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  1. #14476

    Can't get enough of that

    Quote Originally Posted by Woodman09  [View Original Post]
    Trump The 47th President of the UNited States of AMerica in the Bronx!!Das what I Be TawkinBout because!
    Hey, more videos and photos of crowds of white people showing up in the South Bronx as a sign of Trump's success in convincing Blacks and Latinos to vote for another Repub Pandemic, more Repub Closures, another Great Repub Depression, another Great Repub Recession, another Great Repub Market Crash and another Massive Repub Jobs Destruction with more Great Repub Inflation to follow!


  2. #14475

    You might need a better phone or computer screen

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    Amazing what happens when you listen to the news sources you do:

    And this is the day before in NY when Trump was not around:

    You must have learned to count in a California public school.

    Right. You are a Democratic douche who believes saving Democracy is convicting an ex-president without even a trial.

    Already giving the jurors an out? LOL. Yes, it is so courageous to find someone guilty of a wrongly documented expense. Given that Cohen and Stormy Daniels and the Judge's daughter have been cashing in on this disgusting political circus masquerading as a trial, sadly, I do not think we are going to get the rigged guilty verdicts that Democrats initially wanted, and the reason is the same with the federal case where there was evidence tampering and in Atlanta with prosecutorial misconduct, and that reason is complete Democrat incompetence.

    Anybody who travels knows the USA has an unprecedented number of lawyers, and they have to ban together to justify their existence. They engage in all their sleaze and get away it for one reason, the excuse of protecting their client. So when you have a scumbag like Cohen who tapes and steals from his client, that is against the code. The two lawyers on the jury can say Cohen's lying and theft created reasonable doubt, but unless they are government attorneys who do not have to get clients, they will never get a client again if they excuse a stealing attorney who got caught.

    As for "fretting" about the verdict, I was concerned that people would not get how rigged this trial was, but the people got it and then some. A guilty verdict for Trump, and he wins in a landslide. You and Spidy are completely tone deaf to the electorate. Hell, most everyone in the New York area fucked over by the judicial system is pouring in to support Trump, and they are obviously passionate.

    When Hunter Biden's laptop showed him doing crack and fucking underage women, you believed the Russians hacked his laptop. Ashely Biden, daughter of Joe, writes in her own fucking diary Joe is showering with her and wrote "probably inappropriate" to describe it, and that is fine in your book.

    But you completely believe the porn star who changes her story on a daily basis if she had sex with Trump or not. Yeah, Tooms, you are not fit to be on a jury.
    LOL. So Trump attracted all of those white people with MAGA hats in the South Bronx for his big push to pull Blacks and Latinos into the World of One "Once in 100 Years" Repub Economic Disaster After Another under Repub policies and stewardship, huh?

    LOL. Really. Too funny. Yep, your video does tell us a lot.

    BTW, why is that video on Xitter instead of Fux News? Did someone tip off Fux that the video (not in the Bronx, South or otherwise) was of hired actors and Fux did not want to pay another $787 Million fine?

    If not, now we know what Deadbeat Numbskulls who think the Unemployment Rate is at a 50 year high and the Stock Market crashed this year do in their spare time.

  3. #14474

    This can not happen without MSM making it happen

    Nobody should wonder why the demonstrably Winger-leaning RealClearPolitics' Consensus of carefully selected and timed Polls show Biden and Trump within a 0 to 2. 2 Percentage Point statistical tie for now on the Head to Head, 5-Way and the three decisive Battleground State standings when it obviously should be a blowout for Biden or any other Dem vs Trump or any other Repub at all times.

    That just can't happen without typically Pro Repub Mainstream Media "Bothsiders" spinning and twisting reality to make it happen.

    Why Do Americans Believe We're In A Recession?
    Steve Ratner is puzzled. We're not.

    First, let's point out how little the media has done to dispute this belief -- which is totally a result of hypnotic repetition by the Queens used car salesman. You can't ignore disinformation for years and then credibly say, "Huh, where did that come from?" Morning Joe takes a shot this morning.

    "Despite strong economic numbers, new polling finds most Americans believe the country is in a recession. It is not," Willie Geist said.

    "In the latest Harris poll conducted for The Guardian, 56% of adults expressed the belief we are in a recession. That includes 67% of Republicans, 49% of Democrats, and 53% of independents. Although inflation has fallen sharply over the past year, 72% of adults still think that is increasing," he said.

    "Willie, it is quite -- excuse me -- an extraordinary poll," said economic analyst Steve Ratner. "We've seen polls before that show americans having a more negative view on the economy. I've never seen one quite like this. These are the numbers you mentioned in your lead-in. Roughly more than half of Americans think we're in a recession. It is divided somewhat by party. More Republicans, 67%, feel it than Democrats, but even Democrats, 49% feel it," he said.

    He points out that under Joe Biden, the economy has grown 2.8% a year, which is slightly faster than it was growing under Trump, even before covid hit. So he's mystified.

    "What about this other low unemployment, surging stock market, yet, dot, dot, dot. how do you explain what's going on with the economy?" Geist asked.

    Same kind of results, Ratner said.

    "Fifty percent of Americans think unemployment is at a 50-year high, 50% think it is at a 50-year high. Unemployment is actually at a 50-year low. It's really amazing. Unemployment is below 4%. It's been below 4% for months and months now. It's just extraordinary that people think we're at a 50-year high. You can see some of the highs over here," he said.

    "Another issue is stocks. Half of Americans think stocks are down this year. Stocks are actually up 11% this year. They're up 45% since Joe Biden took office. Complete disconnect in people's minds between perception and reality of the stock market."

    How the media refuses to acknowledge the effect of Trump's constant claim that the economy is in shambles under Biden is a failure of the media, which hasn't done it's job. The whole "Huh, look at that" reaction is a disgrace.
    Mind you, we're not talking about how these poll respondents "feel. " We're talking about the actual, verifiable data and record. LOL. With its spinning, twisting, failure to push back and factcheck Repub liars in real time and persistent Pro Repub "Bothsiderism", Mainstream Media seeks to keep the disastrous Repub Policy and Stewardship-generated horrific results headlines going for them in every election season.

    And that's how you get any poll anywhere at anytime showing so much as a meaningful percentage of respondents "feeling" that the Party responsible for every major downturn and Massive Jobs Destruction of the past 100 years and none of the historic recoveries, expansions and jobs creation (the Repub Party) is better at handling the economy than the Party responsible for every historic recovery, expansion and jobs creation and none of the major downturns (the Dem Party) much less a ridiculous plurality and an even more ridiculous majority.

  4. #14473
    Trump The 47th President of the UNited States of AMerica in the Bronx!!Das what I Be TawkinBout because!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails‎‎‎  

  5. #14472

    The GOP attacks its opponents where it is weak. Which means on every important issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    Trump Classic Projections...Oh no Ivanka?
    Yet again this week, we see Trump willfully dipping into the Neo-Nazi fascist playbook and projects the so called claims, that his rivals/opponents were attempting to assassinate him, during the FBI Mar-a-largo documents search, on a day he away from the mansion (...kkkk!).

    Meanwhile right-wing MSM and Moscow Marjorie (aka.Capital Hill Karen, aka.Cruella DeVil on the Hill), are nonetheless all too eager, to spread and gin up these false and ludicrous claims, proving themselves once again, to be Putin and Russia's "useful idiots" once more.

    But you have to ask yourself, where was all the hullabaloo and uproar from winger MSM and Moscow Marjorie, when Mango Mussolini, was just making his own resolute arguments about assassinating and murdering his rivals/enemies in legal briefs to SCOTUS and the courts, saying that the US President, has the legal right to send a Seal Team 6, to kill and assassinate?

    Yes, the distasteful and disgusting attempts to project and normalize this kind of political violence from right-wing MSM, QAnon\MAGA Repubs, Moscow Marjorie and Mango Mussolini, marches on!

    "You remind me of my daughter"(...kkkk!) Another classic case of Trump projection. It's not the first time he's made such "mushroom dick-less" projections toward his daughter, Ivanka. Yes, very eerie, grotesque and very very cringy!
    Clearly, it is the USA Economy-Crashing, the Stock Market-Crashing, the Massive Business and Jobs Destruction and the inevitable Inflation that follows in the necessary recovery, the hatred for democracy, the cop-killing, the incessant whining, crying, griping and poor-me victimhood and, hmm, other personal idiocyncracies that Conservative Repub Christian Nationals love about Trump and his Repub Party the most:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Screenshot_20240522_053653_Chrome.jpg‎  

  6. #14471
    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    What does a gag order that Trump repeatedly defied have to do with him pleading with his cult followers to show up to protest his criminal trial, which practically none of them did?
    Amazing what happens when you listen to the news sources you do:

    And this is the day before in NY when Trump was not around:

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    That includes right outside that courthouse. I think somebody counted about 4 showing up one day.
    You must have learned to count in a California public school.

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    Which brings us to the jury's verdict that you seem to be fretting about so much. LOL. Despite the documented evidence so overwhelming there wasn't even a need to examine an eye / ear witness
    Right. You are a Democratic douche who believes saving Democracy is convicting an ex-president without even a trial.

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    Wit will require an unprecedented level of courage, American patriotism and devotion to the Rule of Law for ANY of those jurors to submit a Guilty verdict
    Already giving the jurors an out? LOL. Yes, it is so courageous to find someone guilty of a wrongly documented expense. Given that Cohen and Stormy Daniels and the Judge's daughter have been cashing in on this disgusting political circus masquerading as a trial, sadly, I do not think we are going to get the rigged guilty verdicts that Democrats initially wanted, and the reason is the same with the federal case where there was evidence tampering and in Atlanta with prosecutorial misconduct, and that reason is complete Democrat incompetence.

    Anybody who travels knows the USA has an unprecedented number of lawyers, and they have to ban together to justify their existence. They engage in all their sleaze and get away it for one reason, the excuse of protecting their client. So when you have a scumbag like Cohen who tapes and steals from his client, that is against the code. The two lawyers on the jury can say Cohen's lying and theft created reasonable doubt, but unless they are government attorneys who do not have to get clients, they will never get a client again if they excuse a stealing attorney who got caught.

    As for "fretting" about the verdict, I was concerned that people would not get how rigged this trial was, but the people got it and then some. A guilty verdict for Trump, and he wins in a landslide. You and Spidy are completely tone deaf to the electorate. Hell, most everyone in the New York area fucked over by the judicial system is pouring in to support Trump, and they are obviously passionate.

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    Donald J. Trump slurring "You remind me of my daughter" at least three times as he whipped out his mushroom dick to raw dog a porn actress while his latest wife was recovering from giving birth. LOL. Priceless!
    When Hunter Biden's laptop showed him doing crack and fucking underage women, you believed the Russians hacked his laptop. Ashely Biden, daughter of Joe, writes in her own fucking diary Joe is showering with her and wrote "probably inappropriate" to describe it, and that is fine in your book.

    But you completely believe the porn star who changes her story on a daily basis if she had sex with Trump or not. Yeah, Tooms, you are not fit to be on a jury.

  7. #14470

    Trump Classic Projections...Oh no Ivanka?

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    ... You think any of those jurors are willing to subject themselves, their families and their children to a lifetime of blood lust vengeance from that lot? LOL.

    Sleepy Don brings his MAGA Thugs right into the courtroom during the trial. Close enough for the jurors to smell them. Every one of those jurors knows if they submit a Guilty verdict / vote, the Trump Cultists and MAGA Thugs will target them and their families from here to eternity and that any future Repub so-called president will eagerly and happily Pardon and Fully Exonerate each and every one of their murderers and tormentors on day one, freeing them to enjoy a life of Repub Deadbeat luxury on the dumb sucker Repub hillbilly donations from their GubMent Entitlement checks.

    I am only ready to be shocked, amazed and filled with admiration for any or all jurors who cast a totally justifiable Guilty verdict. But I am not counting on it. For the above blatantly obvious and well-orchestrated reasons.
    Yet again this week, we see Trump willfully dipping into the Neo-Nazi fascist playbook and projects the so called claims, that his rivals/opponents were attempting to assassinate him, during the FBI Mar-a-largo documents search, on a day he away from the mansion (...kkkk!).

    Meanwhile right-wing MSM and Moscow Marjorie (aka.Capital Hill Karen, aka.Cruella DeVil on the Hill), are nonetheless all too eager, to spread and gin up these false and ludicrous claims, proving themselves once again, to be Putin and Russia's "useful idiots" once more.

    But you have to ask yourself, where was all the hullabaloo and uproar from winger MSM and Moscow Marjorie, when Mango Mussolini, was just making his own resolute arguments about assassinating and murdering his rivals/enemies in legal briefs to SCOTUS and the courts, saying that the US President, has the legal right to send a Seal Team 6, to kill and assassinate?

    Yes, the distasteful and disgusting attempts to project and normalize this kind of political violence from right-wing MSM, QAnon\MAGA Repubs, Moscow Marjorie and Mango Mussolini, marches on!

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    But, either way, at least we will have on the record for all time an under Oath and Unchallenged testimony of Classic and Iconic Christian Right Darling Repub Donald J. Trump slurring "You remind me of my daughter" at least three times as he whipped out his mushroom dick to raw dog a porn actress while his latest wife was recovering from giving birth. LOL. Priceless!
    "You remind me of my daughter"(...kkkk!) Another classic case of Trump projection. It's not the first time he's made such "mushroom dick-less" projections toward his daughter, Ivanka. Yes, very eerie, grotesque and very very cringy!

  8. #14469

    Biden's Record Stock Market Highs vs. Repub Misogyny

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    ... In fact, as of this writing the only results for a Google Search on week old "CBO reports that the American consumer's purchasing power is greater today than it was in 2019", clearly the biggest and most important economic news in a year and the reason several polls have been showing that respondents feel their state and family's economic and financial condition has recovered fine and doing well despite that of the "country" doing poorly, this and the one I posted previously from the center-right think tank American Enterprise Institute are essentially the only media mentions of it at all:

    There's more good news on inflation. Americans may have a hard time believing it.
    May 17, 2024

    Curious, isn't it? I mean, this non partisan Congressional Budget Office report ought to have been the focus of at least 10-15 minutes of every Sunday political talk program on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, damn, even Fux News. This is a hell of a lot bigger and more historic than whatevrr some numbskull field goal kicker cried about, Trump's latest dozen or so criminal lies or even if Biden tripped on a pebble while walking to his bicycle.

    Yet, crickets.

    Why, it is almost like Mainstream Media has no interest in reporting truly historic good news about the real state of the Union today if it in anyway can not be spun as a typically pro Repub "Bothsider" argument.

    So I can only assume the reason Larry Summers is no longer invited on those programs nor is he even eagerly quoted anymore is because he has served his usefulness as a tool to help Repubs win elections.
    Agreed! But I don't think that apology from dear ol' Larry is coming anytime soon however.

    Once again, President Biden's economic resilience is proving too much to bear for Larry Summers wannabe economists, MSM and Trump world. With yet another round of new stock market highs, across the board, from S&P 500, Nasdaq, Dow Jones (over 40,000 for first time in history), I have no doubt that a pretty hard pill to swallow for the Repub media propaganda arm over at FOXY Muse.

    Yes, from closet INCELS to misogynistic speeches by Kansas City Chiefs field goal kickers (that would have women with PhD and M degrees back in he kitchen, barefoot and pregnant), to Trump waffling and backpedaling on birth control/contraception, it's all to clear, the hateful wingers and the Repub Reich, are coming gunning for women and control of women's bodies.

    But to Dems' advantage, the women's vote, continues to be a "blind spot" for Repubs and will definitely be their downfall in Nov 2024 and IMHO, the reason Biden wins.

    Note: Going after birth control and contraception, is also right out of the Neo-Nazi fascist playbook!.

  9. #14468


    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    Pleas to show up? Trump has a fucking gag order on.

    And you think this trial is not a waste of money?

    Rule of law? You dumb Democratic douches cannot even define what the law is.

    Mr. Ladies Man, AKA Soy Boy, the Alinsky method of attacking your opponent where you are weak is not working any more. People are looking at their paychecks buying less and less, sky high rent costs, ridiculous mortgage rates, Biden lying his ass off when he said inflation was 9% under Trump and saying, "I do not believe you" if you look at the polls.

    And this trial? I did not think anything could top the Democrat douche policy on Covid, but this is getting there. You have a porn star grifter who owes Trump $500,000 and refuses to pay it (talk about your rule of law right there, soy boy) gets up on the stand and says the polar opposite of what she had previously said six years ago. Hell, she cannot even make up her mind if she had sex, whether it was with consent or not, and my personal favorite, a fucking porn star blacking out while having sex. Of course, Soy Boy, you would probably know a thing or two about that.

    And then there is convicted, serial perjurer Michael Cohen who stole $30,000 because he thought he was underpaid. Man, took about the perfect Democratic douche witness. He is slinging the same bullshit as California shop lifters. Hey, it is okay to steal if you think need it.

    The judge's daughter is making millions campaigning off the campaign trail, and this POS fucking judge is denying Trump's first amendment rights. The judge sustained objections before Trump's lawyers even fully asked their questions. This case is more rigged than the OJ trial.

    Only a true douche like you could be proud of a legal system with those two star witnesses.

    Spidy, unlike you and Thailand Tooms who are grifters living off the government dole, I have to live and work in the USA. After this hearing and the porous border, you are talking rule of law? Pristine justice system? You two are fucking nuts.

    And before you go on with your latest girlish hissy fit, Oh Elvis what are you complaining about, I am actually happy that this legal abomination has taken place. The only thing better than this rigged trial will be the rigged verdict. If Trump is found guilty, you can pencil him in as our next president.

    I can't think of anything better to show everyone how fucked Democrats are in the head than this trial.
    What does a gag order that Trump repeatedly defied have to do with him pleading with his cult followers to show up to protest his criminal trial, which practically none of them did?

    Trump urges supporters to go out and peacefully protest ahead of hush money trials opening arguments.

    That includes right outside that courthouse. I think somebody counted about 4 showing up one day.

    That is when those 5-6 Repub Congressional / Gov / VP Candidate Hopefuls numbskulls showed up to make sure the Judge, jurors, court staff and their families understood that they should not be misled into a state of complacency by the lack of locked and loaded Repub Trump Cultist ready to deliver an "ordinary tourist outing" direct hit on and about their head and shoulders with a blunt instrument and a few Third Reich "selfies" through the brains and limbs of them, their children and their childrens' children anytime after the trial if it does not go the way they want.

    Which brings us to the jury's verdict that you seem to be fretting about so much. LOL. Despite the documented evidence so overwhelming there wasn't even a need to examine an eye / ear witness, it will require an unprecedented level of courage, American patriotism and devotion to the Rule of Law for ANY of those jurors to submit a Guilty verdict on the Head of the Trump Crime Family. LOL.

    They have seen what Trump and his violent, cop-attacking and cop-killing America-hating cult followers are capable of and will do when and if they don't get their way by any means necessary.

    You think any of those jurors are willing to subject themselves, their families and their children to a lifetime of blood lust vengeance from that lot? LOL.

    Sleepy Don brings his MAGA Thugs right into the courtroom during the trial. Close enough for the jurors to smell them. Every one of those jurors knows if they submit a Guilty verdict / vote, the Trump Cultists and MAGA Thugs will target them and their families from here to eternity and that any future Repub so-called president will eagerly and happily Pardon and Fully Exonerate each and every one of their murderers and tormentors on day one, freeing them to enjoy a life of Repub Deadbeat luxury on the dumb sucker Repub hillbilly donations from their GubMent Entitlement checks.

    I am only ready to be shocked, amazed and filled with admiration for any or all jurors who cast a totally justifiable Guilty verdict. But I am not counting on it. For the above blatantly obvious and well-orchestrated reasons.

    But, either way, at least we will have on the record for all time an under Oath and Unchallenged testimony of Classic and Iconic Christian Right Darling Repub Donald J. Trump slurring "You remind me of my daughter" at least three times as he whipped out his mushroom dick to raw dog a porn actress while his latest wife was recovering from giving birth. LOL. Priceless!

  10. #14467
    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    LOL. Yeah, those 5-6 Repub numbskulls who showed up at Trump's current criminal trial because they can't get funding for their election campaigns without that dumb sucker Repub hillbilly money Trump controls constituted the biggest crowd of Trump supporters at his trial so far. Despite Trump's plea for his supporters to show up.
    Pleas to show up? Trump has a fucking gag order on.

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    I say dock the taxpayer dollars pay of those typical deadbeat Repub members of Congress and Governors.
    And you think this trial is not a waste of money?

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    And in case anyone missed it, their secondary goal was to trash America, the American legal system, the Rule of Law.
    Rule of law? You dumb Democratic douches cannot even define what the law is.

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    But at least it was nice of them to admit there are so few problems left to solve in America today thanks to Bidenomics, Biden's border control, national security and so on that they can just fly off to New York on a whim and skip out on whatever the hell they think their jobs are rather than work for their paychecks.
    Mr. Ladies Man, AKA Soy Boy, the Alinsky method of attacking your opponent where you are weak is not working any more. People are looking at their paychecks buying less and less, sky high rent costs, ridiculous mortgage rates, Biden lying his ass off when he said inflation was 9% under Trump and saying, "I do not believe you" if you look at the polls.

    And this trial? I did not think anything could top the Democrat douche policy on Covid, but this is getting there. You have a porn star grifter who owes Trump $500,000 and refuses to pay it (talk about your rule of law right there, soy boy) gets up on the stand and says the polar opposite of what she had previously said six years ago. Hell, she cannot even make up her mind if she had sex, whether it was with consent or not, and my personal favorite, a fucking porn star blacking out while having sex. Of course, Soy Boy, you would probably know a thing or two about that.

    And then there is convicted, serial perjurer Michael Cohen who stole $30,000 because he thought he was underpaid. Man, took about the perfect Democratic douche witness. He is slinging the same bullshit as California shop lifters. Hey, it is okay to steal if you think need it.

    The judge's daughter is making millions campaigning off the campaign trail, and this POS fucking judge is denying Trump's first amendment rights. The judge sustained objections before Trump's lawyers even fully asked their questions. This case is more rigged than the OJ trial.

    Only a true douche like you could be proud of a legal system with those two star witnesses.

    Spidy, unlike you and Thailand Tooms who are grifters living off the government dole, I have to live and work in the USA. After this hearing and the porous border, you are talking rule of law? Pristine justice system? You two are fucking nuts.

    And before you go on with your latest girlish hissy fit, Oh Elvis what are you complaining about, I am actually happy that this legal abomination has taken place. The only thing better than this rigged trial will be the rigged verdict. If Trump is found guilty, you can pencil him in as our next president.

    I can't think of anything better to show everyone how fucked Democrats are in the head than this trial.

  11. #14466

    Oh no doubt about it

    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics

    That is what the inflation numbers are. Real simple math here people: Inflation target 2%. Actual inflation measured by the numbers they can game: 3%. Missed the target by 33%. Not impressed. When I perform activities in my chosen occupation and private life I cannot afford to be 33% off my target.

    They pulled coffee out of the bag of goods because it is up 78%. I have been away from the (Dis) United States of America for a long time. Did the population stop drinking coffee there?
    Yes, for sure when Trump defunded and removed the Early Warning / Pandemic Prevention Teams from those Chinese labs in 2018 and 2019 against dire expert warnings not to do something so dangerous and stupid, presumably either to flatter his disastrous trade war victor Xi's ego, simply because Obama and Hillary's prints were all over that successful Pandemic Prevention program or all of the above, he was most certainly laying the groundwork for a ton of inevitable recovery inflation theft from you, me, practically everyone on the Planet.

    Unless he actually thought the piddling $100 -150 Million costs for it he cut from the budget was a fine trade-off for what he ushered in and exacerbated for America and the rest of the world. He's pretty stupid. So maybe that was all there was to his reasoning for doing it. I have no doubt he would do something that dangerous and stupid again in a New York Minute if the electorate is dumb and careless enough to give him another chance.

    But what you are talking about is the removal of coffee from the CPI, where removing and adding items purchased in certain quantities is done all the time.

    What these CBO reports are about are are "consumption bundles" of several commonly purchased items that likely add and subtract items that were known to have been purchased routinely in 2019 vs today. It is not merely a copy of what is used to measure CPI, which is not something the CBO determines anyway. I would have to assume a typical "consumption bundle" does not merely consist of giant cans of coffee and only coffee. Otherwise, yeah, the offset by increases in average wages since 2019 would not exceed that increase.

  12. #14465

    Inflation is theft and so are taxes

    Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics

    That is what the inflation numbers are. Real simple math here people: Inflation target 2%. Actual inflation measured by the numbers they can game: 3%. Missed the target by 33%. Not impressed. When I perform activities in my chosen occupation and private life I cannot afford to be 33% off my target.

    They pulled coffee out of the bag of goods because it is up 78%. I have been away from the (Dis) United States of America for a long time. Did the population stop drinking coffee there?

  13. #14464

    Where's Larry?

    Up until a year or so ago Harvard economist Larry Summers was the darling of Mainstream Media. On the strength of his momentarily advising Barack Obama during the Obama-Biden Administration's historic economic recovery from the previous Bush2/ Repub admonistration's spectacular "Once in 100 Years" typical and routine Repub colossal economic and national security policy and stewardship results disaster, Summers was eagerly quoted or trotted out onto MSM programming to wax eloquently about how wrong Joe Biden's methods were to solve the spectacular "Once in 100 Years" colossal Trump / Repub economic and national security policy and stewardship results disaster the Biden-Harris Administration inherited.

    Therefore, it is puzzling to me why Larry did not show up on any of this weekend's MSM political shows to humbly apologize to the Biden-Harris Administration and to the American people in general for getting it so wrong while they got it so right.

    In fact, as of this writing the only results for a Google Search on week old "CBO reports that the American consumer's purchasing power is greater today than it was in 2019", clearly the biggest and most important economic news in a year and the reason several polls have been showing that respondents feel their state and family's economic and financial condition has recovered fine and doing well despite that of the "country" doing poorly, this and the one I posted previously from the center-right think tank American Enterprise Institute are essentially the only media mentions of it at all:

    There's more good news on inflation. Americans may have a hard time believing it.
    May 17, 2024

    Purchasing power for the average household actually increased from 2019 to 2023, a government report found. But higher earners are still coming out on top.

    There's some good news on the inflation front - but it's likely to offer little comfort to Americans still smarting from years of high prices.

    A new report from the Congressional Budget Office released this week shows that inflation may have had less of an impact on households' bottom lines than months of sticker shock on everything from Big Macs to daycare might suggest.
    Curious, isn't it? I mean, this non partisan Congressional Budget Office report ought to have been the focus of at least 10-15 minutes of every Sunday political talk program on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, damn, even Fux News. This is a hell of a lot bigger and more historic than whatevrr some numbskull field goal kicker cried about, Trump's latest dozen or so criminal lies or even if Biden tripped on a pebble while walking to his bicycle.

    Yet, crickets.

    Why, it is almost like Mainstream Media has no interest in reporting truly historic good news about the real state of the Union today if it in anyway can not be spun as a typically pro Repub "Bothsider" argument.

    So I can only assume the reason Larry Summers is no longer invited on those programs nor is he even eagerly quoted anymore is because he has served his usefulness as a tool to help Repubs win elections.

  14. #14463

    Biggest Trump Support Courthouse Crowd Ever!

    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    So last week, while the Dems and President Joe Biden, were hard at work advancing the lives of Americans, by saving and creating jobs for Americans, from the likes of House Speaker, Cristofacist Mike Johnson, to creating 2,300 union construction jobs, to 2,000 permanent jobs announced at an AI Microsoft Data Center, in Racine, Wisconsin (WI), clear across the political aisle, "Do Nothing", "Know Nothing" Repubs ONLY sought chaos and chance to sellout America and take the country backwards in time.

    Yes, meanwhile Trump (aka. Mango Mussolini) and Moscow Marjorie (aka. Capital Hill Karen, aka. Cruella DeVil on the Hill), were either, selling out America, taking away jobs from Americans (albeit co-conspirators and election deniers) or looked to plunge America back to the dark ages with salacious pledges of porn-star pussy-grabing misogynist state wide abortion bans, followed by similar mass repudiation on automotive EV and green tech, if the oil and gas industry cronies, should pony-up $1 billion in "political contributions" (ah-hmmmm. Bribes!) to Trump's "campaign coffers".

    This Week is DJT look alike Clown Week:

    So this week, the short list of Repub candidates, sycophant wannabes and Trump acolytes auditioning for Veep, all lineup as "the friends of Trump" look-alike clowns. All while, making an apparent plea for donations, outside the NYC court house, like some kinda, charity case for wayward billionaire white-collar criminals...PATHETIC!

    All ready to demean themselves and denounce the rule of law and the US Justice System, to appease the "gagged" one.
    LOL. Yeah, those 5-6 Repub numbskulls who showed up at Trump's current criminal trial because they can't get funding for their election campaigns without that dumb sucker Repub hillbilly money Trump controls constituted the biggest crowd of Trump supporters at his trial so far. Despite Trump's plea for his supporters to show up.

    Quite a difference when he doesn't stage his blithering, dementia-exposing, droning speeches in locations where a few thousand tourists and day trippers are going to show up anyway.

    I say dock the taxpayer dollars pay of those typical deadbeat Repub members of Congress and Governors.

    And in case anyone missed it, their secondary goal was to trash America, the American legal system, the Rule of Law, Law and Order, to intimidate, threaten and endanger the Judge, jury, court staff and all of their families. The Classic "tough on crime" Repub agenda.

    But at least it was nice of them to admit there are so few problems left to solve in America today thanks to Bidenomics, Biden's border control, national security and so on that they can just fly off to New York on a whim and skip out on whatever the hell they think their jobs are rather than work for their paychecks.

  15. #14462

    What a difference a week makes....

    So last week, while the Dems and President Joe Biden, were hard at work advancing the lives of Americans, by saving and creating jobs for Americans, from the likes of House Speaker, Cristofacist Mike Johnson, to creating 2,300 union construction jobs, to 2,000 permanent jobs announced at an AI Microsoft Data Center, in Racine, Wisconsin (WI), clear across the political aisle, "Do Nothing", "Know Nothing" Repubs ONLY sought chaos and chance to sellout America and take the country backwards in time.

    Yes, meanwhile Trump (aka. Mango Mussolini) and Moscow Marjorie (aka. Capital Hill Karen, aka. Cruella DeVil on the Hill), were either, selling out America, taking away jobs from Americans (albeit co-conspirators and election deniers) or looked to plunge America back to the dark ages with salacious pledges of porn-star pussy-grabing misogynist state wide abortion bans, followed by similar mass repudiation on automotive EV and green tech, if the oil and gas industry cronies, should pony-up $1 billion in "political contributions" (ah-hmmmm. Bribes!) to Trump's "campaign coffers".

    This Week is DJT look alike Clown Week:

    So this week, the short list of Repub candidates, sycophant wannabes and Trump acolytes auditioning for Veep, all lineup as "the friends of Trump" look-alike clowns. All while, making an apparent plea for donations, outside the NYC court house, like some kinda, charity case for wayward billionaire white-collar criminals...PATHETIC!

    All ready to demean themselves and denounce the rule of law and the US Justice System, to appease the "gagged" one.

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