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Thread: Stupid Shit in Kyiv

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  1. #150
    Quote Originally Posted by LittleBigMan  [View Original Post]
    That is your opinion but I strongly disagree. Your opinion " by the time the virus reached Europe and USA " yes it was contagious and dangerous but the point N.B. made and you quoted was China hid how contagious and dangerous the virus was and allow Chinese to travel abroad you stated " very cleared " which was incorrect even China told the W. H. O. That it wasn't which caused a lot of countries even the USA To underestimate the problem. January 25th of 2020 there was only one case of Virus being reported in the USA As I remember reading.

    Sure many countries underestimated and had no real idea or just not prepared to handle such a problem but the SOURCE OR LACK OF IT COMES FROM China!
    President of the United States, Donald Trump, was repeatedly told by his intelligence agencies in early January, all through the rest of January, all throughout February and into the first half of March about the true pandemic risks of the virus contrary to what China was trying to pawn off on the world about it.

    Therefore, anything he said about it after early January, such as, "It's one person coming in from China, It's going to be just fine, We've got it totally under control, This is their (the Democrats) new hoax, China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus, The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency, It will all work out well, In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!", and on and on and on was a confirmation of China's lies, known to be lies by the President of the United States, for the entire world to accept. That includes lying to you, me, Fauci, Pelosi, Biden, everyone on the planet who was not in on those classified meetings with Trump from early January on and privy to his Presidential Daily Briefings during that time.

    I would argue Trump's lies about it in his position as POTUS were ultimately more damaging to more countries around the world and certainly to the USA than Xi's because, historically speaking at least, the rest of the world would be inclined to believe the USA would not stand by and allow lies to go unchallenged much less repeat and confirm lies coming out of China about something so potentially disastrous to so many. But, apparently, this time we did.

    2 months in the dark: the increasingly damning timeline of Trump's coronavirus response.

    Early January: Intelligence officials begin offering ominous, classified warnings about the virus to Trump in the Presidents Daily Brief. The warnings will persist into February.

    Early January: In a report to the director of National Intelligence, a State Department epidemiologist warns that the virus is likely to spread across the globe and could result in a pandemic, and the Defense Intelligence Agencys National Center for Medical Intelligence comes to the same conclusion, per the New York Times.

  2. #149
    Quote Originally Posted by Mogwai  [View Original Post]
    By the time the virus reached Europe and the USA it was already pretty clear that it was very contagious and dangerous, but despite that many governments underestimated it and reacted too slow. Just like China did in the first place.

    So China is not the only one to blame. China did not infect the world all by its own. The world infected itself.
    That is your opinion but I strongly disagree. Your opinion " by the time the virus reached Europe and USA " yes it was contagious and dangerous but the point N.B. made and you quoted was China hid how contagious and dangerous the virus was and allow Chinese to travel abroad you stated " very cleared " which was incorrect even China told the W. H. O. That it wasn't which caused a lot of countries even the USA To underestimate the problem. January 25th of 2020 there was only one case of Virus being reported in the USA As I remember reading.

    Sure many countries underestimated and had no real idea or just not prepared to handle such a problem but the SOURCE OR LACK OF IT COMES FROM China!

  3. #148

    The BS Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Rodwint2  [View Original Post]
    The Chinese Communist Party has used the Wuhan virus as the sneak attack that has hurt the United States (and the rest of the world) in a way more devious and cunning than the attack on Pearl Harbor. The US doesn't even acknowledge that a real state of war does now exist between the PRC and this country. The dead in the US is over 106,000 and counting from this CCP attack. Pearl Harbor was only 2,400+ dead and the World Trade Center was 2,977.

    From my college political science class I remember the professors telling us that in the economic battles that fail to resolve disputes, the next step is usually a military conflict, war in other words. With the ongoing dispute between the PRCs blatant theft of the intellectual property from the rest of the world and primarily the US, the Wuhan virus should be seen as an outright attack at the United States. The PRC's Politburo knows that a military conflict with the United States cannot be won by the PRC. Only by subterfuge and deceit can the PRC destroy the US ability to defend itself in the long run when its economy is left in shambles. Just remember, President Xi / Pooh wants to take over the world while he is alive and kicking!
    Can you and your friends take your thread to the BS thread? The Covid19 disaster in the West is due to mismanagement, mostly in the old folks' care homes. If you eat properly and live in a good area, you are at minimum risk. Your stupid attacks on China are a mirror image of attacks when Japan went ahead in the 1970's. The USA is not the centre of the world. The US built itself on industrial espionage and theft, in the mills and factories of Scotland to take but one example of many. They stole technology from Germany after both world wars.

    The other thing spreading Covid19 is the global supply chain of which you are a part. HIV in the USA and from the USA is a good precedent in that regard.

    Can you and your compatriots ease back a bit. Maybe go read The Ugly American and maybe ask your fellow Americans not to talk so loudly in public. Thais and others like to tone things down, to blend in, not to wear Hawaii shirts and roar for Big Macs. Capiche?

  4. #147
    Quote Originally Posted by NattyBumpo  [View Original Post]
    The thing is I am very pissed off at the Chinese Communist Dictatorship. Let us not forget that they started this whole Pandemic crises through their lies, cover up, and most importantly the fact that they let their citizens travel outside of China after they knew there was a serious problem ie to infect the world.
    By the time the virus reached Europe and the USA it was already pretty clear that it was very contagious and dangerous, but despite that many governments underestimated it and reacted too slow. Just like China did in the first place.

    So China is not the only one to blame. China did not infect the world all by its own. The world infected itself.

  5. #146

    Not Possible and extremely dishonest statement.

    Quote Originally Posted by DramaFree11  [View Original Post]
    Correct about the most of the beautiful girls left the country 3-5 years ago. 600 Grv, will not work, unless you have not standards. $75-150 per session. Not cheap anymore and the hot girls are long gone. 6's are available, but not for little money, complete myth.
    "getting a beautiful well-mannered girl rated above 8 for 1500-2000 UAH an hour are definitely higher than 50%. " This statement is completely wrong, false and delusional. It is not possible to have multiple hot girls in Kiev. These guys that claim the Kiev is this great place, leave out some many details out in there reports and forget to mention the time, energy, and money they put in there hobby. Nothing wrong with this, but be honest about it. There are very few 7-8's in Kiev especially to foreign guys and newbie. It has been like this for years, it is just a not new problem. If you find one you will be paying more the $150-300 range, even now. This pollster continues to make these ridiculous claims, how easy it is. It is simply not possible in any country, unless you get extremely lucky, to get High End girls and this price. He and his bodies continues to ignore the issues that are negative about Ukraine. He jokes about the scams and thinks it funny, far from that, when people get ripped off, big time on daily basis, but they forget to mention this.

    I ask myself why would want to go to a place were it is one big scam. Restaurants are empty most of time, fake profiles,(are the norm, not the exception), night life does not exist (this was before the crisis, it will be even worse now) Scams are everywhere, Restaurants, Bars, Stores and agencies.

    Just do a little research on google and you will just see how bad it is. People are fleeing the country in bus loads, because no opportunities, everyone is lying or trying to rip you off in one form of another.

    That being said it might be slightly better for a few months while girls regroup, from living abroad, save there money, and prepare leave the country for better life. Yes leave the country, time for guys to address some of the real issues in Kiev, but that would be to easy and require some honesty.

  6. #145

    Hot War, not Cold War

    Quote Originally Posted by NattyBumpo  [View Original Post]
    I agree with both of you guys. In fact I was talking about this 10 days ago, maybe longer. The thing is I am very pissed off at the Chinese Communist Dictatorship. Let us not forget that they started this whole Pandemic crises through their lies, cover up, and most importantly the fact that they let their citizens travel outside of China after they knew there was a serious problem ie to infect the world. In addition, they have built offensive military bases on man made islands in international waters of the South China Sea, and as we speak are clamping down once and for all on the freedoms of Hong Kong in violation to a treaty they signed, are currently threatening military action against India & always threaten the existence of Taiwan, and let us not forget about their continuing unfair trade practices and intellectual property theft.

    The bottom line is the world is already in a new Cold War with China whether we recognize it or not, but thanks to the pandemic, I think the world is finally waking up to these fact and nations like Thailand and the PI are going to have to choose which side they want to line up with. Maybe Thailand has already decided. I am not sure on that. But, I know every country, every citizen of the world is going to have to choose. I have made my choice. I won't buy Chinese manufactured products any longer if I can help it and here is a small trivial example: the other day I was shopping online for a pair of lightweight jeans from one of my favorite designers. The jeans were listed at 50% off. I was about to make the purchase until I noticed a review that said the product was manufactured in China and I did not make the purchase. My point being that on a much larger aggregate basis nations are going to have to decide where they import manufactured products from too.

    So yeah, Thailand is a sovereign nation and can do what it likes in regards to the Chinese. It is a complex problem and may very well involve some economic pain in the beginning. I sincerely hope they make the right choice because I really like Thailand and the Thai people. but as I voiced this opinion before and I repeat it now: because of China's critical role in causing the world wide Pandemic and the fact that it is still lying about it; I will be personally insulted if the Thai Government were to let Chinese Nationals back into Thailand ahead of Americans, Europeans and Australians. So insulted that I might very well decide to boycott Thailand for my next few trips. There are plenty of other countries that I have not been to in quite a long time with pretty girls, nice beaches, and good food and where I can spend my hard earned money. Now maybe Thailand doesn't care about that. Fair enough, but they are still going to have to decide which side they want to be on in this new Cold War. I have a feeling they will eventually figure it out if they have not already, that Communist China is not their friend and more importantly can't be trusted. At least I hope so.
    The Chinese Communist Party has used the Wuhan virus as the sneak attack that has hurt the United States (and the rest of the world) in a way more devious and cunning than the attack on Pearl Harbor. The US doesn't even acknowledge that a real state of war does now exist between the PRC and this country. The dead in the US is over 106,000 and counting from this CCP attack. Pearl Harbor was only 2,400+ dead and the World Trade Center was 2,977.

    From my college political science class I remember the professors telling us that in the economic battles that fail to resolve disputes, the next step is usually a military conflict, war in other words. With the ongoing dispute between the PRCs blatant theft of the intellectual property from the rest of the world and primarily the US, the Wuhan virus should be seen as an outright attack at the United States. The PRC's Politburo knows that a military conflict with the United States cannot be won by the PRC. Only by subterfuge and deceit can the PRC destroy the US ability to defend itself in the long run when its economy is left in shambles. Just remember, President Xi / Pooh wants to take over the world while he is alive and kicking!

  7. #144
    Quote Originally Posted by NattyBumpo  [View Original Post]
    I agree with both of you guys. In fact I was talking about this 10 days ago, maybe longer. The thing is I am very pissed off at the Chinese Communist Dictatorship. Let us not forget that they started this whole Pandemic crises through their lies, cover up, and most importantly the fact that they let their citizens travel outside of China after they knew there was a serious problem ie to infect the world. In addition, they have built offensive military bases on man made islands in international waters of the South China Sea, and as we speak are clamping down once and for all on the freedoms of Hong Kong in violation to a treaty they signed, are currently threatening military action against India & always threaten the existence of Taiwan, and let us not forget about their continuing unfair trade practices and intellectual property theft.

    The bottom line is the world is already in a new Cold War with China whether we recognize it or not, but thanks to the pandemic, I think the world is finally waking up to these fact and nations like Thailand and the PI are going to have to choose which side they want to line up with. Maybe Thailand has already decided. I am not sure on that. But, I know every country, every citizen of the world is going to have to choose. I have made my choice. I won't buy Chinese manufactured products any longer if I can help it and here is a small trivial example: the other day I was shopping online for a pair of lightweight jeans from one of my favorite designers. The jeans were listed at 50% off. I was about to make the purchase until I noticed a review that said the product was manufactured in China and I did not make the purchase. My point being that on a much larger aggregate basis nations are going to have to decide where they import manufactured products from too.

    So yeah, Thailand is a sovereign nation and can do what it likes in regards to the Chinese. It is a complex problem and may very well involve some economic pain in the beginning. I sincerely hope they make the right choice because I really like Thailand and the Thai people. but as I voiced this opinion before and I repeat it now: because of China's critical role in causing the world wide Pandemic and the fact that it is still lying about it; I will be personally insulted if the Thai Government were to let Chinese Nationals back into Thailand ahead of Americans, Europeans and Australians. So insulted that I might very well decide to boycott Thailand for my next few trips. There are plenty of other countries that I have not been to in quite a long time with pretty girls, nice beaches, and good food and where I can spend my hard earned money. Now maybe Thailand doesn't care about that. Fair enough, but they are still going to have to decide which side they want to be on in this new Cold War. I have a feeling they will eventually figure it out if they have not already, that Communist China is not their friend and more importantly can't be trusted. At least I hope so.

    Long one but a must read.

  8. #143
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkeyPaw  [View Original Post]

    "Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's administration remains cautious towards softening the restrictions any time soon on China as any early reopening could trigger a backlash from the United States, which has been critical of the mainland's handling of the disease, the report said."
    Quote Originally Posted by LittleBigMan  [View Original Post]
    If one thinks politics isn't involved just an opinion then they are very limited to view of things! I agree with you that countries like South Korea / Japan need to tiptoe their way through their decision with China as we have seen if China doesn't like something now that they hold lots of the cards will let you know Australia is a good example just as the NBA found out too. I also agree on Thailand has on the surface have made their decision they got their head up China ass it will be a long time before their leaders see any light it is just the beginning as I noted before if things get really bad like a SEA confrontation a real decision will need to be made as others have noted the Thai people, in general, have negative things to say about the Chinese tourist but they don't make the decision for Thailand.

    My real opinion right now they will slowly allow those who look like them enter since the numbers are reported low whether other countries are lying or not, based on the numbers coming out of UK and America many Thais I've had a conversation with and what comes out of their leader's mouth they have no idea why the numbers are so high nor do they care they have concluded through their ignorance that white folks are dirty that being said when it comes to both there will certainly be strings attached. In the U.S. certainly the last week's events Memorial weekend, then the giant pool party in Missouri that just reported a positive case which means how many did he or she infect and there were hundreds if not thousands. Now with all the rioting it would be interesting to see the spike if there is an outbreak it will push things a few months down the road for the U.S. in regards to international travel.

    Just to make sure no one gets it wrong regardless of my views I hope I'm wrong and put the politics stuff aside they just open it up with no restrictions at all. I don't need to return home right now my mother 102 in an assisted living situation is well looked after and protected so far but if the virus doesn't get her it is a matter of time her age will and if that happens with the restrictions I won't even be able to return and that has caused a lot of lost sleep and that doesn't include all the legal responsibility I've been given to my nephew and nieces.

    As for China taking over as #1, what will happen is what the USA Does best is try to get it back and that is using capital and politics to get it back those in the middle which are a lot will need to choose sides whether they want to or not and that includes Thailand.
    I agree with both of you guys. In fact I was talking about this 10 days ago, maybe longer. The thing is I am very pissed off at the Chinese Communist Dictatorship. Let us not forget that they started this whole Pandemic crises through their lies, cover up, and most importantly the fact that they let their citizens travel outside of China after they knew there was a serious problem ie to infect the world. In addition, they have built offensive military bases on man made islands in international waters of the South China Sea, and as we speak are clamping down once and for all on the freedoms of Hong Kong in violation to a treaty they signed, are currently threatening military action against India & always threaten the existence of Taiwan, and let us not forget about their continuing unfair trade practices and intellectual property theft.

    The bottom line is the world is already in a new Cold War with China whether we recognize it or not, but thanks to the pandemic, I think the world is finally waking up to these fact and nations like Thailand and the PI are going to have to choose which side they want to line up with. Maybe Thailand has already decided. I am not sure on that. But, I know every country, every citizen of the world is going to have to choose. I have made my choice. I won't buy Chinese manufactured products any longer if I can help it and here is a small trivial example: the other day I was shopping online for a pair of lightweight jeans from one of my favorite designers. The jeans were listed at 50% off. I was about to make the purchase until I noticed a review that said the product was manufactured in China and I did not make the purchase. My point being that on a much larger aggregate basis nations are going to have to decide where they import manufactured products from too.

    So yeah, Thailand is a sovereign nation and can do what it likes in regards to the Chinese. It is a complex problem and may very well involve some economic pain in the beginning. I sincerely hope they make the right choice because I really like Thailand and the Thai people. but as I voiced this opinion before and I repeat it now: because of China's critical role in causing the world wide Pandemic and the fact that it is still lying about it; I will be personally insulted if the Thai Government were to let Chinese Nationals back into Thailand ahead of Americans, Europeans and Australians. So insulted that I might very well decide to boycott Thailand for my next few trips. There are plenty of other countries that I have not been to in quite a long time with pretty girls, nice beaches, and good food and where I can spend my hard earned money. Now maybe Thailand doesn't care about that. Fair enough, but they are still going to have to decide which side they want to be on in this new Cold War. I have a feeling they will eventually figure it out if they have not already, that Communist China is not their friend and more importantly can't be trusted. At least I hope so.

  9. #142


    Quote Originally Posted by LittleBigMan  [View Original Post]
    If one thinks politics isn't involved just an opinion then they are very limited to view of things! I agree with you that countries like South Korea / Japan need to tiptoe their way through their decision with China as we have seen if China doesn't like something now that they hold lots of the cards will let you know Australia is a good example just as the NBA found out too. I also agree on Thailand has on the surface have made their decision they got their head up China ass it will be a long time before their leaders see any light it is just the beginning as I noted before if things get really bad like a SEA confrontation a real decision will need to be made as others have noted the Thai people, in general, have negative things to say about the Chinese tourist but they don't make the decision for Thailand.

    My real opinion right now they will slowly allow those who look like them enter since the numbers are reported low whether other countries are lying or not, based on the numbers coming out of UK and America many Thais I've had a conversation with and what comes out of their leader's mouth they have no idea why the numbers are so high nor do they care they have concluded through their ignorance that white folks are dirty that being said when it comes to both there will certainly be strings attached. In the U.S. certainly the last week's events Memorial weekend, then the giant pool party in Missouri that just reported a positive case which means how many did he or she infect and there were hundreds if not thousands. Now with all the rioting it would be interesting to see the spike if there is an outbreak it will push things a few months down the road for the U.S. in regards to international travel..
    I totally agree, but you really have to fix that "comma" button on your keyboard.

  10. #141
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkeyPaw  [View Original Post]
    Brits may be banned from Thailand. Not sure if this is gossip or what? But I promise you, China / Hong issues and relations has lots to do with who and when gets to travel to Thailand. Just the same as Japan not opening up to China in July because it doesn't want to piss off the USA. But Thailand has drawn its alliance with China on this one. I mentioned this earlier. I wonder if the USA will also be banned as well, since they removed the 1. 3 billion import tax exemption on Thai goods. I guess there always the Philippines for those living in the USA to monger. I wonder what would ever happen if China over took the USA as #1 economy with regards to bilateral agreements?
    If one thinks politics isn't involved just an opinion then they are very limited to view of things! I agree with you that countries like South Korea / Japan need to tiptoe their way through their decision with China as we have seen if China doesn't like something now that they hold lots of the cards will let you know Australia is a good example just as the NBA found out too. I also agree on Thailand has on the surface have made their decision they got their head up China ass it will be a long time before their leaders see any light it is just the beginning as I noted before if things get really bad like a SEA confrontation a real decision will need to be made as others have noted the Thai people, in general, have negative things to say about the Chinese tourist but they don't make the decision for Thailand.

    My real opinion right now they will slowly allow those who look like them enter since the numbers are reported low whether other countries are lying or not, based on the numbers coming out of UK and America many Thais I've had a conversation with and what comes out of their leader's mouth they have no idea why the numbers are so high nor do they care they have concluded through their ignorance that white folks are dirty that being said when it comes to both there will certainly be strings attached. In the U.S. certainly the last week's events Memorial weekend, then the giant pool party in Missouri that just reported a positive case which means how many did he or she infect and there were hundreds if not thousands. Now with all the rioting it would be interesting to see the spike if there is an outbreak it will push things a few months down the road for the U.S. in regards to international travel.

    Just to make sure no one gets it wrong regardless of my views I hope I'm wrong and put the politics stuff aside they just open it up with no restrictions at all. I don't need to return home right now my mother 102 in an assisted living situation is well looked after and protected so far but if the virus doesn't get her it is a matter of time her age will and if that happens with the restrictions I won't even be able to return and that has caused a lot of lost sleep and that doesn't include all the legal responsibility I've been given to my nephew and nieces.

    As for China taking over as #1, what will happen is what the USA Does best is try to get it back and that is using capital and politics to get it back those in the middle which are a lot will need to choose sides whether they want to or not and that includes Thailand.

  11. #140
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkeyPaw  [View Original Post]
    I wonder if Thailand will restrict the United States travelers, so they don't piss off the Chinese and now Hong Kong.
    Rather than being political, I think this will be more of a practical move. Why would countries who have done the hard (and expensive) yards by locking down early and strictly, thereby slowing the spread of the virus, allow residents of countries with let's say a more "laissez faire" approach to the virus' spreading similiar access to their country. It doesn't make much sense to them and I have to agree.

    That's partly what this bloody virus is all about IMHO. Take me seriously governments or I will destroy you!

  12. #139

    Hopefully this is just gossip

    Quote Originally Posted by LittleBigMan  [View Original Post]
    I agree it is just too soon to project that things are just going to open particularly with International travel. I would love to be wrong when it comes to the freedom to travel. There are many announcements read between the lines, words like " hint " when it does open expect a ton of strings attached especially with foreigners.
    Brits may be banned from Thailand. Not sure if this is gossip or what? But I promise you, China / Hong issues and relations has lots to do with who and when gets to travel to Thailand. Just the same as Japan not opening up to China in July because it doesn't want to piss off the USA. But Thailand has drawn its alliance with China on this one. I mentioned this earlier. I wonder if the USA will also be banned as well, since they removed the 1. 3 billion import tax exemption on Thai goods. I guess there always the Philippines for those living in the USA to monger. I wonder what would ever happen if China over took the USA as #1 economy with regards to bilateral agreements?

  13. #138
    Quote Originally Posted by Riina  [View Original Post]
    Most of that interest by ladies towards older guys is checking for a possible big score.
    What reason do they have to fuck an old guy when there is plenty of money in the younger crowd? If you flash money to attract some fish. You are going to find a few sharks. It is up to you to be the smart one.

  14. #137
    Quote Originally Posted by Kozerog  [View Original Post]
    Tons more guys like this. Really mind-boggling how men can be so stupid around women, especially Anglo world men around Ukrainian women.
    Most of that interest by ladies towards older guys is checking for a possible big score.

  15. #136
    Quote Originally Posted by PhotoSlider  [View Original Post]
    ...A form of gambling addiction...
    The more I think about it, the more similarities found.

    5 weeks spent in the Great City of Kiev in September-October 2018, having a total of 50 girls in a pure burst of mongering insanity. First few days it was at least 3 girls one after another every 24 hours, while a semi-permanent rental GF was out of my bed at work in her office.

    In a hindsight ordering those hourly girls did look like playing poker or blackjack.

    - Give me another card please!

    - Lilya, 2000 UAH + taxi, 168 cm, 52 kg, 2, 21 yo. Sending you pictures.

    - Not bad. How soon at my door?

    - 25 minutes.

    - Deal.

    Half an hour later I am assessing Lilya's assets and curves. Then later she takes a shower, not quite leaving my apartment yet, while I request via Viber:

    - Give me another card please!

    - Sonya, 1600 UAH + taxi, 172, 53, 2, 19 yo.

    - Pass. I had her already last Friday. Give me a different one!

    - Sure Paulina, 1800 UAH + taxi, 175,56, 3, 21 yo. 30 minutes at your entrance?

    - Do you have her pictures?

    - Here you go.

    - Deal! Send her out.

    - OK. Then Lilya can take the same car from your location.

    At that moment Lilya appears out of the shower in all her shining glory, I pour her more champagne, we still have 20 minutes for a good BJ and sweet chat, when friend of mine calls. He wants to join the game at our table, and maybe strategic for upcoming weekend. And kaleidoscope keeps rotating, generating unimaginable pictures.

    Girls like cards of different denomination, hand after hand after hand from the dealer, layout and alignment are constantly changing, wins and busts, ups and downs, the thrill of new face, new character, new interaction.

    What a great addiction!

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