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Thread: Politics in the Dominican Republic

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  1. #155

    Minister of Tourism

    David Collado, Minister of Tourism, Dominican Republic is making a move against prostitution in Sosua. It is his vision that prostitution no longer exists there. The best insights into his thoughts are found in his Tweets.

    On Twitter: (at) DavidColladoM.

    There are other sites out there covering the changes on Sosua Beach in greater depth. I don't know if I am allow to post it. But is will send you the link via a PM. A Dominican citizen who lives in the area has given me many insights into the thoughts of the politicians though the statements they have made through social media (I don't follow politicos from any country). It all stems from big money developers that want to come in and make investments and they want the area cleaned up. I read something in the one of Dominican Republic forums that it has something to do with YouTubers and naming themselves. Sorry Charlie. That is not it. Follow the money.

  2. #154

    DRGOV is making a move!

    Police and members of the DNCD intervene in Sosua beach

    Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

    Members of the National Directorate for Drug Control (DNCD), the National Police and the Tourism Police intervened in the facilities of the beach in the municipality of Sosua, after the government and the vendors did not reach an agreement on the size of the the three plazas that will be built on the site.

    The sellers fear that, as has been done from "Casa Marina to Cabarete, where all the beaches are privatized", it will be done on that coast. They assure that they want 150 meters for each of the three squares that will be built on the beach and the government is offering them 100 meters, so they will not give in to that request.

    "The government has taken over the beach here to take the beach away from us," said one of the vendors in a video posted on social media. They blame deputy Rafael Aníbal theíaz Rodríguez for any situation, for directing the contingent, as well as the mayor of the municipality of Sosúa, Wilfredo Olivences, for "anything that could happen to them. " According to vendors, Tourism Minister David Collado is expected to attend the scene.

    In a video posted on social networks by an American, it is explained that the premises were intervened and all commercial activity was prohibited. The man expressed his concern and dissatisfaction with the action.

  3. #153


    POTDR is really taking good care of the investors in the tourism business here in the Dominican Republic. I wonder why that is? LOL!

  4. #152


    POTDR was in Sosua yesterday.

    "President Luis Abinader and the Minister of Tourism, David Collado, started rearranging Sosa beach with an investment of 600 million pesos. The work carried out through the Executing Committee for Infrastructure in Tourist Zones (CEIZTUR) of MITUR will positively impact commercial activity, contribute to the excellent handling and management of the beach, and encourage investment in that destination.

    This project will cover the recovery of the beach, fitting out restrooms, and organizing the vendors who make life in this area. It will also include the reordering of traffic, parking, and improvement of access to beaches, installation of security cameras, and regularization.

    Of entertainment centers.

    A Project Management and Sustainability Unit will also be created to guarantee its permanence over time. Minister Collado indicated that the government, through the Ministry of Tourism, will carry out training and education for vendors, as well as financing.

    For their businesses. ".

  5. #151

    Ignorance is bliss

    If there is a term that I cannot stand to see being used by individuals that claim to be educated it is Third World Country. If you research the term and you delve into all the different ways that countries can be classified you will not find the Dominican Republic on any of the Third World Country lists.

    Then add to the fact that the term Third World Country is outdated but still in use (especially for people posting in many of the ISG forums). The politically correct designation would be less developed countries. So, let us review the terms Least Developed Countries (UN) or Low-Income countries (World Bank).

    The New World Bank country classifications by income level 2021-2022 lists the Dominican Republic as an Upper-Middle-Income Economy. Not exactly third world.

    Everything is not negotiated in the Dominican Republic: As for the assertion that you can walk into La Sirena, Price Smart, Bravo or Playero and negotiate the price down from what is being shown on the shelf. Well I welcome anyone on this board to try that and let us know how it worked out for you.

    My Dad used to tell me: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

    Now when it comes to the price of social / sexual services those are certainly negotiable. But call an escort agency targeted at more affluent individuals and try to negotiate a lower rate. You will get your ass hung up on or if you are writing in WhatsApp blocked. So, even when you are purchasing social / sexual services not all vendors selling them are going to negotiate. And if you decide to purchase those services because they represent a value to you. That does not make you anything, other than a man who is willing to spend his money on what he wants.

    The concept that the man who pays more for social / sexual services than another man is doing something wrong is a Man Law Violation. There are no words that can use that would not get me kicked of the forum to express the level of idiocy I think is being display by people who push this line of reasoning.

    Unless you are paying for a friend, all money spend on social / sexual services is money spent on yourself. Does the person who decides they are going to shop in Nordstrom have a problem because he chooses buy something in that store not Walmart? Can he buy some products at Nordstrom and some at Walmart. You decide.

    And before you tell me all social / sexual services are the same (unlike hard goods), you have to explain to me why you pay different prices for the social / sexual services all around the world. I'm listening.

  6. #150

  7. #149

    Another president featured in the Pandora Papers is the Dominican Luis Abinader

    Another president featured in the Pandora Papers is the Dominican Luis Abinader, whose successful business career was in the hotel sector. The documents link him to two companies in Panama, Littlecot Inc. And Padreso SA. Both were created before he took office and were used to manage assets in Dominican Republic. Local media outlet Noticias Sin's investigation flags up the fact that the shares of these companies were initially "payable to the bearer," an instrument used to hide the beneficial owner of the companies.

    A legislative reform in 2018 obliged the Abinader family to publicly register as beneficial owners. Upon becoming president in 2020, Abinader declared nine offshore companies that he controlled through a trust. Both he and Piñera used the Panama-based law firm, OMC Group, the firm used by Colombian singer Shakira for at least three of the offshore companies the Spanish Treasury has been tracking for years.

  8. #148
    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]
    Sosua is in the Province of Puerto Plata, so the curfew in Sosua will remain. "10:00 at night to 5:00 in the morning, from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays and Sundays it will be from 9:00 at night until 5:00 in the morning".
    Update: see my post today in the Sosua Forum.

  9. #147
    Quote Originally Posted by WanderingMan  [View Original Post]
    According to the internet, "Sosa is a beach town in the Puerto Plata province of the Dominican Republic. Located approximately 4 miles (6. 4 km) from the Gregorio Luperand International Airport in San Felipe de Puerto Plata. " The mandate did not list specific towns, just the provinces.
    Sosua is in the Province of Puerto Plata, so the curfew in Sosua will remain. "10:00 at night to 5:00 in the morning, from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays and Sundays it will be from 9:00 at night until 5:00 in the morning".

  10. #146
    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]
    One suggested work around, visit Sosua.

    "The provinces Duarte, Espaillat, La Altagracia, La Vega, Saman, Santiago, Puerto Plata are the only ones that will have hours from 10:00 at night to 5:00 in the morning, from Monday to Friday.

    On Saturdays and Sundays it will be from 9:00 at night until 5:00 in the morning".
    According to the internet, "Sosúa is a beach town in the Puerto Plata province of the Dominican Republic. Located approximately 4 miles (6. 4 km) from the Gregorio Luperóand International Airport in San Felipe de Puerto Plata. " The mandate did not list specific towns, just the provinces.

  11. #145
    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    New Hours

    Set up your work arounds as needed. Starts June 2, 2021.
    One suggested work around, visit Sosua.

    "The provinces Duarte, Espaillat, La Altagracia, La Vega, Samaná, Santiago, Puerto Plata are the only ones that will have hours from 10:00 at night to 5:00 in the morning, from Monday to Friday.

    On Saturdays and Sundays it will be from 9:00 at night until 5:00 in the morning".

  12. #144

    Toque de Queda: The Remix!

    New Hours

    Set up your work arounds as needed. Starts June 2, 2021.

  13. #143

    Toque de queda update (Otherwise known as a curfew to visitors)


    "President Luis Abinader will order a curfew in the National District and Santo Domingo province, every day, from 8:00 pm To 5:00 am And the prohibition of selling and drinking alcoholic beverages in places of public access from 5:00 in the afternoon.

    "The decree with the provision will be released this Wednesday, and the measures come into effect from Thursday 27," reported the Presidency of the Republic yesterday.

    There will be a grace of free movement of three hours to reach their residences.

    "The sale of alcoholic beverages to be consumed in public and private spaces for public use is prohibited from 5:00 in the afternoon to 5:00 in the morning," says the presidential note."

    POTDR is going hard in the paint on this one!

  14. #142

    Prices are going up!

    While some choose to take issue with what I write and quote me out of context. Others are actually contributing to adding knowledge for others that Travel to the Dominican Republic. Note I said travel. Because the skill set needed for travel to the Dominican Republic and living here is different. As are the typical interest of those two different groups of individuals.

    Flap meat steak 649/ DOP a pound. Imported from the United States of America. Angus. This particular cut I found at Ole. But there the same thing is also available at Bravo. On East Side! Now why am I talking about the price and availability of meat in the Politics section. Because I am following up on the post from our own Mr. T.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tempoecorto  [View Original Post]
    An update on goat price: The other day I bought goat in Santiago. 300 pesos per pound. Do not know what happened here. That is a 30% hike since Christmas.
    Things are changing in the Dominican Republic since the new POTDR took over. Prices are increasing across the board and things are going upscale. More housing is being priced in USD. Now if you are not making USD and need to change DOP to USD you are getting ass raped without lube on that transaction. So, these houses are targeted at high income Dominicans or those from outside the country with stronger currencies that can be changed into USD without having blood dripping from your ass.

    The other thing that is leading to price increases is that the government has given out a lot of aid during the COVID-19 crisis. Now the government is collecting that back though taxes on goods and services on the Business to Business side. How do I know this? I am experiencing it. I am in the middle of a development project and the prices of supplies are going up each round of purchasing. I asked my project manager why this was occurring and he told me. He is even bring me written quotes from three different vendors and asking other Dominicans involved in the same type of work about their prices and they are verifying the pricing information.

    So, there is some insight for you on meat prices T. But even given that more and more products that are expensive and imported are making onto the shelves here on East Side. That alone says something!

    In my opinion, the Dominican Republic is not a poor country overall. It is a country that like my country of origin has extreme concentration of wealth and income. But there is a growing middle class. This group is being positioned by the new administration to be the engine of growth for the money classes here. Like the movement of chess pieces and I have a front row seat watching the action being played out.

    References below:

    Just have google translate the page for you and you can read it, if you cannot read Spanish like I can.

  15. #141

    Indeed there is much more to life here.

    Men in the arena know this. That is why they do not pay attention to critics. I am happy for each and every individual who travels or lives in the Dominican Republic. They have a opportunity to experience a different place and a different way of living (of course unless they are from here).

    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]
    I must admit you got me on the country count, though. All hail to you!
    Thank you hermano!

    Those who have been on the forum for a while know that I have consistently expressed that I believe all should seek what they enjoy and not pay attention to the advice of what others say they should or should not be doing while here. If putting notches up on your country count or dick is what turns one on they should do it.

    If they like it, I love it!

    The Dominican Republic is place where people can enjoy themselves. And this section of the Forum looks at political aspect of the Dominican Republic. Even if that section is located in a puta pueblo. You see I do not care how anyone chooses to get their pussy while they are here. My issue is always with those who think they know best and can tell others how they should be using their time and money. Like if you should own a car in the Dominican Republic (I've got two). Political opinions are always likely to differ. And they are welcome.

    One of the political things that have been going on is that Santo Domingo este is changing. There is not much reason to cross the bridge for anything anymore. Development has driven this and a recognition that EAST SIDE has always been THE place to be in the eyes of some people. I found Don Julio 1942 in a store on east side. Because man cannot live on good ron alone.

    Benvienido a Republica Dominicana hermano! Enjoy your section of country. If you like it, I love it! LOL!

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