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  1. #192

    Savannakhet not so great

    I just had one night and two days in Savannakhet, planned two days but could not handle the excitement. Rained the whole time, a monsoon, and streets were flooded. Night bus both ways from Vientiane, actually quite comfortable and slept well. Arrives so early though 5:30, in the rain.

    Went to the hotel with a drunk tuk tuk driver. Hotel was full and he took me to another, rear ending a girl on a motobike. Nobody hurt but I felt bad for the girl.

    Town is dead and sleepy. Only falang I could see are shady looking chain-smoking tatted up Visa Runners. Dregs of the Western World, no wonder Thailand does not want them anymore.

    Nothing going on, maybe due to rain? Looked for massages found two places, girl quality very low so did not. Went to Hoong Thip nightclub across from the hotel. It was one of those Zap Anou nightclub business models, nice place but music too loud, mostly empty. About 20 girls who alternate between nightclub and KTV upstairs. Pay 35,000 kip for a beer, 80,000 kip to sit with a girls and 2000 baht ST and 3000 Baht LT. Too much of a rip off, not for me, I'm used to 150,000-250,000 KIP so I just had a beer. Can not understand why anybody would pay even the high end of Bangkok prices in an impoverished country. Interestingly, I was outside and saw a girl arrive and she had to pay Mamasan 20,000 kip to enter and sit.

    No tuk tuk around at all and no taxis. Doorman tried to phone a taxi but none available! Said the fuck shacks were 6 km out of town. By that time its 11:30. Went to hotel for reception to call a taxi and he could not find one either! I left a day early could not handle the place. Gives me a great appreciation of Vientiane and Vang Vieng.

    Next day I wanted to go to the market, another drunk tuk tuk driver quoted 500 baht for a 2 km ride. WTF. Its that kind of place, of course I said no not so politely. Spent a lot of time in the hotel room on my phone.

    There is a special economic zone outside town with lots of women in manufacturing jobs so that area or the fuck shacks are worth a look if its not fucking raining and you can actually get a taxi.

  2. #191
    Quote Originally Posted by PolyOrchid  [View Original Post]
    Not sure if you're insulting me, but bless you nevertheless. See it as you like. To me, it was a $30 toss on the red chip which paid no returns. To carry on with such an uncooperative girl would have given me no pleasure whatsoever.

    I'm curious what a seasoned mutant like you would have done.
    Exactly the way to look at it the money is small potatoes. If you had kept going she probably would have angled her body so an insertion would have been next to impossible.

    Its a numbers game. For every five Laos girls chosen in this way: one will be a good performer, three mediocre but acceptable and one a failure. None will be spectacular.

    Get them drunk first for better performance or at least easier compliance.

  3. #190
    Quote Originally Posted by MutantChicken  [View Original Post]
    Well done you let a uneducated farm girl manipulate and play you like a fiddle, by putting all up all these red flags and uninviting behaviour she forced you to kick her out of your own volition and thus she got paid for doing nothing.

    She saw you read your and played you.
    Not sure if you're insulting me, but bless you nevertheless. See it as you like. To me, it was a $30 toss on the red chip which paid no returns. To carry on with such an uncooperative girl would have given me no pleasure whatsoever.

    I'm curious what a seasoned mutant like you would have done.

  4. #189
    Quote Originally Posted by PolyOrchid  [View Original Post]
    As an old Kerry boy, I don't say this lightly, but I'd honestly rather spend an evening with Ian Paisley discussing religion than waste any time with what I found on offer in Luang Prabang. Here's the deets: I was staying in a very comfy and OK 2-star hotel near the Mekong. I'd interacted amicably with the Hanoi boy manning the hotel and he seemed trustworthy and dependable. When I mentioned a desire to find a short term companion, he said he could make a few calls and could likely provide room service.

    Sure enough, about 20 minutes later, he came to my room and asked me to follow him to the lobby. There I found two men, notebooks in hand, wide, welcoming smiles greeting your man. They asked me to accompany them a few steps to a large van (ah, the infamous roving van full of girls). Sure enough, he had 6-8 girls, like pigs in a pen, sitting in the seats. They all smiled, vying for the saddle. I picked the closest, the one with a cute smile and cheeky look. He wanted 500,000 (fook, do I look that keen and unaware?) but I talked him down to 250,000 for 2 hours.

    Took the little lamb the few short steps to my hotel and as soon as we entered my room, she looked around, saw the shower, and went in and locked the door behind her. First red flag. She came out shortly, wrapped in the requisite Asian towel. I invited her to the bed, she came in but maintained a safe distance. 2nd red flag. I then reached out and drew her closer. Like pulling rope through the nun's button hole. Finally, she came within striking distance and I talked to her in what little English she could understand and gently touched her arm. No reaction, at least no positive reaction..
    Well done you let a uneducated farm girl manipulate and play you like a fiddle, by putting all up all these red flags and uninviting behaviour she forced you to kick her out of your own volition and thus she got paid for doing nothing.

    She saw you read your and played you.

  5. #188

    Take your bible to Luang Prabang for any real fun

    As an old Kerry boy, I don't say this lightly, but I'd honestly rather spend an evening with Ian Paisley discussing religion than waste any time with what I found on offer in Luang Prabang. Here's the deets: I was staying in a very comfy and OK 2-star hotel near the Mekong. I'd interacted amicably with the Hanoi boy manning the hotel and he seemed trustworthy and dependable. When I mentioned a desire to find a short term companion, he said he could make a few calls and could likely provide room service.

    Sure enough, about 20 minutes later, he came to my room and asked me to follow him to the lobby. There I found two men, notebooks in hand, wide, welcoming smiles greeting your man. They asked me to accompany them a few steps to a large van (ah, the infamous roving van full of girls). Sure enough, he had 6-8 girls, like pigs in a pen, sitting in the seats. They all smiled, vying for the saddle. I picked the closest, the one with a cute smile and cheeky look. He wanted 500,000 (fook, do I look that keen and unaware?) but I talked him down to 250,000 for 2 hours.

    Took the little lamb the few short steps to my hotel and as soon as we entered my room, she looked around, saw the shower, and went in and locked the door behind her. First red flag. She came out shortly, wrapped in the requisite Asian towel. I invited her to the bed, she came in but maintained a safe distance. 2nd red flag. I then reached out and drew her closer. Like pulling rope through the nun's button hole. Finally, she came within striking distance and I talked to her in what little English she could understand and gently touched her arm. No reaction, at least no positive reaction.

    I finally got her to drop the towel and feasted on the most beautiful 32 b's I've seen since Dumaguete (Esther, I miss you dearly and with the greatest respect, f* your Dutch husband). While my manly and filigreed fingers were not made to seem too welcome, I upped my bid and ventured a kiss or two. Please! Pushed away and followed by a quick wipe of the towel where my tender kiss had sullied her luscious Lao flesh. 3rd red flag.

    Well, all of a sudden, her English ups a notch, and she says "Tip?" Sussing a hole in her armor, I offered a generous tip at the end of our tussle, should she give me great service. Not sure she understood, but she immediately reached for the helmet and began to try to put it on. Needless to say, the bishop had not been roused from sleep so attaching the condom was not going to happen.

    So I then got her on her back and began to lick her nipples again: same resistance, so I went lower, headed for the magic garden. She quickly defended the goal and said "Lao, no lick".

    I'd had enough, got up, got her clothes, threw them at her and told her to leave.

    Absolutely worthless. Don't waste your time. I hope YMMV, but my experience was absolutely horrible.

  6. #187

    Crazy massage parlour.

    Hello all,

    As previously mentioned in my other post here. I am currently in LPB.

    A wet Saturday afternoon. It was raining, not too heavy though. Just enough to make the town wet. Decided to go for a massage, obviously the naughty brain is looking for some fun.

    Decided to go cheap, like 50,000 kip / hour cheap for the massage. (Some of you may say it goes even cheaper then that, well 50,000 kip I would consider as cheap already. I decided on it because it's been known, from my experience anyway, that cheap places do provide additional services by the massage ladies.).

    So went to this massage parlour opposite the popular temple. Got a massage, place was horrible as hell. Hot and non-private (anyone looking for privacy can just forget it). It's 50,000 kip, what to expect right. Had an ordinary massage by this SYT. 19 year old Nothing to shout about. Nor did I score any, not that I would try anything at that place, where anything can be heard. Haha.

    I came back for a second time to this place (Shocking I know. But hey, the SYT in that place was nice and good looking enough for me to go a second time. I was also trying to take her out. With success but my Saturday, which was yesterday for me, was completely boring and I decided to have company.

    On my second foray back, there another gentleman that came in shortly after I did. He was placed next to me, with a very thin blue coloured veil separating us.

    Needless to say, the event of my day in that massage parlour was him fucking the masseuse (Albeit trying to be super quite about it). The SYT massaging me was in a fit of giggles which I promptly told her to shut up and show some respect.

    Turns out, those fit of giggles was due to the fact that she still holds her V card. Needless to say, I am contemplating to get her to stay a night in my room. But I'm still contemplating as I would not need that kind of drama around me. But let's see which of my nature will get the better of me.

    Sorry about the practically non-informational post. Just wanted to share my day with you all in LPB.

    There is definitely action to be had in this sleepy little town, if you are willing to travel outside the realm of comfort, or just be a cheap bastard like me. LOL!

  7. #186
    Quote Originally Posted by HumanPerson2  [View Original Post]
    Ask a trustworthy looking tuktuk. They have the telephone number for the cars. Once you meet the car, get the number straight from the driver / pimp for direct deal next time.
    Hmmm. How do I find such trustworthy tuktuk? I walk around in the morning and do see trustworthy tuktuks but not sure if they are the correct contacts. Currently in LPB, for the life of me, can't really find anywhere to go after 11 pm around here. A lot of nice looking girls, but I think mostly they'll be looking for LT relationships.

  8. #185

    Luang Prabang / Laos Price Guide

    Quote Originally Posted by HumanPerson2  [View Original Post]
    Back a little while ago from my trip to LP. Thanks all who gave me insight from your trips since my last visit there.

    Wow what a change it's gone through! The chicken farm is gone. Wiped off the face of the earth. And a real farm is now in its place. The shacks between Manomai road and uPub are likewise no longer in operation, victims of the furious development that seems to be everywhere in LP these days. Happy beer restaurant, as the prior poster mentioned, is gone.

    The Viet shack behind the stadium survives, as do a few beer bars on the main road south and off a few of its side streets. I didn't look at massage places, just not my style.

    The best source I found were the roving vans. The drive around the city with a load of girls and will come to you. Prices are reasonable - 250/300 for ST, 400 for LT. The girls are excellent! Stock is nice and fresh; of comparable quality to the old shacks on Manomai where I had many an enjoyable screw. I built a good rapport with one of the driver / pimps in particular and had a few great girls.

    When you fly in you can see the high-speed train being built. Get out there and enjoy what's left of peaceful LP before it's too late!
    The real price in Luang Prabang for ST is 150000. You should bargain with them if they ask for 250000 for ST.

    For LT price, if you take the girl after 22:00,bargain with them to 300000. If before 22:00, 400000 Kip is OK.

    Once you pay for the inflated price, it would be hard to get a proper price on next visit.

  9. #184
    Quote Originally Posted by HumanPerson2  [View Original Post]
    The best source I found were the roving vans. The drive around the city with a load of girls and will come to you. Prices are reasonable - 250/300 for ST, 400 for LT. The girls are excellent! Stock is nice and fresh; of comparable quality to the old shacks on Manomai where I had many an enjoyable screw. I built a good rapport with one of the driver / pimps in particular and had a few great girls.
    Where can you perform your deed for ST now that these are vans and no longer a farm? Are you forced to find a nearby ST hotel or bring her back to your hotel?

  10. #183
    Quote Originally Posted by SneraDog  [View Original Post]
    Thank you very much for the update.

    There really is very little intel coming out of LP.

    With the disappearance of the chicken farm, there really are no good options left.

    The vans sound like a possible option, but how do you find them? LP is not that small a place.
    Ask a trustworthy looking tuktuk. They have the telephone number for the cars. Once you meet the car, get the number straight from the driver / pimp for direct deal next time.

  11. #182
    Quote Originally Posted by HumanPerson2  [View Original Post]
    Back a little while ago from my trip to LP. Thanks all who gave me insight from your trips since my last visit there.

    Wow what a change it's gone through! The chicken farm is gone. Wiped off the face of the earth. And a real farm is now in its place. The shacks between Manomai road and uPub are likewise no longer in operation, victims of the furious development that seems to be everywhere in LP these days. Happy beer restaurant, as the prior poster mentioned, is gone.

    The Viet shack behind the stadium survives, as do a few beer bars on the main road south and off a few of its side streets. I didn't look at massage places, just not my style.

    The best source I found were the roving vans. The drive around the city with a load of girls and will come to you. Prices are reasonable - 250/300 for ST, 400 for LT. The girls are excellent! Stock is nice and fresh; of comparable quality to the old shacks on Manomai where I had many an enjoyable screw. I built a good rapport with one of the driver / pimps in particular and had a few great girls.

    When you fly in you can see the high-speed train being built. Get out there and enjoy what's left of peaceful LP before it's too late!
    Thank you very much for the update.

    There really is very little intel coming out of LP.

    With the disappearance of the chicken farm, there really are no good options left.

    The vans sound like a possible option, but how do you find them? LP is not that small a place.

  12. #181

    LP: A Changing Town.

    Back a little while ago from my trip to LP. Thanks all who gave me insight from your trips since my last visit there.

    Wow what a change it's gone through! The chicken farm is gone. Wiped off the face of the earth. And a real farm is now in its place. The shacks between Manomai road and uPub are likewise no longer in operation, victims of the furious development that seems to be everywhere in LP these days. Happy beer restaurant, as the prior poster mentioned, is gone.

    The Viet shack behind the stadium survives, as do a few beer bars on the main road south and off a few of its side streets. I didn't look at massage places, just not my style.

    The best source I found were the roving vans. The drive around the city with a load of girls and will come to you. Prices are reasonable - 250/300 for ST, 400 for LT. The girls are excellent! Stock is nice and fresh; of comparable quality to the old shacks on Manomai where I had many an enjoyable screw. I built a good rapport with one of the driver / pimps in particular and had a few great girls.

    When you fly in you can see the high-speed train being built. Get out there and enjoy what's left of peaceful LP before it's too late!

  13. #180
    Quote Originally Posted by HumanPerson2  [View Original Post]
    Has anybody been in LP recently? Heading there soon and interested to see if anything's changed since the last substantive reports a year ago. Thanks in advance!
    I was traveling thru Laos a few days ago.

    I checked out the "happy beer" place near the university mentioned in a few posts. Sad to report those places are boarded up and closed down. Near there are 2 bars for locals though that were pretty happening but no one spoke any English and paid me any attention. Maybe 100 or so local guys and girls hanging out.

    I also hit up the now 2 massage parlors on the road parallel to Mekong river near the Royal palace / museum. Nothing was offered but my masseuses were attractive. So all in all, the trip was a failure from a monger standpoint but LP was an amazing place to visit for a few days. Your best bet might be fellow tourists / backpackers.

    Good luck.

  14. #179
    Quote Originally Posted by HumanPerson2  [View Original Post]
    Has anybody been in LP recently? Heading there soon and interested to see if anything's changed since the last substantive reports a year ago. Thanks in advance!
    I have. It's a very touristy area though.

    I mean, tons of female backpackers there, if that's what you're looking for.

  15. #178

    Any LP Updates?

    Has anybody been in LP recently? Heading there soon and interested to see if anything's changed since the last substantive reports a year ago. Thanks in advance!

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