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07-18-12, 18:42
Salute to John & Lordvoldermont for giving so much info on SG.

This reminds me of wonderful time I had at SG in my last visit to Cal in feb this year. I read the post of PK agree to few pointers like not taking LT in SG. As I also would prefer to come back to my hotel. However I would suggest who ever is going to SG for the first time should go without any high expectation just due to the appearance of the place. & suggest to have enough spirits to relax your brains a bit.

Dring my first visit I had a friend accompanying me, who has stayed in Cal for couple of years. It was hard for me to believe, When I had one of the best time with the chick I had selected & he had got the worst chick. I was there for 2 days & visited SG twice. Both the time I had taken 1 hour dance session & 1 hour / 1 pop.

We had planned to visit SG one more time sometime in May with more friends from Mumbai when I couldn't make it & my friends went. Again here few had very good time & few found the place filthy. So according to me, to go to SG you have to go with low expectations. As there are some gems in SG, which you will not find else where.

I will be again in Cal end of this month for work & will have a day to spend some time at SG. Wouldn't mind some joint fun with seniors of Cal. Let me know guys.

Rgds / bv.

Well, I read that post from PK in my phone and was itching to type the reply. But my good ol friends already did the honor. And John, you have made posting on ISG an Art! .

I agree with you that we are not Brand ambassadors of SG and nor do we get paid to write about anyone. We just put forward our experiance and keeping in mind that every individual is different with different taste, its obvious that people may not experiance the same quality of service. I read in one of the posts, and I would repeat the same" In SG you get treated exactly the same way how you treat the girl (barring street walkers). I have been visiting SG for a little more than 12 years and though I have not hit the jackpot everytime. I still feel its the best bet today in India. I have enough experiance in the rest of the cities in India, and feel that SG offers much more than any other place.

07-18-12, 19:51
Hi john, I have been a silent reader so far. I have been to SG once back in 2006 or 07 I guess. I had to leave kolkata for work. Now back in town again and want to visit sg. But due to long lay off somehow getting bit nervous. If you are planning to visit in near can we meet up and go together? Last time (and only once) I remember I went to NL for dance. The rate was aroudn 1300 I guess. Looks like it is now 2100. By the way want to experience bong boudi / kakima kind this time. Would be grateful if you respond. Will plan then how to catch up.Hi!

Sorry for responding late. Actually I will visit SG after Diwali, in mid of Dec 2012. I can't go there in between due to business commitments. I know it's too far. But I have to wait. In mean time, I am enjoying reports of my fellow friends.



07-18-12, 20:08
Hi all,

As my friends are not supporting the Idea of LT. I want to share my experience regarding this. Like few friends, me too thought to be in AC hotel room in the night, instead of be in tiny rooms of SG for LT. But on second night, when I lost my sleep and my mind went back to SG, then I decided that whenever I am in Kol, I am not going to sleep alone. From that time I always want to sleep with a naked beauty. Irrespective of range, I never miss it. At the same time, next whole day, I can sleep in my hotel room. Because during LT I can't sleep normally, due to 4 shots in regular interval. Secondly I refresh memory of my wedding night by LT.

So LT is a very sweet experience. Better you go with 2500-3000 range girl. They will not show attitude. I always call jagdish for this.



07-19-12, 02:31
I have sampled the fairer sex all over the world and must say that India in general and SG in particular is unique. You can get the worst and the best here; I have experienced them both. I have been with dead fishes here who would not let me touch any part of their body and refuse to do any position other than mish on the one hand and on the other I've had girls here who would give better GFE than you would get anywhere else on the planet. To me it symptomizes India, a country where you can get the worst or the very best.

07-19-12, 03:25

I was not saying that you guys are endorsing SG by writing the good things about SG. My point was that I got a feeling that the girls were more on the dominant side than I have found with my regular SP's. I could not digest that they were shouting / yellling at me for trying to switch on the light, touching here or kissing boobs or whatever. .I would share my thougts now on your post and few pointers for getting the best in SG. I would kind of agree with some of youyr points and I know exactly the reason why the experiance is such.

1. SG is a place where the the girls in the premiere buildings are mostly of the same factory make. I. E. Mostly from Agra, has been in Mumbai dance bars and moved to SG after the dance bars shut shop. They are mostly from a tribe in Agra, where its kind of a custom to put the girls in this profession. So they have seen all this throught their life. You need to understand that in rest of India a girl may serve 2-3 customers at max in a day and may be a little more in weekend. Here they serve an average of 8-10 customers in a day and in weekends its almost for 18 hours they are booked. If you spend enough time in SG, you will slowly know from where they get the attitude that they cary.

2. Most of the times they land up with some drunk blokes who treat them like a piece of shit. They are so much into this ill treatment that sometimes with new customers they try to show off their attitude. And when you are going to a premeire building, specially in the evening, you would see the volume of customers that they get. The senario chnages when you visit lesser known buildings. There you are almost treated like a GOD as they mostly get low business.

3. The thing with the lights is funny, but thats the usual thing in SG. They will put on the disco light when they dance. And even turn that off when you are on the act. I don't know the logic behind it.

4. All of the above is valid when you are new there. Just try to go by their terms the 1st time and then repeat the visits to them a few times. After that you can dictate the terms as you wish. I will give you a simple scenario. When I 1st visit a girl, she will take the money in advance. From the 2nd or the 3rd visit, the moment I enter the room, they would never ever ask me how long I want to be there, nor would they ask me the money in advance.

5. The final note would be that you can follow the posts on the GEMS of SG. Go to these girls and you would get a much better trweatment than random sampling. Also, if you are very specific on the light being on part, tell that straight to the girl before handling over the money.

Wish you a Happy mongering.



07-20-12, 03:45
Hi all senior members. I am new to this forum and have learned a lot from all your posts. I am from a small town near Kolkata and often visit klkata but had never gone to SG. Many times visited massage parlours but not satisfied by their service. I had not visited SG becouse lac of knowledge and courage but after reading all your posts I am sure to visit SG very soon. I will take help for serior members for no of reliable pimps like ja*ish, ram*hir etc after activating my PM.

Thanks once again to all members for helping each other.

QUOTE=LordVoldermort; 1305603]I would share my thougts now on your post and few pointers for getting the best in SG. I would kind of agree with some of youyr points and I know exactly the reason why the experiance is such.

1. SG is a place where the the girls in the premiere buildings are mostly of the same factory make. I. E. Mostly from Agra, has been in Mumbai dance bars and moved to SG after the dance bars shut shop. They are mostly from a tribe in Agra, where its kind of a custom to put the girls in this profession. So they have seen all this throught their life. You need to understand that in rest of India a girl may serve 2-3 customers at max in a day and may be a little more in weekend. Here they serve an average of 8-10 customers in a day and in weekends its almost for 18 hours they are booked. If you spend enough time in SG, you will slowly know from where they get the attitude that they cary.

2. Most of the times they land up with some drunk blokes who treat them like a piece of shit. They are so much into this ill treatment that sometimes with new customers they try to show off their attitude. And when you are going to a premeire building, specially in the evening, you would see the volume of customers that they get. The senario chnages when you visit lesser known buildings. There you are almost treated like a GOD as they mostly get low business.

3. The thing with the lights is funny, but thats the usual thing in SG. They will put on the disco light when they dance. And even turn that off when you are on the act. I don't know the logic behind it.

4. All of the above is valid when you are new there. Just try to go by their terms the 1st time and then repeat the visits to them a few times. After that you can dictate the terms as you wish. I will give you a simple scenario. When I 1st visit a girl, she will take the money in advance. From the 2nd or the 3rd visit, the moment I enter the room, they would never ever ask me how long I want to be there, nor would they ask me the money in advance.

5. The final note would be that you can follow the posts on the GEMS of SG. Go to these girls and you would get a much better trweatment than random sampling. Also, if you are very specific on the light being on part, tell that straight to the girl before handling over the money.

Wish you a Happy mongering.



07-21-12, 08:52
I have posted a few lines before, and the 5 days trip there made be too occupied to spend time on ISG posts. The regret remains that I was not able to meet up with some of my ISG buddies. There is always a next time:

Day 1: Well, have managed to find a diamond in SG. But as its becoming rather a different story altogather than just a FR, I would skip that part. .

Managed to go to "Sada Bari" on the 1st day, as wanted a budget start to the trip. I always get a very warm welcome in this place. It was about afternoon that I reached there, and selected a bong called "tumpa". Noting to speak on looks as she is from a remote village in West bengal. Top class GFE, as the session started with a body massage. I was tired due to the early morning flight, and that massage took me to cloud 9. She ordered a beer, for herself and I was in no mood for a drink. She initiated the act with a little above average BBJ. Followed by mish and doggy. She tried her best to keep me intersted in the act. But here comes the twist. I realized that after you get used to Single malt Scotch. You will not enjoy the regular indian whiskey. The look factor was working on my head and the little popper was not getting any interest in the act. Finished in quickly and bid a good bye. Note to add, she was trying to sell me an Idea of coming directly to her house, where she can arrange food and drink. She also gave quite an attractive quote. But just didn't get support from the little popper to accept that invitation.

The Day ended with me back to the usual address in SG for the rest of the night.

Sada Bari Score card:

Damage: 700 (2 Hours) + 120 Beer + 100 Tip to the girl.


Looks: 2/10.

Body: 4/10.

Performance: 7/10Ha ha.

I am wondering how ugly she can be if you rate her 2/10. Attaching my imagination of 2/10 and 8-9/10. Tell me if I am wrong or right.



07-22-12, 15:37
Hi! All!

Finally I booked my ticket to Kol. As it will be Nov, a month of Diwali, so booked so early to avoid unavailability of seats. It's too early to share, but I am unable to control my excitement and craze regarding SG. My last resort. I will be in Kol on 18th of Nov. So if any member want to join me, can fix his dates.

Now this time my target will be to hunt two target with a single shot. I mean want to hatch two eggs together. I mean I will fuck two working girls together, which is never done. I will stay for 2 nights, so planning for 2 LTs with two BBW boudies together.

Any way, now I am feeling very light after sharing this. (LOL)



07-22-12, 15:55
Ha ha.

I am wondering how ugly she can be if you rate her 2/10. Attaching my imagination of 2/10 and 8-9/10. Tell me if I am wrong or right.


BabapankLook my friend!

You will find it ridiculous but let me tell you one thing. When cock in in erect position, it needs only one thing I. E. A tight pussy. I don't understand this system of rating of 5/10 or 2/10. Is there any standard parameter of measuring beauty? No. One dark gal may be charming than a white skinned. So Just try to explore the beauty by her nature and GFE. I have been treated like a Dog by so called 10/10 working girls. But at the same time, I am worshiped by tan colored angels at 500-600 Rs only. It was light on my pocket too. So enjoyment doubled. I always think about the money I paid, just after my shot is complete. And I tell you frankly, I was never regretted when I took a 600-700 Rs chik. And about those 220 Rs fixed priced cheeks, I think those are always a win win situation. Wo Hindi me kaha jata hai na."dil aya gadhi pe, to pari kya cheej hai" means if "heart likes an ass hole, why to go with a beauty".

So friends forget this ratings and just full fill your desires, as per your taste.



Man In India
07-23-12, 10:00
Oh Wow! Wish you great times John.

Hi! All!

Finally I booked my ticket to Kol.


Man In India
07-23-12, 10:03
Good comments LVM.

I however feel that the lights thing is not always true. I have personally have spent time with a girl in SG (throughout) without the lights off. I guess developing rapport with the girl and respecting her as a human being helps. May be I was fortunate enough.

I would share my thougts now on your post

3. The thing with the lights is funny, but thats the usual thing in SG. They will put on the disco light when they dance. And even turn that off when you are on the act. I don't know the logic behind it.


07-23-12, 18:53
Its been sometime since I had ventured out of Kripya Den. Last time I did not enjoy much as I felt that I have tried all good chicks at that place.

This afternoon went to SG and mongered a little. Was in fix between picking a street girl by myself or taking the services of a pimp. Chose the latter. It was Mr. Lakhan Singh from Bihar who noticed that I was looking for guidance. I told him my exact requirements. He took me to building No. 10 first floor. Four girls were shown and I picked Kakuli. She is avg height, fair and young. She asked 1200 but settled for Rs. 700+50 for servant. I followed her to 3rd floor into a room which was not as spacious as I had expected. There were no large mirrors too (me being a big mirror fan, pun intended). Since I took her for 1 hour I took my time to start the act. We laid on bed touching and caressing each other. She smelled good.

After about 10 minutes we took off each others clothes and she started with a CBJ for which she was initially hesitant. Did not enjoy the CBJ as I had experienced better. But I must say her figure was amazing. Big boobs, firm body, tight ****. Had a nice time with her in missionary. I did not ask for any other position as I thought she would decline.

Overall a nice experience. Tipped her on the way out and gave a thumbs up to her performance when the pimp asked about it. She said she would give her best the next time I visit her.


Take care

Adi Luv
07-23-12, 20:16
Hi All senior members / experts over there,

I was browsing the forum and then came across these infos that I would need.

Jagdish's contacts.

Details about different dens.

However I concluded that I need to subscribe and enable pm in order for you guys to help me out. So I am trying to sort out my membership in the while, just let me know if I am over expecting things over here.



07-23-12, 21:49
Good comments LVM.

I however feel that the lights thing is not always true. I have personally have spent time with a girl in SG (throughout) without the lights off. I guess developing rapport with the girl and respecting her as a human being helps. May be I was fortunate enough.Yeah! I agree with you. Well that post of mine was targeted to new mongers rather than the seasoned lot. As I told earlier, I have already created my own set of gems there. For me none of these points are valid. There isn't an issue with either lights. Nor do I have any issue for a LT. I take my lappy there and have even worked outa that place. This trip, I spent all 5 days in SG for LT. Rather at an average of 4-6 hours a day on ST and every night on LT. The only thing that works in SG is building that rapport as rightly stated by you.

07-23-12, 22:19
I have been quite lazy to report on the trip. I would put a summary of the rest of the days :

Nandini: (Rupashree. Ground Floor 1st room on right as you enter) : I have seldom seen such butter skinned babe in SG. She has an body to make you salivate. Was there for 1 hour of dance with a fellow local monger friend. She is a new import in SG and moved in about two months back. Is a must try. I completed the evening with another hour for a pop. As this was the 1st time to her, it was quite a routine pop. Just a few positions and enjoyed the busty body to the max.

Rate: 3100 / HR (she is very pushy on the rates)

Word of Caution: All good things in life comes with some negetives. She has some attitude in her, as she is new to this place, but was a lot better bargain in the 2nd hour.

Body: 9/10.

Sonam: (Rupashree 1st Floor- Last room on the right)

Have built in some very good rapport with this babe. She is one of my favorites. Love shaking my legs with her in those punjabi numbers and has always been a killer in BED. 5 hours in total spent with her and she always makes it memorable.

2100 / HR.

Poonam (Prem Bandhan- 2nd Floor)

I think I read about her before in the forum. She is voluptious. And great GFE. A little chit o chat did the trick and had quite a time. Passionate kisser and has a eargerness to please.

2100 / Hr.

Nandini (Bharat Bari. 1st floor) :

When I went to this chick, it was in the afternoon. She was sleeping inside the room and my fellow man Ramudit was reccomending I try her. The 1st look was not at all impressive. I went with the reccomendation and trust me friends that was one hell of a good decision. From the moment she closed the door, she was all over. It was as if I am a long lost friend. It was ultimate GFE. Started with CBJ and without much push from me moved to BBBJ (little popper was amazed) and she has got skills mate. Then it was like we were at our experimental best with as many positions that I knew of. The plan of staying 1 hour extended to three and she ensured that I was left with not a drop of energy for the day. I am sure the word hyperactive was made for her. Three pops. And our popper still wanted more action. ! (WTF)

Entertainment TAX: 1600 / Hr.

GFE: 10/10.

Looks / Body: 7/10 (I didn't care of this part as she made up for every bit)

Performance: 15/10.

WIR: Who am I to forget such an angel. Little popper would curse me if he isn't been allowed as many chance to meet this diva.

More to come. And if you guys are wondering why I didn't post much on the LT. Well there is a FIX address in SG where I land at the end of the day for resting my poor soul. And I don't find a good reason to share it as a part of my mongering fixture.



07-24-12, 05:51
Hello dear members,

For few days I have been thinking to get engaged in fuk business to njoy my younger days. I'm quite new and never fuk'ed an pros / escort before.

Need help to find a young (20-25) , fair good luking gal offering service in her place or any renowned SP contact no.

Hope you all will help me so that I can have an awesum first time experience.

07-25-12, 02:48
I know most of you will respond saying 'RTFF' but unfortunately I don't have time for it. I am flying to Calcutta tomorrow morning and I would love to know how to get to SG from the airport. This trip just came by this evening. If any of you can give me some quick pointers to watch would be much appreciated. I hope one or two of you may help a fellow monger brother in need!

Kattar Puneri
07-25-12, 03:41
It makes no sense at all to post the same request twice, and that also by attaching the whole quoted posting. Here is how the trimmed LordVoldermort's report would look. You are just wasting so much space. Is it so difficult for you to do?

I have been quite lazy to report on the trip. I would put a summary of the rest of the days :
Excellent FR! Will definitely try them tomorrow. Can you guide where is bharat berry. Also wud need help on jagdish's no. Kindly pm!

Kattar Puneri
07-25-12, 03:46
Take the Kolkata Metro from Dum Dum and get off at the third stop which is Shovabazar. The rest is easy. Look at Joihn's excellent map.
Easy map of SG.

I would love to know how to get to SG from the airport.

07-25-12, 05:51
I would love to know how to get to SG from the airport.KP has already responded to your query. I am a bit curious about one small thing: do you plan to stroll into SG with your baggage in tow :)

07-25-12, 06:05
I am a bit curious about one small thing: do you plan to stroll into SG with your baggage in tow :)Had the same question in my mind. I thought our monger friend is planning to save the hotel money to park his * in SG. The buildings where you can do that, would water your eyes with the price tag for that luxury.

Adi Luv
07-25-12, 06:18
Is it so difficult for you to do?Thanks for the advice but its just that I was browsing through mobile and you know how limited things get from a small screen. Anyway would take care next time. Also didn't mean to post twice but wasnt sure if the submit button did hit actually.

07-25-12, 07:08
Had the same question in my mind. I thought our monger friend is planning to save the hotel money to park his * in SG. The buildings where you can do that, would water your eyes with the price tag for that luxury.Hello LordVoldermort.

Can you please give me jagdish no in pm or other recommended if he happens to be busy.

Thanks and advance

07-25-12, 08:54
SG map again for new friends.


07-25-12, 10:10
Hello LordVoldermort.

Can you please give me jagdish no in pm or other recommended if he happens to be busy.

Thanks and advanceI didn't find the PM option for you. Not sure if you have subscription. Anyways, go near Kanchan Palace and ask for Jagdish, Thakur or Ramudit. The pimps all know each other and would call any of them.

07-25-12, 10:15
SG map again for new friends.

Enjoy!Suggestion: Add Kanchan Palace, Rupashree. 8 / see to this and also mark that dustbin in front of NL.

07-25-12, 10:20
I know most of you will respond saying 'RTFF' . .If any of you can give me some quick pointers to watch would be much. .!Check your PM. You have been loaded with pointers. Enjoy and share your experiance. Also refer to John's SG map.



07-25-12, 20:26
Well today I straightly headed to SG aroung 6. Called Jagdish. I wanted to try bong babes this time. He took me to building no 4. Well the buildings are not maintained may be after Indias independence. LOL. A masi came me and took me in a room and called her girls one by one. Suddenly I saw a cute babe. Around 23-23 age. Busty but super cute. I was surprised to find a girl like her there. I selected her. Masi said 1050. Finally deal settled for 850. Masi told me she will be good, she will do everything you wish and ask her to take me to a room in the top floor.

Well the room is not liked by me, as I am used to some glass designed AC room. But anyways we started some chit chat and came to know that she came here 1 week back. Her name was Seema. She is from Chandannagr. Well after some time we started the act. My. She can kiss boss. She is a good kisser. I then removed her bra. And boy. Perfect 36 boobs. Sucked, pressed like anything. I don't think sucking and pressing like this to a premium pro would have kicked me out of the room. LOL. She then started kissing me all over. After sometime I removed her panty. Tight and warm pussy, not smelling at all. Fingered her like anything. Made her a bit wet. Then I ask if she can suck? She agreed.

She cleaned my johny with my underware, LOL and started sucking. But this was my first BJ. So I cummed.

Is it normal guys? Cumming in BJ. She just looked at me and smiled, may be thingking that I am not an expert. Anyways. Don't regret of cumming as I liked her very much.

After that I gave her 100 Rs just to have some sweets.

She is not happy with the buliding I suppose, and told me that she will go back to her native on 1st of Aug. May be her masi promised her to give her in the premiums but failed to do so. I must say she deserves a better place than Building No 4.


As per the discussions I am ommiting the looks part:



Damage:900- 1 hr.

Repeat:100, but don't think can find her after 1st Aug.



07-25-12, 20:37
First part.

I got the guts to visit SG alone after reading all the posts in this forum.

First of all I was little confused where to enter from. So I recollect John wikimap direction and after few hesitations thought to enter int he lane after the HP petrol pump. In the previous lane, I saw sum LE so avoided.

After walking 10 m, I saw rahat palace but continued till I reached the end of the road. I decided to explore the place a little bit till I settle for sumthing. Walked towards right and a to my surprise reached Kripya den (to my consideration but not so sure).

Again followed back and enter the same lane. Came across a guy following me. His name is Babu. Since it was my first time to and not willing to waste time so much so asked him what is your reach. He said PB, NL and NK and almost all. He first took me to NK and produced 8 girls. Out of which one was bitchy saying what you are looking for that you going to only fuck need one thing. I declined them all. Then he took me to NL; there I came across a old mama eager to show me girls around. I meet a non bengali pahari in first floor and later in secondfloor and didn't like to left. I noticed the pimp was not too experienced and was in confusion naming building as he see. So I followed mama, he took me to No. 12 there I saw a good luking cheeks and decent approach but only from outside.

I selected a girl in the ground floor, after walking a little bit and selected a gal, later come to know her name is Sheetal.

From the beginning I was sure, she had a lot of attitude but I confirmed when I entered the room. She asked for upfront payment which I asked for a dance + 2 shots. Well as the show progresses, her attitude began growing with a lot of useless talks and broken english.

After one complete hour of dance, she asked for scene. I noticed further she is so arrogant and non-cooperative and didn't let me kiss although we talked about kiss and all posture and dance before entering. Also it was not her room, she doesn't have a room of her own.

Her arrogance cut my mood and I ordered a beer to chill out. She doesn't drink. Anyways after dance I started kissing her and to arouse her from my behalf which she didn't responded to so well and didn't kissed me either. I tried her in missionary and she continuosly asked me if I cum'ed or not which turned me off. I shot off my load in this pose and too my surprise she quickly began to dressed and even refused to unwearcondi. When I asked what about 2 shots she declined that we ever had talked about 2 shots and said it was dance + 1 shot. In that moment I felt rough and cheated. But she said she can stay for remaining 30 mins without a shot which seemed to me more insulting. I quickly left the room and the building.

My rating.



Damage:2x2600=5200 + 200 for 1 shot (which was supposed to be 2) + 1 beer.


WIR : once to spit on her downtrodden attitude by selecting other girl in front of her.

Second part.

Every broken heart has a mender. So with fire-in-head I lit up a cig in front of No. 12. I met this random guy called Raju in the street standing gazing at girls. I started the conv in hindi ' Apna kaam ho gaya? '. He said I m a taxi driver and only attended a single shot with a girl. But later we both began to speak in bengali. I said I was ripped with only one shot in promise of two and feeling unsatisfied and wanted min 2 more shots before I go. He became sympathetic so hear my case but I kept a limit whether he is acting or not. But later understood he really felt that and carried me in his pulsar to 2 diff locations. One I disliked and later due to lack of time I happen to like. He said the girl in bengali "Don't try to rip or offend my friend in any respect or he will.". We settled in 200 for 2 shots quite cheap. It was no 19. And to my kindness gave him Rs 50 for a beer while he waits for after I finish. I finished with the girl and paid her Rs 200 + 300 as tip as I think it was really cheap as compared to previous experience just 1 hr back.



Damage:500 to mashi for room + 500 to her for good behaviour and courteousness.


WIR : yes asked she gave her no. To me.

A Baguihati guy saved my day and a girl named Sampa made my day.

Till then I Adi signing off for the day. See you with a new FR soon

Srry for the long report.

07-26-12, 04:58
KP has already responded to your query. I am a bit curious about one small thing: do you plan to stroll into SG with your baggage in tow :)LOL. I haven't been active in mongering for a while due to extreme work loads. My company is booking me a hotel for me to stay. I will have my luggage there. I thought it will be easier to use the airport as the land mark. I am also looking to get a separate hotel near all the touristy place but not too far away from SG and I appreciate any recommendations. I am flying with four of my co-workers and I occasionally have sex with one of them, and I need a separate hotel mainly for her!

07-26-12, 07:49
First part.

I got the guts to visit SG alone after reading all the posts in this forum.

Srry for the long report.Hi all!

This FR clearly indicates, how badly are we treated by so called beauties of famous buildings. There is only way to avoid these things again and again, that you keep no of the pimp, who has brought you to that girl. And when you are mistreated, just warn her that you will call the pimp and will complaint to him. I think if she feels and fears to loose her business, she will treat you humanly. Look, after paying 2500-3000 for a shot and after that we are kicked out like a dog, is never acceptable. So there should be a sense of fear in their mind.

Secondly you told a GFE experience from a low end bong.

Now this is an assessment between 9/10 high end girls and 5/10 bongs at SG. It makes obvious that those Bongs have a attitude to please us. I always praise them. If you threat them to complaint to pimp, they are nervous and become more sweet.

So being little cautious may help new mongers.



07-26-12, 09:31

I want to share one experience at N / K in my last tour in Feb. I went there with my pimp Lagan. When I was on 2nd floor, as usual half a dozen girls surrounded me. They were passing comments and I was trying to select any good girl. I asked one girl her rate. She replied.". Better you come inside". I answered " No, you will catch me." she smiled. But another girl, who was far from me. She shouted." Are we road side working girls, to catch you?" I said."Then why are you behaving like them". Now she became furious. Then I replied." Actually you are trying to push me out of building, just because you are not getting me, so you want that no other girl gets me". Friends! She became like a psycho patient. But I never left smiling, so all the girls were not mis behaving me.

That day I realized that if you loose your temper there, you are ruining your own game. So first thing to remember in any odd situation is not to loose your temper, whether it's any girls or an pimps. I always repays in any form.


PS- Masturbate twice a day. To Keep SG away. (LOL)


07-26-12, 18:50
Mr Lord,

You have exceeded your stored private messages quota.

Hence I couldn't reply you. Hence I am thanking you here for the wonderful guide you sent (Sorry I couldn't share it with others for privacy). Your guide is very useful.

I am planning to visit SG in 3rd / 4th / 5th August. If you or any Seniors are also planning visit SG, just let me know. It would be really great for me, if I could join with you.

Thanks again,


07-27-12, 06:30

Anyone for some joint fun at SG today. Pm me.

Rgds / Bv

07-27-12, 08:20
Clear your inbox.

Rgds / Bv.

Check your PM. You have been loaded with pointers. Enjoy and share your experiance. Also refer to John's SG map.



07-27-12, 19:41
start with pimp jagdish (thanks to john & bangerv). called him thrice and everytime he confused me why is he standing beside bp petrol pump whereas i called him inside sg :/

later called lotha and to my surprise he was standing just on the same lane as me. he took me to rp & nk where i liked quite a couple but wanted to explore more gals in other buildings, i don't know why but i think i wanted to gather sum mongering xperience.

anyways later took me to pb where i didn't like much gals and later to no 12. again, i visited all floors just to roam about although i liked a girl before. so, i talked to her and she said her name is soni. later came to know she is gujrati.

she gave me a quick smile while she was busy in phone. mashi showed me the way and we progressed to her room followed by lotha. her room is well set and that gave me an idea that she is quite expensive.

i said all that i need to do before actually givin' her the money and she agreed and disagreed accordingly.

show starts with 1 hr dance in the beginning. she looked reserved and that showed in her dance too. i began to dance with her wid my usual dance floor moves; she said she mite break her back or cupboard if i continue too. so i calmed down.

the interesting part was that she received a call from sum guy which made me sumwhat out of mood but later i found out it was just her attitude to say 'please stop calling i'm not interested' by kissing me and forgetting about him speaking in the phone.

again we danced and followed to sum action requested by her as she was getting impatience for sum action. she is an awesum. kisser. pretty great dfk by her to rem'ber. i responded to same and followed by daty which she found unbearable.

but her strokes were light and but anyways i got in form with sum help frm my side too. we started in cowgirl and she was riding good. later we changed to miss. and i banged her hard in time she found it unbearable again which gave me an idea she is quite immature to fuck and more interesting too. i cum'ed in that postition and later we progressed to 2nd as was the deal. we chit chat for 45 mins and sumtimes i just forget we need to fuck one again.

but the time remained as we talked and talked and over. my mind was so mush involved into her words that my jhonny forgot to get set.

my rating.

body:6. 5/10.



damage:2x3100=6200 for dance + 2 shots. (which was 1)

+ 500 for 2 redbulls + 100 to pimp.

wir : just yes.

a funny thing i noticed that a guy was just coming from john's den with his pants down and pulling over as if he was either kicked or in sum kind of hurry which made me laugh like a wee-[CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134). lol

07-28-12, 18:51
Guys I want to ask a question so please answer.

I want to know how much a pimp takes from what I pay to the girl in SG.

Please put an effort to say the exact amount.


07-29-12, 04:01
Clear your inbox.

Rgds / Bv.Sorry guys. Wasn't able to connect these days. Msg box cleared now. You can PM me.

07-29-12, 07:05
Guys I want to ask a question so please answer.

I want to know how much a pimp takes from what I pay to the girl in SG.

Please put an effort to say the exact amount.

ThanksActually there is not any confirmation of amount paid to the pimps, but It is said that they get 1/3 of the amount paid to the girls.


07-29-12, 07:54
First part.

I got the guts to visit SG alone after reading all the posts in this forum.

A Baguihati guy saved my day and a girl named Sampa made my day.

Till then I Adi signing off for the day. See you with a new FR soon

Srry for the long report.Man Of Love!


This report shows that you have really guts to handle the world of Mongering. As this was your first day at SG, and after a heart breaking experience at famous house, you just put your gear in reverse direction. How you shared your thoughts with road side man at SG, but doubting his intentions, was appreciated. New mongers must learn something from your FR.



07-29-12, 09:02
Its been sometime since I had ventured out of Kripya Den. Last time I did not enjoy much as I felt that I have tried all good chicks at that place.

This afternoon went to SG and mongered a little. Was in fix between picking a street girl by myself or taking the services of a pimp. Chose the latter. It was Mr. Lakhan Singh from Bihar who noticed that I was looking for guidance. I told him my exact requirements. He took me to building No. 10 first floor. Four girls were shown and I picked Kakuli. She is avg height, fair and young. She asked 1200 but settled for Rs. 700+50 for servant. I followed her to 3rd floor into a room which was not as spacious as I had expected. There were no large mirrors too (me being a big mirror fan, pun intended). Since I took her for 1 hour I took my time to start the act. We laid on bed touching and caressing each other. She smelled good.

After about 10 minutes we took off each others clothes and she started with a CBJ for which she was initially hesitant. Did not enjoy the CBJ as I had experienced better. But I must say her figure was amazing. Big boobs, firm body, tight. Had a nice time with her in missionary. I did not ask for any other position as I thought she would decline.

Overall a nice experience. Tipped her on the way out and gave a thumbs up to her performance when the pimp asked about it. She said she would give her best the next time I visit her.


Take carePlease guide me to go there through exide entry please I will obliged you.

07-29-12, 14:56
Just entering from tramline side, pimp cry nk &similar baris name and try to get you in some 3 baris. LE also sit in evening there and you can see lot of girls standing start from there. Had anyone tried these baris? Also write about unisex beauty parlors of city. If any friend has numbers of freelancers in / around kolkata, please pm me as I wish to reach there mid August. Local friends are welcome to join.

07-29-12, 14:58
Just entering from tramline side, pimp cry nk &similar baris name and try to get you in some 3 baris. LE also sit in evening there and you can see lot of girls standing start from there. Had anyone tried these baris? Also write about unisex beauty parlors of city. If any friend has numbers of freelancers in / around kolkata, please pm me as I wish to reach there mid August. Local friends are welcome to join.

07-30-12, 06:22
WIR : just yes.Great to know that you finally got lucky in SG (I would guess so). Wish you more success in SG.



07-30-12, 06:40
Guys I want to ask a question so please answer.

I want to know how much a pimp takes from what I pay to the girl in SG.

Please put an effort to say the exact amount.

ThanksIts 25% of the money you pay to the GIRL atleast for premiere buildings. This is how the financials work there.

1. The pimp takes 25% cut of the money you pay.

2. The girl pays between 40-60K for the room which includes (Music system, Bed, AC, Electricity, Disco lights. Etc).Room rent for NL, B no 12, PB.

3. She pays 100 to the servent (so for 2100 acctually she takes 2k while 100 is for servent. And 3100 its 3k for her).

4. Most of the girls has some family members staying with them and the food is cooked at "home" for them. In case they take food from the house owner there are extra charges for meals.

Whatever she earns, she has to pay that room rent irrespective of how much she clocks in a month. Her extra earnings are from the tips (bakshish) she gets from the customers in cash and kind. The servent on the other hand makes money by charging extra for your drinks and snacks. Mostly for these girls one mamasan is there (father, mother, uncle, aunt, other relative) who stays with them, in which case the money goes to them and the girl just gets are "pocket money" for dress, parlor, make up etc.

For the lower end buildings where you get 200-600 INR girls, the financials changes big time. The Room is owned by the building owner and they keep the girls. The girls seldom gets a private room and they stay on sharing basis. There the girl doesn't pay anything from her pocket, rather for every customer she gets 40-50% of the payment made. The servent is common and all paid by the house owner.

07-30-12, 12:42
Its 25% of the money you pay to the GIRL atleast for premiere buildings. This is how the financials work there.

1. The pimp takes 25% cut of the money you pay.

2. The girl pays between 40-60K for the room which includes (Music system, Bed, AC, Electricity, Disco lights. Etc). Room rent for NL, B no 12, PB.

3. She pays 100 to the servent (so for 2100 acctually she takes 2k while 100 is for servent. And 3100 its 3k for her).

4. Most of the girls has some family members staying with them and the food is cooked at "home" for them. In case they take food from the house owner there are extra charges for meals.

Whatever she earns, she has to pay that room rent irrespective of how much she clocks in a month. Her extra earnings are from the tips (bakshish) she gets from the customers in cash and kind. The servent on the other hand makes money by charging extra for your drinks and snacks. Mostly for these girls one mamasan is there (father, mother, uncle, aunt, other relative) who stays with them, in which case the money goes to them and the girl just gets are "pocket money" for dress, parlor, make up etc.

For the lower end buildings where you get 200-600 INR girls, the financials changes big time. The Room is owned by the building owner and they keep the girls. The girls seldom gets a private room and they stay on sharing basis. There the girl doesn't pay anything from her pocket, rather for every customer she gets 40-50% of the payment made. The servent is common and all paid by the house owner.There are 3 catagories of girls-independent, adhia (50%) and street girl. Independents get after cut of 30% to pimp and rent to bari owner mostly marwari seths of kolkata. Bari owner also has to pay to police a big amount to keep it peaceful. All girls live under disipline of bari manager. Nk has a strict vigil over its girls. Adhias get half after pimp cut but get food&lodging. Street girls pay daily rent to bari owner and police. Many buisnesman in kolkata invest in sg girls. Why ISG not?

07-30-12, 13:45
Hi Lord,

Can you pass the guide for mongering to me too.



07-30-12, 17:51
Its 25% of the money you pay to the GIRL atleast for premiere buildings. This is how the financials work there.

1. The pimp takes 25% cut of the money you pay.

2. The girl pays between 40-60K for the room which includes (Music system, Bed, AC, Electricity, Disco lights. Etc). Room rent for NL, B no 12, PB.

3. She pays 100 to the servent (so for 2100 acctually she takes 2k while 100 is for servent. And 3100 its 3k for her).

4. Most of the girls has some family members staying with them and the food is cooked at "home" for them. In case they take food from the house owner there are extra charges for meals.Thanks LVM for bringing out the financials of SG.

I have got a clear idea about the pimps and wud basically avoid them from next time for I have learnt that prostituiton is quite legal in india [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution_in_India] but pimping is not.

Happy mongering.


07-30-12, 18:04
Fellow ISG Calcutta members,

atLFH : You made me famous. My inbox is flooded with the request of the pointers I shared with you.

atAll sending PM's: The pointers are a summary of all my posts in the forum. It also includes some info shared by other members. So please RTFF. There is no secret I shared with anyone other than a couple of PIMP contact numbers and a summary of all the posts as a easy guide to SG.

atAll members posting in forum: Please don't quote the whole of the last post that you are replying to. Just include one or two lines from the post. Everyone will understand.

I keep getting PM's and try to share as much info as I am aware of. But what I hate is that people just vanish without reporting their experiance. For the benefit of everyone, I would suggest that you share as much experinace (good or bad) in the forum. This would ensure that the mongering experiance is better. Eg: In one of my post, I mentioned that Rajni in NL is an avoidable girl. She speaks too much. Has a pathetic attitude and pesters for tips. Now if you choose to go there and get the same experinace, its more your stupidity rather than your bad luck. Though I agree that the experiance varies from person to person. John has been quite informative in his posts and I am sure that there are lot of new members who has been benifited. So, enjoy SG and share experinace.

atPaidalyatri: Thanks for adding up to my info. As stated, the financials vary in buildings as there are just too many of them. As far as businessmen keeping their muse in SG, well you put a very valid point and for all those who feel that the premiere building girls have attitude, this is the biggest reason for that. I am sure everyone here visiting SG have seen the girls speaking on phone for long time with so called "BF". Well, this is the strory behind it. The regulars in SG, find one girl of their choice whom they almost sponsor. The girl gets about 1-2 lacs a month from them. Along with gifts like dress, jewelery, perfume, cosmetics, latest gagets and the list goes on even to an extent of a property (flat). The girl stays in SG though and over and above all this tries to earn a few extra bucks when her "BF" is not visiting her. This makes them less prone to treating the customers as god as they know they will anyways get the income. I know girls in SG who will only take customers for dance and would refuse a shot. I have even come accross situation where if you are too pushy with some girls. They will return your money and tell you to leave. Thts extreme case and very rare though.

Conclusion: Well, because of some headless money machines, we poor mongers are often been ill treated. But, if you can make some rapport with the Pimp, in most cases he will dictate terms. The reason is simple, there is a concept of "ghar bandh" which means a girl won't get any customers from any pimp in SG if there is too many complaints against her. Then the girl is in trouble and even she gets it from the building owner. There are girls who has been forced to vacate the rooms in NL / PB / B No 12 just for this nonsense. The owner is more interested in the flow of customers rather than a specific girls. In building like Rupashree, if the girl is staying more than 2 years, she is asked to vacate so that they get a new face.

There are gems hidden in SG. If you can play well, you will return a happy man as many do. Like life, there would be ups and downs in SG too. If you are a guy who wants the luxury of a Five star hotel and want 100% strike rate. Thailand is the place. And if you can't, then follow John's advice" Shag thrice in a day and keep out of SG".



07-31-12, 03:09
Thanks lvm& john and other regular mongers. One thing lacking this forum, is absence of local mongers due to which we are not getting real bangla beauty in true price! No one from sealdah, howrah, sheoraphuli, bowbazar is responding where enough stuff is present. I picked a schoolgirl from howrah station itself upon her clear invitation and she was stunner. Sheoraphuli also has a rld and private baries near rly station. So locals please help us!

07-31-12, 07:01
iam punepop i often come to kolkata but never went to sg. please pm pimp jagdish no let me explore it. any such requrmts in pune it will be given. also provide details of spa which provide extra services in kolkata city near park st, salt lake.


start with pimp jagdish (thanks to john & bangerv). called him thrice and everytime he confused me why is he standing beside bp petrol pump whereas i called him inside sg :/

later called lotha and to my surprise he was standing just on the same lane as me. he took me to rp & nk where i liked quite a couple but wanted to explore more gals in other buildings, i don't know why but i think i wanted to gather sum mongering xperience.

anyways later took me to pb where i didn't like much gals and later to no 12. again, i visited all floors just to roam about although i liked a girl before. so, i talked to her and she said her name is soni. later came to know she is gujrati.

she gave me a quick smile while she was busy in phone. mashi showed me the way and we progressed to her room followed by lotha. her room is well set and that gave me an idea that she is quite expensive.

i said all that i need to do before actually givin' her the money and she agreed and disagreed accordingly.

show starts with 1 hr dance in the beginning. she looked reserved and that showed in her dance too. i began to dance with her wid my usual dance floor moves; she said she mite break her back or cupboard if i continue too. so i calmed down.

the interesting part was that she received a call from sum guy which made me sumwhat out of mood but later i found out it was just her attitude to say 'please stop calling i'm not interested' by kissing me and forgetting about him speaking in the phone.

again we danced and followed to sum action requested by her as she was getting impatience for sum action. she is an awesum. kisser. pretty great dfk by her to rem'ber. i responded to same and followed by daty which she found unbearable.

but her strokes were light and but anyways i got in form with sum help frm my side too. we started in cowgirl and she was riding good. later we changed to miss. and i banged her hard in time she found it unbearable again which gave me an idea she is quite immature to fuck and more interesting too. i cum'ed in that postition and later we progressed to 2nd as was the deal. we chit chat for 45 mins and sumtimes i just forget we need to fuck one again.

but the time remained as we talked and talked and over. my mind was so mush involved into her words that my jhonny forgot to get set.

my rating.

body:6. 5/10.



damage:2x3100=6200 for dance + 2 shots. (which was 1)

+ 500 for 2 redbulls + 100 to pimp.

wir : just yes.

a funny thing i noticed that a guy was just coming from john's den with his pants down and pulling over as if he was either kicked or in sum kind of hurry which made me laugh like a wee-[CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134). lol

07-31-12, 07:17
Thanks lvm& john and other regular mongers. One thing lacking this forum, is absence of local mongers due to which we are not getting real bangla beauty in true price! No one from sealdah, howrah, sheoraphuli, bowbazar is responding where enough stuff is present. I picked a schoolgirl from howrah station itself upon her clear invitation and she was stunner. Sheoraphuli also has a rld and private baries near rly station. So locals please help us!Harkata Gali or Prem Chandra Boral Street. Yes, this an old Area in Bow Bazar area, near Sialdah Stn. Only local bongs are found der from 11am to 6 pm. As they come from low class of kolkata, looks are 5/10 max. You may get 8/10 if you are lucky. Range 200-500 max.

Never got time to visit there, but in my next visit, will try this. They take the room on hrly basis, and you have to pay that.

Reach Lady Daferin hospital and ask any body about Harkata Gali. You will get all the stuff on road. No pimps, do the owners your self. Negotiation is a must.


07-31-12, 13:14
Arun cukoo and other friends, please do'nt fill my inbox for querry. Use pm only for private purpose as to meet or exchange no, adress email only.

08-02-12, 20:49
I went to SG today at around 3 PM. I have tried calling all the pimps number, which I got from senior members (Thanks to John and LordVoldermort).

I found most of the number are switched off, finally I could contact one. We have mate each other in front of Exide show room. He was confusingly looking at me, I gave reference of senior member, then he was sure and ask me my preference. I have told my preference and budget. He took me to Building No 12 and show me few girls. All the girls there are young and sexy, but I choose a girl from 4th floor, be'because of her sex appeal compare to others. I also saw few people and 2 other girls are already inside her room. The pimp called her outside and discuss with her, she told she was already booked. Then he told me to try P*j* in 3rd floor and also said she is good. We went there and he settled the deal with her for one hour and left the room telling I am waiting outside.

The room is clean and with AC and also a TV, some hindi movie was going on. After closing the door and switch off the TV, she switched off the light and put red light (LOL) and started removing her dress.

She is fair and young girls around 22-23 yrs. Her figure is, sexy long legs, slim hips, medium size boobs. After seeing her half naked, my Johnny started dancing inside my pant. Then she put dim light (surprise to me) , you hardly even see each other in that light.

We started with some chit chat, it went for 5-10 min. During that I started touching her and feel her body. She has soft skin.

After that the action started.

I asked: do you kiss?

She said: no I don't, I have cold today (reason-1 of mood turn off)

I said: ok.

I asked: could you please suck my dick?

She said: no I don't suck. (reason-2 of mood turn off)

I thought May be with this budget, she don't suck. We moved on and become fully naked.

She told: Lets start and you fuck me (She was in missionary position)

I started fucking her slowly, then gradually strong and hard, but I couldn't come after 10-15 min. Then she started massaging my dick in her hand.

She told: You dick is very strong and asked: have you taken any medicine before coming here?

I told: No I don't, for me it takes some time and it also depends on my mood too.

She told: What wrong with your mood now.

I told: you don't do anything other than fucking.

She told: with this budget, you can get this service only.

I told. Kay.

We started again in doggy position. I hold her slim hips and spreed her legs and started fucking her hard. I come after 10 min. She removed the cover and cleaned herself and also gave me paper to get cleaned. After cleaning we started chit chat again.

She knew few slang from my language. It was funny to listen my language slang with this accent. She asked me few stuff also and I said in my language. By this time somebody knocked the door. I came out. Over all experience is good for a first timer in SG.

Looks: 6/10.

Service: 5/10.

GFE: 7/10.

Damage: 1. 6K + 100 (tips to girl) + 100 (tips to pimp) = 1. 8 K.

Repeat: May be. If I don't have better option.



08-03-12, 16:01
Damage: 1. 6K + 100 (tips to girl) + 100 (tips to pimp) = 1. 8 K.

LFH.1. 6K for bldg 12? I will be surprised. I thought it will be 3. 6K with the new pricing (3. 1k old price). I have taken LT mny times there with high quality girls and it is always 10K.


08-04-12, 02:54
I went to SG today at around 3 PM. I have tried calling all the pimps number, which I got from senior members (Thanks to John and LordVoldermort).

I found most of the number are switched off, finally I could contact one. We have mate each other in front of Exide show room. He was confusingly looking at me, I gave reference of senior member, then he was sure and ask me my preference. I have told my preference and budget. He took me to Building No 12 and show me few girls. All the girls there are young and sexy, but I choose a girl from 4th floor, be'because of her sex appeal compare to others. I also saw few people and 2 other girls are already inside her room. The pimp called her outside and discuss with her, she told she was already booked. Then he told me to try P*j* in 3rd floor and also said she is good. We went there and he settled the deal with her for one hour and left the room telling I am waiting outside.

The room is clean and with AC and also a TV, some hindi movie was going on. After closing the door and switch off the TV, she switched off the light and put red light (LOL) and started removing her dress.

She is fair and young girls around 22-23 yrs. Her figure is, sexy long legs, slim hips, medium size boobs. After seeing her half naked, my Johnny started dancing inside my pant. Then she put dim light (surprise to me) , you hardly even see each other in that light.

We started with some chit chat, it went for 5-10 min. During that I started touching her and feel her body. She has soft skin.

After that the action started.

I asked: do you kiss?

She said: no I don't, I have cold today (reason-1 of mood turn off)

I said: ok.

I asked: could you please suck my dick?

She said: no I don't suck. (reason-2 of mood turn off)

I thought May be with this budget, she don't suck. We moved on and become fully naked.

She told: Lets start and you fuck me (She was in missionary position)

I started fucking her slowly, then gradually strong and hard, but I couldn't come after 10-15 min. Then she started massaging my dick in her hand.

She told: You dick is very strong and asked: have you taken any medicine before coming here?

I told: No I don't, for me it takes some time and it also depends on my mood too.

She told: What wrong with your mood now.

I told: you don't do anything other than fucking.

She told: with this budget, you can get this service only.

I told. Kay.

We started again in doggy position. I hold her slim hips and spreed her legs and started fucking her hard. I come after 10 min. She removed the cover and cleaned herself and also gave me paper to get cleaned. After cleaning we started chit chat again.

She knew few slang from my language. It was funny to listen my language slang with this accent. She asked me few stuff also and I said in my language. By this time somebody knocked the door. I came out. Over all experience is good for a first timer in SG.

Looks: 6/10.

Service: 5/10.

GFE: 7/10.

Damage: 1. 6K + 100 (tips to girl) + 100 (tips to pimp) = 1. 8 K.

Repeat: May be. If I don't have better option.


LFH.A genuine f are indeed! The worst part of action in these baris is to switch of lights. This is done to conceal real skin under heavy make up. No sucking is also a major lapse. Only well furnished room are a plus point which can also be found in many simple baris. I took a girl from cheap nepali bari in a separate VIP room clean&cosy. The girl was herself very clean concious. She took bath after fuck as in Thailand. Name-rinku rate 8/10 charge 500rs for fuck and suck.

08-04-12, 15:28
Although asking for be*w j* in sg is same as saying "bomb" on plane flight, but senior members may please tell buildings where it can be available. Pimps generally ignore such condition.

08-04-12, 23:34
She knew few slang from my language. It was funny to listen my language slang with this accent. She asked me few stuff also and I said in my language.What is your language?

08-04-12, 23:37
Apart from SG, where I can find flying ones? Suggest bars / disco at Kolkata.

08-06-12, 04:11
Although asking for be*w j* in sg is same as saying "bomb" on plane flight, but senior members may please tell buildings where it can be available. Pimps generally ignore such condition.You are correct! It is a major lapse on sg. Many times girl say ok to BJ but after taking money do'nt fulfil the promise. Mainly in premium baris, it is a routine.

08-06-12, 12:25
Dear freshmeat&other friends, please use pm only for private purpose / information as adress no exchange but not for querry which can be shared on forum itself. Only 1 nepali bari is in midway from see. Are. Avenue to ravindra sarni lane. A lot of girls standing on gate and after entering on left side on 1st floor in a single room you can find this girl which is not nepali but a stunner.

08-07-12, 06:05
Hi friends,

I am new to this forum but founf it very infromative. Though I have some MP exp. But never gone to SG. This time I wnat to taste SG after reading all your posts. Please PM me cel no of trusted Pimps so that I can take help from them. My 1st FR will follow after my first visit to SG.

08-07-12, 10:15
Thanks to john bhai & lord voldermort. I am finally going to KOl this weekend. Plan is just. You know what.

Any monger frnd want to join?

08-07-12, 12:48
Hi all senior members. I am new to this forum and have learned a lot from all your posts. I am from a small town near Kolkata and often visit kolkata but had never gone to SG. Many times visited massage parlours but not satisfied by their service. I had not visited SG becouse of lak of knowledge and courage but after reading all your posts I am sure to visit SG very soon. I will take help form serior members for no of reliable pimps like ja*ish, ram*hir etc. My PM will get activated tomorrow as there is 24 hr waiting period after payment. PLEASE HELP ME AS YOU ALWAYS DO.

Thanks once again to all members for helping each other.

08-07-12, 18:57
I am finally going to KOl this weekend. Plan is just. You know what.Wish you all the best! Would await the FRs.



08-07-12, 19:03
senior members may please tell buildings where it can be available. Pimps generally ignore such condition.RTFF mate. I am sure the reports from Saptarshi, John and many others (including me) have info on the low end buildings where you can get BJ. After you RTFF, track the place in John's map. I am sure you will be loaded with enough pointers for your hunt.

All the best.

08-07-12, 19:19
Thanks lord. Sure.

Wish you all the best! Would await the FRs.



08-08-12, 03:16
You are right bro, kolkata massage parlors are still amateur like finding for girls when client is waiting.

[QUOTE=PleasureOfLove; 1312621]Hi all senior members. I am new to this forum and have learned a lot from all your posts. I am from a small town near Kolkata and often visit kolkata but had never gone to SG. Many times visited massage parlours but not satisfied by their service.

08-09-12, 03:22
Can you give your cell num I want go SG reliable pimp wanted please help.

08-09-12, 03:37
Hello LordVoldermort.

Can you please [Email address deleted by Admin] in cell I don't have pm facility reg today only [Telephone Number deleted by Admin].

Thanks and advance

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted to remove personal telephone numbers. Please do not post personal telephone numbers in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you for this information directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

08-09-12, 14:57
I made this as a short trip as it was unfortunately a disaster for me. After m 1st day LT trip at 6. 30 AM in the morning when I head out cops got hold of me. They took me to a isolated location and drained me of 20K from my pocket and debit card. I ran out of budget and have to cut-short my trip. I did look like a ordinary guy shabbily dressed but suddenly a professional of a multinational company can't become a street dog, may be my behaviour prompted some one. I suspect there are certainly some informers inside, the moment I stepped in to the mainroad infront of Excide entry the jeep chased exactly me though certain other guys are also walking. A lonely guy on a police jeep with out knowing a single word in hindi, I couldn't have handled this situation any better. The fear of lockup and informing the family is what iam scared off.

However I had a good LT session in Bldg 154 from a young bengali. Sorry guys iam terribly upset, will write detailed report about this experiance when I mentally recover.

Iam not giving up, certainly revisit SG when I recover.


08-09-12, 17:48
I request bangla knowing local members to post bangla words used in rld, fucking. It will save money and help to get girls by us outsiders. Local guys are invited to company me in my next trip to kolkata. Can pm me.

08-09-12, 19:51
I made this as a short trip as it was unfortunately a disaster for me. After m 1st day LT trip at 6. 30 AM in the morning when I head out cops got hold of me. They took me to a isolated location and drained me of 20K from my pocket and debit card. I ran out of budget and have to cut-short my trip. I did look like a ordinary guy shabbily dressed but suddenly a professional of a multinational company can't become a street dog, may be my behaviour prompted some one. I suspect there are certainly some informers inside, the moment I stepped in to the mainroad infront of Excide entry the jeep chased exactly me though certain other guys are also walking. A lonely guy on a police jeep with out knowing a single word in hindi, I couldn't have handled this situation any better. The fear of lockup and informing the family is what iam scared off.

However I had a good LT session in Bldg 154 from a young bengali. Sorry guys iam terribly upset, will write detailed report about this experiance when I mentally recover.

Iam not giving up, certainly revisit SG when I recover.

ArunIt is very unfortunate, what you have gone through. We had a long chat before your visit and I told you to go with limited cash. Why did you had big amount with you?

Anyway, exide entry point is main stop for cops. I don't know what were they doing at 6. 30 AM in the morning. It's possible that some body took notice of your cash and informed cops about it. Second thing, I showed in my map the safe entry to SG and that is safe exit too. You must have avoided to exit from exide entry. Any way you escaped physically safe, that is most important for you. We all must take a lesson from your experience. I can understand your feelings.


08-10-12, 08:23
It is very unfortunate, what you have gone through. We had a long chat before your visit and I told you to go with limited cash. Why did you had big amount with you?

Anyway, exide entry point is main stop for cops. I don't know what were they doing at 6. 30 AM in the morning. It's possible that some body took notice of your cash and informed cops about it. Second thing, I showed in my map the safe entry to SG and that is safe exit too. You must have avoided to exit from exide entry. Any way you escaped physically safe, that is most important for you. We all must take a lesson from your experience. I can understand your feelings.

JohnFeel sorry for Arun. But its too risky to take that much cash with you.

What happened to Arun can happened to anybody of us. Be careful mongers.

But Arun one thing I must tell you is that you must not rely on these PROs also. Doesn't matter how many times you have visited the same girl, but money can make anyone go wild.

Safe mongering to all,



08-10-12, 15:37
I made this as a short trip as it was unfortunately a disaster for me. After m 1st day LT trip at 6. 30 AM in the morning when I head out cops got hold of me. They took me to a isolated location and drained me of 20K from my pocket and debit card. I ran out of budget and have to cut-short my trip. I did look like a ordinary guy shabbily dressed but suddenly a professional of a multinational company can't become a street dog, may be my behaviour prompted some one. I suspect there are certainly some informers inside, the moment I stepped in to the mainroad infront of Excide entry the jeep chased exactly me though certain other guys are also walking. A lonely guy on a police jeep with out knowing a single word in hindi, I couldn't have handled this situation any better. The fear of lockup and informing the family is what iam scared off.

However I had a good LT session in Bldg 154 from a young bengali. Sorry guys iam terribly upset, will write detailed report about this experiance when I mentally recover.

Iam not giving up, certainly revisit SG when I recover.

ArunThat is really scary.

Best wishes for much better experiences in future.



08-10-12, 19:01
I showed in my map the safe entry to SG and that is safe exit too. You must have avoided to exit from exide entry. Any way you escaped physically safe, that is most important for you.

JohnIt is very close to that exit, not exactly near exide. However visiting once in a while to SG it is not easy to keep map in mind and co-relating, onground it is totally different experiance. While entering I know exactly where to enter, however exit is little bit tricky. We go with pimp and he take you to small, small lanes, not easy to remember all that with the curiosity of meeting the girls. While coming out I have no clue where iam walking, I wanted to get out ASAP that is one goal I had, and exited the first time I saw the mainroad.

Yes carrying debitcard was a mistake, however I carried the card which had lowest.


08-11-12, 02:53
It is very close to that exit, not exactly near exide. However visiting once in a while to SG it is not easy to keep map in mind and co-relating, onground it is totally different experiance. While entering I know exactly where to enter, however exit is little bit tricky. We go with pimp and he take you to small, small lanes, not easy to remember all that with the curiosity of meeting the girls. While coming out I have no clue where iam walking, I wanted to get out ASAP that is one goal I had, and exited the first time I saw the mainroad.

Yes carrying debitcard was a mistake, however I carried the card which had lowest.

ArunYou meant that cops withdrawn 20 K from ATM? U must have gone to report this to higher police authorities without mentioning your SG link. This is a clear case of robbery man.

If yes, very offensive.

I suggest to my monger friends, who liked my MAP, must take a printout of it with you. Once you start following it from Sova Bazar metro, will become very friendly. When you verify map with real lanes and major points, you will find it very easy.


08-11-12, 06:26
Arun, you had not done any offence so you should report the matter to high officials and media urgently. Better, if you have any contact in kolkata. It will prevent further incidents in future. I wrote a report just 1day ago inviting local bangla friends who may be helpful in such incidents. I faced 3 or 4 times such attack and cleared without any loss. U should have taken my help.

08-11-12, 09:06
So there is a girl whome I saw for 4 hours ST in a particular visit to SG. The girl almost instantly fell in so called luv with me. Don't know why but mite be my BFE which I almost play with every girl I sleep with. Later this girl began to call almost everyday from the timeI last saw her (mite be a mistake sharing my no.)

In phone calls she behaves exactly like a GF talking about her life and how she got into here etc etc. But myself aware of such situations thanks to my good ex-gf's experience. During this time I also had a LT with her that's bcoz I enjoyed her ST.

Not to mention she demanded some gifts from my side. The LT was so so but I fucked her till morning including lots of heartly-talks. So I enjoyed talking to her for a while and later completely rejected further calls.

But from here the situation almost didn't match my past experience.

1. She continued calling frequently and followed by pool of emotional sms's.

2. During one more ST she took less money bcoz I didn't have much.

3. She doesn't remain so much busy in phone as I saw in her sessions.

4. I have a bad habit of hard abusing while I'm drinking and she became a victim of the same one day but too my suprise she never abused me back.

5. She uses respectful words to me everytime we talk.

Further she said she unknowingly fell in luv with me and want to spent time with me outside there. And in few months she is going to leave SG for good and wants me by her side.

And I began to feel sumthing for her, not all but sumthing.

All these stated above is out of the domain of my thinking bcoz I never had much experience with pros.

Is it a Ploy OR Luv and attachment.

Seniors please advice in details.

08-11-12, 09:09
So there is a girl whome I saw for 4 hours ST in a particular visit to SG. The girl almost instantly fell in so called luv with me. Don't know why but mite be my BFE which I almost play with every girl I sleep with. Later this girl began to call almost everyday from the timeI last saw her (mite be a mistake sharing my no.)

In phone calls she behaves exactly like a GF talking about her life and how she got into here etc etc. But myself aware of such situations thanks to my good ex-gf's experience. During this time I also had a LT with her that's bcoz I enjoyed her ST.

Not to mention she demanded some gifts from my side. The LT was so so but I fucked her till morning including lots of heartly-talks. So I enjoyed talking to her for a while and later completely rejected further calls.

But from here the situation almost didn't match my past experience.

1. She continued calling frequently and followed by pool of emotional sms's.

2. During one more ST she took less money bcoz I didn't have much.

3. She doesn't remain so much busy in phone as I saw in her sessions.

4. I have a bad habit of hard abusing while I'm drinking and she became a victim of the same one day but too my suprise she never abused me back.

5. She uses respectful words to me everytime we talk.

Further she said she unknowingly fell in luv with me and want to spent time with me outside there. And in few months she is going to leave SG for good and wants me by her side.

And I began to feel sumthing for her, not all but sumthing.

All these stated above is out of the domain of my thinking bcoz I never had much experience with pros.

Is it a Ploy OR Luv and attachment.

Seniors please advice in details.

08-11-12, 11:25
Arun, If they have forced you to take out money inside the ATM, then there is full chance that Atm's camera has picked up their photos also which you can provide as proof to the police. Also you have been picked up from road not the brothel, so no one can harass you. I stay very near to SG, so that means LE can pick me any time while passing through that road? You can always say that you were coming from your friend's home nearby because it is a residential area also. And also remember to take exit from Grey street side.

Arun, you had not done any offence so you should report the matter to high officials and media urgently. Better, if you have any contact in kolkata. It will prevent further incidents in future. I wrote a report just 1day ago inviting local bangla friends who may be helpful in such incidents. I faced 3 or 4 times such attack and cleared without any loss. U should have taken my help.

On The Wings
08-12-12, 12:31
it was unfortunately a disaster for me. After m 1st day LT trip at 6. 30 AM in the morning when I head out,cops got hold of me. They took me to a isolated location and drained me of 20K from my pocket and debit card.I suspect there are certainly some informers inside, the moment I stepped in to the mainroad infront of Excide entry the jeep chased exactly me.A lonely guy on a police jeep with out knowing a single word in hindi.The fear of lockup and informing the family is what iam scared off.Sorry guys iam terribly upset, will write detailed report about this experiance when I mentally recover.Iam not giving up.ArunMore than the money. The ordeal you had been through in the early hours-taken by surprise, the shock & the uncertainity to follow next- though not easliy to erase from the memory. It's really painful, Arun. Sorry. The only solace is-you were able to come out of this shocking ordeal just losing money. 20k really matters but given the situation no one would dare to invite further trouble.

I kindly invite our seniors. Pinga98 & Inblr01 to comment on this.

Three things:

No. 1-How safe it is to stay in SG after 11. 00 PM (if one plans for LT) , since, they close the entry doors of all buildings by 11pm.

No. 2-Having spent the nite in SG, the appropriate time to go out in the morning.

No. 3-At 6. 30 in the morning, it is very easy to figure out by LE / Authority who are the inmates of SG & who is the visitor / outsider.

08-12-12, 14:37
Aruncuckcoo, full sympathy with you

Arun, If they have forced you to take out money inside the ATM, then there is full chance that Atm's camera has picked up their photos also which you can provide as proof to the police. Also you have been picked up from road not the brothel, so no one can harass you. I stay very near to SG, so that means LE can pick me any time while passing through that road? You can always say that you were coming from your friend's home nearby because it is a residential area also. And also remember to take exit from Grey street side.

Guys, isn't SG a legal redlight area, even if cops had picked up mr arun from SG did they have the right to harass him.

Had it not been for the police jeep, I would have thought that they were imposters posing as cops.

It is a really shocking incident which highlights the risks of mongering in India yet again.

08-12-12, 17:10
More than the money. .Thanks On the wings, Dhruvninea, Paidalyatri, John for your kind words. Being a adhoc visitor for 3 years I was little careless this time. So was not cautious and didn't not down any numbers like that of John which I have. Now I can thing I could have done this and that, but anywhere near SG my brain doesn't wrk. Being first time in a police jeep the fear factor stops me thinking.

Coming out at 6. 30 was also a mistake. 8 AM there would be lot of people on the road and not easy for them to single out you.

Once after an LT session I wanted to go back at 11. 30AM, the girl in rupashree said it is not safe and asked his servant to take me to a taxi stand inside SG itself and he made sure I'm safe.


08-13-12, 06:25
Go by your instinct. No one can help you in this.

[QUOTE=ManOfLove; 1314012]So there is a girl whome I saw for 4 hours ST in a particular visit to SG. The girl almost instantly fell in so called luv with me. Don't know why but mite be my BFE which I almost play with every girl I sleep with. Later this girl began to call almost everyday from the timeI last saw her (mite be a mistake sharing my no.)

In phone calls she behaves exactly like a GF talking about her life and how she got into here etc etc. But myself aware of such situations thanks to my good ex-gf's experience. During this time I also had a LT with her that's bcoz I enjoyed her ST.

Not to mention she demanded some gifts from my side. The LT was so so but I fucked her till morning including lots of heartly-talks. So I enjoyed talking to her for a while and later completely rejected further calls.

08-13-12, 11:04
Arun, you had'nt informed about action taken in your matter. Some friends have claimed to reside near sg. I request them to help! Usually sg is le free. Le become active only when any quarells publicly. Arun's tragedy seems to be a conspiracy of bari girl / member.

08-13-12, 17:44
once after an lt session i wanted to go back at 11. 30am, the girl in rupashree said it is not safe and asked his servant to take me to a taxi stand inside sg itself and he made sure i'm safe.


just thought of sharing a few observations and pointers for the fellow mongers visiting sg.

1. i have reported in one of my posts that there is a little bit of le activities that has started in sg in recent times. there have been a few raids in b 12 and kp and a few building like no. 10, 9 etc. though the reason for the le was not to disturb the mongers there rather some ****d girls and a few incidents that happened in recent times.

2. i have heard from a couple of other isg members in recent past about the same ordeal arun went through (won't want to name them till the fellow member himself reports the incident in the forum).

3. in my recent visit, i have seen le roaming even in the bylanes of sg. the motive is basically to make some quick bucks by means of threatning the fellow mongers whom they feel are not regulars. they seldom do this to the daily clientele.

4. john has already pointed out some routes that is le free and i do agree with him. arun himself has pointed out some points that would have helped him avoid the incident.

my personal advice to the mongers are :

1. avoid the exide entry points (cr avenue entry points) after 9 pm till 7:30 am. take the route suggested by john. the le activity is also much less in the tramline side as the notion is that only people with less cash go there. so they would not waste their time in those lanes.

2. i highly reccomend taking a pimp with you when venturing to different buildings. trust me this is the safest option (12 years of exp speaks here). if you retain his number and tell him that you will need him to escort you outside sg after the deed, he will happily do it. i used to use this option before, though now i don't need this favor as i am quite a known face there. i mostly get escorted by a servent or any known face there.

3. when leaving sg at late night or early morning always ask the lady to send her servent with you. they know the lanes and would also ensure that you get a transport without any trouble. be generous and hand over a inr 50/100 note and i am sure he will do all to ensure your safety.

4. keep your eyes and ears open. when in trouble the best bet is to quicky get into a building and move to the safety inside a girl's room. it would cost you 2k but will save you from a lot more trouble.

i still believe that sg remains one of the safest options in india even when you count these incidents. be safe and enjoy sg.



08-14-12, 07:55
Friends. Due to incidents of mishaps due to wrong entry and wrong exit has brought harassment to Monger, I am posting MAP with Entry Point E. If we enter or exit from here, we go through residential areas. People entering from here may be local residents. So LE never petrol here. Any New monger will obliviousely enter from Exide or pump entry and will be a good prey for LE. So just follow this route to enter and exit. It's very close to Sova Bazar metro too. When you come out of Metro exit, look for petrol pump just on the crossing. Now just opposite Pump, der is Uco bank ATM. Now follow that road. And after 20 meters you will find left turn and that is point E in the map.

Hope it helps.


08-14-12, 13:22
Thanks On the wings, Dhruvninea, Paidalyatri, John for your kind words. Being a adhoc visitor for 3 years I was little careless this time. So was not cautious and didn't not down any numbers like that of John which I have. Now I can thing I could have done this and that, but anywhere near SG my brain doesn't wrk. Being first time in a police jeep the fear factor stops me thinking.

Coming out at 6. 30 was also a mistake. 8 AM there would be lot of people on the road and not easy for them to single out you.

Once after an LT session I wanted to go back at 11. 30AM, the girl in rupashree said it is not safe and asked his servant to take me to a taxi stand inside SG itself and he made sure I'm safe.

ArunFriends, today I had a long chat with Pimp lagan, who dealt friend Arun. I told him Arun's case, as he was not able to do it because of language problem. Lagan kept saying one thing only that why Arun not informed him about this incident. So My advice to all Mongers is to report to Pimp if there is any harassment by girl or LE. Pimps are always co-operative and de are very united too.


Bhosdi Wala
08-14-12, 17:18
Hello Friends,

I watch this forum for some time. Now I am a new member. Everytime I go to SG, I have bad experiences. Sometime girls throw me out of room. I gone there 20-25 time. But every time I have trouble. One evening 4-5 pimps beat me and took all my money and mobile. I was very drunk. I found myself near dust bin near Night Lover in morning. But when last week I read this forum, I get good information and a good map of John Ji. Now I have printed map.

This forum is really helping to all.


08-14-12, 19:09
Friends, today I had a long chat with Pimp lagan, who dealt friend Arun.

JohnAgree with you mate. I have seen mongers in the forum speaking about avoiding Pimps and dealing directly. I would guess that would be a big mistake. Anyways, have you reached kol. Would eagerly wait for FR.

On The Wings
08-14-12, 19:30
Friends, today I had a long chat with Pimp lagan, who dealt friend Arun. I told him Arun's case. Lagan kept saying one thing only that why Arun not informed him about this incident. So My advice to all Mongers is to report to Pimp if there is any harassment by girl or LE. Pimps are always co-operative and de are very united too.JohnThere's one popular saying. "in case of trouble, call the local support group". Thanks John for your genuine concern & keeping the Pimps informed & alerted of the untoward happenings for Arun. And your Map will go a long way like that of Humphrey Davy's Lamp in the coal mines (in our case-the erotic mines). Sure, it is we can count on you dude.

Thanks a lot.

08-14-12, 19:39
Lagan kept saying one thing only that why Arun not informed him about this incident.

JohnHaving lost the money what is the point talking to him. Since Lagan diverted me to another pimp, I started suspecting the pimp named jeyaraj. However they kept my cellphone & purse until I withdrew money from ATM.


08-14-12, 20:06
Agree with you mate. I have seen mongers in the forum speaking about avoiding Pimps and dealing directly. I would guess that would be a big mistake. Anyways, have you reached kol. Would eagerly wait for FR.Dear LVM my trip is in mid of nov.

You'll have to wait long for my FR.


08-14-12, 20:13
Firstly I am an Indian and been kolkata for ages. Done mongering in many countries and also active members in few other forums with 2000+ post. BTW I am just 34.

Been their done that so nothing new to P4P.

I been looking from yesterday but this forum need some serious upliftment (may be I am more into IP board) (don't get me wrong) just my views but the contents are top class. I was looking for some other forum and came across Kolkata section and thought to post my 1 post. Kolkata is always special and my mongering journey started from here 15 years back.

For kolkata visitors I know SG means more choice & decent price but that place is shit. If you looking for GFE I wonder why you choose for SG? It's fuck'them & forget'them kinda place.

Independent escorts & agencies are spreaded everywhere, just one contact leads to others. Prices are 1. 5+K for a pop and definitely 10X better & safer than SG.

Do some home work and you might end far better experience that SG.

May be different flocks different strokes but trust me a wise monger for kolkata will never visit SG.

Good luck to all.


08-15-12, 04:08
Sg is controlled by local mastan (dada) , bari owner and police nexus. Sg comes under ps bartalla so in case of any incident, check le jurisdiction. Main problem is with famous baris which are located on main road otherwise large portion of sg is linked to mano bylanes opening towards park side full safe. I exit at 5 am through these bylanes peacefully! Problem with arun is a result of mischief of bari girl for which it may be blacklisted by us all.

08-15-12, 07:13
Having lost the money what is the point talking to him. Since Lagan diverted me to another pimp, I started suspecting the pimp named jeyaraj. However they kept my cellphone & purse until I withdrew money from ATM.

ArunDear Arun,

I forgot to mention that I did talk to Lagan over Jayraj. As I told him that he must check Jayraj's intentions, if he had any involvement in your matter or if he provided any inputs to cop. I told him that if these things are repeated, he will surely loose a good no of customers and their faith too. This was useless to talk about this forum to him, as would be over the top thing for him.

Now I will discuss your matter to more pimps, so that if their is any game from their end, they will try to refrain from these activities. At least they must understand that ifany thing like this keep happening, would effect their business.


08-15-12, 09:02
Friends, today I had a long chat with Pimp lagan, who dealt friend Arun.

JohnBig thank you John for talking about my topic. You know I don't know anything in hindi, I don't know how to tell him.


Member #4173
08-15-12, 18:37
Read what happened to Arun and also the advices from others that. You could have taken my help, could have called Lagan etc. My view is that all of this is mere stupidity. Bcos only scenes which are going to be in mind when somebody had been in Aruns situtation would be seeeing his photo for prostitution in newspapers, standing with shame before parents or wife etc. In that mental state, one would rather pay up the cop and leave out somehow rather than trying to do adventures like calling someone, pimp etc. May be with locals, it works. From my visit to SG, what I understood that the talks on this forum like pimps would help you in trouble, without pimp you are in risk etc are all bullshit talks. Nobody is going to help you if you really fall in trouble in that so crowded and congested place if you are not a local. Again, Lagan told why he was not called it seems! Will he go to the police station and get the money back. I am sure if he or somebody else was called at that moment, nobody would be around that place for about 200 m. They will try to save themselves rather than attempt to save a naive fellow. Things are much talked to simplification here rather than they should be.

08-15-12, 18:52
Read what happened to Arun and also the advices from others that. You could have taken my help, could have called Lagan etc. My view is that all of this is mere stupidity. Bcos only scenes which are going to be in mind when somebody had been in Aruns situtation would be seeeing his photo for prostitution in newspapers, standing with shame before parents or wife etc. In that mental state, one would rather pay up the cop and leave out somehow rather than trying to do adventures like calling someone, pimp etc. May be with locals, it works. From my visit to SG, what I understood that the talks on this forum like pimps would help you in trouble, without pimp you are in risk etc are all bullshit talks. Nobody is going to help you if you really fall in trouble in that so crowded and congested place if you are not a local. Again, Lagan told why he was not called it seems! Will he go to the police station and get the money back. I am sure if he or somebody else was called at that moment, nobody would be around that place for about 200 m. They will try to save themselves rather than attempt to save a naive fellow. Things are much talked to simplification here rather than they should be.Look, we are not discussing ways to get the amount back, robbed by the cops. We are talking about possible ways to do the things in such situations. When Arun lost his 20 K, at least he must be thinking about the reasons behind this incident. Should we not discuss this case here? Then Where else? Least we can do is to spread this case to every pimp. If no body will react in such incident, how will we learn to handle such situations. This forum should be a platform of sexual encounters, as well as how to take care of problems. Your stand is that, there is no need to call any body or pimp, just loose your money and come back to your city like cowards.


08-16-12, 07:45
Read what happened to Arun and also the advices from others that. You could have taken my help, could have called Lagan etc. My view is that all of this is mere stupidity. Bcos only scenes which are going to be in mind when somebody had been in Aruns situtation would be seeeing his photo for prostitution in newspapers, standing with shame before parents or wife etc. In that mental state, one would rather pay up the cop and leave out somehow rather than trying to do adventures like calling someone, pimp etc. May be with locals, it works. From my visit to SG, what I understood that the talks on this forum like pimps would help you in trouble, without pimp you are in risk etc are all bullshit talks. Nobody is going to help you if you really fall in trouble in that so crowded and congested place if you are not a local. Again, Lagan told why he was not called it seems! Will he go to the police station and get the money back. I am sure if he or somebody else was called at that moment, nobody would be around that place for about 200 m. They will try to save themselves rather than attempt to save a naive fellow. Things are much talked to simplification here rather than they should be.Mr Nair I fully agree with your assessment of Mr arun situation. You have understood the entire situation in a very mature manner. I also do not fancy going to a place with dirty rooms and shoddy service as indicated by you in your previous post. I think I am having a much better time in Delhi at lesser expenses. I do believe that regular mongers will get better services anywhere. So people like John have a great time in SG. I Was disappointed by your MP report in Delhi but have again gained respect for your intelligence after this great.


08-16-12, 16:18
Bcos only scenes which are going to be in mind when somebody had been in Aruns situtation would be seeeing his photo for prostitution in newspapers, standing with shame before parents or wife etc. In that mental state, one would rather pay up the cop and leave out somehow rather than trying to do adventures like calling someone, pimp etc. .Hi Prsek,

Exactly what I felt.

And as John explained, Iam writing all this so that others can be extra careful when they go. I know when I handed over the money that I will never get it back.


08-16-12, 19:08
Hi arun can you please share some contacts of independent girls or women within 1500-2000.

Hi Prsek,

Exactly what I felt.

And as John explained, Iam writing all this so that others can be extra careful when they go. I know when I handed over the money that I will never get it back.


Member #4173
08-16-12, 19:21
John dude, I'm afraid you didn't understand me. I am not saying that such incidents should not be discussed. Defenitely they should be discussed. But the way solutions are suggested seems to be too naive. For example do you think by some phone calls or one-off talks the pimps would take a notebook and mention this down for future? What I found at this place, is that, that is every min, they are trying to get commission by hooking up new customers and these one and off incidents are of the least bother to such uneducated folks. THey don't work like the personnel in your company or org. There could be another risk here that by throwing up this idea to pimps, bulbs might be switched on their heads to employ similar tactics quite often and extort money if at all they have partnerships with cops. So the approach seems to be too silly and foolish here. Rather than this, educating on the safest entry / exit points, timings etc would do a lot better towards avoiding such incidents. Not forgetting the fact you had mentioned that info too. But the other methods discussed like calling the pimp, trying to call some one in ISG (I'm sure rather than just talk, nobody is going to and come involve oneself in such a situation) when in front of the cop etc are too immature talks unless you have been caught about 10-20 times pants down and have escaped by tricks.

Look, we are not discussing ways to get the amount back, robbed by the cops. We are talking about possible ways to do the things in such situations. When Arun lost his 20 K, at least he must be thinking about the reasons behind this incident. Should we not discuss this case here? Then Where else? Least we can do is to spread this case to every pimp. If no body will react in such incident, how will we learn to handle such situations. This forum should be a platform of sexual encounters, as well as how to take care of problems. Your stand is that, there is no need to call any body or pimp, just loose your money and come back to your city like cowards.


08-16-12, 20:03
John dude, I'm afraid you didn't understand me. I am not saying that such incidents should not be discussed. Defenitely they should be discussed. But the way solutions are suggested seems to be too naive. For example do you think by some phone calls or one-off talks the pimps would take a notebook and mention this down for future? What I found at this place, is that, that is every min, they are trying to get commission by hooking up new customers and these one and off incidents are of the least bother to such uneducated folks. THey don't work like the personnel in your company or org. There could be another risk here that by throwing up this idea to pimps, bulbs might be switched on their heads to employ similar tactics quite often and extort money if at all they have partnerships with cops. So the approach seems to be too silly and foolish here. Rather than this, educating on the safest entry / exit points, timings etc would do a lot better towards avoiding such incidents. Not forgetting the fact you had mentioned that info too. But the other methods discussed like calling the pimp, trying to call some one in ISG (I'm sure rather than just talk, nobody is going to and come involve oneself in such a situation) when in front of the cop etc are too immature talks unless you have been caught about 10-20 times pants down and have escaped by tricks.Now look. If I would have been in Arun's situation, what least could do was to see the names of the cops on their name plate or Jeep No. And then could have gone to SP office to report the robbery by cops on the main road. What harm do you see in this. He was not caught as you said pants down. He was walking on the road and that is not a crime. Why to say that he was coming out of brothel, why not that he was looking for an address. But It's all about presence of mind at difficult time. So solution defers from person to person. Every body has his own view point. But I bet, I would have not let walk away those son of bitches with my 20 K like that.


08-17-12, 07:36
Hi john,

I am new to this forum. Can you please mail me some contacts of girls or women at [Email address deleted by Admin]

Now look. If I would have been in Arun's situation, what least could do was to see the names of the cops on their name plate or Jeep No. And then could have gone to SP office to report the robbery by cops on the main road. What harm do you see in this. He was not caught as you said pants down. He was walking on the road and that is not a crime. Why to say that he was coming out of brothel, why not that he was looking for an address. But It's all about presence of mind at difficult time. So solution defers from person to person. Every body has his own view point. But I bet, I would have not let walk away those son of bitches with my 20 K like that.


EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

08-17-12, 09:04
Hi Everyone,

I will be visiting Greece (Athens, Mykonos, Santorini) and Turkey (Istanbul, Cappadoccia) from 25th August till 10th sept.

I have RTFF those countries and have not been able to get a lot of info on the mongering scene except for one street in greece.

Would request fellow members from india who have been to these countries to help me out with mongering info by PM.

Will appreciate it.



Man In India
08-17-12, 10:38
Dear John,

I (we) truly appreciate the efforts you are taking, which are going to help others.

Thank you friend, thanks a lot!

. I did talk to Lagan over Jayraj. As I told him. Told him that if these things are repeated, he will surely loose a good no of customers and their faith too.

I will discuss your matter to more pimps, so that if their is any game from their end, they will try to refrain from these activities. At least they must understand that ifany thing like this keep happening, would effect their business.


08-17-12, 13:25
John is right. Matter should be reported to high officials and media and local friends may help a lot. Bengalis usually do'nt surrender before injustice so this event may be lesson to those dacoits in uniform.

08-18-12, 08:15
Hi Guys,

Is no body going to SG now a days? No FRs? C'mon!


08-18-12, 23:35
Firstly thanks to john1970 for the vital infos. Couldn't have gone for my First SG visit without your help.

I reached at 2. 30 pm, called up jagdish, told him I want to do shots. He was first taking me building 10 said the rate is 2100, I refused. He took me to Ganesh bhavan, many of the girl were having their afternoon nap. Saw all the girls available, liked a girl in ground floor called Lipi. She said Rs 2400, it was settled for 1700.

This was my first time in SG and she gave me one hell of a good time, Though not being a stunner she kissed me like anything and made the right sounds. I can safely say she was the one who fucked me. The 1 hr hour thing stretched to 2 hours, had some work otherwise would have continued for more. I asked for CBJ, it was denied. Can't complain though. Fingering was allowed and I gave a good time to her too

GFE: 8/10.

Looks / Body: 6/10

Performance: 10/10.

WIR : Sure.

Now the sad thing. As I came out of the building, I was mugged, in the fucking man road, they (2 guys) took all the money which I had in my shirt pocket. They were bullshitting something to me " Kitnae mein kiya hain 2000?" " "Sawaan ka chanda" and " Agli baar hum hi bchaangae" #bull-shit. I do think me being young (23) , drunk and alone was a factor. So guys tread safely there. Though I had only Rs600 in my upper pocket. I could have lost more. We should atleast push the pimps for keeping the area safe.

Member #4173
08-19-12, 07:10
I believe from a outstation normal mongers view point, he would be more interested in knowing the established outputs of the "should be" and "may" mentioned in your statement.

John is right. Matter should be reported to high officials and media and local friends may help a lot. Bengalis usually do'nt surrender before injustice so this event may be lesson to those dacoits in uniform.

08-20-12, 03:10
Arun case is a gone matter so now be closed. As a lesson, we should concentrate towards private independents / housewives / collegegirls. I have seen some action at bus stand near zoo. If anyone has tried, please write. Also write mp exp near mg road cr avenue. I tried one near hotel himalaya but too congested and girls upto 5/10. Charging 400rs only for all. As I plan to visit in 1st week of sept so you can pm me adress, no for contact.

Member #4173
08-20-12, 09:17
Dudes, is SG not a safe place anymore? More and More bitter reports coming up.

Firstly thanks to john1970 for the vital infos. Couldn't have gone for my First SG visit without your help.

I reached at 2. 30 pm, called up jagdish, told him I want to do shots. He was first taking me building 10 said the rate is 2100, I refused. He took me to Ganesh bhavan, many of the girl were having their afternoon nap. Saw all the girls available, liked a girl in ground floor called Lipi. She said Rs 2400, it was settled for 1700.

This was my first time in SG and she gave me one hell of a good time, Though not being a stunner she kissed me like anything and made the right sounds. I can safely say she was the one who fucked me. The 1 hr hour thing stretched to 2 hours, had some work otherwise would have continued for more. I asked for CBJ, it was denied. Can't complain though. Fingering was allowed and I gave a good time to her too

GFE: 8/10.

Looks / Body: 6/10

Performance: 10/10.

WIR : Sure.

Now the sad thing. As I came out of the building, I was mugged, in the fucking man road, they (2 guys) took all the money which I had in my shirt pocket. They were bullshitting something to me " Kitnae mein kiya hain 2000?" " "Sawaan ka chanda" and " Agli baar hum hi bchaangae" #bull-shit. I do think me being young (23) , drunk and alone was a factor. So guys tread safely there. Though I had only Rs600 in my upper pocket. I could have lost more. We should atleast push the pimps for keeping the area safe.

08-20-12, 18:10
Which zoo are you talking about mate?

Arun case is a gone matter so now be closed. As a lesson, we should concentrate towards private independents / housewives / collegegirls. I have seen some action at bus stand near zoo. If anyone has tried, please write. Also write mp exp near mg road cr avenue. I tried one near hotel himalaya but too congested and girls upto 5/10. Charging 400rs only for all. As I plan to visit in 1st week of sept so you can pm me adress, no for contact.

08-20-12, 22:00
Dudes, is SG not a safe place anymore? More and More bitter reports coming up.As I visited over the area at 12 o'clock for 5 times last week, I must say on CR Avenue entry points there are atleast 2-4 police cars are moving slowing over the area.

SG may not be the best place.

Can anyone suggest call girls?

08-20-12, 22:05
Friends. Due to incidents of mishaps due to wrong entry and wrong exit has brought harassment to Monger, I am posting MAP with Entry Point E. If we enter or exit from here, we go through residential areas. People entering from here may be local residents. So LE never petrol here. Any New monger will obliviousely enter from Exide or pump entry and will be a good prey for LE. So just follow this route to enter and exit. It's very close to Sova Bazar metro too. When you come out of Metro exit, look for petrol pump just on the crossing. Now just opposite Pump, der is Uco bank ATM. Now follow that road. And after 20 meters you will find left turn and that is point E in the map.

Hope it helps.

JohnTo John,

As I can't check out the image in full size, will you upload it somewhere else and send the link to me via pm?

Fresh Meat
08-21-12, 06:06
Which zoo are you talking about mate?Well they are talking about SG, would love if you could share some independent experience in kol here, I am trying to contact you, but unfortunately you don't have pm.

08-21-12, 16:44

I'm looking for Nepali chicks, ny favourites / advices up there.

Are there any Nepali bari near the Exide entry?

08-21-12, 20:28

Can you PM me Jagdish's number?

Thank you

[QUOTE=RookieIndian1; 1316884]Firstly thanks to john1970 for the vital infos. Couldn't have gone for my First SG visit without your help.

I reached at 2. 30 pm, called up jagdish, told him I want to do shots. He was first taking me building 10 said the rate is 2100, I refused. He took me to Ganesh bhavan, many of the girl were having their afternoon nap. Saw all the girls available, liked a girl in ground floor called Lipi. She said Rs 2400, it was settled for 1700.

08-21-12, 20:32
I went to SG last night. Met up with my agent Anil near the first petrol pump from Girish Park Side. It was pretty late. Around 11 pm.

We went to a few buildings. The famous Manisha of 10 number was busy, I couldn't see here. It seems there is another Manisha in the same building. I didn't like her much.

In another building, I think it was Ganga Jamuna or some such name, I saw this sexxyyy girl called Simran on the top floor. She has hazel eyes. Has a nice figure but is very short. It was late at night and I was in no mood to walk more. I told Simran I want total GFE. Smooching and all that in 1 hour dance (I don't go for shots. Not my thing). I paid her 3100 for it (I know, I probably over paid, but it was 11 at night and I was too tired / horny to negotiate)

She was a decent dancer and was more than happy to please. We made out for half the time. She has soft handful boobs (not too big not too small) , and flawless body. I didn't like that she's so short but rest was good. Also, she chewed gutka so it was awkward kissing her, she had to drink redbull before each time.

Also, her servant ripped me off. I paid 500 bucks for 1 beer. 1 red bull and some rajnigandha, etc. He didn't return any balance. Instead wanted 50 more. I shooed him off.

OK, So I overpaid (please don't start abusing me for that now). But I had a very good time. Total GFE.

Looks: 9/10 (A little taller, firmer boobs would get her 10)

GFE: 10/10

Dance: 8/10.

Damage: 3600.

WIR: Nah, I'm go to SG once in a blue moon and would rather go to a new gal each time. But she was superb nonetheless. I recommend you should try her.

08-22-12, 12:16

I'm looking for Nepali chicks, ny favourites / advices up there.

Are there any Nepali bari near the Exide entry?One bari filled with nepali girls is midway of lane connecting see are avenue to ravindra sarni on left. Another on this lane is on right close to ravindra sarni (tramline). Moreover is a bari in a narrow lane on ravindra sarni just 50 yards away from sg entrance. All these baris can easily be found as girls standing outside.

08-22-12, 17:38
Guys, is there any other areas in Kolkata whr we can get independent girls or housewife in average budget may be within 2000 for 2hrs. I am new to Kolkata and will be here for another 6 months. Bit hesitant to go SG, please suggest if there is any.

08-23-12, 08:22
Hi all,

I want to know from seniors, how genuine are the Lokanto ads?

If someone can share their experience if any, that will be of massive help.


08-23-12, 12:04
atkazam1234. Welcome from another forum, I don't have PM facility, kindly ask for the same from seniors.

AtPaidalyatri. Are they safe and hygienic, I m not a fucking angrez but I m still a newbieMidway bari is safe and largest number of girl is there. No cheating but not clean. U can see a girl fucked nearby in same room.

U can take my help and company, it will save your money& le. Have pm or see this forum regularly. Kazaam! Welcome to this forum but have pm because you were senior in othe forum.

08-23-12, 18:14
atkazam1234. I don't have PM facility, seniors help him out.He has been helped. !

08-23-12, 18:16
Which zoo are you talking about mate?As far as I know there is only one Zoo in kolkata, Alipore Zoo.

08-23-12, 19:07
Thanks Paidalyatri. Yes I do have pm. I was going to China for a few months and this was the easiest way to get some contacts.

Glad to be on this network.

Kazaam! Welcome to this forum but have pm because you were senior in othe forum.

08-24-12, 14:13
Thanks Paidalyatri. Yes I do have pm. I was going to China for a few months and this was the easiest way to get some contacts.

Glad to be on this network.Best wishes for journey! Before departure, pm me some independent no / adress in kolkata. Thank in advance!

08-24-12, 23:46
Thats my point. I have my workplace just a few steps away from there and I didn't see any action there for a couple of years. Could somone please enlighten more about the scene?

As far as I know there is only one Zoo in kolkata, Alipore Zoo.

08-24-12, 23:49
Hi Meat,

Sorry mate my PM is not activated. I am yet to shift here properly from another forum and I require sm time.

Well they are talking about SG, would love if you could share some independent experience in kol here, I am trying to contact you, but unfortunately you don't have pm.

08-25-12, 10:52
Hi I am new guy Can somebody give any direction in sg / ind call girl.

Regarding sg I know exide more after that how to catch a pimp reliable How to find them I am not looking for street hores please guide me.

Can any share any contacts of reliable girl independent.

08-25-12, 11:29
Okay this is my first post here, I would be very grateful if anybody could help me on this.

I had been to sonagachi once, paid 700 and a sense of guilt hit me and I left the place.

This time am determined, so I ll be reaching kolkata tomorrow. Want to spend a night at SG. Me and my friends have planned to. So can you tell me what is the cost I should pay for a night? And where or which building should I enter? From which side should I enter SG so that I don't get harrased my brokers. And is there any police risk? Because I want to spend the night there and in the morning I ll return to my hotel.

Please reply fast as am going tomorrow.


Fair and good figure. (help me find one)

Thank you please reply.

08-25-12, 11:34
Best wishes for journey! Before departure, pm me some independent no / adress in kolkata. Thank in advance!I would be grateful if you can help me. Am goin to kolkata tomorrow ll be visiting SG.

Can you tell me if its risky because I want to spend the night there.

What is the amount that I should pay for one night.

Which building should I visit (I want a fair girl with good figure)

From where should I enter so that I don't get harassed my brokers.

Am going tomorrow so appreciate if you could help me asap.

atLord Voldemort : if even you could help me with the questions I have asked, thank you.

08-25-12, 11:41
Best wishes for journey! Before departure, pm me some independent no / adress in kolkata. Thank in advance!I would be grateful if you can help me. Am goin to kolkata tomorrow ll be visiting SG.

Can you tell me if its risky because I want to spend the night there.

What is the amount that I should pay for one night.

Which building should I visit (I want a fair girl with good figure)

From where should I enter so that I don't get harassed my brokers.

Am going tomorrow so appreciate if you could help me asap.

AtLord Voldemort : if even you could help me with the questions I have asked, thank you.

Please HLEP

08-25-12, 11:47
Best wishes for journey! Before departure, pm me some independent no / adress in kolkata. Thank in advance!My messages don't appear on this thread.

How do I ask for the help.

Please tell me guys am goin to Kolk 2mrw, need some help asap

08-25-12, 11:55
Guys I have sent so many messages or posts to this thread, why am I not being able to view it.

Please tell me how to send messages or post on this threads. Via report right? Even tried reply. Still it doest show.

Please help.

08-25-12, 16:32
Guys I have sent so many messages or posts to this thread, why am I not being able to view it.Dear Ahono,

The reason that you are not able to see your posts immediately is because you are a "New member / Regular member" and not a "Senior Member". Your posts are moderated by the form admin so there is a delay in your posts being visible. I also see that you don't have your PM activated. If you want us to help you with the details, you need to buy the subscription and activate your PM. We are there to help you provided you have the PM facility. If you have read the forum rules, posting email I'd or contact numbers is not allowed in the forum pages. If you feel you don't want to take the subscription, RTFF. (Read the fucking forum). Its also reccomended that you go to the posts of John1970 a senior member who has already uploaded the MAP of SG." Again I would guess that you need to be a subscribed member to see the pics. Else you need to do a lot of hard work in reading the posts of the seniors where you will get some good pointers for a start.

Wish you all the best.

08-25-12, 16:33
Hi I am new guy Can somebody give any direction in sg / ind call girl.

Regarding sg I know exide more after that how to catch a pimp reliable How to find them I am not looking for street hores please guide me.

Can any share any contacts of reliable girl independent.Get your PM activated for us to help you.

08-25-12, 17:51
Dear Ahono,

The reason that you are not able to see your posts immediately is because you are a "New member / Regular member" and not a "Senior Member". Your posts are moderated by the form admin so there is a delay in your posts being visible. I also see that you don't have your PM activated. If you want us to help you with the details, you need to buy the subscription and activate your PM. We are there to help you provided you have the PM facility. If you have read the forum rules, posting email I'd or contact numbers is not allowed in the forum pages. If you feel you don't want to take the subscription, RTFF. (Read the fucking forum). Its also reccomended that you go to the posts of John1970 a senior member who has already uploaded the MAP of SG." Again I would guess that you need to be a subscribed member to see the pics. Else you need to do a lot of hard work in reading the posts of the seniors where you will get some good pointers for a start.

Wish you all the best.Okay Lord Voldemort I got it. But I ll activate pm as soon as my card gets activated this month end. Bu tonight am leavin for kolkata so am goin to SG.

Atleast tell me if there is any police risk if I got SG. Am goin to spend the night.

And how much is the cost for one night. Please atleast tell me this much.

Rest you can tell me once I activate PM.

Please help

08-25-12, 19:06
There is no harm in becoming paid member of ISG. Because spending few hundreds will save you from loosing few thousands at SG, in absence of guidance. When you become member you have access to PM facility, where you can get full support from Seniors like Lord, Inblr and few others. They will give important nos too, will save you from any accident.

So paid membership is not a big deal.


08-25-12, 20:04
Thanks Paidalyatri. That was a few months back. For China.

I have never tried any independent in Kolkata. Infact, if you know someone good, please share. From all the posts, I don't want to call people from toi or websites.

Best wishes for journey! Before departure, pm me some independent no / adress in kolkata. Thank in advance!

08-25-12, 20:37
Dear all, seniors, I am new to the forum and new to mongering in Kolkata. I have activated my PM via subscription just now. Humble request to all seniors to help me out with some authentic SP contacts in Kolkata for outcall service. I prefer bit mature and busty women in mid 30s and 40s. Although I have not yet managed to get any contacts in Kolkata yet, but as soon as I get some, I shall share in return. Your kind help will be highly appreciated

08-26-12, 03:47
Very first you try st or double shot only as it is more fun that whole night in sg. It would make you familiar with scene there. Also, night in sg means 12 to6 am in between you can do 2 or 3 times maximum so why waste money 4times? Enter from beadon street and go with any pimp to bari no 4, sangam, nk or many baris left to ganga jamuna near small temple. Bargain more, it would make double benefit you. Best if you know bangla or have a bangla friend. U can seek help from me, john etc.

08-26-12, 07:32
Hi All!

A big confusion is seen here over LT at SG. Some say why to waste in LT, when you can have 4 shots in day time with different girls in same amount. But I have a different view. All Seniors will admit that there is a different enjoyment in the night. When whole world is sleeping, you have drinks with your lady wrapped around you. None of you is in hurry. It's not about 4-5 shots. It's about sleeping with your mouth in between her big juicy boobs and grabbing each other's naked body in your arms. I know few of our Seniors would have started getting erection. But sometimes you forget about shots and money you paid. You want to be in the world of pleasure only.


08-26-12, 07:33
Very first you try st or double shot only as it is more fun that whole night in sg. It would make you familiar with scene there. Also, night in sg means 12 to6 am in between you can do 2 or 3 times maximum so why waste money 4times? Enter from beadon street and go with any pimp to bari no 4, sangam, nk or many baris left to ganga jamuna near small temple. Bargain more, it would make double benefit you. Best if you know bangla or have a bangla friend. U can seek help from me, john etc.Hey Paidalyatri, If you are going for a ST around mid to end Sep, I would like to accompany you as I am new to the area. My PM is active now. If you are willing, pl connect to me via PM.

08-26-12, 20:10
I have also never been to SG and want to explore but after reading Arun's incident. Am too scared to explore alone. Anyone else want to tag along?

I have paid for the subscribtion and the PM will be active in the next 24 hours.


08-27-12, 15:05
I plan to visit calcutta after 9/9 but not sure now. So, newmongers can pm me with their bio / adress / no. In fact, real fun there is with 1/2 friends as you can share nude dance, exchange girls in night etc. Once, we two friends took two girls for night with condition to exchange as many times at night. Payment was to be done according to number of shots. Both girls tried their best to arouse us&make our dicks ready for action!

Man In India
08-28-12, 14:54
Very true John. That's right. Being with the lady you liked throughout the night, with your face in her breasts, legs locked, hand on butt. Ohhhhhhhhh!

One more aspect to it I add. You develope rapport with the girl. Over a period of time, you get fantastic service from her when compared with four girls.

I wish I could join you in November there.

Hi All!

A big confusion is seen here over LT at SG. Some say why to waste in LT, when you can have 4 shots in day time with different girls in same amount. But I have a different view. All Seniors will admit that there is a different enjoyment in the night. When whole world is sleeping, you have drinks with your lady wrapped around you. None of you is in hurry. It's not about 4-5 shots. It's about sleeping with your mouth in between her big juicy boobs and grabbing each other's naked body in your arms. I know few of our Seniors would have started getting erection. But sometimes you forget about shots and money you paid. You want to be in the world of pleasure only.


08-28-12, 18:10
Hi all,

I have been requesting (specially from the seniors) about any authentic Independent SPs in Kolkata / Saltlake area for outcall. So far no response. It would be great if someone can guide me with any genuine contacts (BTW I am an aunty lover) , unfrtunately I am new to the Kolkata scene and donot have any contacts to share in exchange. Too bad. But I promise, shall drop in with FRs and share new ones as soon as I get some. Looking forward for your help guys. I have PM activated already. Best regards.

08-28-12, 18:11
I plan to visit calcutta after 9/9 but not sure now. So, newmongers can pm me with their bio / adress / no. In fact, real fun there is with 1/2 friends as you can share nude dance, exchange girls in night etc. Once, we two friends took two girls for night with condition to exchange as many times at night. Payment was to be done according to number of shots. Both girls tried their best to arouse us&make our dicks ready for action!Thanks mate. Much appreciated. Shall PM my contacts and other details soon.

08-28-12, 18:22
Hi All!

A big confusion is seen here over LT at SG.

Very first you try st or double shot only as it is more fun that whole night in sg. .Gentlemen,

I would agree with both of you. But for newbies, please understand the way the SG scene works and then reset your expectations according to that. As a newbie if you expect that in your 1st trip in SG with the 1st girl you met, you would get a great LT experiance, you are mistaken. In smaller "Bari's" or buildings, which are low cost, this is kind of possible, as they have much better GFE compared to the premiere buildings (but don't expect looks there). If you want a great experiance in a premiere building, there is no short cut but to repeat the girl a few times and get some chemistry going. In recent times I generally do a night out every day during my trip, but thats with girls I know very well. So don't go with high expectation and ruturn dejected.

08-28-12, 18:43
And how much is the cost for one night. Please atleast tell me this much.Ah, I know I am late in my response. You can read previous posts from me and John on how to avoid the LE issue. As far as LT (Night Halt) is concerened, I won't be able to give a one line answer. Its really depends on which building you are going. It starts at as low as 2. 5K (tram line side) and goes to 15K in premiere buildings like KP, NL, PB.

08-28-12, 18:46
I am a newbie and agree with LordVoldermort. The cost of LT will be at least 2 to 3 times of ST, so better find out where to invest in LT. But I am still very afraid of going to SG alone. So interested folks please PM me.

Also come good contacts of SG pimps will be helpful.

On my last visit to USA, I had a one day break in Bangkok and I went to Pattaya. I had a ST session in a MP, but language was a big problem. The service was good but better communication could have made the experience better. Moreover if we share the information. I bet we can get the same experience in Kolkata in a cheaper price.

Hoping to make some Monger friends.

PM me.


08-28-12, 19:02
Hope it helps.John,

I have got a few queries on the location of Kanchan Palace and Rupashree though PM from some punters. Would be great if you can mark them on the map.

atMembers: People who have questions on safe entry avoiding LE, please refer to this map.

Carlos Moya
08-28-12, 19:50
Little late in posting, but anyway here goes my report. Last month visited Kolkata and at night ended up at SG. Headed straight to Ganga Jamuna, wanted to spend some time with Reena at ground floor. She was not available, so climbed up the stairs, on first floor second room at right saw a girl, later on I came to know her name as Ishika, whom I fancied. Agreed for dance + shot (with cooperation) for Rs3500- (+ Rs100- cleaner). Girl was not fair nor dark, around 5feet 2 inches, slim with nice small boobs. Her dance was quite energetic and she made me join her in dance quite a few times. Finally it was time to strip, allowed lot of boob pressing and feeling her pussy though no lip kissing which was a dampner. Finally she made me lie on bed, with only my undies on and she came on top of me fully nude, nearly put her nipples into my lips. Wow, and I also caressed her pussy from backside (via her ass crack. Wow) for sometime. Finally she asked do I want to fuck, well I just nodded my head. She took off my undies, put on a condom. Then surprisingly put a chewing gum into my mouth, I started anticipating kisses on lips but nothing of that sort happened. Then she lied down on her back and.

08-28-12, 22:00
This is no means is a FR. Rather a query to John / Lord / Inblr and other seniors of Calcutta. I am sure some of you must have made a trip to Thailand so wanted to check how does SG match up to there? Reason I ask is I have never been to Kol & SG and I would love to. Works out both economically and also because I feel indian women are more beautiful but what I can also imagine are the massages and range of services offered in thai are much more. Would appreciate all your thoughts on this.

08-29-12, 02:36
This is no means is a FR. Rather a query to John / Lord / Inblr and other seniors of Calcutta. I am sure some of you must have made a trip to Thailand so wanted to check how does SG match up to there? Reason I ask is I have never been to Kol & SG and I would love to. Works out both economically and also because I feel indian women are more beautiful but what I can also imagine are the massages and range of services offered in thai are much more. Would appreciate all your thoughts on this.An interesting topic indeed! I have wrote on this previously. The main difference is between system &policies. India has wrong policies&system so every person, honest&genuine, has to suffer here. That is also in case of sex. Everything in sex is offence here. About action, sucking is common there but rare here. Prices are also lot there. But feature / body of indian babes is superb!

08-29-12, 07:25
An interesting topic indeed! I have wrote on this previously. The main difference is between system &policies. India has wrong policies&system so every person, honest&genuine, has to suffer here. That is also in case of sex. Everything in sex is offence here. About action, sucking is common there but rare here. Prices are also lot there. But feature / body of indian babes is superb!Hi All!

I have been 3 times to Pattaya / Bangkok in last couple of years. I can surely say that so far variety of services is concerned Bangkok is unmatched. Though Prostitution is Illegal In Bangkok, But whole nation is earning bread from this, so no problem with that. LE are almost same as in SG. Soap Massage, sex massage, body 2 body massage are few variety to enjoy There. But I felt that they are kinda mechanical. They do there work very professionally, unless you give them smell of 200-300 Thai Baht extraa. What dissapooints me more is that max thai girls are seen there. You will find Russian and western girls too but rare and on high prices. After having soapy sex massage so many times, I have lost interest in there.

Now SG girls are not trained in all that, but offer a good variety in looks. From model type to Aunty types. From Big boobed Bongs to Slim Petite Marwaris. Every type to suit every pocket. Now every monger can't afford to fly to Bangkok to spend 40-50 thousands in 3 days, so SG is best option. As my fav is LT in 2500-3000 rs only and have fun of the life. I have always followed a theory, and would like to share today, hope will be liked by all. This is called battery theory by John (lolz).

You all must have invertors at your homes. Now there is a big Battery with it. For Good back up, you need to charge it from Big chager twice a year, and rest of the time Invertor keeps charging it. Now SG girls are like big Chargers, and your Wife / G. F are like invertors. So twice a year you visit SG, charge your battery from there and rest of the time Your invertors can keep you charged.

I hope few of you would like to follow this John's Battery Theory.

Have a great time!


Member #4173
08-29-12, 16:18
Liked your battery theory. BTW one question John. When we go to Bangkok, do we just need to buy tickets. Is visa on arrival facility there? How to get the visa and everything.

Hi All!

I have been 3 times to Pattaya / Bangkok in last couple of years. I can surely say that so far variety of services is concerned Bangkok is unmatched. Though Prostitution is Illegal In Bangkok, But whole nation is earning bread from this, so no problem with that. LE are almost same as in SG. Soap Massage, sex massage, body 2 body massage are few variety to enjoy There. But I felt that they are kinda mechanical. They do there work very professionally, unless you give them smell of 200-300 Thai Baht extraa. What dissapooints me more is that max thai girls are seen there. You will find Russian and western girls too but rare and on high prices. After having soapy sex massage so many times, I have lost interest in there.

Now SG girls are not trained in all that, but offer a good variety in looks. From model type to Aunty types. From Big boobed Bongs to Slim Petite Marwaris. Every type to suit every pocket. Now every monger can't afford to fly to Bangkok to spend 40-50 thousands in 3 days, so SG is best option. As my fav is LT in 2500-3000 rs only and have fun of the life. I have always followed a theory, and would like to share today, hope will be liked by all. This is called battery theory by John (lolz).

You all must have invertors at your homes. Now there is a big Battery with it. For Good back up, you need to charge it from Big chager twice a year, and rest of the time Invertor keeps charging it. Now SG girls are like big Chargers, and your Wife / G. F are like invertors. So twice a year you visit SG, charge your battery from there and rest of the time Your invertors can keep you charged.

I hope few of you would like to follow this John's Battery Theory.

Have a great time!


08-29-12, 18:18
Liked your battery theory. BTW one question John. When we go to Bangkok, do we just need to buy tickets. Is visa on arrival facility there? How to get the visa and everything.Yes there is option of visa on arrival at Bangkok airport, but I took my visa by a travel agent. Any travel agency will arrange Visa. That is no issue.


08-29-12, 19:45
Liked your battery theory. BTW one question John. When we go to Bangkok, do we just need to buy tickets. Is visa on arrival facility there? How to get the visa and everything.Hey Prsekharnair, I think Visa on Arrival at Bangkok is available for the citizens of Republic of India and that is for the period of 15 days.

08-29-12, 20:49
Hahaha good one John. Lets call it John's Battery theory to ensure your sex life isn't battered.

I think even if we keep the aspect of massages separate I never or very rarely read of experiences where any fellow monger reported a BBBJ or CIM in kol. Now these are quite common in BKK in addition to other weirdo stuff too.

Prshek- for your query on visa on arrival. I got conflicting answers. My travel agent mentioned that I can avail visa on arrival whereas the thai website says Indians do not have that facility. Now I am not sure if my travel agent wants to book only a one way ticket for me so I will go with what ever is there on the website.

Hi All!

You all must have invertors at your homes. Now there is a big Battery with it. For Good back up, you need to charge it from Big chager twice a year, and rest of the time Invertor keeps charging it. Now SG girls are like big Chargers, and your Wife / G. F are like invertors. So twice a year you visit SG, charge your battery from there and rest of the time Your invertors can keep you charged.

I hope few of you would like to follow this John's Battery Theory.

Have a great time!


Erectus Indicus
08-29-12, 21:30
Is visa on arrival facility there? How to get the visa and everything.This isn't usually my playground, but from my unrealized plans for a BKK trip :


And yes Indians can get visa on arrival, conditions on the link above.

Too much information :


(usually correct)

You can find out the mostly up-todate information by filling out the details here for any country (IATA link) :


Helped me fuck around. Hope it helps you do that as well.

08-30-12, 02:52
Visa on arrival is available for free but they can ask you for showing pocket money minimum 500 us dollar. Rest is o k. 5days package including return ticket and hotel acomodation, be fast is available for rs 18k. Go&enjoy!

08-30-12, 03:33
It is better to get Visa and then go to Bangkok. It might be 300 or 400 expensive but will save you 2-4 hours of waiting in the Bangkok airport. So save your time for quality mongering and get your visa in India.

If you plan to get visa in Bangkok, please take 4 passport size photos with you. Will save you at least Rs 500.

There are many scams in Bangkok too. So please read some forums before venturing. Specially be aware from ladyboys. And some go-go bars charge 500 to 800 Baht for entry. Avoid those as most of the quality go-go bars have free entry. You just have to order a beer (100 bhat). Ladies drink are usually double the price.

Also better if you go in a group for 2 to 4 frinds. If not possible try to make some friends in bars. There are lots of US and Brits and are very friendly.

Also. Pattaya is lot better and cheaper than Bangkok. It's only 1 hour away by bus (I guess 125 bhat) from BKK airport. I think train service has also started but I have not used. The bus service is hourly.


08-30-12, 06:16
It is better to get Visa and then go to Bangkok. It might be 300 or 400 expensive but will save you 2-4 hours of waiting in the Bangkok airport. So save your time for quality mongering and get your visa in India.

If you plan to get visa in Bangkok, please take 4 passport size photos with you. Will save you at least Rs 500.

There are many scams in Bangkok too. So please read some forums before venturing. Specially be aware from ladyboys. And some go-go bars charge 500 to 800 Baht for entry. Avoid those as most of the quality go-go bars have free entry. You just have to order a beer (100 bhat). Ladies drink are usually double the price.

Also better if you go in a group for 2 to 4 frinds. If not possible try to make some friends in bars. There are lots of US and Brits and are very friendly.

Also. Pattaya is lot better and cheaper than Bangkok. It's only 1 hour away by bus (I guess 125 bhat) from BKK airport. I think train service has also started but I have not used. The bus service is hourly.

DKWhy is it better to go in a group of 2-4.

All your other points are understood and valid.

Sawadee khap

08-30-12, 06:46
D. Paul's is offerring tour package to Bangkok, Pattaya and is trusted by me.

Cal Travel
08-30-12, 08:25
I have been to Thailand numerous times and though Visa-on-arrival is an option for Indians, the wait is not worth it. Its better to get the visa done whilst in India. As for the difference between the Thailand and SG- Thailand def has its merits- girls are friendly, very GFE experience- much more willing to kiss, BJ, try new positions, even anal. The soapies are a unique experience- where they put oil and slide all over you- you should experience it at least once! Then there's the balls massage etc.

So how does Sg compare then, you say. Well the biggest hurdle in Thailand, is the language. If you are the kind like me who needs some conversation in between romps, then SG is a better bet. At SG, also you have the thrill of getting better GFE in repeat visits and its cheaper.

BTW, I will be in calcutta first 2 weeks of October, if any of you care to meet.

08-30-12, 08:59
It is better to get Visa and then go to Bangkok. It might be 300 or 400 expensive but will save you 2-4 hours of waiting in the Bangkok airport. So save your time for quality mongering and get your visa in India.

If you plan to get visa in Bangkok, please take 4 passport size photos with you. Will save you at least Rs 500.

There are many scams in Bangkok too. So please read some forums before venturing. Specially be aware from ladyboys. And some go-go bars charge 500 to 800 Baht for entry. Avoid those as most of the quality go-go bars have free entry. You just have to order a beer (100 bhat). Ladies drink are usually double the price.

Also better if you go in a group for 2 to 4 frinds. If not possible try to make some friends in bars. There are lots of US and Brits and are very friendly.

Also. Pattaya is lot better and cheaper than Bangkok. It's only 1 hour away by bus (I guess 125 bhat) from BKK airport. I think train service has also started but I have not used. The bus service is hourly.

DKDude DK, Nicely put down all relevant details. I agree with you as I also got a VISA in advance. Their Visa service is pretty good and reasonably fast. Pattaya is cheap however BKK especially Nana has some global collections. Your report reminded me of my last visit to Buddhist country!

08-30-12, 12:21
D. Paul's is offerring tour package to Bangkok, Pattaya and is trusted by me.Well enough talking. Guys. Try to plan a trip together to Bangkok. What say? All mongers together in a foreign land.

Lets have a blast.



08-30-12, 14:52
Hi John sir,

Nice theory. I was waiting for this theory to get published. Well said.

Hi All!

I hope few of you would like to follow this John's Battery Theory.

Have a great time!


Member #4173
08-30-12, 16:01
Thanks dudes in the forum for providing much info on visa. Also say if somebody for first time lands in Bangkok airport, how should he plan his action after checking into the hotel. I meant is there any particular place or places or spots in Bangkok or Pattaya where he should go by taxi. How to move around? How can we spot points where we can get soapy massage and FS. Are the buildings identifiable or is it tht all action takes place inside bars. In otherwords, how to get to the action place. We know in India the SP guides you as you make phone call. Can we go exploring and identify the points directly, finish the deal and move around.

08-30-12, 16:59
Yes, true.

In Bangkok, try staying some place near or at Patpong. Thats the place where you don't need to hunt at all. Not that, it is a red light area, but tourists come over there in hordes, and that place is suitably provided. Yet another place is Sukhumvit.

Check for Giotto's Lodge in Bangkok. See the Thailand Forum here. Why not stay there? Everything avilable. Any choice, any region. Locals etc etc.

Enter any. Yes, any bar. Pay a bar fine and pick up the desired hostess for either a St or LT session. Its that simple and straightforward. Intercourse is really accepted to be abso necessary and basic in Thailand. Lololol

08-30-12, 17:18
All, for some reasons, the moderator is not posting my reports although I am a paid subscriber. So trying one more time. I am new in the mongering space in Kolkata. So would be grateful to all (specially seniors) if they can provide any reliable contacts for independents or pimps (I am an aunty lover. By the way) Also anyone planning to go to SG for ST after 18th Sep, kindly let me know as that will be of massive help. I am very keen to join as bit worried to venture alone specially for the first time. Thanks in anticipation. I have my PM activated already.

08-30-12, 17:30
Thanks dudes in the forum for providing much info on visa.Read the Bangkok forum. You will get everything.

08-30-12, 19:03
There are tons of information in thai forum, why discuss all this here. If a thai trip is being planned, let us talk via PM, I will be intrested.


08-31-12, 02:21
Why is it better to go in a group of 2-4.

All your other points are understood and valid.

Sawadee khapWell. I went to Pattaya alone and didn't enjoy much. So maybe just my 2 cents that the overall experience is better if like-minded 2-4 friends go together. You just cannot lock yourself with girls for 2-3 days / nights and keep fu*ing. The best part is hire a private motor boat and take 3-4 girls along to Coral Island. So much fun when the girls give a naked message in open beach. Can't beat that.


08-31-12, 03:24
All, for some reasons, the moderator is not posting my reports although I am a paid subscriber. So trying one more time. I am new in the mongering space in Kolkata. So would be grateful to all (specially seniors) if they can provide any reliable contacts for independents or pimps (I am an aunty lover. By the way) Also anyone planning to go to SG for ST after 18th Sep, kindly let me know as that will be of massive help. I am very keen to join as bit worried to venture alone specially for the first time. Thanks in anticipation. I have my PM activated already.Join this free forum with same user I'd register free.

[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted because it was an attempt by the author to encourage members to CONTACT HIM on ANOTHER WEBSITE. In the future, please refrain from posting requests for forum members to contact you on another website. Thanks!

Carlos Moya
08-31-12, 14:01
previous post was not published fully so her i go again.

little late in posting, but anyway here goes my report. last month visited kolkata and at night ended up at sg. headed straight to ganga jamuna, wanted to spend some time with reena at ground floor. she was not available, so climbed up the stairs, on first floor second room at right saw a girl, later on i came to know her name as ishika, whom i fancied. agreed for dance + shot (with cooperation) for rs3500- (+ rs100- cleaner). girl was not fair nor dark, around 5feet 2 inches, slim with nice small boobs. her dance was quite energetic and she made me join her in dance quite a few times. finally it was time to strip, allowed lot of boob pressing and feeling her pussy though no lip kissing which was a dampner. finally she made me lie on bed, with only my undies on and she came on top of me fully nude, nearly put her nipples into my lips. wow, and i also caressed her pussy from backside (via her ass crack. wow) for sometime. finally she asked do i want to fuck, i just nodded my head eagerly. she took off my undies, and covered my johnny with a condom. then surprisingly put a chewing gum into my mouth, i started anticipating kisses on lips but nothing of that sort happened. then she lied down on her back and i started nibbling on her nipples. after sometime she asked me to leave her nipples and concentrate on some other part of her body, so i moved down to her navel and soon i was between her legs sniffing her nicely trimmed pussy. immediately ishika said "wahan mat jao, ganda cheez hain (don't go there its dirty thing)" i also innocently said i will just kiss to which she said okay. so i kissed her pussy lips few times, then i parted her pussy lips with my tongue, i was expecting some resistance from the girl but she didn't move which i took as a signal to continue, and started licking her pussy. after 2-3 minutes of licking ishika says don't put in the chewing gum, i said i won't, and started licking more vigorously. after another 3-4 minutes ishika said she thought the gum is inside her pussy, i assured her it is inside my mouth not her pussy, so she asked me to go to the balcony and throw it out, which i did. i came back and ishika asked me if i want to lick more to which i said yes, and this time she spread her legs more and i dived in and started licking with fresh energy. i also started fingering her, after some time she said "ungli mat daalo, jeeb se karo acchha lagta hain (don't put in your finger, do it with your tongue feels good)" i complied with her wish, after some more deep thrusting of tongue in the pussy she said "thoda upar karo (do it little above)" i started licking her little clit and she started making moaning noises, by now my johhny was stiff as a rod i got up and started putting it in her pussy, she stopped me and asked sweetly "aur chaatna hain to abhi kar lo, fuck ke baad gaanda ho jayega (if you want to lick more do it now, after fucking it will be dirty) , i said i want to fuck and promptly she took out another condom and put it on my already condom covered johnny, with her hands she then guided my johnny into her pussy. i started to thrust and found her pussy to be quite tight. and due to licking it was well lubricated, so i fucked her in missionary for five minutes in which she said she was liking it, finally after 5-6 minutes i ejaculated, she let me fuck some more then i withdrew. both of us then washed ourselves in the balcony (it was covered btw). the she said wanted to [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134), and i moved to room but something came to my mind so i glanced back and there she was squatting and peeing. wow. the scene was so erotic, she was looking at her pussy then looked up and saw me and smiled at me, i wanted to pick her up and pound her again, but time and energy was over and so was money. after cleaning up and dressing it was time to say bye, ishika asked me to make her my regular girl, i said i can think about it if she allowed me to fuck her in positions other than missionary. she said she will fuck in other positions next time i visit her then i said bye to her and left with a smile on my face already dreaming about fucking her in doggy and cowgirl.

Member #4173
08-31-12, 14:50
This might sound as a silly question. I believe minimum 3 days. 1 week is needed for a trip to Bangkok right. What excuse to make to GF's or Wife in India. I believe most of the dudes here are in relationships, bear with me if am wrong :-). Obviously you can't say to her that you are going for a business trip to Thailand. Is it possible for us to be reached on India mobile phone there on roaming basis after reaching there. Is it viable we can be reached on our India mobile phone there and we can tell that I am in Bangalore or Delhi. I am in Bangalore and obviously I would like to plan the trip when GF is out of town for a week or so. How to go abroad and be there (saying that I am in Bangalore or some place in India) and return uncaught and tension free. All advices welcomed with full thanks.

Yes, true.

In Bangkok, try staying some place near or at Patpong. Thats the place where you don't need to hunt at all. Not that, it is a red light area, but tourists come over there in hordes, and that place is suitably provided. Yet another place is Sukhumvit.

Check for Giotto's Lodge in Bangkok. See the Thailand Forum here. Why not stay there? Everything avilable. Any choice, any region. Locals etc etc.

Enter any. Yes, any bar. Pay a bar fine and pick up the desired hostess for either a St or LT session. Its that simple and straightforward. Intercourse is really accepted to be abso necessary and basic in Thailand. Lololol

08-31-12, 17:37
This might sound as a silly question.Dude,

Couldn't resist but to reply. Never make this mistake in your life. You need to be lucky enough to have a partner who has lost her grey matter, if you want to make her believe you are in India when travelling abroad. The reason for my statement is that the Mobile network works on a simple rule. It will catch the local network on the area you are in. So for example, you have told your partner you are in Bangalore and then you get into the network of kolkata, in case your mobile is busy / not reachable, the message is played in the local language, hindi and english. To make it simple if you are in karnataka it will play kannada, hindi, english for all busy / unreachable msg and in kolkata it will play bengali / hindi / english. In case of international, it will play the msg in the local language and english (In Thailand that english almost sounds like thai. LOL). Over and above it also sometime plays the message of the roaming providor (Eg." The maxis mobile you are trying to reach is out of coverage area"). So you would know what trouble would you call for yourself in case you plan anything close to whats on your mind. Over and above this, going to Thailand is not like going from Delhi to kolkata. Your passport would be stamped with the Visa. In case you travel with your partner abroad. She would be in for a shock. And you in for some *!

Hope I warned you enough for saving yourself from a ugly breakup. LOL.



08-31-12, 17:41
Previous post was not published fully so her I go again.Finally nice to see someone posting a FR. You are too descriptive mate. LOL. Jackson should plan to include a "Like" option like FB.

08-31-12, 17:43
Yes, true.In Bangkok, try staying some place near or at Patpong.Hey Carni,

So you also post! . LOL. Welcome back mate. Nice to see you here.

08-31-12, 17:54
For all the mongers who knew Jyoti of Kanchan Palace, this is to update you that she has moved to B. No. 12 (TOP FLOOR / 4th Floor). She still rocks. Even after puuting on weight!

08-31-12, 21:00
All, for some reasons, the moderator is not posting my reports although I am a paid subscriber. So trying one more time. I am new in the mongering space in Kolkata. So would be grateful to all (specially seniors) if they can provide any reliable contacts for independents or pimps (I am an aunty lover. By the way) Also anyone planning to go to SG for ST after 18th Sep, kindly let me know as that will be of massive help. I am very keen to join as bit worried to venture alone specially for the first time. Thanks in anticipation. I have my PM activated already.Hi Uber777

I am interested.

Follow this link to find me (saugata) mail me.

[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted because it was an attempt by the author to encourage members to CONTACT HIM on ANOTHER WEBSITE. In the future, please refrain from posting requests for forum members to contact you on another website. Thanks!

08-31-12, 21:10
What excuse to make to GF's or Wife in India. I believe most of the dudes here are in relationships, bear with me if am wrong :-).Just tell her potential customer meeting in Thailand or better you are going to visit a hair doctor there? There is a very famous guy there whose name I forget. Just google. If you have a very thick hairline then think of something else.

Stun Gun
09-01-12, 05:37
--- Never make this mistake in your life. ---Thank you Lord for the sound advice. One more technique / precaution-to-be-taken learnt. For me, the learning never stops.


Stun Gun

09-01-12, 07:47
Well you can always have excuse of purchasing a led / lcd tv. Samsung series 5. 40'Led which cost 62k in india will cost 32k in Thailand. So thats a good excuse right.

Just tell her potential customer meeting in Thailand or better you are going to visit a hair doctor there? There is a very famous guy there whose name I forget. Just google. If you have a very thick hairline then think of something else.

Member #4173
09-01-12, 09:08
Never ever thought about this risk, dude. Great. This is what it means by "experience counts than anything else"

BTW. Its a tricky situation. Potential customer meeting is a good excuse. All other advices welcome from successful experiences.


Couldn't resist but to reply. Never make this mistake in your life. You need to be lucky enough to have a partner who has lost her grey matter, if you want to make her believe you are in India when travelling abroad. The reason for my statement is that the Mobile network works on a simple rule. It will catch the local network on the area you are in. So for example, you have told your partner you are in Bangalore and then you get into the network of kolkata, in case your mobile is busy / not reachable, the message is played in the local language, hindi and english. To make it simple if you are in karnataka it will play kannada, hindi, english for all busy / unreachable msg and in kolkata it will play bengali / hindi / english. In case of international, it will play the msg in the local language and english (In Thailand that english almost sounds like thai. LOL). Over and above it also sometime plays the message of the roaming providor (Eg." The maxis mobile you are trying to reach is out of coverage area"). So you would know what trouble would you call for yourself in case you plan anything close to whats on your mind. Over and above this, going to Thailand is not like going from Delhi to kolkata. Your passport would be stamped with the Visa. In case you travel with your partner abroad. She would be in for a shock. And you in for some *

Hope I warned you enough for saving yourself from a ugly breakup. LOL.



09-01-12, 20:22
The best way is to take your wife / GF along to BKK. I know. I know you should not take your lunch box to a restaurant.

But you can always send her for shopping and then go for ST mongering.

At least that's what I did. Completely safe. She happy. You double happy.


09-02-12, 02:57
I never boarded at kolkata chitpur station. Friends, write about bus, tram, local train from here to sova / barabazar / howrah. Also nearby hotels etc.

09-02-12, 03:02
I never boarded at kolkata chitpur station. Friends, write about bus, tram, local train from here to sova / barabazar / howrah. Also nearby hotels, veg restaurents. Is local train available to howrah, burdwan from here?

09-02-12, 07:53
Please let me know any pimp number guys first time coming to KOL please help.

09-03-12, 05:53
Please let me know any pimp number guys first time coming to KOL please help.You have to go for paid subscribtion to get help / contact info via PM. Let us know after you have PM facility and someone will help you with the contacts.


09-03-12, 15:16
Since there has been some talk about BKK in this thread, I thought I would bring this up here. Anyone travelled by the Thai Air Asia on the BKK-CCU route? What are your impressions? Punctuality, cleanliness, staff and passengers (only carriers)? Any info.


09-03-12, 19:24
I have taken the air asia from ccu-BKK and it is a good flight. BKK forum is a better one for these questions and you will get more help.


Adi Luv
09-03-12, 19:42
apologies to everyone on this forum for i failed to act my part at the required time. this le incidence had happened to me around a month and a half back but i was in a state of shock / conscience guilty and mixed up feelings that kept me from posting my hell experience. i even stopped visiting isg. i thought my experience doesn't matter until second week of august when i landed in delhi and relogged in into isg, and i realized in calcutta forum that a couple of le activities still followed after mine and it was important to post my experience for it could save fellow mongers. anyway just managed to get some private time today to type my experience and post it.

it was third week of july when i revisited kolkata and i was hell excited to visit sg. on reading posts about visiting sg at earlier hours to find girls fresh, i was all set that i would visit at daytime only and won't wait till the evening. i reached kolkata in the morning, checked in at the hotel, got fresh and was all set for sailing to shovabazaar by 11:30. i consulted some senior members and they helped with every way possible, they told me to make sure i take help of ja*sh or ra*it to avoid any trouble. one senior member even gave me his no. to help me out. i am not mentioning any seniors' name without consent but i am always thankful for their support. senior members, please feel free to identify yourselves. so i reached in front of kp at around 12pm. tried ra*it's no. but his cell was unreachable. asked from the guys there and they called for him. i mentioned the reference and explained what i wanted. he took me to a building where he said this female is new and go ahead with her. i denied, we went to another building and then finally he took me to the particular building and to that specific female. i confirmed from her and mentioned the seniors name. lookwise she has been reported 7/10 but i would say she was way better. she had lovely eyes and resembled the model in garnier's time kahaan shampoo ad. i will mention the fr in another post. i would rather explain my le exp. here. after an hour, at 1:15pm when i left, quite unsatisfied to what i had expected from her. i walked towards the road. thought of taking the taxi but then i thought i would rather walk till the metro station. i started to walk and would have taken 50 steps when a man came and stopped me, and enquired from how long do i know that agent. i was like which agent. he had another man behind him, on a phone call. he said he saw me dialing the agent's no. i denied that i knew him and just met him randomly. then he asked since how long am i visiting that bari. since his voice was in a bengali tone, i heard "gaadi" instead, (gaadi means car in hindi) and presumed he was asking about some vehicle. i told him i haven't come in any vehicle. the other guy continued talking on his phone and all of a sudden, he asked my name. of course one is prepared to answer such questions, so i faked up my name, then he asked where do i live, i told him a kolkata address. he asked what do i do? i wanted to just clear off his query and get off the situation. until now i was acting bold and knew that nothing serious can happen. this guy on phone call, reported my all queries to somebody on other side of the phone and was acting as he was being instructed on the phone. then he told me that i have to come to the p. s. i said for what? and tried shrugging and walked away. they came after me and told me the exact incidence that happened since i came, that i came to sg at 12:00 went to so and so building, went to that final building at 12:15 and came out at 1:15. now this all got me hell startled. i was like they ain't impostors for they won't have been observing me this closely. now the situation was getting tensed. i told them lets clear the matter here. now the guy who had been talking to me all this while said that the other guy is from the ps and then i have to handle it very carefully to avoid any disaster. he said to refer him as sir. i told him, that i am here for the first time and didn't do much. he told me this whole situation can lead me to become a [CodeWord126] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord126) and that's why they are here to avoid. i apologized and said if things can be settled. he backed off and continued talking on the phone. this time the other guy came near me and said,"there has been another incident this morning, and the guy caught was sent to court and the whole matter is still continuing." i said i need to be somewhere and is there anyway this could all be settled as quickly as possible. he told me that it would take 800-900 bucks. i had quite some amount in my wallet and i knew if do anything wrong these guys will rob me all of it. i said i don't have that amount ready and can this be settled in 300-400 as i just have 500 and need some cash to get home as well, but then i realized even for taking 500 out, these guys will have a look at my wallet and i won't be able to control getting ripped off at that point. without letting him think, i said, i can manage to withdraw cash at some atm. i knew this guy won't come up to the machine and that would give me time to reshuffle my wallet and leave just 500 there. they said, there's one nearby. they took me to the atm. now on my back of my mind, this thought was definitely coming slightly that can these guys be impostors, but i let that thought down, as i felt 800-900 bucks can be like an added tax that i can manage for the luxury i had. i tried to strike up a conversation with this guy on the phone who was trying to act as a senior, but it was of hardly any help. i tried putting my hand on his shoulder to make him comfortable and understand but the other guy shrugged it off very badly and said, he is way senior to you. though he continued reporting on the phone saying, sir that guy fled away but we are trying to catch him. i was like ok its kind of working. there was a temple in between and he actually made me swear there that i will never ever return to sg. now that was a kind of do or die situation for me. we proceeded to the atm, i went inside, made some unnecessary transaction and came out with 1000 bucks. came out and handed it straight to that guy to which he denied. he was like what is this? what is all this? i said its 1000, what the other person agreed to. now this guy said, lets go to bada babu (head constable) and settle it there only, he is about to arrive at the next crossroad. i was stunned, now what the hell. i forcefully handed him the notes and said i am not going anywhere. he looked at me and said go away before the bada babu sees you here. i started walking away. they both came running after me and said what are you doing, you need to disappear at once. they got on the middle of the road, stopped an auto and literally commanded to the auto guy, inko leke jaao turant (take him away immediately). the auto guy simply followed to their instruction. the whole day and may be the week the incidence kept my mind occupied. i was shocked, stunned, thinking it could have got worse. their action and way of talking seemed too confident for impostors. but then if they were impostors, they really were good. but what if they weren't? for me, i felt i didn't loose anything yet for it was just a mere 1000 bucks but am out of a shit real bad. and then taking that swear outside the temple. this all was getting too much fro me to handle. thinking back where it all went wrong was the time. i had made myself quite noticeable to arrive sg at stark morning. the senior member told me i should have called him but i wasn't in the situation, for me i was like its my shit i had to clean it up myself.

Fresh Meat
09-04-12, 05:37
this to me looks like you have been fooled, their might be some un employed youth in that locality who might be pulling a prank on you. knowing the bengali psyche, they like to do this if you are from south and don't speak the local language fluently. if you stick out like a sore thumb in that area then there are lot of chances of you getting robbed.

when i go to the place i keep all my valuable, wallets etc at home and go with a new wallet with limited cash, and first i go there have a cup of tea or a toast like the local or a lassi and take my time in drinking it, during this time it gives me ample time to observe the area. then once can assess the danger and then go for the kill.

i remember one incident when i had taken a friend of mine to sg and i always sport a rough look (unshaven face) with ruffled hair, he was along with me and was caught by 2. 3 girls eagerly pulling his hand, at this time one should not loose ones cool, you just cooly go and speak to the girls and say, i stay nearby so don't mess with para chele. they will get the message easily.

if need be use common names like tapan, swapan, saurav, one will surely click and you can walk with a smile. see like they fool you, you too can fool them.

apologies to everyone on this forum for i failed to act my part at the required time. this le incidence had happened to me around a month and a half back but i was in a state of shock / conscience guilty and mixed up feelings that kept me from posting my hell experience. i even stopped visiting isg. i thought my experience doesn't matter until second week of august when i landed in delhi and relogged in into isg, and i realized in calcutta forum that a couple of le activities still followed after mine and it was important to post my experience for it could save fellow mongers. anyway just managed to get some private time today to type my experience and post it.

it was third week of july when i revisited kolkata and i was hell excited to visit sg. on reading posts about visiting sg at earlier hours to find girls fresh, i was all set that i would visit at daytime only and won't wait till the evening. i reached kolkata in the morning, checked in at the hotel, got fresh and was all set for sailing to shovabazaar by 11:30. i consulted some senior members and they helped with every way possible, they told me to make sure i take help of ja*sh or ra*it to avoid any trouble. one senior member even gave me his no. to help me out. i am not mentioning any seniors' name without consent but i am always thankful for their support. senior members, please feel free to identify yourselves. so i reached in front of kp at around 12pm. tried ra*it's no. but his cell was unreachable. asked from the guys there and they called for him. i mentioned the reference and explained what i wanted. he took me to a building where he said this female is new and go ahead with her. i denied, we went to another building and then finally he took me to the particular building and to that specific female. i confirmed from her and mentioned the seniors name. lookwise she has been reported 7/10 but i would say she was way better. she had lovely eyes and resembled the model in garnier's time kahaan shampoo ad. i will mention the fr in another post. i would rather explain my le exp. here. after an hour, at 1:15pm when i left, quite unsatisfied to what i had expected from her. i walked towards the road. thought of taking the taxi but then i thought i would rather walk till the metro station. i started to walk and would have taken 50 steps when a man came and stopped me, and enquired from how long do i know that agent. i was like which agent. he had another man behind him, on a phone call. he said he saw me dialing the agent's no. i denied that i knew him and just met him randomly. then he asked since how long am i visiting that bari. since his voice was in a bengali tone, i heard "gaadi" instead, (gaadi means car in hindi) and presumed he was asking about some vehicle. i told him i haven't come in any vehicle. the other guy continued talking on his phone and all of a sudden, he asked my name. of course one is prepared to answer such questions, so i faked up my name, then he asked where do i live, i told him a kolkata address. he asked what do i do? i wanted to just clear off his query and get off the situation. until now i was acting bold and knew that nothing serious can happen. this guy on phone call, reported my all queries to somebody on other side of the phone and was acting as he was being instructed on the phone. then he told me that i have to come to the p. s. i said for what? and tried shrugging and walked away. they came after me and told me the exact incidence that happened since i came, that i came to sg at 12:00 went to so and so building, went to that final building at 12:15 and came out at 1:15. now this all got me hell startled. i was like they ain't impostors for they won't have been observing me this closely. now the situation was getting tensed. i told them lets clear the matter here. now the guy who had been talking to me all this while said that the other guy is from the ps and then i have to handle it very carefully to avoid any disaster. he said to refer him as sir. i told him, that i am here for the first time and didn't do much. he told me this whole situation can lead me to become a [CodeWord126] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord126) and that's why they are here to avoid. i apologized and said if things can be settled. he backed off and continued talking on the phone. this time the other guy came near me and said,"there has been another incident this morning, and the guy caught was sent to court and the whole matter is still continuing." i said i need to be somewhere and is there anyway this could all be settled as quickly as possible. he told me that it would take 800-900 bucks. i had quite some amount in my wallet and i knew if do anything wrong these guys will rob me all of it. i said i don't have that amount ready and can this be settled in 300-400 as i just have 500 and need some cash to get home as well, but then i realized even for taking 500 out, these guys will have a look at my wallet and i won't be able to control getting ripped off at that point. without letting him think, i said, i can manage to withdraw cash at some atm. i knew this guy won't come up to the machine and that would give me time to reshuffle my wallet and leave just 500 there. they said, there's one nearby. they took me to the atm. now on my back of my mind, this thought was definitely coming slightly that can these guys be impostors, but i let that thought down, as i felt 800-900 bucks can be like an added tax that i can manage for the luxury i had. i tried to strike up a conversation with this guy on the phone who was trying to act as a senior, but it was of hardly any help. i tried putting my hand on his shoulder to make him comfortable and understand but the other guy shrugged it off very badly and said, he is way senior to you. though he continued reporting on the phone saying, sir that guy fled away but we are trying to catch him. i was like ok its kind of working. there was a temple in between and he actually made me swear there that i will never ever return to sg. now that was a kind of do or die situation for me. we proceeded to the atm, i went inside, made some unnecessary transaction and came out with 1000 bucks. came out and handed it straight to that guy to which he denied. he was like what is this? what is all this? i said its 1000, what the other person agreed to. now this guy said, lets go to bada babu (head constable) and settle it there only, he is about to arrive at the next crossroad. i was stunned, now what the hell. i forcefully handed him the notes and said i am not going anywhere. he looked at me and said go away before the bada babu sees you here. i started walking away. they both came running after me and said what are you doing, you need to disappear at once. they got on the middle of the road, stopped an auto and literally commanded to the auto guy, inko leke jaao turant (take him away immediately). the auto guy simply followed to their instruction. the whole day and may be the week the incidence kept my mind occupied. i was shocked, stunned, thinking it could have got worse. their action and way of talking seemed too confident for impostors. but then if they were impostors, they really were good. but what if they weren't? for me, i felt i didn't loose anything yet for it was just a mere 1000 bucks but am out of a shit real bad. and then taking that swear outside the temple. this all was getting too much fro me to handle. thinking back where it all went wrong was the time. i had made myself quite noticeable to arrive sg at stark morning. the senior member told me i should have called him but i wasn't in the situation, for me i was like its my shit i had to clean it up myself.

09-04-12, 17:43
I have been visiting SG for a while and after hearing LE & all wished to add sum latest finding.

It was a Wednesday as usual entering SG from safest entry ie UBI atm side but to my surprise saw police standing on the road at the point of entering SG thereby creating a roadblock for passerby and diverting all vehicles, trying to enter SG, straightway.

Then I followed a way round and entered from the tramline side.

09-04-12, 21:54
This to me looks like you have been fooled, their might be some un employed youth in that locality who might be pulling a prank on you.I completely agree with you mate.

atAdiluv: Someone has made a fool of you. This I see is happening too often. The time and details that they told you is not that difficult and you don't need to be a CBI. If you watch carefully there are some jobless folks there, who sit and loaf around and spend time in those lanes. When you asked for Ram*t they had seen you and just checked where you went. They sit near that building so when you went out they just followed you. You are lucky to have come out with little damage. And moreover if it was police, they would have harrased you more and taken a few thousands. And for everyone, there are no police in civil dress there. If you are caught by a white dressed officer. Thats the only time you should worry. I know, in a situation like this its difficult to use your brain.

09-05-12, 02:20
Sg is a bazar (market) , so you should know that in india, cheating and dishonesty are in every market. Freshmeat has wrote good techniques which suggest you to look familiar & poor. One thing I like to add that you need not to run after a particular pimp. Walk easy and any pimp would automatically follow you. U can show your pity on him saying you are a regular. Dear freshmeat contact me.

Adi Luv
09-05-12, 03:28
atAdiluv: Someone has made a fool of you. This I see is happening too often. The time and details that they told you is not that difficult and you don't .Thanks LVM. I guess and hope so but it definitely gets one tensed and makes you think what could have happened if they were for real. I am not worried about the damage. Guess its all an experience that I have to get through.

Fresh Meat
09-05-12, 05:04
Another thing that I would like to add is, unlike other states, people in kol are not afraid of cops, and infact have a friendly relation with them, if you see a cop and you run away and he spots you that is when the problem starts as he know you are easy prey, do the local run from them, common please understand in SG normal people with familes live along with these girls, so if the cops have to arrest them, then it is a daily affair, if you know the local language, then I suggest you walk up to the cop and have a friendly chat with him, like asking directions etc. So as I said you are caught when you a fear is inside you.

09-06-12, 04:46
I was planning to visit SG but now I am really apprehensive to visit SG after all these reports. This will be my first vist to SG so I am not confortable with the area either. If any senior member can help it will highly appreciated. You can PM me as my PM service is activated.

Help Needed.

Thanks in advance

09-06-12, 18:57
Hello guys, I need to be in Calcutta on business visit next week. This Will be my first visit in Calcutta. It will be great if all you veterans guide me on the mongering scene. Are there any good pubs / discs with some more options. Any help is highly appreciated.

Many thanks

09-07-12, 02:18
I was planning to visit SG but now I am really apprehensive to visit SG after all these reports. This will be my first vist to SG so I am not confortable with the area either. If any senior member can help it will highly appreciated. You can PM me as my PM service is activated.

Help Needed.

Thanks in advanceDo'nt be scared. U can pm your bio, adress / contact and date of visit to me. If possible I will escort you.

Adi Luv
09-07-12, 07:36
Just make sure you don't do anything that makes you odd one out. At the end of the day its a market, and you need to go in with the flock. Take help of senior members jhon, lvm and others. Make use of contacts: jagdish, netai, they don't charge you anything but rather they get the share from these gals only. Most important, behave and act like a man.

I was planning to visit SG but now I am really apprehensive to visit SG after all these reports. This will be my first vist to SG so I am not confortable with the area either. If any senior member can help it will highly appreciated. You can PM me as my PM service is activated.

Help Needed.

Thanks in advance

09-07-12, 09:04
Friends, this is my pending FR.

I went to Kolkata from Blr on a business trip. Before going, I had done some homework and consulted some of our seniors, thanks to seniors who helped me.

One day I planned to go to SG and it was around 7pm. Called Jag* his phone was OFF and called Log* he picked the call and told me to come near the BPCL petrol pump. Unfortunately many of the taxi guys refused to take there and one taxi guy took me who was friendly and spoke about that place. Since he was friendly I used this opportunity and sat in the taxi at the petrol pump till this guy Log* came.

Finally he came after 10mins. Since I am very choosy he took me to most of the buildings and at last went back and I selected a very good Bengali.

Took 2hrs deal for 3. 5k all incl. Finished it in a good move all positions. She was slim, fair, short, stiff B*be.

After the work I called Log* and came to the place (which I had informed him earlier). He took me to drop to the taxi, called the taxi and said bye. The girl told me that he will get the commission so I paid him 200-

After going through this blog where I took caution was.

1. Dress code – go like a normal man. No shirt-insiding, shoes, etc.

2. No jwellery (ring or chain)

3. Divide your cash in different pockets (do this while leaving the girls's place)

4. Call the brok*are before.

5. Speak to the brok*are that he need to drop you after and you pay him good commission.

6. While back, keep close to him and see that he is still there till you get into the taxi.

Safe mongering.

09-07-12, 12:31
Time for real fun in sg bazar, is 5 to 10 pm. During this you can windo shopping of street girls, hear bangla music and finally enter in a room with your girl. There are huge crowds and no one is going to notice you. Safest period for 1st timer! Dear freshmeat, clear your inbox.

Sourabh Yagnik
09-07-12, 13:00
I plan to visit calcutta after 9/9 but not sure now. So, newmongers can pm me with their bio / adress / no. In fact, real fun there is with 1/2 friends as you can share nude dance, exchange girls in night etc. Once, we two friends took two girls for night with condition to exchange as many times at night. Payment was to be done according to number of shots. Both girls tried their best to arouse us&make our dicks ready for action! Please share with me details of upper class bhabhi type women in Kolkata. Don't want to visit brothels.

09-07-12, 21:19
JollyRide. Girl name, building name?

09-08-12, 05:56
I have been a silent reader of this thread for quite sometime now! I would like to thank all the seniors for posting their reviews and suggestions. Been a great help. Planning to hit SG very soon.

Adi Luv
09-10-12, 08:13
Hey all fellow members in cal right now,

How about planning a group trip to sg and visit the most of the buildings and later decide on what and where to hit. Guesing a group or 4-5 people would be a success. What do you say? Also I expect your pms to be activated to exchange mobile nos.

09-11-12, 02:52
Hey all fellow members in cal right now,

How about planning a group trip to sg and visit the most of the buildings and later decide on what and where to hit. Guesing a group or 4-5 people would be a success. What do you say? Also I expect your pms to be activated to exchange mobile nos.Dear adi luv, I am away from kol now so sorry. I request other / local friends to company you and make your visit a fun. Do'nt forget to post everyday details.

Adi Luv
09-11-12, 11:08
Dear adi luv, I am away from kol now so sorry. I request other / local friends to company you and make your visit a fun. Do'nt forget to post everyday details.If only others present were sport enough.

09-11-12, 19:38
There is no harm in becoming paid member of ISG. Because spending few hundreds will save you from loosing few thousands at SG, in absence of guidance. When you become member you have access to PM facility, where you can get full support from Seniors like Lord, Inblr and few others. They will give important nos too, will save you from any accident.

So paid membership is not a big deal.

JohnBased on your advice only I have become a paid member today; especially to see your map of SG. Kindly pm me phone numbers of reliable pimps as mentioned in this and other posts. Next thing on my agenda will be a trip to Kolkata.

Thanks in advance

09-12-12, 07:01
Based on your advice only I have become a paid member today; especially to see your map of SG. Kindly pm me phone numbers of reliable pimps as mentioned in this and other posts. Next thing on my agenda will be a trip to Kolkata.

Thanks in advanceHalo, I want to become a paid member as well but I am quite apprehensive that it will show up in my CC statement. Please advise. On who's name the billing will be made.

09-12-12, 08:15
Please advise. On who's name the billing will be made.It would come as "W*G Charities" in your credit card bill.

Man In India
09-12-12, 11:10
Great! Kolkata has much (much) more to offer than BP in Pune. But why are you looking at pubs / discs? You can find them in Pune too.

I would strongly recommend you exploring SG. I am sure most of the seniors would second what I say. I hope you have RTFF to get more info on Kol. If not, do it right away.

If you have PM, many would give you the pointers.

Hello guys, I need to be in Calcutta on business visit next week. This Will be my first visit in Calcutta. It will be great if all you veterans guide me on the mongering scene. Are there any good pubs / discs with some more options. Any help is highly appreciated.

Many thanks

09-15-12, 08:12
Hello Friends,

One of my friend reported one strange and funny thing, as he was there for first time to SG. He approached LAGAN to show bong girl for LT. Lagan showed him few girls and finalized one Bongat2100 for LT. Now during the night that girl went out after each shot. When he asked about this she replied that she had two booking for LT at same time, and she was attending both clients respectively. Has any body heard about this earlier?


09-15-12, 08:49
Friends, this is my pending FR.

I went to Kolkata from Blr on a business trip. Before going, I had done some homework and consulted some of our seniors, thanks to seniors who helped me.

One day I planned to go to SG and it was around 7pm. Called Jag* his phone was OFF and called Log* he picked the call and told me to come near the BPCL petrol pump. Unfortunately many of the taxi guys refused to take there and one taxi guy took me who was friendly and spoke about that place. Since he was friendly I used this opportunity and sat in the taxi at the petrol pump till this guy Log* came.3. 5K for just two hours? How many pops? Feels like quite expensive to me!

I was in Kolkata few months (May 2012) back. I was bored and thought of mongering in the afternoon. Called a pimp (I had his number) asked him to take to a new place. He asked me to come near the city center mall. Met with him and he took me through a galli and reached a residential apartment. Well located. Went inside and there was a queue. 7-8 customers waiting. 4-5 pimps. The manager with a receipt book and of-course the owner. Girls were okay. They have around 15 girls on board.

All have decent booby figures (better than my Pune / Mumbai MP experiences). One of them was awesome. Tall, very fair, really beautiful and also looked tight from outside, but someone else booked her. I didn't liked anyone and decided to wait.

They charge 1. 2K including everything. If you call the pimp, he will charge 1. 5 K total (300 commission). If you need a room (which is downstairs) extra 700-800 bucks.

I chosea girl named S*e*a (non-bengali). Very slim. 21 years, good tits. She is so light weight that you can literally pump her in the air, as they show in the porn movies. Actually I had a friend named S*e*a in college, always used to masturbate thinking about her. Moreover, their figure also matched properly. So took her.

I also took a room. Dim, big bed, attached bathroom. She gave me a nice BJ without any condom. Really liked it. Then fucked her well in all positions for around 20 mins. Then came on doggy, as usual.

She didn't take any tip, just asked me to pay 50 bucks to the manager. That's it.

Repeated the very next day as I had to board a flight in the evening. Overall nice experience. Worth the money at least. She was in Mumbai two weels back and gave me a call. Was asking for 5K! I just let it go. Too expensive for that girl.

I can share the contact with any senior member, if you are willing to help me get new independent contacts. We can also join for a SG trip (I will be visiting Kolkata next month).

Thank you guys!

Happy & safe mongering

09-16-12, 06:05
3. 5K for just two hours? How many pops? Feels like quite expensive to me!

I was in Kolkata few months (May 2012) back. I was bored and thought of mongering in the afternoon. Called a pimp (I had his number) asked him to take to a new place. He asked me to come near the city center mall. Met with him and he took me through a galli and reached a residential apartment. Well located. Went inside and there was a queue. 7-8 customers waiting. 4-5 pimps. The manager with a receipt book and of-course the owner. Girls were okay. They have around 15 girls on board.

All have decent booby figures (better than my Pune / Mumbai MP experiences). One of them was awesome. Tall, very fair, really beautiful and also looked tight from outside, but someone else booked her. I didn't liked anyone and decided to wait.

They charge 1. 2K including everything. If you call the pimp, he will charge 1. 5 K total (300 commission). If you need a room (which is downstairs) extra 700-800 bucks.

I chosea girl named S*e*a (non-bengali). Very slim. 21 years, good tits. She is so light weight that you can literally pump her in the air, as they show in the porn movies. Actually I had a friend named S*e*a in college, always used to masturbate thinking about her. Moreover, their figure also matched properly. So took her.

I also took a room. Dim, big bed, attached bathroom. She gave me a nice BJ without any condom. Really liked it. Then fucked her well in all positions for around 20 mins. Then came on doggy, as usual.

She didn't take any tip, just asked me to pay 50 bucks to the manager. That's it.

Repeated the very next day as I had to board a flight in the evening. Overall nice experience. Worth the money at least. She was in Mumbai two weels back and gave me a call. Was asking for 5K! I just let it go. Too expensive for that girl.

I can share the contact with any senior member, if you are willing to help me get new independent contacts. We can also join for a SG trip (I will be visiting Kolkata next month).

Thank you guys!

Happy & safe mongeringPlease more detail about location. Pm me your bio &dates of arrival in kolkata to share each other experience of fun.

09-16-12, 06:17
Hello Friends,

One of my friend reported one strange and funny thing, as he was there for first time to SG. He approached LAGAN to show bong girl for LT. Lagan showed him few girls and finalized one Bongat2100 for LT. Now during the night that girl went out after each shot. When he asked about this she replied that she had two booking for LT at same time, and she was attending both clients respectively. Has any body heard about this earlier?

JohnIt is common practice in sg to make wait one customer while attending another, mostly in evening. Girls want to deal maximum possible customers as there is competition too. Also girl does not like to leave her old customer picked up by other girl.

09-17-12, 20:11
Guys, this is my first FR in Cal. I have been chasing few L*k@ntatadds For sometime now. Finally managed to get hold of a receptionist (or so she claims). Was asked for the contact no. Over email and I obliged. After exchange of couple of calls, I was promosed a HW material (I am a aunty lover by the way) at 3K / 2 hr. I always prefer outcall at my place as this gives me better control. I was provided required contact details and dress she wud be wearing etc. I agreed for a pick up from near the nicco park. Reached a little early, grazing at the agreed place I called her and immediately noticed the lady. She was around 38-40, max 5'2'.36-32-34 with bit sagging but huge melons and was drapped in red sari and sleeveless blouse. After few minutes, approached her with a smile, she returned me a naightly smile, hold her hand and picked her into the car. Once back at my flat, took her to the sofa, did a little chit chat and made her at ease. I am a big believer of setting up the ambi, so offered her some coke with ice and turned some light music. It was becoming obvious the way she was reacting she was not from a very well to do family and have so far experienced mostly wang bang thank you mam type of sessions. Later she told that she has 3 kids from 12 yrs to 5 yrs and her husband lost her job due to lock out and works as a salesman in some cloth shop in gariahat. Anyways I took her in my arms, made her sip from my glass (and she gladly returned me the favour) and requested for a ball. She tried to please no doubt but the naiveness was showing in her steppings. Had to cut that short, took her back on sofa and opened a cadbury and asked her to bite along with me. By this time she was completely at ease and responded to my every move with GF like cuteness. We ultimately ended up biting each others lips and settled doen for DFK for at least 5-7 mins. Meanwhile started fondling her melons from side with my right hand aroudn her neck and the left hand started to find way thru her navals. She straigh away reach my jonny over the shorts and I asked her to go slow. We spent atleast 10-15 mins that way and finally, holding her waist I took her to my bedroom. She started strippping imme and again I had to ask her to go slow. After loads of kissing, lip locking, smooching, boob sucking and cuddling from the back in front of the mirror, finally I started undressing her. I went for a DATY while making her stand. To my surpise she was not smelly at all and now she started to moan loudly in pleasure. After 2-3 mins of intense licking, I took her to the bed and asked her to return me the favour which she did gladly. Though she was too eagar to please me all the time, but I would still rate her not more than 6/10 as a sucker. Finally I took her in my arms in lotus position and started the action. We did goddess, miss, cowgirl and finally came in mis after 8-10 mins. We cuddled around each other for next 30 mins. Though she was all sports for another round but I was too exhausted. I took her for a bath instead and had a fantastic time under the shower. Gave her a 300 bucks tips and 200 bucks for a cab ride back to her place.

Contact. L*k@ntat

Looks. 4/10

Fig. 4/10 (aunty / chubby lady lovers she is perfect)

Attitude. 9/10.

WR. May be.

Next target bong bhabis in sg. Already got huge support / contacts / guides from seniors (LVM / John) on PM (cannot thank them enough). Hope to come back with another FR soon.

09-18-12, 05:57
Please more detail about location. Pm me your bio &dates of arrival in kolkata to share each other experience of fun.Hey PaidalYatri,

I don't have the exact address. But I have the girl's and that pimps number (I will PM you as soon as I finish writing this). You are experienced, and also I don't have any idea on your taste. You might find the girls below your standard! But I will suggest to check out once.

Also will PM you my date of arrival in Kolkata.


09-18-12, 09:59
3. 5K for just two hours? How many pops? Feels like quite expensive to me!

Happy & safe mongeringI also taught the same, that it should be like Mumbai. 1.5-2. 5k, but the places I went inside were all charging these prices. And non for 2k.

It was for 2 pops.

09-19-12, 04:56
Hey PaidalYatri,

I don't have the exact address. But I have the girl's and that pimps number (I will PM you as soon as I finish writing this). You are experienced, and also I don't have any idea on your taste. You might find the girls below your standard! But I will suggest to check out once.

Also will PM you my date of arrival in Kolkata.

ThanksThanks a lot! U are a real friend for mongers. See your inbox.

Asian Geek
09-19-12, 14:43
Thanks a lot! U are a real friend for mongers. See your inbox.Hi,

I am still to find a way to get my PM activated as I do not want to use my cc.

Did RTFF. But could not find any pointers to high class out calls. If possible, would like some pointers to some high class out call girls. Who can come see me in my hotel.


09-20-12, 02:23

I am still to find a way to get my PM activated as I do not want to use my cc.

Did RTFF. But could not find any pointers to high class out calls. If possible, would like some pointers to some high class out call girls. Who can come see me in my hotel.

GeekU are correct. Calcutta forum is filled up with sg reports. Since long, I am requesting local mongers to write reports about independents / hw other than sg. Hope I would be listened!

09-20-12, 08:45
I have been visiting SG for quite a no of times now and got well acquainted with places, many pimps, local kirana shop owners, club people and of course beauties & bitches.

So people who are willing to visit Sg and experience it for the first time alongwith mongers over here can pm me with their time of visit and contact no.

Preferrably in the evening.

09-20-12, 10:43
U are correct. Calcutta forum is filled up with sg reports. Since long, I am requesting local mongers to write reports about independents / hw other than sg. Hope I would be listened!Cannot agree more. I would be glad on mutual contact sharing of HW / indi etc. Please check my FR posted just 2 days back. Below

09-21-12, 04:05
I have been visiting SG for quite a no of times now and got well acquainted with places, many pimps, local kirana shop owners, club people and of course beauties & bitches.

So people who are willing to visit Sg and experience it for the first time alongwith mongers over here can pm me with their time of visit and contact no.

Preferrably in the evening.Thanks, you may be a true friend to mongers here. Also write reports revealing real facts about sg as role of pimps, police and mastan there. If anyone picked up by police, what happens to him? This would benefit new mongers. I had lot of experience in this field so we can share so pm your email / bio to me.

09-21-12, 04:13
Cannot agree more. I would be glad on mutual contact sharing of HW / indi etc. Please check my FR posted just 2 days back. BelowYes, I had read it but it is only 5% of total reports. In that too you have not mentioned more about girl adress but left to search l*see*nto. Why not share in this forum?

09-21-12, 08:26
I have been visiting SG for quite a no of times now and got well acquainted with places, many pimps, local kirana shop owners, club people and of course beauties & bitches.

So people who are willing to visit Sg and experience it for the first time alongwith mongers over here can pm me with their time of visit and contact no.

Preferrably in the evening.Mate, thanks for tendering help. I am new in kolkata scene. Would be glad to join you. Details in PM. Please check.

Asian Geek
09-21-12, 13:29
Cannot agree more. I would be glad on mutual contact sharing of HW / indi etc. Please check my FR posted just 2 days back. BelowYep. Read it. But no info on source and how to find one for myself.

09-21-12, 22:09
Hi all.

Coming to Kolkata. The land of beauty and charm. Would love to make the trip a memorable one. Would be a delight if anyone could provide some good contacts for some nice outcall, may be some unprofessional ones. Some mp's or anything that is a but upscale or downscale yet classy.

Pm me.

Happy mongering.

Wish to write a great FR after my kolkata trip.

09-24-12, 19:15
I was in delhi for a day and last night I sent messages at about 2 am for any sp contacts. One person from there sent me contact for an sp for cis and indian girls.

We should also build stronger camaraderie and help each other.

Sorry I don't have any indi contacts yet but will share whenever I can.

09-25-12, 08:46
Was there at SG on 15th sept. Tried calling Ramudith but then he wasn't picking the phone. In front of PB & others Arches&Stages were being constructed in preparation for Ganesh chaturthy. Went in search of the Gems described by Lord&others at NL & PB, but then couldn't find them (it was 4pm). The pimp accompanying me was pestering me to take one of the Girls (there were plenty but not to my liking) , got him away with 50 bucks & went on my own. Saw very cute faced Pinky agarwal in Building? 12. Demanded 6K for dance+shot but agreed for 4. 5. Her face could launch minimum 400-500 ships, she was an energetic dancer but mediocre in sex. (I fell for the Face). Went on the hunt again for a possible GFE & fortuunately found BharathyatRupasree who gave an excellent 1 hr. Defenitly repeatable. Little DATY & she transforms to a tamed Tigress

09-25-12, 14:37
Dear All,

I will be visiting Kolkatta for 3 days this weekend.

Pl PM me the numbers of reputed guides at SG.

09-26-12, 03:22
Hi Friends,

At present I am in Jamshedpur. I will greatful to all of you if anyone can give me any reliable contact in Jamshedpur. I am is activated as please PM me.


Cal Travel
09-27-12, 07:24
and my friends, its that time of the year again when I get to visit calcutta and good old SG. I have enjoyed reading your posts for the last few years (particularly prior to my trips).

I hope to kick off the opening ceremonies next Monday, after which it will be a wild debauchery of a fortnight of dances and night stays- drink my fill till the next time again.

You will find my last years posts under my profile, here's one- http://www.InternationalSexGuide.info/forum/showthread.php?955-Calcutta&p=1241336#post1241336

I like them non-pros, so if you have any contacts you would care to spare, I would appreciate it. Enjoy and keep on posting!


09-27-12, 07:26
Hi! All.

My SG trip is due in Nov12. I will be there on 18/19/20. Seniors, if they have plans to visit at same time, we can have a fun together. Interested men, can plan their visit and PM me same.



09-27-12, 16:15
I'm posting a report after a long time to make people concerned about happenings in Shanti Bhawan located in wikimapia as Shanti Bari through exide entry [Coordinates: 22°35'33"N 88°21'49"E]

Over the time I am visiting SG for quite while and began to know about the conduct of business.

I noticed this girl on the top floor with my regular pimp Bhola, truely honest and down to earth guy. It was through him that I came to know the about different tastes of SG.

Day 1. I booked this girl for 2 hrs for 4200 for a dance + shot. I entered the room and noticed her energy is quite low. I became sure when I saw her dancing in a mild pace. When asked she confessed that she knows only 2 steps and doesn't dance much. Anyways I tried to show here few salsa steps together in order to make her mood. She is a conservative muslim girl from Mumbai. Eventually she went out and returned for this happened quite a number of times. Later she picks up her phone and began dialing a specific number which I guessed was her BF.

As we proceeded to next hour, we undressed each other and discussed in which pose to fuck. All possible positions was declined and we move forward with the most common pose in SG. I also bought her a beer as she complained that she had a bad day and urged to drink.

Day 2. Bhola and I again approached this girl thinking that second time it will be a good experience. Again booked her for 2 hrs for 4200. We began with chit-chat as I got to know she doesn't know how to dance. In middle again she picked up phone and this time she talked for 30 mins guessed that was her Bf with emotional talks. Later came to know that her BF a college goer, was the son of Mausi of the baari. Would say a good catch to keep orders in control. In the mean time, another girl with hazel eyes and shorter legs entered the room and spoiled the mood for another 20 mins searching for her dresses; the room is shared room by both. Later came to know the girl's name is Simran. This way the first hour went up and to my kindness I extended to another 1 hr bcoz I wanted to have 2 shots for 2100.

Again it was me who was giving pleasure and we had cowgirl and sideways and ended in missionary. Seemed she enjoyed as we had a long fuck and she was sweating as well as me.

Day 3[Must read]. Few weeks later visited Heena again with my pimp. Regular session. Again those long lasting phone calls. This time I got bored and after 45 mins urged for sex. She nodded her head and said she have problems as she visited the doctor and also her periods is going on.

As I was visiting her for few times and began to like her so with my soft heartedness I decided let it go. Money is always not a factor. And went out to wait for my pimp. In this time, the servant met me and questioned How so quick? I said things didn't work my way. He understood and replied how wud it as she is pregnant and going through an abortion (Main khud uske liye dabai kharid ke lata hoon). The servant added that her punter comes after 10 days and sleeps with her at night and fucks her without condom. At that time my whole like-factor zeroed down. Forgetting all these I headed towards exit and met my pimp. Eventually my pimp stopped on the way when he heard I didn't have any sessions. And in his mindset I'm being duped and this is against the rules of SG. He immediately said to follow him and entered Shanti Baari directly into the Mausi's room and explained that the girl is tricksome. The girl was called and mess started up there with my pimp heading me. I don't know where from Simran came and began to backup and asked mausi he can stay wid me. I don't liked all these and given full authority to him and went outside waiting for a resolution. Eventually pimp came and said I got your money back but for 1 hr and said if you want another hr money just tell I wud get it for you for you haven't touched the girl in those times. I said ALL is WELL. Lets go.

No rating but a word of advice. Heena and Simran in Shanti Bhawan in a straightway no from me. Don't get driven by luks and go for services. As bcoz beauties can be seen in the street of Kolkata too. Rem'ber you are in SG for fun not loosing your money.

Attached. Photos to identify

09-28-12, 03:04
Man of love is prooving himself, a real guide for mongers. There is lack of discipline in all baris adjacent to exide parallel lane so mongers are often cheated. Sangam and nk are exception. Better if you try inner baris althouph less known, but can enjoy all positions even BJ. See dance only when you are two or more.

09-28-12, 05:57
Reached Kolkatta yesterday morning. After my my official work I had about 5 hours in hand before a business dinner. Thought I will spend some time at SG. One of the brokers took around a few buildings. Choose Pooja at No. 12 for dance. She was quite a good dancer especially in sensual dancing. My mood got spoiled when she did not allow me to kiss her breasts while dancing nude. Was disappointed and left SG for my business dinner.

Will try my luck with other beauties there today.

09-28-12, 13:43
Going to be in Kolkata please help me with free lancer or Quality girls for full night. If nothing than like my previous visits would be visiting SG recommendations are highly appreciated the help would be returned in the form of contacts from Delhi.

09-28-12, 17:49
Attached. Photos to identifyYou are a genious mate. Its takes a lot of rapport building to be able to convince a girl in SG to pose for a PIC. Good work.

09-28-12, 17:54
My SG trip is due in Nov12Still trying my best to ensure I can plan a trip during those days. I am sure we can have some rocking time. Really wish it works out.

09-29-12, 05:51
Reached SG at 3. 00 PM. Difficult to find pimps around this time. Finally found one Kishore. He was not very keen. Wanted me to select a girl soon. Another thing I noticed is that these guys were not keen in going to Rupeshree (yesterday also my pimp skipped it). Can seniors throw some light on it?

After visiting a few buildings, finally choose one Jaya on top floor of PB. Choose for dance and shot. Session started with dance After the first dance, invited me to dance with her. By third song she was topless and I was squeezing her large sized boobs and kissing it. I started fingering her over her panties. Then for the next song she became complete nude and also removed my shirt and started kissing my nipples, while I started fingering her. Her juices started flowing.

Then for the act, she wanted me to enter her. I said not so fast, I wanted to eat her. Started to finger her and started licking her clit. I started sucking and tonguing her. She started moaning. She was flowing and this went on for ten minutes. For the act I asked her to come on top of me and she was so excited that it was she who was actually doing the act. Then we shifted to doggy and then finally ended in missionary.

Regarding price she aske for Rs. 2600 but bargained for Rs. 2100 for dance and the same amount for the act. This was the same at Building no. 12 yesterday.

Will revist SG tomorrow and try new girls.