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  1. #344
    NGO Pervert - Banned for
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    Nails in coffins

    Quote Originally Posted by WestCoast1  [View Original Post]
    Thanks Slip. Hearing that from board regulars puts the nail in the Cobb-related coffin.
    I think you will find the biggest nail put in any coffin was put in by Harry the horse who is a 20 year Angeles bar owner who clearly says in his September 2013 newsletter,

    Bar fines in Angeles are over,

    Yes an Angeles bar owner of 20 years who clearly is hurting his own pocket by being honest is still saying bar fines are over in Angeles,

    In my book a massive nail in the coffin for Angeles city and the 5-6 board members who constantly bang the Angeles drum possibly for their own gain.

  2. #343
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    Correct me if I read wrong

    Quote Originally Posted by Slippery  [View Original Post]
    Nice Job Westie but don't ya think maybe you have a little too much free time on your hands? Job got you in some god forsaken city in Misamis Orental? Seriously though, thanks for the time and the input.

    I've been holed up in my hotel room since 7:00 this evening with a living doll that I pulled from one of my favorite places. FYI Mr. Cobb, the magic words were used in all 3 of the bars I was in between 5:00 and 7:00 and they were not used by me.
    Please let me guess at the magic words used,

    No sir, no barfine allowed only dance and drink sir,

    [Deleted by Admin]

    EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

  3. #342


    Quote Originally Posted by Slippery  [View Original Post]
    I've been holed up in my hotel room since 7:00 this evening with a living doll that I pulled from one of my favorite places. FYI Mr. Cobb, the magic words were used in all 3 of the bars I was in between 5:00 and 7:00 and they were not used by me.
    Thanks Slip. Hearing that from board regulars puts the nail in the Cobb-related coffin.

  4. #341
    NGO Pervert - Banned for
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    Just for westcoast

    Just for you Westcoast: Here is the link to where the United Kingdom border agency is also using dental verification to determine age.

    Posting studies done on human bones by a very corrupt 3rd world country (India) probably shows that you got too much time on your hands and like to believe in studies which were conducted years ago, probably not worth the paper they were written on IMHO.

    Now above I have posted you a link to a first world country (uk) who believes in dental technology,

    Now westcoast back to research on the internet for you and try to come up with some study done back in 1786 in the republic of zechiristan to dispute my point and rubbish the uk border agency also LOL,

    [Deleted by Admin]

    EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

  5. #340

    Propaganda is a terrible waste of bandwidth

    Quote Originally Posted by WestCoast1  [View Original Post]
    Is it possible that when [Reverend Mcob] and [his] posse enter the bars, one or more of [them] is well-known? Its possible for barfining activity to be happening (any of the methods above), and guys are taking girls. But not for certain customers. When asked, the waitresses / employees will say and take the attitude WE HAVE NO BARFINE SIR HAVE A GOOD DAY, especially if they think the customer (s) are connected with LE, media, or NGO's.
    Or possibly Reverend Mcob is in his church or police office making all his reports up so as to dissuade the unrepentant sinners and foreign exploiters of Philippine treasure not to visit the Pi and take advantage of these poor unfortunate girls. Who cares what Mcob is? He is full of BS. The only important point is bar fining in its myriad manifestations and forms is occurring right now in AC and in fact it never really stopped, even for one night at the height of bar raid season last month. Now, it has been over a month since the last raid. Sorry mcobb, the Anzac bar raid in Subic does not count as evidence of an ongoing campaign to end prostitution in Pampanga because Anzac was a troubled bar in Calapandayan not on the Barrio Baretto strip and it had mostly a Filipino customer base. That raid was a singular event and thus signifies nothing concerning the topic at hand.

    Furthermore, I am not concerned with the wild eyed, end of the world forecasts made by people that spread nothing but lies, distortions, and propaganda. Based on Fields and Perimeter Road recent history of the last 3 years of rainy season bar raids and the current situation as reported by RELIABLE board members who are in AC or have recently visited AC, I am 95% confident that AC will continue to be party central from September 2013 through at least June 2014. That is all I care about for now. We will have to see what happens over the next rainy low season before anybody can make reliable, extreme dire, longer term forecasts about 2015 and beyond. I say, live life to the fullest in the present and enjoy AC now. You never know what is going to happen. Some new pandemic virus may erupt next winter and kill 20% of the human race. You don't know. It is possible. So don't think about how great AC was 5 years ago with body painting dancers and 1000p EWR's compared to today and don't worry about what AC is going to be like two to five years from now. "Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today." Mother Teresa.

    I know where I am going to be in March-April 2014 and having a ball unless the world wide contagion hits. See you guys in AC and Subic. And Party Hardy until I get there.

  6. #339
    NGO Pervert - Banned for
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    Who really cares

    Quote Originally Posted by sammon  [View Original Post]
    i do not think phi police do extensive age verification. they take the girl to the dentist, dentist takes pictures of mostly wisdom teeth, check the developmental stage of wisdom teeth and determines the age.

    dentist could be totally wrong as wisdom teeth development varies from person to person.

    in advanced western countries there must be lots of methods to verify the age of a person, not necessarily through a dentist.
    i think you will find that even the united kingdom border agency started using dental exams from 2012 to determine age of illegal immigrants trying to enter the uk,

    the british believe in it and use it extensively, the philipines believe in it and use it extensively, but some on here think they are more bright / smart than the various government agencies and want to rubbish the use or accuracy,

    but truly, in the end who gives a hoot what method is being used, or not used,

    all we need to know is that countless **** girls have been found working in angeles city bar raids over the recent past, the girls once found have all freely told of their real ages (minors)

    bars have been closed down, the girls have been rescued and the bar owners / managers arrested and prosecuted.

    end of story really, thanks.

  7. #338
    Nice Job Westie but don't ya think maybe you have a little too much free time on your hands? Job got you in some god forsaken city in Misamis Orental? Seriously though, thanks for the time and the input.

    I've been holed up in my hotel room since 7:00 this evening with a living doll that I pulled from one of my favorite places. FYI Mr. Cobb, the magic words were used in all 3 of the bars I was in between 5:00 and 7:00 and they were not used by me.

  8. #337

    Its a guess, not a fingerprint

    Quote Originally Posted by MathewCob  [View Original Post]

    Here is the findings from the Demirjian method which was conducted in Belgium but is the same for all nationalities, here's the main part of the findings,

    The studies was designed to determine dental age from orthopantomograph using Demirjian method and to investigate applicability of Demirjian method for estimation of chronological age in children of Belgium. The sample for the study consisted of 197 subjects between 6-13 years of age. When Demirjian method was applied to Belgium children, mean difference between true and assessed age for males showed overestimation of 0. 14 years (51 days) and females showed overestimation of 0. 04 years (15 days). Demirjian method showed high accuracy when applied to Belgium children.

    So as you can clearly see. Using this method the dentist can predict a boys age within a 51 day accuracy rate and accurately determine a girls age to within 15 days,


    Now for the guys with an agenda to spread bull shit, try to flame / silence others then here is the absolute proof that you are wrong yet again, how many more times do I need to correct you.
    You can stop correcting him. The study above means little. Researching a few other studies:


    The paper concerns the testing of Demirjian's method of age assessment in South Indian children. Since previous studies have shown the inapplicability of Demirjian's method on other populations, an attempt to compile a maturity standard for South Indian children was made. An additional independent indicator of age was employed, namely the skeletal age. The material was 184 South Indian children aged 5 to 15 years and an additional 34 children as the test sample. It was found that Demirjian's method gave an overestimation of 3. 04 and 2. 82 years in males and females, respectively. The skeletal age was found to differ from the dental and chronologic age. It may be concluded that the accuracy of age estimation based on Demirjian's method is not applicable for the South Indian children.


    Tooth formation is widely used to assess maturity and to predict age. Within clinical dentistry, such information aids in diagnosis and treatment planning. Numerous methods exist that allow either the prediction of age or an assessment of maturation. One widely used method was first described in 1973 by Demirjian et al, as based on a large number of French-Canadian children. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the applicability of Demirjian's method for dental age estimation and for description of mandibular permanent tooth formation in northern Turkish children. 4-12 years of age. Panoramic radiographs of 900 healthy, northern Turkish children. 4-12 years of age were examined with Demirjian's method. Panoramic radiographs were scored by one examiner. Dental age was compared to chronological age by using a paired t-test. The median age for individual teeth for each stage was calculated. The northern Turkish children were generally advanced in dental maturity compared with the children in Demirjian's sample. The mean difference between dental and chronologic ages of boys and girls varied from 0. 36 to 1. 43 years and 0. 50-1. 44 years, respectively. The standards of dental age described by Demirjian et al. In 1973 and 1976 may not be suitable for northern Turkish children.

    In another study it was found there were some distant outliers. You know, the kind where a 12 year-old boy appears from his teeth x-rays to be 21. Or an 18 year-old girl appears to be 11. Initially the researchers chalked those up to possible developmental problems in those individual children. But another researcher then took a look at the specific individuals' background, and found nothing unusual, none of the outliers had developmental problems.

    Quote Originally Posted by MathewCob  [View Original Post]
    So as you can clearly see. Using this method the dentist can predict a boys age within a 51 day accuracy rate and accurately determine a girls age to within 15 days,
    No, it can't. Some of the differences in estimation are off by many years. Wouldn't it be interesting if Cobb actually got a barfine, took his 20 year-old hottie to his room, and some pinoy dentist later stated that from an x-ray the girl was 14? Haha.

    It took me a whopping 90 seconds of searching Google to find several studies that point to the unreliability of such methods, or show how 'guess-like' this is.

  9. #336

    A rose is a rose

    Quote Originally Posted by mathewcob  [View Original Post]
    westcoast, me proving your point? i'm saying the complete opposite, here's what i'm saying so that we are clear,


    hope that makes my views 100% clear to you now westcoast, .
    yes sir, clearer. maybe not accurate, but clearer.

    Quote Originally Posted by mathewcob  [View Original Post]
    me and harry the horse are both saying barfines in angeles are over, nothing more nothing less,

    you and a very small amount of members here are claiming some bars have a work around system (clearly not a barfine) where a girl might leave alone and meet a well known to the bar punter back at his hotel, (more like freelance).
    semantics. any system where the bar gets its cut (straight barfine added to the bill, buy 10 drinks, pay the girl later, etc) means the bar gets its cut. the fact that you are making the distinction between the first one and the others is just semantics. we've seen this happen multiple times in the past.

    i am not claiming that a small number of bars have a workaround. i'm claiming the following:

    1. when i was there in july (the crackdown had already started; camelot was one of a string of raided bars at that time) , there was only one bar that i saw that would not let me take a girl. the rest all had one of the three systems i described above.

    2. several more bars have been raided since then. two mamas that i know in two different fields bars (one of whom was arrested in a fields temporary shutdown just after i left) , an expat, and two bargirls i know (one on raymond, where the full st / barfine system still is in effect) and one from a constain bar (pay the girl later) all say their same system is still in effect (any of the three above).

    3. multiple guys on this board are claiming the system, as of this writing, is up and running.

    Quote Originally Posted by mathewcob  [View Original Post]
    now i have clearly stated time and time again, i have not heard, been offered this method or seen it used in any bars that i have recently visited, i was clearly told in no uncertain terms thet barfines of any type are strictly not available. could there be 1 or two bars allowing girls to do a work around, maybe a tiny amount of out the ways small bars, but believe me when i say this will be very short lived, as we clearly know, the powers that be want an end to any type of prostitution in angeles city and will raid / close any bar for prostitution / **** offences, as recently seen,
    it is possible this is so. a question matt: is it possible that when you and your posse enter the bars, one or more of you is well-known? i ask for a reason. its possible for barfining activity to be happening (any of the methods above) , and guys are taking girls. but not for certain customers. when asked, the waitresses / employees will say and take the attitude we have no barfine sir have a good day, especially if they think the customer (s) are connected with le, media, or ngo's.

    Quote Originally Posted by mathewcob  [View Original Post]
    westcoast, so stop trying to bust my balls and twist my words lol.
    c'mon, you're taking my fun away. when you claim that there are no barfines, then say there are alternates, then say that only 1 or 2 bars are doing alternates, all while others are saying that multiple forms of barfines are being used, i will let the readership determine (or try) what your words are saying.

  10. #335

    Gum jobs for everyone!

    Quote Originally Posted by Slippery  [View Original Post]
    I have not seen the caped crusader savior or anybody closely resembling that image
    Slippery, be on the lookout for someone wearing a Frock and carrying dental pliers in their back pocket.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slippery  [View Original Post]
    methinks our boy got hung in some cat house down in Cebu.
    There is a God.

    My trip is still on although I have moved it back to early October. Thankfully, all legitimate reports indicate it is business as usual in AC. I'm looking forward to getting a few gum jobs while I am there considering all the teeth pulling that is expected during Father McCobbs visit.

  11. #334

    Lies and Misinformation

    I really want to give people the benefit of the doubt, but after reading this board. Both before and after my trip to AC. I want to be really clear with what I say here. Anyone who says there are no bar fines in Angeles is lying. It's just that simple. There are bar fines. Some bars still call them that, some don't. Some will add the cost to your tab, others will have you buy drinks, some will have you pay the girl directly. I was just there. I am speaking first-hand facts. You can absolutely meet a girl in a bar, pay to have her leave said bar (in one way or another) , and then do what consenting adults tend to do when given privacy. There were tons of guys in AC during my last visit, so either people aren't reading this board, or they're ignoring the ramblings of a liar pushing an agenda. If they ever do shut AC down, don't you think there would be a ton of posts confirming this? Not just one lone voice (who isn't even there) screaming from the mountaintop? Think about it and draw your own conclusions.

  12. #333
    Quote Originally Posted by MathewCob  [View Original Post]
    Types of oral x ray exams to determine age,

    Here are the names of the 3 types of tests using dental x rays to determine age,

    Liliequist and Lundberg method the Demirjian method and the Gustafson and Koch method.

    Here is the findings from the Demirjian method which was conducted in Belgium but is the same for all nationalities, here's the main part of the findings,

    The studies was designed to determine dental age from orthopantomograph using Demirjian method and to investigate applicability of Demirjian method for estimation of chronological age in children of Belgium. The sample for the study consisted of 197 subjects between 6-13 years of age. When Demirjian method was applied to Belgium children, mean difference between true and assessed age for males showed overestimation of 0. 14 years (51 days) and females showed overestimation of 0. 04 years (15 days). Demirjian method showed high accuracy when applied to Belgium children.

    So as you can clearly see. Using this method the dentist can predict a boys age within a 51 day accuracy rate and accurately determine a girls age to within 15 days,

    I have not posted the whole methods or the other accurate methods and whats involved as it is 27 pages long,

    Now for the guys with an agenda to spread bull shit, try to flame / silence others then here is the absolute proof that you are wrong yet again, how many more times do I need to correct you.
    I do not think Phi police do extensive age verification. They take the girl to the dentist, Dentist takes pictures of mostly wisdom teeth, check the developmental stage of wisdom teeth and determines the age.

    Dentist could be totally wrong as wisdom teeth development varies from person to person.

    In advanced western countries there must be lots of methods to verify the age of a person, not necessarily through a Dentist.

  13. #332
    I'm also here and all is normal business as usual. As I have not seen the caped crusader savior or anybody closely resembling that image, methinks our boy got hung in some cat house down iin Cebu.

  14. #331
    NGO Pervert - Banned for
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    Proof dental varification

    Types of oral x ray exams to determine age,

    Here are the names of the 3 types of tests using dental x rays to determine age,

    Liliequist and Lundberg method the Demirjian method and the Gustafson and Koch method.

    Here is the findings from the Demirjian method which was conducted in Belgium but is the same for all nationalities, here's the main part of the findings,

    The studies was designed to determine dental age from orthopantomograph using Demirjian method and to investigate applicability of Demirjian method for estimation of chronological age in children of Belgium. The sample for the study consisted of 197 subjects between 6-13 years of age. When Demirjian method was applied to Belgium children, mean difference between true and assessed age for males showed overestimation of 0.14 years (51 days) and females showed overestimation of 0.04 years (15 days). Demirjian method showed high accuracy when applied to Belgium children.

    So as you can clearly see. Using this method the dentist can predict a boys age within a 51 day accuracy rate and accurately determine a girls age to within 15 days,

    I have not posted the whole methods or the other accurate methods and whats involved as it is 27 pages long,

    Now for the guys with an agenda to spread bull shit, try to flame / silence others then here is the absolute proof that you are wrong yet again, how many more times do I need to correct you.

  15. #330
    Quote Originally Posted by Fast Eddie 48  [View Original Post]
    don't even bother to read his post at all waste of time
    I actually read his posts but just for my amusement. Highly entertaining, the guy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fast Eddie 48  [View Original Post]
    I can said I am in AC now thing is normal most hotel is full and I got a girl last night at Isomnia not problem
    Good to hear, last week it was the same. And have booked my flights over there already for October and November. Life is good, di ba?


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