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DJ FourMoney
09-05-06, 12:58
Guys i would like to know how old you have to take Viagra or/and Cyalis ?

You have to be "old". Many very young men have made use of the drugs since becoming available to do the "impossible" so to speak.

Even if your 21, you can't stay hard forever. Some younger men have turned to these drugs to enter porn, hit the swinging circuit or just bang a different woman 7 days a week.

I pretty much don't need it, but I have noticed the effect of my age having on my "tool" so I need to bit of help.

Once I get back to regular "fuckin" then I prolly won't need it.

Jimmy K II
09-05-06, 14:21
I also think, that using Viagra or something other like this is not a question of age.

Normally i don't have any problem to get a hard dick, and at home, i never use "dopings".
But when i'm out in a german FKK for example, i prefer to take half of a pill just to be sure to be hard enough even for anal rimming with the 3rd or 4th girl.

I also don't think, that you get addicted, i have also been without "doping" in FKK's, but the 3rd round and more might become difficult.

btw. i'm 34 y/o

So long, cheers and have fun!

Lollo Frollo
09-06-06, 09:53
In your experience how to move from Viagra to Cialis?

As an example can you have Viagra during day one and then in day 2 try Cialis?

have you ever tried such a passage?

Paul Hansen
09-06-06, 15:07
In your experience how to move from Viagra to Cialis?

As an example can you have Viagra during day one and then in day 2 try Cialis?

have you ever tried such a passage?Hi Lollo,

I have tried to do that and it works, but I have to say that it depens on the need.

Another thing I have tried is to buy 100 mg Viagra and then split them (that gives a lower cost pr dose).

Viagra has a bitter taste when you bite them.

I can breake down a 100mg into 4 times 25mg and that gives a less uncontrolled stifness.

Price 12 times 100mg 200u$ that gives pr 25mg dose 4,2 U$

Price 4 times 25 mg 50 U$ that gives 12,5 pr dose so 3 times more!

That difference makes it easier to take the bitter taste.

You can do the same with Cialis, and they taste "better"


Not old enough for 100mg Viagra

It Travel
09-08-06, 08:58
Guys i would like to know how old you have to take Viagra or/and Cyalis ?
Dear Vince…

Of course It’s not a matter of age, by the way I’ll soon be 45, but…

When you get a teen beauty like the one you put a link on the Moscow forum, and I replied to you with my own photos of the teen (gorgeously fucked) you might need some help if you want to do a proper job!
Here is the girl

But if you look at these pics
you will really understand.

When you have a such beauty in the bed for, we say, 12 or 14 hours, you might need some help and have more fun! ;)

That evening we had some drink and a normal long sex session… then a sushi dinner, then a whole night riding… (look at the worn out pussy), and some hour sleep (3 or 4) and then, with Viagra help several anal session (from 6.30 to 10.30). Also her little hole was completely worn out. :)

In next weeks I’ll go over to Cialis to try… Of course I will report. :)



09-08-06, 09:39
I am relatively new to this board so reading through gradually.On this thread I have read back but not fully.Though people have posted on many sex stimulants,I did not find a reference to ephedrine anywhere.

I am located in India and,as many people have pointed out,viagra and cialis are easily available here for as little as 30 cents(even without prescription in many places). The generics are as good as the original ones.I am a doctor--an internist who uses generics a lot.Since people have used these ,I will not comment much ,except to say that cialis is safer than viagra and viagra should never be taken with nitrates . Hypertensives ,if they take the drug,should skip their anti-hypertensive dose till the effect of viagra wears off to avoid a fall in pressure.

Ephedrine is a drug used to lower appetite and lose weight. It is available otc in U.S.A. as ephedra---was taken off but I believe it has been allowed again--I am not sure. In most countries it is available easily.

The drug has an effect like amphetamines. If taken regularly for weight loss in doses upto 90 mgs per day or even less,it pleasantly keeps one ready for action 24/7. A great libido enhancer,with hardly much side effects. I have personally been using ephedrine for over 30 years in doses of 60 to 90 mgs per day.I am horny as hell and ready for action at short notices also at my age of 52 years. The only possible side effect is a raised blood pressure in some people but if one keeps getting it checked,once every 3 months or else give a break to the drug every 3 months,there is no risk.

The few deaths which U.S. F.D.A. reported were due to ruptured aneurysms caused by intake of large amount of the drugs -causing sudden rise in pressure. The dose taken was 20 times the recommended dose or above.

I have taken viagra only once but was so troubled by the headache that it caused that the hard-on was not worth it. Cialis is a much better drug in that matter.

09-08-06, 10:53
VV and IT:

I know several very fit, athletic and "youngish" 33-38 year old guys that take Cialis when on a sex tour.

None of us actually needs it to get hard, but if (as IT said) you are going on a 3-5 day sex binge and will be fucking a lot, drinking a lot and often be a bit tired, Cialis will ensure that you never have an exhaustion or drink-related letdown.

I only tried V a couple of times and although it obviously had the desired mega-boner effect, but I found it sometimes even difficult to come and it also seemed to desensitize my rod, which was exactly what I DIDN'T want. I find Cialis to be far superior, at least in terms of matching my clubbing lifestyle.

I usually take 1 Cialis pill every 3-4 days and its fine.

It Travel
09-08-06, 14:59
Yes Doc,

thanks for your experience... I will have Cialis when (I hope) I'll get the MT (Mystery Tramp) in Kiev at the end of the month. Even with her fiend :) :)

So you say just one 20 mg two/three times a week... seems very little.

To VV when you are, as Doc said, on a real sex tour, it's nor a matter of getting hard, the matter is remainig hard! For some evenings I have threesome programs, or prhaps even with three girls (possibly two sisters)... You understand why I need some "help".

Of course you might say I'm a pervert. Of course I am, even more than you can think ;)

Doc please give me a PM if you are in Kiev between SEP 30 and OCT 05.


09-08-06, 17:04
A buddy of mine swears that taking 2 of the viagra tabs he buys from www.generic-pharmacy.net (http://www.generic-pharmacy.net/?affid=5466) is as good as taking one real viagra.

I tried it last night while jerking off to some quality porn and I had the raging stiffy for hours, and i found my cums were more intense than normal. I also have slightly high Blood pressure and had no probs there.

09-08-06, 19:22
I have personally been using ephedrine for over 30 years....I am horny as hell and ready for action at short notices also at my age of 52 years.Since you are a doctor, what's your opinion on Royal Jelly/Ginseng supplements? I usually have a pretty high libido (well, I'm happy with it anyway), but I'm not a young man anymore, so during some punishing intense weeks of bonking, partying and lack of sleep, I've found them helpful in keeping up the desire. Placebo effect?

As for Cialis - I agree with Dr. Skank. I don't rely on them, but they certainly help when shagged out. I popped a half-tab last night and it worked well. (I still get the side-effect of blocked sinus and slight puffy eyes). It's called "the weekender" as it usually lasts a couple of days. Which means I've still got one more day to go, so I'd better go out to a club now. ;)

I was surprised to see a young and fit mate of mine (29 yo) pop a viagra last night. He said the same - gets him through the night when he's been partying too much.

09-09-06, 07:41
My experience with it shows it to have mainly a placebo effect or at best a non-specific vitamin like action. It is not a sexual stimulant in any dose.

09-09-06, 14:32
I have just tried Cialis on a trip to Moscow. As I had the third girl for an allnighter in just a few days, I thought that I'd better take a pill just to be on the safe side, But after she undressed I could see that maybe I didnt need to take the Cialis, she had an almost perfect teenbody with rockhard tits !

So I didnt really find out if the pill had any effect, as I think it would be no problem to bang her several times without any "assistance" The only effect I registrered for sure was a pretty bad headache and for a while some chemical taste in the mouth. I bought the pill in the "apteka" and the packing looked ok, but maybe it was a fake ?
Have anybody experienced similar effects of Cialis?

I am thinking about Viagra, just to try and see what its like, but as I read the reports here, I am a little worried as it seems to be the general opinion the sideeffects of it is worse than Cialis.

It Travel
09-10-06, 08:47
I have just tried Cialis on a trip to Moscow. As I had the third girl for an allnighter in just a few days, I thought that I'd better take a pill just to be on the safe side, But after she undressed I could see that maybe I didnt need to take the Cialis, she had an almost perfect teenbody with rockhard tits !

So I didnt really find out if the pill had any effect, as I think it would be no problem to bang her several times without any "assistance" The only effect I registrered for sure was a pretty bad headache and for a while some chemical taste in the mouth. I bought the pill in the "apteka" and the packing looked ok, but maybe it was a fake ?
Have anybody experienced similar effects of Cialis?

I am thinking about Viagra, just to try and see what its like, but as I read the reports here, I am a little worried as it seems to be the general opinion the sideeffects of it is worse than Cialis.

Take Viagra and start from 25 mg.

Do not split the tablets, the coating is done for resisting the acids in your stomach.

Buy them in Moscow anywhere (pharmacy) and just check the holograms on the boxedes. They even sell it at the duty free at SVO 2.

In the bigger pharmacies like 36 6 chain or private ones its slightly 5-15% cheaper than in Hotel ones. Usually nearly all big Hotel pharmacies have it with a good assortments of condoms and lubricants!

See side effects and doses in the Ginseng post.



It Travel
09-10-06, 08:53
Dear friends I have been trying Ginseng in tablets for long time.

You might know that everywhere it’s full of fake Ginseng.

My was real, not by my merit, but it was brought by a real high ranking Korean manager working in Europe that I was dealing some works at that time… He was taking it himself, and was very fond of the fact that a foreigner could appreciate this thing.

Once (on a flight from Seoul) we even ate fresh Ginseng roots and sour honey as an aperitif or starter.

I have tried it long time, in the right dosage (quite high), and it’s my opinion that, at least as sexual effects, it’s nearly nothing. It’s better if you get two or three light fried eggs (red still liquid) as breakfast! A couple of Guaranà drinks or some else energetic drink (i still prefer fried eggs!).

Of course not everybody has same reactions.

By the way I tries several times Viagra. Its working good, and my “own” dose is 50 mg (might that I’m around 100 kg).

I tried some time the 100 mg and had only one problem the face flush (red face). Of course this thing is worse and worse if you are drinking alcohol (even one or two beers).

The flush was lass then the tablets were taken after dinner (soft drinks).

I might have some flush even with 50 mg and no drinking.

The effect usually comes from 30 to 90 minutes after, lasting 3-4 hours, so I usually take the after a couple of rounds or more so I enhance the work !

Usually I use it when I'm in long and difficult anal works in tight teens... so you have to be rock hard always. :)

I’ll soon try Cialis and I’ll report.


09-13-06, 08:33

i've always believed. the best aphrodisiac is between the ears. however, times and age have changed these perceptions.

i've been thinking of trying out a supplement to enhance my performance. but, i would not know where to start, perhaps with my doc. i take medication in order to slow down pulpitations. on reading several recomendations on this forum there appears to be side effects to these enhancers; so to speak.

i would not want to take something that would "up", my heart rate. i`m in my fourties, feel great, young and energetic, but realise i am no longer a kid. of late i have felt a little tired after a performance. have been reading up about supplements with interest.

i've always had a steady diet, eaten those greens and believed enhancers were not required. i`m a heavy beer drinker, as always the morning after a good session with the brown bottle i`m as horny as the devil; had some of my most memorable fucks this way.

perhaps, it is time for me to give it a go! viagra? cialis?


It Travel
09-13-06, 17:14

i've always believed. the best aphrodisiac is between the ears. however, times and age have changed these perceptions.

i've been thinking of trying out a supplement to enhance my performance. but, i would not know where to start, perhaps with my doc. i take medication in order to slow down pulpitations. on reading several recomendations on this forum there appears to be side effects to these enhancers; so to speak.

i would not want to take something that would "up", my heart rate. i`m in my fourties, feel great, young and energetic, but realise i am no longer a kid. of late i have felt a little tired after a performance. have been reading up about supplements with interest.

i've always had a steady diet, eaten those greens and believed enhancers were not required. i`m a heavy beer drinker, as always the morning after a good session with the brown bottle i`m as horny as the devil; had some of my most memorable fucks this way.

perhaps, it is time for me to give it a go! viagra? cialis?


i'm in my forties too... soon 45

when you are in bed for a night session 10 or 12 or even 14 hour you might need a help wich is not a couple of fried eggs!

i've tried viagra many times... soon in kiev, for a sex vacation of five days (just 6 hours of work) :) i'll try cialis... i'll brief you.

i do not think beer or alcohol generally, is god for sex, try with light and good foods (even for her) ;)

of course talk with your doc.


09-17-06, 10:22
Hello All,

I am currently in Hamburg, Germany. Does anyone knows where to buy Viagra or Levitra here in Hamburg without prescription. Or is there any online shop that will send to Germany? Any help will be appreciated.



Sex Luthor
09-19-06, 22:54
A buddy of mine swears that taking 2 of the viagra tabs he buys from www.generic-pharmacy.net (http://www.generic-pharmacy.net/?affid=5466) is as good as taking one real viagra.

I tried it last night while jerking off to some quality porn and I had the raging stiffy for hours, and i found my cums were more intense than normal. I also have slightly high Blood pressure and had no probs there.Wan King,

I tried taking two of those viagra together and I thought my cock was going to explode. They are way strong.

09-22-06, 22:29
Androgel is a gel (cream) 10 times more powerful than viagra but be careful to use it, wash you and your hands because you can transform your partner in man . The reason is the hight testosterone, scientifist have transformed rats female with a dick and they fucked the other rats.
You must have more than 50 yo to use this product as efficient because hairs shut down if you use Androgel.
You can buy it on internet.
Happy fucking !

Using Androgel is a bad idea IMO. It's one thing to use viagara, etc. and something else to dabble is steroids, which is what testosterone is. Unless you have a blood test which shows that you have low hormone levels and the doctor recommends using Androgel, I would stay away from it. It causes a whole host of problems. My $0.02.

09-23-06, 09:54

1. Is there such a kind of cream thingi or spray type to prolong sex time? And if I can get it over the net?

2. Also, does "V" or "C" does help for prolong sex?

It Travel
09-24-06, 10:26

1. Is there such a kind of cream thingi or spray type to prolong sex time? And if I can get it over the net?

2. Also, does "V" or "C" does help for prolong sex?

Just yesterday I was in a Beate Uhse shop… You know in Germany. There are at least 20 types of cream, spray, oils, etc. to get a better erection… I think if any of them would really work the company making them would have made the same money Pfizer made on Viagra…

Of course this two helps, I have tries Viagra, and will try Cialis, but if you reed the past reviews here, you will find a lot of info…



09-24-06, 20:08
Tired some Kamagra oral jelly sachets from 365pharmacy.co.uk on the reports from Stevenh. Ordered 5 sachets for about £8.50 on Suinday evening and they were delivered on Tuesday morning via Recorded Delivery.

Took a sachet yesterday (Saturday) to see if there were any side effects and although there was a bit of a nasty after taste (even though they were supposedly banana flavour) the only side effects that I had were:

- a flushing sensation after about 10 minutes, which went away after about 45 minutes
- nasal congestion, which didn't go away until the product wore off about 6 hours later

The errections that I had whilst using the products were definately harder than normal even though I don't normally have a problem getting an errection I would say that this product did some good.

I'm looking for some sperm volumizers if anyone knows of any decent ones as my problem tends to be cumming. When I visit a FKK club I can get an errection without any problem but during the 2nd session I have a real problem cumming not matter what the girl does.

When I first started visiting FKK clubs about 4 years ago I used to be able to cum 3 times without any problems. Now the first time is ok but the 2nd session is a real struggle and it's bloody annoying when there are so many attractive women around that I can only manage 2 sessions on each visit.

Has anyone tried ogoplex or any other products that may help?

By the way I'm 35 keep fit by going to the gym 4 times a week and eat a fairly healthy diet.

09-28-06, 22:05
Wan King,

I tried taking two of those viagra together and I thought my cock was going to explode. They are way strong.

Ya, I guess everybody is different in the dosage they require. I personally find 2 tabs great for me. I see www.generic-pharmacy.net (http://www.generic-pharmacy.net/?affid=5466) have put their prices up by $5. Still very cheap though.

Marlboro Red
10-01-06, 13:38
Just a quick answer to Yaponchik, all the drugs will not make to last longer, it just helps you get the stuff working.

Viagra has a success rate of about 66 % while the other two are about 85 %. My suggestion, buy a trial pack (with all three) and see what works for you.

10-12-06, 01:14
Just yesterday I was in a Beate Uhse shop… You know in Germany. There are at least 20 types of cream, spray, oils, etc. to get a better erection… I think if any of them would really work the company making them would have made the same money Pfizer made on Viagra…

Of course this two helps, I have tries Viagra, and will try Cialis, but if you reed the past reviews here, you will find a lot of info…


ITSo any chance you would give me a site that do international postage if I wanna try out those cream, spray or oils things?


It Travel
10-14-06, 08:42
So any chance you would give me a site that do international postage if I wanna try out those cream, spray or oils things?


Usually you will find all these creams in every sex shop.. in EU, US or Asia. Of course the effect is quite close to zero. If you want just try!


It Travel
10-14-06, 09:14
back on my sex vacation in kiev (unfortunately turned out to a half work half vacation :( ) i can write you some on viagra and cialis.

i tried the first since it got out. my personal dose is 50 mg (viagra is sold in 25, 50 and 100 mg coated tablets), you get a quick (30-60 min waiting) stand up, lasting for two-three hours. so i often used it after two-three fucks for getting more. specially when you have to work a girl with hard anal, and she is young and tight!

by the way often the tight anus of valentina have been super-fucked with the help of viagra!

some problems:
quick red flush in the face lasting one hour or more.
nearly non operative (at this medium dose) if you have been drinking too much (like 3-4 beers or 150 grams of vodka or so). even if you have been eating the effect will be much slower.

in ukraine i tried cialis 20 mg (sold in 10 and 20 mg coated tablets). a four 20 mg box is 380/385 uah.

i might say the usually the drug doses are made for “standard” persons, approx. 75 kg with a normal metabolic speed. i am a little bit more than 100 and have a quick metabolic speed (need usually, when sick, more doses of drugs, do not get drunk easily, etc).

the effect of the 20 mg tablet is quite interesting. not a quick stand up, but you just get horny and hornier (and hard and harder). in my case i can see differences for approx 24-26 hours, not for 36. but of course it’s fine for me taking a tablet a day, and just getting horny all the time. :)

at the moment (took five) i did not experiment any side effect at all. it’s far better than viagra. it’s in some way more natural. you just get horny and hard all the time.

i really enjoyed this in a heavy morning fuck with julia from gia, and her wonderful soft body and big tits (5/6 kg overweight exactly where i like it).

after a night of sex (took cialis at 10 pm) and some sleep we had a fantastic bbbj with cim. but it was just 9.30 am and i got her (paid) up to 11 am. so after some cold drinks, some cuddling, deep kissing, she started cowgirl, and then laying on me with her beautiful d tits with wide hard nipples.

i was tired, and the nuts where already drained. but cialis made me lasting nearly one hour of a super cowgirl. i nearly could not come, but the pleasure was enormous, (she was also like a rabbit!). finally i had the best shot of the night, because i was very close to the orgasm for 10 or 15 minutes, something exceptional, also with the girl starting be tired, sweaty, and wet… but of course she is a real pro (no orgasm). :) :)

what shall i say more: thanks cialis!

next time i’ll try levitra too.

in ukraine in the small apoteka kiosks (not a real pharmacy) they are usually displayed near condoms and lubricants ! you can buy anything you want without any prescription.


10-14-06, 09:50

this is most encouraging: "no side effects", regarding cialis. thanks for the feedback. now i can go armed to the doc. as i suffer from palpitations and am on medication to keep this in check, this is indeed, excellent news. i`m writting an exzamination in ghana next month, which is looking like, "the promised land".

of course i`m not niaeve in believing that medicines, as such, react differently on all of us.


It Travel
10-14-06, 20:50
my opinion is if you take heart drugs, you have to see all via your MD.

You know interaction might be dangerous! Specially if you even drink beers or other things.

Take care!


10-15-06, 11:08

Has anyone experience of one of these Cialis alternatives. Are there any differences between the products?

More Lamour
10-17-06, 22:27
I am fed up of getting ripped off for Viagra or Cialis.

So far 3 have turned out to be fakes.

Anyone found a "real" supplier.

I live in the UK so ideally looking for internet supplier.

Any help appreciated.


10-18-06, 04:57
Anyone found a "real" supplier.

Um...have you tried a pharmacy?

Samu Ray
10-18-06, 18:55
On October the 2nd 2006, in the People´s pharmacy section, Los Angeles
Times, there is information about viagra, cialis and levitra causing loss of vision. Just passing it along!

Royal Blue
10-19-06, 00:23
A fairly recent study shows that people with low libido/erection problems taking red (korean) ginseng show a marked improvement:


Of course, there is the placebo effect, and the fact that many 'ginseng' products are frauds, and the study involves a fairly small sample, but 60% is pretty impressive and hard to take. Even Viagra is 80%, and I've never heard of people dying of heart attacks from ginseng.

I've been feeling prety sexually low as of late, so in the name of science (of course), I will starting taking red ginseng, half as a red ginseng pill dissolved in tea and half in pill form. I'll let you know what happens.

I feel pretty good about this. After all, the Chinese have been taking ginseng for 2,000 years, and look how many of them there are (Kidding! Kidding!).

P.S. if the link doesn't work, here a link to the wikipedia page I found that on: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ginseng

Marlboro Red
10-19-06, 20:01
I am fed up of getting ripped off for Viagra or Cialis.

So far 3 have turned out to be fakes.

Anyone found a "real" supplier.

I live in the UK so ideally looking for internet supplier.

Any help appreciated.

MoreSo far, I have only purchased it from http://www.rx-mex.org and it has worked. Not sure what you mean by getting ripped, have you tried Levitra? Maybe V or C does not work for you?

Sex Luthor
10-20-06, 11:37
I recieved a delivery from www.generic-pharmacy.net (http://www.generic-pharmacy.net/?affid=5466) this morning, and instead of the 60 x 100 mg viagra tabs I ordered, I got 90 x 100 mg. I'm selling these to mates, so now I've an extra 30 tabs to make profit on.

It Travel
10-23-06, 19:39
I recieved a delivery from www.generic-pharmacy.net (http://www.generic-pharmacy.net/?affid=5466) this morning, and instead of the 60 x 100 mg viagra tabs I ordered, I got 90 x 100 mg. I'm selling these to mates, so now I've an extra 30 tabs to make profit on.

I have seen the site, not so convinced... By the way, some generic they are proposing are unlegal everywhere there patents are valid (I think everywhere with out North Korea)...

Basically (not always) a generic is done when the active priciple is registered ahead of 20 years... It's not Viagra, Cialis or Levitra... The most dubting thing is that in theis sie they use the trade marks, and not the generic... In Italy we sell a lot of generics... and they have no trade marks...


Sex Luthor
10-24-06, 16:53
Well IT travel,

I have always found www.generic-pharmacy.net (http://www.generic-pharmacy.net/?affid=5466) to be an excellent company. The medications are a fraction of the cost of real ones, and they work almost aswell. Also deliveries are very prompt. Well thats been my experience anyway.

It Travel
10-28-06, 09:29
Of course it's a choice... I will prefer the originals... not for spending money but for beeing at the safe side!

Legal generics would be OK... the patents of Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are not out, as many others are... for instance, talking of other drugs like Xanax... (Alprazolam 1 mg), they sell in generics on line at 20/40 USD a box of 20 or something in that area... in a normal drug store in Italy a 20 box will cost less than 5 €, in France even less, near 4 €, in Switzerland the same, even without any prescription!

Some generics are not a real bargain!


Cialis Rocks
10-29-06, 17:28
In an ideal world the ability to purchase sensibly priced original branded products would be wonderful.

However, where I am based, in SE Asia, it is virtually impossible to know what you are purchasing even at a pharmacy.

For example 'branded' Cialis is available in Cambodia (and presumably adjacent counties such as Thailand). However, I doubt if these are the original product from Lilly or a Lilly certified plant, especially as the cost is typically about 180baht ($4.50) per pack of 4 x 20mg tablets - cheaper if buying in bulk.

I am happy using them as they are efficaceous.

I have also has satisfactory experiences with purchases of generic Viagra (Kamagra) - at about 70baht (<$2) per pack of 4 x 100mg tablets.

10-30-06, 15:19
There is quite a lot of discussion sbout the pros and cons of Viagra and Cialis but very little on Levitra. How does it compare to V and C?

Grateful for any advice on this


It Travel
10-31-06, 09:06
There is quite a lot of discussion sbout the pros and cons of Viagra and Cialis but very little on Levitra. How does it compare to V and C?

Grateful for any advice on this


Unfortunately no idea... but Cialis is, in my opinion, far better than Viagra. In november I'll try Levitra... So you will know!

I will then choose the best for a long Anal rally :D where you real need to get and remain hard!


11-07-06, 18:13
Decided to try some generic Levitra and Cialis from www.generic-pharmacy.net (http://www.generic-pharmacy.net/?affid=5466). Found the Levitra stronger than the Cialis, and found both stronger than viagra.
Paid $119 for the 20 tabs of Levitra, and $105 for 20 tabs of Cialis.

11-07-06, 20:15
Of course it's a choice... I will prefer the originals... not for spending money but for beeing at the safe side!

Legal generics would be OK... the patents of Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are not out, as many others are... for instance, talking of other drugs like Xanax... (Alprazolam 1 mg), they sell in generics on line at 20/40 USD a box of 20 or something in that area... in a normal drug store in Italy a 20 box will cost less than 5 €, in France even less, near 4 €, in Switzerland the same, even without any prescription!

Some generics are not a real bargain!

ITAnd where do you find original V/C without medical prescription?


11-10-06, 14:30
Having already tried V, I thought I would give Cialis a go, I ordered 6 x 20mg pills. First time I spilt the tab and tried a half dose, this had little or no effect whatsoever. However the 2nd time I tried a whole 20mg dose, and the results were much different. For me the cialis worked exactly when I wanted it to work, ie during stimulation and sex. The quality of my erection was more natural, And could keep and maintain with no effort. I found whilst using V that it would become far too hard and a little painful and throbbing, I dare say a little painful for her too, I also found with V, that I would be walking round the rest of the day with an uncomfortable throbber in my trousers. With the see on the other hand My tool went limp and normal in between stimulation, with no discomfrt whatsoever.

With regards to side effects, I had a mild headache and mild indigestion, which is exactly the same for me as the V, just not as severe. One other thing though, I have been suffering with flatulence whilst on V and see, I have litterally been farting like a trooper, which can be a bit of a passion killer, I can tell you. Has anyone else encountered this problem, or is it just me?

Thought you'd be interested to know that I bought my see on ebay UK for 6 pounds a pop, I thought that kind of thing was banned, I kept a note of his email address for future reference though, if anyone wants it let me know, he sells V as well.

11-12-06, 14:26
I need to buy some generic Cialis from an international site and I saw about these:






Which do you prefer and why?


11-13-06, 23:25
In addition the questions asked by Groove (see below), here's another:

Does someone have to sign to accept delivery of medication? Or does the mailman put the 'envelope' straight into the mail-box?

Having someone to sign can be a problem since I am not home during day time. These deliveries may raise an eye brow, which I would like to avoid.

Comments would be welcome.

11-14-06, 00:07
Hello folks,

My one hangup with ordering medications by mail ... is delivery of mail-order.

I won't be home to accept the delivery. It would be a problem if someone has to sign to accept it ... as it will raise eye brows.

I live in the USA, in the financially bankrupt state of California.

Input from members here would be appreciated.

(I tired posting this earlier, but with no luck. I hope I don't end up with double-posts.)

11-15-06, 17:16
Hello folks,

My one hangup with ordering medications by mail ... is delivery of mail-order.

I won't be home to accept the delivery. It would be a problem if someone has to sign to accept it ... as it will raise eye brows.

I live in the USA, in the financially bankrupt state of California.

Input from members here would be appreciated.

(I tired posting this earlier, but with no luck. I hope I don't end up with double-posts.)Hi Shaw,

In my experience I have always had to sign for any medication ordered like that, especially if by airmail. Certainly never had raised eyebrows though, as the contents shouldnt be indicated on the packaging.

11-15-06, 23:12
I need to buy some generic Cialis from an international site and I saw about these:






Which do you prefer and why?


For me it has to be www.generic-pharmacy.net (http://www.generic-pharmacy.net/?affid=5466). High quality product, low prices and prompt delivery. I tried various others and have often been let down by poor quality or bad delivery times.

Dan D Dick
11-15-06, 23:16
Hello folks,

My one hangup with ordering medications by mail ... is delivery of mail-order.

I won't be home to accept the delivery. It would be a problem if someone has to sign to accept it ... as it will raise eye brows.

I live in the USA, in the financially bankrupt state of California.

Input from members here would be appreciated.

(I tired posting this earlier, but with no luck. I hope I don't end up with double-posts.)

Consider renting a box at a mailbox or UPS store. Your address would be similar to "125 Main St, Suite 105....". The employee at the store will receive your package & sign for it then put it in your mailbox.

/Dan D.

11-15-06, 23:21
For me it has to be www.generic-pharmacy.net (http://www.generic-pharmacy.net/?affid=5466). High quality product, low prices and prompt delivery. I tried various others and have often been let down by poor quality or bad delivery times.Thanks. Do you know where they are based? USA, Asia or Europe?

I come from Italy - in Europe, of course - and I would like to know how many time I have to wait until receiving products.

11-16-06, 01:19
Thanks Dan, for your feedback.

Yes, it seems renting a mail-box is not a bad option. They typically cost around $15/month (with a three month minimum).

Which raises another question.

What is the shelf-life of generics? It may be a good idea to place a big order, and not have to worry about dealing with mail-box rentals etc. for a long time.

Comments from anyone would be appreciated. Thanks and regards.

11-16-06, 01:30
Grove they are based in India, I am in the UK and i get my delivery usually in about 2 weeks or less, so it should be the same for italy.

11-16-06, 17:19
Grove they are based in India, I am in the UK and i get my delivery usually in about 2 weeks or less, so it should be the same for italy.Thanks... and how is the packaging that arrives to? Anonimous, I hope.

Have you ever used Levitra? Which do you prefer between Viagra, Cialis and Levitra?

It Travel
11-17-06, 08:45
Thanks... and how is the packaging that arrives to? Anonimous, I hope.

Have you ever used Levitra? Which do you prefer between Viagra, Cialis and Levitra?

As Italian I'm very interested in how you get your package... If it's a small letter it will go normal postal, otherwise the problem can be the customs... Keep me informed please.

By the way to all the interested I'll try Levitra next week in Kiev (official product) so I can state something to you in 10 days or so.

Between Cialis and Viagra my preference is far to Cialis.


11-17-06, 19:26

I wrote to Generic-Pharmacy.net inquiring about mail-order delivery details.

In their response they claim that "signature is not required" for delivery (does this sound right ...?)

Furthermore, apparently they are the same folks as usonlinerx.net.

Here's what they wrote back:


Dear Customer,

We are able to ship to a P.O. Box as well as via untraceable regular airmail. The packaging will be discreet with no indication of the contents.

Standard shipping time is 14 to 24 business days after credit approval for our Generic products.

Standard shipping time is 4 to 14 business days after credit approval for our Brand products.

It will arrive in your mailbox, signature is not required.

Please use our main website, www.usonlinerx.net, and see our new prices and bonus plans.

Thank you for choosing our pharmacy.



Customer Service


11-18-06, 13:08
Anybody know what is the availability of generic viagra in Bangkok pharmacies nowadays? Kamagra used to be widely abailable some one-two years ago, but in my last visit few months ago they only had the high priced genuine stuff.

11-21-06, 22:01
I need to buy some generic Cialis from an international site and I saw about these:


Which do you prefer and why?


Only ever ordered from this company. One order of Kamagra and I've just ordered generic cialis. I live in the UK and delivery was two working days after the order was placed and delivered without any problems. The Kamagra gave the required/expected results.

11-21-06, 22:03
Having already tried V, I thought I would give Cialis a go, I ordered 6 x 20mg pills. First time I spilt the tab and tried a half dose, this had little or no effect whatsoever. However the 2nd time I tried a whole 20mg dose, and the results were much different. For me the cialis worked exactly when I wanted it to work, ie during stimulation and sex. The quality of my erection was more natural, And could keep and maintain with no effort. I found whilst using V that it would become far too hard and a little painful and throbbing, I dare say a little painful for her too, I also found with V, that I would be walking round the rest of the day with an uncomfortable throbber in my trousers. With the see on the other hand My tool went limp and normal in between stimulation, with no discomfrt whatsoever.

With regards to side effects, I had a mild headache and mild indigestion, which is exactly the same for me as the V, just not as severe. One other thing though, I have been suffering with flatulence whilst on V and see, I have litterally been farting like a trooper, which can be a bit of a passion killer, I can tell you. Has anyone else encountered this problem, or is it just me?

Thought you'd be interested to know that I bought my see on ebay UK for 6 pounds a pop, I thought that kind of thing was banned, I kept a note of his email address for future reference though, if anyone wants it let me know, he sells V as well.

Warmlies - Thanks for the very informative report. I had exactly the same experience on generic V (Kamagra), minus the flatulence, and will be trying Cialis next.

11-22-06, 21:59
This drug is in phase III trial. It promises to be even hotter than Viagra. It doesn't just boost erection, it makes people, including women, horny.

Some people claim it can be ordered from web-based suppliers (Bremelanotide, CAS 189691-06-3) but it is excrutiatingly expensive and there are shelf-life issues. PLus customs are watching.

Does someone know about available quick-acting steroids that can boost the sex-drive? I'm not interesting in muscle development. I'm thinking of something that can be taken (sprayed etc.) on an ad hoc basis, not of some drug that needs to be taken continually.

11-25-06, 19:34
I have this mate who buys some generic viagra from me, the stuff I get from
www.generic-pharmacy.net (http://www.generic-pharmacy.net/?affid=5466). Anyway he is having a long distance relationship with this girl, and they only meet up every few weeks. They met up last night, and he said he wanted to really shag the brains out of her, so he took 4 viagra and yes he says he shagged the girl 5 times last night, but then he called me today saying he was really tired cos he couldnt get to sleep. Reason was he had an erection for about 7 hours !!!

11-25-06, 21:46
Is it just me, or does Cialis give a throbbing pain in your back like a fuckn kidney punch? V is for me because Cialis feels like 20 midgets hitting me in the back for at least 4 hours.

Cialis Rocks
11-27-06, 05:06
Is it just me, or does Cialis give a throbbing pain in your back like a fuckn kidney punch? V is for me because Cialis feels like 20 midgets hitting me in the back for at least 4 hours.I suffered the same problem and have returned to generic Viagra even though I preferred the err... erectile effects of Cialis.

Cialis Rocks
11-27-06, 05:09
I have this mate who buys some generic viagra from me, the stuff I get from
www.generic-pharmacy.net (http://www.generic-pharmacy.net/?affid=5466). Anyway he is having a long distance relationship with this girl, and they only meet up every few weeks. They met up last night, and he said he wanted to really shag the brains out of her, so he took 4 viagra and yes he says he shagged the girl 5 times last night, but then he called me today saying he was really tired cos he couldnt get to sleep. Reason was he had an erection for about 7 hours !!!Yes! Thats the way to loose your dick permanantly you should seek medical treatment after four or five hours, as recommended, to avoid permanent damage to your tackle.

12-01-06, 15:49
Ordered from these guys in the 16th of November.

They quote a 14-18 Day delivery time, and it was right on 14 days that they arrived. Sent from India.


I ordered 30 x 100mg Soft Viagra Tabs.

They arrived properly sealed, looking very professional, with a batch number printed on each packet of 10.

In the envelope they also supplied a lab report on the same batch, quoting figured for how much Silenafil Citrate was in them, and what the percentage equivalent of a name-brand viagra would be.

I know they could easily fake this, but it looked impressive enough that they bothered.

Tried 1/3 of a Tab out last night (about 33mg) .. was great, had exactly the effect i wanted (a bit of a boost, not a rock hard on for hours), and also a few noticable side effects - the slight headache many have reported and slightly trippy blueing of my sight for a little while.

Price was decent too, and they don't charge shipping, its included in the price. They also have Cialis and a number of other things on the site.

Im in Tokyo, and the single envelope appeared to have no trouble getting here alright!

So this might be another site to add to the list, if some of you guys are looking.

12-03-06, 20:46
Some of the natural Viagra products are more expensive than the perscription ones.

Can anyone give some feedback about these natural ones and if one can reccomend one by brand name.



It Travel
12-09-06, 10:41
Here in EU we still have custom inspection, somebody is aware of how it went for his package via DHL or whatever?

This on ground all generics, usually, come from outsite the EU...

Many Thanks


12-15-06, 15:54
was recently in kiev and tried to get cialis or viagra at a apoetka but it was very crowded with big queue. i asked for some pain killers first and without language all i could do was point to a product which worked. but could not see cialis or viagra to point to.


anyone know what to actually ask for in uk or rus when at apoteka?

appreciate any expert advice out there!

back on my sex vacation in kiev (unfortunately turned out to a half work half vacation :( ) i can write you some on viagra and cialis.

i tried the first since it got out. my personal dose is 50 mg (viagra is sold in 25, 50 and 100 mg coated tablets), you get a quick (30-60 min waiting) stand up, lasting for two-three hours. so i often used it after two-three fucks for getting more. specially when you have to work a girl with hard anal, and she is young and tight!

by the way often the tight anus of valentina have been super-fucked with the help of viagra!

some problems:
quick red flush in the face lasting one hour or more.
nearly non operative (at this medium dose) if you have been drinking too much (like 3-4 beers or 150 grams of vodka or so). even if you have been eating the effect will be much slower.

in ukraine i tried cialis 20 mg (sold in 10 and 20 mg coated tablets). a four 20 mg box is 380/385 uah.

i might say the usually the drug doses are made for “standard” persons, approx. 75 kg with a normal metabolic speed. i am a little bit more than 100 and have a quick metabolic speed (need usually, when sick, more doses of drugs, do not get drunk easily, etc).

the effect of the 20 mg tablet is quite interesting. not a quick stand up, but you just get horny and hornier (and hard and harder). in my case i can see differences for approx 24-26 hours, not for 36. but of course it’s fine for me taking a tablet a day, and just getting horny all the time. :)

at the moment (took five) i did not experiment any side effect at all. it’s far better than viagra. it’s in some way more natural. you just get horny and hard all the time.

i really enjoyed this in a heavy morning fuck with julia from gia, and her wonderful soft body and big tits (5/6 kg overweight exactly where i like it).

after a night of sex (took cialis at 10 pm) and some sleep we had a fantastic bbbj with cim. but it was just 9.30 am and i got her (paid) up to 11 am. so after some cold drinks, some cuddling, deep kissing, she started cowgirl, and then laying on me with her beautiful d tits with wide hard nipples.

i was tired, and the nuts where already drained. but cialis made me lasting nearly one hour of a super cowgirl. i nearly could not come, but the pleasure was enormous, (she was also like a rabbit!). finally i had the best shot of the night, because i was very close to the orgasm for 10 or 15 minutes, something exceptional, also with the girl starting be tired, sweaty, and wet… but of course she is a real pro (no orgasm). :) :)

what shall i say more: thanks cialis!

next time i’ll try levitra too.

in ukraine in the small apoteka kiosks (not a real pharmacy) they are usually displayed near condoms and lubricants ! you can buy anything you want without any prescription.


12-24-06, 02:03
Sold 50 viagra tabs to a crowd of 14 young fellas last week, who went over to Amsterdam on a stag. It was the stuff I get from www.generic-pharmacy.net (http://www.generic-pharmacy.net/?affid=5466). it was a nice little earner, as I cleared over 200 quid.

Was talking to one of the guys down the pub tonite, and asked how they found the pills. He said that only 2 of them found the viagra great, cos the rest of them forget to take them, or lost them. He said most them were so stoned and pissed that viagra was last thing on their minds !!!

12-30-06, 14:45
tried the sample pack from www.generic-pharmacy.net what rubbish, 20mg V no effect, 40 the 60 no effect, tried the C and L....no effect, in the bin with them, dont waste your money is my advise

12-31-06, 03:12
I have been taking GNC's Maca, 3 pills (recommended dose) almost every day over the past 6 weeks or so, including a 3 week trip to Rio de Janeiro, during which I had sex almost daily. I would say I noticed at best a modest increase in sex drive. It didn't make me feel like a teenger, but I was horny (sometimes only mildly) almost every day as opposed to my usual every other day. Can't give a strong recommendation. Would be interested to hear if others have tried this product for libido-boosting


More Lamour
12-31-06, 11:47
Sorry Wan King you seem to be the only person who gets the real McCoy from the company above, everyone else says they are fake and alas I must agree with them, I threw mine in the bin.

In fact you mention the generic pharmacy over a dozen times in various reports ?
You are not on commission by any chance or own the company ?? :)

Which leads me onto the great question has anyone found a real supplier ?

I don't mind paying top dollar as long as they are real.

Fakes so far

www.kamagra-kamagra.co.uk - FAKES

www.mshwt.com - FAKES

Although they did send kamagra tablets which had a small effect, but that could have been indigestion !!

www.generic-pharmacy.net - FAKES

So anyone who has found a real supplier please let me know.

And anyone who has been scammed please note them down in here so at least others can avoid them.



12-31-06, 18:55
Sorry Wan King you seem to be the only person who gets the real McCoy from the company above, everyone else says they are fake and alas I must agree with them, I threw mine in the bin.

In fact you mention the generic pharmacy over a dozen times in various reports ?
You are not on commission by any chance or own the company ?? :)

Which leads me onto the great question has anyone found a real supplier ?

I don't mind paying top dollar as long as they are real.

Fakes so far

www.kamagra-kamagra.co.uk - FAKES

www.mshwt.com - FAKES

Although they did send kamagra tablets which had a small effect, but that could have been indigestion !!

www.generic-pharmacy.net - FAKES

So anyone who has found a real supplier please let me know.

And anyone who has been scammed please note them down in here so at least others can avoid them.


MoreHi More,

After trying to read between the lines on the forum here I decided to stick with the patent medicine rather than generics even if they are more expensive. The sites below are kosha and sell the real stuff as far as I can tell. I have always receievd my orders within a week.



Good luck


12-31-06, 20:57
tried the sample pack from www.generic-pharmacy.net (http://www.generic-pharmacy.net/?affid=5466) what rubbish, 20mg V no effect, 40 the 60 no effect, tried the C and L....no effect, in the bin with them, dont waste your money is my advise

I find that their products works great. And anyone I've sold it on to says the same.

12-31-06, 21:55
In fact you mention the generic pharmacy over a dozen times in various reports ?
You are not on commission by any chance or own the company ?? :)

I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this or not, but the reason why Wan King keeps posting the URL to generic pharmacy is because he is an affiliate of the web site; when you click on the link he provides, his affiliate number ID is included in it (affid=5466). This way if you purchase something from the web site from clicking on his link, he will get a certain percentage of the sales from your order. Those of you who have been ripped off from this website might want to contact Wan King directly, since he probably has some of your money! Here's the commission program in detail:


I've never ordered from this place, so I have no beef against the site personally, but I just wanted to let fellow mongers on this board know. I don't like to see guys get ripped off, whether it be on girls or performance enhancers. And shame on Wan King (and his other screen name with the same affiliate number, Sex Luthor!) for promoting a bogus site.

I wonder if Jackson even allows this on here?

01-01-07, 00:02
Ok I'll admit I am an affiliate for them, but I find their products work fine. I have ordered lots from them and will continue to in the future. There is no law against being an affiliate.

More Lamour
01-02-07, 10:23
Well Wan King I admire your honesty.

There is nothing wrong with being an affiliate as long as you own up to it.

Although here is the question - Do they supply true generic drugs or are they simply fakes with no real effect or reduced amounts with reduced effects ?

There are herbal products which do have limited effects on the libido.

I know it's a lot to ask especially if they are total fakes.

Normal Viagra costs about £10 to £20 or $20 to $40 which even by anyones standards is a lot of money.

01-04-07, 01:44

Please tell me how and where one can buy viagra in London.

Virgin Libra

01-04-07, 18:19
I ordered generic Viagra from the following company,

www.rx-mex.net www.xlpharmacy.com (same company)

They are calling my office every day with 10% discount. I tried every possible method to stop them but these ass holes are not listening and calling me with there new offers.

Any solution to stop them calling me?

01-04-07, 18:26

Please tell me how and where one can buy viagra in London.

Virgin LibraHi VL,

I have successfully used www.ukmedix.co.uk several times. Quick delivery and no hassle.

01-04-07, 18:26
Well Wan King I admire your honesty.

There is nothing wrong with being an affiliate as long as you own up to it.

Although here is the question - Do they supply true generic drugs or are they simply fakes with no real effect or reduced amounts with reduced effects ?

Id say they are true generic drugs, but they are not as strong as real viagra. But taking two produces a similar effect to real viagra.
www.generic-pharmacy.net (http://www.generic-pharmacy.net/?affid=5466)

01-04-07, 19:18
Id say they are true generic drugs, but they are not as strong as real viagra. But taking two produces a similar effect to real viagra.
www.generic-pharmacy.net (http://www.generic-pharmacy.net/?affid=5466)

You are just bull shitting Wan King.

01-04-07, 21:28
No Im not.

01-04-07, 21:58
No Im not.

Go away man you are selling fake viagra.

01-06-07, 13:59
See my post in the Phnom Penh thread ;)

01-08-07, 08:05
This "TEA" is simply extraordinary.

It is called VPOWER Herbal Tea and comes in a powder which you dissolve in water.

Works in like 30 minutes or so. Tastes OK - a little sweet herbal taste.

I bought it when I was in Hong Kong last year. You can now get it online at

I must say that I prefer it anytime to viagra, cialis or levitra(hate the nasty side effects of these drugs)

Three days after taking this tea you still feel its effects!

And I'm not kidding.

01-08-07, 08:15
Dear Thomas,

Natural viagra products work pretty well. In fact, the one I have tried works much better than any other drugs I've tried so far.

Its a herbal tea and works in less than one hour.

You have to try this - it's called VPOWER Herbal Tea and you can get it online at www.vpowerherbal.com

Some of the natural Viagra products are more expensive than the perscription ones.

Can anyone give some feedback about these natural ones and if one can reccomend one by brand name.



01-15-07, 13:12
Does anyone know whether there are any issues with bringing viagra/generic viagra into Singapore and Hong Kong. Also, is there anywhere to buy it on the ground in either place. I know it freely available in Thailand but unsure in these two locations.



01-15-07, 18:53
This "TEA" is simply extraordinary.

It is called VPOWER Herbal Tea and comes in a powder which you dissolve in water.

Works in like 30 minutes or so. Tastes OK - a little sweet herbal taste.

I bought it when I was in Hong Kong last year. You can now get it online at

I must say that I prefer it anytime to viagra, cialis or levitra(hate the nasty side effects of these drugs)

Three days after taking this tea you still feel its effects!

And I'm not kidding.Vambo,

where did you get VPower in HKG when you were here?

Was it about the same price USD 100? I really think that's a lot for 1 box of 10 sachets.

I'd imagine it to be cheaper in HKG if it's based on Chinese herbs - right? Does anyone know where to get the traditional stuff. Forgive me but I've never purchased Chinese herbs directly before. I'm wary about places being reputable.

Has anyone else tried this stuff? Any other testimonials?

Thanks in advance for replies.


01-22-07, 08:06

I know this is a bit of the topic but quick question do any of you guys know any genuine online pharmacies that don't require a perscription aside from the ones mentioned previously, because those ones only sell impotence drugs, I am talking about pharmacies that sell the whole range of drugs.


Tiger 888
01-22-07, 09:41

where did you get VPower in HKG when you were here?

Was it about the same price USD 100? I really think that's a lot for 1 box of 10 sachets.

I'd imagine it to be cheaper in HKG if it's based on Chinese herbs - right? Does anyone know where to get the traditional stuff. Forgive me but I've never purchased Chinese herbs directly before. I'm wary about places being reputable.

Has anyone else tried this stuff? Any other testimonials?

Thanks in advance for replies.

I live in Hong Kong and would report on it if anyone could tell me the Chinese name or post a picturee of the packing.

01-22-07, 23:42
Here are the companies that seem to be somewhat reliable from what I could see.... All in sterling or dollars. Anyone know of any that deal in euro, and that can also do Poste Restante, and/or arrange for a pick-up? Thanks.

In sterling

www.rx-mex.org ! just proprietary - no generics, so dear. There is one negative email, but just from a guy that posted on this on rx-mex alone, so looks like a competitor.

www.allkamagra.com sales@allkamagra.com £££
www.365pharmacy.co.uk/ help@365pharmacy.co.uk 08707 429 300
medsonline2u.com/index.php 0870 7 480 177

In dollars

www.topills.com/ $$$
www.discount-pharmacy-group.com/ $$

01-22-07, 23:51
I see on www.escort.cz/ and http://sex.cz/ in czech
Quantity discount, personal removal possible - Prague - or via mail - whole Czech republic. Phone: (+420) 775 70 70 70.

Can't find any other trace on the web. Any references ? Thanks

01-23-07, 16:08
I live in Hong Kong and would report on it if anyone could tell me the Chinese name or post a picturee of the packing.Tiger,

Thanks for the offer to supplement some info.

I could not find the chinese name of VPower but here is the website.

Perhaps you will recognize it and if so I'd appreciate any leads on where to get it.



01-29-07, 04:06
Thanks to all who wrote her about their Viagra and Cialis experiences. I chose Cialis for its longer term effects and supposedly lesser side effects. I don't really experience ED, but I was looking for the ability to sustain over a day or two, which I have not been able to do as I would like to.

I got 3 20 mg samples from my you. S. Doc last week and tried it soon thereafter. It worked well and I about wore my GF out, which was what I wanted to to. I noticed some lower back pain, which I attributed to the Cialis. Less than 24 hours after the drug was supposed to lose its effect (36 hours in duration), I got sick with flu-like symptoms. I have no idea if these symptoms are related to the Cialis. My inclination is to think not, but I really don't know for sure. My symptoms pretty much have me bedridden, so I hope not. I will check with my doc.

I think that 5 and 10 mg. Dosages are available, too. Given that I don't have a severe case of ED, I may opt for a prescription of the lower dose. IfI determine that these symptoms are related to the Cialis, I may forgo using it again and do what I can to keep the girl happy in other ways. A good problem to have, I guess.

01-30-07, 08:31
For those who want to know just how Viagra works, this site is excellent:


It Travel
01-31-07, 12:05
Was recently in Kiev and tried to get cialis or viagra at a apoetka but it was very crowded with big queue. I asked for some pain killers first and without language all I could do was point to a product which worked. But could not see cialis or viagra to point to.


Anyone know what to actually ask for in Uk or Rus when at apoteka?

Appreciate any expert advice out there!

Sorry for the delay

But if you go to the small apoteka inside the TsUM on K. street (I do not rememeber, but I think it's on 2nd floor, It's clarely marked on the stairs) They have like neraly all Apoteka Kiorsks in UA or RUS Viagra, Cialis, Levitra in several confections and dosages and of course a selection of 10,s of condoms...

Bring K-Jelly from home.

The same is in the two Apotekas of Izmailovo Gamma-Delta, one have all, one no...

No prescription necessary in UA or RUS..

Simply as for waht you want, the names are the same, even if viagra or Cialis are written in cyrillic! ;-) I'll soon be there so I'll soon get some!


It Travel
02-01-07, 12:31
Thanks to all who wrote her about their Viagra and Cialis experiences. I chose Cialis for its longer term effects and supposedly lesser side effects. I don't really experience ED, but I was looking for the ability to sustain over a day or two, which I have not been able to do as I would like to.

I got 3 20 mg samples from my you. S. Doc last week and tried it soon thereafter. It worked well and I about wore my GF out, which was what I wanted to to. I noticed some lower back pain, which I attributed to the Cialis. Less than 24 hours after the drug was supposed to lose its effect (36 hours in duration), I got sick with flu-like symptoms. I have no idea if these symptoms are related to the Cialis. My inclination is to think not, but I really don't know for sure. My symptoms pretty much have me bedridden, so I hope not. I will check with my doc.

I think that 5 and 10 mg. Dosages are available, too. Given that I don't have a severe case of ED, I may opt for a prescription of the lower dose. IfI determine that these symptoms are related to the Cialis, I may forgo using it again and do what I can to keep the girl happy in other ways. A good problem to have, I guess.

I used Cialis for several days in row. 20 mg tablets, once 24 hours.
The doses usually are made for 70 kg men and I'm a little bit over 100.

Of course I use the normal precaution:
1) no other drug;
2) light and good food, not too much;
3) moderate alchool drinking: ie 3 x 0,5 liter beers in 24 hours;
4) good sleeping, preferably with one or two warm girls in the bed;
5) good water/mineral balance (you get swetty making sex) with a good mineral water (if you are in the Esat Europe try Borjomi, Essentuki or Narzan), approx 3-7 grams of mineral per liter.

No side effects at all. I usually take it a couple of hour before I see the girl, in the afternoon. In the morning after a night of sex it's still like a rock... ;)


02-08-07, 13:52
Anyone tried Vardenafil (generic Levitra)?

Anyone bought from Better Life Pharmacy (/www.betterlifepharmacy.com)?

Any other recommendations for an online pharmacy?

02-09-07, 18:36
Dear Thomas,

Natural viagra products work pretty well. In fact, the one I have tried works much better than any other drugs I've tried so far.

Its a herbal tea and works in less than one hour.

You have to try this - it's called VPOWER Herbal Tea and you can get it online at www.vpowerherbal.comI bought the tea on your recommendation. I have tried it for 3 days ina a row and I find no discernable boost. So far, it has been nowhere near as effectives as Cialis. I didn't purchase this blindly...I know the risk, but it still sucks getting ripped-off.

I am sure there may be some health benefits to drinking teas like VPower regularly. However, improving erectile quality and sexual stamina is not one of those benefits.

More Lamour
02-10-07, 12:47
Then it's probably fake.

02-12-07, 14:21
I'm writing on behalf of MWHWT Ltd.

I've just been advised by someone that there is suggestion that we supply fakes.

The Viagra is genuine, the Kamagra is genuine - in fact all the tablets, sachets etc that we supply are genuine. I suspect the same with most online suppliers. We all are let down by a few rogue websites.

Some of the products we supply are herbal etc - but these are labelled as such.

Can you tell me which products were claimed to be fake?

Thanks JM

More Lamour
02-12-07, 18:22
As from 14th February you can Viagra from your Chemist without prescription.

All you have to do is see the pharmacist for a private consult.

The cost is 4 tablets for £50

But unlike every internet supplier they are "real". Pzifer Viagra.

Which reminds I am still looking for true generic viagra of Cialis.

Anyone had any luck?

It Travel
02-13-07, 08:46
As from 14th February you can Viagra from your Chemist without prescription.

All you have to do is see the pharmacist for a private consult.

The cost is 4 tablets for £50

But unlike every internet supplier they are "real". Pzifer Viagra.

Which reminds I am still looking for true generic viagra of Cialis.

Anyone had any luck?

You mean this for Great Britain or it's a joke on Valentino's day???? ;)


SX Lover
02-16-07, 23:10
Can someone suggest how to prolong ejacuation. Sometimes I cum after 3-4 minutes, which sometimes is frustrating or should I say not very satisfying

any help will be appreciated

02-16-07, 23:41
Can someone suggest how to prolong ejacuation. Sometimes I cum after 3-4 minutes, which sometimes is frustrating or should I say not very satisfying

any help will be appreciated

usually thinking about baseball or being busted by your significant other should stop you from cumming.

More Lamour
02-18-07, 14:34
So what's the online address?

Do you mean www.MSHWT.com ?

More Lamour
02-18-07, 15:38

I always find 15 pints of English Bitter is enough to counteract anything!

Or your 9 times table. But don't let her catch you saying them out loud!

02-19-07, 04:34
Can someone suggest how to prolong ejacuation. Sometimes I cum after 3-4 minutes, which sometimes is frustrating or should I say not very satisfying

any help will be appreciated

A cockring or any rubber brace that you put behind the balls may help. However do not keep it for hours as it restrain blood from flying in as well as out!

Rubber Nursey
02-19-07, 05:08
Can someone suggest how to prolong ejacuation. Sometimes I cum after 3-4 minutes, which sometimes is frustrating or should I say not very satisfying

any help will be appreciated
SX Lover,

We had a lengthy discussion about this issue a few months back. Go to the General Mongering Q&A, Rookie Advice and Opinions section and read backwards from post #49.

Hope that helps. Best of luck :)

02-19-07, 08:35
Can someone suggest how to prolong ejacuation. Sometimes I cum after 3-4 minutes, which sometimes is frustrating or should I say not very satisfying.

Any help will be appreciatedTaking fluoxetine 20 to 40 mg helps in retarding ejaculation.

If you are going for a single pop session,masturbate before going and get the money's worth.

02-21-07, 20:47
Just my tuppence worth, having tried both (genuine, bought online from www.menscare.co.uk (excellent service by the way, always arrives the day after ordering).

Viagra - rock hard to order, effects linger for a day or two though tails off, side effects a bit like being thumped in the face, but manageable.

Cialis - hard but less so than Viagra. Effects last for at least two days. Side effects also - not nice at all - kicked in the kidneys plus aching legs. Needed to take Ibuprofen to deal with the pain - quite offputting.

On balance, I'll be sticking with the Viagra unless anyone has any better suggestions. High quality generics?

02-23-07, 04:34
Just had a bad experience with this business. I checked out their web-site after seeing somebody mention it here. Had some good e-mail exchanges with them expressing my concerns with a previous fake cialis purchase at another on-line business, and a very watered down viagra from another. I dealt with someone signing off as John Mill, and I had the impression everything was cool with these people. The web-site and the e-mails promise no problem if I'm not happy - they'll refund my money no problem - just send it back in 30 days.

Got the stuff, and after sampling it for a few days - fake. It was Kamagra brand for viagra and Tadarich for cialis. I felt better ordering since it was a branded generic version.

Long story short, I e-mail them telling them I want to send it back for a refund since it is fake, and to please give me an address to send it to. No response. Two days later, I forward all my previous e-mails with a request again for an address and a refund. No response.

I just called my credit card company for a charge back, and I'll have to send in the e-mails to dispute the charge when their form comes. She tells me I have to return the stuff to get a chargeback, but they don't send me an address. I feel I'm getting set-up to be screwed out of my money.

I'm done with this web-site, foreign purchase stuff. Three strikes and I'm out.

02-26-07, 05:06
Does anyone know whether there are any issues with bringing viagra/generic viagra into Singapore and Hong Kong. Also, is there anywhere to buy it on the ground in either place.


In Hong Kong you can buy Viagra, Cialis etc. in almost every pharmacy, EXCEPT the 2 big chains, Watsons and Mannings. Price is around HK$300 for 4-pack/100mg. I have never seen any generics in HK, but I recently bought some Cialis generics in Thailand (called Apcalis) and they work well.

03-02-07, 12:16

Just been to see the doc. I will be trying Cialis 10mg (tadalafil) on my trip Sunday to Kenya. Only got four tablets £39.94. I am a bit concerned i may be a bit short on the dosage, but certainly will be interesting to see the results. Will let you know.

If success is achieved, perhaps i will find a supplier/pharmacy mentioned on the forum, or one of you good mates feels very strongly and informs us to use a reputable supplier.

It Travel
03-11-07, 13:44
i must answer to some of the last posts…

i’ve used both viagra and cialis, i’m big and tall, over 100 kg.

usually viagra 100 mg gives a prompt erection for 3-5 hours and a face flush, you can get like a traffic light if you mix it up with beer or any alcohol! be careful!

i feel better with cialis, 20 mg, during my sex vacations i usually tale one 20 mg a day (no longer than 4-5 days).

i will have a such next week in kiev.

i take cialis usually a couple of hour before i meet the girl (usually in the early evening, i nearly do only overnights), and it lasts rock hard (only if i want) up to next day.

once with [CodeWord901] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord901) i had a fabulous evening, and on ground we were in bed very early at 1 am we felt both asleep. net morning, thanks to cialis, i managed three cim before she left at 11. :)

i will keep you informed on all, as far as now i did not find any side effect to cialis, and i still have to try levitra, i may do it in my next trip, in this i have a five day sex rally celebrating my birthday, very good on the side of cim and cof (girls already ordered, but poor on anal (anal teen [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123), role play is my favourite… usually do it in moscow).

this time in kiev it has to be really hard (so i do not experiment levitra, but keep me on the safe side of 20 mg cialis) on ground i've already reserved two vacuum pumps, one blondinka one brunetka, and for a day and a night i'll have both in the bed! :) :)

unfortunately no photos :(


Kit Karson
03-11-07, 14:00

just been to see the doc. i will be trying cialis 10mg (tadalafil) on my trip sunday to kenya. only got four tablets £39.94. i am a bit concerned i may be a bit short on the dosage, but certainly will be interesting to see the results. will let you know.

if success is achieved, perhaps i will find a supplier/pharmacy mentioned on the forum, or one of you good mates feels very strongly and informs us to use a reputable supplier.speed i have been using cialis 20mg that i get from my doctor the charge is a lot less $85 for 8 pills and i cut them in half , which was the doctors suggestion to save money.

the only side effect that i see other than my john henry is at attention almost immediately for 36 hours is i seem to suffer slight head aches on occasion.

03-11-07, 19:41
Age 52 Drug: Cialis no prior experience with Viagra or Levitra.

Dosage:1x20mg tab = sore legs,headache,no real sexy feeling;had to take Advil to kill the pain.

Dosage:1/2 20mg tab = (no alcohol consumed before) no side effects, almost like erection on demand,
taken about 6 hours before sexathon.4 pops in three and one half hours and more left.
Effect lasted 36 hours and then tailed off.

Suggestion : drink lots of water.

Without having any other experience with similar meds,
Cialis would appear to be the drug with the more natural effect,
that lasts a reasonable period of time.

03-13-07, 05:33
Cialis 10mg (tadalafil)


I am very much encouraged by my first experience with this "enhancer", so to speak. As stated by the numerous posters the side-effects are literally nil, slight headache, but this can be managed by drinking a lot of water. Having just returned from a very hot Mombasa my legs were slightly swollen but this is pretty usual for me. I also had a slight pain behind the hip area but i would relate this to having swollen legs.

On a performance level, i believe this was tremendous, once i had blown my initial load i could perform for a much longer period of time, making several honnies very happy indeed. It will be interesting when i step up to 20mg to see the results. The effect lasting up to 36 hrs after, is one that i would agree with, perhaps a little longer with good foods. I`m a heavy beer drinker and feel this did not work negatively with cialis.

Overall, i`m very pleased and feel i have raised the bar on a personal note.

03-14-07, 04:13
I have tried both original and generic Viagra and got the same result - severe headaches that took my mind off the job.

I have also tried both original and generic Cialis with very good results. I get the 20 mg tabs and take one third at a time. They are effective for 24 hours or more. By effective I mean johnny rises to the occasion but is not standing like a sentry all day long. Don't see any point in taking a whole tablet - in fact I would be inclined to use only half of a 10 mg tablet.

I can buy the original Cialis in a pack of 4x20 mg for about US$25 in the pharmacies in Saigon. Like all things in Vietnam you have to negotiate. The generics I have tried came from India and Malaysia and are available from the pharmacies in Bangkok for about US$20 in look-alike packaging.

I only buy from pharmacies - never off the street. I usually ask for the generic name tadalafil and see what they offer.

03-15-07, 17:31
Age 52 Drug: Cialis no prior experience with Viagra or Levitra.

Dosage:1x20mg tab = sore legs,headache,no real sexy feeling;had to take Advil to kill the pain.Viagra is worse than Cialis or Levitra as far as headaches are concerned. To minimise headaches: (1) don't stay without having sex after taking it (2) drink alcohol in moderate quantity (don't stay sober!)

I'm gonna try and get a prescription for MUSE (alprostadil) tomorrow. It's a minute gel capsule to be inserted locally into the urethra, reported to give a guaranteed 20-minute erection. Darn expensive though.

It Travel
03-18-07, 17:12
Keeping you informed on prices...

In Ukraine, Kiev:

Cialis 20 mg 4 tablets 390 grivnas = 77,23 USD and 50,21 Euro
Levitra 20 mg 4 tablet 305 grivnas = 60,40 USD and 45,52 Euro
Viagra 100 mg 4 tablet 270 grivnas = 53,46 USD and 40,30 Euro

This on the Tsum supermarket apoteka (3rd floor) today.


It Travel
03-18-07, 17:21
Viagra is worse than Cialis or Levitra as far as headaches are concerned. To minimise : (1) don't stay without having sex after taking it (2) drink alcohol in moderate quantity (don't stay sober!)

I'm gonna try and get a prescription for MUSE (alprostadil) tomorrow. It's a minute gel capsule to be inserted locally into the urethra, reported to give a guaranteed 20-minute erection. Darn expensive though.

I got some problems with my Cialis dose today: some headaches and sore legs; but I went up 5.30, due to jet lag, fucked the beautiful Irina all the day, went to dinner and ended in bed fucking Uliana.... so I do not know if it's really Cialis problem, or if I have just to slow down (now I'm closer to 50's than 40's).

No problem in erection but I could not cum for hours... (of course they drainde balls and whatever), but at least I have always been able to get an orgasm, just few drops, but an orgasm in any case.


03-19-07, 01:52
I got some problems with my Cialis dose today: some headaches and sore legs

No problem in erection but I could not cum for hours... (of course they drained balls and whatever)



It would appear from reading the reports, apart from the headaches, sore legs appear to be a side affect as well.

IT TRAVEL, yes, i could not cum for ages as well, the balls would not comply, my honey was complaining........i`m cumming.....i`m cumming, yet again. I put this solely down to fatigue on my behalf, even though i am still rock hard. Guess the balls can only produce so much.........hey, i`m not complaining, just that i have a woman so much in love with me now.

It Travel
03-19-07, 14:04

it would appear from reading the reports, apart from the headaches, sore legs appear to be a side affect as well.

it travel, yes, i could not cum for ages as well, the balls would not comply, my honey was complaining........i`m cumming.....i`m cumming, yet again. i put this solely down to fatigue on my behalf, even though i am still rock hard. guess the balls can only produce so much.........hey, i`m not complaining, just that i have a woman so much in love with me now.

i think you are quite right, by the way after years and years of mongering i find quite difficult to cum in pussy (covered of course)... with the exception of thight teens...

i fairly prefer bbbj with cim or anal.


03-31-07, 22:26
I used it once before, and besides the headaches no problem. Then on second use the following happened.

I took it in the evening anticipating action the following day. I woke up at 4 in the morning with vertigo, room spinning. I adjusted my position on the bed and the spinning slowed. I have had a miserable time for two days since, with light headedness and occasional vertigo. I am guessing this has to do with the couple of glasses of wine and a couple of shots of brandy I had prior to taking the cialis.

Just wanted to share my experience for the record, and wondering if alcohol and cialis don't mix for some of us.


It Travel
04-04-07, 11:44
Im my opionio you can take some, but only with real food (including bread) and leaving all vodka and so!

One or two beers maximum, with a real dinner or one or two glass wine. And it's all.

For my experience with Viagra the best is no alcohol at all!


04-04-07, 12:28
I took it in the evening anticipating action the following day.



You should only take Cialis 30min prior to sex. Perhaps your body needed that release which you did not put into play, thus the side effects. IMHO

04-04-07, 12:38
I used it once before, and besides the headaches no problem. Then on second use the following happened.

I took it in the evening anticipating action the following day. I woke up at 4 in the morning with vertigo, room spinning. I adjusted my position on the bed and the spinning slowed. I have had a miserable time for two days since, with light headedness and occasional vertigo. I am guessing this has to do with the couple of glasses of wine and a couple of shots of brandy I had prior to taking the cialis.

Just wanted to share my experience for the record, and wondering if alcohol and cialis don't mix for some of us.


Cialis is my life-saver.

I can get frickin' ripped on booze and still poke all through the night with a massive boner if I take C.

That's why we call it "the weekender".

Effects last up to 3 days, on demand and never fail, even with copious amounts of alk.

I swear by the stuff if I am going on a sex and booze binge.

Maybe your c substitute was somehow bad...

It Travel
04-05-07, 05:42
Cialis is my life-saver.

I can get frickin' ripped on booze and still poke all through the night with a massive boner if I take C.

That's why we call it "the weekender".

Effects last up to 3 days, on demand and never fail, even with copious amounts of alk.

I swear by the stuff if I am going on a sex and booze binge.

Maybe your c substitute was somehow bad.I agree Doc, but I had some side effect, but I was not perfect in helth myself (some starting flu), but I try to avoid alcohol. Max two beers, and zero with Viagra. Have you tried Levitra. I just brouglt a box some days ago in Kiev.

I'll soon be in Moscow for some work (and sex rally nights so.)


Lazy Lover
04-10-07, 02:29
I enhanced my nights with 1/2 or even 1/4 doses of Kanagra, loved it!

BUT, I don't want to over due it! Try without it firstas a test next year, then add it as needed. But as this trip will include a lot of ladies in a relatively short time I'm curious about LT useage!

Any advice. Gonna do some net research from the companies/talk to a doctor I'll let you know.

But what are others thoughts/experiences/information.

Please let us know if any info you have is direct: A doctor, the manufacturer, etc versus second hand or personal experiences.

04-15-07, 20:13
It seems strange some people still hope that those drugs will enable them to ejaculate more often. There's nothing know that will replenish your reserves although looking at porn and wanking may accelerate the process somewhat (it draws seminal fluid, not sperms).

If anything, I noticed being under V or C makes comming twice in a row more difficult. That may be just an impression but when I have managed that feat of late I was not on V, C or anything like it.

04-18-07, 03:11
I used it once before, and besides the headaches no problem. Then on second use the following happened.

I took it in the evening anticipating action the following day. I woke up at 4 in the morning with vertigo, room spinning. I adjusted my position on the bed and the spinning slowed. I have had a miserable time for two days since, with light headedness and occasional vertigo. I am guessing this has to do with the couple of glasses of wine and a couple of shots of brandy I had prior to taking the cialis.

Just wanted to share my experience for the record, and wondering if alcohol and cialis don't mix for some of us.



Headaches are a listed side effect but they are often exacerbated by being dehydrated after a flight, or too much alcohol. Drink water.

The other symptoms are not related to alcohol but however, strongly suggest that you should get a check up before dosing up again. (See the contra-indications on the minutely printed leaflet inside the box.) No duff.



04-20-07, 22:17
Sorry, maybe this is a naive question.

I would like to buy viagra or something equally useful, but I do not have a presciption. I am living in UK at the moment, and I do not want to go to a doctor, I feel embarrassed. My only problem is that my erections start to be not very long lasting, and I would like to get some help. I am perfectly healthy, and I do not think I would have any serious problem in assuming viagra.

Is it possible to buy iy wthout a prescription here in UK?

Jethro 69
04-26-07, 08:07
What happens when you take XXagra on a regular basis over the years? I mean will the effectiveness decrease? For the moment 50mg is more then enough to get an erection even after 20 Beers, but what is in ‘bout 10-20 years? Need I then 100mg or even 200mg, same like those folks who take antibiotics every time they think they’re a little bit unwell?

Kiwi 69
04-26-07, 17:08
I had excellent service from www.365pharmacy.co.uk. I bought 100 Kamagra (Generic Viagra) 100 mg tabs from them. Placed the order by phone and they arrived the next day. Their prices seem pretty good by mainland standards and you dont have the risk of dealing with offshore (outside the EU) outfits of dubious integrity and customs.

Good luck.

05-05-07, 18:36
I am a infrequent lurker to the board, and I have been reading some of the stories about guys having sex with 3 to 4 girls in an 8 hour span. I take no drugs I. E (Viagra, Cialis), but can these drugs enhance your experience that much? Sounds like a silly question, but I am curious about others experience. I am lucky to get it going once or twice over that span.


05-07-07, 13:24
Today I have made my first order on generic-pharmacy net.

The generic cialis or viagra in this pharmacy are fake?

Excuse me for my English.

Great from Italy.

Roman Guy
05-10-07, 08:56
Dear fellows,
does anyone know if there is any side effect by assuming one of the three famous tablets (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra) in the same time of a therapy for malaria prevention?

Many of us are used to travel to tropical countries where sometime a prevention against malaria is highly recommended but also a chemical support to our exaggerated sexual activity.

Has anyone already experienced?

05-12-07, 05:16
I'm glad I surfed this forum. Seems I should switch to cialis.

I don't really need either as I am only 23 years old but I fell in love with this stuff after the first go around. Well worth the money. Rock star hard on no matter what substance you are abusing or the circumstance.

05-16-07, 10:38
Ok, not what you think. These drugs do in fact do what they claim to do, but I was getting so annoyed on various chat sites, to see people proclaim that the drugs increased the amount of ejaculate. Because I know more about biochemistry, pharmacology and physiology that your average punter, I really found it hard to reconcile the bullshit that was propegated about increased semen production.

Well, after weeks of research, online, in the medical library, talking to doctors and reading clinical trials, I have concluded that there is no emperical evidence to suggest that any of the above named drugs increase semen production and the amount of ejaculate.

I have today written to Pfizer, the original manafacturer of 'Viagra' to ask for a frank exposee of all their clinical trials WRT extra semen production.

So, without prejudice, and until I get the results, all you dreamers who reckon the above named drugs increase the amount you shoot are just that, dreamers, so stop bullshitting. They do what they claim to do, and that's it.

Jet Lad
05-16-07, 12:38
Sorry, maybe this is a naive question.

I would like to buy viagra or something equally useful, but I do not have a presciption. I am living in UK at the moment, and I do not want to go to a doctor, I feel embarrassed. My only problem is that my erections start to be not very long lasting, and I would like to get some help. I am perfectly healthy, and I do not think I would have any serious problem in assuming viagra.

Is it possible to buy iy wthout a prescription here in UK?I'm also living in the UK. I've just received my order for 4 x 20mg Cialis from firstmed.co uk This order cost me £62. Probably I will cut each tab in half....therefore each `pop' will be just under £8

These are not generic cialis but are `pukka' and packaged by Lilly/ICOS Ltd. You are not required to go and see a doctor. All you are required to do is to fill out the First Med on-line form, that asks quite a lot of questions of your general medical condition.

Just over 24 hours later my tabs arrived by UK Royal Mail registered post. If you are not at home when they deliver, then they will leave a card for you to go and pick up the package at the post office. They also claim that if you order before 3pm, that they will deliver the same day within the UK. However, I will try out this option next time.

First Med appear to be UK based (I did an initial WHOIS search) and their Leeds UK supplier is Pharmacy2U ltd. All in all.....excellent service....I will report back on my.... `road' test!... of their product. Cheers JL

Penn Teller
05-17-07, 14:01
We had our first Viagra and Cialis experience recently. We were completely clueless having never even seen the stuff before and we researched this thread for ages wondering what company to buy it from, but in the end Teller heard about www.usolinerx.net, recommended by a colleague so we just purchased from them. Anyway we only used it on the last day of the trip, and all I can say is the Cialis worked really well for me, and the Viagra worked pretty good for Teller too. We purchased the brand products and not the generic type.

You can read all about our Viagra/Cialis experience here:

Go here to read our whole trip:

05-21-07, 02:49
If you buy mail order generic viagra from India, can you get fined by the US Postal Service or another US government agency?

Jan 156
05-22-07, 15:31
Hehe heh - like you needed an excuse!

BBC report that Viagra could aid jetlag recovery

05-23-07, 01:32
Anyone use mygenericpharmacy.com lately? I've used them a few times ni the past with no problems. Just tried to place an order and have not received a response in 5 days. Anyone know what is going on?

05-23-07, 23:03
Dear fellows,
does anyone know if there is any side effect by assuming one of the three famous tablets (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra) in the same time of a therapy for malaria prevention?

Has anyone already experienced?

Hi Roman Guy:

Yes, during my recent trips to Africa I took once a week one "Lariam" and every other day one "C". In my case zero side effects due to the combination of both the medicines! And of course no malaria problems - plus excellent bedroom olympics! :)

Cheers - Hesekiels

Smegma Vagina
05-24-07, 21:04
I've never purchased Viagra or the like online, but I have a sex vacation in europe starting mid June, so i might get some just in case.

Question for Penn and Teller. How long does it take to get a delivery from

Anyone else used this company before?

DJ FourMoney
05-25-07, 06:27
They confirmed and send my order in a little more than 24 hours. It should be here tomorrow according to my tracking number.

I picked up 3 Cialis for $115 with shipping and a pill cutter and reported to be real, I'll confirm once its here.

I'll report my findings in a week or so...

Penn Teller
05-25-07, 13:03
Question for Penn and Teller. How long does it take to get a delivery from www.usolinerx.net ? Smegma Vagina (what a user name!)

It took about 10 days for the delivery. I still take a tablet from time to time, when jerking off to my wonderfull memories of germany :)

Ath Trainer
05-26-07, 00:35
a few months ago, i purchased some generic viagra online from a company i had not used before. i had to find another company because rx-mex was no longer in business.

i received my pills within a reasonable amount of time at a reasonable price and was very satisfied when they worked just like they should.

weeks later, i get a letter from homeland security stating that they have confirep001ed an order of generic viagra that was mailed to me from another country. they advised me that it is illegal to attempt to bring generic viagra into the country.

i am a little confused and concerned. which order did they confirep001e (i got my initial order right after i asked for it, so which order did they confirep001e? i am now afraid to order again in case it were to get confirep001ed. i am tempted to just order from a usa company and pay a little more.

It Travel
05-30-07, 15:27
Some info...

Of course it's full of fakes everywhere.. some are even harmful. On ground all of these drugs are free of prescriprion in all Eastern Europe (mainly former USSR), I prefer to buy them there, in real Apotekas and real brand (usually they are sealed with holograms... You can imagine fakes...

They even sell the at the duty free (leaving) at SVO 2 Terminal in Moscow, but it's more convenient in a normal Pharmacy. Usually I buy them at the Tsum kiosk in Kiev (third floor) and in the lobby of Izmailovo Hotel in Moscow (Delta/Gamma Block, two apotekas)

Of course it's expencive... I wrote the prices... approx 80 € per 4x20 mg Cialis, but when you spend 300 USD for the girl, you could spend 20 € more and be safe! And nail all her holes properly!! :D


It Travel
05-30-07, 15:36
I repost april prices for Kiev, in non central pharmacies you can save 5% or so... in Moscow hotels (not five star) it's just approx the same, the pharmacies are a little bit cheaper... 2-5% sometimes more.

On this items there is not the big price difference usual on other things in Russia.

Keeping you informed on prices...

In Ukraine, Kiev:

Cialis 20 mg 4 tablets 390 grivnas = 77 $ and 50 €
Levitra 20 mg 4 tablet 305 grivnas = 60 $ and 45 €
Viagra 100 mg 4 tablet 270 grivnas = 53 $ USD and 40 €

This on the Tsum supermarket apoteka (3rd floor) today.


06-04-07, 23:51
Cardioace: Omega - 3 oils, garlic


Spent a lovely weekend with friends. A health carer who happens to be my good friend suggested i try the above mentioned capsules. Now i am not for a minute saying they are better than the pricey enhancers we speak of such as Cialis, Levitria but the results for myself were very interesting.
I paid £5.99 for a pack of 30 Cardioace capsules from the local supermarket.

What they certainly did do is produce a very similar effect to enhancers, for the last several days i have had a perpetual erection and have "pulled wire", twice more than is usual for me. The 3 oils mentioned are fish oils which are high in EPA and DHA - said to produce a healthier heart and better blood circulation. Those more medically minded may understand this and provide us with their opinions.

What these capsules have done is open up my arteries, i can physically feel this as well as being very noticeable, my veins are a lot more prominent than is usual, not only my opinion but my experience. I would be very interested if anyone else has tried the above mentioned capsules.

06-05-07, 00:16
cardioace: omega - 3 oils, garlic


spent a lovely weekend with friends. a health carer who happens to be my good friend suggested i try the above mentioned capsules. now i am not for a minute saying they are better than the pricey enhancers we speak of such as cialis, levitria but the results for myself were very interesting.

i paid £5.99 for a pack of 30 cardioace capsules from the local supermarket.

what they certainly did do is produce a very similar effect to enhancers, for the last several days i have had a perpetual erection and have "pulled wire", twice more than is usual for me. the 3 oils mentioned are fish oils which are high in epa and dha - said to produce a healthier heart and better blood circulation. those more medically minded may understand this and provide us with their opinions.

what these capsules have done is open up my arteries, i can physically feel this as well as being very noticeable, my veins are a lot more prominent than is usual, not only my opinion but my experience. i would be very interested if anyone else has tried the above mentioned capsules.absolute bollocks. while omega 3 oils and garlic have health benefits, they have no vasodilation properties and certainally cannot ever hope to produce the same effects as the 'enhancers'.

please, before you post new-age shite, do some research. i don't know how you can physically feel your arteries opened up as there are no sensory nerves. if there were, people could feel their arteries constricting as they develop artherosclorosis, but they can't, because they can't!

the 'good' oils essentially raise your hdl levels. hdl is the stuff that counteracts ldl/vldl, which is the stuff that cholesterol binds to, becomes sticky, and clogs your arteries, which of course you can't feel. garlic, as well as being a potent antioxident and natural antaseptic, helps prevent excessive clotting and reduces bp

as i mentioned, these products are excellent for a healthy lifestyle, and like most things, better taken in the natural form-then you know what you are taking, not some ground up shite. however, they will not vasodilate, or arteriodilate, and certainally will have no effects on the spongy tissue in the penis.

finally, you think you perform better? remember one simple word. placebo.

06-05-07, 01:44
a few months ago, i purchased some generic viagra online from a company i had not used before. i had to find another company because rx-mex was no longer in business.

i received my pills within a reasonable amount of time at a reasonable price and was very satisfied when they worked just like they should.

weeks later, i get a letter from homeland security stating that they have confirep001ed an order of generic viagra that was mailed to me from another country. they advised me that it is illegal to attempt to bring generic viagra into the country.

i am a little confused and concerned. which order did they confirep001e (i got my initial order right after i asked for it, so which order did they confirep001e? i am now afraid to order again in case it were to get confirep001ed. i am tempted to just order from a usa company and pay a little more.tell us how this works out. some people have suggested there is a fine involved, when this happens. if the only penalty is confirep001ion, getting the generic stuff may still be worth it.

06-05-07, 02:27
i had two of my shipments confirep001ed. one was through a philippines- based pharmaceutical company, although the shipment came from india. i got a letter from homeland security. end of the story.

the other one was an india-based company. same letter.

as long as the sending (pharmaceutical) company is fine with crediting your account, all this is a minor nuisance. but who knows, homeland security computers probably keep a master list of mongers who didn't get their drugs. there may even be a master list of isg members! smile, you are on candid camera.

since i have successfully received other shipments, it seems that envelopes and packages sent from non-asian countries have a better chance of reaching you.

06-05-07, 03:47
Does anyone know the difference between Lavitra and its generic form? I bought some generic from a company in India. But being only the third time I've taken any kind of enhancers I couldn't tell any difference. Are they chemicaly similar or chemicaly the identical?

By the way, I haven't recived any letters form homeland security. Its good to know that we are being protected from ourselves. I thought they were suppose to go after terrorist, not us. Our elected officals are using fear and flag waving to undermine our democracy, all in the name of big corporate bucks.

06-05-07, 16:58
Anyone have personal experience with Testim? Send me a private message please. Thanks!

06-05-07, 21:05
i had two of my shipments confirep001ed. one was through a philippines- based pharmaceutical company, although the shipment came from india. i got a letter from homeland security. end of the story.

the other one was an india-based company. same letter.

as long as the sending (pharmaceutical) company is fine with crediting your account, all this is a minor nuisance. but who knows, homeland security computers probably keep a master list of mongers who didn't get their drugs. there may even be a master list of isg members! smile, you are on candid camera.

since i have successfully received other shipments, it seems that envelopes and packages sent from non-asian countries have a better chance of reaching you.i would like to suggest two products to you that work very well for me and you will have no problem getting them. they are arize and vicerex. they are all natural and i have experienced no side effects. i am a 57 yo diabetic male with elevated bp. i will not take v, see or l. however, the above mentioned products have worked wonders for me. they stay in your system for 3-4 days ymmv and i have had very hard and controled erections and enhanced staying power. they arrive in discreet packaging and usually within 3-4 days. i used to get libidus from malaysia but that product is banned in the us now.

06-05-07, 23:56
Does anyone know the difference between Lavitra and its generic form? I bought some generic from a company in India. But being only the third time I've taken any kind of enhancers I couldn't tell any difference. Are they chemicaly similar or chemicaly the identical?

By the way, I haven't recived any letters form homeland security. Its good to know that we are being protected from ourselves. I thought they were suppose to go after terrorist, not us. Our elected officals are using fear and flag waving to undermine our democracy, all in the name of big corporate bucks.

They SHOULD be identical, apart from anything else because they couldn't get a license to sell the product if it were to be changed, even subtely, as it wouldn't have gone through the clinical trials and FDA testing etc.

With all internet and shall we say alternative suppliers, there is no way of telling if what you think you are getting is what you are getting, without taking it to a lab and spending more than you could ever save on getting it tested. Like vitamin pills, most contain fuck all. My suggestion would be to stick to what you can get at home from the real supplier, or a reputable company that makes the generic form, rather than risk getting a fake from some overseas scammers.

Another thing, why Levitra? Why not Sildenafil (Viagra) or Tadalafil (Cialis) ?
Levitra doesn't act for as long as the others but has the same effects, side-effects and contra-indications, and maybe that's the advantage-you don't walk around with a boner for hours!

I don't know, I don't use anything myself, so can't comment on which is the best, and neither do I know the price of the real drugs or generics. As I said, my advice is stick to the real things, or generics produced by companies you know.

06-07-07, 23:23
According to the advertising blurbs, the so called dietry suppliments such as Arize, Vicerex, Provigro and Zenerx do pretty amazing things. Can anyone else comment on these products.

06-08-07, 02:55
I would like to suggest two products to you that work very well for me and you will have NO problem getting them. They are Arize and Vicerex. They are all natural and I have experienced NO side effects. I am a 57 yo diabetic male with elevated bp. I will NOT take V, see or L. However, the above mentioned products have worked wonders for me. They stay in your system for 3-4 days ymmv and I have had very hard and controled erections and enhanced staying power. They arrive in discreet packaging and usually within 3-4 days. I used to get Libidus from Malaysia but that product is banned in the US now.

The following is from a medical news letter:

The FDA is warning consumers not to purchase or consume Zimaxx, Libidus, Neophase, Nasutra, Vigor-25, Actra-Rx, or 4EVERON.
These products are promoted and sold on web sites as "dietary supplements" for treating erectile dysfunction (ED) and enhancing sexual performance, but they are in fact illegal drugs that contain potentially harmful undeclared ingredients. These products have not been approved by FDA, and there is no guarantee of their safety and effectiveness, or of the purity of their ingredients.

"These products threaten the public health because they contain undeclared chemicals that are similar or identical to the active ingredients used in several FDA-approved prescription drug products. This risk is even more serious because consumers may not know that these ingredients can interact with medications and dangerously lower their blood pressure," said Dr. Steven Galson, Director of FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.

Chemical analysis by FDA revealed that Zimaxx contains sildenafil, which is the active pharmaceutical ingredient in Viagra, a prescription drug approved in the United States to treat ED. The other products contain chemical ingredients that are analogues of either sildenafil or a pharmaceutical ingredient called vardenafil. Vardenafil is the active ingredient in Levitra, a prescription drug that, like Viagra, is approved in the United States to treat ED. There is no mention of any of these ingredients in any of the illegal products' labeling.

This deception poses a threat to consumers because the undeclared ingredients may interact with nitrates found in some prescription drugs and lower blood pressure to dangerous levels. Consumers with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heart disease often take nitrates. ED is a common problem in men with these conditions, and they may seek products like the ones noted above because these products claim that they are "all natural" or that they do not contain the active ingredients used in FDA-approved ED drugs. In addition, because the manufacturing source of the active ingredients in these "dietary supplements" is unknown, there is no assurance that the ingredients are safe, effective, or pure.

06-09-07, 10:56
Does anyone know how to get V or C in Singapore other than with prescription or on the web?



Smegma Vagina
06-11-07, 16:36
Note: I am a healthy man, but I do suffer from occasional erectile dysfunction.

As per Penn and Teller’s recommendation I purchased Cialis from www.usolinerx.net. It took 11 days to get delivery to the US, and I went for both the brand and generic types. Over the last week I have tried both out in a solo situation, all in preparation for my sex trip to Europe next week.

Brand Cialis:
I went for 8 x 20 mg: cost $133. I took one of these last Wednesday night at 8pm, and it took about an hour to take effect. I put on some new porn on my big screen, and all I can say is Wow. I had a hardon for about a solid 2 hours, and I jerked off 3 times with 3 very satisfying cums in that 2 hours. Recommend: Yes, and I think these would work fine for most men suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Generic Cialis:
Went for the 30 x 20 mg: cost $105. Now obviously there is a big difference in price between the generic and the brand, and as I discovered there is a big difference in the effect of both types. Took one of these last night, and there was some effect for sure, something extra but nothing amazing. Recommend: only for guys looking a slight turbo boost over the sex drive they already have. I wouldn’t recommend these for guys suffering from erectile dysfunction, go for the Brand instead.

06-12-07, 01:16
From where did the generic stuff originate? Was it sent in multiple shipments?

Note: I am a healthy man, but I do suffer from occasional erectile dysfunction.

As per Penn and Teller’s recommendation I purchased Cialis from www.usolinerx.net. It took 11 days to get delivery to the US, and I went for both the brand and generic types. Over the last week I have tried both out in a solo situation, all in preparation for my sex trip to Europe next week.

Brand Cialis:
I went for 8 x 20 mg: cost $133. I took one of these last Wednesday night at 8pm, and it took about an hour to take effect. I put on some new porn on my big screen, and all I can say is Wow. I had a hardon for about a solid 2 hours, and I jerked off 3 times with 3 very satisfying cums in that 2 hours. Recommend: Yes, and I think these would work fine for most men suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Generic Cialis:
Went for the 30 x 20 mg: cost $105. Now obviously there is a big difference in price between the generic and the brand, and as I discovered there is a big difference in the effect of both types. Took one of these last night, and there was some effect for sure, something extra but nothing amazing. Recommend: only for guys looking a slight turbo boost over the sex drive they already have. I wouldn’t recommend these for guys suffering from erectile dysfunction, go for the Brand instead.

Silly Fool
06-16-07, 00:03
From where did the generic stuff originate? Was it sent in multiple shipments?
Any members know where i can purchase Cialis ( small quantities) in Sydney without a doctors prescription? PM me if your source wants to remain anonymous-Cheers.

Ath Trainer
06-17-07, 00:28
Some questions about HGW:

-What is the proper dosage? how many mg's and how many times per day?
-Do I take it as a daily supplement, or prior to mongering?
-How long before mongering should it be taken?
-What kind of possitive effects should I expect from its' use?
-What can I do along with it to enhance the effects?
-What will increasing the dose do (increase the effects? length of the effects?

Silly Fool
06-17-07, 06:41
Some questions about HGW:

-What is the proper dosage? how many mg's and how many times per day?
-Do I take it as a daily supplement, or prior to mongering?
-How long before mongering should it be taken?
-What kind of possitive effects should I expect from its' use?
-What can I do along with it to enhance the effects?
-What will increasing the dose do (increase the effects? length of the effects?
I have recently been testing all the so-called " herbal Viagra,s .
So far Horny goat weed is a total washout
The same with Maca powder, and all the other herbal combo,s of saw palmetto, ginsengs, tribulus and tongkat ali.
Go straight for the Vitamin V ( viagra ) or C ( Cialis ). The reports on ISG and elsewhere prove its efficacy.

It Travel
06-17-07, 12:31
While I was in China, in Hua Du Hotel, I found at the hotel shop also Cialis and Viagra, The Viagra box seemed identical to the “EU” one, but the Cialis was quite different.

If the would like to make a copy it would be identical… but there are several differences here, as there is in the Ukrainian version.

By the way I do not know if it’s a fake, but it works!

The price was only 120 RMB/Box (4 x 20 mg) so approx 12 € or 1/6-1/7 of the EU or similar price.

In my opinion or it’s real and the price is for China, or it’s a fake done with generics and trying to seem real.

Some else know?


PS I brought six boxes...

06-17-07, 14:48
While I was in China, in Hua Du Hotel, I found at the hotel shop also Cialis and Viagra, The Viagra box seemed identical to the “EU” one, but the Cialis was quite different.

If the would like to make a copy it would be identical… but there are several differences here, as there is in the Ukrainian version.

By the way I do not know if it’s a fake, but it works!

The price was only 120 RMB/Box (4 x 20 mg) so approx 12 € or 1/6-1/7 of the EU or similar price.

In my opinion or it’s real and the price is for China, or it’s a fake done with generics and trying to seem real.

Some else know?


PS I brought six boxes...Yes, I bought some boxes in Afghanistan. It looked extremely genuine and was extremely cheap (USD 3 for one packet?), but, unfortunately extremely ineffective: same boxes as the real thing, 2 tablets to a strip. Better stick to the working imitations of viagra: penagra, kamagra and siagra!

06-18-07, 00:09

When I go away for longer pleasure-vacations I normally get a hard time cumming after a couple of days if I have sex for lets say 2-3 times a day. You guys have any recommendation to deal with this if I want to be able to "continue as usual" with having sex a couple of times a day for a longer period? Anything that don't need to be prescribed? : P


It Travel
06-19-07, 06:28
Yes, I bought some boxes in Afghanistan. It looked extremely genuine and was extremely cheap (USD 3 for one packet?), but, unfortunately extremely ineffective: same boxes as the real thing, 2 tablets to a strip. Better stick to the working imitations of viagra: penagra, kamagra and siagra!

I think they are not fakes, but imitation with a generic.. have you seen this before...

By the way I was hard as a rock... by the way nailing for nera an hour a not so willing (but paid so she has to do her duty) Chinese student.


Andy Cap
06-22-07, 13:49
Hi friend,

Just a small question. About 15 days ago, I was in Dongguan and I had a beautifull time. One day, walking in some street, I saw a pharmacy window the publicity of viagra, I never used them but I was very curious and I asked to the pharmacist. Unfortunately he didin't speak english and after some misundertanding I understood that he suggested me to buy another cheap pills: Aisenwer that probabily is a china viagra. I bought 3 box (it is very cheap) but till now I have no the courage to try it becasue I am not sure about the effect of this pills. Someones know them? They work? In the box there is also the instructions for use but they are in chianese and I do not understand any china words and also them internet site is in china. (www.maidesen.com) . Somebody can give me some suggestion?

Smegma Vagina
06-24-07, 15:31
From where did the generic stuff originate? Was it sent in multiple shipments?

Thanks.He was asking about Cialis I purchased from www.usolinerx.net

Im not sure where the stuff originated from.

It was all sent in one packet.

06-24-07, 16:20
My physician recently put me on Androgel (testosterone supplement) for low testosterone blood levels. If anyone here has experience with this drug would you please pm me. I have a couple of questions. Thank you.

06-25-07, 01:39
Hi friend,

he suggested me to buy another cheap pills: Aisenwer that probabily is a china viagra. I bought 3 box (it is very cheap) but till now I have no the courage to try it becasue I am not sure about the effect of this pills. Someones know them? They work? In the box there is also the instructions for use but they are in chianese and I do not understand any china words and also them internet site is in china. (www.maidesen.com) . Somebody can give me some suggestion?
I read somewhere a report that 90% of the chinese drugs are based on sildenafil. Since it taste awful, it is easy to check. There are zillions of these drugs and the chances that someone precisely know this one (Aisenwer) are slim. I did buy some a few years ago and I would have rated as 50 mg.

06-27-07, 00:07
Just received my first order from First Med. Went through the registration process on Saturday, got accepted and placed order same day. Package arrived today, Tuesday. Not sampled the tabs yet as I have bought them in anticipation of my trip to Jakarta and Surabaya (don't want to waste them)

They're not cheap but this my first go with chemical assistance so I wanted to start with branded. All 3 tabs available V, C and L.

Great service.

I'll report on the effects when I get back in a couple of weeks. Wish me luck!!


It Travel
06-29-07, 07:15
Just received my first order from First Med. Went through the registration process on Saturday, got accepted and placed order same day. Package arrived today, Tuesday. Not sampled the tabs yet as I have bought them in anticipation of my trip to Jakarta and Surabaya (don't want to waste them)

They're not cheap but this my first go with chemical assistance so I wanted to start with branded. All 3 tabs available V, C and L.

Great service.

I'll report on the effects when I get back in a couple of weeks. Wish me luck!!


I wait for your impression on Levitra.... Got two boxes and never tried!



06-29-07, 22:33
Prices have gone up. Just today I got 2 cialis for 203 grivnas ($40 or so).

The 4 pack was double. She tried selling me on some indian stuff thats the "same" but I said no thank you I'll take name brand. I never tried cialis I normally go with viagra so I am curious to see if this stuff works for as long as it is supposed to.

This was bought at the same exact store.

I repost april prices for Kiev, in non central pharmacies you can save 5% or so... in Moscow hotels (not five star) it's just approx the same, the pharmacies are a little bit cheaper... 2-5% sometimes more.

On this items there is not the big price difference usual on other things in Russia.

Keeping you informed on prices...

In Ukraine, Kiev:

Cialis 20 mg 4 tablets 390 grivnas = 77 $ and 50 €
Levitra 20 mg 4 tablet 305 grivnas = 60 $ and 45 €
Viagra 100 mg 4 tablet 270 grivnas = 53 $ USD and 40 €

This on the Tsum supermarket apoteka (3rd floor) today.


It Travel
07-01-07, 07:54
Prices have gone up. Just today I got 2 cialis for 203 grivnas ($40 or so).

The 4 pack was double. She tried selling me on some indian stuff thats the "same" but I said no thank you I'll take name brand. I never tried cialis I normally go with viagra so I am curious to see if this stuff works for as long as it is supposed to.

This was bought at the same exact store.

When a thing is fun it's always going up in price...


By the way you will see how hard it gets with Cialis! :D
I always use it for heavy anal engagements... Poor girls! :D :D

Prince Harry
07-01-07, 13:23
When a thing is fun it's always going up in price...


By the way you will see how hard it gets with Cialis! :D
I always use it for heavy anal engagements... Poor girls! :D :D

Genuine cialis in phnom penh last week,four by 20 mg was $4-kriiist, it is expensive elsewhere.
I still like the kamagra gel,last week 100mg was 65 cents in phnom penh-it works quickly and effectively.

It Travel
07-01-07, 14:51
Genuine cialis in phnom penh last week,four by 20 mg was $4-kriiist, it is expensive elsewhere.
I still like the kamagra gel,last week 100mg was 65 cents in phnom penh-it works quickly and effectively.

Never tried... how does it work... and where you get it here in EU?


Kiwi 69
07-02-07, 16:12
Never tried... how does it work... and where you get it here in EU?

ITCheck out www.365pharmacy.co.uk They had it on their site and they are good to deal with.

07-02-07, 16:33
Hi guys,

Sorry if this is a pretty common request and you're probably sick of people asking this over and over again. Can someone direct me to a post or advise me where and how to obtain Viagra or Cialis in Shanghai. Is it freely available anywhere and can you just pick it up at a drug store? What kind of store is most common to find it?

I will be there tomorrow in Shanghai for a couple of days and then off and about in North China cities.

Thanks for any advice.


It Travel
07-04-07, 14:02
Check out www.365pharmacy.co.uk They had it on their site and they are good to deal with.

I'll see once and try any problems with Credit Cards...


It Travel
07-04-07, 15:37
Hi guys,

Sorry if this is a pretty common request and you're probably sick of people asking this over and over again. Can someone direct me to a post or advise me where and how to obtain Viagra or Cialis in Shanghai. Is it freely available anywhere and can you just pick it up at a drug store? What kind of store is most common to find it?

I will be there tomorrow in Shanghai for a couple of days and then off and about in North China cities.

Thanks for any advice.


I think it's like the other places I've been. You will find it in Hotel shops (perhpas selling clothes too) and in Pharmacies. No prescription Required.

As far as I know, you might find imitation or generic very esaily, more difficult for origina. The imitation, I suppose, (made with generics) works perfectly...


07-28-07, 17:49
When in China you may want to try a Chinese manufactured product. It is packed in a dark blue tin box, the product name and manufacturer is written in simplified Chinese. The only western words are: "WONDERFULLIFE 4" and "SATIBO CAPSULE". In one box is 8 x 0.3g.

The stuff is pretty good, effect similar/equal to Viagra but you get less of a headache and your face color doesn't turn read (at least for me.) You need 2 per event in order to get the desired results. The "wonderful life" effect lasts up to 8 hours.

On the back of the box it reads: [Their mistakes, not mine!]

"Action: It's proven in function test that this product has effects of reguiating (sic!) immunity of body fluid, fight fatingue. Administration: Oral, 2 capsules each time, take before sleep [funny!]. Storage: Keep in cool, dry place."

It's cheap and sold in herbal stores or traditional Chinese medicine places.

07-28-07, 17:59
I forgot:

In case this helps locating the stuff: 6 918121 888855

It Travel
07-30-07, 16:01
I forgot:

In case this helps locating the stuff: 6 918121 888855

I used a Chinese "fake i suppose" Cialis... but when nailing the university student I got in the bed it worked very good... :D


Smegma Vagina
08-09-07, 19:44
Note: I am a healthy man, but I do suffer from occasional erectile dysfunction.

As per Penn and Teller’s recommendation I purchased Cialis from www.usolinerx.net. It took 11 days to get delivery to the US, and I went for both the brand and generic types. Over the last week I have tried both out in a solo situation, all in preparation for my sex trip to Europe next week.

Brand Cialis:
I went for 8 x 20 mg: cost $133. I took one of these last Wednesday night at 8pm, and it took about an hour to take effect. I put on some new porn on my big screen, and all I can say is Wow. I had a hardon for about a solid 2 hours, and I jerked off 3 times with 3 very satisfying cums in that 2 hours. Recommend: Yes, and I think these would work fine for most men suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Generic Cialis:
Went for the 30 x 20 mg: cost $105. Now obviously there is a big difference in price between the generic and the brand, and as I discovered there is a big difference in the effect of both types. Took one of these last night, and there was some effect for sure, something extra but nothing amazing. Recommend: only for guys looking a slight turbo boost over the sex drive they already have. I wouldn’t recommend these for guys suffering from erectile dysfunction, go for the Brand instead.

Just back from a sex trip to Europe (reports soon). Hooked up with some guys in an FKK club in Germany, and sold them some of my generic viagra, that had not worked well for me, but it seemed to work well for them. so maybe the Generic isnt as bad as I thought.

Kute Guy
08-09-07, 22:00

Headaches are a listed side effect but they are often exacerbated by being dehydrated after a flight, or too much alcohol. Drink water.

The other symptoms are not related to alcohol but however, strongly suggest that you should get a check up before dosing up again. (See the contra-indications on the minutely printed leaflet inside the box.) No duff.


PolvoI had similar experience with Cialis (generic) - get flu-like symptoms within 3 hours and then sore-throat, fever, coughing, headaches for 5-6 days. Tried a couple different ones but same end-result - sickness!!

Viagra was awsome but effects only lasted 5-6 hrs.

Kute Guy
08-09-07, 22:10
They confirmed and send my order in a little more than 24 hours. It should be here tomorrow according to my tracking number.

I picked up 3 Cialis for $115 with shipping and a pill cutter and reported to be real, I'll confirm once its here.

I'll report my findings in a week or so...Hi DJ,

Was the Viagra Legit? I am looking for some places to buy online from members who have done 50+ posts on ISG (so I can trust'em)

Kute Guy
08-09-07, 22:17
Has anyone ordered the generic version of viagra and/or cialis (from India) - they are as cheap as £1.5 (e.g. http://www.cheaper-online.co.in/productsk.html). Can anyone recommend some site of this nature?

I would only use a site if it is referred to me.

It Travel
08-12-07, 07:25
Dear Friends,

I'm sorry to strongly disagree with you.

I still think that the most safe way is to buy these drugs in a normal pharmacy.

They are sold freely in most Eastern Europe and in Switzerland. Most of all a lot of border pharmacies (Italian, German and French ones) are, after you went there once, selling this things by postal order.

Surely most expencive than other, but you do not get strange things in your stomach!

By the way in my opinion the maximum time tou can use this kind of things is a week or so, then you need a pause... you know all side effects. It's crazy to go for 50 Viagra and take them one after another... !!!


Silly Fool
08-12-07, 14:09
Has anyone ordered the generic version of viagra and/or cialis (from India) - they are as cheap as £1.5 (e.g. http://www.cheaper-online.co.in/productsk.html). Can anyone recommend some site of this nature?

I would only use a site if it is referred to me.
I will let you know shortly-just got a supply of Vitamin C from canadian Pharmacy and i noticed that it had Indian postmarks and stamps all over the wrapping- i had wondered how they could offer such cheap prices -they even threw in 4 caps of vitamin V for good measure.

Kiwi 69
08-12-07, 16:24
Has anyone ordered the generic version of viagra and/or cialis (from India) - they are as cheap as £1.5 (e.g. http://www.cheaper-online.co.in/productsk.html). Can anyone recommend some site of this nature?

I would only use a site if it is referred to me.I have used generic Viagra(Kamagra) from www.365pharmacy.co.uk

If you live in the EU you won´t have the risk of customs seizing the shipment.

Buck Rogers
08-12-07, 20:52
I bought Cialis 10 g from http://www.prima-med.com/

It is expensive but I wanted to buy the real thing also because I use it only when I want to have several sessions (FKKs in Germany) and it isn't many times a year. Then they send them by post and not by courier (I'm not at home to pick it up).

It works in the same day I take them but, but on the second day (after like 20 hours) doesn't work (or the effect is limited). So I take another tablet.

I feel a bit of side effects (a bit headache and bit of week legs but it is totally bearable).

Never tried Viagria and others so I can't compare. Anyway I will never buy generic products.

Kiwi 69
08-13-07, 11:18
I was told that drinking a Red Bull before taking vitamin V ,enhances the effect.Is this wishful thinking BS,or is there any truth in it? I need all the help I can get these days!

Thanks for any info.

Silly Fool
08-13-07, 13:13
I bought Cialis 10 g from http://www.prima-med.com/

It is expensive but I wanted to buy the real thing also because I use it only when I want to have several sessions (FKKs in Germany) and it isn't many times a year. Then they send them by post and not by courier (I'm not at home to pick it up).

It works in the same day I take them but, but on the second day (after like 20 hours) doesn't work (or the effect is limited). So I take another tablet.

I feel a bit of side effects (a bit headache and bit of week legs but it is totally bearable).

Never tried Viagria and others so I can't compare. Anyway I will never buy generic products.
Just checked the back of my hardon pills-
Vitamin C is marked Sanafi ( Tadalafil main constituent) and is only 20mg where as
Vitamin V( my freebie bonus from canadian Pharmacy) is marked Pfiagara( Sildenafil Citrate) and is a whopping 100mg.

08-13-07, 13:44
has anyone been able to buy generic Levitra - vardenafil?

In particular, has anyone bought it in Cambodia?

I have bought both generic viagra and generic cialis in Phnom Penh. If you buy from a quality pharmacy, you will get a quality product. At about one tenth the price in western pharmacies.

Re other posts - there are reports that low testosterone levels reduces the effectiveness of chemical enhancements. So if your testosterone level is low, the advice is to increase testosterone levels by patches, pills etc, and this will improve the effectiveness of cialis and viagra.

Also, reports that the best way to use cialis is to take a pill regularly every day, not just on demand. Some tgest people have been taking it daily for a year or so. Results seem to be pretty good, and a good percentage of people in the sample actually stopped taking it because their natural system got back into stride.

I take cialis daily when I am in SE Asia.

Kute Guy
08-13-07, 18:54
I bought Cialis 10 g from http://www.prima-med.com/

It is expensive but I wanted to buy the real thing also because I use it only when I want to have several sessions (FKKs in Germany) and it isn't many times a year. Then they send them by post and not by courier (I'm not at home to pick it up).

It works in the same day I take them but, but on the second day (after like 20 hours) doesn't work (or the effect is limited). So I take another tablet.

I feel a bit of side effects (a bit headache and bit of week legs but it is totally bearable).

Never tried Viagria and others so I can't compare. Anyway I will never buy generic products.I get MAJOR side-effects from the [generic south american] Vitamin C - have taken it 10mg thrice (half-a-pill) and was sick for a week each time. No more. Never tried the original Vitamin C.

Generic Vitamin V works perfectly - but only last 6-8 hrs while Vitamin C lasts 2 days.

Keen to try Vitamin L as it is supposed to last as long as C.

Kute Guy
08-13-07, 18:55
Just checked the back of my hardon pills- Vitamin C is marked Sanafi ( Tadalafil main constituent) and is only 20mg where as Vitamin V( my freebie bonus from canadian Pharmacy) is marked Pfiagara( Sildenafil Citrate) and is a whopping 100mg.What was the website? and was it non-prescription?

Kute Guy
08-13-07, 20:48
One final question to those that live in London and have managed to get their Cialis/Viagra from outside EU (say India) - what sort of documentation came with the shipment - e.g. was there a fake prescription?

As I have some friends going to India, I could ask them to post some back to me in London but worried it will get caught in Customs and go to waste.

My research has shown that alldaychemist.com is a great site (minus the expensive flat shipping).

08-13-07, 21:17
I have terrible leg ache, 2 days after taking Cialis, when the effect start to vanish. Does anyone have the same? Is there a remedy?

It Travel
08-14-07, 08:37
I get MAJOR side-effects from the [generic south american] Vitamin C - have taken it 10mg thrice (half-a-pill) and was sick for a week each time. No more. Never tried the original Vitamin C.

Generic Vitamin V works perfectly - but only last 6-8 hrs while Vitamin C lasts 2 days.

Keen to try Vitamin L as it is supposed to last as long as C.

As everybody can easily notice a part of drugs, by the way Cialis, are made in form of coated tablets (not like aspirin...) this is mainly for two reasons. Protect the chemicals from oxidation and, mostly, fromm all acids (and a lot of other things) you have in your stomach.

This is the reason the have to be uncutted and swallowed whole, like most of antibiotics.

I may be that you have some problems... Try an original 10 mg whole and see what happens.

I go myself for (usually) five-six days and I take a Cialis every day. at the end of the time I usually get some side effects like muscular pain... but not more.

Mind that I take a 20 mg every late afternoon and I'm approx 100 kg.

In My opinion Cialis is far better than Viagra, still have to try Levitra (brought already original but...)


It Travel
08-14-07, 08:47
I have terrible leg ache, 2 days after taking Cialis, when the effect start to vanish. Does anyone have the same? Is there a remedy?

Usually after a sex tour lasting 3-5 days and have back pain, not really legs a little higher, but if you go to zero (or nearly so) alchool it will be easier...


It Travel
08-14-07, 08:55
I was told that drinking a Red Bull before taking vitamin V ,enhances the effect.Is this wishful thinking BS,or is there any truth in it? I need all the help I can get these days!

Thanks for any info.

Seem a really marketing option ;)

Red Bull is just like a cola... but if you instead take good proteins, fats and calories with light meals (not taking too much blood to go in digestion) it might be perfect...

Usually my "sex" menu is as following...

three fried eggs (with the yellow still uncooked) some toasts (bread I mean), and a couple of yoghurts approx 250 grams. Some tea

some light meal… one dish only usually meat. One beer.

Usually some fish (smoked and raw), some cheese and bread, perhaps some hot soup if I’m at a restaurant… One beer and one/two shots of some dink not more.

Just some more fish or meat in a sandwich.

Of course a lot of fruit and vegetables and fruit juice.

In my opinion a such diet is quite good…

I’m over 45, a little bit overweight,, not so much, and I can still nail properly a different girl every evening or everyday, with nice long morning sessions… :D

In using V, C and L a most important thing is what and how much you eat and what and how much you drink….


Silly Fool
08-15-07, 12:25
Usually after a sex tour lasting 3-5 days and have back pain, not really legs a little higher, but if you go to zero (or nearly so) alchool it will be easier...

Yes-took one generic Cialis last night and have had a small constant headache all day and this evening a really noticeable strain in my hamstring muscles.If my TG is working Sunday I may switch to Vitamin V as Im not getting much of a rise from these little 20mg bullets.

It Travel
08-15-07, 17:13
Yes-took one generic Cialis last night and have had a small constant headache all day and this evening a really noticeable strain in my hamstring muscles.If my TG is working Sunday I may switch to Vitamin V as Im not getting much of a rise from these little 20mg bullets.

Sorry but buy real one... (I'm not paid by Lilly...) If you go for 20 mg, and do not get much rise there is something wrong, or with the tablets or with you...


Royal Blue
08-17-07, 01:05
Does anyone know of a reliable online pharm that delivers to US PO boxes?


Royal Blue
08-17-07, 03:47
Hope this isn't a double-post -

Can any give the name of a reliable online pharm in the US?


It Travel
08-18-07, 08:53
I just sent this message to the Admin

I think that we could open a new one in the Viagra section. Just devoted to three things...

a) where Viagra, Cialis, Levitra can be brought w/o prescription (like Russia, Ukraine, Switzerland etc.) so people travelling know where to make some shopping

b) mail orders w/o custom problems (only of real drugs)

c) prices



So we can more easily find what we are out for... one Thread for experiences etc etc. only only for where and how buying real goods... (perhaps we could open one for generics too...)

Kiwi 69
08-19-07, 22:51
Seem a really marketing option ;)

Red Bull is just like a cola... but if you instead take good proteins, fats and calories with light meals (not taking too much blood to go in digestion) it might be perfect...

Usually my "sex" menu is as following...

three fried eggs (with the yellow still uncooked) some toasts (bread I mean), and a couple of yoghurts approx 250 grams. Some tea

some light meal… one dish only usually meat. One beer.

Usually some fish (smoked and raw), some cheese and bread, perhaps some hot soup if I’m at a restaurant… One beer and one/two shots of some dink not more.

Just some more fish or meat in a sandwich.

Of course a lot of fruit and vegetables and fruit juice.

In my opinion a such diet is quite good…

I’m over 45, a little bit overweight,, not so much, and I can still nail properly a different girl every evening or everyday, with nice long morning sessions… :D

In using V, C and L a most important thing is what and how much you eat and what and how much you drink….

ITMany thanks IT,

I see my diet is OK,the main problem is probably I'm Type 2 diabetic, also a bit overweight and over 55. I should start exercising properly (not just the horizontal bop !! )

It Travel
08-20-07, 12:52
Many thanks IT,

I see my diet is OK,the main problem is probably I'm Type 2 diabetic, also a bit overweight and over 55. I should start exercising properly (not just the horizontal bop !! )

The fact of beeing diabetic is surely a problems for these drugs... speak to your doctor. Mind my friend, it's really important!!!


08-20-07, 13:32
I was told that drinking a Red Bull before taking vitamin V ,enhances the effect.Is this wishful thinking BS,or is there any truth in it? I need all the help I can get these days!I was in the Petit Chateau brothel in St Maarten this year at the bar with a girl that I had seen a few times. I ordered a Red Bull as a pick me up (usually I just order cold water). Then I pulled out my Viagra and was about to take it when she asked what it was. Once I told her, she grabbed the Red Bull away from me.

She said don't be crazy, both Red Bull and Viagra stimulate the heart. According to her, an older customer had recently died in the room with a girl, after combining Red Bull and Viagra.

Now these Colombian girls are not doctors, but it does make sense that you could possibly overstress your system by combiining Viagra and a major shot of caffeine at the same time.


08-23-07, 07:01
Does any body know where I can buy Levitra, real or generic, in Cambodia, Thailand or Vietnam?


Crime Of Passion
08-24-07, 11:55
I wouldn't recommend the Viagra and Red Bull mix...

Don't usually mess with V or C but a friend gave me some genuine samples a few weeks ago. Curious tried V on one session and def got a strong erection with only a 25mg tab. Wouldn't normally need as functioning ok but felt there was a benefit. Later that day had indigestion and slightly fuzzy head.

Tried C in a session a while back and felt it impaired my natural erection and had headache and indigestion but no leg ache. Maybe the headache and slightly unusual situation put me off but never normally have erection issues and wouldn't stay really hard.

This week was out and had downed 4 Red Bulls and a Bud. Many clubs often mean mongering at 2-3am so long day, been up since 7am so stayed off big beer and thought Red Bull ok. Decided to score so thought good time to try V again in advance but a bit late so thought it would help and curious about it. Took the V and had onset of headache after about 20 mins and then indigestion and gut ache and worse later!. Completely lost any horniness so went home feeling a bit ill. Heartbeat was up but then I'm 40's, bit o/w but do a bit of gym and jogging.

Decided to V again, this time less caffeine drinks and no problems but again a bit of indigestion and slightly fuzzy head. Maybe slightly harder erection for longer but the girl was excellent and it may have been natural anyway!

So, for me, it works with marginal benefit but I don't need it and the side effects aren't worth enduring.

Most people are aware of publicity citing V has been associated with heart issues (deaths etc.) but then enough middle aged men die in the act anyway!

(FR reports to follow later in appropriate forum)

08-24-07, 12:18
I wouldn't recommend the Viagra and Red Bull mix...

Don't usually mess with V or C but a friend gave me some genuine samples a few weeks ago. Curious tried V on one session and def got a strong erection with only a 25mg tab. Wouldn't normally need as functioning ok but felt there was a benefit. Later that day had indigestion and slightly fuzzy head.

Tried C in a session a while back and felt it impaired my natural erection and had headache and indigestion but no leg ache. Maybe the headache and slightly unusual situation put me off but never normally have erection issues and wouldn't stay really hard.

This week was out and had downed 4 Red Bulls and a Bud. Many clubs often mean mongering at 2-3am so long day, been up since 7am so stayed off big beer and thought Red Bull ok. Decided to score so thought good time to try V again in advance but a bit late so thought it would help and curious about it. Took the V and had onset of headache after about 20 mins and then indigestion and gut ache and worse later!. Completely lost any horniness so went home feeling a bit ill. Heartbeat was up but then I'm 40's, bit o/w but do a bit of gym and jogging.

Decided to V again, this time less caffeine drinks and no problems but again a bit of indigestion and slightly fuzzy head. Maybe slightly harder erection for longer but the girl was excellent and it may have been natural anyway!

So, for me, it works with marginal benefit but I don't need it and the side effects aren't worth enduring.

Most people are aware of publicity citing V has been associated with heart issues (deaths etc.) but then enough middle aged men die in the act anyway!

(FR reports to follow later in appropriate forum)

I take c fairly often and find it works well, especially if you will be doing a lot of fucking. Generally I find a pill lasts about 3 days.

4 Red Bulls? That's way too much. I drink the stuff too and 2 is the limit... any more than 2 and it really gives you the jitters... just my 2 cents.

Daring Mood
08-24-07, 12:40
Fellow mongerers whose beat includes Thailand, Hong Kong and China, in your humble opinions which place has the lowest V and C prices?
Daring Mood

Silly Fool
08-24-07, 12:52
Sorry but buy real one... (I'm not paid by Lilly...) If you go for 20 mg, and do not get much rise there is something wrong, or with the tablets or with you...

ITLuckily for me my TG came down with the flu last sunday so I didnt drop the generic Viagra. The bloody headaches got worse and the body pain was extremely unpleasant. Not even remotely interested in taking any more artificial stimulants as there is nothing wrong with my equipment. Did get an embarrassing hardon at work one day but the nausea was worse. Thanks for your advice IT- much appreciated and keep up the great reports.

08-24-07, 13:35
Gentlemen, there has been quite a lot of discussion about side effects from various chemical enhancements.

There are a number of principles to follow.

The first is to read the label, and take the pill as proscribed. For example, Viagra on an empty stomach, alcohol mixes, strengths and so on.

There are basically three options, Viagra, Cialis, Levitra. Withn each, there is a range of doses. It is up to you to find which pill at which dose is the right one for you.

For example, some people respond well to high single dose of Viagra, others respond well to daily dose of Cialis.

For me, the best is single dose of Levitra. Next best is daily dose of Cialis.

Viagra does not work for me as a single dose.

However some people find that they need op to nine daily doses with Viagra before the effects kick in.

These PDE5 compositions were designed for people with ED problems, so for those of you who are functioning well, best not to use chemical enhancements at all.

But before you give up, experiment and find what is best fior you. International trials generally find that the most effective is Levitra, followed by daily dosing with Cialis.


It Travel
08-26-07, 10:19
Gentlemen, there has been quite a lot of discussion about side effects from various chemical enhancements.

There are a number of principles to follow.

The first is to read the label, and take the pill as proscribed. For example, Viagra on an empty stomach, alcohol mixes, strengths and so on.

There are basically three options, Viagra, Cialis, Levitra. Withn each, there is a range of doses. It is up to you to find which pill at which dose is the right one for you.

For example, some people respond well to high single dose of Viagra, others respond well to daily dose of Cialis.

For me, the best is single dose of Levitra. Next best is daily dose of Cialis.

Viagra does not work for me as a single dose.

However some people find that they need op to nine daily doses with Viagra before the effects kick in.

These PDE5 compositions were designed for people with ED problems, so for those of you who are functioning well, best not to use chemical enhancements at all.

But before you give up, experiment and find what is best fior you. International trials generally find that the most effective is Levitra, followed by daily dosing with Cialis.


Basically I agree with all of you but mind that:

a) A drug dose is prepared for a 70 kg men with a normal metabolic activity;

b) Read the explanations and follow them (as said);

c) Do not mix them!!!

d) My Cialis dose lasts 24-28 hours but I'm tall, 100 kg, and I have a well operating metabolic system, for instance for beeing drunk (not taking anything of this things) I need 8-12 pints of beer or two bottles of wine or one of Russky Standart so...

e) Who is taking, daily, nine doses of Viagra probably will join soon his realtives in the other world (if it exists);

f) My program is simple I use Cialis 20 mg, taken without too much attention to food (but light in any case), some hour (two three, it do not matter) prior to go to bed. Small drinking, one Cialis every day. Maximum five days, then I have at least a week or two of no drugs at all...

g) Mind that the "energy" given by Burn or Redbull is only marketing, otherwise it would not be sold by bars... it should be sold by chemists (you remember there is the FDA...)

In my opinion the worst thing of all is not mixing drugs, alchool, or whatever... it's simple.

You work a day. You are tired and stressed. Then you go home, take a shower some drinks, perhaps something small to eat, or have a business dinner and then: tired, stressed, with too much food and to much drinks you go to a bar (like RP) stressing yourself to get a nice babe in your bed... and perhaps you find her at 2 a.m. (because it take a lot of time to choose her and to discuss the price... and drinks go on and stress too)...

This is all that is wrong... Simply to little sleeping!!!

Make agreements before or the day before, meet girls in normal bars, and then fuck the brains out of them... the effect a Cialis have on you when you are tired, stressed etc. is much different of the one you get when you are in bed with a nice girl at 9 p.m. fuck her all the evening... wake up and find a naked silky blondinka beauty in your bed willing to be nailed before breakfast!

By the way, in my opinion, with some kind of girls with this timing, you need no drugs... you need an exciting girl, and a correct number of hours of sleeping!! Normal eating and drinking... (here Normal meand little!)


PS With MT (Doc knows why) I need no Cialis... her BBBJ will get you to stand up even after 10 fucks..

08-27-07, 21:16
I am thinking to buy V, but original one, so besides Buck Rogers anybody ordered or has some feedback from here:



It Travel
08-28-07, 19:54
I am thinking to buy V, but original one, so besides Buck Rogers anybody ordered or has some feedback from here:



My opinion is to buy Cialis or Levitra... seems much better...

(I use Cialis regularly... I'm over 45 and I use it on under 20 :D)... You have the choice


Kiwi 69
09-01-07, 22:23
The fact of beeing diabetic is surely a problems for these drugs... speak to your doctor. Mind my friend, it's really important!!!

ITIt, yes, my doctor prescribed the V, as he is happy with my diabetes control. Reading some of the other recent posts, I tend to think I should observe more religiously the empty stomach, NO fat eating recommendations and, most importantly, your recommendation of plenty of good sleep the night before mongering. Also, I notice a distinct performance difference (for me) between girls, some I feel I could go all night with, if the money would stand it! They do make a difference, as you say.

Jet Lad
09-04-07, 16:47
It, yes, my doctor prescribed the V, as he is happy with my diabetes control. Reading some of the other recent posts, I tend to think I should observe more religiously the empty stomach, NO fat eating recommendations and, most importantly, your recommendation of plenty of good sleep the night before mongering. Also, I notice a distinct performance difference (for me) between girls, some I feel I could go all night with, if the money would stand it! They do make a difference, as you say.Your nutrition strategy sounds good to me. I cannot speak of diabetes because, as far as I'm aware, I'm not a diabetic. However, maybe having a totally empty stomach is not the only answer. All that rumbling! (along with the tumbling! ). I just use (whether tumbling or just rumbling) ginseng energy daily, coupled with the best kind of exercise of course! Then I'm not grumbling. Just tumbling (no rumbling). Cheers JL


Kiwi 69
09-05-07, 15:15
Your nutrition strategy sounds good to me. I cannot speak of diabetes because, as far as I'm aware, I'm not a diabetic. However, maybe having a totally empty stomach is not the only answer. All that rumbling! (along with the tumbling! ). I just use (whether tumbling or just rumbling) ginseng energy daily, coupled with the best kind of exercise of course! Then I'm not grumbling. Just tumbling (no rumbling). Cheers JL

www.moreinfo247.com/8821255/VNUThanks JL !! Will give it a try .It sounds as if there are multiple benefits from its use.

Happy mongering!

It Travel
09-07-07, 07:53
It, yes, my doctor prescribed the V, as he is happy with my diabetes control. Reading some of the other recent posts, I tend to think I should observe more religiously the empty stomach, NO fat eating recommendations and, most importantly, your recommendation of plenty of good sleep the night before mongering. Also, I notice a distinct performance difference (for me) between girls, some I feel I could go all night with, if the money would stand it! They do make a difference, as you say.

Yes I agree totally...

Sometimes they make the difference... so... Get ones with V included :D

As I said many time I'm not interested in stunners, only in pigs... and some are really so...


09-08-07, 17:04
Hi all,

I never ordered V from net, after reading here many reports I used this:


Very good !

I ordered on monday and on saturday same week I got original V. Yes it is expensive, but you get original stuff and in easy and fast way.

I hope it helps.


Royal Blue
09-09-07, 20:45
One small thing: is it usual to have to take V two, three or four times before getting the full effect? Why should that happen, and after getting over the 'hump' of taking it a few times without major effect will it work normally ever after?

It Travel
09-13-07, 09:30
One small thing: is it usual to have to take V two, three or four times before getting the full effect? Why should that happen, and after getting over the 'hump' of taking it a few times without major effect will it work normally ever after?

Absolutely it's not normal, and dangerous too.... Take care and go to the doctor. By the way I oprefer Cialis.


DJ FourMoney
09-13-07, 11:55
Back earlier this summer I went to Europe for the first time...

In general it was fun and I had a great time, as always it could have been better, especially on the "pussy" front.

That being said, I did have more sex in those 50 days than I have had in the last 5 years or basically since I broke up with my ltr girlfriend several years ago.

My weapon of choice was "The Weekender" or Cialis

I bought 3 pills from a company that escapes me at the moment, but when I remember I will edit this post accordingly.

I cut them in half with the provided pill cutter that was included for free with my order.

No side effects to report and it was REAL Cialis

No negatives to report just cost really, its not cheap. But the effects last about 2 to 2.5 days in my experience. It doesn't help you last longer between ejaculations as some might think, it does however help you return faster, MUCH faster. I actually remained hard after cumming several times, just like when I was 21...

The Hungarian girl I did at FKK World in Germany actually got winded in the Cowgirl position, we changed and I banged her doggy for at least another 20 mins and she loved it, got super wet... She also sucked on me for at least 20 mins so it was well worth the hour spent with this very pretty girl a 8.5 on many scales...

Anyway, just thought I would share...

Royal Blue
09-13-07, 22:20
Absolutely it's not normal, and dangerous too.... Take care and go to the doctor. By the way I oprefer Cialis.

ITI don't mean 'a day' I just mean in a row on different days.

I ordered them from usonlinerx.net which people here seem to like, so i assume they're genuine.

The results have been OK but nothing staggering.

It Travel
09-14-07, 07:40
I don't mean 'a day' I just mean in a row on different days.

I ordered them from usonlinerx.net which people here seem to like, so i assume they're genuine.

The results have been OK but nothing staggering.

If you take several Viagra in different days ythe effect do not cumulate, it last only 3-5 hours so there is something wrong with you or with the dose, by the way on ground the blue pills are coated, I hope you do noy cut them (the same has to be done for Cialis).


Royal Blue
09-14-07, 15:58
If you take several Viagra in different days ythe effect do not cumulate, it last only 3-5 hours so there is something wrong with you or with the dose, by the way on ground the blue pills are coated, I hope you do not cut them (the same has to be done for Cialis).

ITI realize they're not cumulative. And I never took more than one a day.

Oops. I have been cutting them. I'll stop doing that.

Smegma Vagina
09-16-07, 22:28
Recently purchased Cialis from www.usolinerx.net. Went for 20 mg x 32 pills, cost me $455.

Got Heart Attack a week ago, and now have to cancell my october trip to Thailand. Doctor says it will be a long time before I can take Cialis again.

Maybe I should sell the Cialis, anyone interested?

It Travel
09-23-07, 08:34
I realize they're not cumulative. And I never took more than one a day.

Oops. I have been cutting them. I'll stop doing that.

Yes take the right dose...

My self, as writtitten, will never go for more than six-seven days in row, usually five. I'm tall and heavy and take 1 20 mg Cialis every 24 hours. Experimented sometime some muscular pain, but went over fast.

Most important no alchool (or nearly), no other drugs, well sleep (not go mongering at 3 am!) and light food, and then your dick will be always erected and hard!


On The Road
09-27-07, 09:09
Hi, I went to India and I bought some Confido (former Speman Forte) tablet in order to help for premature ejaculation.
On the net I saw that Confido should be:
Confido is a non-hormonal therapy acting on the higher centers of emotions in the brain and locally on the sex organs directly or indirectly. Confido reduces anxiety and calms the individual. By acting through the neuro-endocrine pathway, Confido regulates the process of ejaculation.
Confido tablets are useful when the following symptoms are displayed:
* Spermatorrhea
* Premature ejaculation
* Nocturnal emission

Does anybody tried those tablets?
Any help on this?



09-29-07, 17:05
You may like to try out some of the available herbal supplements alternatives which are less likely to have any side effects:-

Virility Pills (http://www.onlinefutureinc.com/cgi-bin/cmd.cgi?af=662427&u=getvirilitypills.com/how.html)

Virility Patch (http://www.onlinefutureinc.com/cgi-bin/cmd.cgi?af=662427&u=vpatchrx.com/whyitworks.html)

Enhance 9 (http://www.onlinefutureinc.com/cgi-bin/cmd.cgi?af=662427&u=enhancer9.com/enhance9.html)

Jedi Knight
10-02-07, 11:54
Freely available - just see a doctor for a prescription.

Not cheap though - those 4 little blue tablets will set you back between AUD$56 and $75, so shop around before buying.

V gives me a slight headache and a blocked nose, just like I'm coming down with a cold - but it clears up over night.

Happy erecting :)

Kiwi 69
10-04-07, 17:55
Has anyone tried the herbal capsules that are available in the Chinese herbs and medications shops that are all around London. One shop claimed they were good for 24 hours,take with warm water , about an hour before fun time.At 5 Pounds ach ,they are not that cheap, but I´ve got some to try,just got to wait for the right occasion ,with plenty of time, just in case we need to go to " Plan B ", vitamin "V".!

Penn Teller
10-05-07, 09:41
Recently purchased Cialis from www.usolinerx.net. Went for 20 mg x 32 pills, cost me $455.

Got Heart Attack a week ago, and now have to cancell my october trip to Thailand. Doctor says it will be a long time before I can take Cialis again.

Maybe I should sell the Cialis, anyone interested?Have you sold it yet? How much are you looking for it? We bought product from that company earlier this year and it was fine.

Member #1240
10-08-07, 03:51
Can anybody tell me if Cialis and/or Viagra are available in HCM?

If "yes" is it over the counter or is a prescription required>

10-17-07, 01:05
Recently purchased Cialis from www.usolinerx.net. Went for 20 mg x 32 pills, cost me $455.

Got Heart Attack a week ago, and now have to cancell my october trip to Thailand. Doctor says it will be a long time before I can take Cialis again.

Maybe I should sell the Cialis, anyone interested?

Sorry to hear about your condition. Did your Dr say whether or not the Cialis caused the heart attack?

The way my heart beats after taking Viagra, I'm wondering about my own health while using V.

10-19-07, 04:23
Hello all,

Can anyone make a recent recommendation of an online pharm for delivery to the US?

Preparing for trip to Brazil in the very near future.

It Travel
10-21-07, 15:12
Viagra and Cialis is sold with no prescription in Brazil...

Cialis a 4x20 mg is around 65 R$, less than 25 €...

Interesting or how?


Chocha Monger
10-21-07, 15:35
Recent FDA reports indicate that Viagra, Cialis and Levitra can cause sudden loss of hearing. Some guys taking these pills might end up not only hard dicked but hard of hearing as well.

The manaufacturers of the drugs will be required to include this warning on their packaging.

It Travel
10-22-07, 13:33
I found this (see pics) in Brazil Vigamed, Mesilato de fentolamina.

Sold by chemist as an equivalent (not a generic) of Cialis, they tell the effect is the same. It's widely written inside in Portuguese, and the side effects and precautions are the same as Viagra and Cialis. The price is 39 R$ for four... so approx 15 €.

Somebody knows it...

I'll to know if somebody knows how it works...