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02-19-08, 02:29
SbySW,Yes the mirror was handy lacking a tripod. I just happened to glance up while the girls were going at it and there it was. Yes this is a LH and not just anyone but the infamous Alpha fantasy LH near Roppongi. Girls get excited just walking in the door. Kind of expensive (15,000) but worth it if you have the opportunity to play with 2 and there is no extra person charge, the other girl can even come in later. The room is fully stocked with devices.Mirrors are less common than they used to be. Seems older places are allowed to remain LH, but newer places are supposed to be more upscale and more "hotel-like".I tried searching and struck out. Got a website or katakana name for the hotel?Thanks.

South by SW 2
02-19-08, 06:54
I tried searching and struck out. Got a website or katakana name for the hotel?I'll second that request. I wasn't aware of any LH near Roppongi. That could be quite useful.SbySW

02-19-08, 07:08
Head down Roppongi-dori towards Shibuya, stay on the right side of the road, and turn right after you cross over the tunnel (just past Roppongi Hills). Walk down to where the road will merge into the tunnel traffic, and then turn left. The hotel will be right in front of you.Be warned - though it is opulent, it is also small and fills up quickly. If that happens to you, don't panic - Shibuya and Love Hotel Hill are a quick cab ride away. Just walk back up and cross Roppongi Dori before hailing your cab to make sure you're on the correct side of the road.

Friendly Gaijin
02-19-08, 09:30
The website ishttp://www.hotelalphain.com/Hope this helps.
I tried searching and struck out. Got a website or katakana name for the hotel?Thanks.

02-19-08, 13:14
I wasn't aware of any LH near Roppongi. That could be quite useful.SbySWTry this place---literally steps away from Roppongi Crossing:http://www.love-hotels.jp/tokyo/hotels-989.html

02-19-08, 23:53
The website ishttp://www.hotelalphain.com/Hope this helps.Holy shit!Gyaos.

02-20-08, 03:31
The website ishttp://www.hotelalphain.com/Hope this helps.Wow. Looks like an S&M movie set (guess it is, given it is one of the options).That would be a shocker to any gal who wasn't experienced!Pretty pricey, but if you have a nampa gal into it, it would be adventurous.

02-20-08, 04:05
Holy shit!Gyaos."Fashion Hotel", hahahaOK, I get the handcuffs and the gynecologist chair.But what are you you supposed with that horse? Honestly, I scratching my head.

02-20-08, 09:34
I phoned Cboo recently wanting to book another session with Hikari (seen her several times before, she was always really good and seemed to be into being a little kinky, costume play and a little light spanking). But was told that she didn't want to see me anymore because of my "hard play". Fair play to Cboo, they didn't tell me I couldn't use the service anymore, just Hilkari was out of bounds. Now I'm not here to either complain about her or justify myself, but I am genuinely shocked that I am considered too hard and/or sadistic. I always keep my sadistic side fairly well under control, and would never dream of unleashing it unless the other person concerned was into it. So I was wondering if maybe somebody else had encountered this problem too? To be honest this has thrown me for a loop just because I was genuinely under the impression that she enjoyed herself with me. Like I said, not complaining, just seeking an objective viewpoint to try and sort my head out about this one. I'm pretty sure I didn't hurt the girl, and would be genuinely distraught if I found that I had. She's very sweet. The only one thing that I do usually do that could be considered a little "hard" is deep-throating. Not so much like you see in AVs until they puke, but just until the gagging starts and then I withdraw. No damage. In fact during our first session I accidentally made her puke a little bit using this method (I genuinely didn't mean to do that), so if that was the problem I'm surprised she met me after that first time. But she did, and like I said she always seemd so positive and into it (and I'm pretty good at telling a fake from the genuine thing). I wonder if it's myabe a case of she did enjoy but too much of that kind of thing in her lifestyle could fuck thngs up for her, so she decided against me as pure business decision. I really need to put this into perspective. Does any of this sound weird to you lot, or do you get where I'm coming from?EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Thanks for reading.

Friendly Gaijin
02-20-08, 11:41
In this posthttp://snurl.com/2008s [internationalsexguide_info] someone described the Major Group in Ikebukuro. One of their operations goes by the name of Wifedoor. At the "System" page of that shop http://snurl.com/2008r [www_wifedoor-ik_jp] they say that foreigners are not welcome, but expressly add that they mean nationality, not race.That probably means you could walk in there and get service if you speak good enough Japanese to pass for someone who has naturalized.This is an exception. Most shops don't mention their policy; the majority of those that do don't specify what they mean with "gaikokujin no kata".Anyway, if you speak Japanese good enough it is probably a good idea to tell any tout that hesitates to take your money that, yes, of course you have naturalized years ago. He probably won't ask for a passport.

02-21-08, 02:46
To be honest this has thrown me for a loop just because I was genuinely under the impression that she enjoyed herself with me...The only one thing that I do usually do that could be considered a little "hard" is deep-throating. ... In fact during our first session I accidentally made her puke a little bit using this method (I genuinely didn't mean to do that), so if that was the problem I'm surprised she met me after that first time. .. I wonder if it's myabe a case of she did enjoy but too much of that kind of thing in her lifestyle could fuck thngs up for her, so she decided against me as pure business decision. I really need to put this into perspective. Does any of this sound weird to you lot, or do you get where I'm coming from?Thanks for reading.Good to bring this up, since it can affect all of our mongering if foreign men get a bad rep for not being good customers.It would have been better for her to tell you NO straight out, but it isn't always easy for a girl to say no in the middle of things (especially when money had been paid).I think she tollerated it and is a good actress, but then once it became clear that is what you expect, and that prehaps you might want to escalate it in the future, she considered it too uncomfortable/risky to want to repeat again. A little light spanking might be ok once, but perhaps she worries you'll be bringing out a whip in the future.No one wants to have anything stuffed down their throat until they gag. However some pros might put up with it at the time since they know you have already paid.Some ladies are practiced at this and can handle it easily, but they are special cases.CBoo and AM gals have real jobs usually, and if the part-time work is too stressful it is easy for them to say no.My advice is to either ask for an S&M person from Boo or contact the many S&M places in Tokyo. They are experts and can satisfy any man's fantasy.

02-21-08, 07:10
Took a look at the site and the girls seem either-a. air brushedb. have gone through major surgery in all areasc. a combo of bothIn any case, what were the different courses like?Kanda,Yeah, I hate the fake look of the pics, making them look more like video game characters. The good news is that many of the girls are cute. AT2

02-21-08, 20:02
Having done AM and poorly done seran-wrap blow jobs in Shibuya already, I wanted to round out my experiences in Japan. Having read so much about Supergirls, I had to try it for myself.So my friend and I have a huge meal then set off for Shimbashi. He is wide and caucasian, I am taller but also wide, and Asian. We find Supergirls thanks to the superb directions and photos (do a search for Supergirls and find the link with the photos). We are still really full so we do a few blocks, hitting "massaji" offers just about every corner we meet. I overhear some girls speaking Chinese and start conversing with them. They seem to all come from North East China and some of them even look pretty good. Going rate was generally 3000yen for massage and 10, 000 for full service except for one really cheeky woman. Some were even prepared to go back to my hotel for that price. Anyway, about the cheeky woman, I said to her that I had had bad experiences in the past to which she replied "well its only 10, 000yen. What are you worried about? ". I responded "Well why don't you give me 10, 000 and I'll show you a good time! " She declined.Anyway, we walk towards Supergirls but the old guy (early 50s? ) out front shoos us away saying "Japanese only". I know this to be a crock of shit but my friend has lost his zest for further rejection and heads home. I don't know if it was the intimidating sight of 2 big guys or that he was a white guy so I head back intending to have a go at the old codger. Alas, when I went back, it was a younger (mid 30s? ) guy who immediately made eye contact and welcomed me down the stairs and started talking at me in Japanese. I immediately used one of my 5 magic phrases (magic because they the only ones I know) to say "I don't understand Japanese" or something along the lines of "wakari masen nihongo". He persists at talking japanese to me and gestures the universal handsign for "squeezing tits" saying at the time "soft soft not hard ok? ". I repeat "soft soft ok" and he points to the price board. I pay and then he has me show my hands then he sprays them with something. It was closing on 11pm and cost me 8000yen.I go in. Its very pink but not bright. The first thing you notice is that the booths are very very small and the walls are barely 1. 3m tall. I see 2 other paying customers. Techno music is playing very loudly and I get shown to my booth. It is literally a bench with a table within a short walled cubicle. The bench is maybe 1. 5m wide. Distance from wall to wall is about 1m including the table. There is a small basket full of moist towellettes on the table with a ketchup bottle of clear liquid. I can see the girl squirming around in the next booth and the top of the back of the guy's head. She is really pretty (in an orange outfit) and I am hopeful I can have someone just as nice. I wait what seems to be a long time and finally a young woman in black lingerie and fishnets comes and sits next to me. She tells me her name is Rio. She wets about 10 of those moist towellettes and places then in a neat pile. She motions for me to pull down my pants and I oblige. She wipes me down and then moves into position. There is no room to kneel and just do a blow job. This booth is so small, she puts her right hand down between my legs and is lying on her side and spreadeagled so that whilst she is doing BBBJ, I can play with her. She said she was 22, has an ok face (6 but teeth were crooked), a fairly nice body (solid 6. 5 pushing 7 but a wee bit flabby) but looked great in fishnets and garter. Her BBBJ technique was very good though I had to put my left hand between the table and her head as I felt bad that she was sometimes hitting her head against the table in mid-bob. After a good while, she stops and says something resembling "yadda yadda yadda condom blah blahblah blah blah". She gets dressed and I am watching other customers come in and being seated. She comes back with a condom then CBJ until I come. Cool. Supergirls. Been there, done that. The rest is nondescript. I would certainly go back but would love to try the girl in the orange outfit. Alas, I didn't know how to ask for her name. Anyone care to tell me, I would be grateful. She was slightly older but great figure and flawless face.A few days later, my friend needed to entertain some local clients and decided to take me with him. We visited a hostess bar and a strip club, both in Roppongi. The local client paid for the hostess bar which was basically just some drinking games involving kissing and touching of breasts. Where I come from in Beijing, if that's all you got at a hostess bar, the place would go out of business real quick. But the local guys seemed to get a buzz out of it. Its all very civilised and the girls are really attractive. It was then our turn to be hosts and we took the clients to a bar introduced by one of the numerous nigerian touts in Roppongi. CRAP. Anyone want some free advice DON"T GO WITH THOSE NIGERIAN TOUTS! 5, 000 yen each for 90 minutes of free drinks and "Girls Girls Girls". Yeah well the girls sit with you and ask for drinks. Wine costs 3000 yen a glass (FUCK). Champagne is 4000yen a glass (WHAT THE FUCK) and well the rest is fucking ridiculous. There are strippers (who only take tops off but they are wearing very revealing underwear) and you can get private lapdances. It costs 68, 000yen by the end of the 90 minutes with no lapdances. Ok like I said, I wanted my experiences to be well rounded.I must try a soapland next. Anyone have any suggestions on how I might be able to get into one?EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

02-21-08, 23:50
Head down Roppongi-dori towards Shibuya, stay on the right side of the road, and turn right after you cross over the tunnel (just past Roppongi Hills). Walk down to where the road will merge into the tunnel traffic, and then turn left. The hotel will be right in front of you.Be warned - though it is opulent, it is also small and fills up quickly. If that happens to you, don't panic - Shibuya and Love Hotel Hill are a quick cab ride away. Just walk back up and cross Roppongi Dori before hailing your cab to make sure you're on the correct side of the road.Looking at the posts after, I was mistaken as to which hotel this was. On the bright side, this means one more hotel in the Roppongi area.

02-22-08, 04:21
Having done AM and poorly done seran-wrap blow jobs in Shibuya already, .... numerous nigerian touts in Roppongi. CRAP. Anyone want some free advice DON"T GO WITH THOSE NIGERIAN TOUTS! 5, 000 yen each for 90 minutes of free drinks and "Girls Girls Girls". Yeah well the girls sit with you and ask for drinks. Wine costs 3000 yen a glass (FUCK). Champagne is 4000yen a glass (WHAT THE FUCK) and well the rest is fucking ridiculous. There are strippers (who only take tops off but they are wearing very revealing underwear) and you can get private lapdances. It costs 68, 000yen by the end of the 90 minutes with no lapdances. Ok like I said, I wanted my experiences to be well rounded.I must try a soapland next. Anyone have any suggestions on how I might be able to get into one?EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.You certainly did get the best (AM) and worst CBJ w/seran wrap.Very good info on the 90min/5,000 deal. I have declined numerous times but wondered what I was missing. An empty wallet apparently.For 50,000 you could buy a lot of girls drinks in any bar...and they'd probably sit with you at least.

02-22-08, 12:43
I phoned Cboo recently wanting to book another session with Hikari (seen her several times before, she was always really good and seemed to be into being a little kinky, costume play and a little light spanking). But was told that she didn't want to see me anymore because of my "hard play". Fair play to Cboo, they didn't tell me I couldn't use the service anymore, just Hilkari was out of bounds. Now I'm not here to either complain about her or justify myself, but I am genuinely shocked that I am considered too hard and/or sadistic. I always keep my sadistic side fairly well under control, and would never dream of unleashing it unless the other person concerned was into it. So I was wondering if maybe somebody else had encountered this problem too? To be honest this has thrown me for a loop just because I was genuinely under the impression that she enjoyed herself with me. Like I said, not complaining, just seeking an objective viewpoint to try and sort my head out about this one. I'm pretty sure I didn't hurt the girl, and would be genuinely distraught if I found that I had. She's very sweet. The only one thing that I do usually do that could be considered a little "hard" is deep-throating. Not so much like you see in AVs until they puke, but just until the gagging starts and then I withdraw. No damage. In fact during our first session I accidentally made her puke a little bit using this method (I genuinely didn't mean to do that), so if that was the problem I'm surprised she met me after that first time. But she did, and like I said she always seemd so positive and into it (and I'm pretty good at telling a fake from the genuine thing). I wonder if it's myabe a case of she did enjoy but too much of that kind of thing in her lifestyle could fuck thngs up for her, so she decided against me as pure business decision. I really need to put this into perspective. Does any of this sound weird to you lot, or do you get where I'm coming from?You gotta realize that Japanese service is the best in the world. Think of the "irashaimase" line up at a department store when your the first to enter in the morning--ever see anything like that in another culture? Or the whole staff in a shop chiming in with the same or with "arigatou gozaimashita" even if you didn't buy anything? Think about the energy most Japanese service workers of any kind put into trying to satisfy the customer. No other culture I'm aware of has any expression with the honorific meaning and feeling of "okyakusama."The women we deal with are working women who--in some cases--make a hell of a lot of money and thus feel obligated to give you their best, even if that means doing some very uncomfortable things to satisfy you. Despite that, if you make them overly uncomfortable and they have a choice, they will avoid you in the future. Best to get to know the woman a little and check out just what she minds and doesn't mind before try to gag, spank, or whatever, I think.

02-23-08, 23:33
The only one thing that I do usually do that could be considered a little "hard" is deep-throating. Not so much like you see in AVs until they puke, but just until the gagging starts and then I withdraw. No damage. In fact during our first session I accidentally made her puke a little bit using this method (I genuinely didn't mean to do that), so if that was the problem I'm surprised she met me after that first time. Ebandit,I would say this statement is the clue. Most would consider this past the line. Many would simply let the girl take in as much of you as she can, not how much you want her to take in. That's probably just the part that you may have highlighted and there's probably more things that crossed the line, than you recognize. Her not wanting to see you should set off the alarm bells in your head. They provided you with a clear reason, "rough play". You do mention you have a "sadistic" side, that you try to keep in check. That side of you may be more out in the open in your encounters, than you may see.Not judging you, mind you, but just answering your question. AT2

Two by Four
02-24-08, 10:41
I was thinking the same thing. If a girl is puking from taking your cock in her mouth (even just "a little the first time") that's a clear sign that you are being too rough. Remember the images you see in porn are fanatasy and contrived, most women don't go for that type of play. Why not specifically ask for a service provider who is accomodating to your needs for DT/rough play? Of course the gals who are into S/M type of play are typically older and not as cute as the normal play gals. 2X4
Ebandit,I would say this statement is the clue. Most would consider this past the line. Many would simply let the girl take in as much of you as she can, not how much you want her to take in. AT2

Bull Shido
02-26-08, 06:13
Here are some reports from visit last week...CB Hikari:Wow, this girl is cute. She is on the wild side and will take control and put you in every position imaginable. Be nice to her and you will be rewarded. BBBJ and CIM no problem and with excellent technique. Gives a great sensual massage. The guy who was too rough with her no longer gets to enjoy her great services. Just sit back and let her take control. She will stick her crotch in your face when she wants you to go down there. I would rank her a tiny hair behind Maria (no longer with AM). Good GFE... Young but talented beyond her years :-)CB Reika:Good looking (face 6, body 7, nice natural tits). She was very wet when I first felt down there. She is new and for some reason we didn't hit it off. She seemed nervous and even had to read off her cheat sheet to remind her that she had to do a massage. She doesn't give off the impession that she enjoys the work. The massage was not very good. CBJ only and the skill was just okay. She let me ride her missionary for a little while and then told me to stop and we finished with sumata. She then read off her cheat sheet to tell me that fs is not supposed to be included even though we were going at it for a few minutes :-( Not a GFE... Though, hopefully she gets better with experience since this was her first week I believe.AM Hina:Usually the girls are better looking in person than the photos on the web page. But, this time it was the opposite. She's not very good looking and has a few more pounds in the belly than the reported stats. Maria has the same measurements and Hina is definitely not of the same proportions. I was turned off by her looks so I was barely able to muster enough to get 1 round off. She only does CBJ which is very sloppy (the bed was soaking with her spit by the end which was a big turn off). fs was rather mechanical and I just wanted it to be over quickly... Don't waste your time fellas.BSEDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

02-26-08, 14:58
I finally got a chance to go to the Hinomaru in Ikebukuro. I found the map was accurate but a little hard to follow. Here are some directions for the uninitiated. Get out of Ikebukuro station via the west exit regardless of what train or subway you took to get there, go outside the building and walk north until you see McDonalds across the road. Keep McD's on your right shoulder and head down the street. On the opposite side of the street you see Bic Camera and then Starbucks and then you get to a large intersection. Diagonally across the intersection is 0101 City. Look for the Excelsior coffee shop, which is on one of the corners. The building just left of it says WICS on the top of it. Cross the street so you're in front of that building, facing it. The alley you want is just to the left of that building as you're standing.I got there around 7:30pm, just before the 8pm bump up in price from 8000 yen to 10,000yen. It's an extra 2,000 yen to pick your girl. The guy just inside the door spoke a bit of English and it was clear the foreigners are welcome. At 7:30pm the place was literally empty. I paid, got a beer and sat in one of the little booths until Mimi came over. The booths are rather exposed but I like putting on a show so it was fine. Not for the shy though. Mimi did some cuddling, pulling down her dress and pulling off her panties. I freely roamed her firm breasts with easily stimulated thick nipples, her nice ass and over her shaved pussy. She wasn't pretty - a 5's face with a 7's body - but I'm of the opinion that the uglier girls let you fondle them more freely and try a little harder. Speaking of harder, once she got me going, down came my pants and underwear. A few wet wipes later, she pivoted on the bench so she was horizontal and facing me. She started on a nice BBBJ and left her whole body open for my hands. She's got great oral skills (unlike my girlfriend) and slowly brought me along. I finished in her mouth and she continued to suck, trying to get every last drop. Once finished, she went to clean up her mouth and I drank my beer. So nice to sit back on the couch, sipping a beer, your pants down at your ankles and a smile on your face. She came back for some cuddles and then I left. I never felt rushed and the doorman asked how was it in Japanese as he opened the door. I'll be back and plan to sample all the girls over time

02-27-08, 17:08

02-28-08, 04:31
Here are some reports from visit last week...CB Hikari:CB Reika:t fs is not supposed to be included even though we were going at it for a few minutes .AM Hina:don't waste your time fellas.BSEDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Very useful reports.Do you think FS would have been a possibility with Hikari? The higher price/less chance of FS with Club Boo has kept me from ordering off there menu.

Bull Shido
02-28-08, 05:51
Very useful reports.Do you think FS would have been a possibility with Hikari? The higher price/less chance of FS with Club Boo has kept me from ordering off there menu.Absolutely... I got her at the end of the night so she was very dry. I laid on top of her towards the end and she tried to lube herself with some spit but even after some rubbing with my cock it wasn't going in. She wanted it but oh well... Gotta get her when she's fresh next time.All of the CB girls (4) that I have tried have let me have fs. I got asked for an extra $100 tip once but told her no and she let me in anyways. I find the CB girls are much better looking. I wish Maria was still with AM :-( Only then would I use them again.BS

02-28-08, 06:11
Well, after working a full week in Japan and seeing some non-Japanese speaking Americans getting the "grand tour", then the door at the end, while I hung with all the Japanese maniacs to stay, I decided to "pay myself" at the end. I wanted to go to a KMP, but decided to just hop to Yuri in Nippori because it was cheap, I knew I wouldn"t be watched and then hopped on the train back to the hotel from there.Cheap, yes! They removed the 7500 yen special from the board. It's now 12000, 15000 and 20000 yen. But if you ask for the Internet Special, they still honor it. I was in before 6pm, so I went with the 7500 yen + 2000 for Akasuri. Luck has it, I got the Mongolian using the name Haruku and she was great as always. I told her to play with me while she washes me on the table, and then an HJ in the room which she did naked allowing me to hug her tight as she lay by my side. I could have had FS or CBJ, but I opted against it. Just wanted a wash and an HJ.Boy, what the Japanese girl is missing, I'll tell you....she could be hugging me for the longest time too.....oh well, time to make a company super rich so I can have her, I guess. Sorry for my editorial there. LOL!I still had 15 minutes to go and we had a cool conversation in Japanese. At the end we had a small tickle wrestling match and I was off. Different papasan this time. He only spoke Japanese. But if the short guy is there, he speaks good "Engrish".Good luck, again, I think Yuri is the cheapest FS place in Tokyo. I did want to go to that Lucky place, I hear is nearby, but I would like a review on it.Gyaos.

02-28-08, 18:09
http://www.tokyomassage.net/index.aspI looked at this website, and I am almost sure that a majority of the photos are taken from elsewhere. Some of the girls are members of a Japanese idol group called Morning Musume, so these definitely aren't the girls that are going to service you!

02-29-08, 23:38
http://www.tokyomassage.net/index.aspSeems as phony as a three-dollar bill (or a three-thousand yen bill) to me.

03-03-08, 10:14
Hi,This week I'm the whole week in Tokyo and my hotel is really downtown: "Excel Hotel Tokyu" in Shibuya. Does any body know a good place in that neighboorhood where I can find some nice Japanese girls?Thanks,Dutchstud

Cuty Suzuki
03-03-08, 16:31
I looked at this website, and I am almost sure that a majority of the photos are taken from elsewhere. Some of the girls are members of a Japanese idol group called Morning Musume, so these definitely aren't the girls that are going to service you!Imagine what Mari Yaguchi could charge the MM otaku for service if this was not a bogus site.

03-04-08, 05:52
I heard that there were a lot of KMP's in Shinjiku and maybe some in Gotanda but just curious if anyone knew of any KMP's in apartments? I don't know if I have ever done it with a North Korean but the thought would be fascinating for me. I know of sites that show Korean Delivery Health's but does anyone know of a site that shows where all the KMP's are located?Article from Japan Times...Yoon, a feisty 32-year-old Korean woman with a strong entrepreneurial spirit, is happy to be living and working in her newly adopted home of Japan. Within months of settling here, she set up her own business, a Korean-style massage parlor, which she runs out of her Tokyo condominium. She says she employs several other Korean women, who perform massage of a decidedly sexual nature. "The job is tough, but it's a lot of fun," Yoon laughs. As a Korean living in Japan, Yoon (a pseudonym) is hardly unique. Over half a million ethnic Koreans reside here. The surprising thing about Yoon is where she came from ? North Korea. She's one of an estimated 1,000 North Koreans who have escaped their country and ended up living in Japan, Weekly Playboy says. Like Yoon, nearly all are female and work in the sex industry, according to the magazine's source, a documentary filmmaker from South Korea, whose name is undisclosed. How do they manage to flee the world's most secretive country and end up here? Apparently through a long and complicated journey. "Most of them first go to China and then they move on to third countries because the Chinese authorities are strict these days," the source explains"If they have money, they can buy a phony passport and then fly to South Korea. Those without the necessary cash go via land routes, to Southeast Asia or Mongolia. They're all aiming to make it to South Korea in the end." But once in South Korea, the refugees often have a new problem to deal with ? discrimination. Southerners tend to look down on their neighbors from the North, and the labor market offers them few opportunities. If the refugees are female and in their 20s or early 30s, one of the few types of work available is in the sex or nightlife industries. "They find a lot of discrimination at the workplace and they get paid less than their South Korean co-workers. And that's why they look to Japan," the filmmaker says. "On the Internet, Tokyo seemed like such a big city. Everyone wore cute clothes, and it seemed like a lot of fun," recalls Eun-Heui (another pseudonym). The 22-year-old former refugee decided to come here after working in a massage parlor in South Korea, where she says she had no friends and was ridiculed by her workmates for being "a country type." Now she figures she's better off, financially and spiritually, in her job as a call girl based in the Tokyo district of Uguisudani. Her customers are a lot more concerned about certain skills of hers rather than her background.Since there's no official data about the number of former refugees from North Korea in Japan, the magazine can only speculate. The filmmaker sites data, whose source is not identified, from South Korea that indicates about 5,000 have come during the past three years on tourist visas. At least 1,000, a considerable number, are believed to have remained ? illegally. The magazine thus reminds its mainly male readership that the next time they patronize a Korean-style massage parlor or hostess bar, they may want to ask their partners how they ended up in their present situation. They may get a more dramatic story than they bargained for.

03-04-08, 08:50
Imagine what Mari Yaguchi could charge the MM otaku for service if this was not a bogus site.LOL! Please someone tell me when they find a massage site where we can book Ebiyuri.

Friendly Gaijin
03-07-08, 10:10
I have posted before on Cherbourg in Sugamo, seehttp://snurl.com/216bj [internationalsexguide_info] .At the time I got in all right. Today, however, I got myself a rejection. Mentioning that I got service here before didn't seem to help. Maybe the wrong time of day, the wrong weather, or the wrong guy standing at the entrance.He was quite friendly about it, by the way.Lucky me. That way, I get to keep my hard-earned 3.000 Yen. I politely bowed my head and turned the other way, keeping any inappropriate jokes to myself. However, that luck only held for about thirty seconds. Crossing the street to JanJan I got in, just as the last time. Same 3.000 price, and same satisfaction as the last time.What I have learned in the meantime:1. They have coathangers hanging at the wall.2. I bring my own hand soap to thoroughly wash my hands at the Sugamo station. My provider noticed, and appreciated it.3. I bring my own flavored condoms (Cola and Lamune today), which is always good for some small talk. Beats talking about the weather.I have been lazy lately in piling up the rejections, keeping to safe friendly territory. So I appreciate the experience. Actually, I am looking ahead to try some more unknown shops.EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-07-08, 16:41
Friday night I went there to meet some friends for dinner at this Korean place. Decided to walk from Shinjuku just for old times' sake. To my surprise there were about 8 girls hanging around the side streets. All Chinese and all are looked pretty good. Although it was kind of hard to see their bodies under their coats. Being inquisitive, I went up to the cutest one (she had on a mini-skirt and fuck-me boots with a pink hat) and I asked her in Chinese "How much? " Initially she was a little shocked to hear me speak Chinese but she recovered to tell me 20, 000 yen. I asked " For everything including FS? ". She saids "yes". I came back with 10, 000 yen. She then responded with 15, 000. I quickly ended the conversation and I told I was meeting a friend but I might come back next week. So there you have it. Chinese streetwalkers for about 15, 000 yen plus another 3-5, 000 for the hotel. If I do take the plunge, I'll come back with a review unless someone else wants to give it a try?

03-09-08, 00:51
Hey Guys, I had an odd expereince yesterday at Jan Jan. I went over at about 4pm and the guy at the front let me in, but when I got downstairs and the guy opened the door he told me gaijin were not allowed! I told him in Japanese that I had been there before and asked if this was a new policy. He seemed a little irritated and just said no gaijin period. I apologized and just left. The guy at the top said his usual line "Thank you very muchy. "I then just walked to some place diagonall, cannot remember the name and got the job done. It was not Jan Jan and I am still find it odd that I could not get in. Has anyone lately had this problem? On a side note I was in Shin-Okubo and saw a Latin American babe working. So I asked her what she was doing in Spanish and we had a brief conversation in Spanish, but it was hard to understand her. She is from Costa Rica and was "working" been here for 5 months offered me FS for 12, 000 and said she knew a good hotel close by. I turned down the offer, but asked her if she was normally at that spot. She said she changes it up and has only been there twice. I just thought it was interesting to have a girl from Costa Rica working.

Capn Spudz
03-10-08, 06:04
Hey folks,Going to be in Ikebukuro later this week, in the Crowne plaza. Anyone got recommendations for a college boy that speaks pretty good Japanese? I'm more than delighted to hop the rail if it's not too much. The first night though I'd like to stay near to the hotel.

Big Popi
03-10-08, 17:27
I am visiting Tokyo next week and wanted to take in the local scene. From everything I have seen (and this is by far the most up to date, informative sight) to play with real Japanese girls is a hit or miss. I am a white male 35yo who doesn't speak a word of Japanese. Staying in Roppongi but willing to travel.1. The Pink Salons interest me the most. However, finding one that will let in foreigners...It seems like Hinomaru is my best option, and Jan Jan depends on when you go. Any advice on either of these two places? Any others to recommend? Is 21 Seiki really closed?2. Image Salons - Don't see much here, anyone have any suggestions/details? 3. What are the best options for legal (BJ, 69, etc.) play, i.e. Health/Esute/etc.4. I see a lot of posts saying that AM is cheaper than Club Boo, but CB seems to have a 40 minute rate on the website whereas AM's shortest time "is up to 2 hrs"5. Can anyone share experiences on the following (my personal preferences: petite, natural breasts, bbbj, cim):AMTamakiHitomiSayuriAiJuriNaomiMegumiMako - have seen good reviews but are her tits real?CBMarinaRenyuMayaLime Hime HanaAkubiKeiHaruka ManaYayoiAnnaYuriaKiwi

03-10-08, 23:08
I am visiting Tokyo next week and wanted to take in the local scene. From everything I have seen (and this is by far the most up to date, informative sight) to play with real Japanese girls is a hit or miss. I am a white male 35yo who doesn't speak a word of Japanese. Staying in Roppongi but willing to travel.1. The Pink Salons interest me the most. However, finding one that will let in foreigners...It seems like Hinomaru is my best option, and Jan Jan depends on when you go. Any advice on either of these two places? Any others to recommend? Is 21 Seiki really closed?2. Image Salons - Don't see much here, anyone have any suggestions/details? 3. What are the best options for legal (BJ, 69, etc.) play, i.e. Health/Esute/etc.4. I see a lot of posts saying that AM is cheaper than Club Boo, but CB seems to have a 40 minute rate on the website whereas AM's shortest time "is up to 2 hrs"5. Can anyone share experiences on the following (my personal preferences: petite, natural breasts, bbbj, cim):AMTamakiHitomiSayuriAiJuriNaomiMegumiMako - have seen good reviews but are her tits real?CBMarinaRenyuMayaLime Hime HanaAkubiKeiHaruka ManaYayoiAnnaYuriaKiwiI am not living in Japan, so I expect Tokyo specialists on this forum to answer more in details. But from my previous visits , I would add Supergirls in your list of pink salons.And yes, Seiko 21 is closed since at least 2 years...At AM I only used the service of Manami and was very pleased. Petite, a bit chubby, and big natural tits. And I would add experiencing at least one Soap.Enjoy and report!

Big Popi
03-11-08, 03:32
Don't respond to Newbies "visting Japan soon" who have extensive questions and have never posted on the ISG.Why?I have seen the blasting of Logan666 because he asked a million questions in advance of some off-in-the-future visit. I am actually following the advice that was given to him: I have spent a good amount of time READING the last 35 pages of posts, and I made my first post - my first and only post - within 10 days of my trip so the information would be timely. I am going to Tokyo with some friends to see the Red Sox. I will be staying at an upscale apartment building and would be happy to invite any ex-Pats over for a beer. In advance of that, I can email my plane ticket to the moderator or whomever to prove that I am not a tourist (to this site, I mean).I thought this was supposed to be an informational site. I have gotten tons of information and I was simply hoping to refine it. I have paid the $19.95 to support the site because I am so happy to find something that will enhance my trip and save me a bunch of wasted time and money. I wonder how many people reading this actually support the site financially. And I had planned on sharing my experiences in a detailed post or posts when I return. But to immediately single me out and make accusations for asking questions of an informational site? Because I had the foresight to do some research BEFORE I go instead of posting some fumbling report about streetwalkers because I didn't know what to do or where to go? How does that help anyone? I thought the purpose of this site is to share information? I don't get it.As I said, my questions are as pointed as they are because there is a ton of info on this site. So, even if nobody helps me out I will remain eternally grateful with what you all have shared with me to date through your detailed posts.

Capn Spudz
03-11-08, 14:01
I've just not done Japan before and was hoping someone could point me at a foreigner friendly place near where I'm staying. I did RTFF.

03-11-08, 14:53
Why?I have seen the blasting of Logan666 because he asked a million questions in advance of some off-in-the-future visit. I am actually following the advice that was given to him: I have spent a good amount of time READING the last 35 pages of posts, and I made my first post - my first and only post - within 10 days of my trip so the information would be timely. I am going to Tokyo with some friends to see the Red Sox. I will be staying at an upscale apartment building and would be happy to invite any ex-Pats over for a beer. In advance of that, I can email my plane ticket to the moderator or whomever to prove that I am not a tourist (to this site, I mean).I thought this was supposed to be an informational site. I have gotten tons of information and I was simply hoping to refine it. I have paid the $19.95 to support the site because I am so happy to find something that will enhance my trip and save me a bunch of wasted time and money. I wonder how many people reading this actually support the site financially. And I had planned on sharing my experiences in a detailed post or posts when I return. But to immediately single me out and make accusations for asking questions of an informational site? Because I had the foresight to do some research BEFORE I go instead of posting some fumbling report about streetwalkers because I didn't know what to do or where to go? How does that help anyone? I thought the purpose of this site is to share information? I don't get it.As I said, my questions are as pointed as they are because there is a ton of info on this site. So, even if nobody helps me out I will remain eternally grateful with what you all have shared with me to date through your detailed posts.Big Popi,You've just encountered the forum-nazis here who think they own the place. I checked with the site's owners when they started harassing me and they told me my posts were valid so ignore them. This site is for the dissemination of info on adult play so the idea that you can't ask questions is ludicrous. Nobody is making them answer a post but you'd never know that from the vitriol like you just saw.You're right that this site has been a great resource for planning some adult fun in Tokyo. My trip comes at the end of April and I'll definitely be using the info from the site in my selections. BTW, for info on the girls, just use the search bar on the top right and type in the girls name. Works well.

Hot Bot
03-11-08, 17:07
Perhaps you guys could be a little more friendly towards new posters here instead of telling them to RTFF every time someone new comes along. As most of us regulars know, apart from CB and AM, what is available today is not necessarily available tomorrow, so a lot of the old posts in the forum are now completely invalid.Anyway, I've found a couple of foreigner-friendly places recently.The first, on the outskirts of Akihabara, doesn't care about language. Take the main road that runs parallel to Electric Street - the one behind Yodobashi - cross over onto the same side as the curry shop and walk left in the direction of Kanda. About 400m, on the right, you will see a sign for a relaxation shop called "Ai" on the 3F of an old building. 12000 for an hour long massage with HJ, add 4000 for FS. The girl was cute, with a nice body, but seemed pretty cold about the sex. When trying to kiss her, she turned her head in the other direction and left it there. But the massage was quite respectable, which is unusual for this kind of establishment.The other, is in Meguro, but requires Japanese and may depend on your race too. Come out of the east exit and turn right, walk over the bridge towards Tokyu, come down the bridge again and take the corner on the right, as you go round the bend to the left, there is a building called Eki-mae Plaza. Go into the basement and there is a store with a screen booking system which is managing two stores, including Madonna. Madonna is for the S guys, and the other store is for the M guys. Choose a girl, pays your money, and then they direct you to one of the rooms over the hallway, which costs an additional 2000 yen surcharge. One of the girls here (sorry, it's at the store I forgot the name of), is called Kyouko and speaks perfect English. She says she works at a Cabaret Club in Shinjuku too, which has opened recently and is called Baby Face. Besides that, she also has two other jobs! Her dream is to save up money to work abroad and study law. Yes. She's a hottie anyway.To newcomers - previous reports on Shibuya Heisei Jogakuen should be ignored; the store no longer accepts us foreigners. Ebisu New York still seems ok, though the selection now is pitiful, and there is another place in Ebisu, called 206 (try a search for directions) and they are still open, selling the same ropey service.

Big Popi
03-11-08, 20:39
Thanks Hot Bot, Logan, and Dreams. For your support as well as your advice.When I wrote my first post I had read about 20 pages of the site. I have since spent time RTFF another 25 pages. Many of my questions were answered and if I knew what a stir I was going to cause I certainly would have waited a day or two to finish reading at least the last six months of postings. Sorry if my post offended anyone.I still have some questions about the girls, as if I got someone who did cbj or has fake cans I would be pretty bummed out. No CIM wouldn't ruin my experience like the above would, but all in all I would prefer it. I did use the thread search and I believe I have a decent stable of names and will try both AM and CB.Plan to go to Supergirls the day I arrive before going to Gas Panic to try to get some non-pro action. Will also at some point try Hinomaru and Jan Jan/Sugamo as I guess they are close.May go to Yuri but have read so many posts about the girls not being enthusiastic. Playgirls might be a little out of the budget but am still considering it since the people who dropped the cash seem to think it was worth it. Love the idea of popping into the Kawasaki booths. Would like to find a reliable Korean place as an inexpensive FS alternative, but they seem to be hit or miss in terms of quality and service. By the lack of recent chatter, I assume Paprika is not an option anymore?Not much on here about image clubs, but I found this one:http://www.i-sweet.jp/If anyone has a comment on that it would be greatly appreciated. I assume that I can get the AM or CB girls to come in a schoolgirl costume?Found a great post on this place:http://www.new-hot-point.com/But only one post. Wondering if anyone has any experience with this?Finally, what is "namba"? I could'nt find it in the abbreviations.

Big Popi
03-11-08, 20:44
Sorry, I meant nampa. Is it the same as Wikipedia's definition of nanpa, a type of flirting where you just pick up girls on the street?

03-11-08, 21:57
Sorry, I meant nampa. Is it the same as Wikipedia's definition of nanpa, a type of flirting where you just pick up girls on the street?Yes, except of course it doesn't have to be on the street. It is like a normal night out that you probally grew up with in the States. Go out, see something you want, bullshit with her, and take her home.

03-11-08, 23:17
Finally, what is "namba"? I could'nt find it in the abbreviations. I am going to Tokyo with some friends to see the Red Sox."Namba" is a train station in Osaka. As for going to Japan just to see the Red Sox, stay in America.Gyaos.

03-12-08, 02:20
i am visiting tokyo next week... 1. the pink salons interest me the most. however, finding one that will let in foreigners...it seems like hinomaru is my best option, and jan jan depends on when you go. any advice on either of these two places? any others to recommend? is 21 seiki really closed?2. image salons - don't see much here, anyone have any suggestions/details? 3. what are the best options for legal (bj, 69, etc.) play, i.e. health/esute/etc.4. i see a lot of posts saying that am is cheaper than club boo, but cb seems to have a 40 minute rate on the website whereas am's shortest time "is up to 2 hrs"5. can anyone share experiences on the following (my personal preferences: petite, natural breasts, bbbj, cim):after you provided specific details of you trip, you seem legit. i reconsidered and agree that it may be a bit harsh to say rtff to every newbie. on the other hand, we have seen a lot of non-contributors ask a lot of questions and never report anything useful. my guess is that iif a monger is coming to japan, they are probably the type of person to have experience somewhere and should have posted it by now.also, your questions (aside from #2) seemed to indicate you hadn't read the forum.1. supergirls/jan jan are the recently recommend places.2. image salons are more expensive and perhaps less likely to admit foreign men.3. too general a question. basically everything is legal here anyway (except mongering **** girls).4. what is the question here?5. just search the forum for the names.

Capn Spudz
03-12-08, 03:18
I'll provide some details for myself too.I already listed the hotel, in Ikebukuro. I'd be looking for FS, CBJ, or massage/HJ is fine if the price is right. I prefer to take my time.My Japanese is reasonable, I lived there over a decade ago for awhile.I'd honestly prefer to stay legal.I'd like to add that this is my first trip to Tokyo, as when I was in Japan I lived on another of the islands and lacked transportation.Any help would be appreciated, I am going to be limited to the area walking distance around the hotel.

Big Popi
03-12-08, 04:12
Thanks Lion.I understand what you are saying. I haven?t mongered in foreign countries before and only found this site for my Japan research, but have detailed posts on other US sites like ***. I am happy to provide handles offline. I would post them but giving away my home and frequently visited cities, along with the fact that I am going to see the Sox in Japan. Well, we all need some anonymity in this hobby of ours.I also must agree with your critiques of my questions. I did RTFF but, admittedly, I posted a tad too early. I have now read the last six or eight months of well over 1000 posts and much has been clarified.Although I agree it is way too broad, question 3 was because there is so much conflicting information. For instance, when you read the site it becomes clear that for "delivery" AM and CB are head and shoulders above the rest. This is not the case for walk in shops, as the only one with consistently good service reports (Playgirls) is extremely expensive.Question 4 was because I thought I might be missing something, but the more I read about the service level in Japan ? and that they are not going to sprint out the door after the first pop. I realize now that the 2 hour price is a bargain.I see how question 5 does look bad, but I was hoping to get specifics. You will notice some of the more reviewed providers are missing because I already had my info on them from the forum. I have since searched the thread for all of these names but for the most part very few of the girls who are still working have detailed information (I. E. BBBJ & cim). Some say GFE, which may or may not mean BBBJ depending on the poster. Also, it never hurts to solicit opinions to come to a consensus. For example, Erika who I omitted because I had found posts on her, has one post saying that she allows CIM (#3692) and another (#3691) that says she does not (YMMV, I know). I have cast a much wider net than others who have only asked about two or three girls in their posts so maybe I shouldn?t have done that, but quite frankly looking at the pics on their sites they are all so damn hot! Thanks again, and I promise detailed posts if not daily then in early April.EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-12-08, 04:35
[QUOTE=Big Popi]May go to Yuri but have read so many posts about the girls not being enthusiastic.Where did you read that BP? I plan on hitting Yuri since the price is excellent and I've only read positive reviews. If they're service level has declined, I'd like to know.

The Special One
03-12-08, 06:31
I'll provide some details for myself too.I already listed the hotel, in Ikebukuro. I'd be looking for FS, CBJ, or massage/HJ is fine if the price is right. I prefer to take my time.My Japanese is reasonable, I lived there over a decade ago for awhile.I'd honestly prefer to stay legal.I'd like to add that this is my first trip to Tokyo, as when I was in Japan I lived on another of the islands and lacked transportation.Any help would be appreciated, I am going to be limited to the area walking distance around the hotel.FS is NOT legal, (yes Lion, I know you said 'most everything is legal. I'm just clarifying) although it is implied. With AM, it is a given that FS will be included in their rate, although the law prohibits them from advertising as such. Some of the CB girls will request an extra 'tip' for FS. Alla, well lets not even go there, as none of the girls (and they're not actual photos anyway) are registered with the police, therefore even the agency is not legal.As to question 4-AM's rate is a full 120 minutes and you'll never have a girl ask for a tip or extras. Very straight forward. CB's rate may or may not come with a girl who asks for a tip for FS. Also, there are different levels of 'angels', so in the end, it could end up to be more expensive that AM. The other differences between AM and CB are that AM is owned and managed by an American, Boo Mama is Japanese. Also, some say that CB girls are more attractive, but in our wicked world, there is always something for everyone, so as others have advised, read reports, ask specific questions, and may your mongering be a happy experience.Logan, listen mate, while I don't really agree with 'forum nazi-ism', I do have to say that you are a bit tedious with the questions about your upcoming visit that we've been hearing about for ages. Japan has stopped holding it's breath awaiting your arrival. Do let us know when you've booked your ticket, won't you?

03-12-08, 09:39
Hey guys. I checked the site and couldn't find anything about 5A in Shibuya. Does anyone know anything about this place? http://www.l-s66.com/I know that there seems to be some places that are possible in Shibuya and I am going to try and expand my horizons past AM and CB. Both are great but my sense of excitement and expectation of both of these have just decreased recently. I guess that's why I can't eat Ramen everyday either. I love it but just want to try something else.

Big Popi
03-12-08, 18:25
Logan,Why don't you use the search bar on the top right? (joking)I guess comment was made because of what I perceive to be a lack of GFE. Post #4431 says, "The girl, too often, does not take much action and lets the customer to move with some fake moans or with some demands to finish soon." #4149 calls it "kind of a dump". 4458, 4134, 4558, and 3388 all cite cbj, which is simply not my preference. However, after re-reading all the Yuri posts, you are right, there have been mostly positive experiences and I guess there are plenty of places in Tokyo to get a bbbj but not so many to get FS, so with that in mind I am reconsidering.Finally, I think there is a consistency on the forum about the general lack of enthusiasm and service from non-Japanese providers in Tokyo.

03-13-08, 03:52
thanks lion.i understand what you are saying. i haven?t mongered in foreign countries before and only found this site for my japan research, but have detailed posts on other us sites like ***. i am happy to provide handles offline. i would post them but giving away my home and frequently visited cities, along with the fact that i am going to see the sox in japan. well, we all need some anonymity in this hobby of ours.i also must agree with your critiques of my questions. i did rtff but, admittedly, i posted a tad too early. i have now read the last six or eight months of well over 1000 posts and much has been clarified.although i agree it is way too broad, question 3 was because there is so much conflicting information. for instance, when you read the site it becomes clear that for "delivery" am and cb are head and shoulders above the rest. this is not the case for walk in shops, as the only one with consistently good service reports (playgirls) is extremely expensive.question 4 was because i thought i might be missing something, but the more i read about the service level in japan ? and that they are not going to sprint out the door after the first pop. i realize now that the 2 hour price is a bargain.i see how question 5 does look bad, but i was hoping to get specifics. you will notice some of the more reviewed providers are missing because i already had my info on them from the forum. i have since searched the thread for all of these names but for the most part very few of the girls who are still working have detailed information (i. e. bbbj & cim). some say gfe, which may or may not mean bbbj depending on the poster. also, it never hurts to solicit opinions to come to a consensus. for example, erika who i omitted because i had found posts on her, has one post saying that she allows cim (#3692) and another (#3691) that says she does not (ymmv, i know). i have cast a much wider net than others who have only asked about two or three girls in their posts so maybe i shouldn?t have done that, but quite frankly looking at the pics on their sites they are all so damn hot! thanks again, and i promise detailed posts if not daily then in early april.editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.the best thing about japan as opposed to other countries is that you will not get busted. there is no fear of cops storming the door, bribes required, names posted in the paper etc...the second best thing is that most of the girls will give 100% when trying to please a customer. you generally you get what you pay for.as special one pointed out fs is not "legal", but neither is it very illegal. in the us it is quite clear that aside from certain cities in nevada, it is a crime which can be punished. in australia it is a state-by-state scene. in eupore is depends on the country. here, until a few years ago there was no law preventing you from paying **** girls for a date that led to sex. shops are not supposed to offer fs legally, but 90% of soaplands do. there are also rlds where there is no worry of being busted by the cops. dh is a gray zone, but there is no way you will get arrested in the middle of doing a girl who you've just promised an extra y5,000 for fs.everyone likes am because they are consistant and give you 2hr/35,000/2-3 shots if you are "up" to it. boo will be a good bit more for that amount of time, especially if a tip is required. these gals are very much ymmv though. they usually have regular jobs, and are able to choose how much they want to work and what service they will perform depending on how much they like the customer. one i know will allow cim, then not allow for a guy she isn't into. hence the lack of specific details on every gal. there are other quality/reliable dh places, but most forum members keep them to themselves since non-japanese speakers may screw things up. este places are usually going to kick you out once you've shot your load (and may pressure you to do hurrry). pink salons gals are such pros it is unlikely you won't shoot in the allotted time. if that does occur, they will offer an extension for a set fee.kdh gals may try to leave after you've shot once, unless you've paid for a multiple (100min or more).i suggest all visitors took the time you did to ask intelligent, specific questions. then we will be happy to share our knowledge.ps ignore logan.

03-13-08, 14:13
Thanks Lion.<snip>Thanks again, and I promise detailed posts if not daily then in early April.EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Did anyone try to get this in the Reports of Distinction thread? Seriously, I don't know that I have ever asked any questions on this board, simply because there is so much information here that skimming through all that is far more enjoyable for me and I know the answers to just about any question I might have are here, somewhere. I'm sure the vets on the board don't mind a question here or there, but they have gotten tired of people of dubious legitimacy asking laundry lists of questions. I hope Big Popi will have a great time in Japan and, if he feels like posting about some of his mongering activities here, all the better. If someone feels like a person isn't legit, I think the best advice is ignore that person's post. Ambassador(I haven't even looked at the board much in the past year because I hooked up with a great lady through AFF. However, I am starting to get the itch again!)

03-13-08, 14:41
Logan,Why don't you use the search bar on the top right? (joking)I guess comment was made because of what I perceive to be a lack of GFE. Post #4431 says, "The girl, too often, does not take much action and lets the customer to move with some fake moans or with some demands to finish soon." #4149 calls it "kind of a dump". 4458, 4134, 4558, and 3388 all cite cbj, which is simply not my preference. However, after re-reading all the Yuri posts, you are right, there have been mostly positive experiences and I guess there are plenty of places in Tokyo to get a bbbj but not so many to get FS, so with that in mind I am reconsidering.Finally, I think there is a consistency on the forum about the general lack of enthusiasm and service from non-Japanese providers in Tokyo.I see where you are coming from BP. I plan on using AM's Manami because of the reports of her great GFE. Mako also has good GFE reports so she will be another option. Yuri's main attraction for me will be the FS special before 6pm which is hard to beat, especially considering they have some busty girls. Looking forward to your reports as I will be there a couple of weeks after you and your info will probably be the most up to date.

Big Popi
03-13-08, 16:52
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

Big Popi
03-13-08, 17:34
I suggest all visitors took the time you did to ask intelligent, specific questions. Then we will be happy to share our knowledge.Thanks Lion. Your response brings up something I have wanted to mention.I have gotten a fantastic amount of information from the forum from the reports, obviously, but also from responses to questions. In some cases the answers to specific questions offer information that becomes part of the forum's overall record and is information that cannot be found in previous reports. In other cases, like your response, it is a concise summation of a lot of the information that is far flung throughout the forum. I understand the frustration with people who appear to be too lazy to RTFF so I am not defending that action at all and I completely understand how my questions were viewed that way, but I want to throw out there that researched questions, as you point out, are a good thing. Your information helped me out a lot, and I thank you for that. But you have also laid out a general guide for the next people who come in blind, and they will fill in the details of that guide by reading the all the other posts that contain the why's behind what you wrote.

Capn Spudz
03-13-08, 22:01
Thanks Special One. I am aware that FS is not legal per se. I did some wandering yesterday and there are some interesting places but I cannot find hinomaru for the life of me. I'm sorry for sounding like a complete idiot but I've never done any mongering in Japan before.

03-14-08, 00:20
Here is my take on the Sugamo BJ bar scene. Prices quoted are afternoon prices. The evening prices may be higher.The first place on the right (coming from the station). When I went there the guy gave me a coupon for the place next on the street -same side. I guess the first place was full. Anyway, I paid 2,000 Yen for 2 gals. It is a hellish place. Unattractive gals who don't speak and have poor attitudes. I could finish - I left in disgust. This was about 2 years ago - I didn't go back to Sugamo for another year.MIYU: This is my regular spot. 3,000 for one gal. I have been there about 10 times. The doormen can be rude. I have been rejected before. Anyway, there are some fairly attractive gals there. I have always had good service. There is a nice gal with big eyes, who is in her 30's.JAN JAN: 3,000 for one gal. Aki is terrible. Not attractive not a good attitude. Mika is one of my favorites. There are only about 3 gals working in the afternoon so there is a good chance you will get one of those. Anyway, you don't have to wear a condom - most of the other places you do.First place on the left: 3,000 for 2 gals. I have always had good service there. Once I got a free 10 minute extension. It must have been a slow day. There is a J-gal with huge boobies there. Can anyone fill in any gaps in my report?

03-14-08, 09:08
I read this today and thought...now it makes sense why some of the soaplands charge you an entrance fee and then you pay two to three times that amount to enjoy your activities with the girl. Learn something new every day and thought it would be interesting to share with the group.One of the most perplexing aspects of the Japanese netherworld is why so many sexual services can be performed when prostitution is officially outlawed.Examining why intercourse is permitted at soaplands and not "fashion health" establishments, where oral or digital ministrations are the norm, Spa! (3/18) explains it all has to do with how the bubbles blow.Even though the Prostitution Prevention Law banned the sale of sex in 1958, the legislation is filled with loopholes (it was, after all, enacted on April Fools Day) and soaplands are basically brothels, though not officially so in the legal sense. They're staffed by women referred to in Japanese as awajo, a rough translation of which could be "bubble birds." And it's how these bubbles blow their clients that determines whether they're skirting the rules."Legally, the Businesses Affecting Public Morals Regulation Law (Fuzoku Law) defines soaplands as being 'bathhouse operators who have set up private rooms where members of the different sexes make come in contact,' while fashion health places are defined as being 'businesses where private rooms have been set up where the different sexes come in contact and reactions made toward the customer's sexual curiosity,'" lawyer Yukio Yamashita tells Spa! "Theoretically, the law gives a lot more scope to the fashion health industry to provide sexual services."The reality, however, is completely different, with coital sex strictly avoided in the fashion health business. Adult entertainment industry writer Sansuke Sasuga explains why."The soapland operators' stance is that they are lending out rooms to the awajo and they have no idea what goes on in those rooms. That's the argument they have to keep the business clean on the surface," Sasuga tells Spa! "Any intercourse that occurs is purely and simply an agreement made freely between the customer and awajo. The operators have nothing to do with it."Should the soapland operators get involved in the deals, they would be encouraging prostitution and liable for prosecution."Say, for instance, a woman tried to sleep over in the room she uses at a soapland. There is no way the operator would allow it," Sasuga tells Spa! "Soaplands only charge a fee for entering the bathhouse and the money for (sexual) services goes directly to the girl performing it. Women paying for the lubricant and beverages made available in the rooms works on the same precept: it allows the operators to appear as though they are not involved in a sexual transaction."

Friendly Gaijin
03-14-08, 09:25
I just walked through Ikebukuro to collect some rejections, that is talk to guys running shops I haven't been to yet.When doing so, I first dressed up for the occasion with three items. Number one was a pollen mask, which is necessary anyway for me these days. Lots of people are wearing them. Number two are sunglasses. The mask is completed by a white-haired wig.Anybody taking a cursory glance won't get a clue about the color of my skin.I also resolved to not actually use any shop I might get serviced right today, but rather come back another day. That is, today my goal is only to talk, not to actually play.The purpose of that particular concept is to get more relaxed about the situation. Whatever happens, I will have achieved my goal (some info), so there is no way I can feel bad about wasting time.I got my rejections from three places, but struck out in the last one (which has been mentioned before on this board). I plan to come back with some more info about that place once I have actually tried it a couple of times.The first one was one of those places that recommend other shops. I walk in, get greeted friendly. Until I lift my sunglasses slightly. Then the guy there tells me he has no info useful for me, except for drinking places. Maybe he should read this board.The second was one of those DH operations with a small office space. It is located in a building in Ikebukuro that has lots of those. Two guys there welcome me (they still have no clue at that moment). Then I lift up the sunglasses a little bit. One of them comes with a line of "only Japanese" (all this is in Japanese language).I counter, as intended for that particular effort, with telling them that, yes, I am Japanese. Nationalized.That doesn't help this guy. He insists on "pureblood" Japanese ("junsui"), while visibly struggling with wrapping his mind around the fact that nationality and race are actually different. Well, if he goes to those lengths to reject my money, more power to him. I wish them luck and leave.To cool down my nerves I take a one hour break at the Ikebukuro Mikado strip joint. There I confirm that they have stopped offering "pink room" service last summer, leaving the Tokyo area completely without that particular option (they were the last holdout).Then I walk down the stairs to one of the health shops with own rooms, and get my third rejection for the day without even breaking full mask mode. I tell the guy there that I want only some info ("kengaku dake"). He says they don't have that option. Okay.EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-14-08, 10:39
Hello all, long time lurker, first time poster, so please be gentle.I have been a resident of Tokyo for about 2 years and can speak and read Japanese quite well. I am wondering if any members know the names of any good delivery health services that aren?t AM or CB in the Tokyo area. By that I mean the DH services that usually cater to Japanese only but are perfectly willing to allow Japanese-speaking gaijin. I know this is a bit of a sensitive issue as there are so few that take foreigners, but I hope some can be kind enough to share and I won't screw things up.I am a highly infrequent monger so I have only a little experience in the Tokyo shops. A while ago, I ran a search on google for "night-life" in Shinjuku, Shibuya etc. There are hundreds of different shops around usually indexed on ranking websites, and I called a few here and there that seemed to have decent looking websites and girls. I told all of them that I was half Japanese half English straight off the bat, which is true, and that I understood Japanese. I thought it would be better to just tell them there and then rather than have the girl freak out later. Many that I called cut me off and fired away the apologies ? "Sorry, but this is for Japanese only" blah, blah, hangup. Others said their girls were busy. However, I was bored enough to persist. Eventually, I tried a place specialising in "office ladies" called Shinjuku iinkai ? or "employees meeting". Needless to say, if you can?t speak intermediate or upper level Japanese, you shouldn?t try calling them.http://www.iinkai.jp/shinjuku/.An older gentleman answered the phone and listened to my usual thing about not being Japanese to which he said "It?s fine, you can place an order". Arranged to meet outside a love hotel I know in Shinjuku for a 90 min set at about 20k or so and left the choice of girl to them. When the time came, I was called by a man outside the hotel who had escorted the girl there to meet me. He actually tried to be a bit intimidating, staring me down and asking me if I knew the system, if I was sick, if I was gonna be a bad boy and demand FS etc. Which kind of took the edge off my afternoon. Part of the baggage of being a gaijin, I suppose. After the interrogation the girl was introduced to me. Her name was Hana, but she?s no longer there. She had a cute face but a pretty good body, though not exactly my type. We got on fine ? shower, BBBJ and she offered free FS without me asking, though she said "It?s a secret. " Yeah, right. Also got a member?s card there too. Gotta love Japan So, I have shared some info and I hope some others can be kind enough to share their DH hints too.Happy HuntingEDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-14-08, 18:47
Thanks Lion.I understand what you are saying. I haven?t mongered in foreign countries before and only found this site for my Japan research, but have detailed posts on other US sites like ***. I am happy to provide handles offline. I would post them but giving away my home and frequently visited cities, along with the fact that I am going to see the Sox in Japan. Well, we all need some anonymity in this hobby of ours.I also must agree with your critiques of my questions. I did RTFF but, admittedly, I posted a tad too early. I have now read the last six or eight months of well over 1000 posts and much has been clarified.Although I agree it is way too broad, question 3 was because there is so much conflicting information. For instance, when you read the site it becomes clear that for "delivery" AM and CB are head and shoulders above the rest. This is not the case for walk in shops, as the only one with consistently good service reports (Playgirls) is extremely expensive.Question 4 was because I thought I might be missing something, but the more I read about the service level in Japan ? and that they are not going to sprint out the door after the first pop. I realize now that the 2 hour price is a bargain.I see how question 5 does look bad, but I was hoping to get specifics. You will notice some of the more reviewed providers are missing because I already had my info on them from the forum. I have since searched the thread for all of these names but for the most part very few of the girls who are still working have detailed information (I. E. BBBJ & cim). Some say GFE, which may or may not mean BBBJ depending on the poster. Also, it never hurts to solicit opinions to come to a consensus. For example, Erika who I omitted because I had found posts on her, has one post saying that she allows CIM (#3692) and another (#3691) that says she does not (YMMV, I know). I have cast a much wider net than others who have only asked about two or three girls in their posts so maybe I shouldn?t have done that, but quite frankly looking at the pics on their sites they are all so damn hot! Thanks again, and I promise detailed posts if not daily then in early April.EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Manimi provided me with bbbjcim, And she is like you seem to like them, petite and big natural breasts. But I got a Pm from another member saying that she may not always offer this. As said elsewhere, these girls may decide on the spot depending on their feeling at the time, so YMMV. You may though try to request this service when bookingWe are all eager to read your reports..

03-14-08, 18:53
I read this today and thought...now it makes sense why some of the soaplands charge you an entrance fee and then you pay two to three times that amount to enjoy your activities with the girl. Learn something new every day and thought it would be interesting to share with the group.One of the most perplexing aspects of the Japanese netherworld is why so many sexual services can be performed when prostitution is officially outlawed.Examining why intercourse is permitted at soaplands and not "fashion health" establishments, where oral or digital ministrations are the norm, Spa! (3/18) explains it all has to do with how the bubbles blow.Even though the Prostitution Prevention Law banned the sale of sex in 1958, the legislation is filled with loopholes (it was, after all, enacted on April Fools Day) and soaplands are basically brothels, though not officially so in the legal sense. They're staffed by women referred to in Japanese as awajo, a rough translation of which could be "bubble birds." And it's how these bubbles blow their clients that determines whether they're skirting the rules."Legally, the Businesses Affecting Public Morals Regulation Law (Fuzoku Law) defines soaplands as being 'bathhouse operators who have set up private rooms where members of the different sexes make come in contact,' while fashion health places are defined as being 'businesses where private rooms have been set up where the different sexes come in contact and reactions made toward the customer's sexual curiosity,'" lawyer Yukio Yamashita tells Spa! "Theoretically, the law gives a lot more scope to the fashion health industry to provide sexual services."The reality, however, is completely different, with coital sex strictly avoided in the fashion health business. Adult entertainment industry writer Sansuke Sasuga explains why."The soapland operators' stance is that they are lending out rooms to the awajo and they have no idea what goes on in those rooms. That's the argument they have to keep the business clean on the surface," Sasuga tells Spa! "Any intercourse that occurs is purely and simply an agreement made freely between the customer and awajo. The operators have nothing to do with it."Should the soapland operators get involved in the deals, they would be encouraging prostitution and liable for prosecution."Say, for instance, a woman tried to sleep over in the room she uses at a soapland. There is no way the operator would allow it," Sasuga tells Spa! "Soaplands only charge a fee for entering the bathhouse and the money for (sexual) services goes directly to the girl performing it. Women paying for the lubricant and beverages made available in the rooms works on the same precept: it allows the operators to appear as though they are not involved in a sexual transaction."The only soaplands I can afford are NYNY and Chamops. And it works exactly as you describe: You pay 9200 Y at the window, and the girl receive 5000Y She usually thanks you for it by showing the note to you. Quite transparent!

03-14-08, 20:12
Hello everybody! My message is for that people who like a "GOOD" massage! Last Friday, I was to know a house of massage called Sweet Dreams, that I found by internet.Well, the service, looks like a brazilian girls "masseurs". That delicious massage and the best, with the right to have "that" relax at final.But, not with brazilian girls, but the awesome japanese cute girls! The place is close to Roppongi, and I think that is a very good house of masseurs to know, since the girls and sure, the "optimum" service. Laugh.I let the address here to who wants to go: http: //sweet-d. Kir. Jp/The site is in english, and the japanese masseurs girls also speak english and are too much helpful and sweety! That help me a lot, since I don't speak japanese.I think is good to check! That is my tip! And I hope that help and you like it, I am sure, that I had sweet dreams at Sweet Dreams![Non-English text deleted by Admin]EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited to remove text not in English. While I encourage contributions from all members, the Forum is an English-only website. Please do not post reports in any language other than English unless accompanied by a full English translation.Thanks!

Big Popi
03-14-08, 22:51
Manimi provided me with bbbjcim. You may though try to request this service when booking.Wow. I had never even considered asking for it! If you try that in the US there is a 50/50 chance you will kill the deal for obvious reasons. I guess it's hard to wrap myself around the fact that it is legal. I think I also feared that they might find me to be a bit of a tasteless gaijin for asking and refuse me service. Excellent suggestion, thanks Dreams, I will give it a go.Is there a way I can say this in Japanese? Unless they understand the acronyms (would they if I said be b be j see I m? ), it's such an awkward question to phrase in English.I did find a lot of info on Manimi on the forum, so she is definitely my first choice. Unfortunately I do not have a second choice at AM so I am nervous that I might not be able to get her.For the record, from previous posts it seems that I can put the following into the "no" category: Tamaki (too bad, she is so hot), Sayuri, Hina, and Juri. As I have said in a previous post, I have conflicting info on Erika. I think Mako is a yes, but the bolt-ons kill it for me.

03-15-08, 02:19
Is there a way I can say this in Japanese? Unless they understand the acronyms (would they if I said be b be j see I m? ), it's such an awkward question to phrase in English.Try "guchi shutsu demo ii desuka?" ("Can I come in her/your mouth?")

Sportin Life
03-15-08, 03:28
I have been a resident of Tokyo for about 2 years and can speak and read Japanese quite well. I am wondering if any members know the names of any good delivery health services that aren?t AM or CB in the Tokyo area. By that I mean the DH services that usually cater to Japanese only but are perfectly willing to allow Japanese-speaking gaijin. I know this is a bit of a sensitive issue as there are so few that take foreigners, but I hope some can be kind enough to share and I won't screw things up.One recent afternoon I used this place - http://www.s-chaya.jp/main.htmlThe girl I requested and got was Ai, whom I chose for her bust measurement. Turned out she had implants, though they were of good quality and not the rock-hard kind that one sometimes finds on Koreans. She wouldn't do FS - which I requested midsession - but provided bbbjcim (twice) with no problem. Reasonably nice personality but I can't say we really hit it off, and though her technique was certainly adequate I've had better from local fashion health girls and from a Fukuoka DH girl.

Evan Stoner
03-15-08, 13:28
I think is good to check!No adverts, please.

Big Popi
03-15-08, 18:50
a house of massage called Sweet Dreams, http: //sweet-d. Kir. Jp/Clearly a shill, but has anyone been there for real? I saw Tokyo Gaijin 9's post about when they first opened and it's not very flattering, but perhaps they worked out the kinks? Or are they surviving on one time suckers?

Sportin Life
03-16-08, 00:31
Just to make my last post clear, all communication was in Japanese. Don't bother calling this place if you don't speak it.

03-16-08, 11:58
Spent 3 weeks in Japan again last month, here some infoWas to busy to go out first couple of days, so called AM and got Manami. I'm still amazed by the service, they always are very friendly on the phone and the girl, once arrangements are made turns up at the exact time in the correct place. So at the agreed time, Manami came, nicely dressed, skirt, tights (which I later found out to be stockings, nice). Did a bit of fondling, then took a shower together. She's a little bit heavier than in the pics, she's not fat, just a little chubby, with for Japanese quite large nice natural boobies (I don't like fake ones). Then we were off for a full 2 hour session, and I had the feeling that she could have gone on all night. For those that want conversations, her English is very good, she's got a bit of an American accent (which would drive me up the wall after a couple of days). Overall, nice girl, good experience, but you'll need some stamina.Also went a couple of time to yuri, now that's a different experience from the well equiped hotel room with the king-size bed. Place itself is easy to find, the instructions posted here some while ago are spot on.The times I was there, I only saw the new papasan, maybe the little one left, the new one is very friendly, gaijin no problem, however he doesn't speak a word in English (so polish up your Japanese a bit before you go there, the girls don't speak English either, if you speak Chinese you might get a long way).Now he's got a good running factory, each time had to wait a bit in the 2 sqm smoke filed room with some other guys (Japanese not open for conversation). Then it's off to the girls in their mini cubicles. You can get the internet special if you ask for it. Each time different girl but equal experience no GFE, shower, do your business, get a massage, shower, good buy and thank you and not BS.If you're looking for a cheaper place and you can speak a bit Japanese and it doesn't bother you to be seen by others and you don't mind hearing someone in the next cubicle doing what you've just finished or are about to begin, then Yuri is the place for you.I quite like Yuri the experience and the contrast with AM & CB.Now I have a question, when waiting at Yuri's, I looked through the magazines that were in the little cupboard and there was an advertisement from "www.choice-kk.com", anyone has experience and knows if they're gaijin friendly. (I speak only a little Japanses, by no means any good and I definitely don't look Japanese).EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-16-08, 13:05
Wow. I had never even considered asking for it! If you try that in the US there is a 50/50 chance you will kill the deal for obvious reasons. I guess it's hard to wrap myself around the fact that it is legal. I think I also feared that they might find me to be a bit of a tasteless gaijin for asking and refuse me service. Excellent suggestion, thanks Dreams, I will give it a go.Is there a way I can say this in Japanese? Unless they understand the acronyms (would they if I said be b be j see I m? ), it's such an awkward question to phrase in English.I did find a lot of info on Manimi on the forum, so she is definitely my first choice. Unfortunately I do not have a second choice at AM so I am nervous that I might not be able to get her.For the record, from previous posts it seems that I can put the following into the "no" category: Tamaki (too bad, she is so hot), Sayuri, Hina, and Juri. As I have said in a previous post, I have conflicting info on Erika. I think Mako is a yes, but the bolt-ons kill it for me.I don't speak a word of Japanese, and I did not ask for CIM. She just started the Bj and went on until completion... With regards to communication, most if not all girls at AM speak some english, Manimi is so fluent that you can have really interesting conversation during recovery periods. Last, the booking was through email, and was very efficient and in English.Good luck!

Billcan 2
03-16-08, 13:11
Dreams just to make it clear for some of the others, at NYNY you pay Y5000 at the window and Y5000 to the girl. So in total its about Y10 000. I was there a couple of weeks ago and got a girl named Hitomi. Stay away from her. When she found out I was from Canada and could speak French that is all she wanted to do. Her service wasn't very good either. The BJ was mechanical, and there was hardly any touching or anything. The massage wasn't bad, but I would stay away from her.

Dire Wolf98
03-16-08, 20:28
"Jelly roll, jelly rollSittin' on a fence,If you don't get itYou ain't got no sense."Excerpt from 'Hot Jelly Roll Blues'Words & Music by Armenter "Bo Carter" Chatmon- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting Tokyo for business. Because I lived & worked in The Big Pachinko and I had been away for several years, this was a homecoming for me.In preparation (above and beyond the intense business activities), I dusted-off my notes, sent e-mails, made phone calls, visited websites, and posted info requests on various corners of the Net.I have to emphasize: there is a lot more info available now than back in 1996 when I was a one-man wrecking crew posting to the World Sex Guide and alt.sex.prostitution.tokyo Still, some of the people posting on various corners of the Net seem to be struggling with the same issue that us pioneers were struggling with more than 10 years ago: limited gaijin access to shops. What I find surprising / amusing is that the newbies living in, or visiting, Tokyo somehow seem to think that they are the first to encounter such set-backs. It's not unlike when some people mistakenly thought that "Love In Vain" was a Rolling Stones original. More on that later in this series (Part Three).Day OneEarly evening, I found myself near Shinbashi and made my inaugural visit to Supergirls for some pre-dinner fun. In terms of venue categories, Supergirls is a Pink Salon. In that type of venue, the girls provide BBBJs in individual bar booths. In the past, I have also enjoyed some covered (off the menu) FS from select girls in some Pink Salons.Similar to other venues, including some Pink Salons, Supergirls' price structure depends upon the time of day. The shop opens at 3:00 p.m. and prices start at about Y6,000 and top-out at Y9,000 prior to closing. I didn't memorize the menu, but when I arrived, the price was Y8,000.Having patronized several Pink Salons in Tokyo in the past, I need to mention two things: Supergirls has lower-than-average ceilings and smaller-than-average booths. Also, I think management went over-board with the Supergirls theme because everything in the club, except the girls, seems to be painted blue. Everything!I was escorted to my booth and told that my assigned girl would arrive soon. I removed my shoes, stripped completely from the waist-down and waited. After about three minutes, Rio arrived. She is a semi-cute 20-something from the outer suburbs and I was her first gaijin. Needless to say, I was very nice and polite in order to leave Rio-chan with a positive impression of gaijin. Among other things, she was happy to learn that I speak Japanese and that I am familiar with her hometown region.After some brief chit-chat and caressing, Rio stripped completely and got down to customer service: a reasonably good BBBJ. Rio had trouble fitting anything beyond the first 30% in her mouth, but she applied some creative thinking and brought it all home. Rio has reasonably good technique and a nice affectionate flair to her BBBJs.Because the booths are small, at times Rio had to perform an acrobat-like balancing act where she placed one hand on the floor as she sucked, licked and stroked me (with her other hand) to completion.Q: Is Supergirls worth visiting?A: It depends upon how far you have to travel.Q: Will I repeat?A: Future schedules permitting, yes.If I lived in Tokyo, I would definitely drop by Supergirls as part of my commute.Directions to SupergirlsFrom JR Shinbashi Station, take the Hibiya exit. There you will find a large pedestrian square with several monitors displaying commercials. There is also a large antique steam engine on display (a replica of the first train in Japan that linked Shinbashi with Yokohama). If you don?t see the train, you?re not at the right exit. It?s not the exit crowded with taxis or the exit underneath a bridge.Once you?re in the large pedestrian square, Supergirls is easy to find. Toward the front of the steam engine, there is a pedestrian street (Shinbashi Naka Dori) that dead-ends into the street bordering the square.At the entrance of this street sits two buildings on either side: one with several green signs with white lettering ("Lake" in katagana) and a green sign on top of the building that says "Hono Bono Lake" in white hiragana & katagana; and the other building has a "Yen Shop" sign on top of it. There is also a Kirin City restaurant just a few feet down the street. Go down that pedestrian street. Supergirls is on the right side, about 50 to 75 yards.To give credit where credit is due, I used Archie Leach?s directions to find this shop and I have tweaked them ever so slightly.=====================After dinner, I taxied over to, and strolled through, Roppongi and soaked-in the atmosphere. All around Roppongi koseten the number of African male touts has exploded and it's out of control. My strategy: I tell them that unless they represent a Pink Salon, Fashion Health, Image Health, or a Soapland, don't bother, I don't need to pay to talk to girls at a Hostess Club (unless it features FS take out). For the ubiquitous Chinese female touts, my strategy is to wave them off with a smile as I say, "Xie xie." Some of them looked crushed and demoralized because I cracked their code. Others looked irritated.I eventually made my way to Motown. The bar wasn't crowded, but it is obvious that this remains a target-rich environment. Plenty of J-Girls to meet and various guys seemed to be making progress. This was a pure reconnaissance visit, so I didn't stay long.The only problem was the ear-splitting level at which Motown plays their music. WTF!?!?!?!?! Don't get me wrong, I have attended many concerts where the volume was much higher. However, I usually attend concerts to see the bands/hear music and not pick-up girls. My pick-up technique employs wit, charm and subtlety; and Motown's sound system takes that off the table for me.Day TwoAfter the conclusion of my meetings, I was scheduled to meet a J-Girl, Miho, whom I originally met through a FS Date Club of which I was a past member.That Date Club charged a Y10,000 one-time membership fee. Also, they charged for introductions: Y10,000 for one; Y25,000 for three; and Y50,000 for six. Sessions were Y30,000, paid directly to the girls, for a minimum of two hours.Many girls used this club for part-time work; and through it I met semon gako students, interior decorators, struggling artists and models as well as OLs trying to make extra money. One of the struggling models that I met strayed over into nude modeling, some AV work and the occasional appearance on risque last night TV shows.Other notable Date Club girls included: an insanely cute hard-body monster fuck spinner who worked full time at a nail salon; and an active/prolific very talented JAV actress.Many of the girls provided me with their cell numbers so that I could meet them again directly while avoiding the intro fee from the club. I enjoyed many repeat sessions with my favorite Date Club girls and developed a short list of about five.My Date Club was worth every single solitary yen. About 95% of my sessions were more than satisfactory. More than 50% were off the charts. That Date Club was so good, I stopped going to Yoshiwara.When I first met Miho-chan, she was a struggling artist trying to break into the Manga field. Tallish, graceful and slender, Miho had logged some time as a Race Queen and a model until her forced retirement at the age of 18 (to make room for younger girls). Miho was also very yasashii and fun to be with. Many times during our post-sex cuddling, we watched and discussed movies. She seemed to appreciate the arts.I had saved numerous phone numbers, but Miho was only one of three J-Girls who still had the same number since my departure from Tokyo. I contacted her from the US and we agree upon a date and time slot. The plan was to have a nice/romantic dinner and then go back to my hotel.As per our agreement, I phoned Miho's keitai (cell) at 5:05 pm. After several rings, rusuban (Voice Mail) kicked in. Left a message. For the next hour, I dialed at various random intervals. Nothing, just rusuban. This was a major bummer. I appeared to be getting stood up. Maybe it was intentional. Having been in this situation on several occasions in the US, my New York paranoia began to take hold.After one hour, I began to wade through my database for Plan B (as I continued to try to reach Miho). I narrowed the field down to two Outcall options and one Incall option. Eventually, I selected one of my old Incall favorites: The Madonna Group chain of Mansion Health Clubs. I had met numerous GFE-oriented cutie pies and stunners at their Roppongi (now closed) and Yoyogi shops. Besides, I needed walk-off the stress of my Miho-related profound disappointment.I called Madonna's (new) Gotanda shop, booked a 7:30 pm session and left my hotel at 6:45 pm (note the time) for the train to Gotanda. Eventually, after navigating the confusing maze of Gotanda in a chilling rain, I found Madonna.Their system is based on selection via pix at their reception desk. I picked Mika for one hour. Madonna Gotanda doesn't have its own rooms so they use a Love Hotel right across the hall in their building. Price: 60 minutes, Y17,000; selection via pic, Y1,000; Love Hotel, Y2,000. Total: Y20,000Mika arrives and she is chunkier than expected. Still, she seems nice. We when entered the shower, I discovered that Mika's enthusiasm and/or skills were well below what I had come to expect at Madonna. I met many cute and skillful J-Girls at Madonna in the past. Unfortunately, the shower was a leading indicator. Mika was mediocre at best. She was not good at BBBJ, Sumatta or Paizuri. I thought some 69 action would inspire her, but it didn't. Because her BJ technique was so awful, I urged her to switch to HJ service as we remained in the 69 position. I licked furiously as she tugged.When I was ready to come, I said, "Fera! Fera! Fera!" Mika switched back to BBBJ and finished me off with her mouth and right hand - she sucked in every drop.Q: Will I go back to Madonna?A: Future schedules permitting, maybe. I won't pick Mika.Madonna's website:http://www.madonna.gr.jp/index.htmlAll I could feel was crushing disappointment. My Date Club cutie pie was a no-show and my replacement session at Madonna Gotanda was way below par. After much anticipation, this trip was falling well short of expectations. So, I wandered the streets of Tokyo and eventually settled upon an Italian restaurant where the food was good and the wine list was okay.After several glasses of wine and dinner, I felt much better -- not perfect, but better. I wandered back to hotel at 10:00 p.m.; and as I exited the elevator, I muttered to myself, "What are the f'n' chances that Miho even left me an f'n' message?!?!?"As I walked up to my door, just below eye level I spotted a cute Post-It note, stationary typical of kawaii 20-something J-Girls, onto which was sadly scrawled: "Late - I'm sorry. Miho"Dang!EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-16-08, 23:49
I?ve been lurking for a wile and enjoying the Yoshiwara Soapland posts here. I?ve spent a little time there myself, right, so I thought I?d share what I know. Getting into the store is tough. But if you speak Japanese or have a friend who does call around. A few stores (10? 20?) take foreigners easily and will put them with any girl. Some stores will ask their girls if they?ll take foreigners, and do a hook up a girls working that night will take a foreign guest. The price you see on ads are confusing. Prices are usually given for what the shop collects. The girl gets about double what the shop does. So 10,000 yen posted price is usually 30,000 yen total, 20,000 yen is usually 60,000, and 25,000 is usually 75,000 yen. Foreigners are charged 10,000 yen on top of regular rates. Stores are mostly four classes. Standard is 30,000-40,000 yen (plus 10,000 if you are not Japanese) for 80-110 minutes. Executive is 50,000-80,000 (plus 10,000) for 110-120 minutes. At the low end you have below 30,000 (plus 10K) for 60-100 minutes. At the high end, are the over 80,000 places. Here?s a list of all soaps (Japanese) from a great ISG post http://internationalsexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=559651&postcount=3164The experience will depend on you, the girl, the shop, but this is the standard course for a good place and a good companion. I will also throw in some Japanese words. It goes like this The store picks you up at a nearby station if you?ve called ahead because Yoshiwara is pretty far to walk to. They show you photos and you make a selection (if you haven?t already by phone).You pay at the reception area (if you were Japanese you?d pay 1/3 at the front desk and the rest directly to the girl but you aren?t so they want it all up front)They?ll call you from the waiting room and you?ll meet the girl in a blocked off section of hallway or she?ll be waiting for you in the elevator. You?ll go to the room and enjoy Soku-soku ? ?immediate-immediate?: You may chat for a very little bit, but if it's a good place and she?s working hard, very soon you should be enjoying a proper smoke-job followed by a shag.Kyukei ? rest. You?ll have a drink together, then you?ll get into the bath to warm upBodi aria ? ?wash the body.? After a few minutes you?ll be invited to sit on a low plastic stool next to the bath called sukebe isu (pervert chair). There she will wash you with her body. It?s pretty wonderful. The stool is U shaped with a cut out near yer corn hole. She may get under the chair and raise her head to tongue yer hole while spreading her legs so you can reach down and finger her?s. This is called kuguri isu. Senbokyo - Periscope: After the body wash you?ll get back into the tub and she?ll join you. Her legs will be under yers, you will float above her, heads at opposite ends of the tub. Yer willie should be pretty hard. Time for the Periscope Job. Yea, smoke job in the tub.Matto ? Mat. She?ll get out of the tub first, fill a small wash bowl with water and a jelly lubricant. lotion Next she?ll take air mattress leaned against a wall and put it on the floor. She?ll put this slip ?n slide mixture on the mattress and slide over it so her body is covered. Next, she?ll invite you out of the tub and onto the mattress. Lay face down. She?ll slide all over you, then ask to turn over so you are facing up. After more sliding she?s riding you cow girl style. She may rotate (turn 360) while keeping you in her. This is called ?clock tower? (tokeidai). After mat, its time for one more kyukei and then a shag. Usually that?s all there?s time for. But if you can manage it, most girls are happy to go as many times as you?d like so long as there?s time on the clock.Some places ring a bell as a ten minute warningGet dressed, go back to reception. Usually the store will ask you to rate the girl and the service. Its there way of being sure everyone is working hard. Playgirl and Tokubestushitsu get a lot of coverage here. I haven?t been to either but I did read some of the posts on the soap section of 2chan, a major Japanese BBS. Seems like soap fans by-and-large like Tokubetsusitsu much better and say Playgirl has done bait-and-switch with the girls. Enjoy & Report!EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Dire Wolf98
03-17-08, 02:02
Is NYNY a Soapland? I was under the impression that it was a Fashion Health. Y9,200 seems extremely inexpensive for a Soapland.
The only soaplands I can afford are NYNY and Chamops. And it works exactly as you describe: You pay 9200 Y at the window, and the girl receive 5000Y She usually thanks you for it by showing the note to you. Quite transparent!

03-17-08, 05:25
Wow. I had never even considered asking for it! If you try that in the US there is a 50/50 chance you will kill the deal for obvious reasons. I guess it's hard to wrap myself around the fact that it is legal. I think I also feared that they might find me to be a bit of a tasteless gaijin for asking and refuse me service. Excellent suggestion, thanks Dreams, I will give it a go.Is there a way I can say this in Japanese? Unless they understand the acronyms (would they if I said be b be j see I m? ), it's such an awkward question to phrase in English.I did find a lot of info on Manimi on the forum, so she is definitely my first choice. Unfortunately I do not have a second choice at AM so I am nervous that I might not be able to get her.For the record, from previous posts it seems that I can put the following into the "no" category: Tamaki (too bad, she is so hot), Sayuri, Hina, and Juri. As I have said in a previous post, I have conflicting info on Erika. I think Mako is a yes, but the bolt-ons kill it for me.BBBJ is standard OP. CIM is normal. Swallowing (gokkun) can be requested as an option at some Pink Salon/DH places for 3,000-5,000 extra. AM/CB may not offer that option, leaving it up to the girl. No one will get on you about asking about options. Demanding them later is where things get awkward.

03-17-08, 07:30
Hey Tux, I've done a walk through Yoshiwara 3 years ago. I walked up to a few touts but my Japanese is like chopped up words struggling to make a sentence. I was stuck trying to play it off saying "ano ano. " between words trying to sound a little more shy and not so foreign. Although, I was not successful and winded up getting rejected at all the spots I approached. It was not easy finding this place, I went alone, and since I can only read Katakana and Hiragana I was looking for maps at bus stops or just street maps that might lead me to Yoshiwara Shrine. After finding the Shrine I was just blocks away from Soapland Yoshiwara. Yoshiwara is basically between Ueno and Asakusa.On the other hand. My success happened in Osaka "Tobita". I don't know if it was because I'm just a regular harmless looking white dude. Or if it was because I was just by myself. The mama-sans in Tobita have these cheap 99 cent store long mirrors so they can view whose walking down the narrow streets before you actually get in front of each shop. Mostly all the mama-sans were saying Dozo Dozo left and right. And the girls to select from were really good quality. I think even by japanese standards they are hot! I posted a story about my trip to Tobita on another forum around 2 years ago yeah. That was awhile back.Anyhow, I will be out in Tokyo in the later part of May through mid June. I would love to visit Yoshiwara but, I do not want to be rejected. Since you are VIP would it be ok to possibly arrange something through you. Of course this would need be discussed though PM.Chill, GEDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-17-08, 23:56
Is NYNY a Soapland? I was under the impression that it was a Fashion Health. Y9,200 seems extremely inexpensive for a Soapland.The reason this is cheap is that the quality of the girls, I should say the women is to say the least poor..If you go there, be prepared to be serviced by a 50 y old women; Having said that, I always ask for a young and busty, and I have improved the rating recently. But YMMV in term of service, as a recent post showed. I have had fantastic time and awful time here. But for 9200Y, I accept the risk.

03-18-08, 07:24
Yes, but NYNY is also unlike a lot of "soaplands" in two important respects: there is no mat for soapy body to body massage, and there is no FS there. So if your image of a soap experience included those things, NYNY is not really a soap. But it does include a nice experience of her soaping you up, a soak in a hot tub, a massage (usually) and just aout everything but FS. Least that's my experience!Stew2
The reason this is cheap is that the quality of the girls, I should say the women is to say the least poor..If you go there, be prepared to be serviced by a 50 y old women; Having said that, I always ask for a young and busty, and I have improved the rating recently. But YMMV in term of service, as a recent post showed. I have had fantastic time and awful time here. But for 9200Y, I accept the risk.

Love Tractor
03-18-08, 17:49
Just experienced Marina from CB.She is a real sweetie and a great GFE. She speaks enough English for small talk (more on that later), and not shy but demure. We talked a bit (more than I really wanted and I tried to get things moving along, but didn't want to rush her too much), moved to shower, then on to a little pillow talk and then to DK, BBBJ, 69.It bears mentioning that when I called, the guy who answered asked if this one my first time, I said yes. He said price includes massage, BJ, and HJ only. Sex is illegal in Japan. I said of course it is *wink*. I asked for the 70 min/ 30, 000 Y plan and set the time for Marina to show (first 3 choices weren't available), but Marina was right up there with the others as far as my tastes.So anyway. After a bit of FP, I asked if we could do *everything*. She said extra service is extra charge. I tried to keep my eyes from rolling. I asked how much? 10, 000. Of course at this point there's no denying mini-me his cravings. And this is the part that I thought she understood but apparently not: I said 'extra charge and extra time? ', to which she nodded yes.Well, she puts the condom on and wants me on top (too big she says. Whatever), and we start to go at it and WOW. She takes it all in and is totally into it like the real GFE. I have to stop from exploding a couple of times. Move on to doggie. And again have to stop myself. I want to enjoy my 40, 000 pleasure.I'm starting to overheat after a while, so I figure a good time to splash some cold water on me to cool down both heads. I come back from bathroom and she says sorry. No more time. Huh? ! WTF? A little conversation ensues, and turns out that extra time wasn't included, not is it even available. She points out the exact time (to the minute) that she arrived, and yep. It was exactly 70 minutes! I asked for just 5 more minutes. That's all I needed (! ), but no dice. She left with a smile on her face. Well, at least one of us had something to smile about.Very disappointing, obviously. I understand they are on a schedule, and I understand that the girls are people and don't want to just show up and get right down to business, but if things are going to be measuring down to the exact minute, then they need save the small talk for afterwards.I'll take my 2 cents back now.EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Cuty Suzuki
03-18-08, 20:24
Yes, but NYNY is also unlike a lot of "soaplands" in two important respects: there is no mat for soapy body to body massage, and there is no FS there. So if your image of a soap experience included those things, NYNY is not really a soap. But it does include a nice experience of her soaping you up, a soak in a hot tub, a massage (usually) and just aout everything but FS. Least that's my experience!Stew2NYNY is like esute service with a tub in the room. Very reliable service there. Never any BS upselling or time cutting like other places. Everyone is friendly too.

03-19-08, 00:27
well put cuty... I whileheartedly agree - in recent years I have found them very consistent and very friendly... just remember to behave well and not ruin it guys!
NYNY is like esute service with a tub in the room. Very reliable service there. Never any BS upselling or time cutting like other places. Everyone is friendly too.

03-19-08, 17:12
NYNY is like esute service with a tub in the room. Very reliable service there. Never any BS upselling or time cutting like other places. Everyone is friendly too.I also wholeheartedly agree, and I never miss a visit to NYNY when I am in Tokyo. However, it is fair to inform mongers about the kind of providers. The first time I went, I was initially taken aback by the 50 y old woman , pretty chubby and no chest.. But the quality of service won me over, and as said before, if you are a regular, even twice a year, you can specify your preferences...

03-19-08, 22:14
Club Boo: Marina reportJust experienced Marina from CB.Love Tractor wrote:"I'm starting to overheat after a while, so I figure a good time to splash some cold water on me to cool down both heads. I come back from bathroom and she says sorry. No more time. Huh? ! WTF?"I did Marina in spring of 2006. I found her nice, ok, and I did manage to throw my load. Sorry to hear this happened to you; I find this type of cutoff to be totally unacceptable. I would have called back and let the boss know. The whole idea is to release some tension! I think Marina is overrated. She was the first and last Club Boo chick I did. I think for guys looking for good room service, AM is the choice. I did Maria (oh god do we miss her!!) and Erika. Marina didn't match up to either. Better luck on your next call.

Bull Shido
03-20-08, 03:34
Just experienced Marina from CB.I'm starting to overheat after a while, so I figure a good time to splash some cold water on me to cool down both heads. I come back from bathroom and she says sorry. No more time. Huh? ! WTF?The CB girls usually carry a timer. The AM girls usually just look at the clock on the night stand. They all usually leave on the button (especially the good ones because they are always booked). But, the girls have always let me finish even though time has expired. Too bad about your experience. I think if you didn't go to the bathroom she would have let you continue and finish.

Bar Pillar
03-20-08, 12:06
Has anyone tried this girl from craigslist?http://tokyo.craigslist.jp/ers/607936264.htmlI have been emailing with her and set up an appointment for this weekend. She looks quite attractive and her fee is 35,000 yen per hour. If anyone has any info please share.

03-20-08, 16:11
Hey Tux, Anyhow, I will be out in Tokyo in the later part of May through mid June. I would love to visit Yoshiwara but, I do not want to be rejected. Since you are VIP would it be ok to possibly arrange something through you. Of course this would need be discussed though PM.Chill, GYou don't need me.It sounds like you speak basic Japanese. Call any of the places mentioned in this board as being foreign friendly and tell them you want to make a reservation (yoyaku shitaindesuga...), you might even ask in English. Agree on a time and a nearby station like Uguisudani or Ireya, they will send a car around to pick you up. This is easier for you and will also make them feel better. Most of their business is reservation, not drop-by.I see debate about what to call NYNY. NYNY type store is called 'Eki Mae Soap' in Japanese. This translates as 'in front of the station soap' but really means cheap but no FS soap.

The Tanuki
03-20-08, 22:50
Has anyone tried this girl from craigslist?http://tokyo.craigslist.jp/ers/607936264.htmlI have been emailing with her and set up an appointment for this weekend. She looks quite attractive and her fee is 35,000 yen per hour. If anyone has any info please share.Well the picture does look hot, but that's a bit on the pricey side for an unknown experience, considering what you can read about other providers such as the girls from AM and Club Boo. May the force be with you. Let us know how she goes!Tankuki

03-20-08, 23:06
and tell them you want to make a reservation (yoyaku shitaindesuga...)Say: Goyoyaku wo kudasaimasen ka?No extra charge for that guys.Gyaos.

Baker B
03-21-08, 01:28
Anyone heard of the Refresh Salon in Kanagawa?Info would be helpful: $$$Thanks

03-21-08, 01:33
Hey guys,Looking through some of the old pages here at ISG, I came across some reports about a private provider named Yumiko in Chiba, age 47 as indicated on her AFF profile (she used the name coconutparadise2 there). I looked back at her AFF page because I remembered mailing her from there and not getting a response. Says she has been there within 3 months, which means she hasn't been there recently.Anyway, I looked at craigslist some this morning, and spotted an ad posted just a couple days ago here:http://tokyo.craigslist.jp/ers/608420344.htmlDoes this ad look the same as the one posted back then by Yumiko? I remember my pal Topos had a decent experience with her, and I think it was Big Boi who said he used to see her for free. Just wondering if it is the same gal and if any others here had anythiing to report on her. I like her looks, but the price is a little steep for somebody that age. Thanks in advance for any help.

03-21-08, 10:16
Anybody tried the new AM girl yet? Nome de plume is Machiko, specs are tall and slim, pics look nice.

03-21-08, 14:51
Ambassador.I'm pretty certain the ad on Craigslist is from Yumiko.

Baker B
03-21-08, 19:37
Hi, is anyone out there? Shall we move the discussion here?Has anyone heard of Refresh Salon in Kanagawa? Any info would be helpful. How much and what services?Thanks,Baker

03-22-08, 11:50
has anyone tried this place in ueno? it's very close to a place i'll be staying in may. stopped in once just to take a peek and they seemed gaijin-friendly, but i didn't have time to stick around.http://www.wowow-club.net/

Ek Misawa
03-23-08, 17:10
So I just got done with a call service. This was my first time calling in for service and I thought it was decently okay. She did exactly what I did and her name is yuri; a stage name, but it works. Contact info: 090- 3683-3947The price was 35000 for full service and 20000 for message. Well, I got the full service and she was worth it. So, if you have the money, then go and get a call girl. But if you're broke or don't want to spend a whole lot, then go to repongii and find them there. You can always find free lance girls in bars and it shouldn't be hard and expensive. I remember being propositioned 20000-25000 for 4 hours at Blue Jazz on the second floor by this big fake breasts. Sss persian. It's the second blue jazz.Happy hunting.

The Tanuki
03-24-08, 05:54
So I just got done with a call service. This was my first time calling in for service and I thought it was decently okay. She did exactly what I did and her name is yuri; a stage name, but it works. Contact info: 090- 3683-3947The price was 35000 for full service and 20000 for message. Well, I got the full service and she was worth it. So, if you have the money, then go and get a call girl. But if you're broke or don't want to spend a whole lot, then go to repongii and find them there. You can always find free lance girls in bars and it shouldn't be hard and expensive. I remember being propositioned 20000-25000 for 4 hours at Blue Jazz on the second floor by this big fake breasts. Sss persian. It's the second blue jazz.Happy hunting.3.5 man is a tad higher than Club Boo for 70 minutes. I did Akubi there about a year ago and she provided some really good BBBJ and very genki sex in multiple positions. Can you add some detail about your experience? Was the girl Japanese, good head or tasty DATY? Enquiring minds want to know... :pThanks for sharing! Tankuki

03-24-08, 08:17
Tux, I see so this is nothing like Osaka style walk by service in Tobita. It's all by reservation only! Except for BBBJ places like Super Girls is just walk up service but FS spots I guess are mainly by reservation. Ok, btw. Does anyone know some place in Tokyo where I can buy a disposable prepaid cell phone like the ones you don't need to return to the cell phone vendor?

03-24-08, 11:13
I give a try to Ueno Lip today (http://www.fu-zo-ku.com/ueno-lip/). The place is easy to find, as you can find a map on their website or use Google map japan with their phone number.It's located on 7F, and there are clubs on every floor. The good news is the place is gaijin-friendly but at least, you must speak some basic Japanese. The manager explains everything and thanks you for coming for the first time.I choose the Health course. It's normally 14, 000 yens for 45' but you got a discount right away (see their event & discount ticket) and it's finally 10, 000 for 50'. You have to pay for a member card (2, 000 yens) and if you want to choose the girl (2, 000 yens). Total is 14, 000 yens but you got a 2, 000 yens discount coupon for next time and of course, you won't have to pay a new membership. And next time, you can book a girl by phone, just by giving them your membership card number. It's something to consider I guess.I choose Jyui on picture (http://www.fu-zo-ku.com/ueno-lip/pc/girls/jyui/index.html)The manager told me to choose the hotel (he provides a map), then call and give the room number, what I did (2, 900 yens for 2 hours).No more than 5 minutes later, the girl arrived. She looked nice. We got undressed, took a shower and went to bed She did BBBJ but not BBFS. If it's what you are looking for, try an other place because it's the policy there. I'm not going to give a lot of details here (not my kind of literature) but I can say she did her best. He didn't really work though, as she is too shy, didn't take any initiative and has not much experience. Maybe an other guy will enjoy more than me. She told me she started one week ago but it looks like all girls in this business say the same thing.I may try an other time, but with someone else. Hope these informations will help.Ps: I'm not English native speaker. Well, you knew it. Sorry for this so-so article.

The Tanuki
03-24-08, 21:22
I give a try to Ueno Lip today (http://www.fu-zo-ku.com/ueno-lip/).......I choose Jyui on picture (http://www.fu-zo-ku.com/ueno-lip/pc/girls/jyui/index.html)No more than 5 minutes later, the girl arrived. She looked nice. We got undressed, took a shower and went to bed She did BBBJ but not BBFS. If you find a girl that will do FS without covers, let us know so we can all stay away. Don't need that stuff!
.....He didn't really work though, as she is too shy, didn't take any initiative and has not much experience. Maybe an other guy will enjoy more than me. She told me she started one week ago but it looks like all girls in this business say the same thing.The web site does state that she started March 13, so it appears she was telling the truth. It also points out that she's more of a shy type and not the "Ettchi" type. There's a girl called Momo who has a pretty big rack for Japanese and she says she comes most of the time while providing service. I'd hit her in a heartbeat, based on the airbrushed picture anyhow... :pThanks for the pointer to a new spot, DynamicsTankuki

Big Popi
03-24-08, 23:03
I had suffered some mild trepidation about posting, since I asked so may questions and my intent was to stay with the tried and true so I thought my posts were going to be simply parrots of other posts without any new information. Well, fortunately for me I am able to pay back my forum brothers with at least a few small tidbits of new info from my first night in Japan.After a rather taxing ordeal using the JR and the Metro to get to the hotel from Narita we got in around 9pm local time and decided a trip to Supergirls was in order. A quick note about the directions: Much has been made about which exit to get off. We actually botched the whole train thing and got off at a nearby station and walked to Shimbashi. However, the steam engine locomotive is the key landmark here. We asked a policeman and easily found this. What threw me initially was that I had expected the Kirin City sign to be more prominent: I thought it would be facing the steam engine (perpendicular to the alley at the alley?s mouth) but it is parallel to the alley, and when we went it was not lit up. There is a sign farther down in the alley that is lit up in English and faces steam engine block, it says something "Big Echo". If you are looking down the left hand side of the alley you will see that sign quite a ways down. Supergirls is more or less across from that sign, but not quite as far down. However, even before finding the sign, finding the alley is super easy. Facing the steam engine from the large open space courtyard in front of it, you are boxed in by a street in front of you (that runs behind the steam engine) and a street to the right and the left. On the corner of the street to the right is a McDonalds. Directly in front of you, on the other side of the street behind the steam engine and within the streets to the right and the left, there are two alleys, one to the right and one to the left. Supergirls is in the alley to the left.Went with a few guys and were worried about an earlier post that said they had turned away two Gaijin. We had more than two guys, so had planned to try one at a time. However, after I went in the other guys I was with decided to immediately try and the first one was let in while the others were turned away. I believe it was less due to the fact that they were foreigners and more with the fact that there were only two girls working.Can?t really add much to the description except that the booths are like little private tables, each with one bench and separated by four foot partitions. There are about six of these booths all off a single walkway. In fact, when my buddy was finished he wanted to leave but the girl wouldn?t let him because I was still going at it and they would have had to walk by my booth.I got Shizuku, #88, who said she is new and I don?t believe she has been reviewed here before. She also said she was 21, and there was no way. I would say minimum 27 because of the slight lines around her eyes. Her most striking feature, however, was her teeth. I had seen some messed up choppers in my few hours in Japan up to then, but nothing could have prepared me for this chick. When she rolled her head back and laughed, it looked like a sharks mouth, just rows and rows of teeth. Her two front teeth were literally one behind the other, then there was a third behind those. I was trying not to focus on that as it was a real turn off. Otherwise, she was solid: cute face nice body, super friendly. Medium height, long legs, nice ass, a bit flat chested.Thought that they brought you a beer in this place but that must be other places I had read about. They brought green tea and there was a sign on the wall for beer for 500 yen (entry, btw, was 8000 as it was around 10pm). After I was seated and got my tea, Shizuku, who doesn?t speak a word of English, came and gave me a towel for my hands (as mentioned in previous posts, they also spray your hands at the door). She then motioned for me to take off my pants which I gladly did and she went about cleaning my junk. She took off her top and panties while leaving her skirt on. She propped herself in such a way that it was clear she wanted me to play with her pussy. So I fingered her while she gave me a nice BBBJ with cim. Luckily, the unusual dental arrangement did not effect the quality of the service, although the BJ was maybe a little sub-standard as she really didn?t get too much of it in her mouth and used her hand on the shaft while she was sucking, but hey, I am not complaining, overall it was a fantastic experience.When I was finished and we hugged a bit I started to gather my things and she told me not to leave. Wasn?t sure why since by this time we were the only people there, so I thought maybe a second pop was on the menu. I did have my pants on by this point but I stayed while she made small talk asking me questions and just painfully trying to communicate. Finally I figured there wouldn?t be time for a round two and I didn?t want to keep my friends waiting anymore since the others hadn?t come in yet (turns out they went with massagi girls against my warnings) and right about the time I was leaving the manager came to my booth presumably to tell me my time was up. Shizuku gave me her card with two discount coupons attached, one 2000 after 8pm, the other was also 2000 off something but I couldn?t figure out (and she couldn?t tell me) what that one was for.Shizuku Face ? 6 (excluding the teeth) Body ? 7 Skill. 7 GFE ? 9I wish I could say that was the end of my mongering for the night, but after everything I read and knowing what to do and what not to do from the forum, I still wound up getting taken.First, a quick report on my friends. The one that came with me to Supergirls was unimpressed with the looks of his girl, but he didn?t get the name as she didn?t speak English. BBBJCIM. I saw her and she was nothing special. Of the remaining guys, a couple went with massagi girls, where one got a massage with HJ for 10, 000, and the another got HJs from three girls total but two at a time as they rotated through the smallish room for 15, 000.We then went to Gaspanic in Roppongi where we met another guy who took us to Wall Street. Two of my friends appeared to have hooked up with some very cute Japanese girls (they didn?t close them and wound up coming home at 7am with two Brazilians). As I had been up for about 30 hours at this point and there weren?t any J girls I was going to get (I would say this was somewhere between 1-2am) so I decided to clear out and give my mates some room to maneuver, yet my other two friends who were not hooking up wanted to stay and drink.As I walked down the street alone I was assaulted by Nigerian touts (OMG, these guys are persistent! ) and to a lesser extent, Massagi girls. One particularly cute massagi girl grabbed my arm and walked with me promising massagi for 3000 yen. After a drunken mental check that she was indeed talking about $30 instead of $300 she had my attention, but I still refused to which she countered 2 girls for 3000. Against my better judgment, I went with it. Turned out we were right in front of her building.Now the 3000 yen massage was amazing. Two girls worked deeply on me for about 30 minutes. Totally worth it and had I left then I would have been extremely happy. However, I was totally hard from the massage and wanted some action. Then came the upsells. They wanted 25, 000 yen to do an oil massage. I countered with 10, 000 for both girls to get naked and give me a hand job. She said I can have so much more so we talked about both girls bjs and FS. She wanted 45, 000 for that and after about 10 minutes of haggling we settled on 22, 000 for bjs from both girls. They left the room and the non-English speaker (Niko) came back in and began the CBJ. I immediately stopped her and communicated with her that I wanted to speak with girl #1, who was named Yuri. When she appeared I asked why she wasn?t in there and she explained that she would come in after Niko was finished. I said I didn?t and wouldn?t have paid for one after another, that I wanted both girls simultaneously. We argued those semantics for a few minutes and she offered to give half my money back and Niko would finish and include FS. Lying there naked and after arguing for a good five minutes over this, plus the fact that she already had my money, I figured that was the best I was going to do. I countered with having her finish as she was the hotter of the two, but she wouldn?t saying that the other girl already started even though is was only for a few seconds. So she gave my money back but I was a little irritated, and that irritation would grow when not only did it appear Niko would not allow full service, she wouldn?t even take her bra off or let me touch her breasts through the bra. Didn?t even ask about the pants. So now I am steamed and too angry and distracted to get a nut off. After a while she asked me to finish myself and I told her to keep going. I eventually blocked it all out of my mind and chalked it up to a 11, 000 yen learning experience and I relaxed and had a proper finish. On the way out Yuri walked me to the elevator and said I didn?t look happy and I told her I wasn?t.EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-25-08, 01:26
If you find a girl that will do FS without covers, let us know so we can all stay away. Don't need that stuff!Me too, don't get me wrong. But event with condom, girls from Ueno lip don't provide CFS. Maybe I made a mistake with the abbreviation, as it's the first time to use it.

03-25-08, 12:51
So Dire Wolf, Anything to report on "Minako" from craigslist in Yokohama? Been curious to find out if she was legit. I sent her an email and never got a reply.Let us know if it was worth it.

03-25-08, 15:54
I had suffered some mild trepidation about posting, since I asked so may questions and my intent was to stay with the tried and true so I thought my posts were going to be simply parrots of other posts without any new information. Well, fortunately for me I am able to pay back my forum brothers with at least a few small tidbits of new info from my first night in Japan.After a rather taxing ordeal using the JR and the Metro to get to the hotel from Narita we got in around 9pm local time and decided a trip to Supergirls was in order. A quick note about the directions: Much has been made about which exit to get off. We actually botched the whole train thing and got off at a nearby station and walked to Shimbashi. However, the steam engine locomotive is the key landmark here. We asked a policeman and easily found this. What threw me initially was that I had expected the Kirin City sign to be more prominent: I thought it would be facing the steam engine (perpendicular to the alley at the alley?s mouth) but it is parallel to the alley, and when we went it was not lit up. There is a sign farther down in the alley that is lit up in English and faces steam engine block, it says something "Big Echo". If you are looking down the left hand side of the alley you will see that sign quite a ways down. Supergirls is more or less across from that sign, but not quite as far down. However, even before finding the sign, finding the alley is super easy. Facing the steam engine from the large open space courtyard in front of it, you are boxed in by a street in front of you (that runs behind the steam engine) and a street to the right and the left. On the corner of the street to the right is a McDonalds. Directly in front of you, on the other side of the street behind the steam engine and within the streets to the right and the left, there are two alleys, one to the right and one to the left. Supergirls is in the alley to the left.Went with a few guys and were worried about an earlier post that said they had turned away two Gaijin. We had more than two guys, so had planned to try one at a time. However, after I went in the other guys I was with decided to immediately try and the first one was let in while the others were turned away. I believe it was less due to the fact that they were foreigners and more with the fact that there were only two girls working.Can?t really add much to the description except that the booths are like little private tables, each with one bench and separated by four foot partitions. There are about six of these booths all off a single walkway. In fact, when my buddy was finished he wanted to leave but the girl wouldn?t let him because I was still going at it and they would have had to walk by my booth.I got Shizuku, #88, who said she is new and I don?t believe she has been reviewed here before. She also said she was 21, and there was no way. I would say minimum 27 because of the slight lines around her eyes. Her most striking feature, however, was her teeth. I had seen some messed up choppers in my few hours in Japan up to then, but nothing could have prepared me for this chick. When she rolled her head back and laughed, it looked like a sharks mouth, just rows and rows of teeth. Her two front teeth were literally one behind the other, then there was a third behind those. I was trying not to focus on that as it was a real turn off. Otherwise, she was solid: cute face nice body, super friendly. Medium height, long legs, nice ass, a bit flat chested.Thought that they brought you a beer in this place but that must be other places I had read about. They brought green tea and there was a sign on the wall for beer for 500 yen (entry, btw, was 8000 as it was around 10pm). After I was seated and got my tea, Shizuku, who doesn?t speak a word of English, came and gave me a towel for my hands (as mentioned in previous posts, they also spray your hands at the door). She then motioned for me to take off my pants which I gladly did and she went about cleaning my junk. She took off her top and panties while leaving her skirt on. She propped herself in such a way that it was clear she wanted me to play with her pussy. So I fingered her while she gave me a nice BBBJ with cim. Luckily, the unusual dental arrangement did not effect the quality of the service, although the BJ was maybe a little sub-standard as she really didn?t get too much of it in her mouth and used her hand on the shaft while she was sucking, but hey, I am not complaining, overall it was a fantastic experience.When I was finished and we hugged a bit I started to gather my things and she told me not to leave. Wasn?t sure why since by this time we were the only people there, so I thought maybe a second pop was on the menu. I did have my pants on by this point but I stayed while she made small talk asking me questions and just painfully trying to communicate. Finally I figured there wouldn?t be time for a round two and I didn?t want to keep my friends waiting anymore since the others hadn?t come in yet (turns out they went with massagi girls against my warnings) and right about the time I was leaving the manager came to my booth presumably to tell me my time was up. Shizuku gave me her card with two discount coupons attached, one 2000 after 8pm, the other was also 2000 off something but I couldn?t figure out (and she couldn?t tell me) what that one was for.Shizuku Face ? 6 (excluding the teeth) Body ? 7 Skill. 7 GFE ? 9I wish I could say that was the end of my mongering for the night, but after everything I read and knowing what to do and what not to do from the forum, I still wound up getting taken.First, a quick report on my friends. The one that came with me to Supergirls was unimpressed with the looks of his girl, but he didn?t get the name as she didn?t speak English. BBBJCIM. I saw her and she was nothing special. Of the remaining guys, a couple went with massagi girls, where one got a massage with HJ for 10, 000, and the another got HJs from three girls total but two at a time as they rotated through the smallish room for 15, 000.We then went to Gaspanic in Roppongi where we met another guy who took us to Wall Street. Two of my friends appeared to have hooked up with some very cute Japanese girls (they didn?t close them and wound up coming home at 7am with two Brazilians). As I had been up for about 30 hours at this point and there weren?t any J girls I was going to get (I would say this was somewhere between 1-2am) so I decided to clear out and give my mates some room to maneuver, yet my other two friends who were not hooking up wanted to stay and drink.As I walked down the street alone I was assaulted by Nigerian touts (OMG, these guys are persistent! ) and to a lesser extent, Massagi girls. One particularly cute massagi girl grabbed my arm and walked with me promising massagi for 3000 yen. After a drunken mental check that she was indeed talking about $30 instead of $300 she had my attention, but I still refused to which she countered 2 girls for 3000. Against my better judgment, I went with it. Turned out we were right in front of her building.Now the 3000 yen massage was amazing. Two girls worked deeply on me for about 30 minutes. Totally worth it and had I left then I would have been extremely happy. However, I was totally hard from the massage and wanted some action. Then came the upsells. They wanted 25, 000 yen to do an oil massage. I countered with 10, 000 for both girls to get naked and give me a hand job. She said I can have so much more so we talked about both girls bjs and FS. She wanted 45, 000 for that and after about 10 minutes of haggling we settled on 22, 000 for bjs from both girls. They left the room and the non-English speaker (Niko) came back in and began the CBJ. I immediately stopped her and communicated with her that I wanted to speak with girl #1, who was named Yuri. When she appeared I asked why she wasn?t in there and she explained that she would come in after Niko was finished. I said I didn?t and wouldn?t have paid for one after another, that I wanted both girls simultaneously. We argued those semantics for a few minutes and she offered to give half my money back and Niko would finish and include FS. Lying there naked and after arguing for a good five minutes over this, plus the fact that she already had my money, I figured that was the best I was going to do. I countered with having her finish as she was the hotter of the two, but she wouldn?t saying that the other girl already started even though is was only for a few seconds. So she gave my money back but I was a little irritated, and that irritation would grow when not only did it appear Niko would not allow full service, she wouldn?t even take her bra off or let me touch her breasts through the bra. Didn?t even ask about the pants. So now I am steamed and too angry and distracted to get a nut off. After a while she asked me to finish myself and I told her to keep going. I eventually blocked it all out of my mind and chalked it up to a 11, 000 yen learning experience and I relaxed and had a proper finish. On the way out Yuri walked me to the elevator and said I didn?t look happy and I told her I wasn?t.EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Good report BP. Your experience with the massagi girls reinforces my decision to stay away from them as my one previous experience with them mirrors your own. Seems like the chances for a bad experience are very high when you go with a girl from off the street. Can't even recall one good report although I'm sure there must be some here. AM, Yuri and SG are my targets for my trip. Thanks again for the info, especially the directions.

The Tanuki
03-25-08, 17:14
Good report BP. Your experience with the massagi girls reinforces my decision to stay away from them as my one previous experience with them mirrors your own. Seems like the chances for a bad experience are very high when you go with a girl from off the street. Can't even recall one good report although I'm sure there must be some here. AM, Yuri and SG are my targets for my trip. Thanks again for the info, especially the directions.My reaction to the aggressive street people is to get away as fast as I can. There's usually nothing good from them. Tried one once in Shinjuku a few years back when the tout was in a tux. I ended up getting a one-shot in a really small room with just a small curtain hanging as a "door" in the hallway. Not a great time, but it served the need. Anyhow, it's best to know what you want and where you're going to get it done. Heading out blindly is a good way to get ripped off or frustrated, IMO.Tankuki

Big Popi
03-25-08, 18:14
After a somewhat impromptu trip to Kawasaki we realized that my research was flawed in terms of the directions. There are spectacularly well detailed directions posted by Teddy Johnwa, however, it references "a lawson", and until a few hours later when we were back in Tokyo proper we didn?t know that Lawson was a store. So we got as far as the soapland area and a bunch of white guys walked those streets while you could hear the sound of a pin drop as the touts/doormen stared ahead stone-faced while the rest of the street was deserted. It was quite surreal.On the heels of that failure we went back to Supergirls. I got Rio (#33). Teeth were an upgrade over my previous girl there, but still not great. Otherwise, Rio was solid. Somewhat bad skin, but loved her body and perfectly shaped tits. BBBJ was also much better as she alternated between bobbing her head up and down and opening her mouth and using her hand to jerk me. A dramatic improvement over my pervious experience. The same can be said for my overall visit; while it was much more businesslike and less GFE, the skill level was so far superior.My friend got Uma, who he said was really cute but a little chunky. BBBJCIM. I was in booth #1 and in that booth you can?t help but see the booth across from you where I noticed someone getting a CBJ.

03-26-08, 03:00
Tux, I see so this is nothing like Osaka style walk by service in Tobita. It's all by reservation only! Except for BBBJ places like Super Girls is just walk up service but FS spots I guess are mainly by reservation. Ok, btw. Does anyone know some place in Tokyo where I can buy a disposable prepaid cell phone like the ones you don't need to return to the cell phone vendor?Hi,Phones. You can go to a Vodaphone store and buy a prepaid Enjourno model for about $75 USD. You will need to show your passport when you buy, don't know why. You can buy addition minutes at many convenience stores or from Vodaphone store. Yoshiwara is not Tobita. Most stores are much more expensive. Think of them as 2, 3 or 4 star restaurants. If they have a table available and you drop in they would usually seat you. If they know you they might make a table available. But they would prefer to work through reservations. And it is much less stress for you.

03-26-08, 04:25
So we got as far as the soapland area and a bunch of white guys walked those streetsThis "bunch of white guys" is not a very good strategy in Japan. You will find you get further if you prowl alone or maybe with one friend, rather than with a whole group of gaijins, which is not helpful for the atmosphere.I understand that there is safety in numbers in your mind, but you might want to re-consider your gang approach to mongering in Japan.

03-26-08, 05:30
I agree. Go by yourself. You will be much better accepted this way and you will not ruin it for the rest of us.
This "bunch of white guys" is not a very good strategy in Japan. You will find you get further if you prowl alone or maybe with one friend, rather than with a whole group of gaijins, which is not helpful for the atmosphere.I understand that there is safety in numbers in your mind, but you might want to re-consider your gang approach to mongering in Japan.

Ek Misawa
03-26-08, 09:41
here is my response to your answer tankukii had a good time with yuri. she didn't come off to be a professional at all, but she was on a strict time frame. she apparently belongs to some agency and so they kept tabs on her pretty well as far as arrival and departure. you also have to pay for their cab ride to your place and back to their home base.yuri was this very small petite japanese girl. she spoke very little english and i spoke very little japanese, but we both understood fooky fooky. i think she's about 150cm or 5' tall weighing in at about 99-100lbs. she got these nice nipples that stuck out fairly well and so they were fun to suck on! then she had one of those typical jap bush, but it was under control so i was choking on a hairball. i went down on her and she was very clean and her vagina tasted really good that night for some reason. i don't know what, but i ate her out at least a good 15 minutes while fingering her and a variety of other positions. she kept her bunghole clean and so i was very happy with that and so i ate that out too. i would have to say that she was very sanitize and she gets wet like mother fucker! just like a normal girlfriend would. so that was a nice treat seeing, feeling, and tasting that out of her. she bbbj me and so that was nice and i couldn't of gone for round two, but my time was almost up and so it was time to go.i think i could of done her up the [CodeWord116] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord116) shoot if i asked or navigated towards her cinnamon hole. but i ran out of time and i was too busy enjoying her vagina. i wore protection and the condom that was given to me was a bit thick. i usually like thinner ones so i can feel more. i felt the walls of her pussy pressed against my penis, but if i had a thinner condom or did her without, then it would of been a better experience.she's a nice girl and very clean japanese. i tried to convince her to freelance on the side so she can take in all of the cash instead of her agent, but she was afraid too.i think next time i would find those clubs people talk about and go in. or just hang around roppongi area and find those 4 hour bitches for 20k jpn yen.
3. 5 man is a tad higher than club boo for 70 minutes. i did akubi there about a year ago and she provided some really good bbbj and very genki sex in multiple positions. can you add some detail about your experience? was the girl japanese, good head or tasty daty? enquiring minds want to know. : pthanks for sharing! tankuki

03-26-08, 13:36
This "bunch of white guys" is not a very good strategy in Japan. You will find you get further if you prowl alone or maybe with one friend, rather than with a whole group of gaijins, which is not helpful for the atmosphere.I understand that there is safety in numbers in your mind, but you might want to re-consider your gang approach to mongering in Japan.As much as I appreciated Big Popi's two detailed reports, there were moments when I cringed, too. Simply put, we have a hard enough time trying to get into places solo. Going as a pair reduces your chances drastically. A group? Forget it. And, even if you are just scoping out an area, it really doesn't do much for our image to be doing it as a group. I know you meant no harm, and it must be tempting to enjoy the "bright lights" as a group. However, I would have hoped that if there was anything you picked up from reading this forum, it would have been the fact that mongering in groups is frowned upon and, besides, won't get you anywhere. I hope you can put this information to use in the future and write about more successful ventures.

03-26-08, 13:36
In part of my quest to break out of the norm and to find a place that is a little less costly than AM and Club Boo - I ventured out to Ebisu. Pulled up the search function and pulled up Ebisu and found that there was a place called New York. Not the NY NY in Ueno but in Ebisu. Not really much was mentioned on service, what to expect, etc. Went to the website http://tokyo.mxy.jp/10102/ and printed out the coupon. My Japanese totally sucks but I figured let's give it a try. I actually drove but if you get out of Ebisu station look and find the suit store on the corner. Walk up that street and it's on your right side. You can't miss it as the place as a neon sign that clearly states in English, New York. Bonus was that next to the convenience store is a little street and people were parking the car along the street. Didn't get a ticket and nice to park for free in Tokyo.I went about 8:00 p.m. and the rates go something like 12,000 yen for thirty minutes and 18,000 yen for 45 minutes. I had the coupon for 2,000 yen off and figured let's go with 45 minutes since this was going to end up way less than Club and AM. I walked up to the second floor and three Japanese guys in the standard black pants, white shirt and black ties greet me. I swear that they are all looking the same to me when they dress like that. I digress. I immediately give him the coupon from the website and point to the 45 minutes. Then he tells me in Japanese that it's 16,000 yen. I understand that give him 20K and get the change. Then it gets hairy as he asks me to fill out something in Japanese. I am guessing it's my name. I write it down in English since I can't even write my name in Japanese. I write my real name (come to think of it that was stupid but oh well). He then realizes that I can't speak or understand Japanese. He asks his other buddy what to do and asks me if it's daijobu-des that I can't speak Japanese. I tell him a one word answer back - daijobu. Wait in the small normal waiting room and on the TV it has the program where the contestants run around obstacles without getting killed. Love that show. Anyways, the rooms are in the back and they are fricking small. Dude calls me and says she is ready. I didn't pick and didn't ask her name. I later found out on the website that her name is あいら. She immediately tells me to take my clothes off and she does the same. We get in the shower that is the smallest shower known to mankind. Washes me up and makes me lay on my front side. Does some licking and brushing with her breast. No RIM, no bj but just licking my back and brushing her tits against me. I am thinking lame but then I am thinking how did I get in. That's kinda cool. Flip over and then she does a covered BJ. No asking she just put on the cover. Then I tell her that it's hard for me to get hard. She flips around and she has the most hairy bush I have ever seen. It looked like a fricking forest. Won't let me insert anywhere and just play around and no DATY. I was just ready to have sex but this place (or maybe it was just because I was a gaijin) didn't let me have FS. Played around with her sitting on me and grabbing my rod from behind her. This is not working so she takes the condomn off and starts with a hj and some ball licking. The annoying thing about this was she had this little calculator thing that was a timer. The thing went off and that's when I knew that I had to blow my wad. Concentrated and finally blew. After that, same shower and same sequence. Why does she put the cough syrup thing with water in? What's the point of that? It tastes like shit by the way. Get dressed and out the door. Not the best time of my life but just kinda fun to try something new and different without totally killing my wallet. Tried YuYu in Gotanda last week and I would say that YuYu was better just because I got FS but when in Japan it's nice to be with a Japanese girl. I am ready for my next adventure. I posted not too long ago if anyone had any experience at 5A but there was a resounding silence. I guess I will try that place next week.Until then....Last thing. Here's my two cents on this board in Japan. As you can tell there was no mention of age on my report because didn't want to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) anyone off if I said she was too young, just right or too old. Sometimes some of the posters on this board need to relax without ripping the hell out to the posters. How many of us really go and try something new and then post it to share? Osaka seems to do that but either people on the Tokyo board are holding out or we just are a less adventerous bunch

03-26-08, 14:56
Thought I would check in since recently I was told that the Akasaka Club was recently shut down by the cops. Hadn't been in a long time, though a couple friends still enjoyed it.Also, I see it's the same old crap. Give Big Popi a break! Japanese hit all the regular joints in groups as it's seen as a "group activity". Whether they get it or not, it's not ruining anything for anyone except themselves unless they're hammered and acting beligerent. Get off your high horses.

03-26-08, 15:24
Also, I see it's the same old crap. Give Big Popi a break! Japanese hit all the regular joints in groups as it's seen as a "group activity". To point out the obvious: Popis group was not Japanese. Totally different situation.

The Tanuki
03-26-08, 20:03
In part of my quest to break out of the norm and to find a place that is a little less costly than AM and Club Boo - I ventured out to Ebisu. Pulled up the search function and pulled up Ebisu and found that there was a place called New York. Not the NY NY in Ueno but in Ebisu. Not really much was mentioned on service, what to expect, etc. Went to the website http://tokyo.mxy.jp/10102/ and printed out the coupon. My Japanese totally sucks but I figured let's give it a try. Not the best time of my life but just kinda fun to try something new and different without totally killing my wallet. Tried YuYu in Gotanda last week and I would say that YuYu was better just because I got FS but when in Japan it's nice to be with a Japanese girl. Looking at their web site, they have a number of options (for varying fees of course) such as cum on face, swallowing cum, anal and other stuff. The anal is only an option if you pay for 60 minutes or more, which seems odd when they don't list that time frame in the courses. The "standard" list of fun includes BBBJ, CIM (spitters), 69, rimming, finger in the muff, etc. Looks like you just didn't get a good player. Maybe she was just no doing her job cuz she figured you wouldn't know and thus not complain. Firefox has some pretty decent translation tools, and also I would highly recommend Jim Breen's WWWJDIC server that you can paste in Japanese text and it provides good translations: http://www.aa.tufs.ac.jp/~jwb/wwwjdic.html. The more you can understand ahead of time is likely to be very helpful in getting what you want from a girl. Cheers and thanks for posting the new experience!Tankuki

03-27-08, 02:04
I was going to ask the group about this today as I have found the door locked 2 out of 3 times I tried including yesterday. And once I walked in when the door was closed and Megumi crossed her arms in a no signal and said come back in three hours. This is a very gaijin friendly place so I was wondering what was going on. Also, someone today posted they got busted; but I didn't think what they did was illegal in Japan as there is no blowjobs or sex.

03-27-08, 05:11
In part of my quest to break out of the norm and to find a place that is a little less costly than AM and Club Boo - I ventured out to Ebisu. Pulled up the search function and pulled up Ebisu and found that there was a place called New York. Not the NY NY in Ueno but in Ebisu. Not really much was mentioned on service, what to expect, etc. Went to the website http://tokyo.mxy.jp/10102/ After that, same shower and same sequence. Why does she put the cough syrup thing with water in? What's the point of that? It tastes like shit by the way. Get dressed and out the door. Not the best time of my life but just kinda fun to try something new and different without totally killing my wallet. Glad to hear of a new place, even if the service is supect.The cough syrup is actually a mouthwash disinfectant that is very common. I like the idea that the girl (and I) do a pre and post rinse after some BB fun. Also a good idea during the flu season....

South by SW 2
03-27-08, 18:54
anyone know of a girl friendly hotel in near marunouchi? i found asiatraveler2's 2006 post about marunouchi lh's, but nothing else. i know there is the tokyo station hotel, but 1915 accommodations aren't really my speed. the imperial hotel is running over $400 a night with taxes, so it's not my first choice.i think there is a hotel in the same building as the maruzen bookstore, but i don't know anything about it other than it is very new. any other suggestions are welcome. thanks.-- sbysw

Big Popi
03-27-08, 21:32
This "bunch of white guys" is not a very good strategy in Japan. You will find you get further if you prowl alone or maybe with one friend, rather than with a whole group of gaijins, which is not helpful for the atmosphere.I understand that there is safety in numbers in your mind, but you might want to re-consider your gang approach to mongering in Japan.Hey guys, didn't mean to cause a stir with this. Yes, I did learn from RTFF that it is better to go it alone. In my first report I mentioned that once we found Supergirls the strategy was to approach one at a time. That was also our strategy once we found the Kawasaki booths. Our excursion through the soaplands was not to get in, but to try to find the booths which we never found for the reason that I previously documented. Once we found them, we were planning to go one or two at a time while the others milled around, found something to eat, or whatever it was to do in that area. Of course, we asked the touts where the booths were and in the process if they take foreigners or know of somewhere that does, but it was not our primary goal to try to get in those soaps and at that point even if someone said yes we probably wouldn't have had the time.Question: I have read here of a group that went to Playgirls. Any feedback on that? I have also read that you need to make reservations, so I suppose that we will find out at that time and if necessary, adjust our plans accordingly.Random point: When I walk down the street in the US I get "looks" from women. From what I have read in other places, certain Japanse girls like western guys for the obvious reason. However, we never get so much as a glance from the hot Japanese women we see on the streets. This was enormously perplexing and disappointing. Then when I was out alone I did have some girls make extended eye contact and/or smile at me. Another friend reported the same thing. But it never happened when we were two or more guys together. And Nampa in the Roppongi bars has not been difficult, but looking back the Japanese girls that we engaged only happened when we one of us was alone, even if they were in a group. I know this is off topic, but thought it might be interesting and somewhat related to mongering alone.Anyway, on to my report.Akubi?s face, which you don?t see in the pictures on Boo?s site, is pleasant. Not particularly attractive but not unattractive either. Her body on the other hand, is every bit as kicking as the photos indicate. Large breasts totally in proportion to her petite body. For some reason on the site I had an image of a bigger girl, but she is very small. More importantly, this girl is a sex machine. BBBJ and after the first pop and a small rest period she began to furiously play with herself which set the mood nicely for round 2. As has been stated here before, service and attention level of Japanese providers is off the charts. Phenomenally into it. Oh, and FS was included in the base price (70 min) so no additional tip required. Very highly recommended!

Capt Crunch
03-28-08, 04:19
I will be visiting Japan(Osaka&Tokyo) in July and would like suggestions on good hotels near the action.While in Osaka i will be staying with friends.I am thinking of staying at the Shinjuku Prince Hotel in Tokyo. Is this a good choice? Will they charge for guest staying at most 3 hours?Any response will be appreciated.Thanks!Capt Crunch

03-28-08, 06:26
I will be visiting Japan(Osaka&Tokyo) in July and would like suggestions on good hotels near the action.While in Osaka i will be staying with friends.I am thinking of staying at the Shinjuku Prince Hotel in Tokyo. Is this a good choice? Will they charge for guest staying at most 3 hours?Any response will be appreciated.Thanks!Capt CrunchIf by "action" you mean redlight districts, then yes, Shinjuku Prince is right next to Kabukicho and Okubo, so plenty of action.The hotel is huge, so I doubt anyone even looks if you bring a guest. Otherwise, there are more love hotels in Shinjuku than you can imagine.

03-28-08, 06:29
Hey guys, didn't mean to cause a stir with this. Yes, I did learn from RTFF that it is better to go it alone. In my first report I mentioned that once we found Supergirls the strategy was to approach one at a time. That was also our strategy once we found the Kawasaki booths. Our excursion through the soaplands was not to get in, but to try to find the booths which we never found for the reason that I previously documented. Once we found them, we were planning to go one or two at a time while the others milled around, found something to eat, or whatever it was to do in that area. Of course, we asked the touts where the booths were and in the process if they take foreigners or know of somewhere that does, but it was not our primary goal to try to get in those soaps and at that point even if someone said yes we probably wouldn't have had the time.Question: I have read here of a group that went to Playgirls. Any feedback on that? I have also read that you need to make reservations, so I suppose that we will find out at that time and if necessary, adjust our plans accordingly.Random point: When I walk down the street in the US I get "looks" from women. From what I have read in other places, certain Japanse girls like western guys for the obvious reason. However, we never get so much as a glance from the hot Japanese women we see on the streets. This was enormously perplexing and disappointing. Then when I was out alone I did have some girls make extended eye contact and/or smile at me. Another friend reported the same thing. But it never happened when we were two or more guys together. And Nampa in the Roppongi bars has not been difficult, but looking back the Japanese girls that we engaged only happened when we one of us was alone, even if they were in a group. I know this is off topic, but thought it might be interesting and somewhat related to mongering alone.Anyway, on to my report.Akubi?s face, which you don?t see in the pictures on Boo?s site, is pleasant. Not particularly attractive but not unattractive either. Her body on the other hand, is every bit as kicking as the photos indicate. Large breasts totally in proportion to her petite body. For some reason on the site I had an image of a bigger girl, but she is very small. More importantly, this girl is a sex machine. BBBJ and after the first pop and a small rest period she began to furiously play with herself which set the mood nicely for round 2. As has been stated here before, service and attention level of Japanese providers is off the charts. Phenomenally into it. Oh, and FS was included in the base price (70 min) so no additional tip required. Very highly recommended!BP,On previous posts about Club Boo, its mentioned that if you want FS, you're supposed to tell Boo Mama when making arrangements. Is that still the case? There's not too much recent info on making phone arrangements with either AM or Boo so I want to make sure I make it clear what I want in the service. Thanks. BTW, how old would you say Akubi looks? She's been with CB since 2005 at least so I'm curious about her looks as she's the only CB girl I've considered. Hoping her english is decent too.

03-28-08, 18:42
BP,On previous posts about Club Boo, its mentioned that if you want FS, you're supposed to tell Boo Mama when making arrangements. Is that still the case? There's not too much recent info on making phone arrangements with either AM or Boo so I want to make sure I make it clear what I want in the service. Thanks. BTW, how old would you say Akubi looks? She's been with CB since 2005 at least so I'm curious about her looks as she's the only CB girl I've considered. Hoping her english is decent too.Nonsense. You discuss the FS situation with any CB girl on the spot; you don`t need to involve BooMama in that. In fact, you should not, since Boo Mama can not legally offer FS to you.And can you please stop informing this forum about your future plans, which are of interest to noboby? Come back when you have something to report.

03-28-08, 19:51
Hi AllJust got back from a 2-week stay in Tokyo part business part play. Roppongi is alive and well for all you looking to nampa. Over the two weeks in Tokyo I ended up there 3 times and pulled 2 women out of clubs and got them to my hotel in Shibuya. The first was a little strange since I was plastered and she had not had a drink. It was a Thursday and I had started the night at Gas-Panic since the drinks were 500 yen. I can?t stand the music in the place so I was only there for about 40 mins which was enough time to get a buzz going. From there I went to 911, Motown and Wallstreet talking with a few women but it was still before the last train so I didn?t want to get to involved with anyone. I ended up in 911 and I think they were serving free champagne that night but then again I was quite drunk. So I started talking with this chick about heavy metal from Metallica to Motorhead and found her very interesting. Next thing I know we are in a cab to Shibuya then my hotel then I wake up in mid-morning with her there. Junko or something like that is her name and now she says I am her boyfriend. No No No.I take her number tell her I that I will call her and walk her to the door. Fun chick in bed since she was sober and I was a sloppy drunk.So the next time I am in Roppongi is Saturday and it must be about 1am when I get there after drinking with friends. I then was going from Motown (downstairs) to Wallstreet to 911. When I went into 911 there was Junko, she didn?t see me so I slipped back up the stairs and look back and I was clear. I thought maybe to go back but no and also I started to think how many times has she been picked up. Anyone had a chick name Junko into metal? Well the night gets stranger in Motown (downstairs) with a chick grabbing my hand and saying that I am married. She is pointing at my ring finger and tells me look you are married. I am not married I tell her which I am not but she is psycho woman and I get out of there and head over to Wallstreet. By this time Wallstreet is packed I am a bit pissed and begin to get sloppy drunk again. I leave Wallstreet think about 911 no then back to Motown (downstairs). From what I remember a chick, later I found out is named Miki starts to hug me she must only be a little over 5 feet tall with long hair just what I like at 4 am. Back to Shibuya, then hotel then wake up with Miki in bed with me. She is embarrassed about what has happened but I am not at all. I get her number etc. And walk her to the station since I needed to get some food.The last night in Roppongi was on Monday and it was dead till about 1am. I was in Wallstreet all night dancing at first with Japanese women and then I think with Thai hookers. Monday ended with me going home alone which was fine since I had been satisfied the other nights.So Motown (downstairs) on busy nights is great other than the psycho lady and her friends. 911 is good for nampa since they give out free champagne.I never gave any of the chicks my real full name or phone number. They do have an old e-mail address which now I have 3 emails from Junko I have not replied to and none from Miki.Fun time I will be back in about 5 months.EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Big Popi
03-28-08, 22:21
As many of you know I did lots of research before my trip, my priorities were someone who did bbbjcim and didn?t have augmented breasts. Once I found those, obviously GFE and someone who had great reviews and seemed enthusiastic were huge plusses. I had identified Naomi and Hanami as just such women at AM, with Erika as a backup. However, for some unknown reason, I abandoned my plan. The more I looked at the pictures (and with my friends fawning over them), the more Tamaki jumped off the page to me and I realized that I could live without the CIM if I got the bbbj by an all natural girl. This proved to be a big mistake. Tamaki is a very attractive, young looking girl. She has slightly (slight by Japanese standards, it seems) crooked teeth and parts of her gums are black. When she doesn?t smile she is stunningly beautiful. Her body is OK although she is developing a slight paunch around the middle. She is fairly flat chested and has a tattoo on her back shoulder. I think the best way I can describe her is that her body looks to be relying solely on youth and shows signs of being substandard by the time she hits her late 20?s.She was super nice and a real sweetheart, quick to smile and very pleasant to be with. I have two complaints about Tamaki. First, no bbbj. I know others have said that she did, so perhaps we just didn?t click or she has since changed her policy. Whatever the reason, that was my number one priority and not getting it really killed it for me. For the price, I can get CBJ and FS from far hotter women at home. The second thing is that she doesn?t seem to have much sexuality. Yes, her youthfulness ? and she looks extremely youthful ? is major turn on. However, there was no heat, none of the raw passion for sex that is talked about on this forum with Maria, Hanami and some others. Not that she didn?t act like she enjoyed it, not that she seemed like she was going through the motions or anything like that, but just no natural animal sexuality.She tasted great, has the potential to learn how to squirt as I could feel her G filing up, and is a pleasure to bang due to how young she looks ? she could pass for 17 as easily as 23. But I couldn?t get past the cbj and ultimately that killed round 2.My friend on the other hand, had Mako at the same time, and he was extremely impressed. Her face is absolutely beautiful and as has been mentioned here is super skinny with fake breasts, but the breasts are at least in good proportion to her body. She uses lube which apparently makes for an all time great bbbj. He got three shots off in 2 hours, all in her mouth. Oh, the injustice!EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Big Popi
03-28-08, 22:32
Nonsense. You discuss the FS situation with any CB girl on the spot; you don`t need to involve BooMama in that. In fact, you should not, since Boo Mama can not legally offer FS to you.Agreed. It was never discussed. All three girls have just grabbed the condom on their own as a normal course of the evenings activities (although two were AM girls).Logan, I posted my comments on her looks. Don't know what else to say. She is cute, you might notice her if you saw her on the street but probably not. GND but not DDG.

03-29-08, 04:53
Agreed. It was never discussed. All three girls have just grabbed the condom on their own as a normal course of the evenings activities (although two were AM girls).To avoid more misunderstandings: The point is that you discuss the FS with the CB girl, and not with the Boo Mama.At AM, company policy is that it is quietly implied, anyway.

03-29-08, 04:59
Agreed. It was never discussed. All three girls have just grabbed the condom on their own as a normal course of the evenings activities (although two were AM girls).Logan, I posted my comments on her looks. Don't know what else to say. She is cute, you might notice her if you saw her on the street but probably not. GND but not DDG.Thanks for the info. After your post about Akubi, I got interested in CB and did a search. Post #2043 says something about clearing FS with Boo Mama so I figured I'd better ask.I was surprised you described Mako as beautiful as most of her pics at AM don't quite suggest that. Kind of torn between choosing her and Akubi since you gave her such a high recommendation. Which would you choose given the chance? Manami is still #1 on my list but I'll be able to have a 2nd delivery health come to the hotel and am trying to make up my mind. Thanks for your feedback.

03-29-08, 11:39
Hello from Beijing,I haven't been to Japan ever in the mongering mode and am very excited to get this chance. That said, I'm actually going for a short 3 day business trip. I'm reserving a room at Claska hotel and was wondering if that is a good area for mongering? if anyone is up to meet up to show a newbie around, I'd love to do that as well. Going around nampa would be fun as well. Never done that before but I sure don't mind trying!if everything doesn't work out, I'm thinking Boo's Akubi or Erina but it seems like they only do weekends. I've got some time to figure it out. I'll be there 4/13-16.PeaceNosebleed

The Tanuki
03-29-08, 13:52
I was surprised you described Mako as beautiful as most of her pics at AM don't quite suggest that. Kind of torn between choosing her and Akubi since you gave her such a high recommendation. Which would you choose given the chance? Manami is still #1 on my list but I'll be able to have a 2nd delivery health come to the hotel and am trying to make up my mind. Thanks for your feedback.She is the only one from CB that I've seen, so I can't compare your potential choices. But I found Akubi to be a very good session. She's prettier than the picture and her tits are great. Very nice BBBJ, BLS, bit of rimming also. I told her "Let's fuck" so she slipped on a cover and we were off to the races. Not a noisy one, but still quite good sex. Enjoy whichever you pick!Tankuki

03-29-08, 15:26
Hi, I'm wondering about this place New York in Ebisu.- what kind of service do you get exactly? Is it a soapland? Massage + HJ? Also, can you describe how to get there? I looked at their map (all in Japanese of course) and didn't see any Ebisu landmarks that I recognized.Thanks
Glad to hear of a new place, even if the service is supect.The cough syrup is actually a mouthwash disinfectant that is very common. I like the idea that the girl (and I) do a pre and post rinse after some BB fun. Also a good idea during the flu season....

03-29-08, 15:44
Hi,I found the original post which gives directions and descriptions of New York, so no need to respond to my earlier questions -- sorry about that?WJ
Glad to hear of a new place, even if the service is supect.The cough syrup is actually a mouthwash disinfectant that is very common. I like the idea that the girl (and I) do a pre and post rinse after some BB fun. Also a good idea during the flu season....

03-29-08, 16:25
She is the only one from CB that I've seen, so I can't compare your potential choices. But I found Akubi to be a very good session. She's prettier than the picture and her tits are great. Very nice BBBJ, BLS, bit of rimming also. I told her "Let's fuck" so she slipped on a cover and we were off to the races. Not a noisy one, but still quite good sex. Enjoy whichever you pick!TankukiThanks for the feedback Tankuki. Akubi has been around about 3 years and has a very good track record. Only drawback seems to be the tip thing which happens about half the time with her judging by reports. I hate to haggle over price. LOL

The Tanuki
03-30-08, 08:35
Thanks for the feedback Tankuki. Akubi has been around about 3 years and has a very good track record. Only drawback seems to be the tip thing which happens about half the time with her judging by reports. I hate to haggle over price. LOLWell, I guess I caught her on a lucky night then, as she never said a word about extra money. That was about a year ago, though, and it's always YMMV anyhow it seems. Let us know how your time works out! :)Tankuki

03-30-08, 12:43
was out for a walk in ikebukuro and came across a nozoki near the east exit of the station. basically it's in the the east side red light district and a few doors down from the mikado strip bar. can't miss the big blue sign with nozoki in hiragana and at the entrance on the 2nd floor "peep show" on an english sign. first time, so thought i would give it a shot as i remember lots of interested in the ones in shinjuku.anyway, i asked the tencho what the system was and he mentioned it was a 2000 entry fee. wasn't sure about other options, so just paid, and sat in the waiting room. i was soon escorted to a tiny room. soon a little knock, and it seemed that it was the performer who was about to go on next. mai was a little cutie and she asked if i wanted her to come back after the show. 4000 yen for hj, 6000 for bj. went for the hj as it's even know how it would be possible for a bj in a room that tiny. though the prices were a bit pricey and maybe it was the "gaijin" price though i heard her give the same quote to buddy in the next room.anyway, lights went up and the setting was her bedroom. kind of a western style strip club in that she was basically out for three songs, with more and more undress with each song. by the end, she was in full masturbation mode with her shining pink hole flashing up for all the windows to see. at the end, there was a piped in sounds of woman's moans with a muzak version of "you light up my life" on the pa. kind of funny.after the show, mai came into my room and managed a good hj in limied space. she also took off her shirt, which was a nice touch. enjoyable experience and might give it another "shot" next time in the area. still got to try out the mikado on of these days.kanda

The Tanuki
03-30-08, 22:20
..... 4000 Yen for HJ, 6000 for BJ. Went for the HJ as it's even know how it would be possible for a BJ in a room that tiny. Though the prices were a bit pricey and maybe it was the "gaijin" price though I heard her give the same quote to buddy in the next room.Hey, it's worth the extra money just to see how they do it. Places like Supergirls have really tiny cubicles, so the girl gets almost upside down to blow you while letting you play with Kitty. IMO the contortion is half the fun! :pThanks for the news Kanda!Tankuki

Big Popi
03-30-08, 23:35
Hikari is not quite as hot as her pics, and her hair went from long and wavy to a bob, but all in all she is pretty. About a 6. Her body is also good but not great. She is very hairy, with her hair extending from her taint to her backside. Her most notable feature, however, is her tongue. Freakishly long and thick, it fills your mouth during dfk and watching it lick your cock is mesmerizing.Strange session with her, just came back from a fantastic dinner with beer, wine, and sake so I was feeling pretty good. She gives an absolutely amazing BJ, drooling and spitting to the point that there is a huge wet spot on the bed. Marvelous! However, every time I touched her pussy she would jump and scream, as if she were super sensitive. When she put on the jimmy, she tried to climb aboard for a few minutes then took the hat off. WTF? She said I was too big. Didn?t really know quite how to react but when she resumed that amazing BBBJ I just kind of went with it. A few minutes later I asked if we could try again, she said no, it was too big. Disappointed, then back to enjoying the BJ. Then I hear an alarm go off. She said our time was almost up. I told her I had paid for 70 minutes, she said yes, and when I looked at the clock 60 minutes had gone by! I swear it was a time warp, seemed like 20 minutes or so, and I really don?t know how I held out for that much time on a BBBJ especially with her stellar skill, but in truth I was holding back so I could have first pop from FS then the second pop from her BJ, since didn?t know if I do it the other way around in the short time. Had to pay another 10, 000 to extend the time as I didn?t think I was going to pop immediately. But of course, within a minute of handing over the note I popped in her mouth. We hung out until it was time to take another shower together.Hard to say if she had planned on no FS or perhaps if we did it if it would have been included. I do know that her excuse was BS. While I am larger than average, I know she is used to foreigners so its hard for me to believe that she wouldn?t have had this problem before and it wouldn?t have been reported. Maybe that was her way of asking for the tip? I was buzzed and that went through my mind but I couldn?t clearly think it through. It was late and maybe she was sore from another customer? Whatever the case, this was very disappointing as was the fact that this was my second girl in a row with only one pop.Overall, she is quite the GND type which I think she has been described as before. Super attentive and service oriented and makes you believe she enjoys her work. Oh, and she loves to rim! Did this thing where she put my legs all the way over my head so that my feet were onto the back wall which gave her great access and she used that incredible tongue to go to town. As I have a tad more lbs around the middle than I would like and am not a gymnast, this was kind of uncomfortable and eventually I had to go spring back to normal position for fear of the blood leaving Mr. Happy, but she would have none of it, grabbed my ankles again and pushed my feet back to the wall on either side of my head. Which reminds me, I forgot to mention that Akubi also had a bit of an anal fetish, beginning rimming in the shower and continuing on the bed. Anyway, back to Hikari, as has been said before, her English is poor and it is difficult to communicate. When you look at her face closely you can see how young she really is. However, whereas Tamaki (23) is a girl, Hikari (21) is all woman.During this time my friend has Risa. Or at least someone who said she was Risa. There is no picture of her on the CB site but I convinced him to try her based on the reviews. The girl that came was not 5?6" and she was not the screamer that Risa?s reviews claim she is. She also did not really seem to know what she was doing. She showed up without a condom, and after the first pop, 40 minutes into a 70 minute session, she went to the bathroom to clean up and came back fully clothed. When my friend told her that he had more time coming, she disrobed and brought him to a second pop. On the plus side, he said she was far and away the most attractive of the five that we had, and said she was stunning. He also described her BBBJ as the same wet technique that I had told him Hikari employed. I am thinking she is a different person than the old Risa who has been reviewed and seems like she has some potential, especially if you want a stunner.A side note, when we both ordered from AM, the girls came separately and Tamaki told me she thought she might have seen the other girl in the lobby. I asked if she knew her she said that she didn?t know any of the other girls. CB took it a step further and told me that the girls could not see each other and Boo papa said the only way they would do it was to stagger the start times by 15 minutes.EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-31-08, 00:55
If you are asking the question to me (I am the original poster) I am confused. The report tells you what happened when I walked in to when I walked out. No massage and I reported that I thought it was FS but it wasn't. Talked about what service I received. There was another poster saying that FS was on the menu and a bunch more options but I didn't get any of those.You said you know how to get there now so won't bother with the directions.
Hi, I'm wondering about this place New York in Ebisu.- what kind of service do you get exactly? Is it a soapland? Massage + HJ? Also, can you describe how to get there? I looked at their map (all in Japanese of course) and didn't see any Ebisu landmarks that I recognized.Thanks

03-31-08, 09:29
Responding to Logan is not a good idea...you know that better than anybody!Sorry. Won`t do it again.

Mc Dick
03-31-08, 13:58
Hi guys, First of all thanks a lot for all the great information on this site! I am going to Japan in May for the first time. And most probably last time in my life any am planning to fulfill a dream ever since I saw Shogun some 5 years ago . You know what. Hehe.When I am looking at the AM site they do state that photos are "not ok" to protect the privacy of the girls which I of course fully understand.Apart from this. Do you have and actual experience if that's true? Or is it possible to shot some memories. Don't need to be pink ones.Cheers!

03-31-08, 15:52
Hikari is not quite as hot as her pics, and her hair went from long and wavy to a bob, but all in all she is pretty. About a 6. Her body is also good but not great. She is very hairy, with her hair extending from her taint to her backside. Her most notable feature, however, is her tongue. Freakishly long and thick, it fills your mouth during dfk and watching it lick your cock is mesmerizing.Strange session with her, just came back from a fantastic dinner with beer, wine, and sake so I was feeling pretty good. She gives an absolutely amazing BJ, drooling and spitting to the point that there is a huge wet spot on the bed. Marvelous! However, every time I touched her pussy she would jump and scream, as if she were super sensitive. When she put on the jimmy, she tried to climb aboard for a few minutes then took the hat off. WTF? She said I was too big. Didn?t really know quite how to react but when she resumed that amazing BBBJ I just kind of went with it. A few minutes later I asked if we could try again, she said no, it was too big. Disappointed, then back to enjoying the BJ. Then I hear an alarm go off. She said our time was almost up. I told her I had paid for 70 minutes, she said yes, and when I looked at the clock 60 minutes had gone by! I swear it was a time warp, seemed like 20 minutes or so, and I really don?t know how I held out for that much time on a BBBJ especially with her stellar skill, but in truth I was holding back so I could have first pop from FS then the second pop from her BJ, since didn?t know if I do it the other way around in the short time. Had to pay another 10, 000 to extend the time as I didn?t think I was going to pop immediately. But of course, within a minute of handing over the note I popped in her mouth. We hung out until it was time to take another shower together.Hard to say if she had planned on no FS or perhaps if we did it if it would have been included. I do know that her excuse was BS. While I am larger than average, I know she is used to foreigners so its hard for me to believe that she wouldn?t have had this problem before and it wouldn?t have been reported. Maybe that was her way of asking for the tip? I was buzzed and that went through my mind but I couldn?t clearly think it through. It was late and maybe she was sore from another customer? Whatever the case, this was very disappointing as was the fact that this was my second girl in a row with only one pop.Overall, she is quite the GND type which I think she has been described as before. Super attentive and service oriented and makes you believe she enjoys her work. Oh, and she loves to rim! Did this thing where she put my legs all the way over my head so that my feet were onto the back wall which gave her great access and she used that incredible tongue to go to town. As I have a tad more lbs around the middle than I would like and am not a gymnast, this was kind of uncomfortable and eventually I had to go spring back to normal position for fear of the blood leaving Mr. Happy, but she would have none of it, grabbed my ankles again and pushed my feet back to the wall on either side of my head. Which reminds me, I forgot to mention that Akubi also had a bit of an anal fetish, beginning rimming in the shower and continuing on the bed. Anyway, back to Hikari, as has been said before, her English is poor and it is difficult to communicate. When you look at her face closely you can see how young she really is. However, whereas Tamaki (23) is a girl, Hikari (21) is all woman.During this time my friend has Risa. Or at least someone who said she was Risa. There is no picture of her on the CB site but I convinced him to try her based on the reviews. The girl that came was not 5?6" and she was not the screamer that Risa?s reviews claim she is. She also did not really seem to know what she was doing. She showed up without a condom, and after the first pop, 40 minutes into a 70 minute session, she went to the bathroom to clean up and came back fully clothed. When my friend told her that he had more time coming, she disrobed and brought him to a second pop. On the plus side, he said she was far and away the most attractive of the five that we had, and said she was stunning. He also described her BBBJ as the same wet technique that I had told him Hikari employed. I am thinking she is a different person than the old Risa who has been reviewed and seems like she has some potential, especially if you want a stunner.A side note, when we both ordered from AM, the girls came separately and Tamaki told me she thought she might have seen the other girl in the lobby. I asked if she knew her she said that she didn?t know any of the other girls. CB took it a step further and told me that the girls could not see each other and Boo papa said the only way they would do it was to stagger the start times by 15 minutes.EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Man, sorry to hear you couldn't get FS from Hikari. It did occur to me as well that she may have been fishing for a tip. Worst part is you can't call CB and complain about it since FS is not supposed to be available. Seems like AM never has these kinds of problems.

03-31-08, 17:55
I've been a long time lurker on this discussion board, and figured I would start contributing some of my experiences mongering. One of my recent adventures was in Gotanda at this delivery health called elife. I spoke to the operator (in Japanese) and asked if they accepted foreigners. The person on the phone said that just as long I could speak some Japanese, they would accept me.http://www.tokyo-elife.com/The price was 18, 000 yen for 60 minutes, if I let them choose the girl. I had to find a love hotel in the Gotanda area (they charge for transportation to other cities). Found one called Blue Chateau close to the Haruyama suit store, about 5 minutes from the east gate of Gotanda station. There's sort of a red light district in the area with your share of female Chinese touts and cheap food, and a pink salon.It was 3200 yen for "short time" of two hours. The room was somewhat old but well kept. I called the agency back again to give them the hotel name and room number. The operator said the girl would show up in a little while.I got a knock at the door around 15 minutes later. The girl's name was Sho, and she spoke a little English. She was a slender, Japanese model type with soft white skin. The course started off with us getting into the shower together and her washing me off. I couldn't resisting feeling her up a little, but I did my best to behave.We dried off and moved to the bed where the fun began. She felt me up and excited me with tongue service in all the important areas. I let her control the flow for a little while but began fingering her and that made her moan like a Japanese AV actress. This went on for a little while with DFK in between. I asked if she allowed FS but unfortunately, no go. She jumped on and gave me the "sumata" service where she uses her hands and crotch to give you a feel close to the real thing. We finished the entire thing with a CBJ.She was relatively young, and although it wasn't FS, Sho was tried her best to take care of my needs. I felt relaxed and enjoyed myself. I will probably be back when my budget allows for it. I will report my further visits as well as my episodes at Yoshiwara.

03-31-08, 22:26
gents, having travelled all around the world and mongering in many easy and more difficult places, i am settling down in tokyo. i might be able to realize a dream... and am addressing a niche market in need for what i propose.we know that most of the gaijin visitors, and some of us (am caucasian) who are leaving in tokyo, and who are not or barely speaking japanese (i am not fluent yet) can't live the real japanese experience. no acscess to clubs who are not welcoming gaijin, no party, no kissa... or on the other some clubs with caucasian girls, or korean or thai, all this being far away from the typical experience many want to live: bukake, soap land, costumes plays, molestation, [CodeWord103] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord103), food plays...etc... well, to make the story short i am thinking, with a local partner (connected but clean) to open a nice and gentle club for gaijin (but not restrictive to). on the menu, all the nasty and lovely japanese experiences. real japanese ladies with some command of english, a clear explanation on the services, and a decent pricing. are you guys in ?

04-01-08, 05:57
Nino,I put Logan in my ignore list a long time ago at the advice of others here. Apparently I have missed nothing. You should try it. You may like it.-homer
Sorry. Won`t do it again.

The Tanuki
04-01-08, 11:13
gents, having travelled all around the world and mongering in many easy and more difficult places, i am settling down in tokyo. i might be able to realize a dream... and am addressing a niche market in need for what i propose.we know that most of the gaijin visitors, and some of us (am caucasian) who are leaving in tokyo, and who are not or barely speaking japanese (i am not fluent yet) can't live the real japanese experience. no acscess to clubs who are not welcoming gaijin, no party, no kissa... or on the other some clubs with caucasian girls, or korean or thai, all this being far away from the typical experience many want to live: bukake, soap land, costumes plays, molestation, [CodeWord103] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord103), food plays...etc... well, to make the story short i am thinking, with a local partner (connected but clean) to open a nice and gentle club for gaijin (but not restrictive to). on the menu, all the nasty and lovely japanese experiences. real japanese ladies with some command of english, a clear explanation on the services, and a decent pricing. are you guys in ?would certainly entertain this idea if it happens. i won't ask how you might put all that together... :) let us know if things roll up!tankuki

Hot Bot
04-01-08, 12:50
When I am looking at the AM site they do state that photos are "not ok" to protect the privacy of the girls which I of course fully understand.Apart from this. Do you have and actual experience if that's true? Or is it possible to shot some memories. Don't need to be pink ones.It depends on the girl. A fair few of the AM girls accept, if it's a camera on your mobile phone or something, and sometimes they like to take a photo too. It just depends on your luck basically.Enjoy your stay!

Mc Dick
04-01-08, 13:55
Thanks a lot for your reply Hot Pot!I will do my very best to enjoy the GFE experience I hope to be getting.If someone of your mongers is in Tokyo during mid April we could meet and chat a bit!

04-01-08, 14:42
Would certainly entertain this idea if it happens. I won't ask how you might put all that together... :) Let us know if things roll up!TankukiOn a different note, I'm working in the south of Japan, but if you get something going and need some staff then let me know. I speak Japanese, English, and a bit of German. I could work as a host, interpreter, tout, whatever. Basicaly though, cool idea.On a different note: I have friend who is starting up a hentai translation company, and I think its great that gaijin are trying to break into the almost exclusively Japanese administered adult market here in Japan. Good luck and keep us posted.Anonmyous

Big Popi
04-01-08, 22:57
Went to supergirls for the third time. For the second time in a row, I got booth #1, saw someone getting a CBJ, and got Rio. My buddy got Misaki (#11) who he was very satisfied with. Said she was hot and BBBJ with cim. This time we both got cards with their names that said in English "Thanks for coming today". You just can?t beat that! SummaryThe following are my thoughts on the whole experience so that someone going to Japan for a week or so and maybe for the only time can use this as a primer. (Listen up Logan, and maybe you won?t have to ask so many questions).Time requirements of sightseeing, nampa, dinners, and baseball curtailed my mongering a bit. My big regrets are not trying AM Manami and Playgirls. I had Manami as my second choice behind Naomi, but after the tepid experience with Tamaki I really wanted the "tsunami" experience of the one that has the best and most consistent rave reviews on this forum (at least of those still working since Maria is no longer). Members of my group debated the cost of Playgirls versus spending the same money on delivery health, but ultimately a few of us wished we could have experienced a true soapland while in Japan. To a much lesser degree, I wish we would have tried another pink salon to compare to Supergirls, which is a really cool and convenient experience.A quick word about nampa in Roppongi: It doesn?t really begin in earnest until 1am, so if it is dead prior to that don?t be discouraged. Wasted a night or two learning that lesson, thinking I was going home early to live to fight another night then missing the action. AM and CB are not open late (at least I don?t think AM is) and there is a relatively small window for delivery since I believe these girls have day jobs. Balancing nampa and mongering is difficult, but a good strategy is to get a late delivery appointment which will have the girl leaving between 12 and 1am and then hit the bars. The flaw, at least for an old guy like me, is that the girls can wear you out and the temptation to blow off going out will be great. Fight it. Better yet, get an early appointment (5ish) if you don?t have dinner or group plans before 8.Prior to my trip I had done extensive research and identified Hikari and Marina at CB and Naomi and Manimi at AM. Also noticed that Mako had consistently outstanding reports, but I omitted her because of my own personal bias against fake cans. Marina was working the first night I wanted to call but at the last minute I chickened out due to a recent bad review followed by someone who agreed she was overrated. That, combined with the much verified 10k tip for FS and the fact that the pics are hot but didn?t blow me away. I have detailed previously why I abandoned my plans at AM in favor of Tamaki. After comparing notes with my friend, of all of them I would first recommend Akubi, hands down. (Btw ? for what it?s worth, Akubi said that AM might be dropping their prices due to the weak dollar) I would also highly recommend Mako. Hikari has way too many positive reviews for me to think that my experience was anything but an aberration, but it is something to be mindful of. Risa might be a keeper and is worth a chance, I think. I would recommend Tamaki if you don?t mind (or if you prefer) a cbj and if you prefer youthful looks over experience. Full service was never discussed with any of the five, but all of them ? including the three CB girls (after my friend found a condom for Risa) ? applied the hat and climbed aboard (or tried to in Hikari?s case) as if the service was included. No tips were asked for or offered.The most valuable thing that I could share is not to get too hung up with the pictures of the girls on the sites. While I didn?t see Risa who my friend said was head and shoulders above the others looks-wise, the other four were more or less about the same: cute, solid 6?s or 7?s depending on your tastes. As long as the body type (the five we had are all about the same height and weight) and age are what you like, ignore the pics and let the forum reviews be your guide on how to select them. I cannot stress that enough.Finally, use the forum. Between the language barrier and the prejudice against foreigners, we would have been absolutely lost without the information contained herein and would have come home with stories of overpriced massagi girls and a vow to go somewhere else in Asia for a great experience. Thanks again to all of you who contributed to the forum.EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Mc Dick
04-02-08, 08:33
Guys,I just stumbled across this agency and would like t oask you if there are any experiences with these ladies.I am especially interested in Keiko (http://tokyo-escorts.jp/modules/girls/singlelink.php?cid=1&lid=12) ... Japanese, 173cm, 49kg ... YUMMY!!So if you can contribute something about this agency and it's J-Girls any info would highly be appreciated!Thanks a lot in advance,Mc

Nampa Guy
04-02-08, 08:38
Hikari has way too many positive reviews for me to think that my experience was anything but an aberration, but it is something to be mindful of. Risa might be a keeper and is worth a chance, I think. I would recommend Tamaki if you don?t mind (or if you prefer) a cbj and if you prefer youthful looks over experience. Full service was never discussed with any of the five, but all of them ? including the three CB girls (after my friend found a condom for Risa) ? applied the hat and climbed aboard (or tried to in Hikari?s case) as if the service was included. No tips were asked for or offered.Good Comprehensive report, thanks for giving back to the forum and not just disappearing without a trace. Sounds like you had a productive trip and did what most guys do in 4 trips to Tokyo.I have to comment on Hikari. I had the exper of her large tongue jammed down my throat and the acrobatic positions she enjoys. Really Genki but I also had the same claim of "you are too large" for FS. So you were not singled out for this treatment. She is a really petite girl and probably trying to save it for her smaller customers. She is better assigned to a 20 minute course so you don't have to worry about that and enjoy the other stuff. You say in your report that FS was provided at CB and then later clarified that it is with 70 minute course and as usual *depends on girl*. Also, Akubi is with CB site.

04-02-08, 08:58
.... You should also mention that FS is with the 70 min course ? at CB so guys don't get confused. Also, I did not see an Akubi on the AM site?Unless something has dramatically changed at CB, FS is emphatically NOT, repeat NOT, included or implied at CB, in *any* course. You might get it, with or without at tip, but it absolutely depends on the girl and the situation.Please don`t spread false rumours here.About Akubi and Tamaki, the big popi obviously got lost between the abbreviations and mixed up a number of girls names between AM and CB, so take that in account.

04-02-08, 12:36
Is this Risa the same Risa who used to work at AM, and who was reviewed in a couple of posts last year? She disappeared from AM last summer -- could she have jumped over to CB?
While I didn?t see Risa who my friend said was head and shoulders above the others looks-wise, the other four were more or less about the same: cute, solid 6?s or 7?s depending on your tastes.

04-02-08, 15:44
Is this Risa the same Risa who used to work at AM, and who was reviewed in a couple of posts last year? She disappeared from AM last summer -- could she have jumped over to CB?There is no reason to think so. The name means nothing.

Big Popi
04-02-08, 17:23
Is this Risa the same Risa who used to work at AM, and who was reviewed in a couple of posts last year? Ah, yes AM Risa. Just went back over my notes and the older great reviews were for AM Risa. There were other posts for CB Risa from last year but most were asking for info. Perhaps that's why I didn't catch it when I saw her name on CB.As I stated in my original review of her, I doubt it is the same AM Risa. All of her reviews stated that she was a screamer, and some mentioned her unusual height. This girl definitely did not fit either description.I cannot find where I mixed up CB and AM, but I did write some of these in a diminished mental state. For the record:AMTamakiMakoCBAkubiHikariRisaAll CB sessions were 70, except for Hikari who I extended to 100 minutes.

04-03-08, 05:50
. After comparing notes with my friend, of all of them I would first recommend Akubi, hands down. (Btw ? for what it?s worth, Akubi said that AM might be dropping their prices due to the weak dollar) I would also highly recommend Mako. I think Nino was referring to you mentioning Akubi talking about AM's rates, which is unlikely since she is at CB.I would expect rates for those paying in USD to increase, since the girls are getting paid in yen and $100 is barely getting Y10,000 now.That said, pros overseas charge at least $200-300/hr, so AM/CB are still bargains.All-in-all excellent info. If other visitors to Japan would post half as much we'd be swamped with useful info.

Mc Dick
04-03-08, 09:47
Hi guys,I want to share my Tokyo planning so far with you.Route a) - AMHaving identified AM as the only reliable source of a real GFE I have fixed plans to get one of there girls for the 2h treat, after spending hours of reading your reports back and force I am right now thinking I will get Naomi.On paper I would most probably rather choose Tamaki or Mako but I don't like fake boobs and Tamaki is reportedly not too enthusiastic.Route a) - Plan BI am still hoping someone is have experience with http://www.tokyo-escorts.jp/ and will share his knowledge.Route b) - AFFI signed up to AFF especially for this trip and tried to lure some 20 J-Girls into a "show me the city and I will show you my Tokyo-Tower" arrangement *g*. Ok, my punchline wasn't the best - but I still have one very nice J-Lady on the hook which is corresponding frequently with me. If this really works out I might even think about dropping Route a) as she's really cute. On the other hand, she will have to work, so there will be still time for a) *g*Route c) - MetropolisI tried to put an ad on Metropolis but was too late so in unfortunately will only be published next weekend. I will give you an update then.Other routes tested:Craigslist. Nothing really. Lot's of scum.Esute etc. First thought of Trinity but your reports told me, rahter not if an AM girl is not that much more. And to be honest I prefer my hotel room over some unknown place.Cheers for now!

The Tanuki
04-03-08, 22:43
Route a) - Plan BI am still hoping someone is have experience with http://www.tokyo-escorts.jp/ and will share his knowledge.Haven't noticed any news on that piece. Considering the rates "start" at US $200 that's fairly low-end. There's probably some upsell going on, but it could be worthwhile...
Route b) - AFFI signed up to AFF especially for this trip and tried to lure some 20 J-Girls into a "show me the city and I will show you my Tokyo-Tower" arrangement *g*. Ok, my punchline wasn't the best - but I still have one very nice J-Lady on the hook which is corresponding frequently with me. If this really works out I might even think about dropping Route a) as she's really cute. On the other hand, she will have to work, so there will be still time for a) *g*Route c) - MetropolisI tried to put an ad on Metropolis but was too late so in unfortunately will only be published next weekend. I will give you an update then.Other routes tested:Craigslist. Nothing really. Lot's of scum.Esute etc. First thought of Trinity but your reports told me, rahter not if an AM girl is not that much more. And to be honest I prefer my hotel room over some unknown place.Cheers for now!The AFF route could prove a solid option. Ya better hope "she" is not really "onee-man" (as in a "he")... :eek:You don't mention trolling Roppongi, which always is an option but obviously is hit and miss.One of these days I gotta get back out and check stuff myself. The short skirts are getting annoying these days...Good luck there bro!Tankuki

Tall American
04-04-08, 01:39
The AFF has been a sure route to success for me although has its drawbacks.The first girl I though 'I' had found was an attractive late 2O's highly experienced in bed J-girl and we went straight to a LH for a three hour romp.but I was feeling from the day after like I was being cell phone stalked, so blocked my first experience out. Aggressiveness in bed requires caution in the head.The second girl was just back from departing from her BF in Canada and swooped in for action on the first meet at her apartment after a nice home cooked dinner. But she constantly sent emails saying "I am in love with you" which may have worked to a point with her Canadian BF but was a sure sign of perhaps confusing sex with loneliness.The third and last girl was 31, loved to drink and quick to hop in to the sack every Friday night at a variety of LHs. However, the drink venues gradually went up in class and price. And the LH selection went from a simple room to a Tokyo City Office size LH complex with private pool and gadgets beyond my own experience. Over the months this sex friend relationship was costing my wallet dearly and only being assumed. Cutting that relationship off was easy and I quickly saw her out in the same bar area with another new tall sex friend.All-in-all, AFF should be renamed 'easy SFF' but like many of the easily made SNS relationships should be enjoyed with caution. Enjoy!

South by SW 2
04-04-08, 04:01
Other routes tested:Craigslist. Nothing really. Lot's of scum.Might I suggest going over to Japan Guide? A quick google will show it as the #1 result. Besides having a ton of good travel tips, if you go to the forums and register you can post a "friends" ad for free. No pictures, no explicit dating. But if you specify when you'll be visiting and a couple of interesting facts about yourself, you'll undoubtedly get an number of responses in short order.I'm going to be in Tokyo in the first week in May and I'll be seeing a GF I met through J-G last Nov. I'm fishing for a couple more right now. It is entirely hit or miss. I met a grad student who as far as I could tell was only interested in language exchange, but she was actually fun to talk. There were two I met one time and a couple I didn't bother to find time for.Happy hunting.-- SbySW

04-04-08, 04:23
Hi guys,I want to share my Tokyo planning so far with you.Route a) - AMHaving identified AM as the only reliable source of a real GFE I have fixed plans to get one of there girls for the 2h treat, after spending hours of reading your reports back and force I am right now thinking I will get Naomi.On paper I would most probably rather choose Tamaki or Mako but I don't like fake boobs and Tamaki is reportedly not too enthusiastic.Route a) - Plan BI am still hoping someone is have experience with http://www.tokyo-escorts.jp/ and will share his knowledge.Route b) - AFFI signed up to AFF especially for this trip and tried to lure some 20 J-Girls into a "show me the city and I will show you my Tokyo-Tower" arrangement *g*. Ok, my punchline wasn't the best - but I still have one very nice J-Lady on the hook which is corresponding frequently with me. If this really works out I might even think about dropping Route a) as she's really cute. On the other hand, she will have to work, so there will be still time for a) *g*Route c) - MetropolisI tried to put an ad on Metropolis but was too late so in unfortunately will only be published next weekend. I will give you an update then.Other routes tested:Craigslist. Nothing really. Lot's of scum.Esute etc. First thought of Trinity but your reports told me, rahter not if an AM girl is not that much more. And to be honest I prefer my hotel room over some unknown place.Cheers for now!MD,I think the current AM Naomi is not the original one as there is a post about her and Ari being gone from AM's site back in 5/26/07. Could be wrong but thought I should let you know. Also, you should check out Manami's reviews because she seems to have replaced the sorely missed Maria as AM's number one girl.

04-04-08, 05:29
looks like someone is trying to compete with am and club boo. i have no informaton about this service but looks like they just started. their rates seem higher than am and club boo.www.nasty-dolls.jp
gents, having travelled all around the world and mongering in many easy and more difficult places, i am settling down in tokyo. i might be able to realize a dream... and am addressing a niche market in need for what i propose.we know that most of the gaijin visitors, and some of us (am caucasian) who are leaving in tokyo, and who are not or barely speaking japanese (i am not fluent yet) can't live the real japanese experience. no acscess to clubs who are not welcoming gaijin, no party, no kissa... or on the other some clubs with caucasian girls, or korean or thai, all this being far away from the typical experience many want to live: bukake, soap land, costumes plays, molestation, [CodeWord103] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord103), food plays...etc... well, to make the story short i am thinking, with a local partner (connected but clean) to open a nice and gentle club for gaijin (but not restrictive to). on the menu, all the nasty and lovely japanese experiences. real japanese ladies with some command of english, a clear explanation on the services, and a decent pricing. are you guys in ?

04-04-08, 06:02
Haven't noticed any news on that piece. Considering the rates "start" at US $200 that's fairly low-end. There's probably some upsell going on, but it could be worthwhile...The AFF route could prove a solid option. Ya better hope "she" is not really "onee-man" (as in a "he")... :eek:You don't mention trolling Roppongi, which always is an option but obviously is hit and miss.About the "www.tokyo-escorts.jp/ " site... I don`t trust any site with slick presentation and fake model photos like that. Smells of Alla. But do try and report, but don`t say you were not warned.Trolling Roppongi will always bring results eventually, but it is only recommended if you like the bar scene and the hunt.Your comment about the she-man I don`t get at all. If AM tried such a thing, they would be out of business pronto presto. Is there any reason at all for that comment, or did you just want to put trash in the forum?

04-04-08, 06:20
About the "www.tokyo-escorts.jp/ " site... I don`t trust any site with slick presentation and fake model photos like that. Smells of Alla. But do try and report, but don`t say you were not warned.Your comment about the she-man I don`t get at all. If AM tried such a thing, they would be out of business pronto presto. Is there any reason at all for that comment, or did you just want to put trash in the forum?My guess it nasty-dolls is legit. All the girls have the same photo background-a sign that the picts are true.Bit pricy though compared to CB and AM. But anyone with a generous expense account willing to TOFTT, by all means do... I am sure Nino is right in guessing tokyo-escorts (cosmo beauties) is a scam site. $200 is probably going to get a girl to your door, but what she looks like and how much more she wants for any service is a big unknown.Tanuki's comment was aimed at AFF I think. Wouldn't be surprising if a TS or newhalf posted as a gal on that site.

Mc Dick
04-04-08, 06:45
Thanks for all you tips, guys!I will test the waters with Japan-Guide :-) ... just preparing the ad *g*.As for AFF: I will only be in Tokyo or a few days and have a rented Japanese phone number ... so let her stalk that number - lol ... and no, she ain't a shemale ... I am quite sure about that.AM's Naomi isn't the "real" Naomi? Rats ... then I have to find a Plan B for AM - Manami might be the best "service provider" but I personally don't like her features ... I am rather in for slimmer girl with smaller boobsThanks for putting Tokyo-Escorts in the "scum" category!I'll keep you updated!

The Tanuki
04-04-08, 12:30
About the "www.tokyo-escorts.jp/ " site... I don`t trust any site with slick presentation and fake model photos like that. Smells of Alla. But do try and report, but don`t say you were not warned.Trolling Roppongi will always bring results eventually, but it is only recommended if you like the bar scene and the hunt.Your comment about the she-man I don`t get at all. If AM tried such a thing, they would be out of business pronto presto. Is there any reason at all for that comment, or did you just want to put trash in the forum?The "onee-man" (take-off from the older sister "onee-san" except it's a dude...) comment was relative to the person who'd responded via AFF. That arena is definitely a lot of variety in the mileage.

Fiery Jack
04-04-08, 18:14
Hello all, first post. Been living in Japan 7 years now and have mongered almost to the point of madness! Only in Tokyo and Osaka.A service I have used regularly and have always been satisfied is www.asianmystique.comThey offer a range of ladies, believe me every taste is catered for!They offer a real GFE, conversation, sometimes the level of english is not fantastic, but is is ok. I am lucky as I can get by in Japanese, but if your Japanese is nil then be prepared for a stilted chat!BBJ is standard, Rio for me, although not the youngest there, is the master when it comes to bbbj.Costume play is there too, they are discreet, timely and not a bad price, around 35,000 yen for two hours. A play is also there with certain girls.No no issues with DATY either, and they keep the garden tidy!I am actually resident in SHanghai at present, but am in Tokyo for a few days and of course was spent not enough time checking out the Tokyo side of the site! But just felt that it would be to the benefit of all to give asian mystique a try, you'll not be unhappy! You are not made to feel like a twat when you call to book either, most times a lady answers, sometimes a western guy, but you can ask for what you want, stockings and those boots the girls here are mad for? No problem! I am just awaiting Rio now and I guess just wanted to share the horn!Apologies if this site/firm is well known to all.

South by SW 2
04-05-08, 04:10
Thanks for all you tips, guys!I will test the waters with Japan-Guide :-) ... just preparing the ad *g*.I'd recommend waiting until Sunday or Monday to post on J-G. For some reason I've always gotten more responses early in the week than on the (Japan-time) weekend. Your ad will get pushed off the front page by the time Monday rolls around. (An alternative explanation that I haven't checked is that so many guys post on the weekend that you get buried immediately.)Either way, I posted on Monday USA time and got a half-dozen responses in three days. I'll sort through them and repost the same ad in a week or so.-- SbySW

04-05-08, 04:22
AM's Naomi isn't the "real" Naomi? Rats ...There is no reason to think that Naomi has changed. The photos and specs are the same as before.That stupid rumour was posted by "Logan", who you should put in your twit filter. That troll has never mongered, has never even been in Japan, yet keeps posting useless comments in this forum.Read back in the forum and find out who has credibility, and don`t give false credibility to trolls by responding to their nonsense.

04-05-08, 06:01
There is no reason to think that Naomi has changed. The photos and specs are the same as before.That stupid rumour was posted by "Logan", who you should put in your twit filter. That troll has never mongered, has never even been in Japan, yet keeps posting useless comments in this forum.Read back in the forum and find out who has credibility, and don`t give false credibility to trolls by responding to their nonsense.Once again, the personal attacks begin. I stated the post date where its stated that Naomi had left AM but here is the link:http://internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?p=602070&highlight=naomi#post602070I had been wondering why Naomi was popular and stumbled across this report by Firebird. Thought McDick should see it. As for who the real troll is, its rather obvious by who is using personal attacks. I've posted before that I have been to Japan once before and had a terrible mongering experience. This has all been posted here previously and can be found easily enough. Just like report#3524 about Naomi. Nino and his cronies gave Big Popi a hard time here recently too but they shut up now that he did his trip and made some reports. I'll be doing the same very shortly when I head out so look forward to it "little boy."

Ice Tea13
04-05-08, 11:41
Looks like someone is trying to compete with AM and Club Boo. I have no informaton about this service but looks like they just started. Their rates seem higher than AM and Club Boo.www.nasty-dolls.jpAfter a great day today, was trying to figure out the best options for this evening. Do I go with a well known AM (used them many times and for the most part always walked away being the happy camper) or give this new service a try. What the heck, decided to go with something new & will give it a try. Called but for tonight my girl of choice was not available. Decided instead to book Maria for tomorrow. Will report on the activities tomorrow.Also, FYI two girls are open to some optional services offered on the site: Maria and Mina.

Ice Tea13
04-06-08, 09:36
After a great day today, was trying to figure out the best options for this evening. Do I go with a well known AM (used them many times and for the most part always walked away being the happy camper) or give this new service a try. What the heck, decided to go with something new & will give it a try. Called but for tonight my girl of choice was not available. Decided instead to book Maria for tomorrow. Will report on the activities tomorrow.Also, FYI two girls are open to some optional services offered on the site: Maria and Mina.Ok, my fellow mongers. Here is the promissed report on the new service in town - Nasty Dolls http://www.nasty-dolls.jp I had Maria today. She arrived on time (though not at my address but to the nearest station) and found me in the croud - no problemo. It is a bit odd though, since AM girls find your address w/o a problem. But this is not a big problem, I am pretty close to the station. Ok, here is the first impression:She is really chubby, has a number of tattoos (none of them show up in her photo's - otherwise the girl can be recognized), she seems to be 30+, pierced nostril w/little stud, her english is okay, broad face - not that it's unattractive but it did not inspire, shall we say.Once we arrived & after the customary call we jump into the shower. She starts soaping me, but it's really slow, borderline lethargic. So I take matters into my own hands, feel her boobs (not fake) which are not too big - not my style of shape either. Her bottom is clean shaven, access to the strategic places is easy and unimpeded.Summary on shower: 4/10.Services in the shower: 3/10.Attention to mr.BigShoot 4/10.Kinkiness factor -1/10We are out of the shower and she offers to do massage, I am thinking okay but not too long since I've picked 45min. She starts massaging my lower bottom (she brought in some oil) and once again it's like the shower - she is half asleep behind the wheel. Ok, enough of that, I flip and we get mr.glove on mr.pinocchio and we go...... for a lazy and jerky HJ. WTF? Ok, enough of this I put her in the doggy style and take her on from behind. IMHO, the entry point has been used for too long by a platoon of angry spartans after a dissapointing campaign. I am not small by any means but I feel like there is 2 of me + video camera that can fit in there comfortably. After a while we change to her on top, pick up some action, doing some wild horsy play. Then I try a few innovations with her on the edge of the bed, scissors style, facing feet - I am beginning to break sweet. Flip her on the back for a minute, tried to raise her excitement level by fingering and rubbing. (BTW, while doing horsey she tells "oh not yet, not yet - I don't want to come just yet"). She gets a bit more energetic so we downshift into her being on the bottom, I am on top. Getting some problems to find a comfortable attack angle so jack up her feet high but she begins to grunt - that's the problem with chubby & fat girls. Ok, the feet need to come down. After some time we get a bit more friction and mr.junior is doing some dbl time. Then reality check, she is asking do I need more time, s*** I steal a glance at the clock and it;s almost time. Do I want more time? No thanks! This was enough! Overall impression:Face 4/10Body 3/10 (I've gotten much better even at the massagi places)Attitude 5/10Don't think I'll try again, just not my style. PS Her picture on the site, well I suppose it must have really been taken from some very, very strategic angles. Although it DOES warns that she is curvy, but this is really an understatement of a century - I'd say she is really fat. Sorry, not a nice thing to say - I know, but it was really a disappointing experience today.PPS Still feeling I need to do something, sounds like it's going to be AM session for tonight! Maybe with Erika if she is around.If anyone is still interested to experiment, perhaps you can try either Rumi or Keiko - both look promising, unless it's been doctored.EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-06-08, 14:49
Thanks for all the detail and humor, but I am also sorry it didn't work out well for you. I hope it was just bad luck with the lady choice. If the others are like this girl, and even if they aren't but she gives them a bad enough rep that people don't want to take the chance, they won't last long.I was curious about the tattoos ... Did you get the impression she was related to yaks, perhaps? I read in one of the English newspapers here that a daughter of a yak wrote a best-selling book. They had a picture of her and she was just about covered head to toe with tattoos. She has broken away from the family. Anyway, whenever I see an Asian lady with a tattoo that looks a lot more than just a fashion accessory in Japan, or especially multiple tattoos, I wonder if she is related somehow to yaks. See it a lot in AVs here, too.About the having to meet at the station ... wow, that is cheap of them, considering how much they are making! I'm sure the AM gals make it to your apartment because they take a cab, and even the most clueless of "restructured" drivers at least has a car navigation system to fall back on these days. Huge strike against this new outfit, if you ask me.To end on a positive note, like I said I enjoyed your thoroughness of reporting and the attention to detail, especially in ratings. (Kinkiness factor in shower: -1/10! Oh brother!) Hope your mongering days blossom into full flower in the days and weeks ahead. (No, I have not just come back from a cherry blossom viewing party, haha.)

Ice Tea13
04-06-08, 15:28
Thanks for all the detail and humor, but I am also sorry it didn't work out well for you. I hope it was just bad luck with the lady choice. If the others are like this girl, and even if they aren't but she gives them a bad enough rep that people don't want to take the chance, they won't last long.I was curious about the tattoos ... Did you get the impression she was related to yaks, perhaps? I read in one of the English newspapers here that a daughter of a yak wrote a best-selling book. They had a picture of her and she was just about covered head to toe with tattoos. She has broken away from the family. Anyway, whenever I see an Asian lady with a tattoo that looks a lot more than just a fashion accessory in Japan, or especially multiple tattoos, I wonder if she is related somehow to yaks. See it a lot in AVs here, too.About the having to meet at the station ... wow, that is cheap of them, considering how much they are making! I'm sure the AM gals make it to your apartment because they take a cab, and even the most clueless of "restructured" drivers at least has a car navigation system to fall back on these days. Huge strike against this new outfit, if you ask me.To end on a positive note, like I said I enjoyed your thoroughness of reporting and the attention to detail, especially in ratings. (Kinkiness factor in shower: -1/10! Oh brother!) Hope your mongering days blossom into full flower in the days and weeks ahead. (No, I have not just come back from a cherry blossom viewing party, haha.)Hey Ambassador, Thanks for the words of encouragement. I really do appreciate! Humor was essential so I could write a more balanced report today. I suppose my experience today could have been better if I was paying more attention to "voluptious" and "curvy" in the photo descriptions. For example the two girls that look very attractive and have "thinner" descriptions are Keiko and Rumi (and they seem to be much busier and were not available).About the tattoos. No, nothing like that. I think she had 3, all pretty small, in fact too small and also too simplistic to have any sort of connection to the criminal side of Tokyo. Also, in order to qualify for an association with the shady side one would have to have a higher IQ (I do apologize for being rather rudely direct here, but it was my impression only).About the mode of transportation and having to meet at the stn. I suppose this is not really an issue (for me it wasn't) if one is renting a hotel room, however, if you are using your own apt this is not necessarily a very good idea to be seen in public with a bit of a questionable companion, shall we say.Also, many AM girls will arrive by public transportation (in my experience) especially if you book them early enough, it is just that they usually find your place on their own. Maybe this was just a strange exception? I suppose the time (and the reports) will show.In their defense I'll say that the boo mama is very polite and returns your calls after checking on the girls schedule promptly. For their sake (if someone from that establishement is reading this post) I do hope they get their act together, make descriptions more transparent, and hire some attractive gals to offer us some good choices for the times when we need "that little bit of spice" in our lives.

The Alchemist
04-06-08, 15:38
I was curious about the tattoos ... Did you get the impression she was related to yaks, perhaps? I read in one of the English newspapers here that a daughter of a yak wrote a best-selling book. They had a picture of her and she was just about covered head to toe with tattoos. She has broken away from the family. Anyway, whenever I see an Asian lady with a tattoo that looks a lot more than just a fashion accessory in Japan, or especially multiple tattoos, I wonder if she is related somehow to yaks. See it a lot in AVs here, too.I think you are referring to Shoko Tendo's Yakuza Moon: Memoirs of a Gangster's Daughter.In regard to mongering and adding more posts - I RTFF and because of that don't want to be too repetitive; however, I will post once I come across something worth while again.

Looking Inrok
04-06-08, 18:18
I'm coming in for a week this summer on my way to more familiar stomping grounds.I'm used to GFE-style HJ joints (kissing and touching while she gets you off), and the standard massage and a screw.I've got a couple of questions:What is the price on a rub & tug joint in Tokyo?What about massage with full service? GFE?Is there anything like BBBJ and CIM offered out there at a massage joint or for outcall?I'm just trying to get a feel for the scene in Tokyo. I've heard that a lot of young girls are out doing work independently (let's say 18 year olds for legality sake). What are the standard rates?

Dire Wolf98
04-07-08, 03:14
So Dire Wolf, Anything to report on "Minako" from craigslist in Yokohama? Been curious to find out if she was legit. I sent her an email and never got a reply.Let us know if it was worth it.I never tried to contact her.

Dire Wolf98
04-07-08, 03:18
"I like the way you walk, I like the way you talk, Susie Q"Excerpt from 'Susie Q'Music by Dale Hawkins, lyrics by Hawkins/Lewis/BroadwaterDay ThreeThroughout my meetings, my mind repeated wandered back to thoughts of Miho -- her slender body, soft smooth alabaster skin, sweet face, infectious smile, great personality; and the way she loved to shower, or soak in the bathtub, with me.The night before, as soon as I saw her note, I raced into my room and called her keitai number - it immediately clicked over to rusuban. I sent her an e-mail and told her that I still wanted to see her.Dang! I hope that I didn't screw-up this situation!After work, I immediately phoned Miho -- and she picked up. I apologized for having missed connections. She apologized because events at work prevented her from returning my calls and from leaving at her usual time for that day. She then told me that she arrived at my hotel at 7:00 p.m. -- just 15 minutes after my departure (it's good that I didn't order Incall). But that's not all, she waited in the hotel lobby until 9:30 p.m. -- just 30 minutes prior to my return. Dang! What a sweet girl! I apologized profusely for my impatience.One funny thing I should mention: during all our phone conversations, from when I first reached her from the US until that very moment, Miho had warned me repeatedly that she had "gained weight." She seemed very concerned that this would affect my level of lust toward her. Knowing that most J-Girls have a radically different view of what they consider "overweight," I repeatedly told her to not worry.That night, I had to attend a business dinner, so I made arrangements to meet Miho after dinner. Well, dinner was classic Tokyo business entertainment at a small high quality sushi restaurant. Service was great; atmosphere superb. Excellent sushi and sake. Afterward, as the taxi was pulling up to the hotel, my cell phone rang. I stepped out of the taxi and away from my colleagues (as they are also fluent in Japanese). It's Miho and she's in the lobby of my hotel. I told her to meet me in front of my door in five minutes.After killing time to avoid bumping into my colleagues, I re-entered the hotel and made a beeline to my room. When I stepped off the elevator, I could see her in the distance. Given my level of sake consumption, her appearance seemed mirage-like.The closer I got, the better she looked. I quickly opened my door and we darted into my room. After apologizing to her again for my lack of patience and missing connections the previous day, Miho said that everything was okay. Miho then apologized to me for being very late and missing connections. I gave her a gigantic hug.We sat down on the bed and began to hold hands. After some small talk, she suggested that we take a shower. When she stripped down to her lingerie, Miho apologized for having gained weight. She pinched what appeared to be 1mm of extra padding near her belly button, frowned and lamented the fact that she had "gained weight." I gave her another gigantic hug and told her that she worries too much.No need to get into all the details. The extended shower, the whole sensual kissing/licking/stroking/squeezing/hugging turned foreplay, the sex and after shower -- it was all good.During our post-sex cuddling and conversing, Miho pulled out her cell phone and showed me some her recent pictures. There were several from Hatsumode (which means first visit of the year to a temple) and she looked great in her kimono. Many J-Girls pull-out all the stops for Hatsumode and Natsu Matsuri (summer festivals); during the latter they wear cotton yukatta appropriate for hot & humid weather. These events help to illustrate the poise, grace and elegance typical of J-Girls.In discussing her Hatsumode pictures, Miho started reminiscing about her years of studying ballet. That's when it struck me -- she really looks like a ballerina, especially with her hair tied-up. Miho had been a model and a Race Queen, but never really spoke warmly of those experiences. She really lit-up when she spoke of her dance studies.For the record, Miho e-mailed some of her Hatsumode pictures to me; they are great. I will stay in touch with Miho. I invited her to visit me/stay with me in the U.S.When Miho left, I felt great. The sex was great and I felt confident in the aftermath of my reversal of fortune.EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Guy Jin
04-07-08, 04:24
I'm going to be in Japan and hopefully in the Tokyo area in mid-April, and was planning to bring enough Yen to get an AM girl, but I just noticed they take credit cards. Anybody use a credit card there? That seems pretty handy.- just wondering how it's listed on your credit card statement.Thanks

04-07-08, 04:34
Hey Ambassador, Thanks for the words of encouragement. I really do appreciate! Humor was essential so I could write a more balanced report today. I suppose my experience today could have been better if I was paying more attention to "voluptious" and "curvy" in the photo descriptions. For example the two girls that look very attractive and have "thinner" descriptions are Keiko and Rumi (and they seem to be much busier and were not available).About the tattoos. No, nothing like that. I think she had 3, all pretty small, in fact too small and also too simplistic to have any sort of connection to the criminal side of Tokyo. Also, in order to qualify for an association with the shady side one would have to have a higher IQ (I do apologize for being rather rudely direct here, but it was my impression only).About the mode of transportation and having to meet at the stn. I suppose this is not really an issue (for me it wasn't) if one is renting a hotel room, however, if you are using your own apt this is not necessarily a very good idea to be seen in public with a bit of a questionable companion, shall we say.Also, many AM girls will arrive by public transportation (in my experience) especially if you book them early enough, it is just that they usually find your place on their own. Maybe this was just a strange exception? I suppose the time (and the reports) will show.In their defense I'll say that the boo mama is very polite and returns your calls after checking on the girls schedule promptly. For their sake (if someone from that establishement is reading this post) I do hope they get their act together, make descriptions more transparent, and hire some attractive gals to offer us some good choices for the times when we need "that little bit of spice" in our lives.Good report. Always nice when someone TOFTT. Too bad service wasn't up to expectations though.Nice tats cost hundreds of thousands of yen, and few girls will opt for them unless they are hanging with the underground gangs. These days fewer yakuza are getting tats due to financial problems.Any girls who is just 154cm but has a 62cm waist is going to be curvy, so the site's description is accurate.154 cm(5?0")size Bust-87cm (34)[D cup]Waist-62cm (24)Hip-92cm (36)

Mc Dick
04-07-08, 06:39
Hey buddy,Thanks a lot for your report on nasty-dolls. It's good as a "first warning" maybe not to expect too much. But maybe then only sent your the worst girl (let's hope it's not their only one).Personally I am still extremely tempted to take on Keiko, she looks like the perfet package to me if she is having the right attitude - hopefully we will see some more experiences soon (before I am over there - lol).Cheers!

Mc Dick
04-07-08, 14:33
Continuing my planning I did contact Nasty-Dolls during the weekend. And I have to say that their handling is. Best said. Unprofessional.First I asked them for a date with Keiko on Thursday and it took them until today to come back with an answer: "Keiko is not available Apr 20.Are you interesting about some other girls? "Well, I bet if I would have replied Maria I immediately did got a confirmation. Instead I asked for Keiko on 19th or 21st, then the reply was"Ok. Sorry we don't know any girls schedule yet.So could you ask us around Apr 20 again please? "Hmm. Either not available or no schedule yet. Again, might be too eraly to judge but together with the "Maria" report we should be careful.Cheers!

04-09-08, 07:21
Hello guys!Any reports about Ai from AM?She looks so cute and hot!

04-09-08, 23:04
I'm going to be in Japan and hopefully in the Tokyo area in mid-April, and was planning to bring enough Yen to get an AM girl, but I just noticed they take credit cards. Anybody use a credit card there? That seems pretty handy.- just wondering how it's listed on your credit card statement.ThanksIt's handy if you have no cash, but it has its drawbacks. First, it costs more. Also, when the girl arrives she will need to call the owner with your credit card info. In some cases this call may take awhile and is taken out of your "play time." I believe it's billed as "AM" something... I can't honestly remember, but it was relatively discreet. Just send them an e-mail asking the name it is billed as and they will tell you.

04-10-08, 05:37
In my quest of trying new things. I was going to try nasty-dolls but got a little scared off based on the one and only report. Surfing around and found this place. http://escort.blondie-roppongi.com/Not sure if it's new or not but I have never seen it before. I guess I have lived here too long. Before it was my one and only mission to have a Japanese girl since living in Japan but just want to try something different. Found out that they somewhat misrepresent themselves because the cost is not all in but you have to pay for the love hotel which makes it much more expensive than AM, Boo or Nasty. Does anyone have any experience with this place before I try it out?

04-10-08, 08:33
I'm going to be in Japan and hopefully in the Tokyo area in mid-April, and was planning to bring enough Yen to get an AM girl, but I just noticed they take credit cards. Anybody use a credit card there? That seems pretty handy.- just wondering how it's listed on your credit card statement.ThanksI don`t know either how they handle the credit card; I suppose they have have little card reader that they can give to the girls.But I really don`t see why you would want to. Just bring enough cash, or go to a Citibank or Post Office ATM and withdraw cash from your credit card. There is not need to pay the extra 3000 Yen or so that services like AM charge for credit card use.

04-10-08, 08:40
In my quest of trying new things. I was going to try nasty-dolls but got a little scared off based on the one and only report. Surfing around and found this place. http://escort.blondie-roppongi.com/Not sure if it's new or not but I have never seen it before. I guess I have lived here too long. Before it was my one and only mission to have a Japanese girl since living in Japan but just want to try something different. Found out that they somewhat misrepresent themselves because the cost is not all in but you have to pay for the love hotel which makes it much more expensive than AM, Boo or Nasty. Does anyone have any experience with this place before I try it out?Only one cellphone number as contact, typical Russian English, and a photoshopped "police registration no 47"?That smells like Alla to me. But I am looking forward to your report.

04-10-08, 12:04
It's handy if you have no cash, but it has its drawbacks. First, it costs more. Also, when the girl arrives she will need to call the owner with your credit card info. In some cases this call may take awhile and is taken out of your "play time." I believe it's billed as "AM" something... I can't honestly remember, but it was relatively discreet. Just send them an e-mail asking the name it is billed as and they will tell you.Correct, it's possible but cumbersonme. Much easier to go to the next ATM and withdraw the 35,000Y

Asakusa Senbei
04-10-08, 12:20
Been meaning to put up this for awhile now. The timeframe for these were relatively recent (within the past 6 months).Note that originally, I had Maria scheduled but that was right around the time when her status was up in the air and as it turns out, not a go. So I decided to try the girls who had conversational abilities. While I also used some of the reports from here and other places as very useful tips, I also did not overanalyze my choices since in the end, it is going to count on how you end up clicking with that person.First up was Erika. Making the reservation well in advance with AM simplified things a great deal (including choice, time availabilities, etc) and everything was handled smoothly via e-mail despite having to work with 2 different assistants. She arrived at the scheduled time (a few minutes early in this case). Her demeanor was extremely laid back and friendly. She also turned out to be quite pretty and petite. We spent the first 15 minutes just talking about a variety of topics which turned out to be great since we could relate on a number of things. I found her to be incredibly intelligent, has a great sense of humor and also has this feisty spunkiness. She also has an A+ smile and laugh. This also made the rest of the evening more fun.We hit the shower (tight squeeze but we managed). I could have washed that butt of hers for hours (LOL). She has an incredibly fit body as she does things like kickboxing to stay in shape. As has been mentioned before, she has very nice white smooth skin. She made this cute comment about how small she is stature wise but how "big" her nipples are (they are quite perky). She pulled up on her nicely cropped pubes and pointed saying she shaves the rest (just how I like it).After showering, we laid down on the bed. I had the television on and there was a comedy show. Out of nowhere, she made this amusing comment about "baka-nihonjin" and we ended up having a very short and funny convo about that aspect of Japanese society. I know some may think you're paying to have sex and not talk but I enjoy having this sort of balance. Anyway, as we were finally about to begin to make out, she noticed my MacBook on the desk and she had a geek moment by excitedly pointing to it and saying she had the same model; I could not help but laugh at how cute that was. We finally started to make out at this point; plenty of caressing, DFK and FP.Knowing from previous reports that she enjoys DATY which I also enjoy doing, I spent quite a bit of time down there. She does get very absorbed in it and does that sheet/pillow grabbing thing along with the quiet moans. After awhile, she got up and started performing a BBBJ. When I suggested 69, she gave this really horny smile and obliged. She was really wet and juicy and every time I sped up, she would do the same. Every time I slowly sucked and then pulled on her labia with my lips, she would let out these soft sexy sounds and do this nice ball massage.We then moved on to FS. I made a joke that she didn't have to worry about a gaijin-sized condom which got a good chuckle from her and she played it to the hilt while applying the hood. She keeps herself in excellent condition as she was pretty snug (I am average sized in length/girth). We went at in various positions but the missionary turned out to be the best since we could DFK. Unfortunately, I'd been walking all around Tokyo that afternoon and the previous days so after half an hour or so, my back started to kill me and I had to stop. She was quite understanding and proceeded to work on me with a hand job while I rubbed/fingered her.She actually asked if I liked it fast or slow and I said a combination but mostly slower. So she went at it with slow and fast strokes along with some ball massaging. While it felt good, it takes me forever to get off via a HJ unless the girl has the right touch so after she had been going at it for awhile, I asked her out of the blue for a foot job. I managed to catch her off guard and she seemed a bit surprised and also a little embarrassed. But she was also a good sport and we had a really good laugh because she knew she wasn't really good at it; she asked if it felt good and I gave her a humorous "tatemae" yes reply which brought a chuckle from her.I appreciated her good nature and didn't want to put her through more "footwork" so I asked her to finish me off with a BJ. Since some folks were wondering about CIM with her, I asked and she doesn't do it. She proceeded with a CBJ until I finally popped. We both weren't really aware of the time which was almost up so after a quick shower, we spent the remaining time chatting until it was time for her to leave. I gave her a small omiyage and saw her to the door. This part was amusing since she almost walked out still wearing the hotel slippers. I asked if she was forgetting something and she didn't realize what I was getting at until I pointed down and told her you're going to get a lot of funny looks at this time of night. We again both had another good laugh. She said those slippers were so comfortable as she changed into her boots. Gave her a quick kiss goodbye and told her to have a safe train ride home.To summarize, I enjoyed my time with her. It wasn't anywhere near a full on GFE but in the end, it didn't really matter since the 2 hours turned out to be an exceptionally pleasant, laid-back and fun experience. As others have mentioned, she doesn't aggressively initiate the action (like the way Maria did). But that also doesn't mean lackluster sex either as she does get very much into it. I think with a lot of these girls.communication and engaging in interesting conversation (especially if their english is good or you can speak conversational nihongo) is key. Finally, as some of you know, Erika does do obscure JAV (most of it from 2-3 years ago in the mature genre under at least 3 different stage names). This is probably common in this business anyway and might be why she has this professional/business like approach (which some see as a reserved demeanor) with her clients. I bring this up since it is sort of relevant to the experience I had with her. She is likely in her mid-30's but easily passes for the age mentioned on the AM website. The way I looked at it, you get the equivalent of well aged liquor with Erika. Furthermore, the pictures on the AM website don't do her justice. The attachment in this report is a screen grab from one of her later vids (I still blurred the face except her eyes in one of the shots just to give a better idea of what a knockout she actually is).-=-=-=-=- (2nd report)Next up was Ayuko. Her name is no longer listed on the site though (but the actual page is still there) so I'm going to keep this part of the report short since the details may no longer matter. I still wanted to relay how the evening went despite my booking her knowing that she wasn't very experienced (based on other reports). She was a real cute sweetie (happy down to earth personality) and since we clicked immediately, there was a definitive GFE throughout the session.We sat and shot the breeze initially for around 20 minutes. She was particularly engaging in that sense; bubbly is how I would describe her conversation. It crossed my mind several times that she isn't the type of girl you'd expect in this line of work. Since the hotel room I was in had a large jacuzzi tub, decided to make use of that. Taking a bath was never that much fun and sort of set the tone for the rest of the session as we started playing around in the tub (then moved to the bed before we got wrinkled like prunes).Her skill level and BJ technique was definitely a bit clumsy but because we had developed such a great initial repertoire, I helped her out a bit by giving her some subtle suggestions. She was able to relax quite a bit such that despite her inexperience, FS turned out to better than expected as we really got into DFK and an actual lovemaking sort of intimacy; most of the session was having intercourse until I popped. After showering, we talked a bit more until it was time for her to leave. Gave her a small omiyage at which she gave a really big hug, kiss and wished me a nice trip home (since I was leaving in a few days).I was sort of bummed when I didn't see her name on the AM site because I would've gladly requested her again. So while she may no longer be an option, I still wanted to report my experience which turned out to be pretty good. In the end, I was glad I didn't over-think when I scheduled either of these girls since they both turned out to be extremely satisfying experiences.EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-11-08, 04:57
Finally, as some of you know, Erika does do obscure JAV (most of it from 2-3 years ago in the mature genre under at least 3 different stage names).Great report. Care to share the stage names she used for the AV work?

04-11-08, 05:26
Called today and asked for one of the girls and he said not available until after 8:00 p.m. The guy spoke almost zero English and for one reason or another this just didn't seem like it was a good situation. Thanked him and probably won't try this place.
Only one cellphone number as contact, typical Russian English, and a photoshopped "police registration no 47"?That smells like Alla to me. But I am looking forward to your report.

04-11-08, 06:54
Can you post Erika's JAV photo in the "Photo Gallery" so members can view it?

Guy Jin
04-11-08, 07:10
I'm going to be in Akasaka for a few days next week. I had been asking AM some questions by email, and they said the love hotels in Akasaka are older and more expensive, and the ones in Shibuya are nicer. Does anybody have a recommendation for a good love hotel in Shibuya?

04-11-08, 08:14
Great report. Care to share the stage names she used for the AV work?This would mean you identify her face (and genitals for that matter) in a public form. Not a good idea; if these requests persists I hope the moderator steps in.

Ice Tea13
04-11-08, 12:29
I don`t know either how they handle the credit card; I suppose they have have little card reader that they can give to the girls.You give your card number over the phone, then when the girl arrives she will give you a paper authoriation slip to sign. That's all.

04-11-08, 12:38
[QUOTE=Asakusa Senbei]Since the hotel room I was in had a large jacuzzi tub, decided to make use of that. Taking a bath was never that much fun and sort of set the tone for the rest of the session as we started playing around in the tub (then moved to the bed before we got wrinkled like prunes).Asakusa, I also like large tubs/Jacuzzis.In which hotel did you stay???

Ice Tea13
04-11-08, 12:47
Just wanted to quickly share: it seems that both Rumi and Keiko are the most popular at the NastyD joint. Well, either that or there is something else going on. I called a few times and in both cases these girls are not available the day of or the next day. Is this experience consistent with the other members? Have anyone actually succeeded in booking one of them?

04-12-08, 09:57
Hi,Phones. You can go to a Vodaphone store and buy a prepaid Enjourno model for about $75 USD. You will need to show your passport when you buy, don't know why. You can buy addition minutes at many convenience stores or from Vodaphone store. Yoshiwara is not Tobita. Most stores are much more expensive. Think of them as 2, 3 or 4 star restaurants. If they have a table available and you drop in they would usually seat you. If they know you they might make a table available. But they would prefer to work through reservations. And it is much less stress for you.Tux, Thanks for your reply. Would you happen to have the number for the place that accepts gajin.I guess, once I look at the website then I can call and say something like Atsuko san wa watashi no okiniiri. Meaning this ***** is my fav. Other then that I can spit words but I'm rough with sentences. But, if you have any number or addy that would be helpful and price range. I'm looking for super cute petite C cup tits no fake tits.

04-12-08, 21:29
I'm going to be in Akasaka for a few days next week. I had been asking AM some questions by email, and they said the love hotels in Akasaka are older and more expensive, and the ones in Shibuya are nicer. Does anybody have a recommendation for a good love hotel in Shibuya?My recommendation would be that you go to the Dogenzaka area in Shibuya, which has the highest concentration of LH, and just walk around until you find one with a room available that suits your fancy.

04-13-08, 04:26
I'm going to be in Akasaka for a few days next week. I had been asking AM some questions by email, and they said the love hotels in Akasaka are older and more expensive, and the ones in Shibuya are nicer. Does anybody have a recommendation for a good love hotel in Shibuya?As Shomohin said, just walk around Love Hotel hill in Shibuya. There are more of those things there that you have seen in your entire life, and competition alone assures a good standard.Even with a recommendation for a particular LH in hand, you would waste time trying to locate the thing in the maze of the hill.That said, if you really want to research this, here is a page with descriptions:http://h.dixy.jp/search/railroad/as/6/sh/hYs.html

04-14-08, 07:54
This would mean you identify her face (and genitals for that matter) in a public form. Not a good idea; if these requests persists I hope the moderator steps in.ERIKA is no doubt yet another stage name. She has worked in the AV industry and told people about it. I don't see where this would be illegal/immoral, given the business she is in now. Many Pink girls girls have AV experience and list it on their resumes at shops.Now posting facial picts of a girl you just met via NAMPA and telling her real name-that would be a mistake.

04-14-08, 14:05
ERIKA is no doubt yet another stage name. She has worked in the AV industry and told people about it. I don't see where this would be illegal/immoral, given the business she is in now. Many Pink girls girls have AV experience and list it on their resumes at shops.Now posting facial picts of a girl you just met via NAMPA and telling her real name-that would be a mistake."illegal/immoral" got nothing to do with it. The point is that by posting links to her porn productions, you give a face to Erika. If Erika wanted her face to appear on the AM website, she would have given permission to do so.The porn actress "M.F." is one thing, and Erika is another. By drawing a line between the two, you publish information which the person in question does not want published.I am kind of flummoxed that I actually have to to *explain* this.Again, if these public request persists, I hope the moderator steps in.

Hot Bot
04-15-08, 12:09
Nino, I'd suggest you chill out about this, and save the morality crap for elsewhere. This site is specifically for talking about the girls we pay for services - information that is otherwise not available on their home pages. Giving a name is no big deal. I'm almost sure it's been mentioned before anyway.

04-15-08, 14:07
Nino, I'd suggest you chill out about this, and save the morality crap for elsewhere. This site is specifically for talking about the girls we pay for services - information that is otherwise not available on their home pages. Giving a name is no big deal. I'm almost sure it's been mentioned before anyway.This is no "morality crap". If the girl wanted her face on the AM website, it would be there.I am flabbergasted that some members here are unable to understand that.Actually, the stage name has been mentioned on another website and was quickly deleted by the moderator.

Manta Ray
04-15-08, 14:09
this afternoon i was just scouting around on tokyo pink guide (tpg) web site and noticed an ?este? (massage) place in gotanda called chou raku (長楽), so thought i?d check it out.got to gotanda around 4pm armed with the accurate map from the chou raku web site (see tpg ). there is not really a visible sign from the street--have to look in the building entrance for the sign near the elevator. go up to the 5th floor. i rang the bell and was let in by the youngish chinese mamasan. no problem that i am a gaijin, though i did speak only japanese to her. this is a chinese place and all the girls are chinese. the mamasan quickly got out her notebook to explain the ?system?, telling me that the most popular course is 60 minute oil massage for y10000. at that point, given my numerous experiences with chinese massage places in tokyo (where the girls often try to nickel and dime you to death before they even lay a finger on you), i asked if the y10000 is the total price, adding that i would not be happy if the girl started asking for more money in the room. mamasan smiled knowingly and assured me that the girls there don?t do that. she even said ?yakusoku? (promise)!so, i went with the y10000 course and was immediately ushered into the ?room?, well not exactly a room, as it was separated from the next one by only a thick curtain. nonetheless, the clean space, freshly folded towels on the massage table, subdued red lighting, and wafting sounds of chinese ballads made the atmosphere quite conducive. my gal soon came in (sorry forgot her name), cute, slim, and very pleasant in her demeanor--a shanghai native who has been in japan for only a year, but with very respectable conversational japanese. she asked me to strip off completely and put all my valuables (wallet, cell phone, etc.) in a waterproof plastic bag which i took to the shower with me. i showered alone, but she remained there to dry me off and escort me back to the room for the massage.my gal (wearing a short, loose sexy little one-piece), asked me if i wanted powder or oil, and hard, medium or soft. i went with oil and medium-hard. the massage itself was very thorough, using lots of deliciously warm oil, just the right amount of pressure and including a goodly dose of therapeutic joint stretching and back cracking. toward the end of the first half (still on my stomach), she got nicely up close and personal for about 5 minutes, with a fair amount of highly erotic shaft stroking and rubbing. felt wonderful! after that, she completely covered me in hot towels to steam for a couple of minutes before removing them and asking me to turn over onto my back. once on my back, she slathered lots more warm oil onto my thighs and proceeded to focus her magical hands full-on my my rigid member. with a very smooth, skilled manner she stroked, tickled and rubbed while sitting on the edge of the table, kind of resting her head on my shoulder?very sweet. she didn?t mind at all my hands roaming inside her dress fondling her breasts, though when my fingers got the edge of her panties, she did ever so sweetly whisper in my ear, ?gomen ne, seiri desu kara, chotto?? (?sorry, but i?m having my period??), while gently guiding my hand back up north. she continued working her magic in a very unrushed, tender kind of way, until i couldn't hold it any longer and exploded. with that, she smiled and offered a sweet ?otsukaresama?. she covered me up again with towels, told me to relax, and then after about 5 minutes, guided me to another shower, with her waiting to dry me off. back to the room, where she brought me a cup of tea, i got dressed, and we chatted amicably for about 5 more minutes about the relative difficulties of learing japanese and chinese. a nice hug and kiss goodbye and off i went a very happy camper. as i was leaving, mamasan asked me how the service was, and when i said it was very good and that my gal was ?yasashii?, she replied with a smile that all the girls there are ?yasashii?. all in all a very nice, unrushed, pleasant experience for the grand total of y10000.editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Hot Bot
04-15-08, 15:56
Anyone would think that *you* are in the videos she's released ;)Weren't you the one who was talking about how AM girls were real life friends with each other? I seem to recall a couple of them got into trouble about that.

Hot Bot
04-15-08, 17:36
I've tried a couple of deriheru around the chuo line recently. One is Lovely Kiss in Shinjuku and the other is Welcome Cafe in Kitijouzi (they also have in other areas I think). Both were fine with foreigners. The former didn't even ask my nationality - the man on the phone seemed to speak in broken Japanese anyway, so I believe he was foreign, Welcome Cafe ask their girls at the start whether they're ok with foreigners.Lovely Kiss was 15,000 for an hour, including the delivery fee. The girl I chose doesn't seem to be advertised on the site anymore, so maybe not there any more. She was pretty bad though - quite old, unattractive and definitely unenthusiastic. Gave me a bad massage, then started a forced CBJ, and then asked for 5,000 for FS. When I refused, she ceased the BJ, and started to tug on me with her hand anyway. I was pretty turned off at this point so she kept complaining I was "tsuyoi" and in the end I couldn't climax and she left 15k better off. A lot of the girls on the site are cute, so I am wondering if they are operating a bait & switch practise.Welcome Cafe have been good almost every time I've tried them. One of the girls, Mami, is softer, and most of her clients are older gentlemen, she said. She also told me that there is a company similar to AM that is invite only, where she used to work. They service foreigners exclusively. Alas, I could not get the details. Karen and Mai are both great though. Both enthusiastic and eager to please. The price here is a little more - 20,000 for 90 mins, and no FS seems to be on the cards. All the girls here have very good technique though.As always, Japanese is required for both services, though.

04-15-08, 22:10
Nino, I'd suggest you chill out about this, and save the morality crap for elsewhere. This site is specifically for talking about the girls we pay for services - information that is otherwise not available on their home pages. Giving a name is no big deal. I'm almost sure it's been mentioned before anyway.Her AV "stage name" was (and still is) mentioned right here in this forum -- I used it to find a few movies, which were actually pretty good. Ironically, the person who revealed the info was Nino himself.

Manta Ray
04-16-08, 00:02
I have used Heiseijogakuen Shibuya branch many times, but not in the past few months. Though their gals who are willing to service gaijin seem to be few, the tencho guys have always been polite and they've always managed to steer me to a gal who is gaijin-willing. However, not too long ago I read on this forum (forgot who wrote it), that HeiseiJogakuen Shibuya is no longer Gaijin Friendly. That would be a pity as their service has always been good and the and the gals always sweet. Can any of you offer some more recent experience of this provider regarding it's gaijin policy? Also, do any of you know of any other Fashion Health/Este type places in Shibuya who are definitely gaijin friendly? Thanks and happy mongering!

04-16-08, 05:15
I was turned down in Shibuya and Shimbashi last month. I expected to be so I wasn't so disappointed. It seems that whenever a place gets mentioned here it's only a matter of time before we are cut off.
I have used Heiseijogakuen Shibuya branch many times, but not in the past few months. Though their gals who are willing to service gaijin seem to be few, the tencho guys have always been polite and they've always managed to steer me to a gal who is gaijin-willing. However, not too long ago I read on this forum (forgot who wrote it), that HeiseiJogakuen Shibuya is no longer Gaijin Friendly. That would be a pity as their service has always been good and the and the gals always sweet. Can any of you offer some more recent experience of this provider regarding it's gaijin policy? Also, do any of you know of any other Fashion Health/Este type places in Shibuya who are definitely gaijin friendly? Thanks and happy mongering!

04-16-08, 08:26
I think NY Ebisu is from the same company and I got in less than a month ago.
I was turned down in Shibuya and Shimbashi last month. I expected to be so I wasn't so disappointed. It seems that whenever a place gets mentioned here it's only a matter of time before we are cut off.

Dire Wolf98
04-16-08, 18:55
ERIKA is no doubt yet another stage name. She has worked in the AV industry and told people about it. I don't see where this would be illegal/immoral, given the business she is in now. Many Pink girls girls have AV experience and list it on their resumes at shops.Now posting facial picts of a girl you just met via NAMPA and telling her real name-that would be a mistake.I met several girls at Soaplands and Fashion Health Clubs who did a little AV work. Through my Date Club, I met Nakajima Risa, who became a prolithic JAV actress; although she had started out at Seiki 21 in Shibuya and several places in Yoshiwara before going full time in JAV.

Dire Wolf98
04-16-08, 19:02
Day FourIt's hard to top Miho. Perhaps I should have just asked her to come back for the last two nights of my stay. I should have. I should have!Day Four was a Friday. Therefore, I was looking forward to the weekend in many respects. I was having a good week in terms of meetings/business. And it appears that I will have various business-related reasons to make return trips to Tokyo -- if all goes well, probably one-to-three three times per year.Another long-distance contact I made from the U.S. was with an independent escort who is fairly well-known in Tokyo: Sakura, a.k.a. Tokyo Playgirl. I had not heard from her all week. During the day I thought: if it happens, great. If not, it won't ruin my trip.After my meetings concluded, my colleagues and I went out for dinner and drinks. It turned into: drinks; dinner with drink; followed by more drinking. It was a fun night in Roppongi.When I returned to my hotel room, I saw an e-mail from Sakura: call me if you are still interested. I was hammered, but thought, why not? I reached Sakura on her cell phone and she said she would be at my room in 30 minutes. And, she was right on time.Sakura is tall, has a nice body, smooth skin, but a so-so face. Still, I was immediately turned-on. Paid her Y30,000 for one hour and we were in the shower in a flash. Onto the bed for some kissing to LFK to tongue bath to DATY. Although it took awhile for her to get off, Sakura was really into the DATY part. She became all cuddly as she kissed and stroked me.Our bodies remained intertwined for a bit as we stroked and cuddled. Perhaps I was too used to Miho from the night before. After a while Sakura glanced at the clock, jumped up and said, "Time's up." I immediately told her that I didn't book the appointment for the sole purpose of going down on her. So, she started on me - licking me from top to bottom, although she seemed rushed. Her BBBJ skills were quite good. However, when it came time for the finish, the alcohol was taking its toll. I suggested that we finish with 69 and Sakura provided an excellent BBBJ.Q: Is Sakura worth booking/seeing?A: Yes, I have a feeling that she will improve with repeat sessions. However, I like Miho better, although isn't an escort -- she's a regular girl with a real job and I was lucky enough to meet her when she was involved in my Date Club.Q: Will I repeat with Sakura?A: Probably. I'll try to avoid drinking too much next time.Sakura's website:http://www.geocities.jp/tokyoplaygirl_s Day Five'I took the mission. What the hell else was I gonna do?'-- Captain Benjamin L. Willard, "Apocalypse Now"Day Five was a Saturday. That evening I was scheduled to have a date with a J-Girl whom I met on the Internet. We had exchanged e-mails, pix and chatted via Instant Messenger. If I was smart, I would have slept all day and charged my batteries for the marathon sex session that I was anticipating. Sometimes, I'm quite stupid. I woke-up somewhat early because I still wasn't 100% adjusted to the time difference. I did some shopping and a little bit of sight-seeing/reminiscing. Eventually, I tried to nap, but couldn't sleep.I met my Internet date at a Starbucks in Marunouchi. The moment that she showed-up, I was really bummed. She has a cute face and big rack, but she is chunkier than her pictures portrayed. And her Internet/website profile stated her body type as "A Few Extra Pounds." She should consult with Miho-chan about her terminology.I knew that she was short, but her lack of height accentuated her less flattering features. And, when we left Starbucks, she was indecisive as to where we should dine. I had semi-depended upon her to pick a nice restaurant. We ended-up wandering all over Marunouchi as she periodically muttered about the restaurants that interested her.So, I'm exhausted I'm with a girl that I'm not into, and I am surrounded by dozens of skinnier cute J-Girls parading past me. Eventually, I pressed her into selecting a place. Food was okay. I continued to glance out the window at the J-Girls walking by: my last night in town and I'm stuck with a short chubby girl. Bummer!I thought: I could cut-and-run, then roll the dice at Motown. But exhaustion and laziness got the best of me. Also, I kept thinking that this girl took a 90-minute train ride from the suburbs to have sex with me. The check came: Y22,000 -- which would have been fine if I had been dining with a cuter girl.Back at my hotel, we hop into bed. Although the lights are off, I can see that her tight-fitting clothes masked the fact that she was even chubbier than I imagined. Bummer!She has some points in her favor: very good BBBJ skills, a tight pussy and really likes to talk dirty. I closed my eyes and dreamed of Miho -- which helped me to perform. The next morning it was less than thrilling to wake up and see her naked. Our goodbye was not romantic, but she might be used to that.Q: Will I repeat with the short chubby J-Girl from the Net?A: No.======================Post-Trip ConclusionsMy love for Tokyo hasn't diminished; and I am ecstatic that I will be making regular return visits. On my next trip, I might try to squeeze-in visits to Yoshiwara and Kabukicho. I love Soaplands, so Yoshiwara is a great neighborhood. And, despite the down-market atmosphere of Kabukicho, I'd like to see if any of my favorite Full Service take-out hostess bars are still in business.I look forward to my next trip -- if and when that happens. Miho and I have periodically exchanged calls and e-mails.There could be other opportunities with some J-Girls with whom I missed connections for that last trip: the struggling model who strayed into nude modeling that I met through my Date Club; and a 25yo skinny OL that I met on the Net.And, there is also on long-shot: a girl that I met at a Shibuya Image Health Club -- she worked there temporarily when she was in-between jobs and gave me her number. We used to meet once every three months or so. Prior to our first meeting outside the shop I asked, "So, how much are you going to charge me?" She replied, "Charge? No charge. I want to be your sex friend." She is married but she still occasional sends me e-mails on how she still fantasizes about me and how she wants to get together.Regarding the issue of limited gaijin access to shops, my opinion is that there are numerous P4P and non-P4P opportunities for those apply initiative. For those guys who live in Tokyo and learn to speak Japanese, they have a gold mine at their disposal. There are a lot of fish in the sea -- you don't have to eat every single one.On a related subject, here is one view that might spark some controversy: if I could pick any city in Asia for a one-year packaged ex-pat assignment, my top five choices would be:1. Tokyo2. Singapore3. Bangkok4. Taipei5. SeoulEDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Gaijin Otoko
04-17-08, 13:59
Direwolf. Good report. I just wanted to note that Sakura's website is gone. I tried back in January to make an appointment with her in March (yes, I plan much too far ahead). She said she might not be available in March because she was leaving. I hope not, but I fear she has moved on!

Tom the Pom
04-17-08, 15:11
Good reading Dire Wolf, job well done.If you are not interested in the last girl, and want to help out a guy who has a thing for short fat big breasted girls, drop me a note with her addy.Cheers mate

Bar Pillar
04-18-08, 00:20
I had a session with her late last year. I agree with the below post. She is tall and has a really nice body. Her face was not at the same level but she made up for it in terms of personality. She is eager to please and very sensual. I emailed earlier this year and she let me know she is back in Australia. My guess is that she will be back eventually--when she runs out of money or maxes her visa, but who knows if she gets back in the biz.

04-18-08, 07:31
Day FourOn a related subject, here is one view that might spark some controversy: if I could pick any city in Asia for a one-year packaged ex-pat assignment, my top five choices would be:1. Tokyo2. Singapore3. Bangkok4. Taipei5. SeoulNice well-written report, and I like the self-depreciating humor as well. Reminds me of your old reports (yes, I have been on this board since time began...).I am surprised by the choice of Singapore as #2, since it is not known as a hotbed of action. But I suppose for the well-financed ex-pat who is connected it might provide a lot of hot intelligent Asian gals looking for foreign playmates.

04-18-08, 11:45
nice well-written report, and i like the self-depreciating humor as well. reminds me of your old reports (yes, i have been on this board since time began...).i am surprised by the choice of singapore as #2, since it is not known as a hotbed of action. but i suppose for the well-financed ex-pat who is connected it might provide a lot of hot intelligent asian gals looking for foreign playmates.interetsing list..as a businessman touring souteast asia and japan regularly, i will add my few cents here..i would also choose tokyo over bangkok and singapore, if i was to choose between those 3 cities for an expat positon. why? because this is the city which offers the best mix of global interest, and original and adventurous mongering. if i was only interested in mongering, i would pick up bangkok. i love being in bangkok for a few days, i experienced the bars, the soapies, oilies, bj bars etc.. but i wonder if i would not get bored after some time. ( i am married and do not look for any long term gf).tokyo, on the contrary is always full of surprises; granted, you need efforts, and accept a lot of failures. but a good reading of the forum, and some perseverance can get you far. almost at each of my visits, i have experienced a new kind of service, and what i liked was that i was not too sure of what to expect. where else can you see a peeing show in a strip club? or being allowed to finger the dancer, and/or wach inside her with an endoscope? no, i am not a pervert, but i am amazed that such things happen, and i am more excited by the fact that it happens, than by the facts themselves... also, being not so young anynore, i can't spend 24h f.....and tokyo has all those shows to keep you going and recharging during recovery periods.as for singapore, i like then efficiency and convenience. just the opposite of tokyo, no effort, you know what you get and where to get it, geylang is a fantastic stop for transiting passenger, ot easy and safe .. but, boy, living there, i would feel claustrophobic within weeks..i don't know taipeh and seoul...

Dire Wolf98
04-18-08, 12:22
Nice well-written report, and I like the self-depreciating humor as well. Reminds me of your old reports (yes, I have been on this board since time began...).I am surprised by the choice of Singapore as #2, since it is not known as a hotbed of action. But I suppose for the well-financed ex-pat who is connected it might provide a lot of hot intelligent Asian gals looking for foreign playmates.Quick reply.Singapore has a lot to offer. When I visited, I had a lot of fun:Geylang - Thai girls for as little as S$40 for 30 minutes; Mayalsian Chinese girls for between S$150 and S$200.Lower-end escorts for for S$250 per hour; very attractive higher end escorts for about S$400 per hour and S$800 for three hours.Take-out at Orchard Tower bars, mostly Thai free-lancers, starting at S$150 per hour.That's all off the top of my head.

Dire Wolf98
04-18-08, 14:24
dreams,i also suspect that i would become easily bored in bangkok, but the hobbying scene can be predictable. on the plus side, the food is great and the culture is fantastic.tokyo has so much more to offer.i also suspect that singapore could trigger claustrophobia, but battam, phuket and bangkok are easily accessible. it is efficient and offers commuters some good options for a treat on the way home from work. i could take singapore for one year.as i said, i prefer tokyo.the dire wolf
interetsing list.as a businessman touring souteast asia and japan regularly, i will add my few cents here.i would also choose tokyo over bangkok and singapore, if i was to choose between those 3 cities for an expat positon. why? because this is the city which offers the best mix of global interest, and original and adventurous mongering.if i was only interested in mongering, i would pick up bangkok. i love being in bangkok for a few days, i experienced the bars, the soapies, oilies, bj bars etc.. but i wonder if i would not get bored after some time. ( i am married and do not look for any long term gf).tokyo, on the contrary is always full of surprises; granted, you need efforts, and accept a lot of failures. but a good reading of the forum, and some perseverance can get you far. almost at each of my visits, i have experienced a new kind of service, and what i liked was that i was not too sure of what to expect. where else can you see a peeing show in a strip club? or being allowed to finger the dancer, and/or wach inside her with an endoscope? no, i am not a pervert, but i am amazed that such things happen, and i am more excited by the fact that it happens, than by the facts themselves... also, being not so young anynore, i can't spend 24h f.....and tokyo has all those shows to keep you going and recharging during recovery periods.as for singapore, i like then efficiency and convenience. just the opposite of tokyo, no effort, you know what you get and where to get it, geylang is a fantastic stop for transiting passenger, ot easy and safe .. but, boy, living there, i would feel claustrophobic within weeks.i don't know taipeh and seoul...

04-18-08, 15:36
my top five choices would be:1. Tokyo2. Singapore3. Bangkok4. Taipei5. SeoulYou left out Hong Kong/Macau. Currently, that city combo surpasses Bangkok in my top-five, due to their currency peg and some fantastic service I received in Macau recently. Tokyo would not be my number 1 for mongering. But for hunting, definitely number 1. Number 1 for kink too, but I'm pushing a commitment, so I can't go to them now in Japan. Ahh!Gyaos.

Dire Wolf98
04-18-08, 15:54
You left out Hong Kong/Macau. Currently, that city combo surpasses Bangkok in my top-five, due to their currency peg and some fantastic service I received in Macau recently. Tokyo would not be my number 1 for mongering. But for hunting, definitely number 1. Number 1 for kink too, but I'm pushing a commitment, so I can't go to them now in Japan. Ahh!Gyaos.I like Hong Kong, never been to Macau.The air quality in Hong Kong would be a be negative in my desire to be posted in that city.

Guy Jin
04-18-08, 16:36
Mako also has good GFE reports so she will be another option. Do you like thin? If you do like thin, and I mean thin, not just slim or slight. Then you'll like Mako. She has a great smile, nice big eyes, she's a great kisser, and she knows what she's doing, but she's quite thin.

Johnny West
04-18-08, 18:19
Arrived in Tokyo a couple of days ago. Was in Ueno yesterday so I dropped by NYNY. Very easy to find with the directions provided on the forum. The guy sent me to the cashier immediately, started to bring me upstairs, then stopped and had me spin this little wheel that drops a ball out. He was very disappointed when it came out white. Weird. He pulled me into an interior waiting room where I sat a few minutes. I think he was just anxious to get me out of the front lobby.The service was as described. A good washing on that funny stool, a bath, short massage, BBBJ, 69, cuddling, fondling, smooching and jerking until completion. Overall quite pleasant. There was an awkward void at the end that would have been filled with me giving a tip if I weren?t such a cheap bastard. But I also recall reading here that cash gifts are a mistake so I don?t feel real bad.As has been mentioned about the providers before, the woman I had did not look like a Shibuya girl. But she was very nice and if it hadn?t been for some unfortunate teeth, would have been attractive. Overall an interesting and worthy experience. Don't know if I need to do it again though.I?ve done a lot of walking around Shinjuku.Aside from the Africans and massaji girls a few Japanese guys have offered to take me to what I think are called hostess bars. You go to drink and talk to japanese girls who can be had for take out. Or so they say. Didn?t partake because one guy was saying the girls were 20, 000 to 30, 000 plus hotel. I wasn?t motivated enough to take the risk at the time. Maybe another time.

The Tanuki
04-19-08, 02:38
You left out Hong Kong/Macau. Currently, that city combo surpasses Bangkok in my top-five, due to their currency peg and some fantastic service I received in Macau recently. Tokyo would not be my number 1 for mongering. But for hunting, definitely number 1. Number 1 for kink too, but I'm pushing a commitment, so I can't go to them now in Japan. Ahh!Gyaos.I think you hit it on splitting Tokyo between mongering and hunting. Yes, if I was a bit younger and unmarried, Tokyo would be absolutely perfect for the hunting aspect. For mongering, as a gaijin it's problematic. Except for a current lull that started 4 weeks ago, lasting til probably October, Beijing is quite a good place. If the Mongolian Horde comes back to town, you owe it to yourself to partake of their awesome services. Plus there are a number of expat bars that are fun to hang out and party in. Tankuki

04-19-08, 05:20
Do you like thin? If you do like thin, and I mean thin, not just slim or slight. Then you'll like Mako. She has a great smile, nice big eyes, she's a great kisser, and she knows what she's doing, but she's quite thin.Yeah, everyone has said the same thing and her latest pics on AM definately reinforce her thinness. I've been thinking about Akubi since Big Popi gave her such a good review but am still undecided. I wish we had something like Toukaen in Osaka that let's you get a 3some for about an hour at 24,000 yen. Read post#521 in the Osaka forum for more details. Azure Knight has two 3some reports that have me green with envy. Why doesn't a big town like Tokyo have this or have I missed a critical report on this topic?

Tall American
04-19-08, 07:05
Logan,I think we will all will agree that we have missed any factual report from on any topic from you yet - besides critique of others' reports - so we welcome your first factual report. Waiting with open eyes for your first!

04-19-08, 13:44
Logan,I think we will all will agree that we have missed any factual report from on any topic from you yet - besides critique of others' reports - so we welcome your first factual report. Waiting with open eyes for your first!You'll be happy to know it wont be a long wait as I'm flying out on 4/29 and returning 5/6. I'll start my reports on 5/7 so look forward to it. BTW, since you said "on any topic" I did give a factual report on the location of an international ATM at the Tokyo train station for someone here to get cash, report#4048, smart guy.

04-19-08, 14:19
You'll be happy to know it wont be a long wait as I'm flying out on 4/29 and returning 5/6. I'll start my reports on 5/7 so look forward to it. Fine. Until then, can you spare us your comments?Thanks

Tall American
04-19-08, 16:14
I did give a factual report on the location of an international ATM at the Tokyo train station for someone here to get cash, report#4048, smart guy. Sounds like someone has selected the wrong International Guide for his 'factual reports'!

Guy Jin
04-19-08, 22:24
Yeah, everyone has said the same thing and her latest pics on AM definately reinforce her thinness.I'll just say that I saw the pics on AM before I called, and I had no idea.

The Tanuki
04-20-08, 10:28
Got myself some free time over the weekend, and decided to head out for a hummer today. Been quite awhile since I'd had the opportunity. As Shinjuku is much closer, I printed out the web coupon for Y2,000 discount and wandered in. The place was deserted at 4:45 or so, as expected. I decided to pick my poison, so the final price was Y8,000 after discount. I chose Nana, #32 from the 4 or 5 options. Then I got front-row seating inside. Funny to see the "No Sex" sign in English. LOLNana is of course not exactly the air-brushed girl in the photo, but by that time who cares. She's very nice and makes you feel at home (as much as possible in that sorta place with your knickers on the floor). Nice perky nipples and a muff that got wet right away. Nana got to work with some decent alternating BLS and the BBBJ. She was a workhorse, but couldn't get to the finish line so I gave a helping hand while she kept her lips over the head. Finally popped just as the guy was calling "Time" on the system. She was very appreciative of the help, and seemed rather tired out by the event. No complaining though, just mentioned she had challenges with the thickness and her small mouth. Well, anyhow I got my money's worth there. Might try the other shop in Ikebukuro next time I get a chance....Tankuki

04-20-08, 10:45
You'll be happy to know it wont be a long wait as I'm flying out on 4/29 and returning 5/6. I'll start my reports on 5/7 so look forward to it. BTW, since you said "on any topic" I did give a factual report on the location of an international ATM at the Tokyo train station for someone here to get cash, report#4048, smart guy.Wouah!How could I have missed such important and crucial info? Please accept our apologies, Logan! You are definitively the most useful contributor to this board! Please continue the good work! What about details about the best sushi near Shinjuku? Or how best to buy a tube ticket? We are all so eager to read!

04-20-08, 13:57
Wouah!How could I have missed such important and crucial info? Please accept our apologies, Logan! You are definitively the most useful contributor to this board! Please continue the good work! What about details about the best sushi near Shinjuku? Or how best to buy a tube ticket? We are all so eager to read!Funny how the people complaining about useless posts seem to have no problem with it when its their useless posts. Does the word "hypocrisy" ring a bell?

04-20-08, 14:01
I'll just say that I saw the pics on AM before I called, and I had no idea.Man, if she has that skeletal look where you can count her ribs and spine, I'll likely pass on her. Thanks for the info.

04-20-08, 17:12
You'll be happy to know it wont be a long wait as I'm flying out on 4/29 and returning 5/6. :D Economy class, no doubt. Gyaos.

04-20-08, 20:14
:D Economy class, no doubt. Gyaos.Saving my money for more important things :D:D

Guy Jin
04-21-08, 02:20
Man, if she has that skeletal look where you can count her ribs and spineThat's affirmative. I think either she lost a significant percentage of her body weight or other posters must be more familiar with extremes of that look, because I did my research before making a selection, but I was unprepared.

04-21-08, 05:30
That's affirmative. I think either she lost a significant percentage of her body weight or other posters must be more familiar with extremes of that look, because I did my research before making a selection, but I was unprepared.You could have read the forum... her thinness has been mentioned many times.And please stop feeding the troll!

04-21-08, 11:28
Funny how the people complaining about useless posts seem to have no problem with it when its their useless posts. Does the word "hypocrisy" ring a bell?If you took the time to check, you will see that some of us here have ALSO posted useful reports. Granted, half of my posts are comments like this one, of little interets, I have to admit, but others have been informative, and I have received thanks for them by many members.. So, no, i don't think there is any hypocrisy here, Sorry...And we are all still waiting for your FIRST ever reporting post.

Guy Jin
04-21-08, 12:46
You could have read the forum... her thinness has been mentioned many times.And please stop feeding the troll!Well, I was motivated to do my research because i wanted to make the most of my time in Tokyo -- I did read the forum, but not every single post. After seeing descriptions like "beautiful", "very nice body", "lovely", "much better looking in person", and a reference to her as an example of someone who trims her nether regions, I was satisfied and looked no further."On the thin side" and "attractively thin", as she has also been described, didn't suggest to me that I'd honestly be concerned for her safety and want to pay her in spring rolls. I'm 37 years old and I've never seen less meat and more bone outside of TV shows/commercials about life-threatening starvation. If you think I'm exaggerating, well, I can only assure you that I'm not. I did a Google site-specific search on this forum to get my info, and went through the first couple of pages of results. Maybe there are posts in the forum that would have gotten this across to me, but since one of the more positive comments was only four months old I figured I was in the clear.I gather that people have a problem with the "troll", but on the chance that he's actually going to Tokyo I'd rather he make an informed decision despite forum etiquette issues, and if he's not, the information is still there for anybody who might find it useful.

Guy Jin
04-21-08, 12:52
You could have read the forum... her thinness has been mentioned many times.Okay, I threw the word "skeleton" into my query and found the posts that would have told me. Just saying, there was plenty to throw me off the scent when I read the forum, since I didn't already know what to look for beforehand.

04-21-08, 17:23
Saving my money for more important things :D:DLadies and Gentlemen, we have a Cheap Charlie.Gyaos.

04-21-08, 19:43
Well, I was motivated to do my research because i wanted to make the most of my time in Tokyo -- I did read the forum, but not every single post. After seeing descriptions like "beautiful", "very nice body", "lovely", "much better looking in person", and a reference to her as an example of someone who trims her nether regions, I was satisfied and looked no further."On the thin side" and "attractively thin", as she has also been described, didn't suggest to me that I'd honestly be concerned for her safety and want to pay her in spring rolls. I'm 37 years old and I've never seen less meat and more bone outside of TV shows/commercials about life-threatening starvation. If you think I'm exaggerating, well, I can only assure you that I'm not. I did a Google site-specific search on this forum to get my info, and went through the first couple of pages of results. Maybe there are posts in the forum that would have gotten this across to me, but since one of the more positive comments was only four months old I figured I was in the clear.I gather that people have a problem with the "troll", but on the chance that he's actually going to Tokyo I'd rather he make an informed decision despite forum etiquette issues, and if he's not, the information is still there for anybody who might find it useful.Guy Jin,I've read several reports about Mako and while her thinness is mentioned, it is usually overshadowed by her GFE quality and big(fake) boobs so I appreciate your info because its recent and people can change physically quite quickly. I've decided to try either one of the other AM girls or Akubi from Club Boo because of your info so thank you. As for the "troll" thing, you can see who really qualifies for that name based on who likes to jump in to someone else's conversation with nothing more than garbage. Be assured the moderators are watching them.

04-21-08, 23:54
As for the "troll" thing, you can see who really qualifies for that name based on who likes to jump in to someone else's conversation with nothing more than garbage. Be assured the moderators are watching them.You have 72 posts and no reports. PM the conversation to each other. Thanks.Gyaos.

04-22-08, 00:19
It would be of great benefit to the forum for you all to add people you don't like to the ignore list (just a click away-go to User CP at top of this page, then on next page look down on the left for the Ignore/Buddy list tag)). And it would help us who have chosen to "ignore" someone if you did not quote the posts you dislike and want to complain about.

04-22-08, 01:02
I did this a long time ago and it works great. Gyaos: Why don't you try it? Ignoring trolls is easy that way instead of letting him or her [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) you off. He/She has absolutely nothing to add or say that is useful to this forum. A proven track record of that is hidden in plain sight.
It would be of great benefit to the forum for you all to add people you don't like to the ignore list (just a click away-go to User CP at top of this page, then on next page look down on the left for the Ignore/Buddy list tag)). And it would help us who have chosen to "ignore" someone if you did not quote the posts you dislike and want to complain about.

04-22-08, 01:14
It would be of great benefit to the forum for you all to add people you don't like to the ignore list (just a click away-go to User CP at top of this page, then on next page look down on the left for the Ignore/Buddy list tag)). And it would help us who have chosen to "ignore" someone if you did not quote the posts you dislike and want to complain about.I`ll try the ignore list feature now. Of course, I take the risk of not getting the latest information about where to find an ATM in Tokyo Station, but I think I can live with the pain, hahaha.

Tall American
04-22-08, 05:11
I'll 'second' the motion to ignore our Troll and let it get on with saving its time, energy and money for the so-called trip and real reports to come. Photos for verifying authenticity are recommended!BTW, having passed the Tokyo Station mentioned ATM some 2,000 times on my way to work - zero J-girl action unless you can connect with OL's across the street which I have done during sharing lunches together. From there, the Yaesu Fujiya Hotel offers a special 7,000 yen afternoon use of their rooms when available before overnight checkins.