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  1. #4451

    at the races...


    First of all, I agree that online dating outside the US is a goldmine... I really wonder how that got so screwed up in the US. Apparently "myspace" works well in the US though, although I never personally tried since I dont live there. When is your long-awaited Euro-vacation gonna happen? Those poor German girls seem pretty keen for you to show up!

    The Heidi Klum story:

    The Heidi Klum story is really one of a girl getting passed around... after she got dumped by her former boyfriend, she hooked up with Anthony Kiedis (Red Hot Chili Peppers) for awhile and after he dumped her (he still raves about her, but said he was too immature to stay with one girl.. that's my boy!) she ended up shacking up with chubby aging Italian playboy super stud Flavio Briatore, who is famous for banging literally dozens of top models such as Naomi Campbell etc. Flavio poked her rotten for awhile and got her pregnant, at which point he literally said "I can't see myself pushing around a baby carriage" and unceremoniously dumped her just after their baby girl was born.

    I ask myself why Heidi couldnt seem to keep a boyfriend, but if you have ever seen her interviews, she's pretty fucking stupid. Not that one would expect much from a model, but she really is pretty dumb.

    Seemingly destined to be a single mom, Heidi was back on the market and lucky enough to meet up with Seal, who has a thing for German models (he used to be with Tatjana Patiz, even hotter than Heidi in my opinion) and very family-oriented... and now she is cranking out little baby seals and reportedly very very happy. Seal also seems to be somewhat of a dream husband, at least from the very positive press he's getting in Germany.

    Rock Dog:

    There definitely is a lot to the theory that opposite races attract, which may even by genetically motivated. After all, "injecting" new genetic code into the racial bloodline is essential for races to survive over time.

    "Yellow Fever" is what they call it when white guys (or black guys for that matter) go crazy for anything Asian. We've all seen non-Asians parading around with the most unattractive Asian chicks, at least from an Asian standpoint. Asians laugh about it and I think anybody who has been to Thailand or whereever has seen it... and probably been guilty of it as well. I know that years ago I banged some real skanks in Pattaya before figuring out which ones were truly pretty and improving my screening process. What was I thinking? I was only looking at their skinny tight bodies and didnt even notice the faces until the next morning.

    The same goes for white guys who are into black chicks... they are often attracted to the body and dont even look at the face. And the stereotype of black guys with white chicks most decent-looking white guys wouldnt touch is well-known.

    When it comes to banging girls from other races, it seems that the attraction is rooted in factors not entirely determined merely by traditional definitions of attraction.

    Personally speaking, I banged a black chick in airborne school in the army that most black guys probably wouldnt have given a second thought too... body was fine but her face could have stopped a runaway train. I felt no shame about it though, at least I got some...

    By the way, I just got back from the US and was getting a whole different vibe from black girls (I am white). Its well-known that interracial dating/sex is less taboo than before and that white girls with black guys is more common than ever, but what about the other way around? Years ago I didnt often get far with black women but on this recent trip I had black girls giving me some serious flirting action. Didnt have a chance to pursue it as I was otherwise "occupied", but is there more acceptance for white guys among black girls? I also saw a lot of white guy-black girl couples, which was less common even just 10 years ago. Thoughts?

  2. #4450

    Blew my mind!

    Yesterday, near the end of the workday, some coworkers and I were talking about our receptionist. She's a redhead (I got a thing for redheads) and had just 4-5 months ago dumped her live/in bf to whom she was engaged and HAD PLANNED THE WEDDING. NOW, I hear she's ENGAGED AGAIN. This was after she very briefly dated a guy who is friends with my coworkers (led him ON is more like it, since she milked him for several dinners etc) and told him over the phone that she was now engaged. He said: "WHAT? Where did you meet THIS GUY"? Apparently, she met this guy (her new intended-to-be) while she was dating the poor guy she suckered. Now, this broad is either extremely single-minded or just plain NUTS to be engaged THAT QUICKLY after recently dumping someone whom you were gonna live the rest of your life with. I'll keep you apprised, my bretheren.

  3. #4449

    Who needs American women in New York?

    Just a quick line form someone who has been lurking for awhile. If one has some game in New York... I'm sure L.A. and other places for that matter. On a good day one can often meet a lady from overseas who would love to spend some quality time with a nice gent. I'm 51 and in good shape. one of my friends was 21, delightful and from Poland. Recently I have been seeing a lovely 28 year old gal from Trinidad. When you add up the airfare and the hassle. Nothing in this life is free. As the service writer said to me one at the dealership "if it has tits or wheels and is nice it' not cheap".

    You guys in the big cities open your eyes. Nothing wrong with a new friend spending a couple of nights a week after a good meal and perhaps a "little help" offered dicretely of course.

  4. #4448
    Quote Originally Posted by Bart9000
    That I specifically said online dating is a waste of time "in the US"
    I agree online dating of AW is a complete waste of time. You're better off with p4p.

  5. #4447

    You will notice

    That I specifically said online dating is a waste of time "in the US"

  6. #4446

    Gee and I thought I was the only one getting PM's from Brian...

    okay maybe he should look at his writing and i don't get offended often, but he's not allowed to pm me. i made that crystal clear to him...

    then again some canadians are genuinely strange.. ay?

    bart -

    it is a waste to trying dating online women from the us. but not so pointless when you focus on canada and europe. in fact, im just not sure how much "mongering" i'll get done with so much "free" german punai that i have cultivated so far :d

    plus my female friend from norway asures of me that i'll have no problems pullin and even the german women say that (they tell me that in an in-direct sort of way)

    if all this turns out to be true, "darlin, put mommie on the phone..(pause). "hey marsha, i aint ever comin home!" "have a nice life..."

    well, i don't think i can actually live in europe (you never know...) but we'll just have to see how this all turns out.

    rock -

    its funny, im a hardcore follower of motorsports and i only found out recently that hedi used to date flavio who is the head of renault's formula 1 team. seems some black men don't mind picking up where some guys left off. i was never a "hit it and quit it" kind of guy, so i'll prolly end up doing the same thing, being a father to somebody else's children. of course all the above parties know im childless and are willing to have at least another one or two...

    life is good (some ladies invited me on their ski boat which i'll cash-in over the next couple of weeks), just wish i made more money at this magot-[CodeWord134]-on job i currently have, but im trying to get back into a truck to accelerate my income earning and provide me with more "freedom" when i make my trek over to europe.

  7. #4445
    Quote Originally Posted by Rock Dog
    Ezinho, Sinanju,

    It's one of those things.... like the chicken or the egg, which came first? Somehow things have evolved over the last few decades to the point where women really do have the upper hand.

    I've made many posts to this effect so I won't go on covering the same ground.

    You can't honestly go blaming women for everything. I think a lot of this stuff that's going on these days can be traced all the way back to the 60's.... when people started challenging the establishment, and established ideas of how things should be. I can remember how the 70's came next.... with women's liberation. Of course that whole "liberation" part of the phrase seemed to imply that they had been imprisoned or enslaved previously.

    Mostly I think they started out just wanting to have the same job opportunties as us. After they got a little bit of success, they just kept going and going.

    Now what you have, are millions of women out there who don't really need a guy for anything except to get laid..... and that's only if they aren't bi.

    There's always a few nice, normal ones out there who aren't in it for the money or trying to uase their pussies to power trip on us. However, those ones are guaranteed to be in nice stable relationships. That's why we are so down on AW's and western women in general...... because it's the ugly/psycho/gold-digger types that are always available. Those are the ones we keep running into over and over.

    There sure are a lot of pussy-whipped guys out there, but that doesn't mean we have to be one of them. Not sure exactly where I'm heading with this post so I'll just summarize and end it here.

    1. Women in general are worse than they used to be... also seem to be getting more so as time goes by.

    2. Not sure how things got this way, causation is surely multifactorial.

    3. As bad as things are, don't make things worse by surrendering your honor for a piece of ass.


    This kind of goes along with something I'm fond of stating....Rock is essentially saying here that women have thrown out the baby with the bathwater, and I certainly agree. I've made several posts examining some things that modern society has discarded (dowries, arranged marriages, paternal approval of suitors), partially in response to the women's "liberation", and what the detrimental effects have been (girls choosing to give themselves to the suitor who provokes the maximum EMOTIONAL response----which has a high correlation to being undependable, unstable abusive) they are really out on a limb with all of them expected to be "independent women", get out there fighting on the front lines to take over the world...when in actuality, most really just want to get knocked up and stay home playing with the kids, while one of those terrible MEN protects them from reality.

    I'm in partial agreement with Rock, that some are certainly better than others. However, I have to say, that ALL are at least to some degree corrupted by the influences of our society. Now I'm sure that somewhere out there is a girl who would prove me absolutely wrong by being the exception to my "rule", but I'm not willing to spend my time and money digging through the proverbial haystack to find her, especially when as frequently pointed out on this board, we have other options.


  8. #4444



    I tend to agree with Bart. Perhaps, you just misunderstood Brian. I've never had any reason to believe that he's inclined to the alternative lifestyle though he writes in a fairly unique manner. There is no reason to let the matter erupt into a flame war.

  9. #4443


    I've spoken to Brian before. He's a nice guy.....just a bit different in his way of expressing himself.


  10. #4442


    Rock, actually, you (WE) DO need to cover the same ground from time to time in order to keep focused on what the problem is and to educate those who are in the dark without so much as a candle to light the way. Myself, I never said that there is not even ONE good AW in the US, but you can damn sure bet your annual salary several times over that she has been taken by someone else before you can get to her. With the rest, it seems that if you give them some rope, they want to be a cowboy.

    Astor, you seem to have attracted a nutcase. I just hope it's not on the same level as Ownaford1994 or JamesD2004 or any of his other aliases.

  11. #4441
    Ezinho, Sinanju,

    It's one of those things.... like the chicken or the egg, which came first? Somehow things have evolved over the last few decades to the point where women really do have the upper hand.

    I've made many posts to this effect so I won't go on covering the same ground.

    You can't honestly go blaming women for everything. I think a lot of this stuff that's going on these days can be traced all the way back to the 60's.... when people started challenging the establishment, and established ideas of how things should be. I can remember how the 70's came next.... with women's liberation. Of course that whole "liberation" part of the phrase seemed to imply that they had been imprisoned or enslaved previously.

    Mostly I think they started out just wanting to have the same job opportunties as us. After they got a little bit of success, they just kept going and going.

    Now what you have, are millions of women out there who don't really need a guy for anything except to get laid..... and that's only if they aren't bi.

    There's always a few nice, normal ones out there who aren't in it for the money or trying to uase their pussies to power trip on us. However, those ones are guaranteed to be in nice stable relationships. That's why we are so down on AW's and western women in general...... because it's the ugly/psycho/gold-digger types that are always available. Those are the ones we keep running into over and over.

    There sure are a lot of pussy-whipped guys out there, but that doesn't mean we have to be one of them. Not sure exactly where I'm heading with this post so I'll just summarize and end it here.

    1. Women in general are worse than they used to be... also seem to be getting more so as time goes by.

    2. Not sure how things got this way, causation is surely multifactorial.

    3. As bad as things are, don't make things worse by surrendering your honor for a piece of ass.


  12. #4440
    Here are two PM's I received from one brian maloney. I can't make any sense of his BS tirade. maloney you pri*k, stop sending me PM's. OH and by the way, I don't have any pics anywhere you can access, you lying piece of shit. I could care less about who you've dated. were married to a Black woman for 15 years and she divorced your ass after she found out you were on the down low.

    brian maloney
    Let the brothers have the skinny white trash

    Astor Bryan I have seen pics of you. You are GORGEOUS AND EATABLE. I once sent an e-mail to one member and he got upset. Maybe because I hit a NERVE. I love Black women myself I was married to a Black woman for 15 years. I was shock and surprised myself as I told DJ for the money. About 2 years ago I was in Vancouver and I met up with Miss Jamaica SHE WAS BEAUTIFULL after spending the night with this FANTASY woman I still DREAM of her till this very day. When I finish making LOVE to her FIRST thing in the morning, I like that time best. I wore NO protection and NO protection all night. I said I am sorry I am not big down there in that department like I guess you are use to. She stood up and said, "Look honey lets get one thing straight right now! I dont FUCK BLACK only WHITE. I said if I get you pregnent what would you do. She said we would have a beautifull Molato child. I said sounds good to me. She then told me the brothers are worth shit and irrisponsible dogs. The GOOD brothers that are educated and famous or pro Athletes they want WHITE meat. She then told me that black people descriminate against themselves. I could not believe what I was hearing. She said she is 1/2 white and a light skin Black woman . She told me that dark black never marry light black Fuck I was shock to hear this comming from Miss Jamaica but I believe her because she is light skin black and knows more about this kind of stuff than I do I never knew this kind of shit exsisted.

    Why are Black PEOPLE so defencive

    Just like the OTHER member ALWAYS on the defencive calling the RACE CARD, Please READ my E-mail again. It was not me that was a racist or prejiduce, it was MISS JAMAICA that was a racist. And I believe her, WHY would she LIE. How can I be prejiduce I slept with her ALL NIGHT LONG. I guess in this case it wasnt becuse I was rich or good looking just the right colour I guess. I live in Canada NOT THE USA. reading back in history canada never believed in slave trading and we are not a racist nation like the USA. The black people that could exscape from slavery came to Canada. OUR Country NEVER had segregation laws like the USA. So I guess thats why Black people in the USA have chips on their shoulders, But they ALWAYS treat Canadians well.

  13. #4439

    I apologize to those who have heard me say this half a dozen times

    ......but I think it bears repeating. Online dating is a waste of time and money in the US. With all of the pussy starved guys out there, even a plain Jane gets hit on at least a couple times an average day, and none too pretty big girls get more action than you can shake a stick at because guys think they are actually achieveable. Under those conditions, what kind of girl needs to use her computer to get fixed up on dates? Answer: Some combination of the morbidly obese, hideously ugly, out in outer space weird, and bugfuck crazy.....tend to have a few thousand extra miles on them also.


  14. #4438
    Quote Originally Posted by Ezinho
    I guess the same could be said for AM as well; the U.S. may have more pussy-whipped men per capita than any other country in the world. Why is that? We weren't born that way, I can tell ya that...
    You should watch the comedy concert film: "Raw" with Eddie Murphy. He describes a typical guy who hooks up with a woman (in the initial stages of a relationship) and the guy will act like someone who has been on a deserted island for a year and has just been tossed his first morsel of food, acting like it's of gourmet quality. THEN he describes the SAME GUY who now, after a year of banging the same pussy, sees it for what it really is: the same old shit after a year.

    They KEY is in NOT acting like it's your first piece after getting out of lockdown.

  15. #4437
    Quote Originally Posted by Badboy27
    Joined a couple of online dating agencies a few weeks ago and was immediately swamped by marketting emails where guys are trying sell everything from condoms to hairbrush to computers. I basically needed to shut down that email address.

    Amazing how marketting people will take this route to promote their goods. They know how bad the women situation is in this country. With over 50% outright fat women and the rest having a zillion problems, all a marketting guy needs to do is to put up a fake photo of a hot female and all the men would go on a limb to send their email addresses.

    Never again. I am off to Asia for a few months.
    BB, you joined the wrong agencies. There are loads of agencies that do not sell your information to anybody so you don't get swamped with spam. READ THE FINE PRINT!

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