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Thread: Monterrey - Mill Just's Reports

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  1. #141

    Report Deleted by Admin

    EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because I do not allow "Goodbye Forever" posts in the forum, generally because these posts amount to nothing more than a public "Kiss Off" from Serial Antagonists who are trying to stir up one final round of trouble before they switch to another alias. Thanks!
    Last edited by Admin; 11-27-07 at 00:51.

  2. #140

    Uninformative commentary deleted by Admin

    EDITOR'S NOTE: The commentary posted here was deleted because Mill Just is limited to posting information only and is specifically not permitted to post comments, opinions, stories or any other text regarding other Forum Members or the Forum Membership in general.

  3. #139
    Quote Originally Posted by Mill Just
    What amazes me still is that ANYBODY would take a working girl's word at face value. These girls will tell you anything that you want to hear.......................What people need to understand is that these girls are in the business of fulfilling fantasies and creating the illusion that they care about you. Many working girls like to cultivate relationships with guys just to have a system of support in case they need favors in the future. A gringo who is putty in their hands is a great tool to be used in the future.
    This is very true, and it is also common for them to be stringing several guys along at the same time. Each one thinking the girl actually cares about him.

    The affection given is normally directly porportional to the amount of money spent on them.

  4. #138

    What amazes me still is that ANYBODY would take a working girl's word at face value. These girls will tell you anything that you want to hear. I have no doubt that the "G" Girl put down Uno to Master and I have no doubt that she will put down Master to Uno or even deny his existence. What people need to understand is that these girls are in the business of fulfilling fantasies and creating the illusion that they care about you. Many working girls like to cultivate relationships with guys just to have a system of support in case they need favors in the future. A gringo who is putty in their hands is a great tool to be used in the future. The key is to get those benefits of being a preferred customer while being able to keep your head above the BS being chucked at you.

    I don't understand how some real experienced mongers who can see through the BS of the American strip clubs seem to get sucked up by the Mexican strip clubs. Maybe they really don't understand the culture or the language? But, I'll tell you this as someone who lives here in Mexico- Mexican strippers are of the exact socio-economic level as their American counterparts and just as reliable. The difference for us is that here in Mexico we are often considered the high-rollers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Whome69

    2. These "investigative reports" are totally meaningless. Is MM that naive (I am being nice here) to think that he can a honest answer out of one these girls about a "customer" or a friend of theirs? Wow. MM must be the coolest operator in the World. He should join the CIA, they could use his "great" gift. If he is this good in getting answers, he needs to quit his job and do investigative work, I can him lots of work. Anyone who has ANY experience KNOWs that this type of behavior is a JOKE but a a mean spirited joke. I bet if a trusted person, who has known G for years would ask her about him, she would report something very negative. Why does MM assume these girls are idiots? USB, I bet G knows MM's attitude about her. How can you hide the attitude when you call them hos?

  5. #137

    It isn't free publicity, we are actually tricking the House.

    As in telling what is the real price to pay, what to expect from girls, rates and all, meaning we are not allowing the house to scam you.

    If we don't post here that the Infinito girls charge 1000 pesos, you as an American will be charged 1500 pesos.

    More examples: regular charge for a full service is 200-300 pesos. Girls see an American and on the spot charge them 500 pesos.

    Ask me if a visitor from this thread has been overcharged and I ask the same question to you: has any visitor to Morelia been a victim of scams at the clubs or MPs?

    No, cause they got you to help them out.

    The House never ever likes some one to talk behind their backs. The House is always paranoid, so are the girls.

    The girls hate when some one has the upper hand over them.

    Worse part, imagine me, going to the Prestige and the Obsession where I know all the owners, one of them is my close neighbor, the other I meet at soccer games at school.

    Imagine the reaction if they know that I tell gringo-candidates-to-be-scammed to be on the look out for surcharges, girls that ask for double drinks and jarras, girls that charge extras where none are needed.

    I don't think they would be happy at all to suddenly realize that one of their regular customers, one that is favored by them is back stabber.
    Last edited by Admin; 11-24-07 at 00:25.

  6. #136

    Bienvenido Rapito!!!

    Hola Rapito,

    I'm just going to give you one general rule seeing that Uno and Carlos have already given specifics:

    Act with respect and general common sense in any mongering venue in Mexico and you'll be ok and safe. If you act with a degree of class and decorum, the chicas and the management will do their best to accomodate what you want. Most girls and places are NOT clip joints.

    However, if you act like an arrogant asshole and try to either: 1) Not pay the chica or 2) demand and force things that the chica doesn't want to do, you will get either beaten and/or tossed in jail.

    The degree of service and acts usually depends on the chicas. Some will be more open to touching and fingering and even kissing. Some will just want to give you the basic BJ/HJ/FS service. Again, go with the flow if you are new to the club and feel things out. After getting your feet wet, you'll get a sense of how far you can go with each chica.

    Strip clubs may be a bit tough on a newbie with no mongering experience, so the high-end MPs might be the way to go for quality service with a cute chica in a relaxed atmosphere.

    Have Fun,


    Quote Originally Posted by Rapito
    Hi everybody. I've been reading this forum for a while and I wanted to get from you some advice. Some do's and don't's for a newbie. First of all, let me tell you that I have never been in a SP or MP. So, I'm a total rookie, a newbie, a novice. I know, some of you will think that I should read the rookie section in the forum. I read it, all of it. However, they talk about places and situations that may not have anything to do with Monterrey. I am also aware of the split opinions what's best between a MP and a SP. I personally prefer try first a MP because it seems to be more discrete and quiet.

  7. #135
    carlos, you are a smart guy and a fine patriot but i know you aren't comparing mexican samitary standards to us sanitary standards...the reason most americans are so succeptible to stomach infections when compared to our brothers down in mexico is that we have never been exposed to the tribes of bacteria that are common place in mexico. there was a reason i had continuous stomach infections for the first 4 months i lived in mexico...and with regards to the "standard headline" comment about e-coli concerns: can you imagine a headline in mexico that reads "taco stands in downtown area contain high counts of dangerous bacteria and dried animal [CodeWord113]?" the mexican republic as a whole would put down their newspapers and let out a collective, "no shit, sherlock...duh!" that would not be a headline at all here in mexico because its common knowledge that sanitary conditions are horrendous.

    and when it comes to dumb politicians like our idiot president bush, just take a look at vicente fox's recent press tour in the us. i thought we cornered the market on dumb politicians, but there was president fox trying to say that mexico is doing such a great job at stopping the drugs from coming into the us that those drugs are staying in mexico and corrupting their children...or when he said that the mexican army on the border with guatemala was there to take the illegal guatemalans crossing into mexico, feed them, keep them safe and escort them back to their own country...or his insistence that having 10% of your nation's population living and working outside your country is a good thing...or when he said that, right now, 98% of the mexican children finish high school...etc...bush is just, plain dumb; fox is truly delusional.

    one thing we can learn from this is that we shouldn't judge a country based on the idiots we sometimes elect.

    carlos, don't believe the hype. things in the noticias (on both sides) are never quite the real story...despite what you hear about us living in absolute, mind-bending fear, just remember that only about half of our population is so idiotic...and our idiocy as a nation grows as we get closer to the border.

    you know, sometimes its worth dealing with a few stupid code red, code orange stories that few believe in exchange for a glass of tap water that won't give you the squirts...

    but having said that, it is cheaper to get laid in mexico...

    Quote Originally Posted by carlos perez
    i prefer mexico over a country that lives in total, absolute, integral, day after day, fear of terrorist attacks...

    ... which will or might not come... but your actual goverment is having a field day using that to pull the strings of a once great country.

    i love the following: "mission acomplished" and "we are at war".

    up to today, the us has not been able to explain what "mission was acomplished" and who the us is at "war" with.

    ps: am so sorry everyone in the world is better fit to resist e-colli over you guys states side... but does that excuse the poor level of sanitary conditions that are starting to prevail in the us???
    back in 92 in the us, when the jack in the box e-colli scare went up, no stone was left unturned to finish and stop any possible outbreak like the one that happened.
    now it's standard headline in the news, not even top headline news (might be a little box down in the corner front page)...
    ... or am i wrong???

  8. #134
    Quote Originally Posted by Mill Just
    I just mean that the daily conveniences are what makes life easier in the US...basic government services, easier for me as an American just as life in Mexico is easier for you as a Mexican...a lot more volatility in the Mexican way of life....there's always the concept, however abstract, that the government is our servant and at our command whereas in Mexico, it is not like that at all. But, again, we will see things differently because we look at the world from different reference points.
    Very well articulated, and I also agree 100%. But, as you said, much of it has to do with cultural origins. Our origins may make our home countries seem easier for us respectively, when in reality, each has it's advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages that from our colored perspective may be interpreted quite differently between us based on our being of origins that originate in different societies and cultures.

  9. #133
    Without veering too off-topic, I just mean that the daily conveniences are what makes life easier in the US, stuff that we take for granted as Americans that are special privileges for Mexicans. Just in the area of basic government services, Mexico, as a whole, is nowhere near as efficient as the US.

    But its all relative because life in the US is easier for me as an American just as life in Mexico is easier for you as a Mexican. We learn how to live off what we have.

    My standard of living in the U.S. had never changed, despite any sort of stock market or real estate problems. Everything is steady in the States whereas I just sense a lot more volatility in the Mexican way of life. There is a certain confidence in the American way of life (cockiness?) where we feel, that despite any sort of problems, we will always be just as rich and just as privileged as always and there's always the concept, however abstract, that the government is our servant and at our command whereas in Mexico, it is not like that at all.

    But, again, we will see things differently because we look at the world from different reference points.

    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos Perez
    you do have that at Morelia, don't you...?
    I mean, look at life's benefits... could you relocate so easily and so cheaply to any other city in the US?????

  10. #132
    i guess i'm thinking in a more practical way when you say "easier."

    easier as in having clean drinking water, steady and consistant garbage pick up, cooking gas at your ready disposal and a predicatable legal/ law enforcement system...

    Quote Originally Posted by carlos perez
    i still insist it is easier mj.
    like right now, freedom of speech is more to the point here in mexico than in the us.
    the catholic religous right now has limited power as compared to the christian religous right in the us.... and wow, did our religous right made us suffer!!!
    interest rates for housing and cars and credits are, might be high, but right now there no traps as the housing bubble that just recently burst in the us (thing that happened in 1994 for us).
    it's easy for you as a foreign guy to work in mexico, than me going to us and find a job.
    the list is long mj...

    might be that i chose the wrong word... not easier... less complicated?
    is that better????

  11. #131
    i still insist it is easier mj.
    like right now, freedom of speech is more to the point here in mexico than in the us.
    the catholic religous right now has limited power as compared to the christian religous right in the us.... and wow, did our religous right made us suffer!!!
    interest rates for housing and cars and credits are, might be high, but right now there no traps as the housing bubble that just recently burst in the us (thing that happened in 1994 for us).
    it's easy for you as a foreign guy to work in mexico, than me going to us and find a job.
    the list is long mj...

    might be that i chose the wrong word... not easier... less complicated?
    is that better????

    Quote Originally Posted by mill just
    carlos, i agree with everything you just said except for the part where you say that "living in mexico is easier than in the u.s." you are waaaaay off on that one. american life is more expensive, but it is a lot more convenient.

    p.s. you forgot to mention that getting laid is also waaaaay cheaper in mexico.

  12. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by Mill Just
    The Mexican business sense on the lower level is notoriously short-sighted and, just plain dumb at times. And you don't get much lower than the strip clubs. The truth is that they just don't care if we get pissed off at them. They don't think of the future, they only think in the present and, for them, 200 pesos in their pocket is much more valuable than the promise of 20,000 over the course of a year.

    This is very true. I have seen it time and time again in business in Mexico. The "typical" Mexican would sacrafice an existing relationship generating an income of $10G's a month for a quick $30G's today. However, there are exceptions to this rule.

    The solution that I have found that works is to build a good solid relationship with the one that "you depend on". Get to know their secrets. Like where and how they cheat on their Taxes. Their Slush fund! Who their G/F is and where she lives. Ect, Ect, Ect. You don't have to be so crass to say anything about what you know, except to maybe to say, "This is a no win situation".

    I try to spend as little time in these "Show Bars" as possible. I am not a big drinker and I am there for the women. However, I am also guilty. I have paid Tabs that went well over a thousand bucks even after getting the Bill straightened out for Server Fraud. It pisses me off that these Bars really take advantage of these Girls and they really don't appreciate their Customer. If it wasn't for the Girls, who would pay their exorbitant prices and tolerate thier "Billing errors" and 10% surcharges for Credit Card payment? When I will fully retire and my youngest kid is out of the house, perhaps I will start a Union for these girls? : Maybe even contacting the Credit Card companies and back-charging them for their surcharges accross the Board for ever Customer over the past 2-3 years which is a violation of their CC agreements? These Clubs NEED Credit Card support.

  13. #129
    Mill. I met USB and Porker in the afternoon at Prestige, a 5 star club.

    I asked the manager, a lady manager, what happens if for example, USB is a perfect stranger and he comes in and only orders one drink and nothing else.

    She with all correctness of a high end club, told me what I posted down below: "our business is not catering people that come in to watch the girls... our business is drinks. If the gentleman does not pay for one, he is shown to the door"

    By that time USB and Porker had left (I had to drive straight home) but I would have loved USB to do some arguing with a wall about the hypotetical analysis of a potential customer with money in his pocket, opposed to one with a drink in his hand.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mill Just
    I think Uno is guilty of what other people on this board are guilty of- trying to apply logic, American business logistics and the American concept of "the customer is always right" to the Mexican venue. These concepts do not apply here.

    True, the club people often have no idea of how to run a "real" business, but this is not a "real" business. And anybody with real business accumen would be working for one of the many legit businesses.

    The Mexican business sense on the lower level is notoriously short-sighted and, just plain dumb at times. And you don't get much lower than the strip clubs. The truth is that they just don't care if we get pissed off at them. They don't think of the future, they only think in the present and, for them, 200 pesos in their pocket is much more valuable than the promise of 20,000 over the course of a year.

    Uno, for what its worth...I'll try to not get you kicked out of any club in Morelia

  14. #128

    Apples and Oranges

    I think Uno is guilty of what other people on this board are guilty of- trying to apply logic, American business logistics and the American concept of "the customer is always right" to the Mexican venue. These concepts do not apply here.

    True, the club people often have no idea of how to run a "real" business, but this is not a "real" business. And anybody with real business accumen would be working for one of the many legit businesses.

    The Mexican business sense on the lower level is notoriously short-sighted and, just plain dumb at times. And you don't get much lower than the strip clubs. The truth is that they just don't care if we get pissed off at them. They don't think of the future, they only think in the present and, for them, 200 pesos in their pocket is much more valuable than the promise of 20,000 over the course of a year.

    Uno, for what its worth...I'll try to not get you kicked out of any club in Morelia

  15. #127

    Uno, Carlos...

    Good point, we are NOT considered good and valuable customers when compared to the others who throw around money. There are many, many Mexican business men who spend thousands of pesos in a given club every week.

    In comparison, we who order a couple of drinks, get a couple of privados and take a chica for a salida, are not that high up on the food chain. I would compare us to the guy who goes to the OXXO a couple of times a week to buy a Coke and a bag of chips. Sure, they appreciate the patronage, but they are not staying up late thinking about how we may have been offended by something they did.

    And Uno, these are not very good business men- none of them from the waiters right through to the chicas. They are aggressive business men, but not smart ones. They can afford to be aggressive because they always operate in a seller's market and can afford to be careless. There is never a short supply of horny men who can be duped into paying shitloads of money. But put these same club owners and chicas into any other business situation and they would get their heads handed to them.

    Sometimes it does get frustrating...

    The only possible way to get around being ejected for not drinking is either to find the head waiter or floor manager and tip him generously beforehand or get better at hitting and running.

    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos Perez
    I had a chat with USB in the afternoon, told him his point of view is wrong.
    There are guys at moderate priced clubs whos job is to catch people not drinking. Such people are told whether he drinks or leaves.
    After all, imagine if everyone can go into a club an just stare at naked ladies.

    You have to ran a tab at the 5 star clubs. Same thing, if you stop drinking, they bring you the bill so you can leave.
    (USB hasn't suffered this at the high end clubs cause at least one of us is drinking, anteing up the tab).

    The club's business is making money, not entertaing pedestrains for free.

    Iam mostly surprised that USB feels this way, when he is a veteran of Monterrey. And yet with all his years of coming down here he has not payed attention of the people ejected from the clubs cause they are not drinking, just gawking at the girls.

    That is why I always carry a drink in my hand, cause I know the consequences.

    Again guys reading these posts: Do not be overconfident... you have to order drinks at clubs (be it alcohol, beer or soft drink), be seen drinking and not nursing an empty glass.

    Like I said before many times, we are not good customers, we are just regulars with some knowladge of the girls.

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