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02-21-13, 15:34
what? surely you are joking fruitn? you cannot find anything about it?

what planet are you on?

just put l-arginine into google and follow the links.

it is not a drug by the way.

it is one of the body's essential 22 amino acids, so it is classified as a vitamin.

it is not water-soluble therefore the excess does not easily get secreted through the waste channels, particularly the [CodeWord109] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord109).

it is nothing like viagra or cialis or even robust (although robust contains some l-arginine). i suggest using it with some care.i was looking for more information than a 1999 study involving 50 men. great thing is it works from everything from heart disease to anal fissures.

it's rough here on pluto ever since we had our classification changed.

are we in a bad mood?


02-21-13, 20:49
I will be arriving on May 1 this year and was wondering on a couple things. I hope all of you senior members can help. Actually it is 2 completley different requests.

First I luv the tiny titty girls, the smaller the better. I have a a few DIA girls but so far they seem a little flaky. Which bar ih your humble opinions have the smallest girls?

Second, I have a fetish for lactating girls. Do any of you know where I might be able to find me a lactating Pinay? I would luv to have me a girl for a few days.

Hope you all can help.

Pip Jaeger
02-22-13, 01:07
watch a pinoy with a remote in front of a tv movie on cinemax or hbo. they will drop straight into a movie, watch for 5 mins, go to a 2nd movie, watch a bit of it and then 10 mins later go back to the first one and watch it as though they understand what is going on.you've hit nail on the head rk, but you forgot to mention the flip side of the coin. like when they tune into one of those corny dramas on 'cinema one' and become enraptured to a point of paralysis. time stops and everything around them becomes meaningless. food cooking on the stove can boil over; burning cigarettes can fall from the ashtray and mar the coffee table; screaming kids get completely tuned out; ringing cell phones are disregarded; the list of ignored distractions goes on and on. but what's really comical is when there's a commercial. they've been holding it for so long they try run into the cr to [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134). however, it looks more like they're a stumbling drunken sailor because they've sat tensed up and motionless their legs have fallen asleep.

of course there's those cheesy horror flicks too! at least with them you see some movement, usually in the form of shrieks, gasps, outright screams and, unsurprisingly, when they move their hands to cover their eyes during the "gross" parts of the movie. but naturally the house could fall down around them and they'll still keep their eyes glued to the tv screen.

and all the while you are sitting at the café, looking at your watch every two minutes and wondering where the f*ck she is as well as why she has not responded to your text. so the next time your flavor of the day is late, ask her if she got caught up in movie on cinema one and then watch her reaction, lol.

Pip Jaeger
02-22-13, 01:35
First I luv the tiny titty girls, the smaller the better. Which bar in your humble opinions have the smallest girls?

Second, I have a fetish for lactating girls. Do any of you know where I might be able to find me a lactating Pinay? I would luv to have me a girl for a few days.

Hope you all can help.Finding flat chested girls here won't be a problem. Where many of us are disappointed when girls here remove their overly padded bras to find what we thought were B plus cups and they are in fact A minuses you'll be delighted. You'll think you've landed in carpenter's heaven; 'flat as a board and easy to nail' (for you guys who don't know the punch line).

Finding lactating girls is a different story; hit and miss. You may have better luck in AC due to the volume of girls there; many of whom are preggo or have recently given birth. Just ask around in some of the bars or ask any girls you meet if they have a gf who might be able to fulfill your desire. Unfortunately DIA does not have a keyword search feature, but FC does so you might try searching there.

I don't do the bar scene in metro Manila, but perhaps another member here knows of a 'milk bar'?

02-22-13, 02:24
She agreed to watch Lincoln starting at 1:15pm. She must have been thinking it was afun cartoon movia bcs as about 10min into the movie she is sleeping. She wakes up asking if we can leave.A 1:15 showing of "Lincoln" must've been an empty theatre. Should've given her something fun to do by pulling out your cock.

Too bad it wasn't 1982 and you were watching "Diner", http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vujNcE_43Qg . You both would've been inspired.

Cunning Stunt
02-22-13, 03:20
I will be arriving on May 1 this year and was wondering on a couple things. I hope all of you senior members can help. Actually it is 2 completley different requests.

First I luv the tiny titty girls, the smaller the better. I have a a few DIA girls but so far they seem a little flaky. Which bar ih your humble opinions have the smallest girls?

Second, I have a fetish for lactating girls. Do any of you know where I might be able to find me a lactating Pinay? I would luv to have me a girl for a few days.

Hope you all can help.Lactating, tiny girls. Hmmm. Could try Manila Midgets Maternity Clinic.

Seriously, lots of tiny titted girls here so you will be spoilt for choice. But for a lactating girl, I would go to MBC, buy a drink for one of the hoary old regulars that hang about in there, tell her what you want and offer her a small tip (P200 should be enough) if she can come up with the goods. If there is a milkmaid in there, she will sniff her out. Often get new mums in there looking to get the money to buy formula.

Cunning Stunt
02-22-13, 03:25
And all the while you are sitting at the café, looking at your watch every two minutes and wondering where the f*ck she is as well as why she has not responded to your text. So the next time your flavor of the day is late, ask her if she got caught up in movie on Cinema One and then watch her reaction, LOL.Even worse are these mindless lunchtime quiz / variety shows such as Eat Bulaga. Most of the nation seem to be addicted to them so if you have a midday assignation and wondering why she is over an hour late, it is probably because she is a Bulagan addict!

02-22-13, 10:56
When in the mood for some Vitamin DD's. I just ask the girls in the bar. There is ALWAYS a girl who has recently (enough) popped out a newborn. Don't settle on the first one. Find a girl who is reasonably healthy, non smoker and preferably new to the bar game. Breast milk isn't all that clean. So you do need to take precautions.

I will be arriving on May 1 this year and was wondering on a couple things. I hope all of you senior members can help. Actually it is 2 completley different requests.

First I luv the tiny titty girls, the smaller the better. I have a a few DIA girls but so far they seem a little flaky. Which bar ih your humble opinions have the smallest girls?

Second, I have a fetish for lactating girls. Do any of you know where I might be able to find me a lactating Pinay? I would luv to have me a girl for a few days.

Hope you all can help.

Member #4387
02-22-13, 13:53
A 1:15 showing of "Lincoln" must've been an empty theatre. Should've given her something fun to do by pulling out your cock.

Too bad it wasn't 1982 and you were watching "Diner", http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vujNcE_43Qg. You both would've been inspired.Haha. Yes it was maby 10 people all together. Mostly people much older than Lincoln himself. Damn I did not think of that one.

Member #4387
02-22-13, 15:06
wow what a day. started at riviera mansion (rm) paying last night insomnia girl to leave (my original yesterday 10pm date was so deleyed that at midnight i called it off). great spinner i in some unbelievable way have managed to pick or sth. i was so shitfaced so i don't remember the details in how i ran into her. her name was raquel and claimed to be 26yrs old. she had a nice and slim body and even if i don't remember anything about approaching back to the rm i remember at one point during the early hours i woke up between her legs with my tounge working her ass and pussy. up until my nice waking up i have no idea if i had done her or notm my junior gave mixed signals and my head hurted like crazy so did not give it to much thought. went to sleep.

woke up of her getting ready to leave. had a boner so talked her into mabe the first or the second fs. paid her 2000 which she seemed fine with.

anyway the clock was running fast and hitting soon 12 i had a little quezon city counsil worker from filipino cupid waiting in quezon city. the hotel arranged one car for me which would take me to the pickuppoint in quezon and heading from there to makati ascott glorietta. for once i had to text and saying i would be late not going to make the 1o'clock pickup. the streets were litterarly flooding and traffic was not moving. made pick up at around 2pm very hangovered.

this little spinner 4. 11 height and 38kg was cute as hell. she had skipped her work early blaiming she was not feeling well and was not so happy for my delay. i felt no remorse after my wait last night and on the behalf of the rest of the mostly latecoming pinaycrowd. probably not fair towards her but this was only going on in my hurting head. this girl claimed she had never been to makati and was afraid of travelling alone. she was on my "must do her list" so this is the reason going through all this hazzle to get to nail her.

entered reception at around 4pm, heavy slowmoving traffic on the quezon makati distance as well. receptionist asked they had been worried about me since itis a few days since they last heard from me / saw me, hehe. i told some crap not that i had to. finally inside room we talked for a few minutes and i come with the great idea we should kiss. those pinays can not kiss but she did her best. we continued in bedroom and i managed to sneak her top off. she was almost flat chested not that it was surprising considering her measurments. her was so small and thight so when i hit them assballs i felt bone. one hand almost covered her hole ass. wow what a steemy moment.

she was wet as hell and asked if i wanted to fuck her. she claimed not to have been fucked for 2yrs. according to her level of horniness i take thas as the thruth. we had 3 pops and then i was so worn out i just collapsed at bed. wow great session with another datingsitegirl. she did not want any money as she was happy just to meet me after all our communication. put 3000 in an envelope and wrote "gift". we went eat at itallianos 3 fl inside glorietta mall 4. send her home in taxi as she also had lied to her mom about working late (even if she infact also did lie to her employee). many good quality this girl. 23yrs old.

now it is enough. have tried speeddrinking some vodka redbulls but the body tells me to stay inroom and leave havanna or disco in intercontinental alone for tonight. i will listen.

02-22-13, 22:09
Between "the poorest" area of Vancouver and "LA Café" you appear to be drawn to the darker areas of existence.I've never been anywhere within 1000 miles of LA Cafe & the only thing that would draw me to "darker areas" where their is quality cheap pussy is, obviously, quality cheap pussy. IOW saving, over a period of years, at least 10's and 100's of thousands of dollars over what I'd pay in Canada for a similar product. IOW getting a hell of a lot more bang for my bucks.

Unfortunately the drawback of "darker" cheap hobbying areas is that they tend to be in places that are significantly more dangerous and generally offer less of anything that is important, like excellent medical care, banking & food options, peace & quiet, safe sex, comfort, and more of everything you don't want like scams, disease, undrinkable tap water, mosquitos, lowlifes & corruption, etc.

In the case of Vancouver's low track that would include a HIV rate similar to the worst areas of Africa, lousy service as one would expect from drug addicted sex workers, bed bug infested poon hotels, & somewhat higher prices than AC. So AC is the clearly the superior choice for sex between the two.

OTOH living in Vancouver is generally safer and better in almost every way one can think of or imagine compared to AC or the Philippines, so that should be factored in when calculating where one wishes to retire, vacation or spend a considerable amount of time.

How about you, what are you doing in the relatively dangerous Philippines, rather than somewhere safe like Hong Kong, Germany, Canada or even Bangkok?

Seems as if alot more guys in Manila have the program down as opposed to the drunkards, scumbags, convicted felons and other very unsavory characters that frequent AC. I was up there for 3 days last week and like Las Vegas, couldn't wait to get away from the place and am now back in the familiar environs of Malate. Home sweet home. Time to go for a walk, get some vodka for the house and a Magnum ice cream bar for the door man. Generally, it ain't a jungle out there unless you make it one by being a dick or hanging in the ghetto. If you're going to be a dog you're going to attract fleas and if you sleep with dogs you're going to get fleas.Speaking of "unsavory characters", American murdered in Seven Eleven store in Malette:


Is Malate the HIV capitol of the Philippines? :

"Malate has been called a center of gay night life in the Philippines, [2] and has a Gay Pride Parade every year. [3]"


Metro Manila crime rate up by nearly 60%:




02-23-13, 00:36
Please I'm a newbie in Phils, could someone recommend me some hotel near the action in Manila, if pos budget price.

Thanks in advance

02-23-13, 00:40
Could anyone recommend me a hotel near the action in Manila? If possible budget price. I'm newbie in Phils, where is the best area in Manila? Near Burgos st?

Thanks in advance.

02-23-13, 01:08
Damn I did not think of that one.Remember this lesson from "Glengarry Glen Ross". ABC: always be closing.

And be careful with those blackouts. You never know who's legs you'll find yourself between.

02-23-13, 06:04
Could anyone recommend me a hotel near the action in Manila? If possible budget price. I'm newbie in Phils, where is the best area in Manila? Near Burgos st?

Thanks in advance.Budget: Citadel, right on Burgos. About $40 / night. Room has small kitchenette, about on par with Motel 6. Two of the slowest elevators on earth.

D Cups
02-23-13, 08:06
Ya, I've stayed at the Citadel. Ditto on those elevators but the price is right.

Budget: Citadel, right on Burgos. About $40 / night. Room has small kitchenette, about on par with Motel 6. Two of the slowest elevators on earth.

02-23-13, 15:17

I am an east indian guy, coming to manila for a night, will be staying at the shangri la in EDSA. Need help in finding the best place to go for a sure shot experience. Just there for one evening and night (6 in the evening to 10 am in the morning) and want to make the best of it.

Query 1. Where should I go. To find the best chics. LA cafe? Or EDSA entertainment center? Those are the two places I found from RTFF, or is there something else. I am looking for good stuff, not necessarily cheap, and willing to pay decent for good chic with good GFE. So its not about finding the cheapest place neccessarily but the best place from where I don't have to return empty handed.

Query 2. Are there ST hotels or overnight hotels close to the place you guys recommend? I read up on amazonia next to LA cafe. I checked shangri la is girl friendly, but its a booking done by my client there, and likely other colleagues may also be found there. So don't want to set up a wrong impression before the big meeting the next day.

Guys. Please help.

D Cups
02-23-13, 16:04
I never stayed at Amazonia hotel but had some nice girls from the bar there and it is just down the street from Manila Bay Cafe.


I am an east indian guy, coming to manila for a night, will be staying at the shangri la in EDSA. Need help in finding the best place to go for a sure shot experience. Just there for one evening and night (6 in the evening to 10 am in the morning) and want to make the best of it.

Query 1. Where should I go. To find the best chics. LA cafe? Or EDSA entertainment center? Those are the two places I found from RTFF, or is there something else. I am looking for good stuff, not necessarily cheap, and willing to pay decent for good chic with good GFE. So its not about finding the cheapest place neccessarily but the best place from where I don't have to return empty handed.

Query 2. Are there ST hotels or overnight hotels close to the place you guys recommend? I read up on amazonia next to LA cafe. I checked shangri la is girl friendly, but its a booking done by my client there, and likely other colleagues may also be found there. So don't want to set up a wrong impression before the big meeting the next day :P.

Guys. Please help.

02-23-13, 19:36
Finding flat chested girls here won't be a problem. Where many of us are disappointed when girls here remove their overly padded bras to find what we thought were B plus cups and they are in fact A minuses you'll be delighted. You'll think you've landed in carpenter's heaven; 'flat as a board and easy to nail' (for you guys who don't know the punch line).

Finding lactating girls is a different story; hit and miss. You may have better luck in AC due to the volume of girls there; many of whom are preggo or have recently given birth. Just ask around in some of the bars or ask any girls you meet if they have a gf who might be able to fulfill your desire. Unfortunately DIA does not have a keyword search feature, but FC does so you might try searching there.

I don't do the bar scene in metro Manila, but perhaps another member here knows of a 'milk bar'?DIA I know already, hbut what is FC? Do you ahve any Access data? Support will be highly welcome.

02-23-13, 23:39
DIA I know already, hbut what is FC? Do you ahve any Access data? Support will be highly welcome.What is 'access data'?

02-23-13, 23:42

Query 1. Where should I go. To find the best chics.

Guys. Please help.I'd like to help. But I don't know what that means: To find the best chics. Prettiest? Youngest? Cheapest? Please try to be vague, as it keeps me on my toes.

Pip Jaeger
02-23-13, 23:43
DIA I know already, hbut what is FC? Do you ahve any Access data? Support will be highly welcome.FC = Dating site; Filipino Cupid. Free to join, browse and send interests to other members, but you need to pay in order to send / receive messages. And before you ask, no, I will not share my own login data, phone numbers, contact info, etc, which you seem to have a habit of asking for. Do your own legwork, contribute some FR's (FR's = Field Reports) and pics (pics = photographic images) first.

Link to FC:


Wicked Roger
02-24-13, 02:41
FC = Dating site; Filipino Cupid. Free to join, browse and send interests to other members, but you need to pay in order to send / receive messages. And before you ask, no, I will not share my own login data, phone numbers, contact info, etc, which you seem to have a habit of asking for. Do your own legwork, contribute some FR's (FR's = Field Reports) and pics (pics = photographic images) first.

Link to FC:

http://www.filipinocupid.com/And he posts mainly questions some spread 12 months apart and no FRs as you said PJ

Maybe a renegade from the Indian board (the UAE thread has been ruined by many of them IMHO)

Phoenix. Please stop polluitng the Phiippines board, it a good and informative palce and does not want to be spoilt by your stupidity.

PJ, PM your access details to FC as I promise I won't abuse it LOL. You know me and you can trust WR (thats what I say to all the cuties)

02-24-13, 03:14
I've never been anywhere within 1000 miles of LA CafeYou sure seem to have advice and warnings for someone that has never even been to asia

02-24-13, 03:43

I am an east indian guy, coming to manila for a night, will be staying at the shangri la in EDSA. Need help in finding the best place to go for a sure shot experience. Just there for one evening and night (6 in the evening to 10 am in the morning) and want to make the best of it.

Query 1. Where should I go.

Query 2. Are there ST hotels or overnight hotels close to the place you guys recommend?

Guys. Please help.I'll take a stab at it.

1) Most if not all guys are looking for pretty girls aged 18 to 24, so I'll assume you're the same. Your best bet is either Edsa Complex or P. Burgos street in Makati. Keep in mind the girls are not obliged to accept your proposal, but as long as you're not repellent you should have no problem pulling the girl you want. You may be hamstrung by your ethnicity - some girls avoid blacks, Arabs and Indians - so you're best off finding out from the get go whether the girl of your dreams has issues. Don't want to waste your time and money buying drinks, which she'll happily quaff again and again, only to be rebuffed later when you mention barfine. To meet the best looking ones get there in the early evening. MBC is much further away from your place, and though packed with women those that are physically desirable are few.

2) Near Edsa Complex, and behind the Heritage Hotel, is Victoria Court Cuneta. It's a love hotel, and you can check its website for info and google maps for location. You can also tell the girl to direct the taxi driver to take you to the nearest "garage" motel; down the road on Edsa there's a place called Park, Bed & Breakfast. Your girl may even have recommendations. Plenty in Pasay. Keep in mind if you tell her you're staying at the Shangri-la she'll conclude that's where you're taking her - she'll be bummed to learn she's not going to the luxurious 5-star. BTW, further away from Edsa is Victoria Court Gil Puyat - just in case. Plenty of hotels in the Burgos area. One of the most affordable is the Clipper Hotel, just off the corner of Burgos and Kalayaan. About a year ago an acquaintance stayed at the Moonlight Hotel in Burgos area and said it's cheap, but I don't have any deets.

02-24-13, 04:06
You sure seem to have advice and warnings for someone that has never even been to asiaYou're confused. I've been to Asia many times & am presently in Bangkok.

Maxim V
02-24-13, 08:07
Hi guys,

I will be visiting manila for the first time, in the middle of March, wen-sun morning, where is the best place to stay? 3-4star place or just a nice clean place I can be safe and confortable, and take a woman or two? Iam looking to hook up with a few girls, I like the 25 and up girls, I am a mixed american guy, and want to have a great time while I am there at a reasonable price, I am no rich guy! Can you guys help me out? Just a regular member BTW

Pip Jaeger
02-24-13, 10:22
PJ, PM your access details to FC as I promise I won't abuse it LOL. You know me and you can trust WR (thats what I say to all the cuties)WR, did you just call me cute? LOL. Men have called me many things, usually prefaced by an expletive or two, but never cute!

X Man
02-24-13, 10:35
He's a bit funny that way.

WR, did you just call me cute? SNIP!

X Man
02-24-13, 10:37
What neighborhood?

You're confused. I've been to Asia many times & am presently in Bangkok.

Red Kilt
02-24-13, 13:21
Hi guys,

I will be visiting manila for the first time, in the middle of March, wen-sun morning, where is the best place to stay? 3-4star place or just a nice clean place I can be safe and confortable, and take a woman or two? Iam looking to hook up with a few girls, I like the 25 and up girls, I am a mixed american guy, and want to have a great time while I am there at a reasonable price, I am no rich guy! Can you guys help me out? Just a regular member BTWWhat an extraordinary request?

Maybe he didn't see that there is a "Manila Hotels" thread.

I guess if we replied to such a vague request on that thread he would not find it because he obviously didn't look at it.

A general answer:

* every 3 or 4 star hotel in Manila will be clean, safe and comfortable. I wonder if you want to stay in the north, south, east or west parts of the city, because clean safe hotels (3 to 4 star) are in every sector of Manila, and outside of it too.

I advise you to spend the next hour (or two) to go through the Manila Hotels thread and distil out the information that seems relevant to your request.

Wicked Roger
02-24-13, 13:31
WR, did you just call me cute? LOL. Men have called me many things, usually prefaced by an expletive or two, but never cute!Cuties as in pinays

If I called you cute please shoot me as I have met you and in no way would I use that as a decription LOL.

XMan. Am funny in many ways but some call it normal others kinky.

Wicked Roger
02-24-13, 13:36
Hi guys,

I will be visiting manila for the first time, in the middle of March, wen-sun morning, where is the best place to stay? 3-4star place or just a nice clean place I can be safe and confortable, and take a woman or two? Iam looking to hook up with a few girls, I like the 25 and up girls, I am a mixed american guy, and want to have a great time while I am there at a reasonable price, I am no rich guy! Can you guys help me out? Just a regular member BTWRK youa re too generous and kind to a poster with no PM facility and all he does is ask the same questions in Japan, Rome and all other countries. But that must the age and maturity in you. Youngs pups like me are less tolerant of these posters.

MaxV. RTFF as all can be found with effort especailly this one as it has lots of useful contributors, you are not a manager on the board so do it yourself and when you post FRs with real useful information people may assist but of course you need to pay $20 to get a PM facility first.

02-24-13, 15:48

I've just returned from a 9 day trip to the Philippines. I stayed 4 nights in Angeles City and the rest in Manila (Ermita).

For the Ermita leg, I stayed at the Cherry Blossom hotel and went back and forth between MBC and my hotel. Went to Robinson's Mall on a daily basis. I visited the Manila zoo, and also spent some time dining with locals at some bars around the Remedios Circle area in Malate. There is a Filipino music legend named Freddie Aguilar that owns a bar in Malate called "Ka Freddies". He used to play at "The Hobbit House" in times past. I saw his show (which was mostly attended by locals) , and had a very good time. I would recommend it. Its only a few blocks from Robinson's Mall.

Cherry Blossom Hotel is located very close to the Pickup\dropoff spot for Swagman's Fly the Bus to AC.

MBC hasnt changed much since times past. Girls were happy to go with me for 1500 plus a tip ST all day long.

02-24-13, 21:49

I've just returned from a 9 day trip to the Philippines. I stayed 4 nights in Angeles City and the rest in Manila (Ermita).

For the Ermita leg, I stayed at the Cherry Blossom hotel and went back and forth between MBC and my hotel. Went to Robinson's Mall on a daily basis. I visited the Manila zoo, and also spent some time dining with locals at some bars around the Remedios Circle area in Malate. There is a Filipino music legend named Freddie Aguilar that owns a bar in Malate called "Ka Freddies". He used to play at "The Hobbit House" in times past. I saw his show (which was mostly attended by locals) , and had a very good time. I would recommend it. Its only a few blocks from Robinson's Mall.

Cherry Blossom Hotel is located very close to the Pickup\dropoff spot for Swagman's Fly the Bus to AC.

MBC hasnt changed much since times past. Girls were happy to go with me for 1500 plus a tip ST all day long.Hello and thank you for the report. How were the girls at MBC look-wise? Any ultra-slim, fresh-faced GFE ones, or more of a warn-out, thick-legged pros? Thanks for the input! A

02-24-13, 22:49
You're confused. I've been to Asia many times & am presently in Bangkok.But never within 1, 000 miles of LA Café. Your remarks regarding the Philippines / Manila / Malate are based on hearsay and admittedly without any personal experience whatsoever. Do you also build nuclear bombs from the information you received from Wikipedia and Youtube? Holy homicide Batman! An American was murdered in Malate? No Americans have been murdered in Bangkok? Can't drink the water in the Philippines? My other home is 50 feet off of Lake Michigan and I don't drink the tap water there either. From where I'm sitting here in Malate, the world looks pretty darn good. My lovely little girlfriend of 3 years remains sound asleep, the sun is coming up and if so disposed, I can turn around and look across some gorgeous skyline, Manila Bay and the green of the zoo. HIV and gays in Malate? Like there's none in Bangkok? I won't even dignify your prior lengthy, poorly "researched" and hypercritical double post by searching for a "statistic" that supports the fact that HIV is also quite troublesome in Bangkok, nor will I respond sentence by sentence to your "findings" and remarks that are more like the daily bi-product of the zoo.

Mosquito borne disease? Ever heard of West Nile Virus? Where I'm from it kills every season. We all thank you for your double post in two separate threads. It got you the attention you deserve. I'd have responded earlier however, an unexpected hospitalization here in metro Manila resulted in my experiencing some excellent medical care.

02-24-13, 23:52
Your remarks regarding the Philippines / Manila / Malate are based on hearsay and admittedly without any personal experience whatsoever.The beautiful thing about the internet, and reading numerous news releases, sites (like ISG) full of first hand reports, books, articles, travel guides, etc, is that a guy like me who's never even been to the Philippines can easily know way more about the place than many guys who have a bit of "personal experience" there.

Have a nice day & get well soon.

Cunning Stunt
02-25-13, 03:08
The beautiful thing about the internet, and reading numerous news releases, sites (like ISG) full of first hand reports, books, articles, travel guides, etc, is that a guy like me who's never even been to the Philippines can easily know way more about the place than many guys who have a bit of "personal experience" there.The ultimate intrepid wikapaediac! Whats next? Armchair sex tourist? Nah, doesn't work for me. It might be risk free but being a one-handed keyboard warrior, getting my kicks from the second hand adventures and resultant images of others, is a shadow of a pale imitation of the real thing.

02-25-13, 11:55
The ultimate intrepid wikapaediac! Whats next? Armchair sex tourist? Nah, doesn't work for me. It might be risk free but being a one-handed keyboard warrior, getting my kicks from the second hand adventures and resultant images of others, is a shadow of a pale imitation of the real thing.Don't be ridiculous. It's called preparedness, something that broken record posters like WR seem to have no clue about. You know, as in actually researching a place BEFORE you go there to retire, rather than leaping before looking & being royally fucked? I may spend the next several months or even years before I make a decision. Best to get it right the first time. I'm in no hurry & Asia offers plenty of juicy options worth considering, of which the Philippines is just one country, & even it has multiple options.

Meanwhile, I'm in Bangkok, more than 1000 miles away from Manila, and enjoying choice Asian pussy aplenty. No "armchairing" here, wee laddie. What do you do all day long, twiddle your thumbs & watch cartoons with Fili fillies. Or post obviously enebriated crap on the keyboard. With nothing to do in that wasteland called PI, I see quite a bit of that here.

02-25-13, 17:59

-a person that constantly asks for advice, yet always does the opposite of what you told them.

Wicked Roger
02-26-13, 02:15
It's called preparedness, something that broken record posters like WR seem to have no clue about. You know, as in actually researching a place BEFORE you go there to retire, rather than leaping before looking & being royally fucked? I may spend the next several months or even years before I make a decision. Best to get it right the first time. I'm in no hurry & Asia offers plenty of juicy options worth considering, of which the Philippines is just one country, & even it has multiple options.

Meanwhile, I'm in Bangkok, more than 1000 miles away from Manila, and enjoying choice Asian pussy aplenty. No "armchairing" here, wee laddie. What do you do all day long, twiddle your thumbs & watch cartoons with Fili fillies. Or post obviously enebriated crap on the keyboard. With nothing to do in that wasteland called PI, I see quite a bit of that here.Well you are the person who seems to research with one hand on his todger LOL as all you seem to do is research as your FRs in Bangkok don't contain much of value either.

And with a 1000+ FRs you still have not paid the subscription fee? Cheap charlie also methinks.

Your last paragraph is likely what you do given it is so personal PP. So pot and kettle and black.

As advised by many stay away from the the Philippines as it is far to adult for you and likely you will be scared of the immigration officials and spend your time hiding in the toilets as NAIA LOL

Cunning Stunt
02-26-13, 02:51
Meanwhile, I'm in Bangkok, more than 1000 miles away from Manila, and enjoying choice Asian pussy aplenty. No "armchairing" here, wee laddie. What do you do all day long, twiddle your thumbs & watch cartoons with Fili fillies. Or post obviously enebriated crap on the keyboard. With nothing to do in that wasteland called PI, I see quite a bit of that here.You could try learning English. Its inebriated, 'wee laddie'. Despite claiming to live in Bangkok, I have my doubts about that. Falangs in Thailand are too busy earning a living or chasing and nailing Thai pussy to have the energy or interest to 'infest' another forum with the sort of pointless drivel and repetition that you have subjected us to in recent weeks. You come across more as one of those sad askholes (good one Mbsl65!) , sat in some trailer / council house in some dreary Godforsaken dump, dreaming of pussy he will never bang in exotic countries he will never visit.

02-26-13, 04:06
I went to the Collective last night and wasn't impressed.

It is on Malugay in Makati as described in an earlier report. It is a converted, downscale warehouse (not that there's anything wrong with that, just providing a picture of the place). The previous description said it contained restaurants, bars, and discos. What I found were about a half dozen small fast food places out front and one large "disco"/dance area inside. There were many young people around but it was early and the dance area wasn't active. No FLs in sight. I was looking to eat first before checking out the action but wanted something more "upscale" than what I found there so I jumped in a cab and went to Greenbelt 3.

02-26-13, 04:55
You come across more as one of those sad askholes (good one Mbsl65!) , sat in some trailer / council house in some dreary Godforsaken dump, dreaming of pussy he will never bang in exotic countries he will never visit.I like to give everyone a chance, but after replying to this fellow on the AC forum I soon realized I was wasting my time.

It used to be that a newbie needed a week or two here before he reckoned he had it All Figured Out. Now apparently you don't even need to come here at all.

02-26-13, 05:12
Having had many many many Manila trips with lots of Filipina pussy on tap, I decided to do it differently this time around and took a nice slim 42kg. 28 year old Chinese hottie with me. Was unsure when planning this, if I would end up missing the Pinay puss, whether I would get bored with Miss China or whether we might start a Sino / Filipina friendship society with a few of my "friends".

In the end it was a nice wholesome trip with lots of Grenbelt dining and lots of bedroom action anyway with my friend.

Sat her in Havana and asked her to watch and observe explaining who was looking at who and why, and who would probablyy go home with who. She became an avid Havana watcher, screaming " he was here last night, and night before" or " hes staying in our hotel " or " gee, I saw his date in the bright light of the bathroom. She looked better in the dark " LOL.

We ventured to Burgos where my friend was very interested in what was happening. Sat in the old Matrix (whatever its called now) and no sooner had I gone for a bathroom break than some old geezers tried to chat her up. She told me she told them " my bf is younger, looks better and probably performs 100% better than you could on your best days ". Which says lots for her English skills as well as being a nice boost for this guys ego.

Maybe as I had pussy on freeflow, I wasnt so impressed with the Filipina beauties on parade, Whilst the Havana girls have nice bods, I didn't see too many standouts. But then I also know when we are hungry, even a chicken wing looks tasty.

I will be back in Manila, alone, in a couple month (getting a new Brit passport takes HOW LONG!) for some more tasting.

Wicked Roger
02-26-13, 17:24
In the end it was a nice wholesome trip with lots of Grenbelt dining and

She told me she told them " my bf is younger, looks better and probably performs 100% better than you could on your best days ". Which says lots for her English skills as well as being a nice boost for this guys ego.

Getting a new Brit passport takes HOW LONG."wholesome, Manila and FF" are not words I would ever put in the same sentence.

I never thought PRC had much English skills so you taught her well FF.

If you have to send the passport to a processing centre in Germany could take 4 weeks LOL.

But I have also taken coals to Newcastel and taken a few pinays to Manila (or met them there) and was lovely to take them to the bars (for me mainly High Heels and Bottoms) and see how naugthy they get. Havana also as you described

02-26-13, 17:36
Your companion sounds like an annoying ****.

Having had many many many Manila trips with lots of Filipina pussy on tap, I decided to do it differently this time around and took a nice slim 42kg. 28 year old Chinese hottie with me. Was unsure when planning this, if I would end up missing the Pinay puss, whether I would get bored with Miss China or whether we might start a Sino / Filipina friendship society with a few of my "friends".

In the end it was a nice wholesome trip with lots of Grenbelt dining and lots of bedroom action anyway with my friend.

Sat her in Havana and asked her to watch and observe explaining who was looking at who and why, and who would probablyy go home with who. She became an avid Havana watcher, screaming " he was here last night, and night before" or " hes staying in our hotel " or " gee, I saw his date in the bright light of the bathroom. She looked better in the dark " LOL.

We ventured to Burgos where my friend was very interested in what was happening. Sat in the old Matrix (whatever its called now) and no sooner had I gone for a bathroom break than some old geezers tried to chat her up. She told me she told them " my bf is younger, looks better and probably performs 100% better than you could on your best days ". Which says lots for her English skills as well as being a nice boost for this guys ego.

Maybe as I had pussy on freeflow, I wasnt so impressed with the Filipina beauties on parade, Whilst the Havana girls have nice bods, I didn't see too many standouts. But then I also know when we are hungry, even a chicken wing looks tasty.

I will be back in Manila, alone, in a couple month (getting a new Brit passport takes HOW LONG!) for some more tasting.

02-26-13, 20:02
I like to give everyone a chance, but after replying to this fellow on the AC forum I soon realized I was wasting my time.

It used to be that a newbie needed a week or two here before he reckoned he had it All Figured Out. Now apparently you don't even need to come here at all.I think AC is a place every man needs to visit once in lifetime. I already did twice and I think I am done. But it is an experience. I am very thankful to every monger who put a positive input into my trips with their good inputs. Keep up the good deeds

02-26-13, 21:53
It used to be that a newbie needed a week or two here before he reckoned he had it All Figured Out. Now apparently you don't even need to come here at all.I don't think anyone has it all figured out or said that they did. Though some might be more interested in approaching the "all figured out" stage before they arrive at a foreign pooning destination than others, especially if it is a 3rd world "wild west" type of place. Those that take few precautions & like to leap before looking might take exception to those who are trying to be thorough & act like online bullies towards them.

As for research it is no substitute for experience, though it can obviously trump it. Both are useful in gaining knowledge.

So what we seem to often often have here is an issue in reading comprehension or simply imaginations run amuck, whether on purpose or through ignorance with alcohol being a wild card.

02-26-13, 23:03
And with a 1000+ FRs you still have not paid the subscription fee? Cheap charlie also methinks.Actually I paid it a number of times & well over the going rate. In the BKK forum I have been accused of overpaying. So in the future you should RTFF first, as in doing research, rather than spouting off ignorantly about things you know nothing about.

Hopefully your MO for personal pre trip planning is on a higher level than your posting accuracy. If this post is any indication of the info your reports generally provide, I wouldn't recommend them to other members.

As advised by many stay away from the the Philippines as it is far to adult for you and likely you will be scared of the immigration officials and spend your time hiding in the toilets as NAIA LOLI didn't find this lie particularly humorous the first 5 times you said it. Now you just seem like a broken record male stalker. Aren't there any of the opposite sex in PI that attract your attention?

02-27-13, 01:33
"wholesome, Manila and FF" are not words I would ever put in the same sentence.LOL. Well we all need a change of pace now and again. Nomal service will be resumed on next trip after new passport is done.

Fabulous Brit government procedure now is to mail passport to HK, when they mail to UK and " new passports should be issued 3-4 weeks therafter", which they mail to HK then mail to China. Sounds like a 3rd world process to me.

02-27-13, 01:43
Your companion sounds like an annoying ****.And you don't.

Member #4387
02-27-13, 01:57
Finaly back in BKK and Grand President. Had a blast in Manila but also some hurtful moments. I advice you guys as in internet datingsites there are one or two good women and I believe I met one out of those. I met her in reception area of sixth fl in Ascott Makati only seen her in pics but she was this crazy good looking decent woman you run into once in a while, who I have kept in touch with. OMG she put out this realy sexy smile and I could in an instance tell she liked me. I felt secure, hehe. We went up to my apt and she told me, shy as she should have been, that she did not have sex for 2 years. She started kissing me, and I would state heavily, in the sofa after only a few minutes in room.

Well this is my final closure from Makati and how it ended but I have to say after my Manila spree (travelling around only to obtain pussy. Last Friday I have to get some credit, hehe). I guess I usual you are only a few punters inside here trying to communicate towards eachother and rearly comment on sprees like this.

OMG: Havana. Good, ICON. Good good (as I like it qa bit upscale). Palladium I did not have the chance to get to but still ICON is my favorite with a lot of girls loose in both ends, hehe. Had my first "ever in Phil exp" regarding assfuck when she just popped out "I love ass, I love licking and be licked" sound more like a lesbian statement when talked into a more shallow enviroment I can provide (and understand). Well well we had a blast and the hole session did not set me off more than 2000piso (I just tried to give her small money but she obliged and was happy).

From Havana, to some mall (realestategirls in Glorietta 4) , towelgirl in Ascott and the above mentioned nothing realy exciting happened. But when a girl cries almost after minute after she sees me it is either she have bad exp in internet from before or she is very bad prepped. But to make a long short story even longer I would say I am lucky as most giirls tend to like me. In Phils, we can not overlook it, it is important to go or come to USA than any country in the world. When I try to say, beeing a norwegian, that USA stinks big time and don't have money to provide their own military even. I love USA and its people I just find the usefulenss of democracy totaly helpless when you need to almost be billionare or supported by one / ten to become winner) no one listens. In Norway and in my state (Oslo) I will run for government now and speak out loud for supportmoney / mongermoney for people want to go abroad to fuck.

The reason I am a bit harsh towards you american guys, and I am sure you are nice mongerers, but even in a breefe stay in Havana I see people retract despite of you guys. It is not funny even for me. When I stand there talking to a "big champ" in some second world war look alike age trying to act he is Batman I get enough from ego. How can people take people like that seriously. I have not so many words in my vocalubary as I am norwegian but atleast I GOT TO TELL ONE PRICK in ICON he was not the centre of the world. I saw him at the airport today. Shitty Terminal 2 walking and had to sit among the crowd. I sat in shitty Muhyuabe lounge (business lounge). But I am shitty. But in a mongering aspect please can we not come down to real earth. USA is regarded in Norway as a poor country with skyhigh debts. Norway runs from 2 or 3 trillions in profit every year. USA is great, my mother is borned and raised in Atlanta. But hey guys you are not the world geatest gift to girls in mongering aspects (atleast not the old ones of you) I still have to love USA as a great deal of my living family still is present there. But more and more comes to Norway (and that is not due to mongering) l. Please behave guys, you used to be world power but today when China is far greater in many ways (economy and will increase rapidly) please stay sharp. You don't own Makati in Philippines but I felt like that where big groups of americans arrived into various venues, buying themself a bottle of Corona each and still stood screaming as they owned the place (I allways buy atleast one bottle of vodka / whiskey). I felt sorry for some girls at some point had to cater cheap charlies like that living in outskirts of Makati but I kept my mouth shut as I was busy catering my own ladies.

Seems very strange, but in general I have nothing against american people, as I find them polite and considerate abroad (ex war zones. Been there done it my self. Then they are the best people around Afghanistan / Iraq. Realy reliable) but in Makati I have seen, talked to and and get to know a few who where not so good. Only a group of british people from the coleminds north of newcastle could be worse.

But after ending my Makti session the morning of 26 of Feb after to much hot and loving GFE sex I felt like an asshole. She cried and cried when she had to split to work. As a mongerer I incurriage her to go to work as I could not stand it anymore as she threatned to stay home from work meaning I had to stay another day which was impossible. So guys please when you encounter decent girls (it can happen. It happened to me this trip be nice). Even if she was highly educated from one of Manilas finests she still have this look upon western guys as prime, they don't put their bar up high, hehe. I was able to see one flight to Honululu and one to Vancouver having boarding before I left. That was human white trash people exp from the beautiful pinay ladies following their nursneeding guys to gate, hehe. OMG let me die before.

Summa summarum Makati: 4 girls. 2 non pros. 2 pros. A lot of dining and wining, hehe, and a lot of nice times. Havana stinks a bit in many ways but great for pick up easy women. My dick hurts. I am in BKK now, hehe. But atleast Makati / Ayala is a bit upscale, hehe.


02-27-13, 03:00

OMG: Havana. Good, ICON. Good good (as I like it qa bit upscale). Palladium I did not have the chance to get to but still ICON is my favorite with a lot of girls loose in both ends, hehe. Had my first "ever in Phil exp" regarding assfuck when she just popped out "I love ass, I love licking and be licked" sound more like a lesbian statement when talked into a more shallow enviroment I can provide (and understand). Well well we had a blast and the hole session did not set me off more than 2000piso (I just tried to give her small money but she obliged and was happy).

Skogis[/QUOTE]Skogis nice FR on Makati / Ayala.

I'm looking forward to going back to Makati / Ermita in May and I'm glad it hasn't changed much.

I'm an American and can understand what you mean when drunk americans cause a scene that makes all of us look bad. I think your being a little harsh and putting us down isn't so is nice. I Know Norway is a great country and your economy is so great but no need to bash our country or make yourself seem like your better when it come to who you are. USA is the most diverse country in almost every way especially the people. Its funny reading your post as you are bashing our country and than following it up with how much you like the USA. The U. S has major economical issues at the moment but please get off your high horse. At the end of the day We mongers are all going to a third world country to enjoy a hobby that we love. I'm not a cheap charlie but I'm definitely not going to slam my fellow mongers for not spending what I am (Cheap charlies come from all countries by the way)

You can preach to filipinas all day long about how the USA sucks and your country is better but no one will listen. The fact is they love this country, they come here become nurses or whatever, make a decent living and enjoy life. They don't give a sh1t about our Political issues.

REMEMBER: you may think your special to these women while there but in reality they are only looking for one thing. Financial Security.

The idea of trying to explain economical and political differences between two first class countries to a filipina makes me laugh, most of these women don't understand what the hell is going on in there own country's economy.

Sorry for Ranting guys. Its always more fun in the Philippines

X Man
02-27-13, 03:35
Skogis, you've made some good contributions here at ISG, but in this post you sound a bit whiny. Are all you Norwegians like that? LOL.

I think we can find poorly behaved people from all nationalities and walks of life.

Are your negative comments because Batman knocked you on your butt? You're a bit vague about what happened that made you so angry.

Have a good day. X.

The reason I am a bit harsh towards you american guys, and I am sure you are nice mongerers, but even in a breefe stay in Havana I see people retract despite of you guys. It is not funny even for me. When I stand there talking to a "big champ" in some second world war look alike age trying to act he is Batman I get enough from ego. How can people take people like that seriously.



Member #4387
02-27-13, 05:26
And don't mean to step on anyones toes and atleast not my family from moms side. They are great people. I been quite a lot to US and that is a country you from Norway feel at home in bcs almost everyone you meet along some path "over there" (looked from Norway) have some knowledge about Norway or have some relatives way back. But that is in US. My point is that US guys (and others ofcourse but this time it was US people in centra as in Makati) in groups does not behave well. I have been raised a certain way and even if I do monger (and I was not trained by my parents to do so, hehe) I behave. I treat fellow people nice and don't go around thinking I am Rocky Balboa bcs I happened to visit a gym once in a while (and I hardly wear sneakers when I am going out, hehe).

But we leave it but some times it is to much and I rarerly attack people and I don't feel I did. So breathe slowly and stay cool. Grammarwice I could have been more proud if I did overlook some of my writings. So once again I don't brag of beeing a Norwegian but ofcourse that affect my mongering. I am proud of beeing it (actually I am 50% american just so you know and I am proud of that to. Maby that is why I become easily offended on behalf of 50% fellow american people when they act like assholes).

We have a large norwegian community in Pattaya and that is considered by norwegians as white trash people. Hardly no normal norwegian would set their footsteps in Pattaya. Ofcourse we have people saying that (group of males) bringing some golf equipment as alibi to go to Pattaya but hardly see a golfcourse, hehe. I monger in Pattaya for 1 day or 2 max without anyone knows ex people in this fora, hehe. Just to add a bit new material into my sex addiction. Norwegian people residencing in Phils are also looked upon as white trash so in the downfall with americans, canadians, hawaians (yes I know also americans, he he) in same place we are all the same. But except from having my own harem of regular girls to visit every know and then (seemed very hard to find without actually staying over a period of time) I will never ever ever move from Norway. Living in a 3 world country (here I also add LOS) does something to you and I find that "does" not very attractive at all. But maby in 20 years when I hit 60 I can have changed my mind as will I think the countries. But in countries where corruption is the main income for people in leading positions things tend to move very slowly as they need cash in flow (I e the stupid airport tax in Phils now 550piso (not the ammount but why not just add it to the airfare tax. It is bcs some people get good cashflow out of this, hehe).

So lets stay friends and monger hard. I have date tonight in BKK with all normal Siemens employee. I have allways when I drive freeway from Suvarnaphul noticed this tall building rising in the BKK skyline. Funny I should meet a date working there. We have decided to meet Terminal 21, and then go Tawandang German Brewery Rama 4. She has allready taken a day off tomorrow as I told her that is more important than you take a day off today as there will be drinking. Luckely she seems as modern BKK girl with not so much traditional Thai in her. Should be exciting.

Will give report in BKK thread.

Tally Wacker
02-27-13, 07:01
Since you are ok generalizing about a whole country based upon a few expieriences you had then you must be ok with the following negative statements regarding Norwegians being racist?


When I try to say, beeing a norwegian, that USA stinks big time and don't have money to provide their own military even.The reason I am a bit harsh towards you american guys, and I am sure you are nice mongerers, but even in a breefe stay in Havana I see people retract despite of you guys. It is not funny even for me. When I stand there talking to a "big champ" in some second world war look alike age trying to act he is Batman I get enough from ego. How can people take people like that seriously. I have not so many words in my vocalubary as I am norwegian but atleast I GOT TO TELL ONE PRICK in ICON he was not the centre of the world. I saw him at the airport today. Shitty Terminal 2 walking and had to sit among the crowd. I sat in shitty Muhyuabe lounge (business lounge). But I am shitty. But in a mongering aspect please can we not come down to real earth. USA is regarded in Norway as a poor country with skyhigh debts. Norway runs from 2 or 3 trillions in profit every year.

RCA Knight
02-27-13, 07:41
Americanos sometimes are quite loud in bars, or sometimes non-bars, they are cowboy descends, can't help it. Skog, this forum happens to be English language Americano dominated forum. You are quite brave to try to point out something.

Maybe better we go back talking about our hobby, I can feel it is becoming 10 pages of nationalistic debates. We can do that on other sites.

Cunning Stunt
02-27-13, 08:02
..they are cowboy descends...Cowboys. Nah. They are descended from limeys, paddies, polacks, dagos, wops and various variety of fuzzy wuzzy, aren't they? Now we are not going to descend into the murky waters of racial stereotyping and slurs, are we? Lol.

02-27-13, 08:08
I think AC is a place every man needs to visit once in lifetime. I already did twice and I think I am done.Yeah, once or twice seems to be enough for a lot of people. In fact I've met plenty of guys who take one look at the Philippines and think, christ, get me out of here. Thailand is a warm bubble bath by comparison. Even mongering destinations like Indonesia and China, for all their unfamiliarity and linguistic barriers, don't have the same wild sleazy edge. Well, OK, parts of Jakarta do, but you'd have to go looking for them. In Manila and AC it's all really in your face. Definitely an acquired taste, and many never acquire it.

Cunning Stunt
02-27-13, 08:17
Yeah, once or twice seems to be enough for a lot of people. In fact I've met plenty of guys who take one look at the Philippines and think, christ, get me out of here. . In Manila and AC it's all really in your face. Definitely an acquired taste, and many never acquire it.Yeah, you are right and long may it remain that way. Otherwise it would become overcrowded with mongers just the same as what Thailand is. The Philippines is for the dedicated thrill seeker where what you get out is directly commensurate with the effort that you put in. But the rewards can be much greater.

Member #4387
02-27-13, 08:46
Since you are ok generalizing about a whole country based upon a few expieriences you had then you must be ok with the following negative statements regarding Norwegians being racist?

http://amplicate.com/hate/norwaySurprisingly positive I may add. Funny page. But trash I have never seen in the streets we have bins opposite to other countries.

02-28-13, 01:44
We have a large norwegian community in Pattaya and that is considered by norwegians as white trash people. Hardly no normal norwegian would set their footsteps in Pattaya. Ofcourse we have people saying that (group of males) bringing some golf equipment as alibi to go to Pattaya but hardly see a golfcourse.Skogis, can't you see your own contradictions in your phrases?

A) 'We have a large Norwegian community in Pattaya '

B) 'We have people bringing some golf equipment to Pattaya'

I am concluding, that the 'Normal Norwegian' is setting their footsteps into Pattaya, not the trash people.

Besides, your folks are not rich because you are working hard, but because of your oil and gas revenues, which you can invest worldwide for a second resource of effortless income.

Please keep you racist profile low here. There are fine people all over the world. Also 'Americans', I have been guiding study tours through Europe for Amercian clients and I always found them willing to listen, to understand and learn.

02-28-13, 10:35
Apologies for the delay in this report but it was a 6 wk trip as a whole and just arrived home, so only able to report now. As a result, some of the details maybe hazy. Stayed at Durban Hotel, just between Burgos & Makati Ave. Ensured it was girl-friendly when booking. They stipulate that I'd is necessary, which turned out to be a pivotal issue later. I arrived in the afternoon and decided to hit Manila Bay Cafe. It was packed on a Mon night at 7pm. Sat next to a nice young lady who started conversation. Turned out she was quite educated. However, when it came to the crunch, it turned out she wanted 3kPHP for ST! I found MBC quite intimidating to initiate contact with ladies. The evening ended up with me agreeing to go back to the hotel with a slim, young lady. I think that all the ladies in Manila I agreed 1k with for 2 hrs ST. She was very withdrawn during the taxi ride so I feared I had picked up a dud. It's important to say that I specifically asked if she had I'd and she said she did. At the hotel, it turned out she didn't, claiming her baby son must have moved it. Secretly I was happy about it but the scene at the hotel reception wasn't ideal. Apologies to the hotel staff were in order after she eventually left in tears. I decided to just hit Burgos as there were many different types just standing around on the streets. I ended with another young, slim lady who turned out to be great and had a nice tattoo on her back too. I called it a night as it was late.

Next day after sightseeing and having my mobile phone stolen by a taxi driver (long story) , I don't think I tried anywhere different for picking up girls. Back to MBC earlier in the day this time. Still fairly busy. Chatted to a few ladies but couldn't seal the deal. Ended up chatting to an older looking, slim, short lady that just walked in. Deal was done within 2 mins. Forgot to ask about I'd till in taxi and she said she had some other document. Gave her the chance to bug out as we were still nr MBC but she wanted to give it a go. I wanted to also as she seemed like a good lay. Needless to say the hotel wouldn't accept it even though I offered to take all responsibility. Annoyed me a bit as she looked well over age too. This time I gave her transport money. Back to square one so out on Burgos again. Loads of ladyboys and massage girls as usual. Spoke to this really cute, young girl who had the most incredible rack. She didn't have I'd though! Tried to set me up with a friend who seemed to be sleeping rough on the street just by the hotel but I declined as she was too young for my liking. As with all the girls, I told her that I like preggo gals and offered commission if she could hook me up. Said she would meet me same time next night if she had one. Didn't see her again. Ended up with a slightly meatier girl who turned out to have a pierced tongue and tattoos so that was good too.

Next night I considered Havana Cafe but ended up giving it a miss as figured it would be too expensive. Went back to MBC again and saw gal from night before. Apologised to her and she was cool. Pretty sure I returned empty-handed that night. Checked out a bar on Burgos but appeared to be mainly couples there. My stomach took a turn for the worse, so ended up just hastily picking up a street girl by the hotel whom I had rejected earlier. Really short and slim girl who was in her 30s but looked much younger. Really nice and good service like the others.

As a rule, I am against bar fines so didn't see that as an option. The girls were all pretty flexible and open to intstruction but my specialist oral requirements were a little hard for them to get used to. For most guys the service offered would be amazing value. I think DFK was not always available but not always rejected. Another positive is that most gals were either shaven or happy to shave before. I think the 1st gal was an exception. Disappointingly, I found practically all gals in the Philippines not open to anal or cum on face / in mouth. I took videos of all of the Manila gals without any probs as the light at the hotel was favourable. Alas this was not the case everywhere. As always, I promised the gals not to show the material on the internet, so sorry about that. Might be persuaded to swap if a trusted member promises not to post the stuff anywhere and has a suitable exchange platform.

Next stop was Davao.

02-28-13, 11:00
Long time lurker and paid member but first report!

Landed mid morning and checked into the hotel. Peninsula. Had a cutie lined up from DIA who I called. By the time I had showered she showed up. Very pretty in a green dress definitely a 8. Got to the room the awkwardness started. I had set the expectation clearly upfront, while communicating from back home in the US, and had actually defined a peso amt for an overnight. But once in the room she started acting all demurre and how she was a good girl, training for a flight attendant job this was not what she does regularly etc etc. Sat her down had a straight conversation that even to earn her taxi money I needed to see the legs parted. The straight talk sobered her a bit, had a shower together and then went for a missionary action to completion. Kicked her out with 1000 PHP and called the next of my DIA short listed candidates. Waiting for her to show up- the report will continue.

Member #4387
02-28-13, 12:29
Apologies for the delay in this report but it was a 6 wk trip as a whole and just arrived home, so only able to report now. As a result, some of the details maybe hazy. Stayed at Durban Hotel, just between Burgos & Makati Ave. Ensured it was girl-friendly when booking. They stipulate that I'd is necessary, which turned out to be a pivotal issue later. I arrived in the afternoon and decided to hit Manila Bay Cafe. It was packed on a Mon night at 7pm. Sat next to a nice young lady who started conversation. Turned out she was quite educated. However, when it came to the crunch, it turned out she wanted 3kPHP for ST! I found MBC quite intimidating to initiate contact with ladies. The evening ended up with me agreeing to go back to the hotel with a slim, young lady. I think that all the ladies in Manila I agreed 1k with for 2 hrs ST. She was very withdrawn during the taxi ride so I feared I had picked up a dud. It's important to say that I specifically asked if she had I'd and she said she did. At the hotel, it turned out she didn't, claiming her baby son must have moved it. Secretly I was happy about it but the scene at the hotel reception wasn't ideal. Apologies to the hotel staff were in order after she eventually left in tears. I decided to just hit Burgos as there were many different types just standing around on the streets. I ended with another young, slim lady who turned out to be great and had a nice tattoo on her back too. I called it a night as it was late. Next day after sightseeing and having my mobile phone stolen by a taxi driver (long story) , I don't think I tried anywhere different for picking up girls. Back to MBC earlier in the day this time. Still fairly busy. Chatted to a few ladies but couldn't seal the deal. Ended up chatting to an older looking, slim, short lady that just walked in. Deal was done within 2 mins. Forgot to ask about I'd till in taxi and she said she had some other document. Gave her the chance to bug out as we were still nr MBC but she wanted to give it a go. I wanted to also as she seemed like a good lay. Needless to say the hotel wouldn't accept it even though I offered to take all responsibility. Annoyed me a bit as she looked well over age too. This time I gave her transport money. Back to square one so out on Burgos again. Loads of ladyboys and massage girls as usual. Spoke to this really cute, young girl who had the most incredible rack. She didn't have I'd though! Tried to set me up with a friend who seemed to be sleeping rough on the street just by the hotel but I declined as she was too young for my liking. As with all the girls, I told her that I like preggo gals and offered commission if she could hook me up. Said she would meet me same time next night if she had one. Didn't see her again. Ended up with a slightly meatier girl who turned out to have a pierced tongue and tattoos so that was good too. Next night I considered Havana Cafe but ended up giving it a miss as figured it would be too expensive. Went back to MBC again and saw gal from night before. Apologised to her and she was cool. Pretty sure I returned empty-handed that night. Checked out a bar on Burgos but appeared to be mainly couples there. My stomach took a turn for the worse, so ended up just hastily picking up a street girl by the hotel whom I had rejected earlier. Really short and slim girl who was in her 30s but looked much younger. Really nice and good service like the others. As a rule, I am against bar fines so didn't see that as an option. The girls were all pretty flexible and open to intstruction but my specialist oral requirements were a little hard for them to get used to. For most guys the service offered would be amazing value. I think DFK was not always available but not always rejected. Another positive is that most gals were either shaven or happy to shave before. I think the 1st gal was an exception. Disappointingly, I found practically all gals in the Philippines not open to anal or cum on face / in mouth. I took videos of all of the Manila gals without any probs as the light at the hotel was favourable. Alas this was not the case everywhere. As always, I promised the gals not to show the material on the internet, so sorry about that. Might be persuaded to swap if a trusted member promises not to post the stuff anywhere and has a suitable exchange platform. Next stop was Davao.Having read your comments around your stay I want to advice you of my experience when it is comming to close the deal. I rarerly speak of money until session is finished. Ladies seems to trust me (in some funny way) and in all fairness I am prob a fair to above fair guy when it comes to payment. As in MBC more specifically I just tell the girls, if they start hazzling around price, I pay according to pricelevel. All, and I mean all, MBC girls know what to expect when it comes to rewards, hehe. But as one girl obviously try her luck with quoting you 3K for ST you did good to stop this attempt before it got a chance a develope further.

Going prices. For MBC girls is ST 1K to 1, 5K for LT it is 2K to 3K. Ofcourse we will allways have a bit various standards about paying but if a girl perform realy well I am not unknown to ship in a 1K extra for good service and friendly attitude. What I found out having returned from Manila only 1 night ago a lot of girls realy appreciates you take them to supermarket to buy them some supplies (as an extra or tip or whatever). You will find pinays beeing very unmatured as they hit the candybarracks first as this is what they most need in their poor lifes, hehe. But as I hear girls earn 6500piso per month in everyday job I have no prob understanding they want to add a bit extra (in my work this is hardly a half day payment OMG). So 1, 2 or 3K is likely to be quite a lot of money for girls we meet in like MBC.

But good posting. Pics you can add in photothread just "paint" them so the girls are unidentifiable. Still can make pretty good pics.

02-28-13, 17:00
Long time lurker and paid member but first report!

Landed mid morning and checked into the hotel. Peninsula. Had a cutie lined up from DIA who I called. By the time I had showered she showed up. Very pretty in a green dress definitely a 8. Got to the room the awkwardness started. I had set the expectation clearly upfront, while communicating from back home in the US, and had actually defined a peso amt for an overnight. But once in the room she started acting all demurre and how she was a good girl, training for a flight attendant job this was not what she does regularly etc etc. Sat her down had a straight conversation that even to earn her taxi money I needed to see the legs parted. The straight talk sobered her a bit, had a shower together and then went for a missionary action to completion. Kicked her out with 1000 PHP and called the next of my DIA short listed candidates. Waiting for her to show up- the report will continue.Hi, thanks for the report. As I'm working on my DIA list also. I'm acutely interested the process of converting the "good Godfeargin girls into longterm relationship" into what you've seemed to accomplish. Do you recommend to always crudely tell them upfront the "deal"? I'm afraid this approach may reduce the list of my young good looking "applicants" to zero.


02-28-13, 17:01
Finaly back in BKK and Grand President. Had a blast in Manila but also some hurtful moments. I advice you guys as in internet datingsites there are one or two good women and I believe I met one out of those. I met her in reception area of sixth fl in Ascott Makati only seen her in pics but she was this crazy good looking decent woman you run into once in a while, who I have kept in touch with. OMG she put out this realy sexy smile and I could in an instance tell she liked me. I felt secure, hehe. We went up to my apt and she told me, shy as she should have been, that she did not have sex for 2 years. She started kissing me, and I would state heavily, in the sofa after only a few minutes in room.

Snipped a lot of buls*t.

Summa summarum Makati: 4 girls. 2 non pros. 2 pros. A lot of dining and wining, hehe, and a lot of nice times. Havana stinks a bit in many ways but great for pick up easy women. My dick hurts. I am in BKK now, hehe. But atleast Makati / Ayala is a bit upscale, hehe.

SkogisLet's be serious here. There are a*holes from every country. Just ad alcohol and watch them grow. But to sit and brag about your country and how superior it is economically while it has been under the protectorate of NATO (primarily funded by US money and arms) is a little disingenuous. Get real!

02-28-13, 17:29
Hi, thanks for the report. As I'm working on my DIA list also. I'm acutely interested the process of converting the "good Godfeargin girls into longterm relationship" into what you've seemed to accomplish. Do you recommend to always crudely tell them upfront the "deal"? I'm afraid this approach may reduce the list of my young good looking "applicants" to zero.

AThe way I put is is to have fun and both of us benefit. The once that get it will respond and that's your target pool to work with and finalize. I would say 1 in 3 responds.

Member #4387
02-28-13, 19:08
Let's be serious here. There are a*holes from every country. Just ad alcohol and watch them grow. But to sit and brag about your country and how superior it is economically while it has been under the protectorate of NATO (primarily funded by US money and arms) is a little disingenuous. Get real!don't want to get into a big debate with you but pretty much as far as I know Norway is selfprovided. NATO yes, but that is not an economical flagship as far as I know. So you better read more about NATO and its purpouse. As far as I know know economical issues is not NATO assignment. While speaking about NATO, Norway tend to contribute far more than most countries, and we can say this as a thank you for earlier years. But it is no way, even if I am norwegian, not to brag about its economy as it is realy good despite of resessions in the rest of the world. It is never popular to say so but why be so mad. You are prob a rich mongerer so no prob for you, hehe?

02-28-13, 21:58
don't want to get into a big debate with you but pretty much as far as I know Norway is selfprovided. NATO yes, but that is not an economical flagship as far as I know. So you better read more about NATO and its purpouse. As far as I know know economical issues is not NATO assignment. While speaking about NATO, Norway tend to contribute far more than most countries, and we can say this as a thank you for earlier years. But it is no way, even if I am norwegian, not to brag about its economy as it is realy good despite of resessions in the rest of the world. It is never popular to say so but why be so mad. You are prob a rich mongerer so no prob for you, hehe?You would do much better if you just pointed your browser over to google translate (an American invention) and type in your native tongue. And quit with the hehe, haha, LOL, it makes you sound like a little school girl. And if you can't comprehend how not having to protect yourself saves a country money then no amount of schooling is going to fix that.

What I resent, actually hate with a passion, is any kind of racism or bigotry. I was born in a country that was destroyed by it. So your bragging about what a great society you live in while in the same sentence bashing the country that probably made your economy possible is beyond reason. Yes, the USA pretty much made the petroleum economy. And that's your major export. So don't be so high and mighty and tell us what great innovators you are, just because you found oil. A baboon could have been trained to do that.

Yes, I am one of the "got enough" mongerers. True American Dream realized. And regardless that I see a lot in this and other country's that I don't like I would never bash you're country or your citizenry out of respect. Particularly based on such as small sampling. Obviously they don't teach that respect in Norway.

Red Kilt
03-01-13, 03:30
Hi, thanks for the report. As I'm working on my DIA list also. I'm acutely interested the process of converting the "good Godfeargin girls into longterm relationship" into what you've seemed to accomplish. Do you recommend to always crudely tell them upfront the "deal"? I'm afraid this approach may reduce the list of my young good looking "applicants" to zero.You will read here in many places A that you should not be an a*hole and tell them lies (like, I am looking for a wife or I want a long-term relationship) if that is NOT what you want.

Just be clear. No need to "crudely" tell them. Use a bit of tact but make it unambiguous what you want and expect. If you deplete much of your list by being upfront then count that as a time and money-saver, because otherwise you will get to meet them all, buy them food etc, and end up with nothing anyway. And face the embarrassment of her standing up and walking away from you in a coffee shop or restaurant. Most extreme outcome is she goes to a security guard and tells him you insulted her (this latter outcome is very unlikely with an innocent pinay).

03-01-13, 03:59
Respected gents,

I wonder, if any of you could help me solve a dilemma (and I apologize for reposting it here, as hotel forum seems dead). I am torn between Shangri-La and New World in Makati. The pros of the NW are:

1. Located near the action and Green Belt 3, where Havana Cafe with FLs is.

2. Has night club with reportedly good looking ladies (so, if in the middle of the night or early morning I like to arrange something for now or later. I can get down the elevator and do so).

The cons of the New World is. It is not Shangri-La! And I like the idea to stay at SL, as I like comfort and it may impress some of the non-pro or semi-pro talent that I may be trying to lure there.

I though that may be if SL is a short walking distance (that is safe at night) from NW. Then I can stay in SL, while enjoying the benefits of the NW. Will appreciate any feedback regarding this dilemma.

Thanks! A

P. S. Thanks to all who commented on DIA question of mine earlier.

Tally Wacker
03-01-13, 05:24
I don't think the girls would notice the subtle differences between two fine hotels. If they do notice and are in to those things it might just translate in to them expecting more of a tip from you but I don't think they would fuck you different either way. You don't need to show off to get nice girls for sex in the Philippines.

Another option would be for you stay at a less expensive hotel and use that money to grab a young girl on burgos street.

Respected gents,

I wonder, if any of you could help me solve a dilemma (and I apologize for reposting it here, as hotel forum seems dead). I am torn between Shangri-La and New World in Makati. The pros of the NW are:

1. Located near the action and Green Belt 3, where Havana Cafe with FLs is.

2. Has night club with reportedley good looking ladies (so, if in the middle of the night or early morning I like to arrange something for now or later. I can get down the elevator and do so).

The cons of the New World is. It is not Shangri-La! And I like the idea to stay at SL, as I like comfort and it may impress some of the non-pro or semi-pro talent that I may be trying to lure there.

I though that may be if SL is a short walking distance (that is safe at night) from NW. Then I can stay in SL, while enjoying the benefits of the NW. Will appreciate any feedback regarding this dilemma.

Thanks! A

P. S. Thanks to all who commented on DIA question of mine earlier.

03-01-13, 06:40
I have stayed on both and I say New World as long as you are mongering.

Respected gents,

I wonder, if any of you could help me solve a dilemma (and I apologize for reposting it here, as hotel forum seems dead). I am torn between Shangri-La and New World in Makati. The pros of the NW are:

1. Located near the action and Green Belt 3, where Havana Cafe with FLs is.

2. Has night club with reportedley good looking ladies (so, if in the middle of the night or early morning I like to arrange something for now or later. I can get down the elevator and do so).

The cons of the New World is. It is not Shangri-La! And I like the idea to stay at SL, as I like comfort and it may impress some of the non-pro or semi-pro talent that I may be trying to lure there.

I though that may be if SL is a short walking distance (that is safe at night) from NW. Then I can stay in SL, while enjoying the benefits of the NW. Will appreciate any feedback regarding this dilemma.

Thanks! A

P. S. Thanks to all who commented on DIA question of mine earlier.

Member #4387
03-01-13, 10:03
Respected gents,

I wonder, if any of you could help me solve a dilemma (and I apologize for reposting it here, as hotel forum seems dead). I am torn between Shangri-La and New World in Makati. The pros of the NW are:

1. Located near the action and Green Belt 3, where Havana Cafe with FLs is.

2. Has night club with reportedley good looking ladies (so, if in the middle of the night or early morning I like to arrange something for now or later. I can get down the elevator and do so).

The cons of the New World is. It is not Shangri-La! And I like the idea to stay at SL, as I like comfort and it may impress some of the non-pro or semi-pro talent that I may be trying to lure there.

I though that may be if SL is a short walking distance (that is safe at night) from NW. Then I can stay in SL, while enjoying the benefits of the NW. Will appreciate any feedback regarding this dilemma.

Thanks! A

P. S. Thanks to all who commented on DIA question of mine earlier.I tried to make my bookings at the Shangri La in Makati but they had only a few nights out of my stay for 8 days available. I also did have a booking at Riviera Mansion along with my other booking (ended up staying at Ascott Residence Makati side by side with entrance Glorietta 4 shopping mall). Shangrila though stands out as one out of the better options in this area. Though I believe that Makati and its top notche hotels will stand out from the rest of this 3 world country, hehe, even so.

I myself would recommend you having 2 various resorts to rest at (meaning it seems you not have lov budget monger plan at state wanting modellookalikegirls and all that, hehe). As in Makati and Malate / Erimita area. For me it eased my mongering big time as traffic / logistics in this country is very bad exp from 3. 5am (then it is easy to move around). I allways try to stay at places having big fridge and maby also kitchenette as I like the freedome to have myself a baguette with ham and cheese every now and then. But ofcourse I most likely end up with calling up the room service so maby just stupid from my side. If you read closely in this thread you will find postings guys going from Malate to Burgous (Makati) to Edsa to Quezon to Ortigas and so on all in one night and even stop by some bars and nightclubs along the way. As I spend 5 hours only on Malate. Quezon. Makati leg (to pick up a Filipino Cupid girl) I simply can not believe this as the day only consists out of 24hrs. So move around night time / early morning and have 2 bookings with a toothbrush each place. This will make your mongering more effective.

But in Makati you have 2 more upscale hotels than New world and Shangrila (Raffles to mention one will hit you off by alm 20000piso per night). Ascott only 10500 for big room (1 bedroom apt). Riviera Mansion 3-4K per night also big room as in suite / excecutive. Ascott is located close to all the action as ICON (disco in basement of Intercontinental hotel. Approx 100mts from Ascott) , Greenbelt action as Havana is a 3 minutes taxiride from Ascott entrance. During malls openinghours you can walk right through the mall in airconditioned environment but nighttime malls closes so taxi is good option. New World is right across from Havana I believe and have a disco called Palledium (or sth) in basement. Hope you have a blast.

Mc Don
03-01-13, 14:40
IMO the best high end place in Makati is The Peninsula or The Pen as its often refereed to, check it out next time.

I tried to make my bookings at the Shangri La in Makati but they had only a few nights out of my stay for 8 days available. I also did have a booking at Riviera Mansion along with my other booking (ended up staying at Ascott Residence Makati side by side with entrance Glorietta 4 shopping mall). Shangrila though stands out as one out of the better options in this area. Though I believe that Makati and its top notche hotels will stand out from the rest of this 3 world country, hehe, even so.

I myself would recommend you having 2 various resorts to rest at (meaning it seems you not have lov budget monger plan at state wanting modellookalikegirls and all that, hehe). As in Makati and Malate / Erimita area. For me it eased my mongering big time as traffic / logistics in this country is very bad exp from 3. 5am (then it is easy to move around). I allways try to stay at places having big fridge and maby also kitchenette as I like the freedome to have myself a baguette with ham and cheese every now and then. But ofcourse I most likely end up with calling up the room service so maby just stupid from my side. If you read closely in this thread you will find postings guys going from Malate to Burgous (Makati) to Edsa to Quezon to Ortigas and so on all in one night and even stop by some bars and nightclubs along the way. As I spend 5 hours only on Malate. Quezon. Makati leg (to pick up a Filipino Cupid girl) I simply can not believe this as the day only consists out of 24hrs. So move around night time / early morning and have 2 bookings with a toothbrush each place. This will make your mongering more effective.

But in Makati you have 2 more upscale hotels than New world and Shangrila (Raffles to mention one will hit you off by alm 20000piso per night). Ascott only 10500 for big room (1 bedroom apt). Riviera Mansion 3-4K per night also big room as in suite / excecutive. Ascott is located close to all the action as ICON (disco in basement of Intercontinental hotel. Approx 100mts from Ascott) , Greenbelt action as Havana is a 3 minutes taxiride from Ascott entrance. During malls openinghours you can walk right through the mall in airconditioned environment but nighttime malls closes so taxi is good option. New World is right across from Havana I believe and have a disco called Palledium (or sth) in basement. Hope you have a blast.

03-02-13, 01:30
Thank you all for the insight into which high-end hotel is best for the "action". Now the stage is set!


X Man
03-02-13, 02:33
I don't remember anyone giving a report on Sofitel. I'm curious about Spiral restaurant.

I don't usually stay at the more expensive places, but sometimes it's nice to pop in for a drink or meal. http://www.sofitelmanila.com/

IMO the best high end place in Makati is The Peninsula or The Pen as its often refereed to, check it out next time.

Mc Don
03-02-13, 15:05
I don't remember anyone giving a report on Sofitel. I'm curious about Spiral restaurant.

I don't usually stay at the more expensive places, but sometimes it's nice to pop in for a drink or meal.

http://www.sofitelmanila.com/The sofitel is great but its not in makati. Its also not as close to the action in malate, so its sort of out of the way if you ask me. There are couple of good hotels in Alabang too but again the same issue, too far from what we want I guess

Tally Wacker
03-02-13, 19:03
Yes and if you get tuckerd out going between the 2 hotels you might think of getting a 3rd one in between them to have a baguette with with a side of racism before you move on.

I myself would recommend you having 2 various resorts to rest at (meaning it seems you not have lov budget monger plan at state wanting modellookalikegirls and all that, hehe). As in Makati and Malate / Erimita area. For me it eased my mongering big time as traffic / logistics in this country is very bad exp from 3. 5am (then it is easy to move around). I simply can not believe this as the day only consists out of 24hrs. So move around night time / early morning and have 2 bookings with a toothbrush each place. This will make your mongering more effective.

03-02-13, 23:50
Yes and if you get tuckerd out going between the 2 hotels you might think of getting a 3rd one in between them to have a baguette with with a side of racism before you move on.TW, that was good!

Member #4387
03-03-13, 11:59
Yes and if you get tuckerd out going between the 2 hotels you might think of getting a 3rd one in between them to have a baguette with with a side of racism before you move on.I guess you are just beeing negative as usual but this is my soulution and even if you can not afford it maby others do ok? I take mongering as serious as you do and I am pretty much believe I have equal fun as you as well. I just write this report to others may be thinking moving around in Manila is easy, some of you (I don't know if you are to blame) makes it seems than moving from one area to the next is a piece of cake (moving around 3-4 areas during a few hours of time even going into a bar here and there and some nightclubs too. I simply don't believe it). But I think it is not. On some distances you walk faster (but not an option by me as I break sweat easy). But moving around this 3-4'th world non logistic excisting city is wuite hard with traffic moving so bad out of every aspect I can think of. Not to mention people just park in the middle of the streets blocking one lane.

So for me making my mongering more easy I moved as much as I could around between 3. 5am in the morning between my locations. Worked out great. One upscale location and one downscale (but still good this Riviera Mansion). A thrid one may come in handy if you have a lot of dates with Laguna girls, who knows. Even maby a fourth where you can take a dump. But as this is not against me and you. I just give people the option to have to rooms at the same time as in effective mongering. Worked for me (exp from one day as this girl would simply not go from her home alone never been outside Quezon City.

Red Kilt
03-03-13, 13:16
So for me making my mongering more easy I moved as much as I could around between 3. 5am in the morning between my locations. Worked out great. One upscale location and one downscale (but still good this Riviera Mansion). A thrid one may come in handy if you have a lot of dates with Laguna girls, who knows.I must say that Skogis' solution to the traffic problem is rather unusual and if he wants to do it AND can afford it, then why not?

Anyone who stays in Ascott in Glorietta 4 as well as having another place like Riviera Mansion in Manila must be very well-heeled, so for me, good luck to him.

I personally think there are other strategies to manage the traffic problem rather than having 2 hotels and I wouldn't do it that way but that is JMHO.

03-03-13, 16:22
I must say that Skogis' solution to the traffic problem is rather unusual and if he wants to do it AND can afford it, then why not? .I personally think there are other strategies to manage the traffic problem rather than having 2 hotels and I wouldn't do it that way but that is JMHO.I'm with RK here. Agreed that traffic can be a nightmare and we all want to minimize time stuck in traffic. If you want to meet women in more than one area of the city, seems like the obvious solution is do a little planning. For example, organize your contacts so that you can meet all of the Makati girls there, and then move later to Malate and meet the Malate girls there. Have a few backup girls on your list, and then know the location of some good bars in your area if everything else falls through. Of course, some guys hate planning and want to go with the flow. I read reports about guys who don't like the mood in Makati bar and then suddenly decide to go all the way up to QC, then get bored there and head all the way down to MBC, pick out a girl and then have to bring her all the way back to their hotel in Makati. This just seems like a lot of wasted time to me.

Malate / Ermita is sleazy and dirty, but it's very walkable. I had a gf stay with me for a few days. We'd sleep late, enjoy some good restaurants and nightclubs, and had lots of time left for leisurely shagging during the day and all night. A couple of times we took cabs out to special restaurants, but it was by choice and not necessary. For my short-timers, we'd meet at Robinsons in the middle of the afternoon, walk back to my hotel, perhaps have a little afternoon delight, go to dinner, maybe stop off for a massage, and come back to the room early for more long sessions. I had one night with no contacts lined up, but just walked 10 minutes over to MBC, found a pretty lady I liked, and we walked back. Never got near a cab. Granted, I deal with horrendous traffic at home 48 weeks a year, and when I'm on vacation want to keep my time spent in any form of transportation down to a minimum. Any day that I never even get near an internal combustion vehicle is a banner day for me.

03-03-13, 21:16
After reading the last couple of pages I'm left with one thought: Norwegian's think debt = poor, and don't know much about economics.

That said, please excuse me while I go read about Norway's many medical, military, and technological achievements.

Member #4387
03-03-13, 23:18
After reading the last couple of pages I'm left with one thought: Norwegian's think debt = poor, and don't know much about economics.

That said, please excuse me while I go read about Norway's many medical, military, and technological achievements.Ested.

Don't be so offended please advice my country is not perfect but so is not USA or wherever you come from. I have to advice that according to our population we contribute far higher economical support to I e afghanistan than UK or USA as we surprislingly just want to throw money out the window to support the despots running these countries (simular to Afghanistan).

But it is no way, as a economist and rather highly educated in economics I can see I e USA as rich country anymore. Get your things together and taste the smell of it. USA economics have the last 5-6 years depended on that the national banking system produce enough money (as in bills without having gold recourses to provide for it). Deflation is soon to happen and in a few years US100 will be worth as much as a US10 today. Mark my words. Not that it has any affection accept that mongering in USA will be more cheap for people intersted people. Once again I would state my mother is born and raised in USA so I am half american believe it or not. I have read reports from highly educated people in USA and they are afraid of the spending of money.

That beeing said I don't want to take shit from punters inside here. If you don't want to take things seriously up to you but believe there will come another tomorrow. Not my words but economists words. Norway, and it is many things wrong with Norway, contribute to much abroad don't have time to take care of domestic trouble. We have extremely strong economy but, hey, we did not invented oil. We just, when we found it, made everyone happy economicaly with extremely great healthcare system (and not as you need stupid health insurance to stay fit). We pay almost 40% taxes from salaries as the benefits when getting old is great. You will be taken care off. I love USA but there are many things I don't like about this great country. Norway is smaller, much smaller, but almost twice or third as good.

Yes USA have big economy but not as strong anymore. Chinaman is taking over. The Yang is far stronger and will be as they are heavily populated. Investments in USA are just not so interesting anymore even if it breaks my heart beeing a lover of USA. Atleast there will be in the future possible going with a Houston girl for reasonable price so maby mongering can be more attractive in USA as well.

So fall back off your high horse the horse have simply turned into a donkey. You are still a great world power and supportive to Norway militarywice (and we need you guys) but as we earn maby 3000 billions a year what do USA earn? Who is better and who is worse economicalwice? Just pop the question. I am aware of Norways shortcommings. We have 6 Hercules and 65 F35 on order (never to be delivered from USA. We chose those fighterjets due to strong military relationships). Now as even the B787 is grounded (another history nothing to do with government) it seems that the USA have trouble in many ways (this is all due to manufactortrouble from producer of lithanium batteries overheating). We will see. USA is still strong country as they continue to produce money but not longer a rich country. Due to what reason now one can take that away from norway as in rich (end expensive and no mongeringground). We also contribute everytime USA ask but we are small have not even 10000 soldiers so we contribute where government are asked to and mostly by the USA. I believe 10000 soldiers in USA is not more that one big base in USA somewhere?

X Man
03-04-13, 08:43
I went swimming at Miami Beach on Christmas day and didn't get frostbite. And that's why the US is better than Norway!

Good grief Skogy, could you please stop. This is the Manila forum. X.



Don't be so offended please advice my country is not perfect but so is not USA or wherever you come from. I have to advice that according to our population we contribute far higher economical support to I e afghanistan than UK or USA as we surprislingly just want to throw money out the window to support the despots running these countries (simular to Afghanistan).

But it is no way, as a economist and rather highly educated in economics I can see I e USA as rich country anymore. Get your things together and taste the smell of it. USA economics have the last 5-6 years depended on that the national banking system produce enough money (as in bills without having gold recourses to provide for it). Deflation is soon to happen and in a few years US100 will be worth as much as a US10 today. Mark my words. Not that it has any affection accept that mongering in USA will be more cheap for people intersted people. Once again I would state my mother is born and raised in USA so I am half american believe it or not. I have read reports from highly educated people in USA and they are afraid of the spending of money.

That beeing said I don't want to take shit from punters inside here. If you don't want to take things seriously up to you but believe there will come another tomorrow. Not my words but economists words. Norway, and it is many things wrong with Norway, contribute to much abroad don't have time to take care of domestic trouble. We have extremely strong economy but, hey, we did not invented oil. We just, when we found it, made everyone happy economicaly with extremely great healthcare system (and not as you need stupid health insurance to stay fit). We pay almost 40% taxes from salaries as the benefits when getting old is great. You will be taken care off. I love USA but there are many things I don't like about this great country. Norway is smaller, much smaller, but almost twice or third as good.

Yes USA have big economy but not as strong anymore. Chinaman is taking over. The Yang is far stronger and will be as they are heavily populated. Investments in USA are just not so interesting anymore even if it breaks my heart beeing a lover of USA. Atleast there will be in the future possible going with a Houston girl for reasonable price so maby mongering can be more attractive in USA as well.

So fall back off your high horse the horse have simply turned into a donkey. You are still a great world power and supportive to Norway militarywice (and we need you guys) but as we earn maby 3000 billions a year what do USA earn? Who is better and who is worse economicalwice? Just pop the question. I am aware of Norways shortcommings. We have 6 Hercules and 65 F35 on order (never to be delivered from USA. We chose those fighterjets due to strong military relationships). Now as even the B787 is grounded (another history nothing to do with government) it seems that the USA have trouble in many ways (this is all due to manufactortrouble from producer of lithanium batteries overheating). We will see. USA is still strong country as they continue to produce money but not longer a rich country. Due to what reason now one can take that away from norway as in rich (end expensive and no mongeringground). We also contribute everytime USA ask but we are small have not even 10000 soldiers so we contribute where government are asked to and mostly by the USA. I believe 10000 soldiers in USA is not more that one big base in USA somewhere?

03-04-13, 20:25
Long time lurker and paid member but first report!

Landed mid morning and checked into the hotel. Peninsula. Had a cutie lined up from DIA who I called. By the time I had showered she showed up. Very pretty in a green dress definitely a 8. Got to the room the awkwardness started. I had set the expectation clearly upfront, while communicating from back home in the US, and had actually defined a peso amt for an overnight. But once in the room she started acting all demurre and how she was a good girl, training for a flight attendant job this was not what she does regularly etc etc. Sat her down had a straight conversation that even to earn her taxi money I needed to see the legs parted. The straight talk sobered her a bit, had a shower together and then went for a missionary action to completion. Kicked her out with 1000 PHP and called the next of my DIA short listed candidates. Waiting for her to show up- the report will continue.Between all the actions and then the flight back home didn't get a chance to finish the report.

Carrying on from where I had left:

Called on the set of DIA girls and got one on the phone who promised and did show up to the hotel by 7:00. Had to pay the taxi at the front and did the walk of shame, well no one really cares in Manila! Once the clothes came off she was thin to the point of anorexic so all night was out as an option. Stuck to oral action only and between some chilled San Miguels had two pops with CIM after an extended shower play. She was happy with the 1000 PHP and an extra 100 for taxi and I went to bed after send out a few more DIA follow ups.

Day 2.

Was at work the whole day and a long commute back but had a 9:00 PM meeting planned in front of the Starbucks at Greenbelt 3. Decided this to be better than meeting in the hotel as sometimes the DIA girls have some pretty hazy pictures posted. The girl showed up 15 min late in a cheetah print shirt and leggings and was very cute. About 5' with certified C cups. Stuck it great from the start and went back to the hotel after picking up some snacks and mixers from a 7-11. In the room she was awesome and between the water play, BBJs and multiple positions was a great 4 hrs of non stop action. The best part was a face fuck that must have bust her small mouth but she took it like a champ. Damage was a total 3000 including a 1000PHP tip for her exceptional "client satisfaction" skills.

Day 3

Started with a leisurely breakfast and some pings on the DIA. Had at least 10 potential lined up with various firmed up schedule but the prize went to a call center team lead who I sensed was a total non-pro who was playing hard to get to at the beginning but a promise of 3000PHP after a set of time stamped pictures to my mail was too hard to resist. Again met at Greebelt 3 (that gives me an option to walk away if the real doesn't match the picture). This girl was 23, very fair, mix of Phillipino and Japanese with unaccounted English, stylishly dressed, about 5'3" with a B+. In addition, unlike the typical philli, had a very shapely ass.

Due to the background. Non pro etc played it slow like an actual date. Had a great Phiipino brunch at Messy (GB5) and then walked over to the Hotel after buying a bottle of wine. Took slow in the room and by the time had her clothes off had discussed everything between the Phillipines economy to the US economy. Once the clothes came off she was very needy for attention and I did my first DATY on someone I knew I would pay eventually! She was very pretty, good skin and perfectly proportioned and we had some great sex including a CIM. Later in the evening we had a nice dinner followed by couple of more rounds and then slept naked bodies entertwined. Had an early morning flight out next day and after another round of what this girl referred to as "protein shake" went to the airport after dropping her on the way.

In summary 3 nights in Manila hooked with 4 from DIA. Two non pro, two semi pros, all very GFE. I donot think I paid more than what I would have to pay if I barfined out of EdSA or Bourjes street joints and the action had an amateurish sweetness that left a great longing to go back soon.

03-05-13, 08:37

I like to go to AC from Manila, I prefe car, any idea how much a normal taxi will cost or is there is any special car rentel agency with driver for Manila-AC trip.

Appreceate your help, will post soon on Manila and AC trips.


03-05-13, 15:37
Does anyone have an email for Boulevard Mansion or Mabini Mansion / Residential Suites in Malate? I can't find it on the website.

Tally Wacker
03-05-13, 17:15
I googled it and this came up.

Tel. No. : (632) 521-8888.

Fax: 521-5829.

Email: (sales) marketing@mansiongroup.com.ph




Does anyone have an email for Boulevard Mansion or Mabini Mansion / Residential Suites in Malate? I can't find it on the website.

Harry Dude
03-05-13, 20:47
You should ask your AC hotel to arrange a car service, they would like to see you arrive in one piece. Send them an email and they will definitely answer.

You should expect anywhere between 2500 and 3500 for a private car.


I like to go to AC from Manila, I prefe car, any idea how much a normal taxi will cost or is there is any special car rentel agency with driver for Manila-AC trip.

Appreceate your help, will post soon on Manila and AC trips.


03-05-13, 23:11
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

Pip Jaeger
03-05-13, 23:50

I like to go to AC from Manila, I prefe car, any idea how much a normal taxi will cost or is there is any special car rentel agency with driver for Manila-AC trip. TMTIn case your hotel does not offer car service or if the price is high, then Margarita Station offers car service from anywhere in metro Manila (2, 600php for a car). The car will have a cooler for your beer / soft drinks and for a modest extra fee they'll stock it for you as well. Need to BYOG though, LOL.

I've used them a few times throughout my stay and drivers were always on time, if not early. Cars were clean late model sedans or mini-vans (no up-charge if car booked and van arrives). Payment is made directly to the driver upon completion of trip.

Link to their rate chart:


Cool Traveler
03-05-13, 23:57
My ex-partner was a Norwegian. A ver wealthy Norwegian. You sounded just like him. An asshole. Never met a Norwegian who was not an asshole. But you Norwegians like to tell others that while you smile and pet thei back. Hahaha. Very funny.

But it is funny, how you sound just like any Norwegian I have met. And yes, I have been to Norway many times. And you guys have a dick for your head.

I also know you Norwegians are nice mongerers, but why go there. I mean, why do you want to beat each other up? If you have nothing nice to say here, keep your trap shut. We are here to help each other. You read, ask questions, take advice from good gentlemen here, and you have no need to broad bursh people with nasty paint. I wish you all look, and I know you are a very nice Norwegian prick. But I have been doing this a long time. It really doesn't matter which country you are from. And believe I have seen as many pricks from Eurozone, as I have seen them come from anywhere else. A prick is a prick. Norwegian or American.



Finaly back in BKK and Grand President. Had a blast in Manila but also some hurtful moments. I advice you guys as in internet datingsites there are one or two good women and I believe I met one out of those. I met her in reception area of sixth fl in Ascott Makati only seen her in pics but she was this crazy good looking decent woman you run into once in a while, who I have kept in touch with. OMG she put out this realy sexy smile and I could in an instance tell she liked me. I felt secure, hehe. We went up to my apt and she told me, shy as she should have been, that she did not have sex for 2 years. She started kissing me, and I would state heavily, in the sofa after only a few minutes in room.

Well this is my final closure from Makati and how it ended but I have to say after my Manila spree (travelling around only to obtain pussy. Last Friday I have to get some credit, hehe). I guess I usual you are only a few punters inside here trying to communicate towards eachother and rearly comment on sprees like this.

OMG: Havana. Good, ICON. Good good (as I like it qa bit upscale). Palladium I did not have the chance to get to but still ICON is my favorite with a lot of girls loose in both ends, hehe. Had my first "ever in Phil exp" regarding assfuck when she just popped out "I love ass, I love licking and be licked" sound more like a lesbian statement when talked into a more shallow enviroment I can provide (and understand). Well well we had a blast and the hole session did not set me off more than 2000piso (I just tried to give her small money but she obliged and was happy).

From Havana, to some mall (realestategirls in Glorietta 4) , towelgirl in Ascott and the above mentioned nothing realy exciting happened. But when a girl cries almost after minute after she sees me it is either she have bad exp in internet from before or she is very bad prepped. But to make a long short story even longer I would say I am lucky as most giirls tend to like me. In Phils, we can not overlook it, it is important to go or come to USA than any country in the world. When I try to say, beeing a norwegian, that USA stinks big time and don't have money to provide their own military even. I love USA and its people I just find the usefulenss of democracy totaly helpless when you need to almost be billionare or supported by one / ten to become winner) no one listens. In Norway and in my state (Oslo) I will run for government now and speak out loud for supportmoney / mongermoney for people want to go abroad to fuck.

The reason I am a bit harsh towards you american guys, and I am sure you are nice mongerers, but even in a breefe stay in Havana I see people retract despite of you guys. It is not funny even for me. When I stand there talking to a "big champ" in some second world war look alike age trying to act he is Batman I get enough from ego. How can people take people like that seriously. I have not so many words in my vocalubary as I am norwegian but atleast I GOT TO TELL ONE PRICK in ICON he was not the centre of the world. I saw him at the airport today. Shitty Terminal 2 walking and had to sit among the crowd. I sat in shitty Muhyuabe lounge (business lounge). But I am shitty. But in a mongering aspect please can we not come down to real earth. USA is regarded in Norway as a poor country with skyhigh debts. Norway runs from 2 or 3 trillions in profit every year. USA is great, my mother is borned and raised in Atlanta. But hey guys you are not the world geatest gift to girls in mongering aspects (atleast not the old ones of you) I still have to love USA as a great deal of my living family still is present there. But more and more comes to Norway (and that is not due to mongering) l. Please behave guys, you used to be world power but today when China is far greater in many ways (economy and will increase rapidly) please stay sharp. You don't own Makati in Philippines but I felt like that where big groups of americans arrived into various venues, buying themself a bottle of Corona each and still stood screaming as they owned the place (I allways buy atleast one bottle of vodka / whiskey). I felt sorry for some girls at some point had to cater cheap charlies like that living in outskirts of Makati but I kept my mouth shut as I was busy catering my own ladies.

Seems very strange, but in general I have nothing against american people, as I find them polite and considerate abroad (ex war zones. Been there done it my self. Then they are the best people around Afghanistan / Iraq. Realy reliable) but in Makati I have seen, talked to and and get to know a few who where not so good. Only a group of british people from the coleminds north of newcastle could be worse.

But after ending my Makti session the morning of 26 of Feb after to much hot and loving GFE sex I felt like an asshole. She cried and cried when she had to split to work. As a mongerer I incurriage her to go to work as I could not stand it anymore as she threatned to stay home from work meaning I had to stay another day which was impossible. So guys please when you encounter decent girls (it can happen. It happened to me this trip be nice). Even if she was highly educated from one of Manilas finests she still have this look upon western guys as prime, they don't put their bar up high, hehe. I was able to see one flight to Honululu and one to Vancouver having boarding before I left. That was human white trash people exp from the beautiful pinay ladies following their nursneeding guys to gate, hehe. OMG let me die before.

Summa summarum Makati: 4 girls. 2 non pros. 2 pros. A lot of dining and wining, hehe, and a lot of nice times. Havana stinks a bit in many ways but great for pick up easy women. My dick hurts. I am in BKK now, hehe. But atleast Makati / Ayala is a bit upscale, hehe.


Cool Traveler
03-06-13, 00:06
Sorry guys. A non-sexual rant here.

I have been traveling for 27 years throughout Asia. Been to every single country, including Laos and Burma couple of times. Only country I have been to is North Korea. I get to meet all kinds of people. By far, Filipno's and Thai's are my favorite.

Having said that, I have this habit of asking this questions. I would ask people, if you are given 10 countries to move to, where you are given a Visa, and free air ticket, which country would you go to.

US, Australia, Canada, Japan, China, UK, France, Spain, Norway, Germany and Russia. Almost every answer was the USA. I think this answer is more because, Americans are more accepting than any other country. By the way, Canada, Australia or UK was usually the second choice. Might also be just because US is more popular.

I meet some of you guys at airports, and I ALWAYS make it a point to help. Point the way, help with ticketing etc. Etc. We are here to help each other. And Skogis, you tell a story of how someone is a prick. But you have proven to be one too. I just hope if we are cornered somewhere, we come to each others aide.

And in my previous rant, I bashed Norwegians and I apologize for that.

Ciao Bella.


Skogis nice FR on Makati / Ayala.

I'm looking forward to going back to Makati / Ermita in May and I'm glad it hasn't changed much.

I'm an American and can understand what you mean when drunk americans cause a scene that makes all of us look bad. I think your being a little harsh and putting us down isn't so is nice. I Know Norway is a great country and your economy is so great but no need to bash our country or make yourself seem like your better when it come to who you are. USA is the most diverse country in almost every way especially the people. Its funny reading your post as you are bashing our country and than following it up with how much you like the USA. The U. S has major economical issues at the moment but please get off your high horse. At the end of the day We mongers are all going to a third world country to enjoy a hobby that we love. I'm not a cheap charlie but I'm definitely not going to slam my fellow mongers for not spending what I am (Cheap charlies come from all countries by the way)

You can preach to filipinas all day long about how the USA sucks and your country is better but no one will listen. The fact is they love this country, they come here become nurses or whatever, make a decent living and enjoy life. They don't give a sh1t about our Political issues.

REMEMBER: you may think your special to these women while there but in reality they are only looking for one thing. Financial Security.

The idea of trying to explain economical and political differences between two first class countries to a filipina makes me laugh, most of these women don't understand what the hell is going on in there own country's economy.

Sorry for Ranting guys. Its always more fun in the Philippines

Cool Traveler
03-06-13, 00:21

You have deep seated problems dude. Somewhere down the line, America fucked you over. I read your postings, you are trying to give a hug, then you pull back and slap that person. Then you try to give a hug, then pull back and slap that person.

Sorry, but I have met Norwegians who are big time pricks. Just my personal experience. Nothing to do with Norway.

And a lot of what you say about China is so. So.

And as far as the US. It will survive. The immigrants made this country. And the immigrants are doing that again. And some of the immigrants are Norwegians and a whole bunch of Filipinas.



Don't be so offended please advice my country is not perfect but so is not USA or wherever you come from. I have to advice that according to our population we contribute far higher economical support to I e afghanistan than UK or USA as we surprislingly just want to throw money out the window to support the despots running these countries (simular to Afghanistan).

But it is no way, as a economist and rather highly educated in economics I can see I e USA as rich country anymore. Get your things together and taste the smell of it. USA economics have the last 5-6 years depended on that the national banking system produce enough money (as in bills without having gold recourses to provide for it). Deflation is soon to happen and in a few years US100 will be worth as much as a US10 today. Mark my words. Not that it has any affection accept that mongering in USA will be more cheap for people intersted people. Once again I would state my mother is born and raised in USA so I am half american believe it or not. I have read reports from highly educated people in USA and they are afraid of the spending of money.

That beeing said I don't want to take shit from punters inside here. If you don't want to take things seriously up to you but believe there will come another tomorrow. Not my words but economists words. Norway, and it is many things wrong with Norway, contribute to much abroad don't have time to take care of domestic trouble. We have extremely strong economy but, hey, we did not invented oil. We just, when we found it, made everyone happy economicaly with extremely great healthcare system (and not as you need stupid health insurance to stay fit). We pay almost 40% taxes from salaries as the benefits when getting old is great. You will be taken care off. I love USA but there are many things I don't like about this great country. Norway is smaller, much smaller, but almost twice or third as good.

Yes USA have big economy but not as strong anymore. Chinaman is taking over. The Yang is far stronger and will be as they are heavily populated. Investments in USA are just not so interesting anymore even if it breaks my heart beeing a lover of USA. Atleast there will be in the future possible going with a Houston girl for reasonable price so maby mongering can be more attractive in USA as well.

So fall back off your high horse the horse have simply turned into a donkey. You are still a great world power and supportive to Norway militarywice (and we need you guys) but as we earn maby 3000 billions a year what do USA earn? Who is better and who is worse economicalwice? Just pop the question. I am aware of Norways shortcommings. We have 6 Hercules and 65 F35 on order (never to be delivered from USA. We chose those fighterjets due to strong military relationships). Now as even the B787 is grounded (another history nothing to do with government) it seems that the USA have trouble in many ways (this is all due to manufactortrouble from producer of lithanium batteries overheating). We will see. USA is still strong country as they continue to produce money but not longer a rich country. Due to what reason now one can take that away from norway as in rich (end expensive and no mongeringground). We also contribute everytime USA ask but we are small have not even 10000 soldiers so we contribute where government are asked to and mostly by the USA. I believe 10000 soldiers in USA is not more that one big base in USA somewhere?

Irony Monger
03-06-13, 17:05
Thanks for the info on that, how is EDSA complex, (where is this?). Thanks for the recommendations on both places, I am thinking of staying in Makati. How is ayala shopping or other places to shop generally in free time or any night market areas? .Also is it easy to get FLs in Manila?You posed this question in the AC thread, but it belongs here so this is where I am replying. Really you should RTFF, but for the sake of convenience.

EDSA is right across the street from the Heritage Hotel. It is a complex with a bunch of girly bars. I've heard other describe it as similar to Nana Plaza in Bangkok (but I've never been to Nana Plaza so can't confirm).


For freelancers, the consistently popular places are the Manila Bay Cafe (formerly LA Cafe, which is how it still appears in Google) in Ermita / Malate or Cafe Havana in Makaki.



Lots of shopping in the various malls in Makati (Greenbelt, Glorietta, etc.). I suggest killing two birds with one stone, shop in Greenbelt, walk over to Cafe Havana, then go home with your goods and a girl.

For future reference, Manila questions belong in the Manila thread. Also, I have not answered anything that you can't find in this forum with the search function, just consolidated the info a bit. Please search first, ask questions later.

03-06-13, 18:48
You posed this question in the AC thread, but it belongs here so this is where I am replying. Really you should RTFF, but for the sake of convenience.

EDSA is right across the street from the Heritage Hotel. It is a complex with a bunch of girly bars. I've heard other describe it as similar to Nana Plaza in Bangkok (but I've never been to Nana Plaza so can't confirm).


For freelancers, the consistently popular places are the Manila Bay Cafe (formerly LA Cafe, which is how it still appears in Google) in Ermita / Malate or Cafe Havana in Makaki.



Lots of shopping in the various malls in Makati (Greenbelt, Glorietta, etc.). I suggest killing two birds with one stone, shop in Greenbelt, walk over to Cafe Havana, then go home with your goods and a girl.

For future reference, Manila questions belong in the Manila thread. Also, I have not answered anything that you can't find in this forum with the search function, just consolidated the info a bit. Please search first, ask questions later.Thanks Irony Monger! For the reply! Sry, I am new to this, so by mistake posted it there. Thanks for the info! Really appreciate your links and information! For the rest of it I shall search as you suggested!

03-06-13, 19:25

You have deep seated problems dude. Somewhere down the line, America fucked you over. I read your postings, you are trying to give a hug, then you pull back and slap that person. Then you try to give a hug, then pull back and slap that person.

Sorry, but I have met Norwegians who are big time pricks. Just my personal experience. Nothing to do with Norway.

And a lot of what you say about China is so. So.

And as far as the US. It will survive. The immigrants made this country. And the immigrants are doing that again. And some of the immigrants are Norwegians and a whole bunch of Filipinas.

CTIn one sentence talking about an American thinking he was the center of the universe when we all know he thinks the same. Typical racist.

Double Shooter
03-06-13, 22:49
But it is no way, as a economist and rather highly educated in economics I can see I e USA as rich country anymore. Get your things together and taste the smell of it.

Deflation is soon to happen and in a few years US100 will be worth as much as a US10 today. Mark my words.

Yes USA have big economy but not as strong anymore. Chinaman is taking over. The Yang is far stronger

So fall back off your high horse the horse have simply turned into a donkey. You are still a great world power and supportive to Norway militarywice but as we earn maby 3000 billions a year what do USA earn? Who is better and who is worse economicalwice?Wonderful entertainment.

Cool Traveler
03-07-13, 00:18
Trip Report.

This one is past due. I made this trip first week of February. So, my apologies. The weather was very pleasant. Very cool. Occasional threat of rain. I stayed at St. Giles for the first time. My usual place is Dusit Thani. Before coming down, I had signed up for both FC and DIA. Did my usual chats and connected with couple of ladies. One thing I can tell. I have been doing this for a while. It has become harder. And the pickings are becoming slimmer.

DIA worked as well as FC. So getting a paid subscription with FC was not really worth it. I also found that the variety in DIA is much more greater, with many more younger women. At FC, the selection was a little older.

My trip to Manila was just 2 days before I had to be in China for my meetings. So, I decided to stay away from my favorite haunt, Havana and stay near Burgos at St. Giles. St. Giles is cheaper, but about 50 bucks per night. The front of the hotel and the reception looked very nice. I got the superior room which is at the top floors, eliminating any noise problems from the street.

I had pre-arranged for 2 girls for meetups. Both from FC. The first girl was 22, and looked good both in pictures and on cam. I arrived at 10 PM from LA, and she got to my hotel soon after that. The idea was to keep until noon next day, and switch for the other. The 22 year looked very pretty in picture and cam. She had one kid. When she got to the hotel, once clothes were stripped. She had that after birth belly. You know what I talking about. Now I am all ready. Have taken a low dosage Cialis, and in my shorts when she walked in. Immediate hard on, and then saw the belly. Crap!

What do I do? What do I do? Horny as hell. My ding dong only twitched a little. It refused to give up. I went for it. To cut the story short, she started with a great BJ. She had very nice breasts. As my brother would sometimes comment, when the body is good, cover the face, fire the base. Hmmm. I just couldn't go down on her. She was very willing to do just about anything. And I made her do everything. I hadn't had rimming for a while, so made her do that. It was very nice. I hold of fucking for as long as I could, made her use her tongue all over and take care of my nipples. After about 45 minutes, came in her mouth. She ran to the bathroom and spit out, washed and came back. And had her repeat it. She got me hard again. Then, fucked her. Eventually, exhaustion took its toll. And 2 hours later decided to go to sleep. She asked to go home early morning. Told on condition that she wakes me up with a BJ. And at exactly 6:45 am, felt the wetness. Nice. Morning hard-ons are the best. By the way, that 10mg Cialis, the low dosage ones, they last. First time I used it. I went for my regular check-up, and my Vietnamese doc gave me a 2 pack sample of Cialis. I think each pack had 14 pills.

I let her go mid-morning after a massage with a 3000P gift. I gave her more than normal because she did do a great job, wrinkly belly and all.

After the wrinklies, I decided to skip on the second FC appointment. Also, found out Burgos is right behind St. Giles. Walked over looking for 'lunch'. Ended up at a place called Royal Bellagio. Sat and had lunch. Nice place to just sit and observe Manila life pass you by. There were couple of freelancers sitting around. They all connected with my line of sight. But none the better than the morning. So, I passed. Enjoyed couple of beers, and decided to head to Havana for later in the evening. While at Bellagio, found out it is not only a bar, but a hotel also. Got the waitress to take me upstairs. Looked at the rooms. The Bellagio rooms are much cleaner, bigger and better than the superior room at St. Giles for half the price. I have not stayed here, but I did get the information for those who would like to check it out. It is called the 'Royal Bellagio'. www.royalbellagio.com I wouldn't recommend this hotel for a business meeting. But for pleasure, a great place. If you are late, just come down, and pick a chick. Have a few beers. And head back to your room. What a cool concept. The wi-fi at St. Giles was very poor. And there was free wi-fi here. I will try on my next trip and will post the results. The Bellagio rate ranged from 1999 to 2700 pesos per night depending on room type.

After lunch went to Greenbelt area, where Havana is located, just to check it out for the night. Took 45 minutes taxi drive, stuck in traffic. Hung out, had coffee and decided to walk back to Burgos from Greenbelt 3 where Havana is located. It took 20 minutes to walk from Havana to St. Giles. So, in the evening, decided to take a nice leisurely walk to Havana. For those unfamiliar, get out of St. Giles onto Makati Avenue, look left. You will see McDonalds. Havana is in that direction. Do not take turns or deviate. Stay on Makati Avenue on the right side, and walk. In 20 to 25 minutes, you will hit Greenbelt 5 on your right. And Greenbelt 5 connects to Greenbelt 3, which leads you to Havana. Havana was crowded that night. Like before after a while I picked a pair and took them back to my hotel. A great night, and morning. They just did not want to leave. Treated them to lunch across Makati Avenue from St. Giles at a Chinese restaurant. Nice place to take your ladies to. It is cheap and very decent. By now I was satiated. Paid $2500 to each of the girls. They were reasonably tall for a change, slim. One had nice breasts and the other average. Looked alike, so assumed probably cousins. After the evening and morning, my balls ached. Too many orgasms I guess or was it the Cialis? Left that evening for China. Have to make my living. Also, for those using Cialis and Viagra, it will give you a heart burn. I think it is because they act on muscles fed by para-sympathetic nerves. Involuntary muscles. Like your ding dong muscles. And so, I think your muscles such as your diaphragm also gets simulated and "engorged" pushing bile fluids up your upper gastrointestinal tract. So, the acid that is pushed up gives you "heart burn". If you do have heart burn, just start taking couple of tums before action. Though consult a doctor. You might have some other problems. Tums worked for me. My stomach also felt full. I wonder if it will work as a dieting pill?

Note to self. Don't stay at St. Giles next time.

Cunning Stunt
03-07-13, 01:51
Typical racist.Maybe Skogis is anti-American (a lot of it about), or at worst a zenophobic nationalist. But I think it is a bit unfair to label him a racist as, correct me if I'm wrong, the USA is still a nation and not a separate racial group.

Tiger 888
03-07-13, 03:14
In one sentence talking about an American thinking he was the center of the universe when we all know he thinks the same. Typical racist.HeSays who makes blonde jokes.

03-08-13, 19:24

I've been active lately on DIA and wonder how helpful members here found these connections and time investment. I chose DIA because for discretion purposes, I don't want to use other pay websites where you should use your credit card.

So, I've spent some time on DIA and have few leads. I've tried being very selective in terms of looks etc, thus have no more than 5-6 leads at this time with phones (not all I've yet seen on Skype). I have also seen some challenges:

1. Many ladies don't have web cams.

2. Some ladies are not what they present themselves on DIA in terms of looks.

3. Most of them are extremely flaky.

4. Many don't respond to my pings on DIA. If they do, many can barely communicate in a manner that one can comprehand.

So, for those who start this track (which is still advisable, I think, for those who like semi-pros and non-pros) as a supplement to usual Manila experience, the above 4 points should "shine" as a serious obstacle.

For those more experienced than I am, I would pose the following questions:

- Did you ever try inviting all of the girls that you haven't seen at about the same time to some mall in Makati, so that you could immediately zoom on the ones that look good? It can be awkard a bit, but could be a great time saver. An alternative would be to invite them for a short coffee one after another, interview style and then meet with best candidates for a reall session later.

- What are the techniques that work best to convert and flirty chat long-distance to a steamy session in the hotel room? I assume that some of the girls are non-pros and being too forward may scare them off. I'm not sure if Pinays are used to first-date sex.

Any success (or not so success) stories related to DIA girls will be appreciated!



03-08-13, 19:36

I've been active lately on DIA and wonder how helpful members here found these connections and time investment. I chose DIA because for discretion purposes, I don't want to use other pay websites where you should use your credit card.

So, I've spent some time on DIA and have few leads. I've tried being very selective in terms of looks etc, thus have no more than 5-6 leads at this time with phones (not all I've yet seen on Skype). I have also seen some challenges:

1. Many ladies don't have web cams.

2. Some ladies are not what they present themselves on DIA in terms of looks.

3. Most of them are extremely flaky.

4. Many don't respond to my pings on DIA. If they do, many can barely communicate in a manner that one can comprehand.

So, for those who start this track (which is still advisable, I think, for those who like semi-pros and non-pros) as a supplement to usual Manila experience, the above 4 points should "shine" as a serious obstacle.

For those more experienced than I am, I would pose the following questions:

- Did you ever try inviting all of the girls that you haven't seen at about the same time to some mall in Makati, so that you could immediately zoom on the ones that look good? It can be awkard a bit, but could be a great time saver. An alternative would be to invite them for a short coffee one after another, interview style and then meet with best candidates for a reall session later.

- What are the techniques that work best to convert and flirty chat long-distance to a steamy session in the hotel room? I assume that some of the girls are non-pros and being too forward may scare them off. I'm not sure if Pinays are used to first-date sex.

Any success (or not so success) stories related to DIA girls will be appreciated!


AI have had a lot of success on the dating sites. I have fucked many girls from them. All were bareback with cum in pussy (if that is what you want).

However, it is very very time consuming. You really need to email and Skype with them and even call them prior to arrival. With the time you invest, they pretty much consider you close to a BF, thus are willing to fuck within 30 minutes or less after meeting them.

A lot of them want to hang on for longer than you might want.

Bottom line: It is another option, but I have come to the conclusion that straight p4p is easier and less complicated than the sites.

03-08-13, 22:30
- Did you ever try inviting all of the girls that you haven't seen at about the same time to some mall in Makati, so that you could immediately zoom on the ones that look good? It can be awkard a bit, but could be a great time saver. An alternative would be to invite them for a short coffee one after another, interview style and then meet with best candidates for a reall session later.This won't work because the ones who do show up will arrive up anywhere from on time to 3 hours late. Also, you will be spending a lot of time on your phone texting directions and required responses to the ones on the way (they will want to know where you are and what you are doing as they slowly make their way to the meeting point).

03-08-13, 22:40
I do like a sprinkle of GFE, so will invest in DIA. In spite of time costs. I do agree with JPF that the ladies are flaky and won't show up at the given time.

Red Kilt
03-09-13, 02:56
- What are the techniques that work best to convert and flirty chat long-distance to a steamy session in the hotel room? I assume that some of the girls are non-pros and being too forward may scare them off. I'm not sure if Pinays are used to first-date sex.You have been given the answer to this question several times both explicitly and through other posts.

Be upfront about what you want and expect but in a non-crude manner.

Use euphemisms but make them clear. If you "scare off" half or even 90% of them then you have saved yourself a heap of time and trouble.

The very last thing you want to do is to meet a very beautiful and sexy woman, spend 1 or 2 hours eating and drinking with her, and then find out that she is totally untouchable. You will have a very pleasant time etc but a few hours later you will realise that you have squandered valuable time for nought all because you didn't want to "scare her off".

Member #4387
03-09-13, 04:34
I have followed you upon your arrival and your look for top noche girls. You don't find them in DIA that is my nr one. Second I will please advice you not to make many girls meet you at one time. I don't know how you are build but many of these girls are realy pore and don't live exactly where they state to live so even 100piso in their life is a big spending and even money they don't have. I have had girls claiming they did in fact have to borrow 200piso to come meet me from friends (for most of us this is a laugh but reality in shit poor Phils it is true).

So if you meet many girls at one time please give them money for transport back (those you don't like). Transport in Manila area can be rather timeconsuming as logistics don't work as we are used to in western europe / north america. Girls they live in Laguna and Lavite and still claims it is in Manila but in reality it is not. It is far away (atleast if you don't have helicopter).

The top 9-10 girls you will not find inside DIA or any other dating site (you want the best of the best) simply bcs they don't have to join datingsites to have nice living. But yet again I find your postings, as I followed bcs me and you are a bit the same in what we want, somewhat difficult to answer good even if I want to. Simply bcs I don't know what you exact want. Just please let me once more advice you, as I have used various datingsites for 7yrs or more, you will never ever find top top girls here. Then you have to use your own looks, behaviour and contacts to achieve girls like that (or ofcourse go hi so like G clubs, hi so escorts and so on).

But good luck. Wish you all the best.

Some can allways arrest me in saying this as I have quite a fleet of regular girls(none p4p and I know some ISG memebers dont like we meet normal girls as well through normal mechanisms - dont bother) met through also datingsites but i would not state them as as the best of the best - good looking maby 9 and some 10 but it is up to the beholder of eyes(some people dont like what you write will allways try to make you look bad)..

03-09-13, 05:29
I do like a sprinkle of GFE, so will invest in DIA. In spite of time costs. I do agree with JPF that the ladies are flaky and won't show up at the given time.Guess we all have different experiences. Have met 10's of gals from DIA (maybe nearly up to 3 figures) and all were pretty much on time and all were fine. Helps that I speak a reasonable amount of Tagalog so they know I'm not a 2 week tourist type. Maybe thats the difference, who knows.

03-09-13, 21:55
I found this article particularly disturbing as I have recommended and accompanied co-workers to this location as a place to take photos with lavish photographic equipment and have dated several times in the area over the past several months.

MANILA, Philippines—A French national was killed when he allegedly tried to fight off a suspected robber in Pasay City on Friday morning, police said.

http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/370403/french-national-shot-and-killed-along-baywalkYes it is distrubing, but was his life worth 750E?

Anybody that resists a robber is a fool. I Manila, or Los Angeles (where I live) or anywhere in the world.

Give them your shit. It can be replaced. Your life cannot.

03-10-13, 01:50
Thank you all for the valuable insight on DIA process. I like variety and for that reason consider DIA a viable option. I also managed to find few fairly good looking ones. The range of 8-9. Most that I am still talking to are 7s, but few are certainly 8-9. However, the really good looking ones are the least slutty, I found. So, for entertainment purposes I continue chatting them up. My profile on DIA is very clear that I'm looking for fun and not for serious relationship. So, this should be clear to them. What is not clear to them is that the picture on my profile is not mine. I don't know if and how it will pause a problem.

I do like companionship, even without intimacy, when I'm in a new place. When I travel for work, I am usually flanked by a local interpreter anyway and find it helpful to roam around with a local. As I usually can't f*k 24/7 and like other fine things in life (art, cuisine, etc). I don't mind having someone to chat with, while always keeping the upscale P4P options for the night. Of course, a lady must be at least cute to keep me aesthetically pleased. (:

To sum up. This should be an interesting experiment, as I have never dated a Pinay lady. By the time I travel, I expect to have about a dozen cuties from DIA to whom I communicated on Skype and in other ways. I am curious to see how this would transpire into bedroom action. Will report!


Red Kilt
03-10-13, 03:09
What is not clear to them is that the picture on my profile is not mine. I don't know if and how it will pause a problem.

. SNIP. By the time I travel, I expect to have about a dozen cuties from DIA to whom I communicated on Skype and in other ways. I am curious to see how this would transpire into bedroom action. Will report!You will need to have a reasonable explanation prepared for why the pic you have on DIA is not you. I simply don't post a picture rather than deceive them "up front".

Snow Koala
03-10-13, 15:02
In case your hotel does not offer car service or if the price is high, then Margarita Station offers car service from anywhere in metro Manila (2, 600php for a car). The car will have a cooler for your beer / soft drinks and for a modest extra fee they'll stock it for you as well. Need to BYOG though, LOL.

I've used them a few times throughout my stay and drivers were always on time, if not early. Cars were clean late model sedans or mini-vans (no up-charge if car booked and van arrives). Payment is made directly to the driver upon completion of trip.

Link to their rate chart:

http://www.margaritastation.com/oets.htmlI have used Beeline http://www.beelinetravel.com/taxi_index.htm A few times. The best value is when there are 4-5 people and you take a van. They also stop half way so you can take a wizz and get a starbucks or snacks for the road trip.

Nice Guy 99
03-10-13, 15:43
My profile on DIA is very clear that I'm looking for fun and not for serious relationship. So, this should be clear to them. What is not clear to them is that the picture on my profile is not mine. I don't know if and how it will pause a problem.Not a problem. I use a false photo and a false name on DIA. If I'm fairly certain I'd going to bed a girl I just mention that "for privacy I don't use my real name or photo but I'll tell you as you are my good friend who is going to visit me in the hotel". Then I send them a pic. I'm also a little better looking and a little younger looking that the fake photo I use, which I'm sure is not lost on them. So far this has never been a problem with a girl.

03-10-13, 15:51
Yes it is distrubing, but was his life worth 750E?

Anybody that resists a robber is a fool. I Manila, or Los Angeles (where I live) or anywhere in the world.

Give them your shit. It can be replaced. Your life cannot.Resisting a guy with a gun is just silly. MY homeowners insurance covers things like that. Cash might be a problem as how do you prove how much you had. But I'd rather be looking ofr ATM receipts than getting put in a coffin. Guys, DON"T ARGUE WITH A GUN. I don't care how many Rambo movies you've watched. This is not Hollywood.

03-10-13, 16:03
My profile on DIA is very clear that I'm looking for fun and not for serious relationship. So, this should be clear to them. What is not clear to them is that the picture on my profile is not mine. I don't know if and how it will pause a problem.

APic on profile is what attracts the girl to reply to your message. Many good looking young girls told me they get bunch of messages. They weed it out according to appearance on pic. Even if later on chatting you admit saying

You put the wrong pic they would want to know why. Girl's first preference as always is for somebody who they want a serious relationship or at least somebody who will support them.

Mentioning in your profile that you are looking for fun only will draw girls who are hookers or part time hookers. Correct way is to mention that you are looking for friends first. IMHO most of the young good looking girls initially say they are looking for long term
relationship and marriage. At that time you can say you are looking for friendship and company on your visits. Some vanish but you will be surprised how the girls change their mind and ready to be with you.

One time I was going to be in Manila for three days and started trolling DIA. I must have sent messages to close to 50 girls saying I want company. 10 girls replied and ready to be with me. I weeded out and ended up with 3 good girls who took care of me. Of course
they said why I would not let them stay with me more than one day. I had to come up with some lame excuse and promise them it will be more days next time I visit. Real reason is I wanted to sample all three.

03-10-13, 17:10
SNIP Mentioning in your profile that you are looking for fun only will draw girls who are hookers or part time hookers. Correct way is to mention that you are looking for friends first. IMHO most of the young good looking girls initially say they are looking for long term relationship and marriage.Respectfully, my profile is like Aibolit's."Just looking to have fun in my hotel with the ladies. Nothing more." When I turn it on a few weeks before traveling, I get 40-50 responses per day. That number dwindles within a week, but this kind of profile weeds out the non-willing quickly. I'm only looking for girls willing to be nawty for a night. When I say in the profile that I'm looking for friends, it leads to unwanted consequences later. When my profile mentioned 'friends' or relationship, even girls who agree to a quick meet-and-bang somehow get the wrong idea, and after they want some kind of relationship (usually involving ongoing remittance). Sammon I will PM you about a similar thing.

Cool Traveler
03-10-13, 21:17
Yes it is distrubing, but was his life worth 750E?

Anybody that resists a robber is a fool. I Manila, or Los Angeles (where I live) or anywhere in the world.

Give them your shit. It can be replaced. Your life cannot.I agree. Anyone who fights off a robber is a fool. Just let them have what you got. Thats why, though some will tell you to take passports along when you go out of your hotel, my advice is leave them in the hotel.

1. When you go out on an outing, just take slightly more than what you need.

2. Leave all your credit cards, except the one you plan to use.

3. If you need to withdraw money using your ATM, do it ahead of time, and leave your ATM card in the room.

4. Leave your passport in your room, and take your drivers license with you, or some other non-travel identification.

5. If you have jewelry or expensive watch, leave it the room.

6. If you are wearing nice clothes, wear them, but not ones that make you stick out.

7. When I mean in your room, leave everything above in the safe.

8. Plan your outing ahead of time. Ask questions if need be from hotel staff.

Cool Traveler
03-10-13, 21:47
Taling about DIA and paid subscriptions, I thought I'd write my 2 cents here. I have used both services considerably. The response rate from girls in both sights has gone down considerably in recent years but overall always hooked up with someone nice. I guess, either by being fooled or word of mouth, a lot of the girls are aware of what is going on. Having said that, this is what I found. I agree with one poster here, let them know exactly what you want. Don's mislead them to think you are going to marry them. That is not cool. My response to them have always been, I am looking for a girl friend, and I am not sure if I am interested in a serious realtionship if things don't work out.


It is a paid subscription service. This is not a free service, though you can sign up and browse. I found that more of the women in this site are older than the site in DIA. I also found a lot more of the girls are educated and employed in FC. I think there is a perception that if a man pays to sign up, he is serious about a relationship. I usually sign up for a 30 days period. And them mine it for all it's worth. It is hard to figure out which site has better looking girls. I think they are all about the same. There are many high level scammers on FC. They know men who signed up have money, or are willing to take a greater risk. They usually have very pretty pictures, and they will connect with you unsolicited. Always, always ignore the girls who contact you first. It is extremely rare that a girls connects with you first is genuine, as they are already getting bombarded by a lot of guys. There are many cam for fee, paid sex show solicited on FC. I am not a fan for this, but if you are into that, cool. Again it is usually the pretty ones. They will start like, come to this website.


This is a free site. There are a lot more younger girls here. A lot of girls here are there for money. Almost one out of two will hit you up for things like, mother needs blood transfusion, or my daughters birthday is 1 week and so on. I did give to single moms, couple of times, and when I got to Manila, they treated me like I was royalty. It is all up to to you. But many are scammers, generally low level scammers, not like the ones in FC. The girls here like to hit up for cash from many guys. It is like those homeless guys at freeway offramps asking for money. DIA does have a whole lot more girls than paid sites. And more variety. Less older women, especially between 30 and 45. I like 30 to 45, because I like to carryone a temporary relationship with multiple girls. I did connect two women together who were interested in trying out other women. Turned them into bi's, and had a threesome from it. Had to get both of them drunk first, hehehehe.

One rule you should follow is never entertain a girl who contacts you first. One, you are not in control. Two, they always have turned out to be scammers. They will make you spend a lot of time, and they are really good at getting your attention. If you like a girl, and want her to contact you first, just click on her profile, and close it. That will show up on her profile that you looked. Then if that person contacts you, then it generally turns out to be a good connection. Because you are controlling the conversation and you sort of initiated the contact.

The other rule is, make sure you see them online, on cam before you meet. You are a fool if you don't.

Collect the contacts and use skype, yahoo messenger or something similar to communicate with them. You do have to spend time cultivating relationship. And you can get some really nice ones, that you can maintain for a period of time, until you get tired of them. They sometimes will figure out you are not serious and will move along. I have had girls reconnect after a year because they wanted sex.

Also, get online a couple of days, preferably a week. Modify your profile to say, you will be in Phills on such a such a date. It makes the girls make quick decisions, especially the young ones.

03-10-13, 22:21
i for one do not assume they only want my money. maybe the want to fuck me. maybe they want to fuck my date. maybe the want to kidnap me. maybe they are their to kill me and do not want blood on the money when i am dead. i for one try to stay alive. but if i think i can kill them first and life another day i will. i sure do not want to be tied like a dog raped daily while in some nipa hut waiting for some one to give them money as they cut off my fingers to prove i am not dead just to cut my head off when they figure out everyone i know will keep the money and my government sure as shit will not pay for me. i am real close to ssn and it is broke now. so i do not see it as just my money. i see it as my life and how i live. living free and dieing free is important to me. maybe some would like some of the other options we read about to death. and that is their right. but for me to be free on a good day is the best day of my life. now i am not saying if their are 10 with m16's standing at distances i would not take that into consideration in when to make a move. but i would be looking to make one. and would rather die trying to die as many over there do. to each his own. but i do not judge a man for acting like one. i repect him. my two cents. viva la france

Tomux 22
03-11-13, 00:20
Any good options of a strip club in Makati / Manila? Something different and more relaxed from Burgos where 4 girls try to grab your dikk at the same time. A place where you can whach the show, talk to a girl, buy her drink, get conection and maybe even take her to your hotel rom. A place with a bit of class.

03-11-13, 00:36
Any good options of a strip club in Makati / Manila? Something different and more relaxed from Burgos where 4 girls try to grab your dikk at the same time. A place where you can whach the show, talk to a girl, buy her drink, get conection and maybe even take her to your hotel rom. A place with a bit of class.Go to Thailand.

03-11-13, 01:20
I am glad to see that I'm not the only one with fake DIA picture. The only probelm with my approach is that my picture is of a model that is better looking than I am. I'm not unattractive, but neither am I an international 24 whyear old fasion model, he-he. My approach in using a top model picture was inspired by thinking that best girls probably make their first sift-throughs based on the pic, not even the profile. I've seen that many didn't even read my profile, until I told them to. My strategy to tackle this matter is to tell the girl just befor her first Skype session with me that for the discretion reasons I had no choice but to use someone else's picture on my DIA profile.

As for various opinions expressed here regarding whether to be upfront about our intentions or not. I chose a middle-ground. Bascially, I tell on my DIA profile that I'm in for fun with a girl, but I also say that no one can predict what may develop if chemistry is right. My thinking here was (like some of my colleagues here) that top girls actually want at least an "open door" for a potential relationship. So, without lying to them, I give them this "open door", while being perfectly clear that we're starting with "fun".

Aside from the fake picture challenge, the only other one I predict is really converting nice girl (even the one committed to "fun first" approach) into first-date f*k session.

Happy hunting to all! A

Chocha Monger
03-11-13, 01:45
I am glad to see that I'm not the only one with fake DIA picture. The only probelm with my approach is that my picture is of a model that is better looking than I am. I'm not unattractive, but neither am I an international 24 whyear old fasion model, he-he. My approach in using a top model picture was inspired by thinking that best girls probably make their first sift-throughs based on the pic, not even the profile. I've seen that many didn't even read my profile, until I told them to. My strategy to tackle this matter is to tell the girl just befor her first Skype session with me that for the discretion reasons I had no choice but to use someone else's picture on my DIA profile.

As for various opinions expressed here regarding whether to be upfront about our intentions or not. I chose a middle-ground. Bascially, I tell on my DIA profile that I'm in for fun with a girl, but I also say that no one can predict what may develop if chemistry is right. My thinking here was (like some of my colleagues here) that top girls actually want at least an "open door" for a potential relationship. So, without lying to them, I give them this "open door", while being perfectly clear that we're starting with "fun".

Aside from the fake picture challenge, the only other one I predict is really converting nice girl (even the one committed to "fun first" approach) into first-date f*k session.

Happy hunting to all! AIf you're just looking to fuck the girls for fun and nothing more then why is it so important to trick nice girls into having sex with you? Not all of the girls on dating sites are looking to get fucked and chucked by a sex tourist. With all the other girls open to that sort of thing for a price I don't see why you would put all that effort into targeting the ones looking for a serious relationship with a normal guy. If you're looking for a challenge you're certainly coming to strange place to do it. You could just stay at home at home and try to match wits with the women on the dating sites there.

Chocha Monger
03-11-13, 01:48
i for one do not assume they only want my money. maybe the want to fuck me. maybe they want to fuck my date. maybe the want to kidnap me. maybe they are their to kill me and do not want blood on the money when i am dead. i for one try to stay alive. but if i think i can kill them first and life another day i will. i sure do not want to be tied like a dog raped daily while in some nipa hut waiting for some one to give them money as they cut off my fingers to prove i am not dead just to cut my head off when they figure out everyone i know will keep the money and my government sure as shit will not pay for me. i am real close to ssn and it is broke now. so i do not see it as just my money. i see it as my life and how i live. living free and dieing free is important to me. maybe some would like some of the other options we read about to death. and that is their right. but for me to be free on a good day is the best day of my life. now i am not saying if their are 10 with m16's standing at distances i would not take that into consideration in when to make a move. but i would be looking to make one. and would rather die trying to die as many over there do. to each his own. but i do not judge a man for acting like one. i repect him. my two cents. viva la franceit is highly improbable that an armed filipino robber would snatch an elderly white guy from the public streets in order to hog tie him in a nipa hut and fuck him repeatedly in the ass as he squeals like a pig deliverance style. if you fear being anally raped in the philippines, stay out of their prisons. that means not fucking anyone **** or married. filipinos do not need guns to butt-fuck foreigners. there are more than enough [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) drunk mongers foolishly stumbling into the clutches of opportunistic lady-boys on the streets of manila only to awake the next morning with a sore anal sphincter and an empty wallet. the scenario of a gang of local henchmen fucking your filipina date is also highly unlikely. believe it or not these guys usually fuck girls ten times hotter than the ones foreigners pay to fuck. often your date is in on the armed robbery, so playing the knight in shining armor may get you needlessly gunned down like a dog in the streets trying to protect someone who was never in danger to begin with.

at least hand over the cash and see if that deescalates the situation before going straight to the assumption that they intend to stick a hot brown chili pepper up your corn-hole. calm down, the philippines is not an arab country or even mexico. if you're a social security check monger then perhaps you need reevaluate mongering so far from home, or maybe being in the hobby at all. i can see how someone old enough to actually collect a ss check and dining on cat food just to save enough money to make it to the philippines would be eager to get blow away, but some guys still have things they wish to live for.

Red Kilt
03-11-13, 02:14
If you're just looking to fuck the girls for fun and nothing more then why is it so important to trick nice girls into having sex with you? Not all of the girls on dating sites are looking to get fucked and chucked by a sex tourist. With all the other girls open to that sort of thing for a price I don't see why you would put all that effort into targeting the ones looking for a serious relationship with a normal guy. If you're looking for a challenge you're certainly coming to strange place to do it. You could just stay at home at home and try to match wits with the women on the dating sites there.Well I don't always agree with the CM but in this case I fully agree with EVERYTHING he said.

I don't have a photo on any date sites and so I don't get ANY messages from silly teens or even desperate housewives looking for a hubby. I do not have the time to go trawling through the dozens of hits you will get when you post a photo of a male model.

My profile is clear that I want friends only and so my MO is to read through interesting profiles (when I have time) and if one takes my eye I send her a message explaining why I don't have a photo and I will be happy to communicate via email and send a photo or two. Most write back and there is then full understanding with no deception involved. A number of women will write to me when they read my profile after they see that I have read their profile and this is despite my not having a photo. I would rather have 2 understanding contacts up front than having to sieve out 2 from a list of 20 or 30. I have more than enough contacts than I have time to handle, and many of them mention about the scammers with a false pic and lies about looking for a partner/wife etc.
It is no wonder so many girls are bitter and battle-scarred because they have been fed so much BS.

As a couple of posters remarked (David33 was one), some guys must spend hours on dating sites and exchanging messages and sorting through profiles. Most of them will come to nothing. I prefer snorkeling in the real world.

03-11-13, 05:44
I am totally confused about scoring with girls from DIA using fake pictures. Have you ever seen how sardines come and beg you to take them home? DIA is full of sardines. You don't need any elaborate trap to score with them. Believe me, the only thing you have to remember that just be yourself. Most of these girls want is to win the lottery (to skip Phil). They don't care for our age, looks, etc. Chances are no Filipina from a decent family are looking for husbands at these sites. When someone advertises 18-80 in DIA or man of any age in CB, then you know what kind of female population you are dealing with.

Last October, I went to Phil for 2 weeks. For the first time, I thought, just for fun, I will mix and match my victims. Some bargirls, some semi-pros and some so called dating site girls. So I invested some time, to get some girls from DIA and another pay site Cherry Blossom. It became like a game and I had so much fun with talking, arguing and finally breaking those stubborn girls that I am going to do it again in coming August. I realized without picture, the hits are less so I put my real picture (I am in my advanced years and not hiding from anybody. So it was a no-brainer). To weed through the junks, I put search criteria of a college degree. Not full proof. They can still lie. But during chat I could pick that up. That cut down the list substantially. Bigger problem was for the girls, who had to face much more conditions to meet me. First was, no one can fall in love with me. There will be no bullshit of marriage, serious relationship, etc. This was just for companionship. If they want to have sex, then we will have sex. Otherwise there is no pressure of having sex (believe me you will have sex, only one came very close to going back, but after spending some time with me she ended up staying the whole night and was the best of the lot in Manila). On my last night, one virgin travelled 3 hours one way to see me in Manila to break her virginity. I never knew her. She got my contact info from her friend. I had 5 dating site girls in Manila and 4 in Cebu. All but one was college graduates and have real job. Two of them are Bank workers, one works in a Jewelry shop and has a Masters degree, two teachers. 2 nurses and one secretary and one finishing up her bachelor degree. She is in Cebu and I got a little bit involved with her. I saw her for three consecutive nights (very rare for me) and will see her again in August. She is 22 year old and has a body to die for. But most importantly, I like her personality. Again, it is fun, when you mix and match. I cannot stay with the non-pros only. I need my bar girls and other pros. By the way, I never met any girl without chatting with her via webcam. They also put up lots of fake pictures. Needless to say, none of them are any raving beauty. Just your ordinary regular young girls.

I am really not writing this as trip report. Since I am taking valuable server space, I will furnish some wisdom for mongers who want to dabble in this area. If you are looking for best value for your dollar, just go for the pros. Although I paid these girls only taxi fare, but I always took them to dinner. One bank worker asked for the volcano trip (6000 P for two) , one dinner cost 4000P, etc. One way or other, finally it will cost you. Second problem is, as much as I told them not to expect any relationship, most of them never listened. I got severe grief for two months after coming home and I broke off with several of them. The worst problem with them is even the best of the best will contact you when they need money. One of my girls told me the classic line 'Filipinas will always need money'. So be careful on that.

Now about the good part. Several of my contacts got job in different countries and I have open invitation to visit them. Also, some of them offered their other friends to meet.

I am not sure whether this post belongs here or not. But since some discussions are going on about this topic, I thought to post it here. Jackson, you can move the post, if deemed inappropriate for this section.


PS: I will soon post a report in Cebu section about a wild night in one of the Mango Avenue bars. Never experienced this before.

03-11-13, 20:35

This past November I found a lactating girl by chance in Cafe Havana. I did not even think to ask when picking her up. I did ask if she had a kid and she said yes, I asked if she had stretch marks (jokingly of course) and she said no she was lucky. When we were back at the hotel is when I found out the surprise and went from ST to LT in less than 60 seconds. You should take the advice everyone has been giving and just ask. Also ask about the stretch marks as they can be a dealbreaker sometimes.


I will be arriving on May 1 this year and was wondering on a couple things. I hope all of you senior members can help. Actually it is 2 completley different requests.

First I luv the tiny titty girls, the smaller the better. I have a a few DIA girls but so far they seem a little flaky. Which bar ih your humble opinions have the smallest girls?

Second, I have a fetish for lactating girls. Do any of you know where I might be able to find me a lactating Pinay? I would luv to have me a girl for a few days.

Hope you all can help.

03-11-13, 20:40
I will be heading back to Makati in April. This time I will have some work colleagues with me that I will need to avoid showing my mongering habits.

My question (s) : If you meet a girl at cafe Havana can you ask her to come to your hotel and get buzzed up later (like 15 minutes)? Or do the girls want / need to get escorted inside?

At the hotel I was staying at several 'ladyboys' would come to the front desk by themselves hand over their I'd and the front desk would call up to the room. So I was wondering if I ask a FL to do this will I be breaking some unwritten code?



Screaming Beaver
03-11-13, 21:38
My question (s) : If you meet a girl at cafe Havana can you ask her to come to your hotel and get buzzed up later (like 15 minutes)?Yep.

Or do the girls want / need to get escorted inside?Nope.

At the hotel I was staying at several 'ladyboys' would come to the front desk by themselves hand over their I'd and the front desk would call up to the room. So I was wondering if I ask a FL to do this will I be breaking some unwritten code?Dude, what kind of question is this? Did Slippery put you up to this?

03-13-13, 00:11
I will be heading back to Makati in April. This time I will have some work colleagues with me that I will need to avoid showing my mongering habits.

My question (s) : If you meet a girl at cafe Havana can you ask her to come to your hotel and get buzzed up later (like 15 minutes)? Or do the girls want / need to get escorted inside?

At the hotel I was staying at several 'ladyboys' would come to the front desk by themselves hand over their I'd and the front desk would call up to the room. So I was wondering if I ask a FL to do this will I be breaking some unwritten code?


L2SWe know you really want those ladyboys in your room. No problem, enjoy.

Tally Wacker
03-13-13, 04:53
Its surprising how some idiots will respond to a post like this and spend so much effort to try and look cool but give no information.

I guess it depends on what hotel you stay at but most places will call up to your room when your lady arrives and ask you if you are expecting someone. She will need to know your name and room number. Then you can say yes please send her up. Some places you need to have your key card to use the elavator but I think a door man or elevator atendant will assist with that if needed. You might even ask for two key cards to your room when you arive and give the extra to the girl you meet and she can just come up behind you. Make sure you get it back after. Like I said it depends on your hotel. Just ask at the front desk ahead of time and you should be able to work it out.

I will be heading back to Makati in April. This time I will have some work colleagues with me that I will need to avoid showing my mongering habits.

My question (s) : If you meet a girl at cafe Havana can you ask her to come to your hotel and get buzzed up later (like 15 minutes)? Or do the girls want / need to get escorted inside?

At the hotel I was staying at several 'ladyboys' would come to the front desk by themselves hand over their I'd and the front desk would call up to the room. So I was wondering if I ask a FL to do this will I be breaking some unwritten code?



Dashing Don
03-14-13, 03:17
Its surprising how some idiots will respond to a post like this and spend so much effort to try and look cool but give no information.

I guess it depends on what hotel you stay at but most places will call up to your room when your lady arrives and ask you if you are expecting someone. She will need to know your name and room number. Then you can say yes please send her up. Some places you need to have your key card to use the elavator but I think a door man or elevator atendant will assist with that if needed. You might even ask for two key cards to your room when you arive and give the extra to the girl you meet and she can just come up behind you. Make sure you get it back after. Like I said it depends on your hotel. Just ask at the front desk ahead of time and you should be able to work it out.Aw get real, Whacker. You're starting to sound like the dozens of humorless posters here, like Xman and the Gay Pearl.

I thought Luvpuss' post was prescient and incisive. His ability to detect a ladyboy lover is sharp indeed.

On another note, I wonder if any of the guys here have attended any of the Manila salsa events lately and what their impressions were. I'll be back in Manila in mid April and have contacted the owner of a salsa studio and she tells me that they have a social in a restaurant in Greenbelt 5 on Friday nights. Anyone every attend it?

Tally Wacker
03-14-13, 05:13
Thats cute bute I wasnt referring to him. Enjoy your salsa.

Aw get real, Whacker. You're starting to sound like the dozens of humorless posters here, like Xman and the Gay Pearl.

I thought Luvpuss' post was prescient and incisive. His ability to detect a ladyboy lover is sharp indeed.

On another note, I wonder if any of the guys here have attended any of the Manila salsa events lately and what their impressions were. I'll be back in Manila in mid April and have contacted the owner of a salsa studio and she tells me that they have a social in a restaurant in Greenbelt 5 on Friday nights. Anyone every attend it?

03-14-13, 08:35
Any action at the Marriott Airport? Maybe in the hotel bar? Seems Havana (is this Cafe Havana?) is a bit to walk from the airport? I've not seen the Marriott or airport area mentioned in this thread.

03-14-13, 08:57
? Seems Havana (is this Cafe Havana?) is a bit to walk from the airport? .Yeah it would be a bit of a walk.

Maybe 45 minutes on a cool day / night and then you would arrived in a sweat soaked heap. Of course you would be the only person there walking that distance, as most would take a taxi. Don't consider doing that walk. Please.

Red Kilt
03-14-13, 13:08
Yeah it would be a bit of a walk.

Maybe 45 minutes on a cool day / night and then you would arrived in a sweat soaked heap. Of course you would be the only person there walking that distance, as most would take a taxi. Don't consider doing that walk. Please.45 minutes is a gross underestimation FF.

I think you might do it in 45 minutes if you jogged, but no way could you walk from NAIA Terminal 3 (which the OP is calling the "Marriott Airport") to Cafe Havana in anything under 90 minutes. You would also be very grimy from the traffic fumes as well as sweaty and grumpy.

Red Kilt
03-14-13, 13:11
Any action at the Marriott Airport? Maybe in the hotel bar? Seems Havana (is this Cafe Havana?) is a bit to walk from the airport? I've not seen the Marriott or airport area mentioned in this thread.There are a couple of nightclubs in the Resorts World complex near to Marriott and opposite the NAIA Terminal 3.

These are renowned high-class pick-up places with high class pick-up girls who charge premium prices.

Many of the show business people hang out there nowadays, including the sexy starlets.

Be warned you need a decent budget to get around that complex. Even the movie theatre charges double what you pay in other places.

03-14-13, 14:05
Any action at the Marriott Airport? Maybe in the hotel bar? Seems Havana (is this Cafe Havana?) is a bit to walk from the airport? I've not seen the Marriott or airport area mentioned in this thread.If you don't mind KTV's near the airport is Air Force One - you can even walk there. Further afar, yet much closer than Ermita or Makati, is the EDSA International Complex. Neither of these places has free lancers, if that's your thing. The cheaper of the two is EDSA.

03-14-13, 20:56
If you don't mind KTV's near the airport is Air Force One - you can even walk there.Air Force One also has a massage place (that includes sex). Just down the road from there is Starfleet that is also a massage parlor and a little less expensive.

However I wouldn't recommend walking to either. Take a taxi.

03-15-13, 01:16
Respected folks,

In preparation of my visit to Manila next month, I've been assembling a roster of DIA non-pros to keep me occupied during my visit. I have so far about 10 candidates. 3 of them I spoke on Skype with and found stunning (young, not warn out, slim, tall, etc). I hope that below report of DIA escapades will be useful for others doing the same hunting.

Following the advice of some colleagues from this forum, in my DIA profile I've tried to strike the right balance between not being rude, while letting the girls know what I'm after. So, I did stay from the start that I want to have some fun and not serious relationship, that I like to check the physical and emotional chemistry first etc. I enhanced that message by asking virtually every girl to read my profile, ask questions about it and confirm that we're on the same page. I thought being clear is impossible.

Well, I was chatting with one gorgeous young thing from Manila. We had lovely exchange without Skype and soon I've asked her to Skype with me. She started to complain that she doesn't have a computer, only at work and her brother's. I then said that it's important and she asked why. So, like in some of my other conversations, I told her something like: well, if we think of having a GF / BF relationship upon my arrival, taking you to places, spending some time in my hotel, etc. Of course I'd like to see you first. To that, she exploded, saying that "staying in your hotel?. I'm not interested". I've done my best to bow out respectfully, saying that I thought my profile was clear and that by "having fun" on my profile I didn't mean smelling the flowers. But, this ended the communication.

I found few good lookers who would swallow similar banter from me, but all of those who do fit the profile of single mother. 24 year old with 8 year old child (!). Those, I think, are ready for whatever, but, sadly, they are not my cup of tea, as I'm for the freshest produce possible.

So, if I am not to scare the really good looking girls, I think I should be more patient (and so should others, perhaps) and stop mentioning going to hotel etc. I should just bite the bullet and try putting them in a situation that is hard to back out from (I. E. Lunch, hotel pool, hotel room). Of course, with this kind of clientele (I. E. Real stunners who are not working girls) , I may have a zero success rate, no matter what I write in my profile and in later communication.

Interestingly, another stunner from DIA seemed to have swallowed heavy hints of hotel room and "needing to check physical chemistry" with no problem. But, by doing so she raised my suspicions that she may be not as "fresh" as she looks.

Hope this pondering will help your mongering! (This forum inspires poetry).

03-15-13, 02:53
45 minutes is a gross underestimation FF.

I think you might do it in 45 minutes if you jogged, but no way could you walk from NAIA Terminal 3 (which the OP is calling the "Marriott Airport") to Cafe Havana in anything under 90 minutes. You would also be very grimy from the traffic fumes as well as sweaty and grumpy.15 minutes to the highway. 15. 20 minutes down the side of the highway. 5 minutes up / down the ramp. 15 minutes down edsa. 10 minutes to GB. Yeah ok, a fast walking guy could do it in 60 minutes. Then would need to sit down for 15 minutes to cool down, and shower for 15 minutes too. LOL

03-15-13, 03:51
15 minutes to the highway. 15. 20 minutes down the side of the highway. 5 minutes up / down the ramp. 15 minutes down edsa. 10 minutes to GB. Yeah ok, a fast walking guy could do it in 60 minutes. Then would need to sit down for 15 minutes to cool down, and shower for 15 minutes too. LOLOK, I won't walk from Marriott to Cafe Havana! Thanks for setting me straight. Although I walk quite quickly and am tempted to put a few quid on the outcome.

I am indeed in the market for FL tonight, so seems a taxi is in my future. I guess my hope and wish to find something in or near the Marriott isn't going to happen.

03-15-13, 04:18
Following the advice of some colleagues from this forum, in my DIA profile I've tried to strike the right balance between not being rude, while letting the girls know what I'm after. So, I did stay from the start that I want to have some fun and not serious relationship, that I like to check the physical and emotional chemistry first etc. I enhanced that message by asking virtually every girl to read my profile, ask questions about it and confirm that we're on the same page. I thought being clear is impossible.


Interestingely, another stunner from DIA seemed to have swallowed heavy hints of hotel room and "needing to check physcial chemistry" with no problem. But, by doing so she raised my suspicions that she may be not as "fresh" as she looks.You're running into the 1-photo DIA shortcoming.

On the positive side you're culling the herd before you arrive.

Personally I think "have fun" is too vague. I'd use "adult fun","intimate encounters", etc.

Keep in mind the stunners get many dozen messages everyday. They have options. Many of them. Speaking of options, I think you ought to keep yours open. By limiting yourself to the very specific niche of the highly desirable you may be snookering yourself. I'd develop course of action B, C, etc. I find attractive, 25 - 32, and never pregnant to be very desirable and a well-populated demographic. Pretty and prior prego can be good if the boobs aren't deflated. Far better to have too many waiting for your arrival than too few, especially since some will no show, be menstruating, be attending to ill relatives, etc. when you hit ground.

I find it odd that your suspicions are raised when you find exactly what you're looking for. Is there no pleasing you? Skype her up and even if she isn't farm fresh she sounds like someone worth cultivating provided her photo is genuine.

Red Kilt
03-15-13, 05:22
OK, I won't walk from Marriott to Cafe Havana! Thanks for setting me straight. Although I walk quite quickly and am tempted to put a few quid on the outcome.I think that FF is still being conservative with his times.

I also walk fast but I would never ever try the walk from Marriott to Cafe Havana. Just following the main road is a very long distance and when you have to dodge tricycles, crap all over sidewalks and footpaths and get over EDSA you are going to smell like a wharfie and be dripping like a marathon runner.

I am pretty sure I am closest with the 90 mins interval.

03-15-13, 06:02
I think that FF is still being conservative with his times.

I also walk fast but I would never ever try the walk from Marriott to Cafe Havana. Just following the main road is a very long distance and when you have to dodge tricycles, crap all over sidewalks and footpaths and get over EDSA you are going to smell like a wharfie and be dripping like a marathon runner.

I am pretty sure I am closest with the 90 mins interval.OK. One fine day when we both have nothing to do. We will do the walk setting off from Marriott.

We will set up a gal in advance as the winners " prize" so theres an incentive for the winner. (and have to find a way to prevent either of us taking taxis jeeps or tricycle rides LOL ).

03-15-13, 06:02
Appears the 1st Annual ISG monger marathon is afoot. NAIA to AF1 to EDSA to Havana. Three shags. He who finishes last (no lollygagging)... wins.

03-15-13, 06:21
Appears the 1st Annual ISG monger marathon is afoot. NAIA to AF1 to EDSA to Havana. Three shags. He who finishes last (no lollygagging). wins.Wait wait WAIT. We need to approach our Resident Safety Expert who can no doubt appraise us, as to the particle matter in the air, the level and degree of danger that this will create, not to mention the very real possibilty of catching an STD from walking in the street (Ref United Nations report 0345A. 345b subsection B) and the World Bank data on " Walking in areas which are not expressly created for the purposes of walking in same said street ".

Over to you PP! LOL.

Maybe if we walk very fast Daddy Shane Cullen and his ABC friends can also film us.

Wicked Roger
03-15-13, 14:37
OK. One fine day when we both have nothing to do. We will do the walk setting off from Marriott.

We will set up a gal in advance as the winners " prize" so theres an incentive for the winner. (and have to find a way to prevent either of us taking taxis jeeps or tricycle rides LOL ).Good idea.

I will be the impartial judge and wait with the prize for the winner in a nice hotel or Sogo. I think that is the least I can do for 2 good mates LOL

03-15-13, 20:39
Personally I think "have fun" is too vague. I'd use "adult fun","intimate encounters", etc.Thank you for your advice. I have clarified "fun" in my profile on DIA, although I'm still suspicious that some hear what they want to hear and not what's clearly written. Thanks again! A

03-16-13, 02:19
Since you all clarified the near-impossible task of walking from Marriott airport to Cafe Havana, even though I would easily win the competition (and I see the winner gets three shots?) , I ended up Googling "Manila outcall massage". Two reasons, first. I walked all over Marriott and Resorts World until 10:45 pm last night and did not see any potential FL talent. Maybe a few overdressed and probably overpriced models parading into the casino, but not my thing. Secondly. Surprised to see several of my co-workers from this week's conference in the same hotel, so discretion became a top priority.

My Google search turned up a few potential leads, the second one I clicked-on was "Yanah", not a great picture but I had already passed on the models in the casino so great-looking was not my plan. I called Yanah, she asked a few questions about my needs, I told her I wanted 90-minute massage and if she offered extras I was interested in the extras as well. She sounded sleepy, but said "OK, I will come". I asked the price, she said 1, 500 for the massage. I gave my name and room number (at the Marriott you must use your room card to access the elevator). I was curious how she would get to my room.

About 30 minutes later I received a call from the front desk asking if I was expecting a lady, I said yes, they said they would send her up. Sure enough, soon the door bell rings and Yanah comes in. Young, maybe 25 or less, a bit dark skinned and a nice ass inside some tight jeans. We reviewed my request, she asked again what type of massage I wanted so I asked about the extras. She said 90 minute massage was 1, 500 and ATW or "All The Way" was 3, 500. I'm sure I could have negotiated her down but if you read my posts I hate to negotiate, so I agreed to the 3, 500 for All The Way. She seemed very nervous and mis-spoke several times (she said she could stay in my room for two years when she meant two hours) so I asked her if All The Way was OK for her? She said,"of course, that is much more exciting". I like this girl!

She suggested I lie on the bed so she could begin the massage. I suggested she take her clothes off and I will massage her. She loved it, got naked and curled into "spoons" in my arms. Seems she gave birth not terribly long ago, still some stretch marks on her belly, but other than that it was really nice. She was immediately wet and grinding her ass into my crotch. All I had to do was slide my penis between her legs and penetration was instant. As I was thrusting away she was being quite rough with her own tits, so I took that duty from her, massaging her tits a bit rough and she was really getting into this. She flipped around to Cowgirl, reverse, then lay float on me in reverse Cowgirl, I rolled the two of us over so she was on her stomach and I was flat on her back, her enthusiastic response kept us in this positon for a long time, maybe 10 minutes, more of each position and finally I blew my load. Took over one hour but she never stopped giving at least as much as she was getting. At times I just lay there and let her pelvis do the work, and it worked quited well.

I wondered if she would run, but instead she fell fast asleep. I snoozed as well but mostly I sucked her nipples and squeezed her ass until I was hard again, and then I went back to spoons for round 2. I was inside her before she was fully awake, but once she woke we had a nice second go, not the marathon from round one but plenty for me! Again, she never seemed to stop her motion. At times as I looked into her face she was in a zone, genuinely getting what she wanted. I've never been in a pussy this wet, the slurping and slorping noise was loudest I've heard and I found this to be extra stimulation. And the rough play on her tits didn't excite me much but she was into it so I was happy to massage her tits while listening to a dripping-wet pussy.

She finally left at 4 am. So my 90-minute massage became 5 hours of FS with two shots. I'm spent!

3, 500 Peso.

Body. 7.

Enthusiasm. 9.

Attitude. 9.

I'll attempt to copy her Google data here, don't know if the forum will accept this, and I can't be 100% sure this is Yanah in this picture but it's pretty close (in person I thought Yanah was much more dark-skinned, but it was dark in my room!) :

&9608; _* SWEET ASIAN &10084; and FILIPINA massage in your HOTEL ROOM.

Sensual Erotic Manila.

Call Anytime Ms. Yanah at-0905-314-2011.



OK the picture won't copy, but above is some of the text info. Enjoy!

03-16-13, 12:27
When I stay at the Marriott, I just cab it to EDSA Entertainment Complex. At 7 PM or so, the taxi ride can get stuck in traffic for a while, but coming back at 8:30 or 9:00 is a fifteen minute trip.

You can find some one to your tastes at EDSA. 1600 barfine and 3000 or 3500 all night.

03-17-13, 04:41
Password for video from trip report is 123.

https://vimeo.com/59744297Very nice.

Whats her DIA name?

03-17-13, 06:20
OK the picture won't copy, but above is some of the text info.Is this the Bird?


03-17-13, 11:24
Is this the Bird?

http://manila.en.craigslist.com.ph/ths/3602404169.htmlYep, that's her.

Red Kilt
03-17-13, 13:21
Is this the Bird?

http://manila.en.craigslist.com.ph/ths/3602404169.htmlI guess poor Yanah is wondering why she is suddenly being swamped by contacts hoping to replicate some "slurping and slorping noises" as per Bushwhack's graphic report.

On one hand I guess Western787 is helping out a few guys.

On another hand, I can't help thinking that such publicity here cannot all be good.

Anyway, it's her call what she does with the contacts and she was on CL so I suppose it's OK.

03-17-13, 16:23
I guess poor Yanah is wondering why she is suddenly being swamped by contacts hoping to replicate some "slurping and slorping noises" as per Bushwhack's graphic report.

On one hand I guess Western787 is helping out a few guys.

On another hand, I can't help thinking that such publicity here cannot all be good.

Anyway, it's her call what she does with the contacts and she was on CL so I suppose it's OK.Not really. This girl wants to make lots of money. More free ad for her is good.

03-18-13, 04:52
there are some really nice looking ladies in that "therapeutic services" section for manila, how safe do you guys think that is?

03-19-13, 01:22
I made a post in the "Getting around Manila" thread don't want to clog this thread up with that talk so if someone could be kind enough to help me out there I'd appreciate it, I'm Manila noob and have heard its a tough place to figure out.


03-19-13, 10:36
? For those that have been with "kate" from DIA. Did you wear protection? And if not did you get burned?

Zeke Matthews
03-19-13, 17:38
I need 5 very hot girls for a party in a few weeks at a nice hotel.

I'm not talking about arranging an orgy; just would like 5 girls who would fit into a party of a few American friends for a few (4?) hours. I assume that each guy would take his preferred lady off for a private session or two between socializing. Just don't want to break up the party prematurely. I like the idea of seeing photos ahead of time and reviews so that we don't have any surprises. We are staying at a 5 star hotel in Makati that is girl friendly, where we have a suite.

I was thinking escort agencies or massage outcall services. Key is that the situation is GFE and that the girls are as expected from their photos and reviews. We're looking for fun, not surprises.

I'm going to post this in the Makati site as well; maybe someone there an idea too. We are going to Bangkok as well, and for there we have been able to set it up.



03-20-13, 08:54
I need 5 very hot girls for a party in a few weeks at a nice hotel.

I'm not talking about arranging an orgy; just would like 5 girls who would fit into a party of a few American friends for a few (4?) hours. I assume that each guy would take his preferred lady off for a private session or two between socializing. Just don't want to break up the party prematurely. I like the idea of seeing photos ahead of time and reviews so that we don't have any surprises. We are staying at a 5 star hotel in Makati that is girl friendly, where we have a suite.

I was thinking escort agencies or massage outcall services. Key is that the situation is GFE and that the girls are as expected from their photos and reviews. We're looking for fun, not surprises.

I'm going to post this in the Makati site as well; maybe someone there an idea too. We are going to Bangkok as well, and for there we have been able to set it up.


ZekeEscort agency offers one-stop shopping, but some charge prices beyond belief.

If you don't already have local female contacts who can assist arranging this then Craigslist may be a good method - if you don't mind putting in the effort of herding kittens. Post your requirements under "casual encounters". If you need 5 get firm commitments from 7 - 10 because some may no show, and then get confirmation from all the day of the event. Ensure to meet each one via skype or ym. There are many ads from working girls promising GFE for 3 hrs or so for 3 - 5K, so review those. She may be able to help arrange the others. In some cases the girl is selective and will want you to send photos of the man / men she's meeting, so have those handy. Make sure the girl knows you're paying for her time and she'll be required to entertain as many encounters as required during those hours. Reviews will be tough to come by. YMMV.

Here's a sample of what's on offer: http://manila.en.craigslist.com.ph/cas/3692391747.html. I wouldn't call her "really hot", but she's good looking.

Cunning Stunt
03-20-13, 10:40
I need 5 very hot girls for a party in a few weeks at a nice hotel.Would this be the sort of party organizer you would be looking for, Zeke:

Welcome to the home of the most captivating, exciting, enchanting bachelor party girls for your total relaxation and entertainment. Are you planning to throw a bachelor party for your best friend? Or a birthday party for a friend? Or just having fun with your friends and colleagues? Are you getting tired of the usual adult themed parties where the main event is typically boring or uninspired? Let us come to assist you. We offer adult themed parties that are unique, exciting and totally unforgettable! Choose from our roster of escorts who will make sure that everyone at the party will have a great time! We offer themes from the tried and true to the very unique. Do you have any idea for a stag party that you think everyone will enjoy? Let us know your preference and they will turn your idea into a reality. We take the stress out of adult party planning so that you and your friends will enjoy the event more and worry less.

We take pride in providing the best affordable stag party package as follows:

Php4000 per escort for 3hours.

This would include providing adult entertainment (sexy dancing, adult games and shows) as well as 'social time' with the escorts.

Themed party packages will be made available soon.

An extra charge of Php1, 500 per hour will be charged in excess of the 3hrs.

Services to be provided in Metro Manila only. No transportation charges will be billed for services in Metro Manila Area.

However a transportation charge of Php 1000 per event will be charged for services in the following areas:


Las Pinas.





Valenzuela City.

What are you waiting for? Let's get the party started!They have about 15-20 girls on their books. Ages between 18-25 and looks wise (purely subjective, of course), I would say between 7 and 10.

PM me for contact information. Don't want to upset Admin by giving their website info on the open board.

Chocha Monger
03-20-13, 13:18
? For those that have been with "kate" from DIA. Did you wear protection? And if not did you get burned?No. Burned like acid!

Zeke Matthews
03-22-13, 02:15
Would this be the sort of party organizer you would be looking for, Zeke:

They have about 15-20 girls on their books. Ages between 18-25 and looks wise (purely subjective, of course) , I would say between 7 and 10.

PM me for contact information. Don't want to upset Admin by giving their website info on the open board.Cunning,

In Bangkok you can find agencies who employ several women who they can help you select from for such an occasion as we are having. We want to know exactly who we're getting; that they work well together, understand what the party is about to make it amazing, that we have already negotiated for all contingencies so that there are no hassles or surprises, and who more importantly, show up and on time.

There's a business opportunity there. Here's my hoping that such a service exists with top quality women. For that, they could make a lot of money I'm sure.


Cunning Stunt
03-22-13, 08:26
In Bangkok you can find agencies who employ several women who they can help you select from for such an occasion as we are having. We want to know exactly who we're getting; that they work well together, understand what the party is about to make it amazing, that we have already negotiated for all contingencies so that there are no hassles or surprises, and who more importantly, show up and on time.

There's a business opportunity there. Here's my hoping that such a service exists with top quality women. For that, they could make a lot of money I'm sure.Zeke. The providers that I suggested are probably the only one in The Philippines that cater for the specialized kind of party that you had in mind. Although they haven't been up and running very long, I have heard quite good things about them. Stag parties are a big rite of passage amongst young, middle class males particularly in Manila and are frequently held to mark birthdays, graduation etc, so they will usually cater to a local market but no doubt will have dealt with the kind of XXX rated party that you have in mind.

Your right. The Philippines doesn't have the multi-billion dollar sex industry that Thailand has developed where, if you got the bucks, you are only limited by your imagination and anything and everything is available. Maybe this is a good thing for The Philippines and ourselves who still like the human interaction that goes alongside the sex.

03-22-13, 12:18
Maybe this is a good thing for The Philippines and ourselves who still like the human interaction that goes alongside the sex.Spot on. As far as I'm concerned, that's what makes the difference between phils (or pinays in HK or similar places) and the Thailand porn starts.

03-23-13, 16:48
I've been using a Smart Bro USB plug in device for a couple of months now and the service is abyssmal. Often I can't get on the internet or I get dropped after a few minutes or in the middle of something. I'm looking for dependability and pricing recommendations / reviews of alternative internet services. Don't want to have to get a phone line. Thanks.

03-24-13, 02:08
I've been using a Smart Bro USB plug in device for a couple of months now and the service is abyssmal. Often I can't get on the internet or I get dropped after a few minutes or in the middle of something. I'm looking for dependability and pricing recommendations / reviews of alternative internet services. Don't want to have to get a phone line. Thanks.Most of the Internet providers here are unreliable, and the service is slow and often unpredictable. Between my office and my home I've been through several. Recently, I entered into a contract with Sky Cable, with a committed rate of 6 MBPS, and so far, they've lived up to their promises. The service is stable and relatively fast. I think the company offers three packages; 3, 6 and 10 MBPS. I've only had to service for two weeks, but so far, it's the best Internet experience I've had here.


03-24-13, 07:37
According to people I know that need reliable internet sky or PLDT are by far the best (and only) options.

Pip Jaeger
03-24-13, 12:08
I've been using a Smart Bro USB plug in device for a couple of months now and the service is abyssmal. Often I can't get on the internet or I get dropped after a few minutes or in the middle of something.Bought one of the cheaper Smart Bro Sticks in Cebu, think I paid about 1K for it with some preloaded time / megabytes on it. I had very few issues with it, only dropped a few times, but otherwise had strong 3G / 4G signal most of the time. I also had USB extension cable and would sometimes need to place the device near a window to get a better signal if it was weak. I used it in Cebu, AC and Makati; the worst place was Makati (where service was dropped the most often) , perhaps due to many other users in the area and limited bandwidth; have you tried using it in different areas? Same problems?

WR told me about Globe having some type of hardwire Ethernet deal; think it was about 1, 500php per month and you can then set up your own Wi-Fi network. You could also check with your local cable provider as GE mentioned, but that's of course only a viable option if you are using your puter in one location. Your problem could be the USB stick itself, maybe you got a bad one? Or try re-installing / updating the driver (s).

03-24-13, 19:04
And for newbs, when we ask for field reports, here are several good recent reports to use as examples, from Xdentx and Stricjb. Giving is the best form of getting. Some things to concentrate on:

* Your hotel. City? Location? Cost/night? Ammenities that you found helpful? Was the door security good? Any problems with service? Food good? Breakfast included? Non-girl-friendly? Restaurants nearby?
* Restaurants you hit. Location? Cost? Kinds of food? Any foods you suggest? Or any to stay away from?
* Girl. Looks? Demeanor? Problems in the room? Problems with security? Service good/bad? Price? Location you met? Dating site girl? Pro? Mall pickup?
* Transportation issues. Meter or other problem with a taxi? Pockets picked in a jeepney?
* Any other issues. Laundry lost, luggage problem with airline. Poor service from a local vendor. Etc.




03-25-13, 02:31
There are definitely to many people using smartbro, overnight I was getting 400kbps, during the day its 8kbs-40kbps from the same site.

03-25-13, 16:04
Hi guys,

I'd like to introduce my self I'm Sofia I live Philippines city of manila, I am a partime escort. Nursing student in 3rd level I'm 23 why / o well educated with pleasing personality, lovely, charming, well-trained and very discreet person. I am doing this because of my personal financial matters.

For my details:

-200usd for foreigner 2 pop for 3 hrs.

-Condom is a must and bring your own kit =)

If anything you want to ask about my facial photos or other concerns just.

[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted because it was an attempt by the author to encourage members to CONTACT HIM on ANOTHER WEBSITE. In the future, please refrain from posting requests for forum members to contact you on another website. Thanks!

03-25-13, 16:06
According to people I know that need reliable internet sky or PLDT are by far the best (and only) options.Yes it is PLDT is best among the rest.

03-25-13, 16:27
Hi guys,

I'd like to introduce my self I'm Sofia I live Philippines city of manila, I am a partime escort. Nursing student in 3rd level I'm 23 why / o well educated with pleasing personality, lovely, charming, well-trained and very discreet person. I am doing this because of my personal financial matters.

For my details:

-200usd for foreigner 2 pop for 3 hrs.

-Condom is a must and bring your own kit =)

If anything you want to ask about my facial photos or other concerns just.

[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted because it was an attempt by the author to encourage members to CONTACT HIM on ANOTHER WEBSITE. In the future, please refrain from posting requests for forum members to contact you on another website. Thanks! 1. $200 USD- I can get better girls here in USA. Phi girls even the best ones go for less than 6000 pesos total. That also for overnight.

2. Nursing student does not mean a thing. What do nurses do different in sex anyway.

3. Condom? Phi is condomless experience. Probably you require condom for blow job as well?

Pute Nut
03-25-13, 18:29
-200usd for foreignerThe wording "for foreigner" implies double pricing, with discounts offered to the local market. I mentioned your ad to the trike driver nearby and he took interest. So on his behalf I'm now asking for a pinoy price quote. I'm sure he is ready to stretch his usual budget (cpl RedHorse / free ride) a bit for a quality "partime" escort like you, a Nursing Student, no less!

-Condom is a must and bring your own kit =)Is Trust Chocolate OK? He swears by them, and buys them by the gross (which I think they are, BTW).

Hoping for a quick answer here, or just PM me.

03-25-13, 22:56
Yes it is PLDT is best among the rest.Maybe the quality of PLDT and other ISPs differs by location, but I have PLDT in my Davao office and it's strixctly sub-par, disappearing for hours at a time and slow when it does work.


03-26-13, 03:35
Maybe the quality of PLDT and other ISPs differs by location, but I have PLDT in my Davao office and it's strixctly sub-par, disappearing for hours at a time and slow when it does work.

GEWell its depend in your location. But so far here in Manila and other netcafe they are subscriber of pldt even us.

03-26-13, 03:42
The wording "for foreigner" implies double pricing, with discounts offered to the local market. I mentioned your ad to the trike driver nearby and he took interest. So on his behalf I'm now asking for a pinoy price quote. I'm sure he is ready to stretch his usual budget (cpl RedHorse / free ride) a bit for a quality "partime" escort like you, a Nursing Student, no less!

Is Trust Chocolate OK? He swears by them, and buys them by the gross (which I think they are, BTW).

Hoping for a quick answer here, or just PM me.Well that is my price for foreigner and if you want to know my price in local its 4000 pesos. And I'm sorry I don't give my self for free ride.

03-26-13, 03:54
Guys who against with my rate please don't compare me and don't get mad. I don't insist you guys to avail my service, I just post my offer and I'd like to meet new people.

To Mr. Summon:

1. $200 USD- I can get better girls here in USA. Phi girls even the best ones go for less than 6000 pesos total. That also for overnight.

We are different event you check on online escort ads most american women has a higher rate than pinay

2. Nursing student does not mean a thing. What do nurses do different in sex anyway.

I told in my first sentence that I would introduce my self. Because most of my client asking me if I enter in college. And just give in idea.

3. Condom? Phi is condomless experience. Probably you require condom for blow job as well?

Well I'm not idiot having sex with other people not using a protection. I love my life so I play safe sex. Mr I hope you don't get disease for not using protection.

03-26-13, 04:54
hi guys,

i'd like to introduce my self i'm sofia i live philippines city of manila, i am a partime escort. nursing student in 3rd level i'm 23 why / o well educated with pleasing personality, lovely, charming, well-trained and very discreet person. i am doing this because of my personal financial matters.

for my details:

-200usd for foreigner 2 pop for 3 hrs.spot on sammon. $200 is p8000. college girls in the states go for less than that. the ones with blond hair sofia (and blue eyes). you're in asia, not new york city.

on a previous trip, i had a chatmate, mid-30's. attractive on cam. she had a niece who was a [nursing student! ], age 20. she wanted to bring the niece by for some hotel joy in exchange for donating p3000 to the family's needs. sure. the niece was a looker in the online pics she sent. i laid out what was expeced (that the chatmate would stay and take pics of the action) and everything seemed fine. we met in the mall, the three of us, and walked and talked a bit. the niece was indeed a hottie. the chatmate was a micf (mother i'd consider f-ing). i asked if they were hungry and we set off for mcdo. they said another girl, a friend of the niece, was in the mall and would be stopping by to say hi. standing in line in mcdo the second gal showed up, fresh in from class (another nursing student from a different school). wow, another looker. i paid the 700 for the food and we sat and ate. micf pulled me aside and asked if the second gal could join in the room, she needed 'a tuation fee'. she asked for p5000 total. i hesitated, wondering how much money i would have in my pocket after mcdo and drinks. i countered with 4000. she thought for a moment and said 'ok. we go soon your hotel. ' we finished the mcdo, stopped for some beer at 7-11, and were off. it was evening. we downed some beers and got down to action. we spent the next 45 minutes putting my white parts into the two nursing students, and sharing the camera. micf was having nothing to do with getting her clothes off, but she was keen and inquisitive with the camera usage. we all crashed on the queen bed in the mighty duck inn on del pilar. originally i had assumed they would go home, but it was not long until all 3 drunk pinay were asleep (micf fully clothed). out went the lights. i woke early as usual, [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134)'d, and laid down on the floor with a book (too crowded in the bed). i read for two hours. i remember the silence, the only noise was the moving of bodies on the bed as they rolled over. at one point i looked up and all three of them were spooning, slumbering, the micf between the two naked beauties. the other thing i remember was the stench of sex still in the air. they started to rouse about 9am. no breakfast requested. they wanted to get going. p4000 later, 'salamat po', and they were moving up the street.

lets total that cost: p4000+700 food+300beers = 5000 approximately. sofia, was that 200us a mistake? a typo? did you mean $20? like many of you, i've had multiple students happy to come by during 'tuition [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134)' crunch time to make a quick 1000. but, its always possible some idiot who is just passing thru manila for a night will connect with sofia from craig's list and think the $200 is a good deal.

03-26-13, 05:05
spot on sammon. $200 is p8000. college girls in the states go for less than that. the ones with blond hair sofia (and blue eyes). you're in asia, not new york city.

lets total that cost: p4000+700 food+300beers = 5000 approximately. sofia, was that 200us a mistake? a typo? did you mean $20? like many of you, i've had multiple students happy to come by during 'tuition [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134)' crunch time to make a quick 1000. but, its always possible some idiot who is just passing thru manila for a night will connect with sofia from craig's list and think the $200 is a good deal.hopefully sofia and her classmates will all be reading this and going " oh wow. these guys here talk and discuss sex endlessly. and my what kuripots they are".

as was said earlier. in what way would sex be any different with a nursing student. they are not exactly a rare species as last year over 67, 000 filipinas took the nursing exams.

so sofia honey, good luck on your hunt for us$200 but most us here are a little older and wiser than you might think.

however dante might up your alley. and if you can show up in a rubber suit and guarantee no bodily fluids will get exchanged, theres a fella called pinkpearl who you might like to meet. lol

03-26-13, 05:22
However Dante might up your alley. And if you can show up in a rubber suit and guarantee no bodily fluids will get exchanged, theres a fella called Pinkpearl who you might like to meet. LOLHahaha. Made my day!


Pete Benetar
03-26-13, 05:57
However Dante might up your alley. And if you can show up in a rubber suit and guarantee no bodily fluids will get exchanged, theres a fella called Pinkpearl who you might like to meet. LOLLOL. Too funny, nicely woven in the multiple personalities.

We spent the next 45 minutes putting my white parts into the two nursing students, and sharing the camera. MICF was having nothing to do with getting her clothes off, but she was keen and inquisitive with the camera usage.Great story WC and fair fare on 4000 for LT menage a trois; perhaps Sofia will adjust her "advertised" rates accordingly, LOL.

03-26-13, 08:44
I'm enjoying this exchange among West Coast, Freebie and the nursing student, who has lofty ambitions but a poor understanding of reality. My advice to her would be to find some newbie foreigner who knows nothing about the country and thinks that $200 is a bargain. She's totally wasting her time on this forum.


Cunning Stunt
03-26-13, 09:25
I'm enjoying this exchange among West Coast, Freebie and the nursing student, who has lofty ambitions but a poor understanding of reality. My advice to her would be to find some newbie foreigner who knows nothing about the country and thinks that $200 is a bargain. She's totally wasting her time on this forum.Couldn't agree more. Its laughable. She would have to be something damned special to justify that price tag. Even Katy, the high class, half Ozzy, call girl who is at the top of my spoil myself rotten wish list, only has the temerity to ask 6k for 2 pops. And she is hot as hell.

Pute Nut
03-26-13, 09:59
Well that is my price for foreigner and if you want to know my price in local its 4000 pesos.Thank you for your prompt answer. I'd like to know a little more about your reasoning behind your double pricing aka price discrimination. I often hear I should pay more than the locals in Philippines because of the color of my skin. I guess you are aware of the fact that there are many rich pinoys around, who could easily afford USD 200? As I understand it they would also get the "pinoy rate"?

And I'm sorry I don't give my self for free ride.Of course, I understand that. It was just an example to make you better understand his usual budgetary considerations. The girls who fuck him in exchange for a free ride home have usually managed to get a few ladies drinks from foreigners earlier in the evening, so you might want to consider that part of the total renumeration package.

You forget to comment on Trust Choco, did you ever use them with your pinoy bf? Not? What brand do you prefer?

03-26-13, 11:16
they are not exactly a rare species as last year over 67, 000 filipinas took the nursing exams.

so plentiful are they that many end up working for free at hospitals for a year or more with the hope it leads to a paying gig. those who don't have the connections to get (er... buy) work in a gov't hospital end up heading to the gulf and hope that after 3-5 years they may be able to secure a work visa to canada. i know nurses with years of experience who happily accept caregiver visas to the uk.

guys who against with my rate please don't compare me...honey, one learns very early in life to compare and contrast things. in fact, even you've done so by the very fact of your discriminatory two-tier pricing. of course in a free market a seller can set whatever price she wants, but one who actually desires to make a sale will understand the market conditions and adjust price and / or improve quality and service accordingly. seems to me your strategy is to rely on the windfall from the occasional dupe. is your p8000 fee just a number you pulled out of thin air or is it based on your research of market conditions?

anyway, i'm inclined to kick the tires, so to speak. what does the vagometer read? you know, how many hours of in-and-out action has your vagina undergone? what are you doing to regularly maintain your tool of the trade? daily kegels? luna balls? vaginal cones?

you're only mentioned condoms, 2 pops, and time. what else can a customer expect? any special skills? are you a gymnast or a contortionist? [CodeWord121] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord121) enthusiast? a list of will-do and won't-do activities may help you make the sale.

03-26-13, 14:26

anyway, i'm inclined to kick the tires, so to speak. what does the vagometer read? you know, how many hours of in-and-out action has your vagina undergone? what are you doing to regularly maintain your tool of the trade? daily kegels? luna balls? vaginal cones?

you're only mentioned condoms. 2 pops, and time. what else can a customer expect? any special skills? are you a gymnast or a contortionist? [CodeWord121] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord121) enthusiast? a list of will-do and won't-do activities may help you make the sale.at the end of the day, she thinks she's special. but we learned mongers all know, she probably has the pre requisite parts but not much more to bring to the dance.

after all we've all heard the moaning, fake and real, we've all seen the pussies shaved part shaved or bald, we've all had both front and back entries, big and small boobs, fabulous and lousy blows. what can she bring that allows her to say "don't compare". unless its 3 boobs? conjectures on a postcard please.

Member #4387
03-26-13, 14:39
First of all I would encourage you to have a good education and a nice reliable work forbyour future. Maby this audience inside ISG is not your crowd you should try to cater as many here are well known to pricesettings for various services provided.

I wish you good luck in your "offer" even if it for me stands out more in the line of regulations rather than a offer. You should focus more on what makes you so special. A genuine pick, not photoshopped, of yourself and offering A+ service along with some wetsex as an example to make you stand out from the rest of the pinay crowd. This will maybe justify your pricequoting a tad and I guess this will do good for your business.

Phil is the land of barebacking and most girls would not even mention use of condoms before sessions. This is your choice and I can nothing but to respect that. But once again. As long as you are not a porn star, hi so girl or former miss Quezon city. You have to do sth making you stand out. So far you are just a another girl trying to charge rediculess prices hoping to meet newbees mongerers (and maby you are successful. I wish you good luck).

Remember also you are operating in a 3 world country where everything is cheap. I may not belong to a pricesensitive crowd but as beeing a part time mongerer for the last 7 years (asia, south america and to some extent europe as well) I don't like paying way to much for service normaly priced a lot lower atleast if not sth very special is on offer and nursing is not special at all (and once again I get back to your regulations 2 pops and so on).

But in doing business it is no shame adjusting offers and service according to what the market is willing to pay so if you operate here just make some adjustments and everything will be fine. But I guess you have some other angels of providing your services as well as in various datingsites, private adds and so on.

But if I can have multiple backdoor poppings then we can meet in a few weeks when I return Manila. I like the GFE or PSE and in the morning I will leave a nice ammount of cash in your purse if you perform well. I can use lube if you like.

Pete Benetar
03-26-13, 14:43
Phil is the land of barebacking and most girls would not even mention use of condoms before sessions.Mrs Skogis and Sofia may be in agreement you use condoms next time.

03-26-13, 16:43
Couldn't agree more. Its laughable. She would have to be something damned special to justify that price tag. Even Katy, the high class, half Ozzy, call girl who is at the top of my spoil myself rotten wish list, only has the temerity to ask 6k for 2 pops. And she is hot as hell.Now that I've taken a shot at Sofia, allow me to also defend her a bit. There are always high-priced girls in the big cities. Remember the guy in NY city a few years ago, the mayor, or District Attorney, or Governor. He left office in disgrace when it was discovered he was spending lavishly on his expense account with call girls. Some of the girls were $4k / hour. I'm not sure what makes one girl worth $4, 000 to one man, and $75 to another man. They are just girls (albiet pretty).

A few years ago I was looking for a date for a local gala. The girls that I "friends w / benefits" with are older, modestly attractive. I thought it might be nice to go to the gala with a younger hottie. There was an ad on craigslist for an escort in the area, so I contacted her via email telling her what I needed. She wanted $200 for a 3 hour block of time for the gala. She didn't list an age, but she had described herself as "attractive, refined, perfect for all occasions." She said the $200 was for the gala only, and if I wanted more, then anything extra was $200 / hour after the gala. I asked for a pic, which she sent back. The pic showed a early-30's lady, tight-fitting dress, modest (at best) figure, plain face. $200 for this? The next day she sent an email: "Are we on for Saturday night? I have other clients and need to plan accordingly."

I was not sure what to do. I contacted a local junior college girl here, whom I've utilized before. She's happy with $75 for a quick in / out in the past. I was not sure if she was a right girl to take to a gala, as she might not have nice clothes for the evening. Also worse, she's a bit goth looking; tats and piercings. I called and explained that I needed a date for the event. She said sure, and didn't mention money. So I offered her $100 for the event and she said OK. I sent an email to the middle-aged escort saying that I would not need her for Saturday. She shot one back: "Thanks for ruining my weekend. My other client found another date. You're both assh*les."

The goth girl showed up at my place in a body-hugging off-the shoulder hugging dress that ended just below the butt. Almost too nawty. The piercings were gone and the tats covered. She had her regular small purse, and she also brought this huge purse, which I didn't look in, and we left at my place. Off to the gala. I was not sure how she would be recieved by the higher-end crowd, but there were a thousand people there, so who cares. At one point I was chatting with a city engineer and lost track of my date. Where did she go? Bathroom? Looking across the room I saw her chatting up a Councilman's wife. Sh*t no! They were both animated and smiling. When I caught back up to her I decided it was time to go. Drinks, chat, in / out in 30 minutes. Back at my place she said for $200 total she could stay the night."Its 9 o'clock. What now?" So we changed out of the nice clothes into jeans (that's what that large bag held; she was thinking ahead) and went out to: Denny's!

The moral of the story (or the reality of) is this: Its not the girl who is worth more, its the guy who is willing to pay her rate. One girl is fine with 200 for the night, the other will need 200 just for a gala. Its the men who make up this difference. If Sofia can command $200 in Manila, you go girl. But the girls often lie to customers and each other. Keep in mind Sofia's sister, cousin, or friends may be doing this also, for p1500, and telling nobody. A number of pinay Craigslist girls, escort girls, models, and contacts from gents right here, who advertise or claim they go for, say p5000/10000, have come to me and settled for 2000 (and returned and been happy with 1000 or 1500). A case in point will come up in the PG later.

03-26-13, 17:31
Now that I've taken a shot at Sofia, allow me to also defend her a bit. There are always high-priced girls in the big cities. Remember the guy in NY city a few years ago, the mayor, or District Attorney, or Governor. He left office in disgrace when it was discovered he was spending lavishly on his expense account with call girls.His name is Elliott Spitzer. He was the governer of new york with a bright future. Him and his wife are extremely rich. He can throw $50000 out without even blinking.

Forget about big western cities or BKK or Tokyo. There are very expensive escorts there.

We are talking about Phi. At the moment known as cheapest, friendliest, GFE girls you can find anywhere. Even normal girls can be had cheaply irrespective of your age.

So somebody asking anything more than 3000 pesos better have something really good.

03-27-13, 01:28
Dear Colleagues,

I apologize if I'm posting my question in a wrong place. I am almost ready for my trip to Manila and need to figure out where to change cash and how to get my smart phone turn into local Phil phone.

- Do I change all the cash in the airport, or only enough to get me to the hotel? Do I change the rest in the bank or at some change point?

- Do I get SIM at the airport? I would need SIM only to do some texting and some calls. No data (unless the latter is cheap).

Or should I get the SIM card in the city?

Many thanks for the advice!


Chocha Monger
03-27-13, 01:32
Sofiaydonna is truly a prima donna. She had problems with her pimp because she refused to play by his rules and felt he was getting too big a cut of the trap money. She went freelance because her pimp got tired of dealing with an out-of-pocket ho who didn't respect the game. Now, Sofia is on ISG looking for suckers to buy her service with an attitude. It seems like she didn't learn anything about business under the tutelage of her pimp at Chozadate. So, here are some tips for Sofia:

1. Pussy is a commodity it doesn't matter if the owner can solve quadratic equations. All girls have pussy and can potentially enter the already saturated pussy market in the Philippines.

2. When selling pussy in a market where supply outstrips demand the buyers make the rules and set the price. This will continue to be the case until demand outstrips supply. With all the fresh pussy entering the market each day in the Philippines the market is unlikely to correct itself anytime soon. The favorite local past time continues to be breeding without regard to financial circumstances.

3. When selling in a commodity market branding and ancillary services are ways in which you can distinguish your product. You have to make your pussy stand out like a Louis Vuitton purse. And no, nursing doesn't do that for you. One gentleman suggested that you add value by offering unlimited ass pops. That's a good start, you could probably throw in unlimited deep-throat BJs with swallow to round out your $200 service package and extend the time to 8 hours.

4. Don't try to sell a service full of restrictions and limits to customers in market where the norm is bareback unlimited pops for a fraction of your asking price. Knowledgeable consumers will just laugh at you and move on to the vendor of a more reasonable service at a much lower price.

5. Charging foreigners more than twice as much for the same pussy you sell to pinoy trike drivers at a steep discount is not a way to interest foreigners in your business, especially when they know that pinoys are fucking you bareback but foreigners are expected to bring and use condoms.

6. Consider getting out of service oriented occupations. You're quite willing to discriminate against foreigners. If you manage to pass the nursing exam I pity the poor foreigner who ends up as your patient. I can just see some unfortunate geriatric expat being left to wallow in his shit or go without his medication because your priorities are rendering care to the Filipinos with less pressing issues first. You might even demand that your foreign patient pay you some extra money personally just to receive care. I don't think you score very high marks on your bedside manner.

7. Get another pimp and follow the rules next time. This independent thing clearly isn't working for you.

Econo Tech
03-27-13, 02:09
Dear Colleagues,

I apologize if I'm posting my question in a wrong place. I am almost ready for my trip to Manila and need to figure out where to change cash and how to get my smart phone turn into local Phil phone.

- Do I change all the cash in the airport, or only enough to get me to the hotel? Do I change the rest in the bank or at some change point?

- Do I get SIM at the airport? I would need SIM only to do some texting and some calls. No data (unless the latter is cheap).

Or should I get the SIM card in the city?

Many thanks for the advice!

AYou can get SIMs in 7-11. And don't fret much. Or buy in the airport. No registration. Pick and walk away.

Cash? You got to RTFF.some prefer to keep money in Dollars, some prefer to keep in peso. Some (like me) keep enough peso for expenses / food and sundry and swipe major expenses on card.

03-27-13, 03:00
Hello gents,

I was bemused by your generally indignant response to Miss Sofia's ad.

But whatever you think, she is not nuts.

She is appealing to a target market segment which is very different to yours.

From your general remarks, I guess that you are looking fur young, cheap pussy, for nothing more than fucking and sucking.

The fact that this pussy is uneducated, speaks very poorly, and is totally inelegant is of no interest to you.

But there is a different segment of guys who go for a class act.

A woman who is elegant, very well trained in all of the sexual skills. A good conversationalist. One who could be taken directly from the well rumpled bed to dinner with a group of well heeled business men and politicians, and acquit herself in style.

And to those kind of guys, that price is a bit low. And there are plenty of those guys in and around Manila. Diplomatic corps, businessmen, politicians. There are millions of millionaires in India, USA, China to regularly visit Manila. They are educated and elegant themselves.

12,000 pesos would be about the right price for ST. 3 hours for that class of woman.

I have a number of acquaintances who are into part time P4P. They complain that business is not easy to get, even though their price is pretty low. I talk with them about aiming for the high end market Where they deliver an outstanding experience to the customer. They are very careful with personal presentation. They will give an expert BBBJ with swallow. Provide expert anal. They can discuss world politics, excellent English, good conversationalist. But their response to what I say is blank mind. They cannot even imagine a woman who is like that, never mind developing themselves to be that kind of service provider.

They are mentally stuck in the low end market.

Happy mongering.


First of all I would encourage you to have a good education and a nice reliable work forbyour future. Maby this audience inside ISG is not your crowd you should try to cater as many here are well known to pricesettings for various services provided.

I wish you good luck in your "offer" even if it for me stands out more in the line of regulations rather than a offer. You should focus more on what makes you so special. A genuine pick, not photoshopped, of yourself and offering A+ service along with some wetsex as an example to make you stand out from the rest of the pinay crowd. This will maybe justify your pricequoting a tad and I guess this will do good for your business.

Phil is the land of barebacking and most girls would not even mention use of condoms before sessions. This is your choice and I can nothing but to respect that. But once again. As long as you are not a porn star, hi so girl or former miss Quezon city. You have to do sth making you stand out. So far you are just a another girl trying to charge rediculess prices hoping to meet newbees mongerers (and maby you are successful. I wish you good luck).

Remember also you are operating in a 3 world country where everything is cheap. I may not belong to a pricesensitive crowd but as beeing a part time mongerer for the last 7 years (asia, south america and to some extent europe as well) I don't like paying way to much for service normaly priced a lot lower atleast if not sth very special is on offer and nursing is not special at all (and once again I get back to your regulations 2 pops and so on).

But in doing business it is no shame adjusting offers and service according to what the market is willing to pay so if you operate here just make some adjustments and everything will be fine. But I guess you have some other angels of providing your services as well as in various datingsites, private adds and so on.

But if I can have multiple backdoor poppings then we can meet in a few weeks when I return Manila. I like the GFE or PSE and in the morning I will leave a nice ammount of cash in your purse if you perform well. I can use lube if you like.

Cunning Stunt
03-27-13, 03:08
this independent thing clearly isn't working for you.dunno about that. give the girl credit. she had the nous to find and join isg and write and submit reasonably legible posts. most of her peers just about manage to create a dia account and pen a profile blurb that often looks as if the author had received coaching off willyboy from the kenyan forum (if you have ever visited the kenyan threads you will know what i mean!).

of course all this presupposes that she is writing her own posts and is who she claims to be.

where she went seriously awry is in her pricing policy and thinking that her nursing students pussy is worth 4x + the going rate. she would be better off trying something like craigs list where if she reduced her asking price to 4-5k, she just might pull an occassional noob, fresh off the boat and wet behind the ears. just maybe.

she also, is unlikely to pull a punter at any price until she lets the dogs have a look at the hare! how about submitting a few photos of yourself sofia, so we can truly gauge your worth.

03-27-13, 03:32
Dunno about that. Give the girl credit. She had the nous to find and join ISG and write and submit reasonably legible posts. .

Where she went seriously awry is in her pricing policy and thinking that her nursing students pussy is worth 4x + the going rate. She would be better off trying something like Craigs List where if she reduced her asking price to 4-5k, she just might pull an occassional noob, fresh off the boat and wet behind the ears. Just maybe.

She also, is unlikely to pull a punter at any price until she lets the dogs have a look at the hare! How about submitting a few photos of yourself Sofia, so we can truly gauge your worth.Theres an escort on the HK board called " Chantik" who is one of the more prolific posters. Always advising which bars are full of girls or guys or explaining life from an escorts POV. Sometimes quite interesting. Chantik refers potential punters to her webiste just so all can see she's real.

Cunning Stunt
03-27-13, 03:50
Theres an escort on the HK board called " Chantik" who is one of the more prolific posters. Always advising which bars are full of girls or guys or explaining life from an escorts POV. Sometimes quite interesting. Chantik refers potential punters to her webiste just so all can see she's real.Had a funny incident once when I was quite rude on the ISG UK Board about a British Adultworks escort that had been recommended by another member and who was grossly overweight. Something about not forgetting to pack a bag of flour when visiting her (I'll leave you to guess what for but it has to do with finding the wet bits!).

A few days later she replied on ISG. Apparently she had done a google search of her adultworks user name and it led her to ISG and my rude post. So she joined to reply. Luckily she had a good sense of humour and took my bad jokes in good part.

But is just goes to prove that you have to be a little circumspect in what you write here. You never know who might be reading your posts.

03-27-13, 06:52
Whilst we all sometimes have our differences in Philippines board, about posters asking for phone numbers or using multiple names, go click on ISG India.

All sorts of "do nots" posted in big letters on the intro page.

Guess the Indian guys win the prize for " hey mate nice report, send me her digits now please bro " league.

03-27-13, 07:11
Hello gents,

I was bemused by your generally indignant response to Miss Sofia's ad.

But whatever you think, she is not nuts.

She is appealing to a target market segment which is very different to yours.

They are educated and elegant themselves.

G.So you are comfortable with two tier pricing?

Regardless of how classy she is, do you enjoy paying more than someone else because of skin colour or nationality. Do you enjoy knowing you are being hosed.

She started this entire discussion amongst us because of her " foreigner" price.

I think we care less about her price, which most of us can easily afford, than about her "well your not from here so you can pay twice what others pay" approach.

Imagine if San Miguel (bless him) had a pricing model of 22pesos for Filipinos and p40 for the rest of the world. What might your reaction be?

Imagine if Shell, McDo, Harrods or Cathay Pacific did that.

Its the two tier pricing structure that has attracted a lot of attention as its so blatant and discriminatory.

I couldn't give two figs whether she's hot or can discuss the workings of the internal combustion engine. The fact is that she thinks its appropriate to charge 100% for us based on our passports.

I truly wish she would get rich and go to my country. On stepping off the plane is told "welcome to England". Please note as a Filipina you are required to pay double for everything. Have a great stay".

By the way, most diplomats don't have two jiou to rub together. Their salaries are truly low and they must pay full rate taxes. They just live in their own self important world. US Ambassadorial salaries range from US$120K to US$180k.

Deduct 40% to 50% for tax and its not such a large amount.

But maybe just enough for Sofia with her "pay me double the pinoy" rates. LOL.

Red Kilt
03-27-13, 07:55
There is a thread dedicated to Escorts.

Why can't all this discussion be there?

Miss Sofia's message should have been restricted to that thread only, but hey - I turned in my policeman's badge long ago (smirk).

I am bemused that so many guys seem genuinely interested in her service despite being in the land of seemingly limitless opportunity (as quoted often here by so many guys) where GFE is available at prices way below the hooker's price, and sometimes virtually free.

Cunning Stunt
03-27-13, 08:22
I am bemused that so many guys seem genuinely interested in her service despite being in the land of seemingly limitless opportunity (as quoted often here by so many guys) where GFE is available at prices way below the hooker's price, and sometimes virtually free.Cannot speak for anyone else but I'm always intrigued by someone who places themselves far ahead of the pack. You tend to think that maybe they are something special which seldom is the case. Having now seen ordinary pics of this girl, I can confirm that facially she is a 7, but her body is a steaming 9. Still not worth anywhere near 8k ST though.

03-27-13, 09:20
[Commercial Message deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted because it appeared to be a commercial message and/or it contained links to a commercial website. Please post reports consisting primarily of a commercial nature and/or reports with links to commercial websites in the Classified Advertisement section of the Forum. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines and the Forum's FAQ for further information.

03-27-13, 09:30
At last I met her last week at Manila, yes she was virgin, very shy and very very tight pussy, its hard job to get in side, but the feeling of a virgin pussy and a virgin girl was great

What we agreed was 5000peso each for3 nights but we could meet only for 2 nights, so ended up getting a real virgin girl for 10, 000 p, think not bad.


Pedros Needs
03-27-13, 09:46

Yes amazing in there and so many posters firing questions with single digit posts I often put mt head in and get a laff from that.

Seems the mongering seem is a tough gig over there whereas the Philippines seems to be a paradise convincing me I need get my butt over there to see for myself very soon.



Whilst we all sometimes have our differences in Philippines board, about posters asking for phone numbers or using multiple names, go click on ISG India.

All sorts of "do nots" posted in big letters on the intro page.

Guess the Indian guys win the prize for " hey mate nice report, send me her digits now please bro " league.

03-27-13, 10:05
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted because it was an attempt by the author to encourage members to CONTACT HIM on ANOTHER WEBSITE. In the future, please refrain from posting requests for forum members to contact you on another website. Thanks!

03-27-13, 12:11
I have a client / friend coming into Manila who I said I'd meet at NAIA upon arrival. As I've never met somebody there, I really don't know where to go. Its Terminal 1. Can somebody please tell me where I am supposed to wait and how the client gets there?

Member #4387
03-27-13, 13:36
I have a client / friend coming into Manila who I said I'd meet at NAIA upon arrival. As I've never met somebody there, I really don't know where to go. Its Terminal 1. Can somebody please tell me where I am supposed to wait and how the client gets there?Find yourself a cab and ask him to take you to arrival level terminal 1. Then you

Walk inside and wait amongst the others. Terminal 1 is not very big. Should be easy. Your client have to exit with the rest of the passengers after clearing customs. But throw in some extra time on your taxi travel as traffic can be horrific.

03-27-13, 14:33
Went to EDSA for the first time, had to try it as it is said to be a kind of Phil Nana Plaza.

The place is a small compound of 7 gogobars with tight security at the gate, which is always nice in Manila. Entered Firehouse directly as it was reported to be the best bar in the place. At first glance, I was disapointed by the overall quality which is said to be above average in Manila.

I sat down and ordered a drink. There were 2 teams of approx 15-20 girls, the red and the black stockings, taking turn every 30min or so on the stage, with only a few cutties in each team. 2 girls came to sit with me and started to push me for a LD. I had some polite talk with them but was decided to let them take their dance turn as I didn't find them to my taste. During this time a 50yo or so japanese guy sat next to me, and in seconds. 3 flies where sticking to him and asking for LD, which he bought. The 3 girls were average too. After avoiding several time the GRO who wanted to massage my back, I asked the mama to come over and ask her to introduce me to a girl type I was looking for that night: young and slim. She came back with a real cutie that I haven't noticed before. I ordered a LD for her and she started to make a sexy hip-and-ass dance rubbing my youknowwhat. After some time, the 3000 ST was already seeming to be cheap, and I barfined her (additional 1650). We finished our drinks, tip to the mama as I was sure to come the next evening again for some new hot adventure and off we went to the hotel.

But the sexy thing turned out to be a starfish."I am hot in bar, but cold in bed" she said. Which immediatly cooled me too, and it took me much time and effort to finish the job, which in one sense was not so bad as I think the girl got adequate punishment for fooling me in the bar haha.

Though it is quite common to have bad luck in our hobby, I hate to have a 100$+ bad luck! The next day, I went back to my MBC girlfriend I had the night before, who was a real nice GFE for half the price, although her body was less attractive, but still ferm and sexy. EDSA belongs to the traps for Japanese tourists IMO.

Pete Benetar
03-27-13, 14:57
During this time a 50yo or so japanese guy sat next to me, and in seconds. 3 flies where sticking to him and asking for LD, which he bought. The 3 girls were average too.Thanks for reporting Pier. On a related topic, 200 USD for a few pops is well outside the range of the ISG mongererer but, as we see, certainly not outside the realm of possibilities for some aspiring SWs. ISG though clearly not the best venue for such lofty promotions IMHO.

Red Kilt
03-27-13, 15:11
Find yourself a cab and ask him to take you to arrival level terminal 1. Then you

Walk inside and wait amongst the others. Terminal 1 is not very big. Should be easy. Your client have to exit with the rest of the passengers after clearing customs. But throw in some extra time on your taxi travel as traffic can be horrific.Skogis if you cannot give accurate information then maybe you should leave it to others.

NAIA 1 is the major arrival point for all international carriers except for PAL at Terminal 2.

To say it is not very big is misleading, and the 1000s of family members who are there to greet loved ones makes it a nightmare to try to meet someone.

Taxis are NOT allowed to go to the Arrivals level; they can only go to the Departure level.

You cannot go inside with the others as you suggest. NAIA is NOT like other airports in the world.

Only travelling passengers are allowed inside, (unless you get a special pass a few days before, and pay for it)

Greeters need to wait downstairs at the bottom of the ramp behind a fence with 1000s of others. Your visitor will reach this area after exiting customs and going straight ahead after crossing the road and going down the ramp. If you know what he looks like then you can watch out for him on the CCTV coming down the ramp.

When you see him, just ask the guard if you can cross the road and greet him and then I suggest you get a white coupon taxi from right in front of you.

Alternatively, you and your friend can go back up the ramp and catch a yellow taxi that you will see lined up.

You cannot stand around at the top of the ramp and wait for him unless you are an authorised officer.

I use this strategy to meet all of my visitors, although much easier to do it at the PAL terminal 2 but it still works Ok for me IF you tell the arriving visitor what to do and where to go. Otherwise it is a nightmare.

Pip Jaeger
03-27-13, 15:32
I am bemused that so many guys seem genuinely interested in her service despite being in the land of seemingly limitless opportunity (as quoted often here by so many guys) where GFE is available at prices way below the hooker's price, and sometimes virtually free.It seems Sofia has polluted several threads with her offer. Although IMHO 200USD for ST is high, in reality her pricing is not too far off the mark if you compare it to some of the bar fines on Burgos St. I'm not trying to defend her, but I. E. Dimples. 3,800p to the bar and 2, 000 to the girl for ST (3K for LT) ; factor in a few LD's, possibly a tip and a meal and you're close to her price. But with bar girls it's bareback all the way; I've yet to encounter one that's insisted on using a condom. BTW, doing a Google search of Sofia reveals that she's on just about every escort site in metro Manila; some with a body pic that doesn't look too bad (who knows if it's really her though). Google her name yourself and you'll see what I mean.

Personally I would never donate that much for pinay pie, but I'm sure others will and in fact do. IMHO you can have a lot more for a lot less; and how well educated they are means nothing to me, I don't plan on marrying any of them and an education doesn't equate to a better shag.

Now onto my marathon last day of mongering and a good example of getting a lot more bang (s) for your buck, LOL.

After learning of the high bar fines in several of the places on Burgos I commented to several girls that I would be glad to donate 1, 000p or 2, 000p directly to them, but I was unwilling to pay the ridiculously high amount to the bar; especially considering that can you pick up a FL outside for even less than that. I did slip my number to a few and one 20 year old bar girl met me late on my second night there; 1, 000 plus 500 tip for about 4 hours of fun. A more realistic amount IMHO. I also got texts from 2 others, but I had no time to meet them.

I only spent two nights in Makati before I left and shagged 5 girls. I started with a really hot looking uniformed massage girl late on the afternoon of day one, as much as I tried I could not get her to undress and go to the finish line. I had made the newbie mistake of assuming that all of the massage girls on Burgos would provide full service and I did not ask about extras before taking her to my hotel (St. Giles). Shame on me! But it worked out in the end. Despite not having her I did get a great massage in my room for 300p (initial asking price was 500p). She knew what I really wanted and referred me to a gf, a bar girl at one of the smaller clubs. Massage girl showed me some pics of her 19 year old gf on her phone and then sent her gf a text. About 30 minutes later she was in the room. I gave the massage girl a 200p finder's fee and the bar girl was happy with 1, 500 (no tip, she lived close by and the service was not great). Bar girl spent most of the night with me. 2 long sessions with her and she left around 5am to go take care of her 3 year old kid.

After a nap and breakfast I went over to the Green Belt Mall as I wanted to buy a gift for someone back home. While waiting at Starbucks for the mall to open (I forgot it opened at 11am and not 10) I met a very attractive 32 year old lady who claimed to have lost all her money at the casino. She was quite frank about what she was looking for and openly admitted to having occasionally worked the Mall and MBC venues in the past. Now she claims to have a money lending business in one of burbs, but she also admitted to having a gambling addiction too. We sealed the deal at 1, 500 and headed back to the room for a couple of hours of fun. Although she gave good head, she turned out to be a bit of a starfish and wanted me to finish up quickly so she could catch the early bus home. I had her finish with a BBBJ / CIM ending; I expected her to spit, but to my surprise she swallowed and milked me for that last drop.

Kicked the gambler out with an extra 200p for transport and went over to the Havana Café on Burgos for a small lunch; Calamari's (served with fries) and a beer for 265p. Generous portion for an appetizer, food was ok and service slow, but at least the beer was ice cold. Funny side note: as I was finishing up an Aussie sat next to me. He ordered his beer and shortly afterwards ordered a second one before happy hour ended (4pm). He asked for his bill and then the show began. He was charged the happy hour price for the first one and the regular price for the second one. When he asked the server about it she said that it's now 4:15, so the regular price was charged. He picked up his cell phone and showed the girl that it was only 3:55 (I checked mine and it read 3:56). The server said sorry, but my watch says its 4:15; so it's regular price. The manager was called over and even after looking the time on both his and the Aussie guy's cell phone he concurred with the server! Needless to say the Aussie guy left in a huff and I doubt he'll ever be back. Customer service at its finest, LOL.

I left shortly after and was approached by a FL "massage" girl (not one of the uniformed ones). She quoted 500p for a massage and I countered that I was looking for more than just a massage and not just a simple HJ happy ending. She came back with 1, 000p for everything except anal which she didn't do. I confirmed that was the "all in" donation and told her I'd think about it. I walked into one the bars which had just opened, a place called Dimples. About 8-9 girls there, probably because it was still early I only observed one nice looking girl there, the rest were fat fuglies, I asked about the bar fine and left after one drink.

The FL was waiting outside so I had her walk with me as I finished interviewing her. After the last massage girl I wanted to double check that I was going to get what I wanted. She was about 5'5"/45kg. 24 years old and claimed to only FL part time to help support her 4 year old kid. She was quite pretty, but not a "hard body"; bit of a baby pouch, but her loose top concealed a nice set of D cups. Spent a few hours with her and a good time was had. I'll post some pics in the PG in the near future. Gave her the agreed upon amount plus a 300p tip and after the deed bought her dinner (150p) at a nearby fast food chicken / BBQ place (can't remember the name. Think it was something like Chicken Andok's).

At around 7:30pm I was joined by my little sheet soaker Sherry, who I had seen when I first arrived. She came right from work, she literally leapt into my arms and I didn't give her a chance to get out of her cute little uniform. She was already wet, so I just pulled her panties aside and slipped right in. Within minutes she came and then complained she needed a shower. So off we went, showered together and then it was right back into bed for a marathon session that fully taxed the makers of vitamin V.

She had already told me that she would have to leave at about 12am (don't know or care why) , which turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I gave her two blue notes, one of my T shirts that she taken a liking to and some chocolate. Just as I was dosing off at about 12:30am I got a text from one of the bar girls I had slipped my number to last night. She wanted to meet up. I agreed, set my alarm for 2am and grabbed a little sleep. I honestly could not remember what this girl looked like as I had passed my number to about 6 or 7 girls and in my sleep deprived state I just could not associate the name with a face.

At 2 I woke up to find a few texts on my phone from her. I popped another half tab of V and we met outside of the hotel. I was pleasantly surprised to find a 20year old petite little spinner from one of the higher priced clubs. We agreed to a 1, 000p donation for a quickie with a tip if the service was good. After the shower routine we got down to business. The "quickie" turned into a rest of the night session. She said she had not been bar fined in over 2 weeks and she was horny as hell. I was barely able to keep up with her and was glad that she loved having her pussy eaten since I don't think I could have kept it hard for that long, even with a little chemical assistance. I'll post some pics of her soon as well.

I had to leave for the airport at 7 to make my flight so I kicked her out at about 6:30, gave her a blue note with a 500p tip, showered, thru my stuff in the suitcase and headed for the airport. My plan was to try to stay awake for the first short leg of my journey home and sleep on the longer leg, but I was asleep before the plane even left the gate, LOL.

Bottom line here is that I spent about 8, 500p, but shagged 5 different girls within 40 hours. I'd say my money was better spent then a covered max 2 pop / 3 hour vanilla session with Sofia.

Pute Nut
03-27-13, 15:59
I truly wish she would get rich and go to my country. On stepping off the plane is told "welcome to England". Please note as a Filipina you are required to pay double for everything. Have a great stay".Exactly. And to add to the warm welcome you could all take turns shouting "Hey Flip", as a friendly greeting of course. Just like the always-soo-friendly Hey Joe. Never Gets Old, it seems.

03-27-13, 16:33
I have a client / friend coming into Manila who I said I'd meet at NAIA upon arrival. As I've never met somebody there, I really don't know where to go. Its Terminal 1. Can somebody please tell me where I am supposed to wait and how the client gets there?NAIA is a three level terminal.

1. First level or top level is departure level.

2. Arrival level or middle level is for arriving passengers. No visitors allowed here.

3. Meeting level is the bottom level.

You need to wait at meeting level and meet your contact. Sometimes you can take a empty cruising taxi at this level. There are touts offering transportation. Do not go with them. They are scammers.

Only other way to get a taxi is to walk to the parking lot and get into an empty cruising taxi.

Best thing is to tell your party to take metered taxi from arrival level and go to the hotel where you can meet him. If you have a car already you can park in the parking area and wait at meeting level.

I use this many times as one of my gf has a car and she waits there.

Member #4387
03-27-13, 17:09
I have a client / friend coming into Manila who I said I'd meet at NAIA upon arrival. As I've never met somebody there, I really don't know where to go. Its Terminal 1. Can somebody please tell me where I am supposed to wait and how the client gets there?Sorry First i mixed up the terminals. Second i have not beeing met by someone nor waited for someone so i just took for granted the arrivalsystem worked almost like in every other airport out there but hell no(not surprised)..

Skogis if you cannot give accurate information then maybe you should leave it to others.Point taken and I agree

Pute Nut
03-27-13, 17:19
If you have a car already you can park in the parking area and wait at meeting level.

There's also a lettering system (A to Z if memory serves) in place at the meeting level. As it can be quite crowded it can be a good
thing to agree beforehand under which letter you will meet. You don't want to spend any unnecessary time in the greeters area with luggage, after a long flight.

Wicked Roger
03-28-13, 00:18
I have a client / friend coming into Manila who I said I'd meet at NAIA upon arrival. As I've never met somebody there, I really don't know where to go. Its Terminal 1. Can somebody please tell me where I am supposed to wait and how the client gets there?My simple advice is don't DO IT and tell him / her to get a taxi to the hotel.

Done it once and NEVER again. As RK said a nightmare.

So give it a miss and follow the advice from those who have had the stupidity to do it (ie Me!) or who live there and know the ropes well (eg RK)

03-28-13, 01:58
Here's what happens when one of oft used abbreviations is hijacked by a group of crazies.

Note the headline. (its how many of feel)


Cunning Stunt
03-28-13, 07:39
Easter closedown is now virtually complete and Manila is a ghost town until things reawaken on Saturday. Just got back from Alabang where I was supposed to be meeting a brace of young Pinays for some Easter Bunny fun. Well that didn't happen for reasons too typically Filipino to explain.

Couldn't see any taxis about so jumped in a jeepney and, amazingly, I was the only passenger for the whole of the trip. Roads were incredibly quiet as well so got where I was going in a fraction of the time it would normally take.

If it wasn't for the fact that all the malls / shops and most of the restaurants / bars are closed, I could get quite fond of this time of year.

Red Kilt
03-28-13, 08:09
Easter closedown is now virtually complete and Manila is a ghost town until things reawaken on Saturday. Just got back from Alabang where I was supposed to be meeting a brace of young Pinays for some Easter Bunny fun. Well that didn't happen for reasons too typically Filipino to explain.

Couldn't see any taxis about so jumped in a jeepney and, amazingly, I was the only passenger for the whole of the trip. Roads were incredibly quiet as well so got where I was going in a fraction of the time it would normally take.

If it wasn't for the fact that all the malls / shops and most of the restaurants / bars are closed, I could get quite fond of this time of year.I agree CS. Everyone asks me why I am not going "out of town" and I tell them that everybody else is out of town so I will use the peace and quiet to recharge.

Did you forget that today is a shut-down? Tomorrow is even quieter. I never schedule ANYTHING for Holy Week or for the All Souls week (Nov 1). If there are any mongers visiting I hope you found your self a 2-day wife until Saturday, although I must say the wires are running hot on the dating sites.

03-28-13, 08:21
Went to EDSA for the first time, had to try it as it is said to be a kind of Phil Nana Plaza.

The place is a small compound of 7 gogobars with tight security at the gate, which is always nice in Manila. Entered Firehouse directly as it was reported to be the best bar in the place.I would disagree that Firehouse is the best bar in the EDSA Entertainment Complex. For me, it's either Bullets and Arrows or Pitstop, both bars are managed by the same people. When I go to EDSA, I alternate between those two bars and am rarely disappointed. Check out the beauty from a couple of years ago.

Cunning Stunt
03-28-13, 08:56
Did you forget that today is a shut-down?No, I hadn't forgotten. But I got a bad case of the Mongers Curse. You know, when you get a sniff of not one but two eminently cute and fuckable 19 year old Cavitean kissing cousins who for minimum reward are ready and willing to bus themselves to you to open their long and limber brown legs and cater for your every whim. At this point logic and good sense goes out the window and little CS takes over and like a bloodhound on amphetamines, it will drag one off in the general direction of the sirens call of that available pussy. No matter that the town is in the throes of its annual commercial meltdown, you know that the good old trusty Sogo will never close its doors on weary and horny travelers.

Except this time it wasn't to be!

03-28-13, 14:09
Check out the beauty from a couple of years ago.Tropicana Apartments? Gawd I miss that place.

03-29-13, 07:38
Now onto my marathon last day of mongering and a good example of getting a lot more bang (s) for your buck, LOL.I'm looking for a sidetrip destination. Looks like it will be Manila!


Pip Jaeger
03-29-13, 14:29
I'm looking for a sidetrip destination. Looks like it will be Manila!

SpacemanThanks, it's always more fun in the Phils! But keep in mind that my picking up a lady at Greenbelt at 10:30 in the morning was a fluke. The mall's usually devoid of FL's at that time of the day.

03-30-13, 02:08
Was this an attempted setup?

I was in ermita and leave swagman hotel, killing some time and never having been there I decide to walk around around head left and then left again and a guy comes up starts talking to me and offers me girls, I have no interest in a girl at that point but I'm curious and ask if he means a casa he says yes, his opening price is 1500 I ask if he thinks I could do 1200 he said probably, I tell him I'm not interested right now but I start walking in the area he said it was just to see if I could figure out where it was, he comes with and says its right down that street and tries to get me to go, I say no thanks just walking and he finally leaves.

I walk another 20 or so meters past an SUV where 2 cops stop me and ask me what me and the guy were talking about, I tell them he was trying to talk me into to doing something I didn't want, they ask where I'm from I tell them one of them wants to question me more but the other one stops him and tells me to have a nice stay in PI.

They were parked facing away from the street I would have walked down but when looking in mirrors they had a great view of that guy leading anyone to it.

Thoughts? I'm glad I didn't get curious about what the girls looked like (or let me dick take control) and go in for a look thats for sure.

Tally Wacker
03-30-13, 06:21
Well its hard to tell if it was a setup or not. My rule of thumb is if someone approaches me and offers anything I always say no thanks and move on. That eliminates alot of scams right there. They can be very good at their craft.

Was this an attempted setup?

Key Master
03-30-13, 07:15
Was this an attempted setup?I doubt it. A lot of people in that area will offer to take you to the places around there that have women for offer. Most of the places are small and don't have the greatest of quality but sometimes you find a gem. Whatever he quotes you he makes a commission if you take someone from the place. At the price he quoted you, he would have got like 500 if you took someone for that price.

Jp Slicky
03-30-13, 11:03
If anyone comes up to you on those streets, it can't be good. Just ignore them and keep walking, at the most say no thanks and keep walking

03-30-13, 16:38
was this an attempted setup?

i was in ermita and leave swagman hotel, killing some time and never having been there i decide to walk around around head left and then left again and a guy comes up starts talking to me and offers me girls, i have no interest in a girl at that point but i'm curious and ask if he means a casa he says yes, his opening price is 1500 i ask if he thinks i could do 1200 he said probably, i tell him i'm not interested right now but i start walking in the area he said it was just to see if i could figure out where it was, he comes with and says its right down that street and tries to get me to go, i say no thanks just walking and he finally leaves.

i walk another 20 or so meters past an suv where 2 cops stop me and ask me what me and the guy were talking about, i tell them he was trying to talk me into to doing something i didn't want, they ask where i'm from i tell them one of them wants to question me more but the other one stops him and tells me to have a nice stay in pi.

they were parked facing away from the street i would have walked down but when looking in mirrors they had a great view of that guy leading anyone to it.

thoughts? i'm glad i didn't get curious about what the girls looked like (or let me dick take control) and go in for a look thats for sure.there are some casa in ermita right around the area you mentioned on del pilar. girls are usually 500 or less for locals. foreigner can get one for 800 st and 1000 lt.

these girls are on the low category but sometimes some medium grade girls are available. hygiene is suspect because the do bb sex with locals probably do not take shower after each client.

i had gone to one casa and looked at the girls but did not take one. there was one cute young girl in tattered clothes obviously ****.

for me this place was accidentally found when i was talking to the lady selling mangoes. she seemed trustworthy as i was buying mangoes from her every day and she suggested i take a look.

ofcourse if i did take a girl she would get her cut.

regarding the questions cops talked to you about usually has something to do with corruption. they want to squeeze the guy for some money in case he gets his cut. certainly they are not into busting the casa.

usually these local casas have political higher connection.

for a foreigner it is not worth the risk when all sorts of girls are available at mbc etc nearby. remember prostitution is illegal in phi.

03-30-13, 17:47
Hello FF.

Why would you ask that question?

Why do some people pay close to $1mill for a Rolls Royce, when they can have an ordinary Holden, which is just as functional, and costs a very lot less to operate?

Why do some people choose to fly first class, when they can get to the same place, in the same time, for a fraction of the price?

Why do some guys in Paris, or London, or New York think nothing of paying $10, 000 for a night of fun with a high class escort, when the same fun can be had with an ordinary hooker for a fraction of the price?

Sofia is just appealing to the higher priced segment of the market. Which would appear to not be your market.

And maybe she does not understand that the focus in this forum is on low to very low cost poon.


So you are comfortable with two tier pricing?

Regardless of how classy she is, do you enjoy paying more than someone else because of skin colour or nationality. Do you enjoy knowing you are being hosed.

She started this entire discussion amongst us because of her " foreigner" price.

I think we care less about her price, which most of us can easily afford, than about her "well your not from here so you can pay twice what others pay" approach.

Imagine if San Miguel (bless him) had a pricing model of 22pesos for Filipinos and p40 for the rest of the world. What might your reaction be?

Imagine if Shell, McDo, Harrods or Cathay Pacific did that.

Its the two tier pricing structure that has attracted a lot of attention as its so blatant and discriminatory.

I couldn't give two figs whether she's hot or can discuss the workings of the internal combustion engine. The fact is that she thinks its appropriate to charge 100% for us based on our passports.

I truly wish she would get rich and go to my country. On stepping off the plane is told "welcome to England". Please note as a Filipina you are required to pay double for everything. Have a great stay".

By the way, most diplomats don't have two jiou to rub together. Their salaries are truly low and they must pay full rate taxes. They just live in their own self important world. US Ambassadorial salaries range from US$120K to US$180k.

Deduct 40% to 50% for tax and its not such a large amount.

But maybe just enough for Sofia with her "pay me double the pinoy" rates. LOL.

Pute Nut
03-30-13, 21:37
why do some people choose to fly first class, when they can get to the same place, in the same time, for a fraction of the price?first of all, f (first) is not so common these days, except on some routes. but if you (would) fly business regularly you are surely aware of that. now i can think of several good reasons for choosing business over cattle class: if it's an overnight i get good sleep, can choose decent food and drink from a menu, get loads of ff miles and, maybe most important, i will feel much more comfortable with my trip before, during and after. to sum it up it's a truly premium experience, for which i pay a premium price.

sofia is just appealing to the higher priced segment of the market.well, the homely looking escort with her discriminatory pricing does not appeal to me at all. give me a country bumpkin who will appreciate a few blue notes for "spaghetti, milk, [CodeWord131] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord131)" anytime. that's my business class ride, but hey it's a free world, why don't you go ahead gangles and try out your rolls royce escort and report back. i'm always ready to change my mind, should you report some hidden values in racist nurse sex.

Chocha Monger
03-31-13, 13:37

An American professional basketball player, a prized import who led the Rain or Shine team to a Philippine Basketball Association (PBA) crown last year, was thrown into jail early Wednesday for insulting and attacking a team of policemen who came to arrest him for causing a disturbance at a Quezon City hotel.

Out of the 10 policemen who rushed to the hotel, one was reportedly knocked unconscious by a punch from the 6'5' Jamelle Cornley. 25.

Before the arrest, police said, Cornley went on a drunken rampage at Sir William's Hotel on Timog Avenue in Barangay South Triangle around 6 am This was after three female companions with whom he had earlier checked in allegedly stole his wallet containing his 'savings' worth $1, 400'I am concerned about losing the money I painstakingly saved. What is embarrassing is what I should tell my mother about this, ' he said, adding that he was scheduled to fly home to Columbus, Ohio, on Easter Sunday.

I guess he didn't make that flight. He probably wouldn't be hiding his wallet filled with his life savings under the pillow with 3 hookers while he takes a shower again.

03-31-13, 14:26

Before the arrest, police said, Cornley went on a drunken rampage at Sir William's Hotel on Timog Avenue in Barangay South Triangle around 6 a. M. This was after three female companions with whom he had earlier checked in allegedly stole his wallet containing his 'savings' worth $1, 400Once again all mongers should carry only enough local pesos necessary for that night's activities. All passport, jewellery, watch, expensive phone, wallet, dollars should be locked up.

04-01-13, 01:22
i shoved him to the floor but he acted as if i had hit him. i saw him lift his head several times and take a peek. when everybody was looking and bringing him to the hospital, he pretended to be knocked out, ' cornley said.

04-01-13, 01:42
Hello FF.

Why would you ask that question?

Why do some people pay close to $1mill for a Rolls Royce, when they can have an ordinary Holden, which is just as functional, and costs a very lot less to operate?

Why do some people choose to fly first class, when they can get to the same place, in the same time, for a fraction of the price?

Why do some guys in Paris, or London, or New York think nothing of paying $10, 000 for a night of fun with a high class escort, when the same fun can be had with an ordinary hooker for a fraction of the price?

Sofia is just appealing to the higher priced segment of the market. Which would appear to not be your market.

And maybe she does not understand that the focus in this forum is on low to very low cost poon.

GSorry but the point was missed.

She's selling the same product with two differing prices. Not two different products.

Its like me paying one price for business class and you, having had your passort reviewed, being told to pay a totally (100% higher price).

Thats discriminatory pricing. That was the point. Anyways said gal has now left the building

Tally Wacker
04-01-13, 04:30
Fifty when I saw your post I thought it might be the same guy in the video below but its a different thug. The link below is Renaldo Balkman who was banned from the Philippines Pro Basketball league for life from his on the court outburst.



An American professional basketball player, a prized import who led the Rain or Shine team to a Philippine Basketball Association (PBA) crown last year, was thrown into jail early Wednesday for insulting and attacking a team of policemen who came to arrest him for causing a disturbance at a Quezon City hotel.

Out of the 10 policemen who rushed to the hotel, one was reportedly knocked unconscious by a punch from the 6'5' Jamelle Cornley. 25.

Before the arrest, police said, Cornley went on a drunken rampage at Sir William's Hotel on Timog Avenue in Barangay South Triangle around 6 am This was after three female companions with whom he had earlier checked in allegedly stole his wallet containing his 'savings' worth $1, 400

Key Master
04-01-13, 07:42
If anyone comes up to you on those streets, it can't be good. Just ignore them and keep walking, at the most say no thanks and keep walkingJust a comment on this and regards to my post before that the person was probably trying to walk you to some of the small casas around there to make some money. I've been mongering for awhile and I rarely ever go with anyone like this. I happened to do it a couple of times in Ermita to see the places they were recommending for future references. I never went in a car with either. I think for the most part, it's best to not go with anyone like that. I've traveled for quite awhile and feel I have a good gut instinct. Most of these places we went, I didn't find anyone. Most will always take you to the same places there. They're not all that close so it can feel a little scary. I always knew where I was so I felt ok and knew I can get away and which way I could go. If it didn't feel right, I could back out anytime.

My very first time going, this woman took me to a place and I found a real winner. I ended up seeing her multiple times on multiple trips. I was able to go to the casa on my own and find her after learning where it was. That for me was worth it. As much as someone may tell you this place is here or there, they're not all that easy to find even then. I still saw this one even after she was no longer at the casa. I went to this same one again after she stopped, and took another one and she ended up being a dud. I've been back on occasion but most of the time nothing was interesting to me.

As much as I can understand most people saying that all these people are up to no good like the above poster mentioned, I have to disagree. These people were trying to make a buck by taking me to these places and hoping to make a commission. I think for the most part that's all those people are trying to do there in Ermita. It's not an outright robbery or anything like that or a setup. They have nothing to loose. BUT I do understand why people would be scared or thinking that. I really do. And for the most part, I think it's best to not especially if you do not have a lot of experience or common sense. That's kind of messed up but for most it's probably not worth it. I was lucky to find the one I did on my first try and I've been lucky at the casas in Makati also. But I didn't get there on my own. Someone had to take me there for my first time for me to know and it wasn't a foreigner it was a local. Can there be stings or setups? Absolutely! As I said, for most I don't recommend it. I have never gone with anyone in Angeles where I think it's more likely to be bad vs what someone in Ermita is trying to do.

Cool Traveler
04-01-13, 23:13
There are 3 airports. One is the NAIA which is the all international airline airport. So, if you are United, Emirates, etc. Etc. It is Terminal 1.

Second is the PAL airport, Terminal 2.

Third is the Cebu Pacific Airport, Terminal 3.

The NAIA airport or Terminal 1, is a very busy airport. Like some of you have mentioned, there are 3 levels. The first level for departure. Second level for arrival, and right belows arrival through a walkway is the arrival greetings area. The arrival greetings area has lettering system, so go stand under your letter. People who come to wait, greet people at the airport, come to the greeting area and wait across a small street, fenced off from the lettered area, where you would be standing under. So, if someone is coming to the airport to greet you, you would generally find them in the greeting area and NOT in the arrival area. This is a common mistake made by people who are not familiar with NAIA.

Things I have figured out over the years:

1. You can also have people come up to the arrival area, but have them stand at one of the edges as you come out of the arrival door. As you come out of the door of arrival hall to the left or right ends of the area where taxis and buses are. This way, you can see them, tell the security, pull them in, and use the taxi in the arrival area which is safe.

2. Sometime, for newbies it is a scary thing to take taxis from the outside of the airport. If you go to the gteeting area, and you walk and meet someone, you may end up taking taxings from the meeting area. Please do not do this! Most or all taxis from the greeting areas will generally rip you off. Take your "greeter" back in. Tell them you are taking the luxury hotel buses. Then go back to the arrival area and take the white taxi or yellow metered taxi. These are safe. And tell the attendant where you are going, and ask him / her how much the taxi is going to cost.

3. You can also go back in, and go to departure hall. But the savings is not all that great where you have to lug yourself, and your luggage up and flag down taxi in an extremely crowded environment.

4. If you are taking cash out of ATM, there is couple of ATM machines inside the arrival hall. Get your money, stash it away safely, and come out. Keep about 500P handy so you can pay taxi driver until you get to your hotel, or however much it costs.

NAIA is a busy airport. Terminal 3, is also busy, but much more efficient. Just my opinion. Terminal 2 is PAL. And folks, these terminals are not next to each other where you can walk or something. There is NO shuttle bus. You have to take a taxi, and can take sometimes up to 30 to 45 minutes to get from one terminal to another.

For International Departure from NAIA:


If you are late, do not panic. Have about 1000 pesos ready. Get to the airport, and go to a police officer / security as you get off the taxi. Tell him you need a "short cut". Don't say you are late. Just say you do not want to stand in line. He will tell you how much, and you will by-pass all the lines. I really cannot remember how much I paid, but it wasn't much.

Also, if you are taking Cebu Pacific to an international destination like Hong Kong, it is Terminal 3, and not NAIA (terminal 1).

Always ask your hotel before you leave which terminal your airline flies out of. Never assume. Actually never assume anything in Phillipines.

Be safe.

04-02-13, 01:32
If you are late, do not panic. Have about 1000 pesos ready. Get to the airport, and go to a police officer / security as you get off the taxi. Tell him you need a "short cut". Don't say you are late. Just say you do not want to stand in line. He will tell you how much, and you will by-pass all the lines. I really cannot remember how much I paid, but it wasn't much.

Be safe.Good airport info. I hope you arent the guy who "cuts" the line when I'm behind you. I would advise you and the security guard letting you cut in front of me to go take a fast walk to the back of the line. Unless you were lesser abled. Then I would happily give up my space (but not to the other 10 members of the totally able family who always seem to follow a lesser abled person) LOL

Red Kilt
04-02-13, 02:37
There are 3 airports. One is the NAIA which is the all international airline airport. So, if you are United, Emirates, etc. Etc. It is Terminal 1.

Second is the PAL airport, Terminal 2.

Third is the Cebu Pacific Airport, Terminal 3.More misleading information. If you are not sure of your facts CT, please don't mislead others.

It is incorrect to label terminals by AIRLINES. If you follow Cool Traveler's sweeping definitions you may well end up at the wrong terminal.

NAIA is the name of all FOUR terminals.

NAIA Terminal 1 is the hub for MOST international carriers, but not all of them. Some are steadily being re-routed to NAIA Terminal 3 which is the newest one.

NAIA Terminal 2 (also called the Centennial terminal by some taxi drivers) is exclusively used by PAL but not the in-country PAL EXPRESS cut-price carrier. Most PAL Express flights use Terminal 3, and if you arrived on PAL International but you are flying to other smaller places in the Philippines then you may need to connect to your flight through another completely different terminal (Terminal 3).

NAIA Terminal 4 is used by the other low-price carriers for in-country flights. Very few flights now depart from there.

Just check your ticket carefully to see where it lists your departure or arrival. Do not expect to be able to traverse easily between any of the 3 major terminals. They are very widely separated. You cannot walk between them.

04-02-13, 03:09
NAIA Terminal 4 is used by the other low-price carriers for in-country flights. Very few flights now depart from there.Naia 4. Is that the new term for the very very old " domestic "?

Red Kilt
04-02-13, 09:57
Naia 4. Is that the new term for the very very old " domestic "?Yes it is. Only the small carriers fly out of there with the smaller planes. I think Zest and maybe SeaAir but don't quote me on that

Pip Jaeger
04-02-13, 11:20
Always ask your hotel before you leave which terminal your airline flies out of. Never assume. Actually never assume anything in Phillipines.Good advice, but you contradict yourself; don't assume the hotel staff knows what terminal you need either. Always check your ticket or visit the airlines' website to verify. As already stated by other posters the terminals are not within walking distance of each other, so unless you've got a lot of time to waste then it's imperative to make sure you get to the correct terminal.

Some helpful links (note: on the manila-airport dot net departures page, you have to click on the specific fight to get the terminal info) :

