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Thread: LuderLounge in Dortmund

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  1. #49
    Luderlounge is opened as usual.

  2. #48
    Just read the posts on this thread starting from post no. 29 on second page, then we may know the answer.

  3. #47
    Agree- it is simply too small, so good casting is really hit or miss.

    And it may be out of business. See the other post.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sirioja  [View Original Post]
    This club is just nothing in FKK land and not known for a wow casting. Many more interesting clubs in Germany, go to Aca Velbert with about same rate and much better casting.

    Better not to try GT, even not so strict door policy now. No more door policy at LR.

  4. #46

    LouderLounge closed??

    I visited another club (Freudenhaus Dortmund) until about 8 PM then I headed out to check out a small club on the way back to my Hotel. When I got there the place was closed. Since this was about 8:15 on a Friday night I'm guessing the LuderLounge is out of business!

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Chongmal  [View Original Post]
    I would not say, no more door policy at LR. Perhaps it's better stated the door policy is greatly relaxed. I've seen people of African, East Asian, Mid Asian, West Asian, Australian Aboriginals and European decent it the club but, recently when leaving, I was asked to wait inside while they were dealing with some people who were not welcome for some reason. I'm not sure if they were drunk, known as trouble makers or were not being allowed inside for some other reason. I have also witnessed the receptionists getting the manager to make the decision if a questionable guest is at the door. Again, I'm not sure what the criteria is.
    I was told about new tattooed clients to make LR being less empty, but not to make girls improve on GFE level.

  6. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirioja  [View Original Post]
    Better not to try GT, even not so strict door policy now. No more door policy at LR.
    I would not say, no more door policy at LR. Perhaps it's better stated the door policy is greatly relaxed. I've seen people of African, East Asian, Mid Asian, West Asian, Australian Aboriginals and European decent it the club but, recently when leaving, I was asked to wait inside while they were dealing with some people who were not welcome for some reason. I'm not sure if they were drunk, known as trouble makers or were not being allowed inside for some other reason. I have also witnessed the receptionists getting the manager to make the decision if a questionable guest is at the door. Again, I'm not sure what the criteria is.

  7. #43

    Interesting, all cool

    Okay interesting,

    There is something bizarre about this topic on this forum, I know this is a sensitive topic and a hard one to broach. People have mentioned this issue with regard to GT ever since I can remember. One reason it is discussed is because it is quite rare and totally unexpected when it happens.

    I read about Luder Lounge when I got there and a monger had mentioned its past but then reiterated how it wanted to get away from that reputation. So when I had these experiences I raised them with mongers who knew the place well.

    Surprisingly enough, they said they had no idea and acted like they were oblivious to the whole issue, implying that it might have all been in my head. I am not someone who cries wolf for no reason, why I had gotten such responses when what was happening seemed very obvious I have no idea.

    I am for calling out this place what it is, despite the free drinks from Vicky and everyone can decide for himself what to do, no big loss on my part.

  8. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by DeltaIndigo  [View Original Post]
    There was a Russian brunette who complained when a girl let me in, she calmed down after she saw me in the changing room and even offered me a free vodka cocktail later, that was not Vicky was it?
    That must be her yes.

    As Free Dude was writing, this club has indeed some extreme nationalistic roots, and preferably they only let in Caucasian men with blond hair and blue eyes. Some of my monger friends is also dark skinned, and a while ago (before the new law) he was also directly told that this was private club, full, etc. And refused entrance. He knew I was inside (already for an hour or so) and he said he was joining me for the party. They got somewhat confused, but finally let him in.

  9. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by DeltaIndigo  [View Original Post]
    There was a Russian brunette who complained when a girl let me in, she calmed down after she saw me in the changing room and even offered me a free vodka cocktail later, that was not Vicky was it?
    I don't remember Vicky's exact hair color, but not black for sure. Her distinguishable body feature is that she is very skinny. I don't think she wears any makeup. If the woman you encountered was very skinny, she should be Vicky.

  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by SolidState  [View Original Post]
    Discrimination and Racism alive and well in Luder Lounge. So rather than make wild statements that undoubtedly some will refute, let me just share my experience of what actually happened to me today. Rolled up at the club, car park was roughly a third full. Someone just buzzed in before me, I was buzzed in shortly after. Noticed the slightly surprised look on the entrance girl's face, she must not have looked at the monitor before letting me in. Speaking in German she said that there where no more locker keys available, and like a scene out of a carry on movie the cupboard where the keys where held accidentally swung open revealing a whole load of keys. Maybe they weren't for the lockers. I was speaking in English and she asked me if I understood what she was saying. Yes I said, you don't want black people in your club. She shook her head claiming that that was not the case. She then went off to find someone who could speak English. A different lady came back putting her arms in the shape of an X saying we are closed we have no more girls available and gave me one of those dismissive waves like I was a piece of shit telling me to leave. The message was loud and clear, no subtleties no niceties no god damn manners or decency. I was shocked and made my way back to my car and sat there wondering did that just happen? So before I left never to darken the door of this premises again I would wait to see how the next person rocking up would get on. Sure enough 5 minutes later I would get my confirmation. If this person was let in then the two different reasons they gave for not admitting me would be the bullshit I believed it to be an indeed I was denied entry based on my race or color of skin. He got in..
    This club is just nothing in FKK land and not known for a wow casting. Many more interesting clubs in Germany, go to Aca Velbert with about same rate and much better casting.

    Better not to try GT, even not so strict door policy now. No more door policy at LR.

  11. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Bfsie  [View Original Post]
    You are right. You were lucky. If the owner of LL, Vicky, were there, I don't think she would have let you in. She is a tough, wild, sometimes even vicious woman. There were East Asians when I was there, but I never saw any colored man there besides East Asians (to be more accurate, I never saw any man who doesn't look like ethnic German and East Asian). That means no Turkish, Arab and so on.
    There was a Russian brunette who complained when a girl let me in, she calmed down after she saw me in the changing room and even offered me a free vodka cocktail later, that was not Vicky was it?

  12. #38
    This location has always had this name and policy, far before it became Luderlounge. I heard they still have a shield hanging somewhere with some kind of German flag that refers to some kind of racist organisation, this was a left over from the time the club was called Mausi's. I have never noticed it when visiting, but then again I am caucasian. The low number of immigrants is not particularly weird, given the opening times. In Neby you also don't see any immigrants until the evening (this club has a big Turkish connection).

    Freude used to be like this as well, but that is firmly in the past at the moment. I would expect Villa Vanila to develop some kind of door policy, since their whole goal seems to be to offer an alternative to the "old school" customer base of Happy Garden, that now doesn't come anymore.

    O yeah, Vicky is a hoot. The funnest club mama I know, although I don't see her around nearly as often as I used to.

  13. #37
    Solid State,

    If you had read my following post on Lounge & Chat area thread, you probably had second thought before you went there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bfsie  [View Original Post]
    Golden Time is not the only club which has its door policy, Luder Lounge has the same door policy as Golden Time's. LR has its door policy, but not strictly enforced.
    I don't go to any FKK club alone. I only go there once in a whole with my friends, who visit NRW from abroad. I have a good friend of mine who often visited a company in Dortmund for business and liked to go to LL when he was in Dortmund, and sometimes I visited him in Dortmund and went there with him, so I know LL a little bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Delta Indigo  [View Original Post]
    I did get in but am not sure if I always would.
    You are right. You were lucky. If the owner of LL, Vicky, were there, I don't think she would have let you in. She is a tough, wild, sometimes even vicious woman. There were East Asians when I was there, but I never saw any colored man there besides East Asians (to be more accurate, I never saw any man who doesn't look like ethnic German and East Asian). That means no Turkish, Arab and so on.

  14. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Chongmal  [View Original Post]
    I'm sorry that you had this experience. I never heard about this happening at LL. Some of the clubs in Germany still exercise this type of discrimination. For years discrimination / door policy was one of the more common discussions on the GT Bruggen forum. GT does still exercise a selective door policy from time to time. I wish I could give a list of clubs that I could guarantee you would not have a problem but I've seen some clubs where they turn away one guest and let in someone else who looks just like them a couple hours later.
    Am I wrong here to say that this type of thing tends to happen more often at NRW clubs vs clubs in, say, Frankfurt or Hamburg, etc. ? I mean: I cannot recall a single report of this type of blatant discrimination happening at Hessen clubs like World, Sharks, Oase, Mainhatten, etc.

  15. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by XXL  [View Original Post]
    Could it be some kind of scare connected with the new law? Some clubs don't have the connections to survive. They're under such pressure and scrutiny that the only safe way is to accept only insiders. Just a theory.
    I went there in 2016, well before the new law came into effect. The Clientelle were friendly and fine with me being there. This is just a racist club policy. They don't enforce it 100%, But there were incidents during most of my entries and I do speak enough German.

    It is quite a small place, maybe they don't need more than a limited number of clients, but they are limiting the numbers using a racist door policy.

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