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Thread: Georgetown

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  1. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by Bravo  [View Original Post]
    Now that Exxon has 32 wells in Guyana pumping millions of gallons of oil. I can only imagine how much the WGs are asking for a 1-hour date. Maybe there is a reason why there hasnt been an update in 3 years.
    Probably because Guyana ain't no destination for fun.

    I lived there and Georgetown is by far the most dangerous city I have ever been to. Murders and armed robberies everyday. From the moment you set foot in the city you will be spotted and ultimately targeted.

    You cannot, under any circumstances, go out at night without local friends. The online escort scene is non existent, I found ONE working girl online through an international agency and they didn't reply for a day. Met her, hung out a few days then she claimed she was pregnant. Usual bullshit.

    Most girls will be on the streets at night. Usually the only girls working nights are Venezuelans and Cubans because even the local Guyanese girls know how incredibly dangerous it is to work at night. There was a story only recently about a Guyanase customer who murdered 8 or 9 Venezuelan escorts before he was caught.

    The Venezuelan girls will try to rob you. You need eyes in the back of your head. I had one try to set me up. And in Guyana it is common that a robbery ends in murder. She made me stop in the market to buy weed at night. Asked me to get out and pay the guy. Come back and the car won't start. The guys pretend it must be out of petrol and they'll go get me some. I right away ring my friend who knows everyone in Georgetown and she came and rescued me from getting robbed and potentially killed. The Venezuelan girl. I shit you not. Had disconnected some cable that meant that car wouldn't start.

  2. #92

    2022 Prices

    Now that Exxon has 32 wells in Guyana pumping millions of gallons of oil. I can only imagine how much the WGs are asking for a 1-hour date. Maybe there is a reason why there hasnt been an update in 3 years.

  3. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by DamonBlack  [View Original Post]
    From the few times I went Guyana I mostly encountered local or Brazilian girls, the quality really was normal nothing special. I honestly had better luck in the Palm Court and Gravity picking up local girls for free LOL. As for Trinidad its all Venezuelan girls and I found the quality more to the lower end and about the "terms" its really stupid you can't even touch there pussy with your hands its really like wtf.
    How are the local girls in Guyana?

  4. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by Quagmire1974  [View Original Post]
    I see what you're saying, and I can't argue with you on that point. Paying big bucks for a Dominican WG in Guyana is foolish because you can just go to the Dominican Republic and have sessions for much cheaper prices.

    Well, someone like myself would do that very thing. I travel mainly for tourism and then monger when I have the time, so the prices that I pay are dictated by the economics of the country where I'm traveling. Bedding a hot WG after a day of sight-seeing is a great stress reliever, a great additional trip memory, and a great way to bring back fresh information to this website.

    You've definitely whet my appetite for Guyana. I had a chance to bed a hot Venezuelan chica while in Trinidad, but the terms she dictated for the session were unacceptable. If I can find a few of them in Georgetown and Paramaribo and get three countries done (including French Guiana) in a week and a half, that will be a great trip.
    From the few times I went Guyana I mostly encountered local or Brazilian girls, the quality really was normal nothing special. I honestly had better luck in the Palm Court and Gravity picking up local girls for free LOL. As for Trinidad its all Venezuelan girls and I found the quality more to the lower end and about the "terms" its really stupid you can't even touch there pussy with your hands its really like wtf.

  5. #89
    I'll break my response into easy to digest chunks. Just keep in mind that I'm sharing my input in a friendly way with no disrespect or trolling intended:

    Quote Originally Posted by Eszpresszo  [View Original Post]
    If you think $63 an hour is a bargain, then you have not been to Colombia (or Bali, or the DR), that's for sure.
    Incorrect. In Colombia, I've been to San Andres Island, Cali, Cartagena, Medellin, and Bogota. In the Dominican Republic, I've been to Sosua and Santo Domingo. I don't have trip reports for many of those places here on ISG because I visited them before I knew ISG even existed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eszpresszo  [View Original Post]
    60 Euros. Berlin, October 2015 in a basic brothel with a lovely, 20 year old Spanish girl for 45 minutes in November of 2015. Flawless body and no baby damage.
    Only 45 minutes for a WG of that caliber? I would have spent 3 hours with her, which would have equated to 240 Euros, based on the pricing you've given. I take my time and enjoy the WGs, I don't run in the bedroom, shoot my wad, and then run out again (not saying that you do).

    Quote Originally Posted by Eszpresszo  [View Original Post]
    65 k COP. Medellin, April 2016 in a "Casa de Citi" with a lovely Colombian girl on two different occasions for a solid hour. Modest baby damage on both (C-section scar or stretch mark on thighs)
    If a WG with baby damage worked for you, you'll get no pushback from me. But "Do you have any kids?" is one of the first questions I ask a WG. If she says yes, I assume there's baby damage and usually move on to the next target. In my opinion, no amount of money is worth seeing stretch marks and leftover pregnancy flab.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eszpresszo  [View Original Post]
    800 Baht. Pattaya, December 2016 with a pretty Laotian girl off of Beach Road. Really cute, I posted a picture of her on the Pattaya forum in late 2016. She admitted to being only 22 and having an 8-year old son, but she had no visible baby damage and she was so tight it was a problem.
    The session was cheap. But how expensive was your airfare? I paid almost $1000 US for airfare when I visited Bangkok a couple of years ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eszpresszo  [View Original Post]
    1500 DOP. Boca Chica, February 2017 with a lovely, Dominicana pulled out of the Piano Bar. Good BBBJ with a finger up my ass, stroking my prostate til I came. No baby damage.
    I paid similar prices in Sosua.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eszpresszo  [View Original Post]
    80 Ringitts. Kuala Lumpur, March 2018 with a pretty Vietnamese MILF, from ACE / Richmoore Hotel upstairs to her room. Severe baby damage, rushed session and really beat pussy but it was only $20 USD. I pulled a better MILF the next weekend with a better body and snugger twat for the same price.
    With a description like that for the first WG, I think you overpaid by about $20 US.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eszpresszo  [View Original Post]
    300 k Rupiah. Bali, March 2018 with a tiny, pretty Javanese girl with an awesome slim body yet had some nice curves, and she was giving it her best. I later found out I paid too much.
    Same story. Cheap session. Expensive airfare?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eszpresszo  [View Original Post]
    You may think El Salvador is a good deal, but its a bit expensive by Latin America standards and is heavily impacted by the economic influence of the US. So much of its cash flow came from expats in the US, they had to adopt the USD as their currency.
    In my opinion, El Salvador is indeed cheap, and it's because you don't have a bunch of Americans driving up the prices in the casas. They're all afraid that the mara salvatrucha gang members are hiding behind every tree and under every rock and waiting to jump out and rob or kill them, so the vast majority of Americans avoid the country. I got off of a fully loaded airplane at the airport in San Salvador and was the only person who had to buy a tourist visa at the desk before you reach the immigration officer because I was the only individual who wasn't a citizen of El Salvador. $45 US per hour is not expensive, but I guess it could be if someone is used to paying bargain basement prices for pussy.

    At the end of the day, mongers should pay not only what the local market and their negotiating skills dictate, but also what they're comfortable paying. I guess I'm not concerned about paying $250 US for a four-hour session in Guyana because my employer takes an elephant-sized financial dump in my account each month (not bragging, just saying). And why stress over money and the cost of mongering? I knew a guy back in my home state who was the richest guy in a small country town. When he died, his loved ones buried him six feet under, and then laughed all the way to the mall and while they were spending the pennies (actually dollars) that he had pinched his entire life. I guess he forgot he couldn't take his fortune with him when he died.

  6. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by Quagmire1974  [View Original Post]
    Personally, I will gladly pay 250 US for a 4 hour session, as that's only about 63 US per hour and is a bargain in my opinion. And in all of travels, I haven't encountered any sessions that were 50 US for 4 hours. That pricing definitely doesn't exist in London, Brazil, and Colombia and especially does not exist in Tokyo (read my recent trip report about Tokyo in that forum). The best I have found price-wise is San Salvador in El Salvador (read my trip report), where the WGs charged around 45 US per hour in the casas.
    Well, at least you have provided a reason why some girl asked $250 for four hours. Because apparently someone will pay that much, and they did. Girls will take as much as you will give them, regardless of where you monger. If you think $63 an hour is a bargain, then you have not been to Colombia (or Bali, or the DR), that's for sure. In any case, those are closer to European prices that you are willing to pay and definitely out of line with the third world. What Bravo told you is a more accurate depiction of what developing country prices should be.

    I'll treat you to what I've paid for ST around the globe the past 3 years.

    60 Euros. Berlin, October 2015 in a basic brothel with a lovely, 20 year old Spanish girl for 45 minutes in November of 2015. Flawless body and no baby damage.

    65 k COP. Medellin, April 2016 in a "Casa de Citi" with a lovely Colombian girl on two different occasions for a solid hour. Modest baby damage on both (C-section scar or stretch mark on thighs).

    800 Baht. Pattaya, December 2016 with a pretty Laotian girl off of Beach Road. Really cute, I posted a picture of her on the Pattaya forum in late 2016. She admitted to being only 22 and having an 8-year old son, but she had no visible baby damage and she was so tight it was a problem.

    1500 DOP. Boca Chica, February 2017 with a lovely, Dominicana pulled out of the Piano Bar. Good BBBJ with a finger up my ass, stroking my prostate til I came. No baby damage.

    80 Ringitts. Kuala Lumpur, March 2018 with a pretty Vietnamese MILF, from ACE / Richmoore Hotel upstairs to her room. Severe baby damage, rushed session and really beat pussy but it was only $20 USD. I pulled a better MILF the next weekend with a better body and snugger twat for the same price.

    300 k Rupiah. Bali, March 2018 with a tiny, pretty Javanese girl with an awesome slim body yet had some nice curves, and she was giving it her best. I later found out I paid too much.

    You may think El Salvador is a good deal, but its a bit expensive by Latin America standards and is heavily impacted by the economic influence of the US. So much of its cash flow came from expats in the US, they had to adopt the USD as their currency.

  7. #87

    RE: Have to disagree.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bravo  [View Original Post]
    Why go to Guyana and spend 250 bucks when you can go to the motherland of the working girls and get them for 1 third of the price?
    I see what you're saying, and I can't argue with you on that point. Paying big bucks for a Dominican WG in Guyana is foolish because you can just go to the Dominican Republic and have sessions for much cheaper prices.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bravo  [View Original Post]
    I can't imagine why on earth people are paying those kind of prices in Guyana of all places.
    Well, someone like myself would do that very thing. I travel mainly for tourism and then monger when I have the time, so the prices that I pay are dictated by the economics of the country where I'm traveling. Bedding a hot WG after a day of sight-seeing is a great stress reliever, a great additional trip memory, and a great way to bring back fresh information to this website.

    You've definitely whet my appetite for Guyana. I had a chance to bed a hot Venezuelan chica while in Trinidad, but the terms she dictated for the session were unacceptable. If I can find a few of them in Georgetown and Paramaribo and get three countries done (including French Guiana) in a week and a half, that will be a great trip.

  8. #86

    Have to disagree

    Quote Originally Posted by Quagmire1974  [View Original Post]
    Thank you for that trip report. I'm seriously considering heading to Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana in 2019 and was hoping for fresh information in this forum.

    Personally, I will gladly pay 250 US for a 4 hour session, as that's only about 63 US per hour and is a bargain in my opinion. And in all of travels, I haven't encountered any sessions that were 50 US for 4 hours. That pricing definitely doesn't exist in London, Brazil, and Colombia and especially does not exist in Tokyo (read my recent trip report about Tokyo in that forum). The best I have found price-wise is San Salvador in El Salvador (read my trip report), where the WGs charged around 45 US per hour in the casas.

    Not trying to troll or insult you, just trying to show that your expectation of 50 US for a four hour session isn't very realistic anywhere. Read my post a couple below this one to see how Cubans flocking to Georgetown is driving up prices for housing. Perhaps this is why prices for mongering in Guyana isn't as dirt cheap as you'd like.
    We can agree to disagree. I've been going to Brazil and the Dr for 21 years now and you can still get all night in Rio de Janeiro for 100 bucks. I've had many terma girls agree to 100 bucks to stay in my nice air conditioned hotel room, king size bed and cable tv all night. I am headed back down in September, so I will post a report in the Rio section.

    You can definitely get all night for 50 bucks in the DR! I have grabbed a number of girls in Sosua and Boca Chica for for 2000 - 25000 pesos for an all night fuck fest. It might be a little more expensive in Santo Domingho / Santiago but outside of those two cities, you can easily find thousands of girls who will stay the night for 50 dollars.

    My uncle has lived in Guyana almost his whole life and they are still a 3rd world country. The only real thing they have going for themselves is all that oil that was found off their coast a few years ago (Even though Exxon owns all of it now). I can't imagine why on earth people are paying those kind of prices in Guayana of all places. That would be like someone telling that the girls in Haiti are charging 300 dollars an hour!

    Why go to Guyana and spend 250 bucks when you can go to the motherland of the working girls and get them for 1 third of the price?

  9. #85

    RE: WTF with the prices?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bravo  [View Original Post]
    My uncle (actually a very close family friend from Guayana) was here for one week and he talked about the working girls in Guyana. He said there were almost 300,000 Brazilians in Guyana now and about 200,000 Venezuelans, not to mention all the illegal dominican women. He bragged about all the hot girls that you can find on the strip. I am absolutely floored by the prices of 250 US for a 4 hour session. That just seems so fucking outrageous for a 3rd world country like Guyana, I would expect that in London or tokyo, but not in south america. I was expecting more like 50 bucks for a 4 hour session.

    After my uncle left, my cousin and I were actually thinking about going there for a week this fall, but we would rather go to Brazil or Colombia than Guayana if those prices are the norm.
    Thank you for that trip report. I'm seriously considering heading to Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana in 2019 and was hoping for fresh information in this forum.

    Personally, I will gladly pay 250 US for a 4 hour session, as that's only about 63 US per hour and is a bargain in my opinion. And in all of travels, I haven't encountered any sessions that were 50 US for 4 hours. That pricing definitely doesn't exist in London, Brazil, and Colombia and especially does not exist in Tokyo (read my recent trip report about Tokyo in that forum). The best I have found price-wise is San Salvador in El Salvador (read my trip report), where the WGs charged around 45 US per hour in the casas.

    Not trying to troll or insult you, just trying to show that your expectation of 50 US for a four hour session isn't very realistic anywhere. Read my post a couple below this one to see how Cubans flocking to Georgetown is driving up prices for housing. Perhaps this is why prices for mongering in Guyana isn't as dirt cheap as you'd like.

  10. #84

    WTF with the prices?

    My uncle (actually a very close family friend from Guayana) was here for one week and he talked about the working girls in Guyana. He said there were almost 300,000 Brazilians in Guyana now and about 200,000 Venezuelans, not to mention all the illegal dominican women. He bragged about all the hot girls that you can find on the strip. I am absolutely floored by the prices of 250 US for a 4 hour session. That just seems so fucking outrageous for a 3rd world country like Guyana, I would expect that in London or tokyo, but not in south america. I was expecting more like 50 bucks for a 4 hour session.

    After my uncle left, my cousin and I were actually thinking about going there for a week this fall, but we would rather go to Brazil or Colombia than Guayana if those prices are the norm.

  11. #83

    Cubans Flocking to Georgetown.

    Interesting article in the Miami Herald about Cubans flooding into Georgetown, Guyana:

    Makes you wonder if their presence will help or hurt mongering in Georgetown.

  12. #82

    Georgetown update

    I got here a few days ago, and so far I actually only went out tonight. I went to Baroombar. It is on Google Maps. Entry was 1,500 Guyanese dollars (GYD), about $7. 5 USD. I had been here a few years ago, and it still seems the same to me. Lots of good looking girls, most of them are from the Dominican Republic. I asked the girl about the other girls, and there are a few, but not many Colombians and Venezuelan girls. Most girls looked Dominican to me. A rum and coke was 800 GYD and a beer for the girl 500 GYD. Not a bad price really. If you go to the touristy restaurants, the prices are pretty high. Price for 30 minutes with a girl is still $75 USD or 15,000 GYD. I took a nice looking Dominicana and it was pretty good. But the room has no air conditioning. Needless to say I felt miserable. She is a good girl for sure, because I was just gave up a couple times, just sweating my ass off and not liking their condom. But eventually I got in to the groove. I was coming just as the guy knocked on the door. The girl ended up thinking I did this on purpose and said I did it perfect. LOL She did offer me an option for go to my place for 4 hours, but I was not interested. I got all my stuff out and not locked up or hidden. So, I did not ask her how much.

    The taxi from the airport to the city was 5,000 GYD or $25 USD. And it took a little less than an hour. I ended up walking to the bar tonight a little after midnight, which I don't suggest. I think I do it for the adrenaline rush or something. LOL I took a taxi from the club back to my Airbnb and the cost was 500 GYD. Overall this seems to be the same as it was a few years ago, nothing new. It still has some nice looking ladies. I did see some local ladies in the club, but I think they also liked the girls. Some local guys were in the club with their local girls and they had some dancing threesomes. A different culture here I suppose.

    Earlier in the night, ant about 10:30 PM I was in the Palm Court, it is like a bar / restaurant place. It was picking up after 10:30 PM. I seen a table with a bunch of dressed up girls. I don't don't if any are working to something. They didn't look local. Also, something very odd is sitting at the bar was a two girls and a guy. The girl bought me another drink. I don't know what was going on there. We ended up only saying goodbye when they left.

  13. #81

    Coming to Georgetown text week looking for nice Simi pro girl

    I am coming to Georgetown on Monday the 15th Aug and need some up to date info in regards to the avail girls there. As I will be there on business I don't want to do much late night mongering as I need to be in proper shape in the mornings. I was told a lot of girls there do Simi pro work and are avail to act as your girl while you are there? Is that true and how do I find these Girls? Also what is the escort scene like and can any one refer a good one that is reasonable, safe and must be slim and good looking with good attitude etc. As far as the Baroombar and Rio Inn what's the latest with them and are there other good places and are they safe etc. I would be interested in a good guide if any one is interested? I have been all around the Caribbean for the last 30 years but never to Guyana so please help me with some info and if anyone need to know about the other Carib islands just ask.

  14. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by Weimei  [View Original Post]
    Will be visiting in a couple of weeks. Will definitely check these two places out. Any other places worth visiting? Also, what should I expect to pay?

    The rates are the same as he mentioned before.

    USD 75 for 30 minutes.

    USD 150 for 1 HR.

    USD 250 for 4 hrs.

  15. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by Premkmr29  [View Original Post]
    There was not much happening other than in Baroombar and Rio Inn (as I know from the sources I have), so had to stick to only these two. Tried 2 DR girls in 2 weekends in Rio and 1 Cuban in Bbar on other weekend.

    The 2 DR girls were really good in bed, great service and cooperative for all positions. One of them had given nice body massage in the gap after 1st shot and it was really good and got great relaxation.

    The Cuban was really beautiful and slim, small tits and nice skin but service is not that great, it was average.

    Looking for more options other than these 2 bars, lets hope for the best.
    Will be visiting in a couple of weeks. Will definitely check these two places out. Any other places worth visiting? Also, what should I expect to pay?


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