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View Survey Results: Who should be restricted to his own section?

135. You may not vote on this poll
  • Domino/Skinless

    59 43.70%
  • The Traveler

    5 3.70%
  • Freeler

    1 0.74%
  • Juice Spike

    4 2.96%
  • Terry Terrier

    2 1.48%
  • LJohnson

    0 0%
  • All of the above.

    40 29.63%
  • None of the above.

    24 17.78%
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Thread: Who is the real Serial Antagonist?

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  1. #40

    Statistical Void?

    It looks like Domino got the highest votes followed by "all of the above."

    One thing that makes me wonder about this poll is that many "unknown" members, that is, people that have never posted in the Thai section came out of the woodwork to vote. Strange because either these people were just readers and maybe did not have an interest on the content but voted for the hell of it anyway.

    Another strange thing is that many voters don't even have one post on the ISG. For example, 3 out 4 guys that voted for me (against me ) have never posted one post according to a search done on them. Strange.

    I did not do search on all voters to see who had even posted at least once on this site but I would suspect that many have not even posted once before.

    Why is this important? I don't really know but it makes me wonder if any polls done on any subject would have a meaningful result or even a statistical importance to what members and administration are trying to find out if there are is no set criteria as to who gets to vote...

    We serial posters in the Thai section (you know who you are) are equally responsible for letting things get out of control and for instigating fights either by choice or to defend a point.

    I think that Domino maybe deserves some kind of punishment but since this is not my website I will reserve my opinion and leave the decision to Jackson.

    BTW, I voted “all of the above”


  2. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by James Tran
    Because of them I stop coming to the Thai forum. But I do like SA He is a funny kid.

    I didn't make a post with comments attached. I agree with the J. Tran for several reasons:

    1) You are conducting this site excellently. You spent inordinate amounts of time reading, editing, etc. You made the comment that [sic] "I dont have the time for the BS." Too true. Hence, vote all to be banished.

    2) However, on further reflection, I believe that I voted hastily. Perhaps a more equitable solution would be to ban the most serious offenders. The forum will clearly dictate to you who they are, and who is truly antagonistic. I suspect, that you feel that the membership of your forum and then yourself are the first to be considered in this order. However, the forum must come first. Sadly, "they" do have a huge amount of information and knowledge for the members. Your actions might have a posting of caution to the remainder of the crowd. (e.g TT, LJohnson, etc). I think that perhaps that they forgot the cardinal rule in forums everywhere on the Internet; "Don't feed the trolls!" I personally believe, that they probably got swept into the passion of the exchange of info and the involved perspectives.

    3) I agree with your perspective in regard to this behavior. I have spent most of the better part of 20 years traveling and/or living throughout the Orient. I enjoy furthering my knowledge from the perspectives and feelings of other members of this forum. However, I have felt restricted in posting anything, which could even possibly start another "flaming" war.

    I feel that once the poll is in, you will know exactly what to do. My thanks for listening to my pontification. Please continue this excellent site and your tireless efforts. Again, my sincere thanks to you, for what you have already done.

  3. #38

    Something New

    well i never. for the first time in months i've actualy read some some pages on wsg - and there non-sex related. makes a change from norm. i like many others endured weeks and months of blood, sweat and tears due to the slanging matches between domino/skinless, the traveler, and the rest.

    i'm sure we all have better things to do rather than read crap, or ever write crap. i'm so glad something is being done about this - i hope that the thai section is not shut down, and i believe it wont be - otherwise we'll all be saying "it was gonna happen some day, i told you so".

    rather that a poll vote i'd rather see all of the lined up on beach road and told to show there best breakdance moves...whilst jackson films this for amusement of the board. and now i'm going out to get drunk.

    speed touch

  4. #37


    I think it's sad that it has come to this. But, clearly, something had to be done. When grown men behave as children they may have to be treated as such.

    I will miss Dom, when he is posting travel info (not the photos of the skanks), but recently he has been (IMHO) experiencing temper tantrums and needed a "time out". So he's been sent to his room.

    Sorry Dom, but I support Jacksons actions.


  5. #36

    interesting poll

    I for one have had the great pleasure of getting flamed by Domino one time and did nothing but wrote a short responce to it. I have in the past however fell into the Domino trap and since then I have learned to just ignore him or anyone that tries to antagonize me into a flame war. I try to use my better judgment on getting into a flame war with him. After all is that not what he wants? Is he the type of person that thrives on the attention he is getting here and in other threads? I think so, but only he can answer that question honesty.

    I use to visit the Thia thread quite often, because I was interested in going there, but since I have noticed that was going on over there I have decieded not to visit as often as I use to. Also I since have not visited the Thai thread in sometime because it did seem a place for people to vent and flame about other memebers of the forum.

    If Domino does get sent to his own pergotory heaven, I for one will return to viewing the Thailand thead to see what usefull information is available to me there, as that is my primary reason for going to various threads that I am interested in. See I like to travel (even though I have not done so in sometime, but it is due to some unforseeable situation), and enjoy getting information on what ever country I will be goiing to in the future, or to see what changes have taken place in the places I have been to. I also feel a bit sad that I have not been able to contribute as much usefull information as I would like to, but I sincerly hope too in the future. By the way I have a report I would like to put on the Ukraine thread from when I was there last. I am just waiting for the pictures to be developed and then I will post another detaled post of my experence there. Yes I know they have to be developed, but I am back in the stone age when it came to photographs.

    Kudos to everyone that posts great detailed reports (with or without pics). I enjoy reading them as I hope others do also.

    I think that others that come to this board like to do the same and get turned off by flame wars. So the more people continue with the topic at hand the better the forum and each particular thread will be. I hope everyone here will make an atempt to make a flame free post including me.

  6. #35


    Daijek -

    I doubt that Domino is wallowing in pain. He is a big boy and surely is not surprised at the sentiments expressed here. We really do sometimes reap what we sow. And I doubt that this forum represents a large percentage of his universe. I'm sure he has a rich life outside this forum. I hope we all do or else we are truly pathetic.

    No tears required for Domino. He'll be just fine.

  7. #34
    i have been urged by a few members to at least post a comment in this thread even though i believe i should leave it to the other members to decide. therefore i won't vote.

    all i can say is that i am sorry to have taken skinless/domino's bait at the first hand. i would have easily ignored any name calling or insults of any kind but being accused of being a **** was more than i was willing to bear. it's always easy to give good advice if not being involved but it's much harder if you are the target of constant attacks at that very very low level. self-defense should be allowed at any time.

    i tried to have a serious discussion about that very serious topic at first, but domino avoided any exchange of arguments and never provided anything to prove his accusations. he just tried to assasin my character to make me go away by misusing terms like ****, [CodeWord123], children, kids and misinterpreting laws just to make a case.

    surely a few of his pals supported him in his attempt and i really don't know who is worse, the insane who believes in his accusations (even though i have severe doubts that he ever really believed in them) or those who join in just for the fun of group bashing someone.

    worst of all, this whole bs was nothing but a retaliation for an innocent joke about him and freeler. don't forget, it took him almost a month to find that picture with my warning and what a coincidence, he found it just after i posted that remark about their ongoing competition of posting the ugliest girls available (does anyone remember the pics of girls full of herpes sores in korat park ?)

    he also threatened me several times, told me what a heavy guy he is, carrying knives with him, asked how to get rid of corpses, that he knows others who did time and that he will have me beaten up by hired folks to kick the shit out of me, will report me to police and much more crap but declined several offers to meet me and finally end that nonsense face to face.

    i also kept silence several times for a few weeks but any time i started to post again he jumped on me without being provoked.

    i also asked jackson to finally enforce his own forum rules and his mentioned "zero tolerance" to put an end to it which would include any misbehaviour by me as well if he felt i would violate any rules but he was either too busy or not interested. i guess due to that domino felt to have jackson's support and went on with that crap.

    even though i have no sympathy left for skinless aka domino, i rather vote for giving him a last chance. some people mention that he had good info posted, i haven't seen any in the thai section for quite a while and his history of good posts (like the faq) can't make up for the damage he had caused, but he isn't the only one who is posting crap. i rather vote for having minimum standards/requirements on posts enforced.

    maybe this survey shows him that his attitude isn't welcomed at the forum (if he cares at all) and that he should rather be one of the guys who help each other and share infos on how to get laid. we don't need constant nay-sayers who feel being better than the others. let's not forget, there will always be someone who is smarter, better looking, more rich ....

    let's all live in peace without prejudices. the differences between us makes life interesting, how boring would the world be if we all would be same ?

  8. #33

    Is Humilating

    Though i do vote Domino, is there anyone feel for him? Guess he in thousand pain with hundred cuts on his heart, and every cut were acid soaked.

    Reading all his punishment across global infront a monitor without a keyboard to respond. PITY..


  9. #32

    Restrict reports from Serial Antagonists

    Rather than banish someone to their own thread, I prefer the idea of restricting their posting to one or two per day if that is feasable. They then have a choice to use up that post by flaming or posting something more relevant. If they continue to flame/antagonise, we have fewer reports to ignore.

  10. #31
    I like the idea of a "cage" or special thread altho not necessarily for Domino

    I suggest a cage in the Photo Section for the guys who post the gyn shots, close-ups of assholes, and worst of all, photos of their own dicks!

    Those who get off on this, if there is anybody who does, will know where to look ~ and the rest of us can avoid

    Suerte, Veterano

  11. #30

    Live and let live

    I believe that 'empty vessels make the most noise'.
    If I start reading any threads that get a bit antagonistic I just stop reading them and any other thread such a writer may post. If it really gets to me than I just block that member. For me it is simple, but I like a quiet life anyway.

  12. #29



    Why are you killing yourself?


    Fuckem all.

    I/We greatly appreciate your efforts, but you are THE MAN.

    Do what your gut says.

    Live Life!

    Keep up your great work.

  13. #28

    Gladiator just doesn't get it

    It's easy to see why Gladiator is sympathetic to Domino. His post below (#24) exhibits a good measure of the same vitriol that many of Domino's posts are (in)famous for. A quick review of his 2nd paragraph makes my point for me. It's the attack dog mentality manifested in that paragraph that is the root cause of the flame wars. Jackson's brief response to Gladiator was spot on.

  14. #27

    Why Am I Cited Here?

    I think this is the first time I've read this thread in 6 months, so I am unfamiliar with what's been going on, and was really surprised to see myself named by Jackson! I have no time to read the back posts and to get caught up with the raging controversy, and I don't know any of the backgrounbd, so it would be impossible for me to express a point of view.


    Hi GE,

    Relax, your not involved in this issue.

    And thanks for your many contributions to the ISG Forum.


  15. #26
    Like many, I found Dominos child-porn rants against Traveller had past the point of monotony long ago. However, as others noted, when sticking to the topics I found some of his contributions useful.

    Why not do this Jackson. Instead of banishing someone for good, keep them in their own thread (or a general isolated thread for all transgressors) on a temporary basis, say for like 3 or 6 months for example. If they keep at it after that, you can then banish them for good.

    Hi JP2U,

    I'm not talking about banning anyone here, just limiting them to posting in their own thread so that others can avoid them.



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