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  1. #14431

    Compared to Trump? Yep.

    Quote Originally Posted by Woodman09  [View Original Post]
    With your Clown World Stats-- Everything is Soooooooooooo. Great!!
    Its the Biden vs. Trump Economy and Hell No, Its Not Even Close.
    The facts are clear: Biden has overseen a stronger economy than Trump did. That reality should dominate his reelection.
    March 25, 2024

    Biden vs Trump on the economy: And the winner is.

    Bear on mind, this Mainstream Media overview is every bit as pro Repub "Bothsider" as the rest and therefore promotes the fully debunked Trumpian lie that Trump's Pandemic just "came out of nowhere. Nobody could have predicted or warned about such a thing" when the facts as fully reported contemporaneously are clear; defunding and removing the highly regarded Early Warning / Pandemic Prevention teams that Obama had stationed in those Chinese labs months before the first Covid cases emerged and therefore allowed a likely manageable endemic confined and isolated in one region of China to be converted into the Trump's Pandemic it became WAS Trump's economic and national security policy.

    Imagine how much better and stronger Biden's terrific economy would be today if he had inherited the stable and superior economic conditions the Obama-Biden Administration handed Trump instead of the colossal shit-storm of a typical Repub economic disaster Biden inherited from Trump. LOL.

    Add to which other factors such as Trump keeping America neck deep in a quagmire of a Repub-initiated War in the Middle East for every minute of every hour of every day of his atrocious so-called presidency vs Biden pulling us out of it in the safest, best organized, least deadly withdrawal of a losing side from an occupied country in the history of modern warfare 3 years ago with zero direct USA Military involvement in any War anywhere on the planet ever since, that whole Trump incitement of a violent, cop-attacking and cop-killing mob of insurrectionists to storm the Capitol in an attempt to overturn a free and fair election and overthrow American democracy as well as Trump's personal involvement in setting up Fake Electors, blackmail and bribe state secretaries into stealing the 2020 election etc and, no question or doubt about it, things are great today compared with what Trump created 4 years ago, 5 years ago, 6 years ago and 7 years ago.

  2. #14430

    LOL-- You Serious?

    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    For those Repubs, and affordable ISG INCEL conspiracists, that just love to fawn all over themselves and cream their pants, when it comes to celebrity endorsements, Howard Stern, may have just sealed the deal...for a BIDEN win!!!

    And hey, look mom, no celebrity flip-flopping, grandstanding, word salad or clever backpedaling, surrounding an ambiguous interview, with 'misconstrued words' I said, w/r to my unwavering support for President Joe Biden.

    Biden Revisits His Past in Interview With Howard Stern

    In an interview with President Joe Biden, Howard says while he votes Republican most times, he will not vote for an idiot (in Trump), that wants to destroy DEMOCRACY.

    With at peak viewership in late 2019 at around 35 million, that's a big boost for Biden, among white males. Howard Stern audience are upscale professionals. 74% of his audience are between 25-54 years of age with an average household income of $160k. 73% Male and 27% female. 34% college graduates, 85% white.
    Howard Who? No one gives a crap about Howard anymore-- he is a Big Joke-- Especially how he hid in his house for 5 years afraid of the covid-.

    Howard has lost his clout long ago-.

    He had his head up Senile Biden's ass in that interview-.

    Here is a great Re-cap.

  3. #14429

    LOL-- You're Hilarious

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    So the CIA Is behind Biden's record high jobs creation, near record consecutive months of unemployment rates below 4%, wage gains, bi-partisan CHIPS and Science legislation, zero Major Repub-style Bear Market declines, multiple All-time Record High Closes in the Broad USA Stock Market, zero Great Repub-style Depressions or Great Recessions, zero Repub-style Massive Jobs Destruction, historic expansion and strengthening the spread of democracy by the addition of 2 NATO Member nations, reversing Trump and Putin's failed attempts to weaken and overthrow democracies and make the world a welcome haven for authoritarian dictatorships, save rather than mass murder millions of people around the world by not laying the groundwork foundation for any opportunistic potential Pandemic virus and lie us into an even worse one after it has predictably spread out of control and on and on and on?

    Well, damn, let's give them 4 more years to keep up the good work by spreading the "good news" to loony Biden / Dem-haters that a vote for Biden and his obviously far superior economic and national security results vs any Repub in the past 100 years if not since forever is not really a vote for an "evil" (to America-hating Repubs) Democrat but for a much younger demographic "CIA" instead!

    So far, this "CIA" has accomplished more positive economic and national security results for the USA than perhaps any Repub so-called president ever and spectacularly more than any or all of the previous 8+ Repub potuses combined!
    With your Clown World Stats-- Everything is Soooooooooooo. Great!!

  4. #14428

    According to what Pathological Liar Trump tells us

    Quote Originally Posted by Woodman09  [View Original Post]
    Will the CIA and Biden Admin Pull to Stop the election?? Any ideas? Seems like they will do anything to stop DJT.
    They'll probably start claiming elections are rigged and that America will be a Bloodbath regardless who wins, either by Trump Repub inconsolable rage and disappointment if Dem Biden hits 270 EVs or by Repub Trump retribution for him finally being forced to face justice for his various crimes if he hits 270 EVs.

    That's what Repub Trump has promised anyway.

    Oh. You were asking about Dem Biden. Nevermind.

    Dems are into democracy because democracy is into them. They like having elections and want every eligible voter's vote to count.

    Repubs are not into democracy because, obviously, democracy is just not into them. They really hate elections and would much rather no voter's votes be counted, just hand it ChristoFacist Mike and Moscow Marjorie Taylor Greene to follow Trump's orders for the decision.

  5. #14427

    What Fake National Emergency.

    Will the CIA and Biden Admin Pull to Stop the election?? Any ideas? Seems like they will do anything to stop DJT.

  6. #14426

    It would be So Great if

    Some of these vax injured people whose lives have been ruined would take up arms and get Street Justice for their misery or perhaps some the survivors of people murdered by the crap vax-.

  7. #14425

    Then the CIA Would Be Better POTUSes Than Any Repub Has Ever Been

    Quote Originally Posted by Woodman09  [View Original Post]
    The CIA has their hands up Senile Biden's Ass and he does whatever they want.
    So the CIA Is behind Biden's record high jobs creation, near record consecutive months of unemployment rates below 4%, wage gains, bi-partisan CHIPS and Science legislation, zero Major Repub-style Bear Market declines, multiple All-time Record High Closes in the Broad USA Stock Market, zero Great Repub-style Depressions or Great Recessions, zero Repub-style Massive Jobs Destruction, historic expansion and strengthening the spread of democracy by the addition of 2 NATO Member nations, reversing Trump and Putin's failed attempts to weaken and overthrow democracies and make the world a welcome haven for authoritarian dictatorships, save rather than mass murder millions of people around the world by not laying the groundwork foundation for any opportunistic potential Pandemic virus and lie us into an even worse one after it has predictably spread out of control and on and on and on?

    Well, damn, let's give them 4 more years to keep up the good work by spreading the "good news" to loony Biden / Dem-haters that a vote for Biden and his obviously far superior economic and national security results vs any Repub in the past 100 years if not since forever is not really a vote for an "evil" (to America-hating Repubs) Democrat but for a much younger demographic "CIA" instead!

    So far, this "CIA" has accomplished more positive economic and national security results for the USA than perhaps any Repub so-called president ever and spectacularly more than any or all of the previous 8+ Repub potuses combined!

  8. #14424

    It would be funny if it wern't so sad

    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    Biden at Correspondents' Dinner, unleashes his GREAT sense of humor!

    Watch Biden's full remarks at the 2024 White House Correspondents' dinner

    WATCH: Biden unleashes jabs at Trump during remarks at White House Correspondents Dinner

    Refreshing again, to see a president with a sense of humor, that makes you laugh and isn't afraid of laughing at himself.

    Thanks, for the laughs Joe!
    The CIA has their hands up Senile Biden's Ass and he does whatever they want.

  9. #14423

    "Sewing Chaos, Fear and Anarchy", the new Repub/RNC 2024 Election Mantra?

    Even more so in the 2024 election, do the GOP, QAnon\MAGA Repubs and the RNC, want to attack our democratic voting machinery. Meaning this time around in the 2024 election, they want to sew division, doubt and disdain, by filing even more frivolous litigation and law suits, going after, how votes are counted, tabulated, processed and how elections are going to be ran, according to state bylaws and election procedure manuals.

    In three states (AZ, NV, MN), Repubs want to throw out and eliminate the election protection laws/rules that protect election officials. Apparently, they have the ludicrous belief, that they have a 1st Amendment Right to harass and intimidate election officials. (...kkkk!) I guess if that we're true, protesters would equally have the same right to harass and intimidate police officers.

    Now, not being able to win the popular vote (and losing by 3 million in 2016, by 7 million in 2020 and [...let's speculate for argument sake and say, lose by a projected] 10 million in 2024), means Repubs will simply and literally sew chaos, fear and anarchy, with the goal of gumming up the courts, with frivolous lawsuits, in an attempt to manufacture a win from a free and fair 2024 election, where Trump AGAIN loses the popular vote, by several millions.

    Lawsuits over voting in multiple states create shadow war for the 2024 election, April 21, 2024

    Its not a new strategy. But with recent internal changes at the RNC and added pressure from the former president, the legal maneuvering is expected to play an increasingly significant role for the party as Election Day in November approaches. The lawsuits are useful for campaign messaging, fundraising and raising doubts about the validity of the election. ...

    This is something that's very important to President Trump, she said. He has said that this is something the RNC should do year-round.
    If it isn't obvious by now, Trump wants (and can ONLY win), the 2024 election, by way of "a hockey assist" from SCOTUS.

  10. #14422

    Americans can freely laugh again at their President...without the fear of threats!

    Biden at Correspondents' Dinner, unleashes his GREAT sense of humor!

    Watch Biden's full remarks at the 2024 White House Correspondents' dinner

    WATCH: Biden unleashes jabs at Trump during remarks at White House Correspondents Dinner

    Refreshing again, to see a president with a sense of humor, that makes you laugh and isn't afraid of laughing at himself.

    Thanks, for the laughs Joe!

  11. #14421

    Trump two-fisted pump action...

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis 2008  [View Original Post]
    LOL. Bill Maher is coming around to a guilty verdict in a case so rigged that I said there does not even need to be a trial? Stop the presses. Spidy, you seem to be jerking off to a guilty verdict. You do not need to wait. You can blow your load. It is going to be a guilty verdict.
    For the record, my staying power, is pretty good...but if I was gonna (hypothetically speaking), I think I'd wait till November, when Trump LOSES! (...kkkk!). Besides, the love fest for Trump is really a MAGA cult, INCEL and winger thing. Jerking off to Trump, is probably like voting for him, for you MAGA cultists. Something you'd know about, waaaaay more than I.

    Speaking of jerking-off, I do find the new MAGA/QAnon/white supremacists hand signals, very interesting. You know the one, where Trump, balls-up his hands into two (2) fists, and then pumps them from side-to-side, as if jerking-off two dicks simultaneously! (...kkkk!)

    And sometimes he screws-up his face and brings his pumping fists closer to his mouth, like he's actually sucking 2 dicks simultaneously. I'm sure for most of you, MAGA and INCELs types, this is an
    "everyday wet dream"
    , where your dicks, get pumped, by Trumps "crooked hands" (...kkkk!).

    Yes...very weird indeed, but nevertheless an interesting way to greet and signal to one another, as part of the brotherhood.

    But to be clear, I've always maintained, I'd just happy to see him get a "good drubbing" in the courts, so more Americans (and people from all around the world) can see what a sleaze ball grifter, charlatan, pussy-grabbing and wanna be dictator, Trump is.

    Again, I don't think Trump will see any jail time, even if found guilty. And if I'm not mistaken, you, Elvis 2008, have proudly stated on many occasions, it will ONLY boost Trump's "street cred" amongst the Black voters, and give him a better chance of winning.

    So QUIT whining, already!!!

  12. #14420
    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    Another GREAT week for the President BIDEN and hardworking Americans. Here are several more of President BIDEN's accomplishments and deliverables, for hardworking Americans, who don't get $2 Trillion in tax breaks:
    New rule (to take effect in 6 months), will give Americans the ability to get their money back from airlines, when the airlines don't fulfill their flight/travel obligations paid for. An automatic refund will be given, when Americans are entitled to one.[/LIST]
    Wow, a rare one this is a complete winner.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    • New rule (to take effect in 3 months), would ban and bar "non-complete" agreements, that affect over 30 million Americans, according to the FTC. Now these employees, have the freedom and the right, to move and work for competing business. FTC says that businesses started using them to keep wages low. One of the most damning examples is in the fast food industry.
    I like it, but this has the potential to have businesses less eager to hire.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    [LIST]New overtime rule, making millions of new workers, eligible for overtime (OT) under DOL Rule (2). Current ceiling $35,568/yr before OT is cut-off. Beginning July 1st, 2024, the threshold is now raised to $43,888/yr. And gets bumped-up again on Jan 1st, 2025 to $58,656.
    Only affects salaried employees making $35,568? LOL. This is political. Fast food workers are making $40,000 per year now in California. This is a red state business tax. It is a small one because it benefits so few people. Much ado about nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    Okay, yeah, it is not bad. I like it, but the smell of irony is overpowering. The most pro censorship president since John Adams is saying ISPs cannot use a form of censorship.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    Yes, unlike the "Know Nothing, Do Nothing" Repubs, in just this last week, President Joe Biden and his administration, has done more for hardworking Americans, than his predecessor ever did, in his 4-years in office.
    Nah, Spidy, you just never heard about things like this Trump did. One of the dumb ones was people who wanted stem cell treatments would get their cells harvested in the USA, they would be grown in the USA, and for completely idiotic reasons, they would fly to Panama, Mexico, or Europe to have them infused. Trump said that was stupid and allowed the stem cells to be infused here.

    And look at this CDC headline: Investigation of Presumptive HIV Transmission Associated with Receipt of Platelet-Rich Plasma Microneedling Facials at a Spa Among Former Spa Clients.

    Doesn't that make it sound like Platelet rich plasma is evil?

    Now get off the headline:

    The procedure involves drawing a client's blood, separating the blood into its components of plasma and cells, and using single-use disposable or multiuse sterile equipment to inject the PRP into the face for cosmetic purposes, such as skin rejuvenation and reducing the appearance of acne scars.

    Got that? The cure for a medical issue is your own blood and skin rejuvenation is the least that PRP can do. It can be used to repair any tissue in the body. But it is ridiculous that PRP can cause HIV, and yet that is what this headline reads. Here you have a completely in essence free treatment that often does work by the way, and it is being demonized by a federal agency.

    South Korea is way, way more advanced than the USA on regenerative and electronic diagnostics and the reason for that is the ridiculous health care bureaucracy.

    I don't see either party doing jack shit with that bureaucracy but what we saw with Covid was a lot more Democratic than Republican ass kissing with an awful agency like the CDC.

    But this is an issue you and I could come together on but you are too binary and view the world entirely through a partisan lens.

  13. #14419

    Absolutely True

    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    Another GREAT week for the President BIDEN and hardworking Americans. Here are several more of President BIDEN's accomplishments and deliverables, for hardworking Americans, who don't get $2 Trillion in tax breaks:
    • New rule (to take effect in 6 months), will give Americans the ability to get their money back from airlines, when the airlines don't fulfill their flight/travel obligations paid for. An automatic refund will be given, when Americans are entitled to one.
    • New rule (to take effect in 3 months), would ban and bar "non-complete" agreements, that affect over 30 million Americans, according to the FTC. Now these employees, have the freedom and the right, to move and work for competing business. FTC says that businesses started using them to keep wages low. One of the most damning examples is in the fast food industry.
    • New overtime rule, making millions of new workers, eligible for overtime (OT) under DOL Rule (2). Current ceiling $35,568/yr before OT is cut-off. Beginning July 1st, 2024, the threshold is now raised to $43,888/yr. And gets bumped-up again on Jan 1st, 2025 to $58,656.
    Four (4) prime examples, w/r to the integral levers of business, that have long hindered employee's paychecks, wages and incomes, suffered by hardworking Americans, who now stand to benefit, from a more equalized work place and growing economy, thanks to BIDEN.

    Yes, unlike the "Know Nothing, Do Nothing" Repubs, in just this last week, President Joe Biden and his administration, has done more for hardworking Americans, than his predecessor ever did, in his 4-years in office.

    Thanks, President Biden!
    The bumper sticker summation of the supposed Repub economic "policy" of Smaller Government and Lower Taxes has never produced the result of putting more discretionary money into the pockets of ordinary Americans OR small businesses. Never.

    Not when you factor in the price of carelessly and foolishly handing the levers of power to Repubs who dangle that mythical Repub goal before dumb suckers' eyes every election; One Great Repub Depression, Great Repub Recession and Massive Repub Jobs Destruction event after another. And, yes, the inevitable notable Inflation that will follow the necessary steps to recover us from those Classic Repeated Repub economic policy results.

  14. #14418

    More Praise and Thanks to President Joe Biden...

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    BULLETIN: There is nothing Trump or any other Know Nothing, Do Nothing Repub can, will or ever has done to lower the cost of your rent, the cost of your mortgage, the cost of your food or the cost of gas except by way of their favorite and only result for every USA economy the American electorate was careless and foolish enough to allow; Great Repub Depressions, Great Repub Recessions and Massive Repub Jobs Destruction by any means necessary or opportunistically available.

    Meanwhile, Biden / Dem hard work and legislation can, has and will continue to reduce corporate price gouging costs for Americans whenever and wherever they can:

    J&J, Bristol Myers Squibb lose challenges to Medicare drug-price negotiations.

    Never, never, never expect any Repub to accomplish anything like this for the American people no matter how many empty promises they make to do so over the course of 50 years or more.
    Another GREAT week for the President BIDEN and hardworking Americans. Here are several more of President BIDEN's accomplishments and deliverables, for hardworking Americans, who don't get $2 Trillion in tax breaks:
    • New rule (to take effect in 6 months), will give Americans the ability to get their money back from airlines, when the airlines don't fulfill their flight/travel obligations paid for. An automatic refund will be given, when Americans are entitled to one.
    • New rule (to take effect in 3 months), would ban and bar "non-complete" agreements, that affect over 30 million Americans, according to the FTC. Now these employees, have the freedom and the right, to move and work for competing business. FTC says that businesses started using them to keep wages low. One of the most damning examples is in the fast food industry.
    • New overtime rule, making millions of new workers, eligible for overtime (OT) under DOL Rule (2). Current ceiling $35,568/yr before OT is cut-off. Beginning July 1st, 2024, the threshold is now raised to $43,888/yr. And gets bumped-up again on Jan 1st, 2025 to $58,656.
    Four (4) prime examples, w/r to the integral levers of business, that have long hindered employee's paychecks, wages and incomes, suffered by hardworking Americans, who now stand to benefit, from a more equalized work place and growing economy, thanks to BIDEN.

    Yes, unlike the "Know Nothing, Do Nothing" Repubs, in just this last week, President Joe Biden and his administration, has done more for hardworking Americans, than his predecessor ever did, in his 4-years in office.

    Thanks, President Biden!

  15. #14417

    Ask Elvis?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xpartan  [View Original Post]
    Ask Elvis

    Come on, you do know the answer, kkkk.
    Funny enough, when you put it like that, to..."Ask Elvis", you almost make it sound, like some new MAGA search engine.

    You know, like Ask Jeeves, a blast from the past and from beyond the graveyard of search engines, comes "Ask Elvis" the new Ask Jeeves 2.0, a zombified reincarnation, risen from the dead, that is sure to answer ALL MAGA related questions, conspiracies and alternative facts, for all people still on Earth 2, having problems transitioning BACK TO REALITY! (...kkkk!)

    Better yet, if you read the last paragraph in your, "Ryan Reynolds' inner trailer guy announcer's voice", it gets even funnier. (ie. "In an political apocalyptic world...where MAGA zombies need comes the all knowing conspiracy AI...Ask Elvis")

    Ryan Reynolds Does An Amazing 'Trailer Guy' Voice


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