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03-23-09, 01:10
[Quote]I hope you arent advocating haggling over drink and BF prices. Because those are not negotiable. You arent going to talk mama/papasan into letting a spotlight dancer off for the night for anything less than 3000p. It aint gonna happen. [\Quote]Most of the time the drink prices are NOT negotiable but you can try and sometimes it will work. On the other hand, BF prices ARE negotiable. That "no less than 3000 pesos" BF price you posted is bullshit. Sounds like propaganda but whatever. Point blank. I don't care what you or anyone pays, it's your money, all I'm saying is that it is negotiable. [Quote]I can guarantee if you're wearing a cheap charlie tshirt, walk into a bar, point, BF, and go, you WILL get either a runner or shitty service. Or both. Not to mention the fact a girl is not REQUIRED to go with you. If she perceives you as an asshole, she won't go. Period. [\Quote]Yeah right, if a girl won't go with you then go to the next place. Girls will go with you. Bad attitude or not. Money is all that matters.

[\Quote]I appreciate the message you're trying to portray, but being demanding will get you no where. Except into an empty bed. [\Quote]I never said anything about being demanding. I agree that you should be respectful. Note I said "should". I don't advocate anyone being mean/hurtful towards anyone but at the same time I'm not going to tell someone to go out of their way to be overly courteous in any way to a fucking bar girl. I mean, come on, you're not bringing them home for dinner to meet mom and pops. That is how some noobs can get taken advantage of. They are so busy trying to be nice that they don't realize when they are being taken for a fool. With so much shit going on in PI, be yourself. Of course, don't be a jerk on purpose, these girls are still people but all in all just have a good time, be safe and remember to always stay in control.

Also you are probably correct in stating that if you treat the girls like crap then you will get crappy service. But in the grand scheme of things you still will have got your rocks off very cheaply and that's all that matters. I'd recommend ST to people who naturally have coarse personalities. This way who gives a fuck about shitty service, you bust a nut and kick'them the fuck out. Easy days in paradise.

03-23-09, 22:59
Sorry, but BF prices are not negotiable. Freelancer prices are, but BF prices are not.

Unless someone else on here can confirm. Has it EVER happened? Probably. But to make a statement that its negotiable is false. If youre from the states do you haggle on prices in resturants? Or when you go buy a new pair of Levi's? Didnt think so.

03-24-09, 02:12
[Quote]Sorry, but BF prices are not negotiable. Freelancer prices are, but BF prices are not.

But to make a statement that its negotiable is false. If you're from the states do you haggle on prices in resturants? Or when you go buy a new pair of Levi's? Didn't think so. [\Quote]PRICES. You’re comparing shopping in the USA and in the PI? ! LOL. Ok, whatever suites you. I’m not going to go back and forth on this but I hope all noobs find our discussion when they do a search regarding prices. (that’s why I put "PRICES" by itself and capitalized)

[Quote] Funny that Manila is also the Philippines and you don't get the Cherry girl Drink hustle there and it is only a hour away or so depending on trafic. Just further proof of the waste of time AC has become with nothing but drin pressure and no nudity or strip clubs allowed in that dump hole. [\Quote]I was just about to say that I despise Manila and re-emphasize how much I love AC but I just realized that I never went to a place where you could actually BF a girl like in AC. NOT freelancer. I never ever deal with freelancers. I think the next time I’m there I’ll have to do that before I can truly assess if I really hate Manila. I have gotten fucked over twice doing freelancers so I don’t go that route anymore. At least not in major cities like Cebu, Manila, or AC. I probably would in remote places like Davao, or the provinces (ilocos norte, etc.) though.

03-24-09, 02:22
I have never heard of a bar haggling on anything. At best a mamasan/papasan may buy you drinks, but thats not haggling the price down. You can convince some girls from certain bars to meet you after their shift is over, therefore you negoiate only with her. But again thats not haggling with the bar.

03-24-09, 05:39
Landed in Clark a couple of days ago.

The place is humming at night - quite a good feeling.


Breakfasts 100-300 pisos.

drinks - beers 50-85 pisos. Lady drinks about double that.

Barfines - only had one (so far) 1350 Pisos.

BBBJ - 700 Pisos. (What a scam - they take 700 P off me, and then STEAL a couple of teaspoons of my precious seminal protein). :(

Hotels seem to be doing a good trade. Mine is full according to the front desk people. So probably best to book early for your next visit if it is sometime in the near future.

I am in one of the cheaper rooms in the Royal Amsterdam. About $45 US/day.

I am sort of bemused by the current debate about AC on this board. I am having a ball.

I wonder if those badmouthing the place are actually bar owners from Pattaya or somewhere in Thailand? The reason I think this might be the case is that they seem to be promoting what Thl is good at (nudity, point and f*ck), but downplay what PI is good at(GFE).

Perhaps we could ask Jackson to shine a light on IP addresses of posters so that we know where they are posting from?

To add some perspective, despite the global downturn, things are going gang busters in AC - so negative comments here and elsewhere are having less than zero effect. I doubt that local bar owners have time to frequent the boards in between serving drinks and servicing the waitresses. :)

Anyhoo, must head off to a bar somewhere so that someone can scam me into having a drink, or scam me into having a drink while cuddling a cute lady for the total price of the beer alone back home.

Life is hard, but someone has to make the sacrifices. Di ba?

X Man
03-24-09, 13:59
In March? Gangbusters? If I recall, March is a slow month. Have you been to AC before? And if so, what month?

If it's "going gangbusters" now, maybe I should reconsider my next visit. In the summer it will be much too crowded for my tastes.


To add some perspective, despite the global downturn, things are going gang busters in AC - so negative comments here and elsewhere are having less than zero effect. I doubt that local bar owners have time to frequent the boards in between serving drinks and servicing the waitresses. :)


03-24-09, 14:31
I have never heard of a bar haggling on anything. At best a mamasan/papasan may buy you drinks, but thats not haggling the price down. You can convince some girls from certain bars to meet you after their shift is over, therefore you negoiate only with her. But again thats not haggling with the bar.

You can definitely negotiate with the girl to come to your room after she finishes her work around 3 am. I have done that few times.
It is difficult if the girl is staying at dormitory type of places the bars provide. The word gets around that the girl in question has not been barfined and did not sleep in her bed. There is lot of jealousy and back biting between the girls. They will let the mamasan know and girl will get into trouble.
In my case the girls lived off premises in a rented room in a house. So it was easy. Still they did not want to go out walking or to the mall together in daytime. Trick is you need to barfine them the first day. Find out if she is willing to meet you after hours. They will be quite happy to stay with you for 1000 pesos. If they have made money from lots of lady drinks they might even take less or free.
This arrangement is good. Gives you lots of time to barhop and do whatever you want before the girl comes to your room. They are more likely to stay with you all day till it is time for them to go back to work.
Another thing is if you want to take the girl away on a vacation there is no need to pay barfine for all those days. The girls can take off anytime they want saying they are going to the provinces.

X Man
03-25-09, 01:21
In some cases if the lady was bfnd she needs to show up for work the next day or there is a penalty. I imagine that's to recoup some of the lost revenue from what is described in the last paragraph.

You can definitely negotiate with the girl to come to your room after she finishes her work around 3 am. I have done that few times.
It is difficult if the girl is staying at dormitory type of places the bars provide. The word gets around that the girl in question has not been barfined and did not sleep in her bed. There is lot of jealousy and back biting between the girls. They will let the mamasan know and girl will get into trouble.
In my case the girls lived off premises in a rented room in a house. So it was easy. Still they did not want to go out walking or to the mall together in daytime. Trick is you need to barfine them the first day. Find out if she is willing to meet you after hours. They will be quite happy to stay with you for 1000 pesos. If they have made money from lots of lady drinks they might even take less or free.
This arrangement is good. Gives you lots of time to barhop and do whatever you want before the girl comes to your room. They are more likely to stay with you all day till it is time for them to go back to work.
Another thing is if you want to take the girl away on a vacation there is no need to pay barfine for all those days. The girls can take off anytime they want saying they are going to the provinces.

03-25-09, 05:15
In March? Gangbusters? If I recall, March is a slow month. Have you been to AC before? And if so, what month?

If it's "going gangbusters" now, maybe I should reconsider my next visit. In the summer it will be much too crowded for my tastes.


Hi, I have been going to AC twice per year for years. Normally in Feb/March and Oct/November periods.

My impression of busyness is by comparing my memory with my trip this time last year. (Allowing for the beer soaked memory unreliability of an old fart).

However, in a bit more detail.

Visited the Perimeter during the early to mid afternoon yesterday and did a quick recon of five bars - one drink in each, four of them had eight to ten people, one of them had only one guy apart from myself.

In Fields last night: Bar Hopping was standing room only, La Pasha had about three quarters of the seats occupied, Camelot was most seats occupied, but not quite standing room only, Typhoon about half occupied, Owls Nest was dead, four or five guys playing pool only, Roy's Pub had about six or seven guys around the bar/eating at the tables, Bunny Ranch had a comfortable seated load. However, the streets were full at midnight.

One thing of note was that Agasaya was dead as a dodo compared to last year. I was there just after midnight, and there were literally four Koreans and myself - I was joined for an in depth discussion of European History by a Brit who was probably as much under the weather as I was. The lack of Koreans may have something to do with their economy....or maybe they had already come, bar fined, left and were coming in their hotel rooms by the time I got there.

Hope that can give you some reference points.

(As you can see, I was conserving my protein last night after the previous two day's efforts).

03-25-09, 05:32
Arrived at DMIA around noon, the last time I remember being this excited (other than previous AC trips) was when I was a kid visiting Disneyland. By now the drivers at Lewis Grand know me pretty well. The driver was quick to recognize me from the crowd at the arrival hall and waved. I check in. Ekspat also arrives around the same time and we head toward fields. First stop Emotions for some SMB. I spot a nice hottie with a perfect butt. I decide to keep my pistol holstered for now. We then continued towards fields, we don’t even walk 200m and Ekspat already spots 2 girls he’s “known” from his previous trips. What a ****! I reckon he has done possibly 90% of all bar girls in AC….LOL

I hit Agasya first, the girl I really want is not there, so I head to Carousel. Jocelyn and Lulu (the Zhang Ziyi lookalike, see previous posts for photo) spots me right away. I BF her without her friend Jocelyn and back we head. This time she has no “mens” so I do her at night and then morning and send her on her way.

Second night I hit Agasya again but this time I spot the girl I want but she has already been BF. This time I got her name, Kati. She is a showcase girl and BF for her is 1700p. I also find out the name of another nice looking girl Rina. I head back to Carousel and I BF Analyn # 208. I said I would come back for her when I was there the night before while Lulu was getting changed. She had a tongue stud that really appealed to me. I got reasonable service out of her at night then again in the morning.

Day 3 – I head back to Agasya for Kati. The waitress (I bought her a drink in exchange for intelligence) from the day before had already warned her that I was coming back for her. And this time she was available for a lady drink. She was so shy, I had to talk to her nicely without the normal questions I normally ask, finally she agrees to BF with me.

We head back to the hotel, have dinner, I then show her around and we amuse ourselves with the resident monkey. Then we head into my room and on TV, we watched a horror movie, a genre she really likes and hugged me as frightening scenes came up, that was a real ice-breaker. That night and the next morning we had a good session including short but good BBBJ. She stays until about 3 or 4pm, so I give her p500 she only gets p700 of the p1700 BF, I would have thought about half.

Day 4 – On the way to fields in the hotel car, we got stuck in a traffic jam, I spot a real cutie manning a fish and meat stall on perimeter, I tell the driver she is a hottie, he agrees and then said that he will get her mobile number for me. I decided to have a drink at Bedrock. Was meeting Ekspat there but he never really made it. I was only there for 1 drink while the girls played with my ding dong and they all marveled how big it was and had a good laugh. I already indicated that I was not buying anyone a drink as I was waiting for Ekspat. So they did not pressure me to buy them LD either. I then get a txt from Ekspat who was now at Golden Nile, saw a really nice hottie there. Had 1 drink with Ekspat then I went back to Agasya. I spot another real hottie, she had the nicest face a body I had seen in AC so far, I think she said her name was Chelsea or something like that. I decide to go with Kati for tonight and then maybe her the next day. Kati was so tired that night we did not do it until the morning. She leaves about 2pm. I told her that I would butterfly and she appreciated my honesty.

Day 5 – The driver comes over to me and informs me that the hot girl at the fish/meat stall already has a boyfriend, he gives me a number of another girl he assures me she is a “nice girl”. I txt her and we agree to meet at SM Clark for dinner. She was a nice girl with big tits and I was happy to have dinner with her just for some eye candy. I made no effort to bone her so I ditch her (I offered to pay her trike etc but she declined) and head back into Agasya for Chelsea (sounds like). However she was entertaining some other Koreans but they have not BF her yet. I spot another cute Chinese looking girl in the “budget range” who also catches me looking. That will be my Plan B. After about an hour or so the Koreans left, she was showing no interest in them, Kati and some of the waitresses had told her in front of the Koreans but speaking in Tagalog I was interested and waiting patiently. She sits next to me. She is 19 years old and hot. I agree to BF her. Apparently she has a kid, father of the kid, a gangster has died in a gun battle. If I did not ask I would not be able to tell that she has a kid from her tight body and tight pussy. I got everything from her including DFK but not BJ, not something she does.

Here is a horror story for you, Ekspat, next morning she had the mens! Bled all over my bed. At least she cleaned up what she could unlike my previous trip when the girls did not bother. An unfortunately end to my last day at AC.

03-25-09, 11:11
One thing of note was that Agasaya was dead as a dodo compared to last year. I was there just after midnight, and there were literally four Koreans and myself -
Usually the Koreans barfine much earlier than that.
Then they may go barhopping with the girl, Agasya is better visited around 8-10pm.


03-25-09, 11:14
here is a horror story for you, ekspat, next morning she had the mens! bled all over my bed.
waaaah! yeah i can't stand that. terrible.
btw. just booked my flight for early may to dmia.
can join? :p :p


03-25-09, 20:33
Ok so at one time or another we all have heard that the American Hotel is haunted. According to many of the bar girls accounts. I have heard some girls have died there and haunt some of the rooms. I have also heard something about a woman that roams the hall ways. I have stayed there several times and for the price and what you get you can not go wrong. I actually think its the best bargain for decent hotel. Rooms are big and clean as well and has a decent pool. (P1200 a night). So back to the Ghost story, I finally asked 2 staff about the story and they just kind of laughed it off. So what is the real deal about the American Hotel? Frankly, I like it because its perfect location.

03-26-09, 04:31
Usually the Koreans barfine much earlier than that.
Then they may go barhopping with the girl, Agasya is better visited around 8-10pm.


An update.

Went bar hopping round the area where Agasaya is, and alternated drinks with one bar then Agasaya, then another bar then Agasaya etc till 1030 when I got a b/f from Rhapsody and so my, ahem, 'research' ended. (My main aim was to catch all their different shows without having to sit through the lot - rather than be obsessive about answering your point - it was a good way of trawling through lots of bars and checking out lots of talent). ;)

2030 hrs 7 Koreans + me
2120 hrs 2 Koreans + 2 Brits + me
2200 hrs 0 zero nil nix none Koreans + me + no-one else.

Other bars had fifteen - twenty customers at the same time. (Las Vegas, Blueberry Hill, Rhapsody, Bodyworks(?name?))

There was, however, one of the 'cultural dancers' at agasaya - a very petite spinner type who really had the moves, so maybe I might 'inquire' after her tonight - I always have wanted to go with someone who can do the splits. :)

03-26-09, 04:45

It *can* be done in AC with either sneak outs or picking up girls at Skytrax or the mall, but its MUCH easier in Manila.

For long term visitors or repeat visitors with contacts this is viable.

However, for someone who is new or visits only infrequently, they come up with the problem of how to get to know the bar girls without going through the more expensive process the first time.

Sure, frequent fliers and local expats can easily get it for the prices quoted - both in Manila and Angeles - even cheaper. However, especially if one wants to butterfly, the situation is a lot more complicated, and for the difference in price (between say 1350 and 350 = 1000 Piso) for a cashed up, short time monger, it might be just as easy to pay the extra $20 USD.

OTOH in favour of what you are saying, I have picked up takeouts from the mall and one of the small shops in Fields and paid about 400P iirc - it wasn't difficult. However, given that I like a bit of butterfly action, it got awkward avoiding certain parts of the mall and sneaking past particular shops in Fields so I did not get the 'see how you are!!!!' scolding that I richly deserved.

Also, for those who are not fat unfit and fifties like me, then internet contacts can work out even cheaper.

Still, I like my booze (hence the fat and unfit bit above), then I still would go to the bars and enjoy the eye candy no matter what or where - so that is a fixed cost...and hotel prices are very reasonable in AC on a world scale as well.

03-26-09, 05:16

For long term visitors or repeat visitors with contacts this is viable.

However, for someone who is new or visits only infrequently, they come up with the problem of how to get to know the bar girls without going through the more expensive process the first time.

Agree. And youre right....avoiding the "see how you are"'s can be challenging hehe

03-26-09, 05:23
Ok so at one time or another we all have heard that the American Hotel is haunted. According to many of the bar girls accounts. I have heard some girls have died there and haunt some of the rooms. I have also heard something about a woman that roams the hall ways. I have stayed there several times and for the price and what you get you can not go wrong. I actually think its the best bargain for decent hotel. Rooms are big and clean as well and has a decent pool. (P1200 a night). So back to the Ghost story, I finally asked 2 staff about the story and they just kind of laughed it off. So what is the real deal about the American Hotel? Frankly, I like it because its perfect location.Flip chicks are HIGHLY superstitious. They're always on about ghosts & spirits & 'wak waks' & giant snakes that swallowed a baby & shit like that! :)
Underneath the overlay of catholicism the old animist beliefs are still there i think.
Ever llooked at the homegrown horror movies that people watch on tv here?
Its exactly like that!!

03-26-09, 08:02
The story I've heard a few times is that it's one of the front rooms in America (I think first floor) and the ghost is a filipina who was killed by a tourist. There are stories about people staying in that room and "strange" things happening.

I was chatting to one of the guards once (I think in Clarkton, not America)and he told me he saw a ghost on the roof and another of the guards had also seen a ghost.

You're right, the filipinos are very superstitious and believe in lots of things from faith healers to extreme religious beliefs.

Ghost stories are fun. So many people have stories to tell. England is full of ghost stories. One good memory was a tourist ghost walk late at night in one of the old cities in England and the Japanese tourist (female!) wanting to hold my hand as she was scared by the guide's ghost stories. :)

Tempting to stay in that front room in America Hotel hoping to get a good ghost story of my own to tell :) Anyone know the room number of the "haunted room"? Was it 102?

I agree America is very good value. I've stayed in the front rooms before (not the "haunted" one and also a very big room at the back of America. The only problem is the front rooms can have a bit of traffic noise and you can get woken up early in the back rooms with the roosters and the close proximity of the local families.

Ok so at one time or another we all have heard that the American Hotel is haunted. According to many of the bar girls accounts. I have heard some girls have died there and haunt some of the rooms. I have also heard something about a woman that roams the hall ways. I have stayed there several times and for the price and what you get you can not go wrong. I actually think its the best bargain for decent hotel. Rooms are big and clean as well and has a decent pool. (P1200 a night). So back to the Ghost story, I finally asked 2 staff about the story and they just kind of laughed it off. So what is the real deal about the American Hotel? Frankly, I like it because its perfect location.

03-26-09, 12:22
[quote= blackangst]in malate theres robinsons mall. in greenbelt theres glorietta. in makati theres sm. i always get a disposable cell when i land, and pick up girls at the malls. your cost will be dinner, maybe a movie.[\quote]i’ll tell you about my experiences in the pi. i’ve been to manila and angeles. i have already posted detailed trips reports here already so i’ll make this one shorter. i tried picking up girls at sm in angeles. i got three phone numbers. one didn’t want to do anything, just wanted to meet up the next day for something whatever. i thought waste of time. the second and third ones both wanted to go to dinner but i asked them if they wanted to just go straight to my hotel. they kept saying let’s go to dinner and they were texting me like crazy. i just ignored all of them. when i posted my report here, i asked members what they thought of my situation. a few guys said i should have taken them to dinner and see where things went but i’m so used to girls here in the states. i kept thinking that they were going to get a free meal and tell me to fuck off. that would have drove me crazy. also, you know when you’re walking to sm and you go under that bridge there’s a police officer in the middle of the street directing traffic. i was attempting to pick up girls and that guy told me "hey buddy, there are plenty of girls in fields, please don’t mess with these girls". i was surprised. no-one posted anything here on the forum about anything like that happening in pi.

[quote= blackangst]employees if youre discreet.[\quote]
when i was trying to pick up girls in sm all i did was walk up and down the mall talking to random chicks. maybe i did something wrong because like i said, i only got three numbers. what i really wanted to do was talk to the employees in the retail store section of sm. you know that place that has all those sexy employees that try to get you to buy anything as soon as you make eye contact with them. i really wanted to get the phone numbers of like 6 of those girls but i wasn’t sure if that would be alright since the store was so empty and every time i tried to talk to one of them alone, three other employees would come over. i was saying to myself “shit, i can’t be alone with one of these girls long enough to get a phone number!” but no worries because i’ve decided that the next time i go there, i’m going to straight to the retail store and i’m going to try to get the phone number of every hot girl i see in that retail store. i don’t care who is watching me or next to me.

[quote= blackangst]for bf theres burgos st, specifically flamingos and rogues at 1500p. one thing about burgos is, in some bars your drinks count towards your bf. most bars have happy hour also at half price drinks. theres 50-60 bars on burgos. billboards has about the best lineup of girls, except for air force one. tickles is a crazy ass bar where alot can happen, and has a wild vip room. rascals has a gorgeous set of twins that bf together if youre nice. so much there. in edsa bf are a little more expensive, but quality is far better. service is top notch. like i said an 8 in ac is a 5 or 6 in manila. theres also freelance scene, which is a different subject altogether. when i go i usually get either freebees or fl. it feels like more of a "real date". subic has good action too, is prettier, and not far from manila or ac.[\quote]
at the famous burgos st., the bf is 1500p? i thought the bf there is very expensive or maybe that was just propaganda. well now i know what the real price is. :) i never really thought about subic being a worthy place to visit. however if you saying now that there are stunners there in abundance then i very well might check it out for my next trip. :)

[quote= blackangst] theres also casas, but thats another subject altogether.[\quote]
i have a bad experience with casas. basically i got taken to a casas with an **** girl. she had to be about 14yrs old. you can read about it in my trip report here. i read here that you should always avoid casas since you can get killed or easily setup there…

[quote= blackangst] it *can* be done in ac with either sneak outs or picking up girls at skytrax or the mall, but its much easier in manila.[\quote]
i was looking for skytrax when i was in angeles but i kept thinking that it was full of working girls as opposed to “normal” girls so i never made it there but i will get there next time.

[quote= rubberyman]also, for those who are not fat unfit and fifties like me, then internet contacts can work out even cheaper.[\quote]
i posted a question about this in chat room thread. i’m really considering this as an option. i’m 26 and a bit athletic. i run cross-country but like i said in my post i’m worried about it being a waste of time. also i have to inform you that my wife is filipina and i don’t want it to get back to her.

X Man
03-26-09, 14:37
Have you heard this story from a youngish Filipino, or from one of the old timers you can meet here and there?

The story I got is a black (irrelevant of course) airman on the base during the Clark hey day...they found her tucked away in the closet.

Improv....can save the day. If you stay at America, just say that you've heard the story and it all happend in room abc which happens to be on the other side of the hotel...blah, blah, blah.


The story I've heard a few times is that it's one of the front rooms in America (I think first floor) and the ghost is a filipina who was killed by a tourist. There are stories about people staying in that room and "strange" things happening.

I was chatting to one of the guards once (I think in Clarkton, not America)and he told me he saw a ghost on the roof and another of the guards had also seen a ghost.

You're right, the filipinos are very superstitious and believe in lots of things from faith healers to extreme religious beliefs.

Ghost stories are fun. So many people have stories to tell. England is full of ghost stories. One good memory was a tourist ghost walk late at night in one of the old cities in England and the Japanese tourist (female!) wanting to hold my hand as she was scared by the guide's ghost stories. :)

Tempting to stay in that front room in America Hotel hoping to get a good ghost story of my own to tell :) Anyone know the room number of the "haunted room"? Was it 102?

I agree America is very good value. I've stayed in the front rooms before (not the "haunted" one and also a very big room at the back of America. The only problem is the front rooms can have a bit of traffic noise and you can get woken up early in the back rooms with the roosters and the close proximity of the local families.

03-26-09, 18:53
I have stayed in America Hotel ... Yes the girls always talk about the "White lady" ... Thats what they call the ghost.

Some girls have actually been scared to come back to the hotel.

You will get a thousand different version of the story, but basically, a girl was supposely hacked up in one of the rooms and now roams the hotel seeking revenge.

Buko Max
03-26-09, 21:24
So what is the real deal about the American Hotel?
From what I remember there was a double homicide involving a bargirl and a German guy. It happened about 5 or 6 years ago I think.

To Laylow3 : If you are going to be a contributing member of this thread, please learn how to use the quote function!

Puerto La Cruz
03-27-09, 00:56
Anybody from Chicagoland will remember this one
My balonge has a first name, its Oscar
It also has a second name, its Mayer
Balogne balogne and then those girls ride the balogne pony!!!

03-27-09, 04:52
I was at Agasya last night. Very sweet and proper-looking waitress was trying to get me to barfine the dancers. There was one firecracker dancer, but I didn't take anyone.

03-27-09, 13:54
I third that Ekspat.

Statements that only Koreans can barfine from Agasaya are outright porky pies.

I am not Korean or even look remotely Korean (unless there are fat white balding roundeyed Koreans that is).

I have barfined ladies from Agasaya - even when it has been relatively busy with Koreans in past visits. Never had any bad vibes from the place. However, this WAS the bar that I have had 'runners' from, so am a little cautious.

Rocksoff - you must have seen the same dancer as I did. She IS sizzling!

Mind you, the toilets in Agasaya are really substandard and out of character with the place.

Agasya and Las Vegas are both owned by a Korean. I had met him because the Girl who was running Agasya was a good friend of mine. Last nov when I went there she was pregnant and was leaving.
Here are the facts as i learned from her.
1. They hire only the young girls. You will never see anybody more than 23
2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I have seen real ugly dancers there
3. Girls are told to prefer Korean or Japanese because of the 3-3-3 deal.
4. I have barfined about 5 girls from there only after my friend talked
to the girl and made sure she is not a runner and have to give me two
Pops. Some girls have given me more and stayed with me all day.
One 18 year old girl even went with me to Subic.
5. My friend also told me many girls there are runners especially the pretty
6. Most of the girls in Agasya are barfined by 9 Pm or contracted to barfine.
Contracted means the management sometimes does not want to run out
dancing girls and will only allow barfine after 11PM. So if you want to
contract pay the barfine and pick up the girl at certain time.
Why anybody would do that is beyond me. It is like reserving a
drumstick in all you can eat place.
7. Many young girls are really scared of big dicks non asians have.
8. It is a usual ocurrance that agasya runs out of girls and brings in girls
from Las Vegas.
9. They like Koreans because they order whisky bottles at three or four
times the market price and run up a big bar bill.
10. My suggestion is barfine some waitresses there. Some are cute.
If you want to barfine a dancer make sure you talk to the girl and agree
on all thing you want. You can use the waitress as your translator as
many young girls do not speak english there.

03-27-09, 14:05
I third that Ekspat.

Statements that only Koreans can barfine from Agasaya are outright porky pies.

I am not Korean or even look remotely Korean (unless there are fat white balding roundeyed Koreans that is).

I have barfined ladies from Agasaya - even when it has been relatively busy with Koreans in past visits. Never had any bad vibes from the place. However, this WAS the bar that I have had 'runners' from, so am a little cautious.

Rocksoff - you must have seen the same dancer as I did. She IS sizzling!

Mind you, the toilets in Agasaya are really substandard and out of character with the place.

...and I'm sure there's thousands more.

I also BF'd a girl out of Agsaya on my last trip in October. Not a runner, a serious cutie/sweetie who did her best to serve.

And apparently the only difference between Rubberyman and I is that he's fat and balding and I'm bald and fatting!

I don't remember the toilets being that bad... OK, I don't remember the toilets, at all!

It's obviously been too long! 29 more days...

Sammon, I agree with what you say about “contracting” a barfine, but it seems to be strangely common. Either by guys or, in some cases, by other bars to “top up the talent” for a particular event they may be having (like you say about Agsaya borrowing girls from Las Vegas). I was in Fire and Ice, last October, and four beauties came in but the never even got up on stage, just came to check in, because they’d already been barfined for a party at another bar (Blue Nile Exec, if I recall correctly).

The only reason I could think of contracting a girl would be in response to the same. If I was sitting with a “must have” hottie, and we were hitting it off, but she told me that she had been contracted for the night, I might consider contracting her for the next night.

Yeah, I know. That’s some pretty warped thinking.

X Man
03-28-09, 06:57
maybe he meant the ONLY TRIP TO THAT BAR. What WI reported may be old news, but there is a large amount of information that supports the idea that some Korean business people discriminate.

I'm not fond of WI's negativity, but not sure if he's violated any of ISG rules.

And surely AV should be more generous considering his own history of (in my opinion) dubious information. That being said, AV has posted much more reliable and useful information (in my opinion) in the past year. It's unfortunate that he keeps that chip on his shoulder.


WI -- you DO deserve criticism for your racist comments about Koreans. What is your nationality? Is your first language English? I'm American, btw.

Excuse me SIR, you are flooding the Philippines/Angeles City thread with OUTDATED disinformation. Opinions are tolerated, indeed welcomed but you are giving everybody the shits endlessly harping about something you clearly have no knowledge of.

"...my only trip was soon after they had opened"

Thank you Rubbery for catching this so quick.
Mod's please warn this guy.

03-28-09, 09:54
However, this WAS the bar that I have had 'runners' from, so am a little cautious.

My runners were from Lollipop .. I barfined two friends. Three days ago I had a fantastic time in the bar with one friend (tiny spinner with perky little titties) and a waitress with lovely soft white boobs for contrast. The spinner girly pointed out her friend to me and told me that they enjoy eating each other out. So OK, next time I decided I'd give them a shot. Tragically the friend, although she has bona fide puffies, just gave off a vibe that killed my buzz dead. So when she got that "urgent phone call" at midnight I was more relieved than disappointed.

However she wanted to take her little spinner friend with her. There's another story. Little spinner is made up to look like bar trash, but under the makeup you can see she's still young, and talking to her, there isn't much bullshit, just a simple girl. Apparently her first customer, not so long ago, hurt her. He's a tall young German body builder, she's maybe 35kg. Since then, she's only been going together with the friend. The friend is very protective and defensive and prickly. Eventually she agreed to leave the small one, who was very sweet, alone with me. (By the way, she called the cops on the German guy .. I didn't ask about the end of the story ..)

Rocksoff - you must have seen the same dancer as I did. She IS sizzling!

I wouldn't be surprized! She knocks the socks off the rest :-)

Mind you, the toilets in Agasaya are really substandard and out of character with the place.

Yeah, I thought I was back in Sutthisan Road ;-)

03-28-09, 13:20
..So when she got that "urgent phone call" at midnight I was more relieved than disappointed...


great to read that you were relieved! Anyway, midnight is still early and so there is enough time to barfine one more girl for LT then! :)



Mister Fusion
03-28-09, 15:22
Two tits in the hands are worth 20 onstage.Truer words were never spoken.

By the way, I think Info is one of the 4chan guys profiled in this New York Times article:


03-28-09, 15:31
Las Vegas tonight,

Body painting - about six ladies done up as 'animals'
Hot wax show - dripping the wax on the tongue was definitely an 'ouch' moment for me.
The single dancer - according to the dj she is 'young and eeenocent'. Not according to what she was doing imo. ;)

Thanks Rocksoff, I am now going to Lollipop. :)

X If you look at the posts from 'the usual suspect' his factual info is stuff that could have been gleaned from a newbie trip a few years ago - especially if he was scammed (as newbies can be, and he was not a member of this board at that time by his low posting #). However, his info on recent and up to date events and situation does not bear any relation to reality - eg a 'real poster' can go off to Lollipop now and can verify what Rocksoff has said or not, or someone else can verify the info about the spinner dancer at Agasaya that Rocksoff and I identified - ie verifiable current information that others can check. You are kind to him by suggesting that he had a 'trip' to Agasaya - when standard English usage would talk about a 'trip' to AC and a 'visit' to a particular bar. When combined with zero specific up to date info plus quite a lot of inaccurate info, plus some info that was true a few years ago and still true now (eg no nude bars like Soi Cowboy) I just get a picture that screams this guy has neither been to AC many times at all, nor any time in the recent past - which is exactly what he says himself. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, waddles, has webbed feet, a bill and feathers like a duck....I would be wary of its claims that it is a giraffe.

03-28-09, 15:38
During my visit to Angeles, smiling, joking and laughing a lot, I saw, groped, licked and sucked every tit I was interested in (as well as a few that were foisted on me).


What a scam!!

They foist their tits on us poor unsuspecting mongers. Don't come here! Don't come here! You might get titinyoureyetis!

Erm, which bar was that?

Oh...I see!...all of them!

I really must go and ingest some SM Light.

03-29-09, 03:59
I was sitting in the front row for the candle wax show. The girls drip it on their bodies, their nipples (very sensitive part of the body) and, as u said, their tongues.

I was always curious if there was some "trick" to it. So the girl in front of me dripped some of the wax onto my arm. And it sure did hurt! No actual damage to the skin, but it was damn hot and not a nice feeling.

I really don't know how the girls can do that show and be smiling all the time. Just shows how tough the filipinas are.

My date said the girls take some drugs so they don't feel the pain. If that is true (and it probably is for some of them), I wonder what drugs she's talking about. I also wonder how common shabu is amongst the dancers.

One thing I did wonder was if the girls put something on their skin before they go out so the wax doesn't hurt. But the wax stuck to their skin the same way it stuck to mine and I don't think they put anything on their tongue.

[QUOTE=Rubberyman]Las Vegas tonight,

Body painting - about six ladies done up as 'animals'
Hot wax show - dripping the wax on the tongue was definitely an 'ouch' moment for me.
The single dancer - according to the dj she is 'young and eeenocent'. Not according to what she was doing imo. ;)

Thanks Rocksoff, I am now going to Lollipop. :)

03-29-09, 06:53
They foist their tits on us poor unsuspecting mongers.

Yeah, indeed horrible behavior of these little monsters. I am not amused!
You should sue them for sexual harassment! :D

Cheers! (30 days to go....) :p

Rubio Tonto
03-29-09, 07:19
Very useful when dealing with dishonest, repetitive posters.

Tony 1991
03-29-09, 15:17
Fully taken over by koreans and nothing happening in the bars except for girls being very bored. I'd say. Boycot Angeles. Let's leave the cheap stuff for the koreans and go to places where there's still some fun.

03-30-09, 02:21
you know, the bummer part is that this AC thread used to be a pretty good thread. Now with all this bickering back and forth, it surely is not much fun to read. I guess I am going to have to go back to actual books now?

03-30-09, 03:25
great to read that you were relieved!

Hehe .. yeah .. I had been copulating with her for quite a long time by then .. she wanted to know why I didn't cum .. the fact is, she would pull a face or sigh or something every couple of minutes, which distracted me .. it wasn't until she left me alone with the perky little dark friend that I obtained sweet relief.

03-30-09, 03:44
Erm, which bar was that? Oh...I see!...all of them!

:) Not every bar had tits I needed to handle, and some young ladies were more demure than others .. like the one in Crystal Palace, I only slid the occasional finger under her bikini and over her velvety smooth nipple before she clasped my hand. About four hours later when I came in her doggystyle with my thumb in her ass, she still managed to look a little bit demure.

HoneyKos, on the other hand, has a sofa in a dark corner where a few tequilas spurred a couple of young bargirls to abandon themselves to depravity in the most shocking way. The only thing that dampened their enthusiasm was my insistence on a condom (even tequila doesn't kill the taste of a condom). I really wish market research would lead Durex to make Willy Wonka style condoms that taste of delicious chocolate or blueberry pie or something. It would make a huge difference to our lives.

03-30-09, 10:38
Reading all your posts we have,

NO cherry girls.

Huh? No cherry girls?
I understand him in a way that ALL (or most of them) are cherry girls.

I must have been in a different AC. :D


03-30-09, 11:31
Lets get back to the subject near & dear to our hearts shall we?

Here's a little AC girl that dragged me off & shagged me senseless for 72 hours straight. BF day one 1350php, day 2 & 3 she called in sick & refused to accept payment from me. Happy to just shag my brains out, go out together & have fun.

As you can see in the last pics, we chatted on web cam after I returned to my non P4P life... yes she's holding up 2 wedding rings for me... GULP!

Kinda makes a mockery of the claim that AC girls are all cold hard business types worse than Thailand does'nt it?


Azmodeus Fl
03-30-09, 13:45
Stop comparing AC or the Philippines with Thailand. Each one has it's positives as well as negatives. The is a forum for Angeles City and if you had a positive experience please post your comments and if you had a negative experience go ahead and post it but don't ramble on how somewhere else is better. And for god sake stop flaming other posters.

03-30-09, 13:54
Anyone stayed there recently?
The chick in the previous pics is shown in the bedroom.

This hotel is right behind Central park in a nice quiet cul-de-sac but only 1 minute walk to bars. Its brand new & classy. The kind of place a business man might go for a spot of naughtiness that is not so public.

No elevator though :( Could be a problem for the uh.. less fit.

Just thought I'd ask as Im curious how its going.
When I was last there they offered a promo rate of 1800php (US $37) for a double occupancy spacious classy suite.

03-30-09, 14:50
I stayed in Savannah for two weeks and Valentino's for one week last month and really enjoyed both hotels. I actually liked not having a lift as it forced me to do a little exercise. I stayed on the top floor and it was a nice little walk up the stairs.

If you like a few drinks at night or don't want exercise, then stay at one of the bottom rooms.

The owner (another Aussie) and all the staff were very friendly and professional - and the reception girls were honeys too! :)

I stayed in the first night in the same sort of room as in ur pic, then transferred to one of the balcony rooms. It was nice to get that extra space and really nice to sit on the balcony with a drink at night looking out over to Fields. The location is great. Convenient but still very quiet.

I have no idea how long the promo rates will stay.

I was happy to have found good hotels after my horrible experience when I first arrived on a Saturday night at Donald Paul Apartelle only to be told there was no booking for me and the hotel was full - and that was after many confirmation emails from them and me! It was a real pain trying to find a hotel late on Saturday night.

It was particularly annoying that the Donald Paul didn't reply to my email after that date or contact me (I gave them my filipino cell number and asked them to call me the next day).

So the moral of the story is stay at well run hotels like Valentino's and Savannah, and avoid the dodgy places like Donald Paul Apartelle.

Anyone stayed there recently?
The chick in the previous pics is shown in the bedroom.

This hotel is right behind Central park in a nice quiet cul-de-sac but only 1 minute walk to bars. Its brand new & classy. The kind of place a business man might go for a spot of naughtiness that is not so public.

No elevator though :( Could be a problem for the uh.. less fit.

Just thought I'd ask as Im curious how its going.
When I was last there they offered a promo rate of 1800php (US $37) for a double occupancy spacious classy suite.

03-30-09, 15:55
Yeah, indeed horrible behavior of these little monsters. I am not amused!
You should sue them for sexual harassment! :D

Cheers! (30 days to go....) :p


Only five more days here, then I have to wait for six months!

I still hate you!

(Mind you, I am going to Europe via LOS in between, but that is immaterial).

Went to Thi Hi, Honeykos (on recommendation from Rocksoff) and Matrix Brawn....where one of the scammers stole my DNA - I feel soooo ashamed that I fell(atioed) for it.

At least when I get back home I won't look at any FWCs for weeks and weeks. It sort of feels really great walking down the streets at home thinking 'Ha! I could get far better than THAT FWC here when I was in AC. It is the gift that keeps on giving. And some of these ladies are just so sweet too.

*so NOT looking forward to going home*

03-30-09, 17:22
I'm with Victorian...ignore and move on. With every new post of WI it gets more and more evident he doesnt have a clue. If it werent so tedious it would actually be funny lol. And it IS getting annoying, soooooo....lets move on.

Mr Big Johnson
03-30-09, 19:56
I have truly heard and read all the shite that I can handle for one lifetime now. We are now reading posts where a person says that it is their belief that it is ok for the bars to scam people and that no one should say a word about it, and further we are supposed to believe that none of these posts are being created by any one that has any interest in these bars. My stomach hurts from the laughter I am sure others are also enjoying from that truly genius reasoning.

It has been a while since I checked into the board to see the goings on and can only say goodness you boys certainly go to the lengths. There’s even one guy who will claim myself and anyone who posts a unflattering report are the same person . I think that’s a double sided coin , as there may also be some that post things and say Angeles City is a place where the streets shine with gold and nothing bad can happen , especially to a foreigner right? It is just the opposite and you had better believe that any person who is not a local sticks out like a soar thumb and becomes a walking target of every person in town; including the bar owners.

I guess possibly this debate is for the new comer who has not been to Angeles as most who have been already know of what it has become. I mean for goodness sake the main chow hall in the middle of Fields, Mo’s, had even changed from its 24 hour a day operations it had kept for the history of the place, to closing at 11 pm for a while, as there was just no business to pay the light bills.(I understand they had plans to eventually go back to a longer operating schedule once things picked up, so save your breath if it has gone back to a regular schedule, as this has nothing to do with the main subject of the posts going back and forth.) The point is those of us that are reading this and have been many times already know of the pit falls that await those who have not been, and it certainly is not out of reason that others should post cautions.

Can you get laid there? I am sure you can and I do not think that others have said you can’t achieve that, but it certainly is not the GFE place it is touted to be by so many on here. If you feel that having some girl complain you won’t buy her watered down juice, or that now that you have she does not feel well enough to leave the bar and must stay to sell more drinks is a GFE experience, then you certainly have chosen the wrong girls. To further add insult to injury and post pictures that have the dates and times removed, and might I say in a quite obvious fashion where they were just kind of scratched off with no attempt to give the reader some credit for having common sense, to try and make us believe that they have that type of show going on, is a slap in the face to anyone that has gone there in the past to find that the girls do not show any nudity on stage and most are even offended if you want to see some breast or play grabby ass.

So for those who have not been make your decision on what you want to do with your time but I also suggest as other posters have reading back quite a while to see the validity of the statements made, and yes even the others have said that these things are true, yet now claim that is overstated/. The poster Wrong Info certainly makes no attempt to hide his dislike of the place, and for me I am fine with that side of the debate as he makes it clear. To believe however that anyone posting a negative is automatically a “ Troll” is not acceptable for a information providing web site. It would also be very naïve to think that everyone posting a positive is just someone who like to spend lots of time protecting the reputation of a mongering area, and this is after all the Bar Owners bread and butter, so I would imagine there is at least one to several posting on almost all sites of this nature.

I dont care if someone posts the scams for years on end as long as it is still happening people have a right to know it. I have been many times and so have many others that experience the same things, that are ten times worse in AC now than almost any spot in the world. I am glad someone lets us know of what is going on, and if you read back the pages for several months you will see several reports of these scams - NOT JUST ONE PERSON !

For me Angles City would not be worthy of any of my time - given there are other places that are far better to monger!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-30-09, 21:55
I'm with Victorian...ignore and move on. With every new post of WI it gets more and more evident he doesnt have a clue. If it werent so tedious it would actually be funny lol. And it IS getting annoying, soooooo....lets move on.

annoying to the point that it is not fun to read this thread anymore. Just a bunch of nonsense that brings people down.

WI-I say again, you made your point.

For a positive note, here is a pic from the Savannah Hotel from New Years. Really liked that place also. Good staff, good food (great steaks), and a pretty chilled atmosphere. BTW, my room was on the 2nd floor and girl STILL wanted to take the elevator/lift LOL! I told her I was going to get Mamasan to install a treadmill in the bar so the girls could get in shape, and she responded with, "what wrong wit sexercise baby?"

Still love my PI pussy. Its' mmmm mmmm good.


p.s. I thought you were supposed to shave your pussy BEFORE we had sex?

03-30-09, 22:30
I stayed in Savannah for two weeks and Valentino's for one week last month and really enjoyed both hotels. I actually liked not having a lift as it forced me to do a little exercise. I stayed on the top floor and it was a nice little walk up the stairs.I don't mind taking the stairs, but the question I have have is: are the stairs air conditioned?

I stayed on the third floor of the Dollhouse Hotel for 7 days and the stairs are air conditioned, so it wasn't so hot, but when I stayed in the Louis Grand for a week, the halls and stairs are not air conditioned and it is way too hot during the day.

03-31-09, 00:26
Sorry, not sure how good the aircon was in the lobby and stairs.
I was there in Feb and it wasn't that hot outside, so I never noticed the lobby and stairs temp.
All I can say is that the temp in the lobby and stairs was fine - not cold, not hot - and it was an easy walk up only three or four flights of stairs.
The aircon in the room was a pretty new one and also good.

I don't mind taking the stairs, but the question I have have is: are the stairs air conditioned?

I stayed on the third floor of the Dollhouse Hotel for 7 days and the stairs are air conditioned, so it wasn't so hot, but when I stayed in the Louis Grand for a week, the halls and stairs are not air conditioned and it is way too hot during the day.

03-31-09, 00:56
So the moral of the story is stay at well run hotels like Valentino's and Savannah, and avoid the dodgy places like Donald Paul Apartelle.

Yeah. I hopped around: Valentino's one night (no problems) for 2000, Apartelle Royalle (above Camelot) for 1500, and finally America for 1030. I like America most, though it's a bit worn. Royalle overcharged me 990 php "by mistake" and reluctantly corrected my bill. The rooms are big though.

America is the only place that checks girls' ids, and calls the room to ask if it's OK for them to leave in the morning. They don't have room safes, though, only safety box at reception.

X Man
03-31-09, 01:25
And the reception area was robbed a few years back. I don't know if anyone lost anything from their box though.


America is the only place that checks girls' ids, and calls the room to ask if it's OK for them to leave in the morning. They don't have room safes, though, only safety box at reception.

03-31-09, 02:07
Valentino's also called my room to ask if it was ok for the girl to leave.

Particularly for the "non-working" girls, as soon as the girl left my room, I tried to save the girl the "embarrassment" by calling reception to let them know the girl was leaving.

One not so good night of my life was a couple of years ago in a hotel in China when I had been pretty friendly to the girl who was security for that floor and apparently whose job it was to vet visitors.

I was with a non-working Chinese girl and all set for our first night together. We had a really nice dinner and were on our way back to my room where my friend was going to stay the night. Stupidly I had been chatting up the pretty security girl quite a bit before and when she saw me with my friend she really hassled my friend treating my friend like a pro demanding her id etc. That really spoilt my friend's sexy mood and no fun for me that night!

So since then I certainly go out of my way to follow Blackangst's suggestion to not treat a nice girl like a *****.

Some girls, of course, like it pretty full-on, but many "nice girls" are very sensitive to a guy who just wants one thing and in the end you'll lose out.

Yeah. I hopped around: Valentino's one night (no problems) for 2000, Apartelle Royalle (above Camelot) for 1500, and finally America for 1030. I like America most, though it's a bit worn. Royalle overcharged me 990 php "by mistake" and reluctantly corrected my bill. The rooms are big though.

America is the only place that checks girls' ids, and calls the room to ask if it's OK for them to leave in the morning. They don't have room safes, though, only safety box at reception.

03-31-09, 04:14
I don't mind taking the stairs, but the question I have have is: are the stairs air conditioned?

I stayed on the third floor of the Dollhouse Hotel for 7 days and the stairs are air conditioned, so it wasn't so hot, but when I stayed in the Louis Grand for a week, the halls and stairs are not air conditioned and it is way too hot during the day.Valentino's : No.
Its ok if your are not in a hurry. If you are in the 'Executive' suites on the top floor it can feel like a bit of a hike but no big deal. If you are only staying a few days & traveling sensibly light then its ok, if you are staying longer & have a large case you really appreciate getting their porter to drag the damn thing up & down those stairs. The stair case is not a simple design its kinda like spiral staircase. For the prices they are charging I think Valentino's could aircon the halls/stairs.

03-31-09, 05:01
Valentino's also called my room to ask if it was ok for the girl to leave.I escorted mine out there .. but going in, they didn't check her id.

A couple of nuggets.

Blueberry Hill has signs posted inside that they sell Viagra at 100php a pill ..

I read here that "blow row" was shut down, but there is at least one A. Santos St bar that didn't get the message -- I got a deepthroat COF treat from a girl there in a room at the back (about 5 paces from the front door) for 600php. More was on offer, and there was no rush. The bar is about 30 paces from the corner, behind Swiss Chalet.

The adult novelty shop in Fields sells Kamagra jelly and Durex condoms.

There's a bar with a sign in the toilet saying that they sell Chinese herbal viagra. No idea what that stuff is, but maybe someone is interested. I think it was NIagara Bar but my memory is a bit hazy.

Beijing Lover
03-31-09, 05:01
This is a field report on my second trip this year to AC.

Day one – arrived at noon at DMIA, cleared the immigration in a mater of minutes and outside the terminal I easily spoted driver Pacific Breeze Hotel sent to pick me up.

After a short ride, check in the hotel and change to more comfortable clothes.

Next stop was Shanno’s for lunch and watch the Australia F1 Grand Prix on TV in the company of a pleasant personality waitress who I offered a drink.
After a decent meal (as always) at a reasonable price, it was time to hit the bars.

Decided to start at Typhoon, which I didn’t have the opportunity to check out on my previsous trip to AC!

Started with a Sanmig light and soon I spotted a cute girl on stage.

Asked the waitress to call her and offered a drink.

Girl A (let’s call her like this) was a 19 year old dancer from Samar.

She had a flawless body, firm medium size breasts and really cute face with eyes resembling a Korean or Japanese… but to my surprised she guaranteed that she was a pure Filipina.

After half hour of talk decided to bar fine her!

We went to the hotel, showered and hit the bed.

Girl A provided a perfect GFE service and offered to stay until whatever time I wanted.

But I had other plans and decided to send her home with a well deserved 500 pesos tip on her hand.

Total damage
Bar fine 1300
Drinks 250
Tip 500

After a short rest it was time for dinner… this time at Kokomo’s.

It is a pleasure to enjoy a meal looking at the girls walking on Fields Avenue.
After dinner, I went to Angel Witch and just had a beer by myself… there was not a single girl able to catch my eye.

Just a remark about the music… excellent choice of music from the 80’s.

That’s what made me stay a little longer just enjoying the music and my drink.
Next I hit Geckos and invited a gorgeous girl to join me for a drink.

When I tried to bar fine her she politely refused claiming to have her menstruation.

I didn’t believe and thought I was being scammed. But that wasn’t the case and the girl, a gorgeous 22 year old from Samar, proved it to me by taking down her panty and showing me... you guys know what.

No harm done… I will try her next time around.

Next on my list was Lollipop.

Mamasam still remembered me from the first time a couple of months ago. She had no doubts about my name, my job and where I came from. She even remembered who I had bar fined the first time there.

Offered her a drink and started looking for Girl B.

There was a cute girl dancing on stage and I called her to have a drink with me.
Turns out that she was a 18 year old cherry girl from Leyte.

No problem for me… I just enjoyed her company and my drink.

Chatted for some time and when we realized the bar was about to close.

Mamasam talked to me and offered to find another girl for me to barfine.

I told her that I would like to take the cherry girl (she had promised an «out of this world» blowjob), but wouldn’t mind taking another girl for full intercourse, as my cherry girl said she was fine with that.

I and mamasam made a deal and each bar fine would only be 1000 pesos
Back to the hotel and, again, I another good experience.

The girls were pretty much into each other and even gave me a little lesbian show.

The cherry girl did provide an excellent (thou not out of this world) blowjob and the other girl performed as expected and promised by the mamasam.
Both girls stayed overnight. But at around 8 in the morning I send them back home because I wanted to sleep the rest of the morning.

Total damage
Bar fines 2000
Drinks 400
Tips none

Day 2 started late, lunch around 2 at Shanno’s followed by a cold bear at Voodoo.

Fancied a cute 24 year old waitress from Manila and offered a drink.

After talking for some time, I asked her if she was available to bar fine.

She was… so I took her back to my hotel and discovered a very hot girl with a well toned body.

Sex was great and I in the space of one hour she made me come twice.

We were both exhausted and slept for a while, after which I released her with a 500 pesos tip on her hand.

Total damage
Bar fine 1300
Drinks 300
Tip 500

Dinner time once again at Kokomo’s and then headed back to Lollipop to pay a round of drinks to the two girls I had on the previous night and failed to give a tip.

Since I had to leave early in the morning, I thought that it was a good idea to just enjoy myself in Lollipop and choose another girl to barfine.

Asked the mamasam to recommend me another girl and she did offer me a pleasant 22 year old girl from Samar.

We had a drink together, as I watch the girls on stage, and especially one that removed her top and was dancing topless. Nice breasts (my company at that moment said it was silicone implants offered by some Australian boyfriend) smoking body… but her face prevented me from bar fining her.
After a drink, with my Samar cute we went back to the hotel, showered together (the same happened with the other girls) has sex and fell asleep.
Wake up call came at 4.30 in the morning because of my early flight back home.

The girl was still there and she wanted to sleep the rest of the morning… unfortunately that was not possible.

Total damage
Bar fine 1300
Drinks 500
Tip 500

I’m a Macau based monger and I’ve read a lot about AC on this forum.
Some of it may be true and some may be false.

My report is based on my personal experience on the field (better on Fields Avenue).

I would also like to mention that all girls were shaved (a must for me) and provided a true GFE.

I kept no contacts from any of the girls I shagged in Angeles as I have no plans to see them again.

By the way, the reception desk at Pacific Breeze calls every time a girl leaves the hotel to make sure all is well with the guest, something I do appreciate as it makes me feel secure.

I traveled alone and had the chance to speak to several guys in AC.

Opinions about which is the best bar to visit do vary, but all were consistent in saying that AC is a wonderful place when it comes to having a good time and GFE.

03-31-09, 05:39
Greetings everyone,

In recognition of his many great contributions to the Forum, I have given Wrong Info his own thread titled "Wrong Info in Angeles".


Those of you who wish to join him in the discussions in his new thread are welcome to do so.

I also cleaned up this thread by deleting several reports that were generally argumentative in nature. This cleanup process is not perfect, and it's possible that I may have inadvertently deleted a few otherwise legitimate posts. If you find that your own report was also deleted, please don't take it personally.



Buko Max
03-31-09, 07:05
For rewarding WI with his own thread!

...avoid the dodgy places like Donald Paul Apartelle.
That neighborhood can be very dodgy at night. That's why they offer the guests rides to Fields Ave.

03-31-09, 14:16
This is a field report on my second trip this year to AC.

I traveled alone and had the chance to speak to several guys in AC.

Opinions about which is the best bar to visit do vary, but all were consistent in saying that AC is a wonderful place when it comes to having a good time and GFE.

Nice well written report BL. This type of reading does pique my interest in AC again. I have met many good, and some bad in AC. Just got to roll with it.


03-31-09, 16:30
Wrong Info In Angeles City yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Way to go Jackson. Much obliged.



03-31-09, 22:15
Valentino's : No.
Its ok if your are not in a hurry. If you are in the 'Executive' suites on the top floor it can feel like a bit of a hike but no big deal. If you are only staying a few days & traveling sensibly light then its ok, if you are staying longer & have a large case you really appreciate getting their porter to drag the damn thing up & down those stairs. The stair case is not a simple design its kinda like spiral staircase. For the prices they are charging I think Valentino's could aircon the halls/stairs.
AVThanks for the reply. I am going for 10 days next month and I booked off their website.

Thanks Robb

04-01-09, 03:18
Thanks for the reply. I am going for 10 days next month and I booked off their website.

Thanks RobbHave a great time Rob! Perfect location, very short walk to sex/food. What more could you ask? :)

Buko Max
04-02-09, 08:38
Lots of news in "Theville's" April edition:


You've got to like the ABC Hotel helicopter "Twirly Bird" :D

04-02-09, 17:47
Just came back from my first visit to the Philippines (6 nights in Angeles and 3 in Subic to be exact). Read through this thread before going so wasn't really sure what to expect since some posters seem to think very highly of this place and others not so.

I live in Pattaya and visit other parts of Thailand as well as Cambodia on a regular basis and though I'm not going to compare Angeles to any other place of course that will have an affect on how I have experienced Angeles.

Not sure which of the posts here to believe I thought better safe than sorry when it came more serious risks (potential/alleged at least) and stayed away from dark alleys, didn't buy anything from the street vendors and didn't pick up any girls from the streets. Found the vendors, beggars and street kids to be less aggressive than I had expected btw.

Didn't find that many really good looking girls but appreciated the variety in size, shape and color. Did appreciate that the girls spoke English (even if some seemed to speak more than they understood, or maybe it was just my Swedish accent?!?) but didn't get the gfe I'd been reading about.

I really thought that some guys on the board was exaggerating about the girls disappearing, saying they're on their period etc but found it to be very much the case and quite annoying. Started to use the "before bf check list" like someone on here suggested which took care of some problems but not all. Don't understand the pay up front system but that's a separate discussion. What seemed to make the difference in the end was how the bars handled it. Everything from the girl I took from Angelwitch that started making excuses and I only had to suggest that maybe we should go back to her bar and sort it out and instantly she was on her best behavior (presuming this was because she knew the management wouldn't be impressed with her?), to a couple of times when I went back and the management just shrugged their shoulders but did offered money back or another girl before I even asked for it, to Black Pearl where I got some bs about bar policy etc but without too much arguing was offered another girl, to the worst case, Dirty Duck, where the management gave me a load of bs (contradicting themselves more than once in the process) and not so much as a free drink in compensation.

Didn't see a lot of drugs, or girls that seemed to be on them, had two great Sunday nights in Bali Hai listening to the band there, liked that some gogos had pool tables (full sized and most in pretty good shape), felt a bit restricted not being able to walk everywhere, liked the music in most bars, don't understand why the lady drinks are priced like they are, liked that most people was driving pretty sensibly.

Will I go back? Sure. But will try to find somewhere to rent for a month or something since, from what I heard, there are plenty of places like that available at decent prices and I found the hotels to not provide very good value for money at the standard I want. Will stay closer to the perimeter area rather than fields. Need to find out where it really is dangerous to walk and when so I, hopefully, feel less restricted in that way. Need to find more and better places to eat since I found most places we went to be poor value for money as well. Found the st/bj places provide very good value for money so those girls will see my dick more often and the gogo girls a lot less. Will by fewer lady drinks and play more pool and drink more beer.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-03-09, 00:04
Didn't find that many really good looking girls but appreciated the variety in size, shape and color.Yeah, not a lot of lookers at all in Angeles but it's just a fuck your brains out short stay place, so I guess it's ok. I heard that Thailand has tons of very very attractive girls, real stunners. Would you support that thought?

Will stay closer to the perimeter area rather than fields. Need to find out where it really is dangerous to walk and when so I, hopefully, feel less restricted in that way.I don't think I ever figured this part out. I stayed at Royal Amsterdam. Where is perimeter and fields anyway just for the record. I think I was on fields the entire time but I could be wrong.

04-03-09, 00:27
Just came back from my first visit to the Philippines (6 nights in Angeles and 3 in Subic to be exact). Read through this thread before going so wasn't really sure what to expect since some posters seem to think very highly of this place and others not so.

I live in Pattaya and visit other parts of Thailand as well as Cambodia on a regular basis and though I'm not going to compare Angeles to any other place of course that will have an affect on how I have experienced Angeles.

Not sure which of the posts here to believe I thought better safe than sorry when it came more serious risks (potential/alleged at least) and stayed away from dark alleys, didn't buy anything from the street vendors and didn't pick up any girls from the streets. Found the vendors, beggars and street kids to be less aggressive than I had expected btw.

Didn't find that many really good looking girls but appreciated the variety in size, shape and color. Did appreciate that the girls spoke English (even if some seemed to speak more than they understood, or maybe it was just my Swedish accent?!?) but didn't get the gfe I'd been reading about.

I really thought that some guys on the board was exaggerating about the girls disappearing, saying they're on their period etc but found it to be very much the case and quite annoying. Started to use the "before bf check list" like someone on here suggested which took care of some problems but not all. Don't understand the pay up front system but that's a separate discussion. What seemed to make the difference in the end was how the bars handled it. Everything from the girl I took from Angelwitch that started making excuses and I only had to suggest that maybe we should go back to her bar and sort it out and instantly she was on her best behavior (presuming this was because she knew the management wouldn't be impressed with her?), to a couple of times when I went back and the management just shrugged their shoulders but did offered money back or another girl before I even asked for it, to Black Pearl where I got some bs about bar policy etc but without too much arguing was offered another girl, to the worst case, Dirty Duck, where the management gave me a load of bs (contradicting themselves more than once in the process) and not so much as a free drink in compensation.

Didn't see a lot of drugs, or girls that seemed to be on them, had two great Sunday nights in Bali Hai listening to the band there, liked that some gogos had pool tables (full sized and most in pretty good shape), felt a bit restricted not being able to walk everywhere, liked the music in most bars, don't understand why the lady drinks are priced like they are, liked that most people was driving pretty sensibly.

Will I go back? Sure. But will try to find somewhere to rent for a month or something since, from what I heard, there are plenty of places like that available at decent prices and I found the hotels to not provide very good value for money at the standard I want. Will stay closer to the perimeter area rather than fields. Need to find out where it really is dangerous to walk and when so I, hopefully, feel less restricted in that way. Need to find more and better places to eat since I found most places we went to be poor value for money as well. Found the st/bj places provide very good value for money so those girls will see my dick more often and the gogo girls a lot less. Will by fewer lady drinks and play more pool and drink more beer.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

A informative report. But does it represent the average experience in AC? Wouldn't disagree with a few of his statements but as a newbie growing to a regular in AC, I disagree with other points (but let's face it, all our experiences will vary).

I don't think so. I've been a happy boy in AC many times. And I have reported my poor experiences. But it's it's a great place!!

04-03-09, 05:24
I live in Pattaya and visit other parts of Thailand as well...

I really thought that some guys on the board was exaggerating about the girls disappearing, saying they're on their period etc but found it to be very much the case and quite annoying...I've never had a runner. But then I don't approach the women like im ordering a meal. I breeze about & let the woman choose me (if Im interested in her). Always get GFE to the max which I honestly prefer most of the time. Like I said never had one [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) off rather have more trouble getting rid of them when the itch strikes to butterfly off to the next flower. ;)

I have once had a AC chick who went cold on me in the hotel and after an hour or two of trying to warm her up I walked her out of the hotel back to her dorm & went back to another bar to find something else. I did not dwell on the cost, its a pittance in our money. Needless to say I found a great girl next & had a great night with her.

If you are living in LOS you probably are used to that scene & give off the wrong vibe to them. In AC the girls are NOT compelled to BF nor are they compelled to stay.

04-03-09, 06:52
I've never had a runner. But then I don't approach the women like im ordering a meal. I breeze about & let the woman choose me (if Im interested in her). Always get GFE to the max which I honestly prefer most of the time. Like I said never had one [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) off rather have more trouble getting rid of them when the itch strikes to butterfly off to the next flower. ;)

If you are living in LOS you probably are used to that scene & give off the wrong vibe to them. In AC the girls are NOT compelled to BF nor are they compelled to stay.

From my personal experience and those I know well, those who never claim to get a runner in AC generally pick girls who aren't as desireable appearance wise - relative to mainstream preferences. I think in the majority of the cases the western customers in AC treat the girls decently, practice proper hygeine, and have reasonable demands. IMHO, there are not enough cute young good looking girls to go around. And if you restrict your choices to those types of girls, then you are gonna get a lot of girls converting to ST and attempts to bait and switch in the bar. The bait and switch is where you buy a pretty girl a couple of LD's and then at BF time she comes up with excuses (even if she says she was willing to BF earlier) and all the sudden three ugly cousins show up who are willing to rock your world all night.

I completely gave up on AC over a year ago; the change of emphasis from providing sex to providing LD's and the general diminished quality of the looks and service of available girls just got to me. For me at least, there are just a lot better mongering destinations than AC now. And it has nothing to do with how I treat the women, I am the same guy getting BS in AC but getting sent to heaven elsewhere.

04-03-09, 07:26
I don't approach the women like im ordering a meal.

If you are living in LOS you probably are used to that scene & give off the wrong vibe to them. In AC the girls are NOT compelled to BF nor are they compelled to stay.
AVI might have misunderstood what you're trying to say here so pls help me out.

I approach the women like I'm ordering a meal and that's because I happen to live in Pattaya?

Please enlighten me on what "the wrong wibe" is so I can make sure not to give that off my next trip.

The girls in los are compelled to bar fine?

If a girl agree to stay the whole night before I bar fine her I still shouldn't be able to expect her to do so?

04-03-09, 07:48
From my personal experience and those I know well, those who never claim to get a runner in AC generally pick girls who aren't as desireable appearance wise - relative to mainstream preferences.Yeah all my bf's are fuglies, yeah right..

I completely gave up on AC over a year ago; the change of emphasis from providing sex to providing LD's and the general diminished quality of the looks and service of available girls just got to me. For me at least, there are just a lot better mongering destinations than AC now.Glad to hear you found somewhere you like M.

Husky Babalin
04-03-09, 08:46

I will be there tomorrow!

Thank you,


Yeah all my bf's are fuglies, yeah right.

Glad to hear you found somewhere you like M.


Hot Lover
04-03-09, 12:51
I would like to experience a sexy pool party with a lot of fun.

Where can I find such a place?

04-03-09, 20:48
Thanks, Jackson. Good job. Having returned from AC last month I can say that Wrong Info is full of crap. Sure, some of the girls may not be as gorgeous or busty as Manila but I had a great time with five AC beauties, all C Cups, in the three days I was there. I will definitely go back.Isn't in interesting that he's suddenly silent now that he's in his own thread and can no longer agitate anyone by getting in their face?

04-03-09, 22:04
I would like to experience a sexy pool party with a lot of fun.

Where can I find such a place?
The best way to experience a sexy pool party is to create your own! If you need a start, go to the Dollhouse Hotel and book the party pool (private) on the fourth floor. You can go to Dollhouse and pick your girls, or bring in your own.

If you are staying in a hotel, like the Lewis Grand, they have a great open area around their pool and it is easy to take 5, 6, or "Up to You" girls there and party. If you meet one girl that you really like, ask her and I am sure she will have some sexy friends willing to come over and party.


04-03-09, 23:36
If you are staying in a hotel, like the Lewis Grand, they have a great open area around their pool and it is easy to take 5, 6, or "Up to You" girls there and party. If you meet one girl that you really like, ask her and I am sure she will have some sexy friends willing to come over and party.


Lewis Grand has pool parties usually during the weekends complete with BBQ and girls (dunno where they come from).

I'm guessing they are also available to the right dude for the right price.

04-03-09, 23:53
lewis grand has pool parties usually during the weekends complete with bbq and girls (dunno where they come from).

i'm guessing they are also available to the right dude for the right price.

hey, pb, thanks for that. got any more info? do they bring girls in? i'm booked at lewis for sat/sun at the end of the month.

04-04-09, 02:58
Hey, PB, thanks for that. Got any more info? Do they bring girls in? I'm booked at Lewis for Sat/Sun at the end of the month.

The parties start from around noon (or shortly after and lasts until evening). I remember this because I ordered my lunch from the BBQ. Sometimes its pretty packed and other times a little more quiet. On an average day only a handful of people would use the pool (at times there are none). Then the party days, there are suddenly a few extra girls. Sometimes the party has themes like "Topless pool party", but I doubt going topless is mandatory. I've seen girls topless or sometimes T-back (as by BF says, ie. g-string) Lewis knows a few bar owners around the place and I'm guessing he has invited those girls working there. In the past I have seen a banner on Perimeter road about free ladies drinks (to encourage more girls to come) but I believe the free use of Lewis pool is enough to get them to come.

Its something I have never really asked as my talks with Lewis/management are usually only limited to greetings like "Hello", "Welcome back", "Good to be back" etc.. Maybe someone here knows more.

I have yet to BF any of these girls as.
- I already have a girl or
- they stick together in groups and I'm too tired to have another go from a "busy" night of having my DNA milked.

04-06-09, 03:08
Hey, PB, thanks for that. Got any more info? Do they bring girls in? I'm booked at Lewis for Sat/Sun at the end of the month.

Let's see. As I am there on the same dates. Heh-heh

04-06-09, 10:53
lewis grand has pool parties usually during the weekends complete with bbq and girls (dunno where they come from).

yes, these parties are pretty good!

04-06-09, 23:13
I was talking with a member here the other day and we laughed a Statements and catch phrases said in Angeles City that usually you not here anywhere else. Be interested for others to add what we missed. Most common statements.

"See How you are"
"Up to you"
"Bola bola"
"Where you Stay"
"I go take shower"
"You been here before"
"You married or GF"
"Oh, you Butterfly"
"Your so Gwapo"
"Can we go Bar hopp'n"
"Can we go see my friend, she work at ______"
"How long you stay here"
"Can you buy me cell phone"

Any more to add....

04-07-09, 02:12
How often do you see pictures like Ekspat's from Wild Orchid or Pacific Breeze pool? LGH pool is often so sparsely used you can have your own semi private pool parties there any day of the week. Wild Orchid and PB pools are so busy there is rarely any opportunity for privacy.

Oasis Hotel's pool also offers great opportunities for private parties although their is a sign warning that PDA will not be tolerated (but there is so rarely anyone there to enforce it you can get away with LOTS LOL).

Weyco Kid
04-07-09, 07:06
From Many Years ago (1986)

From a sweet little girl up in La Union


Ruff Rider
04-07-09, 10:36
Just a few more

"My ass is Birgin"
"1 Drink, please"
"Where u from"
"Salaamat Po"

I was talking with a member here the other day and we laughed a Statements and catch phrases said in Angeles City that usually you not here anywhere else. Be interested for others to add what we missed. Most common statements.

"See How you are"
"Up to you"
"Bola bola"
"Where you Stay"
"I go take shower"
"You been here before"
"You married or GF"
"Oh, you Butterfly"
"Your so Gwapo"
"Can we go Bar hopp'n"
"Can we go see my friend, she work at ______"
"How long you stay here"
"Can you buy me cell phone"

Any more to add....

04-07-09, 19:55
And how about....

"I have to leave cuz my baby need me"
"Is it ok if I go home?"
"I am on menstration"
"Can you bar fine my friend also"

Darth Sushi
04-08-09, 13:04
I just left Fields Ave. The place is crawling with Filipino soldiers and cops! I'm wondering if they are expecting trouble during Holy Week???

04-08-09, 18:01
Just a few more:

"My ass is Birgin"My ass is Birgeen (long "e")

04-08-09, 21:17
And how about....

"I have to leave cuz my baby need me"
"Is it ok if I go home?"
"I am on menstration"
"Can you bar fine my friend also"In the bar: "these are my best friends. Can you buy them a drink as well!?"

Puerto La Cruz
04-09-09, 01:27
Another reason why I stay away from that shithole.

Buko Max
04-09-09, 07:52
For those of you who will be in town, Wild Orchid Resort is having a photo shoot and pool party at 2 pm! Free cover, live band!

White Whale
04-12-09, 03:42
In the bar: "these are my best friends. Can you buy them a drink as well!?"

"You kuripot!"

04-12-09, 08:40
Just returned home from a recent trip that included Angeles City. This is my second trip to A/C. I spent a total of 4 nights there. On my first trip I only visited about 6 or 7 different bars so this time I wanted to see many more. Having read many recent negative reports from a particular poster I wanted to find out for myself what is really going on here.

On the first segment of the A/C trip I had a one night stay in A/C while enroute to Thailand and Cambodia. I stayed at the Brass Knob. The room was dark and dingy and I didn’t feel great about the place. There was also a lot of noisy maintenance activity outside of my room the next morning. Anyway, I check in around 5:30 pm, take a shower and go out for something to eat. I hit a couple of bars after I eat dinner. Don’t remember which ones but I ended up at the Butterfly Bar, mostly because I wanted to see if a girl I met on my first trip in Sept was still there. I wanted to take her then but didn’t make it back to the bar to barfine her. Anyway, surprisingly she was still working there. After a lady drink or two and a couple hours later I barfine her and we, along with another guy and his girl that I just met decided to barhop a little. After a couple of hours of barhopping I decide that it is time to go to the room for some boom boom. We both showered, separately, and got to the act. A little fondling ensued then a half-hearted BBBJ. Put the cover on and mish. I asked her to ride cowgirl but she said she was shy. How these girls can claim they are shy all the time is beyond me. Well, sex was average with some kissing. Busted a nut. She showered and came out with her clothes on. Ok, here we go. She says that she has medical early in the morning and that she has to go. By that time it’s about 2am I think. She says that I can get some no barfine boom boom later, she promises. Whatever. I don’t plan to repeat. I made the mistake of not asking how long she will stay before I barfined her. So my first barfine of the trip I had a runner.

I return about 9 days later after my Thailand and Cambodia trip.

My second night in A/C. I change hotels to the Swiss Chalet. I stayed there on my first trip and it was decent. My only complaint both times is the strong cigarette smell in the rooms. I checked in around 8:30 pm. Everybody gave me a warm "welcome back". Ok, showered, a quick bite to eat then hit some bars. Forgive me, but I can’t remember every bar that I visited and every detail, they all run together after a while. Basically I stuck to Fields. I stayed away from the Atlantis type clubs. I checked out the Dirty Duck which I was disappointed with. I wanted to check out Lollipop because I had spent a lot of time there last trip. Papasan was gone. The lineup was disappointing and the naughty door girls from last time were gone. A girl sat with me, I bought her a couple of lady drinks. I wasn’t too interested in barfining her but enjoyed the company. What pissed me off was that at about 11:50 pm they get me for another drink and lady drink only to find out that they now close at 12 midnight. WTF! Those bastards get me for drinks knowing they are about to close in 10 minutes. That’s low class in my book. Papa comes around with a free drink coupon for Treasure Island if I go there tonight. No Thanks. I won’t be going back to Lollipop any time soon.

I wander over to Rhapsody. I was there on the first night and there were some hotties in there. I sit down and a 7/10 joins me. Nice girl, good attitude, fun. I buy her a drink. A couple hours pass by. They close. I walk out with her and a couple of her friends. They are hungry and want me to go to Jolibee with them. Well, I know what that means. Since I am not interested in purchasing dinner for the three girls I head to my room which is just a block away. Luckily my nuts were thoroughly drained in Pattaya earlier that day.

Day 3. I wanted to check out Perimeter. I had not been there on my first trip so I wanted to see it. It was early, around 12:30, I think. I went to Gentlemen’s Club. The lineup was ok but there was a 9/10 dancing. Very maganda but probably not a good lay in my opinion. I stayed there until a little after 2pm until some of the other bars opened. I was pretty much ignored in there for the most part except for them asking me if I want another drink.

Next, I went to Eruption. I sat down next to a dancer. Answered the usual questions. She got up to dance and never came back. I stayed about 45 minutes then went to Stampede. I sat down and 5 minutes later was joined by a girl with a nice body but average face. She was nice. I bought her a drink. She was a door girl. She ended up being very "user friendly". She let my fingers go wherever they wanted, even in her ass. She wasn’t shy about showing me the all the goods on offer. By that time it was around 3:30. I thought an afternoon quicky was in order. I barfined her. 1, 000p I think. We went to my room. A quick shower. She had a great body. Don’t remember her name. A nice BBBJ. Mish, enthusiastic cowgirl. Popped. Clean up. Rest for about an hour. Got excited again. Install condom. Hit it again mish then another fantastic cowgirl. She came twice. Nice wet pussy. I finally came again. Clean up. Told her that I had things to do and that she could go now. She was disappointed. I tipped her. She leaves, I shower and go get something to eat and check email.

Later, I hit a couple of bars on my way to the Brass Knob. I wanted to check it out on the first night when I stayed at the hotel but didn’t make it. They actually have a decent line-up. As I was sitting along the wall alone a girl in street clothes was talking to one of the waitresses. After a while she turned to me and asked if she could sit down. I said sure. She was an exotic 21 y/o beauty from Davao. She really had a unique look. She is not working that day because she overslept but was just hanging out in the club because she was bored in her boarding house. Of course the waitress asks if I would like to buy her a drink. Sure. Things start off slowly, almost like we were friends. As the night wore on she became more "friendly". At closing time I am barfining her. So even though she is not technically working I have to pay barfine? That is their policy I am told. Whatever. For $22 USD I am not going to fuss. Time is precious while on vacation. It was well worth it. We got to the room and talked for about a half hour then got down to business after a clean-up. Started by kissing and sucking on neck working my way down for some nice DATY on the shaved box. She came after about 10 minutes. I slipped on the cover and hit it mish. She came again. She got on top cowgirl. I busted. Nice. We watched some stupid Phil movie and went to sleep around 5am. Around 9am I wake up to her playing with my soldier. I get excited. Slip on a rubber and hit it. Same same as earlier minus the DATY. Very nice morning nooky. She leaves around 11 or 12. I tip her nicely. I made the mistake of telling her that I might be back that night to see her dance.

Later that day, Day 4, I check out a couple more bars on Perimeter in the Brass Knob area then I go into Edelweiss. I was immediately grabbed on my way in. I sit down near the wall. Two other girls try to join. They want lady drinks. I tell them that I only buy one lady drink at a time. They finally leave me alone with the girl that grabbed me first. She was very attractive. A little dark like I like them. Pretty face. I end up buying two lady drinks and she lets me play. She likes to kiss and handle my little man. I remember my earlier commitment. I tell the Edelwiess girl that I have to leave for a couple of hours and that I will be back later. I pay the bill and head to Brass Knob. I find the previous night’s girl dancing on stage. She is giving me the fuck-me look as I sit down and order a SML. She finishes dancing and sits down with me. I get her a drink. I tell her the "bad news" that I have to leave early in the morning and that I can’t take her. Maybe next time I come to A/C. She is bummed but understands. I leave her at midnight after exchanging contact info. I head back to Edelweiss to claim my prize. She is dancing. I say to her "let’s go". I pay bar. We go to the room. We shower separately. Which I don’t always mind because it gives me a chance to secure all my valuables. When I finish showering she is waiting for me on the bed. I get on top of her and she lunges her tongue down my throat for some enthusiastic tongue hockey. She pushes me off of her so that she can give me a great BBBJ until she tires. I slipped on an inner tube and slowly insert Mr. Big to her moaning delight. I am pumping her like a steam locomotive. She comes and is not shy about it. She gets on top. Then doggy. Then her back on top cowgirl. I roll her on her stomach in scissors position. I erupted like Mt. Pinatubo did in 91’ Nice! We clean up, actually have a decent conversation. She addressed her text message backlog and we go to sleep.

9am I get morning wood. We go at it again but I can not cum. She does her best with one of the best BJ’s I’ve ever had. Her mouth and arms get tired. Poor girl. We talk for a while, after which time I was aroused again. We hit almost every position. Mish, doggy, cowgirl. Too bad her ass was "birgen". I finally get the nut with her on her back and legs together. It was nice to get that last one because it was my last day in A/C. I send her on her way by 11am so I can do final packing and get a quick lunch before I catch the bus to Manila. I tip her nicely. We take some innocent photos and exchange contact info. My best experience in A/C to date. A winner.

In conclusion. I like A/C. It was a definite improvement over my first trip back in September. I had one runner from Butterfly Bar. One drink scam at Lollipop. One great afternoon 2 session quicky from Stampede. One very good barfine from Brass Knob. And one outstanding barfine from Edelweiss. I didn’t get ripped off on any bar bills but I did keep a close eye on them after each drink. And to the guys that complain about the lady drinks, you are not buying the "drink", you are buying the entertainment and company. Just don’t let the lady drinks get out of hand. Slow them down.

I will be back for sure. Probably in August. It is a great value. I had broken up this 4 day A/C trip in two parts, visiting Pattaya in the middle of it. I would just like to say that A/C is a bit lackluster compared to Pattaya but still worthy. It would be nice if A/C had a thriving freelancer scene like Beach Rd.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

White Whale
04-12-09, 13:38
It is worthwhile to use also other than bar services when visiting AC. I got hair cut, goatie trim and a shave with real razor blade and hot towels for 120P. Why to bring a shaving kit from home :) Only thing about the barber shop I happened to walk in; You should not be afraid of gay man with a razor blade on your throat.

04-12-09, 13:45
It is worthwhile to use also other than bar services when visiting AC. I got hair cut, goatie trim and a shave with real razor blade and hot towels for 120P. Why to bring a shaving kit from home :) Only thing about the barber shop I happened to walk in; You should not be afraid of gay man with a razor blade on your throat.

Be carefull about getting the shave from the barber. Sometimes they do use the same razor on many people. A nick or cut here and there and you have blood to blood transmission which is dangerous. As we all know AIDS is prevalent in gay population.
Hair cut , manicure,pedicure is ok.

04-12-09, 23:23
Nice report Southbound.

One major plus about AC as you have pointed out is that you could decide to come back and chances are the girl is still there. If it was Pattaya, she would be long gone, BF by another punter. The ratio of girls to punters are so good, I sometimes wonder how they manage to survive.

Some people talk about other places/countries having better girls/GFE. I don't doubt that if you can speak the local language. But if you can't, AC is English only speaker's best value/best bet for GFE mongering. Also what other country would make these girls go through weekly health checks (however weak), and certify them with badges which they have to display.

Drinks scam. Some guys can down a beer every 5 mins. Possibly the way you carried on they thought you were a pro and had common knowledge that all Perimeter bars close at midnight.

I always ask how much the drinks cost before I sit and then when the drinks arrive with the bill, I always look at the bill. The only scam I succumb to is sometimes buying too many lady drinks. But I could have refused (and often do), so hardly a scam.

From some threads I have read, there are some KTV places in Hong Kong / China where genuine scams can run up to hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

A $2 dollar drink hardly qualifies.

Dizz Hizz
04-13-09, 02:23
Be carefull about getting the shave from the barber. Sometimes they do use the same razor on many people. A nick or cut here and there and you have blood to blood transmission which is dangerous. As we all know AIDS is prevalent in gay population.

Hair cut , manicure,pedicure is ok.Are you serious? Sorry to derail the thread but sometimes statements like these are just too funny.

Carry on.

Fast Eddie 48
04-13-09, 02:33
Would just like to say that A/C is a bit lackluster compared to Pattaya but still worthy. It would be nice if A/C had a thriving freelancer scene like Beach Rd.

To Southbound69

Nice report I been to Pattaya and AC many time, The closest actions to the Beach Rd is Santo st " Blow Row". You can get day time actions for 600 peso ST back to your hotel but the girl are only average, nice BBBJ and FS, there are about 7 bar in santo st with about 5 girl each bar.

Fast Eddie 48

Mr Hawaii
04-13-09, 07:25
Hepatits B can live one week on razor blades and other objects, unless killed with 1:100 bleach solution. Hep C is not as hardy, but still should be subjected to bleach solution. I know of a girl who came to USA from P.I. and developed Hep. C. Her M.D. traced it back to dental work she rec'd in P.I.

So..unless you see your barber disinfect the razor, why take the chance? We need all you mongers healthy, I can't take care of all the girls by myself.

Crazy Ami
04-13-09, 09:09
For those of you who are worried about the "bloody razors" and barbers of questionable gender, I recommend strongly the barbershop in the SM mall. Just go in the main entrance as you're coming from Fields, and it's on the right side (after a salon, and before you get to the first "intersection" in the mall).

I started going there after I tried to get a haircut from one of the street places and they screwed it up (how they can screw up a basic guy's haircut is beyond me, but they did it rather spectacularly).

This place in SM looks like a regular barbershop in the states, the guys use disinfectant and are incredibly professional. It's P80 for a standard haircut, little more for a shave, etc. I go there every time I hit AC. The only issue I have (and it's a small one) is that they play the Filipino TV variety shows very loudly during the day (with all the crazy sound effects and canned laughter), so it's a little hard to truly "relax" in the chair. Otherwise, A++.

White Whale
04-13-09, 11:04
OK, no barber shop services if you really want to be 100% on safe side :(

What happened next was not 100% safe either. I used a condom but thinking afterwards and reading these comments to my earlier report not adequately for being fully covered.

Back to original forum contents. While waiting evenings days can become long. My last night girl left too early with some excuse so I did not get my morning happy ending. I might write a complete story when the one week vacation is over.

I had heard about one potential place during my last visit. I went to check the place. I forgot to look the sign when I walked in but in Wayne's ACMap in that position is Hooters. I went in, sat down and a girl jumped on me and started jerk me through my shorts. I did not even get the SMB Light order in place. Very pushy. Three other girls joined. They disappeared when it became clear I was going to select only one girl. I was there the deed in mind so upstairs we went to a small hot room. There was one imitation leather covered bed. We undressed. She turned on the AC but the old machine did not have a fair change getting room cooled in given time. The bed was uncomfortable againts sweaty skin. She gave me a quick blow job (OWO, apparently here I entered the danger zone). Then came cow girl with a condom. It was soon over. The damage 1500P with SMBL, two lady drinks (pushy part) and small tip. Cannot recommend.

Are there any other daytime possibilities for pressure release?

04-13-09, 13:38
Oh my, As I read this forum which I enjoy so much I hear much about rating the girls and I like that as I become somewhat familiar with what a regular wants. I like my girls thin, boobs need not be more than I can fit into my mouth. I love a flat stomach. When I go out with my fellow punters (I like that british term) we always seem to differ on which are the more desirable. I have had terrific GFE's in Pattaya as well as Angeles. That is the measure I go by. I actually had to stop going to certain bars because I was becoming WAY too interested in someone.

My point. Don't put down the girls that aren't at the top of YOUR list. They may just be MY honey and I take offense to the insinuation.


Yeah, not a lot of lookers at all in Angeles but it's just a fuck your brains out short stay place, so I guess it's ok. I heard that Thailand has tons of very very attractive girls, real stunners. Would you support that thought?

I don't think I ever figured this part out. I stayed at Royal Amsterdam. Where is perimeter and fields anyway just for the record. I think I was on fields the entire time but I could be wrong.

04-13-09, 17:42
I recommend you try Touch of Class. Next door is Emotions and upstairs is Perimeter Hotel. If you go to TOC speak with Mommason "Momma Baby". Buy her a drink and tell her exactly what you are looking for. She is pretty straight forward and lead you in right direction. The girls in TOC are more of the Girl next door look. However they usually have 2 or three that are 8 maybe 9 in looks. Most girls are in the 7 range. Emotions next door obviously have the better looking girls but as stated I am regular of TOC and not go to Emotions for maybe 1 or 2 times. The girls at both places are there from 10AM to 7PM. They tend to be a little late on Friday mornings and arrive between 10AM and 11AM because its there hygiene day. Anytime in those hours are good to go. They say also Brass Knob has day girls to with short time room upstairs (hotel) but not bf anyone there. Has anyone here tried Brass knob in daytime or other day places other than blow row?

04-13-09, 19:54
For those of you who are worried about the "bloody razors" and barbers of questionable gendered ...

really a very serious problem! Perhaps in 10 years time there is a fair chance to purchase a razor and some shaving foam even in AC? Maybe in a supermarket like Seven Eleven - let's wait and see!? :)



04-14-09, 11:03
Are there any other daytime possibilities for pressure release?
WW, there are so many bars open at daytime already.
Just get one or two girls short time in your room and have fun for 2 or 3 hours.
Then let them go. Whats the problem?


White Whale
04-15-09, 10:19
WW, there are so many bars open at daytime already.
Just get one or two girls short time in your room and have fun for 2 or 3 hours.
Then let them go. Whats the problem?


Just scoping alternatives. The bar scene is so same same. Sometimes your hotel room may not be on route when on track. No harm asking, right? Already got one proposal from Dcand4 I was not aware of earlier.

04-15-09, 12:16
I recommend you try Touch of Class. Next door is Emotions and upstairs is Perimeter Hotel. If you go to TOC speak with Mommason "Momma Baby". Buy her a drink and tell her exactly what you are looking for. She is pretty straight forward and lead you in right direction. The girls in TOC are more of the Girl next door look. However they usually have 2 or three that are 8 maybe 9 in looks. Most girls are in the 7 range. Emotions next door obviously have the better looking girls but as stated I am regular of TOC and not go to Emotions for maybe 1 or 2 times. The girls at both places are there from 10AM to 7PM. They tend to be a little late on Friday mornings and arrive between 10AM and 11AM because its there hygiene day. Anytime in those hours are good to go. They say also Brass Knob has day girls to with short time room upstairs (hotel) but not bf anyone there. Has anyone here tried Brass knob in daytime or other day places other than blow row?

Even though ToC doesn't have many girls but Momma Baby makes up for it for being friendly and not pushy. She is the best in AC. I always stop by to see her every time i am in AC.

04-15-09, 18:57
Yes Momma Baby is definately one of the more "sincere" Mamasons in Angeles City. I have known her for 4 years. The thing I enjoy about TOC is that it has a very relax atmosphere. When you go it you are not swamped by the girls and you basicly sit and maybe a couple will come over and without pressure will talk to you. Its a small bar and Momma Baby lets the girls relax if they are tired obviously within reason. She also is not one to force the girls to bar fine either. I spoke with her about this and she mentioned 6 years ago she worked in another bar (prefer not to name) and she was almost pushed to make girls go with costermers. She points out that she is strict but knows these girls have it hard enough as is and not have to be anal about it. Now having said that she knows her girls well. Sit down buy her a drink and tell her what you really are looking for and I assure you she will lead you in right direction. This goes for even things to go or do around A. C. Or Manila. I have some friends here so I kind of visit nowadays and maybe bar fine just to go swimming with my couple friends from there. I do not butterfly out of here because this is my bar home away from home if there is such a place. May I mention the food is half way decent too. Ok, anyway, the girls tend to be GND in looks and some extra pounds with a couple 8 and 9 stunners but not super model stunners. I threw party for girls in February and here is Momma Baby. Two girls that are on the heavier side but will thrill you in bed are Vilma and Chyna. Personally I like the petite ones but something has to be said about the older girls with little extra weight can make up the difference in performance.

X Man
04-16-09, 02:25
Damn DC, if you like petite ladies, why are you buying them cake?

Thanks for the interesting report.


Yes Momma Baby is definately one of the more "sincere" Mamasons in Angeles City. I have known her for 4 years. The thing I enjoy about TOC is that it has a very relax atmosphere. When you go it you are not swamped by the girls and you basicly sit and maybe a couple will come over and without pressure will talk to you. Its a small bar and Momma Baby lets the girls relax if they are tired obviously within reason. She also is not one to force the girls to bar fine either. I spoke with her about this and she mentioned 6 years ago she worked in another bar (prefer not to name) and she was almost pushed to make girls go with costermers. She points out that she is strict but knows these girls have it hard enough as is and not have to be anal about it. Now having said that she knows her girls well. Sit down buy her a drink and tell her what you really are looking for and I assure you she will lead you in right direction. This goes for even things to go or do around A. C. Or Manila. I have some friends here so I kind of visit nowadays and maybe bar fine just to go swimming with my couple friends from there. I do not butterfly out of here because this is my bar home away from home if there is such a place. May I mention the food is half way decent too. Ok, anyway, the girls tend to be GND in looks and some extra pounds with a couple 8 and 9 stunners but not super model stunners. I threw party for girls in February and here is Momma Baby. Two girls that are on the heavier side but will thrill you in bed are Vilma and Chyna. Personally I like the petite ones but something has to be said about the older girls with little extra weight can make up the difference in performance.

04-16-09, 05:18
Well you got me laughing pretty hard X man. You see its my refuge there. If I make them all fat it gives me excuse not to P4P there and still have a beer and a few laughs and a good time. I would have told you the cake was sugar free but damn Momma Baby would not have been happy with that!

White Whale
04-16-09, 10:40
WW, there are so many bars open at daytime already.
Just get one or two girls short time in your room and have fun for 2 or 3 hours.
Then let them go. Whats the problem?


Found one that's business idea seems to be focused on ST. It is Gobbler's Bar opposite to Shano's Irish Bar. Settled for a beer as the girls, and I mean the girls, are in barely 18 zone. I would not bet on 18 either. ST would have been 700P.

Came up with couple of other reasons why someone would like to avoid using own hotel room: that someone has a steady (local) girl visiting or there just is a need for really quick pressure release. Ok ok, I am starting to explain myself

04-16-09, 19:37
Yes across from Shanos is Gobblers, Black Pearl and of course Heavens Bar. That is known as Blow Row. Recently I saw on You tube a story on Heavens bar. It is one of those well publicized "documentaries" that the news puts out occasionally. Anyone ever see that story?

Darth Sushi
04-17-09, 02:25
Yes across from Shanos is Gobblers, Black Pearl and of course Heavens Bar. That is known as Blow Row. Recently I saw on You tube a story on Heavens bar. It is one of those well publicized "documentaries" that the news puts out occasionally. Anyone ever see that story?
Yeah, the title of the documentary is "Selling Sex in Heaven" and the manager of Heaven's bar is still there. You can find the movie on BitTorrent network.

04-17-09, 02:34
Found one that's business idea seems to be focused on ST. It is Gobbler's Bar opposite to Shano's Irish Bar.
Barfined two girls for ST there on my last trip.
One of them pretty cute, name was Beth or so?!?
She still around?

11 days till touchdown in DMIA :D


04-17-09, 03:52
Yes Momma Baby is definately one of the more "sincere" Mamasons in Angeles City. I have known her for 4 years. The thing I enjoy about TOC is that it has a very relax atmosphere. When you go it you are not swamped by the girls and you basicly sit and maybe a couple will come over and without pressure will talk to you. .

I have been going to TOC for about the same time frame as you, but I think we must be going to a different TOC. I would say TOC has more LD hustle and pressure than at least 80% of the bars in AC. However, I would say the girls certainly also give more mileage than 80% of what you will find in other bars for LD's. So if you want to a have pukin' pesos on LD fess, the girls here will immerse you in sleaze. Also, I think you are grading on quite a generous scale on the looks department, seeing a girl rating a 7 in there is a special occasion indeed.

Also, TOC has a great starting time if you are early fucker. You can get the prime stock around 11AM - 12 noon. Also, TOC is not the place to find girl next door types. That's unless you live next door to a Shabu Shabu lab! But I mean that in a good way (it's also true in the bad way - lots of shabu2 users here), your chances of finding a girl who really knows her way around to cock is much better than most places in AC.

I like TOC too, but man we sure seem to have different impressions of it. I like TOC because it is still run like a *****house. And I disagree about the soft management style of Mommy Bebe (and Mommy Jenny who used to work there) cracks the whip and runs a tight ship with the girls.

04-17-09, 04:18
I have been going to TOC for about the same time frame as you, but I think we must be going to a different TOC. I would say TOC has more LD hustle and pressure than at least 80% of the bars in AC.

I like TOC too, but man we sure seem to have different impressions of it. I like TOC because it is still run like a *****house. And I disagree about the soft management style of Mommy Bebe (and Mommy Jenny who used to work there) cracks the whip and runs a tight ship with the girls.It always comes home to me how the bars (& the girls) can change from hour to hour.

I don't usually sit around these bars, but on the few occasions i have, it is like watching the ocean.. Sometimes you walk into an almost empty bar, it can be calm & serene with few customers, then a bunch of guys walk in & the place is hall HUSTLE! Other times you walk into an empty bar & get swamped with girls in a feeding frenzy, then a bunch of guys walk in & the energy dissipates & things quieten down.

Every body has different expectations & preferences.

When i read the comments on the blow row joints in AC I just cant reconcile it with my perceptions. Those places would have to be the most sad depressing unattractive places for a man to go in my opinion. But hey some guys obviously like them so far be it for me to deny them their choice right?

04-17-09, 05:14
When i read the comments on the blow row joints in AC I just cant reconcile it with my perceptions. Those places would have to be the most sad depressing unattractive places for a man to go in my opinion. But hey some guys obviously like them so far be it for me to deny them their choice right?

AVYes they can be quite depressing when you look at the conditions. Just ask to go to the bathroom and look at what the girls are subjected to using on a regular basis. The rooms are cramped, small with no windows. Some of the girls actually live there.

04-17-09, 09:10
She showered and came out with her clothes on. Ok, here we go.

One morning in AC I woke up to see my girly just emerging from the shower with her clothes on. Half awake I caught hold of her softly, pulled off her clothes bit by bit, and fucked her again, then let her go ..

This was a shy one from Camelot, one of 4 dancing on a little upstairs balcony, saving money to study computer science ..

04-17-09, 19:25
I spent a few days in Lewis Grand, very nice hotel in very shitty town. The purpose was to find another bisexual girl to join Ana.

After some serious barhopping, I got depressed. Whether the girls are not bisexual (95%), whether they are so ugly that you wish them not to be sexually active (60%)
Atlantis gogo.....who the hell did hire the girls, is the guy blind? The only advantage of this bar is the free popcorn offered with the drinks.
Geckos : Very small bar, found a few (2) cuties, barfined one of them to play with Ana, then she changed her mind, she apologized and she went home. Mamasan was nice enough to give the 1300 peso back.
Rhapsody : The only bar where we had fun, there were easily 5 girls that were cute,
Carroussel : some nice staff, but only 1 bisexual girl and unfortunately, she was not that pretty.
Then I was lucky enough to meet M....., another nymphomaniac, who could lick a pussy non stop for 30 minutes, day and night, then give a very energetic BJ.
Where could u meet that girl? At Kokomo's and at Margarita's station.

Instead of following the very cautious advices of the very cautious mongers, my fellow monger did exactly the opposite and it worked fine.

Why would someone barfine a girl in a bar as it is much easier to talk to the same girls when they leave the bar. Around 8pm, the day shift workers leaves the bars from Fields, he talks to them and ask their number. At 3am, night shift leaves, he does the same. His mobile is now full of numbers, he only needs to call them when he needs them to come join him at Lewis.

Skytrax disco....Someone did pretend that this place was dangerous, that it was full of fillipino angry guys. Well, he was wrong, Skytrax is fun, full of some gogo girls looking to have fun or some extra cash. There was indeed one Fillipino guy who talked to us, he was as gay as Boy George but he was not angry at all, he introduced my friend to some nice student girl. She came the following day to enjoy some free hanky panky in his room.

04-19-09, 04:45
Went into this place around noon time.

Only two girls working till the night shift comes in at 6:00p.m.

04-19-09, 12:48
Almost as good as the hype, but not quite Taco Bell! I had half a dozen menu items or so and was pleased with them all. Prices are on par, just wish some of the portions were a bit bigger. An example would be the P320 nachos, could have been sloppier. Service is excellent, but it's a new joint... I had every intention on snapping a pic of the menu, but I got side-tracked each time. I can't compare it to the one in Pattaya but can to Zapatas here in town. Overall the only two things that stand out are; the beans are better at Tequila Reef and the beef is better at Zapatas, I prefer shredded vs cubed.

So, if I'm hungry and in the Field Ave area I will most likely stop in here, if up on Perimeter I'd still go to Zapatas. I will have to give Tequila Reef the best menu selection. Had both the beef and pork bbq sandwiches, nice and tangy with pretty good sides. Would be a big plus if they had a daily special. I spent a bit more than P1,000 with my girl there one time, but we kinda went all out. Had lunch there today and cost P340 for the two, plus Mr. Porker bought our foursome the big nachos, we left with our bellies full.

The manager showed Mr Porker and me the upstairs, lot of potential there. Might I suggest making it the only smoking area, although there was never a problem with the smoke downstairs. I hope this place much success, but not in a way of doing what Kokomoz did and jack up the prices just because they can.

04-20-09, 09:53
Went into this place around noon time.

Only two girls working till the night shift comes in at 6:00p.m.

The one in pink (IMG_1482.JPG) looks cute. Any action?


04-20-09, 17:34
Almost as good as the hype, but not quite Taco Bell! I had half a dozen menu items or so and was pleased with them all. Prices are on par, just wish some of the portions were a bit bigger. An example would be the P320 nachos, could have been sloppier. Service is excellent, but it's a new joint. I had every intention on snapping a pic of the menu, but I got side-tracked each time. I can't compare it to the one in Pattaya but can to Zapatas here in town. Overall the only two things that stand out are; the beans are better at Tequila Reef and the beef is better at Zapatas, I prefer shredded vs cubed.

So, if I'm hungry and in the Field Ave area I will most likely stop in here, if up on Perimeter I'd still go to Zapatas. I will have to give Tequila Reef the best menu selection. Had both the beef and pork bbq sandwiches, nice and tangy with pretty good sides. Would be a big plus if they had a daily special. I spent a bit more than P1, 000 with my girl there one time, but we kinda went all out. Had lunch there today and cost P340 for the two, plus Mr. Porker bought our foursome the big nachos, we left with our bellies full.

The manager showed Mr Porker and me the upstairs, lot of potential there. Might I suggest making it the only smoking area, although there was never a problem with the smoke downstairs. I hope this place much success, but not in a way of doing what Kokomoz did and jack up the prices just because they can. I guess restaurants are like girls. We all have different opinions of them. Not that anyone probably cares about the restaurants in AC, but since I really hated this place, I have to comment.

I ordered nachos, a quesadilla, and two sides of jalapenos, and a margarita. The total was something like 600 or 700 pesos. And the problems:

1) The nachos do not come with any jalapenos. They charge 60 pesos for about 8 small slices of Jalapenos. I ordered two sides, but I really needed about 5 sides because they were so small. Now, I live out here and know that I can buy a LARGE jar in the market for about 200 Pesos. That large jar would make about 100 of their sides. I should not have to spend 300 pesos on side orders of jalapenos when their cost is about 5 pesos. And seriously, Nachos Grande that does not inlclude jalapenos!

2) The Nachoes grande had about 12 nachos. REALLY. Usually, one "nachos Grande" can fill me up, but I am used to a large plate filled with nachos. I could easily have eaten 3 or 4 of their portions.

3) The quesadilla was ok, but I was still so hungry and disgusted with the portions, that I went to Mos for a burger.

Maybe if you are wealthy enough to spend about a couple of thousand pesos for some local mexican food, the place is great. But otherwise, I would stay well away.

To be clear, I am not complaining on the quality of the food, just the portions, and hence the expense of meal. In the Philippines, you have Filipino places that serve small portions, and foreigner places that serve the portions we are used to back home. This place serves Filipino portions, but is marketed towards foreigners, so I don't know how they will make it. And I am totally confused about your comment about Mos. Like them or hate them, they serve good size meals. Whatever I get there, one item fills me up for 2 or 3 hundred pesos. And I have no problem spending 6 or 7 hundres pesos for some good mexican food because I love mexican food. I just don't know how it could be done in tequilla reef for less than about 1, 500 pesos.

P.S. I have a regular appetite and weigh about 150 pounds, just in case anyone thinks that I am some huge guy that eats a ton.

04-20-09, 19:36
I have a fantasy that others might want to join in outliving in AC. A bunch of guys (say 5-6) each barfine a girl and we take one extra for the group. We go somewhere and each have our girl blow or fuck us, but the extra girl is tied and ring gagged in the middle of our group and we all cum on her.

Anyone want to join?

04-20-09, 22:37
Hi guys. I'll be AC in a week and looking forward to some great fun. Must be my age or too much beer but for the life of me I can't remember the names of the three perimeter bars that run perp. with the main road. I tried to do a search on perimeter bars and found tons of posts but didn't find their names. Can someone refresh my memory, please?

04-20-09, 22:57
Take a look at this website: http://tomrich.sakura.ne.jp/ I'm sure it gonna help you a lot.


Hi guys. I'll be AC in a week and looking forward to some great fun. Must be my age or too much beer but for the life of me I can't remember the names of the three perimeter bars that run perp. with the main road. I tried to do a search on perimeter bars and found tons of posts but didn't find their names. Can someone refresh my memory, please?

04-20-09, 23:06
Hi guys. I'll be AC in a week and looking forward to some great fun. Must be my age or too much beer but for the life of me I can't remember the names of the three perimeter bars that run perp. with the main road. I tried to do a search on perimeter bars and found tons of posts but didn't find their names. Can someone refresh my memory, please?

Is that Nifty Club Rio and Sweety? With Garfield's bar on the corner?

Easy Thaiger
04-22-09, 02:51
I'm gonna be in town in a couple days, and i don't have time ot rtff, so where are the best places for daytime action? Only perimeter road?


04-22-09, 14:35
I'm gonna be in town in a couple days, and i don't have time ot rtff, so where are the best places for daytime action? Only perimeter road?

ThanksSo, your time is more valuable than ours.

Good Luck.

04-22-09, 16:14
Is that Nifty Club Rio and Sweety? With Garfield's bar on the corner?Thanks Rubberyman... yes that was the three bars I was thinking of.

Take care

04-22-09, 23:14
I have a fantasy that others might want to join in outliving in AC. A bunch of guys (say 5-6) each barfine a girl and we take one extra for the group. We go somewhere and each have our girl blow or fuck us, but the extra girl is tied and ring gagged in the middle of our group and we all cum on her.

Anyone want to join?Kosovar:

it's just a joke, isn't it?



04-23-09, 04:21

it's just a joke, isn't it?


HesekielsNo he's not.

And then we wonder why some people get runners or bad service.

I dont anymore wonder that is.


04-23-09, 07:22
Well I have been in contact with some of my long "contacts" there in A. C. , It seems to be like a ghost town the way they been talking. Is it really that bad as they say. I know the season right now is not the best. Makes me wonder due to the lack of current reports here in this thread on recent events. I cam back from A. C in March and seem to be ok then. I just wonder if its the same crying you here from girls saying "No Customers" Anyone there give some insight or maybe just got back from there?

Gaijin Gigolo
04-23-09, 14:19
I'm gonna be in town in a couple days, and i don't have time ot rtff, so where are the best places for daytime action? Only perimeter road?


Nothing is free. I suggest you FIND time to RTFF.

04-23-09, 21:40
Well I have been in contact with some of my long "contacts" there in A. C. , It seems to be like a ghost town the way they been talking. Is it really that bad as they say. I know the season right now is not the best. Makes me wonder due to the lack of current reports here in this thread on recent events. I cam back from A. C in March and seem to be ok then. I just wonder if its the same crying you here from girls saying "No Customers" Anyone there give some insight or maybe just got back from there?Wow, I will be there Monday for 14 days and I have been wanting to try different hotels...every hotel that I checked with (PB, WO, ABC, LG...ect) are 100% full.


Corner Pocket
04-23-09, 22:22

Was in Angeles and Subic for 2 weeks last month; if interested will let you know some more details.

But anyhow barfined the first and last night a cutie from a bar in Fields, and exchanged email-contact-info.

After a few weeks that this girls is sending me emails on regular basis, without really talking; you know 'love you', 'do you love me', 'I am working or not that kind of smalltalk'. Now the question has been rised that she want's to go to samar to study again but has no money so she asks me for it. Which leaves me a bit dissapointed, because I guess she wants me to pay for her travelexpense to samar. Although we have been only 2 nights together and althougth I like her was not planning on marrying. What do you guys think. Is the asking for money a regular question or angeles- 'scam' that has also been tried with a lot of you guys?

Any input is welcomed.

04-23-09, 23:07
No he's not.

And then we wonder why some people get runners or bad service.

I dont anymore wonder that is.


I doubt that there is that much scope in AC for bukake parties. However, if you google that word or check out ********* you will find it is not all that uncommon either. More a US/Jap/Brit thing from what I can work out. He might have more takers in Thailand perhaps.

04-23-09, 23:15
About 3500 all in, but a great room, good breakfast included and the least crowded pool in all of Angeles.

The new EuroPhil and Clarkton are other options.

Surprising that all would be full as it is now supposedly low season. Perhaps there is some event the week you are going.

F: Nice to see the legendary Ana has not changed. There are lots of bi curious girls in the PI but LOTS of Catholic guilt (unlike in Indo or LOS). Gays and baklas are widely accepted but Tbirds (slang for lesbians) are not so accepted by society.

Easy Thaiger
04-24-09, 02:07
Nothing is free. I suggest you FIND time to RTFF.Thanks dick!

Easy Thaiger
04-24-09, 02:08
So, your time is more valuable than ours.

Good Luck.Wow.

04-24-09, 12:59
...barfined the first and last night a cutie from a bar in Fields, and exchanged email-contact-info.

After a few weeks that this girls is sending me emails on regular basis...Now the question has been rised that she want's to go to samar to study again but has no money so she asks me for it...I like her was not planning on marrying...Is the asking for money a regular question or angeles- 'scam' that has also been tried with a lot of you guys? Any input is welcomed.Yes its a frequent question. As to whether its a scam or not is debatable. I feel many of the girls, especially the newer girls, genuinely wish to improve their lot in life and going back to study is a way to get a job outside the sex industry. Problem is the unscrupulous chicks milk it for all its worth just to get money from suckers. How do you tell which is which? You can't really. If you're were very serious about a girl there are ways to suss her out but if you are not serious then just drop the idea & be on your way. Too many poor sods sending money to bar girls as it is IMHO.

X Man
04-24-09, 15:55
The best time to go to perimeter road is midnight. All the punters have gone to Fields and you'll have the whole place to yourself.

Daytime?....I guess you'll have to rtact


I'm gonna be in town in a couple days, and i don't have time ot rtff, so where are the best places for daytime action? Only perimeter road?


04-24-09, 16:06
Although we have been only 2 nights together and althougth I like her was not planning on marrying. What do you guys think. Is the asking for money a regular question or angeles- 'scam' that has also been tried with a lot of you guys?

Any input is welcomed.

Asking for money In PI is the national pastime. I don’t like telling others what to do with their hard earned Pesos but I my advice is do not start sending money. It’s pointless and nothing good can come out of it. If you want a Filipina companion lot of women there with decent jobs. With the uneducated bar girls the sexual attraction will wane then what?

04-24-09, 16:41
If you are going to "fall in love with a bar girl" better be one of the new girls freshly arriving in town and again thats a big hit or miss. As the old saying and should be the Mongers motto "you can take the girl out of the bar but can not take the bar out of the girl". All the old timers here know this and if I may if all are ok speak for us is the best advice you can have. Yes there are those rare exceptions. But generally it ends up not working out with your hard earned money a little less.

This is a classic scenorio as to way it usually works. You fall in love with many promises of marriage and you "steady bar fine" and she go home. You support her and all I well for maybe a month. But this girl is back in province bored to death, maybe she go to school but serriously she is bored to death compared to the wine and dining she was getting nightly in Angeles. Then she tell you or may not tell you that she is going back to A. C. to visit friends. Seems to be innocent enough but she visits friends at bars and sees the excitement she once had. Its starts all over again. As stated I have seen very little successful marriages. My suggestion as many others would tell you. Enjoy the fun of shagging. Just if you really really want to find a good girl for marriage its best to stay out of AC and metro Manila. Find a nice conservative girl in the provnce with traditional values and as the golden rule is to remember you are NOT just marrying her you are marrying the family as well. Some of the prettiest and most committed marriage minded girls are Ifagoe woman. They tend to be very conservative but will be devoted for you if thats what you like.

04-24-09, 21:09
If you find a good filopina woman and she is your gf or wife you will find that you nomatter how you look like she is J-E-A-L-O-you-S. Another words you could be a fat slobbering pig and she will think evry super model in the world is after her man. If you like me with what I consider average to above average in looks well expect to be in prison with her holding the keys. No thank you. I prefer variety and freedom.

04-24-09, 22:19
If you are going to "fall in love with a bar girl" better be one of the new girls freshly arriving in town and again thats a big hit or miss. As the old saying and should be the Mongers motto "you can take the girl out of the bar but can not take the bar out of the girl". All the old timers here know this and if I may if all are ok speak for us is the best advice you can have. Yes there are those rare exceptions. But generally it ends up not working out with your hard earned money a little less.
Dcand4 and AV both stated the truth. IMHO, the only way that you have a fighting chance for success is to live here with her, not AC, or take her to your country ASAP! Supporting from another country will wear you down fast and you will end up being sorry that you took the plunge.


Easy Thaiger
04-25-09, 00:26
The best time to go to perimeter road is midnight. All the punters have gone to Fields and you'll have the whole place to yourself.

Daytime?....I guess you'll have to rtact

XThanks Xman.

That's a good strategy.

04-25-09, 02:53
I think more important than is she a good girl is

How long are you realistically going to support her being in your country and her in hers. After a while you will start wondering what are you getting for your investment in this girl.

Will it be worth the several hundred you spend each month for 2 or 3 weeks worth of companionship.

Besides that sooner or later you will start to wonder are you supporting her and a Filipino boyfriend who is waiting in the wings to reap the benefit of you educating her to get a good job.

If there is a big age gap between the two of you, unless you get her pregnant with a baby so she is too busy to screw around. She will look to move on, once she can do better whether you are here or bring her to your country.

So the bottom line unless you just want to be "captain save a hoe" and just want to be a benevolent person. I think you will you will be throwing away money.

04-25-09, 04:27

Was in Angeles and Subic for 2 weeks last month; if interested will let you know some more details.

But anyhow barfined the first and last night a cutie from a bar in Fields, and exchanged email-contact-info.

After a few weeks that this girls is sending me emails on regular basis, without really talking; you know 'love you', 'do you love me', 'I am working or not that kind of smalltalk'. Now the question has been rised that she want's to go to samar to study again but has no money so she asks me for it. Which leaves me a bit dissapointed, because I guess she wants me to pay for her travelexpense to samar. Although we have been only 2 nights together and althougth I like her was not planning on marrying. What do you guys think. Is the asking for money a regular question or angeles- 'scam' that has also been tried with a lot of you guys?

Any input is welcomed.

I look at it this way, can you afford to support her studies?

No then just block her email and move on, you had a great time and now its time to get back to reality.

Yes, and I dont mean taking money out of your savings etc. But can you send her her tuition fees without sacrificing your retirement or lifestyle? Then do it. I have not met any girl in PI or a Pinay in SE Asia that wants to do this every night. If you can help her then do it as a charitable donation thats not tax deductable. Hell for no other reson then it might be good karma.

Take some steps to make sure she is not doing it to 20 other guys just by being smart and thinking with your big head and not the little one. Including if you are really serious spending the US$500 to have her investigated but only if you are really serious about her.

And if nothing else every time you go back to PI you will have a really nice and I assume beautiful pinay all over you like you cant imagine....

So have fun do the right thing karma wise and have fun.

But also if shes on the level think about the financial commitment not this month but for the next 12 months or 2 or 3 years. No point in telling her to go back to her province and study if you cant support her after 3 months.

Pinays lie, a lot but so do puti guys on vacation...

Just my 2c worth, enjoy


Mr Hawaii
04-25-09, 07:18

Was in Angeles and Subic for 2 weeks last month; if interested will let you know some more details.

But anyhow barfined the first and last night a cutie from a bar in Fields, and exchanged email-contact-info.

After a few weeks that this girls is sending me emails on regular basis, without really talking; you know 'love you', 'do you love me', 'I am working or not that kind of smalltalk'. Now the question has been rised that she want's to go to samar to study again but has no money so she asks me for it. Which leaves me a bit dissapointed, because I guess she wants me to pay for her travelexpense to samar. Although we have been only 2 nights together and althougth I like her was not planning on marrying. What do you guys think. Is the asking for money a regular question or angeles- 'scam' that has also been tried with a lot of you guys?

Any input is welcomed.

Questions to consider: how long has she been working in a bar? Usually, if they are new (less than .. 2 weeks?) then it is easier to get them out. How old is she? Is she serious about school? I assume she has a cell phone. Get her cell phone number and you can call her anytime, to check and make sure she is not working in any bar, etc. Does she just want money to go back to Samar or for school also? What program in school? 2 yrs or 4 yrs? She can send you her enrollment application with the fees on it as proof of her enrollment, but calling on the cell to make sure she's not working a bar is the best. What will she do if you don't have the money? (There are plenty more girls..but you know that already.) Good luck with whatever you decide.

04-25-09, 16:15
The best time to go to perimeter road is midnight. All the punters have gone to Fields and you'll have the whole place to yourself.
Of course there's a reason for that: most or all of the reasonably good women have usually been long since bought out by then! At least that's my experience -- the good ones go much earlier on Perimeter than on Fields.

Big Johnson2
04-25-09, 16:51

Was in Angeles and Subic for 2 weeks last month; if interested will let you know some more details.

But anyhow barfined the first and last night a cutie from a bar in Fields, and exchanged email-contact-info.

After a few weeks that this girls is sending me emails on regular basis, without really talking; you know 'love you', 'do you love me', 'I am working or not that kind of smalltalk'. Now the question has been rised that she want's to go to samar to study again but has no money so she asks me for it. Which leaves me a bit dissapointed, because I guess she wants me to pay for her travelexpense to samar. Although we have been only 2 nights together and althougth I like her was not planning on marrying. What do you guys think. Is the asking for money a regular question or angeles- 'scam' that has also been tried with a lot of you guys?

Any input is welcomed.
I don't like her asking for money so soon. She went out with you only twice. If you want to send her money and see if she is in Samar, make sure you call Western Union and see where the money was picked up. Even if you put Samar on it they can pick this money up anywhere, so call to verify. Also how soon are you going back, go cash in on you investment. Will she be the same toward you when you come back?

Big Johnson2
04-25-09, 17:07
Take some steps to make sure she is not doing it to 20 other guys just by being smart and thinking with your big head and not the little one. Including if you are really serious spending the US$500 to have her investigated but only if you are really serious about her.

Hi, can you tell me how to get a bar girl investigated. I'd love to know, because I don't believe you can trust them at all.

Question to people that live in AC or frequent it. How many of the girls really leave....hook up a marry a customer. I hear from my GF that all the girls want to meet a rich foreigner men and leave. What have you seen?

Big Johnson2
04-25-09, 17:12
Questions to consider: how long has she been working in a bar? Usually, if they are new (less than .. 2 weeks?) then it is easier to get them out.

My GF who was a bargirl tells me all girls tell the guys they are new in the bar, because the guys want to hear it. Last time I was in AC all of the girls told me they were there only days to 2 weeks. I could tell some were truthful because they were so inexperienced

Are you other guys getting this 2 weeks and under?

Big Johnson2
04-25-09, 17:20
Last time I was in AC, most of the young pretty girls on Blow Row were not into BJs. I had a couple of green ones who really didn't have a clue, but wanted to Boom Boom. Then another one at the bar told me she didn't like it but we could Boom Boom.

Not to mention there are only a few bars over there now on Blow Row. Do you have any suggestions what bars have a lot of BJ girls?

04-25-09, 19:48
Hi, can you tell me how to get a bar girl investigated. I'd love to know, because I don't believe you can trust them at all.

Question to people that live in AC or frequent it. How many of the girls really leave....hook up a marry a customer. I hear from my GF that all the girls want to meet a rich foreigner men and leave. What have you seen?

I was in AC quite a bit last year, and the fairytale is true, to some extent. I will paraphrase from the Selling Sex in Heaven documentary, "It certainly happens often enough for the dream to stay alive, but probably like kids in America who want to make it in the NBA".

I have seen personally one girl who left the bar to go live with a guy in Norway. He came back to the bar and got her one night I was there. She was the best looking girl in the bar though, so THEIR mileage may vary; But it does happen.

On a personal note, one of the girls I used to see fairly regularly recently left the bar and moved home to Leyte. Don’t really know if she wanted to find a rich foreigner or not, but a lot of these girls want a better life anywhere. That’s just my opinion though, I could be wrong.

04-25-09, 22:07
I personally know plenty of girls who have met and married Americans and currently live in the USA. IT happens a lot more than one would imagine.

Of the girls that I know who did marry and move to the US. If they did not get pregnant before they got their green card (it takes 2yrs) they divorced the guy who brought them and moved on for better prospects.

Even a few who got pregnant, even left their husbands, but then it was those who married men twice their age and once in the US, had the ability to move on to a younger guy with just as much money, if not more.

The best option for a guy who wants to have a relationship with a pina who is much younger than him, is to one move to the PI and second get her pregnant to keep her busy.

04-26-09, 02:44
Without even knowing you or your girlfriend, I have taken it upon myself to handle the investigation. It was a very involved process, but below are the results and recommendations:



Thanks for your contributions to the Board. They are much appreciated!

Big Johnson2
04-26-09, 03:01
In the bar: "these are my best friends. Can you buy them a drink as well!?"

"Top on me" (this means get on top of her and do missionary position. I
heard this from both my Filipino GF and my Ukrainian one too.)
"I'm JAAYlus" jealous from GF

Heard these?

04-26-09, 03:42
Hi, can you tell me how to get a bar girl investigated. I'd love to know, because I don't believe you can trust them at all.

Question to people that live in AC or frequent it. How many of the girls really leave....hook up a marry a customer. I hear from my GF that all the girls want to meet a rich foreigner men and leave. What have you seen?

I used a private investigation service but in my case it was Manila, on a recommendation of a Pinoy friend that works with me cost me US$600 for a week. In my case she was honest as to what she was doing for the week right down to I went to the 7/11 to buy a packet of cigaretts just before I called her.

I dont have as much expirience in AC as some of the other guys here but 99%+ of Pinays in any bar in SE Asia want a normal life not neccesarly with a foreigner just someone that has enough money to give them a better life and some support to their families. And foreigners are a much better option.

Some of the guys living in PI can correct me but there is a class system in PI not the same as in India but if your dark skinned and your parents are farmers etc your ability to marry someone in middle class is fairly remote so you are stuck with options in your socioeconomic circle ie poor married to another rice farmer.

The really really smart ones will beg borrow to get a trip to HK or Sing etc to work in Orchard tower or Wan Chai discos. Because its much easier to say that they worked as a house keeper or a waitress etc. If you read the HK board or the UAE board the PGN is much better then the best broadband in existance by the time you walk out with a new Pinay out of Leguna your Pinay GF will already know you were there and is texting you on your mobile. Even if she is back in PI. So the girls that work in AC or any of the other places for a long time their communities back home know that she is a bar girl. And Pinoy men have a much harder stand on getting involved with a bar girl then us foreigners at least the ones that have a future not the ones that get drunk all day and dont have a job and never will. My conversations with Philippino men that I know would never consider marrying a bar girl or a girl they suspected is or was a bar girl. We as foreigners dont seem to have as much of an issue with that.

A pinay I know told me she will not show her passport to anyone outside of her sisters etc as it has a HK visa stamped "entertainer" and that would pretty much kill her chances of getting a normal guy in PI.

So getting back to the main issue, do it if you want to and can afford it. And enjoy but be vigilant.


Big Johnson2
04-26-09, 03:43
Without even knowing you or your girlfriend, I have taken it upon myself to handle the investigation. It was a very involved process, but below are the results and recommendations:



Thanks for your contributions to the Board. They are much appreciated!

I think many men send girls some money to keep their "GF" from bar fining but allowing them to still work in AC for drinks only. A man is CRAZY if he thinks that that this girl is doing drinks only and no bar fining. These girls cannot be controlled as long as they are in AC and there is the temptation of other men trying to get them out to party, etc. If you want a GF, you have to get her out of bar and pay for her to stay away from AC. There is no half way.

As my girl friend told me: if a man makes a girl an offer to leave the bar and he will take care of her, and she does NOT leave, she does NOT love the man!

04-26-09, 03:45
I totally agree!

04-26-09, 03:46
As my girl friend told me: if a man makes a girl an offer to leave the bar and he will take care of her, and she does NOT leave, she does NOT love the man!

I agree 100% there is no half way....


Big Johnson2
04-26-09, 04:10
I used a private investigation service but in my case it was Manila, on a recommendation of a Pinoy friend that works with me cost me US$600 for a week. In my case she was honest as to what she was doing for the week right down to I went to the 7/11 to buy a packet of cigaretts just before I called her.

I dont have as much expirience in AC as some of the other guys here but 99%+ of Pinays in any bar in SE Asia want a normal life not neccesarly with a foreigner just someone that has enough money to give them a better life and some support to their families. And foreigners are a much better option.

Some of the guys living in PI can correct me but there is a class system in PI not the same as in India but if your dark skinned and your parents are farmers etc your ability to marry someone in middle class is fairly remote so you are stuck with options in your socioeconomic circle ie poor married to another rice farmer.

The really really smart ones will beg borrow to get a trip to HK or Sing etc to work in Orchard tower or Wan Chai discos. Because its much easier to say that they worked as a house keeper or a waitress etc. If you read the HK board or the UAE board the PGN is much better then the best broadband in existance by the time you walk out with a new Pinay out of Leguna your Pinay GF will already know you were there and is texting you on your mobile. Even if she is back in PI. So the girls that work in AC or any of the other places for a long time their communities back home know that she is a bar girl. And Pinoy men have a much harder stand on getting involved with a bar girl then us foreigners at least the ones that have a future not the ones that get drunk all day and dont have a job and never will. My conversations with Philippino men that I know would never consider marrying a bar girl or a girl they suspected is or was a bar girl. We as foreigners dont seem to have as much of an issue with that.

A pinay I know told me she will not show her passport to anyone outside of her sisters etc as it has a HK visa stamped "entertainer" and that would pretty much kill her chances of getting a normal guy in PI.

So getting back to the main issue, do it if you want to and can afford it. And enjoy but be vigilant.


Thank you for the informative detailed answer.

So a farmer's daughter from Samar can't marry the son of a office worker from Manila?

Is Orchard tower or Wan Chai discos, bars with bar girls? So are there many Filipino bar girls in UAE and HK? So all these girls that say they are maids overseas are not really maids, but work as bar girls? Am I on the right track or totally missing things?

04-26-09, 04:41
Thank you for the informative detailed answer.

So a farmer's daughter from Samar can't marry the son of a office worker from Manila?

Is Orchard tower or Wan Chai discos, bars with bar girls? So are there many Filipino bar girls in UAE and HK? So all these girls that say they are maids overseas are not really maids, but work as bar girls? Am I on the right track or totally missing things?

One of the things I dont like about the internet is sarcasm is lost in the written word......

Yes she can marry an office worker from manila but he still will have a 15K to 20K peso per month salary. I did use the word socioeconomic status if shes come to manila to work in a shop or a call centre and is earning the same 10K to 15K peso per month. So by coming to manila her social circle changes not necesserly her economic one.

If the manila guy is earning 50K to 100K because hes got a great job he will also look for a gf or a wife from his socioeconomic circle. Exceptions do happend all over the world not just in PI, doctors marry nurses but mostly they marry doctors. lawyers marry lawyers etc but they also marry legal secretaries.... its about the circles you move in that gives you the opertunities to meet people. if you are a proffesional you move in a cirlcle of proffesionals so there is a much better chance thats who will be your gf or wife...

getting back to my first paragraph.... please re read.
I wrote and I quote "Because its much easier to say that they worked as a house keeper or a waitress etc." in HK or UAE or Singapore.
I never said nor implied that all Pinays that go to work in HK, Sing or UAE are bar girls. But I did say that it is easier for them to tell their family and friends this is what they are doing to protect their reputation.
becuse I dont know about you but i dont think any woman irrespective of their race or colour wants to say, yes i was in HK for 2 weeks or 1 month and I blew and fucked a new guy every night for 1000HK$ and i am proud of it mom, brother, neighbour....

But maybe I live in a sheltered world and i just dont get out often enough to hear those conversations.

Shit I must get out more...


04-26-09, 05:12
Most girls whether bargirls in Philippines, Hong Kong, Singapore of course will not tell Mom and Dad what they are doing. Lot of us Mongers do not go to Philippines and tell our Families what we do here. We go here for invest, business and vacation. They have a social stigma they definately have to deal with. Lot of girls in AC tell families they are chambermaids at hotel, Work in restuarant, or at laundry place. Some families know wht the girls do for it does not take Einstien to figure out the girl is sending more cash home that the positions pay. But the "politically" right thing to do is say you have a respectful job. And to make correctionas to what I am saying, Yes some are legitimate hotel, restaurant, laundry workers as well but it appeases the family by saying you are doing this whether its true or not.

04-26-09, 06:31
hi to all,

have to catch up with the reading here...so many informative posts :d

one of the recent highlights was the 60 birthday of hans, owner of swiss chalet. outstanding free buffet, german beer,wine, tiramisu gosh im getting hungry again. sex is no problem here for me, but really good food, thats what im missing :d
next day free food and lotterie in tropix. another cheap night for me again hehehe..
after that i went to agassya and i have to admit many pretty girls there and some koreans with glases as well. met a girl i know for some time. she dont barfine any more cause she worked in hk. well i get her number, who knows, maybe im lucky :d
went to atlantis and i was wondering if ever the ugly chicks get lucky there in terms of barfines and yes....they got lucky tonight. bunch of us marines or armee guys went over there and bought them drinks and went off with gurls i wouldnt consider a secound look. bravo guys!! your allways welcome here and that was a really good thing to do and if you will detect a weird rash at your butt, well, i can tell it aint a sunburn :d

btw i stayed at central park and they have now a really good internet connection. of course when im there all the speed is gone, cause one of my hobbies is downloading movies :d, but i tested it and i got download speed up to 3,5 mb which is very very good...

happy day to all


04-26-09, 06:33
Wow, I will be there Monday for 14 days and I have been wanting to try different hotels...every hotel that I checked with (PB, WO, ABC, LG...ect) are 100% full.

RobbWas at Euro Asia for 3 weeks. The rooms are nice(recent reno). The pool is excellent. The food however is terrible. But the manager has a western chef taking over May 1st.

Also do not take a room at the front of the bldg as its noisy as hell with the trikes screaming by at all hours.

04-26-09, 11:46
... I personally know plenty of girls who have met and married Americans and currently live in the USA. IT happens a lot more than one would imagine...


Really? They married bargirls? I can't believe it!



D Cups
04-26-09, 14:55
Asking for money In PI is the national pastime. I don’t like telling others what to do with their hard earned Pesos but I my advice is do not start sending money. It’s pointless and nothing good can come out of it. If you want a Filipina companion lot of women there with decent jobs. With the uneducated bar girls the sexual attraction will wane then what? Don't fall for it, man. All Third world women do this. I gave a Vietnamese busty beauty a whopping $200 US after she blew me like a trumpet and banged me several times in a week but it just fuels their fire for more. I could have had at least ten women for that over a longer period of time. And she keeps bugging me for more. I just ignore her now.

More recently I met a see cup cutie in AC (dances at ABC) and had a great, short time with her and exchanged emails. One of the first emails I got from her is "my mom needs an operation, can you send money. I love you". Yeah, right. Don't be a fool, man!

If I ever get serious with any third world girl she will have to meet these conditions:

1) Working as a RN or teacher or some other degreed professional.

2) No kids.

3) No relatives that are moochers like most of them are (a tall order, indeed!).

4) Not divorced (widows ok).

5) Stay there in their country so as not to become Americanized.

6) Big boobs (of course)!

Just enjoy it for what it is, man: a short-time business relationship, a socioeconomic reality and a fantasy that all real men have. Enjoy it but don't be stupid! It is still 10X better than getting involved with some American ***** who turns into a FAT ASS that will only take ALL your money, control you and give you lousy sex and only on rare occassions. I'm sure that any experienced monger will agree!

04-26-09, 16:06
I guess if your around long enough you see history repeating itself in the form of the same debate.

All warm and cuddly gf stuff aside, never forget the fundamental mission of these gals, steady income from as much suckers as possible.

It its axiomatic in mongering that this gal is running the same rap with a number of other guys.


Was in Angeles and Subic for 2 weeks last month; if interested will let you know some more details.

But anyhow barfined the first and last night a cutie from a bar in Fields, and exchanged email-contact-info.

After a few weeks that this girls is sending me emails on regular basis, without really talking; you know 'love you', 'do you love me', 'I am working or not that kind of smalltalk'. Now the question has been rised that she want's to go to samar to study again but has no money so she asks me for it. Which leaves me a bit dissapointed, because I guess she wants me to pay for her travelexpense to samar. Although we have been only 2 nights together and althougth I like her was not planning on marrying. What do you guys think. Is the asking for money a regular question or angeles- 'scam' that has also been tried with a lot of you guys?

Any input is welcomed.

04-26-09, 17:49
Really? They married bargirls? I can't believe it!


HesekielsI Know a couple of girls from Blow road that got married. You wouldn't believe the number of guys who come to the PI, first to meet/marry a girl they met online. But when they meet them in their provinces and the family face to face. Change their minds. Then go to AC. Still with that "I'm going to meet a fiancee" mentality. Bar fine a girls and falls in love with their sweet innocent act. Before you know it they are at the embassy getting the paper work for a fiancee' visa.

Blk Big Bootyluv
04-27-09, 01:21
South East Asia 2009

So, I am back home in the USA after having a very enjoyable 2 week vacation in Manila, Angeles City & Subic Bay, Philippines; Bangkok & Phuket, Thailand; I shall post the details of my trip in the appropriate threads. First and foremost let me thank all of my mongers for great information on the area my behavior when visiting these areas special thanks to my Philippines thread, Sorry for the delay. Now let’s begin with Angeles City, Philippines I began reading the threads in the Angeles forms about 2 months before my trip and was overrun with tons of information, subsequently turned out to be very accurate. I arrived in Angeles after my 18 hr flt and 1. 5 hr drive from Manila, where I was picked up my hotels taxi service. I was very tired but became rejuvenated when I saw all the pretty sexy pinays walking around near my hotel. My hotel in Angeles was the Swiss Chalet hotel. The Hotel was very very close to the action, turn 2 corners and you were there, unbelievable. The staff was very nice and accommodating. Any complaint I had was met with swift and careful attention. The Free Wifi is great for keeping current with friends, family, ISG etc. I recommend this hotel. I stayed 4 nights and spent about 180($US) or less, I believe it was slow season as well. Nevertheless, very nice hotel Room was average dated furniture but, for the price it was perfect. GF friendly and no funny looks when you return to your room with a friend, maybe even a little jealousy because the girl behind the counter wanted you; but, anyway. Everyone speaks English so it’s very easy to communicate and bargain. Usually, when I arrive in fresh mongering territory I like to scope the land and see the flow and talk to chicks to get a feel for the area. But, immediately I was welcome by these beautiful Asian chicks. I walked the Strip "Fields Avenue" for about 60 minutes, not because I was walking slowly but it was literally thousands of Girls pulling and trying to seduce me. So, I went into a few bars look around had a drink or 2 and moved on to the next. Good conversation I got introduced to the prices which ranged from 1200-5000($Pesos) depending on the bar and the girl. It was very refreshing after sitting in coach on JAL for 18 hrs. I continued hitting the bars on fields Ave enjoying the pinays from all over the PI I got a little lost and came across this tiny Pinay who was standing out front of what turned out to be a small bar with awesome talent in it. She was about 5 ft 100 lbs nice titts pretty feet, light skin, long dark hair down to her waist and light brown eyes. She stopped me grabbed my hand and told me how cute I was yada yada yada. Then told me 700(peso) for a blow job, by this time I was lost and figured she would know how to get back to my hotel. By now I was a little buzzed after all the drinks learning about the Fields action. Next, we walked right around the corner to the Swiss Chalet hotel, retrieved my room key from the front desk proceed to my room. She immediately got in the shower as I washed my balls in the sink quickly; ready to go now. LOL. I can clearly say, without question, this was the best blow job that I had my entire 2 week trip in the Asia and in about 3 to 5 years! I was shocked. She begin simply enough stroking me and licking my balls (BBBJ) then she engulfed my dick in her mouth and began heaving up and down on it twisting her hands and wrist in succinct motions which made me recoil in surprise, she had long nails and used them to tickle my balls while she is orally attacking my dick. She kept this rhythm, shockingly, without a breaking stride for about 30 mins! I was pulling her hair she was moaning, very into it. She was loved her job and Damn good at it. She stopped and asked me if I want to fuck now. Unable to speak I shook my head no and she went right back to work but this time I only had 2 minutes left in me. I shot right in her mouth and she still didn’t stop until I stopped coming. She then went to the bathroom to clean up then came back to bed rubbing me and kissing my chest until I was beginning to drift off into lala land. Then she took the pesos I left on the dresser for her and said good bye.

Day 2

I slept most of the day away recovering from the night before; until I got hungry then I was out and about for a snack. After eating I waited until nightfall to go back on the prowl for more great Filipina dick suckers. As I was walking down the fields ave. Strip I was drug inside a bar huge place with 20 girls outside and a couple hundred inside ready to go. I was hurried into a seat and promptly serviced with drinks and girls asking me the usual; where are you from, how old, how long you here etc. Then a nice looking chica on stage dancing (with about 50 other girls) she catches my eye and we both shyly begin to giggle as know she knows I’m interested after a couple of minutes the song changes and she comes to the table. She is very slim and sexy, nice breast with a pretty smile. But, to my surprise she didn’t speak a word of English. That created a problem as the spark we shared was immediately out. So back to the girl that was originally interviewing me (nice enough just not my type) she asked me what kind of girl did I want, I said I wanted to girls. I got some good advice from the man sitting at the table with me. He was wise and well experienced; he told me if you want to let the girl you like pick the other chick. I did. I got a great dick sucker and a good fucker (2 chicks). For 3000 pesos (including bar fine) they stayed with me for about 6 hrs fuck and suck the whole time, until I asked them to leave. The dick sucker was not as attractive as the good fucker but came with high recommendations. She was good with the deep throat action (BBBJ) but she ran from the cum though. The girls didn’t interact too much but they gave me plenty of attention. While one was fucking me the other would be licking my balls or kissing my chest rubbing my back when I doing all the work. The good fucker loved to kiss me in the mouth, I had to stop her don’t know where that thing has been. The wise man told me to tell the girl EXACTLY what I want before we even leave the club. NO surprises. In the past, for me mongering was like a box of cracker jacks; I just got what was in the box. You better believe this was a great experience armed with the new skill.

Day 3

Day three was easy, took the bus up to Subic for some beach time, didn’t see girl on the beach visited the Blue Ridge (or something like that) Hotel had a few drinks and conversations for a few hours. Not much going on there so I went back to Angeles. Later on that evening I went right back around the corner and got the little dicker to suck me again 700 (p). I was so turned on from the last time with her I had to fuck her. She started blowing me 5 minutes into it I put the condom on a fucked her good. She was loud and into it. She was moaning and pinching me kissing my neck telling me to fuck her and fuck her, I tried my best not to come to fast. I lied down and pulled the condom off after about 30 minutes of rearranging her inside and told her to blow me she smiled as if being rewarded and went to work blowing me for 10 or so minutes, tickling my balls with her long nails, Unbelievable. I had to wake up early the next morning because; I was going to Bangkok so she waited till I was falling asleep to leave. I wish I could have put her in my pocket for the rest of the trip. I woke up in the wee hours of the morning to go to manila to catch my flt to Bangkok on the terrible Philippine airlines. Please see my Bangkok thread on that adventure.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-27-09, 02:36
Just enjoy it for what it is, man: a short-time business relationship, a socioeconomic reality and a fantasy that all real men have. Enjoy it but don't be stupid! It is still 10X better than getting involved with some American ***** who turns into a FAT ASS that will only take ALL your money, control you and give you lousy sex and only on rare occassions. I'm sure that any experienced monger will agree! Well I prefer small-boobed girls but otherwise you hit the nail on the head D Cups. Like others that have been mongering for 15+ years, you learn nothing ever really comes out of sending a bar girl your hard-earned money. Somehow it always looked to me like sending alimony.

I know what I like in a girl (and it's mostly attitude). I'll settle for a less stunning girl to get one that I hope will give me a nice time in bed. It doesn't even have to be a great gfe. Just something other than mechanical sex.

I'm here in AC and other than the rain last night, I had a great time. Lollipop seemed to have a better selection of girls than the last time I was here ybgvmv (your beer-goggle vision may vary). I had just got in so was pretty tired. Decided I was waning fast so ended up with a short-time.

Take care

04-27-09, 10:52

Anyone heard of this place called cold drop? Food is good. What about the gals. Look like waitresses. Anyone ever bar fine them before?


04-27-09, 11:09
Only five more days here, then I have to wait for six months!
I still hate you!

Less than 48hrs............. You know what I mean?
:D :p :D

04-27-09, 12:44
Less than 48hrs............. You know what I mean?
:D :p :D

Yes I do unfortunately.

*grinds teeth*

Although I am going to spend a couple of weeks in Thailand late June, if that helps. :p

I suppose it would be redundant to tell you to enjoy yourself!

Big Johnson2
04-29-09, 01:28
In AC it seems like all of the girls are from Samar, Leyte, Cavite and other poor Manila locations? Where do girls from all the other islands go to work? Or are these the only poor islands/locations? Are the girls in Manila and Cebu from these same places or from other islands?

I was in a few other smaller cities and the selection of BGs was poor, many didn't speak English, and they charged 2500P (Tacloban). Are there any other good cities for BGs that any of you would recommend besides AC, Manila, or Cebu City?

I know this post could go in several forums, but hopefully some of you travelers know the answer to this. Thanks for the info!

04-29-09, 02:19
Anyone heard of this place called cold drop? Food is good. What about the gals. Look like waitresses. Anyone ever bar fine them before?Cold Drop is pretty much a local hangout -- few tourists becauses of the location. The girls have always been friendly but I haven't ever found one of interest to me. But who knows, hang out there and you might find the occasional gem. That's the beauty of the off-the-beaten-track places in AC.

04-29-09, 12:22
In AC it seems like all of the girls are from Samar, Leyte, Cavite and other poor Manila locations?Hey BJ2, many have claimed to me to be from various other island provinces. Who can know where they are really from? I dont think you can believe most of what you are told by BG's.

I was in a few other smaller cities and the selection of BGs was poor, many didn't speak English, and they charged 2500P (Tacloban). Are there any other good cities for BGs that any of you would recommend besides AC, Manila, or Cebu City?Nah, outside of those places I would change tack & bed freelancers & husband hunters via internet dating sites or casual opportunism onsite.

Cheers mate!

Darth Sushi
04-29-09, 13:10

Anyone heard of this place called cold drop? Food is good. What about the gals. Look like waitresses. Anyone ever bar fine them before?

ThanksCold drop used to send bar girls to deliver food. If you like what you see, you can (cough) get anchovies with your delivery. :D But I haven't been there in 2 years because it's way up in Korea town (Friendship).

04-29-09, 16:50
I suppose it would be redundant to tell you to enjoy yourself!
Touchdown DMIA 12 hrs ago. :D
Indeed, it is redundant. :p

White Whale
04-29-09, 17:56
Take a look at this website: http://tomrich.sakura.ne.jp/ I'm sure it gonna help you a lot.


I found another useful link that is IMHO more convienent to use:

04-30-09, 01:20
I found another useful link that is IMHO more convienent to use:

Thanks for great user friendly map. Just spent 2 hours using it. Great how you can click a name and it brings up info. Am planning another trip to Pattaya (just finished up 3 months) and wanted to try Phillipines for a week or so break during my next stay in Pattaya. Just getting to go through all the threads. If any one wants to drop me a quick and dirt IM about ideas to check out it would be greatly appreciated. Would really help me figure out best things to do.

04-30-09, 04:38
In AC it seems like all of the girls are from Samar, Leyte, Cavite and other poor Manila locations? Where do girls from all the other islands go to work? Or are these the only poor islands/locations? Are the girls in Manila and Cebu from these same places or from other islands?

I was in a few other smaller cities and the selection of BGs was poor, many didn't speak English, and they charged 2500P (Tacloban). Are there any other good cities for BGs that any of you would recommend besides AC, Manila, or Cebu City?

I know this post could go in several forums, but hopefully some of you travelers know the answer to this. Thanks for the info!Most bargirls do not work in the cities where they grew up. They get far enough away from their families so they can be buck wild without the neighbors, etc knowing. Occasionally you may find an AC bargirl that grew up in AC, but most would go to Manila to work in a bar. The mamasans also "recruit" out of certain areas so you see more girls from Samar, etc. The only place I would add to your list would be Subic. "Bargirls" exist in most decent sized cities in the Phils in some form, but things are generally not as out in the open as you will see in AC, Manila, etc I. E the places may be more like Santos St than Atlantis.

Corner Pocket
04-30-09, 21:43
Thanks to all experienced members who took the time to react to my question.
The reactions/answers are clearly in the same direction, so message understood, and you guys save me money anyhow.

I already was thinking that supporting a good cause (in the Philippines or elsewere) would eventually be a better idea with less hassle than simply sending money to a girl with whom chances are big that she will start asking more funds every time. I would feel better in the long run anyhow.

It sure was a nice girl, but... so are some others...

As for the origin of the girls, i had the impression that Samar ranks number one, but indeed other girls come from less known places...like already being said: the girls tell you a lot but what is true and what not is sometimes a thin line & we have to live with that.

Overall, what they say is less important than what they do or can do.


Big Johnson2
05-01-09, 06:09
If a girl becomes your GF and leaves the bar and goes back to her island to live, What is a reasonable amount of money to send to support her? How much more if they have a baby?

Mr Hawaii
05-01-09, 07:46
If a girl becomes your GF and leaves the bar and goes back to her island to live, What is a reasonable amount of money to send to support her? How much more if they have a baby?

How much would a girl with a job in a dept. store make? In Manila, approx. 300p a day. Less in the provinces, maybe a little more in some stores. If they work 6 days a week = 1800pesos x 4 weeks = 7200pesos a month, minus taxes..I know they take out taxes. Anyway..that is about $150usd a month; with OT, $200 a month. How much can she make in a bar??? Figure 2 barfines a week..= whatever. The point is, she isn't in the bar anymore, and plenty of girls are making it on their 150-200 a month. There is an idea of where to start. Others will have more and different ideas.

05-01-09, 08:25
How much would a girl with a job in a dept. store make? In Manila, approx. 300p a day. Less in the provinces, maybe a little more in some stores. If they work 6 days a week = 1800pesos x 4 weeks = 7200pesos a month, minus taxes..I know they take out taxes. Anyway..that is about $150usd a month; with OT, $200 a month. How much can she make in a bar??? Figure 2 barfines a week..= whatever. The point is, she isn't in the bar anymore, and plenty of girls are making it on their 150-200 a month. There is an idea of where to start. Others will have more and different ideas.

Its more like 200 pesos a day, no overtime. Less than $100usd a month.

05-01-09, 08:26
If a girl becomes your GF and leaves the bar and goes back to her island to live, What is a reasonable amount of money to send to support her? How much more if they have a baby?

$50 a month would be fine, but I doubt she will be in province for long.

05-01-09, 08:48
$50 a month would be fine, but I doubt she will be in province for long.

You forgot the additional expenses of Mother, father and the 5 siblings and 50 other relatives that will cue up.

Best of luck!

Big Johnson2
05-01-09, 10:29
How much do you estimate for food per day?

Thank you for going through the calculations. I think the $200 a day is the best for keeping her in the province. $50 she'd be back in a second. I think the real problem is the family realizes she has a foreign man so he should pay for everything, just like they didn't mind her paying for everything by boom booming in AC. I don't see family doing anything to make a little extra money. There is a lot of laziness in the Philippines. Just let someone else support you.

05-01-09, 11:58
How much do you estimate for food per day?

Thank you for going through the calculations. I think the $200 a day is the best for keeping her in the province. $50 she'd be back in a second. I think the real problem is the family realizes she has a foreign man so he should pay for everything, just like they didn't mind her paying for everything by boom booming in AC. I don't see family doing anything to make a little extra money. There is a lot of laziness in the Philippines. Just let someone else support you.The average wage there is 200 pesos a day. The big problem is the family. Once they realize she has a supporter, they will ask her to pay for even more of the family expenses, doctor fees, it never ends.

Then of course the local Filipino guys will flock to her. Most wind up with pino boyfriends. I hope you don't think a beautiful girl with money back in a super poor province isn't going to attract guys.

05-01-09, 12:12
If a girl becomes your GF and leaves the bar and goes back to her island to live, What is a reasonable amount of money to send to support her? How much more if they have a baby?I think getting a girl out of the bar is just bad. I mean WTF, we all want good pussy in the bars when we visit and there are dumb fucks that want to pay them to go home and fuck there boyfriends back home. Now if you want to get her a green card and bring here to the USA, I am all for that. Then at least I might get to fuck her too.

Punter 127
05-01-09, 14:18
If a girl becomes your GF and leaves the bar and goes back to her island to live, What is a reasonable amount of money to send to support her? How much more if they have a baby?
I would agree it’s more like 200p a day. Now I don’t have any experience with bar girls in Angeles, but I have a GF in Cebu who is working in a massage place (sorry no happy endings here) and averaging less that 5000p a month in commissions. I have suggested to her that perhaps later this year when I move to the RP she should quit her job and live with me, and I would give her a 5000p per month allowance, all indication are she is going to jump at that offer.

It may very well be different for a bar girl, it just depends on how long she’s been working the bar and how much she has been averaging a month. I suspect most of them would like to leave the bar, but not if it means less money for them and their families.

This is just IMHO and YMMV.

05-01-09, 15:20
"I suspect most of them would like to leave the bar, but not if it means less money for them and their families. " Punter 127

I think your right that most girls want to get out of the bar. However, its like a bad habit for them and its hard to break once you get used to it. Lot of these girls are also unskilled and find that working is there only asset they have to support whatever thaey are supporting whether be Family or kid.

05-01-09, 17:52
If a girl becomes your GF and leaves the bar and goes back to her island to live, What is a reasonable amount of money to send to support her? How much more if they have a baby?

Big Johnson2:

just one tiny little remark: what makes you certain that she really leaves the bar towards her island when your vacations are over? Keep in mind: her basic salery in AC, new barfines, some drinks PLUS your 100 bucks make her a high-income earner in the Philippines! As rumor has it some guys were fooled in a way like that! :) So, better think about it twice!



05-01-09, 18:00
... I think the $200 a day ...

??? I hope just a typo!



Big Johnson2
05-02-09, 03:00
I heard from several girls that they went to AC for the chance to meet a foreigner, because they could make more money in Manila with the higher bar fines. I also think most girls would quit if they had the chance and some money.

Thanks to everyone for your advice. It is $200 a month. My idea is that I plan to live with her 50% of the time in the Philippines, so I know what she is doing when I am there. Also she does not like Filipino guys. She and other girls can earn 10 times more as a bar girl than working in a store, etc. I am very cautious. If she ever went near a bar again we would be immediately through.

It would be nice if some of you guys that live or go to AC could check on other guys GFs to see what they are doing or are they back in AC. I recently checked on a friends GF, who was suppose to be an innocent girl. He met her the day she started working. When I saw her 5 months later, she was shit faced drunk and grabbed my balls and then proceeded over to her customer to make out and hang all over him until she was bar fined. My friend left her alone after this. I think us guys should help each other out.

05-02-09, 04:02
I heard from several girls that they went to AC for the chance to meet a foreigner, because they could make more money in Manila with the higher bar fines. I also think most girls would quit if they had the chance and some money.

Thanks to everyone for your advice. It is $200 a month. My idea is that I plan to live with her 50% of the time in the Philippines, so I know what she is doing when I am there. Also she does not like Filipino guys. She and other girls can earn 10 times more as a bar girl than working in a store, etc. I am very cautious. If she ever went near a bar again we would be immediately through.

It would be nice if some of you guys that live or go to AC could check on other guys GFs to see what they are doing or are they back in AC. I recently checked on a friends GF, who was suppose to be an innocent girl. He met her the day she started working. When I saw her 5 months later, she was shit faced drunk and grabbed my balls and then proceeded over to her customer to make out and hang all over him until she was bar fined. My friend left her alone after this. I think us guys should help each other out.

BJ for a tourist this would probably not be a problem but for expat such as myself and others on the board spying on these girls could be “potentially” very dangerous. If word got back that a guy was spying/ratted them out and he lived in AC or around Manila he could easily be located and “dealt with” for destroying a source of income (you or another overseas foreign support.)

I am not just talking out of my ass. I used to support a girl (non-bar girl type, but that is irrelevant because the lines are blurred in this country) about 5 years ago. No set money amount just sent what I could no more than $200 at a time. While I don’t think she was cheating when I got tired of her, her family did everything in their power to keep the money coming even telling me she had been in serious accident….when I didn’t bite they told me she was about to commit suicide. When that didn’t work they gave up. She is now married pregnant and bare foot and living in New York. She still contacts me from time to time and said she only lied to me from pressure from her family….Yeah whatever.

For me this support from aboard thing is foolish. Plenty of Filipinas with jobs who can take care of themselves. Met a Filipino a couple of weeks ago who wife was in the States earning $10,000 a month. I don’t know why you “handsome men” settle for less….

Darth Sushi
05-02-09, 04:19
It is $200 a month.
Try starting at $100...Eventually, she's going to ask for more or at least she'll be coached to ask for more!

Good luck

Spam Hog
05-02-09, 05:58
I heard from several girls that they went to AC for the chance to meet a foreigner, because they could make more money in Manila with the higher bar fines. I also think most girls would quit if they had the chance and some money.

Thanks to everyone for your advice. It is $200 a month. My idea is that I plan to live with her 50% of the time in the Philippines, so I know what she is doing when I am there. Also she does not like Filipino guys. She and other girls can earn 10 times more as a bar girl than working in a store, etc. I am very cautious. If she ever went near a bar again we would be immediately through.

It would be nice if some of you guys that live or go to AC could check on other guys GFs to see what they are doing or are they back in AC. I recently checked on a friends GF, who was suppose to be an innocent girl. He met her the day she started working. When I saw her 5 months later, she was shit faced drunk and grabbed my balls and then proceeded over to her customer to make out and hang all over him until she was bar fined. My friend left her alone after this. I think us guys should help each other out.

BJ I answered you on another thread, I would use the P10 to P12K a month
benchmark. That is what I used to pay my part time mistresses in Davao and CDO many years ago. (they were not bar girls) That didn't include cell phones and occasional gifts. I was back and forth to work in Singapore and points Middle East would come back in the Phils for a few weeks or a few months and stay with one or the other in hotels, or rentals, sounds like what you are doing????

Most Rich filipino's who keep mistresses pay around this amount. Foreigners get tagged a little more coz that is just how it is. Now for some horror stories, all involving foreigners.

Guy in CDO is keeping this gal he met in a bar, shelling out P25K a month plus extra's....she is living with and poking her filipino boyfriend(s) and throwing parties with the money while he is working his ass off in the US trying to support her.

Guy pulls this 18 YO out of a bar in Angeles, sets her up in a place in Davao, after paying her airfare pays the rent for three months in advance, pays the bar more than 20K, buys her a cell phone, gives her a monthly stipend of about P15,000. Guy Hires me to keep an eye on her, in one week she banged not only a shabu head jeepney driver(her supplier) but her former boyfirend. Plus she was working the internet.

Japanese fellow is paying a former BG's way, shelling out P40K a month In Davao, nice house, she is screwing everybody she can, working the internet from her house and putting on boob shows and lining up customers.

Recent horror story, two houses down in CEbu....foreigner who works in an out of the Philippines married a bar girl from some trashy Videoky, she was the lowest of the low, a "Ship hopper' (akyat barko) guy sets her up in a P4 million house, I don't know hoe much he pays a month but her entire family lives there. Place is like a revolving door for Filipino guys getting laid while Mr. Dumb ass white guy is away. Rumor has it she is also working the internet.

Her business and exploits is the scandal of the entire neighborhood.

As an old wise Master Sargeant told me long ago in a dirty ass Quonset hut in region three in Vietnam between puffs of his cigar....."Kid, you can always
take the girl out of the bar, but you can NEVER take the bar out of the girl"

Virtually very bar girl romance I have ever seen over the last 40 years in Vietnam, Thailand and the Phils, has proven this true.


05-02-09, 10:14
And all you can do in the end is shake your head and feel sorry for the guys who will tell you: "I know all the stories, but believe me, this one is different." Citing stories just doesn't work, and neither does proffering advice, these guys are just gonna do what they're gonna do regardless.


05-02-09, 11:45
Never forget!
Your last shirt doesn't have pockets.

So in case someone hasn't kids to support, what to do with all your money if you get older?
Burn it away! Or do you want to leave it for a NGO???

I spent my money for girls and beer,
the rest I simply wasted! :D

Greetings from AC!

Blk Big Bootyluv
05-02-09, 18:06
Thank you much for the sat map.

I found another useful link that is IMHO more convienent to use:

Corner Pocket
05-03-09, 20:46
As for the earnings of the Filipinas, I am no expert, have been in Angeles only once, in March latest, but from several girls I heard 150 pesos as being the amount for a days pay. And this means as well bargirls, as hotel and servingstaff in restaurants.

Of course the bargirls will have their occasional or regular barfines, but for the rest they all rely on tips from clients.

Also we like to think that Angeles is very cheap (and of course that is true) but for a Filipino/Filipina it is expensive and they pay way less than we for everything. So therefore I find before mentioned amounts on the high side. But suppose they will not complain at receiving 10K Pesos or more.

05-07-09, 01:12

I'll be camped in AC from May 10th for about 2 weeks - would be good to hook up with a few BM for a bar hop or 2

Africa Lover
05-07-09, 21:32
Hi all,

Anybody of you guys heard about a policy in AC? A policy which says that the bargirl need minimum 15 ladydrinks before she can get barfined?

I think thats boulaboula.

Ruff Rider
05-08-09, 10:09
Hi all,

Anybody of you guys heard about a policy in AC? A policy which says that the bargirl need minimum 15 ladydrinks before she can get barfined?

I think thats boulaboula.I've popped into the Doll House for less than 5 minutes with 0 drinks bought and barfined a girl. Seems like an attempt for the girl to say no thanks, or for the bar to squeeze you for extra drinks.

I have a question for the forum. Has anyone been to Camelot or Lancelot (whichever is across the street from the Doll House, I can never remember) I met a waitress named Jenny. 21, thin, Angelic face, silky soft skin and hair. Bought her a few drinks and had great conversation, but she would not budge on going out for the night. I didn't try using high somes of money to convince her, does anyone know if that would have done the trick? I'll be back in AC in a few weeks so any info would be appreciated. Thanks.


05-08-09, 11:31
Hi all,

Anybody of you guys heard about a policy in AC? A policy which says that the bargirl need minimum 15 ladydrinks before she can get barfined?

I think thats boulaboula.LOL.

Yes it is BS.

05-09-09, 00:27
That is definitely BS.

The closest was at Typhoon, I had to buy about 13 LD to take the waitress home but I did not have to pay any BF and the 13 LD was equivalent to BF for a girl.

Hi all,

Anybody of you guys heard about a policy in AC? A policy which says that the bargirl need minimum 15 ladydrinks before she can get barfined?

I think thats boulaboula.

05-09-09, 01:22
Does anyone out there know more information about the gorgeous, drop dead hot and sexy, bellgirl at the Lewis Grande. She is the one that is always at the front door and often wears a long white coat. Has anyone on here ever "done" her? What is her name? Any photos? Anything about her. I have been lusting for her over the past two months and find her incredibly sexy.

05-09-09, 04:49
Hi all,

Anybody of you guys heard about a policy in AC? A policy which says that the bargirl need minimum 15 ladydrinks before she can get barfined?

I think thats boulaboulaOfficially, BF does not exist, its called an Early Work Release (EWR) and officially that does not exist either. As their receipts might get checked, a number of bars write it up as a large number of drinks 10 to 15 as suggested. Its all the same as a BF, just a wink and nod as to how the paperwork reads. Some bars won't even acknowledge a BF unless they know you. Some seem to do whatever they want, but the drink thing is generally not a scam if the girl is coming with you, same same.



05-09-09, 04:59
I've popped into the Doll House for less than 5 minutes with 0 drinks bought and barfined a girl. Seems like an attempt for the girl to say no thanks, or for the bar to squeeze you for extra drinks.

I have a question for the forum. Has anyone been to Camelot or Lancelot (whichever is across the street from the Doll House, I can never remember) I met a waitress named Jenny. 21, thin, Angelic face, silky soft skin and hair. Bought her a few drinks and had great conversation, but she would not budge on going out for the night. I didn't try using high somes of money to convince her, does anyone know if that would have done the trick? I'll be back in AC in a few weeks so any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

RRIts nothing. Maybe she has mens, maybe she has a western boyfriend who lets her work but she does not go out with customers, maybe she did not like you, maybe she is a lesbian, maybe she wanted more money, maybe she was waiting for someone, maybe she is new and has not started going out yet, maybe she will next time you visit. A waitress is more likely to say no, although most waitress will say yes. Its nothing. Find another, there is no shortage and you are the man. Rejection is an opportunity to get something better. You really need the story, ask the mamason, she will give one, true or not. Have fun.



05-09-09, 05:12
Hi all,

Anybody of you guys heard about a policy in AC? A policy which says that the bargirl need minimum 15 ladydrinks before she can get barfined?

I think thats boulaboula.Some times when they have had a bust recently or feeling heat from LE. Instead of saying they Bar Fine. They will say pay for a certain number of drinks. (so they can say they don't bar fine), the girl is just meeting her drink quota for a day which allows them to go home.

I have talked to waitress that say when they get a certain number of LDs the bar lets them go home. The number usual equates to a Bar fine.

05-09-09, 05:19
Completed a fast pass through AC over the weekend. Most of the bars were packed with girls, and quite a few customers, although the customers were not overwhelming. Still 10 girls to the guy.

Blue Nile Executive club is a nice little place, a couple of lookers, seems popular with the Asians. Blue Nile (on the ground floor) was packed with girls on Friday night, a number of good looking ones. Staff was friendly and service was very good. I guess it was the bar manager, put on quite a show for the guests with the girls.

Golden Nile Executive, had an interesting Dance show, must have brought in professional dancers. Other than the dancers, did not see anything I liked. Dancers had some great outfits, certainly have decided on the new company uniform.

Went to Crystal Palace for the second time. Like this bar, maybe because I was hungry and they serve popcorn. Also had a good dance group and were a couple of girls I would have liked to take, but was occupied.

On to Typhoon, small bar, nothing to my interest here, but they had a good crowd, so some must like it.

Someone is building a whole complex of bars at the end of fields by the McDonalds. Say its going to be open sometime this summer. Yes we need more bars!

Have fun



05-09-09, 09:05
She's cute eh. Maybe I'll have a go at her next time I'm there.
I think you are referring to Rain (not sure of the spelling).

Then there is also Sherrie (I think or sounds like it). She use to be the porter (wearing that funny classic porter hat). She is now working at the bar/restaurant. A part time student. I joked about BF her...ha ha ha. I think I might have a shot if I tried.

I always tip them, about p20-p50 for my carrying my bags depending on how much loose change I have when I land. And about 10% of my restaurant bill.

There was just too many girls in AC and too little time.

Does anyone out there know more information about the gorgeous, drop dead hot and sexy, bellgirl at the Lewis Grande. She is the one that is always at the front door and often wears a long white coat. Has anyone on here ever "done" her? What is her name? Any photos? Anything about her. I have been lusting for her over the past two months and find her incredibly sexy.

05-09-09, 10:12
...i always tip them, about p20-p50 for my carrying my bags depending on how much loose change i have when i land. and about 10% of my restaurant bill...

great! you are really a gentleman! :)



05-10-09, 12:29
I have a question for the forum. Has anyone been to Camelot or Lancelot (whichever is across the street from the Doll House, I can never remember) I met a waitress named Jenny. 21, thin, Angelic face, silky soft skin and hair. Bought her a few drinks and had great conversation, but she would not budge on going out for the night. I didn't try using high somes of money to convince her, does anyone know if that would have done the trick? I'll be back in AC in a few weeks so any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

RRIs she wearing white shirt (new waitresses uniform)? And sexy platform sandals? If yes, I know what you are talking about. Drop dead gorgeous and agelic. Are you weraring glasses? There was a dude taking her for LDs in front of me, two days in a row around 7.8 PM. Its great if she is more choosy!

Ruff Rider
05-11-09, 00:04
Yes, that sounds like her. Matius id right though, there are too many fish in the sea to worry about here. She is a cutie though.

Is she wearing white shirt (new waitresses uniform)? And sexy platform sandals? If yes, I know what you are talking about. Drop dead gorgeous and agelic. Are you weraring glasses? There was a dude taking her for LDs in front of me, two days in a row around 7.8 PM. Its great if she is more choosy!

05-12-09, 02:39
BJ I answered you on another thread, I would use the P10 to P12K a month
benchmark. That is what I used to pay my part time mistresses in Davao and CDO many years ago. (they were not bar girls) That didn't include cell phones and occasional gifts. I was back and forth to work in Singapore and points Middle East would come back in the Phils for a few weeks or a few months and stay with one or the other in hotels, or rentals, sounds like what you are doing????

Most Rich filipino's who keep mistresses pay around this amount. Foreigners get tagged a little more coz that is just how it is. Now for some horror stories, all involving foreigners.

Guy in CDO is keeping this gal he met in a bar, shelling out P25K a month plus extra's....she is living with and poking her filipino boyfriend(s) and throwing parties with the money while he is working his ass off in the US trying to support her.

Guy pulls this 18 YO out of a bar in Angeles, sets her up in a place in Davao, after paying her airfare pays the rent for three months in advance, pays the bar more than 20K, buys her a cell phone, gives her a monthly stipend of about P15,000. Guy Hires me to keep an eye on her, in one week she banged not only a shabu head jeepney driver(her supplier) but her former boyfirend. Plus she was working the internet.

Japanese fellow is paying a former BG's way, shelling out P40K a month In Davao, nice house, she is screwing everybody she can, working the internet from her house and putting on boob shows and lining up customers.

Recent horror story, two houses down in CEbu....foreigner who works in an out of the Philippines married a bar girl from some trashy Videoky, she was the lowest of the low, a "Ship hopper' (akyat barko) guy sets her up in a P4 million house, I don't know hoe much he pays a month but her entire family lives there. Place is like a revolving door for Filipino guys getting laid while Mr. Dumb ass white guy is away. Rumor has it she is also working the internet.

Her business and exploits is the scandal of the entire neighborhood.

As an old wise Master Sargeant told me long ago in a dirty ass Quonset hut in region three in Vietnam between puffs of his cigar....."Kid, you can always
take the girl out of the bar, but you can NEVER take the bar out of the girl"

Virtually very bar girl romance I have ever seen over the last 40 years in Vietnam, Thailand and the Phils, has proven this true.

Living here in Angeles and getting to know some of the girls in the bars is quite an eye opener.
They will openly talk about some dumb as foreign guy and how much money he gives her as well as the other guys she has on the line too.
The best one was the other day which the girl told of her latest romance with a first time guy, here in Angeles.
He spent lots of peso on her, confessed his love for her while crying his eyes out at the airport as he left.
She was laughing and told me listen, "its not in my head, nor my heart, but whats in my hand"..meaning money. Tough pro.
Another recent event is of a girl taken to Austrailia and set up for life, only to leave and be back in the bar last sunday after a few month vacation. Her reasoniing was that she got bored.
Now I am sure that the odd girl is happy to have a new life out of the bar, but be on guard.
If you want a filipina for a partner there are plenty of quality ladies, if you are prepared to put in some time. But its is doubtful you will find her in the bar.

05-12-09, 18:23
I know a filipina, a former entertainer in Japan. She had a Japanese boyfriend who supported her every month. Meet a Frenchman and got married. That was some 5 years ago or more and yet she still recieves monies from the poor Japanese guy every month.

Paul Peters
05-12-09, 22:34
Anyone got information/photos of the hot bar girls there?

I heard from friends that place is wild and with invited PInay girls, you can anything on the boat.

Living here in Angeles and getting to know some of the girls in the bars is quite an eye opener.

They will openly talk about some dumb as foreign guy and how much money he gives her as well as the other guys she has on the line too.

The best one was the other day which the girl told of her latest romance with a first time guy, here in Angeles.

He spent lots of peso on her, confessed his love for her while crying his eyes out at the airport as he left.

She was laughing and told me listen, "its not in my head, nor my heart, but whats in my hand"..meaning money. Tough pro.

Another recent event is of a girl taken to Austrailia and set up for life, only to leave and be back in the bar last sunday after a few month vacation. Her reasoniing was that she got bored.

Now I am sure that the odd girl is happy to have a new life out of the bar, but be on guard.

If you want a filipina for a partner there are plenty of quality ladies, if you are prepared to put in some time. But its is doubtful you will find her in the bar.

05-13-09, 05:03
But its is doubtful you will find her in the bar.After 5 years and 30 visits. This is gospel. The lastest example for me was last Sunday. I went to Camelot about 8pm. Saw a real beauty and bought her a LD. Bought her cousin a LD too.

After the usual questions I asked to BarFine her. She gave me the 'I only go short time and I just started my mens today. But I will give you a BJ and you have to BF my cousin too. I will watch you boom boom her'.

I was tempted but declined. Cousin was not that hot.

So Tuesday morning I see her at breakkast with a guy at my hotel. We both made eye contact and she laughed. Then I see her again on Wednesday morning with the same guy.

A waitress friend told me that guy is her Boy Friend who arrived a couple of days ago.

Poor SOB. Probabaly thinks she only get LD's or goes bar hopping.

05-15-09, 19:28
i just returned from my recent trip to the philippines. please see the second part later in manila section. as always i would like to thank all contributing board members who helped to make my trip memorable. i try to interview girls and report what i have been told by them. there are at least two exchange booths at the mnl airport with decent rates. if you are to be picked up you have to cross to the parking lot as it seems that drivers are not allowed to a pick up zone which is marked a to z. i arrived late at night and decided to go straight to ac. there was no traffic and i arrived very fast, less than one hour and a half.

i stayed at the lewis grand hotel and would definitely recommend it to anyone on his or her stay in ac. please book in advance. the staff is very friendly. the hotel is located half way between fields and perimeter 10-15 minutes walk or 1-2 minutes on trike in each direction. you may like its sunday rain or shine pool party. how about dozens of golden nile topless girls joining you at the pool? i won’t tell you about the contests, you have to see them yourselves.

anyway, why bother going to philippines? because it’s fun. honestly, it is one of the best places for fun, finding fresh talent, gfe and maybe a wife if you are seriously considering this step. i don’t think philippines are comparable to latin america. it is comparable though to thailand and in my opinion it wins over thailand. english is widely spoken. foreign nationals get better acceptance. there are less cultural and religious differences. the services are not expensive. there are fewer tourists, 10:1 less than in thailand. i do find girls prettier most with smooth silky jet black hair. dollhouse is one of the best show places. spotlight dancers sporting black boots and green tags are considered beauties if they were whiter and taller than their peers. i met one dancing eighteen years old cutie who was out of line with her father australian and her mother philippine. she was only three days at the walk selling lady drinks. sometimes i heard an inferiority complex tirade like “u no like me i monkey face” and obviously i replied “no honey i like you. you’ve got a great smile”

i used abc hotel atm. it charges only 10 peso extra fee but there is always security around and it works both on visa and mc.

on dining i followed the swiss chalet referral and do recommend it. breakfast from 7 am and dinner from 4 pm. other options are sm mall from 10 am with a variety of fast food.

on one night i met g. a nice shy farm fresh girl who after being properly warmed up attempted to mount me later without a hood. cuddling with her gave me almost an [CodeWord130] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord130) feeling.

later on came a. with me being her third man after an eloping one night stand boyfriend and pinkie sized korean. she moaned softly telling me it hurts a little. she had magical hair down to her waist like a cascade during the darkest night. oral sex and masturbation were as no-no to her as sleeping in a night gown for me.

one of the things that i liked in ac is that waitresses are bar finable. so if you like one then just ask her if she on occasion entertains clients beyond the establishment. if yes then buy her a drink or better book her for a st for the next afternoon at your hotel for an hour of swedish or shiatsu massage with a promise of being a gentleman and proper remuneration, which translates into “now let me fuck this cute dancer and how about a quickie with you tomorrow?” it is easier to interact with a waitress and i met one l. who squalled later in bed as if she has not been fucked for a generation.

on my last day i met j. a real gem with an incredible smile and the best oyster i have ever tasted in the south east asia. a great kisser i would have definitely kept her.

i used to ask every girl that i liked if she was a cherry girl, had her period or had other problems that would not make me happy and if she said “no” then i talked to her asking the waitress to give me some space with the girl. now, if your girl lies then ask for mamasan and politely request to not paying for your cheating girl drinks. the premise is why would you like to be entertained by immature girl? if she is a cherry girl she is immature in my opinion and should sell flowers outside. why would you like to be seen in her company? if she has period she has to be on her short term sick leave. so be upfront with girls and don’t be afraid of losing face by refusing to pay a cheat or for a promise not rendered. in ac it seems it is almost a guarantee one would meet a cheat and drop an hour and a couple of lady drinks to only discover later than a lady would not take a ride with you. just be ready to move on to the other bar.

if you plan to go to subic then there is a 500 peso shuttle from brass knob at 9 am. if you return later during the day you may take a trike to the main road then 12 peso jeepney to victory lane bus station in olangapo and 130 peso bus to dau and a trike to your place. blue rock hotel probably is the place to stay. seat near the beach, enjoy your lunch and beer and pay a visit to swearing tommo’s floating bar. girls tell me a cute 27 years old waitress there is still a cherry.

if you look for half price beer, a 2 to 6 pm chat with your buddy or want to pay a visit to a local art shop then try perimeter bars, like silly hat or wee george’s.

on a sad note certain things in ac are quite bad and ugly like pollution, beggars, annoying viagra vendors present even through a typhoon night hours, lack of decent cup of coffee in bars, virtually no local tourism unless you come in a company of 3-4 friends and plan to rent a van. actually, ac has numerous attributes of a dump with zero chances to bump into your corporate hr manager.

girls live in very crowded conditions. if you ask a girl about her cropped hair and she tells you that it was “an accident” then you know it was likely lice. so get familiar with permethrin as you might need it. i asked one of the girls how did she loose her cherry and she told me that a local police officer raped her and threatened her not to tell anyone.

thanks to guido of eager beaver and honey pot for his generous hospitality.
thanks to bob, steve and lewis for an awesome lgh pool party.
thanks to raspberry cruiser vodka for making girls lips fiery red.
thanks to camelot, eager beaver, insomnia, lancelot, la pasha, crystal palace and bunny ranch where i found my bar fines (and yes, i was actually served ten drinks in one of them!)
thanks to all of you whom i have met on this trip.

05-15-09, 20:08
I know a filipina, a former entertainer in Japan. She had a Japanese boyfriend who supported her every month. Meet a Frenchman and got married. That was some 5 years ago or more and yet she still recieves monies from the poor Japanese guy every month.

why poor Japanese guy? He must be rich and a little stupid as well! :)



05-15-09, 20:29
I used ABC Hotel ATM. It charges only 10 peso extra fee but there is always security around and it works both on VISA and MC.

However it does not work on Cirrus cards. For that go to SM Mall, opposite ABC on the other side of the fence.

Thanks to Camelot, Eager Beaver, Insomnia, Lancelot, La Pasha, Crystal Palace and Bunny Ranch where I found my bar fines

You better not have done my true love at Crystal Palace! Or the shy aspiring computer science student at Camelot! ;-)

05-16-09, 03:16
Writing from AC. The bars are unusually crowded and each bar is overflowing with girls. There seems to be a fresh supply of young farm girls. Very shy and still not matured. One even wanted to keep her top on during sex. After a discussion of proper sex etiquette she took it off.
Went to camelot bar and picked up a young dancer. At first said "sleeping only". It seems there is a thing going around with the girls which is the girl gets some sort of credit if after barfining there is no sex. I am sure most of the girls will be lying next day. Anyway when I told her I am not going to barfine her she gave me the usual excuse "mens". I said I do not care as I will be using a condom. She bled all over the bed, must have made housekeeping girls crazy.
I had a tough time finding vacant hotel room for last minute reservation. It is better to book early.
I have found many young dancers have graduated to be waitresses. Waitresses give better service than young dancers IMHO. But most of them have atleast one child.
The bar which I liked is Carousel. Full of pretty girls. There was no pressure to buy lady drinks.

05-17-09, 04:56
Writing from AC. The bars are unusually crowded and each bar is overflowing with girls. There seems to be a fresh supply of young farm girls. Very shy and still not matured. One even wanted to keep her top on during sex. After a discussion of proper sex etiquette she took it off.

Went to camelot bar and picked up a young dancer. At first said "sleeping only". It seems there is a thing going around with the girls which is the girl gets some sort of credit if after barfining there is no sex. I am sure most of the girls will be lying next day. Anyway when I told her I am not going to barfine her she gave me the usual excuse "mens". I said I do not care as I will be using a condom. She bled all over the bed, must have made housekeeping girls crazy.

I had a tough time finding vacant hotel room for last minute reservation. It is better to book early.

I have found many young dancers have graduated to be waitresses. Waitresses give better service than young dancers IMHO. But most of them have atleast one child.

The bar which I liked is Carousel. Full of pretty girls. There was no pressure to buy lady drinks.Strange, I was there a week ago and the action was more quiet than usual. I mean of course plenity pf girls in the bars but less talent than in January-February and clearly less customers. Blue Nile was empty around 11-12 when in other times you can hardly find a seat. But the situation can change from one week to another in AC indeed.

05-18-09, 04:37
She bled all over the bed, must have made housekeeping girls crazy.

America Hotel has very explicit sign in the room that you pay extra for blood on the sheets ;-)

05-18-09, 05:03
America Hotel has very explicit sign in the room that you pay extra for blood on the sheets ;-)

Pacific Breeze also charges a couple of hundred pesos for blood on the sheets.

05-19-09, 06:34
Try tipping the housekeeper 100p for the trouble.

You might find that 200p charge magically disappear.

X Man
05-19-09, 13:08
great advice.

i usually tip all my change anyway, but lay a bill down when you soil the sheets. it would have helped if you laid some money down before that...some of us plan ahead....


try tipping the housekeeper 100p for the trouble.

you might find that 200p charge magically disappear.

05-22-09, 07:22
Hello to all,

just read trough some reports over here regarding to have a GF from Angeles city.
Im my opinion its ok to have one if you there, but I also doubt its a good idea to support her when you back in your country. I had been with some girls who got support from their bf from US, UK or elsewhere. They even showed me picture of them when I bonked them :D So, its not a good idea and I also dont do anything to inform those guys that I was with their "beloved" GF.

Why should I? First Im a bit egoistic. If I can bonk her for free why change that situation? :D Secound, I also dont want to cut her off the moneypipeline. Hell, Im not into marry her, third Im also a butterfly so live and let live, thats my advise.
I also have or had a GF from a bar. YOu have to know that those bargirls are also women and they like to show off with their BF. They also love to have one guy who bonked her ever night, instead of numerous every week, but they also expect the money from one guy similiar to the amount they receive from numerous customers during the week. Thats where the problem starts. They to spoiled, they ok if you live in AC and if you screw and party with them. Or lets say if you live in this fantasy city where its ok if you meet up with your other mates which also have GFs from the bars. In real life its different. Real life starts if you meet your coporate buddies on company meetings where you have to come up and bring your GF. It would be really really funny if you would show up with your uneductated ***** from ANgeles city on a business meeting :D
What Im trying to say is, its ok when your in a party enviroment like in AC, where everboy likes to have a good time, barhop, get drunk and get laid.
Once you back in the real life, things are going to change.
Even I life here I know where to draw the line. AC is a funplace where I usually go during weekends, but my home is my castle and Im very picky who I invite. I did that once with a girl I know for more then a year. She watched TV all day, finished my beer and txt me all the time to come home from work, because she is bored. Its nice to be with her on the weekend in AC, pain in the ass when she showed up in my place in Manila.


05-22-09, 13:09
try tipping the housekeeper 100p for the trouble.

you might find that 200p charge magically disappear.

i usually tip the maid 50 pesos every day for cleaning. it really works. first they do not complain about the bed or sheets. last week i had a girl from camelot bleed all over the bed. not a peep from the maid. also the they underreport the items the girls took for eg. candy bars, iced tea etc.
i was charged only 130 pesos when i checked out . the girls took cadbury bars, iced tea, water etc.

05-22-09, 13:20
Hello to all,

just read trough some reports over here regarding to have a GF from Angeles city.
Im my opinion its ok to have one if you there, but I also doubt its a good idea to support her when you back in your country. I had been with some girls who got support from their bf from US, UK or elsewhere. They even showed me picture of them when I bonked them :D So, its not a good idea and I also dont do anything to inform those guys that I was with their "beloved" GF.

Why should I? First Im a bit egoistic. If I can bonk her for free why change that situation? :D Secound, I also dont want to cut her off the moneypipeline. Hell, Im not into marry her, third Im also a butterfly so live and let live, thats my advise.
I also have or had a GF from a bar. YOu have to know that those bargirls are also women and they like to show off with their BF. They also love to have one guy who bonked her ever night, instead of numerous every week, but they also expect the money from one guy similiar to the amount they receive from numerous customers during the week. Thats where the problem starts. They to spoiled, they ok if you live in AC and if you screw and party with them. Or lets say if you live in this fantasy city where its ok if you meet up with your other mates which also have GFs from the bars. In real life its different. Real life starts if you meet your coporate buddies on company meetings where you have to come up and bring your GF. It would be really really funny if you would show up with your uneductated ***** from ANgeles city on a business meeting :D
What Im trying to say is, its ok when your in a party enviroment like in AC, where everboy likes to have a good time, barhop, get drunk and get laid.
Once you back in the real life, things are going to change.
Even I life here I know where to draw the line. AC is a funplace where I usually go during weekends, but my home is my castle and Im very picky who I invite. I did that once with a girl I know for more then a year. She watched TV all day, finished my beer and txt me all the time to come home from work, because she is bored. Its nice to be with her on the weekend in AC, pain in the ass when she showed up in my place in Manila.


Nobody should believe the girl in AC when she says she loves you. She may love you in her heart but money is definitely the motivation for her. Ofcourse by loving her back during your trip your sex with her will be greatly enhanced. She will stay with you all day and fuck you. Generally when you barfine you get max two shots.
The girls underestimate our knowledge thinking that great sex equals us loving them and will support them. They would rather have a few men barfine them for a week at a time rather than one night at a time. If they make 4 friends and a week each , they do not worry about being barfined and getting their money. The girls know very well we go there for holidays and will be unlikely to stay there for a long time.
For the people who stay there months I would suggest getting a normal working girl as a gf rather than a bargirl. They can be likely trusted more but nothing is certain. What I have found with normal girls is it is not necessary to marry them . As long as you give her small money and presents she will be ok.

05-22-09, 13:47
yep sammon,
its not so interisting to barfine a bargirl anyway, but sometimes you dont have any choice hahahaha :))sometimes you barfine the wettress :))
I rather get my girls from the mall, from the street, maybe from internet. Now Im with one I picked up from the street, but she is really nice and all the guys Im introducing her tell me WOW WOW Woweee :D
well, anyway, she txt me now, maybe I have to go to AC now for another BJ hahahaha :))
Life is good


Dong Hi
05-25-09, 09:21
Anyone got information/photos of the hot bar girls there?

I heard from friends that place is wild and with invited PInay girls, you can anything on the boat.Was in Subic for a sneak away from my GF and to meet up with an old friend from AC. Living in the PI for almost 1 year now. Can you believe it was my first trip to Subic? ! ? Anyway, yeah the floating bar is cool, the quality of the grils/selection etc is way less than AC. There are a few hotties there. I ended up Barfining one of them. Hot body. Ok face. TOTAL starfish in bed. Acted like a horned up animal on the barge. Got her back to the Sheavans and she was a doormat.

The boat is fun, the mamasan there one of the youngest I have ever seen. The boat does get rowdy. In my opinion its a better place to spend the afternoon then to get a girl from of course. YMMV

X Man
05-25-09, 14:15
we have good information and then ther is toooo much information.

surely ac businesscreatures peruse this site.....your message may put an end to the good service you've been getting!

please try to craft your message to isg in a way that will provide the best advantage to us customers, and the least possible disadvantage to the ac businesses and the hard working folk who make the city what it is.

how many hotels offer cadbury?


i usually tip the maid 50 pesos every day for cleaning. it really works. first they do not complain about the bed or sheets. last week i had a girl from camelot bleed all over the bed. not a peep from the maid. also the they underreport the items the girls took for eg. candy bars, iced tea etc.
i was charged only 130 pesos when i checked out . the girls took cadbury bars, iced tea, water etc.

05-27-09, 22:47
Hi Guys

I will be going to AC for the first time in a few weeks and it will be my first visit to the Phils. Can somebody answer me a very basic question?

Barfines. I understand the concept of it. Typically who is the Barfine paid to and at what point...and more importantly what sort of payment/tip if any is expected in addition to the barfine when I get the girl back to the hotel?

Also Blink157 mentions meeting non-bargirls, in malls etc. With these girls do you ever offer them money or would that cause massive offence? Is it better to just treat them really well? I read what Sammon said lower down but interested in any experiences !

Sorry if these questions are a bit noobish but I'd rather make a fool of myself here than when I arrive !!

05-27-09, 23:30
Hi Guys

I will be going to AC for the first time in a few weeks and it will be my first visit to the Phils. Can somebody answer me a very basic question?

Barfines. I understand the concept of it. Typically who is the Barfine paid to and at what point...and more importantly what sort of payment/tip if any is expected in addition to the barfine when I get the girl back to the hotel?

Also Blink157 mentions meeting non-bargirls, in malls etc. With these girls do you ever offer them money or would that cause massive offence? Is it better to just treat them really well? I read what Sammon said lower down but interested in any experiences !

Sorry if these questions are a bit noobish but I'd rather make a fool of myself here than when I arrive !!There is plenty of information on this site. Here are some tidbits to get you started.

First a warning:

Be very very careful(read...best not to try it) meeting a non bar girl if you are just on a brief mongering vacation and no time to really get to know the girl. There is a scam in AC where you meet a non bar girl on the street or mall. She says she is 18 or older. She is under 18 or if not convinces you to invite her 'cousin' along who is under 18 to join in a hot sex party in your hotel. You think you have scored the time of your life.

Five minutes after you get them into your room the police are knocking on your door. $4000 later you are a free man.

Barfines in the clubs are technically against the law. But as long as the clubs are in good standing with the payouts to the local authorities, barfining or EWR (early work release) is business as usual.

Barfines can range from about 1300P to 3000P. The latter for the so called 'spotlight', 'cultural' or 'special' dancers. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You pay the mamasan or waitress depending on the club.

Best to ask the girl if she will do what you expect before you pay her barfine. Don't be shy. They have heard it all before and more.

Some girls want short time (not all night. times will vary) or long time (they stay all night).

When the girl is dressed and ready to leave, you can tip according to her performance.

I tip in the 500 to 1000+ (see below) as I know what I will get before I pay a barfine.

Some basic tip suggestions to get you started:

200 to 300P - for no or lack luster BJ and average boom boom

400 to 500P - for a good BJ and boom boom

600 to 1000P for - BJ, multiple boom boom and positions

1000 + - for going beyond the call of duty.

Of course NO tip if she does not perform as agreed to or is a runner. ( Says she will stay all night and then after the first round wants to "Run" home for any number of reasons).

Hope this help.

05-28-09, 01:29
Can somebody answer me a very basic question?

It is basic. Must be answerered in 1000 posts. Barfine in Angeles is paid to mamasan before you take the girl. Tips are up to you depending on service, which may vary wildly, from starfish and wanting to leave after an hour or two, to better than your wildest dreams. I don't see the point of tipping more than say 10% to 20% of the barfine (which should be between 1000 and 1500, mostly I think 1350) for normal service.

For picking up girls, read Dragon Slayer's forum. Tons of reports.

05-28-09, 01:30
Hi Guys

I will be going to AC for the first time in a few weeks and it will be my first visit to the Phils. Can somebody answer me a very basic question?

Barfines. I understand the concept of it. Typically who is the Barfine paid to and at what point...and more importantly what sort of payment/tip if any is expected in addition to the barfine when I get the girl back to the hotel?

The barfine is paid to the bar when you take the girl, usually 1,000-1,350p. Usually a tip of 200-500p is right for good service paid as she leaves although not mandatory.

Mr Hawaii
05-28-09, 05:24
Sterile - don't forget, there are 2 "different" kinds of barfines. The barfine in Angeles City includes the girl. The barfines in Manila do not include any $$ for the girl. So, in AC there is a barfine of, let's say, 1300pesos. The girl does not get additional $$ unless you want to give her a few extra pesos. The 1300p includes everything.

At EDSA, in manila, the same 1300p barfine is for the bar only. You pay that to the bar for the "privilege" of meeting the girl there. You have to negotiate with the girl how much she will receive, (i.e. 1500p), so you are out a total of 2800p. In AC you are out only 1300p (not including extras).

Hope that makes it easier..yeah, AC is cheaper!!

05-28-09, 11:06
Thanks guys, thats all extremely helpful ! It sounds really cheap . I was reading reports of guys bringing 3 or 4 girls back to their rooms every night and I was like !?!?!?!?!?!!? - at those prices I can see why !!

Thx again

05-28-09, 11:10
There is plenty of information on this site. Here are some tidbits to get you started.

Some basic tip suggestions to get you started:

200 to 300P - for no or lack luster BJ and average boom boom

400 to 500P - for a good BJ and boom boom

600 to 1000P for - BJ, multiple boom boom and positions

1000 + - for going beyond the call of duty.

Of course NO tip if she does not perform as agreed to or is a runner. ( Says she will stay all night and then after the first round wants to "Run" home for any number of reasons).

Hope this help.

The expectation of a tip actually depends on where you come from. The Phils is not a tipping culture (outside Fields or places frequented by foreigners), but the ladies are smart enough to work out how to get $$ from people who do come from tipping cultures.

So you will be expected to pay Asianlover's tipping rates if you are from a high tipping culture, (hence their question 'Where you from?' - they are trying to assess your tipping potential). However, if you are from a low tipping culture such as Australia or New Zealand, their expectations are way way lower and your rates for tips are most likely to be:

0 - 70 Piso for average. No tip is expected, but a trike fare is appreciated
100 Piso for above average performance multiple boom boom bbbj.
200 Piso if you get the night of your life.

If I get a lady who gives me a succession of honeymoon nights, I will normally add some gift to the above (such as an outfit from one of the dress boutiques in Fields).

Since I am an Aussie, I pay no more than the amount above and even though I am in my late fifties, overweight and balding, I have only had one or two runners and no complaint about being Mr Kuripot. Tipping cultures will end up paying more than that naturally.

Of course, that is just a guide, if you feel you want to pay more or less, it's up to you. However, they are very good at guilting you to tip according to your own culture. (If you are used to paying a high tip at home, they obviously find it easier to get you to pay similarly here).

05-28-09, 13:31
Thanks guys, thats all extremely helpful ! It sounds really cheap . I was reading reports of guys bringing 3 or 4 girls back to their rooms every night and I was like !?!?!?!?!?!!? - at those prices I can see why !!

Thx again

Try not to bring 3-4 girls to your room. Most of the time it is a waste of time and money. Some girls just tag along and not do anything irrespective of what they promised before you barfined them. Do not forget that these girls do not consider themselves as prostitutes and can be very shy in front of other girls. One or two girls will be good experience.
Generally in my experience one on one will get you a good GF experience.
Another reason they do not go all out in front of other girls is the gossip in the bar when they go back to work. These girls wants to know all details because they are generally bored in the bar day in and out. Ever notice after barfining a girl and you go back to the same bar how much others know what happened the previous nite? Some even knew size of my dick, how I was in sex, how many times we did, what was the tip etc.

X Man
05-28-09, 13:56
I never thought of it from the tipping culture angle before. Interesting.

I also assume they have some gut feeling about personality regarding the different ethnic groups. Maybe someone should do some research. Sounds like a good basis for a master's thesis.

Of course the second question from most bargirls is, "which hotel". I suppose this tells them what your budget is. I imagine there are some bragging rights if they spend the night in the lap of luxury. The Santos Ave girls were kind of cute when they found out I was staying across the street at Wild Orchid.

"I want to stay there with you", or "Take me there!", "Can I be your maid".


The expectation of a tip actually depends on where you come from.
(hence their question 'Where you from?' - they are trying to assess your tipping potential). .

05-28-09, 15:41
I never thought of it from the tipping culture angle before. Interesting.

I also assume they have some gut feeling about personality regarding the different ethnic groups. Maybe someone should do some research. Sounds like a good basis for a master's thesis.

Of course the second question from most bargirls is, "which hotel". I suppose this tells them what your budget is. I imagine there are some bragging rights if they spend the night in the lap of luxury. The Santos Ave girls were kind of cute when they found out I was staying across the street at Wild Orchid.

"I want to stay there with you", or "Take me there!", "Can I be your maid".

XI agree. After the 'What's your name?" and "Where you from?" the next question that rolls out is "Where you stay?" The seasoned girls know the hotels and do probably play the odds as to the possible tip amount.

I always stay at the Wild Orchid Resort.

Just wanted to comment on the cultural tipping. Never heard that mentioned before. Makes sense and the girls are probably aware of it too.

The Aussie and NZ tipping does seem a little small. But since a tip is not required....any tip should appreciated.

I will pass on that if you tip well for EXCELLENT service...the girls do tell each other. Your next barfine just might exceed all expectations :)

Key Master
05-28-09, 18:02
Try not to bring 3-4 girls to your room. Most of the time it is a waste of time and money. Some girls just tag along and not do anything irrespective of what they promised before you barfined them. Do not forget that these girls do not consider themselves as prostitutes and can be very shy in front of other girls. One or two girls will be good experience.
Generally in my experience one on one will get you a good GF experience.
Another reason they do not go all out in front of other girls is the gossip in the bar when they go back to work. These girls wants to know all details because they are generally bored in the bar day in and out. Ever notice after barfining a girl and you go back to the same bar how much others know what happened the previous nite? Some even knew size of my dick, how I was in sex, how many times we did, what was the tip etc.

I'm with Sammon on this. The probability of a great time with multiple partners is probably pretty low for a number of reasons mainly which was already mentioned. I've been with a couple of different women another time when we were alone and it was totally different and better. If you want to do it to have the experience to say you've done it or check it off your list go for it, but chances are it won't be like the movies.

05-28-09, 19:06
I'm with Sammon on this. The probability of a great time with multiple partners is probably pretty low for a number of reasons mainly which was already mentioned. I've been with a couple of different women another time when we were alone and it was totally different and better. If you want to do it to have the experience to say you've done it or check it off your list go for it, but chances are it won't be like the movies.

Yeah you're right about that. I took two chinese girls at the same time last year in Dubai, it wasn't that enjoyable. Had to change rubbers every time I changed girl and they jabbered away in chinese more or less the entire time ! Plus for the price I paid I could have probably had a dozen or more girls over there in Angeles...

05-28-09, 23:11
just wanted to comment on the cultural tipping. never heard that mentioned before. makes sense and the girls are probably aware of it too.

the aussie and nz tipping does seem a little small. but since a tip is not required....any tip should appreciated.

i guess what made me think of that originally is my own experience in bars at home in oz.

i lived for many years in a town which had a lot of tourists and a lot of expat us citizens.

those aussies who worked in the bars as bar staff never ever expected a tip from the aussies, but got used to the us citizens tipping them. (they never got angry if there was not tip from a us cit, but it was 'expected').

i am sure the us cits felt uneasy not giving a tip because that is the way they were brought up. some of the bar staff would look a bit guilty at taking a tip...at first. that did not last long though. ;)

i also never saw any difference in service either. so basically, it was a habit for both the tipper and tippee.