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Thread: Lady Marmalade Parties

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  1. #383

    When to pay at LMP

    Your valuables, mobile(cell) phone cash and credit cards are put in a sealed and signed envelope at the start of any party. I have only ever seen a guest pay at the end of the party when he picks up his valuables envelope.

  2. #382
    Tipping the ladies I have never done this, you basically pay at the end.

    But the usual scenario is you arive, shower, and get stuck in 2 hours, 7 hot ladies and you do as much partying as you can.

    Beer, coke, drinks and nibbles are available upstairs for when you need a breather and then at the end get dressed and pay.
    I thought all the parties including LMP that I have been to in London were, Cash up front.

    The same rule in Parlours and indie girls in London.

  3. #381


    Niceguy & Emma,

    Thank you for the relpies and the warm welcome. I look forward to attending one evening. I will call when I know what night I can make it. Looking forward to it.


  4. #380
    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha D

    Help. I will be in town this week and over the weekend. Coming from across the Pond. A Yankee in King Authur's Court, so to speak. I want to sample LMP but also know that there are other good choices local to my hotel on Park Lane. Please help me decide.

    Is the amount listed on your site all that I will need or is tipping customary at your parties?

    PM if necessary to give more details.

    In anticipation of a great time in the UK,

    AD (I am a regular on USASG under that same moniker)

    Alpha D
    Hi buddy,

    The good hotels I recommend are.

    Metropole in edgware road, and lancaster hotel in lancaster gate but park lane is usually where the top hotels are.

    Tipping the ladies I have never done this, you basically pay at the end.

    But the usual scenario is you arive, shower, and get stuck in 2 hours, 7 hot ladies and you do as much partying as you can.

    Beer, coke, drinks and nibbles are available upstairs for when you need a breather and then at the end get dressed and pay.

  5. #379
    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha D

    Help. I will be in town this week and over the weekend. Coming from across the Pond. A Yankee in King Authur's Court, so to speak. I want to sample LMP but also know that there are other good choices local to my hotel on Park Lane. Please help me decide.

    Is the amount listed on your site all that I will need or is tipping customary at your parties?

    PM if necessary to give more details.

    In anticipation of a great time in the UK,

    AD (I am a regular on USASG under that same moniker)

    Alpha D
    Hi Alpha,

    Lovely to hear from you.

    As anyone who has attended any of my parties will confirm, there are no hidden or extra costs to enhance your visit.

    Whilst some guests may arrive with a little gift or may tip the girls collectively or individually, there is no expectation on any ones part for this to happen. In fact, we would ask anyone who did wish to tip to do so very discretely either with the girl directly or with Chris who will pass it on. This is to ensure no one feels obligated.

    As for alternative choices, I will leave that to others better qualified to answer but If you want any further information, please contact me either through the site or directly.

    Hope to see you soon.

    Hugs and kisses



  6. #378

    Eenie Meenie Miney Mo


    Help. I will be in town this week and over the weekend. Coming from across the Pond. A Yankee in King Authur's Court, so to speak. I want to sample LMP but also know that there are other good choices local to my hotel on Park Lane. Please help me decide.

    Is the amount listed on your site all that I will need or is tipping customary at your parties?

    PM if necessary to give more details.

    In anticipation of a great time in the UK,

    AD (I am a regular on USASG under that same moniker)

    Alpha D

  7. #377
    Hi Chris,

    Lovely to catch up with you again and I am glad you enjoyed yourself.

    Thank you for posting your feedback. I totally agree that, whilst nice and flattering, constantly good and glowing reports can occasionally lead the more sceptical reader to doubt their accuracy or the indeed the authors impartiality. Nobody likes criticism but there is no such thing as perfection so I will always welcome honest feedback and suggestions.

    I am glad you brought up the subject of, as you quaintly put it, multiple persons 'tango. ' Love the term. As you know, nothing is every scripted at a party but the ladies and I try to encourage MPT. After all, this is what partying is about. However, too many guys hang back hoping to have a girl on their own. This can lead to all the girls occupied 1-2-1 reduce the chances group action and also a FMF chain. The girls can only encourage so much but can't really force the guys to join in. Possibly the situation was more obvious as many of the girls were very new and just finding their feet. But they are quick learners.

    As I said, great to see you again and thanks for the feedback. Look forward to your next visit.

    Hugs and kisses



  8. #376

    Sacred Rose?

    Is Sacred Rose in action?

    Their website is down!

  9. #375

    Lady Marmalade: high standards to live up to

    i wondered whether i should submit yet another report on an lmp session this week. it can get a bit wearisome for non-fans to see partygoers endlessly singing lmp's praises! something i have been almost terminally guilty of myself it could be argued here and at even greater length somewhere that i have (fortunately for you) lost the link, or a comparison with sacred rose* here, after a rather lengthy initial lmp report here, another one here and my first visit here.

    there's a rule in writing a review that, if you only say good things, people are less likely to believe you than if you at least include some minor negatives. the worst i have been able to find before was an excess (for me) of lube - something speedily corrected by emma on my next visit (from memory and without asking) and some considerable time later.

    now if this (recent) party was the only i had been to, i would no doubt be unable to find much to criticise. the only way i can say it wasn't quite as outstanding is by comparing it to the previous few visits. so it may well be subjective, just as nothing quite compares to one's first orgasm but at least it's criticism, and shows my blood wasn't totally drained from my head.

    it's meant constructively - mainly in case emma and moss can spot anything useful in the feedback. so i will detail the areas where i think attention to maintain standards might be useful - although i expect they may well be ahead of me on this. at very least, i hope to offer a more balanced report than i have been accused of giving before, and maybe it will even encourage people to go find out for themselves.

    when: i went for the first two hours of last saturday afternoon's party (24th april).

    the atmosphere, as always, couldn't be faulted. i always look froward to seeing emma again. i could happily spend two hours chatting and joking with her (we even managed to fit some of that in as i dash from one lady to the next). i was very sorry to see moss was away on some personal matters, which i hope are resolved soon - all the best mate. you were missed. as was chris (on his day off).

    i come in and jessica fetches me a glass of wine while i chat eagerly to tiffany - whose impressive pornstar credits i have been reading up on during the journey here.

    soon the party starts and we are all chased downstairs. i didn't do a headcount, but i would say at this point the male-female ration was roughly even. there were maybe a few extra males as things proceeded, but i was never short of a warm pussy or nice squeezy bits to fondle. i noticed the odd male hanging back once or twice and tried to support tiffany's urgent pleas to them to join in, but i guess some people do actually like to watch.

    i think tiffany was maybe the second lady i sessioned with. i would have at least liked to wash the taste of condom off but, like a real professional,*** she is eagerly after my cock. i also enjoyed seeing the awesome tattoo up close that i'd seen on some of her internet pictures (was going to link it but can't find it now - maybe it's in her videos).

    often when girls say they offer 'pornstar experience' it means just fairly gymnastic full-on sex without the touchy-feely stuff. but with tiffany, i instantly sense how there is more too it. not just enjoying hot sex. but enjoying hot sex in front of lots of other people! the extrovert/exhibitionist in me quite likes this. think about it - few porn films are made with hidden cameras. there must be ongoing communication with your co-stars, director, lighting person and so on - all while you get into heavy bonking! who said men can't multitask! give me some more arms, legs, booty and bosoms and i shall prove it to you!. anyway, tiffany senses my willingness i think, and is quickly 'networking' with me so we can get into closer range with the nearest couple to exchange arms and bits and legs should they wish - a pleasure shared is a pleasure doubled and all that - as well as people walking in. "c'mon, i've still got an extra hand here!" she calls out in a husky voice. getting a hand or blow job while someone else is thrusting away is, after all, one of the quickest ways to get 'in line!'

    sadly though - and this would be my first misgiving compared to previous parties - there was not an awful lot of multiple persons 'tango.' there were a number of points where my hands could wander to other nice bodies, but no fmf daisy-chains or surprise fluffings. maybe if i had stayed for the full four hours, who knows.

    i hear emma mention that a couple of girls are new, so perhaps one or two are still getting into the lmp ethos. my suggestion - although i expect it is already undertaken, is to employ sarah as much as possible in the selection process. and in addition to the radiant and equally articulate tiffany - who i am guessing will be making a complementary contribution from another valuable angle. tiffany shines on practicalities. she really exhibits a strong awareness of the physical side of sex. sarah, on the other hand, is supremely empathetic and can understand what someone wants even before they do. i feel that in these two wonderful ladies you have, or would have, exceedingly competent helpers, emma.

    my next observation perhaps helps to demonstrate. all the women are gorgeous. but some left me yearning for even more or seem to give a more personally memorable experience. what did they do differently (allowing for personal differences of chemistry)? now if you can do pse as well as tiff, you don't need any of the 'inner soul' stuff, but you do need to make the time with each man memorable in some way. if you are shagging for four hours with umpteen blokes, an orgasm every 15 minutes on cue for instance, for the duration, is probably a bit much to expect (unless you are an ex stepford wife ). but what two of the rather lovely brasillian ladies did do was, gradually ratchet up their excitement to a peak. - before we cool off together and go on to other partners. approaching that peak, each lady in question pulled me closer, more urgently, her breathing becoming more intense, and she seems more focussed, concentrated. psychologically, this creates a similar memory as a build-up to orgasm, even if slightly less intense. it probably makes that personal connection. compare that to a lady who lies there, engages receptively and politely throughout, but with the an unvarying degree of intensity. there is less 'journey' - and the slightest thing is more easily imagined to be a negative.

    i have a guess how these two lovely ladies i sessioned with achieved this (i wasn't going to mention their names, but i think it was filipa and gabriela, although i'm not certain as the first lady told me her actual name when i asked, and then only pointed out that her lmp work name was something else (and naturally i only listened to the first bit - details by pm to emma if she wants to know). i think it's to do with visualisation. going inside and finding something sexy to concentrate on and slowly build up the feelings. it could perhaps be faked but it felt real so i don't think it was or am no worse off it was. like the lady gaga song when she shags her man while imagining her girlfriend. their bodies tightened, and there was those wordless moments where too souls feel they have touched a little bit. it was the only way i could explain the feeling of 'connection' i had with these girls - equal but different to the connection with tiffany - but why i felt sad at not feeling a sexual connection with at least one of the other girls (i felt sad almost on her behalf, as i could not feel as eager to spend more time with her as i could with the girls i have mentioned.)

    if i was being picky i'd have to ask, where did you get the lube that looks like salad cream??? i think i pointed to my dick before an insertion and joked to emma about the icing on the cake, but it does look funny.

    i suppose it's luck. my first visit produced the most unexpected and awesome fmf daisychain with alycia. second only to that i recall sarah fluffing me past the point where i thought i could shag no further until i just had to have sex with the girl in front of me (i hardly saw sarah, as she was behind me, but i had to check out who it was and will never forget that one). or lying next to jewel as four people squeezed onto the smallest bed (two guys and two girls) and i so wanted to have two dicks at once or be able to teleport back and forth to shag jewel at in the eye-blinks between shagging my own partner of the moment. memories that will last a very long time.

    i'm sorry i didn't have any memories on that scale last week. if it had been close, i probably would have asked if i could stay longer. it was great, just not (for me) quite as good as before. and maybe it was just luck. or expecting too much.

    one other thing i'd mention just for the benefit of the guys. there was a gentleman at the party who was obviously very popular with the girls (if you are sensitive enough to pick up on such things). he wasn't the best looking by far. he definitely had a good few inches on his waist more than anyone else. i occasionally took a sneaky glance to see if i could fathom his secret. a young lady was hammering away enthusiastically on him as i was getting dressed; and it struck me. he is, of course, a nice guy - but so was everyone there as far as i could tell. and a good communicator. but his real secret? he's just a bloody good shag!

    sorry for outing you, mate. but i guess you won't mind.

    thank yous all round. especially (in no particular order) to all the girls there - laticia, jessica, bianca, filipa, gabriella, lucia (whose photo doesn't seem to be on the lmp site at the moment), and tiffany kingston.

    if i have missed anyone, please spank me next time i come!

    finally, one nice thing writing this has brought back though. the name of an agency that a longtime girlfriend of mine worked for. i never made a booking there. but i think they had the right idea. it was called memories.** ultimately, i think it's memories we buy more than sex.

    x chris

    *again it was just on one visit to sacred rose, but for me personally, lmp was so very far ahead on numbers, hospitality warmth and so on, and probably on the attractiveness of the ladies as well i'm afraid, that there would still be no comparison. i'm more inclined to think it's me, and that i am maybe wearying slightly of parties.

    **many, many years ago. it's no longer there in case any of you go looking for it.

    ***sounds so much better english than, "dazzled and mesmerised by my uniquely handsome and gobsmackingly enormous manhood," or such disreputably onanistic or even, some might dare to argue, downright dishonest phrases

  10. #374

    Newbie Question

    Quote Originally Posted by Christopherd
    I think another way of looking at it for first time party-goers who are nervous about another man or men being involved as they give one of the LMP girls a good shafting is this:

    When you've seen movies, do you like watching a beautiful girl giving a blow job? Do you like to see her getting her pussy filled? Which do you like best? I personally only have a single truncheon, so cannot enjoy watching both at the same time in one-to-one sessions. Having some other gentlemen on the scene lets me see her showing off at her fullest, not in a video, but while she's doing me!

    What else would I like? Well maybe another couple or threesome on the next bed so I can get a glimpse of additional pussy and backside.* Maybe even close enough to caress some small breasts with one hand and fulsome breasts with the other. Maybe have yet another girl steal up behind me, caress my legs, back or balls while my shaft works in a first girl's delicious mouth or pussy. Maybe having six women who, after my first shot, know more about getting me hard again than even I do (yeah, really!) Hello LMP.

    And the hostess even remembers my predilections from the year before and secretly primes the girls before I arrive.

    Give me time. I will try hard. And I'm sure I will think of some more things I want. Probably about twenty minutes after Emma does.

    From a strictly philosophical enquiry point-of-view, these good parties are a way of answering the age-old fundamental question that has plagued yoga-contortionists and one half of mankind from the very early days of civilisation and before: "How can I see bum, breasts and pussy all at the same time??"
    Well, kinda get it. I guess that I have to go and see. Others have gone before me for the first time and they all came out alive. BTW, I do not worry about other men or about my appearance/performance. This is the reason I chose a party over an 1-2-1. I was simply wondering how the practicalities work

  11. #373
    I think another way of looking at it for first time party-goers who are nervous about another man or men being involved as they give one of the LMP girls a good shafting is this:

    When you've seen movies, do you like watching a beautiful girl giving a blow job? Do you like to see her getting her pussy filled? Which do you like best? I personally only have a single truncheon, so cannot enjoy watching both at the same time in one-to-one sessions. Having some other gentlemen on the scene lets me see her showing off at her fullest, not in a video, but while she's doing me!

    What else would I like? Well maybe another couple or threesome on the next bed so I can get a glimpse of additional pussy and backside.* Maybe even close enough to caress some small breasts with one hand and fulsome breasts with the other. Maybe have yet another girl steal up behind me, caress my legs, back or balls while my shaft works in a first girl's delicious mouth or pussy. Maybe having six women who, after my first shot, know more about getting me hard again than even I do (yeah, really!) Hello LMP.

    And the hostess even remembers my predilections from the year before and secretly primes the girls before I arrive.

    Give me time. I will try hard. And I'm sure I will think of some more things I want. Probably about twenty minutes after Emma does.

    From a strictly philosophical enquiry point-of-view, these good parties are a way of answering the age-old fundamental question that has plagued yoga-contortionists and one half of mankind from the very early days of civilisation and before: "How can I see bum, breasts and pussy all at the same time??"

  12. #372

    Spring Ball

    Hi Everyone,

    I've just booked a place at tomorrow afternoon's Spring Ball. I've only been to 1 party before which was a regular 2 hour event. Can any of you regulars tell me what differences I'll find (if any) and give any advice on how to stay the pace for 4 hours.

  13. #371

    Spring Ball

    Hi Everyone,

    I've just booked a place at tomorrow afternoon's Spring Ball. I've only been to 1 party before which was a regular 2 hour event. Can any of you regulars tell me what differences I'll find (if any) and give any advice on how to stay the pace for 4 hours.

  14. #370
    R The Man - thanks for the comments. I enjoy trying to welcome or ease people into the LMP experience! I am also a big fan of Rio. But the scene there is maybe more complex for a newcomer than it used to be. There's truly amazing experiences to be found in Rio. Nothing like LMP though - unless you organise it yourself while you're there.

  15. #369
    Quote Originally Posted by Christopherd
    Emma might cover this better than I could, but it's a bit like joining in a conversation with people at a swank party. Everybody is welcome to speak to everyone, sometimes you have to introduce yourself, or sometimes you just have to lean over as you reach for drinks . . .

    That's great advice. Newbies should definitely not be worried, as Emma, Moss and gang will make you feel like vets soon enough.

    As an aside, I went to Brazil after my last jaunt to London, and looked forward to comparing the Rio establishments with LMP and the German FKKs. I must say that I was disappointed in the Rio experience...I had a much better time when I was at LMP, and the Frankfurt FKKs are also much more fun than P4P in Rio. Don't quite know what all the raves are about for the Brazilian scene.

    Anyway, I hope to be back in London and LMP soon...


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