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12-05-17, 04:07
If you are not latino, you are 'gringo' for Colombians, period. They will laugh in your face and call you a gringo even when they know you are not, share a drink with them and talk Spanish. Even if you are Chinese from the mainland, you are still gringo. The article calls the guy 'norteamericano', how polite and sensitive. BTW, read the comments. And I don't believe even a hint of 'abuse' in this case. Very likely the couple is not from estrato 5 or 6, which proves again and again how inherently unsafe is Colombia.

12-05-17, 04:29
That could just as well mean that you are from the Estados Unidos Mexicanos instead of the Estados Unidos Americanos.Not to anyone in Colombia, or in Mexico, Venezuela or Argentina. I can't think of any Spanish speaking country that would think estadounidense is a reference to Mexico.

Mr Enternational
12-05-17, 04:42
If you are not latino, you are 'gringo' for Colombians, period. They will laugh in your face and call you a gringo even when they know you are not, share a drink with them and talk Spanish. Even if you are Chinese from the mainland, you are still gringo. The article calls the guy 'norteamericano', how polite and sensitive.I thought gringo generally meant foreigner, unless I have seriously been missing something all these years. Why would they call you a foreigner if they know you are a local? Do you see it as a derogatory term? Because I am a Black North American guy and have been called gringo by loved ones in South America. And what would they be laughing in your face about? Missing your point about needing to be polite and sensitve when describing a foreigner by their nationality.

12-05-17, 05:15
'Gringo' is typically used pejoratively, but is not like saying f- your mother or anything like that. It can be used in good fun, depending on the interpersonal relationships involved. There is a lot of disagreement about its etymology and precisely to whom it refers. The most popular explanation is that it is short for 'green go home,' referring to the color of the US military uniforms. That is easily debunked since the term has been in use since before the US military switched from blue. But I have never, ever, heard it applied to (southeast) Asians, who are normally referred to as 'chinos' no matter if they are Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, whatever. It is not merely synonymous with foreigner, since a colombiano would never refer to a venezolano or peruano, etc. , as a gringo, nor vice-versa. The guatemalan version of google translates it as someone from the US. But then the Spanish version of Wikipedia says it refers to speakers of European languages that are not understandable to Spanish-speakers. One of the earliest known written usages was basically the opposite, people who could not speak Spanish, or spoke bad Spanish. I believe this came from a Spanish friar named Torre de Pandos or something like that. Late colonial period, maybe late 18th century. I believe this to be a more correct origin, based on the more formal part of my studies. It is also sometimes said to be a corruption of 'griego,' meaning Greek.

'Extranjero' translates as foreigner, and not as stranger (it is a false cognate), which would typically be 'desconocido,' meaning someone you have never met. If someone calls me a gringo and I don't like the context or the way they said it, I will say something like, 'Soy extranjero. Y qué?' If I like the context, I might say 'No soy gringo sino un pinche gringo. ' Of course, 'pinche' means different things in different countries. In Spain it just means the lowest person in the kitchen, a dishwasher or a potato peeler, although many people don't believe me when I tell them that.

12-05-17, 05:29
Interesting translation....You are absolutely right. I was in a rush since I had to go out. If you can clean it up for me I would greatly appreciate it. You are correct in that it was a female. Also, I didn't focus much on punctuation and if I dropped a word or two it would have made the translation better. This is what happens when one does not focus. Thanks Dickhead for correcting me.

12-05-17, 06:27
Mxico, officially the United Mexican States (Spanish: Estados Unidos Mexicanos.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MexicoHave you ever heard of a Mexican refer to themselves as estadounidense? I'm going to guess it's never happened.

Just to make the point further, look up "estadounidense" in a Spanish dictionary.

Mr Enternational
12-05-17, 06:49
Have you ever heard of a Mexican refer to themselves as estadounidense? I'm going to guess it's never happened.

Just to make the point further, look up "estadounidense" in a Spanish dictionary.Nope. Never. And by that same token I have never heard a person from the United States of America refer to themselves as North American or United Statesian if they have not spent time in South America. In general, people from the United States of America refer to themselves as Americans and people from the United States of Mexico refer to themselves as Mexicans.

The problem is some South American people (eg. my friends that I have been through this issue with) not wanting to realize there can exist more than one meaning of American, just the same as there can exist more than one meaning of gringo. As Dickhead said, the meaning of certain words depend on the context in which they are used.

12-05-17, 15:00
I thought gringo generally meant foreignerExtranjero is the word you are looking for. It's officially used at the airports to when you pick the customs line you stand in. Weirdly enough it can also mean 'stranger' or 'strange one. '.

12-05-17, 19:00
Nope. Never. And by that same token I have never heard a person from the United States of America refer to themselves as North American or United Statesian if they have not spent time in South America. In general, people from the United States of America refer to themselves as Americans and people from the United States of Mexico refer to themselves as Mexicans.

The problem is some South American people (eg. my friends that I have been through this issue with) not wanting to realize there can exist more than one meaning of American, just the same as there can exist more than one meaning of gringo. As Dickhead said, the meaning of certain words depend on the context in which they are used.Well I can't argue that. Back to more important matters!

12-05-17, 20:28
Here's my translation of the article, with notes in parentheses and explained at the bottom:

Un joven de 23 años fue enviado este lunes a prisión preventiva al ser señalado como el presunto responsable del asesinato, el pasado fin de semana, de un norteamericano dentro de un apartamento en El Poblado.

"A 23 year old (young) man was taken into preventive custody Monday after being identified as the alleged murderer of a North American man inside an apartment in Poblado last weekend."

De acuerdo con el reporte judicial el cadáver de la víctima, Johnny Noel Simancas, fue hallado con una arma blanca atravesada en el cuello.

"According to the coroner's report, the victim, Johnny Noel Simancas, was discovered with his throat slashed."

La principal hipótesis de las autoridades es que dentro del inmueble se generó una riña, luego de que el extranjero intentara abusar de una menor de edad de 17 años. Al parecer la adolescente alert a un amigo para que la rescatara y ahí se desencadenaron los hechos violentos.

"The authorities' main theory is that there was a fight inside the apartment after the foreigner tried to molest a seventeen-year-old girl. It appears the teenager called a (male) friend to rescue her and that set off a chain of violent events."

Cuando las autoridades acudieron a la escena del crimen, el viernes en la noche, hallaron el cadáver desnudo del extranjero y tres armas: una de fogueo y dos objetos cortopunzantes. Además había huellas de sangre que conducían al tejado por lo que las autoridades iniciaron una persecución por el vecindario que dio con el presunto responsable del crimen.

"When the authorities went to the crime scene Friday night, they discovered the naked body of the foreigner and three weapons: a starter pistol (1) and two sharp objects. Also, there were traces of blood (2) that lead to the roof, which led to a chase through the neighborhood which led to the suspect."

En el apartamento también se hallaron lo documentos de la adolescente que denunció el intento de abuso.

"The teenaged girl who reported the abuse's identification was also found in the apartment."

El joven capturado no aceptó (3) los cargos imputados por el delito de homicidio simple. La menor de edad, por su parte, fue presentada ante un juez de Infancia y Adolescencia.

"The (young) man who was captured denied the charges of simple homicide (4). The teenaged girl, based on her role in the crime, was brought before a Juvenile and Family Court judge."

(1): Could also mean a fake gun, like a replica weapon, or even a cap pistol.

(2): Could also mean bloody footprints (quite likely) or bloody fingerprints.

(3): Could mean "pled not guilty. ".

(3): Could be what would be called second-degree murder or even manslaughter in the US.

12-05-17, 20:42
Nice work Dickhead!

So what do you think actually happened?

And what is the moral?

Blue Touch
12-05-17, 20:53
Good job. I appreciate it.

Here's my translation of the article, with notes in parentheses and explained at the bottom:

Un joven de 23 aos fue enviado este lunes a prisin preventiva al ser sealado como el presunto responsable del asesinato, el pasado fin de semana, de un norteamericano dentro de un apartamento en El Poblado.

"A 23 year old (young) man was taken into preventive custody Monday after being identified as the alleged murderer of a North American man inside an apartment in Poblado last weekend."

De acuerdo con el reporte judicial el cadver de la vctima, Johnny Noel Simancas, fue hallado con una arma blanca atravesada en el cuello.

"According to the coroner's report, the victim, Johnny Noel Simancas, was discovered with his throat slashed."

La principal hiptesis de las autoridades es que dentro del inmueble se gener una ria, luego de que el extranjero intentara abusar de una menor de edad de 17 aos. Al parecer la adolescente alert a un amigo para que la rescatara y ah se desencadenaron los hechos violentos..

12-05-17, 20:58
I think the gringo brought an u n d e r a g e puta back to his apartment, her pimp showed up, they tried a blackmail scheme, the gringo resisted, and they aced him. The moral would be, look at the fucking cédula FIRST, and be sure you know the difference between what 1/12/99 means in the Yew Ess and what it means in LatAm, Europe, etc.

Fun Luvr
12-05-17, 23:39
I have seen two conflicting reports of where the apartment is located. One shows a photo of the building where primarily gringos stay. The other (video report) shows an apartment across the street. I have stayed in apartments on that street many times. I have never seen a gringo going in or out of the apartment in the video. I think it is the apartment building in the photo. I don't think it is a first floor apartment because the report said the two tried to escape on the roof.

As to what happened, I don't think the age of the girl had any bearing. The report said the gringo was found naked. I think he and the girl had sex, and he was taking a shower afterwards. While he was in the shower, the girl went downstairs and let the guy in. They intended to rob the gringo, but he resisted. There was a struggle and the gringo realized he was in trouble and began screaming. That's when a neighbor called the police. They slashed the gringo's throat and tried to find money, which was probably locked in the room safe. They stayed in the apartment too long and heard the police sirens, so they tried to escape through the roof.

IMO, the fatal mistake was resisting a robbery.

12-05-17, 23:56
Good analysis.

I have seen two conflicting reports of where the apartment is located. One shows a photo of the building where primarily gringos stay. The other (video report) shows an apartment across the street. I have stayed in apartments on that street many times. I have never seen a gringo going in or out of the apartment in the video. I think it is the apartment building in the photo. I don't think it is a first floor apartment because the report said the two tried to escape on the roof.

As to what happened, I don't think the age of the girl had any bearing. The report said the gringo was found naked. I think he and the girl had sex, and he was taking a shower afterwards. While he was in the shower, the girl went downstairs and let the guy in. They intended to rob the gringo, but he resisted. There was a struggle and the gringo realized he was in trouble and began screaming. That's when a neighbor called the police. They slashed the gringo's throat and tried to find money, which was probably locked in the room safe. They stayed in the apartment too long and heard the police sirens, so they tried to escape through the roof.

IMO, the fatal mistake was resisting a robbery.

12-06-17, 03:25
I thought gringo generally meant foreigner, unless I have seriously been missing something all these years. Why would they call you a foreigner if they know you are a local? Do you see it as a derogatory term? Because I am a Black North American guy and have been called gringo by loved ones in South America. And what would they be laughing in your face about? Missing your point about needing to be polite and sensitve when describing a foreigner by their nationality.No, it's not derogatory in most cases. From my point of view, not from theirs, the term should mean someone from the US. When I tell them that I were not from the US, they seem not to care, and tell me basically, as long as you are not latino you are 'gringo'. Foreigner is of course 'extranjero'. The other term is 'forastero' but I haven't heard anyone use it other that in a name of the famous church in the city centre, Eglesia de la Veracruz de LOS Forasteros, the same church every brave tourist hobbyist is lurking around looking for trouble.

The Tall Man
12-06-17, 04:38
I have seen two conflicting reports of where the apartment is located. One shows a photo of the building where primarily gringos stay. The other (video report) shows an apartment across the street. I have stayed in apartments on that street many times. I have never seen a gringo going in or out of the apartment in the video. I think it is the apartment building in the photo. I don't think it is a first floor apartment because the report said the two tried to escape on the roof.

As to what happened, I don't think the age of the girl had any bearing. The report said the gringo was found naked. I think he and the girl had sex, and he was taking a shower afterwards. While he was in the shower, the girl went downstairs and let the guy in. They intended to rob the gringo, but he resisted. There was a struggle and the gringo realized he was in trouble and began screaming. That's when a neighbor called the police. They slashed the gringo's throat and tried to find money, which was probably locked in the room safe. They stayed in the apartment too long and heard the police sirens, so they tried to escape through the roof.

IMO, the fatal mistake was resisting a robbery.As the below post noted, this is probably the way it went down.



Blue Touch
12-06-17, 04:45
Good insights. Thank you.

I have seen two conflicting reports of where the apartment is located. One shows a photo of the building where primarily gringos stay. The other (video report) shows an apartment across the street. I have stayed in apartments on that street many times. I have never seen a gringo going in or out of the apartment in the video. I think it is the apartment building in the photo. I don't think it is a first floor apartment because the report said the two tried to escape on the roof.

As to what happened, I don't think the age of the girl had any bearing. The report said the gringo was found naked. I think he and the girl had sex, and he was taking a shower afterwards. While he was in the shower, the girl went downstairs and let the guy in. They intended to rob the gringo, but he resisted. There was a struggle and the gringo realized he was in trouble and began screaming. That's when a neighbor called the police. They slashed the gringo's throat and tried to find money, which was probably locked in the room safe. They stayed in the apartment too long and heard the police sirens, so they tried to escape through the roof.

IMO, the fatal mistake was resisting a robbery.

12-06-17, 08:13
I think the gringo brought an u n d e r a g e puta back to his apartment, her pimp showed up, they tried a blackmail scheme, the gringo resisted, and they aced him. The moral would be, look at the fucking cdula FIRST, and be sure you know the difference between what 1/12/99 means in the Yew Ess and what it means in LatAm, Europe, etc.Good advice.

But I'd like to see more buildings with better security in Medellin. People off the street shouldn't be able to get to your front door without you giving the guards the OK to let them in.

I lived in a couple of buildings in Cali that put most of the ones I see in Medellin to shame when it comes to security.

The building I lived in had 4 armed guards 24/7 and an intercom system on the outside of the building.

So unless you lived there or you gave the guards the OK to let someone in. They never set one foot in the building and then once they got in they had to register with their cedula. Only ever had a few girls complain about registering and asked the guards why they had to. The guards simply told them because this isn't a public building.

And with all that security I still had a double cylinder deadbolt on the front door so the only person that could open it was myself.

Of all the short term rentals I stayed in in Medellin the only one that I felt had decent security was Energy Living.

If someone knows of other buildings with good security I'd like to know where they are located.

12-06-17, 09:29
Good advice.

But I'd like to see more buildings with better security in Medellin. People off the street shouldn't be able to get to your front door without you giving the guards the OK to let them in.

I lived in a couple of buildings in Cali that put most of the ones I see in Medellin to shame when it comes to security.

The building I lived in had 4 armed guards 24/7 and an intercom system on the outside of the building.

So unless you lived there or you gave the guards the OK to let someone in. They never set one foot in the building and then once they got in they had to register with their cedula. Only ever had a few girls complain about registering and asked the guards why they had to. The guards simply told them because this isn't a public building..Edeficio Lugo al lado de Oviedo is secure with great porteros and surveillance.

12-06-17, 15:48
Edeficio Lugo al lado de Oviedo is secure with great porteros and surveillance.There are dozens of buildings with good security. Most of the buildings in Poblado have excellent security.

But most mongers are looking for chica friendly apartments, and most of the places with good security have a problem with guys bringing in 4 different girls every night. Maybe because, letting lots of visitors into the building makes the building less secure, because too many mongers forget that normal families live in those buildings too. Not every parent wants to enter an elevator with their kids to find some old guy groping a young, scantily clad girl.

So many mongers are stuck in places with no security. Then there are the mongers who insist on no security, because someone asking their girls for cedulas will halt their activities.

Mr Enternational
12-06-17, 18:52
many mongers forget that normal families live in those buildings too. Not every parent wants to enter an elevator with their kids to find some old guy groping a young, scantily clad girl.It is their money and their vacation and it is customary for old Colombians to have young chicks.

12-06-17, 19:59
It is their money and their vacation and it is customary for old Colombians to have young chicks.Selective quoting for the win.

As of Saturday, I'll have spent 8 months in this building. Out of about 190 apartments, there is 1 other gringo. I'm also a frequent visitor to 2 other complexes, one with over 400 units. Not once have I seen an old Colombian bringing in a prepago, let alone 3 or 4 in the same day. Not once have I seen an old Colombian groping a prepago in the elevator. I did see a young Colombian couple getting a bit carried away once, but it was late night and they were clearly not expecting anyone else to be coming in.

When old Colombians have young chicks, they use discretion. They don't flaunt them in front of family and neighbors. They certainly don't bring them home and fuck them on the balcony.

It's their money and their vacation, yes. This might come as a shock to you: It's not their property, it's not their building, it's not their city and it's not their country. Other people live in the buildings, other people own the apartments, including the one they are staying in. Other people have certain expectations of how their neighbors behave while in the community areas of the building. Other people expect to be able to sleep at 3 am. Other people don't like meeting obvious prepagos in the elevator. Guess who wins when 5 apartment owners complain to administration about the behavior of the short-term renters at 1 or 2 apartments?

If most mongers weren't such clueless and insensitive idiots, chica friendly would rarely be an issue. However, they stupidly think "it's my money and my vacation, so I can do anything I want. "So they bring 4 guys and 6 prepagos back at 2 am, crank up the music and party till dawn. The long-term residents are greeted by puke in the elevator and a bunch of trashed hookers trying to catch taxis, or worse.

Chica friendly in a building with security will soon be a thing of the past, mostly because of the "my money, my vacation, fuck everyone else" ignorance.

Show respect, use discretion, consider the rights of your neighbors and you'll have fewer problems.

12-06-17, 22:48
Are there any good swinger clubs in medellin. I will be there and me and one of my girls want to go.

12-07-17, 00:26
Rather than taking women back to their apts, I think it would be more considerate, more fun and more adventurous to take a woman to a love hotel.

12-07-17, 02:42
It is their money and their vacation and it is customary for old Colombians to have young chicks.But the Colombians generally do it discreetly. I think it's customary to use a love motel. Which likely explains the prevalence of these places.

Fun Luvr
12-07-17, 03:04
...If most mongers weren't such clueless and insensitive idiots, chica friendly would rarely be an issue. However, they stupidly think "it's my money and my vacation, so I can do anything I want. "So they bring 4 guys and 6 prepagos back at 2 am, crank up the music and party till dawn. The long-term residents are greeted by puke in the elevator and a bunch of trashed hookers trying to catch taxis, or worse.

Chica friendly in a building with security will soon be a thing of the past, mostly because of the "my money, my vacation, fuck everyone else" ignorance.

Show respect, use discretion, consider the rights of your neighbors and you'll have fewer problems.I agree with your point of view. When I am in Medellin, I stay in an apartment building with all short-term renters. I have witnessed the all night parties. Surprisingly, it is usually Latinos having the parties. I've noticed more gringos with the mindset described above in bars and restaurants.

But there are also the self appointed social police who want to eliminate all prostitution. There is nothing we can do about them, just let them let off steam.

12-07-17, 03:30
You are correct on both counts.

It is their money and their vacation and it is customary for old Colombians to have young chicks.

12-07-17, 04:07
I agree with your point of view. When I am in Medellin, I stay in an apartment building with all short-term renters. I have witnessed the all night parties. Surprisingly, it is usually Latinos having the parties. I've noticed more gringos with the mindset described above in bars and restaurants.

But there are also the self appointed social police who want to eliminate all prostitution. There is nothing we can do about them, just let them let off steam.You always have those people to some extent. Some are upright women who want to cut mens' balls off. Some are hard core religious. Luckily in Colombia they haven't been able to override common sense yet. But they'll keep on trying.

12-07-17, 04:10
What JB says about gringos being indiscreet is oh so true. What FL says about it's the latinos partying late and loud is also oh so true. What Mr. E says makes me want to steal his passport so he can't take that attitude on the road.

I will say that in over ten years of living in LatAm and Spain, I have never encountered puke in an elevator. Maybe I have just been lucky. Puke on the sidewalk, fairly often. But puke in an elevator? Never.

And I don't think that 'most' mongers are clueless, insensitive idiots. My experience is that most mongers are less clueless and insensitive than the average idiot tourist. They are more well traveled and have more incentive to stay out of trouble. Some mongers, especially rookie mongers and especially mongers from rude places like the northeast of the US, urban England (the absolute worst in my experience), tend to give other mongers a bad name.

And tend to get their throats slit or end up in prison. That is just Darwin for the most part.

12-07-17, 04:54
I think the gringo brought an u n d e r a g e puta back to his apartment, her pimp showed up, they tried a blackmail scheme, the gringo resisted, and they aced him. The moral would be, look at the fucking cdula FIRST, and be sure you know the difference between what 1/12/99 means in the Yew Ess and what it means in LatAm, Europe, etc.What's the difference?

El Mechanico
12-07-17, 14:46
What's the difference?We put the Month first then the day then year. Most, if not all of Latin & S. America puts the Day first then the month then the year.

For July 4th of 2018, we would put 7-4-18.

For the same day, they would put 4-7-18. Both indicate July 4th, 2018.

You were supposed to use this format on your customs declaration 2 X when you entered the country, one for your birthday & one for the current date.

The CEDULAs have the Birth Day first, the birth Month second & this is where the confusion comes in. If you are confused, guess her youngest age & cull them out from there, or better yet, if you are confused, skip & get the next one.

El Mechanico.

Big Boss Man
12-07-17, 16:11
I had trouble connecting with girls on Photoprepagos and Mileeroticos and never did meet anyone. The response times are slow. Usually you have to schedule several hours in advance. Two chicas I chatted with on Whatsapp were Luisa +57 321 4469718 and Emiliana +57 301 2261894. Luisa wanted 300000 per hour and Emiliana was in the 180000 range. So if you going to go this route you need to plan ahead. It is not a spur of the moment thing based on my limited experience.

Plus I had difficulty with a chica I met last trip. I could never pin her down and then she would message me at 2 AM.

Stop posting full Telephone numbers.

12-07-17, 16:22
I had better luck with agencies on there. They would send me pics of who was available at the time.

I had trouble connecting with girls on Photoprepagos and Mileeroticos and never did meet anyone. The response times are slow. Usually you have to schedule several hours in advance..

12-07-17, 17:03
Day / month / year = logical since years are longer than months, which are longer than days. Perhaps year / month / day would be equally logical, but month / day / year makes no sense at all. That follows the pattern of the US system of measurement, temperature, weight, etc. , none of which make any sense either. The only thing the Yew Ess gets right is the floors. That is not the first floor. It might be the first ceiling, but it ain't the first floor.

12-07-17, 18:50
Plus I had difficulty with a chica I met last trip. I could never pin her down and then she would message me at 2 AM.Coke head. Try a bit older next time. I've learned to avoid party chicas because they are unreliable and often behave very erratically.

12-07-17, 21:57
I had trouble connecting with girls on Photoprepagos and Mileeroticos and never did meet anyone. The response times are slow. Usually you have to schedule several hours in advance. Two chicas I chatted with on Whatsapp were Luisa +57 321 4469718 and Emiliana +57 301 2261894. Luisa wanted 300000 per hour and Emiliana was in the 180000 range. So if you going to go this route you need to plan ahead. It is not a spur of the moment thing based on my limited experience.

Plus I had difficulty with a chica I met last trip. I could never pin her down and then she would message me at 2 AM.I think its hit or miss. My first night there was pouring rain, so I ended up texting 4 girls from photoprepagos and 1 of them responded and was at my place in about an hour, great service and attitude for 110 so I gave her 150. I do think I got lucky though and you are right about pre planning, but I also think its a numbers game, don't set your heart on one of them, choose 4 or 5 and one of them might be at your door.

The best part for me to learn was how many different types of hoes of different attitudes there were. The funniest thing I heard was a casa girl talking down on the Parque Lleras streetwalkers, she said there's a lot of putas out there. She was a sweetheart though but she definitely felt she was above the streetwalkers. Casa girls are hoes with jobs I guess. LOL. I met cokehead girls on the street that gave me a great time for the right price, more humble street girls who charged less and did more, I met cheap casa girls who were angelic sweethearts, and call girls that were very humble and sweet. I skipped the expensive Fase Dos experiences tho my friends went and said they were the most beautiful. I prefer sweet 7's over lame 10's. My future challenge will be finding a 10 that has the sweet attitude of a 7. My experiences were great overall I love it there and I will be back soon.

12-08-17, 03:24
{Snip} That follows the pattern of the US system of measurement, temperature, weight, etc. , none of which make any sense either. {Snip}This issue has always intrigued me. Surely the US is one of the last countries still using the old outdated Imperial system of measurements (I'm open to correction, no time to Google). I don't understand why they don't get with the rest of the world and change to metric. Sure it will be hard at first and expensive for an economy the size of the US, but I would look at this problem similar to pulling off a bandaid. Do it fast and hard, short term pain for long term gain.

I just don't understand the US sometimes, but that just could be me I suppose.

The Tall Man
12-08-17, 05:06
I think its hit or miss. My first night there was pouring rain, so I ended up texting 4 girls from photoprepagos and 1 of them responded and was at my place in about an hour, great service and attitude for 110 so I gave her 150. I do think I got lucky though and you are right about pre planning, but I also think its a numbers game, don't set your heart on one of them, choose 4 or 5 and one of them might be at your door.

The best part for me to learn was how many different types of hoes of different attitudes there were. The funniest thing I heard was a casa girl talking down on the Parque Lleras streetwalkers, she said there's a lot of putas out there. She was a sweetheart though but she definitely felt she was above the streetwalkers. Casa girls are hoes with jobs I guess. LOL. I met cokehead girls on the street that gave me a great time for the right price, more humble street girls who charged less and did more, I met cheap casa girls who were angelic sweethearts, and call girls that were very humble and sweet. I skipped the expensive Fase Dos experiences tho my friends went and said they were the most beautiful. I prefer sweet 7's over lame 10's. My future challenge will be finding a 10 that has the sweet attitude of a 7. My experiences were great overall I love it there and I will be back soon.From your lips to gods ears, very well said. I too have done all of the above in medellin, including the high end clubs at 300 m a pop plus drinks and shit, some great and some just so-so.

Yep that is ironic that a casa hoe speaks and looks down on the SW, its like WTF do they think they do.


12-08-17, 16:53

Do yourself a favor, get a Colombian cupid membership, set up a profile and start communicating with girls on there 30 days before your planned arrival. Get yourself a whatsapp number to text with them. They will send you additional photos, videos. You can agree to services and terms all ahead time. Once you arrive, they will come to you and you will be very pleased. I have met quite a few girls in Medellin doing this. Never disappointed. Had so many lined up my last trip, I couldn't get to them all. They were all texting wanting to meet. Most of these were normal girls with jobs or they were students. I am trying to get back down there again after the first of the year. See some old friends and find some new ones. All will be done on Colopmbian Cupid. No need to have to rely on casa chicas or Parque Lleras street girls.

From your lips to gods ears, very well said. I too have done all of the above in medellin, including the high end clubs at 300 m a pop plus drinks and shit, some great and some just so-so.

Yep that is ironic that a casa hoe speaks and looks down on the SW, its like WTF do they think they do.


12-09-17, 00:20
This issue has always intrigued me. Surely the US is one of the last countries still using the old outdated Imperial system of measurements (I'm open to correction, no time to Google). I don't understand why they don't get with the rest of the world and change to metric. Sure it will be hard at first and expensive for an economy the size of the US, but I would look at this problem similar to pulling off a bandaid. Do it fast and hard, short term pain for long term gain.

I just don't understand the US sometimes, but that just could be me I suppose.There was a time when the US tried to adopt metric, a few feeble efforts like speed limits in mph and kph, and they even taught in some schools for a very short time. I don't recall any attempts at Celsius. And yes, it's one of the last countries using SAE (Stupid American and English, I think it stands for), but I am in Guatemala now and they use pounds and gallons, but not feet and inches. Dunno why. I seem to remember that Perú uses gallons also.

One of the biggest PITAs about traveling with other people from the US is translating the distances and the temperature all the time. Look, I get that you can't speak another language because our educational system is shit and does not value it, but the metric system is fucking easy. Do you have twelve fingers and toes? No, unless you are Antonio Alfonseca. You have ten. And if water freezes at zero and boils at 100, can't you figure out 30 or 40? Oh, sorry, I forgot, you have no clue that water boils at 100 and freezes at zero. So in addition to helping you get laid because you can't learn another language, I have to tell you far five kilometers is. You know what? It is five thousand meters. That is how far it is and you owe me so many fucking beers more than you are buying me for translating. Your bus leaves at 17:00. Count it off on your metrically challenged fingers if you have to.

12-09-17, 00:49
One of the biggest PITAs about traveling with other people from the US is translating the distances and the temperature all the time. Look, I get that you can't speak another language because our educational system is shit and does not value it, but the metric system is fucking easy. I hear you Mr Dickhead, I hear you big time.

12-09-17, 12:49
This issue has always intrigued me. Surely the US is one of the last countries still using the old outdated Imperial system of measurements (I'm open to correction, no time to Google). I don't understand why they don't get with the rest of the world and change to metric. Sure it will be hard at first and expensive for an economy the size of the US, but I would look at this problem similar to pulling off a bandaid. Do it fast and hard, short term pain for long term gain.

I just don't understand the US sometimes, but that just could be me I suppose.Just curious, why should they change it? What's the gain, economically speaking?

12-09-17, 12:55
One of the biggest PITAs about traveling with other people from the US is translating the distances and the temperature all the time. Look, I get that you can't speak another language because our educational system is shit and does not value it, but the metric system is fucking easy. It's not common for people outside the US to speak any other language than their native tongue when excluding English.

12-09-17, 15:24
No reason the US should change its nonsystem. The rest of the world should just use our measurements and our language and watch our sports and listen to our music. And eat at McDonald's.

Mr Enternational
12-09-17, 16:31
Just curious, why should they change it? What's the gain, economically speaking?The gain economically speaking is that metric's system of 10's is much easier than the BS that we use. And for a population as lazy as we are it should have been welcomed with open arms.

12-09-17, 16:40
No reason the US should change its nonsystem. The rest of the world should just use our measurements and our language and watch our sports and listen to our music. And eat at McDonald's.Why? I think that Europe should keep their system and the US can keep theirs. I've never had any problems adopting to the system while on visit in the US.

The whole thing is just a non-issue and irrelevant for this forum.

12-09-17, 16:48
The gain economically speaking is that metric's system of 10's is much easier than the BS that we use. And for a population as lazy as we are it should have been welcomed with open arms.That really wasn't an answer on my question regarding how the change would affect the US economy positively.

12-09-17, 17:24
The gain economically speaking is that metric's system of 10's is much easier than the BS that we use. And for a population as lazy as we are it should have been welcomed with open arms.Years ago, there was a push for the US to move to Metric system. I remember that there were two mesurements on just about everything but then it stopped. I also remember big businesses were complaining the billlions in cost to change the packaging so I guess congress just nixed it. US was still dominant in the business but I think that will change once China takes over.

12-09-17, 21:48
No reason the US should change its nonsystem. The rest of the world should just use our measurements and our language and watch our sports and listen to our music. And eat at McDonald's.A classic! Thanks for making my day.

12-09-17, 21:50
Just curious, why should they change it? What's the gain, economically speaking?Not an economist, not in manufacturing, but I'd guess international trade. Let's say you make the best 1/2 " diameter pipe in the world. But someone who needs 1 cm diameter pipe won't buy it.

So your choice is to give up the metric market or to invest in additional design, manufacturing equipment, and testing so that you can sell to the metric market.

12-09-17, 21:53
It's not common for people outside the US to speak any other language than their native tongue when excluding English.Obviously you haven't been to Europe then.

12-09-17, 23:44
Obviously you haven't been to Europe then.I am European, but I am sure you know better.

12-10-17, 01:13
For a change of pace, here's a review.

Last night I was trying to schedule a mini party with a girl who I'd promised a bottle of tequila and one of her friends, who is one of my favorites. Just to clear up any misconceptions, it was just planned to be a hang out and drink evening, not a backdoor attempt at a 3 some. Plans fell through, so I sent a message to a girl on my to-do list, but she didn't answer for 2 hours.

Meanwhile the "one of my favorites" hit me up to see if I was interested. I was. She came over late afternoon and once again cemented her spot on my favorites list. Details in a moment. After winding down and showering, she got a request to come see another monger. I walked her to a taxi and headed off to dinner. About 30 minutes later she messaged she was bored. Apparently, the guy wanted to hang out in the bar talking to the other gringos. She got a 1/2 payment for showing up and came out to hang with me.

When the rain finally let up she convinced me to bring her home with me. Another great session followed before she rolled over and went to sleep. No fuss this morning, she gave me a good morning greeting, showered and went on her way.

On to the details. She's old by Medellin standards, 30, has kids and is tall and thin. No ass to speak of and boobs are deflated. No other noticeable baby damage and she has legs for days. There are a few things that make her special. The main thing is her attitude. I don't like the term GFE, but being with her (YMMV) is like being with a girlfriend. She's playful and affectionate. I get an authentic make out session with her and a very natural cool down period afterwards. During sex she rides like she's really trying to get off, instead of the usual, trying to get you off as quick as possible. She also gives a top notch BBBJ with DT that is mind boggling. None of the 30 seconds and done crap. Last night she worked on me for at least 15 minutes, with hands, without hands, paying attention to everything and alternating speed, depth and everything else. I'm not a CIM, backdoor or BBFS guy so I don't know if those are available.

I'm not throwing her contact info out here because some guys are just clueless. However, I will share with those who have demonstrated the ability to play well with others.

If you're looking for the 18-20 big boobs, big booty, she's not going to appeal to you. If you're looking for an experience to remember, she might be what you need. I've gotten good feedback from 3 others on their experiences with her.

As always, YMMV.

12-10-17, 04:34
I am European, but I am sure you know better.Before you keep making a knob of yourself, you might want to just read from the first paragraph on page one.


Have a good day.

12-10-17, 04:52
So, about the girls?

Before you keep making a knob of yourself, you might want to just read from the first paragraph on page one.


Have a good day.

12-10-17, 06:26
Before you keep making a knob of yourself, you might want to just read from the first paragraph on page one.


Have a good day.Having traveled Europe extensively since the late 70's, and having lived in Germany and the UK as a private citizen, I do have to agree with the OP. Most Europeans are not competent in any other language other than their own mother tongue and English. While the information in your link does present a different picture, the ideology the EU presents doesn't jib much with reality.

Its true that children are given a multi-lingual education in Europe but that doesn't seem to amount to any amount of foreign language competency in the absence of serious interest. Its not unlike Canada, where Anglophones outside of Quebec learn French in school. Yet I have never met a Canadian from outside Quebec who could speak French, nor wanted to speak French. Whenever I ask them if they can speak French, they seem to think its a odd question. If you are an Anglophone Canadian and you are reading this, maybe you can clarify this.

One thing I have learned about Europeans, based on 4 decades of exposure to them, is they typically don't like their neighbors and aren't too interested in learning their lingo. Dutch speak English as if it is their second native language but make funny faces if you ask them if they understand German or French. Germans are also very good at English, but they absolutely no interest in learning any of the the languages of their Eastern neighbors. In fact, they seem puzzled when I tell them I've visited Eastern Europe, a place they overwhelmingly regard with distaste. There is even a German beer called Moravia, but some Germans I met had no clue that Moravia was a historical nation of the Austrian Empire and the Eastern Half of the Czech Republic. I explained the German name to the region, "Maehren", but they had never heard of that, either. To them it was just the name of a beer. I've met Germans who spoke good Spanish and Italian. But that is because they liked to holiday in Spain and Italy, so it became expedient to learn those languages.

Further east during the Cold War, students in Central Europe had to learn Russian. Yet at the conclusion of the Cold War, they all forgot how to speak it. I found out it was a joke among the Czechs about how they couldn't remember a word of Russian. Every one of them I met has said, "I learned Russian in school, but I forgot all of it ". Russians who were living in the Baltic found themselves in a difficult situation after the breakup of the Soviet Union. Where Russian was once the only official language spoken, the indigenous languages suddenly became the de facto language, enforced by the new Nationalist regimes. Suddenly, these transplant Russians found themselves in a foreign country where they didn't speak the language.

English is popular, because of its placement in pop culture. Pop culture and English langauge media is a good teacher. My ex-wife and her daughter are ethnic Hungarians from Western Romania. Now there is a truly bi-lingual group of people, the "Erdelyi" (Transylvanians). Both had some compulsory English classes in school. But both assert that they truly learned to English on TV, not in the classroom. English is the most practical second language to know and its considered "cool" to be knowledgeable in English and a sign of sophistication to be fluent in it. They see German as a mere practicality for people who want to live and work in Germany. But there is no "cool" factor to German, despite its importance in economic situations. Germans seem to agree to some extent. Notice how German pop artists tend to sing in English? Note how the Scorpions sing all their songs in English. When the Scorpions covered a Hungarian, classic rock song ("Gyngyhaj Lany" by the group Omega) they translated the lyrics into English and gave it the title "White Dove" though the original song title means "Pearl-haired Girl". English, not German or Hungarian, is the expedient language for pop music and people who listen to pop music are often compelled to learn a bit of English. And I sense that many Europeans seem to feel if they know decent English, they don't need to bother learning anything else. And us monoglots in the Anglosphere came to the same conclusion. Personally, all I learned after living with two Hungarian females for 13 years is how to curse in their mother tongue.

Iguana Six
12-10-17, 14:40
This thread has been a real downer lately.

I don't see the value in arguments about the metric system, but an analysis of the death is fairly useful.

12-10-17, 16:07
This thread has been a real downer lately.

I don't see the value in arguments about the metric system, but an analysis of the death is fairly useful.http://m.elcolombiano.com/antioquia/...llin-CN7834567

12-10-17, 18:07
If you notice, poster Shoo Bree is a senior member but his posts don't appear right away. That means he is on moderation for previous bad behavior. He just sent me a PM which stated in part:

'it pleases me to know that you will be dead soon. '.

Probably, but also he accused me of voting for Trump and that is truly hilarious.

We can get back to pussy now.

12-10-17, 18:27
http://m.elcolombiano.com/antioquia/...llin-CN7834567Sounds like a scopolamine heist with a darker ending then most, might have given them too much.

"Cuban engineer died after being drugged in a bar in Parque Lleras".

See, just keep out of that dangerous part of town! LOL.

While more crime happens in Centro, more crime to foreigners happens in Poblado and Laureles because that's where the foreigners are.

Mr Enternational
12-10-17, 19:07
Sounds like a scopolamine heist with a darker ending then most, might have given them too much.

"Cuban engineer died after being drugged in a bar in Parque Lleras".
Huh? The article clearly says "Los reportes médicos confirmaron que en el cuerpo del sobreviviente había rastros de un medicamento utilizado como sedante o para el tratamiento de convulsiones y epilepsias. Suministrado en altas dosis, esa sustancia es mortal." So unless scopolamine is used to treat epilepsy...

12-10-17, 20:04
I would not pick up a women in Parque Lleras, that's just me, I avoid the high-charging super pros. But if I did, I'd like to try the old drink reversal. Let her order her drink first, then order the same thing. When the drink arrives go to the bathroom. Upon returning, insist on swapping drinks, telling her it's an old custom in my country. Think that would work?

Huh? The article clearly says "Los reportes mdicos confirmaron que en el cuerpo del sobreviviente haba rastros de un medicamento utilizado como sedante o para el tratamiento de convulsiones y epilepsias. Suministrado en altas dosis, esa sustancia es mortal." So unless scopolamine is used to treat epilepsy...

12-10-17, 20:05
Huh? The article clearly says "Los reportes mdicos confirmaron que en el cuerpo del sobreviviente haba rastros de un medicamento utilizado como sedante o para el tratamiento de convulsiones y epilepsias. Suministrado en altas dosis, esa sustancia es mortal." So unless scopolamine is used to treat epilepsy...Which is why I said "sounds like" instead of "is like". Same MO either way, slip them a micky and then clean them out. Just sounds like maybe they gave them too much. Most likely a overdose of phenobarbital which is used for epilepsy. (other choices are phenytoin, carbamazepine and valproate).

12-10-17, 20:08
I would not pick up a women in Parque Lleras, that's just me, I avoid the high-charging super pros. But if I did, I'd like to try the old drink reversal. Let her order her drink first, then order the same thing. When the drink arrives go to the bathroom. Upon returning, insist on swapping drinks, telling her it's an old custom in my country. Think that would work?I just order something in a sealed bottle and then don't let it out of your sight. I also try to avoid chicks who want to drug & rob me. LOL.

12-10-17, 20:25
He got slipped a mickey. The specific substance is, in my opinion, not as important as the event. It's very good advice to stay aware of who handles your food and drink. It helps to see these reminders regularly.

Huh? The article clearly says "Los reportes mdicos confirmaron que en el cuerpo del sobreviviente haba rastros de un medicamento utilizado como sedante o para el tratamiento de convulsiones y epilepsias. Suministrado en altas dosis, esa sustancia es mortal." So unless scopolamine is used to treat epilepsy...

12-10-17, 20:30
I would not pick up a women in Parque Lleras, that's just me, I avoid the high-charging super pros. But if I did, I'd like to try the old drink reversal. Let her order her drink first, then order the same thing. When the drink arrives go to the bathroom. Upon returning, insist on swapping drinks, telling her it's an old custom in my country. Think that would work?Right. Worked out great in this video:


12-10-17, 20:44

Right. Worked out great in this video:


12-11-17, 03:14
This thread has been a real downer lately.

I don't see the value in arguments about the metric system, but an analysis of the death is fairly useful.That's the nice thing about being an unmoderated member of ISG. You can clog up the forums with chit chat about the metric system and your comments will be instantly posted. For moderated members like myself, we have to keep our fingers crossed that our comments will even be posted. I've personally had two comments that were not posted over the past 18 hours and they were direct responses to what other ISG members had written. In another forum, I saw an entire phone number posted with no redactions or infractions given, from what I could tell. It would be nice if the rules of ISG were enforced equally instead of whatever mood the moderators were in that day.

12-11-17, 03:19
The metric system is based, as I understand it, on the abstract numbers derived from the size of the globe by French crazies during the French Revolution:

"What's a meter? It was originally set equal to one ten-millionth of the length of a longitudinal meridian between the equator and the North Pole. Go ahead, try to picture that in your mind's eye. Or don't bother, because the definition completely changed in 1960 when the meter instead took its basis from the wavelength of krypton-86 radiation. Far easier to grasp. But hold on! It changed yet again in 1983, and now it's the length of the path traveled by light in a vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second. Makes you want to stretch your arm out from your sternum (A Yard) and call it a day. . ."

The US system is very easy: Want to measure roughly a inch? Use the length of your thumb. Want to measure a yard? It is roughly the distance between your sternum and the end of your finger. . . Want to measure roughly 5 feet? Walk 5 paces toe to heel. In short, the old measurement system in the USA is portable and based on human measurements. The metric system was based on abstract concepts beyond the use of the average Joe. America has the right system and doesn't need to change. Lift a "pint" of beer and rejoice!

The gain economically speaking is that metric's system of 10's is much easier than the BS that we use. And for a population as lazy as we are it should have been welcomed with open arms.

World Travel 69
12-11-17, 16:03
This Thread Reports is for information about getting laid in Medellin.


Having traveled Europe extensively since the late 70's, and having lived in Germany and the UK as a private citizen, I do have to agree with the OP. Most Europeans are not competent in any other language other than their own mother tongue and English. While the information in your link does present a different picture, the ideology the EU presents doesn't jib much with reality.

Its true that children are given a multi-lingual education in Europe but that doesn't seem to amount to any amount of foreign language competency in the absence of serious interest. Its not unlike Canada, where Anglophones outside of Quebec learn French in school. Yet I have never met a Canadian from outside Quebec who could speak French, nor wanted to speak French. Whenever I ask them if they can speak French, they seem to think its a odd question. If you are an Anglophone Canadian and you are reading this, maybe you can clarify this.

One thing I have learned about Europeans, based on 4 decades of exposure to them, is they typically don't like their neighbors and aren't too interested in learning their lingo. Dutch speak English as if it is their second native language but make funny faces if you ask them if they understand German or French. Germans are also very good at English, but they absolutely no interest in learning any of the the languages of their Eastern neighbors. In fact, they seem puzzled when I tell them I've visited Eastern Europe, a place they overwhelmingly regard with distaste. There is even a German beer called Moravia, but some Germans I met had no clue that Moravia was a historical nation of the Austrian Empire and the Eastern Half of the Czech Republic. I explained the German name to the region, "Maehren", but they had never heard of that, either. To them it was just the name of a beer. I've met Germans who spoke good Spanish and Italian. But that is because they liked to holiday in Spain and Italy, so it became expedient to learn those languages.

Further east during the Cold War, students in Central Europe had to learn Russian. Yet at the conclusion of the Cold War, they all forgot how to speak it. I found out it was a joke among the Czechs about how they couldn't remember a word of Russian. Every one of them I met has said, "I learned Russian in school, but I forgot all of it ". Russians who were living in the Baltic found themselves in a difficult situation after the breakup of the Soviet Union. Where Russian was once the only official language spoken, the indigenous languages suddenly became the de facto language, enforced by the new Nationalist regimes. Suddenly, these transplant Russians found themselves in a foreign country where they didn't speak the language.

English is popular, because of its placement in pop culture. Pop culture and English langauge media is a good teacher. My ex-wife and her daughter are ethnic Hungarians from Western Romania. Now there is a truly bi-lingual group of people, the "Erdelyi" (Transylvanians). Both had some compulsory English classes in school. But both assert that they truly learned to English on TV, not in the classroom. English is the most practical second language to know and its considered "cool" to be knowledgeable in English and a sign of sophistication to be fluent in it. They see German as a mere practicality for people who want to live and work in Germany. But there is no "cool" factor to German, despite its importance in economic situations. Germans seem to agree to some extent. Notice how German pop artists tend to sing in English? Note how the Scorpions sing all their songs in English. When the Scorpions covered a Hungarian, classic rock song ("Gyngyhaj Lany" by the group Omega) they translated the lyrics into English and gave it the title "White Dove" though the original song title means "Pearl-haired Girl". English, not German or Hungarian, is the expedient language for pop music and people who listen to pop music are often compelled to learn a bit of English. And I sense that many Europeans seem to feel if they know decent English, they don't need to bother learning anything else. And us monoglots in the Anglosphere came to the same conclusion. Personally, all I learned after living with two Hungarian females for 13 years is how to curse in their mother tongue.

Hasideas Tao
12-11-17, 16:17
Just depends who your friends are. Or were.

Moderate is another way to say filter. These boards are in no way a venue for free speech.

Some of the no no's we may understand, some we may not. I find this board, ISG, to be a little more loose. On "the other board" I was banned for not sure what. My hypothesis is that I was banging a chica who fell off the radar and while I was in real world face to face contact with those other moderators, for varios reasons, I didn't want to share. Although, I was never given a reason why I was banned, at this point it really doesn't matter / water under the bridge. I just know that I can't delete any of my previous posts and it seems to me like the moderators were a bit gossipy in exactly the way the rules state not to share info about the forum with outsiders. It is what it is.

That's the nice thing about being an unmoderated member of ISG. You can clog up the forums with chit chat about the metric system and your comments will be instantly posted. For moderated members like myself, we have to keep our fingers crossed that our comments will even be posted. I've personally had two comments that were not posted over the past 18 hours and they were direct responses to what other ISG members had written. In another forum, I saw an entire phone number posted with no redactions or infractions given, from what I could tell. It would be nice if the rules of ISG were enforced equally instead of whatever mood the moderators were in that day.

12-11-17, 17:32
So yeah just wanted to say that Lady, a pretty young thing at New Life, gives an actual great full body massage. Not the lazy in a rush annoyed massage, but that smiling and singing along to the radio and constant relation and elbow grease type of massage. Great attitude for an hour nonstop massaging. I didn't even fuck her I was so tired and relaxed I just paid for my hour and told her I would be back. With that said New Life is a great place, chicaspuntocom lineup was lacking and it was just muggy in there and not a welcoming vibe.

Lleras has some great talent too. Just find the ones that smile and laugh a lot and they will usually work out well.

12-11-17, 19:41
Hey guys,

Can we all be friends and forget our disagreements. Let's not forget the purpose of this forum. It is getting political in the way. I have FOX news for that.

Member #4589
12-12-17, 13:12
Hey guys, I came across this website where this guy posts videos of various latin american women with wide, big thick booties.


Question: What country do you think he's visiting to find these ladies? Do you think I could find similar women like this in Colombia (Medellin or Bogota).

For people with more experience, can these women be found in Brazil or Dominican Republic?

I'm gearing up for a 'Latin Tour' and I essentially want to find women that look like the ones on that site. Looking for quantity and best value for my dollars. Anyone that could point me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Mr Enternational
12-12-17, 14:03

Question: What country do you think he's visiting to find these ladies?In the one picture that is the seal of Peru on the hat the girl has on. In the other picture the radio and sex furniture is Colombia.

Member #4589
12-12-17, 14:12
In the one picture that is the seal of Peru on the hat the girl has on. In the other picture the radio and sex furniture is Colombia.Thanks for the intel. I know Colombia is a big destination, but not Peru.

From what I've read on this forum it doesn't seem like guys particularly care for the pear shaped women.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I should be able to see these type of women relatively easily in Colombia for P4 P purposes correct? Medellin and Bogota should definitely have a good supply of these type of women. Correct?

12-12-17, 14:44
Thanks for the intel. I know Colombia is a big destination, but not Peru.

From what I've read on this forum it doesn't seem like guys particularly care for the pear shaped women.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I should be able to see these type of women relatively easily in Colombia for P4 P purposes correct? Medellin and Bogota should definitely have a good supply of these type of women. Correct?Sure.

I'm a booty man and found big butts all over Colombia. Brazil is famous for their butts but generally in Brazil you will find taller types. Colombians tend to be shorter. Colombia is much cheaper than Brazil and I found Brazil has practically no bareback (unless you really slum it which I didn't).

Something to keep in mind. Bogota and Cartagena will have women from all over Colombia and Venezuela. If you want variety right now Santa Fe in Bogota has tons of chicas of all sizes, and the clock tower plaza in Cartagena. More pussy than you'll ever have a chance to fuck so good chance you'll get what you want there.

El Mechanico
12-12-17, 16:09
One of the biggest PITAs about traveling with other people from the US is translating the distances and the temperature all the time. Look, I get that you can't speak another language because our educational system is shit and does not value it, but the metric system is fucking easy. Do you have twelve fingers and toes? No, unless you are Antonio Alfonseca. You have ten. And if water freezes at zero and boils at 100, can't you figure out 30 or 40? Oh, sorry, I forgot, you have no clue that water boils at 100 and freezes at zero. So in addition to helping you get laid because you can't learn another language, I have to tell you far five kilometers is. You know what? It is five thousand meters. That is how far it is and you owe me so many fucking beers more than you are buying me for translating. Your bus leaves at 17:00. Count it off on your metrically challenged fingers if you have to.One of the best posts I have read on this site. My PITA pet peeve. I gave up a long time ago trying to help people understand math. The average American, and probably everywhere else in the world, cannot divide / multiply by 10, much less 1. 6 (km to miles). Ask them to double the # of Celsius degrees then add 32 & you may as well bang your head against a brick wall. How do people that have to use a calculator to add 10 to a number, make it thru life?? The metric system will never work in the US as long as people here can't figure out 4th grade math. Very Sad!

El Mechanico.

El Mechanico
12-12-17, 16:16
The gain economically speaking is that metric's system of 10's is much easier than the BS that we use. And for a population as lazy as we are it should have been welcomed with open arms.That would mean the US general populous would have to learn something different. That'll never happen here. Several years ago Burger King came out with a 1/3 pounder hamburger as bigger version of their already popular 1/4 pounder. Well, nobody was buying it because, well, 3 is less than 4 so why should I pay more for less meat. Un-phucking-believable!! If that doesn't tell you how ignorant the masses are, you will probably choose a 1/4 pounder over a 1/3 pounder. SMFH!

El Mechanico.

El Mechanico
12-12-17, 16:47
The metric system is based, as I understand it, on the abstract numbers derived from the size of the globe by French crazies during the French Revolution:

"What's a meter? It was originally set equal to one ten-millionth of the length of a longitudinal meridian between the equator and the North Pole. Go ahead, try to picture that in your mind's eye. Or don't bother, because the definition completely changed in 1960 when the meter instead took its basis from the wavelength of krypton-86 radiation. Far easier to grasp. But hold on! It changed yet again in 1983, and now it's the length of the path traveled by light in a vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second. Makes you want to stretch your arm out from your sternum (A Yard) and call it a day. . ."

The US system is very easy: Want to measure roughly a inch? Use the length of your thumb. Want to measure a yard? It is roughly the distance between your sternum and the end of your finger. . . Want to measure roughly 5 feet? Walk 5 paces toe to heel. In short, the old measurement system in the USA is portable and based on human measurements. The metric system was based on abstract concepts beyond the use of the average Joe. America has the right system and doesn't need to change. Lift a "pint" of beer and rejoice!I learn something new everyday. I'm not going to Google it, I'll accept it at face value. Thanks, great intel there.

El Mechanico.

Member #4589
12-12-17, 17:13

I'm a booty man and found big butts all over Colombia. Brazil is famous for their butts but generally in Brazil you will find taller types. Colombians tend to be shorter. Colombia is much cheaper than Brazil and I found Brazil has practically no bareback (unless you really slum it which I didn't).

Something to keep in mind. Bogota and Cartagena will have women from all over Colombia and Venezuela. If you want variety right now Santa Fe in Bogota has tons of chicas of all sizes, and the clock tower plaza in Cartagena. More pussy than you'll ever have a chance to fuck so good chance you'll get what you want there.Thanks a lot for the intel!

I had been debating between DR, Brazil and Colombia.

Seems like Colombia has won the battle. I have a few more questions I'll shoot in a PM.

Lifes ADream
12-12-17, 20:52
The metric system is based, as I understand it, on the abstract numbers derived from the size of the globe by French crazies during the French Revolution:

"What's a meter? It was originally set equal to one ten-millionth of the length of a longitudinal meridian between the equator and the North Pole. Go ahead, try to picture that in your mind's eye. Or don't bother, because the definition completely changed in 1960 when the meter instead took its basis from the wavelength of krypton-86 radiation. Far easier to grasp. But hold on! It changed yet again in 1983, and now it's the length of the path traveled by light in a vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second. Makes you want to stretch your arm out from your sternum (A Yard) and call it a day. . ."

The US system is very easy: Want to measure roughly a inch? Use the length of your thumb. Want to measure a yard? It is roughly the distance between your sternum and the end of your finger. . . Want to measure roughly 5 feet? Walk 5 paces toe to heel. In short, the old measurement system in the USA is portable and based on human measurements. The metric system was based on abstract concepts beyond the use of the average Joe. America has the right system and doesn't need to change. Lift a "pint" of beer and rejoice!Just a few corrections, for most 10-year old, a yard is much longer than the distance between their sternum and the end of their finger, so I guess that they just have to learn that it is the future distance between their sternum and the end of their finger. Oh, and as we're in roughly territory, it is also roughly a meter. And since the US system is so easy, I wonder how many people can say, without looking it up or grabbing a calculator, how many feet or inches are in a mile or how many cubic inches make a pint. Also, this pint you're lifting, is it a US or an Imperial pint?

12-12-17, 23:27
Thanks Dream. Honestly, sincerely, can we leave this topic behind us, consider Dream's post the final word? How did we get on this topic anyway? No, forget that question, it doesn't matter.

Just a few corrections, for most 10-year old, a yard is much longer than the distance between their sternum and the end of their finger, so I guess that they just have to learn that it is the future distance between their sternum and the end of their finger. Oh, and as we're in roughly territory, it is also roughly a meter. And since the US system is so easy, I wonder how many people can say, without looking it up or grabbing a calculator, how many feet or inches are in a mile or how many cubic inches make a pint. Also, this pint you're lifting, is it a US or an Imperial pint?

12-13-17, 00:13
Hello everyone,

I am going to Colombia for the first time in January 2018. I've already booked my flight but have not booked anywhere to stay yet. I am going solo and will be in Bogota, Medellin, and Cartagena. I can't decide if I should get a hotel room or a place on Airbnb. Which would be more chica friendly? Any particular areas in the 3 cities that are better to stay at? I prefer to stay in areas that are safe and near nightlife. I'm looking for recommendations.Ezkesey, I too, will be in Bogota, Medellin and Cartagena next month. I too, have mongered at Habano's Café in Panama City. PM me so we can compare notes and dates.

12-13-17, 01:12
Thanks for the intel. I know Colombia is a big destination, but not Peru.

From what I've read on this forum it doesn't seem like guys particularly care for the pear shaped women.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I should be able to see these type of women relatively easily in Colombia for P4 P purposes correct? Medellin and Bogota should definitely have a good supply of these type of women. Correct?The first thing I quickly realized walking the streets of Colombia is that they got ass! LOL. The internet under represents Medellin asses at least. I remember thinking how is it that nobody told me about the variety you can find here? Many are fake but many are real. Put your mind at ease, you will find exactly what you need.

12-13-17, 02:32
5,280,63,360 and about thirty depending if it is an Imperial pint (larger which is the ONLY good thing about English beer) or not. And I think you mean the first joint of the thumb, not the whole thumb (you know what they say about guys with small hands). Also US currency is appx 15.5 cm long and appx 6. 5 cm wide, and I have had some success using that to help some SAE users get some idea. Sort of. Blind people probably think having all the denominations of bills the same size sort of sucks, although plenty of metric countries such as Argentina do that too. IIRC when the euro was introduced the various sizes of the bills being bigger as the denominations increased, was specifically to help the blind. If I have anything more to say about this, I will put it in chit chat.

12-13-17, 06:07
Hello all,

I've no idea if this is in the right place or you get this all the time but eff it.

I'm a guy from the UK, totally inexperienced when it comes to seeking out paid sex. I've been travelling for a while and I'm up for experiencing some stuff. But the idea of entering that kind of world without knowledge to me, I feel like my naivete will be exploited.

If anyone wants to help a brother out, show a brother round medellin and give tips face to face, hit me up, it'd be truly appreciated.


12-13-17, 09:00
Although my Medellin trip hasn't started yet, I'd like to contribute a bit to the forums since people here have been pretty helpful thus far. Hopefully my experience building up a FB girl list would be useful for other newbies doing the same thing. I'm staying at the Mansion, so the girl list isn't as important, but it could be useful when the pickings are slim there. My main challenge is that I don't speak Spanish, and in the beginning, I had no way to distinguish which girls are both from Medellin and are actually working girls. Additionally, a lot of them didn't respond to my friend request so it was annoying in the beginning. So here I'll share what I learned and how I approached it. Of course what worked for me may not work for everyone.

Creating an FB profile:

I created a new FB profile for this trip. One thing that could always happen is you [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) off a girl and she writes something unwelcomed on your timeline, so to avoid that it's better in my opinion to create a new account. Another thing is that FB is really good at suggesting to your real friends your P4P girls because you have a "mutual friend". I also used a different name because I used my real picture as the profile pic, and I don't want real life people searching for me and finding two accounts. This brings me to the profile pic, this is the most important part of the profile so I picked something that clearly shows my face, and choosing a photo where I dressed well helped me. My first profile pic had me wearing sunglasses and casual clothing, which seemed less effective. I don't think the girls really care about anything else other than the profile pic generally so it should be a decent pic. In the beginning, in my intro I put that I was coming to Medellin in December, and that did not help. Next, you could hide your friend list from other friends and hide from the public. I shouldn't have to explain the risks, but a potential benefit is that it could make it more obvious to some girls what kind of friends you're looking for. Keeping it hidden didn't seem to hurt me in the long run. Lastly, I blocked some of my real life friends who FB keeps on suggesting. If it's suggesting them, it's likely FB will suggest your monger account to them. After a bunch of targeted blocking, my real friends started disappearing from my suggestions list.

Finding girls:

As I posted earlier, my first attempt was to use the Facebook search function for "Medellin chica", "Medellin prepago" or some other search term. I knew I'd be lucky to pull up anything, and as expectation that's not useful. I think what I could have done was to set my city to Medellin and find people "locally", sending out lots of friend requests and messages in hopes that some stick. I didn't try that approach because others in the forums were kind enough to suggest some starter girls. There's another mongering forum with specific Medellin girl reviews, so I picked up a few FB profiles from there as well. Unfortunately most of these girls did not respond in the beginning because I think I had the wrong approach to contacting them. As someone else mentioned in these forums, getting a girl list is slow in the beginning and takes time, but later it starts rolling in. However they mentioned a neat little trick which is that for some of these "starter girls", their friend lists are public, and you can look for gringos in those lists. From those guys some of their friend lists are public as well, and you should find a treasure trove of other working girls. One thing to note is that anyone in Antioquia is a potential friend. Some are from Bello or Itagui for instance. Some girls don't have a city listed, but I just try to add them anyway if they're good looking. I did end up adding someone who was living in NYC and someone else from Brazil though.

My first contact with a (any) girl:

At first I was apprehensive about adding girls that are not working, but, as is when I was finding WeChat girls in the Philippines, you learn it doesn't matter, and if she's cute, just go and send a message with what you want. If they're not working they'll ignore you or block you, and you just move on. I'm sure younger girls on FB, even if they're not known working girls, get bombarded with a shit ton of random friend requests everyday, so a gringo asking for sex for money isn't something they've never seen before. If you do want to be more selective though, girls with butt shot / boob shot profile pics or no actual photo (like some artwork) are most likely working. As for the initial contact, I found that a friend invite + Facebook message worked the best. My first FB message was way too long, explaining I'm from the US, coming in December, a friend of mine told me about you, etc etc. A short message in Spanish (using Google Translate) saying that I'm visiting Medellin, and I would like to meet you was enough to get the point across. Enough to get a short conversation going at least. Some come back and ask when you're coming, where you're staying. At that point I tell them I use a translator and answer their question. All the girls I've started a conversation with had been very sweet, except for the first one who I forgot to tell I don't speak Spanish. She must have gotten annoyed at me for responding slowly or incorrectly.

Facebook magic:

Once you've gotten like 5 girls, look at the suggested friends list in FB and you'll start seeing a lot of girls pop up there. Now these girls have a lower probability than the ones in the gringo friend list of being a prepago, but you can filter out some or if you're adventurous, just add them all.

At the moment I've about 90 girls added to my friend list in about 3 weeks, and I don't want any more. Most likely I'll actually meet maybe 3 of them. In first 5 days I'd spend maybe half an hour a day trying different things, but once I got a process down, it took very little time each day. I think my response rate is about 50%, but I fucked up a lot of my initial contacts, so. Anyways I hear that if you're making an appointment, maybe 1 out of 4 will actually come through so I mentally divide the number on my list by 4. No idea how these girls will work out but some of them seem like they'll be good. Look forward to reporting at the end of my trip.

World Travel 69
12-13-17, 13:09
Come on guys stop screwing up this Thread with Chit Chat.

Put it here:


This thread should be like this Thread:


12-13-17, 14:41
Hey y'all mates & parseros,

A brief of my last month visit to the sexy mamasita capital of the world.

First of all, saying that paisas are beautiful is an understatement. I would say there are no ugly ones. It's like boobjobs as standard equipment fuck yeah. From the very first girl (an immigration officer at MDE) to the last you will be looking at around 80% of all-equipped girls regardless they're pro or not.

OK, enough chit chat. Saturday 04/11 arrived to the Lleras Green hotel around 1 am after Jetblue's FLL-MDE and decided to hit the road at once. Had pre-booked with a venezuelan girl from photoprepagos (Lorena) https://www.photoprepagos.com/lorena-voluptuosa-y-arrecha-tu-diosa-full-oral-te-espero-id-pkh2k and since we build rapport from the whatsapp chat we met at Lleras.

Good fuck, a bit mechanic though but treated me very well. 130 k pesos plus taxy either way and I wasnt charged overnight fee.

And now prepare to laugh your asses off because that my friends was the only prepago I managed to fuck in 10 days at the fucking world's prepago capital. Yes, I'm no kidding.

If dissapointed then skip otherwise if you want to keep laughing at me (or gain insight) keep reading:

The next day I walked to CC Monterrey to buy a sim card for my phone, got into a Tigo (mobile provider) shop and the girl servicing me started to smile. Solid 8.5/10 and as a fisherman I am I decided to throw the bait. Putting my rusty Spanish to the test and even matching the paisa accent I managed to get her number and her finishing time which was in 2 3 hours.

I decided to hit the empanadas kiosks around Poblado station in the meantime thinking WFT? Let's try her. 5 PM and she was waiting for me at the agreed point. Dinner, courting, flirting and yes sir. Sex in my hotel that very same night. Guys but not just sex. It was the very best fucking sex I've ever had. I called her a taxi around 11 pm after she sucked me dry and after she left I made a judgement call. Bear with me:

My budget was $500 for mongering which I calculated to approximately 9 fucks with decently hot girls. Since I'm not much into variety but good sex I then decided to stick with this girl and spent the money in a better hotel and court the girl out. This decision did paid off as I had the best sex I could imagine during 10 days, ended up with a virtual Colombian booty call, ready for me whenever I want via whatsapp (BTW: Whatsapp is free in most Colombian carriers) and ended up spending only a fraction of what I supposed to spend.

And if you're wondering: She never asked for a penny! She didn't even want me to spend in dining out and took me to less expensive (strato bajo) eateries when you definitely get a lot more bang for your bucks without jeopardising flavour (or safety for what matters).

The reason of my success: My spanish. At least I can now say that my mother sturdiness with my siblings and I to keep speaking Spanish at home was somehow useful.

Later loooosers! (Just kidding) See you in my next adventure: Kuala Lumpur.

12-13-17, 15:59
Hello all,

I've no idea if this is in the right place or you get this all the time but eff it.

I'm a guy from the UK, totally inexperienced when it comes to seeking out paid sex. I've been travelling for a while and I'm up for experiencing some stuff. But the idea of entering that kind of world without knowledge to me, I feel like my naivete will be exploited.

If anyone wants to help a brother out, show a brother round medellin and give tips face to face, hit me up, it'd be truly appreciated.

Peace.Look for replies in the General thread.

Fun Luvr
12-13-17, 20:07
...Anyways I hear that if you're making an appointment, maybe 1 out of 4 will actually come through so I mentally divide the number on my list by 4. No idea how these girls will work out but some of them seem like they'll be good.Out of about 100 chicas I have made appointments with, the best I can remember only two or three did not show up. A few were up to two hours late, but they showed up.

12-14-17, 01:04
Out of about 100 chicas I have made appointments with, the best I can remember only two or three did not show up. A few were up to two hours late, but they showed up.Not for me. In the past 2 trips, I have had 4 no-shows out of 12 I think.

12-14-17, 01:30
Daisy- thick, dark skinned (morena) with very cute face. Has bad implants, the implant either moved or was implanted incorrectly. You can feel her natural breast tissue and then a few inches below you can feel the implant.

This girl looks good but has no interest in taking the dick. In mish, she does that move by closing her legs to prevent you from getting all the way in. Then in doggy, she keeps backing into you to prevent you from having room to get a good rhythm going. I was not being aggressive or banging her hard. I even told her that I didn't like it and she shouldn't do that, and she stopped just long enough for me to get a decent rhythm and then started that crap again. I cut the session short. I was pretty annoyed since I had told that I didn't like it. I just stopped and started getting dressed.

This chica had balls to ask for a tip. For the first time ever, I declined a tip. I replied with a firm "NO" and nothing more. I assume that she figured out why but I can't be sure. I had the urge to tell one of the bosses but decided to just leave, I don't need any drama over $17.

12-14-17, 06:34
Good morning Gents was hoping you guys could give me tops for me and my two friends first trip to Medellin. We are renting a 3 bedroom apartment near Parque Lleras off of calle 8. Been to a couple of different countries but would like to know best approach and places for day game, where to go for the night game and if that doesn't work where are the hoes. Best strip clubs etc. LOL.

Thanks fellas!

Fun Luvr
12-14-17, 16:43
... but would like to know best approach and places for day game, where to go for the night game and if that doesn't work where are the hoes. Best strip clubs etc. LOL. If you are referring to "game" as finding chicks to have sex with without paying, your success will be very low. During the day, go downtown to the casas. Late night, go to the strip clubs or hang around Parque Lleras. Probably the best strip club considering price / quality ratio is Fase Dos.

12-14-17, 17:28
Good morning Gents was hoping you guys could give me tops for me and my two friends first trip to Medellin. We are renting a 3 bedroom apartment near Parque Lleras off of calle 8. Been to a couple of different countries but would like to know best approach and places for day game, where to go for the night game and if that doesn't work where are the hoes. Best strip clubs etc. LOL.

Thanks fellas!Somewhere within the 24,400+ post in this thread you would have found the information you seek, if you had taken some time to look.

Best approach for day and night game is to be able to converse in Spanish, at least a basic conversation. Without that minimum, the best approach is to either visit an English speaking country or skip the game and go directly to "the hoes."

If you scroll down the Colombia page you'll find a thread called Medellin Lists. Reading that thread will lead you to the Medellin mongering map and list of addresses, operating hours and prices. Searching through this thread you'll find reviews of the specific locations and also warnings you may want to pay attention to.

Good luck.

12-14-17, 21:29
Good morning Gents was hoping you guys could give me tops for me and my two friends first trip to Medellin. We are renting a 3 bedroom apartment near Parque Lleras off of calle 8. Been to a couple of different countries but would like to know best approach and places for day game, where to go for the night game and if that doesn't work where are the hoes. Best strip clubs etc. LOL.

Thanks fellas!1/2 HR intro to the Medellin adult scene in the vid on this page: (about a 1'50" intro) Vid is a few years old, prices a little cheaper now as the peso has dropped.


12-15-17, 00:59
This is the most pitiful post I've ever seen on ISG. The guys who used to be willing to show you around, well, Noah died in a hail of bullets on La 70 in May 2012. And Colombia Jake, he hung himself in a Colombian jail in January of of this year.

Re tourists, two guys died in Parque Lleras last week, another is in the hospital.

Having said that, the first step is to toughen you up. I suggest you get a room at the Hotel Nutibara, and roughly at sunset, venture out. A $2 k Colombian gift to all and sundry street urchin, and when you see something interesting, take out your cell phone, preferably an IPhone, and film in a leisurely manner. Then, perhaps not long after the sun has set, walk down the block with Conejitas on your right, arriving the corner, take a right, then again some 300 yards up, another right, then that 500 yard stretch, another right, to arrive hopefully where you began. It is recommended you do these things each evening, say for 3 nights.

Hello all,

I've no idea if this is in the right place or you get this all the time but eff it.

I'm a guy from the UK, totally inexperienced when it comes to seeking out paid sex. I've been travelling for a while and I'm up for experiencing some stuff. But the idea of entering that kind of world without knowledge to me, I feel like my naivete will be exploited.

If anyone wants to help a brother out, show a brother round medellin and give tips face to face, hit me up, it'd be truly appreciated.


12-15-17, 01:18
This is the most pitiful post I've ever seen on ISG...My friend, what is the point of your post? If you don't want to help your fellow mongers, just move on. No need to spend time and effort putting together this post. Two guys died last week in Parque lleras, so what! There are folks dying everywhere in the world, every day.

I have been here for 2 weeks now, staying not far from Parque lleras. I am there every day, for coffee, food, etc. It is a nice place to relax and enjoy the best of Medellin. I have never worried about my safety. All one needs is some common sense, which is needed anywhere in the world.

12-15-17, 01:47
. Then, perhaps not long after the sun has set, walk down the block with Conejitas on your right, arriving the corner, take a right, then again some 300 yards up, another right, then that 500 yard stretch, another right, to arrive hopefully where you began. It is recommended you do these things each evening, say for 3 nights.LOL, every time I go to Conejitas I want to go check out Grill Occidental down the right on Carr 52 but that street does look kinda scary at night.

12-15-17, 01:55
If you can't figure it out Lefeu, I'm not going to splain it to you. EOF

My friend, what is the point of your post? If you don't want to help your fellow mongers, just move on. No need to spend time and effort putting together this post. Two guys died last week in Parque lleras, so what! There are folks dying everywhere in the world, every day.

I have been here for 2 weeks now, staying not far from Parque lleras. I am there every day, for coffee, food, etc. It is a nice place to relax and enjoy the best of Medellin. I have never worried about my safety. All one needs is some common sense, which is needed anywhere in the world.

12-15-17, 04:20
Well, I agree with the part about a room at the Nutibara.

This is the most pitiful post I've ever seen on ISG. The guys who used to be willing to show you around, well, Noah died in a hail of bullets on La 70 in May 2012. And Colombia Jake, he hung himself in a Colombian jail in January of of this year.

Re tourists, two guys died in Parque Lleras last week, another is in the hospital.

Having said that, the first step is to toughen you up. I suggest you get a room at the Hotel Nutibara, and roughly at sunset, venture out. A $2 k Colombian gift to all and sundry street urchin, and when you see something interesting, take out your cell phone, preferably an IPhone, and film in a leisurely manner. Then, perhaps not long after the sun has set, walk down the block with Conejitas on your right, arriving the corner, take a right, then again some 300 yards up, another right, then that 500 yard stretch, another right, to arrive hopefully where you began. It is recommended you do these things each evening, say for 3 nights.

Norman Stormin
12-15-17, 12:51
Then, perhaps not long after the sun has set, walk down the block with Conejitas on your right, arriving the corner, take a right, then again some 300 yards up, another right, then that 500 yard stretch, Following your directions, this would put one under the Prado metro station at approximately 7:00 pm (assuming you make it that far). This is precisely the time and place where a Brit blead out after refusing to surrender his immitation gold watch and gold chain in February 2011.

12-15-17, 14:20

I have been here, my 2nd trip, for 2 weeks now. I made a couple friends from my last trip and saw them for the first week. I had met a college student off of SA, Angela and she WAS awesome, total GFE but this time much more like a pro. Before it was fuck, go somewhere, shopping or to eat back to the hotel for more sex. This time we met at a love motel and she was only told me the next day she was annoyed that I wanted to go a second time WTF, I paid for 3 hrs for the room. So she is now home for her Christmas break and won't be back until after I leave.

The second lady I met at Tantra massage got her number and we stayed in contact. I am staying at a hostel and the rooms are not very private, so we have been going to motels. After the first night she told me she does not want my money. So we have been meeting for dinner, I took her to sushi for the first time. So find a girl, treat her right and it can work out better than if you treat her like a working girl.

Went to Fase II for the first time Weds night. It was fun, BUT we had another lady from the hostel with us and a Colombian guy. We or she got alot of attention. Like getting to slip the dildo into the girl on stage and lots of up close pussy viewing. Then the dancers would come around and they would make her feel their tits. I went with a girl, kaily she was natural tits and pretty thin, cost is 190,000 for 45 min. Pretty expensive for Medellin but there was a lot of hot women. I did get Kaily number and will see if she do an hour for 150 k. I have been using tinder and lots of young girls but only one has given me a price, 250 k which is way too much. The focus of this trip is more about learning Spanish so I can get a non pro girlfriend. And looking into apartments for a longer stay. I will post another report in January before I leave.

Black Page
12-15-17, 17:24
Following your directions, this would put one under the Prado metro station at approximately 7:00 pm (assuming you make it that far). This is precisely the time and place where a Brit blead out after refusing to surrender his immitation gold watch and gold chain in February 2011.I have been there walking around many times at any time of the day and of the night, even after midnight.

Said so, just to highlight I am not one who remains at home to be safe, I cannot find the words to blame enough who wrote "I have never worried about my safety. All one needs is some common sense, which is needed anywhere in the world. ".

NO, common sense, unfortunately, may be not enough. Medellin is still not safe, and lots of caution is needed. I am ALWAYS WORRIED about my safety, and being worried is the key to be reasonably safe.

12-15-17, 19:13
I really enjoyed your report. Thank you for writing it. I am confused about your choice of lodging, a hostel with limited privacy. I assume it is for cost reasons but that makes me question the choice of spending Fase II money.

If you aren't already aware, you can get clean and comfortable rooms from $25 to $35 in Centro or in the $50 to $70 range in much nicer hotels in Poblado. You will have privacy. The Centro places are girl friendlier than the Poblado places.


I have been here, my 2nd trip, for 2 weeks now. I made a couple friends from my last trip and saw them for the first week. I had met a college student off of SA, Angela and she WAS awesome, total GFE but this time much more like a pro. Before it was fuck, go somewhere, shopping or to eat back to the hotel for more sex. This time we met at a love motel and she was only told me the next day she was annoyed that I wanted to go a second time WTF, I paid for 3 hrs for the room. So she is now home for her Christmas break and won't be back until after I leave.

The second lady I met at Tantra massage got her number and we stayed in contact. I am staying at a hostel and the rooms are not very private, so we have been going to motels. After the first night she told me she does not want my money. So we have been meeting for dinner, I took her to sushi for the first time. So find a girl, treat her right and it can work out better than if you treat her like a working girl.

Went to Fase II for the first time Weds night. It was fun, BUT we had another lady from the hostel with us and a Colombian guy. We or she got alot of attention. Like getting to slip the dildo into the girl on stage and lots of up close pussy viewing. Then the dancers would come around and they would make her feel their tits. I went with a girl, kaily she was natural tits and pretty thin, cost is 190,000 for 45 min. Pretty expensive for Medellin but there was a lot of hot women. I did get Kaily number and will see if she do an hour for 150 k. I have been using tinder and lots of young girls but only one has given me a price, 250 k which is way too much. The focus of this trip is more about learning Spanish so I can get a non pro girlfriend. And looking into apartments for a longer stay. I will post another report in January before I leave.

12-15-17, 22:39
I used to spend a lot of time in Medellin eight or so years ago and it looks like life is sending me back that way soon as a single man-- so I'm pretty psyched!

Of course, I'm also eight years older now, in my upper 40's, and wondering what I can expect from the non-pros these days. (FYI, I'm pretty fit and have fluent Spanish and good salsa skills). Curious how other guys around my age have been doing with non-pros. I'm just not attracted to anyone remotely near my own age and wondering about the current supply of non-pros in their 20's willing to date older guys. Unmarried / fit women in their early 30's would be great as well.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts!


12-16-17, 00:13
I am confused about your choice of lodging, a hostel with limited privacy.
If you aren't already aware, you can get clean and comfortable rooms from $25 to $35 in Centro Heck, I'd stay at the Hotel Kong for $12 a night before I'd stay at a hostel. (Kong is a love motel).


12-16-17, 02:13
The guys who used to be willing to show you around, well, Noah died in a hail of bullets on La 70 in May 2012. And Colombia Jake, he hung himself in a Colombian jail in January of of this year.
There was another.

Who was the one out of Mayorista who used to feud with AussieGregg? Frank Casio I think it was?

12-16-17, 03:57
I have been there (in centro) walking around many times at any time of the day and of the night, even after midnight...i am ALWAYS WORRIED about my safety, and being worried is the key to be reasonably safe.Somehow you have me confused here. You are always worried about your safety, yet you go to centro at all times of the day and the night. That is bizarre!

Mr Enternational
12-16-17, 05:46
I have been there walking around many times at any time of the day and of the night, even after midnight.

Medellin is still not safe, and lots of caution is needed. I am ALWAYS WORRIED about my safety, and being worried is the key to be reasonably safe.Sounds more like you are vigilant and not necessarily worried. A worried person probably would not put themselves in the situation in the first place if they could help it.

A worried person would avoid the expressway because everyone is going too fast and weaving in and out of lanes, while a vigilant person would understand the dangers of driving on the expressway and take the proper precautions of wearing their seatbelt, using their turn signals, and having their head on a swivel.

So while I am not worried about being in downtown Medellin at all kinds of hours, I am still vigilant about it. I am worried about Caracas so I keep my ass away from there.

12-16-17, 10:28
I used to spend a lot of time in Medellin eight or so years ago and it looks like life is sending me back that way soon as a single man-- so I'm pretty psyched!

Of course, I'm also eight years older now, in my upper 40's, and wondering what I can expect from the non-pros these days. (FYI, I'm pretty fit and have fluent Spanish and good salsa skills). Curious how other guys around my age have been doing with non-pros. I'm just not attracted to anyone remotely near my own age and wondering about the current supply of non-pros in their 20's willing to date older guys. Unmarried / fit women in their early 30's would be great as well.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

SL.You won't have any problems dating hot non-pros in their late twenties. If you live in Medellin and put yourself out there as a serious prospect. You know. Someone that is interested in a serious long term relationship that might lead to marriage, a house and some kids.

If that doesn't sound like something you are interested in. Then you can always stick with the pros.

There is a lot of gray area between non-pros and pros in Medellin. If you put in the time and effort you can find young extremely attractive chicks that will fuck you (or even live with you) for very little, which saves you the time and effort of lying to them about their long term prospects.

12-16-17, 15:45
You won't have any problems dating hot non-pros in their late twenties. If you live in Medellin and put yourself out there as a serious prospect. You know. Someone that is interested in a serious long term relationship that might lead to marriage, a house and some kids.

If that doesn't sound like something you are interested in. Then you can always stick with the pros.

There is a lot of gray area between non-pros and pros in Medellin. If you put in the time and effort you can find young extremely attractive chicks that will fuck you (or even live with you) for very little, which saves you the time and effort of lying to them about their long term prospects.Thanks, man, this makes my day. The gray area with the semi-pros sounds like a good option. Not ready for that marriage / house business again just yet!

Of course I love the pros too, and one of my favorite things about Medellin was how often I'd have a great, almost GF, experience with the girls at places like Energy and Abydos. I loved being able to chase non-pros patiently without the pressure of needing to get to laid.

Just a few more weeks here in the frigid north.


Black Page
12-16-17, 20:21
Sounds more like you are vigilant and not necessarily worried. We have partially disclosed our origin regions. You must be mother-tongue English speaker, I am not.

Somehow you have me confused here. You are always worried about your safety, yet you go to centro at all times of the day and the night. That is bizarre!
Mr E has explained it, about being worried and/or vigilant.
However, I remember some warrior hero claiming a basic truth: a courageous soldier knows what is fear and beats it, limiting risks; someone who does not know what is fear (i.e., never worried) is not courageous, he is irresponsible.

12-17-17, 16:54
I was hoping some of you guys could recommend some good night time casa options. Looks like most centro casas close by about 7 pm.

I know energy is open till 9 pm (though does that mean walk in before 9 or finish before 9?

Basically I am trying to see what options there are other than tourist expensive (Fase! Or pretty sketchy (centro stripclubs at night).

I am a bit leery of going to centro stripclubs as I will be traveling solo and while my Spanish is medium good and I dress pretty local (jeans and t-shirt) I look kind of gringo as my skin and hair are pale.

I will be in town for three weeks this January and hopefully will be able to give some good info back to the forum.

12-17-17, 20:15
I was hoping some of you guys could recommend some good night time casa options. Looks like most centro casas close by about 7 pm.

I know energy is open till 9 pm (though does that mean walk in before 9 or finish before 9?

Basically I am trying to see what options there are other than tourist expensive (Fase! Or pretty sketchy (centro stripclubs at night).

I am a bit leery of going to centro stripclubs as I will be traveling solo and while my Spanish is medium good and I dress pretty local (jeans and t-shirt) I look kind of gringo as my skin and hair are pale.

I will be in town for three weeks this January and hopefully will be able to give some good info back to the forum.My advise would be buy a membership here so people can PM you and set up some meets with some ISG members, meet somewhere for dinner and then cab to the Centro clubs together if you don't want to do the high priced FaseDos / Isla scene. I'd try strip clubs, in descending order- Barre Ejectiva, Conejitas and Maracaibo, all in Centro. 2 are next door to each other and the other is about 3 blocks away. You could cab the 3 blocks if it is later as that stretch is a little sketchy, I have walked it as late as 2 am but I don't recommend it for everybody.

The only late Casa's I know of are at opposite ends of the spectrum with Linda Chicas-24 h I think, a few girls on and she will call for more I think but seemed high price in the last reports, and Yakuza at the low end, opens like 9 to 10 am-ish till 2 am /4 am-ish- very much a lower class locals joint, usually only a few girls on but gets occasional cute ones but it's a very small place, you and a couple locals sitting on a couch while the girls come and go from the back, they do sell beers though and is 45 k for 1/2 HR and no exit fee to take the girl somewhere close by. Which I recommend as the room I used there, the one right off the lobby was not very nice. It did get 1st Place in the Creepy Shack motif division though. Both Casa's are in Centro.

Yakuza-Carrera-50 a # 53-38 -basically behind the Hotel Nutribara which is right across from Botero Plaza-if the cab driver acts stupid tell him the block where the buses to the airport park. Yakuza is behind a mirrored glass door, just left of the Hotel Deseos, I think a love hotel so you could take the girl there.

Casa de Piedra / Lindas Chicas-Calle 58 (Ave Oriental) #50 a-54-behind white metal gate-rock structure.

Conejitas (Playmates) Show Bar-Calle 53 #51-41 Under the big Playboy Bunny ears sign, right across from Plaza Botero.

Ejecutiva Strip Club-Calle 53 (Ave Maracaibo) #49-70 with Club Maracaibo about 2 doors to the left.

(and a bonus picture of Energy which can be hard for some cabbies).

12-17-17, 20:41
Luna Lunera is open and staffed 24/7. The cost is $110 K per half hour. Buying drinks or lady drinks is optional and so are lap dances or anything other than taking a girl to a room for the price mentioned. They do charge for condoms. I can't tell you how much and it doesn't matter if you bring your own. The quality of the girls is generally as good or better than any of the Centro places.

I was hoping some of you guys could recommend some good night time casa options. Looks like most centro casas close by about 7 pm.

I know energy is open till 9 pm (though does that mean walk in before 9 or finish before 9?

Basically I am trying to see what options there are other than tourist expensive (Fase! Or pretty sketchy (centro stripclubs at night).

I am a bit leery of going to centro stripclubs as I will be traveling solo and while my Spanish is medium good and I dress pretty local (jeans and t-shirt) I look kind of gringo as my skin and hair are pale.

I will be in town for three weeks this January and hopefully will be able to give some good info back to the forum.

12-17-17, 20:42
I think this is a perfect response, honest and accurate.

You won't have any problems dating hot non-pros in their late twenties. If you live in Medellin and put yourself out there as a serious prospect. You know. Someone that is interested in a serious long term relationship that might lead to marriage, a house and some kids.

If that doesn't sound like something you are interested in. Then you can always stick with the pros.

There is a lot of gray area between non-pros and pros in Medellin. If you put in the time and effort you can find young extremely attractive chicks that will fuck you (or even live with you) for very little, which saves you the time and effort of lying to them about their long term prospects.

12-17-17, 21:29
I was hoping some of you guys could recommend some good night time casa options. Looks like most centro casas close by about 7 pm.

I know energy is open till 9 pm (though does that mean walk in before 9 or finish before 9?

Basically I am trying to see what options there are other than tourist expensive (Fase! Or pretty sketchy (centro stripclubs at night).

I am a bit leery of going to centro stripclubs as I will be traveling solo and while my Spanish is medium good and I dress pretty local (jeans and t-shirt) I look kind of gringo as my skin and hair are pale.

I will be in town for three weeks this January and hopefully will be able to give some good info back to the forum.Just north of El Poblado is San Diego which has Fase II strip club. It's more expensive than centro though. Strip clubs in Colombia will either have rooms on the premise or a love hotel next door to fuck the chica in.

12-17-17, 21:51
I was hoping some of you guys could recommend some good night time casa options. Looks like most centro casas close by about 7 pm.

I know energy is open till 9 pm (though does that mean walk in before 9 or finish before 9?

Basically I am trying to see what options there are other than tourist expensive (Fase! Or pretty sketchy (centro stripclubs at night).

I am a bit leery of going to centro stripclubs as I will be traveling solo and while my Spanish is medium good and I dress pretty local (jeans and t-shirt) I look kind of gringo as my skin and hair are pale.

I will be in town for three weeks this January and hopefully will be able to give some good info back to the forum.There's a place in Poblado, up the hill from Parque Lleras that says they are open 24 hours. I haven't ventured up there yet, but I've talked to them a few times. They haven't posted anything for a few weeks, so they may be closed.

Search Spaerotic Poblado on Facebook for their page. I believe rates start at 100 k.

I've been told that Lindas Chicas has girls available 24 hours, not sure about on premise hours. I don't know of anything else outside of strip clubs for late night on premise options.

Blue Touch
12-17-17, 22:52
Go to casas before 7 pm. There is no night time casa in El Centro.

I was hoping some of you guys could recommend some good night time casa options. Looks like most centro casas close by about 7 pm.

I know energy is open till 9 pm (though does that mean walk in before 9 or finish before 9?

Basically I am trying to see what options there are other than tourist expensive (Fase! Or pretty sketchy (centro stripclubs at night).

I am a bit leery of going to centro stripclubs as I will be traveling solo and while my Spanish is medium good and I dress pretty local (jeans and t-shirt) I look kind of gringo as my skin and hair are pale.

I will be in town for three weeks this January and hopefully will be able to give some good info back to the forum.

12-18-17, 00:00
Strip clubs are about the only option for "night mongering" if you are not into streetwalkers or the Lleras scene. I get your hesitation for not wanting to go to the Centro clubs alone. It took me a couple of trips to MDE before I felt comfortable in the city to venture into those establishments alone. While I've never had any issues wit the locals, you need to remember most of the dudes at these places are getting shit faced, and snorting lines of coke in the bathroom.

Send me a PM, letting me know when you'll be in town. Then, if you want, I can take you around to check out these clubs and get your tree trimmed for about 70-90 k.



I was hoping some of you guys could recommend some good night time casa options. Looks like most centro casas close by about 7 pm.

I know energy is open till 9 pm (though does that mean walk in before 9 or finish before 9?

Basically I am trying to see what options there are other than tourist expensive (Fase! Or pretty sketchy (centro stripclubs at night).

I am a bit leery of going to centro stripclubs as I will be traveling solo and while my Spanish is medium good and I dress pretty local (jeans and t-shirt) I look kind of gringo as my skin and hair are pale.

I will be in town for three weeks this January and hopefully will be able to give some good info back to the forum.

12-18-17, 07:12
So while I am not worried about being in downtown Medellin at all kinds of hours, I am still vigilant about it. I am worried about Caracas so I keep my ass away from there.I feel more "worried" walking around el centro Medellin than el centro Caracas. Medellin has FAR more thuggy gangmember looking characters than Caracas. And also Caracas isn't crawling with crackheads, glue sniffers, and syringe toting drug addicts like Medellin is. But then again you wouldn't be walking around late at night in Caracas anyway since it's dead at night with nothing going on.

12-18-17, 13:23
Send me a PM, letting me know when you'll be in town. Then, if you want, I can take you around to check out these clubs and get your tree trimmed for about 70-90 k.

Judd.Either I'm too young or too old but I have never heard that expression before! And I can't seem to find it on urban dictionary. What does that mean "getting your tree trimmed"?

12-18-17, 17:32
How does Christmas affect the brothels being open?


12-18-17, 21:30
Either I'm too young or too old but I have never heard that expression before! And I can't seem to find it on urban dictionary. What does that mean "getting your tree trimmed"?There's no tree involved. Look up trim (noun).

12-18-17, 21:47
Luna Lunera is open and staffed 24/7. The cost is $110 K per half hour. Buying drinks or lady drinks is optional and so are lap dances or anything other than taking a girl to a room for the price mentioned. They do charge for condoms. I can't tell you how much and it doesn't matter if you bring your own. The quality of the girls is generally as good or better than any of the Centro places.The nice about Luna Lunera is they have that courtyard you can taxi right in to and out of late at night, keeps you off the streets.

Their website:


And I don't advise Centro at night to novice's to dangerous big city Latin America, at least not solo. Have 1 person who speaks decent Spanish with you, don't wear jewellery or nice watch, don't flash your phone or cash, don't get drunk, don't draw to much attention. Dress like going to Home Depot to pick up lumber.

But on the other hand:

Every Centro strip club chick you do will save you 100 k pesos over every FaseII chick. Not including FaseII cover and alcohol prices. And I have seen some Centro strippers who could work at FaseII, they just didn't like all the rules there. Some hot chicks like to be big fish / small pond. Sometimes you have to wait a bit till the one you will like gets on the floor or shows up to work but there are worse places to hang out. Better on weekends but the hot ones will usually work a couple weekday shifts also.

And every Centro short-time motel chick will save you up to 160 k over FaseII. They are a safer day time pursuit then night though. Again not for the faint of heart.

Surf Looker
12-19-17, 02:33
Hola. Colombia has beautiful women si.


But girls in centro, casa, are average. Maybe fas dos or other strip clubs has above average.

So many never experience with model colombian beauty, like esperanza gomez. Many in mansion, centro, casa are average grirls with braces not models.

So why Colombia so good?? Because of price??

12-19-17, 02:56
Hola. Colombia has beautiful women si.

https://www.instagram.com/modeloscolombianasoficial/Eh, I see a lot of silicone, implants, and collagen injections in those photos. If you put any of those women under hot lights or in direct sunlight, they'd probably start to melt after a few minutes!

12-19-17, 03:59
Hola. Colombia has beautiful women si.


But girls in centro, casa, are average. Maybe fas dos or other strip clubs has above average.

So many never experience with model colombian beauty, like esperanza gomez. Many in mansion, centro, casa are average grirls with braces not models.

So why Colombia so good?? Because of price??First, I would not use those plastic barbies as the barometer for beauty.

Second, if you are looking for models, you are going in with the wrong mindset, probably completely jaded from watching too much porn. The women in Medellin are beautiful, each one in her own way. If you are going in looking with the current mindset, don't waste your time, you will be disappointed.

12-19-17, 07:20
There was another.

Who was the one out of Mayorista who used to feud with AussieGregg? Frank Casio I think it was?When I first went to Medellin about 6 or 7 years ago I used a guy named William. He knows all the places. But I think in the last couple years he has been doing good just doing regular tourist stuff. So, I don't think he does the tours of lady places so much anymore. But I know he will still do it. He probably charges more these days though, and the last couple years he always seems busy. You can Google Best Guide Medellin. He will be the first listed website. Since he always seems busy I don't even tell him when I go to Medellin anymore. We used to be pretty close as friends for awhile.

12-19-17, 11:04
Sammy says this to Frasier Crane who agrees to go out with him to pickup chicks. He also says, "your going to see a beautiful woman from across the room. She's someone that you dream about being with. Now, her friend is for you.” Classic!

Either I'm too young or too old but I have never heard that expression before! And I can't seem to find it on urban dictionary. What does that mean "getting your tree trimmed"?

Black Page
12-19-17, 12:05
Hola. Colombia has beautiful women si.
But girls in centro, casa, are average. Maybe fas dos or other strip clubs has above average.We must have a different concept of "beauty" and "attractiveness". In that gallery, I see lots of silicon and plastic. Not really what may raise my senses and attract me.

In centro and streets, where of course 99% of girls are NOT working neither could be on sale, lots of pure natural beauty to my eyes. I fall in love, literally, every 5 minutes I walk around the streets of Medellin. This does not happen (again, to me) in ANY street of the USA or my country. That's a good reason to move my ass and go there (I am from Europe).

Black Page
12-19-17, 12:07
The nice about Luna Lunera is they have that courtyard you can taxi right in to and out of late at night, keeps you off the streets.What's the reason to keep off the street?
Right across the street of LL, there is (was?) a nice bar with loud music, drinks and of course plenty of local youth. A good place to go, if LL does not offer anything interesting (or with one of the girls, after she ends her shift).

12-19-17, 17:20
What's the reason to keep off the street?
Right across the street of LL, there is (was?) a nice bar with loud music, drinks and of course plenty of local youth. A good place to go, if LL does not offer anything interesting (or with one of the girls, after she ends her shift).Well I spend 99% of my time on foot in Centro so I have no reason but some seem to feel like they are being dropped in the middle of "Operation Phantom Fury", aka The Second Battle of Fallujah and a courtyard drop off might ease their worries some and get them out of the Mansion more. LOL.

12-19-17, 17:57
Anyone know if the new Marriott in Poblado has any issues with bringing girls in? Thanks.

The Tall Man
12-19-17, 19:33
We must have a different concept of "beauty" and "attractiveness". In that gallery, I see lots of silicon and plastic. Not really what may raise my senses and attract me.

In centro and streets, where of course 99% of girls are NOT working neither could be on sale, lots of pure natural beauty to my eyes. I fall in love, literally, every 5 minutes I walk around the streets of Medellin. This does not happen (again, to me) in ANY street of the USA or my country. That's a good reason to move my ass and go there (I am from Europe).I ditto your statements but I seem to fall in love some days about every 3 minutes on average, jejejeje.


Blue Touch
12-19-17, 19:37
It appears, and we all think, that we like girls in Medellin. In actuality we just like weak currencies against our home currencies. Would you go to Medellin for "beautiful girls" if the rate was $1=100 pesos?

First, I would not use those plastic barbies as the barometer for beauty.

Second, if you are looking for models, you are going in with the wrong mindset, probably completely jaded from watching too much porn. The women in Medellin are beautiful, each one in her own way. If you are going in looking with the current mindset, don't waste your time, you will be disappointed.

Surf Looker
12-20-17, 03:36
Yea to each their own. But when people think of Colombian women I think average person will think of silicone and big butts.

Cosmetic surgery, implants that is what Colombia is known for si, like Brazil as well I bet.

For some that maybe beauty others not.

But if you go to Costa Rica. San jose, the colombian women you see there are the ones with silcone as well and want starting 100 cien I think.

We must have a different concept of "beauty" and "attractiveness". In that gallery, I see lots of silicon and plastic. Not really what may raise my senses and attract me.

In centro and streets, where of course 99% of girls are NOT working neither could be on sale, lots of pure natural beauty to my eyes. I fall in love, literally, every 5 minutes I walk around the streets of Medellin. This does not happen (again, to me) in ANY street of the USA or my country. That's a good reason to move my ass and go there (I am from Europe).

12-20-17, 03:47
It appears, and we all think, that we like girls in Medellin. In actuality we just like weak currencies against our home currencies. Would you go to Medellin for "beautiful girls" if the rate was $1=100 pesos?I for one would go. But I'm very into Colombian women.

Even when I jack off I only think of colombianas and they are usually the women I have already fucked.

I think I must enjoy Colombia more than most.

Fun Luvr
12-20-17, 04:10
It appears, and we all think, that we like girls in Medellin. In actuality we just like weak currencies against our home currencies. Would you go to Medellin for "beautiful girls" if the rate was $1=100 pesos?Your question borders on absurdity. You're asking if we would go if the dollar had 3,000% inflation, or the peso had deflation against the dollar of 3,000%. If that happened, I think most of us wouldn't even get on an airplane. If the price of everything was the same as Costa Rica or 20% more, I would still go to Colombia. I think Colombia is that much better.

Black Page
12-20-17, 12:25
Anyone know if the new Marriott in Poblado has any issues with bringing girls in? Thanks.With 99.999% probability, YES. ALL upscale hotels in Medellin, Bogota, Cartagena, most important Colombian cities, DO NOT allow guests to bring other people in room. They must register, pay a LOT surcharge, and in some cases they must even register ON THE FIRST DAY (to avoid casual guests coming during the stay). It's such a well known thing.

Make a search here for "hotels", then for "motel" and "love hotel". Plenty of luxury and low-cost solutions to have some hours of fun with the lover.

12-21-17, 23:20
Are the brothels on a holiday schedule or normal hours?


12-22-17, 06:41
Strip clubs are about the only option for "night mongering" if you are not into streetwalkers or the Lleras scene. I get your hesitation for not wanting to go to the Centro clubs alone. It took me a couple of trips to MDE before I felt comfortable in the city to venture into those establishments alone. While I've never had any issues wit the locals, you need to remember most of the dudes at these places are getting shit faced, and snorting lines of coke in the bathroom.

Send me a PM, letting me know when you'll be in town. Then, if you want, I can take you around to check out these clubs and get your tree trimmed for about 70-90 k.


Judd.Would be great to meet up with you guys. I'm arriving the end of December. Will be there at least 6 months. I've mongered around the world. My Spanish, not so good. Will be taking lessons.

12-22-17, 11:05
Are the brothels on a holiday schedule or normal hours?

Showdown.Holiday hours and not as many women working. Christmas and Easter are big holidays in Colombia where people go spend time with family. Yes, you'll still find hookers but not nearly as many.

Black Page
12-22-17, 11:49
Holiday hours and not as many women working. Christmas and Easter are big holidays in Colombia where people go spend time with family. Yes, you'll still find hookers but not nearly as many.I would be surprised to find any girl working on Christmas. I cannot imagine anything more sad than any girl waiting customers in a brothel instead of enjoying the holiday with family, and even more in Colombia, one of the most Catholic countries in the world.

12-22-17, 16:57
Has anyone stayed here? I hear it's girl / guest friendly. Is that your experience? Any recent feedback? Thanks.

12-22-17, 18:46
Girls will be working, but casas are generally closed. These girls deal with many situations that don't allow them to share you social sensitivity. Some of them are away from their families for various reasons (E. G. Some are unable or unwilling to return to their home countries, especially Venezuela, others are escapees from abusive family situations). Remember that this is how they earn money. Just like us, their expenses increase during the holidays. There is a meme making the rounds on social media of a particularly unattractive old man being kissed and hugged by a pretty young girl. The caption's translation: "the holidays are here, we have to buy clothes and shoes".

I would be surprised to find any girl working on Christmas. I cannot imagine anything more sad than any girl waiting customers in a brothel instead of enjoying the holiday with family, and even more in Colombia, one of the most Catholic countries in the world.

Ty Down
12-22-17, 19:01
Not a chica report but I found this interesting.


12-22-17, 20:04
Geriatric stoner who likes smoking and talking about weed.

Not a chica report but I found this interesting.


12-23-17, 02:43
Has anyone stayed here? I hear it's girl / guest friendly. Is that your experience? Any recent feedback? Thanks.Yes, guest friendly. Good location, English speaking front desk team. I did not stay there, but visited on occasions and saw girls leaving in the morning.

12-23-17, 19:01
I visited Tantra MP in Laureles area. About 7-8 chicas were available, 6-8's on my standard. I picked a girl name Mariana, 22 yrs, all naturals, big boobs with great attitude.

130 mil for an hour. The room was clean with big bathroom. CBJ but she licked my little brother and balls without condom (weird? I tipped her 20 mil.

Anyways, I had a great time and highly recommend this place.

12-24-17, 19:01
I was in Fase Dos last night and most of the girls have gone for Christmas, there were about 13 girls working with few about 15 guys. The girls dropped their prices and some were willing to come back to my apartment for 400 mil.

Does anyone know which Casas and Strip Clubs are open today and tomorrow?

12-24-17, 21:37
400 mil? LOL! That is a Christmas gift I definitely don't want.

I was in Fase Dos last night and most of the girls have gone for Christmas, there were about 13 girls working with few about 15 guys. The girls dropped their prices and some were willing to come back to my apartment for 400 mil.

Does anyone know which Casas and Strip Clubs are open today and tomorrow?

12-25-17, 01:51
Crazy and rare as it is it happened. Not a pro ho or SA girl. Stoked because we hit it off like some kinda cosmic intervention! 167 cm 105 pounds of delicious perfection.

Yea to each their own. But when people think of Colombian women I think average person will think of silicone and big butts.

Cosmetic surgery, implants that is what Colombia is known for si, like Brazil as well I bet.

For some that maybe beauty others not.

But if you go to Costa Rica. San jose, the colombian women you see there are the ones with silcone as well and want starting 100 cien I think.

12-25-17, 02:43
I was in Fase Dos last night and most of the girls have gone for Christmas, there were about 13 girls working with few about 15 guys. The girls dropped their prices and some were willing to come back to my apartment for 400 mil.

Does anyone know which Casas and Strip Clubs are open today and tomorrow?You sure the dropped their prices?

12-25-17, 07:56
This will be my first trip to Medellin and super excited! I'm flying out March 13th and staying until the 19th and I have a bunch of questions. So I'm going with a group of 10 total and none of us speak Spanish very well, do you think we would be able to get around easily with a big group with out any problems? I believe we are staying in El Poblado in an airbnb. What is the best option when trying to meet women? I've read that you can go to strip clubs, massage parlors etc. But I know my guys would like to find women they can take back to the airbnb and have them stay the night for example, going to a local bar or club and picking women up there. So what would be our best options since we don't speak Spanish that well? Also my guys won't listen to me when I tell them that I did the research and that we probably should not be flashy while with out there, I read it everywhere saying don't wear jewelry or flashing clothing and my guys like to flash what should I tell them? Lastly, even though we all came to Colombia for the women we also would like to do so site seeing and finding fun things to do other than drinking and sleeping with women, what else does Medellin have to offer?

12-25-17, 16:15
I wish you good luck because you are going to need it. Search these threads for information about Facebook girls. They are a good option for girls you want to come to your airbnb. You can use one of the many translation (babelfish, google translate, etc.) services to communicate with them via messenger. In case you don't want to bother reading the threads carefully, a very important point is to create a facebook account for this purpose only. It will help avoid friends and family getting wind of what you are up to. Another thing to focus on is information about reasonable prices to pay. You will get unreasonable offers but if you take advantage of information on this forum you will know which offers to decline.

So back to why I think you will need good luck. Any kind of travel is more complicated with a large group. You will attract attention because of the size of the group alone. If you insist on flaunting signs of wealth, you will attract the kind of attention you don't really want to attract. The news is not all bad, one advantage of a group that size is you are much less likely to be attacked. Even well armed criminals would have trouble getting away with going after a large group of men.

This will be my first trip to Medellin and super excited! I'm flying out March 13th and staying until the 19th and I have a bunch of questions. So I'm going with a group of 10 total and none of us speak Spanish very well, do you think we would be able to get around easily with a big group with out any problems? I believe we are staying in El Poblado in an airbnb. What is the best option when trying to meet women? I've read that you can go to strip clubs, massage parlors etc. But I know my guys would like to find women they can take back to the airbnb and have them stay the night for example, going to a local bar or club and picking women up there. So what would be our best options since we don't speak Spanish that well? Also my guys won't listen to me when I tell them that I did the research and that we probably should not be flashy while with out there, I read it everywhere saying don't wear jewelry or flashing clothing and my guys like to flash what should I tell them? Lastly, even though we all came to Colombia for the women we also would like to do so site seeing and finding fun things to do other than drinking and sleeping with women, what else does Medellin have to offer?

12-25-17, 17:05
This will be my first trip to Medellin and super excited! ... I'm going with a group of 10 total and none of us speak Spanish very well, do you think we would be able to get around easily with a big group with out any problems? ... Also my guys won't listen to me ... my guys like to flash what should I tell them? You, sir, are in a world of hurt. This is like every single rookie mistake all rolled into one. Read the forum carefully and I wish you the best of luck.

12-25-17, 19:17
This will be my first trip to Medellin and super excited! I'm flying out March 13th and staying until the 19th and I have a bunch of questions. So I'm going with a group of 10 total and none of us speak Spanish very well, do you think we would be able to get around easily with a big group with out any problems? I believe we are staying in El Poblado in an airbnb. What is the best option when trying to meet women? I've read that you can go to strip clubs, massage parlors etc. But I know my guys would like to find women they can take back to the airbnb and have them stay the night for example, going to a local bar or club and picking women up there. So what would be our best options since we don't speak Spanish that well?March 13th? Excellent! You have about 11 weeks to RTFF and be brought up to speed on how to navigate Medellin.

Also my guys won't listen to me when I tell them that I did the research and that we probably should not be flashy while with out there, I read it everywhere saying don't wear jewelry or flashing clothing and my guys like to flash what should I tell them?Tell them to make sure their medical coverage also applies to Colombia, especially in regards to doctors and hospitals. Your posse sounds like an arrogant bunch that will actively resist any robbery brought on by them flashing smartphones, jewellery, and cash. That situation usually doesn't end up too well in any country.

Lastly, even though we all came to Colombia for the women we also would like to do so site seeing and finding fun things to do other than drinking and sleeping with women, what else does Medellin have to offer?Pick up a copy of Lonely Planet Colombia on Amazon. You don't have to read the entire book, just the chapter on Medellin and the short chapters on towns near Medellin, as there are many cheap, easy, and interesting day trips you can take from Medellin. Also, spend a little time on TripAdvisor in the Medellin forum, as there is quite a bit of information posted there from travelers who have been to Medellin and people who actually live in the city.

Above everything else, make sure you contribute a trip report in this forum when you return.

El Mechanico
12-25-17, 19:38
NCAA college football bowl games.

I am heading down to the MDE tomorrow. Where's the best place around El Centro to watch college football bowl games on TV. Thanks in advance guys.

Merry Christmas to everyone.

El Mechanico.

12-25-17, 20:03
NCAA college football bowl games.

I am heading down to the MDE tomorrow. Where's the best place around El Centro to watch college football bowl games on TV. Thanks in advance guys.

Merry Christmas to everyone.

El Mechanico.I'd guess nowhere in Centro and you'll have to metro / cab to a tourist zone and find a sports bar.

12-25-17, 20:38
you, sir, are in a world of hurt. This is like every single rookie mistake all rolled into one. Read the forum carefully and i wish you the best of luck.+1.


12-26-17, 02:04
Hi all,

I tried to go to New Life today. Today was my first day in Medellin, I had trouble finding the place as I could find no blue door. How would an experienced person do this. I showed the following address to the taxi driver and he took me there, address was there written on the door but there was no blue door. Address that I showed was:

Calle 56 #43-39.

Please can anyone help me with what I am missing. I know it is a rookie question but still.


Fun Luvr
12-26-17, 02:42
NCAA college football bowl games.

I am heading down to the MDE tomorrow. Where's the best place around El Centro to watch college football bowl games on TV. Thanks in advance guys.

Merry Christmas to everyone.

El Mechanico.I doubt you will find any place in El Centro. The only place I know of that will almost for sure have all the games is Patrick's Irish Pub near Parque Lleras.

12-26-17, 06:29

LolWhat the hell does all the vets here know? Right? They will have a great time explaining why one or more of the ten goes home with a stab wound, hurt or in the worst way dead. Really tired of seeing these guys come down here with the arrogance of I'm a bad A. Large group or not, these guys just shoot at any sign of resistance. Yes, please come with the flashy stuff, wear a rolex. Go to central or better go to the barrios. You guys are do what you want. Please do! Can't wait to read the headlines of how stupid gringos come down for sex tourism and get killed. Wait, I read these head lines every month so I guess its normal news now. Oh well.

Let me add one more thing..the vets here are all walks of life..some are even retired military and they offer advice on what not to do..Take it how you will...really.

12-26-17, 07:14
Hi all,

I tried to go to New Life today. Today was my first day in Medellin, I had trouble finding the place as I could find no blue door. How would an experienced person do this. I showed the following address to the taxi driver and he took me there, address was there written on the door but there was no blue door. Address that I showed was:

Calle 56 #43-39.

Please can anyone help me with what I am missing. I know it is a rookie question but still.

Thanks.What you're missing is a blue door. It's bright blue. It's on Calle 56 and it has the number #43-39 right over the top of the door. If you go through the blue door, after a few steps there's a gate. Ring the buzzer. Repeat until you get upstairs.

If you want to try again, I might find someone to go along with you tomorrow.

El Mechanico
12-26-17, 08:07
I doubt you will find any place in El Centro. The only place I know of that will almost for sure have all the games is Patrick's Irish Pub near Parque Lleras.Thanks Guys, looks like it will be Jensen's, Patrick's or Hooters.

Thanks for the last minute intel.

El Mechanico.

Fun Luvr
12-26-17, 14:47
Hi all,

I tried to go to New Life today. Today was my first day in Medellin, I had trouble finding the place as I could find no blue door. How would an experienced person do this. I showed the following address to the taxi driver and he took me there, address was there written on the door but there was no blue door. Address that I showed was:

Calle 56 #43-39.

Please can anyone help me with what I am missing. I know it is a rookie question but still.

Thanks.Learn the addressing scheme in Latin countries. Calles (CL) and Carreras (Cra) intersect. Using the address of New Life as an example, it is on Calle 56 between Carrera 43 and the next higher numbered Carrera. The next higher Carrera is 45 because 44 doesn't go through that area. Like in the US, even numbers are on one side of the street and odd numbers are on the other side. Go to the intersection of Calle 56 and Carrera 43, start walking on Calle 56. If the numbers after the dash are incrementing, you are going in the right direction. If the numbers are decreasing, reverse your direction. In conclusion, New Life is on Calle 56,39 numbers from the intersection with Carrera 43.

12-26-17, 17:40
I read it everywhere saying don't wear jewelry or flashing clothing and my guys like to flash what should I tell them? Tell them to make sure to review their last will and testament and update them as necessary.

12-26-17, 19:04
This will be my first trip to Medellin and super excited! I'm flying out March 13th and staying until the 19th and I have a bunch of questions. ...This is why it's good to avoid in season for these destinations. As a helpful tip here are the months you should avoid:



April (semana santa and the week following it).

August (many European tourists).

December (Christmas time).

Travel is more expensive. There are large groups of sex tourists with no clue how to behave or what to do (or Spanish speaking skills). Prices will go up. Bad shit will go down and places you stayed at will suddenly have curfews and rules.

12-26-17, 22:15
Just got back from Medellin and one thing had me really surprised. Neither Fase II or La Isla charged you for using their rooms?

12-26-17, 22:36
Just got back from Medellin and one thing had me really surprised. Neither Fase II or La Isla charged you for using their rooms?It's just included in the 190 k at FaseII.

12-26-17, 22:41
Hi all,

I tried to go to New Life today. Today was my first day in Medellin, I had trouble finding the place as I could find no blue door. How would an experienced person do this. I showed the following address to the taxi driver and he took me there, address was there written on the door but there was no blue door. Address that I showed was:

Calle 56 #43-39.

Please can anyone help me with what I am missing. I know it is a rookie question but still.

Thanks.Unless they just painted it you are looking for this blue door. It's about 2 doors to the left of Botaniko Bistro which is Calle 56 #43 - 43.

12-26-17, 22:54
As a helpful tip here are the months you should avoid:



April (semana santa and the week following it).

August (many European tourists).

December (Christmas time)..Why March? Only Colombian holiday I see is DIA de San Jose / Saint Joseph's Day, 1st Monday after the 19th.

12-26-17, 23:43
Why March? Only Colombian holiday I see is DIA de San Jose / Saint Joseph's Day, 1st Monday after the 19th.Spring break. Better to go last week or two of February.

Smokers Rule
12-26-17, 23:54
Almost certain I know the answer but can someone who has been there confirm: New Years Eve is a bad time to go to MDE for p4 p, right?

12-27-17, 01:54
Learn the addressing scheme in Latin countries. Calles (CL) and Carreras (Cra) intersect. Using the address of New Life as an example, it is on Calle 56 between Carrera 43 and the next higher numbered Carrera. The next higher Carrera is 45 because 44 doesn't go through that area. Like in the US, even numbers are on one side of the street and odd numbers are on the other side. Go to the intersection of Calle 56 and Carrera 43, start walking on Calle 56. If the numbers after the dash are incrementing, you are going in the right direction. If the numbers are decreasing, reverse your direction. In conclusion, New Life is on Calle 56,39 numbers from the intersection with Carrera 43.Yeah, but that is just the system in Colombia. Other Latin Américan countries have other systems and not too many use carreras. Many use avenidas. San José CR has a quadrant system such that Calle 18 is nowhere near Calle 17. Buenos Aires has a great grid system and all the blocks are 100 meters long. Guatemala may have some type of system but mostly it is just chaos theory. Other cities have virtually no street numbers. So there is no one addressing scheme in Latin countries, at all.

12-27-17, 02:50
Almost certain I know the answer but can someone who has been there confirm: New Years Eve is a bad time to go to MDE for p4 p, right?Traditionally Colombians spend new years eve with family and only later go out to party. When they do go out to party its with family as well. You also have the novios and what not wanting to spend time with their women. Not the best time to go.

12-27-17, 03:26
I will arrive in MDE tomorrow for 10 days. This is my third trip at this time (and have been traveling there for over 11 years). If you know chicas. No problem. They still have bills to pay in January. New Year's eve is almost impossible unless you get invited to a chicas house or you can find a girl whose family does not live in MDE (e. G. , family lives in small towns and girl could not go home; Venezuelans). But other than New Year's eve, never have a problem. My only real problem is too many girls who want to see me (and we know why. $$ and trying to decide which to see.

Traditionally Colombians spend new years eve with family and only later go out to party. When they do go out to party its with family as well. You also have the novios and what not wanting to spend time with their women. Not the best time to go.

12-27-17, 04:15
You did not mention the prevalent system of addresses based on distance from the center city. For example, a house with the address "Carretera Pedro, km. 75" will be located 75 kilometers from the center of the city or town. It's not that different really from numbered streets (E. G. 10th Street).

Yeah, but that is just the system in Colombia. Other Latin Amrican countries have other systems and not too many use carreras. Many use avenidas. San Jos CR has a quadrant system such that Calle 18 is nowhere near Calle 17. Buenos Aires has a great grid system and all the blocks are 100 meters long. Guatemala may have some type of system but mostly it is just chaos theory. Other cities have virtually no street numbers. So there is no one addressing scheme in Latin countries, at all.

12-27-17, 16:22
I am headed to Colombia this afternoon. What should I pay for a taxi between the airport and Hotel M. What is the current exchange rate? I will change couple hundred US at the airport.

I have a six hour layover in Panama City. Is that enough time to taxi and check into the Hyatt pick up a girl do the deed and return to the airport to catch my Medellin flight?

12-27-17, 18:55
You did not mention the prevalent system of addresses based on distance from the center city. For example, a house with the address "Carretera Pedro, km. 75" will be located 75 kilometers from the center of the city or town. It's not that different really from numbered streets (E. G. 10th Street).Yeah, they have that here in Guatemala, although I have not seen it inside towns, only on the rutas. And then there is the 'system' where the numbers on one side of the street don't line up with the ones on the other side of the street, at all. No idea what that is based on but I have seen it several places. I imagine it comes from numbering the buildings starting at some point, but there are more buildings on one side than the other? Wanting things to be completely logical in LatAm is pretty futile, but is of course part of its peculiar charm.

El Mechanico
12-27-17, 20:40
Manuela Restrepo- very pretty Flaquita with awesome naturals but everything was no in the room, She acted like she did not know how to give a massage, wanted the money upfront, no DATY, no this, know that, etc. Etc. Etc. I pull the plug after about 10 minutes, gave her half of the agreed-upon fee and told her to hit the road. Bad service guys, bad service avoid at all cost.

12-27-17, 22:03
I am headed to Colombia this afternoon. What should I pay for a taxi between the airport and Hotel M. What is the current exchange rate? I will change couple hundred US at the airport.http://bfy.tw/FlTC

I have a six hour layover in Panama City. Is that enough time to taxi and check into the Hyatt pick up a girl do the deed and return to the airport to catch my Medellin flight?In Panama City Habanos isn't active until 9 pmish? But you could do it in a New York minute! Unfortunately everything takes longer in Panama City. Probably take you 3 hours just to make it to check in.

12-27-17, 22:22
Manuela Restrepo- very pretty Flaquita with awesome naturals but everything was no in the room, She acted like she did not know how to give a massage, wanted the money upfront, no DATY, no this, know that, etc. Etc. Etc. I pull the plug after about 10 minutes, gave her half of the agreed-upon fee and told her to hit the road. Bad service guys, bad service avoid at all cost.Where did you find this gem? And also decidedly not good looking. Does she have a sister?

12-27-17, 22:55
While going thru my footage and pics from June, found some I hadn't seen yet. Including this happy street reunion with my Centro street girlie Sara. We had met and did a 30 k session the day before, next day we just ran into each other as I was walking from VeraCruz block to Raudal block. Had been looking for her also.

She squealed and gave me a big hug, soon as we said Hello, I asked her to if she wanted to go back to my room this time, and we turned and went!

I offered her 60 k to go to my hotel 2 blocks away but after she stayed 4 hours gave her 150 k. (in pink is her the day before).

Blue Touch
12-28-17, 00:01
I am glad that you did not give money upfront. You handled the situation very good.

Manuela Restrepo- very pretty Flaquita with awesome naturals but everything was no in the room, She acted like she did not know how to give a massage, wanted the money upfront, no DATY, no this, know that, etc. Etc. Etc. I pull the plug after about 10 minutes, gave her half of the agreed-upon fee and told her to hit the road. Bad service guys, bad service avoid at all cost.

12-28-17, 02:49
I am headed to Colombia this afternoon. What should I pay for a taxi between the airport and Hotel M. What is the current exchange rate? I will change couple hundred US at the airport.

I have a six hour layover in Panama City. Is that enough time to taxi and check into the Hyatt pick up a girl do the deed and return to the airport to catch my Medellin flight?I recommend calling up a agency and confirm a talent the day before you leave. Have them meet you at a love motel at a certain time. Then hop right back to airport. Pack light or just leave your bags checked so you don't have to worry about checking in again. If you plan it right, it should go smoothly. On that note. You never know when dealing with the talent so make sure they are reputable.

download xe.com app and you will always be up to date on the exchange rate anywhere

12-28-17, 04:22
I am headed to Colombia this afternoon. What should I pay for a taxi between the airport and Hotel M. What is the current exchange rate? I will change couple hundred US at the airport.

I have a six hour layover in Panama City. Is that enough time to taxi and check into the Hyatt pick up a girl do the deed and return to the airport to catch my Medellin flight?The posted rate is 65 k from the airport to Medellin. Currently, you'll get roughly 2850 pesos per dollar.

12-28-17, 07:48
Manuela Restrepo- very pretty Flaquita with awesome naturals but everything was no in the room, She acted like she did not know how to give a massage, wanted the money upfront, no DATY, no this, know that, etc. Etc. Etc. I pull the plug after about 10 minutes, gave her half of the agreed-upon fee and told her to hit the road. Bad service guys, bad service avoid at all cost.To be honest, I did not even find her that pretty, but definitely flaquita and young. Indeed, she has much to learn about service.

12-28-17, 12:28
Total newbie experience in the M. Two weeks of Duolingo Spanish is all I got under my belt and finished maybe 25% of the exercises. I'm actually good with languages but didn't have to time to study that much before this trip since it was mostly a scouting trip of sorts. Also I'm just doing one giant post because of how hard it is to page flip through ISG.

General thoughts:

- Even a little Spanish goes a long way to breaking the ice with these girls. I think Colombian girls are naturally very open and simply saying a few things to connect will increase the likelihood of good service.

- BBFS is available but you have to ask. I paid between 75 k-150 k more for the service, on average 100 k. I won't name the girls who actually did do it out of their privacy. Also I found that the girls' skills & looks, especially those from the Mansion, made BBFS unnecessary for me for the most part. Besides, most Mansion girls don't do it, and it's generally best to avoid asking them at all. See the next point as well as the Day #5 section.

- Mansion girls and guests are a small world because relatively few people know about it and the girls selected by the owners are hand picked. Everyone keeps mental tabs on each other, guests on guests, girls on girls, girls on guests and vice versa. Build a good reputation and both the girls and guests will treat you well. Again, don't be an idiot in the Mansion!

- Mansion girls don't bring condoms, supply your own or buy from the front desk.

- Directions to the Mansion isn't easy. Give the taxi driver the Mansion business card, or you can just tell the driver to go to Oviedo and walk to the M, which takes 3-4 minutes.

- Banco Colombia doesn't seem to charge an ATM fee and they have at least 3 ATMs across the street (Cr 43 A) from the M. Max withdrawal is 600 k but multiple withdrawals per day is possible. Citibank and Bank Occidental, two other banks near the M, do charge. Schwab should reimburse these fees but I have to see at the end of the month.

- A lot of girls have braces. If that turns you off, it limits your selection.

- You basically pay the Mansion for 1. A protected environment where neither person gets robbed 2. Having instant access to girls who are at least 7's on their face and decent bodies 3. No need to pay extra fees to either take a girl from inside or bring a girl from outside. Compared to a regular hotel with the same facilities, the Mansion charges probably 50% higher. If you're OK with hit or miss, and doing a bit of extra work, you don't need the Mansion at all.

- Dec 23-25 most businesses close early and the Mansion is empty. You work your contacts during those days.

- If girls use a translator to chat with you in English, sometimes they'll have an 'if' where there should be a 'yes' since they don't often write the accent on the si. This can be confusing for non-Spanish speakers.

- If you use a travel credit card that charges no foreign transaction fees, tell the store to use pesos instead of dollars. Sometimes they will do the foreign exchange for you which defeats the purpose of the card's feature.

- Tigo sells the SIM card, data and minutes separately. I found out one day that people weren't responding to my texts and it was because I didn't buy minutes, only the SIM card.

Pre-trip homework:

Built an FB network as described in detail in an earlier post. Just list all my articles to see it. Read both this forum and another forum's girl reviews and "Casa Blanca" trip reports. This forum is more cluttered than the other one with regards to the actual trip content. The other forum automatically changes the word Mansion to "Douchebag Clubhouse" in case you go and read it.

Day 1:

Flying out of my home airport I got to Las Vegas for a COPA flight to Panama, then Medellin. COPA flight out sucked balls. They fly old 737's on both legs of the trip with the ancient in-flight entertainment system that flips out of the overhead area. Since this means there's only 1 show is playing at a time, for non-Spanish speakers, this means trying to sleep for the duration, except they turn on these bright blue lights overhead above the aisles. I've never seen any other airline do this, or at least have lights this bright during "simulated night time". Even Spanish speakers deal with having no in-flight options. So if you fly COPA, bring an eye cover.

Before I left I took a screenshot of Hotel M's address from their website and put it on my phone to show to a taxi driver. I thought it would save a few bucks but it turned out to be not worth it. He had a terrible time finding the location and in the end I had to pull up a cached Gmail email with the M's local phone number and the driver called the hotel. Thank you Google for being able to pull up critical info without internet access. I tipped him because he worked so hard so the tip essentially wiped out the savings, not to mention about half an hour wasted. If I go to the M again, I'd get their own driver. One thing to point out is that there are some guys right when you exit MDE trying to lead you to taxis. They seem official looking, but there's a similar thing in Manila Philippines when you arrive. Those guys in Manila want tips and it's the same in MDE. I refused to tip him. Also I paid the white taxi 70 k, but I thought the rate going from MDE to the city was 65 k, but it was at least lower than another driver who wanted 75 k.

Since I didn't get much sleep for the last 20 or so hours, I didn't have the energy to explore the area much in the first day. I brought yellow pills that I got from Angeles City and I was looking for blue pills to supplement. According to a forum post I read somewhere, this cocktail worked well, so I thought I'd give it a try. I've found that Cialis alone sometimes isn't enough and Viagra doesn't last long enough, although it's possible some of the pills I bought were duds. I later read online that taking them both has no additional effect. Next I was looking for affordable restaurants around the M. This area is pretty posh for Medellin. Super safe but relatively expensive as well. You can compare it to any hip downtown street in a mid-sized US city. I found a Chinese place called Dumpling right across Bank Occidental. Food is alright and cheap, so this should be a go-to place for me given that most of the choices around are western style. Right next to it was a pharmacy where I bought a box of 4 V tablets for 40 k. Hotel M supplies generic V, 2 for 4200 currently, so in the future I'll just get it from them instead. I also got a Tigo SIM card and 1 week of data for 35 k. I could have found these places myself but I didn't have the energy that day. In fact in Day 2, I saw a Tigo shop in Oviedo.

As others have pointed out, Hotel M's facilities are kind of rotting away. Still OK for now but needs renovation at some point. Biggest complaint I have is wifi that disconnects every minute. They replaced their wifi routers while I was there, and during the second half of my stay my laptop disconnects less, but my phone's wifi connection started to have problems whereas it was the opposite problem before. Another thing is no shampoo / conditioner / hair dryer. Is this normal for Colombian hotels? If so then I'll remember next time.

Following the advice of others, I took a photo of the city on my way from the airport and posted to FB when I got to the hotel, and my friend list lit up with holas all of a sudden. I was going to try the cave first so all those contacts are just for future days for now.

Girls were already hanging out around the pool at 4 pm. This being my first time in Colombia, their average beauty level took me by surprise. I've heard M girls aren't even the prettiest, so I'm kinda thinking what those will be like. Anyways, a 7 or 8 with good service is better than a 9-10 with an attitude, and my first day's experience here wasn't disappointing. I didn't pull anyone until I finished dinner, and thanks to pharmaceutical magic, I was able to get two sessions in one night despite getting nearly no rest for the last day. The girls ask for 200 k, and I did pay that the first day. Probably could have negotiated them down to 150 k but there are some girls in the M who do stick to 200 k. Neither girl mentioned taxi money in addition though. First is Camii Solera. I friended her on FB before coming and she was someone who I chatted with more extensively. I didn't know she was at the M, but I'm happy to see her there as she seemed like one of the more friendly ones. Her face is around a 7, but as I later discovered, her body had some childbirth damage. I couldn't get into it as much as I could have due to this fact as well as my long ass flight, but still, she has a good attitude and is forgiving of my lack of Spanish. In between sessions I chatted with a few regulars and got to know a bit about the place. It seems like the hotel is slow now before Christmas, so instead of 30 girls vs 10 guys, it's more like 15 girls vs 4 guys. Next is Kristina Mazo, also a 7-ish face but her body is better than Camii's, despite also having had a kid. Both girls had all natural bodies and did BBBJ. However I had an amazing time with Kristina, her BJ nearly destroyed my dick in a good way, kissing, multiple positions, one of the best sessions I've ever had in my life. Depending on lighting / makeup levels, Kristina can look a little MILF-why but I liked how she looked that day.

Day 2:

Woke with a mild headache which thankfully went away quickly. I made it to breakfast just before closing time. Breakfast was cooked to order and delivered to you. Went out around noon to explore the area. First is Santa Fe mall. Nice modern mall with several levels about a 5 minute walk away. Actually I was interested in the cambio exchange rate and getting some snacks / drinks. The cambio exchange rate turns out to be a lot worse than getting it at the ATM (you lose about 3-6% and if you have Schwab, there are no fees. I brought some USD during this trip which I don't think I will be using. There was a market at the bottom of the mall where I bought drinks like Cokes, beer, and water. Next I went to the Oviedo market, which is another set of shops and restaurants. While having lunch I made an appointment with Jsenia Gutierrez for 4 pm. Waiting for her back at the hotel, I killed some time by chatting up some girls near the pool and hotel guests. Everyone was very friendly and some are very helpful. One person suggested Luna, but I already had a date. I noticed that most guests speak Spanish at least conversationally. Then around 5, J (an ISG member whose wishes to be anonymous) and his friend came around, and before we had much time to talk, Jsenia came by 1 h 30 m late. She 7.5 in the face. We agreed to 150 k over FB but she made me pay for her incoming taxi from Bello, 40 k. WTF? I've never heard of this before on this forum. Well anyways, we get to bed and I could tell she was not into it. Pretty mechanical service, no photos (with clothes) and then she wanted taxi money to go back. I didn't want to argue with her and gave her 30 k. So essentially 20 k more than what I have been paying for Mansion girls. Not a memorable experience considering she wasted a lot of time and the so-so service. However I think it's partly my fault for not breaking the ice as well as I could have and not confirming total price ahead of time.

After this session, J, his friend and I went to this billards place in the Manrique area, which was kind of far from the M (and supposedly not so safe), then we had dinner at a Chinese place near the billards room. Meanwhile girls are still messaging me trying to set up a date on FB, I had to fend them off one by one because I wanted to pull from the Cuerva tonight. J's friend went home while we're eating so I ordered an Uber back for me and J. The Colombia Uber experience was mostly the same as the US and I can still use my US credit card with it. It was weird though, we both tried to sit in the back but he wanted one person in the front. Also no door slamming! I closed the door as I would my own car, which I don't think is slamming but the driver complained. Next time, I gently closed the door. J is a great dude with a lot of experience in MDE, had an awesome time hanging with him and his friend.

We got back around 11:30 and La Cuerva is emptying out. There's this new girl who I saw on the first day, both days she tried to talk to me, but she's too thick for my tastes. I feel sorry for her because I think she's not getting any customers, but she is so nice. Picked a girl named Diane (her FB name is Diane Lov), 9 on the face with an alright body. Tats everywhere, which for me is a turn on. She's thin so no boobs. Service was a little better than Jsenia but Kristina set a very high bar for my time here in Medellin. Diana kept adjusting the condom to make sure it was on which kills the mood a bit. As suggested by another guest, 150 k with BBBJ is all that's required, no taxi. She also did not want to take photos. A girl like her is minimum $400/ HR, most likely with CBJ, where I live.

Day 3:

A couple of girls already messaged me to set up appointments when I got up and I started scheduling them for the next day and beyond.

J, his friend, and I went to Energy around 3 pm. The place is definitely pretty discreet. Selection was very limited with only about 7 girls and no standouts, but I found one that connected with me. Her name is Vanessa and she's 27 years old. She's got decent silicon boobs and a nice ass with a 7-ish face. Not sure if the ass is enhanced or not, but I didn't mind either. She starts with a massage which lasts about 10 minutes, followed by a BBBJ which I asked for before our session started. Sex was good, even though I know she was acting a bit, the acting wasn't bad at all. We finished up chatting as much as we could with my terrible Spanish and gave her a 30 k propina before leaving the room. Casa fee is 150 k. J and his friend decided to stay around the area a bit longer, but I made a 9 pm appointment with Laura (Helen Abby), so I had to get back, eat and prepare.

My 9 pm Laura didn't respond to my FB message by 9, so I had to look for an alternative. I booked Saray (FB name La Morenitha Casthanito) for 11 pm which is the earliest she could get here. She's been messaging me ever since I got here so I thought I'd give her a shot. I also poked down to the Cuerva and damn there were so many hot girls down there, plenty of 8-9's with no guys around them. Supposedly Thursdays are good because girls are looking to make money for the weekend. I was thinking, fuck, I hope Saray was worth it. 1 HR later (midnight) she came. She's an 18 year old morena, meaning darker skin, but not black. She looks a little Filipino except Filipinos have a smaller body usually. Though she had a kid already, her body was banging, natural small be boobs and a big ass. Face is a 6-6.5 but I'd say but the body and attitude made up for it. So following the advice of others earlier in the day, I tried to chat her up some with whatever Spanish I had and she seemed to appreciate it. I'm pretty sure I sound really retarded in Spanish especially with the conjugations, but if I kept it to really simple things like her family and a little about mine, plus some body gestures, I can make an understandable conversation for about 10 minutes LOL. Anyways after an awesome session I gave her 150 k + 20 k tip, then she had the nerve to ask for taxi money, which I denied, but she was still happy with it.

Laura finally responded saying she can make 12 pm tomorrow.

Day 4:

Laura didn't respond around 11 when I asked if she was coming, then messaged me around 12 to say she can make 2 pm, which would probably mean 4 pm. So I was thinking since there are already quite a few girls around the pool I'll pull one for the afternoon. I scheduled Laura for 7, went to the pool and instead of picking one, I got distracted and got caught up in the pool party. All the girls were dressed in bikinis, bumping skin and all, it was great. There was a fat pale girl working today and I kind of wondered how she got in here. She kills some of the eye candy. I talked to Jennifer (Jenifer Penuela on FB) and checking her interest. She's got a tight body but a just OK face, however she's been giving me hints ever since I got here but alas I'll probably save her for another time. The person who I really wanted was Johanna Gallego, who I saw yesterday in the Cuerva. She does not come everyday though. Her face is like a 9 but her speciality is her long red dreadlocks. Fuck, that is so sexy! She's got that punk look going on. Yesterday she was wearing a very low cut shirt where you can see her natural be boobs so she's not lacking in that department either. We'd connected with each other on FB since November so she remembers me. Anyways the plan was to eat then have Laura come at 7, then have Johanna come around midnight. But Laura showed up with no cedula, which was partly my mistake for not telling her. I should have known given her flakiness. Because I know it's going to take like 3 hrs to make her round trip, I scheduled her for 2 am.

Around 8, I asked Johanna if she can come earlier, she says OK. Went down to the cave just to take a look and saw Camii from day 1 who came by and gave me a good grinding and kisses. I gave her 30 k taxi money for her effort. Going out of the M, J and I then walked to Parque Lleras, which takes about 10-15 minutes. Very lively place. I was hoping to see streetwalkers just out of curiosity but nothing obvious. The girls around there are pretty hot, so I got an idea of what the average M girl is compared with an average young / hip non-working girl in Medellin, and they're not too far apart. Not long after I got there Johanna messaged me saying she was at the M so I hurried back. Her session was amaze balls, lots of DFK, touching, boob licking. She's got nipple piercings which made licking her tits really interesting. The only issue maybe is her baby damage. You notice it but it's easy to ignore. She's got 2 kids. Good long BBBJ before sex, and in the end she squeezed my dick as I was coming, a little too hard because it started hurting a bit at the end. Still interesting though. Top notch experience, ranks alongside Kristina during this trip. She allowed several clothed photos in the end. I gave her 150 k for all.

Laura messaged me around 2 saying she's at a party, are you coming? Wtf? Because I gave her the Hotel M business card images twice already. I'm like no and sent the pictures again. She comes and says security won't let her in, messaging me frantically to come down, and starts calling me on FB. Night time manager / security guy Elkin explains that she appears very drunk and he's not going to let her in. He said she smacked him in the face as well. Whether that's true or not, Laura looked completely wasted. She was hot, but the potential trouble was not worth it. This makes a lot of sense given her habitual lateness and the weird conversation I just had with her. I gave her 50 k to go home, and she probably got herself banned from the Mansion.

Day 5.

Yesterday I booked Alejandra (Maleja CaNo Saldarriaga on FB but she sometimes changes it). She was another girl I really had my sights on when I was making my FB list. In the morning we set up to meet at 1-1:30. She did not budge from 200 k but I wanted her specifically. She arrived on time, big surprise! She used to come to the Mansion a lot. Apparently her sister also sells pussy, but is more professional according to a guest that I talked to. She wasn't exactly rushed but wanted to skip the small talk. I think she had something to do that day for her kids, like buying presents. Her face is a 7 but that body is gorgeous! If you're a boob guy you would like her. Natural big see cup, with a natural bubble butt. Very well proportioned everywhere and no visible baby damage. She's not thin, just to be clear, she's got some meat here and there but overall very nice. I started licking those tits, but they're a bit salty so I didn't it do as much. I should have asked her to shower a little before, but it's not bad. I didn't want to give DATY for the same reason. Pounding her in every angle was a visual treat, either the breasts or apple butt. She didn't want to kiss very much and no DFK, which was a negative. I feel like she's going to go shopping right after so she didn't want to mess up her makeup LOL. After our session she immediately asks when is next time and I said I'll think about it. She was worth the money but Johanna was a better value for sure.

Afternoon, went to J's new hotel in El Centro and we decided to do a mini casa run with the help of WT69's casa map. I forgot to bring cash and unfortunately Schwab blocked my account for suspicious activity. Wasted like an hour trying different ATMs and then finally calling Scwhab's collect number to unblock the account. I can dial their collect # using the Tigo SIM, which was fortunate. Linda Chicas was closest to us but they said they open at 7, as opposed to the information on the casa map. Going towards the church near Av Oriental and Calle 57, there were a bunch of TS looking "girls" waiting in the streets. I'm 75% sure but I didn't want to get near them. Next we walked along Calle 57 to a tiny casa along that road. We knew because there were girls hanging out in front. About 4 girls upstairs, but mostly chubby, except a cute and tiny Venezuelan girl with big puppy eyes kept smiling at me. I was thinking whether I should take her or see something better but J picked her. By the time they were done, it was already after sunset and the area doesn't seem so safe anymore, being not well lit. I wanted to see at least one more to see what available in these made-for-local casas vs places like Energy. We saw an open door and basically went up without knowing for sure what it is, and indeed it was a casa. Only 3 girls, and since J is already done, I was picking with two other Colombian guys. The show room is under a dark blue light so you can't even see their faces. So I asked the guy to see them under natural light. They all turned out to be average or below. There's a drunk or high Colombian guy in that casa which made that place somewhat uncomfortable.

Earlier in the day, the front desk told me that although the cave is being renovated, the girls will be at the pool. At around 9 there were no girls. Mind you this is Christmas weekend, so many girls are with their families. A girl came in, saw no guys there and left in about 20 min (I was not interested). I made a verbal agreement yesterday with Yurita (Yurita Lopez) to meet today but no response today. Messaged Andrea (Andre Rameriez) who I met yesterday by the pool. We set up a time at 11:30. She comes on time and she was a bit taller than I thought. I only saw her sitting down before today. Her face is a 7. 5 and has a noticeable but not terrible baby pocket. Anyways we agreed to 250 k "sexo sin condom" and when she arrived, I noticed during the BBBJ she hasn't taken off her panties yet. So I'm like let's go, she's like no we agreed to 250 k for oral without condom only and I won't do BBFS. Is the translation really that bad? Who pays 250 k for BBBJ + CFS? I'm like no BBFS is fine, then 150 k for CFS. Then she's like no, 150 k is for oral without sex. I rejected that ridiculous offer. She gets upset and threatens to leave, fine for me because if it really came down to who was being honest, I have proof of what we agreed to and nothing was forced on her. But I tried to de-escalate the situation, telling her you're a nice girl, let's calm down and work it out. She finally agrees after I agreed to a 20 k taxi fee, does an OK session with no small talk afterwards. It took some time to get a boner back after having to deal with that, ended up being the worst experience thus far during this trip.

Day 6:

The idea today is to go visit Thailyn, the casa girl from yesterday at around 2, eat and then go visit a park or something, which would be a good idea since almost everything's closed down. Went to the place and the guy says she hasn't come yet. They called her and she starts taking a cab here and she'll be here in 30 min. I go eat near the Basilica for an hour because I was pretty sure it'll take longer than 30 min. Come back, she's still not there. Hung around the casa for a few minutes then I asked them to call me when she's here. I was thinking maybe I'd poke my head in a casa or two without taking while I wait. I was heading towards Chicas Punto Com when my phone rang. Time to go back, 1 and a half hours later than first estimated. Thailyn has a 7.5-8 face, dyed blonde hair, small features except a well formed butt. I think VE and CO share a lot of similar genetics, and there's always debate about who has hotter girls. But in this case Thailyn looks different from other Colombians I've seen. Back at the casa, the room was cramped and hot, and if you turn on the fan it blows in your face. She was good at using that small space efficiently, but I knew I couldn't get off in those conditions so I made the best of my time and got her # and WhatsApp. After I was "done". The guys at the casa asked for propinas. Actually they were helpful with English and calling her, calling me etc so 2 mil for each. Casa price is 45 k and I gave her 30 k extra for BBBJ.

I scheduled Thailyn for later tonight after she gets off work. 150 k for 1 hour because supply is limited at this time, and she knows it. Bela Osorio wanted 400 k / HR that night, Lised Salinas had plans, Juana Gomez did not respond, a few girls from previous days were available but nothing terribly enticing. I remind Thailyn to bring her passport since she has no cedula. Had to get dinner first but nothing was open around the area. Elkin (night time manager) helps me order Burger King, which was the only available choice. Guys were sitting near the pool waiting for their appointments, just like I was. Thailyn comes and said that the Elkin is only allowing her to be there for an hour. Later I found out it's because a lot of Venezuelans are here illegally and it's trouble for the Mansion if the police comes and she's illegal. We get to the session and she starts with a nice BBBJ. I love how she looks at me with those gorgeous eyes while her mouth is on my cock. Every position we get to she's looking at me seductively like she wants to be pounded. The experience is so much better with a big bed and a comfortable ambient temperature. We followed with selfies and photos around the M had a good time talking through the translator, broken Spanish and body gestures. I want to see her again but my schedule's packed for the next 2 days.

Day 7:

I had to visit at least one real Medellin sight during this trip, so I took the metrocable to Arvi Park. This is a trip I think new visitors should take because it's very accessible and the views are great at the same time. I walked to the Poblado metro station (20 min or so), get off at Acevedo, ride the gondola as far as you can, buy another ticket for the gondola ride to the top. I think round trip the tickets were around 15 k, extremely cheap for some nice views of the city, as well as views of the slummier areas of Medellin. On my way back, I tried to get money and apparently Scwhab blocked my account the second time. Wasted another 20 min getting it unblocked.

Yurita (from the M) messages me around 1 or 2 pm and I really wanted to see her. She's got a really happy personality, acts kind of girly but she's currently a student. I think she's been at the Mansion for a year but she doesn't appear to be jaded or is really good at presenting herself as a happy girl. We meet at around 5, and when she took off her clothes, she's like a thinner version of Alejandra. By that I mean her tits aren't as big but still amazingly beautiful, and she's also got a few inches less on the waist as well. I think among all the girls I've met on this trip, her body is probably the best proportioned. If you like big tits, that's Alejandra but Alejandra also comes with a little more meat elsewhere. Yurita has Cs or big BS. Her face isn't bad either, a solid 7. But her warm personality completes that package, well I really should say elevate that package to a totally different level. Yurita loves to suck and fuck and she really gets into it. I just love making eye contact with her while we're fucking and it's easy to get lost. This goes beyond a GFE and is more like a PSE!

After our session I was in heaven. I thought we were done so I took out the agreed-to fee 150 k, but I wanted to take some regular photos of her by the pool and stuff. We go back to the room to check the photos and then started kissing and groping again, I started playing with her tits, we took off the pants and off we go for round 2.

After that we started some small talk. I thought again we're done and money's in my hands, but we decided to go to dinner together. How often do you see an average looking dude with a hot Colombian chick around huh? I feel like a stud LOL. Now on the 25th, more restaurants are open, we have dinner, chat in a mix of English and Spanish (she does know a bit of English so it's much easier to talk to her). She helps with finding the restaurant, the taxi directions, ordering, woooooow. Yea I mean usually a guy is supposed to do all that, but come on, I would have just made a fool of myself without conversational Spanish.

I'm supposed to be meeting Johanna for session #2 tonight and she messages me during our taxi ride home from the restaurant. I didn't (actually couldn't) answer for about 30 min but by that time Johanna went inactive. Thailyn from yesterday also messages me but I said I'll think about it, then she goes inactive. Yurita stayed a bit, I told her no more juice left down there, I gave her a 100 k tip, plus the dinner I think compensated for her extraordinary performance and for having spent 3+ hours with me. First time I thought about making a Mansion girl a girlfriend, but in reality everyone knows that's a big no no. Johanna at around 10:30 said she couldn't make it. So I'm beside the pool no Johanna or Thailyn, SOL tonight with the Mansion empty and this being 11:30 pm or so, no one's answering messages. But Marcela Rios apparently just finished a session with another guest and came by the pool to say Hi to an old friend / guest who I was talking with. Marcela and I are connected on FB but never messaged each other, and she doesn't remember me. The mutual friend introduced us, and since they were speaking 100% Spanish I couldn't join in. During this time though I was FB messaging her via a translator, and she's like sure do you want it now or tomorrow? Unfortunately the guy who she just finished with gave her a so-so review, and she does look a little more difficult to connect with if you don't speak Spanish. Her face is like a 9, but she's thin and lacks butt or boobs, which for me is OK. However, just having spent such a great time with Yurita though, I decided to pass.

Day 8.

Alejandra's supposed to meet me at noon but she comes 15 min early. I was still in my bath towel and I asked her to wait a moment, she's like no need, and comes in anyway. She always seems to be in a hurry. Maybe that's why she's never late, but that attitude carries forward to the bed as well. She does a decent session but I think I'm going to stop seeing her because we don't really connect with each other. She's got the best tits of all the girls I met though. After the session I need to pay my hotel bill and there was a rare brown skinned morena girl in the lounge area. She looks pretty hot. If I didn't have everything already set up, I'd take her like right there. Her name is Juliet from Cali. I got her FB for the next trip. A few girls message me, among them, I told Johanna and Kristina I'll say goodbye before I leave.

The guy who was with Marcela yesterday recommended going over to the Iglesia Veracruz for street girls during the day. The instructions were somewhat vague because I don't know the area, but after about 15 minutes I found the place. It's essentially the back of the church on Cr 53 at the intersection with CL 52. Most of them were poor quality, some were doable. For me though doable chicks you can find in other countries for cheaper, so if I'm picking there I'm looking for gems. This is a good option for those on a budget for sure. Maybe if I look more I'll find a 7+, but I didn't see any. My intention was just to find the place and scout the quality so no big deal. There were also quite a few street girls around Parque Botera as well.

I'm supposed to meet Thailyn again at 5. I knew she was going to be late because of traffic around that time but I didn't know she was going to be 3 hours late. While I was waiting, I see an Indian guy who's not a guest at the hotel wanting to check out the cave. Elkin tells him he has to pay the fee and he leaves. Thailyn shows up at 8. I think she finishes work at 6, which I didn't find out until later, then takes 2 hours to prep and come, which is understandable but I just wish they can estimate their time better. By that time I was starting to worry things were closing, but that is not so. Restaurants around here still had lines out the door. We went to Marriot's Nau Sushi Lounge which was pretty much right across the street, recommended by J's friend. Nice posh location, again, I think I'm getting stares because I'm taking this cute girl around while being quite ordinary myself. Thailyn and I connect very well. She seems really into me, which means she's probably pretty fresh. I'm thinking about developing our relationship a bit more, but I'll see if she ends up harding after a while, maybe she won't be as sweet. Anyways we get back to the M, I'm supposed to meet Camii tonight also, and I'm glad she's in the cave so she doesn't see us as we walk to the room. In the room Thailyn starts an oil massage then we end with a very GFE-plus session. 150 k+50 k propina (FYI this propina is way more than what I would pay for a standard Mansion session). Well guys I think it's safe to say that Thailyn is a gem and trying to find someone like her around the Centro casas is very much YMMV. I just got very lucky.

Thailyn leaves, I take a break and call up Camii around 12:30 am. I like Camii, and I think she likes me a bit as well, but she's a smart hardened girl who I can't expect too much from. But among all the Mansion girls I've been with, she probably works the hardest. When I first got to the Mansion, my libido levels were super high and I thought everyone was hot. Now that I got used to it, Camii still looks nice, but after 2 sessions already today, it was a bit harder to finish with her. If I let my dick do the thinking I probably would have went with Johanna, who was also there that night. Camii also fucks hard, and I didn't realize it during my first session with her, but her hip thrusts will slide my body an inch or two up and down the bed LOL. After our session, Camii falls asleep naked on my bed, I checked my phone and Kristina messaged me like, you were supposed to say goodbye to me. I'm like oh shit I forgot, I go out and Kristina and Johanna's right next to the pool. No one else around since it's 2 am. They welcome me with open arms, I sit between them, they grab me and kiss me, put my hand on their boobs etc, I take some selfies with them. But I'm like ah damn, this is good and bad at the same time. I'm enjoying this but they definitely want money and I'm out of both pesos and semen. I only have enough for the taxi out. So I'm like hey I can't do this, I just wanted to say goodbye to you guys. I bought them some beers, more touching and kissing, Johanna was having fun as always, and Kristina's kind of drunk. Kristina goes like, you can go to the ATM right? I refused to do that for various reasons. I think she was disappointed, but I gave them some USD each as that's all I have left. Kristina clearly wanted more, but I told her no can do. Camii wakes up, comes out of my room, sees me talking with her friends, kisses me in front of them, chats with us for 2 minutes and goes home. Not awkward at all, for the Mansion. This is a different world for sure. I had to go pack my stuff so I say goodbye to Kristina and Johanna.

"Taxi" ride to the airport was a private driver that the M arranged ahead of time. It's supposed to be 75 k but the guy asked me for 85. I'm like 75 k is all I have and he's OK with it. COPA flight back was better than the flight to MDE. Still 737's but they have individual back of the seat video panels on this plane.

Final thoughts:

Medellin is different from other places I've been to and the Mansion itself is a surreal place within a much larger pussy paradise. I think Medellin takes more work than other places for an average American simply due to language, but you can get more out of it if you do put in the work. Among the things I didn't do was I didn't check out Fase Dos or any of the lower end strip clubs in Centro. Didn't go to Mayorista (might need a wingman there). I also read Lindas Chicas was supposed to have a big selection among the casas. There were a few FB girls that I wanted to meet but could not schedule. I need to do more sightseeing as well. All that for next time!

World Travel 69
12-28-17, 15:46
I have a theory.

Please let us know?

All even numbers houses are in the South, all odds numbers are in the North. East numbers are even and West numbers are odd.

That is around the whole world. USA Anyway. I think.

You did not mention the prevalent system of addresses based on distance from the center city. For example, a house with the address "Carretera Pedro, km. 75" will be located 75 kilometers from the center of the city or town. It's not that different really from numbered streets (E. G. 10th Street).

12-28-17, 18:17
Day 5.

Yesterday I booked Alejandra (Maleja CaNo Saldarriaga on FB but she sometimes changes it). She was another girl I really had my sights on when I was making my FB list. In the morning we set up to meet at 1-1:30. She did not budge from 200 k but I wanted her specifically. She arrived on time, big surprise! She used to come to the Mansion a lot. I had this chick back in 2013. Invited her straight over to the apartment. Very cute face, but has some crooked-shaped legs, which I didn't like.

Her sister (Mile) was my favorita for a long time. A little bit older, long black hair, has a more Pocahantas color to her, and a nice fat ass. She used to be really into the gym when I met her and had a nice and tight midsection. But she's let herself go a bit over the years (her weight fluctuates; one too many cervesas, LOL).

12-28-17, 20:58
Among the things I didn't do was I didn't check out Fase Dos or any of the lower end strip clubs in Centro. Didn't go to Mayorista (might need a wingman there).If you can walk around the Vera Cruz block alone you'll do fine at Mayorista solo.

The strip clubs are worthwhile, where else can you check out up to 50 girls at the same time?

12-28-17, 23:22
Yes, worldwide odd and even numbered addresses are generally on opposite sides of the street. I hedge on north / south because of the hemisphere factor. Like all rules, this one has exceptions. But they are fairly rare. I noticed in less developed places like the Dominican Republic you will see odd and even numbered addresses on the same side of the street and you will also see the address numbers alternate between ascending and descending order, very confusing. A final note, in Europe you will often find adjacent buildings with addresses such as "42 street X", "42 bis street X", "42 bisA Street X". "Bis" means "annex" roughly and it's used in France. Other countries have versions of the "bis" suffix. That about beats this horse to death.

I have a theory.

Please let us know?

All even numbers houses are in the South, all odds numbers are in the North. East numbers are even and West numbers are odd.

That is around the whole world. USA Anyway. I think.

12-28-17, 23:38
Now that's a trip report!!

Well done Tassss. You showed us how to have a great time!

Total newbie experience in the M. Two weeks of Duolingo Spanish is all I got under my belt and finished maybe 25% of the exercises. I'm actually good with languages but didn't have to time to study that much before this trip since it was mostly a scouting trip of sorts. Also I'm just doing one giant post because of how hard it is to page flip through ISG.

General thoughts:

- Even a little Spanish goes a long way to breaking the ice with these girls. I think Colombian girls are naturally very open and simply saying a few things to connect will increase the likelihood of good service.

- BBFS is available but you have to ask. I paid between 75 k-150 k more for the service, on average 100 k. I won't name the girls who actually did do it out of their privacy. Also I found that the girls' skills & looks, especially those from the Mansion, made BBFS unnecessary for me for the most part. Besides, most Mansion girls don't do it, and it's generally best to avoid asking them at all. See the next point as well as the Day #5 section.

- Mansion girls and guests are a small world because relatively few people know about it and the girls selected by the owners are hand picked. Everyone keeps mental tabs on each other, guests on guests, girls on girls, girls on guests and vice versa. Build a good reputation and both the girls and guests will treat you well. Again, don't be an idiot in the Mansion!

- Mansion girls don't bring condoms, supply your own or buy from the front desk.

- Directions to the Mansion isn't easy. Give the taxi driver the Mansion business card, or you can just tell the driver to go to Oviedo and walk to the M, which takes 3-4 minutes.

- Banco Colombia doesn't seem to charge an ATM fee and they have at least 3 ATMs across the street (Cr 43 A) from the M. Max withdrawal is 600 k but multiple withdrawals per day is possible. Citibank and Bank Occidental, two other banks near the M, do charge. Schwab should reimburse these fees but I have to see at the end of the month.

- A lot of girls have braces. If that turns you off, it limits your selection.

- You basically pay the Mansion for 1. A protected environment where neither person gets robbed 2. Having instant access to girls who are at least 7's on their face and decent bodies 3. No need to pay extra fees to either take a girl from inside or bring a girl from outside. Compared to a regular hotel with the same facilities, the Mansion charges probably 50% higher. If you're OK with hit or miss, and doing a bit of extra work, you don't need the Mansion at all.

- Dec 23-25 most businesses close early and the Mansion is empty. You work your contacts during those days.

- If girls use a translator to chat with you in English, sometimes they'll have an 'if' where there should be a 'yes' since they don't often write the accent on the si. This can be confusing for non-Spanish speakers.

- If you use a travel credit card that charges no foreign transaction fees, tell the store to use pesos instead of dollars. Sometimes they will do the foreign exchange for you which defeats the purpose of the card's feature.

- Tigo sells the SIM card, data and minutes separately. I found out one day that people weren't responding to my texts and it was because I didn't buy minutes, only the SIM card.

Pre-trip homework:

Built an FB network as described in detail in an earlier post. Just list all my articles to see it. Read both this forum and another forum's girl reviews and "Casa Blanca" trip reports. This forum is more cluttered than the other one with regards to the actual trip content. The other forum automatically changes the word Mansion to "Douchebag Clubhouse" in case you go and read it.

Day 1:

Flying out of my home airport I got to Las Vegas for a COPA flight to Panama, then Medellin. COPA flight out sucked balls. They fly old 737's on both legs of the trip with the ancient in-flight entertainment system that flips out of the overhead area. Since this means there's only 1 show is playing at a time, for non-Spanish speakers, this means trying to sleep for the duration, except they turn on these bright blue lights overhead above the aisles. I've never seen any other airline do this, or at least have lights this bright during "simulated night time". Even Spanish speakers deal with having no in-flight options. So if you fly COPA, bring an eye cover.

Before I left I took a screenshot of Hotel M's address from their website and put it on my phone to show to a taxi driver. I thought it would save a few bucks but it turned out to be not worth it. He had a terrible time finding the location and in the end I had to pull up a cached Gmail email with the M's local phone number and the driver called the hotel. Thank you Google for being able to pull up critical info without internet access. I tipped him because he worked so hard so the tip essentially wiped out the savings, not to mention about half an hour wasted. If I go to the M again, I'd get their own driver. One thing to point out is that there are some guys right when you exit MDE trying to lead you to taxis. They seem official looking, but there's a similar thing in Manila Philippines when you arrive. Those guys in Manila want tips and it's the same in MDE. I refused to tip him. Also I paid the white taxi 70 k, but I thought the rate going from MDE to the city was 65 k, but it was at least lower than another driver who wanted 75 k.

Since I didn't get much sleep for the last 20 or so hours, I didn't have the energy to explore the area much in the first day. I brought yellow pills that I got from Angeles City and I was looking for blue pills to supplement. According to a forum post I read somewhere, this cocktail worked well, so I thought I'd give it a try. I've found that Cialis alone sometimes isn't enough and Viagra doesn't last long enough, although it's possible some of the pills I bought were duds. I later read online that taking them both has no additional effect. Next I was looking for affordable restaurants around the M. This area is pretty posh for Medellin. Super safe but relatively expensive as well. You can compare it to any hip downtown street in a mid-sized US city. I found a Chinese place called Dumpling right across Bank Occidental. Food is alright and cheap, so this should be a go-to place for me given that most of the choices around are western style. Right next to it was a pharmacy where I bought a box of 4 V tablets for 40 k. Hotel M supplies generic V, 2 for 4200 currently, so in the future I'll just get it from them instead. I also got a Tigo SIM card and 1 week of data for 35 k. I could have found these places myself but I didn't have the energy that day. In fact in Day 2, I saw a Tigo shop in Oviedo.

As others have pointed out, Hotel M's facilities are kind of rotting away. Still OK for now but needs renovation at some point. Biggest complaint I have is wifi that disconnects every minute. They replaced their wifi routers while I was there, and during the second half of my stay my laptop disconnects less, but my phone's wifi connection started to have problems whereas it was the opposite problem before. Another thing is no shampoo / conditioner / hair dryer. Is this normal for Colombian hotels? If so then I'll remember next time.

Following the advice of others, I took a photo of the city on my way from the airport and posted to FB when I got to the hotel, and my friend list lit up with holas all of a sudden. I was going to try the cave first so all those contacts are just for future days for now.

Girls were already hanging out around the pool at 4 pm. This being my first time in Colombia, their average beauty level took me by surprise. I've heard M girls aren't even the prettiest, so I'm kinda thinking what those will be like. Anyways, a 7 or 8 with good service is better than a 9-10 with an attitude, and my first day's experience here wasn't disappointing. I didn't pull anyone until I finished dinner, and thanks to pharmaceutical magic, I was able to get two sessions in one night despite getting nearly no rest for the last day. The girls ask for 200 k, and I did pay that the first day. Probably could have negotiated them down to 150 k but there are some girls in the M who do stick to 200 k. Neither girl mentioned taxi money in addition though. First is Camii Solera. I friended her on FB before coming and she was someone who I chatted with more extensively. I didn't know she was at the M, but I'm happy to see her there as she seemed like one of the more friendly ones. Her face is around a 7, but as I later discovered, her body had some childbirth damage. I couldn't get into it as much as I could have due to this fact as well as my long ass flight, but still, she has a good attitude and is forgiving of my lack of Spanish. In between sessions I chatted with a few regulars and got to know a bit about the place. It seems like the hotel is slow now before Christmas, so instead of 30 girls vs 10 guys, it's more like 15 girls vs 4 guys. Next is Kristina Mazo, also a 7-ish face but her body is better than Camii's, despite also having had a kid. Both girls had all natural bodies and did BBBJ. However I had an amazing time with Kristina, her BJ nearly destroyed my dick in a good way, kissing, multiple positions, one of the best sessions I've ever had in my life. Depending on lighting / makeup levels, Kristina can look a little MILF-why but I liked how she looked that day.

Day 2:

Woke with a mild headache which thankfully went away quickly. I made it to breakfast just before closing time. Breakfast was cooked to order and delivered to you. Went out around noon to explore the area. First is Santa Fe mall. Nice modern mall with several levels about a 5 minute walk away. Actually I was interested in the cambio exchange rate and getting some snacks / drinks. The cambio exchange rate turns out to be a lot worse than getting it at the ATM (you lose about 3-6% and if you have Schwab, there are no fees. I brought some USD during this trip which I don't think I will be using. There was a market at the bottom of the mall where I bought drinks like Cokes, beer, and water. Next I went to the Oviedo market, which is another set of shops and restaurants. While having lunch I made an appointment with Jsenia Gutierrez for 4 pm. Waiting for her back at the hotel, I killed some time by chatting up some girls near the pool and hotel guests. Everyone was very friendly and some are very helpful. One person suggested Luna, but I already had a date. I noticed that most guests speak Spanish at least conversationally. Then around 5, J (an ISG member whose wishes to be anonymous) and his friend came around, and before we had much time to talk, Jsenia came by 1 h 30 m late. She 7.5 in the face. We agreed to 150 k over FB but she made me pay for her incoming taxi from Bello, 40 k. WTF? I've never heard of this before on this forum. Well anyways, we get to bed and I could tell she was not into it. Pretty mechanical service, no photos (with clothes) and then she wanted taxi money to go back. I didn't want to argue with her and gave her 30 k. So essentially 20 k more than what I have been paying for Mansion girls. Not a memorable experience considering she wasted a lot of time and the so-so service. However I think it's partly my fault for not breaking the ice as well as I could have and not confirming total price ahead of time.

After this session, J, his friend and I went to this billards place in the Manrique area, which was kind of far from the M (and supposedly not so safe), then we had dinner at a Chinese place near the billards room. Meanwhile girls are still messaging me trying to set up a date on FB, I had to fend them off one by one because I wanted to pull from the Cuerva tonight. J's friend went home while we're eating so I ordered an Uber back for me and J. The Colombia Uber experience was mostly the same as the US and I can still use my US credit card with it. It was weird though, we both tried to sit in the back but he wanted one person in the front. Also no door slamming! I closed the door as I would my own car, which I don't think is slamming but the driver complained. Next time, I gently closed the door. J is a great dude with a lot of experience in MDE, had an awesome time hanging with him and his friend.

We got back around 11:30 and La Cuerva is emptying out. There's this new girl who I saw on the first day, both days she tried to talk to me, but she's too thick for my tastes. I feel sorry for her because I think she's not getting any customers, but she is so nice. Picked a girl named Diane (her FB name is Diane Lov), 9 on the face with an alright body. Tats everywhere, which for me is a turn on. She's thin so no boobs. Service was a little better than Jsenia but Kristina set a very high bar for my time here in Medellin. Diana kept adjusting the condom to make sure it was on which kills the mood a bit. As suggested by another guest, 150 k with BBBJ is all that's required, no taxi. She also did not want to take photos. A girl like her is minimum $400/ HR, most likely with CBJ, where I live.

Day 3:

A couple of girls already messaged me to set up appointments when I got up and I started scheduling them for the next day and beyond.

J, his friend, and I went to Energy around 3 pm. The place is definitely pretty discreet. Selection was very limited with only about 7 girls and no standouts, but I found one that connected with me. Her name is Vanessa and she's 27 years old. She's got decent silicon boobs and a nice ass with a 7-ish face. Not sure if the ass is enhanced or not, but I didn't mind either. She starts with a massage which lasts about 10 minutes, followed by a BBBJ which I asked for before our session started. Sex was good, even though I know she was acting a bit, the acting wasn't bad at all. We finished up chatting as much as we could with my terrible Spanish and gave her a 30 k propina before leaving the room. Casa fee is 150 k. J and his friend decided to stay around the area a bit longer, but I made a 9 pm appointment with Laura (Helen Abby), so I had to get back, eat and prepare.

My 9 pm Laura didn't respond to my FB message by 9, so I had to look for an alternative. I booked Saray (FB name La Morenitha Casthanito) for 11 pm which is the earliest she could get here. She's been messaging me ever since I got here so I thought I'd give her a shot. I also poked down to the Cuerva and damn there were so many hot girls down there, plenty of 8-9's with no guys around them. Supposedly Thursdays are good because girls are looking to make money for the weekend. I was thinking, fuck, I hope Saray was worth it. 1 HR later (midnight) she came. She's an 18 year old morena, meaning darker skin, but not black. She looks a little Filipino except Filipinos have a smaller body usually. Though she had a kid already, her body was banging, natural small be boobs and a big ass. Face is a 6-6.5 but I'd say but the body and attitude made up for it. So following the advice of others earlier in the day, I tried to chat her up some with whatever Spanish I had and she seemed to appreciate it. I'm pretty sure I sound really retarded in Spanish especially with the conjugations, but if I kept it to really simple things like her family and a little about mine, plus some body gestures, I can make an understandable conversation for about 10 minutes LOL. Anyways after an awesome session I gave her 150 k + 20 k tip, then she had the nerve to ask for taxi money, which I denied, but she was still happy with it.

Laura finally responded saying she can make 12 pm tomorrow.

Day 4:

Laura didn't respond around 11 when I asked if she was coming, then messaged me around 12 to say she can make 2 pm, which would probably mean 4 pm. So I was thinking since there are already quite a few girls around the pool I'll pull one for the afternoon. I scheduled Laura for 7, went to the pool and instead of picking one, I got distracted and got caught up in the pool party. All the girls were dressed in bikinis, bumping skin and all, it was great. There was a fat pale girl working today and I kind of wondered how she got in here. She kills some of the eye candy. I talked to Jennifer (Jenifer Penuela on FB) and checking her interest. She's got a tight body but a just OK face, however she's been giving me hints ever since I got here but alas I'll probably save her for another time. The person who I really wanted was Johanna Gallego, who I saw yesterday in the Cuerva. She does not come everyday though. Her face is like a 9 but her speciality is her long red dreadlocks. Fuck, that is so sexy! She's got that punk look going on. Yesterday she was wearing a very low cut shirt where you can see her natural be boobs so she's not lacking in that department either. We'd connected with each other on FB since November so she remembers me. Anyways the plan was to eat then have Laura come at 7, then have Johanna come around midnight. But Laura showed up with no cedula, which was partly my mistake for not telling her. I should have known given her flakiness. Because I know it's going to take like 3 hrs to make her round trip, I scheduled her for 2 am.

Around 8, I asked Johanna if she can come earlier, she says OK. Went down to the cave just to take a look and saw Camii from day 1 who came by and gave me a good grinding and kisses. I gave her 30 k taxi money for her effort. Going out of the M, J and I then walked to Parque Lleras, which takes about 10-15 minutes. Very lively place. I was hoping to see streetwalkers just out of curiosity but nothing obvious. The girls around there are pretty hot, so I got an idea of what the average M girl is compared with an average young / hip non-working girl in Medellin, and they're not too far apart. Not long after I got there Johanna messaged me saying she was at the M so I hurried back. Her session was amaze balls, lots of DFK, touching, boob licking. She's got nipple piercings which made licking her tits really interesting. The only issue maybe is her baby damage. You notice it but it's easy to ignore. She's got 2 kids. Good long BBBJ before sex, and in the end she squeezed my dick as I was coming, a little too hard because it started hurting a bit at the end. Still interesting though. Top notch experience, ranks alongside Kristina during this trip. She allowed several clothed photos in the end. I gave her 150 k for all.

Laura messaged me around 2 saying she's at a party, are you coming? Wtf? Because I gave her the Hotel M business card images twice already. I'm like no and sent the pictures again. She comes and says security won't let her in, messaging me frantically to come down, and starts calling me on FB. Night time manager / security guy Elkin explains that she appears very drunk and he's not going to let her in. He said she smacked him in the face as well. Whether that's true or not, Laura looked completely wasted. She was hot, but the potential trouble was not worth it. This makes a lot of sense given her habitual lateness and the weird conversation I just had with her. I gave her 50 k to go home, and she probably got herself banned from the Mansion.

Day 5.

Yesterday I booked Alejandra (Maleja CaNo Saldarriaga on FB but she sometimes changes it). She was another girl I really had my sights on when I was making my FB list. In the morning we set up to meet at 1-1:30. She did not budge from 200 k but I wanted her specifically. She arrived on time, big surprise! She used to come to the Mansion a lot. Apparently her sister also sells pussy, but is more professional according to a guest that I talked to. She wasn't exactly rushed but wanted to skip the small talk. I think she had something to do that day for her kids, like buying presents. Her face is a 7 but that body is gorgeous! If you're a boob guy you would like her. Natural big see cup, with a natural bubble butt. Very well proportioned everywhere and no visible baby damage. She's not thin, just to be clear, she's got some meat here and there but overall very nice. I started licking those tits, but they're a bit salty so I didn't it do as much. I should have asked her to shower a little before, but it's not bad. I didn't want to give DATY for the same reason. Pounding her in every angle was a visual treat, either the breasts or apple butt. She didn't want to kiss very much and no DFK, which was a negative. I feel like she's going to go shopping right after so she didn't want to mess up her makeup LOL. After our session she immediately asks when is next time and I said I'll think about it. She was worth the money but Johanna was a better value for sure.

Afternoon, went to J's new hotel in El Centro and we decided to do a mini casa run with the help of WT69's casa map. I forgot to bring cash and unfortunately Schwab blocked my account for suspicious activity. Wasted like an hour trying different ATMs and then finally calling Scwhab's collect number to unblock the account. I can dial their collect # using the Tigo SIM, which was fortunate. Linda Chicas was closest to us but they said they open at 7, as opposed to the information on the casa map. Going towards the church near Av Oriental and Calle 57, there were a bunch of TS looking "girls" waiting in the streets. I'm 75% sure but I didn't want to get near them. Next we walked along Calle 57 to a tiny casa along that road. We knew because there were girls hanging out in front. About 4 girls upstairs, but mostly chubby, except a cute and tiny Venezuelan girl with big puppy eyes kept smiling at me. I was thinking whether I should take her or see something better but J picked her. By the time they were done, it was already after sunset and the area doesn't seem so safe anymore, being not well lit. I wanted to see at least one more to see what available in these made-for-local casas vs places like Energy. We saw an open door and basically went up without knowing for sure what it is, and indeed it was a casa. Only 3 girls, and since J is already done, I was picking with two other Colombian guys. The show room is under a dark blue light so you can't even see their faces. So I asked the guy to see them under natural light. They all turned out to be average or below. There's a drunk or high Colombian guy in that casa which made that place somewhat uncomfortable.

Earlier in the day, the front desk told me that although the cave is being renovated, the girls will be at the pool. At around 9 there were no girls. Mind you this is Christmas weekend, so many girls are with their families. A girl came in, saw no guys there and left in about 20 min (I was not interested). I made a verbal agreement yesterday with Yurita (Yurita Lopez) to meet today but no response today. Messaged Andrea (Andre Rameriez) who I met yesterday by the pool. We set up a time at 11:30. She comes on time and she was a bit taller than I thought. I only saw her sitting down before today. Her face is a 7. 5 and has a noticeable but not terrible baby pocket. Anyways we agreed to 250 k "sexo sin condom" and when she arrived, I noticed during the BBBJ she hasn't taken off her panties yet. So I'm like let's go, she's like no we agreed to 250 k for oral without condom only and I won't do BBFS. Is the translation really that bad? Who pays 250 k for BBBJ + CFS? I'm like no BBFS is fine, then 150 k for CFS. Then she's like no, 150 k is for oral without sex. I rejected that ridiculous offer. She gets upset and threatens to leave, fine for me because if it really came down to who was being honest, I have proof of what we agreed to and nothing was forced on her. But I tried to de-escalate the situation, telling her you're a nice girl, let's calm down and work it out. She finally agrees after I agreed to a 20 k taxi fee, does an OK session with no small talk afterwards. It took some time to get a boner back after having to deal with that, ended up being the worst experience thus far during this trip.

Day 6:

The idea today is to go visit Thailyn, the casa girl from yesterday at around 2, eat and then go visit a park or something, which would be a good idea since almost everything's closed down. Went to the place and the guy says she hasn't come yet. They called her and she starts taking a cab here and she'll be here in 30 min. I go eat near the Basilica for an hour because I was pretty sure it'll take longer than 30 min. Come back, she's still not there. Hung around the casa for a few minutes then I asked them to call me when she's here. I was thinking maybe I'd poke my head in a casa or two without taking while I wait. I was heading towards Chicas Punto Com when my phone rang. Time to go back, 1 and a half hours later than first estimated. Thailyn has a 7.5-8 face, dyed blonde hair, small features except a well formed butt. I think VE and CO share a lot of similar genetics, and there's always debate about who has hotter girls. But in this case Thailyn looks different from other Colombians I've seen. Back at the casa, the room was cramped and hot, and if you turn on the fan it blows in your face. She was good at using that small space efficiently, but I knew I couldn't get off in those conditions so I made the best of my time and got her # and WhatsApp. After I was "done". The guys at the casa asked for propinas. Actually they were helpful with English and calling her, calling me etc so 2 mil for each. Casa price is 45 k and I gave her 30 k extra for BBBJ.

I scheduled Thailyn for later tonight after she gets off work. 150 k for 1 hour because supply is limited at this time, and she knows it. Bela Osorio wanted 400 k / HR that night, Lised Salinas had plans, Juana Gomez did not respond, a few girls from previous days were available but nothing terribly enticing. I remind Thailyn to bring her passport since she has no cedula. Had to get dinner first but nothing was open around the area. Elkin (night time manager) helps me order Burger King, which was the only available choice. Guys were sitting near the pool waiting for their appointments, just like I was. Thailyn comes and said that the Elkin is only allowing her to be there for an hour. Later I found out it's because a lot of Venezuelans are here illegally and it's trouble for the Mansion if the police comes and she's illegal. We get to the session and she starts with a nice BBBJ. I love how she looks at me with those gorgeous eyes while her mouth is on my cock. Every position we get to she's looking at me seductively like she wants to be pounded. The experience is so much better with a big bed and a comfortable ambient temperature. We followed with selfies and photos around the M had a good time talking through the translator, broken Spanish and body gestures. I want to see her again but my schedule's packed for the next 2 days.

Day 7:

I had to visit at least one real Medellin sight during this trip, so I took the metrocable to Arvi Park. This is a trip I think new visitors should take because it's very accessible and the views are great at the same time. I walked to the Poblado metro station (20 min or so), get off at Acevedo, ride the gondola as far as you can, buy another ticket for the gondola ride to the top. I think round trip the tickets were around 15 k, extremely cheap for some nice views of the city, as well as views of the slummier areas of Medellin. On my way back, I tried to get money and apparently Scwhab blocked my account the second time. Wasted another 20 min getting it unblocked.

Yurita (from the M) messages me around 1 or 2 pm and I really wanted to see her. She's got a really happy personality, acts kind of girly but she's currently a student. I think she's been at the Mansion for a year but she doesn't appear to be jaded or is really good at presenting herself as a happy girl. We meet at around 5, and when she took off her clothes, she's like a thinner version of Alejandra. By that I mean her tits aren't as big but still amazingly beautiful, and she's also got a few inches less on the waist as well. I think among all the girls I've met on this trip, her body is probably the best proportioned. If you like big tits, that's Alejandra but Alejandra also comes with a little more meat elsewhere. Yurita has Cs or big BS. Her face isn't bad either, a solid 7. But her warm personality completes that package, well I really should say elevate that package to a totally different level. Yurita loves to suck and fuck and she really gets into it. I just love making eye contact with her while we're fucking and it's easy to get lost. This goes beyond a GFE and is more like a PSE!

After our session I was in heaven. I thought we were done so I took out the agreed-to fee 150 k, but I wanted to take some regular photos of her by the pool and stuff. We go back to the room to check the photos and then started kissing and groping again, I started playing with her tits, we took off the pants and off we go for round 2.

After that we started some small talk. I thought again we're done and money's in my hands, but we decided to go to dinner together. How often do you see an average looking dude with a hot Colombian chick around huh? I feel like a stud LOL. Now on the 25th, more restaurants are open, we have dinner, chat in a mix of English and Spanish (she does know a bit of English so it's much easier to talk to her). She helps with finding the restaurant, the taxi directions, ordering, woooooow. Yea I mean usually a guy is supposed to do all that, but come on, I would have just made a fool of myself without conversational Spanish.

I'm supposed to be meeting Johanna for session #2 tonight and she messages me during our taxi ride home from the restaurant. I didn't (actually couldn't) answer for about 30 min but by that time Johanna went inactive. Thailyn from yesterday also messages me but I said I'll think about it, then she goes inactive. Yurita stayed a bit, I told her no more juice left down there, I gave her a 100 k tip, plus the dinner I think compensated for her extraordinary performance and for having spent 3+ hours with me. First time I thought about making a Mansion girl a girlfriend, but in reality everyone knows that's a big no no. Johanna at around 10:30 said she couldn't make it. So I'm beside the pool no Johanna or Thailyn, SOL tonight with the Mansion empty and this being 11:30 pm or so, no one's answering messages. But Marcela Rios apparently just finished a session with another guest and came by the pool to say Hi to an old friend / guest who I was talking with. Marcela and I are connected on FB but never messaged each other, and she doesn't remember me. The mutual friend introduced us, and since they were speaking 100% Spanish I couldn't join in. During this time though I was FB messaging her via a translator, and she's like sure do you want it now or tomorrow? Unfortunately the guy who she just finished with gave her a so-so review, and she does look a little more difficult to connect with if you don't speak Spanish. Her face is like a 9, but she's thin and lacks butt or boobs, which for me is OK. However, just having spent such a great time with Yurita though, I decided to pass.

Day 8.

Alejandra's supposed to meet me at noon but she comes 15 min early. I was still in my bath towel and I asked her to wait a moment, she's like no need, and comes in anyway. She always seems to be in a hurry. Maybe that's why she's never late, but that attitude carries forward to the bed as well. She does a decent session but I think I'm going to stop seeing her because we don't really connect with each other. She's got the best tits of all the girls I met though. After the session I need to pay my hotel bill and there was a rare brown skinned morena girl in the lounge area. She looks pretty hot. If I didn't have everything already set up, I'd take her like right there. Her name is Juliet from Cali. I got her FB for the next trip. A few girls message me, among them, I told Johanna and Kristina I'll say goodbye before I leave.

The guy who was with Marcela yesterday recommended going over to the Iglesia Veracruz for street girls during the day. The instructions were somewhat vague because I don't know the area, but after about 15 minutes I found the place. It's essentially the back of the church on Cr 53 at the intersection with CL 52. Most of them were poor quality, some were doable. For me though doable chicks you can find in other countries for cheaper, so if I'm picking there I'm looking for gems. This is a good option for those on a budget for sure. Maybe if I look more I'll find a 7+, but I didn't see any. My intention was just to find the place and scout the quality so no big deal. There were also quite a few street girls around Parque Botera as well.

I'm supposed to meet Thailyn again at 5. I knew she was going to be late because of traffic around that time but I didn't know she was going to be 3 hours late. While I was waiting, I see an Indian guy who's not a guest at the hotel wanting to check out the cave. Elkin tells him he has to pay the fee and he leaves. Thailyn shows up at 8. I think she finishes work at 6, which I didn't find out until later, then takes 2 hours to prep and come, which is understandable but I just wish they can estimate their time better. By that time I was starting to worry things were closing, but that is not so. Restaurants around here still had lines out the door. We went to Marriot's Nau Sushi Lounge which was pretty much right across the street, recommended by J's friend. Nice posh location, again, I think I'm getting stares because I'm taking this cute girl around while being quite ordinary myself. Thailyn and I connect very well. She seems really into me, which means she's probably pretty fresh. I'm thinking about developing our relationship a bit more, but I'll see if she ends up harding after a while, maybe she won't be as sweet. Anyways we get back to the M, I'm supposed to meet Camii tonight also, and I'm glad she's in the cave so she doesn't see us as we walk to the room. In the room Thailyn starts an oil massage then we end with a very GFE-plus session. 150 k+50 k propina (FYI this propina is way more than what I would pay for a standard Mansion session). Well guys I think it's safe to say that Thailyn is a gem and trying to find someone like her around the Centro casas is very much YMMV. I just got very lucky.

Thailyn leaves, I take a break and call up Camii around 12:30 am. I like Camii, and I think she likes me a bit as well, but she's a smart hardened girl who I can't expect too much from. But among all the Mansion girls I've been with, she probably works the hardest. When I first got to the Mansion, my libido levels were super high and I thought everyone was hot. Now that I got used to it, Camii still looks nice, but after 2 sessions already today, it was a bit harder to finish with her. If I let my dick do the thinking I probably would have went with Johanna, who was also there that night. Camii also fucks hard, and I didn't realize it during my first session with her, but her hip thrusts will slide my body an inch or two up and down the bed LOL. After our session, Camii falls asleep naked on my bed, I checked my phone and Kristina messaged me like, you were supposed to say goodbye to me. I'm like oh shit I forgot, I go out and Kristina and Johanna's right next to the pool. No one else around since it's 2 am. They welcome me with open arms, I sit between them, they grab me and kiss me, put my hand on their boobs etc, I take some selfies with them. But I'm like ah damn, this is good and bad at the same time. I'm enjoying this but they definitely want money and I'm out of both pesos and semen. I only have enough for the taxi out. So I'm like hey I can't do this, I just wanted to say goodbye to you guys. I bought them some beers, more touching and kissing, Johanna was having fun as always, and Kristina's kind of drunk. Kristina goes like, you can go to the ATM right? I refused to do that for various reasons. I think she was disappointed, but I gave them some USD each as that's all I have left. Kristina clearly wanted more, but I told her no can do. Camii wakes up, comes out of my room, sees me talking with her friends, kisses me in front of them, chats with us for 2 minutes and goes home. Not awkward at all, for the Mansion. This is a different world for sure. I had to go pack my stuff so I say goodbye to Kristina and Johanna.

"Taxi" ride to the airport was a private driver that the M arranged ahead of time. It's supposed to be 75 k but the guy asked me for 85. I'm like 75 k is all I have and he's OK with it. COPA flight back was better than the flight to MDE. Still 737's but they have individual back of the seat video panels on this plane.

Final thoughts:

Medellin is different from other places I've been to and the Mansion itself is a surreal place within a much larger pussy paradise. I think Medellin takes more work than other places for an average American simply due to language, but you can get more out of it if you do put in the work. Among the things I didn't do was I didn't check out Fase Dos or any of the lower end strip clubs in Centro. Didn't go to Mayorista (might need a wingman there). I also read Lindas Chicas was supposed to have a big selection among the casas. There were a few FB girls that I wanted to meet but could not schedule. I need to do more sightseeing as well. All that for next time!

12-29-17, 00:33
Vera Cruz 30 k ($10) girls who I am missing so much now that I am home.

First 3 pics, Snapshot #4, #5 & #24 are various.

Kicking myself now for not spending $10 on the chick in #9 in the white top with head-band. Or her cute little friend with the big rack in #8.

I also ran into my Centro spinner Luisa 3 months before I met her in Sept it turns out. (she was the one who had lost her ID and didn't replace it till I was otw to airport). These pics are all from June.

In #10 I am walking towards her in the blue suspenders standing next to her GF with the shorts and half shirt with a heart on it. I ended up talking to her GF for a sec but Luisa looks a lot different then she did 3 months later with makeup and streaked hair etc (as in final pic). Her GF claimed to have ID but I was looking for Sara and moved on.

In #13 her GF starts giving me the eye and then in #12 I am getting the full treatment. LOL. And that's Luisa in pic #15 looking decidedly unhappy and then the last pic is what she looks like in Sept.

Iguana Six
12-29-17, 02:10
Now that's a trip report!!

Well done Tassss. You showed us how to have a great time!Report of Distinction material, here! Kudos to Tasssss.

Fun Luvr
12-29-17, 03:16
Now that's a trip report!!

Well done Tassss. You showed us how to have a great time!Just to say it is a good report. There are a number of reports before yours that show good examples to make it much easier to follow the thread, especially for people viewing on their phone.

12-29-17, 04:43
There are a number of reports before yours that show good examples to make it much easier to follow the thread, especially for people viewing on their phone.Could you point to one? I think ISG doesn't work very well with phones. I've tried to read it on a phone and it's not easy. I think on a laptop, having a giant single report works the best since there's no need to refer back to earlier posts and the entire report has a lot of searchable keywords.

Vera Cruz 30 k ($10) girls who I am missing so much now that I am home. Some of them are pretty cute. I think I should look more at Centro next time but it's not the best place for a solo non-Spanish speaker close to sunset. I felt that I had to be on guard more while I was walking there. I was accosted by a TS while waiting for a taxi which was funny at the time, but some TS from other countries can be aggressive. I just read your reports and Raudal looks like another area with some promise as well.

Now that's a trip report!!Thanks!

Blue Touch
12-29-17, 16:58
Correct for Medellin, though I am not sure about the other cities / countries.

I have a theory.

Please let us know?

All even numbers houses are in the South, all odds numbers are in the North. East numbers are even and West numbers are odd.

That is around the whole world. USA Anyway. I think.

Iguana Six
12-29-17, 17:09
. I think I should look more at Centro next time but it's not the best place for a solo non-Spanish speaker close to sunset. I felt that I had to be on guard more while I was walking thereThanks!Smart move!

Blue Touch
12-29-17, 19:40
I even don't recommend El Centro to Spanish-speaking Colombians. Usually, residents in Poblado and Envigado avoid El Centro and refuse to accept that the people in Centro are Paisas as well. Great majority of TS in Latin America are aggressive, and traditionally they are considered to be thieves as well.

Some of them are pretty cute. I think I should look more at Centro next time but it's not the best place for a solo non-Spanish speaker close to sunset. I felt that I had to be on guard more while I was walking there. I was accosted by a TS while waiting for a taxi which was funny at the time, but some TS from other countries can be aggressive. I just read your reports and Raudal looks like another area with some promise as well.


12-29-17, 20:05
I think I should look more at Centro next time but it's not the best place for a solo non-Spanish speaker close to sunset. I felt that I had to be on guard more while I was walking there.I usually hit the redlight blocks a few times between 10 am-3 pm. Can take a few laps at different times to find something you like, just depends how picky you are for $10. By 4 to 5 you start to get more drunk locals off work and partying there, best to be elsewhere if you are by yourself with limited Spanish. I am gone by sundown and had a wingman and speak fluent Spanish. Luckily the Centro strip clubs open early like 3 p and the 3 main ones are just a few blocks apart and you always have the Casa run's too. Personally I like the strip club method better, you have more time to check out the chicks & their personalities / sexiness and more chicks to choose from as they will have up to 40 to 50 girls on a good weekend night at Conejitas, Barra Ejectiva will have 20 to 30 and right next door Maracaibo will have 10+. So in 3 blocks you have up to 90 women to choose from. Some weeknights you won't find anything of course and some weekends depending on what time you are there and who came to work when.

12-29-17, 20:37
Correct for Medellin, though I am not sure about the other cities / countries.I picked a random city, Copenhagen. I looked at three restaurants on Vesterbrogade and the odd numbers are on the south side of the street, not the north side. It ain't world wide. Now let's look at Buenos Aires. Odd numbers on east side of street as in the former Hook and Catto's had even numbers and the privado across the street at Suipacha 921 is on the east side or river side. And even numbers are on the south side.

12-29-17, 20:54
I picked a random city, Copenhagen. I looked at three restaurants on Vesterbrogade and the odd numbers are on the south side of the street, not the north side. It ain't world wide. Now let's look at Buenos Aires. Odd numbers on east side of street as in the former Hook and Catto's had even numbers and the privado across the street at Suipacha 921 is on the east side or river side. And even numbers are on the south side.Good point, when I was in Berlin a few years ago, I got lost really bad once trying to find an address. Turns out the the street numbers ran in opposite directions on different sides of that particular street. (If you are ever in Berlin trying to find Anni Porsche, look at the numbers on both sides of the street) Totally unlike anything I experienced in Germany, where such things tend to be uniform. Point being, irregularities exist even when order and logic usually prevails.

12-29-17, 22:11
Total newbie experience in the M. Two weeks of Duolingo Spanish is all I got under my belt and finished maybe 25% of the exercises. I'm actually good with languages but didn't have to time to study that much before this trip since it was mostly a scouting trip of sorts. Also I'm just doing one giant post because of how hard it is to page flip through ISG.Great report. In the past week using your earlier post I've built up my facebook network from 1 to 40 friends, which is definitely overkill, but I just can't stop myself from messaging every pretty face and hot bod that pops up in my suggestions. Did any of the girls you were with insist on CBJ? Did you negotiate every expected act beforehand?

12-29-17, 22:57
Yes, think about it, 8 to 10 or more of those girls for the price of 1/2 of a Mansion worker. If Veracruz is too down and dirty then the casas are a good bridge option. Mr. Tasss is correct about staying alert. One of the better Centro tips is there is safety in numbers. The danger increases in direct proportion to how deserted your surroundings are. I've never seen, for example, an innocent person subjected to violence in Botero Plaza. I've seen more petty thieves beaten up by a mob than I can count. We've all seen dustups between girls and between random glueheads, but remember I said innocent. The Spanish thing is not a big deal if you keep things simple: hold out 10 fingers three times to indicate how much you will pay and then point toward one of the hotels, there will be no misunderstanding.

Smart move!

12-30-17, 02:02
I was in Medellin between December 23rd and 26th.

I had finished the Learn Spanish with John Noble Course a few days before my trip and it made me feel confident that I could speak Spanish as good as the native speakers. My first rude awakening was inside the flight when I tried to speak to the flight attendants in Spanish, but every time they did not understand what I was saying.

December 23rd.

I arrived Medellin in the evening and quickly checked in to my Airbnb apartment in Laureles.

I went to Gusto in Parque Lleras around 12:30 am and saw only about 3 girls working there. As I only like to take the girl "toda la noche", I asked 2 of the girls and they quoted 500,000 and 600,000 after negotiations. I also checked out the Streetwalkers and only saw about 5, but nothing I would stick my stuff into among them.

I then took a taxi from there to Fase Dos, and there were about 13 girls working with about 15 guys. 190,000 for 40 minutes (I think). Most of the girls were available for 400,000 TLN. I took about 6 numbers at Fase Dos. After the girls finished at Fase Dos, they went to another club called San Diego where I was able to get a girl TLN for 300,000.

December 24.

This was the absolute worst day to be in Medellin, everywhere was closed with very few people on the street. I called all the places to enquire if they were open but to no avail.

I called all the numbers I took from Fase Dos the previous night and all of them said they were celebrating Christmas with their families. I managed to convince one (Mariana) to come to my apartment since she lives not too far away. She said she was going to come at 6 pm but she did not arrive until 9:30 pm and she kept messaging her mum on her phone that she was at her friend's house. She stayed until midnight and gave her 300,000.

December 25.

I was happy when I called Gusto and they said they were open today. When I got there, there was absolutely nobody inside. I tried to talk to one of hot waitress to see if she will bite, but she rejected my advances. I checked out the streetwalkers and saw a very hot 22 year old, I tried to negotiate with her and she kept mentioning her price in dollars, she started with $300, and later dropped her price to $200.

And refused to come down from that amount. She said she usually works at Gusto but not that night. I called Mariana afterwards from the previous night and we agreed 400000 TLN.

I went to Medellin at the absolute worst time or I went to the wrong places. I had a much better time in Bogota.

12-30-17, 02:04
Great report. In the past week using your earlier post I've built up my facebook network from 1 to 40 friends, which is definitely overkill, but I just can't stop myself from messaging every pretty face and hot bod that pops up in my suggestions. Did any of the girls you were with insist on CBJ? Did you negotiate every expected act beforehand?Haha that's how I was when I got started. But 40 isn't enough and neither is 100 really because when you have the urge, there may be 10% of the girls who are active on messenger. Build up to at least 100 so you have options. I'll hopefully be able to add 100 more before my next trip.

12-30-17, 02:21
Did any of the girls you were with insist on CBJ? Did you negotiate every expected act beforehand?Forgot to answer this. Yes ask for everything you want before hand incl BBBJ and make sure you confirm the price including any taxi. A lot of times I say either ". Mil con taxi" or ". Mil para todo". I did not get CBJ while I was there, even if I forgot to ask a few times.

El Mechanico
12-30-17, 02:21
Had to share this one with why'all!


Sessioned with Luz this afternoon. She is a tall Venezuelana, above average looks, beautiful hair.

Incredible attitude. The ad said 120 k for the hour & I asked for the BBBJ & she up sold for 40 K.

More. Well worth it. She was pounded hard & loved it. Started and finished with the BBBJ & CIM.

As soon as I got back to my hotel, I loked at her ad to share with why'all & she was running a promotion for.

100 k for the hour! Dammit!! If you contact her tell her you saw the promotion for 100 k. Well worth it.

Beautiful apt on Calle 45 G, close to the safe house where Pablo was killed! Full report when I get back next week.

Also the fb contact thing is working out beautifully!

El Mechanico.

12-30-17, 02:35
I was in Medellin between December 23rd and 26th.

I went to Medellin at the absolute worst time or I went to the wrong places. I had a much better time in Bogota.As mentioned a few times here, it is best to avoid Latin American countries during very large Catholic holidays (Christmas, Easter).

El Mechanico
12-30-17, 03:03
As mentioned a few times here, it is best to avoid Latin American countries during very large Catholic holidays (Christmas, Easter).I have been here since Tue afternoon 12/26 & cannot believe how awesome this place is. I'm doing fb contacts & have never had better luck! If I weren't empty & broke from all the fb chicas, there are a ton of hotties in and around Botero Plaza and Conejitas & the 2-3 other strip bars around there, Mariciabo, Barra Ejuctiva. Not a bunch in each one but between all the places in and around Botero there is anything you would want! Stay in El Centro next year between Navidad & New Year!!

El Mechanico.

12-30-17, 06:13
I even don't recommend El Centro to Spanish-speaking Colombians. Usually, residents in Poblado and Envigado avoid El Centro and refuse to accept that the people in Centro are Paisas as well. Great majority of TS in Latin America are aggressive, and traditionally they are considered to be thieves as well.The only reason Poblado and Envigado residents avoid El Centro is because most of them have no reason to go to El Centro. Same is true with most of the people in Laureles, Belen, Bello, etc. I spent about an hour in El Centro on Christmas with 3 generations of a native Colombian family and they had no concerns whatsoever. You might want to talk to some more natives. Several of the Antioquia natives I know specifically point to El Centro as the heart of Paisa culture.

Personally, I don't recommend anyone go to El Centro, but I'm happy to tag along if I'm not busy. The reason I don't recommend it is because I don't know you. I don't know your experience or your comfort level. I also don't know if you have any sense. I really don't want to hear that some cargo shorts and sandals wearing gringo got robbed or worse because he was wandering around with his gold chains, looking at his new iPhone.

El Centro isn't for everyone. If you go, be smart about it.

12-30-17, 06:34
Went to Fase II Thursday night from about 9:30 to after 1 am. Very few guys there early, although it ended up getting pretty full. Probably around 30 - 40 girls in the club when we left. Whatever you're looking for you can probably find it there. Not many guys were taking girls.

10 k entry, 190 k for a girl onsite, next door. Beer is 20 k, chica drinks 24 k. I picked a girl who wasn't my type and wasn't the hottest, but she was what I needed.

One note: they only accept BancoColombia cards and no ATM on site. However, for 10 k they will take you to an ATM and bring you back.

Things are pretty slow on the holidays, especially the 24th, which is when they really celebrate Christmas. New Year's Eve will also be slow, as it's another night for family celebrations. There are still girls available. Having a well populated Facebook list comes in handy. The girls were out on Christmas day in El Centro, but not in Botero Plaza.

12-30-17, 08:31
I went to Medellin at the absolute worst time or I went to the wrong places. I had a much better time in Bogota.The hookers I kept in touch with from Bogota were all celebrating with familieis (facebook and whatsapp photos). Only go during the holidays if you absolutely have solid chicas who make plans with you. Most of them are with family and boyfriends right now.

12-30-17, 08:40
This will be my first trip to Medellin and super excited! I'm flying out March 13th and staying until the 19th and I have a bunch of questions. So I'm going with a group of 10 total and none of us speak Spanish very well, do you think we would be able to get around easily with a big group with out any problems? I believe we are staying in El Poblado in an airbnb. What is the best option when trying to meet women? I've read that you can go to strip clubs, massage parlors etc. But I know my guys would like to find women they can take back to the airbnb and have them stay the night for example, going to a local bar or club and picking women up there. So what would be our best options since we don't speak Spanish that well? Also my guys won't listen to me when I tell them that I did the research and that we probably should not be flashy while with out there, I read it everywhere saying don't wear jewelry or flashing clothing and my guys like to flash what should I tell them? Lastly, even though we all came to Colombia for the women we also would like to do so site seeing and finding fun things to do other than drinking and sleeping with women, what else does Medellin have to offer?I can't offer you advice on the scene in Medellin, but here is a good, up to date and free travel resource. https://wikitravel.org/en/Medell%C3%ADn Guidebooks are ok, but often way out of date. I like to find forums specializing in a region and get advice there too.

12-30-17, 14:26
I went to Medellin at the absolute worst time or I went to the wrong places. I had a much better time in Bogota.News flash, Bogota would have sucked on those nights as well.

You didn't realize it was Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?

The days leading to Christmas Eve and even after Christmas, leading to New Years Eve can be great.

Girls trying to earn holiday cash.

On the actual holiday though, not so good.

The only worse days would be Holy Thursday and Friday of Easter week.

Ghost town.

I was in Rio de Janeiro on Christmas Eve, dead as well.

I knew that coming in, got invited to a girlfriend's house for dinner and choir boy activities, LOL.

Fun Luvr
12-30-17, 15:52
Just to say it is a good report. There are a number of reports before yours that show good examples to make it much easier to follow the thread, especially for people viewing on their phone.

Could you point to one? I think ISG doesn't work very well with phones. I've tried to read it on a phone and it's not easy. I think on a laptop, having a giant single report works the best since there's no need to refer back to earlier posts and the entire report has a lot of searchable keywords.My comment was directed at Chesscat for copying your entire report just to say "Good report". There are reports just after yours from Wolf552 and SavePros321 which copy just short parts of your report. I agree with you that having one long report is good. I don't understand why someone will copy the entire report to just say good report.

12-30-17, 16:43
Strip clubs are about the only option for "night mongering" if you are not into streetwalkers or the Lleras scene. I get your hesitation for not wanting to go to the Centro clubs alone. It took me a couple of trips to MDE before I felt comfortable in the city to venture into those establishments alone. While I've never had any issues wit the locals, you need to remember most of the dudes at these places are getting shit faced, and snorting lines of coke in the bathroom.

Send me a PM, letting me know when you'll be in town. Then, if you want, I can take you around to check out these clubs and get your tree trimmed for about 70-90 k.


Judd.Loutron, Calle 16 a sur near Paintball extreme, up in the hills East of El poblado is open until 10 pm. This place caters to foreigners and is pricey at 280 k. Other guys were talking this place up as the best casa w elite girls, but I think I only saw their 2nd tier girls during the holidays. Service felt more fake rushed, rooms are cold in the mountains and difficult to find transport. Uber gave us 15 min wait times and not a lot of taxis to flag down. Guys there said the girls were usually top notch so if you don't mind the $ and transport issues.

Energy, went around 5 pm, again it was during holidays, so 2nd tier 6 & 7's and no flaquitas so I moved on.

New Life, thanks to the poster who put the picture of blue door up. It was very helpful, there was also old guy outside mumbling New Life. Can tell your transport to drop you at botanika bistro as well. If you don't know the right routing from Parque barrio, I wouldn't walk here. The area around la Paz is industrial, trash scavengers, etc. About 20 girls, a little older and less quality than Energy, but there was one flaquita, Sharon I think. Great attitude & performance and 65 k for 45 min. Can't beat that price.

12-30-17, 16:53
Luna Lunera is open and staffed 24/7. The cost is $110 K per half hour. Buying drinks or lady drinks is optional and so are lap dances or anything other than taking a girl to a room for the price mentioned. They do charge for condoms. I can't tell you how much and it doesn't matter if you bring your own. The quality of the girls is generally as good or better than any of the Centro places.Went from 2-4 am during holidays and about a dozen girls working, maybe their 2nd tier crew. Mostly 6-7's w maybe one 8. One flaquita and some slender athletic types. Although they advertise as 24/7, they were turning off the lights at 4 when there weren't anymore customers. Also, the girls said the best time to come is around 11 pm so probably lightly staffed at other times. Place is more relaxed then Fase dos and more areas to talk to chicks first and feel them out. Defn should taxi / Uber to / from this spot. Good backup option.

12-30-17, 17:00
This will be my first trip to Medellin and super excited! I'm flying out March 13th and staying until the 19th and I have a bunch of questions. So I'm going with a group of 10 total and none of us speak Spanish very well, do you think we would be able to get around easily with a big group with out any problems? I believe we are staying in El Poblado in an airbnb. What is the best option when trying to meet women? I've read that you can go to strip clubs, massage parlors etc. But I know my guys would like to find women they can take back to the airbnb and have them stay the night for example, going to a local bar or club and picking women up there. So what would be our best options since we don't speak Spanish that well? Also my guys won't listen to me when I tell them that I did the research and that we probably should not be flashy while with out there, I read it everywhere saying don't wear jewelry or flashing clothing and my guys like to flash what should I tell them? Lastly, even though we all came to Colombia for the women we also would like to do so site seeing and finding fun things to do other than drinking and sleeping with women, what else does Medellin have to offer?1. Medellin is not Las Vegas.

2. Group of 10? See #1.

3. 10 Guys who speak no Spanish? See #1.

4. 9 guys who won't listen to the only guy who bothers to do research? See #1.

I think you get my point, so I'll stop with the numerical list.

IMO, no, your group will not get around easily. Personally, I think going to Colombia is best served going lone wolf or with one or two other guys max. Doing the large group thing can be difficult and lends itself to guys acting the fool, etc.

If you insist on Colombia, I'd consider two things:

1. Break your group up into sub-groups.

2. Go to Cartagena first instead of Medellin.

Just my two cents. Have fun!

12-30-17, 19:07
If you insist on Colombia, I'd consider two things:
1. Break your group up into sub-groups.Yeah, break it into two sub-groups: You, and the nine idiots who are going to cause you nothing but trouble.

Mr Enternational
12-30-17, 19:28
Loutron,. This place caters to foreigners and is pricey at 280 k. Other guys were talking this place up as the best casa w elite girls, but I think I only saw their 2nd tier girls during the holidays.Same chicks. Just that guys have fooled themselves into believing the higher the price the better the girls.

12-31-17, 00:03
1. Medellin is not Las Vegas.

2. Group of 10? See #1.

3. 10 Guys who speak no Spanish? See #1.

4. 9 guys who won't listen to the only guy who bothers to do research? See #1.

I think you get my point, so I'll stop with the numerical list.

IMO, no, your group will not get around easily. Personally, I think going to Colombia is best served going lone wolf or with one or two other guys max. Doing the large group thing can be difficult and lends itself to guys acting the fool, etc.

If you insist on Colombia, I'd consider two things:

1. Break your group up into sub-groups.

2. Go to Cartagena first instead of Medellin.

Just my two cents. Have fun!Yep, Cartagena would be a better bet, or rent out the entire Mansion.

12-31-17, 00:08
Yeah, break it into two sub-groups: You, and the nine idiots who are going to cause you nothing but trouble.LMAO!

Post of the year!.

So funny, but so true.

Sean EZ
12-31-17, 00:40
Any recommendations for regular top clubs in Medellin with a possibility of meeting regular or freelancer girls? Staying in Poblado. Been hitting bars in Parque Lleras and it's pretty hipster-trashy now.


12-31-17, 04:00

I couldn't agree more.

Same chicks. Just that guys have fooled themselves into believing the higher the price the better the girls.

12-31-17, 05:36
Any recommendations for regular top clubs in Medellin with a possibility of meeting regular or freelancer girls? Staying in Poblado. Been hitting bars in Parque Lleras and it's pretty hipster-trashy now.

Thanks.Freelancers work out of Gustos in parque lleras.

12-31-17, 10:29
Any recommendations for regular top clubs in Medellin with a possibility of meeting regular or freelancer girls? Staying in Poblado. Been hitting bars in Parque Lleras and it's pretty hipster-trashy now.

Thanks.Time for my monthly "can you" post.

Can you speak Spanish? Good enough to carry on a basic conversation. Can you dance? Can you regularly pick up regular 20 year old back home in top clubs? If you can't do these things, your only option for regular girls is to spend money like a rockstar.

Freelancers can be found in most of the dance bars in Lleras. You'll also found them on the streets around Lleras.

12-31-17, 16:15
Freelancers, semi-pros, non-pros, university students partimers, shop girls - - all these fine shades of meaning remind me of a college professor once telling me there are more than ten words in Eskimo languages for "snow".

Any recommendations for regular top clubs in Medellin with a possibility of meeting regular or freelancer girls? Staying in Poblado. Been hitting bars in Parque Lleras and it's pretty hipster-trashy now.


12-31-17, 17:39
Loutron, Calle 16 a sur near Paintball extreme, up in the hills East of El poblado is open until 10 pm. This place caters to foreigners and is pricey at 280 k. Other guys were talking this place up as the best casa w elite girls, but I think I only saw their 2nd tier girls during the holidays. Service felt more fake rushed, rooms are cold in the mountains and difficult to find transport. Uber gave us 15 min wait times and not a lot of taxis to flag down. Guys there said the girls were usually top notch so if you don't mind the $ and transport issues.

Energy, went around 5 pm, again it was during holidays, so 2nd tier 6 & 7's and no flaquitas so I moved on.

New Life, thanks to the poster who put the picture of blue door up. It was very helpful, there was also old guy outside mumbling New Life. Can tell your transport to drop you at botanika bistro as well. If you don't know the right routing from Parque barrio, I wouldn't walk here. The area around la Paz is industrial, trash scavengers, etc. About 20 girls, a little older and less quality than Energy, but there was one flaquita, Sharon I think. Great attitude & performance and 65 k for 45 min. Can't beat that price.I have been to Loutrons a few times and try to go on each visit to Medellin. The facilities there are superior to other casas and I have found the chicas generally to be physically more attractive as well. My all time hottest chica I've ever sessioned was actually at New Life about ten years ago. However, numbers 2, 3, 4 etc. must have come from Loutrons. However, the service is no different from other casas.

12-31-17, 17:46
Time for my monthly "can you" post.

Can you speak Spanish? Good enough to carry on a basic conversation. Can you dance? Can you regularly pick up regular 20 year old back home in top clubs? If you can't do these things, your only option for regular girls is to spend money like a rockstar.

Freelancers can be found in most of the dance bars in Lleras. You'll also found them on the streets around Lleras.You'll also find freelancers working at the clubs along Carrera 70 and along Carrera 80, and at the clubs in Envigado and Itagui. Wherever there's a lot of people partying hard, there's usually a few freelancers working around the edges.

12-31-17, 18:04
Yeah, break it into two sub-groups: You, and the nine idiots who are going to cause you nothing but trouble.Even better!!

Sean EZ
12-31-17, 18:16
Time for my monthly "can you" post.

Can you speak Spanish? Good enough to carry on a basic conversation. Can you dance? Can you regularly pick up regular 20 year old back home in top clubs? If you can't do these things, your only option for regular girls is to spend money like a rockstar.

Freelancers can be found in most of the dance bars in Lleras. You'll also found them on the streets around Lleras.Excellent dancer, decent Spanish. I was asking advice about places outside of Parque Lleras.

12-31-17, 20:14
Excellent dancer, decent Spanish. I was asking advice about places outside of Parque Lleras.The top regular clubs in Medellin are in Parque Lleras. It's the zona Rosa of Medellin. Sorry for the confusion. There are several other areas with a fair concentration of clubs, although nothing like the numbers of clubs in Lleras. Some of the areas you might not be comfortable in. Some you might not be safe in.

Pop up Google maps and the clubs are pretty easy to find.

12-31-17, 20:33
Excellent dancer, decent Spanish. I was asking advice about places outside of Parque Lleras.Try Laureles around carrera 70 and calle 43. There's a lot of little places. One of the things to know is Colombians go in groups with a male chaperone. Routard has a dating FAQ in the blogs section. You can get invited to sit with one of these groups but its rare and happens typically late when everyone is drunk.

My advice is go early to the clubs in El Poblado and get to know a waitress. Show you speak Spanish and aren't a total creepester. Smiling and making cute little Spanish mistakes helps, hahah. I've been point blank asked out before by waitresses at Mi Nina among a few other places. Pretend you have no clue where things are. Make small talk. Ask her when she'll be working again. Go back early again and be nice. Then ask if she wants to do something on her day off.

I'm not even good looking or particularly young. And I've been hit on numerous times with a follow-up of a few months of them trying to invite me to meet their family. Totally doable.

12-31-17, 20:41
Freelancers, semi-pros, non-pros, university students partimers, shop girls - - all these fine shades of meaning remind me of a college professor once telling me there are more than ten words in Eskimo languages for "snow".Apparently there are more than ten words for what rhymes with 'snow' as well. Like Tiger Woods could have been Santa Claus if he had just stopped after three 'Hos. '.

12-31-17, 21:30
UPSTAIRS BAR, CRR. 53. Sorry, I didn't check the name, but there's only one. It's on a corner as you wander along Carrera 53 from Calle 53. I'd just enjoyed a beer at Tony's a nice place to hang out where you can flirt, size up local malandros and they assure themselves that you are not a mark or whatever. The upstairs strip bar is on the same side, on a corner on the left, as you continue in the direction of the Museum, Prado, etc. A few uglies but plenty of nice looking girls. Good strip show while another girl tempted me quite successfully by dancing fully clothed but being very sexy and no pressure.

Easy to see which I like, but others will tell you only the devil when he's drunk will go down Calle 53.(From a 2015 report).

Anybody know what bar he is talking about?

Maybe the upstairs place on the corner of Car 53 and Calle 51? The Grill Venecia at CL. 51 #53-10?

Never looked closely at it but the sign does say "Grill Venecia-attended by pretty girls" so I assume that's a strip club. And he liked it better then FaseII & Conejitas in his post!

On a side note, Google Street view has new images up in the Veracruz area, now from June 2017, the last images were from 2013.

12-31-17, 22:42
Any recommendations for regular top clubs in Medellin with a possibility of meeting regular or freelancer girls? Staying in Poblado. Been hitting bars in Parque Lleras and it's pretty hipster-trashy now.

Thanks.I haven't been yet and it's way up in Bello but the party block in Barrio Obrero looks pretty fun on a Sat night.



Sean EZ
12-31-17, 22:48
Try Laureles around carrera 70 and calle 43. There's a lot of little places. One of the things to know is Colombians go in groups with a male chaperone. Routard has a dating FAQ in the blogs section. You can get invited to sit with one of these groups but its rare and happens typically late when everyone is drunk.

My advice is go early to the clubs in El Poblado and get to know a waitress. Show you speak Spanish and aren't a total creepester. Smiling and making cute little Spanish mistakes helps, hahah. I've been point blank asked out before by waitresses at Mi Nina among a few other places. Pretend you have no clue where things are. Make small talk. Ask her when she'll be working again. Go back early again and be nice. Then ask if she wants to do something on her day off.

I'm not even good looking or particularly young. And I've been hit on numerous times with a follow-up of a few months of them trying to invite me to meet their family. Totally doable.Thank you very much, will do!

01-01-18, 00:13

I have gone through quite a few history on this forum. While I see many reports on Casas, can someone please recommend good and reliable escort agencies in Medellin? I do understand that they are a bit more expensive compared to what you get out there. However I prefer the safety of them coming into my hotel room. So please recommend agencies and if you have had experience with them. I do not speak Spanish at all. Also. If there is a good agency / website that offers massages in hotel room with extras. Would be appreciated.

I will be in Medellin for a few days end of Jan. And will be staying in Hampton by Hilton Medellin. Any issues bringing over a friend to this hotel?



01-01-18, 00:46
Are there any white European looking Colombian chicas, I know that sometimes physical appearance varies depending on which town you're in.

01-01-18, 01:55
Are there any white European looking Colombian chicas, I know that sometimes physical appearance varies depending on which town you're in.Like this? Estrella from FaseDos.

01-01-18, 02:12

I have gone through quite a few history on this forum. While I see many reports on Casas, can someone please recommend good and reliable escort agencies in Medellin? I do understand that they are a bit more expensive compared to what you get out there. However I prefer the safety of them coming into my hotel room. So please recommend agencies and if you have had experience with them. I do not speak Spanish at all. Also. If there is a good agency / website that offers massages in hotel room with extras. Would be appreciated.

I will be in Medellin for a few days end of Jan. And will be staying in Hampton by Hilton Medellin. Any issues bringing over a friend to this hotel?


Vgs.Why not go direct, many of these girls do outcall:


And reviews of the girls here: (in Spanish, in Chrome right click and select "translate to English"- do same on escort site).


I'd be surprised if they were happy with hookers at the Hampton but don't know. Can always meet them at a short term sex hotel with Jacuzzi and then your stuff is all safe back at the hotel.

El Mechanico
01-01-18, 02:35
Ok guys, I'm back in FLL now waiting on a flight back to MSY. WHAT A TRIP!! Like I keep telling everyone, each trip is better than the last. Fb hookups were the theme of the week (except for Manuela Restrepo! That ***** still pisses me off). They were all awesome. Full report to come Within the next week or so. I want to share this little Winner Spinner from co. Mileroticos punto com. Her name is Paulina, little short, straight black hair PAISA with an incredible 100# body & what a performer. Hit of the week even with all the fantastic fb hookups I had!


Give her a call! She is the PAISA in the pics! She started out at 280 k COP + taxi. I told her sorry & good luck, demasiado rico para mi sangre!! She texted back 200 k + taxi & I countered with 200 k & no taxi and I understood if she couldn't accept that offer. She said she'the be over in 1 HR which of course was 90 min. Anyway, she wanted the $ upfront & since she was a prepago, I gave it to her. Then she started complaining about the increased cost (20 k) of the taxi due to traffic. I told her oh well, how about a couple of pair of Victoria Secret panties & she melted & provided an awesome performance! Whomever suggested the $4 VS panties is a genius, my new hero & should be awarded the Golden Monger Award!

The VS ($4 when bought in bulk) literally makes their panties drop! Ha.

Happy New Year.

El Mechanico.