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05-19-02, 21:26
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07-08-02, 01:24
The following is from The Independent, July 7. Odd to open this file with this information, but here it is:

End of an idyll as Aids soars in South Pacific
By Kathy Marks, in Sydney
07 July 2002
Internal links

End of an idyll as Aids soars in South Pacific

Thailand set to test Aventis Aids drug

Martin Wroe: Stopping Aids takes more than a scare campaign. It takes leadership

One faraway region will be watching this week's international Aids conference in Barcelona with growing fear. While developed nations such as Britain are learning to live with Aids, the South Pacific is just beginning to grapple with the problems that the West faced 20 years ago.

The South Pacific, thanks to its relative isolation, is the last part of the world to be hit by the disease. The first cases were reported less than a decade ago, and the spread was initially slow. But Aids has now gained a significant foothold and is causing increasing concern, particularly in Papua New Guinea (PNG), where an African-scale tragedy is feared.

As some of the world's leading scientists prepared to gather in Barcelona, United Nations Aids experts warned last week that 68 million people could die by 2020 without a dramatic rise in prevention and treatment programmes. They said the epidemic had not yet peaked, and called for urgent action to tackle spiralling infection rates.

In Western countries HIV-positive people are surviving for years, thanks to the development of combined anti-retroviral drugs. In the South Pacific, many people do not even know how the virus is transmitted, and many of those infected are unaware of their plight.

Health educators in the region are fighting the same ignorance, apathy and misconcep- tions that hindered the early stages of the war against Aids in the West. The same moral dilemmas that confronted developed nations in the early 1980s are being painfully debated – exacerbated, in many parts of the Pacific, by the influence of fundamentalist Protestant churches.

Education campaigns are also complicated by cultural factors, such as reticence about sexual matters. In PNG most of the population lives in remote tribal villages where the subject of Aids is still taboo. "These are people who have never seen a condom," said Andrew Peteru, HIV/Aids adviser for the South Pacific Community, a regional development organisation.

A recent report by AusAID, the Australian government aid agency, estimated that 15,000 people in PNG – amounting to 0.33 per cent of the population – are HIV-positive. Few doubt that those figures represent the tip of the iceberg and experts warn that the epidemic could wipe out an entire generation.

"People who get sick in Port Moresby [the capital] go home to their villages without necessarily knowing what's wrong with them," said Clive Moore, a South Pacific expert at Queensland University. "They may well put it down to sorcery. Even if they had an inkling, there are no drugs to treat it. Then there is the shame. They are often rejected by their tribes and their families."

Clement Malau, a public health officer with the National Aids Council Secretariat in Port Moresby, said at least 17 per cent of prostitutes in the capital were HIV-positive. "It's the same as in Africa a decade or so ago," he said. "We're seeing exactly the same trends."

While PNG is experiencing the Pacific's worst epidemic, the disease is also spreading at an alarming rate in countries such as Samoa and Fiji, where whole families are infected.

There are rising numbers of cases in the tiny nations of Kiribati and Tuvalu, whose main source of income is seafaring; most young men work overseas in the world's merchant navies. There is also growing concern in Tahiti, a big tourist destination, and in the Solomon Islands, which are frequented by fishing boats from Korea, Taiwan and Japan. The Solomons, where the war against Aids has been handicapped by civil unrest, recently launched a poster campaign politely urging its citizens to "protect the ones you love".

"The reality is that the disease is now present in every country in the Pacific, and is spreading through the populations," said Mr Peteru. "It has taken hold, and we are now starting to see patterns of mainly heterosexual transmission." Most countries in the region have developed national Aids strategies, but have been slow to commit the necessary funds.

Different attitudes towards gender and sexuality in the Pacific are obstructing efforts to combat the disease, according to Dr Moore. In some areas, divisions between gay and straight are fluid. "You can't say, 'Let's go and look for the gay community', because it's invisible and includes all manner of people," he said.

In many parts of Melanesia, ritual homosexuality is common. In PNG, it is the custom among certain tribal groups to share wives. Myths – such as the notion that sleeping with virgins can cure Aids – encourage unsafe sex.

It is all a far cry from the West's romanticised image of the South Pacific as a carefree Utopia. If that image ever reflected reality, it no longer does: Aids has invaded paradise.

12-24-05, 19:48
It's being quiet here even though there is action in the various cities of PNG. Here's a sample of what PNG can offer; a Milne Bay lass in action.

12-24-05, 19:50
A few more shots to get the ball rolling.

Member #3401
12-27-05, 11:16
Usibada- What sort of action do you find in PNG. Is there any street action at all. How did you find the girl in the pictures?

12-27-05, 20:25
Usibada- What sort of action do you find in PNG. Is there any street action at all. How did you find the girl in the pictures?Street action, I hear could be found from behind the Boroko Post Office or a certain residential area in Boroko, but I wouldn't recommend that; they're ugly, stinky and unfuckable. Your best bet would be the Pondo bar (Crowne Plaza Hotel) or Gold Club (Lamana Hotel) for a freebie. Uni students and office girls hang out from Wednesday nights on, though there'll be the odd prostitutes from the big Hanuabada still trying to solicit some business.

PS: Here's some Lamana leso action.

12-27-05, 20:26
Few more to wet the taste buds.

12-27-05, 20:29
Pussy hungry.

12-27-05, 20:31
Munchie, munchie!

12-28-05, 17:21
Usibada. looks like you had some fun. they are both Uni students? I must say I am impressed with the quality. how much did this cost you?
I was in PNG a few years back, in PM, and also Rabaul, and found most women to be fairly ugly. ( I am being nice here ).

nice to see there are a few good looking ones.

12-28-05, 20:49

I do agree that the girls, esp WG are not that attractive if you're looking for a nice lay. These 2 girls ended up with a friend of mine who had the pleasure of photographing them.

Here's another picture of a girl who works as a waitress at the Lamana Gold Club whom I had the pleasure of taking to my hotel room after she finished work at 3am. Sorry not many fotos or facial as she couldn't give me a chance to play with the camera; she is a real sexaholic in bed. She even rang work at 3pm the next day and reported sick just to spend another day and night with me in bed. can't wait to get back to PNG in a few weeks for more mongering.

Member #2001
01-01-06, 18:45
your awsome!! Very cute girls. i sould do any of them. HOw about prices and where can they be found? THink I might make the island a destenation of mine in the future,

Member #2001
01-01-06, 18:46
your awsome!! Very cute girls. I would do any of them.

HOw about prices and where can they be found?

THink I might make the island a destenation of mine in the future,

03-08-07, 07:37

I'm in ALotau later this year (Intnl Hotel), as wel as in the Trobriands. I know your posts are outdated a bit but perhaps you could give some advice where to find the action still? It is very hard to find decent info about this corner on the planet.
The chicks in the pics are awesome!

Thanks for any input mate.

05-19-07, 06:27
PS: Here's some Lamana leso action.Didnt know that Peruvian chicks were working in Papau New Guinea. How strange! How lame of you to put that contraband.

Member #4603
07-26-07, 23:55

You're a total fraud. Those chicks aren't from Papau New Guinea. Looks like you even posted a black woman. The lesbian girls are obviosuly Latin American. Please.

08-14-07, 00:15
First, its possible but highly unlikely that the two girls in Usibada's photos are from PNG. Some of the girls from the coastal parts of PNG could look like that. But any girls that good looking in PNG would be highly prized and wouldn't be posing for photos like that. And, in any event, those photos certainly weren't taken at the Lamana Hotel.

Two points:

First, Papua New Guinean women are the ugliest women in the world - especially the women from the Highlands. Seriously, they are the most genetically unfortunate women on the planet.

Second: The incidence of HIV/ AIDS in PNG is believed to be approaching that of African countries. PNG also has some of the highest rates of gonorrhoea, syphillis and chlamydia in the world.

So if you are really into ugly, diseased women, then PNG is the place to be. They are easy enough to get, poverty is so rampant that they will fuck you on the spot for next to nothing.

If you have an ounce of taste or dignity, don't waste your time or money in PNG.

Cheynne 24
03-29-08, 03:49
For those planning to travel to png, take note, all is not lost if you are prepared to get around and see the sites you will be surpised at what is on offer. I work in the forces and have not been disappointed whenever I have spent a couple of days either in the capital port moresby or the other city lae.

Girls are friendly enough and if you treat them right, most of the time they are very accommodating, as for looks, well you can pick the ones worth the time and energy. Last week I was in Lae and happened to end up at a night club that operates above a gym and picked two young things, dropped off one and the other was more the happy to come back to the hotel. She had a good body, and we had a great fuck, one problem she liked to bite, so had to settle her down a few times.

So folks if you are heading to png, be open, find a good local contact and explore, you won't be disappointed.

Happy to hear from others heading that way.


09-24-08, 05:39
i was recently on a three week bird-watching trip to png with 5 other guys. chances of scoring a png girl seemed close to nil:

. staying in mostly rural lodges

. sharing a room

. not much grounds for optimism in isg png forum

but air niugini screwed us over for a full day trying to get to tabubil from pt moresby, then put us up in the crowne plaza. my roommate and i got the last room: the presidential suite. we flipped for the master bedroom and i won. first two problems solved.

went down to the street level bar in the hotel (this was a friday night). almost dead at 10: 30, but three girls there promptly invited me over to talk (= buy them beer). they said thursday (ladies night) was best there.

not too hard to peel one off from the group, and we had an excellent night. hardly a freebie after buying booze, disco covers, taxi money (for all three), etc. but so out of the blue that i didn't care. my guess is that this bar would be pretty dependable th-fri-sat.

editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

10-03-08, 14:27
Just want to confirm what Birds reported....I stayed at the Crowne Plaza 4 nights in Aug. It was dead Mon & Tues and then Wed turned out to be a local holiday so the bar was closed.

Then all of a sudden Thursday night hit (Ladies Nite) and it was amazing. At 11 pm there were at least 30-40 girls in the bar. And maybe 15-20 white guys - so a good ratio. Talking about the bar attached to the Crowne Plaza (forget the name).

The music was going, girls were dancing. It was not difficult to catch the eye of any that caught your fancy. Hooked up with a 20 yr old. Back to the room was no problem...and in the morning all she wanted was taxi fare back home.

Hope I get a chance to return someday!

02-25-09, 03:59
I've been to PNG a couple of times and would have to agree with other posters that PNG women are cursed with some of the worst looks in the world. Especially the masculine-looking highlands women, with their square faces and big heavy jaws.

But a mate of mine swears by the place. He's spent a lot of time there and knows how the reel them in. Concentrates on airline staff.

Good luck if you have to go there...

Red Rex
02-05-10, 08:42
Nevertheless interesting pics Usibada, like few others on ISG. Post some more....somewhere. Definitely not even Motu girls. Never mind.

BTW would have to disagree, there are many very fuckable, willing girls in PNG and easily obtainable. It's just a pity PNG is not an easy country to travel around...poor infrastructure, a bit dangerous in parts, not set up for tourism really at all which is a real, real pity. With a some effort it can be very rewarding all round eg some of the best diving in the world.

Just follow the advice suggested below or slip 5 bucks to the security/gateman at your hotel to jack you up, many local ex-pats will help you out, in pubs etc. Take the girl(s) with you on your trip around PNG, buy them some clothes etc, little need to pay out a lot. They will enjoy the experience as much as you.

So many of the girls are slim, busty and have that walking lilt which really turns you on (think of black African girls). If you take more than one girl be aware of the jealousy factor and make sure the girls know each other well. Without being derogatory they are faily straight forward and easily pleased.

Red Rex
02-12-10, 07:37
Some intrepid traveller(s) must have something to report from recent years on PNG?? Spent a few years there and loved the place....lots of bizarre experiences.

02-12-10, 16:25
... Spent a few years there and loved the place....lots of bizarre experiences.
So why don't YOU report about your adventures??

Rabaul 12
03-13-10, 00:20
I can nofirm that the pictures posted by Usibada some years back are from Papua New Guineaand that they are papua New Guinean girls. Thats true that the highlanders sucks but there are some nice coastal girls.

04-23-10, 14:53
A bit dated now, Pyjama. But interested in any recent reports. Someone must have had excursions there lately ie the last few years. Eg are there still 2 kina girls around.You won't get much for two kina these days, but it won't take much more. Any of the clubs in Moresby you can pretty much pick up. One way or another you will be paying for their time. Whether its straight payment, or drinks and a bus fare home, or what ever.

The Wharehouse/Penthouse in POM has always proved a winner for me, never go home empty handed from there.

Lamana Gold Club is good for non working girls on a Friday or Saturday.

Pondos at the Crowne Plaza has lots of Motu girls looking for a quick buck on Fridays and Saturdays. Got two blow jobs from two different girls one night just taking them up to the room for a quick one then back down to the bar to select the next one and off again.

The Golden Kina Lounge in Boroko is good for working girls.

But really who needs working girls unless you are really looking for an easy night, because in PNG you can get action anywhere just about.

Outside of POm it can be a little more challenging - in Alotau just hook up with some local guys and they'll set you right.

In Rabaul try the Travel Lodge, in Kokopo it used to be the Kadat Club for action but I think its closed.

In Madang its Pils Rapa for action, sometimes you can find girls hanging around outside Madang Resort or outside Coastwatchers, but again hook up with some local guys and they'll set you up

But remember AIDS is huge in PNG now - its absolutely rampant, I know two girls who died of AIDS personally so be careful

My God
05-12-10, 06:01
Anybody been to SOHO recreational centre in Boroko?

Any actions around there?

Red Rex
05-21-10, 11:22
Good report, Angra.
Much sounds familiar, some new venues. My favourite haunt in Madang (where I spent most of my time) was Madang Lodge where there were always loads of girls around the bar and in the beer garden on a Friday or Saturday night, the girls mixed and full and of all shades, and had to be cleared by the gate security. They were all in for action.
The Lodge was owned by the son of wealthy and an old established ex-pat family, knew all the hoy-poloi in PNG and could find whatever you wanted, including the air hostesses passing through there daily.
Later at night it was always the Madang Country Club (or sometimes the yacht club if you were lucky) where you could always find the more exclusive types hanging out for a good lay.....no rules, married or whatever.
Hoping for a three week nostalgic trip later in the year: Moresby, Lae, Madang, Wewak, Rabaul, Kavieng and a couple of other little places where I had some fun.
Oh....the memories and bizarre stories.

Red Rex
05-22-10, 23:54
The Madang Country Club reminds me of the time I shagged a seventeen year old mixed beauty in the womens' toilets. And we got caught!....by her mother, also a beauty who had wanted me to shag her in the hibiscus bushes outside earlier on. I had had an ongoing liason with the mother. She was uncontrollably irate almost bringing the whole club to a standstill. Her husband, an Aussie ex-kiap, arrived about 10 minutes later and heard nothing of the affair. Never-the-less I hightailed it out of there pretty fast.
Oh dear....the moral bankruptcy of those days

SE Asia Joe
05-28-10, 09:43

The Madang Country Club reminds me of the time I shagged a seventeen year old mixed beauty in the womens' toilets. And we got caught!....by her mother, also a beauty who had wanted me to shag her in the hibiscus bushes outside earlier on. I had had an ongoing liason with the mother. She was uncontrollably irate almost bringing the whole club to a standstill. Her husband, an Aussie ex-kiap, arrived about 10 minutes later and heard nothing of the affair. Never-the-less I hightailed it out of there pretty fast.
Oh dear....the moral bankruptcy of those days

11-09-10, 13:25
I have opportunity to go there in the next few month Port Morsby most likely, but a country tour is on the cards. What should I expect to pay for a reasonable night and where is the most central place to stay for action?

11-18-10, 22:06

I have been offered a job in Port Morseby and I am interested to know if the scene for pickups, bar girls and sex is good. I lived in Indonesia for 14 years and found Jakarta and Balikpapan just heaven for my almost daily requirement to get laid. Anyone that can give me insight would be appreciated.


Red Rex
03-23-13, 12:33
I recently went to PNG on a nostalgia trip. Found that not too much has changed overall. Still just as bizarre as ever. It frightens many as a mongering venue and with some justification, but nothing there is too difficult really. Just a little common sense. I stayed at the Gateway and after a few inquiries with hotel security and the gatemen soon found a delicious 30 year old Papuan, slim with gorgeous attributes. Feeling greedy I told her I needed to take 3 girls with me, especially one or two much younger. She obliged with her 20 year old just as gorgeous niece, and her niece supplied a non-Papuan much darker skinned friend. All it cost was a few 20 kina notes for the security guys and some clothing shopping for the girls (along with a few other things like restaurant meals etc), suitably sexy for a holiday trip.

The girls surrogated as excellent security come body guards for a couple of nights sojourning around Port Moresby night clubs. I realised I could easily have picked up girls there on my own. One rich girl wanted me to go out and quickly shag her in her chauffeur driven Mercedes. Needless to say my protectors jealously guarded me from all contenders :)

In fact, as I guessed it might, jealousy was quickly becoming an important issue. The girls started physically fighting on the plane trip to Wewak (aunty and niece against the Manus girl). The police were waiting at the other end and after smoothing things over I knew I had to (sadly, as she was indeed a very sweet, willing, sexy innocent fuck) send the Manus girl back. All very comical :)

Spent a few days in Wewak visiting a former place of employment, the mighty Sepik River (big mosquitoes) , a diving expedition, and a few other haunts. My girls were now impeccably behaved and a hit at the Wewak Yacht Club amongst the ex-pats, with their short dresses, tops and sexy bods. I was tempted to make a quick nostalgic trip over the border to Jayapura in Irian Jaya but found the complications not worth the hassle.

To cut a long and perhaps tedious story short, we then went on to Mt. Hagen in the Highlands, Rabaul (New Britain) , Kaweng (New Ireland) , and Lae.

The girls were excellent throughout and had no inhibitions about a threesome, even if they were aunty and niece. And it's a good way to go to organise yourself in Moresby if you want the security of supply for a short trip. However, as of old, I found that not much had changed and I could have easily found what I wanted, especially in Rabaul and Madang where there are multitudinous gorgeous local girls on supply. Girls of mixed origin (ex-pat and native) are a different story and require more time, are better educated, fussier, 'superior' etc.

Though PNG is not set up for 'mongering' as such, it isn't difficult to find what you want in short time. Just a little initiative and persistence. PNG is not a cheap or easy place to travel around, but the girls certainly don't ask for much, just some attention and a few basics of life, and they will respond magnificently. Including your most outrageous fantasies.

Go to the places where the right kind of girls are likely to be: resort hotels on a Friday night, night clubs, expat clubs, or just simply ask around. I once got talking to a local expat plantation owner in a bar at a hotel in Kaweng (a very small town on New Ireland) , and told him what I wanted. Next morning we drove in a 4x4 on a seemingly deserted coastal road for about half an hour. Just a small Bush hut village here and there. We stopped in the middle of nowhere and he whistled into some bushes on the roadside. Soon a couple of young girls appeared just wearing bikini loin cloths and nothing else. That was the start of a wonderful few days, needless to say.

Red Rex
03-24-13, 08:10
I tended to favour the niece a bit in my attentions. Occasionally she would whisper in my ear 'aunty wants a fuck' or 'aunty wants some doggy' etc reminding me of my duties and obligations :)

After returning to Port Moresby, I was keen to make contact with the Manus girl as I had found that something about her really turned me on (hence the jealousy I suppose) : her pointy tits and big hard nipples, shiny dark soft skin, shape of hips, the way she walked with gorgeous butt, tight pussy etc. I managed to find her and she turned up the second day with a friend. I bought them the sexiest bikinis I could find and went spent a couple of days on Ella Beach, the most popular beach in Moresby. Lots of fun was had frolicing in the water, bikinis falling off, lying sandwich under a towel etc. Local expats on the beach (mums with kids etc) gave very disapproving looks and eventually one expat male came and suggested our behaviour was entirley inappropriate for a family venue :) The girls knew of a semi deserted beach out of town, so we went there, and later frolicked in streams and waterfalls up the mountains. Much fun was had by all.

Red Rex
04-09-13, 07:42
In response to a few queries I get from time to time: in a couple of words, not recommended. Which is a pity as it's a fascinating country, one of the last frontiers so to speak and with lots of potential. A few hardy souls I've known have managed to tent their way around, others given up after a while, all with tales of near misses or even terror somewhere along the line. It's a bureaucratic nightmare if something goes wrong like losing your passport (or stolen) , and you can waste frustrating days hanging about in Moresby, not the most salubrious city in the world. You will find your budget traveling could easily cost more than if you traveled more generously. So the risks are not worth it. Moresby and Lae are ok to wander about in the day but definitely not so at night. Even when I went on my out of city excursions with my two girls I hired an off-duty hotel guard as a driver. Even then, at a remote waterfall and some pools up the mountain behind Moresby we were confronted with 'rascals', who seem to materialize in the most unlikely of places. They rapidly disappeared when my guard appeared brandishing a wicked looking weapon (like a sawn-off shotgun).

No, it's better to spend a bit more and stay at least in mid-range hotels where there is reasonable security. The road network is very limited and also very rough, and armed hold-ups are still a problem (sometimes it's like a wild west shout-out). You will unavoidably need to fly to most of the places you want to go. Not a cheap way to get around. Nor is food cheap and generally of poor quality except at resort hotels and a few higher end restaurants. The cheapest places to buy quality food are the markets which are full of a wide range of fruit and vegetables; and even some protein delicacies like big fat roasted river grubs. Madang has one of the best markets I have seen anywhere in the world. Most of the goods come down from Goroka in the Eastern Highlands, which has a constant average temperature of 25C all year round. So there are no seasonal vegetables; they produce all year around fruit and vegetables much bigger than anywhere (the biggest and most beautiful passion fruit I've ever eaten!). Some tinned foods are cheap, beef and pork very expensive.

PNG has some of the best diving in the world, much of it untouched. If you've got the dosh, well set-up diving operators in places like Madang will take you to some of them. Other places like Wewak have fantastic diving as well but no infrastructure (you have to organise it all yourself).

Oh and, almost forgot, visiting offshore islands and villages can be a rewarding experience, another lifestyle again. But beware of piracy on the high seas. Most villagers travel to and from the mainland and other islands in their own banana style boats. However, whole families have disappeared entirely along with their boats, or boatloads of 16 or so people, especially after dark. Understandably a lot of villagers are sometimes scared shitless. So make sure the islands you go to are a well worn track, or their is some sort of defensive capacity on the boat.

Lonely Planet always has detailed and up-to-date info, well worth the investment.

05-09-18, 05:50
The overall attraction level of women in PNG is one of the most disturbingly low on the planet. Very nice people, fascinating culture, and incredibly hospitable when they are not hacking away at their neighbors with those ubiquitous machetes. But when it comes to mongering it is not a place one would choose. However, if you find yourself in PNG for some reason--it is beautiful, remote and wild--and the urge hits, there are options. I can only lay out a bit, based on observation, but as the other posts about PNG are all pretty dated, at least this might inspire someone with more recent insights to give a better lay of the land.

The first, and only thing I know of for sure, are the hotel discos. There are numerous local night clubs, but I would not venture into one without a sturdy group of local "wontak" friends who felt this space would not result in my demise. But the larger hotels (about all hotels in which most people would consider staying are large and very expensive) have discos that open on Fridays and / or Saturdays. Security is tight for non-guests, who have to enter through a special door where guards dispossess them of whatever tools of war and violence they chose as appropriate for the night's entertainment. Hotel guests enter through the lobby with little more than a nod from the reception.

Plenty of girls there. Not as aggressive as one might find in Thailand or Nigeria, but you will know which ones are on the prowl as they sit in groups, make lingering eye contact punctuated with smiles and giggles and a few will come over and ask what you are doing, grab your hand and tickle your palm or discuss that massage which rests on the horizon of all these early promises. They give up quickly if you show no interest. I did not go through with any actions, so I cannot comment on price—the limited nature of our discourse didn't give me an opening. I am also unsure, at least in the case of this particular hotel, how I would have gotten a girl to my room. I could probably have braved my way back through the lobby with my chosen companion for a uninocturnal tumble, but I never tested those waters.

As mentioned in the opening, they are not really an attractive bunch--to me at least. I saw one out of about 50 or so women in the club who I might have given a go. But the lights were dark and flashing rainbows and fake smoke about, so it could have been an illusion borne of poor vision which bright light in a bedroom would have quickly broken. As a side note, I saw a pretty hot lady in a supermarket. She looked like a mix, or could have been a foreigner.

So, with this somewhat worthless post, I hope that another intrepid mongering fool will take additional steps in this or another venue, and help us all navigate these waters if the stormy sea of life washes up on that shore again.

The Tall Man
05-25-19, 18:34
So last evening I happened on a TV documentary of Papau New Guinea, got me to think what the women are like and if anything was posted on this at ISG, well done some research and yes it is as bad of a place as can be imagined.

Let me the first to say that I along with others won't be visiting this place in this lifetime anyway.

The Tall Man.

08-26-19, 13:20
So last evening I happened on a TV documentary of Papau New Guinea, got me to think what the women are like and if anything was posted on this at ISG, well done some research and yes it is as bad of a place as can be imagined.

Let me the first to say that I along with others won't be visiting this place in this lifetime anyway.

The Tall Man.You do the place a dis-service. There's over 7 million of them, they don't all look alike, and there are some very nice mixtures. They fuck like crazy, too.

Start out at Lamana Gold Room on a Friday night.


05-15-21, 08:39
This is going back a long time when I was younger and better looking, but I managed an easy pick up at the hotel disco in Mount Hagen. I wandered in one night and was the only white face in there so I was getting a bit of attention. A reasonable looking lady smiled and said Hello, to be as I did my circuit of the room so I stopped and we got talking. After a few minutes I thought I'd try my luck and started tickling her fingers. She looked slightly surprised and looked at me, I looked back at her and she gave my hand a squeeze.

As she was known locally she couldn't be seen leaving with me so I gave her my room number and about ten minutes later there was a knock at the door. We started kissing and I got her bra off, she was a bit reluctant when I tried to go lower and told me she had her period. I said I didn't mind and we got going. A pretty reasonable screw and very willing, also kept asking if she was the first black girl I'd had. She told me she was married to a white man and said all the girls in the disco were giving her jealous looks when she was talking to me. We did it twice and she left, giving me her phone number but I never got back there again.

I managed a quickie with the girl in the office at work as well. She was quite happy to get her bra off but was a bit hesitant about going all the way and kept her panties on, until I pressed the tip of my cock on her pussy then lust took her over.

Another time a local lady, married to a foreigner asked if she could come round and see me but we never managed it.

In short, not a place to go to specifically for sex but if you're there, whilst most aren't attractive there are a few nice ones. Mostly they're easy as hell, especially if you're white. They have few inhibitions and can be quite active in bed. I doubt you'd have to pay anything unless the girl was a full time sex worker, as they seem quite keen to try out a white man.

08-27-23, 08:57
Hello Fellow Mongers.

Any latest update for POM?

05-08-24, 11:20
Staying in Lamana hotel. Any action there?

07-01-24, 05:17
I've been in Port Moresby recently. There are girls giving me the "look" there but did not engage, as all of them are horrible looking ugly ass b1 tches! I'd rather jack off to porn in my hotel room than bang any of them. Sorry guys just my opinion.