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  1. #43

    Just Say No

    Do not have the Hyatt call you girls. If they do, they add a 200% service charge. I stayed in the Retro Metro, Golden Dragon, and Hyatt. I had a girl from the retro metro for $33 but when I asked for a girl from the Hyatt it was $100. It was the same girl!!!

    Watch Wi-fi too. The wi-fi there is $75 a day. In Crystal City, Va it's free. I am on the road now, but remind me and I will give you a shitload of numbers.

    I have the card of the best or one the best saunas in my wallet. my room card did not open the bizz center so I will take a picture of it to post and scan when i get a chance.

    check out the retro metro. it's a disco and sauna that I moved into so i could fuck non-stop. they have nice motel like rooms there for about $35 a night. it's also the disco where all the slavs go to so you can get plastered at the disco and crawl back to your room. ask for rose and she will take care of you.

    edit: my phone will not take a good enough picture to be of an utility to you.

  2. #42

    Wanted: Totally safe sauna or massage joint

    I was amazed at the great posts by DirkDingy--what an illuminating look at a country I thought I knew (although not from a mongering point of view). And Archangel, great post!

    In considering those posts I discovered my dilimma: I'm too old to take on the discos and clubs--I crash by 8, no matter what. And I'm too scared to take on a clingy hooker who may show up at my hotel room (which I'll be sharing with a VERY non-monger-friendly boss) and ask for another date!

    What I'm seeking, then, is a safe sauna where I can go between 4 and 8 and get a massage and quickie, or even a massage and naked HJ. Is there such an option at, say, the Hyatt? While I won't be staying there I would be happy to go to their health center if there was any hope.

    Thanks for your insights! --Johnny

  3. #41

    I hit Bishkek and I hit it hard

    DirkDingy does Central Asia:

    The following two reports will chronicle my adventures in Central Asia—mainly, Bishkek (the capital of Kyrgyzstan), but also brief sojourns into Almaty and Dushanbe in Tajikistan. The first report will be an overall assessment of the general mongering climate while the second will be more of a nuts & bolts address type of thing. If you are not interested in reading Dirk’s drivel then you can skip the first post and take the info from the second one.

    Bishkek has two serious drawbacks to being a good mongering destination: 1) There are NO—well very few-- pretty girls in Kyrgyzstan and 2) It is not safe due to fairly rampant petty crime. Other negatives on Bishkek is that the people there are ignorantly dishonest—i.e., insisting that you pay $20 for a taxi ride while the local pays 70 Som and that they don’t like Westerners—but love your greenbacks—because of the behavior associated with the personnel at the Coalition Airbase. It’s also the most scariest place I have ever been in terms of motor vehicle travel…when the police motioned my driver to pull over he simply smiled and floored it…the police were either too lazy or too petrol deprived to give chase…that time..the previous time they opened fire on him from their moving personal cars. Lucky me. The traffic police don’t use govt issued vehicles as the country is too poor to provide such extravagances.

    I don’t give a rat’s ass what anyone says, not one picture anyone has posted—sorry Murhada—in the photo section portrays even a “cute” woman; only one or two are average. I found myself paying for sex in Bishkek with women I would not even approach totally inebriated at a dive bar in Wisconsin. The white girls are the ugliest group of x-commie broads that I have ever seen and the Asians are mediocre on a good day. Granted I’m not into Asian chicks per se, but a six foot tall yellow goddess with a body like Pamela could bear my children any day. But my visions of an oasis of bodacious Lucy Lues were destroyed after some time in Bishkek. I saw hotter asian broads from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan at Bacardi in Turkey than in Central Asia.
    I only saw one Oh My God Kyrgyz girl and three very good looking ones in Kyrgyzstan during the month I was there. I would love to say I saw a good looking Ruskie girl a day but in actuality I only saw one every three or four days. I didn’t see ONE girl in Bishkek that was better looking then my Romanian fiancée and steady Moldovan girlfriend. To add to the paucity of pussy, the girls of Bishkek have little taste or budget for fashion so they are normally dressed down. I saw a Ruskie girl that could easily have been an eight with a US Marine but was restrained to a high six because she lacked the traditional EE fashion acumen. This is not true of the girls in Almaty.

    In the streets you don’t see too many Slavs but when you step into any sort of shopping center, eaterie, disco, bar, or ngo they magically appear. You also will not find any white faces in uniform aside from the handful at the airport.

    Here’s why: Apparently there were tons more Slavs in Central Asia before the dissolution of the USSR, but after Soviet Union imploded there were encouraged to leave by both the Central Asian nations and mother Russia. A lot left for a time, but when many of them they realized that mother Russia’s economy wasn’t as successful as her propaganda machine they returned to their respective Stan. After, all they had been there for over 50 years. However, with the recent color and flower revolutions shit changed. The Tulip revolution in Kyrgyzstan saw any remaining Slavs of moderate to high means get the fuck outta dodge. The populist revolution kicked out most “foreigners” (not only Slavs but Pakis and [some] Turks as well. The Kyrgyz wanted Kyrgyzstan for themselves. Most “foreigners” got the message before the message got to them and extracted themselves. I’m all for people of color throwing off their colonial yoke from their racist imperialistic masters; however, like in South Africa and Zimbabwe, the racist colonists were exactly that but they were also the functionally competent accountants, administrators, and engineers that made the place run. Soviet trained professionals are normally shit and always overrated but they are better than nothing. So with the most recent revolution went not only the competent foreigners with (any sort of) money but also all white woman that could be considered marginally attractive or any with the means to flee. Many of the rich and attractive Kyrgyz, Turks, and Koreans also split. The result is a startling brain and good looking pussy drain in Bishkek


    Bishkek is true mongering anomaly because the nexus between out-and-out hooking, soft-prostitution/sponsorship, and regular girlfriend is blurred and frankly indistinguishable to a person of my limited intellectual capacity. I know what you are thinking…this is a common occurrence in emerging and developing markets…nah man, it’s fucking weird here…really really weird

    .**** I need to preface the following by explaining what kind of foreigners live in Bishkek, due to Manas AFB and a nice-sized Canadian mine there are a fair amount of Westerners in Bishkek. The American soldiers are confined to the base but there are hundreds of defense contractors and miners that are not. The American defense contractor—god bless his soul—is normally a fairly wretched creature. Take X-Sgt. Jim Bob from the trailer park of Alabama and X-Sgt. Tyrone from some urban ghetto, give them 75K-140K a year to blow, throw them into an environment where they make 50 to a 120 times the wage of the local and you can guess the outcome.****

    Bishkek is a really poor country, and most importantly, isolated country. There is no economy to speak of and all of the money in the country is either dirty, remittances, or grants from the West. The only way a woman can have anything remotely approaching a decent life is to get the fuck out—either on her own or by marrying a Russian airman. After 9/11 thousands of Westerners came to the country to staff Manas AB, the main support hub for ops in Afghanistan. In addition to the contractors at Manas, Bishkek seems to be the R&R destination of choice for many contractors stationed in Afghanistan. When you transit to Afghanistan you stop at Manas in Bishkek for 12-72 hours. On the way in you can’t leave the base; on the way out you can. Many OEF people said fuck Thailand and just made Bishkek their R&R location…Yellow pussy there yellow pussy here…why fork over the extra money for the flight to BGK.

    All of the girls in places like Golden Bull, Fire & Ice, Metro Pub and Heaven are hoes…I know that YOUR girl that you met there isn’t..she’s a good girl…really. If you are a Russian, Kyrgyz, or Korean Kyrgyz you pay them 50 bucks and you fuck them how you want to for the night. However, if you are a Westerner they are students who want to practice their English. If you offer them cash straight out they will act insulted and feign anger, but if you offer them a seat at your table they will drink whiskey, red bull, order a small feast, make out with you, take you home but not come in, and then you will meet them the next day at some insanely priced restaurant on Chui Prospect with a coterie of her friends, have ok sex that night, and the next day she will take you sight seeing. Guys with a half a brain on their heads will intimate that she is a sauna or circuit girl, but you will dismiss these frivolous accusations because she loves you and you her, you always fuck sans condom, and she is already playing the domestic house-wife with her plastic bags full of her worldly possession neatly arranged in your atrium. After a few months she convinces you to marry her and she lives happily ever after in Podunk, Mississippi.

    If she’s really lucky she convinces Bubba to rent an apartment in Bishkek on his leave from the KBR foodline at Bagram because its only $300 a month and it will give her and you more privacy when you see her three or four times a year. Of course it’s cheaper if you pay for it a year in advance. Before Bubba heads back to Taliban land he ties the knot at the Kyrgyz ministry and he, being the loving and caring husband that he is, sends his wife a small portion of his 86K a year via WU—which his bride oddly knows expertly how to use. She ain’t hot by any standard; But she ain’t fat like he is so Bubba is content. After the marriage the woman suddenly becomes an expert in fiancé and spouse visa requirements. Either she gets what she wants and becomes an American citizen or she finds out that you’re married back home and blackmails you to support her—and the child(ren) in the village that she never told you about—for life. The US Embassy does not look kindly on bigamy.

    The prostitutes of Kyrgyz have learned that it’s much more beneficial to pimp an idiotic sex starved Yankee long term then it is to take 100 bucks to suck and fuck him for a few hours. Better for her self-esteem too.

    “I don’t pay for sex, I pay her to leave after I have sex.” Chrarlie Sheen.

    I reached a few epiphanies in Bishkek. The first is that trying to demonstrate my intellectual superiority is often detrimental to my ultimate goals. Before Bishkek, I took delight in telling the EE women that were hoes that they were hoes and that I was smarter than other American idiots who were wining dining and walking hand-in-hand with a…gasp… prostitute. In my infinite wisdom I came to the realization that telling a prostitute what she is is bad for her self-esteem and detrimental to my sex life. Why not just act like a dumb American and say things like: “do you know of any apartments around here? I will be living her off and on for the next few years.” & “I don’t really know anyone here or any good places to eat and party at?” When I do discos I go big anyway so I’d normally let them share my bottle of booze, mixers, and fruit. I’d then act happy drunk, offer to share a taxi home, claim that I didn’t know where I was, and end up boinking her that night…for free. The next day when she would call I would say that I had already found an apartment and that I had a business dinner but could see her later that night. She would come over and I would fuck her..a prostitute..again for free. I’d then say that I had an early am wake up, kick her out, and go to the disco to get “schooled” by the next prostitute. The hooker would then “beep me” wanting to go the Four Seasons or the Italian joint but I’d tell her that I wasn’t feeling good enough to go out but offered to order room service. She’s come and I’d fuck. You get the picture. Eventually she might figure out that she wasn’t getting what she wanted from me and the calls and SMSs would terminate, but she never detected any nefarious motives of my part. The more mercenary/professional hoes cut off my free supply of pussy after two or three days but the amateurs extended to me a greater line of credit.

    By shutting my mouth I was able to still pussy from a prostitute, let her retain her self-esteem that she had lost in Dubai or Turkey, and be known around town as a nice guy. Righteous.

    I also learned something else about my failure to keep top quality girls in places like Moldova. I couldn’t figure out why I could date them for a week or two but after that the “I’m tired[s]” or “I’m busy[s]”, and unanswered phone calls became a frequent occurrence for me. Maybe the broads were just dumb…possibly racist…Well maybe, but it finally dawned on me (with more then a little help of Svetlana from Svetlana’s brides)…the reason why I couldn’t keep top-level EE women was because I was not giving them money. Fuck. I have been domiciled in EE, the Balkans, and the FSU for much of my working career and I never understood this. In the FSU and EE a man is expected to financially support a woman. Fullstop. If you are not paying her apartment, her tuition, her cell phone, and decking her out you will not get any play. What’s worse is that the jeunesse doiree in Bucharest—like my ex who was a PR specialist for a major western software firm making $1200 a month expected me to buy her name brands cloths, perfumes, jewelry, and weekend jaunts to WE capitals…so much for going Dutch with a newly liberated EE gal.

    I find it highly unlikely that if one is not either giving or spending (relatively) lots of money on women in places like Bishkek and Kishinev one will not retain top-quality broads.

    Bishkek is the only place that I have been where the prostitutes are uber-clingy. In most places, you meet a hooker or call a hoe, negotiate a price, get serviced, pay her, and send her on her way.

    Not in Bishkek.

    Almost all of the *****s I picked up, called, or banged in a sauna popped up at my hotel—often in my room thanks to the fucktard security at the Retro Metro—the next day. They all wanted to show me around, take me to the bazzar, or enjoy canards of the evening with me. At first I thought it was cute, but it soon became very annoying and slightly retarding to my efforts to maintain the facade of an upstanding development professional selflessly upgrading the infrastructure and civil society of the developing world. It got to the point where I was compelled to push the bounds of acceptable sexual behavior (for a Westerner) with the sex worker to entice her to bug off. Shit like: violently shoving my cock down her throat during felatio, jamming my finger up her ass during doggy, and forcing her to suck me off on her knees on the hard tile. Surprisingly, this did little to deter the women from stalking me.

    I originally wrote the bulk of this report in late Sep of this year but am just now posting it due to my idleness.

    Finally, to the brothas out there: You won’t notice a difference between your experiences and that of a white American’s. Almost all of the Americans there are making six figures working as defense contractors no matter what color their skin is. As a vet of EE, I can attest firsthand to the notions that those people have about black Americans—they are all poor and live in the ghetto. This really hampers your ability to get top-quality EE pussy. Don’t get me wrong, I do very well, but I have to work two-three times as hard as the white dude does. Even in places like Prague, an unmarried good looking white dude working for a multinational making six figures that it’s in great shape and under 30 can walk up to just about any girl he wants and say, “let’s go out tomorrow.” The girl won’t hesitate for a moment. Bishkek was one of the few places in EE (I guess it’s CA) where I felt that the playing field was largely level for pussy hunting. It’s just that I didn’t like that particular field much.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails HPIM0039.jpg‎   HPIM0114 (2).jpg‎  

  4. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Member #1453
    If so let us meet and exchange contacts. Lets arrange to meet at cafe after posting here.
    Hey, I'm the area. Thinking of going to Promzone or Golden Bull this evening. Reply back fast if I wanna meet.

  5. #39

    Anyone in Bishkek now?

    If so let us meet and exchange contacts. Lets arrange to meet at cafe after posting here.

  6. #38
    great report Archangel !

  7. #37

    Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan - Trip Report

    Gentlemen, this report is based on a 3-day business trip (Thursday to Sunday) I made to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan in May 2007. Although it was a brief visit and I had a pretty full work schedule, it was interesting and enjoyable, and I wish I could have stayed longer.

    The drive down from Almaty is very scenic. I had heard about the steppe looks, and how wide open the country is when you get out of the city, and was not disappointed. Although it was raining most of the way down, the brief glimpses of the mountains through the clouds and mist, the open expanse of land, and the hundreds of animals our grazing (horses, cattle, sheep and goats) was a welcome change from the hectic pace of the traffic and work in Almaty. The road is a modern highway, the border was easy to get across and took about 20 minutes, but you do need a visa. So, in 3.5 hours I was in Bishkek.

    Bishkek is the capital of Kyrgyzstan and remains a Soviet style city with the same identical, nondescript apartment buildings, streets, and parks. It’s much less developed that Almaty primarily due to the lack of oil, natural gas, or the other resources that Kazakhstan has. It has more of a run down, but comfortable feel to it. The positives are that it’s less expensive, there are fewer automobiles, it’s a slower pace, there are some very nice restaurants, bars and clubs, and it has a similar combination of beautiful women. It’s the same exotic mix of Central Asia that includes ethnic Chinese, Korean, Uzbek, Kyrgyz, and of course, Russians. A noticeable difference is that the women seemed less aloof and much more approachable here. They make and hold eye contact, smile more, flirt with you in restaurants, bars and clubs, and I met more that spoke English here than in Kazakhstan.

    I stayed at the Hyatt which is reported to be the best hotel in town, but I thought it was overpriced for what you get, and breakfast isn’t included in the room rate. However, after a late business-related dinner on Thursday evening (my first night in town), I ended up in a little bar across the street called the Metro. I was with on American friend that lives and works in Bishkek, and his Kyrgyz girlfriend. It was a rainy and cool night so we stopped in for a few beers, some vodka, and to chat. The Metro Bar is relatively small, but at 2130 it was packed with people, and many of them were very attractive women. There were a lot of eye contact, smiles, and several women even bought me shots of vodka and had them sent to our table. There was one absolutely gorgeous Central Asian woman that I finally decided to approach, but she only spoke Russian. Since I was working the next day, we decided to call it a night at 0200 in the morning.

    Friday was a work day, but I agreed to meet my friends later that night for dinner and to visit a club called Promzone, located in the Industrial Zone. It’s a dance club with a factory motif that has pipes running across the ceiling and around the walls. On Friday nights Promzone has live music that switches to recorded techno and disco when the band takes a break. It’s also full of beautiful women! It’s a young crowd, the music is loud, and it’s pretty smoky, but the scenery is just great. The women are mostly young ranging from early to late 20s, are well dressed, made-up, and in a mood to have fun. After several beers and a few shots of vodka, my friend’s girlfriend helped to hook me up with a 27-year old Uzbek named Gulnara who spoke a little English, and was ready to have some fun with a foreigner. Gulnara ordered a bottle of vodka to go, and we left the club around 0300 and took a taxi back to the Hyatt. The taxis are all fixed price for travel within the city at 70 Kyrgyzstanian Som (KGS), less that USD 2.00. They are very reliable, and I never had any problems.

    After having been on a pretty steady diet of Russian since I’ve been in Almaty, Gulnara’s darker features and complexion were a nice change to the white skin and dark red hair of Katia, the Russian sex bomb that I’ve been seeing in Almaty. Although a little shy at first, she quickly warmed up once we were back in the room. Of course, it may have been the rapid shots of vodka that she slammed, but once she was relaxed, we had a great time. She had a nice body, shaved kitty, and had excellent oral skills. She loved receiving oral, being rimmed, and was into multiple positions, including anal! She especially liked reverse cowgirl and remembering how her ass looked as she bounced up and down on my erect penis still makes me smile.

    In the morning we had another hour long session, took showers, and I invited her out for breakfast at a British-run restaurant called Fat Boys that’s about a 5-minute walk from the Hyatt. I was meeting a colleague to finish up some work so said goodbye to her after we had eaten. When I offered to pay her for staying with me, she seemed genuinely surprised and may even have been a little angry. I explained to her that she had made me very happy and that I just wanted to thank her for her time. She only asked me to pay for her taxi home. When I insisted that she take some money, she refused at first, but finally relented when I suggested that she go shopping and buy something nice for herself since I had to work. She gave me her mobile number and a kiss, and I gave her USD 50.00 and promised to ring her later. I didn’t really have a sense of what the prices were, but I was comfortable paying this rate since it seemed reasonable after the prices in Almaty.

    I wrapped up my work at around 1600, and went back to the Hyatt for some sleep. The plan was to meet my American friend and his girlfriend for dinner, then to hook-up with a male Kyrgyz friend of his that liked to party, knew all the clubs, and more importantly knew some nice women. He jokingly told me “that you can’t really say you’ve been somewhere, unless you sleep with a woman from there. So unless you sleep with a woman from Bishkek, you can’t really say you’ve been to Bishkek”. When I told him about the previous night, he said that an Uzbek didn’t count! So after a late dinner, several beers and shots of vodka, we ended up at a club called the Golden Bull around 2300.

    If you’re in Bishkek on a Saturday night, this is the place to let loose and roar! It is a wild place! The scene is a crowded, smoke filled club with a mix of loud dance music that includes techno, disco, and HipHop. It was full of women, and although not the same caliber as Promzone the night before, there were some beauties and a number of options. Within my first 5 minutes dancing, I was approached by several basically unattractive older Russian pros wearing too much makeup that were obviously on the game. When I ignored their initial advances, several grabbed my ass and crotch while dancing, and kept trying to drag me over to a booth off the dance floor. They also tried my friends with no success, but eventually found other takers and left with their prey.

    I was more preoccupied with the cute Central Asians and Russians that kept bumping into me while dancing, smiling and flirting, but who spoke no English.

    As the evening wore on, I had the option to take home 2 women, and although a combo would have been nice, one looked OK but her friend was very, very unattractive (and I’m being polite). In spite of hearing several times “me want foreign fuck you”, perhaps with more vodka and a blindfold I might have been able to manage, but waking up to her friend in the morning would have been painful. Since it was a package deal, I decided to give them a pass.

    All night long I had had my eye on this beautiful blond Central Asian with a cute face, great body, tight jeans and a sexy top that kept flirting with me. It was obvious she liked being the center of attention when she danced. I was just about to approach her but my newly found Kyrgyz friend explained to me that she was linked with the local mafia guy that owned/ran the club, and that it would be better to give her a pass. Enough said!

    We had agreed to leave by 0400, and around 0330 I ended up being approached by a women that turned out to be the older sister of a woman I had been flirting with all night. Her name was Oxana. She had shoulder length dark hair, a pretty face, and a nice body. She was wearing tight pants with a short top that showed her mid section and navel. She was a 30-year old Kyrgyz, originally from Bishkek, and spoke English very well. We danced a little, drank some vodka, chatted a little, and she agreed to come back to my hotel. In spite of being very tired, and with all the alcohol I had drank, it turned out to be a nice morning. Oxana was a pleasure to be with and turned out to really like sex. She had no hesitations about doing everything that I wanted her to do: oral, multiple positions, and anal. She didn’t even complain when I woke her up in the morning after only 2 hours of sleep, for another session. Even though she was hung over and sleepy, she still took care of business with a smile and a great attitude!

    Unfortunately, the car for the trip back to Almaty was leaving at 1030, so we got showered, and had breakfast at the hotel. Again, there was some back and forth about her not wanting any money from me, but I ended up giving her USD 50.00 “as a gift for the time we spent together, and not as a payment for her services”. She initially protested enough to save face, and seemed genuinely very happy with the way things worked out. I left Bishkek with a smile wishing that I could have spent more time there.

    On the way out of town I rang my friend to thank him for being such a great host and looking out for me the previous evening. He was still asleep but his Kyrgyz girlfriend wished me a safe journey and told me that I was always welcome at their place. She also reminded me that now I could truthfully say that I had been in Bishkek…

    Some general comments on the Golden Bull:

    Foreigners do not have to pay to enter the club and you’re noticed as soon as you walk in.

    We were a party of 4, and considering all the beer, vodka, juice and bottled water we drank, the bill came to less than USD 15.00.

    This was not your typical disco or club scene. Over the 5 hours I spent there, between the dancing there were several 15 – 20 minute breaks for a series of eclectic shows that included a male fire eater and sword/knife swallower, with a cute female assistant dressed in a red thong and white see through mesh pants. Next was a contest where woman from the audience wrapped their partners in toilet tissue to resemble mummies for prizes. This was followed by a 14-year old female gymnast that did a series of sexually provocative acrobatic contortions on a small table. Lastly, there were 2 different strippers from Butterfly, the local strip club (with the same mafia boss as the Golden Bull). Of course, the strippers were the best but had the shortest shows!

    Also, many people got very, very drunk, and things got pretty ugly as the night/morning wore on. On my last trip to the gents, there were several guys passed out on the floor under the urinals, and you had to step over them to take a [CodeWord140]. Guys were throwing up in the sinks, toilets and urinals, and it smelled horrible. I heard the scene was similar on the ladies side. I actually saw several people pass out on the dance floor. They were dragged off by their friends, who returned to keep drinking and dancing. By the time we left at 0400 there were a number of people that were passed out, sleeping in the booths, or slumped over on tables.

    Lastly, I have to mention that there were some pretty rough looking guys in the club that clearly had the swagger of former military or security personnel. My Kyrgyz colleague called them gangsters. I only saw one altercation but it was handled very quickly, very roughly, and both parties were tossed out. Not knowing the nuances of what’s what, what’s allowable, and what can get your ass kicked, it’s always helpful to have someone with you who knows what’s what and who’s who.

    EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here for more information.

  8. #36

    Any body can help me ?

    Through some fellows a very helpful and supportive person I got in Tashkent. He is a hotel owner and provides me visa and girls freindly lodging.

    Can any body help me providing a link, who have girls freindly hotel or apartment and should be able to arrange visa?

  9. #35


    After going through this thread, it seems that you are quite experienced about this particular zone. So I do hope, may be we may have some information about kyrgyz girls. I have visited from Thailand to HongKong, China. The sexual activities like CBJ, BBJ, Fire & Ice or different types of massages are very usual here. On middle of 2005 I have visited Tashkent, Uzbekistan, only for pure mongaring (see my report: ). The sexual activites I do have there only straight sex in various position. May be sex with two girls are available, but thats all.

    Do you have any experience for CBJ/BBJ or Fire & Ice with Kyrgiz girls?

    I have an inclination with Middle Asia. I will love to get another trip in Middle Asia only for mongering.

  10. #34

    Information about Bishkek

    Quote Originally Posted by Varrick
    Hi there,

    I'm now in Bishkek and there's plenty of nice girls around.

    I need some uptodate infos on places where I can meetlocal girls.

    I red many reports talking about Circus, where is it actually?

    And any good sauna to recommend for?

    Any little help will be greatly appreciated!
    Hello all,

    Are you serious Varrick?

    This your 8th "report"......for convenience I have compiled all previous 7 reports from you. They make for interesting reading!

    "Chun Xiu Lu Sauna

    Hi folks,

    I'm in Beijing and want to have some fun of course.

    I tried yesterday to go to Chun xiu Lu Sauna but albeit I found the street, actually I didnt find the sauna itself.

    I passed by the Red House Hotel but afterwards there was nothing similar to a Sauna.

    Will you please give m e the exact address or further informations h ow t o reach it?

    Any other useful sauna address will be warmly appreciated as well.

    Many thanks to everybody .

    Hi Hans Solo,
    I'll be in Cologne soon and I need some uptodate informations about Altsdat Team and Mary Schimmel
    Do you have any recent report about it and any girls you strong recommend?
    Does Chanel still work at Altsdat?
    And how can I get to Samya FKK by public transportation starting from Cologne Dom?
    Thank you very much for your cooperation!
    Enjoy your life.

    Hi Sonny,
    Can you tell me exactly how to get to Today's Country in Lokasari and the others places you mentioned in your very appreciated report?
    Are they nera Berlian and Kartyka in Kota district?
    Thank you very much for your kind help and enjoy your life.
    Hi folks,

    I'll be in Jakarta next june for the first time and as you may guess I need some advices to enjoy the nightlife.
    In details:
    - are there any Massage Parlours like in Bangkok?
    - have pick-up bars like Berlian rooms upstairs?
    - which are the best St hotels for price/location ratio?
    In general, which are the best places to pick-up girls: disco, bars or malls and the ongoing rate for a St or Lt?
    I read many reports about Hotel Melawai's 6th floor and 30 bar: which kind of establishment are they?
    Every little help wiil be greatly appreciated!
    Enjoy your life!

    B-Patrol pics
    Hi B-Patrol,
    Your blonde student is really gorgeous!
    Can you give me please her mobile and her friend's ( Alexandra ) too?
    Thanks a lot!

    Some fun
    Hi all gentlemen,
    I'll be in Bucharest for some days in early june and I'd like to have some fun with Romanian girls.
    Can you tell me please which are the best places ( disco s or clubs ) to pick up girls and where is exactly X Club? Is Herastrau Disco a good place for that purpose?
    Need some advices for mid range hotels in downtown.
    Thanks a lot

    Hello to everybody,
    I'm planning to visit Zimbabwe next year in march.
    I'd like to know how is the scene there, if there's some action and where exactly. I need especially uptodates informations and particularly which are the best places to find some girls to have fun with.
    Any additional information about prices,etc. will be greatly apporeciated!
    Thank you very much"

  11. #33


    Hi there,

    I'm now in Bishkek and there's plenty of nice girls around.

    I need some uptodate infos on places where I can meetlocal girls.

    I red many reports talking about Circus, where is it actually?

    And any good sauna to recommend for?

    Any little help will be greatly appreciated!

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by DirkDingy
    What is the breakdown of Russians to Central Asians in Bishkek?
    If you haven't found out in person yet - about 10% slavic, to 90% asian (mongol)....with an ever decreasing percentage of slavs...

  13. #31

    Major Abduction

    Major tells officials of mystery kidnap By LEILA SARALAYEVA, Associated Press Writer
    56 minutes ago

    A U.S. Air Force officer who went missing for three days says someone stuffed an object in her jeans pocket with a note saying it was bomb and telling her to go to a site in Bishkek, where kidnappers grabbed her, Kyrgyz authorities said Saturday.

    They said Maj. Jill Metzger reported feeling as if she were in a trance as she followed the instructions.

    U.S. officials said the 33-year-old officer was in "stable condition" after she turned up Friday night and had been moved to another American base in the region.

    Metzger disappeared Tuesday in Bishkek, capital of this former Soviet state in Central Asia, while shopping at the TsUM department store for souvenirs before a scheduled departure from the country on Friday.

    Her disappearance touched off an extensive search by Kyrgyz police and by U.S. military personnel, including 22 special agents.

    But no trace was found until late Friday when Metzger knocked on the door of a house in Kant, a town about 22 miles from Bishkek, and told its residents she had been abducted, Kyrgyz Deputy Interior Minister Omurbek Suvanaliyev said.

    Military officials said Metzger was a newlywed and had been scheduled to travel with her husband to Jamaica for a belated 10-day honeymoon in the Caribbean.

    Metzger told Kyrgyz police she had been abducted by three young men and a woman in a minibus and held in a rural area about 30 miles from the capital, Suvanaliyev told The Associated Press.

    Kemilbek Kiyazov, chief of the Chuysk regional police department, said, "Her first testimony was that when she split up with her group in the department store, someone put a hard object and a note saying it was an explosive in a back pocket of her jeans.

    "In the note there were also detailed instructions about where to go and what to do. Metzger says it was as if she were in a trance and fulfilling someone else's wishes."

    Kiyazov said the major reported that she was met by three men and a woman who put her into a vehicle, took her to a house and placed her in a dark room. He quoted her as saying she managed to escape after an abductor brought her food and she struck him.

    Kiyazov, who said he personally talked with Metzger, told AP that her blondish hair had been dyed dark brown and her hands were stained with dye. He said it would be necessary to question her again to get more details, "but Metzger said she really wanted to get a good sleep."

    Capt. Anna Carpenter, a spokeswoman at the U.S. air base at Bishkek's Manas airport, where Metzger had been temporarily stationed, said the major was in "stable condition."

    Metzger was taken several hours later to another base in the region, Carpenter said, but declined to say where. Manas is the only U.S. base in Kyrgyzstan.

    The Pentagon declined to comment and referred questions and calls to U.S. Central Command in Qatar.

    The U.S. Embassy said in a statement that "it now appears that Major Metzger had been abducted," but added she was safe and thanked Kyrgyz officials for their efforts.

    "We are elated to have Jill back with us," a military statement quoted the base commander, Col. Scott Reese, as saying.

    Metzger was serving a four-month stint with the 376th Air Expeditionary Wing at Manas, where the U.S. military has maintained a base since 2001 to support operations in nearby Afghanistan. She had been scheduled to return Friday to her regular post at Moody Air Force Base, Ga.

    Metzger's father-in-law, Kelly Mayo, said the major's husband, Air Force Capt. Joshua Mayo, was overjoyed when he was told Friday that his wife had been found.

    "I can't even describe it. He's just beside himself, just unbelievable joy," Mayo said.

    Mayo's account of Metzger' recovery differed from Kyrgyz officials.

    He told AP in Colorado Springs, Colo., that the Air Force's Office of Special Investigations had said Metzger was found on the side of the road with her head shaven. He also indicated she had been kidnapped and beaten.

    "I know she's coherent, and whoever had her let her go," Mayo said. "We've got her back. Praise the Lord."

    Metzger also phoned her parents in Henderson, N.C., early Saturday to let them know she was safe, The News & Observer newspaper of Raleigh reported in its Sunday editions. Her parents said the call left a number of questions about her disappearance, and they still did not know why she vanished, where she was during her ordeal or how she got back.

    "She kept saying, "I'm fine, I'm OK, I'm OK," her mother, Jeanette Metzger, told the newspaper.

    John Metzger, a retired Air Force colonel, said his daughter seemed to be in shock.

    "Her tone of voice at the beginning was kind of distant, I would say, and then all of a sudden, I heard the old Jill come back," he said.


    Associated Press writers Mike Baker in Raleigh, N.C., and Steve Gutterman and

  14. #30

    Female US Army Captain 'disappeared' in Tzum department store while shopping!

    some ex-kgb pervert was probably hiding behind one of
    their old secret passageway doors in the tzum peeping at
    her, and he must have decided to chloroform her and drag
    her into his torture dungeon for a little bit of "french

    just like those good old days.

  15. #29

    Breakdown of Russians to Central Asians

    What is the breakdown of Russians to Central Asians in Bishkek?

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