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That last girl, Ao, was actually my girlfriend for a while. We were sensational together although I don't know what she saw in me. She is not the prettiest flower in the boquet but her body rates near the top and for a tall Thai 5'5" she was small where it counts. She had what became an insatiable appetite as time went on. at first she obligingly took care of me. it turned out that she was as big of a liar as the bar girls (she was a cashier) but I had become addicted to her and we vascillated in and out of the relationship. My buddy busts my chops for staying with her when I knew that she was lying and I truthfully told him that I knew that it would never go anywhere but I would not have missed that ride for the world.
Re- the posting in the CR Photo Gallery. I replied to an as yet unposted thread that pointed the same thing out to me that, since I was already in the CR forum and talking about Thai and Filipino girls, plus having to take the time to re-size the photo's so that they would fit ISG's requirements, I just posted there for everyone to enjoy. It seemed to fit the topic that we were bickering about anyway.
I have an apartment down Soi 20, two blocks from Soi Cowboy. They changed owners in Midnight and they are a lot more pushy about barfining quickly and they want tips for everything. Quite a departure from the past. I guess that this topic belongs in the Thai forum and I am sure that I will be chastized for yet another infraction.
That's okay Joe, you're in good company when it comes to such minor infractions of the "rules".
Your post was interesting. It goes to show that in many ways bargirls (in which I'll lump cashiers or bartenders that work in such places) are the same the world over. How do you know when a bar girl is lying? Answer: When she's moving her mouth. That's why I enjoy the sex and sometimes entertain the GFFE fantasy but never take it too seriously. Ride it out as long as it continues to be fun and hope you have enough of your big head still functioning when it comes time to recognize its time to move on to the next one. I know, its sometimes easier said than done.
She knew that I love to look at her body and she would seldom dress, including at mealtimes. It invariable led to abother round in the hay. An interesting thing about a lot of Thai girls is that if they are interested in you or want you to think that they are, they will always be holding your Johnson.. All night long too and not necessarily for sex. It may mean that they want to know where it is at all times of it is just a gesture of endearment. Either way, I like it.
Okay Chase, a few more of Ao, just for you. I tacked on the famous Filipina, Alma Chua also. I know, I know--wrong thread!!!
Don't worry about where I post any pictures because I won't be posting anymore.
Oh, what a relief! I have been asking for photo's of CR girls in this thread and when finally someone posted photo's, they show Thai girls :( :( :(
Jaimito Cartero
05-01-06, 09:57
Oh, what a relief! I have been asking for photo's of CR girls in this thread and when finally someone posted photo's, they show Thai girls :( :( :(
Trust me, this is nothing new. Sigh.
We regularly get Colombians, Brazilians, Thai's and many more. And it would be one thing if they were in CR and had been sessioned with, but noooooooo.
Member #2041
05-01-06, 19:08
It goes to show that in many ways bargirls (in which I'll lump cashiers or bartenders that work in such places) are the same the world over. How do you know when a bar girl is lying? Answer: When she's moving her mouth.
Not correct - she might be giving a blowjob, or she might be eating. If it's not one of those, then she's lying.
JoeDel ... I like your latest pics ...just beautiful girls and not cumshots or fat bellies (that's a dig at some of the other guys in this forum. :) I'm shattered Mr Chase. Fat bellies indeed! Just for you I've been working out, and it almost looks like a Heineken six-pack now.
For what should be one of the most active photo threads on the forum, instead it's page after page of lengthy rambling flames, usually followed by rambling counter-flames, followed by rambling "Aw shucks, I didn't mean to flame you, let's have a drink one day" posts. (Grrrr - Piper is grumpy about his tummy).
Here's a few fatbelly/cum-shot/non-CR pics. Met this honey in San Jose Gogo Bar in Bkk. ;)
Member #2964
05-20-06, 13:48
Warming up. more to cum.
Member #2964
05-20-06, 13:50
Bigger? What size is the best for you guys and gals?
PS. This is a San Jose kind of woman form nic.
Dariella at Europa 2000 is an uber-waif Nica, 25 y/o, maybe 4' 11", and tops the GFE charts on this trip to SJ. Great attitude, lovely smile, great attitude (did I say she has a great attitude?). Among the rare few snuggle monkies I've encountered during my mongering career. A definite keeper. 10,000 Colones/hour. BTW, it was easy to pick Dariella from the lineup. There appeared to be only one other lady at Europa that came close to meeting my infamously low standards. Dariella must be their top girl, unless the Ticos like 'em with two extra sides of beef attached. Europa ain't the Taj Mahal by a long shot and the front entrance isn't remotely discrete, but Dariella, ah, sweet Darella... :) *sigh*
X and Y at Musas. My recommendation is don't even bother with this place. It's around the corner from Europa, 12-13K/hour, and the looks of the ladies are on par with Europa (with the exception that they didn't have a Dariella). Mooo! Lady Y was my savior from Lady X, and Qod bless her. X needed a shower and to be taught how to use deoderant. She looked good in the lobby, albiet a bit beefier than I like when she stood up, but she had a pretty smile and fair ingles. I basically traded X in for Y. X's smell...I couldn't get past it, and it was so distracting I couldn't keep it up even for myself, just to get it over with. I even tried to turn it around and get into it from a primal/animal place, but stinky is stinky.
Thus far this trip I've also visited Oasis, which is still the price/pulchertude leader at 12K/hour. If only they had real beds instead of those massage tables, and if they were open later, and on Sundays... Still, it's the place where my biggest fantasies have come true, and where I daydream I am when the shit hits the fan.
Eros, across the street from Idem, has one little good looking Tica that I sampled. Her name escapes me, and I'd repeat with her, but the facility, for the price, is a disappointment. If they'd even attempt to make it cooler, or remove the traces of the former business tenant, it would be a step in the right direction.
Lastly, I twice tried to get busy at Bar Camelot, a Tico joint about two blocks from the Presidente. Couldn't get the vibe or figure out the protocol. The hotties I wanted to pork were drinking with Ticos. Not wanting to attempt to pry one away from her potential suitor and get stuck between the ribs for my troubles, I took my trade elsewhere. The armed guard at the door told me rooms are 2K, plus 4K to the girl. He's got a pistol stuck down the front of his pants, and it looked like a small calibre revolver. If he had to pull it fast he'd probably shoot his balls off. Needless to say, be on your best behavior there and mindfull of the downside of misbehavior, as beer and booze are $450-550 Colones.
Keep on mongerin' in the free world,
Robux, You definitely hit a wide variety of places. Camelot gets real busy Friday and Saurday night but easy to approach a girl who isn't occupied. Drinks for girls there are same price as yours so really cheap place to buy a chica a drink. It can be a really good place and less busy 4 to 6 PM and earlier in week. I have seen some really nice looking girls at Europa 2000 but offen fatties there but they need lovin to so occasionally go with a bigger girl and usually get great service.
In same niegborhood the Dungeon may be the best local MP at 5000col per half hour. Oasis is definitley a cut above and best value option in town and you get more used to tables with practice. Letica there very highly recommended. By the way nice report. Glad to hear reporting on lcoal scene here.rbc100
Member #2666
05-21-06, 16:08
member 2964,
the picture posted here is agood size
Hey, I'm no longer a chisled Adonis and there are simple laws of physics that prevent me from achieving certain positions with ladies that have physiques similar to my own. And yes, large girls need lovin', too, but we need to be able to consumate those acts of love. For example, my belly and her fat ass means no doggie. :( Spinners rule!
This afternoon I'll check out some of the places open on Sunday and report back later, with pics of their entrances for your viewing pleasure.
I didn't get the pics I promised. Didn't want to get my fancy-pants digi-snapper damp in the rain. Sorry lads.
Anyway, now that I've lost any pretense of posting here in the photo section, I'll continue now, unabashed and unashamed.
Sunday's alright for mongering in SJO.
Started out at ZB, and hung there for a while. ZB has a vibe that doesn't get me hot and horny, unless the girls are smooching or dancing -- but sometimes not even then. Rachael was my favorite of the bunch, and she's looking good, but I didn't feel stoked enough, even after she'd been modeling what she'd do with her tongue piercing. Is Paola gone? I missed her.
Walked to New Fantasy with Suzie (Q). 25, long, lean and HOT, from Guanacaste. She did everything but rock my world because her massage was so damn good I had her do that for the hour. Would I repeat? Definitely. Nice young lady.
After that warmup, I was ready to bust a nut, so I went back down the hill to the ZB and wasted little time before choosing Rachael. She's a sweet and very accomodating lady. I'd never enjoyed her company before but will again.
Why don't you go crawl back under your rock? You have made 17 posts on this forum and 10 of these posts you are bitching about no photos in the photo section. But not one photo from you. Not one!!!
One on the France thead
One on the Hungary thread
One on the Moldova thead
Two on the Brazil thead
Two on the Costa Rica thread
Three on the Vietnam thread
When you have posted something worth while and made solid contributions then you can *****.
Get a life :(
06-03-06, 22:04
In Jaco Beach a the Beatle Bar. Most of the prime females start arriving around 8:00pm and are there until 2 to 3 am. Great steak place across the street and down a block.
You can get a fine hotel room for fun just outside of town. It is $25 US for the night with a bed, clean sheets, hot water, A/C and a TV. Cab fare to and from there to the Beatle Bar is about $2.50 US.
The ladies in the Beatle bar out number the men 100 to 15, and of the 100, 97 of them are fine. The other 3 hit on me all night.
Good luck and happy hunting.
This was a sweet one from Punta Arenas. She was working in San Jose and it wasn't the Blue Marlin I don't remember the place but you can walk to it from the BM. What a sweet time; true GFE. Sorry, she didn't allow skin pics. Something is better than nothing.
It doesn't look like you post any picture you have actually taken yourself so where do you get off pointing a finger at me?
It doesn't look like you post any picture you have actually taken yourself so where do you get off pointing a finger at me?
Sorry, S9, I'm gonna have ta go with Eagle on this. You're clearly a complete asshole and now its also apparent that you're also a complete illogical idiot.
First of all, while I haven't made a complete review of all his posts, an easily done quick review revealed to me that he posted several photos as recently as 6/7/06. That makes me wonder if you even bothered to spend a minute of your time checking your facts before you went off and made some totally baseless and libelous charges.
Secondly, even if your accusations were true that he doesn't post photos, UNLIKE you he DOES post far more useful and positive non-photo content around here than you. Your only DUBIOUS contribution around here is as the self-appointed photo police. And you post absolutely NOTHING else.
Forget about photos for the moment, when you start posting ANYTHING positive to the board you'll be on a much sounder footing for making the occasional complaint. As it is you come off as just some whiney USER who expects everything to be handed to him just the way he likes it, throws a tantrum when he doesn't get his way, and does nothing of his own to even deserve that. Eagle is right you've done nothing to deserve the right to complain. You're getting everything around here for free. Just be glad for that.
Third, again even if your accusations were true. SO WHAT! Your analogy is completely off base. You post nothing but complaints about others not posting photos while posting nothing of your own. Plain and pure hypocrisy. He does more than just complain about others and in fact wouldn't have finally complained about you that 1 time if you hadn't been so hyprocritical to begin with. You densely and completely missed the point of his post. He never said you HAD to post photos or that you COULDN'T complain just that you shouldn't do both - complain about others not posting while at the same time contributing nothing of your own. Its plain to me and any logical person that you're two cases are clearly not analogous.
Member #2666
06-24-06, 16:31
Having trouble resizing photos from disc any suggestions?
Having trouble resizing photos from disc any suggestions?
Any photo editing software,,,,cut the image out and paste it on the clip board.
Select new image , maybe 200x320 and paste it in and save.
adjust the size ,,,,,repeat this until you get an image 200-250 KBs,,,and the image fills the new frame nearly fully,, allowing a small space to click on the background to paste the image in place,,,,then save as a J-PEG,,,this is the most efficient format.
Final image should be just under 250 KBs to post here....Also you can avoid all this by choosing the lowest quality image on you quality settings on your digital camera...the smallest J-PEG image is usually 115-150 KBs on a digital camera's settings.
Jaimito Cartero
06-24-06, 16:58
Final image should be just under 250 KBs to post here....Also you can avoid all this by choosing the lowest quality image on you quality settings on your digital camera...the smallest J-PEG image is usually 115-150 KBs on a digital camera's settings.
The KB size doesn't have much to do with it. I think the requirements are 640 x 480 in size or smaller. You can save in the highest quality, but it must be physically 640x480 or less.
The KB size doesn't have much to do with it. I think the requirements are 640 x 480 in size or smaller. You can save in the highest quality, but it must be physically 640x480 or less.
Correct,,,for this forum you can just click image resize and reduce it,,,,other forums require a limit on actual pixels.....that's what I'm use to also.......
Jaimito Cartero
06-24-06, 17:52
Correct,,,for this forum you can just click image resize and reduce it,,,,other forums require a limit on actual pixels.....that's what I'm use to also.......
Pixel size is what I'm talking about, 640 x 480. I have no idea what you're talking about. We're talking about the ISG, not some other forums.
Pixel size is what I'm talking about, 640 x 480. I have no idea what you're talking about. We're talking about the ISG, not some other forums.
Right,,,,this forum limits pics to like 640 x 640 some other forums have limits on pixels,,,100 KBs or 250 KBs...etc.
A simple re size will do here bit elsewhere on the web the pic needs to be reduced in size of data............. my mix up.
Member #2666
06-24-06, 18:19
All ladies are from the "other side of the tracks"
No Del Rey, (well maybe one, but for outcall of 20,000 col) ZB, Sportsman Kamur ladies here!
Hey 2066. Trimmed is better than no hair at all like most in CR. Looking forward to Peru and Phillipines in the fall where the muff still lives.rbc100
Member #2666
06-25-06, 18:24
Agian, no white bread girls here...all real players who enjoy sessioning and not for a lot of money and no hurry
More photos ....More us poor souls here !!!!! i still have 54 days and counting.....please go to the "trip reports" and tell us of the action you had on 6th street.....also looks like you might have spent 12.00us on some 2 for 1 action
It doesn't look like you post any picture you have actually taken yourself so where do you get off pointing a finger at me?
Go to the China thead Junior. I challenge you to point out any pic that I posted (187 posts to date) which I did not take. The gauntlet is down big mouth.
You have contributed nothing but a waste of bandwidth.
Member #2666
06-27-06, 23:10
Can't say enough about how great the girls are.San Jose and the surrounding areas..even if you have to be a little careful out there, but for that matter, how about DC, San Diego, Tucson, Richmond, Philly and on and on and on.
Sorry about the poor quality, sometimes I'm in such a rush....
Member #2666
06-27-06, 23:12
What's not to like about red lipstick?
Member #2666
06-27-06, 23:18
Eats Boots and Shoes
Member #2666
06-27-06, 23:25
Again, on my last trip I visited some of the more out of the way places... most of you probably don't like, but there are true winners there and it's a lot more interesting to me.
Here are some photos of the places and finding them can be half the lease for me and some of the other guys I travel with.
Some of the spots are near club monaco around the Best Western and others are near Ros Gris
Member #2666
06-27-06, 23:27
What's to fear, there's a cop right next to the door!?
Just follow the ISG recommendations in
I prefere the Mihov program.
A few chicas I found at Blue Marlin, I know over priced blah, blah.
After a little semi wrestling match.
What hotel were you in?
That looks like the Muse de Ninos, so from that angle my guess would be the Best Western - Downtown. Do I know my San Jose, Maximus? :)
Member #2964
06-30-06, 13:00
"More photos ....More us poor souls here !!!!! i still have 54 days and counting.....please go to the "trip reports" and tell us of the action you had on 6th street"
Chilie, you cry out for more photos and 2666 shares his load with you and now.... Whats wrong too busy wanking your worm to type a responce? Or has your typing hand developed arthritis from all that wanking your worm?
Pura Vida Buddy
Member #2964
06-30-06, 13:01
Max. Any tica charge at the BW?
Member #2964
06-30-06, 13:05
2666. Tell me are you a womans shoe salesman back in the States?
Focus was so good on the shoes and feet I almost didn't see the Mother Hole in the shadows.
Thanks for the pics.........
Wow, you guys sure know your landscapes...! Yes that is the Best Western -
Well, they were suppose to charge us a Tica fee but when we checked out there was a new guy at the front desk and he didn't add the tica's to the room charge!
Does anyone know if they stopped charging chica fees or was that a lucky break? That area is not safe to wander around at night but I always thought it be nice to have a pool to relax a bit.
I hope you ventured out of the hotel and those weren't the best views of SJ that you had ... because they really sucked! The only halfway interesting view was the Children's Museum, which Maximus had already posted. Incidentally that building used to be a prison, but as far as being a tourist attraction I think even that would be way way down low on the lists of most mongers. The satelite view of the museum was also interesting but again I've seen it before.
The only one really decent shot in all those ones you just posted however was your all-nighter. Now that's the type of shot we come here to see (not pictures of a bunch of ugly rooftops) and that girl looked pretty good. How about posting 20 shots of her?
Member #2041
07-03-06, 00:00
NastyBoy, is there any reason that you wasted all that bandwidth on photos of nondescript buildings that have nothing to do with mongering? Really, one cute chica photo, and we certainly could have skipped all the rest.
I hope you ventured out of the hotel and those weren't the best views of SJ that you had ... because they really sucked! The only halfway interesting view was the Children's Museum, which Maximus had already posted. Incidentally that building used to be a prison, but as far as being a tourist attraction I think even that would be way way down low on the lists of most mongers. The satelite view of the museum was also interesting but again I've seen it before.
The only one really decent shot in all those ones you just posted however was your all-nighter. Now that's the type of shot we come here to see (not pictures of a bunch of ugly rooftops) and that girl looked pretty good. How about posting 20 shots of her?
Why don't you post 20 of your own? Why don't you even post one? Oh that's're much to intellectually superior to post pictures. All you like to do is blah blah blah.
NastyBoy, is there any reason that you wasted all that bandwidth on photos of nondescript buildings that have nothing to do with mongering? Really, one cute chica photo, and we certainly could have skipped all the rest.
I'd say the something to you about posting pics....instead I'll simply say it ain't your bandwidth so don't worry about it. Who are you? The bandwidth police?
I don't explain myself to anybody.
Don't drink. Chasing pussy is my only vice. :D
A bit touchy aren't we? I also said I liked your chica. Or didn't you notice? What's the matter? Can't take a little bad with the good? Can't take some polite criticism? If you post a pic publicly, you open it up for comment. I'm sorry if that bothers you but I ain't sorry about what I post (or don't post). I feel I contribute around here in plenty of other ways besides posting pics and so have nothing to really apologize about that.
It ain't about being intellectually superior (which is your take, not mine). At least 2 other people followed me with basically the same post and I'm sure many others were just silently thinking "WTF?" so it seems to be the consensus. The problem is those balcony shots were fairly worthless or, if you'd prefer, "intellectually inferior". OTOH, I kept opening them up thinking "maybe this one will actually have a chica in it" so maybe I'm also intellectually inferior for foolishly thinking deceiving myself that might be the case. Definitely wasted bandwidth.
BTW, if anyone else out there is into taking pictures of buildings, I'm looking for a few shots to complete my map. I've actually already posted over 100 pictures of SJ buildings on the web but they're all of MP's, bars, strip clubs, hotels, restaurants and other points of potential interest to other mongers and they're only in a place where those interested in seeing what the buldings look like can view them not in a gallery really more intended for chica photos.
I have yet to post a for me to ***** about someone"s photo, isnt right !! However i to so plagree with your photos could of been of things we all would love to see....If i had never been to san jose the photos that "member 2666 took last week would of been what i would of been looking for...Places i know that i would be looking for once i rolled into town and they gave me the feel of the city and a little of what to expect...Hey nasty boy you are half way home know how to make your photos show up on our site....and now you know what everyone wants....ticas, ricas, and landmarks( ones that have pussy in them) so please dont stop ..just get better , chase star is a good guy ...i met him and he means good and wants to share what he knows about san jose....
seen these?
... because they really sucked!
I don't really consider that polite criticism...maybe sucking my dick while simultaneously saying, "Excuse me kind sir, but I don't really like your photos because...." maybe I might consider that polite criticism.
The rest of your response is just more blah blah blah. And find your post giving your rationale for not posting pics and you will clearly see your implication of superiority over those that do post pics of chicks.
As far as your comment that at least two others agreed with you, I would just flip it and say no more than two. Same as the bs that others didn't respond, but thought WTF? So now you're Karnak too? I'd reply that just as many saw the pics that didn't post that said...hmmm mighty interesting, so that's the zona roja. Point is not everybody posts for your pleasure. At least I posted pics in the pic section, and maybe if I feel like it I will repost them again and risk being arrested by the bandwidth police. ROTFLMFAO
Member #2666
07-03-06, 23:38
In Keeping with the interesting spots around San Jose. Here is a little local color for the tourist types
Member #2666
07-03-06, 23:42
Some people and places of interest
Three seperate posts (1 right after the other) of blah blah blah. For some bizarre reason, you're extremely touchy about a little criticism of your 20 pics of rooftops. It seems like you have some self-esteem issues. I said I thought the PHOTOS sucked (actually I said I thought the balcony shots sucked but I liked your chica pic), I never said I thought YOU sucked. And yet, for some weird reason that I can't fathom, you've reacted like it was SOMEHOW a DEEPLY personal attack. If anything, calling me an intellectual snob WAS the only real personal (and baseless) attack or flame here.
This is the way I write. I'm sorry if that makes YOU feel inferior but it is NO reflection on how I feel towards my fellow mongers or towards you. We're all guys who share a common interest, which is why we're here. As human beings, we ALL also have our individual strengths and weaknesses, which have NOTHING to do with why we're here. All I've got left to say to you is "Whatever!" If you want to get into some sort of pissing match, from here on you'll pissing with yourself.
BTW, I think you misunderstood Chilimike's post. He said "I have yet to post a photo". No one here said you'd never posted worthwhile photos, so I'm not sure why you felt the need to dig up those pics you posted last year. However, if I'm allowed to say it, they were good shots. And 2666, thanks for trying to get this thread back on track. Your chica pics are more like what we all like to see. I'm guessing the "blowing bubbles" one was not my thing but it was clearly labeled so I skipped it. The rest of them though were all top-notch. I realize you put a few street shots in there too but at least they were interesting ones.
We must have been in CR at the same time. I saw the fuego myself. Happened sometime between June 8 and 12.
It seems like you have some self-esteem issues.
So now you're a psychologist too....
Who died and made you king of the board?
If that is your interpretation of politeness then let me politely retort, "Suck this."
Nice pics triple 6, especially like that fire.
Member #2666
07-04-06, 21:26
Final few from the last trip
Hooked in STL
07-05-06, 02:40
I thought we were here to collaborate and not argue for the fuck's sake of it. Both of you have some points and perhaps it can be left at that. The personal attacks are unnecessary. NastyBoy, maybe a Tica grudge-fuck to destress is in order? Just teasin, dude! ;)
So that's where Imperial gets its distinctive flavor...something smells fishy here.
07-05-06, 04:05
Final few from the last tripNice load and nice titties.
Member #2666
07-05-06, 13:34
So that's where Imperial gets its distinctive flavor...something smells fishy here.
believe me, there was nothing fishy there. she was all girl and a total ten in every way
pura vida
We must have been in CR at the same time. I saw the fuego myself. Happened sometime between June 8 and 12.
I actually cannot believe that san jose has a fire truck, that actually got to the fire on avenida central, let alone had water to put the fire out.
There was another fire I think last year, at Mariscal, the chicken place right down from the Presidente, I think with that one, they just let it burn. Maybe the Volunteer Gringo Hotel Del rey Fire Burgade was occupied... I had a monger friend of mine go into mourning when mariscal burned. The fat Fuck can eat two whole chickens at a sitting.
Warning: If burnt out buildings don't interest you, just skip this post. The good news is that Mariscar is back up and running, but I was in mourning there for a while.
I knew it was back up and running. I must admit the chicken is good, not not as good as requismo in Cartagena..
They had to get up and running again. Too much demand to fill, from fat hungry
gringos... yes, I even wolfed a whole chicken there last visit.......
Member #2666
07-10-06, 01:17
In this case a pearl necklace
Johnny Sax
07-22-06, 01:07
Very sweet, nice girl and not bad in bed. I'll give her 4 of 5 stars.
Johnny Sax
07-22-06, 01:09
Very nice girl, enthusiastic, sensual, fun; uses condom only. Great soft skin, hot pussy, sexy, affectionate.
Johnny Sax
07-22-06, 01:11
What can I say? 2 hot sexy fun bisexual girls!
Johnny Sax
07-22-06, 01:12
This girl is a real honey! If you want a great massage from a really sweet and sexy girl, try Michel at ZB!
Johnny Sax
07-22-06, 01:14
Very nice little spinner, good attitude, cute little body and face.
Sorry it's out of focus but you get the idea.
Johnny Sax
07-22-06, 01:15
I did not go with her but got this photo.
Is she any good? Please give me your opinion, report on her if you know her...
Very sweet, nice girl and not bad in bed. I'll give her 4 of 5 stars.
I remember the first, (and only), time I tried this chick. I turned her over for a little doggie and man! the odor emanating from below! I almost lost consciousness :D
Good to see she showers now.
Member #2666
07-22-06, 15:26
as usual, a few memories from the hotel.
These ladies came from the MP's on RCB's list and the MP pictured,
Member #2964
07-22-06, 19:09
Well it is ball season 2666.
I think even the Red Sox outfield could catch her ball.
The MP pictured to the best of my knowledge was Normas or something like that: it faces the train tracks.
What a hoot getting a masaji and some head with the train rumbling by out side the upstairs window.
Unfortunatly Norma was giving up her business at that address in March.
I can't say for sure if another Mommie kept it open. Very Clean and airy place.
I paid cein for the entire night for servicios completos, and that’s what I got a complete night of sexo. Your reviews
Member #2041
07-24-06, 17:34
Cocker, those are obviously two completely different chicas. Now if you got the lady in the top photo for all night of sex for cien, that is some serious work.
Cocker, those are obviously two completely different chicas. Now if you got the lady in the top photo for all night of sex for cien, that is some serious work.As you know chicas change hair color, the pic's of the same chica, of course, I have seen this chica several times, same price, same action at hotel Del Ray.
Cocker, those are obviously two completely different chicas. Now if you got the lady in the top photo for all night of sex for cien, that is some serious work.All I can tell you it is the same chica, Viviana, of course the pic’s were taken on two different visits, as you would know chicas change their hair color. She’s worked the BM for 4 years can’t image others members do not know her. Looking for their reviews, as a blonde, brunette.
Cocker, those are obviously two completely different chicas. Now if you got the lady in the top photo for all night of sex for cien, that is some serious work.All I can tell you it is the same chica, Viviana, of course the pic’s were taken on two different visits, as you would know chicas change their hair color. She’s worked the BM for 4 years can’t image others members do not know her. Looking for their reviews, as a blonde, brunette.
Johnny Sax
07-25-06, 03:34
I remember the first, (and only), time I tried this chick. I turned her over for a little doggie and man! the odor emanating from below! I almost lost consciousness :D
Good to see she showers now.
I wanted a sauna and massage, so I suggested we go back to the sauna; it was super hot so we got sweaty and then showered before the massage and sex. So all I can say is that I noticed no odors that night. Maybe you caught her on a bad day, she seemed like a nice girl who would shower regularly. But YMMV as the saying goes.
Johnny Sax
07-25-06, 03:38
I paid cein for the entire night for servicios completos, and that’s what I got a complete night of sexo. Your reviews
It does look these are 2 different chicas! But if you say they're not, I believe you. She looks a lot better - to me - with her hair down, in the top photo.
Those are fake tits, right?
Never saw her at the Del Rey or Key Largo and I've been several times in the past 2 years.
.... Your reviews
A little older than I like them, but, she's got a nice looking pussy. I like a pussy that's just a crack. Not too lippy if you know what I mean.
It does look these are 2 different chicas! But if you say they're not, I believe you. She looks a lot better - to me - with her hair down, in the top photo.
Those are fake tits, right?
Never saw her at the Del Rey or Key Largo and I've been several times in the past 2 years.I though all Colombians had Silicone, I guess she was servicing other gringos when you were there.
Johnny Sax
07-27-06, 19:31
I though all Colombians had Silicone,
As to my not seeing her at the DR or KL that certainly is not surprising. Man, there are SO many girls there!
I think that is another reason men go to CR to get p*ssy. IT's not JUST the price, because by the time you factor in the airfare and hotels, etc., maybe it isn't all THAT much different than getting some call girls where you live - or maybe street walkers. But what does it for me is the sheer VOLUME, the quantity I can choose from; plus the fun of being in a sea of p*ssy, hungry p*ssy, at that! And just being in that atmosphere. It's way different than going to a massage parlor here in the states where maybe you have a few Asians to choose from or maybe you don't even get your choice. Or calling a girl from an ad, where maybe she looks like the photo and maybe she doesn't.
07-30-06, 01:03
Thanks for the photos guys. I have not been to CR in almost a year, but made six trips in 2004-2005... The photos have made me long for another run. Sounds like there are several places that I have never heard of.
Keep the pics comming.
08-01-06, 11:42
A few more pics
awesome view, whch hotel is this?
Has anyone truly had success with getting 2 girls at once and have them live up to what is advertised.
My experiences with this has left me to believe that one on one is the way to go.
The Straw that broke the camels back:
Two girls in the Del Rey approached me with:
1. CIM
2. I could take pics of them doing each other.
3. One would eat out the other while I photographed.
4. One would allow me to do her anal.
5. I could take a pic hitting one from behind while she is eating her friend.
6. Promised up to atleast 2 hours if I needed
Sounds too good to be true? There's more.
7. , A no expense guarantee if not satisfied (wink) 8. The asking was 60 each but. Not really feeling in the mood and they were not the stunners that you really make this trip for. So I declined. After they would not go away. I figured it was early and that maybe this would be something different just to get the pistol warmed up for the evening. I felt that maybe I could get some value out of this.
I negotiated down to 100US total for the both of them 2 and the confirmation that I could unload twice. Sounded reasonable to me 50 each 1 load apiece
As luck would have it. IT WAS A DEAL!
Well, it was a deal up until show time.
Being tired and not really on my game because of the long flight. I fell for the payment first trick. In which I have never had a problem with in the past the few times that I have agreed to it. I found that it takes the tension out of it for most woman, because some guys can be j-asses. But of course the risk is that you have given away leverage for a bad performance.
Well, everything started off well enough with both hitting the shower. And then the typical BJ from one while the other one throws boobs in your face.
Then fvcking began. I mean me getting screwed.
To make a dissappointing story short.
There was:
No Anal
No Girl Show to speak of.
After I unloaded on one. They both began to head to the showers.
Well I was tired, and I was willing to take less. But not that much less.
I asked about what happened to the 2nd unload and they said well I only gave them $50 apiece. Oh yeah that reminds me. They tried to snooker me on the price because I gave them 20K in colones and 10 in american. And they wanted 5 more each saying that it didn't equate to 50 american when I know damn well it was over 50. They tried to convince me that 10k colones was 18 american. I should have stopped the proceeding there.
Anyway, when they tried to shower up without me atleast getting a second unload. I objected to the point where I started walking to the phone to call the front desk (Morazon). Not sure exactly what I was going to say or what they could do. But I had to show some kind of action.
With this one of the girls returned and attempted to wake up Mr Willy with a BJ, but buy this time, I was so tired and annoyed. I just wanted them out. But just out of principle. I had her sit there for the struggle because I knew I wasnt getting back up because my spirit for the whole event was broken.
So after an unsuccessful attempt at a BJ and an even worse attempt at a HJ. I dismissed them without a word except please leave.
I do have pics of the 2 that I would like to post, but the file is too large. If anyone can give me a tip to make it smaller. I will post it for the team under the title. BEWARE. BAD Business.
EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here ( for directions for posting a link to a specific report.
Try Dianna and Evelyn at the Sportsmens. They are great together. I had them both back in June. They are lovers in real life. Really, no be. S. They will do each other. Evelyn is insanely jealous of other women around Dianna. Repeat, I said jealous of other WOMEN. They will allow DATY, BBBJ, pics. In general they are alot of fun. I had both of them for about an hour and 45 minutes for $70 each. I'm sure they would allow for multiples if you finish early.
I brought some cheap lip gloss and gave them each one of them. I practically had to throw them out of the room. Evelyn has a totally hot body. Bolt ons but, really hot. Dianna is a little on the chunky side. Not too bad though. Great smile and personality. There are pics of the 2 of them together on the website dedicated to Costa Rica.
Member #2666
08-05-06, 17:45
Dark Rum,
Not to bust your stones too badly but...........I think you may have brought it on yourself to some degree.
It's one thing to do your himework but quite another to turn it in and get a failing grade
first you were tired and not up to your game from a long trip
second you really didn't like them that much and hoped they would go away
third you beat them down on their price
fourth you paid them up front
......there are probably more "rules to having a great sexual experience" that you could have broken but these are a good start to failure.
Look at it from their perspective...this guy really doesn't care too much for us and where is our incentive to perform for him?
Let's lose this guy as quickly as possible
To answer you initial question:
"Has anyone truly had success with getting 2 girls at once and have them live up to what is advertised."
yea boi ...... all the time...just make sure you do your homework .
start with Dapanz 1 suggestions and take it from there
you also may have better luck in the MP's around San Jose than in the DR KL and etc.
Dark Rum,
Consider yourself lucky they didn't also try to rip you off by stealing something in your room while you weren't looking. It can be dangerous enough taking one stranger back to your room. Taking two compounds the problem because it is easier to be distracted by one while the other surreptitiously rifles through your stuff. To 2666's list I'd add a few more rules that apply specifically to doing doubles (which may or may not apply in your case).
1) NEVER bring more than one chica back to your room unless PERHAPS you've been with at least one of them before and know them to be reliable or are basing your decision on a recommendation by a fellow monger you know and trust who has been with them himself. Even then there is still no guarantee.
2) I suppose the corollary should not have to be stated that doing TLN with a stranger is more dangerous than with a chica you have more basis to trust. Again, a doble TLN is worse yet.
3) The best and safest places to do a double if that's what you want to experience and you don't know the chicas (and perhaps even if you do) is on their ground, e.g. at MP's. If you need to expand your selections beyond those available at the MP's at least follow rules 1 & 2.
4) In my experience, the chicas that will approach you with the idea of a double at the HDR/BM are more often than not exactly the ones to watch out for. They may just be into each other or like the added security for them of having a wingchica with them back at your room, but from what I've seen such aggressive chicas are far more likely to be interested in scamming you and find it easier to do with a partner.
5) If your not seriously interested in at least one of the chicas, her bringing along a friend who is even less attractive is not a sweetening of the pot.
6) It is nearly always far better to approach a chica that you're interested in first, asking her if she's interested in doing a double with another chica and then let her propose who that partner will be. If you find her proposed partner at all acceptable it will be far better than if you picked out another chica of your own just because you find your choice a little more acceptable. The friend that your chica will pick will be one she is compatible with and that will greatly increase the chances that there will be the right chemistry back at the room.
7) This doesn't really apply strictly to doubles but does apply to your case. Forget about all the rules 2666 says you broke. If HDR/BM chicas make an offer that sounds too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true. If they give you a hard sell on what seems to you to be an already good offer and refuse to take no for an answer, its probably because other gringos are rightly suspicious too and are not biting. If they then begin changing the terms from the very beginning by dropping the pay first trick back at the room and don't readily back down, its probably just the start of things they're going to try and renege on whether you pay them upfront or not. True, you'll ultimately have more leverage with them if you withhold payment, but do you really want to have to threaten and cajole the chica to do what she agreed she was going to do back at the bar? And what if she flatly refuses to do something part way through your date, how are you going to determine what a fair partial payment would be for what she did live up to and do you want to go through the stress of getting her to accept that partial payment and leave? I say if you see any warning signs, bale early before it even becomes an issue. There are plenty of decent chicas to choose from in CR without putting up with such BS.
Thanks for your response CHASE STAR.
You made valuable points.
I’m far from a rookie at this, but every once in a while when you have idle time and you’re your chica budget is still intact. And its early evening. And your intensity isn’t high. Sometimes you take that chance at catching lightening in a bottle.
Some of my best episodes have been from taking a CALCULATED risk. Or going slightly outside my normal profiled chica.
It’s not that serious. You win most, and lose a few. That’s the cost of doing business and all part of the hunt. Just try not to lose 2 in a row. That’s when the pressure builds. LOL
One of the most important things, As you so eloquently eluded to is, you always have to have enough wits about you to secure your valuables when bringing 1 or more back to the home base. In my case, I don’t bring anyone home unless I know everything is already locked down and my exposure is limited to what I can afford to lose given the worst. (not that I look to lose anything)
The fact that it did really seem too good to be true crossed my mind. Thus is why I limited my exposure and told them that I tip for good services rendered, but 50 was the take it or leave it tag. That is why I also kept adding to there list of "To Do’s" like a 2nd unload. I figured, hell they couldn’t renege on everything. LOL Hell, they were trying to prove me wrong. I’m of a cynical sorts and I too questioned how this all would play out, but half the fun is finding out if it is LIVE or Memorex.
I figured the worst that could happen was I would get one decent shot and some personal attention from 2 females for 100. And 1 hour.
I was willing to take the hit with a hand of 12 (Black Jack terminology).
As I said above sometimes you take the risk, but never at the expense of your own safety and that of your belongings
As far as 2666 and his rules. Rules? What Rules? There are no rules. There are definitely some commonalities that exist in achieving a good or even great sexual experience, but even they differ as every girl and the dynamics of every meeting is different. If anyone believes this mongering stuff is an absolute science. There either lying to themselves. Not expanding there boundaries or just aren’t having any fun.
And that is not directed to you CHASE, because input like what you gave will always be of value whether it is applied or not. Just the simple knowledge of it makes all of us better equipped.
Hooked in STL
08-06-06, 22:50
Not to be a buzzkill, but this is the photo section.
Member #2666
08-07-06, 02:13
As far as 2666 and his rules. Rules? What Rules? There are no rules. There are definitely some commonalities that exist in achieving a good or even great sexual experience, but even they differ as every girl and the dynamics of every meeting is different. If anyone believes this mongering stuff is an absolute science. There either lying to themselves. Not expanding there boundaries or just aren’t having any fun.
Rules --- Commonalities....whatever
Member #2964
08-13-06, 01:31
Yeah guys. The word is VAMOS. Or in Plane English; get the fuck out of here.
I'v had plenty of doubles & triples over the years and I have learned that when it turns out not to be what has been pre-sold. I say VAMOS. I pick one of the girls or two: whom has proven herself / themselfs to be into provideing a gratifing sexual experiance for me. And then I tell her / their dead beat friend / companion to; VAMOS.
I have even gone so far as taking the dead beats cloths and throwing them into the hallway. Yes then she gets a push too. Clothed or un-clothed.
If she resists I just pick up the phone and say the majic word: SECURITY.
Believe me after that: the rest of the evening goes real well.
2666 offers sound advice. DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Ask the questions up front.
Then treat her as you want to be treated.
Pura Vida mongers. Have fun.
Where are the photos?
Don't bore me with chatter that belongs in the other sections.
Ya'll have really managed to screw up this forum. Altho I operate on the ES one, I used to check the talent here just to judge our guanaca standards, but now all I hear are a bunch of hardleg bitchers and moaner in what used to be a pretty decent photo site. Typical of too much time in ticolandia.
P.S. No, you won't find any photos of camera, but neither will you find me posting BS in the photo section
08-16-06, 19:09
This section is suppose to be for pictures!
Johnny Sax
08-17-06, 20:36
I have been sucked in to posting non-photo comments here, too, in the past; but I agree - and I think the owner of this site also agrees - this forum is for photos and comments about photos, only, not for general discussion.
If a comment turns into a general discussion, it should be moved to the General Info or 2006 Reports section - anywhere but here.
How about it, guys? That way one does not have to wade through tons of posts looking for the photos.
Actually, there should be a general DISCUSSION forum, too.
By the way, I plan to post some photos again, today or tomorrow, or at least by the weekend.
I'd like to add a comment as one of the frequent offenders. I COMPLETELY agree that this section should keep its focus on posting photos or at worst that and comments about those photos and that other type comments should go in one of the many other more appropriate sections.
The problem is, as Johnny alluded to, that it is too easy to get sidetracked. Even if some guys take it upon themselves to admonish others there will always be some guy who forgets or newbie who doesn't know any better. And, while moving those side discussions to other sections is a not a bad idea, who is going to do it? I'm sure the admin has a lot on his plate already. A good case in point is the very post that started this latest string of commentary. It started with a post on 2-fers by a new member Dark Rum who even though it was an excellent post happened to put it in the wrong forum. Rather than police it or move it, the admin recommended it for "Reports of Distinction" (which I agree it deserves). How do you cut a piece out of a thread and move it elsewhere without also moving the commentary it spawned? I don't see any easy answers here.
Johnny Sax
08-20-06, 03:15
I'd like to add a comment as one of the frequent offenders. I COMPLETELY agree that this section should keep its focus on posting photos or at worst that and comments about those photos and that other type comments should go in one of the many other more appropriate sections.
The problem is, as Johnny alluded to, that it is too easy to get sidetracked. Even if some guys take it upon themselves to admonish others there will always be some guy who forgets or newbie who doesn't know any better. And, while moving those side discussions to other sections is a not a bad idea, who is going to do it? I'm sure the admin has a lot on his plate already. A good case in point is the very post that started this latest string of commentary. It started with a post on 2-fers by a new member Dark Rum who even though it was an excellent post happened to put it in the wrong forum. Rather than police it or move it, the admin recommended it for "Reports of Distinction" (which I agree it deserves). How do you cut a piece out of a thread and move it elsewhere without also moving the commentary it spawned? I don't see any easy answers here.
Johnny Sax
08-21-06, 02:10
This was their first time together. They enjoyed it, and so did I!
Johnny Sax
08-21-06, 02:14
The darker one, Maria, is from Limon, the lighter one, Ali', is Dominicana. Both were very good in bed, and showed me a good time. It was a slow night and they offered me a deal for $120 for the 2, so I took it. They were very cool, no hurry, and lots of fun. No lesbo action but they both took good care of ME.
Johnny Sax
08-21-06, 02:23
Rosa is a Dominicana I have hung out with a number of times. She's very very cool, very easy going, loves to dance, and puts out the extra effort in bed. She's very warm, very sweet, and very sexy and passionate too. I highly recommend her, she is usually at the bar at the Blue Marlin.
Johnny Sax
08-21-06, 02:27
She was all seductive and interested at the bar, but as soon as she got back to my room she was all "wham bam, thank you, man!" Just wanted to get done and get some other sucker's money. I'm usually pretty good at weeding this kind of b*tch out, but this time my radar didn't work. Maybe it was those luscious tits that hypnotized me and led me astray. But nice tits or not, avoid her if you want a GOOD time!
Gentlemen, didn't mean to cause a stir.
My first report was meant as more a less a heads up. Similiar to what Jonny Sax just gave us on his "Hurry up and Cum & So I can Go" experience. Again as we all know. This isn't a exact science. And even the ALL WORLD quarterbacks throw and interception now and again. And best don't go undefeated.
My intent was to inform and warn and at the bottom of that post. I believe I did say that I tried to post pics but the files were too large. And there was a cry out for technical assistance which fell on death ears. LOL. Thats how it ended up in the Photo Section. My Error!
But with the hub bub about postings in this thread with NO pics. I am making an effort at redemption and took the time to tinker with Photoshop and produce the one's that were the intention of my original post.
The first pic is of the 2 tica's who sold me the swamp land I was willing to purchase for cheap. LOL
And the next two are of 1 of the them who merely had the twins out for display purposes only. She was annoyed by the touching and I got the hand swipe on several occasions. LOL
Oh well, a bad appetizer never ruined an entire meal. And Costa Rica's a fine buffet table.
I left the country very full and satisfied.
Until we dine again Gentlemen.
well i might of been able to save you from those the one with big tits i call her the hardest working ***** in the bm.....she has had a boob job since she tried to rip me off...about a year ago she had anthor girl trap me as i came out of the bath room and offer the 2 on 1 ...i also took them back to my room at the morazan...and kicked them lesbo show ... not really good looking (she is now more interesting now with the big tits) but what was funny i was reading your post , she came to mind and then i see the photos and bam...its her...i seen her all week.....working hard on every gringo in the bar.....if you want to read my story about her my posts and you will seen a carbon copy of your post...this trip was a great one for ...only one problem....I GOT ROBBED IN JACO...when i get around to it ...i will tell the story...long one....but if i can add one thing....DONT waste your time or money going to sucks.....
08-25-06, 00:36
Thanks for the "heads-up" for the Blonde, but in addition to her nice tits, I think you were also mis-lead by her beautiful face and nice legs. All mongers have made big mistakes in practicing our hobby, and hopefully this is the worst mistake you ever make. Speaking for myself (and I believe other fellow mongers) we have all made much "bigger" mistakes with much less attractive providers. On the "hole" she still looks pretty good to me. Good Luck in the future, and keep your powder dry.
Two girls in the Del Rey approached me with:
1. CIM
2. I could take pics of them doing each other.
3. One would eat out the other while I photographed.
4. One would allow me to do her anal.
5. I could take a pic hitting one from behind while she is eating her friend.
6. Promised up to atleast 2 hours if I needed
Sounds too good to be true? There's more.
7. , A no expense guarantee if not satisfied (wink) 8. The asking was 60 each but. Not really feeling in the mood and they were not the stunners that you really make this trip for. So I declined. After they would not go away. I figured it was early and that maybe this would be something different just to get the pistol warmed up for the evening. I felt that maybe I could get some value out of this.
I negotiated down to 100US total for the both of them 2 and the confirmation that I could unload twice. Sounded reasonable to me 50 each 1 load apiece
As luck would have it. IT WAS A DEAL!
Well, it was a deal up until show time.
$120.00 was a good deal and you most likely screwed yourself when you bargined down.
Pay the girls what they request after the session and you will be fine.
Dont be cheap.
To Rebad and anyone else who wants to discuss that post/topic, it has been moved to the 2006 Reports section where it more appropriately belongs. If you wish to add something of that nature, please post it there.
To the rest of you, sorry for the interruption.
Yes more pics. I want to see more pics.
Current trip continues....
Here is a 19 yr. old Tica (no children) with a gorgeous pair of breasts, the way nature intended these to be. Take these you silicone hooters!
BandyDo you remember this girl's name?
09-21-06, 02:48
I experienced this girl as well. She did her work and then left the room rather quickly. Not a great experience but not a terrible one. She told me she was from Venezuela, too.
I was told by another girl that this blonde is really a Colombiana not a Venezuelan. The same girl told me there are no Venezuelans at Del Rey.
I'm just getting around to posting some photos of my mongering trip to CR last April. This is Carolina, whom I met as she was coming out of the Sportsmen's Lodge. I had two encounters with her; I liked her so much I invited her back the next day. Very sweet girl, true GFE. If you stay at the Sportsmen's you'll probably run into her.
This is Juanita. I picked her up at the Blue Marlin and took her back to my room at the Sportsmen's Lodge. She is Dominican and a seasoned pro. Very good service. Sorry, wouldn't allow nude.
This is Raquel. You'll probably find her hanging around the bar at Sportsmen's. I picked her up there and had an hour session with her. Very good service, very nice person, good conversationalist, very skilled sexually--an enthusiast.
Silent Nited
09-21-06, 19:54
Here are a few pics of my trip to CR earlier this month. She hangs out in Del Rey early afternoons. Catch her early, she cuts out around 4 pm to head home.
Silent Nited
09-21-06, 20:02
Here are a few pics of a tica from Del Rey. She can usually be found there early afternoons. Catch her early, because she heads home around 5 pm.
Zona Blue.
I don't remember her name.
Great pics! What are the prices for girls these days in CR? I see you haven't written your report yet. I bet it's going to be a good one when you do lol
Nice job
Silent Nited
09-22-06, 17:38
Were all your pics taken at Zona Blue? I stopped in for an hour, earlier in the month, but the girls in your pics are much nicer than the ones I saw that day. Did you stay there? I am planning another trip for November and may stay at ZB for a couple of days.
A good time.
10-11-06, 23:22
Awesome pics. Definitely share the report with us.
Member #2666
10-19-06, 20:23
Mike, here are a sampling of my last trip...this should hold you over until you arrive next week
As always, these ladies are from the MP's, bars and streets of San Jose...all back in my hotel...
Never could understand why one would rent a room in ZB, NF or other like places when we're already paying for a Hotel room.
Maybe occasionally to do some mining or to get their cell numbers...oh each their own
Member #2666
10-19-06, 20:29
Same, but different,./
Member #2964
10-19-06, 20:32
2666. Is Mini;Con leache? o sin Leache?
Trick Williams
10-19-06, 21:13
Bomb ass pics Member #2666.
Member #2666
10-20-06, 23:40
cleaning up my files and came across this
it isn't mine but I thought some of you might like it
member 2666.....thanks for putting some life back into this tread.....but were those lip stick shots on that tica from you ??? i dont know how you hunt out those big boobed ticas .....but you always do...looks like you had a great time and since my flight is less than 12 hours away...i guess you could say its game on....since i wont be able to be back until march i really need to make this trip count !!!! it looks like chase star and you will be in town during the same time ...i hope the 2 of you can hook up , i would love to hear some stories about the 2 of you becoming wingmen to each other....the ticas wont stand a we all agree the san jose forum has been slow to nothing (one of the reasons i feel its ok to respond to you in the photo section) but come on members ...we all want to read and see photos about our home away from home !!! i will give a update on whats going on in a few days ...maybe even a photo or 2 ...since i got a new camera ( hope that theif in jaco is enjoying my old one) i am on a mission to find my "soup girl" and i made myself a list of girls to do...something like that EARL guy dose on his tv show.....
Never could understand why one would rent a room in ZB, NF or other like places when we're already paying for a Hotel room.First of all, really nice pics there. Did you mention which particular MP or bar you found this latest crop at?
To answer your question, MPs are good for when you just want to get a quick lay during the day without having to do a bunch of hunting around or negotiating. Not all mongers have well developed contacts and traditional places for picking up independents such as the BM are a lot less sparse during the day or are closed altogether such as the KL. And even if those girls are available through other means, most mongers aren't going to be able to negotiate a much better rate than the MP's or at least the compared to the rates you pay at places like Oasis if not ZB & NF. One can sometimes arrange to meet MP or night club girls back at one's hotel but one usually has to session with them at their place of business first to establish contact and exchange numbers or make a date (as you called it "mining"). And finally, MP's are good places for doing doubles when you don't want to take the security risk of bringing 2 strange chicas back to your room.
I'm not sure when you'll be in town, but I'll be there from 11/17-11/26. Drop me a PM if you want to try and hook up.
Member #2964
10-23-06, 21:31
Hi HO Hi HO. Its off to San Jose I'll go. 16 November I'll be putting my rubbers on and getting back into the mines.......
I disagree with you Chase. I have had plenty of woman from the Kmur at Vienty Mil. I could not tell you what one of there rooms looks like.
A monger does not have to lose his fortune in the mine to come out with a 24 k nugget or two.
ZB, NF, Kmur, 747, CHA CHA CHA'S, Club Monaco, Bar Tanga, Muses, Vip's, Oasis, DR, KL, Bar Idem, Ros Gris, Sobeny, 6th streetand The Sportsmans. Are all mines of distinkion.
I like another member do not want to get in line for sloppy 500ths of the Tica of the month.
And I support free enterprise / choice.
One can sometimes arrange to meet MP or night club girls back at one's hotel but one usually has to session with them at their place of business first to establish contact and exchange numbers or make a date (as you called it "mining").
I disagree with you Chase. I have had plenty of woman from the Kmur at Vienty Mil. I could not tell you what one of there rooms looks like.Where did I ever say that it couldn't be done? I was actually backing 2666 up on the basic concept of mining not discounting it and as for incidental costs I said "usually" not "always". So you didn't session with them at Kamur. Viente Mil is still twice as much as an Oasis session (and 4 times what the Oasis girls earn). And how much did you spend on cover, drinks and lapdances before you arranged your meet? And how much TIME did you invest schmoozing her and warming her up to go for an outside session (time is worth something too). As I also stated, sometimes guys just want something quick, down and dirty. As it happens the owner of Kamur has publicly stated he'd just as soon prefer you session elsewhere since he makes his money on all those other things. OTOH, try that too openly at ZB and you could get the girl fired and an outside meeting nearly always requires at least one prior in-house session.
Maybe I'll see you on the 17th when I arrive and we can continue the debate over a few Imperials (while prospecting the ore, of course). But lets get back to photos in this section. You can post more on this in the general section or PM me if you so desire.
cleaning up my files and came across this
it isn't mine but I thought some of you might like itEvery man's dream like this, hope it is mine.
Johnny Sax
11-01-06, 21:32
Aaah, those lazy crazy sexy days of summer!
Johnny Sax
11-01-06, 21:37
Ecstasy. Heaven. Nirvana. Satori.
Poozie Smoocher
11-03-06, 00:16
Aaah, those lazy crazy sexy days of summer!Yo Johnny! I remember those pics. Hell , I was at ZB when you came in takin' pics and the next day at Del Rey when showed them on your pc at the bar. I will be down Turkey day to visit my painted ladies again! ~ Shawn
Poozie Smoocher
11-03-06, 00:25
Here are a few pics of a tica from Del Rey. She can usually be found there early afternoons. Catch her early, because she heads home around 5 pm.I would recognize that sexy white box of hers anywhere! That's my girl!
$120.00 was a good deal and you most likely screwed yourself when you bargined down.
Pay the girls what they request after the session and you will be fine.
Dont be cheap.It's morons like you that ruin these places. NEVER pay the girls what they quote you in Del Rey, they ALWAYS come down from the quote.
It's morons like you that ruin these places. NEVER pay the girls what they quote you in Del Rey, they ALWAYS come down from the quote.
Welcome to the board.
Why dont you post a picture or report.
You come after a Senior Member on your first post.
I will let it slide this time.
I believe her name is Carolina. This isn 't a very good picture of her. I'm sure some you guys know her.
Here are a couple of Ticas that insisted on a thressome. This is the first time I've done it, even though I have been offered many times before. Price quickly went down to 6,000 colones total. I might have been able to go lower, but I didn't bother. Hmmm...I already forgot their names.
Jaimito Cartero
12-15-06, 04:49
Here are a couple of Ticas that insisted on a thressome. This is the first time I've done it, even though I have been offered many times before. Price quickly went down to 6,000 colones total. I might have been able to go lower, but I didn't bother. Hmmm...I already forgot their names.
I'm pretty sure you mean 60,000 (About $115 total). If you really got them for 6,000 you're a superb bargainer!
I remember her name was Karina. During my trip, I was able to visit Zona Blue and New Fantasy. IMHO, I prefer NF over ZB. When you go in the afternoon (2pm-4pm), you can choose from a line up of over 10 girls in either venue. So you shouldn't have problem finding something to your taste. Unless you're really picky, in which case don't even bother going to MP's. Anyways, the one thing I hated about ZB is all the rooms don't have AC, so the windows are open directly to the street. I don't' know about the rest of you, but a noisy environment can put a detrimental effect on my enjoyment. Enjoy the photos.
I'm pretty sure you mean 60,000 (About $115 total). If you really got them for 6,000 you're a superb bargainer!
Yes sensei, you taught me well, but you're right; it was 60,000, not 6,000.
The Sportsmen's chicas usually start at $100 USD, but they will bargain. Some of the other guys told me that some of the Columbian girls there will not budge from the 100 bucks though.
I'll probably be off to NF tomorrow. I was working on the bartender chica at Sportmens, but she saw me walk off with dos chicas and gave me a dirty look.
I remember her name was Karina. During my trip, I was able to visit Zona Blue and New Fantasy. IMHO, I prefer NF over ZB. When you go in the afternoon (2pm-4pm), you can choose from a line up of over 10 girls in either venue. So you shouldn't have problem finding something to your taste. Unless you're really picky, in which case don't even bother going to MP's. Anyways, the one thing I hated about ZB is all the rooms don't have AC, so the windows are open directly to the street. I don't' know about the rest of you, but a noisy environment can put a detrimental effect on my enjoyment. Enjoy the photos.
I went to NF tonight. I didn't realize who the girl I picked was, until I saw that tatoo on her back. Yes, her name is Karina. I don't know how you got to take pics of her. I asked her, and she said no. Then I waited until she had clothes on and she still said no. I think I will start sneaking the pics in. But, I don't want to [CodeWord140] ( them off.
I went to NF tonight. I didn't realize who the girl I picked was, until I saw that tatoo on her back. Yes, her name is Karina. I don't know how you got to take pics of her. I asked her, and she said no. Then I waited until she had clothes on and she still said no. I think I will start sneaking the pics in. But, I don't want to [CodeWord140] ( them off.I don't think that's a good idea might cause you more trouble than you think offer a propina and see what happens. Never inform a chica that you have seen her pics before if she refuses to take pics.
I don't think that's a good idea might cause you more trouble than you think offer a propina and see what happens. Never inform a chica that you have seen her pics before if she refuses to take pics.
yeah, I made sure I didn't mention that I saw her on the internet, that would probably freak her out, and make her go crazy people that have tok pics of her before.
... I don't know how you got to take pics of her. I asked her, and she said no. Then I waited until she had clothes on and she still said no. I think I will start sneaking the pics in. But, I don't want to [CodeWord140] ( them off.
I don't think that's a good idea might cause you more trouble than you think .... Never inform a chica that you have seen her pics before if she refuses to take pics.
yeah, I made sure I didn't mention that I saw her on the internet...
Gagoo, I think you missed the main point that czar was trying to make. Of course it's also never a good idea to inform a chica that you have seen her pics PARTICULARLY if she just refused to take pics. That could be ratting out some other rat, which is not your place to do. But more significantly if those photos were posted without her consent (something which unfortunately happens a lot) you'd just be further eroding any trust she might have for us as a group. That is just asking for trouble if not for you then possibly for the guy who took the photos you saw, not to mention possibly every guy that wants to take photos of her from there forward. Did it ever occur to you that those older photos were taken by a guy who had assured they wouldn't end up on the internet and she already found out about them and that is why she doesn't allow you or anyone else to take photos of her now? Or maybe the guy didn't mention putting them up on the internet and she naively didn't consider that possibility and was seriously "pissed off" when some other guy before you revealed it to her, again with the same end result.
But getting back to your seedy idea of secretly taking pictures of her, which i think is what Czar was referring to. What result do you think that would have if she discovered what you were up to? Does anyone here really think that these sorts of practices enhance the trust level that these chicas have for us gringos? What sort of effect do you suppose that has on the quality of the sessions we all get?
Do it right guys. Offer a propina if that is what it takes. If you promise not to post then don't. If you don't promise then don't just assume its okay to post either. If you really think she wouldn't mind then there couldn't be any harm in asking her to confirm it is okay. Some chicas don't mind because it might get them extra business. Some aren't crazy about the idea but would go along with for the extra money.But many definitely do mind and their wishes should be respected. Ask yourself if you would want her to post naked pics of you on the internet where someone you know could see it (or even clothed pics of you hanging out at a brothel like the Blue Marlin). They may never find out that you posted without their consent but you'd be surprised on how often this sort of thing gets back to them (often by a scumbag fellow mongerer trying to score points) and then, while the poster may suffer the most, we all end up paying a price.
Point well taken Prolijo. I never mentioned to her that I would post the photos on the web. For some reason I thought it was ok, thinking she would probably get more clients if I do. I will take your advice of making sure it was ok with the girl before I show her photos to the world.
Well put Prolijo, well put.
Point well taken Prolijo. I never mentioned to her that I would post the photos on the web. For some reason I thought it was ok, thinking she would probably get more clients if I do. I will take your advice of making sure it was ok with the girl before I show her photos to the world.I wouldn't sweat it too much. Its just something to think about before you post pics in the future. I just presented her objections as one possibility. Her not wanting her pics by Gagoo may have had nothing to do with your pics. IT could have been that she was in just a less trusting mood. Or maybe she was really just holding out for a larger propina. Did you have to tip her extra for your pics? I noticed your pics didn't reveal her face. Was that at her request or was that something you decided to do on your own. If the latter, at least give yourself some credit for that level of discretion.
This was taken with permission they want more clients.
More pictures with permission. They ask me to take.
Great pics, Usboys! That's the way to do it. I especially loved the plaid pleated schoolgirl mini-skirts. I hope you also got them to spend a little time on YOU as well as each other. How about some names and where they might be found? This won't help increase their client base unless the readers can know where to find them.
Hi Usboys!
thanks for the pics, I am surprised, I never thought there were such nice girls in Costarica.
I had a friend who invited me there, but I always denied cause I though Costarica girls are not the best beauty in Latin America, but I think I should REthink about it...
Happy new year and keep on the very good work!
How about some names and where they might be found?
p.s. right questions and also about the rates. :)
More pictures with permission. They ask me to take.
Nice pair of cuties there.........Del-Rey..?
Massage palor girls. They are not that sweet in the Del Rey.
Excellent pics Usboys! Looks like you enjoyed your visit.
I hope you can share more info. Such as who, where, how much.
Tour Grinder 7
01-01-07, 01:21
Nice pair of cuties there.........Del-Rey..?Zona Blue girls.
Gringo Bill
01-02-07, 03:44
Nice pictures USBOYS, Yes they are ZB girls, I had the blonde two days ago nothing exciting. I will post a trip report shortly.
Zona Blue girls.Zona Blue girls. All gave me a great time. I gave them a $ 10 tip a piece for the pics. For the both I think it was 1.00 US.
My first time to CR. I did not pay more then 100 for two girls including tip and 50 to 100 for girls in the Del Ray. I negoited in the price for girls the cost to take them to my room in Del Ray.
I am Rio de Janerio and Brasil Monger but had fun in CR. In 2 weeks will be in the Dominican to Monger.
Johnny Sax
01-09-07, 03:24
Zona Blue girls. All gave me a great time. I gave them a $ 10 tip a piece for the pics. For the both I think it was 1.00 US.
My first time to CR. I did not pay more then 100 for two girls including tip and 50 to 100 for girls in the Del Ray. I negoited in the price for girls the cost to take them to my room in Del Ray.
I am Rio de Janerio and Brasil Monger but had fun in CR. In 2 weeks will be in the Dominican to Monger.
Usboys, is the blonde Pamela (Palm-may-la)? Doesn't really look like her unless she has done a makeover, but she's the only blonde lezbo I know from ZB...
The other girl looks like a new one, and hot. I dig the schoolgirl outfits. Damn! I wish my wife wasn't going with me on my next trip!
I dont see any picture, Johnny Sax!!
01-10-07, 00:55
More pictures with permission. They ask me to take.Great photos and great action, don't know why we don't have more photos of lesbo action. I was in San Jose a couple of years ago and stayed at a bed and breakfast run by a real monger. Had a nice house in the suburbs, can't remember where, with a couple of extra bedrooms and he used the extra money to bring girls out for LT. We would have breakfast in the am and meet his latest lovely.
He enjoyed taking newbies downtown in the evening to peruse the merchandise. There were a lot of ladies but after being in Thailand I found the prices outrageous. $100 US for an hour!
Did find a 7 who gave a great blowjob for $20. Quicky but who cares afterward.
Back to Thailand in two weeks and plan to revisit an experience on my last trip. Was picked up by the leader of a trio at the Beirgarten. 2500 baht for the three. All in their early twenties with nice bods and ok faces. They took turns eating each other out while the extra one ate me. They had quite a lunch and I had a great 2 or 3 hours. After bbbjcim I only had the energy to poke two of them. I will try to do better this time. ;-)
Here are a couple of Ticas that insisted on a thressome. This is the first time I've done it, even though I have been offered many times before. Price quickly went down to 6,000 colones total. I might have been able to go lower, but I didn't bother. Hmmm...I already forgot their names.Allover is correct, the one on the right is Carolina. The other one I don't recognize. Carolina works most days, but she was in the BM last Tuesday evening on of the few times I've seen her work at night. She was also one of the few Ticas that worked over the Xmas and New Years holidays.
Johnny Sax
01-13-07, 08:54
I dont see any picture, Johnny Sax!!
I am referring to "Usboys" post #925, below. Maybe you can't see the pix because you're not a paying member? Otherwise you should be able to click on and see the photos there, that's what this forum is for!
Discussions should be taken to the General Info or San Jose - 2006 reports forums. Just sayin'....
Johnny Sax
01-13-07, 09:02
Come on, guys? I'm jonesin' for San Jose'! Where are the photos? Someone, step up to the plate!
Tried to attach a couple of photos from last year ,but couldn't get it to work, sorry.... Do a search under my name to see what I was up to last summer, if you want...
Usboys, is the blonde Pamela (Palm-may-la)? Doesn't really look like her unless she has done a makeover, but she's the only blonde lezbo I know from ZB...
The other girl looks like a new one, and hot. I dig the schoolgirl outfits. Damn! I wish my wife wasn't going with me on my next trip!The blond in the lesbian scene is actaully named Laura or Lorrena, depending on the month/year. She is with Leticia. Both are wonderful. I was with both several times at Oasis, when they were there. Laura and another girl were my favorite threesome at Oasis
Come on, guys? I'm jonesin' for San Jose'! Where are the photos? Someone, step up to the plate!
Tried to attach a couple of photos from last year ,but couldn't get it to work, sorry.... Do a search under my name to see what I was up to last summer, if you want...I concur. Where are the photos man?
The CR section hsa been dead for awhile now.
I concur. Where are the photos man?
The CR section hsa been dead for awhile now.Good point, Enigma. Why don't you post some?
Good point, Enigma. Why don't you post some?Thats a good point. Don't you think I would have if I had some. Why dont you post some?
Thats a good point. Don't you think I would have if I had some. Why dont you post some?Because I'm not the one who is complaining about others not posting any while never once having posted any of my own.
Because I'm not the one who is complaining about others not posting any while never once having posted any of my own.Dude this is a photo thread and you expect to see photos. Let me quote you on something you said earlier in the thread.
"To Rebad and anyone else who wants to discuss that post/topic, it has been moved to the 2006 Reports section where it more appropriately belongs. If you wish to add something of that nature, please post it there.
To the rest of you, sorry for the interruption."
Quote me all you want. What I said still applies to your post at least as well as mine. If this section is for posting photos only, where are ANY of yours? I haven't found any pictures posted in any of your messages, either here or anywhere else. Just complaints coming from someone who never offers anything of his own. Its one thing to offer feedback or additional info on photos posted by others. Its even another thing to encourage others to step up to the plate if they've been offering pics of your own. But I think its a bit of gall to complain about a lack of pictures when you've never posted any yourself. There is a word for forum members like that. They're called "users".
The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.
Let's get back to the subject.
Thank You,
Member #2666
02-02-07, 01:38
Calm down here
Why is it I usually have bring the fotos to the forum.
If you slobs are really players then start posting or be quiet
Member #2964
02-03-07, 04:31
Winner gets a free cold one.
T-Man, Doger can you pick out Gia / Gio pic from 2666 lastest?
Dude this is a photo thread and you expect to see photos. Let me quote you on something you said earlier in the thread.
"To Rebad and anyone else who wants to discuss that post/topic, it has been moved to the 2006 Reports section where it more appropriately belongs. If you wish to add something of that nature, please post it there.
To the rest of you, sorry for the interruption."
Post Pics Not Gripes
Member #2666
02-09-07, 00:44
As usual, these ladies are all from the "lower end" high dollar gals here but I'll betcha they are better
sorry, no frontals for pic # 5..
Usboys, is the blonde Pamela (Palm-may-la)? Doesn't really look like her unless she has done a makeover, but she's the only blonde lezbo I know from ZB...
The other girl looks like a new one, and hot. I dig the schoolgirl outfits. Damn! I wish my wife wasn't going with me on my next trip!It's Pamela's older (I think half) sister, these exact two tried to get to hire them for the Lesbian act. I would have, except I had just been with a girl and didn't have much time left in CR. First time I saw the blonde she had the school girl outfit. It worked for me. :-)
Blue Jazz20
02-12-07, 02:55
This is a little duo with Pamela's sister, Lorena and Naomi. Both are very good and would definitely recommend them. Usual rate at ZB applies. Just ask when you get there who will do 3somes.
Member #2964
03-08-07, 01:33
None of the following girls were more then $40.00 for multable hours. Two of them from the DR. 1 from Centerfolds. And 1 local tico bar for $20.00.
All BBBJ and great masje
Member #2964
03-18-07, 18:21
Lucy works out of the Del Ray. Late Morning App. 10AM till app. 5-6 PM.
Now I post pics of Woman I have enjoyed and have NEVER paid the $100.00 or Cien Dollors the DR & KL Chica's want..
They may not be 10's in everyones oppinion but what these woman have is a lot of fun and for the most part great uninhibited massage and sex.
Enjoy the photo's. Or not. But post some pic's of your own before anyone add's negitive comments.
The girls were all fun and set me back a total: $45.00, 4 beer's and 2 coke's for 2-3 hours.
Member #2964
03-18-07, 18:26
A Great Massage, BBBJ / swallow & Anal. Veinte Mil.
Member #2964
03-25-07, 04:18
Emilie and her friend were a mid afternoon treat from the DR Both back at my hotel for a couple of hours of fun; $60.00 for both. They wanted a $100.00 each then $50.00 On other trips Emilie and I got together till one day her phone started being answered by some guy. 8998 more to go.
Jackie used to work at Norma's next to the lawyer and beside the RR tracks. But it to shall pass from what I hear it is no longer an MP. The last I heard Jackie was studying English at Boston University on Ave. Segundo.
Good luck.
Member #2964
03-25-07, 16:52
One for the good old boy's
Member #2964
03-25-07, 16:58
Early afternoon till 5 or 6 will find this Hard Core Colombian mother of 2 at the DR working the guys for a $100.00 por hora.
Had her for a couple of afternoon hora's for $30.00. way back when.
She has large C-Section scar. Cute then; but HARD CORE Clock watcher now.
8989 to go.
Member #2666
03-27-07, 14:56
In February I met this lovely and brought her back to my "hotel" to get cleaned up a bit
In February I met this lovely and brought her back to my "hotel" to get cleaned up a bitVery nice. Do you remember her name or any contact details?
Johnny Sax
04-03-07, 19:03
It's Pamela's older (I think half) sister, these exact two tried to get to hire them for the Lesbian act. I would have, except I had just been with a girl and didn't have much time left in CR. First time I saw the blonde she had the school girl outfit. It worked for me. :-)
Thanks for the clarification. Sure looks a lot like Pamela, in usboys' photos, and the fact that she does 3somes, I was thinking, "Damn! Looks like Pamela has had some work done!"
Pussy lickin' runs in the family, I guess... Thank god!
Master Yoda
04-15-07, 14:32
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted in accordance with the Forum's Posting Guidelines prohibiting the posting of links to a commercial website. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines and the Forum's FAQ for further information.
World Jockey
04-28-07, 22:38
Very good post ^5
04-30-07, 22:16
Wow. That was fun.
04-30-07, 22:49
Great stuff dirty harry. LOL
Were those columbian chicas. What was the damage for the 2 of them.
05-01-07, 04:06
Wow. That was fun.Is that a condom on a dildo? WTF?
Is that a condom on a dildo? WTF?If the girls were both swapping it out, then a condom on a dildo is still a pretty good idea provided they changed condoms before swapping the dildo. The girls could also catch something from each other as easily as they could from you if they take the dildo out of one dripping snatch and put it immediately into another. They could also wash (and sterilize) the dildo between uses but the condom switch might be a little quicker and more convenient.
Resource Finder
05-02-07, 02:17
This is a little duo with Pamela's sister, Lorena and Naomi. Both are very good and would definitely recommend them. Usual rate at ZB applies. Just ask when you get there who will do 3somes.
Enjoy.Awesome couple. Let me know where I can find them.
05-02-07, 04:43
If the girls were both swapping it out, then a condom on a dildo is still a pretty good idea provided they changed condoms before swapping the dildo. The girls could also catch something from each other as easily as they could from you if they take the dildo out of one dripping snatch and put it immediately into another. They could also wash (and sterilize) the dildo between uses but the condom switch might be a little quicker and more convenient.They can't afford for each to have their own? But, your explanation makes sense, I guess that's what they do. But, if those girls are sucking jiz, they have equal chance of catching HIV, well actually more so, than if they passed a dildo back and forth.
Those blondes are Pamela and Lauren.
I never experienced them but plan to within a month.
Those blondes are Pamela and Lauren.
I never experienced them but plan to within a month.Get in line buddy. :) I'll be there in two weeks. What are ZB girls price range? Can they be taken back to your own hotel room?
Get in line buddy. :) I'll be there in two weeks. What are ZB girls price range? Can they be taken back to your own hotel room?
Piper - you do get around! I thnk the ZB price is 80K (did it go up?). You may be able to get them to your hotel after hours, but when ZB is open, it is in-house. At least I did not try to take them out during the times ZB is open. Be sure to post plenty to pics and reports after you get back. By the way, I'll be in Dubai early July and again 2nd week of August.
Jaimito Cartero
05-02-07, 22:19
Piper - you do get around! I thnk the ZB price is 80K (did it go up?). You may be able to get them to your hotel after hours, but when ZB is open, it is in-house. At least I did not try to take them out during the times ZB is open. Be sure to post plenty to pics and reports after you get back. By the way, I'll be in Dubai early July and again 2nd week of August.
Zona Blue is charging $150US?
Zona Blue is charging $150US?
Ooops.. sorry... I confused the CRC with Colombian Peso. :-)
The actual cost is approximately US$42 an hour (about 22K colones)!
Thanks for doing the math, JC.
Member #2964
05-03-07, 06:40
22 k is app. $44.00 USD. 517 colones to the US Buck.
I prefer the 7 K , 10 K, 15K & 20K for 2 -3 hours range myself.
NF has a knock out selection of new girls / woman.
Try Maria. Beautiful face,Lighty dark skined with a full head of the curliest black hair and grand TA-TA's.
ZB is definitely on the high end of MP's even with the CRT discount. But if the chicas look like those 2 still well worth it when you compare it to what you typically wind up paying for similar quality out of the HDR/BM (even after bargaining them down from cien). Comparing them to the lower end MP's is another story, though I still might question how often you find chicas of that quality working at most of them. Even so I'd REALLY like to know where you can find chicas of that quality for "7 K ... for 2 -3 hours range". I know NF is not that much cheaper than ZB. The Oasis or "tico type" places are more on the order of 10-12K per HOUR though 5-7K is possible for a quick half hour session. Even the bottom of the ladder "pensionados" will run a minimum of 7K for ONE hour and most of those women are real skanks.
Member #2964
05-03-07, 23:00
Don't want to bicker here. New years I had a SL girl to the beach with me.
Gave her the money for a private van $35.00. And paid her $35.00 per day.
Not including food, beer and travel thats comes out to $1.453 per hour.
This March trip she would come over to the Hotel at 9 PM for the night and morning) $40.00 or $3.333 per hour.
Same March trip I was in SJ and talking to another possable ( she works the DR days) beach companion. I offered her $35.00 per day and RT (2hr 1 way)air fare ($160.00) or $50.00 a day and van ticket (8hr 1 way). She took door # 2.
I don't have any answer's for anyone. I'm in CR about 5 times a year (2 months total in 06) over 55, fish & laugh a lot & enjoy a drink or two.
One woman is 23 and other is 28. Both BBBJCIM, some back door action and great massage. Both NOT CHUNKY. Full TA-TA's. Both are street-able and fun.
I wish everyone as good a time.
Kid Brooklyn
05-07-07, 02:58
I have asked you in the past for photos of your $35/day travel companions, but looks like you haven't posted any.
I wonder why.
Look, I'm sure you can find a working girl that would go away with you for $35/day, but it's not a 8, 7, or even a 6. You are talking about a 3 or 4, somebody most of us wouldn't even begin to think about hooking up with. When you say they are street-able, what does that mean? We know what types hang on the corners, don't we?
But I still can't figure out why you are embellishing (lying) so much. Does it make you feel good to think that newbies think of you as some kind of player or something? Those of us who have been to SJ more than a few times know that you are not being honest.
7k for 2-3 hours? Yeah, maybe in 1985.
Seriously, stop misleading newbies with your stories. This is a board for factual, helpful information. I know most of the SL girls, and none would go anywhere for $35/day + a bus ticket. Maybe the SL cleaning lady, that's about it. Cynthia, Melissa, and Co. Now ask for $100/hr, so that's the minimum daily rate they would travel for.
Either fess up or post pics of your hotties.
I have asked you in the past for photos of your $35/day travel companions, but looks like you haven't posted any.
I wonder why.
Look, I'm sure you can find a working girl that would go away with you for $35/day, but it's not a 8, 7, or even a 6. You are talking about a 3 or 4, somebody most of us wouldn't even begin to think about hooking up with. When you say they are street-able, what does that mean? We know what types hang on the corners, don't we?
But I still can't figure out why you are embellishing (lying) so much. Does it make you feel good to think that newbies think of you as some kind of player or something? Those of us who have been to SJ more than a few times know that you are not being honest.
7k for 2-3 hours? Yeah, maybe in 1985.
Seriously, stop misleading newbies with your stories. This is a board for factual, helpful information. I know most of the SL girls, and none would go anywhere for $35/day + a bus ticket. Maybe the SL cleaning lady, that's about it. Cynthia, Melissa, and Co. Now ask for $100/hr, so that's the minimum daily rate they would travel for.
Either fess up or post pics of your hotties.Great post!! That about says it all what I think of his 7K colones claims. However, this conversation doesn't belong here and has moved out of the photo gallery section. I will add this as to photos. Photos of SL girls would prove nothing unless the backgrounds were clearly outside of ZB (and posting that could get them in trouble with Eddie if he saw it). But even with such photos it would still prove nothing about how much was paid for that session. These SL girls nowadays usually expect and often get 7K colones just for their tip when you see them at SL and thats on top of the usual house fee (its been spoiled in that respect by freespenders). But there I go pointing out the absurdity of 2964's claims. Brooklyn also concisely put those to rest in General section where any further discussion of this issue really belongs.
After a great session, the one on the right went into my lockbox when I was in the shower. She took a lot of cash. I didn't know until the next morning.
I blame myself for making it easy for her but I just wanted to let you guys know. I'm a long time member but post on the CR board as I am there a lot.
Where did you find the thief chica? HDR?
Ace- Kati is a regular at the HDR (and BB in Jaco). Lots of fun, but watch out.
Here is the second pic I tried to post previously. She is on the right.
Ace- Kati is a regular at the HDR (and BB in Jaco). Lots of fun, but watch out.
Here is the second pic I tried to post previously. She is on the right.Hey Pal, it is great to see you on this board. I was checking the pictures, and low and behold, there is one of my favorite wing men!!!
Scuba Bum;
Live and learn I guess. I hope next time your lock your cash up or stash it somewhere where even a sneaky ***** cannot find it. Sorry you got ripped off.
MJG- I learned. I blame myself for making it so easy.
Psychman- mi amigo. Como esta? When are you coming back. Y still misses you. So do I. When do we get the Lima TR?
Meet Stephanie from New Fantasy. You would really like her. Best 18K out there except for Trianny maybe.
She said OK to posting pics.
Hey Scuba, does Dr. Zefrem Cochrane know you're posting his pic here?
Pro-people are wondering why no one has ever seen the two of us together.
Kathryn or Cathrene,
From Delray club she also has a couple sisters there also from Columbia.
Hot in the sack
The chica had a different style hair before and if I am correct she tried to shake me down but I stopped her up front and kicked her out of my hotel room. There was a major incident between her and another monger. My buddy told me the story. she usually pulls stunts but I guess quite a number of the girls are that way.
Member #2666
05-22-07, 16:05
Long time favorites from Idem and New Fantasy
Here's a pic of the accessories I bought in New York especially for CR girls. After two nights and two girls, still unopened and unused. Hopefully they will come in useful tonight.
PS - ignore the date-stamp. I need to work out how to re-set it.
Here's last night's adventure girl. She's 1/4 Filipino by ancestry, and speaks perfect English. She's a good talker, and we seemed to have good chemistry going while we chatted and laughed over a couple of drinks in the HDR restaurant for an hour. Many stunners walked past as we chatted, but I had a feeling this girl would be good fun. We agreed on $100 for four hours, including DFK and photos. As it turned out, she stopped the photos after only a few minutes. She said I could take more pics later, but our session was cut short, so I didn't get around to it.
All went well the first two hours in the hotel suite. We shared a bath where we soaped each other up thoroughly, and she gave good BBBJs, and good tight sex in various positions. She was a little over-theatrical with her 'Oohs' and 'Aaahs' and 'Oh Jesus Christs'.
After about two hours she suddenly seemed very drunk (she'd only had four beers all night), and repeatedly said she had to go home to see her kids. I didn't mind, as I was worn out anyway. Damn jetlag.
I reminded her we'd agreed on four hours, she agreed to accept $80 and I let her on her way (probably back to HDR, as it was only 10pm).
I first fell in love with this Colombian sweetie at Key Largo last night. After some sweet-talking she asked for $350 (!!!) I really must look stupid. I quietly raised an eyebrow and told her it was too much, and that I knew how much girls ask across the street at HDR.
To keep a very long story short, we chatted a bit more, then I bid my farewell and went to HDR. She followed me back to HDR a few minutes later and offered $100 for two hours. I was happy, as it was slim-pickin in HDR, and she was one of the top 5 girls there. I told her I liked photos, besos, and culo (photos, DFK and anal). She agreed to everything but anal.
Back in the suite, she turned out to be hot, wild and a lot of fun. Great kisser, nice personality - she really is a sweetie. I may just see her again.
Here's a few of the photos. I cannot tell you her working name, but think "Lopez". I know I did ;)
A few more.
PS - she was lactating, and got embarrassed when I showed her my tongue covered with her sweet milk.
She loved the vibrator and full-body stocking (made life easy for me too ;)).
After the first round I was ready to let her go, but after a rest and some chatting, she started nibbling my nips then slowly worked her wet tongue and lips down my body, munching and slurping on little Piper for a while, and we ended up having another nice long session of my two favorite positions.
She loved the vibrator and full-body stocking (made life easy for me too ;)).You seem to have some fun on Costa ;) is the wild cat with you there.
This girl was great. We went dancing - she tried to teach me Merengue, but I'm a hopeless dancer - she had fun trying to teach me. Then she took me to a seafood restaurant (she has a big appetite - she ate all her food and half of mine).
She works in a flower garden in the mountains, and comes to San Jose two times a week to study English, and make a few dollars after college lessons.
An all-natural girl, and good fun.
Nice and sexy picks and what a change from UAE.
You invested a lot in toys and fish net but it was worth I am sure.
Enjoy yourself in that part of the Mongering World.
Sponge Bud
05-25-07, 18:29
Just a quick thank you for you pics and assements of the UAE and Costa Rica. As i have visited the UAE and now reside in CR i can say that your comments on both places are fair and accurate, as well the pics do justice for the ladies. Thanks Again
Had a good time in my brief visit. I'm about to check out of Amon Plaza and stay at Ramada Herradura Golf Resort tonight (20 minutes out of town), as I have to work there at tomorrow morning. Miss India from last night told me the golf resort won't let girls in. I'll see.
Will post more pics and some of the other interesting events that happened here when I get back home to Dubai.
I find your Miss N from Costa Rica quite sexy, and i love to see her in fish net attire.
Congratulations on the picks, and good luck with your next stay.
I enjoyed your post very nice pics.
Filling in a bit of spare time while I'm out of town, so here's a few more photos.
I donated the body stocking and vibrator to this girl, but she must have liked the leather mask too, as she souvenired it without asking. When I saw her the next night she said she didn't take it. Annoyed me slightly, so I didn't invite her home again.
Hey Piper, have you ever been to Rio? Just curious what your experince was like if you have been there.
Chris H
Hey Piper, have you ever been to Rio? Just curious what your experince was like if you have been there. Chris HNot yet. I have a 'work' trip to Rio this time next year. I just wish they'd move Rio closer to Dubai. 30 hours travel each way for a one-week trip is no fun.
A quick post before I rush for the airport.
Had a few hours to kill after work this morning, so I popped into Zona Blue. MPs are not my scene, but young Erica was absolutely stunning. A face to die for, and a hot bod. I'm in love again. In the room she was sweet. Real massage, nice CBJ. missionary and doggie while we lusted into the wall mirror. Wish I'd met her from Day 1 of my trip. $42 plus $10 tip. I also donated my final vibrator and butt-plug, and she was cooing over the lingerie I gave her.
At first she wouldn't allow photos (she said "Big problem for me", but I said "No face" and she agreed.
Farewell San Jose, it was short but sweet.
Thang you - thang you verry much.
A few more photos from the recent trip (seems so long ago!)
Professor 1
05-30-07, 19:42
A quick post before I rush for the airport.
Had a few hours to kill after work this morning, so I popped into Zona Blue. MPs are not my scene.The MPs can be a good place to meet company. I went to Europa2000 and met a nice girl that I saw over a few days.
I received this PM today from an ISG member (a member for over a year, but no posts - he must be a quiet achiever). He enjoyed some time with the favorite girl of my recent San Jose trip ("India") - confirmed by mentioning her real name.
Hi Piper1,
You left Costa Rica a few days before I arrived (my 2nd trip). I read your posts about F******* the flower girl and enjoyed your pictures. I walked into the Del Rey Thursday night. There she was chatting it up with her girlfriend on a bar stool. She was really great, super interactions and activities in my room. Everything you wrote was correct about her. I had a nice time with her for four hours. Thanks very much for your posts. J******
J**** - thanks again for your PM - great that you enjoyed time with her - she's a sweetie. Why not post a report?
Sorry about the delay I just got around to sizing some of my pictures.
Happy Hunting,
Kathryn or Cathrene,
From Delray club she also has a couple sisters there also from Columbia.
Hot in the sack
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