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Thread: The Mansion Incident #2

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  1. #24

    Actually, Code Pinker is absolutely correct in his evaluations of the situation in Medellin in terms of the way tourists need to behave in order to avoid trouble. The people who visit Medellin need to understand that Medellin IS NOT a large, diverse city at all, but is in fact a small world run by a select few who all know each other and only hang around and socialize with people of their social/economic level, and all this takes place in and around Poblado. These people do not want the scum of their society being strutted around by a bunch of low-rent sex tourists in THEIR high end socializing zone. Even worse, they do not want a non-discreet sex-tourist frat-house operating out in the open in THEIR high end neighborhood, in front of their children, wives, and extended families. Code Pinker is correct in that Medellin is essentially an armed fiefdom controlled by a select few of former / current narcotraficantes / businessmen who are not to be disrespected.

    This does not go to say that gringos cannot or should not visit Medellin; when proper discretion is taken, Medellin can be a safe, interesting and fulfilling sport-fucking destination. Examples of this discretion would be fucking a Mayorista or 53rd girl on those premises or within the privacy of your apartment, they should not be taken out to the bars/restuarants/clubs of Parque Lleras or Las Palmas. The upper classes of Medellin are not bothered by Americans that speak Spanish in Medellin who come to enjoy the weather, culture, and pussy, those who are respectful, discreet, and actually have something to add to the place through their presence. However, if lowlife, no-nothing weekend sex tourists disrespect the Poblado crowd enough, Medellin could become a dangerous place for all gringos, which would be a shame.

    On another note, I just cannot fucking believe that the Mansion did not have several heavily armed guards on the premises at all times prior to this incident. I have been to Medellin several times in the past year and at both times stayed in apartments in Poblado that had a minimum of two armed guards on duty at all times, 24/7. One or two would typically stay in the front office while the other would patrol the grounds. These apartment complexes were not filled with cash-laden gringos, just regular Poblado citizens. Considering who was inhabiting the mansion, the staff should have had well-armed security in place at all times, and protection agreements with the police and/or paramilitaries. The mansion staff failed their clients by not providing this type of security, which is provided at every single hotel and apartment building in Poblado.


    Rock Harders

    EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here for more information.

  2. #23
    To simplify:

    Evaluation of safety at the mansion = poor.

  3. #22

    Code Pinker Distraction

    This distraction with Code Pinker’s rants and raves does us all a disservice. The incident at the Mansion is as serious as cancer. Other than the acknowledgment of the robbery and the sketchy details, we don’t know what happened. Knowledge is power and we need to know the details in order to evaluate the safety at the Mansion. More importantly, what measures have been taken by Greg and his partners to insure, to the greatest extent possible, that this will type of event will not be repeated in the future. And, what was done for those guests that lost their personal property, money, and PASSPORTS?

    Now is the time for some answers without the distraction generated by this gnat who calls himself Code Pink a/k/a Code Pinker.

  4. #21

    Really, I was more worried when Uncle Ted walked into my room naked and I looked up to see him, I throught they had come back to fuck me up the ars!!

    He had to cut me loose.

    Aussie Greg.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jak
    Hi Greg,

    Were you at home when it happened?

  5. #20
    There are a number of complete idiots on here who just do not understand how Colombia works. There is no "law and order" in Colombia like in the United States. Things work here through a process of what the people who control things want. If someone high up wants something done they will just have criminals do it with the consent of the police, the politicians or whoever else is needed.

    We do not know exactly what happened at the mansion. However, it looks to me like it was a very clear "message". Word on the street is the thieves did not even wear masks and left fingerprints everywhere. They were very very confident in that they were doing. They knew no one is going to catch them.

    Do you idiots know there are at least 6 other security guards in the buildings around the mansion? All of them are armed and have walkie-talkies. Their walkie-talkies are linked with the police. If one makes a call the police will respond in less than 3 minutes. The mansion is very close to a police depot.

    So a group of three criminals somehow knew they could do a home invasion in one of the most secure areas of the country without concerns of hiding their faces and they knew they could spend over 30 minutes inside the house without worry someone would call the police. The police in Medellin ride with two cops on a motorcycle. The cop on the back carries an M16 or a fully automatic Uzi. The response time to the mansion would be about 3 minutes. They shoot criminals dead without any fear of lawsuits. There are no Rodney Kings in Colombia. In fact, often criminals are beat to death by angry mobs and no one is ever prosecuted when this happens. Remember this is not the United States in any way. Remember where you are.

    I am going to have to try and dumb down the conversation a bit in hopes some of the stupider people here get the message. Did you guys ever watch the Sopranos? Remember Tony? He was the big Italian mafia guy. I am going to use this analogy so even the stupidest of posters will be able to understand what I am saying.

    Now, if you were a robber would you want to go to Tony’s house? I bet you would not! You would want an easy target. Robbing Tony would be a bad, baaaaad thing. You would probably get killed. If you made Tony really mad he might even kill some of your friends. Bad! Do you understand this? Bad!

    In Poblado there are people who make Tony look like a joke. In fact Tony would probably say "you don’t want to fuck with those guys in Poblado". This is where the most violent drug traffickers in the world live. These people could order every gringo in the mansion dead with one single phone call and it would be done with approval of the police. Ring ring. Kill them all. It is that simple.

    So these criminals knew EXACTLY where they were going. They knew EXACTLY who they were robbing. There is no room for error when you do a home invasion in Poblado. I do not think there has ever been a home invasion in Poblado before this. It is just too dangerous for the criminals. These guys knew Tony was not going to be inside the mansion. They knew it was a bunch of stupid gringos. They knew no one was going to call the police on them.

    There was a time when some of these drug guys kidnapped American DEA agents and tortured them to death. They actually used medical doctors to keep them alive as long as possible so they could torture them longer. This was done as a "message" to anyone who was fucking with them. Remember, a "message" is very important in Colombia.

    Another fine resident of Poblado was known as the "shoe maker". He use to take people he did not like and make them stand in a box of cement until the it became hard. He would listen to them beg for their lives while the cement was drying. He would then toss them off a bridge into a river.

    Now, these guys do not give a shit about gringos. If you leave them alone they have absolutely no interest in you. But they are here. They are living in Poblado. You might even have bumped into one of them at one time. They tend not to look like criminals like in the United States. They usually do not have a bunch of tattoes or stupid indicators of what they do.

    On Sunday they go to Church with their mother and wife. Their children all go to private school and speak English. Remember the Sopranos? Tony often was in contact with the Church. The big mafia types always keep an pleasant outside appearance. I hate using movie references but most of you guys are too stupid to understand anything else so I am explaining this as slowly as possible.

    Now one day mommy calls up her mafia son and says "these dumb gringos are turning Medellin into a *****house". The son thinks silently "but I love those *****s to! " but tells mommy "I will look into this". Now he does not want to kill all the gringos. He just wants mommy happy. He likes hookers as much as we do but he knows not to make a public display of his hookers. He goes to Church every Sunday with his wife and family while keeping his hookers secret. That is how it is done unless you are a stupid Walmart Gringo.

    So mafia son decides he is going to send a message to all the gringos. Allow me to interpret this message because most of you are not reading it.

    Here is what he said:

    I can go to exactly where you are. I can take your leader and put a gun in his face. I can kill you if I want. No one is going to call the police on me. I am going to take all your belongings. I have your passports (that is clearly a way to intiminate you clowns). I can do whatever I want. Remember where the fuck you are.

    Do you idiots understand the message now? People in Medellin are tired of you idiots. No one wants to see you and your ghetto trash walking around Parque Llerras. And it looks very clearly you have finally pissed off someone who is going to send a message. If you do not listen to this message then the next time it will be worse. Far, far, far worse.

    So what can we do? Obviously there are always going to be Walmart Gringos who just cannot understand what is being said. We need to send the Walmart Gringos a very strong message. We need to tell them to stop fucking around in our city. When you see one with his ghetto girl just walk right up to him and get in his face. If needed give him a good punch in the head so he will understand. I do not like advocating violence but most of these guys are too stupid to understand anything else.

    Also, I look at this as "self defence". Medellin could very easly become a very dangerous place for gringos if these idiots continue to offend the wrong people. We may all become targets for thieves because of the actions of the Walmart Gringos.

    Word on the street is these guys got over $30, 000. 00 dollars from the mansion. That is like 10 years salary for a Colombian. Right now every criminal is talking saying "man those gringos all have bags of cash on hand. " They know none of you idiots have guns. So it looks like the Colombian criminals just discovered how easy it is to make in their minds a fortune. Who do we have to thank for all of this? Walmart Gringos!

    Greg, I hope you read this. I have stayed at your place in the past and would like to stay there again. However, you really need to come to grips with the people who are staying there. I do not want to see you have more problems. Listen to the message very clearly. People are tired of the Walmart Gringos in Poblado. I suggest you raise your prices a lot so these guys will all go to another area. No one is going to care if they are parading around with their ghetto trash in a shithole like Laureles. But Poblado is Poblado. It is the best Colombia has to offer and the people here are taking notice.

    I love Colombia. I have never felt in danger here. It is in fact very safe if you understand how the system works. I hope no one reads this post and decides not to come here. But we are guests in their country and need to act as they do if we want to continue here. Colombians do not care about prostitution. The supreme court here has already ruled it is perfectly legal. However, Colombians are very sensitive to how the world sees them since they have had such a bad reputation in the past which they want to change. Making a spectical of Medellin is something the Colombians do not want. They do not mind if you enjoy their hookers like they do but you have to understand they would never be seen dead in public with a street *****.

    Everyone here has been put on notice.

    Listen to the message before you fuck it all up.

  6. #19

    Private playground in Colombia.

    This report was deleted pursuant to the restrictions in the Colombia Forum prohibiting negative posts, said restriction being necessary to thwart the Serial Antagonists who would seek to destroy this forum as part of their strategy to dissuade anyone from visiting what they consider their private playground in Colombia.

    "Code Pinker"

    I think every gringo in Medellin should go out tonight and punch a Walmart Gringo in the face. When you see one walking around Parque Lleras with his ghetto hooker just walk over and sucker punch the retard. You idiots are fucking up Medellin for the rest of us! Go the fuck back to Walmart where you belong and stay the fuck out of my city!

    This isn't your city? Unless you were born here? Or unless your colombian and have lived here many years? Just becuase you purchased an overpriced penthouse from a "scamming gringo agency" doesn't mean its your city!

    Its a real pity what happend to the mansion, it is. Its nobody's fault. What were people really thinking, ITS Colombia this shit happens. If you actually pick up a newspaper and read come articles you will find lots of stuff, killings, theft ect. Ovido mall last year saw lots of cars being broken into or stolen in ovido! To think that you can come to Colombia in pure safety, wake up this is the third world. Yes poblado has alot of security, and many wealthy people but crime is still here and it will continue.

    The same enviorment that allows us to sleep with beautyfull women on a daily basis is the same reason why the mansion got robbed, lots of people without jobs, or the hope of ever getting a job. They have no money and still they see all this money around them in poblado, its why some girls ride a bus 45 mins or jump in a taxi 4-5 heads deep to reach the mansion in the hopes of earning 150K in a few hours (weeks worth of work if your lucky to work). What amazes me is people are actually suprised!

    Blaming this on M-street girls, is silly but "code pinker" however enjoyfull his posts are, is dead wrong again. Most prepagos in Medellin are from the barrio, trust me I met a chica a few days ago, the type of girl code pinker would pay thousands of dollars for she lives in centrol not poblado, parties on 33rd and 80th not park illares. Now she does spend alot of money on clothes and shit, anywaz back to my point. If she is selling her body its becuase she doesn't have anymoney, regardless of how much you pay becarefull you can still be robbed, and many of the high class girls guys pay ashit load of money are girls the go for 100K when they have to trust me!

    Don't let this stuff scare you away from Medellin, come vist my city! LOL

  7. #18

    The Mansion Robbery

    Was there last week, and had a wonderful time as always staying in my favorite room 11. Hey Greg, have you thought about the possibility that Isias was behind it....I heard that he was camping out at the Castillo the week before, trying to collect some money that he thought he was owed.

    Thanks for another great time!


  8. #17

    To his Highness the Grande Duke of Medellin

    Quote Originally Posted by Code Pinker
    I think every gringo in Medellin should go out tonight and punch a Walmart Gringo in the face. When you see one walking around Parque Lleras with his ghetto hooker just walk over and sucker punch the retard. You idiots are fucking up Medellin for the rest of us! Go the fuck back to Walmart where you belong and stay the fuck out of my city!
    What ever you say Sir, whatever you say.

    You are only making fool of yourself from your very first post.

    Or are you posting nonsense again with a different handle?

  9. #16
    How come 'Code Pinker' shows 1 report?

    Do comedians get some type of special post count?

    Jesus, Wal-mart 'mongers' at the mansion. It would take a years salary, computer savy, social skills, and knowledge of how to get to and from the airport to make it to the mansion. The middle aged guys who work at wal-mart are semi-retarted. Almost every guy I have met at the mansion is a self employed businessman, or a pilot, or a semi-retired middle aged divorced guy traveling around the world enjoying himself. Sure, I have met a few nerds and social rejects (not just at the mansion) and certainly had a few "whatthefuck! " moments watching these guys, but they are the exception not the rule. Mongering requires knowledge, a certain personality type, money, free time, social skills, and a personal sense of self confidence to do it correctly. Most guys without these required things don't, can't choose this lifestyle. Sure, a few try, but they usually quickly become diss-allusioned and stop.

    Whatever Pinker's anger is at the other american travelers, I suspect it has little to do with Wal-mart and more to do with his inability to score anything decent without huge outlays of cash.

  10. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Code Pinker
    The mansion robbery was an inside job. There is no way it was a random act. Anyone who thinks otherwise does not know anything about Medellin.

    I think every gringo in Medellin should go out tonight and punch a Walmart Gringo in the face. When you see one walking around Parque Lleras with his ghetto hooker just walk over and sucker punch the retard. You idiots are fucking up Medellin for the rest of us! Go the fuck back to Walmart where you belong and stay the fuck out of my city!

    EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here for more information.
    Code Pink,

    Not to be argumentative, but what is the purpose of your post? Yes we know there are wal-mart gringos (a term I still like) and yes we know there are guys in Medellin that don't like gringos, with all that said, what is the purpose of your post? Are you saying a) no one should stay at the mansion because it's not safe? 2) the mansion should get an alarm system? 3) greg should find another vocation because his days are numbered 4) greg should have a mafia appreciation days so the mafia folks will back him up?

    What you have stated in your post (I. E. An inside job), I and others have already figured out (indeed greg has confirmed as much with respect to the inside job) so I'm not sure what you have added to the conversation except for more conjecture.

    I guess my point is, the Mansion got robbed that is a fact, what is also a fact is that is that it got robbed because 1) security was lax and 2) there was valuable shit in there. A point which would appear to contradict your wal-mart premise (I. E. Laptops, cameras etc, Put another way if only Wal-mart gringos were in the Mansion would you not agree that there would be nothing to rob?

    I think the reality is less sexy and goes something like this. Poor girls go into the mansion, sees the valuable stuff and recognizes that a "toy cop" for a security guard isn't going to be a problem. Gets another poor guy-friend and comes back when most folks are out drinking and partying and execute their plan with little resistance.

    I'm all for you taking shots a the so-called "Wal-mart" gringos and you are entitled as I am to an opinion, but to try and use this horrible episode as a forum to continue launching your attacks is in my opinion, at best a stretch and at worst in very poor taste and certainly not as funny as your earlier post when you were simply making an obsevation.


  11. #14


    Why is it Admin. Continues to let this coward "Code Punk", trash the Gringo's on here?

    This guy has serious issues, almost obsessed with hatred towards us, I'm beginning to think one of us stole his woman from him maybe. So easy to trash talk there behind your monitor is'nt it pink? And, no you wouldn't!

  12. #13
    I will say one thing. Most hotels have a private security company and installed silent alarm panic buttons. These guys come on motos and are there in a minute (don't know about the Police being there in two minutes). What happens after they arrive and see robbers with guns is beyond me but I guess it could get ugly fast. This might be a good idea for Greg to look into though.

    Also, I don't know if the police gave a green light to rob the Mansion. This is highly speculative IMHO. I do think that parts of Poblado are "secured" by paras and it might be pretty dangerous for petty thieves to invade their area.

    Greg, do you get street-taxed (pay protection money) where you are? I guess that would be my question.

    Quote Originally Posted by Code Pinker
    The mansion robbery was an inside job. There is no way it was a random act. Anyone who thinks otherwise does not know anything about Medellin.

    First, the mansion is in a very secure part of Poblado. No robber is going to go into that area without knowing exactly who and what they are robbing. If some thief was to go into the "wrong" house they would end up dead quickly. Or if they went into the "really wrong" house their entire family would end up dead quickly. Poblado probably has more hardcore mafia players living in it then any other place in the world. Not only are the mafia guys living in Poblado but so are their mothers and families. Before doing any type of home invasion in Poblado you better know exactly where you are hitting.

    Next, these robbers took the time to tie everyone up and go room to room getting laptops and other things. The police in Poblado could have responded to a call at the mansion in less than 2 minutes. These robbers were very confident in that they were doing. So they somehow knew that no one at the mansion knew how to call the police and that there was no automatic alarm system. Or, perhaps they knew that the police were not going to respond. If it is the later then you can bet the police or someone important have already targetted the mansion. If the mansion has been targetted then it's days are numbered. This will not be the last robbery. Indeed, this will be the "warning" for something much worse to happen if the mansion does not get it's act togther.

    This was absolutely a planned robbery by professionals. More than likely it was done by some paracos. It is the paracos that guard Majorista so they clearly know about the mansion given the Walmart Gringos love Majorista so much. The paracos probably contacted the local police in Poblado and got the green light to do this robbery. If that is the case then the police have decided the mansion has to go. This is how things work in Colombia.

    It has been said before, and it needs to be said again and again. The problem here is not that the mansion has hookers in it. That is perfectly permitable in Colombia. The problem here is the LOWLIFE gringos who are staying in places like the mansion. These losers think they are so smart because they can find some drugged out street girl for $20. However, what you idiots bring with your little sweethearts is the lowest of the low in Medellin.

    It was only a matter of time until something like this happened. As I understand it the robbers got many thousand of dollars in computer equipment, cameras, cash and a shitload of other things. These guys are all up in the barrio right now bragging to other thieves about how they cleaned out these stupid gringos. Most Colombians make minimal wage which is around $300 a month. These guys scored a couple years salary in an hours work. There WILL be more coming once the word gets out.

    Medellin is going to quickly become very dangerous for gringos once all the robbers know how easy it is to score big time with these idiots. And who do we have to thank for our new status? Of course the answer very clearly is the Walmart Gringos. You idiots thought you were so smart finding ghetto girls but now the ghetto shit you attracted is going to hunt you fuckers down.

    I think every gringo in Medellin should go out tonight and punch a Walmart Gringo in the face. When you see one walking around Parque Lleras with his ghetto hooker just walk over and sucker punch the retard. You idiots are fucking up Medellin for the rest of us! Go the fuck back to Walmart where you belong and stay the fuck out of my city!

    EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here for more information.

  13. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie Greg
    it was a guy and a girl and after they got inside they pulled there guns on him
    Quote Originally Posted by Code Pinker
    This was absolutely a planned robbery by professionals. More than likely it was done by some paracos. It is the paracos that guard Majorista so they clearly know about the mansion
    One of these is not like the others.

    When someone who was there can attest to the exact number of intruders, we should have a better idea of what went down.

    Both explanations can be perfectly plausible.

    I find it hard to believe one guy and one girl had that kind of pull that they were given a big okey dokey by the cops to hit the MM.

    Conversely, for only two amateurs, they did seem awfully well versed at what to do to get the guests tied up and goods collected in a timely manner.

    I find it also somewhat hard to believe that there was no alarms tripped?

    We shall see what the future holds.

  14. #11

    Well Code Pinker tell us how you REALLY feel....

    Quote Originally Posted by Code Pinker
    The mansion robbery was an inside job. There is no way it was a random act. Anyone who thinks otherwise does not know anything about Medellin.

    First, the mansion is in a very secure part of Poblado. No robber is going to go into that area without knowing exactly who and what they are robbing. If some thief was to go into the "wrong" house they would end up dead quickly. Or if they went into the "really wrong" house their entire family would end up dead quickly. Poblado probably has more hardcore mafia players living in it then any other place in the world. Not only are the mafia guys living in Poblado but so are their mothers and families. Before doing any type of home invasion in Poblado you better know exactly where you are hitting.

    Next, these robbers took the time to tie everyone up and go room to room getting laptops and other things. The police in Poblado could have responded to a call at the mansion in less than 2 minutes. These robbers were very confident in that they were doing. So they somehow knew that no one at the mansion knew how to call the police and that there was no automatic alarm system. Or, perhaps they knew that the police were not going to respond. If it is the later then you can bet the police or someone important have already targetted the mansion. If the mansion has been targetted then it's days are numbered. This will not be the last robbery. Indeed, this will be the "warning" for something much worse to happen if the mansion does not get it's act togther.

    This was absolutely a planned robbery by professionals. More than likely it was done by some paracos. It is the paracos that guard Majorista so they clearly know about the mansion given the Walmart Gringos love Majorista so much. The paracos probably contacted the local police in Poblado and got the green light to do this robbery. If that is the case then the police have decided the mansion has to go. This is how things work in Colombia.

    It has been said before, and it needs to be said again and again. The problem here is not that the mansion has hookers in it. That is perfectly permitable in Colombia. The problem here is the LOWLIFE gringos who are staying in places like the mansion. These losers think they are so smart because they can find some drugged out street girl for $20. However, what you idiots bring with your little sweethearts is the lowest of the low in Medellin.

    It was only a matter of time until something like this happened. As I understand it the robbers got many thousand of dollars in computer equipment, cameras, cash and a shitload of other things. These guys are all up in the barrio right now bragging to other thieves about how they cleaned out these stupid gringos. Most Colombians make minimal wage which is around $300 a month. These guys scored a couple years salary in an hours work. There WILL be more coming once the word gets out.

    Medellin is going to quickly become very dangerous for gringos once all the robbers know how easy it is to score big time with these idiots. And who do we have to thank for our new status? Of course the answer very clearly is the Walmart Gringos. You idiots thought you were so smart finding ghetto girls but now the ghetto shit you attracted is going to hunt you fuckers down.

    I think every gringo in Medellin should go out tonight and punch a Walmart Gringo in the face. When you see one walking around Parque Lleras with his ghetto hooker just walk over and sucker punch the retard. You idiots are fucking up Medellin for the rest of us! Go the fuck back to Walmart where you belong and stay the fuck out of my city!

    EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here for more information.
    Well I don't think there is any dispute that it was an inside job. If they got away with as much as they did. I hope that the victims are ok and got home safely. I would LOVE to hear a first hand account from someone who was there. But as far as these "Wal-Mart" gringos dude there is no way to totally avoid them in ANY country.

  15. #10

    At Home?

    Hi Greg,

    Were you at home when it happened?

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