision --no more date nights out. Why ruffle feathers if it can be avoided.

I am also convinced now that if 3 or more gringos dine out together; one will be clueless and obnoxious. No more group dining for me.

My Advice:

1) Do not even pack a pair of shorts or flip-flops for Medellin trips. Save those for the playa trips.

2) If you are eating out with friends and English will be spoken, chose a table away from public so they will not overhear the crap that comes out of our Gringo mouths. (Always assume people in proximity can understand English)

3) For god's sake chose carefully who you smile at, wink at or hit upon. That waitress or gal walking with her mother most likely is NOT interested.

4) If you must take your date out in public make sure you and her are dressed appropriately. If she only has her **** clothes with her- order in.

The Cane
07-14-16, 16:22
Because he provided lodging for his customers, according to his website. I'm pretty sure the law requires a copy of either a local ID or a passport.Just because something is a law doesn't mean that everybody is within compliance. He probably at some point had to ask for some form of ID to confirm who he was dealing with, but I don't see how somebody can be "pretty sure" he made copies because the law requires it LOL! Furthermore, although I've had to show my passport many a time when checking into a hotel, reception has never made an actual copy of if. They took some information, but no actual copies were made.

07-14-16, 17:36
I don't know about renting rooms to anyone but I do know I would never consider showing my passport to anyone engaged in what this recently busted guy and the others like him who advertise on the Internet. It's a personal policy of mine that's worked well enough so far. Recent events don't give me cause to reconsider it.

If you were renting rooms wouldn't you want to have copies of your renters identification in case there was a problem, I would.

07-14-16, 17:43
Seems like a good idea to me.

Since he never really used his own thread, suggestion, can we all use it now for all things related to his case, warnings and such?


07-14-16, 17:48
Love motels exist exactly for the purpose of non documented use.

The recently busted guy was not operating a hotel. Like anyone who has stayed at hotels in Latin America, I'm familiar with the ID rules. In fact, the same rule applies to checking into a Hyatt in Chicago or London. This guy was not operating a Hyatt or anything close to one. That is why I question why his customers would interact with him as if he were. It's about me, I don't get why anyone messed with him at all.

This is so obvious. I have been astonished to see so many asking "did he get the passports?" Or even worse things like "I doubt one was so fool to give him the real name!", etc.

By law in Colombia, any establishment providing lodging must take note of the passport ID and data OF ALL GUESTS. When you go to a hotel, they make a copy of your passport. When you bring a guest to your room, the doorman records the data of the cedula of your guest. If he does not, he is closing his eyes.

By the way, I find this so annoying. If I rent an apartment, it should be my business who I take to my apartment as my guest! I don't really like to see the doorman to question my girls and ask them the cedula in the middle of the night, at least if they are my friends and I have no doubts about them.

I had more than one argument with some members of ISG about this, who jumped on me just because I wrote that I don't understand why in Colombia they are so strict in registering all guests. Those Americans found suspicious that I did not like the doorman register the guests of my apartment in CTG, but they are the same Americans who find natural that they can bring anyone, at any time, without any control to a room at Hilton in Dallas, not to mention crappy motels, without the security even raising the eyebrows. (For those who are curious: if I bring a married woman to my apartment, as I did once, allow me the prefer she's not registered on the guest book with her real name and cedula number).
By the way, in Colombia I was not asked to provide my cedula only in crappy hotels in the centro of Medellin or in some, but not all, love motels.

07-14-16, 17:51
A couple of other tips: remember to zip up your fly, don't fart in people's faces, try not to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) on the legs of passersby when you relieve yourself outside bars. Sorry for that, I couldn't stop myself. I just want to be able to pretend TroyBoy's helpful hints aren't necessary to post even though I know they are.

On my very recent trip to Medellin I also had noted a number of trendy Parque Lleras restaurants displaying signage: "No To Sex Tourists".

In the past I have felt comfortable dining in Lleras with my date. I would never kiss, grope or act inappropriately. I now feel just the sight of a 60 yr gringo with a 20 yr chica screams "ST" I have now made a decision --no more date nights out. Why ruffle feathers if it can be avoided.

I am also convinced now that if 3 or more gringos dine out together; one will be clueless and obnoxious. No more group dining for me.

My Advice:.

07-14-16, 17:53
I was beginning to think I was the only one who considered that.

Law shmaw. According to the news reports, he was not exactly operating within the bounds of the law now was he?

07-14-16, 17:55
The signs are not new, especially the airport signs. The signs at bars and restaurants, in my opinion, are aimed at local clientele who would otherwise avoid the establishment for fear of exposing their families and friends to apparent sex tourism.

The signs have been there forever, but they mean none with people under 18, not consenting adults.

P.S. The ones that TroyBoy posted after this are not the signs that I was referring to. But it begs the question, who is the sign geared towards and how are they supposed to determine whether a person is a sex tourist, and even then what are they supposed to be saying no about?

07-14-16, 17:57
I visited Jake's place back in November of 15. I went there because it was my first time in Medellin and it was cheap and seemed safe. I met some girls, of course. Nothing going on there like drugs or girls of dubious age as far as I could see. But what I learned was that you don't really need a guy like him to get with the exact same girls he sets you up with. They are everywhere. You see all those little brick houses up the side of the mountain? Duh! So, do yourself a favor. Go to Medellin. Stay the hell away from Lleras. Hell, stay away from Poblado. Walk up to any girl you want and spit out a few lines of memorized Spanish. If you are looking for a hooker. Just go to the casas. They are a great deal and have some really hot girls. It's super easy to get a girl to be your guide for all the other activities. The girls there are just very open to the possibility of having sex with you. They aren't stigmatized by age difference or how you look so much. And if you are planning a trip in advance, I would recommend striking up a relationship with some girls in advance. You will have a much better time while you are there. I can also help out if anyone needs advice. I have made connections with some apartment owners and can hook you up with a much better place than Jake could offer for far less. Hell, I will offer consulting services if you want. I have really dug into this city and made some great relationships with all kinds of people. I don't mind helping out. It's really very easy to do this on your own. You can really make some sweet girl very happy, if even for a short time. Seems like a real gray area in Medellin between going there to meet girls and sex tourism. I really can't tell the difference, because meeting girls here is pretty much like finding sex. In my personal experience. So, just go there to meet girls. The sex will come. Feel free to PM me if you need some help.You went to Medellin one time and are offering consulting services?

07-14-16, 18:38
Law shmaw. According to the news reports, he was not exactly operating within the bounds of the law now was he?Did you ever consider, it may have been some much simpler laws that brought him down? Was he paying the appropriate lodging taxes? Local governments tend to be blind as long as they are getting their piece of the action.

07-14-16, 18:53
Just because something is a law doesn't mean that everybody is within compliance. He probably at some point had to ask for some form of ID to confirm who he was dealing with, but I don't see how somebody can be "pretty sure" he made copies because the law requires it LOL! Furthermore, although I've had to show my passport many a time when checking into a hotel, reception has never made an actual copy of if. They took some information, but no actual copies were made.My experience has been, with one exception, that a copy was made of my passport and I seem to recall reading it is a legal requirement. Which is why I stated:

I'm pretty sure the law requires a copy of either a local ID or a passport.Now if you read it again you'll see that I never said "I'm pretty sure he made copies. " Hell, you quoted it and still can't understand. Someone asked why he might have copies of passports and I answered. I said nothing about whether he diligently followed the law. Do I need to write 6,000 words explaining everything else I didn't say, or do you think you can make it through a 2 sentence post without getting lost?

James Dandy
07-14-16, 18:58
Did you ever consider, it may have been some much simpler laws that brought him down? Was he paying the appropriate lodging taxes? Local governments tend to be blind as long as they are getting their piece of the action.You can't be serious, this was a coordinated effort bt two governments, and Jake was being observed for a year, bc he didn't pay his lodging tax? Why do you think Colombians are ok with their 13 yr old girls being sold as long as they can make taxes off a three bedroom apartment? Its this attitude which Colombians are fed up with, Colombia is a very family oriented, Catholic country, so they typically don't appreciate insinuations like yours.

James Dandy
07-14-16, 19:31
If you were renting rooms wouldn't you want to have copies of your renters identification in case there was a problem, I would.Forgive him, Surfer500. He's obviously retarded or has another agenda. Apparently nobody got Knowledge's memo that Jake posts are boring him, even as his own posts do nothing but whine about the discussion. LOL.

The Cane
07-14-16, 20:52
My experience has been, with one exception, that a copy was made of my passport and I seem to recall reading it is a legal requirement. Now if you read it again you'll see that I never said "I'm pretty sure he made copies."Well that's never been my experience anywhere in Colombia. Not one time, and I've stayed in at least three different hotels in Medellin itself. The point is that you and a few others here seem to be so sure that the authorities now have access to passport info of the guy's clients, with you citing what the law supposedly requires (apparently I'm exempt), as if that's some proof that they must have the passport info. Otherwise, why cite legal requirements in the first place if you weren't insinuating that they applied to Jake and suggesting therefore that he followed those requirements and made copies of the passports? Like Mr. E said, it doesn't appear that he was acting within the bounds of the law to start with, so your reference to what the law supposedly requires in this regard is non sequitur with respect to whether copies of the passports exist. That's what I'm saying. You copy?

07-14-16, 20:57
I can also help out if anyone needs advice. I have made connections with some apartment owners and can hook you up with a much better place than Jake could offer for far less. Hell, I will offer consulting services if you want. I have really dug into this city and made some great relationships with all kinds of people. I don't mind helping out.One pimp gets busted, and another steps up to take his place. Or is that you, Eric?

James Dandy
07-14-16, 22:19
Looks like a big SWAT type operation. His clients shown in the video must regret paying Jake for "convenience" now.


07-14-16, 22:49
I am not surprised, I guess I saw this coming.

I remember 2/3 months ago I posted a news article about the people even mayor of Medellin was fed up with a flyer that was being handed to girls on property in high school / University about receiving big money to go out and stay with gringo fresh out of plane. That was utterly wrong and out of line. You can't go to places were girls get education and hand them out flyers to working girl them self. I remember some dude said that its something Jake would do, other said don't worry that ain't nothing guess what. Shit hit the fan. RCN one of the big stations in Colombia showed pics of Jake and clients on live TV.

Blue Touch
07-14-16, 23:46
Sorry Knowledge, this post is about Jake.

The news naturally or unnaturally does not show the minor girl rescued, ie her face covered by blanket. Probably, the girl and / or the Colombian guy had informed Police when she would be at Jake's place, if she was there at all. The whole operation appears to be prepared for propaganda / staging purpose with video camera and well-equipped officers. Colombian Police looks pretty hypocritical since they do nothing to the Colombian guys doing the same, but having a strong connection to the gang and Police. Also, this very Police had, or still has, gay prostitution ring for themselves and by themselves.

Looks like a big SWAT type operation. His clients shown in the video must regret paying Jake for "convenience" now.


07-15-16, 00:03
Looks like a big SWAT type operation. His clients shown in the video must regret paying Jake for "convenience" now.

http://noticias.caracoltv.com/medellin/con-catalogo-en-la-web-gringo-ejercia-proxenetismo-con-menores-en-medellinHoly shit! What was that map with the arrows pointing to other states with pictures of other gringos?!

Man, they really did a number on Jake. He was screaming for attention and he sure got it and then some :-O

I see that they have blurred out the faces of the chicas. I'm not catching every single word they are saying in Spanish, but it sounds like they are trying to say that ALL those broads were minor. I am sure that is not true, but they can level any accusations at him at this point because he will not be able to refute them in public.

EDIT: They definitely keep saying that he offered services with minors. Even if not true, they are doing everything to tarnish his name and reputation. That should be a huge warning to any would-be pimps trying to make your mark in Medellin: even if you are dealing with above the legal age women, if they catch you they will accuse you of dealing with minors, and there isn't a fucking thing you can do about it.

07-15-16, 00:16
In the past I have felt comfortable dining in Lleras with my date. I would never kiss, grope or act inappropriately. I now feel just the sight of a 60 yr gringo with a 20 yr chica screams "ST" I have now made a decision --no more date nights out. Why ruffle feathers if it can be avoided.
Man, I wouldn't worry about what someone else thinks about you and your date. There is no stigma in their culture regarding older men dating younger women.

Medellin is a HUGE city. No one's got time to be paying attention to you honestly. You may look out of place trolling around El Centro, but in places like Lleras and Poblado everyone is too busy doing their own thing to notice you. They've got too much going on in their lives to worry about who you may or may not be banging.

07-15-16, 00:21
Here is a video of the arrest a la Osama Binladen killing style with an army of police armed to the teeth with automatic weapons. Jake probably shit in his pants that date.

http://noticias.caracoltv.com/medellin/con-catalogo-en-la-web-gringo-ejercia-proxenetismo-con-menores-en-medellinDo you guys notice that he is being escorted out of the premises by female officers. What's with that?

07-15-16, 00:31
Holy shit! What was that map with the arrows pointing to other states with pictures of other gringos?!More importantly, where did Colombian authorities obtain that information about those Gringos and where they lived (Georgia, Nebraska, Dallas, Chicago, etc)? Was the information pulled from the hard drives, cell phones, and SIM cards that were confiscated during the raid on Jake's apartment?

To the mongers who used Jake's services in the past, after watching that video, do you still feel confident that you won't be caught up in this mess?

07-15-16, 00:34
Do you guys notice that he is being escorted out of the premises by female officers. What's with that?Nothing special, IMHO. You've got quite a few Colombians who work for PONAL Colombia. I had the pleasure of hanging out with one and her family for an evening when I visited San Andres Island a few years ago.

07-15-16, 00:36
You can't be serious, this was a coordinated effort bt two governments, and Jake was being observed for a year, bc he didn't pay his lodging tax? Why do you think Colombians are ok with their 13 yr old girls being sold as long as they can make taxes off a three bedroom apartment? Its this attitude which Colombians are fed up with, Colombia is a very family oriented, Catholic country, so they typically don't appreciate insinuations like yours.You're now the official spokesman for Colombia? I missed the news flash.

The average Colombian might be a family oriented Catholic (who has a mistress, drinks heavily and frequently visits the local p4 p venues), but the average Colombian public official is happy to line his own pockets whenever possible. Those public officials are often willing to look elsewhere for a small fee.

Do you think Jake is the only person allegedly pimping children?

Will you be discussing my allegations with President Santos? Could you get his autograph? It's for a friend.

07-15-16, 00:43
The average Colombian might be a family oriented Catholic (who has a mistress, drinks heavily and frequently visits the local p4 p venues), but the average Colombian public official is happy to line his own pockets whenever possible. Those public officials are often willing to look elsewhere for a small fee.
I made a post about this yesterday:

A lot of sex entrepreneurs fail to realize that A Colombian or a Dominican can get away with owning a Casa or Escort Agency BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING COLOMBIAN OR DOMINICAN, LOL. They are not going to let your gringo ass come into their country and set up shop like you are Hugh mu-tha-fuk-in Hefner or some shit. And your every-day local is not just going to wake up one morning and decide to get into the Casa or Brothel business. You'd better believe those guys who run them are connected all the way to the top and in ways you don't even want to imagine.

Jake was way out of his element. Just like a video game, there are levels to this shit, lol!In essence, if Jake were a local Colombiano catering to Colombianos, you probably would have never heard anything about this. I don't think he would have been able to get public officials to look the other way as a gringo. And don't forget that this was a joint investigation/operation with the US. So you know they wanted him badly.

James Dandy
07-15-16, 01:15
Aren't you the same dummy that was defending Jake, telling us he should be allowed to litter this thread bc he provides a service for idiots or the lazy, just a day before his arrest? Nice shooting, you're now 0-2.

07-15-16, 01:52
"The colonel revealed that while the arraignment hearing was ahead, Drivas tried to jump out the window on the 14th floor of the Palace of Justice in Medellin and several police officers arrested him. Later, he tried to hang himself with his shirt in his cell."

https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=es&u=http://www.entornointeligente.com/articulo/8691762/'/ articulo /8691762/ Este-es-Jake-el-gringo-pedido-en-extradicion-por-abusar-de-ninas-14072016'&usg=ALkJrhgdIodUZSW7 vXDXzv7 j7 ZcUzjAzgQ.

Mr Enternational
07-15-16, 02:13
In essence, if Jake were a local Colombiano catering to Colombianos, you probably would have never heard anything about this. Exactly. Because he would not have been dumb enough to draw so much attention to himself. Hey everyone. My name is Jake. Come to my crib and I will fix you up with hookers for $100. Don't be cheap with these nice girls that I introduce you to.

MFs don't know how to go somewhere where shit is tolerated, have fun, and go back home. They always get starry eyes and bright ideas. That shit may work for a few minutes, then the wheels completely fall off.

Another example on the list is a pretty cool board member that I met in Cebu Philippines. He is from Australia. He had the bright idea to have a harem. Dude was living with 7 chicks and hauling them all around in a van. Where is he now? Sitting in a Philippine jail. Just cause something is legal, foreigners get comfortable and try to push the limits. Mongers are not the only ones with internet. Don't do it.

07-15-16, 02:33
The female officers would normally be there to pat down any female suspects and to see to any minors that be on the scene. The nature of the charges explains why they got the assignment.

Nothing special, IMHO. You've got quite a few Colombians who work for PONAL Colombia. I had the pleasure of hanging out with one and her family for an evening when I visited San Andres Island a few years ago.

07-15-16, 03:08
I can also help out if anyone needs advice. I have made connections with some apartment owners and can hook you up with a much better place than Jake could offer for far less. Hell, I will offer consulting services if you want. I have really dug into this city and made some great relationships with all kinds of people. I don't mind helping out.I'm sure you will find someone to take you up on your offer. There's a sucker born every minute, lol!

Feel free to take over Jake's old thread. He won't be using it, just like we wasn't using it before all of this happened.

07-15-16, 03:08
The news naturally or unnaturally does not show the minor girl rescued, ie her face covered by blanket. Probably, the girl and / or the Colombian guy had informed Police when she would be at Jake's place, if she was there at all. The whole operation appears to be prepared for propaganda / staging purpose with video camera and well-equipped officers.Damn it, you beat me to the punch, LOL! I've been thinking about the raid for a couple of days now.

When the story first broke, it was said that Jake, a less-than-legal-age girl, and a Colombian national named Jaime Respect were all found at Jake's place when the raid occurred. Later, another news story said Jake, a less-than-legal-age girl, and a guy named "James" were found during the raid. But there's no discrepancy there because Jaime is Spanish for James.

The video is released on national Colombian news and Jake, his passport identification page, and pictures of his clients are prominently shown. Of course, the less-than-legal-age girl is not shown because of her widely-publicized age. But where is Jaime Respect? Where is James? If he was arrested along with Jake when then sting went down, why is he not being shown?

And here is why, and this is only speculation: because Jaime Respect works for Colombian police and it was a sting operation days, weeks, or months in the making. I figure Jaime Respect contacted Jake and requested a less-than-legal-age girl. Jake sets up the rendezvous, Jaime Respect arrives at Jake's place, money is exchanged, and Jaime Respect and the girl go off into a bedroom and close and lock the door. Jaime Respect sends a text message to heavily-armed and prepared Colombian police waiting downstairs and tells them the deal went down and that he and the girl are safe in the bedroom, away from Jake and the cameras that will soon flood the apartment. The police storm Jake's apartment, he shits himself, and is hauled off to jail. The girl is rescued and media reports that Jaime Respect was also arrested. But they have to report that because the police don't want Jake-types knowing police tactics.

Now if none of that scenario is true, you have to believe that Colombian police got incredibly lucky and conducted the raid at the exact moment a less-than-legal-age girl was with a client at Jake's place. After all, isn't her presence the sole reason why Jake has been charged with pimping a less-than-legal-age girl? If not, there are more instances of Jake pimping less-than-legal-age girls and we just haven't heard about them yet.

07-15-16, 04:14
The video is released on national Colombian news and Jake, his passport identification page, and pictures of his clients are prominently shown. Of course, the less-than-legal-age girl is not shown because of her widely-publicized age. But where is Jaime Respect? Where is James? If he was arrested along with Jake when then sting went down, why is he not being shown?

There is another guy on the floor in handcuffs along with Jake. Look at the 4:53 marker in the video.

07-15-16, 04:51
There is another guy on the floor in handcuffs along with Jake. Look at the 4:53 marker in the video.Yup, you're right I missed him. I still say Jaime Respect was undercover Colombian police and that his "arrest" was all for show.

07-15-16, 06:10
Medellin is a HUGE city. No one's got time to be paying attention to you honestly. You may look out of place trolling around El Centro, but in places like Lleras and Poblado everyone is too busy doing their own thing to notice you. They've got too much going on in their lives to worry about who you may or may not be banging.Shouldn't it be the other way around -- the consensus now is that the middle class Colombians don't want that shit in their backyard (Poblado). Perhaps Medallion doesn't have a zona tolerancia, but El Centro is pretty much close to it -- where the locals get their freak on. I'd feel more comfortable banging and hanging out with hookers there, given the current climate.

Another example on the list is a pretty cool board member that I met in Cebu Philippines. He is from Australia. He had the bright idea to have a harem. Dude was living with 7 chicks and hauling them all around in a van. Where is he now? Sitting in a Philippine jail. Just cause something is legal, foreigners get comfortable and try to push the limits. Mongers are not the only ones with internet. Don't do it.Wow didn't expect that to happen in the Philippines. I see a lot of YouTube bloggers doing videos on Angeles City, Bangkok and Pattaya, probably financing their lifestyle with the YouTube Google money. They better watch their backs.

07-15-16, 06:43
Cuba Dave, David 33, and now this clown!

KISS; travel, have fun, post a TR, don't mention many names and show faces, and repeat!

I don't feel sorry for any of them!

07-15-16, 09:56
Y'all ain't got enough of that shit yet? You better let these dudes finds their own broads and let these broads find their own dudes.Finding a cute spinner in Medellin doesn't take much effort. I fuck a different cute spinner daily. And if I'm frisky two. If it's raining, then I'll use Whatsapp and have a woman deliver.

Just go to the basic places described in the forums and you will see all the cuteness and hotness that you will need.

07-15-16, 10:20
I think we need to be careful about scaremongering. Guys who took up ColombiaJake for a tour of the centro have nothing to be concerned about. If the authorities want to nail Joe Monger, they don't need to go thru ColombiaJake to do it. I think this is all part of an effort by local authorities to clean up Poblados image. Didn't someone on the board mention a couple months ago a local authority had stated something was going to happen soon. I understand its only been several months since the policia started seriously policing Parque Lleras, now Colombia Jake, what's next?I think I posted a link to an article here about the gringos getting murdered in Medellin. There is a new mayor. And he wants to get rid of the image of Medellin as a sex and drug tourist destination.

Colombian Jake wasn't exactly being careful. He had stupid ads on Craigslist for God sakes. I have a small unrelated Youtube channel, very very few subscribers. But I had some normal videos of Medellin, and he comments on my video to stop wasting time and look up Colombian Jake. I replied that I seen him a couple times, but I never said Hello, to him. I didn't see a need to. Doing this type of stuff on YouTube or Facebook is just asking for trouble. Some people ask me questions about "working ladies" on YouTube, but I said I won't talk about that here.

Colombia already has drug dealers and pimps, or people that run houses of pleasure. The gringos that were killed here (yes, I am here now) were dealing drugs. The Colombian people don't want some damn gringos coming in to do the same. If you want to be a pimp or drug dealer you have to do it in your own country.

07-15-16, 10:52
Because he provided lodging for his customers, according to his website. I'm pretty sure the law requires a copy of either a local ID or a passport.The big purpose of this is a tourist, you will not have to pay a 16% tax on your rental stay. I have only used Airbnb for quite a while in Medellin now. They want a copy of your passport so they won't have to make you pay a 16% tax. I could look it up, but from memory, I think you can stay in Colombia up to 90 contentiously without having to pay that tax.

So, A Colombian from Bogota staying at a hotel in Medellin will pay more for it than you.

07-15-16, 11:07
My first visit to Medellin (5 years ago), I stayed at M2. While I was there, another guest told me that he went with [CodeWord902] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord902) girls. He was an Asian-American guy from California. He told me that there were casas downtown that catered to his type and that the Police were in on it.

I told Boyd that he had a [CodeWord911] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord911) staying there, but he did not kick the guy out.

07-15-16, 12:38
I'm sure you will find someone to take you up on your offer. There's a sucker born every minute, lol!

Feel free to take over Jake's old thread. He won't be using it, just like we wasn't using it before all of this happened.I am only offering to help. I am just saying that getting girls is the easy part. We don't need Jake for that. I was only offering to help anyone that wants to go there. I stay at a nice apartment in Poblado that is dirt cheap and I have friends there that can help find things or even take you on tours. I have some taxi drivers already vetted out. I want people to go to Medellin. I want them to meet girls and get laid. Why not. But I think it can be done in a much different manner. Jake made it out to seem like you needed him. He made himself a pimp. But he was just skimming off of an already thriving industry. He did provide a good service. I visited him my first time there and never needed him again. And I'm meeting local girls that are not hookers and fucking them. Isn't that better?

07-15-16, 14:26

Has anyone ever stayed at the Charlee? Any reviews?

07-15-16, 15:13
Shouldn't it be the other way around -- the consensus now is that the middle class Colombians don't want that shit in their backyard (Poblado).Parkinsons, if you look at the many escort sites in Medellin there are a lot of women that have their incall in mostly middle to upper class neighborhoods (Lleras, Poblado Laureles, etc.). 99.99% of their clients are local Colombianos.

La Isla is right up the street in Las Palmas. That's not a cheap barrio at all. So to say they "don't want that shit in their backyard" is somewhat of a misnomer.

This isn't Walking Street in Pattaya, Thailand. In Medellin, no one knows your business unless you go out of your way to make your business known.

07-15-16, 16:59
My flight arrived yesterday at 11:45 AM and I got thru immigration and customs in a total of twenty minutes. My bag was the first one off the plane. I always get a seat in the front of the plane because immigration can get backed up in Medellin. I hit the ATM machines at the airport and took out about 3 M Pesos and lined up a cab into town. I was approached by an attractive woman about thirty years old at the airport who asked me if she could go with me into town. I was a little bit dazed from flying all night and said no thanks. She was probably watching me withdrawing all that money from the ATM's and figured I was a rich gringo!

I got in the cab and headed into the Industralies area of Medellin called Ciudad De Rio and checked into the IBIS Hotel. Got a corner room on the top floor with a great view of the mountains and surrounding area. This is primarily a business hotel with small rooms but with everything you need including a queen size bed, security box, strong WiiFi, cable TV, etc. The pricing at this Hotel ranges from $ 30 to $ 60 a day US depending on the day of week and what's happening in town. There's also about 15 places to eat and drink within 300 feet of the hotel.

After getting unpacked I headed to the Metro station and rode into El Centro and got off at Parque Berrio. My true home away from home. I started making the rounds looking for a brief encounter. I circled the Museum, Botero Plaza, the Church, and park area by the statues. Lots of glue sniffers "sacaleros" and drunks laying around on the sidewalks, etc. Lot's of girls out as well, however most of them where pretty "skanky" however there were some cute ones available.

After about an hour and a half, I started talking with a small blond haired cutie by one of the statues. I asked her how much money she wanted and she said 35 K. I've had girls quote me as low as 15 K before and asked her what she was going to do for that. Her response was, "you can do anything you want to me, but you cannot have my "culito" ass. So I said okay, lets go. We walked over to the Premium Plaza Hotel my secondary choice of lodging in Medellin and got a room. No Passport or ID required for checking into this Hotel. She was very sweet and I could of barebacked her if I wanted to but passed. Condoms are "optional" with a lot of these street girls, some of which don't look to healthy and you need to be very careful.

After this is I had some problems with my Colombian cell I got resolved and then rode the Metro back to the Hotel. I then called my Novia to come over later in the evening. We had a great session, drank a bottle of wine and went out to eat. Instead of eating at one of the trendy eating places by the Hotel we walked about four blocks into the barrio and went to a BBQ place. We got a full rack of ribs, 1/2 chicken, french fries, beans, arepas, and a water for 30 K. It's amazing how cheap you can eat here, and even cheaper in El Centro. We headed back to the room and fell asleep. I woke up around 3:30 in the morning with a hard on. I didn't have to go far! The novia left at 7 AM to go to work and I took a cab over to the sports complex in Belen. I hit the Olympic Pool and swam for almost an hour. What's odd is that I didn't even feel winded from the altitude. Got back to the Hotel and am getting ready to head back to "El Centro" for some more fun before having the Novia return after work. Just another day in Paradise with more to follow.

07-15-16, 18:13
Aren't you the same dummy that was defending Jake, telling us he should be allowed to litter this thread bc he provides a service for idiots or the lazy, just a day before his arrest? Nice shooting, you're now 0-2.Did you get that autograph for me yet? No?

Neither of us is an admin here, we don't set policy, censor posts or make the decisions. All we can do is read and respond (or choose not to respond) to what we see here. Are you with me so far? Does the entire population of Colombia, who you represent, understand? Good.

In the weeks before Jake's arrest there were several complaints about non trip report posts in this thread, each followed by more non report complaints. Then there were several complaints about Jake. The complaints about Jake posting here and cluttering up the thread outnumbered the posts by Jake, by about 5 to 1.

Jake's legal troubles aside, barring intervention by the admins, there was no problem with Jake posting on this thread. The problem was with the people complaining about the posts. Anyone who didn't like his posts could scroll past, or place him on ignore. Anyone who read his posts, read his website and thought "this is perfect for me", needs a babysitter. If they ended up getting all their answers from Jake, it kept their stupid questions, already answered 100 times, from cluttering the thread.

Does any of that penetrate through? You were upset because Jake "littered" the thread about once a week, but oblivious to the fact most of the litter was from people complaining about Jake. Now, with the thread busier than ever before, almost exclusively with posts about Jake, all you can think of is making up an imaginary scoring system, calling me a dummy and doing a victory dance?

It appears the people of Colombia need a new official spokesman.

07-15-16, 22:42
There is another guy on the floor in handcuffs along with Jake. Look at the 4:53 marker in the video.The other person is the undercover cop that set up the sting. And this was at a hotel it was not at his apartment. They broke into his apartment with a door buster even though they had the keys. Makes for better news and camera action.

07-15-16, 23:07
My flight arrived yesterday at 11:45 AM and I got thru immigration and customs in a total of twenty minutes. My bag was the first one off the plane. I always get a seat in the front of the plane because immigration can get backed up in Medellin. I hit the ATM machines at the airport and took out about 3 M Pesos and lined up a cab into town. I was approached by an attractive woman about thirty years old at the airport who asked me if she could go with me into town. I was a little bit dazed from flying all night and said no thanks. She was probably watching me withdrawing all that money from the ATM's and figured I was a rich gringo!
Good report Surfer. And probably a good thing you followed your instincts about that woman at the airport.

07-15-16, 23:51
Jake's legal troubles aside, barring intervention by the admins, there was no problem with Jake posting on this thread. The problem was with the people complaining about the posts. Anyone who didn't like his posts could scroll past, or place him on ignore. Anyone who read his posts, read his website and thought "this is perfect for me", needs a babysitter. If they ended up getting all their answers from Jake, it kept their stupid questions, already answered 100 times, from cluttering the thread.

Does any of that penetrate through? You were upset because Jake "littered" the thread about once a week, but oblivious to the fact most of the litter was from people complaining about Jake. Now, with the thread busier than ever before, almost exclusively with posts about Jake, all you can think of is making up an imaginary scoring system, calling me a dummy and doing a victory dance?I think I can speak for a number of posters here and on other boards where Jake has (had) been spamming his "services". It's okay to promote your business, but don't be a complete shill. Throw down some cash and pay for a banner ad or sponsored post like everyone else. He was spamming ads on boards and not contributing anything of significance, just plug plug plug all day. I don't blame any site admins for clamping down on him and outright banning him because he was just getting free advertising.

Blue Touch
07-16-16, 00:08
I think I posted a link to an article here about the gringos getting murdered in Medellin. There is a new mayor. And he wants to get rid of the image of Medellin as a sex and drug tourist destination..True, the city has been trying to clean El Poblado. But not sure if that is the real "cause" of the arrest of Jake. If that is the case, Police would have arrested him without any involvement by the US embassy since the guy's address is shown everywhere. The involvement of the US embassy could implicate that they marked Jake first, and then requested the National Police investigating and arresting him. Remember, there had been an investigation of him for a year before arresting him. The investigation had begun before the mayor began cracking down prostitution at P Lleras.

Member #4398
07-16-16, 00:34

If you want to end with your ass in jail like your role model Jake, you are doing a good job. Keep offering your puta consulting services with your friends that will do the tours. Wait a minute, isn't that some of the shit Jake was doing? In Medellin, there is not such thing as puta consulting business with tours. By the way that type of business in Medellin is called pimping and promoting sex tourism, two illegal things. If you don't believe, go visit your buddy Jake and ask Jake for advice. If he made a copy of your passport when you used his good service as you mentioned, then don't visit him or you will be in the news too and put together with jake as another gringo pimp. Jake is going to be in jail for a very long time, probably many many years. Leave the pimping to the locals, you are in a fucking foreign land that despise gringos doing these type of things. Learned the lessons that we just learned from Jake's arrest and Cubadave in CR.


I am only offering to help. I am just saying that getting girls is the easy part. We don't need Jake for that. I was only offering to help anyone that wants to go there. I stay at a nice apartment in Poblado that is dirt cheap and I have friends there that can help find things or even take you on tours. I have some taxi drivers already vetted out. I want people to go to Medellin. I want them to meet girls and get laid. Why not. But I think it can be done in a much different manner. Jake made it out to seem like you needed him. He made himself a pimp. But he was just skimming off of an already thriving industry. He did provide a good service. I visited him my first time there and never needed him again. And I'm meeting local girls that are not hookers and fucking them. Isn't that better?

07-16-16, 01:18
I know what you mean about the cost of food and drinks. I once had to remind myself I paid for much lunch and beer in Centro when I reached into my wallet to pay for a taxi. I had so much cash left from what I withdrew earlier that day I was afraid I walked out on my lunch bill! Paradise indeed.

My flight arrived yesterday at 11:45 AM and I got thru immigration and customs in a total of twenty minutes. My bag was the first one off the plane. I always get a seat in the front of the plane because immigration can get backed up in Medellin. I hit the ATM machines at the airport and took out about 3 M Pesos and lined up a cab into town. I was approached by an attractive woman about thirty years old at the airport who asked me if she could go with me into town. I was a little bit dazed from flying all night and said no thanks. She was probably watching me withdrawing all that money from the ATM's and figured I was a rich gringo!

I got in the cab and headed into the Industralies area of Medellin called Ciudad De Rio and checked into the IBIS Hotel. Got a corner room on the top floor with a great view of the mountains and surrounding area. This is primarily a business hotel with small rooms but with everything you need including a queen size bed, security box, strong WiiFi, cable TV, etc. The pricing at this Hotel ranges from $ 30 to $ 60 a day US depending on the day of week and what's happening in town. There's also about 15 places to eat and drink within 300 feet of the hotel.

After getting unpacked I headed to the Metro station and rode into El Centro and got off at Parque Berrio. My true home away from home. I started making the rounds looking for a brief encounter. I circled the Museum, Botero Plaza, the Church, and park area by the statues. Lots of glue sniffers "sacaleros" and drunks laying around on the sidewalks, etc. Lot's of girls out as well, however most of them where pretty "skanky" however there were some cute ones available..

07-16-16, 05:26

Has anyone ever stayed at the Charlee? Any reviews?Even though I have not stayed there, I have been to the rooftop restaurant up there many times. It has a nice view and good food and has shows sometimes. But a couple times they said we had to spend at least 100,000 pesos. But that was OK with us.

I have been Mr nice guy and have taken girls to the top floor restaurant a few times, and a couple times I went up there not knowing it was closed. But the key is if you can get a girl in the elevator with no questions asked, then you can take her to your room with no problem. I have had girls up in that elevator many times, no questions asked.

It is right next to Parque Lleras, so it is a good location if you like Parque Lleras. I just think Charlee is kind of pricey. But bringing a girl to your room should be no problem at all.

07-16-16, 06:28
I have been back in MDE for a few days now. I seen a woman I have know for awhile on my first night. I was in Panama before this, and my lady friend said if I buy her some sort of body oil there that she will give me a good gift in return.

The so called oil almost cost me $60, she spent a full night with me and around 11 AM she was asking me if I wanted her to cook me a lunch. I'm renting an apartment for a week. Well, I was done. I didn't want her to keep hanging around. I said I know her grandmother misses her and she should go see her grandmother, and I need to go get a haircut.

Next day I went to Abydos. It seems to have the same women for at least a year now. The service from the various women almost seems the same. I get my rocks off there, but I don't get anyone to blow my socks off. I took Pamela this time, a 20 YO I think. She kind of looks like Pocahontas. Seems like she was in a routine, not truly enjoying the moment. But she's beautiful and I got my rocks off. Maybe 6 weeks ago I tried Andrea there. Wow, that woman is gorgeous. I seen her again a couple days ago, but went with Pamela. The service from Andrea was about the same as Pamela, and I have tried Julietta once. They seem to have the same training or something. I had a bottle of water there, and an hour with the girl, and it was 142 K pesos. It seems like they are encouraged to keep you in the room, even if you get your rocks off early. As she wanted to cuddle after sex for quite awhile. I kept playing with her tits and ass, so it was OK with me.

I think the 3rd day, was a day off.

Today I went to Thai Spa. I seen some reports where members don't know if there is sex there. With this craziness in the city at the moment, I'll just say whatever it is you want, that is what you will be doing. It seems like an odd location, and it has a security guard, he was friendly. And the guy there could tell it would be better to speak English to me, and he could speak basic English. I wanted to make sure that the 160 K that I paid would include what I wanted to do, and he said yes. So, don't worry, there were no extra costs or charges for wanting to do what you would do in other Medellin "massage" places. I was only shown 3 girls, and he said 4 were busy. He said earlier in the day they have 9 - 10 girls.

Thai Spa indeed tries to be a high-end place. It was a nicer place than the other places I have seen in Medellin. Except for maybe the closed down husband and wife team that had a house in Las Palmas, it was called Orient, and Lutron, if that is how you spell it. The rooms were small but nice, the bed was rather hard, but was actually better for doing what goes on there. You can buy bottles of Johnny Walker Blue label there if that is your thing, or anything else. A simple drink like water or coke, was 15 K pesos though. A beer 20 K pesos. I didn't get a drink there. On the menu, of which they gave me an English menu, made it seem like there is a 20 K peso entrance charge, but I didn't have to pay it. I only paid the 160 K pesos for an hour.

As I was only shown 3 girls, the guy said I could come back a little later and he will have 4 more girls. The girls were I guess like 6's or 7's. The first two girls were just way too white for me. Looks like they don't walk outside when there is sun. Then I seen very slightly tan girl, and she looked good. After she came to get me to go upstairs I realized it was a light skin black girl. That was a bonus for me. She says she is from Medellin and stuck with that story. I said she looks like she is from Cartagena, but she said she is from Medellin. She was the first girl I seen a the local soccer team, Nacional, tattooed on her back, right above her ass. Service was OK. I think what I didn't like was their condoms. I should have used mine. After she massaged me for awhile, sucked for awhile, and fucked me like a black woman would, while she was playing regaeton and rap music. I switched to doggy, but I couldn't seem to get in a comfortable position with her. Then she had a very slight smell after awhile, but not too bad. But the condom felt too small and I think my little buddy was going numb. We did this and that, and she had to massage my little buddy without a condom, then we fucked some more with a new condom, but the same thing, it didn't feel good, and we needed some lube. My buddy didn't like this. I came close to finishing, but never did. It seems to be the policy to make the customer have a good finish. She took off the condom, oiled my little buddy up and massaged him until he squirted everywhere. Even though I think overall it was just OK, I know she tried hard, and she didn't quit until extracting my leche and it was probably almost the full hour. When finished she questioned me and wanted to make sure she did a good job. I just said the condoms seem small, but she did a god job. After walking downstairs the guy asked me 2 times if service was good. I could tell they actually care about their reputation. I wouldn't hesitate to go back, but I'd go earlier. I was there about 8:30 PM, and I'd choose a different girl and use my condoms.

Attached are pictures of the business card. I asked for one, but he gave me about 10 for some reason. I guess you could give the address to a driver, but what I did is tell the taxi to take me to Centro Commercial LOS Molinos. Then I walked to Thai Spa. If I got there earlier I would have took a look in the mall. It looks like it might be pretty nice. They offer a Nuru massage there for 260 K for 70 minutes. But I'd only do that if I see a really hot looking woman with large natural tits. It's been a long time since I had a Nuru massage though, so, maybe I'll give it a try there if I get the right woman.

07-16-16, 07:39
Sat 7/16.

I'm planning on a venturing out to check out the talent around 10 pm. Anybody interested PM me.

I'll post a TR when I get home early next week.

07-17-16, 11:20
I wholeheartedly agree.

First Cuba Dave in Costa Rica, now Colombia Jake in Colombia. Countries simply aren't going to allow foreigners to exploit them financially. They can make your crimes look so much bigger than they are in order to stack the charges up so high that you won't be afforded the opportunity to do it again.

As tempting as it may be to start a little gig getting paid for information, it just isn't worth it in the long run.

Enjoy your time there, leave and tell a few friends. Repeat.

Holy shit! What was that map with the arrows pointing to other states with pictures of other gringos?!

Man, they really did a number on Jake. He was screaming for attention and he sure got it and then some :-O

I see that they have blurred out the faces of the chicas. I'm not catching every single word they are saying in Spanish, but it sounds like they are trying to say that ALL those broads were minor. I am sure that is not true, but they can level any accusations at him at this point because he will not be able to refute them in public.

EDIT: They definitely keep saying that he offered services with minors. Even if not true, they are doing everything to tarnish his name and reputation. That should be a huge warning to any would-be pimps trying to make your mark in Medellin: even if you are dealing with above the legal age women, if they catch you they will accuse you of dealing with minors, and there isn't a fucking thing you can do about it.

07-17-16, 12:44
I just booked my flights to Mde next week. I was going to stay at the mansion for a few days then du Parc but now debating on no mansion at all.No need to fear staying at the Mansion. Authorities have no problem with the way they run their business. They are legit. If you don't have a reservation, there is usually a waiting list so it will be difficult getting in on short notice. If you already have a reservation, definitely don't pass up that opportunity.

07-17-16, 14:19
I wrote something longer, but apparently got disconnected from the site in the middle of it so I don't think it'll post. My shorter version is this: see the name about 2/3 rds of the way into the article below:


There are a few other things you can find online which further tie in the name and the state it occurred in.

07-17-16, 14:51
I wrote something longer, but apparently got disconnected from the site in the middle of it so I don't think it'll post. My shorter version is this: see the name about 2/3 rds of the way into the article below:


There are a few other things you can find online which further tie in the name and the state it occurred in.I think I forgot it on my re-post:


07-17-16, 18:36
I wholeheartedly agree.

First Cuba Dave in Costa Rica, now Colombia Jake in Colombia. Countries simply aren't going to allow foreigners to exploit them financially. They can make your crimes look so much bigger than they are in order to stack the charges up so high that you won't be afforded the opportunity to do it again.

As tempting as it may be to start a little gig getting paid for information, it just isn't worth it in the long run.

Enjoy your time there, leave and tell a few friends. Repeat.It's more than the financial gain. These guys were very open about what they were doing (even bragging about it). While prostitution is legal in many of these countries (and widely practiced by their own citizens), it is done discreetly. Their laws accept that people will do it, but it's also expected that it be somewhat discreet. Especially in a Strata 5 neighborhood like Poblado.

Cuba Dave and Jake were begging for the trouble that came their way.

07-17-16, 19:21
Robberies happen at other hotels too. Take reasonable precautions and you will have an enjoyable visit to the country.

No need to fear staying at the Mansion. Authorities have no problem with the way they run their business. They are legit. If you don't have a reservation, there is usually a waiting list so it will be difficult getting in on short notice. If you already have a reservation, definitely don't pass up that opportunity.

07-17-16, 19:25
Wall Street Journal content is restricted to subscribers. You will have to state the punchline here, if there is one.

I wrote something longer, but apparently got disconnected from the site in the middle of it so I don't think it'll post. My shorter version is this: see the name about 2/3 rds of the way into the article below:


There are a few other things you can find online which further tie in the name and the state it occurred in.

07-17-16, 20:09
US Genearl Attorney personnel arrived to Medellin in order to establish identity of all of Jake's clients in order to prosecute them in the States.

If I was a gringo (or gringo like foreigner) I would keep my ass away from any type of prostitution anywhere in Medellin for the next couple of months. You will soon see gringos being arrested downtown. Fair? I am not a policy maker I am just saying it will happen.

Fiscales de LOS Estados Unidos llegaron esta semana al país para tratar de establecer la identidad de LOS clientes de Jay Harry Drivas, para procesarlos por crímenes sexuales contra menores.

07-17-16, 21:21
I wholeheartedly agree.

First Cuba Dave in Costa Rica, now Colombia Jake in Colombia. Countries simply aren't going to allow foreigners to exploit them financially. They can make your crimes look so much bigger than they are in order to stack the charges up so high that you won't be afforded the opportunity to do it again.

As tempting as it may be to start a little gig getting paid for information, it just isn't worth it in the long run.

Enjoy your time there, leave and tell a few friends. Repeat.I think the thing is Colombians don't send people to USA and other part of the world to promote prostitution while guys like Jake does that and they also be going to far by going to high schools and college to hand out prostitution employment flyers to girls.

07-17-16, 22:03
Interesting new Jake article.


The article mentions that US prosecutors arrived last week to try to identify the customers of Jake. Jake's customers have much more to worry about than their global entry passes. I feel for them. I'm sure many of his customers wanted nothing to do with girls too young yet they are probably now dragged into this guilty by association. Of course it would be hard to prove anything, but still.

07-17-16, 22:43
Wall Street Journal content is restricted to subscribers. You will have to state the punchline here, if there is one.Apologies for that. Cut-and-paste from the article below. Not sure I have a punchline, just sharing it appears that prison isn't new to him.

In 1995, stockbroker Jay Drivas sold an elderly Florida woman and her daughter $67,000 worth of notes backed by used-car loans to people with poor credit histories. What the woman and her daughter didn't know when they bought the notes was that Mr. Drivas had just been convicted of attempted sexual battery, a felony, and was awaiting the outcome of an appeal, according to the women's lawyer, Allan J. Fedor. "he was socking away the nuts for the winter," Mr. Fedor said. In March 1996, his appeal unsuccessful, Mr. Drivas entered prison, serving nine months of a 15-month sentence.

Mr. Fedor's clients, who didn't wish to be named, probably didn't ask Mr. Drivas, the stockbroker, if he had ever been charged with a felony, Mr. Fedor conceded. And had they looked into his past, they would have discovered that in 1994, Florida securities regulators barred him from holding a management job after learning of an NASD investigation into allegations he forged a branch manager's signature.

Member #4398
07-17-16, 23:41
The article also mentions that Jake is being evaluated by a psychiatrist due to two suicide attempts. And also that he will get a minimum of 20 years in jail with the current charges, and the police infiltrated his operation by baiting him, posing as English speaking clients requesting minors and he took the bait. It also said that when they found him he was in his Jacuzzi with a 13 year old.

Interesting new Jake article.


The article mentions that US prosecutors arrived last week to try to identify the customers of Jake. Jake's customers have much more to worry about than their global entry passes. I feel for them. I'm sure many of his customers wanted nothing to do with girls too young yet they are probably now dragged into this guilty by association. Of course it would be hard to prove anything, but still.

Blue Touch
07-17-16, 23:52
Jake had two operations- prostitution of regular girls and secret operation of minor girls. Yes, the US authority is looking for the customers for the latter.

Colombiajake.com, such was the website that, according to police, was used by tens of [CodeWord914] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord914), all coming from the United States, who paid millions of dollars for sexual services in Medellin.

The owner of the illegal business, Jay Harry Drivas, 53, was captured by police this week. The man known as 'Jake', was the head of a prostitution ring that victimized children between 12 and 14 years old and worked the facade of an office of tourism plans that promoted via the Internet.

"It was received like a king in the tolerance zone of downtown Medellin. There knew everyone says one of the officers who put him behind rejas- (.) At that point contacted many of the young people, especially girls, who offered to customers. If using drugs, it was easier for them to serve because they offered marijuana and coca. " (Read: Captured 'Jake', the gringo who led network of sexual exploitation).

In that area of ​8203;the capital of Antioquia misery abounds. The US says the police took advantage of the low level of schooling of the children, their low economic level and lack of parental care. While he earned in dollars they paid them a Pyrrhic sum for 'walks' with strangers that sometimes lasted up to a week.

General William René Salamanca, director of Protection and Special Services of Police, says crawling web pages that more frequent sexual predators was key to reach 'Jake'.

The man, born in Massachusetts, was installed in 2009 in the exclusive sector of El Poblado, Medellin. There lived a life full of luxury: ate in the best restaurants, buy branded clothes and driving a high-end car, always accompanied by beautiful women. (Also: So operated 'Jake', the gringo who led network of sexual exploitation).

"We identified six months ago on the web and begin to track," said the official.

The researchers had to resort to an undercover police, with good English, who contacted 'Jake' showing interest in the tour package offered. "At first, it failed twice in our attempt to contact you because we speak in Spanish, and although he speaks our language, tourism and denied any sexual activity. When we did in English, gained confidence and began trading "says the source. The alleged customer requested the services of two minors, and the US agreed.

Drivas traveled at least three times a year to the United States to promote their services and publicize their website. "In public places he accosted older men, who had been speaking of a world of adventure in Medellin. And he said that at the web address find the route.

Basically, he is driving two lines of prostitution. Of legal age, whose pictures and names had a list that was seized the day of his capture, he had more than 200 records. The other, more reserved, including the services of minors.

Customers 'Jake' traveled from cities like Cheyenne, Lincoln, Dallas and Atlanta and acquired one of the two 'package tours' offered, which always included the company of a woman.

"The hitched with images of the city, and videos that 'Jake' up to their website, which could see customers narrating their experiences in locations like Park Village, about how wonderful the city, good food and excellent attention of his host, "said one of the researchers.

'Jake' offered them to their VIP customers exclusive apartment for alternative nights. An inflatable jacuzzi became the most representative of the services offered by icon. "Indeed, the day he was captured, in that apartment, which was in arriendo- was in the jacuzzi with a girl of 12 years and was seized psychoactive substances, sexual pills and 33 million pesos in cash," says Salamanca.

Tour packages 'Jake' were handled in two ways, according to the customer's pocket.

One for $ 10,000 that included plane tickets, lodging and sightseeing around the city, plus the chaperone of your choice, which could choose in the catalog that appeared on their website. The sexual service was paid apart, depending on customer tastes.

The second package, for five thousand dollars, differed mainly at the level of the hotel.

US prosecutors arrived this week to the country to try to establish the identity of customers Jay Harry Drivas, to prosecute sex crimes against children. "In Colombia await you at least 20 years in prison for crimes related to induction to prostitution, trafficking and possession of psychoactive substances and sexual exploitation involving minors. But the United States also intends to take it to try him there, "says Salamanca.

The US passed its luxury stays Bellavista prison in Medellin, where he will undergo a psychiatric evaluation because from the moment of his capture has attempted suicide twice.

But that is not the only case of foreigners captured in Colombia and linked to sexual exploitation networks. So far this year as they captured four foreigners arrested for crimes such as child pornography, promotion of prostitution and pimping minor. Two of those who have fallen are Mexicans and two other Americans.

07-17-16, 23:53
If I was a gringo (or gringo like foreigner) I would keep my ass away from any type of prostitution anywhere in Medellin for the next couple of months. You will soon see gringos being arrested downtown. Fair? I am not a policy maker I am just saying it will happen.
I doubt it. They are not going to have a squad of "special police" going into Casas and dragging out gringos naked into the streets, lmao!

Some of you are letting your imaginations get the best of you. It is not illegal for you as an American Citizen to engage in "legal-aged" prostitution in another country where it is already legal.

07-18-16, 00:26
Your "translation" omitted a point that throws your prediction into question. The American prosecutors, according to what you posted in Spanish, arrived in Medellin to identify clients of the suspect in order to prosecute them for crimes against minors.

US Genearl Attorney personnel arrived to Medellin in order to establish identity of all of Jake's clients in order to prosecute them in the States.

If I was a gringo (or gringo like foreigner) I would keep my ass away from any type of prostitution anywhere in Medellin for the next couple of months. You will soon see gringos being arrested downtown. Fair? I am not a policy maker I am just saying it will happen.

Fiscales de LOS Estados Unidos llegaron esta semana al pas para tratar de establecer la identidad de LOS clientes de Jay Harry Drivas, para procesarlos por crmenes sexuales contra menores.

07-18-16, 03:08
It is not illegal for you as an American Citizen to engage in "legal-aged" prostitution in another country where it is already legal.I am not so sure.

However I have come across research in the past which indicates that it is illegal for americans to travel to a foreign country with the intent on procuring sexual services for money. I think it was on one of the Govt websites. Some mongers have mentioned that it implies only sex with minors but when I read the comment it seemed to be all inclusive.

Maybe someone can find this information and post it from a reliable source? Unfortunately I have to go to bed within the next 3 o minutes. I have a 5 am wake up call.

The Cane
07-18-16, 03:17
The article mentions that US prosecutors arrived last week to try to identify the customers of Jake. Well, that task should be easily accomplished given that Jake, having great respect for the law, most assuredly made and kept copies over the years of all of his clients' passport data pages LOL! Every last single one of them. After all, the law requires it LOLOLOL!

07-18-16, 03:27

I have never read anything other than the federal law making it a US Criminal violation for an American to obtain sex with a minor overseas, and the military policy prohibiting servicemen from obtaining commercial sex while on "R&R"
This article seems to confirm it.

Savepros seemed to make a distinction regarding prostitution being legal in the foreign country. I don't think that matters. If it is illegal in the foreign country, the foreign country can prosecute. But the U.S. could only prosecute it the lady were underaged, from my understanding, regardless of the law in the foreign country.

The Swedes did in fact pass a law that has the effect you described for its citizens.

I am not so sure.

However I have come across research in the past which indicates that it is illegal for americans to travel to a foreign country with the intent on procuring sexual services for money. I think it was on one of the Govt websites. Some mongers have mentioned that it implies only sex with minors but when I read the comment it seemed to be all inclusive.

Maybe someone can find this information and post it from a reliable source? Unfortunately I have to go to bed within the next 3 o minutes. I have a 5 am wake up call.

The Cane
07-18-16, 03:36
I have never read anything other than the federal law making it a US Criminal violation for an American to obtain sex with a minor overseas. This article seems to confirm it.Your link didn't work. I believe this is the one you wanted: http://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/resources/is-sex-tourism-against-law.htm.

07-18-16, 06:14
33 million pesos in cash? What! The Medellin police is probably having a party with Jake's hookers invited. That's what I call stimulating the Colombian economy!The story us on the ground heard is that 30 million pesos was the US governments money. Undercover agent paid him 30 million for the package. The stay the play. He told him he wanted something fresh downtown. Jake took him to Veracruz area of centro. Negotiated for him with a girl. Checked them both into a hourly motel. Walked them upstairs. Jake was allegedly arrested there. The money was all serial numbered. The client was american working either for government or one of those groups that get funding by religious groups to stamp out This kind of stuff. Jake wasn't arrested at gringo towers. Look at the video women cop walking him out of cheesy hotel. Anyway that's the story I heard. Honestly he rubbed a lot of us the wrong way here. But I been here two weeks. Not one bad look, nothing different going on here. The news from France and football (soccer) and whatever new gossip comes up is the new in here. Colombians have a 72 hour attention span. Not all and I'm joking but they move on to the next big thing. And why not. They already think we are scum. Just proved there point with this guy. No need to dwell on it.

Mr Enternational
07-18-16, 10:30
The story us on the ground heard is that 30 million pesos was the US governments money. Undercover agent paid him 30 million for the package. The stay the play. He told him he wanted something fresh downtown. Jake took him to Veracruz area of centro. That is some crazy funny shit. 30 million pesos? You can get those same packages all day long in De Grieff for 30,000 pesos. He had those $ signs in his eyes.

07-18-16, 13:31
That is some crazy funny shit. 30 million pesos? You can get those same packages all day long in De Grieff for 30,000 pesos. He had those $ signs in his eyes.That's highway robbery, you can get the same shit for 20,000 Pesos at the the church a few blocks over from Avenida De La Grief!

07-18-16, 17:18
The arrest, or at least the prep walk, clearly took place at a hotel. However, several news reports mention the suspect being arrested whilst sat in the inflatable jacuzzi in his apartment. Something along the continuum of hype and lying is going on. I don't doubt the suspect is in deep shit and incarcerated but some of the reporting smells like exaggeration and spin.

The story us on the ground heard is that 30 million pesos was the US governments money. Undercover agent paid him 30 million for the package. The stay the play. He told him he wanted something fresh downtown. Jake took him to Veracruz area of centro. Negotiated for him with a girl. Checked them both into a hourly motel. Walked them upstairs. Jake was allegedly arrested there. The money was all serial numbered. The client was american working either for government or one of those groups that get funding by religious groups to stamp out This kind of stuff. Jake wasn't arrested at gringo towers. Look at the video women cop walking him out of cheesy hotel. Anyway that's the story I heard. Honestly he rubbed a lot of us the wrong way here. But I been here two weeks. Not one bad look, nothing different going on here. The news from France and football (soccer) and whatever new gossip comes up is the new in here. Colombians have a 72 hour attention span. Not all and I'm joking but they move on to the next big thing. And why not. They already think we are scum. Just proved there point with this guy. No need to dwell on it.

07-18-16, 18:57
I know a few of these girls but I'm sure there are a few of you on here. There was a FB post with 20+ pics of girls and guys.

El Mechanico
07-18-16, 19:49
I know a few of these girls but I'm sure there are a few of you on here. There was a FB post with 20+ pics of girls and guys.Wow! Prensa Piasa has 23 photos (some guys were in there more than once) of guys with girls under 'Mobile uploads'. I bet these guys are wishing they hadn't been so giddy with excitement!

07-19-16, 00:51
The arrest, or at least the prep walk, clearly took place at a hotel. However, several news reports mention the suspect being arrested whilst sat in the inflatable jacuzzi in his apartment. Something along the continuum of hype and lying is going on. I don't doubt the suspect is in deep shit and incarcerated but some of the reporting smells like exaggeration and spin.What I heard here is that's false. Never was arrested in jacuzzi.

Was arrested in a seady Veracruz motel. With his "client" and girl.

Police went to gringo tower "San Pedro". To collect evidence. Receive his computer.

Look for the marked money. They did all this without jake.

The room mate was let go. They have him dead to rights I believe.

Some might say entrapment. No one forced him to accept the money to do this.

Yes don't believe the media, the better story is some gringo in Poblado in a blow up hot tub.

Blue Touch
07-19-16, 01:18
Anyway that's the story I heard. You are a credible member who always post a solid report. Video Clip shows Jake being arrested at a hotel, and the surrounding area looks like Centro.

You say that you heard from someone about what really happened. I think that only Jake, his client, the female victim, and the officers in the operation know what really happened. Since Jake and the client are in the jail now, can I assume that your information source is in the latter two?

07-19-16, 01:52
For the life of me I cannot understand why or imagine any reason someone would pose for those kinds of photos. I'm utterly baffled.

I know a few of these girls but I'm sure there are a few of you on here. There was a FB post with 20+ pics of girls and guys.

The Tall Man
07-19-16, 02:04
What I heard here is that's false. Never was arrested in jacuzzi.

Was arrested in a seady Veracruz motel. With his "client" and girl.

Police went to gringo tower "San Pedro". To collect evidence. Receive his computer.

Look for the marked money. They did all this without jake.

The room mate was let go. They have him dead to rights I believe.

Some might say entrapment. No one forced him to accept the money to do this.

Yes don't believe the media, the better story is some gringo in Poblado in a blow up hot tub.Wherever and whenever he was arrested this dude Jake the snake is fucked for life. This is a lesson, a good one, it works for me, don't get any thinking about all the money you can make and all the fun your going to have with offering even of age woman let alone [CodeWord902] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord902). This guy is totally screwed and for life. He is done.

Be careful out there guys.


07-19-16, 02:13
Wherever and whenever he was arrested this dude Jake the snake is fucked for life. This is a lesson, a good one, it works for me, don't get any thinking about all the money you can make and all the fun your going to have with offering even of age woman let alone . This guy is totally screwed and for life. He is done.

Be careful out there guys.

TTM.Lesson is don't pimp. Stay away from not of age receivers.

If money seems way to good maybe just maybe your being set up?? What's wrong with someone who is 22? Not fresh enough?? Never understood these men.

Mr Enternational
07-19-16, 03:05
Wow! Prensa Piasa has 23 photos (some guys were in there more than once) of guys with girls under 'Mobile uploads'. I bet these guys are wishing they hadn't been so giddy with excitement!But it is only a picture. There is nothing compromising about any of the fotos unless someone has a significant other that might see them.

Screaming Beaver
07-19-16, 03:12
This is a post David_33 made back in November 2014 writing about meeting a friend in prison located in The Philippines by the name of Frenzy3. Frenzy is still in prison and won't be leaving soon. Apparently these two cats were kindred spirits since he and David_33 were into the same stuff. I wonder how well David_33 knew Jake? Birds of a feather?

For those envious MFs who joyfully celebrated what happened to him, don't bother reading this or commenting.

A couple of weeks ago while I was in Cebu I visited Frenzy3 in prison. I had tried to do this on previous visits but none of the local experts who knew him had any factual information about his present situation (only some rumours) nor wanted to come along. This time I decided to go alone and managed to dig up the contact information for one of his lawyers. The secretary gave me visiting days and times. I then contacted one of the guys who lives in Cebu and was at the "Free Lunch". He was imprisoned unjustly some years ago and helped me with my Frenzy3 grocery and supply shopping trip. He knew exactly what is most needed by the prisoners. He brought along three female friends to aid in the shopping process.

Frenzy3 managed to get off a quick message to me mentioning McDonalds. He later told me that protein is much more difficult to obtain in prison than drugs (which by the way, he does't use). So I loaded my grocery bags into a taxi and after stopping at a McDonalds drive through and purchasing about 2 K in food made it up the terrible road to the prison..

07-19-16, 03:46

I'm new here on the website and I came across this section about Medellin and I really want to go to Medellin again to have fun I've only been there once a few years ago and when I was little to see my family I never really traveled on my own except with them. A little about me I was born in the states but my parents are from Medellin. I've been reading about this recent scandal and I think its atrocious of what has happened and I'm very glad that the Colombian authorities dealt with it. So, I'm pretty much here to ask for her as in accommodation and where to find these big booty Colombian girls really my family didn't let me got anywhere but now since I'm over 18 I can pretty much go alone anywhere XD so this would be my first time as an adult trying to get girls in Colombia and I really want to go so if there's any friendly and nice people here who can give me advice please let me know I as well speak fluent Colombian Spanish so communication wise I can be of great help.

Tiny 12
07-19-16, 03:55
I don't doubt the suspect is in deep shit and incarcerated but some of the reporting smells like exaggeration and spin.

That is some crazy funny shit. 30 million pesos? You can get those same packages all day long in De Grieff for 30,000 pesos. He had those $ signs in his eyes.The article from El Tiempo that someone posted here said Jake charged $10,000 for a package that included airline tickets, hotel, tours, and the woman of your choice from the catalog on his web site. That didn't include payment for sex, which was paid separately "depending on the client's likes." Or he had a second package for only $5,000 in a hotel of lesser quality. That sounds like crap to me, and it comes from a source that also said the he was busted while in the inflatable jacuzzi with a 12 year old.

USA law enforcement offering to pay him 30 million to set them up with an [CodeWord902] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord902) girl at a hotel in el Centro makes a lot more sense to me a bust in the inflatable jacuzzi.

07-19-16, 04:04
This is a post David_33 made back in November 2014 writing about meeting a friend in prison located in The Philippines by the name of Frenzy3. Frenzy is still in prison and won't be leaving soon. Apparently these two cats were kindred spirits since he and David_33 were into the same stuff. I wonder how well David_33 knew Jake? Birds of a feather?My VERY first foray into mongering intel gathering back in 2007 was at a website called The Single Male (TSM). It was run by a guy named Bruce who was promoting the Dominican Republic. Didn't he get locked up for something similar as well? Is he still locked up currently?

07-19-16, 04:49

I'm new here on the website and I came across this section about Medellin and I really want to go to Medellin again to have fun I've only been there once a few years ago and when I was little to see my family I never really traveled on my own except with them. A little about me I was born in the states but my parents are from Medellin. I've been reading about this recent scandal and I think its atrocious of what has happened and I'm very glad that the Colombian authorities dealt with it. So, I'm pretty much here to ask for her as in accommodation and where to find these big booty Colombian girls really my family didn't let me got anywhere but now since I'm over 18 I can pretty much go alone anywhere XD so this would be my first time as an adult trying to get girls in Colombia and I really want to go so if there's any friendly and nice people here who can give me advice please let me know I as well speak fluent Colombian Spanish so communication wise I can be of great help.Send me a Pm, when you here, can meet for coffee at Pergamino. Shoot the shit.

07-19-16, 10:25
The trend appears to be the crackdown on our hobby. Reuters reported that Thailand's tourism minister and police are working to eradicate the country's well-known sex industry and there have been many raids on brothels countrywide.

07-19-16, 11:21
The trend appears to be the crackdown on our hobby. Reuters reported that Thailand's tourism minister and police are working to eradicate the country's well-known sex industry and there have been many raids on brothels countrywide.What happened with Jake wasn't a crackdown on prostitution. I wouldn't associate what is happening in Thailand with anyplace else in the world.

Here's a good barometer: if the locals are starting to worry, then so should you!

07-19-16, 13:18
The trend appears to be the crackdown on our hobby. Reuters reported that Thailand's tourism minister and police are working to eradicate the country's well-known sex industry and there have been many raids on brothels countrywide.The raids there have not been to eradicate the sex industry but to look for minors in the brothels. There's no way Thailand's sex industry is going to be eradicated.

07-19-16, 15:08
For the life of me I cannot understand why or imagine any reason someone would pose for those kinds of photos. I'm utterly baffled.IMHO, some of those guys look a little socially awkward, like the main male characters from the TV show Big Bang Theory. If you've spent most of your life in a physics lab and haven't had a conjugal visit in years, and suddenly you're in a foreign country about to bang a hottie that you'd have no chance to meet in the United States, you'll stand there and mug for the camera all day.

07-19-16, 18:00
IMHO, some of those guys look a little socially awkward, like the main male characters from the TV show Big Bang Theory. If you've spent most of your life in a physics lab and haven't had a conjugal visit in years, and suddenly you're in a foreign country about to bang a hottie that you'd have no chance to meet in the United States, you'll stand there and mug for the camera all day.Because Jake's customers weren't mongers. They went to an all you can eat buffet and paid a waiter to bring them the waiter's choice. Other than deciding to let someone else make all the decisions, they were just sheep following the herd. They didn't think about it when the camera came out. They just smiled and asked for a copy.

When the camera came out, an experienced monger would have said no pictures. It's one thing to get some pics, balls deep in a sweet young thing. It's another to let someone else have pics of you standing next to her.

Are there other pictures? None of those appear to involve minors, but did Jake take photos of his alleged other customers? Those are the ones that will matter.

07-19-16, 18:12
So is it safe to go now to Colombia? Or hows the situation currently en El Poblado area?

07-19-16, 20:39
I'm here now and the local have big smiles on there face.

Bars and casa are still a go. Guys lets just keep this place to ourselves.

What happened with Jake wasn't a crackdown on prostitution. I wouldn't associate what is happening in Thailand with anyplace else in the world.

Here's a good barometer: if the locals are starting to worry, then so should you!

07-19-16, 22:57
Are there other pictures? None of those appear to involve minors, but did Jake take photos of his alleged other customers?Given the fact that several cell phones and hard drives were seized by Colombian authorities during the raid, I'd say that's an affirmative, Rafterman.

07-20-16, 04:03
Send me a Pm, when you here, can meet for coffee at Pergamino. Shoot the shit.I'm new on here just did a search and damn would like to know how do I PM you on here when I go for a visit.



It appears from your post that you don't quite understand the Forum's Private Message service.

To use the Forum's Private Message service, both you and the Forum Member you are trying to contact must be either a subscriber or a Senior Member.

For more information, please read: http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/ISG_Payments.php

If you cannot afford $20 dollars to buy a subscription, then perhaps you can convince another forum member to purchase a subscription for you.


07-20-16, 04:15
Parkinsons, if you look at the many escort sites in Medellin there are a lot of women that have their incall in mostly middle to upper class neighborhoods (Lleras, Poblado Laureles, etc.). 99.99% of their clients are local Colombianos.

La Isla is right up the street in Las Palmas. That's not a cheap barrio at all. So to say they "don't want that shit in their backyard" is somewhat of a misnomer.

This isn't Walking Street in Pattaya, Thailand. In Medellin, no one knows your business unless you go out of your way to make your business known.But the action taken here is against foreigners, the public enemy is the gringo sex tourist -- in their "nicer" neighborhood. You made the point that if Jake was Colombian he would still be skating.

Usually I'm not one to give a shit about what others think, keep doing your thing in Poblado / Lleras. But, if you think no one knows or no one is watching -- did you miss the part of Jake's arrest video where they interviewed the neighbor (lady driving in her car)?

All I'm saying is, you were incorrect to tell the board to avoid El Centro. I echo the sentiment in DCFan's new post.

Mr Enternational
07-20-16, 04:29
All I'm saying is, you were incorrect to tell the board to avoid El Centro. I echo the sentiment in DCFan's new post.Who wants the unlearned coming to screw up the best thing about Medellin as they have done in numerous other places around the globe? Guys please avoid downtown. It is much too dangerous there. Poblado is much more comfortable. There is no reason to leave there. It is just like or in some cases better than home.

07-20-16, 04:57
Who wants the unlearned coming to screw up the best thing about Medellin as they have done in numerous other places around the globe? Guys please avoid downtown. It is much too dangerous there. Poblado is much more comfortable. There is no reason to leave there. It is just like or in some cases better than home.Haha true that. On second thought, centro is full of local people who will look at you all weird and stuff, probably casing you for a robbery later. Don't go there.

07-20-16, 05:04
Who wants the unlearned coming to screw up the best thing about Medellin as they have done in numerous other places around the globe? Guys please avoid downtown. It is much too dangerous there. Poblado is much more comfortable. There is no reason to leave there. It is just like or in some cases better than home.True even Colombians are careful in centro since the thieves are clever unfortunately. What I fear the most is the scopola drug which is one of the reasons I'm scared of going since I don't no much people in Medellin other than my folks and my cousins wouldn't approve of my sex adventures anybody that would like to talk more with me and want to hang out let me know I'm looking for some good honest friends.

07-20-16, 05:13
It's super dangerous. Do not go there.

Haha true that. On second thought, centro is full of local people who will look at you all weird and stuff, probably casing you for a robbery later. Don't go there..

07-20-16, 05:55
It's super dangerous. Do not go there.

.You forgot to mention that all the women in Centro are actually men.

Blue Touch
07-20-16, 06:05
Haha true that. On second thought, centro is full of local people who will look at you all weird and stuff, probably casing you for a robbery later. Don't go there.Last month I saw two gringos with shorts and flip flops in Centro.

They were talking Engpalish very loud to bunch of street girls, laughing and joking, and everybody was looking at them.

Soon police came and asked questions, and they took gringos to somewhere.

I don't know if they were arrested.

These guys better stay in Poblado.

07-20-16, 11:14
All I'm saying is, you were incorrect to tell the board to avoid El Centro. I echo the sentiment in DCFan's new post.I think the "Parkinsons" part of your username is kicking in, LOL. I don't have a post telling people to "avoid El Centro". Haven't made a post even slightly close to that. You can definitely quote that post to prove me wrong though.

But the action taken here is against foreigners, the public enemy is the gringo sex tourist -- in their "nicer" neighborhood.

Now here is where I WILL mention El Centro:

Who's more visible? The guy that invites a chica over to his apartment via taxi? Or the gringo in his shorts wearing a fanny pack going door to door (read "Casa to Casa") looking for that "diamond in the rough"; the gringo trolling around the statutes and the church downtown looking for street chicks?

If I wanted to make an exploitation news piece for the evening news, do I set my camera up in Poblado were I may happen to catch a brief shot of a gringo unlocking his front door for a visiting chica? But which apartment has gringos? And what if he's napping for 3hrs and doesn't have any chicas coming over until later that evening?

Or do I set my camera up in El Centro and interview gringos all day long as they come out of New Life? Perhaps ask one of them to pause their negotiations with a street chica to give me a quick exclusive?

But, if you think no one knows or no one is watching -- did you miss the part of Jake's arrest video where they interviewed the neighbor (lady driving in her car)?

Who cares? If I cared that people are speculating that I may be there for sex, then I might as well shred my passport and never leave my house!

I'll say it again: I could bang 4 different chicas before lunch and be walking my happy ass down the street to McDonalds. No one you pass on the street will have any idea how your morning went unless you stopped them and told them. Sure, they can speculate, but who gives a shit about their speculations?

Show me the YouTube video with Johns and Ho's hanging out and chatting it up in front of random apartment buildings in The DR. Then show me the video of Johns and Ho's hanging out and chatting up on the strip in Sosua. Which of the two videos is harder to find?

Prosecutor: "Why did you rob the bank?"
Willie Sutton: "Because that's where the money is!"

07-20-16, 15:32
AS SavePros said, no one cares that you are in Medellin to visit casas or anything else. Just keep it on the down low. Most latins know about it, they just don't want it thrown in their face as Cuba Dave was doing. Add in any other misadventure (s) as Colombia Jake was doing and you have a recipe for disaster.

Centro can be dangerous. There are areas you don't go. The problem is that you can't tell which are the areas to stay out of, unless you just know which streets not to go past. Some people are just easy marks and sure enough some Colombian will follow them until there is an opportunity to mug them. Or worse.

Mr Enternational
07-20-16, 16:55
Show me the YouTube video with Johns and Ho's hanging out and chatting it up in front of random apartment buildings in The DR. Then show me the video of Johns and Ho's hanging out and chatting up on the strip in Sosua. Which of the two videos is harder to find?Is this a trick question seeing that Sosua IS the DR? (Regardless, not sure what either one has to do with Medellin.).

07-20-16, 18:33
This past Saturday I arrived at "Ground Zero" in El Centro around 1 PM looking for a wife. I made the rounds circling the Church, the Museum, the Statues, and the Park. Lots of women around along with the drunks and glue sniffers that inhabit this area. After about an hour it started to rain very hard and everyone was standing under the awnings of the buildings and in the storefronts. I hung out for a while and was going to head back to Poblado when the rain lightened up. I opened up my umbrella and started walking around again and came upon a thin woman about thirty years old with a pretty face and beautiful eyes. We talked for a bit and she told me she was available for 20,000 Pesos. I found her desirable and wasn't going to be breaking the bank so I said let's go.

We checked into my Hotel of choice at Ground Zero the Premier Plaza. I got her a beer, a snack, and up to the room we went. We talked for about twenty minutes and she told me she had never been with a gringo before. The clothes came off, we showered, and she started giving me a bareback deep-throat blow job. Wow, incredible I almost hit the ceiling in the room. She was really into the sex, passionate, moaned, yelped, got very wet, and came two times before I finished. A passionate nympho, just my type! After an hour and a half together we exchanged numbers and I put her number on speed dial in my phone. When I gave her 40,000 Pesos she was in shock and disbelief and looked at me as though I was Bill Gates. I had such a great experience with her that I saw her again on Sunday for three hours and again on Monday.

If you can spend time in El Centro during the day, are not an obvious gringo (blond hair / blue eyes), can understand and speak some Spanish, and are not afraid to approach women in Public, El Centro is the place to be, at least for me. Poblado / Parque Lleras is a great area to stay in, but I don't waste my time looking for women there.

Web Connect
07-20-16, 23:28
We talked for a bit and she told me she was available for 20,000 Pesos.

When I gave her 40,000 Pesos she was in shock and disbelief and looked at me as though I was Bill Gates. Thanks for ruining the market and doubling the price. Jejeje.

I guess 40,000 will now be expected from all the better looking girls.

I can understand giving and extra 5000, not because we can afford it, but to show thanks for excellent service. But doubling the standard price is kinda insane even if we are 2 week millionaires!

I am sure you are going to say it is not much money and you can afford it, but that is not the point, I have seen the prices go up over the years in over monger destinations and it is because of that kinda of attitude. Tip as if you are a local seems to be the best way to go.

07-21-16, 03:18
Thanks for ruining the market and doubling the price. Jejeje.

I guess 40,000 will now be expected from all the better looking girls.

I can understand giving and extra 5000, not because we can afford it, but to show thanks for excellent service. But doubling the standard price is kinda insane even if we are 2 week millionaires!

I am sure you are going to say it is not much money and you can afford it, but that is not the point, I have seen the prices go up over the years in over monger destinations and it is because of that kinda of attitude. Tip as if you are a local seems to be the best way to go.Oh please! What others pay should not affect you. If a chica wants to be with you, then she will take your price. If not, then she won't.

You are banking on her thinking that she would have no better offers, so you can exploit that.

07-21-16, 03:29
Thanks for ruining the market and doubling the price. Jejeje.

I guess 40,000 will now be expected from all the better looking girls.

I can understand giving and extra 5000, not because we can afford it, but to show thanks for excellent service. But doubling the standard price is kinda insane even if we are 2 week millionaires!

I am sure you are going to say it is not much money and you can afford it, but that is not the point, I have seen the prices go up over the years in over monger destinations and it is because of that kinda of attitude. Tip as if you are a local seems to be the best way to go.I understand where your coming from and agree with what you have said, however there are always exceptions. In this case I wanted to help her out given what she told me about her situation and her life in general. I see nothing wrong with being generous when it is warranted and appropriate. You don't need to worry about me doubling the price for all the other mongers who partake in the El Centro street scene. The average rate for the street girls is around 30,000 Pesos for an hour, so 40,000 pesos for an hour and a half it still in line with the going rate. Mongering in El Centro is very different than other monger destinations in the World that have experienced price increases. I really don't know of any other monger destinations similar to the El Centro street scene except maybe Tijuana in some ways which has not experienced any price increases for several years. In fact the prices have actually gone down given the strength of the US dollar.

07-21-16, 05:00
What do you mean better offers? She won't get better offers. You are in el centro duh! The going street price is 20-25 k plus 10 k for room for a 1/2 hour. . The chica accepted your price and you gave her trouble. What kinda sense is that. Guys, the younger chicas would smell the gringo a mile away and charge you more of the break. 35-40 k but you say nah hoe the price is 25 k. And if she give you a great time then you tip 5 k. 10 k tops. You went with a older chica like I did this morning at 9 am. She charged me 20 k plus 10 k room. Decent services and I didn't tip her shit. These street hoes aren't used to tips. Fuck that!

Oh please! What others pay should not affect you. If a chica wants to be with you, then she will take your price. If not, then she won't.

You are banking on her thinking that she would have no better offers, so you can exploit that.

07-21-16, 07:47
It seems some mongers have a small bit of a heart and / or soul remaining, LOL. I have to admit, when I hear some of these low prices offered to me, I feel extremely guilty, almost like I'm exploiting the chica. 20 k pesos is an insanely small amount of money, it amounts to $6.83 at the the present exchange rate. Doubling that means you paid a bank breaking $13.66.

And despite what some folks are bound to say here, 40 k pesos doesn't amount to much down there. Even in the poorest estrata 1 barrios, $13.66 doesn't get you that much more in Colombia than it does in the states. I suspect these girls are low-balling themselves partly because the supply around them must seem infinite, and they may possibly have some bad habits they need to feed if you know what I mean. Especially the ones prowling centro. So be careful with those rock-bottom prices as desperate girls with addictions have weak immune systems, and you can end up with a "souvenir" from your trip if you BB with these types of girls.

Now putting aside all that, I never use the word propina with the girls. If they treat me right, I give them something extra. I always tell them "para su familia" "for your family" as I'm trying to set in their mind it's an occasional gift, not a tip for service. If I give extra, it's at the first time I session with a girl (because I want to encourage her to see me again) and at the end of my trip.

I set expectations with these girls, I explain to them "no doy regalos cada vez" I don't give gifts every time. I tell them this right after they got their gift.

Of course, there's a risk to this, some girls think they can spring some sob story about their mother or whatnot, to you or some other gringo coming by in her near future.

My principle is that the girls that whine the most and give me the most sob-stories get the least or nothing extra at all, even though sometimes I believe them.

I don't think Surfer did anything too bad; going from 20 to 40 is not as sinful, LOL, as going from 200 to 400! If he wanted to keep her in the rotation and keep her energies focused on him, then he did the right thing for himself and for her since she made a little extra change (certainly not enough for her to move out of her barrio or open a savings account, LOL).

07-21-16, 12:40
What do you mean better offers? She won't get better offers. You are in el centro duh! The going street price is 20-25 k plus 10 k for room for a 1/2 hour. . The chica accepted your price and you gave her trouble. What kinda sense is that. Guys, the younger chicas would smell the gringo a mile away and charge you more of the break. 35-40 k but you say nah hoe the price is 25 k. And if she give you a great time then you tip 5 k. 10 k tops. You went with a older chica like I did this morning at 9 am. She charged me 20 k plus 10 k room. Decent services and I didn't tip her shit. These street hoes aren't used to tips. Fuck that!I don't agree that a younger Chica versus an older Chica can sniff out a Gringo faster. As far as tipping, decent service doesn't warrant a tip like you say, however when a Chica in El Centro rocks me, she's going to get a tip and maybe even double what she quoted me if the experience was incredible and I know I'm going to repeat with her. So what do I get in return for this? Well my experience has been that when I repeat with them I get the "royal" treatment of at least an hour or more instead of the "typical" experience you had in El Centro. Everybody rolls different.

Black Page
07-21-16, 17:20
As far as tipping, decent service doesn't warrant a tip like you say, however when a Chica in El Centro rocks me, she's going to get a tip and maybe even double what she quoted me if the experience was incredible and I know I'm going to repeat with her. So what do I get in return for this? Well my experience has been that when I repeat with them I get the "royal" treatment of at least an hour or more instead of the "typical" experience you had in El Centro. Everybody rolls different.Oh yes. That is what I was doing with my wonderful girl who I named "glue sniffer" in my reports of September 2015 here (make a search if you did not read and are curious). I was giving her and her friend (every time different) 40 k-50 k each time. Was I spoiling the market? Not really. What market by the way?? I want to see how many can go after midnight around Perpetuo Socorro. I was special to her, she was special to me.

What was I getting in change of the double fee? True GFE coupled with porn-star experiences, beyond any expectation, and something close to a friend in an environment where I was not looking one. Even a phone call for the "Dia de Amor y Amistad".
(No, she was not a zombie. Pretty, clean, honest and still unspoiled in spite of the dump where I found her).

Mr Enternational
07-21-16, 22:20
Oh please! What others pay should not affect you. If a chica wants to be with you, then she will take your price. If not, then she won't.

You are banking on her thinking that she would have no better offers, so you can exploit that.What do you mean if a chica wants to be with you? Are you forgetting that these are hookers and they are doing this as a job and not for romance?

So at your job where you assemble widgets, your boss's best friend tells him oh please, what other companies pay should not affect you. If Queens35 wants to assemble widgets, then he will take your price. I doubt if you are going to the job everyday for your love of assembling widgets, but in reality to put a roof over your family's head and food in their mouths. And should your boss only offer you half of the pay that you are accustomed to getting then you would tell him to go fuck himself and look for work elsewhere, the same as the hooker is capable of doing.

Mr Enternational
07-21-16, 22:35
It seems some mongers have a small bit of a heart and / or soul remaining, LOL. I have to admit, when I hear some of these low prices offered to me, I feel extremely guilty, almost like I'm exploiting the chica. 20 k pesos is an insanely small amount of money, it amounts to $6.83 at the the present exchange rate. Doubling that means you paid a bank breaking $13.66.Why would you feel guilty? If that is the price then that is the price. When you walk into a clothing store and they have a sale for 50% off the summer stock do you also feel guilty and offer them the full price?

On the other side of the coin, do you go to places that are more expensive than the place you came from and tell them how exorbitant their prices are? I thought the whole idea of traveling for P4P was because it is way cheaper than the place you came from. I wouldn't travel to London or Tokyo for P4P that would cost me half as much back home.

So be careful with those rock-bottom prices as desperate girls with addictions have weak immune systems, and you can end up with a "souvenir" from your trip if you BB with these types of girls.I remember STD day when I went into the Navy. They showed us a video of a guy with cauliflower dick and a chick with cherry pie pussy. At the end of the video was a fine ass naked chick; looked like a model. Just so happened that she had herpes but you could not see it. There was one fine bump inside of her va-jayjay.

The point was that you should be careful with everybody, not just those you suspect may have a weak immune system. Because diseases are no respecters of persons. A 1 million peso chick can have the same disease that a 20K peso chick can have. Anybody can get anything.

Now putting aside all that, I never use the word propina with the girls. If they treat me right, I give them something extra. I always tell them "para su familia" "for your family" as I'm trying to set in their mind it's an occasional gift, not a tip for service. If I give extra, it's at the first time I session with a girl (because I want to encourage her to see me again) and at the end of my trip.I am not fucking her family. Why would I be sending them money? Also, why would you need to encourage a hooker to see you again? If you have money and she needs money then she will see you again. You don't have to give McDonald's extra money so that they will serve you more delicious hamburgers the next time you go there. That is their job. That is what they do. You don't have to pay extra to encourage them to fire up the grill on your next visit.

07-21-16, 22:37

Stop bickering. Its pointless!

Its OK to pay what you feel is appropriate. Being nice, polite and generous pays dividends in the bed with the ladies no matter occupation. These females are not in a union nor do they have a commission that sets price. Most of these women do not know each other. A few dates of "over-paying" is not going to set the new standard price.

If you have not already noticed prices vary all over the city from casas to walkers.

A hooker is a hooker but they have eyes, hearts and emotions too. Yes! If she is attracted to you physically or mentally your mileage will be much higher than the fellas who make no connection. It is a job to them but that doesn't guarantee you a damn thing.

07-22-16, 01:12
I'm in town for that week. Is it business as usual or does everything shutdown?

07-22-16, 04:19
I like Phunluv's point about requesting tips. If a girl explicitly asks me for a tip, I won't give her one. If her service is exceptional and she doesn't beg or whine, I generally will give her one.

Last visit in April, I was with a Mansion girl that told me to stick it in her ass and come in her mouth (not typical for MDE). She didn't ask me for a tip, but I was happy to give her more than the customary 150 K pesos.

07-22-16, 09:47
It seems some mongers have a small bit of a heart and / or soul remaining, LOL. I have to admit, when I hear some of these low prices offered to me, I feel extremely guilty, almost like I'm exploiting the chica. 20 k pesos is an insanely small amount of money, it amounts to $6.83 at the the present exchange rate. Doubling that means you paid a bank breaking $13.66.You must remember that not all mongers on here are of the same financial status. For some mongers $13.66 US is a significant reduction to their bank account.

The Cane
07-22-16, 15:42
You must remember that not all mongers on here are of the same financial status. For some mongers $13.66 US is a significant reduction to their bank account.Most of us here are traveling mongers who don't live in our favorite hunting grounds. So given that, if $13.66 US would be a significant hit to somebody's bottom line, then that's somebody who definitely should not be traveling abroad to monger! That would say to me that you really can't afford to be doing what you're doing overseas, which is traveling to procure pussy.

07-22-16, 20:20
Most of us here are traveling mongers who don't live in our favorite hunting grounds. So given that, if $13.66 US would be a significant hit to somebody's bottom line, then that's somebody who definitely should not be traveling abroad to monger! That would say to me that you really can't afford to be doing what you're doing overseas, which is traveling to procure pussy.Agreed.

Plane fare, hotel, food and other expenditures, if 14 bucks is all you can afford for women, stay home and use your hand.

07-22-16, 21:07

Plane fare, hotel, food and other expenditures, if 14 bucks is all you can afford for women, stay home and use your hand.I believe Turgid was trying to post a joke, not a very good one though in my opinion.

07-23-16, 00:25
I thought I'd share some tips to take a few day trips from Medellin. After all, mongers need something to do while they're recharging from the previous night's action, right? Apologies in advance if all of this is redundant or boring. Note: prices mentioned were current as of November 2015:

1) Taking a day trip to Guatape and Penon de Guatape / Piedra del Penol: take the Metro to the Caribe station. When you leave the station, the bus terminal (Terminal del Norte) will be on the right (you can't miss it). Go to window 14 inside the terminal and buy a ticket to Guatape (12,500 COP). Your bus will be parked in the space number written on your ticket. Buses leave at the top of the hour and it takes two hours to get to La Piedra. Your bus driver will call out "La Piedra" and will stop at the Zeuss gas station if you want to get off. Walk up the steep, short road to La Piedra and buy your entry ticket (12,000 COP). Climb 659 steps to the top of La Piedra (not suggested if you are in poor health). The best views are from the top of the mirador and you will have to climb an additional 75 steps. When done, walk down the steps to the parking lot. Moto-taxis (tuk-tuks) are ready to take you to Guatape for several thousand COP (I was quoted 10,000 COP but negotiated down to 8,000 COP). The tuk-tuk ride to Guatape takes about 10 minutes. When done exploring Guatape, buy your bus ticket back to Medellin at the small ticket stand next to La Fogata restaurant (12,500 COP for another two-hour ride). Buses leave at the bottom of the hour. (Note: if you accidentally get off the bus in Penol before you get to La Piedra, simply get on another red bus heading towards La Piedra and pay the driver 2,000 COP.

2) Taking a day trip to Jardin: take a taxi to Terminal del Sur bus station. Go to window 33 and buy a ticket to Jardin (21,000 COP) with Transportes Suroeste Antioqueno. Get on the bus and ride 3 hours to Jardin. The bus will stop at their small station in Jardin on Calle 8. Immediately buy your return ticket (21,000 COP) for the afternoon. At the cable car station (can't miss it), buy a round-trip ticket (5,000 COP) and ride the cable car up and down Cerro Cristo Rey for amazing views of Jardin. Visit the church and buy souvenir candies at Dulces del Jardin. When it is time, ride the bus 3 hours back to Medellin.

3) Taking a day trip to Santa Fe de Antioquia: take the Metro to Caribe station. When you leave the station, the bus terminal (Terminal del Norte) will be on the right (you can't miss it). Go to window 13 and buy a ticket to Santa Fe (14,000 COP). Get on the bus and ride 1 1/2 hours to Santa Fe. When you arrive in Santa Fe, buy your return ticket at the Terminal de Transporte (10,000 COP) located two blocks downhill behind the big church on the Plaza Mayor. When time, ride the bus 1 1/2 hours back to Medellin.

And I think I mentioned before:

4) No, you do not need a prescription to buy Sildenafil (Viagra and generic Viagra) at pharmacies in Medellin. At Pasteur Farmacia, 2 tablets of 50 MG Viagra = 58,700 COP, while 1 tablet of 100 MG Viagra = 25,000 COP. 2 tablets of generic 50 MG Viagra is 5,600 COP or 18,000 COP (depends on the manufacturer). 1 tablet of generic 100 MG Viagra = 5,900 COP (manufactured by Genfar and sold as "Sildenafilo" in a small red and white box).

07-23-16, 01:45
What do you mean if a chica wants to be with you? Are you forgetting that these are hookers and they are doing this as a job and not for romance?

So at your job where you assemble widgets, your boss's best friend tells him oh please, what other companies pay should not affect you. If Queens35 wants to assemble widgets, then he will take your price. I doubt if you are going to the job everyday for your love of assembling widgets, but in reality to put a roof over your family's head and food in their mouths. And should your boss only offer you half of the pay that you are accustomed to getting then you would tell him to go fuck himself and look for work elsewhere, the same as the hooker is capable of doing.I usually like your posts Enternational but I think you are wrong here. Here's my point of view:

If I do a good job at work, I get a bonus. The day after I receive that bonus, I am so excited I end up working a lot harder. I think the same thing applies to working girls. Consider it a bonus rather than a tip. The OP was planning on repeating and gave her a bonus. I would be very surprised if the second day wasn't better than the first day.

As for the people complaining about price increases, if I pay a USD $6. 80 bonus after receiving PSE the GFE and plan to take the girl again, this will not increase the price in the long term. As mentioned, there is no chica union. I think the price is more about supply and demand. If there is pussy everywhere, and very few guys looking, the price will be cheaper. If everyone keeps reading about people complaining about paying more than $7 for pussy, then the streets will be filled with mongers all trying to get a piece in turn driving the prices higher. An even bigger factor on price is just the economy of a country in general. If suddenly the Colombian economy was booming and businesses and factories were popping up everywhere, more girls would be working in these jobs rather than working on the street. Maybe these are just the ramblings of a capitalist.

07-23-16, 02:12
You put it all in perspective. LOL!

I like Phunluv's point about requesting tips. If a girl explicitly asks me for a tip, I won't give her one. If her service is exceptional and she doesn't beg or whine, I generally will give her one.

Last visit in April, I was with a Mansion girl that told me to stick it in her ass and come in her mouth (not typical for MDE). She didn't ask me for a tip, but I was happy to give her more than the customary 150 K pesos.

07-23-16, 02:30
What do you mean if a chica wants to be with you? Are you forgetting that these are hookers and they are doing this as a job and not for romance?

So at your job where you assemble widgets, your boss's best friend tells him oh please, what other companies pay should not affect you. If Queens35 wants to assemble widgets, then he will take your price. I doubt if you are going to the job everyday for your love of assembling widgets, but in reality to put a roof over your family's head and food in their mouths. And should your boss only offer you half of the pay that you are accustomed to getting then you would tell him to go fuck himself and look for work elsewhere, the same as the hooker is capable of doing.Typical response from a monger who objectifies the chicas as cum dumpsters.

If you don't think a chica can choose you then you have never had a session where the chica actually wants to bang you.

I like to see guys comparing sex work to working at a supermarket or a factory.

07-23-16, 02:37
You must remember that not all mongers on here are of the same financial status. For some mongers $13.66 US is a significant reduction to their bank account.I would guess the vast majority here make a very good living. Most could "afford" to pay each chica 1,000,000 pesos ($350) or more. Obviously we don't because that would be stupid.

Mr Enternational
07-23-16, 03:18
Typical response from a monger who objectifies the chicas as cum dumpsters.

If you don't think a chica can choose you then you have never had a session where the chica actually wants to bang you.

I like to see guys comparing sex work to working at a supermarket or a factory.If you think a 20 year old chick actually WANTS to fuck a 70 year old man then you are dumber than dumb can be. If she WANTS to do it that bad, then she would be doing it for free. (And point to the post where I refered to anyone as a cum dumpster. Save your time, because I have never thought nor said such a thing.).

07-23-16, 05:30
If you think a 20 year old chick actually WANTS to fuck a 70 year old man then you are dumber than dumb can be. If she WANTS to do it that bad, then she would be doing it for free. (And point to the post where I refered to anyone as a cum dumpster. Save your time, because I have never thought nor said such a thing.).I'm not 70, and I don't look for 20 year olds. I assume that you are speaking about / for yourself. I'm 40 but I look younger. And I choose chicas between late 20's to mid 30's.

It's still a job, but most (except for the desperate/addicted ones) do ask or try to screen potential johns. You'd be surprised that they ask about us to others who may know us.

World Jockey
07-23-16, 05:43
Who wants the unlearned coming to screw up the best thing about Medellin as they have done in numerous other places around the globe? Guys please avoid downtown. It is much too dangerous there. Poblado is much more comfortable. There is no reason to leave there. It is just like or in some cases better than home.
Haha true that. On second thought, centro is full of local people who will look at you all weird and stuff, probably casing you for a robbery later. Don't go there.
It's super dangerous. Do not go there..LMFAO. Yeah I cosign with all of that.

I opened up my umbrella and started walking around again and came upon a thin woman about thirty years old with a pretty face and beautiful eyes. We talked for a bit and she told me she was available for 20,000 Pesos. I found her desirable and wasn't going to be breaking the bank so I said let's go.....

If you can spend time in El Centro during the day, are not an obvious gringo (blond hair / blue eyes), can understand and speak some Spanish, and are not afraid to approach women in Public, El Centro is the place to be, at least for me. Poblado / Parque Lleras is a great area to stay in, but I don't waste my time looking for women there.Yeah. That's the beauty of El Centro. Good luck finding instant access to Paisa pootang like that in Poblado or Laureles.

I once left the hotel one night with my wingman to go hunting. Within 10 min I found a girl smoking weed with her friends in front of the museum. I had her back to my hotel in 5 min after. 20 years old and hot. All for the 30 k.

07-23-16, 06:45
Typical response from a monger who objectifies the chicas as cum dumpsters.

If you don't think a chica can choose you then you have never had a session where the chica actually wants to bang you.

I like to see guys comparing sex work to working at a supermarket or a factory.Some guys here need to be the authority and you are dealing w / the president of that club. Now that I think about it, it's a one man club.

You cannot win or convince someone like this to be reasonable. Mr E has his game and if you play different you are inferior.

I tend to keep him on the ignore but I know he is a smart guy too so I give it another try.

Then he does the same thing all over again so it's back to ignore for him. You, I and most others here.

Know we are not dealing w / things. It's too bad some here are so cold. It is what it is.

07-23-16, 07:48
$13 or $14 is one thing. $13 or $14 every day or at least three or four times a week, could add up for many ex-pats. Probably not most, but many. Here you can see the difference between people from the US with one or two weeks of vacation vs. everyone else in the civilized world with at least four. If you have four or six weeks of vacation a year, you have to think more about costs than if you are the average US citizen whose time is more valuable than his money, relatively speaking and as compared to Europeans, Australians, etc.

07-23-16, 08:18
If you have money and she needs money then she will see you again. You don't have to give McDonald's extra money so that they will serve you more delicious hamburgers the next time you go there. That is their job. That is what they do. You don't have to pay extra to encourage them to fire up the grill on your next visit.Good to reflect on exactly your point, if for nothing other than a check and balance. We all know prices have jumped. Some of this might be attributable to the non-tipping asian mongers. Did prices go up to make up for them? I dk. But I've scaled back excessive tipping and nothing changed. I've not tipped and nothing changed. The not tipped category was when they did at least what was expected, in the time allowed or less and weren't sticking around to see the sunrise. Everyone did what they agreed to.


If you don't think a chica can choose you then you have never had a session where the chica actually wants to bang you..Oh yeah! Extra special.

07-23-16, 13:45
I spent the afternoon in El Centro yesterday and as always try to stay under the radar. I can pass for a Colombian looks wise most of the time until I start speaking in my very broken Spanish, There where lots of tourists with guides around the Statues and I did see some other obvious gringo mongers talking with the street girls around the Church. As usual there where some guys wearing shorts which immediately puts a target on their backs.

To stay under the radar when I'm in El Centro I dress like everyone else wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt. A dead giveaway to an identify an extranjero (foreigner) in El Centro besides their looks (blond hair / blue eyes) is if they are wearing sunglasses or have a bottle of water with them. This may seem odd but if you look around, most of the time you won't see any Colombian men wearing sunglasses let alone a Colombian who is going to pay for a bottle of water.

07-23-16, 13:49
When I'm in Cali in the Red Light district there's a SW named Gloria, who's always out there everyday (except Sunday, I guess she goes to church). I go with her all the time. She charges 25 K, room included in the price. But she does a deepthroat to die for, I mean she takes it all in. I always give her a tip, anywhere from 5 K to 10 K. She used to say, Oh Papi you didn't have to do that. Now she sez, Gracias Papi when I give her a tip. Ages: I'm 70, she's probably about 35. Where this fits into the discussion I don't know.

07-23-16, 14:35
Good to reflect on exactly your point, if for nothing other than a check and balance. We all know prices have jumped. Some of this might be attributable to the non-tipping asian mongers. Did prices go up to make up for them? Two years ago the exchange rate was roughly 2000 COP /1 USD. In February of this year it was 3350/1 and is now at 2950/1. Of course prices are going to go up.

Fortunately, the PPI (Pussy Price Index) lags behind the currency trading. If it tracked with it, the 20 k pussy from 2014 would have been 33.5 k in February (and we know price never comes down.

From the tourist perspective, the price really hasn't changed. If the girls who were charging 20 k are now charging 30 k, you're paying $10.17 instead of $10. Adjust for inflation and you're paying about $9. 50.

The women have to eat. When the local currency falls that far, everything costs them more. That 20 k doesn't buy as many arepas as it used to, so prices have to go up.

Unless you're seeing a bigger price increase than 50%, the price hasn't changed. Before, pulling 300 k COP from the ATM cost you $150 USD, now it costs you $100. In simpler terms, if prices stayed the same, for what you used to spend for 2 sessions, you would now be getting 3 sessions.

The downside is that if the peso strengthens and gets back to 2000/1, the prices won't come back down.

07-23-16, 15:24
This was my second time in Medellin and loved it. However I stayed for 9 days which is a little to long for 1 city for me at least but overall good experience. Below are notes that I can recollect from my memory as I didn't write anything down.


Taxi- Medellin International to Poblado 65 k, to Envigado 70 k. Increase from last year.

Bus- Airport Shuttle 9 k. Not sure if increased as I didn't use it last year.

Taxi- meters start at 2700 pesos day or night.

Bus- 1900-2100 pesos depending on which bus. Increase from last year I noticed. Poblado bus to Metro was 1000. You can also get a transfer either on to the train or if coming off the metro get that transfer for a bus for a extra 100.

Metro- I think a ride starts at 2000 pesos however you can get a free Civica card in which you can add credits. This saves a lot of time as they don't have ticket machines and you still have to buy a ticket at the booth. You can only get the Civica card in certain stations. San Antonio is where I got mines and best to go in the morning. Copy of passport, local address, local cell phone was needed however I hear that if you missing either you can still get it.


I only used the ATM, never used cambio due to poor rates and a fear of counterfeit bills. Bancolombia and Davienda I was able to get 200 USD out in one transaction.


1. Jade Spa, went in and 1 girl was available so I asked will there be more the lady said yes. I came back later and 4 girls present but she said she wanted 20 k for viewing. I said no and left. Might have came back but other options.

2. Found a girl from mil eroticos. 150 k charge to my apartment. I can't remember if the pic was her or not or her name. She was young, thin, tall with heels. Fair skin, cute face, A cup chest, not a flat ass but nothing to brag about either. Performance was OK, not mechanical but not great. She works out of a incall apartment and charges maybe 80-90 k there. I lost 100 USD bill and still unsure if this * snatched it or if it fell out of my a wallet or pocket the day before.

3. Went to ThaiSpa. Line up showed 5 girls. 2 met I liked a lot 2 could get it. The last 1 wasn't feeling her. I chose Laura. White skin and black hair, pretty face, short, nice ass and tits. 160 K for 1 hour including oil massage. This girl was truly into sex. Started off with cbg but got BBJ halfway into it. Fucked in all position. No anal. She swallowed as well. Got her Whatsapp number and tried to set up something for later but no response. Definitely would repeat with her. Note if you go to this place and not take a girl they do charge 20 K for that which is listed on the bottom of the menu. You have to pay first as well.

4. Went to San Diego Show, this was on a Tuesday night. I think they charge 30 k entrance which includes 3 beers. The girls come off stage and ask for tips but you don't have too. I saw a couple chicks in there that definitely wouldn't bang. I'm sure if I went on a Fri or Sat probably better chicks but whatever. You can either take out or dine in. Didn't check on prices though.

5. Found a girl from mil eroticos. She worked for Escorts Fantasia agency. Name is Valeria. 200 k delivery. The pictures was accurate however didn't show a face. She tall, fat ass, a cup, black hair white skin. She took a taxi and the taxi couldn't find my apartment so she didn't get here until maybe 1 hour or more after my call. Once she got here she needed money for the taxi. I said that's not extra and comes out of the 200 k. She comes back up we get to business. Nothing much to talk about. Busted a nut that's about it. Definitely wouldn't repeat. A little while after she left the agency did contact me and asked how was the service. I let them know it was wack and definitely not worth the price. Tried to get another chick at discount rate but didn't work LOL. I seen chicks on that site go up into the 300 k. They probably cater to gringos only or rich Colombians as there site is both in English and espanol.

6. Found a girl from mil erocitos. Her name was Pilar and had a incall promotion of 90 k but opted for delivery 150 k. Chat with her via whatsapp and she was prompt to respond. Got here and got to business. Short white skin, dirty blonde or brown hair. Pink nipples. Nice ass. Small chest. Fucked me really good. No anal. Would I repeat maybe at her incall.

7. Went to Abydos. 3 girls present took the 3rd. 1 hour 140 k She was brown skin, black hair, really pretty face, bolt on tits. Nice ass. Got a BS massage and average performance. I think this session would have been better if I took the 30 min option. This place is nice and I would come back.


I'm sure I could have banged more girls but I was also doing a lot of non mongering things. The weather is really to my liking minus the 3 or 4 days it rained. I really like this city a lot and envision more trips. Next trip will probably do more hoes, try some incalls, do some stuff outside the city, definitely a great and innovative city.

07-23-16, 23:37
Typical response from a monger who objectifies the chicas as cum dumpsters.

If you don't think a chica can choose you then you have never had a session where the chica actually wants to bang you.

I like to see guys comparing sex work to working at a supermarket or a factory.Totally agree amigo!

I don't tip hoping for better service next time, I tip because I see these girls as people.

Living, breathing people.

When a girl treats me well, goes beyond just the boom boom and I feel her as good person, I tip.

I'm not ridiculous about it, and I speak good Spanish, and I let her know why I'm tipping.

Nothing wrong with helping a person out in this world, especially a good hearted person, with whom we all meet, or hope to meet in this hobby, at least I do anyway.

And I don't really care what the non-tippers say to be honest.

That's just how they feel and it's their opinion.

And you're absolutely right.

Any guy can choose a working chica, however, she can certainly choose how exactly she's going to go about the session.

I'll take the cariñosa every time!


Mr Enternational
07-24-16, 00:16
She took a taxi and the taxi couldn't find my apartment so she didn't get here until maybe 1 hour or more after my call. Once she got here she needed money for the taxi. I said that's not extra and comes out of the 200 k. A little while after she left the agency did contact me and asked how was the service. I let them know it was wack and definitely not worth the price. Tried to get another chick at discount rate but didn't work LOL.I like your damn style! It seems many guys would have just included taxi money and considered it a tip. Biitch it ain't my job to get you back and forth to work. Take the bus or walk for all I care. How many of these big hearted guys would pay a taxi for their maid or gardner to get back and forth to work everyday?

Mr Enternational
07-24-16, 00:19
Nothing wrong with helping a person out in this world, especially a good hearted person, with whom we all meet, or hope to meet in this hobby, at least I do anyway.I agree. But would you be helping said person out if they were not fucking you? Or is it just a form of kissing their ass because they did fuck you? My wallet has never been connected to neither my dick nor my heart.

07-24-16, 00:47
I agree. But would you be helping said person out if they were not fucking you? Or is it just a form of kissing their ass because they did fuck you? My wallet has never been connected to neither my dick nor my heart.Well that's you amigo, and I respect your opinion.

I help a girl / person, however, because I want to, whether we've had sex or not.

I just do it naturally, not to kiss ass, I'm not that complicated.

I just do it if it feels right, and I don't if it doesn't.


07-24-16, 01:23
I agree. But would you be helping said person out if they were not fucking you? Or is it just a form of kissing their ass because they did fuck you? My wallet has never been connected to neither my dick nor my heart. I and others on this board have shared how they interact with Chicas and I believe you have helped Chicas out in the past but your posts on this subject suggest you haven't.

07-24-16, 01:28
Two years ago the exchange rate was roughly 2000 COP /1 USD. In February of this year it was 3350/1 and is now at 2950/1. Of course prices are going to go up.

Fortunately, the PPI (Pussy Price Index) lags behind the currency trading. If it tracked with it, the 20 k pussy from 2014 would have been 33.5 k in February (and we know price never comes down.

From the tourist perspective, the price really hasn't changed. If the girls who were charging 20 k are now charging 30 k, you're paying $10.17 instead of $10. Adjust for inflation and you're paying about $9. 50.

The women have to eat. When the local currency falls that far, everything costs them more. That 20 k doesn't buy as many arepas as it used to, so prices have to go up.

Unless you're seeing a bigger price increase than 50%, the price hasn't changed. Before, pulling 300 k COP from the ATM cost you $150 USD, now it costs you $100. In simpler terms, if prices stayed the same, for what you used to spend for 2 sessions, you would now be getting 3 sessions.

The downside is that if the peso strengthens and gets back to 2000/1, the prices won't come back down.This analysis assumes everything consumed in Colombia comes from the US, which is obviously not the case. If everything she buys is from the US (and thus priced in dollars), yes, things should go up virtually in sync with the Peso going down. However, if she consumes things with only Colombian inputs or things from countries whose currencies haven't appreciated versus the Peso, the exchange rate with the US dollar means nothing.

While Colombia does trade with the US, it's not a significant portion of their economy. Inflation has peaked in the last year (around 7% I believe). But in general, consumer products haven't gone up nearly as much as the depreciation vs the US Dollar.

Your last point is very valid, at least for venues where the customer is mostly Gringos. If and when the Peso strengthens to where it was, prices won't come back down to make up for it. However, if it's a venue with mostly Colombia clientele, they never would have increased significantly anyway.

IMO, what we should be thinking of is (roughly) what the locals pay. Of course most of us can afford to pay several times that, but the consequences of doing so aren't good.

Blue Touch
07-24-16, 02:04
Only problem is that when the dollar gets weak against Colombian Peso in the future, the prices is Colombia do not go down for that.

Two years ago the exchange rate was roughly 2000 COP /1 USD. In February of this year it was 3350/1 and is now at 2950/1. Of course prices are going to go up.

Fortunately, the PPI (Pussy Price Index) lags behind the currency trading. If it tracked with it, the 20 k pussy from 2014 would have been 33.5 k in February (and we know price never comes down.

From the tourist perspective, the price really hasn't changed. If the girls who were charging 20 k are now charging 30 k, you're paying $10.17 instead of $10. Adjust for inflation and you're paying about $9. 50.

The women have to eat. When the local currency falls that far, everything costs them more. That 20 k doesn't buy as many arepas as it used to, so prices have to go up.

Unless you're seeing a bigger price increase than 50%, the price hasn't changed. Before, pulling 300 k COP from the ATM cost you $150 USD, now it costs you $100. In simpler terms, if prices stayed the same, for what you used to spend for 2 sessions, you would now be getting 3 sessions.

The downside is that if the peso strengthens and gets back to 2000/1, the prices won't come back down.

07-24-16, 04:09
This analysis assumes everything consumed in Colombia comes from the US, which is obviously not the case. If everything she buys is from the US (and thus priced in dollars), yes, things should go up virtually in sync with the Peso going down. However, if she consumes things with only Colombian inputs or things from countries whose currencies haven't appreciated versus the Peso, the exchange rate with the US dollar means nothing.

While Colombia does trade with the US, it's not a significant portion of their economy. Inflation has peaked in the last year (around 7% I believe). But in general, consumer products haven't gone up nearly as much as the depreciation vs the US Dollar.

Your last point is very valid, at least for venues where the customer is mostly Gringos. If and when the Peso strengthens to where it was, prices won't come back down to make up for it. However, if it's a venue with mostly Colombia clientele, they never would have increased significantly anyway.

IMO, what we should be thinking of is (roughly) what the locals pay. Of course most of us can afford to pay several times that, but the consequences of doing so aren't good.If I recall correctly, the Colombian Peso is directly tied to the US dollar. If grocery prices, rent prices, utility prices haven't come up in the last 2 years they soon will. Just a quick check and it looks like the Colombian CPI has been rising steadily the past 2 years, up about 15% and still rising. It's not instantaneous, but the prices will always follow the exchange rate, except the price for pussy never comes back down.

07-24-16, 04:42
If I recall correctly, the Colombian Peso is directly tied to the US dollar. If grocery prices, rent prices, utility prices haven't come up in the last 2 years they soon will. Just a quick check and it looks like the Colombian CPI has been rising steadily the past 2 years, up about 15% and still rising. It's not instantaneous, but the prices will always follow the exchange rate, except the price for pussy never comes back down.The Colombian Peso is most definitely not tied to the US Dollar. Not sure where you get that information.

I trade FX for a living and have done so for almost 20 years. Prices do not always follow the exchange rate. They sometimes do (at least to a certain agree) and they sometimes do not at all. As I explained before, it depends largely on how significant the trade is between the two countries. If Colombia imported all consumer goods and services from the US, consumer prices would indeed (very closely) follow the exchange rate. That's obviously not the case.

07-24-16, 14:53
I like your damn style! It seems many guys would have just included taxi money and considered it a tip. Biitch it ain't my job to get you back and forth to work. Take the bus or walk for all I care. How many of these big hearted guys would pay a taxi for their maid or gardner to get back and forth to work everyday?I mean, it's not like she HAS to come and see you if that's her only options (take the bus or walk for all you care), LOL. You're talking like she is showing up for a 9-5 or something.

Most guys won't let their egos admit this, but these chicas are not DYING fuck you. You'd be getting it for free if that were the case.

If you are on whatsapp with a chica and you tell her that of her 150k you are deducting whatever her taxi costs from it, and I hit her up at the same time and tell her "no problem" in paying for her taxi, guess who's getting the pussy that day?

Hell, maybe she can use the money I give her to help pay for her taxi to finally come and see you AFTER I've blown my load in her mouth and pussy a few times 🤔.

07-24-16, 15:34
The Colombian Peso is most definitely not tied to the US Dollar. Not sure where you get that information.I'm not sure either. Something I read a few years back which I can't find now and can't recall, but one bit of wrong, or improperly understood information stuck.

I trade FX for a living and have done so for almost 20 years. Prices do not always follow the exchange rate. They sometimes do (at least to a certain agree) and they sometimes do not at all. As I explained before, it depends largely on how significant the trade is between the two countries. If Colombia imported all consumer goods and services from the US, consumer prices would indeed (very closely) follow the exchange rate. That's obviously not the case.Which doesn't change much. If you're converting USD to COP, an increase in price doesn't equal an increase in cost. If you're converting other currencies it depends on the strength of your currency compared to COP.

P4 P prices don't immediately follow the CPI. Other prices follow a fairly smooth curve, at least when looked at over a 5 year period. P4 P prices stay constant, while other prices rise, then it jumps up, 20 k doesn't go up 143 pesos one month and 97 the next. Instead it jumps to 25 k, then 30 k. If you graph it out, relating the P4 P index to the CPI, they start out equal (P4 P price provides a baseline standard of living at the starting CPI). As CPI goes up, P4 P doesn't, so standard of living goes down. At some point the price jumps and now P4 P price means a standard of living above the baseline. CPI catches up and passes until P4 P price jumps again. Every time prices jump up at any monger destination it's the same complaints and the same finger pointing, but nobody considers the P4 P price had not changed for 3-5 years.

Asian tourists and overtipping gringos don't control the prices, unless there are enough of them to exceed the local supply.

07-24-16, 16:53
Most guys won't let their egos admit this, but these chicas are not DYING fuck you. You'd be getting it for free if that were the case.Meant to say "not DYING to fuck you".

Blue Touch
07-24-16, 17:09
If Colombia imported all consumer goods and services from the US, consumer prices would indeed (very closely) follow the exchange rate. That's obviously not the case.Correct. Inflation is influenced by the change in the amount of goods and services, natural disaster, economic condition, interest rates, change in welfare program, etc, in addition to Forex.

Blue Touch
07-24-16, 17:37
If I recall correctly, the Colombian Peso is directly tied to the US dollar..Not at all.

07-24-16, 18:28
I mean, it's not like she HAS to come and see you if that's her only options (take the bus or walk for all you care), LOL. You're talking like she is showing up for a 9-5 or something.

Most guys won't let their egos admit this, but these chicas are not DYING fuck you. You'd be getting it for free if that were the case.

If you are on whatsapp with a chica and you tell her that of her 150k you are deducting whatever her taxi costs from it, and I hit her up at the same time and tell her "no problem" in paying for her taxi, guess who's getting the pussy that day?

Hell, maybe she can use the money I give her to help pay for her taxi to finally come and see you AFTER I've blown my load in her mouth and pussy a few times 🤔.Hey bro,

Where did you get that big booty woman can you help me out I'm coming to Medellin.

The Tall Man
07-24-16, 18:57
A dead giveaway to an identify an extranjero (foreigner) in El Centro besides their looks (blond hair / blue eyes) is if they are wearing sunglasses or have a bottle of water with them. This may seem odd but if you look around, most of the time you won't see any Colombian men wearing sunglasses let alone a Colombian who is going to pay for a bottle of water.That is a truism to the fullest extent, sunglasses and to pay for a bottle of water. With my size and statue and color of my eyes ANY and I mean ANY even blind Colombian can spot me from a hundred meters away.

Guys know this, even if we looked like an average Colombian man, 5'7" tall, brown eyes, etc just the way we walk in itself is a dead giveaway. Fact is we carry ourselves much different than the average Colombian. IMHO.


07-24-16, 20:23
Biitch it ain't my job to get you back and forth to work. Take the bus or walk for all I care. How many of these big hearted guys would pay a taxi for their maid or gardner to get back and forth to work everyday?I think its an outgrowth of the dating culture. Girls always expect the guy to pick up the cab fare when out on a date. Many of the chicas I see are not hardened pros but just earning a few extra bucks, so its not illogical for them to ask for taxi money. I don't hold it against them. Most of the time they ask me before coming over if I will pay for taxi. Remember the typical puta in Medellin is only making $50-60 to coming over and has to fuck a fat old wrinkly gringo.

07-24-16, 21:21
My Tigo cap keeps my auto tint glasses from going dark, does that help? LOL!

That is a truism to the fullest extent, sunglasses and to pay for a bottle of water. With my size and statue and color of my eyes ANY and I mean ANY even blind Colombian can spot me from a hundred meters away.

Guys know this, even if we looked like an average Colombian man, 5'7" tall, brown eyes, etc just the way we walk in itself is a dead giveaway. Fact is we carry ourselves much different than the average Colombian. IMHO.


07-24-16, 21:25
I quite like the special effect of the girl's tit movement blurred in the photo. Nice job!

I mean, it's not like she HAS to come and see you if that's her only options (take the bus or walk for all you care), LOL. You're talking like she is showing up for a 9-5 or something.

Most guys won't let their egos admit this, but these chicas are not DYING fuck you. You'd be getting it for free if that were the case.

If you are on whatsapp with a chica and you tell her that of her 150k you are deducting whatever her taxi costs from it, and I hit her up at the same time and tell her "no problem" in paying for her taxi, guess who's getting the pussy that day?

Hell, maybe she can use the money I give her to help pay for her taxi to finally come and see you AFTER I've blown my load in her mouth and pussy a few times 🤔.

Mr Enternational
07-24-16, 22:41
I and others on this board have shared how they interact with Chicas and I believe you have helped Chicas out in the past but your posts on this subject suggest you haven't.Surf, I don't even help free chicas out. Helping paid ones out is really out of the question. The chick in Puerto Plata that I have been dealing with for 9 years always says how I never give her anything. And that is how I know 100% that she is with me for being me. Because after 9 years of getting nothing but dick then she would surely be gone if she was not. But anytime I roll into Puerto Plata I can send her a message and she will come straight away.

I will admit that one of my nonP4 P chicks in Peru stole my cell phone once and ran up $400 in calls on it. I thought I had lost the phone or that the hotel maid had stolen it. But when I went online and saw the calls were to her hometown I knew it was her. Her excuse was that she did it because I never give her anything. After that we had a hiatus for a couple of years, but are back to dealing with each other.

I am in Manila now and the chick who is in my bed at the moment is a nonP4 P chick that I have been dealing with for 5 years. A few months ago her place burned down. She didn't ask for anything and I didn't give her anything.

These days if chicks start asking for things then I just show them a copy of my student loans and say if I help you who is going to help me. They are always in disbelief when they see a number so large and that stops them from asking for shit.

The truth of the matter is that I deal with so many women that it would be impossible for me to help everyone (even though most of the nonP4 P ones don't ask for anything anyway). I have been in the Philippines since Wednesday night and have dealt with 3 non pay chicks. Now that is not how many I know or deal with, but only how many I have had time for. In Dominican Republic I deal with at least 10 non pay chicks. 6 in Peru. 3 in Colombia. And god knows how many in Thailand. How the hell could I help over 30 chicks out? I can't and I don't even try to.

Now if it is something to my benefit (I don't view just getting to fuck her as something to my benefit) then yes I have wiggle room for that. For instance if a chick is coming from out of town or has to drive to see me and I know she does not have the money for gas. Or if it is time sensitive. Say she got off work at 5 and I am leaving town at 9 and I want her to hurry and make it to me, then I will pay for a taxi. But I must add that most of the chicks that I deal with are not P4 P and do not usually take taxis to begin with. If they do not have their own car then they usually take the bus. Asking me to pay for a taxi for them never even enters their head. Even when we go out together they will ask if I want to take a taxi or take the bus. Then as well if we are not in a hurry I will say that we can take the bus.

I have never really ordered a paid chica where she had to take a taxi to get to me. The paid chicas that I deal with I usually get at a house of ill repute, on the street, or from a disco. I have never gone to a website or found someone on facebook for outcall. I prefer to choose my P4 P chicks in person from a whole pool of them.

Mr Enternational
07-24-16, 23:00
I mean, it's not like she HAS to come and see you if that's her only options (take the bus or walk for all you care), LOL. You're talking like she is showing up for a 9-5 or something.

Most guys won't let their egos admit this, but these chicas are not DYING fuck you. You'd be getting it for free if that were the case.

If you are on whatsapp with a chica and you tell her that of her 150kI guess we are looking at it 2 different ways. From my perspective it IS like she is showing up for a job. Is she going to fuck me if I don't give her 150K? Am I going to give her 150K if she does not fuck me? To me, she needs the 150K way more than I need to fuck her, so she should be breaking her neck to get to me any way she can. Click on a website and there are tons of women out there yearning for 150K. I doubt if her appointment book is overflowing with so many guys wanting to fuck for 150K that she won't be able to fit you in until Thursday at 2:30.

It seems you are looking at it as you are going to miss out on some pussy if you don't throw in some taxi money so she can get to you. I am looking at it as she is going to miss out on 150K if she don't get her ass over here however she sees fit.

Her eagerness to fuck me is not relevant when we are talking about a P4P situation. I understand 100% that she is coming because of the paper and have no illusions that she is showing up for the dick. I am sure she would accept the 150K just as well without the dick to go with it. Like you said, if she was dying to fuck me then I would be getting it for free.

DetroitEr 83
07-24-16, 23:21

I am going to be in MDE (and surrounding environs) the last week in August. Plan on renting an AIRBNB in the Poblado area, near Parque Lleras. I can get by with Spanish. Not great. But am generally a pretty hardy traveler so I anticipate I will be able to navigate around MDE well.

I am looking to meet up with Chicas while there. Preferably TLN and daytime guides. Any advice on how to accomplish this? I am trying facebook, but if anyone can give me any "low hanging fruit" it would be appreciated.


Tiny 12
07-25-16, 02:06
If Colombia imported all consumer goods and services from the US, consumer prices would indeed (very closely) follow the exchange rate. That's obviously not the case.As you know, the idea that all consumer goods and services would be imported from the USA is nonsensical, and even if that were so, there are many other factors besides imports that would effect the exchange rate. Your example would require the Colombian government to manage the exchange rate so that the peso depreciates versus the dollar at about the same rate as the CPI, which won't happen. But I'm preaching to the choir.

For what it's worth, the consensus (average) forecast by analysts for CPI year-on-year change in the 2nd half of 2016 is 7%, and 4% and 3.9% in 2017 and 2018 respectively. And they think the peso will stay around 3100 to 3200 for the next few years. Anyway, if they're right, and sometimes they're very wrong, Colombian poontang will continue to be a bargain for the next few years.

Blue Touch
07-25-16, 08:01
As you know, the idea that all consumer goods and services would be imported from the USA is nonsensical..The guy said that "if" all consumer goods and services would be imported from the USA, followed by "that's not the case."

even if that were so, there are many other factors besides imports that would effect the exchange rate..Combo is talking about effects on price, not effects on exchange rate.

07-25-16, 14:38
The Colombian Peso is most definitely not tied to the US Dollar. Not sure where you get that information.
I'm not sure either. Something I read a few years back which I can't find now and can't recall, but one bit of wrong, or improperly understood information stuck.It wasn't Colombia, but Argentina. They did this in the 90's, I believe, and as you can imagine a very bad decision. This obviously no longer the case.

Mr Enternational
07-26-16, 00:59
It wasn't Colombia, but Argentina. They did this in the 90's, I believe, and as you can imagine a very bad decision. This obviously no longer the case.There are many countries that peg to the USD, including Hong Kong and Panama. Here is a chart.


07-26-16, 01:28
Panamá, as well as Ecuador and El Salvador, have flat-out adopted the US dollar, and do not have their own currencies. That's not the same thing as a peg, which requires constant intervention in the currency markets to maintain the peg. Adopting the currency usually cures hyper-inflation but it also removes monetary policy as a tool for managing the economy, leaving only fiscal policy, which works much more slowly and inefficiently. Hong Kong has its own currency. Another country that has its own currency but allows it to circulate side by side with US dollars is The Bahamas.

World Jockey
07-26-16, 02:26
Hey fellas,

Quick question.

How many of you have been down over the Christmas / New years holiday season? I mean I am quite sure Christmas and perhaps Christmas eve shit will be shut down. I'm wondering if it's noticeably it slower and practically a graveyard or business as usual? RTFF around that time last year but didn't see many reports.

Another country that has its own currency but allows it to circulate side by side with US dollars is The Bahamas.It's always a trip buying something there and getting mixed change currency in return.

07-26-16, 04:02
Hey fellas,

Quick question.

How many of you have been down over the Christmas / New years holiday season? I mean I am quite sure Christmas and perhaps Christmas eve shit will be shut down. I'm wondering if it's noticeably it slower and practically a graveyard or business as usual? RTFF around that time last year but didn't see many reports.

It's always a trip buying something there and getting mixed change currency in return.I personally have never been during this time, but anecdotally I understand it to be a not so great time to be mongering. People are with there family and friends during the holidays. I would look to book your trip pre or post holiday season to get the best potential lineups.

Blue Touch
07-26-16, 05:05
Hey fellas,

Quick question.

How many of you have been down over the Christmas / New years holiday season? I mean I am quite sure Christmas and perhaps Christmas eve shit will be shut down. I'm wondering if it's noticeably it slower and practically a graveyard or business as usual? RTFF around that time last year but didn't see many reports.

It's always a trip buying something there and getting mixed change currency in return.Nearly everything is shut down on Christmas, New years holidays, semana santa, and election day.

07-26-16, 06:36
Christmas season is to be avoided for mongering in all Catholic countries. Early to mid-December can be good because they are desperate for money.

El Mechanico
07-26-16, 14:19
Panam, as well as Ecuador and El Salvador, have flat-out adopted the US dollar, and do not have their own currencies. That's not the same thing as a peg, which requires constant intervention in the currency markets to maintain the peg. Adopting the currency usually cures hyper-inflation but it also removes monetary policy as a tool for managing the economy, leaving only fiscal policy, which works much more slowly and inefficiently. Hong Kong has its own currency. Another country that has its own currency but allows it to circulate side by side with US dollars is The Bahamas.That's some good intel! Panama however has its own coins, which coincide with their US counterparts coin size & thickness so as not to be confused. When I was down there, I received 1/2 dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels & penny equivalents in their Balboa coinage!

07-26-16, 17:39
Hey fellas,

Quick question.

How many of you have been down over the Christmas / New years holiday season? I mean I am quite sure Christmas and perhaps Christmas eve shit will be shut down. I'm wondering if it's noticeably it slower and practically a graveyard or business as usual? RTFF around that time last year but didn't see many reports.

It's always a trip buying something there and getting mixed change currency in return.I was there the first half of December last year and it was fun. I always stay at the mansion but I assume everywhere else is operating the same. Closer to Christmas time things might change but the first half of December was fine.

Medellin really gets into Christmas lights in the city and they close a big blvd (at night) and celebrate during December. Google Christmas in Medellin and you'll see what I mean. The chicas are all working because they need Christmas money for family and friends. Last year the city was doing some construction on the river so the Christmas lights extravaganza was not as grand as years past. I'm headed back in early December for another look.

07-26-16, 21:22
Christmas season is to be avoided for mongering in all Catholic countries. Early to mid-December can be good because they are desperate for money.I was in Panama the day after Christmas straight thru new years. Business as usual. A lot of girls from Venezuela and Cuba defected and do not return to their home country. I was in Medellin just after new year and it was a non-stop party with plenty of action.

07-26-16, 21:48
Christmas season is to be avoided for mongering in all Catholic countries. Early to mid-December can be good because they are desperate for money.There are exceptions to this general rule. La Feria de Cali runs between Christmas and New Year and IMO it's the absolute best time to be in Cali.

Also, Rio is pretty good that same week. New York's Eve in Rio is great (though expect high prices for lodging).

El Mechanico
07-27-16, 14:04
I was in Panama the day after Christmas straight thru new years. Business as usual. A lot of girls from Venezuela and Cuba defected and do not return to their home country. I was in Medellin just after new year and it was a non-stop party with plenty of action.Totally agree. I was there 12/26 thru 12/30 & as usual. So many chicas, so little time. Cafe Habanos was not as packed as it usually was, from what I heard, but that meant there weren't that many guys there either. There was a nice selection every night!

07-28-16, 01:32
Going to Medellin for 2 days alone.

Obvious gringo and speak a bit of Spanish. Friday night where should I go out to meet Colombian girls?

A few questions on safety.

Is it safe to go to the flat of an escort? Going to a strip clubs is it safe?

What about bringing the girl to my hotel? Any girl / strip club / hotels recommendations?


El Mechanico
07-28-16, 03:32
Going to Medellin for 2 days alone.

Obvious gringo and speak a bit of Spanish. Friday night where should I go out to meet Colombian girls?

A few questions on safety.

Is it safe to go to the flat of an escort? Going to a strip clubs is it safe?

What about bringing the girl to my hotel? Any girl / strip club / hotels recommendations?

Gracias.Make them come to your room. If they balk, you walk! Much safer on your 'home turf'! It may cost a little bit more but you'll feel safer and that's worth the extra cost!

El Mechanico.

Husker Dude
07-28-16, 04:18
Going to Medellin for 2 days alone.

Obvious gringo and speak a bit of Spanish. Friday night where should I go out to meet Colombian girls?

A few questions on safety.

Is it safe to go to the flat of an escort? Going to a strip clubs is it safe?

What about bringing the girl to my hotel? Any girl / strip club / hotels recommendations?

Gracias.On safety, just be careful and don't do anything stupid like get drunk or drug use and you'll be fine by yourself. I recommend Fase dos strip club, as it is safe. Entry is 10 K, sit at the bar stools on the side, as a table will cost you a bottle. Girls are available for 180 K total, paying at the register. Avoid LaIsla (The Girls) now, as it can cost 200-300 K for the girl and in my opinion are not as hot as Fase Dos. Facebook is good to meet COLOMBIAN girls.

07-29-16, 03:42
Going to Medellin for 2 days alone.

Obvious gringo and speak a bit of Spanish. Friday night where should I go out to meet Colombian girls?

A few questions on safety.

Is it safe to go to the flat of an escort? Going to a strip clubs is it safe?

What about bringing the girl to my hotel? Any girl / strip club / hotels recommendations?

Gracias.It's always safer if they go to your place. The hotel probably will charge you if the chica stay over. Check with front desk. Be aware of your surrounding and you'll be OK.

Mr Enternational
07-29-16, 05:01
Why does it take over 24 h for my post to be on forum? I'm a new member who hasn't paid the 20 bucks because I wanted to see if this was a decent forum. So now I'm glad I never.Jackson sure is going to lose sleep over this. Next time do yourself a favor and READ something before deciding to sign up and complain after doing so.


Black Page
07-29-16, 10:44
Why does it take over 24 h for my post to be on forum? I'm a new member who hasn't paid the 20 bucks because I wanted to see if this was a decent forum. So now I'm glad I never.Certainly it's a stereotype the old word about Scots reputation for being "careful" with money. Go on like that.

Black Page
07-29-16, 10:59
What about bringing the girl to my hotel?

It's always safer if they go to your place. The hotel probably will charge you if the chica stay over. Check with front desk. Be aware of your surrounding and you'll be OK.It has been repeated so many times, so many times, but still people does not read.

Higher class hotels in Colombia are not happy to receive "guests". They do whatever possible to avoid being considered "chica-friendly". Add that a Colombian would never take a hooker to his hotel room. They go with girls, but they keep it separated from their "real life" and never exhibit it (this means that they go to casas, to short time hotels and motels, to clubs, but you will never see a Colombian having dinner with an evident P4 P girl in a restaurant of Parque LLeras).

I give an example of hotel policy according the above (reported already a few times in the past, sorry if I repeat). When I go to Medellin I stay at Four Points Poblado. They charge like 40 k / night (I am not sure, maybe more now) for any additional person you want to bring in (no hope to make her slip through security). This is for the first guest. If you try to bring another, a different girl on another night, they will charge something like 100 k-150 k more (the single room rate may be around 250 k onwards). I tried once, years ago, and the nice guy at reception explained me that it's a policy designed ON PURPOSE to avoid that people brings girls to the room.

So, take your girls to a motel or love hotel. This is how Colombians do. Some are very good, and really inexpensive. I reported a couple in the past, but many more were reported by others. Search for posts by "Black Page" including "chimba de hotel" and "ibiza" and you will read about the two I am used to patronize. Look at the List (do you know there is a Medellin List?) and you will see a long list.


(the alternative is that you rent an apartment, or you choose an hotel which accepts girls, but it will be not Sheraton or Hilton).

07-29-16, 12:53
Certainly it's a stereotype the old word about Scots reputation for being "careful" with money. Go on like that.Jajaa! I hate that stereotype I'm far from tight. I booked the Charlee for 5 nights because I work hard and have expensive taste.

I will pay the membership now because it's full of very good info. FYI I'm thinking of cancelling the Charlee cause it won't be easy to bring a girl back. I try to send a message not M1 but no reply. Maybe they think I'm tight.

07-29-16, 18:11
Going to Medellin for 2 days alone.

Obvious gringo and speak a bit of Spanish. Friday night where should I go out to meet Colombian girls?

A few questions on safety.

Is it safe to go to the flat of an escort? Going to a strip clubs is it safe?

What about bringing the girl to my hotel? Any girl / strip club / hotels recommendations?

Gracias.Two days. Alone in Medellin with little Spanish = http://hotelmedellinplaza.com/.

07-29-16, 23:52
Two days. Alone in Medellin with little Spanish = http://hotelmedellinplaza.com/.Another option the Premier Plaza Hotel between the Church and the Museum in El Centro at about the tenth of the cost. Two different worlds if you speak the language and can feel comfortable there.

07-30-16, 00:10
Jajaa! I hate that stereotype I'm far from tight. I booked the Charlee for 5 nights because I work hard and have expensive taste.

I will pay the membership now because it's full of very good info. FYI I'm thinking of cancelling the Charlee cause it won't be easy to bring a girl back. I try to send a message not M1 but no reply. Maybe they think I'm tight.You may end up being like a fish out of water here in Medellin. I'm sure if you get into the Mansion the girls will love you if you have lots of money to spend.

Blue Touch
07-30-16, 03:27
I heard that several gringos' belongings were stolen at the hotel, and some gringos were told by police to leave the area, otherwise they would be arrested.

Another option the Premier Plaza Hotel between the Church and the Museum in El Centro at about the tenth of the cost. Two different worlds if you speak the language and can feel comfortable there.

The Tall Man
07-30-16, 03:53
It has been repeated so many times, so many times, but still people does not read.

Higher class hotels in Colombia are not happy to receive "guests". They do whatever possible to avoid being considered "chica-friendly". Add that a Colombian would never take a hooker to his hotel room. They go with girls, but they keep it separated from their "real life" and never exhibit it (this means that they go to casas, to short time hotels and motels, to clubs, but you will never see a Colombian having dinner with an evident P4 P girl in a restaurant of Parque LLeras).

I give an example of hotel policy according the above (reported already a few times in the past, sorry if I repeat). When I go to Medellin I stay at Four Points Poblado. They charge like 40 k / night (I am not sure, maybe more now) for any additional person you want to bring in (no hope to make her slip through security). This is for the first guest. If you try to bring another, a different girl on another night, they will charge something like 100 k-150 k more (the single room rate may be around 250 k onwards). I tried once, years ago, and the nice guy at reception explained me that it's a policy designed ON PURPOSE to avoid that people brings girls to the room.

So, take your girls to a motel or love hotel. This is how Colombians do. Some are very good, and really inexpensive. I reported a couple in the past, but many more were reported by others. Search for posts by "Black Page" including "chimba de hotel" and "ibiza" and you will read about the two I am used to patronize. Look at the List (do you know there is a Medellin List?) and you will see a long list.


(the alternative is that you rent an apartment, or you choose an hotel which accepts girls, but it will be not Sheraton or Hilton).This is spot on. For all the drugs, cartel, killings, over the top plastic surgery, etc etc but being stepped in Catholicism and conservatism culturally and historically they know to keep what ever the shit they do out of the home and the public eye and this includes hotels, your right they simply are too conservative to even think of such a thing and this goes for old and younger men.

I bet that 95% of married Colombian men cheat, but they typically return home to their wife and kids. For the most part they keep what they do to themselves and typically do not share this with work mates or close friends, they just keep silent about their play. The casa's really fill a great space in this society.

So culturally this extends to hotels, a foreigner is expected to live by their same cultural standards.



Mr Enternational
07-30-16, 05:51
For the most part they keep what they do to themselves and typically do not share this with work mates or close friends, they just keep silent about their play.What good is play if you can't brag about it to your buddies?

07-30-16, 15:33
What good is play if you can't brag about it to your buddies?That may be the distinction between them (Colombianos) and us (gringos). It's no secret that Americans tend to brag about everything. Some tend to overdo it (Cuba Dave, Jake).

You Can
07-30-16, 16:48
Girls in any country love guys with fat pockets. As most guys in the know or newbies who listen its better to go with a nice condo. Its so much easier and comfortable.

You may end up being like a fish out of water here in Medellin. I'm sure if you get into the Mansion the girls will love you if you have lots of money to spend.

Mr Enternational
07-30-16, 17:11
Girls in any country love guys with fat pockets. As most guys in the know or newbies who listen its better to go with a nice condo. Its so much easier and comfortable.And the more they think you have, the more they expect you to spend. Don't shoot yourself in the foot thinking you have to show off. Save that shit for back home. It's not necessary in third world countries.

07-30-16, 18:28
And the more they think you have, the more they expect you to spend. Don't shoot yourself in the foot thinking you have to show off. Save that shit for back home. It's not necessary in third world countries.I agree. I imagine those dudes that are flying chicks out to San Andres and Cancun are paying more for the same chick I can bang for less on her home turf.

07-30-16, 18:32

Anybody know any of the gory details. Was the guy staying at the Mansion?

07-30-16, 19:12

Anybody know any of the gory details.Damn! These fuckers are getting brazen! I very often will walk from my apartment as far as Centro Commercial de Santa Fe, which is past Oviedo Mall and the Carruja supermarket. Even at night! Never had any problems.

I'm glad the guy was not killed (article said he was injured). Medellin needs to step up their game if they want to continue being known as an up-and-coming tourist destination (you have seen all of the articles touting that they are trying to rid their Pablo Escobar image and become an attractive tourist spot).


Medellin Tourism: Best of Medellin

"Once infamous for dangerous gangs and drug activity, Medellin has been transformed. Its now a vibrant destination for travelers seeking a culturally rich vacation."


Latin Americas New Superstar
How Gritty, Crime-Ridden Medelln Became a Model for 21st-Century Urbanism



Was the guy staying at the Mansion?Let's not automatically assume this was a monger. I have seen many foreigners walking around Medellin that don't at first strike me as "sex tourist". I've even seen an obvious North American (White Male who spoke English) with his wife and kids crossing the street at the intersection with me to go to Santa Fe Mall.

07-30-16, 20:28
And the more they think you have, the more they expect you to spend. Don't shoot yourself in the foot thinking you have to show off. Save that shit for back home. It's not necessary in third world countries.I've done several Thailand and Dominican. I'm street smart. All great advice though. I booked Colombia because a friend in Dominican said I should go to her country. 3 cities in 2 weeks but it's sounds like the best place is MED.

The Cane
07-30-16, 21:32

Anybody know any of the gory details. Was the guy staying at the Mansion?I know exactly where that is. Been in the exact same spot many, many times. That's supposed to be in one of the safest locations in all of Medellin!

Fun Luvr
07-30-16, 21:35
What good is play if you can't brag about it to your buddies?For some of us, our satisfaction comes from what we do when we are with a lady, not bragging about it.

Maybe your question was in jest, but I don't see any indications of that.

07-30-16, 22:43

Anybody know any of the gory details. Was the guy staying at the Mansion?Here's the follow-up story:


If Google Translate is correct, it looks like bad guys on a motorcycle observed the gringo buying an expensive watch at the mall and then tried to take it from him. When he resisted, they busted a cap in his leg. Interesting, I've never been hassled in any foreign country while wearing the $10.99 Casio watch I bought at Walmart LOL.

07-31-16, 01:30
And the more they think you have, the more they expect you to spend. Don't shoot yourself in the foot thinking you have to show off. Save that shit for back home. It's not necessary in third world countries.And the more you increase your chances of being robbed / drugged / scammed. These girls see a guy throwing around money and their derelict friends will have their eye on you.

Mr Enternational
07-31-16, 03:45
For some of us, our satisfaction comes from what we do when we are with a lady, not bragging about it.

Maybe your question was in jest, but I don't see any indications of that.Nobody is going to rent or buy a Ferrari if they know nobody is ever going to see them in it. A moped is fun and will get you from point A to point be. That is why you call chicks that are good for fucking, but you don't want anyone to know you were with, mopeds. So if nobody will ever know about it why spend tons of money on the Ferrari when a moped will get you where you need to go?

07-31-16, 13:32
Yesterday I pulled 600,000 Pesos out of a Banco Colombia ATM machine and when I checked my online statement the math came to 3,091 pesos to the US dollar including what Banco-Colombia charged me to use their machine. Are the rates headed back up again?

07-31-16, 14:02
I heard that several gringos' belongings were stolen at the hotel, and some gringos were told by police to leave the area, otherwise they would be arrested.Whatever you heard was wrong. I have been there every other day for the past two weeks and rented a room there for a month on my last trip. The security is excellent in this Hotel and it also is a police sub-station of sorts as the Police use the WiFi and drink coffee there as well. The staff look out for those who rent rooms there and I have had several friends stay there who have never had an issue with anything being stolen. I have never seen the Police in and around the area hassle gringos. I don't know where you got your information but I have noticed a dramatic increase in tours being given to tourists over the past year given the proximity to the Museum and sculptures in the area. The last thing the Police are going to do is to threaten gringos with being arrested if they don't leave the area.

El Mechanico
07-31-16, 14:17
So if nobody will ever know about it why spend tons of money on the Ferrari?Uhh, because we enjoy the company of beautiful women! I am as low key as anyone about my mongering adventures so almost nobody knows anything about what I do. I do however, so appreciate my time with some beautiful young vixen that wouldn't give me the time of day back here in PoonTang prison. I feel this way even tho I know she will be gone in an hour or so & I won't see her until I pay again. Just like the car enthusiast who appreciates a well made good looking car, some of us appreciate a beautiful woman! It's not at all about bragging & showing off! Maybe for you it is but not for me!

El Mechanico

07-31-16, 15:54
I know exactly where that is. Been in the exact same spot many, many times. That's supposed to be in one of the safest locations in all of Medellin!Smart robbers go where the money is, it's not in el centro. All the reports in past 6 years I have been here involving shots fired in gringo robberies, I recall none in el centro, el centro is snatch and grab, then run, and hope the locals don't chase after you and catch and kick the shit out you, which I saw happen last night on Bolivar avenida across from the Nutibara Hotel about 10 pm.

The Cane
07-31-16, 16:48
El centro is snatch and grab, then run, and hope the locals don't chase after you and catch and kick the shit out you, which I saw happen last night on Bolivar avenida across from the Nutibara Hotel about 10 pm.Uuuh, so what's your point? That El Centro is supposed to be safer than OviEdo or what? What you wrote doesn't make it sound "safe" at all. For gringos, locals, or whoever might be the unfortunate target. Whether it's a snatch and grab or a mugging or a shooting or whatever, none of that contributes to the "safety" of a place. What it all contributes to is the crime rate for the area, which overall is always worse in a place like El Centro versus a place like Poblado or the Oveido Mall, and especially when it comes to violent crime! Barrios where the money is aren't immune to crime, but they have much lower violent crime rates than places where the money is not. People with money don't live in violent, crime ridden neighborhoods. That's why it's always shocking when something like a shooting happens at a place like OviEdo. Definitely not immune. But still a rare occurrence nevertheless!