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  1. #2851
    Quote Originally Posted by Paulie97  [View Original Post]
    Your confusion relates to the fact that you are operating with faulty information, and seemingly have only been accessing right wing talking points. It's also bigoted when you label a whole culture "toxic" because it is different than what you want to consider "mainstream. " This while placing the burden all on the shoulders of blacks to change when a historic, dominant culture has been repeatedly seen to manifest itself in institutions, and notably, police forces, IE. "systemic," a concept you wish to side step / delute while focusing only on black culture. Some whites in positions of authority need to change, and at the least meet the others halfway by way of dialogue. But here I am referring to an earlier post from you.

    As to the 50's, well, that was a golden age for a lot of common folks with US manufacturing and strong unions. Many blacks benefitted from that. However tax rates during the era would make modern "conservatives" (whatever that is anymore) shit bricks.
    I am not confused and hold true to my conviction entirely and reject yours to a great degree. I am further confident of that seeing that your supporting evidence cites progress of mere material metrics. Nothing personal or offensive intended.

    Believe me, this was not a dig. It was more of a statement of conditions.

    That was the prevalent society of my youth. Poor, black, low education. Half of my friends came from split parent homes or single parent homes. And many with both parents in the house were hindered by fathers carrying psychological trauma from racial abuse he suffered in the 50's and 60's. (Previous is Not a statistic or meant to say majority, average, etc. It is just a statement of my perspective and background).

    And I'll reemphasize the word "average" as to clarify that it is not a universal reality. I won't even go as far as to say that it is over 50%, but easily would say a plurality.

    The toxic culture term was not to place direct blame on black people as to my allusion to 50's and 60's. It was supposed to state a reality in which something was done to them. The hood-rat culture stereotype is still a visible reality for many. Many black people complain about the crabs in a barrel mentality, (when one crab is climbing out, another pinches him and keeps him in the barrel). And even successful black Americans still carry around psychological trauma that effects their worldview. Believe me, as an immigrant, that sticks with you even after you've "made it."

    Secondly, you mix up systemic with prevalent or even extremely prevalent bordering on universal. The systemic association with police I reject, save maybe something like Stop and Frisk policies but even that is not exactly explicitly systemic. The various incidents of arrests and murders were not due to protocol or policies. They were due to individuals and their cultural biases breaking protocol or poorly communicating. Now, there can be a large number of individuals with biases, even a majority, and the effects may be the same as something systemic. It's a technicality with perhaps the same result but it is an important distinction as to clarify that the problem lies within each person even extending to our collective humanism rather than the written laws and policies.

    Are there still some instances of systemic racism? Yes. The effects of previous redlining and current gerrymandering is around. Perhaps there are more examples too. I am open to that reality.

    I do take offense to your accusation of conservative bias as I feel that I have adopted more liberal ideals than you have conservative ones.

    Again, respectfully. I just disagree with your assessment of my views and reasoning. I disagree a hell of a lot.

  2. #2850


    Quote Originally Posted by RunMann  [View Original Post]
    The best and most appropriate summation to date. The more we read from the uninformed one, the more applicable these words are.
    The problem is these online discussions go full circle, and what was refuted two weeks ago gets asserted all over again so anyone who participates long enough is forced to go in circles. That's a bad use of my time. But yea, and for the second time, there's a minority of blacks that grow up in poverty and seek out alternative ways to prosper, and this can involve gangs and drugs. This has been going in the states approaching 200 years. At first it was primarily the Irish, then the Italians. Murder rates in Chicago during the Capone era were similar as now. It's a dirty business and nothing new, but it's a small minority of blacks in spite of these efforts to paint them all as lazy, inferior, over indulgent criminals. The same stereotypes were placed on the Irish and Italians. Go in most any major city or predominantly black neighborhood and you'll find loads of blacks working hard in a variety of professions. The vast majority aren't standing on the corner selling crack. Nor are they down at the pawn shop buying gold chains with their stimulus money. But even if they were, so what? There's been no shortage of white guys around these communities bragging about spending all their stimulus on hookers, so what's the difference? Well the latter doesn't work with anyone's agenda for pushing stereotypes so it's left alone. Yea we get it. Wink.

  3. #2849
    Quote Originally Posted by Travv  [View Original Post]
    Gazette Times .

    Comments: he sponsors and votes a bill to punish men who hire prostitutes, and he gets caught breaking the law that he sponsored. Sadly ironic. . . And typical of American politicians. . . Hoist by his own petard.
    Par for the course when it comes to politicans, they are known for being hypocrites, sponsoring bills to ban gays and espousing family values in public only to get caught later in compromising postions with gays. Here are 20 family values Republicans who were got caught in the closet.

  4. #2848
    Quote Originally Posted by Paulie97  [View Original Post]
    Worthy of barstool banter in some brothel town but not a serious discussion. Stick with the brothel talk Bro.
    The best and most appropriate summation to date. The more we read from the uninformed one, the more applicable these words are.

  5. #2847

    Haha well

    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    I have seen this shit with my own eyes.
    You have an agenda and simply aren't credible when going on about what you claim to have seen. You were draw to this thread because of the attacks on Tim Scott. You are defensive because you are of a similar mind. So you lay out a bunch of anecdotes as "evidence" which has little if any value. There are plenty of Caribbean blacks that come here and remain in menial jobs. There are also plenty of black Americans that didn't spend their stimulus checks on gold chains, as PVMonger demonstrated with evidence. Also the vast majority of black Americans do not live in poverty. Here's another fact, racism exists, and though it's possible to have some financial success in spite of it, it's worth confronting. And, if you supported Trump in spite of his persistent, overt racism then you are part of the problem. The same can be said when presenting an unbalanced account of the black community as if all are spending their stimulus checks on gold chains. This is misinformation and part of the problem, regardless of your skin color.

  6. #2846


    Quote Originally Posted by Mursenary  [View Original Post]
    But average black Americans are born into a toxic culture. My point is your judgement is toward a people whose youth often are not taught any better.

    Believe me, I have some of the same thoughts. But you have to ask, how did black families change so much from the 50's and 60's? What happened since desegregation? What did black communities get worse and imprisonment go up? Did black Americans all of a sudden become lazy criminals?
    Your confusion relates to the fact that you are operating with faulty information, and seemingly have only been accessing right wing talking points. It's also bigoted when you label a whole culture "toxic" because it is different than what you want to consider "mainstream. " This while placing the burden all on the shoulders of blacks to change when a historic, dominant culture has been repeatedly seen to manifest itself in institutions, and notably, police forces, IE. "systemic," a concept you wish to side step / delute while focusing only on black culture. Some whites in positions of authority need to change, and at the least meet the others halfway by way of dialogue. But here I am referring to an earlier post from you.

    As to the 50's, well, that was a golden age for a lot of common folks with US manufacturing and strong unions. Many blacks benefitted from that. However tax rates during the era would make modern "conservatives" (whatever that is anymore) shit bricks.

    But as to the current information, the situation for blacks has improved a lot since the 1960's, with far fewer living in poverty, lower unemployment rates, greater average family wealth, double the percentage of college graduates, and hugely greater representation in Congress and the Senate. In fact the vast majority do not live in poverty making the whole "toxic culture" line even less credible. Though there's toxity found in about all races and cultures. We found that out most clearly January 6th at the Capital. That's even though, according to internal reports, law enforcement wasn't much worried about those guys but instead had their eyes out for counter protesters. Funny how that one goes.

  7. #2845

    "Dickey Amendment"

    In 1997 the US Congress, with strong support (in bankruptcy proceedings) National Rifle Association, passed the "Dickey" amendment which barred the Center for Disease Control from studying firearm violence. The American Medical Association has deemed firearm violence a national health crisis. As comedian and commentator John Oliver noted, a very "Dickey" thing to do.
    Last edited by Beijing4987; 05-04-21 at 21:14. Reason: Addition

  8. #2844

    The fact?

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisP  [View Original Post]
    The fact is that the number of unarmed black men shot dead by police in America is around 10 a year.
    I presume it won't be too hard telling us how you've come up with this fact?

  9. #2843
    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    I would disagree that Asians are born into better economic conditions. When you travel the world you will see Chinese people doing the exact same shit you have seen in America. I have seen this shit with my own eyes. Dominican Republic, Panama, Brazil. They go there without a pot to urinate in and can't even speak the language! They sell fruit on a corner or work at a restaurant meanwhile learning the language. Eventually they buy a little restaurant or small store. Their whole family sleeps in the back of said restaurant or store.

    They send the kids to school to learn business or medicine and the kids speak the local languange and their native language perfectly. They end up owning a chain of stores or restaurants and the local Blacks resent them thinking somebody gave them something or they had some kind of upper hand. No. They just put their noses to the grindstone and didn't make any damn excuses about a system that was out to get them.
    I was thinking of Asian Americans being born into better economic conditions. Actually even better than the average white American actually.

    But yeah, Chinese entrepreneurship is a common romanticization with some truthful merit. Same with Nigerians coming over here and doing well, but I think you miss the point. In many ways, the immigrant experience is easier. They come over here as adults with a mission. Their kids have role models that shape their ethics and worldview.

    But average black Americans are born into a toxic culture. My point is your judgement is toward a people whose youth often are not taught any better.

    Believe me, I have some of the same thoughts. But you have to ask, how did black families change so much from the 50's and 60's? What happened since desegregation? What did black communities get worse and imprisonment go up? Did black Americans all of a sudden become lazy criminals?

  10. #2842
    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    I would disagree that Asians are born into better economic conditions. When you travel the world you will see Chinese people doing the exact same shit you have seen in America. I have seen this shit with my own eyes. Dominican Republic, Panama, Brazil. They go there without a pot to urinate in and can't even speak the language! They sell fruit on a corner or work at a restaurant meanwhile learning the language. Eventually they buy a little restaurant or small store. Their whole family sleeps in the back of said restaurant or store.

    They send the kids to school to learn business or medicine and the kids speak the local languange and their native language perfectly. They end up owning a chain of stores or restaurants and the local Blacks resent them thinking somebody gave them something or they had some kind of upper hand. No. They just put their noses to the grindstone and didn't make any damn excuses about a system that was out to get them.

    You are damn right it is cultural. Because a big arguement is that you do not hear these things from African immigrants who are some would say even Blacker than Black Americans. You see them on the news being offered scholarships from 10 different Ivy League schools. You see them as Beverly Hills plastic surgeons. American descendants of slaves are constantly told by their own people about how they are being held back by the system, that they end up perpetuating the lie and holding themselves back. You see those 4 million dollar houses that Black Lives Matter lady bought? Appears nobody is holding her back or out to kill her. Hmmm.

    [b]Even when given things like stimulus checks or the PPP loans, they didn't use that money to better their situation. Jewelry purchases in the Black community went up and a lot of people falsified loans to become ballers. Meanwhile I used my shit and bought some Dogecoin turning that free money into 10 times what it was worth in a short period of time. Now it is time to go out and buy a new gold chain![/]
    From the National Bureau of Economic Research: "The researchers discovered a number of interesting patterns. Larger households leaned toward spending most of the money. Seniors tended to pay down debt while younger and more educated households were more likely to save the payments. Those who were out of the labor force or who lived with parents were more likely to spend. African Americans were more likely to use most of their stimulus money to pay down debts, and Hispanics were more likely to spend."

  11. #2841
    Quote Originally Posted by Canada  [View Original Post]
    This was one case by a rogue police officer. Police officers are trained to react to the situation. In most cases blacks were shot for resisting arrest and had a weapon. An officer is trained to stop that criminal before he gets harmed or anyone else gets harmed. Where is your outrage when a black police officer shoots a white criminal who resists arrest? Where is your outrage for all the blacks killing blacks and killing black innocent children in all the democratic cities like Chicago. Don't those Black Lives Matter. Are the only Black lives that matter have to be criminals breaking the law and getting shot by white police. Is that what you are saying.
    That is exactly what they and their fake news are saying. The fact is that the number of unarmed black men shot dead by police in America is around 10 a year. In a country of 330 million. Of those ten or so, several were shot by non-white cops, and others were charging the cop and trying to grab his gun (as in the Michael Brown shooting). The actual number of unarmed black men complying with instructions who are killed by white police is so low it is frankly probably zero. And yet we are told it is some kind of epidemic, which is the exact opposite of reality. This complete clownworld inversion of the truth is something you would expect in North Korea or the Soviet Union. Thank goodness we still have some free media who refuse to go along with the establishment fake news line.

  12. #2840
    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    I did not say he deserved anything. I am saying that when you are belligerent and don't follow lawful instruction, then you get what you get. Sometimes keeping it real goes wrong.

    As far as the jury, many people say they had no choice given the climate of canceling and doxing. If they had decided any other way, their lives may have been in danger. I was the jury foreman on a meth trafficking case 2 years ago this month. We deliberated for 3 days. There is no way a fair and impartial jury is going to only deliberate 10 hours on a murder case. Those people knew what they had to do.
    Very true. One of the jurors has come out and said so since the trial. Hell, even the judge said that Maxine Waters' public incitement of violence was probable grounds for an appeal.

  13. #2839
    Quote Originally Posted by Mursenary  [View Original Post]
    I agree with your many of your points. And to some other's point, I hate the use of the term "systemic" racism because, even though I believe that racism is a hurdle for many people, I don't believe much of it is systemic but rather cultural.

    But there lies the problem with your perspective. Being born into lower economic tiers and perceived racial tiers poses its challenges. The average white or Asian person in the US is generally born into a better economic and educational situation than the average black or brown kid.
    When black or brown kids develop the mannerisms and thought processes that surround them at an early age, naturally, that will pose challenges in the Anglo-culture adult world.

    I say these things not to excuse certain outcomes; we are all in the end ultimately responsible for growth and adaptation. Rather, I am recognizing that some groups have obstacles that hinder their growth. Understanding the source of the problem may lead to better outcomes.

    The alternative explanation is to say that black kids are born innately bad or inferior. Who here believes that and are willing to say it out loud?
    I would disagree that Asians are born into better economic conditions. When you travel the world you will see Chinese people doing the exact same shit you have seen in America. I have seen this shit with my own eyes. Dominican Republic, Panama, Brazil. They go there without a pot to urinate in and can't even speak the language! They sell fruit on a corner or work at a restaurant meanwhile learning the language. Eventually they buy a little restaurant or small store. Their whole family sleeps in the back of said restaurant or store.

    They send the kids to school to learn business or medicine and the kids speak the local languange and their native language perfectly. They end up owning a chain of stores or restaurants and the local Blacks resent them thinking somebody gave them something or they had some kind of upper hand. No. They just put their noses to the grindstone and didn't make any damn excuses about a system that was out to get them.

    You are damn right it is cultural. Because a big arguement is that you do not hear these things from African immigrants who are some would say even Blacker than Black Americans. You see them on the news being offered scholarships from 10 different Ivy League schools. You see them as Beverly Hills plastic surgeons. American descendants of slaves are constantly told by their own people about how they are being held back by the system, that they end up perpetuating the lie and holding themselves back. You see those 4 million dollar houses that Black Lives Matter lady bought? Appears nobody is holding her back or out to kill her. Hmmm.

    Even when given things like stimulus checks or the PPP loans, they didn't use that money to better their situation. Jewelry purchases in the Black community went up and a lot of people falsified loans to become ballers. Meanwhile I used my shit and bought some Dogecoin turning that free money into 10 times what it was worth in a short period of time. Now it is time to go out and buy a new gold chain!

  14. #2838

    Former Oregon House Speaker Dave Hunt cited in sex trafficking sting

    Gazette Times .

    05 03 2021.

    Jim Redden.

    "Former Oregon House Speaker and current Clackamas Community College board member Dave Hunt (Democrat) was cited by Portland police in an undercover sex traffic sting operation in April.

    Contacted by the Portland Tribune on Monday, Hunt said, "I don't think I should talk about that."

    Clackamas Community College announced several hours later that Hunt was taking a leave from the board.

    As a legislator, Hunt was one of numerous sponsors of a bill criminalizing sex trafficking in 2007. In 2011, he also voted for HB 2714, the bill that created the crime of commercial sexual solicitation, the crime for which he was arrested and cited.

    The Portland Police Bureau issued a press release on Saturday saying its Human Trafficking Unit had cited eight men in an operation conducted in April. Officers posted online decoy ads on known human trafficking websites, and the subjects who "contacted undercover police officers to arrange payment for sexual acts" were criminally cited on the charge of commercial sexual solicitation.

    The release did not name those cited, but said the list was available on request. The Portland Tribune requested the list and received it Monday morning, May 3. It included "53-year-old David Hunt of Milwaukie."

    Comments: he sponsors and votes a bill to punish men who hire prostitutes, and he gets caught breaking the law that he sponsored. Sadly ironic. . . And typical of American politicians. . . Hoist by his own petard.

  15. #2837
    Quote Originally Posted by Canada  [View Original Post]
    This was one case by a rogue police officer. Police officers are trained to react to the situation. In most cases blacks were shot for resisting arrest and had a weapon. An officer is trained to stop that criminal before he gets harmed or anyone else gets harmed. Where is your outrage when a black police officer shoots a white criminal who resists arrest? Where is your outrage for all the blacks killing blacks and killing black innocent children in all the democratic cities like Chicago. Don't those Black Lives Matter. Are the only Black lives that matter have to be criminals breaking the law and getting shot by white police. Is that what you are saying.
    Once again you deflect. Blacks killing blacks is not about racism apart from people like yourself arguing against policies that would address the problem. Why is it that most mass shootings are carried out by whites? Why is this an epidemic almost exclusively American? Why is the US subject to so many more civilian gun deaths than any other country?

    If you don't believe in that there is extensive racism then you are the most deluded person on the planet. I am racist though I try to suppress it in my daily life. I'm sure blacks are racist against whites and Asians. I'm sure Asians are racist. It's an inbuilt tribal behaviour to distrust those who are different. It is how we behave towards one another that dictates whether it becomes a systematic problem. Your denial and deflection is just a hindrance to achieving a more harmonious society.

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