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Thread: The Truth about AIDS

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  1. #361
    It depends upon the person that you get to have sex with, if she is stunning, you would not think twice about it. AIDS would be the last thing on your mind, it is a risk but someone given the opportunity to have sex with a beautiful woman is not going to think much about the hazards. That being said AIDS is definitely lethal and should be taken seriously but people are still fucking anyway.

  2. #360
    Quote Originally Posted by Acolonizer
    I want to understand:

    A lot of prostitutes around the world drink sperm and fuck pussy and ass without condom by 5/10/20 customers per night. I never heard prostitutes have HIV because they had sexual performances but only because of infected syringes. Instead I see a lot of prostitutes have a normal family and life after they finished prostitution.

    So my question is: why haven't prostitutes got HIV if HIV is sexual widespreading?
    A substantial number of those prostitutes actually got HIV.
    Note that in Europe, roughly 40-50% of the new HIV infections are through heterosexual contact and another 30-40% through homosexual contact. Only few infections through syringes anymore as drug users at least in Switzerland get clean syringes for free. So there is substantial sexual transmission going on.

    On the other hand, transmission probabilities per sexual contact are very variable but mostly low (except in special circumstances), especially if the HIV+ partner is on well-working antiretroviral therapy. It will also depend on the prostitutes immune system whether she get's infected at all and how quickly. So, some will get infected very early on while others will remain HIV-free despite extreme high-risk behavious. Biology is a complicated thing and there's always a lot of variability.

  3. #359

    Two big thumbs up for "That Asshole".

    Somebody metioned below that the HIV denialists have been refuted 1000s of times. Bald faced lie. They have been rebutted 1000s of times over but never have their arguments been refuted, and they're hardly outdated. There is an overwhelming amount of current data that supports them. The movement of dissidents is growing steadfastly every year and the list of scientists who question the orthodox views on HIV is growing rapidly.

    A standard response to denialists from the perpetuators of medical orthodoxy is "if you believe HIV is harmless inject yourself with it." For them I say that is only plausible if they are required to take anti-retroviral drugs every day for the rest of their lives. Then we'll see who expires first.

  4. #358

    Pretty good opinions

    Asshole, Sloth,

    Pretty good and compelling arguments.

    There is a hell a lot of ambiguity surrounding hiv and aids (small caps) and as is the case in these situations; there are a lot of people making money out of the haze and ignorance.

    History has a lot of such examples of people/companies making money in times of war, strife, dictatorship.

    The whole thing about hiv/aids have made the simple pleasurable act of having sex a worrisome affair.

    But then I guess it is better to be safe till we have evidence to prove otherwise.

    A. Jay

  5. #357

    The ultimate Aids vaccine, and others

    the ultimate anti-aids vaccine:

    ***does "aids" exist at all? ***

    does anyone suggest that "humanity" at large has made any advances in the level of general population intelligence since the middle ages of the 16-17th century? during these mere 400 years have we become more "intelligent" people in general? or simply we have become "educated" and "programmed" in a different way than those "barbarians" of 400 years ago?

    does the common farmer, craftsman, labourer or even company director. of today or long ago- have the time to actually "think" about the meaning things? rather than simply learning and repeating some information or data that has been presented to him by others. does the inevitable necessity of making a living. or just to get by- afford him the luxury of sufficient free time for reflection, evaluation and consideration?

    *** the ancient savages ***

    the "savages" of long ago used to firmly believe in "ghosts, saints, fairies and werewolves". all of which most of them never actually seen with their own eyes, never touched with their hands. but were described to them by others who had claimed to have seen them, observe them, communicate with them. whether truthfully or otherwise. either really believing or not themselves, most were forced to agree by social pressure, economical need or just for the simple desire to be accepted by their fellows. and for these same reasons they never hesitated to demonstrate their belief in front of the public. by acts of faith. which ultimately always culminated in physical violence and even wars against those who did not share such beliefs. or at least did not pretend to share them. (among others: galileo galilei and his stupid ideas of the earth being round, etc.)

    *** the modern savages ***

    the great question is: are we the "people of today" actually more intelligent than our middle-ages ancestors of 400 years ago? or have we simply discarded those "beliefs" in ghosts and fairies and zombies in exchange for simply "another set" of beliefs in "bacterias, viruses, cancers and terrorists"? again in things which we do not understand ourselves but are too keen to repeat until even death. even though we might be wrong. but at least get accepted and accompanied. even to death. all it takes is just belief. or if you don't have any then try to pretend that you do. show your faith by ready to be violent against "non-believers" and you fare even better. this is life. changed nothing in 400 years, and will not change in even a thousand more.

    *** hit the bastards ***

    yes, right now! such "non-believers" are subjected even to physical violence every day. today too! for not believing what they should "officially" believe in. such as "aids kills! " "tobacco smoking harms humans! " "drugs destroy society! " "chidren are being abused! " "lenin is our light, stalin is our hero! " "we are being attacked by terrorists! " "women are equal with men! " "disease is caused by bacteria and viruses"


    this is certainly not about anyone being stupid here. but rather about many of us not having the time to even think. we have no time to think! as an easiest alternative solution we replace evaluation, reflection and consideration with endless repetition of things we hear. repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition..----

    *** at least we have company ***

    and since we really know nothing, we must demonstrate our faith in some visible way. that is: by hitting all those who disagree. even hitting them until they are quite cold and dead. this wins us social approval. and it seems to work. we are accepted by all others who know nothing. just like ourselves. yet we feel so miserable every day. just like others. because we still know nothing. and we fear all the unknown things. which are numerous. because we refuse to think. so we just repeat and repeat and repeat and repeat and------at least we seem to be accepted. accepted into the club of misery, that is.

    *** what is aids? ***

    so, what does really cause aids? i cannot tell you in a few brief words. it is a very long process until you understand. words are limited in meaning and expression. instead of asking me and others about what causes aids, i rather urge you to find a time and sit down every day to think about it. then after a long time you will "know". yet you cannot tell others because you will look stupid. not because you are stupid but because they are dark. yet if they took the trouble and started thinking too, they would know too. you will stop "believing" and you will start "knowing". i would say.

    "knowing" that. aids does not kill, lenin is not light of the world, disease is not caused by bacteria and neither by virus, women are not equal with men and there is no terrorism.

    *** the vaccine. ***

    so, the ultimate "anti-aids vaccine" is within you. and so is the "anti-terrorism" vaccine. and "anti-crime". please sit down every day a few hours for twenty years or so. and think about it all. it takes a long time? better start today. and stop fighting! against those who don't believe what you "believe". you only believe. it's only a belief. not worth fighting for it.

    the following text extracts are not your answer to cancer and aids. rather simply a pointer to those who think a bit differently. it is not the solution. but you can start by thinking about it. especially when you see those gruesome pictures on tobacco packaging. which is the killer? the tobacco or the suggestion? the aids or the treatment? the terrorist or the police department? the bacteria or the antibiotics?


    1. / power of suggestion

    ethnologists and doctors studying tribal communities put down similar accounts. for example, american doctor garry wright relays the following case in his book eyewitness of sorcery.

    lusung, a sorcerer in one of south african tribes, told a man who had committed a crime: "you will die in three days! " then she sprinkled water and sprayed some red powder around the hut of the condemned man. the sorcerer repeated her incantation for the benefit of the villagers. "her words were a death verdict, " says wright in his book. "none of the villagers laid hands on the criminal yet he was found dead three days later, " adds he.

    source: http: //wintersteel.


    2. / galileo galilei 15 february 1564 – 8 january 1642

    galileo's championing of copernicanism was controversial within his lifetime. the geocentric view had been dominant since the time of aristotle, and the controversy engendered by galileo's opposition to this view resulted in the catholic church's prohibiting the advocacy of heliocentrism as potentially factual, because that theory had no decisive proof and was contrary to the literal meaning of scripture. [6] galileo was eventually forced to recant his heliocentrism and spent the last years of his life under house arrest on orders of the inquisition.

    source: http: //en.


    3. / diagnosis (a "sick" individual)

    in medicine, diagnosis or diagnostics is the process of identifying a medical condition or disease by its signs, symptoms, and from the results of various diagnostic procedures. the conclusion reached through this process is called a diagnosis. the term "diagnostic criteria" designates the combination of symptoms which allows the doctor to ascertain the diagnosis of the respective disease.

    source: http: //en.


    4. / defining "crime" (a "sick" society)

    a normative definition views crime as deviant behaviour that violates prevailing norms, specifically, cultural standards prescribing how humans ought to behave.

    source: http: //en.


    example: definition of one offense "public masturbation" http://www.legis. state. ga. us/legi...xt/hb1187. htm


    5. / *** germ theory ***

    the germ theory of disease, also called the pathogenic theory of medicine, is a theory that proposes that microorganisms are the cause of many diseases. although highly controversial when first proposed, it is now a cornerstone of modern medicine and clinical microbiology, leading to such important innovations as antibiotics and hygienic practices. [1]

    source: http: //en.

    the germ theory of disease is the single most important contribution by the science of microbiology to the general welfare of the world's people, perhaps the single most important contribution of any modern scientific discipline. it also is the single most important contribution to the practice of modern medicine, essentially defining the term with the invention of antimicrobial chemotherapeutics.

    source: http://www.mansfield. ohio-state. ed.../biol2007. htm


    6. / *** anti germ-theory ***

    we do not catch diseases. we build them. we have to eat, drink, think, and feel them into existence. we work hard at developing our diseases. we must work just as hard at restoring health. the presence of germs does not constitute the presence of a disease. bacteria are scavengers of nature. they reduce dead tissue to its smallest element. germs or bacteria have no influence, whatsoever, on live cells. germs or microbes flourish as scavengers at the site of disease. they are just living on the unprocessed metabolic waste and diseased, malnourished, nonresistant tissue in the first place. they are not the cause of the disease, any more than flies and maggots cause garbage. flies, maggots, and rats do not cause garbage but rather feed on it. mosquitoes do not cause a pond to become stagnant! you always see firemen at burning buildings, but that doesn't mean they caused the fire. source: http: //

    what most people call a "disease" is really a symptom or a collection of symptoms. for example, cancer tumors are symptoms, which is why trying to fight them has resulted in the epidemic we have today. what people commonly think of as causes of disease, are symptoms.

    source: http: //

    the germ theory, virus theory, genetic theory and autoimmune theory--contemporary disease causation theories--are all based upon and rely upon immunology. immunology is based upon and must be supported by darwinian concepts of evolution. pull out the evolutionary foundation and all the prevailing theories collapse; the highly publicized, but nonexistent, advances of modern medicine are exposed as rep001ologists! nonetheless, the germ theory is still believed to be the central cause of disease, because around it exists a global supportive infrastructure of commercial interests that built multi-billion-dollar industries based upon this theory.

    source: http: //


    i hope you will draw the parallel in the definition of "crime" and the definition of "disease". all seek the wrong in some other outside factor and none in themselves. this way reach no useful solution at all. sorry man but if "you" are sick, why blame the bacteria and the aids virus? similarly, blaming someone for "publicly mastubating" does no favor to society in general. there was a (long, long, long) way that led him there. if he is sick, so are all others. the next one is just waiting to come. and so is the next pestilence as long as the "virus and bacteria" are chased. but it's a stupid, stupid world. never mind. keep fighting. it's all good. keeps the bacterias occupied. as well as the doctors and the cops paid.

    end of post aids

  6. #356


    Quote Originally Posted by Acolonizer
    I want to understand:

    A lot of prostitutes around the world drink sperm and fuck pussy and ass without condom by 5/10/20 customers per night. I never heard prostitutes have HIV because they had sexual performances but only because of infected syringes. Instead I see a lot of prostitutes have a normal family and life after they finished prostitution.

    So my question is: why haven't prostitutes got HIV if HIV is sexual widespreading?

    I do not know pros doing that.... only ones are some Nigerians in Italy, and then they will not survive long... Mind that even if you have AIDS totay with modern anti-retrovirus drugs you might live a normal life for may be 10-20 years...


  7. #355
    I want to understand:

    A lot of prostitutes around the world drink sperm and fuck pussy and ass without condom by 5/10/20 customers per night. I never heard prostitutes have HIV because they had sexual performances but only because of infected syringes. Instead I see a lot of prostitutes have a normal family and life after they finished prostitution.

    So my question is: why haven't prostitutes got HIV if HIV is sexual widespreading?

  8. #354

    Feed me!...Kill me...!

    I have to voice my opinion that the "social evils" of "aids", etc.

    . Are purposefully exagerated for resons of political and financial gain. The reason might be complicated but makes one think that it targets certain social/economic sectors of our society.


    We easily picture "bread, milk, beef" and even "beer" as food for humans but it takes more imagination to think of "aids" as food. Yet indirectly it is in fact, and undeniably feeding an ever growing number of people around the globe. Starting on the bottom rug of the foodchain it feeds the ordinary African tribesman who if coming down with "diarrhoea" or similar malady can easily obtain free food, clothing and attentive care if he applies for or accepts "aids treatment" instead of treatment for diarrhoea.

    Ignorant as he is, he knows nothing about the facts of either. He only sees the immediate benefits of "aids". It becomes his food. Even to death. After succumbing to the medical poisons, he dies but gets fed like a king for the rest of his life. Only someone constantly starving can appreciate the lure of a good feed.

    Then indirectly it feeds the nurses taking care of him. Their families such as children, friends, relatives will be fed as well. Then there are the doctors supervising the nurses and the distribution of the "medical poisons". They also get fed. Then the transport company distributing the substance and carrying it in special vehicles from the factories. Then of course the employees of laboratories get fed. This includes the chemical engineers, researchers but also the common employees such as the factory workers, even the guard and the cleaner.

    Then of course the lawyers who fight back the multitude of attacks from disillusioned "ex-patients" and other enemies of the establishment. Then the media also gets fed who carry their advertising. The journalist, the editor, even the typesetter and the graphic designer of colorful brochures. Plus the cleaner and the driver for the company.

    And the countless of "activists" who are hired to raise awareness of this great social evil: "aids". And their families, kids, dogs, cats. This goes on and on and on. You cannot tear down a tower this high. "Aids" will be growing as long as it can feed this large number of humans. And presently few "industries" are as successful and employ as many as the "aids industry. " When you look at the validity of their claims then consider all the above.

    Then imagine what the world would be like without "aids". Put it quite simply, it would be a painfully "hungry" world for many.

    The other social evils are:

    1. Prostitution

    2. Cancer

    3. [CodeWord908]

    4. Child-abuse

    5. Drugs

    All of them are successful industries in feeding millions worldwide. Imagine the world without "drugs" or "cancer", for example. Yuck, it would be a terrible "hungry world" for millions more.

  9. #353
    Vulcan AIDS? - the Buzz - television series "Enterprise" portrays AIDS-like disease - Brief Article
    Advocate, The, Feb 4, 2003

    Paramount's Star Trek franchise is going boldly into the AIDS pandemic, as first officer T'Pol (Jolene Blalock) faces an incurable Vulcan disease on the February 5 episode of the UPN series Enterprise.

    Called Pa'nar Syndrome, the illness is transmitted through intimate telepathic connections, a taboo practice deemed "unnatural" by the conservative majority. The parallels drawn between the ailing Vulcan mind-melders and gay men in the early days of AIDS are distressingly accurate, down to Pa'nar sufferers being called an "undesirable subculture" who deserve their fate.

    "We're hoping to raise people's awareness that our culture still stigmatizes people with HIV and AIDS," says series co-executive producer Rick Berman, who also cowrote the "Stigma" episode.

    Not that the Star Trek franchise itself couldn't use a lesson in inclusion. "I think it's commendable that they're doing an episode to promote AIDS and HIV awareness," says a former Trek producer. "But it's sad and ironic that Star Trek remains terrified of acknowledging the existence of gay people. I guess it's OK for Enterprise to tell gay story lines as long as we don't see any gay people in them."

    Bibliography for "Vulcan AIDS? - the Buzz - television series "Enterprise" portrays AIDS-like disease - Brief Article"
    "Vulcan AIDS? - the Buzz - television series "Enterprise" portrays AIDS-like disease - Brief Article". Advocate, The. Feb 4, 2003. 04 Sep. 2007.

  10. #352

    This AIDS myth theory is ages old and despite the fact that they seem to have had a recent conference all their arguments are outdated and have been refuted 1000's of times in the scientific literature and on the net (just take a look at wikipedia "AIDS reappraisal" and the links there). I also wonder why a cardiac surgeon should be an authority on HIV??

    For some odd reason these AIDS reappraisal stuff resurfaces regularly on sex boards. Seems some people just accept any kind of excuse for barebacking...


    Not sure what you are trying to say. Of course many people want to make money on all kinds of things. But your argument that HIV is just a money-making invention is way off mark. What do you suggest all the people which have AIDS are dying from if it's not the virus? - Honestly, I don't even want to hear your opinion on this. It's a waste of time to debate.

  11. #351

    Get Rich Quick... no effort needed!

    "It is good fortune for the governments that the masses don't think. Otherwise, human society as we know it might not exist..." (Adolf H.)

    "To rule, give the people bread and circus..." (J.Caesar)

    *** Get Rich Quick - and stay honest!

    *** Get Slim Fast - No Effort Needed!

    *** Become Healthy Fast - just take one pill three times a day and wear a condom - no other effort ever! It will make you healthy!

    Do you believe these? We all ridicule the people who fall for the "get rich quick" schemes. Why then do we accept the doctors' claim that we can stay healthy without effort, just by popping a pill or wearing a condom? Is "health" so simple?

    Please pride yourself for being a "man" and not falling for "effortless weightloss" promises like women like to do. We are men. We do not believe that anyone can get rich quick, without effort -while staying honest. We also do not believe that anyone can be healthy without effort, just by taking pills, or wearing condoms. We also do not believe that anyone can be safe from violence unless he resolves to be non-violent himself.

    Sorry, you have been fooled. Some people want to make money from you and you fell for it.

    Engrave this in your mind: There is no AIDS or "Bird-Flu" beyond profits just as there is no "Terrorism" unless someone makes money from it.

    And the profiteeers are not little microscopic guys and do not wear big black beards and neither do they wave guns madly. They simply sit in airconditioned offices, slurp coffeee at leasure or rest behind a doctors desk or in the comfortable research laboratory. Often they also like write articles in newspapers detailing the dangers of this or that micro or macro organism or organisation. Then they put it in print and watch the result. The cash rolls in without end.


    About doctors:
    Some doctors (at the top) might be intelligent. However most (at least 80%) are robots. Able only to recite passages of text and pass university exams.

    From the top they are told to sell you "diseases, medicines and treatments". So they (the plain robotic commoner guys) can stay in the club. They do so without thinking about it. I repeat: There is no AIDS, only business. Big, big business.

    Believe me. My pay is exactly the same whether you are sick or healthy. Many others cannot honestly say that much.

  12. #350
    Ok that is not true. HIV does cause AIDS. These people are a fringe group of scientists. Take a look at South Africa where people believe HIV doesn't cause AIDS. These lies are killing people.

  13. #349

    The other side...

    HIV Does Not Cause AIDS says Doctors' Group
    Report By Becky Blanton
    HIV does not cause AIDS. That was one of the most startling pieces of information to come out of the 21st Annual Meeting of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP), held recently in Phoenix, Arizona July 19.
    Dr. Donald W. Miller, Jr. an attendee at the meeting, said “It’s a shocking statement but it will very likely prove to be true,” Miller said of the claim.

    “Once people realize this is true, it will turn the way things are done on its head.”

    Those who contract AIDS, not those who contract HIV, are the patients who die. The conventional wisdom about HIV is that once a person has HIV they will automatically and eventually get AIDS. That, Miller says, is simply not true.

    The meeting, entitled, "21st Century Threats and Conflicts," was organized by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons – AAPS – considered, Miller noted, the “pro-market, libertarian alternative to the American Medical Association.”

    “It’s a small organization,” Miller said, “But there are some very notable members.”

    Miller himself is a cardiac surgeon and Professor of Surgery at the University of Washington in Seattle and a member of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness.

    Dr. Peter Duesberg, a professor of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California, Berkeley, another attendee, was the man who isolated the first cancer gene in his work with retroviruses. The AIDS virus is also retrovirus.

    Dr. David Rasnick, a professor of Molecular and Cell Biology at UCB, presented the evidence on his AIDS research, Miller said.

    The evidence isn’t totally new, Miller said. But it is hotly contested, “If you can find someone willing to debate facts, you're lucky. Most won't. They can't."

    Rasnick and Duesberg, have written a book entitled: "The AIDS dilemma: drug diseases blamed on a passenger virus" (1998).

    The men have co-authored another book entitled: "The chemical bases of the various AIDS epidemics: recreational drugs, anti-viral chemotherapy and malnutrition" (2003), with Claus Koehnlein. “You don’t hear a lot about it (this evidence),” Miller said. “What you do hear is Rasnick is a kook or Duesbuerg is way out. They attack the messenger and discard the message.”

    Not everyone is so reluctant to listen.

    According to Miller, the premier of South Africa was very interested in the message. “He (the premier) was somewhat annoyed that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) wouldn’t debate this,” Miller said. “He wanted to know what to do about this problem. Well, the people in South Africa don’t have sex anymore than anyone else, probably less than most. They certainly can’t afford the AIDS test. So, how do they know what the percentage really is? If someone loses weight or get pneumonia they say they have AIDS,” he said.

    “Based on a ruling by the World Health Organization, people in Africa can be diagnosed as having AIDS without having to have an HIV test. According to Miller, twenty-three years ago the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported that a growing number of male homosexuals and intravenous (IV) drug users were experiencing a mysterious epidemic of diseases, which included several odd types of pneumonia, a rare malignant tumor called Kaposi’s sarcoma, lymphoma, dementia, tuberculosis, weight loss (anorexia), fever, diarrhea, etc. The CDC defines the epidemic "AIDS" (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), as comprising 26 different diseases.

    From 1981–2001 AIDS has afflicted 800,000 people in the US, 250,000 in Europe, and 1,000,000 in Africa. In the United States, AIDS strikes young male homosexuals (66 percent of all AIDS cases), male and female IV drug users (32 percent of all AIDS cases, 75 percent of them male), hemophiliacs and other transfusion recipients (1 percent), and children borne to drug-addicted mothers (1 percent).

    Miller said the research points not to sexual transmission, but more to long-term drug use. “Well, now we’ve seen that homosexual males use recreational drugs in greater amounts and duration than straight males,” Miller said. The recreational drugs in question are cocaine, heroin, nitrite inhalants and amphetamines.

    If HIV is not the cause of AIDS, then what is? Miller said Rasnick presented strong evidence in support of the hypothesis that AIDS is caused by three things, singly or in combination:

    1) long-term recreational drug use (cocaine, heroin, nitrite inhalants, and amphetamines); 2) the anti-viral drugs (DNA chain terminators, like AZT, and protease inhibitors) that doctors prescribe to people who are HIV positive; and 3) especially in Africa, malnutrition (and lack of drinkable water). The noninfectious chemical bases for AIDS is supported by a lot of important data, facts like this one: HIV-positive people treated with anti-viral drugs have an annual mortality rate of 6.6–8.7 percent, compared with an annual mortality of 1.4 percent in HIV-positive people who refuse treatment with anti-viral drugs.

    Over the last 20 years the US government has carried out a program to eradicate the HIV virus. They’ve used 100,000 government-funded doctors and scientists and have cost taxpayers more than $100 billion. “There’s growing evidence,” Miller said, “that the premise upon which this eradication program is founded is wrong.”

    The good news the evidence shows that those who do have HIV can lead long, healthy lives. "It's like having herpes," he noted. "It's not the best thing, but it's not the end of the world."

    “Those with HIV need to stop the drug use, eat healthy and live healthy lives,” Miller said. “Having HIV is not a death sentence,” he said. It’s not a message the mainstream media is likely to pick up on however.

    “The media, if you read the articles out there, always links HIV with AIDS,” Miller said. “You don’t read HIV or AIDS by itself. It’s always HIV/AIDS, and that’s just not accurate,” he said.

    Re-education is only part of the problem. Getting the drug companies to let go of the $1,000 a month per person, or $12,000 per person per year money they’re making on each person prescribed the AZT cocktail will be hard.

    Getting hospitals and other medical facilities to change their protocols will also prove difficult. Miller, who is a surgeon, has seen the problem first hand.

    “In surgery I’ve seen nurses get stuck or cut with something sharp,” he said. “When we’re working on a patient with HIV, the protocol is that they immediately start the AZT drugs. They do and they feel awful. I told them, don’t take them.”

    It’s radical , but Miller believes the statistics back him up. “The mortality rate has proven to be so much higher for those taking the drugs than not,” he said.

    For more information and professional papers on HIV and AIDS visit Dr. Millers website:

  14. #348
    Quote Originally Posted by Chesterfield
    Ridiculous guy. You are describing an extremely low risk exposure. Chill out dude.
    What is ridiculous about it. All of you say its like some 1 in 1000 odds or something to get HIV, but what if you are that one person in that 1000? What will you do? I once had lost my complete life in front of me. My name, my job, my friends, everybody hated me for a small mistake of mine, so had to move to another place to start over again, and I know how it feels like, when the society rejects you and you loose everything just in a flash. Which you hace accured over the year. So its better to be safe than sorry. I don't want a chance even though if its less.

    P.S. : The medicines have now started to show side effects and very strong one. I am nostaligic all the time and keep on vomitting. I cosulted the doctors and they say. Now its my call wheather to stop them or not. And I am feeling like shit. PEP is not easy. I am getting weak too.

  15. #347
    Quote Originally Posted by Flamepvt
    On your advise and after consulting a AIDS counseller, I have started the antiretrovirals from today at about 66 hrs from the incidence. I have started Duovir (combivir) twice daily for 28 days. I am now hoping for the best. I am very scared and very frighten as to what my family and relatives will think of me. But I have faith in god and am keeping my finger crossed.
    Ridiculous guy. You are describing an extremely low risk exposure. Chill out dude.

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