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12-05-03, 04:42

Below are some phrases, all in Russian. TRUST ME, you do not need Ukrainian. Please note that I am using "ti" which is singular, although a more respectful way to address someone you don't know is "vi" which is plural. So that's up to you to replace.

Here are some:

-ti takaya krasivaya (you are so beautiful)

-U menya duh perehvatilo kogda ya tebya uvidel (I stopped breathing when I saw you)-- I know this is long...but it seems you have few months

-Ti samaya krasivaya zhenschina (you are the most beautiful woman) I could have added "that I have ever seen" but that's way too advanced of Russian

- Mogu li ya tebe kupit drink (can I buy you a drink. Yes, they poisoned the language with whole bunch of english words, so it is drink, just use hard r)

- Davai potantsuem (let's dance)

All right...hopefully that helps. If you need more, PM me

Uke Boy
12-05-03, 12:37

The WSG Moscow Forum is heavily weighted to the paid scene. With all the money coming into that city, it is no surprise that the ladies would also want to take advantage of that as well. The atmosphere is completely do-as-you-want as long as you can pay the price.

If Moscow is New York, then Kiev is more like Kansas City. The paid scene exists but it is not as raucous and overt as it is in Moscow. Part of it is due to more conservative mores. There are working girls here as well, but not as many as in Moscow and harder to find. There are the usual places such as River Palace, Rest Town, and many others mentioned in this forum. There are only a handful of online sites that offer the same services the Moscow sites offer if all you want is a quickie or you are into serial sex with a variety of talents.

However, since Kiev seems to be 3-5 years behind Moscow in most ways, we can only hope for a similar improvement soon in these areas as well. But it seems to me that guys coming here are much less geared to the paid scene (go to Moscow if that is really all that you want) but more to finding possible girlfriend or wife options.

A few days ago, Gemini2 was asking that he as a "mid 30’s, tall(ish), handsome guy can’t get it for free in Kiev" "better stay in London then, coz here I can." I commented that free is a relative term. I am older, normal in height and in looks. I do not go about arrogantly flashing job, money or nationality as that is the surest way to end up either alone at night or simply end up paying for the pleasure.

I went to a company's product launch two days ago with lots of ex-pats and locals, model types and regular ladies. I struck up a few conversations. Then with one lady, not a model type but attractive, late 20s, we started to hit it off very well. We left the party, went to a nice restaurant, continued the talking, I paid for the meal and transport to my place, some more drinks and then all night fun.

Would I consider this a paid scene? No. Was it free? No, it did cost me some money, dinner, about $75, car fare. What I also think helped is that at least part of the time we were able to converse in Russian, that she seemed more at ease.

In clubs, in restaurants, on the street or wherever you meet the ladies here, being polite, and what they consider "gentlemanly" will go a long way. What differentiates the West from here is that there is still a definite separation of the sexes. Women have women's roles in their minds and men have men's roles. Feminists have made no inroads into the locally psychology and are not likely to do so for many centuries, if ever.

But I hope you all understand that no matter the woman here, be she wife or prostitute, the basic man's role here is that of provider. The man must be the support for the woman in all ways. How each woman here defines that is of course something individual. If you want your woman here to be a woman, then also understand that she wants you to be a real man, and make sure you understand how she defines that. Lots of room for miscommunication here. Believe me, I know since I had to learn more than a few hard lessons.

12-07-03, 13:33
What makes Kiev attractive over Russia and other countries is not just the chance to feel girlfriend experience,living everything naturally up to the limit leads to perfect performance both at daytime and at night rather than very limited and mechanical performance ( the overview of a great performance can differ a lot and you'll never understand that what you see as perfect can indeed be very regular till you get aware of a much better option!!?! )

Uke Boy
12-07-03, 18:07
Mangus Man,

Sharing? So share. A stunner. Where is she from? Ukraine, Russia?

You give us the false impression that this was taken recently. The properties show it was actually taken 5/24/2002 at 4:12 PM.

Care to explain the 19 month delay? Tough to wish us all a happy 2004 holiday season during late spring 2002.

I would like to discuss more than language or flowers, which are very important parts of the equation here, but it does help if others actually do honestly share. That means sharing on a very wide variety of topics and issues, from how to find someone for an urgent hour to those involving the hazards of ladies who want long term relationships.

Do you want to explain what your post added to the subject matter except a possibly empty boast about your possible prowess with a lady whose photo is questionable?

If you are so adept and talented, then tell us how to be focused and how to urgently find ladies such as this, tell us the where, the when, the how, all this and more, along with the picture. Try and do as you say and then maybe I can say you have actually contributed.

12-07-03, 18:56
I’m not sure if I can add too much to the excellent advice given by Vegamars and Uke Boy, but having been able to get some great tips from the board about Kiev I thought I should try and contribute something too. I suppose my report is really aimed at the novice Kiev traveller. I should start off by saying I thoroughly disagree with Vegamars assertion that English people shouldn’t come to Kiev! You should! The women are just smack you in the mouth stunning and most you meet are friendly and really easy to talk to. Come – you’ll have a wonderful time.

I’ve just come back from 10 days in Kiev. I have to agree with Uke Boy about the weather – maybe Vegamars was staying in a different Kiev! The last day I was there (Tuesday) the temperature dropped a few degrees, but the sun made an appearance and the whole city was transformed. Anyone who is worried about going to Ukraine (or Russia) during winter really shouldn’t – yes the weather is cold, but you know it’ll be cold! Dress warm and you’ll have a blast. I can also vouch that winter weather in London feels far worse than the far colder temperatures in many places in Russia and Ukraine. If you haven’t been before, this will make more sense when you experienced your first sunny –20 day. You’ll be warmed up by all the women trotting around in their fur coats – I was always led to believe that fur was bad and looked better on the animal. After every trip to Eastern Europe I have to revise this – you show me a mink who looks as good in it’s skin as a 6ft Ukrainian blonde!

There’s been lots of interesting views on the best way to communicate. I speak passable beginners Russian, although this means that I can speak far better than I can understand. I’ll be led by the circumstances – sometimes I’ll only communicate in Russian, sometimes just in English, but usually I’ll try a mixture of everything. In my experience the key is the willingness to listen to and communicate with the person you’re talking to and have fun (also be prepared to make an ass of yourself in trying to communicate). Sometimes this means a mixture of a whole load of communication techniques – one of the best 24 hours of this trip was with a girl who spoke hardly any English. We communicated using Russian, her German, my French, a lot of drawings and a lot of charades. Every successfully understood sentence was celebrated! She was a lovely girl and we spent a great day or so together and, depending on your definition, all “free”.

With this said, if you don’t speak Russian…learn some! It isn’t that difficult to pick up a few basic phrases and to learn the alphabet. It will add immensely to your enjoyment and open you up a wider spectrum of people. It will also make even those girls who speak good English that much more responsive to you. I would also recommend something like the pocket Rough Guide Russian/English dictionary. Fits in the back pocket and can be a bit of lifesaver; for some reason the girls also seem to really like looking through it and find it hysterical.

My five basic tips would be:

Get a flat, don’t stay in a hotel. It’s been said many times before, but it’s worth reiterating. I found a really nice one bedroom flat right in the centre for $50 a night.

As Uke Boy says if you don’t speak Russian you need to get some sort of map. You can buy an excellent map with the street names in both Cyrillic and English from the Hotel Dnipro (and I’m sure other hotels) for around 20UAH. It’s got an index ordered by both alphabets so you can look up street names for any club, restaurant etc. I know Vegamars just favours diving in and exploring, but Kiev is not a small city and if you aren’t familiar with the Russian alphabet, a map will make life a lot easier.

Taxis – Yes, no-where should cost more than 20UAH to get to (which is already over-priced), but they’re taxi drivers and, as in any large city, their natural inclination will be to rip off the tourist (sorry if this offends anyone!). When I got back to London I was tired and my taxi driver thought I was from out of town and immediately took a longer route – it’s simply the nature of the beast to do this. In Kiev they will try for 25, 30, 40UAH for a trip. Personally I lay down a marker every few trips to make a point, but do you really want to spend your holiday arguing over $2? Always ask for the cost before you start the journey (just say something like “Skolka?” or “Sto ee mast?”) and stick to the price quoted. Incidentally journeys back from clubs when you’re with some gorgeous women always cost more. They know you just want to get home and won’t argue too much.

Don’t be shy – just being a tourist with cash will not really get you anywhere, even in places like River Palace. Smile and go and introduce yourself to anyone you like and see what, if anything, transpires. It’s amazing how many dates you can get from doing this on the street….and for god’s sake don’t treat all the girls as hookers! You may not get to sleep with every girl you meet when walking round, but if you aim to meet people, go out for a meal, some drinks, a club, good things will often happen (I think I had a success rate of something like 70% for street meetings to getting a phone number or a date). If you go up to someone, get talking and within 2 minutes say “how much for a shag?”, your success rate will be minimal. On the street or in a club, if the girls a pro, she’ll bring up the subject of money quick enough.

Gifts of some sort are always a good idea, however small and simple. My best idea was to bring loads of the new thin ice gum; this went down a storm. I had around 10 girls flocking round me at Freedom wanting to try it! Ultimately this led to one of the bouncers thinking I was selling drugs, but even this worked out well (having convinced him it was breath freshener and that he shouldn’t beat the crap out of me I was his new found best friend for the rest of the night in return for a pack).

Clubs – general tip – no club seems to start getting even faintly busy until midnight/1am.

River Palace – it is what it is! Every girl there is available. Opening bids start as high as $300 – raise a knowing eyebrow and don’t even respond. $200 is the genuinely top level, $150 their preference, $100 what you’ll settle on. There are a wide range of girls, with some absolute stunners. It’s a fun place and, as an introduction to the joys of Ukrainian women, a good place to start. Most of the action is in the disco (where just watching the girls dance is a treat – there are quite a few who clearly love themselves!), but you shouldn’t dismiss the bar downstairs. Quieter and far less crowded and a lot of girls from the disco will come down for a bit, if only to escape someone who’s annoying them. I only met one girl I really liked here, but talking to some other guys everyone else seemed to have a good time and find lots of great girls. The one tip from everyone seemed to be to make sure you negotiate quite clearly what you are paying for – how long she’ll stay, what she will and won’t do etc. They will usually say it’s ‘till morning, but if you leave the club at 4am “morning” can mean 5am or it can mean “when we wake up the next day”. Unsurprisingly, a lot of the girls here are more likely to assume that it means nearer to 5am!

RP is the a good place, but is an easy out . All the best action I found was walking around and at other clubs. I wouldn’t describe myself as a looker (actually, no-one would describe me as such, I’m an ugly bugger!), but through chatting to girls on the street and in other bars I had 3 threesomes and 6 solo encounters in 10 days, and with some gorgeous and great women. If you can, I would avoid the more obvious paid scene and just focus on meeting the locals anywhere but RP. The other clubs I tried were:

Freedom – not simply a good Ukrainian nightclub, but just a great nightclub for any city. Expensive for Kiev, this place is great if you like to dance. A lot of girls will want to go to this place and if you meet someone and ask them where they might want to go for a night, a lot will suggest Freedom. The girls here, and I’m not sure there were any pros, are simply breathtaking – I felt like one of those cartoon characters with eyes bulging out and my tongue rolled out across the floor. Two of the best evenings of pure hedonistic fun of my life.

Moda Bar – I wasn’t taken by this place, but a lot of the girls and tourists I met seemed really keen. Some of the more experienced tourists I met said it was a like a subtle version of River Palace and was a great place to meet different girls. It’s a good looking bar, I just found the atmosphere a bit cold.

Cocktail 111 – I really liked this place as a bar (quite intimate, with a circular rotating bar in the middle). Friendly, quite a few girls to chat to and not that popular with tourists, which is no bad thing!

For other bars and clubs, ask the girls you meet where they would recommend going for a good night (Freedom and Moda are the most popular answers) - pretty obvious but really successful for getting a date.

Summary – I loved Kiev (to stress again - I don’t care what Vegamars says – English people should go!) and can’t wait to go back in the summer. I’ve never been too taken with Moscow, although I love St Petersburg, but I found the whole city an interesting place, far friendlier than Russian cities, the women stunning and the opportunities nearly endless.

12-08-03, 17:02
Snowy and all,

20UAH for a taxi is a freaking ripoff. Don't forget that in Kiev when you raise your hand to flag down a cab, anyone will stop. So if you have at least OK Russian to explain where you need to go, you should be able to pay within 10UAH on the right bank, and if you want to go to the left bank, 20 is the max. For me, it's not an issue of money (since in Europe or States it would cost 5-10 times as much), but an issue of paying a fair price.

Apartments: $50/night for a flat is fairly expensive. I understand that compared to any hotel in Europe it's cheap, but again..one of the things you can try is the following site (russian required) http://www.aviso.ua/a/

Also, once you are in Kiev once or twice, you will be familiar with area and can contact those agencies. Although word of warning, you can get ripped off. However, in general, even if you are a foreigner, once they understand that you are familiar with the situation, they will be more reasonable. But then, I think it's the same approach everywhere (the worse ripoff of my entire life was in Munich.)

Uke Boy
12-08-03, 18:43

That was a great report! Thanks for the positive contribution.

Your recent experience is affirmation of what we have all been saying for the last two weeks or so. If you want a challenge and if you want quality as well as quantity, a little language, a little kindness and a little attention will certainly go a long way.

Believe me, this place is astounding in summer so you should be doing even better!

Just one quick note for those of you who may also want to partake of the paid scene. I just called kievescort.com and the "067" telephone number from their site is now working.

12-09-03, 05:58

What do you mean by "best action was walking around River Palace"? Do you mean street hookers?

BTW, where is RP relative to the center?

12-09-03, 06:11

Thanks for the excellent report. Can you please give the details of your apartment agency?

Uke Boy
12-09-03, 17:26

I hope Snowy will explain but in re-reading his comment, I take it to mean walking around Kiev on the main streets such as Khreshchatik, not RP. The problem with walking around River Palace is that on one side is the river and the other is the Naberezhnoe Shose, a six lane highway that you should never cross. RP is actually a large vessel that I assume that is permanently moored since it has been in the same spot for many years. It was closed for a time a few years back for renovation but even then, it was never moved.

RP is located right where Naberezhnoe Shose and the Metro Bridge intersect. There is actually a metro stop there, Dnipro, where you can get out and go down 20 meters or so and you are at RP. Of course, the problem is that the metro stops at 1 PM, about the time RP starts kicking into high gear.

Getting to RP from anywhere in the center or even anywhere on the Left Bank is no problem and should take no more than 15 minutes by car.

You are also correct that 20UAH should be the maximum one should pay to go from almost one end of the city to the other. I called "058" which is a taxi service number. It cost me by pre-set tariff, no haggling, 15UAH to go from Obolon Metro Station to near Palac Ukraina Metro Station. The only exception to the 20 UAH rule is 3 AM at River Palace or other places when you have someone with you and you want to get started. I tend to not argue or haggle if the price seems reasonable. If it is a rip-off price, someone who wants 50 or 100 UAH depending on distance, then usually you can get the next car to take you for a "normal" price.

From time to time our company puts up visitors in these private apartments. Because real estate prices here over the last year have skyrocketed, these prices have also gone up. However, I do know that $50/day for a studio or maybe a one bedroom is the present standard. It does mean you get a nicely renovated (non-Soviet) apartment mostly in the center with a few comforts such as a telephone that allows only local calls, cable TV, heat, hot water, towels and perhaps even some regular maid/cleaning services. It is still far superior to a hotel. Most important, you have no one tracking your comings and goings and who you are with.

Roger Mellie
12-09-03, 19:46
Top Shelf report snowy. Kiev have moved up my list of things to do. I would love to learn a bit more about the 3 threesomes. How did they come about?

12-09-03, 23:53
Roger Mellie,

The threesomes were completely by chance and not something I set out for. The girls I met when walking around or in bars were often in groups of 2-3, so if you go up and get talking to one, you'll often end up talking to them all. If you invite one of the girls out and she accepts, it's not uncommon for her to bring a friend or two along too - it might be just for a bit of security or for company if you turn out to be a complete bust. It's no bad thing either - what's the downside of walking into a club with 2 or 3 gorgeous women?

In each case, things just happened - we went out for an evening (usually to a club) and then I'd invite them back to the flat for a few drinks or they'd suggest it and things just progressed naturally, surprisingly and thoroughly pleasantly! Again I think it's one of those things that would be far harder if you actively sought it out, but I wasn't complaining.

Hedonist - The agency I went through was http://www.alserent.kiev.ua/. The couple who run it are great - they don't speak much English (although they converse promptly and easily in English by email using a translation site) but they are so enthusiastic and charming and wanted to make sure that I had everything I needed for my stay. They have a friend who speaks excellent English and, if you need anything (non-punter related - I've made that mistake so you guys don't have to make a complete arse of yourself!), you can get in contact with her. One small tip I would reccomend for the new traveller to Russia/Ukraine is to make sure you get someone to write down the flat's address in Russian - it'll make life easier in taxis.

Pupsnu - I should have been clearer, I meant meeting girls whilst just walking around shopping / messing around in Kiev, not street hookers. I wasn't really looking, but I wasn't aware of any street hookers or line-ups in Kiev, although I'm sure there must be some - they're in every other city in the world!

River Palace is only around 5 - 10 minutes or so from central Kiev - I don't think it's a realistic walk there, but it's not too far away.

I fully agree with you about taxis, and I'm not trying to sound like a wealthy snob, but for the sake of a couple of dollars I'm not really too bothered. When the price goes 30UAH+ I'll take a stand on principle, but at 20UAH I can live with it.

Of course you're right that if you do speak Russian then just sticking out your hand and getting a local to give you a trip for 10UAH or less is the best way, but I wouldn't reccomend this for non-Russian speakers. I tried it, on advice from this board I think, on my first Russian trip to SPB and found it quite difficult simply as I struggled to understand people. My conversational Russian has improved, but I still struggle on my first couple of days to understand locals even if I can make myself understood.

I have to admit to being too lazy to use it, but the metro seemed a really good alternative to get round. Very cheap and looked pretty easy to use.

Sour Honey
12-10-03, 07:47
GIA Escort have already had a stroke of Alzheimer.....
They have risen their prices from $300 per day to 350 EUROS per day!!!! (This means, with actual change, that the $300 now are 425!!!! A good shot....)

KievEscort DOESN'T answer the E-mails.... never!

Really strange situation with Escort services in Kiev at present.

I think that I will move more to River Palace.......

Bez Bezarra
12-10-03, 13:44
Uke boy,

Well, I don't know if I can fit all the answers to your questions into one post, since there is a word limit that I don't have permission to exceed, but I'll try.

Of course, the primary matter IS the subject matter. What I mean is that yes, its fine to discuss and discuss all the important issues about how to act, where to stay, the weather, in fact, there's usually a thread for that called "General Info", right?
Now I'm no moderator, and perhaps you are, since you could read the date of my photo, which is another subject I'll get to later, and since you or somebody edited out the word "****", and then asked me about it, but... all this endless talk, and literally nothing to ILLUSTRATE what we're talking about gets boring.

What would the Moscow thread be without Ca traveler & his delicious illustrations? I think many would agree that the coolest innovation to WSG is that we can illustrate what we are talking about by posting "real" photos. But when the balance of talk to illustration is 100 to nothing, I got bored and not only said something about it, I did something too. That's not a boast or brag, its just the simple truth.

Now in my own personal sad and stupid case, I actually went to Ukraine 6 times without even bringing a camera. Then when I did, I brought one back through security, and the ass holes x-rayed it and zapped all my pics. The I brought a digital camera, and when I got home, I accidentally erased everything by hitting the format button. As far as last year's date on my photo, well I do recall that Mr. Jackson did not have photo posting available until this year, so how could I have posted that pic last year if I wanted to? I NEVER said anything inferring that I took this photo recently, I simply was SENDING IT with warm holiday wishes to everyone out here, since this is the holiday season, and I want to get the feeling of sharing and giving to spread to others. Its a bit odd to me, that you and so many others don't have anything to share to shake things up a bit, especially since you seem to be there now, while I am dying of boredom over here in the US. I'll answer everything else when I get time, for now its off to the grind. Bye!

Roger Mellie
12-10-03, 17:40
clearly, I need to go to Kiev, get involved in some threesome action and take some gentleman's pictures while I am at it, for posting. Well thats the new years resolution sorted.

Uke Boy
12-10-03, 18:54

sorry to hear about your gia experience. after i read your posting, i called them and asked about dasha. however, the difference was that i spoke only in russian. in russian, she costs $170 for the day, ($70 one hour $90 two hours) which they define as 10 hours. i am not sure how long you want her for but this is just another example of locals paying one price and foreigners paying another much higher price. it is a constant problem here.

my advice is when you get here, have someone you trust who speaks russian call gia and make the arrangements locally. you will save a lot of money that way, and not just on the ladies.

kievescort fascinated me since their ladies are outstanding. in the interests of contributing to the forum, i just got back from a two hour session with one of the ladies. super! just super. bbbj, cim, full sex as much as you want, no limit. we were at it fast and furious.

i met with the dispatcher who accompanied the lady to the location and later spoke to me about more of their services. i must say that she is great at customer service. the "201" number on their web site is not working, it has been permanently shut off but the "067" mobile works. call her on that.

she also explained as she pulled out her laptop that she recently had computer connection problems but that she does reply to email. let me know if that is the case. i am curious to see if she did.

again, call her when you get here. that really is the best situation. she does speak very good english so communicating by phone is no problem.

mangus man,

thanks for the promotion but i am no moderator. i have no power to change or edit posts, not even my own after i have sent them. i wish i had all those powers but only if i get to run my own board.

let me give you some information on how i got the picture date. if you save the picture to the hard drive and then open its "properties," it will show you all the nasty little details, the camera make, the speed, the lens, the date, lots of information. all digital files have some sort of "stamp" to mark them in some way. i knew what to look for and was just curious.

i have nothing against pictures. the more the better.

what we were discussing recently about language was not in my mind a matter for the general information section. we were discussing how to best communicate with the ladies here. general information to me is how to get a train or plane ticket, a translator or other such nonsense. we were and still are discussing the best ways to meet, speak with and enjoy the company of the local beauties.

if you are bored, get over here. as you can see, i was not bored this afternoon...

Sour Honey
12-10-03, 23:17
Confirmed now directly from Gia via E-mail.

They have rised the price of all their girls of about FORTY percent !!!!

So now a 24 hours escort will cost $ 420 !!!!!!!! (350 Euros)
(the previous price was $300)

It seems me a bit high also for other Countries like Czeck Republic......

What do you think about?!? (I'm really shocked.....)

12-11-03, 00:22

I think Gia is just trying it on - unfortunately they're probably right and know they can get away with it.

As long as there are some business men looking on the internet for an escort and don't want to leave their hotel then they can get away with charging these sort of prices. $420 for 24 hours is ridiculous for Kiev, but you can pay that sort of price for a hour in London very easily (£200 for an hour is not uncommon at all). That being the case, and with increased business opportunities in Ukraine, I think this could be the beginning of an ugly trend. I wondered if it was just my approach, but this would also explain why some of the girls in RP were starting prices at $300 - I suppose if you're them it can't hurt to ask. It just makes the more casual scene that much more attractive.

It reminds me to also mention a word of caution about a strip club which, I think, has recently opened in Hotel Dnipro. A colleague of mine was staying at the hotel and was raving about the place, but it sounded awful - trust me, he is the definition of more money than sense! I think he said it was 100UAH entry, something like $50 for 10 minute private dance with no touching and $300 for less than an hour back in your room. I know I haven't been, and he said the girls were stunning, but it sounds one to avoid. If you want to see stunning girls dance, go to Freedom on a Saturday (or even River Palace). I haven't actually been so if someone wants to tell me I'm wrong, I'm happy to be corrected.

In passing, one of the girls from Gia can be found on omen.ru apparently for $30 a hour - no idea if the email address will work or if the prices still stand, but at that price difference it can't hurt to try. Not sure if the attached link from babel fish will work. http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/urltrurl?lp=ru_en&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdating.omen.ru%2Fnph-love.ple%3Ff%3Dushow%26amp%3Bf_id%3D320913

12-11-03, 06:45
Uke Boy,

I know that for a normal company $20 per night does not make a difference. But $50/night means that apartment near Maidan.

An apartment on Tolstoi street (the one going down from University) overlooking the botanic garden costs less than that.And trust me, it is soooo much better.

Anyways, after seeing all the posts, I have to say I am really excited about going to Kiev after many years. I still don't know what I will do about the whole language thing, since I don't think I will be taken as a foreigner, and well, I think that's a minus.

If anyone wants to meet up in Kiev at the end of December and go clubbing, let me know.

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions to remove the multiple periods throughout the text. To avoid future delays, please consider using a comma to separate the phrases in your sentences. This practice works for millions of people every day. Thanks!

Uke Boy
12-11-03, 20:13

I am not sure why you would want to spend 24 hours with Dasha, or anyone else, without having at least first spent a couple of hours in "road testing the vehicle." In London I do occasional overnights but only after having met the lady first for one or two encounters.

Even if she was $200, 24 hours sight unseen for whatever amount would hurt a lot more. Besides, I suspect that you could easily fulfill whatever desires you want while you are here just by doing what Snowy has described and then asking the lady or ladies in question if they want to extend the "date" with you if you do hit it off. You will be pleasantly surprised by the willingness and it will likely cost you about the same or even less than Gia.

When I called Gia, I first asked about Zhanna, and was told she is not working there any more and will not be back anytime soon. I have seen her photo on a number of these "acquaintance" sites but I do get the feeling that if she is real, she is also a rip off.

Guys, stay away from the strip clubs in the hotels and other high profile locations unless it is to just look and drink alone. They are rip-offs. You are better off heading for Rest Town, (or other such clubs, there are a few) not being hassled there, watching the ladies do their stripping, no pressure and then going off to one of the rooms with anyone of your choice at a reasonable price. The ladies at Rest Town vary in quality, rarely are they 10s like the downtown strip clubs, more like 6-9's. The only guarantee in the downtown strip clubs is that YOU will be screwed.


For most of the guys reading these postings, staying at an apartment in the very center is their best security blanket, even at $50 per day, which is at least half the hotel rates. You have a decided advantage with the language and for other reasons. If you have a place for $20 or $30 per night, please let us know how and through whom! It's a great location where you will be, just one step removed from the heart of downtown but still part of the central area.

Don't worry about the language issue. That will sort itself out very quickly.

Sour Honey
12-11-03, 20:57
I know, Snowy,
In London there is a terrible situation. Just try Birmingham (not too bad, and Edinburgh ( good for BBBJ). But I think that you know these things much better than me.

And yes, I have seen that girl (and a couple more in another site) with less and less prices. But the dates are much before the enter of the girl in Gia environment.

I will go anyway with a try with Dasha (despite the price and her age...31) because she really attracts me. Not for SM, I'm absolutely not into this, but body and face.

I will update you after the 10th of January.

Pupsnu, I will be in Kiev from the 30th of Dec to 10th of Jan.
If you think to be still there, I will be happy to share a beer with you (not girls!, not into threesomes when males are in pair number ....:-) )

Drop me a post, and I will leave you the cell phone number (Kiev Tristar) I will buy in UA the 24 of Dec.

12-12-03, 21:57
I can't believe you guys talking so much about Gia and Dasha?

If you're into this why don't you try to visit Lefkose in Northern Cyprus for the marvellous chicks from Ukraine and Moldova for the night rate of 80 bucks!

Don't forget the first rule in Kiev,never ever spend more than two hours with a girl, especially one you've met for the first time.

Sour Honey
12-13-03, 09:54
Vega and Uke....
I'm a strange kind of man ...:-)
I love to spend a day with the girl, 2 hours put me in a rush "anxiety" that is not so good.

I know, may be a rip off, may be I am too used to Prague escorts (that are fantastic for a day booking, and are also Ukrainians).

It seems a bit a Russian roulette, I know, but aren't we IN Russia?!? :-)

Go figure, I'm not (and never was) a punter in Italy where I live. Just because here the rush, the uncaringness is normal (also at high levels) Fuck and go is not for me, and I prefer to be ripped-off one time more than having a "quick" rushed session.

Anyway, I will update you after the 10th of January. And thanks so much for all the suggestions (also those I will not hear...:-) )

Uke Boy
12-13-03, 10:24

I am puzzled by your comment that "marvelous chicks from Ukraine and Moldova in Lefkose" can be found for $80 per night? In looking at your postings for Cyprus, all your prices and comments show that they are about equal to that which the ladies charge here. You even talk about hourly rates of $40, not to mention the "room fees" if you take a lady back to your hotel. Has there been a sudden drop the Cyprus rates?


Nothing strange, I understand your reasons for the day rate. If you are set on Dasha, 10 hours for $170 is not too bad. Good luck and let us know how it all turned out.

12-13-03, 13:46
Second golden rule for Kiev: Never ever spend more than two hours with a girl you've just met outside no matter how stunning she is, don't forget there's always a better opportunity to be seeked! ( Never mentioned about paid scene anyway!?! )

12-13-03, 19:06
The Cyprus rates have always been the same! The rate of $80 per night and the hour rate of $30-40 include the room charge if you decide to stay in a 4-star quality room of the nightclub,but if you decide to take the girl back to your hotel you pay an extra charge of $10 for the room.
In any case the quality is uncomparably higher(using condom is up to you!!) than gia or kievescort for instance for about half price and besides you have the chance of choosing the best girl after watching about 25-30 on the dance floor for a couple of hours(totally different from the scene in resttown)

Uke Boy
12-13-03, 21:49

I know this is the Kiev board but I am still confused about the prices in Cyprus but since we are talking about Ukrainian girls, I will leave it here for now. You repeat the overnight rates are the same $80 but here exactly are two of your very recent statements from the Cyprus postings:


"It's also worth trying to stay in a place like Acapulco( $40 per night for the best beach in Cyprus) located between Lefkose and Girne and to feel the real joy with a stunning beauty from 2a.m. till 6p.m. for $160-180."



"The girls are not allowed to go out till 2p.m. so you can wait and go together as I've always preferred or pay for the taxi and wait for the girl in your hotel. You have the choice of paying $80-100 till 9a.m. or $150-200 till 6p.m. You can even make reservation for the next day from 11a.m. till 6p.m. or for the next night. It's also possible to meet one of the girls for 1 hour right in the club during the day or at night till 2p.m. for $40, but I don't advise this choice as it doesn't give the real essence of the action!"

None of your posts in the Cyprus forum had an $80 overnight mentioned. The prices are still great for the amount of time involved but it is still more than $80. The problem still remains that you can get a River Palace girl and even some one from Rest Town for $200 for 24 hours as well.

I don't mean to be difficult but I am thinking of a trip to Cyprus and want to know the prices that can be expected for the ladies there.

Bez Bezarra
12-14-03, 04:56
Hey Uke Boy,

Just to address your other comments, I'll tell you that I was only making a joke when I threw in the line about sluts, not that I claim to be funny, but there has been a lack of humor in this thread. And I still don't understand how you read it, since it was edited out and replaced with the word girls. One of the first Ukrainian guys I made friends with proposed that its widely known that at least 50% of all Ukrainian females are prostitutes, i.e. if you handed them $$ they would do you. I couldn't figure out if he was right or just a pig. For me, I certainly don't consider them all sluts, in fact, I only joked that there were a million sluts, that leaves several other millions of nice girls.

Well, anyway, about Marina from the photo, I found her through one of the local gazettas, I never really planned to post her pic, I just got bored with the conversation here and thought it was time to shake things up a bit. I still can't seem to get anyone else to follow my lead. Yes she is a real looker, and it makes little sense to me that I notice that her pic has been viewed 8 less times than the pathetic girl on the Estonian photo gallery, but not much else makes sense in this fucked up world, so who cares. More details about Marina, actually being that hot looking, she was stuck up and cold, no GFE, I give her only a 2 for performance. I know enough now that I should have given her the "weekend party" treatment explained in an old post in the Russian section, and she probably would have come around.

As for me, I certainly profess no talent, anyway, I should just let my pics talk for me. I'll be back as soon as work allows me, probably not until the spring. I hate the cold weather, and I love to see the coats come off and the skirts blowing in the breeze.

12-14-03, 20:14
The overnight rate from 2a.m. till 9a.m. is $80 and the the time is fixed all throughout Northern Cyprus.The quality however is much higher than resttown or riverpalace.In short I highly recommend a trip over there.

12-15-03, 02:05
Mangus Man,
Sorry I have photos from my trips to Kiev. Just kinda slack on posting them.Well that and scanner gone too and just haven't felt like setting up the new one. Give me a few more days then I will post a couple of the Photos I have.That is if I can figure this out.

Bez Bezarra
12-15-03, 13:23
Kind of slack? Gee, that's too bad. Actually Armorer, I was more hoping to see something, even anything, from Seniors like Uke/Vega/RIC, but so far, they only share their ideas. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I'm just hoping for some inspiration, along the lines of the great Moscow pics of CaTraveler.

So here's my friend Zhenya, she's a friend of a friend that hooked me up in Zhytomyr, an hours drive west of Kiev. Before I took her picture, my face was where her hands are. I can only give her about a 7 or 7.5, she was a sweety, yeah I like blondine. She kept me tuned up, waiting for the big prize. A fine and excellent opportunity to provide sponsorship in my personal goal to help the Ukrainian economy.

Sour Honey
12-15-03, 18:39
Ahem...just for the record....

On the track of Uke and Vega, in these last days before the start... I checked some "non-pros" sites.....and in 5 days I got 3 appointment in Kreshatik from a 25, 27 and 28 girls. (On a total of 14 starting chances)

Don't know if them will be "paid" sessions (think not), but I think for sure that will be SESSIONS.....for what I caught from the words (one at the telephone, also!)

Is really incredible that a man in his 50s (and they have seen the pictures of me!), bald, a bit fat, ugly, with impenitent hemorrhoids..... can catch these stunning beauties in their 25....

If I would try here in Italy a thing like this, I will be killed.... at least I will create a lot of laughs.... Incredible. Seems that I will not have the free time for pros!!!!! (Dasha and a couple of rounds at Palace are fixed anyway....)

But I have just wanted to share this, that may be useful for other newbies..... TRY, no fear .... TRY!!

>Mangus... this will be my first time in Ukraine.... so I have not too much to share now.... at least a couple of condoms... :-)
Wait until 10th of January

Bez Bezarra
12-15-03, 22:22
Hey RIC!

What exactly are the "non-pros" sites? Are you talking about dating sites like
Adult Friend Finder? Are your "appointments" just that the girl agreed to a first time meeting for a coffee? I'm not surpised at your success, I think its because you're a foreigner. The Kiev girls probably just don't want the smoking/drinking Ukrainian guys, if they can have something better.

I have a friend in London who prefers the divorced 28 to 35 year-olds that have 1 or 2 children. He likes them to have a lot of experience, hoping that they'll jam a finger up his arse, or vice-versa. You know those Limeys and their buggering! He also thinks that being divorced, they won't waste any of his precious time being coy, so they'll be hot and ready for plenty of action with a foreigner, and that they'll be so grateful for the sausage injections, that they won't ask him for more than buying meals and token gifts of appreciation.

I said before I like the amatuer less experienced college student types, or even the hard up out of work with family problems at home types, who tend to be less greedy, and haven't been hardened yet by madams to develop the "business" attitude that ruins the fun and GFE. In 2001, I fucked a 20 year old girl in Kharkov with the most beautiful angelic face and sparkling eyes. Her smile just floored me! Her tits were saggy with giant nipples from having a baby. I kept thinking I had seen her somewhere before, and then she told me that she had just quit working as a "hot doggie girl" selling weiners from a cart in the main square, because she couldn't even make $3 a day. I gladly gave her all the hot dog she could take!

I think, and maybe the rest of you other mongerers out there will agree, that the difference between the 28 to 35 Ukrainian girls and American women, is the slavic culture doesn't automatically "attitudinize" them, so they're more likely to keep their sweetness, as opposed to American girls who are 100% fucked up by the time they're 23. In the USA, even the escorts are cold hearted bitches by the time they're 20.

Sour Honey
12-16-03, 18:19
Exactly, Mangus,
Friend finder (not Adult!) and some other "serious" sites.
I have had 6 successes on 15 E-mails (at present...huge grow from last day!) !!!!
They have seen my picture, so they know how ugly I ma, know my age (50) but all they agreed with an initial appointment!
And half of them have given their phone number, praying me to call them when in Kiev..... Praying me?!? .... I would pray them ....!

And moreover (as I said to friend (Hey Tosc!) I sent a super-short E-mail to start the thing at the limit of decency..... like:
I will be in Kiev, would you meet me?" and few else!!!
If I will receive an E-mail like this.... I would never answer for sure.... how rude! .... But .... it functioned!

One is for sure a girl that seeks money, but she is seeking money in a hubby, so may be that also that experience will not be so bad....:-)

Other 5 are between 22 (one!) and 29. To me is a record unbeated also in my thirties....

Anyway, I will get what they give..... may be pushing them a bit with flowers and candies....:-)

Ciao for now

Sour Honey
12-17-03, 08:30
For those that asked me the addresses of the sites I surfed.... not too much new I think, but here the list.
The last is not a site but an Ukrainian portal. but on it you can find a lot of other sites.






(I do not want to hide you some other things.... the fact (Alzheimer!) is that I don't recall where I picked some other girls..... really! :-)

Do pobachennya

UH... to another guy..... I do NOT speak Russian.... just a hundredth of words.... but enough (I hope) to help me....:-)

Uke Boy
12-20-03, 18:13
Hi All,

I have been away for a meeting in Vienna, then busy as heck here. I was checking the forum but could not really contribute. I see that Mangus Adolescent had been a very bad boy and his recent posts deleted.

I came back and went to one of Eric's bars here. For those of you who do not know Eric, he is a wonderful entrepreneur here who has a number of bars and clubs that he owns with his wife. They are all different and are amongst the best places to hang out and meet the locals who are mostly not "pay for play." However, you do pay in other ways such as you would on a regular date back home...

Kiev is just one of those amazing places. This is where a guys not unlike RIC and myself (I am close in many of the ways he describes himself) can meet and then spend days and nights of pure sex and lust with a girl of 22! When I was 22 or 23, I never met such ladies who were just this good looking and sexually insatiable.

This latest lady, Marina, is a doll. Another blondie, a secretary, 5'6", it has been just a blur for the last three days. I am now off to meet her for dinner and it will be another night and all day tomorrow.

I am going to need next week away from her and recover, but with a big smile.

John Quakman
12-20-03, 22:17
I am planing to give my best friend a little birthday mongering trip to Kiev in March. I have been to Kiev 2 times in the past but strickly business and did not partake in any of the local girls so while I'm experienced in Kiev I am a Newbie in the scene. I want this to be a memorable trip for my friend, who turns 60 and is still going strong.

The two past trips I had a driver/guide available 24 hr who was an interpeter / guide / driver and was an excellent way to learn about the city. I was hoping that I could engage a similar service but with the added area of expertise of mongering. If any fellow mongers can refer me to a source I would be grateful. We plan on spending 3-4 days in Kiev.

12-21-03, 07:46
Ok, I have just finished adding 2 photo's to the gallery. One is from my first Visit and first girl in Kiev, the second is from my latest Visit. Oh what I have learned. I am about to return to Kiev in January. I have a few more photo's but no time to hunt them up these were easy to find. I hope you enjoy.
If anyone will be there during Jan and like to talk over a drink let me know.

12-21-03, 19:50
Hi guys,

I've been in Kiev 4 days now but no luck with the ladies sofar... (the non-pros that is)
In my opinion it's nearly impossible to approach them in a decent fashion.

I'm 31, quite tall, not bad looking and try to dress smart but except from some glances now and then there seems to be no real interest, and it's hard to invite yourself to a group of dancing girls I think.

My Russian is quite limited, this might have something to do with it. How do you experienced mongerers do it?

I will be in Lviv from tomorrow till friday and am back in Kiev for next weekend 27-28 Dec.

Anyone wanna hookup?

12-22-03, 20:44

Your experience with the non-pros sounds just like my first trip to Russia (SPB) a few years ago. It's easy to read these boards and think you just need to step onto the street, look at a girl and some Slavic angel will immedeately join you for a drink, followed by a date at a club in the evening and 12 hours of mind-blowing sex! Doesn't quite work that way; shame!

I wouldn't worry about your lack of Russian - the more you speak, the more people you can speak to, but this aside it shouldn't stop you having a good time.

I think the trick - and you'll read this all over the Kiev and Russian boards - is just to behave as confidently as possibly. I wouldn't dream of acting like I do in Russia/Ukraine anywhere else I've been. You simply can't be shy and wait for the girls to initiate contact. You said you've had no luck yet, just a few glances - those were contacts mate! Turn round and bold and brass go and introduce yourself. Sure you'll get knocked back a few times, but your success rate will be far greater than you would think. The more people you try to talk to "cold", the better you'll get it at it. If it doesn't come naturally though the first few times can be rough, but suck it it in and get in there - the rewards are so, so, so very worth it!!

If you need have some set opening questions in English (this will help determine if they speak English) - have you got a light. you're lost and can they direct you to your hotel, you're new in town and want to know if they could reccomend a good club/restaurant, do they want to dance, do they want a drink - anything to get a conversation going. Then it's down to your own ability to charm, but you've got to stay really positive, confident and keep them engaged and focussed on you.

If the girls you are speaking to are really a non-pros, do remember they may not appreciate being treated like a hooker! Just keep them involved in a conversation, be generous (not horribly lavish, just as you might be with a date back in your own country), be courteous, be interested in her, be complimentary and things will happen.

Pretty obvious stuff but I've found it really works. Good luck!

Uke Boy
12-22-03, 23:06

This birthday trip for your friend sounds like the best gift you can give him. This is a great place to celebrate in the best possible way.

I suggest you start with Snowy's report from 12/7/03. It is an accurate, detailed and very up to date report on the city and its current best places and the action. Between now and March is a long time so your best bet would be to follow the threads here. New clubs and places are opening all the time so just be a regular reader.

I am not sure about the question of taxi/chauffeur drivers helping you about. It is a very much hit-or-miss since there are no such "regular" services that I know of. I would not encourage possible use of this since you may end up very disappointed. It is not a part of the regular scene here.

Follow the advice in the forum that is your best bet.


I do not want to re-open the language discussion again but it REALLY helps if you know Russian. Believe me, I know, from experience here and in Moscow.

However, Kiev is not Moscow or other places where I have run into many ladies who know at least basic English and try to use it. For some reason, even those who are beyond basic here tend to be very reluctant to use it in social situations.

I do not know but jumping into a group of ladies dancing by themselves sounds like a great way to start a conversation. Try it, what do you have to lose? It may well end up the best time of your life.

12-23-03, 02:10
The keyword is hidden in your own words: trying to approach in a ''decent'' way doesn't work in Kiev! That's why you have to invite the group of dancing girls to yourself and change the style of dancing a little bit by making it private.
You can heat up in River Palace and continue in Freedom! It really works and that's how I live Kiev all my life,whether I'm there or not?!?
The details of how you get through are actually not so important. A common misbelief throughout the entire forum as well as this particular one is that merely trying to follow up what others suggest will lead into pure success! However,the enjoyable and fun part is trying to figure out your own way,no matter how wrong it is,as the wronger it is the quicker you'll accomplish.

12-23-03, 11:03
2c for Parcifal:

I know how you can feel, after reading all that stuff in the forum and not being able to catch anything in the field.

If you are new to CIS countries probably it will be hard for you to change your attitude and find a path to the heart of these ladies. The way you dress, your average look, your knowledge of russian are not the main issue here. The main issue is who you are inside, your energy, your self confidence, the way you act. If you don't want to pay, of course.

I think Vegamars gave you some good tips. Even if I don't know how he looks like, whether or not he speaks some russian, how much he wastes in dinners or gifts, his general attitude is winning in these countries. This doesn't mean that you can have THE woman you liked, but for sure you can find A woman that suits your needs.

My suggestion is to follow what Vegamars and other people already wrote: be relaxed, try and try again, play your cards.

PS. forget about being succesful with normal girls in Lviv! But if you really want to go there and search for a student, you can visit the disco Picasso (if it's still working...)

Let us know

12-25-03, 00:34
Any line going away from the States towards Europe and Kiev has the best schedule and anyone except me needs a visa for Ukraine even for 1 hr.
As Kiev is a very special place,let's do something special to emphasize our vision and perspective of it.
I propose to meet on the most important and fun day of the city,namely the ''Day Of Kiev''(Don't ask me when??)
Like the common episode,'when the going gets tough the tough get going'

Uke Boy
12-25-03, 10:32

A visa is required for anyone excluding citizens/passport holders from most of the former USSR. They can come in visa free.

Don't even think of coming here without one if you are headed for Kiev. In fact, the airline will or should check your passport to see if you have a valid visa at check-in. If you do not have a valid visa, they will not allow you to check-in or even to board. If you happen to get here without a visa, Immigration Control here will not let you in and you will be sent back.

The visa process is fairly simple and straightforward if you have a US passport but I do suggest you make the application as early as possible to avoid any possible holdups or hassles. You should try and do so at least six weeks before you intend to come if you do it by mail or via an agency. If you do it in person, then a month or so beforehand is OK.

There are two direct flights per week on Fridays and Sundays from New York to Kiev on Aerosvit. The planes are Boeings and the flight is comfortable. All other flights are with stopovers and changes of planes in most of the major European cities. I would suggest the best changeover cities for flights from the US would be Amsterdam, Frankfurt or London.


Kiev Day is always celebrated the last weekend in May.

Nyc Expat
12-25-03, 12:26

After reading the posts about Kiev and the opportunities available, I checked flight schedules etc. I can suggest Czech airlines has a convenient departure from Copenhagen to Kiev Borispol (KBP) with a brief stopover in Prague. I picked the summer months as reference.

Total flying time 4 hrs. for USD 353 roundtrip. Found this offer on travelocity.

Bez Bezarra
12-25-03, 16:15
Flights to Kiev.

I used to go on Uzbekistan Airways, which in the past, (2000/2001), was the ONLY airline with direct flights from the US to Ukraine. They had about 4 flights a week, some from JFK, and some from Alabama, yes Alabama, because of the Agricultural university exchange program between Tashkent and Huntsville.

After the economic slump here, thses flights were cutback, and during winter, I think they are cut even further because of low demand. So I don't know if you can still get there this way. There is a ticket office in Manhatten that operates as Ukriane International Airways or Air Ukraine thats books seats on Uzbek Airways, they only take American express, NO VISA or Mastercard credit cards.

The Uzbekistan planes, Boeings, are old and creaky, some of the seat cushions are missing, but the flights were fine, they serve beer to kids as young as 14, and there were a few hot girls too. This flight stops in Kiev to refuel, then continues for another 6 or 7 hours to Tashkent. The price was cheap too!

Now there are other airlines with direct flights, but I think only from JFK to Kiev. I HATE JFK airport, the inter-terminal bus sucks!

If you can get a direct flight from where ever you live to any major European hub city, Paris/London/Amsterdam/Frankfurt/Zurich, they all have short non-stop service to Kiev, on Ukraine International and others like KLM/Air France/Lufthansa. Schipol airport in Amsterdam is really nice for changing planes.

Uke Boy
12-26-03, 19:58

I just took a look at the www.aerosvit.ua/eng site. Unlike Uzbek Cattle Airlines who I think no longer do any pickups in Kiev, Aerosvit is trying hard to be a modern carrier and in most cases is doing a great job.

Flights leave JFK at 6:30 PM and arrive Kiev at 11:15 AM the next day. Flight time is about 9-10 hours.

Return flights leave Kiev at 12:00 and get to JFK at 3:30 PM, a long 10-11 hours en route but it is non-stop.

The best part is that the fare now is $449 plus about $75 taxes for about $525 total. I am sure you can't do much better than that. And they fly new Boeing 767s and service is very good. Payment is accepted in all forms of cards.

If you can't do JFK, I agree with Mangus, Schipol is the best place for a transfer. Efficient, well-laid out and easy to maneuver from one gate and to another. It also has the best shopping and some great coffee bars if your layover is more than an hour or so. Forget about Paris. Paris DeGaulle is the absolute pits, stay away. Of the majors, Frankfurt and Heathrow are the best, of the smaller, Zurich or best yet, Vienna.

But if price is your major factor, Aerosvit is your best bet, for that as well as convenience.

Spend your money on the ladies here and not on airplanes.

12-27-03, 04:42
Thank you Brothers for all the help, I appreciate your valuable time that you guys spent to help your fellow brothers.

I'm trying to find some girls on ICQ before ariving to make my stay enjoyable. I'm noticining most Ukranian woman either dont speak English or dont have computer access. I met a woman on ICQ from Russia and I did travel to spent time with her. I traveled with her within Russia. I hope Russia and Ukraine remove the Visa requirements for the European Union members :)

I see that soon the day will come that we all will be able to get in the country without any Visa requirements.

They need the EURO AND DOLLARS NO?

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions to fix dozens of simple writing errors including missing punctuation and capitalization, multiple periods throughout the text, etc. To avoid future delays, please proof-read your reports before posting them. Thanks!

Sour Honey
12-29-03, 11:00
OK, fellow punters, a brief report from my 2nd stop (Nikolayev).

Uhmmmm , what I have to say?..... Good score in Zaporhizhia, 2 nights and 2 days with the company of the girl I contacted.
She is really nice, and sex ..... OK and assured. :-)

A little tour in the Hotel Night club (recommended! Is the Intourist Hotel) let me found for 80 bucks the last unforgettable night. Sure she was a pro (at least semi pro) but one of my best fuck of the life. Absolutely without problems in sex..... she sucked me all what she can.... 'ole dickie, fingers, feet fingers, ears, ass (hemorrhoids included :-) )..... Boshe moi! Absolutely stunning!

Hey... do you know that a BigMac Menu costs less than 18 Hrivnas ($3,50)? (I personally hate McDonalds, but seems that here is like a super restaurant.....

Nikolayev..... OK.... first night was my turn to be fucked.... had an appointment with a very nice girl .... and there was only mama at home.... (OK it can happen....) Being the mama NOT-fuckable....
:-) I returned in the center in tears (the cold weather...) and with my balls touching my knees....

Ten (TEN!!!) minutes of walking, and I stopped in front of a store, near two nice girls (30 and 28 Y.O.).
Ten words in Russian, 100 in English.... and GO for a nice evening, a good dinner..... and a good threesome (despite that's not my best choice). After I knew that they are a lesbian couple, but they also like some ...uh... willing guys. Total paid 150 Hrivnas for the dinner and drinks!!!!! (ah... forget, 20 hrivnas to the hotel security, that told me one is OK, two not!!!!! :-) )

OK I stop here, I will update you when I will be in Kiev (from tomorrow).

But I would say to newbies Hey Parcifal!... that is REALLY easy to meet willing girls here! You have ONLY to catch a sight! Then answer the sight and ....go with talk! For an old geezer like me is more difficult, but I think that a good results percentage of 30% of *WINNING*.... is a good one!!!

And thanks again to UkeBoy and Vega..... without you ..... less chances!!! :-).

12-30-03, 01:37
A few points to clarify and reinforce: I've never met an Ukrainian girl who doesn't speak English or at least tries to communicate in English,so never ever spoil their chance to be inspired by you by speaking Russian as it would make you very ordinary! Just save your few words for the sake of laughter and warming up the air.
The time Ukraine will remove visa requirements for the western world will never come unfortunately, as the visas for Ukrainian citizens for those countries are on auction??

12-30-03, 11:58

I've met lots of Ukrainian girls who don't speak English, but let's not start that again.

Maybe you can help me on something else...been to Yalta? Worth going to? Not interested in "working girls" per se, but is there a university there or students? I want to attend a Russian language course for a week in some out of the way place and found something in Yalta.

If you can give any honest insight on Yalta (please don't make it sound better than it is, if it sucks compared to other places, tell me!), I'd appreciate it, thanks!

Bez Bezarra
12-30-03, 13:24
the only university i've found in krim is in simferopol. lots of girls there, my dental school blond asya and her sister go there. i think there is more though, like some big technical schools in sevastopol, and maybe a pedagogical university also. no, thats not for ****s, you pervos! its for teachers, and they are hot!! usually 15 or 20 girls to 1 or 2 guys in those classes. sorry, never heard of anything but hotels in yalta. all the girls i know go to alushta, which is cheaper, about 30 minutes down the coast road.

asya. pic is grainy, i forgot to switch camera to night-shot, sorry. 21 years old, about 5'1", incredibly sweet girl.

Uke Boy
12-30-03, 15:02

I agree with you about Ukrainian girls. Most don't know more than 10 words of English and what words they do know are useless. I really do wonder what other Ukraine Vegamars must be visiting because it does not relate to my reality and I am here full time.

The big question about Yalta and language course is when do you want to go? I have been there but I would not suggest winter as the time to visit. Yalta by itself is fine but the real treat is the surrounding countryside which is truly spectacular and worth visiting.

Right now, with the cold and the early darkness the area is almost a ghost town but is dirt cheap in terms of accommodations and anything else you may care to try, if you can find it.

During the summer months it is overrun with Muscovites making it almost unbearable.

The best time to go is either in May/early June or in September/early October. Most of the summer tourists have not yet arrived or have gone, the rates for hotels and other needs are slightly lower, and weather should be great. There is a lot to see and do in Crimea so a week at school would be fine but not if you are in class all day.

What is available for entertainment is plentiful at that time of the year, depends on what your interests are, from the ladies to the beaches to the mountains, wineries, czarist palaces, and much more. The choices are there.

12-30-03, 16:26
Uke Boy and MM,

Thanks for the info. I'm planning on going to Yalta in late May and attending a school with half day language classes, allowing me to practice on the local population at night. There are a couple of schools in the internet. Any info on apartments anybody may have out there is appreciated. Sorry I posted in the Kiev section, "other areas" would have been more appropriate.

Take it easy all, wish you a Happy New Year and happy hunting!

12-31-03, 03:18
Yalta is just a place of touristic trap for those who are not capable of enough knowledge of Ukraine.Hotel rates for instance can be incredible during busy periods.Crimea region is really full of very interesting historical small cities with universities,but a more attractive place would be Donetsk or Lugansk on the eastern border.
Knowledge and skill of language as well as other capabilities are closely related with high quality.
The face of other Ukraine is centered around real life,but it's not worth trying to mention what it is all about unless you feel the light and perspective.

01-02-04, 02:42

I checked on travelocity and found flights from Miami to Kiev for just under $600. it stops in Germany if you take Luthansa, KLM also has the same flight and price. don't put a date in and the site will give you the best prices and you choose dates which exclude travel on Fri Sat Sun & Monday, so if you schedule is flexible it works. Depends on where your flying from.

Uke Boy
01-08-04, 16:55
I need to let you all know about one of the great places in Kiev, Rest Town.

Word has it that this "club," once the best place in terms of both price and quality for meeting local ladies at all hours of the day and night has now radically changed and not for the better, unfortunately.

It seems that Rest Town has now come under the control of new management. Many of the girls are either very unhappy or have been fired. There also seem to be more visits and inspections from the police and other officials, also a very bad sign. There are some observations that police are stopping cars and taxis leaving Rest Town and "inspecting" passengers for "documents" and "fining" them. Very unpleasant.

There has also been reconstruction done that has taken out the rooms you could take the girls to that had been part of Rest Town's attractions.

I was told this by some friends who recently had been there and had been unpleasantly surprised. I do not know if any of you have been there recently as well but perhaps you could add some information on this very important issue. If indeed Rest Town has gone bad, that would be a great loss.

I would suggest staying away until more information becomes available.

01-08-04, 21:41
This is very bad news. I was in Rest Town this past May when I was in Kiev. I was hopeing that would have been my first stop after I arrived Tuesday afternoon. Has anyone else news of this.

01-09-04, 05:41
I've been lurking around for a while, thinking about making a trip to the Ukraine, and I would like to ask a few questions.

Originally, I had considered visting last Fall, but was prevented by work, so I figured my trip would be delayed until sometime in the upcoming Spring/Summer months. As luck would have it, I find myself laid off w/ severence, and with plenty of time to visit.

1st question, Visas: I had heard somewhere, mabe here, that a visit from a U.S. or EU citizen of 8 days or less did not require a visa. Can anyone confirm this, or if I want to stay, say 9 -14 days, how long can I expect a visa to take, provided I'm close enough to deliver the application, and accept the approved visa personally.

2nd question, timing: I realize that Febuary isn't the ideal time to visit, and I'm sure that if I did, I might miss out on many things the country can offer due to weather. Under my circumstances, I can accept this, but my real question, for those of you who know is, will I, because of the season/weather, be missing out on the attractions that this board was created to discuss?

3rd question, language: I've read the posts regarding language, but I would be travelling alone. Once I make the decision to go, I will study Russian, but as an american I have almost no exposure to other languages, and am therefore a poor linguist, so my short study time couldn't be to helpful, especially since pronunciation takes longer to learn (for me). I will respectfully make attempts at Russian, but given that my visit will not be the tourist season, would this make my visit less welcome?

Lastly, I want to thank the board for all the useful information provided. If I make this trip, I will share my experience here. If I don't, I will share my experience when (not if) I make it.

01-09-04, 11:28
The changes in rest town are certainly a tragic turn of events. Can anyone recommend a good alternative brothel or salon in Kiev? I will be there at the end of January.

01-09-04, 16:26
Also can anyone advise as to whether the Dnipro Hotel is hooker friendly i.e can I bring girls back to the room at night with no hassles?

01-10-04, 19:06

Regarding the language issue, I really wouldn't worry about it too much.

Whichever country you visit in the world, things will be easier the more you can converse in that country's language. I would actually argue though that the two hardest places to go in the world without any knowledge of the local tongue are actually America and the UK. In a huge number of other countries you will find that even with a minimal tourist infrastructure you will meet enough people who speak English to make your trip reasonably easy even if you don't speak much or any of the local tongue. This is part of the problem though and why so many people in the USA/UK don't really bother learning another language.

Kiev isn't particularly well set up for tourists yet, but you'll find more than enough people who speak sufficient English, especially many of the girls you might be interested in meeting (it seemed to me that far more girls knew some English than the men). As I recall, at places like River Palace (where nearly all the ladies will speak some English) and Moda Bar (not as many, but quite a large % of the ladies speak English) you won't have any problems. These places aside, at several of the other bars I went to I met at least a few girls who spoke varying degrees of English. As far as meeting girls whilst just wandering around, it's pot luck - some will, some won't; just be persistent and keep trying your luck.

This said, the more Russian you can pick up the more options you'll have and the easier your trip will be. With limited time, I would personally focus on the basics rather than diving straight into chat up lines - even if you can learn just enough to be confident to go into any bar/restaurant to order drinks/food and to confidently ask where you want to go in a taxi and negotiate a price, this will make life a lot simpler and open up the number of places you'll feel confident visiting. With limited time I would also really reccomend becoming familiar with the alphabet, so you can read street signs.

Go with an adventurous attitude, a phrase book, a confident outlook and you'll have a riot.

Uke Boy
01-10-04, 19:54

1st question, Visas: As I stated in an earlier message, if you come in for one hour or one year, you MUST have a visa. Get visa or the money spent will be lost completely lost since you will be turned back at the airport.

Go to http://www.ukremb.com/consular/visas.html which is the Ukrainian Embassy in the USA visa site. Spend some time there, the application is in PDF format and good luck. Don't let anyone on this board tell you otherwise than what is listed on that site.

2nd question, Timing: February, March and April are lousy. May through September are the best times. The ladies come out from under their fur coats and hats, and hit the ground running, so to speak. They then are out of doors displaying all their glory, some more so than others.

3rd question, Language: A few words and sincere attempts is better than none. That said, even without a few words, the ladies have no insincerity to them. Come any time you want, winter or summer. The ladies don't change, what they wear and how much they publicly show does. Otherwise, it is all the same.

Good luck.


Head for River Palace. You have the amateurs, semi-pros and pros all there. Otherwise, any bar or disco.

You can also try any of the strip clubs away from the hotels. They also have "private room" services but you can also take the girls away to your hotel or apartment from there as well. Rest Town is not the sole resource.

01-11-04, 03:20
Well with any luck, I should be in Kiev on Tuesday. I am not sure I will attempt Rest Town. I few things I had lined up have recently fell through. Such is life.
Is anyone currently in town. I will be there till the 23. Would be interested in a drink and a little hunting.
I hope to have as much fun as in the past.

Please let me say when I first went to Kiev I had no language skills. I was still nice and polite, and had almost any I could want.
My skills have improved some but not the best. I still have fun though.

Sour Honey
01-11-04, 11:11
OK.... my trip end report.
Back from 18 days in Ukraine, 10 in Kiev)
See my previous post for NIkolaiev and Zaporhozjie.

Kiev...... what to say?!?
Seems more a Western city than others, and have the defects of the Western (OK... just some)

I hit the top with the girls here:
10 total:
3 NON pros
3 SEMI pros
4 absolutely pros.

First the bad notes:
---Dasha (GiA escorts) .... sadly... a partial rip off. She do not speak a word of English (and this is never a problem to me) but mainly REFUSE to do any effort to understand and to be understood. Stunning girl, despite the age (32), sex a bit "cold". But mainly .....LAZY! she refused to come with me to the restaurant ( so I prepared an Italian dinner at home!). Summing up.... don't worth the expense.

- Svetlana, a semipro found at River Palace (in her 30s, a son of 11 yo). She speak a good English, nice body (slim one) but..... but..... she speak TOO MUCH!!!! During sex, she stops you many times to talk about the fuc...ing weather, music.... and so on!
If she did sex like she talked.... It will be a great choice. Sadly.... NOT!

- a non pro find on dating agencies, that tried only to pick all what she can from my wallet (I mean dinners and night clubs) but gave me only an hour of deep (anyway very good) french kissing. When I started to undress her.... she stopped my hands...... OK

Good ones

---Marina and Alesya from www.Kievescort.com (PRO)

Alesya is the kind of "Barbie girl". Really young (18, may be at least 20) and is really hot and good at ... work.

Marina is another kind (more romantic), but worth absolutely a try. Her BBBJ is one of the best I have tried in my life.

TO lazy people (Like I thought I was...) I recommend this agency. Serious and efficient, and really nice and good girls

-A couple of girls found on What's on Kiev. Good sex, good attitude, nice bodies (do not remember the names ....) (PRO)

---Irina (NON Pro) a nice (may be a bit overweighted to me, but I love the Auschwitz type.... :-) ) 23 yo blonde. Good English, good sex, relaxing.

---Ruslana (NON Pro) a nice 23 yo redhaired, good english, nice body, great sex. Just a sad note. She is the first UA girl that do NOT wash herself before sex. (It is not so a problem, I don't mean that she's dirty, but, guys, oral sex may be sometimes a bit "slowed down" from this thing.

--- Sveta, a semi-pro found in River Palace. 25 yo, nice body, great sex.

--Tatiana another semipro found in RP. 22 yo, exceptional body, less partecipative, but good sex anyway.

In total, a good week there.
Just some words of caution:

River Palace: very good environment. But if you become an addicted (I went there also after a date) you will discover also some more things.

Note for the lazy people: if you want to pick a pro or semi pro without "work", just sit in the two tables near the Night club bar.
In few time you will have 4 or 5 girls near you, asking to light a cigarette, or something else. Also for lazy guys: go there EARLY (I mean in the 11) and you will have the better choice.

To recognize a semipro or a pro at the first sight... is easy. They are the ONLY people not accompanied by the hostess at the table. They normally stay in the proximity of the bar, or in the first row of seats.

An hilarious note: I dated a girl (dating site) and have had a nice night together. But two days before, in River Palace, I was trying with a girl there, I turn my face and .... wham! here there! Not to mention the fact that I lost the new one.... :-) but I have had hard time also with the old.

So, guys, don't think that Kiev is a big city.... You can meet a girl many times and in different ways in these places!

Another (seems stupid.... NOT!) thing: NEVER forget the names of the girls! And possibly.... be greedy in sharing your phone number.....
I have had bad times with one that called me (while I was with another!) and she, feeling me a bit ... uh... embarrassed... asked me "What's my name?" 2 or 3 times. In that moment I have had completely forgot the names, and Boshe moi... I sweat a lot for some minutes...:-)

Last thing: have ALWAYS comdoms with you. Seems that some girls are sure that you'll come in Kiev with a bag full of them, so they come with you in the apartment and THEN ask you "Have you a condom?" T.G. I had.... otherwise don't know what to do.....

But they were really good days there. I highly recommend you to visit Kiev.

Ciao for now

Pacific Creek
01-12-04, 11:20
For all those who are looking to maybe learn some russian before you travel to this country, I would suggest trying your local university.

I wouldn't recommend taking a russian class unless you audit it because typically the instructor will demand more. However, the russian instructor at our local community college was more than willing to have me hook up with her brother in Kharkov for anything I wanted to know when I went.

If you are serious, try the local university and have them put a note on the bulletin board saying you are in need of a russian instructor/tutor. Chances are your local university/community college will have foreign exchange students and they will be looking to make some extra money. Not for sex though that may come up later but for teaching you the language.

You get first hand knowledge and instruction. They get some extra spending money. It's a win/win for everyone.

01-14-04, 02:13
It sounds like a real language class now,where are we guys? In Rus 101 lecture?? You think all eyes are gonna turn on you if you speak perfect Russian? That will only make you ordinary and another member of the crowds out there!! I've never used even one word of Russian so far,though I can understand and speak a bit. Try to grasp a few words of Ukrainian if you aim to be interesting and different.Never forget the golden rule,being able to communicate with a girl in every way is always a disadvantage.
Moreover,trying to get a response in a foreign language will automatically raise the level of quality.
As for visas,it's really fun to enter Ukraine for the first time with a touristic visa,especially if you travel by car or try to hide some of the money you have!
Dnipro Hotel has always been guest friendly and it's at your hand to make any hotel guest friendly by acting in a strong and eager manner without any hesitaitons.

01-14-04, 17:16
Uke Boy, thanks for the top tips.

Am interested in the kind of place where you can turn up, choose a girl and get sorted there and then and be out in a couple of hours.

Any ideas

01-15-04, 11:39
Well, I am in Kiev. I visited Rest Town. Was basicaly like it was last May when I was there. Although the girls are not so happy with the place. Met up with a tall tan Ukraine girl lenna. Was about a 7. A true pro. Although it was late I was tired and did not feel like much barter in me I agreed to price and away I went. Was not hasseled when I left Rest Town. Well I still have about 8 mor days to go and still manyplaces to go.
I thought you all would like an update on the Rest Town.

01-16-04, 03:15
Could it be possible that a girl you meet for the first time for a few hours(starsfromheaven.co.uk) invites you to disco at 3o'clock after midnight and visits you back in the morning? Or even calls you all of a sudden after 1 month and tells she's ready to go on vacation with you for a whole week,not even mentioning about money? Sounds like a dream or paradise.
It snows like hell here,but who cares?

01-21-04, 16:23
Hey Armorer,

So are you saying that they are still operating the rooms downstairs or did you have to take her back to the hotel. And how much did she charge if you don't mind me asking?

01-23-04, 09:45
Hello everybody out there,

Can anybody tell me, where I can find a place for an erotic massage here in Kiev (Adress, next Metro, Price)?

The girls in the bars and pubs are very friendly (also the non pros). What is possible with the non pros, do they wanna just rip you off or they are really that friendly than they appear?

And which places I have to check out for some fun?

Thanx a lot in advance for your help.

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions to add standard capitalization throughout the text. To avoid delays in future reports, please refrain from using the "chat room" style of writing with no capital lettering. Thanks!

01-24-04, 06:53
Well I Just returned from Kiev. Was a might bit cold my last day there. Was a balmy -8 wonderful. I had a nice time of it.

Yes there was the opertunity to take her down stairs but I had just gotten into town and was more interested in appartment style fun. So I took her back. We talked a bit in between and got a little info on it. Still $50 for sauna with girl. So it was basically what I was quoted back in May last year.

While there I made a few stops at River Palace. Was not a bad time. Picked up a couple nice women for some fun. Will post a pic later. I am kinda tired just getting home and all.

Also checked out this new place that opened up. Used to be a place Called "Cowboy Club" Now it's called " MOJO" it basically a smallish resturaunt with light strip show in the evenings. Later that is. Not bad at times I only got to visit there 2 times. Did meet this 8 name of Vita. Boy was she nice. Blonde bout 5'5" well any how. I am off for now check back in later.

01-27-04, 20:48
Hi all, and thanks for everyone for your tips.

Special thanks for Uke Boy. It seems you have very good experience, and know to give excellent advice. And thank's for Snowy and Vegamars for your info. Also thnks, for Mangus Man, I see you have a lot of knowledge fron the girls in Ukraine, thanks.

Maybe it will help, so I will report from my trip to Kive, Hope some of you readers may benefit from my report.

I lived in France all my life, I am new in the USA, But I traveled once to Kive for business, I was in Kive Oct 03 for about 1 week.

I went to Kive with a group, we were in the DNIPRO HOTEL, and because I am in a business group, plus I do not speaking Ukraine, my choices are limited. I can not walk up and down those streets, start talking to a girl and ask for a good time, ect. The best for me is to see ladies outcall to my hotel, so I try to call an escort agency, I most tell you it was a very hard time for me.

On the second day around 2:00 pm in the afternoon, I get out from DNIPRO HOTEL. I told my group I am going to spend the day and the night for shopping on the street alone, and I will be back in middle of the night.

I went out from my HOTEL and from my group, I ask a taxi-cab to take me to the PRESIDENT HOTEL. A room cost 80$ USD. Called an agency, I forget the name right now, (I find the agency on the net, the web is now closed). I have the number in my book, the phone number is:44.264.4804. A lady answered the phone and told me she will come over to me in my room, in the next hour, to discuss with me. I was waiting two hours. She came over and brought for me three books with photos from all kind of beautiful girls. I chose a girl, she ask me "and if the girl will not be available?". I chose another girl and another girl, I told her "You get the idea the kind of girl I like?". She told me "ok". She told me the price of the girl is 50 $ for an hour, and I agree.

Then she aske me to pay her 35$ for the servercies, to come to see me and to bring me the photos, and also taxi fee. I paid her 40$, she told me, the girl will be in my hotel room in the next hour.

I was waiting for two or three hours, she never show up. I call the woman, she told me she can not find a girl this night! I ask her, and I told her "I paid you $40 for nothing?" She took down my phone number. She call me back and send me a beautiful, blond, slim, tall, tan and really nice, girl, but she ask for 1 hour $200. I do not want to pay her, and she left the room, I call the agency again and again, but after a while she told to me "I do not have no more girl's".

She also told me, that the girls do not want to come in the PRESIDENT HOTEL, if I want, I can come to their room "incoal", but I do not want to go out from the PRESIDENT HOTEL, I do not want my group should see me on the street, plus I am afraid to met the girl not in my room, so I can not have a girl from the agency. And because I pay her 40 $, I feel she riped me off.

I try to call next agency cold "Exotic Ukrainian Escort Agency". The phone number is 380.48.221.8950, and 380.48.743.7805, but nobody anser the phone, I tried alot of times, don't seem to have the luck. I was really lost!

BTW in middle my anger, I went down in the loby from the hotel, and in the bar from the hotel, find nuthing. (PRESIDENT hotel is not in the middle of a big street, it is, I think, like in a corner from the city).

I search on the web "prosex", call up a girl name Lenna. Ask her if she can come over, she told me "yes, in the next 15 min". But she is afraid to come in the hotel lobby, so I should go down in the loby and wait for her.

But near the exit door, I find a very nice tall girl, with a nice looking & very skinny, she ran in to me and started talking to me "For $50 I can have sex with you?" But because I call already called Lenna, I told for this nice lady "NO."

After a while, I saw Alana. Young, brown skin, blace hair, for 50 $ FS. Very good and she knows her job quite well! Doing everything without asking for more money, she was really cute, and she started working on me quickly! The absolute best sex of I've ever had!

When we were done, I went back to my group, I make business for 3 days.

By the end, I have 1 day off, I took a texi going to a hotel in Kive, the "BRATISLAVA HOTEL". I paid 59$ from the room. I get in the hotel, near the elevator, I find a man who speaks English, I ask to him if he can help me to get a girl. He told me for 50 $ yes! I will bring you a nice girl, but he told me not to come back in the lobby, the girl will come to my room. I go up in my room, I was waiting 2 hour, finally a man knocked on the door. He came in with two girl, 1) A girl in her 40s. tall, blace hair. 2) A blond with long hair, tall, yoing, in her 20s. I ask for number 2. She was over all good. But not very good. And not good like Lenna from the PRESIDENT HOTEL, she refused to french kiss at all, do not let me fuck her twice, only once. I ask her I like your pussy and ass, see not let me kiss it, but I offered her $50 more and she agree to let em kiss her pussy, but still not do it twice. I was with her like two hours, then the man knocked on the door, and picked up the girl.

I went back to the DNIPRO HOTEL, and came back home in the USA.

Bottem line: Because I did not go to KIVE alone, only with my group, plus my English is not good, so I most to go with an escort agency. I do not have luck till now with an agency.

I will be back in KIVE for business in april 04, I hope I will have better luck.
can any one give me som advice, tips, info. ???

Question: It is not ther tapes or CD to learn how to speak the language? I have tape's from "pimsleur speak & read", but I learned the language is very hard.

Last Question: Can I bring in a girl in the BORISPOL HOTEL in a room, with no hassles? Is the hotel a good place? The price is very good, 40 USD a night. Also, the girls from the city from Kiev will want to come to the the BORISPOL HOTEL. I was there once, in middle of the night, went go down to the lobby, find nothing. Went to the bar, and to the restaurant next door, but find nothing.

Thanks agin, and all the best.


EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to meet the Forum's Posting Guidelines (http://www.wsgforum.com/postingguidelines.html).

Sour Honey
01-28-04, 22:21
HER555, don't take me wrong, but if I have to have sex like you in Kiev I will ask to become a MONK!!!!

SHIT! were you in a group of nuns?!? Fuck the group, DNIPRO is a good hotel!. Close in your room and call an escort agency! Girl will be delivered directly to your room!

How many hotels have you visited? How many you have paid?
At least, pick a girl and go to a sauna, but a life (in Kiev) like yours was terrible!

Go to River Palace, pick a girl and go back to your DNIPRO! Is your group stationing permanently in Tthe hall or in front of your room? Please, wake-up!

If one of your colleagues see you .... who cares? you are not with another man or a transexual! You're a man, she is a girl, and you'll FUCK!!! Like all other men in Kiev, Paris, Rome and Timbuktu.....

Sorry for the words, but I didn't wantto offend you.... just give you a ....wake-up call ....:-)

Better luck for the next trip!

01-28-04, 22:44
Before you come back from the US,never ever forget the following:

Send your business(??!) group to Nevada or Alaska for free so that it can find some new petroleum reserves out there!!
Don't think you need two or three hotels to meet a girl,Dnipro Hotel is the best option in town for taking girls and besides you can even do without a hotel or apartment of yours.
Don't you ever call a girl from Odessa,it'll take at least 5-6 hrs for her to show up.
Don't forget the golden rule of Kiev-no matter how many girls you're entitled to meet,the first one you encounter takes precedence even though you might see her for the first time in your life.

01-28-04, 23:43
Thenks for all, for your rspoand

Originally posted by Vegamars:
Don't forget the golden rule of Kiev-no matter how many girls you're entitled to meet, the first one you encounter takes precedence even though you might see her for the first time in your life.

Can you explin thet golden rule, for me?

Thanks in advance.


01-29-04, 20:20
It's not a rule to explain or understand,you must feel it inside and live through??

01-29-04, 23:16
Hi Vegamars,

I know I haven't earned the right to post on the Ukraine section as I haven't made a trip to this country yet. I think you have a lot to add from your experiences in the Ukraine, but many posters would probably find your information more helpful if it wasn't put forth in a Zen master sort of way. Maybe a little more elaboration on details and concepts? Thanks.

Bez Bezarra
01-30-04, 04:37
Hey Jak,

You have every right to be here, in search of usable knowledge, but no one should ask Veg to morph from cultural philosopher-elitist into the people's monger. Remember, the devil's in the details! So be careful what you wish for :-)

For example, I so wanted to yell at 555 and call him worthless and weak, until I read Sour's wake-up call, which helped me to calm down after I stopped LOL.

555, in April, for all our sakes, un-plug your laptop and please get a flat and a Kiev Post. After your mind-numbing success, if you so choose to return and accept your mission, you are now officially required by the French Foreign Mongering Legion to sponsor, (fuck), a MINIMUM of 3 Natashas per day while in country. To be reasonable, you will be allowed an occasional rest, meaning 2 Nataly's per day, but only should you run out of cash or come, which ever comes first, of course. But you better have a good excuse for slacking, like falling asleep during your 6 hour wait for Odessa, (?).
Where did Vag get Odessa anyway?

Don't feel bad though, the very first girl was super, like you said ! Just don't let the philosophers fool you that it was the girl, it really wasn't her. It was you Frenchie! After all the eye-candy overdosing, the first pre-heated concubine-wench who grabs your wallet with one hand and your zipper with the other will make your head spin. Its really true, I'm sure many others can attest.

Once upon one of my arrivals, after barely 2 steps into the flat, a dyev had her tongue completely down my throat, and not even 30 seconds later, she had my johnson down her throat. That's just her being in-heat combined with your testosterone overload, where you slam-fuck her against the coat rack standing up in the vestibule with your shoes still on. Like I said, happens to us all, right mongers?

Actually, and as always, Veggie is correct. You should call an Uzbeki girl, its a direct flight from Tashkent, and they are so hot. My only one of those was a super horny slope eyed blond with very smooth dark skin. We took a long hot bath but somehow still got very dirty.

Bon Chance

Sour Honey
01-30-04, 07:59
Originally posted by Vegamars:
Don't forget the golden rule of Kiev-no matter how many girls you're entitled to meet, the first one you encounter takes precedence even though you might see her for the first time in your life.
Nothing difficult to understand.
But also I sometimes failed in this rule... But this only confirmed me that's really a golden rule!
No matter if it seems a bit rough, but pick the first girl you grab, no matter if you are expecting a new and younger Cameron Diaz that want to have sex with you. No matter! pick the first and, if ...Cameron still want to stay with you... OK but at your time.
Otherwise you risk to lose a good chance for a girl that will never appear .......sad but real.

01-30-04, 23:06
Maybe the detail's in the devil itself??
The more I give details the less likely you'll grab any kind of success or joy.You'll just try to go exactly the same way and fail at the end.
What makes Kiev so special is there are enough unique ways for every adventurer,if you really wanna feel special.

Sour Honey
01-30-04, 23:16
Wholeheartedly agree with Vegamars.
A month ago I had thought the Vega don't want to share the tips with us.
Now, after 18 days in UA, I understand completely his point of view.
A detailed tip makes two things:

1) is NOT applicable to you. You can go completely wrong with it. Or exceptionally good with the opposite...

2) steal the "flavour" of initiative that makes a normal night an exceptional night.

Duke Pro Sex
01-30-04, 23:18

I visit Kiev oftenly for business, and allways rent an appartament near Maidan. I have many times contacted with GIA and the service has been allways perfect (Ksiushsa is wonderful, and before there was a other girl named Tanya but she left GIA).

This month I couldnt contect them and I phoned to an anopuncement that appeared in Kviv Post, it is like a pink heart (491-6220), they offeerd me girls from 17 to 25, I asked for the 25 one, and the one that arrived after one hour told me she is 19, 100$ for 2 hours, very bad service, blowjob with condom (she refused without), when I told her that she was not good at all in bed,, she told me that this was her 3rd service this day and was very tyred. So finally we ended with nice talking as I saw that would be impossible to enjoy sex. My advice is dont call to this service.

For my next trips I would like to meet a nice woman about 35-40, not just for sex (also for good sex of course), so, can anyone recomend me, how to find this kind of lady in kiev?

01-31-04, 01:44
Let's start all over from the beginning.
If you wanna be permanent in Ukraine first make a reason for it-business of course,but not in the ordinary sense and rather right through the end in every aspect.Ukrainians are just sick of working in the country and with Russia(they consider Russians as sluggish businesswise-not my opinion),so surprisingly enough you can find numerous ways of accomplishing transactions and deals.For instance I've already made my way on three different fields by using a little bit of creativity,of which two are completely new for me.

Bez Bezarra
02-01-04, 19:16

Although that guy told me that ALL Ukraine women take money, I NEVER said I believed him, nor did I see proof of that in my 9 journeys there. On most of my trips, I've spent almost half my time pursuing normal girls with regualr jobs or university types, and though I didn't offer them money, I had many chances to. In some cases, now that I look back, I wish I had, but at the time, I wasn't comfortable because I didn't want to possibly offend them, and I didn't want to come off as being only interested in sex. In retrospect, its likely I missed an opportunity here and there, and I certainly would have been better able to prove or dis-prove this myth, so in that respect, I lost out on being able to add anything significant to this discussion. I'm sorry, I really should have done better.

But as for American women, I must disagree with you. Over the last 10 years, IMHO I see a drastic change here in the SoFla area. Local new amatuers (18-24 y.o.) here seem to have vanished. Since around 1995, the half dozen girlfriends I have who used to easliy be able to arrange introductions of new talent they'd met out and around on the party circuits are all telling me that no one here wants money anymore. Everyone they meet now has all the money they want from either their boyfriends or their family. That seems to be the biggest difference from the past.

It was fairly common in the past to meet women whose boyfriends and families wouldn't give them any support. Now its doesn't seem to matter what I offer, the standard response here now is, I don't do that or I don't need money. I'm sure other areas are different, and sure, there always are 30 year old crack monster SW's out there if that's your taste. Also strictly-business very cold $250+ per hour 25 to 40 year-old professional escorts are available, but they offer 0%GFE, so there's basically no pleasure in that. Their list of "Don't do that /Can't touch that" is 5 times longer than their list of what they will do. It was this major shift, plus discovering the WSG, that got me started travelling. DR, CR, Brazil, and Bali opened my eyes, but then Ukraine opened my heart. Its the best place in the world. Even if only half are willing, 5 million ladies is more than enough for me!

02-02-04, 16:59
So, just to clear up any confusion regarding Rest Town. We went there twice last weekend. The first time was Friday night after a few drinks at "Freedom" - great club by the way with a superb "strip zone" upstairs. You can sit and drink beer and watch the show. Don't bother with a private dance - no matter how hot she is $100 for 15 minutes with no touching is seriously overpriced! Anyway we rolled up to Rest Town at about 3am and all seemed the same as last year. A few of the girls I recognised were still there and the deal seems to be the same with only one difference. The have been making renovations downstairs and changing all the little bedrooms into fancy sauna complexes. The upshot is there are less rooms and, get this, I was told that I would have to wait 3 hours before I could take my chosen beauty downstairs. In the end I couldn't be bothered to wait so we left.

We went the next evening at 9pm in an attempt to beat the rush. No problems this time and me and my chum took a couple down to the sauna for $50 each. The place was huge with two bedrooms, sauna, pool, karaoke and stuffed antelope heads on the wall - the girls think it is supercool. Bit of a waste as we went straight to the bedrooms and then left after the hour was up. Both girls were trying to pressure us to take an extra hour. We had to pay an extra $40 between us on top of the $50 for the use of the room. The girls were fun and happy and we had no problems with the police.

Still a great place!

Peter NL
02-11-04, 18:46
Hi All,

Complete new in this forum, but living already long time in Ukraine, and since 1 year permanently in Kiev.

I agree all the good opinions about Resttown. Absolute one of my favourites. But there are still many other places with the same fun for less price, even some regular bars nowadays!

Anyone like to join partyevening once?

02-12-04, 13:45
After my trip to Moscow, I had very low expectation for Kiev.

I got in to Kiev around noon Tuesday. I did not speak Russian so, I decided to use the service of vipgateway.com to hook me up.

When I got to Kiev, I was glad that I had someone waiting to pick me up. The taxi scalpers where fierce here.

I had been in Kiev before but, I had only been to Rest Town and River Palace. I did not like either of those places. The waitresses looked better than the dancers in Rest Town. There were way too many pros in River Palace.

This time I wanted a personal guide to help me with finding the non-pro girls. When I got off the plane, I was greeted with a very nice looking girl. Her name was Natasha and she spoke excellent English. In my reservation, I had specified that I wanted a nice apartment near maidan and that the purpose of my trip was to find girls.

Since I state this ahead of time, I was not embarrassed to tell Natashia that I want to find a girl to come to my apartment. I was restless from the flight. She asked me if I wanted her to call her friends. I told her that I prefer to get one off the street on the way from the airport. She told me that most of the girls are still in school and I should wait until 3PM to find one. It was 2:10PM so, I told her that I can wait. A good place to wait is in the new Internet Cafee inside the airport. It cost around 20Hyg for an hour. At 3PM I went with Natasha in her taxi and we drove around a couple of areas. One looked like a truck stop/rest area and the other is around a bunch of residential high rise apartment. There were many girls standing by the side of the road with their school bag waiting to be picked up. Most were asking for $350 to $400Hyg which is around $70 to $80USD.

After 40min of looking, I found one that was very cute for $350Hyg. By the time we got to the apartment, it was 5PM. At the airport, I was given a cell phone with an English speaking concierge person phone program in. I was told by Natasha that someone else will be my guide the next time I call because she has something to do.

Normally I would have been disappointed because I paid $70USD for only 3 hours. But, when I saw the girl without her clothes on I forgot all about it. The girl name was Luda and speak very little English but, she was very willing. I had her every which way but, she would not do anal. An extra $20USD changed her mind. I went at it for the entire 3 hours.

When I ran out of steam, I would rest and had her blow me until I got my wind back. I had to let her go at 8PM. She gave me her cell phone number and I promised to call her again. I was exhaused from lack of sleep for the last couple of days and I crashed. I did not wake up until 1AM. I was hungry. I call the vip service and told the concierge that I want to get something to eat.

About 15min later a car arrived. I wanted a salad and a girl but, the driver did not speak English so I could not tell him anything. I called the concierge again and told him what I wanted. He recommended a place called modobar and he told the driver to take me there. Modobar was pretty nice. It is part of a chinese restaurant Mandarin inside of a boat. I heard that the restaurant is good but, it is closed.

The door price for modobar was 20Hyg. There were many empty tables on the second floor but, they were all reserved. I had to bribe the waiter $100Hyg for a table. The music was good, the fashion show was not. There were not as many girls at the bar as River Palace but, the girls were nicer looking. I had my salad while checking out the girls at the bars. One girl was really nice looking with her hair braided in strands. I ask the waiter to ask her to come up to sit with me. She speak decent English but, she wanted $150 for the night. I could not get her to go down to $100 so, I told her that I'll think about it. I keep looking but, did not see anyone else that I like and it was getting late. I decided to go home with her. I called my concierge to send me a taxi. We got back to my apartment and I found out that she was 20 years old and her name is Vika. She want me to take a shower when we got home.

I told her that I want her to scrub my back. After playing around a bit in the tub, she relaxed. She was fun in bed. I was pumping away at her at all possitions for 2 hours and still cannot release. So she went BBBJ for about 30min until I complete then she ran to the bathroom to spit. I wanted to sleep then and there but, she insisted on smoking. Why do all Russian girls smoke like a smokestack. I felt asleep with her wrapping herself around me like a python for heat.

I let her go at 7AM because she had to work early. I did not ask her for her phone number because she was a bit expensive and not really my type. I went for some breakfast at the Sport Bar and found a really cute waitress there. I wanted to ask her out but, she did not understand English. I had to call my concierge to translate over the phone. She gave me her number but, told me that it does not do much good because she cannot speak English.

Suspecting that this might be the case everywhere, I booked a translator for 4 hours to help me with the non-pros. My translator was Natasha again. She told me that we can walk around the shops under Maidan and on Kursatuk and if I see someone I like, she would approach the girl for me. This is the first time I have this kind of service so, I want to try for the girls off the street. The first three I wanted was all negative. Natasha told me that those three have boyfriends and they did not need the cash.

We walked some more but, it was getting cold. So, we decided to head under Maidan to the shops. We went to a cofee shop and I saw a very pretty girl sitting by herself. Natasha noticed this and walked me over there to sit. It turned out the girl name is Marina and that she speak great English. We talked for a while and Marina told me that she cannot see me that day but, she can the next day. I got her number and left. At this point, I am still without a date for the night. I was tired of the search so, I told Natasha to get me a girl.

She made some phone calls and told me that she will bring two girls around to my apartments at 10PM so I can pick. I told her that I wanted to visit some of the bazzaar until then. We took taxi to a bazaar selling tourist stuffs. I bought some of the stacking dolls and a russian cossack hat. It was nice that she did all the negotiation for me in Russian. She told me that I still got scalped because the bazzaar is a tourist trap but, it could have been worst.

I wanted some local food so, we went to a Ukrainian restaurant. After we fished, I noticed that I did not have much cash left. I was told that I can get cash on account from the concierge guy and that it would be charged to my credit card. This is even better for me since I get mileage on the card.

At 10PM I did not see any of the girls coming to my apartment so, I called Natasha. She told me that she is still looking and to wait. It was not until 1Am that the girls showed up. I went down to look and knew that I had to have both of the girls. I paid $300 for both and took them inside. The brunette is Erica and the blond is Natasha. Both were my type. We talked a little bit, and I had them stripped. They showered alone then came back to bed. I started to pushed them together but, they complained that they were not lesbians.

I told keep on insisting and eventually they gave in. The only problem was neither would do BBBJ. This frustrated me greatly. Later, I found out that the girls were sisters. I did not expect this since they have different hair colors and the do not resemble each other. This was a first for me. I think that if I had the younger brunett alone, I can get away with more but, with her older sister around, everything was nee hachu. We played until 5AM and they wanted me to get some food. I wanted pizza but, they wanted fish.

They told me that there is a grocery store nearby that open 24hr. So, I called for my taxi and we went shopping. I got them the fish but, they looked nasty so, I got myself some Ukrainian salad, meat and bread instead. After we finished the food, it was 7AM but, I could not sleep. So, we stayed up cuddling and watching TV then they left at 8AM. My guide came by later to see how I like the girls. We talked for a while and I found out that they have a VIP service in Kharkov. I read on wsg that kharkov is a nice place to go so, I told her that I want to spend the rest of my time there.

She took me to Ukrainian Air, AVIA AIR, for a ticket to Kharkov. It was around $100 round trip. I wanted to leave the next day so that I have some time to pack. At this point, for some reason, I wanted Natasha, my guide. Maybe because of her English or because I see her so often. So, I told her and she accept for $100/night. She was not great but, made up for it by being able to speak English. I forgot how fun it was to lay in bed and chat before and after sex. I felt asleep and almost did not wake up for the flight but, Natasha woke me and even packed for me.

She took me to the airport for Kharkov. She told me that my cell phone will still work in Kharkov since I am using the UMC network. My flight was at 7AM and as I board the plan, I noticed that it was a propella plane and that de-icing the plane is a major ordeal. Eventually the plane took off and I arrived in Kharkov. But, I will post the last leg of my travel to Kharkov in that section.

02-12-04, 23:20

I am a big fan of Resttown but would certainly like to hear about any similar places. Can you share a few ?


02-13-04, 08:22

I was wondering if anyone can help me with websites or any other resources that would help me find a job in Kiev (I am from US). I know this is way off the topic, but I figured there are few expats here.

Thank you

AZN Monger
02-13-04, 17:07

You got to do your guide too?

Talk about fantasy land. ARGH! I need to get here. Plenty of cash to burn.

I just have moral issues. Got a girlfriend recently.. feel bad if I actually pull all the way through with it. Someone convince me that international sex does not count! :)

02-13-04, 17:48

Very nice report, thanks a lot! It is hilarious that you did your translator:) Kiev seems more expensive than Moscow based on your report. I'm especially curious about your Kharkov experiences...

02-13-04, 20:40
Photos as promised. This is my tour guide Natasha.

02-13-04, 20:45
This is Erica.

02-13-04, 20:47
This is Vika from Modobar.

River Palace
02-22-04, 21:22
I've been reading this forum for a year or so, and have decided its time I started contributing information. I was last in the Ukraine at the end of February, where I visited many of the establishments that have been reviewed in this forum. I would say overall, the only city that can compare with Kiev for pro-sex, is Prague, however Kiev is a lot more economical.

What I think Kiev has got over places like Prague, Tallinn, Moscow and Istanbul, is that the place is far more unspoilt, in that hookers will enjoy speaking and spending time with you, as they have a genuine fascination for the west. You’ll find yourself talking about the most ridiculous things with these girls. As there exposure to western culture is limited to things such as Vogue, MTV and Hollywood Films. Many of these girls, unlike anywhere else that I have been too, will given the opportunity like to have some sort of a relationship with you.

This does sound ridiculous, as I’m sure that most of you are very cynical about working girls and what they tell you, but I assure you that it is true. If you go to places like 111 and Moda Bar, the girls do not consider themselves as Prostitutes, even though a considerable percentage of them will accept money for sex. The difference between paid and non-paid sex is perhaps more grey here than in any other country that I have visited.

Even in a club like River Palace, my personal recommendation for mongering in Kiev, many of the girls are semi-pro. What is so simple about the river palace is that every single girl in the club is working. So if you arrive in the club quite late, after a day working or entertaining clients, you do not have to waste time putting your toe in the water before asking how much they charge. So long as you have $100 in you pocket you can convince 90% of the girls in the club to return to you apartment within 2 minutes of speaking to them. Yes most of them will initially ask for $150 or $200, but very few of them will risk going home empty handed to spend more than a minute or two bargaining with you until agreeing to your offer. Many of them if you are relatively attractive and are able to charm them a bit, will agree to spend the night with you for $60 or $80.

Apart from the River Palace there are various other clubs in the city, which have a number of working girls present. In fact you would do well to find a club which does not have at least one working girl. Perhaps Moda Bar is the only one that can be described as full of Hookers, and works in a very similar way as the River Palace although there are a considerable number of girls who are not working, but are there instead to find a wealthy boyfriend. Is there a difference? Who knows?

Aside from that the scene consists of various escort agencies that charge $100 for 2 hours, for what at best is a variable product. There are also various strip/sex clubs, Restown being the most well known that offer a very professional kind of escort for $50 - $120 per hour.

02-24-04, 01:48
If one was to be working in Kyiv for just a couple of days, with only a couple of hours free in the evenings, what sort of itinerary would you recommend? I enjoy a good strip club (as long as one doesn't get ripped off) and then selecting a beautiful girl for nocturnal pleasures!

Are the hotels generally girl-friendly, or is it security inquest time, and bribes to doormen? I am thinking of staying in either Natsionalny Hotel, or Hotel Dnipr.

And finally yet another question - are US Dollars widely accepted?

02-24-04, 03:44
What is average going rate in places like Moda Bar, River Palace etc...

Vegamars: This question is for you if you are reading. How would you compare Kiev to Istanbul or Cyprus in terms of prices and quality?

02-24-04, 04:28

Moda Bar is $20Hyr for the door. I haven't gone to River Palace in a while but, I think that the price is still 20Hyr for the door. Food is more expensive at Modobar but, maybe because I was mostly ordering fresh fruits. My bill usually run around $90 USD for dinner at either place for 4 people.

If you want cheap and can speak Russian, I would suggest the potato house near maidan. This is a good spot for the local girls. Another good place would be the Sport Bar on one of the side street off from Krashetuk or the coffe shops under Maidan. You could even ask the waitress out.

If you do not speak Russian, I would get a guide or find a local monger who does to help you with translation. SMS is a big thing there. Around 11PM there even is a local chanel on TV with SMS log messages scrolling on screen. If you can read Russian you can call some of the non-pro on the list. I forgot the station but, there are only a few station in Kiev anyway.

The rate for the girls in Modobar is around $150 for the 8-10 range and $80-100 for the 6-7 range. Sometimes you can spot a group of girls sitting upstairs. Ask the waiter if they are working girls. If they are not, send them a bottle of Champange for 100Hyr then head over there to talk to them. You might be able to get one for free.

Girls in River Palace are all working girls. I have not met one there that are non working. The rate are usually $100 for the night. Get a table from the hostess. If you see a girl you like, wave her over and ask her how much. My friend tells me that my pick up are horrible. He would usually chat them up a bit before asking how much. I would just head straight for the kill and ask them how much, are they good, do they swallow, etc... If the girl act surprise, I would tell them this is normal is the US. They will believe anything because the only thing thay have to measure is MTV. At both of these places, there are dance floors but, I usually don't join in. I don't want to waste time dancing when I can check the girls.

At modobar you will have to bribe the waiter to get a good table. You don't have to at River Palace. Remember to bring tons of small bills since the bar tender at both places are a bit slow at giving you back your changes.


I would not stay in a hotel but, that is my preference. An apartment is girl friendlier. If I will only be there a couple of days, I would stay near Maidan and I would get a cell phone. I would head to most of the strip clubs around maidan, most open 24 hours. Then I would head to River Palace if I don't see anything I like at the clubs. I would suggest to you the same thing to Hedonist, that you find someone local. Maybe even a taxi driver from the airport who speak good english and have them help set up some girls for the night. Have them SMS you once they found someone. Pay them 10 or 20Hyr for the service even if you don't get a girl from them. Kiev is very USD friendly. Make sure you bring new, non torned bills. You can always change for Hyr when you get there. Local people change to/from USD all the time so, most of the time you are not even asked to show your passport. Be careful of the police around Maidan. They will usually ask you for a bribe late at night. If you don't want to pay, just pretend to not understand and make a show of calling the US embassy or your local embassy on your cell phone.

Hope that helps.


02-24-04, 05:07
US Dollars are very accepted. VERY! Although some places are starting to use Euro because of the exchange rate, dollars are still the currency of choice.

If you want a great overnight girl (although more pricey), use

All girls are pro, and cost $300-400/night, but their reviews are simply wonderful

02-24-04, 13:01
Let me make it clear one more time that there are a lot of regular girls hanging out for fun in River Palace,especially in the restaurant and casino.This is not out of observation but rather that I know a lot of girls and talk to them about it.There are also some girls who hate to go to River Palace just because every foreign man out there thinks he can do what he likes with every girl just with money.Most of the time these are the best looking girls you'll see around and it's quite possible to approach them if you know how to play the cards.
In contrast to the general belief the proportion of pros in Ukraine is not more than any other country.
The quality of paid sex is quite high,just as it is in Northern Cyprus and Istanbul,but the best condition of quality versus price is Northern Cyprus,where you'll find best Ukrainians and Moldovans if you're determined enough.
What makes Kiev so special and exciting in contrast to all other places in the world is something difficult to describe but rather to live-- that anything's possible without any limits- no end.. always a new adventure that attracts...

City Angel
02-24-04, 23:18
I'm planning to be in Kiev for a long weekend in a couple of weeks, can anyone recommend a good provider of apartments, airport transfers and this sort of thing?

I've used several in the past and have not been completely satisfied with the apartments offered. Additional is there anyone else apart from zergut who has had any success approaching strangers through translators in the street?

Does anybody have any contacted info for working girls that charge less than $75 for 2 hours. To date I have only found gia, but have been let down by them.

02-25-04, 00:13
This is one of the girl I found on Kreshatuk and had my translator asked for a date. She ended as my girlfriend. It is both a good and bad choice. She agreed to not see other men except for me but, I have to help her with her bills. Luckily she still live with her parents so, the bills are not that bad yet. I met her parents and they are really nice people.

( I am fairly sure about the 'not see other men.' I am currently paying a small fee to the translator to keep a tab on her. But, then, this is Kiev so... )

02-25-04, 07:40
OK, so I have a question. If you agree that she is your girlfriend, why would you post her picture? And if you are in it just to have a permanent someone there when you visit? Well, as you should have discovered from this forum, it's not necessary when it comes to Kiev. And be nice to her, regardless of whether these are "working" girls or not, they are still human and have feelings.

Also, I was born in Kiev, although have not lived there for a long time. Guys! most of the pictures that have been posted here are no better than a 6 out of 10. With money, translators, and so forth, you can do so much better. Of course you can't argue about taste, but still.

If you want to see what really good looking people look like, go to most places owned by "Kazirnaya Karta".

02-25-04, 08:04
All right, I apologize for the upcoming rant, but...

I know most of people on this board do not have a lot of time while in bars or clubs in Kiev. However, you cannot pass up opportunities to flirt with women who in most western countries- well- would not ever talk to most of us. Western passports and bank accounts are not the only advantages we have. We can afford to charm the women, to appear trully interesting, smooth. You have to understand that most Ukrainian men who are also at those bars are pretty much looking for the same thing as we are, except they are a lot more crude and women expect that. Thus, any and every attempt to be just a little more can pay off a lot more than $200. Enjoy it, cherish it, use it, don't trivialize it. Flirting and picking someone up can be such a rush.

All right, I am done. Thank you for your attention :)

02-25-04, 12:22
This is part of the game you can never guess.
Remember your girl and the translator promised she will never see another man alone,but they never promised they will not see another man together!!?
I hope you don't believe your translator met every girl you saw together on the street for the first time!!! ( what a small world it is)

Bez Bezarra
02-25-04, 12:51

Holy Shit man!

Is that Marina????

City Angel
02-25-04, 19:47
I wouldn't turn marina down.

But Pupsnu is correct, with the help of a translator you could find much more attractive woman.

Bez Bezarra
02-26-04, 04:35



Jackson, you crazy crazy, only on WSG !!! This is too much !!

02-26-04, 13:10
dobra utrau!
welcome to Kiev(paradise)!?!

02-27-04, 02:12

You are right! That is Marina. Small world :) I'll put out more of my collection soon. Maybe others on the board can ID some of them. I would love to be able to know if nothing else.

Maybe I'll call Marina up when you are in Kiev and we'll share! She still has very low miles yet but, she is very open in bed and did not cry when I pulled out the whips. That is one of the reasons I picked her.


03-05-04, 00:50

I need to find out if there is a florist in Kiev that I can call, give my credit card number and have them deliver quality flowers.

Thank you

Sour Honey
03-05-04, 12:29
PUPSNU, I add here this link (Jackson is a commercial, non WG link)
because may be useful for other people.....


(tried (affordable, quick and correct. Just the payment page is a bit "confusing")

03-13-04, 02:09
My work has booked me into Dnipr Hotel for 10 days this coming week. Not stayed there before. Is it girl friendly, or does one pay security if a River Palace girl happens to be by your side after a late night stroll by the water?

And what would be the deal with agency girls arriving directly at my room?

What's best agency if I can't risk leaving my room (surrounded by colleagues who'll be at bar all night!!)?

Thanx all

03-13-04, 23:44
O'Brians, the irish pub, has students looking to make a few dollars to pay for their grades. Apparently you have to pay your teacher to get good grades! This info came from www.rwguide.com a Russian woman marraige forum. (non-competitive site, Jackson)

03-16-04, 12:35
Hi Guys,,

Next April will be in Kiev, it's my first time. I will stop there 4 days. Somebody could tell me the best place where find girls no- pro? And pro. too? City areas, bars, disco, night club.


03-17-04, 10:08
ciao nanto

I trust that if when you get back from the Ukraine you will post a full report of your adventures to help fill this bored with good info (unlike your last trips to vegas and prague)! In the end there is lots of info already here but i would like to see a good example of a reprot for prague from you. How did the info on the board happen.

03-17-04, 11:29
Has Kievescort.com closed?

Is GiA reliable? Any other tips for good agency in case I cannot get to River Palace dsicreetly!

How's Rest Town these days? Are strip bars a rip off generally?

Guaranteed full reports to follow, but come on you guys I need some help as I'm only there a short while and cannot afford to waste time hunting and searching.

PM me if you want. Thanx.

Bez Bezarra
03-17-04, 14:00
Its been a while since I visited the Irish Pub, but I didn't see any students there that were waiting to be paid to go home with a monger.
The hostess who showed us to our table was pretty fucking hot though. She was wearing black polyester pants that were so damn tight that you would have to be blind to not easily see her pussy lips dividing, and her ass cheeks were also well displayed by her obvious thong. She just gave me a nice smile, when she noticed that I was drooling. MM

03-17-04, 16:37

The escort agency "GiA" is very good and reliable, I was In kive the beging of this mont, and I rty "GiA", it was worth every penny of it, I wes complete satisfid.

I will give soon a full report.

Happy honting for you.


03-17-04, 21:52
Hi The Knight,

Dnipr Hotel is girl friendly, and the let you bring the agency girls directly at to you'r room. but some girl are afraid to come in the hotel lobby, so you should go down in the loby and wait for her.

Also, search on the web "prosex", look for ther tel. stert wite [44] = the area code for kive. the other girl's from "prosex" are from Russia.

I also ask the door man in Dnipr Hotel for a sex-girl, and the bribg me a nice lovely girl, so try the door man.

I an witting for you'r full reports to follow.

Happy honting for you.


03-18-04, 16:48
Her 555

I found the Gia website "http://www.gia.com.ua/"

The pics are good.

How is the price for sex?

Did you try erotik massage? http://www.anahata.kiev.ua/html_en/contakt.shtml


03-18-04, 16:50
Can any one suggest a good apartment rental agency?

I was looking for a good place in the centre?

I found one called Sherbourne hotel that seems OK.

Any one tried that?


03-19-04, 18:00

The price cost me by "GiA" agency, 90$ USD for 1 hour, and 110$ USD for 2 hour.

I recomad "GiA" agency for all, my experience wite them Is 100 % very good, it can not be beter, I will soon give a full report from me in kive this monet.

Happy honting for you.


03-19-04, 18:24
I have used them before, a couple times. Not to far from River palace. Still I have a friend who may be able to help you out if needed. has a place right near city center and will help you find anything you wish.let me know

03-19-04, 19:08
Has anyone tried www.uaescort.com? Kristina looks stunning.

Also, got an email from bestsexy@ukr.net agency after trawling the classifieds. They sent me an email which was garbage when it arrived, but included an attachment which showed three decent girls, but warned "our girls change so the girl you select may not now be available". This agency was $50/hour, $70 for 2 hours, so competitive prices.

However, are the girls' pics on either site likely to be genuine? Can you ask for a selection of girls to be sent to your room, and pick one, or none at all?

Thanks to anyone who takes the trouble to reply or PM me.

Uke Boy
03-19-04, 20:20
Dear Knight,

At least 90% of the photos on the uaescort.com site are fake. In fact, not just on this site but on most other Ukrainian sites, except perhaps for Gia, photos are frauds. If it too good to be true, it was probably lifted from a Playboy-type site. If you see what looks to be a slightly disarrayed bed with oriental carpets and they seem almost "home photos," it is likely real.

All of this is not to say that the actual girls are not real. I have used the site and have come up with winners in the past who are not on the site now. From what I know, Lora (384) is a real disaster but Katenka (365) may be worth a visit. She is on my wish list. Prices for most are in the very reasonable range.

Also, anyone who sends you photos and says that you should hurry to meet the girls in the photos means that what you will get is not what you see. Bait and switch is popular here with most agencies.

As for outcall procedures, when you call an agency and they send you a choice, you can take who you want or refuse them all. What you will have to do is pay 20 Grivna for the car ride back, then call another agency.

03-19-04, 20:34

I was in Kiev at the end of last year and got a place around 1 minute from Khreshchatik through http://www.alserent.kiev.ua/ for $50 a night.

Really nice couple run the agency and they couldn't do enough to help me out whilst I was there; they also sorted out the flat only around 2-3 days notice and seem really reliable. They don't speak much English, although they converse promptly in English by email using a translation site and they gave me the number of a friend who speaks excellent English so if I had any queries or needed any assistance I had someone to call.

03-19-04, 21:31
Actually unnecessary generalization is the general problem in the whole forum.
Sites like magicmarble.net,wild-escorts.co.uk and starsfromheaven.co.uk are among the most reliable in Europe(don't ask me how I know)

Uke Boy
03-19-04, 21:58

Magicmarble.net comes up as a blank page for me. Do you have an alternate url since it seems you know them well, are they down for some good reason and when will they be up again?

Wild-escorts.co.uk DO NOT allow any escorts to meet with clients in Ukraine. How do I know? I recently wrote to them and asked. I got a response from Tanya. They only do meetings with clients in Western Europe so this site is useless to those visiting Kiev or Ukraine.

As for starsfromheaven.co.uk, if you go to that url, it redirects you to top.escortitalia.com. Completely useless for Kiev/Ukraine as well.

Are these sites "among the most reliable in Europe?" Not by a long shot.

Maybe you can suggest sites that actually work and deliver for Ukraine?

03-19-04, 22:05
Uke Boy,

If you are based in Kiev, starsfromheaven.co.uk does redirect to top.escortitalia.com. Maybe someone who understands the web could shed some light on this! I was able to access other .co.uk sites on the web from the web cafe without any problems, but I remember the stars things and thinking it was bizarre; I assumed I had the web address wrong.

The web address starsfromheaven.co.uk seems to work absolutely fine from outside Ukraine; perhaps they are like Wild and only want non-Ukraine business.

03-19-04, 22:40
http://kiev.magicmarble.net,starsfromheaven.co.uk,wild-escorts.co.uk,lovelygirls.org,gia.com.ua are all perfectly functioning websites serving in Kiev as well,but it's important to know how to approach to grasp the same frequency.

Uke Boy
03-20-04, 12:32

Thanks for the information. Yes, I am based in Kiev so my provider does redirect wildescorts and starsfromheaven. Since these two sites definitely do not want to do business here, unless someone can show otherwise, then it is a waste of time to talk about them or mention them in this forum.

Actually, the same redirect thing happens with escort.Odessa.ua.

The redirect does not happen with Kiev-x.com or Odessa-x.com. Those are actually two reasonably reliable sites.


wildescorts and starsfromheaven sites do not work in Ukraine.

I took a look at lovelygirls.org and it is a site with fake rip-off photos. Use them at your own risk since the prices seem too high for whatever goblin may show up.

Kiev.magicmarble.net is the mirror site for Kiev Escort Agency. It seems that kievescort.com was taken down. By the way, the photos of the girls there are actual photos. Gia.com.ua is also reliable with normal prices.

I am not sure I want to grasp any frequency. I would rather have solid and accurate information so I can spend more time grasping the ladies. Grasping frequencies is for NASA.

03-20-04, 12:49
All the info I've given is concrete out of experience.
Some agencies like wild-escorts and starsfromheaven certainly don't want to work in Ukraine to keep up a standard,but it doesn't mean there are certain exceptions in different ways.
Anyway,there are millions of other ways to reach better quality in Kiev.

Bez Bezarra
03-20-04, 14:31

I can't get anything to come up on escort.odessa.ua ?
Do I need to add something else like .com or .net
to get to that site?

kiev-x.com comes up in russian. Is there any simple way to switch it to English WITHOUT using one of those tricky translation programs that I don't have?

As for me, you certainly CAN ASK ME how I don't know, since I've never used glitzy websites to pick and pay for a professional sex worker, because it seems like their prices are guarranteed to ALWAYS be higher on the internet.

I know that when I first went to Kiev in 2000, I was told that $100 per hour is totally wrong. $100 should be for all night, no less. These sites that ask for $250 to $350 all night for Kiev, that just sounds like way too much unless you are some Saudi Royal family customer type.

Apologies to all for generalizing unnecessarily.

A frequent grasper,


03-20-04, 14:35
Thanks Armourer and Snowy.

Can you guys tell me what the quality of the places were like?
I was after a good place, maybe up to $100 per night.

The Sherbourne looks pretty good, and they do the visa support letter and airport transfer.
I think they also have in room safes, which is a bit of peace of mind.

Any details would be great.

03-20-04, 18:25

The appartment was comfortable, adequate, pleasant - not sure what else to say about it! Not the lap of luxury, but nicely decorated, light, warm (I was there in December) and quite big. Like all the places I've booked in Russia, it wasn't much to look at from the outside and had a pokey stone staircase, but it had double-door security to the flat, security coded main door, was safe with an excellent location. Small but adequate bathroom, nice spacious lounge, really comfy bed, basic cable TV connection. It was perfect for my needs.

The thing I'm most interested in is that when I book on spec over the web that the people I book through can be trusted, and this couple definitely could. I'm sure for $100 you could get something far more luxurious than the one I had - from what I remember you get a two-bedroom, centrally located, satellite TV and jacuzzi for that sort of money from a few agencies on the web.

MM - I just use http://babelfish.altavista.com to translate Russian sites - free, easy to use and pretty effective.

Uke Boy
03-20-04, 18:39

It is escort.odessa.ua. However, a few weeks ago I got a message from one of the co-owners blaming the other co-owner with theft of monies, deposits, or something like that. A short while after that, when I went to their site, I got a message saying that I had no permission to enter. I thought it was because I was here but it may be that their business dispute is still on-going and they are completely off-line. I will keep checking. I may have a phone number somewhere and if I do, I will call and find out the situation. If I do learn anything, I will post it since I see you like Odessa.

Kiev-x and odessa-x are Russian language only sites, I am afraid. I do not want to go over the language issue again. I may be accused of generalizing.

The ladies on the Kiev sites, including uaescort.com, tend to be in the $40-$70 first hour and $70-80 for 2 hours, with overnights in the $150-200+ range.

There are some glaring exceptions to these prices and some of them are actually worth it. One lady who was on the uaescort site (she is gone but I think she will be back) charges $100 per hour but did everything and was just great.

The two girl services range from a high of $150 for 1.5 hours to $100 for one hour and 2 hours for $150.

I am afraid I cannot help you with the translations programs. However if you click on DEBYWKU (something close to that on the Kiev-x.com site) you will see the ladies and I am sure language should not be that much of a problem. Details, photos that are mostly real and phone numbers are there but not prices.

Prices here, on the net or in River Palace, are about equal but I might add, the local pro prices are lower. The locals still have less money than we do and the local pros therefore charge less. Not a whole lot less but still less.

I enjoy meeting a stunning local pro once in a while and two hours as a regular costs me $50. That is real and specific, no generalizations.

Watch out what you grasp for, it may bite back.

Uke Boy
03-21-04, 12:42
For those of you who wish to consider Gia as a possible option, they are fairly reliable, the ladies are almost always who they are in the photos and Gia can provide a flat on the Left Bank for you to meet the ladies away from your hotel.

However, be very aware of very significant price differences for locals versus foreigners. Here is a recent comparison for a new girl:

1 hour 325 gr. = $61 @ today's rate of 5.32 gr. = US$1.00
2 hours 435 gr. = $82
3 hours 595 gr. = $112
4 hours 650 gr. = $122
10 hours 760 gr = $143
24 hours 1570 gr. = $295

The new girl ZOYA
1 hour- 70 EUR or $91 @ $1.30 street exchange rate
2 hours- 90 EUR or $117
3 hours- 110 EUR or $143
4 hours- 130 EUR or $169
10 hours- 180 EUR or $234
24 hours- 350 EUR or $455
Oral with condom, lesbi.

03-22-04, 00:27
I've been re-reading some of the posts with a view to planning a trip in April (if I don't get back soon I'm going to explode!). I've got a couple of questions for the Kiev regulars that I hope they can assist with.

Firstly I read a couple of pages back that O'Neils was a good place to pick up non-pro students. I'm not saying this isn't the case, but I had an apartment 200 yards from there when I was in Kiev and went for a drink there early evening quite often and I'm pretty sure there was no action on offer on any of my visits. The crowd was pretty much ex-pats looking for familiar surroundings or groups of locals out together. Maybe it has changed in nature since December, but it didn't look like a good place to go to meet locals (although it's a nice place to go).

The thing I'm most interested in are reccomendations for regular bars in Kiev with a good vibe that have some life in them around 8-9pm in the evening. Where can I go with a chance of hooking up with locals without waiting for midnight or 1am for people to arrive? Uke Boy mentioned that Eric's bars are all good - I went to 111 last time, which was great, but really didn't get busy on the nights I was there until midnight. Anyone got some other reccomendations? I know Eric has at least one other bar in Kiev, but I couldn't find it. I don't mind the late life but some earlier alternatives would be useful.

My second question is about internal travel in Ukraine. I might need to get to Mariupol - what's the best way to get there and roughly how much should it cost? Would I need to declare this on my visa or can I make the decision when I'm there and just use my standard tourist visa from the UK? Anyone been to Mariupol and, if so, what is it like? I saw Michael Gage had been there and said it didn't really have any tourist infrastructure, but I have basic Russian so I don't mind a trip to the relatively unknown, but some advice would be really welcome.

Sorry for so many questions; I promise to report back in full after my next visit.

Tech Boy
03-22-04, 15:53
Uke Boy,

I appreciate your info for Gia site but what is their phone number now? I called +38 067 393 27 27 but the line seems to be closed.

Their email doesn't accept my messeages.

I was looking a the airport transfer and girl to assist me on info as I land, I will be in Kiev on 24th March, on Wednesday.

Will really appreciate it if you can reply before then.

03-22-04, 18:33
I'll be in Odessa and Nikolaev areas late April/early May.
If anyone will be around perhaps we can hook up.
Might stop by in Kiev also but I'll be really forcusing more on the south.

Tech Boy
03-22-04, 19:55

I will be in Odessa and Nikolaev too, I am going to Kiev on 24th in 2 days, and leaving Ukraine 22nd April.

I may still be around Odessa by the time you get there, if you want to hook up for a chat, email me:

[Email address deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending removal of email addresses in the text. To avoid delays in future reports, please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

03-23-04, 00:06
Once you're in Ukraine you can stay as long as you wish till your visa expires and you can travel anywhere you wish.
The best places to meet students are the cheaper cafe/bar/restaurants alongside Kreschatik and Padole.
For a little excitement in a different design and atmosphere either at night or around midnight you could try Dinos Bar on Kraschatik right across Dnipro Hotel.

03-23-04, 03:03
Tech Boy - damn it... I'll be there between 4-24 and 5-8 so looks like we'll miss each other... but, hey, do me a favor and post some info on Nikolaev...

When in Odessa last time things were pretty sparce... chicks in the strip clubs were stuck up and those around that entrance to the port, well, they were kind of skanky by my measure.... I think that Nikolaev is more promising... not so much mafia $, women have a better attitude I think fm our perspective, eh? [;-)

03-23-04, 09:17
I ask informations to Gia agency by mail, it's working, they replay me:

Dear Sir!
We are glad to invite you to visit Ukraine, Kiev.


1 hour- 70 $
2 hours- 100 $
3 hours- 130 $
4 hours- 160 $
10 hours- 200 $
24 hours- 350 $

* Anal +20 $ (RITA, DASHA, IRA, YANA)
* Lesbi + 20


* An apartment for meeting 20$ - 30$
* 1 $USD = 5,4 UAH

PHONE NUMBER +38044 491 66 42
+38039 491 66 42
E-MAIL [Email address deleted by Admin]

I hope this help


EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending removal of email addresses in the text. To avoid delays in future reports, please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

Uke Boy
03-23-04, 18:48
Tech Boy,

I just called Gia at the number you called +38 067 393 27 27. Works just fine and was able to get the revision of prices that Nanto71 just sent in. Seems that Gia changes prices and systems almost as often as new girls come in and out. His is, for now, the correct price list.

I know nothing about their email as it is easier for me to call them since I am here.

I also cannot help you with the airport transfer and a girl. I do not always check the forum since I do have many other things to do.

It looks like Gia has gone to a one price system but if you want to pay in Grivna rather than dollars they will charge you a 5.4 exchange rate rather than a street rate of 5.32 That means $70 at 5.32 is 372.40 Grivna or 378 Grivna if you pay them at the 5.40 rate. No big difference.

The big difference is that the local price went up, I am sorry to say. We will see what they say in their next round of email prices.

I can also add to Vegamars' comment that you have entered Ukraine, you can travel anywhere on the visa. Just do make sure you have a visa before you come and do not overstay the term of the visa. Otherwise, enjoy.

Tech Boy
03-23-04, 21:28
Thanks Uke Boy,

I might give GIA a call, I also checked out Odessa escort site and they are charging 300Euros for 12 hrs, it seems it is very high for Ukraine, but I like 3 of the girls in the pic so might try out anyway.

I'll try to give some interesting report, maybe I'll try the disco clubs, I'm young good looking entrepreneur but quite shy, and I'll try:)

By the way, you know you can arrange a date with the dating agencies in Kiev and Odessa for $20-$40 intro, it might take more effort but it's good for the companionship. I'll check how it goes.

City Angel
03-25-04, 00:05
If anyone is looking for a good contact in Kiev to organise semi-pro girls for them, hit me with a PM, and I can pass on the number of a contact I have.

Opus Dog
03-27-04, 12:48
So I have a question:

What can a tourist who speaks/reads very little russian can expect to pay for staying on a daily basis in Kiev? Hotel, food, taxis, etc. Does speaking/reading russian get you any deals like cheaper hotels, flats, eating out?


03-28-04, 01:27
Opus D,

Hotels are artifically inflated prices. Locals have to pay same at the top hotels, don't know about 2/3 star places. Best bet apartment without doubt, unless your company pays.
Also security can be a problem with some hotels, usually ok at 4*+, but you may feel a little awkward!!

03-28-04, 10:32
Speaking a certain language will not decrease prices as you can guess.Even communicating in Ukrainian would not help you much.But when you travel to the western part of the country and especially to Lviv,I would never advise you to speak in Russian as it could double the prices for you.People there really hate Russian and communicate in Ukrainian all the time in a quite interesting accent,showing their envy of independence.
The only girl-friendly hotels in Kiev are Premier Palace and Dnipro and you'll always have a problem with the security in the others,which you can easily solve by 50Gr.You must always be ready for wondering eyes on you when passing through with a girl though as if you're doing the most interesting thing in the world.Of course you'll have to deal with the same thing even if you're with your girlfriend,just smile back and you'll feel very comfortable.
In hotels like Kreschatik where the security is even tighter,an internal service is provided and it will be a little bit more difficult to take a girl in from outside,but don't worry,you're in Ukraine and there's always a solution.

03-28-04, 18:38
One more question regards apartments.

Has any one experience with this site?


They have some great apartments.
Any idea where Baseyna street is?

Some of the marriage girls there are georgous too.
Is it worth joining a site like this to try and the girls there, or is this just a con?

I read the girls on these sites are just there to scam you.

It could be fun though.
Any thoughts?

I shall be there in May.

03-28-04, 18:58

I have just arrived in Kyiv. Details of my travelogue will unfold here over coming days! I was told marriage agencies are hit and miss. If you're here for a while then go for it, but always beware the risks. You could just join one when you're here, at least you then know they exist and where to find them. There's actually a feature on them in the free (english lang) paper I have picked up in my hotel, but not read it yet.

Also, you may be seeing women who ONLY want to MARRY a rich guy and they may not want to pleasure you on first, or even second, night.

In reality there are so many pretty girls on the street I'd advise against and just wander around, and go to bars etc. After 3 hours of wandering, exploring, having late lunch and visiting couple of bars I had lots of positive reaction to smiles, coy looks etc which gives me hopes for the week ahead! So my advice would be go with the flow. If things don't come off with the normal girls you can always call an escort then, or visit River Palace!

California Guy
03-29-04, 00:45

I am actually wondering the same. It seems like someone out there must know of a site that is real? I wouldn't mind meeting a regular girl when I head over in October because I am assuming it is easy to find girls for hire.

Also, I am planning to go through Prague and Berlin as well and was curious which has the best clubs to meet girls and which is the best in terms of women for hire?

Thanks in advance!

03-29-04, 08:29
It's completely nonsense to try out marriage sites while you're in Kiev even though they might be real.
Rather you can rely on free sites like date.com,imatchup.com and loveme.ru which will enable you opportunities throughout eastern Europe as well as Kiev.

03-29-04, 14:23
Thanks for the replies.

Please explain why it is nonsense to try them?
I was thinking it might just be fun. A lot of the girls seem to have fairly good jobs, so it could be interesting in itself.

As long as you don't start spending too much money on them.

Also I was thinking if you chat with them before you arrive in Kiev, you also have a local contact or two.

Is any one in Kiev from May 23?

Zinger Burger
03-29-04, 15:08
To help translate the dating sites from russian to englishi use


Its good. I advise to use it.

03-29-04, 17:48
Of course the site’s no good for Ukrainian, but everyone in Kyiv speaks Russian too, so start your writing in that and you’ll be fine.

You may though have problems with replies in Russian, because it could be nonsense by the time it arrives in your in-box. You may have to fiddle around with the language settings, but good luck.


DAY ONE, arrived safely in Kyiv, and our party was met at the airport and driven in to the centre where we would meet the rest of our group for the week. The road from the airport is straight and soulless. Uninteresting in the extreme. Woodland is all you can see for miles as your driver tries to avoid the potholes on the motorway.

Checked into Hotel (Dnipro). Checked out all entrances and exits, vantage points from the bar etc. My main problem this week potentially being colleagues drinking far too late at the bar and hampering my attempts to bring girls past them to my room!

Managed to get a copy of Kyiv Post with the lead story about the US Deputy Sec of State in town – maybe that’s why the hotel was packed out.
My room’s very basic for a 4-star. Single bed (disaster), but slightly larger than many single beds, more like 1.5 bed size! No way is this worth the money my company’s being charged, but my contact here tells me it’s definitely girl-friendly, so that’ll do for me!

We all have to do down to bar to meet other colleagues, Ukrainian too, even though this is the bloody weekend. Excellent news, they’re going out for a meal. I offer to be a martyr! I have far too much work to do, and anyway I’m kinda beat. Maybe I’ll just have room service and catch up with them later, I want to get my work done first!

Result – everyone else goes out! This gives me at least an hour to organize an arrival to my 7th floor room! Why is there no 3rd floor – haven’t figured that out! Word of warning – like many “top” hotels you need a key-card to operate the lift when on public access floors, therefore a girl coming to your room unaccompanied is impossible.

So to the Kyiv Post. Section two has a sort of what’s on “night and day” supplement. About 10 small picture ads in the back and 6-7 unpictured classifieds. First problem, calling the bloody number. Finally got it to work, by dialing +380 (the whole country code) and then dropping the first 8-0 on the mobile numbers. For local landline numbers it requires dialing 8044 before the number. Got through to one who charges $50/hour and $100/2 hours. Was told this is standard. Asked if possible for a selection of girls to be sent and I would pick one. Agency didn’t understand this, so I gave up to try one of the others. Rang ad no.2 and it obviously went through to the same woman, so I tried again – same prices, same lack of help.

Tried one of the smaller classifieds, same price and only single woman, who said she was 27, but I worry when a WG says that she may mean 35, so went back to the glossy pictures. Dialled one with a mobile instead of Kyiv number, same price, would only send one girl, but guaranteed she would be able to speak English, be 18-21 and blonde. Said I’d ring back in 5 minutes. Gave one last go to Kiev local number, same woman as before answered and her English had improved enough to shout “f*ck off and die dirty f*cking bas*ard” which is not the best customer service line I’ve heard!

So back to the offer of 18-21 y o. She’d be with me in 30 minutes. I sort of allowed 45 minutes and as I’d already wasted 15-20 minutes thought I’d be pretty well guaranteed none of my party returning when I went to meet her.
I assumed she’d ring on her mobile when close, but oh no! Got a call from her in the reception, which meant me having to go down in full glare as she stood between the security guard, concierge and even the bloody shoe-shine colored guy! Immense problems; I had to come out of lift trying not to make eye contact, quickly move left towards the bar, check the coast was clear, do the same with the reception seating area, which necessitated walking right past the 3-blokes and the girl all looking at me quizzically. Then, less than discreetly, nodded at the girl whereupon the security guy blurted out “Room 704?”

Off we went to the sanctuary of the room and the doors wouldn’t shut soon enough on the lift!! She was as promised, blonde, 19yo student, and slim, but not pencil slim. Nastya was about a 7, and I handed over my $50, fairly happy, but a touch disappointed somehow a supermodel straight outta those websites didn’t appear! Anyhow an hour of fun to welcome me to Ukraine. Both showered. She performed remarkably well. OWOTC, sex multi-positioned! No anal though, and not keen when my finger went a roving and knocking at the back door!

3 sessions in the hour, and 5 minute overrun, but she was fine about it. And off she went. Hastily made a few notes to convince my colleagues I had been working and met them after another shower. Now about 3 hours in Ukraine and I’d had 3 showers already!!

Went to meet them in a bar on Kreschatyk, the name of which escapes me, but about 6 blocks up. Was advised to take a taxi, but stuff that. Great time walking up, smiling at girls. Especially in the subway, and I even went into one of the metro stations to take a look before having to use it. Buskers, flower sellers, people just dawdling, conversing, and all the girls happy for you to smile – looking foreign is sometimes great!

Had the drinks, ravenously hungry, so got a snack, saying the rooms service wasn’t very good (I couldn’t reveal the only dining I’d done was at the Y!!).
Actually I subsequently found out the food in Dnipro was the best thing about the hotel!

Dreaded coming back with colleagues into hotel infront of the grinning gang of three at the door, so suggested we stay out for more drinks, and that thinned the crowd down a little. We went to Planeta Sport on a road off Kreschatyk, near the main department store, and then wandered back and visited Dino’s, opposite Dnipro Hotel. Planeta had three tables of girls and we got talking (well I did) after much eye contact to two tables. First ones were leaving but got a mobile number, second ones were up for a giggle and we bought them drinks but experience told me that was all, and as they left I thought abut trying for 3rd lot, but they were readying to leave too. Looked crestfallen as I saw closer, just how good they were, slightly older at about 24-26 (I was youngest of our table at 33). Raised an eyebrow designed to say “How could you be leaving now”, one delicious blonde shrugged her shoulders apologetically and laughed; great smile! Leaned across and spontaneously grabbed her arm. Understand I never normally conceive of doing that, nerves, and expectation of a slap in the mush usually stop me, but here it’s fine, apparently. My mates were stunned, so was I when she said maybe tomorrow. I got her mobile, and promising SMSs and dreaming of a whole night of passion, we parted – well she was probably dreaming of a whole night of JD & coke and foreign cuisine, but hey let’s not spoil the image.

Dino’s is down a little alleyway and then down some steps to the bar area with some appalling live singer when we were there. Restaurant to the left, and strip club to right. 20 UAH ($4) entry, beer about $3 as I remember, or cheaper for local stuff. Girls go topless only – they then come closer for private table dance, but again topless only and expect a healthy tip (50UAH) for their gyrations. One girl was good looking, dk hair, others medium to poor. After 2 rounds and with me completely knackered we called time – I didn’t have the energy to go out again, or order in again, though I was anxious to discover River Palace in particular. I also had an email from Model Diana before I left with her number, again $100 for 2 hours. Found her on a website with genuine pictures and she’s a good standby if I don’t strike lucky with “Planeta Katerina.” Then to bed…alone!

I can tell you day two was exciting too, but you’ll have to wait until the next free time I get for me to detail all that! If you guys prefer me to leave out the travelogue/non sex info then just say, and I’ll adapt my style according to the wishes of the board!

Swiss Tiger
03-30-04, 15:10
Cracking report...... "grinning gang of three"... nice one... I guess we've all had something like that... the better hotels do act with a bit more decorum though.... keep it coming!

03-30-04, 19:04
Hi Guys,

What will the non-pro/student scene be like April 9-12 - easter? Will Kiev be busy or are most of the students away on holidays or visiting family?

04-01-04, 12:26
Most students will return home if they are only studying in Kyiv.
I have had this discussion with many. However, although Easter is big festival, so many pretty things live in this city of nearly 3m that they've got to go out somewhere - good luck.

04-01-04, 12:27
Day 2

A really hard day at work. Knackered before the hobby begins!!

Enjoyed meal at an old, traditionally Ukrainian place in town. It’s very well known, but alas, I didn’t get a copy of the receipt, and I cannot for the life of me remember its name. Kyiv dwellers on the board will help me out I’m sure. Different areas of the restaurant are decorated in varying styles depicting different lifestyles in Ukraine. Very busy, and very nice too. The waitresses wore low cut traditional-style dresses, with pushed-up boobs, but they’d obviously had far too many drunken westerners making lewd comments over the years, as they ALL seemed impervious to my gallant smiles and desperate attempts at Russian to impress them!

So, about 11 when we got back to the hotel, and I declined the offer of drinks and headed for my room. Aware there was likely to be a small posse at the bar I planned my escape with due diligence. My advance planning proved worth it. I used the time in my room to gather my research (printed off from WSG), changed clothes, added a touch more after-shave and set off for some fun.

The bar in Dnipro is open plan, but it is to the left, and around one corner. As long as no-one was coming towards the lifts at the same time I should be ok. Best to head towards the reception as one crossed the “danger line” of sight, which is only probably 4 metres and from the bar one would have to have eagle eyes! If caught/seen I would be asking reception for a map/access to the internet or something not delivered to my room such as soap, bottled water, which appear to arrive by random when the maid makes the room. So far each has been forgotten once.

I walked briskly at 135 degree angle towards reception, then glanced bar-wards. My group was safely gossiping on low couches on the far side. I moved back towards the main door, exited sharp right to avoid walking in front of the bar, and I was free. The escape plan ‘worked to a T’. So I was forced down Kreshchatyk, not much in the way of opportunity to talk to girls on the street – it was very quiet out there. Went into one bar, but again very quiet. Decided it was either River P, Moda Bar or similar. I wanted a guaranteed shag at a fixed price so thought I’d try for Rest Town instead, which is a 20-min taxi ride away from previous research. I had been told every male in Kyiv knows “Rest Town”. Well, inevitably, after flagging down an unsuspecting driver he did not have a clue. I even spelt it in Cyrillic! Sadly I did not have the address. I explained 15 minutes taxi journey in pigeon Russian, and we fixed a price of UAH20, which I thought was particularly generous as he did not have a clue where he was going! After asking 2 other, genuine, taxi drivers we were on our way. Eventually after 2 U-turns I glimpsed a sign which said Rest Town next right. And that was about the most fun part of the evening.

Let me bring you up to date with important events at Rest Town. Major refurbishment is taking place apparently, which means none of the “free” room-only areas are available for the next couple of weeks. I suspect this might be rubbish and they’re just cashing in by forcing us to go to saunas, which range from $20-$50. This is obviously a minimum of 40% increase on the price of a shag, and considering the agencies’ value and choice I was already beginning to regret the long trip, but at least I had seen it with my own eyes. The girls weren’t great either in the main, which echoes what a few people have said before on this board.

I got talking to one fairly attractive girl at the bar, and amazingly she said she wasn’t available for “room service”! – WTF was she doing there then? In retrospect I think she may only have been touting for all-nighter at a hotel. Got introduced to Marina, a very young, ever so slightly plump, dark haired girl, and fixed a price for her tender young flesh. Then she went awol, telling me she had to dance soon. I checked my anti-perspirant….

Moved on to another girl, a blonde, and at last someone I genuine fancied a bit. She was probably 7.5 and we seemed to be getting on quite well. I was by this time apparently put to the back of the queue for rooms. I assumed I’d booked the room, but no, it’s the girls, so if you “change horse” you start the wait all over again. Each time I was told it was an hour. After another drink and about 45 minutes’ wait, this horrendous half-caste vision, that I was almost sure was a transvestite (I was assured it wasn’t), came over and simply snatched the girl I was with. She reappeared with a group of very drunk German tourists, who were obviously spending bigger bucks, and after another hour the party of 4 girls and 4 guys left together. I was informed it was £200 to take a girl back to my hotel, but as it was already 4am seemed pointless.

I was about to leave, thoroughly hacked off with the place, when a new blonde arrived. Slightly better looking than the previous girl. In short I was back in the queue, and as I’d seen none of the guests leave in the past hour or two I assumed the queue would be down to 30 mins or so by now. Wrong! Another hour estimate. Foolishly I decided to wait. I was conned out of another two cocktails, and a couple of drinks for myself. The hour became 90 minutes. The disco actually closed, at 6am all the lights went off and finally I was allowed through to my sauna room ($20). The girl was just ok. No OWO, not that keen on touching, not passionate in any way. And for all this I paid $50+$20+entry+numerous drinks. Approx $120 total I believe. Plus a few Hryvnias for taxis – and it’s more expensive back at 7am I can tell you, but only 35 even then! Imagine what I could have done in the comfort of my own room, for how long, or even with two girls, together or separate, and enjoyed the game of dodge the colleagues and security/shoe cleaners! A waste of a precious night in Ukraine. Please boys, learn from my mistake – it may have a reputation, but it’s not great, it’s not value. I have since learned about real value on the P4P scene, and that will follow in my next instalments. I realize I am getting way behind, but it’s difficult trying to work, play and keep a log, and write it up – forgive me!!

04-01-04, 12:56
Hiya Knight,

Why do you feel obliged to do these things covertly? It is sort of expected for foreign businessmen to have "local GFs" in these countries. And they already know about it, so you only go down in their esteem behaving like that, if their esteem is of any value to you.

Just behave as if you don't give a damn what they think and that you own the lot and you will get much more respect that way, for sure.

I happen to know several married executives who travel around the world for conventions and they fly in their GFs from Russia to provide for after hours relaxation, openly dine with them, shop with them, let them stay in their hotelrooms, all paid for by the company and organisation.

If you don't like the hassle of looking out for talents in local bars, agencies, etc... and like the GFE which Russian/Ukrainian girls are famous for, just offer a girl you like to stay with you for the duration of your stay. THen that girl will be your guide, guard and lover. And if you still so desire, you could get that girl to help you to look for other talents.

You are alone in that city, don't have a real friend to help you out, so that is in my opinion the best approach. It might even be cheaper if you look at what you pay and what you actually get as enjoyment in return.

04-01-04, 20:39
These business groups who work for 24hrs have become very interesting and worth inspecting for Kiev--I have not been able to accomplish to work for more than an hour per day so far in such an atmosphere.
It's very true that all kind of GFE you can expect here must be based on money,there can be no other way,no possibility,not even a chance in a million.I'm really enlightened now after a long-time-exchange of experiences and ideas.I guess I was in a dream all the time and I appreciate all those who have driven me back to the reality of all-the-same-out-of-world CIS countries.

04-04-04, 00:25
E - I only feel obliged to be covert because of my colleagues. My position in the company would be jeopardised if I was 'caught'. I have no fear, per se, of security, doormen etc. However my fear is rational that they may talk, or make it obvious to colleagues of my nocturnal activities and preferences. I am actually appreciative of my position and ability to have sex with some wonderful girls around the world.

Hope you understand!

04-04-04, 00:26
Day 3 – Quiet day. Lack of sleep from previous night caused havoc with my ability to concentrate. After the obligatory post-work drink I went and crashed out in my room for a few hours. Woke up, ordered room service, and ordered room service of another kind from Diana. Arranged for her to SMS me when she was coming out of the metro and I would meet her by the underpass outside the hotel.

Both dishes were highly satisfactory! All services offered I think, and while slightly older (by a year or two) than I imagined, she performs with great enthusiasm. Great body, good face. BBBJ very good. Anal probably available, but didn’t get round to it – not really a back-doors connoisseur. $100 for 2 hours. Saw herself out after a shower, and I crashed out for the rest of the night, and felt surprisingly good for the next day’s work.

04-04-04, 00:27
Day 4 – all I can say at the end of Day 4 is Yulia, Yulia, Yulia! What a gal!
Post dinner I ventured into the Millennium strip bar, attached to Dnipro Hotel. I called a couple of the contacts I met previously (including the lovely Katerina), but it was too late to realistically expect them to drop everything and come running to me. I rang on the off chance they were out anyway, but early in the week that was unlikely, so fixed up a date for tomorrow with two girls. Separately. One at 6pm for dinner, one at 9pm for drinks. If the first is so hot I may have to SMS a cancellation but I’d rather have two birds in the bush for now.

Back to today, and paying (for Kyiv) an exhorbitant 100 UAH (I think from memory, though one of my colleagues actually paid) entrance to Millennium. The place was empty. We had a nice cold beer at an ok price, and good seats for the action. The strippers here were pretty hot; a couple of 5s, but mostly 8s and a couple of 9s and one ten.

A couple of the less attractive dancers tried to get us to buy them drinks and/or private dances. We were having none of that, just enjoying the floor show. Sadly, no fully nude striptease here. There were probably about 15 strippers, with 3 on view at any one time. One centre stage actually stripping and two dancing in separate “booths” nearby. When the record ended they all moved on one position, so the stripper left the stage and the girl in the second “booth” replaced her.

Went to the bar to order another round and happened to see Yulia, a stunning vision. 19 years old, dark hair, a complete model, beautiful lithe figure. Asked her when she finished and she said soon! Told her it was crap in Millennium apart from her, and asked for suggestion where to go. She smiled and said she was probably going to River Palace with a couple of other dancers, and apparently not wanting to be caught talking to me whispered she must go now.

Pretty soon out group left the club and returned to the main hotel. I told no-one of my chance encounter with Yulia. I soon left the hotel and went out, flagged down a taxi and headed for River Palace. Met a great guy called Victor, the cab driver, who had lived in London for a while and later on we met a couple of times during my stay in Kyiv. I offered to pay Victor into RP, which at 30UAH was hardly breaking the bank. The place is just one of those sights you have to see. Similar to better known Nightflight in Moscow, except here the girls do not approach you, making it even more like a traditional ‘disco’. Wanted to test the water, and the strength of the dollar, and was quoted £200 by first girl, who quickly came down to $150. The second girl Vic and I spoke to was a real small cutie, but her opening bid was $300. She would not come down either despite a fairly good chat. I think she sussed that the club was pretty full and as a classy girl she had a fair chance of poaching a fool, who would be easily parted with his money, so no need to cut her price at 1.30am or whatever time it was.

Soon afterwards, Yulia arrived. She lit the place up and I was very excited to see her, as was Victor, who agreed with my description. So now I knew she really was “available” but at what price? We had a quick chat, but introductions etc, but nothing more at this stage. I suggested she go dance and see what was on offer, taking the gamble she would not get an instant irresistible offer. It was a gamble too – suffice to say not many girls have me drooling at my age.

After about 15 minutes she came to sit back down and we rejoined her and a friend. Vic pretended to be English, and refused to speak Russian or Ukrainian. He says he gets more respect and better service that way, and also he can listen in covertly to “private” conversations methinks! While I went for a call of nature I am pretty sure Vic was negotiating prices, because I sensed a slightly different atmosphere upon my return. Fast forward to 3am. Vic said we were leaving. At my protests he said Yulia would join us by the exit. I wasn’t sure if her was telling the truth, or if Yulia had spun him a yarn, or if he’d fixed a price simply for him! Yulia duly turned up 2 minutes later, alone. Vic got his mate down with the car and off we went to Dnipro, which may not have been the brightest move on my part, but I had a good feeling about Vic and all worked out well. We ordered the bar to be reopened. We drank, talked, bizarrely with Andrei acting as translator for Vic! The subject of cash was broached. Vic asked for a price for me and him to take Yulia. $300. $200 for one of us. I was a little uneasy about the thought of a 3-some with two people I’d met hours earlier, so discreetly made my take-it-or-leave it offer to Yulia of $100 for me only. She definitely wanted to, but was anxious the others didn’t know the price. At 4am we got to my room, saying goodbyes to Andrei and Victor.

Without doubt Yulia is the most attractive beauty I have ever had the pleasure of. Her beauty was internal as well as external. We agreed 2 hours, but she stayed until 8am, making me late. ALL services!! Started with mutual oral, natch without latex! Boy was she wet, and surprisingly loud too when she came. Then quick drink, and back to it. She tried to mount me without a condom; ridiculously tempting though it was, feeling her pussy slide nakedly over my cock, good sense prevailed and I managed to grab the ‘preservatif’!

The next 3 hours just repeated the first hour, and bless her, she seemed to forget to ask for the money, and then was acutely embarrassed saying “I don’t need it”. She took it upon my insistence. If I was young free and single I could easily have packed her up in my suitcase and brought her home. Yulia said she goes to RP about 2-3 times a week, and hits with a rich guy once every 2-3 weeks at $300 which means with her income from Millennium she has no need to work more often. I had phone number from earlier, but realized later I messed up putting it in my phone. Anyhow I arranged to meet her in 2 days at Millennium, or in RP, and she promised not to get a guy before I arrived. I was f**ked in every sense of the word as I rushed down to breakfast, but smiling all over!! Highly recommend you all spend the stupid entrance fee at Millennium, hope she is working, and then check her out at RP later. She said it was first time ever she agreed $100, but I am no Adonis, so with patience you should be able to match the price, even for the (IMHO) best looking girl in Kyiv. I took a sneaky snap on my camera phone which I got just before the trip. It’s not very flattering, and not great quality – it is my only pic, and I will try to upload it when I return home if I can figure out how it’s possible!

Swiss Tiger
04-05-04, 09:13

Easiest way to upload pics from a Phone with the ability (without having to buy expensive connection or bluetooth software) is to send the picture as a "picture message" to yourself via your email address.
I have a Sony Ericsson Z600 and it works a treat and the pic arrives in jpg format.

Good luck.


04-06-04, 18:54
Day 5

Not much of interest to read in the P4P scene. I was absolutely exhausted after the nocturnal exertions that morning!

Got the afternoon off as our company work wound up early. Had a quick touristy look round the city. Andriyski and especially St.Sophia both well worth spending time around. Loads of street traders selling a mixture of tat, decent art work and football shirts on cobbled road up to St.Andrew’s Church, and beyond towards the cathedral. Bulgakov house and a museum up there, but everything was closed. It is just 1 Hryvnya to enter the grounds of the cathedral, which is almost offensively cheap. Barely more to go inside St.Sophia. Did the other usual tourist things around that area too, then walked back to hotel.

Went back to my room for a planned sleep. Rang Katerina and arranged to meet for a meal at 8pm. She was quite keen to meet me at the hotel, but in view of the comings and goings I couldn’t stand the thought of being seen with another girl, and she may pick up the wrong vibes too!

Overslept, hurriedly showered and dressed, and ran down the road to the Italian she had selected to go to. I ask you, I take Ukrainian girl out and she wants to eat Italian!! Anyway, Stradivari was close to hotel, and pretty decent. Saw another strip bar next door, but thought I’d best not mention that in our dinner conversation!

We got on really well, then she insisted on going down to Podil for a drink in the student area, near metro Kontractova. I wanted to do other things, but didn’t want to scare her off. Eventually got her back to hotel, which took some convincing. She seemed nervous so took her to the bar. Only two hotel hookers and 3 businessmen were in the bar. For info, the hotel hookers were of poor quality. One was blonde, late 20s and at best a 6, the other mid 30s, possibly older, dark hair, and rated a 4 on my scale. Think I mentioned in an earlier post she wanted $200, and anyone paying that would also be advised to ensure it was for the full night, as the guys I work with say they saw her reappear after an hour one night, after disappearing into a lift with a Japanese gentleman!

Kat and I chatted, and she relaxed more. My hands started roving on the comfortable sofa and she responded quite well. I whispered “come to my room”, and firmly pulled her to her feet, and without looking back, led her by the arm to the lifts. She did not resist, much to my immense relief. She was clearly inexperienced, but this was a great turn on for me. I had to more or less tell her what to do! She had never had a man go down on her, and screamed with delight! Once I’d done this she had to return the compliment, and after I’d literally put my dick in her mouth she performed very well. I stopped her using her hands. Anyway we played around for a couple of hours, maybe three. I was too much of a gent to try the back doors on our first date, and I was feeling physically and mentally tired, so we showered and then went down to the reception where I negotiated with a proper taxi and got a decent rate to see her home, 20 UAH. Promised to ring her tomorrow. Good example of how easy it is to bed a very pretty, young Ukrainian girl for an average western guy. Marvellous!

04-06-04, 20:36
Has anyone tried Yana from Gia? Let me know your opinion.

04-06-04, 22:44
The Knight,

I've been following your story with interest, although you dont actually say where you met this Katerina girl. Is she the one who's arm you grabbed in the restaurant or just another girl you chatted to somewhere. I'm hopefully going to be visiting a friend (female) in the summer and dont think mongering activities would be looked upon highly by her although she may accept me chatting up normal girls, so am wondering how easy this is as a foreigner, I'm a young guy so the whole wealthy western businessman appeal wouldnt be there, just the western bit.

Roger Mellie
04-07-04, 11:53
Just leaving Kiev after 5 days here ... the freebie scene is excellent if you know when and where to go. Average salaries here for women are in the $200-300 a month range (a fraction of moscow) so why bother with p4p. Had a lot of fun and filth with some very attractive birds. Fotos and full details will follow when I have time to digest it all.

Roger Mellie
04-07-04, 11:55
Inostranets, do yourself a favour when you are here. Lie thru your teeth. Tell them you are a wealthy western businessman. You will get away with it cause nothing is expensive. Bring smart clothes, a suit without a tie works very well. I also advise telling them you have just arrived and are here for a year ... then they will want to be your girlfriend

04-07-04, 23:12

RM gives good advice. Tell them you're leaving in 5 days and you will struggle more, though Katerina saw my airport ticket in my room and wasn't fazed. I also said this was my first visit as a "reccy", and that I was coming back.

To everyone who's PMd me, Kat was indeed the stunner whose arm I grabbed earlier in the week. I had been due to meet her at 9pm, but brought it forward when I got SMS from Natasha telling me she couldn't make the 6pm rendezvous. That allowed me the sleep!

More to follow, I am now back home, but I will complete the journal, and thanks for the positive PMs - seems most of you like the added detail about the city too!

Roger Mellie
04-10-04, 16:13
I made the basic schoolboy error of telling them I was there for 5 days and still did well with locals, but there were several occasions when some girls lost interest when I said I was in town olny for 5 days. I blew some good chances before realising I should have said I was here for 3 months or more.

Roger Mellie
04-11-04, 12:49
OK .. the Kiev report (abridged):

Arrived in Kiev with my usual wingman. Actually he got there a few hours earlier since I was trying to get there from Bucharest which involved a long transfer in Prague. The apartment was a big place, 2 big bedrooms, a sauna and a huge jacuzzi and we paid up for it. $150 a night. But it was right in the middle of Kiev and an impressive place to take birds.

The first night (Friday) we met up with two 20 year olds that I had lined up dates with via the magic of the internet. Mine was a absolute stunner. My mate's was cute and slim, but spoiled it with terrible teeth. Went to a place called the Da Vinci Fish Bar. I flash looking place, and not cheap by usually cheap Kiev standards, it was a bit sterile and totally lacked atmosphere. That and my mates non-knowledge of Russian and his dates non-knowledge of english killed the date pretty quickly. We probably should have gone on separate dates. So about 11pm we split with the girls and went out to explore nocturnal Kiev. The boat based Modabar was full and had plenty of eye candy. We sat down upstairs and started chatting to two 21 year olds in miniskirts. After 15 minutes we finally clicked that they are working girls. We felt pretty stupid but checked the price, which was $200 for the night. We literally laughed in their faces. Surely its insulting when you tell a guy what you are after and he laughs in your face. We checked out a couple more bars most of which had plenty of cute girls, but we didnt end up getting lucky that night.

The second night was a much better night. My mate went to chat up birds in the Irish pub while I went on another pre-arranged date. The girl was 24, a ballet dancer, about 175cm tall, so her body was about 8.5 while her face was a decent 7. Lets call her "Ksenia". We got on well and after 2 hours of chat over a cheap pizza and a few red wines, she suggested we go for a walk. We walked for 2 more hours before it was time for her bus home (11:30 pm is make or break time in Kiev - soon after that they need taxis). For the last hour or so of the walk there had been ample kissing action and we planned to meet up the following evening. I was knackered after the walk and went home for a rare good sleep.

Sunday night I had my second date with "Ksenia" while my mate had a date with a 22 year old blonde bird he chatted up on the internet before arriving. By 10:30 pm, I had taken "ksenia" back to the apartment and knowing my wingman might return with his date anytime, I suggested we move to the privacy of the bedroom. 20 mins later and she was getting the jolly roger. When we emerged, my mate was on mezzanine level giving his date a workover while waiting for the sauna to heat up. "Ksenia" left at the usual 11:30 deadline while my mate took his into the bedroom for a quickie. A good night for all.

Monday I had a fairly simple night, just getting "Ksenia" to pop in at 6pm after work. We poked, went for dinner, poked again and then she went on her merry way at the usual time. I met my mate down at the Irish bar about 11pm where he had chatted up a couple of 19 year olds. They had to go soon after but we promised them we would meet them again (their request). We headed out to check out River Palace. Not really my scene. But then again the beers were not expensive, so you might as well enjoy the scenery. We checked prices a couple of times and depending on how cute the birds were, opening offers came in at 150 - 300 bucks. Since there was no real motivation to negotiate, we left them.

Tuesday and our last night in Kiev. This we planned to be a big one. I called "Ksenia" and told her we had an early flight the next day and my mate did the same to his shag from 2 nights earlier. They were to be at our apartment by 7pm and would have to go by 9pm. Then we called the 19 year olds from the Irish bar and told them we would meet them there at 10pm.

The regular girls turned up on time and we cut straight to the chase and dragged them into our respective bedrooms. I wanted to get two loads away before 9pm so it was straight into it.

They left on time and by 10pm we were propping up the Irish bar down the street. To our pleasant surprise, the 2 girls had decided to bring along 2 girlfriends, so now we had 4 teenage girls sitting around us in a semicircle with wide eyes. Even better was that the 2 new friends were better looking than the original 2. So we concentrated on the new 2, one 18 the other 19. This began to annoy the original 2. In fact when 11:30 came around, the original 2 (now pretty pissed off) began nagging the new 2 that its time to go home. The new birds didnt want to go, but eventually under pressure of nagging, one cracked and the other had to follow. Close but no cigar. We stayed at the bar another 2 hours before leaving to check out another of our favourite Kiev cocktail bars.

As we were leaving the Irish pub, my wingman fell for his traditional weakness. Those of you who read my Romania posts back in September will recall that on the last night, with a gaggle of fit local birds gagging for it, he went for the low hanging fruit - the female expat. The expatella dilemma is well documented. In eastern europe, all the expat guys have stunning local girlfriends. So who do single expat women date, sleep with etc ... answer is that since they dont want to sleep with local guys, and expat guys have great looking teenage local girlfriends, they sleep with no-one. So whenever a new face turns up in town, they have to grab them quickly.

As we left the Irish bar, a female expat suggested sharing a cab. We invited her to the bar we were going to and she said sure she will come along. We walked into the bar about 1:30 am and it was packed with Kievs female teenage finest. All cute, all slutty and all making eyes at us. It was heaven. So my mate starts kissing the plainest bird in the bar, the expatella. I sat next to a uber **** at the bar. We chatted for 20 minutes before she asked me how long I was in Kiev. Remembering mistakes made earlier in the visit, I told her 3 months to a year. Her eyes lit up. She was 26, was recently divorced from a german guy, was living in germany and misses the western life. She was determined to get it back. As soon as I said 3 months to a year she suggested going back to my apartment. I wasnt about to waste more time on my last night, so off we went. She shagged like she was trying to win a new boyfriend and her life depended on it. She was pure filth. I booted her out about 5am.

My mate turned up at 9am with a grin on his face. His expatella hadnt had a shag in a year and obviously was gagging for it.

We packed, and went to the airport.

End of Kiev.

04-11-04, 13:24
Roger Mille,

please advise on website to arrange with locals before heading to Ukraine?


04-11-04, 14:05
Roger - great report- much needed on the amature side of things as it's much more exciting then always paying for it. Did you get any pictures that you will be posting that way we can the see the quality for ourselves ??

04-11-04, 19:54
Roger -

Loved your report - great style. It seems like the non-pro scene is very viable from the sound of your report - just have to have a mind-set that it's what you are going to pursue.

Do a lot of the teenage or early 20's girls you talked with speak English now? I know it's being studied more and more in the schools of E. Europe with many of the countries making it mandatory. Is the "new generation" in Kiev showing a more regular knowledge of the English language? It sounded like your buddy did pretty well without any Russian knowledge.

04-11-04, 23:10
The higher the quality of a girl the higher the chance that she'll speak basic English,with no exceptions of good English for top quality

Roger Mellie
04-12-04, 11:54
I forgot to add, my non-russian speaking buddy also had a absolute knockout date - I think it was Saturday night, with a 19 year old who was a swimsuit sports illustrated cover girl if ever there was one. She spoke perfect english too. But her never landed her.

My wingman and I do very well in London too I might add. Its not really a case of 2 average looking guys doing very well in Ukraine. We both are very well off, young and pretty decent looking. I dont want to raise the hopes and expectations of people unnecessarily. If you want to nail a good looking bird, particularly within a night or two, you still have to have something to offer. but if you are young, have plenty of cash, dress well, and are better than average looking, then you can have a truly wild time there in a short space of time.

My understanding is that if you actually are there for a long time - like a year - then you dont have to be that young or good looking, but to fly in, score multiple times and fly out, it sure helps to have some value to add to the girls.

As for the best websites and bars that I used, I apologise to the dozens who have PMd me about it, but you have to do some research yourselves.

Roger Mellie
04-12-04, 11:57
Jak, as vegamars pointed out, any young girl who thinks she has any sort of future speaks english. I would point out though that they love it if you make a bit of effort to "po russki".

I should get a few edited pics up, but I am still in Eastern Europe. When I get the chance to edit the pics, I will get them up. Might be 10 days though.

04-12-04, 14:01
Day 6

I felt really good today after the initiation ritual I had put Kat through!
Today was a day of meetings with clients, hand-shakings etc. It meant I was well fed, and the Taras restaurant in Shevchenko park is recommended by this writer.

But you really want to hear about the sweet course I guess…
I had somehow collected about 6 mobile phone numbers from non-pros during my 6 days, and I was having trouble remembering who was who. Just writing down names of people you’ve met for a few seconds in some instances isn’t a great idea. I then tried to catalogue them with the place I’d met them and when, and a crucial mark out of 10!

By the process of elimination I worked out that there was one girl I’d met on the first venture into the streets of Kyiv who was a 7 whom I had not contacted (poked) yet and who I would quite like a crack at (pun intended!)
However my loins were also itching (in a nice way) for Yulia and I also fancied educating Kat some more. I am a sucker for fresh talent, so called Sasha from Planeta Sport – I thought Sasha was only a guy’s name, but apparently not. Being back and free early I though I may even be able to manage a session with all three in the same night, but in hindsight that was wishful thinking. Sasha was in lessons until 9pm she said, so we arranged to meet at 9 in Planeta Sport where it all began. Not being able to contact Yulia because of problems with her phone, I planned on trying to get to see her at Millennium, or possibly River Palace. That left Kat, and me with 4 hours free, even after a quick power nap to set me up for the evening.

Kat did not answer her phone, but sent me SMS shortly afterwards. We met up at 6.30 which made things a bit more rushed. Kat was noticeably more friendly in public, and wanted to hold my hand, a sure fire sign that she had “bagged” a western boyfriend. She was hungry, which again threw my plans into chaos, as I’d already eaten. I suggested room service, but that idea was blown out as we happened to be near a restaurant she liked – how could I refuse! At about 7.45 we were leaving the restaurant and I told her I was really tired and needed a good night’s sleep before my final day I Kyiv and early flight home the day after. This was of course complete bollocks. I suggested we “say goodbye” at my hotel, and started flagging down a taxi. She again seemed reluctant, but my soothing words of “we’ll see each other again in a month or so” must have worked. Straight back to room and she started immediately undressing to get a shower. I told her I’d join her in a moment and sent SMS to Sasha to delay my arrival by 30 minutes. Fantastic shower action got me very worked up and I was soon relieved with a fantastic BBBJ while water cascaded over me. At 9.30 I kicked her out (I’d been trying to hurry her up since 9), and got showered again, changed clothes again and hoped she was not waiting in the reception as I made my way to Planeta Sport. Being 30 minutes later than a rearranged delayed meeting time isn’t the best way to impress a girl, but thankfully Sasha forgave me. Me buying the drinks probably helped. She also had a very cute friend with her, but just my luck as I arrived she had her own date to go on. When I saw them together I was well up for a 2-girl romp. My girl was 19, dark hair, quite short, face was pretty good, and she had a very sexy smile and flirtatious nature which was what drew me towards her a week ago.

Cut to the chase here – she took a lot of talking to, a lot of encouraging, and I span the yarn about being her for another week and then coming back at start of May. Having the same fall-back story helps when you’re meeting various dyevs!!

She wanted to go dancing, but I asked her to show me her moves in my hotel room. We got back there at midnight, and had a very exhausting two hours before she had to leave – she had a Saturday job to be up early for! She was clearly more experienced than Kat and seemed intent on pleasuring me and not expecting much in return. Sasha was ecstatic with my DATY skills, and not for the first time I heard that Ukrainian men don’t take time to pleasure their women. She gave me a fantastic rimming session too before insisting on a shower – my skin must be like an old boot by now! When I shouted “suck me” in Russian she slapped me and said that’s rude! She made me say “please go down on me” – of course I obliged and so did she! So at 2.07am she left and I was spent!

One more day to go, my only regret not being able to meet Yulia again. That was my final day challenge.

Roger Mellie
04-13-04, 09:14
I second Knights recommmendation of restaurant Taras. They do great Ukrainian food and ridiculously cheap prices. Try their Ukrainian borsch, and their Golubtsi.

04-13-04, 22:55
Just to rectify a little confusion-the interest of Ukrainian girls in westerners(actually their interest for guys from the south is more obvious) can't be explained merely by support of money or the seek of a good life.Life in big cities and Kiev is much better than it's in Europe or the States on many aspects and there's an incredible number of rich guys out there,but naturally these guys are more interested in western European women and what's more they're just not aware of how to praise the value of their own treasure(what a pity??)

04-15-04, 16:42
Hy guys!

I'm new at this forum and as I'm planning a sex tour to kiev I would ask if someone knows a cheap flight from north Italy (bologna,Milan) to Kiev.

Thanks a lot

04-19-04, 11:49
Hey Roger,
Thanks for the report !!
Could you tell me how to go about getting an apartment in Kiev. me and a buddy will be there for a week in june.

thanks in advance.


Roger Mellie
04-20-04, 18:35


Book online, usually you have to give a small credit card deposit.

I really wanted this place but it was booked when I tried. It has a jacuzzi in the living room! Get a couple of chicks home and get them in the tub, while your wing man mans the video camera from the sofa, beer in hand. http://www.alserent.kiev.ua/f_4k/f_40/f_bo.htm

04-20-04, 19:57
Milan - Kiev flight. One cheap possibility is taking Aeroflot from Milan through Moscow to Kiev.

You would have to deal with the Russian transit visa issue, though.

Bez Bezarra
04-21-04, 03:02
Take a train to Geneva, then fly non-stop to KBP and start the reactor. Free Mars!

04-21-04, 05:18

This is Enrico from Holland sneaking in.

A minor introduction

I have been "silently" following this Kiev forum for quite a while, and I must say I am both impressed by the abundancy of useful info and the literary quality of some of it

Ok, to the point. I will fly to Kiev next week: April 28th for a 12 day holiday. I booked my appt, at http: //www. ukr-apartments. kiev. ua/, and as kind of inside information I can tell you that the competetion between the brokers is quite stiff. They find it hard to get customers, it says" Discounts is possible if you stay more than 7 days ", on this particular site. If your offer is 50% you should be able to agree on 2/3 of the mentioned price.

On the internet I picked up nice contacts with non- pros'. If you speak russian, there's loads of local dating sites.

Girls do speak english, but as has been stated before: it's almost impossible to point out what to do and where to look. An alternative may be www. matchdoctor. com, totally free, and in english.

Needless to say that I will try to give you ample information on the K. T. O. (Kiev theatre of operation): -))

Whether that will be a day to day update as The Knight's reports, remains to be seen as, I have no laptop.

I hope to show up with pics, but that will be after I return.

If you need some translaton from english into russian, just drop a line and I'll see what I can do for you. That's on voluntary basis. I had a russian gf. and I still sudy the language.

That's it for today




EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions to capitalize the word "I". To avoid future delays, please use a capital "I" to refer to yourself in future reports. Thanks!

04-21-04, 17:35
her555 reports:

4\21\04. kiev

hi all, and thanks for everyone for your tips.

special thanks for theknight and for roger mellie, for you'r good report's, we leren from you'r experience, and excellent advice.

so, i thought i would report also my trip from last marct.

i made a trip to kiev. for tow day's, and even i am a businessman, my pherpes for this trip was only for sex, and it was a wonderful trip with a beautiful women. i have ther a grat time, the best for me, so far. so i will repay you with a report.

i arrived in the borispol airport about 1:00 pm, come out from the airport, find a texi, the driver speek's english, and i ask hime to go to the dnipr hotel.

i ask the driver if he can give me some info. for sex girl's in kive, he enser me, "thet is not my joeb" "i am only a texi cab driver". but when we come neer at the dnipr hotel, the driver help me to took my looging to my room wite the door-man, and the driver told me the door-man from dnipr hotel will help me wite a girl.

the hotel give me a room, i most say thet this was not my first time in the dnipr hotel, but it was my first time to have a small room, the cost was 85 usa$, but it was very cool in the room, i go down to esk for some heat in my room, but it do not help me, the sed the will give heat, but i do not fill any heat, (but anyway the love'ly girl's worem me up like a hot potato!).

after i make my self comftibule in my room, it was about 5:00 pm, i went dowe to the door-man, and ask if he can get me a girl, he ask me my room numbur, and told me a girl will call me soon, in the next half hour a girl call me, named "katerina", and told me she will be available later at night at 9:00 pm. but i can not wait until then, so i told her i will call her back tomoroy, if i will need her.

called "gia international agency" at the number +38 067 393 27 27, pickt a girl,named nika, the price is 90$ usd for 1 hour, and 110$ usd for 2 hour. she come to the hotel lase dane one hoer, the agency asked me to come downstairs outside the hotel, to bring the girl in my room. there was no reaction of the security when i was walking. i walk with nika right to the elevators and up to my room.

now, she spoke not very good english only limited english, but i can understand, the picture on the website is accurate, she is blond, and wow... gorgeous, she was so friendly from the first minut on she come in my room, i geve her some eat and drink.

she start to talk to me so good, she told me she love to talk to americans. we talk for abut 1 hoer from evryting, business, family, her work and her living in kive, from the politic from the usa, from president george w. bush (who ilke because success against al-qaida and the war on terror). from president kutsmo from ukraine, the wer in iraq, ect, ect. i meke my self comfortable, and we get to "reel business".

she started by giving me a back message, then a really bbbj, she was extremely hot, she workerd me with her tits and pussy, she allowed me to french kiss her all over, from her mouth, to her lovly brest and grat nippls, from her tite pussy, to her beutiful ass. and she do thet to me beck, she kiss me wite joicy kisses all over. i'm sure she has some limits, but i certainly didn't find them, she was willing to do anything for me! she really enjoy the sex, she was excellent in all espect's.

she really wanted to fuck me agin and agin, we have sex 5 hoer's in a ray, onlu one ting: sex, sex and more sex, non stop til about 12:30 am.

i was wite her for 6 hour's, and man ! i have wite her the best sex in my live (and trust me i have alot sex wite alot kind of girl's). i paid 250 us$ for 6 hour. and she go home at 12:00 am.

and because i was surprised froom her frindly sex and love, so i asked her to come over on the second night. at 6 pm.

after i woke up in the morining at 10:00 am, i goo down and eat a good mill for the day, by 3:00 pm i was alive, an agin in the mood for sex, so i go down to the door-man and i ask for a girl, the next half hour the girl named "katerina", call me, and told me she is available now (she told me she is soory from yesterday, she wasn't immediately available)

the door-man bring her to my room, she is nice looking - cute face, blonde, shoulder length wavy hair, very pretty eyes. big nice tits, cute nipples, shaven pussy & nice ass, gave good head ,after having sex wite her first, she let me cum on her cum in mouth cim. second she give me a wonderful bbbj, and fs any position, after the threed time to spritz her wite com, all over her beutifur fase, she was trying to thek more cash out from me, and was making all kinds of generous offers, but i was only in the mood for something quick and simple. i paid her 50 usa $, and it's was nice for something different.

after thet i falt to sleep, and at 6:00 pm the lovly nika wose by my door, i told her i am hungery, so we went down to a restaurant (do not know the neme) the yong lovely nika ask the hotel to serve me food, the food was top quality and delicious, at 8:00 pm we ar beck in the room in the dnipr hotel, and my god.... her is she to stert over wite her grat baddy, and sex for 3 hoer in a row, nika want to do for me anything, not even with a condom, hommmmmm.

the interesting ting now was, doing the sex, and between the sex, because she told me she love to see a movie on the tv, but sinse the movie is in russia language, and i do not understand russia, so she try to explen me evry part of the sexy movie, and she did it very well!

when i met her the first night, i have to say i was so inprest by her looks, and even the second night it was the sam ! she is a very friendly girl and very attractive. we have a wonderful nice time.

the other day in the moring, i most all redy leaving ukraine to go home, i come back to my homeland france \ paris. and from ther to the usa.

my advice would be: if you are looking for a great looking girl, and want a great gfe type experience, then nika from "gia international agency" is qualified. she was realy great. highly recomended!!

so many girls in ukraine, so little time!

happy honting for you.



i like your report's, it is a great report.

but because you go to kive with a group, so i tink the best way for you to go with an escort agency.

see my report on this bord on 01\27\04 and thanks agin.

Roger Mellie
04-21-04, 21:40
Night 1,

The one I didnt get: Da Vinci Fish Bar

Roger Mellie
04-21-04, 21:41
Pic 2 - Ksenia
From Nights 2, 3, 4 and 5

Roger Mellie
04-21-04, 21:42
Pic 3 - another Ksenia
dressing after after a poke

Roger Mellie
04-21-04, 21:43
Pic 4, yet another Ksenia pic
still dressing

Roger Mellie
04-21-04, 21:45
Pic 5
This 19 year old was close, on night 5, before getting talked out of it by jealous friends.

Roger Mellie
04-21-04, 21:47
Pic 6
The 2am uber **** at the cocktail bar

Roger Mellie
04-21-04, 21:48
Pic 7
The same uber s l u t , after having shagged as if her life (and future homeland / passport) depended on it.

04-22-04, 15:53
Roger Mellie:

All I can say:

Beautiful beautiful beautiful! and WOW. A gorgeous pic.

You have a good test for wome.

Can you gime me the womom's info. ????????

Thanks in advance and all the best.


04-22-04, 19:36
Final Chapter

My sincere apologies for the delay in rounding up the trip. Was sent off to Geneva again between whiles.

Anyway, where was I. Ah, yes, the final days.

I slept real good, and only just made breakfast before it shut. The place was nearly deserted! I relived the memories of Kat and Sasha, and planned on meeting Yulia tonight.

Went all around the city doing some tourist things, and enjoying the weekend ambience. Kreschatyk is pedestrianised at the weekend, and just walking up and down is a great way to catch a girl’s eye – but watch out, some extremely young girls were flirting outrageously. I made the mistake of laughing and smiling at the three of them (about 14-15) and they started stalking me, which also hindered my hopes of meeting 18+ dyevs.

Got talking to a couple of girls, but I had plans on my last night, and with already a few numbers in my mobile didn’t feel like starting anew with anyone else. Actually met a thoroughly decent bloke who told me loads about Kyiv and places to go.

After another great meal – cannot now remember where, but it was a simply fantastic steak, as good as any steak I have had back home, and cheap as hell! Got ready for another night out – went up to Millennium in search of Yulia. The doormen wouldn’t let me in without paying, and wouldn’t tell me whether she was working or not. I didn’t fancy wasting an hour or more waiting for all the girls to appear on stage to find out, so made up a story (part true actually) and insisted on seeing the manager. Greased his palm with a dollar note and then he went to find out…..Shit! Yulia was in tomorrow, but I was flying at lunchtime. I decided to go elsewhere and then call back at River Palace in bid to find her.

Much later, upon the recommendation of the guy I met earlier, I went to Club Max, or Club Maximum as it’s also known. I had no idea where this place was – he didn’t describe it well but insisted it wasn’t in the centre and I’d need a cab. I acted like I knew where it was and argued like hell over the 50 UAH I was quoted. I offered 10 initially thinking I was being fleeced. We settled on 25, and believe me it must have been about 20 minutes away, across the river. He did drive quite slow though. The driver seemed a decent sort, but my heart started bloody pounding when he pulled up behind an armed policeman, who was just dealing with a driver (cash looked to be changing hands, but I couldn’t swear to it). Driver simply asked directions, while I pretended to make a cellphone call, avoiding eye contact! I was relieved when we pulled away.

Club Max is quite a plush place on a western-style estate, near some fast food eateries, just off the main arterial – though which arterial I have no idea!! The place features a strip club and a disco, as well as a restaurant I think. Also a handy ATM by the front door! It was about 10.45 now and as disco was not completely full I headed for strip part which was a small charge extra. The main attraction of MAX is that the strip is fully nude. Also the girls were of good quality, some stunning. Matched the efforts of Millennium in quality, and at last a nice long pussy parade! Some girls were only about 6s, but there were clearly three 9s, one may even have been a 9.5

Talking to a very drunken group of Ukrainian guys (who were off duty police I later learned) was probably not the best move I’ve ever made, and I was virtually forced to down numerous vodkas. They started getting pretty lewd and slapping the strippers, so I backed off and went to the disco. The private dances here were very pricey (think it was $20/100UAH), and all you got was a 10-minute session behind curtains, but touching seemed allowed, and a box of tissues was helpfully provided!

In the disco I struck lucky with one girl, and we sneaked into a corner. I had downed too much vodka and brazenly felt her up. She had a nice short skirt on, and in the darkness I managed to slip a finger inside. She rubbed me up and I tried to put her hand down my trousers, but she was too worried by people around. I realized we were being watched, and thought I’d better ease off. Remembered Yulia and stumbled off back into strip club. Had a private dance with the 9/9.5 I saw earlier, and tried to talk her back to my hotel, then offered cash. She wasn’t interested – thought I’d up the ante to see if she could be bought, but at $250 for the night she still wouldn’t budge. Wasn’t prepared to pay that anyway, but thought of you guys who need the research!

Decided to leave and exited the strip club, but at the small bar between strip and disco, saw a very cute dyev. My c*ck led my brain and I tried, and failed, to get into her panties. Cost me two drinks too, and all I got was a little DFK. By now it was 2.30 so I staggered into a taxi outside and bargained him down to 35 for lift back to RP. He refused to believe anyone gave me a lift here for 25.

Upon entering River Palace, my friend Victor was already there. He dropped the bombshell – he was speaking to Yulia earlier. She’d left. He told me she was getting a new mobile tomorrow – what bloody use was that!
So, consoled myself with a look at the girls on offer for my final Ukrainian lay. Not much to be honest. Should’ve guessed - as I entered it was 3am and girls were streaming out. About 15 were left, and 4 separate guys had 2 girls each around them, which left about 7, and all were average.

Got talking to one girl who demanded $150, and came down to $120, but it was far too much considering the time and she was a 6 at best. Having said that I needed a seeing to. A couple of older girls collared me. One was a 5.5, aged about 28, the other a 4 aged about 33. Thought about a 2-girl, but really did not want to go near the other woman, so asked price for girl one, called Ira. She said $100. I offered $50. They were hungry and went down to restaurant, said I’d see her down there, and I went up to casino to consider my options. Amazingly considering my alcohol intake, I won and 30 minutes later the credit card chit was duly ripped up in front of me, and they gave me some nice new notes too!

Saw Ira and ugly friend. As it was now almost 4am, I said my offer was down to $30. Insulting probably, but the ball was in my court – she wasn’t earning money that night if she let me go and I wasn’t that desperate to bed her. She came down to $70, then $60, then $50, and I didn’t have the heart to go any lower. She had a very nice slim figure, was quite tall, but facially only average. Wore a very distinctive white trouser suit, which I imagine is her best clobber and in evidence every time she goes to R.P. She also had a 6 year old son, and unbelievably when I got back to a pc her pic was in my inbox courtesy of some surfing I’d done on a Ukrainian penpals site! Two events were totally unconnected, I won’t be responding to the email!

No worries with dozing security. Back in room she was only ok. Her oral was more like a waterfall. She insisted on stupid amounts of spit and soaked me. Actually took the sensation away so I rubbered up and took her hard from behind. Just before coming I pulled out, ripped off the condom and insisted on CIM. Obliged. Did a couple more rounds pretty quickly, and finally round 4, after first protesting, she allowed anal. Didn’t want to rim me so I settled for my final load in Ukraine being shot in the ass. Probably my worst experience during the trip, but still at $50 I can't complain for BBBJ, CIM and ANAL, four times!

She complained about me not being generous, and I called her greedy. Gave her 30UAH for taxi, and sent her out about 6.30am I guess. Got up a few hours later for breakfast. Went back to bed for another 2 hours, hurriedly packed and said goodbye to a fine country, my real regret not seeing Yulia again. If anyone sees her dancing at Millennium in future, or gets off with her, please PM me!

Hope you enjoyed the tales - now you lot get writing!

04-22-04, 20:29
Thanks a lot Roger, Enrico !

Love the apartments. iam sure gonna book the one with the sauna. hope i can bargain with them...lets see !!
I will be in kiev in the first week of june, if you guys are around let me know. I owe you a drink !!
lets just hope i get some good pussy to go with the place :-))

thanks again topgun's


04-25-04, 18:52
Roger M:

Is that Alserent a good company?

I was going to book with Kievconnections, but now the guy is saying that the landlords will not book only 9 days until about a week before!!

Is there any where on the web where I can find a map with all the good places you guys mention?

This Cyrillic stuff is doing my head in!

04-25-04, 19:21

I used alserent for a place when I was in Kiev in December and I thought they were excellent and completely trustworthy. A really nice couple who couldn't do enough to make sure I had a good stay. They organised everything with the flat on only around 3 days notice, and the appartment was exactly as on their website, so my experience is that their photos are 100% genuine.

Neither speaks particularly good English, but they reply promptly to all emails using a translation site and they have a friend who speaks excellent English who can sort out any communication problems.

Roger Mellie
04-25-04, 20:44
I have no idea TM, I have never used them, but I assume they are fine.

I had trouble finding useful maps to be honest. Kiev aint exactly set up for tourists.

04-25-04, 21:32
Would you like a manual's guide with a girly map? It would make life so easy and so mechanical at the same time!

04-25-04, 21:42
When I was in Kiev I get a good map from:

Tel. +380.44.552.31.24 = 380.44.573.26.84

04-26-04, 12:54
Thanks Snowy.

I shall use them. This other guy is messing me around.

Well, er, yes. If there is one. It would be a great guide for everyone.

I just like to have a good idea where things are, especialy in a country like Ukraine.

I shall be there 23-31 May, if any one wants a Vodka (or 5).

04-26-04, 16:04
Gentlemen, 36 hours to lift off. I am on way to Amsterdam now for a brief investigation of the carnal pleasures of the local RLS, and then on my way to Kiev, shivering with anticipation, by the way.

I had a look at http://www.apartments.com.ua/search.php and its seems to cater for your cheapest and most expensive desires in the field of housing.

Have fun, and don't open your rubbers with a pair of scissors


Paul H
04-26-04, 21:58
Hi Her555,

I sent email to Gia and asked about the services provided by the ladies. The reply was this.

Our girls are:

1 hour- 70 $
2 hours- 100 $
3 hours- 130 $
4 hours- 160 $
10 hours- 200 $
24 hours- 350 $

* Oral without condom
* Anal +20 $ (RITA,DASHA,IRA,YANA)
* Lesbi + 20
* An apartment for meeting 20$ - 30$
* 1 $USD = 5,4 UAH
So, Nika does not provide OWO ? Can you shed some light please ?

Thanks in advance.


04-28-04, 14:13
Guys, I plan for August a three weeks stay in Kiev; After being through this excellent thread (thanks to Vegamars and others), I'd like to jump in with a few questions, beside the infos about pros spots which have been well reported ; excuse me for it, and thanks in advance for any answer ;

What are the current best cafes, happy-hours, outdoors terraces, bars, discos to meet regulars/semi pros Ukrainian girls ?

Is there a kind of after-hour disco where both regulars, semi pros and pros come to late-night party ?

Is the Dnipro hotel (previously recommanded) girl-friendly, without hassles ?

Is there a kind of Country Club with swimming pool for sunlounging or some city beaches (with girlies to meet should be better :) !)

Is Lugansk worth a side trip ?

Once more, sorry to jump in the thread with questions, but Kiev will be totally new for me and i need some advices from the WSG fraternity ...


04-29-04, 20:12
Always keep in mind that making plans beforehand for Ukraine can be useless and dangerous at the same time.
River Palace,Mandarin,Moda Bar and Club111 are all good places for late night parties.
Dnipro Hotel is always girl friendly if you don't lack any kind of confidence.
Lugansk is always worth visiting as it's one of the famous places for beautiful chicks(I have enough evidence to support the rumours)

Bez Bezarra
04-30-04, 01:27
Evidence is no more than hearsay until it is presented. The jury is still out, anxiously awaiting any opportunity to find you guilty as charged of mongering, rather than an insanity defence.

For the Pro, a valid but missed point on plan making. Expect to split your time between what you can set up for yourself, which most of the time works out fine in this cool place where most dyevs are naturally friendly, and the rest of the time, stir up the mix to get where and when the unexpected will just come your way, wander around, initiate your own opportunities, then be amazed at what happens.

Vegas and I ALWAYS disagree, EXCEPT about the mysterious magic of Ukriane females. That magic can make a lot of good things happen, and it is posiible to find it. But be warned, you'll miss it PLENTY when you go back home.

04-30-04, 09:58
Too right MM. I've been back home three weeks or so and it feels like yesterday. I had such a ridiculously girl-packed schedule, but I still think of what I might have done in addition. Whether I should have gone with that freebie again on the last night etc?

Wandering around alone, getting a bite to eat in a snack-bar alone - they're great opportunities. Flirting with the waitress is almost expected in the ordinary places (less so in the upper-end restaurants where I guess they're used to foreign businessmen), and it's really quite easy to get a phone number, and usually there's a table or two of all-girls around for you to cheekily ask for a translation of the menu!

The hookers are sensational, and great at short notice, during the day, and in the very early hours of the morning, but on reflection I'd now recommend from 5pm when they finish work, concentrate on the local talent and you should "bag" a freebie. If you don't score on the first night then go to Moda, River P, before closing time to take out your frustrations and unload for $100-$150!!

05-15-04, 17:47
Is Moda and club 111 all pros or mixed?
Can you tell me where Lugansk is?
Is this the place for model types?
I thought freedom and Chakavsky (or similar) are the places to go?

As an aside, does any one know a good travel agent that does trips to Chernobyl? and city tours?

Rabo Verde
05-15-04, 19:45
Weird request:
Anybody know of a homestay with a Russian Teacher?
I would like to stay 3 weeks and learn Russian during the day and play at night.

05-29-04, 08:16
Looks more like i will go through Kiev in July or August as well.

Can anyone tell me what the deal is with teh Medical Insurance ? The consular says its required. A few books I read noted it hit or miss based on what the entry officer wants to hassle you for. how much is it and has anyone gotten around it ?

Also looking at going into LVoV and a train into Budapest.

Any top of thought info on Hotels and activity is welcome.

05-30-04, 21:24
The Kiev-Budapest train takes 24 hours including a 5 hour stop to change the guage. The flight was 178 pounds sterling return and booked solid several days in advance when I enquired in Budapest a few weeks ago. Air Baltic offer cheap one ways up to Riga. Any info on getting to Minsk?

05-31-04, 16:40
Hi all. I will be in Kiev at the end of August.

If anyone is interested in hunting in packs, please let me know. Thanks.

Local Expert
06-02-04, 08:42
does anyone have any expirience with girls from this website: www.lovelygirls.org ?

06-02-04, 11:15

I don't think they'll see you in Kiev, only export to foreign climes. I heard a report from someone using one of their girls in another country on a business trip and said it wasn't really value for money, and he now uses another agency. But hey, that's only third-hand info.

If you're wanting anyone in Kiev then far better to go to Moda Bar, RP, or use GiA, or one of the other agencies listed locally in Kiev.

06-02-04, 16:56
Careful Local Expert, there is a warning sign above www.lovelygirls.org in another reputable escort’s reviews web site. DON’T pay deposit or anything up front to this agency, others did and nothing, not even a thank you email

A question if I may. Why would anyone want to get an agency girl when in Kiev? I don’t understand!

Been there recently for a few days. Boy, it was grrrrrrreat

Should and would post a report soon

Steer clear of agencies when in Kiev. No need for any of them, trust me guys. Just don’t be shy and don’t be lazy

Moda bar and River palace are good to find pros and semi-pros. Freedom’s disco (weekends only) lots of non-pro.

Freebies?! Streets, cafes and parks, these are the places to go. Please go, they’re waiting for you!

Local Expert
06-03-04, 07:43
knight, gemini... thank you for the warnings/infos. i would love to go to kiev or the ukraine in general one day, but i am still not willing to go into all that visa-, health insurance- and invitation- hassle. so... we will see.

06-03-04, 11:57

I know what you mean about the visas and I personally consider the Russian embassy in London to be the most miserable place on earth - they must have to attend regular courses on how to be difficult and unhelpful as they've got it down to a science. There are though plenty of agencies that will take care of all the hassle for you; a search for Visas + Ukraine on the net in your country will give you loads of options.

It increases the cost of the visa quite considerably (for my latest Kiev visa I think I paid £130 for everything as oppossed to the £40-45 I could have got it for doing it myself), but I've personally come to the opinion I would gladly pay someone an additional £90 to ensure I never have to personally visit the embassy again.

Make the effort and you won't be disappointed in a trip to Kiev.

06-03-04, 12:07
Be positive Local Expert, Think of it as a 'Foreplay'. Reserving a room in a hotel- invitation letter, queuing in the consulate- Visa, paying a little extra for 'Ukrainian health cover'? (not sure about that), waiting...and waiting (patiently!) in 'Boryspil's terminal' till the "Kind" officer stamps your passport, the ride in the back of a bashed and stinky Lada (taxi) to town, geting there at last, CLIMAX

Go for it, see it before Kiev girls turns too professional and expensive (see Moscow)

Sinanju Master
06-03-04, 22:30
I don't normally contribute to the Ukraine section (although I'd love to sample some Slavic honeys in the near future) but I looked at the website that was mentioned and IMMEDIATELY I saw one of the chicks and remembered seeing her pics on some porn site. Not hardcore, but she was posing and her name was Victoria. I knew right then and there that it was a scam!

Gemini's words ring true: Just don’t be shy and don’t be lazy

Oh yeah, BTW about a year ago or more, I was inquiring about renting an apartment in Kiev, but a Ukranian guy that has family there who was worked for a customer on my route got fired and I no longer have contact with him. Can anyone point the way for me?

Sinanju Master

Lego Maniac
06-04-04, 05:35
I will be in Kiev for the first week of July with a buddy if anyone feels like joining us for night time journeys for good eats and fun at the clubs. Please feel free to pm if interested.

06-04-04, 12:09
I have been to Ukraine 4 times the last 3 years, I have not had any trouble there and never had to get health insurance. Just want to make sure yours will cover you there should anything happen. The visa and invitation is a peace of cake. Trust me I thought the same as you but now I am hooked. Want to soend every bit of free time in Ukraine.
So give it a shot.
I also agree with Gemini2, Just have to talk to them. Its so nice. I miss it so much Have to get back soon. Good luck all

06-04-04, 22:55
Greetings to all the chaps,

Is there in Kiev a "tochka" sceen, similar to Moscow, where you can pick your girl from the line-up?

If so, where can it be found?



06-05-04, 05:30

Thanks for your reports and also thanks to Roger Mellie.

Very insightful and entertaining..a bit like reading someone's journal with all the great yarns and near-misses from your dodging your work colleagues a humourous touch

Some questions you may or may not be able to answer:

How are Vietnamese treated over there? (If they know who we are that is).

I've been to Thailand and it seemed over there women in the field sort of learnt that fat Westerners have fatter wallets which made it hard for me a young Asian guy.

Also is it okay to hook up younger chicks there? I mean like teens around 16-21.

Thanks guys,

Look forward to more of your reports!

Member #2025
06-05-04, 09:52
I would like to travel to Kiev/Kharkov in July or August and I have some questions to the Ukraine experts:

- Is the way you dress very important if you want to pick up a non-pro girl in Kiev/Kharkov, I mean do I have to dress to impress (like a western business man: suit, tie, italian shoes and so on) or is it enough to dress casual?

- Wouldn't you get problems if you dress to elegant (robery)?

- Is it better to speak all the time english with girls instead of russian (I speak russian fluently)?. The question is because I was in Kiev 1996 and I talked to girls everywhere (in the street, parks, discos, stores) but no success, I talked always in russian, but I think that was reason why I could not score. My assumption is that if girls that looking for a western boyfriend suppose he has to speak english and not russian.

- Is it better to tell the girls that you are "tourist" or better that you are living or going to live in Kiev for some time?

- I know that during summer many girls/students travel away to Crimea. Could be that in summer Kiev/Kharkov has less girls to choose from and it is better to travel from September to May?

Thank you for all possible information.

Sorry for so many questions. Once I travel to Kiev I will post a report.

06-05-04, 10:54

Yesterday I arrived in Kiev. I will be here a few weeks every month for the next half year to a year. Boy what a wonderful town. The weather was great as I walked down Krechatik and the girls were just stunning. Most didn't try to hide any detail from the interested spectator.

Being tired and stressed from the trip (and Borispol) and in the mood for some fun after all the eye candy on Krechatik I called a number a friend gave me for a relaxing massage. Something special here in Kiev he told me.

Viola was very friendly and had a body to die for. We sat and had some conversation. Then she slipped into something I want to share with you. I have posted another picture of her in the picture section.

The massage was a pleasure, completely relaxing and very sensual, using her breasts, her belly and her ass. I finished between her big firm soft breasts. For 250 Hryvna's (just $50!!) I added an interesting new experience to my life, was again relaxed and all ready to explore this amazing town. I think I will be very happy here. I'll keep you posted.

Good hunting. (I know the Wolff will be)

PS. Anyone interested in sharing contacts please PM me.

Member #4369
06-05-04, 18:22
Hello guys,

I am going to Kiev for work. I'll have 4 days after the project for chasing girls.

Question: should i stay in Kiev, or should i go down to L'viv?

Where will the hunting be better?

I am quite experienced pussy hunter in Romania; looking forward to some fresh meat.

Thanks for any info,


06-07-04, 20:17
A question for those who have been to Kiev and have tasted the culture. I'm planning on a visit there towards the latter part of summer, but I was wondering, with regards to the amateur scene, picking up non-pros, are they accepting of asians? I'm from England and am asian, so will this matter?

Any thoughts would be helpful

06-09-04, 12:03
Anybody interested in watching football Euro 2004 on Tuesday or Wednesday night in Kiev (June 15-16)and then hitting some bars in pursuit of Kiev's finest (or at least semi-finest...) pro, non-pro or otherwise willing dyevs?

Any recommended sports bars?

PM me if interested!

Roger Mellie
06-09-04, 22:38
Skank: The Irish pub should be pumping on EURO 2004 nites ... big screen upstairs - sorry I cant join you mate

Mickey Mouse
06-13-04, 17:58
Could I please get some advice about hotels (I prefer Hotels to apts) in Kiev? I am interested in girl friendly, safe and centrally located with all the amenities. The Hotel Rus was recommended to me, but I haven't read anything about it except its' own propaganda.
A July trip for a few days may be in the cards so please PM me with any suggestions you may have,
The Mouse

06-13-04, 20:39
Mickey Mouse - I stayed in the Rus a few weeks back. Hotel is good and rooms amongst best in Kiev. Girl friendly if you drop $20 to security each time. However, it is 15 minutes walk to main street (Krisyatic St - wrong spelling) although taxis no problem. I have stayed in most hotels in Kiev and find Dnipro is best as it is on main street and is girl friendly although the rooms are a bit small.

Bez Bezarra
06-13-04, 23:28
Just be normal and get a flat!

Bez Bezarra
06-14-04, 00:28
Tastin' away again in Margarita's box.

Sorry about the little green man Martian tint. Left the night vision setting on and I was too drunk on pussy juice to figure out how to switch it off. Too bad, she was a redhead.

06-15-04, 15:30
Hi all,

There was a post in this thread about 6 months ago about a service from www.vipgateway.com which offered translating, transfers, apartments, concierge etc etc in Kiev and Kharkov

I contacted them a few months back and they sounded very professional. But since then I have not had any replies to my emails.

Has anyone used them recently, or know if they are still around?


06-17-04, 00:12

I haven't used vipgateway, which sounded a pretty complete service from the report, but I did hire a guide for an afternoon when I was in Kiev last week from http://translatorkiev.by.ru/SaPer/services.htm.

I just hired one of their girls for a few hours for a trip around the touristy bits of Kiev, and she was great. They seem to offer a whole range of additional support services for tourist and business travellers and the boss (Alex?) answered all emails promptly. I can't personally reccomend any of their other services as I haven't used them, but they seemed genuine and reliable.

For apartments, I can personally reccomend both http://www.alserent.kiev.ua/ and http://www.uaapartments.com/. Again I can't vouch for their other services such as translators and guides, but both were excellent to deal with and reliable for their apartments.

Ham Bloke
06-17-04, 14:28
Anyone going to be in Kiev this weekend of June 19th and wants to grab a drink?

Feel free to PM me. Thanks.

Roger Mellie
06-17-04, 21:17

I had trouble making contact with them by phone or by email when I was in Kiev and Kharkov a few months back. I would have liked to try them but it didnt seem to work out

06-18-04, 04:52
I will be in Kiev 8-17 July. Probably out exploring other parts of the country between then.

Wouldn't mind trying to meet up with others.

Any Kiev or Ukraine hotel notes would be greatly appreciated. Any websites or preferred booking methods. If just a drop-in is safe from the rack rate.

I am looking more seriously at an apartment. Which areas\streets\landmarks are better, especially that are easy walks to sources of food !

Please PM me or post thanks

Bez Bezarra
06-18-04, 12:55

I have heard that agency no longer has any contacts available in Kharkov.
Which is a pity, because the scene there is difficult without inside help.

Kharkov dyev from 2 weeks ago.

06-18-04, 14:17
Thank you everyone for your information on vipgateway.com.

They looked like they would have been useful. I was planning on perhaps using their services outside of Kiev, but I guess with only 5 days in the country available to me, I might just be restricted to Kiev.

As for apartments, I ended up going with ww.kievapartment.com
They havent been mentioned much on this site before, but they were very very quick in arranging my accomodation and visa support. I guess the test is what the place is really like when I get to the apartment.

Snowy - kind sir, I was just wondering which one of the translators on http://translatorkiev.by.ru you ended up with. To be honest, the website looks a little amateur, but I'm sure that could be misleading.

Anyway, I've had a couple of people express an interest in meeting in Kyiv at the end of August (25-30; I just miss their independence day, I think..damnit!). If there are any people living there who might be willing to share a beer or three with us, please let me know. Thanks!