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Thread: FKK Wiago Liverkusen

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  1. #44
    Please forget this club! has not been on line for almost a year!!

    Close this topic please! Let us focus on new relevant clubs that are not closed and open a topic for them. Sometimes I ask myself, does is makes any sense to send info to this forum???

    See also:
    Quote Originally Posted by Big30, 12-30-09 at 01:51

    FKK Dolce Vita - Dusseldorff -> Düsseldorf
    FKK Villa Vertigo - Grefrath in Northwest Germany -> Grefrath Nordrhein-Westfalen
    FKK World - Giessen -> Pohlheim-Garbenteich (yes close to Giessen)
    Sauna Club Golden Time - Bruggen -> Brüggen
    FKK Oase - Burgholzhausen -> Friedrichsdorf-Burgholzhausen

    Important? Not really :-)!

    My conclusion is : NO! This seems to be a non-moderated forum.

  2. #43

    A recent report

    Aimant from the Youppie forum has graciously allowed me to copy over and translate his recent posting on this club.

    I've been hoping for a turnaround in its situation for a while.

    This club is easy enough to get to from Koeln or Duesseldorf by S-bahn.

    Translation to follow when I have time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aimant

    Aaaah que certains jours peuvent être heureux .

    Visite ce mardi 13 août au FKK de Leverkusen après une journée de boulot à Cologne et un bon petit resto. Le nom est changé de FKK-Wiago en Club Extasia. J’ai hésité avant d’entrer car je craignais, avec un nom pareil (manquant d’originalité, vous me l’avouerez) à un club à champagne piège à cochon (que nous sommes tous). Mais bon je me suis dis qu’étant en Allemagne cela avait moins de risque.

    Bref je fais driiinng et la porte me répond bzzzzzzzz. J’entre. Làl le vide, le rien, nada, schnoll, l’espace intersidéral, rien, ni personne. Ah si, juste un escalier. Dois-je attendre ? Dois-je monter ? Ou descendre ? Euuh j’attends une ou deux minutes, quelque peu pantois .
    Bon finalement, je descends. Raté, je vois une piscine mais personne, pas même un bruit.
    Alors je remonte…
    Et au deuxième étages (donc six volées d’escalier plus haut de là où je me suis fourvoyé !) les choses agréables commencent. Le couloir est en tapis plein au lieu des carrelages de l’escalier, les lumières sont rougeoyantes, chouette j’entr’aperçois des demoiselles légèrement vêtues... Et finalement je rencontre la tenancière qui m’adresse un grand sourire .
    Elle ne parle pas allemand, elle passe donc rapidement la main à une des filles, qui m’explique le tout très gentiment. C’est très simple.
    30 € l’entrée, thermes et boisson à volonté, sauf alcool.
    30 € les 20 minutes avec la fille, 50 € la ½ heure et probablement ainsi de suite.
    Après payement de l’octroi, je reçois une clef et deux essuies. Lors de mon déshabillage, j’entends des râles et des cris de jouissance autours de moi. Les chambres donnent toutes sur ce couloir et en sont séparés par des portes coulissantes. Une de ses portes s’ouvre, deux hommes et une fille, la quadra avec des seins énormes, en sortent, l’air exténués du trio qui a eut lieu. On prend la douche ensemble, la contiguïté est de rigueur ici.

    Je décide de refaire un petit tour explorateur des installations. Je commence à comprendre l’espace volumétrique très étrange du lieu. En fait le deuxième étage et le sous-sol appartient à ce FKK, le rez-de-chaussée et le premier appartiennent probablement au magasin ayant façade sur la rue adjacente. Ce qui signifie que les types qui travaillent au dit magasin voisin ont un FKK au dessus de leur tête et en dessous de leur pieds. Il y aurait quoi devenir fou. Ne me dites pas qu’à leur place, vous n’auriez pas déjà fait un petit trou de voyeur dans une des parois .

    La piscine, au sous-sol donc, est grande, mais vide, elle n’a pas beaucoup d’intérêt, le sauna est chaud, mais vide et euuh vous aurez compris. Il y a aussi des chambres au abord de la pièce d’eau, mais euh vide également. Bref la cave n’est pas le centre névralgique de la débauche attendue.

    On remonte (six rampes d’escalier, je vous rappelle), et on retraverse le couloir pour arriver au bar salon. Là plus d’ambiance : +/- huit filles, en lingerie, elle ne vous interpelle pas mais vous renvoie des sourires, cela fume beaucoup. Elles ont entre 25 et 40 ans, assez souvent bien en chair. Sinon, trois à quatre ours, courtois et placide (sauf ceux du trio, mais qui étaient en partance au soulagement de la tenancière manifestement). Une petite terrasse, avec quelques transats permet de voir les étoiles. La fille plus fine vient vers moi et demande ce que je veux boire dans un excellent anglais.
    Je lui répond ‘sparkling water’ et entreprend la conversation, une main négligeament posé sur sa hanche (et oui Adamo avait raison).

    Elle s’appelle Martha, est polonaise et mesure 1m80, elle arrive presque à ma hauteur avec ses chaussures compensées. Elle a un corps élancé (c’est la seule), des seins A, une peau lisse. Elle n’a pas la trentaine. Très sportive, elle adore danser, elle n’a pas arrêté avant que l’on ne discute. Ma main caresse ses fesses qui sont très fermes. Un sourire avec des dents un peu écartées lui donne un visage d’enfant, le nez et les joues sont également enfantins. Je lui demande les 20 minutes, elle me dit que cela correspond à un programme. Euh quel programme ? Tu vas voir me dit-elle .

    On rentre dans la chambre, grande et propre, je me couche sur le dos. Elle m’enjambe à califourchon. Me caresse et m’embrasse partout. Je lui rends la pareille. Elle me demande de lui enlever sa robe, ce que je fais (pour une fois c’était pas trop compliqué). Puis elle retire son string avec des poses lascives, le cordon rentrant totalement dans la fente. La voilà nue. Recaresses et embrassades, dont des fougueuses roulades de pelles avec jeux de langues. Wouaawouuu mais où suis-je ? Elle descend vers popaul, fellation attentive, sans caoutchouc et tout en me regardant. Ensuite grosse bave sur les joyeuses et même jeux de langue sur la rondelle. Du sexe torride, pornographique mais également complice. Elle aime cela et moi j’adore ce qu’elle me fait . Elle me demande, sa main sur ma joue, de respirer plus calmement, elle a sans doute peur que je ne fasse un infart.
    Mais cela repart de plus belle, ma hampe est tendue, on pourrait en faire une harpe. Elle y met le caoutchouc avec la bouche, puis se couche à son tour sur le dos, les genoux à hauteur de ses joues. Je commence par lui faire minette, elle se caresse en même temps de manière furieuse, puis je la prends, je l’enfourche, je la pénètre, je l’enfourne, je la baise, ce dernier mot prend tout son sens ici. Elle suit les mouvement de va et vient avec son bassin, accentue la profondeur de la pénétration puis se retire pour montrer la grandeur de sa chatte en y en mettant sa main. Elle est belle mais elle est salope. Je rerentre au plus profond, remonte le bassin. Elle est presque en position du trépied, mais sportive elle parvient à s’accrocher avec ses jambes autours de mes fesses. Je redescends, elle demande avec sa bouche de nouvelles embrassades crapuleuses. Un dernier coup de reins et je jouis en elle, au creux de son vagin. Fourbu, exténué, je roule sur le dos, elle parvient à me suivre avec son bassin pour être au dessus de moi, mon sexe encore fiché en elle.
    Son visage de salope est redevenu un visage de femme attentive, voire d’adolescente joyeuse. Je lui dis : tu es magnifique, elle me répond en rigolant : je suis normale. Et bien c’est une normalité que je voudrais plus répandue.
    On se rhabille, on a du mal à retrouver son petit string dans le champ de bataille, finalement l’ayant retrouvé pour elle, elle me suggère que je le porte. Et de se trimballer dans le salon comme cela. On est euphorique. Je la paye (30 € donc, ce qui est incroyablement peu pour ce service), et je me dirige vers la douche. Après celle-ci je retourne seul vers la terrasse pour faire descendre l’adrénaline.
    Il est 23h00, je me décide de rentrer. Dans la voiture ‘hells bells’ résonne dans le lecteur, des éclairs d’un orage sec strient le ciel rougeoyant. Que la vie est belle .

    Comme disent les guides verts, il y a les visites qui valent le déplacement et ceux qui valent le détour. Ici, on est la deuxième catégorie. Ne venez pas de France ou de Belgique pour le Club Extasia, mais si vous êtes à Cologne et que vous avez deux ou trois heures de fin de soirée à consommer (et donc cela ne vaut plus trop la peine pour le Sudbad ou le Bern’s), c’est le meilleur endroit des environs.

    Et puis il y a Martha, aaaaaah Martha.
    Fazit: After a day of work in Koeln and a visit to a good restaurant, he was thinking of going to this club but was concerned that it was one of those places which ran the typical bottle of champagne scam. The name of the club (changed from Wiago) wasn't all that original. But this is Germany so he said the chances it was one of those scam places was low. He rings the doorbell and enters only to face a staircase. No one was there so he starts to wander around downstairs only to see a swimming pool and sauna area. There was no one down there so obviously this wasn't where the debauchery took place. He then decides to take the stairs upwards instead. The smiling woman who greets him speaks no German but finds someone to explain to him that 30 Euros is the entry fee (non-alcholic drinks and use of the facilities included), 20 minutes cost 30 Euros and a half hour goes for 50 Euros. He receives two towels and a key and as he is undressing he hears these cries of pleasure coming from a neighboring room. Out of the room steps a dude with two women. He then does a complete tour of the place. The club shares the building with a couple of neighboring businesses (what luck they have!), he notices. There were about eight women, ages from 25 to 40, wearing lingerie sometimes nude. The most appealing woman comes to him to ask him in English what he wants to drink. Sparkling water he says. Her name is Martha, she is Polish and stands 1.8 meters. She is not yet 30 years old, loves to dance and is lithe and sportlich. Pretty soon he is caressing her thighs. He says he wants to spend twenty minutes with her. She replies that he will get a full program. He asks, what does that mean? You will see, is her reply. Bref, she was unbelievable in bed: beautiful to look at but also a bit cochonne. All of this cost 30 Euros. He left shortly afterwards saying that life is beautiful. This club doesn't belong on a must visit list but if you are in the area it probably is the best there is and worthwhile dropping in on.

    I guess that the days when this club was a major construction site are now over. For the longest time I'd read about how they were ripping out sections of the place. Glad to know the pool is still there. It is a nice quiet place to relax and because its an indoor pool, one can go swimming even in the winter. I just wonder how the other women are at this club.

  3. #42

    Rebranding of this club

    This club has been renovated and rebranded (do you see a trend in this?):

    I used to drop by this club back in the days when it was Wiago even though it never got consistent reviews back the.

    I'll need to read good reports coming out of it before I return though.

  4. #41


    ...can we have Leverkusen spelt properly?

  5. #40

    Eintrit changed

    The Eintritt-fee has been changed - 30 Euro, everything else is as before.

  6. #39


    The construction was not completed yet - there was some stuff going on right by the entrance, but there were no drillers or anything, it was calm and quiet. I didn't notice any bar down where the pool is. The furniture looked ok - I guess they fixed it, I think I should've noticed if there was a problem with it, despite I was paying attention to other things :-)

  7. #38

    Thanks, GI!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gogo Ianakiev
    Since this si supposed to be an international board I will post in english :-) I have been visiting the Leo Team lately (Opladen, Fürstenbergstr. 3) and I am satisfied, but the choice there is quite limited. So, I decided to check out how is it in Wiago, which I heard is a FKK club, i.e. a different story completely. As a result of my quick research over the net I found many negative reviews, very outdated I must admit - nothing in the last few months or so, till I finally found this forum here and read a few recent positive posts.

    So I went there to a test visit today around 13:00. It wasn't hard to find, one must only follow the Europa Ring and if one reach a Big Fitness club that means one has just passed the exit :-D and has to go back. I went there - no workers and no noise.
    I was kinda worried how are they gonna react to me being non-german, but due to my neat and clean look I was treated normally :-) The girl behind the bar was very nice, the standard questions - were you already here etc.

    She told me the prices - 12:00 - 16:00 - happy hour 15 euro (which I already knew from an add in our most beloved Kölner express, but pretended not to know to see if I'd be told), 30 euros to be with a "lady" - french kisses and 69 included (BJ without a condom) - wow I have never received a better offer as far as I remember. This is the price for 20 minutes but for most of us that's more than enough :-). I didn't ask for more info.

    She showed me the showers, the toilets and the lockers, I was given slippers and towels and after a quick shower I went to the bar. Only three working girls were present - due to the early hour I suppose. The one wasn't my tipe at all - had 25 extra pounds at least, (dark hair) but that's a matter of personnal taste of course. The other girl was a bit better - she had some extra pounds as well but not that much to find her unattractive, blond. The third was around 1,55, slim build, very sweet, blond, from Polland. Apart from their looks ( a personnal issue as already said) all three girls were smiling and looked really nice. After a few minutes which I spent in checking the surroundings and see if more girls would appear I went to the blond and started a conversation. I asked for a cigarette and was immediately given. Then we went on the terrace and started chatting and getting to know each other a bit better :-) After this we went to a room and proceeded. She wasn't shaved but that wasn't as bad as I thought in the first moment, actually it was ok.

    Passionate french kisses, some 69, and then some cuttling, finally to the action and I was ready after 15 minutes I guess.

    The next pleasant surprise was that she didn't immediately start to get clean and dressed but continued to kiss me untill the time was over.

    Then I was thinking about going for a swim but decided to get dressed and go home.
    In conclusion this was a great experience and i guess I will pay this club visits often from now on.
    This club always got bad press but I first visited it in 99 and I have never left it unhappy.

    This is why I keep checking the RF for posts on it. I keep hoping it will make a comeback. Same goes for Babylon.

    I always felt I was getting my money's worth despite the fact that it used to have the most expensive rates (along with its sister club, Babylon).

    For the longest time the entry fee was 30 Euros and the first session for 30 minutes 80 Euros, each additional 30 minutes beyond that was for 65 Euros.

    So entry fee is 15 Euros (happy hour) and twenty minutes are for 30 Euros?

    That is totally in Ordnung.

    I've met some really interesting, one of a kind women here but haven't been back in a while because of the negative reviews.

    And the construction work has been completed?!

    Hmm... time to put it on a list of clubs to return to.

  8. #37

    Test-besuch (Test visit)

    Since this si supposed to be an international board I will post in english :-) I have been visiting the Leo Team lately (Opladen, Fürstenbergstr. 3) and I am satisfied, but the choice there is quite limited. So, I decided to check out how is it in Wiago, which I heard is a FKK club, i.e. a different story completely. As a result of my quick research over the net I found many negative reviews, very outdated I must admit - nothing in the last few months or so, till I finally found this forum here and read a few recent positive posts.

    So I went there to a test visit today around 13:00. It wasn't hard to find, one must only follow the Europa Ring and if one reach a Big Fitness club that means one has just passed the exit :-D and has to go back. I went there - no workers and no noise.
    I was kinda worried how are they gonna react to me being non-german, but due to my neat and clean look I was treated normally :-) The girl behind the bar was very nice, the standard questions - were you already here etc.

    She told me the prices - 12:00 - 16:00 - happy hour 15 euro (which I already knew from an add in our most beloved Kölner express, but pretended not to know to see if I'd be told), 30 euros to be with a "lady" - french kisses and 69 included (BJ without a condom) - wow I have never received a better offer as far as I remember. This is the price for 20 minutes but for most of us that's more than enough :-). I didn't ask for more info.

    She showed me the showers, the toilets and the lockers, I was given slippers and towels and after a quick shower I went to the bar. Only three working girls were present - due to the early hour I suppose. The one wasn't my tipe at all - had 25 extra pounds at least, (dark hair) but that's a matter of personnal taste of course. The other girl was a bit better - she had some extra pounds as well but not that much to find her unattractive, blond. The third was around 1,55, slim build, very sweet, blond, from Polland. Apart from their looks ( a personnal issue as already said) all three girls were smiling and looked really nice. After a few minutes which I spent in checking the surroundings and see if more girls would appear I went to the blond and started a conversation. I asked for a cigarette and was immediately given. Then we went on the terrace and started chatting and getting to know each other a bit better :-) After this we went to a room and proceeded. She wasn't shaved but that wasn't as bad as I thought in the first moment, actually it was ok.

    Passionate french kisses, some 69, and then some cuttling, finally to the action and I was ready after 15 minutes I guess.

    The next pleasant surprise was that she didn't immediately start to get clean and dressed but continued to kiss me untill the time was over.

    Then I was thinking about going for a swim but decided to get dressed and go home.
    In conclusion this was a great experience and i guess I will pay this club visits often from now on.

  9. #36

    A fresh report on this club

    This was posted by FKOenig on the RF.

    Quote Originally Posted by FKOenig
    [Bericht] Wiago Leverkusen 24. April

    Am heutigen Nachmittag war ich nach über einem halben Jahr mal wieder im Wiago. Eigentlich Saunaclub, derzeit aber eher Baustellenclub. Zumindest wurde hinter verschlossenen Türen fleißig gebohrt, gehämmert... Fertig sind schon die neuen Duschen, wirklich gut geworden, die Toiletten sind nun dort wo früher die Sauna war.
    Da ich in den letzten zwei Jahren ständig neue Preise erlebt habe, hier noch mal der aktuelle Stand von heute.
    Eintritt 30 Euro
    20 Minuten 30 Euro
    30 Minuten 50 Euro
    40 Minuten 60 Euro
    50 Minuten 70 Euro
    60 Minuten 90 Euro
    zzgl. diversen Zusatzkosten für FT, Anal, Lesbo usw..
    Die Preise konnte ich mir nicht alle merken.
    Irgendwie versteht ich zwar die Differenz zwischen dem Preis für 50 Minuten und dem für 60 Minuten nicht wirklich, aber irgendjemand wird sich dabei schon was gedacht haben.
    Ansonsten hat sich aber im Club nichts verändert. In den Zimmern hat man immer noch die alten Betten, die Risse und Löcher in den Lederbezügen werden nun verdeckt von einem zusätzlichen Stoffbezug.
    Im Clubraum konnte ich spä*** insgesamt 7 Frauen zählen. Die einzige die ich wirklich interessant fand, stand hinter der Theke. Schade...
    Von den 7 kamen 2 direkt in die Schublade "mit denen nicht", waren zwar die hübschesten, aber Deutsche und mit deutschen Mädels habe ich in den letzten Monaten zuviele negative bzw. lustlose Erlebnisse gehabt. Die anderen beobachtete ich dann eine Zeit und entschied mich für die die mich wenigstens zwischendurch mal anschaute bzw. anlächelte. Leider war heute nicht mein Glückstag, bei näherem Kontakt war sie nicht so gepflegt und der Service war auch nicht so toll. Naja, ich beendete das ganze dann innerhalb der Minimalzeit von 20 Minuten. Die Nummer war mit den Geräuschen des Presslufthammers im Hintergund echt zum abgewöhnen. Irgendwie hatte ich dann auch keine Lust noch länger dort zu verweilen und eine zweite Nummer anzustreben. Von Atmosphäre kann derzeit bei den Baustellengeräuschen nicht die Rede sein. Zumindest tagsüber, denn irgendwann machen die bestimmt Feierabend und dann ist es bestimmt erträglicher. Beim rausgehen kam ich dann noch mit den beiden deutschen Mädels ins Gespräch und bereue, dass ich mich von Anfang an gegen die beiden entschieden hatte, denn sie schienen zumindest ganz nett zu sein.
    Fazit: Bei der aktuellen Besetzung für mich kein Grund in den nächsten Wochen wieder hinzugehen. Da ich nur insgesamt 60 Euro gezahlt habe aber auch kein Grund sich lange zu ärgern...
    Fazit: He dropped in after a half year absence. This so-called sauna club is currently a construction site. There was constant drilling and hammering in the background. New showers are done. There is now a new toilet where the sauna used to be. Entry fee was 30 Euros, etc.. (see the table above which doesn't need a translation). The incremental pricing between 50 minutes and 60 minutes doesn't quite make sense. Nothing much has changed otherwise though the facilities, particularly the leather surfaces, need some work (they have been patched somehow). He counted seven women. The one which interested him the most worked behind the counter. Too bad. Of these seven, two belonged to the category "with-these-chicks-probably-not". They were the best looking but German and he had not had good experiences with German women lately. He sat back and made his choice from the others but she was a disappointment. He ended the session after 20 minutes. He didn't stay on longer for a second session because of level of noise from the construction. Upon leaving he saw again the two German women and regrets not having been with them as they actually appeared to be quite nice. He didn't see a reason to return in the next few weeks but his investment in the visit was only 60 Euros and he had no reason to complain.

  10. #35

    I think you are referring to Natursekt..

    Quote Originally Posted by sorcerer
    i think the natural sex you translated really translates more properly into a "rep002. not my cup of tea - but better they do that than sex without a condom!
    .. which literally is natural champagne (natur = natural, sekt = champagne) ... or [CodeWord134]. in other words, a rep002.

    they sometimes have natursekt events at pt mettmann.

    i don't have plans of attending one of these events as i would find them a little too hardcore, believe it or not.

  11. #34

    not natural sex as you describe

    i think the natural sex you translated really translates more properly into a "[CodeWord103]. not my cup of tea - but better they do that than sex without a condom!

  12. #33

    There was a thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by Warsteiner
    As Jackyo says don't worry about it. The only place that I've seen someone refused entry was PHG a couple of years ago. I'm not too sure where the guy was from (not Turkey, India or Far East) but he looked like he's been out on the town all night. His clothes were a mess as if he'd slept in them and he was unshaven. The women at the door wasn't telling him that he couldn't come in but was saying that it was too busy and that they couldn't let anyone else in. I'm not too sure if he got the point.

    The last time I was at GT (either Oct or Dec 06 can't remember which) I turned up at about 3pm on a Friday. I was cleanly dressed and clean shaven but there was a security guard in the car park who gave me the once-over as I was walking to the door. He didn't say anything so I don't know if he was just sizing me up but this is the first and only time I have seen this happen outside a club.
    ... started by a French Algerian dude a couple of months ago on the French forum complaining about being turned away at GT.

    Seems there was an incident with a large groups of Turkish guys prior to that and they were doing some screening.

    There are a couple of leather clad gorillas who stand inside the GT parking lot and just at the reception desk probably just for this reason.

    Come to think of it I don't recall Turks being part of the client mix at GT when I was there.

    There were a number of Japanese and they were preyed upon mostly by these very mercenary looking German blondes who hung around the Kino. Kind of the Axis powers from WWII getting together.. but in a different way.

    Gaining entry into a club and obtaining service are two different things though.

    PHG is the only club I've ever been refused service. It happened twice on separate occasions.

    I attribute it to the women at that club having a developed Stammkunde who they wait for. They would rather wait for them to show up rather do business with wandering tourists such as myself.

  13. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Hsihsa
    I am an Indian businessman planning to visit FKK's in Bavaria?

    What is the possibility of facing discrimination for entry to a FKK?
    As Jackyo says don't worry about it. The only place that I've seen someone refused entry was PHG a couple of years ago. I'm not too sure where the guy was from (not Turkey, India or Far East) but he looked like he's been out on the town all night. His clothes were a mess as if he'd slept in them and he was unshaven. The women at the door wasn't telling him that he couldn't come in but was saying that it was too busy and that they couldn't let anyone else in. I'm not too sure if he got the point.

    The last time I was at GT (either Oct or Dec 06 can't remember which) I turned up at about 3pm on a Friday. I was cleanly dressed and clean shaven but there was a security guard in the car park who gave me the once-over as I was walking to the door. He didn't say anything so I don't know if he was just sizing me up but this is the first and only time I have seen this happen outside a club.

  14. #31

    I know of only two clubs..

    Quote Originally Posted by Hsihsa
    I am an Indian businessman planning to visit FKK's in Bavaria?

    What is the possibility of facing discrimination for entry to a FKK?
    .. which openly don't allow non-Germans: the FKK in Muenster and the former Red Carpet in Dortmund (the Alperbeck).

    If you are polite, clean cut and bring lots of cash, you will be welcome just about anywhere. If you speak fluent German, even better.

    If the club will allow Turks, it will allow just about anyone entry.

    Most clubs I've been to will allow Turks in.

    (Isn't there a Groucho Marx line which goes something like: "I wouldn't want to be a member of a club which would take me as a member."?)

  15. #30

    Discrimination at FKK

    I am an Indian businessman planning to visit FKK's in Bavaria?

    What is the possibility of facing discrimination for entry to a FKK?

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