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02-15-10, 21:44


Thanks for the awesome report.

I keep visiting Singapore for work. It sure sounds helpful!

Mumbai Guy
02-16-10, 16:11
Dear JSF

Yes I am in touch with her and she is planning to settle down and marry her BF. I admire her for quitting at the right time and not succomb to temptation of continuing. We all should wish her well in her life. The J**h chapter is closed and we all move ahead in life. There are many more J**hs to be discovered.


I was not aware she had quit. She has not been in touch with me at all for the last 2 months or so and I was wondering what I did to deserve the silent treatment.

Anyway I am happy she has quit. This is no life for a young educated young lady anyway. Wish her all the best in her professional life (not mongering professional, the normal professional life that she told me about when she started in this business)


02-16-10, 16:21
Dear JSF

Yes I am in touch with her and she is planning to settle down and marry her BF. I admire her for quitting at the right time and not succomb to temptation of continuing. We all should wish her well in her life. The J**h chapter is closed and we all move ahead in life. There are many more J**hs to be discovered.


MGYeah, just wish her luck; she gets on with her life, and we with ours.

Dil Beat
02-17-10, 09:53
That's actually not a good news for all of us. I met her 3_4 times. Fantastic lady to deal with. It is a loss. Thanks JSF for introducing her to this group, at the same time we look at you to introduce one more J to this forum. I wish J very best for her future.

Yeah, just wish her luck; she gets on with her life, and we with ours.

Get Rakeshin
02-17-10, 14:41
To cut the long story short we have to cugh up 6000 Rs for the three of us and take a girl by force although we payed and refused to take service.

Finally the service was ok. Purely Mechanical, No smooch no nothing!!

Overall a very bad xp !!Buddy,

In short to say you guys. You didn't screw them. They screwed you guys! You guys should know that its a weird place and shudnt have carried so much cash & jewels. Such places. You shall very rarely find gems & gud services.

Any ways guys. Next time play safe!

02-17-10, 22:54
Not much explaination required: You're a white guy, a curiosity. Not easily found here.

If you were a 24 yr old brown guy, wouldn't have been so easy.

Aah the irony

I do not understand India!

I just returned home from a week in Mumbai. Tried a few contacts but was being quoted 6000 to 10, 000 Rs. What!

These are European prices not for, at best, an average Mumbai hooker so I decided to pass.

However, I was working closely with a young Punjabi girl during my time in Mumbai. She was 22, intelligent good looking and holding down a good job. She had told me that she lived with her parents, had a boyfriend for the last 5 years or so and they were going to get married next year. No chance for me then!

Some time later she told me that he was an engineer and working in Punjab. I asked her how often they met and after giving me a strange look se replied that they had only met ONCE! (at a family wedding) but were in love, emailed each other regularly and spoke by phone.

This girl was quite "touchy feely" and often put her hand on my arm and did not pull away when I touched her hand or shoulder as we were working together as (I think) a lot of Indian girls would do.

One evening I offered her a lift in my taxi as her home was not so far from my hotel. During the taxi ride for some reason she ended up holding my hand. Just being friendly perhaps!

The next night she accepted my offer of a lift again and sat rather close to me on the rear seat. While talking together my hand fell on her thigh and as there was no bad reaction I left it there and after a few minutes started softly to stroke her thigh. She seemed completely relaxed an opened her legs slightly so that I was able to massage the inside of her upper leg. While doing this my hand was slightly rubbing against her pussy and each time this happened she seemed to shiver slightly and close her eyes.

After a few minutes of this I put my arm around her shoulders and my hand, quite naturally fell on her boob. I started to brush her nipple with the side of my hand and the reaction was again relaxed and good.

It was easy from there to slip my hand inside her top and bra and rub her hard little nipples.

By moving to one side of the back seat and sliding down a little we were able to check that the taxi driver could not see what we were doing and with my free hand I moved her nearest hand onto my dick. We started to kiss and she moved her shawl to cover her lap and mine.

The rest of the ride home was most enjoyable. I even redirected my driver to take a different rout so that I could drop her nearer home (and have lots more time for fun!)

She was not able to see me later that evening as her parents were very strict and would not allow her out alone!

Here perhaps I should mention that I am a European guy, 40 years OLDER than her and married with children older than she is. (All of this she knew from our talks together.)

Regretfully I had to leave the next morning but it will be interesting to see what happens when I return to Mumbai next time.

So. How come an old guy like me can get so lucky with a young, normal, good looking, non working girl so easily? Is this normal?

Come on guys, explain to me. I do not understand India!

Long Schlong 007
02-18-10, 09:16
And here it is, Hotman: you're not only a white-skinned, successful professional (and therefore practically a shoo-in), but from what your writing reveals, also empathetic, considerate, decent and kind. There aren't that many Indian men with similar qualities in this country, alas -- most treat women other than their mothers, sisters and (sometimes) girlfriends and wives like meat, at best, or excrement, at worst.

I'll also hazard that despite being in your 60s, you're quite likely taller (not hard, given that the average Indian male is 5'7" in his elevator shoes), fitter, better groomed and more personable that the overwhelming majority of my compatriots.

Now what woman wouldn't like that?

I will make sure that I treat her well on my next visit and try to ensure that her (probably first) experience is a good and gentle one that she will remember with pleasure.

Hotman 666
02-18-10, 11:03
Long Schlong.
You are certainly correct with your comment on how many Indians treat other Indians, especially women!
During my visit I was very surprised to see that many of the locals spoke to, and treated their fellow countrymen like sh#t. This was particularly true of the way nice (normal) women were spoken too and treated generally.
So much so that I remember thinking that if I had spoken too, or treated, any Indian this way then I would have been accused of being a “racist!”

Most (Indians) treat women other than their mothers, sisters and (sometimes) girlfriends and wives like meat, at best, or excrement, at worst.

02-18-10, 11:47

I have been a member for a long time, listening to the chatter but feel it is time to give back.

I want to start with an MP near Elphinstone Station (on the western side)

Newly opened, curtains, 6-7 girls. Okay looking

But what impressed me was their professionalism. List prices. 500 for massage, 1000 for BJ, 1500 for FS. No haggling, no bullshit.

Good service from the girls, none of whom are model quality but know their way around a massage table.

I will be back with more and also set up a PM to exchange numbers.

Long Schlong 007
02-18-10, 13:22
Yep Hotman, that's unfortunately just the scenario in India, and certain other parts of South Asia as well.

Sadly, all the women I've had the good fortune of being with, both in India and overseas, 'professionals' and otherwise, who've also been intimate with non-Asian men, have without exception commented that Indians (the odd gifted guy aside) have been harsher, more demanding, and less pleasant to deal with overall.

I've also surmised from these conversations that my countrymen are generally lax about personal grooming and hygiene, are less, er, well 'endowed' and unfortunately nowhere nearly as sexually skilled as their Western counterparts.

I'm probably NOT the exception to that rule, although I do try very hard! Am soon going to have to persuade my current companion to deliver her verdict and prepare for some possibly ego-destroying feedback!

Oh well, you learn something new every day, dontcha! ;-)

You are certainly correct with your comment on how many Indians treat other Indians, especially women! During my visit I was very surprised to see that many of the locals spoke to, and treated their fellow countrymen like sh#t. This was particularly true of the way nice (normal) women were spoken to and treated generally.

02-18-10, 13:43
Gotcha Dude,

That incident just happened to make us wiser & older!

But the monger in us has just gotten stringer and stubborn!

Ahoy to new lands for mongering.


In short to say you guys. You didn't screw them. They screwed you guys! You guys should know that its a weird place and shudnt have carried so much cash & jewels. Such places. You shall very rarely find gems & gud services.

Any ways guys. Next time play safe!

Hotman 666
02-18-10, 16:55
[QUOTE=Long Schlong 007] my countrymen are generally lax about personal grooming and hygiene, are less, er, well 'endowed' and unfortunately nowhere nearly as sexually skilled as their Western counterparts.QUOTE]

Long Schlong,
I do not consider myself to be an expert on the “relative endowments” of various ethnic groups other than having heard the urban myth of Black Guys having huge dicks (personally I have always considered this to be a story put around by some black guys who may otherwise have problems in getting laid!!)
However I have been told in many SE Asian countries that Europeans are much more considerate of their partners than SE Asians generally are.
I personally enjoy foreplay very much but am told by SE Asian girls that many local guys are just “Wham, Bam, Thank you marm” with little feelings for any partner.
For me (even at over 60 years old) an average session will be 1.1/2 to 2 hours with a lot of foreplay and just one pop.
I have always believed that if you are kind and considerate to your partner (even in a P4P situation) then this kindness is returned and results in a MUCH better experience.
No offence to our Oriental friends but, as an aside, one of my Thai lady friends once told me that Japanese guys are referred to by many Thai working girls as “Four, Four, Four.” i.e. Four inches, Four Minutes and Four Thousand Baht!!
Easy money!!


02-19-10, 06:33
I am sure some where this discussion has been had before at length and with various opinions, stereotypes and cultural perspective all playing a part in the discussion. However at the end of the day it is simple a divisive tool with little meaningful ground being made between groups.

I willingness to learn was the beginning of this (a wise white individual seek feedback and possibly tips) and nothing was discussed about the woman with her role and opinion being generalized in how things worked out. She was being characterizes as someone with no control over her interests and desires simply because he was white.

Did he follow the necessary queues yes but the decision was hers as well. Treating a women with dignity is a must but remember it is much more (to a fault) socially accepted for a woman to passive aggressively abuse a man.

The point is there is a deeper discussion here beyond ethnicity and the larger question is as a group of males can we genuinely and earnestly grasp the womens point of view. Mongering would not work if there were not willing participants. Also women can be Mongers as well, though this forum obviously would not be the place to find female mongers. Infidelity is too easily seen as a one sided affair with the male being the culprit.

[QUOTE=Long Schlong 007] my countrymen are generally lax about personal grooming and hygiene, are less, er, well 'endowed' and unfortunately nowhere nearly as sexually skilled as their Western counterparts. QUOTE]

Long Schlong,

I do not consider myself to be an expert on the "relative endowments" of various ethnic groups other than having heard the urban myth of Black Guys having huge dicks (personally I have always considered this to be a story put around by some black guys who may otherwise have problems in getting laid!)

However I have been told in many SE Asian countries that Europeans are much more considerate of their partners than SE Asians generally are.

I personally enjoy foreplay very much but am told by SE Asian girls that many local guys are just "Wham, Bam, Thank you marm" with little feelings for any partner.

For me (even at over 60 years old) an average session will be 1. 1/2 to 2 hours with a lot of foreplay and just one pop.

I have always believed that if you are kind and considerate to your partner (even in a P4P situation) then this kindness is returned and results in a MUCH better experience.

No offence to our Oriental friends but, as an aside, one of my Thai lady friends once told me that Japanese guys are referred to by many Thai working girls as "Four, Four, Four. " I. E. Four inches, Four Minutes and Four Thousand Baht!

Easy money!



02-19-10, 09:37
To all those senior members.

With all due respect to ur seniority and experience--- plzzz stop postion this non-sense stuff here.

What everybody expect here are real, useful and new mongering instances and experiences.

Please don't insult this thread by your bullshit philoshopical post on races.

Please stop

I am sure some where this discussion has been had before at length and with various opinions, stereotypes and cultural perspective all playing a part in the discussion. However at the end of the day it is simple a divisive tool with little meaningful ground being made between groups.

I willingness to learn was the beginning of this (a wise white individual seek feedback and possibly tips) and nothing was discussed about the woman with her role and opinion being generalized in how things worked out. She was being characterizes as someone with no control over her interests and desires simply because he was white.

Did he follow the necessary queues yes but the decision was hers as well. Treating a women with dignity is a must but remember it is much more (to a fault) socially accepted for a woman to passive aggressively abuse a man.

The point is there is a deeper discussion here beyond ethnicity and the larger question is as a group of males can we genuinely and earnestly grasp the womens point of view. Mongering would not work if there were not willing participants. Also women can be Mongers as well, though this forum obviously would not be the place to find female mongers. Infidelity is too easily seen as a one sided affair with the male being the culprit.

[QUOTE=Hotman 666]

On The Wings
02-19-10, 11:48
Dear All,

It looks like that MPs are gaining momentum all over Mumbai due to the ultra vigil keen watch of LEs on DBs. While the number of MPs that spread across Mumbai run to a 2/3 pages on M-Day, MM, AN etc., which is quite a normal presence, but recently something is on hold and the scene that you may witness in a MP is baffling and not interms as one would expect it to B.

Of late, you find new MPs mushrooming all over and there goes the advt. Like-new, recently opened etc etc. While we can just ignore this as one simple advt. Tactics, there ofcourse is lot of activity and it seems Many New players have jumped into this MP wagon. Less Risk, quite buisness and assured money.

I could be wrong in saying this. Or else, some few MPs are quite popular and ravaging for the service in the offing which other MPs have grossly failed to address the customers need.

Here is my experice on Thursday and leave it to you to decide what is what.

- Thane(w)yna Ayurvedic Centre. Time 4. 00 pm. Please, note the timing. Was told all the Four Tables were occupied and was surprised to see Three men in waiting. My. My first experince and sight in a MP like this.

- Thane(w): near Thane college-new MP, no Board. Timing 4. 30 or so. I had lot of hesitation to step in since the building was so shabby inpite of all the A/cs protruding outside. But, surprise, was asked to wait. But luckily no one was waiting but the tables were occupied. Decided to leave immdly.

- Thane(e)iva Ayurvedic centre. Reached this place by walking from Thane college. Have to cross the station. Timing around 5. 30 pm. Sure it is, my bad luck today. Top three and GFlr one-all four were occupied. This is my third visit.

So, just decided to spend some time and relax for a while. More than 15mins gone. No more patience. Said bye and left..To re-erengize had beer at H. Maitri and returned back tired and frustrated.

Detail report of the MPs are already there with my previous report. What troubles me-normally these MPs start getting visitors after 6pm. But, not men waiting at 4pm. Have not witnessed this anywhere.

So, whats really happening? Whether these MPs have mastered their Trade or because of DBs losing & lacking their color & lustre (courtesy LEs), there is a shift in the customers choice moving from DBs to MPs (where something is guaranteed).

Only seniors and experts need to answer this.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

02-20-10, 02:03
To all those senior members.

With all due respect to ur seniority and experience--- plzzz stop postion this non-sense stuff here.

What everybody expect here are real, useful and new mongering instances and experiences.

Please don't insult this thread by your bullshit philoshopical post on races.

Please stopPoint taken.

It was not meant to offend you.

02-21-10, 06:34
I am neither an expert nor a senior, so take it or leave it:

A) MPs are a media created phenomenon. In the last few years, the classifieds section of major newspapers have taken a toll owing to increase in Internet classifieds. There is a pent-up demand. So, if you can create distribution (through the classifieds) you will get enough business to keep you occupied.

B) The supply is still very low. You will not find more than 2 or 3 in any MP. So, the occupancy rates are close to 90%. Better than hotels. In fact, 100s of very small hotels survive due to this trade.

C) Due to increased purchasing power coinciding with increasing marital issues, the potential audience for MPs have grown significantly. This is just going to grow in the future. We will be seeing several new forms of MPs. Getting more and more explicit in the future.

D) Internet Porn is giving exposure to Teenagers very early, while the sex in colleges is increasing, some look for additional resources as well.

E) Migrant business population to Mumbai is a significant factor in the growth of MPs. This is also because of lack of 'Night Life' in a city like Mumbai. Just compare this to Hong Kong.



Dear All,

It looks like that MPs are gaining momentum all over Mumbai due to the ultra vigil keen watch of LEs on DBs. EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

Seat A
02-21-10, 18:24

Is it possible to pick up working girls in the bars of any the 5 star hotels in South Bombay? I have a few questions please:

1. Which are the best hotels?

2. Are the internet escort sites quoting Rs25,000 to be trusted?

3. Where is the best for a real Bollywood stunner?


Seat A

Mumbai Guy
02-22-10, 03:41
My dear friend I shall try to answer your questions.

First of all let me know what you mean by working girls in the bars of any 5-star hotels. Do you means girls who are working in the bars of these hotels or the girls who come to these bars. In the first case it may be possible if you can charm a girl working there but it is unlikely that she will flirt with you in the hotel as that might put her at the risk of losing her job. In the second case it is possible to pick up a girl as it is a known fact that some girls in the business do frequent these hotels but you need to be cautious in your approach.

1. There are some hotels where the chances of picking such girls is bright. You may PM me if you are interested.

2. 99% of these escort sites are frauds and they are out to swindle you. Most ask you to deposit money in advance. Avoid them or insist on seeing the goods before making payment.

3. You have asked about bollywood stunner. Just forget it. All these real Bollywood stunners earn in millions. They are unlikely to be available for mongering favours. If anyone promises you that he can arrange a bollywood actress, just hang up on him.



Is it possible to pick up working girls in the bars of any the 5 star hotels in South Bombay? I have a few questions please:

1. Which are the best hotels?

2. Are the internet escort sites quoting Rs25,000 to be trusted?

3. Where is the best for a real Bollywood stunner?


Seat A

Garam Masala
02-22-10, 06:42
My dear friend I shall try to answer your questions.

First of all let me know what you mean by working girls in the bars of any 5-star hotels. Do you means girls who are working in the bars of these hotels or the girls who come to these bars. In the first case it may be possible if you can charm a girl working there but it is unlikely that she will flirt with you in the hotel as that might put her at the risk of losing her job. In the second case it is possible to pick up a girl as it is a known fact that some girls in the business do frequent these hotels but you need to be cautious in your approach.

1. There are some hotels where the chances of picking such girls is bright. You may PM me if you are interested.

2. 99% of these escort sites are frauds and they are out to swindle you. Most ask you to deposit money in advance. Avoid them or insist on seeing the goods before making payment.

3. You have asked about bollywood stunner. Just forget it. All these real Bollywood stunners earn in millions. They are unlikely to be available for mongering favours. If anyone promises you that he can arrange a bollywood actress, just hang up on him.


MGYou are so so true, Mumbai Guy. (Am I tempted to say typical? :) ) But you are to the exact point and just. Especially the last two points. And that also prompts one to the age-old proverb here called RTFF. Without spending even some little time everyone wants to ask questions, however idiotic they may sound, to make (and mark) their presence felt here.

Member #4163
02-22-10, 07:15
All these real Bollywood stunners earn in millions. They are unlikely to be available for mongering favours. If anyone promises you that he can arrange a bollywood actress, just hang up on him.

Whilst I completely agree with MG in the initial part of his answer, the reply given above is not true. True, Bollywood actresses earn in millions, but some of them do have an itch to earn money by doubling up as a pros*.

Of course, the upper hand is always with the producers due to the casting couch proposition. Just imagine - there are loads of aspiring actresses (girls) available - why do only some girls make it? Why are some girls 'one time wonders'? Why are some labeled as the 'oldest new comer or debutant'? That's solely because of the pressure from the casting couch syndrome.

Anyway coming back to the point, upon inquiring with the provider, you can always ask for the name of the bollywood talent available.

You will then strongly believe that 'life is indeed full of surprises' - of course when you have agreed to pay that enormous amount of money and you see 'her' in the flesh :)

Member #4163
02-22-10, 11:50
Any news about Monika from Navalkar Lane?

Troy 2008
02-22-10, 13:44
I have inquired about Monica during my last visit to N/ Lane & the answer was that she had gone to her village & has not come back since.

My view is that it may be true or most probably she has changed the joint.

Same thing has happened to Preeti from and Lane. Earlier, I think she was the best service provider there, but she also vanished around May last yr.

So, I would like to request all the people here if anybody spots Preeti or Monica in some other joints, please inform in the forum immediately.

We should keep track of these two gems!


Mumbai Guy
02-22-10, 14:00
That is precisely the point. One has to spend enoromous amount of money just to pamper one's ego of having seen some second rung bollywood beauty or aspiring actress in flesh. In all probability the service of these so called hi profile girls is almost always deficient. In my mongering experience of almost 20+ years I have learnt that service and satisfaction given by a girl is inversely proportional to her looks and status.

Anyway it's my opinion. I may be wrong or getting old.


You will then strongly believe that 'life is indeed full of surprises' - of course when you have agreed to pay that enormous amount of money and you see 'her' in the flesh :)

02-22-10, 16:20
When i was returning from Delhi read the report posted by Mumbai Guy about his recent western suburb experience. Contact him and he was extremly helpful in providing me his provider's contact details. Infact he introduced me to him.

Contact this provider and asked for the same girl. Everything was set, went there and boy she is a stunner. Fair, good looking, beautiful body and smile. Got amazing pair of lips and knows how to use them at right places.

Once inside the room. we started off with hug, soft kisses and then things got little wild. Undressed each other. Kissed for long time. Licked and sucked her pink nipples. She has clean pussy so tried DATY which she enjoyed very much. She reciprocated with wonderful BBBJ then went for action. At one point of time she was ok to do bareback but then i used my head (not the little one) and slipped condom and we tried every position possible and enjoyed. We had two round of solid action and it was real fun.


GFE : 9/10
Looks : 9/10
Figure : 8/10
Service : 9/10
Overall : 9/10
Damage : 7 K - it was an expensive experience however she was worth

Seat A
02-22-10, 16:43
My dear friend I shall try to answer your questions.

First of all let me know what you mean by working girls in the bars of any 5-star hotels. Do you means girls who are working in the bars of these hotels or the girls who come to these bars. In the first case it may be possible if you can charm a girl working there but it is unlikely that she will flirt with you in the hotel as that might put her at the risk of losing her job. In the second case it is possible to pick up a girl as it is a known fact that some girls in the business do frequent these hotels but you need to be cautious in your approach.

1. There are some hotels where the chances of picking such girls is bright. You may PM me if you are interested.

2. 99% of these escort sites are frauds and they are out to swindle you. Most ask you to deposit money in advance. Avoid them or insist on seeing the goods before making payment.

3. You have asked about bollywood stunner. Just forget it. All these real Bollywood stunners earn in millions. They are unlikely to be available for mongering favours. If anyone promises you that he can arrange a bollywood actress, just hang up on him.


MGThank you MG - I really appreciate your response.

I did mean the girls who come to these bars. I want one night whilst I'm in town of (a) either an attractive hard working lady delivered to me me or (b) to bag a working girl ina bar in a decent hotel.

Troy 2008
02-22-10, 18:07
Hi Guyz,

Am poting my yesterday's mongering in Mulund.

It was a Sunday & as usual was feeling very horny. So, picked up a Mid-Day & called several MPs in Mulund. Finally selected one named Dyna which is already a renowned name in the MP world of Navi Mumbai. I think one is in Vashi.

Anyway, its near Mulund railway station & reached there around 2-30 PM. It is not on the main road & the location is quite discreet. I was very much impressed by the set up. On inquiry, I found that it is a branch of the famous Dyna MP & opened only around 1 month ago. It has very clean white colored full cabins with good privacy where there are washing facilities available also. There were 3 girls when I reached there. All of them wearing the uniform of red top & red skirts.

The basic package available was @ Rs 800 which includes 1 hr massage followed by steam bath & bed bath. Out of those 3, I took a girl named Po*j*, a short stocky girl with huge melons.

Paid Rs 800 upfront & asked Pooja abt the co-operation available. She told me topless + hj is Rs 500 & bottomless is Rs 1 k. They don't provide BJ or FS. Slightly disappointed but took the Rs 500 package.
Then the girl proceeded to give me a powder massage. It was quite ok compared to other massages we generally get in the MPs. Then after massage, she asked for Rs 500 before starting the Co-operation. This was quite a turn-off for me as I generally pay at the end. Anyway, paid her 500 & she opened her top & bra. Man, believe me!! She has a huge pair of boobs in that short frame. However, her services regarding the hj & boob massage was less than average, there was no emotion & it was quite mechanical. I told her to finish the hj quickly. She wanted to give me a steam bath, which I refused. Instead she gave me a bath in the cabin itself. The cabin was very clean & hygiene & it has good washing facility.
As I was quite upset with her service, didn't even tip her & left quickly.

But while coming out, I've seen a new girl sitting in the reception area. She looked to a be a sex bomb. Look wise, she will be at least 8/10. Maybe, I'll try her next time.

My feedback:

The MP Infrastructure: 8/10
The girl Po*j* :
Looks : 5/10
Figure : 6/10
Boobs: 7/10
Service : 4/10

Damage : Rs 800 + Rs 500 = 1.3 K total

Repeat: For that bomb, I may go. As the place is a new one, so there is very less crowd.



EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

02-22-10, 18:08
Taj hotel @ Appolo Bundar & Napancy Road bar were a common pick-up locations in the past in the old city. I guess the whole city could be considered a pick-up zone if one does not stick out and is comfortable with investment of time, money and effort. Wide spread of English lnguage makes it the ideal zone.

I can understand the reluctance of posting information out of LE fear. Is the LE the real issue or the nature Mumbailite or Indians? I think it the nature of Mumbalite & Indians charter that is not sharing due to language limitation and comfort with the subject of sex in general.

It would be nice to know on experience various working girls and practice local language and culture.

The new visa rule as of January 2010 of no continuous stay in India past the 180 days indicate sex activity is hot in India.



Member #4163
02-23-10, 05:24
About Monica: This is a post dated 16 Sept 2009.

Dear Friends

Well that hot chick monica who had Navalkar Lane burning has relocated top khar.

So guys don't seek her at navalkar, instead just go to khar.

She is now being quoted at 2.3


Keep mongering

Garam Masala
02-23-10, 06:30
If I may add my two pence here.

First and foremost, I'm not trying to refute anything the seniors have opined about, but (without letting anything out) shall try to post reality as seen during my experience of about 18 years in and around it.

What you normally meet is called a struggler in here and almost in all cases she's already got a steady BF (struggler himself), in addition to the regular (exploiting) lineup of producers, directors and casting agents (yes, they all take their share before the star makes it to the tube/screen) and in many cases its this frustration and the small pay which puts them to this scene of easy money. Once someone reaches a certain level of regular TV/film exposure (read INcome), the extra things are taken care of by (paid) invitations to high profile weddings and such stuff.

I particularly know of a stunner (from the days when Zee started) acting in the most famous serial of that time, and having something like 'come nude' her name too, being happily available for 15 grands a night. (circa '93)

The list is endless, but this being mainly THE site for real experiences' FRs, I stop at this point.

02-23-10, 09:23
Got a chance to visit the Panvel Dance bars last week. We checked out the N**** R**** first. The place opens early at 4pm and closes at 9pm.

As soon as you enter you are hounded by the waiters to come and sit on their table, i guess they get commission from what you order.

To cut things short , their are about 30-40 girls at any given times, the place starts to pack in at around 7pm. The girls just come and stand all around you which can be a little intimidating for the weak hearted.Their is no obligation to buy them drinks or give them money , you can look around and if you like anyone just smile back and after a few eye contact she will be standing right next to you.

The music is ear busting so you literally have to talk into her ears to discuss anything...the going price is 1500 for the girl + 500 for the room ( 30 min) give or take a few hundrer more for tips and condi boy. The rooms upstaris are clean enough and if you hit it right with the girl it can be real fun.

Payment is done before going up to the waiter so keep that money handy.

The girls dont usually expect a tip but if you give her a little it wont hurt as after you come back down she will just hover around u as you enjoy the drink after your bedroom victory. Time really flies in a place like that so try to reach around 5 and sit till they close at 9.00. If you are nice and gentle you can get loads of numbers from the girls and contact them later for pvt visits. This will save you a lot in terms of tips/drinks/travel in future.If you are my kinds who like to stick to one girl rather than try every fish in the bowl each time rest assured the service levels will only go up with each visit.

However dont get carried away blowing money on every smile and eye contact , it might boost your ego for a while but you would then be branded as a potential golden duck rathen than anything else with the girls there. Stick to minimum booze and savour the ambience.Some really good looking girls there which took me by surprise and trust me i've travelled around the globe enough and seen some really pretty girls.

Overall a nice place to be in even if you dont want to have sex...just sit and enjoy the drink though i doubt after a few rounds you will be able to control urself.

Have fun , keep posting and sharing info.

Happy mongering

Troy 2008
02-24-10, 03:40

There is a good news for us all!

The famous N/Lane is back in action. Yesterday, night visited with a friend had a very good experience with a new babe! Will post detail report shortly.



Bombay Guy
02-24-10, 06:01
So, I would like to request all the people here if anybody spots Preeti or Monica in some other joints, please inform in the forum immediately.

We should keep track of these two gems!


I heard that Preeti got married and has a kid and that she stays in the Colaba/Cuffe Parade area.

02-24-10, 10:01
I was on tour from Jan and I came back to Mumbai last week end. Have taken a few days off to cool off my heals from work! And I am very honey, but broke! So I decided to go to the cost effective MP's in Malad.

First stop K*#G$.

I am a regular there so the PIMP on the counter and the manager lady, know me, went on Monday, at 2. 00pm, it was the time when all the women were sleeping as I entered the shop.

The lineup of 6 women took 5 mins! One out of which one was new and in a Saree! Le&*nat picked her up!

She looked Nervous and she said that she will do all HJ, BJ, topless, Bottom less, everything but a fuck for 500. So took her services for 40 mins and finally exploded.

The MP Infrastructure: 5/10
The girl Lee*& :
Looks : 4/10
Figure : 5/10
Boobs: 6/10
Service : 10/10

Damage : Rs 800 + Rs 500 = 1.3 K total

Pit Stop II

MP in malad F*&nds was called the Nest earlier! Tuesday 130pm!

There was new stock there too, the pimp or the uncle on the counter is a old man! he saw me and said doulbe? I said yes!

So he sent a new gal Ko*&l and one of the oldies for 30 mins on the first floor!

For both the women the total cost was Rs800 for extra service, for every thing, but a fuck, and 800 for the counter.

30 mins of good hot time and i explodeded a couple of times!

The MP Infrastructure: 4/10
The new girl Komal :
Looks : 4/10
Figure : 5/10
Boobs: 6/10
Service : 5/10

Simi :
Looks : 5/10
Figure : 6/10
Boobs: 5/10
Service : 6/10

Damage : Rs 800 + Rs800 = 1.6 K total

Today i am just relaxing and watching the match, if anyone wants to do Russians over the week end i am game! PM me and we can nail some white pussies!

Troy 2008
02-24-10, 19:05
Hi Breast Quest,

Thanx a lot for the update. Any idea where exactly this joint is in Khar? It'll be great if u can give some directions to this place.



Troy 2008
02-24-10, 19:07
I heard that Preeti got married and has a kid and that she stays in the Colaba/Cuffe Parade area.Hi BG,

Is your souce of info authentic?

Seems to be a bad news. We have lost one more gem.

Anyway, we should wish her all the best in her married life.


Bombay Guy
02-25-10, 06:19
Hi BG,

Is your souce of info authentic?

Seems to be a bad news. We have lost one more gem.

Anyway, we should wish her all the best in her married life.


This is what an ex Greenstar girl (who I am still in touch with) told me very recently, since I too was keen to know what happened of Preeti. Preeti was her friend when they were both in Greenstar.

She also said that "married" actually means that some customer has kept her.

Member #4163
02-25-10, 09:13
Any idea where exactly this joint is in Khar? It'll be great if u can give some directions to this place.

If I had known, I wouldn't have asked about her.

By the way, is Sophia back? Heard she is out of town currently. Also, does she come out independently?

Much appreciated. Thanks!

Bombay Guy
02-25-10, 12:45
If I had known, I wouldn't have asked about her.

By the way, is Sophia back? Heard she is out of town currently. Also, does she come out independently?

Much appreciated. Thanks!

The Khar place is off Linking Road in the Sheetal Samudra Lane.

Sophia seems to be back.

Member #4163
02-25-10, 15:40
The Khar place is off Linking Road in the Sheetal Samudra Lane.

Sophia seems to be back.

Thanks for the info. Is Monica still available? Also, is Sophia available independently?

Tried calling but no. is unavailable.

Troy 2008
02-25-10, 16:00
If I had known, I wouldn't have asked about her.

By the way, is Sophia back? Heard she is out of town currently. Also, does she come out independently?

Much appreciated. Thanks!Hi BQ,

Yes, Sophia is back in action. Have seen her 2 days ago in the N Lane joint.

I've asked the same question to Sophia. She will go out independently but it has to be done thru the N Lane guys. The girls there don't provide there mobile no's. Any long time or overnight mongering has to be done with the approval of Raj or Vishnu etc.



02-25-10, 17:42
Friends, the DB scene is pathetic nowadays everywhere. Had been to Dahisar this week, first went to R*d H*rse at around 7 pm, only 6 girls, though the quality was good including my favorite M*mta but did not feel like taking the risk. Reached Saturd*y n*ght at around 7. 30 pm and my girl was sitting next to me, in some time the bell rang and all the girls suddenly disappeared. Reached S*ddle Up at around 8. 15 found very few girls and the waiters very cautious. Not interested hence finished my drink and headed to Mill*n*um 2000, again the same scene.

Girls in all the bars disappear by 9:20 pm.

The waiters in all these bars offered me for pick up any of the girls to be enjoyed at another hotel in Dahisar area, as I am a regular and known to them. But I did not opt to go out as the risk was high.

Shall post the curremt scene in other areas in another report.

02-25-10, 18:04
Panvel DB scene as on last Saturday:

Reachea K*pal at 5 pm, to my surprise the bar was pack, finally found some place to sit.

The hall was full with girls , around 30-40 with quime a few stunners. Had a nice time there. Next stop G*pika around 7 pm. Could see many new ones, including the sister of B*rkha. B*rkha as usual in a skinny mini skirt followed by her sis in the same fashion, guys both are really sexy with their style. Had a nice time here too.

Have more to report but need to log off now.

Motor Man
02-25-10, 18:49

Is Monica in the She**h M**h*l place off SV Road, or is this another place?

Was in Delhi last week and had a horrible experience with a provider I found inthe TOI...shall report it in the Delhi section.

The Khar place is off Linking Road in the Sheetal Samudra Lane.

Sophia seems to be back.

02-26-10, 21:03
I will be at a seminar in Andheri, just near the airport.

Any suggestions on reasonable hotels in this area, or with nearby action ?

I am fine with a rickshaw raide away from Andheri.

Also, any hotels in Juhu Beach area, as I have some extra days as well.


Cool Shag
02-27-10, 00:36
Hi folks,

Is there any mongering activity going beyond Mira Road especially in Virar/Vasai area. Any Info would be great

Also read in recent posts and newspapers that LE is coming down heavily on DB's in Mumbai.

Is it happening only if the bar remains open after a specific time.

Are the MP's affected by this.

Bombay Guy
02-27-10, 07:28

Is Monica in the She**h M**h*l place off SV Road, or is this another place?

Was in Delhi last week and had a horrible experience with a provider I found inthe TOI...shall report it in the Delhi section.

Had been to this place about 3 weeks back. Monica was not in the lineup but Bipasha(Shabnam) from N. Lane was there.

Mumbai Guy
02-27-10, 15:21
Hotel S** Prin**** near Juhu beach is a known GF hotel.


I will be at a seminar in Andheri, just near the airport.

Any suggestions on reasonable hotels in this area, or with nearby action ?

I am fine with a rickshaw raide away from Andheri.

Also, any hotels in Juhu Beach area, as I have some extra days as well.


Motor Man
02-28-10, 12:58
Picked up the Midday Sunday morning and called up the no of an ad that advertised a spa. Turned out to be in Malad. Near Uncles Kitchen.

More expensive than most but it was well worth it. Nice and spacious rooms with a shower as well. The experience was almost Bangkok like. The girl N**L*M was the only one in the large reception area, but she was quite a bomb. Striped tee and jeans with a girl next door look. Tall, almost 5' 6" and a good figure. Flesh in the right places and almost flat stomach, not bulging like a lot of Indian girls.

She was incredibly good and a real GFE. We did it all but FS. Began with a nice oil massage, where she paid all my erogenous zones great attention including sticking her hot tongue into my ear, good I love that. She then stripped and proceeded to rub her boobs all over my back. I turned aroun fingered her pussy which was wet and when I pushed my tongue in she got on to the table and sat above my face, and while I tongued her she leaned forward to take my Johny in her mouth. Lovely 69! Blew me till I almost came and then soaped and washed me off in the shower.

Great experience, I will be back

Charges 1, 300 to the counter and 2, 000 to the girl, I added a 100 more I was so happy with the GFE.

She was a 9/10 with her clothes on, 8/10 with clothes off.

We exchanged nos and I got a warm hug and kiss to see me off. On my way out saw three more girls in the reception. All between 6 and 8, including a petite NE babe who had a nice smile, but small tits!

Earlier in the morning went to M**Ning S**r opp Bandra Station, but found the place to crummy. The counter there is 500 for half an hour.

On Saturday went to my old place near M***n Subway. Found that the pert assed, perky breasted Va***alli no longer there so settled for T**a. Chubby and small breasts but makes up with amazing service. I have reported on her earlier so will sign off now.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

02-28-10, 20:52

I will be in India next month (Delhi + Mumbai). I will be looking for action either escort and/or street action. Will be interrested with good advice/links?

Thank you beforehand,


Cool Shag
03-01-10, 00:22
Picked up the Midday Sunday morning and called up the no of an ad that advertised a spa. Turned out to be in Malad. Near Uncles Kitchen.

More expensive than most but it was well worth it. Nice and spacious rooms with a shower as well. The experience was almost Bangkok like. The girl N**L*M was the only one in the large reception area, but she was quite a bomb. Striped tee and jeans with a girl next door look. Tall, almost 5' 6" and a good figure. Flesh in the right places and almost flat stomach, not bulging like a lot of Indian girls.

She was incredibly good and a real GFE. We did it all but FS. Began with a nice oil massage, where she paid all my erogenous zones great attention including sticking her hot tongue into my ear, good I love that. She then stripped and proceeded to rub her boobs all over my back. I turned aroun fingered her pussy which was wet and when I pushed my tongue in she got on to the table and sat above my face, and while I tongued her she leaned forward to take my Johny in her mouth. Lovely 69! Blew me till I almost came and then soaped and washed me off in the shower.

Great experience, I will be back

Charges 1, 300 to the counter and 2, 000 to the girl, I added a 100 more I was so happy with the GFE.

She was a 9/10 with her clothes on, 8/10 with clothes off.

We exchanged nos and I got a warm hug and kiss to see me off. On my way out saw three more girls in the reception. All between 6 and 8, including a petite NE babe who had a nice smile, but small tits!Sounds interesting! could you give name/directions for this Spa

03-01-10, 05:46
Can you please let us know the name of the malad spa?


03-01-10, 06:44
Picked up the Midday Sunday morning and called up the no of an ad that advertised a spa. Turned out to be in Malad.What's the name of the SPA, can you help with Directions?

03-01-10, 16:55
Well this is my first post. Really am suprised at the loads of info available here.

Just for starters writing about my exp at a mp in malad. Its right next to mickey mehtas. Malad.

The girls are avg 500 bucks for a normal message with HJ included. They also offer FS for something like 1500 bucks. 3-4 girls aveage looking but one is goodnamed sa. Lo. Best of the lot and very coop. Can rate her 7/10 and no hassles.

The owner ia also coop can arrange chicks but never tried took his no and left.


Cool Shag
03-01-10, 21:07
Picked up the Midday Sunday morning and called up the no of an ad that advertised a spa. Turned out to be in Malad. Near Uncles Kitchen.Seems like you are speaking abt the MP opposite the Konk*n S*ad Rest on Link Road.

Blue Guy
03-02-10, 13:38
Seems like you are speaking abt the MP opposite the Konk*n S*ad Rest on Link Road.I was suspecting the same. but I am amazed that people are not even willing to provide the basic info/hint about the location of the MP. They want to keep it to themselves.

Come on guys! its a place to share and enjoy and not just to pursue your selfish interests.

03-02-10, 18:52
I was driving towards Mumbai from Pune, suddenly I was feeling hotpants, decided to take rht on highway towards thane till kawa jutn, for visit to previously famous NSK's new place. Called madam, she said 2-3 choice available, asked for mary. Told me to come in 30min, as mary is a HW & comes on calls only between 12 to 3 only to NSK. Entered the grd floor place, a small 1-rhk. Settled for 1. 5, though was asking for 2, said will take sonia afterwards. Mary is very fair with admirable rack. Washed myself and she tightly hugged me, we started kissing french, and slowly taking each other's clothes one by one. She's got this huge tits, so started tit fucking, then she cleaned once again with dettol soltn, and after drying started bareback blowing me, taking deep in her thorat till I felt I was comming. So controlled and put a condom and she started licking me all over my body, then slowly my earlobes to backside licking, made me stand in doggy position to put her tongue deep in my backhole, total heaven. After a while turned me around to suck my balls. She then made me put my already thickned shaft in between her awesome rack. She does not take it in her front hole. I was almost becoming red in my face, and she sensed it, & she intantly took out my condom and started sucking like no tomorrow. I JUST exploded in her mouth and she just sucked till the last drop. Then quietly spit all in a small bucket and cleaned with dettol soltn. She then put some talcm powdder and gave a relaxing massage. We bid goodbye, she asked for goodluck, so tipped her 200,

Came out to wash up, Sonia was eagerly waiting. Went back again in the room with sonia for 1. 5. Sonia is a orphan, assamese girl, very sweet except for stained teeth. Small, petite, with nice pair of milky bobs, which one can suck eternally, she was getting aroused, and started kissing me widlly for about 10 min, was very tiring kissing non-stop in all possible positions. Then she started sucking my shaft, I put my little finger on her g-spot and was fingering her slowly till I could feel hot juices flowing, we put a condom and started riding me foe 5 min. I felt I was coming, so changed positions and fucked her in miss.

. She was moaning like hell, and we both came at same time, with her telling me to come faster and faster, to finally clasping her bottoms tightly, to see my shaft going very deep inside her. IT was finally 3-pm, and just as I was putting on my clothes the power shutdown started. There is a shutdown everyday between 3pm to 6. 30pm, so guys avoid that time. Also tipped her 200, and a chocolate. Her pic is already posted by other member in prev post.

All in all very pleasant exp. There is one more girl called seema. Not very goodlooking, but expert in all BBBJ, and other pleasurable ways.


03-03-10, 11:21
Hi friends,

Last week visited two MPs on the goregaon lnk Road

1) Si*v*r body spa. Next to icici bank, y gals, all 6/10, 30 mins 500, took a dark shy girl forgot her name, simple girl nice slim body, did a decent HJ, tip 200, overall exp 7/10 (2) R*c*h*. Good place 400 for 30mins, took a well built girl no kissing etc, generally sits in sleevless tees, tip 300, just ok. (3) visited one in chembur near camp named Re*axa*ion' 2 cabins with curtains, also a separate room dark and more privacy. 600 and 800 resp. 3 girls

Ok quality, ok service they take 500 for HJ

Overall ok, 5/10.


2) Ruu

03-03-10, 14:42
Went there today afternoon around 3 pm. Had a big line up of girls. Quality is not good. However this wheatish girl caught the eye as she had a pleasant smiling face. Girl is from Andhra, V*j*y*.

Looks wise should be 5. Figure 6. Racks 6.

But service is good. Does everything except anal. Had a 40 mins session with her. For 800 bucks it was well worth. Gave her a 200 buck tip and she was mighty pleased.


03-03-10, 16:09
I was suspecting the same. but I am amazed that people are not even willing to provide the basic info/hint about the location of the MP. They want to keep it to themselves.

Come on guys! its a place to share and enjoy and not just to pursue your selfish interests.Agree with u blue Come on guys share the directions of the malad mp


03-03-10, 19:46
Hi friends,

I would be shifting to mumbai in a week.

I would like to know what kind of accomodation I should choose where I could bring call girls at my room without any interference. I know in Mumbai it's not a problem, however I want to use the best of it.

by the way I would be staying near to santacruz ( 10 km radius).

Any suggestions are welcome .

Machu Pic
03-04-10, 20:18
Agree with u blue Come on guys share the directions of the malad mp

CheersThis is on Sundar lane (first left lane towards Goregaon after Malad - Marve link road junction). nearly 150 mts down the lane is uncles' kitchen ( on the right). The SPA is near by (another 10 mts on the left on the first floor of an independent pink color building). Name is AU*A. They advt in MD.

03-06-10, 08:52
Does anybody know of any pickups in the subburbs the Dahisar scene is getting risky.

Would appreciate the details between Andheri to Borivali.


03-06-10, 21:55
Few days back I happen to see an ad in Cl regarding “Adult Fun with some extra”

I replied it. A lady named P**ja replied back to me, saying that

“I am a house wife & not a professional SW who does it just for money. I have some misfortune in married life and hence would like to have company of decent, well to do man for some fun time together. I am not available just for XXX action but a lunch date with some extra adult fun is ok”.
Rate quoted in mail was 4-5 hrs 7K.

I mailed back my willingness to meet her during my next visit to Mumbai (approx 10 days later).

After a couple of days I got second mail from her saying that

“We must know something more about each other so that there is no disappointment after meeting. I am not a slim & trim person. Hence u must see my photographs before meeting in person. If u find them ok with respect to quoted rate them then only we should meet else there is no point wasting our time.”
Along with this mail, came two photographs. From photos she must be a lady in her early 30s. She had a very graceful look and seems to be from highly sophisticated background. So I immediately confirmed by mail my desire to meet her at the cost expected by her.

A day before our planned meeting, she again send a mail to gave me her cell no.

However, on the day of meeting I kept ringing her up. Initially she did not pick up phone, after some time she picked up phone and said that our meeting today is not possible as she had some mishap in family and we can fix up some other time.

After that, for next 3-4 days (till I was in Mumbai), I tried to ring her up, but she never picked up phone.

I am attaching the photos received through mail of a lady claiming to be P**ja. I have intentionally distorted them so that If they are not genuine photos of P**ja and if this would have been a foul play to fix up some innocent girl then she should not suffer.

Has someone also experience the same before? Has some one meet this so called P**ja?

03-07-10, 05:41
Few days back I happen to see an ad in Cl regarding “Adult Fun with some extra”

Has someone also experience the same before? Has some one meet this so called P**ja?If she was not genuine than she wud have tried to squeeze 7k almost immediately after you approved her pics. Maybe she turned cold feet or something.

Garam Masala
03-07-10, 07:22
If she was not genuine than she wud have tried to squeeze 7k almost immediately after you approved her pics. Maybe she turned cold feet or something.Also, if she was not genuine, she would not give away ANY real info like mob no. and NOT answer you at all. The fact that she did answer means she is real and honest, IMHO.

03-07-10, 08:39
I was quite passive member of the forum and was not much into mongering for last few years. I have never wrote a very detail FR. But the encounter with “N” forced me to do so. From the time I came out after encounter it is lingering on my mind; when I am at work, at home, eating food, taking bath.. I Eat, Sleep and Drink this experience. Hence wanted to put in with every possible detail. Even while writing, my body is getting excited remembering those moments!

I hope you guys will enjoy reading it.

03-07-10, 08:40
After receiving contact of "N" from member of other forum. I called her and she was upset that she was not told that some one is going to call her and asked me ref and told me to ask that ref to call her. With little advice from member I called her next day and told her anyway I want to meet her. She was at work and said she will be busy till 3 pm and will be going outstation tomorrow. So persuaded her to meet on same day. She asked me to call her at 3 pm.

I called her at 3 pm she was still busy and I thought no chance to meet her today. Luckily she called at 3.30 and asked me can I come to nearby Andheri station and asked me whether I know any place there. I told her why we don't go to "D"s place. (I thought that way I will get to know "D" too). She asked me to reach at Bhyandar station.

We discussed deal, she was asking for 4500 and I told her My friend told me 3000 including place. She was not ready as she said 1000 goes to "D". Finally she agreed to 4000 for all. She clearly told me not to give her no to anyone. She said few weeks back somebody harassed her lot by calling very frequently.

I asked anything she is not comfortable with. She said NO, everything is FINE! "D" was not at home so we chatted for sometime and then "D" called up and we went to her home. They talked about there work and then we went inside where "D" had made all arrangements. Room is very small but good with AC.

"N" and I talked for 5 min and then got undressed. What followed was pure Carnal Pleasures. Ecstasy!

Next 75 min was full of FUN! She asked me what I like. I told her BBBJ, Doggy, but I also like to Service you without charging anything. She laughed! We started with DFK, I taught her how to kiss each other's lower LIP (Courtesy Meera Nair's Kamsutra). She said she watched the movie but haven't noticed it. We played with our tongues. Taking out tongue and move around other’s tongue (I call it “Tonguing”). Then she brought her tongue out and I hold with my lips and then she returned favor by holding my tongue! It was great FUN!

Then I went on her boobs. What Boobs she has! D-size, soft and good tits. I sucked and licked one nipple while stoking other boob and playing other tit with fingers. Then I shifted to other one and repeated several times. I also took my hand down and inserted a finger in her pussy, she was excited but said don’t do it and I removed it.

I went down to her pussy and started licking around. It is clean shaven one. I inserted my tongue into it and started tongue Fucking. At one point my feet were against wall, my tongue in her pussy, my hands clasped in her hands and hands on her boobs where I am pressing her tits. I was looking at her; she closed her eyes and moaning like hell! The sight of that made me more excited and I put more pressure in all my actions, she gone WILD and started to lift her buttocks. This went on for 7-10 min. When I stopped she told me she may discharge, she is trying to hold.

She said she likes SEX and earning some money also from this “Social Work”. She does PRO work for company i.e. satisfy clients for her company along with work. I didn’t asked her too much, as that is her personal thing. She was quite open with me about her life.

Again we started deep kissing and then sucking, licking her boobs (I enjoyed her boobs most). She then got down to me Johny. We both were already become horny by foreplay. I asked her to do it slowly, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to control. She sucked it slowly with tongue, took into throat and again licking slowly. I told her to stop as I was almost felt that I will release load. Asked her to put condom. She asked me what position I like most. I said doggy, but also I love facing each other. I wanted to suck and kiss while we are doing, she said then lets do that. We both started pumping. I hold her ass from back and she started thrusting on my Johnny. I was sucking her boobs along with holding her and then we started deep kissing each other. We were already become hot and I couldn’t hold anymore and she said she is also coming. We both come together (She said she is coming) within 5 min. We hold each other for few sec and then I remove my Johnny. My condom slipped and juice fell on Sheet and she was worried that “D” may shout. We wiped that with napkin and tissue paper. I cleaned myself with tissue paper and she went to bathroom to clean. I dressed and gave her 4000 and kissed her, and went out of room.

“D” was sitting in front room watching movie. I talked to her. She told they are doing Hobby/Social Work. She said she have 2-3 more bhabhis and 2 young girls. She said Bhabhis are better because they satisfy client and don’t do Nakharas. I asked for her no and she said do not give it to everyone. If I give no then first I should call her and tell that he is going to call. This is not there full time occupation and she have to protect her team as they are from good family backgrounds. Also she lives in lower class residential area where everybody keeps eye on their neighbors. She was justifying her business by telling me that man can have fun after he taken care for his family. I laughed. She said she don’t understand why men want different woman/girl and told me if one want full enjoyment he should take one regularly. I told her to understand man; you will have to be MAN.

She opened the door, checked outside and gave me green signal to move out.

I will give account of 75 min (approx) spent with “N”

Kissing – 15
Sucking and Licking Boobs -30
DATY -10
BBBJ – 10
Fuck – 5

5 min lost when her Father in Law called up and she gave him firing on some domestic servant issue. Later few calls came but she didn’t pick up.


Looks: 5/10
Body: 6/10
Attitude: 11/10
Cost: 4000 (Total)
Repeat: Certainly

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

03-07-10, 14:42
This is on Sundar lane (first left lane towards Goregaon after Malad - Marve link road junction). nearly 150 mts down the lane is uncles' kitchen ( on the right). The SPA is near by (another 10 mts on the left on the first floor of an independent pink color building). Name is AU*A. They advt in MD.Thank you for the direction! Went there the place is clean and good and so are the chicks! Picked up one piette one for an hour! Was a good experience, shall go again! Will send out a detailed report shortly!

The place is recommended but is a bit expensive! Not VFM!

03-08-10, 15:38
I was coming to Mumbai and sought help of the forum,namely I contacted Satya,Batwings and Mumbaimusk,I must acknowledge their whole hearted help about their discoveries.

The lament is each asked me to be cautious since these samaritans shared their contacts with fellow mongereres and to put it in verbatim,in the language of Batwings,"some jerk" and some guys misused it by flooding calls to the contacts ,morning,noon and night and as a result the contacts refuse to take calls from genuine mongerers.

My only appeal to all is to please use the contacts discreetly and not call the girls at odd and even hours and just ask rates and also malign these girls or be rude with them.

What happens with the behaviour of some the rest of guys suffer not to say the girls do not suffer.

Guys let us grow up.

Well, I could have a nice evening with an old contact,bj,cim,gfe for 2 hours,normal cost 3 k,and as usual she was smart enough to walk up to the room.

Let the spirit of forum of excahnging contacts continue!!!!


PS Under instructions from above named members I am unable to share their contacts as their contacts today want a call from these guys before their finds take the call from strangers and I have to respect their wishes.

Troy 2008
03-08-10, 16:10
Hi Guyz,

Hope u all have enjoyed a good mongering session during holi. As for me, I had a nice session with a new girl in N/Lane on which I'll update u all.

As usual called up my friend Raj in Vishnu's place & inquired abt the girls. He told me that there is a new girl named Liza who is really hot & much in demand. Immediately managed to reach the place by 7-30 PM but unfortunately one more customer has already booked her. I had to wait there for roughly around 45 mins. Anyway, during the waiting time I've observed that there are lots of calls coming to Raj & Vishnu & most of the people r asking for Sophia & Liza. It seems these 2 r d star attractions.

After the wait, finally got to meet Liza & had a nice session with her. She is a very nice lady to talk to with gud looks & figure. Service wise she is not upto Sophia level as she does not do ass rimming which she also clarified at the 1st meeting.
My overall rating will be:

Face: 8/10
Service:8/10 (BBBJ is available but not rimming)

Total damage: 3.5 K for Liza & Rs 50 for condi boy.

My reco: People who want to spend time with a nice looking girl, Liza is the option!
Cheers & enjoy guyz!


Mumbai Guy
03-08-10, 16:10
Was having some free time so called my friend (Provider) He asked me to come and assured me of a nice time. Went there by noon. The girl came a bit late. Her name was S**m* She turned out to be a great GFE. Started of with an apology for coming late. Followed by DFK and body licking and kissing. Then a great BBBJ. Followed by DATY. By that time she was truly warmed up and wet. Banged her with her on top followed by mish. Overall a great experience. She had a nice pair of tits and was totally into the act.

Looks: 6/10
Body: 7/10
Attitude: 8/10
Service: 8/10
Cost: 4K including the room cost

03-08-10, 18:01
Thank you for the direction! Went there the place is clean and good and so are the chicks! Picked up one piette one for an hour! Was a good experience, shall go again! Will send out a detailed report shortly!

The place is recommended but is a bit expensive! Not VFM!Waiting for detailed report.

Please throw light on rates also.

Garam Masala
03-09-10, 11:06
Waiting for detailed report.

Please throw light on rates also.Without taking the GREAT PAINS to go thru the forum, many ask for the details.

"Ek dhoondho hazaar milte hain is duniya mein"

the proverb is not at all out of place here

03-09-10, 14:11
Waiting for detailed report.

Please throw light on rates also.Hi I visited Nerul,east sector 15, beside sanm_an hotel.

Nice expericence.

03-10-10, 15:26

I am an old member, have posted many times, based out of Hyderabad. I'm going to Mumbai for a day tomorrow, staying in a hotel, in Sian, can you please suggest some good massage parlour closeby? Is this Mumbai central a mall? If so is it close to Sian? I have around four hours free time before I have to attend a conference. I have many contacts in Hyderabad, and can help you if you ever come down. Thanks a ton,



03-11-10, 02:25
There was an MP by the name of V4U in sion where all services were offered incld FS. Not sure if it exists now. You can try. Pls search Mumbai forum for details. Also there was another MP in the same lane. Pl chk that as well. Pl update you exp if you visit. Have a nice day.



I am an old member, have posted many times, based out of Hyderabad. I'm going to Mumbai for a day tomorrow, staying in a hotel, in Sian, can you please suggest some good massage parlour closeby? Is this Mumbai central a mall? If so is it close to Sian? I have around four hours free time before I have to attend a conference. I have many contacts in Hyderabad, and can help you if you ever come down. Thanks a ton,



Motor Man
03-11-10, 14:15

Thanks to Satya had a decent experience. He gave me the no of T*n*, which he got from Batwings.

Contacted her and agreed to meet at her friends place in a Western Suburb.

She is darkish and slimly build except for a nice set of largish soft Breasts.

Very enthusiastic and willing to do most things but did not like me DATY!

Otherwise she was nice and wet and tight.

Could only spend an hour as her friend made it clear the room was available only for that long. But that was long enough for two pops, came once with a BBJ, no CIM though, and the next through Mish.

Nice, not sure if I would repeat though as I found her slightly too thin, although her boobs were nice. But very friendly and cheerful girl

Looks 6

Body 6

Cost 4k to the girl and 700 to the friend for the room. Neat and a/c in a nice society so no fear of LE there.

Thanks again Satya

03-11-10, 16:35
Does anybody know of any pickups in the subburbs the Dahisar scene is getting risky.

Would appreciate the details between Andheri to Borivali.

CheeersWould appreciate if someone has any details.


Bombay Boy 2006
03-12-10, 13:59

I too have contacted her. Last 4 digits of her phone number being 5723. She is very sophisticated in her talk and seems genuine because I spoke to her many times but never got to meet either due to her being out of town or me being busy. I will try contacting her once more and revert.


Few days back I happen to see an ad in Cl regarding “Adult Fun with some extra”

I replied it. A lady named P**ja replied back to me, saying that

Rate quoted in mail was 4-5 hrs 7K.

I mailed back my willingness to meet her during my next visit to Mumbai (approx 10 days later).

After a couple of days I got second mail from her saying that

Along with this mail, came two photographs. From photos she must be a lady in her early 30s. She had a very graceful look and seems to be from highly sophisticated background. So I immediately confirmed by mail my desire to meet her at the cost expected by her.

A day before our planned meeting, she again send a mail to gave me her cell no.

However, on the day of meeting I kept ringing her up. Initially she did not pick up phone, after some time she picked up phone and said that our meeting today is not possible as she had some mishap in family and we can fix up some other time.

After that, for next 3-4 days (till I was in Mumbai), I tried to ring her up, but she never picked up phone.

I am attaching the photos received through mail of a lady claiming to be P**ja. I have intentionally distorted them so that If they are not genuine photos of P**ja and if this would have been a foul play to fix up some innocent girl then she should not suffer.

Has someone also experience the same before? Has some one meet this so called P**ja?

03-12-10, 19:58
hey guys,

I have been a member of this forum since long, but have not visited here since a while, as I have been travelling. But now I am back in Mumbai, and realised that the city has changed, all my earlier old time regular hangouts are gone.

I have read a lot about Navalkar Lane. Where is it? I would also appreciate more detailed description of the building and name and contact details of the relevant person.

For fear of LE , you may please send me a private message.

Chico Charlie 1
03-13-10, 06:51
Hi fellows,

I know this monger Hott4 play since a long long time. Back in 2006-07, he collected all the numbers of girls from the seniors and displayed them all openly on the Forum. This lead to several problems with a few of our special gems being lost forever. Moreover, one of my trusted supplier fell into the hands of the LE and had to leave Mumbai.

HOTT, this is a strict warning to you. Dont you dare do any such thing or I'll surely have you banned from the Forum.

Take care seniors, I am sure some of you will remember this whole episode very well.

Happy Mongering


03-13-10, 09:42

Yesterday, I saw in news, a social worker/NGO kind of a guy is trying to expose the MPs business that are mushrooming in Mumbai: infact he has recorded his visit to one MP and sent the clip to HM (RRP) for further enquiry/investigaton. Knowing our HMs fierce objection for this LOB, we can expect some LE attention in the coming weeks. Please be careful if possible try other avenues for pleasure.

03-13-10, 10:19

Yesterday, I saw in news, a social worker/NGO kind of a guy is trying to expose the MPs business that are mushrooming in Mumbai: infact he has recorded his visit to one MP and sent the clip to HM (RRP) for further enquiry/investigaton. Knowing our HMs fierce objection for this LOB, we can expect some LE attention in the coming weeks. Please be careful if possible try other avenues for pleasure.

03-13-10, 13:03
I know this monger Hott4 play since a long long time. Back in 2006-07, he collected all the numbers of girls from the seniors and displayed them all openly on the Forum. This lead to several problems with a few of our special gems being lost forever.

Dont i remember that. Me had to plead with Jackson to have the list removed. I lost at least 6 good numbers due to that stupidity / flash of brilliance.

03-13-10, 14:49
Thank you everyone who helped me with the locations, its a little difficult to find, but I guess some how I did.

So I went to the Ar*#a Spa first floor and meet sweety, the manager there were a few guys doing some stuff on the comp, did not bother much about them.

Sweety to me to a side and asked what kinda massage I wanted, and she spoke about the list starting from 1500 to 3000.

I took the aroma, 45 mins oil and then a shower on the bed. Picked up a small, slim chick, seemed to be from east India.

She was a good masseuse! Nice moves until we started talking and she agreed to open up! Had a good time, she was nice and clean and gave me a nice service!

Over all experience was good! When I was coming out saw some awesome chicks!

Looks: 7/10

Body: 8/10

Attitude: 8/10

Service: 8/10

Total damage 1500 on the counter and 500 tip!

Not VFM!

Boy Oh Boy
03-14-10, 13:56
This MP was closed for sometime due to LE, but has opened up since the last few weeks.

Just checked out last week and was surprised to see it open. Understand that the MPs have taken a stay on their operation and the LE can't prevent them operating. However, they are alert as to LE and keep paying up the LE, it seems.

PatIata is the best here, dusky, a 7 on figure, particularly smart in jeans.

She gives a good masssage and would do a mish or on top, provided she gets comfortable with you and you ask nicely and discreetly.

She was quite keen, seeing we met after a few months. Got a good rub down and then the GFE with small talk, petting and brushing against the earlobes. She knows how to titillate and go about it in a unhurried manner. This time, she first came on top, followed by a mish combined with licking of the nipples, which both loved!


Counter. 500


Body with clothes: 8

Without: 8

Service: 10

Attitude: 10+

Lookout, there is another dusky lady(not girl) who is the worst on attitude and another girl by the same name as PatI#a, but not dusky, whom I have not tried.

+ Friendly staff

- Towels not new, though you can take a hot water bath, afterwards; Suggested to take your own towels, one for the massage table, one for wiping, one for after the bath

Also suggested to take your own condi, else you may have to depend on the cheap ones available.

Boy Oh Boy
03-14-10, 14:16
The second foto looks somewhat identifiable, may not be right posting it like this, particularly for someone who has trusted and is not a pro.


Few days back I happen to see an ad in CL regarding "Adult Fun with some extra"

I replied it. A lady named P**ja replied back to me, saying that

Rate quoted in mail was 4-5 hrs 7K.

I mailed back my willingness to meet her during my next visit to Mumbai (approx 10 days later).

After a couple of days I got second mail from her saying that

Along with this mail, came two photographs. From photos she must be a lady in her early 30s. She had a very graceful look and seems to be from highly sophisticated background. So I immediately confirmed by mail my desire to meet her at the cost expected by her.

A day before our planned meeting, she again send a mail to gave me her cell no.

However, on the day of meeting I kept ringing her up. Initially she did not pick up phone, after some time she picked up phone and said that our meeting today is not possible as she had some mishap in family and we can fix up some other time.

After that, for next 3-4 days (till I was in Mumbai), I tried to ring her up, but she never picked up phone.

I am attaching the photos received through mail of a lady claiming to be P**ja. I have intentionally distorted them so that If they are not genuine photos of P**ja and if this would have been a foul play to fix up some innocent girl then she should not suffer.

Has someone also experience the same before? Has some one meet this so called P**ja?

Boy Oh Boy
03-14-10, 14:17
Appreciate your concern, but what if this guy comes back in a new name?

Discretion and alertness are the best policies.

Hi fellows,

I know this monger Hott4 play since a long long time. Back in 2006-07, he collected all the numbers of girls from the seniors and displayed them all openly on the Forum. This lead to several problems with a few of our special gems being lost forever. Moreover, one of my trusted supplier fell into the hands of the LE and had to leave Mumbai.

HOTT, this is a strict warning to you. Dont you dare do any such thing or I'll surely have you banned from the Forum.

Take care seniors, I am sure some of you will remember this whole episode very well.

Happy Mongering


03-14-10, 18:37
Over the past few weeks have been able to taste the neww fruits at NL and also managed a visit to Dyna at Thane

Anjali: One of the new girls at NL. I never had a foot fetish but the way she licked my feet gave me a hard on. Really fabulous at it and certainly recommended. Is from orissa and I would give her looks a 5. Really into every position except anal. Great service and left me feeling fully satisfied. Overall costs 2. 2k plus 50 for the boy doing the errands

Liza: is from Mumbai itself. Would rate her a 7 on looks but is willing to do everything. Apart from anal (again). Great service and gives a great BJ too. Took her out in the new room and they charge a bit for it. Again pricier than anjali at 3. 5k and with the new room will be quoted 5. 5k. She is been quite busy over the past few weeks. Reco: take her

Aisha: another new girl. Decently tall and has substance at the right places. But is new to the trade. Does not do BJ's and no chance of a anal.

Will have quite a few reservations on service. Looks wise a 7. But considering the poor service and the high tag (3. 5k) I would avoid. Till she learns to please her master.

Dyna: fished out the Mp and reached in the noon. Girls dressed in uniforms and quite a few things on offer and maybe sex too but th girl I took turned me off by denying quite a few things. Think the tag was 800. The chick goes by the name Naz. And is short and looked to be right sized.

Astonishingly she gave a good massage.

So maybe you could try it once. For the massage at least and a bit more. But thats it.


"There are a lot girls out there for all of us"


Member #4163
03-15-10, 18:30
Awesome report Chengiz.

I agree with whatever has been mentioned about Anjali, Liza & Aisha. Liza does anal rimming and CIM too.

I overpaid for Anjali though and was quoted 3.5k. Is there a way to find the actual price of the girls, since the pimp obviously wouldn't mind accepting higher amount of cash than the normally quoted rate for Anjali? Need your help on this guys :)

Aisha or Ayesha definitely is not worth the 3.5k quoted for considering the services rendered by a Liza or Sophia. They seemed to have fixed her price based upon her looks, but more importantly need to realise that looks should be accompanied by equivalent level of service too :)

03-15-10, 20:04

I have a theory and works for me.

Only service and no looks. And garish make up. Fat, and looks like a *****. Also hints of pan masala and gutka. 1. 7k. Actually more often than not if you can get her to smile. The teeth will give her away

Slighly better on looks. Figure wise. 2. 2k

And better on looks than 2. 2k will have to be 3. 5k

Usually 3. 5's are the best. On service as well. But the 2. 2's are also upto it.

1. 7 is a gamble.

Strictly for NL.

[QUOTE=Breast Quest]Awesome report Chengiz.

I agree with whatever has been mentioned about Anjali, Liza & Aisha. Liza does anal rimming and

Member #4163
03-16-10, 08:11
Thanks a lot Chengiz. What is the 5.5k range all about?

The worse part is if you habitually pay 3.5k, the pimp would never disclose the actual rate of the 1.7k category girl and quote much higher for her - as was experienced by myself before, for Anjali.

I hope they don't resort to ripping off customers in this manner. That would be sad, considering I have really begun to like this place lately.

Next question besides the one I asked in the first line: Any news (confirmed than the supposed rumours) about Monica or Maya?

03-16-10, 08:14

Just wondering if anybody faced any security issues at the MP.

Would like to know if there were cases of cameras installed in MPs and then innocent clients (& service providers) exposed over the internet?


03-16-10, 17:34
Well if you take a 3. 5 k chick in the newly furnished room with mirrors and all. It'll cost you 5. 5k.

The rooms good

Maya is out on leave. Monica. No idea

A report about Simi.

She is about 5 feet high. And nice set of boobs but is fat according to me. Some might call her plump. No BBBJ. Only CBJ.

I did not like her service. She was like get it done and over with. And on nNL scale she would be a 1. 7k.

Stays somewhere in Malad and people on western will find it easy to ask her out. Some members have her number. Though I lost it. Was sure of not calling for her services again.

Also another Mp in mulund. Called foot relaxation. Its strangely in a shopping cum office complex left of Nirmal lifestyle

Too costly. They quote 3k for a horrible massage and the chick on phone talks in english. But that is all there is to it. And the chick expects a tip on top of it. So reco is. Avoid.

This place is crap. And no gooda on offer.


Thanks a lot Chengiz. What is the 5. 5k range all about?

Blue Day
03-18-10, 07:49
Hey guy can anyone throw some light on a joint opp MacD in Bandra..

I went there in evening n non of them were there @ spot.

It seems to be shut & while watching that place from the road, there was some renovation going on above the Shoe Shop.

If anyone knowing more about the same p

03-18-10, 14:23

Just wondering if anybody faced any security issues at the MP.

RegardsIts diffcult to spot a cam, as these days they come very well disguisted. But my exprience has been it is safe? what do others feel?

Member #4171
03-19-10, 03:21
Its diffcult to spot a cam, as these days they come very well disguisted. But my exprience has been it is safe? what do others feel?

The cheap Chinese/Taiwan ones are making it affordable for all Tom, D and H. and yes, it is hard to spot it. There are "cam scanners" in the market. But not sure if it works properly. One of the manual methods expect you to turn off the lights, and then scan the area/walls inch by inch with a special infra-red source for the reflection off cam lens.

All said, the advantage, is that the human eye can still see perfectly in partial lighting, while these cheap cams get all confused enough to produce very low quality videos' without the facial recognition involved. As a precaution, high lit places are to be avoided, if possible and switch over to low lights if these are available. My 2 cents.

03-19-10, 05:54
Finding myself in your fair city once again. Never mongered in these parts. You'll note that I'm fairly experienced elsewhere and more than happy to share information. Any tips for someone staying in santacruz or at the airport are quite welcome by PM. I've seen the posts about the I*C but didn't catch the names. Also, how far is this place in Juhu? Anyone successful getting action in the spas at the Hy**ts?

Horn Dog
03-19-10, 15:36

I too have contacted her. Last 4 digits of her phone number being 5723. She is very sophisticated in her talk and seems genuine because I spoke to her many times but never got to meet either due to her being out of town or me being busy. I will try contacting her once more and revert.

CheersCount me three. I responded to her ad and she e-mailed back, and we are supposed to hook up. Have you seen her yet?

03-21-10, 07:21
Hi folks , I just wanted to say thanks to all the active members here for all the cool info given here. I have been reading for a bit now and have gotten a good overall idea of the scene out in Mumbai. I am travelling from the US down there for a few weeks and may partake is some of the fun. Looks like MP's are the safer way to go these days. I have had colleagues have some really bad experiences being ripped of by so called Escort services on numerous occasions and have been warned against them.

Any info or tips would be greatly appreciated. I am going to be put up in the suburb area close to the airport.

Thanks again for a very active and informative forum .

I am a senior member from the USA section with over 300 posts I just realized that i only show very old international posts to my name on here. So please be assured that any contact info will be held in strict confidence and will be completely secure .

Thanks again


Macha Mappi
03-21-10, 17:08

I wish to share my exp in Mumbai. Haven't been quite free to log in to post this. Thanks to all senior and other reports here. I'm new to Mongering. Was in Mumbai during Dec 09. Tried to get infos thru the dailies and failed to locate a good deal. Tried asking ma taxi guy after 2 days of regular trips with him (I felt quite comfortable only after that). He buzzed his fren and then had few talks about what I was looking for like new to town village gals or college gals or wokin women. I suggested a village gal & to ma suprise that guy showed up with a village gal(a newbie). Rates negotiated with the help of ma taxi walla was quite easy. Started with 6K and finalised for 5. 5K+ rooms for 3 hrs. He made a call and had us checked into a residential apartment nearby Andheri. Room was clean and the landlord offered me coffee and showed me the rooms. The room had a good wash room and once inside I asked the gal her name & other info's. Got to know that her name was D*vi, who just moved into Mumbai 2days back. Started with a BJ and then a missionary followed by a doggy. She was tight and wet and very cool. She made me horny with her moans. Had a good exp in Mumbai for the 1st time. Paid 600 for the rooms & the landlord was too happy. Thanks buddies for all useful info's.





Damages-Rs. 5500/- + 600 for rooms



Note: Taxi walla seems to only entertain his regular customers. He told me that he has good links and uses it only once in a while for a decent passenger.

03-24-10, 17:33
Well thanks to Satya for providing the T*** num.

I think its a great find from Batwing. The gal is hot, exciting and ready to please you. Was a true GFE.

James Dean 2
03-26-10, 11:21
I must confess, I am a sex addict. Whether this addiction is bad or good, I'll leave it up to each individual to decide. So judge away guys!

So its Friday afternooon and I am sitting in front of my PC, having spent a few hours going through some wonderful posts and some juvenile battles.

I was active in the bombay scene almost 7 years ago when I moved countries to pursue a career. Now that I am back, everything has changed and I feel like a fish out of water.

But I do have a so many memories that I thought I'd share. Maybe you were a part of them as well.

My favorite MP used to be Rose on Link Road, My reason to go there was Asha. She was a wonderfully bubbly person who made every trip worthwhile. What's I'd do to go back to sipping cold beers on hot afternoons in that non AC joint and indulge myself in some exploding orgasms.

Well, I don't think I can track that for now.

I spent countless nights in "disco" bars. Are they still called that or do they even exists? My journeys took me from Tiger tims in colaba to evergreen in Mumbai central, owez in bandra, space garden in juhu, to countless bars in andheri east all the way upto powai.

Oh my god. I am a sl**

The first ever bar I visited was on LBS marg around mulund. It was called Sakhi or something like that.

They has a small little room under the steps that could be used inappropriately. My encounter that night was with a beautiful girl named Kajal. Light eyes, soft skin and an amazing rack. I remember her 2 two lipstick with a dark liner. Oh MY God!

So from my first to my favorite.

My favorite memories here being this one night in Space Garden, where I met this gorgeous woman. I forget her name but remember exactly what she was wearing, down to the make up. An elegant peach saree with a stringy blouse and very minimalist jewelry yet classy. Infact, till date when I hear the son "tu, tu Hi wahi. " I remember that night.

And here's the bummer. I was so enamored by her, that I did not ask her out. Just kept looking at her all night till they shut and then realized I had missed my chance. DUH!

And my favorite memory with an encounter was at a bar in andheri (east) parallel to the highway. The name escapes me but veterans may remember this place. There is a service bar on the ground floor and a disco bar on the top.

I frequented sangita here. She did not go by that name in the bar but after having spent some many evenings with me, she felt I should know her real name. Thanks sangita.

She was this petite girl with light eyes and the most calming demeanor. I truly felt relaxed with her. Glad I seized the moment here at least

I would never call the money spent "Damages" instead refer to it as an investment. They almost always gave a quick return and no looking back, the long term memories, I would say it was definitely a good investment

Let me stop boring you guys for now.

If you like to read more, commentt on it and I will continue my rambling on sex in the 90's

Also, please share any memories you have from the yesteryears. I would love to hear.

Carpe Diem

Be safe


P.S. Any help in getting me current with the scene is hugely appreciated. I have no place to go but lots of energy to diffuse. Please help!

03-26-10, 19:55
Am new to mongering and this is my first post. Will be returning to Mumbai after 3 years and a provider Im talking with says he can get me an educated girl for 3 hours for INR 7000 + room. Not sure if I can afford that however was curious is that a reasonable price or is it a rip off. Haven't met the guy but he seems to talk pretty well.

03-27-10, 04:19
I would be delighted to hear from of the seniors the best pick-up bar to go to in New Mumai/Vashi/Panvel area. Had been to Dahisar a few months back and wasn't impressed.

Would these girls be prepared to come home? Do not want to sound snobbish, but am just not familiar wit these areas.

03-27-10, 04:45
That entirely depends on what you are getting for the price. Generally speaking the figure is high. But, for somebody just starting off, it is always a learning experience to find out exactly what you are looking for. Looks, behavior, presentation, service, time etc. It is better to start at a lower level and then move up to high cost services.


Am new to mongering and this is my first post. Will be returning to Mumbai after 3 years and a provider Im talking with says he can get me an educated girl for 3 hours for INR 7000 + room. Not sure if I can afford that however was curious is that a reasonable price or is it a rip off. Haven't met the guy but he seems to talk pretty well.

03-27-10, 07:47
I must confess, I am a sex addict.Ah well, aren't we all, my friend!

Super read, JD2 -- took me down memory lane to the bright lights and good times of the Bombay that once was. Yes, things have changed and we are all the poorer for it, but as fellow members on this forum will doubtless attest, there's still plenty of excitement to be had in this city, if only you know where to look!

Good luck mate, I'm sure you'll be back in the thick of things very soon!

Let me know if you're ever in Bangalore. We'll get together and trade stories from the frontlines!


03-27-10, 09:33
New fruits at NL and also managed a visit to Dyna at Thane

Overall costs 2. 2k plus 50 for the boy doing the errands

Again pricier than anjali at 3. 5k and with the new room will be quoted 5. 5k. She is been quite busy over the past few weeks. Reco: take he

Sounds good; how much time do they spend for 2. 2 k and how much of that is the room cost? If Anjali is at 5. 5 k she is more than double the 2. 2k cost. Is she worth the price difference?

03-27-10, 12:28
That entirely depends on what you are getting for the price. Generally speaking the figure is high. But, for somebody just starting off, it is always a learning experience to find out exactly what you are looking for. Looks, behavior, presentation, service, time etc. It is better to start at a lower level and then move up to high cost services.

HiflyThanks Hifly. It makes sense for us to share details of how much we pay and prevailing prices so that none of us ends up overpaying.

Dingdong Bell
03-27-10, 12:29
James Dean 2,

You remind me of some good places of yester-year.

At the junction of Ballard Estate and P D'Mello road was a pick-up disco joint by the name of SOS. The bunch of girls to be found here were hookers looking to grab some business for the night. There was a cover charge to get in. Probably Rs 150, if I remember right. Beer was exorbitantly priced and the music ear-shattering. Talent was generally in the 6 to 8 range and came away to your place. Cabbies would line outside for your custom and generally hiked their prices the moment you were with a girl.

Wonder if these places still exist as it has been a long time since I was in that city.

03-27-10, 15:57
Here is a rundown of what you can expect today.

Massage Parlours (MPs). You can go to these places for a non-professional female-to-male massage and a hand job. In most places, you can use your hand to grope, but nothing more. Investment ranges from 1K to 5K. There are some new ones offering Bed Bath, Chocolate Massages, Ice Massages. Go here only if you are ready to put in some self-service!

Dedicated Zones. There are several dedicated zones that offer large volume and variety of quality like the Navalkar Lane, Juhu Tara Road, Opera House etc.

Media Business. This is what you would not have seen in the 90s. Media is actively being used to promote all kinds of services. This is typically organized as In Call and Out Call services. Prices range from 3K to 7K for short term. This is your doorway to almost everything that is on offer in Mumbai. However, this is also the place you are MOST likely to get cheated on day one!

Internet Forums. You can crawl them and make some friends (there are no strangers here!) and you will be on your way to having a great time. Some of my best experiences have originated in the Internet forums.

Be safe,


I must confess, I am a sex addict. Whether this addiction is bad or good, I'll leave it up to each individual to decide. So judge away guys!

P.S. Any help in getting me current with the scene is hugely appreciated. I have no place to go but lots of energy to diffuse. Please help!

Cute Mumbai Guy
03-27-10, 21:45
Finally got time to call up T***. Thank you so much Satya B for the contact and the pics :)

I called her up on Thursday evening and fixed up a meeting for saturday afternoon. We decided to meet up at Mira road near the Shivaji statue in Kashimira at 3pm and from there she took me to a hotel nearby. Sorry dont remember the exact name. Its some RK ******

The room was nice and clean. 500 bucks for a ac room for ST.

Once inside we ordered some cold drinks and 15 mins of normal chit chat. We then did a DFK for 10-15 min. Freshed up and she changed into a very sexy see through outfit. Again we started deep kissing and then sucking, licking her boobs. She then got down to my Johny and gave me a awesome BBBJ. All this while i was fingering her clean shaven wet pussy.

We put a condom and i started with the Mis. position. I felt i was cumming and so changed to doggy. she was moaning a lot and I guess enjoying. Finally exploded. Cleaned ourselves and did some more chit chat.

It was already 4.30pm and I had a meeting to attend in Bandra at 6.00. Paid her the amount and checked out of the hotel.

PS - I have posted her pics in the Photo gallery section.


Looks - 6.5/10
Body - 8/10
GFE - 8/10
Service - 7.5/10
Boobs - 9/10
BBBJ - 8/10
Overall - 8.5/10

Cost - 3000 (gir) + 500 (tip) + 500 (room) + 50 (colddrinks) + 50 (tip for room service) = 4100

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

On The Wings
03-28-10, 09:30
was active in the bombay scene almost 7 years ago but i do have a so many memories i spent countless nights in "disco" bars. are they still called that or do they even exists?

tiger tims in colaba to evergreen in mumbai central,

owez in bandra,

space garden in juhu, my favorite memories

a bar in andheri (east) parallel to the highway. the name escapes me

please help!hi! no one would have thought, imagined that all you mentioend would soon be a thing of the past but only stay to be remembered & recall those undying wondorful glorious moments / scintillating memories and with all discomfort and frustration to be remembered agian & again.

the saying " much water had flown down the bridge" also implies that there is still a bridge and water flowing down. but, with respect to you said, here the bridge got crumpled & tumbled down and there is no flow of water. so, the scene is different. very sad, na. huh. huh

-evergreen never exists there. a regualr bar with another name. don't go mad

if i say that the bar pulls down its shutter by 9 pm.

-omis in bandra(w) never exists. changed its name to rush hour. regular bar. that too closed now. the rooms behind 'omis 'bar (upstairs) all got renovated and now its hotel bandra residency with 3. 5k tariff.

-space garden: the jewel of andheri. still exists, functions. don't think whats happening in this city. mon-fri only 2 gals are allowed. they could be either singers or bar gals. no issue. but, just two. order from le. sat, sun, there could be 6 gals. thats all. don't you think that le is so generous. accept it man.

its a big surprise for me why and how they are still managing to run this bar.

because on week days there is absolutely not a single soul in this bar.

recently i was there on friday. from 7-9. 30 i was the only person there.

of course + 2 coat wallahs + 2 waiters + two male singers + 2 musicians + the same guy sitting at cash counter. inbetween could see some faces peeing in. on seeing the situation they were so fast in pulling back. but how long they can prolong like this? with tons of optimism-they are waiting for a change.when the going becomes tougher, the tough get going- thats the message from sg for all us. isn't it.

-commados: andheri(e) //to highway. umm, you had been there. well. its there.

with all restrictions closes by 9pm.

there were some kind of green pastures at dahi/panvel areas but that too have come under close scrutiny. the number of waiters, coat wallahs got reduced due to resticted timing & no. of gals to be present.

i think, dear frind why not we ask salmon rushdie to pen one more book with the title "mid night children" part ii on mumbai.

Troy 2008
03-28-10, 15:00
Hi Guyz,

Recently went to and lane as johnny was getting restless. Asked for Maya but she was not available. The bad news is that Sofia will not be available for next 1-2 months.

Anyway, decided to taste some new items & am giving a short update on them.

1. Anjali:

Bengali girl with avg looks. She licks the feet quite erotically. Gives good BBBJ but no ass rimming. Experience was quite ok.

Looks: 5

Service: 7

Damage: 2. 2 K

2. Shruti:

Girl from Bangalore with decent looks. Very nice to talk to also. We had a nice friendly discussion also for 15 minutes. I really liked the time spent with her. Gives very good BBBJ & is into everything includes ass rimming. I performed DATY & 69 with her & brought her into a noisy climax! Her pussy is also very clean & hygienic!

Looks: 7

Service: 8

Damage: 1. 7 K

Repeat: Will definitely repeat her.

3. Tanya:

Avg looking & Nepali girl frm Delhi. But, gives very good BBBJ & ass rimming. Had a nice session with her.

Looks: 5

Service: 8

Damage: 1. 7 K



EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

03-28-10, 19:26
Nice find mate.

I wish if I were in Mumbai.

Finally got time to call up T***. Thank you so much Satya B for the contact and the pics :)

03-29-10, 08:29
I must confess, I am a sex addict. Whether this addiction is bad or good, I'll leave it up to each individual to decide. So judge away guys!

My favorite memories here being this one night in Space Garden, where I met this gorgeous woman. I forget her name but remember exactly what she was wearing, down to the make up. An elegant peach saree with a stringy blouse and very minimalist jewelry yet classy. Infact, till date when I hear the son "tu, tu Hi wahi. " I remember that night.Here is a report from 2005 about Space Garden and White Horse, an evening that I just relived!

Ecently was in Mumbai and boy does that place rock or what This city has something for everybody. Right from street action to ladies bar to escort service and the quality ranging from average to mind blowing. The place has huge number of dance bars ("chamiya bars" in local language). This place is like a bar with a dance floor in the middle of the bar where many pretty girls nicely dressed dance to local numbers and accept tips from the patrons (generally Rs 10 per song) and if any girl catches your fancy you can tip her and then you have her undivided attention. Most of these places are pick up bars and the prices range from Rs 500 to Rs 2500 (short time) not including the hotel. These places have short time rooms available (if one doesn't have it then they have arrangement with a hotel close by) Rs 300. Rs 650 (short time) and Rs 1000 all night. The manager (or the captain) will help you pick up any girl you want or you can negotiate directly with the girl. There is one annoying aspect here which is the waiters, door man and captains pestering you for tips (Rs 10). Most of the best bars are in the suburbs of the city. The one I liked the most was

- Space Garden: Juhu near Copper Chimney.

Girl called Ragini, very pretty, tall, amazing body and what sweet clean shaven ****. My oh my (Paid 2500 short time but this place doesn't have a room, they make arrangement at a near by hotel (Rs. 650) and you go there in a cab arranged by them (Rs 200). Over all spent 4500 (expensive from Mumbai standards but was worth every penny) for short time but was worth it.

- White House: Dahisar after the check naka.

Had a cute girl for Rs 1000 (short time including room at the bar itself). This place is pretty far if you are staying near the airport or downtown.

Miss those days and being out of India doesn't help much when "desi" is the flavor that you crave!

James Dean 2
03-29-10, 08:32
James Dean 2,

You remind me of some good places of yester-year.

At the junction of Ballard Estate and P D'Mello road was a pick-up disco joint by the name of SOS. The bunch of girls to be found here were hookers looking to grab some business for the night. There was a cover charge to get in. Probably Rs 150, if I remember right. Beer was exorbitantly priced and the music ear-shattering. Talent was generally in the 6 to 8 range and came away to your place. Cabbies would line outside for your custom and generally hiked their prices the moment you were with a girl.

Wonder if these places still exist as it has been a long time since I was in that city.I totally remeber SOS. It felt more like a classroom and less like a bar, Ha

Benches with chicks and more.

Just like all other good things, this too has ended.

Calls for SOS are going unreturned. Need to find another way to save our souls now!

James Dean 2
03-29-10, 08:37
Thanks Hifly.

Took your advice and called up a MP in andheri (e) named kerela ayurveda. Got the number from a daily.

Nothing fancy but atleast I am re-initiated

Services rendered: Topless and bottomless playing. Fingering etc was fine but no BBBJ or FK etc. So kinda a blase experience

Looks: 6 (komal)

Service: 6

Cleanliness: 5

Investments: 600 at counter + 500 tips.

Will not repeat unless really really desperate.



Here is a rundown of what you can expect today.

Massage Parlours (MPs).
Dedicated Zones.
Media Business.
Internet Forums.
Be safe,


03-29-10, 09:37
I must confess, I am a sex addict. Whether this addiction is bad or good, I'll leave it up to each individual to decide. So judge away guys!

My favorite memories here being this one night in Space Garden, where I met this gorgeous woman. I forget her name but remember exactly what she was wearing, down to the make up. An elegant peach saree with a stringy blouse and very minimalist jewelry yet classy. Infact, till date when I hear the son "tu, tu Hi wahi. " I remember that night.Here is a report from 2005 about Space Garden and White Horse, an evening that I just relived!

Ecently was in Mumbai and boy does that place rock or what This city has something for everybody. Right from street action to ladies bar to escort service and the quality ranging from average to mind blowing. The place has huge number of dance bars ("chamiya bars" in local language). This place is like a bar with a dance floor in the middle of the bar where many pretty girls nicely dressed dance to local numbers and accept tips from the patrons (generally Rs 10 per song) and if any girl catches your fancy you can tip her and then you have her undivided attention. Most of these places are pick up bars and the prices range from Rs 500 to Rs 2500 (short time) not including the hotel. These places have short time rooms available (if one doesn't have it then they have arrangement with a hotel close by) Rs 300. Rs 650 (short time) and Rs 1000 all night. The manager (or the captain) will help you pick up any girl you want or you can negotiate directly with the girl. There is one annoying aspect here which is the waiters, door man and captains pestering you for tips (Rs 10). Most of the best bars are in the suburbs of the city. The one I liked the most was

- Space Garden: Juhu near Copper Chimney.

Girl called Ragini, very pretty, tall, amazing body and what sweet clean shaven ****. My oh my (Paid 2500 short time but this place doesn't have a room, they make arrangement at a near by hotel (Rs. 650) and you go there in a cab arranged by them (Rs 200). Over all spent 4500 (expensive from Mumbai standards but was worth every penny) for short time but was worth it.

- White House: Dahisar after the check naka.

Had a cute girl for Rs 1000 (short time including room at the bar itself). This place is pretty far if you are staying near the airport or downtown.

Miss those days and being out of India doesn't help much when "desi" is the flavor that you crave!

Troy 2008
03-29-10, 16:41
Hi Guyz,

Today, I would like to share with u my recent awesome mongering experience.
First of all, I would like to thank our senior member Satya B for helping me in getting this contact.

Dear Satya, a million thanx to u as without yr support this amazing experience would not have been possible.

Called up this lady 3 days in advance & fixed d appointment at 12 PM in Goregaon on Saturday. We hit the hotel around 1 PM & the next couple of hours were pure bliss. I had an extremely erotic afternoon with this lady which included BBBJ, DATY etc. It was completely a GFE which I've rarely experienced earlier. After a completely satisfying & exhausting 4 hrs we decided to call it a day. Had some snacks in a nearby hotel & left for d day.

My rating will be:

Looks: 6
Figure: 7
Attitude: 10
Service 9
GFE: 10
Cost: 5 K for the girl & 1.7 K for the hotel room.

I'll definitely repeat her considering the wonderful time we had together. Only issue is that she has not agreed to share her no. with other people.



EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

03-30-10, 17:27
Hi All,

Have been following this forum for quite some time but finally registered today. I am a regular monger at bandra. I have quite a few numbers and am willing to share in return of the same favour.

BTW, check out the new place near Mini Punjab in Bandra. Really nice chicks.

03-31-10, 07:03

You do not seem to have PM enabled. Can you please post some directions to this place near Mini Punjab and also describe the girls and services a bit more?



Hi All,

Have been following this forum for quite some time but finally registered today. I am a regular monger at bandra. I have quite a few numbers and am willing to share in return of the same favour.

BTW, check out the new place near Mini Punjab in Bandra. Really nice chicks.

03-31-10, 14:01
Hi to All:

I had been following this forum for quite some time, thought of writing today.

I do visit Mumbai quite often, and had been going around and mongering for quite some time. Had quite a few good experiences in bars located at the****r

And also I have some numbers which I can share with you guys.

03-31-10, 17:26
Hi buddies.

Name: V*r*ha

Age: 25

Location: K*nd*vli

Body: 8/10

Rate: 500 counter+500 service

Service: very good

Action: as you wish

FS: not sure

She looks so nice so hot so firm so soft so tough.

Thak*r compl*x kand*vli ea*t

OK. Bye. Enjoy

For digits send me a PM with your one contact.


Xyzabcxyz. Nice guy

04-01-10, 14:11
Can you please post some directions to this place near Mini Punjab and also describe the girls and services a bit more?

This is not a pickup joint. Its a banquet hall cum disc cum eatery. Its called BOUNCE. It was previously woodside which used to be a dance bar.

04-02-10, 12:13
This is not a pickup joint. Its a banquet hall cum disc cum eatery. Its called BOUNCE. It was previously woodside which used to be a dance bar.I was not referring to Bounce...the one that i am referring to is a so called beauty parlour in 15th Road.

Macha Mappi
04-04-10, 07:17
Hello Frenz / Senior members !

I'm traveling to Mumbai delhi & Kolkata next week and i wish to have few contacts in any of these places. I'm a bit reluctant to get going with pro's. I would feel comfortable if anyone of you wud give me discreet contacts.



Get Rakeshin
04-04-10, 12:52
Hi Guyz,

Recently went to and lane as johnny was getting restless. Asked for Maya but she was not available. The bad news is that Sofia will not be available for next 1-2 months.

Anyway, decided to taste some new items & am giving a short update on them.

1. Anjali:

2. Shruti:

3. Tanya:


TroyHi Troy. I will be arrving Mumbai in a weeks time after period of one year. I had been last time to Navlkar on second floor of white building, Second door from right. Is it the same place. You found Anjali, Shruti & Tanya? I believe the operator is Vishnu? RIGHT?

I can't precisely remeber the buliduing. So wanted the details before I land at Navalkar. Please assist.

Any other outlets you wud suggest apart from NL?

Has any one tried their expereince at Juhu bus depot near Juhu beach? There were pimps last year offering service in private apartments for RS 1600. 00? Has any one any FP to report?

Await on postings.


Mumbai Guy
04-05-10, 16:39
Called up a girl I had met in Pune. Her name is S***m. Asked her to come to chembur as I had no time to go to western suberbs where she lives. She is a petite girl having good looks, nice rack and a tight pussy. Had a couple of drinks with her and started the action. She gave a decent BBBJ. is clean so did a DATY on her which made her wet and horny. Took her in mish and came with her on top.
Overall a decent experience.
Face : 7/10
Body : 8/10
Boobs : 8/10
Service : 9/10
Cost : 3K + room
Repeat : Definately

She gave me contacts of a couple of her friends. Shall try them and post FRs.


04-06-10, 01:46
Senior member, am visiting Mumbai in May for a night. Will stay at renaissance. Any help you can provide me hook up with a nice GFE will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

04-06-10, 12:59
Recently been to Mumbai for a short one day business visit. It was hectic work schedule so could not plan any Independent contact in advance. In evening after work, felt a strong urge of action. As I was staying in South Mumbai decided to visit V**D**.

Reached there at 9PM. Paid 0.3K entry fee. But not a single good contact was inside. The man on counter assured that they will come by 9.30 or so. Hence decided to go out and had some food at Bademiya & returned back at 9.45 to find 10-15 good contacts (1/2 were good one [A+ category]+ 3/4 average [A or A- category] + 2 foreigners) (My standards are pretty high). Picked up a beer (Rs 150/-) and started a hunt.

Good ones were asking 6K and above, I was low on budget so decided to go for a average one. Picked up an average looking (but fair, slim and fit) one, called K*m*l. Started negotiations from 5k and fixed up at 3k for ST (ST there means strictly one entry. U can tip the girl to get one extra BBBJ or CBJ or HJ). Wanted to take her to hotel (next to radio club) where I was staying but it was too late (10.45PM) and hotel staff was also not apparently friendly for that type of activity. So we went to A*sr* on w**dh*us* Rd. Paid Rs 500 for 2 hrs for room.

Room was small but good & clean. Once inside we have some talk. Some kissing, some fingering. She had a very firm breast and soft nipple it was a real enjoyment sucking those tits and pressing boobs. The girl was very cooperative at no point of time she tried to hurry up or looked at watch. She was a perfect GFE. She was pretending to be enjoying all actions. She kept on talking as if we were friends and know each other for years. Slowly we undressed each other completely then she cleaned herself in bathroom and called me also for cleaning all my body parts. Gave me a good HJ there.

Then we ordered coffee. We had a break of 10 min when I was fingering her tight pussy and she was giving me a CBJ and massaging me. It was a wonderful feeling.

After a coffee brake we got into real action. Doggy, mis and cowgirl position. for nearly 20-25 min. Finally I unloaded in mis position. Rested for some time and started getting dressed up.

I requested her for few snaps. Initially she refused but gave her a tip of Rs 300 and she agreed.

Finally after 1hr 30 min we left hotel dropped her to V**d** & went back to my hotel

Girl :-Ko*a*
Looks with cloths:- average yet attractive features. Fair, Clean & fit body (7/10)
Looks without cloths:- (8/10)
GFE:- (9/10)
CBJ:- (8/10)
Overall experience :- (8/10)
Rate: - 3k for ST (one entry) + 0.5 K Hotel + 0.3k entry fee +0.15 k beer
Would repeat:- Definitely yes (Got her number and told her that next visit I would call her to my hotel in evening for 3/4 hrs in same rate she has agreed for that)

Note: She has given permission to share her number but with few ones after asking her only.

***See few snaps in Photo section**

Troy 2008
04-06-10, 18:38
Hi GR,

It is the 1st bldg on the left hand side of Navalkar lane if u come from Harkisandas hospital side. Its opposite a flour mill & in the 1st floor of the bldg. It is run by Vishnu & assisted by Raju n Santosh.

Enjoy & post FR,



[QUOTE=Get Rakeshin]Hi Troy. I will be arrving Mumbai in a weeks time after period of one year. I had been last time to Navlkar on second floor of white building, Second door from right. Is it the same place.

Party Loser
04-07-10, 10:23
Just been to N Lane and chose Maya. Also went in for second round with another girl...will post experiences later.

Too tired to post now, since my report will be as detailed as possible :)Can someone please help me with address or no and charge at Navalkar Lane please.

Party Loser
04-08-10, 13:14
Hi guys,

I am a new member and a new mongerer so would like people to guide me with any digits of someone at navalkar lane I am not into much of FS just DFK and GFE just like to foreplay and enjoy the company.

So if anyone can tell me how to go to uncles place or any other please help.

Party Loser
04-08-10, 13:27
Can anyone please give me contact of Uncles place?

Love Crazy
04-09-10, 14:42
First will thanks Satya Sir for sharing this valuable contact and will seek appologies from other respected Senior members n dear regular members for being away from the forum and sending a late FR

I have been fortunate to have her 3 times in past 2 months and her skills are improving with time. She has started enjoying n has no put ons in trying something new. She is wild tigress in bed n true GFE.

First when I met her at a hotel in malad she was fun to be and I actually enjoyed her company. We had 3 rounds and each one was fun filled and she did all possible efforts to please me. After session we had a hot n steaming shower session in which she blew me with her mouth. After that I had the opportunity to have her 2 times more which are even memorable. She is good and has excellent racks with good figure.

Total damage- 3k for ST along with 1.7k to hotel


04-10-10, 20:11
Waiting for your "detailed" report.

Just been to N Lane and chose Maya. Also went in for second round with another girl...will post experiences later.

Too tired to post now, since my report will be as detailed as possible :)

Cool Shag
04-10-10, 22:55
Read about this Parlor in MM. Rakhi Beauty Parlor in Santacruz. Near Milan Subway and decided to give it a try. Called the Ph# and he asked me to come over. Rates 1200/2000 Rs

Went there arnd Evening. Found 2 girls. Average/below average.

Was asked to shell out 1. 2K for what they call a French Massage

Selected an average girl. No Choice

Was taken to a room above. Rooms disgusting. Stinky

Straightway asked if I wanted a BJ and started with a BBBJ. Allowing to fondle her tits

Looking at the overall look of the parlor decided to finish off and left in 10 mins. Paid the girl 0. 2K as tips

Overall Experience

Looks. 4. For the average one

Service. 4

BJ Skills. 3

Ambience. Max 3

Would I repeat. No ways

Overall a very Bad Experience. Best Avoided

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

04-11-10, 00:09
Hi guys,

It will be my first time into Mumbai, I would like to know who would be the best person to contact for a great night. Also which hotel would let me bring a lady back or can provide one, would like 3 star or above. I am totally new to it all. Where in Mumbai would be the best place to pick up the girls? Would like the centre or Mumbai if possible don't want to go to far out.

Thanks all

04-11-10, 00:41
First will thanks Satya Sir for sharing this valuable contact and will seek appologies from other respected Senior members n dear regular members for being away from the forum and sending a late FR

I have been fortunate to have her 3 times in past 2 months and her skills are improving with time. She has started enjoying n has no put ons in trying something new. She is wild tigress in bed n true GFE.

First when I met her at a hotel in malad she was fun to be and I actually enjoyed her company. We had 3 rounds and each one was fun filled and she did all possible efforts to please me. After session we had a hot n steaming shower session in which she blew me with her mouth. After that I had the opportunity to have her 2 times more which are even memorable. She is good and has excellent racks with good figure.

Total damage- 3k for ST along with 1.7k to hotel


I wonder if you could give me some tips I am new to it all and will be in Mumbai next week, is there any 3 star or above hotels I can go to and how do I get in contact with the girls?

Many thanks

Raw Deal
04-11-10, 09:36

Many 3/4/5 star hotels in Mumbai are girl-friendly. However your companion MUST be appropriately (read - well) dressed. Some names that I know from personal experience are Sea Pri****s, Ram**a, Pa*ms To*er & V*l*a, Imp***al Pal**e in the suburbs and Mar*ne Pla*a in town. I suggest try the Palms and rent a villa. It also has a private swimming pool. For 8000 / night it is a steal.

You will have to arrange for a companion on your own or be courageous and ask the concierge at the hotel.

Good luck!


I wonder if you could give me some tips I am new to it all and will be in Mumbai next week, is there any 3 star or above hotels I can go to and how do I get in contact with the girls?

Many thanks

04-11-10, 17:17

Many 3/4/5 star hotels in Mumbai are girl-friendly. However your companion MUST be appropriately (read - well) dressed. Some names that I know from personal experience are Sea Pri****s, Ram**a, Pa*ms To*er & V*l*a, Imp***al Pal**e in the suburbs and Mar*ne Pla*a in town. I suggest try the Palms and rent a villa. It also has a private swimming pool. For 8000 / night it is a steal.

You will have to arrange for a companion on your own or be courageous and ask the concierge at the hotel.

Good luck!

RDHi thanks totally new to it why are the texted started out ie "Sea Pri****s, Ram**a, Pa*ms To*er & V*l*a, Imp***al Pal**e in the suburbs and Mar*ne Pla*a in town"

Many thanks

Chris L
04-11-10, 17:46
LE issues at NL this month, be careful.

Sandy Men
04-11-10, 19:58

Many 3/4/5 star hotels in Mumbai are girl-friendly. However your companion MUST be appropriately (read - well) dressed. Some names that I know from personal experience are Sea Pri****s, Ram**a, Pa*ms To*er & V*l*a, Imp***al Pal**e in the suburbs and Mar*ne Pla*a in town. I suggest try the Palms and rent a villa. It also has a private swimming pool. For 8000 / night it is a steal.

You will have to arrange for a companion on your own or be courageous and ask the concierge at the hotel.

Good luck!

RDSometime back Ram**a used to be girl-UNfriendly. Had to do the walk of shame (but my girl was well dressed... so no probs). I prefer the Juhu mar***t

Future Man1
04-12-10, 11:50
Hi all,

I have been out of mongering for few months now, just wanted to know if anyone has experiance goodservice in any town side MP's? If yes, please PM me the details.

Thanks in advance for the help

Member #4163
04-12-10, 18:04
LE issues at NL this month, be careful.

Ditto. Please avoid this place guys.

Better be safe than land behind bars.

Raw Deal
04-12-10, 18:12
That is the protocol we follow on the open forum to prevent LE attention. However I do agree with the view that the LE know that these things happen at many places including the ones listed in my earlier post. But, then much has already been debated about this and I do not intend to start another one.

If you need exact names and addresses, send me a PM.

Hi thanks totally new to it why are the texted started out ie "Sea Pri****s, Ram**a, Pa*ms To*er & V*l*a, Imp***al Pal**e in the suburbs and Mar*ne Pla*a in town"

Many thanks

04-13-10, 06:15
That is the protocol we follow on the open forum to prevent LE attention. However I do agree with the view that the LE know that these things happen at many places including the ones listed in my earlier post. But, then much has already been debated about this and I do not intend to start another one.

If you need exact names and addresses, send me a PM.

Also, if the names are not camouflaged, then the reports get picked up by search engines, and then they are easily discovered by people when they do a google or othere search for these words, which attracts attention and subsequent scrutiny.

Bangalore Bomb
04-13-10, 13:38
I am planning to visit Mumbai this week, would be great if you could help with nice and affordable stuff and also how is it if we take 2 girls at a time. Is it worth it?. I stay in Mumbai central. So please suggest something. I have PM facility so you can message me also. Info will be kept discreet. This is urgent.

Pinga 98
04-13-10, 14:49
You have advertised your non-pro exchange deal ten times in the last eleven months. You have even tried to sell the non-pro contacts for Rs. 5000 a piece, which itself raises question about the kind of "non-pro" you are referring to. Moreover, since you became a member, you have not posted a single report or a picture.

Why not post your ad in the Classified Section? If it is genuine exchange, tell us about a senior member who dealt with you and considered this exchange fair, or had "better fucks than ne of the fucks they have tried on ISG" (your tall claim, in one of your ads).

Come on mate, don't treat us like idiots (I know, you are "smart", and a "hunk"). Deepak2125 has tried to explain this to you earlier. The purpose of this board is for sharing of experiences, pictures, methods of hunting, warning members about traps, and yes---sharing of contacts if you are so generous (I am not asking for one, I know my game). So please no false advertising or entrapment here.



I am looking for some non pro contacts even if they charge more that is fine with me.

I have some genuine non pro contacts but remember they do charge 5000 and above. If anyone has good non pro contacts with pics pm me. We shall exchange pics and do a genuine trade.


04-13-10, 15:28
Sometime back Ram**a used to be girl-UNfriendly. Had to do the walk of shame (but my girl was well dressed... so no probs). I prefer the Juhu mar***tI also had a very girl friendly experience at Juh* Ma****t. I had a nicely dressed (Jeans with full sleeved white top) companion and we went to room in evening without any problem, But after dinner went to Enigma to shake our legs. After we returned to lift to go to room a security asked me to register the guest(now she was wearing akin cocktail dress-skirt & sleeveless top). Luckily she was carrying her PAN CARD which I showed while registering her at reception and then we were allowed to go to room. Its no fuss reveal your identity kind of formality. Rest of the stay was uneventful. So they check only late night that too if she gives some ID Prrof you can register her at reception and take her to room with you just like it happens abroad. I think same should apply to any other 5star hotel. I will be staying at Hyatt in Mumbai next will report the scene there.

Macha Mappi
04-13-10, 15:35
Hi Forum Seniors & Frens,

After couple of PM to few Senior members & regular members out there, i got only one reply from SatyaB about a non-pro independent gal. Must thank him for his help in figuring out a place to take this gal...she was a wonderful female in action. As said by SatyaB, i contact her & fixed up an appointment for 8th Apr evening as she has to take leave from her office. After reaching Mumbai I was a bit busy & wanted to relax ASAP.

Called her again & changed the schedule to 8th morning. But she did not know where i could take her. got SatyaB's gsm# & he was too good to suggest a place near Goregoan West.Went there & waited @ S*I. She came & i was not impressed by her facial look. Was quite not interested in her too, but since i had no options left & SatyaB had mentioned "Excellent Service". I went out & checked into the rooms. She came out from the wash in a sexy gown and Started with a our foreplay. She was just so arousing & she has this good art of making me horny. after a boob fuck, had a shower with a HJ and in bed again SHE GAVE ME MY MOST UNFORGETTABLE "BBBJ". She made me moan & shiver.

it was like a dream for me. even now i can imagine that. Then after 1Hr started the real job in missionary, then a doggy & then exploded in a cowboy. Cleaned ourself & had another BBBJ (after a request). I remember our old school master telling us "Cover the face & fu*k the base". This is it guys, real women with talent to entertain us are those looking a bit ugly. Over all had a

GOOD experience & thanks to SatyaB.

Girl :-A*T*i
Looks with cloths:- average. Fair, Clean (6/10)
Looks without cloths:- (7/10)
BBBJ:- (10/10)
Overall experience :- (8/10)
Rate: - 5k + 1.5 K Hotel
Would repeat:- Might

Macha Mappi
04-13-10, 16:08
Well said Pinga98,

The forum spirit are eroded with such posts & lets stand against it at all times.



[QUOTE=Pinga 98]You have advertised your non-pro exchange deal ten times in the last eleven months. You have even tried to sell the non-pro contacts for Rs. 5000 a piece, which itself raises question about the kind of "non-pro" you are referring to.

04-14-10, 06:50

I am visiting Mumbai and have 6 hours before my connecting flight. Any action near BOM airport between 4pm-11pm?

PM me for any non-pro contacts.

Thanks in advance.

04-14-10, 09:20

Can we have a hint on the malad spa - name / directions?

Picked up the Midday Sunday morning and called up the no of an ad that advertised a spa. Turned out to be in Malad. Near Uncles Kitchen.

More expensive than most but it was well worth it. Nice and spacious rooms with a shower as well. The experience was almost Bangkok like. The girl N**L*M was the only one in the large reception area, but she was quite a bomb. Striped tee and jeans with a girl next door look. Tall, almost 5' 6" and a good figure. Flesh in the right places and almost flat stomach, not bulging like a lot of Indian girls.

She was incredibly good and a real GFE. We did it all but FS. Began with a nice oil massage, where she paid all my erogenous zones great attention including sticking her hot tongue into my ear, good I love that. She then stripped and proceeded to rub her boobs all over my back. I turned aroun fingered her pussy which was wet and when I pushed my tongue in she got on to the table and sat above my face, and while I tongued her she leaned forward to take my Johny in her mouth. Lovely 69! Blew me till I almost came and then soaped and washed me off in the shower.

Great experience, I will be back

Charges 1, 300 to the counter and 2, 000 to the girl, I added a 100 more I was so happy with the GFE.

She was a 9/10 with her clothes on, 8/10 with clothes off.

We exchanged nos and I got a warm hug and kiss to see me off. On my way out saw three more girls in the reception. All between 6 and 8, including a petite NE babe who had a nice smile, but small tits!

Earlier in the morning went to M**Ning S**r opp Bandra Station, but found the place to crummy. The counter there is 500 for half an hour.

On Saturday went to my old place near M***n Subway. Found that the pert assed, perky breasted Va***alli no longer there so settled for T**a. Chubby and small breasts but makes up with amazing service. I have reported on her earlier so will sign off now.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

04-14-10, 14:22
Special thanks to Bat Wings and Satya for making my stay eventful.

Have been travelling a lot, loads of work pressure, no time to monger. I was quite tired but wanted to score with someone. Asked Satya and Bat Wings for help, they are just so nice, both of them gave me a contact, this was on Sunday but was too late to go for action. I planned it for Thursday but was not very sure.

Late Thursday i found some free time, I had the digits of Bat Wings, i sent him a text and he was quick to reply, spoke with the contact, agreed on a location, met there, she knew a place where we went, finished the formalities of getting the room and boom into action.

I was very tired from frequent travelling but this lady was just so sweet, spoke highly of Bat Wings and what a service, total GFE, we just went along well. There was no hurry, we talked as if we knew each other for a long time, at the same time playing around with each others assets, amazing bbj, good massage and very good session.

A special thanks to Bat Wings and Satya.

04-14-10, 18:22
Hi all,

I have been following this forum from last 12-13 months but have'nt posted yet.

I am a virgin and also not after sex but want to enjoy some massage and foreplay if possible. This is my humble request from some of the generous senior members in the forum to help me out with some guidance/contact. I know the rule that its a give and take policy that holds but as I said I am inexperienced so can't really follow the rule. I also apologize from all the fellow members for posting this "un-informative " post. But really if anyone is wiling to help please I'm me on [Email address deleted by Admin]


EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

04-14-10, 18:55
Hi all,

I am following this forum last 1 year but just hav'nt really posted any report yet mainly because I am new and inexperienced.I know the rules of this forum that it applies give and take policy still will be grateful to some senior members if they can help me out with some good contact ( not very highly costly ). I am not looking for sex but want to enjoy some massage and foreplay.

I apologize from all the fellow members for this un-informative report

Cool Shag
04-14-10, 21:13
Hi All,

I have some free time around this weekend and plan to some bar either in Panvel or Mira Road.

Heard about Gopika/Kapal in Panvel and Red Horse/SU/Night City/Mela in Mira Road.

What is the best place and time to go.

What are the charges. How much time and how are the girls.

Any info wud be great.

If you guys could suggest anything else wud be fantastic.

04-15-10, 13:38
Direction to this MP will be appreciated.



I want to start with an MP near Elphinstone Station (on the western side)

But what impressed me was their professionalism. List prices. 500 for massage, 1000 for BJ, 1500 for FS. No haggling, no bullshit.

On The Wings
04-15-10, 15:28
Hi All,

I have some free time around this weekend and plan to some bar either in Panvel or Mira Road.The WE Highway always lures me with its straight long drive with 2/3/4 wheelers putting their maximum skills & tactics in taking the vehicle ahead.

Boy, now it looks like Dahi Naka Bars are being stripped of their Stars from the cap. Timings have become inconsistent/visit of gals not Not ideal and the blinking & flashing of lights (indication for LE raids). No one knows. To put it correctly. In doldrums.

Still, there is a ray of light. Just see if the timing suits you. From 4. 30.8. 00 pm (last month situation). Don't go by 8 or after 8pm. You will end up with music and drinks only. Charges remains the same. 2K plus room, service extras.

The new bar Night City which was so promisiong has started limping now. Pick up has stopped. But, it had a better showcase. Try it or the best option could be H. Springs. Something is always guaranteed there.

Good luck. Don't forget to update the scenario.

04-15-10, 16:00

Address: Sund*rlane, Mal*d

Oppsite to uncl*s kitc*en walk for 100mtrs on the main road and take a left.

Pink building, first floor


Manager: swe*ty

Thanks and enjoy

Nice guy

Mirza Ghaleeb
04-15-10, 16:26
Kapal has lot of variety and bit costly compared to Gopika. But they have lots of collection. You can get anything from 1500 to 3000 for ST, but if you can bargain well, even 1000 for ST + room. Problem here is with waiters, room boys, security. Its common with every db's, but here they will irritate you like anything. Other places are Sun City, Night riders and Time.

Sun city is in town, but Night Riders and Time are on highway, little away.

Best time to visit any bar is around 7:00pm, but leave before 9:00PM.

I always believe in paying not more than 1200+room charges for ST and max of 2. 5K+room+misc for Whole night.

More than looks, look for the one who can give you a good company.

Hi All,

I have some free time around this weekend and plan to some bar either in Panvel or Mira Road.

Heard about Gopika/Kapal in Panvel and.

What is the best place and time to go.

What are the charges. How much time and how are the girls.

Any info wud be great.

If you guys could suggest anything else wud be fantastic.

Raw Deal
04-15-10, 17:59
If you are not looking for any action, then the cheapest option would be to go to an MP.

If you been reading this forum for over a year, then you should have got the drift. There are plenty of reports on MP's on these walls. Don't want to sound rude, but RTFF! Scanning the latest 5-6 pages will give you a lot of info to start with.

Be safe!

Hi all,

I am following this forum last 1 year but just hav'nt really posted any report yet mainly because I am new and inexperienced.I know the rules of this forum that it applies give and take policy still will be grateful to some senior members if they can help me out with some good contact ( not very highly costly ). I am not looking for sex but want to enjoy some massage and foreplay.

I apologize from all the fellow members for this un-informative report

04-15-10, 18:43
Folks, went to N*G**A****E in belapur, at around 7:00pm after about a month.

Sseems the MNS idiots have screwed up here too. Check this article out at sakaal times


So I guess all the DBs are shut now about for another week or two. Can someone post in for Dahisar and mira road too?? whats the scene there?

Hi All,

I have some free time around this weekend and plan to some bar either in Panvel or Mira Road.

Heard about Gopika/Kapal in Panvel and Red Horse/SU/Night City/Mela in Mira Road.

What is the best place and time to go.

What are the charges. How much time and how are the girls.

Any info wud be great.

If you guys could suggest anything else wud be fantastic.

Mitian 1994
04-16-10, 18:00
Pls suggest a MP closest to the airport.



Uni Den
04-18-10, 07:47
For all those dahisar DB fans. This is provide an update that the famous DB Red Horse has be shut down. From what was told to me by the guys in the next bar and few fellows hanging out there that, RedHorse has been shut down due to issues with the management. However, the partners of RedHorse has started another DB Night City, just next to it! While I was at NIght City, I saw the same managers and few chicks from RedHorse. So I guess RedHorse's new version is Night City

Not really sure if the place is shutdown for renovation or something else. But from what I've seen, Night City is now well crowded with RedHorse regulars.

Best time to be at Night City is 6. 30. 9 pm.

RIP. RedHorse!

Mumbai Fun
04-19-10, 12:55
While I was at NIght City, I saw the same managers and few chicks from RedHorse. So I guess RedHorse's new version is Night City

Not really sure if the place is shutdown for renovation or something else. But from what I've seen, Night City is now well crowded with RedHorse regulars.

Best time to be at Night City is 6. 30. 9 pm.

RIP. RedHorse!What kind of rates are they quoting? Same as red horse? If red horse actually shuts down permanently, it would truly be an end of an era. Though I haven't been there in ages/years, but then do have fond memories from way back in early 2000s.

Yep, RIP Red Horse for sure! :)


On The Wings
04-19-10, 15:04
For all those dahisar DB fans. DB Red Horse has be shut down. It's quite sad to know the "Diagonal Pink Glow" of RH been suddenly engulfed by the Dark Angel. Whether it is mismanagement or submitting to pressures(?)for many for us it won't /can't be easy to accept this. Already, I reported that some of the coatwallahs had just crossed the road and joined at S. Up. Now, I don't find them there too. At one time, it's becoming so visible that Horse is in troubled waters and not scoring well on all accounts. Still, the Closure was never expected. Umm. But, dear boys I think we must not loose heart and same time must accept this "hour of silence" at RH. Horses can't stay Idle. Very sure we can hear the Galloping Again. Even the Heavenly Gods like & use Horses (there are tall claims by so many earthly beings that they are gods-hence this redundant-heavenly gods). St. John had revealation of Almighty on white horse. So, is our Sungod on seven horses. C. It seems Horses are INEVITABLE in the lives of not ony us but also for heavenly beings. So, lets cheer up. And be ready for the Second Coming of RH. With greater style/galore & beauty.


04-19-10, 16:06
After reading so much about NV lane, I went there at Harkis**ndas H**pi**l

Opposite to hkdas hospital I saw Navalkar Gully I tried find 1st building and Raju but didn't see any stairs, went further in the lane, on 3rd building is Bhartiya Kamgar Sena office, 2-3 guys were sitting outside on scooters, didn't find anything? Is it the same lane? Was I in wrong place?

04-20-10, 17:47
Dear Fellow Mongers,

I am writing here after almost 4 years and I am glad to see the kind of contribution all you guys have been doing to this forum recently. I don't remember much but some old members like JustSumFun and Bat Wings may still remember me. FYI. I am now working in the Gulf region employed in Qatar and cannot access ISG since the internet service provider has blocked all XXX websites including ISG. Finally after all these years I got a software that allows me to access ISG and in no time I became a paid member.

Anyways to start with I will post my XP with a mizzo girl. After relocating to a new country I had deleted all my contacts and had no one to call while I came to India on vacation. Still I tried to trace some contacts from my old emails and there it was. A lady from Mira Road, Anita introduced to me by JSF. I called her and luckily the mobile was still active. Called her and confirmed to meet at mira Road. Though the lady is good english speaker and clean, she was still not a turn on for me. I guess I had done her many times in the past and only thing I liked from her was her CIM service and man this lady sucks like heaven on earth. I thought of givng it a chance and asked her if she can arrange for a threesome. She agreed and promised to bring a Mizzo girl along with her. I reached heritage hotel and checked in. In about 10mins Anita arrived with the Mizzo girl. I was so happy to see this Mizzo girl an absolute stunner. Short in height but huge mellons and fair skin. She doesn't need a pink colour lipstick. Has natural pick soft lips. Trust me the moment I saw her I didn't even look at Anita. Anita tried to start with a BBBJ but I aksed her to just sit, smoke and watch television and I will just do it with the Mizzo girl. I was told her name is preeti but I think the name was just a temp name. Preeti was wearing a short denim skirt and a sleveless top. Made her sit on the bed and pulled her skirt. Wow a clean shaven hygenic pink pussy. Started with a DATY and preeti was quick to get rid of her top while I was busy with her Y spot. In about 10 mins I asked her to ride and she was quick at it. I don't have words but god oh god I was in heaven. Shot my load in no time. Had ordered some beer and cigrattes plus snacks. Got my energy back and Preeti was ready for round 2. Took her in the bathroom and banged her thoroughly from rear. All this time Anita was just watching television and did nothing. In about 3 hours I was thoroughly satisfied. Got Preeti's mobile and promised her to call back in couple of days which I did and had her 4 times in 2 weeks. I was addicted to this beautiful lady. A thai face.

Total for 1st meeting
Hotel - 600 for 4hours (TV + Clean bed + Hot Water + Aircon)
Pussy - 4000 (I doubt if Anita paid even 1000 to Preeti)
Beer + Ciggy + Snacks = 250/-

All in all a superb never to forget XP. I have many unforgettable XP's though..hahaha

Total for all following meetings
Hotel - 600 for 4hours (TV + Clean bed + Hot Water + Aircon)
Pussy - 1500
Beer + Ciggy + Snacks = 250/-

And yes i dont believe in give and take policy. So anyone who wants her contact please feel free to contact me and i will happily pass on her number to you.

Kind regards & God Bless


Uni Den
04-20-10, 19:01
@ MF: yeap, the rates are quite the same. 2K for ST + counter + change for the guys on your table. There is no attached lodge. They send u to some near by lodges, rates i assume should be 500 - 600 for a hour, not sure about the room conditions.

@OTW: well u can still find coatwalla's just next door at Night City. Few girls too have migrated to Night City and near by bars. Yes we all hope the horses starts galloping again :-)

Uni Den
04-20-10, 19:03
After reading so much about NV lane, I went there at Harkis**ndas H**pi**l

Opposite to hkdas hospital I saw Navalkar Gully I tried find 1st building and Raju but didn't see any stairs, went further in the lane, on 3rd building is Bhartiya Kamgar Sena office, 2-3 guys were sitting outside on scooters, didn't find anything? Is it the same lane? Was I in wrong place?Yes its the same lane. You might just walk in those building and then you would be approached by the pimps. Being a busy street, they usually don't show signals to casual lane walkers.

Bat Wings
04-21-10, 05:31
Have been wondering where you are. You suddenly disappeared.

Sure I still remember you. Still have you number (8033) saved

If you have my number then its still the same. If you not will send it to you. Do give me a shout whenever in Mumbai.



[QUOTE=Lastbencher]Dear Fellow Mongers,

I am writing here after almost 4 years and i am glad to see the kind of contribution all you guys have been doing to this forum recently. I dont remember much but some old members like JustSumFun and Bat Wings may still remember me. FYI - I am now working in the Gulf region employed in Qatar and cannot access WSG since the internet service provider has blocked all XXX websites including WSG. Finally after all these years i got a software that allows me to access WSG and in no time i became a paid member.

04-21-10, 18:40
Hi Bro,
Welcome back to the forum. I am a regular contributor to the Mumbai forum. Would you be kind enough to give the digits of the Mizo girl? And how should I refer your name to her? Thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards

Dear Fellow Mongers,

I am writing here after almost 4 years and i am glad to see the kind of contribution all you guys have been doing to this forum recently. I dont remember much but some old members like JustSumFun and Bat Wings may still remember me. FYI - I am now working in the Gulf region employed in Qatar and cannot access WSG since the internet service provider has blocked all XXX websites including WSG. Finally after all these years i got a software that allows me to access WSG and in no time i became a paid member.

Anyways to start with I will post my XP with a mizzo girl. After relocating to a new country i had deleted all my contacts and had no one to call while i came to India on vacation. Still i tried to trace some contacts from my old emails and there it was. A lady from Mira Rd, Anita introduced to me by JSF. i called her and luckily the mobile was still active. Called her and confirmed to meet at mira rd. Though the lady is good english speaker and clean, she was still not a turn on for me. I guess i had done her many times in the past and only thing i liked from her was her CIM service and man this lady sucks like heaven on earth. I thought of givng it a chance and asked her if she can arrange for a threesome. She agreed and promised to bring a Mizzo girl along with her. I reached heritage hotel and checked in. In about 10mins Anita arrived with the Mizzo girl. I was so happy to see this Mizzo girl an absolute stunner. Short in height but huge mellons and fair skin. She doesnt need a pink colour lipstick. Has natural pick soft lips. Trust me the moment i saw her i didnt even look at Anita. Anita tried to start with a BBBJ but i aksed her to just sit, smoke and watch television and i will just do it with the Mizzo girl. I was told her name is preeti but i think the name was just a temp name. Preeti was wearing a short denim skirt and a sleveless top. Made her sit on the bed and pulled her skirt. Wow a clean shaven hygenic pink pussy. Started with a DATY and preeti was quick to get rid of her top while i was busy with her Y spot. In about 10 mins i asked her to ride and she was quick at it. I dont have words but god oh god i was in heaven. Shot my load in no time. Had ordered some beer and cigrattes plus snacks. Got my energy back and Preeti was ready for round 2. Took her in the bathroom and banged her thoroughly from rear. All this time Anita was just watching television and did nothing. In about 3 hours i was thoroughly satisfied. Got Preeti's mobile and promised her to call back in couple of days which i did and had her 4 times in 2 weeks. I was addicted to this beautiful lady. A thai face.

Total for 1st meeting
Hotel - 600 for 4hours (TV + Clean bed + Hot Water + Aircon)
Pussy - 4000 (I doubt if Anita paid even 1000 to Preeti)
Beer + Ciggy + Snacks = 250/-

All in all a superb never to forget XP. I have many unforgettable XP's though..hahaha

Total for all following meetings
Hotel - 600 for 4hours (TV + Clean bed + Hot Water + Aircon)
Pussy - 1500
Beer + Ciggy + Snacks = 250/-

And yes i dont believe in give and take policy. So anyone who wants her contact please feel free to contact me and i will happily pass on her number to you.

Kind regards & God Bless


Mirza Ghaleeb
04-21-10, 19:58
Mumbai folks,

Read earlier report about possible crack down, any idea about DB's in Panvel ? Is it still functioning?

04-21-10, 20:44
Bat Wings,

I can't believe this. You still have my number even after so many years though we didn't interact since 2005 I guess. Great man. I am so pleased. Your inbox is full. Make some space and send me a pm. I will pass on the number of Preeti.

My old mobile is no more in use. Don't know who got that number now. The one who got it might still be getting calls from my goldies. Hahaha.

Anyways, waiting for your pm.

Kind regards


Have been wondering where you are. You suddenly disappeared.

Sure I still remember you. Still have you number (8033) saved

If you have my number then its still the same. If you not will send it to you. Do give me a shout whenever in Mumbai.



[QUOTE=Lastbencher]Dear Fellow Mongers,

I am writing here after almost 4 years and i am glad to see the kind of contribution all you guys have been doing to this forum recently. I dont remember much but some old members like JustSumFun and Bat Wings may still remember me. FYI - I am now working in the Gulf region employed in Qatar and cannot access WSG since the internet service provider has blocked all XXX websites including WSG. Finally after all these years i got a software that allows me to access WSG and in no time i became a paid member.

04-21-10, 20:48

How do i reach you. Are you a paid member.

Kind regards

Last Bencher

Hi Bro,

Welcome back to the forum. I am a regular contributor to the Mumbai forum. Would you be kind enough to give the digits of the Mizo girl? And how should I refer your name to her? Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,


Chico Charlie 1
04-22-10, 06:27
Hey LB,

What a surprise! A long time since you have reappeared. Where did you go man.

I still have your old no. Now I see from the forum that it is changed. Anyways good to see u back. We need to once again be together with our special digits.

Have fun mongering


Blue Day
04-22-10, 11:08

Can anybody guide me with namesand location of some GF hotel in South Mumbai or may be till Bandra.



Sanjay Dutt
04-22-10, 13:55
Dear all, be careful fo rthe juhu free lancers. They are totally rip off. They agree for all the services and time but when they take you to some hotel they intend to make it fast. No good service, just hurry up. 10 mins and you go. Be careful with them.

Don't go for them.

Future Man1
04-22-10, 15:52
Was in mood and wanted to try some new MP at tardeo, there is one in bylane going towards haji ali, called moon &light and one more persain both are ladies & gents

Nothing great to write about, counter charges 500Rs hardly any serivce expect HJ, tip Rs200.

My advise is to avoid these both MP and don't waste money

Try Allfluent on same lane, counter 1. 2K has some good busty girls to choose from I have tried sweety from there verybukly and busty babes but excellent service, great BJ, ass rim, and also FS extra tip 500.


Cool Akhil
04-22-10, 17:35
Hi, (lastbencher),

I am a new member to this ISG forum. Just recently got a subscription. It seems that we have a same choice. Even I was looking for a mizzo or a manipuri chick for a long time. My search will be over if you can kindly share her digits with me. You can PM me. I hope my first post will not go futile. Will post my past exp soon. Thanks in advance. And ha welcome back to ISG. Regards,

Dear Fellow Mongers,

I am writing here after almost 4 years and i am glad to see the kind of contribution all you guys have been doing to this forum recently. I dont remember much but some old members like JustSumFun and Bat Wings may still remember me. FYI - I am now working in the Gulf region employed in Qatar and cannot access WSG since the internet service provider has blocked all XXX websites including WSG. Finally after all these years i got a software that allows me to access WSG and in no time i became a paid member.

Anyways to start with I will post my XP with a mizzo girl. After relocating to a new country i had deleted all my contacts and had no one to call while i came to India on vacation. Still i tried to trace some contacts from my old emails and there it was. A lady from Mira Rd, Anita introduced to me by JSF. i called her and luckily the mobile was still active. Called her and confirmed to meet at mira rd. Though the lady is good english speaker and clean, she was still not a turn on for me. I guess i had done her many times in the past and only thing i liked from her was her CIM service and man this lady sucks like heaven on earth. I thought of givng it a chance and asked her if she can arrange for a threesome. She agreed and promised to bring a Mizzo girl along with her. I reached heritage hotel and checked in. In about 10mins Anita arrived with the Mizzo girl. I was so happy to see this Mizzo girl an absolute stunner. Short in height but huge mellons and fair skin. She doesnt need a pink colour lipstick. Has natural pick soft lips. Trust me the moment i saw her i didnt even look at Anita. Anita tried to start with a BBBJ but i aksed her to just sit, smoke and watch television and i will just do it with the Mizzo girl. I was told her name is preeti but i think the name was just a temp name. Preeti was wearing a short denim skirt and a sleveless top. Made her sit on the bed and pulled her skirt. Wow a clean shaven hygenic pink pussy. Started with a DATY and preeti was quick to get rid of her top while i was busy with her Y spot. In about 10 mins i asked her to ride and she was quick at it. I dont have words but god oh god i was in heaven. Shot my load in no time. Had ordered some beer and cigrattes plus snacks. Got my energy back and Preeti was ready for round 2. Took her in the bathroom and banged her thoroughly from rear. All this time Anita was just watching television and did nothing. In about 3 hours i was thoroughly satisfied. Got Preeti's mobile and promised her to call back in couple of days which i did and had her 4 times in 2 weeks. I was addicted to this beautiful lady. A thai face.

All in all a superb n

Cool Akhil
04-22-10, 18:48
Hi (lastbencher),

I am totally new to this forum, seems that we have a same choice. Was looking for a mizzo or a manipuri chick for a long time, my search will be over if you can share her digits with me. I am a paid member. So you cam PM me also.

Dear Fellow Mongers,

I am writing here after almost 4 years and i am glad to see the kind of contribution all you guys have been doing to this forum recently. I dont remember much but some old members like JustSumFun and Bat Wings may still remember me. FYI - I

Anyways to start with I will post my XP with a mizzo girl. After relocating to a new country i had deleted all my contacts and had no one to call while i came to India on vacation. Still i tried to trace some contacts from my old emails and there it was. A lady from Mira Rd, Anita introduced to me by JSF. i called her and luckily the mobile was still active. Called her and confirmed to meet at mira rd. Though the lady is good english speaker and clean, she was still not a turn on for me. I guess i had done her many times in the past and only thing i liked from her was her CIM service and man this lady sucks like heaven on earth. I thought of givng it a chance and asked her if she can arrange for a threesome. She agreed and promised to bring a Mizzo girl along with her. I reached heritage hotel and checked in. In about 10mins Anita arrived with the Mizzo girl. I was so happy to see this Mizzo girl an absolute stunner. Short in height but huge mellons and fair skin. She doesnt need a pink colour lipstick. Has natural pick soft lips. Trust me the moment i saw her i didnt even look at Anita. Anita tried to start with a BBBJ but i aksed her to just sit, smoke and watch television and i will just do it with the Mizzo girl. I was told her name is preeti but i think the name was just a temp name. Preeti was wearing a short denim skirt and a sleveless top. Made her sit on the bed and pulled her skirt. Wow a clean shaven hygenic pink pussy. Started with a DATY and preeti was quick to get rid of her top while i was busy with her Y spot. In about 10 mins i asked her to ride and she was quick at it. I dont have words but god oh god i was in heaven. Shot my load in no time. Had ordered some beer and cigrattes plus snacks. Got my energy back and Preeti was ready for round 2. Took her in the bathroom and banged her thoroughly from rear. All this time Anita was just watching television and did nothing. In about 3 hours i was thoroughly satisfied. Got Preeti's mobile and promised her to call back in couple of days which i did and had her 4 times in 2 weeks. I was addicted to this beautiful lady. A thai face.


Cool Akhil
04-22-10, 19:24
Hi all, here I am, one more member of the ISG family. Hope to have a nice time here, with all your exp. Will post my past exp. In coming posts. This junior is expecting some valuable data and digits from the seniors. Hope to have a nice mogering. Regards and bye for now.

Cool Shag
04-22-10, 20:28
Hi guys,

Was roaming around Juhu yesterday night arnd 10. 00. 11. 00 PM but did not get to see any action.

The autowalla guys informed that places around Juhu are getting raided by LE hence no action.

Be Careful

04-23-10, 16:44
Sorry Akhil, I checked your previous post and can't see a single post wherein you have shared your XP. Infact you have only three post until now out of which 2 are marked to me. I hope you are not a virgin as far as p4p scene is concerned. Please post your past XP before expecting contacts from other members. We need to be sure we pass on contacts to only genuine guys who will actually go and see the girl rather than just making phone calls and inquiring. Hope you understand.



Hi all, here I am, one more member of the ISG family. Hope to have a nice time here, with all your exp. Will post my past exp. In coming posts. This junior is expecting some valuable data and digits from the seniors. Hope to have a nice mogering. Regards and bye for now.

04-24-10, 06:47
Hi Mongers,

Hey guys, joined recently and happy to see lot of quality action reports.

I visited Mumbai after more than 5 years. The sex scene in Mumbai has completely changed, I mean no DB etc. Operationg openely. Remebered the days of lot of ladies bars, DB in and around Mulung check naka, Thane, Chembur.

Still confident the way Mumbai works, I was sure to locate some DB and action. Was staying at Hotel in Andheri. Started ch*th hunting and so ventured out of hotel. Auto guy took to one dance bar. Surprised to see everything as usual except that girls are standing like Ellora statues! Girls are ok and lot of flesh show. However after few beers, no action visible, got fed up and came out after midnight getting drunk and horny. Enquired for some serious action with auto guys, but everyone saying things are not same in Mumbai blah, blah. Still continued looking for action. Got a decent auto guy who took to places. Spent more than an hour and didn't get girls of quality. Auto guy was determined to provide some action and and was past 3am. Took to a place in Andheri and behind closed shutters. Someone opened the shutter recognising the auto driver. Paraded about 10 girls, a mixture of local and others. Selected a fair, cat eyed girl, aorund 30. Good attitude and coperative but I was tired from travelling and hunting. Had good massage, BJ, BL along with beer.

I was looking for great action in Mumbai but felt like lost touch. Left Mumbai without much satisfaction and will be back soon again for ch**h hunting!

I see from the reports plenty of action in Mumbai as posted by action heros like of Satya B, Lastbenchers. Just wondering if I can get some lead from seniors like Satya, Lastbencher so that I can catchup with Mumbai.

Thank you guys.

Party Loser
04-24-10, 12:32
Been to congress house a few weeks back take a left from sangeet kalakar bldg after 3 4 houses a green door next to panwala before kennedy bridge ends bridge is on right door on left tried a girl called kiran 5-6 on looks.

Charges ST - 600
Condi Guy 50
Tip the girl 100-200rs and see the diff in service.

Future Man1
04-24-10, 16:20
You can try Hotel Shaan at Gawalia Tank opposite August Kranti Maidan.

They chahrgearound rs 600 for 2 hours.


Can anybody guide me with namesand location of some GF hotel in South Mumbai or may be till Bandra.



04-25-10, 00:49
Hi Mongers,

Hey guys, joined recently and happy to see lot of quality action reports.

I visited Mumbai after more than 5 years. The sex scene in Mumbai has completely changed, I mean no DB etc. Operationg openely. Remebered the days of lot of ladies bars, DB in and around Mulung check naka, Thane, Chembur.

Still confident the way Mumbai works, I was sure to locate some DB and action. Was staying at Hotel in Andheri. Started ch*th hunting and so ventured out of hotel. Auto guy took to one dance bar. Surprised to see everything as usual except that girls are standing like Ellora statues! Girls are ok and lot of flesh show. However after few beers, no action visible, got fed up and came out after midnight getting drunk and horny. Enquired for some serious action with auto guys, but everyone saying things are not same in Mumbai blah, blah. Still continued looking for action. Got a decent auto guy who took to places. Spent more than an hour and didn't get girls of quality. Auto guy was determined to provide some action and and was past 3am. Took to a place in Andheri and behind closed shutters. Someone opened the shutter recognising the auto driver. Paraded about 10 girls, a mixture of local and others. Selected a fair, cat eyed girl, aorund 30. Good attitude and coperative but I was tired from travelling and hunting. Had good massage, BJ, BL along with beer.

I was looking for great action in Mumbai but felt like lost touch. Left Mumbai without much satisfaction and will be back soon again for ch**h hunting!

I see from the reports plenty of action in Mumbai as posted by action heros like of Satya B, Lastbenchers. Just wondering if I can get some lead from seniors like Satya, Lastbencher so that I can catchup with Mumbai.

Thank you guys.Please share details like price paid and duration with us. Thanks

04-25-10, 04:36
I agree posting a FR is good for other forum members to find a lead, make tasks easier, however, dude, its not a factor that makes a person genuine. Any literate who R(s)TFF can write one.

This is a ocean and if I lose one contact I'll find another, may be a better one.

For Akhil,

Before asking for favours here anyone can openly search.. is there anything internet search does not provide us?? If you know how to search, u can even find God here, afterall we are just finding heaven. Has anyone seen so many ads for SW in locals newspapers other then mumbai? Isnt that a easy way to get contacts? again, how u filter depends on your skills.

Play safe, Play Smart and Play Liberated. This isnt much of a team work, Just you and your share of fun.



We need to be sure we pass on contacts to only genuine guys who will actually go and see the girl rather than just making phone calls and inquiring. Hope you understand.



Sir Van Koff
04-25-10, 15:42
Hi Lastbencher,

Good to see a fellow monger from Qatar on ISG. I am waiting for my subsription to be activated. Will PM you asap. I am also active on WSG.



04-25-10, 20:09

As you may be aware I am soon arriving Mumbai and as the day of arrival is nearing I am getting almost a new idea every hour. The other day I was wondering if we can hold a get together of fellow mongers in any of the DB in Dahisar area. The basic idea is to meet face to face and get to know each other.

As of now in the initial stage I can imagine a picture like Bat Wings, Satya, JSF, Santa, Mrpusa, ofcourse myself LastBencher. Etc all at one table. Imagine guys Drinks, Smoke, Food and ofcourse a huge selection of girls to choose from. It will be a superb evening with loads of fun.

This is just a thought as of now and if a few of you agree then sure it can be true. Remember we need just 6 or 7 guys and we are all set neverthless to say "MORE THE GUYS MORE THE FUN".

This will be discussed in open forum and the date time location will be decided through pm system.

Please let me know if anyones interested. Whats your say



Blue Day
04-26-10, 09:48
Thanks for the info but is there any other then Hotel Shaan!

You can try Hotel Shaan at Gawalia Tank opposite August Kranti Maidan.

They chahrgearound rs 600 for 2 hours.

Mumbai Guy
04-26-10, 11:31
Sounds good. I had met JSF & Kabuki last year at a place in the suberbs. I Had also tried to arrange a meeting of Pune members with EL and Mirza some time back. offcourse it did not materialize. We had tried to arrange the meeting at some bungalow away from Pune city and EL was ready to arrange girls. Santa may remember the exchange of mails regarding this.

I feel instead of Dahisar DBs it will be better if the meeting can be arranged at some such private place like some farm house or bungalow away from the city. Better privacy and safety.

Just my two cents...


The other day I was wondering if we can hold a get together of fellow mongers in any of the DB in Dahisar area. The basic idea is to meet face to face and get to know each other.

Please let me know if anyones interested. Whats your say



04-26-10, 13:30
I feel instead of Dahisar DBs it will be better if the meeting can be arranged at some such private place like some farm house or bungalow away from the city. Better privacy and safety.
Just my two cents...

This is just a thought as of now and if a few of you agree then sure it can be true. Remember we need just 6 or 7 guys and we are all set neverthless to say "MORE THE GUYS MORE THE FUN".

Please let me know if anyones interested. Whats your say

Am game for anything. Infact just missed catching up with BW about a week back. I feel if we leave the women out, it becomes easier to meet. The rest i think will fall in place. As you know its very difficult to meet up for activities only. Everybody has different schedules.

Bean Counter
04-26-10, 15:20
I am game; though I am in Bangalore, I come to Mumbai often; if you guys are planning something around May 7/8, that will be great!! I can also bring a few cigars too!!

Am game for anything. Infact just missed catching up with BW about a week back. I feel if we leave the women out, it becomes easier to meet. The rest i think will fall in place. As you know its very difficult to meet up for activities only. Everybody has different schedules.

04-26-10, 16:00
As you may be aware I am soon arriving Mumbai and as the day of arrival is nearing I am getting almost a new idea every hour. The other day I was wondering if we can hold a get together of fellow mongers in any of the DB in Dahisar area. The basic idea is to meet face to face and get to know each other.

Would be interesting but I will miss this as it is too early for me. Have posted on the Hong Kong board and am moving to Mumbai in May, so busy reading up.


04-26-10, 16:23
Guys take your time. Think over it. We still have 60+ days to go. I am sure as one by one the members read this they will have much more interesting ideas. Everyones free to give suggestions. Slowly we will finalise things. The basic idea is to do pussy hunting in a group. Dont worry for safety, if we can risk while alone then why fear while in group. If you still think we will go outside Mumbai then i can arrange some cottages at Mahabaleshwar. I have a friend who has some cottages available. If you are comfortable in Mumbai then we can arrange the meet at a pick up DB and spend night at any of the lodges in Mira road (for the ones who cant go back home last - Just like me). As of now the scheduled date is 1st Saturday in the 1st week of July roughly though.

I am sure the white guys on the forum are looking for something like this event to have the comfort shield of local guys like us.

So start confirming your attendance in open forum and i shall contact you through pm to get your contact number. I will declare the final list again in open forum. For sure no one is gonna leak the date, place and time here.

Ok carry on. Confirm your attendance.


Last Bencher

Future Man1
04-26-10, 17:45
If before may end I can join.

[QUOTE=Lastbencher]Guys take your time. Think over it. We still have 60+ days to go. I am sure as one by one the members read this they will have much more interesting ideas. Everyones free to give suggestions. Slowly we will finalise things.

04-26-10, 19:18
I agree posting a FR is good for other forum members to find a lead, make tasks easier, however, dude, its not a factor that makes a person genuine. Any literate who R(s)TFF can write one.

AI totally agree what you say

I too feel guilty for not writing much, a silent member since many years, I have got so much of information from this forum not by PM by just reading general reports, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, China, Thailand Dubai

Recently deputed to Mumbai and rocking past 6 months, had great fun, tried almost most of the MP's mentioned here, everyone at N'lane (Vishnu and Sathya'/ Gopi's place) 1700/2200/3500 and once in that special room for 5500

Thanks once again to all the contributors and great Mumbai

Will promise to post FR's in future, not so talented to explore new places or new contacts.

Starved Dude
04-27-10, 04:29
Guys take your time. Think over it. We still have 60+ days to go. I am sure as one by one the members read this they will have much more interesting ideas. Everyones free to give suggestions. Slowly we will finalise things. The basic idea is to do pussy hunting in a group. Dont worry for safety, if we can risk while alone then why fear while in group. If you still think we will go outside Mumbai then i can arrange some cottages at Mahabaleshwar. I have a friend who has some cottages available. If you are comfortable in Mumbai then we can arrange the meet at a pick up DB and spend night at any of the lodges in Mira road (for the ones who cant go back home last - Just like me). As of now the scheduled date is 1st Saturday in the 1st week of July roughly though.

I am sure the white guys on the forum are looking for something like this event to have the comfort shield of local guys like us.

So start confirming your attendance in open forum and i shall contact you through pm to get your contact number. I will declare the final list again in open forum. For sure no one is gonna leak the date, place and time here.

Ok carry on. Confirm your attendance.


Last BencherHi All,

I am a first time poster in the group, but been mongering for quiet a long time now.

I would be interested in joining the get together, if the veterans don't mind. Currently, I am a resident of Mumbai. I would concur to the suggestion of a farm house or some similar setup but a little away from the city.


Starved Dude

04-27-10, 07:10
Hi this is my first post on ISG incase any mistakes then my appologies.

Went thru this forum and saw this post since its near to my place I thought to expolre it. Just went to this place as guided by the fellow members.

Asked the mamasan to introduce all the girls but n**l*m was not there asked here she said we have removed her.

Asked her for her suggestions she recomended Pr*c*I good figure little dark on complexion. Asked her for what other services can she give she said all except anal and cim.

Struck the deal m bad at baragin. Thought expensive but then once went in I thought will try. 1. 5k for counter charges 1. 5 hrs. (scrub and all)

And 1. 5k for services includes good scrub massage, followed by b2b massage, kisses, sucking nipples fingering and guys let me tell she does an amazing BBBJ. (no teeth hurting) and finally by HJ she told me if I would have asked her for FS then she would charged me 2k.

Ne ways good place hygine, good girls she said she comes out I have her no. Incase any members want pm me. And she does 3some with a girl called s*m*.





Can we have a hint on the malad spa. Name / directions?

Sameer Good
04-27-10, 08:03
Count me in LB! :-)

Guys take your time. Think over it. We still have 60+ days to go. I am sure as one by one the members read this they will have much more interesting ideas. Everyones free to give suggestions. Slowly we will finalise things. The basic idea is to do pussy hunting in a group. Dont worry for safety, if we can risk while alone then why fear while in group.

04-28-10, 08:18
Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the info.

It was quite useful. But I have a problem. I am following your reports since last month. Your experience says that with 5K you get a nice game, but when I call they quote me 10 K Rs? Me confused.

Lord Chat
04-28-10, 16:25
Count me in too. Id suggest an early dinner in town followed by some hunting in the south as we move up north towards Juhu and finally maybe dahisar and mira road. But thats just me.

We could also proably book a cottage at Mudh Island or maybe Alibaugh but not sure on the pussy in these areas.

Finally if anyone's free this Friday and wants to hang out or/and do some hunting hit me up.



Mumbai Fun
04-28-10, 17:47
The forum seems to be getting cryptic by the day. This post was in response to another post asking for directions to yet another 'unmentioned' place!

It would be nice if at least some landmark is mentioned so others can understand the relevant one . For example is this the MP near Uncle's Kitchen in Malad?

Hi this is my first post on ISG incase any mistakes then my appologies.

Went thru this forum and saw this post since its near to my place I thought to expolre it. Just went to this place as guided by the fellow members.



Sameer Good
04-28-10, 17:56
Fellow Mumbai Mongers, years ago in Colaba area there used to be heavy action in places like Mausam Guest House, Hotel Green Park (??), etc. Is this all still active??? its been some time since i've been in mumbai so just wondering. Spent some lovely evenings and nights there. Want to relive them by visiting Mumbai a weekend if these places are still active. Any updates around this much appreciated. :-)

Mumbai Fun
04-28-10, 18:11
Fellow Mumbai Mongers, years ago in Colaba area there used to be heavy action in places like Mausam Guest House, Hotel Green Park (??), etc. Is this all still active??? its been some time since i've been in mumbai so just wondering. Spent some lovely evenings and nights there. Want to relive them by visiting Mumbai a weekend if these places are still active. Any updates around this much appreciated. :-)Dunno about Green Park, but Mausam closed quite sometime back. Even I enjoyed it as one of the best places for a value for money lay around 2001-02. I remember doing a stunner from Bangalore for 3k odd. Unfortunately, then it shut down for some time and again reopened but never regained its glory days. :) From what I have seen in current forum fav Navalkar Lane am sure the mongers would have gone crazy on Mausam if it existed today.

04-28-10, 18:28
I would change the topic of discussion of the Forum. But won't take limelight away from LB.

So after his post on his found of the PReethi. I was one of those who pinged him for ther number and thanks for him, he did share it.

Tried contacting him last week for a couple of days and could not get through her. Nd finally this Monday. Was able to talk to her and planned to meet.

Well to be frank I did not had any great expectation with her. But when I met her, it was a change of my expectation. Very oriental in looks. Good spoken hindi. Nice figure. Count great boobs. And over all nice package.

Wasvery cooperatinve and open to experimental.

Was a good experience. She was a bit costly may be she understand that a lot of people have starting buzzing her nw.

Rate 3k

Looks 7. 5

Service 8

Hotel 700

Thanks LastBencher for sharing. Nice find.


PS Count me in for the meet. But I am sure we would discuss he location and date using PM not in the open forum.

04-28-10, 20:42
Hi Fellow Mongers,

Just wanted to try something new, picked up the news paper and called some guy, he answered that he can arrange for Rs 4500 including room.

Asked me to come near D**m**d G*R**n, promptly went there at 8. 00 PM.

Now the problem started, a new guy started calling to me confirm if I have reached, I said yes, then after 30mins one more lady called to check if I am still there, after 2 hrs 2 gals appeared in an Auto, was asked to sit inside and select any one from them, I blindly said the one sitting next to me is OK, the other girl asked me to pay 4500.

First mistake against the forum rules paid upfrount, next was asked to pay the auto guy, I refused and said I have no more money, was asked to shift to another auto, this auto took 1 hr to reach a place, got down, hotel guys said it is bundh, then the girl asked me to sit again in the same auto, came back to the same place, again called the main contact. He spoke to the girl, yes now shifted to another auto went to some filthy place, the place was so bad and stinking I had to run out of that Hotel and rush back home.

Have decided never try anything new on my own,

Need some help with directions from seniors (can afford only incall)


04-28-10, 20:58
Kapal has lot of variety and bit costly compared to Gopika. I had been to panvel during last week of March , but Gopika was shutdown, enquired some auto guys around, they said that it closed since 1 week and nobody new the reason, any information avaliable on this.

Mumbai Guy
04-29-10, 03:41
Hi fellow mongers!!!

Had some free time a couple of weeks back so called up my regular provider in the western suberbs. He asked me to come to another place as there was some problem at his place. He called a Goan girl which he said was good. I now trust his recommendations as he knows my taste and preferences.

In walked the girl who was good looking and had a great figure. Her name was S***ia. Spoke decent english. After exchanging pleasentaries she started of with DFK. She is really a great kisser. Full lips and deep tongue action. Undressed herself to reveal a nice body with a great pair of hooters. After some foreplay she was getting real hot and started to push my face towards her 'Y'. Did a DATY on her clean hot pussy. That made her go wild as she started grinding her pussy in my face. Slipped on protection and did her in mish and cowgirl, finally finishing in doggy. She was a bit vocal in her responses to my actions. At one point I started worrying about neighbours hearing her loud moans.

Overall a great experience but a bit expensive.

Looks - 7
Body - 8
service - 8
cost - 5k (including room)


04-29-10, 11:30
I had been to panvel during last week of March , but Gopika was shutdown, enquired some auto guys around, they said that it closed since 1 week and nobody new the reason, any information avaliable on this.Gopika is closed due to LE action. The owner now has taken over another bar named Natraj which is on the highway ahead of Times bar.

By the way all bars in Vashi Panvel area were closed for the last two weeks and were supposed to be open this week.

04-29-10, 14:58
Hey can anyone help or favour by giving some contacts of hot girls and womens in and around Malad, Borivali and Kandivali all west prefered, well I'm new here so would like to get some favour and help frm the members over here well give me the number with reference and also the damage details please help me and I would get back with my contacts when I get asap.


EDITOR's NOTE: This report was originally written in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING and thus it was edited to
normal case lettering. In the future, please do not write reports in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING. Thanks!


Hi Rajuu,

I sincerely appreciate your contributions to the forum, but...

Would you please refrain from WRITING IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS!

It's difficult to read and it's time consuming to fix.

On behalf of myself and your fellow Forum Members: Thank You!


04-29-10, 17:51
Had been to Panvel early this week. And honestly it was a long travel so was looking forward to some action. I stopped by K**al and I was told it was shut. Asked why and he said "Adhiveshan" (some parlimentary bull crap). But I got the card for K**pal and he said before you come always call because these kind of abrupt shut downs are normal. On my way back stopped by White H**** and that was shut too. Same scene. I was told everything will restart in a weeks time. But I will call before I go all the way. You shud do the same.

I had been to panvel during last week of March , but Gopika was shutdown, enquired some auto guys around, they said that it closed since 1 week and nobody new the reason, any information avaliable on this.

04-29-10, 17:59
Hi LB,

I'm new to this forum and the thing that struck me was ur brilliant idea. please count me in your mission.

at dhoka - can you guide me to the massage parlour?

04-29-10, 18:02
Hi Dhoka,

Can you guide me to the malad spa/ parlour? Would be greatful.

04-29-10, 19:22
I had been to panvel during last week of March , but Gopika was shutdown, enquired some auto guys around, they said that it closed since 1 week and nobody new the reason, any information avaliable on this.Check out my previous post about MNS V/s R.R Patil you get the idea about DCP's being suspended if these palaces remain open ! However I did goto nightangale, girls were out before 7:30 pm bcos "Section garam" and then when to white house, was not in that great mood, picked a girl up for 2K also noted all girls irrespective of the looks were asking for the same amount and room for 0.5K paid over 0.3K in tips and beer and redbull for 0.7K totalling damage for 3.5 K....summarize :

: Looks - 9
: Body - 8
: Service - 3
: Damage - 3.5K incl room

Recommended : N

04-30-10, 05:01
Think about this one.

If you have ten guys getting together for this gang bang, each guy puts in 10K.

Since the place on Navalkar Road is great, get in touch with the man there & make him an offer.

Pay him the total amount & have him close the place to the general mongering public, get booze & food & have a private party.

This could start a trend like the party houses in Germany.

No hassles of arranging places, transportation, LE's, blah blah.

Guy gets tired, just needs to hop into a cab & away home.

I should hopefully be in Mumbai till mid July, so count me in.


Guys take your time. Think over it. We still have 60+ days to go. I am sure as one by one the members read this they will have much more interesting ideas. Everyones free to give suggestions. Slowly we will finalise things. The basic idea is to do pussy hunting in a group. Dont worry for safety, if we can risk while alone then why fear while in group. If you still think we will go outside Mumbai then i can arrange some cottages at Mahabaleshwar. I have a friend who has some cottages available. If you are comfortable in Mumbai then we can arrange the meet at a pick up DB and spend night at any of the lodges in Mira road (for the ones who cant go back home last - Just like me). As of now the scheduled date is 1st Saturday in the 1st week of July roughly though.

I am sure the white guys on the forum are looking for something like this event to have the comfort shield of local guys like us.

So start confirming your attendance in open forum and i shall contact you through pm to get your contact number. I will declare the final list again in open forum. For sure no one is gonna leak the date, place and time here.

Ok carry on. Confirm your attendance.


Last Bencher

04-30-10, 11:30

This mp is opposite to new Uncles Kitchen at [Indecipherable Text deleted by Admin], next to [Indecipherable Text deleted by Admin] malad west.

Hope this might solve the purpose.

The forum seems to be getting cryptic by the day. This post was in response to another post asking for directions to yet another 'unmentioned' place!

It would be nice if at least some landmark is mentioned so others can understand the relevant one . For example is this the MP near Uncle's Kitchen in Malad?

04-30-10, 11:46
Hi lucky,

Next To [Indecipherable Text deleted by Admin], opposite New Uncles Kitchen, [Indecipherable Text deleted by Admin] Road, Malad West,

The girls name is [Indecipherable Text deleted by Admin].


Hi LB,

I'm new to this forum and the thing that struck me was ur brilliant idea. please count me in your mission.

at dhoka - can you guide me to the massage parlour?

04-30-10, 11:55
Think about this one.
If you have ten guys getting together for this gang bang, each guy puts in 10K.
Since the place on Navalkar Road is great, get in touch with the man there & make him an offer.
Pay him the total amount & have him close the place to the general mongering public, get booze & food & have a private party.

Wont happen. He makes more than that a day and he cannot afford his regular customers getting the wind of this. Then everyone else will want a favour like this. Maybe at another place yes.

04-30-10, 15:17
Hi fellow mongers!!!

Had some free time a couple of weeks back so called up my regular provider in the western suberbs. He asked me to come to another place as there was some problem at his place. He called a Goan girl which he said was good. I now trust his recommendations as he knows my taste and preferences.

In walked the girl who was good looking and had a great figure. Her name was S***ia. Spoke decent english. After exchanging pleasentaries she started of with DFK. She is really a great kisser. Full lips and deep tongue action. Undressed herself to reveal a nice body with a great pair of hooters. After some foreplay she was getting real hot and started to push my face towards her 'Y'. Did a DATY on her clean hot pussy. That made her go wild as she started grinding her pussy in my face. Slipped on protection and did her in mish and cowgirl, finally finishing in doggy. She was a bit vocal in her responses to my actions. At one point I started worrying about neighbours hearing her loud moans.

Overall a great experience but a bit expensive.

Looks - 7
Body - 8
service - 8
cost - 5k (including room)

MGI think this is the same famous girl at navalkar lane and was available at 3.5K.

Mumbai Guy
04-30-10, 15:49
Good suggestion mate!!

I think it's doable. Know a few guys at N Lane and I know it can be arranged. Only the cost would be much more than 10K. So it may not be viable.


Think about this one.

If you have ten guys getting together for this gang bang, each guy puts in 10K.

Since the place on Navalkar Road is great, get in touch with the man there & make him an offer.

Pay him the total amount & have him close the place to the general mongering public, get booze & food & have a private party.

This could start a trend like the party houses in Germany.

No hassles of arranging places, transportation, LE's, blah blah.

Guy gets tired, just needs to hop into a cab & away home.

I should hopefully be in Mumbai till mid July, so count me in.


Pune Man
04-30-10, 19:29

You can count me for gettogether wherever you decide. This is very good idea.

Suggestion: You can think of pune, pune is close to mumbai. It would economical for everyone. Here you can find many options of girls.


Good suggestion mate!!

I think it's doable. Know a few guys at N Lane and I know it can be arranged. Only the cost would be much more than 10K. So it may not be viable.



04-30-10, 20:59

Please pm me your interest if you are willing to join the get together along with your suggestions. If you do not have suggestions just pm me saying you are interested to join the get together. I shall publish the updated status of the get together on the open forum such as the list of mongers, date and time but only the PLACE will always be informed through pm to everyone in the end.

Trust you all agree.

So as of now

Date - 3rd July
Time - 7pm
Place - ????

List of Mongers to follow



05-01-10, 05:48
I guess you need to be extra cautious here if you also plan to get some "pussy" here. Let everything happen through PM and only share the place details after you get to know the attending members a little.

I am sure you don't wish to ruin the fun on the the day. If this flows on "unethical" hands this may lead to more trouble. I know its difficult to keep a check on everything, though being little more cautious doesn't hurt.

These words are out of one such past experience.

Just my 2 cents.



Trust you all agree.

So as of now

Date - 3rd July
Time - 7pm
Place - ????

List of Mongers to follow



Future Man1
05-01-10, 08:21
I was reading some post in house wife section on W S G world sex guide Mumbai section and found mention of this mira road house wife age 42 yrs mature doing in calls at her one bhk apartment, any one from our forum has tried her and if anyone has tried her please post your experiance and if you have her contact or any mature above 40 please do PM and in return I can share few of my similar contacts

Thanks & happy mongering

On The Wings
05-01-10, 11:58
Fellow Mumbai Mongers, years ago in Colaba area there used to be heavy action in places like Mausam Guest House, Hotel Green Park (?), etc. Is this all still active?Resurrecting Good Old Memories. What you think? Will that be rejoicing or somewhat painful? If those memories could again be repeated then it would a glorious thing. But, near to Sasoon Dock.that Hongkong Building housing lovely nests like Evergreen Hotel, Mau. G. House had all become a thing of the past. A 45mins floor show at B. Nile, a small walk, then the sinking at these place-is still green deep down the memory lines. Won't get eroded from the memory disk. It's hot, Sameer, hot. But lost forever, forever. Sorry.

05-01-10, 21:38
I guess you need to be extra cautious here if you also plan to get some "pussy" here. Let everything happen through PM and only share the place details after you get to know the attending members a little.

I am sure you don't wish to ruin the fun on the the day. If this flows on "unethical" hands this may lead to more trouble. I know its difficult to keep a check on everything, though being little more cautious doesn't hurt.

These words are out of one such past experience.

Just my 2 cents.


AMy 2 cents - If people have a concern regarding getting in trouble on the day of the meeting, then one solution is that before going pussy hunting the people concerned should just meet up at a normal restaurant or bar to see who's who and then once everyone's comfortable phone no.s can be exchanged for planning the event.

05-02-10, 03:26
Hi guys,

About the party plans. I have an idea. Just think over it.

There's this small so called cruise ship which takes you out for a night. I believe on every week end.

There is some sleezy dance show, a bar, a dance floor and a casino too.

Plus there are these rooms which can be used for our purpose.

Have gone there before this and would really suit our adventure. If its only about a night. If we are planning for a longer trip then other ideas can be explored at dhoka. Some of your words were deleted by admin. Can you pm me.


Pune Man
05-02-10, 04:49
I agree with Akara opinion, we should meet on some weekend at public place and get to know each other. Then share our contact details.

This meeting will give comfortness with each others. We can finalize place and timing in this meeting.


My 2 cents - If people have a concern regarding getting in trouble on the day of the meeting, then one solution is that before going pussy hunting the people concerned should just meet up at a normal restaurant or bar to see who's who and then once everyone's comfortable phone no.s can be exchanged for planning the event.

05-02-10, 07:40
I had been there several times but could never locate this joint, can anyone help me to find this place, please PM with directions and contacts if any.

Thanks in advance

Garam Masala
05-03-10, 06:01
I had been there several times but could never locate this joint, can anyone help me to find this place, please PM with directions and contacts if any.

Thanks in advanceAgain one more RTFF case. Makes one laugh as why the hell people do not take ANY trouble to read read read before requesting. Everything is wanted on a platter, without the pain (?) of even the slightest form.

Raw Deal
05-03-10, 09:16
a field report on the db's and everything else in between

disclaimer - the report is detailed as i have a lots of time and am emotional as i feel a bit disoriented with all the drinking (wow i miss this feeling from my university days). absolute intention of wasting everyone's time and bandwidth if you may.

had a friend from out of town visit me for a couple days. so we decided to check-out the haloed db's around the dahisar - mira road area on sunday evening.

1st stop - ni**t c*ty
had heard that this is the place to go to so went there first. we reached at around 4:30pm however there was not a single female soul there. a couple of early risers were drinking. sat there and had a few drinks and decided to come back later. with only two-three customers, the waiters and captains were trying to butter us up by pumping our hands every 5mins. when we left everyone except the the chef came to shake hands and get some tips. left a sour aftertaste. whilst leaving asked the doorman about the scene (rather the lack of it) and he said 25 girls have already 'arrived' on the premises and will be making their way into the hall soon. he infact showed me a notebook with the names of the girls - typical pooja's, muskaan's and khushboo's of the world.

learning : do not come early after a dry day as many of the girls take a short holiday and return late to work the next day.

2nd stop - s**dle *p
since r*d ho*s*s has closed down, crossed the highway clutching our lives in our hands, praying to god that we don't get hit by any vehicle. next stop - s**dle up. this place is a bit smaller than ni**t c*ty or is it just the pillar that is bang in the centre of the hall that makes it look smaller? anyways, there were 4 girls there around the pillar....just chewing gum and staring the handful of drinkers whilst a lady bellowed songs until she went hoarse. then she stopped for a respite and to our horror a guy took over the duty of blasting our eardrums. in the meanwhile there were a few more guys trickling into the place as were the girls. we on the other hand had a lots of drinks. one of the captain kept pestering us to select a 'item' and made a couple of recommendations too however we did not bite. having come to a db, we had to try the 'money-giving / showering' thing....so ordered a few shots of tequila before we got down to handing over money to the girls. they served tequila in cocktail glasses...and the two glasses were not even alike! one was a champagne glass whereas the other was a martini kind of glass. next - asked for a change of 2000bucks. got a bunch of new, clean 10 rupee notes. was thinking of pocketing these and instead using the dirty, moist notes i had in my pocket. but my friend, who already had a jug full of beer and some tequila's was feeling the impact of the heady mix. he proceeded to call one girl after another - asking their names and giving them money. i personally feel this is a complete waste of money as one does not get anything...but then who can argue with two drunks with pocket full of 10 rupee notes. we also got to see our very own 'bhai' wearing the 50 tonnes of gold and his entourage drinking and showering money on the singer the way they showed in the movie 'vastav'. left this place without having got any action other than the girls sitting next to us and a few rubbing us in the right places.

learning : the action here is picking a girl and taking her next door. but we all are pre-warned about the 'star fishes' that thrive here. the girls however were not exceptional

rating : girls - 5 to 6, place : 5 to 6

3rd stop : ni**t c*ty (again)

the ni**t c*ty we left early in the eveing and the one we returned to in the night were light years apart. the place we entered was absolutely alive. loud music, satisfactory quality of singing (i'm no expert especially under the influence of alcohol) and good quality girls (again the same disclaimer as before). once we entered we had no doubt why this place was recommended to us. there were about 30-35 girls - and good looking at that, jam packed with people. it was literally a city. there were a couple of girls dancing - obviously drunk - with bottles on their head, a few girls procatively smiling and staring at us. spoke to a few girl, asked them to have a drink with us (guess red bull is the favorite drink of all these girls - i think we ended up buying a dozen redbull cans). this place actually reminded my friend and i of the places in sau paolo and rio we had visited a couple of years back - cafe photo and barbarella. i guess one can 'take home' a girl from here....but then we were completely wasted.

learning : the best time to go to this place is probably at 6pm, pick the best table in the house and then just sit back, drink and enjoy the next 3 hours of performance. absolutely recommended.

rating : girls - 6 to 8, place - 8

4th stop : tr**ha
this is a place where one can get a hand job whilst drinking (thailand anyone?). this place is completely dark for obvious reasons (dont want vouyers) so we had use our cell phones as flash lights. the place also seemd like a maze (especially for two completely drunk souls) with open cabins (i do not understand why the guy called this cabin - it was open on three sides). ordered beers...and the guy came up with a few girls to chose from. chose a couple, drank, finished the deed and left. my time yesterday is more like a blurr to me as i was completely wasted then.

learning : place only for getting off your load when one has lost the control of all senses but one.

rating : girls - no clue, place - cant remember

hope some of us find a few trinkets of advice in my unashamed blabbering and the rest like me enjoy and forget about it.

be safe!

05-03-10, 13:40
There used to be a couple of places 4-5 years back in bandra/ khar right behind bombay Blue called Razz and another called Finesse right around the block. Both were owned by the same person but seem to be closed. Had met a couple of great girls at Razz and liked it because it was clean. Any idea if they have relocated someplace else?

Member #4163
05-04-10, 08:53
I think this is the same famous girl at navalkar lane and was available at 3.5K.

Nah. She is not the only Sop*** in this world dude.

That girl is gone back to where she came from - hope not forever. I wish there were similar contacts in Mumbai.

Mumbai Guy
05-04-10, 13:04
BQ is right. She is a different girl and she has gone back to her native place. Hope she comes back soon.


Nah. She is not the only Sop*** in this world dude.

That girl is gone back to where she came from - hope not forever. I wish there were similar contacts in Mumbai.

05-04-10, 15:37
Hi friends,

This is my first post in this forum.

Got a contact from a frind of a gal from Ghatkopar named ka**l. Was nice, slim and sexy gujju gal about 27 yrs. Good cooperation for a reasonably less charge. Must try once.

Gal: Ka**l

Age: 27

Damage: 1500 gal + auto fare 50 + hotel 300 + snacks 150 = 2k worth every bit of it

Samsamy 17
05-04-10, 15:47
First of all thanks lot Last Bencher for providing me this contact.

Had word & set time with her it was good experience with her.

Best part are those big hooters to play & suck.

Overall good experience. Took her too hotel suggested by her in mira Road hotel E*e*l*D.

Cost: 2k for girl

Room: 0. 6 k

Condi boy: 50 rs

Will repeat for sure



On The Wings
05-04-10, 16:51
A field report on the DB's and everything else in between
1st stop - Ni**t C*ty
2nd stop - S**dle *p
3rd Stop : Ni**t C*ty (again)
4th Stop : Tr**ha....Be safe!Aah. It's quite some time to read a nice report with ALL FINESSE covering most of the details. Good Job. Glad to know that N. City again started glowing with all colors.

One query. Why you guys skipped H. Springs?


05-04-10, 17:47
Again one more RTFF case. Makes one laugh as why the hell people do not take ANY trouble to read read read before requesting. Everything is wanted on a platter, without the pain (?) of even the slightest form.Everyone might not be as daring as you, I do have read previous posts and I had been there several times but could never locate this joint, I was bit cautious to ask anyone around as I don't look like or my asscent shows that I am not a Local guy.

Can anyone PM me how to get there or give the contact if this place has any number


05-04-10, 18:00
Hello, Guys

After 12 years of absence I will visit India again for the next two weeks on a business trip.

I will be in Mumbai for two days (hotel Orchid Garden. Near domestic airport) then in Aurangabad (hotel Taj) afterwards in Pune (at hotel Sayaji) and finaly in New Dehli (at hotel Park Premier)

Alltough I have been reading trough the India forum many times, I can not filter out any Information about MP. Are there any which can be recomended? FL's? Any help is appreciated.

Sorry that I can not contribute to this forum section yet since I usualy travel through europe and also I'm rather new to this forum (depends of course on travel acivities. Mostly)

Over and out


05-04-10, 18:39
Can you pm me Preeti's contact info?

05-05-10, 03:45
hi guys?

i had specially planned this trip to mumbai on 1st may sat & 2 may sun to have a ball and test my max limit of sex. initially arrived in mum at 1pm in malad(w), rang up a couple of gf hotels recomended by exp mgrs in mumbai forum. 1st call to sai-l. a g(w), the mgr not only i will require i. the proof to check in, but the lady accying me will also require i. the proof, i said i am coming with wife, then he says my name should be in middle name of her pan. card/i. d. asked why so many formalities, he was saying there are many visits by l. e in midnight, & didnit want guest to woken up to show l. e in night, room chrgs were resonable to 2000/day, so dropped the idea of cking in, went to another hotel in ma. (w), called sa. d. n. the manager gave me a doule room, asked if i was single, replied yes, took my pancard, mob. nos, add, then only checked in, saw lots of couples coming to this hotel for shrt time, the rules are diff for them, no entries in regiter for them? i had with me bag, to look like a normal traveller, any way checked in, was given a room in top floor, room was good, thk god, chrgs 2090/day. then called my isg girlfreind, had planned to go to movies with her, saw a good movvie with, had choosen a box seat in theatre. we did a lot of kissing, fingering, & much more there, ther, s a lot of excitment in doing this stuff in a theatre, was a first time for me, the movie got over at 12 night, had a light meal in link road, gf was dressed in a sexy black off shoulder dress, had all the girls eyeing her in jelously. she is tall, and has a figire to carry of any dress. then queitly went to hotel, had her waiting in car, told the receptionist that i have a lady guest, if it is o. k, he looked at room. no, said o. k, the night person was different, had a relief on my face. took her to room, she had got her stuff in her large had bag, first to a shower, she first went, and called me to shower wuth her in 5 min, on seeing her naked figure my cock was straighting up, and blood rushing to my ball, she started soaping my balls slowing with her long fingers, the hot shower was was a added excitment, washed my errect cock, & back side. she then started sucking my cock skillfully, bare taking it fully in her mouth, then licking sideways, ticking my balls, sucking my chest, the again gargled with water, & started a long kiss, putting her tongue and sooching, i then put my full body and started rubbing my full body from her back, which made her mad with excitement, i then went crouching and doing a date fuck on her, love the expression on her face, she was getting to excited, told me to carry her to bed, lifted her to bed, frantically searched for my durexs, put them on and started with miss. y. was simultanesly sucking her boobs, she was moaning wildly, and wanted me deep inside, i was doing it slowing and giving deep trusts, she wanted to come both simultanenously. one thing i noticed, if you are with a already known person, you are at peace with your body& self, so you can hold youself longer and require no artificial vigaras. we went one for full 15 min, then she started moaning and shaking her body voilently, and wanted to thrust deeper and deeper inside her, she was alsobiting her lips, then she flipped over without letting me go, and came on top, then almost proceeded to [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) me. man this was so exciting, so real. i enjoyed seenig her come and cluched her ass. we came at same time, and she drained almost all se. m in my balls by taking off the condom and licking the last drops of s. m. man this was one hell of a night. good. night. will continue my report of 2 may sun soon, bye.



05-05-10, 07:11
Had a brief visit to Bombay and Delhi. Looked up the "gem" and was pleased to find she was still operating ... I was doubtful after reading of her troubles with some members of this board.

Wow, she is still horny as hell, and nothing is taboo. After a long shower (she needed it as she had travelled all the way to South Bombay in the local), she was all hugs, cuddles and kisses. I had just begun playing with her ample melons, I found she was already fingering herself! So I encouraged her to go all the way, which she did. After that, she was a tigress ... vigourous and lengthy owo, which ultimately resulted in CIM. She was ready to go again, and needless to say, I wound up completely drained, both of energy and sap!

She was a bit late, and her price has gone up to 5,000, but she is still one of the best punts I have had in India. Thanks to Satya, but next time I must try out some of his other treasures.

See Delhi report as well.

05-05-10, 10:18
Can anyone provide me with contact number or email address of such ladies or agents.


Greetings Lover4200,

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