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Thread: 2003 Thai Women - Opinions & Advice

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  1. #563
    I am living in Thailand now and I would like to meet some male friends to go find women with and maybe help each other take pictures of our adventures. I speak fluent Thai and am a 30 year old good-looking male.

    Please contact me via a private message using the WSG Forum's Private Message service.

  2. #562

    The girl in your photo att10010red.jpg looks familiar. I would appreciate it if you could tell me where you found her? I think I've done her a few times myself.


  3. #561
    Nope, I'm not living there yet. It will be about 18 mos before I can retire and move there. Being m****** to a TW ( I didn't want to hurt anyone's sensitivities by spelling out the "m" word) will make it easier and cheaper to get a permanent visa.
    I have one important thing to say about "Thai Food". American women could learn something about hygiene and body odors from TGs.
    Yes, I am a bush lover. I feel pubic hair is sexy as hell and have always forbid my girlfriends to shave....whenever I was able to forbid anything successfully.

  4. #560
    Well, personally, though I understand Jackson's reasons in segregating SA into his own section, I'd rather he were prowling around the rest of the board again, which I prefer myself, (and I'd far rather be prowling Bangkok right now with him, as well, so here's to ya, SA!) but thanks very much LBM for the kind thoughts.

    And 1ball, I again very much agree on the drinking side of things. Frankly, I think it speaks well to the general character of the TGs we all run across in the trade that there aren't a ton more drunk farangs getting rolled and ripped off, as I've certainly run across any number of completely blotto ones who were easy pickings. Guys in most large cities in the US would not be nearly as lucky. I like a drink as much as anyone and more than most, (God save me and what's left of not only my soul but my liver from a room full of good single malts...) but I'm long past the idea that a night's just not really a night unless I can't remember my own name.

    'Sides, sex is always far better if you're at least within a short walk of sober.

  5. #559
    JZ, 1Ball,

    Well said by the both of you, always like to read JZ opinions and advice. They are always based on intelligent facts and experiences. Personal thanks to you JZ, and also if SA, can have his own, just as important views! Jackson should consider giviing Joe Z. his own site too!

    Happy Holidays WSG members.

  6. #558

    You're a softie!

    I don't feel sorry for her. Not the way you do, anyway. Sure, if she wants out of the game, I hope she finds it. But not by pretending to be in love with someone she doesn't care enough for to be straight with him. (Please color me slightly hypocritical here.) She was smart not to put all her eggs in one basket.

    But she was bouncing up and down on your dick while she thought the guy that loved her too much was coming to her rescue. So I guess I feel like it worked out just fine. He didn't get a wife that didn't really care that much for him, and she didn't get the free pass out of a life she doesn't like.

    I'm not a steadfast 3F kinda guy, I like to think I'm a bit more along your lines in terms of being nice, treating well, but don't get involved big time. Your story only reinforces the Samus Aran rule, perhaps slightly modified.


  7. #557
    Joe Zopp, 1ball,

    You're both right, it is a hard job these girls have, but then again I think it is probably a lot easier than their other options. Plus its quite well paid. Most guys are no doubt a horrible pain to be around - and I'm sure the sex is by far the easiest part. The pretending to like the guy is what has to be, well, work. I only do short time because its difficult for me to be around a paid companion for more than an hour or so - it just seems utterly false, not at all fun, and very boring. Interestingly, many of the girls I take short time tell me they much prefer it that way as they can't stand having to deal with one guy for a whole overnight. They say talking to a guy that much is a bigger pain than having sex, even if the sex is demanding. I never flatter myself that the girls 'like' me, or are into me for anything other than money, as some on this board do. But I suspect you guys are right that a trouble free customer - and I'm definitely that - is appreciated. Ultimately the 'short time' guy is the least trouble and the best money. I would even go so far as to say the girls have a bit more respect for we short timers since we're not asking to be fooled by a purchased 'GFE'.

  8. #556
    JZ, amen to that, I see a lot of falangs out there who just have the " i don't give a shit" attitude, coupled with "I've got much $$$ in my pocket, and I'm going to do, and get what I want".
    it turns my stomach to see these cute little things having to put up with it. But again, what are their choices ?

    You and I have been to LOS many times, so we are able to get a feel for what is going on. we also don't drink too much. ( i remember you pacing yourself with a soda in between each drink). it's the guys who fly in for their one and only trip to LOS, and just treat these girls like meat. ( saw a poor BG a week ago, leaning into this drunk guy who was smoking a cigar, trying to pretend she was interested in what he was saying.... she was smiling away, even though his breath could have knocked over a horse. )

    if i were a woman, and had to do this, i would kill myself !!!


  9. #555
    1ball, I feel pretty much the same as you -- and that's not even taking the various risk factors (disease, violence, etc.) or the fact of basically being a social pariah into account. There have been plenty of accounts in this section of guys who basically decide they're getting X or Y sex act no matter what the TG has to say about it, since, hey, she's just hired meat. Heaven knows most of us would never agree to such a scenario for pretty much any amount of money, but, then, we've all got choices.

    And I'm absolutely with you about paying not only for boomboom but for time -- if I'm going to spend more than an hour or so with a TG, in or out of the bedroom, she's getting tipped at least something. As you say, the time spent with me is money not earned elsewhere, and it's chump change.

    And frankly, in my experience, operating that way ends up coming back to me in a million ways, from having TGs introduce me to their very nice (and at times inexperienced) friends to them just showing up with food or gifts or whatever. You noted earlier that the TG in question refused your money at one point -- my last trip, I not only had that happen, but as I'd explained to my regular that some money I was expecting was late (apologizing that we were not going to be able to do something we were planning on until later) she came over in a couple of hours with 4000baht to give me so I'd be "ok until real money comes." It turned out she'd borrowed most of it from a couple of friends to whom I'd given small short-term (one or two-day) loans of a couple hundred baht, all of whom had diligently repaid with profuse thanks. (Naturally I didn't need or take the money, as I wasn't that broke, just being careful until the cash-flow stuff sorted itself out.)

    I simply always have sympathy for people who are trying to get by in situation's I'd personally find difficult to handle -- and this is definitely one of those. I sure as hell wouldn't want to get closer than the other side of the table to a high number of the farangs I've seen in LOS, for whatever reason.

  10. #554
    JZ, maybe I've been spending too much time over there, i just try to imagine what their life must be like, fucking a different sweaty drunk guy every night, i wouldn't want a life like that, who in their right mind would? I mean, imagine waking up in the morning, thinking to yourself you have to go be nice to some guy, in the hopes he is going to want to take you back to his room, and then hope he is not going to be physically abusive, and then hope he is going to give you a decent amount of money, and then, guess what, you get to do the same thing all over again the next day.

    Most of the girls were not "sold" by the parents, they just had little or no education, and this is better than working in the rice fields, but it's still a shitty life. That's why I get pissed off when i see falangs treating the girls with little or no respect.

    So i don't blame any of them for trying to get out of it. Let's face it, what are their hopes for the future.

    PS. a few girls have told me a guy will take a fancy to them, invite them to go dancing, go eat a little something, spend the whole evening, then NOT invite them back to the room, coz they're too drunk, and then not give them money because there was no "boomboom". Are we paying just for sex, or for their time also? after all, had they not gone out for the evening with the guy, there might have been "boomboom" with another.

    Maybe i am just feeling morose. i always get this way at Christmas !!!


  11. #553
    Thanks for the postscript, 1ball. At least, due to her "cheating and lying" she's not stuck without her regular source of income for her kids now that the money will no longer come in from afar.

  12. #552
    for those who have followed my little story about the BG who hooked up with a guy from EU, and was planning on moving there with him, one last post scriptum to close it out.

    She received a mail from him a couple of days ago, breaking the whole thing off. He talked the whole thing over with his parents, (he is 36 years old), and they told him they didn't want him with a Thai woman, but rather a nice girl from his own country. He was supposed to arrive in LOS in 3 days to plan the future with her.

    Regardless of what you all might be saying, (she deserves it, good for him, etc....), I feel bad for the girl. I think they all dream of a way out of spending their lives on their back, and even though a lot of them are not forced into this life, a lot of them don't see an end in sight. This was her ticket to a better life, and it's over for her, at least for now. I, for one, feel bad for her. (no, i am not taking his place, and she hasn't dared ask me for anything, and I know she won't).

    I just feel bad her dream was shattered, call me a softie for thinking that.


  13. #551
    Excellent report, Siddv, and I think you've got a working method down pat now. I'm not someone who sticks the the 3F method either, but it's essential that you're up-front with these ladies if you want to have longer hook-ups and stay out of trouble. Saying you're a big butterfly is always the best policy -- if there are ever any rough spots you can remind the girl you told her this. I often simply say over and over again that I'm only a customer, that I will go back to my regular life, and that what we're doing is a lot of fun but not real. (As far as the falling asleep scenario, I'd have just said that I intended to return, but she and the other girl made you so tired you just fell asleep. Nothing wrong with honesty as long as it has a bit of flattery or praise attached.)

    Being generous in LOS translates into having a good heart, and that gets you through a lot of potential rough spots. By going into the bar, giving your regular a lot of power in terms of both returning to her and having her help with getting other girls, and being friendly and generous in the bar, you gave increased than reduced her "face."

    My essential take is this -- these women are going to be in the game regardless of how we treat them. Treat them nice, joke with them, get little cheap gifts and pay lots of attention, and they're like any other woman -- they respond positively, are happy to see you, and reward you with attention and affection. Of course, that doesn't mean they're not going to try to run their various games on you (snaring a generous farang with a nice personality is still a goal) so you've got to be aware of that, but as long as you make your butterfly status clear and back off early if a girl starts to get too clingy in spite of that, you are generally in great shape. Getting the stories and hearing them gossip with you about the life is worth the price of admission sometimes, especially if you keep in mind that if your head's not on straight you could be the schmuck in some bargirl's story (as with 1ball's latest tale.)

    Congrats on a great trip, and good luck on the next. It's great to have a comfortable place to go back to in LOS, where you're well-received and then fucked silly.

  14. #550
    Joe: Reporting back from my second visit to BKK. As you may recall had a small problem butterflying during my first visit. I heeded your advice and moved on from her. However I have come to learn that the 3F method is just not for me. When I find the right great looking girl I like to hang out with her. I get good advice on this site so here is my report for what it's worth.

    The first night I arrived I got in very late and hooked up with a freelancer as the clubs were closing. She was nice but just no chemistry and I sent here on the way in the morning. The next night I found this little honey with the looks I like who was also fun to be with. I had to stay until she finsihed her part of the bar show but then we left. We hit a few other bars and then went over to the Nana disco to dance. I spent the next few days with her hanging out at the LM pool, visiting the Wat Phra Kaeo-again, going to restaurants and shopping of course. Each night she had to perform in the show at her bar and she has some great looking friends. Eventually, she asked me if I wanted to take one of the girs along with her. Ok this is where I had my problem last time. Well having read some of the posts here I thought I'd handle things a bit better so I went for it again. This time things worked out great.

    For the next 4 days I'd come into the bar with my regular and either she'd bring over freinds or I'd tell her or the mamasan which other girl I wanted and I'd take them both. (No need to say I'm droping some coin both at the bar and on the girls but I'm able to and I'm having a great time) We'd go dance at Nana or go eat and then go back to the room. I'd usually spend the night with the new girl-hop in bed to sleep wth my regular then jump back to the friend again in the mornng before she'd leave. Then during the day I'd have my regualr several times after doing something during the day or lounging at the pool which she really seemed to like. The only time I got in a bit of trouble was when I fell asleep with the friend one night.

    Anyway, I think the the key to the smooth outcome was that I let it be known up front I was a butterfly, the other girls knew that my regular was part of the deal, I spent most of my time in the bar with her, she approved, I was generous and they all knew it and the mamasan loved me (she often sat with me) -once again due to my business. Also key I think was , as I said I'm not 3F and I treated them like friends which is what, for the short time I was with them, they were. We had great laughs together and they related some great stories to me of guys who have wanted to marry them, who send them money and buy them gold. I continue to get e-mails from my friend who I will see again soon. But no money, no falling in love and no heartbreak. Just good times, laughs and great sex. Anyway, thanks for the great advice.

  15. #549
    Chiman 2, read my post again. I spent 2 nights with her, and gave her the C note, that's 2000 baht per night, which is the going rate.

    And Obepo, she did start telling me she'd rather I took care of her, rather than this other guy. I laughed at her, and told her that would never happen.
    hey she's got a job to do, she does it well, and i take my hat off to her.

    And to repeat myself, I don't interfere in other people's lives and problems.

    Don't think i will be seeing her again, I'm getting bored with her story, but then when i go back next month, after this guy has spent a week or so with her, i might just have to get a follow up from her. It's a bit like looking a someone with broccoli stuck in their teeth, you want to look away, but you just can't !!!


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