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03-13-14, 03:07
Hi guys,

I am planning to quit this forum by end of this month and have already quit mongering.

Mongering no longer interests me. I think encountering 20 well behaved ladies is what is needed for everyone out there and I have exhausted my quota.

Instead of enjoying the act, recent times I started knowing more about the whereabout the girls and how sad some of the stories really make you is astonishing.

Meeting decent ladies, proud mothers, loving wives and respectable damsels who are reduced to mere moody fuck meat by a mishap in order to feed loved ones is not my idea of fun anymore. Makes you feel how fragile 'happy' life really is.

For someone who just admires the girl and make love, some of the stories of what other guys subject them to can be really haunting, more you know the girls personally.

This day will surely come for everyone.

Until then, play safe. Don't cross the line in to 'personal' territory.

ThanksAdieu bro. Another legend calls it a day.

03-13-14, 08:01
Ahh buddy,

Will miss you for sure.

Hope we keep in touch in other ways.

Hi guys,

I am planning to quit this forum by end of this month and have already quit mongering.

Mongering no longer interests me. I think encountering 20 well behaved ladies is what is needed for everyone out there and I have exhausted my quota.

Instead of enjoying the act, recent times I started knowing more about the whereabout the girls and how sad some of the stories really make you is astonishing.

Meeting decent ladies, proud mothers, loving wives and respectable damsels who are reduced to mere moody fuck meat by a mishap in order to feed loved ones is not my idea of fun anymore. Makes you feel how fragile 'happy' life really is.

For someone who just admires the girl and make love, some of the stories of what other guys subject them to can be really haunting, more you know the girls personally.

This day will surely come for everyone.

Until then, play safe. Don't cross the line in to 'personal' territory.


Ace of Hearts
03-13-14, 08:03
Yes. Agree with you completely. Once a sp asked me about a FR I had posted about a Russian girl. I was Shocked. Also some sp's are giving discounts for ISG members. Except senior mongers, I'm nt sure who to trust. Even I'm nt able to trust any FR from newbies. Anybody can be a sp or even a LE. This forum is becoming irrelevant slowly with flood of newbies asking for contacts, mongers popularizing the website with sp's and girls and seniors quitting.We are facing exactly the same scenario in Bangalore. Old seniors are scared of posting FRs, SP rates doubled tripled within one year and same done by Indepwndents before they finally shut gown.

There are so so many "Similar" dounding newbies with names similar to trusted old ones that you always feel a trap

03-13-14, 14:23
Need to be really careful due to LE in Bangalore. Very few options currently!

Will think before sharing for sure.

We are facing exactly the same scenario in Bangalore. Old seniors are scared of posting FRs, SP rates doubled tripled within one year and same done by Indepwndents before they finally shut gown.

There are so so many "Similar" dounding newbies with names similar to trusted old ones that you always feel a trap

Lord Necros
03-13-14, 15:45
Hi guys,

I am planning to quit this forum by end of this month and have already quit mongering.

Mongering no longer interests me. I think encountering 20 well behaved ladies is what is needed for everyone out there and I have exhausted my quota.

Instead of enjoying the act, recent times I started knowing more about the whereabout the girls and how sad some of the stories really make you is astonishing.

Meeting decent ladies, proud mothers, loving wives and respectable damsels who are reduced to mere moody fuck meat by a mishap in order to feed loved ones is not my idea of fun anymore. Makes you feel how fragile 'happy' life really is.

For someone who just admires the girl and make love, some of the stories of what other guys subject them to can be really haunting, more you know the girls personally.

This day will surely come for everyone.

Until then, play safe. Don't cross the line in to 'personal' territory.

ThanksI see it simply being a service that I am paying for. Without mongering, the girls who had to provide in the first place, will have even less options. I understand your rationale, and though I don't subscribe to it, I will be sorry to see you go.

Take care, mate.

03-13-14, 19:11
Hi guys,

I am planning to quit this forum by end of this month and have already quit mongering.

Mongering no longer interests me. I think encountering 20 well behaved ladies is what is needed for everyone out there and I have exhausted my quota.

Instead of enjoying the act, recent times I started knowing more about the whereabout the girls and how sad some of the stories really make you is astonishing.

Meeting decent ladies, proud mothers, loving wives and respectable damsels who are reduced to mere moody fuck meat by a mishap in order to feed loved ones is not my idea of fun anymore. Makes you feel how fragile 'happy' life really is.

For someone who just admires the girl and make love, some of the stories of what other guys subject them to can be really haunting, more you know the girls personally.

This day will surely come for everyone.

Until then, play safe. Don't cross the line in to 'personal' territory.

ThanksHi Onetimer,

If the quota mentioned is universally accepted I too have exhausted it multiple times but I strongly feel I am not a pervert. If the sad stories are disturbing you always remember that we guys are silver lining to them. I have seen girls who are dynamic enough coming with a dream to rock the city and who have achieved their dreams. So finally this tinge of regret is always there in the minds of both sides at some point of time. And what I finally would like to say is that "The show must go on". Anyway if you have already made a decision treat this as my farewell to you and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

03-13-14, 20:55
Hi guys,

I am planning to quit this forum by end of this month and have already quit mongering.

Instead of enjoying the act, recent times I started knowing more about the where about the girls and how sad some of the stories really make you is astonishing.

Meeting decent ladies, proud mothers, loving wives and respectable damsels who are reduced to mere moody fuck meat by a mishap in order to feed loved ones is not my idea of fun anymore. Makes you feel how fragile 'happy' life really is.

This day will surely come for everyone.

ThanksBro One Timer1,

You have expressed your heartfelt feelings; and you are right when you express that.

I too have come across women, who after providing service were beaten by their clients when they demanded payment. Recently a provider was narrating a mishap during one of her out-calls when she was trapped at a guy's place and anal sex was forced over her. After the deed she was paid less than 50% of the agreed fee; threatened and ruthlessly pushed out of the flat. She had to seek medical attention and spent substantial amount for recovering from the trauma of anal penetration. There are also horrible stories of WGs being threatened with knives.

In contrast to the above, most of the guys seeking service are decent and do give due respect to the girls. I am sure most of the girls would agree with this.

There has been a good observation by NuMonger in BLR forum regarding the balancing / healing effects of mongering. I would quote hereunder:

Yes, I do still feel guilty. But that guilt keeps me at my best behavior as father and husband, I try to balance the guilt. Love and lust on the scale, are very different,

Yes, and mongering definitely keeps me from seeing woman in the correct perspectives of sister, daughter, mother, colleague, friend, etc and the Working girls as human beings doing what they do not to build any empire, but for their family to survive. Most would do something else, given a chance. Some take this easy way out.Buddy, lets keep the cash registers of the working ladies ringing. Don't hang up your gloves. Hope to see you back on the mongering scene as well as on this forum.

03-14-14, 06:47
*sorry about the long post*

i honestly thought that some of you, at least, the senior members in here were aware of dangers the dreaded world of illegal sex trade posed to its primary participants, ie, sellers & buyers. we, i am guilty of it too, are unwittingly helping in keeping alive a notorious trade that relentlessly depends on the worst form of exploitation of people, ie, [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908), not all girls are sold & bought but it does happen because the target demographic whose money & lust fuels the trade is never ending. we also, unrealizing in most cases, contribute to the sexual abuse, emotional torture, [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123), spread of stis, extortion, confinement, kidnapping, modern day slavery and even death of girls, women and even children. yes, independants may have it better but the dangers & ills of the trade are still there. if the word ever gets out about the woman's involvement in the sex business, our rigidly prudish society who demonizes sex and doesn't hesitate in 'slu-t shaming' will only further add to the woman's misery.

no woman will ever choose this kind of life for herself, its either an act of coerced self submission or desperation for money or both. succumbing to all sorts of pressure from their handlers and being treated less like a human being and more like a sex doll day in and day out by numerous men can be a very dehumanizing experience. just because mongerers spend a decent chunk of cash to buy sex, it doesn't automatically give them the right to treat girls like some kind of sub-human sacks of flesh and bones, i have nothing but scorn for such kind of men. but then again, people who do not buy sex and consider it an immoral decadence of the highest degree may have the same opinion about those of us who pay for sex, even though our needs are natural. i know its hypocritical and messed up. on one side, we have this unquenchable thirst for sex, most of us either do not have an outlet to relieve pent up sexual frustrations or have a girlfriend or wife who doesn't put out as frequently as we'd like them to and on the other side we have all these horrors in which we are playing a tiny part and ofcourse the life ruining risk of associating ourselves with criminals (pimps, prostitutes & human traffickers) is always there. in the slim possiblity if something bad ever happens to any of these people and should the le ever decide to investigate, guess whose mobile numbers will show up in their call records! but some of these people aren't all victims, some are greedy, some are lazy, some give into the allure of easy money and some even go to the extent of blackmailing, robbing and extorting illinformed desperate pleasure seekers. there are some despicable people on both the sides.

even though the illegal sex trade is sinister & shady, exploitation of people exists just about everywhere. the beggar maifa which maims & amputate, fashion & film industry where women are ever sexually objectified, porn industry, bonded & child labor and even people like us are renting our bodies in form of 'skilled labor' to corporate companies in the big bad world of capitalism. the thing is, there are lot of things that are way beyond our control and will never be the way we prefer it. its like walking a narrow path strewn with land mines, you just need to learn how to tip-toe around it all and do whatever is the right thing without further jeoparding the lives of those involved. its not that difficult to treat the girls with respect, smile, humor them if you're good at it, compliments go a long way, buy them a small gift or something to eat if you're a regular, pay the pimp whatever he wants but try to sneak in something extra for the girls because chances are the pimps are hoarding a good amount for themselves and these girls barely make a cut, the more generous the better. we cannot change much but try to better things for them in the smallest ways. resigning from it all doesn't change anything for these girls & women but at least i'm sure some of you will at be peace with yourselves thinking that you aren't piling up to the misiries in these girls lives anymore.

03-14-14, 11:30
Bro, I am forced to reply for this comment.

Nothing against you. If the girl agrees, I don't see any problem anywhere.

You should hear stories about "forced group","made to drink","tied" etc all against the consensus of the girl without any prior context.

Of course not the same girl and of course only one in a 50 meetings but the scar those will leave physically and mentally to the girl. Ironically these are the things they open up first thing once they confide you as there is no other outlet.

I see it simply being a service that I am paying for. Without mongering, the girls who had to provide in the first place, will have even less options. I understand your rationale, and though I don't subscribe to it, I will be sorry to see you go.

Take care, mate.

03-14-14, 16:14
*sorry about the long post*

i honestly thought that some of you, at least, the senior members in here were aware of dangers the dreaded world of illegal sex trade posed to its primary participants, ie, sellers & buyers. we, i am guilty of it too, are unwittingly helping in keeping alive a notorious trade that relentlessly depends on the worst form of exploitation of people, ie, [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908), not all girls are sold & bought but it does happen because the target demographic whose money & lust fuels the trade is never ending. we also, unrealizing in most cases, contribute to the sexual abuse, emotional torture, [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123), spread of stis, extortion, confinement, kidnapping, modern day slavery and even death of girls, women and even children. yes, independants may have it better but the dangers & ills of the trade are still there. if the word ever gets out about the woman's involvement in the sex business, our rigidly prudish society who demonizes sex and doesn't hesitate in 'slu-t shaming' will only further add to the woman's misery.

no woman will ever choose this kind of life for herself, its either an act of coerced self submission or desperation for money or both. succumbing to all sorts of pressure from their handlers and being treated less like a human being and more like a sex doll day in and day out by numerous men can be a very dehumanizing experience. just because mongerers spend a decent chunk of cash to buy sex, it doesn't automatically give them the right to treat girls like some kind of sub-human sacks of flesh and bones, i have nothing but scorn for such kind of men. but then again, people who do not buy sex and consider it an immoral decadence of the highest degree may have the same opinion about those of us who pay for sex, even though our needs are natural. i know its hypocritical and messed up. on one side, we have this unquenchable thirst for sex, most of us either do not have an outlet to relieve pent up sexual frustrations or have a girlfriend or wife who doesn't put out as frequently as we'd like them to and on the other side we have all these horrors in which we are playing a tiny part and ofcourse the life ruining risk of associating ourselves with criminals (pimps, prostitutes & human traffickers) is always there. in the slim possiblity if something bad ever happens to any of these people and should the le ever decide to investigate, guess whose mobile numbers will show up in their call records! but some of these people aren't all victims, some are greedy, some are lazy, some give into the allure of easy money and some even go to the extent of blackmailing, robbing and extorting illinformed desperate pleasure seekers. there are some despicable people on both the sides.

even though the illegal sex trade is sinister & shady, exploitation of people exists just about everywhere. the beggar maifa which maims & amputate, fashion & film industry where women are ever sexually objectified, porn industry, bonded & child labor and even people like us are renting our bodies in form of 'skilled labor' to corporate companies in the big bad world of capitalism. the thing is, there are lot of things that are way beyond our control and will never be the way we prefer it. its like walking a narrow path strewn with land mines, you just need to learn how to tip-toe around it all and do whatever is the right thing without further jeoparding the lives of those involved. its not that difficult to treat the girls with respect, smile, humor them if you're good at it, compliments go a long way, buy them a small gift or something to eat if you're a regular, pay the pimp whatever he wants but try to sneak in something extra for the girls because chances are the pimps are hoarding a good amount for themselves and these girls barely make a cut, the more generous the better. we cannot change much but try to better things for them in the smallest ways. resigning from it all doesn't change anything for these girls & women but at least i'm sure some of you will at be peace with yourselves thinking that you aren't piling up to the misiries in these girls lives anymore.beautiful bro. well said and aptly put.

while there are all kinds of women and all kinds of situation, i really wonder if the women choose the situation or the situation chooses the woman. i have come across an sp who made his cousin sister embrace the glorious uncerternities of flesh trade in all glory. he went up to an extent of asking her to show her modesty infront of him just to impress me. that said, each one of us has amazing experiences. mostly good and few not soo good and a tiny lot which are learning's for life.

this is one of the oldest professions and this will continue till extinction of human race, even if we were to re-locate to the moon or to any other galaxy, flesh trade will be the first to set shop. guys, you are a legends and the act of sex. each fr is a beauty in itself and it is just not about a bad experience or a good one, it is about sustained pleasure giving and taking. while guilt has its way to torment a few and restrain them from insatiable hunger for sex fr some time eventually our dna is designed in a way that pent up frustrations have to be released, god has given us all the tools for immense self satisfaction however none better than the hole itself.

bro. give it one more thought and consider a sabattical than a full retirement. it only helps to take some time off, recalibrate and then be back fully re-energised. hope you will give this a good thought.

take care and your acts and fr's are legendary. thanks for taking care of nubile nymphs new to this forum and most of the times geography as well.

Lord Necros
03-14-14, 16:38
you should hear stories about "forced group","made to drink","tied" etc all against the consensus of the girl without any prior context.

of course not the same girl and of course only one in a 50 meetings but the scar those will leave physically and mentally to the girl. ironically these are the things they open up first thing once they confide you as there is no other outlet.i agree with you whole heartedly. it is not mongering at that point. it is [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123).

and that is a line i hope no monger in here ever crosses.

atanon666: just for the sake of this discussion, going to disagree with a points here.

no woman will ever choose this kind of life for herself, its either an act of coerced self submission or desperation for money or both.in a very general sense, you are right. but there are plenty of women who chose this line of life not out of desperation but choice.

back in delhi, i had a college girl who used to do think just because she wanted to. i didn't pay her most of the time either. i would often take her out, buy her stuff and generally have a good time with her. i have had plenty of girls outside india who are in this for both money and fun. so, while the majority may not be in this out of choice, some definitely do, and these often are the most fun of them all.

03-15-14, 02:47
When I was new and had no contacts, Onetimer helped me with some contacts (Though I have not tried any of his contacts).

Helps everyone with contacts and other info too.

Three cheers to you for the work and service you have done to this forum.

03-15-14, 02:51
Who has Lh contact? A fellow forum member has asked me for help. Anybody has a pic of her?

If you share it with me I am going to pass on to him.

03-15-14, 15:52
Tried Anju from Karthik's stable.

Was good with the service although nothing great.

Face. 6/10

Boobs. 6/10 (small but firm)

CBJ. 6/10

Overall. 6/10 (No DFK)

Damage. 3k

03-16-14, 02:58
Hi One timer,

After studying your comments, I also really felt quitting mongering.

I too felt not having fun with the girls as each one of them has sad stories and concerns.

Thanks for shating your comments. I am also quitting.

Hi guys,

I am planning to quit this forum by end of this month and have already quit mongering.

Mongering no longer interests me. I think encountering 20 well behaved ladies is what is needed for everyone out there and I have exhausted my quota.

Instead of enjoying the act, recent times I started knowing more about the whereabout the girls and how sad some of the stories really make you is astonishing.

Meeting decent ladies, proud mothers, loving wives and respectable damsels who are reduced to mere moody fuck meat by a mishap in order to feed loved ones is not my idea of fun anymore. Makes you feel how fragile 'happy' life really is.

For someone who just admires the girl and make love, some of the stories of what other guys subject them to can be really haunting, more you know the girls personally.

This day will surely come for everyone.

Until then, play safe. Don't cross the line in to 'personal' territory.


03-16-14, 07:29

Just back in town from Mumbai trip, its sad that One timer is leaving the group and I agree half the things he has quoted however I always think that by paying a bit extra tip directly you are indirectly helping them. As always I make sure to clap the SP down and negotiate hard with him and pay extra dirwctly to the subject. Trust me its the oldest trade with a lot of sad story's hence I think you can't shut shop.

But help them with small help, see its all destiny, all you can do is help along and go with the flow. I have met many who have come to the trade with full conscious? And yes they are minority in this case a smal group.

Again my friend one timer there is nothing right or wrong in this world but your point of view and consciousness. God bless you have understood and you ate standing bu it, wish you get all the sucess in your life and for all of your future endivours. Iys been a pleasure to know your blunt thoughts and humility.

God bless and good luck bro, we will miss you!


03-17-14, 09:31
I am quiet new to this forum. The first thing I did was to go thro all the reports and understand, the member feelings and the issues dealt. I am very old horse in this trade. Completed almost 25years. I have the highest charged to the lowest, during the span. Like many members expressed, this is the oldest trade and have its own up and downs. Most of the girls, women are fully aware, what is the job to done. The level of girls reported here, is so high, I feel most of them are aware. I have also come across some girls which are geniune problems and some are false. That is how it is always. In face, I meet a few celebrities, who had no reason to be in this trade, except for the big money. The only, way we can help, like one of the bro said, pay as much tip as possible. Always there will be day, when one wants to call it day. I was so much impressed by one timer repots, rather want to wear his shoes. I wish him all the best.

03-17-14, 15:21
massage review: its located at duniya style. famous unisex saloon.

charges:2500 for beautiful professional massage.

500 for hj.

no b2b.

bbj is possible at times but it all depends up on the therapist, i have been there twice and got hj only. there are 2 girls. 1 from north and 1 south. professional in dry massage.duniya style?

are you talking about zindagi style building? iv been to a unisex saloon there in that building but it's the worst one i ever got. are you referring to another one in the white building next to it?

03-17-14, 16:46
Hi Seniors & fellow members,

Recently I got a mail from Mr. Vjay from Ramanthapur. Inviting me to involve in threesome experience with his wife as they both are interested. (7K is expected from me).

Is it trust worthy? Is it going to involve any theft or cheating? I have confirmed that he is not bi-sexual. What other things I need to confirm before I go.

Better to leave or grab the opportunity?

Please post your opinion and experiences if anyone already had engaged this couple. Thank you.

Happy mongering.Did you meet them?

03-18-14, 14:06
I came to Hyderabad yesterday after almost 15 days. Today I met this girl. One inde whom I had met a couple of times arranged her for me at some friends place. She had wonderful boobs though a little plump. Gave an awesome BBJ and was very jovial with cool attitude. Did fingering but not enjoyed much Then there was a good DFk session and a long BBJ followed by climax in mish. I normally have writing FRs with pc attached. I don't prefer going to SPs also without seeing the picture as I feel it is a waste of time because I just come back if I don't like the girl. But the reviews I had written in Bangalore forrum are mostly about girls from north provided by SPs I had written one review about Vennela but had not posted her pic. Since these girls are indes is it ok to post pics? I need advice from seniors. Please guide me. Looking forward to meet some bombs before going back. Believe me Hyderabad is the best place in south for mongering. We are all lucky to be living in Hyderabad.Could you pm me the number of this indie and the one you tried with 5k near 5 star hotel. I am coming to Hyderabad today. I may give either of them a try tomorrow evening. Could you give me a refer too.

03-18-14, 15:19
Hello everyone!

I`m new to this forum and I just started mongering. I have yet to score any but I guess you got to start somewhere. I hope it will be a memorable ride.

BTW I was fascinated with the idea of hooking up with a celebrity and I`m used to hearing all rumors about so and so actress or anchor working in the biz. Is there any truth to all that?

Inviting senior mongers for their words of wisdom.

03-18-14, 18:14
I have reached Hyderabad today. A SP has given this pics. Has anyone tried any of them? What was the cost?

03-18-14, 20:36
A SP has given this pics. Has anyone tried any of them? What was the cost? He is asking for 7k. Is it right? If anyone has indie contact at Hyderabad do pm me. ASAP. I need it by evening.

03-20-14, 09:56
Met this independent madhavi at banajara hill very good lady, the only problem was the language she never knew anything beside telegu and I could not speak the local lang, so it was kind of good exp trying out sex with sign lang. She is good.

Body: 6.

Attitude: 9.

Overall: 8.

Total damage: 3k (with tips)

She is HW, would recommend it to everyone.Can you please pm me details of Madhavi.


03-20-14, 10:01
Not worth more than 2K. That too if service is good.

A SP has given this pics. Has anyone tried any of them? What was the cost? He is asking for 7k. Is it right? If anyone has indie contact at Hyderabad do pm me. ASAP. I need it by evening.

03-20-14, 11:44
Hello everyone,

Going on a short trip to Goa for 3 nights. So, I was wondering if anyone out here in our wonderfull small world is kind enough to help me with some independent contacts in Goa. Please PM me.

Thanks in advance,

TC and Be Safe

03-20-14, 12:20
Hey friends,

Could you please guide me in finding a nice housewife's in Hyderabad. They have to be 30+ in age and should have a nice safe place to bang.

03-20-14, 12:33
Hello friends,

I am bit new to this planet and want to be a part of it. Could you please help me out with the contacts to find a nice 30+ age housewife for a bang. The place should also has to be a safe place. Please reply to my Pm with your contacts.

03-20-14, 19:42
Hey friends,

Could you please guide me in finding a nice housewife's in Hyderabad. They have to be 30+ in age and should have a nice safe place to bang.Hi Ravigilli,

Welcome to the forum. I would advise you try calling numbers from locanto, craiglist or backpage. You will get heaps of contacts from there. Let us know how it goes.

RTFF on how to get about with SPs and a general idea about the rates.

All the best and hope to read an FR soon.


03-20-14, 20:48
Met this independent madhavi at banajara hill very good lady, the only problem was the language she never knew anything beside telegu and I could not speak the local lang, so it was kind of good exp trying out sex with sign lang. She is good.

Body: 6.

Attitude: 9.

Overall: 8.

Total damage: 3k (with tips)

She is HW, would recommend it to everyone.Hey buddy,

Can you pm her contact number.

Thank you

03-20-14, 22:10
Dear friends,

Yesterday I met a engineering gal, about 24 years. I talked her clearly, I want full service including sucking. She agreed but 5k st asked. Deal ok for one hour with 2 shots.

I fixed the time around 10am, she agreed. I called her from 10 am to 11. 30 am. But she was not responded. I returned the place. She called back and say to come. I went that place is very far to Kply. Very decent place. Very actractive face. My johny is very happy to F. I F doggy and straigt positions with out CN. Good pussy, nice smell. He sucked my cock with CN.

Boobs: 8/10.

Body: 7/10.

Ass: 10/10.


Next visit also plan shortly.Hi,

This is a doctor from Bangalore working in Hyderabad. Could you share me good independent contact in hyderabad preferably Nepali or north east girls. Otherwise south indian aunties or girls are ok. I will reciprocate you with a good contact from Secundrabad.


Yours truly doctorsmart

03-21-14, 06:59
Thanks to Onetimer1 for sharing contacts of Miss SH banjara Hills. Nice lady good attitude and tried her 2 days back. Nice place and know she is darling of forum.

May be she was in hurry when I met so finished in 30 Minutes but nice no Nakhras. Damage 10K looks expensive against offer.

Overall OK.

03-21-14, 08:48
Dear friends,

Yesterday I met a engineering gal, about 24 years. I talked her clearly, I want full service including sucking. She agreed but 5k st asked. Deal ok for one hour with 2 shots.

I fixed the time around 10am, she agreed. I called her from 10 am to 11. 30 am. But she was not responded. I returned the place. She called back and say to come. I went that place is very far to Kply. Very decent place. Very actractive face. My johny is very happy to F. I F doggy and straigt positions with out CN. Good pussy, nice smell. He sucked my cock with CN.

Boobs: 8/10.

Body: 7/10.

Ass: 10/10.


Next visit also plan shortly.Can you PM the contact no of the engineering gal. Any help is highly appreciated.

03-21-14, 17:52
Hey buddy,

Can you pm her contact number.

Thank youPlanning Hyd trip, please share contact info.

Thanks a lot.

Rahul Kerala
03-21-14, 18:16

I am new to this forum, I am new to Hyderabad. I have gone to a MP in Gachibowli but there is no extra servie.

Can anyone of you help me finding a good MP in or around Madhapur. I will be very active in this form in the coming years.

Please help me start.

Thanks and regards,


03-21-14, 19:28
A SP has given this pics. Has anyone tried any of them? What was the cost? He is asking for 7k. Is it right? If anyone has indie contact at Hyderabad do pm me. ASAP. I need it by evening.Hi AmitGautam,

Recently I was at Hyd on a short trip and tried this same gal. SP said 6k but I negotiated for 4k ST. Even forced him to bring the chick to my hotel instead of his place as he demands.

Not worth more than 4k.


03-21-14, 21:42
Met this chica thru a contact given by USD. 5'2, perfect body, light brown skin. Right to the deed, talkative, very cooperative, never complained about any thing. She says she is a beautician and doing this for some extra $$$. Reasonable price too.

Service: 7/10.

Cost: 5k.

Looks: 6/10Hi,

Can you pm me details of Monica. I will reciprocate with good contacts.


03-22-14, 07:36
Planning Hyd trip, please share contact info.

Thanks a lot.Please activate your PM.

03-22-14, 21:48
Just came across this board. I'm in Hyderabad. Got some contacts, willing to share. If you got some contacts of Indie girls let's trade.

Not sure how to PM.



It appears from your post that you don't quite understand the Forum's Private Message service.

To use the Forum's Private Message service, both you and the Forum Member you are trying to contact must be either a subscriber or a Senior Member.

For more information, please read: http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-subscriptions.php?

If you cannot afford $20 dollars to buy a subscription, then perhaps you can convince another forum member to purchase a subscription for you.


03-22-14, 22:03
extremely busy with hectic work and partying in the little free time available i could not post frs since a long time. i am starting here with the most recent one. a friend in bangalore referred me this inde mrs an. i had fixed an appointment for thursday evening and since i was late from office she postponed it to yesterday as she had some problems at her home if it is late. i reached to her independent house in neredmet on time along with the protections she asked me to bring. she welcomed me inside and we had a small chitchat. she was built dusky person quite tall with impressive facial features, good racks and a big ass. she was speaking decent english and introduced herself that she works for wipro. it must be a lie. but i felt as if she is more interested in the sex rather than the money. after the negotiation she took me to the bedroom. the ambiance was good with a bed light that threw a design on the walls and the roof. we started of cuddling and slowly undressed ourselves. then she asked me what i like the most and i said bbj. she started a giving a good one with brief interruptions for cuddling and fingering. she was moaning and in no time she was all wet. after that i did mish for sometime followed by a doggy at high speed on the big round ass till climax. relaxed for a while and came out.

03-23-14, 10:04
Just came across this board. I'm in Hyderabad. Got some contacts, willing to share. If you got some contacts of Indie girls let's trade.

Not sure how to PM.



It appears from your post that you don't quite understand the Forum's Private Message service.

To use the Forum's Private Message service, both you and the Forum Member you are trying to contact must be either a subscriber or a Senior Member.

For more information, please read: http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-subscriptions.php?

If you cannot afford $20 dollars to buy a subscription, then perhaps you can convince another forum member to purchase a subscription for you.

JacksonLets exchange some contacts. Please me inbox.


03-23-14, 13:55
Tried a new Sp today. Bird is a housewife from Vizag. Good looks, huge hips and clean pussy. Loved the huge hips in particular. Average cooperation. CBJ and no DFK. Sadly bird is leaving hyd today. Little diff in real from the pic attached. Not sure of the SP yet if he is reliable. So please don't ask for the SP contact.

Overall: 8/10.

Damages: 5k (bit costly acc to me)

03-23-14, 19:34
Hello Everyone,

I been a silent watcher of this forum over an year. However, never replied. I am regular monger.

I wish there was a Paypal mode of payment to take the subscription. Here is the report of a place I been last month.

This is my 1st report so please excuse me for any mistakes.

Last week of December, me and a friend decide to bring a girl to the place. There is a SP who is regular for us. We called him up and he said there is one kolkata girl who is very young 21. So we started and reached the place in banjara hills. The place was good, new premises, We entered. In few minute there was girl fair about 5'3 height was looking OK. Somehow, we were not convinced since we had options when we visited this SP before. We told him, we are not convinced it would have been better if more girls were available. He said he has couple more but cannot send them to our place since they were already booked. We said won't mind having them there if we found them good. He called them both, both were pretty good.

Girl 1 was a little dark but long hair and very good assets and looked neat. Girl 2 was fair with good assets. Without even thinking I said ok for girl 1 and my friend tool girl 2...Dear sir,

This is a doctor from Bangalore working in Karimnagar requesting you to share independent contact girl or ladies from Hyderabad prefarably north east or Nepali. I would reciprocate with a very nice south Indian contact from Secundrabad. Thanks. Kindly note if you don't have any northeast girls any good south Indian will do.

Rajesh Reddy
03-24-14, 08:51
Vennela is back in Hyderbad. Met her last Friday. Asusual provided great service especially BBBJ.

Damages: 6k for 2 sessions.

03-24-14, 11:31
Well so you took the first step to quit, heard from the prior legends if you want to truly get out of mongering you should just not quit Online Forums but also quit on every other friend you made online or offline who are into mongering, besides to assimilate yourself back into mainstream do yourself a favor by getting tested for everything under sun, if you don't get tested boy you are up for some miserable time ahead. So get tested and don't entertain calls from mongers and babes alike.

I guess I covered all bases but it takes a great resolve to quit on mongering because every once in a while you will be suckered into those beautiful memories. By the way ODDs are against you because at some point you will be back! USD taught me a great deal with his pearls ever indebted to him, now can't call him or reach him!

Hi guys,

I am planning to quit this forum by end of this month and have already quit mongering.

Mongering no longer interests me. I think encountering 20 well behaved ladies is what is needed for everyone out there and I have exhausted my quota.

Instead of enjoying the act, recent times I started knowing more about the whereabout the girls and how sad some of the stories really make you is astonishing.

Meeting decent ladies, proud mothers, loving wives and respectable damsels who are reduced to mere moody fuck meat by a mishap in order to feed loved ones is not my idea of fun anymore. Makes you feel how fragile 'happy' life really is.

For someone who just admires the girl and make love, some of the stories of what other guys subject them to can be really haunting, more you know the girls personally.

This day will surely come for everyone.

Until then, play safe. Don't cross the line in to 'personal' territory.


03-24-14, 12:34
Hi guys,

I met this gal her name is romanticjuliet99 tht is her screeen and name too. It was really interesteing meeting her. I met her in water front she came on date with someone. Her eyes and hair was so appeling I can't take off my eyes from her, thn after sometime she got up and walk out for call. I thought of following her but I was with my frnd so could't not able to do this. Thn again she came and sat on her table. She has notice me thn we had a eye contact thn she went to fresh room I followed her there she gave me her I'd thn I message her and nextday she was with me.


Lips : I can say she is good kisser.

Pussy : so thight and juice never seen.

Boobs:wow is the only word for the handfulCan you pm her contact details. I would reciprocate with good contact.


03-24-14, 12:35
Hello all,

Can any one help me with a girl friendly hotel in Hyderabad or any place where no question asked for girl visiting me. I found one independent willing to visit me but cannot produce her ID for hotel check-in so willing to come after I check-in. Any suggestion or any one can help will be highly appreciated. I will be able to try her and share the FR or contact info.

Thank you

03-24-14, 18:05
Hello all,

Can any one help me with a girl friendly hotel in Hyderabad or any place where no question asked for girl visiting me. I found one independent willing to visit me but cannot produce her I'd for hotel check-in so willing to come after I check-in. Any suggestion or any one can help will be highly appreciated. I will be able to try her and share the FR or contact info.

Thank youWhat is your budget mate?

03-24-14, 18:18
Seen the following girl today. I know this SP for some time so when shared the new picture, I didn't hesitate.

She looked lot better in the picture than in person. In the picture, she looks cute, fair and really beautiful. Though the person is genuine, she looked dark, rough with small paunch in person. It was an OK experience.

She also rushed and didn't like giving BJ.

Face in picture: 9

Face in person: 7

Body: 6 (She has a tummy which is a turn-off)

Overall Experience: 6+

Overall she is OK but not worth 5k.

03-24-14, 18:36
What is your budget mate?Less than rs 5000 around Secuderabad.

Frank Martin
03-24-14, 19:20

I know this SP. He shared the same photo with me. He actually shows beautiful chicks (in my opinion, beautiful in photos not in service) But the price he charge is way too much, almost double.

You can check out my last worst experience, which I had with this SP only.

Tried a new Sp today. Bird is a housewife from Vizag. Good looks, huge hips and clean pussy. Loved the huge hips in particular. Average cooperation. CBJ and no DFK. Sadly bird is leaving hyd today. Little diff in real from the pic attached. Not sure of the SP yet if he is reliable. So please don't ask for the SP contact.

Overall: 8/10.

Damages: 5k (bit costly acc to me)

Chris Grey
03-24-14, 19:28
Hi guys,

How's everyone doing? This is my first post here. I am from Bangalore and have been following this thread for few weeks now. Couldn't have the courage to try anything in Bangalore since lots of relatives and friends around. Finally was lucky to be away from Bangalore for a while. I am in Hyderabad for a week. Could someone help me with details in Hyderabad please. Either MPs with extras or Contacts. I really don't know wht I can offer in return, because I am new to this. So sorry for that.

I am ok to shell out for some good service and good looking one.

Thanks in advance.

03-24-14, 19:35
I am not a senior member but have been posting the reviews steadily so if you wish, you can PM Mounika's number.

I am not sure why but I can't PM you. When I click on your name, I don't see PM option.

Tried a 22 year old beautician from Masab t* area had a good fuck.

Name Mounika.

Body. 7/10. Medium built.

Face. 9/10.

Ht. 7/10. (5 Ft 3)

B. 9/10. (34)

Ass. 6/10...

03-25-14, 04:08
Dear sir,

This is a doctor from Bangalore working in Karimnagar requesting you to share independent contact girl or ladies from Hyderabad prefarably north east or Nepali. I would reciprocate with a very nice south Indian contact from Secundrabad. Thanks. Kindly note if you don't have any northeast girls any good south Indian will do.Suggest you stop trading. Open locanto or Craigslist and start dialing. Adventure out and post a FR. That's how it works. Nothing will come in a silver plate for you.

Lord Necros
03-25-14, 05:44
Suggest you stop trading. Open locanto or Craigslist and start dialing. Adventure out and post a FR. That's how it works. Nothing will come in a silver plate for you.I am actually rather suspicious of him. He sent me the same text in messages. Twice. A lot of copy-pasting going around. and who gives out his locality in ISG?
If you see his post history, at places he claims he is from assam and new to Bangalore. At places he says he is from Bangalore and new to hyderabad. Yeah, I am not sure about this guy at all.

atDoctor: why don't you share some FRs here so that people can be comfortable sharing with you.

Lord Necros
03-25-14, 05:53
Ok guys,

Last call for the Bangkok trip.

Anyone still willing to join me, contact me asap. I will be getting the tickets in a couple of days.

4D / 4N.

Flight costs will be around 20k.

12K for food, room and transportation.

The places that we will check out will be:

Eden Club (2 girls PSE) , Tulip's (massage and PSE) , Star of Light (Blowjob Bar) , Dr BJ's Salon (BlowJobs) , Annie's Soapy (massage and FS) , Dr. BJ's Nuru (B2B massage)

03-25-14, 06:48
I am actually rather suspicious of him. He sent me the same text in messages. Twice. A lot of copy-pasting going around. And who gives out his locality in ISG?

If you see his post history, at places he claims he is from assam and new to Bangalore. At places he says he is from Bangalore and new to hyderabad. Yeah, I am not sure about this guy at all.

AtDoctor: why don't you share some FRs here so that people can be comfortable sharing with you.Hi Lord Necros,

No need to worry let me clarify. I am from Assam from Guwahati. Did my mbbs and md from Bangalore. Was there from 2002 to 2012. I got a job in Karimnagar. Shifted to here in Karimnagar recently. And I am new to Hyderabad. I keep coming once in a while to Hyderabad.



03-25-14, 07:27
I agree with you. I have received 2-3 private messages from DoctorSmart123.

I usually share contacts but this looks suspicious. Also why would some one advertise themselves as 'I am a Doctor'? I am sure he is on a message spree to all posters.

I am actually rather suspicious of him. He sent me the same text in messages. Twice. A lot of copy-pasting going around. And who gives out his locality in ISG?

If you see his post history, at places he claims he is from assam and new to Bangalore. At places he says he is from Bangalore and new to hyderabad. Yeah, I am not sure about this guy at all.

AtDoctor: why don't you share some FRs here so that people can be comfortable sharing with you.

03-25-14, 15:12
Hello folks,

Will be staying in Hyderabad until Apr 2nd. Any inde contacts will be greatly appreciated?


03-25-14, 16:14
Hi Lord Necros,

No need to worry let me clarify. I am from Assam from Guwahati. Did my mbbs and md from Bangalore. Was there from 2002 to 2012. I got a job in Karimnagar. Shifted to here in Karimnagar recently. And I am new to Hyderabad. I keep coming once in a while to Hyderabad.


DoctorsmartYou may be genuine / not genuine. You may / maynot request for contacts from fellow mongers. They might / mightnot share. That's not the point. Please don't get personal. My point was that newbies should earn their stripes by actually going out and experiencing and posting a FR. If you want to act safe by trading for inde contacts, then nobody is going to help you.

03-25-14, 17:40
I received an email from the same gentleman and I did share with him a contact but suprisingly I get a couple of emails again asking for contacts. Kindly do not spam the inbox dude, check who has replied back do some research on the forum. Try some new stuff, post something useful and please DO NOT SPAM.


You may be genuine / not genuine. You may / maynot request for contacts from fellow mongers. They might / mightnot share. That's not the point. Please don't get personal. My point was that newbies should earn their stripes by actually going out and experiencing and posting a FR. If you want to act safe by trading for inde contacts, then nobody is going to help you.

03-25-14, 17:41

Let me know if you do need any help regarding your trip. Been to most of the places that you mentioned.


Ok guys,

Last call for the Bangkok trip.

Anyone still willing to join me, contact me asap. I will be getting the tickets in a couple of days.

4D / 4N.

Flight costs will be around 20k.

12K for food, room and transportation.

The places that we will check out will be:

Eden Club (2 girls PSE) , Tulip's (massage and PSE) , Star of Light (Blowjob Bar) , Dr BJ's Salon (BlowJobs) , Annie's Soapy (massage and FS) , Dr. BJ's Nuru (B2B massage)

Lord Necros
03-25-14, 18:23

Let me know if you do need any help regarding your trip. Been to most of the places that you mentioned.

AR.Come join us then. .

The more the merrier.

03-25-14, 18:32
No dude, kinda hectic with work probably in couple of months for sure. Visit Cherrys (if apple is there do avail her services she is kinda sex maniac) also and Rajah for some non asian girls mostly russians and nearly countries.

Come join us then. .

The more the merrier.

Lord Necros
03-25-14, 18:36
No dude, kinda hectic with work probably in couple of months for sure. Visit Cherrys (if apple is there do avail her services she is kinda sex maniac) also and Rajah for some non asian girls mostly russians and nearly countries.Would you like to meet up for a beer?

I think it will be nice to get an idea of the trip from you.

03-25-14, 18:47
Sure dude, I am out of station as of now but would be back first week of April. Let me know whenever we could catch up

Some small tips.

Annies is time tested I had the pleasure of Nos 20, 24, 39, 41 Service also rated in the same order 24 is the best looking (I think it was 2400)

Cherry : Apple, Candy and Vodka Apple is the best by far Candy does A+ but is kinda on the bulkier side but very good service (Cherry you can get outcall 2500)

Dr BJ : A good BJ bar nice ambience it is owned by the same person who owns annies too (I think partnership) You get full service also if you take the VIP room.

BJ Nooru : Nooru is not my fav kinda prefer soapies.

Nana plaza is OK you get a lot of street walkers also but beware of TS.

If you want to try upscale soapies model types Amsterdam in Bangkok is the best.

Also exchange money at VASU at Sukhumvit they give the best exchange rate. Do not exchange in Malls or airport.

Ideally stay in the Sukhumvit area nice place for mongering.

Have fun.

Would you like to meet up for a beer?

I think it will be nice to get an idea of the trip from you.

03-25-14, 20:34
hi all,

i am getting into fr mode after quiet a while, will also get my membership in next couple of days to share contacts and exp with senior members here.

anyways, after reading a lot on this forum booked appointment with famous thai spa in jb hills which is located in the mall. my johny was very horny and was damn tired after my recent us trip. so booked afternoon appointment on last saturday, went there and asked for discount and got 20% on normal rates so paid 2500 on counter for one hour balanese massage. the manger called so called therapist and to my utter surprise the thai? gal / lady who was ugli like shit appeared from no where, i asked for another therepist then the manager told me that she is only available so you need to wait if you want to change. johny was no mood of waiting so wen inside then came disposable undy routine, any ways the massage was good i asked about removing undy and extras (very reluctantly as he / she was ugly) came answer 2000 for bum massage and hj i said wtf i can only give 1000 max (was not interested in tl by her) she agreed. then she removed undy and then got good bum massage but she did not gave hj till end when asked for it got very hurried and mechanical hj (worst till date).

any one had this exp recently? can any one help me good massage parlor where in babes are good and tl can happen may be b2b as well.

Lord Necros
03-25-14, 20:55
Hi Lord Necros,

No need to worry let me clarify. I am from Assam from Guwahati. Did my mbbs and md from Bangalore. Was there from 2002 to 2012. I got a job in Karimnagar. Shifted to here in Karimnagar recently. And I am new to Hyderabad. I keep coming once in a while to Hyderabad.


DoctorsmartGood fucking job. I was hoping to just ignore you. But I hit this post in the Thailand forums. You fucking spammed non Indians as well.


Talking about class management, have fun in reading this PM I got yesterday. The sender has a big 13 post history (I didn't bother to check their content). There is no trace anywhere on ISG I have ever mongered in India, nevertheless the guy decided I am an expert there! Go imagine if they read! This guy must deserve the top prize fir the month. On a side note read the "I request." Not even my employer or my wife address to me this way! LOL.

And then they accuse us of profiling on Indians? It is their behaviour rule! Last night I saw two guys in lower sukhumvit dealing with a lady. I can bet what the deal was about."You. Us. Altogether. Same room. Same price for the hour."


Re: Hi,

Dear sir, this is a doctor from Bangalore working in karimnagar requesting you to share independent contact girl or ladies from hyderabad prefarably north east or nepali. I would reciprocate with a very nice south indian contact from secundrabad. Thanks. Kindly note if you don't have any northeast girls any good south indian will do.


I hope not to be sick in India if that is the approach of a doctor there. And FFS, do we care if a mongerer is a doctor or a welder?

I will ask him for the gps coordinates of the girls he is looking for. Starts from Nepal and ends in Andaman Sea, maybe it is sufficient she breathes and her body temperature is 37C: an alive body!
There's enough racism against us Indians as it is, without idiots like you adding fuel to it.
Considering that you are spamming PMs randomly to people without checking their city, or even nationality, I am certain either you are too stupid to have done MBBS/MD or you are not a monger.
I dont know about others, but i surely will not help you in any way.

03-26-14, 07:00
b2b and tl is very difficult in hyd. only if you make a personal repo with a therapist by visiting her few times. even then it is not very safe bec they don't have doors in the rooms, only curtains.

if you need a good massage. you have to go for thai therapists. but sadly they are not good looking. so best is to go for a good massage without any expectations. you can easily get hj (if you are too horny) , i usually get hj for rs500 in the same spa (you could save some money here).

you can save money on counter prices as well. search coupons on internet and you can get upto 50% discount (another branch of same spa is opened in hitech and since its new branch they are giving good discount. i tried it once and payed 1200 at counter. therapist was better looking and younger than jhills branch. convinced therapist to give bum massage, but that was too professional massage. and i did not pay anything extra for that. did not ask for extra and i had to meet a sp girl after that).

bottom line: in hyd. go to spas only for good massage / save money on counter charges by coupouns / don't expect anything in extra. you will come out happier.

hi all,

i am getting into fr mode after quiet a while, will also get my membership in next couple of days to share contacts and exp with senior members here.

anyways, after reading a lot on this forum booked appointment with famous thai spa in jb hills which is located in the mall. my johny was very horny and was damn tired after my recent us trip. so booked afternoon appointment on last saturday, went there and asked for discount and got 20% on normal rates so paid 2500 on counter for one hour balanese massage. the manger called so called therapist and to my utter surprise the thai? gal / lady who was ugli like shit appeared from no where, i asked for another therepist then the manager told me that she is only available so you need to wait if you want to change. johny was no mood of waiting so wen inside then came disposable undy routine, any ways the massage was good i asked about removing undy and extras (very reluctantly as he / she was ugly) came answer 2000 for bum massage and hj i said wtf i can only give 1000 max (was not interested in tl by her) she agreed. then she removed undy and then got good bum massage but she did not gave hj till end when asked for it got very hurried and mechanical hj (worst till date).

any one had this exp recently? can any one help me good massage parlor where in babes are good and tl can happen may be b2b as well.

03-26-14, 08:22

my friend with people like you in hyderabad now i assume girls will soon learn the art of pleasing customers and hyd will improve in terms of spas.

all your adventures in delhi now need to be downloaded to girls for better performance.


b2b and tl is very difficult in hyd. only if you make a personal repo with a therapist by visiting her few times. even then it is not very safe bec they don't have doors in the rooms, only curtains.

if you need a good massage. you have to go for thai therapists. but sadly they are not good looking. so best is to go for a good massage without any expectations. you can easily get hj (if you are too horny) , i usually get hj for rs500 in the same spa (you could save some money here).

you can save money on counter prices as well. search coupons on internet and you can get upto 50% discount (another branch of same spa is opened in hitech and since its new branch they are giving good discount. i tried it once and payed 1200 at counter. therapist was better looking and younger than jhills branch. convinced therapist to give bum massage, but that was too professional massage. and i did not pay anything extra for that. did not ask for extra and i had to meet a sp girl after that).

bottom line: in hyd. go to spas only for good massage / save money on counter charges by coupouns / don't expect anything in extra. you will come out happier.

03-27-14, 03:55
This guy Doctorsmart is very irritating, even after I have replied him he keeps on sending me messages. Is there anyway I can block him?

03-27-14, 04:48
Anybody tried this girl? Any Reviews on her?

Lord Necros
03-27-14, 05:42
So apparently Ms. S is back.

Can anyone, who is in contact with her, confirm this?

03-27-14, 07:02
LongRanger bro. I wish we could get girls such as in Delhi in Hyd too. And we could have so much fun. I keep reading your reports on Delhi forum and I am really itching to come back there soon and enjoy the golder time with all those sexy girls in spas. I am sure few of them might be missing me too.

Keep rocking and keep up the good work.


My friend with people like you in Hyderabad now I assume girls will soon learn the art of pleasing customers and Hyd will improve in terms of spas.

All your adventures in Delhi now need to be downloaded to girls for better performance.


03-27-14, 07:50
LongRanger bro. I wish we could get girls such as in Delhi in Hyd too. And we could have so much fun. I keep reading your reports on Delhi forum and I am really itching to come back there soon and enjoy the golder time with all those sexy girls in spas. I am sure few of them might be missing me too.

Keep rocking and keep up the good work.Longranger is the toast of the town when it comes to delhi forum these days. Keeping delhi forum alive after the drying up of reports by veterans like anti, CP, VVV, RM etc.

Hothunk bro, delhi forum is surely missing you and your FRs as also kathy and sweety of Ragini spa who owe a royalty to you for the immense publicity you provide :P

03-27-14, 16:46
Hot hunk just to tease you more, your Jaanu Ragini has opened another branch in Delhi and girls are waiting for you to feed them protein shake.

You should plan a visit soon.


Longranger is the toast of the town when it comes to delhi forum these days. Keeping delhi forum alive after the drying up of reports by veterans like anti, CP, VVV, RM etc.

Hothunk bro, delhi forum is surely missing you and your FRs as also kathy and sweety of Ragini spa who owe a royalty to you for the immense publicity you provide :P

03-27-14, 18:44
Hey guys,

Was horny on Monday so decided to venture out. Tried a few numbers but wasn't able to get through. So decided to check out an old Sp who serves us in balaji towers.

Called him and set up an appointment for 2pm.

Once there was introduced to Poornima, she's half telgu and half thai. Heavy set with massive tits and of course a bit heavy in the midriff.

Action was nothing to rave about. BBBJ, action in doggy and finished in mish. She tried to hurry me up but I said I aint leaving till am satisfied.

Face: 6.


BBBJ: 5.

Action: 7 showed enthusiasm after a little persuasion.

Overall : 6.

Wir: nope.

Cheers till the next FR.


03-27-14, 20:13
This guy Doctorsmart is very irritating, even after I have replied him he keeps on sending me messages. Is there anyway I can block him?This Doctor is really irritating almost everyone. I have received quite a few PMs from him. I came across his post also in Ahmedabad forum. Requesting for contacts in Shanghai, Taiwan, Hongkong. LOL!


Hi dear Sir,

Glad to hear that you are in Sanghai. I am a doctor from Hyderabad in India. Would be great if you send me a few contacts of Chinese and other asian girls in Sanghai or Taiwan or Hong Kong. And how much they charge for their services.


03-27-14, 21:39
I have tried both Sruthi and Lahari thanks to Onetimer bro for the contacts. I want to try some other indi please help me with the contacts. I will help you with either of these contacts if you need. One more thing I recently had a talk with my regular SP and he is claiming he can get celebrities but quoting very high rates like 6L for well known actresses. Is this the right price if anyone has any experience please pm me. Also if anyone knows any sp's in low range in areas closer to secunderabad please pm I have exhausted the list of CL, locanto, backpage trying to find sp's in this area.

03-28-14, 09:51
Wow. This forum is so much active. I have had some nice experiences in Hyd and a number of bad ones as well. Look forward to sharing with you guys. Right now but I can't resist asking one thing. Just had a trip to Lavender spa in Gachibowli. Wasn't sure if 'extra' services were available. I tried subtly suggesting. Silly things like pulling down the disposable slightly. That resulted in me getting a bit of a bum massage. But couldn't be sure. Anyone knows about this? Whether there's anything extra possible there? Or am I wasting good money?

Thanks. I'll, post my other experiences here soon.

03-28-14, 14:11
First I would like to thank you Kirahell2 for introducing me to Lahari. I fixed the time around 2 am which she agreed and I have reached her place which is very quite and nice. She is very friendly and likes to please you and willing to make you happy. If I have some free time I will definitely repeat her and as he has no attitude at all.

Lord Necros
03-28-14, 17:07
Wow. This forum is so much active. I have had some nice experiences in Hyd and a number of bad ones as well. Look forward to sharing with you guys. Right now but I can't resist asking one thing. Just had a trip to Lavender spa in Gachibowli. Wasn't sure if 'extra' services were available. I tried subtly suggesting. Silly things like pulling down the disposable slightly. That resulted in me getting a bit of a bum massage. But couldn't be sure. Anyone knows about this? Whether there's anything extra possible there? Or am I wasting good money?

Thanks. I'll, post my other experiences here soon.I am a regular there. No extras AFAIK.

Also please don't post the names of the places directly. Its risky for the establishment. In case you need help with a specific place, just pm any member who has talked about that place before.
i'd suggest you edit your post and remove the name.

03-28-14, 18:16
Wasting money.

Whether there's anything extra possible there? Or am I wasting good money?

Thanks. I'll, post my other experiences here soon.

03-29-14, 04:53
Hello friends,

I received the below pics from a SP can you let me know if anyone has tried her please provide for any feedback.

03-29-14, 07:02
Hello all,

Please PM me contact of Lahari.

Thanks in advance.

First I would like to thank you Kirahell2 for introducing me to Lahari. I fixed the time around 2 am which she agreed and I have reached her place which is very quite and nice. She is very friendly and likes to please you and willing to make you happy. If I have some free time I will definitely repeat her and as he has no attitude at all.

03-29-14, 08:16
First I would like to thank you Kirahell2 for introducing me to Lahari. I fixed the time around 2 am which she agreed and I have reached her place which is very quite and nice. She is very friendly and likes to please you and willing to make you happy. If I have some free time I will definitely repeat her and as he has no attitude at all.Just found about this website. I am a regular on another forum.

Can you or Kirahell2 share Lahari contact number in PM please?




It appears from your post that you don't quite understand the Forum's Private Message service.

To use the Forum's Private Message service, both you and the Forum Member you are trying to contact must be either a subscriber or a Senior Member.

For more information, please read: http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-subscriptions.php?

If you cannot afford $20 dollars to buy a subscription, then perhaps you can convince another forum member to purchase a subscription for you.


03-29-14, 16:46
Hello friends,

I received the below pics from a SP can you let me know if anyone has tried her please provide for any feedback.Bro. Is it SP vignesh. Well I have done the first one. She is only a out call and I guess does not have a place are does not do this bit at her place.

She is okay in bed, kind of shy but will get the deal done. Let me know the quote. Don't pay more than 3 to 3. 5 K or negotiate 2 shots for 5 K.

All the best.

03-29-14, 17:17
Bro. Is it SP vignesh. Well I have done the first one. She is only a out call and I guess does not have a place are does not do this bit at her place.

She is okay in bed, kind of shy but will get the deal done. Let me know the quote. Don't pay more than 3 to 3. 5 K or negotiate 2 shots for 5 K.

All the best.Correct it is the same SP. He is quoting 7k for short time and 15k for night. Let me know if he is really safe to try.

03-30-14, 12:49
Correct it is the same SP. He is quoting 7k for short time and 15k for night. Let me know if he is really safe to try.PM'ed you. Check.

He is a nice guy and good one. If you build rapport he will tell you the nicest among the girls. He is safe.

03-30-14, 14:34
Tried a nepali after a long time in ameerpet. Cute and good boobs. But not very clean. Attached pic. My rating 7/10. Damage: 4k

03-31-14, 08:41
Tried a nepali after a long time in ameerpet. Cute and good boobs. But not very clean. Attached pic. My rating 7/10. Damage: 4kKananGP Bro, I am parched.

Think you can share a good, safe and value contact? I am new here.

Anywhere around Ameerpet / Banjara. I've got my own nice place. Prefer the out call ones.



03-31-14, 11:41
Wow. This forum is so much active. I have had some nice experiences in Hyd and a number of bad ones as well. Look forward to sharing with you guys. Right now but I can't resist asking one thing. Just had a trip to Lavender spa in Gachibowli. Wasn't sure if 'extra' services were available. I tried subtly suggesting. Silly things like pulling down the disposable slightly. That resulted in me getting a bit of a bum massage. But couldn't be sure. Anyone knows about this? Whether there's anything extra possible there? Or am I wasting good money?

Thanks. I'll, post my other experiences here soon.Hi,

I am regular at Lavendar spa and extras is strictly no no but really good chicks and massage is awesome. You can try to ask the number if you want to venture out but no extas here.

03-31-14, 20:58
I have been visiting this place in Ameerpet for past 1 year. Most of the gals do HJ.

I used to like a gal called Mehak but she quit. Along with her, few other gals (which I never cared but are OK) quit.

In a recent visit, I found that it has 4 new gals (average looking) and some of them are offering services openly. I am not a big fan of this place because it's not the most cleanest place and there is a big dog downstairs (hint to people who have been here before) but at least you get guaranteed service.

Caution: Gals are very greedy here.

Please don't bombard me with messages if you haven't contributed before. I don't mind sharing the contact but don't want this place to close down in a week.

03-31-14, 21:15
I have been to Danica spa earlier. Had an appointment with a great looking girl. However I realized that there are no extras.

In the past I have had great luck here but always inconsistent so decided to not to visit these popular places anymore because it's a hit or miss.

Just want to share this with people because if you are trying these known spas, just be prepared to have some disappointments.

04-01-14, 13:13

Can anyone help with nice contacts of massage parlors with extras in and around Gachigowli with reasonbale prices.

04-01-14, 13:59
This is a post dated 6 months back. Got the contact of an indie through CL after a exchanging a number of emails. She told me that she's a 30 year old unmarried lady and till this time we were only exchanging emails. Since she only offered outcall so one fine Sunday, negotiated with her and called her to my place. 6k for 2 hours. I was eagerly waiting for her but all me enthusiasm dies down after seeing her. She'll be 2 out of 10 and I decided to run off but where, I was at my place only and she could have easily created a scene. She was a bit plumpy, wore spects and her mouth smelled real bad. Somehow went on with the thing and she was good in bed. BBJ followed by mis, doggy and anal. After that we took bath and she rode me the second time. Handed over the money to her and the moment she left deleted her number which she gave me.

All in all, I would have paid 3k for the experience I had but to avoid any troubles, paid her the promised amount and sent her back.

04-01-14, 14:12

This is my first post here. Called up a number from CList and was directed to a locality behind M Store in K Pally.

Went there and called again, redirected twice to different number.

Reached the spot and called up. The person asked me to wait saying that he would send some one. All this took about 30-45 minutues. Searching for right spot and calling multiple times.

Finally the person said that the girl is with another person and have to wait.

Came back home.

Waste of time. Just a caution, if some one redirects you to a place above be cautious.

04-01-14, 14:14

There was a MP in MPur in the lane opposite to Pterol Bunk.

Went there recently and found it to be closed.

Any idea where did the guys go.

Had gone there earlier 4-5 times and was good service depending on the girl you get.

04-02-14, 14:58
Saw this message on Craiglist:

"We offer nice ayurvedic body massage for total satisfaction near Sri Nagar Colony."

Digits ending with 441.

Can anyone please validate? Thanks a ton!

04-03-14, 21:30
Where can I find local Andhra village girls? Please suggest.

Needless to say they should be clean & hygenic.

I am in Hyderabad and willing to have fun with some hot south girls.

Mahesh Babua
04-04-14, 00:25
I have been following this site for about an year now. Finally registered & paid for the subscription.

Writing about my latest FR in Kondapur area that happened about a month ago.

I was desperate and so was browsing through CL for SPs. Came across a few, one of them called me to Kondapur. He sent me a couple of pics on W'app.

Reached his place following his directions. It was a safe and cozy flat in residential society.

Saw two gals there. Was unable to choose between them. He offered me to take both of them. I too thought it would be an awesome experience. Negotiated the deal to 2 hour for both and took to the bedroom. Both girls were good. First one was good looking while other was slightly fat (but hornier). They were also excited on prospect of 3some.

Needless to say that I was thoroughly satisfied.

Can't rate the experience. Too good.

Cost: 4000 + 500 Tip.

04-04-14, 08:39
Where can I find local Andhra village girls? Please suggest.

Needless to say they should be clean & hygenic.

I am in Hyderabad and willing to have fun with some hot south girls.Mate. I will be amused if you find any sophisticated village girls in HYD. However that said, even if you find some then hygine is always a question, no dis respect to the comminity however that happens to be the bane truth.

Try the Shaikpet / Tolichowki belt after 10 Pm Friday night, you should have easy pickup's. Else it is your luck.

All the Best

04-04-14, 20:00
Try the Shaikpet / Tolichowki belt after 10 Pm Friday night, you should have easy pickup's. Else it is your luck.No use trying, dirty and drunk pros. Rate is Rs. 200 for 1 shot, so guess the quality.


04-05-14, 05:25
Thanks to Lucifer for the contact, tried this lady from Secbad, she is middle aged not so good looking but very talkative. Boobs are ok and has very tight pussy. Best thing about this lady is she has no time limit and shots limit. You can bang her as many times you want.

Damage: 6k

Looks: 3/10

Service: 7/10

Attitude: 8/10

WIR: Maybe.

If you want to bang multiple times then you might consider. Also negotiable as she don't set a price. You have to set it after talking to her.

04-05-14, 08:59
I just see numerous women hostels in the area. Is there anyone who knows how to get some girl in the area. I'm sure some of them must be doing the business.

04-05-14, 12:48

I am new to this forum.

Can anyone give me the contact of a SP in Visakhapatnam.

04-05-14, 14:25

I am visiting Vizag in this month and will be there for a month. Do not have any contacts. Can any fellow mongers help with some leads.

Thank you

Frank Martin
04-06-14, 08:53
Hi Friends,

I am moving to Pune (just reached already) Permanently. Hope you guys will have fun.


04-06-14, 09:57
Just new to this forum. Lots of posts asking for numbers / exchanging numbers. I have been mongering around a lot and some tips of mine.

- Ignore CL, Locanto, forums etc. Best is to ask a auto rickshaw driver. Tell him your budget and the type you prefer- SW, HW, College girl etc. Etc. Promise him a tip if takes you to the partner you want whether its going to be ST or 3 hrs or full night. Keep it at 10% of your budget.

-95% chances are that he'll take you to the right place.

- Treat the girl / lady not as an SW but a lady and you will see the difference in service.

This is the approach I follow. I am now in my mid forties and am a forced bachelor for over a year in Hyderabad. A month after being a forced bachelor, Sunday morning, my johnie was raging to sink it self into its natural home. My hormones were overactive. Gave a call to the pan shop where I regularly pick up cigarettes. Started a runninrg account with him. A friendly guy in his 60s who always reminded me that he would be of help if any help is required.[Non-English text deleted by Admin] This chap is a great guy. I told him to send over 2 packets of cigarettes and told him that I needed a girl. I guess he was not surprised and said an auto rickshaw guy would call me up. The call came in 10 minutes. I explained him my requirement- basically married lady for the whole day- from 10 AM to 6PM budget 4000- and if he took me to the right lady / SW I would give him 500- tip. He agreed. Despite no sex for two months and a raging jhonie, I swallowed a 50 mg penegra- my desperation level. He came to my place at 9.30 AM saying the lady I am looking for is nearby. Reached a block of apartments in Vidya nagar. He told me to wait. The block of apartments was decent and had five floors. He returned after ten minutes and took me to the apartment. Decent two bed room apartment. Good looking lady. Radhika was her name. Normal Dusky southindian lady in her early thirties, six inches shorter than me. Look 7/10. Figure 9/10. She knew only telugu and little bit of hindi. I don't know a word of telugu. Rickshaw guy said it was no problem. And he had explained every thing to her. She looked questioningly at my pepper colour mouche and hair I tipped him over the fare and saved his mobile number.

As soon as the rickshaw guy left, she dropped her palloo, smiled and came to me expecting me to open her blouse. I was in no hurry. We sat together on the sofa and after about twenty minutes of petting we started screwing.

- Slightly sagging ass.

- GFE.

- as expected a hairy vagina.

- BJ, BBJ, Missionary, doggie, cowgirl no anal.

- A talker while I screwed her- never understood a word what she was saying.

After the first round she made coffee for both of us. Ordered home delivery for lunch. I paid for lunch. Total five ejaculations. She was amazed that it would be a single or at max two ejaculations, not knowing that I had fortified my self with penegra. She gave me her mobile number. She took mine also. Understood that her kids had gone for a picnic at 6AM to Nagarjun Sagar. Husband had gone to his village. She gave me her mobile number. She took mine also. Understood that she never entertained at home explaining her absence by giving tutorials. Suited me perfectly. In the past one year, screwed her thrice, always LT, only week days taking half a day off.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited to remove text not in English. While I encourage contributions from all volunteers, the Forum is an English-only website. Please do not post reports in any language other than English. If you wish to post text in any language other than English, then please include a full English translation.Thanks!

04-06-14, 18:29
Just new to this forum. Lots of posts asking for numbers / exchanging numbers. I have been mongering around a lot and some

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited to remove text not in English. While I encourage contributions from all volunteers, the Forum is an English-only website. Please do not post reports in any language other than English. If you wish to post text in any language other than English, then please include a full English translation. Thanks! Nice to read a great FR.

However dismissing CL, locanto etc would not be a great idea for noobs. It is good source of info and has worked for loads of folks in here.

Asking auto guys is not a bad idea but not all auto guys will have the reqd knowledge. And from your post I get that asking a paan waala is more fruitful.

Anyway as long as one it getting accesd to good booty to bang don't care where the info comea from right?

Happy mongering and hope to see many more interesting fr from you.


04-07-14, 00:51
Any specific reason for Expecting a Hairy VaginaMost married women in India do not shave their pussy.

04-07-14, 08:29
Jhonny is going out of control again and after exploring all the Spa in Hyd. Decided to go back to my SPs (though the prices are higher compared to the quality provided in Hyderabad)

I stay in hitech city and have few regular SPs around who server to my needs whenever required. My regular SPs girl was our and other one was not available so decide to try a new one today.

Finally after exploring few CL ads, called a SP who had a girl in MPur. Called the SP (digits ending with 993 in his ads) and bargained for 3K for short time. The girls pic was already in the ad (her name is Sameers in the ad) and I liked it. I reached the place and to my disappointment the girl was looking really bad in real. No where close to her pic. And even the flat was very dirty. I refused to take her service and said NO to the SP over phone and walked out.

Will try another girl from my regular SP and will put report.

Anyone around MPur willing to share details can PM me.

04-07-14, 08:41
Hi Friends,

I am moving to Pune (just reached already) Permanently. Hope you guys will have fun.

FrankHey Frank,

I am also moving to Pune in a few days.

Do share your contact.


04-07-14, 09:19
Can you share me no of this lady Radhika.


Just new to this forum. Lots of posts asking for numbers / exchanging numbers. I have been mongering around a lot and some tips of mine.

- Ignore CL, Locanto, forums etc. Best is to ask a auto rickshaw driver. Tell him your budget and the type you prefer- SW, HW, College girl etc. Etc. Promise him a tip if takes you to the partner you want whether its going to be ST or 3 hrs or full night. Keep it at 10% of your budget.

-95% chances are that he'll take you to the right place.

- Treat the girl / lady not as an SW but a lady and you will see the difference in service.

This is the approach I follow. I am now in my mid forties and am a forced bachelor for over a year in Hyderabad...

04-07-14, 19:29
Hello seniors,

Visiting Hyd for a couple of days and will be staying in a hotel close to Mpur. Can you please provide contacts of any good trusted SP's. Looking for a little bit on the high end offering pure GFE outcall.



04-08-14, 03:54
Appointment fix:

After the disappointing visit to Sameera on Sunday. Jhonny was not willing to give up. Called my regular SP and fixed appointment with Ankita. 3k for short time and 4K for 1 hour (diff between short time is that you get to do one quick pop and 1 hour is you can pop twice in one hour). Told him that I will decide after seeing the girl.

Actual meeting:

Reach the place, saw the girl. She doesn't look exactly as her pic (this might be old pic. But it gives good idea about her body and figure) but greeted me nicely and hugged and was looking in mood. I payed for 1 hour and deep started. She is actually very active and love to participate and take control (not like other girls who just lie one bed). DFK, BBJ everything was on card and I did not have to ask anything. She took the initiative and we started having good fun. I has hard right from the moment she touched me.

Now after 10 mins she put the condy and asked if she should ride me and I will ride her because she wants to finish first pop faster to save time for second pop. I told her that I just one one pop but wants to have good fun (I like GFE experience and long foreplay if the girl is good). Now all of a sudden her attitude changed. She started checking her phone, watching tv etc. After a while she said lets do it. And started again. But this time it was too machanical. Now I came to know that her initial enthusiasm was to finish the first pop soon and but since I wanted only one pop and had 1 hour she started killing some time. And her change in attitude really turned me off. This was the time to clear things out and make her understand that I am going to fix the rules here and not her. I asked her to get off me and that I don't want her service. I took my clothes and started getting dressed. She got really scared and tried to stop me. But I did not give up so easily and told her that I wanted good time. She tried her best to stop me and enthu came back. She threw me on bed. Sat on my cock while rubbing her shaved smooth pussy on my cock and started kissing me. I did not gave up even then and enjoyed the somewhat "forced sex" by a women who is on top of me. From here on things were smooth.

This girl is actually good in sex. Not so good in love making. But love hard ponding for long time in various positions. Gives decent BBJ and love DATY too (she was pushing my head down to do that but for safety reason I did not do). She has great ass and smooth good skin. And she actually enjoys fuck as she got wet very soon. Makes few fake voices but I guess that is fine. If you like bit rough hard fuck. She is the girl.

Learning about SP:

Though I already knew these things. But just putting them here for other mongers and which even these girls confirmed yesterday. SP asks these girls to finish the guys asap, even if you pay for 1 hour. They will try to finish twice in 30-40 mins (so if you pay for 1 hour. You must know how to make it worth).


Face 5/10

Figure 8/10

Boobs 5/10 (small but soft and firm)

Ass 9/10

Attitude 7/10 (just fuck and she will respond well. Not a good one for talks)

WIR: No. I hardlly repeat, there are so many to taste. But she gives her personal number if she likes you and you can meet her for longer time once her contract with the SP gets over. She gave me her number. But I deleted it before reaching back home. You can get it very easily if you meet her.

04-08-14, 07:41

After the disappointing visit to Sameera on Sunday. Jhonny was not willing to give up. Called my regular SP and fixed appointment with Ankita. 3k for short time and 4K for 1 hour (diff between short time is that you get to do one quick pop and 1 hour is you can pop twice in one hour). Told him that I will decide after seeing the girl.


Reach the place, saw the girl. She doesn't look exactly as her pic (this might be old pic. But it gives good idea about her body and figure) but greeted me nicely and hugged and was looking in mood. I payed for 1 hour and deep started. She is actually very active and love to participate and take control (not like other girls who just lie one bed). DFK, BBJ everything was on card and I did not have to ask anything. She took the initiative and we started having good fun...Have been looking for this babe, appreciate if you could fwd contact details.

04-08-14, 07:57
I just came to know about this site. And instantly joined it. Will appreciate if any seniors like to help me. I don't have any contacts as of now. But promise to share as soon as I make some.

04-08-14, 08:35
Nice review and advice. Pretty good VFM.

Just new to this forum. Lots of posts asking for numbers / exchanging numbers. I have been mongering around a lot and some tips of mine.

- Ignore CL, Locanto, forums etc. Best is to ask a auto rickshaw driver. Tell him your budget and the type you prefer- SW, HW, College girl etc. Etc. Promise him a tip if takes you to the partner you want whether its going to be ST or 3 hrs or full night. Keep it at 10% of your budget.

-95% chances are that he'll take you to the right place.

- Treat the girl / lady not as an SW but a lady and you will see the difference in service.

This is the approach I follow. I am now in my mid forties and am a forced bachelor for over a year in Hyderabad. A month after being a forced bachelor, Sunday morning, my johnie was raging to sink it self into its natural home...

04-08-14, 08:53

Can anyone help me with some spas offering extras like FS and BBBJ in Hyderabad.

Thanks in advance,


04-08-14, 13:34
I am a newbie here. Hava not had any luck in the past. Would appreciate seniors if they could help me score an inde.

04-08-14, 15:43

can anyone help me with some spas offering extras like fs and bbbj in hyderabad.

thanks in advance,

samhi sam,

after tje last le raids many have shut shop. who ever is providing now are doing so to their regular clientele. hyd is in bad shape when it comes to extras in spa's. you can however go to some spas regularly and hope that a therapist warms up to you.

all the best!


04-09-14, 01:34
Hi bro,

Please pm me the numbers. Of both auto waala and the lay.

Just new to this forum. Lots of posts asking for numbers / exchanging numbers. I have been mongering around a lot and some tips of mine.

- Ignore CL, Locanto, forums etc. Best is to ask a auto rickshaw driver. Tell him your budget and the type you prefer- SW, HW, College girl etc. Etc. Promise him a tip if takes you to the partner you want whether its going to be ST or 3 hrs or full night. Keep it at 10% of your budget.

-95% chances are that he'll take you to the right place.

- Treat the girl / lady not as an SW but a lady and you will see the difference in service.

This is the approach I follow. I am now in my mid forties and am a forced bachelor for over a year in Hyderabad. A month after being a forced bachelor, Sunday morning, my johnie was raging to sink it self into its natural home. My hormones were overactive. Gave a call to the pan shop where I regularly pick up cigarettes. Started a runninrg account with him. A friendly guy in his 60s who always reminded me that he would be of help if any help is required. [Non-English text deleted by Admin] This chap is a great guy...

04-09-14, 05:32
I am a newbie here. Hava not had any luck in the past. Would appreciate seniors if they could help me score an inde.First you need to become a paid member. No one will or can post numbers in the open forum. Have you tried CL or locanto yet? Post a few frs here. Good or bad only then will you be able to gain some credibility. Rtff and you'll see why senior members are hesitant to give out numbers easily.


04-09-14, 05:39
Is it mandatory to enter the address in that subscription page? N ya because of all these le things happening I am scared to approach SP's. But if I could get any inde contacts will surely write FRs.



Let me address your concerns about using a credit card to purchase a subscription.

1. Is there any danger that your credit card data might be stolen? No. Both the shopping cart service and the credit card service I use to process the credit card transactions are both conducted on secure, encrypted websites, so your credit card information is secure.

2. Is there any danger that your credit card statement will show that you've purchased a membership to this forum? No. The credit card charge will be made under another name (which I won't write here because I don't want it being found by search engines) that looks like it's a contribution to a charity.

3. Is there any danger that a law enforcement agency might force me to divulge your forum username? No. I delete the shopping cart transaction data every few days, and that's the only connection between your credit card charge and your username. In other words, the credit card charge doesn't include your username, only the shopping cart database has this info, and I have total control over the shopping cart's database.

In addition, the forum's servers are located in Hamburg, Germany, safely outside the USA legal system, and in a country where commercial sex is legal.

4. Is there a possibility that I will take your money and disappear? No. This has been a membership website for several years, and nobody here has ever reported a single problem with using their credit card to purchase a subscription. Believe me, if there had ever been a problem, it would have been reported it here.

5. Are there any options other than using my credit card? Yes. You can purchase an anonymous, pre-loaded credit card online and at numerous retail outlets. There is also an option to purchase a subscription by mail using cash.




04-09-14, 07:19
How do you expect me to help dear? There is a two step process (not in any specific order) to get help at this process.

1. Get your PM activated. No one will put contact details on open forum. You need to activate your PM.

2. Most important: Put some useful FR on forum. Most of the seniors (specially me) go through your old FRs and see how much you have contributed to the forum. You don't have to.

Give contacts in return of every help you ask in PM. But if your FRs are informative and has helped others on forum. You will get help without any condition.


Have been looking for this babe, appreciate if you could fwd contact details.

04-09-14, 07:49
Hi Seniors.


For quite some time I am not able to reach them. They used to provide service at Gachibowli near DLF. Earlier they used to provide service close to Oriental Bank (close to DLG Only) in a duplex apartment. And the SP was a lady Kajal.

There prices were higher than other SPs but they used to get good girls.

04-09-14, 10:41
How do you expect me to help dear? There is a two step process (not in any specific order) to get help at this process.

1. Get your PM activated. No one will put contact details on open forum. You need to activate your PM.

2. MOST IMPORTANT: Put some useful FR on forum. Most of the seniors (specially me) go through your old FRs and see how much you have contributed to the forum. You don't have to.

Give contacts in return of every help you ask in PM. But if your FRs are informative and has helped others on forum. You will get help without any condition.

Cheers.Just joined the site yesterday. Appreciate if you could share her contact details. Assure you as I develop contacts, will be happy to share it with you. I am located at Pune for work. Whenever you happen to be here, would be glad to exchange contacts.

04-09-14, 12:13
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were written in some sort of Abnormal Writing Style. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

04-09-14, 12:29
Anyplace in hyderabad where I can see a mujra and maybe fuck the females there?Mujra is now possible only in private gatherings. That too not by traditional nautch girls. Those traditional families have vanished during during late 70s or early 80s.

Now some of private gatherings / during marraige functions bring in Bar Dancers who perform so called Mujras.

04-09-14, 14:37
Hi bro,

Please pm me the numbers. Of both auto waala and the lay.Sorry. Forum rules do not permit this.



It appears from your post that you don't quite understand the Forum's Private Message service.

To use the Forum's Private Message service, both you and the Forum Member you are trying to contact must be either a subscriber or a Senior Member.

For more information, please read: http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-subscriptions.php?

If you cannot afford $20 dollars to buy a subscription, then perhaps you can convince another forum member to purchase a subscription for you.


04-09-14, 15:52
Check your PM. Welcome to the forum. Don't forget to write FR and help others.

Just joined the site yesterday. Appreciate if you could share her contact details. Assure you as I develop contacts, will be happy to share it with you. I am located at Pune for work. Whenever you happen to be here, would be glad to exchange contacts.

04-09-14, 17:51
Yes even I think vinod has stopped providing the services, may LE or must to trying to shift the location. Likely to be back soon. Who wants to leave the business where you are making lakhs without doing much yourself.

Hi Seniors.


For quite some time I am not able to reach them. They used to provide service at Gachibowli near DLF. Earlier they used to provide service close to Oriental Bank (close to DLG Only) in a duplex apartment. And the SP was a lady Kajal.

There prices were higher than other SPs but they used to get good girls.

04-10-14, 10:32
when they say 'satisfaction' it means ayurvedic satisfaction, no idea whatever the fuck ayurvedic satisfaction means. i called then up and went to their place: small house / apartment at srinagar colony road which connects to ameerpet lal bungalow signal. shitty place, shittier attitude, shittiest oil (i immediately went to o2 after that shit session and got a full body scrub to get that shit oil off me costed my ass 6000 rupees, anyways!)

damage for 'satisfaction': 1500.

wir: never, even for free. fucking assholes.

word of advice: please stay away, don't even experiment.

saw this message on craiglist:

"we offer nice ayurvedic body massage for total satisfaction near sri nagar colony."

digits ending with 441.

can anyone please validate? thanks a ton!

04-10-14, 11:14
Earlier, I use to visit frequently this SP place, of course not always at the same place, keeps changing every 5 to 6 months. I almost was a regular with him for around 10years and stopped till recently. Started mongering again and had nice girl, maybe around 25, tall, nice body, clean. Company was maybe 5. Looks wise 8. Damage 30k. He also arranges very high profile. If anyone intrested with such high cost, I can share his contact.

04-10-14, 11:19
I was also a member of aff, just for fun, till recetly. I went quiet far with a few members. Even paid a few of them some amount to see their reaction. Some of them demands 10k, few are around 5k. Some exchanged photos also. Looking nice. Can be tried. There a good number of girls from Hyderabad. Some have their own place.

04-10-14, 13:25
Anyone knows where to get good sex workers whom we can pickup from the streets?

Andy Arora
04-10-14, 16:24
Earlier, I use to visit frequently this SP place, of course not always at the same place, keeps changing every 5 to 6 months. I almost was a regular with him for around 10years and stopped till recently. Started mongering again and had nice girl, maybe around 25, tall, nice body, clean. Company was maybe 5. Looks wise 8. Damage 30k. He also arranges very high profile. If anyone intrested with such high cost, I can share his contact.Hi buddy,

Can you PM me the details of this SP as in contact no. Am in Hyderabad tomorrow and will call him. Let me know.


04-10-14, 17:39

Any body tried this agency in Hyderabad. [urlhttp://www.night4uhyderabadindependentescorts.com/contact.html[/url].

Don't know if its a lady or man. But they say they have 19-24 girls. Only outcall to hotel. I will be staying in hotel Walnut on April 12. Is it safe to get a girl to that hotel in nite especially with the election around? What's the LE scene in that hotel locality.

Any leads / pointers appreciated.

If anybody has any info. Please pass on. If you guys have any indi contact who can do outcall. I would love to try. I have Bangalore contacts in exchange.

Looking for help brothers.

04-10-14, 18:48
Anyone tried here? Any feedback?

Xander Garv
04-10-14, 19:42

I have never been very active on is but been a frequent monger in Hyderabad since last 4-5 yrs. I have always been a lone monger learning from personal experiences. But I have always referred is and it has always helped. So now I don't coded that its good if I can leverage some help from fellow veterans over here by mutual sharing. Better late than never.

In the last 1yr I have been mostly visiting krthk only when he gets good profiles. And by good I mean the busty kind. But not fat.

Thus happened some 15 days back when he had smrn from bmby. Being a regular I usually bargain for 3-3. 5k for two shits in 1hr. So went to gchbwli flat and found smrn. She greeted me in took the money. Then we had some chit chat. I asked her if she had any restrictions. She asked what wud I like. And I said a little of body massage and breast massage if possible. I thought may be I asked too much. But as I became friendly with her. She too reciprocated. Started with a nice full body massage as she sat on my back with only a towel wrapped around her. Felt really relaxed. This was for 10 mins but she was real good. Then she got up and walked out of the room. And I didn't know what to expect. She came in with moisturizer in her hand. Opened her towel. Rubbed it on her boobs. Some on my Johny and she started caressing Johny with her boobs. Awesome breast massage got me aroused and I kissed her. She was good with french but no dfk though. CBJ was ok but hell I was satisfied. Drilled her in missy and was out in 10 mins. Cleaned up and chatted with her as she lay on me and I licked her boobs. Then in 10-15 mins started with french and CBJ. Missy. Doggy and cowgirl. Then out in 20 mins as we sweated it out. Was satisfied and left.

Service: 8/10

Body: 6.5/10

Boobs: 8/10. 36c

Damage: 3.5k

Wir: yes

04-10-14, 20:24
Anyone tried the CL add girl from Madhapur. 7k per hour? The add included one mail.

Got the pic from this ID and she looks good 8/10. But 7k is just crossing my usual budget, but wanted to know.

If someone already visited and how the experience was.

04-11-14, 04:56
Can you tell how to search that add? What is the headline of add and on what date and which section? I am near by and can try her and provide you feedback. You can even put her pic in your report here. And if anyone tried her earlier can help you.

Anyone tried the CL add girl from Madhapur. 7k per hour? The add included one mail.

Got the pic from this I'd and she looks good 8/10. But 7k is just crossing my usual budget, but wanted to know.

If someone already visited and how the experience was.

04-11-14, 05:01
Hi bro.

Thanks a lot for your FR. But as karthik keeps girls only for a week or 10 days. So if you can post your FR sooner (when girl is in Hyd). It can help other mongers as well. Simran is gone now and sadly others can't have fun with her. Also you can put her pic in FR as well.


I have never been very active on is but been a frequent monger in Hyderabad since last 4-5 yrs. I have always been a lone monger learning from personal experiences. But I have always referred is and it has always helped. So now I don't coded that its good if I can leverage some help from fellow veterans over here by mutual sharing. Better late than never.

In the last 1yr I have been mostly visiting krthk only when he gets good profiles. And by good I mean the busty kind. But not fat.

Thus happened some 15 days back when he had smrn from bmby. Being a regular I usually bargain for 3-3. 5k for two shits in 1hr. So went to gchbwli flat and found smrn. She greeted me in took the money. Then we had some chit chat. I asked her if she had any restrictions. She asked what wud I like. And I said a little of body massage and breast massage if possible. I thought may be I asked too much. But as I became friendly with her. She too reciprocated. Started with a nice full body massage as she sat on my back with only a towel wrapped around her. Felt really relaxed. This was for 10 mins but she was real good. Then she got up and walked out of the room. And I didn't know what to expect. She came in with moisturizer in her hand. Opened her towel. Rubbed it on her boobs. Some on my Johny and she started caressing Johny with her boobs. Awesome breast massage got me aroused and I kissed her. She was good with french but no dfk though. CBJ was ok but hell I was satisfied. Drilled her in missy and was out in 10 mins. Cleaned up and chatted with her as she lay on me and I licked her boobs. Then in 10-15 mins started with french and CBJ. Missy. Doggy and cowgirl. Then out in 20 mins as we sweated it out. Was satisfied and left.

Service: 8/10.

Body: 6. 5/10.

Boobs: 8/10. 36c.

Damage: 3. 5k.

Wir: yes

04-11-14, 05:07
You can ask them to send the pic of the girl first. Which I am sure they won't send and will say that they will send the girl directly to your room and you can refuse if you don't like her. And even there prices will be too high. Usually such people doesn't have girls and arrange through others and take commition in between. Which increases the cost. Secondly, they won't show the pic and will send the girl directly to your room. And you won't have any other option either to send the girl back if you don't like or waste lot of money on a bad choice.

What you can do is:

-Put an ad on CL. And you will get replies from few Indies. Write a decent mature ad and only then good girls will reply.

- If that doesn't work. Drop me a PM when you are in Hyd and will try to help you.


Any body tried this agency in Hyderabad.


Don't know if its a lady or man. But they say they have 19-24 girls. Only outcall to hotel. I will be staying in hotel Walnut on April 12. Is it safe to get a girl to that hotel in nite especially with the election around? What's the LE scene in that hotel locality.

Any leads / pointers appreciated.

If anybody has any info. Please pass on. If you guys have any indi contact who can do outcall. I would love to try. I have Bangalore contacts in exchange.

Looking for help brothers.

Xander Garv
04-11-14, 06:23
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were written in some sort of Abnormal Writing Style. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

04-11-14, 10:01
Anyone tried here? Any feedback?I have tried her and she is short and willing to please you. She is housewife for sure. You can try her once and locality is very safe as well.

04-11-14, 18:40
I have tried her and she is short and willing to please you. She is housewife for sure. You can try her once and locality is very safe as well.How is she in looks? Is she fair, bulky has some tummy? Can you please let me know?

04-11-14, 19:10
Hi everyone,

I tried this lady so called Chandana provided by [Names in Code Deleted by Admin] at Madhapur. Nice assets with awesome huge boobs. She also shared her no with me. But I was not in mood 2 save at that time. Would like 2 try her once. If you would like 2 share her number. Would definitely reciprocate buddy.

Till then happy and safe mongering to all of my friends.


Dr. An aspiring surgeon.

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove names written in code. Please do not post names written in code in the Forum. You're not foolng anyone. If the average forum member can interpret the name, then so can anyone else. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information. Thanks!

04-11-14, 19:21
Can you tell how to search that add? What is the headline of add and on what date and which section? I am near by and can try her and provide you feedback. You can even put her pic in your report here. And if anyone tried her earlier can help you.Apr 9. Search by "gorgeous pretty cute Telugu HW".

04-11-14, 20:33
I have tried her and she is short and willing to please you. She is housewife for sure. You can try her once and locality is very safe as well.Hey,

Can I get her info if possible along with a reference?

04-11-14, 21:07
I haven't called them but I can say it's 100% fake. I wouldn't take risk.

Go with known SPs. You might not always get best looking profiles but at least you won't get into trouble.

It's my 2 cents.


Any body tried this agency in Hyderabad.


Don't know if its a lady or man. But they say they have 19-24 girls. Only outcall to hotel. I will be staying in hotel Walnut on April 12. Is it safe to get a girl to that hotel in nite especially with the election around? What's the LE scene in that hotel locality.

Any leads / pointers appreciated.

If anybody has any info. Please pass on. If you guys have any indi contact who can do outcall. I would love to try. I have Bangalore contacts in exchange.

Looking for help brothers.

04-11-14, 21:10
Does any one has idea about Times classifides? I see 4-5 posts every day under massage / escort section openly.

04-11-14, 21:23
Hi folks,

Recieved the following pics from what looks like an SP.

Anybody know about these ladies. Any info on these?

Asking 10K for 2 hours.

04-12-14, 04:43
Tried this girl yesterday. Not much to write. Very-2 average service.

Her boobs look really big in pic. But they are too saggy and her tummy has lots of strech marks (when I asked she told me that she has a baby).

Nothing special to write. Damage was 3K for 1 hour. But you guys can get much better option which that money in Hyd.

04-12-14, 04:43
Here are the pics.

Tried this girl yesterday. Not much to write. Very-2 average service.

Her boobs look really big in pic. But they are too saggy and her tummy has lots of strech marks (when I asked she told me that she has a baby).

Nothing special to write. Damage was 3K for 1 hour. But you guys can get much better option which that money in Hyd.

04-12-14, 09:05
Way too overpriced man. Try and bring him to 5k.

Hi folks,

Recieved the following pics from what looks like an SP.

Anybody know about these ladies. Any info on these?

Asking 10K for 2 hours.

04-12-14, 10:49
Here are the pics.A classic case of cover the face, nail the base. Surely not high on the looks but she's got the kind of body I dearly prefer, tits look nice and juicy and cost is reasonbale too. I'd say nice catch, bro.

04-12-14, 12:13
Just new to this forum. Lots of posts asking for numbers / exchanging numbers. I have been mongering around a lot and some tips of mine.

- Ignore CL, Locanto, forums etc. Best is to ask a auto rickshaw driver. Tell him your budget and the type you prefer- SW, HW, College girl etc. Etc. Promise him a tip if takes you to the partner you want whether its going to be ST or 3 hrs or full night. Keep it at 10% of your budget.

-95% chances are that he'll take you to the right place.

- Treat the girl / lady not as an SW but a lady and you will see the difference in service.Completely agree with the auto rickshaw / pan waala part.

I have tried it myself three times and it works.

Though one time the person got offended and said, please don't ask anyone else sir, you might be in trouble.

04-12-14, 13:20
ATTENTION: Please don't send PM if you have not put any FR on any forum. Its not going to help

I have been getting so many msgs from people who haven't contributed anything to the forum and just want the help.

To all such dear friend: The forum is a 2 way process. Please do some hard work and do some mongering. Put few FRs and the expect others to help them. You don't have to write msgs that I have few contacts. If you tell me xyz's number. I will give you that. Pleaseeee, if you already have any contact please use them first and put your experience here and after that ask for more contacts. Whats the point of asking when you haven't used the one you already have. Just taking the numbers and calling them. Actually increases the rates and for independents girls even change there number if they get too many calls from people who are not even serious to meet them. Which actually spoil contacts for others.

You can check ads on Craigslist or Locanto and contact service providers, and take there service. There are many SPs (service providers) who put pics of real girls in there ad (and even mention in the ad that you will get same girl) or they send pics on whatsapp or on your mail or put on there blogs. You can see the girls and decide if you like her or not. Usually charges are like 3k for one hour (it will be good if we all stick to this price range and refuse if any SP is asking for more money. Unless the girl is too good or you are too desperate and really need some candy for your Jhonny.).

Read Delhi's forum and see how people have kept rates in check. Everyone follow same price range (Rs 500 for HJ. 1000 Hand job + top less + coperation, people even get full service with Rs1000 from hot girls inside Spas. And its very easy to get models or foreigners for 5K. But thats possible only when everyone stick to the same price)

Once you go to a SP. It will easier to deal with him next time as he will know that you are genuine customers. They don't entertain much unlesss you take there service once or twice.

If you spend some time on craigslist or backpage or locanto. You can find many SPs or even indies.

I hope this much information is enough to start with.

We don't want to keep spoon feed people and just keep passing numbers. Once you start posting your FRs on forums. Then most of the seniors won't ask anything in return. And you can easily get information based on the FRs they post. But you need to do your part as well.

Also, whenever you get any information or meet any girl. Put the post on FR. Good or bad. Its going to help other friend and might save there money (if the girl was not good) and can help them (if the girl is good. Bec usually SPs gets girl in Hyd for a week or 10 days and send them back). So if the girl is good. Other friends from Hyd forum can take her service.

04-12-14, 13:29
Hot hunk spreading heat in hyd, nice boobs on this one buddy.

Here are the pics.

04-12-14, 14:17
Well, this is a sad story. Wasn't sure if I was going to put it up but Hothunk kind of inspired me to with his let-others-know-if-it's-bad message. So here goes.

Had used this sp for a high class profile previously. Although expensive, he gave good quality. Basically he deals with Mumbai imports who come here for a few days. Usual charges being 10k per session.

So called him up yday, and told him wanted an incall of high quality. He quoted 15k for a session, negotiated to 15k for two shots. Asked me to come to a particular pillar at Mehdptnam. I reach there and I call him. He says someone else will contact me. I should have smelled something fishy here. But obviously we are optimists aren't we? He calls me, takes me an apartment nearby. Badly maintained apartment. I kind of realised what's happened by now. The SP I initially contacted didn't have any options with himself so he referred me to this guy. Anyways a girl was what I wanted, not the SP so again optimistically waited for the girls to appear. Once he showed me, my optimism went for a run on a pair of the new Reebok shoes. They weren't even worth 2-3k. Told him I wanted none of them and am leaving. Now trouble starts. There were three guys there, and they block the door saying I have come so have to pay. No arguments with them. Paid 5k and left the place.

So coming to my main point, if someone asks you to come near pillar 170, then mostly you should avoid, or else pay max 3k.

04-12-14, 15:38
Thanks LoneRanger bro.

I keep reading Delhi's forum and see how you have become Virat Kohli of the forum and carrying the legacy of very dear Antiklpd (Sachin T of the forum).

Will trouble you a lot whenever I will visit Delhi next.

Hot hunk spreading heat in hyd, nice boobs on this one buddy.

04-12-14, 16:35
thought about trying out a mp after spotting an ad on locanto. called up around 1 in the noon to enquire about the place and price and things. i was told to come near the famous hyd [names in code deleted by admin] and was also told the price of 1300 for massage by female staff. since i understood the scenario that i'm up for a game or atleast a hj without much hassle, i went about around 4 in the evening. before leaving for there i had made up my mind that i'll only restrict myself to hj (no particular reason for that). upon reaching there, gave a call to the guy. i was told to come further ahead near [names in code deleted by admin] and from there directed to take first left and come near aor restaurant, whatever it was. parked my vehicle nearby and went inside the gate opposite the hotel and into the room / flat. the door was open and the girl who greeted me asked to see the mobile number of the pimp on my phone to verify. number verified and then i was told about the prices. 1300 for simple massage and 2000 for b2b. since i was carrying only 1800 (i always make it a point to carry minimal cash with me) 1300 for the massage and since i had hj in mind. 500 for that (thanks to delhi forum for fixing the price).

i decided to go for b2b and somehow didn't think about negotiating further and told the girl that i've only got 1800 and if that's fine for a b2b (which somehow includes the hj). she would have even agreed at 1500 also if i showed her the empty wallet at 1500. anyways i was told to go to a room and was told to change take change (change into what, there wasn't anything available to change into) and i obliged and lied down on the massage table which was quite old. the bathroom was sort of clean but for the water logging due to a blocked pipe most probably. in minutes, the girl (dark complexion but petite) came inside the room and locked it behind her. she's not an expert at massage but still tried her best for some 15-20 mintues. nice bum massage and when i turned over, she took off her top and bra and massaged me and towards the end of it climbed on top of table and rubbed her boobs (not big but firm and looked they were not used much earlier) against mine for some 2-3 minutes and yes that was all that was to b2b massage. tried to get hold of them and touch them but she denied and even i didn't plead or tried to please her for that. then she started off the hj by using lots of cream and she knew how to get the deal done and in between that i squeezed her bums (firm) and later on moved to her nipples and she didn't resist at that point of time. in a few minutes, the deed was done and i moved to the bathroom to clean myself while she got dressed in the meantime but she kept waiting there in the room till the time i got dressed and also said that why are you in a hurry. i got the point but was not in the mood for make the juices flow from her pussy. she asked for the tip but showed him my wallet and excused myself (as such she didn't do anything extra than what was expected from the package) and told her that i will definitely get it the next time i meet her.

so the total damage was 1800, which could have been easily restricted to 1500. so the idea now is. 1500 for b2b massage, and maybe 1000 rupees offer for fs to the therapist. start from 700 and reach 1000. so you get a nice massage and a fs to yourself in 2500. i guess not bad by the standards of hyderabad

wrote it quite quickly. so apologies for any mistakes

editor's note: this report was edited to remove names written in code. please do not post names written in code in the forum. you're not foolng anyone. if the average forum member can interpret the name, then so can anyone else. please read the forum's posting guidelines for further information. thanks!

04-12-14, 18:15
Another addition to the let-others-know-if-it's-bad exp.

Tried the MP whose adds keep coming in CG saying real-image massage parlour digits ending 8903.

Was directed near CGR school nr ayappa society. Usual shady place with 2 options. Both not upto mark.

Waste of time and money. Stay away from this one.

Face. 3/10

Massage. 2/10

Damage. 1.5 k

04-12-14, 19:33
Though one time the person got offended and said, please don't ask anyone else sir, you might be in trouble.I never came across any such autoguys but bumped into two cabbies on different occasions.

The brokers who usually get a cut out of getting the punters to the girls will always get chatty with you, they won't hesitate to drop enough hints for you get the idea of what they have on offer. The one I got into didn't waste any time but got straight to point. He was talking on the phone before I got into the cab but after ending it and with a goofy smile on his face, he told me that he was talking to a girl he knew who likes the company of young guys. In his own words, she was the masti type of girl and liked to go to movies and pubs with guys. He pulled out his phone and wanted me to talk the girl and if I like her I can visit her house which was on the same route as we were travelling. I refused it because that area of Hyderabad was not that familiar to me and I just got off a night shift. I was talking to him in Hindi all the time and he probably took me for a non local but suddenly dropped his 'sales pitch' and changed the topic once I started talking in Telugu, which was a bit odd. He was one shady as f'uck mofo to say the least, not sure if I dodged a bullet that day or the guy was desperate to be aggressive enough to make some easy cash.

The other one was very subtle, I noticed him scanning my fingers first to check if I had a wedding band on, I didn't have any. Casually asked me about my place of work to check if I had the financial ability and after making a few other eligibilty checks he started complaining about his previous passenger who was asking him for call girls. It was obvious at that point that the guy was either a broker or a pimp and all this was being asked and said with a shitass grin on his face. Join the dots and hints all the way = Ding, ding, ding! Did I take the bait? Nope because brokers, pimps, mamasans, call girls have become no-go zones for me after some harsh reality shocks. I prefer them indies / wgs for many reasons.

Anyways, the brokers will always drop the clues for you, don't ask random fellows, they can indeed get you in trouble.

04-12-14, 19:43
Hot hunk spreading heat in hyd, nice boobs on this one buddy.Yeah but HH009 says that they are alinging with her belly button which can be a turn off but still reverse search those images on Google and only the two pages that show up also has the profile of another girl who seems to have a nicer rack.

04-12-14, 19:50
Some time back in 2012, after more than 10yrs of masturbating, finally decided to give it a chance to feel real heat from a female, so decided to find a vagina.

Tried all the online chatrooms, regional, national, international (omegle, oneindia etc). Came across few girls in few chat rooms, got their pics too but didn't find them.

Worth of spending my first experience, then continued the hunt, few suggested me CL and Locanto, found a SP named Santhosh in CL, called him up, he quoted 1.5k per session,

That was a affordable amount for me and asked him where to come, he directed me to Ameerpet big bazaar, kept me waited there for more than 20 minutes, made few calls to him again, then he called me and asked me to come to the footover bridge, I went there and met him, he is assistant of that guy Santhosh, he is a lambadi guy, out of curiousity I asked him if the girls are also lambadi. Near my hometown I saw many of them and they are too good and always fantasized making love with them. But he said no the girl that they are having is Bengali, half enthusiasm dead here, but besides all these narration there was tension inside me, a feel of guilt but my desire didn't gave it a thought, He lead me to a lodge, surprisingly this one is on main road, went there many times to have food, it has attached restaurant too, surprised to see that place being my accomodation to have first ever fun in my life, when we were entering the lodge, one another guy brought one girl (white tall and good weight too) , once they crossed, the guy heading me asked that one is the girl do you like her, I said yes she is damn good. , then he took me to first floor and as we were standing outside, he went inside and talked something to that girl and he came out, then he said to me, she has reached just now and needs some rest and time to fresh up, I asked "then what, no show?" he said, there is one more girl bengali in next room, I said all that I need is a girl, he headed me into that room, the girl just got finished one guy and was refreshing and combing her hair as we enter the room, she was fair, bit short (5'5') and chubby, but she looked like next door girl then one that I always grope. He asked me is she ok for me, I said yes OK, then he took the money and left, telling her "take care of sir make him happy", she said ok and closed the door, now the show starts.

First time I am feeling the smoothness of boobs being pressed against my chest and my hands around the waist of a female, I was really in heaven, smooched her and pressed her against me and we both rolled on bed many times, her body was really hot and as she was the first girl I was making love with, she looked like angel to me and she was too really cooperative and was knitting her ligs with mine and rubbing her thighs against mine, this continued for some 15 mins and she suddenly got up and asked me to undress, I did and she too got naked and again the moaning and rolling started, my tool got ready and she invited that into her and the game started, but as it was first time I was not able to make it really hard and like the ones in the movies that I saw. I was taking very much time. She said what is happening do it fast, I said it may take time, this is first time for me, she said it will not go like this even if it is first time, then after waiting for 10 mins she took my tool into her hands and gave me HJ, and got my jhonny lost the war in her hands, I was half satisfied didn't know what happened but I had the disappointment of not clearing my jhonny in her hole, but still I felt that was a memorable experience and tipped her 300, she got a smile automatically but a natural one and said thank you. I said turn it into a hug, and she obeyed and hugged me tight and I gave her a LK and moved out of the door.

This FR is not in expectation of any contacts in return as currently I too don't have this guy's number to share, but I just wanted to share my expereince and will share my other expereinces too, I had around 15 encounters so far.

Thanks to all stalwarts of this forum for making it really good one, I have learnt many things here, on how to decide on rate and how to tip and how to get out if you wanted to.

P. S. I am looking for a girl / aunty in 3k ST range in Gachibowli, any help is appreciated, in return I can share one uppal SP or Suchitra SP contact.

04-13-14, 02:44

Visiting Hyderabad at likely to stay for 4 days. Will be at Patancheru.

Is there any action that side and is it safe?

04-13-14, 03:48
Thanks for your post bro. Now few points to avoid any such scenario: (Please read till end, few points might be repeated)

-Most of the girls in hyd are imported from Mumai / Pune / banglore / delhi. So its not any thing special and all these girls are 3-5K range (denpending on your bargaining and relations with SP)

. These girls are kept on a fixed contract price and you can easily get a decent girl for a whole night with 8-10K range. There is no point in paying so much of money for a short time. SP always try to get maximum money out of you(I also know SPs who save your number not by name but the money you paid last tike. Ex: if you payed 5k, they will save your name like 5000TrueCaller. Next time when you call the SP will talk nicely because he know that you are genuine customer but he will also know that how much you payed last will ask similar price this time. If you pay high first time, you are going to get girls at higher price always). The same girl is given to one customer for 2-3K and another one for 10-15K (if he is willing to afford). Also, unless a girl in kept in hi-fi star hotel...the girl will never be a hi profile girl. If she can stay at a shabby place for a week or 10 days, you can assume that she is no air hostess or any model but a local professional girl (another tip that you can just walk out or don't even bother to go to such place for such a high price).

-Always ask for the pic of the girl before visiting her. If you don't...most of the times you will be disappointed and even if you walk out, it will be waste of time. I will never go for a high priced girl untill the pic is sent...If the girl and SP is genuine...He would not like to loose a rich client and will surely send a pic. If he doesn't. Just ignore him.

-Even if a SP sends pic...I would never pay so much of money unless I get many reviews about that girl from other friends (most of the time its not the beauty of the girl but her attitude which will give you more pleasure. Never assume that if you are paying more money you will get better service...But then its personal choice.)

-If some one ask you money forcefully (like it happened with Optiona1) Don't be scarred. Its SPs who are more scared then us. Convey to the SP before hand that you will walk out if you don't like the girl. Most of the times SP try to reduce there rates or are just fine if you walk out in order to not to loose business next time. Also if they force you to pay money. Don't fight at that point. But later on, call the SP and scold him and tell him that you will pass him number and place details to police. You can also call and directly say that you are police (give name of local police station) and scold him. They must know that you are the boss. Also, if possible never ever do mongering using your primary number(even if you stay alone). Always keep another sim / number for such activities and switch it on (a sim remains active till you keep using it once in three months. And if the sim belongs to another state its better) only when you need to call someone. No one can trace you back. If police catches the SP, they can not trouble you buy calling your number back. It will always keep you out of trouble.

-Now, just to sum up about reports and give one example. I also went to this Pillar 170 (this was a year back. So please don't ask for the contact number of the girl. She is gone now). And I don't take service of that SP anymore.

The SP sent me the pic attached (was asking for 8k and settled for 5K). Though the girl is looking good really good and I was told that she is a model. But in real she was not that good looking, and very local girl (from Mumbai) her attitude was really bad, skin was bad and lots and lots of stretches on her belly and color was darker.

Always remember, that girls / SP tried to send there best pics. Always keep that in mind and be prepared that even the pic is real. The girl might not be as good as she is looking in her pic (though very rarely you find girls who look better than there pics) and there is not guarantee of the service bec it all depends on the attitude of the girl, how much she likes you, how many customers she has already met before etc etc.

Be safe and cautions. Spend you money wisely. And always remember. You are the boss. Treat SPs and girls respectful. But bargain hard, ask for pics, and make sure you get good service (if a girl doesn't give you good service. Its always good to give feedback back to SP). It helps in a way that SP ask girl to provide good service(otherwise he will loose his regular clients), as they get her on contract and even the girls won't like bad feedback (bec SPs might deduct there money) and also next time the SP will try to get you better girl with lesser rate.

Well, this is a sad story. Wasn't sure if I was going to put it up but Hothunk kind of inspired me to with his let-others-know-if-it's-bad message. So here goes.

Had used this sp for a high class profile previously. Although expensive, he gave good quality. Basically he deals with Mumbai imports who come here for a few days. Usual charges being 10k per session.

So called him up yday, and told him wanted an incall of high quality. He quoted 15k for a session, negotiated to 15k for two shots. Asked me to come to a particular pillar at Mehdptnam. I reach there and I call him. He says someone else will contact me. I should have smelled something fishy here. But obviously we are optimists aren't we? He calls me, takes me an apartment nearby. Badly maintained apartment. I kind of realised what's happened by now. The SP I initially contacted didn't have any options with himself so he referred me to this guy. Anyways a girl was what I wanted, not the SP so again optimistically waited for the girls to appear. Once he showed me, my optimism went for a run on a pair of the new Reebok shoes. They weren't even worth 2-3k. Told him I wanted none of them and am leaving. Now trouble starts. There were three guys there, and they block the door saying I have come so have to pay. No arguments with them. Paid 5k and left the place.

So coming to my main point, if someone asks you to come near pillar 170, then mostly you should avoid, or else pay max 3k.

04-13-14, 04:06
Nice FR bro. First time is always memorable and thanks for sharing it.

Get your PM activated and will try to help you.

Some time back in 2012, after more than 10yrs of masturbating, finally decided to give it a chance to feel real heat from a female, so decided to find a vagina.

Tried all the online chatrooms, regional, national, international (omegle, oneindia etc). Came across few girls in few chat rooms, got their pics too but didn't find them.

P. S. I am looking for a girl / aunty in 3k ST range in Gachibowli, any help is appreciated, in return I can share one uppal SP or Suchitra SP contact.

04-13-14, 04:07
I know which girl (name start with T) you are talking about Anon. I wanted to try her. But she was bit far. May be next time I will try her. IF anyone else can provide her reviews. Would be even better. I have already spent a lot for this month.

Yeah but HH009 says that they are alinging with her belly button which can be a turn off but still reverse search those images on Google and only the two pages that show up also has the profile of another girl who seems to have a nicer rack.

04-13-14, 04:20
thanks for the fr manindia.

but. 1300 was included with hj (if you had talk to sp properly initially). you payed more. i have talked to this sp, he give service in mpur near cgr school (pathetic place and girls amd i think he stopped there not. did not check back recently) and in pgutta. they are not giving any good massage (thats just for name sake and attract people bec the promise is to give happy ending i. e. hj for 1300).

secondly, don't fix on price initially with such girls. just say that sp told for one hour massage with hj for 1300 and you want that only or want to see how good her service is and try for anything else later. enjoy the massage and teasing this will keep incentive for the girl to give better service to earn more money to you. secondly, sp gets only 1300. these girls make up there own price inside to get more moeny. the harder you bargain the better you will get.

rate of 500 for hj is in delhi and that too in a good spas which give professional massage at a good place and attached hot shower and towel. the girls are better looking and professional and will spend full one hour with you. but here, its not any spa, the girl will rub off the cream using a towel and will say you good-bye the moment you are done. and even though they say 1 hour. she will try to finish you off in 20-30 mins and take up another client.

i hope you will have more fun next time with lesser money.

thought about trying out a mp after spotting an ad on locanto. called up around 1 in the noon to enquire about the place and price and things. i was told to come near the famous hyd [names in code deleted by admin] and was also told the price of 1300 for massage by female staff. since i understood the scenario that i'm up for a game or atleast a hj without much hassle, i went about around 4 in the evening. before leaving for there i had made up my mind that i'll only restrict myself to hj (no particular reason for that). upon reaching there, gave a call to the guy. i was told to come further ahead near [names in code deleted by admin] and from there directed to take first left and come near aor restaurant, whatever it was. parked my vehicle nearby and went inside the gate opposite the hotel and into the room / flat. the door was open and the girl who greeted me asked to see the mobile number of the pimp on my phone to verify. number verified and then i was told about the prices. 1300 for simple massage and 2000 for b2b. since i was carrying only 1800 (i always make it a point to carry minimal cash with me) 1300 for the massage and since i had hj in mind. 500 for that (thanks to delhi forum for fixing the price).

i decided to go for b2b and somehow didn't think about negotiating further and told the girl that i've only got 1800 and if that's fine for a b2b (which somehow includes the hj). she would have even agreed at 1500 also if i showed her the empty wallet at 1500. anyways i was told to go to a room and was told to change take change (change into what, there wasn't anything available to change into) and i obliged and lied down on the massage table which was quite old. the bathroom was sort of clean but for the water logging due to a blocked pipe most probably. in minutes, the girl (dark complexion but petite) came inside the room and locked it behind her. she's not an expert at massage but still tried her best for some 15-20 mintues. nice bum massage and when i turned over, she took off her top and bra and massaged me and towards the end of it climbed on top of table and rubbed her boobs (not big but firm and looked they were not used much earlier) against mine for some 2-3 minutes and yes that was all that was to b2b massage. tried to get hold of them and touch them but she denied and even i didn't plead or tried to please her for that. then she started off the hj by using lots of cream and she knew how to get the deal done and in between that i squeezed her bums (firm) and later on moved to her nipples and she didn't resist at that point of time. in a few minutes, the deed was done and i moved to the bathroom to clean myself while she got dressed in the meantime but she kept waiting there in the room till the time i got dressed and also said that why are you in a hurry. i got the point but was not in the mood for make the juices flow from her pussy. she asked for the tip but showed him my wallet and excused myself (as such she didn't do anything extra than what was expected from the package) and told her that i will definitely get it the next time i meet her.

so the total damage was 1800, which could have been easily restricted to 1500. so the idea now is. 1500 for b2b massage, and maybe 1000 rupees offer for fs to the therapist. start from 700 and reach 1000. so you get a nice massage and a fs to yourself in 2500. i guess not bad by the standards of hyderabad

wrote it quite quickly. so apologies for any mistakes.

editor's note: this report was edited to remove names written in code. please do not post names written in code in the forum. you're not foolng anyone. if the average forum member can interpret the name, then so can anyone else. please read the forum's posting guidelines for further information. thanks!

04-13-14, 06:57
Thanks for the FR ManIndia.

But. 1300 was included with HJ (if you had talk to SP properly initially). You payed more. I have talked to this SP, he give service in MPur near CGR school (pathetic place and girls amd I think he stopped there not. Did not check back recently) and in Pgutta. They are not giving any good massage (thats just for name sake and attract people bec the promise is to give happy ending I. E. HJ for 1300).

Secondly, don't fix on price initially with such girls. Just say that SP told for one hour massage with HJ for 1300 and you want that only or want to see how good her service is and try for anything else later. Enjoy the massage and teasing This will keep incentive for the girl to give better service to earn more money to you. Secondly, SP gets only 1300. These girls make up there own price inside to get more moeny. The harder you bargain the better you will get.

Rate of 500 for HJ is in Delhi and that too in a good spas which give professional massage at a good place and attached hot shower and towel. The girls are better looking and professional and will spend full one hour with you. But here, its not any Spa, the girl will rub off the cream using a towel and will say you good-bye the moment you are done. And even though they say 1 hour. She will try to finish you off in 20-30 mins and take up another client.

I hope you will have more fun next time with lesser money.Totally agree with you on that. Could have saved some of it. The new location in at Panjagutta.

04-13-14, 07:34
Hi fellow mongers,

I don't live in India but won't miss a chance to monger in my home town when I visit.

Cutting it short, I found this SP on BP and took a chance. He had a FB profile then (2013 June) and goes by name starting with V. It was updated regularly with real pics of the girls.

They charge around 15k for the night. But during my threeweek trip, I visited at least 7 times so starting the third time, I was paying around 10-11 for 2-3 shots for 2-3 hours. I leave after my business is done or when I'm tired. Just playing safe and don't want to spend the whole night cuddling and issh at the incall location. (Madhapur, upscale, air conditioned location, good shower facilities, very private)

The girls are really pretty and pleasing. They even start with mixing a vodka, conversation followed by a GFE. One time, the girl started licking me after the first shot, BBBJ and got me ready for second.

Always pleased. I m visiting hyd in a month and looking for more fun. Typically leave around 2k for the tip if I m pleased, otherwise 500-1k.

I can share the info, feel free to pass on any good SP's. Will greatly appreciate.



(forgive the cheesy username. Couldn't make one more fake)

04-13-14, 08:12
I know which girl (name start with T) you are talking about Anon. I wanted to try her. But she was bit far. May be next time I will try her. IF anyone else can provide her reviews. Would be even better. I have already spent a lot for this month.Her name is Rubina, you're prolly talking about some other girl. Pm'ed you the website since I can't post it here.

04-13-14, 13:01
I have seen the girl in the past in Punjagutta. She looks very good in pic but not very attractive once undresses.

The SP I used is reliable but over a period of time I realized that he (or whoever it the many guy) , usually gets north or Mumbai cheap call girls with decent face, dresses them up on modern dresses and then puts them on website as models and demans 7k-8k. I always paid between 4k-6k in the past. Recently he had another gal in Mehdipatnam. Same experience. Very good looking picture but average body. Paid 4k.

I didn't like the Mehdipatnam place there was one girl when I went there but 3 guys were discussing on the profit share on this girl for long time.

Any one interested, send me PM and I can share this guys contact. Only thing positive is that the girls are always are not local so something different.

Thanks for your post bro. Now few points to avoid any such scenario: (Please read till end, few points might be repeated)

-Most of the girls in hyd are imported from Mumai / Pune / banglore / delhi. So its not any thing special and all these girls are 3-5K range (denpending on your bargaining and relations with SP)

These girls are kept on a fixed contract price and you can easily get a decent girl for a whole night with 8-10K range. There is no point in paying so much of money for a short time. SP always try to get maximum money out of you (I also know SPs who save your number not by name but the money you paid last tike. Ex: if you payed 5k, they will save your name like 5000TrueCaller. Next time when you call the SP will talk nicely because he know that you are genuine customer but he will also know that how much you payed last will ask similar price this time. If you pay high first time, you are going to get girls at higher price always). The same girl is given to one customer for 2-3K and another one for 10-15K (if he is willing to afford). Also, unless a girl in kept in hi-fi star hotel...

04-13-14, 13:06
Has anyone used the SP advertises as Maya and number ending with 111?

I see attractive pictures. When I called the number, some times a guy picks up but sometimes another gal picks up who can speak good English.

They wanted me to come to Road#2 and call them for a model (5k) but can't share the pictures so not sure if it's a real deal.

Any one used this SP, please provide your feedback if it's a genuine provider.

04-13-14, 13:31
Yes, spent time with her couple of days back. But in reality her complexion is way far down from what we see on the pic. Wheatish complexion dusky skin lady with attractive face. Height is of about 5"0. Racks is good with nice clean bottom as well.

Bargained for two shots 6K two hours and had a good time. A lot of chit chatter with the accent of her native place.

Anyone tried here? Any feedback?

04-13-14, 15:54
Thanks for your post bro. Now few points to avoid any such scenario: (Please read till end, few points might be repeated)

-Most of the girls in hyd are imported from Mumai / Pune / banglore / delhi. So its not any thing special and all these girls are 3-5K range (denpending on your bargaining and relations with SP)

These girls are kept on a fixed contract price and you can easily get a decent girl for a whole night with 8-10K range. There is no point in paying so much of money for a short time. SP always try to get maximum money out of you (I also know SPs who save your number not by name but the money you paid last tike. Ex: if you payed 5k, they will save your name like 5000TrueCaller. Next time when you call the SP will talk nicely because he know that you are genuine customer but he will also know that how much you payed last will ask similar price this time. If you pay high first time, you are going to get girls at higher price always). The same girl is given to one customer for 2-3K and another one for 10-15K (if he is willing to afford). Also, unless a girl in kept in hi-fi star hotel. The girl will never be a hi profile girl. If she can stay at a shabby place for a week or 10 days, you can assume that she is no air hostess or any model but a local professional girl (another tip that you can just walk out or don't even bother to go to such place for such a high price)...Great info bro. Thanks for sharing with us. It'll help us to avoid spoilers.

Thanks a ton.

04-13-14, 17:26
Thanks for your post bro. Now few points to avoid any such scenario: (Please read till end, few points might be repeated)

-Most of the girls in hyd are imported from Mumai / Pune / banglore / delhi. So its not any thing special and all these girls are 3-5K range (denpending on your bargaining and relations with SP)

These girls are kept on a fixed contract price and you can easily get a decent girl for a whole night with 8-10K range. There is no point in paying so much of money for a short time. SP always try to get maximum money out of you (I also know SPs who save your number not by name but the money you paid last tike. Ex: if you payed 5k, they will save your name like 5000TrueCaller. Next time when you call the SP will talk nicely because he know that you are genuine customer but he will also know that how much you payed last will ask similar price this time. If you pay high first time, you are going to get girls at higher price always). The same girl is given to one customer for 2-3K and another one for 10-15K (if he is willing to afford). Also, unless a girl in kept in hi-fi star hotel. The girl will never be a hi profile girl. If she can stay at a shabby place for a week or 10 days, you can assume that she is no air hostess or any model but a local professional girl (another tip that you can just walk out or don't even bother to go to such place for such a high price).

-Always ask for the pic of the girl before visiting her. If you don't. Most of the times you will be disappointed and even if you walk out, it will be waste of time. I will never go for a high priced girl untill the pic is sent. If the girl and SP is genuine...I totally agree with you and have seen girls who used to charge 4k has hiked there prices 8-11k a shot please bargain as much as possible and don't hike the prices.

04-13-14, 17:45
Hi fellow mongers,

I don't live in India but won't miss a chance to monger in my home town when I visit.

Cutting it short, I found this SP on BP and took a chance. He had a FB profile then (2013 June) and goes by name starting with V. It was updated regularly with real pics of the girls.

They charge around 15k for the night. But during my threeweek trip, I visited at least 7 times so starting the third time, I was paying around 10-11 for 2-3 shots for 2-3 hours. I leave after my business is done or when I'm tired. Just playing safe and don't want to spend the whole night cuddling and issh at the incall location. (Madhapur, upscale, air conditioned location, good shower facilities, very private)

The girls are really pretty and pleasing. They even start with mixing a vodka, conversation followed by a GFE. One time, the girl started licking me after the first shot, BBBJ and got me ready for second.

Always pleased. I m visiting hyd in a month and looking for more fun. Typically leave around 2k for the tip if I m pleased, otherwise 500-1k...Hi LoverG,

Do you have pm facility? If so please forward me details.

04-13-14, 18:25
Has anyone used the SP advertises as Maya and number ending with 111? Yeah buddy. Maya is one of the trustworthy SP and she provides decent girls but charges are more. And the place she provides is neat and the girls are too hygeine.


Xander Garv
04-13-14, 18:39
Hi guys,

Tried Tany Shaw from Krthk. Awesome five and very friendly. Very much GFE and DFK, BBBJ, etc all except anal. I like her liking my g spot and balls. Tried 2 shots for 4k. Nice figure. Fucked till sweat drenched as current went off during the deed though so has provided cooler. Still banged her in all positions for 15 minutes the first time and for about 20 mins the second time till she begged me to finish it. Overall worth it.

Body: 7.5/10

Boobs: 9/10

Attitude. 7/10

Wir: yeah but I would prefer the so not hurrying her up.

Damage: 4k for an hr and 2 pops.

04-13-14, 21:20
Weekend heat kicked in and decided to get out for a bang. Was in no mood to experiment so called up Manisha. Fortunately for me she was in town and available in an hour.

Picled her up at be'pet and went to a service apt in the katriya lane. Spent a good hour with her watching her bounce over me most of the time.

Overall exp withe has always been above avg.

She is darker than the image I have put up. Small but firm tits. Flat stomach. Talks a bit too much so you need to remind her to focus.

Damages 5k incl room.

Only contact me for her number if you have contributed to the forum.

Happy mongering! !


04-14-14, 08:26
I tried her too today. She is average experience.


Good boobs, big and firm.

Good skin.

Likes to participate and take charge and doesn't lie down like dead fish.

DFK and BBJ avaiable.


Tried to hurry up the things and will try finish you VERY fast.

She likes to participate, but still mechanical and will make fake noises.

Smokes (turn off for guys who doesn't smoke. DFK won't be good and her room smells of cigarettes)

My ratigs are also same as Garv.

Body: 7. 5/10.

Boobs: 9/10.

Attitude. 7/10.

Damage: 3K for ST and 4K for 1 hour / 2 pop (but she will try her best to finish your 2 pops asap. So its not 1 hour.)

Hi guys,

Tried Tany Shaw from Krthk. Awesome five and very friendly. Very much GFE and DFK, BBBJ, etc all except anal. I like her liking my g spot and balls. Tried 2 shots for 4k. Nice figure. Fucked till sweat drenched as current went off during the deed though so has provided cooler. Still banged her in all positions for 15 minutes the first time and for about 20 mins the second time till she begged me to finish it. Overall worth it.

Body: 7. 5/10.

Boobs: 9/10.

Attitude. 7/10.

Wir: yeah but I would prefer the so not hurrying her up.

Damage: 4k for an hr and 2 pops.

04-14-14, 09:53
Thank you Hothunk for all the advices, will remember "I am the boss" always.

Best regards.

Thanks for your post bro. Now few points to avoid any such scenario: (Please read till end, few points might be repeated)

-Most of the girls in hyd are imported from Mumai / Pune / banglore / delhi. So its not any thing special and all these girls are 3-5K range (denpending on your bargaining and relations with SP)

These girls are kept on a fixed contract price and you can easily get a decent girl for a whole night with 8-10K range. There is no point in paying so much of money for a short time. SP always try to get maximum money out of you (I also know SPs who save your number not by name but the money you paid last tike. Ex: if you payed 5k, they will save your name like 5000TrueCaller. Next time when you call the SP will talk nicely because he know that you are genuine customer but he will also know that how much you payed last will ask similar price this time. If you pay high first time, you are going to get girls at higher price always). The same girl is given to one customer for 2-3K and another one for 10-15K (if he is willing to afford). Also, unless a girl in kept in hi-fi star hotel. The girl will never be a hi profile girl. If she can stay at a shabby place for a week or 10 days, you can assume that she is no air hostess or any model but a local professional girl (another tip that you can just walk out or don't even bother to go to such place for such a high price)...

04-14-14, 13:53
Hi all,

My first post. Am a new monger in Hyd. Always thought about taking the plunge but got the courage to jump into the well last week for the first time. My first post in this forum and hopefully not my last.

Tried Tani Shaw from [Names in Code Deleted by Admin] stable last week. The gal was good. Actually I was a little tense. Calmed me down. DFK and BBJ were on the table. The pics do not lie. Her boobs were awesome. Though she resisted my sucking them (turn off)

All together a fun experience.

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove names written in code. Please do not post names written in code in the Forum. You're not foolng anyone. If the average forum member can interpret the name, then so can anyone else. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information. Thanks!

04-14-14, 14:36
A forced bachelor has his needs. Today being a holiday, my pecker was up since morning. At random called a pimp up. Goes by the name of Ali. Being a holiday I wanted an LT. He told me to meet him near RTC cross. Took me to an apartment about a kilometer from there. Apartment was stinking and the so called college girls looked washed out. I lost my cool and was about to leave. He then asked me if outcall was OK for me. Out call LT from 11 in the morning to six in the evening for 5K. He took me back to RTC cross road. He disappeared and returned with two girls. One a HW and other a college girl. HW was ok looking and the college girls was plump and was sweating. I again lost my cool and settled for the HW for 3K whom he had introduced as Ramya. Took her to my apartment. Picked up lunch enroute fried rice and chicken curry. Big surprise when I realised she knew no other language other than Telugu. Got along with few words and sign language. I made coffee for both of us and popped a penegra tablet as it was LT. After coffee she wanted to have a shower. She spent about ten minutes in the shower. By now the bed room AC was effective. She sat on my lap. 34C breasts. Half inch nipples. Started with kissing, rubbing her pussy on my johnie as I fondled and sucked on her nipples. Nice DFK. Johnie was now ready. Indicated to her using my fingers that I was now ready. She blew on him for about five minutes. I pulled out and after wearing a condy, started with doggie, spoon and ended with mish. Truthfully I was slightly brutal as I mauled her breasts while I screwed her Had a glass of beer. She does not drink and she preferred having miranda. Was ready in fifteen minutes. She wanted DATY. Obliged as I was feeling bad in mauling her breasts earlier. After that she became extremely active. Fucked her four times, last was anal. She made tea for both of us. Tipped her 2K. She was surprised. She gave me her contact number. She pointed to me and said Gundu Bhaskar. I looked helplessly at her. She picked up my mobile and indicated that when I call her I should say Gundu Bhaskar. Dropped her at OU. As I write this I am totally exhausted.

Ratings in scale of 10.

Looks. 5

Fig- 7 slightly heavy ass.

GFE- 7

Activity- 9 Mish, doggy, BBJ, oral, anal.

Overall 8/10. Would have rated her 9 if she spoke Hindi or English.

04-14-14, 16:20
A forced bachelor has his needs. Today being a holiday, my pecker was up since morning. At random called a pimp up. Goes by the name of Ali. Being a holiday I wanted an LT. He told me to meet him near RTC cross. Took me to an apartment about a kilometer from there. Apartment was stinking and the so called college girls looked washed out. I lost my cool and was about to leave. He then asked me if outcall was OK for me. Out call LT from 11 in the morning to six in the evening for 5K. He took me back to RTC cross road. He disappeared and returned with two girls. One a HW and other a college girl. HW was ok looking and the college girls was plump and was sweating. I again lost my cool and settled for the HW for 3K whom he had introduced as Ramya. Took her to my apartment. Picked up lunch enroute fried rice and chicken curry. Big surprise when I realised she knew no other language other than Telugu. Got along with few words and sign language. I made coffee for both of us and popped a penegra tablet as it was LT. After coffee she wanted to have a shower. She spent about ten minutes in the shower. By now the bed room AC was effective. She sat on my lap. 34C breasts. Half inch nipples. Started with kissing, rubbing her pussy on my johnie as I fondled and sucked on her nipples. Nice DFK. Johnie was now ready. Indicated to her using my fingers that I was now ready. She blew on him for about five minutes. I pulled out and after wearing a condy, started with doggie, spoon and ended with mish. Truthfully I was slightly brutal as I mauled her breasts while I screwed her Had a glass of beer. She does not drink and she preferred having miranda. Was ready in fifteen minutes..Bro,

Can you please PM me the contact. I can share some of my contacts.

04-14-14, 18:57
I request everyone to not to pass contacts unless the person asking for help has contacts but hasn't write FRs.

Hi Sandy60.

Its really NOT a good way to ask contacts like this. You have been benefited by reading everyone's post of this forum and now you just want to bargain the contacts with the selective few who can give something back to you?

Its definitely your decision to keep your contacts to yourself or to pass on to whoever you want. No one can force you for that. But if you could share your experiences, it can help others as well.

But many times it will happen when you won't have anything to give back. At that time seniors will judge you only by reading your FRs and how much you have helped others.

Anyone who is benefited from the forum. Owes something back as well. It is not possible for everyone to buy subscriptions or have contacts to tradeoff. Such people gets benefited only by reading reports.

It is sad to see that people are just asking for contacts as trade off and don't want to write FRs.


Can you please PM me the contact. I can share some of my contacts.

04-14-14, 19:15
and popped a penegra tablet as it was LT.Is it true that once you get used to these pills, you won't be able to get it up again without it? I've heard it from users that the dick only gets semi erect once the body gets used the pills.

04-15-14, 02:57
Any good looking independent contacts other than SH, See and Manis?

Any help is highly appreciated!

04-15-14, 05:19
And moreover, request everyone not to mention the names directly in the forum. Bcos those are not suitable for everyone and we have members from 18.50 yrs and it may lead to some other health issues. Its my point of view only.

Is it true that once you get used to these pills, you won't be able to get it up again without it? I've heard it from users that the dick only gets semi erect once the body gets used the pills.

04-15-14, 11:37
I was bored sitting at home. So thought of to have sex so searched on google I got number. Her name was Naksatra. She is 23 year old south Indian. She was good in bed. Except anal she does everything.

04-15-14, 15:16
Seems like you have hit the spot right on the very first time. Congrats. What was the damage buddy.

I was bored sitting at home. So thought of to have sex so searched on google I got number. Her name was Naksatra. She is 23 year old south Indian. She was good in bed. Except anal she does everything.

04-15-14, 18:45
Hi Guys,

I am from Bangalore and visiting Hyderabad.

Please PM me some service apartments which are GFE.

Any inde contacts will be super.

Will be staying for 3-4 days in Hyderabad. Will surely help with whatever I can when you need help in Bangalore.

04-15-14, 19:31
SP sent pic of this chick over the weekend. She was available in Begumpet. She was very friendly and talkative.


Looks: 7.

Boobs: 7 (didn't like nipples being sucked. Said this gives her a ticklish feeling)

CBJ: 7.

Attitude: 9.

Damage: 3. 5K for SP and 500 for girl.

04-15-14, 20:15
Thanks for sharing.

Please provide details of the cost also.


I was bored sitting at home. So thought of to have sex so searched on google I got number. Her name was Naksatra. She is 23 year old south Indian. She was good in bed. Except anal she does everything.

04-15-14, 21:17
I was bored sitting at home. So thought of to have sex so searched on google I got number. Her name was Naksatra. She is 23 year old south Indian. She was good in bed. Except anal she does everything.Something aint right here! Got an email from Rahil Gupta on my mongering email with a couple of pics of this chick. No cost (like the post) , no location. Absolutely nothing. Looks like we may have an amateur sp amongst our midst. Be careful gentlemen.


04-16-14, 02:58
Something aint right here! Got an email from Rahil Gupta on my mongering email with a couple of pics of this chick. No cost (like the post) , no location. Absolutely nothing. Looks like we may have an amateur sp amongst our midst. Be careful gentlemen.

RBDude I got the same doubt when I saw his post. Looks more like an advertisement for the chick rather than experience.

04-16-14, 08:25
Hi Bro,

Any clue how to reach Nakshtra. Please PM me if possible.

I was bored sitting at home. So thought of to have sex so searched on google I got number. Her name was Naksatra. She is 23 year old south Indian. She was good in bed. Except anal she does everything.

04-16-14, 09:43
this report is for all those people who think the spa scene in hyd is dry. it certainly as not as green as it is in delhi or other metros. but still a lot can be enjoyed.

even i gave up on spas in hyd. but somehow i enjoy and sensual spa session with extra more than a full service by any agent; s girl. no hurry, good relaxing massage at good place, nice extra and hot shower.

i have visited the famous spa in jhill four time and got hj every time. but the biggest draw back is that the therapist there are older and doesn't look good at all. there was only one comparatively younger therapist and i did not leave the chance to play with her butts (while she was massaging me) and do dfk while my hands were inside her top and were exploring her breasts (but sadly the boobs were too small and i hardly found anything) , needless to say got nice hj (damage was rs500). after exploring everyone in that spa. it was time to explore another one.

[damage was 1k in first session and after that never payed more than rs500. therapists asks for more but can easily settle for less if you can control yourself and bargain well. ]

found another spa closer to my place and took first two session with same therapist. she was young, decent looking and friendly. got butt massage from her both the times, but she was too shy to do anything else. on my second visit, i spotted another gem and was talked to my first therapist about her and because of language problem she thought that i like her and i said yes i like her. and she took it in a positive way and after the session called her friend and introduced me to her. i could sense that this new girl is interested in me and was sure that i can get a lot more with this new therapist.

i knew that i have found that one therapist in hyderabad for whom i took so many session and this was the time to eat my ripped fruit. booked appointment for next day and reached the place fully prepared.

the therapist looked at me and gave a big smile. she had sparkles in her eyes and may be she was also exited for what is going to happen inside.

once inside the room, i gave a hug and a kiss. there was clear understanding between us despite communication gap. and the therapy started. with initial talks for five minutes. she brought her face closer to me to show her fb i'd. i knew that iron is hot and its the time to strike. i started kissing her. and it was just the beginning. within 5 mins. she was on the bed below me with with her top off, boobs out and our lips indulged in passionate dfk. it continued for about 15-20mins and she seemed to be in full mood to utilize the whole one hour in love making. but i love to get hot sensual massage and is a big turn on for me.

i worked hard and tried so many sessions to find one therapist whom i may get friendly and get the sensual massage. what followed next was the best massage i got in hyd so far. it was full gfe experience. i was lying fully nude without any towel or disposable. girl's hands were moving freely and she was giving much needed attention to my butts and jhonny and were not missing any opportunity to brush her hands against my jonny and butts and tease me. along with frequent kisses on my ear, neck, lips and dfk. i made most of this one hour and did as much as i could. after finishing the back massage. i turned and she started nice slow hj with lots of oil and with lots of wet kisses. she was not ready for bj and i did not force her either. the jhonny was in full form and was not ready to give up. it took her really long and i had to guide her hands to make me cum. i was totally relaxed. but the show wasn't over yet. she continued her massage and kisses and i just closed my eyes and enjoyed every bit of it.

there was no discussion about the money at all and it was clear that the girl wants to be my friend and want to meet outside the spa. she was sharing her fb i'd, phone number etc etc with me. but i never share my personal details with anyone and always prefer to explore new flower and taste there honey. i just dodged her questions.

it was clear that if the therapist likes you and you can establish a good relationship with her. everything is possible inside the spa even in hyderabad. even when the spa doesn't promote extras and there are no closed doors for privacy. just find a good therapist who is friendly with you. there girls give massage whole and know that most of the customers like extras. even if they don't want to give they will politely refuse. just talk to them, get friendly and they will guide to well. i used my experience and took appointment for early in the morning on a weekday when there is hardly any customer and minimum disturbance and got the last room and where hardly any chance for anyone to come. obviously, fs can't be taken (i would have got ti for sure had there been a door in my room). but still a lot can be done. just need to find a right therapist and she must trust and like you.

damage: 1900 (counter) 500 (tip, though she never asked)

gfe: 9/10.

attitude: 9/10.

skin: 8/10.

face: 6/10.

boobs: 6/10.

wir: yes.

p. s: i have been sharing details about all the sps and girls so far. please don't ask contact for this spa / therapist as of now. i have worked really hard to find this one and want to enjoy her for sometime. and i don't think that she even does this with everyone and she is actually interested in me and wants a long term friendship.

golder words: always go to a spa for a good massage session and not with extras in mind (specailly in hyd). you will come out happier, relaxed and satisfied. even if you don't get extra, you will get nice one hour massage and worth the money you payed at counter.

04-16-14, 09:55
when does the next flight to hyd leave from delhi?

scene is always dry until it is made wet, delhi was mostly dry a year back except a few places and now its flooding here.

good social service my friend, help the girls afford a better lifestyle.


this report is for all those people who think the spa scene in hyd is dry. it certainly as not as green as it is in delhi or other metros. but still a lot can be enjoyed.

even i gave up on spas in hyd. but somehow i enjoy and sensual spa session with extra more than a full service by any agent; s girl. no hurry, good relaxing massage at good place, nice extra and hot shower.

i have visited the famous spa in jhill four time and got hj every time. but the biggest draw back is that the therapist there are older and doesn't look good at all. there was only one comparatively younger therapist and i did not leave the chance to play with her butts (while she was massaging me) and do dfk while my hands were inside her top and were exploring her breasts (but sadly the boobs were too small and i hardly found anything) , needless to say got nice hj (damage was rs500). after exploring everyone in that spa. it was time to explore another one.

[damage was 1k in first session and after that never payed more than rs500. therapists asks for more but can easily settle for less if you can control yourself and bargain well. ]

found another spa closer to my place and took first two session with same therapist. she was young, decent looking and friendly. got butt massage from her both the times, but she was too shy to do anything else. on my second visit, i spotted another gem and was talked to my first therapist about her and because of language problem she thought that i like her and i said yes i like her. and she took it in a positive way and after the session called her friend and introduced me to her. i could sense that this new girl is interested in me and was sure that i can get a lot more with this new therapist.

i knew that i have found that one therapist in hyderabad for whom i took so many session and this was the time to eat my ripped fruit. booked appointment for next day and reached the place fully prepared.

the therapist looked at me and gave a big smile. she had sparkles in her eyes and may be she was also exited for what is going to happen inside.

once inside the room, i gave a hug and a kiss. there was clear understanding between us despite communication gap. and the therapy started. with initial talks for five minutes. she brought her face closer to me to show her fb i'd. i knew that iron is hot and its the time to strike. i started kissing her. and it was just the beginning. within 5 mins. she was on the bed below me with with her top off, boobs out and our lips indulged in passionate dfk. it continued for about 15-20mins and she seemed to be in full mood to utilize the whole one hour in love making. but i love to get hot sensual massage and is a big turn on for me.

i worked hard and tried so many sessions to find one therapist whom i may get friendly and get the sensual massage. what followed next was the best massage i got in hyd so far. it was full gfe experience. i was lying fully nude without any towel or disposable. girl's hands were moving freely and she was giving much needed attention to my butts and jhonny and were not missing any opportunity to brush her hands against my jonny and butts and tease me. along with frequent kisses on my ear, neck, lips and dfk. i made most of this one hour and did as much as i could. after finishing the back massage. i turned and she started nice slow hj with lots of oil and with lots of wet kisses. she was not ready for bj and i did not force her either. the jhonny was in full form and was not ready to give up. it took her really long and i had to guide her hands to make me cum. i was totally relaxed. but the show wasn't over yet. she continued her massage and kisses and i just closed my eyes and enjoyed every bit of it.

there was no discussion about the money at all and it was clear that the girl wants to be my friend and want to meet outside the spa. she was sharing her fb i'd, phone number etc etc with me. but i never share my personal details with anyone and always prefer to explore new flower and taste there honey. i just dodged her questions.

it was clear that if the therapist likes you and you can establish a good relationship with her. everything is possible inside the spa even in hyderabad. even when the spa doesn't promote extras and there are no closed doors for privacy. just find a good therapist who is friendly with you. there girls give massage whole and know that most of the customers like extras. even if they don't want to give they will politely refuse. just talk to them, get friendly and they will guide to well. i used my experience and took appointment for early in the morning on a weekday when there is hardly any customer and minimum disturbance and got the last room and where hardly any chance for anyone to come. obviously, fs can't be taken (i would have got ti for sure had there been a door in my room). but still a lot can be done. just need to find a right therapist and she must trust and like you.

damage: 1900 (counter) 500 (tip, though she never asked)

gfe: 9/10.

attitude: 9/10.

skin: 8/10.

face: 6/10.

boobs: 6/10.

wir: yes.

p. s: i have been sharing details about all the sps and girls so far. please don't ask contact for this spa / therapist as of now. i have worked really hard to find this one and want to enjoy her for sometime. and i don't think that she even does this with everyone and she is actually interested in me and wants a long term friendship.

golder words: always go to a spa for a good massage session and not with extras in mind (specailly in hyd). you will come out happier, relaxed and satisfied. even if you don't get extra, you will get nice one hour massage and worth the money you payed at counter.

04-16-14, 10:43
Ha ha ha. Even I am looking for the first flight to Delhi after reading your FRs. Can't compare Hyd with Del, just somehow passing my time here.

Budget for this month's mongering has already crossed its limit by doing too much of social service. I decided that I am done for the month but then found this spa girl and had to pay my visit. After meeting her I thought that I was done again but now a got a mail in the morning and one of my favorite girl is in Hyd after a year. And its my duty to visit her. She deserves a warm and wet welcome in Hyd. I don't have her direct number but I know she is waiting for me. Will put FR with her pics in next few days after meeting her.

Will have to take a break after that for a while.

Meanwhile, you keep taking care of sex starved nymphs of Delhi. I will try to be there soon to shoulder your burden.

And do let me know whenever you come to Hyd. Will meet this time.

When does the next flight to HYD leave from delhi?

Scene is always dry until it is made wet, delhi was mostly dry a year back except a few places and now its flooding here.

Good social service my friend, help the girls afford a better lifestyle.


04-16-14, 11:30
Called up the number advertised by 'Maya' on cg. The number was attended by a guy though. This number was active on watsapp so asked him to send me a picture. But he refused, saying it's a college girl, there's no reason why you won't like her etc. Anyways he sounded reasonably confident. 5k per session.

Reached the petrol pump on Road no 2 and called him. He directed me to his place from there. Decent locality, good house. There was only girl available. Sorry no pics, but she was above average in looks and build. The action too was kind of above avg, she was active and looked to please. She was a little reluctant for dfk but as time moved on, she opened up.

Overall a decent experience.

Body: 7

Attitude: 7

Looks: 6

Wir: not sure, depends on desperation levels.

04-16-14, 11:41
Hi guys,

Could someone share a good independent (or through sp) contact in the 5-10k range? Preferably with her own place but thats not an absolute constraint. I prefer medium to tall girls, not very thin, good structure and above avg looks. Optimistic?


04-16-14, 16:12

Was in hyderabad for a couple of days and checked into a 5 star hotel in Hitech city. Contacted my know SP for a model for a couple of shots. He sent me these pics. Was satsified and asked for 20K for 2 shots, got it down for 15 K. Girl arived and gave me a call picked her up from lobby and brought her to my room.

Was fair medium height, spoke good English and was pleasant. After few mins of chatting started DFK and removed our clothes. She had medium firm boobs with erect nipples, firm stomach but small buttocks. After usual foreplay I fingered her pussy, she started moaninlodudly. She rolled a condom on my dick and gave a CBJ. After wards she road on top and we had 20 mins session in different positions. She was urging me on and came in her.

After washing ourselves and after 30 mins proceeded with 2nd round, she asked whether I wanted anal but I never tried before so refused.


Looks- 7

Attitude- 8

Boobs- 8

Cost effectiveness- 6


Not able to attach the photos will try again.

04-16-14, 19:43
Regular SP Kar called me. Informed about new bird in town Manisha.

In myp. Reached the place. Lovely girl, friendly attitude. Was cooperative.

Went for 2 pops for 4k damages. Service was average. Nice tight boobs. No

Lip kiss. Mirror in the room was making me horny. This exp of mine us 15 days back.


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04-17-14, 03:59
For me looks like the floodgates opened after I took courage for the first. Johnny was in mood yesterday. Had got the mail from an SP from whom I regularly get mails. He got a new gal. 3.5K for a shot. What a waste of time and money.

04-17-14, 06:01
Can you please attach pics again? I think you forgot to do that.


Was in hyderabad for a couple of days and checked into a 5 star hotel in Hitech city. Contacted my know SP for a model for a couple of shots. He sent me these pics. Was satsified and asked for 20K for 2 shots, got it down for 15 K. Girl arived and gave me a call picked her up from lobby and brought her to my room.

Was fair medium height, spoke good English and was pleasant. After few mins of chatting started DFK and removed our clothes. She had medium firm boobs with erect nipples, firm stomach but small buttocks. After usual foreplay I fingered her pussy, she started moaninlodudly. She rolled a condom on my dick and gave a CBJ. After wards she road on top and we had 20 mins session in different positions. She was urging me on and came in her.

After washing ourselves and after 30 mins proceeded with 2nd round, she asked whether I wanted anal but I never tried before so refused.


Looks- 7.

Attitude- 8.

Boobs- 8.

Cost effectiveness- 6.


Not able to attach the photos will try again.

04-17-14, 07:39
Hyd is not all dry when it comes to spa and MP. Having visited 3-4 different spa I found a good one. It is located in be. Hills. It has a nice ambience, but there are no doors in cabins. Visited there twice. The girls are very friendly and she did a teasing massage regularly touching and brushing private parts. At the end she gave HJ for 0.5k. I also asked for BJ, but said it's not possible.

Then went again after few days, got the same girl. This time again asked for BJ, she was reluctant at first but then agreed at 1.5k.

04-17-14, 12:01
Sorry attaching the pics. Her name is Puja from Kolkata. Gave me her number but couldn't contact through the same number afterwards.

Chris Grey
04-17-14, 13:59
hi guys,

this is my 2nd post here, first one was asking for some contacts when i was in hyd for a week. thanks a ton to vishnuhyd and lord necros for sharing contacts even though i was new here. i have never ventured, so wasnt still confident of trying those contacts. but did try my luck at 2 spas in hyd, wasnt lucky though. below are my experiences:

1. thai spa near hi tech city.

took the groupon voucher and reached the place. was assigned a young looking therapist. as mentioned by all here, very clean and hygienic place but no doors only curtain.

the massage was really good. looked for any signs from the therapist but got none. still made courage and asked her for any extras, she just smiled and said no we don't. since it was a voucher it was worth the massage.

2. spa at raddisson.

real wonderful spa experience here though no extras. the ambience is beautiful and the therapist was good looking as well. gave a very good massage and towards the end there was a slight brush against my manhood, thought that was a sign and asked for extras, of course was turned down.

but worth it since it was a relaxing experience at the spa. no hurries with the steam or shower and well treated.

i will be back to hyderabad for a week again, hopefully will muster some courage to try out contacts shared with me. thanks to all for such sharing.

The Gr Fukinhyd
04-17-14, 14:04
Hi guys.

I would be staying at the Leonia rsorts from tomorro.

Can you pl letme know if any of the girls are available here.


04-17-14, 14:14
Hi guys.

I would be staying at the Leonia rsorts from tomorro.

Can you pl letme know if any of the girls are available here.


Well I don't know whether girls are available there or not but I say you can safely take a girl inside. I took my gf along with me for 2 day package but I made sure I did booked the suite for two adults. Rest apart they are are strict for outside people which is what I observed during my stay.

Any how enjoy you sensual session and if possible do report

04-17-14, 15:12
Hi all,

Well I have been mongering for about 2 years here in Hyd and knew igs fourm but recently got myself an PM. Well been working in oil and gas industry and doing 35 days on / off job allows me to only stay in india for a period of 6 months.

So here I am positing my experience which took place on 15th apr.

As I could not control my urge so decided to check out crag, loc and back pgs. As I always hate the hyd traffic so I normally avoid going far to hitech or madpr. So circled on bepet. Called Maya SP from crglist and he refused to share pic too. Took a chance and went to his place. Saw a cute south india girl and paid 5k for 2 hours. As soon I went into the other room along with the girl and started chatting, she keeps telling me to wear condi and start the session. As I am always looking for gf type experience so wanted some DFK but she refused and kept forcing to wear condi. As I did put on the condi her comes the surprise, she just slept on the bed and told me to do the deed. The whole experience was mechanical and in the end I had to give myself a hand BJ to feel something.

Told the sp but as usual even he was more interested in money than customer experience.

As jonny was not satisfied then decided to try something good. I myself been a punjabi guy so decided to try something punjabi stuff in searched punjabi in crglist and this time took the car to jhill. Went to the SP and he showed me the girls, there was a girl called ritu charge 10k here for 2 hours session and SP is saying me she has come from Delhi and is punjabi.

As usual she was not from delhi but was from Mumbai but over all she did provided me gf experience and I did enjoyed.

So there was my day spend in hyd. Any how if any member could help me out with some indi stuff near to scbad, I can also help him out too.

04-17-14, 19:27
Being bored, did search thru couple of contacts from BP, CG and LC. Came across this SP digits ending with 5413. He shared pics on wapp attached below. Tried the treasure island gorgeous one in pink dress and a J'artist in blue dress [thats what he introduced her to me] the next day. Today got an update that a new bolly model arrived in city, the girl in photoshopped images, not interested to give a shot.

Rate card follows:

Beauty in Pink dress:

Place: Very Nice. Cozy A / C accommodation 8/10

GFE: Felt a bit hard to tune up. 6/10

BJ: WC. 5/10

Attitude: Yes. Ultra attitude girl. 8/10. Not an easy minded one.

Body / Skin: Though look milky white skin, one may not feel smoothness. Dusky skin. Firm tight and nice boobs. 6/10

Glory Hole: Shaved and clean. Light DATY that turned her on and then after she feel no reluctant for DFK as well. 9/10

Damage: Quoted 10. Tried hard to pull it down to 7K per shot. Fixed the deal finallyat8K twice.

Beauty in Blue dress:

Place: Good. A / see 7/10

GFE: Not a time watcher. But insisted to finish the deed soon. Not willing in to offering true GFE. 5/10

Attitude: Its true. She's working in media industry not really sure if its a TV / Film. Chit chat on her life / past stories blah blah. Though didn't lucky enough to get GFE. Except GFE, the other things were good. 7/10

Body / skin: Those who like a smooth skin with a little hair, she is good fit. Smooth skin. Boobs are average with wide light brown back round. Little bit slaggy. 8/10. Pimples / disorder on her cheeks is bit turn down but not too much.

Glory Hole: Slippery Juices. Partly shaved. Felt the wetness of her GH during the foreplay / fingering. Allowed a little DFK at the end of the foreplay which turned her on much. No DATY. Overall clean and nice.

Damage: 5K per one.

New Model babe / NI babe in sun glasses:

SP Quoted 10K per shot. Didn't tried yet.

Not sure about other ones.

Happy mongering guys!


04-17-14, 21:52
Anyone tried here? Any feedback?I am a regular follower of this forum and I'm posting my FR.

This was 10 days back. When I had a holiday for the office. As usual I was searching for the quality, looked at cg, loc. Called few guys oneatAmr and anotheratB. Jills they were quoting 5k. So suddenly saw the ad and reply to that asking more details. Got response in a min with all required detail.

Call him and fix the appointment reached the place near M'd'are, called the guy asked me to wait for his call. Then after 5 min got the call and the guy on the phone help me to reach the place. An Old lady in Mid 40's opened the door and asked me to wait.

After some time asked to go into the room to check the girl, looks wise Average. Both sat on the bed for some brief intro and then we both slowly took off the clothes. Then the really action started (BBJ) , she was so amazing I have to stop her in between to avoid. This continues for 10 min. And this for my till date best BBJ.

Then she ride on me for some time about 5 min then I took charge and finish the deed. Overall very good experience after long time.

Service: 8/10

Body: 6/10

Boobs: 6/10

Wir: may be yes, if no other option.

04-18-14, 01:04
Hyd is not all dry when it comes to spa and MP. Having visited 3-4 different spa I found a good one. It is located in be. Hills. It has a nice ambience, but there are no doors in cabins. Visited there twice. The girls are very friendly and she did a teasing massage regularly touching and brushing private parts. At the end she gave HJ for 0. 5k. I also asked for BJ, but said it's not possible.

Then went again after few days, got the same girl. This time again asked for BJ, she was reluctant at first but then agreed at 1. 5k.Can you mention the counter charges and also any clue on the spa name and how you got it.

In my view 1.5k for BJ is very high.

04-18-14, 04:08
Got the number of Vennela from one of the ISG member, did any one tried her in the recent past? Any exp? I may try her this weekend. Please share your exp / feedback.


04-18-14, 05:33
visiting hyderabad till this sunday, first day went to thai mp in jhills. curtains stuff which is identical in all branches of this spa. got a good massage and therapist was giving signs for extras, got as usual handjob for 0.5k. but therapist are not that much good looking here.

damage: 1.7k

04-18-14, 14:03
I am visiting Hyderabad soon. Please tell me or send me some phone nos to contact girls or SP.


04-18-14, 17:01
Can you mention the counter charges and also any clue on the spa name and how you got it.

In my view 1. 5k for BJ is very high.Counter charge was 1.9k.

And yes 1.5 k for BJ is high. Did try to bargain for 1k but she didn't agree.

But got a really nice BBBJ so didn't complain.

04-19-14, 06:36
Hi friend and seniors can anyone help me finding a GFE girl in Hyd. I want to enjoy one fullday with a girl who will provide good company and co operation. Your help is very helpful to me. I had many experiences but they are one hr or two.

Please pm me buddies.

04-19-14, 06:42
Hi friend and seniors can anyone help me finding a GFE girl in Hyd. I want to enjoy one fullday with a girl who will provide good company and co operation. Your help is very helpful to me. I had many experiences but they are one hr or two.

Please pm me buddies.Whatever I have seen of Hyderabad, one day they would charge you a bomb. They all go by 1 or 2 shots! For one day it might cost you 25-30K.

04-19-14, 07:12
Need a feed back on her plzz. Price, GFE and everything

04-19-14, 07:57
After visiting different spa around Hyd for extras, thought to try for FS. Searched through CG. Got a number and messaged on what's app. Got the pic (attached).

Went to the place. Not that clean, plain simple apartment.

Told the girl if I get a full GFE I will tip her. She made sure I was satisfied to the fullest. Started with DFK. Undressing, BBBJ. She was clean so went for DATY. Did a 69, was awesome. Then had a idea of doing standing 69 (amazing).

Put the condom on and did doggy and cow girl.

Since I paid for two shots, I wanted to try anal now.

She refused at first but said will tip her well. Fortunately was carrying lube, was the first time I did anal and it did feel great. She was screaming with pain.

Looks- 6/10

Attitude- 9/10

3.5k for 2 shots plus 1k tip.

04-19-14, 16:06
Got the number of Vennela from one of the ISG member, did any one tried her in the recent past? Any exp? I may try her this weekend. Please share your exp / feedback.

ThanksI have been trying to get in touch with her for the past couple of weeks, but no response from her. Do let us know if you have better luck.

04-20-14, 02:25
Hi all,

I am visiting Hyderabad from 21-26 and looking for some good reliable GFE. Pm me with info.



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To use the Forum's Private Message service, both you and the Forum Member you are trying to contact must be either a subscriber or a Senior Member.

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If you cannot afford $20 dollars to buy a subscription, then perhaps you can convince another forum member to purchase a subscription for you.


04-20-14, 16:05

I am visiting Hyd May 1st week and since I am new to Hyd can you help me with her number.

ThanksSearch on craigslist, advertises by the name "Praneetha", message on whatsapp.

After trying her do post an FR.

Chris Grey
04-20-14, 20:27
Hi all,

I had gone through the FR by KrazyEagle and was really impressed by the pics and had requested him to share the number which he obliged. Called the SP and he shared exactly the same pic other than the one in Pink whom KE had described. So asked for the other gal, one in Blue top with glasses, he said she is Hi Profile so comes at high cost and quoted 11k. Since I used reference he came down to 8k for 1hr and was not willing to negotiate further. Since this was my first time and really liked the pic went ahead with the same and not repenting now.

The gal is really beautiful and has this amazing body with tattoos at the right place and great skin. She was co-operative and was fun to be with.

Place: Decent place, not that clean. But had AC in the room which was good.

GFE: Just an hr so couldn say much on this.

BJ: WC. 6/10

Attitude: Friendly.

Body / Skin: Amazing body and really smooth skin. 9/10 on

Damage: 8k for an HR / One shot.

Overall my first real experience was a good one and this is thanks to all the senior members here who are not reluctant to help new mongers.

Special thanks to KrazyEagle.

04-21-14, 00:21
After visiting different spa around Hyd for extras, thought to try for FS. Searched through CG. Got a number and messaged on what's app. Got the pic (attached).

Went to the place. Not that clean, plain simple apartment.

Told the girl if I get a full GFE I will tip her. She made sure I was satisfied to the fullest. Started with DFK. Undressing, BBBJ. She was clean so went for DATY. Did a 69, was awesome. Then had a idea of doing standing 69 (amazing).

Put the condom on and did doggy and cow girl.

Since I paid for two shots, I wanted to try anal now.

She refused at first but said will tip her well. Fortunately was carrying lube, was the first time I did anal and it did feel great. She was screaming with pain.

Looks- 6/10.

Attitude- 9/10.

3. 5k for 2 shots plus 1k tip.Its really great to see you getting full gamut of service including anal, & it proves that attitude is in fact much more important than looks specially in mongering. Congratulation to you for finding this gem. I will be visiting Hyderabad very soon, can you share the contact info. I would definitely reciprocate with some good indie contacts from Mumbai or Chennai.

04-21-14, 11:47
Does any one tried [Names in Code Deleted by Admin] no. Ends with. 580. According to him he has some decently qualified indi (6k short) with out call facility mostly in 4* & above.

Not sure how far its true. So, any help on this would be greatly appreciated.


EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove names written in code. Please do not post names written in code in the Forum. You're not foolng anyone. If the average forum member can interpret the name, then so can anyone else. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information. Thanks!

Mahesh Babua
04-21-14, 14:22
One of my old SP sent me a gorgeous pic on W'App yesterday. Thought of fixing a meeting with the girl. He had asked for 5k ST. Just out of curiosity I performed a Google Image search on the pic. It was pic of a tamil actress.

I am pretty sure that this guy cannot get me an actress & that too at 5k.

W'App shows last seen time same as when he sent the message.

I didn't call him just to be cautious. It may not be anything, but mongers beware. Be safe, use common sense and enjoy.

04-21-14, 19:27
Hello friends,

I am visiting Guntur and Vijayawada for a week. Can anyone share any contacts will be very helpful. Totally new to this area.

04-21-14, 20:04
Hi dude,

She is an actress named Sunaina!

One of my old SP sent me a gorgeous pic on W'App yesterday. Thought of fixing a meeting with the girl. He had asked for 5k ST. Just out of curiosity I performed a Google Image search on the pic. It was pic of a tamil actress.

I am pretty sure that this guy cannot get me an actress & that too at 5k.

W'App shows last seen time same as when he sent the message.

I didn't call him just to be cautious. It may not be anything, but mongers beware. Be safe, use common sense and enjoy.

04-22-14, 11:29
Got these pics from a SP. Only for out call at hotels. Says she charges 20k for ST and 40k for LT. Do let me know if anyone has come across this one.

Thanks in advance


04-22-14, 15:23
Recently got a contact with one indi.

Called on Sunday and fixed appointment for short time.

Place was ok, not bad.

Age around 28 average looking.

She is good in massage also if your interested with full service.

She was really good on bed. Did all except anal.

GFE experience.

Damage : 2. 5k including tips.

WIR: if johny desperate yes.

Can share digits in exchange of same price range indi contatcs.

04-22-14, 17:54
Got these pics from a SP. Only for out call at hotels. Says she charges 20k for ST and 40k for LT. Do let me know if anyone has come across this one.

Thanks in advance

RB20K for ST & 40K for LT, is this some kind of a joke from the SP? The girl looks just average, nothing great (My point of view).

Mahesh Babua
04-22-14, 22:21
Hi dude,

She is an actress named Sunaina!Yes, I realised that after Googling. But jhonny was excited after seeing the pic.

Mahesh Babua
04-22-14, 22:23
Got these pics from a SP. Only for out call at hotels. Says she charges 20k for ST and 40k for LT. Do let me know if anyone has come across this one.

Thanks in advance

RBAlthough the pic is good but aren't these rates too high?

04-23-14, 06:53
20K for ST & 40K for LT, is this some kind of a joke from the SP? The girl looks just average, nothing great (My point of view).Yea the rates are ridiculous! However I did not haggle with the SP when he sent me the pics and rates. And like you said the babe is average too. Just wanted to see if anyone had tasted the goods earlier at a lower price.



04-23-14, 10:54
Hi Chris,

Care to share the info? Appreciate it.



Hi all,

I had gone through the FR by KrazyEagle and was really impressed by the pics and had requested him to share the number which he obliged. Called the SP and he shared exactly the same pic other than the one in Pink whom KE had described. So asked for the other gal, one in Blue top with glasses, he said she is Hi Profile so comes at high cost and quoted 11k. Since I used reference he came down to 8k for 1hr and was not willing to negotiate further. Since this was my first time and really liked the pic went ahead with the same and not repenting now.

The gal is really beautiful and has this amazing body with tattoos at the right place and great skin. She was co-operative and was fun to be with...

04-23-14, 11:19

Visited Hyd for a week and I guess my choices ended up in disgusting fucks.

My regular SP always wanted a 4-5 hours before he could find someone. So I took a leap of risk and went with a random provider on BP.

5k for a shot, apartment sucked, filth and stinking. Little man need to be pleased and went ahead even after so many red flags.

The location is somewhere behind the famous coffee place in Madhapur (opp lane of PS). So beware guys. Not worth it at all.

Looks: 4.

Service: 4. Seemed like an addict. Here I lay down, do whatever you want was her attitude.

Will not repeat.



P. S, Visiting Hyd in June. Please pm some decent SP.

04-23-14, 17:39
Except the third one, the remaining other two are morphed / edited in PS. One could easily sniff up.


Got these pics from a SP. Only for out call at hotels. Says she charges 20k for ST and 40k for LT. Do let me know if anyone has come across this one.

Thanks in advance


04-23-14, 23:28

Visited Hyd for a week and I guess my choices ended up in disgusting fucks.

My regular SP always wanted a 4-5 hours before he could find someone. So I took a leap of risk and went with a random provider on BP.

5k for a shot, apartment sucked, filth and stinking. Little man need to be pleased and went ahead even after so many red flags.

The location is somewhere behind the famous coffee place in Madhapur (opp lane of PS). So beware guys. Not worth it at all.

Looks: 4.

Service: 4. Seemed like an addict. Here I lay down, do whatever you want was her attitude.

Will not repeat.



P. S, Visiting Hyd in June. Please pm some decent SP.Bro. It is all about timing and I guess you picked up the wrong bunch, the place you have been is a shit hole and there are much better options. A week before you go PM me the iteniery, will hook you up in HYD.

Stay Safe. Bang Safe

Ace of Hearts
04-24-14, 00:23
Got these pics from a SP. Only for out call at hotels. Says she charges 20k for ST and 40k for LT. Do let me know if anyone has come across this one.

Thanks in advance

RBThe first pic looks good but the last pic confirms that the first pic is overly photoshopped and staged

Sad that Hyderabad is too becoming ridiculously costly like Bangalore. 5k-6k is fine for ST but four times at 20k is a joke.

By the way Rohit long time I exchanged PM ever after Heenas episode. How are timings. Heard from Sameer lately

04-24-14, 03:07
Hello folks,

I am from Bangalore as I transferred from Bangalore to Hyderabad, looking for some inde contacts. Will be staying in Hyderabad for next year. Any inde contacts will be greatly appreciated. In future I wil help you guys. Looking contacts near DSNG, Amberpet And LB nagar.


04-24-14, 07:50
The first pic looks good but the last pic confirms that the first pic is overly photoshopped and staged

Sad that Hyderabad is too becoming ridiculously costly like Bangalore. 5k-6k is fine for ST but four times at 20k is a joke.

By the way Rohit long time I exchanged PM ever after Heenas episode. How are timings. Heard from Sameer latelyHey Ace, Hows it going in Bangalore? Have been back for a few months now. Been extremely busy so getting out whenever I have the chance.

Not many of the old guys around these days and I have lost most of my contacts. Sammer is not be seen and Rohit is in the US. He was complaining that he had pay $150 a pop where he was.

Hyd still has a few low cost places but the quality are usually a hit or miss types. Did you have a chance to bang the Turkish babe again?
