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Thread: Barranquilla Reports

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  1. #584
    Quote Originally Posted by Master Yoda
    Ricker... I do think age disparity relationships do happen in Colombia for sure but it wasn't common in BAQ. In Cali I saw it alot but the women weren't supermodels just decent.

    I would agree with most guys here that older men can date younger with less hassel but I agree with HoofHunter that it's really down to economics and $$$$ (or in my case ££££ :)). The further down the lady is in society and the more lower class the less likely she is to care about age. The further up in society the girl and the higher in class the woman the more she is going to want someone close to her age. Girls from really affluent families wouldn't date old and rich Colombiano or gringo. I just doesn't happen.

    In Colombia I didn't notice wild differences like some will make out exist. i.e Miss Colombia types with older men. They were just decent.

    Amigo, trust me, younger women dating older guys is prevalent in Barranquilla and all over Colombia ... it's not a regional thing ... it's culturally accepted.

    You mention that girls from affluent families wouldn't date an older guy. Well, that's not true either, they do, though it's not as prevalent.
    I have several friends who have girlfriends from this higher economic level family.

    Also, there are many many more girls in Colombia that are NOT from affluent families.

    I personally prefer not to date these mostly spoiled princesses from affluent families. They are generally not the sweet and beautiful and grateful chicas that make Colombia so wonderful.

    Whether or not an older guy, for example a guy in his 50's, can attract a younger woman in her 20's, apart from his wallet, depends on the guy.

    If the guy is 50 years old, out of shape, doesn't speak Spanish, looks older than his age, is a sad sack, etc, etc ... his chances are obviously minimized.

    If you or others want to worry about their age difference in meeting and dating regular Colombianas, that's fine.
    For guys that visit Colombia and are cool and fun and treat people respectfully, the best advice is to forget about an age hangup, and enjoy ... you'll most likely find more than you can handle.

    I'm speaking from experience amigo :)

    take care.

  2. #583

    The whole age scenario again...

    Ricker... I do think age disparity relationships do happen in Colombia for sure but it wasn't common in BAQ. In Cali I saw it alot but the women weren't supermodels just decent.

    I would agree with most guys here that older men can date younger with less hassel but I agree with HoofHunter that it's really down to economics and $$$$ (or in my case ££££ :)). The further down the lady is in society and the more lower class the less likely she is to care about age. The further up in society the girl and the higher in class the woman the more she is going to want someone close to her age. Girls from really affluent families wouldn't date old and rich Colombiano or gringo. I just doesn't happen.

    In Colombia I didn't notice wild differences like some will make out exist. i.e Miss Colombia types with older men. They were just decent.


    Quote Originally Posted by Ricker
    Once again I have to disagree with this completely.

    I have visited and semi lived in Colombia for years.
    The fact is, age is only a factor if you let it be.

    Your age is only one of many of your particular characteristics.
    Your general physical condition, your personality, your communication skills, your self confidence, etc, etc mean so much more than your age.

    The culture accepts younger women with older men. There really is NOT a great stigma attached to it. That's the beauty of their culture.
    I have many many Colombian friends, actually more Colombian friends than in the USA. Girls and guys.

    Most of the Colombianas I know want to meet an older guy. A guy with experience in life and a guy they believe will be more faithfull to them ... thinking that a younger guy will still have more of his wild side about him.

    Of course there are the chicas that look for an older guy for his money too.
    That's obvious.
    And of course there are chicas that prefer guys closer to their own age.

    But, like I said before, age is only a factor if you let it be.
    My newest novia (girlfriend) is about 25 years younger than me and trust me, it's not for the $$. I learned to keep that in check years ago.
    You can't be stingy, but you can't be stupid either ... whole other discussion.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by Master Yoda; 08-17-07 at 10:45. Reason: Add quote

  3. #582
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoof Hunter

    ... Here's another possible problem, and not a dig at our older mongers. Most younger Colombian women (20-30 yo) don't prefer men much older than themselves. A few will go for the security, i.e. $$$, associated with that type of relationship, but it's not very common, at least in BAQ. Some will have sex with older men for the $$$$, but realistically, they prefer dudes closer to their ages for relationships. There IS a stigma attached to it. This info comes from several savvy BAQ chicas that I've known for years. We sat in front of their house a while back with their friends talking about it. There were a lot of laughs had by them. Seriously, look around when you're down there. It's not very common at all. Don't kid yourself ...
    Once again I have to disagree with this completely.

    I have visited and semi lived in Colombia for years.
    The fact is, age is only a factor if you let it be.

    Your age is only one of many of your particular characteristics.
    Your general physical condition, your personality, your communication skills, your self confidence, etc, etc mean so much more than your age.

    The culture accepts younger women with older men. There really is NOT a great stigma attached to it. That's the beauty of their culture.
    I have many many Colombian friends, actually more Colombian friends than in the USA. Girls and guys.

    Most of the Colombianas I know want to meet an older guy. A guy with experience in life and a guy they believe will be more faithfull to them ... thinking that a younger guy will still have more of his wild side about him.

    Of course there are the chicas that look for an older guy for his money too.
    That's obvious.
    And of course there are chicas that prefer guys closer to their own age.

    But, like I said before, age is only a factor if you let it be.
    My newest novia (girlfriend) is about 25 years younger than me and trust me, it's not for the $$. I learned to keep that in check years ago.
    You can't be stingy, but you can't be stupid either ... whole other discussion.

    Good luck!

  4. #581
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoof Hunter

    ... You need to be in charge of your experience. YOU dictate what goes down, which means having a plan B (another chick) and plan C (hooker bars). The word "No" comes to in play here. From the many experiences I've seen, Colombian chicks don't lead, they follow.

    - If a chick shows up for a date 45 mins late, leave the date site and initiate plan B and/or plan C. Don't even bother calling. Lack of respect goes two ways.

    - If a chick shows up previously unannounced with "friends," finish your drink, be cordial, and prepare to leave. Again, initiate plan B and plan C.

    - If a chick isn't feeling you after the 1st date, and you don't sense interest past friendship, put her in friend category, and move on fast. You can even go as far as letting her know that you have another date the next night. Might not change anything, but Colombian chicks are pretty competitive.

    - Whatever you do, trust your 1st instinct. Don't waste time ...
    GREAT advice!

    Especially ... trust your first instinct ... don't waste time!

  5. #580

    To The Contrary!

    Quote Originally Posted by Winner71
    I had an awful lot of contacts in Barranquilla that also brought either an amiga or sister... hell I had 2 dates set up where they even brought their mother. This kind of shit ticks me off because I am there to meet them, not their whole barrio.

    Most are probably now thinking "what an ass!!!" Safe to say, I never called her again nor she to me. Most think I came across as an ass... which I did.
    You absolutely weren't the ass. They were! I've had them try to play this same shit with me. But like somebody else here emphasized. Just say no! Get up and walk away and let them know they're not dealing with some rug they're gonna walk all over.

    I had this one who I hadn't even met one time ask (at least she asked) if she could bring a friend for "security" and that kind of bullshit. I said no, but that if she wanted to feel safe we didn't have to leave the hotel for dinner. We could keep it in a very public place and so on. Well, she said she was OK with my decision (and that we didn't have to eat at my hotel), but then 2 hours before the date she sends me a text message (didn't even have the spine to call me! ) saying she's sick and can't make it. Bullshit!

    Well I didn't give a rip because I had other non-pro and pro action all lined up. I had another situation where this one chick has the nerve to ask if not 1 but 2 friends could come along (at least she asked). Easy response. No! I said I was trying to "conocer" (get to know) her and not her friends. Just say no. And mean business! I've met plenty of locals who won't put up with that shit. Neither should we!

    By the way, the only time I have had somebody show up for a date with somebody else in tow without asking first was when a gringa did that to me in the States. Now get this. She was a blonde and shows up with this older black lady who she introduced as her "mother"! Now how weird was that one? Turns out it wasn't really her mother but somebody who she had a close relationship with. But man was I pissed off!

    One time in my life (and the last time mind you), I actually agreed to meet somebody who wanted to show up with two friends. It was in the States and again involved a gringa. Well, it was a blind date kind of thing (I don't do those anymore either), and not only did my date turn out to be unattractive, but she had no confidence and sat there talking to her friends all night rather than to me (both of whom looked better than she did).

    Now, it's true that in some settings (like in Latin countries) the chick that wants to do this sort of thing is just trying to get into your pockets and impress her friends at your expense (literally), but it's also true that sometimes the chick is really lacking in confidence. I have no interest in meeting somebody who is so lacking a spine that she can't even get up the confidence to go meet somebody for a first date without having her friends there as some sort of security blanket for her.

    It's hard enough meeting somebody for the first time one-on-one. How selfish for them to put us in the situation of having to meet multiple people all at once when they only have to deal with meeting one! Don't they ever think about what we might be more comfortable with, especially at first? Sometimes I just feel like it's not worth it. Just fuck 'um and forget 'um! Hell, like the man said. The locals do that!

    EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here for more information.

  6. #579

    To winner71

    Quote Originally Posted by Winner71
    You are correct, a lot of the David DAngelo stuff doesn't really work for Colombia. However, I did feel that some of Foxes error was his rapport tactics... i.e. he came across as someone who "da payapa"... evidenced by his last post. Someone he considered as high class asking him to pay for a new cell phone for her. Granted he didn't buy her a new one... but she asked him, so she must have thought there was a shot he would oblige. Thus, I think there are a lot of little tips he may be able to pick up from some of David D's stuff regarding how to make a woman crave and want him as opposed to just being a polite "wuss" as David D would say and buying them things and trying to act like a complete gentleman.
    From that point of view....Yes one must be a man and feel like a man in Latin America. Not just Colombia. I would definately agree with you from that point of view. One thing I did notice in Colombia is men here don't understand "No" an are quite persistent when pursuing women. if a man is persistent in Colombia he will usually get the woman its just a matter of how much time and money are you prepared to invest.

    Difference in Colombia, specifically in Barrqnuillla, when a male sees someone who is hot and he wants to bang her... he does, regardless of whether he or she is married. This is not 100%, but for the most part you have to realize it happens A LOT and it happens at all levels of the social ladder in Colombia.
    Yes and this is the reason I was told to not bother with having a long term woman in Colombia unless I plan to be there longer term. If you visit and go back to the US frequently, that so called "novia" of yours will be banging her boyfriend whilst you are in the US paying money to her. Best to be there and and have your eye on her.

  7. #578
    I'd rather pay a hot 20 year old hooker a lot of money (by Colombian standards) and have a companion and sexual plaything. It's a lot easier and you don't have to play mind games. And the sex is cheaper.

  8. #577


    You are correct, a lot of the David DAngelo stuff doesn't really work for Colombia. However, I did feel that some of Foxes error was his rapport tactics... i.e. he came across as someone who "da payapa"... evidenced by his last post. Someone he considered as high class asking him to pay for a new cell phone for her. Granted he didn't buy her a new one... but she asked him, so she must have thought there was a shot he would oblige. Thus, I think there are a lot of little tips he may be able to pick up from some of David D's stuff regarding how to make a woman crave and want him as opposed to just being a polite "wuss" as David D would say and buying them things and trying to act like a complete gentleman.

    As for the cheating... it's not just the poor or lower class. In Colombia it happens at every level. Does that mean everyone cheats? No. But in Colombia, especially in Barranquilla, Machisto men is a way of life and it's accepted. Many women won't even be with some one who is not machisto because they are so accustomed to this Machisto lifestyle that they are clueless how to act, what to think when so one who is not machisto comes along. Many women would just consider someone who is not machisto as somewhat as a wuss. Human nature has both men and women salivating over a good looking person. I.e. we like to look at hot women, or women in fashion magazines etc. Difference in Colombia, specifically in Barrqnuillla, when a male sees someone who is hot and he wants to bang her... he does, regardless of whether he or she is married. This is not 100%, but for the most part you have to realize it happens A LOT and it happens at all levels of the social ladder in Colombia.

    Like I said, this is where the gringo is very different. But that's not always good, as I stated. I once had a Barranquillera girlfriend that just didn't know how to handle the fact that I was all into her and I was not interested in cheating on her. Go figure.

    Quote Originally Posted by Master Yoda
    It's always nice to have guys like Winner71 and HoofHunter posting on the BAQ page. They would know more than me because they have been there many times.

    Winner I too have read literature by david d'angelo's double your dating. I believe the motto is "attraction is not a choice". I wouldn't apply everything he says to Colombia though. :)

    FoxHunter I can't give you the details on the mongering. I didn't go to Colombia the first time to monger. I went for the Mrs (well I also wanted to play with the non pros abit :)).

    I will stick to what I said earlier. If it is indeed your intention to pick up non-pros you need to meet people and make friend that will introduce you to other friends. This IMHO is the BEST way.

    Failing that you could roam around during the day and meet chicas that are working the BuenaVista mall and other places. They are there to serve you as a customer so you could get away with chatting them up. Some will be up for it and some wouldn't. Cali was easier for this sort of thing

    I would not go to nightclubs to meet women though. I found the environment was too loud to conduct any kind of decent convo. its the place to take your mrs but not the place to meet them. FYI for higher end places like Frogg legs book well in advance to avoid being rejected entry. It happened to me.

    Between HoofHunter and Winner they are both right in a sense that may december relations do happen where the man is older than the women but it is normally out of economics. I have never heard of or seen older men dating high end types. It mostly is lower class women looking for a meal ticket because in the lower classes men cheat. This doesn't normally happen at the top rungs of society. There are exceptions to every rule like unless of course the older gentlen in question is just filthy rich. Then he could date models and beauty queens.

    On the whole though I saw more of this kind of thing in Cali then BAQ. All one has to do is step into ChipiChapi to see really hot women with ugly, gordito, older Colombianos.

    Hold on a sec....

    What the hell are my talking about?...

    The gringo I went to meet in San Antonio, Cali was perhaps the ugliest, redneck I have ever seen. He was like 40+ and had bold head. No class at all and he still managed to have nice young chicas visit him in his apartment and stuff them like thanksgiving turkey's. And those chicas were loud in the sack.

  9. #576

    My 2 euros worth...

    It's always nice to have guys like Winner71 and HoofHunter posting on the BAQ page. They would know more than me because they have been there many times.

    Winner I too have read literature by david d'angelo's double your dating. I believe the motto is "attraction is not a choice". I wouldn't apply everything he says to Colombia though. :)

    FoxHunter I can't give you the details on the mongering. I didn't go to Colombia the first time to monger. I went for the Mrs (well I also wanted to play with the non pros abit :)).

    I will stick to what I said earlier. If it is indeed your intention to pick up non-pros you need to meet people and make friend that will introduce you to other friends. This IMHO is the BEST way.

    Failing that you could roam around during the day and meet chicas that are working the BuenaVista mall and other places. They are there to serve you as a customer so you could get away with chatting them up. Some will be up for it and some wouldn't. Cali was easier for this sort of thing

    I would not go to nightclubs to meet women though. I found the environment was too loud to conduct any kind of decent convo. its the place to take your mrs but not the place to meet them. FYI for higher end places like Frogg legs book well in advance to avoid being rejected entry. It happened to me.

    Between HoofHunter and Winner they are both right in a sense that may december relations do happen where the man is older than the women but it is normally out of economics. I have never heard of or seen older men dating high end types. It mostly is lower class women looking for a meal ticket because in the lower classes men cheat. This doesn't normally happen at the top rungs of society. There are exceptions to every rule like unless of course the older gentlen in question is just filthy rich. Then he could date models and beauty queens.

    On the whole though I saw more of this kind of thing in Cali then BAQ. All one has to do is step into ChipiChapi to see really hot women with ugly, gordito, older Colombianos.

    Hold on a sec....

    What the hell are my talking about?...

    The gringo I went to meet in San Antonio, Cali was perhaps the ugliest, redneck I have ever seen. He was like 40+ and had bold head. No class at all and he still managed to have nice young chicas visit him in his apartment and stuff them like thanksgiving turkey's. And those chicas were loud in the sack.

  10. #575
    I'd like to add some news about my report on Barranquilla.

    One girl on 12 I have contacted on Internet was a beautiful model. I went to her home. She live at a villa in the best area in Barranquilla. I have spoken with their parents. They were very warm and I was with them some hours. Then my wonderful friend told me a gang robbed her cellular phone. Then she asked me if I could buy it so that I could have a good sex with her.
    I refused her proposal.

    About hotel Monterrey: it is a good, clean and very cheap hotel. They change the sheet every day.
    It costs 45-50.000 pesos for the night. Never asked me for extra .... whith icoming girls. It has not pool and Internet.
    But I have noticed the regular girls like to get a apartament than an hotel.

  11. #574
    Absoultley agree with everything... except the part about gals not liking men much older. I find in Barrnaquilla that they do like the older men. in fact, much moreso in Barranquilla than other Colombian cities. That is just my observation. I have a lot of amigas and everyone is different. Some like older, some like the same, some I tease asking them how often they are hanging out in front of the colegio looking for a little boy. This makes them laugh.

    But for the most part, security is huge for these gals... older men is that security. ButI'm talking about men they will marry. Not a gringo that they learn his game is just to play.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hoof Hunter
    I've previously done a comparison between Colombia and Lima. I've lost it since. One of the things that still sticks out is, in Colombia, it's very rare to see a group of girls out by themselves having fun at a table. Generally, there's a dude or group of dudes footing the bill. It's an expectation set by previous experiences. I've seen this in Bogota, BAQ, Medellin, Cali, etc. CTG not as much. They play the "I'm broke" card, but check out their clothes, pricey cell phones, etc. I do agree with the "if you invite, you pay" mode of thinking, but it goes much further than this in Colombia.

    Oldest Colombiana trick in the book towards gringos (anybody that isn't Colombian, to them even includes those Colombians who live abroad). You invite a girl that you met, even by internet site, whatever on a date, dinner/movies/discos. She brings along her "friends" or "primas" with her for "security." Ypu're expected to pay for them all. In reality, they're fleecing you for a free expensive (to them) night out on the town that they otherwise couldn't afford nor would attempt. Bottom-line. And the caveat to their checkmate, is they already know that it won't cost them a thing, nor will they have to put out in bed. Plenty of excuses will follow. That being said, these girls will put out...for wolves, not sheep.

    One thing that needs to be learned by foreigners who go to Colombia, is the word NO. I know, the beauty of the women blinds you. However, in Colombia, look around. It's a very macho society. Men change women like we change underwear. Men make the rules, and when women dispute it, they get replaced, or cheated on by another chick just as fine. It is what it is. This is what Colombian women respect. They may say all this crap about "Colombian men are dogs," "they don't respect me," "they are machistas" ya ya ya ya. And some women are just as bad as the men. It's all game to draw you (the gullible foreigner) in. Look around the country and see who's screwing these hot chicks in the ass on command, depositing babies and running away. It's generally not foreigners. Trust me, I've been in groups where Colombian dudes invited out some chicas. There was plenty of screwing going on. They don't invite out dead fish.

    There are many honest women in BAQ. I have met quite a few over my travels who just wanted some real companionship, were pretty traditional, loved to party with their family and friends, and were loyal. Of course, I've met sheep that turned out to be wolves as well. I screwed them all just the same and still maintain contact with them. Some of my ex-novias, in hindsight, would like to try again, but I try to keep moving forward. I still have the option to screw them when I'm there, boyfriend or not.

    Here's a possible problem. These women aren't stupid. You don't give them enough credit. Yes, they talk a lot between themselves and stories travel. How far it travels depends on how many family and friends (from neighborhoods, grade school, college, work, etc.) these women stay in contact with. If a couple of them go to a marriage agency or hit a dating website, you better believe that they tell their friends about the experiences. The free dinners, gifts, nights out about town, with no sex given up. This becomes the expectation.

    Here's another possible problem, and not a dig at our older mongers. Most younger Colombian women (20-30 yo) don't prefer men much older than themselves. A few will go for the security, i.e. $$$, associated with that type of relationship, but it's not very common, at least in BAQ. Some will have sex with older men for the $$$$, but realistically, they prefer dudes closer to their ages for relationships. There IS a stigma attached to it. This info comes from several savvy BAQ chicas that I've known for years. We sat in front of their house a while back with their friends talking about it. There were a lot of laughs had by them. Seriously, look around when you're down there. It's not very common at all. Don't kid yourself.

    You need to be in charge of your experience. YOU dictate what goes down, which means having a plan B (another chick) and plan C (hooker bars). The word "No" comes to in play here. From the many experiences I've seen, Colombian chicks don't lead, they follow.

    - If a chick shows up for a date 45 mins late, leave the date site and initiate plan B and/or plan C. Don't even bother calling. Lack of respect goes two ways.

    - If a chick shows up previously unannounced with "friends," finish your drink, be cordial, and prepare to leave. Again, initiate plan B and plan C.

    - If a chick isn't feeling you after the 1st date, and you don't sense interest past friendship, put her in friend category, and move on fast. You can even go as far as letting her know that you have another date the next night. Might not change anything, but Colombian chicks are pretty competitive.

    - Whatever you do, trust your 1st instinct. Don't waste time.

    I've said this a long time ago, the best way to meet regular chicas is for them to be presented to you by a mutual friend, not someone with a vested interest. Girls love playing cupid. My guy friends use me as bait for other girls. So, setting me up nice and comfortable with a nice, fun, sexy chica works in their favor as well. I'm able to translate my sense of humor in Spanish, I dress pretty decently for the occasion, I can dance pretty well to all kinds of music, I drink like a fish, I'm respectable to all, and adaptable to many social settings.

    I've also met ladies in passing at their jobs, maybe a secretary in an office, or in a boutique, spa, etc. Those experiences are 50/50, but generally start off with a joke, conversation, light flirting (if cute), and followed up with a request for a # for a possible date later. Even if the chick you're speaking with isn't cute, and she finds you a decent dude, if she spots you checking out a cute co-worker, she'll try to "present" you.

    The length of my trips to Colombia range between 2-10 days over a 4 year span. Only this year did I discover the joy of p4p in BAQ. Before that, strictly non-pro ladies. Now, I prefer to mix it up between non-pros and putas.

    I hope some of this helps someone. Just sharing my experiences there.

  12. #573
    I'll add one more thing because it is important in dealing with women in general.

    I had an awful lot of contacts in Barranquilla that also brought either an amiga or sister... hell I had 2 dates set up where they even brought their mother. This kind of shit ticks me off because I am there to meet them, not their whole barrio. Fortunately I learned the solution early on.

    What I am about to write will lose a lot of prospects.. but it will also put you in that "mysterious, different category" which will absolutley eat her up inside and now you become the prey.. i.e. now she's trying to get you in the sack.

    I had a date that showed up with her mom, 3 aunts, 2 brothers and both brother's girlfriends. I arrived first to the destined location first. She and her mother and aunts then arrived. The mother ordered a round of beer. Then the 2 brothers and the 2 girlfriends arrived before the waiter even had time to get back to us with our beers. Instantly when the brothers and girlfriends showed up and starting moving tables together I stood up, politely took her hand, and walked her about 20 feet away from the table. I told her that I was there to meet her and I didn't appreciate her bringing her whole possy to meet me. She understood, with this sad look in her eyes. She apologized and expected me to accept it and sit down. I walked toward the table, said it's nice meeting everyone and walked toward the door. She ran after me and asked what about the beer? I said, feel free to drink mine because I will not be staying. She asked who is going to pay for them? I said not I.
    She continued behind me and as I was getting in my taxi she told me she and her mother didn't have money for a taxi home. <yawn>. I replied, "you are welcome to come back to my hotel with me if you would like." Granted this is the first time I had ever seen this gal face to face. She said nothing. After 5 seconds I shut my door and left in my taxi.

    Most are probably now thinking "what an ass!!!" Safe to say, I never called her again nor she to me. About 10 days later I saw her at a restaurant with 2 of her friends... "an open air pizzeria," which I was coincidnetally walking by. I spoke to her briefly, told her it's too bad about our date and wished her no hard feelings. I took a taxi home. After about 45 minutes I get a phone call from her. She asks my address and if she can come over. She was there in 15 minutes and within 10 minutes of her being there, I was in the sack with a hot 18 yr old making passionate love to me. Why?

    Answer... it hit her hot spot. Most think I came across as an ass... which I did. But what really happened is something that never happens to women. Women are used to being chased by the same boring men and they are all the same. Women are not used to being blown off. Especially not a hot 18 yr old Colombiana that get more whistles in the street than I blink. This is the excitement and intrigue that I am talking about. She couldn't accept that I was so uninterested in her that I just got up and left on our first date. It was driving her crazy... and sure enough, look at the result.

    The alternative would have been to stay at that bar with her mother, aunts, boyfreinds, etc... and I either a) never would have gotten laid, ever! or b) would have had to work her for months.

    You want to sack a hot 18 yr old and you are 50+ years old? Don;t count on buying drinks and dinner doing the trick. Being an ass usually won't do the trick either, but when you do it in a way that basically says... hey, oin my culture things are done differently so I don't mean to be an ass, but I'm also not going to waste my time on you. How many guys do you think have ever told this gal... I'm not interested in you, which is basically what me getting up from that table did. That is what did the trick.

    Hope that made sense. And sense then, I hold the same philosophy. Sure you can bring a friend, but I've learned on how to make sure the friend gets lost within 5-10 minutes. If you can't get that accomplished... you are now working an uphill battle to get those panties off. And I'm not talking about this 1st date. I'm talking about ever. If that friend stays more than 10 minutes, you sure as heck better make that friend laugh and think you are a God.

    Quote Originally Posted by FoxesHunter
    Hi I'd like to post my opinion on Barranquilla. I have just come back from this interesting town. I have lived in Barranquilla 14 days only.
    I speak fluent spanish and I am a 50 old european man. I am very goodlooking, romantic and very kind to everybody. I am happy when a girl with me is happy.
    Before my departing to Barranquilla I have amassed 12-13 phone numbers of regular beautiful girls (by Internet) but I have spoken with them some time only. I have met all of them and they were very kind and nice with me and I with them. I have always paid they taxi to get their home but they come with me for drinking or eating only. I have spent much money for them because they always come with their sisters or friends. The second or third time I've met them I have always asked the to come to my hotel but every girl always refused that invitation. I read here beautiful reports on Barranquilla on regular girls. I have not had any stroke of luck with them. Perhaps my barranquilleras friends were too much beautiful girls than yours? ;)
    In your opinion what was my problem?
    Luckily I have known an interesting boy and he toke me to some casas (close to my hotel) and the Murillo bars. Murillo bars are wonderful. They are full of interesting and kind girls but they are a little bit cold for my taste. Even it is impossible to kiss them. In 14 days I have fucked prostitutes only.
    The only positive aspect of the situation was the Monterrey hotel on the cra 44 with 74. They are is very kind and chica friendly.
    This was my experience on Barranquilla.

  13. #572

    Where do I start? No flames, just sharing my experiences

    I've previously done a comparison between Colombia and Lima. I've lost it since. One of the things that still sticks out is, in Colombia, it's very rare to see a group of girls out by themselves having fun at a table. Generally, there's a dude or group of dudes footing the bill. It's an expectation set by previous experiences. I've seen this in Bogota, BAQ, Medellin, Cali, etc. CTG not as much. They play the "I'm broke" card, but check out their clothes, pricey cell phones, etc. I do agree with the "if you invite, you pay" mode of thinking, but it goes much further than this in Colombia.

    Oldest Colombiana trick in the book towards gringos (anybody that isn't Colombian, to them even includes those Colombians who live abroad). You invite a girl that you met, even by internet site, whatever on a date, dinner/movies/discos. She brings along her "friends" or "primas" with her for "security." Ypu're expected to pay for them all. In reality, they're fleecing you for a free expensive (to them) night out on the town that they otherwise couldn't afford nor would attempt. Bottom-line. And the caveat to their checkmate, is they already know that it won't cost them a thing, nor will they have to put out in bed. Plenty of excuses will follow. That being said, these girls will put out...for wolves, not sheep.

    One thing that needs to be learned by foreigners who go to Colombia, is the word NO. I know, the beauty of the women blinds you. However, in Colombia, look around. It's a very macho society. Men change women like we change underwear. Men make the rules, and when women dispute it, they get replaced, or cheated on by another chick just as fine. It is what it is. This is what Colombian women respect. They may say all this crap about "Colombian men are dogs," "they don't respect me," "they are machistas" ya ya ya ya. And some women are just as bad as the men. It's all game to draw you (the gullible foreigner) in. Look around the country and see who's screwing these hot chicks in the ass on command, depositing babies and running away. It's generally not foreigners. Trust me, I've been in groups where Colombian dudes invited out some chicas. There was plenty of screwing going on. They don't invite out dead fish.

    There are many honest women in BAQ. I have met quite a few over my travels who just wanted some real companionship, were pretty traditional, loved to party with their family and friends, and were loyal. Of course, I've met sheep that turned out to be wolves as well. I screwed them all just the same and still maintain contact with them. Some of my ex-novias, in hindsight, would like to try again, but I try to keep moving forward. I still have the option to screw them when I'm there, boyfriend or not.

    Here's a possible problem. These women aren't stupid. You don't give them enough credit. Yes, they talk a lot between themselves and stories travel. How far it travels depends on how many family and friends (from neighborhoods, grade school, college, work, etc.) these women stay in contact with. If a couple of them go to a marriage agency or hit a dating website, you better believe that they tell their friends about the experiences. The free dinners, gifts, nights out about town, with no sex given up. This becomes the expectation.

    Here's another possible problem, and not a dig at our older mongers. Most younger Colombian women (20-30 yo) don't prefer men much older than themselves. A few will go for the security, i.e. $$$, associated with that type of relationship, but it's not very common, at least in BAQ. Some will have sex with older men for the $$$$, but realistically, they prefer dudes closer to their ages for relationships. There IS a stigma attached to it. This info comes from several savvy BAQ chicas that I've known for years. We sat in front of their house a while back with their friends talking about it. There were a lot of laughs had by them. Seriously, look around when you're down there. It's not very common at all. Don't kid yourself.

    You need to be in charge of your experience. YOU dictate what goes down, which means having a plan B (another chick) and plan C (hooker bars). The word "No" comes to in play here. From the many experiences I've seen, Colombian chicks don't lead, they follow.

    - If a chick shows up for a date 45 mins late, leave the date site and initiate plan B and/or plan C. Don't even bother calling. Lack of respect goes two ways.

    - If a chick shows up previously unannounced with "friends," finish your drink, be cordial, and prepare to leave. Again, initiate plan B and plan C.

    - If a chick isn't feeling you after the 1st date, and you don't sense interest past friendship, put her in friend category, and move on fast. You can even go as far as letting her know that you have another date the next night. Might not change anything, but Colombian chicks are pretty competitive.

    - Whatever you do, trust your 1st instinct. Don't waste time.

    I've said this a long time ago, the best way to meet regular chicas is for them to be presented to you by a mutual friend, not someone with a vested interest. Girls love playing cupid. My guy friends use me as bait for other girls. So, setting me up nice and comfortable with a nice, fun, sexy chica works in their favor as well. I'm able to translate my sense of humor in Spanish, I dress pretty decently for the occasion, I can dance pretty well to all kinds of music, I drink like a fish, I'm respectable to all, and adaptable to many social settings.

    I've also met ladies in passing at their jobs, maybe a secretary in an office, or in a boutique, spa, etc. Those experiences are 50/50, but generally start off with a joke, conversation, light flirting (if cute), and followed up with a request for a # for a possible date later. Even if the chick you're speaking with isn't cute, and she finds you a decent dude, if she spots you checking out a cute co-worker, she'll try to "present" you.

    The length of my trips to Colombia range between 2-10 days over a 4 year span. Only this year did I discover the joy of p4p in BAQ. Before that, strictly non-pro ladies. Now, I prefer to mix it up between non-pros and putas.

    I hope some of this helps someone. Just sharing my experiences there.

  14. #571
    A lot of good responses already. I'll add that I think your approach was correct... I.e. you had already established a rapport/contact over the Internet, this should have pushed you to the possiblity of actually being able to hit the sack on the first date, if not the second. This all goes with the assumption that the gal likes you.

    Gals aren't just going to sleep with you because you are 50+, thus economicaly stable probably, good looking, and you buy them dinner. You have to create a chemistry. Being that you stated you met all 12 or 13 gals, something must have been giving them the bad vibes. I can;t tell you what that something is. It could be a number of things. However, if they sensed you were there just to screw around then that could be the problem. Did you tell them you had plans with other gals, meetings with other gals etc. That could have been it.

    Someone once recommended the online book "Double your Dating." I think just reading the 1st main writing of his series you might figure out where things went wrong. Just a suggestion.

    Barranquilleras are not conservative, as far as Colombianas go. And especially when comparing them to gringas. There had to be something else going on. I will say that Barranquilla is a very small world. I.e. Even if you only saw 3 gals over the 14 days. I guarantee you that if any 1 of the 3 were interested, they would absolutely know that you were seeing 2 other gals. It's like they have eyes in the back of their head. This actually could have been your problem. If you really met up with 12-13 gals in 14 days and you were going to the strip joints in Murrillo, I guarantee you almost everyone of them knew it. Certainly if they were falling for you after the 1st date, they were going to get the dirt on you. That was probably what happened.

    Rapport is everything and truth is.. women pretty much in general know within the first 10 minutes of seeing you f2f if they are going to be hopping in the sack with you. I shit you not. Once that 10 minutes is up and she hasn't already decided in her mind that she wants to jump your bones... it's an uphill battle. Of course you don't know this in the 1st 10 minutes as she's not going to tell you this. But for the most part, she's making her judgement on you in the 1st 10 minutes. If you play beaver cleaver goodguy... she's going to suck you out of all the free dinners and drinks she can until you finally quit taking her out after realizing she's never jumping in the sack with you.

    Someone mentioned you should have gotten kind of hot and heavy with a few of them online and then axed the rest. I probably would agree to this from the stance that you are 50+... which I'm not knocking. But why should one of these gals jump in the sack with you when there are hundreds of thousands of other hombres that want to get into her panties? What WILL separate a gringo from a Colombiano is they believe that gringos are more faithful and not a perro. I.e. They are accustomed to growing up in a machisto environment and the males are all dogs. The advantage you have is she's painting a picture of you and once she hears that you are seeing other gals... her thoughts instantly go from "Is he my prince to.. .he's a dog too." It might not be fair for her to judge so quickly as you didn't jump in the sack with 12 other gals. But had the opportunity presneted itself you probably would have. And you did go to the strip clubs so... her thoughts are verified.

    The men that get to jump in the sack with the gal on the first date are the ones that excite them, are mysterious to them, make them laugh, the one's that stand out.. the one's that are different than 99% of the dogs they've grown up with that are trying to get into their panties. You have to come across like.. you have absolutely no interest in getting into her pants and you just think spending your time with her is the best thing on earth. That's the guy that gets laid on the 1st date. The guy that spends dinner and drinks on her, kisses her ass, and has no game or nothing that excites them or shows you are different get nowhere. You may as well take a number with the other 10,000 guys drooling over her because that's all you are. The only difference between you and them are you'll take her out to nice restaurants and clubs... and you still aren't getting in her pants as they aren't either.

    Get the book. That and being made out as a monger is what failed you IMO. How do they know you are a monger? What was your reason for being in Barranquilla. It certainly wasn't because you heard Barranquilla is a beautiful city. Catch my drift. Sorry to hear it wasn't a success.

    One thing I would really like to know from you... the details of Hotel Monterrey? Never been there. Cost, is there WIFI, CablePort, swimming pool, etc.

    Thanks for the report

    Quote Originally Posted by FoxesHunter
    Hi I'd like to post my opinion on Barranquilla. I have just come back from this interesting town. I have lived in Barranquilla 14 days only.
    I speak fluent spanish and I am a 50 old european man. I am very goodlooking, romantic and very kind to everybody. I am happy when a girl with me is happy.
    Before my departing to Barranquilla I have amassed 12-13 phone numbers of regular beautiful girls (by Internet) but I have spoken with them some time only. I have met all of them and they were very kind and nice with me and I with them. I have always paid they taxi to get their home but they come with me for drinking or eating only. I have spent much money for them because they always come with their sisters or friends. The second or third time I've met them I have always asked the to come to my hotel but every girl always refused that invitation. I read here beautiful reports on Barranquilla on regular girls. I have not had any stroke of luck with them. Perhaps my barranquilleras friends were too much beautiful girls than yours? ;)
    In your opinion what was my problem?
    Luckily I have known an interesting boy and he toke me to some casas (close to my hotel) and the Murillo bars. Murillo bars are wonderful. They are full of interesting and kind girls but they are a little bit cold for my taste. Even it is impossible to kiss them. In 14 days I have fucked prostitutes only.
    The only positive aspect of the situation was the Monterrey hotel on the cra 44 with 74. They are is very kind and chica friendly.
    This was my experience on Barranquilla.

  15. #570
    Foxes, you mentined drinking and eating but not dancing. When you take her out drinking and dancing and there is chemistry, it should accelerate the process.

    My experience says that if there are sisters or female friends present, they will inhibit your date and she'll probably try and play "good girl" while they are watching.

    Meeting girls individually takes a lot of time. But of course it's absolutely necessary, so that you can find out which one(s) you have a good feeling with. Some guys try and make the process more efficient by flirting or talking sex with the girls during the internet/phone conversation. If she really doesn't participate or comes across shocked, remove her from the list without a meeting.

    If you must cast the net wide and you want efficiency, you could even set up multiple dates in the same afternoon at the same mall. Just invite each one for a cafe latte at Juan Valdez or something, an icecream. Then it doesn't matter so much if they bring friends.

    The marranera is a certain kind of girl that will have sex just with the promise of going to nice discotecas, fancy restaurants and shopping. These chicks give you a score much faster than the good girl. At first glance they would be an ideal match for a discreet foreign monger. But they come with their own set of issues and problems to be wary of.

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