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05-04-22, 19:13
One simply has to put the work in and use all different platforms available to them, to be able to meet attractive women who will be open to meet.

05-05-22, 20:47
"One simply has to put the work in and use all different platforms available to them, to be able to meet attractive women who will be open to meet".

From the archives of the Cold War years 1950's.

1950's European Hula Hoop Craze. YouTube.


Now it seems Hoola Hoops are back in vogue in Ukraine and it would make a handy present and a topic of conversation, making contacts, Hoola Hooping on a Kiev Beach, HydroPark.

Make Hula Hoop, not War! Peace for Ukraine. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6RNn83GDB58.

05-06-22, 08:48
A Japanese banker gives an account of being in Germany after World War One, women having sex for pennies. After World War Two, Germans used to line up outside cinemas to grab the cigarette butts from Allied soldiers who tossed them away. Any idea where are the war brides the GIs got came from?

You'll be in your element in Western Ukraine.

I suspect there will be a huge inflow of Western money to rebuild the Kiev and other part of country.

While there is no exact comparison to a European country that suffered invasion in WW2 either allied or axis, liberator or aggressor, I think it will be fine to visit the Ukraine. I don't know how dangerous Germany was in the immediate aftermath of WW2. The Italians seemed consenting to Allied occupation. Again, none of these are exactly comparable situations. I'm also sure someone in those countries after WW2 was pissed off about things in the aftermath.

The only hope the Ukraine has longer-term is foreign investment and foreign cash. However, it might be best to avoid conspicuous mongering for awhile.

05-06-22, 17:01
A Japanese banker gives an account of being in Germany after World War One, women having sex for pennies. After World War Two, Germans used to line up outside cinemas to grab the cigarette butts from Allied soldiers who tossed them away. Any idea where are the war brides the GIs got came from?

You'll be in your element in Western Ukraine.As such, when the war comes to an end, places like Kyiv and Lviv should achieve relative normality pretty quickly. Obviously the areas brutalized by Russian troglodytes will recover more slowly, and the issue of returning refugees is a wild card that's hard to predict. But, wherever there's a lot of money circulating, sex workers are bound to flourish.

Russia, however, will be under sactions, reparations mandates (or both) for years or even decades. So the bleak post WW-I scenario you bring up is more likely to happen in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Except that the selection will probably be sparse, since any intelligent and attractive woman will do her best to leave a futureless country. But, for any monger who is able to get into Russia, it should be quite inexpensive. Forget money, as it'll probably have devolved into a barter economy. I'm guessing a roll of Western toilet paper will get you a roll in the hay.

05-06-22, 18:13
A Japanese banker gives an account of being in Germany after World War One, women having sex for pennies. After World War Two, Germans used to line up outside cinemas to grab the cigarette butts from Allied soldiers who tossed them away. Any idea where are the war brides the GIs got came from?It definitely sounds a whole better than being gang raped by Russian soldiers. Not to mention, having to be one of millions rushing to flea to the United States / British side before the arrival of the Russian Mongol army.

An American cigarette butt was likely better than a fresh Soviet crap cigarette.

05-06-22, 21:12
LOL "After World War Two, Germans used to line up outside cinemas to grab the cigarette butts from Allied soldiers who tossed them away".

45 Years later inThe Soviet Union, "Desperate Soviet smokers are resorting to extremes, puffing dried tea leaves and buying tobacco dust used as insecticide. And a new, stomach-turning trade has blossomed: Jars of used cigarette butts are on sale at peasant markets. Travelers returning from the Crimea say an eight-ounce glass of butts costs one ruble (about $1.60)."

https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1990-08-24-mn-1195-story.html#text=The%20 Soviet%20 Union%20 has%2077,in%20 buses%2 C%20 elevators%20 and%20 restaurants.

05-08-22, 05:59
I'm back in Ukraine now. I don't know about it elsewhere, but Mamba (a Russian site anyway) is definitely blocked here. Via the local landline provider, via my Lifecell card, but also via the free internet in the restaurant. Of course you can try any tricks and get to the site. But this blocking will probably mean the end for Mamba in Ukraine. Less new girls and clients.

05-08-22, 18:40
I'm back in Ukraine now. I don't know about it elsewhere, but Mamba (a Russian site anyway) is definitely blocked here. Via the local landline provider, via my Lifecell card, but also via the free internet in the restaurant. Of course you can try any tricks and get to the site. But this blocking will probably mean the end for Mamba in Ukraine. Less new girls and clients.They will move to tinder.

I'm curious about situation there now, you feel safe? What city you are? How behave local people towards you? Women open to meet you?

05-09-22, 12:19
I'm back in Ukraine now. I don't know about it elsewhere, but Mamba (a Russian site anyway) is definitely blocked here. Via the local landline provider, via my Lifecell card, but also via the free internet in the restaurant. Of course you can try any tricks and get to the site. But this blocking will probably mean the end for Mamba in Ukraine. Less new girls and clients.If that's true, it will be a disaster! With Tinder you cannot contact the others for free, you need a match, you know the chance if your look is not outstanding, right? Several years ago, the VK was also forbidden in Ukraine, it could be acceptable that now they want to do the same to Mamba.

05-09-22, 18:35
A VPN will allow you to access mamba.

05-09-22, 19:48
A VPN will allow you to access mamba.Ukrainian girls will not use VPN, then its the same.

05-09-22, 23:27
If that's true, it will be a disaster! With Tinder you cannot contact the others for free, you need a match, you know the chance if your look is not outstanding, right? Several years ago, the VK was also forbidden in Ukraine, it could be acceptable that now they want to do the same to Mamba.I'm not a tech person, so the details are outside my wheelhouse, but from a business perspective it seems to me that there are some juicy opportunities for talented entrepreneurs. Full disclosure: I have no idea if Mamba is Russian-owned, so any reference to that site is based on what others have posted about it.

To continue: I don't know how many Russian websites that were formerly used widely in Ukraine are currently banned, but any which are will likely continue to be banned for a long time. Even after the war ends, the relationship between the two countries will be in the toilet, likely for decades. That means any good or service from Russia that was formerly popular in Ukraine will be ripe for replacement by a non-Russian alternative. Even if that new good or service is more expensive, or not as convenient, or even if it's a total clone, it will have a competitive advantage in the Ukrainian marketplace simply by virtue of the fact that it's not from Russia.

Also, I'm guessing Ukrainian authorities won't give two shits about any Russian IP, patent, or copyright protection. That means (IMO) someone in Ukraine could blatantly copy the code, design, and other elements of Russian software and sites and use them in Ukraine without having to worry. In fact, the same might prove true in other European countries that are pissed at Russia, like Poland and the Baltics.

And if the Russian company makes a fuss, and sends some kind of a "cease and desist" notice, so what? Give them a Snake Island "go fuck yourself" salute, or just say it's part of the reparations that are due. The only thing I'd pay attention to is if the govt of your home country (Ukr, Pol, etc.) raised some type of issue. Otherwise, I don't think anyone is going to lift a finger to protect the "rights" of Russian companies.

If I was younger, and more technically inclined, I might be tempted to dip a toe in such a pond. For those of you with the appropriate skillset and knowledge of the local market, this could be a gold mine. As always, do your own homework and proceed at your own risk. And, for anyone who does take the plunge, Good Luck!

05-10-22, 10:50
Just read the first Report on everyday Life in Kyiv from a reporter on the ground there.


"Postcard from Kyiv: tulips blooming, wine bars re-opening and people starting to return.

After months of misery, Ukraine's capital is discovering its 'new normal."

American Choppers Bar seems to be the Place to see and be seen at present.

"There is a trickle of tourists. At the train station this week I met Matthew Sample a 71-year-old English retiree from Hungerford who had just arrived on a train from Poland and was visiting Kyiv for fun.

"I guess I'm a war tourist" he told me with a laugh. "But I don't want to go anywhere where there are no good bars open. " Sounds like he's looking for more than a Stiff Drink!

The US Embassy is due to open end of the Month, The British Embassy is now open.

Nooky Ninja
05-11-22, 15:31
Think it is time to change thread name here to accepted international spelling. Kiev has some bad connotations. Maybe regulars can weigh in and ask Admin to do this.

05-12-22, 16:39
Ukrainian girls will not use VPN, then its the same.Most of the young Ukrainian girls I know already use VPNs. They need it to access many Russian language websites.

05-16-22, 07:16
Most of the young Ukrainian girls I know already use VPNs. They need it to access many Russian language websites.It's not as easy as you think. I was only traveling in Lviv. I was advised not to go to Kyiv. Not because of the danger, but because of the many passport controls and still very limited options (compared to Lviv).

VPN is of course possible. But Mamba also records the geo data. With my phone card from Poland, I was always located in Poland. With VPN from the USA I was in America for my Mamba account. This could only be changed to Ukraine as the location in the paid account. VPN is therefore not enough. The girls in Ukraine, in addition to VPN, also need to set up a paid account. But probably only professionals will pay. No amateurs.

Mamba can also still be reached via other domains in Ukraine. Without a VPN. With identical database. But no longer via the Mamba main page. I hope, however, that this will not remain the case forever. Because many mamba girls are otherwise lost.

05-16-22, 09:38
It definitely sounds a whole better than being gang raped by Russian soldiers. Not to mention, having to be one of millions rushing to flea to the United States / British side before the arrival of the Russian Mongol army.

An American cigarette butt was likely better than a fresh Soviet crap cigarette.Thanks for the link but not your comments. Full disclosure: I am the most anti cigarette poster on the site. It is a revolting addiction but an interesting one.

When the Soviet Union imploded, Big Tobacco bought up the Soviet tobacco firm to remove the competition; much the same happened with Cola companies, cola being all sugar and marketing. Hitler's Nazis actually invented Fanta (the Fantastic Cola Company), as sugar and Coca Cola, the former sponsor of the Hitler Youth, was no longer available.

Your idea that American, South African etc cigarettes are best is down to marketing "It's Toasted".

Good on that British OAP to go to Kiev (non Nazi spelling) to get his rocks off. Not sure how he would get on if disputes arise.

For anyone making a small fortune in such a corrupt and lawless country, begin with a big fortune. That way, you might have something left. Factor that in.

05-16-22, 14:36
It's not as easy as you think. I was only traveling in Lviv. I was advised not to go to Kyiv. Not because of the danger, but because of the many passport controls and still very limited options (compared to Lviv).

VPN is of course possible. But Mamba also records the geo data. With my phone card from Poland, I was always located in Poland. With VPN from the USA I was in America for my Mamba account. This could only be changed to Ukraine as the location in the paid account. VPN is therefore not enough. The girls in Ukraine, in addition to VPN, also need to set up a paid account. But probably only professionals will pay. No amateurs.

Mamba can also still be reached via other domains in Ukraine. Without a VPN. With identical database. But no longer via the Mamba main page. I hope, however, that this will not remain the case forever. Because many mamba girls are otherwise lost.I sent several messages to some heart-breaking beautiful girls (Yulia 19, Kiss 21, 22 etc.) in Kyiv in the last 24 hours, although they didn't reply a word, but I can see they've read it. Like with WhatsApp, there are two blue ticks. Because they are so beautiful that I don't think they know VPN or Geo data stuff at all. I highly doubt that Mamba is completely forbidden in Kyiv. I hope someone in Kyiv can confirm my guess.

05-16-22, 17:44
Thanks for the link but not your comments. Full disclosure: I am the most anti cigarette poster on the site. It is a revolting addiction but an interesting one.

When the Soviet Union imploded, Big Tobacco bought up the Soviet tobacco firm to remove the competition; much the same happened with Cola companies, cola being all sugar and marketing. Hitler's Nazis actually invented Fanta (the Fantastic Cola Company), as sugar and Coca Cola, the former sponsor of the Hitler Youth, was no longer available.

Your idea that American, South African etc cigarettes are best is down to marketing "It's Toasted".

Good on that British OAP to go to Kiev (non Nazi spelling) to get his rocks off. Not sure how he would get on if disputes arise.

For anyone making a small fortune in such a corrupt and lawless country, begin with a big fortune. That way, you might have something left. Factor that in.The mongering environment in any country is determined mostly by economic factors. One thing that's likely to be true in post-war Ukraine is that there will be a shitload of money sloshing around as reconstruction funds pour into the country. That, and the fact that Ukrainian women will have more options for travel and relocation throughout Europe, raises the distinct possibility that low-cost mongering in Ukraine might be a thing of the past. This won't be evenly distributed, of course, as the bulk of the money will initially flow to, or through, areas like Kyiv, Lviv, and (if successfully liberated) Crimea.

The situation in Russia will be vastly different as it's likely to be under sanctions (restricting inflows), reparations (increasing outflows), or a combination of both, for decades to come. Whether Putin lives, dies, stays in office, or gets removed, that will only affect things at the margin. In the big picture sense, Russia's economy will be a basket case for years to come. That means any woman who wasn't able to escape those circumstances may be forced to turn to prostitution to feed herself or her family. Unfortunately (for her), since there will be significantly less money sloshing around, mongering in Russia is likely to be dirt-cheap. If you go, bring plenty of cigarettes since they'll probably be worth more than the ruble.

The Rose
05-17-22, 08:41
The mongering environment in any country is determined mostly by economic factors.I am going to take exception. Economics probably is a factor in pricing but a country's GDP does not always correlate to the cost of a lay. Ukraine is relatively poor yet from what I have read it is costly to pay for a sex buddy. Korea has more game than any place I have ever seen yet it is ranked the 11th richest country. There, culture is a big factor.

05-17-22, 13:41
I sent several messages to some heart-breaking beautiful girls (Yulia 19, Kiss 21, 22 etc.) in Kyiv in the last 24 hours, although they didn't reply a word, but I can see they've read it. Like with WhatsApp, there are two blue ticks. Because they are so beautiful that I don't think they know VPN or Geo data stuff at all. I highly doubt that Mamba is completely forbidden in Kyiv. I hope someone in Kyiv can confirm my guess.Despite the warning, I had actually planned to take the train from Lviv to Kyiv. But my night train was 9 hours late. Instead of arriving in the early hours of the morning, only arriving in the evening. So I dropped that plan. Because on the way back I could not have afforded such a delay. There was not enough time.

But I was told from Kyiv that it is currently a city of men. A lot of men, few girls. Maybe there are enough men willing to pay high prices. And that's why your acquaintances didn't answer. Lviv, on the other hand, is more a city of girls. More women than men from my own experience.

In Lviv, restaurants close around 21:00 in the evening. In Kyiv, if nothing has changed in the last few days, already around 18:00. Supermarkets and other shops as well. An afterlife or life in the early evening is therefore not possible. Girls must be back home before lockdown or stay overnight. In addition, there are controls everywhere in Kyiv. It's too much even for my Ukrainian friends. I wasn't even checked in Lviv.

I don't know if Mamba is completely blocked. The page could not be landed via the stationary Internet. Not even via my Lifecell card / mobile. I tried in Lviv and on the way to Lviv to the border. Strangely, however, the Mamba database on love. Ru worked. Also from Ukraine. It's the same site, but with a different domain. Just like Mamba uses many different domains with the same database. Perhaps one could list a collection of mamba domains that are still working here.

05-17-22, 14:10
Despite the warning, I had actually planned to take the train from Lviv to Kyiv. But my night train was 9 hours late. Instead of arriving in the early hours of the morning, only arriving in the evening. So I dropped that plan. Because on the way back I could not have afforded such a delay. There was not enough time.

But I was told from Kyiv that it is currently a city of men. A lot of men, few girls. Maybe there are enough men willing to pay high prices. And that's why your acquaintances didn't answer. Lviv, on the other hand, is more a city of girls. More women than men from my own experience.

In Lviv, restaurants close around 21:00 in the evening. In Kyiv, if nothing has changed in the last few days, already around 18:00. Supermarkets and other shops as well. An afterlife or life in the early evening is therefore not possible. Girls must be back home before lockdown or stay overnight. In addition, there are controls everywhere in Kyiv. It's too much even for my Ukrainian friends. I wasn't even checked in Lviv.

I don't know if Mamba is completely blocked. The page could not be landed via the stationary Internet. Not even via my Lifecell card / mobile. I tried in Lviv and on the way to Lviv to the border. Strangely, however, the Mamba database on love. Ru worked. Also from Ukraine. It's the same site, but with a different domain. Just like Mamba uses many different domains with the same database. Perhaps one could list a collection of mamba domains that are still working here.This is a little crazy, but to each his own. You must really love Kiev if you are going there in the middle of a war.

05-17-22, 14:11
Despite the warning, I had actually planned to take the train from Lviv to Kyiv. But my night train was 9 hours late. Instead of arriving in the early hours of the morning, only arriving in the evening. So I dropped that plan. Because on the way back I could not have afforded such a delay. There was not enough time.

But I was told from Kyiv that it is currently a city of men. A lot of men, few girls. Maybe there are enough men willing to pay high prices. And that's why your acquaintances didn't answer. Lviv, on the other hand, is more a city of girls. More women than men from my own experience.

In Lviv, restaurants close around 21:00 in the evening. In Kyiv, if nothing has changed in the last few days, already around 18:00. Supermarkets and other shops as well. An afterlife or life in the early evening is therefore not possible. Girls must be back home before lockdown or stay overnight. In addition, there are controls everywhere in Kyiv. It's too much even for my Ukrainian friends. I wasn't even checked in Lviv.

I don't know if Mamba is completely blocked. The page could not be landed via the stationary Internet. Not even via my Lifecell card / mobile. I tried in Lviv and on the way to Lviv to the border. Strangely, however, the Mamba database on love. Ru worked. Also from Ukraine. It's the same site, but with a different domain. Just like Mamba uses many different domains with the same database. Perhaps one could list a collection of mamba domains that are still working here.I been in Kiev for 1 week now. There are air alarm every day. More and more thing open up. Mamba only work with vpn but I got no feedback. I think many of the girls left to other countries or places in Ukraine. Yes many men here. Much military in the streets.

05-17-22, 14:15
Despite the warning, I had actually planned to take the train from Lviv to Kyiv. But my night train was 9 hours late. Instead of arriving in the early hours of the morning, only arriving in the evening. So I dropped that plan. Because on the way back I could not have afforded such a delay. There was not enough time.

But I was told from Kyiv that it is currently a city of men. A lot of men, few girls. Maybe there are enough men willing to pay high prices. And that's why your acquaintances didn't answer. Lviv, on the other hand, is more a city of girls. More women than men from my own experience.

In Lviv, restaurants close around 21:00 in the evening. In Kyiv, if nothing has changed in the last few days, already around 18:00. Supermarkets and other shops as well. An afterlife or life in the early evening is therefore not possible. Girls must be back home before lockdown or stay overnight. In addition, there are controls everywhere in Kyiv. It's too much even for my Ukrainian friends. I wasn't even checked in Lviv.

I don't know if Mamba is completely blocked. The page could not be landed via the stationary Internet. Not even via my Lifecell card / mobile. I tried in Lviv and on the way to Lviv to the border. Strangely, however, the Mamba database on love. Ru worked. Also from Ukraine. It's the same site, but with a different domain. Just like Mamba uses many different domains with the same database. Perhaps one could list a collection of mamba domains that are still working here.By the way curfew now start at 23:00 in Kiev. And you can be at restaurant till between 20:00-21:00 dependent on the place. Difficult to find gasoline.

05-17-22, 22:01
That, and the fact that Ukrainian women will have more options for travel and relocation throughout Europe, raises the distinct possibility that low-cost mongering in Ukraine might be a thing of the past. This won't be evenly distributed, of course, as the bulk of the money will initially flow to, or through, areas like Kyiv, Lviv, and (if successfully liberated) Crimea.

That means any woman who wasn't able to escape those circumstances may be forced to turn to prostitution to feed herself or her family. Unfortunately (for her), since there will be significantly less money sloshing around, mongering in Russia is likely to be dirt-cheap. If you go, bring plenty of cigarettes since they'll probably be worth more than the ruble.I have spent time in both these countries so my two cents on your comments. Crimea to be separated from Russia is going to be very unlikely and there are lot of reasons for this but this is not forum to discuss that. Current price levels for mongering are still holding the same as discussed with my source in St P and Moscow but will have to wait and watch for next few months and further ahead to see any anomalies in the trend.

05-17-22, 23:23
I am going to take exception. Economics probably is a factor in pricing but a country's GDP does not always correlate to the cost of a lay. Ukraine is relatively poor yet from what I have read it is costly to pay for a sex buddy. Korea has more game than any place I have ever seen yet it is ranked the 11th richest country. There, culture is a big factor.Cultural factors are obviously important, pertinent, and, in some countries, huge. But exploring those factors was beyond the scope of my post as I was making a more simple and direct comparison between post-war Ukraine and Russia. In that context, economic factors are likely to prove most relevant.

05-17-22, 23:46
I am going to take exception. Economics probably is a factor in pricing but a country's GDP does not always correlate to the cost of a lay. Ukraine is relatively poor yet from what I have read it is costly to pay for a sex buddy. Korea has more game than any place I have ever seen yet it is ranked the 11th richest country. There, culture is a big factor.I think Jmsuttr's comment is a generalized statement that holds some truth. "The mongering environment in any country is determined mostly by economic factors."

The developing countries in the Southern hemisphere and close to the equator are relatively inexpensive. Of course, culture, legality and geography factor in as well. Ukraine is likely more pricey because of Germans, Russians and other foreigners proximate to the country.

Korea is an interesting cultural case. A lot of girls in USA Massage parlors are Korean. In Germany, it might be hard to find a hot German provider, but the culture, legality and geography make it easy to find a foreign resident provider at a decent price. This situation is replicated in parts of Western Europe.

05-17-22, 23:47
I have spent time in both these countries so my two cents on your comments. Crimea to be separated from Russia is going to be very unlikely and there are lot of reasons for this but this is not forum to discuss that. Current price levels for mongering are still holding the same as discussed with my source in St P and Moscow but will have to wait and watch for next few months and further ahead to see any anomalies in the trend.I don't have a crystal ball, but there are a lot of things that have happened in this war that have defied "expert" prediction. So, while Crimea being reclaimed is certainly a stretch, I'd simply note that Ukrainian govt officials have started moving the goalposts of what victory would entail and are now talking about taking back all Russian-held Ukrainian territory.

Whether it will happen or not, who knows? But Russia is currently losing this war on the battlefield, which defied expectation. So anyone who thinks they can predict what the practical ramifications will be of a Russian defeat, and Ukrainian victory, is pretty much just selling a basket of speculation.

But the situation in Crimea wasn't the central point of my post. Rather it was to point out the likely differences in economic conditions between post-war Russia and Ukraine. And, with all due respect to your sources, current mongering conditions may be radically altered after the war.

05-18-22, 18:58
But Russia is currently losing this war on the battlefield, which defied expectation. .People who are familiar with their own country's special ops personnel who were training arming and supplying weapons to Ukraine military saw this coming for Russia from "miles away".

05-18-22, 19:49
I don't have a crystal ball, but there are a lot of things that have happened in this war that have defied "expert" prediction. So, while Crimea being reclaimed is certainly a stretch, I'd simply note that Ukrainian govt officials have started moving the goalposts of what victory would entail and are now talking about taking back all Russian-held Ukrainian territory.

Whether it will happen or not, who knows? But Russia is currently losing this war on the battlefield, which defied expectation. So anyone who thinks they can predict what the practical ramifications will be of a Russian defeat, and Ukrainian victory, is pretty much just selling a basket of speculation.

But the situation in Crimea wasn't the central point of my post. Rather it was to point out the likely differences in economic conditions between post-war Russia and Ukraine. And, with all due respect to your sources, current mongering conditions may be radically altered after the war.It's difficult to guess the post war environment. If things continue as they are and Russia suffers a defeat, plus the effects of the sanctions, we can expect their economy to completely tank and (hopefully) the price of mongering to drop. Bear in mind that westerners might not be safe or popular in Russia in that situation. If Ukraine prevails, there may be a period after the war when prices are low, but there will be substantial investment from the EU and USA to rebuild Ukraine. That will probably create some inflation and drive up mongering rates.

05-19-22, 00:03
It's difficult to guess the post war environment. If things continue as they are and Russia suffers a defeat, plus the effects of the sanctions, we can expect their economy to completely tank and (hopefully) the price of mongering to drop. Bear in mind that westerners might not be safe or popular in Russia in that situation.Bear in mind, that also the United States and NATO countries are fighting a proxy war. Russia is directly on the other side. Unlike other proxy wars, this one is very close to home both literally and figuratively speaking.

Who knows how Westerners will be accepted in Russia when the war is over.

There is a slight chance that there is a post-dictator liberation of sexual mores. You saw this phenomenon in Spain, Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union itself in the 1990's.

05-19-22, 19:42
As such, when the war comes to an end, places like Kyiv and Lviv should achieve relative normality pretty quickly. Obviously the areas brutalized by Russian troglodytes will recover more slowly, and the issue of returning refugees is a wild card that's hard to predict. But, wherever there's a lot of money circulating, sex workers are bound to flourish.

Russia, however, will be under sactions, reparations mandates (or both) for years or even decades. So the bleak post WW-I scenario you bring up is more likely to happen in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Except that the selection will probably be sparse, since any intelligent and attractive woman will do her best to leave a futureless country. But, for any monger who is able to get into Russia, it should be quite inexpensive. Forget money, as it'll probably have devolved into a barter economy. I'm guessing a roll of Western toilet paper will get you a roll in the hay.Lets see which economies will break before Russia as OIL moves over 200 a barrel on its way to much higher.

I don't think your prediction in Russia will be coming true anytime soon.

But maybe you will get a roll in the hay in USA UK or EU for a roll of toilet paper.

Wasn't the Ruble supposed to crash and burn? Lmao.

Check a chart on that lately?

A lot of money is going to Ukraine.

But where is it going? More money to destroy more of the country.

I am sure some major scandals will emerge and the money will be cut off.

But who knows.

By the way Crimea doesn't want to be liberated from Russia.

The biggest party in history happened when they separated from Ukraine.

05-20-22, 04:47
Lets see which economies will break before Russia as OIL moves over 200 a barrel on its way to much higher.

I don't think your prediction in Russia will be coming true anytime soon.

But maybe you will get a roll in the hay in USA UK or EU for a roll of toilet paper.

Wasn't the Ruble supposed to crash and burn? Lmao.

Check a chart on that lately?

A lot of money is going to Ukraine.

But where is it going? More money to destroy more of the country..Hmmm, let's see, your last (and only) contribution about the Russian-Ukrainian war was back in early March, at which time you made the devastatingly relevant and insightful observation that everything is 100% Biden's fault. And you thereafter graciously pronounced absolution for Obama and Trump, which I'm sure is a great relief to them both.

Of course, since your last appearance was March 4th, you might not realize how much scintillating and stimulating discussion you've missed. Before dipping your toe in again, did you happen to take some time to RTFF and catch up? I think not because, if you had, you'd have noticed at least three posts specifically pointing out why the ruble is rubble, why Russia's attempt to prop up the currency is full of smoke and mirrors, and why those efforts have a limited shelf-life.




In each of those discussions I post my sources, which include officials from within Russia. Feel free to post any sources you'd like in rebuttal.

About Crimea, I'm guessing you put about as much thought and research effort into that statement as you did for your musings about the ruble. Here's a little something to hopefully expand some of those little gray cells between your ears.


As for $200 oil, you could have just Googled "Russia oil discount" and gotten a shitload of results as to why Russia is being forced to sell at significantly below market prices. But hey, I know doing web searches can be hard work, so here you go:


Any questions? BTW, when should we look for your next post? Sometime within the next two months?

05-20-22, 15:48
Lets see which economies will break before Russia as OIL moves over 200 a barrel on its way to much higher.

I don't think your prediction in Russia will be coming true anytime soon.

But maybe you will get a roll in the hay in USA UK or EU for a roll of toilet paper.

Wasn't the Ruble supposed to crash and burn? Lmao.

Check a chart on that lately?It's hard to tell if you want to have a serious discussion. The Russian Ruble rate is essentially being fixed. It's not really being used in international markets. Putin's demand that international clients pay in Rubles is just hot air. A foreign buyer pays a Russian gas or oil company foreign currency and then the Russian company is mandated to buy Rubles at the "official" rate.

You don't have to have a long history with foreign exchange around the world to know countries without free, open economies routinely fix or peg the exchange rate of their currency. With the exception of small trading countries (think Hong Kong), it's not realistic or sustainable. A black market for currency usually develops within the country. I suspect the penalties for trading Rubles for Dollars, Euros, etc. Are currently very draconian.

If this all sounds familiar to anyone who has traveled to the old communist regimes, it's because that's was exactly what was going on with the currencies.

"Don't you dare trade your Rubles babushka. They are very, very valuable. Comrade Putin says so."

05-27-22, 05:01
"Don't you dare trade your Rubles babushka. They are very, very valuable. Comrade Putin says so."LOL, well put.

05-29-22, 17:55

May the next Anniversary Day find you in a place of peace, recovery, and an optimistic view toward a brighter future.

05-30-22, 06:44
Any fellow mongers in Kyiv? I have been arranging dates and have met some very beautiful women. I am still seeing the woman I was taking care of but I desire variety now that I have touched down. Lviv has been a wonderful city for me also. The women I met are just grateful for anything they receive and I am more than happy to provide.

05-31-22, 15:37
Any fellow mongers in Kyiv? I have been arranging dates and have met some very beautiful women. I am still seeing the woman I was taking care of but I desire variety now that I have touched down. Lviv has been a wonderful city for me also. The women I met are just grateful for anything they receive and I am more than happy to provide.I am in Kiev and been here for over 1 month now.

Are you in Kiev too?

06-01-22, 17:26
I am in Kiev and been here for over 1 month now.

Are you in Kiev too?LOL Nero. Don't you know HH has been fiddling while the Ukraine burned.

06-03-22, 04:19
It's hard to tell if you want to have a serious discussion. The Russian Ruble rate is essentially being fixed. It's not really being used in international markets. Putin's demand that international clients pay in Rubles is just hot air. A foreign buyer pays a Russian gas or oil company foreign currency and then the Russian company is mandated to buy Rubles at the "official" rate.

You don't have to have a long history with foreign exchange around the world to know countries without free, open economies routinely fix or peg the exchange rate of their currency. With the exception of small trading countries (think Hong Kong), it's not realistic or sustainable. A black market for currency usually develops within the country. I suspect the penalties for trading Rubles for Dollars, Euros, etc. Are currently very draconian.Well so far you are wrong and Russia is far from breaking and ruble-yuan is freely trading more than you want to admit.

China and India will buy all oil from Russia in rubles gold yuan what ever.

The bottom line is Russia is not losing at all and the oil is moving as its the most important commodity after food.

The word is by late summer Russia will have control of all Ukrainian ports so it will be interesting what happens on the movement of grains.

Lets see how things are by summer.

Is Russia gaining more area (as they currently are) or losing area.

I wish this was over tomorrow, but I think this will go on until the west can't handle the upward price of oil.

Its going well over 200 a barrel this coming year and probably into the 300's by 2024.

Lets see if the American public will support this war with 10,00 a gallon gasoline.

Can't imagine what price it will be in Europe.

Inflation will be through the roof around the world.

06-03-22, 04:28
Hmmm, let's see, your last (and only) contribution about the Russian-Ukrainian war was back in early March, at which time you made the devastatingly relevant and insightful observation that everything is 100% Biden's fault. And you thereafter graciously pronounced absolution for Obama and Trump, which I'm sure is a great relief to them both.

Of course, since your last appearance was March 4th, you might not realize how much scintillating and stimulating discussion you've missed. Before dipping your toe in again, did you happen to take some time to RTFF and catch up? I think not because, if you had, you'd have noticed at least three posts specifically pointing out why the ruble is rubble, why Russia's attempt to prop up the currency is full of smoke and mirrors, and why those efforts have a limited shelf-life.The ruble isn't rubble.

LOL you use the Atlantic LMAO as a source.

Blah blah blah.

Nice little propaganda about discounts LOL.

Lets see if if Russia has lost control of area by late summer or gained.

You can bark all you want, but that will tell the real truth.

Hopefully the war ends soon, but I have a feeling that little corrupt Ukrainian president is too busy asking for donations to wash in Cayman and swiss banks to stop.

The west will buckle before Russia.

Too much money flowing into the coffers, and the west lives and dies on the price of oil.

Lets see what the mood is when oil shoots over 200 a barrel by next year on its way to much much higher.

06-03-22, 19:22
The ruble isn't rubble.

LOL you use the Atlantic LMAO as a source.

Blah blah blah.

Nice little propaganda about discounts LOL.

Lets see if if Russia has lost control of area by late summer or gained.

You can bark all you want, but that will tell the real truth.

Hopefully the war ends soon, but I have a feeling that little corrupt Ukrainian president is too busy asking for donations to wash in Cayman and swiss banks to stop.You literally ignored all the sources I posted about the ruble = rubble issue, while criticizing the one source I provided that had absolutely nothing (zero, zip, nada) to do with the ruble.

Anyone can look down the page a few posts and see that the Atlantic article was about Crimean Tatars, and the problems they pose for Putin. That's the only topic of that article, nothing more. Meanwhile, the numerous financial sources you specifically and consciously chose to ignore are contained in this section of my post (conveniently edited out of your response):

"three posts specifically pointing out why the ruble is rubble, why Russia's attempt to prop up the currency is full of smoke and mirrors, and why those efforts have a limited shelf-life.




In each of those discussions I post my sources, which include officials from within Russia. Feel free to post any sources you'd like in rebuttal".

Four separate and diverse sources, all studiously avoided and completely unrebutted by you. In fact, given the tendencies you've displayed (ignore what's relevant and attack everything else), it's a veritable certainty that you haven't bothered to look at any of them. A rare combination of both intellectual dishonesty AND laziness, congratulations on achieving a new low in the forum!

If there's any LMAO chortling going on, it's the sound of everyone else in the forum laughing as they witness how your non-rebuttals are epic failures, as well as how utterly pathetic they are.

06-04-22, 17:47
China and India will buy all oil from Russia in rubles gold yuan what ever.Exactly, but the medium of exchange is not critical. You have to look at the totality of the economic exchange.

First, are the Russians discounting the oil? If so, that would effectively be a devaluation.

Second and most importantly, are China and India requiring the Russians to acquire goods from them. If so, what is the fair value of that exchange?

I don't want to get into the economic weeds on this because some of us have tried to explain this to limited avail. You can be given some slack because unknowledgeable business journalists make similar declarations about gold, bitcoin, etc. As new mediums of exchange. Let's make it simple you can't eat, drink, drive or generate direct cash income from holding gold or bitcoin.

What makes the Dollar attractive is that foreign nations like investing the United States. Like it or not, they like holding money in USA Treasuries. Trust me, China in particular doesn't want Russia buying there government debt or buying other Chinese assets. So some other type of exchange likely has to be worked out.

06-05-22, 00:04
Exactly, but the medium of exchange is not critical. You have to look at the totality of the economic exchange.Money is a tool since, as you pointed out, you can't eat it, drink it, or otherwise use it directly. It's a medium of exchange that must be converted into goods and services one actually needs and wants. The easier the process, and the lower the transaction costs, the more people will be willing to use and hold that currency.

Within any individual country, the national systems ensure the free flow of their own currency. And the conversion cost, especially for cash transactions, is usually minimal or zero. That changes when crossing borders (or currency unions), and individual currency attributes become more important.

First, are the Russians discounting the oil? If so, that would effectively be a devaluation.

Second and most importantly, are China and India requiring the Russians to acquire goods from them. If so, what is the fair value of that exchange?Any monetary transaction with Russia by China, India, or other, will ultimately be converted to (and mostly held in) rubles. That's because the capital controls regime imposed by Russia requires that companies convert at least 80% of their foreign exchange into rubles. That regime can be adjusted and tweaked, but Russian companies must follow Kremlin directives.


In the sense of flow, or movement, the combination of external sanctions and internal capital controls means that rubles flow into Russia more easily than they can flow out. If you think in terms of hydraulics, blocking or restricting the flow of fluid within a system generally has the effect of increasing pressure throughout that system. That increased pressure, if not alleviated, will likely result in damage somewhere in the system. And ruble outflows are very definitely being impacted by sanctions-caused bottlenecks and blockages.

I shy away from predictions, and I'm not an expert in economics or currency matters, but it doesn't take an expert to observe that these are abnormal times and the ruble is experiencing abnormal pressures. Some of that pressure could be alleviated if other countries were willing to stockpile rubles as part of their own foreign currency reserves. But I've seen no indication of that happening, not even with China and India.

As far as the dollar, gold, or crypto are concerned, that's better suited for a separate discussion and beyond the scope of this post. I just wanted to point out some of the unusual factors currently affecting the ruble. And I'm also keeping an eye out for signs of stress in Russia's economy and financial system. Will there be a leak or a blowout? And, if so, where and when? If you think about the hydraulic systems analogy, it's hard to pinpoint the danger areas before the problem manifests itself.

Also, FWIW, Central Bank Head Elvira Nabiullina is probably the smartest and most effective apparatchik in the Russian government. She's reportedly tried to resign several times, but Putin has refused to allow it. How long can she keep the system running in adverse conditions? That's a tough one to answer, and only time will tell.

06-05-22, 16:22
gold, or crypto are concerned, that's better suited for a separate discussion and beyond the scope of this post...Neither Gold nor Crypto have the liquidity or market cap to enable Russian trade on the levels it was before they invaded and started this war with Ukraine.

06-05-22, 18:42
I am in Kiev and been here for over 1 month now.

Are you in Kiev too?Anyone considering discretionary travel to Ukraine should guard against the "linear thinking" fallacy. Just because an area hasn't been attacked for a while doesn't mean anything. Russia's ground forces aren't winning, but neither are they losing to the point where hostilities are close to an end.

The situation in Eastern Ukraine is currently best described as a stalemate, with back-and-forth movement by both sides. That means, as long as hostilities continue, Russia can strike out at any area in Ukraine by dropping bombs or launching missiles. Kyiv was just hit and Lviv is still a target, as is any city for which Russia can claim a (real or concocted) military justification for launching an attack.

For anyone who thinks they're in a "safe" area, please consider that you're placing your faith (and life) in the idea that Putin wouldn't strike a purely civilian district. And you're also hoping that Russia's missiles and bombs don't go astray. As with all things in life, there's a risk-benefit analysis to consider. I'm not sure a mongering vacation tips the scales very much.

Everyone can decide for themselves, of course, but the point of this post is simply to observe that it's a bit too early to sound the "all clear" signal in Ukraine. Also consider that, if Putin's army continues to struggle and be stymied on the ground, that could make air strikes even MORE likely, as Ukraine might be able to stop some missiles and bombs, but they can't stop them all.

Some have tried to predict a timeline for the war's end, but that's a fruitless exercise with so many variables at play. Here's just one example of an unpredictable variable: There are reports circulating that Russia is trying to create a food and refugee crisis, most likely in Africa, in order to ramp up pressure on European governments. And some reports (unconfirmed, as yet) say that Putin has even dispatched teams of operatives to stir things up in certain African countries.

I have no idea what the next few weeks or months will bring, but rather I'm making the point that the situation is still volatile, and that Putin can probably hold out longer than many would expect. And also that, the worse things get for Russia, the more the risk they'll resort to desperate measures.

Here's hoping for everyone's safety and for Ukraine's continued success!

06-13-22, 11:38
Anyone considering discretionary travel to Ukraine should guard against the "linear thinking" fallacy. Just because an area hasn't been attacked for a while doesn't mean anything. Russia's ground forces aren't winning, but neither are they losing to the point where hostilities are close to an end.

The situation in Eastern Ukraine is currently best described as a stalemate, with back-and-forth movement by both sides. That means, as long as hostilities continue, Russia can strike out at any area in Ukraine by dropping bombs or launching missiles. Kyiv was just hit and Lviv is still a target, as is any city for which Russia can claim a (real or concocted) military justification for launching an attack.

For anyone who thinks they're in a "safe" area, please consider that you're placing your faith (and life) in the idea that Putin wouldn't strike a purely civilian district. And you're also hoping that Russia's missiles and bombs don't go astray. As with all things in life, there's a risk-benefit analysis to consider. I'm not sure a mongering vacation tips the scales very much.

Everyone can decide for themselves, of course, but the point of this post is simply to observe that it's a bit too early to sound the "all clear" signal in Ukraine. Also consider that, if Putin's army continues to struggle and be stymied on the ground, that could make air strikes even MORE likely, as Ukraine might be able to stop some missiles and bombs, but they can't stop them all.

Some have tried to predict a timeline for the war's end, but that's a fruitless exercise with so many variables at play. Here's just one example of an unpredictable variable: There are reports circulating that Russia is trying to create a food and refugee crisis, most likely in Africa, in order to ramp up pressure on European governments. And some reports (unconfirmed, as yet) say that Putin has even dispatched teams of operatives to stir things up in certain African countries.

I have no idea what the next few weeks or months will bring, but rather I'm making the point that the situation is still volatile, and that Putin can probably hold out longer than many would expect. And also that, the worse things get for Russia, the more the risk they'll resort to desperate measures.

Here's hoping for everyone's safety and for Ukraine's continued success!You are right in all you say. I just respond to a post a other member wrote here. I'am still in Kiev if other members are here in Kiev and want to have a talk. I also hope Ukraine will continued success.

06-14-22, 00:09
Anyone considering discretionary travel to Ukraine should guard against the "linear thinking" fallacy. Just because an area hasn't been attacked for a while doesn't mean anything. Russia's ground forces aren't winning, but neither are they losing to the point where hostilities are close to an end.

The situation in Eastern Ukraine is currently best described as a stalemate, with back-and-forth movement by both sides. That means, as long as hostilities continue, Russia can strike out at any area in Ukraine by dropping bombs or launching missiles. Kyiv was just hit and Lviv is still a target, as is any city for which Russia can claim a (real or concocted) military justification for launching an attack.

For anyone who thinks they're in a "safe" area, please consider that you're placing your faith (and life) in the idea that Putin wouldn't strike a purely civilian district. And you're also hoping that Russia's missiles and bombs don't go astray. As with all things in life, there's a risk-benefit analysis to consider. I'm not sure a mongering vacation tips the scales very much.

Everyone can decide for themselves, of course, but the point of this post is simply to observe that it's a bit too early to sound the "all clear" signal in Ukraine. Also consider that, if Putin's army continues to struggle and be stymied on the ground, that could make air strikes even MORE likely, as Ukraine might be able to stop some missiles and bombs, but they can't stop them all.

Some have tried to predict a timeline for the war's end, but that's a fruitless exercise with so many variables at play. Here's just one example of an unpredictable variable: There are reports circulating that Russia is trying to create a food and refugee crisis, most likely in Africa, in order to ramp up pressure on European governments. And some reports (unconfirmed, as yet) say that Putin has even dispatched teams of operatives to stir things up in certain African countries.

I have no idea what the next few weeks or months will bring, but rather I'm making the point that the situation is still volatile, and that Putin can probably hold out longer than many would expect. And also that, the worse things get for Russia, the more the risk they'll resort to desperate measures.

Here's hoping for everyone's safety and for Ukraine's continued success!I was a lurker for a long time and finally created an account just to thank you for writing such a thoughtful comment. It's so well put and in a nice style, I love it. As for myself, I don't have yet anything to share since I haven't been in Ukraine in half a year. I cancelled my flight two days before the departure, which was supposed to be on the 18th of February. Thank you Luck.

06-17-22, 16:44

It's just the first step, but it's a positive development as it gives Ukrainians hope that they're fighting for a better future, not just a return to the old status quo (or worse).

Also, for those who are quick to point out Ukraine's issues with corruption, that is something the EU specifically says must be addressed before membership is granted.

"'Good work has been done' by Ukraine, but more is needed, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said. Ukraine must make 'important' reforms on rule of law, oligarchs, human rights and tackling corruption, she added."

"Candidacy status is a significant step to joining the EU, however the whole process can take many years".

The current members must still vote, and I'm sure there will be many back room negotiation sessions, but the recent visit to Kyiv from the heads of Germany, France, Italy, and Romania (in which all expressed support for Ukraine in the EU) was a huge boost. And, as the article notes, it was significant that EU Commission President von der Leyen wore clothing in Ukraine's national colors as she made the announcement.

Congratulations to Ukraine!

06-17-22, 20:58

It's just the first step, but it's a positive development as it gives Ukrainians hope that they're fighting for a better future, not just a return to the old status quo (or worse).
!Yeah, keep egging them on.

06-17-22, 22:18

It's just the first step, but it's a positive development as it gives Ukrainians hope that they're fighting for a better future, not just a return to the old status quo (or worse).

Also, for those who are quick to point out Ukraine's issues with corruption, that is something the EU specifically says must be addressed before membership is granted.

"'Good work has been done' by Ukraine, but more is needed, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said. Ukraine must make 'important' reforms on rule of law, oligarchs, human rights and tackling corruption, she added."

"Candidacy status is a significant step to joining the EU, however the whole process can take many years".

The current members must still vote, and I'm sure there will be many back room negotiation sessions, but the recent visit to Kyiv from the heads of Germany, France, Italy, and Romania (in which all expressed support for Ukraine in the EU) was a huge boost. And, as the article notes, it was significant that EU Commission President von der Leyen wore clothing in Ukraine's national colors as she made the announcement.

Congratulations to Ukraine!Turkey had the status for 18 years. Has Turkey ever become a member of the EU?

06-17-22, 22:31
Turkey had the status for 18 years. Has Turkey ever become a member of the EU?No and I don't see it happening with Erdogan leading Turkey. Turkey under Erdogan has become more autocratic. I think he has given up on the idea.

The European Union has certain democracy, freedom and anti-corruption standards for becoming a member. The Ukraine will have to meet these standards in order to finalize its membership.

06-17-22, 23:09
Turkey had the status for 18 years. Has Turkey ever become a member of the EU?All this BS belongs in the Stupid Shit (SS) thread about SS Ukraine. Galician Ukraine is a basket case, even before Romania, Hungary and Poland take their cut. It has no hope of coming within an ass's roar (is that the correct expression) of meeting any of the criteria. The EU does not need another US invoked Bosnia. Too much Mafia.

The Israelis and Americans should stfu.

More to the point: how come these admittedly good looking women get premium price for their mutton? Ukrainians are noted for lying on their back and thinking of Bandera. And many Ben Franklins. Economics, the weird science.

06-18-22, 04:53
Yeah, keep egging them on.Or is it just sour grapes? With only a single sentence, it's hard to tell.

06-18-22, 13:39
Turkey had the status for 18 years. Has Turkey ever become a member of the EU?But what about Turkey? I don't know. What about them? Turkey has their own issues with the EU that they need to work through. Not least of which is their history of antipathy with EU member Greece. And then there's the matter of Cyprus, which is still problematic.

Three nations were being considered for EU candidate status: Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia. Two were recommended and one (Georgia) was not. The EU decides for itself who they believe should be granted candidate status. If Georgia, or Turkey, want admission to the EU then it's up to them to work out their issues to the satisfaction of the EU.

Obviously, that hasn't happened yet. But their issues have nothing to do with Ukraine. It's also true that Ukraine's unique position as a victim of war has provided a positive impetus to their candidacy. But the responsibility for that lies squarely on Putin. It's quite ironic that his attempts to keep Ukraine from looking westward have had the opposite effect.

06-18-22, 14:04
All this BS belongs in the Stupid Shit (SS) thread about SS Ukraine. Galician Ukraine is a basket case, even before Romania, Hungary and Poland take their cut. It has no hope of coming within an ass's roar (is that the correct expression) of meeting any of the criteria. The EU does not need another US invoked Bosnia. Too much Mafia.

The Israelis and Americans should stfu.

More to the point: how come these admittedly good looking women get premium price for their mutton? Ukrainians are noted for lying on their back and thinking of Bandera. And many Ben Franklins. Economics, the weird science.If I had a dollar for every blown prediction, by so-called experts, about what "should" be happening with Ukraine, I'd have a boatload of dollars.

And that started with the outrageously bogus prediction by Russia that they would seize Kyiv in about 12 hours, and that Ukraine's govt would flee within 72 hours.


And plenty in Europe went along, which is why so many sat on the sidelines rather than rush to help. But Ukraine has thrown it all back in the faces of the "experts" and continues to defy and exceed expectations.

Before Feb 24th, who would have thought Ukraine would be recommended for EU candidate status in less than 4 months time, and also be fully endorsed by Italy, Germany, France, and the EU Commission?

It's amusing to see how many were wrong about so much. And more amusing still to see how many will be proven wrong in the future.

06-18-22, 18:03
All this BS The EU does not need another US invoked Bosnia. Too much Mafia.Slavic Muslims and Croat Catholics in Bosnia were saved from Genocide, mass killings, ethnic cleansing, by the intervention of The US and NATO in 1995. The EU stood by and did nothing for 3 years.

"At the other end of the country, a crew from ITN and I revealed a gulag of concentration camps for Muslim and Catholic inmates in August 1992, which had operated since May, where thousands were killed, tortured and raped.

In July 1995, three bloody years later, 8,000 men and boys were summarily executed within five days after the fall of the "safe area" of Srebrenica, the victims of this genocide delivered to their killers by the very powers and UN soldiers pledged to protect them."https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/apr/03/ukraine-matters-so-did-bosnia-30-years-ago-where-was-outcry-then.

No wonder the US is the most popular country in Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania, Croatia, and Russia is the most hated.

06-18-22, 23:14
If I had a dollar for every blown prediction, by so-called experts, about what "should" be happening with Ukraine, I'd have a boatload of dollars.

And that started with the outrageously bogus prediction by Russia that they would seize Kyiv in about 12 hours, and that Ukraine's govt would flee within 72 hours.


And plenty in Europe went along, which is why so many sat on the sidelines rather than rush to help. But Ukraine has thrown it all back in the faces of the "experts" and continues to defy and exceed expectations.

Before Feb 24th, who would have thought Ukraine would be recommended for EU candidate status in less than 4 months time, and also be fully endorsed by Italy, Germany, France, and the EU Commission?

It's amusing to see how many were wrong about so much. And more amusing still to see how many will be proven wrong in the future.Yes, but at what cost. Time will tell. They have definitely exceeded expectations, but they had a lot of help, especially at first, and the world should have helped. Now, I am not sure, as the previous poster wrote, Ukraine should focus on a small victory and live to fight another day.

If they push there luck, they will end up with very little, broke and flattened. Very tough decision.

06-19-22, 02:26
Yes, but at what cost. Time will tell. They have definitely exceeded expectations, but they had a lot of help, especially at first, and the world should have helped. Now, I am not sure, as the previous poster wrote, Ukraine should focus on a small victory and live to fight another day.

If they push there luck, they will end up with very little, broke and flattened. Very tough decision.So I'm happy simply to congratulate Ukraine, wish them peace, health, and safety, and hope for a positive EU-accession process that turns out as a win-win for all (except Russia).

As for what Ukraine "should" do, I'll leave that for them to decide. And it's for every individual country to decide what cost-sharing they care to do. I would note that, especially for countries like Poland and the Baltics, this can be characterized as a "pay now or pay more later" scenario.

06-23-22, 20:31

Unanimous approval for EU candidate status! May this be a good first step toward a great future.

And congratulations to Moldova, as well!

Lucky Nuts
06-26-22, 13:54

A group of Ukrainian women is selling their nudes to fundraise for the country's forces. They've raised over $700,000 in 3 months.

06-26-22, 14:58
The Guardian is a rag.

The US destroyed Yugoslavia, along with the Vatican and Germany. US bombing of Yugoslavia was a war crime, one of countless the US has committed, unrelen ting Mon. This of bombing. Media stations, the Chinese Embassy and so on. /.

Croats: large Nazi element.

#Albania, Kosovo (the heart of Serbia_ Bosnia: gangster states hosting MEK and other US funded terrorist cults.

No one likes Americans unless they are being bribed.

Good on Ukrainian women (and men) making money by pimping themselves. Sticking to what they are good at.

Slavic Muslims and Croat Catholics in Bosnia were saved from Genocide, mass killings, ethnic cleansing, by the intervention of The US and NATO in 1995. The EU stood by and did nothing for 3 years.

"At the other end of the country, a crew from ITN and I revealed a gulag of concentration camps for Muslim and Catholic inmates in August 1992, which had operated since May, where thousands were killed, tortured and raped.

In July 1995, three bloody years later, 8,000 men and boys were summarily executed within five days after the fall of the "safe area" of Srebrenica, the victims of this genocide delivered to their killers by the very powers and UN soldiers pledged to protect them."https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/apr/03/ukraine-matters-so-did-bosnia-30-years-ago-where-was-outcry-then.

No wonder the US is the most popular country in Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania, Croatia, and Russia is the most hated.

06-26-22, 21:53
Or perhaps it's an attempt to send a petulant message to world leaders at the G-7 conference? No matter the reason, intentionally targeting civilian areas, or launching missiles with willful and callous disregard for civilian casualties, simply adds to the list of Putin's war crimes. I haven't seen any reporting in which Russia even pretends they were aiming at military targets.


FWIW, this latest attack highlights the point I made three weeks ago about Kyiv not yet being out of the woods.


If you're currently in Kyiv, or elsewhere in Ukraine, please be safe!

07-15-22, 09:19
So where can a monger find these Ukrainian girls? Poland?

From the reports it seems Kiev is not a viable option these days, so I'd love to know where the girls went to.

07-15-22, 17:17
So where can a monger find these Ukrainian girls? Poland?

From the reports it seems Kiev is not a viable option these days, so I'd love to know where the girls went to.You are a little late to the party. The girls have been fleeing Ukraine for over 10 years. Several guys conveniently left this out of there reports.

07-19-22, 04:04
There is quite Ukrainian's crossing the Mexican border at San Ysidro. Not sure why, but I have not seen any good looking Ukrainian girls. Would be nice if some of them worked in Tijuana or SD.

So where can a monger find these Ukrainian girls? Poland?

From the reports it seems Kiev is not a viable option these days, so I'd love to know where the girls went to.

07-19-22, 14:12
So where can a monger find these Ukrainian girls?Some are in southern Italy. It took my relatives about three years to realize they can't be trusted.

07-20-22, 13:33
You are a little late to the party. The girls have been fleeing Ukraine for over 10 years. Several guys conveniently left this out of there reports.You are so right in what you say. I'am still in Kiev. Many girls left and the agency take crazy money. So if you just want to have fun find a other destination. And now with the war even more girls left Ukraine.

07-22-22, 03:11
So where can a monger find these Ukrainian girls? Poland?
From the reports it seems Kiev is not a viable option these days, so I'd love to know where the girls went to.I was in Athens last week and spent an hour with a very attractive 21 year old from Dnipro. 140€. These photos are fairly accurate. They may or may not really speak English. I think most are actually Ukrainian not Russian. Add a few years to the age. I felt it was a fair price for a nice experience. Communication is by whatsapp in English. The girls come and go daily. I think you will not be disappointed with this agency.


07-22-22, 13:59
So where can a monger find these Ukrainian girls? Poland?

From the reports it seems Kiev is not a viable option these days, so I'd love to know where the girls went to.In general just follow the money trail. If a Ukrainian girl is very attractive, she has already made a conscious decision to never work a day in her life, spend most of the day on instagram, or in the beauty salon spending somebodies else's money!

I have a couple of casual Ukranian chics that I rotate in Spain, but also found many decent looking hookers working in Dubai. The more plastic and superficial the place, the more likely you are to find these girls.

Kiev has been crap for 10+ years for our hobby, Istanbul, Dubai, and seeking arrangements is better for specifically looking for Ukranian chics.

Good Luck.

07-22-22, 16:24
If a Ukrainian girl is very attractive, she has already made a conscious decision to never work a day in her life,
I have a couple of casual Ukranian chics that I rotate in Spain, but also found many decent looking hookers working in Dubai.Of course these casual Ukrainian chics are rotating you with several of their other johns. You can't call that not working.

07-22-22, 23:40
If a Ukrainian girl is very attractive, she has already made a conscious decision to never work a day in her life, spend most of the day on instagram, or in the beauty salon spending somebodies else's money!Everyone has their own beauty standards. I probably cannot afford the absolute crčme de la crčme Slavic supermodel. However I am pretty picky. I can assure you that last week I spent a very pleasant, loving hour with Daniella, advertised as a 19 year old Russian, really a 21 year old Ukrainian, from this escort service in Athens. 140 euro. Add 10 or 15 pounds to what you see in her photos but otherwise accurate. Tell her that her Papa from New York City sent you. In general, I don't think that this agency will disappoint and Athens is a safe, inexpensive destination.


About 70% of Athens working girls are Eastern European.

Claro Que Si
07-23-22, 12:50
A question: for those of you who were there in 2014-2019 - is this girl familiar to you? Could she be one of the GIA girls from that period?

Thank you.

07-24-22, 14:11
In general just follow the money trail. If a Ukrainian girl is very attractive, she has already made a conscious decision to never work a day in her life, spend most of the day on instagram, or in the beauty salon spending somebodies else's money!

I have a couple of casual Ukrainian chics that I rotate in Spain, but also found many decent looking hookers working in Dubai. The more plastic and superficial the place, the more likely you are to find these girls.

Kiev has been crap for 10+ years for our hobby, Istanbul, Dubai, and seeking arrangements is better for specifically looking for Ukrainian chics.

Good Luck.Yep, that is when Kiev went to Hell, about 10 years ago. When they closed River Place and the Casino, was the beginning of the downfall. So sad it just an amazing city.

08-11-22, 08:32
I spent almost 4 months in Kyiv in 2017. It was fun enough. I would not say fantastic but it was really not bad at all. I dated some normal girls and got some agency working girls. I was able to have BBBJ from some younger average looking sucked me for like almost 1 hour for about 1800 uah. A little bit better looking one for about $80 to $100. I heard that those days maybe gone. 50% of girls are gone to Europe now. Those remain in kyiv asked a few times more than that now. Right before the war, my native ukrainian friend told me that he did a 5'10" blonde for $250. Now is probably $500.

I live in San Francisco bay area. I don't think I have experienced such a difficult to find working girls here. Maybe I'm exaggerating because I'm very pissed today. I have contacted about 20 girls today but none work out either no bbj or ask for too much extra or can't schedule. During the pandemic, it was difficult early on in 2020 but after a few months around June, girls didn't care anymore and started working anyways so it was not that hard to find girls. However, it was kinda spotty. Sometimes there maybe a lot of girls working but sometimes much less depends on the news.

Now its much harder, all the girls increase their prices due to inflation. And a lot of guys came out to find girls now after March. And pushed the price even higher now. There are more single guys left in the SF bay area than girls. It is harder to date normal girls so that maybe why more guys looking for working girls. It is just so hard to schedule with a girl if you just want a quickie or half hour. I think most guys spend at least 1 hour or even 2 hours to compete with you.

The problem with me is this: I had so much good time during last recession and I'm forever stuck in the recession mode from 2009 to 2016. That was the golden time of my life. So many pretty looking girls and it was so easy to schedule even I just asked for a quickie. Did so many beautiful girls for low price. Myredbook was shut down in June 2014. There was a painful few months but a new website came out after that to fill the void. However, as the economy started to fly from 2016. It marked the major down turn for middle class guy looking for easy cheap sex. This inflation further destroy the easy sex comfortable life middle class guys used to enjoy.

I went to Tijuana a few months ago. Holy jesus, there are so many guys packed the club. They have not raised the price too much yet but I heard that younger girls have option to pick guys who they want to fuck now. They can refuse fat old guys now. It is spotty just like SF bay area now. Depends on which night you go. There maybe some new younger girls working and less guys, that may make it easier for you. Same as SF bay area, there are new faces come up from time to time and more desperate to get clients but its not consistent. After they got reviewed, they raised their price immediately and they don't work everyday and not available for you like they did in recession. I was some how able to find 1 or 2 regulars that I liked a lot before April this year. However, I don't know why its got so much harder after April now. It is as difficult as myredbook just got shut down.

I still remember I could still pay $60 for a tall blonde in 2014 one last time. The job market was still not good yet and she was still in college.

Where do you guys suggest for us to go to continue to live a cheap easy sex life. I was thinking Russia & Ukraine's small towns because their major cities are also highly inflated. Or Moldova & Romania?

08-12-22, 02:54
Where do you guys suggest for us to go to continue to live a cheap easy sex life. I was thinking Russia & Ukraine's small towns because their major cities are also highly inflated. Or Moldova & Romania?Certainly not a small town. Any city of a half mil plus should be good. Romania is the West, so not there.

Henri Dufresne
08-12-22, 08:56
At Bobsmith1.

I went to Kiev 1 month ago for humanitarian purposes. The price is set at $200 on several websites but no local men pay this price. On English websites, things are expensive. On Ukrainian websites, you see the real prices.

You should look there on an Ukrainian website:


In Kiev there are three price categories: The American price which is $200-$250, the European price which is $150-$180, and the price for local men: $80-$100.

Don't be a simp, negotiate and tell that you are ready to pay $80-100. Trick them by using google translate and they will believe that you are Ukrainian.

Ukrainian women are not in a position to negotiate price upwards. Their night clubs were they usually operate are closed. Some of them moved to Poland but it looks like the market in Poland is not big enough to accept new escorts. Many among them came back to Kiev or they moved to Turkey, Cyprus, Spain. I don't know about Germany.

08-14-22, 13:01
At Bobsmith1.

I went to Kiev 1 month ago for humanitarian purposes. The price is set at $200 on several websites but no local men pay this price. On English websites, things are expensive. On Ukrainian websites, you see the real prices.

You should look there on an Ukrainian website:


In Kiev there are three price categories: The American price which is $200-$250, the European price which is $150-$180, and the price for local men: $80-$100.

Don't be a simp, negotiate and tell that you are ready to pay $80-100. Trick them by using google translate and they will believe that you are Ukrainian.

Ukrainian women are not in a position to negotiate price upwards. Their night clubs were they usually operate are closed. Some of them moved to Poland but it looks like the market in Poland is not big enough to accept new escorts. Many among them came back to Kiev or they moved to Turkey, Cyprus, Spain. I don't know about Germany.You are totally right. I been in Kiev now for some months. As soon as the girls / agency have the feeling that you are a foreigner the prices get higher. And as you say no Ukraine men can pay the crazy prices they aks the foreigners for. I still not understand why some foreigner accept these prices in Kiev now. There are not many customers (tourist) and the locals have big problem just to find a job (and salary is very low now).

And it is not the girls there work in these salon or agency there get the money. The girls get around 30-40 % (some get less) and the salon take the rest. I see a 19 year girl at this moment. She comes aroung 18:00-19:00 and leave the next morning. She get 2000 grn and are super happy.

Use google translate and not pay tourist prices for girls in Kiev. Please not just pay what they aks for.

08-14-22, 21:39
I see a 19 year girl at this moment. She comes aroung 18:00-19:00 and leave the next morning. She get 2000 grn and are super happy.Some might believe that 2000 grn is a fair price for one hour meeting. Of course, if someone is financially in as poor situation as people in Kiev are at this moment, then it's understandable one cannot afford to pay more. But if this is not the case, then such a low compensation for a night might be considered taking advantage of another person's desperate situation.

But everyone according to their own morals.

Hopefully we will get a chance to contribute to the well-being of Ukrainian girls in the years to come.

Henri Dufresne
08-15-22, 04:52
Some might believe that 2000 grn is a fair price for one hour meeting. Of course, if someone is financially in as poor situation as people in Kiev are at this moment, then it's understandable one cannot afford to pay more. But if this is not the case, then such a low compensation for a night might be considered taking advantage of another person's desperate situation.

But everyone according to their own morals.

Hopefully we will get a chance to contribute to the well-being of Ukrainian girls in the years to come.I disagree, I am in touch with several pros in Kiev. Rents tremendously dropped since the start of the war. Some of them live in beautiful apartments that they could not afford before. These women use the war at their advantage because they want men to feel pity for them. This summer, several of them worked in Spain, Turkey, Cyprus. They didn't pay the train tickets in Poland, Germany, France because it was free. Since they were considered refugees, they had free meals.

Don't contribute to inflation.

There is a website where you can find all these women in Kiev:


Use telegram, whatsapp.

Use google translate.

Pretend to be a local and write in Ukrainian, ask for her price and you will get the local prices.

08-18-22, 12:04
Some might believe that 2000 grn is a fair price for one hour meeting. Of course, if someone is financially in as poor situation as people in Kiev are at this moment, then it's understandable one cannot afford to pay more. But if this is not the case, then such a low compensation for a night might be considered taking advantage of another person's desperate situation.

But everyone according to their own morals.

Hopefully we will get a chance to contribute to the well-being of Ukrainian girls in the years to come.The girl I see for 2000 grn is happy. She have some friends there work as waiter. They work pr day between 9-11 hours and get 400-500 grn (of course + tips) but no one give tips. And as she say many of the local men's do not have money.

And if you take a girl from a salon or apartment the girls gets not much but the people behind take most of the money. (these people have morals as you talk about?

I was told that if a indi girl, salon or agency are lucky to find a tourist in Kiev now there pay there crazy prices (3000-6000 grn for 1 hour) because they know he is a foreigner. Than they laugh the hole way to his apartment and back again. Because it is a lot of money here now.

So if you are a foreigner here in Kiev now be not stupid and pay crazy money for a girl. Negotiate, use google translate and get the price down.

No tourist = no money.

08-18-22, 12:06
I disagree, I am in touch with several pros in Kiev. Rents tremendously dropped since the start of the war. Some of them live in beautiful apartments that they could not afford before. These women use the war at their advantage because they want men to feel pity for them. This summer, several of them worked in Spain, Turkey, Cyprus. They didn't pay the train tickets in Poland, Germany, France because it was free. Since they were considered refugees, they had free meals.

Don't contribute to inflation.

There is a website where you can find all these women in Kiev:.You are right in all you write.

The apartment prices is low because no tourist.

08-20-22, 09:21
I disagree, I am in touch with several pros in Kiev.I don't think we were talking about pros here.

The girl I see for 2000 grn is happy. She have some friends there work as waiter. They work pr day between 9-11 hours and get 400-500 grn (of course + tips) but no one give tips. And as she say many of the local men's do not have money.

And if you take a girl from a salon or apartment the girls gets not much but the people behind take most of the money. (these people have morals as you talk about?.I can admire your attempt on mental acrobatics, as to turn the situation around to support your side of your modus operandi, but I'm sure you are able to see and understand what I'm talking about. Having high moral (contrary to being an opportunist with low or no morality guiding one's actions) requires sacrifices, and they are done when one has to decide whether to uphold one's integrity or letting it slip when there is something sweet to be gained. On the advantage of another person.

But still, if you are poor person or from a poor country, I can totally agree that 2000 is better than nothing. For me, 60 euros has been the minimum limit to pay for another human being giving their body for my pleasure. For an hour. Last time when I was on a trip, I tipped 40 euros on top of this, 'because the girl came on a short notice after her 8 hour work day at midnight. It was for me the same as the cost of three pizzas. For her, it meant much more.

Being human for those that treat us as human beings instead of just walking wallets whom to fuck on a conveyor belt style is the minimum we can do as mongerers to have them girls keep providing their services. Maybe even telling their girlfriends "it ain't that bad, some of them are actually really nice persons". When a girl finds out what her value is, she will think of the men who paid her short as men who took advantage of her ignorance of youth. For example, I got this sense from my ex regular, whom I paid 120 euro for "an hour" (and it would be 3 hours before she got a boyfriend) for a year, and who is now being paid 300 euros for one hour, because she is the cream of the crop. We had amazing time, she said I'm her favorite client. I actually was able to get her cum by licking, which was super rare for her, and we did some things every time that really turned her on that not many people do in sex. Yet, there was the hint of bitterness and blame in her message for me, stating what she charges now. She didn't remember I told her on our second or third meeting that she could ask for 250 euros, the highest price girls ask here. She was able to go even higher. But since our meetings cost me 300 euros with her 120, the apartment for 100, and travel plus meals, she knew I appreciated her company a lot. Others paid her around 100 euros. She was a girl who was approached by men all the time, but deep down she didn't think herself to be of value. This is something we should not take advantage of.

I'd say pay for the work the price it's worth. As one would hope one would get from his own work. It's time and effort the girls put into this, the same as we do when we earn our money.

Especially in Ukraine.

08-24-22, 11:09
I don't think we were talking about pros here.

I can admire your attempt on mental acrobatics, as to turn the situation around to support your side of your modus operandi, but I'm sure you are able to see and understand what I'm talking about. Having high moral (contrary to being an opportunist with low or no morality guiding one's actions) requires sacrifices, and they are done when one has to decide whether to uphold one's integrity or letting it slip when there is something sweet to be gained. On the advantage of another person.

But still, if you are poor person or from a poor country, I can totally agree that 2000 is better than nothing. For me, 60 euros has been the minimum limit to pay for another human being giving their body for my pleasure. For an hour. Last time when I was on a trip, I tipped 40 euros on top of this, 'because the girl came on a short notice after her 8 hour work day at midnight. It was for me the same as the cost of three pizzas. For her, it meant much more.

Being human for those that treat us as human beings instead of just walking wallets whom to fuck on a conveyor belt style is the minimum we can do as mongerers to have them girls keep providing their services. Maybe even telling their girlfriends "it ain't that bad, some of them are actually really nice persons". When a girl finds out what her value is, she will think of the men who paid her short as men who took advantage of her ignorance of youth..But as you know persons there have the same work do not get the same salary for the same work they do. It dependent on in which country. So if you want come to Kiev and spend 200-300 for 1 hour with a girl. The indi girls and agency will love you here.

As long as the girl agree on the price I pay (are happy and write can we meet again) why should I than pay tourist price for a girl. I even pay more than many of the Ukraine men does. So my moral is good.

I will never pay tourist prices 80-200 for a girl for 1 hour here in Kiev now.

So to the few tourist there are in Kiev now. Get the price down. If you not want the girls and salon to laugh of you because just pay there crazy prices. And many times the girls only get a very little part of the money the most go to the people behind.

08-25-22, 19:01
I guess my understanding about the prices in Ukraine could be skewed, since when I was there pre-war the minimum girls would ask in Mamba was 100 dollars for an hour (except the one 50 dollar girl which some of you know) and they weren't the prettiest ones. Better looking girls asked 200 dollars and laughed for the 100.

How are you treated there now, Nero? Can people spot that you are foreigner from your looks?

08-26-22, 14:11
I guess my understanding about the prices in Ukraine could be skewed, since when I was there pre-war the minimum girls would ask in Mamba was 100 dollars for an hour (except the one 50 dollar girl which some of you know) and they weren't the prettiest ones. Better looking girls asked 200 dollars and laughed for the 100.

How are you treated there now, Nero? Can people spot that you are foreigner from your looks?It Is a new time here in Kiev. It is not like before the war where people had good job and there was so many tourist here in Kiev. Yesterday I went to O'Brains pub. Before the war many forigners and good business there. Yesterday when they closed at 19:45 there had been 11 people there (open at 12:00). The barman said the business is so bad and no tourist. He said about 90 % of the people there come there are Ukraine people and the rest foreigners. Before the war so many forigner there.

If people take contact to me they do it in russian language. So I most look like a local. When they find out I'am a foreigner they are so gratefull and happy that I'am here (they say thanks for support Ukraine, true friend of Ukraine and that I stay in Kiev). So people are so kind to me here.

08-29-22, 17:17
At Bobsmith1.

On Ukrainian websites, you see the real prices.

You should look there on an Ukrainian website:

http://kiev.ukrgo.com/post_24385672_ispolnju_bse_tboi_tajnye_zhelanija.zboni_sladkij.html.This website is not working today. Do you guys have some more local websites that are used inside Ukraine?

I'm planning a trip to EU soon for work and then I'll take a week to hunt women. I'd rather have one girl for 3 days then multiple girls. Is there any reliable agencies in any part of Ukraine?

Uke Boy
08-30-22, 07:26
This website is not working today. Do you guys have some more local websites that are used inside Ukraine?

I'm planning a trip to EU soon for work and then I'll take a week to hunt women. I'd rather have one girl for 3 days then multiple girls. Is there any reliable agencies in any part of Ukraine?The site works just fine. It's just that the one post on the ukrgo site has been taken down.

Henri Dufresne
09-02-22, 04:39
The site works just fine. It's just that the one post on the ukrgo site has been taken down.I think you may be interested to know the link to the Kiev escort category of Ukrgo:

Here we go:


Open this page in Chrome or Edge to get the translation.

Share your experience with the girls that you met on ukrgo.

I have seen streetwalkers who also advertised on ukrgo. It can be quite good actually. I remember this woman who said she was available near a metro station in Kiev. So, you can go there and evaluate her beauty before talking to her.

Thank you.

09-10-22, 23:43
I suppose that other than physically joining the fight, the next best thing you can do to help Ukraine is taking a trip and, depending on your budget, dropping 5 K to 10 K over a week or two. If a million tourists were to do this, they would add 10 billion to their economy. But for Christ sake, do not overpay, or you will raise the prices.

It Is a new time here in Kiev. It is not like before the war where people had good job and there was so many tourist here in Kiev. Yesterday I went to O'Brains pub. Before the war many forigners and good business there. Yesterday when they closed at 19:45 there had been 11 people there (open at 12:00). The barman said the business is so bad and no tourist. He said about 90 % of the people there come there are Ukraine people and the rest foreigners. Before the war so many forigner there.

If people take contact to me they do it in russian language. So I most look like a local. When they find out I'am a foreigner they are so gratefull and happy that I'am here (they say thanks for support Ukraine, true friend of Ukraine and that I stay in Kiev). So people are so kind to me here.

09-14-22, 03:38
Looking at Ukr postings, it looks like there are real, bona-fide postings out of real girls desperate for $.

Due to war, economy, many girls seem to be forced to come into this world.

I just wish the airway to Boryspil opens soon so that my blueballs can empty out.

How is it in Kiev? Any fellow comrades write about it? Or, you guys in Kiev are so busy meeting girls?

09-15-22, 19:15
I don't think we were talking about pros here.

I can admire your attempt on mental acrobatics, as to turn the situation around to support your side of your modus operandi, but I'm sure you are able to see and understand what I'm talking about. Having high moral (contrary to being an opportunist with low or no morality guiding one's actions) requires sacrifices, and they are done when one has to decide whether to uphold one's integrity or letting it slip when there is something sweet to be gained. On the advantage of another person.

But still, if you are poor person or from a poor country, I can totally agree that 2000 is better than nothing. For me, 60 euros has been the minimum limit to pay for another human being giving their body for my pleasure. For an hour. Last time when I was on a trip, I tipped 40 euros on top of this, 'because the girl came on a short notice after her 8 hour work day at midnight. It was for me the same as the cost of three pizzas. For her, it meant much more.

Being human for those that treat us as human beings instead of just walking wallets whom to fuck on a conveyor belt style is the minimum we can do as mongerers to have them girls keep providing their services. Maybe even telling their girlfriends "it ain't that bad, some of them are actually really nice persons". When a girl finds out what her value is, she will think of the men who paid her short as men who took advantage of her ignorance of youth. For example, I got this sense from my ex regular, whom I paid 120 euro for "an hour" (and it would be 3 hours before she got a boyfriend) for a year, and who is now being paid 300 euros for one hour, because she is the cream of the crop. We had amazing time, she said I'm her favorite client. I actually was able to get her cum by licking, which was super rare for her, and we did some things every time that really turned her on that not many people do in sex. Yet, there was the hint of bitterness and blame in her message for me, stating what she charges now. She didn't remember I told her on our second or third meeting that she could ask for 250 euros, the highest price girls ask here. She was able to go even higher. But since our meetings cost me 300 euros with her 120, the apartment for 100, and travel plus meals, she knew I appreciated her company a lot. Others paid her around 100 euros. She was a girl who was approached by men all the time, but deep down she didn't think herself to be of value. This is something we should not take advantage of.

I'd say pay for the work the price it's worth. As one would hope one would get from his own work. It's time and effort the girls put into this, the same as we do when we earn our money.

Especially in Ukraine.Very well said my fellow human!

09-16-22, 15:27
Looking at Ukr postings, it looks like there are real, bona-fide postings out of real girls desperate for $.

Due to war, economy, many girls seem to be forced to come into this world.

I just wish the airway to Boryspil opens soon so that my blueballs can empty out.

How is it in Kiev? Any fellow comrades write about it? Or, you guys in Kiev are so busy meeting girls?

Before the war, 98% of offers were fake. Do you think it's different now? In addition, the low prices are often only the basic tariff. For every little extra you have to pay extra. So that in the end the price doubles and triples. I've just come from Ukraine and I can assure you: beautiful women still have enough customers and pockets full of money. As is well known, Ukrainian men are not allowed to leave the country. So 90 percent of the four million refugees are women and children, invalids or pensioners. However, the supply of women has shrunk significantly. I wanted to invite a friend of mine for a vacation. She declined. Reason: In Kyiv she is doing the business of her life at the moment. What's missing at the moment is the party life. Because in the evening everything is closed early. And that's why many of the disco girls can be found abroad.

I was also in Kyiv at the time of the crisis in 2014/2015. At that time you could still find very beautiful girls with a financial problem. But the situation is not comparable. Absolutely not. Foreign countries are pumping a lot of money into Ukraine at the moment.

09-16-22, 15:44
Before the war, 98% of offers were fake. Do you think it's different now? In addition, the low prices are often only the basic tariff. For every little extra you have to pay extra. So that in the end the price doubles and triples. I've just come from Ukraine and I can assure you: beautiful women still have enough customers and pockets full of money. As is well known, Ukrainian men are not allowed to leave the country. So 90 percent of the four million refugees are women and children, invalids or pensioners. However, the supply of women has shrunk significantly. I wanted to invite a friend of mine for a vacation. She declined. Reason: In Kyiv she is doing the business of her life at the moment. What's missing at the moment is the party life. Because in the evening everything is closed early. And that's why many of the disco girls can be found abroad.

I was also in Kyiv at the time of the crisis in 2014/2015. At that time you could still find very beautiful girls with a financial problem. But the situation is not comparable. Absolutely not. Foreign countries are pumping a lot of money into Ukraine at the moment.Some people live in a fantasy world. Why would you go to Kiev in the middle of a war?

09-18-22, 09:48
Before the war, 98% of offers were fake. Do you think it's different now? In addition, the low prices are often only the basic tariff. For every little extra you have to pay extra. So that in the end the price doubles and triples. I've just come from Ukraine and I can assure you: beautiful women still have enough customers and pockets full of money. As is well known, Ukrainian men are not allowed to leave the country. So 90 percent of the four million refugees are women and children, invalids or pensioners. However, the supply of women has shrunk significantly. I wanted to invite a friend of mine for a vacation. She declined. Reason: In Kyiv she is doing the business of her life at the moment. What's missing at the moment is the party life. Because in the evening everything is closed early. And that's why many of the disco girls can be found abroad.

I was also in Kyiv at the time of the crisis in 2014/2015. At that time you could still find very beautiful girls with a financial problem. But the situation is not comparable. Absolutely not. Foreign countries are pumping a lot of money into Ukraine at the moment.There are still many fake profil or the sites where you can find girls here in Kiev. And you are right that if you go to a salon, agency and some indi too, you most pay ekstra for every little ekstra service. So if you do it that way it can be expensive. I talked with a girl (I'am almost 100 % sure it was salon) aksing 150 $ for 1 hour (blowjob and sex in condom and no kissing). I said no.

Of course there will allway's be some people in Kiev there just pay crazy prices but it is not like before the war more. Many people here (in Kiev) have no work and the salary is very low now. So most of the ukraine men can not pay crazy money. One of my friends find a nice girl 22 year on badoo. He invited her out. For 2 person (some beer and a little food) he paid around 800 grn. And she went with him home and they had fun the hole night. And she did not aks for money. So the way is to find the girls your self. And it can take some time. But if you have time you can be lucky (find a nice girl for a good price).

And still if a girl work for a salon (the salon take around 60-80 % and the girl get the rest). So the girl there meet with the client do not get much when the people behind the place have had there cut.

And still not many tourist here. But to the foreigner there are here now have fun (but do not pay crazy money for a girl).

If some is in Kiev now and up for a beer let me know.

09-22-22, 20:24
There are still many fake profil or the sites where you can find girls here in Kiev. And you are right that if you go to a salon, agency and some indi too, you most pay ekstra for every little ekstra service. So if you do it that way it can be expensive. I talked with a girl (I'am almost 100 % sure it was salon) aksing 150 $ for 1 hour (blowjob and sex in condom and no kissing). I said no.

Of course there will allway's be some people in Kiev there just pay crazy prices but it is not like before the war more. Many people here (in Kiev) have no work and the salary is very low now. So most of the ukraine men can not pay crazy money. One of my friends find a nice girl 22 year on badoo. He invited her out. For 2 person (some beer and a little food) he paid around 800 grn. And she went with him home and they had fun the hole night. And she did not aks for money. So the way is to find the girls your self. And it can take some time. But if you have time you can be lucky (find a nice girl for a good price).

And still if a girl work for a salon (the salon take around 60-80 % and the girl get the rest). So the girl there meet with the client do not get much when the people behind the place have had there cut.

And still not many tourist here. But to the foreigner there are here now have fun (but do not pay crazy money for a girl).

If some is in Kiev now and up for a beer let me know.Just tested some numbers posted on Ukrgo with telegram.

Most of them are fake, mama-san operating pros. Some even asked for 33000 UAH (approx. $900!

You are so right. Ukrainians do not forget what they are best at. (well, these scanky sharks!) - I respect innocent Ukrainians to fight for their freedom, tho.

Is it getting better in Kiev? I heard Mcdonald came back to open. My memories to hook up young girls at Kiev Mcdonald, that kind of thrill.

When would Boryspil open? Just having too big blueballs underneath, I need to release, fellas!

09-23-22, 04:37
Shall we not go back to Kyiv one more time before Putin drops a nuke?

09-23-22, 04:50
Shall we not go back to Kyiv one more time before Putin drops a nuke?I am afraid you might be right!!

09-23-22, 11:33
Very well said my fellow human!3 pizzas 40 euro, ha ha pathetic.

09-23-22, 11:52
Looking at Ukr postings, it looks like there are real, bona-fide postings out of real girls desperate for $.

Due to war, economy, many girls seem to be forced to come into this world.

I just wish the airway to Boryspil opens soon so that my blueballs can empty out.

How is it in Kiev? Any fellow comrades write about it? Or, you guys in Kiev are so busy meeting girls?Is your name Stevie wonder? How do you think it is?

10-01-22, 10:10
I am afraid you might be right!!Many people in Kiev talk about if Putin will use it (people are worried). And we never know what a desperate Putin will do.

10-12-22, 04:54
Many people in Kiev talk about if Putin will use it (people are worried). And we never know what a desperate Putin will do.Of course we don't "know." There's a whole lot in this life we don't know, but the odds of Russia using nukes remains very low. The most likely scenario is that once the inner circle decides it's time, Putin is put out to pasture to live out his life. This has happened a number of times with Russian leaders, most recently with Yeltsin. Here's an interesting video from a former Putin speech writer where this case is made.


Also the chances of Putin using tactical nukes remains very low. If he does this is the sort of promised "catastrophic" response he can expect.


P.S. We have a lot of Chicken Littles in the states, mostly those on the far right, but these are just terrified of Biden succeeding and what that will do to their electoral prospects.

10-18-22, 21:38
4 million women have tasted the emancipation of western society.

- why would I wear high heels? In the west, no woman does this.

- why would I wear sexy clothes? In the west, no woman does this.

All those Ukrainian women will return to Ukraine with a changed mentality about how they look at men.

A girlfriend of mine went back to Kyiv last week, she told me that there are so few women in UKR now that all men looked at her with hunger, like she was meat.

It's a pity, but for high-quality women, you do not need to go to UKR anymore. It's over.

10-19-22, 02:21
4 million women have tasted the emancipation of western society.

- why would I wear high heels? In the west, no woman does this.

- why would I wear sexy clothes? In the west, no woman does this.

All those Ukrainian women will return to Ukraine with a changed mentality about how they look at men.

A girlfriend of mine went back to Kyiv last week, she told me that there are so few women in UKR now that all men looked at her with hunger, like she was meat.

It's a pity, but for high-quality women, you do not need to go to UKR anymore. It's over.You are very late to the party. Kiev was over 10 years ago. Some were in denial.

10-19-22, 03:59
4 million women have tasted the emancipation of western society.

- why would I wear high heels? In the west, no woman does this.

- why would I wear sexy clothes? In the west, no woman does this.

All those Ukrainian women will return to Ukraine with a changed mentality about how they look at men.

A girlfriend of mine went back to Kyiv last week, she told me that there are so few women in UKR now that all men looked at her with hunger, like she was meat.

It's a pity, but for high-quality women, you do not need to go to UKR anymore. It's over.While there's one thing we can say with reasonable certainty, namely that the pre-Feb 24th world is gone, never to return, anything beyond that involves variables that could play out in multiple ways.

If and when all those Ukrainian women return, what will their country look like? Will there be a Marshall-style plan to rebuild, or not? If hostilities cease, will there be a meaningful peace or an uneasy armistice? Will robust European support continue, or will fatigue set in?

Another thing about which we can be certain is that tens of thousands of military-age men will no longer be alive, or may have a disability such that they can no longer support themselves or anyone else. In Luhansk and Donetsk, from many articles and videos I've seen, it appears that only boys and old men remain. If Ukraine retakes some or all of those territories, all the women in those areas will struggle as they figure out their futures.

Again, I would argue that the best crystal ball is understandably murky. But there are bound to be some profound and unpredictable changes.

10-21-22, 02:17
All those Ukrainian women will return to Ukraine with a changed mentality about how they look at men.
Anybody with a dick will be king in forever poor and dysfunctional Ukraine.

10-21-22, 14:35
Anybody with a dick will be king in forever poor and dysfunctional Ukraine.From all accounts, that is what happened in the immediate post-World War II years in Germany. American and British servicemen occupying Germany were much in demand by the female population.

The difference in a globalized world is many of the most attractive Ukrainian women will pick up and move somewhere else if they haven't already. There will be a brain drain and beauty drain.

10-21-22, 22:34
Anybody with a dick will be king in forever poor and dysfunctional Ukraine.Right. As opposed to that wealthy and prosperous country FKA the Russian Federation. Oh, I forgot "forever" my bad.

You must be feeling lonely here without your comrades Merdo and Golfinho. It seems something has spooked them (I wonder what).

10-24-22, 18:34
From all accounts, that is what happened in the immediate post-World War II years in Germany. American and British servicemen occupying Germany were much in demand by the female population.

The difference in a globalized world is many of the most attractive Ukrainian women will pick up and move somewhere else if they haven't already. There will be a brain drain and beauty drain.If Western money flows into Ukraine, both to rebuild it and to fully integrate it into the EU, it's possible Ukrainian women will stay in country. Likewise, that same scenario could motivate those that left to return.

I have no idea, and I'm not making a prediction as there are multiple variables and (IMO) probably plenty of plot twists yet to play out. Just wanted to point out one alternate scenario.

10-25-22, 03:53
If Western money flows into Ukraine, both to rebuild it and to fully integrate it into the EU, it's possible Ukrainian women will stay in country. Likewise, that same scenario could motivate those that left to return.

I have no idea, and I'm not making a prediction as there are multiple variables and (IMO) probably plenty of plot twists yet to play out. Just wanted to point out one alternate scenario.There not coming back, they left for a better life. You guys can keep dreaming. If you want hot Ukraine girls go to Europe, they are not in Ukraine.

10-25-22, 16:47
There not coming back, they left for a better life. You guys can keep dreaming. If you want hot Ukraine girls go to Europe, they are not in Ukraine.I specifically said my post was not a prediction, only a possible alternative scenario. How things will play out in reality depends on many variables, both known and unknown. Since you apparently have a clear crystal ball, please be kind enough to share some winning lottery numbers with the forum. Thanks in advance!

10-25-22, 19:59
I specifically said my post was not a prediction, only a possible alternative scenario. How things will play out in reality depends on many variables, both known and unknown. Since you apparently have a clear crystal ball, please be kind enough to share some winning lottery numbers with the forum. Thanks in advance!Since most left long before the war and Covid. Why would they go back now, but I guess you already knew this. Maybe if you did some research you would understand the issue with everyone leaving the country, this has been an issue for at least 10 years.

10-26-22, 01:40
Since most left long before the war and Covid. Why would they go back now, but I guess you already knew this. Maybe if you did some research you would understand the issue with everyone leaving the country, this has been an issue for at least 10 years.The refugees I know all want to go back. The West can really be disgusting to some.

10-26-22, 15:13
Since most left long before the war and Covid. Why would they go back now, but I guess you already knew this. Maybe if you did some research you would understand the issue with everyone leaving the country, this has been an issue for at least 10 years.If you want to go back 10+ years, that's your prerogative. But you should at least have the intellectual honesty to admit that your prognostications have little or nothing to do with the current situation. And, if Ukraine is such a shitty place, why are you wasting your precious time in this forum?

10-28-22, 08:35
If any in Kiev now and want to talk about girls here over some beer let me know.

10-30-22, 06:05
Only Putin and his generals know for sure, but attacks against notable symbols of Russian pride, such as ships of the Black Sea fleet (thought to be safely moored in Crimea), usually result in missile (or drone, or both) attacks on Ukrainian population centers as retaliation. And those attacks usually happen in the days immediately following the precipitating event.


There are no cities in Ukraine that are fully immune to such a strike since even modern air defense systems can't guarantee a 100% interception rate. That being the case, it might be prudent to be extra cautious over the next few days. Again, war is an unpredictable beast, but it can certainly be argued that the odds of missile or drone strikes over the next few days are higher than they would have been had the attack on the Russian ships not occurred.

Wishing all in Ukraine both health and safety!

10-31-22, 10:30
Only Putin and his generals know for sure, but attacks against notable symbols of Russian pride, such as ships of the Black Sea fleet (thought to be safely moored in Crimea), usually result in missile (or drone, or both) attacks on Ukrainian population centers as retaliation. And those attacks usually happen in the days immediately following the precipitating event.


There are no cities in Ukraine that are fully immune to such a strike since even modern air defense systems can't guarantee a 100% interception rate. That being the case, it might be prudent to be extra cautious over the next few days. Again, war is an unpredictable beast, but it can certainly be argued that the odds of missile or drone strikes over the next few days are higher than they would have been had the attack on the Russian ships not occurred.

Wishing all in Ukraine both health and safety!Thanks.

Yes again this Monday morning explosions all over Ukraine (also in Kiev).

In Kiev many have no power and water.

Safe day to all here in Kiev.

11-01-22, 07:35
Sorry about my dilemma. Over 7.7 million refugees fleeing Ukraine have been recorded across Europe, while an estimated 8 million people had been displaced within the country by late May. Now the Kiev is now and then under attack, partly no water, no electricity, what's reason to stay there as a foreign sex tourist?

But on the hand, there are 17 pages (every page 30 erotic ads from private or company) on Keksik Website (for city Kiev). Most girls are so beautiful that I would say most the them are using fake phots.

In economy theory, when the demand is lower, there should be less supply.

11-02-22, 05:38
Sorry about my dilemma. Over 7.7 million refugees fleeing Ukraine have been recorded across Europe, while an estimated 8 million people had been displaced within the country by late May. Now the Kiev is now and then under attack, partly no water, no electricity, what's reason to stay there as a foreign sex tourist?

But on the hand, there are 17 pages (every page 30 erotic ads from private or company) on Keksik Website (for city Kiev). Most girls are so beautiful that I would say most the them are using fake phots.

In economy theory, when the demand is lower, there should be less supply.I have no idea how to calculate the permutations of Ukrainian women leaving vs Ukrainian women returning vs those moving around inside the country. Nor do I have any idea how many of those sex ads are using fake pics, or are completely fake with no real women behind them, or are perhaps the work of a few women posting multiple ads. Who knows?

It's clear, however, that all of Ukraine is a war zone. That's the reality, even if in some cities and areas it doesn't always seem like it. For those supposedly 'safe' areas, consider that the situation could change in an instant if Putin or his generals decide to strike them with missiles and kamikaze drones. It truly is Russian Roulette. 5 out of 6 cylinders may be empty, and you'll be fine, but if it's not your lucky day you'll be permanently retired from the hobby, as well as everything else in life. And then, assuming you avoid being killed or injured, you'll perhaps get to enjoy spending some time in the Ukrainian winter without electricity or running water.

Ukrainians, and other people who need to stay in Kyiv and other cities know the risk and accept it. Someone who takes a discretionary mongering trip because they have an urge for some Ukrainian pussy is, to be blunt, a certifiable idiot.

P.S. It's not entirely clear from your post whether you're asking a hypothetical or a practical question. If hypothetical, then others can chime in about the current state of Kyiv mongering. But, if practical (I. E, you're trying to figure out if you personally want to travel), then the above post is applicable.

11-02-22, 17:35
I have no idea how to calculate the permutations of Ukrainian women leaving vs Ukrainian women returning vs those moving around inside the country. Nor do I have any idea how many of those sex ads are using fake pics, or are completely fake with no real women behind them, or are perhaps the work of a few women posting multiple ads. Who knows?

It's clear, however, that all of Ukraine is a war zone. That's the reality, even if in some cities and areas it doesn't always seem like it. For those supposedly 'safe' areas, consider that the situation could change in an instant if Putin or his generals decide to strike them with missiles and kamikaze drones. It truly is Russian Roulette. 5 out of 6 cylinders may be empty, and you'll be fine, but if it's not your lucky day you'll be permanently retired from the hobby, as well as everything else in life. And then, assuming you avoid being killed or injured, you'll perhaps get to enjoy spending some time in the Ukrainian winter without electricity or running water.

Ukrainians, and other people who need to stay in Kyiv and other cities know the risk and accept it. Someone who takes a discretionary mongering trip because they have an urge for some Ukrainian pussy is, to be blunt, a certifiable idiot..You pretty much summed up Kiev and Ukraine. Why anyone would go to Ukraine now for pleasure makes, zero sense, but nothing about Ukraine makes sense.

11-03-22, 14:33
You pretty much summed up Kiev and Ukraine. Why anyone would go to Ukraine now for pleasure makes, zero sense, but nothing about Ukraine makes sense.Yes. I absolutely agree with you. I still go to Ukraine regularly. However, for business. The sex thing is just a side thing. I think going to Ukraine without contacts or a contingency plan is foolish. Because the connections with the train or the buses can end at any time. Or become as catastrophic as in February. Please do not fall into the delusion that you can get on the train with a ticket in the event of a mass exodus. You are then stuck in Ukraine for days. Locals will charge you top dollar if you want to go to the border.

Even now there are often exceptional situations. After the attack on the country's power stations, border crossings were closed for hours. There was no electricity. So no entry and exit either. Certainly many people then missed a train or flight from Poland.

There are advertisements on the Internet or postings in Telegram newsgroups with offers or pictures. Please do not believe any of this information. Really 90 percent wrong. It's just to lure you to an address or to initiate orders of women into your home. Whether beautiful or ugly women will appear is always a gamble.

Also Ukraine is not as cheap as you think. There are enough people with money. Still. Everything has become significantly more expensive. For us from the West it might still be relatively cheap. But significantly more expensive than e. G. Last year or before Corona.

11-03-22, 18:00
Even now there are often exceptional situations. After the attack on the country's power stations, border crossings were closed for hours. There was no electricity. So no entry and exit either. Certainly many people then missed a train or flight from Poland.What's concerning about "exceptional situations," which is an interesting way to describe missile and drone attacks, is the notion that there's any level of certainty or predictability about them.

Consider that Putin has shown no reluctance to attack purely civilian targets. Media and social sites are full of photos showing strikes on apartment buildings, office and shopping locations, as well as parks, city streets, and railway platforms. Whether this is intentional or a matter of the use of non-precision guided weapons is immaterial. Because, whatever the reason, the people killed are still very much dead. And it's also important to consider that, if air defenses intercept an incoming missile, the fragments still have to land somewhere.

While it's certainly true that most recent strikes have been directed against infrastructure targets, will that remain the case? Who knows? Does anyone expect Putin and his generals to give advance warning before the next salvo? Again, the image of Russian Roulette comes to mind.

I certainly hope your employer is giving you hazard pay because the reality is that you're being sent to work in a de facto war zone. And, though I wish you health, safety, and all the best, I also hope you have your affairs in order.

Those of you in Ukraine have most certainly seen some images of people killed on the streets, or other locations that might have seemed relatively safe. I'm sure none of those people expected to be an "exceptional situation," may they rest in peace.

11-11-22, 06:48
I've been following reports about the withdrawal of Russian forces from Kherson for a while. They've been all over the place, with some saying it's a fake withdrawal (and trap for Ukraine's army), others saying that Russian forces are withdrawing in an orderly manner, and still others saying that it's not orderly and that large numbers of Russian soldiers are being killed by artillery and rocket fire as they try to cross the Dnipro River.

However, what I'm now seeing is that the most recent reports are all trending toward the last scenario, namely heavy fighting and a very large number of Russian casualties. I have no way of knowing how accurate these reports are. And I'm guessing those of you in Ukraine have access to much better sources and real-time info.

But the reason for my posting is simply as a reminder that whenever Putin suffers a major defeat, setback, or embarrassment on the battlefield, his default response is to launch massive missile and drone attacks against Ukrainian cities. If the situation in Kherson is anywhere close to being as bad as some reports I've seen, there will be much anger and consternation in Russia. Putin has used missile attacks against Ukrainian cities before to appease that anger, so it won't be a shock if he does it again.

Please be extra careful for the next few days (at least) and stay close to shelters. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst!

11-28-22, 01:43
In economy theory, when the demand is lower, there should be less supply.Which economy theory?

In free market, lower demand means price goes down not the supply. Supply will go down if Russian terrorists go further into cities.

11-28-22, 05:32
Which economy theory?

In free market, lower demand means price goes down not the supply. Supply will go down if Russian terrorists go further into cities.Things like the free market, and supply-demand curves, are dramatically affected by the existence of a wartime economy, which is what Ukraine is experiencing. Even parts of the economy that appear to be operating "normally" are not immune because instability and uncertainty touch on everything and the usual economic incentives aren't always applicable. In addition, the flow of funds into and out of Ukraine, as well as the flow of people, has unpredictable effects.

When the war finally ends, assuming current trends continue and Ukraine retains (at least) its pre-Feb 24th territory, and possibly more, there will most likely be a lengthy reconstruction period in which Western money will continue to flow in, only no longer for weapons. I'm no economist, but it seems probable that a reconstruction economy isn't likely to be any more "normal" than one during wartime.

Not making predictions, just offering observations that things are likely to be rather crazy for the foreseeable future. The pre-Feb 24th Ukraine is gone, never to return. Ukraine's next chapter, with movement toward both EU and NATO membership, will have a lot of moving parts and variables at play, many of which we can't yet imagine.

I'm guessing it's going to be quite a rollercoaster ride, hopefully with an upward trajectory. But I would be cautious of those who think they can figure it out ahead of time. Those are probably the same people who predicted this would be a short war, and that Ukraine would lose.

Gentleman Travel
01-28-23, 17:34
There not coming back, they left for a better life. You guys can keep dreaming. If you want hot Ukraine girls go to Europe, they are not in Ukraine.So where are these hot ex-pat non-pro women now? Poland? Romania? And how can we connect with them? Are there Ukrainian web-sites or networks where you can meet Ukrainian women who have relocated to Europe or America?

And while I am sure many women will have fled Ukraine, many cannot. These women were poor enough when the situation was stable. Living from day to day often. Who has the money to escape and start a new life with no support networks or stable employment? I think it will be happy hunting for those brave mongers who venture into Ukraine today. And I suppose a target-rich environment for those hunting in places with large UA ex-pat populations.

I am talking here about normal, non-pro girls, who might be looking for mutually beneficial relationships or even real LTR - not escorts.

01-30-23, 02:01
So where are these hot ex-pat non-pro women now? Poland? Romania? And how can we connect with them? Are there Ukrainian web-sites or networks where you can meet Ukrainian women who have relocated to Europe or America?

And while I am sure many women will have fled Ukraine, many cannot. These women were poor enough when the situation was stable. Living from day to day often. Who has the money to escape and start a new life with no support networks or stable employment? I think it will be happy hunting for those brave mongers who venture into Ukraine today. And I suppose a target-rich environment for those hunting in places with large UA ex-pat populations.

I am talking here about normal, non-pro girls, who might be looking for mutually beneficial relationships or even real LTR - not escorts.The are living in a Fantasy world. The war is escalating.

02-17-23, 18:51
Putin and the Russian public share a mentality that assigns greater significance to things that happen on certain dates. The dates can be anything from Putin's birthday to anniversaries of WW-II events. The symbolic value for anything accomplished on such a date is higher, and has more PR value, than if that same accomplishment happened some other time.

Putin is scheduled to make a speech on Feb 21st (IIRC). If he's planning some kind of major military attack it makes sense to anticipate it coming sometime in the coming week. It doesn't need to be exactly on the 24th or 21st, it could possibly happen before or after and would still be claimed as a victory for the anniversary.

As a practical matter, anyone who doesn't need to be in Ukraine right now would be well advised to leave. There is no part of the country that's beyond the range of missiles and drones. And civilian targets are not immune from attack. For anyone who isn't able to leave, now is a good time to review your safety protocols and to remind yourself about the constant need to guard against complacency.

Not trying to be alarmist, but simply making the point that Putin absolutely needs to demonstrate his strength, even if it's just for his domestic audience. The one year anniversary of the war is an opportunity I doubt he will pass up. Be safe!

02-21-23, 03:22
So where are these hot ex-pat non-pro women now? If you're in north America, forget about Ukrainians. It's just not there. Kazak girls are getting visas into the country. Most are Asian but some are white Russian. Real needy girls too, just have to know where to look.

02-26-23, 00:26
Speaking with girls who are still in Ukraine and who have left Ukraine after the war, I feel that they have changed much more than I had imagined.

It's almost like their personality have changed or they can't think straight. One even seems going crazy.

Any thoughts or your experience with them lately?

02-26-23, 05:02
Speaking with girls who are still in Ukraine and who have left Ukraine after the war, I feel that they have changed much more than I had imagined.

It's almost like their personality have changed or they can't think straight. One even seems going crazy.

Any thoughts or your experience with them lately?I guess it may be simpler. They are all going through trauma? It's not PTSD as it is ongoing. How do you call it? Just TSD?

02-26-23, 15:39
So where are these hot ex-pat non-pro women now? Poland? Romania? And how can we connect with them?I can't speak for Europe but I can speak for Dubai. There's a lot of Ukrainians and even Russians there. Set up a tinder and bumble account and you'll come across plenty of them. Go to the meat markets (Dubai brothels) and you'll also see them.

04-03-23, 17:01
Can't recommend escort. Vc formerly GIA agency any more.

Prices are much higher than before, now they even post fake photos before they didn't, Kristina was really cool and friendly at GIA but the new operator is really stupid.

I used this agency for many years but I stopped using this agency.

04-04-23, 21:29
I can't speak for Europe but I can speak for Dubai. There's a lot of Ukrainians and even Russians there. Set up a tinder and bumble account and you'll come across plenty of them. Go to the meat markets (Dubai brothels) and you'll also see them.Any good escort agencies there w / Ukrainians and Russians girls? OR strip clubs that let you take girls home like Rio & dolls in Kiev?

Joe Karnavic
04-05-23, 05:21
I can't speak for Europe but I can speak for Dubai. There's a lot of Ukrainians and even Russians there. Set up a tinder and bumble account and you'll come across plenty of them. Go to the meat markets (Dubai brothels) and you'll also see them.There are no brothels or RLD in Dubai. You will find lot of Ukranian girls in Clubs like Czar or Red Square in Moscow hotel. You have to take them to your hotels or apartments. You will find them also on Massage Republic where you can meet them in their apartments. Tinder is full of them. After war in Ukraine the Russians and Ukranian girls have multiplied in numbers in Dubai.

04-17-23, 10:35
Did you find any countries with a good population of this women?

Have you been there?

I'm thinking of going to Romania or Poland.

So where are these hot ex-pat non-pro women now? Poland? Romania? And how can we connect with them? Are there Ukrainian web-sites or networks where you can meet Ukrainian women who have relocated to Europe or America?

And while I am sure many women will have fled Ukraine, many cannot. These women were poor enough when the situation was stable. Living from day to day often. Who has the money to escape and start a new life with no support networks or stable employment? I think it will be happy hunting for those brave mongers who venture into Ukraine today. And I suppose a target-rich environment for those hunting in places with large UA ex-pat populations.

I am talking here about normal, non-pro girls, who might be looking for mutually beneficial relationships or even real LTR - not escorts.

04-17-23, 12:09
Does Kia escort run out of money? Or is the new administrator annoyed by all the requests? It was always possible to request the password for real photos for free. Because many pictures on the site are only with the face covered. Now Gia wants $100 for the password. And promises a credit if you book the girls:

You need a password to unlock REAL pics and videos! It costs 100 $ which are the deposit for your first meeting. The password is free for anyone who've used our services before, get it on Telegram.

04-22-23, 22:00
Wondering if any one has tried this agency to meet women, probably for a relationship? Are the women motivated to get out of Ukraine now? I am in my late 60's and have had some interest in women in their 40's from this website. Is it fairly safe to travel to Kiev to meet a woman now? Anyone there now? Thanks,

04-23-23, 03:06
Wondering if any one has tried this agency to meet women, probably for a relationship? Are the women motivated to get out of Ukraine now? I am in my late 60's and have had some interest in women in their 40's from this website. Is it fairly safe to travel to Kiev to meet a woman now? Anyone there now? Thanks,This is Delusional, all the girls are long gone. Foreign affairs is a scam, like every other dating agency in Ukraine. There is a war going on, you might want to take a look at the news occasionally.

04-24-23, 16:22
Wondering if any one has tried this agency to meet women, probably for a relationship? Are the women motivated to get out of Ukraine now? I am in my late 60's and have had some interest in women in their 40's from this website. Is it fairly safe to travel to Kiev to meet a woman now? Anyone there now? Thanks,I was living in Kyiv for 8 of the past 10 years and only left when the war began. I would not trust this or any site when it comes to meeting a woman online if you want something serious.
I have a few hundred Ukrainians on my social media and I can tell you that 50% of the women who are thirty + have left Ukraine. I'd say 25% of women under thirty are living abroad. These numbers used to be higher but many have returned to Ukraine. That said, most Ukrainian women I know who've moved abroad have told me they'll go home soon or once the war is over as they're homesick.

About Kyiv safety, my Ukrainian contacts have told me Kyiv is quiet safe and calm right now and one might not even know there is a war going on, but that can change quickly with a missile attack and if you're considering going to Kyiv, you need to be mentally prepared for this. I think even during these times Kyiv is still safer than many American cities and Ive even considered stopping in for a visit in autumn. This is just my opinion based on the many conversations I've had recently.

04-24-23, 23:23
I was living in Kyiv for 8 of the past 10 years and only left when the war began. I would not trust this or any site when it comes to meeting a woman online if you want something serious.
I have a few hundred Ukrainians on my social media and I can tell you that 50% of the women who are thirty + have left Ukraine. I'd say 25% of women under thirty are living abroad. These numbers used to be higher but many have returned to Ukraine. That said, most Ukrainian women I know who've moved abroad have told me they'll go home soon or once the war is over as they're homesick.

About Kyiv safety, my Ukrainian contacts have told me Kyiv is quiet safe and calm right now and one might not even know there is a war going on, but that can change quickly with a missile attack and if you're considering going to Kyiv, you need to be mentally prepared for this. I think even during these times Kyiv is still safer than many American cities and Ive even considered stopping in for a visit in autumn. This is just my opinion based on the many conversations I've had recently.Ok, the part about Kiev being safe, I believe, but that could change at any moment. As far as girl's returning after the war, is just ridiculous and delusional. What are they going to return to. When I was living there, which way before the war, the girls that left had zero intention of returning to Ukraine. Maybe 10% will go back, if that, the rest are long gone, never to return. Ukraine has been done for 5-8 years, now with the war it is really over. If you do not believe me, Go check it out and write a report.

04-25-23, 02:31
Speaking with girls who are still in Ukraine and who have left Ukraine after the war, I feel that they have changed much more than I had imagined.

It's almost like their personality have changed or they can't think straight. One even seems going crazy.

Any thoughts or your experience with them lately?Well, I speak with different Ukrainian women on my social media on a regular basis and it's sometimes difficult to gauge via text but if they are in Ukraine, they are obviously under a lot of stress. That said, life in Kyiv has normalized as much as it can under war conditions and the stress level has been reduced. I think 50% of the Ukrainian women I know who left Ukraine at the start of the war have returned and a few have recently told me they wish to return before the end of the year. Only a small handful have said they are staying in Europe for good. Despite have 300-400 hundred Ukrainian women from all walks of life on my social media, the overwhelming majority live in Kyiv or Western Ukraine and I cannot speak for those living closer to the war.

04-25-23, 08:52
As far as girl's returning after the war, is just ridiculous and delusional.

The delusional one is you. Ukranians love their country. After the child kidnapping, HIV infected prison infantry and rashists have been kicked the fuck out, most of Europe will fund the reconstruction of Ukraine, and that land will be a place for business, commerce and more.

So in all likelihood, the people who have said that they will return, will do exactly that. Many people already returned from Poland for example, and more will do so later.

Keep your RuZZian politics out of this thread, and use the other one that's meant for off topic.

04-25-23, 20:20
The delusional one is you. Ukranians love their country. After the child kidnapping, HIV infected prison infantry and rashists have been kicked the fuck out, most of Europe will fund the reconstruction of Ukraine, and that land will be a place for business, commerce and more.

So in all likelihood, the people who have said that they will return, will do exactly that. Many people already returned from Poland for example, and more will do so later.

Keep your RuZZian politics out of this thread, and use the other one that's meant for off topic.Assuming a post-war reconstruction effort happens, that will likely result in a shit-ton of money flooding into Ukraine. There will also likely be a parade of Western companies opening local offices and competing for business. In other words, a boom-town environment.

If that happens, some (many?) Ukrainians who have settled elsewhere could be incentivized to return to take advantage of new opportunities. So, in addition to motivational factors like family ties and patriotism, economic factors should also be a magnet.

What that could mean for the mongering scene is that, with so much money sloshing around, and with more alternatives available to women, prices will likely go higher (maybe much higher). That will be great for the country but will suck for mongers in Ukraine, and not in a good way. I'm sure there will be a chorus bemoaning the passing of the "good old days," but that's likely to be the reality, so best to be mentally prepared.

OTOH, those who are looking for a Ukrainian sugar-baby, girlfriend, or wife, might find a target-rich environment. One tragic outcome of this war is that tens of thousands of young and middle-aged Ukrainian men have gone to their eternal rest. In such a setting, a Western man of moderate+ means and passable+ attractiveness might be able to find some joy.

04-25-23, 20:58
Both those dates are holidays in Russia, with May 9th (Victory Day) being especially significant. Putin loves symbolism, and I've seen some reports that Russia might be stockpiling missiles for possible attacks on one, or both, of those dates.

To be sure, it's all unverified internet chatter, but it doesn't hurt to be aware of the possibility. Anyone currently in Ukraine should keep these dates in mind, as well as dates just before and after, and pay good attention to any sirens and warnings. Some Russian cities have cancelled their Victory Day celebrations, and a missile barrage might be Putin's gift to them and a way to make a show of strength.

Wishing health and safety to all in Ukraine!

04-26-23, 01:18
Hey there fellow deviants. New to this Ukraine board but many years of mongering in Latin America. Sooo, in conjunction with a recent Europe trip, I noticed a lack of expected Ukrainian working girls that I hoped to find in Central Europe. Therefore, upon my return home, I began to look at the current status of bordering crossings into western Ukraine, along with the prevalence of wartime violence in western areas. As you all were probably already aware, it's pretty quiet out west and border crossings are all open. So, after reading some postings in the General Info and Other Areas sections of this board, I checked out UKRGo dot com to see what was on offer. My thought is to possibly visit Lviv, entering from eastern Poland. My thought was to contact working girls in Kiev in order to refine my contact approach. I sent messages via my Czech Republic WhatsApp number, without a face photo on the profile. I also wrote to the girls in Ukrainian (using Google translate) in order to muddy my American origin. I wrote to 6 girls in Kiev and 2 girls in Lviv. I noticed there were multiple profiles of different girls with the same numbers. Does that mean they are just completely fake profiles or are they "agencies" that provide multiple girls? Anyway, I tried to get to pricing as quickly as possible before they started to ask where I'm located or where I'm from. I told one girl I was in a small town on the Ukrainian side of the border but that I was coming to Kiev for our appointment. I also told each girl that I was willing to pay 1500 UAH for a short time (1-2 hours) or 3000 UAH for overnight. Most girls seemed to want 2400 UAH for an hour. Although one sent me what appeared to be a set price list: 1200 UAH / HR sex; 700 UAH BJ only; 3200 UAH for overnight. These seem like pretty fair prices. Would you guys with pre-war experience in Ukraine agree. Is that a good price point or should I negotiate down more? There were also some prices to buy content which of course I am not interested in. Anxious to hear wisdom from the vets. Thanks in advance!

04-26-23, 04:26
Hey there fellow deviants. New to this Ukraine board but many years of mongering in Latin America. Sooo, in conjunction with a recent Europe trip, I noticed a lack of expected Ukrainian working girls that I hoped to find in Central Europe. Therefore, upon my return home, I began to look at the current status of bordering crossings into western Ukraine, along with the prevalence of wartime violence in western areas. As you all were probably already aware, it's pretty quiet out west and border crossings are all open. So, after reading some postings in the General Info and Other Areas sections of this board, I checked out UKRGo dot com to see what was on offer. My thought is to possibly visit Lviv, entering from eastern Poland. My thought was to contact working girls in Kiev in order to refine my contact approach. I sent messages via my Czech Republic WhatsApp number, without a face photo on the profile. I also wrote to the girls in Ukrainian (using Google translate) in order to muddy my American origin. I wrote to 6 girls in Kiev and 2 girls in Lviv. I noticed there were multiple profiles of different girls with the same numbers. Does that mean they are just completely fake profiles or are they "agencies" that provide multiple girls? Anyway, I tried to get to pricing as quickly as possible before they started to ask where I'm located or where I'm from. I told one girl I was in a small town on the Ukrainian side of the border but that I was coming to Kiev for our appointment. I also told each girl that I was willing to pay 1500 UAH for a short time (1-2 hours) or 3000 UAH for overnight. Most girls seemed to want 2400 UAH for an hour. Although one sent me what appeared to be a set price list: 1200 UAH / HR sex; 700 UAH BJ only; 3200 UAH for overnight. These seem like pretty fair prices. Would you guys with pre-war experience in Ukraine agree. Is that a good price point or should I negotiate down more? There were also some prices to buy content which of course I am not interested in. Anxious to hear wisdom from the vets. Thanks in advance!FWIW, "prevalence of wartime violence in western areas" is a misleading metric. All of Ukraine is a war zone. That's because there is no part of Ukraine that is not within range of Russian missiles, bombs, and drones. It's a false sense of security to think that everything will be fine because the physical battlefield isn't close by.

The fact that a particular area isn't currently experiencing bombardment is no guarantee that it won't. Things can change in an instant and the people who make the attack decisions, namely Putin and his generals, are not in the habit of giving advance notice.

Here's a timeline of attacks that have targeted the Lviv area:


Kyiv has been attacked on many more occasions. So much so that I couldn't find a single timeline of Kyiv attacks. Every article I looked at dealt with barrages that happened on specific dates. But take the Lviv info as a baseline, and multiply it many times over. Maybe another forum member has an article or site with a good list of dates and locations of Kyiv attacks. If so, please share.

The fact that barrages are not happening right now could have a few possible explanations. Maybe Russia is running low on missiles? Maybe they're saving their missiles for use against Ukrainian forces during the counterattack that many believe will be launched this Spring? Or maybe they're stockpiling missiles to use in barrages on dates that have high symbolic value (like May 9th)?

The point is that nobody knows. And nobody has a crystal ball. So, for anyone who doesn't absolutely need to be in Ukraine right now, you're essentially rolling the dice. Maybe those dice will roll in your favor, or maybe they won't. It's truly a crapshoot!

Everyone is certainly entitled to decide for themselves if the risk is worth it. But how bizarre would it be to find oneself on the wrong side of a missile bombardment, all for the sake of a little pussy? Especially since pussy is a commodity readily found worldwide.

And, while I certainly understand that the odds of being in the wrong place at the wrong time may be low. It's worth remembering that all or most of the people who have been killed in past attacks probably felt the same way. A quick web search on the topic will show cars destroyed in the middle of the street, burned out residential buildings, shredded shopping areas, and decimated transit stops. Those people probably felt the odds were in their favor. May they rest in peace.

04-26-23, 05:05
As I've stated previously, I lived in Kyiv for eight years. Before the Revolution of Dignity, during and after. And eventually left Ukraine days after Putin's misadventure commenced. I'm sure mongering in Kyiv is different now as compared to February 23,2002, but in what ways I can only guess as I'm now too long out of Ukraine. What I can do is relate to you my experiences with women in Ukraine before the war and try to make assumptions of what might be happening now.

First, I never once used an escort agency in Ukraine. I never trusted them and thought their prices were too inflated. There was enough independent girls online that escort services were superfluous, especially since I was living full-time in the capital city. I even sponsored a university girl I met worked my at a Silpo in Shuliavska.

With that said, let's get to the numbers. You mentioned girls are asking 2400 UAH for one hour and which works out to be about 65 USD. For a girl in the capital, that's a very fair price, some might suggest even cheap. However, that's the price point where you could be pleasantly surprised or disappointed when you actually meet her. In eight years, I only agreed to meet three women at that price range and while they were certainly worth a fuck, they were not repeat material. All university girls, by the way, but you'll find single mothers who live in villages near Kyiv willing to come in the city and fuck you for that price.

In general, the prices you mentioned would not get you much in Kyiv before the war, and you have to be ready to be disappointed as it's really hit and miss.

Any quality university girl I sponsored wanted 100 USD minimum per meeting. I could have gotten cheaper but I wanted a quality piece of ass. A much hotter girl or woman wanted 150 USD.

Now there is a war on. This has to be taken into consideration. Many women have left and many foreign men, too (although my contacts have recently told me many foreigners have returned). What this has done to the market is both intriguing and uncertain. I hope to visit myself in autumn and see what's happening and write a report.

My final advice? If you have the time, try meeting some of those girls at the prices you mentioned and who knows what you'll find, but don't limit yourself. Try the Tinder and Mamba app while in Kyiv and see what's out there. I found some cheap but good fucks on Mamba but on Tinder there are usually more expensive yet higher quality women. In fact, the sexiest woman I sponsored or fucked while in Kyiv I found on Tinder and wanted 150 USD per meeting and was worth every penny. I found a stunning, full figured teen redhead in university on Mamba for 100 USD per meeting but she couldn't meet as often as I wanted to.

Last piece of advice, find a flat or hotel beside a metro station in case of a missile attack. This is their reality.

04-27-23, 03:34
Thank you for your well thought out response. This was exactly the insight I was hoping for. Not worth traveling so far out of my way and into danger for such meager (at best) savings.

As I've stated previously, I lived in Kyiv for eight years. Before the Revolution of Dignity, during and after. And eventually left Ukraine days after Putin's misadventure commenced. I'm sure mongering in Kyiv is different now as compared to February 23,2002, but in what ways I can only guess as I'm now too long out of Ukraine. What I can do is relate to you my experiences with women in Ukraine before the war and try to make assumptions of what might be happening now.

First, I never once used an escort agency in Ukraine. I never trusted them and thought their prices were too inflated. There was enough independent girls online that escort services were superfluous, especially since I was living full-time in the capital city. I even sponsored a university girl I met worked my at a Silpo in Shuliavska.

With that said, let's get to the numbers. You mentioned girls are asking 2400 UAH for one hour and which works out to be about 65 USD. For a girl in the capital, that's a very fair price, some might suggest even cheap. However, that's the price point where you could be pleasantly surprised or disappointed when you actually meet her. In eight years, I only agreed to meet three women at that price range and while they were certainly worth a fuck, they were not repeat material. All university girls, by the way, but you'll find single mothers who live in villages near Kyiv willing to come in the city and fuck you for that price.

05-12-23, 00:49
First, I never once used an escort agency in Ukraine. I never trusted them and thought their prices were too inflated. There was enough independent girls online that escort services were superfluous, especially since I was living full-time in the capital city. I even sponsored a university girl I met worked my at a Silpo in Shuliavska..I used GIA over 50 times, now called escort. Vc.

I don't use it any more because:

1- now they charge you to see photos of girls.

2- many fake photos.

3- their prices are way too high, forget it, its doubled.

4- their operator is now a DICK, dumbass.

05-12-23, 01:00
There are no brothels or RLD in Dubai. You will find lot of Ukranian girls in Clubs like Czar or Red Square in Moscow hotel. You have to take them to your hotels or apartments. You will find them also on Massage Republic where you can meet them in their apartments. Tinder is full of them. After war in Ukraine the Russians and Ukranian girls have multiplied in numbers in Dubai.Whats their price range in Clubs like Czar or Red Square in Moscow hotel in Dubai?

Cheeky Darky
05-16-23, 18:12
Whats their price range in Clubs like Czar or Red Square in Moscow hotel in Dubai?From a club. Anywhere from 1000 AED (approx 280 USD) through to 2000 aed. For a LT (which does usually only translate to 3 or 4 hours.

Massage Republic you can check yourself. But circa 1200 AED for 1 hour.

Head over to the UAE forums to check it out. Frequent updates.

07-03-23, 14:34
So where are these hot ex-pat non-pro women now? Poland? Romania? And how can we connect with them? Are there Ukrainian web-sites or networks where you can meet Ukrainian women who have relocated to Europe or America?They are all over European cities having the time of their lives. They are scamming local men who don't know the Ukrainian girl character and motives. These women go on dating apps meet guys get taken to expensive restaurants, bars, holidays even. And they dont offer any sex. They only want to use your wallet.

In the last year I've met this type of Ukrainian girls in Berlin, Warsaw, Krakow, Barcelona, London and Tbilisi. I know their game because I have been to Ukraine several times before the war. This is what typically happens:

You match, chat a bit, suggest meeting, she plays dumb and doesn't know this city, but she loves seafood or steak. Gullible local guy takes her out spends a lot on her. They continue chatting. Same on second date third date. And she is doing this to multiple men.

One example is in Berlin there are many Ukrainians. I matched agreed to meet and decide what to do. I took her to an ordinary cafe. Because I know she is very likely out to scam me if she can. After we go for a walk and she pops into pharmacy and gets lots of stuff. Suddenly her card doesn't work. She asks me if I can help buy medicine, hardly any medicine there, mostly cosmetic stuff. I say no sorry you'll have to sort your card out then do your shopping. We exit the pharmacy walk, she says she got a message must go and hops onto tram. Within 5 minutes I'm unmatched and blocked. Cunts. Relatively rich local guys are getting used by these 'poor refugee' girls.

Why do I go on these dates if I know what these women are about? There is a small chance you can establish contact keep in touch and she may take her pants down. And I have fucked two like this but only because I tempted them with a possible holiday in a few weeks time. Then regrettably my employer refused me the time off. Hahahaha ; )

Be careful with Ukrainian girls in European cities. Because old habits die hard and these girls are the most manipulative and cunning in the whole world.

07-03-23, 15:56
They are all over European cities having the time of their lives. They are scamming local men who don't know the Ukrainian girl character and motives. These women go on dating apps meet guys get taken to expensive restaurants, bars, holidays even. And they dont offer any sex. They only want to use your wallet.

In the last year I've met this type of Ukrainian girls in Berlin, Warsaw, Krakow, Barcelona, London and Tbilisi. I know their game because I have been to Ukraine several times before the war. This is what typically happens:

You match, chat a bit, suggest meeting, she plays dumb and doesn't know this city, but she loves seafood or steak. Gullible local guy takes her out spends a lot on her. They continue chatting. Same on second date third date. And she is doing this to multiple men.

One example is in Berlin there are many Ukrainians. I matched agreed to meet and decide what to do. I took her to an ordinary cafe. Because I know she is very likely out to scam me if she can. After we go for a walk and she pops into pharmacy and gets lots of stuff. Suddenly her card doesn't work. She asks me if I can help buy medicine, hardly any medicine there, mostly cosmetic stuff. I say no sorry you'll have to sort your card out then do your shopping. We exit the pharmacy walk, she says she got a message must go and hops onto tram. Within 5 minutes I'm unmatched and blocked. Cunts. Relatively rich local guys are getting used by these 'poor refugee' girls..Yep, but this has been going on for over 10 years now. The hot chicks left years ago, sorry this is the truth.

Very sad what has happened to Ukraine over the last decade and the war / corruption is destroying a great country.

07-04-23, 00:27
Though nothing new, I do think this is valuable to remember and I fully support this post. I love Slavic women. But many are snakes. Look, if your only goal is sex or sponsorship, don't play games. As Ralph Fiennes character in Schindler's List says: "We're not going to argue with these people. " Take them for a first meeting to Starbucks or a restaurant of your choosing. Make sure she understands no money until she's alone and naked with you. Don't think with your dick only. If she's hot but seems a headache, drop her as it will never be worth it. Be a man. You don't have to be rude but you do have to be firm. Ukrainian women like men who have a backbone and loathe soft men they can stomp on.

When I was living in Kyiv, which I did for eight years until the war began, I on many occasions suggested a restaurant to a woman. If she began with the 'I don't like that place', I'the retort 'OK! No problem. If you change your mind, let me know and we can meet' because a good girl doesn't give a flying you know what where you meet as long as she thinks you are serious about supporting her.

08-07-23, 17:33
LOL, guy around the world needs to stop being pushover really: 1 drink with a girl should mean sex.

Just buy her a drink, and then tell her that if she drinks from it, you go straight back to your room right after.

No meet up unless there are sex involved if you talk in advance.

These things should be the global norm!

Take a stance guys! Don't be such prudes!

Case closed.

James 006
08-30-23, 15:35
I keep hearing about Ukrainians returning home at least to visit family.

Does anyone know if the strip clubs, the offer of ladies and not least the prices are generally the same as before the war?

The air defense in Kiev is said to be quite good, so perhaps more people will eventually take the chance to visit Kiev?

My contacts usually take the train from Warsaw.

08-30-23, 18:41
I keep hearing about Ukrainians returning home at least to visit family.

Does anyone know if the strip clubs, the offer of ladies and not least the prices are generally the same as before the war?

The air defense in Kiev is said to be quite good, so perhaps more people will eventually take the chance to visit Kiev?

My contacts usually take the train from Warsaw.Prices are higher, and there is still plenty of action to be had.

09-02-23, 10:50
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09-05-23, 09:55
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09-25-23, 11:17
If you're in north America, forget about Ukrainians. It's just not there. Kazak girls are getting visas into the country. Most are Asian but some are white Russian. Real needy girls too, just have to know where to look.And how would I come into contact with such girls? Ukrainian / Kazaks? I'm in the east coast.

10-07-23, 11:30

Does anyone have information or connection with girls in Ukraine who will travel to another cities (Warsaw, Budapest, ect.) to do several days escort?

Thanks for the help!

10-08-23, 15:37

Does anyone have information or connection with girls in Ukraine who will travel to another cities (Warsaw, Budapest, ect.) to do several days escort?

Thanks for the help!There are agencies that will arrange this for a hefty price. The best way however is to have visited Kyiv and built a rapport with some escorts there, when they trust you, they'll happily travel to meet up. It does however mean you'll have to do some work on the ground first.

10-08-23, 17:40
There are agencies that will arrange this for a hefty price. The best way however is to have visited Kyiv and built a rapport with some escorts there, when they trust you, they'll happily travel to meet up. It does however mean you'll have to do some work on the ground first.Can you share any agency contact information? If you know any.


11-09-23, 14:37
With all the talk about the war in Ukraine coming closer and closer to an end I felt like exploring Tinder in Kyiv again and got premium for a month.

And boy oh boy. Seems like there was no war in Kyiv at all. I was kinda lowkey hoping for girls being a bit more desparate and easy going to match and meet but it seems the Tinder scene in Kyiv is actually quite tough these days. Anyone else has the same experience?

Seems to me that people in Kyiv are doing great and life is as usual to them.

James 006
12-27-23, 22:31
Thought I'd give you some information from my stay in Kiev.

Most restaurants close at 22:00. Some at 23:00.

I have visited the strip clubs Dolls, Princess and Penthous. They close at 22:00 precisely. On Fridays they are open 30/60 minutes longer. But no later than 23:00.

It is a completely different Kiev that meets you now.

There is a curfew and a ban on being out after midnight. Uber taxi stops driving at 22:00 but there are others like Uklon who run at staggering prices.

The ladies and the clubs are nowhere near what they were. Princess knocks out Doll's many notches.

Dolls opens at 15:00 for those who have days off. All the girls at Dolls drooled on an escort to hotel. I understood the costs is 8,000 local for 2 hours. Princess has an hour deal for 6000. But not everyone goes out. There is depression in the air and meeting a smile is rare.

A private dance at Dolls was 600, I. E. 100 more expensive than before and Princess has raised the price to 800. I mean to remember that they were 600 before.

Does anyone know a taxi driver who can take a few trips to and from the massage parlors for a decent price?

Tinder is full of African / black ladies between Ukrainian glamor models. .

The alarm to seek cover goes off several times a day / night and it is clear that this affects the environment. Most people don't care and is tired of running for coverage. In other words, it looks like the population has lost some of their will to live?

To be here is an interesting experience, but not very sexy!

12-28-23, 17:51
Be smarter than the girl and you'll have no problem. The best sex I've ever had in my life was with two drop dead gorgeous Ukrainians, one in Kyiv, one a student in a major European city. I paid both, they weren't cheap and I'd do it again tomorrow. We went where I wanted to go, did leisure things that I wanted, ate what I wanted, and slept where I wanted. I wouldn't say I have expensive take but I am willing to pay for unique experiences. Watching a 22 yr old girl experience her first 9 course tasting menu is priceless in my book and pays huge dividends layer on on the night. It's all about the experience fuck the cost.

They are all over European cities having the time of their lives. They are scamming local men who don't know the Ukrainian girl character and motives. These women go on dating apps meet guys get taken to expensive restaurants, bars, holidays even. And they dont offer any sex. They only want to use your wallet.

In the last year I've met this type of Ukrainian girls in Berlin, Warsaw, Krakow, Barcelona, London and Tbilisi. I know their game because I have been to Ukraine several times before the war. This is what typically happens:

You match, chat a bit, suggest meeting, she plays dumb and doesn't know this city, but she loves seafood or steak. Gullible local guy takes her out spends a lot on her. They continue chatting. Same on second date third date. And she is doing this to multiple men.

One example is in Berlin there are many Ukrainians. I matched agreed to meet and decide what to do. I took her to an ordinary cafe. Because I know she is very likely out to scam me if she can. After we go for a walk and she pops into pharmacy and gets lots of stuff. Suddenly her card doesn't work. She asks me if I can help buy medicine, hardly any medicine there, mostly cosmetic stuff. I say no sorry you'll have to sort your card out then do your shopping. We exit the pharmacy walk, she says she got a message must go and hops onto tram. Within 5 minutes I'm unmatched and blocked. Cunts. Relatively rich local guys are getting used by these 'poor refugee' girls.

Why do I go on these dates if I know what these women are about? There is a small chance you can establish contact keep in touch and she may take her pants down. And I have fucked two like this but only because I tempted them with a possible holiday in a few weeks time. Then regrettably my employer refused me the time off. Hahahaha ; )

Be careful with Ukrainian girls in European cities. Because old habits die hard and these girls are the most manipulative and cunning in the whole world.

02-27-24, 23:35
Kyiv is undoubtedly the city with the highest working girl density I have ever visited. Before the war, there were plenty of nightclubs and bars where all these girls gathered.

I am of the opinion that it is still very easy to meet working girls in Kyiv. Many foreign journalists and other foreigners are in Kyiv at the moment and as noble and philanthropic as their work seems to be, it seems that even some of them find it hard to resist Ukrainian femininity.

In my opinion, tinder and mamba work great for finding girls. But even the classic nightclubs were very easy. Or as the writer below points out the strip clubs like Princess. I find it hard to relate when I read some people say that it is very difficult to find girls in Kyiv. But I'm not old either and maybe my appearance is on the better side. It might help some. ?

I would not say that traveling to Kyiv today is safe. They are at war, after all. But it's also not dangerous to be in the city in my opinion.

02-28-24, 11:54
In my opinion, tinder and mamba work great for finding girls. But even the classic nightclubs were very easy. Which clubs are the best for picking up girls?

02-28-24, 23:17
Which clubs are the best for picking up girls?Before or after the war started?

Given the current situation, my actual knowledge of Kiev is better pre-war than post-war. The nightlife is also not quite the same at the moment as they have a curfew.

Below illustrates only my experience and perception and I am well aware that it may not be the same perception as others.

As always, I think you have to work with your own expectations.

It is of course possible to find girls who charge 100 and look OK. This has happened to me as well. But I think in general those times are over.

I had for some time regular contact with a really hot girl. Definitely a 9+. She told me that when it came to tourists she always played with them to get as much money as possible. But for locals it was a different price because they can never afford to pay the amounts that tourists can. I always got a discount from her and paid 100. She is very stunning hot, you know one of those girls that guys literally stop in the street to look at her. She may not have been the best in bed though, but her looks made up for that part.

So you can definitely find girls for 100. But I think you have to be prepared for the asking price to be 200-300 for 2-3 hours. If you do not have the financial possibilities, the market will of course be smaller.

Pre-war Kiev was definitely a very popular mongering city for foreigners. Being a foreigner can sometimes have advantages and sometimes disadvantages. At some nightclubs, the local crew in front of me has been denied entrance at the door because of their clothing, while myself have been politely welcomed despite very causal clothing. This is the jargon that goes around in Kiev and other countries as well for that matter.

But back to your original question about nightclubs and bars.

* But the former the*Lux or the. Fleur as it was renamed was a pretty safe bet. However, now permanently closed and do not know if anything new opened there.

* Buddha bar which was basically next door to the strip club princess was a well known spot for working girls. However, it closed for renovation and did not reopen before the war started, therefore still closed.

* Arena city if you feel comfortable hanging out in the same bars as local gangsters. But Skye bar is a well known nightclub where I think the reputation is a bit exaggerated. Again, it is possible to find working girls in many places and also at Skye bar but all are definitely not working girls there. I think it is quite overhyped as a nightclub but the girls are good looking. Quite many middle age Turks there as well trying to hit on 20 year old girls.

* Then I think massage parlors are quite underrated in Kiev. There are very many that are really good in Kiev. Of course, the service varies greatly from salon to salon. It has also happened that I have been kissed and even managed to get the phone number from the masseuse, maybe I was just lucky though.

* The rooftop bars in luxury hotels are also very underrated. Especially in the summer but it can of course be expensive with all the alcohol. In the largest hotels, you can sometimes find working girls in the lobby.

* and lastly, Mamba and Tinder. I found girls who offer full service including anal.

And yeah, Ukrainians are not known for smiling.

02-29-24, 23:01
Before or after the war started?Great write up, appreciate the intel.

02-29-24, 23:59
Pre-war Kiev was definitely a very popular mongering city for foreigners.
No, it was not. Straight decline on a mongering level after 2012. Very hard to find a semi pro by 2015. By 2016, the city was flooded with affluent Western young people. Mongering in Ukraine is over and whatever remains will be a shell.

03-01-24, 04:09
I wouldn't call it easy at all. Strippers / pros are available and I've made connections with a couple but it wasn't easy or cheap.

No, it was not. Straight decline on a mongering level after 2012. Very hard to find a semi pro by 2015. By 2016, the city was flooded with affluent Western young people. Mongering in Ukraine is over and whatever remains will be a shell.

03-01-24, 10:18
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03-01-24, 13:44
I have been actively mongering in Kyiv before and after the Russian invasion, and there is plenty on offer. Good service is easy to find if you do your research, there is much information here. Lot's of the classic venues are closed due to the curfew, however there are still many salons operating as well as an abundance of indies to cater for many tastes.This guy has an airbnb for you to book in Kiev. No problem misleading a brother for a few dollars.

03-02-24, 06:43
No, it was not. Straight decline on a mongering level after 2012. Very hard to find a semi pro by 2015. By 2016, the city was flooded with affluent Western young people. Mongering in Ukraine is over and whatever remains will be a shell.I remember the days of River Palace during its hay day and an amazing escort agency by the name of Vodka Escort where I would book 12 to 24 hours of escort service in Odessa and Kyiv.

All distant memories now.

03-06-24, 23:57
* and lastly, Mamba and Tinder. I found girls who offer full service including anal.

And yeah, Ukrainians are not known for smiling.Are you guys outright asking girls on tinder if they're hookers? What if the girl reports you for being unsafe? I mean, it's pretty hard to get a match on Tinder because most of the time the girl will never see your profile unless you pay. And, even then.

03-08-24, 00:05
Let's all wish Dave good luck.This is sad to hear, I wish him well.

03-21-24, 12:37
It looks like Dolls just closed.

I can recommend Tootsie (next to Rio). All the girls I have talk to so far are available to join you in your hotel / home. Usually it's $300/$400 for 3 hours. I have met a few girls with an 1 and 2 hour option as well, but most of them will only go for 3 hours. The lineup was very bad in the beginning of the war, but it's getting better now.

You can also meet girls at some of the fancy bars. I saw a very attractive girl at Boho. She was with a group of friends, so when I approach her she told me that she is not a girl like that. 20 min later she walked up to me and gave me her number, and told me to msg her the next day. I met her later on and paid $300 per hour. I found her Instagram account with 75 k followers pretending she is some kind of model.

03-22-24, 01:51
Kyiv is undoubtedly the city with the highest working girl density I have ever visited. Before the war, there were plenty of nightclubs and bars where all these girls gathered.

I am of the opinion that it is still very easy to meet working girls in Kyiv. Many foreign journalists and other foreigners are in Kyiv at the moment and as noble and philanthropic as their work seems to be, it seems that even some of them find it hard to resist Ukrainian femininity.

In my opinion, tinder and mamba work great for finding girls. But even the classic nightclubs were very easy. Or as the writer below points out the strip clubs like Princess. I find it hard to relate when I read some people say that it is very difficult to find girls in Kyiv. But I'm not old either and maybe my appearance is on the better side. It might help some. ?

I would not say that traveling to Kyiv today is safe. They are at war, after all. But it's also not dangerous to be in the city in my opinion.Then you have clearly never heard of the philippines or thailand. Finding working girls in Kiev is very intransparent in my experience.

James 006
03-24-24, 23:08
Sad news for those who have been fond of Dolls in Kiev.

The club is now closed permanently.

Harem has, however, reopened after being closed for a while.

I thought some of the girls from Dolls would be in Harem, but no.


Private dance 600, erotic massage+ 3,000 and minimum 2 hours to hotel 8,000.

The girls at Princess are, in my opinion, a bit prettier than at Harem. But there is 800 for a private dance and I think 6,000 for an hour at the hotel, but not everyone agrees to visit the hotel.

Princess also has some food on the menu, which in these times when restaurants close at 10 pm Is a plus. The food was good and not prohibitively expensive.

Thinking of visiting the other clubs, massage studios and private apartments. Trying to get the overview. Anyone with updated information?

The prices here in combination with worse service and less delicate girls make this town worse and worse. The good girls have found other places to spread their legs. There is no doubt.

I miss clubs to pick up girls where you can see and chat a bit before making a deal. But 300 $ for short time session is way too much I think. Many by 3-400 $ for 3 hours with a Tootsie girl still is quite good deal here?

The young girls who advertise often turn out to be much older than stated in the ad. There is too much uncertainty about who will show up at the door when ordering an escort. And you have to pay dearly for their taxi even before 10 pm. I got an offer of 4,000 hryvnias for a taxi after 22.00 Ha ha.

The curfew is not before 00:00.

In the past, the local taxi drivers had information about addresses of apartments with girls. Now they seem completely ignorant.

This was all I could share for now. Hope others come with some good news.

06-13-24, 05:41
I'll stay in Kyiv for some nights. Unfortunately I'll be very busy, will have no time to check out clubs.

What 4* or 5* hotel has a good bar where I can find pretty service girls? Presently I have a booking for Hilton Kyiv, but can still change.

Cost of the girls isn't my main issue, more regarding beauty, time-saving and comfort.


06-17-24, 21:31
What 4* or 5* hotel has a good bar where I can find pretty service girls? Presently I have a booking for Hilton Kyiv, but can still change.Finding girls in hotels bars will be very hard. You could book Hotel Khreschatyk Kyiv. Princess stripclub is in the basement. Some of the girls offer escort service.

11 Mirrors Design Hotel is right next to Tootsie. All the girls there will do escort.

07-02-24, 03:42
I walked in the shade of the trees at KPI park to escape the Kyiv summer heat before heading over to Smart Plaza. Fuck it was hot! A lot of pretty young birds walking solo or in small groups. At the mall I struck up a conversation with a few girls but nothing came of it. I left the mall and came upon three women of university age smoking on a bench near the metro station. They spoke English and I gave them my mobile number telling them if they wanted to meet for drinks or have a party to contact me. They smiled politely and took my number.

That evening one of them texted me via viber in Russian and I invited her to meet for a drink at a café. She told me her name was Anna and she was 18 and studying and working in Kyiv at a McDonalds. We met for a cold drink at Kosmopolit Mall and talked for a bit. Anna was looking pretty and had a healthy rack for a young woman. I told her I was living and working in Kyiv and she asked me directly what I wanted and I told her I would like romantic meetings with a girl like her for financial gifts. She agreed. I watched Anna get up and walk to the bathroom and liked what I saw. When she returned, we took a taxi to my flat in the center. We had some whisky (she mixed hers with cola) and we agreed on 4,000 UAH per meeting and told her there would be plenty where that came from if she were a good girlfriend. We got a little drunk and started kissing. I told her before I paid her I wanted to see her naked and if I liked what I saw we could proceed. Anna did not disappoint. I got a little unsettled when air raid sirens went off while she was sucking on me but Anna kept at it like a good girl. We'll meet again this week.

I had another stroke of luck recently and I'll post about it later. Here are a few photos of Anna I got from her viber.

07-02-24, 09:09
I walked in the shade of the trees at KPI park to escape the Kyiv summer heat before heading over to Smart Plaza. Fuck it was hot! A lot of pretty young birds walking solo or in small groups. At the mall I struck up a conversation with a few girls but nothing came of it. I left the mall and came upon three women of university age smoking on a bench near the metro station. They spoke English and I gave them my mobile number telling them if they wanted to meet for drinks or have a party to contact me. They smiled politely and took my number.

That evening one of them texted me via viber in Russian and I invited her to meet for a drink at a caf. She told me her name was Anna and she was 18 and studying and working in Kyiv at a McDonalds. We met for a cold drink at Kosmopolit Mall and talked for a bit. Anna was looking pretty and had a healthy rack for a young woman. I told her I was living and working in Kyiv and she asked me directly what I wanted and I told her I would like romantic meetings with a girl like her for financial gifts. She agreed. I watched Anna get up and walk to the bathroom and liked what I saw. When she returned, we took a taxi to my flat in the center. We had some whisky (she mixed hers with cola) and we agreed on 4,000 UAH per meeting and told her there would be plenty where that came from if she were a good girlfriend. We got a little drunk and started kissing. I told her before I paid her I wanted to see her naked and if I liked what I saw we could proceed. Anna did not disappoint. I got a little unsettled when air raid sirens went off while she was sucking on me but Anna kept at it like a good girl. We'll meet again this week.

I had another stroke of luck recently and I'll post about it later. Here are a few photos of Anna I got from her viber.Kiev is changing, but there is still a lot of room for romance and support of young birds in need. Thanks for writing and keep seeking out the birds.

07-02-24, 20:50
I walked in the shade of the trees at KPI park to escape the Kyiv summer heat before heading over to Smart Plaza.Do you have any more authentic type photos of clearly a cutie with a monger. Like this one.

07-02-24, 20:59
I walked in the shade of the trees at KPI park to escape the Kyiv summer heat before heading over to Smart Plaza. Any photos like this?

James 006
07-26-24, 00:27
The girls at Prinsess strip club give you hopes that you can take them out to your hotel. They would like to have a drink or two and discuss the matter. All warning lights should light up here. While they either pour the drink or leave it completely untouched, you find that under no circumstances do they go out with customers. A sneaky way to earn a little extra from naive customers.

Previously, the girls and the administration played with open cards, now you have to go through a game to find out what possibilities can be agreed. You will waste time and money and the probability of success is minimal. There were two ladies who went to the hotel, but they were uninteresting to us.

I have visited this club many times and spent a fortune in the private rooms, but I have never experienced that the girls keep a distance of two meters when they give private dances. So what's the point?

This does not apply to everyone, but several do it this way now and the administrator looks at you stupidly if you complain.

With such a poor offer in Kiev as it is now, many end up at the strip clubs to at least be able to look at the goods before making an agreement for something more. And there will hardly be anything more.

The ladies in apartments are really miserable, the photos of the ladies who advertise on escort sites are of models that do not exist on the market and after up to several non-fuckables show up at your door who do not in any way resemble the woman you picked as your favorite, then many of us jump into a taxi and visit the agency and look at the line-up in the hope that there is still some gold. Unfortunately, this is also a downfall.

Also the massage parlors, which until recently had some young beautiful girls, now have a very low level in terms of beauty and delicate selection.

The famous pretty Ukrainian girls can be found in the streets on their way to and from shopping etc. But while we used to pick up ladies in various places they have now shut down and seem disinterested.

I have never worked so hard for so little!

Tootsie has some ladies who go to the hotel but with 300 Euro for 2 hours and 400 for three hours you have to be reasonably desperate. The most beautiful ladies do not go to hotels and only give private dances for 900 grivna for approx. 3 minutes.

The strip club Harem has never had so many dancers with big asses.

Our group had little success with Tinder and in the past we have had a pretty good response.

There are clearly fewer girls in circulation and they have probably grown tired of the war situation and found happiness elsewhere.

Kiev is now one of the worst places for our hoppy in Europe and in addition you have the risk of the war.

Even so, there are many tourists looking for ladies. Is there an alternative market somewhere that we haven't caught on to?

07-26-24, 02:28
The girls at Prinsess strip club give you hopes that you can take them out to your hotel. They would like to have a drink or two and discuss the matter. All warning lights should light up here. While they either pour the drink or leave it completely untouched, you find that under no circumstances do they go out with customers. A sneaky way to earn a little extra from naive customers.

Previously, the girls and the administration played with open cards, now you have to go through a game to find out what possibilities can be agreed. You will waste time and money and the probability of success is minimal. There were two ladies who went to the hotel, but they were uninteresting to us.

I have visited this club many times and spent a fortune in the private rooms, but I have never experienced that the girls keep a distance of two meters when they give private dances. So what's the point?

This does not apply to everyone, but several do it this way now and the administrator looks at you stupidly if you complain.

With such a poor offer in Kiev as it is now, many end up at the strip clubs to at least be able to look at the goods before making an agreement for something more. And there will hardly be anything more.

The ladies in apartments are really miserable, the photos of the ladies who advertise on escort sites are of models that do not exist on the market and after up to several non-fuckables show up at your door who do not in any way resemble the woman you picked as your favorite, then many of us jump into a taxi and visit the agency and look at the line-up in the hope that there is still some gold. Unfortunately, this is also a downfall.

Also the massage parlors, which until recently had some young beautiful girls, now have a very low level in terms of beauty and delicate selection.

The famous pretty Ukrainian girls can be found in the streets on their way to and from shopping etc. But while we used to pick up ladies in various places they have now shut down and seem disinterested.

I have never worked so hard for so little!

Tootsie has some ladies who go to the hotel but with 300 Euro for 2 hours and 400 for three hours you have to be reasonably desperate. The most beautiful ladies do not go to hotels and only give private dances for 900 grivna for approx. 3 minutes.

The strip club Harem has never had so many dancers with big asses.

Our group had little success with Tinder and in the past we have had a pretty good response.

There are clearly fewer girls in circulation and they have probably grown tired of the war situation and found happiness elsewhere.

Kiev is now one of the worst places for our hoppy in Europe and in addition you have the risk of the war.

Even so, there are many tourists looking for ladies. Is there an alternative market somewhere that we haven't caught on to?Why is any of this a surprise to you, there is a war going on. Kiev has been the worst place world for over a decade, some people never learn.

James 006
07-26-24, 10:46
Yes, you are right.

Decline started a long time ago, but now it's really really bad. I just wanted to give you a recent update. Sorry that it was so negative, but that's how it is.

Why is any of this a surprise to you, there is a war going on. Kiev has been the worst place world for over a decade, some people never learn.