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05-17-02, 05:50
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03-24-03, 20:48
i spent a few days in ghana and togo in january. while in ghana, i stayed with a ghanian friend so i wasn't able to check out the local talent but i did spend a week traveling around neighboring togo. first i should state that contrary to what i read in a ghana post, the ghana/togo border is not a red light district. although there are prostitutes around, the border is very seedy and not a place for non africans - you will be targeted by the large number of hustlers and delinquents that hang out there. the togo side of the border fronts the togolese capital city lome. a few meters from the ghana border in lome used to be the site of a famous bar /brothel called ricardos. that place is closed.

in lome i stayed with a ghanian friend who does business in lome. i told him that i wanted to experience some local women during my trip and he offered to find me some company. he prefers what he calls solid (read fat) women so i don't trust his judgment. i politely told him that i rather go out to drink somewhere where i could pick someone out. the first night he took me to an ex pat hangout called dominoes near the main market. a clean, air conditioned bar catering to ex-pats and mostly anglophone hookers. there were a half dozen or so girls when we were there, most of them were skimpily dressed, lots of ***** makeup - nothing caught my fancy. happily my friend suggested that we do a tour downtown before heading home. there were several girls around the palm beach hotel block, one of them caught my eye - discreetly dressed, did not hiss at our car, nice figure. i called her over to the car and i told her i wanted her to spend the night w/ just me for 10,0! 00 fcfa (about $15). she readily agreed and did a good job, excellent covered bj and straight sex.

the next night we were going to the bar at the benin hotel near the beach when i saw a women who looked like she may be a sw. my friend pulled over and talked to her in the local african language and she agreed to spend the night for 10,000 cfa, i told my friend to drop me off at home and he could go carousing alone.

settling in bed, she immediately moved to give me a bbj. i told her whoa was it a good idea to do that unprotected. she said that it was ok as long as there was no "wound" in the mouth. she said she would take the goods in her mouth but not swallow. sounds like she has sat in on some hiv awareness seminars. i'm nervous about sticking my dick in any orifice of a potential hiv positive person. anyway in a decision i regret to this day i told her better not. i slipped on two rubbers, climbed on top of her and pumped until i delivered the goods. repeated this scenario a few hours later. she came at least once during round two. gave her 10,000 cfa in the morning and she left - no problems.

to see the interior of the country i went up to a town called kpalime. i forget the name of the hotel. there was no action in the hotel lobby so that night i went across the street to have a beer in a small bar. the hotel receptionist was an older school headmaster looking african man so i was embarrassed to ask him "hey pops where's the action". i was thinking of who to ask, there are no few taxis in this town. there are plenty of moped taxis called "zimi jean". no way i was going to sleep unless i unloaded so i stopped a zimi and strangely, he spoke no french. he was a ghanaian and i explained that i was in the hotel across the street and wanted to find some company for the evening. he immediately understood and asked me to describe what i wanted - i told him a nice, clean slim girl/woman to spend the evening. i stressed that i did not want a brothel prostitute and i did not want an **** girl. he told me to wait in the hotel lobby and that he would be back in 30 min! utes he said that if i did not like his selection i could send her back and he would find another one. aside - africans, i have found, treat white foreigners well. he came back 30 minutes later with a mediocre selection but it was short notice and late at night so beggars can't be choosers. i gave him 2,000 fcfa and he looked like i had given him a winning loto ticket. a lousy $3 tip makes you a f'ing hero in these poor countries. anyway i took the girl to the room and made sure she understood the deal, spend the night for 5,000 cfa. hey prices are cheaper than in the capital. she seemed thrilled to spend the night with a foreigner and probably would have stayed for free. i told her that i wanted a bj to start things off and seeing that she seemed stoked to be there i told/asked her that i it would please me if she swallowed what i gave her. "sure" she said. i'm nervous about sticking my dick in a potential hiv carrier's mouth even though it is apparently rare to ! catch aids this way. anyway my balls were boiling over and i wasn't about to pass this opportunity up. i was seriously regretting passing up that bbj in lome. she went to work - not very talented but it didn't take much. she was sitting on the edge of the bed i was standing up and i told her that the goods were coming - she didn't hear me or thought that when i said cumming that the goods were rounding the corner and in the home stretch. wrong! the goods were already turning the door knob! the first spurt must have rung her tonsils because she bent over and gave the loudest retch and gagged. the load went all over the place, her upper body, bed, floor. i was so turned off and so disappointed that when she had recovered i told her she could go. she knew that she had dropped the ball (pardon the pun) so she didn't complain when i gave her less than the promised 5,000 cfa and sent her on her way.

i am going to dakar and maybe guinea in a few weeks. i would appreciate some updates on the board. peace

04-28-03, 16:51
I arrived from Ghana on the 5th day of my trip and checked into the Hotel Le Benin in Lome. The hotel is approx 2 km from the Ghana border across the street from the beach. Beautiful location but slightly run down - I understand that it is being privatized and will be rehabed shortly. It should be a nice place then. Again I wasn't paying but I believe rooms were around 30,000 CFA ($50). I actually didn't get any during my time in Lome but I did some investigations into the local scene.

First there are a few girls available in the hotel bar. I had a drink there with a Ghanian friend who came to visit me and there was one girl at the bar who seemed a bit aloof and didn't glance my way at all, there was another working girl sitting with 2 Asian men and another girl who kept coming in and out of the bar as if she was looking for someone. Sorry I don't have info about prices. From my previous visit and post concerning Lome (that is my post under "Email" I have paid 10,000 CFA ($15). These hotel girls tend to be more expensive as they frequent tourist and foreign businessmen who have no idea of local prices.

My second night my friend wanted to show me Lome at night. The red light district in this African capital is a place called Deh-cohn (sp). This place is not for you or me it is strictly for the locals. I didn't know this before going but since I was with a friend who assured me I went. The place is not really a district but I believe a series of brothels and alleyways. We went to have a beer at this low rent bar called Havana City. This bar is unappealling as it sits next to some malfunctioning sewers but it is across the street from this Deh-cohn place. This is for you real bottom feeders out there. We had a beer and he took me to the first alleyway. The place is unlighted and looks like the Black Hole of Calcutta - Abandon all hope ye who are about to enter. I went about 20, 30 meters before chickening out. I felt like some 19th explorer - maybe I should have brought my pith helmet and elephant gun. There were girls lining the walls - it was dark but some of them looked good. They were shouting out prices "500" or "1,000 franc". 500 as in 500 CFA about $0.80. Yes, eighty cents guys. Hey I am a horny guy but there are limits. I felt kind of woozy and not at all turned on. I was the only pale face around and this was not a place for a visiting mid-Westerner to be at night. Poor African girls selling themselves for less than a buck. This is at the lowest end of the market and they probably take on several dicks a night so many are probably HIV positive.

I will be working in West Africa during the next year so If anyone has some info about a Lome bar where girls lurk please let me know. Accra has plenty of places so no help needed there. I have visited Domino Bar and would like to find better. As mentioned in my previous post, there are some SW but hard to cruise for SW when you are in a taxi.

My trip ended well in Cotonou, Benin. I'll do my final post on the Benin board.

Frank Africa
04-28-03, 23:00
Dear Waywardson/Email:
Enjoyed your Lome report as well as your Accra report. IMHO you did right to not participate in the bottom-end red-light district that you described. Many of those girls do sex without condoms, and the places are filthy, so even if you wore two condoms instead of one, you'd probably end up with crabs and a rash if not worse. Also the sex is quick and perfunctory and certainly not the fun session that you'd normally have with a young, healthy Togolese lass. It's just not worth it, especially when the better alternatives are still cheap.

I used to live in Ouagadougou in the late 70s where there was a similar red-light district filled with the "stool sitters." I tried it out a couple of times (remember this was before AIDS) but found it very unsatisfying. Luckily this district was closed down in the mid-80s by Thomas Sankara's revolutionary government.

There's just no need to waste your time with the under-$1 ladies, because Togo is a lot like Ghana for the casual sex scene, specifically the "Day One" shy girl who you described in your Ghana post. I've been in Lome at least a dozen times since 1976 and have always found it very easy to find girls for sex and companionship, such as in regular bars, waitresses at restaurants, through friends, etc. Togolese women have a particularly free and open attitude towards sex. And of course the beer is among the best in Africa.

The only bar name I can remember is L'Abreuvoir, a fairly respectable disco. I've stayed at both the Hotel Le Benin and the cheaper Hotel de La Plage, a favorite among Peace Corps volunteers, and any PCV hangouts are good places to go to as they can point you to the good places to find girls. Happy hunting!

Afro Traveller
12-04-03, 21:40
Was in Togo end of October. Stayed at Sarakawa hotel. Very girls friendly. The downstairs disco has a large number of very beatiful girls after 11:30 or so. Very often, just go downstairs from your room at midnight or so, check out the lobby or walsk towards the pool and the all night bar. There are many eager girls waiting for you on the terrace behind the bar, along the pool area. Try to get a seaview room with terrace as it is great to enjoy company in the tepid tropical air.

In downtown, there is also a favourite drinking spot called "L'Abreuvoir" ("Drinking Trough"). Lots of expats there having a drink, mirrors everywhere including on the ground and some of the most beatiful wild girls I know.

Moving around Lome at night is quite safe, for the common police checks just keep an ID on you.

Bonne chasse!

Afro Traveller
12-12-03, 15:38
Here a Lome honey that I managed to charm into my quarters.

Frank Africa
12-13-03, 00:04
Dear Afro Traveller:

Glad to read that L'Abreuvoir is still open after all these years! Last time I was there was in 1980, met a cute 20ish girl from Liberia who not only knew how to do BBBJ but even swallowed! (very rare in Africa, both back then and especially now).

Of course, not long ago I was talking to an old Africa hand and mentioned that I had picked up a girl at a well-known bar ("Bar Ponty" or "Bar33") in Dakar, Senegal in 1976, and that it was amazing that the bar was still open today, some 27 years later. He replied that he had picked up a girl there and gotten laid back in 1962! There are also some bars in Accra, Ghana that have been hot places since the late 1950s/early 1960s.

Afro Traveller
12-15-03, 10:37
Sorry, the previous pic with wrong resolution.

Zouk Love
03-31-04, 23:50
Here I am on this forum. Let me tell you my adventures in Togo in 2001. For all I know, since I was there with my wife, the only neighborhood I visit was thanks to a taxidriver. He led me in a place called Amoutieve. Pretty unsure if you're alone, especially during the night. This was during the day and I met a young guy that I paid to give me protection.

The taxidriver introduced me to several girls (most of them from ghana) but they looked too crapy or HIV infected for me.

Finally, I met that wonderfull girl : light complexion, tall and strong female with a big ferm brest. We fucked for about an hour for which I paid 3000 FCFA ( 4.5 € )

But, most of the time, you just stop girls in the street (try to catch them when their alone and without too many people around otherwise you'll be surrounded by dozen asking you if you need some help just to gain some money and say they talked to a Yovo) and chat them up. You should be able to have some free freak.

Le Baron
08-21-04, 03:44

After I spent a few days in Burkina Faso, I went to Togo for 3 nights from 8 Aug to 11 Aug. I took Air Burkina from Ouagadougou to Lome, Togo. The flight cost me CFA110,700 which is equivalent to US$400 approximately.

When I boarded the plane, I must admit that there was this strange smell, something like someone vomitted or something like that. I think someone must have overthrown when the flight was going through some bad turbulence.

Well after 1.5 hours flight I arrived at Lome, Togo.
I had booked a room in Sarakawa Hotel. The room was CFA67000 for rooms looking towards the town, and CFA75000 for rooms with sea view. I took the cheaper one.

The room is pleasant enough; much better than the one I stayed in Ouagadougou.

After checking in the room, making a few calls here and there to set up appointments for the following day, I decided to check out some places at night.

I went to the hotel bar, but decided against it because there were many people who were kind of dominating the whole bar. It is obvious that they are local expatriates, and this bar is their favorite place and must have come very often. This was clear from the behaviour of the bartender and the waitresses. I noticed that there were a few african ladies who were casually sitting around, but frankly I personally don't like when a bunch of people think they are at home and can do whatever they want regardless of the discomforts they cause to other guests.

Well, so I asked the waiter whether this was the only bar in the hotel, and he told me that there was another bar-restaurant by the swimming pool. There is a night club at B1 level, but all the lights were off.

I headed to the swimming pool and saw the bar-restaurant. While going towards it, I noticed three girls sitting at the pool side tables, chatting and laughing.

The waiter told me that if I wanted to have a drink I better sit at the poolside table. So I did. I ordered some Flag beer and chicken wings. While waiting for my orders to come, I studied the ladies. Their complexion was not "black" but more like Maghrebans. They all seemed of different age: my guess is 25, 23, 20.

The ladies, while chatting joyfully between them, they took turns in staring at me. I wondered whether this was a please-come-over-and-talk-to-me sign or they were just curious because they have never or seldom seen an Asian.

I drank 2 Flags before deciding that the stares were in fact signals. I casually went up to them and said "My beer does not taste good because I am drinking alone." (in French) and they immediately said "Our table is a 4 person table and one seat is vacant". I sat down and there was an immediate discussion about African and Asian cultures and stuff like that.

I noticed that while they all seemed to talk casually, they were racing one against the others to attract my attention, I think.

I also noticed right from the beginning the youngest looking one was the cutest. I prefer cute ladies from beautiful ones. I later learned that she was in fact the youngest and her age was 21. She told me to call her Sabine.

Now, I had to think of a way to take the youngest one leaving the other two behind. So first, I tried my best to hint that my personal preference goes for Sabine in all my conversation.

Then suddenly, the oldest asked which one I would take to dance if I had to choose one of them in a very nonchalant way. I told them about my preference. After a while the other 2 excused themselves and left. I mean, just like that.

I asked Sabine whether she really wanted to go dancing (which I do not like) and she said no. I then hesitated a bit and asked what was the fee and she said that they were no hookers. They just like to spend a night in hotels, and that they all loved making love. "WOW!!!". Am I hearing right?

Well, to make the long story short, we went to the room, and spent an unforgettable time. In the morning, I gave her CFA5000 for the taxi but she refused and took only CFA1000.

She gave me BBBJ, hand job, DATY, deep kissing but no CIM. She refused anal for the reason of absence of lubricant (Damn, I had the same problem back in Ouaga). She was about 160cm and I guess about 45Kg. I am not very good at guessing womens' age and weight, ha ha.

She refused all picture taking except this one, sorry folks. I tried to persuade her, but nothing would change her mind.

Hope you guys be as lucky as I am in meeting this kind of girl.

09-29-04, 16:49
Burkina Faso, Togo or Benin?

Dear friend, can you tell me if is it better Burkina Faso, Togo or Benin for sex? I don't like to enter into night clubs but I look for outside girls and not prostitute gilrs. I like to find a girl friend for a week. Where are they less cheap?
Where can I look for them?

Zouk Love
09-30-04, 22:11

If I was you, I'd go straight to Togo.

Burkina has a lot of muslim ladies and Benin people have more money than Togolese.

But, in a matter of respect of the togolese poverty (do not forget that Eyiadema is one of the worst dictator of the world), please, give the girls some money. The situation is getting really awfull for the people over there. So, consider the money you'll give as a gift and not a salary to a prostitute.

Thanks for them

10-01-04, 15:49
When I was in Benin some of the sexiest women I was with were from Togo - probably because there is so little money in Togo. They were streets above the benin ladies (in looks aw well as services) but maybe trying harder because they were further from home (the same was true of Ghanaian girls in Benin)

07-24-05, 06:36
I am very interested in the sound of this place. Has anyone got recent info available as I wouldn't want to get all the way there to find that things had changed?

What is the safety issue there for a Westerner? Is it known for robberies and assaults on tourists as Lagos Nigeria is? Oh, and of course, the girl scene please.


07-27-05, 17:44
Here is an excerpt from Lonely Planet: "You can also fly to Lomé in Togo and catch a three hour taxi to Cotonou". In other words, you don't have to opt for one or the other, you can combine the two, all the more so since Togo-Benin-Côte d'Ivoire and Niger now have a visa agreement (visa "Entente"). A visa for any one of those countries is valid for the other three.

Crime in any of these countries should be lower than Nigeria but check the political/military situation before visiting Côte d'Ivoire. Togo was also in the news recently because of violence during an election. The German cultural centre (Goethe Institut) was ransacked. So I don't know what to think about Lomé right now. As to Niger, it now has a famine problem and you should definitely check the temperature, Niger is one of the hottest places on Earth (I think March-April are the hottest months).

To summarize, the country with the biggest P4P scene of the four is certainly Côte d'Ivoire. The most peaceful and hassle-free of the four is probably Benin.

07-29-05, 12:14
To summarize, the country with the biggest P4P scene of the four is certainly Côte d'Ivoire. The most peaceful and hassle-free of the four is probably Benin.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for your advice and post. It is amazing to me, not yet having travelled to Africa, the differences of opinion I am getting from mongers who have visited there.

For e.g. if you ask an Asian traveller where that biggest and hottest P4P scene is, nearly all with say Thailand. In South America most will say Brazil but in Africa I am getting so much or a mixed response it is hard to decide which place or places to visit first. I may just have to visit them all over time LOL.

I have been hearing the following places as the best to monger.







now Côte d'Ivoire & Benin

I may try and post this message on all these African boards here get a serious vote going. :)

07-30-05, 09:04
The reason you get so many differents charts of "best countries" is that not many people experienced any those countries, and those who did weren't in most or all of them. The sample (= the number of opinions) is small, meaning that freak experiences have a lot of weight and bias the result. This is a statistical effect: the smaller the sample, the less reliable the result.

For instance I don't rate Brazil very high myself these days because 1) I knew Brazil when it was relatively unspoiled and 2) I'm a hard-line barebacker and barebacking is absolutely taboo in Brazil. In this case it hardly matters because the statistical sample is huge: my negative rating of Brazil doesn't have much of an impact on Brazil's status on a forum such as this as it will be offset by loads of positve ratings by other mongers.

As it is, no more than a handful of WSG members have had first-hand experience of at least three black Africian countries.

A good idea is to assign a relevance rating to any posting by finding out how many countries the poster ever patronized in his lifetime. A monger who discovers mongering at the age of 50 and travels to Pattaya is likely to find Thailand marvelous and spend the rest of his life travelling to Thailand. Mongers with worldwide experience had rather be in Thailand than biding their time in the US or Europe of course, but they will not waste their precious holidays on such a run-of-the-mill mongering destination as Thailand. It is also advisable to find out what a poster's special tastes are and whether language is not a main determinant of preferences. On a different and more devious note, I wouldn't put it past the odd poster to have a vested interest (e.g. own restaurant or a hostel) in some country and be just trying to attract others there as a customers. I can't point the finger but I suspect I very nearly escaped travelling to Malawi on such false incentive .

Regarding Côte d'Ivoire, there's a recent devastating report on the Côte d'Ivoire forum that rather settles it for the time being as far as that country is concerned. One of the problem is that Africa is moving fast, and not for the best. Côte d'Ivoire, Togo (?) and Equatorial Guinea in political turmoil, Nigeria (?) on the brink of total chaos, poorer countries like Niger and Burkina Faso hard hit by soaring oil prices, drought and refugees from e.g. Côte d'Ivoire. As if this were not enough, West Africa is now reported as a platform for cocaine smuggling towards Europe: this can mean "war-on-drugs" and "Colombianization" on top of the other wars and evils. Turmoil without end. Maybe a good reason to quickly visit some of those countries before it gets really too late.

By the way, you should add Madagascar to your list of countries to be considered, although ethnically and geographically it is not representative of the rest of black Africa. I've deleted Madagascar from my list because of flight (un)availability and because I'd rather fuck girls of Indonesian ancestry in, of all places, Indonesia than in Madagascar (where they represent more than half of the population if I'm not mistaken).

07-31-05, 12:08
The reason you get so many differents charts of "best countries" is that not many people experienced any those countries, and those who did weren't in most or all of them. The sample (= the number of opinions) is small, meaning that freak experiences have a lot of weight and bias the result. This is a statistical effect: the smaller the sample, the less reliable the result.

For instance I don't rate Brazil very high myself these days because 1) I knew Brazil when it was relatively unspoiled and 2) I'm a hard-line barebacker and barebacking is absolutely taboo in Brazil. In this case it hardly matters because the statistical sample is huge: my negative rating of Brazil doesn't have much of an impact on Brazil's status on a forum such as this as it will be offset by loads of positve ratings by other mongers.

As it is, no more than a handful of WSG members have had first-hand experience of at least three black Africian countries.

A good idea is to assign a relevance rating to any posting by finding out how many countries the poster ever patronized in his lifetime. A monger who discovers mongering at the age of 50 and travels to Pattaya is likely to find Thailand marvelous and spend the rest of his life travelling to Thailand. Mongers with worldwide experience had rather be in Thailand than biding their time in the US or Europe of course, but they will not waste their precious holidays on such a run-of-the-mill mongering destination as Thailand. It is also advisable to find out what a poster's special tastes are and whether language is not a main determinant of preferences. On a different and more devious note, I wouldn't put it past the odd poster to have a vested interest (e.g. own restaurant or a hostel) in some country and be just trying to attract others there as a customers. I can't point the finger but I suspect I very nearly escaped travelling to Malawi on such false incentive .

Regarding Côte d'Ivoire, there's a recent devastating report on the Côte d'Ivoire forum that rather settles it for the time being as far as that country is concerned. One of the problem is that Africa is moving fast, and not for the best. Côte d'Ivoire, Togo (?) and Equatorial Guinea in political turmoil, Nigeria (?) on the brink of total chaos, poorer countries like Niger and Burkina Faso hard hit by soaring oil prices, drought and refugees from e.g. Côte d'Ivoire. As if this were not enough, West Africa is now reported as a platform for cocaine smuggling towards Europe: this can mean "war-on-drugs" and "Colombianization" on top of the other wars and evils. Turmoil without end. Maybe a good reason to quickly visit some of those countries before it gets really too late.

By the way, you should add Madagascar to your list of countries to be considered, although ethnically and geographically it is not representative of the rest of black Africa. I've deleted Madagascar from my list because of flight (un)availability and because I'd rather fuck girls of Indonesian ancestry in, of all places, Indonesia than in Madagascar (where they represent more than half of the population if I'm not mistaken).All your points are valid and you are obviously a well educated monger. I do take your points on board.

You particularly mentioned Madagascar which surprised me just a little as not a lot has come out about the mongering scene there in my research so far.

Would you care to elaborate in ti a little please.

08-01-05, 18:14
I've just gone through the most recent postings on the Madagascar forum and they seem to fairly represent the pros and cons I experiences myself some years ago. What I might add is that the barebacking in Madagascar was the best in Africa (something to do with the Indonesian ancestry of tha Malagasy people?). It may have changed following massive campaigns but I doubt if such things change much.

The countries in black Africa where I found the best mongering opportunities are, in that order :

Cameroon (Douala)
Abidjan (before the war!)

I would return to all three, circumstances allowing.

I will not return to Ethiopia - though I miss the khat, he-he-he - and I will only visit Benin or Burkina again if I have reasons to do so beside mongering.

My experience in Ghana was negative but it may not be typical (I went to the wrong hotel in Accra and visited all the wrong places).

I've always spoken French so I can't tell you how much of a handicap not speaking any French can be.

Frank Africa
08-01-05, 19:26
The reason you get so many differents charts of "best countries" is that not many people experienced any those countries, and those who did weren't in most or all of them. The sample (= the number of opinions) is small, meaning that freak experiences have a lot of weight and bias the result. This is a statistical effect: the smaller the sample, the less reliable the result.

As it is, no more than a handful of WSG members have had first-hand experience of at least three black Africian countries.

A good idea is to assign a relevance rating to any posting by finding out how many countries the poster ever patronized in his lifetime. A monger who discovers mongering at the age of 50 and travels to Pattaya is likely to find Thailand marvelous and spend the rest of his life travelling to Thailand. Mongers with worldwide experience had rather be in Thailand than biding their time in the US or Europe of course, but they will not waste their precious holidays on such a run-of-the-mill mongering destination as Thailand. It is also advisable to find out what a poster's special tastes are and whether language is not a main determinant of preferences. On a different and more devious note, I wouldn't put it past the odd poster to have a vested interest (e.g. own restaurant or a hostel) in some country and be just trying to attract others there as a customers. I can't point the finger but I suspect I very nearly escaped travelling to Malawi on such false incentive .

By the way, you should add Madagascar to your list of countries to be considered.
I've already written a long posts under "General Topics" with my opinion on the best mongering country in Africa (Cameroon, IMHO), so I won't repeat here what I wrote there.

However, XXL makes several excellent points:

There's at least 55 countries in Africa (depending on which island nations are included in the count), and if one deletes the six Muslim North African countries of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Western Sahara and Egypt, that still leaves 49 countries that are widely diverse from each other. Even if you then delete some of the small island nations from the list, like Seychelles, Comoros, Reunion, there's still well over 40 black African countries on the list. And most mongers have probably only visited a few of them.

I've visited 32 of the 55 (29 of the 49) since 1974, have lived for significant amounts of time (i.e. six months to over 2 years) in at least a half dozen countries, and have done significant mongering in many other countries, which puts me way ahead of most posters. I've also mongered with girls from countries that I haven't visited, such as Rwanda, Central African Republic, Eritrea, etc. But I have yet to visit (or sleep with girls from) such countries as DR Congo, Angola, Mozambique or Madagascar, among others, all of which have received some favorable posts, so even my vote for Cameroon needs to be qualified a bit.

XXl's point about the 50 year old first time monger liking Thailand is also true. Any one person's vote can be slanted one way or another by a "first impression" experience, and may guide them to either stay in that country (or keep returning there) after a good first experience, or else leave that country quickly after a bad first experience. I received an award-winning BJ the first night I was in Togo, from a fairly ugly girl who was lots of fun to be with; on the other hand, the first two times I tried to have sex with a girl from Ethiopia, I found both of them to be passive and terrible in bed. Both first impression have colored my general view of the girls in those countries.

And YMMV - always worth remembering. The girl who gave the award-winning performance in Lome may have been tired and a crappy performer a couple of weeks later with a different monger.

XXL also makes some good points about security. I would have recommended Cote d'Ivoire as a prime mongering destination in the late 1980s (so would XXL, I think he's lived there), but today I'd advise people to stay away from there until things settle down. Same with Zimbabwe - I have some great mongering tales from my 5-week stay there in 1989, but you couldn't pay me to go back there today.

P.S. Just remembered! a wonderful evening with a young lady from Madagascar back in 1979, although not in Madagascar. But my point remains - even with my above-average experience, I still have lots to explore.

08-02-05, 07:11
But my point remains - even with my above-average experience, I still have lots to explore.Thanks again to all that have helped and contributed here but I have only 1 word to say to Frank Africa's comment above.


08-27-05, 16:10
I hsvr not lived or worked in as many countries as Frank Africa, but I have lived in 14 dub-Saharan countries, and probably been with African girls from 5 or 6 other counties that I've never visited. I agree with him. First impressions are often lasting and may not hold true for the next guy who comes along.

One of the reasons that I so like Uganda and Ghana is that both are crossroads for several countries. So by going to either one, it's possible to meet women from 7 or 8 other countries. I've met lovely ladies from Rwanda and Burundi in Uganda, for example, though I've never been to either. Same for ladies from the DR Congo. Conversely, in Ghana, it's simple to meet women from all over French W. Africa; from Cote d'Ivoire, Tchad, Cameroun and Benin, for example. This why I would suggest, for the first timer who may only go to one country, to select one of these.

This is of course, just my opinion, but it is a great way to sample women from several countries without having to go all over Africa to find them.



Frank Africa
08-30-05, 16:36
Hi, some time ago I went to Cameroon but I don't know Togo.
In Cameroon, the people speak also English (a little bit), and I'd like to know if in Togo some people speak English too or Spanish.
In your opinion is it better Togo or Cameroon for fucking?
I thank you for some info.
If you are in Lome, you should have no problem finding girls who speak at least a few words of English. Lome is right on the border with Ghana and you'll probably find several girls from Ghana hanging around Lome, also some girls from Liberia and Sierra Leone.

If you go to some smaller towns or villages upcountry, most girls won't speak much French or English, just their local language, Ewe or whatever.

In general, throughout West Africa, most of the girls who you would run into at a bar, nightclub, etc. will speak at least a few words of English, enough to get the point across. And even if they don't, the sex will still be good :)

I doubt if you'll find many girls speaking Spanish in Togo.

IMHO Cameroon is still the best for f-ing. But you'll certainly have a good time in Lome or in nearby Ghanaian cities.

Frank Africa
09-02-05, 20:41
Thanx for your pleasant reply.
Can you tell me if in Lome or Accra there is seaside and if it is possible to bathe with the girls? In your opinion is it better Accra or Lome to look for girls and have fun?
Both Lome and Accra are on the ocean. Lome is located right on the beach, but you have to be careful where you swim. The beach closest to the Ghana border (e.g. near Hotel de la Plage) is regularly used as an open bathroom by dogs and people alike.

The best beach for sea swimming in Accra is probably the La Pleasure Beach, formerly Labadi, located directly below the International Trade Fair site. Has a small entrance fee. This may be one of the best places to be on weekends, and I'm sure that you'll find girls here.

Yes, it's possible to bathe with the girls at both Lome and Accra. If you're staying at a hotel that has a decent pool, you can invite the girl to spend the afternoon with you - she'd probably consider that a treat. But don't be surprised if she tells you that she doesn't have a swimsuit. Not a problem at beaches, but may be required at some hotel pools, so you'll have to buy her one.

10-27-06, 11:56
This was posted on a other website, just to keep the Benin post going, I am also adding it here:

As info am based in Lagos, Nigeria.

Together with two friends we did a weekend trip to Contonou and scouted out the scene.

If you are based in Lagos, Cotonou is a very nice weekend destination. You can break away from the bustling city life and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere and also brush up your French.

Getting there:

Using the badagry express way you arrive at seme border. It is advisable that you get visas in advance. There is a possibility to get a 2 month ECOWAS visa which is valid for Benin, Togo, Bourkina Faso, Niger and Coté d’Ivoire. Otherwise it is possible to get 6 months multiple entry visa for Benin. We did not have a visa but having crossed the border a few times, we knew how to get one. Essential is that you are going to Togo as they only issue transit visas valid for 48 hours at the border. If you say you want to go to Benin, tough luck, no visa.

We left at six in the morning to escape the traffic on the badagry express which can be very bad, to put it mildly. We were lucky to have no check points going to the border but in the opposite direction they were setting up the check points. A year ago when coming back from a trip to Togo we stopped counting at 40 check points!
Going by car you need a International driving licence, “vehicule” passport and a ECOWAS Insurance certificate. As two of us were Swiss nationals and they mistake our passport for being red cross we always play along and the procedure is eased a little. It is still cumbersome and you should plan about one and a half hours. In total it took us about three and a half hours to reach Cotonou.

Once you cross the border you feel the difference right away, it is all a little more orderly when compared to Lagos.


Once we got to Cotonou we made a stop at a café we know to get some breakfast. Fresh baguettes and croissants, a real delight.

Having satisfied our hunger we set to the task of finding a place to stay for the night. Our first stop was the former Sheraton in Cotonou. Nice hotel situated at the beach. Well it was nice until the receptionist quoted us the price, 205 Euro!!! We negotiated a little and the price came down quickly to 170 Euro. Still not good enough.
On the way to the Sheraton we saw a bungalow resort along the way. So we checked it out. It is called Croix du Sud and consists of mainly bungalow style rooms. The price was around 50 Euros and that seemed reasonable. We asked to see the rooms and they were clean and cosy. We took a double room each. Now should you ever venture to this hotel, have a good look at the beds. A double bed is two small beds pushed together with a hard wood gap in between. The single bed is a “larger” single but has no gap. The choice is yours.

The bungalow layout is really handy when you have some girl traffic in and out, no reception eyes to scrutinize the comings and goings.

While checking in we enquired with the room boy, how much the going rate for girls was, he said between 15’000 and 20’000 CFA. He asked if we would like a girl now, it would be no problem for him to arrange it! That is what I call service!

It was decided to have a short nap of an hour before venturing out again and take a boat trip to a village (with about 25’000 inhabitants I would call it a city) built on stilts called Gavin. It is a nice trip out and of course we passed by the customary gift shops. We passed down one canal called lovers lane. Apparently after the sun sets, the youth of the town gather on this lane to make out! In the center of Gavin there is a gift shop/bar/hotel. We had a stop there and were served by a girl with a wonderful rack. Discussion turned to the option that on the next trip we should take a room in Gavin and try out lovers lane, might be fun picking up girls in a boat and take them back to the room. After a swift boat ride back and a quick drive, we got back to the hotel. Time to freshen up and check out the night life.

Cotonou Night Life

Cotonou is not big and getting around is very easy. Also the main nightlife is all in a very small area and you can walk from one place to the other. We used the Lonely Plant West Africa Guide. Very handy indeed as they had all the main places in the book (now I know why it is called Lonely Planet).

We had a meal at a place called Costa Rica. Was a decent meal, nothing to complain about. After that we headed for the main nightlife area and the first stop was a place called Pattaya.

Getting out of the car we were already rushed by girls plying the street. We immediately had a girl on each arm. As I like to pick and not be picked I told them to bugger off. Now being in Benin I want a Benin girl, is logical? Well most girls plying the streets were either from Ghana or Nigeria. To my dismay most of the Nigerian girls live in the same area as I do when they are in Lagos. Well sticking to my plan I sent all of them walking (One of them I gave my Nigerian number cute Ghanian/Nigerian). Well later in the morning I would regret my Benin girl strategy.

One of my friends hired one of the girls to show us around the area. We went to about 4 different bars and some of them were a little on the sleazy side. We did have good fun though. We ended up in the Pattaya again which I can really recommend, the Patron sees that you are not hasseled by girls to much, cool reggae music and reasonable prices.

As it was getting close to 12 o’clock we decided to check out the disco scene. First stop was NewYork, New York.

Here the Lonely Planet entry says the girls have a mirror fetish. I have to agree, the saddest looking dance floor in all of Africa. They have this large mirror on the side of the dance floor, and all girls dance with themselves, ie looking in the mirror constantly. As the music was good thought would have a go at a few rounds of dancing and see who might be interested. Now if a white guy goes onto a dancefloor in a black African country and gets NO REACTION from the ladies there is something seriously wrong. I was dancing for about 30 min and not even one eye contact, they all kept starring in the mirror admiring themselves dancing. What a waste. Now there were some really beautiful girls all nicly dressed and made up. We got there very early so we did not have to pay an entrance fee. But the prices for drinks nearly knocked us of our feet. US$200 usuly carries you a long way on a night out, not in a disco in Cotonou. They have European prices! Since I was pissed of with the dance floor we moved on to the next disco.


Here the entrance fee is CFA 5000 and it includes a drink. Due to the entrance price, there are no real mongering possibilities. Most girls there were with some bloke. But a very nice vibe. Did not see any expat in this disco. Music was great and crowed was really getting into the groove. We left Alexis around 2 am and headed for the hotel. We knew there was a disco on site and two of us (me included) still had not scored a nice cushion for the night.


This disco is on the premises of Croix du Sud. After saying good night the one that got “lucky” we managed to sneek into the disco without paying the entrance fee. We got into the disco and it is full of Lebanese. Guess we found where the Lebanese Ex pat community hangs out. The place was rocking. It was so humid at times that the condensation started dripping from the ceiling. I had a great time dancing. But, funny enough, no eye contact with any of the girls. Was I really expected to chat up a girl here? I mean really make more effort than signalling I am interested?
So we were both in this disco, drinking a expensive coke (CFA 5000) and wondering what the f*** is wrong with us. Me, I had a blast dancing the night away. I left my friend unattended for 5 min and he has a lady hanging onto him. As he quickly disappeared, I asked him the next day how he managed that.

This is the story believe it or not. This lady is out celebrating that she got her visa to go to Belgium. This visa was obtained for her by her Belgian husband that was just left for Belgium five days before. Talking about loayalty! And it was all for free! Lucky lad!

Anyway, after dancing till about six in the morning I went back to my bungalow alone but still happy. Finding a Benin girl is harder than I thought. But for next time, I know and will keep some back up!

Disco summery

I mentioned that the drinks in the disco are at par with Europe. What we did notice is that most locals would order a bottle of gin or Vodka and then have orange juice, tonic … and ice delivered with it. I think that might be the cheapest way to go.

Back to Lagos

We decided to take another route back to Lagos instead of Seme border.

The crossing is called Idiroko and is north east of the capital Porto Novo. The roads to the border are under construction and we were very glad that we had a jeep. The border crossing took its usual time but they were a little more laid back and not as aggressive as at seme. Also we only had about ten checkpoints after the border going into Ota before joining the express way to Loagos.

It was a really memorable trip and will be repeated as soon as possible.

Next trip planned will be Douala/Cameroon or Lome/Togo.

So stay tuned to the African channel and wish everyone warm “layby” tonight.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-27-06, 12:07
The report below is in the wrong Forum, it should be under Benin. Apologise to all about that. Where I went wrong and how it got there really escapes me. Most likely hung over:-(

Ty Down
11-22-07, 17:33
Has anyone here been to Liberia lately? I'm thinking about going this Feb.


The Lucky Guy
01-20-08, 20:42

I have only been to Kenya once when it comes to Africa - and really enjoyed it! But, I would like to explore other countries. On top of my list is Cote Divoire/Ivory Coast - and for some reason it has been discussed quit a lot in this thread. If you have any information about Ivory Coast please go to this link, http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=866 , and share whatever you have!

I would prefer to go to Ivory Coast as I have the impression that it has the most beautiful women - but as many in this thread has stated - it hasn't been very safe to go there lately.

Other options would of course be Togo, Ghana or Cameroon.

Below are some quotes from this thread, and some of my questions, please give some input if you have any info, even if it is "hearsay". Many of the quotes are quite old, some from 2005.

… Togo-Benin-Côte d'Ivoire and Niger now have a visa agreement (visa "Entente"). A visa for any one of those countries is valid for the other three.

To summarize, the country with the biggest P4P scene of the four is certainly Côte d'Ivoire. The most peaceful and hassle-free of the four is probably Benin.
Is it still true that Cote Divoire has the biggest P4P scene?

I have been hearing the following places as the best to monger.

now Côte d'Ivoire & Benin

I know Mombasa and it really is good. What are the members view about the other destinations? Is it anyone here that been to several or all of them?

The countries in black Africa where I found the best mongering opportunities are, in that order :

Cameroon (Douala)
Abidjan (before the war!)

I would return to all three, circumstances allowing.

OK. You put Cameroon before Abidjan, why? What's good about Cameroon? Are the girls as beautiful as in Cote Divoire? Madagascar at third place, why?

And most important for me right now; would you say that Abidjan is stable enough now?

IMHO Cameroon is still the best for f-ing. But you'll certainly have a good time in Lome or in nearby Ghanaian cities.
Also Frank Africa puts Cameroon in top, why?

XXL also makes some good points about security. I would have recommended Cote d'Ivoire as a prime mongering destination in the late 1980s (so would XXL, I think he's lived there), but today I'd advise people to stay away from there until things settle down.

That post is from 2005, is it still true or has the situation become better?

… I have lived in 14 sub-Saharan countries, and probably been with African girls from 5 or 6 other counties that I've never visited…

One of the reasons that I so like Uganda and Ghana is that both are crossroads for several countries. So by going to either one, it's possible to meet women from 7 or 8 other countries. I've met lovely ladies from Rwanda and Burundi in Uganda, for example, though I've never been to either. Same for ladies from the DR Congo. Conversely, in Ghana, it's simple to meet women from all over French W. Africa; from Cote d'Ivoire, Tchad, Cameroun and Benin, for example. This why I would suggest, for the first timer who may only go to one country, to select one of these.

This is of course, just my opinion, but it is a great way to sample women from several countries without having to go all over Africa to find them.

That sounds like a good point…so if I really shouldn't go to Ivory Coast because of security, I would be able to meet about the same kind of girls in Ghana?

If you are in Lome, you should have no problem finding girls who speak at least a few words of English. Lome is right on the border with Ghana and you'll probably find several girls from Ghana hanging around Lome, also some girls from Liberia and Sierra Leone.

If you go to some smaller towns or villages upcountry, most girls won't speak much French or English, just their local language, Ewe or whatever.

In general, throughout West Africa, most of the girls who you would run into at a bar, nightclub, etc. will speak at least a few words of English, enough to get the point across. And even if they don't, the sex will still be good :) .
I don't speak any French, only English. How difficult is it to navigate in countries like Cote Divoire and Cameroon where most people doesn't English? Is it still possible to find non-pros during day-time or does it mean I have to settle for semi-pros at the night-clubs? It wouldn't be that bad of course, but if day time mongering in for example Cote Divoire is impossible due to language problem, I may follow the advice of GoodEnough and go to Ghana instead….

I would be happy for all input!! And please also check out my questions at the Ivory Coast thread (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=866 ,), it's a thread that needs some energy boost, it's been quit dead for long periods (wonder why…!).

05-16-08, 09:52
Made my way from Contonou, Benin, by shared taxi to Lome. Due to time constraints i only put in one night in Lome.

Hotel Le Relais
tel: + 228 222 13 99

Rate of CFr20 000 includes hot water, A/C . Some rooms are CFr16 000. The hotel is situated just 2km from the border and several hundred metres from the seafront. After freshening up headed up the road for a stroll, Lome struck me as a fairly decent, clean, but small town, most of it appears hidden to the visitor, especially if you are in transit. The border area is a total shit hole. Found myself a street bar, had a few Awooyo`s, and watched the people and traffic go by.


Avoid all car taxi if you can, they are a total ripoff, charging as much as CFr2000 for a short journey of say 2km. Just as in Benin, you can use the Zemijans (motorcycle taxi) for as little as CFr200 to CFr350


As you exit Hotel Le RAIS, to your left, about 40yrd, found a kerbside restaurant, Big Metro. I was absolutely famished and had a fabulous meal here, easily the best meal of my trip to Western Africa. Salad, braised chicken & chips, done to perfection, washed down with a few Awooyo`s of course, all for a mere CFr4200

Cute chick

Got chatting to a very pretty, cute chick of about 23, she was really tiny, we agreed to meet outside my hotel at midnight, once she had finished work, we would go to a club together, i was quite happy with this little arrangement. Come midnight, Evonne was waiting for myself , we headed off to Palm Beach hotel, club called Privilege. Unfortunately our clubbing was to end right there, simply because the place was dead. Tuesday evening. A chap invited us in, we had a drink, headed back to my hotel.

I have never been with such a tiny girl before, at least two feet shorter than myself. Let her do all the work once we got down to some activity, just held her by the waist, my hands practically encircled her, now and then i would fondle her boobies. Just a rounder, then i sensed she wanted to go, boyfriend was probably waiting? i gifted her CFr10 000


Now it`s my belief, Lome is a weekend town, midweek there is not much going on. I would love to go to Lome over a weekend, this is when it happens here. Maybe next time. Good idea for you guys spending time in Accra, head on east to Lome for the weekend, about a three hour drive or so, lovely scenic coastline. You can get there cheap with a shared taxi.

I saw a number of SW`s plying their trade around Palm Beach hotel, would hazard a guess, going rates can`t be more than CFr 2000 - CFr4000 if you willing and brave enough. Quite exciting seeing the girls at work

When traversing the border keep close hold on your possessions, there are many souls around pestering you, a place of total chaos. An experience you will not forget.

Deep Wet
05-26-08, 13:07
Hi friends,

I am sure Limo is not a dry place and there are plenty of Girls to sleep with. I am planning to visit Limo, soon and would like to know the right places and timings where I can get SWs/Girls. If any of you have any direct contact numbers, I would be thankful for that. I will write about my experience in Limo once I have met some good Girls.

03-05-09, 08:44

Did you get your visa at the border as you entered? If so, what was the process? I understand Togo is Frankophonic. How did you get around not knowing French... I assume you don't know French.

03-05-09, 10:40

Did you get your visa at the border as you entered? If so, what was the process?Affirmative! Cost of roughly $20 or so, valid for seven days, you may arrange for more. Process is a simple one. Fill out the application form, hand it to the man at his outdoors desk, before he stamps it he will attempt to bum some money from you. Stand firm.

Hold on to your belongings for dear life, you will be swamped by all and sundry, make haste from the border area as it is a total shit hole. Don't use a car taxi, they are costly, put your ass and back pack on a Zemijanes (bike taxi) expect to pay your rider 300CFA or so to central Lome, travel time of roughly five minutes.

I understand Togo is Frankophonic. How did you get around not knowing French. I assume you don't know French.Affirmative to that also, I don't polavou, the locals appear to get by with a little English being neighbours to Ghana.

Point I would add is: don't go midweek, Lome is very mush a weekend town. Sure, during weekdays you will find SW's, most are not comfortable with this though. I must say it was quite exciting watching the darlings at work.

05-27-10, 15:39
Moved back to Africa after being away more than 15 years. Lome has changed drastically. When I was there back in the 80's, it was the happening place.

Checked out Ghana and Benin and sad to say, those two towns have far surpassed Togo. But the good news is prices are much lower. 5, 000 CFA to 20,000 CFA depending on the pickings which translates to about US10 to US40 for LT. And GFE is still exceptional because they're all waiting for their Knight in Shining Armour to take them away to Europe or preferably, the States.

Lot's of the working girls speak a bit of English being that Ghana borders one end of the city.

Just found out that Thursdays is Ladies' Night at the Privilege Night Club in downtown Lome. They give away a free motorbike every week supposedly!

Checkin' it out tonite!

Zouk Love
06-10-10, 22:24
You may find interesting info about night life in Lomé on this website.


07-03-10, 18:17
Been to the Privilege a few times now but always left early because it was usually pretty dead. What I didn't know though, was that people didn't start really showing up until 2am!

Went there again last night and left at around 1am for another bar. Met a friend there and he said, "let's go to Privilege". I told him it was empty. He said, "what"!! So, we went back at 2:30am and it was effin packed to the hilt. It's a pretty big place for a club in Africa. Two rooms with full dance floors and bars, a billiard room and another long room with a long bar.

And loads of hot women. All shapes, sizes, and price ranges. Right now, with the local economy in tatters, prices are excellent. Anywhere from 3,000 CFA to 10,000 CFA will fetch up to an 8, which translates to $6 to $20.

But the 9's and 10's, of course, are a different story. They know their value and want no less than 10,000 for starters. But, what the heck. That's only 20 friggin bucks for the whole night!

What I figured out though, from reading way too much ISG, is that the best way to do things is to get drunk, have fun, and just collect numbers on Fridays and Saturdays. Then call them on weekdays for afternoon quickies at much reduced rates.

There's cheap hotels everywhere. Some are great, others are shit holes. You can get hourly rates too, starting at 2, 000 CFA, which is only 4 damn dollars! Couple that with a tight 20 yr old who wants to be your girlfriend for 5, 000 CFA and you got a great lay for 15 lousy bucks including taxi fare. Togo beats the shit out of Ghana hands down.

07-04-10, 01:14
Togo beats the shit out of Ghana hands down.

My instincts told me Lome has a worthwhile destination, weekends only. Spent one night there some two years back, midweek unfortunately. I could see the potentials there for a good time. Wow! with prices like that, sure does beat the shit out of most countries not just Ghana.

Been waiting for a good positive post such as yours for some time. Hey, you did not tell wheather you sessioned or not?

07-08-10, 18:10
My instincts told me Lome has a worthwhile destination, weekends only. Spent one night there some two years back, midweek unfortunately. I could see the potentials there for a good time. Wow! with prices like that, sure does beat the shit out of most countries not just Ghana.

Been waiting for a good positive post such as yours for some time. Hey, you did not tell wheather you sessioned or not?I got malaria right after that weekend so couldn't follow up on the 5 excellent numbers I collected. But, one girl has kept calling me all week seeing if I was doing fine. She happened to get my number because I called her cell phone immediately to make sure she wasn't giving me a bogus number. She was that hot!

I'm just coming around now... this malaria crap, it's still as bad as when I used to get it 20 yrs ago. 5 days of misery. I'm gonna go back and read the malaria posts on here a bit more dilligently this time... lol

07-18-10, 18:50
No sooner than kicking malaria's ass than the flu comes to wreak vengeance. Out of commish for another 5 days before finally hooking up with one of the girls.

I actually met 3 of them before settling on Enyo. She's the only one that looked as good in daylight as she did under club lights with vision impaired by half a dozen beers.. She took me to a hotel where we chilled for about an hour watching the last half of a movie before getting down to business.

Now, I'd been out of commish for the past 2 weeks and had not had any poomtang for about a month before that. I was seriously backed up. She started going down on me BBBJ and it was sw-e-e-e-t! She made me promise not to but I couldn't resist and did a CIM after about 15 minutes (just guessing... probably more like 2 minutes). After giving me a half hearted dirty look, she smiled and asked if I enjoyed it as she licked the rest of my jism off her hands. I had to give her a bonus.

We took a nap for a couple hours until I felt myself getting hard again against her naked butt. She covered me, got on top and rode it cowboy style. Then we switched to doggy which really got her going... especially when I started slapping her ass.

Good shit. That knocked me out.

We took a clean up shower. I gave her 10,000 CFA which is about 20 US bucks, and went our separate ways. Hotel waz 8,000 CFA (16 dollaz).

09-03-10, 22:40
Finally made it to the Ladies' Night dance competition on Thursdays at Privilege Night Club.

Hit the restaurant/bar downstairs around 10pm and had a quiet pizza and 2 Eku beers. Eku apparently wins beer competitions on a regular basis. My buddy caught the eye of a busty princess working the bar area without success. She casually sauntered over towards our area and made sure to jiggle and bend down to "pick up" some article in a strategically positioned view. Very nice!

My buddy says, "not to worry. She'll follow us up when we go to the club upstairs. "

Sure enough, half an hour later, she followed us up to the dance floor. It was about 11:45pm and pretty empty. But, we ran into the owner who was a good friend of my buddy's and he told us people would start coming in around 12:30am for the strart of the dance competition which would last for a month and a half every Thursday night.

By 1am, the joint was crawling with about a hundred tightly clad girls and probably less than 20 guys. Wonderful! My buddy had already made association with the girl from downstairs and I was being poked, rubbed and pinched by eager young women looking for paydirt. I steadfastly held off in the hopes of my ideal type to walk thru the door.

Meanwhile, the dance competition was under way with 12 girls vying to advance the the finals. Only one would make it and the tits and asses flew at a frantic pace to influence the judges. Finally, the two finalists were tooth and nail going into the last round. One was perfectly shaped and shook that booty like a machine. The other, not as pretty, but built like a brick house, rocked the crowd with mind-boggling maneuvres all the whille not missing a beat as her buxom body pulsated to the rhythms of the DJ.

The pretty one seemed pretty sure she was going to advance but was shocked and upset when the other girl got chosen. Just as well as she turned out to be a real sore loser and caused a scene yelling at the judges before being calmed down.

All the girls were juiced up with excitement by that time and were offering themselves rather more easily than usual and when I decided on a petite model, I was glad to not have to bargain with her after offering her 10, 000 CFA ($20). She took me to a hotel 5 minutes down the street where the damage was 3, 000 CFA for an hour.

A quick, caressing shower together and she started off with the obligatory BBBJ. When we hit the bed, she started showing me her own dance moves as she rode me cowboy style. I finished with the necessary CIM, got her phone number, and headed back home a happy man!

YES. Privileges on Thursday nights is also going to be somewhere to call home!

Zouk Love
09-08-10, 00:11
See the pictures of the Privilège here :


09-30-10, 18:36
It is called a "bar de nuit". Action starts about 9 pm. You will find Togolese girls as well as Ghanaian and Nigerian. Las time I took two francophone ladies for the night and next day. They supplied everything and without condom change. You may ask for Sylvia; she does a very good BJ approaching DP.

10-02-10, 20:13
It is called a "bar de nuit". Action starts about 9 pm. You will find Togolese girls as well as Ghanaian and Nigerian. Las time I took two francophone ladies for the night and next day. They supplied everything and without condom change. You may ask for Sylvia; she does a very good BJ approaching DP.
Any number for Sylvia? Should I ask some of the bar girls or just the WG's? With me, it'll be very easy for her to do DP... lol

12-15-10, 18:03
Here are some pictures of ladies I picked up at domino in the last years. By the way, the personnel is also available, for example Florence. She performs nicely in threesome, too.

01-28-11, 11:07
I will be in Lome in two weeks. I will stay at the Mercure Sarakawa. Do you have more info on the hotel (GF?) and chicks to be found overthere (in the hotel or in the area)?

Do you have some good advices, nice experiences and then girls phone numbers?

Thanks guys!

01-28-11, 15:08
i will be in lome in two weeks. i will stay at the mercure sarakawa. do you have more info on the hotel (gf?) and chicks to be found overthere (in the hotel or in the area)?

do you have some good advices, nice experiences and then girls phone numbers?

thanks guys!sarakawa has a nice, small club but is kinda on the expensive side. drinks are 4500 cfa (almost $10) and the girls are hot but pricey also. as a result, the club is sparse even on weekends with up to only about a dozen girls working it on any given saturday. and they hope for overseas prices for their services too. as soon as they find out i'm local, they lose "interest" until its time to go. that's when the price drops from 50, 000 cfa ($100) to 10, 000 cfa ($20). lol. sarakawa is girl friendly. all the hotels are.

the best place in town is privilege night club, the largest and nicest in west africa. pros, semi-pros, and non-pros are equally represented. the pros and semi-pros hang out at the main bar area and will make sure that you notice them. if you stand by yourself with a drink, you'll eventually be approached. most of them are in the 10, 000-25, 000 cfa range ($20-50) and some of them are nice 8-9's.

for some wild action, you got to hit panini in town. it's a loud outdoor bar that sprawls right out onto the street at night and is crawling with tightly clad action. strictly pro and semi-pro. only thing to look out for is a few **** girls.

happy hunting!

01-29-11, 13:22
I will be in Lome in two weeks. I will stay at the Mercure Sarakawa. Do you have more info on the hotel (GF?) and chicks to be found overthere (in the hotel or in the area)?

Do you have some good advices, nice experiences and then girls phone numbers?

Thanks guys! I will be in Lomé from 12-14 February and intend to revisit Domino, Privilège and maybe Panini. I do not like the last mentioned vey much (too crowded, too many drunks and mostly ugly chicks). Mercure Sarakawa is quite far from these places. I prefer Ibis which is much more central. You can walk to Privilège, if you dare at night. Here a picture of two ladies who kept me company last time.

01-30-11, 21:42
Thanks Scout, Thanks Nongpagba for your insteresting feedback! I'll get back with my experiences and pictures; o)

01-31-11, 00:33
Easy girls?

02-02-11, 12:37
I will be in Lomé from 12-14 February and intend to revisit Domino, Privilège and maybe Panini. I do not like the last mentioned vey much (too crowded, too many drunks and mostly ugly chicks). Mercure Sarakawa is quite far from these places. I prefer Ibis which is much more central. You can walk to Privilège, if you dare at night. Here a picture of two ladies who kept me company last time.I agree most of the chicks are quite manly at Panini, but I also met the most beautiful girl one night whom I am now dating. She was out of action for some time with a pregnancy, but the father has gone back to Europe with the baby and she was just returning to the old grounds when I chanced to nab her! If she was taller, she could definitely be a model. HOT.

02-03-11, 01:52
Scout. Thank you so much for all the information you have shared with us.

I am a ordinary type of guy who feels uncomfortable and bored in hilton type hotels. I prefer hotels where africans stay and maybe some poor white travellers. Someplace that is girl friendly, near the hotspots and between 20 and 50 us per day?

I know I am asking a lot friend. But " fail to prepare " then " prepare to fail " is my maxim.

Thank you in advance for you help.


02-03-11, 12:37
Scout. Thank you so much for all the information you have shared with us.

I am a ordinary type of guy who feels uncomfortable and bored in hilton type hotels. I prefer hotels where africans stay and maybe some poor white travellers. Someplace that is girl friendly, near the hotspots and between 20 and 50 us per day?

I know I am asking a lot friend. But " fail to prepare " then " prepare to fail " is my maxim.

Thank you in advance for you help.

Donnachaa. The web page http://www.togo-tourisme.com/hotel-togo.php Contains also some cheaper hotels.

02-03-11, 13:29
I am a ordinary type of guy who feels uncomfortable and bored in hilton type hotels. I prefer hotels where africans stay and maybe some poor white travellers. Someplace that is girl friendly, near the hotspots and between 20 and 50 us per day?I decided not to visit Togo when I was in Ghana last year but http://www.hotel-galion.com/ is where I probably would have stayed.

02-04-11, 12:47
Scout. Thank you so much for all the information you have shared with us.

I am a ordinary type of guy who feels uncomfortable and bored in hilton type hotels. I prefer hotels where africans stay and maybe some poor white travellers. Someplace that is girl friendly, near the hotspots and between 20 and 50 us per day?

I know I am asking a lot friend. But " fail to prepare " then " prepare to fail " is my maxim.

Thank you in advance for you help.

Donnachaa.I am not too up to date with hotels in the area. But, as Jazz123 suggests, I know Hotel Galion because a friend of mine used to own it. Nice restaurant downstairs. Its not close to the action, but a lot of hot girls live in the area. In any case, the hotspots are less than 10 minutes away anyway.

02-05-11, 20:29
I am not too up to date with hotels in the area. But, as Jazz123 suggests, I know Hotel Galion because a friend of mine used to own it. Nice restaurant downstairs. Its not close to the action, but a lot of hot girls live in the area. In any case, the hotspots are less than 10 minutes away anyway.Thanks to Scout, Jazz and Nongbagba for going to the trouble of advising me regarding basic cheap hotels.

Very much appreciated.

I think I will stay in Hotel Galion. It looks perfect.

Take Care Everybody.

Zouk Love
02-06-11, 22:52
This site has all hotels you need. But check the french part of the site as it contains more info than the english website.


02-13-11, 11:51
Arrived yesterday by Air France. Sylvia was waiting for me at Airport in a very short mini skirt. We took the Ibis Hotel shuttle and on our way my exploring hand discovered that she was not wearing anything under her skirt. So I stroked her clit and she was already dripping wet. When we arrived finally at the room, she did not wait for me to shower, but started immediately a very deep BJ. After some position changes she rode me cow girl fashion. There she is is one of the best performers I have known. Until the inevitable arrived. Then we go out to eat a delicious fish near Togocell and then went for a couple of beers at Domino. It was swarming with ladies some of which were to my taste. I invited one for a beer who gave me a nice lapdance and her phone number. Back to the hotel with Sylvia, one more shot before sleeping and one waking up. Now at 11 am waiting for the other girl Chantal.

Picture of Sylvia

02-13-11, 12:00
Arrived yesterday by Air France. Sylvia was waiting for me at Airport in a very short mini skirt. We took the Ibis Hotel shuttle and on our way my exploring hand discovered that she was not wearing anything under her skirt. So I stroked her clit and she was already dripping wet. When we arrived finally at the room, she did not wait for me to shower, but started immediately a very deep BJ. After some position changes she rode me cow girl fashion. There she is is one of the best performers I have known. Until the inevitable arrived. Then we go out to eat a delicious fish near Togocell and then went for a couple of beers at Domino. It was swarming with ladies some of which were to my taste. I invited one for a beer who gave me a nice lapdance and her phone number. Back to the hotel with Sylvia, one more shot before sleeping and one waking up. Now at 11 am waiting for the other girl Chantal.

Picture of SylviaThanks for the report Nonpagba. Please keep us informed what is happening there. I am very interested.

02-13-11, 15:40
Arrived yesterday by Air France. Sylvia was waiting for me at Airport in a very short mini skirt. We took the Ibis Hotel shuttle and on our way my exploring hand discovered that she was not wearing anything under her skirt. So I stroked her clit and she was already dripping wet. When we arrived finally at the room, she did not wait for me to shower, but started immediately a very deep BJ. After some position changes she rode me cow girl fashion. There she is is one of the best performers I have known. Until the inevitable arrived. Then we go out to eat a delicious fish near Togocell and then went for a couple of beers at Domino. It was swarming with ladies some of which were to my taste. I invited one for a beer who gave me a nice lapdance and her phone number. Back to the hotel with Sylvia, one more shot before sleeping and one waking up. Now at 11 am waiting for the other girl Chantal.

Picture of SylviaNice. Now I want to go to Togo.

02-13-11, 18:28
Thanks for the report Nonpagba. Please keep us informed what is happening there. I am very interested.Well, Chantal in daylight was not so attricting. Hanging boobs, bleached skin. But nevertheless a good blowjob with CIM where she sucked every drop out.

Just remembered a bar girl at the Cantine the'aéorport. A gook place to have a beer when you have to wait for your plane. Called her and am waiting for her. When I met her a couple of months ago, I had an appontment with another girl while waiting for a flight to Kin. We searched in vain for a short time hotel near the airport. Maybe somebody has an idea, just in case for the next stopover.

02-16-11, 18:58
am staying now in a provincial town in togo. night club only on saturday and other encounter places are scarce. but you don't have to despair in such a situation. hotel swimming pool is always an opportunity to make contact, sometimes with pure amateurs. then most bar servants will be ready to serve you in other ways. so you can make up a network of realtions, but you have to do some sort of speed dating to ccordinate your activities. one quite attractive young lady of 23 is a woman tailor and she was very shy and amateurish two years ago, when i met her at the swimming pool. now, she delivers an acceptable blowjob and rides me fine. another one i met last year on the road is more professional without being a real pro. since both are not pros, i will not post pictures.

next week i will make a trip to ouagadougou which is paradise for meeting beautiful and willing women.

02-20-11, 12:28
I'll try to attach some pictures of girls I met the last days. The g001, the tailor woman, is an amateur who has advanced very much since I met her first two years ago. It is time to withdraw, since there is talk about wanting a baby. The DSC0120 is a semi-professional, meaning there is not much ado about what is expected of her. The other two, if the poor internet connections allow to upload, are bar ladies who are doable, or already done. Not the most cute, but if you are in a provincial town.

03-22-11, 05:47

Any updates about the action in Lome? I might appear there for few days at the end of March.

Angola Guy
05-02-11, 22:33
Hi to all,

8 days, that I arrived in Lomé, staying at Mercure Hotel. Girls in the hotel club, are not so nice but expensive. I tried to The privilège club frid and sat night. Maybe not the right week end or days, except girl already with other local only professionnal.

Are there any other club or bars in Lome where we can find not professional?

During the week (Monday to Thursday) what is the better place to find some between 9PM and midnight?

Angola Guy
05-04-11, 15:19
It is called a "bar de nuit". Action starts about 9 pm. You will find Togolese girls as well as Ghanaian and Nigerian. Las time I took two francophone ladies for the night and next day. They supplied everything and without condom change. You may ask for Sylvia; she does a very good BJ approaching DP.Where is this bar in lome?


05-23-11, 16:09
Hi to all,

8 days, that I arrived in Lomé, staying at Mercure Hotel. Girls in the hotel club, are not so nice but expensive. I tried to The privilège club frid and sat night. Maybe not the right week end or days, except girl already with other local only professionnal.

Are there any other club or bars in Lome where we can find not professional?

During the week (Monday to Thursday) what is the better place to find some between 9PM and midnight?Panini. Right in town. It's an outdoor bar and gets pretty wild later in the night.

07-02-11, 02:27
Hi to all,

8 days, that I arrived in Lomé, staying at Mercure Hotel. Girls in the hotel club, are not so nice but expensive. I tried to The privilège club frid and sat night. Maybe not the right week end or days, except girl already with other local only professionnal.

Are there any other club or bars in Lome where we can find not professional?

During the week (Monday to Thursday) what is the better place to find some between 9PM and midnight?Sorry. I see you mentioned "not professionals".

Then you can try Metro. 7 Clash, and Rhumba between 9pm and midnite. They are outdoor bars right on the Boulevard Circulaire, not far from each other.

10-05-11, 00:09
Did some sightseeing in western Togo last month, and while in Kpalime had lunch at a street-side Maquis. Two lovely ladies were there and we started talking. They were very interested talking to this yawo (white man) next to them. One of them was light colored, tall and very skinny, the other very dark, slim but round in all the right places, with a wonderful smile. I had just arrived from Ghana and needed CFA Francs, a new SIM chip and a decent hotel. They gladly volunteered to help me find the proper places. They also showed me how to make use of the moto taxis. That established some friendly familiarity, and when I invited them to come to take a swim at the pool of the Cristal Hotel, they were overjoyed, scooted home and were back in 20 minutes. We had a lot of fun, and I spent a little on drinks. They were very happy to use my room to shower and change back into dry clothing, giving me some fairly clear appreciation of what might be on offer.

We hung out at another maquis for a while and a few drinks, and then I invited them for dinner. Street food of course: rice, grilled chicken or fish. By that time it became clear that the dark one and I might just hit it off right. Somewhat later I suggested that we go somewhere else,"we" meaning by now the dark sweetheart and I. Tall and skinny "sista" took the hint (and a 1000 frank bill for transport) in good spirit and wished us a good evening.

And a good evening we had! She did come with me to my hotel room (no problems from the hotel side) and we had a grand time. She was not very experienced, but she did try her very best to make me happy, willing to learn anything I might want to teach her. What a wonderful body, so trim, soooo smooth, such firm and round ass, such perky breasts! But definitely an amateur! I do not remember how many rounds we put in, but more than I had thought were in me. B. T. W. 25 yrs old, saw her I'd.

For the next day I had hired a guide and car to do some sightseeing, and of course, my sweetheart was overjoyed to come along. Hard to imagine, even though she had lived much of her life in Kpalime, she had never visited these sites. She was not very educated but had a sharp and friendly mind.

Another great evening and night followed, and I asked her to be my travel companion for the next ten days, while exploring the Plateau Region. We stayed in Atakpame where I met some of her family and was treated like a king. Again, we explored the surrounding in day trips, and at night went dancing on Saturday night, eating and drinking on Sunday evening, and all night long we regularly disturbed our sleep when one or the other got the "feeling." Our friends in Atakpame announced our coming to some of their friends in Badou, so there we were received and hosted just like long-time friends. That my companion and I were lovers, even though I could possibly be her grandfather, was the most natural thing in their minds. Not a single eyebrow was raised. We all went swimming in the nude in the plunge pool under the waterfall.

And then what a wonderful, lazy, sweet afternoon in our hotel room. Good that I had two packs of covers in my travel bag. But they did not last the rest of the trip. We were into each other at any possible occasion. And she was a fast learner. Knowing perfectly well how to make me very very happy, and also getting hers in return. No need for any chemical aids, with her body, with her care, who needs them?

She never asked for any money! It was never even brought up. Naturally, I had to pay for all the daily expenses, and at the end I gave her a gift to help her along in her career as a small merchant.

What a way to explore Africa!


02-07-12, 21:29
Will be at Lomé 14th and 15th; would be interested to have a 4-some 2G2B. Somebody would be interested?

02-26-12, 12:45
Am staying in a Northern Town of Togo. Saw three girls walking from my car, so I passed by, stopped at a convenient place and walked back. After greeting and waht are you doing I collected telefone numbers from all three, and contacted one after finishing another meeting. She came over to my hotel, and we came to business right away. She has firm upright breasts, a not to pominent ass and provided good, though not very professional sex. In the morning today, I had an sms from one of the others; she also came over to my hotel without much ado, and we had a very good session, good BJ technique, her cowgirl performance could be better, small firm breasts round ass and she got wet at once. For this afternoon, I have an appointment with the third one. She had the biggest boobs of the three, let's see waht other qualities she has. BTW, I paid 10. 000 for each of the first two, and both were happy.

02-28-12, 17:36
The third one was quite a success. Liked to suck my dick and to lick my balls. Has big soft boobs; although she does not like to be caressed there. First time in the afternoon we had two pops before siesta. Next time after siesta only one pop. Did even refuse to take some money first.

Am waiting now, after siesta, for the first one to come. Maybe she can learn something.

This is E's picture

Lome Traveler
10-05-12, 12:13
There is not much activity on this board. I'll share my first experience in Lome, and ask for some advice.

I was recently two days in Lome during the workweek. I had heard the Panini area (by the night market) was the center of action, but it was pretty dead at 10:00pm. I sat down and had a beer alone at the open-air bar by the corner. Before I finished the beer, I was joined by a very cute 21-year old, wearing a short sparkly dress. I was immediately pleased.

So I now had girl, but I needed a place. There is supposed to be a boarding house nearby called Panini VIP that should have been perfect, but it was closed. (Maybe my info was dated?) So, we went to a few odd places she knew to eat and for her to shower (yes, at a restaurant, the staff allowed her to shower somewhere in the building) , then. We went back to her place. This was a village past the port maybe halfway to the Benin border, and I was not expecting us to be going outside of Lome! (The taxi ride was 3k CFA, and in the morning I could not find a taxi. I paid a moto 2k to take me back.)

She had a much nicer room than I expected. Matress on the floor, fan, clothes folded neatly in sacs, photos of friends and family on the wall. Pretty clean and large. Her body was awesome under the dress, and we had sex twice in the night with her behaving tenderly, loving, and athletically too. It was a perfect and amazing GFE, or who knows, maybe she fell in love with me. I left 20k on the dresser for her, which she noticed but tried to pretend not to. We never spoke about money before or after.

A great expierience, but not really what I wanted. Lome is small enough that I had to worry about being spotted by an acquaintance everywhere we went. And I would certainly prefer sleeping in my own bed alone after the deed. Could someone point me to a brothel (along with telling me what to expect) , or maybe to a nice short-time hotel near downtown.

10-06-12, 18:12
There is not much activity on this board. I'll share my first experience in Lome, and ask for some advice.

I was recently two days in Lome during the workweek. I had heard the Panini area (by the night market) was the center of action, but it was pretty dead at 10:00pm. I sat down and had a beer alone at the open-air bar by the corner. Before I finished the beer, I was joined by a very cute 21-year old, wearing a short sparkly dress. I was immediately pleased.

So I now had girl, but I needed a place. There is supposed to be a boarding house nearby called Panini VIP that should have been perfect, but it was closed. (Maybe my info was dated?) So, we went to a few odd places she knew to eat and for her to shower (yes, at a restaurant, the staff allowed her to shower somewhere in the building) , then. We went back to her place. This was a village past the port maybe halfway to the Benin border, and I was not expecting us to be going outside of Lome! (The taxi ride was 3k CFA, and in the morning I could not find a taxi. I paid a moto 2k to take me back.)

She had a much nicer room than I expected. Matress on the floor, fan, clothes folded neatly in sacs, photos of friends and family on the wall. Pretty clean and large. Her body was awesome under the dress, and we had sex twice in the night with her behaving tenderly, loving, and athletically too. It was a perfect and amazing GFE, or who knows, maybe she fell in love with me. I left 20k on the dresser for her, which she noticed but tried to pretend not to. We never spoke about money before or after.

A great expierience, but not really what I wanted. Lome is small enough that I had to worry about being spotted by an acquaintance everywhere we went. And I would certainly prefer sleeping in my own bed alone after the deed. Could someone point me to a brothel (along with telling me what to expect) , or maybe to a nice short-time hotel near downtown.There's a short time hotel accross the blvd from Panini a couple of blocks in. All the girls know it.

But if you want a nice place where you can sleep in after the deed, there's a place called Le Galion towards the border right after the German Embassy, a couple of streets back. Great restaurant and they have non-a / see rooms for 7-10, 000 CFA. Very basic but very clean and nice. A / C rooms start at 13, 000 CFA.

Also, nearly all the small hotels will work out a short time deal. Let the girl do the talking.

Lome Traveler
10-08-12, 10:04
Scout, your response arrived in time for my second trip out to Panini.

I did not stay long at the open-air bar, but walked around the streets just like the girls were doing. One cute girl, as I was approaching, broke into a dance with her girlfriends that had her large breasts and shapely behind shaking for my pleasure. I just had to stop to admire, and it was unsurprising that I then ended up with her. She did not have I'd but I estimate her age at 22. I told her to find us a hotel for the hour, and she took me about two blocks behind VIP across the street (to what must be the hotel Scout mentioned).

The hotel is AWEFUL, even for short-time! No towels or soap for washing, and I had to ask for toilet paper to be brought in. I was also somewhat afraid of the floor and bed. The girl was nice enough. Her breast were amazing, easily the largest and most perfect I've seen on such a skinny girl. The sex was good too. I had negotiated 10k for the encounter (let me know if I was ballpark right) , but she got me to agree to 12k during the act.

Next time I'll probably book a room at Le Galion before heading out. But I would love to be directed to a brothel or massage parlor where I could P4P in a faster and less public way.

10-09-12, 01:23
Scout, your response arrived in time for my second trip out to Panini.

I did not stay long at the open-air bar, but walked around the streets just like the girls were doing. One cute girl, as I was approaching, broke into a dance with her girlfriends that had her large breasts and shapely behind shaking for my pleasure. I just had to stop to admire, and it was unsurprising that I then ended up with her. She did not have I'd but I estimate her age at 22. I told her to find us a hotel for the hour, and she took me about two blocks behind VIP across the street (to what must be the hotel Scout mentioned).

The hotel is AWEFUL, even for short-time! No towels or soap for washing, and I had to ask for toilet paper to be brought in. I was also somewhat afraid of the floor and bed. The girl was nice enough. Her breast were amazing, easily the largest and most perfect I've seen on such a skinny girl. The sex was good too. I had negotiated 10k for the encounter (let me know if I was ballpark right) , but she got me to agree to 12k during the act.

Next time I'll probably book a room at Le Galion before heading out. But I would love to be directed to a brothel or massage parlor where I could P4P in a faster and less public way.My apologies forgetting to mention its a shit hole. LOL.

12k is OK deal. But I really never came accross any MPs or brothels in Lome.

Don't forget to check out Privilege Night Club by Palm Beach Hotel. Hotter girls and great club on Fri and Sat but doesn't get going until after midnite.

In the afternoons, especially on Sunday, there are the beach bars near the Aflao border and Le Galion. Lot's of girls crawling around!

10-09-12, 22:25
i recently returned from a trip to togo. i have been to togo numerous times, yet i am not a fluent french speaker. still i have never had a problem getting action in togo. i think i had a love affair with togo especially since i prefer the non-pro scene vice the p4p scene. as i always do prior to a trip, i sweeten my pot of honeys from online sites like badoo, tagged, afro, fb, etc. and i also recontact ladies i have seen before and had good / great experiences with. i also got myself hyped up by watching some good african french porn in which it seemed many of the ladies were no-holes barred. i had experienced that on previous visits, but alas, this time i came up empty in that category. quick synopsis of my visit: i met up with my long time gf and we had awesome sex during my visit. she is a student so she was not available to meet me everyday. what does a playing monger do in such situations? that right, i played the field. i had been banking on getting with her the first night i arrived, but that was not possible. so i tried to be good and go to bed, but i could not. so i got up and went for a jog. i stayed at a hotel that is very near the palm beach hotel (not naming exact hotel since lome is so small i cannot risk anyone putting 2 and 2 together). so after midnight on a weekday night, i went running along beach road around palm beach hotel. i chatted up the bouncer and other guys at the entrance of the night club there and had planned to stop in one weekend. unfortunately, my work schedule and workload was so heavy that i often felt frazzled and too pooped to party on the weekend. in fact, this is the first trip i have made where i found myself saying "no" to any action on several nights because i was so dang tired! i noticed the ladies of the night seeking opportunity on one of the streets near the pb hotel, and i observed the goings on before a couple of them "cheered" me on as i ran by. i liked what i saw in one of them so i stopped and chatted them up. agreed on an in-room massage with the most attractive one for $10k cfa. she hopped a moto while i ran back to my hotel. met back up with her there and after a quick shower to wash off the sweat and sand (i had previously showered just before my run so i wasn't smelly per say) , i joined her in my bed. she had peeled off the nice tight jeans and i could see she had a very nice figure. she proceeded to give me a nice massage while i was lying on my stomach. then i flipped and let her work my front side. after she worked her way down below the waist, i let her finish the thigh, calf and foot massage before she focused on the little' man. she provided a very nice bbbj, and since it had been so long since i had such a nice one, i just let her keep going. after awhile i switched things up as i had thoughts of drilling that pu$$why which was nice and wet. so i had an unopened condom all ready to go, but i decided to let her keep sucking me while she was lying on her back and i was fingering her pu$$why. i quickly decided that her mouth probably felt better bare than going covered in her pus$why, so i just started fucking her face while also inserting 2 and 3 fingers inside her wet pu$sy. when i felt my load coming, i braced her head and just unleashed buckets of cum inside her mouth. i recall doing something similar to a liberian chica in ghana and i told her to drink my milk. but this time i didn't do that, and after i was done, i let her go and she went to the bathroom and spit my essence down the drain. i tipped her a few extra thousand cfa since she was so good and i took her phone number for future possible hook-ups. sorry no pics since i don't make it a habit to whip out my camera with street pickups. i did call up a couple of the ladies i had met previously a few months ago, but i never got the chance to meet up with them due to schedule conflicts (sure would have been nice to re-tap that young 18 and 20 year old pu$sy). i also met some new talent, but i struck out for the first time in bedding them. one was an obvious party girl who only became available when the beach party across the street or wherever was winding down and she needed some transport cash. i met the other chica who was accompanied by her sister. the sister spoke some english but the young 18 year old did not. she had a banging body, but family protectionism prevented me from sampling the goods. an older, single sister was offered up, but i was not attracted to her and did not want to entertain that as a possibility. my longtime gf came through on a number of occasions so i was more than satisfied despite not hooking up with the chicas i had met several months before and striking out with the newbies. of course, there were also ladies of the night, or ladies seeking opportunity hanging around outside my hotel and i rebuffed their come-ons since my past two experiences in other countries with ladies of their sort (i. e. front door / lobby pick ups) had not been good at all. but as each day passed, i was able to recognize the country of origin of the ladies and i picked the one who was native to togo to give me a massage. now this chica could have actually been a certified massage therapist because she really gave me a massage that rivaled even the mu-thai kickboxing massage i have received while visiting thailand. of course, extras were included, and though she wasn't my body type, she gave a very nice cbj and i slammed her kitty in mish and doggy before popping in the cover. i also met a lady in the course of my work, and we ended up getting together back at my hotel. the experience was a bit uninspiring because she wouldn't allow daty and refused to suck my little' man, and i only got to slam the punani in mish. so all in all, it was a decent visit, but severely hampered by my work schedule. as for other recommendations, although i did not visit any night clubs, those that have been previously mentioned are still good places to have fun and meet available ladies. it is also possible to meet ladies out and about, though i just did not have time to really pursue that avenue other than the first night hookup. lome can be safe and dangerous, as it all depends on the situation. i saw foreigners hanging out at the beach during the day, but a foreigner was stabbed in the stomach right near my hotel on beach road one night. i ran along beach road the first night and also on sunday morning with the groups of runners, but i avoided it after the sunday night beach party wrapped up and thousands of people rep001tered back home and elsewhere, and also when the opposition protests occurred there. it would have helped me if i were fluent in french, but my lack of french speaking ability did not hinder me from getting action. i know that brothels exist in ghana, but i do not know of any in togo. massage parlors may exist there given the growing chinese population, but one does not have to seek out a massage parlor in order to obtain a good massage with extras. i would prefer to not be a sitting duck, which is what you are when you frequent massage parlors.

Lome Traveler
10-12-12, 09:56
Thanks Jiggy and Scout for the reports. Here is how it works now:

1) I find my girls opportunistically, just by being open to the possibility while going out. I find that waitresses, girls at bars, and really any girl I meet in gatherings are willing to talk, and if one responds with flirty actions during the talk I can be confident in proposing a hotel visit.

2) If the girl knows a nearby hotel I follow her lead, and if not, I take us to one and negotiate. The rate for short-time almost always ends up to be around half the nightly rate, so that's a good yardstick for others to use. I generally pay 2k. 7k.

3) While all girls like mish, it is almost random what else I get because the girls often have dislikes that they make binding. I especially regretted one time I wasn't allowed doggy (because what is the point of Africa, right?). My best experiences have been with girls at bars (who do everything I ask well) and must be semi pro. I generally don't discuss money, and always give at least 10k in parting (averaging 15k) based on performance. I think I am probably generous since nobody seriously asks for more. There are exceptions here: One girl negotiated the price up front to 14k. One girl asked me to put my money away and was mildly upset at the attempt to pay her.

I have a questions for Jiggy: What did you mean by being a "sitting duck" at a parlor? I have always liked massage parlor experiences as time efficient and for providing more services for money spent. I like your idea of exploring within the Chinese community, but I also want to make sure I understand your concern.

10-14-12, 08:45
I have a questions for Jiggy: What did you mean by being a "sitting duck" at a parlor? I have always liked massage parlor experiences as time efficient and for providing more services for money spent. I like your idea of exploring within the Chinese community, but I also want to make sure I understand your concern.I agree that Togo is still wide open as a good mongering destination. Unfortunately, I was just swamped with work requirements.

I forgot to mention that I did note an abundance of lower cost option hotels / motels, but La Galion seemed to be among the better low cost options. But it definitely is no Ibis, Sancta Maria, or Mercure Sarakawa.

I have done massage parlors both in US as we'll as in Africa and East Asia. It is well known in US that guys that frequent MPs that offer prospect of extras are subject to unannounced raids, and therefore are "sitting ducks" when law enforcement rolls in. I know it works a bit differently in other countries (I. E. Attitude of law enforcement toward happy endings and extent of bribery) , but I still think going to a place such as a MP leaves one vulnerable. That is why I prefer the mostly non pro route.

10-15-12, 13:00
Traveler, let me share an option: La Breuvoir, or 'the watering-hole' in English. This is a girls bar / nightclub, and differs from a brothel in that the girls are all freelancers and you have to go offsite for the final act. But these girls are happy to follow you to your place for long-time, or just to a nearby short-time hotel for a quick go. I like the bar's vibe, and I enjoy getting to flirt, dance, and drink with girls before I make my choice.

There are perhaps fifteen regular girls (but this fluctuates) with, say, four present during the week, and thrice that on Friday / Saturday. The number of girls swells pretty quickly in response to demand thanks to cellphones, and sometimes girls bring their sisters or friends in need of cash. The girl community is made up of everything from pros (who might start negotiations at 30K) , to relative innocents who will be thrilled to be given 5K. The owner is a Swiss guy that does an excellent job preventing jealousies from blossoming into drama when guys switch girls. He also keeps guards out front to prevent anyone's significant other from entering the bar. I have never seen problems.

The place is located on Rue de la Gare, right across the street from another girl bar 'Le Domino'. The taxi drivers near Panini should know one of these places and be able to take you for 1K francs, or less if you're African.

Lome Traveler
10-17-12, 23:22
Togoer, the bar is "L'abreuvoir" instead of "La Breuvoir". But thanks for the directions there.

Zouk Love
10-30-12, 22:45
if you know a bit of lomé, you should know that now the action is outside the city center as the city center now is overcrowded with pro girls asking far too much money. also consider the risks as there is a lot of insecurity now.

the action now is in the north of the city in area called agoue, adido gome and adido adin.

the motel is called "london bar" and is located in a very discreet street not far from the newly build road coming from gta through agbale****gan and reaching agoue nyive.

when you reach the new round about at adido adin, you take the second on your right hand after the football field than immediately on your right again. there, at the end of the street, you will find the "london bar". (see map)

the rooms are cheap for 1 hour "3000 fcfa.

perfect place for fucking girls in a very discreet location.

you can also have a drink there.

if you fancy non pro, you will find plenty of them ready to fuck for the same amount (3. 000 fcfa)

definitely my area now.

Lome Traveler
11-02-12, 08:46
I built on Jiggy's idea that the Chinese community must have established a full service massage option in Lome. I was eventually directed to one near Golden Beach (on the street behind barracuda, opposite Chinatown restaurant, red building titled "Bar / Restaurant / Massage / Karaoke")

These Chinese providers are happy to service non-Chinese, but I did not partake. The cost was high (60k CFA for full service) and the quality low (the "girls" were all 45+yo). So I'll happily forget about this idea and let myself be chased by 20yo locals wanting 10k+.

Zouk Love
11-04-12, 23:20
I built on Jiggy's idea that the Chinese community must have established a full service massage option in Lome. I was eventually directed to one near Golden Beach (on the street behind barracuda, opposite Chinatown restaurant, red building titled "Bar / Restaurant / Massage / Karaoke")

These Chinese providers are happy to service non-Chinese, but I did not partake. The cost was high (60k CFA for full service) and the quality low (the "girls" were all 45+yo). So I'll happily forget about this idea and let myself be chased by 20yo locals wanting 10k+.What a strange idea to go for Chinese in Africa.

Lome Traveler
11-06-12, 13:38
Zouk, the goal is not seeking Chinese, but to find an incall full service massage option. I love all the cute 20yo black girl freelancers, but I cannot always take them to my place and don't always have a the whole evening free to wander for them. I also enjoy a massage before the act. I suspect somewhere in lome is a salon where pretty 20yo girls will massage and FS for <25k CFA, but none of us seem to know it.

11-07-12, 12:17
Just checked out Broadway on the hospital road.

Everything in town was dead on Tuesday but it was Lady's Night at Broadway. Shit didn't start picking up until like 1am, but then it started rockin and rolling! Hot chicks but they wait for you to approach them unlike in Ghana.

Got toasted and left around 4am after picking up a few numbers. Had some poomtang in the afternoon so wasnt in the mood to go a second round.

11-18-12, 10:05
Definitely, just stay at the Palm beach hotel in front of the privilege. At the reception, they can even book a girl for you.

01-09-13, 13:51
Just arrived in LOMé a couple of week ago I m at the palm beach hotel right now. Did anybody have the telephone number of a good looking girl with as and everything with whom I can enjoy my stay.


I ask the reception but they can't find me good looking one.

01-16-13, 11:42
When I was in Lomé for two days, there were quite some doable girls at Domino. I was having some dispute with an ex-girlfriend, when to escape from the unpleasant discussion I went to the lo. As usual two, three girls were there controlling their make up in the ante. When I was about to leave, one girl pushed me inside, lifted her skirt to show me thad she did not wear any panties and proposed a quickie. Well, I have my weaknesses and I let her blow me for a while, then she turned around and offered to take her from behind. The situation had some excitement for me, so I came more quickly than usual. The following was more unpleasant: when I gave her 10. 000, she gave them back to me and asked for 20. 000. Finally, when I said, it would be 10. 000 or nothing, she accepted. Opening the door, my ex waited outside, but did not notice the girl. I doubt, I would repeat, but it was an exciting experience.

01-16-13, 11:47
Definitely, just stay at the Palm beach hotel in front of the privilege. At the reception, they can even book a girl for you.An the backside of the Privilège building, there is always some street action. The women there are usually more old than young and more ugly than beautiful. But, from about 11pm on until the full fledged disco time at 1, there are some ladies strolling around the entrance, some quite doable.

01-19-13, 10:27
If you are looking for company here, a good place to start is Hotel Kara's swimming pool on weekends. On the way up to Hotel Kara, there are several bars. I prefer Le Tour. In the side street of this bar there are prostitutes available in the evenings. I had one of these a couple of years ago, and one of my phones was gone. Another drwaback ist that these pros are more used to quickies with locals. On the other hand, they would accept to fuck for 2. 000 CFA. To negociate. I prefer the non-pros, actually am dating a high school girl in the afternoons and a tailor woman at nights.

On Saturdays, there is some sort of disco opposite the "Chateau" restaurant and sometimes at Hotel Kara. If the latter is open, you might find some cute girls.

Kuma Pamper
01-25-13, 22:45
I never been in Togo, however I have very good memory of a Togo-girl. I met her in Norway through an internet-chat forum. She was a student with a limited schoolar-ship, and so was low on cash. We exhanged phone numbers and she said that I was welcome in her apartment in Oslo, however I had to pay 600 NOK to visit her, however when I found out about that I refused. Then she said just give me 300. And I also refused. At last she said OK come and fuck me for free. OK I Accepted. I went to her apartment. And met this girl with a HUGE buttock. Big tits and a very hairy pussy. Two minutes after my entrance she started sucking my dick and when I felt her pussy with my hand it was dripping wet (just by sucking me for 5 minutes!) I licked her intensively and after we fucked. When I cum she was still horny and continued exploring my body with her tongue. She liked to put her tongue in my ass! Even I was tired and was half a sleep. For the next half year I visited her frequently I never paid her anything. She called or sms me almost everyday and begged me to fuck her. And always very very horny and her appetite for sex was amazing. A real sex addict! She might have several lovers like me!

Was this girl just a fantastic individual or do other men have similiar experience togo-girls?

01-26-13, 13:01
Women in this region tend to have a generous and firm ass, some have large breasts. A drawback for me is that most will not shave, but if you like hairy pussies.

Naked Gunz
01-26-13, 13:12
Women in this region tend to have a generous and firm ass, some have large breasts. A drawback for me is that most will not shave, but if you like hairy pussies.Bareback-WOW! Your a brave man!

Zouk Love
02-17-13, 18:54
I am now travelling to togo quiet frequently. Whomever needs to have some info on where to stay, where to go, who to meet, and, most important, how much to spend, please contact me. I will be happy to be your guide.



02-24-13, 11:06
I've just spent a week in Lome, and can report that l'Abreuvoir and Domino are all but dead. I went to both this past Friday, and at 10. 30 there was one girl in Domino, while in l'Abreuvoir, just across the street, there were: the owner and a male friend of his, another guy drinking by himself down at the end of the bar, and two female bartenders, both pretty cute. I got into a conversation with one of them, could definitely have gotten together with her after work, but I had an early start so did not press the issue. She told me that business has been pretty slow, especially since the big fire that burned down the Lome central market in January. I'm not sure of the connection, but there it is. I had been to l'Abreuvoir once earlier in the week and there was more or less the same cast of characters, plus two girls there drinking. I talked to one for a while, but felt no burning desire for her, so instead opted for an early night (alone). As I get older I have become perhaps more selective, and sometimes choose sleep over sex. So I generally end up with fewer girls and encounters, but better and more memorable ones, and it saves money too. On the other hand, in parts of Asia, especially Indonesia and Thailand, it is hard not to end up fucking a different girl every night and sometimes 2 or 3 on a Saturday or Sunday.

Zouk Love
03-11-13, 16:54
I've just sp.

Ent a week in Lome, and can report that l'Abreuvoir and Domino are all but dead. I went to both this past Friday, and at 10. 30 there was one girl in Domino, while in l'Abreuvoir, just across the street, there were: the owner and a male friend of his, another guy drinking by himself down at the end of the bar, and two female bartenders, both pretty cute. I got into a conversation with one of them, could definitely have gotten together with her after work, but I had an early start so did not press the issue. She told me that business has been pretty slow, especially since the big fire that burned down the Lome central market in January. I'm not sure of the connection, but there it is. I had been to l'Abreuvoir once earlier in the week and there was more or less the same cast of characters, plus two girls there drinking. I talked to one for a while, but felt no burning desire for her, so instead opted for an early night (alone). As I get older I have become perhaps more selective, and sometimes choose sleep over sex. So I generally end up with fewer girls and encounters, but better and more memorable ones, and it saves money too. On the other hand, in parts of Asia, especially Indonesia and Thailand, it is hard not to end up fucking a different girl every night and sometimes 2 or 3 on a Saturday or Sunday.This is the typical situation. Forget about these old addresses. You will not find the girls no more.

Now, you must target these places if you want to find the girls.

- Byblos (not forl long, it will close soon)

- O'Broadway (down the Tokoin-Hospital hill, near the lagoon)

- 907 (between the boulevard and the tokoin hill)

- Hotel M'Rode bar (near "La Main à la pâte" and "Côté Jardin)

- Le Privilege.

However, these girls will cost you at least 10. 000 to 50. 000 FCFA depending on your ability to negociate.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you need more info.

I do have an exhaustive list of phone numbers.

03-25-13, 09:49
Just arrived in LOMé a couple of week ago I m at the palm beach hotel right now. Did anybody have the telephone number of a good looking girl with as and everything with whom I can enjoy my stay.


I ask the reception but they can't find me good looking one.If you stay there, you will see that at night a lot of ladies gather behind the hotel. Otherwise try the discos.

05-08-13, 15:36
Friends, I know Africa a little only. I remember my trip in Cameroon was wonderful. I could stop every normal (non pro) girl on the street and to get sex with her. It was an Earthly Paradise. Yet I go almost 60 years old. Is Zambia the same than Cameroon to fuck? Do you know another african country like Cameroon and to get sex with almost every girl I like?

Thanks you

05-13-13, 00:39
Friends, I know Africa a little only. I remember my trip in Cameroon was wonderful. I could stop every normal (non pro) girl on the street and to get sex with her. It was an Earthly Paradise. Yet I go almost 60 years old. Is Zambia the same than Cameroon to fuck? Do you know another african country like Cameroon and to get sex with almost every girl I like?

Thanks youFrom my experience, it is like that in Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Burkina, Mali, Niger, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. They do not suffer from that asshole Saint Augustine's rants of refraining from sinful earthly pleasures.

05-17-13, 19:33
LePrivilege Night club at Hotel Palm Beach is the place to be. It does not get jumping until 1AM, but goes until about 5AM.

Kamou Night club is at Mercure Sawakawa but I did not venture there.

LePrivilege Night club VIP is the place to always check out when in Lome if you can swing it. Forget Byblos and Kamou! The people with money go there and the best of the best local ladies do too. I met a beautiful lady there, and though we did not hook up this visit, we will do so when I come back again next month.

I did hook up with an attractive afro chick I met last May on Friday night and then I also ran into her at LePrivilege. I bought her a drink but remained a free agent for the night. It seemed she had another fella who was interested in her. That is the way love goes in Africa.

I also hooked up with another young afro chick of about 19 years of age. She is the least attractive of my other hookups, but she sure knows how to please a man. Whereas my sexual encounters with my attractive affro chick were more restrained, I had free reins with this girl for everything except anal. Also BBFS beats CFS everytime!

08-28-13, 15:51

Does anybody have some update about Lome?

10-05-13, 00:48
LePrivilege Night club at Hotel Palm Beach is the place to be. It does not get jumping until 1AM, but goes until about 5AM.

LePrivilege Night club VIP is the place to always check out when in Lome if you can swing it. Forget Byblos and Kamou! The people with money go there and the best of the best local ladies do too.True! Equal to some of the great fun places anywhere. Could not be more convenient when staying at the Palm Beach. Friday, Saturday full on party, but Sunday only smaller area was open. Weekday nights don't know but are liable to be kinda dead.

11-27-13, 13:48
Hello Fellow Mongers,

I will arriving in Lomo tomorrow Thursday and planning to stay there till Sunday. I have already made my booking at Ibis Hotel, apparently it is central and Girl friendly.

I spent sometimes to read post and so far I have learned that the place to go are:

1. LE Private Night Club (Palm Beach Hotel)

2. Panini


Will do more homework and I hope I will have some, I am leaving Ghana in the morning after 4 difficult days of work, didn't got time to score a chick, I might get lucky tonight who knows, will send a report at the end of my Lome trip.

Any recommendations are welcome though.


11-28-13, 06:25
Any recommendations are welcome though.Go to Le Privilege, prepare to stay late. Friday and Saturday good. The food downstairs their restaurant is pretty good. At Ibis get room on ocean view side. Make sure AC is working. This is a retrofit building, not original Ibis construction, so rooms are a little bigger. Use their cars when you need a ride, more cost but worth it.

Zouk Love
11-29-13, 18:15
Panini is quite a dangerous place. I would no recommend anyone going to this bar.

I really wonder why people keep on going to the same places where all the crap is staying.

I mean, just move a bit inside the city (Djidjole, Totsi, Adido Gome.) their are plenty of cheap hotel same quality, full of ladies in the bar. Cheaper and nicer.

Definitely, the girls around Le Privilège are a waste of money and time.

Criminality is where the white people are. Palm Beach, Sarakawa, Ibis.

Be adventurous. The north of the city is much safer.

Hello Fellow Mongers,

I will arriving in Lomo tomorrow Thursday and planning to stay there till Sunday. I have already made my booking at Ibis Hotel, apparently it is central and Girl friendly.

I spent sometimes to read post and so far I have learned that the place to go are:

1. LE Private Night Club (Palm Beach Hotel)

2. Panini


Will do more homework and I hope I will have some, I am leaving Ghana in the morning after 4 difficult days of work, didn't got time to score a chick, I might get lucky tonight who knows, will send a report at the end of my Lome trip.

Any recommendations are welcome though.


01-01-14, 20:15
Panini is quite a dangerous place. I would no recommend anyone going to this bar.

I mean, just move a bit inside the city (Djidjole, Totsi, Adido Gome.) their are plenty of cheap hotel same quality, full of ladies in the bar. Cheaper and nicer.I agree for Panini, I never made a pickup there. Can you give some names of the hotels you are talking about?

01-24-14, 11:26
I don't know about the quarters Zouk Love is mentioning. But I agree that you may have encounters with non-pros everywhere. So, I picked up girls at the beach, at swimming pools, on the street, at bars etc. I like the Pajar bar in the commercial zone near Palm Beach during the day. My usual procedure is eye contact, and if the does not look away, or if the eye contact occurs repeatedly, I send over a drink, and most times the lady will come over to thank. Most waitresses might be willing to see you on their day off, but their late working schedule makes it sometimes difficult. I usually try to have an appointment in the morning, before they go to work.

Zouk Love
02-21-14, 23:48
I agree for Panini, I never made a pickup there. Can you give some names of the hotels you are talking about?You have several hotels in thé north of the city.

Eba oda near CFAO Toyota.

St Fabrice in Foreva.

Hotel Franco-Suisse in Djidjole.

Hotel la Licorne in Djidjole.

New hotels are under constructions in Tokoin and Adido Adin.

04-13-14, 13:58
Just spent three weeks in Kara. Since it was not the first visit, I alread had a couple of telephone numbers to contact. Nevertheless, I was able to get ot know some new girls, a waitress, a tailor, a student, a cook. The swimming pool at Hotel Kara offers at this time of the year plenty of possivilities, since secondary school girls and students come to lear swimming. Sometimes I could give a hand, touching here and there, if there was no sign of not liking, the next step was to invite here after swimming for a drink in my room. So, in the end it was more then I could really handle, so for some I blocked the phone. Drawback in Africa is that the girls usually expect something serious. As for performance, there were some quite active and others just speading the legs, most don't like french kisses and all had hairy pussies, all had great asses too. I'll upload some specimens. I don't know why the pictures uploading does not work.

04-16-14, 14:10
Hi everyone,

I have to spend two weeks in Lome this summer. So I'm looking for some nice places to meet girls when I'll be there but I have my tastes, I only like slim African chicks, not old or fat women. If anyone can give me some advices or the better places to go it would be great.

05-06-14, 08:13
Just spent three weeks in Kara. Since it was not the first visit, I alread had a couple of telephone numbers to contact. Nevertheless, I was able to get ot know some new girls, a waitress, a tailor, a student, a cook. The swimming pool at Hotel Kara offers at this time of the year plenty of possivilities, since secondary school girls and students come to lear swimming. Sometimes I could give a hand, touching here and there, if there was no sign of not liking, the next step was to invite here after swimming for a drink in my room. So, in the end it was more then I could really handle, so for some I blocked the phone. Drawback in Africa is that the girls usually expect something serious. As for performance, there were some quite active and others just speading the legs, most don't like french kisses and all had hairy pussies, all had great asses too. I'll upload some specimens. I don't know why the pictures uploading does not work.Let me retry with a faster connection.

Zouk Love
05-10-14, 11:46
Hi everyone,

I have to spend two weeks in Lome this summer. So I'm looking for some nice places to meet girls when I'll be there but I have my tastes, I only like slim African chicks, not old or fat women. If anyone can give me some advices or the better places to go it would be great.Hi Frenchseb,

Most of the Togolese are slim. The more they get old, the more they get fat.

06-01-14, 17:44
Hi Frenchseb,

Most of the Togolese are slim. The more they get old, the more they get fat.Ok I see, thanks. But where are the best places in town to meet these young thin girls?

Zouk Love
06-17-14, 01:55
Ok I see, thanks. But where are the best places in town to meet these young thin girls?Anywhere in the city, just stop the one you like, tell her you are lost or whatever and then suggest a drink.

But you will have more chance after 6 PM as Togolese people are quite shy.

07-21-14, 21:13
I've booked this time Hotel Aurore, near the former Hotel de la Paix. Anybody has been there? I'm also playing with the idea to stay a couple of days with one or other Girl friend at Coco Beach Hotel, has someone been there?

07-31-14, 21:53
Will be in Lomé next week. Anybody interested in a sortie together?

08-07-14, 00:24
Will be in Lom next week. Anybody interested in a sortie together?Currently, I'm in Lomé. I'm ready to spend some time with you.

08-15-14, 16:57
Sorry Bogarde, I did not read your message in time. Had a quite busy week. First, I think the Domino is still a good address. Took the girl in the first picture from there. She's Guinean and I had her to my hotel about 5 times. The night of my arrival I went to Domino with an old friend and she choose a lady with XXXL boobs for a threesome. Did not slleep much this nicht. Before this, we went to PV a Gogo, a sort of Gogo-Bar at the Privilège Complex. The Girls dancing did not turn me on very much. Mostly Slim, no ass, not really what I'm looking for in Afirca. Went to Panini twice, but only in the early evening, later it is too crowded, too many drunks and thieves. At the Pajar Bar near the market I met a beautiful lady who cliamed to be a Business woman importing from China. We went out to lunch, but it did not come to a closer Encounter, although, this is programmed. I stayed atr Aurore Hotel which is associated to Napoléon, Althoug they saw 4 or 5 different ladies coming and going, this was no issue. The other ladies were older friends from last year and before.

08-15-14, 17:04
I hope they will upload now!

10-20-14, 21:05
I have reduced the format and hope they will upload now.

01-03-15, 03:57

Located right next to my hotel (Résidence Hôtelière Océane), l'Abreuvoir was the 1st venue I visited in Lomé. Girls were shaking their butts on the dance floor with a central go-go pole, fronted by a mirror. To my surprise, the girls (4 Ivorian & 2 Togolese) were hostesses employed by the bar!

The Swiss owner, who speaks English & French, explained the system. The girls make commission on drinks, either a glass of champagne for 5000 CFA, a small bottle for 15000 CFA, or a large bottle for 45000 CFA. The Ivorian girl who hit on me didn't ask me for a drink, though. She was quick to suggest we go "behind the curtain" for a quickie fuck!

In short, l'Abreuvoir is a ST place, though it may be possible to arrange a rendezvous at your hotel outside business hours. They open at 6 PM, and stay open until the last customer leaves. My beers (Flag) cost 2000 CFA. Since on-the-premises STs are not my thing, my 1st visit was also my last.

Le Domino / La Villa

Conveniently located right across the street from my hotel, Le Domino was the epicenter of my P4P activities in Lomé. At first view, it's similar to l'Abreuvoir: dance floor fronted by a mirror, minus the go-go pole. The big difference is that the girls are freelancers, not hostesses!

Le Domino is an expat bar, run by a Frenchman, with a big selection of Belgian beers. The male clientele is predominantly white. Girls are on offer from 10-11 PM onwards, any day of the week! After 1-2 AM, the girls start heading for the clubs. Drinks are reasonably priced (Flag: 1300 CFA).

Another such late evening meeting place in Lomé is the more upscale La Villa.

Le Privilège

On the weekend, I wanted to check out Le Privilège, the biggest disco in West Africa. Even over the weekend, it looked empty & lacked ambience. The club is simply too damn big for Lomé! I expected to meet plenty of weekend-only semi-pros, but was bitterly disappointed. The selection of girls was basically the same as in Le Domino earlier that night!

On Friday, the cover charge was 1500 CFA. On Saturday, it was 3000 CFA. Both days, the cover charge entitles you to 1 free drink. Since a drink costs 1500 CFA, entrance is basically free on Fridays, but not on Saturdays.

The main disco is dominated by a huge dance floor. The adjacent Fashion Club has plush seating and a central stage with girls dancing in sexy attire. As it gets late, the crowd moves on to the smaller VIP Club. I never made it to the VIP, but heard drinks were twice as expensive.


I suggest you go to Le Domino / La Villa after 10-11 PM. If you hook up with a girl you like, you can either take her for a ST or keep her for the night. Keep in mind that most girls will want to leave early morning! If you're still flying solo, just follow the girls' trail as they start leaving. They'll know which club is happening that night. On a Wednesday night (after a ST), I ended up at Duplex, a smaller club with a mixed crowd, plenty of hoes & ultra-expensive drinks (Flag: 3500 CFA!)


Those who claim Lomé is a weekend town, couldn't be more wrong. There's plenty of action in Lomé, any day of the week!


01-12-15, 10:02
Nice to hear that LE Privilège reopened. I'm a regular at LE Domino and had much fun with this Guinéan lady. In December I spent a couple of days with the lady with the big boobs I met through a dating site. An exception, between the majority of scammers, tagged and afrointroductions are the most notorious.

In Kara I recommend LE Tour, near Hotel Kara, for (semi-) professionals. The third lady was a recommendation of such a one when she herself was not available.

08-19-15, 05:26
Went twice to Domino at about 10 pm. The place was almost empty. Met two ladies at the toilet who proposes a BJ at the spot. Made an appointment with a lady I had met at the bar: Anita. Was my first bad experience in years. CBJ, uninterested fucking. Afterwards discussion on money. I gave her generously 20.000 and added after her complaining 5. 000. She kept pursuing me reclaiming more money. She only gave up after a long walk to the Boulevard.

I stayed at Aurore Hotel, near the former de la Paix. Good price relation.

09-23-15, 23:17
OK been lurking enough, so to contribute a bit.

Was in Lome for a few days with the ship I work on. Sunday night we went out around 10 pm and went to Domino, which was empty expect for 2 girls, one was slim and tall, pretty face, the other had a great ass. Anyway 4 of us are there so we start to have some fun and by midnight the place was packed with girls and a few other guys. For my taste I could say they ranged from 5-7, not bad, but in Africa the best girls I seen in Durban (I'm a little biased there, but that's another story). I pulled a girl from Abidjan, 28 years. Damage was 25.000 for her and another 10.000 for a ST hotel. She was good, we had chemistry, BBBJ, fucking in various positions and finish with a CIM. To give her props I'm rather hard to please, she is one of the few that managed to make me cum with a blowjob.

Some of the other guys went to some other bars amd during the day, from Sunday till Tuesday, I don't have the details but it seems you can find girls everywhere in Lome, any time of the day.

My next stop is Durban, I have still not decided if I'll go for a night out or for a relaxing day with a long time friend (and some more).

09-24-15, 21:01
Two girls during a 2 night visit. The first somewhat not active enough in fucking, but she reacts when licking her pussy. The second performs well, but she takes some time to come herself.

09-26-15, 21:52
2-3 months back all the Moroccan girls working in Ameena and Bomaco suddenly left Togo what is the current situation? Anybody have any updates?

09-30-15, 15:45
Two girls during a 2 night visit. The first somewhat not active enough in fucking, but she reacts when licking her pussy. The second performs well, but she takes some time to come herself.I hope, the pics will upload now.

09-30-15, 16:19
She gives a good BJ and is ready to fuck in all positions.

10-01-15, 16:04
She gives a good BJ and is ready to fuck in all positions.Great Stuff to enjoy.

10-06-15, 08:52
Am planning a trip from Burkina to Togo and Benin in December. Anybody interested to join in might send me a PM.

11-25-15, 13:43
Thank God the Moroccan girls (5-6 of them) are back to Togo. It's almost 3 months they were forced to leave Togo due to problems caused by Immigration officials. Now, they do not have a permanent place to sit but are available in Privilege club. It will less costly as there is no need to buy whole bottles for them now.


Chris P
11-26-15, 12:56
Thank God the Moroccan girls (5-6 of them) are back to Togo. It's almost 3 months they were forced to leave Togo due to problems caused by Immigration officials. Now, they do not have a permanent place to sit but are available in Privilege club. It will less costly as there is no need to buy whole bottles for them now.

CheersHi Gamerboy, hope you don't mind me asking but I saw on another thread you mentioned you had contacts for girls in Accra. I take it you meant Moroccan girls? I go to Accra every now and then: where do they hang out, what's the deal?

12-01-15, 17:38
Hi Gamerboy, hope you don't mind me asking but I saw on another thread you mentioned you had contacts for girls in Accra. I take it you meant Moroccan girls? I go to Accra every now and then: where do they hang out, what's the deal?You can find these Moroccan girls at 2 clubs in Accra. Jokers and Duplex. The last time I was there 6 months ago, around 10-12 girls were there in the 2 clubs.

01-06-16, 17:29
Going through some files and some memories.

Oh how nice it can be. At a pleasant resort with your babe. Anytime you feel like it. Any time she feels like it. Any time you both feel like it.

This was a casual encounter. Non-commercial. But of course the amenities of a nice resort. Beach and pool and great meals & drinks, etc. , were more than welcome and sufficient.

And for me that was a fully gratifying investment. We came to really care for each other and so had a relaxed and wonderful time.

Dreaming of having more of it.

04-01-17, 17:45
I will be staying in Lome for a couple of days next week, does anyone has some updated information as I won't have much time there.

Thanks in advance.

Zouk Love
08-08-17, 07:38
I was in Lomé recently. This country is being poorer and poorer. More roads but more poverty.

Girls now are ready for everything.

Just call them, bring to the hotel, fuck. As easy as it is.

They're not really expert in sex (only two out of 10 were reasonably expert and active in sex) mostly passive, not able to kiss or suck.

But are quite submissive and you can ask them a lot.

Long way to reach Ivory Coast or Gabon level in terms of sex attraction.

Bubba Lulu
08-29-17, 19:11
I've been in and out of Lome several times in the last couple of years, and have to say that it's one of my favorite places to enjoy myself.

I won't be back anytime soon, so I'm willing to share my favorite discovery there.

When I first met Fabricia, she was working behind the bar at Dominos, and was definitely a pro. She has since opened her own salon, and shifted to more semi-pro status, you won't find her in the clubs that often.

She did ask me to share her information though, because while she's a bit more discrete these days, she's still looking for "friends".

She's a very sweet lovely girl who's a whole lot of fun (no CIM though).

Bubba Lulu
09-12-17, 19:50
After having explicitly asked that I share her information here a couple of months ago, Fabricia has apparently had a change of heart. Somebody contacted her using the info from my post, and she called me after and lit me up like a blowtorch.

Use the info below with caution.

I've been in and out of Lome several times in the last couple of years, and have to say that it's one of my favorite places to enjoy myself.

I won't be back anytime soon, so I'm willing to share my favorite discovery there..

02-24-18, 10:43
One girl I meet in Lome also, she is open.

I've been in and out of Lome several times in the last couple of years, and have to say that it's one of my favorite places to enjoy myself.

I won't be back anytime soon, so I'm willing to share my favorite discovery there..

Kute Guy
05-23-18, 02:10
After being here for a couple of days, I can only advice one thing: stay away! This is literally one of the most nothing l boring and empty countries I have visited. And I have visited 100+ countries.

I haven't eaten practically for two days because there is absolutely nowhere to eat. There is only low low end or very high end food. I like to consume neither. So have had to stick to packets of banana chips, if I can find them.

The sea. It is unswimable due to undertow. So that's rather pointless.

Oh I have not seen any attractive women. I checked out club LE privilege. Sure its massive, especially when there are only 5 people in there. I stuck around till 1 am. But no one walked into the place. The pros hanging around on street corner were horrendously fat and ugly.

I am looking forward to leaving the place, although not much hopes for Benin either.

The only only reason you would come here is if you are forced to via work and / or you can only speak French and you want to try African ladies in their native environment. If it's the latter I would recommend that you stay home and masturbate instead. Oh wait, you only understand French so you wouldn't be able to read this field report:

Zouk Love
07-05-18, 22:25
Kute Guy is right for one thing: Lomé is dead dead dead dead since 3 years thanks to the PR who knows he will soon has to leave and takes as much money as he can from the few business that remains in this country.

But girls, there are plenty everywhere. Lomé is not Accra or Mombasa where you have night club dedicated to prostitution. Here, you need to go in the local bars, local night clubs where you will find loads of young attractive girls and ready to fuck for peanuts.

Need to know where to go, that's it.

After being here for a couple of days, I can only advice one thing: stay away! This is literally one of the most nothing l boring and empty countries I have visited. And I have visited 100+ countries.

I haven't eaten practically for two days because there is absolutely nowhere to eat. There is only low low end or very high end food. I like to consume neither. So have had to stick to packets of banana chips, if I can find them.

The sea. It is unswimable due to undertow. So that's rather pointless.

Oh I have not seen any attractive women. I checked out club LE privilege. Sure its massive, especially when there are only 5 people in there. I stuck around till 1 am. But no one walked into the place. The pros hanging around on street corner were horrendously fat and ugly.

I am looking forward to leaving the place, although not much hopes for Benin either.

The only only reason you would come here is if you are forced to via work and / or you can only speak French and you want to try African ladies in their native environment. If it's the latter I would recommend that you stay home and masturbate instead. Oh wait, you only understand French so you wouldn't be able to read this field report:

05-21-19, 17:23
I cannot agree. I've been to Lomé about tree times a year in the last years. I stayed in an appartment near Bravia Hotel and had about three ladies visiting a day. Most I contacted via a contact site like badoo, others I met by chance and just accosted. Most reacted positively. Most of the gils I met through contact sites wern't difficult to lay. Most often I bring some panties and bras, and then I ask, if they don't want to try. And off it goes.

I will post some picture shortly.

Kute Guy is right for one thing: Lom is dead dead dead dead since 3 years thanks to the PR who knows he will soon has to leave and takes as much money as he can from the few business that remains in this country.

But girls, there are plenty everywhere. Lom is not Accra or Mombasa where you have night club dedicated to prostitution. Here, you need to go in the local bars, local night clubs where you will find loads of young attractive girls and ready to fuck for peanuts.

Need to know where to go, that's it.

07-11-21, 14:44
I cannot agree. I've been to Lom about tree times a year in the last years. I stayed in an appartment near Bravia Hotel and had about three ladies visiting a day. Most I contacted via a contact site like badoo, others I met by chance and just accosted. Most reacted positively. Most of the gils I met through contact sites wern't difficult to lay. Most often I bring some panties and bras, and then I ask, if they don't want to try. And off it goes.

I will post some picture shortly.+1 mate. Lome is a "target rich environment".

Been here for some time & Tinder has been Godsend. Almost every Right Swipe results in a match. During chat I get straight to the point, asking if she is interested in a hookup. Almost always affirmative in response.

University girls, mostly, studying either in Lome or Kara. Some matches from across Ghana too. Hooked up with some Sierra Leone girls too.

Have a nice pad in the vicinity of Sarakawa. Some matches have resulted in a meet within a couple of hours. So I normally invite her over to my place in the evening. Before arrival fix the meet at 10 K CFA for the whole night, plus food & drinks. Some insist on 15-20 K, but definitely none over 20 K. If she comes over on Saturday, she'd leave only by Sunday evening, consuming only additional food & drinks. VFM proposition IMHO. Get done 4-5 sessions with her in this time.

Food is from nearby LE Phenecian (over-priced IMHO) or Abu KasIm. Normally, I log in to Tinder on Wednesday / Thursday, so that by Saturday, plans are fixed. Now, I have stabilized on 2 girls - 1 local 24 yr old, whose tuition fee I am paying, another a 26 yr old Nigerian having showbiz aspirations.

If one isn't up for the rare waiting game Tinder may occasionally throw up, head to the Blue Turtle Bay on a weekend evening. Order a drink at the Bar (ignore the Restaurants at the entrance) & sit alone sipping your drink. Invariably, an unaccompanied girl would come & occupy the adjacent stool. Your game from there onward, M8.

10-16-23, 09:34
I just visit Lome very short business trip during COVID-19 period.

Lome is nice place with beautiful beach (I know that not suitable for swimming).

Any comment of girl in LOME? Is it they don't like kiss and BJ like another African girl?

Any which hotel will prefer for pick-up? Last time I stay in Hotel 2 Fevrier.


04-25-24, 14:46
Bros- any one have any English-speaking driver / local nighttime guides for the above countries?

Please PM or post. Times are difficult and always good to help local folks if possible.

Strictly looking for car&drivers who know the mongering waterholes. Not need tourist guides.

Thanks. And will report back in a few weeks.

05-15-24, 12:02
Lome, Togo. Brief stop here in the capital of Lome, but would not return.

There are some attractive women to be had, but not speaking French made this much more challenging and a bit dangerous. I found 80% of the Togolese were trying to rip me off in one fashion or another whether it was taxi drivers, waiters, immigration people, even the hotel clerk tried to overcharge me and this was the best hotel in town. Give this place a pass.

One bright spot: On my last night, meet a gorgeous super friendly girl working behind a bar. She would have come home with me, but shift ended at 3:00 am and I wasn't up for the wait. Sadly had to move on the next day, but certainly could have had some nice bedroom company with her.

So Lome action is definitely available, but you need to find a reliable taxi driver guide, carry lots of small bills because no one will offer change, and speaking French would be a very large advantage. Also, most of the women are not slim. If BBBW Big Beautiful Black Women are your thing and you speak the French, this could be happy hunting ground. At least the local 5 star hotel is a decent respite from the town. Disadvantage is no Bolt / Grab / Uber so every taxi ride is a negotiation and a directions hassle. Again, speaking French and carrying small money would help.

But, sadly I have lots of bad encounter with arrogant unfriendly people which is in sharp contrast to Ghana where I found the people to be 100% warm, courteous and friendly.

There is no good reason to go to Togo unless you have to pass through, which was my case. Ghana is a far superior country for both tourists and mongerers.