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07-13-09, 10:34
Hi Raw Deal,

Sorry i didn't get back to you. Thankfully Black Python has answered your question.

Has anybody here been to Enigma, and pulled anything worthwhile?I Went to Enigma this saturday and found the crowd was mostly college guys/girls. Number of girls for pickup for really not seen. I went to the bar and started to chat with tender there. In a few minutes a girls came and sat next to me. As i got my drink I just smiled at her and asked if i could buy her some thing. She responded and we got talking. Since music was too loud, asked her to come out for a while. We got out near to the pool area connecting to enigma where many girls and few guys were smoking. We sat in the hut type thing made with wooden benches. I asked her what she was doing tonight (it was 12.30 am already), and she told she for looking for company. I then asked if she would like to join me and she came down to price and told a big 15K. She did look worth it but you never know the real goods below her clothes. Also it was a bit too expensive for me in these recessive times and I told her next time. How ever I asked if she could join me in for some drinks at corner table and she said no as she will try to find some guy. She was very comfortable with fact that her price for beyond my budget. Inside I went to dance floor to join my friends while this girl seemed to be near bar to find some one. By the time the place closed at about 3.00 pm and we were waiting for the valet to get my car I saw her go in a taxi with some fair bald guy. Seems she made her deal.

07-13-09, 12:24
Hey Guys,
Getting to travel a bit more these days and have opportunity to be in Delhi and Mumbai in the next couple of weeks. Needed some input from you guys:
1) Is Mira road 'safe' these days? Any current recommendations
2) The happening service bars currently?
3) Best place to stay for mongering? Not a dump - not plush - just clean with internet.
Thanks a bunch/ Pulse

07-13-09, 12:42

Will be in mumbai for a couple of months.

P.S. luck, Santa any help pls.

No Sweat. But you need to make the time.

Raw Deal
07-14-09, 15:02
This sounds encouraging. Will try and check out sometime soon.

As i got my drink I just smiled at her and asked if i could buy her some thing. She responded and we got talking. Since music was too loud, asked her to come out for a while. We got out near to the pool area connecting to enigma where many girls and few guys were smoking. We sat in the hut type thing made with wooden benches. I asked her what she was doing tonight (it was 12.30 am already), and she told she for looking for company. I then asked if she would like to join me and she came down to price and told a big 15K. She did look worth it but you never know the real goods below her clothes

Raw Deal
07-14-09, 15:23
1. Mira Road - No experience there
2. Went to one a few months back - Tr*sh* in Goregaon W
3. If you prefer the incall scene, stay in Colaba near Naw**kars. Else Bandra / Juhu / Andheri W are areas with lots of action. Within the medium range, Ramada in Juhu is good and GF.

Hey Guys,
Getting to travel a bit more these days and have opportunity to be in Delhi and Mumbai in the next couple of weeks. Needed some input from you guys:
1) Is Mira road 'safe' these days? Any current recommendations
2) The happening service bars currently?
3) Best place to stay for mongering? Not a dump - not plush - just clean with internet.
Thanks a bunch/ Pulse

07-14-09, 15:52
Mira Road:

Went yesterday to entertain a friend in Mira Road. Hopped in to all the famous bars mentioned in the forum. Trust me the action is very much there and no issues as of now.

1. Mira Road - No experience there

2. Went to one a few months back - Tr*sh* in Goregaon W

3. If you prefer the incall scene, stay in Colaba near Naw**kars. Else Bandra / Juhu / Andheri W are areas with lots of action. Within the medium range, Ramada in Juhu is good and GF.

On The Wings
07-14-09, 17:30
1. Mira Road - No experience there.

2. Went to one a few months back - Tr*sh* in Goregaon W
3. If you prefer the incall scene, stay in Colaba near Naw**kars. Else Bandra / Juhu / Andheri W are areas with lots of action. Within the medium range, Ramada in Juhu is good and GF.1. Mira Road. First, quite a long shot. Almost 50 kms from CST/C. Gate. Unless you are put up near Andheri/Goregaon. It would be long journey. Again, Mira Road is not recommended for new comers. Little risky.

2. Colaba and N. Kar (did you mean N. Lane) are two diff locations. Anyway, you can say. Voodoo in colaba and N. Lane near congress h.

3. Ramada. Tariff still not for everyone.

Happy times.

On The Wings
07-14-09, 17:36
This sounds encouraging. Will try and check out sometime soon.Hello,

Rawdeal, please don't take the words of M. Cop seriously. He himself had admitted that he is a fantasy writer and his postings must be dealt in that perspective only. Just go back to some of his previous postings and get that cleared. Anyway, I have no exp. With enigma. But, quite a lot at Bawa Intl. Near airport. Worth a try. Especially, you can see the happenings after 12pm in the night (W. R. T my visit some five months back).

07-14-09, 17:50
I Went to Enigma this saturday and found the crowd was mostly college guys/girls. Number of girls for pickup for really not seen. I went to the bar and started to chat with tender there. In a few minutes a girls came and sat next to me. As i got my drink I just smiled at her and asked if i could buy her some thing. She responded and we got talking. Since music was too loud, asked her to come out for a while. We got out near to the pool area connecting to enigma where many girls and few guys were smoking. We sat in the hut type thing made with wooden benches. I asked her what she was doing tonight (it was 12.30 am already), and she told she for looking for company. I then asked if she would like to join me and she came down to price and told a big 15K. She did look worth it but you never know the real goods below her clothes. Also it was a bit too expensive for me in these recessive times and I told her next time. How ever I asked if she could join me in for some drinks at corner table and she said no as she will try to find some guy. She was very comfortable with fact that her price for beyond my budget. Inside I went to dance floor to join my friends while this girl seemed to be near bar to find some one. By the time the place closed at about 3.00 pm and we were waiting for the valet to get my car I saw her go in a taxi with some fair bald guy. Seems she made her deal.Thanks for the report MumbaiCop.

She would have to be stunning for a 15k valuation. However, if she's worth it, then why not.

Good to read that there is some action to be had.

Satya B
07-14-09, 20:18
Hi All,

Attached are the PICs which I could get from Navalkar Lane. The gul Soma is from Orrisa. Excellent service, reasonable cost, full satisfaction.


07-14-09, 20:38
Just let you guys know about my recent visit (a few months back). I come to Mumabi on and off and find it difficult to look for nice women at a good price. I have been ripped off more times that I can imagine (by that I mean low quality service, not too bothered about the price as its relatively cheap )

This time I tried to do some pre - planning off a friend of a friend.

Fortunately he managed to hook me up with a 2 Indian students, I recall they come from Shimila or near there. (about 22 / 23). They spoke perfect English and were really really attractive. We went over to Goa for about 4 days. I was a bit apprehensive at first as some of these Indians say very nice, top quality and you end up with a fat one.

We met in Mumbai initially and I booked them for 4 days a few days later. I didnt want to stay in Mumbai mainly as I could see the agent calling up every day, asking for more cash, the womans family is ill and need to get home etc. etc.

I paid for the flights as well as accommodation to GOA. I put all of us under the same surname so either the hotel guy thought we were related or that I was muslim and they were my wives, anyway didn't care nor they did they.

The women were really pretty and up for everything (though no lesbian action or anal, but loved to kiss ! ). We also went sightseeing around Goa during the day and some clubs in the evening. I got action whenever I wanted it and there were quite a few people who looked a little jealous to say the least particularly in the clubs, made me smile :-)

I found it relatively expensive as I paid about 150k RPS to them (together) plus another 40k to the contact for his commission + flights, accommodation and food.

The service was most worth it and memorable and the women were really pleasant and had a personality so we had a laugh. They were told to keep their phone's off for 23 of the 24 hours of the day, but they were very courteous and made the trip an excellent one.

It is a bit of a shame to see such high pricing in country with relatively low GDP per head.

For me in comparison to London prices this was not bad, and as it removed a lot of the headache and risk when looking for someone, I thought it was worth it.

I was under strict instructions not to give their details out as it seemed to be a one-off. The agent also seems to have changed his email address so I've lost that contact as well. If I get back in touch with him will let the rest of the group know.

ps A number of years back I also went to Srinagar and the boathouse owner managed to get me one of the shepherdess women. Most beautiful in the world, they wear no make up and their cheeks and lips are red, their hair light brown and their skin very pale. If you are ever up there then make sure you try one.

07-15-09, 05:52
Where are the pics dude?

Hi All,

Attached are the PICs which I could get from Navalkar Lane. The gul Soma is from Orrisa. Excellent service, reasonable cost, full satisfaction.


07-15-09, 11:58

Rawdeal, please don't take the words of M. Cop seriously. He himself had admitted that he is a fantasy writer and his postings must be dealt in that perspective only. Just go back to some of his previous postings and get that cleared. Anyway, I have no exp. With enigma. But, quite a lot at Bawa Intl. Near airport. Worth a try. Especially, you can see the happenings after 12pm in the night (W. R. T my visit some five months back).Any person who was at enigma on that night will confirm of this guy with a girl at corner table just to right of DJ. So if you want to get cross checked do it.

07-15-09, 16:04
Hi guys. Been a while since I posted. Actually I am sort of in semi retirement I guess. Did not find anyone worth getting my backside of the couch so just let it rest there.

I beleive I mentioned that there is this chick who wants to break into the business. she is like a jack in the box. Appears suddenly and disappears the next couple of days later. This time she has given me a time frame. Well might get my butt off the couch and see if the effort was worth it. A guy from the forum has met her and says she is easy on the eyes. But her rate was above his budget so he did not indulge.

If any of the known members would like to try give me a buzz. She is asking 5k for an hour. No bargaining please mates. The guy who met her bargained and she gave me hell for it. She will be here friday and will leave a few days later.

If I meet her I will post an FR ASAP. Not really sure when though.



07-15-09, 20:14
ps A number of years back I also went to Srinagar and the boathouse owner managed to get me one of the shepherdess women. Most beautiful in the world, they wear no make up and their cheeks and lips are red, their hair light brown and their skin very pale. If you are ever up there then make sure you try one.

Hey Bilbo Can U go into details and how much U spent on the sheperdess women and boy did you rock the houseboat :-0 Relive the memories and let us know please.

Aryan Bigheart
07-15-09, 20:17
Hi Motor Man,

Need to draw your attention here!

Had gone to the said place with a friend on a Friday evening, as soon as we entered we were given odd looks! There were two gals one dark and little plum and other fair.
Asked for massage charges, they asked how did ya know about this place, I said a frnd told us, name, from where is he, faked name and place.

They got it tht its fake, but we said wht the heck, told her we know about Tina and vaishali and the rates as well also told tht are we damm sure of wht happens here, told the dark one i guess ur tina she denied.

"we only to facial and pedicure etc"

WTF got out went to Andheri lokhandwala, tried cosmos did'nt like it then headed for the famous craze had fun there in the dark! was worth it,

Anyways want to get to this MP opp milan hotel and nail the two damm chicks! Wht can be done!


That is the correct place.

The building is under renovation.

Have a good time.

Originally Posted by Aryan Bigheart

I just want to know the Exact location of the place.

I tried to check it but couldn't, the place seemed shut @ 4:30 pm

Is it the place bang opposite to the Milan International Hotel?

the opposite building is under construction and I saw board Glamor beauty parlor. is that the place? if not where is it?



Motor Man
07-16-09, 06:40
Hi Aryan,

Sorry you got disappointed. If you PM me will give you the number you can make initial contact and talk to them over the phone. They do say it is only pedicure and facial. Don't ask them outright, tell them you would like to go upstairs for a back massage and take it from there.

I also had some action with an independent escort over the weekend and good action at the old Sheesh Mahal in Khar, yes it is open again but difficult to get in without the contacts. Of course it is more expensiv than N Lane. Will post about them later.

[QUOTE=Aryan Bigheart]Hi Motor Man,

Need to draw your attention here!

Had gone to the said place with a friend on a Friday evening, as soon as we entered we were given odd looks! There were two gals one dark and little plum and other fair.
Asked for massage charges, they asked how did ya know about this place, I said a frnd told us, name, from where is he, faked name and place.

Satya B
07-16-09, 07:25
I think some tech problem. I also have posted these PICs in photo gallary.

Where are the pics dude?

King Prawn
07-16-09, 08:00

I could be interested if she does the chennai circuit.5k is ok let me know once you have met her.



Hi guys. Been a while since I posted. Actually I am sort of in semi retirement I guess. Did not find anyone worth getting my backside of the couch so just let it rest there.

I beleive I mentioned that there is this chick who wants to break into the business. she is like a jack in the box. Appears suddenly and disappears the next couple of days later. This time she has given me a time frame. Well might get my butt off the couch and see if the effort was worth it. A guy from the forum has met her and says she is easy on the eyes. But her rate was above his budget so he did not indulge.

If any of the known members would like to try give me a buzz. She is asking 5k for an hour. No bargaining please mates. The guy who met her bargained and she gave me hell for it. She will be here friday and will leave a few days later.

If I meet her I will post an FR ASAP. Not really sure when though.



07-16-09, 10:53
Hi All,

Attached are the PICs which I could get from Navalkar Lane. The gul Soma is from Orrisa. Excellent service, reasonable cost, full satisfaction.


Hey SB;
Where did you post ?
Could not see the pics of 'Gul Soma' !
Put them in the pics section - please..

07-16-09, 17:07
Hey Bilbo Can U go into details and how much U spent on the sheperdess women and boy did you rock the houseboat :-0 Relive the memories and let us know please.

It was quite some time ago but I bought a Tag Heuer watch in Thailand and the house boat owner loved it so he traded it in for a sheperdess woman ! I think the watch cost me at the time like 10USD or something.

The woman was the most prettiest thing I have come across in my life, slim, smelt beautiful (including her pussy) and a little inexperienced, long hair and very light nipples! She was all natural as well (no nearly all of them are shaved!) Very accommodating to my needs.

The houseboats there are relatively permanent fixtures so no it did not rock. I used to take more risks in those days, I doubt very much you would see me in those areas again.

Aryan Bigheart
07-16-09, 20:50
Hi motorman,

Thanks for the reply. I can't PM you. Haven't subscribed as yet!

Anyways we (as in me and my frnd) are keen to get back to them for EGO but dono if its worth it!

My frnd suggested be just drop by again and ask bluntly for massage (not interested in FS) I don't think its a good idea.

If you know any other way to get in touch with them or get some action started from them let me know

Anyways thanks again



[QUOTE=Motor Man]Hi Aryan,

Sorry you got disappointed. If you PM me will give you the number you can make initial contact and talk to them over the phone. They do say it is only pedicure and facial. Don't ask them outright, tell them you would like to go upstairs for a back massage and take it from there.

I also had some action with an independent escort over the weekend and good action at the old Sheesh Mahal in Khar, yes it is open again but difficult to get in without the contacts. Of course it is more expensiv than N Lane. Will post about them later.

[QUOTE=Aryan Bigheart]

Cool Shag
07-16-09, 21:15

There are a couple of MP's in goregaon on aarey Road opp St. Pius College. Could any post any info about their rates, services, guls, quality etc.

I have also heard that you can get some Call Center girls in/near Inorbit/HyperCity or on the road behind Inorbit near the joggers park. Is that info correct.

Would be great if anyone could revert back.

Uni Den
07-17-09, 13:10
After a long time, thought of visiting the ever gold joint red horse at dahisar checknaka and surprise surprise!

The entire joint has been renovated, the seats are red and much more cozy. The singers platform has moved on the left as compared to the usual right. The walking and center area is now much more spacious for better view

And ofcourse apart from the regulars there has been quite a new lot of girls and those pieces just gets better!

Didn't try any as just been there for a drink and for old times sakes with my buddies.

In short, Red Horse just got better!

07-17-09, 13:59
It is a fact. You can try it.

I have heard of this place called turbhepura, but dear friend this is fantasy to get super shot for 80 bucks, If someone told that T20 world cup final is between Ireland and Scotland I can believe it, but not this, she cannot even buy 2 condoms and a paper napkin to clean you in this price.

Cute Mumbai Guy
07-17-09, 17:17
Thanks Red Magnet.

So you know of any place in Mumbai where they are easy available?

And also any idea on the pricing of these?

Thanks a ton.


Sildenafil (viagra) is the best. Available as caverta, penagra and many other brand names. Only select chemists give them without prescription. Try somebody known to you.

Cialis also is good and acts for 36 hours. For short time, sildenafil is good.

I don't think other dubious drugs, such as sprays and ayurvedic preparations work, although tentex forte and tentex royale tablets may work (not sure). For immediate results, first 2 options are best.

Opium also prolongs pleasure.

Warning: in case you are a heart patient, please avoid the tablets. Do not take more than one. It does not enhance the pleasure. On the other hand it can give painful erection and embarrasemnt or even health risk.

To sum it: Caverta 50mg tablet is a good ber.

All the best. ENJOY!

Mumbai Guy
07-18-09, 08:58
My dear friend it's shocking to hear from you that you are sort of semi retired. Hey mate you are one of the seniormost guys around here alongwith Santa and few others. Do'nt even think of such things. Maybe we should meet one day for a chat over drinks to cheer things up. I am going out of Mumbai for a couple of weeks but shall contact you via PM and we shall fix up a time. Maybe we could ask Santa also to join.


Hi guys. Been a while since I posted. Actually I am sort of in semi retirement I guess. Did not find anyone worth getting my backside of the couch so just let it rest there.


07-18-09, 10:21
Looks like all the senior folk here are slowly moving on, or retiring into their own private realm in a way.

Do let us know how the meeting with the lady went yesterday. The price tag is fine if she has the class that she seems to have. Does she come to Bangalore? I would be interested in contributing to her life-style costs. Cheers.
Hi guys. Been a while since I posted. Actually I am sort of in semi retirement I guess. Did not find anyone worth getting my backside off the couch so just let it rest there.

Motor Man
07-18-09, 13:38
Hi Aryan,

Went there this afternoon (Saturday). V wasnt there so it was T, the darker one. Not very hot looking but tries harder. So it was a massage, reaching under my balls and making me hard and then a fanastic boob massage. One heck of a blow job. She really at least pretends to enjoy it, sucked my nuts and drove me crazy. I dined on her and then finally drilled in.

But As I said she is not very hot looking.

Rates are 1500 counter.1000 to 1200 to here. V charges 1200 to 1500.

If you really want a good looking bab, BUXOM with a capital B. But no FS only a HJ, sucking on her Boobs and fingering her pussy there is this place in Juhu. Opposite Sukh Sagar restaurant and next door to to Ramada. A shopping complex called Beach Heaven. Four or five parlours there. Three of them are regular but there are two which also offer a little more than a massage. This one has no name just a wooden finish door and it is on the right. One awesome babe there, South Indian called B*p*sha. She has a pair of 40DDs. Not saggy. As firm as it can get with someone who is not a teenager.

Have fun boys!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Hi motorman,

Thanks for the reply. I can't PM you. Haven't subscribed as yet!

Anyways we (as in me and my frnd) are keen to get back to them for EGO but dono if its worth it!

My frnd suggested be just drop by again and ask bluntly for massage (not interested in FS) I don't think its a good idea.

If you know any other way to get in touch with them or get some action started from them let me know

Anyways thanks again



[QUOTE=Motor Man]Hi Aryan,

Sorry you got disappointed. If you PM me will give you the number you can make initial contact and talk to them over the phone. They do say it is only pedicure and facial. Don't ask them outright, tell them you would like to go upstairs for a back massage and take it from there.

I also had some action with an independent escort over the weekend and good action at the old Sheesh Mahal in Khar, yes it is open again but difficult to get in without the contacts. Of course it is more expensiv than N Lane. Will post about them later.

[QUOTE=Aryan Bigheart]

07-18-09, 15:07
I was in Mumbai recently for few weeks.

Decided to try some local MP and remembered Gopika Bar from some old post.

Gopika Bar was raided just few days before I went there, but I had no idea about that so I went normally there.

I reached there 3pm which I realized was too early. I had really weird experience. It was opening time. I was the only customer and there were some 12-15 male staff each doing bhajan and aarti. It felt really weird.

After the bhajan and aarati the waiter tried me to sell the only girl who was ugly and somewhat old. I flatly refused. Waited alone impatinetly for another 2 hrs. Around 5 or 5.30 girls started coming. A lot of them approximately 35-40 girl. Most of them 5-6 but some 8-9 as well. After much waiting choose a realy nice looking young girl. She was good and pretty decent. Total damage Rs 2200.

Went there 2 more times and tried two more different girl both around 8. Cost was around 2000 Rs all inclusive. Overall good experience.

Also tried MP near Nerul station. Girls were decent around 7 and good service. Also it was cheap for 1000 Rs.

Finally triend Dyna Parlour in Sanpada. There girls were really decent college educated type (8-9). Tried two girls Puja one more. Decent massage. A bit costly around Rs 1500 but well worth it.

Overall good experience in Navi Mumbai

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Went to Dyna at Sanpada...The girl at the reception was awesome... the best i have ever seen. She first asked me whether i had come earlier to which I replied no but i have received a sms about this place. She asked me to show it. At first I asked her why but she insisted on it. I showed her and asked the reason so. She told nowadays there is a problem going on due to police. She informed that they wouldnt be able to service for a long time as it was risky. Well I told her I would come some time later after the situation cools down.

After that I went to Venus at Vashi, ny old hangout. Picked a girl R***i who looked very petite and just over 18 yrs. After the usual massage took off her upper and got ready. But I could see that she was not comfortable as she has not been doing this very much and was still a fresher in this business. So I didnt rush her too much, went slow and steady and smooth. Slowly but surely she opened up n became comfy. Soon she took charge of the act. Her b**bs were a mouthful and I was sucking like a baby. She was enjoying it and wanted more of it. After around 20 mins finished the HJ and left from the place.

But the Dyan receptionist is very much up there in my hitlist. Will go there soon again.

07-18-09, 15:09
Hi guys,

What is the easiest mode of transport for me to use when travelling from Juhu Beach to Grant Rd, Navalkar etc.

Is there a direct, convenient rail link, or would it be best to take a cab?

If i were to take a cab, would most drivers know the way, or would i need to give directions?

I'm sorry about all the questions, i'm just hungry for info before my trip.

I promise i'll make it worth your while, with all the FR and pics i'll bring back!

Bobby Jacob
07-18-09, 16:09
Landed up in Mumbai yesterday morning, and the first 24 hours have proven to be quite productive. First off, checked-in, settled down and went through my 3S's (shit, shower, shave), and headed out about 9:00ish in the morning. The N. Lane place proved to be too tempting, and I landed up there after a bit of roaming around, maybe around noon or so. The first floor was closed, as was the second floor, but Suma from the second floor was picked to entertain despite the hours. Pretty decent experience, inexperienced massage, BBBJ, CFS in a half a dozen odd positions. Satisfied for the moment, I headed back and got some well deserved rest and sleep

Next up, woke up in the evening around 8:00ish, headed out to V**d*o. Had a little bit of trouble finding the place in the rain. Paid up the 300/- entrance, chilled on a beer and checked out the scene. Wasn't too impressed. An english speaking Assami chick from Kolkata was parked downstairs in the smoker's lounge, and I struck up a conversation with her. Found out that she charges 3K for ST and 5K LT. Wasn't too impressed with structural and aesthetic aspects, so passed on that one but bought her a drink regardless. Next, went on upstairs to that weird separated area. Eyed one gorgeous little thing and indicated my interest to her. She walked over, and chatted up a bit, 5K/ST, 10K/LT. But then, despite the good structure and everything, she was totally local street maal, language included. Anyways, I decided that she wasn't worth anywhere close to that money, and let her go. Looked around a bit more, but didn't find anything of interest, so I bailed from the place. About a grand down the hole, with no results.

From v**d*o, headed back to N. Lane hoping to catch some more variety. Met up with S*nt**h, who took me to the second place a coupla buildings down the street. I was thrilled inside, thinking of M*n*c*. Turned out that Ms. M wasn't available (didn't ask for the name, waited through the names called out with the line up and asked if anyone else was there). Settled on some strange unknown chic (forgot the name, brain was pretty fried from the weed). Anyways, the chic was ok looks wise, maybe 5-6 on the SW scale. Behaviour was strange to say the least, she was as if on dope or something. Was not too impressed overall with this pick.

That pretty much concludes my reports. I plan to head out tonight and check out some more action. Will report back with details. Till then, Peace Out!

07-18-09, 17:13
Well As I said to a forum buddy. I am not Retired retired. Just semi retired The last two experiences I had were awful. Sort of put me off the whole scene. But the arrival of this yound lady could be a tonic that I needed to rejuvenate me and get the ball rolling again. The ball in this case being me. Come to think of it I do look like a ball. All round.

Damn I gotta get back into shape and fast.

What will the girls think??

Slo: check your pm.

Kabuki: Clean your inbox.

Mumbai Guy. I will meet you on one condition. The first drink is on me. After the first one I wont know which side is up anyway. I am a lousy drinker :( But meeting up is a great idea.



Purple Blue
07-18-09, 20:16
Senior visitors. Please help. I went to nlane. Located the flour mill on the right. Now just opposite was a red and yellow doorway. Is the entrance to vishnus place. I did not see any arch doorway as reported in this forum. Also the doors on the groundfloor was all closed. I could see a flight of stairs on the right side going up. There was no activity nor was there any soul around. It was 630 pm. Let me know if that was the place. Since I am visitor to Mumbai was not sure hence didnot venture up. If this is indeed the place will visit next time I am around.

Mumbai Rocks
07-19-09, 00:47
Hi, posting some of my exp with col gals.

1) few months ago got a college gal contact thru my frnd. This is a long pending referal treat frm my frnd.

Finally he made it for me. Called her & met near a mall. She was nice & demanded the same amt which my frnd paid her for 1st time, dressed properly so no issues of having her at my place.

She felt shy initially but after having some talks during our travell she was comfortable with me. We started with a shower, she refused to give BJ no french, did miss pos then tried doggie & standing also. She was little in-experienced but she smelled nice that turns me on every time. I did her for 4 times.

She was not in a hurry & asked me to take my own time b/w each session. Over all it was a nice experience. I din't feel her as a pro.

Paid her the amt & left near to her place. While leaving she said she was very much comfortable with me & wish to meet again on some week ends. I met her 2 times after that, she gave me a true gfe. Look. 8

Figure. 8

Service. 7

Gfe. 8

Cost. 7k

2) got another col gal thru a provider. Met him, he demanded 9k negotiated to 6.6K. Pretty face. Took her to my place.

She asked me to complete the job in an hr, this turned me off. I had a mechanical sex did for 2 times & asked her to leave. I don't want to try her in future.

Look. 7

Fig. 7

Service. 4

Cost. 6.6 K

07-19-09, 04:24
Its been about two years from the last time I was in Mumbai and I was NOT impressed with the selection I was dealt by a contact I found on here (the first poor girl was sort of deformed and in no way interested in doing what she was doing, the second girl was a bit better looking and had all the parts she needed but was in such a bad mood and was more interested in taking a long shower with hot water and using a western toilet, needless to say I was feeling a bit sad after those encounters which brings me to inquire on info regarding reputable and quality agency that offers outcall to five star hotels near rthe airport and whose offerings are straight up Bollywood quality GFE material. No maids, no slumy's, no club footed smelling slaves. I need info on real, righteous escort service. Please send to PM or send me web address of real agencies.

Thanks Gents.

Mumbai Guy
07-19-09, 05:24
It's been a long time since we heard from you. How are things in B'lore? Are you by any chance coming to Mumbai soon? We are planning to meet some senior members like JSF and others sometime in first week of August hopefully. Would love to have you with us.

By the way any news of Zana??


Looks like all the senior folk here are slowly moving on, or retiring into their own private realm in a way.

Do let us know how the meeting with the lady went yesterday. The price tag is fine if she has the class that she seems to have. Does she come to Bangalore? I would be interested in contributing to her life-style costs. Cheers.

07-19-09, 06:58
You can take a train from Santacruz station for churchgate, get off at Grant Road or charni road and go to N. Lane from there. A cab all the way wud be expensive. But its upto you.

[QUOTE=Chachi420]Hi guys,What is the easiest mode of transport for me to use when travelling from Juhu Beach to Grant Rd, Navalkar etc.QUOTE]

Cowboy Mum
07-19-09, 07:47
Hi, posting some of my exp with col gals.

1) few months ago got a college gal contact thru my frnd. This is a long pending referal treat frm my frnd.

Finally he made it for me. Called her & met near a mall. She was nice & demanded the same amt which my frnd paid her for 1st time, dressed properly so no issues of having her at my place.

She felt shy initially but after having some talks during our travell she was comfortable with me. We started with a shower, she refused to give BJ no french, did miss pos then tried doggie & standing also. She was little in-experienced but she smelled nice that turns me on every time. I did her for 4 times.

She was not in a hurry & asked me to take my own time b/w each session. Over all it was a nice experience. I din't feel her as a pro.

Paid her the amt & left near to her place. While leaving she said she was very much comfortable with me & wish to meet again on some week ends. I met her 2 times after that, she gave me a true gfe. Look. 8

Figure. 8

Service. 7

Gfe. 8

Cost. 7kIs this the same girl who goes by name S*m**n and operates in Adheri West

SF Sam
07-19-09, 18:05
Visited Pr*y**nk* bar in kalwa on a friend recommendation. Had a good time there with a girl called S*pn*. Good service good attitude. She used to work at T**l earlier.

Looks: 7/10


Cost:250 for beer+1k for girl+300 cover charges+200 tips+50 for condi.

Location on thane belapur road.

Downside : Difficult to get any transportation late night.


Satya B
07-19-09, 18:13
Tried to attach photographs.

I think some tech problem. I also have posted these PICs in photo gallary.

07-19-09, 22:02
Kalyan trips,

Was free by bout 7 o clock.

Decided to hit the pickup bars there.

They are on Kalyan Shilphata Road, there are a whole bunch of them throughout that road, names such as Pingara Taal Chandini bar, Rhythm Palace etc. etc.

Well so here's my story:

I walked into Ridham Place, at bout 7:30, was packed! Reminded me of the heydays of the Bombay pickup clubs, tables packed, 40-50 girls standing, a couple dancing. Waiting to be picked up. A few of them were 9/10. Apparently a lot of them from Panvel Vashi etc have moved here now.

Best part is rate is 1,000 bucks for the girl and 300 entry. Which includes the room. So for 1,300 plus 100 tip to the waiters plus 50 for the Chotu and 250 for a beer. In 1700 you get a pretty reasonable screw. Same story though. Girls are more like the starfish. No BJ, no kissing blah blah.

However the one I picked up, I spoke to her for a good 10 15 Minos before doing the entry, she I believe liked me a bit, so the service was pretty OK. Girl was OK. Bout 19. Coquettish.

After that I headed to the bar next door called Samudra, its just started, and one girl told me 12 Sumos full of girls come there. And they pack like 10 girls in one sumo at least. Headed in, but the place was so packed, that I was being asked to share a table with some other guys. And though the women were nice, I headed out. No woman is worth sharing a table. No izzat!

Headed to the bar next to its called Taal, and whoa, I was floored. There were about 40 odd girls there. But there were a few who were 10 on 10s anywhere!

A couple of them in particular were unbelievably hot, I tried to call one, but the waiter tells me she is on her periods. And is just around to collect tips today. I rue my luck and am about to call the second one, but the waiter bought a girl to me, and I had seen her before, reminded me of an old friend of mine, dunno she spoke so nicely that I let her sit instead and one thing led to another, a couple beers down, and I ended up taking her, her rate was 1000 bucks too, but since id given her a couple hundred tip, as I was planning to dump her for the super hot one earlier, and then reversed my decision it ended up costing me 1200: / plus of course 300 for the entry/room 100 bucks tip to the waiter and 50 for the Chotu, also the beer here for 300 bucks! And I had two: /

Still not satiated, I headed to another bar next to it, whose name I don't remember now, had a few more drinks there, picked up another Chinki type girl, that was another 1000 + 300 plus the tips and bill. As you can imagine, I was already getting a bit drunk to not be able to remember the name of the bar!

As for the service of the girls, all standard, a little bit of playing about earlier, only missionary or doggy, for which they do a bit of naatak, and once you've shot your load once, they dress up unbelievably fast and disappear back down for the next entry! I swear if they ever have a game show too see how fast girls can get ready, these bar girls will win hands down every time!

By now it was bout 12 o clock, and the bars were all closing, but yours truly was drunk an in full form, three women and even tho I was tired, the alcohol in me overpowered reason and I got into a rick, and started enquiring. Bugger took me a lodge on the same road somewhere inside.

Went in, rate quoted was 400 for half an hour room inclusive. I thought it was quite reasonable, chose this extremely dark short girl, who was so frickin fit that she looked like an acrobat, very pretty smile to, nubile! Just dark, but that don't matter so much to me nowadays.

Anyhow, she took a fancy to me, and was quite cheerful, got a condom blow job, missionary, when I was bout to go doggy on her, she was like [Non-English text deleted by Admin], and I started laughing LOL, she apparently thought I was gonna hit her anal. But was fun, very GFE experience, and out of the three previous girls and this one, tho this was the cheapest, I had more fun then all three previous combined.

Being emboldened by such a wonderful experience, I went out and asked my rick guy to find me another such lodge, bear in mind its bout 1.40 in the morning now, he took me further ahead on the Shilphata road, we found another lodge, went in, showed me a lineup of 6 girls, all strictly avg, didn't like any, but I took one nonetheless, rate was 500 all inclusive, tho apparently the bastards charged me 100 bucks extra, girl told me rate is 350 plus 30 for the condom etc.

Tho the one I chose was alright, she did a bit of naatak, condom blow job was out of the question for her, when we did doggy, she started complaining that her stomachs paining, blah blah, [Non-English text deleted by Admin]. Now bear in mind this is my fifth girl. And by now screwing her was feeling more like work than pleasure, so I quickly finished, teased her a bit bout her lousy service and left, while leaving, saw this chick I fancied, apparently she was busy when I was shown the lineup, rued the missed opportunity and made my way out.

In all this I must confess, I had one Viagra in me, bloody thing really does work, because in spite of all the alcohol in me, me being quite tired by 12ish. I still managed to do 5 women and all of them quite well, would still continued the night had it not been for the final chicks attitude, tho while not that bad, some might say she even had a pleasant disposition in her own style, I wasn't enjoying myself.

Anyhow, for those interested, this road also comes under Dombivali (e), at least that was what was written as the address on the cards I took, its close from Kalyan station tho, Bhivandi has two such good bars too, pick up, I intend to hit them next time, they are called Paro and Devdas.

Total damage came to bout 10 k, out of which only bout 5-6 k actually went to the girls, remaining was on bills and tips etc etc. 500 was given to the rick guy for ferrying me about to all the lodges and waiting for me.,

All in all again I overspent which is why I don't mind company on these trips, at least that way I'm in check.

In hindsight sitting here now writing this, I wish I had taken the super hot chick I saw at Taal, for the full night, would have probably come to 2.5 to 3 k for the girl, and 500 for the room. 4 [Non-English text deleted by Admin], instead of 10 k for 5 girls, or if I had made slightly smaller bills. Or if I'd directly gone to the lodges, for 10 k, I could have screwed 20 girls! Tho none of them would have been any beauty queens. But still. I've noticed that in every lineup, there is at least one [Non-English text deleted by Admin].

Bloody hell, I'm picturing those two girls from Taal, and now I wanna go back to Kalyan and to them!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

07-19-09, 22:06

Here is my update. I'm bored and this will help me relive some memories, so it might be a long one first went to a bar called sangam. Its on andheri kurla road near the flyover, the road that goes to sakinaka from andheri, in a lane nxt to LP the joint where one gets food till 6 in the morning).

Walked in after quite some time, the steward waiter etc still recognized me, etc and got me the corner table with the max privacy. Sometimes tho I wish these buggers didn't recognize me, it would be embarassing if they catch me in public!

A girl came on her own whom I promptly rejected. Not my type. But she still sits and goes, mai aapko khus karoongi, etc etc. She made it clear she is open to blowjobs and all, but since I don't get that done from s. Bar girls I told her no thank uuu.

This other girl walks up and says. Aap mujhe bhool gaye, turns out I do remember her. Quite fun. Maybe 20ish. Firm body. Very friendly)

Well so she is invited to sit on my lap) about an hour of fooling around and a coupla vodka quarters later, I'm like this isn't my style, by now I should have been thru 4-5 girls. So I get another chick to sit on my other leg. Again quite decent looking, way better than the normal s. Bar fare.

Chicks want beer. So I get them a couple. Some paneer.

Both these girls are quite fit. For lack of a better word. Nice firm boobs, unspoilt yet by the ravages of time or daily customers.!

After a bit I walk to the loo, and what do I know, 4-5 chicks all start grabbin me and pullin my shirt etc. And they all start saying. Bhool gaye hume tum etc etc. Aur apki favorite aaj nahi aayi, kal aayi thi etc etc but I do remember most of, I see! Turns out another bar closeby has closed and most of the girls have come here. And the girl in question neha, was my usual first choice at that bar! Ah well its a small world) get those girls a coke, adn the promise to call them later and I go back to my waitin damsels.

I get quite drunk and I end up with a bill of 1400. Another 100 for the waiters. And about a 1000 to all the girls.

I don't realize the sad irony in it all. The girls whom I go there for get a 1000, and the inbetweens, get 1500! Well maybe the girls get a little cut of the bill. So that balances things out!

Anyhow, one of the stewards who I've kinda developed a rappo with, whom I ask if the bars are shut or dry days etc, has moved to dahisar, and wants me to go with him there, chk out the new bar he works at.

I'm in two minds, since I've invested quite a bit in gettin these two hotties drunk and they opening up quite nicely! Quite a gfe if one doesn't count actual sex. As thats not happenin here.

Anyhow the monger in me enjoys the hunt more than the kill! So I decide to carryon and let some other soul enjoy the spoils of my efforts.

A half an hour and a 100 bucks later I end up in dahisar. Can't remeber the name of the place but its on the left side just before the check naka, after which all the milis and melas and redhorses of the world start) the place has a s. Bar down and an orchestra up.

So I call for the prettiest chick there and settle down with a bottle of vodka making sure I ask them for the cheapest one. Which turns otu to be alcazar.

Another 2 hours of the girl. Kissin, boob play. Etc etc.

I get her kameez off and have her bent over and play her ass like a tabla for a while. Being drunk can make you do stupid things, hehe

Then I call a friend I met at this board (cheers to him, real nice fella). Who comes to the bar and gets a girl of his own for a while.

Well long story short. An hour or so later. I call for my billl. And whaddya know, those bar stewards and chicks have taken advantage of my poor inebriated self again!

End up with a bill of another 1350. Add ot that 100 bucks for the waiters and 350 for the girl. Another couple of hundred for two girls I had for a few minutes to add to my record of number of boobs sucked).

Total comes to another 1700, I thot my bill would be less, but apparently the vodkas here cost 250 a quarter as opposed to 180 in andheri, and the food items cost 200, as opposed to 120-150 in the andheri bars. Basstards probably overcharged me, apparently my steward friend is not really a friend after all, maybe he made them overcharge me, so he could get a bigger commision. Blah

Hrmm anyways. So I'm out approx 4500 for a whole day spent at the bars.

So me and my above mentioned friend from this board, than go pay some of these milis and melas and I think saddle up bars a visit. Nothing too great anywhere, mostly empty, few girls. Tho a couple were nice, we were tempted, but with the amount of alcohol in my body, and the fact that these girls are all style adn no substance. We passed.

Next I needed a place to stay for the night. So chkd out a lodge, cheap. 500 bucks for an ac room for the nite. And they would provide a girl for a coupla hours for anohter 1500. We saw the girls. But quite disappointed except for one. But still didn't take up the offer.

All in all a good day. But when I think about it now the amount of money spent could have been better spent booking a room for the whole day at mira road. Approx 600. And then gettin a good girl to spend the whole day /night for maybe 3k. And another 1k for food and drinks.

For the same amount, id have the services of only one girl ofcourse, but in a much more convenient and facilitating environment!

Ah well.

But I didn't learn anything.

Next day headed out. Was deciding should I catch up wtih some friends. Or start the hunt again. Fate decided for me. Because when I sat in the ric and was makin up mind my mind, a friend I met at one of these bars once whom I showed some new bars, called and said wot plans, I took this as a sign, and we proceeded to meet up at a s. Bar, this place is at eenthbhatti, ok place, very clean, girls smell quite nice!

Had a coupla rums there. Got a girl, as soon as she sat she starts asking for her boney. I tell her its just been a minute. I'll give you the money wot you afraid off. But she is adamant, and I tell her to get lost. Can't let them boss you around. Or else itll be that way all thru the time spent wid her. Better to cut your losses and get some oen more agreeable, turned out to be a good decision, got this girl mira. Nice. Slighly older tho. Bout 26. Good times, got a little action, paid her a coupla hundred., friend took care of the bill her, and then we decided to go where its a little darker, girls a bit more sluttier, and place a bit more seedier. Place at jawahar phata called durga. Quite cheap and sleazy, most girls not to great. But you get the feeling they would be up for anything so as soon as I enter. Steward buggers as usual recognize me and put me in a nice little corner table, I ask him for a rum adn tell him I don't remember the names of the girls I want. But get them anwyyas, bear in mind I haven't been here since a month! But the bugger gets the right girl, and I remmber another I liked. So I get them both.

I dunno wots with the recession, but as soon as the both of them were on my lap, they started askin for their boney. And this pissed me off. After stallin for 10 mins, I gave them their boney. Another 15 mins later. They started askin for 100 bucks more each. I get upset. And tell one of them to go away. And bear in mind they werent like taht earlier, one of them in the past satwith me for a good couple of hours and still didn't ask for money, I gave her more than she expected on my own anywho she stays. In 20 mins I give them their 100 bucks. And in about 5 mins one of them, says she is coming bac, and disappears for good.

Loyalty is fleeting.

And I suspect its because I too tend not to remember some of them when I make repeat visits and try other girls. Wot goes around comes around.

I then while goin to the loo see another chick, whom I thot was smokin hot! , shoudlnt be in a service bar to begin with. I was drunk. But even so. She looked way better. Well got her. Apparently she musta just had a baby and was milking, and hence was quite insistent on no nipple kisses tho I sneaked a couple

My friend was enjoyin himself too. Tho he prefers the charms of slighly more mature women. To each his own! This little escapade cost me bout 1000 for me and my friends bill, and the girls were another 600. And by 8 I was out and on my way home!

After these two day sessions, I always think bas, thats it, no mroe s. Bars. But then in a month so. I'm back there for my fill!

Ffew observations.

The girls this time, were even more forceful in tryin to get money out of you, than before. They usually always are, but this time it was worse! Recession hittin I suppose.

Quite a few of these bars are closing. And the girls just circulate from one to another bar.

And finally, don't ever frickin spend more than 800 bucks ever on a service bar bill. Regardless of however long you sit or how many ever women you call.

I got carried away, but feel like shit and ripped off after the fact.: /

Inspite of all my experience in these matters, in the heat of the moment I always overpay.

The opportunity cost of that money is very high. Could have been better used in other avenues.

As far as service bars go, I think I've been to every bar in andheri atlest 10 times each. Mostof the bars in goregaon, most of the bars in borivali east and west. Some in dahisar. A couple in vile parle east. But can't remember the directions there again. Some in jogeshwari, some in ghatkopar, some more assorted bars, again I can't remember directions to many of them as the girls would call and ask me to come, and I promptly forget after my alcohol induced stupor!

I shoulda been writing this stuff down. Its mostly bengali girls in all the bars, with a helping of some muslim and maharashtrian chicks, even met a few from you. P. But thts bout it. Id say 90% bengali tho.


But I dunno wot to do now,

A lot of fun for me is the hunt, findin new places, meeting new girls etc etc.

I find now that I mustve been to nearly all the s. Bars in Mumbai, and been with most of the reasonably attractive girls at all these bars.

I don't like the fact that I'm havin to go ot the same places more often or sit with the same girls. Kinda beats the whole purpose of mongering.

Only option left for me is now maybe to chk out the s. Bars in thane or other outskirts.

If anyone knows of any new bars or places I could chk out, please do let me know


Mumbai Rocks
07-20-09, 15:17
Think you went to the wrong place.

Do refer prev reports before venturing out.

Senior visitors. Please help. I went to nlane. Located the flour mill on the right. Now just opposite was a red and yellow doorway. Is the entrance to vishnus place. I did not see any arch doorway as reported in this forum. Also the doors on the groundfloor was all closed. I could see a flight of stairs on the right side going up. There was no activity nor was there any soul around. It was 630 pm. Let me know if that was the place. Since I am visitor to Mumbai was not sure hence didnot venture up. If this is indeed the place will visit next time I am around.

Mumbai Rocks
07-20-09, 15:31
Nope. She is not from Mumbai. She is inexperienced. But good GFE if she is treated well. Her service is avg. What about s*m**n. She is a regular SW? .

Her looks?

Is this the same girl who goes by name S*m**n and operates in Adheri West

07-20-09, 20:44
Dear Friends,

Some time ago somewhere I read about Heera International Hotel providing full services.

Can someone give more information about the hotel and address or how to go there.
Help will be highly appriciated.

Thank you very much,


Mumbai Mania
07-21-09, 09:29
Dear All,

I am travelling to Mumbai next week for two weeks, I haven't mongered in Mumbai, I am hesitant of going to unknown areas, however I needed advise on which is a better area to find a hotel in, I was thinking of Juhu, Churchgate, Near the airport or Andheri, or any other area.

What I would like is to find company for dinner, going out and eventually spending the night, am hoping to find a 7/10 for approx 10, 000 to 15, 000 per night. Details: slim, petite, fair, english speaking.

Are there any night clubs around (like in hotels prefferably) where one may go, look around, find a lady, chat spend a couple of hours at the club, dancing etc and then upto the room.

I have come across various sites, however am apprehensive as have also heard a lot about scams.

Any advise will ge greatly appreciated.


Mumbai Mania
07-21-09, 10:50
Dear All,

I will be travelling to Mumbai for two weeks, I am looking for a club type set up where I can go meet, interact and then off we go into the night, prefferably clubs in th ehotels, am looking at approx 15, 000 per night.

Please advise, if not then what is the best area to stay in for mongering, again within the price range of 10, 000 to 15, 000?

Please advise

Thank you all in advance.


07-21-09, 17:08
Hello All,

I have seen some activity near wondermall in Thane while passing by. Have not yet had a chance to stop there and explore more. Can anyone confirm the same?


07-23-09, 11:50
Hi Guys,

I got an contact from a fellow member (happy999) here. Thanks for that. I was not able to go on strdy but made it on Sunday.

As given the no I spoke to her made my prfrcns clear and then the next day I. E Sunday fixed up the place to meet up and time and she gave me a choice of two girls over the phone choice for a girl she said was good and fits my dscptn.

Went and had some problems reaching the place finally did get there. She came to pick me up. And she made a cup of coffee and then left us for the business. (Nice Hospitallity) I saw the girl she also shared a cup along. NO urgency at all and she tried to make me very comfortable.

The girl was around 5.3 weatish and good and firm body and nice boobs and free flowing hair.

Then I asked the provider for two times and she agreed for that with out any hesitation to my surprise though. After our coffee she left to ourselves and we had through GFE for two times and nice company. I wanted to come on top as cowboy but she told at last but convinced and did her cow boy. She is really hell of a dick lover sucked my dick throughly.

As near end of each session it would be HJ she on my side foundling with the dick and sucking me and allowing the same to be done to her.

We spent almost an 45 to 60 mins. But only thing she does want to do for long some times she expects to you come soon. But rest was over the board.

Looks. 8.5/10

Service. 9/10

Cost 3.5k for 2 shots so all in all nice ride.



EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

07-25-09, 08:39
Well this time there were no hicups. She arrived as scheduled on Friday. The guys who took her contact number from me called up and some of them set up a meet with her. Most could not due to work pressures etc. One or two did not get a reply from her as she was not free at the time ( probably entertaining one of the other forum members) but all in all it was alright I guess.

Personally I did not get the time to hook up for the experience as I am based in the suburbs and she was in South mumbai. I dont know any place to take her to in that area so did not go over. Maybe next time

Now my dear fellow members. Those of you who took the number from me. It would be nice if you could post an FR. If you are shy about posting an FR perhaps you could drop me a pm to let me know how it went so that I would have an idea about the service etc.

The next time she is in mumbai it would help if I knew what kind of service is on offer.

Waiting for FR and/or PM


07-26-09, 13:57
Well she arrived as per schedule on friday and has gone back after meeting 4 guys. She also met some other guys for coffee. unfortunately those guys for some reason or the other did not indulge.

It is a pity. From the number of pm I got and the number of guys I gave the contact to she should have got more. But it seems timing did not match in some cases and in some it was just pure window shopping habit that guys adopted. They just wanted to see what she looks like with no intention of having a session.

Guys that is pathetic. If you cannot afford why do you ask for the number?

Anyways she is coming back mid aug around 15th. If anyone is serious about having a session only then ask me for contact. And it would be better if you call her in advance and book the time and date with her as she will be here for 4-5 days only. And that does not mean anyone. :rolleyes:

Only those who have a posting history on the forum. I will delete pm from those who have less then 10 good informative posts on the forum. That mean FR about your sessions with some hotties. So dont waste your time and dont clog up my inbox if the only posts you have on the forum are ones asking for contacts or directions..


Friends Vjjk
07-27-09, 12:08
Dear Just Sum Fum

Seems you are advertising her and she is going to pay you for this or will extra sum ha.

Well she arrived as per schedule on friday and has gone back after meeting 4 guys. She also met some other guys for coffee. unfortunately those guys for some reason or the other did not indulge.

It is a pity. From the number of pm I got and the number of guys I gave the contact to she should have got more. But it seems timing did not match in some cases and in some it was just pure window shopping habit that guys adopted. They just wanted to see what she looks like with no intention of having a session.

Guys that is pathetic. If you cannot afford why do you ask for the number?

Anyways she is coming back mid aug around 15th. If anyone is serious about having a session only then ask me for contact. And it would be better if you call her in advance and book the time and date with her as she will be here for 4-5 days only. And that does not mean anyone. :rolleyes:

Only those who have a posting history on the forum. I will delete pm from those who have less then 10 good informative posts on the forum. That mean FR about your sessions with some hotties. So dont waste your time and dont clog up my inbox if the only posts you have on the forum are ones asking for contacts or directions..


07-27-09, 12:58
Hello All,

Just got a new contact in thane. The girls with this fellow are 4/10,5/10 asks for 2.5k for 3-4 hrs outcall figured he will negotiate to 1.5-2k . Not my types so passed on this one.


Mumbai Rocks
07-28-09, 05:31
Thane quality is very bad. You can move a head to Mumbai to get gals with min 6/10 rating. Don't waste your time mongering in thane.

Hello All,

Just got a new contact in thane. The girls with this fellow are 4/10,5/10 asks for 2.5k for 3-4 hrs outcall figured he will negotiate to 1.5-2k . Not my types so passed on this one.


07-28-09, 05:44
Visited V' place after a longtime.

HE did not have anything new. So had a session with "rea"

However he showed a Autralian babe (10K). Nice face. Slim. A blone version of KAtrina Kaif. But a bit short (may be 5'4")

I was tempted but my budget for that day was limited.

MAy be next time. She haunts me in my dreams though!

07-28-09, 11:34
Mira road is getting back to action. Actually it is not mira road but bhayander side and west side of bhayander. MP seems to start again and in few weeks we may have 30-40 places.

Anyone with experience on these places presently may please report and help others.

07-28-09, 11:50
Last week I tried to find N. Lane which every1 has been talking about. I reached Harikisondas Hospital. But after this it was a nightmare. I got lost in all the lanes and by lanes and even asked 4 directions which was a big mistake. Anyways tired and depressed I decided I'll make a stopover to Congress House. The usual line-up of 5-6 girls was shown. I decided to choose this girl who was a bit plump but kept on smiling at me. Thecharge was Rs. 700 for a sshot. So paid for 2 shots. When the girl came in she gave me a big kiss on the lips and told me that the last time I had been with her friend. Anyway to getdown to things. She was kissing me all over while removing my clothes. When I emoved her bra she had such big boobs. Had such a good time sucking them. Then I removed hepanties and she was alrady wet. So I sniffed around and found that she was clean. So I licked her until she reached orgasm. She loved it and was begging to put more fingers in her ****. Nxt she told me that she wanted a shot. So we did it in missionary but I wasn't able to come even after doin it for 10 minutes in miss. Position. So then she came on to cowgirl and she lovd it and orgasmed again. Although I didn't come as yet. She was hell bent on making me cum. So she gave me BBBJ. A superb performance and then she shifted off to 69 pos. Her mouth was so delicatethat I CIM. So after that I again shfted to Miss. Pos. And banged her like no tomorrw. She loved it when I squezed her boobs hard.

Guys I wanted like a near perfect description as to ow to get to Navalkar lane. Please do help.

07-29-09, 16:55
I was in Mumbai during the 3rd week of July, tried the famous craze MP again and visited N lane too.

Craze MP: I went there at around 12pm and there were 4-5 girls. The guy on the counter recognised me as I had been there once. Asked for Soniya but she wast there. I blutly told the guy I need services then the massage. He reffered me to Afreen, She is short, fair and got good firm racks. Started with the basic cream massage and the turn on was she asked me to get completely naked and gave me an awesome massage on my jhonny and all around. For about 10 minutes and by this time I was rock hard. Then I removed her clothes and she was standing only in a black panty. Believe me guys. This girl is still young and looks stunning with her clothes off. Then we kissed for some time and then little B2B. I asked for a BJ. She coated 1000/-. I refused and I said I can only offer 500. She agreed. The BJ was just okay. But she did the licking around quite well. Finally a HJ to finish with.

Girl: 7/10
Service : 7.5/10 (BJ wast that good)
attitude: 8/10

Damage: 1000 counter
Girl : 500+100(tip)


N Lane: I know people are tired and get irritated with this address though this was the 1st time for me.

Directions for people who still find it difficult to reach this place: Reached Charni Station and took a taxi to Harkisondas Hospital, The thing to notice for 1st timers to N Lane is this hospital has many gates. Ask for the taxi guy to take you to the main gate (or near prarthana samaj) and you will see just adjacent a very narrow lane. you also see a side Titleborad which tells you the name of the lane. People of this area on nearby shopwalas's are ignorant about this lane no much use asking them.

The floor mill here is closed but you can still make this out and go to the building right apposite to it. I did not try the ground floor. 2nd floor the line up was not that attractive so and left to 1st floor which is Vishnu's place. Since it was jst noon time I did not find many girls here too. The good thing was that all were looking fresh after a bath and wet hair. All were in saree's and low neck jackets.. looks were sexy!!

The line up was Anu, Maggi, Sunita and some more. Anu is a Nepali and is chubby. Maggie looked good too. I chose Sunita who was fair, healthy and had good racks.

As soon we were in the room she was a wild cat.. hugged me and started feeling my jhonny all the way with my clothes on. we kissed for some time and undressed each other. Man!! this girl has got great nipples I was always craved for.. big and hard.. and she likes it when you mutilate it the way you want!!! Moans like hell!!
Gave a good CBJ. we did doggy and then finished with mish. she washed me and herself with dettol and after some time asked whether I would want to go for another pop?? But I had to leave. Overall a great experience.

Girl :
Looks : 6.5/10
attitude :8/10
service: 8/10

Damage :
counter :1700/-
Girl :300+ 50 (condi guy)

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

07-30-09, 05:15

I visited Mumbai couple of days early this week & I would like Bat Wings for all his incredible guidance & info. We also met & had a chance to talk for a while.

Coming to the experience in Mumbai, I had 2 gals & both were good in their service and no complaints.



Bat Wings
07-31-09, 07:07
Glad to hear that you had a good time. It was real unfortunate that I was really tied up with some personal issues as you know. Else would have ensured a better experience. May be next time.


I visited Mumbai couple of days early this week & I would like Bat Wings for all his incredible guidance & info. We also met & had a chance to talk for a while.

Coming to the experience in Mumbai, I had 2 gals & both were good in their service and no complaints.



07-31-09, 11:07

Can somebody give information on girls/ladies available for F..K or MP in Vasai?

It will be of great delight.

Will yummm

07-31-09, 13:03
First of all thanks to JustSumFun for sharing the contact of this Girl. This is the same girl who JSF has referred in his previous report who comes to Mumbai at specific interval.

To begin with I decided to call her a day prior to my meeting day and was greeted well. She speaks very good english. No problem with the communication and I had clarified all the do's and don't to avoid any kind of misunderstanding. Next day we decided to meet at marine drive in the evening and we both reached dot on time. I didn't know what to expect however JSF had shared that she is good.

I reached marine drive and within a minute later she arrived and I must say I was happy to see her. She is good looking and has good figure. We got into my car and we left for the ST hotel which she knew.

In the room after some talk we got into lip lock situation and continued kissing for 15 mins. She was excited and getting wet. Within no time cloths were off and we got into action. Moved into 69 position and got good BBBJ and I returned the favour which she liked. Then we had sex in many positions, mish, cow & dfk. She was fun and I had satisfying session.


Look: 8/10
Figure: 8/10
Service: 9/10
Repeat: Yes
Damage: 5000 + 600 (ST Hotel)

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

08-01-09, 06:10
A brilliant observation. But then isn’t everyone who writes an FR advertising the SW that he has had the pleasure/displeasure of meeting. That is what the forum is about. Letting the other members know about the SW and informing everyone whether the experience was good or not.
But by mentioning the money part you marred the otherwise excellent observation. What does it matter if someone gets money for passing on or advertising an SW? I say good for them. And what if someone does not get money for advertising a good SW so that other members can also enjoy the experience? I say more power to them.

By saying such a thing you have shown that you did not bother to read my posts for the last three – five years. You would have known whether I am the sort that gets a kickback or not. I wont say anything on that score because my view on such things is well documented. But then that is a lot of hard work I Guess. Reading through so many posts. Damn. Who has got the patience? Right.

It is easier to pass a judgement. So go ahead and think what you like. I am sure your remark has made you a lot of new friends on the forum. I wish you luck trying to get contacts from other members if you ever need them. Not that you really need them. You obviously have loads of contacts.

As far as I am concerned these kind of jabs make no difference to me. The seniors all know me and my reputation. I am not bothered by the johny come lately’s views about me.

Have fun And, if you get a kickback from the ladies for advertising them, more power to you.


Kabuki: Glad you enjoyed. Looking forward to FR from the other guys who had the pleasure too. Happy to meet up but this weekend a bit tied up. let plan something for next weekend.

Dear Just Sum Fum

Seems you are advertising her and she is going to pay you for this or will extra sum ha.

Peter Patros
08-01-09, 08:12

Well said. May be the next time you just ignore such people?

Look forward to catching up with you.

[QUOTE=JustSumFun]A brilliant observation. But then isn’t everyone who writes an FR advertising the SW that he has had the pleasure/displeasure of meeting. That is what the forum is about.

08-01-09, 10:04
I can personally vouch that Just some Fun is not making any money on Girls because in the past he has directed me to right connections and please face it he has been long on the forum and for Christ sake i am not recipent of any money from him and am stating true experience.

On The Wings
08-01-09, 10:32
As far as I am concerned these kind of jabs make no difference to me. The seniors all know me and my reputation.Dear JSF,

Following the comment of this new member others should have bounced immdly and should have given a fitting reply. But same time it could be the other way around aslo. That this new guys comment doesn't merit fora reply.

You are a wonder here, like few others. Even after a whopping count of postings and after all these years, you are again and again coming out with useful tips pulling in some angels and that needs lot of strength and interest. Keep going my boy and don't allow yourself troubled by this kind of small pricks. Its the flowing river that draws more attention than a 'still' pond and no one can stand against the flow of flowing waters.

Future Man1
08-01-09, 13:54
Hi all,

Anyone knows some good places to monger in south Mumbai like N Lane & Congress house? Getting kind of bored with these places want to try some new place. If you have some info do share with all.

Also after the post by someone about Pavwala lane at rant road did anyone try? I am planning to check out that place this weekend. Will let you all know more.

08-01-09, 14:51
Bat wings, I have send you a few msgs over the last few months, dint get a single reply. Is something wrong bro? Or you just pissed at me for a reason I don't know?

Glad to hear that you had a good time. It was real unfortunate that I was really tied up with some personal issues as you know. Else would have ensured a better experience. May be next time.

08-02-09, 13:39
A brilliant observation. But then isn’t everyone who writes an FR advertising the SW that he has had the pleasure/displeasure of meeting. That is what the forum is about. Letting the other members know about the SW and informing everyone whether the experience was good or not.
But by mentioning the money part you marred the otherwise excellent observation. What does it matter if someone gets money for passing on or advertising an SW? I say good for them. And what if someone does not get money for advertising a good SW so that other members can also enjoy the experience? I say more power to them.

As far as I am concerned these kind of jabs make no difference to me. The seniors all know me and my reputation. I am not bothered by the johny come lately’s views about me.

Have fun And, if you get a kickback from the ladies for advertising them, more power to you.



I can vouch for you, having known you from your Dubai days.. It is absoulately rubbish to even suggest such a idiotic thing about money as I know what pleasures you get by giving proper and right directions to right minded mongers. I still remember the the gems you had shown me in Dubai. Whoever has suggested such a thing are definately people who have not read your past records or must have some unknown or bad intentions.

How are you mate? I am in Mumbai now and have sent you PM. Please call me when you find time.

08-02-09, 15:09
In the lane near lotus petrol pump (near andheri fame adlabs) there used to be this pimp called rajesh who used to operate. He had a place out there and used to charge 5K onwards for Indian girls and 8K onwards for russians and germans (both prices negotiable). He used to have a good collection. Does anyone have his cell no? I have lost it and wanted to get back in touch. It was a vodhaphone no. Rather than just barging in wanted to speak to him first. He was also refered by a pimp named dolly who used to regularly advertise in TOI classifields.. Now stopped since long... i have lost her no to. Incase anyone has any info. PM me and let me know.


Pinga 98
08-02-09, 18:21
Hunt is a random process. Some time you rely on proven leads and it ends up with KLPD (khade land pe dhokha, fraud on an erect penis). At other times, you are not even seriously looking and you end up with a fresh body like this.

This girl belongs to jhopar-patty (shantytown or favela) of Mumbai. How I stumbled upon her is a series of random events. Here is the bottom line: if you like the hunt, are willing to take chances, know the language and are not desperate for the kill—you can stumble upon unexpected things.

My fellow members: do not always seek the path of least resistance (Mira Rd, Congress House, Nawalkar Ln, etc.). Try the road less traveled. Indulge in random acts of kindness, help the needy, sponsor a girl who has no one to turn to—and you will be handsomely rewarded. As they say [Non-English text deleted by Admin] (you may get pearls without asking, and may get nothing after repeated begging). That is life. Jai Ho!

08-03-09, 14:42
I just want to say Pinga is the man!

08-04-09, 04:29
Totally second that. Usually these gals provide better service than supposedly high flying gals at really low cost.

This girl belongs to jhopar-patty (shantytown or favela) of Mumbai.

08-04-09, 09:05

Had this 'young' girl. 19 for 2 pops in Malad.

Some 'lady' had 'arranged' for it.

Hope you guys like it.

Sunday afternoon. Siesta. Nice.

She had nice 'feet' too.

Bat Wings
08-04-09, 11:38
Hey pal.

Sorry about that. Actally I have been a little too tied up in the last couple of months due to my travel schedules. Having said that the other reason is also that when someone just writes asking for contacts without even bothering to introducing himself I generally do not respond. I am pasting below two of your PMs sent to me.

1. Urgent! "Hi, I need a girl in Mumbai for a night for a client. Max budget is 10K. Could you help out and share some details? Thanks! "

2. "Hi, could you share some contacts plz? For ST. My budget is 4-5k. Someone around bandra, versova would be prefered. Thanks."

I am pretty sure that lots of people in the forum will vouch for me saying that I have always passed on my contacts very freely. I have also never ever put any condition on any of these guys that any info from my side will only be in exchange like lot of guys here do. In fact most people with whom I have shared contacts have just taken them and just disappeared without even puting a FR. A few others contact me only when they need any info but when I have asked them for help they just do not respond. In all these years there have been only 4 or 5 guys who has really tried to be helpful and from that too there has been only 2-3 instances where I have actually been able to meet any female. All other contacts have been sourceed by myself from outside the forum.

I am not a pimp man. So don't send a one liner and expect info to flow in. I think the least a person can do is to introduce oneself and then ask for help. This helps to know who you are sharing the info with. There have been many ocassions where I have regretted sharing certain info because the guys have gone and screwed up the contact through their behaviour.

I do not remember if I did reply to your PM or not as there have been few such PMs which I haven't really taken seriously.

Sorry for this but then I am sure even you would feel the same way if you were in my place.

However, do let me know next time and will try to help you out provided I myself have anything.



Bat wings, I have send you a few msgs over the last few months, dint get a single reply. Is something wrong bro? Or you just pissed at me for a reason I don't know?

08-04-09, 16:15
Hi !MM

Please mention the damges at place near Ramada and if you can help me locate the place it woukd be great !

Thanks a buddy


Hi Aryan,

Went there this afternoon (Saturday). V wasnt there so it was T, the darker one. Not very hot looking but tries harder. So it was a massage, reaching under my balls and making me hard and then a fanastic boob massage. One heck of a blow job. She really at least pretends to enjoy it, sucked my nuts and drove me crazy. I dined on her and then finally drilled in.

But As I said she is not very hot looking.

Rates are 1500 counter.1000 to 1200 to here. V charges 1200 to 1500.

If you really want a good looking bab, BUXOM with a capital B. But no FS only a HJ, sucking on her Boobs and fingering her pussy there is this place in Juhu. Opposite Sukh Sagar restaurant and next door to to Ramada. A shopping complex called Beach Heaven. Four or five parlours there. Three of them are regular but there are two which also offer a little more than a massage. This one has no name just a wooden finish door and it is on the right. One awesome babe there, South Indian called B*p*sha. She has a pair of 40DDs. Not saggy. As firm as it can get with someone who is not a teenager.

Have fun boys!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

[QUOTE=Aryan Bigheart]Hi motorman,

Thanks for the reply. I can't PM you. Haven't subscribed as yet!

Anyways we (as in me and my frnd) are keen to get back to them for EGO but dono if its worth it!

My frnd suggested be just drop by again and ask bluntly for massage (not interested in FS) I don't think its a good idea.

If you know any other way to get in touch with them or get some action started from them let me know

Anyways thanks again



[QUOTE=Motor Man]Hi Aryan,

Sorry you got disappointed. If you PM me will give you the number you can make initial contact and talk to them over the phone. They do say it is only pedicure and facial. Don't ask them outright, tell them you would like to go upstairs for a back massage and take it from there.

I also had some action with an independent escort over the weekend and good action at the old Sheesh Mahal in Khar, yes it is open again but difficult to get in without the contacts. Of course it is more expensiv than N Lane. Will post about them later.

Mumbai Guy
08-04-09, 16:55
Dear Pinga

Great find. I admire your mongering skills and totally agree with your comments. I myself have experienced total loyalty and great GFE experience with a girl I had helped years ago.
Nice work. Keep it up

08-04-09, 18:57
Hey Bro,

I completely agree with all that you have said. I normally always introduce myself first and then go ahead. the msgs posted from u were around the month of March 09 and Dec 08 and i started posting around nov 08. As i said i normally always introduce myself first and thus am surprised dint do the same with you. I dont have my msgs saved unfortunately and thus will accept your word that i dint introduce myself first. If so that was indeed wrong on my part.

Your record out here is not questionable as you are one of the senior most members here and i know your contribution towards helping fellow mongers which is why i asked you. Its sad when mongers take help and dont do the same in return, worse dont even post a report. However i dont do the same.

I knew something was wrong when someone with your reputation of helping ppl dint respond to my msgs. I am glad i asked this on an open forum and got to know the reason for you not replying. (maybe others can pick a few things and dont repeat this behaviour.) Anyways bro no hardfeelings.:)



Hey pal,

Sorry about that. Actally I have been a little too tied up in the last couple of months due to my travel schedules. Having said that the other reason is also that when someone just writes asking for contacts without even bothering to introducing himself I generally do not respond.

Cheers, BW

08-05-09, 03:01
Now thats what a girl should be like! Awesome pair of feet (and boobs ofcourse!). Thanks for sharing the pictures Dadaji.


Had this 'young' girl. 19 for 2 pops in Malad.

She had nice 'feet' too.

Ravida 63
08-05-09, 04:15

Where is the mp (location) & name


Had this 'young' girl. 19 for 2 pops in Malad.

Some 'lady' had 'arranged' for it.

Hope you guys like it.

Sunday afternoon. Siesta. Nice.

She had nice 'feet' too.

Bat Wings
08-05-09, 06:36
There sure is no hard feelings man. Like I said, don't mind sharing any info. So do drop in a line and will try and help you if I have any contacts.



Hey Bro,

I completely agree with all that you have said. I normally always introduce myself first and then go ahead. the msgs posted from u were around the month of March 09 and Dec 08 and i started posting around nov 08. As i said i normally always introduce myself first and thus am surprised dint do the same with you. I dont have my msgs saved unfortunately and thus will accept your word that i dint introduce myself first. If so that was indeed wrong on my part.

Your record out here is not questionable as you are one of the senior most members here and i know your contribution towards helping fellow mongers which is why i asked you. Its sad when mongers take help and dont do the same in return, worse dont even post a report. However i dont do the same.

I knew something was wrong when someone with your reputation of helping ppl dint respond to my msgs. I am glad i asked this on an open forum and got to know the reason for you not replying. (maybe others can pick a few things and dont repeat this behaviour.) Anyways bro no hardfeelings.:)



Motor Man
08-05-09, 09:20

The place is just two buildings from the Ramda gate towards Marriot. It is a residential building with a small shopping complex, the Building is I think called Silver something. Anyway it has a number of womens traditional wear shops an tailors and three or so parlours. This one has a wooden door with no name.

Costs are stiff. 2100 for the counter and 1100 for the girl. She lets you feast on her BombShell boobs and finger her pussy.

Clean place, follow up everything with a nice shower!

Have Fun BUddy

[QUOTE=Nightlover2008]Hi !MM

Please mention the damges at place near Ramada and if you can help me locate the place it woukd be great !

Thanks a buddy


[QUOTE=Motor Man]Hi Aryan,

Went there this afternoon (Saturday). V wasnt there so it was T, the darker one. Not very hot looking but tries harder. So it was a massage, reaching under my balls and making me hard and then a fanastic boob massage. One heck of a blow job. She really at least pretends to enjoy it, sucked my nuts and drove me crazy. I dined on her and then finally drilled in.

But As I said she is not very hot looking.

Rates are 1500 counter.1000 to 1200 to here. V charges 1200 to 1500.

If you really want a good looking bab, BUXOM with a capital B. But no FS only a HJ, sucking on her Boobs and fingering her pussy there is this place in Juhu. Opposite Sukh Sagar restaurant and next door to to Ramada. A shopping complex called Beach Heaven. Four or five parlours there. Three of them are regular but there are two which also offer a little more than a massage. This one has no name just a wooden finish door and it is on the right. One awesome babe there, South Indian called B*p*sha. She has a pair of 40DDs. Not saggy. As firm as it can get with someone who is not a teenager.

Have fun boys!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

08-05-09, 13:19

I agree to Bat Wings and admit using his contacts twice without much trouble in negotiating, Keep it up bro.

Long time to pics uploaded?


Hey pal.

Sorry about that. Actally I have been a little too tied up in the last couple of months due to my travel schedules. Having said that the other reason is also that when someone just writes asking for contacts without even bothering to introducing himself I generally do not respond. I am pasting below two of your PMs sent to me.

1. Urgent! "Hi, I need a girl in Mumbai for a night for a client. Max budget is 10K. Could you help out and share some details? Thanks! "

2. "Hi, could you share some contacts plz? For ST. My budget is 4-5k. Someone around bandra, versova would be prefered. Thanks."

I am pretty sure that lots of people in the forum will vouch for me saying that I have always passed on my contacts very freely. I have also never ever put any condition on any of these guys that any info from my side will only be in exchange like lot of guys here do. In fact most people with whom I have shared contacts have just taken them and just disappeared without even puting a FR. A few others contact me only when they need any info but when I have asked them for help they just do not respond. In all these years there have been only 4 or 5 guys who has really tried to be helpful and from that too there has been only 2-3 instances where I have actually been able to meet any female. All other contacts have been sourceed by myself from outside the forum.

I am not a pimp man. So don't send a one liner and expect info to flow in. I think the least a person can do is to introduce oneself and then ask for help. This helps to know who you are sharing the info with. There have been many ocassions where I have regretted sharing certain info because the guys have gone and screwed up the contact through their behaviour.

I do not remember if I did reply to your PM or not as there have been few such PMs which I haven't really taken seriously.

Sorry for this but then I am sure even you would feel the same way if you were in my place.

However, do let me know next time and will try to help you out provided I myself have anything.



08-05-09, 16:06
It was great speaking to you mate It was like a blast from the past. Brought back memories of the days we hooked up for a drink or three at the York.

Hope we can hook up before you leave. Would be great.



Bat Wings: Mate been a long while since we last spoke. Will give you a call one of these days.


I can vouch for you, having known you from your Dubai days.. It is absoulately rubbish to even suggest such a idiotic thing about money as I know what pleasures you get by giving proper and right directions to right minded mongers. I still remember the the gems you had shown me in Dubai. Whoever has suggested such a thing are definately people who have not read your past records or must have some unknown or bad intentions.

How are you mate? I am in Mumbai now and have sent you PM. Please call me when you find time.

08-05-09, 16:14
Hi guys the lady I have been "advertising" has sent me a few of her pictures. I am posting two of them as the others would identify her and mark her. So hope you guys like what she has sent me.



Pinga 98
08-05-09, 16:57
I just want to say Pinga is the man!

Good figure
Totally second that. Usually these gals provide better service than supposedly high flying gals at really low cost.

Diamond in the rough
Dear Pinga
Great find. I admire your mongering skills and totally agree with your comments. I myself have experienced total loyalty and great GFE experience with a girl I had helped years ago.
Nice work. Keep it up
Friends, thank you for your kind words and your vote of confidence. I am glad you liked the girl.

India is not my main playground so make sure to check my posts in the other threads also to get a sense of my “body” of work.

Pinga 98
08-05-09, 17:04
Had this 'young' girl. 19 for 2 pops in Malad.
: :
She had nice 'feet' too.

Oh, what a beauty! And I hope you kissed her feet. From you pictures, I can tell you are a connoisseur of things that are young and adorable. Thank you for sharing.

Pinga 98
08-05-09, 17:42
Hi guys the lady I have been "advertising" has sent me a few of her pictures. I am posting two of them as the others would identify her and mark her. So hope you guys like what she has sent me.

JSF: Thanks for sharing the photos. She looks gorgeous. And to think that guys would meet her only to turn her down tells me either they have too much self-control or they are broke.

You have been immensely generous to members here despite innuendos about advertising & kickbacks.

08-06-09, 14:05
Hi all,

Anyone knows some good places to monger in Virar to Vasai ? Getting kind of bored with other places and want to try some new place. If you have some info do share with me.

Have fun.

Fun In Mumbai
08-06-09, 17:20
Amazing pics. Would love to avail of her services someday. I follow this thread on a daily basis, but not much of mongeing done on my own. Hence keeping quite.

Had one experience only in Mumbai in an MP which I posted a report before. Will get PM facility next month and hope to start joining the club after which will post my reports.

Thanks again for the nice pics and hope someday you will share your contacts with me.

Happy mongering till then.


Had this 'young' girl. 19 for 2 pops in Malad.

Some 'lady' had 'arranged' for it.

Hope you guys like it.

Sunday afternoon. Siesta. Nice.

She had nice 'feet' too.

08-08-09, 10:40
Heera hotel is in Grant Road and now newly opened in Charni road at girgaum area. If any1 has any info about that and would like to share, it would be of a great help.


Dear Friends,

Some time ago somewhere I read about Heera International Hotel providing full services.

Can someone give more information about the hotel and address or how to go there.
Help will be highly appriciated.

Thank you very much,


08-08-09, 12:02
Hi all.

I'll be in Mumbai for 4 nights, and will be based around the Juhu area.

I can't take girls back to my hotel, so can anybody recommend a short time hotel i could book for a few hours near Juhu.


Red Magnet
08-08-09, 12:14
That was a good report. I myself was a regular at congress house, a few years ago. So know the place quite well. There a quite a few places in that lane. I am really interested in the girl you mentioned in your report. So can you tell me exactly, which place you visited at congress house. Would be better if you give directions starting from the Irani restaurant, in that lane. Eagerly waiting for your help, since I want to plan for this weekend.

Thanks again

Last week I tried to find N. Lane which every1 has been talking about. I reached Harikisondas Hospital. But after this it was a nightmare. I got lost in all the lanes and by lanes and even asked 4 directions which was a big mistake. Anyways tired and depressed I decided I'll make a stopover to Congress House. The usual line-up of 5-6 girls was shown. I decided to choose this girl who was a bit plump but kept on smiling at me. Thecharge was Rs. 700 for a sshot. So paid for 2 shots. When the girl came in she gave me a big kiss on the lips and told me that the last time I had been with her friend. Anyway to getdown to things. She was kissing me all over while removing my clothes. When I emoved her bra she had such big boobs. Had such a good time sucking them. Then I removed hepanties and she was alrady wet. So I sniffed around and found that she was clean. So I licked her until she reached orgasm. She loved it and was begging to put more fingers in her ****. Nxt she told me that she wanted a shot. So we did it in missionary but I wasn't able to come even after doin it for 10 minutes in miss. Position. So then she came on to cowgirl and she lovd it and orgasmed again. Although I didn't come as yet. She was hell bent on making me cum. So she gave me BBBJ. A superb performance and then she shifted off to 69 pos. Her mouth was so delicatethat I CIM. So after that I again shfted to Miss. Pos. And banged her like no tomorrw. She loved it when I squezed her boobs hard.

Guys I wanted like a near perfect description as to ow to get to Navalkar lane. Please do help.

Red Magnet
08-08-09, 13:37
Appears that you are the encyclopedia on service joints. Great report and stamina. Can you help me by updating on the latest joints in western suburbs. Been a long time since I mongered and wish to start afresh. Ahelping hand would be highly appreciated.



Here is my update. I'm bored and this will help me relive some memories, so it might be a long one first went to a bar called sangam. Its on andheri kurla road near the flyover, the road that goes to sakinaka from andheri, in a lane nxt to LP the joint where one gets food till 6 in the morning).

Walked in after quite some time, the steward waiter etc still recognized me, etc and got me the corner table with the max privacy. Sometimes tho I wish these buggers didn't recognize me, it would be embarassing if they catch me in public!

A girl came on her own whom I promptly rejected. Not my type. But she still sits and goes, mai aapko khus karoongi, etc etc. She made it clear she is open to blowjobs and all, but since I don't get that done from s. Bar girls I told her no thank uuu.

This other girl walks up and says. Aap mujhe bhool gaye, turns out I do remember her. Quite fun. Maybe 20ish. Firm body. Very friendly)

Well so she is invited to sit on my lap) about an hour of fooling around and a coupla vodka quarters later, I'm like this isn't my style, by now I should have been thru 4-5 girls. So I get another chick to sit on my other leg. Again quite decent looking, way better than the normal s. Bar fare.

Chicks want beer. So I get them a couple. Some paneer.

Both these girls are quite fit. For lack of a better word. Nice firm boobs, unspoilt yet by the ravages of time or daily customers.!

After a bit I walk to the loo, and what do I know, 4-5 chicks all start grabbin me and pullin my shirt etc. And they all start saying. Bhool gaye hume tum etc etc. Aur apki favorite aaj nahi aayi, kal aayi thi etc etc but I do remember most of, I see! Turns out another bar closeby has closed and most of the girls have come here. And the girl in question neha, was my usual first choice at that bar! Ah well its a small world) get those girls a coke, adn the promise to call them later and I go back to my waitin damsels.

I get quite drunk and I end up with a bill of 1400. Another 100 for the waiters. And about a 1000 to all the girls.

I don't realize the sad irony in it all. The girls whom I go there for get a 1000, and the inbetweens, get 1500! Well maybe the girls get a little cut of the bill. So that balances things out!

Anyhow, one of the stewards who I've kinda developed a rappo with, whom I ask if the bars are shut or dry days etc, has moved to dahisar, and wants me to go with him there, chk out the new bar he works at.

I'm in two minds, since I've invested quite a bit in gettin these two hotties drunk and they opening up quite nicely! Quite a gfe if one doesn't count actual sex. As thats not happenin here.

Anyhow the monger in me enjoys the hunt more than the kill! So I decide to carryon and let some other soul enjoy the spoils of my efforts.

A half an hour and a 100 bucks later I end up in dahisar. Can't remeber the name of the place but its on the left side just before the check naka, after which all the milis and melas and redhorses of the world start) the place has a s. Bar down and an orchestra up.

So I call for the prettiest chick there and settle down with a bottle of vodka making sure I ask them for the cheapest one. Which turns otu to be alcazar.

Another 2 hours of the girl. Kissin, boob play. Etc etc.

I get her kameez off and have her bent over and play her ass like a tabla for a while. Being drunk can make you do stupid things, hehe

Then I call a friend I met at this board (cheers to him, real nice fella). Who comes to the bar and gets a girl of his own for a while.

Well long story short. An hour or so later. I call for my billl. And whaddya know, those bar stewards and chicks have taken advantage of my poor inebriated self again!

End up with a bill of another 1350. Add ot that 100 bucks for the waiters and 350 for the girl. Another couple of hundred for two girls I had for a few minutes to add to my record of number of boobs sucked).

Total comes to another 1700, I thot my bill would be less, but apparently the vodkas here cost 250 a quarter as opposed to 180 in andheri, and the food items cost 200, as opposed to 120-150 in the andheri bars. Basstards probably overcharged me, apparently my steward friend is not really a friend after all, maybe he made them overcharge me, so he could get a bigger commision. Blah

Hrmm anyways. So I'm out approx 4500 for a whole day spent at the bars.

So me and my above mentioned friend from this board, than go pay some of these milis and melas and I think saddle up bars a visit. Nothing too great anywhere, mostly empty, few girls. Tho a couple were nice, we were tempted, but with the amount of alcohol in my body, and the fact that these girls are all style adn no substance. We passed.

Next I needed a place to stay for the night. So chkd out a lodge, cheap. 500 bucks for an ac room for the nite. And they would provide a girl for a coupla hours for anohter 1500. We saw the girls. But quite disappointed except for one. But still didn't take up the offer.

All in all a good day. But when I think about it now the amount of money spent could have been better spent booking a room for the whole day at mira road. Approx 600. And then gettin a good girl to spend the whole day /night for maybe 3k. And another 1k for food and drinks.

For the same amount, id have the services of only one girl ofcourse, but in a much more convenient and facilitating environment!

Ah well.

But I didn't learn anything.

Next day headed out. Was deciding should I catch up wtih some friends. Or start the hunt again. Fate decided for me. Because when I sat in the ric and was makin up mind my mind, a friend I met at one of these bars once whom I showed some new bars, called and said wot plans, I took this as a sign, and we proceeded to meet up at a s. Bar, this place is at eenthbhatti, ok place, very clean, girls smell quite nice!

Had a coupla rums there. Got a girl, as soon as she sat she starts asking for her boney. I tell her its just been a minute. I'll give you the money wot you afraid off. But she is adamant, and I tell her to get lost. Can't let them boss you around. Or else itll be that way all thru the time spent wid her. Better to cut your losses and get some oen more agreeable, turned out to be a good decision, got this girl mira. Nice. Slighly older tho. Bout 26. Good times, got a little action, paid her a coupla hundred., friend took care of the bill her, and then we decided to go where its a little darker, girls a bit more sluttier, and place a bit more seedier. Place at jawahar phata called durga. Quite cheap and sleazy, most girls not to great. But you get the feeling they would be up for anything so as soon as I enter. Steward buggers as usual recognize me and put me in a nice little corner table, I ask him for a rum adn tell him I don't remember the names of the girls I want. But get them anwyyas, bear in mind I haven't been here since a month! But the bugger gets the right girl, and I remmber another I liked. So I get them both.

I dunno wots with the recession, but as soon as the both of them were on my lap, they started askin for their boney. And this pissed me off. After stallin for 10 mins, I gave them their boney. Another 15 mins later. They started askin for 100 bucks more each. I get upset. And tell one of them to go away. And bear in mind they werent like taht earlier, one of them in the past satwith me for a good couple of hours and still didn't ask for money, I gave her more than she expected on my own anywho she stays. In 20 mins I give them their 100 bucks. And in about 5 mins one of them, says she is coming bac, and disappears for good.

Loyalty is fleeting.

And I suspect its because I too tend not to remember some of them when I make repeat visits and try other girls. Wot goes around comes around.

I then while goin to the loo see another chick, whom I thot was smokin hot! , shoudlnt be in a service bar to begin with. I was drunk. But even so. She looked way better. Well got her. Apparently she musta just had a baby and was milking, and hence was quite insistent on no nipple kisses tho I sneaked a couple

My friend was enjoyin himself too. Tho he prefers the charms of slighly more mature women. To each his own! This little escapade cost me bout 1000 for me and my friends bill, and the girls were another 600. And by 8 I was out and on my way home!

After these two day sessions, I always think bas, thats it, no mroe s. Bars. But then in a month so. I'm back there for my fill!

Ffew observations.

The girls this time, were even more forceful in tryin to get money out of you, than before. They usually always are, but this time it was worse! Recession hittin I suppose.

Quite a few of these bars are closing. And the girls just circulate from one to another bar.

And finally, don't ever frickin spend more than 800 bucks ever on a service bar bill. Regardless of however long you sit or how many ever women you call.

I got carried away, but feel like shit and ripped off after the fact.: /

Inspite of all my experience in these matters, in the heat of the moment I always overpay.

The opportunity cost of that money is very high. Could have been better used in other avenues.

As far as service bars go, I think I've been to every bar in andheri atlest 10 times each. Mostof the bars in goregaon, most of the bars in borivali east and west. Some in dahisar. A couple in vile parle east. But can't remember the directions there again. Some in jogeshwari, some in ghatkopar, some more assorted bars, again I can't remember directions to many of them as the girls would call and ask me to come, and I promptly forget after my alcohol induced stupor!

I shoulda been writing this stuff down. Its mostly bengali girls in all the bars, with a helping of some muslim and maharashtrian chicks, even met a few from you. P. But thts bout it. Id say 90% bengali tho.


But I dunno wot to do now,

A lot of fun for me is the hunt, findin new places, meeting new girls etc etc.

I find now that I mustve been to nearly all the s. Bars in Mumbai, and been with most of the reasonably attractive girls at all these bars.

I don't like the fact that I'm havin to go ot the same places more often or sit with the same girls. Kinda beats the whole purpose of mongering.

Only option left for me is now maybe to chk out the s. Bars in thane or other outskirts.

If anyone knows of any new bars or places I could chk out, please do let me know


Play Pal
08-08-09, 19:03
Thanks a lot for the contact. Finally I could contact her, but my dates does not match with hers. So, may be next time. I tried to PM you, but seems your inbox is overflowing, hence I am posting this message here.

Member #4265
08-08-09, 22:23
Hi Mumbai Folks,

I am a regular visitor of ISG on pune and hyd forums. Relatively new to Mumbai.

I will be visiting Mumbai next week in Breach Candy area and will have a few hours in hand in the afternoon.

Wanted to know if there are any MPs, or service bars in this area to visit in the afternoon. I am visiting this place for the first time so does not have any idea.

Any suggestions, info will be greatly appreciated..Please PM me

Thanks a lot!


08-09-09, 06:14
Hiya mate. Yes my inbox is overflowing. Too many pm. Guess the lady is in demand. Anyways I have cleaned some of the pm from my inbox. Still replying to the rest. It is a full time job mate. Guess I will stop replying after today as I do have a life away from the mongering scene :)

if you have trouble contacting her you can do as I suggested in my last pm to you.



Thanks a lot for the contact. Finally I could contact her, but my dates does not match with hers. So, may be next time. I tried to PM you, but seems your inbox is overflowing, hence I am posting this message here.

08-09-09, 06:27
Regarding guys just wasting her time by calling her without even having intention of having a session. Well it is a pity. When I come across someone who does that sort of a thing I feel angry at myself. That is because it means I did not investigate properly and gave the number to the wrong guys. They just window shop with no intention of having a session.

what they dont realise is that by window shopping they are ruining my credibility with the lady in question. She will stop responding to anyone who goes to her with my ref. she is not a merchandise which has to be inspected before we decide whether to buy or not. The details are on the forum. Anyone interested should decide before sending off a pm asking for the contact.

Why take a contact if you cannot afford to pay the price? there are loads of others who are cheaper. Get those contacts. Why ask for this one. ?

In the process it is becoming more difficult for other who genuinely want to have a session with her, to get the contact from me. Becasue I might start wondering why I should give the contact to people who are window shopping.

So guys if there is no intention then please dont clog up my inbox.


JSF: Thanks for sharing the photos. She looks gorgeous. And to think that guys would meet her only to turn her down tells me either they have too much self-control or they are broke.

You have been immensely generous to members here despite innuendos about advertising & kickbacks.

08-10-09, 18:18
After reading so many reports on Navalkar Lane, I could not resist myself on my visit to this great city of Mumbai. I went to find what lies in Navalkar Lane a few days back at about 4.30 pm.

As suggested by other boarder in this forum, the Navalkar Lane is not adjustant to the main gate of Harkishandas Hospital but it on the other side. You should not be on the side of the main gate but on the side road, it is just opposite the middle of the Hospital and you can not miss it, ask any Paan wala and he will guide you there.

After enter the late, I realized that I had tried this lane once before but that time, the business was closed and I could not taste anything here. But today the shops were open , as soon as you enter the late, you look for left side buildings, and second and third building houses the girls. The men at the entrance of the building will look into your eyes and you would realize that this is the place. Just enter and building and they will follow you and will try to take to their shop.

I tried first floor both the shops and I did not find anything interesting and was told that the time is a little early and should come back when I can find lots of varieties. I came down to ground floor and here I found Preeti, a Bengal girl, good head lights, small frame and smiling. Well nothing much to write about the act as it was ok, after having tasted the Russians and Philus, the act of Indian girls always appear ordinary. Cost was 1k in total incl a clean room, dettol soap, water and AC. A value for money.

So mates, enjoy the Navalkar Lane

08-10-09, 18:24
I was in Thane for some work and had few hours to kill. I had no idea where to go at about 4.00 pm for a pussy and I thought of trying the MP scene. So I got into a Rixa and asked to go to a location that I had picked up from Mid day. As I normally do, I get into conversation with these moving encyclopedia about a city and asked him girls would available this time. Yes came the reply and I was happy as I knew MP scene would be touch and go and may or may no end up in a full service that I wanted.

I will not go into much details but I experienced a Bengali girl on the bank of Tapovan Lake in Thane. There is a Bar right on the bank of the Lake called Green something..where there were about 15 girls – not really my type but some of there were 5-6 out of 10.

Overall not a memorable experience but for those who want a budget girl , this place might be suitable, take a rixa and ask him to take to Bar where there are lots of girls on Tapovan Lake and that is it…

Enjoy mates but be careful

08-10-09, 18:34
Well, I was not satisfied with my Tapovan adventure and had to look for something nice for my little fellow so after completing my work, I again looked at the MP scene in Thane and found one that is close to the station on the east side.

I went there and found that the place is quite big and offer some privacy means something is possible here. Selected a small frame girl of about 20 yrs and started a massage for one hour (which turned out to be of 40 minutes only- so be careful here). What was most important was that the girl was very supporting and quite bubbly and talkative and told me the full history of her family (whether right or wrong who cares..). She told me the full service is not possible in the MP but outside can be arranged at a price. Looking at her age and figure, price that she wanted was worth it. I had access to her full naked young body in MP which had small but firm tits, nice and small ass and attitude that was willing to accommodate. I had a fountain type blast after she had a massage on my little fellow and she was surpised as she had seen something like this for the first time. She told me she had her boy friend who broke her " seal" and a client before and no one else. I was really getting exicited to have this babe. I went home thinking about getting this girl into my bed as soon as possible. She gave me her mobile no. which will be used in the next few days.

I have fixed an appointment with her and will keep her for 2-3 hours (possibly 2-3 shots, let us see)..I will report more once I have had fun with her…

Take care and enjoy..

08-11-09, 04:04
Regarding guys just wasting her time by calling her without even having intention of having a session. Well it is a pity. When I come across someone who does that sort of a thing I feel angry at myself. That is because it means I did not investigate properly and gave the number to the wrong guys. They just window shop with no intention of having a session.

What they don't realise is that by window shopping they are ruining my credibility with the lady in question. She will stop responding to anyone who goes to her with my ref. She is not a merchandise which has to be inspected before we decide whether to buy or not. The details are on the forum. Anyone interested should decide before sending off a pm asking for the contact.

Why take a contact if you cannot afford to pay the price? There are loads of others who are cheaper. Get those contacts. Why ask for this one.?

In the process it is becoming more difficult for other who genuinely want to have a session with her, to get the contact from me. Becasue I might start wondering why I should give the contact to people who are window shopping.

So guys if there is no intention then please don't clog up my inbox.


She looks like a lot of fun. What is her price?

Red Magnet
08-11-09, 04:22
Nice report. I go to thane often. Can you give directions to this place and the name.


Well, I was not satisfied with my Tapovan adventure and had to look for something nice for my little fellow so after completing my work, I again looked at the MP scene in Thane and found one that is close to the station on the east side.

I went there and found that the place is quite big and offer some privacy means something is possible here. Selected a small frame girl of about 20 yrs and started a massage for one hour (which turned out to be of 40 minutes only- so be careful here). What was most important was that the girl was very supporting and quite bubbly and talkative and told me the full history of her family (whether right or wrong who cares..). She told me the full service is not possible in the MP but outside can be arranged at a price. Looking at her age and figure, price that she wanted was worth it. I had access to her full naked young body in MP which had small but firm tits, nice and small ass and attitude that was willing to accommodate. I had a fountain type blast after she had a massage on my little fellow and she was surpised as she had seen something like this for the first time. She told me she had her boy friend who broke her " seal" and a client before and no one else. I was really getting exicited to have this babe. I went home thinking about getting this girl into my bed as soon as possible. She gave me her mobile no. which will be used in the next few days.

I have fixed an appointment with her and will keep her for 2-3 hours (possibly 2-3 shots, let us see)..I will report more once I have had fun with her…

Take care and enjoy..

08-11-09, 06:40
Hail Santa & Hail YoursDeepus

I was in Mumbai for an overnighter for work and man these guys helped out so much that I cannot begin to thank them. YoursDeepus put me in contact with some guy and Santa put me in contact with the same guy. This one must be popular.

On landing at Mumbai, I talked to Santa and asked what I should do in the evening. He suggested (and I agree) that it is better to do some next door gal kind of thing for around 3k but since it was raining and I was staying at a nice place near the airport, the prices would be much higher if I ordered room service. Well, I thought let's see how the day plays out.

In the evening, it was raining pretty heavily for me to venture out, so I thought I would order room service. Called this guy and he said someone will be outside the hotel in 30 mins. As usual, the guy reached after 1 hr (30 mins. late - but I can't blame him for the traffic). Just wish these guys were more straight forward so that we can plan out timing correctly.

Went down, saw the girl in the car, liked it - did I have a choice :-) - settled for 8k for 2 pops. Took her up to my room through the lobby but even though there was heavy security and she had loud make up on, I have found that if you walk confidently, it can all be done.

Well the deeds were finished in 2 hrs and I had an ok time. Could have been better as there was no DFK or BBBJ on the menu. They say "she will do everything" but this chain of brokers and sub-brokers and the way money gets diluted down the chain, you can't get your money's worth.

In any case, like I said, it was a good act minus these 2 problems, but all in all a satisfactory evening.

Tried catching up with Santa later on, but he was busy. My respects dude. Surely next time. The thing about ISG, give back and you will get.

Thanks once again to both these seniors.

Friends Vjjk
08-11-09, 10:59
Dear Marad,

Can you tell direction and name of mp.

Well, I was not satisfied with my Tapovan adventure and had to look for something nice for my little fellow so after completing my work, I again looked at the MP scene in Thane and found one that is close to the station on the east side.

I went there and found that the place is quite big and offer some privacy means something is possible here. Selected a small frame girl of about 20 yrs and started a massage for one hour (which turned out to be of 40 minutes only- so be careful here). What was most important was that the girl was very supporting and quite bubbly and talkative and told me the full history of her family (whether right or wrong who cares..). She told me the full service is not possible in the MP but outside can be arranged at a price. Looking at her age and figure, price that she wanted was worth it. I had access to her full naked young body in MP which had small but firm tits, nice and small ass and attitude that was willing to accommodate. I had a fountain type blast after she had a massage on my little fellow and she was surpised as she had seen something like this for the first time. She told me she had her boy friend who broke her " seal" and a client before and no one else. I was really getting exicited to have this babe. I went home thinking about getting this girl into my bed as soon as possible. She gave me her mobile no. which will be used in the next few days.

I have fixed an appointment with her and will keep her for 2-3 hours (possibly 2-3 shots, let us see)..I will report more once I have had fun with her…

Take care and enjoy..

08-13-09, 16:28
Hello mate. She is asking 5k for an hour or so.




She looks like a lot of fun. What is her price?

08-13-09, 20:44
Hey fellow mongerers,

Will be arriving in Delhi this weekend. Have never been to mumbai before. Any pointers/contacts anyone can share?

Anyone up for a joint night out? The more the merrier :)

08-14-09, 06:56
Hello mate. She is asking 5k for an hour or so.


JSFSweet. I'll get in touch. Will be coming in to bbay soon.



Satya B
08-14-09, 06:59
Hotel Rest INN near Kalaniketan Juhu on JVPD road costing around 1.8k. Good Hotel.

Hi all.

I'll be in Mumbai for 4 nights, and will be based around the Juhu area.

I can't take girls back to my hotel, so can anybody recommend a short time hotel i could book for a few hours near Juhu.


Satya B
08-14-09, 07:09
When you come from Churni Road Stn. at Harkishandas Hospital Signal Turn right. You will find SBI ATM at right hand side. Lane next to ATM is Navalkar Lane.


That was a good report. I myself was a regular at congress house, a few years ago. So know the place quite well. There a quite a few places in that lane. I am really interested in the girl you mentioned in your report. So can you tell me exactly, which place you visited at congress house. Would be better if you give directions starting from the Irani restaurant, in that lane. Eagerly waiting for your help, since I want to plan for this weekend.

Thanks again

08-14-09, 11:55
Dear Friends,

Can someone guide me to good spa centre where I can get more than spa massage.



Member #4163
08-14-09, 16:14
Been watching a lot of Friendship Club Ads in the newspapers. Are these trustworthy...meaning are the services really worth it?!

I was told to deposit a certain amount of money in a Bank Account. Post which I would receive a Login ID and pass to a paticular site.

Can someone throw some light on this please?

Much appreciated.

Member #4163
08-14-09, 18:22

Your best source is the classified ads of local newspapers or check out the yellow pages.

There was a particular place at Andheri (W) where I visited few times. Good looking staff but only (topless) fondling and HJ allowed.

Dear Friends,

Can someone guide me to good spa centre where I can get more than spa massage.



Xper 1
08-14-09, 18:32
Been watching a lot of Friendship Club Ads in the newspapers. Are these trustworthy....
I was told to deposit a certain amount of money in a Bank Account. .....

They all indulge in rip-off. Once the amount has been deposited in their bank account, their mobile goes silent and they becomre unfriendly.

Keep safe distance from them.

08-15-09, 19:24
Does anyone have any confirmed reports of pickups from nightclubs of any of the 5 start hotels near the airport?

Does anyone know if there is potential for pickup from there or any other nightclubs?

08-15-09, 20:39
Hey guys I have been with one of my friend and in Mumbai central there is a place called bacchu wadi. Ask any one in Mumbai central he will show the directions. Trust me guys the girls were models over here. Trust me I saw them and was going to take a shot but thought will go tomm in eve and take a try. Trust me the girls were 10 on 10 and with full perfect models look.

This girls are from bar dance and are taken by the brothels for high society at 5 k to 25 k.

But if you go directly over there they charge you not more than 1 k.

If you wanna get update I will be giving it to you in a day or two.

Lord Phobos
08-16-09, 04:52
Can anyone tell me where I can go from a hotel right by Mumbai Airport.

I am by Sahar Road.


Lord Phobos
08-16-09, 05:41

Had this 'young' girl. 19 for 2 pops in Malad.

Some 'lady' had 'arranged' for it.

Hope you guys like it.

Sunday afternoon. Siesta. Nice.

She had nice 'feet' too.Hey man. VERY nice choice. Sweet boobies. Hi Five.

Member #4163
08-16-09, 16:25
Hi all,

Does anyone know of a girl friendly hotel at Andheri?

Also, tried C** MP at Andheri. Not a worthwhile experience, since it was only HJ and topless fondling. The girl simply wanted to hurry up despite me being very nice to her.

Total damage 1.8K.

Would repeat: Never

Satya B
08-16-09, 19:09
hi all,

i have come across so many requests for sharing private contacts. i have some contacts which are fetched with hard work, lot of expenses on trial & errors, ok not a problem.

these girls are of 20-25 agegroup, working with some private firms but due to insufficient salary & to support their families they are in to it. these girls are availble weekly once i.e.on their weekly off that too in malad, borivali area. the likely damages are about 3k to 5k for 3-4 hours plus charges of good hotel i.e about 2k maximum. they expect good, nice friends who will treat them well, with whom they can spend time for extra income. the girls may not be of extra ordinary look, not well educated, not english speeking but are in good in shape & body. i have experienced that they are best in bed. the only need is to handle them carefully, treat them well & they will be honest with you to offer best possible they have.

i am afraid to share these contacts as these girls are not professional & any mis-handling may result in spoiling my hard earned relationship with them. only senior members may pm me for contact details as i can't trust new members. off course in return i expect some good private contacts.

for mutual benefits & trust be in touch.

08-17-09, 05:06
Hey guys I have been with one of my friend and in Mumbai central there is a place called bacchu wadi. Ask any one in Mumbai central he will show the directions. Trust me guys the girls were models over here. Trust me I saw them and was going to take a shot but thought will go tomm in eve and take a try. Trust me the girls were 10 on 10 and with full perfect models look.

This girls are from bar dance and are taken by the brothels for high society at 5 k to 25 k.

But if you go directly over there they charge you not more than 1 k.

If you wanna get update I will be giving it to you in a day or two.

Hi !

Are you sure the prices are what you say they are ?
Generally for a 'mujra' the cost is 3 to 5 K
I wonder if they would let you 'score' for anything less that 5 to 7 K.
Can you shed some light ?
Exact location ? Which Floor ? Colour of 'window' ?
Kind of room ? Final Price paid ? Service received ?


Much appreciate it.



p.s. Sure, the girls look super - 8/10 for sure. In my books at least. Better than most in night clubs I take out & spend so much on them.....

Mumbai Guy
08-18-09, 16:59
Finally met Jiah today. Thanks to JSF for sharing her contact with me.

She is a sweet girl. Picked her up from her residence at Navi Mumbai and went to a place in Chembur. started off with DFK and after a couple of drinks she was really hot. Gave a decent BBBJ. I reciprocated with DATY which she loved a lot. Had a couple of pops with Mish, Doggy, Cowgirl and reverse cowgirl positions. She gave a complete GFE. She is in town till the weekend. Plan to meet her again before she leaves for Bangalore.
Looks : 8/10
Service : 8/10
Total damage : 10K (for two Hours/two pops)
Repeat : Definately

My dear JSF thanks again for sharing a good contact. I owe you one mate.

08-18-09, 21:02

Your best source is the classified ads of local newspapers or check out the yellow pages.

There was a particular place at Andheri (W) where I visited few times. Good looking staff but only (topless) fondling and HJ allowed.Hi,

SM spa in Malad W.

Wild Blow
08-18-09, 22:43
Greetings everyone.

I have just finalized my trip to Mumbai. I will be there from this Friday until Wednesday - a mare 5 days at a Juhu Beach Hotel (Sea Princess). I hope it's a GF hotel.

Since I am there for a short time, I would like to maximize my mongering experience. If any other fellow member is willing to provide any tips, it would be much appreciated. I do have PM.

I do like the young ones! The non pro / student type / office worker would be preferred. What I like is the GFE experience.

I am of East Asian decent and do speak some Hindi and Bengali, If that matters.

Once again, thanks for all your tips / contacts in advance.



Bobby Jacob
08-19-09, 07:55
With less than 24 hours left of my wonderful mother-land visit, I felt the uncontrollable urge to spend one last night of unencumbered depravity and to take some solid memories back with me. With some thought, I decided that a threesome would quite serve my purposes. That decided, I wasted no more time in getting my posterior down to N. Lane, where I hooked up with S*nt*sh downstairs at about 7:00 in the evening.

Once in the room, I clearly specified to the man that I wanted a threesome with a couple of girls, and further, that the girls in question should not be reluctant to engage with each other. After a while, he brought in R*kh* and M*gg*. I talked to the ladies, clarified my intentions that I wanted them to interact as well, and they accepted. Paid up an advance 3.5K to the dude, ordered some drinks and stuff, and then settled in for business. First off, I must admit that I was in a bit of a THC and Sildenafil induced frenzy. The girls promptly knocked back a couple of drinks each, while I lit myself a j**nt to top up my high.

Guys, what followed next was a no-holds-barred 4 hours long carnal festival. The women had absolutely no limits. Penetrative action was protected but nothing else was, I. E., unprotected DATY, DFK, etc. The girls were also completely uninhibited when it came to pleasuring each other, and it was quite obvious that they had been at it before. It was a bit of a competitive display of skills between the two of them. The usual alphabet soup of acronyms would be nowhere near sufficient to describe the activities performed in there.

The girls were absolutely fantastic. First off, M*gg* seemed to be the more "experienced" of the two. She had obviously done THC before, and gladly joined me with my second J. She has unbelievable BBBJ skills, practically a vacuum cleaner on steroids. My first load was blown deep down her throat, and she didn't even miss a beat or stop the action. She swallowed it all and came back up for a sticky DFK! Brilliant!

R*kh*, the other girl has divine lips. Luscious, hyper-sensitive and absolute DSLs. Her BBBJ skills more or less matched the former's, but she was way tighter and had glorious knockers. Quite nice!

By the end of the four hours, after having exploded a couple of times (CIM with swallow), and with the junior feeling like an over-abused piece of raw meat, I called it a night, settled the bill and bailed. In all, this set me back by about 7K for four hours, and left me with an unforgettable experience. Very strongly recommended to fellow mongers.

At this point, I'm back in the states and I will have to sign off from this forum for the near foreseeable future.

Good luck, guys!

Have fun and stay safe!

Satya B
08-19-09, 18:52
Hotel Imperial Palace, Telli Galli, Near Station, Andheri East. cost around 1.5 k to 2k.


Does anyone know of a girl friendly hotel at Andheri?

Also, tried C** MP at Andheri. Not a worthwhile experience, since it was only HJ and topless fondling. The girl simply wanted to hurry up despite me being very nice to her.

Total damage 1.8K.

Would repeat: Never[/QUOTE]HH

08-19-09, 19:05
Well so here's my story:

I walked into Ridham Place, at bout 7:30, was packed! Reminded me of the heydays of the Bombay pickup clubs, tables packed, 40-50 girls standing, a couple dancing. Waiting to be picked up. A few of them were 9/10. Apparently a lot of them from Panvel Vashi etc have moved here now.

Headed to the bar next to its called Taal, and whoa, I was floored. There were about 40 odd girls there. But there were a few who were 10 on 10s anywhere![/blue][/size]looking at this report I went to kalyan all the way from south Mumbai.

Visited about 5 bars, including the much hyped Taal

I donno how he rated 10, did he mean 10%. All the girls were like SW's

None more than 5/10, anyway for 800rs-1000rs quality, it could be a better deal. Never again I will go to these bars.

08-19-09, 19:07

For that matter any hotel is a GF friendly hotel incase you get the girl along with you during check in, provided the girl does not look like a regular SW.

and places like Imperial Palace does not allow you book a room if you do not have some luggage with you. Also, if you book a single room they surely will not allow you to take a girl inside later. Even if they do, the girl has to provide and copy of her ID card and verify her identity. I have stayed here recently and hence I know.

If you have the budget try The Re**rt near Aksa. its far, its 5 star, but the rates are not too high compared to other 5 star's .The good thing about this place is the reception and the elavator are at 2 different corners. So even if you take someone inside with you to the room the chances of someone stopping is very rare.



Hotel Imperial Palace, Telli Galli, Near Station, Andheri East. cost around 1.5 k to 2k.

08-19-09, 19:51
I used to stay a lot at SP(Sea Princess), so far you do your business discreetly and your lady friend is presentable and does not looks gaudy with heavy make up, you are king.

There is a remote chance of inhouse help if you connect up with Conceriege and be liberal with them or be on the watch out in the lobby or coffee shop, late night, but it is not a sure shot victory, at best a hit or miss!

Greetings everyone.

I have just finalized my trip to Mumbai. I will be there from this Friday until Wednesday - a mare 5 days at a Juhu Beach Hotel (Sea Princess). I hope it's a GF hotel.

Since I am there for a short time, I would like to maximize my mongering experience. If any other fellow member is willing to provide any tips, it would be much appreciated. I do have PM.

I do like the young ones! The non pro / student type / office worker would be preferred. What I like is the GFE experience.

I am of East Asian decent and do speak some Hindi and Bengali, If that matters.

Once again, thanks for all your tips / contacts in advance.



08-19-09, 22:18
Have been trying out SPA in Mumbai for quiet some time mostly in the Andheri - Juhu area ... have discovered a couple of them which provide a decent service ranging from 1K to 2.5K and then extra's.

some of them are as follows:

C**ZE this is located in Andheri West near City Mall
C***O this is located near Lokhandwala Circle
A couple our located in Juhu Opp Shiv Sagar.

Hope it helps


Dear Friends,

Can someone guide me to good spa centre where I can get more than spa massage.



08-19-09, 22:24
Well, to continue my story of a Thane East MP girl in ahotel, she had given me her number indicated that she was interested in coming to a hotel. I fixed next day at about 1 pm and she knew the lodge in east Thane. She came late by 30 minutes which I used to have my lunch. She declined to eat anything and had a juice.

We went to a nearby hotel, checked into a room with A/C, ok kind of a room. She wanted all the money upfront, I could smell something fishy, I said no and gave her 2k after haggling with 1k later on after 3 hrs.

She is 20 someting, pettit, bubbly and ready to please and a nice firm pair of tits, small buts and young body, what more a man wants. No kisses, Daty or fingering at the first shot. I came fast in the first round. After a full glass of beer in her tummy, she opened up and started playing my little fellow. Second round was more exiciting and long, and she also enjoyed and I could feel her wet inside. She came before me and I finished her in doggy style.

Overall a good experience and the one that shows that MP girls are also available, if handled properly and at a price..


Friends Vjjk
08-20-09, 05:56
Dear Marad,

Think I know this gal is her name starts with letter "A" or her name is something A***Sha and from mp OM S** located in thane E also gal has got long Hairs till her thighs.

Awaiting your reply.

From Vjjk

Well, to continue my story of a Thane East MP girl in ahotel, she had given me her number indicated that she was interested in coming to a hotel. I fixed next day at about 1 pm and she knew the lodge in east Thane. She came late by 30 minutes which I used to have my lunch. She declined to eat anything and had a juice.

We went to a nearby hotel, checked into a room with A/C, ok kind of a room. She wanted all the money upfront, I could smell something fishy, I said no and gave her 2k after haggling with 1k later on after 3 hrs.

She is 20 someting, pettit, bubbly and ready to please and a nice firm pair of tits, small buts and young body, what more a man wants. No kisses, Daty or fingering at the first shot. I came fast in the first round. After a full glass of beer in her tummy, she opened up and started playing my little fellow. Second round was more exiciting and long, and she also enjoyed and I could feel her wet inside. She came before me and I finished her in doggy style.

Overall a good experience and the one that shows that MP girls are also available, if handled properly and at a price..


08-20-09, 10:19
I would like to thanks JSF for sharing the contact. Please find FR

I was following up with the girl for few days and then finally I could meet her on 18th STATS.32C2834.

Looks 7/10

Attitude: 9/10

Figure: good

BJ: satisfactory

Smells wow

Very tight..

Not a pro but part time into it can communicate well with you. Makes it more of GFE

Charges 5k /hr but worth it.

Satya B
08-20-09, 15:45
Hotel Imperial Palace is 100% GF Hotel, rather I would say it is meant for that purpose only.


For that matter any hotel is a GF friendly hotel incase you get the girl along with you during check in, provided the girl does not look like a regular SW.

and places like Imperial Palace does not allow you book a room if you do not have some luggage with you. Also, if you book a single room they surely will not allow you to take a girl inside later. Even if they do, the girl has to provide and copy of her ID card and verify her identity. I have stayed here recently and hence I know.

If you have the budget try The Re**rt near Aksa. its far, its 5 star, but the rates are not too high compared to other 5 star's .The good thing about this place is the reception and the elavator are at 2 different corners. So even if you take someone inside with you to the room the chances of someone stopping is very rare.



08-20-09, 16:12
Hotel Imperial Palace is 100% GF Hotel, rather I would say it is meant for that purpose only.Even I thought so. But one of my friend had a very embarassing situation there couple of weeks ago. They asked the girl to provide her ID card, asked for a xerox of it, asked for her identity details and all such stuff. My friend politely checked out and as did not wanted the girls identity to be revealed. Another one with a girl was not allowed to check in since he was empty handed and without any luggage.

May be they were unlucky or got a unfriendly shift manager at that time. My only sincere request to everyone is "play safe".



08-20-09, 20:02
Was in mumbai for a day... so after scouting around the forum, decided to visit Navalkar lane. Thanks for the old members for directions, the lane was a breeze to find - for all those who still get confused -

1. Get down at charni road station east.

2. Take a cab to Harkisondas Hospital.

3. Get down at the traffic signal just before the hospital.

4. Go right from the signal.

5. You will cross an SBI atm, a Bank of India ATM, a music shop - and at around 50 metres down the road (from the signal), very clearly marked, is Navalkar Lane.

So. As described, reached the lane at around 4:30 in the evening. Had eye contact with the guys. Who escorted me first to the ground floor. Saw the line up, around 6 girls. But none of them that I fancied. The price quoted was 1200 for 1 pop and 2000 for 2.

Anyhow, left and started climbing up the place, where G*p* caught hold of me, and escorted me up to the second floor. He had just three girls, but 1 looked decent. Said that she was S**ran from Delhi. Good bod, face was just about OK. And amazing boobs.

Took her, paid G*p* 1700 + 100 to the condi guy. The room was decent.

Session started with a bit of chit chat. She told me that she was from delhi, and keeps going back to visit her family. Was amazed at her level of english. Very very fluent. After this, she tells me to 'freshen' up, as she likes very 'neat & clean' people. Which I didn't mind, considering the heat in Mumbai!

Then she undressed, amazing all natural rack. And a good figure to go with it. Started with licking and kissing me all over. No french kissing though. She really knew where to touch and how to turn me on.

Then started with a BBBJ. Which was so-so. But then decided to convert it into a CBJ as she didn't like the pre-cum. Anyways. The BJ lasted barely 15 minutes, after which she lay down, put the condi on, and took me in Mish. Banged her for a little time, and then suddenly she hugs me and tells me that she wants to cum. Gets on top. Goes cowboy. Rides me for about 15 minutes and explodes. And explodes she does, with her juices dripping down all over her thighs onto mine.

Starts licking me all over again. Goes mish again. And I last another 15-20 minutes. With her licking my ears, and nibbling on my neck like a hungry cat.

All in all. One of the best sessions I have ever had in India. Generally monger in Dubai, and have to do with 'stani's or Chinese.

Have to try V's place on the first place next time. Have read a lot about it. Whenever I am next in Mumbai!

Wild Blow
08-21-09, 10:51
Thanks mate. I just landed here. Will find out soon enough and report back!

I used to stay a lot at SP(Sea Princess), so far you do your business discreetly and your lady friend is presentable and does not looks gaudy with heavy make up, you are king.

There is a remote chance of inhouse help if you connect up with Conceriege and be liberal with them or be on the watch out in the lobby or coffee shop, late night, but it is not a sure shot victory, at best a hit or miss!

Raw Deal
08-21-09, 13:50
I think Palms Villas are a better value for money than Imperial Palace. If you compare the price of the terrace room to the villa, its a pretty good steal. You can actually ask for a private villa which is situated on top of the hill so you wont have anyone eavesdropping on your fun.

The only two USP's I found at Imperial was the open to sky jacuzzi and the grand size of the rooms & terrace. But then at the Palms you get a personal dip pool (they call it a swimming pool but you can't do much than sit and drink not large enough for a swim). Imperial has ridiculously priced F&B but service is excellent. The service is not that good at The Palms Villa though, last time I stayed there it took them over 45mins to get me some food and drinks. They did not ask me for the girl's ID or anything, I was carrying a handbag though.

Even I thought so. But one of my friend had a very embarassing situation there couple of weeks ago. They asked the girl to provide her ID card, asked for a xerox of it, asked for her identity details and all such stuff. My friend politely checked out and as did not wanted the girls identity to be revealed. Another one with a girl was not allowed to check in since he was empty handed and without any luggage.

May be they were unlucky or got a unfriendly shift manager at that time. My only sincere request to everyone is "play safe".



Raw Deal
08-21-09, 13:59

Is there still any pick-up action at the Sea Princess? I heard from someone that the management there has taken a very agressive stand towards the few odd 'pick-upables' and now do not refrain from asking the lady to leave the bar / coffee shop if they smell a rat. Can anyone else pl update us all on this?

I used to stay a lot at SP(Sea Princess), so far you do your business discreetly and your lady friend is presentable and does not looks gaudy with heavy make up, you are king.

There is a remote chance of inhouse help if you connect up with Conceriege and be liberal with them or be on the watch out in the lobby or coffee shop, late night, but it is not a sure shot victory, at best a hit or miss!

08-21-09, 17:12
She is indeed a sweet girl. i have not been able to make time to meet up with her. But who knows. Someday my path will cross with hers. I have had a few of the guys calling me up and thanking me for the introduction. It seems they also though she is sweet. Totally GFE as one of the guys put it.

Guys. Hope you all will post an FR about your meeting with her. If there is anyone of you guys who did not think she was that great please do post about it. And let us know why you think it was not up to mark. And alos those of you who think she was good. Please post. It will help other guys decide whether they would like to meet her on her next trip. She is leaving by sunday I believe although she could extend her stay if any of you guys ask her nicely ;)



Thanks to Diabolic as well

Finally met Jiah today. Thanks to JSF for sharing her contact with me.

She is a sweet girl.
Repeat : Definately

My dear JSF thanks again for sharing a good contact. I owe you one mate.

Love Guru
08-21-09, 17:39
I m coming to Mumbai from 26.8 and will stay upto 28.8.2009. I want to have fun with Mumbai girls, pl let me no where I found girls a very low rate plus girls with pretty face and body with reasonable rates, then I can decide accordingly. Of course safety and good service is absolutely essential. Its not the actual fucking which is important but the treatment given around is also important for me. I mean the girls should be friendly and cooperative and should enjoy that. I can say I want love making and not just fucking.

Pl suggest me.

Love Guru

Love Guru
08-21-09, 18:55
yes i'm interested. pl let me know the details, can i get any member around 2000, i want friendly approach, please guide me.

hi all,

i have come across so many requests for sharing private contacts. i have some contacts which are fetched with hard work, lot of expenses on trial & errors, ok not a problem.

these girls are of 20-25 agegroup, working with some private firms but due to insufficient salary & to support their families they are in to it. these girls are availble weekly once i.e.on their weekly off that too in malad, borivali area. the likely damages are about 3k to 5k for 3-4 hours plus charges of good hotel i.e about 2k maximum. they expect good, nice friends who will treat them well, with whom they can spend time for extra income. the girls may not be of extra ordinary look, not well educated, not english speeking but are in good in shape & body. i have experienced that they are best in bed. the only need is to handle them carefully, treat them well & they will be honest with you to offer best possible they have.

i am afraid to share these contacts as these girls are not professional & any mis-handling may result in spoiling my hard earned relationship with them. only senior members may pm me for contact details as i can't trust new members. off course in return i expect some good private contacts.

for mutual benefits & trust be in touch.

08-21-09, 20:21
I too would like to thank JSF for sharing the "J" find with members on the forum.

Called up the gal (she speaks very fluent/accented English) and setup for the next day as we couldn't find common free time and kept missing each others calls.

Finally met on the second day at a suburban hotel, on first sight she isn't someone who is strikingly good looking, but had above average looks, very good figure and height (5'.5-6") and had a very nice GFE feel.

Once inside the hotel, as she undressed the view quickly changed from average to good! And had a good one hour session with her starting with CBJ, followed Cowgirl and Mish.

Very clean body, figure and GFE attitude.

Strongly recommended. Thanks once again JSF.

Looks 7/10
Racks 32: 8/10 (Very firm)
Attitude: 9/10
Figure: 9/10
Cost 5K: 7/10
Hotel : 1K
Tips .1 K
Total 6.1K
Overall 9.5/10


08-22-09, 04:11
Met up with JSFs contact last weekend. Took her for 2 hours. I would classify her as more girl next door type. Attractive though, but her service is where she becomes outstanding.

She speaks good English - we arranged the meeting through SMS, some of which showed she has quite a naughty side!

I really liked this girl, the phrase GFE is very apt for her. We started with DFK and then she gave me great OWO - (she doesn't do CIM though) - we then fucked in just about every position possible before she jerked me off over her nice pert titties. She sucked me again until I got hard again for round 2. More quality fucking ensued and she loves to talk dirty while you fuck her. She came with my dick inside her in mish with her legs up on my shoulders and it wasn't long before I finished whilst fucking her in this position.

Overall 2 great hours, I would repeat. Thanks for the contact JSF!

She is indeed a sweet girl. i have not been able to make time to meet up with her. But who knows. Someday my path will cross with hers. I have had a few of the guys calling me up and thanking me for the introduction. It seems they also though she is sweet. Totally GFE as one of the guys put it.

Guys. Hope you all will post an FR about your meeting with her. If there is anyone of you guys who did not think she was that great please do post about it. And let us know why you think it was not up to mark. And alos those of you who think she was good. Please post. It will help other guys decide whether they would like to meet her on her next trip. She is leaving by sunday I believe although she could extend her stay if any of you guys ask her nicely ;)



Thanks to Diabolic as well

08-22-09, 08:23

You are confusing the Imperial being talked about with the 5Star (or is it 7 star?) which has recently come up in the Royal Palms Goregaon.

The Imperial that these guys are talking about is a small hotel near Andheri Station. I was a shady hotel earlier but the owners have split and there are two Impirial palaces next to each other. Both are renovated, one continues to be GF (but ony to known clients) while other is a strict no no.

Hope this clears the confusion.


I think Palms Villas are a better value for money than Imperial Palace. If you compare the price of the terrace room to the villa, its a pretty good steal. You can actually ask for a private villa which is situated on top of the hill so you wont have anyone eavesdropping on your fun.

The only two USP's I found at Imperial was the open to sky jacuzzi and the grand size of the rooms & terrace. But then at the Palms you get a personal dip pool (they call it a swimming pool but you can't do much than sit and drink not large enough for a swim). Imperial has ridiculously priced F&B but service is excellent. The service is not that good at The Palms Villa though, last time I stayed there it took them over 45mins to get me some food and drinks. They did not ask me for the girl's ID or anything, I was carrying a handbag though.

Dil Beat
08-22-09, 11:22
Have been reading the reports about the reference given by you. I keep travelling to Mumbai. Can I request you to share this contact with me as well.

Thanks in anticipation.


08-22-09, 14:45

Thanks guys for the FR. Makes me feel good to know that I gave the contact to guys who share their experiences. A lot of guys just take contact use it and never bother to post an FR. So very discouraging.

The lady just got in touch and informs that she is in town till the tuesday. So any of you guys who got the contact from me but did not get the time to meet up can contact her.



Mumbai Guy
08-22-09, 17:06
Dear JSF

I am meeting her again on sunday. As you said she has extended her stay. She has high regards for you. Rest we shall discuss when we meet over a drink.

She is indeed a sweet girl. i have not been able to make time to meet up with her. But who knows. Someday my path will cross with hers. I have had a few of the guys calling me up and thanking me for the introduction. It seems they also though she is sweet. Totally GFE as one of the guys put it.

Guys. Hope you all will post an FR about your meeting with her. If there is anyone of you guys who did not think she was that great please do post about it. And let us know why you think it was not up to mark. And alos those of you who think she was good. Please post. It will help other guys decide whether they would like to meet her on her next trip. She is leaving by sunday I believe although she could extend her stay if any of you guys ask her nicely ;)



Thanks to Diabolic as well

Satya B
08-22-09, 23:05
Could you please let me know the details of GF Hotel at 1k you had been to. Also interested to get contact no. Of 'J' & cost is one pop or for 2 hours? You may PM .

Thanks in advance.
Called up the gal (she speaks very fluent/accented English) and setup for the next day as we couldn't find common free time and kept missing each others calls.

Finally met on the second day at a suburban hotel, on first sight she isn't someone who is strikingly good looking, but had above average looks, very good figure and height (5'.5-6") and had a very nice GFE feel.

Once inside the hotel, as she
undressed the view quickly changed from average to good! And had a good one hour session with her starting with CBJ, followed Cowgirl and Mish.

Very clean body, figure and GFE attitude.

Strongly recommended. Thanks once again JSF.

Looks 7/10
Racks 32: 8/10 (Very firm)
Attitude: 9/10
Figure: 9/10
Cost 5K: 7/10
Hotel : 1K
Tips .1 K
Total 6.1K
Overall 9.5/10


08-23-09, 05:14
There is no point in giving the contact to you now since it is obvious from your post that you are not in mumbai. And she is leaving on tuesday. I dont know when she will be back in mumbai and you probably dont know when you will be in mumbai either. She comes here for 4-5 days(has stayed 8-9 days this time) so I dont see how it will work out? your dates and her dates have to match right? Let's see when she is in town the next time. If you are here at that time I will pass on the contact.



Have been reading the reports about the reference given by you. I keep travelling to Mumbai. Can I request you to share this contact with me as well.

Thanks in anticipation.


08-23-09, 05:50
Been to NL couple of times before and was kind of getting bored with the same faces.

However on my last visit, was kept in waiting for over 40mins (talking of walk of shame. Here is an entire wait in shame! ).

Finally selected a very pretty face. Poonam 20yrs from Orrissa.

Very good attitude and very playfull for an in-call setup.

She looks very young with a dimpled cheek and hot body she was enjoying the DATY more than my BBBJ. She actually was holding (forcing) my head everytime I came up for breath.

Finally she coverd me and was riding me like a freak. She knew how to milk johnny dry.

2200 + 100 condi

Tall, wheatish, goodlooking, C cups. And clean

Total Paisa vasool. A very close second to SWETA's service and looks.

Play safe. Play more

08-23-09, 06:11
Hi mate. Got a reply from one of the members I mentioned on the pm to you. he is likely to join us on saturday. And possibily one more. Hope you know a decent place in the area you suggested. Not the mongering kind. Just some place where friends can sit and talk.

Look forward to seeing you mate.



Dear JSF

I am meeting her again on sunday. As you said she has extended her stay. She has high regards for you. Rest we shall discuss when we meet over a drink.

08-23-09, 10:55
During a short business trip to Mumbai last week, I visited one Massage parlor advertised in HT. The MP is located very near to Vashi station, walkable distance. However, I did not like the staff, and returned without service. Still sharing the details, if somebody else might want to venture out. There were 4-5 ladies available. The head of the staff was in 30-35 years age, looking Nepali types with some nice gore-gore boobs. The rest of the girls were in 20-25 age range, dark and short. None of the kind I could be interested.

The price quoted was 400 for massage + 400-500 for cooperation including topless, boob press/suck. No Fingering/kiss however.

I can share the location, PM me.

08-23-09, 13:48
Another report from my Indian adventures, this time from Mumbai.

Am in Mumbai for a while, send a few PMs to a few seniors for pointers and contacts before I came to Mumbai, but no luck, it seems no one is keen to provide contacts to fellow mongers. Anyways, I decided to take it up on my own. Decided to catch up with another member Wild Blow, but couldn't get through to his phone after trying quite a few times, so decided to go for it alone.

Started with a top notch nightclub (apparatnly all the local hotshots hangout here). A few beers and good music here but there does not seem to be any pickup scene. I had thought I would try and pickup local girls from here just like nightclubs back home, but it seems in India most girls go to nightclubs only with their male friends. Spoke to a few girls at the bar but it was too loud and even though they were happy with small talk, there seemed no scene here. Luckily, started chatting up this hot babe who looked like a model and she was quite flirty. She said she is a local model and has done some small work and wouldn't mind making sme extra money on the side. She quoted 30000 INR for 2 hours. I flatly said no; even though she was hot I did not want to spend that much money. She finally offerred whole night for the same amount but I decided with was not worth spending this much money. She told me to look her up at the same place next weekend and I moved on from the nightclub as I was quite sure there was no scene there.

Walked out and walked a bit away from the place. Picked a Taxi and asked the driver about the scene in Mumbai. Luckily the driver seemed to know quite a bit. But after having a bad expereince with taxi drivers in Delhi (see post under Delhi thread), I was quite skeptical. But by this time it was 2 am and the jhonny was desperate for action so decided atleast check out the gals.

The taxi driver took me to some place in Bandra, a small dark patch on the main street just minutes away from the police station. The driver said it was safe as the cops are in it as well and they get their weekly cut. A pimp came up as soon as the taxi stopped and ask for preferences. He said the gals are not there but he will call one and she will take 10 mins. He asked me what my budget was and here is where I made the mistake, I said upto 10k. 7-8 mins later a rickshaw turned up and the girl walked out and got into the taxi back seat with me. The pimp was in the front seat. The girl was half north eastern so had quite distinct asian features. 7/10 on looks but had a small petite body with very small b**bs. I tried small talk with her as an ice breaker and realised her English was quite fluent and she was dressed very nicely, like somoone you could take into a night club.

The pimp quoted 6000 for 2 hrs. I asked for the whole night and he said 11k. I knew I hd dug my own grave but I tried to negotiate, the pimp said non-negotiable and I threatned to walk away. He asked me to name a price and I made my second mistake, I said 9k. He agreed and I had no way to back off now. He asked me to pay the entire amount in advance, again I was not sure if this was a good idea but the taxi driver said its the norm. So I paid him in advance and decided to take the girl (named TA) back to my hotel as she was very decently dressed and my hotel is GFF.

Talked to her in the taxi on the way back and she said she was a bit nervous. Tried to ease her a bit with small talk, she looked young, more like a student. She was quite fluent in English and we talked about things like Mumbai, India, nightlife in Mumbai, music and even sports. She definitly wasen't the professional street trash types.

Got back to the hotel and she was still a bit nervous, a couple of glasses of red wine did the trick, and she opened up completly. She started talking about herself, told me she was a student and she primarily does this for drug money and to pay someone off. We started kissing gently with a lot of patting and touching, she smelt nice and clean.

Took my tshirt off and she gave me a very nice tongue massage. I took her tshirt and bra off and now she was really in the mood, she was getting quite horny and was contantly kissing me all over. There was some DFK, her tts were small with very juicy nies. She undressed me completly and started giving me a BBBJ. She wa amazing with her tehnique and knew how to keep me happy. She did a good job with deep throat and licking my bs. Then I tried to do a 69 but she refused as she said she does not like that. I started fingering her and tat turned her on big time. There was a lot of intermittent DFK involved and now we started with mish. She was very responsive and now she wanted it big time. She liked to be abused and kept telling me to keep going and keep abusing her. We went on like this for a while with intermittent kissing and fondling (and a bit of abusing added in). She came but I had not yet, so we moved into the cowgirl position and then doggie This time we came together and I came on her bbs.

Went for a shower together and play around a bit in the shower, all this time she kept asking me to fuck her again. I love doing it under the shower and we had a no frills quickie there. We finished clening after that and came back to the bedroom to crash, it was 6 in the morning by now. We crashed on the bed and in each others arms. I started massaging her shoulders gently to relax her but this somehow turned her on, so I licked and bit her ears and started fingering her again. After a while she started giving me a handjob and by this time my jhony was ready for another go. She moved onto BBBJ and some deep throat action. I mounted her face and mouth fucked her for a while. Started with doggie and then cowgirl with a lot of intermittent kissing. This time she let me cum on her face. She wanted more but I was exhausted by now as it was 7am. We showed again, kinkyly. She gave me her real name and number and told me to call her directly next weekend, she was quite keen, she said she won't charge if I buy her drugs. She even showed me photos of her frinds and invited me to meet them. A couple of them were quite hot but this whole business of meeting her friends and going out with her was a bit too much for me. She told me where she studies and then I put her in a taxi and sent her off. Totally exhausted, I crashed.

All in all a perfecr GFE expereince, the girl was amazing in bed and want it as much. Could be a bit better looking and have some b**bs. But as they said, good looks does not mean good sex.

Girl. Slim, petite, young, spoke fluent english, quite educated

Body. Petite, small b**bs, clean, fresha nd smelt good


Behaviour. Very GFE, didn't feel like paid sex at all

Overall exp: Amazing, would try again

Price.9000 + 300 tip + 300 taxi

Will try something else next weeka nd post, If anyone on Mumbai wants to go out on a night together, pm me.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Peter Patros
08-23-09, 14:13
Jsf! Thank you for a good contact!

I caught up with J for a couple of hours on Thursday and she was really good, not a stunner but excellent figure and social skills. She had no problem walking through the lobby of the hotel.

Since she hadn't had lunch I ordered room service and the waiter didn't raise an eyebrow as she was at the table helping me set up my lap top. He probably thought she was my secretary!

She was a very enthusiastic performer and you could call it a GFE but one must remember she is a business woman and keeps a very discrete eye on the clock.

Though I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, can't help thinking that S, who was introduced by another member, has J beat for BJ skills.

JSF, she seemed a bit disappointed that you haven't met her lately!

Hi mate. Got a reply from one of the members I mentioned on the pm to you. he is likely to join us on saturday.

[QUOTE=Mumbai Guy]Dear JSF

I am meeting her again on sunday. As you said she has extended her stay. She has high regards for you. Rest we shall discuss when we meet over a drink.

Raw Deal
08-23-09, 16:30
My bad, thanks for pointing this out mate.


You are confusing the Imperial being talked about with the 5Star (or is it 7 star?) which has recently come up in the Royal Palms Goregaon.

The Imperial that these guys are talking about is a small hotel near Andheri Station. I was a shady hotel earlier but the owners have split and there are two Impirial palaces next to each other. Both are renovated, one continues to be GF (but ony to known clients) while other is a strict no no.

Hope this clears the confusion.


08-23-09, 17:23
Well dude,

There were atleast 4-5 girls there who would be a ten in anyones book. Including I'm sure urs. Because I don't hand out my tens lightly.

Even I was kinda surprised to find girls lookin like that over there. In kalyan of all places.

Well the only explanation I can think of, is those girls have gone back to whichever place they usually frequent, because they did say they live in chembur. And kalyan might have been a short term thing till I'm guessing the heat on wherever they go died down.

Damn now that you say they arent there, I'm kinda regrettin I didn't enquire further as to where I could get a hold of them in the future.

looking at this report I went to kalyan all the way from south Mumbai.

Visited about 5 bars, including the much hyped Taal

I donno how he rated 10, did he mean 10%. All the girls were like SW's

None more than 5/10, anyway for 800rs-1000rs quality, it could be a better deal. Never again I will go to these bars.

Fre 8
08-23-09, 23:46

Can you please give some landmark of the place you met with this pimp you wrote about.

08-24-09, 06:11
Poonam is available at V's place

I. E 1st fllor of the bldg opp. Flour mill


Note: they don't show her in the line-ups. I had seen her sneak into a room and had asked for her.

Mumbai Guy
08-24-09, 16:06
I know such places in chembur but if it is western suberbs you need to tell me where to come and I will be there. Usually I am free after 7.30 in the evening on saturdays.


Hi mate. Got a reply from one of the members I mentioned on the pm to you. he is likely to join us on saturday. And possibily one more. Hope you know a decent place in the area you suggested. Not the mongering kind. Just some place where friends can sit and talk.

Look forward to seeing you mate.



Knight Blue
08-25-09, 15:44
Does anyone know if the Marriott in Juhu is GF. I remember reading on some other forums that it used to be, wanted to check if that's still true.

Thanks in advance.


Neuro Manc
08-25-09, 16:53
Any Navi Mumbai mongers in here?

Can you give me some tips.

I am totally new to this.

Any help very much appreciated.


Mumbai Guy
08-25-09, 18:44
The second session with J*** was even better than the first. As we were more comfortable with each other she was more free and open with me during the second session. We chatted a lot. She is really witty and naughty. The two pops were more satsfying and memorable as she was completely free and uninhibited. we experimented a lot of positions and I found that finished in doggy style which as per her was her most favourite. We both truly enjoyed the session. She promised to inform me about her next visit to Mumbai well in advance.
Hats off to JSF for discovering and sharing such a fabulous find.

08-26-09, 06:20
My experience wit Mariott is that it is not GF.

However if you @ the time of checking in add her name ( ? ) with ID proof later..it will do.

They r very strict on this and u cannot even sneak into from the ENIGMA side elevators.

Play safe - Play more

08-26-09, 14:33
Drop me a PM, there are a couple of FS parlors and one of them is ok to get you home. Once she knows you, you can stay overnite as well. Will send details in PM.

Have fun and stay safe!

Any Navi Mumbai mongers in here?

Can you give me some tips.

I am totally new to this.

Any help very much appreciated.


08-26-09, 16:16
Well dude,

There were atleast 4-5 girls there who would be a ten in anyones book. Including I'm sure urs. Because I don't hand out my tens lightly..I actually went there early about 7 pm and would have seen around 120 girls in 5 bars combined, could not rate even 1 more than 7/10.

Btw, I saw your report on andheri bars, can you tell me exact location of sangam, I could not find out this place.

08-26-09, 21:32
Fre 8,

It was near some police station in Bandra. Unfortunatly I did not get the name of the place from the driver or the pimp. Will try and get it off my contact.


Can you please give some landmark of the place you met with this pimp you wrote about.

08-27-09, 13:18
Hello All,

Seen some activity just before the start of majiwada flyover (when coming from Kalyan). Any one experience on this? Ratings, damages?

Any FR's would be very much welcome.


Fre 8
08-27-09, 15:21
Alright, do let me know when you find out.

Thanks mate

Fre 8,

It was near some police station in Bandra. Unfortunatly I did not get the name of the place from the driver or the pimp. Will try and get it off my contact.

Neuro Manc
08-29-09, 08:24
Hey Rangerz99,

I've sent you a PM. Please check.


Drop me a PM, there are a couple of FS parlors and one of them is ok to get you home. Once she knows you, you can stay overnite as well. Will send details in PM.

Have fun and stay safe!

08-29-09, 09:59
Hi Guyz,

For the PMs after my last post, I would get back sometime next week. I'm currently in Singapore/Jakarta (work+pleasure) and I don't have access to the contact details for Navi Mumbai. So keep in going till then.


Drop me a PM, there are a couple of FS parlors and one of them is ok to get you home. Once she knows you, you can stay overnite as well. Will send details in PM.

Have fun and stay safe!

Blue Day
08-29-09, 10:25
Hi Guys, though I'm regular on ISG, this is my first report.

would like to share details of MP @ dadar which is know as S***li B***ty P*****r. This place is right opposite to dadar asiad bus stop.

There are few girls lineup there and this is the place where you can get everything once you visit there. May be they wont be that open on your first visit(due to security reason), but henceforth you would get the best.

The girls there are 5/10 to 6/10 max.

Service you get there is 6/10 - 7/10 depends upon the girl.

Damage would be 1500 for one hr + 200 tip.

So altogether 1700.

08-30-09, 08:25
It was a nice feeling meeting you and Kabuki. My internet has been giving some trouble so asked Kabuki to organise the jamboree.
It was good fun and very nostalgic for me becasue I used to meet forum members in dubai on a regular basis. Hope we can start something like that in Mumbai as well.

It is so good being able to talk about the hobby with like minded guys without fear of being judged. We can never let our hair down in front of our other friends/colleagues and talk freely about this extra curricular activity.

Sorry Nightlover2008 could not make it. But after this last meeting I am looking forward to meeting the other guys who had shown interest in meeting up. Let us see maybe some time next month.

My internet just went on inexplicably, just as it had gone off earlier this week. Hope it stays on so I can log on to the forum more regularly.

BTW the young lady has informed me that she is planning to come to mumbai on the 8th of sept. So any of you guys interested better get in touch in advance as again she will be here only for a short while.

And just for info the code that I had given will no longer work. Those who have met her can get the new code from me. And those who want to meet her also would need to get it from me but only if they have a presense on the forum.



I know such places in chembur but if it is western suberbs you need to tell me where to come and I will be there. Usually I am free after 7.30 in the evening on saturdays.


Mumbai Guy
08-30-09, 11:15
It was a pleasure indeed to meet a senior like you with tons of experience and info. I fully agree with you and feel that we should meet atleast once in a month or two. Next time some of the other members who missed out on yesterday's meeting could join in.


It was a nice feeling meeting you and Kabuki. My internet has been giving some trouble so asked Kabuki to organise the jamboree.
It was good fun and very nostalgic for me becasue I used to meet forum members in dubai on a regular basis. Hope we can start something like that in Mumbai as well.


08-31-09, 12:02
Hi Mumbai members

Just spoke to a couple who were listed in Exp*triat*es, the wife is available for STand LT in Mumbai. She is a BBW by the name of S*aT* and her hubby's name is Sa**A*. She is 38 and he is 41. They claim they are not professionals. ANYBODY used them before. Would love some feedback.


08-31-09, 12:21
Hi All.

My pleasure to be here with you all.

My action with a 21/22-ish year old girl I met in a MP that had been operational for only a few months in Andheri (E) on MV Road (P. I. N). Now shut.

Most reluctant, tall, slim, wheatish complexion, initial assessment was that the racks may not measure up much, but nice long legs and tight ass. She made considerable song and dance in the MP (it was actually a hair-cutting joint, not very private at all) initially about handling junior ("we do Not do such things" etc etc).

Broke through after a couple of meets. Then she scribbled her number on a piece of paper and slipped through to me ("can't do anything here, naukri will go blah blah).

Met, took to the island. M. I B. E place off malad.

Ate some, she puffed away on a fag, chatted about. She spoke fairly cool english. Quickly got in her head.

Then got her to strip down and Holy Mo! Tits that would put Most women to shame. Slim waist and ribs and then Boom!

What I like are tits that pass the "pencil test". A pencil kept under a tit if held pressed back to the rib is disappointing, cause the tits sag. If they don't means they are up staring at you and daring you. And these were looking up at me like Hell Come and Get Me Dude!

For all the nakhra and reluctance, trimmed (not shaven) missy that was all wet and ready to the touch.

Now we all have our kinks and mine is that I hate plunging right in with junior, the first few times out. I just get in their heads and talk them into feeling nice and comfy with themselves and with me. And then let my hands (I. E. Fingers) do their work. And so it was over the next couple of hours. She swore she'd never come so many times in such a short period of time. Fingered the Holy Mother out of her, made her cry to stop!

And then made her get up and go wash up good. After she was bathed and all fresh, got her to HJ me and nut-suck. You see, given some respite, juniors can really last long. HJ-ing, she was sure She was dying for "Oh Please, Just Onnnce? "

Ha ha ha. No babe thankya. Just imagine in your head how it can be, thats it.

Met her once afterwards, she had acne/pimples on her face, so gave her 500 and said thanks but need to run!

Hell, must see her once more soon. Hope she's cleaned up her face! He he


Face: 5.5/10
Tits: 8/10
Waist: 8/10
Ass: 8.5/10
Legs: 8.5/10

Blue Day
08-31-09, 12:39
Hey guys, here is my second report on ISG, hope you having a good time.

There's one MP at JSS Road near Marine lines, which is known as H****na B***ty P*****r, I don't remember the exact location its on the left hand side after few 100 Mtrs if you enter JSS Road from Marine Lines Side.

There are few girls available there, 4-5 girls all are aged between 25-35 generally, lookwise I would rate them strictly 5/10.

The damage depends on the way you bargain with them, as far as I know they start from 1.7k but you can bargain till 1.3k or if you the best thn can set it in 1.2k.

The best time to visit this place is 18:0 to 20:00, Service you get there is ok types, nothing great! Again if you are a regular visitor thn only you'll get full service or else you will be allowed everything except sex (which can be disappointing).

The place is ok & would not be happy to visit again.

Girls - 5/10
Quality - 5/10
Damage - 1.5k



Zen Redstone
08-31-09, 14:10
Any Navi Mumbai mongers in here?
Can you give me some tips.
I am totally new to this.
Any help very much appreciated.


Navi Mumbai has plenty of options .

There are few past repots which cover lot of areas .Turbhe & Panvel are happening but close by 09.30 to 10.

Few nerul bars beside main roaf near LP are also operating .



Neuro Manc
09-01-09, 10:38

Thanks for replying.

I am slightly hesitant to go to MP's. I would rather take a girl to a hotel.

I am also looking for quality girls. I am ready to pay upto 5k. Do you have any good contacts? I am serious about this and won't waste their time.



Navi Mumbai has plenty of options .

There are few past repots which cover lot of areas .Turbhe & Panvel are happening but close by 09.30 to 10.

Few nerul bars beside main roaf near LP are also operating .



09-01-09, 22:18
Tried exploring a bit in Mumbai this weekend. Started the night by meeting up for a beer with Kabuki from the ISG forum. It was nice to catch up with him.

Tried calling my contact from the last weekend but no luck. Seems she changed her number in a week. Thats quite unsual but maybe these people keep changing their numbers often. Started off with one of the good nightclubs, again good music and crowd, but no scene here. Moved out quickly. Had a good experience last weekend so decided to find the place I met the pimp at last weekend. Tried asking a few cabbies but most of them didnt seem to know when I told then this place was somewhere near Khar/Bandra.

Found a cabbie who claimed to know the place. Took me to someplace which he seemed to know. This place was not the one I had been to last weekend but the cabbie claimed that there is action here as well. Within seconds, someone came over and asked me what I was looking for and if I want LT or ST. I asked the price and he started with 20k. Completly ridiculous, I threatened to walk away, but he implored me to atleast check out the goods.

He took me to a first floor apartment and brought out 2 girls and quoted 20k for a night. One of them was 6/10 and the other was 8/10. I was quite surprised to find such good quality in such a dump. Not worth 20k though. As soon as I started walking away, he started negotiating and came down to 7k for the night. He brought out around 8-9 more girls all around 5/10 to 7/10. The place was shabby and most of the grls were too. There were a few good options among the lineup but I was not soo keen by this time. The whole setup, the pimp and the ugly ones had turned me off somehow. I moved out of this place. However, if someone wants to try this place, there might be some good ones to be found here if this is your scene. This place is on Linking road, just opposite the McDonalds restaurant. There is a KFC just opposite and the pimp usually stands here. Just go and wait at the KFC and someone shall approach you. There is a Standard Chartered ATM right opposite to the Mcdonalds and the apartment with the girls is in the dark entrance right next to the ATM. There is a pub called "Angrezi Pani" close to the KFC as well. Saw a few hot ones out there but am sure they were not for pickup.

I was still keen to find the place from last weekend, so asked the same cabbie to help me find it. He asked a few people around and said he'll take me to another place. He took me to some place on SV road. This place is called "Police Signal" or something, there being a big police tent right on the traffic signal. Just take a left in the alley at this signal and wait there a while. The Signal is after a restaurant called rajastan restaurant and the alley is on the opposite side of the restaurant.

There were quite a few people sitting there and apparantly they were all a part of the scene. One of them approached me and told me to follow him. Although this again was not the place I had been to the weekend before, my curiosty got the better of me and I followed him. He took me upto some apartment which was well guarded by 2 bouncer like looking guys. As soon I stepped in, it was like a festival in there. There were around 7-8 guys sitting in there smoking and talking loudly and drinking. Apparantly waiting for the lineup. The pimp took us inside through another room and here I saw another 4-5 guys sitting and watching TV with girls on their laps. All of these were westerners. This place looked too commercial to me and I immidiatly started disliking it. The pimp took me indoors into a dirty looking room with a double bed and small bathroom attached to the room. The walls were dirty, the sheets unironed. Doesn't take much imagination for one to guess what these rooms are used for. There were around 8-9 such rooms in this establishment. The lineup started flowing in, most girls were very average and had a typical commercial look about them. Not my scene at all. I saw a couple who were quite nice, I would definitly consider them if I see them in a nightclub or meet through a good contact. However, the whole setup was a big turn off. The pimp came down to 3k once I told him I am not interested. I moved out to the main room at the enterance but the pimp told me I would have to wait for a while. On my way out I noticed that none of the westerners were there anymore. I had to wait a while in the main room since the gate to the stairs is locked from the outside and is only opened by calling someone outside. So while the pimp was arranging this, I had to wait in the room. I got to see the lineup again, displayed this time for the benefit of other guys in the room. The guys picked 4-5 girls and went inside. Overall the place was just too commercial, dirty and a big turn off. I got out of there as soon as I could.

By this time it was quite late (4 in the morning) and I was too exhasted to go around looking for the original place. So I called it a night and went back to the hotel. I am still keen to find the original place so I shall give it another as soon as I get a chance.

Overall, no action that night but quite an expereince. I had come to think of mumbai as quite conservative and had thought action here would be quite rare if any. But I realised after this night that there is a lot of action in mumbai and it can be found quite easily. It is done quite openely and the lineups are similar to the ones I have seen in South east Asia (though the quality is no where close to Thaland or Philippines). The hunt is as exciting as the catch, so overall a exciting night but no action. These type of joints are not my scene so will steer clear of them next time. Hopefully I can re-discover the place I had been to last weekend.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-02-09, 08:45
Hi everyone,

Thnx o everyone's help i finally found Navalkar Lane. I had 2 gals in the past 2 weeks. Both definitely gave good GFE's and I had fun.

1. Anjali:- Had afrom a guy called Dinesh. She said she was 30 but shactually looked 22 or 23. She kissed all over and bitme all over whih was aturn on for me. She loved having her pussy licked and her BBBJ was all teeth and slightly painful. She evn allowed me a 69er which was good. She had a nice slim body although there were marks on her stomach. First took her in missionary and then cowgirl which were good. She was tight and good in sex.

Cost : rs.1600 + Rs. 50 condi
Face:- 5/10
Body;- 7/10

Also guys I do have some contacts I am willing to share of gals but currently I dont have PM facility since I dont have a credit card. I have just my Maestro ATM card and I dont think I can use it. Is there any other way please help.

Dil Beat
09-02-09, 12:48

Hey. Good insight indeed. But you could have gone thro' the classified in the local newspaper and surely have got a fair deal, rather than moving around and spending time. You may want to consider this next time.

Fre 8
09-03-09, 00:23

I haven't found quality action around this area either, hope you find the place you went to last time. And do let me know.

Thanks bro.

09-03-09, 11:35
Dil Beat,

A fair deal from a newspaper ad, sounds far fetched from what I read here. They are more like rip offs from what I've heard from senior members.

Hey. Good insight indeed. But you could have gone thro' the classified in the local newspaper and surely have got a fair deal, rather than moving around and spending time. You may want to consider this next time.

09-03-09, 13:20
Hi! All in there, I am from Virar and I'm looking for some action in and around Virar to Mira road, can somebody give details will be appreciated.

09-04-09, 07:03
Any gujrati bhabhi available near Dadar area?

09-04-09, 07:07
Does any one have the contact of Shanti who was staying near Mahalaxmi Temple?

09-04-09, 07:11
Any one knows about. Mangesh from pedder road who was having good pvt. Contact and lotsof item available with him from4k to 25k. If any one having his contact than PM.

09-04-09, 10:28
Any one knows about. Mangesh from pedder road who was having good pvt. Contact and lotsof item available with him from4k to 25k. If any one having his contact than PM.Yes, I know him.

Also taken service throw him.

09-04-09, 10:42
Any gujrati bhabhi available near Dadar area?
Does any one have the contact of Shanti who was staying near Mahalaxmi Temple?
Any one knows about. Mangesh from pedder road who was having good pvt. Contact and lotsof item available with him from4k to 25k. If any one having his contact than PM.Please use one single Posting message for 3 tiny questions. By the way if you know the name and area of girls/pimp why don't you also have the number/contact?

Bat Wings
09-04-09, 10:57

Sure know Shanti of Mahalaxmi and a Gujju aunty from Dadar.

But then how do I reach it to you?



Does any one have the contact of Shanti who was staying near Mahalaxmi Temple?===============================================

Greetings Bat Wings ,

Here's how you can get the contact numbers from Rajukado.

1. Buy a subscription.

2. Send him a Private Message.

For more information, please read: http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-subscriptions.php?


09-04-09, 13:40
Hi! All in there, I am from Virar and I'm looking for some action in and around Virar to Mira road, can somebody give details will be appreciated.In Mira Road you can go to Red Horse, and pick up girl and there are some hotel whose waiter provides gls. u can pm me for detail.

Zen Redstone
09-04-09, 19:07
I am slightly hesitant to go to MP's. I would rather take a girl to a hotel.N,

Try white house at Nerul . Suncity ,Kapal ,Gopika at Panvel. Nightangle at Belapur.
Most of them have tie up with hotel or similar.



Shailu 050
09-05-09, 09:09
Can you please give some more details of this location?

Hi Guys, though I'm regular on ISG, this is my first report.

would like to share details of MP @ dadar which is know as S***li B***ty P*****r. This place is right opposite to dadar asiad bus stop.

There are few girls lineup there and this is the place where you can get everything once you visit there. May be they wont be that open on your first visit(due to security reason), but henceforth you would get the best.

The girls there are 5/10 to 6/10 max.

Service you get there is 6/10 - 7/10 depends upon the girl.

Damage would be 1500 for one hr + 200 tip.

So altogether 1700.

09-05-09, 09:31
Hi Friends,

Can any one inform me locations and contact numbers?

BTW, Borivali and Dadar, where any good item can available?

Because in October I am going to visit Mumbai for one month.


09-05-09, 11:42
Visited yesterday n. Lane vi***you place taken so**ia nice experiance dfk, BBBJ, CBJ, nice service.

She don't come in 1st line up bcoz her price is higher.

Total damage 4.1k

For her 3.5k

Tip 0.5k

Condie boy 0.1k

Overall GFE.

09-05-09, 11:44
Please use one single Posting message for 3 tiny questions. By the way if you know the name and area of girls/pimp why don't you also have the number/contact?I had contact with this guy 3 years back than I moved to Pune so not contacted them but all the no. Are not working now.

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was originally written in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING and thus it was edited it to normal case lettering. In the future, please do not write reports in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING. Thanks!


Hi Rajukado,

I sincerely appreciate your contributions to the forum, but...

Would you please refrain from WRITING IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS!

It's difficult to read and it's time consuming to fix.

On behalf of myself and your fellow Forum Members: Thank You!


Knight Blue
09-05-09, 13:50
I read a few reports a while back saying that they might be the only legitimate site in India. Looks a little expensive, just wondering if its worth it?

Satya B
09-05-09, 20:31

It appears that you have posted only 3 reports in three years i.e. 2 reports in 2007, nothing in 2008 & this is the third one, all are for asking contacts in Mumbai suburb. No more contribution to the forum as well as you have no pm facility. How one can trust you & share his hard earned contacts? The forum is for mutual trust & benefits man.


Hi Friends,

Can any one inform me locations and contact numbers?

BTW, Borivali and Dadar, where any good item can available?

Because in October I am going to visit Mumbai for one month.


09-05-09, 21:23
I read a few reports a while back saying that they might be the only legitimate site in India. Looks a little expensive, just wondering if its worth it?
They are legit but not worth it. Layers of middlemen. Genuine providers on the Web are pricey but no different from their "offline" compatriots.

Satya B
09-05-09, 21:50

Previousely I was also refering these sites but they are very costly due to the chain of middlemen & most f them are not reliable too. Instead I would suggest to refer ISG reports by senior members, subscribe for PM facility & get the contacts which are tested to save cost. These senior mebers have all the types of contacts right from 0.5 k to 30k depends on your choice. I have experienced that ISG forum is very useful to share genuine & tested contacts.


I read a few reports a while back saying that they might be the only legitimate site in India. Looks a little expensive, just wondering if its worth it?

09-06-09, 09:57
Does Night Lovers bar at Andheri Kurla road still exist?

Love Guru
09-06-09, 18:00
Hi guys,

I have came across many ads in newspapers about friendship clubs. They tell us to deposit some amount. I have talk to some of the persons operating such friendship clubs. Some of them offer me a job of gigolo too. I want to know the genuinity of such clubs and can any one suggest me a few genuine frienship clubs which really shares you contacts?

09-06-09, 22:18
Ok I have received some contact details after a lot of research of 250USD for 24 hours, nice students english speaking. Is this too expensive ? If not happy to forward contact details to select senior members in return for letting me know if this was a legitimate contact

Pm if you want the number and have a good reputation.

09-07-09, 02:15
Hello Frds

Next Month Oct 2009 I am going to Mumbai(Bombay). Pls any one can known place btw Borivali and dadar any goods item with cheap price.

09-07-09, 05:46

It appears that you have posted only 3 reports in three years i.e. 2 reports in 2007, nothing in 2008 & this is the third one, all are for asking contacts in Mumbai suburb. No more contribution to the forum as well as you have no pm facility. How one can trust you & share his hard earned contacts? The forum is for mutual trust & benefits man.

SATYA BI hard stay in India, I mostly visit Malaysia Forum that's y you hard find me in India forum.

It 's upon you if you trust me than ok other wise than thanks for your comments

Have nice,


09-07-09, 08:25
Does Night Lovers bar at Andheri Kurla road still exist?

Technically it is 'closed'
However, there is axcess - private.
Members only.
Cover is Rs. 800/- p.p.
No change in girls - only 7 or 8 are there all the time.
Open till 5 a.m.
Lost its 'charm'
Indiana & Stallion are much much better;

09-07-09, 08:25
In Mira Road you can go to Red Horse, and pick up girl and there are some hotel whose waiter provides gls. You can pm me for detail.Thanks Shivame26 for your inputs, can you give me some tips and the rate they charge, I will try this place and put in my experience on ISG. Shivame, do have any contacts of Massage Parlours in and around these location?

Thanks once again


Member #4265
09-07-09, 09:56
Hi Folks,

Was in Mumbai (Colaba) area about 2 weeks back and looking for some action. So picked up the Midday and called up a guy names Sahil (as per the box advt). He asked to meet near Cherny Rd station (East. Roxy Theatre). Went there and called him up. First he told he will be late by 15 minutes. Again called and he made some excuse. Got irritated and left. He called up after 30 minutes and I told him to f*** o**.

Be aware folks for this name (sahil) in MidDay.


Zen Redstone
09-07-09, 12:41
Taking cue from old reports visited MP around Thane Teen Naka.

Ha**ine**. Offers CIM, B2B, rimming. Four staff in scale of 03-05. Place has curtain seperated small cubicles. Tried L*t* & was surprised by good attitude. Girl-03/10 Hygine.02/10 (very poor) Attitude.9/10 Damages. FS with CBJ.1.5K Tip- 300 (for attitude)


Located on main road, recently opened & cleaner. D*na appeared to be well advertised because was put on waiting for 20 minutes and a male & one 8/10 female on reception were taking calls which kept pouring in.

Has 05 girls in range of 06 to 08, except one 04/10

On my turn only a 6/10 Sh*you*I, around 19 years, good racks was free.

On offer.

Massage + bedbath +steam.1k

Massage + bedbath.800

Choose 1k package & once inside glass cubicle she was insisting that extras were not permitted. However a little push & negotiations revealed that HJ & b**bs fondle is available for additional 700.

She however refused BBJ /CBJ, pussy fingering & removing bottom (trouser). Even HJ was waste.

Girls. Mostly 7/10


Massage & bedbath.4/10

Cubicles. 04/10 (frosted glass, open from top, voice travels between partations & can also partially see out.








09-07-09, 17:27
Indiana & Stallion are much much better;Where is this Indiana and Stallion.

Satya B
09-07-09, 17:34
All these are 1000% bogus. Most of us have burnt our fingures. Refer previous post on the subject.


Hi guys,

I have came across many ads in newspapers about friendship clubs. They tell us to deposit some amount. I have talk to some of the persons operating such friendship clubs. Some of them offer me a job of gigolo too. I want to know the genuinity of such clubs and can any one suggest me a few genuine frienship clubs which really shares you contacts?

Rohit Sg
09-08-09, 05:20
Hi guys,

I have came across many ads in newspapers about friendship clubs. They tell us to deposit some amount. I have talk to some of the persons operating such friendship clubs. Some of them offer me a job of gigolo too. I want to know the genuinity of such clubs and can any one suggest me a few genuine frienship clubs which really shares you contacts?They are mostly bogus, I have tried a couple. Koolclub is OK, it has a website and some of the numbers are genuine. I got some decent contacts and success, but you have to be persistent. Also tried Oye trivia, very cheap but useless. They promise you daily contacts for months, you will be lucky to get for a week

Rajesh Hard Dick
09-09-09, 09:36
Hi Sr. Members,

I will be in Mumbai this weekend, would need you to pls share some direct contacts with me, i have some which i can share. I stay in Andheri so pls help something on westernline.

Thanks in advance. Pls PM me.

09-09-09, 17:45
Went to Bachu wadi after reading reports that mujras are performed there. From grant road, its about 15 mintues walk. I reached there about 5.30 pm and saw many ladies (few pretty) coming out of bachu wadi and getting into taxis. After I enquired, I got to know, that all these girls work as beer bar girls and are going into their respective beer bars. The mujras would be after 9 pm, I was told, but cannot confirm about that. Then from there took a train to jogeswari, since I read some reports of massage parlours on goregaon link road.

Could not locate even one without the address. Then again took the train in the peak rush and reached borivali around 8 pm, then a short auto ride to dahisar check naka. First visited red horse, few good looking, and one girl immediately capturd my eyes. Before I could pouch on her, she was booked. The manager told me that she would be free after 1 hour. Then visited three other clubs. Mela, mili, and millineum 2000. The quality there very poor, can't be compared with redhorse. Came bak again to dahisar, by the time the girl was free. So went upstairs, and as usual got a mechanical response. But the girl was very slim, pretty. She claimed her name to be pr*ya and shes from jaipur. Anyway redhorse seem to be the saviour of that day. But quite surprised about the lack of quality in other bars.

Are they any other dahisar type bars in areas like andheri, bandra, till grand road etc, because travelling to dahisar takes most of your energy and time.

09-09-09, 19:03
Went to Bachu wadi after reading reports that mujras are performed there. From grant road, its about 15 mintues walk. I reached there about 5.30 pm and saw many ladies (few pretty) coming out of bachu wadi and getting into taxis. After I enquired, I got to know, that all these girls work as beer bar girls and are going into their respective beer bars. The mujras would be after 9 pm, I was told, but cannot confirm about that. Then from there took a train to jogeswari, since I read some reports of massage parlours on goregaon link road.

Could not locate even one without the address. Then again took the train in the peak rush and reached borivali around 8 pm, then a short auto ride to dahisar check naka. First visited red horse, few good looking, and one girl immediately capturd my eyes. Before I could pouch on her, she was booked. The manager told me that she would be free after 1 hour. Then visited three other clubs. Mela, mili, and millineum 2000. The quality there very poor, can't be compared with redhorse. Came bak again to dahisar, by the time the girl was free. So went upstairs, and as usual got a mechanical response. But the girl was very slim, pretty. She claimed her name to be pr*ya and shes from jaipur. Anyway redhorse seem to be the saviour of that day. But quite surprised about the lack of quality in other bars.

Are they any other dahisar type bars in areas like andheri, bandra, till grand road etc, because travelling to dahisar takes most of your energy and time.

That era when there were dance bars comparable to REDHORSE in
Mumbai proper are a thing of the past! Just be grateful we have Diasher &
Mira Rd! Yes, it is a bit out of the way, but I took a room, at Sunil's
Palace,at the intersection of Mira Rd and western Expresssway for 700 INR per night, comparable place in Mumbai proper would
have cost 1,200 INR. There were decent and relatively inexpensive
restaurants there! A truly enjoyable experience, I wish to repeat! Yes
the gals are mechanical, but in Mumbai what else do you expect?

Brad Pitts007
09-10-09, 12:37
There are quite many places in Thane too near kapurbavdi junction namely suncity & Chandni. Suncity has better girls than chandni. There are also other Bars at Upvan which double up as pickups. Regarding Massage parlours on Link Road, its strange that you did not notice any. There are quite a handfull with steam bath facility written on their boards on the road. It would be better if u get down at goregaon & take a rik to Vibgyor school on your left & right, you shall find all the parlours.

Went to Bachu wadi after reading reports that mujras are performed there. From grant road, its about 15 mintues walk. I reached there about 5.30 pm and saw many ladies (few pretty) coming out of bachu wadi and getting into taxis. After I enquired, I got to know, that all these girls work as beer bar girls and are going into their respective beer bars. The mujras would be after 9 pm, I was told, but cannot confirm about that. Then from there took a train to jogeswari, since I read some reports of massage parlours on goregaon link road.

Could not locate even one without the address. Then again took the train in the peak rush and reached borivali around 8 pm, then a short auto ride to dahisar check naka. First visited red horse, few good looking, and one girl immediately capturd my eyes. Before I could pouch on her, she was booked. The manager told me that she would be free after 1 hour. Then visited three other clubs. Mela, mili, and millineum 2000. The quality there very poor, can't be compared with redhorse. Came bak again to dahisar, by the time the girl was free. So went upstairs, and as usual got a mechanical response. But the girl was very slim, pretty. She claimed her name to be pr*ya and shes from jaipur. Anyway redhorse seem to be the saviour of that day. But quite surprised about the lack of quality in other bars.

Are they any other dahisar type bars in areas like andheri, bandra, till grand road etc, because travelling to dahisar takes most of your energy and time.

09-10-09, 13:16
I agree with Zen.

Let me add a recent vashi experience.

Place is near the grain market opposite to RTO office.

Small dingy place named Sadguru bar.

About 20 girls are there and 4 of them scores above 6. Most from bengal and rates were around 900 for ST.

Next is Madhuban at the heart of vashi where I have not ventured so far.

Request Zen and other Navimumbai experts to guide.

I saw the girls coming out at 10pm and quite a nice bunch.

Don't know about rates.

Happy mongering,



Navi Mumbai has plenty of options .

There are few past repots which cover lot of areas .Turbhe & Panvel are happening but close by 09.30 to 10.

Few nerul bars beside main roaf near LP are also operating .



09-10-09, 15:31
Hello mates,

The young lady is back in town and is here for a week or so. So any of you who missed the chance to meet her last time can send me a pm. But please note I will not reply to those who do not have some good posts on the forum so dont bother. Only genuine mongers who ahve contributed with their FRs will be entertained.



PS. Just a reminder she is asking 5k for and hour or so so if that is not within your budget dont pm me.

09-10-09, 17:08
Anyone have any idea on places to find CIS girls,not too bothered about cost but quality is a must.

Red 1001
09-10-09, 17:22
They are mostly bogus, I have tried a couple. Koolclub is OK, it has a website and some of the numbers are genuine. I got some decent contacts and success, but you have to be persistent. Also tried Oye trivia, very cheap but useless. They promise you daily contacts for months, you will be lucky to get for a weekI agree with Rohit. They r all not rip off . I am member of koolclub & 1 other club. I have tried 2-3 contects from koolclub. I am regularly visiting other club. Getting good services.

I request all of you that don’t deposit any amt. in their bank a/c. if they meet you personally & pay them after you get services from.

Knight Blue
09-11-09, 12:48
How is Avalon as a pick-up place? I read a few reviews but they were from '07. Any other recommendations for nightclubs and GF hotels to make mongering easier in the Juhu area would be really appreciated as well.


Knight Blue

09-11-09, 20:00
avalon shut long back, after the [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) case.

Cool Shag
09-11-09, 22:32
Hi Team,

Visited this MP in Bangur Nagar, Goregaon somewhere in the afternoon between 2 & 3 PM.

Around 5 girls in the range 6-8/10 were present but 3 were having lunch so only 2 girls were available at that time.

Spoke to the guy and he quoted 400 for Half Body (20. 30 mins) and 800 for Full Body (45 mins. 1 hr). Was not asked to pay upfront as is the case with other MP's.

Selected one that was around 7/10. Name R**a (Big Boobs, Nice Figure). She took me inside a cabin and asked me to remove my shirt and lie down.

She started with a massage but I told her upfront that I was not interested in Massage but extras so she said a HJ is available for Rs. 200 extra.

I asked for a BJ which she first denied and said that BJ is not allowed so I said thanx and I don't need a HJ as well and I will leave. Reluctantly she agreed but said she will charge 1.5K for a BJ. I told her that was ridiculous and will not pay that much so bargained and she came down to 500 bucks.

She started with cleaning my Junior and then started with a BBBJ. I asked her whether I should tell her before I cum or will she do a CIM. Started arguing again that CIM is not allowed but after a little persuasion agreed for CIM for another 500 bucks extra so went on with a BBBJ with CIM and in the meanwhile she had removed her top and bra and was completeley topless allowing me to suck and fondle her biggies.

Total Damages 1.4K (400 for Half Body + 1K for BBBJ with CIM)

Went there the next day again this time around 7 PM

Around 8-9 girls were present this time in the range of 6-9/10 but still selected R**a. This time she was a little casual and starightway started with a DFK for about 2-3 mins took out my Junior and started to play with it. In the meanwhile I asked her to strip to her panties which she did without any hesitation and also allowed me to fondle and suck her biggies. In the meanwhile Junior was ready so she started with a BBBJ with a CIM this time for 500 bucks.

Total Damages 900 (400 for Half Body + 500 for BBBJ with CIM)

She also informed that FS was allowed in MP for 1.5K and the girls can also be taken out for 2. 3 pops somewhere near aksa Beach for 2-3 hrs for 2.5K. A full night would be 4K allowing as many as you can pops from 10 PM. 8 AM. A couple of them also allow Anal for 1K extra and they also indulge in threesome for 4K to 8K depending on the time and she informed that all the girls in MP perform a BBBJ for 500 bucks including CIM if you ask them.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-12-09, 07:10

I am planning to visit India early next year, and I want to set up some meetings with interested Indian women.

Do Indian women do this?

Can you recommend dating sites that are frequented by Indian women.

I have checked Asian Friend Finder, and there are very few listed, and most do not show a photo.

Any advice would be appreciated.


Black Python
09-12-09, 09:38
Forget about those dating sites. You will hardly find any success using those.

I think you should go out to the clubs here and socialise and try and find someone.

You can also contact some of the senior members here and see if they can provide you with a good contact who can speak english and have an intelligent conversation.



I am planning to visit India early next year, and I want to set up some meetings with interested Indian women.

Do Indian women do this?

Can you recommend dating sites that are frequented by Indian women.

I have checked Asian Friend Finder, and there are very few listed, and most do not show a photo.

Any advice would be appreciated.


09-12-09, 09:41

I am planning to visit India early next year, and I want to set up some meetings with interested Indian women.

Do Indian women do this?

Can you recommend dating sites that are frequented by Indian women.

I have checked Asian Friend Finder, and there are very few listed, and most do not show a photo.

Any advice would be appreciated.

GIf you read through the forum you will get most information on scene here. There are no sites which have list or numbers of indian women offering sexual services. There are a few sites which are agencies who believe in Ripping off foriegn guys like you and are mostly not trust worthy. So are many agency calling them Escort Agency and advertise in Newspapers. Best way for you is to contact someone at hotel you stay to arrange something. Visiting Massage parlours and Bars are not really best way for non indians. Thing is that there are more Sew workers in India then any country in world but moral policing does not allow these type of work to be openly discussed or advertised. So act with caution. Also your budget will decide which is the best place for you to try out. So be more specific if you want help here on forum.

09-12-09, 12:42

I am planning to visit India early next year, and I want to set up some meetings with interested Indian women.

Any advice would be appreciated.

India does not have any bars / dating sites etc where you find interested women. It is TABOO for them to have such personal info in public domain. There are a few sites but the actual hit ratio is about 10 %. Indian Friend Finder / Indiatimes Dating are a couple of decent ones. The ratio is slightly better at 20 % .. It will be much better for you befriend natives and have them hook you up on double dates or something like that. Again the 1st time will never be alone it has to be in a group so that she doesnt feel awkward. And lastly most of all dont expect anything to happen overnight ... these things take time here... There are always exceptions to the rule though.. but they are far and few.

Mumbai Guy
09-12-09, 16:44
Spoke to a guy named sunny. He quoted 15k for 2-3 Hrs. and 20k for full night. This is a bit too much as you dont get to see the merchandise before ordering.

Ok I have received some contact details after a lot of research of 250USD for 24 hours, nice students english speaking. Is this too expensive ? If not happy to forward contact details to select senior members in return for letting me know if this was a legitimate contact

Pm if you want the number and have a good reputation.

Mumbai Guy
09-12-09, 16:47
Meeting her tomorrow. Shall post a report. In fact I wanted to spend the whole day with her for which she quoted 20k. This is a bit too much and in any case I am leaving for Chennai on official work tomorrow evening so declined her offer.

Hello mates,

The young lady is back in town and is here for a week or so. So any of you who missed the chance to meet her last time can send me a pm. But please note I will not reply to those who do not have some good posts on the forum so dont bother. Only genuine mongers who ahve contributed with their FRs will be entertained.



PS. Just a reminder she is asking 5k for and hour or so so if that is not within your budget dont pm me.

Sex Lover2
09-12-09, 16:56

So you are member of kool club. I want to know about kool club. Can you please inform me?

Is kool club genuine? After membership we have to make contact to females by self or they fix our meeting. Is working only in Mumbai or all over india? Actually m from gujarat. They also claim to earn. Is it true?

Please reply me.

Cute Mumbai Guy
09-12-09, 19:51
Hi Team,

Visited this MP in Bangur Nagar, Goregaon somewhere in the afternoon between 2 & 3 PM.nteresting report Cool Shag...thank you for sharing.

Would be awesome if you could provide some pointers on how to reach the place.



09-12-09, 20:00
Hi Coolshag,

Cool report.Can you please share more precise location / name of this MP.

Hi Team,

Visited this MP in Bangur Nagar, Goregaon somewhere in the afternoon between 2 & 3 PM.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-12-09, 21:09
Met up with J**h this afternoon. Thanks to Kabuki for the contact.

I cannot add more to whatever has been said already about her. She is absolutely bliss. A true GFE, I wouldn't mind catching up with her just for a conversation even.

Looks 7/10
Body 8/10
Attitude 10/10
GFE 10/10
Intellectual (for those who value conversations and company) 8/10

Overall Experience 9/10

Would def. recommend although if you do not know how to treat a woman properly, do not bother as she is not game of anyone and everyone.

Member #4163
09-13-09, 05:44
Meeting her tomorrow. Shall post a report. In fact I wanted to spend the whole day with her for which she quoted 20k. This is a bit too much and in any case I am leaving for Chennai on official work tomorrow evening so declined her offer.Hi MG,

That's too much indeed.

However, considering that she would spend the entire day with you, she would have to let go of her other 'guests' lined up for today too. Therefore, she was expecting to be compensated for that loss.


Member #4163
09-13-09, 08:12

I have met J too and must endorse the fact that she was a complete GFE experience. Hard to find woman like her and what matters most is her attitude.

As rightly pointed by Sol, if you do not know how to treat woman..please skip her. She is worth it and is amongst my favorites.

09-13-09, 09:01
After a few months tried to contact old mira road contacts some of which were either not active numbers or switched off. Finally could get a number for a girl working earlier in massage parlour there. After she recognized me and had a brief chat she gave me the number of the Madam who was thier pimp. This was the same lady whose number I lost earlier. So after calling her and talking of the scene we decided the best way was to go to a empty flat of her sister in law for which she charged 300 Rs. I felt it was more safer then in Hotel rooms now a days. Also asked her to arrange 2 -3 good girls. Finally she agreed for Rs. 800 for each girl and Rs. 300 for flat.

I reached the place in about 1 hour by which time she was already there with three girls and girls had already cleaned up the place and themselves. Paid Rs. 2700 to madam upfront and the madam left. All 3 girl were young and average type looking and new for me. Introduced each other and I told them of my preferences. The girls started by undressing and each one took hold of one of my parts to service. A fair one come near my mouth and started to kiss me while one started with my rod. The 3rd one sat besides and gave me light massage and licking on nipples. The act continued with girls changing action and all which is too common to guess. After 35-40 mins the job is over and with a small tip of 100 to each I left. Also got the numbers of girls directly in case I need to call them without madam in between. Overall it was great experience for peanuts.

09-13-09, 10:00
Shakespeare posed a question along those lines (similar question I mean).

I was recently asked by a zero poster to let him have the contact of the young independant lady I have been posting about. Not getting a reply he sent me another one and a third one. Finally I replied and told him in no uncertain words that since he is a non poster I cannot pass on the contact.

To that he sent me two pm. asking me why I insist on members "specifically" posting on the forum.

Now this kind of question would definitely make the Bard (you know he was called the bard didn't you? I mean the guy I mentioned on top.) turn over in his grave I am sure.

Why post on the forum indeed?

I dont post about the lady. Nobody knows she is in town. Nobody bothers me for the contact.

Nobody else posts about the ladies they have met. Nobody bothers them for the contact. Bliss all around.

Nobody finds out about the Prachis the Swatis etc. Bliss

No one sends any pm to anyone asking for a contact. Since no one knows who has a good contact they wont send any pm. No one will spam others for a contact which no one knows about .


One less forum on the internet to browse through for contacts.

No one writes any FR about the lady he has had a great time with.

AHH Bliss

Now I wonder does the spammer understand why I "specifically" insist that you have a posting history before you send me a pm asking for my contacts?

Because I put in a few man hours and spent some money of my own to develop and cultivate these contacts. And others have too. And we all pass on the contacts we have developed and cultivated to like minded individuals who post their experiences on the forum, thereby making it an exciting read. Who wants to read numerous requests for contacts. Because if we dont post FRs that is all that will remain on the forum.

Why should I pass on the contact to someone who does not want to share his experiences on the forum. Perhaps he does not want to pass out his precious valuable contacts and that is why he does not post on the forum about the great time he had. He would get a lot of pm (like I do) and will have to sort out the good guys from the selfish ones( spammer?) and pass on the contact to the good guys on the forum.

Who wants the lady whose number has been passed on to come back to them and complain "why did you give the contact to this idot who bargained, was foul mothed, was dirty smelling etc etc" She will say "I am changing my number just because of the 100 calls from idiots who do not want to meet but just call up to talk dirty with me"

this has actually happened with me mates One of the girls I used to enjoy changed her number because the guy I gave the number to passed it on to someone who passed it on to someone and god knows how many guys got hold of the number and started harrasing the girl until she changed her number. But before changing it she called me and gave me a piece of her mind and told me she gets calls from guys saying I gave them the number. She asked me never to try and contact her. Well the spammers got their thrill and I lost a good contact

Hope the spammers will understand now the need for having a posting history. Your posting history is your identification and your credibility on the forum. Without that you are not likely to get any information or contacts.

Any thoughts mates?

Brickbats & criticisms welcome

Send me pm asking for contacts only if you have a posting history. My inbox cannot stand the strain

Neuro Manc
09-13-09, 11:16
To activate your membership to KoolClub you need to deposit 10K in an ICICI Bank A/c and then call someone on a mobile phone. I am not sure how legitimate it is. Better not risk it.


So you are member of kool club. I want to know about kool club. Can you please inform me?

Is kool club genuine? After membership we have to make contact to females by self or they fix our meeting. Is working only in Mumbai or all over india? Actually m from gujarat. They also claim to earn. Is it true?

Please reply me.

Uni Den
09-13-09, 12:46
Shakespeare posed a question along those lines (similar question I mean).

Any thoughts mates?

Brickbats & criticisms welcome

JSFI agree with you mate! Have been a victim of the same when I posted my FR with the Russian babe. I guess the this its hard for some to understand the real reason behind setting up this forum. If it were just send PM get contact. We might as well be another online club. ISG has been the most successful forum of all and been one of a kind anybody will find over the internet.

Its a bad bad practice to get a contact, have a session good or bad and NOT report it. Theres nothing to be scared or embarrassed about been ripped or not having the outcome as per ones expectation. If it wernt about the reports, one might not have even considered been venturing into the arena.

I agree with you on sharing the contacts only with people who have been reporting regularly about their experience. Yea we might also want to avoid few spammers who just reply and post just for the hack of increasing their post counts!

I also encourage of having regular regional meets where members can interact, have few drinks and get to socialize. I personally like that approach and have been doing that!

All I can say is lets just play our part to this forum without which we might never been able to meet people with similar interest!

Keep up the good work!

Satya B
09-13-09, 12:49
I do agree with opinion of JSF. I found most of the readers, yes I have to use reader as these are of class who just want to get info & contacts but does not want to spend time to share their experiences & contacts. Some of them are expecting that we should ensure that these contacts are fitted with rheir needs as if we are pipm or we are getting some kick back from sharing these contacts. We must resist such type of selfish tendancy to make this forum more interactive & useful for mutual benefits for the cause. Keep it up JSF.


09-13-09, 13:28
jsf and satyab

i must admit to being one of the "spammers" who wrote to jsf.

only, there is a genuine issue here. my membership is a few days old. i have only a few experiences to share. nothing compared to the smoking guns' exploits that i read out here.

maybe some day i'll join the league of legendary gentlemen and post some randy stuff for all to speed on, but this "have a history of posts" pre-condition begs a basic question:

what about the folks that actually do not have any interesting anecdotes to share?

is this a site meant solely for the ones that are already kneck-deep in 'mongering'? my take is, that those who are, don't need this site anyways, because they are in too deep and well enough dug in the domain to have some a, b or c or whatever. ready for a quick lay at short call.

i think there must be some other way to assess genuineness of a request or of a person who's joined up here and insistence on public posts can be done away with.

one way would be to exchange contacts and recounts through pm. i for one recall having specifically indicated to the 3 or 4 seniors to whom i pm-ed, that i would be happy to share whatever little info i do have, in exchange for their help. infact i did too, hoping to demonstrate bona-fides by giving the first information. fair enough, i thought.

but if pinging posts on open forum is a must-do, then that is more than a little sad. i would like to identify share-able people through their style of writing, the overall feel of the post etc. this i think can be guaged even through pm. why numerous must-do public postings? in due course, one may get much more comfortable and get it out to public posts, but thats not a forum prescription or is it?

there is no question of denigrating anyone as a pimp or whatever, this is a great portal idea whose time had come etc etc- the concept of fairness and sharing is well understood.

also appreciated that every "discovery" takes a lot of time/resources and so should not be freely sprinkled away.

to answer the bard. a post by another name (public or pm), would still smell the same.

still looking for my first real help from here.


shakespeare posed a question along those lines (similar question i mean).

i was recently asked by a zero poster to let him have the contact of the young independant lady i have been posting about. not getting a reply he sent me another one and a third one. finally i replied and told him in no uncertain words that since he is a non poster i cannot pass on the contact.

to that he sent me two pm. asking me why i insist on members "specifically" posting on the forum.

now this kind of question would definitely make the bard (you know he was called the bard didn't you? i mean the guy i mentioned on top.) turn over in his grave i am sure.

why post on the forum indeed?

i dont post about the lady. nobody knows she is in town. nobody bothers me for the contact.

nobody else posts about the ladies they have met. nobody bothers them for the contact. bliss all around.

nobody finds out about the prachis the swatis etc. bliss

no one sends any pm to anyone asking for a contact. since no one knows who has a good contact they wont send any pm. no one will spam others for a contact which no one knows about .


one less forum on the internet to browse through for contacts.

no one writes any fr about the lady he has had a great time with.

ahh bliss

now i wonder does the spammer understand why i "specifically" insist that you have a posting history before you send me a pm asking for my contacts?

because i put in a few man hours and spent some money of my own to develop and cultivate these contacts. and others have too. and we all pass on the contacts we have developed and cultivated to like minded individuals who post their experiences on the forum, thereby making it an exciting read. who wants to read numerous requests for contacts. because if we dont post frs that is all that will remain on the forum.

why should i pass on the contact to someone who does not want to share his experiences on the forum. perhaps he does not want to pass out his precious valuable contacts and that is why he does not post on the forum about the great time he had. he would get a lot of pm (like i do) and will have to sort out the good guys from the selfish ones( spammer?) and pass on the contact to the good guys on the forum.

who wants the lady whose number has been passed on to come back to them and complain "why did you give the contact to this idot who bargained, was foul mothed, was dirty smelling etc etc" she will say "i am changing my number just because of the 100 calls from idiots who do not want to meet but just call up to talk dirty with me"

this has actually happened with me mates one of the girls i used to enjoy changed her number because the guy i gave the number to passed it on to someone who passed it on to someone and god knows how many guys got hold of the number and started harrasing the girl until she changed her number. but before changing it she called me and gave me a piece of her mind and told me she gets calls from guys saying i gave them the number. she asked me never to try and contact her. well the spammers got their thrill and i lost a good contact

hope the spammers will understand now the need for having a posting history. your posting history is your identification and your credibility on the forum. without that you are not likely to get any information or contacts.

any thoughts mates?

brickbats & criticisms welcome

send me pm asking for contacts only if you have a posting history. my inbox cannot stand the strain

On The Wings
09-13-09, 15:11
Shakespeare posed a question along those lines (similar question I mean).Who wants the lady whose number has been passed on to come back to them and complain "why did you give the contact to this idot who bargained, was foul mothed, was dirty smelling etc etc" She will say "I am changing my number just because of the 100 calls from idiots who do not want to meet but just call up to talk dirty with me"

First-the lines of Shakespeare: To Die or Not to Die. In the play "Othello". Second. Generally speaking, its the tendency by many whether he is educated, not educated, handsome salary or just peanuts. Many many do that foul taking. Talk dirty. Yes. JSF, you are 100% correct.

But why, we are great indians you see. Thats why. We need only freebies and not prepared for the price we have to put. Poor indians. Leave it JSF.

Mumbai Guy
09-13-09, 16:44
I fully endorse the sentiments expressed by JSF. I myself have been a victim of such spammers. New guys on the forum must remember that it takes a lot of time, patience, money and hard work to develope a good contact but it takes just one fool to loose it. So earn the credibility by posting your experiences on the forum before asking for contacts. After posting my FR on the forum after my meeting with the now famous J*** even my mailbox was flooded with requests for her contact. But I refused to give her contact to anyone, even some senior member just because this contact was not developed by me. I got her contact from JSF and it is my principle not to pass on such a contact without the permission of the person who gave me the contact or the girl herself.

Mumbai Guy
09-13-09, 16:56
Maybe you are right. She has every right to demand compensation for her time and I was willing to oblige but unfortunately I had to leave for chennai in the evening. In fact I am writing this report from chennai.

Anyway I met her in the morning. Picked her up from her place in Navi mumbai and went to a lodge in chembur. The experience was simply great (as expected) She is a true GFE. I do'nt monger much these days. Maybe the years have made me choosy and selective. But let me admit that this girl is simply outstanding. Not only in bed but out of it also. As she did'nt have any other engagement we decided to have lunch together. She is very good at conversation and she is intelligent too. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with her.


Hi MG,

That's too much indeed.

However, considering that she would spend the entire day with you, she would have to let go of her other 'guests' lined up for today too. Therefore, she was expecting to be compensated for that loss.


09-14-09, 03:03
I will wholeheartedly agree with Indianmontreal on this issue. The basic attitude I've seen among posters in this forum is that they don't really want to share contacts. This is just a silly attitude when it comes to sex with SWs of all things. It's also rather mundane and degrading to have to repeatedly kiss ass just because some guy has a contact that he may or may not be willing to share.

I haven't PMed people here for the simple reason of avoiding some dude insult me on the main forum for asking for a contact. I would much rather go out on a scouting mission. There are hundreds of thousands of SWs in India so why bother with just ONE?

On the other hand, I did ask a few people prior to a trip to Jamaica last year, and I got more advice as a newbie there than anyone has ever offered here in India.

JSF, I don't mean to be rude but you say that you have invested a lot of time, money, sweat, blood, tears, whatever in establishing your contacts. I think you should take a reality check and realize that you've scored a session with an SW and not discovered the remedy for global warming or the cure for AIDS. It's not the biggest deal on earth. Today if I met your contact and paid her 5k to change her phone number and keep her distance from you, I can bet she'd do it. You need to realize what kind of commercial enterprise you are dealing with here.

There are a lot of complaints about people who are having their way with the ladies and not posting about it on the forum. That is totally up to the people involved. Some people are great writers. Others are great in the sack. Some are both. There shouldn't be a big issue regarding this. Really.

I'm ashamed to say this but I guess it comes down to the different personalities of people on this forum. It's definitely not about the contacts anymore.

Mumbai Guy
09-14-09, 16:27
My dear Axman 911

I do not agree with you. Let me put things in proper perspective. In the first place we are not talking about SWs here. Nobody needs a contact to get the services of SWs. You just visit a place, pay up and do the act. Why the hell do you need contacts?

When we talk of contacts, we are dealing with semi professionals or girls who do this for some extra money. These girls have a status in the society and are reluctunt to divulge their identity to each and every tom, dick and harry. So it is necessary that we need to protect them from the harrasment that they face if we pass their contacts to someone who is not careful or mature enough to understand the necessity to do so. If you think that every girl who is into this is a sw then I beg to disagree.


09-14-09, 19:23
Axman911 is seeking help in finding semi-pro action. Couple of steps might be helpful from this thread to get him started. Semi-pro action take time to build. Good luck.

Building your own semi-pro network.
Start with asking.
I would like to talk to you.
How about Chai, Limca or Gin?
Santa3 Suggestion
MumbaiCop Suggestion
Redhorse, Diasher & Mira Road
Mumbai, A Night Out

Satya B
09-14-09, 19:58

Do you really will dare to pay 5k to girl to change her contact No.? You are enjoying this forum since 2005, Do you have PM facility?. If so many SWs are availble in the market, why need to refer this forum? As you rightly said " different personalities of people on this forum".


I will wholeheartedly agree with Indianmontreal on this issue. The basic attitude I've seen among posters in this forum is that they don't really want to share contacts. This is just a silly attitude when it comes to sex with SWs of all things. It's also rather mundane and degrading to have to repeatedly kiss ass just because some guy has a contact that he may or may not be willing to share.

I haven't PMed people here for the simple reason of avoiding some dude insult me on the main forum for asking for a contact. I would much rather go out on a scouting mission. There are hundreds of thousands of SWs in India so why bother with just ONE?

On the other hand, I did ask a few people prior to a trip to Jamaica last year, and I got more advice as a newbie there than anyone has ever offered here in India.

JSF, I don't mean to be rude but you say that you have invested a lot of time, money, sweat, blood, tears, whatever in establishing your contacts. I think you should take a reality check and realize that you've scored a session with an SW and not discovered the remedy for global warming or the cure for AIDS. It's not the biggest deal on earth. Today if I met your contact and paid her 5k to change her phone number and keep her distance from you, I can bet she'd do it. You need to realize what kind of commercial enterprise you are dealing with here.

There are a lot of complaints about people who are having their way with the ladies and not posting about it on the forum. That is totally up to the people involved. Some people are great writers. Others are great in the sack. Some are both. There shouldn't be a big issue regarding this. Really.

I'm ashamed to say this but I guess it comes down to the different personalities of people on this forum. It's definitely not about the contacts anymore.