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Yellow Fever #2
09-08-09, 02:38
My dear friends, I write you these lines to ask you for some good advises. Feel free to write here your opinions in the most open way, since I am old enough to understand that any opinion is a good opinion. I hope that this thread is the correct one where to post this discussion. If not, please, Jackson, move it where you consider it more proper.

I am going to move this discussion to Filipinas - Opinion and Advice.

09-08-09, 04:36
Thanks again guys for the prompt responses!

ACFreddie / AV:
I am not into arranging these parties, but would rather join one...

I thought the High Season started in November - bummer!

I do remember reading about pool parties in LGH - probably somewhere on this fine board - but when my friend asked them in an e-mail, they said "NADA".

I hope the smoke clears around PB Hotel very soon - I have 8 nights reserved there from Nov. 1 and I begin to worry a bit...



I will be spending 2 weekends in AC from November 1st.

I have inquired with the Lewis Grand hotel, but was told no pool parties were planned... (???)

I'm referring to the ones when u see a bunch of bargirls in bikinis danceing, swimming and having fun in and around a hotel's pool.

Like this:


or like this:


Thanks again in advance,

09-09-09, 09:06
Day 1

Arrive at Lewis Grand. Usual, all the staff say welcome back, etc..

Head to Crystal Palace to seek a hottie I saw on my last visit. I get in and right away a girl gives me the eye. Waitress tells me she likes me. OK she looks hot, but I’m still hanging out for the one I saw the last time. Throughout the nite she gives me the eye, I ask the waitress, who has a tongue stud, just then the girl walks past us and the waitress says, she! She stick out her tongue, I see the stud, done deal. She was a more expensive 3000p spotlight girl, but pierced tongues are my weakness. So I buy her a drink. She is ok to stay LT, so I BF her. I then saw the girl I wanted from the previous trip May #6173 and also another girl, which I later found out was also called May (#6714 I think). I will be back for them later. That night was good, good BBBJ with round 2 in the morning. I tip her 500p and sent her on her way.

Day 2
I go back to Crystal Palace for May #6173. She is a good dancer. I asks the waitress to pre-ask some questions for me as to whether she can do LT so as not to waste a LD. Waitress tells me she is on mens. Then the story changes, she is not on mens but can’t do LT. I had work to do that night and LT was not too important anyway, so I agree to ST, she was too hot to pass. Back at hotel, I see she also has pierced tongue. What a bonus! Unfortunately she was not too experienced and I was only the 2nd guy she ever gave BJ to. It was not greatest but OK I guess. Also she is uniparous, so not that tight, but not too loose. After our ST session she changes her mind and say she can stay LT but only until 8AM because she has practice, I thought about it, but 8 AM a bit too early plus I had some work to do, so I send her on her way. Gave her 200p tip and she was happy.

Day 3
I txt my regular girl but she is now spotlight at Atlantis. Damn. Previously, I use to get her for 1350p to 1500p, now she is going to be 3000p per day. I was planning on spending time with her on my remaining 3 days. Oh well good deals don’t last forever, I told her maybe I’d see her tomorrow although I had planned to see her that night as a surprise. By now I catch up with my work and sleep, but by the time I get to Atlantis, too late, someone already BF her. Oh well, no big deal, so many girls around, I have to choose from one of the other girls. I head back to Crystal Palace via Dollhouse, these to places are linked, but it saves me from having to walk via the side street to get to the other side. While I am walking through Crystal Palace, I spot this near perfect hottie at Dollhouse. As I am walking through she sees me eyeing her and comes over to me while she is on the stage, she tells me her name is Jennifer (sounds like) I later find out it is more like Glennifer (where do they get some of these strange names). I am hungry and I tell her I will come back for her, so I head to Swiss Chalet first for their very reasonably priced yummy steaks, knowing that she might not be available when I return after dinner. No problem, there are so many girls, plus there is still some of those on my lists at Crystal Palace. I could not finish my bottle of wine at Swiss Chalet, no problem the waitress, tells me, I will save it for you when you come back tomorrow or day after. About 1 hour later I head back to Dollhouse via CP and sit down for a SML keeping an eye out for Glennifer, then I see she has LD with another customer. Meanwhile the waitress asks me who I like, I tell her she already has LD with another customer, she asks who, I tell her. She goes and tell Glennifer, Glennifer then comes over, we chit chat for a couple of minutes (like where you from, where you stay, etc) then goes back to her customer. Shortly after the waitress tells me Glennifer would like to go with me if I can wait until she finished her LD with her customer, I said even LT, she says yes. I say to her the other customer already bought her LD first, he should get first choice, because he was here first and I don’t want any trouble from the customer currently buying her LD, she says no problem, just wait, when she finishes her LD she will come to me. Not sure how they got away with that, but I bought her LD then BF her. Good session with BBBJ and Round 2 in the morning. I send her home with 500p tip and some chocolate, she is happy.

Day 4
I do a short recon on all the bars at fields spotting another nice girl at Las Vegas. Good possibility but not on my shopping list yet. I head back to Crystal Palace and get drink. It is body painting night, which is a pain, because the price for some girls go up from 1350p to 3000p, personally I do not see the appeal of body painting, in fact I prefer them unpainted. I spotted yet another 2 near perfect bodies. One was half Korean (#6268) but she has one tooth missing at front. The other was what they call a coyote dancer, wears denim short and animal print top, her name is Anna but she has already been BF by some customer, no problem, what I was really looking for was for another May (I think #6714) but she is again on another LD with another customer, again it is like the previous day, she picks me over there other customer. Am I a lucky guy? Am I Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt? No. I think it is more like I am staying in a nicer hotel that is why the girls have a preference.

Lesson to be learnt: If you are staying at the better hotel, the girl you want may give you first option even if another customer has already bought her an LD.

This May has an interesting look to her, as best I can describe, she has a 60s retro Italian look about her. Unfortunately because she got painted her price went up, but at the end of the day it works out to less than $50 in my home currency, which I was happy to sacrifice so as not to put myself through mind torture back in the real world in case I miss her on subsequent nights. I did not even buy her LD, I just BF her, a lot of her questions and my questions were already handled by the waitress, who I tipped 100p. We left, she said she wanted to bar hop, on the way some of her friends waved at her from Las Vegas, so she wanted to go there for drinks, turned out that she used to work there about a month ago. I then recalled actually seeing her on one of my previous recon trips. Now I get a closer look at the nice girl I had seen before I went to Crystal Palace and saw her pierced tongue stud. Bonus! She is now on my shopping list. I might come back for her tomorrow. Again May was good, GFE but no BBBJ. Round 2 again in the morning that started with me spooning her and I send her with 500p, which I thought was fair because I did not buy her an LD.

Day 5
My last day, yes I am going for the tongue stud girl at Las Vegas. But during the day I want a date for the pool and a movie at SM Clark. I recon Perimeter Bars between Savannah and Fields. I spot a girl I had seen before at Touch of Class, also another nice slim girl and also a hottie named Abigail at Emotions. Dilemma, which girl should I pick? Since I am already at Emotions, I ask Abigail, she says she is on mens but she would like to go with me, I said no problem, I just want a date, maybe sample a little but not to full completion as I am saving myself for the night. She goes and change, just then some Korean guy walks in asking for her, he was told by waitress that she was not available, I overhear and I tell the waitress I am willing to let the girl choose even though I already BF her. I thought time to give back for the previous 2 lucky nights, I can always go back to Touch of Class. Waitress comes back and tells me she would still like to go with me. I later find out he BF her yesterday and wanted one last shot before he leaves today. Went back to hotel, she was a little annoyed having to wear such small bikini but relented, after some drinks and food we went back to room. Here is a nice story for Ekspat. She first started with some BBBJ then I had a go at her and there was blood everywhere, a lot. She really was having her mens, I just did not expect so much blood. Spend next 30 mins cleaning up the mess, should have done it in the bath tub or something. Went for movie at SM, saw District 9 and learnt a new term, “Inter Species Prosititution”. After movie she asked me where I was going as if she wanted to come, I invited her for dinner but she was ok to go home now, so I gave her 200p for trike and she was happy.

Decided to BF girl for dinner too, so I head back to Las Vegas and checkout the girl with tongue stud I saw last night. OK let me check out CP too first before I pick. Mistake! saw that coyote dancer hottie at CP from previous night. Now another dilemma. Which one? I spend maybe 10 mins thinking which one? I asked myself, which one would pain me more thinking about what I had passed on while I sat on my desk back in the real world. I decide its coyote dancer Ann, I decided to LD her first for interview, only to find out she is on mens but happy to give me BJ only. No problem, Plan B, so I go over to Las Vegas and interview the other girl with stud tongue, she was opposite, no BJ! Why pierce tongue when you don’t want to give BJ. What a waste. She wanted me to BF her, but getting BJ from her was my bottom line, so I left. Plan B also fails. Went to Swiss Chalet for my dinner and my wine was still waiting for me.

Now I have no girl! I go to Blue Nile hoping to see tight body girl from previous trip, but she was not looking so good this time. I then go to Golden Nile for a drink, just when my drink arrives, I get phone call from my regular girl I texted 3 days ago. She is now at Sky Trax. I finish my beer at Golden Nile, then I leave, all the waitress ask who was on phone, I told them my GF has summoned me. They all laugh. I go to Sky Trax, spot this cutie I recognized from my previous trip giving me the eye. I must try her out one day. My regular girl spots me, brings me to her table, introduces me to more of her friends and relatives, great! This will really reduce my visibility next time. Turns out that some Korean guy had BF her for 3 days in a row but she bailed on the last day. I tell my girl I am staying at America Hotel, because I know she is scared of this hotel, but that does not faze her. We dance, drink lots of that strong crap Red Horse or something, then she is prepared to go. Of course LGH driver picks me up, we drive past America Hotel then into LGH, she looks at me and calls me, liar! I laugh. After BBBJ, I whip out protection, she asks what is that, I say I don’t want to get her pregnant, you should have seen the look on her face, she had daggers in her eyes, as if I had insulted her by not wanting to get her pregnant. So my last night started out bad at Las Vegas / Crystal Palace but ended up good with a freebie. So thank you Korean guy whoever you are for paying my BF. After round 2 in the morning, I depart Angeles City, my utopia, my alternate universe, back to the real world, to a waiting job, so that I may save up for my return trip.

09-09-09, 09:23
I'm going to start claiming to be Kiwi! I doubt they can tell the difference.

I'm going to low ball you and start claiming to be American. LOL.

X Man
09-09-09, 13:48
thanks for the stories. tongue stud doesn't do much for me, but i've yet to have any such tongue servicing my ramrod. is that the attraction, or is it the appearance?

i hope you have some pictures of your adventure.

it's pretty rare that i have to use a dictionary when reading isg. uniparous

now, if i could only figure out how to pronounce it.


day 1

arrive at lewis grand. usual, all the staff say welcome back, etc..

head to crystal palace to seek a hottie i saw on my last visit. i get in and right away a girl gives me the eye. ...............
night started out bad at las vegas / crystal palace but ended up good with a freebie. so thank you korean guy whoever you are for paying my bf. after round 2 in the morning, i depart angeles city, my utopia, my alternate universe, back to the real world, to a waiting job, so that i may save up for my return trip.

09-10-09, 12:32
I ran across a report either here or some where else online, where a fellow monger had broken down the prices on a huge number of bars in AC in a spreadsheet format, and stupid me, I did not save it, wondering if anyone is familar with that and could post a link for it.

Here is a useful map of AC to help plan your trip, links section provides some good info as well



09-10-09, 17:37
I read somewhere that there is a big pool party again at the LGH on September 13, 2009 with "100 girls"...

Unfortunately, I can't make it this time, but hope there will be a party again later this year, when I have the chance to visit AC.

Does anyone know about this party? Anyone who volunteers to go there and let us know afterwards?

I am sure the whole forum would celebrate you as a hero!


09-10-09, 18:00
... The point is that I am planning to marry a babe met in a bar in Angeles. And my question is: is that a good idea or not? ...


IMHO it is most likely the worst idea you ever had and you bet your life, in the long run you will not do yourself a favor! I am pretty certain that at the end of the day you will be f*cked - financially and emotionally! Probability: >= 98%!

Again, no insult and just my opinion!



Rob Woodrow
09-11-09, 05:38
i think it is more like i am staying in a nicer hotel that is why the girls have a preference.
i think it's more like you tip 200 pesos for a st.

Pm Bogel
09-11-09, 09:10
I'm going to Manila in 5 hours time :)

Will submit a report when I'm back. So in the mean time you should visit this website www.perempuan-melayu-bogel.com for all amateur Malay videos.

09-12-09, 01:25
I ran across a report either here or some where else online, where a fellow monger had broken down the prices on a huge number of bars in AC in a spreadsheet format, and stupid me, I did not save it, wondering if anyone is familar with that and could post a link for it.

Here is a useful map of AC to help plan your trip, links section provides some good info as well



While I do not know of one with a spreadsheet format, I do know of one that was told to me by another board member on another board that shows numerous prices for AC bars


09-12-09, 01:28
I read somewhere that there is a big pool party again at the LGH on September 13, 2009 with "100 girls"...

Unfortunately, I can't make it this time, but hope there will be a party again later this year, when I have the chance to visit AC.

Does anyone know about this party? Anyone who volunteers to go there and let us know afterwards?

I am sure the whole forum would celebrate you as a hero!


I learned about the pool party a couple of days ago. I do plan to attend the party (as I generally do when this place hosts the party) and if I do make it to the party, I will be sure to post a review of the party here (or in the picture forum) for the members to read.
Generally the pool parties here are some of the best in town in the recent 12-18 months. I attended the last event and it was for sure worthy of attendance.

09-12-09, 10:24
Hi Acfreddie,

Thanks for the info. I hope you will make it and can report here. I am going to be in AC in about a week from now. I hope there will be another party during my stay. In case you can find out when the next party will be (after the 13th), this would be great. Otherwise, I will ask the LGH when I am there.

Wonderer - and enjoy the party for all fellow mongers!

I learned about the pool party a couple of days ago. I do plan to attend the party (as I generally do when this place hosts the party) and if I do make it to the party, I will be sure to post a review of the party here (or in the picture forum) for the members to read.
Generally the pool parties here are some of the best in town in the recent 12-18 months. I attended the last event and it was for sure worthy of attendance.

09-12-09, 15:23
Thks for the link, exactly what I was looking for, and exactly what the forum is about, sharing info. Long time lurker, and this forum was a wealth of info for my "cherryboy" trip to the Phils, as it is to many stuck in the real world living vicariously or suffering from PPD. I hope to be able to return the favour in the future, with a useful report. I owe you a SMB or three when I finally make it there again in 164 days and five hours, not that I am counting or anything.

The Rooster1
09-12-09, 19:07
In few days we are meeting again (I am going to Philippines again after few days spent in Thailand) to speak seriously about this matter. My idea is to marry in late 2011 and also to make her signing a very clear pre-marriage agreement with possible divorce conditions.

Now your turn. Feel free, but serious, please.

Thanks a lot,

SE[/QUOTE]I think you answered your question twice. If you are going to have a filipina sign a pre-marriage aggreement, probably not a good choice in your pick. Is this just to scare her that she can't come after you for anything? Are you worried about her leaving you?

Second, you are obviously having second thoughts and mixed feelings if your putting it to a whole forum on sex in Angeles. There are definitely very knowledgable people here with great advice, but something this serious in your life should be done on your own. Or ask a good friend. Just remember, this isn't her first rodeo as you have already explained with her past.

My personal opinion is there are sooooo many good girls in the PI, why do you have to pick a bar girl for marriage? Go out to the province for a week.

Peace out and good luck with whatever you choose!

09-13-09, 02:07
Hi Acfreddie,

Thanks for the info. I hope you will make it and can report here. I am going to be in AC in about a week from now. I hope there will be another party during my stay. In case you can find out when the next party will be (after the 13th), this would be great. Otherwise, I will ask the LGH when I am there.

Wonderer - and enjoy the party for all fellow mongers!

Just today I learned that there will be a pool party at Kokomo's on Sunday the 20th of September from 1pm til 6pm. Admission is P400 and includes reduced customer drink prices, ladies drink prices and a buffet spread.

Now while I am a fan of pool parties of Kokomo's in the earlier years, the last ones I have attended (in the past 2 years or so) are very tame in comparison to the ones just a couple of years ago and more importantly compared to other pool parties that are still occasionally held. I just wanted to mention this as I generally no longer recommend their parties to friends or members, but I did want to let members know about it. Each member can decide for themselves if they want to attend or not.

09-13-09, 02:50
in few days we are meeting again (i am going to philippines again after few days spent in thailand) to speak seriously about this matter. my idea is to marry in late 2011 and also to make her signing a very clear pre-marriage agreement with possible divorce conditions.

now your turn. feel free, but serious, please.several points for you buddy.

1. you said she left the bar, and then came back out necessity. i would say this says she is very comfortable with selling ass and uses it as her means to meet men to sponsor her. she has left now for a lower paying job to prove to you she is a good girl. well if she can live with the lower paying job now, why couldn't she do the same before and not come back to ac selling her ass.

2. no matter what kind of pre-nup she signs, you being 25 yrs older than her. english not being her 1st language, also the fact that she is uneducated, and living in poverty and desparate conditions. when it comes time to contest your pre-nup, a lot of judges will throw it right out.

3. she won't have kids to keep her busy when you take her back to your country. she is going to have the energy of a 20 yr old and will be looking to do the things a 20 yrs old would want to do. she will meet people of her age who will constently be telling her to leave the "old dude". young guys will be giving her their phone numbers, so the first time you have to leave for your job to go out of town. what do you think. she is going to just sit there locked down.

4. there is nothing more important than family to filippinos, so that fact that she has told you she doesn't want kids now. and that may even be true for the moment. but in a few years when she has become accustom to her enviornment and its no longer exciting just being there with you. she will then be ready for kids. this again will drive her to someone of her own age.

5. people of your age once they see her will no doubt first thought will be you got yourself a "mailorder bride". guys who have been to the pi will think he pick up the village freak. in either case among your peers she will be looked down upon. she won't speak proper english or understand the slang expressions that are being spoken in your country.

and these are the more obvious things to consider. i'd hate to be the one to say it but, if you were going to stay in the pi. maybe it would work. but bringing her back to any westernize country. its going to be damn near impossible.

good luck

editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-13-09, 03:29
Just today I learned that there will be a pool party at Kokomo's on Sunday the 20th of September from 1pm til 6pm.
If the pool party is of the same quality as their food,
then better skip it. IMHO.


09-13-09, 03:36
Unfortunately, I can't make it this time, but hope there will be a party again later this year, when I have the chance to visit AC.

All the girls of the former pool parties were from different bars in Fields.
And Lewis wasn't too happy sometimes with the prices and arrangement.
So he wants to set up his own bar in Fields and then organizing the pool parties again with girls from his own bar, meaning less hassle for him.
(If I remember correctly from my SMB-soaked brain)

6 days to go...... :p


09-13-09, 12:31
1-I plan to go to Asia in about 15 days and I am wondering which of these two destinations is better in term of quantity, quality of service and specially girls and price?

2-How much I need to spend a wonderfull week in Angeles City?


09-13-09, 12:33
Several points for you buddy...And these are the more obvious things to consider. I'd hate to be the one to say it but, if you were going to stay in the PI. Maybe it would work. But bringing her back to any westernize country. Its going to be damn near impossible.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.


an excellent elaboration and there is hardly anything more to add! Just one tiny little remark to "... if you were going to stay in the PI ...":

A couple of years ago I barfined a cuty from Las Vegas who is now happily married to an old Aussie. Although she has two kids with him she still comes over from San Fernando to "visit me" :) for some ST session whenever I am in AC! BTW, didn't somebody write recently "you can get the girl out of the bar, but not the bar out of the girl"? :) Think about it twice, Rooster!



X Man
09-13-09, 13:01
I'm confused.

You visit AC, which allows all kind of female opportunities, but you fk another man's wife ....why?

I'll just assume you're a sslluutt unless you have a better reply. :-)


btw, any chance we can get a San Fernando field report or is that asking too much?


an excellent elaboration and there is hardly anything more to add! Just one tiny little remark to "... if you were going to stay in the PI ...":

A couple of years ago I barfined a cuty from Las Vegas who is now happily married to an old Aussie. Although she has two kids with him she still comes over from San Fernando to "visit me" :) for some ST session whenever I am in AC! BTW, didn't somebody write recently "you can get the girl out of the bar, but not the bar out of the girl"? :) Think about it twice, Rooster!



The Rooster1
09-13-09, 13:26
It appears that my my last post looks like I was the one marrying the gal from the bar. I was just giving my opinion as I'm not marrying a bar girl from Angeles.

My quote was: I think you answered your question twice. If you are going to have a filipina sign a pre-marriage aggreement, probably not a good choice in your pick. Is this just to scare her that she can't come after you for anything? Are you worried about her leaving you?

Second, you are obviously having second thoughts and mixed feelings if your putting it to a whole forum on sex in Angeles. There are definitely very knowledgable people here with great advice, but something this serious in your life should be done on your own. Or ask a good friend. Just remember, this isn't her first rodeo as you have already explained with her past.

My personal opinion is there are sooooo many good girls in the PI, why do you have to pick a bar girl for marriage? Go out to the province for a week.

Peace out and good luck with whatever you choose!

Good point X. Leave the dudes wife alone. You know she is married and has 2 kids with him. And yes, she was a bar girl in Angeles and still humping on the side.

White Whale
09-13-09, 13:53
Thks for the link, exactly what I was looking for, and exactly what the forum is about, sharing info. Long time lurker, and this forum was a wealth of info for my "cherryboy" trip to the Phils, as it is to many stuck in the real world living vicariously or suffering from PPD. I hope to be able to return the favour in the future, with a useful report. I owe you a SMB or three when I finally make it there again in 164 days and five hours, not that I am counting or anything.

If you are refering to the map then I have been promoting this one:


09-13-09, 16:31
I'm confused.

You visit AC, which allows all kind of female opportunities, but you fk another man's wife ....why?

I'll just assume you're a sslluutt unless you have a better reply. :-)

X Man:

why? Well, I suppose because she is one of the best performers I ever barfined in AC and apparently she likes it with me too!? Or her 'daddy' is simply too old - who knows?

And yes, brother I have to admit, if you presume that I am just a bloody SOB then you are perfectly right! :)

BTW, I was just mentioning this story because something like that might happen to Rooster as well! Not necessarily, but possibly! Maybe one could read my post as a warning!?

Ready to get grilled now! :)



09-14-09, 02:49
If the pool party is of the same quality as their food,
then better skip it. IMHO.


That is my opinion as well, but I just wanted to let it be known to the members and let each one of them choose if they would attend.

09-14-09, 11:28
That is my opinion as well, but I just wanted to let it be known to the members and let each one of them choose if they would attend.

I have 2 friends who have relationships with hookers. One even married one but to say he continues his mongering activities unabated is an underestimation. The other is around 55 and he travels all over the place with this woam he met in a bar where she was working as a hooker.

Beats me. Seems to me the risks are ultra high.

X Man
09-14-09, 11:49
NOOOO, I'm not going to grill you, nor do I think you are a SOB. Thank you for replying frankly.

If her old man is anything like me (regarding fidelity), why shouldn't she also get a little on the side.

Having a girl come from out of town to visit you in AC seems like having flowers delivered to the florist. But, if she is low maintenance, and offers others amenities (as she apparently does), then who am I to criticize?

Have fun, X

X Man:

why? Well, I suppose because she is one of the best performers I ever barfined in AC and apparently she likes it with me too!? Or her 'daddy' is simply too old - who knows?

And yes, brother I have to admit, if you presume that I am just a bloody SOB then you are perfectly right! :)

BTW, I was just mentioning this story because something like that might happen to Rooster as well! Not necessarily, but possibly! Maybe one could read my post as a warning!?

Ready to get grilled now! :)



09-14-09, 13:39

Very sexy to feel stud going up and down shaft and underside below penis head. Not all girls know how to use it properly.

Also the visual, while you are boning and she opens mouth and stud is revealed.

Don't knock it till you try it.

Will ad photos is photo section later.

Thanks for the stories. Tongue stud doesn't do much for me, but I've yet to have any such tongue servicing my ramrod. Is that the attraction, or is it the appearance?

09-15-09, 03:10
here is my review of the "tanks" lewis grand pool party. it was called "tanks" pool party because the guy board name (on a different board) is smctanks) and he was the one who paid for the pool party.

the pool party started at about 1:45pm (scheduled for 2pm start) and lasted well past the advertised ending time of 5pm. in total there were roughly 90+ girls at the party (sorry it was way to hard to get an accurate count as the pool area is very large at the resort and they (the girls) were all rep001tered about all over the area (the objective, as it was explained to me, was to break the ac record of 119 girls at a single pool party).
there were girls from something like 8 or 10 different bars. some girls were much better than others, as far as interaction and fun factor goes.
there were about 60 to 70 guys in attendance, so the girls to guys ratio certainly favored the guys.
there were games for the girls to participate in, such as naked limbo and then a lesbian game. each of the games paid cash prizes, so all of the games were well participated in by the girls and the girls that did choose to participate did not disappoint the crowd that was there to watch the games.

it was imo, the best pool (or any) party of 2009 and was an old school ac type of party. for the most part, these parties have been dead the last 3 years or so, but it seems that they might be resurrected from the past/dead and brought back to ac on an occasional basis. this pool party rivaled those pool parties that were once held at the swagman back in the 90's and very early 2000's at kokomo's (when it was under the "mo" ownership and when the city was pro-bar and not like they are now).

pictures were allowed to be taken (of everything), but
at the request of the lewis grand everyone was asked not to post them anywhere as a safety precaution and to help ensure that future pool parties would still be able to happen, so that is why this report will not contain any pictures that i took during the party. i know that it sucks that pictures were asked not to be posted, but it would suck a lot more more for me and i am sure many members if pictures and video's were not allowed to be taken at all during these events. its a small concession that must be made to allow these types of parties to happen in ac given the political climate that the "new ac" has been and continues to experience.

party summary:

it was a great pool party, the best of the year and in recent memory. i will be certain to attend pool parties held here in the future and will also be recommending that friends and members attend them.

09-15-09, 09:44
thanks acfreddie for the great report about the pool party at the lgh. i really regret that i have missed this one. but i just couldn't make it.

i will be in town on september 20 and will have a look at the pool party at kokomo's. though i agree with ekspat's comment that the food is not worth talking about - if the pool party is the same, i can leave again. the 400 p fee is not the world. in any case, if i can make it there, i will report.


here is my review of the "tanks" lewis grand pool party. it was called "tanks" pool party because the guy board name (on a different board) is smctanks) and he was the one who paid for the pool party.

the pool party started at about 1:45pm (scheduled for 2pm start) and lasted well past the advertised ending time of 5pm. in total there were roughly 90+ girls at the party (sorry it was way to hard to get an accurate count as the pool area is very large at the resort and they (the girls) were all rep001tered about all over the area (the objective, as it was explained to me, was to break the ac record of 119 girls at a single pool party)....

X Man
09-15-09, 16:20
i would assume posting the g-rated pictures would be okay. after all, your report has already given more than enough information for authorities to start playing their games.

thanks for the report -- sounds like fun. x

here is my review of the "tanks" lewis grand pool party. it was called "tanks" pool party because the guy board name (on a different board) is smctanks) and he was the one who paid for the pool party.

the pool party started at about 1:45pm (scheduled for 2pm start) and lasted well past the advertised ending time of 5pm. in total there were roughly 90+ girls at the party (sorry it was way to hard to get an accurate count as the pool area is very large at the resort and they (the girls) were all rep001tered about all over the area (the objective, as it was explained to me, was to break the ac record of 119 girls at a single pool party).
there were girls from something like 8 or 10 different bars. some girls were much better than others, as far as interaction and fun factor goes.
there were about 60 to 70 guys in attendance, so the girls to guys ratio certainly favored the guys.
there were games for the girls to participate in, such as naked limbo and then a lesbian game. each of the games paid cash prizes, so all of the games were well participated in by the girls and the girls that did choose to participate did not disappoint the crowd that was there to watch the games.

it was imo, the best pool (or any) party of 2009 and was an old school ac type of party. for the most part, these parties have been dead the last 3 years or so, but it seems that they might be resurrected from the past/dead and brought back to ac on an occasional basis. this pool party rivaled those pool parties that were once held at the swagman back in the 90's and very early 2000's at kokomo's (when it was under the "mo" ownership and when the city was pro-bar and not like they are now).

pictures were allowed to be taken (of everything), but
at the request of the lewis grand everyone was asked not to post them anywhere as a safety precaution and to help ensure that future pool parties would still be able to happen, so that is why this report will not contain any pictures that i took during the party. i know that it sucks that pictures were asked not to be posted, but it would suck a lot more more for me and i am sure many members if pictures and video's were not allowed to be taken at all during these events. its a small concession that must be made to allow these types of parties to happen in ac given the political climate that the "new ac" has been and continues to experience.

party summary:

it was a great pool party, the best of the year and in recent memory. i will be certain to attend pool parties held here in the future and will also be recommending that friends and members attend them.

09-16-09, 00:42
I would assume posting the g-rated pictures would be okay. After all, your report has already given more than enough information for authorities to start playing their games.

Thanks for the report -- sounds like fun. X

If I had any I would share them, but for the most part I was busy in the pool with the girls (can't blame me for that right), so sadly I do not have any G rated pics to share. I will try to contact some friends who were there. but were pool shy and see if they have any pictures of the girls that I can post.

09-16-09, 08:05
The September issue is out.



Zackary Kr
09-16-09, 16:10
The September issue is out.


SlimI just finished reading the newsletter. Is it just me, or was "DEATH" the main theme in this month's newsletter? Sheesh!!!

I'm gonna be going for my first time to Angeles at the end of this month and I'm gradually losing a little nerve.

I mean, I've always tried to be a generally cautious person and I don't usually am not aggressive towards others, but that newsletter really sapped a bit of confidence from me. And then, in another part of the newsletter, it talks about some gang that murdered 38 (!) foreigners.

Is there something that I'm missing here? What I mean is, should I be that concerned?

09-17-09, 00:00

Is there something that I'm missing here? What I mean is, should I be that concerned?I wouldn't be overly concerned. Use some common sense and there is a 99.99% chance that your biggest danger will be falling in love with a bargirl. That being said, bad things do happen everywhere in the world. Do they happen more often that in your city, most likely so but one of the lures of AC (other than the LBFM's) is the wild, wild west feel.

09-17-09, 06:31
Brothers, I had a read of the latest edition of the mentioned newsletter and suddenly my desire to go to The Philippines (in particular Clarks and Fields Ave) for the first time is greatly reduced. Is it so violent and crime rate so high? I have been to Thailand and Indonesia where I walked alone along the streets at night and everything was ok (of course you stay out of dark alley).

Reading from the newsletter it would seem that robbery and bashing up of tourist is a free-for-all activity and the police are helpless to stop it!!!!

Brothers who are familiar with The Philippines P4P scene, please tell us that the situation is not as bad as what had been told in the articles published in the newsletter...... If it is so than I would rather stick with Thailand and Indonesia where the P4P scene is equally great and a man can walk down the street knowing that he is relatively safe as long as he takes the necessary precaution as he would if he is in his own home town.

Give me some assurance so that I will make my Cherry trip to The Philippines...


The September issue is out.



09-17-09, 07:05
Yep, the only sure thing in life is death and taxes.

No gang murdered 38 foreigners.

If you read the article properly, it says that so far this year, 38 foreigners were murdered in the Philippines. We know of at least 3 were in Angeles City. An American in March, a Malaysian in June and another American in August who was out for a fight. If it can be believed that DMIA handles say 200,000 international passengers in that period. Then....

OMG!!! that is 1.5 homicides per 100,000 visitors.

If that sounds risky, what can I say... cancel your flights and stay at home.

I just finished reading the newsletter. Is it just me, or was "DEATH" the main theme in this month's newsletter? Sheesh!!!

I'm gonna be going for my first time to Angeles at the end of this month and I'm gradually losing a little nerve.

I mean, I've always tried to be a generally cautious person and I don't usually am not aggressive towards others, but that newsletter really sapped a bit of confidence from me. And then, in another part of the newsletter, it talks about some gang that murdered 38 (!) foreigners.

Is there something that I'm missing here? What I mean is, should I be that concerned?

09-17-09, 08:25
if that sounds risky, what can i say... cancel your flights and stay at home.
i agree it is very unsafe:d leaves more ladies for us:d

09-17-09, 09:10
Brothers, I had a read of the latest edition of the mentioned newsletter and suddenly my desire to go to The Philippines (in particular Clarks and Fields Ave) for the first time is greatly reduced. Is it so violent and crime rate so high? I have been to Thailand and Indonesia where I walked alone along the streets at night and everything was ok (of course you stay out of dark alley).

Reading from the newsletter it would seem that robbery and bashing up of tourist is a free-for-all activity and the police are helpless to stop it!!!!

Brothers who are familiar with The Philippines P4P scene, please tell us that the situation is not as bad as what had been told in the articles published in the newsletter...... If it is so than I would rather stick with Thailand and Indonesia where the P4P scene is equally great and a man can walk down the street knowing that he is relatively safe as long as he takes the necessary precaution as he would if he is in his own home town.

Give me some assurance so that I will make my Cherry trip to The Philippines...


I just finished reading the newsletter. Is it just me, or was "DEATH" the main theme in this month's newsletter? Sheesh!!!

I'm gonna be going for my first time to Angeles at the end of this month and I'm gradually losing a little nerve.

I mean, I've always tried to be a generally cautious person and I don't usually am not aggressive towards others, but that newsletter really sapped a bit of confidence from me. And then, in another part of the newsletter, it talks about some gang that murdered 38 (!) foreigners.

Is there something that I'm missing here? What I mean is, should I be that concerned?

Rule of thumb something bad can happen to you anytime or anyplace if you run into the wrong dude or dudette.

PI is no more dangerous if not less dangerous than your typical poverty stricken area of any American (don’t know where you two are from) city. At the same time just use common sense.

Don’t wear expensive jewelry; don’t walk around with a lot of cash. Don’t even carry credit cards; about 10,000 Pesos should be enough for any evening in Angeles. Don’t fuck with the local guys in hostile manner and if they fuck with you just ignore and keep moving unless they decide to invade your personal space in a hostile manner.

Don’t walk around late at night; take Trikes when possible.
PS: On my first and last trip to Angeles I walked around late at night with expensive jewelry and pockets full of money. I didn’t have a problem (not being brave just did not assess the threat level) but would I do it again? No.

09-17-09, 09:20
Reading from the newsletter it would seem that robbery and bashing up of tourist is a free-for-all activity and the police are helpless to stop it!You need to keep in mind that newspapers only print UNUSUAL things. If foreigners were getting robbed every day, newspapers would not print it as it would not be newsworthy. Always keep in mind that rare crimes make the news, common crimes do not.

Been going to Angeles every weekend, sometimes twice a week, for a year and half now. And been there about 50 times before that. Never had a serious problem.

09-17-09, 09:59

Searching for some pictures ore videos. Perfect Girl from Olongapo. Aisa ore Aira. I had her several times but I lost my camera last month.

Thanks a lot.


Yella Man
09-17-09, 10:57
I agree it is very unsafe:D Leaves more ladies for us:D

I agree with Robbaf. Please, for your own sake, stay home during the month of January or go to another country! Nothing but bad news and death in AC during that time. :-)


09-17-09, 12:54
Just today I learned that there will be a pool party at Kokomo's on Sunday the 20th of September from 1pm til 6pm. Admission is P400 and includes reduced customer drink prices, ladies drink prices and a buffet spread.

Now while I am a fan of pool parties of Kokomo's in the earlier years, the last ones I have attended (in the past 2 years or so) are very tame in comparison to the ones just a couple of years ago and more importantly compared to other pool parties that are still occasionally held. I just wanted to mention this as I generally no longer recommend their parties to friends or members, but I did want to let members know about it. Each member can decide for themselves if they want to attend or not.

An update for this party - According to a posting on another local PI board, the admission is now free to attend.

I have saved a screen shot of the posting just in case it comes to light that later they re-change their minds and decide to charge (which for the group hosting the party would not be the first time a change was made and the boards not informed of it).

09-17-09, 13:03
Rule of thumb something bad can happen to you anytime or anyplace if you run into the wrong dude or dudette.

PI is no more dangerous if not less dangerous than your typical poverty stricken area of any American (don’t know where you two are from) city. At the same time just use common sense.

Don’t wear expensive jewelry; don’t walk around with a lot of cash. Don’t even carry credit cards; about 10,000 Pesos should be enough for any evening in Angeles. Don’t fuck with the local guys in hostile manner and if they fuck with you just ignore and keep moving unless they decide to invade your personal space in a hostile manner.

Don’t walk around late at night; take Trikes when possible.
PS: On my first and last trip to Angeles I walked around late at night with expensive jewelry and pockets full of money. I didn’t have a problem (not being brave just did not assess the threat level) but would I do it again? No.

I have visited AC numerous times. I stick to Fields avenue at night. Although I have been foolish enough to walk to the casino. Not because of the money issue to take a trike but to get some walking exercise done. Here on I will not do it.
I do not flash any money, wear regular clothes and no jewellery. Never felt threatened and never talked with anybody even if they tried to initiate a conversation. Just smiled and walked away.
Generally once you barfine a girl she will become your local protector. I let her carry some money so that if we go to eat or barhopping she will take care of the tab. This way I need not flash the wad of money even if we buy something on the street. I have seen people will leave you alone if you are with a girl.
Walking anywhere in the daytime does not seem to be a problem. Even the expats who live there will not think of walking at night or going through a isolated area.
Do not rent a motorbike or a car. If you hit some car or person you are in deep shit. Never loose your cool because you will never win your argument .
Physical fighting is common in many countries and police will not take any action.
We are there for a short time and it is better to concentrate on enjoying rather than confronting and acting like a big jerk even if you are drunk.

09-17-09, 17:19
Normad2020, Zackary Kr....when i started out to PH first time....i knew i was not going for charity to save poor Filipinos or counsel bar girls.

Even, if you would have gone to counsel bar girls in AC would you be this fearful. its all in your head, no one is waiting for you.

Remember, you are safe of murder or robbery once you inside the bar, ok may be some form of cheating in the bars for bill etc but not life threatening.

Mongering is a lifestyle, take advice of the mongers here whole heartedly they have been there and done ..what you are going to do, so chill and relax.

You can either be a freak or a geek, no place for in betweeners in mongering or in real life.

Every monger who is here has to make some tough decisions in his life in order to enjoy the bliss.

Its up to you to make that decision...its your call totally...ultimately...you would be the one who would enjoy and then i don't think you will come and ask..hey guys i'm enjoying AC too much..is there anyway i can have less fun :)

Good Luck

09-17-09, 22:04
yep, the only sure thing in life is death and taxes.

no gang murdered 38 foreigners.

if you read the article properly, it says that so far this year, 38 foreigners were murdered in the philippines. we know of at least 3 were in angeles city. an american in march, a malaysian in june and another american in august who was out for a fight. if it can be believed that dmia handles say 200,000 international passengers in that period. then....

omg!!! that is 1.5 homicides per 100,000 visitors.

if that sounds risky, what can i say... cancel your flights and stay at home. i believe the murder rate in my hometown is 30 per 100,000. philippines sounds pretty safe to me.

09-18-09, 00:25
Intentional homocides per 100.000:

Your typical W-European country: Around 1
UK: 2
Philippines: 3,82
USA: 5,8
Thailand: 7,92

Take a chill pill and enjoy the place ;-)

(sources: Global Burden of Armed Violence Report. Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development)

09-18-09, 04:43
To all forum members who had kindly given me your advise pertaining to my concern posted earlier, I would like to say a big THANK YOU for your generosity in sharing your experiences with me as I prepare to make my cherry trip to The Philippines.

In my short life exploring the P4P world (predominantly in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia) I have never ever "flash" jeweleries or money unnecessary and have always respected the culture, customs and people of my host country. I always believe that as "guest" we have to show proper decorum and naturally your "host" will do the same.

The Philippines will be a new country for me and I will continue to read further in the forum to gather for information regarding the P4P scene so that when I make my first trip there (hopefully in early December 09) I will be able to enjoy myself. Given I will need to pay some tutorial fees (newbie's mistakes) but in general I am sure I will be satisfy.

To all regular members in the Philippines forum, please continue to post your FR so that people like me can learn and gather the right information to partake in the delicious P4P world of The Philippines.

Thank you.


09-20-09, 03:20
I just got confirmed word that there will be another pool party in AC. This pool party will be a charity pool party and will be held at the ABC hotel. Here are the details of the party:

Anyone that was at the last Doghouse pool party at ABC will tell you it was one of the best ever. This SPECIAL one will be even BIGGER and BETTER. With 20-25 bars and 150+ FUN girls.

This SPECIAL Doghouse pool party is on Saturday Oct 24 from 12noon to 4 pm (time due to possibility of rain) the cost is 1000p for 4 hours YES I SAID 4 HOURS OF FREE DRINKS. You can drink until the well runs DRY. 500p of the entrance fee will go to the orphanage.

Plus you get a great buffet. There are NO Ladies drinks to buy. I know you’re shocked. Well you can buy beads for the ladies at the cost of 50p each and she will get 25p and the orphanage will get 25p.
We have all the doghouse bars LaBamba, Rhapsody, Golden Nile, Cambodia, Stampede, Cherry’s, Lollipop, Tropix,

We have Non Doghouse bars Sky Bar, LaPasha, Treasure Island, Emotions, Touch of Class, Alaska, Blue Nile, Nero’s and Bedrock. More bars to be added.

We will also do 5 big raffles.

An example of what we will do is a honeymoon for a night package, a presidential suite at Lewis Grand hotel, dinner for 2 at C Italian, 1 Lovely lady from a Doghouse bar, plus drinks from several of the bars and our normal Doghouse prizes. ABC will do 1 big SURPRISE raffle that you don’t know what you’re bidding on.

09-20-09, 04:10

Arrived yesterday.
Since my flight to Clark is 7am in the morning, I have to get up around 3am.
Arriving DMIA 1130hrs roughly, Check-In in LGH, -->1pm

Got a quick relief in Matrix Brawn,
then lunch, money changer etc etc....


Usually in the first night I take a girl I know and I can trust,
since I'm pretty tired because of get up so early
and sleep like a stone after bumbum.

Yesterday broke with that and found a 19y/o looker.
10/10 body but unfortunately really uneducated, too bad, not much small talk possible.
Had one round in room and then it's just 9pm....

Never seen her before, but anyway, left her in room watching TV,
went down to the pool bar in LG for some drinks.

Laptop, Nikon DSLR, some flashes and more digital stuff openly in the room.
(As I always do so.)

Came back around 11pm, all valuables still there,
girl still there, we had a good night.

I'd say most girls there are much more honest than eg. the Thai sisters.
In eg. Pattaya I would never do that.

Life is nice diba?

Gold Digger21
09-20-09, 17:12
I dont really trust 100% girls in AC esp. bar girls.

You can never tell.

Just be careful.


Arrived yesterday.
Since my flight to Clark is 7am in the morning, I have to get up around 3am.
Arriving DMIA 1130hrs roughly, Check-In in LGH, -->1pm

Got a quick relief in Matrix Brawn,
then lunch, money changer etc etc.


Usually in the first night I take a girl I know and I can trust, since I'm pretty tired because of get up so early and sleep like a stone after bumbum.

Yesterday broke with that and found a 19y/o looker.

10/10 body but unfortunately really uneducated, too bad, not much small talk possible.

Had one round in room and then it's just 9pm....

Never seen her before, but anyway, left her in room watching TV, went down to the pool bar in LG for some drinks.

Laptop, Nikon DSLR, some flashes and more digital stuff openly in the room.
(As I always do so.)

Came back around 11pm, all valuables still there, girl still there, we had a good night.

I'd say most girls there are much more honest than eg. the Thai sisters.
In eg. Pattaya I would never do that.

Life is nice diba?

09-20-09, 20:40
Won't be around for the nice Dollhouse pool party in late Oct. Since I maybe traveling to AC with another ISG pal, are there any pool parties planned between Oct 9-16?

09-20-09, 20:52

Never seen her before, but anyway, left her in room watching TV,
went down to the pool bar in LG for some drinks.

Laptop, Nikon DSLR, some flashes and more digital stuff openly in the room.
(As I always do so.)

Came back around 11pm, all valuables still there,
girl still there, we had a good night.

I'd say most girls there are much more honest than eg. the Thai sisters.
In eg. Pattaya I would never do that.


As a veteran of LOS, absolutely never leave anything of value in the room with any Thai bargirl or worst, the Patts SW. In fact, some of them are so bad they once tried to break into my inroom safe when I was in the can.
In general, I'd never leave valuables (or even anything I don't want to lose even if its not worth much) lying around with anyone I don't trust or familiar with, applies everywhere and includes AC---IMO


Zackary Kr
09-20-09, 23:58
Thank you guys! Actually, I think I gave the wrong impression. I said I was "concerned" about the Margarita Station Newsletter but I never thought twice about not going!! Hehe

I've been to Vietnam and Cambodia before for about a month and I was fine. Still, I appreciate everyone's encouragement.

Thank you!

09-21-09, 01:04
In general, I'd never leave valuables (or even anything I don't want to lose even if its not worth much) lying around with anyone I don't trust or familiar withAgreed. In AC, as in Thailand, it'd probably be fine nine times out of ten. And the tenth time you'd lose the lot.

Room maids are a different story. Unless you do something really silly, like leave a pile of cash around, they're generally very trustworthy in SE Asia.

Khun Larry
09-21-09, 09:06
I was told Angeles is crowded now.

Thought it is a little early for a crowd to be in Phills. Can anyone confirm? Are the rooms wide open or are there a lot of mongers in town for some reason.

Thanks much

09-21-09, 10:36
Well, guys, actually I did not join the party. I watched a bit from outside and decided not to participate. I hope all the fellows there had a nice time, but I was just not in the mood. I had a nice chat with Ekspat instead, and tested the food at Kokomo's instead. And, I found some nice stuff, it's the chicken curry on the first page of their menue. With about 15 spices and pretty hot. Add some Java rice, and it's pretty delicious.



Thanks Acfreddie for the great report about the pool party at the LGH. I really regret that I have missed this one. But I just couldn't make it.

I will be in town on September 20 and will have a look at the pool party at Kokomo's. Though I agree with Ekspat's comment that the food is not worth talking about - if the pool party is the same, I can leave again. The 400 P fee is not the world. In any case, if I can make it there, I will report.


Escort Fan
09-21-09, 16:48
I was told Angeles is crowded now.

Thought it is a little early for a crowd to be in Phills. Can anyone confirm? Are the rooms wide open or are there a lot of mongers in town for some reason.

Thanks muchInteresting. Pity I thought with the crisis there would be less people!

Also for us Euros, the only direct gateway to the phils is Amsterdam (no other european fly to MNL)

Full hotels in the rainy season (that's very good news for the girls and the phils economy!)

Someone at the IMF should analyse the amount of currency the punters are "injecting" in the local economy!

The Rooster1
09-21-09, 20:53

Searching for some pictures ore videos. Perfect Girl from Olongapo. Aisa ore Aira. I had her several times but I lost my camera last month.

Thanks a lot.

ClaudioHey Claudoi,

I know her by her real name only. She is around as I chat with her on occasion on YM. She took a month break from the bar and worked/working at the mall. Not sure what that is about? She is in Angeles. I was with her back in July and it was a nice time. No pics as I have never been in to taking pics. There all in my head!

Peace out!

09-22-09, 05:32
Interesting. Pity I thought with the crisis there would be less people!
Doesn't seem so but no worries! Enough girls still here for all of us.
But surprising for me as well, LGH is fully booked and yesterday I saw signs at the Dollhouse hotel and the hotel opposite if it: "No Vancancy".
But I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be a problem to find a decent room with some search.

Someone at the IMF should analyse the amount of currency the punters are "injecting" in the local economy!
Yeah, would be interesting to know, it must be a lot.
Including hotel I spent around 200 USD per day here.

Greetings from AC!

09-22-09, 17:53
Hey Claudoi,

I know her by her real name only. She is around as I chat with her on occasion on YM. She took a month break from the bar and worked/working at the mall. Not sure what that is about? She is in Angeles. I was with her back in July and it was a nice time. No pics as I have never been in to taking pics. There all in my head!

Peace out!Thanks a lot for the info.

Had a perfect time with her in Olongapo last year and this year in Angeles.

I see you a re Cebu expert.

If you need infos about Cambo, Kenia, etc. just ask.

Still surching for some nice pictures and vids from her.

Thanks a lot.

Will see her again this winter hopefully.


09-23-09, 02:52
After many years, I finally made it to the "entertainment centre of the Philippines".

Flight from HK cost a rediculous 65 dollars US. return is not much more. Go to Cebu Pacific website if you do not believe me. I could have wanted to marry 3 of the 4 hostesses. Maybe i was anticipating.

Airport to LGH was 315 P. Nice efficient service. I chose to walk down the street. It is dirty, chaotic and an attack on the senses. It was 4 in the afternoon. Went to a number of bars. Finally settled on a 19 YO from Cebu @ PONEY TAILS. Same group as Atlantis. First week on the job. Straight negotiations. 1350 BF. Ask about BBBJ and DATV: answer was: you teach me! Way to go. Shows me her health check; weekly, including blood tests. As we leave, there were high 5's with mamasan and the door man. It is her first BF. 2 hours later, my sexual anticipation was satisfied. Usual service. 2 pops.

Went to sleep and hit the streets again @ 8 pm. Completely different character. I have never seen anything like this. It is virtlually a meat market in the streets. By the way, Atlantis opens @ 7 pm. Hopped around and returned to Poney Tails and BF another newey. 3 weeks on the job! Dinner at C Italian restaurant was very disappointing and very expensive for waht you get but there are a lot of of customers, mostly locals.

Absolute GFE with second BF. 1350 plus 500 tip. Decided to BF her for 2 more days because I felt so comfortable with her. 24, husband went AWOL, 3 year old son. For 3 days, we were in tune; gentle lovin'. I abandoned previous plans to bang as many as possible. Went to play golf, go to SUBIC (what a hole the red light area!). Bar hop in the evenings. I got all soft and took her shopping (extra 3000P). She was also relatively new to this world and had good conversation.

Impressions: Amazing and overpowering. Lots of sad sad old old men, especially Americans, Germans and Australians. Younger Koreans and malaysia. Cattle truck loads of fuckable young women. You can have a GFE for around 1800-2000 P. All of 40 USD!

But Ageles is a hole. The girls are the ONLY reason to go there but what a reason.

Thanks for all information. I would have been lost but for it but I hit the ground running except I feel for a filipina!

09-23-09, 05:35
Well now you see and believe what you read in this board was not all fabricated fiction. I made my first trip in 2002 and made about 25 trips sense. Its funny, you here what goes on and when you live in "Western Civilization" its hard to believe that the Philippines is really quite the place. Glad you enjoyed. Just a quick comment on you stating that you bar fine the second girl because you both just really clicked. From experience as many will tell you. It is easy to fall inlove if you let yourself with these girls. Not saying a relationship can not work bur remember Top rule #1 "You can take a girl from the bar, but you can not take the bar out of the girl" Always keep this in mind if the heart strings are tugging. I am sure you are already looking to the next trip.

Good luck

09-23-09, 07:18
But Ageles is a hole.We should be thankful for that -- keeps the non-riffraff out!

09-23-09, 08:33
But Ageles is a hole. The girls are the ONLY reason to go there but what a reason.

And that reason is more than sufficient, right?
Greetings from AC! :p

09-23-09, 13:59
And that reason is more than sufficient, right?
Greetings from AC! :p

I left and I did not leave a contact. She understood. But I can see why and how it happens. Life goes on. But for 3 days, the communications was great and life enhancing.

My other comments : the support services, like changing money (46.00 [in hotels] to 47.77 per US dollar in street), laundry, internet seem to work well. I had the usual brawls with trikes, taxis and ladies' drinks. One taxi refused to take me back to LGH for less than 250 from SM mall. So I took a Jeepney plus a trike. Total cost: 57 P! I knew I squeezed the trike chap a little too hard and gave him an extra 20. He did not say thanks.

I tried a massage from Oasis; 1 hour of competent massage for 800 P in LGH. She was disappointed I did not take her up on offers of extras. She was 45 or so.

I went to the Casino; overrated and not well patronised but managed to pick up 500 US at the black jack table. Usually, it is the other way around when I visit Casinos. I took the house on with a double aces, split and got a 10 and a K! Within 15 minutes, I was up 600 USD and as usual, I stopped.I gave back 100 at the roulette and 100 dollar USD bill at the end of the night to bar fine number 2. I saw her change it to pesos the next day. I was in the good books! But seriously, I do not mind. She wanted a phone but I said use the money I gave you.

Korean restaurant with the strange "history of island" name in or next to the Maharajah hotel in the perimeter is very good. R & B live music starts late; around 9 pm. SM mall has several worthwhile fast food type restaurants.

They are building two big bars which should put some of the smaller bars under pressure. One is red and yellow and the other was too early to tell.

X Man
09-23-09, 16:03
It never occurred to me to take a taxi. I've always walked both ways.

I suspect that you could ask for America Hotel - and they would agree to a more reasonable charge. Then just ask them to stop earlier at LGH.

As far as I can tell, ABC hotel is the closest hotel to the mall as the crow flies -- you have to cut thru the jeepney terminal.


One taxi refused to take me back to LGH for less than 250 from SM mall. So I took a Jeepney plus a trike. Total cost: 57 P! I knew I squeezed the trike chap a little too hard and gave him an extra 20. He did not say thanks.


Irony Monger
09-23-09, 16:23
It never occurred to me to take a taxi. I've always walked both ways. About how long (minutes) is the walk from LGH to Fields Ave? I always prefer walking to riding (I'm big enough that nobody gives me shit...not worth their time).

09-23-09, 21:02
About how long (minutes) is the walk from LGH to Fields Ave? I always prefer walking to riding (I'm big enough that nobody gives me shit...not worth their time).

Around 15 minutes with lots to see on the way. You can also ride on the jeepney most of the way (they stop at the terminal whhich is about 100 yards from the centre of the action) for around 7 P. It is as easy as see Jeepney outside the entrance, wave, get on pay 7 P and you are there!

I walked most of the time but it may be raining.

09-24-09, 01:55
About how long (minutes) is the walk from LGH to Fields Ave? I always prefer walking to riding (I'm big enough that nobody gives me shit...not worth their time).
It is a long walk (30 to 45 minutes) and depending on the time of day, way too hot. I am in Vietnam on vacation form the Philippines and I walked around two hours yesterday. It is very hot here.

Speaking of Vietnam, Philippines is the best place in Asia (IMHO) for GFE and partying. I can't wait to get back to the Philippines Saturday:(

09-24-09, 03:17
It is a long walk (30 to 45 minutes)I believe I could crawl it in 45 minutes. In fact I probably have done.

09-24-09, 03:33
It is a long walk (30 to 45 minutes)
Bro Robbaf, don't include 3 SMB and a LD in Emotions in your estimation!! :D
It's not more than 15 mins.


09-24-09, 04:38
Well as I reported many trips to Philippines and now finally in the comforts of home. Really had some difficulty with Aussie costums but made it by ok. Something about being Home here In Sydney I like but miss those Philippine beauties over the Cambodians. Will make a trip back to States next week (Texas) and then back to the adult playground of Angeles.


09-24-09, 10:21
After many years, I finally made it to the "entertainment centre of the Philippines".

I could have wanted to marry 3 of the 4 hostesses.

Finally settled on a 19 YO from Cebu @ PONEY TAILS. Same group as Atlantis. First week on the job. Straight negotiations. 1350 BF. Ask about BBBJ and DATV: answer was: you teach me!

It is virtlually a meat market in the streets.

...and BF another newey.

Absolute GFE with second BF.

Impressions: Amazing and overpowering. Lots of sad sad old old men, especially Americans, Germans and Australians. Younger Koreans and malaysia. Cattle truck loads of fuckable young women. You can have a GFE for around 1800-2000 P. All of 40 USD!

Great report. Not sure why those old old men are so sad. Most are retirees They get to do all year round what you were doing, while you have to settle for a short trip - guess you can't please everybody.

These guys have a life of drinking and screwing and eating non-stop year round. They live like kings compared to how they would have to live 'back home'. Don't waste any sympathy on them - they are too busy making deposits in the Pinay sperm banks to care anyhow.

*Has a mental image of lots of old old guys screaming (sadly) 'no no no no!' as their barfines are riding them.*

09-24-09, 10:37
*Has a mental image of lots of old old guys screaming (sadly) 'no no no no!' as their barfines are riding them.*
Only 48 years old but for my afternoon session today I enjoyed a 20y/o and a 18y/o (one week in business) in an excellent threesome.
Both no kids with very firm bodies.
The 18y/o was so tight, we had to use baby oil.......

So sad....... :D :D :D


09-24-09, 10:44
These guys have a life of drinking and screwing and eating non-stop year round.
Planning to do that 2011 onwards..... :p :p

09-24-09, 14:15
Great report. Not sure why those old old men are so sad. Most are retirees They get to do all year round what you were doing, while you have to settle for a short trip - guess you can't please everybody.

These guys have a life of drinking and screwing and eating non-stop year round. They live like kings compared to how they would have to live 'back home'. Don't waste any sympathy on them - they are too busy making deposits in the Pinay sperm banks to care anyhow.

*Has a mental image of lots of old old guys screaming (sadly) 'no no no no!' as their barfines are riding them.*
I do not think they are sad. They are retired people who live better in PHIL than in their home country.
If you can say retired life is boring, it is 10 times more boring in AC since there is generally nothing to do. Most have a live in GF who takes care of cooking, cleaning and sex. All they do is hang around with their friends drinking and talking. You can see most them having breakfast at Moe.
For them getting even normal girls is easy I would imagine unlike us who have to barfine all the time. I would say they are kind of beyond hunting for girls. It is like you crave for oranges if there is none and the craving goes away if you are in a orchard. Except for occassional ripe fruit.

09-24-09, 16:21
I do not think they are sad.Er, not to ruin the mood here or anything, but I don't think it takes much wandering around AC to see a whole lot of fairly sad cases. Old, often sick, usually pretty broke, just getting by. On the other hand, they're doing it under palm trees and surrounded by sweet young Asian things, so OK, probably not quite as sad as they would be back home at the YMCA.

09-25-09, 03:13
Er, not to ruin the mood here or anything, but I don't think it takes much wandering around AC to see a whole lot of fairly sad cases. Old, often sick, usually pretty broke, just getting by. On the other hand, they're doing it under palm trees and surrounded by sweet young Asian things, so OK, probably not quite as sad as they would be back home at the YMCA.You are quite right, I know a few who would like to go back to the USA Because they are old and would like to be around family and old time friends, But they can't afford to return at this point. They are living on Social Security and while you can afford to live on that in the PI. It wouldn't come close to being enough in any major city in the USA So they are stuck in the PI.

For quite a few after they've been in AC for 10 to 15 years the appeal of the girls leaves and a lot of them sour on the whole atmosphere. Dealing with the beggars, the scams, They don't bother going near the bar area.

A couple of expats I knew who could afford it, actually moved back to the US.

X Man
09-25-09, 04:10
Betong, you're not ruining the mood! It's that guy Ekspat and his baby oil stories that ruins the mood! :-)

As someone who is firmly entrenched in middle aged, I have to admit it is sad to be getting older. I'm not "sick" yet, unless you consider the excessive drinking /debauchery. Oh, and some would say "paranoia".

As for "pretty broke", I think it's been suggested that one should not flaunt one's wealth in a place like AC. That old fart in t-shirt and flip flops may be a millionaire -- well, at least a peso millionaire.

If I'm not mistaken, you can get a US military pension after just 20 or 25 years. I wonder how many of those "sad" old timers in AC have been kicking back on their pensions for the last 20 or 30 years.

Things may not be as they seem.

X, formerly from the sad, sad city of Detroit

Er, not to ruin the mood here or anything, but I don't think it takes much wandering around AC to see a whole lot of fairly sad cases. Old, often sick, usually pretty broke, just getting by. On the other hand, they're doing it under palm trees and surrounded by sweet young Asian things, so OK, probably not quite as sad as they would be back home at the YMCA.

09-25-09, 04:53
Betong, you're not ruining the mood! It's that guy Ekspat and his baby oil stories that ruins the mood! :-)Amen, Ekspat, leave them girls alone:D I know he ruined my mood. He is getting what I want:( I will return Saturday and I can't wait.

09-25-09, 09:59
Only 48 years old but for my afternoon session today I enjoyed a 20y/o and a 18y/o (one week in business) in an excellent threesome.
Both no kids with very firm bodies.
The 18y/o was so tight, we had to use baby oil.......

So sad....... :D :D :D



I still have just under seven weeks till touchdown in Clark. I hate you, you know.

Rubber sheets, baby oil.

I am very tempted to get on the plane tomorrow.

X Man
09-25-09, 10:00
Good picture Robbaf. Lot's of happy faces. Some look familiar, but I don't have a chance in hell of even guessing where / who.


Amen, Ekspat, leave them girls alone:D I know he ruined my mood. He is getting what I want:( I will return Saturday and I can't wait.

09-25-09, 10:52
Good picture Robbaf. Lot's of happy faces. Some look familiar, but I don't have a chance in hell of even guessing where / who.

XThat would be Rhapsody and I have had the pleasures of four ladies in the picture and momma Rose isn't one of the four:D

X Man
09-25-09, 11:53
That doesn't ring a bell, but I do remember some of the faces. The short chubby gal with glasses was very friendly and also articulate.

Sometimes the management really affects the atmosphere of the bars.

I'm not particularly fond of the mama-sans who simply wave their arm toward the stage and raise their eyebrows with a "which one" expression.


That would be Rhapsody and I have had the pleasures of four ladies in the picture and momma Rose isn't one of the four:D

09-25-09, 13:54
As for "pretty broke", I think it's been suggested that one should not flaunt one's wealth in a place like AC. That old fart in t-shirt and flip flops may be a millionaire -- well, at least a peso millionaire.

But being a peso millionaire beats the hell out of being a dong millionaire!

09-25-09, 14:19
But being a peso millionaire beats the hell out of being a dong millionaire!
I am sure many expats in AC have money stashed away. But they have to behave like "When in Rome----------- ".
In poor countries it is always better not to flaunt wealth so as not to become a target for extortion,kidnapping, robbery etc. Most of the retirees there will get social security + pension + returns on investrment savings.
I do not think money wise they are not sad. Maybe there are a few who live day to day. Since they cannot get any gainfull employment for a decent salary, they have to be carefull how to budget the money. Given the chance the little fucklets will bankrupt them and leave them high and dry. We all have heard lots of these cases in Thailand.
Their life is definitely not on the fast lane like us who go there on vacation, blow our money on girls and drinks and come back to replenish our lost money and go back to do all over again.
I am sure their lifestyle would be envy of many old timers living here in USA.

X Man
09-25-09, 15:50
Dong? I'm guessing it is a unit of money.....and is less attractive than being a peso millionaire. Sorry, but I missed the joke...


But being a peso millionaire beats the hell out of being a dong millionaire!

Irony Monger
09-25-09, 16:04
Bro Robbaf, don't include 3 SMB and a LD in Emotions in your estimation!! :D It's not more than 15 mins.So what I should take home is that it is somewhere between 15 and 45 minutes, depending on your level of intoxication and the attractiveness of the ladies outside the bars. Exactly the kind of info I was looking for.

09-25-09, 17:28
That would be Rhapsody and I have had the pleasures of four ladies in the picture and momma Rose isn't one of the four:D
To tell you the truth I had the pleasure to visit Mama Rose in her home where she cooked Lechon Kawali for me and my ex-GF who used to work in Raphsody in the past. She is a very nice lady with whom you can talk about a lot of things.
And indeed a mamasan can make or break a place.

09-25-09, 17:59
Dong is the currency in Vietnam, it is currently the 2nd least valued currency unit, second only to the Zimbabwean dollar. :)

09-25-09, 18:05
But being a peso millionaire beats the hell out of being a dong millionaire!
I have been a Dong millionaire all week. What a life:D

The Rooster1
09-27-09, 01:21
Amen, Ekspat, leave them girls alone:D I know he ruined my mood. He is getting what I want:( I will return Saturday and I can't wait.Nice pic Robbaf.

A familiar face.

When was this pic taken if I can ask?

09-27-09, 01:39
Nice pic Robbaf.

A familiar face.

When was this pic taken if I can ask?I believe it was May/June 2009. I made two trips very close together and both trip photos are in the same folder.

09-27-09, 02:51
Betong, you're not ruining the mood! It's that guy Ekspat and his baby oil stories that ruins the mood! :-)
Dearest X,

I'm truly unhappy having brought bad mood into our sensitive community.
Please accept my honest apologies.
See attached to improve the mood here. :D

For this trip preferred bars: Underground, Body Shop, Sunshine, Emotions.


09-27-09, 03:07
I will return Saturday and I can't wait.
I think I know the girl on the right in that pic..... :D :D
Btw, could you travel? I've heard of a typhoon or so.
Have fun, mate!!


09-28-09, 01:13
It was one hell of a party as the pictures will show

Shang Sleazn
09-28-09, 04:49
Are there any bars in Angeles that specialize in BJs?

Rob Woodrow
09-28-09, 05:45
It was one hell of a party as the pictures will show
Looks like a good time.

EDIT: I hadn't read the news until just now...forget that I wished for a typhoon. People died and are still dying. I didn't know.

09-28-09, 06:01
It was one hell of a party as the pictures will show

So what happened to pictures 6, 7, 11, 13, and 14??? :)

Just kidding, ah AC, it is as remembered. Somehow Wiki forgot to mention the mongering scene (and ACFeddie's report) in their article. (see below)

According to Philippine weather bureau PAGASA, the metropolis received 42.4 cm of rain in just 12 hours, exceeding the 39.2 cm average for the entire month of September. The previous record was set on June 7, 1967, with 33.4 cm of rainfall over a 24-hour period. Ketsana dumped 455 millimeters of rain in Quezon City alone in 24 hours, compared to the 250 millimeters of rain that Hurricane Katrina brought to New Orleans, Louisiana in the United States in 2005.


Ekspat- nice tits and ass on that girl but could due without the hairy bush. :):):) Don't most these chicks shave?

09-28-09, 06:57
the hairy bush. I'm loving it.... :D
Don't most these chicks shave?
I wouldn't say "most", some do and some don't. My guess 50:50.
Any other opinions?
But even if they shave, you can hardly find anyone who is really well shaved and perfectly smooth.
Mostly it isn't done properly, old shaver and small cuts, grown-in hairs and pimples, 2-4 days old shave etc etc....
No sorry, then I prefer the black forest.


Rob Woodrow
09-28-09, 07:10
I'm loving it.... :D
I wouldn't say "most", some do and some don't. My guess 50:50.
Any other opinions?
But even if they shave, you can hardly find anyone who is really well shaved and perfectly smooth.
Mostly it isn't done properly, old shaver and small cuts, grown-in hairs and pimples, 2-4 days old shave etc etc....
No sorry, then I prefer the black forest.

50/50 sounds about right. A couple of years ago it seemed like a higher percentage were shaved.

I agree about 2 days growth being worse than full bush. It can really irritate the skin. Maybe I should take a BF to get waxed.

09-28-09, 07:49
Are there any bars in Angeles that specialize in BJs?
No. Actually there aren't any bars in Angeles at all. Zero, Null, Nada, Kosong.
It's a huge fake set up by the PI tourism board.
:D :D

X Man
09-28-09, 10:22
Yes, I noticed that too. What a shame. I think you can get a bj beer at the 7-11. Budweiser junior.

change of topic...

As for shaving or not shaving certain growths, Thailand always wins in this area. Is there any other ethnic group that has a propencity for hairlessness?

I'd rather have jungle than stubble.


No. Actually there aren't any bars in Angeles at all. Zero, Null, Nada, Kosong.
It's a huge fake set up by the PI tourism board.
:D :D

09-28-09, 12:39
Is there any other ethnic group that has a propencity for hairlessness?

Indonesians? I am not an expert as my experience is limited to those working in Hong Kong, but the Quran stipulates shaving as a requirement iirc ... YMMV.

09-28-09, 14:08
Angeles is cheap. Availability overwhelming and desensitise you.

Best restaurants are probably in SM Mall. You can easily walk to SM Mall from the jeepney depot.

Stayed at Clarkton last 2 days. Lovely place. Mirrors a nice relaxed club.

R & B is a great way to spend 9 pm-1 am. Good solid band with 2 males and 2 female singers. Sat next to a group of ? Malaysians, each with 2 GRO. They had a great time, dancing etc. I suspect some of the GROs were high on something. Guy poured some whisky into my glass. Tasted like black label. There was this black American who must have been 6' 6" tall and 230 pounds. he was dancing with a tiny GRO who must have been around 90 pounds. Can't imagine how they do it.

09-28-09, 14:13
Is there any other ethnic group that has a propencity for hairlessness?I seem to recall a lot of natural hairlessness, or anyhow near-hairlessness, among Korean girls. Though it's been a while now, so don't take my word for it.

Yella Man
09-28-09, 14:23
I seem to recall a lot of natural hairlessness, or anyhow near-hairlessness, among Korean girls. Though it's been a while now, so don't take my word for it.

True. I've met a few Korean girls who had very little hair down below. It's my preference really. I could always get a better lip-lock on the hairless variety! I'm like a human punani plunger! :)

Yella Man

09-28-09, 14:31
I seem to recall a lot of natural hairlessness, or anyhow near-hairlessness, among Korean girls. Though it's been a while now, so don't take my word for it.

never seen a hairless Korean. usually its so much hair down there you could put it in cornrows and put little beads on it. AND those little fucking things (beads) always get stuck in my teeth!!!

So about this indo thing and the Koran...

X Man
09-28-09, 17:27
I seem to remember at least one K girl (Pusan) with a sparse bush, but like their cousins the Japanese, they usually have jungle-like growth.

Carmex, thanks for the laugh. Hope you'll be posting here more often.


never seen a hairless Korean. usually its so much hair down there you could put it in cornrows and put little beads on it. AND those little fucking things (beads) always get stuck in my teeth!!!

So about this indo thing and the Koran...

09-28-09, 22:25
. . . like their cousins the Japanese, they usually have jungle-like growth.Maybe that's why I remember my hairless Koreans -- I was living in Japan at the time. Some outrageous bushes.

I'm not picky about pubic hair as long as what's below it smells and tastes good. And (to get back on topic) this is one area where I'm afraid some Filipinas don't seem to be as careful as their sisters in places like Thailand and Vietnam.

09-28-09, 22:31
Dearest X,

I'm truly unhappy having brought bad mood into our sensitive community.
Please accept my honest apologies.
See attached to improve the mood here. :D

For this trip preferred bars: Underground, Body Shop, Sunshine, Emotions.

Cheers!Ekspat, I know that ass also. She is one of my favorites in Sunshine Bar.

Here is a pictures from my Sunday in Makati. Trip report to follow soon as I can find time to type it:D

09-28-09, 22:37
I think I know the girl on the right in that pic.

Btw, could you travel? I've heard of a typhoon or so.

Have fun, mate!

Cheers!You are correct. I almost book a car to AC on my return from Vietnam last Saturday, but now I sure am glad that I didn't. I was scheduled to arrive Terminal 2 at 1350 last Saturday and we got diverted to Iloilo for 2 and 1/2 hour (in the plane) and then we arrived in Manila at 5 pm and we had no gate, so we sat on the plane for three hours. Once we got off the plane, 1 1/2 hours for customs and immigration and then lucky I had a driver, because ZERO taxis. They wouldn't move due to the flooding. We drove for 3 hours trying to get to Makati and no such luck, finally found a room at 1 am at Cherry Blossoms in Malate. Of course I showered and went straight to LAC:D and the men out numbered the women 5 to 1. So went back and slept alone...but I sure made up for it Sunday:D

09-29-09, 01:54
Gosh a certain sign that the end of times are coming.

Thank God only tempararily

Susu Lover
09-29-09, 06:07
Hey expats and current visiting mongers.

Any flooding or bad weather sheit in AC? How bad is it in Phils? We want some 411, we saw the flooding in Manila, but whats up north?

Keep us informed.

09-29-09, 07:31
Ekspat, I know that ass also. She is one of my favorites in Sunshine Bar.

Hey, mine too. Is that now the second one you'll take out of my grabs?!? :(
And then you know most certainly my favorite #2 there as well, hehe.. :D
Not too difficult to guess I think!
Had great afternoon sessions last week there.


09-29-09, 09:43
Yes, I noticed that too. What a shame. I think you can get a bj beer at the 7-11. Budweiser junior.

change of topic...

As for shaving or not shaving certain growths, Thailand always wins in this area. Is there any other ethnic group that has a propencity for hairlessness?

I'd rather have jungle than stubble.

XI would put Phils on an equal footing with Thailand.

Just back from a Manila trip and 4 out of 5 wonderfully, smoothly and almost totally hairless. The other one had a little stubble. But given that I hadnt shaved my stubble left a lot more marks on her than hers did. LOL

09-29-09, 10:43
Hey expats and current visiting mongers.

Any flooding or bad weather sheit in AC? How bad is it in Phils? We want some 411, we saw the flooding in Manila, but whats up north?

Keep us informed.

No flooding yesterday am (when I left) so I guess there would not be today.

09-29-09, 12:54
Ekspat, I know that ass also. She is one of my favorites in Sunshine Bar.

Here is a pictures from my Sunday in Makati. Trip report to follow soon as I can find time to type it:DNice ass!

How much was the the damage?

09-29-09, 13:49
Hey expats and current visiting mongers.

Any flooding or bad weather sheit in AC? How bad is it in Phils? We want some 411, we saw the flooding in Manila, but whats up north?

Keep us informed.

No flooding went on today and hardly any up here in AC during the Monsoon/typhoon event. Was just out earlier on a bar hop (both fields and perimeter bars) and it was sunny when i headed out, a brief rain (about 20 minutes or so) then back to sunshine, then it was night time and it was dry. So in summary, what you have been seeing in Manila and on the TV is not happening in AC (meaning no major flooding has happened).

09-29-09, 17:37
Just eleven days to go and I can’t wait!

Hey, guys, looking for some intel. Any recommendations on which bars have good, helpful, friendly mamasans? I get so sick of the ones that corral you, the moment you sit down, and just wave at the floor in the “take your pick” motion, before you’ve even had a chance to scope out the talent.

09-29-09, 22:30
Nice ass!

How much was the the damage?:( you really don't want to know. It was Burgos, high bar fine, but only 2500P tip for each for LT.

09-30-09, 02:04
Just eleven days to go and I can’t wait!

Hey, guys, looking for some intel. Any recommendations on which bars have good, helpful, friendly mamasans? I get so sick of the ones that corral you, the moment you sit down, and just wave at the floor in the “take your pick” motion, before you’ve even had a chance to scope out the talent.

I would suggest that you stick with them medium to smaller size bars and concentrate on the non-large groups of bars if you want the more personal touch/feel. Some of the bars I would suggest to those seeking what you are looking for are (on fields) Alaska, Rhapsody, Lolipop, La Bamba, Body Shop, Shooterz, Treasure Island and Bunny Ranch. (On Perimeter road); Candy Bar, Lost in Asia, and Roadies

09-30-09, 05:35
I seem to remember at least one K girl (Pusan) with a sparse bush, but like their cousins the Japanese, they usually have jungle-like growth.

Carmex, thanks for the laugh. Hope you'll be posting here more often.


Hehe walang problema X,

I think I am a little burned out on AC right now, and will head to Tacloban for October. Still want to see Leyte and cruise around there a little bit.

A girl down there is promising to hook me up with some non P4P girls (with jobs-oh my!) She is engaged to some guy in USA and working on her visa, but also mentions she is multi-orgasmic and can take it if I go deep on her. So, not sure how this will turn out.


10-01-09, 07:42
I'm serious. Are there any particular bars where a lot of hot, naughty filipinas are located? The greater the concentration of nyphos the bettter. I understand that the mileage may vary depending on certain factors. Not looking for GFE, but rather a PSE style.


10-01-09, 10:48
Not looking for GFE, but rather a PSE style.

Don't know a particular bar, but what I've heard so far,
for PSE is Pattaya or even BKK the best place.


10-01-09, 12:53
So, I just came back from my 18th trip to AC. A bit too much heh? This time I went via Singapore route with Tiger – how convenient is to fly directly into Clack!

I have not done any girl performances this time having in mind that I spend most of the time with my steady. Yeah, steady, after many trips its almost inevitable. Nevertheless in 10 days I did a lot of barhopping and 5 girls on the side (all ST) to keep my mental balance?

New stuff in AC:

Club Asia just opened. All glitz and glamour in a mid sized bar. Asian theme. A bit too much though. In any case I find it stupid to place the images of Budha all over in a girlie bar. In rest regular prices for the Atlantis group

PoneyTails. Near ABC hotel, same owned by Atlantis group but attention: the spotlights there are still 1350p (probably until the bar gets more popular) and it opens at 12 pm with 50 p beer.

I did a lot the perimeter bars well away fro my steady. Attention, Niffties Bar has some new talent, at least 3 girls worth looking at and 1 of them a total spotlight (21 yo – Lovely by her bar name, she said she likes Niffties due to her friends) but you guys better hurry up cause she might move soon to Atlantis. Of course I did her upstairs – yes, the upstairs business is open again. Grossy rooms but its part of the charm.

Attention! New small bar opened on the blow road called Underground. Nice selection and most importantly it has 900 p ST, room on the back included. No, its not a hole in the wall, it's a normal looking bar and a normal looking hotel room with mirror, kind size bed etc Did two girls there

What else? The Typhoon was not felt that much in AC. Rain and wind like crezy but the AC never stops. Yes, brown out all over but in the Perimeter the business was continued at candle lights. At HoneyKos bar the girls were dancing naked etc at candle lights. A surreal atmosphere.

In rest AC is as dirty and as hectic as ever. I made a lot of street photos and it amazes me the ugliness around. But I guess this is nothing new

Again, after about 5 days the meat was no longer that interesting but the atmosphere, the characters, the chase etc It's a bit hard to belive that Westeners are actually moving to live here? Why? Since most of them have a live inn girlfriend. Just for the STs on the side? And beer and more beer?

The ''chocholate man'' is still doing his rounds along Fields and Perimeter. Crezzy guy. He has a strange accent/Nordic (ex USSR? ) anyway, interesting way of making a living in AC

More bars are under construction, Gheisha House, Hard Rock etc, etc yes, Phils needs more bars!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

10-01-09, 20:48
The ''chocholate man'' is still doing his rounds along Fields and Perimeter. Crezzy guy. He has a strange accent/Nordic (ex USSR? ) anyway, interesting way of making a living in AC

I remember the guy, he was giving free samples too.

10-01-09, 21:08
The ''chocholate man'' is still doing his rounds along Fields and Perimeter. Crezzy guy. He has a strange accent/Nordic (ex USSR? ) anyway, interesting way of making a living in ACHe's from belgium, last I checked he is looking at hiring some extras and expanding into Manila as well. Pretty nice guy...off topic though.

I'm glad to hear that AC didnt experience the brunt of the tsunami. That would suck if your fun got spoiled by that.

10-02-09, 03:33
Don't know a particular bar, but what I've heard so far,
for PSE is Pattaya or even BKK the best place.


So true Ekspat. I've encountered some bona fide nymphos in Pattaya for sure.

My current plan is to fly to Manila, spend a few days there, then spend a weekend in AC, then fly from Clark to BKK and catch a ride down to Pattaya for a week. That way if I can't get my fill of debauchery in the Philippines then I can rely on the LOS.

Have never been to the PI but have been to Thailand a handful of times.


10-02-09, 07:18
My current plan is to fly to Manila, spend a few days there, then spend a weekend in AC, then fly from Clark to BKK and catch a ride down to Pattaya for a week.
Nothing wrong with that while me sitting in the office here..... :(

10-03-09, 03:42
I've encountered some bona fide nymphos in Pattaya for sure.Me too, though surprisingly my last one was in AC -- a year or two ago, out of La Bamba.

Guys fantasize about nymphos but unless you're about 18 and really ready for it, an authentic one is not really a great experience. You get no sleep at all, and in the morning you feel like you've been beat up.

10-03-09, 05:08
Sounds like fun! I always enjoy a good workout; whether at the gym or in the sack.

Unlike the fabled unicorn, nymhpos are a reality - not fantasy. They can be found. And what a find indeed.

"O tempora, O mores" - DSK

10-03-09, 14:22
Me too, though surprisingly my last one was in AC -- a year or two ago, out of La Bamba.

Guys fantasize about nymphos but unless you're about 18 and really ready for it, an authentic one is not really a great experience. You get no sleep at all, and in the morning you feel like you've been beat up.So, what is wrong with that?

10-04-09, 10:40
i remember the guy, he was giving free samples too.
he is from belgium, but from flanders, which has an unusual language.
the songwriter, jacques brel was from flanders./

10-04-09, 10:45
Just eleven days to go and I can’t wait!

Hey, guys, looking for some intel. Any recommendations on which bars have good, helpful, friendly mamasans? I get so sick of the ones that corral you, the moment you sit down, and just wave at the floor in the “take your pick”motion, before you’ve even had a chance to scope out the talent.

See the Mamasan at Stampede. I know she has girls not even working in the bar yet. Has great girls from Samar.

X Man
10-05-09, 14:31
There was the book by George Orwell, then the movie, then the song by Prince....

...and finally, there was the bar girl from AC.

Irony Monger
10-05-09, 15:01
There was the book by George Orwell, then the movie, then the song by Prince....Umm, wasn't the song by Prince 1999? Maybe you are thinking of the year Purple Rain was released?

Anyway, who cares when you are looking at painted titties! Thanks for the pic.

X Man
10-06-09, 05:36
Thanks for the correction dbDoll. I don't know what I was thinking. X

10-06-09, 06:38
Van Halen had a album called 1984

10-06-09, 06:40
Anyway, who cares when you are looking at painted titties!
So true... Cheers! :D

The Departed
10-09-09, 08:05
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

10-09-09, 14:22
She sees a woman she likes. We bar fine her and then bring her back and abuse her. The gf is bi of course

I also take some rambles on my own. Has anyone else been into the cages off the Highway at the bottom of Fields. They are a must see if you want to slum it and you are not dirt phobic.
Lucky find for you. How does your gf ensure the girls you pick up will perform with her? I have not had good luck. Often the girl will say, "sure I will do it with another girl" and then you get her back and she chickens out.

That mention of the cages..I think we need to see some photo evidence of that! haha

Daddy Warbucks will be along shortly to shame you..

10-10-09, 02:45
Not sure that this is an appropriate post then again standards do differ. I like the wowen, not hate them. Just looks like mysogony lives which is a shame. Not a flame just an observation fuelled from disappointment in my felow man and ,more than a little bit of embarrassment.Re Dearly Departed.

Dont get too serious folks. I suspect its mostly for our amusement only and that he would like a reaction to his highly controversial writings.

So far , he is well below the standard he set in the Pattaya thread. Maybe Philippines is boring by comparison.

Anyway a change from the regular stuff.

Regards from Algiers.

10-10-09, 04:16
Greetings from the relatively quiet Vistillana Hotel. I ma here with my regular girlfriend, a resident of san Fernando. We met on DIA. We go to the clubs, Carousel is a favourite. She sees a woman she likes. We bar fine her and then bring her back and abuse her. The gf is bi of course (no good keeping one of these puppies long time otherwise). She likes to make the hired ho earn her pay and I just join in. Lesbians do some really freaky stuff

The Fields Ave chicks like the lesbian shit as long as I am not too push which I am not. A little bit of degradation, a little bit of pain, a few cum shots and I am happy. The women of course moan like cats in heat.

I also take some rambles on my own. Has anyone else been into the cages off the Highway at the bottom of Fields. They are a must see if you want to slum it and you are not dirt phobic. This is where the locals go to shoot their load and condoms are unheard of. The women are caged up like puppies and have to fuck 24/7 whenever anyone drops by. 200 bt and you are probably ruining it for the locals but why not splurge?

These are good for ass fucking, pissing, fisting and anyhing else. Just pay them a little more, bring a little candy gift too, pretend to be a little goofy and enjoy them. Rememmber, if you drink plenty of water and don't sit inside them too long, you should be 100% safe. They have no life anyway beyond their shared bed room so shed no tears.

I will stay here a few more days. The Flips are good for pissing on, bakla and the like are no problem. They are all 3 holers if you sugar mouth them and give them some chump change. But they are too meek. No challenge in breaking a broken doll.

Angles itself in case you haven’t been here is a dump. Nothing else to do except fuck Samar sluts. There are worse things in life, like fucking go go star fishes. But hey it puts in the time

Ps: Sorry abouthtat cock cutting thing in Flip girls. I canned the article, thought it funny but, with my Thai experience, wrongly imagined it was a chick. Funny story though unless it was your big and little heads that got cut.Man you are one low life piece of trash in my opinion. Its obvious this is not women who are in this type of situation by choice and you would partake of this and have the nerve to promote it. You are about the lowest of the low. Yeah I said it.

10-10-09, 05:09
daddy warbucks will be along shortly to shame you..

they are all 3 holers if you sugar mouth them and give them some chump change.

i'm an anal addict and can verify that jakarta is statistically your best hope of getting rear door action. compared with thailand/cambodia (some hope), philippines (little hope) and china/vietnam (no hope), the girls of indonesia take it in the pooper more than most. that being said, that does not mean that it is "easy"... only 5% or so of the indon girls i have done provided memorable anal service.
i concur.


troll -one who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.

Cunning Stunt
10-10-09, 06:42
Did warn you guys what to expect;).


The Departed
10-10-09, 18:34
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

10-10-09, 19:57
If you have a moral objection against them, donate to the cowboys who pretend to fight them.Well I have complained to admin about your topic and have requested he pull that shit down.

The fact that those places exist is bad enough, and if it was up to me anyone who set one up would be in prison for life.

You still have to be a low piece of scum to see that and then partake of the situation and even lower to then even put it out publicly that you did which even makes it worst.

I reiterate you are a low scum sucking lowlife if I have ever heard or read about one. Yeah I said it.

10-10-09, 20:47
The only career plan any of the Angeles goddesses can have is to meet a kind long nosed sponsor. Et ce, mes chers amis, est moi.Et cela mes chers amis c' est moi.

Hey departed you are trying to make us believe you are a french national, well if so, I guess you do not have a high school diploma probably just a elementary grade 3 or 4 as you do not even know how to write french properly, btw french is a evoluated language for evoluated people, no need to reply I and the others members of this board do not have time for this bs and troll like you.

10-10-09, 23:21
A week or so after the flood how is the travel from Manila airport to AC?

10-11-09, 02:54
Do the world a favor ,

Go get help , your sick dude !

Seriously, read this and re-read it and get it into your sick brain. get professional help.

10-11-09, 05:38
This sicko is a perfect example of the type of pooner and board troll who gives boards and pooners world wide a bad name.

If ever a troll pooner should be banned, this is it.


Would somebody please tell me what this is all about?



10-11-09, 08:28
An interesting experience. Spent a night in the Donald Paul Apartelle. I was to be picked up mid morning, so I waited outside for the driver.

The Donald Paul is right across the street from the Hygiene, where all the bar girls go for their weekly STD checkup. Every week, every girl travels through those portals. I was told about 1,000 per day.

So, for about 45 minutes, I was watching them stream, in and out. Interestingly, of all the girls that I saw that time, only a handful were what could be called “lookers”. The rest were your average filipina, except that almost all were slimmer than the average filipina.

And only two or three were well dressed, or dressed for the business, with high heels, a fashionable dress or slacks.

10-11-09, 08:31
I spent a night at the Donald Paul apartelle. I had heard about this place, and thought I would try it out. The place is only a couple of years old. It is built as a rectangle, around a central pool. Some rooms have balconies. A decent kitchen, and a limited menu dining room. There is a lift for access to the three upper floors.

There are three standards of rooms. The standard room is large in size, has a half size fridge, king size bed with a good sponge rubber mattress, tiled floor, split system aircon. The twin room is two bedrooms, with a common lounge/sala, both rooms are good sized. The Executive is a bigger room, with a spa, very nice bathroom.

I asked for a room at the back, high up, to be as quiet as possible. The first room had problems with drainage in the shower, the toilet and sink had not been used for a long time, or ever, and gushed dark brown sludge when I tested them. And there had been water leaking through the walls. So we were moved. The second room was underneath the water tank, so every 20 minutes or so, the pump turned on for maybe 2 minutes, and the whole room roared and shook.

My guess is that the first and second floor rooms have been shaken out and are functional.

Standard 1500 pesos, 2 room apartment, 3200, Executive 2800.

10-11-09, 08:32
The gf and I went out for the evening to check out some of my favourite haunts.

First was Honey Ko’s. Not much going on there, and not many girls. Maybe there had been a lot of Barfines that evening, as there was a bunch of US sailors in town. Neither of the managers was there to ginger up the girls. Not many customers either.

A bunch of 3 sailors came in, sat at the bar round the stage, but the girls kept away from them. Said that the guys were too young, and had too much energy, gave the girls sore pussies. So the guys hung round and made a bit of a nuisance of themselves. Then 2 more sailors came, in, almost on closing time. They went into the pool room, and soon there were a couple of half naked girls running round. Suddenly some shouting, and two girls came out with the guys in tow. One girl shouted at the top of her voice that they were headed for the short time room upstairs. That when she came to work, her pussy was flat and closed, but now it was wide and round, she had so much boom boom that evening. Apparently this was her third ST for the day. Not bad. A money machine.

We then went to Insomnia, which I like. It is not big, a bit personal, and always a good choice of girls because of the shift system that they have in place. There were three of four real lookers, but the ranks were a bit thin, and I think plenty of barfines. A bunch of bikers was there, on an international get together. They were having a real hoot. And as they left, most took a girl with them. Good business.

10-11-09, 10:17
This sicko is a perfect example of the type of pooner and board troll who gives boards and pooners world wide a bad name.

If ever a troll pooner should be banned, this is it.


Would somebody please tell me what this is all about?


JacksonAlways wanted to say this but didn't want a flame war, now it's all out. I feel the same, throw him off the ship. We are no angels, but we have standards.

X Man
10-11-09, 12:33
Like Jackson, I have to wonder what you guys are on about. Maybe you've had some grief on another board / thread? Surely you don't expect the Supreme Moderator (Jackson) to read every thread in his tangled web!

Who is this despised entity called "departed"?

Columpuss? Sounds familiar. WHen is the last time you've shared your jewels with the dusky maidens of the Philippines?


Always wanted to say this but didn't want a flame war, now it's all out. I feel the same, throw him off the ship. We are no angels, but we have standards.

10-11-09, 14:46
... The Gestapo police ... Holy shit, the worst words I ever read in the forum! I can't believe it!



The Departed
10-11-09, 15:00
The dream ended as Les Bleus thrashed them 5-0. So they get a harmless does of reality.

But the dreamers here never get that. They think the prostitutes they buy for cents are angels and they attack people like me who speak plainly about the service we get.

There are much more extreme things available on youtube than anything I may have done or even suggested or imagined. Hypocrites, go check out youtube if you can get off your high hobby horse. Of course, if you pay some pauper to behave like your lady, she will (as long as she keeps her mouth shut and you pay her handsomely).

That is the very big big divide in this whole site as I see it. Sure, some guys go on about fucking their hired help as if they want to write a porno tale and as if no one else ever hired a hooker since Adam buggered Eve. But the big divide is between those who build altars to prostitutes and those like me who regard prostitutes as paid toys who fuck for our amusement.

One more thing about Napoleon, who fell for a hooker. After Josphine, who deflowered him and whose menstruating pussy he ate (more extreme things in youtube but the sex is censored), he fucked all around him. But he fucked them like he was a jack rabbit, always in a hurry and with no finesse. He spent no time on foreplay, no time getting to know his quarry. We must have many Napoleons here who may know something about men but who obviously know nothing about women.

Now, what should I do tonight? Let me see. Flips like chocolates. So I will dispense more of them tonight. And some perfume of course. And in return...........

ps: for those of you looking for cage directions: go to the Highway at the bottom of Fields Ave. Looking up Fields there is a smaller road parallel to that. Betwen Roimer and Johny Streets, a third of the way up. We were going to go another tucked in behind the fruit stall at the road across the highway that is a continuation of Fields, swinging into Batangas St. But maybe not now. It might offend the Gestapo if we actually explore our surrounds. As regards prices, think in very low three figures. But if it morally offends you, go the usual suspects and stand in line.

X Man
10-11-09, 15:34
OMG, pinochio lives and has developed mental problems.

dream ended as Les Bleus thrashed them 5-0. So they get a harmless does of reality.

But the dreamers here never get that. They think the prostitutes they buy for cents are angels and they attack people like me who speak plainly about the service we get.

There are much more extreme things available on youtube than anything I may have done or even suggested or imagined. Hypocrites, go check out youtube if you can get off your high hobby horse. Of course, if you pay some pauper to behave like your lady, she will (as long as she keeps her mouth shut and you pay her handsomely).

That is the very big big divide in this whole site as I see it. Sure, some guys go on about fucking their hired help as if they want to write a porno tale and as if no one else ever hired a hooker since Adam buggered Eve. But the big divide is between those who build altars to prostitutes and those like me who regard prostitutes as paid toys who fuck for our amusement.

One more thing about Napoleon, who fell for a hooker. After Josphine, who deflowered him and whose menstruating pussy he ate (more extreme things in youtube but the sex is censored), he fucked all around him. But he fucked them like he was a jack rabbit, always in a hurry and with no finesse. He spent no time on foreplay, no time getting to know his quarry. We must have many Napoleons here who may know something about men but who obviously know nothing about women.

Now, what should I do tonight? Let me see. Flips like chocolates. So I will dispense more of them tonight. And some perfume of course. And in return...........

ps: for those of you looking for cage directions: go to the Highway at the bottom of Fields Ave. Looking up Fields there is a smaller road parallel to that. Betwen Roimer and Johny Streets, a third of the way up. We were going to go another tucked in behind the fruit stall at the road across the highway that is a continuation of Fields, swinging into Batangas St. But maybe not now. It might offend the Gestapo if we actually explore our surrounds. As regards prices, think in very low three figures. But if it morally offends you, go the usual suspects and stand in line.

10-11-09, 17:33
for those of you looking for cage directions: go to the Highway at the bottom of Fields Ave.
Well I am as curious about degrading shit as the next man, but I am not about to go walking down the alleys of Sodom City by myself.

Pictures or it didn't happen..

10-11-09, 19:01
Then you guys wonder why people consider mongers degenerates, it because of the acceptance of people like that fucked up bastard departure.

The mere fact that you guys turn a blind eye to his post as to say "Well its not me, thats him" says a lot about the character of each of you.

The people who stand by and let the others commit/condone such offenses without speaking out against them only speaks to their own level of character.

Maybe most mongers are degenerates as people suggest and it is I who was naive.

10-11-09, 19:32
Greetings everyone,

I have received a number of complaints about The Departed's recent posts, generally requesting that I take a range of actions from deleting his posts to banning him from the forum.

However, there was recent situation on another forum wherein I was blamed for causing a forum member quit the forum after I dared to ask him to post his diatribes in a separate thread, after which I had to defend my decision for the next 4 pages of posts. A small number of members threatened to quit in protest, others suggested instead that I should just have advised other members to use the "Ignore" function if they don't like what a specific member posts, and other members with actual balls chimed in to support my decision.

Anyway, due to these events, I'm just not all that enthusiastic about cracking down on what some members might consider just another "colorful" contributor, so I'm just going to pass the buck here by using a survey to ascertain the opinions of the membership.

The question is simple: What, if anything, should I do about The Departed and/or his reports?


Of course, there's no way I can win in this situation because somebody, either The Departed or his detractors, will be unhappy with the outcome, so all I'm really expecting to get is some sense of where the membership's compass is on these sort of situations.

As always, I look forward to receiving your input.



10-11-09, 20:22
I call BS on the cages....

10-12-09, 01:57
The Gestapo police are complaining against the cages, which are to be found all over the Philippines and Thailand and Malaysia and, I am sure Indonesia. Where do you think the local guys get their fucks , when they do not have a bar girl supporting them? They go to the cages and so should you to vwiden your narrow horizons. If you have a moral objection to the cages, campaign against them, donate to the cowboys who pretend to fight them but do not fil these pages with your nonsense.Everywhere in the world there is slums, and Philippines got them too. But, I strongly disagree that these kind of girl were being put in cages. Maybe in a locked lot or a guarded house, but not such degrading situation. Even in Malaysia, no such girls existed as claimed by Departed. They work in small, dark lanes of shop lots. But never in such cages.

10-12-09, 02:12
I call BS on the cages....

I think the cages are a metaphor. As in, not real cages (bars et. al.), but more rooms that resemble jail cells. Departed am I correct? Review the old docudrama "Selling Sex in Heaven" and that should clarify any perplexities , i.e. you should get the metaphor.

I also believe I have gone down that specific road as well, when I was out with my former GF from AC. We went by that area, stopped at the fruit stand, and it did seem as described. I was not completely comfortable there, but I was with a few locals, so not completely uncomfortable.

The only thing I can say at this point is OMG! I don't believe I have ever read a report like that before. To further clarify, I am neither for, nor against the Departed and his gritty, in your face type of postings. This is in contrast with the poster "Wrong Info" who clearly had an agenda and was posting what many (including myself) considered to be wrong information.

This site is for information purposes only about men having sex with women. If the site were to be viewed as such, then certain caustic reports would be less incensing.

Gentlemen, you do know you can use the ignore function correct? I have only had to use it once, but the poster changed his name (two or three times) and I still had to read his utterly useless ramblings. I did not confuse this as insults to my senses, rather more as someone on a soapbox trying to be heard. Jackson spells out on the home page that if you do not like an individuals' postings then use the ignore function. That is its purpose.

It appears that sometimes men may confuse this informational site as some quasi form of "raw raw raw, lets get together and fuck hoes" blog; Where men get together to develop written congratulatory slaps on the back about sexual conquests. Somehow, William Goldings' 'Lord of the Flies' comes to mind and you can guess who represents Piggy.

The book portrays the boys descent into savagery, contrasting with other books that had lauded the inevitable ascendancy of a higher form of human nature with the central theme of conflicting impulses towards civilization—live by rules, peacefully and in harmony—versus the decent into savagery. Other subjects include the tension between groupthink and individuality, between rational and emotional reactions, and between morality and immorality.

One cannot argue that this site, if used properly, can propel a persons specific knowledge about a bar, bar girl, website, town, village, or country. Information that would take an individual years to learn on his own, with many trials and pitfalls along the way. For example, pricing.

It is unfortunate that sometimes we the community of this site must confront the darkness of human nature. However it is a part of life, and thusly needs to be dealt with. Some ostracize, some disregard, and others will kill. I guess I am one of those disregard kind of guys.

My thoughts are that Piggy's postings are merely information which I can chose to read or not read, digest or throw away.

Member #3428
10-12-09, 02:18
Greetings everyone,

I have received a number of complaints about The Departed's recent posts, generally requesting that I take a range of actions from deleting his posts to banning him from the forum.

However, there was recent situation on another forum wherein I was blamed for causing a forum member quit the forum after I dared to ask him to post his diatribes in a separate thread, after which I had to defend my decision for the next 4 pages of posts. A small number of members threatened to quit in protest, others suggested instead that I should just have advised other members to use the "Ignore" function if they don't like what a specific member posts, and other members with actual balls chimed in to support my decision.

Anyway, due to these events, I'm just not all that enthusiastic about cracking down on what some members might consider just another "colorful" contributor, so I'm just going to pass the buck here by using a survey to ascertain the opinions of the membership.

The question is simple: What, if anything, should I do about The Departed and/or his reports?


Of course, there's no way I can win in this situation because somebody, either The Departed or his detractors, will be unhappy with the outcome, so all I'm really expecting to get is some sense of where the membership's compass is on these sort of situations.

As always, I look forward to receiving your input.



The link didn't work for me but I see it listed in the PI thread overall...

But why do you now bring up the issue about The Departed in the PI section when you let him post freely in the Thailand Section?

Seems funny to me that The Departed is free to speak HIS opinions and comments in the Thai thread without you doing anything but now he moves to PI and you immediately post this.

If the administrator let The Departed's dribble clog up the Thai threads then let the people that read the PI threads enjoy him as well.

Manta Ray
10-12-09, 03:19
greetings everyone,

i have received a number of complaints about the departed's recent posts, generally requesting that i take a range of actions from deleting his posts to banning him from the forum.

however, there was recent situation on another forum wherein i was blamed for causing a forum member quit the forum after i dared to ask him to post his diatribes in a separate thread, after which i had to defend my decision for the next 4 pages of posts. a small number of members threatened to quit in protest, others suggested instead that i should just have advised other members to use the "ignore" function if they don't like what a specific member posts, and other members with actual balls chimed in to support my decision.

anyway, due to these events, i'm just not all that enthusiastic about cracking down on what some members might consider just another "colorful" contributor, so i'm just going to pass the buck here by using a survey to ascertain the opinions of the membership.

the question is simple: what, if anything, should i do about the departed and/or his reports?


of course, there's no way i can win in this situation because somebody, either the departed or his detractors, will be unhappy with the outcome, so all i'm really expecting to get is some sense of where the membership's compass is on these sort of situations.

as always, i look forward to receiving your input.


jacksonthough i have not been following the departed's (td) postings in 'real time', i have just now taking the time to read quite a few of them. to be sure, i find the attitudes toward the gals expressed by td to be repugnant, and from the content of his postings, he certainly seems like the type of individual with whom i would not associate socially, or in any other way.

however, i am also a firm believer in a free unfettered press, and therefore, i would not be in favor of banning him at this point. there will naturally be widely divergent opinions on this site, as on any other site. that is to be expected, and i believe it would be a dangerous step to begin taking subjective decisions about where the line is crossed regarding objectionable attitudes that are 'allowed' or 'not allowed' to be aired.

that said, i also believe that the one relatively 'objective' criteria that could be regarded as being acceptable when taking the decision to ban a member, would be 'legal'. in other words, i think it would be acceptable, even obligatory, to ban any member who advocates any actions that are clearly illegal under philippine law, for example, having sex with **** girls, physically assaulting girls, [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123), destruction of property, forced confinement of girls, etc. of course, we can argue about what 'advocates' means, and i don't have a clear answer for that, but that is something i would be willing to leave to the interpretation of the administrator.

the other key point, as i see it, is the 'rights' of all the members who read the postings. as jackson rightly pointed out, members who would rather not be subjected to any other members' (in this case td's) predictably objectionable sentiments, have the option of using the ignore function. as long as the ignore function is readily available to all, and easy to use, then, as responsible adults, we can make the personal choice to use that function whenever we see fit. that protects our individual right not to be 'poisoned' as it were by attitudes or content we find repulsive.

finally, i think jackson has served his function well by canvassing the members about this issue before taking action.

10-12-09, 06:27
LittleBigMan is on the flight site now and will be arriving in PHI, soon to give his 2 plus cent on the Departed who has Departed Thailand!


10-12-09, 09:39
i was interestingly contacted by several members that post on the thailand board that this discussion was going on with the the departed, who since has departed to the philippines board. i also want to clarify on my post that i wasn't exactly coming to the philippines but when i get a moment i wanted to weigh in on the discussion! so i'm not actually in the philippines writing my report. hope there isn't a rule against that since i'm exclusively in thailand.

late august and into september the departed was visiting pattaya in thailand and he posted several very similar to what many of you have read on your board. his reports here in my opinion are mild compared to what he first wrote in the pattaya thread which were laced with racist remarks and i was the first to bring up the red flag but i never requested anyone to ban this individual. as there were others that disagree with his posting nothing was ever done just as tansak ktv, had just mentioned in his posting to the moderator!

since the moderator brought up the topic of a recent debate about another poster on the thailand thread being banned without going into dept that was oth, and when you read his post and the others that got banned in the past and compare each of them including the departed there is simply no comparison and consistence application of the site rules. as for monta kay post in regards to free speech! the moderator has already responded that when it comes to free speech it only applies to speaking out about the government and has no relationship to a private interprise like this website. so being the moderator is the creator of this site he has the final say!

so lets get started!

here is a quote from the moderator! " i'm just not all that enthusiastic about cracking down on what some members might consider just another " colorful " contributor. so i'am just going to pass the buck here by using a survey to as certain the opinions of the membership "

now harry potter and lord of the rings is colorful i don't believe outright racism and hate is consider colorful to the majority which is what the departed post includes. i have wonder silently why there was nothing ever done on the pattaya thread regarding his post since so many voice their opinions negatively! now the answer is very clear it is because racism is colorful to the moderator although his own website rules clearly defines that it isn't permissable. the moderator shouldn't be passing the buck the rules are very cleared when a poster has stepped out of bounds!

quoted from the website rules:


* hate messages
* racist messages
* race taunting
* general b.s. ( which i will say what the departed reports are )

no banned words:

the word " w***s " b***s " and "c***s" are not allowed because these words are commonly used to denigrate women and that's not what this website is all about.

but racism is part of this board that is why it is allowed! racist description of other races are allowed but the departed does has his limits he doesn't use the the n word, maybe if he did the moderator might have done
something in the past!

and this rule is a stretch:

trolling: " please do not post any messages that harrass, insult, belittle, threaten or flame another member.


all reports that appears to be violation of the forum posting guidelines will be addressed as follow! " all reports that appears to be violation of the forums posting guidlines will be " edited or deleted " without comment!

see when i was contacted about the departed in regards to what was happening before i even came to this board i knew he had used the word " flip " and as soon as i arrived guess what was the first word i saw?

there shouldn't even be a survey? there shouldn't have to be complaints? there shouldn't even be this discussion? the reason it is because the moderator doesn't believe in applying his own rules which are there to make his job easlier. if he follows them it is simply " edited and delete " anyone with any brain can figure it out but to this moderator racism is " colorful " and is a exception on this board!

in my world, his girlfriend i feel sorry for because she lacks any self esteem and money is what makes her go around. but on the other hand i give her points for putting up with this racist. i can imagine the conversation they have every word is fuck this or fuck that along with the racist names. sooner or later guys like this slip when they are too drunk and their big mouth gets the better of them and people see him for what he is a guy traveling around wearing a white sheet and hood. one day time catches up with them and they find themselves with a blade up their ass and in the hospital if they make it that far.

silents sometimes is never golden and silents from this moderator gives people like me the impression guilt by association?

lbm, is going back to thailand before i get banned for being too honest!

10-12-09, 10:22
about the departed.

point 1 there is a sadomasochism forum for those into that. so he really should post there. it really is an admin thing to have the right posts in the right places. for example, people who really are into s&m would find the departed's posts interesting and informative. td would get more encouraging feedback, and perhaps get the opportunity to meet with and exchange views with people of his own interest group.

point 2, he did mention baklas, and that is definitely banned.

i guess it is up to the site admin how strictly he wants to enforce his own structure.

my instinctive guess is that there is more trouble in not adhering to the guidelines, as there will always be people then saying, "boo hoo, you let him post outside the guidelines, but i can't - sob sob sob" yada yada yada.

admin's call really - s&m is not my thing, but i can always ignore posts i don't like. and i don't care about people posting about baklas either. however, otoh, something for the admin to consider. if other posters are not sure about whether guidelines are going to be adhered to, then they aren't going to bother to report infractions either - and that then makes the admin job harder. eg, admin doesn't give a hoot about this? ok what about **** stuff? does the admin want us to report breaches of the guidelines or not? if so, we need to know breaches will be acted on - or why bother reporting? i don't need to be a snitch, but i am happy to report stuff that is out of bounds if that is the culture of the place.

10-12-09, 10:32
about the departed.

point 1 there is a sadomasochism forum for those into that. so he really should post there. it really is an admin thing to have the right posts in the right places. for example, people who really are into s&m would find the departed's posts interesting and informative. td would get more encouraging feedback, and perhaps get the opportunity to meet with and exchange views with people of his own interest group.

point 2, he did mention baklas, and that is definitely banned.

i guess it is up to the site admin how strictly he wants to enforce his own structure.

my instinctive guess is that there is more trouble in not adhering to the guidelines, as there will always be people then saying, "boo hoo, you let him post outside the guidelines, but i can't - sob sob sob" yada yada yada.

admin's call really - s&m is not my thing, but i can always ignore posts i don't like. and i don't care about people posting about baklas either. however, otoh, something for the admin to consider. if other posters are not sure about whether guidelines are going to be adhered to, then they aren't going to bother to report infractions either - and that then makes the admin job harder. eg, admin doesn't give a hoot about this? ok what about **** stuff? does the admin want us to report breaches of the guidelines or not? if so, we need to know breaches will be acted on - or why bother reporting? i don't need to be a snitch, but i am happy to report stuff that is out of bounds if that is the culture of the place.

if you go to the thailand thread, pattaya thread in particular you will see the reports the departed reports. and if you take the time to go over the moderator rules which are clearly available if members weren't so eager to get to all the pussy, which i clearly understand! but you read the moderator response and compare them to his own rules he isn't applying them you have to ask yourself why? the departed reports aren't anything even remotely close to what he wrote on the pattaya thread in august and september yet all of a sudden in this board there is a survey to ban him. is this a joke or what?

last time i look there is only one set of rules for isg! and when it comes to **** boys or girls it is clearly out of bounds and you will see it if you take the time to look. now if the moderator was into **** kids maybe regardless of the rules he will let it slide just like the rules on racism? the argument here is not whether we should allow it the moderator has already listed as a no no! what is the discussion or debate? if he can't make the destinction or apply rules he created wtf? now when it comes to s&m i have no idea, if this was what he made reference to as long as it doesn't involve **** kids. i wish he let me know about when and where he wants to be tie up... i have friends in phillipines that would like to stick a needle up his racist penis, while getting him to down a pint of philippine shit! personally he isn't worth it! even if it was it shouldn't be hard to locate him he already disclosed his hotel, now all you got to do is wait until you see a guy come out with a white sheet and hood.


10-12-09, 11:36
if you go to the thailand thread, pattaya thread in particular you will see the reports the departed reports. and if you take the time to go over the moderator rules which are clearly available if members weren't so eager to get to all the pussy, which i clearly understand! but you read the moderator response and compare them to his own rules he isn't applying them you have to ask yourself why? the departed reports aren't anything even remotely close to what he wrote on the pattaya thread in august and september yet all of a sudden in this board there is a survey to ban him. is this a joke or what?

last time i look there is only one set of rules for isg! and when it comes to **** boys or girls it is clearly out of bounds and you will see it if you take the time to look. now if the moderator was into **** kids maybe regardless of the rules he will let it slide just like the rules on racism? the argument here is not whether we should allow it the moderator has already listed as a no no! what is the discussion or debate? if he can't make the destinction or apply rules he created wtf? now when it comes to s&m i have no idea, if this was what he made reference to as long as it doesn't involve **** kids. i wish he let me know about when and where he wants to be tie up... i have friends in phillipines that would like to stick a needle up his racist penis, while getting him to down a pint of philippine shit! personally he isn't worth it! even if it was it shouldn't be hard to locate him he already disclosed his hotel, now all you got to do is wait until you see a guy come out with a white sheet and hood.

lbmyour making a big issue on why the moderator did not act re departed's pattaya reports.

most probably the reason moderator did not act on pattaya reports, which i read before the philippine reports a few days ago, was because very few if any complained to moderator about him in the thailand forum. i do not recall reading that someone or other was going to, or had complained to the moderator there. i do not recall seeing that.

moderator does not read all the reports you know.

whereas in angeles, people soon started contacting the moderator with complaints. so moderator starts to act.

i can see on this thread, the 'pack mentality' at work now.

you say departed has said which hotel he is staying in. wouldn't be surprised if there isn't any hotel by that name in angeles city, just like there arent any 'cages' in angeles city.

folks can use the ignore button and talk about other things.

pack mentality will most probably rip into me now, lol.

end of subject, now dearly departed, i suspect.

10-12-09, 12:08
Greetings everyone,

I have received a number of complaints about The Departed's recent posts, generally requesting that I take a range of actions from deleting his posts to banning him from the forum.

wouldn't it be an idea to give him his own thread (like for "Wrong Info")? Just a thought!



10-12-09, 12:41
I supposed The Departed has learnt one has to be careful about putting things into writing as folks might take them literally.

Just like Little Big Man has most probably learnt to be careful in putting things in writing too, cause on Pattaya thread on 11th Sept 2009 Report No. 3159 Little Big Man said :

The Departed,

Very nice report!

Thank you for your informative and different perpective on Pattaya!

LBMSince then, I suppose LBM thought it appropriate to join the Pack, LOL.

Anyway, I have had enough fun, thats it for me. The Pack can now attack at will.

Cunning Stunt
10-12-09, 15:35
I think the cages are a metaphor. As in, not real cages (bars et. al.), but more rooms that resemble jail cells. Departed am I correct? Review the old docudrama "Selling Sex in Heaven" and that should clarify any perplexities , i.e. you should get the metaphor.

This site is for information purposes only about men having sex with women. If the site were to be viewed as such, then certain caustic reports would be less incensing.

Yes you are right, Carmex.

Cages? I’ve heard of the cages in Mumbai, but in Angeles? You have to be joking. Desperate Filipinos who want a quick, cheap fuck visit a working mans casa where a woman of sorts can be had for P200-300. Don’t think that The Departed has ever been within a million miles of one of these places, in Angeles or anywhere else, except in his imagination. I have - in Manila and can assure you that The Departed would have to be a masochist as well as a sadist to tool one of the aged, toothless hags that inhabit these places.

French? He is French as Borat is Kazachstani

I have only had to use it once, but the poster changed his name (two or three times) and I still had to read his utterly useless ramblings.

Lol - wonder who that might be?

10-12-09, 16:15
Everywhere in the world there is slums, and Philippines got them too. But, I strongly disagree that these kind of girl were being put in cages. Maybe in a locked lot or a guarded house, but not such degrading situation. Even in Malaysia, no such girls existed as claimed by Departed. They work in small, dark lanes of shop lots. But never in such cages.Does it matter whether its actual cages or dank dark locked rooms. Its an obvious situation of sex slavery in any case.

You can't believe woman want to work under these conditions. Whether he has actually been there or not. He is advocating the solication of such places which in it self shoudl be enough to ban him.

If he wants to play S&M games thats one thing, thats a personal taste. Even being racist, one can over look as his own personal ignorance.

But the advocating of partaking in the sex slavery aspect is where I draw the line. When one openly promotes an Illegal "Harmful" behavior. Which also is one of the major complaints of the mongering trade. Only gives validity to womans advocacy groups, as well as demeans the mongering game.

10-12-09, 16:19
Gentlemen, you do know you can use the ignore function correct? I have only had to use it once, but the poster changed his name (two or three times) and I still had to read his utterly useless ramblings.

Lol - wonder who that might be?

Inquiring minds want to know Carmex.

Run Mann
10-12-09, 19:41
about the departed.

point 1 there is a sadomasochism forum for those into that. so he really should post there. it really is an admin thing to have the right posts in the right places. for example, people who really are into s&m would find the departed's posts interesting and informative. td would get more encouraging feedback, and perhaps get the opportunity to meet with and exchange views with people of his own interest group.

point 2, he did mention baklas, and that is definitely banned.

i guess it is up to the site admin how strictly he wants to enforce his own structure.

my instinctive guess is that there is more trouble in not adhering to the guidelines, as there will always be people then saying, "boo hoo, you let him post outside the guidelines, but i can't - sob sob sob" yada yada yada.

admin's call really - s&m is not my thing, but i can always ignore posts i don't like. and i don't care about people posting about baklas either. however, otoh, something for the admin to consider. if other posters are not sure about whether guidelines are going to be adhered to, then they aren't going to bother to report infractions either - and that then makes the admin job harder. eg, admin doesn't give a hoot about this? ok what about **** stuff? does the admin want us to report breaches of the guidelines or not? if so, we need to know breaches will be acted on - or why bother reporting? i don't need to be a snitch, but i am happy to report stuff that is out of bounds if that is the culture of the place.

completely agree and wrote as much in the other thread dedicated to this topic. sorry, but this is all on jackson and what he views as acceptable and is within his established rules. there are times when the autocratic rule is best and i say this is one of those times.

10-13-09, 07:04
wouldn't it be an idea to give him his own thread (like for "Wrong Info")? Just a thought!



Dude, thats so wrong, why do most of the time bad guys (ok debatable post by mongers) get separate thread when they give no good info to users regularly for a period of time.

Why not give separate thread to folks like warbucks, x-men, cunning stunt et all who have well over 1000 posts and post regularly with good info all year around.

Its so unfair...What has he done to deserve a separate thread so soon, i think there must be some criteria like number of informed reports etc for a period of time to deserve a separate thread ?

Wrong info last post was 3-30-09 in his own thread, well thats over six months past, do you now think he deserved that thread instead of regular posters in Ph thread ? ( nothing personal against wrong info)

If we have all debatable mongers having new thread, it confuses everyone and purges the real info by regular mongers and we can't IGNORE threads like we do the posts, think about the newbies who come and we say RTTF, they would be more confused by many threads started by folks with debatable info's ?

X Man
10-13-09, 11:20
Warbucks, there have been posters much more annoying than you and I combined. (I know, hard to believe!)

They use multiple profile names in order to protect themselves and to attack others.

I suspect this is what bothers Carmex and many others.

Sad to say, one senior member here at ISG has accused me of doing the same thing. One of your virtual friends, if I'm not mistaken.

I've never used any other profile name here at ISG.

So, Warbucks (aka D'etat, Illogic), you apparently change your name according to the ISG rules. Is that right? Have you ever used any other profile name, other than those listed?

And CS, we understand your angst, but stop being part of the problem.

X (I have a bad feeling that I will eventually regret this post, sigh....)

Inquiring minds want to know Carmex.

X Man
10-13-09, 11:26
What a great idea! Give x, warbucks, cs a seperate post TOGETHER. I would agree only if Born loser is included.

It would be like giving Japan and S. Korea the World Cup. (It worked!)

It would be like mixing oil and water.

It would make the antagonists either join for common good, or flail away into some ISG hell.

Great idea Born Loser.

Dude, thats so wrong, why do most of the time bad guys (ok debatable post by mongers) get separate thread when they give no good info to users regularly for a period of time.

Why not give separate thread to folks like warbucks, x-men, cunning stunt et all who have well over 1000 posts and post regularly with good info all year around.

Its so unfair...What has he done to deserve a separate thread so soon, i think there must be some criteria like number of informed reports etc for a period of time to deserve a separate thread ?

Wrong info last post was 3-30-09 in his own thread, well thats over six months past, do you now think he deserved that thread instead of regular posters in Ph thread ? ( nothing personal against wrong info)

If we have all debatable mongers having new thread, it confuses everyone and purges the real info by regular mongers and we can't IGNORE threads like we do the posts, think about the newbies who come and we say RTTF, they would be more confused by many threads started by folks with debatable info's ?

X Man
10-13-09, 11:37
As an apology for posting a bit off topic, please allow me to post a picture. Please do not ask me where....

Cunning Stunt
10-13-09, 15:39
As an apology for posting a bit off topic, please allow me to post a picture. Please do not ask me where....

Nice looking babe. Take it the smile on her face was because of the tip you were giving her. When you only have three inches, its all tip ...hah..hah:D.

Surprised you didn't post on the PG, as accompaniment to a slagfest on your mate A. What's up - losing your touch!

Oh shit - I forgot my photo ... hang about ...:confused:

10-14-09, 09:31
Please do not ask me where....
Let me guess..... At the Brisbane International Feminist Conference 2008?

Am I right? Because see the pic, I've been there as well! :D


X Man
10-14-09, 11:57
Thanks for the pic Eks, and I'm sorry to say I couldn't make it to the BIFC 2008. But one of my lackeys, CS, was able to attend and, on my behalf, he presented the picture you saw earlier.

Damn, CS sure has a cold tape measure! And he is a bit farsighted, I'm sure the measurement was closer to 4, rather than 3. X

Let me guess..... At the Brisbane International Feminist Conference 2008?

Am I right? Because see the pic, I've been there as well! :D


10-14-09, 16:49
I supposed The Departed has learnt one has to be careful about putting things into writing as folks might take them literally.

Just like Little Big Man has most probably learnt to be careful in putting things in writing too, cause on Pattaya thread on 11th Sept 2009 Report No. 3159 Little Big Man said :

Since then, I suppose LBM thought it appropriate to join the Pack, LOL.

Anyway, I have had enough fun, thats it for me. The Pack can now attack at will.

Here is a Focus pill response for you since you made a response without checking out the facts to my quote. You might also want to look at the survey thread and go back to the Pattaya Thread as to what my issue was concerning The Departed post.

Without have to do the work for you, As debates were going on regarding his "colorful post" that were laces with racism, I made it very cleared that if he left out the unnecessary racist type casting names calling his post would be informative. My response you quoted was right after he made a report that did not include the racism!

So I did not ever join the pack and if you read my first report made my mistake on this thread and made it very cleared on my other post on the survey thread!

Please check your facts and don't enter into the conversation in the end! Everyone that follow the debate got my message except you! It is October 14th, talk about slow and that's exactly what was exposed! S_ _ _ !


10-16-09, 06:37
Post Nubila Phebus..

Aparent Rari Nantes In Gurgite Vasto.

Member #3428
10-16-09, 07:12
Post Nubila Phebus..

Aparent Rari Nantes In Gurgite Vasto.

OK what the hell am I missing here. You mean phoebus not phebus? My latin is rough but seriously WTF is this for? The sun comes out after the clouds go away and we are swimming in the ocean????

Cunning Stunt
10-16-09, 08:16
... The sun comes out after the clouds go away and we are swimming in the ocean????

Hurrah!! Eric Cantona has joined the forum. Thought he spoke 'froggy' though:confused:.

10-16-09, 14:05

Is Phebus or Phoefus, indistinctly.

After the storm the calm (poetically), are some castaways in the vast sea.

Virgil writes this after telling a storm that wrecks the ship of Aeneas.

10-16-09, 21:52
Greetings everyone,

The question is simple: What, if anything, should I do about The Departed and/or his reports?

As always, I look forward to receiving your input.



I see nothing wrong, please leave him be.

Member #3428
10-16-09, 22:25

Is Phebus or Phoefus, indistinctly.

After the storm the calm (poetically), are some castaways in the vast sea.

Virgil writes this after telling a storm that wrecks the ship of Aeneas.

Thankyou, you gotta help us ignorant wh@res who failed and / or got kicked out of more schools then we can count :D One attempt at a catholic school was enough for me, or was it enough for them, I'm not sure.

10-17-09, 14:11
Who knew this girl?

Searching for pics ore vids. Lost my camera after we met.

Thanks a lot!


10-18-09, 01:56
I'm not sure if this is where the question concerning "The Departed" goes. I don't see why he should be removed from the board. In truth, some of his posts are moderately entertaining and slightly useful whereas many of his detractors are posting absolute useless babble. This forum has taken on its own personality. There's always the ignore function.

Primo Bolan
10-18-09, 09:39
1: What do you think of the trikedrivers? I hear alot about problems with them but I have never ever had any. I always ask the price first though.
Sometimes I have been really drunk and the bargirls had to help me to get a trike outside. Maybe I have been lucky.

2: In the newsletter from the Station he is mentioning Santosstreet past WO
as to avoid, is this during daytime also ?

I have been to A about four times and compare it to around La-Cafe and the hotels there, it feels safer in A. It feels safer for me but maybe Im wrong.


10-18-09, 11:17
1: What do you think of the trikedrivers? I hear alot about problems with them but I have never ever had any. I always ask the price first though.
Sometimes I have been really drunk and the bargirls had to help me to get a trike outside. Maybe I have been lucky.

2: In the newsletter from the Station he is mentioning Santosstreet past WO
as to avoid, is this during daytime also ?

I have been to A about four times and compare it to around La-Cafe and the hotels there, it feels safer in A. It feels safer for me but maybe Im wrong.

PBThe trike drivers are charging prices way WAY higher than other provincial cities.

Yes, its generally much safer to walk in the well lit areas frequented by tourists in AC. Malate is not a place for tourists to wander at nite.


Darth Sushi
10-18-09, 13:21
1: What do you think of the trikedrivers? I hear alot about problems with them but I have never ever had any. I always ask the price first though.
Sometimes I have been really drunk and the bargirls had to help me to get a trike outside. Maybe I have been lucky.

2: In the newsletter from the Station he is mentioning Santosstreet past WO
as to avoid, is this during daytime also ?

I have been to A about four times and compare it to around La-Cafe and the hotels there, it feels safer in A. It feels safer for me but maybe Im wrong.

Asking the price for a trike ride is prudent. Try not to fight with them because many carry knives and pipes. Also, fighting a local requires fighting a mob when you're a foreigner.

On A Santos St., going past the bars late at night is dangerous. It's dark and many have been mugged here. It's OK during the day but do not go anywhere near the streets with tall grass and weeds along the way. Muggers around here prefer to stab you first and then take your wallet. Sometimes there are also street walkers doing business in the tall grass. Mostly local clients and the girls are really fugly so don't even look.

10-19-09, 02:56
Thinking to move to Subic area, where apparently there is only one course.

Google maps shows several courses in Angeles, maybe I could hop the bus to Angeles for some pussy n putting...are they terribly expensive (the golf courses that is)? I've seen some courses in the PI catering to Koreans that were nice, but really jacked up in price.

10-19-09, 05:32
yesterday, an expat was arrested after barfining a girl from miami bar in calapandayan. she was supposedly ****, and this was clearly a setup. the bribe was 1 million pesos. this is the first news i have heard of that the scam perfected in angeles has now moved to the subic area. you should be aware that there is no way to avoid this type of setup since the girl will have a fake id and the cops are in on it, so if it is your unlucky day, oh well. i would certainly recommend avoiding bars in calapandayan for the time being. as far as i know, baretto is safe, but be carefull. if this follows the same path as angeles, things will get worse before it gets better. eventually there will be some publicity, the police chief will be replaced, and things will get back to normal. in angeles, the cycle took about 2 years, so hopefully it will not take as long in this area.is this a concern in angeles nowadays?

i have heard some stories about this kind of scams ,but they are from a few years back in time, and they involved frelancers ,not bargirls.

Primo Bolan
10-19-09, 18:04
Is this a concern in Angeles nowadays?

I have heard some stories about this kind of scams ,but they are from a few years back in time, and they involved frelancers ,not bargirls.
I have heared about hole bars (some private party in the bar) that have been involved in these kind of shit together with the police. Think its been a change nowadays though.

10-19-09, 18:07
Is this a concern in Angeles nowadays?

I have heard some stories about this kind of scams ,but they are from a few years back in time, and they involved frelancers ,not bargirls.Just to clarify, when I said that the scam was "perfected in Angeles", I should have said "perfected by Angeles freelancers". Barfining a girl in Angeles is quite safe. In fact, I did so myself this weekend.

10-19-09, 23:11
Thinking to move to Subic area, where apparently there is only one course.

Google maps shows several courses in Angeles, maybe I could hop the bus to Angeles for some pussy n putting...are they terribly expensive (the golf courses that is)? I've seen some courses in the PI catering to Koreans that were nice, but really jacked up in price.The one @ Holiday Inn inside the free zone will cost you around 110 dollars US a round and is not particularly good. Plwease post reviews (as well as girls) when you try out. Angeles is great but there is not much to do during the day.

10-21-09, 23:41
I'm in angeles right now and I just stopped by the new bar "shooters".

They look really nice inside and very clean so far. They had a lot of thin good looking girls on stage. Very high above par for the average bar girl. Anyways, just the stats on the bar. They open at 4pm. Happy hour is 4-6 and is 50P for a SML. After that it's 85P for the SML. Barfines are 1300P. I talked with the mamasan for a while and she was very happy and polite. She had a big smile and even hugged me when I said I would return later. I didn't because I had plans to meet a freebie in a few minutes. So to cut this short so I don't wake up my freebie sitting beside me. I just wanted to inform anyone coming to angeles soon that you should check out the new complex between the Walkabout hotel and mcdonalds. It still have a little work getting done on the front, but a couple bars are open for business.

Rob Woodrow
10-23-09, 18:05
Quick report of my recent 3-week trip. It's very small-bar biased, much like I am.

New Bars:

Club Asia-I couldn't even stand walking past this place to go to McDonald's, much less work up a desire to walk into it. So loud. Do they really need powered speakers outside? I used to brag that we mongers might be filthy bastards, but at least we're quiet compared to SkyTrax and videoke joints. Club Asia is proving me wrong.

Love and Music-Actually made it inside. Left immediately. Heard later that they have P120 local drinks, P285 Bacardi Breezers (regular price, not LD price), and barfines starting at P2000. This is hearsay and not firsthand knowledge, so it could be garbage.

Shooterz-Went here twice. Didn't barfine. Not a bad place, but they really need to do something about the sound. The ceiling echoes and the place sounds like a high school cafeteria. You hear all these clanging conversations bouncing around. Very strange.

Pony Tails-Not bad. Barfined here, good experience. Good in bed, and even brought me McDonald's.

Old bars:

Voodoo-The mamasans here just do not care. Girls will sit around onstage, break dress code, come in late, and get away with it. Compare this with a place like Bunny Ranch where the mamasan has a special "SMILE" sign she'll flash if the girls aren't working. Took four different girls from here during my trip. Three winners, but the fourth has the distinction of being my worst barfine ever.

Bunny Ranch-still a great place. No wonder the Marines filled it every night. Be prepared to hear "I'm On A Boat".

Angelwitch-weakest lineup they've had in a while. Still, it's the best rock bar in town, if you must hear rock. I mustn't.

Lollipop-so named because once you take the girl back to the hotel room and pop, they can't wait to lolli their asses out the door. 5/5 in my career in this place. Most recent one was pretty passive aggressive about it: "Oh, you know that girl? Then buy her a drink! Oh, you bought her a drink? Then you don't need me anymore!"

Body Shop-this one was weird. Went in once early in the trip, wasn't impressed with the overall lineup (although I found a diamond in the rough). A week later, it seemed to have changed greatly. Guess most of the good ones barfined early the first day. Took two different girls here during the trip, both were winners.

Valhalla-there ought to be a rule against blocking the view of the girl's ID by putting an in-house number tag on top of it. Hiding the red V's, are ya?

Pussycat Dolls-avoids Valhalla's problems by not having the girls wear ID's at all. Adios, dudes.

La Bamba-at one point this bar had three former barfines sitting outside. I really need to start hitting Perimeter more. I do like this bar. In my defense, I only barfined two of the three out of this bar; the third was at another bar at the time.

La Pasha-also starts with "La".

Gecko's-lots of nice girls here that all look about the same. I think you could line them up, put a wooden plank across their heads, and have it come up level. So just pick the third one from the left. Left of what? Doesn't matter.

Candy Bar-seems to be one of Perimeter's afternoon hotspots. Very popular among the locals. Nice enough bar.

Stargate-still has the customer-friendly belt identification system. Every bar should have this. That the others don't is really to their discredit.

10-24-09, 18:01
Asking the price for a trike ride is prudent

On A Santos St., going past the bars late at night is dangerous. It's dark and many have been mugged here. It's OK during the day but do not go anywhere near the streets with tall grass and weeds along the way. .

Trikes: best not to ask the price as it will never be the correct price anyway. Simply tell them what you are willing to pay and see if they will accept, if not another trike is just behind him. Within a short hop (perimeter - fields), they have never refused 50p from me.

Santos st is not as bad as it seems as long as you do not go any further than the Flaming bar, anything after that is dark and lonely. Anything from Fields to Flaming bar is ok as there is always bars open along this part with enough lighting and foot traffic and never felt unsafe. Past here and you are on your own.
Remember that this part of Santos is open 24hrs so there is always something going on here. I visited Santos for a brief 2 hr ST pickup at the bar with no problems at 3am.


10-25-09, 14:17
Quick report of my recent 3-week trip. It's very small-bar biased, much like I am.

New Bars:

Love and Music-Actually made it inside. Left immediately. Heard later that they have P120 local drinks, P285 Bacardi Breezers (regular price, not LD price), and barfines starting at P2000. This is hearsay and not firsthand knowledge, so it could be garbage.

According to the pricing website that does ac bars - www.acbarprices.com - they have local drinks listed at P125. Ladies drinks are priced STARTING at P150, but go up to P380. This is not only the data/prices from the the website, but also from multiple friends that have been "stung" by those prices. Their barfine prices are P1800 (for regular girls) and P3000 for girls that have a red tag (a numbered tag that is red and black).

10-25-09, 14:21
Quick report of my recent 3-week trip. It's very small-bar biased, much like I am.

Stargate-still has the customer-friendly belt identification system. Every bar should have this. That the others don't is really to their discredit.

Alaska Club was one of the first to do this and they still currently do. In Alaska customers can easily identify cherry girls by the red color of their uniforms. I can say that Alaska did and still does have some of the most "active" cherry girls around.

10-26-09, 03:44
I have had a wonderful Filipina girlfriend for the past two years. She is the absolute love of my life. She is an ex-bargirl but hasn’t worked for several years. She is really a very attractive woman and is 29 years old, so she does not look like a 20 year-old bargirl, nor does she act like an immature youngster.

I am in the Philippines about every second month for a couple of weeks and we spend 100% of my time together. I had to go to Hong Kong at the beginning of a recent trip so she was going to fly up and meet me in HKG and we were to spend a couple of days with friends, and then we would come back to the Philippines together. It was cheaper to fly her out of Clark on Cebu Pacific, so I bought her one of their $54 round trip tickets.

She took a bus up to AC, stayed with friends and then in the morning went to the Clark airport. Cebu Pacific checked her in with no problems; she paid the airport tax with no problems; she had her Philippine passport; and then the immigration officers tried to extort her! No kidding. The Philippine immigration officers told her she had to have a written letter of invitation from a HKG resident, notarized by the US consulate (the friends we were going to stay with were Americans). This made no sense to me as there are no laws prohibiting Philippine nationals from “leaving” their own country. She had checked with Cebu Pacific prior to her trip and they assured her there were no required visas for a Filipino passport holder to spend up to 30 days on a tourist visit. I might understand this if the problem was with HKG immigration not letting someone into their country, but no … the Clark immigration officers shook-her-down and wouldn’t let her “leave” the country. They took her into a room and basically grilled her. They asked her my name and put it into their computers and said that there was no record I had ever been in the Philippines and that her boy friend (me) had lied to her and given her an alias (I have been in the Philippines a dozen times in the past 12-15 months). In the midst of her tears (she was a bit terrified) she told them she had seen my passport on several occasions and she had physically seen lots of Philippine passport stamps. Well … I think this just pissed them off. Long-and-short of the story she offered them a 1000 peso bribe but the guy and woman officers wouldn’t accept that. So, they would not let her on the plane and consequently, ruined our weekend in HKG.

I have since talked to several bargirls, both in the Philippines and in HKG and about half indeed have heard of this shake-down, and about 50% had no idea what I was talking about. The ones that know of the immigration scam said that the “squeeze” was really 5000 pesos (US$100). I have also heard stories about this happening to girls trying to fly from Clark to Bangkok, even when they were with their American boyfriends. Turns out, the best bet for a single Filipina is to fly out of Manila as I have not heard of any problems out of there. Plus, my girlfriend has previously flown by herself to Singapore, Bangkok and Shanghai.

I don’t know when I was so outraged and totally pissed off. When I landed in Clark a couple of days later, it was all I could do not to march up to the guy and woman immigration officers that were there and absolutely tie into them screaming. But then I saw the ultimate irony …… immediately above the immigration kiosks where these two thieving bastards were working is a huge poster (maybe 5’ x 7’) which says …… “If you see any foreigners doing anything illegal, report them immediately to the authorities”. Yep … I kid you not …. that is what it said. Funny, it didn’t say anything about reporting their own illegal, thieving, extorting, bandits !!!!!

Member #3428
10-26-09, 04:40
I don’t know when I was so outraged and totally pissed off. When I landed in Clark a couple of days later, it was all I could do not to march up to the guy and woman immigration officers that were there and absolutely tie into them screaming. But then I saw the ultimate irony …… immediately above the immigration kiosks where these two thieving bastards were working is a huge poster (maybe 5’ x 7’) which says …… “If you see any foreigners doing anything illegal, report them immediately to the authorities”. Yep … I kid you not …. that is what it said. Funny, it didn’t say anything about reporting their own illegal, thieving, extorting, bandits !!!!!

Not just Clark, I know girls that this has happened to at NAIA Terminal 1 and 2. 30 year olds, 28 year olds, and young ones. Going to Singapore, Bangkok, HKG etc...

10-26-09, 05:21
I've seen some other posts about Clark Immigration posted on "the subic bulletin" dot com.

10-26-09, 18:01
Sometime in July. My gf and I wanted to visit my country for a month and same bloody thing happen. Said she was young and not alloweed to leave! So called protecting her from vice/human traficking. Can't sleep together if not married. Whatever. I gave it to him telling him he needs to solve his backyard problems of premarital sex and young gals being dumped after their pinoy bf impregnates them! Anyway he said can't go! So I said ok fine. So I was sitting there consoling my gf who said it was ok. Etc. When I went back to ask something to the immigration guy (can't remember what) the guy said ok. You can go. I just wanted to see how genuine you are. BASTARD!

One other sri lankan guy about 60 couldn't get his gf to follow him though.

Oh and my gf is hot and not a bargirl. So guess he assumed!

I have had a wonderful Filipina girlfriend for the past two years. She is the absolute love of my life. She is an ex-bargirl but hasn’t worked for several years. She is really a very attractive woman and is 29 years old, so she does not look like a 20 year-old bargirl, nor does she act like an immature youngster.

I am in the Philippines about every second month for a couple of weeks and we spend 100% of my time together. I had to go to Hong Kong at the beginning of a recent trip so she was going to fly up and meet me in HKG and we were to spend a couple of days with friends, and then we would come back to the Philippines together. It was cheaper to fly her out of Clark on Cebu Pacific, so I bought her one of their $54 round trip tickets.

She took a bus up to AC, stayed with friends and then in the morning went to the Clark airport. Cebu Pacific checked her in with no problems; she paid the airport tax with no problems; she had her Philippine passport; and then the immigration officers tried to extort her! No kidding. The Philippine immigration officers told her she had to have a written letter of invitation from a HKG resident, notarized by the US consulate (the friends we were going to stay with were Americans). This made no sense to me as there are no laws prohibiting Philippine nationals from “leaving” their own country. She had checked with Cebu Pacific prior to her trip and they assured her there were no required visas for a Filipino passport holder to spend up to 30 days on a tourist visit. I might understand this if the problem was with HKG immigration not letting someone into their country, but no … the Clark immigration officers shook-her-down and wouldn’t let her “leave” the country. They took her into a room and basically grilled her. They asked her my name and put it into their computers and said that there was no record I had ever been in the Philippines and that her boy friend (me) had lied to her and given her an alias (I have been in the Philippines a dozen times in the past 12-15 months). In the midst of her tears (she was a bit terrified) she told them she had seen my passport on several occasions and she had physically seen lots of Philippine passport stamps. Well … I think this just pissed them off. Long-and-short of the story she offered them a 1000 peso bribe but the guy and woman officers wouldn’t accept that. So, they would not let her on the plane and consequently, ruined our weekend in HKG.

I have since talked to several bargirls, both in the Philippines and in HKG and about half indeed have heard of this shake-down, and about 50% had no idea what I was talking about. The ones that know of the immigration scam said that the “squeeze” was really 5000 pesos (US$100). I have also heard stories about this happening to girls trying to fly from Clark to Bangkok, even when they were with their American boyfriends. Turns out, the best bet for a single Filipina is to fly out of Manila as I have not heard of any problems out of there. Plus, my girlfriend has previously flown by herself to Singapore, Bangkok and Shanghai.

I don’t know when I was so outraged and totally pissed off. When I landed in Clark a couple of days later, it was all I could do not to march up to the guy and woman immigration officers that were there and absolutely tie into them screaming. But then I saw the ultimate irony …… immediately above the immigration kiosks where these two thieving bastards were working is a huge poster (maybe 5’ x 7’) which says …… “If you see any foreigners doing anything illegal, report them immediately to the authorities”. Yep … I kid you not …. that is what it said. Funny, it didn’t say anything about reporting their own illegal, thieving, extorting, bandits !!!!!

10-27-09, 05:50
I have since talked to several bargirls, both in the Philippines and in HKG and about half indeed have heard of this shake-down, and about 50% had no idea what I was talking about. The ones that know of the immigration scam said that the "squeeze" was really 5000 pesos (US$100). I have also heard stories about this happening to girls trying to fly from Clark to Bangkok, even when they were with their American boyfriends. Turns out, the best bet for a single Filipina is to fly out of Manila as I have not heard of any problems out of there. Plus, my girlfriend has previously flown by herself to Singapore, Bangkok and Shanghai.

I don't know when I was so outraged and totally pissed off. When I landed in Clark a couple of days later, it was all I could do not to March up to the guy and woman immigration officers that were there and absolutely tie into them screaming. But then I saw the ultimate irony.. Immediately above the immigration kiosks where these two thieving bastards were working is a huge poster (maybe 5' x 7') which says.. "If you see any foreigners doing anything illegal, report them immediately to the authorities". Yep. I kid you not.. That is what it said. Funny, it didn't say anything about reporting their own illegal, thieving, extorting, bandits! Few years back when I used to live in Manila I would often fly around Asia, and as we know China visa stamps take up a page of passport, same with Jakarta. Etc. So I would always politely ask the Immigration clerk who stamps the passport if they could put stamp next to another to save space. Simple request that HK and Singapore have no problem complying with.

The ***** who was on duty in Manila Immigration that day clearly had found out her husband had been porking her slim sister, as she smiled an evil grin and stamped in middle of one of my few blank pages. She said " I decide where to stamp. Not you"

OK. So I wasnt happy with this, and found the supervisor. He turned out to be her brother so clearly he wasnt interested in addressing the complaint.

I took a photo of her and her badge and sent a letter off to Head Of Immigration. All I wanted was an apology.

3 months later I get an official letter stating that if under section 3 code 4 sub 2 of Philippines Immigration ordinance etc etc. Then I would have to make my compliant before an Immigration official and this would have to be attested to by a notary and a practicing attorney at law.

The form to make the complaint was 6 pages long with triplicate copies required.

Madness. So next time I'm exiting Phils and see her at her counter I address her with a smile in a non Asian language asking her shes been laid recently and if not, its because she was a fat useless cow.

She actually smiled back. LOL.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

10-27-09, 07:24
China visa stamps take up a page of passport, same with Jakarta. Etc. So I would always politely ask the Immigration clerk who stamps the passport if they could put stamp next to another to save space.
I usually ask them friendly to put the stamp on the visa itself.
Mostly they do it. Try it.


10-27-09, 11:05
[QUOTE=Vibrations]Sometime in July. My gf and I wanted to visit my country for a month and same bloody thing happen. Said she was young and not alloweed to leave! So called protecting her from vice/human traficking. QUOTE]

The Philippines in probably the most hypocritical country in SE Asia, closely followed by Thailand. Just the way the culture is.

10-27-09, 23:54

The Philippines in probably the most hypocritical country in SE Asia, closely followed by Thailand. Just the way the culture is.


wow, what a tough statement! I could imagine that you will read some harsh replies very soon.



Member #3428
10-28-09, 00:32


wow, what a tough statement! I could imagine that you will read some harsh replies very soon.



I agree !!!!!!!!!!

I agree with MB that is.... :D :D

That's how I view the LARGE(R) CITIES. Take it to the village level and they are not so or as bad, but still hypocritical.

10-28-09, 08:59
The Philippines in probably the most hypocritical country in SE Asia, closely followed by Thailand. Just the way the culture is.

One thing I never liked about Thailand is they charge and sometimes openly advertise 2 prices at some places/transport, a lower price for locals and a much higher price for foreigners.

Makes me wish the rest of the world would reciprocate with much higher prices for Thai nationals and lower prices for everyone else.

10-28-09, 10:45
one thing i never liked about thailand is they charge and sometimes openly advertise 2 prices at some places/transport, a lower price for locals and a much higher price for foreigners.

for the chao phraya boats, there's that 120 or something baht ticket. but two paces away, there's the desk selling the regular 18 baht or something tickets. and no one stops you if you skip the tourist ticket. thailand isn't so bad. in athens i found the greeks a far more despicable bunch of gougers.

10-28-09, 10:50
[QUOTE=Vibrations]Sometime in July. My gf and I wanted to visit my country for a month and same bloody thing happen. Said she was young and not alloweed to leave! So called protecting her from vice/human traficking. QUOTE]

The Philippines in probably the most hypocritical country in SE Asia, closely followed by Thailand. Just the way the culture is.

You are way off base without facts, May be the government but not the avg. people, its like American gov. supporting Saudi Arab and looking the other way on women, human rights issues and also all European countries not demanding fair laws in Saudi Arabia.

We know well enough that normal folks don't agree to american blatant support of Saudi's but live with it, it is same in the Philippines with the hypocrisy you talk about.

People are more or less same everywhere, its the power that corrupts.

10-28-09, 11:08
one thing i never liked about thailand is they charge and sometimes openly advertise 2 prices at some places/transport, a lower price for locals and a much higher price for foreigners.

makes me wish the rest of the world would reciprocate with much higher prices for thai nationals and lower prices for everyone else.

you are probably being selfish, its the same when asian men face racism and higher price for fuccking a european or american women. it works both ways. i never understood, why we asians pay higher price for a blonde when white folks pay same price or lower as local for fucking asian girls?? even though we have smaller dicks we pay a higher price :(

you guys never appreciate the fact that when it matters the most, you guys are having an edge in ph and th..we asian men can't go to an all blonde or red head bars like would be pattaya in europe and get laid left and right..it cost a fortune to get laid in the west regularly for us.

even the blonde girls from russia ask a premium to get laid in thailand for asian men, yep not in russia but in thailand these girls ask a premium when not many white guys go after these girls in thailand...yet they ask a premium.

need we remind ourselfs the price for getting laid in the west and compare and complain about why their are two prices for whites and locals....which i don't agree with but its the way it is..still you guys are having an edge is my point.

i don't think west will ever tolerate or appreciate a place like pattaya ever yet they will quietly or sometimes openly support arab nations...and don't forget you don't get feminism shit in thailand or ph...talk about hypocrisy..

10-28-09, 11:29
You are probably being selfish, Its the same when Asian men face racism and higher price for fuccking a European or american women. it works both ways. I never understood, why we asians pay higher price for a blonde when white folks pay same price or lower as local for fucking Asian girls?? even though we have smaller dicks we pay a higher price :(

You guys never appreciate the fact that when it matters the most, you guys are having an edge in PH and Th..we Asian men can't go to an all blonde or red head bars like would be pattaya in Europe and get laid left and right..it cost a fortune to get laid in the west regularly for us.

Even the blonde girls from Russia ask a premium to get laid in Thailand for Asian men, yep not in Russia but in Thailand these girls ask a premium when not many white guys go after these girls in thailand...yet they ask a premium.

Need we remind ourselfs the price for getting laid in the west and compare and complain about why their are two prices for whites and locals....which i don't agree with but its the way it is..still you guys are having an edge is my point.

I don't think west will ever tolerate or appreciate a place like Pattaya ever yet they will quietly or sometimes openly support Arab nations...and don't forget you don't get feminism shit in Thailand or PH...talk about hypocrisy..

White women..be they Russians, Americans, Aussies, Europeans, are not that great in the sex department anyway! And I have been with more than my fair share! Asian women are where it's at. Especially the Japanese/Korean/Chinese providers. So you can have them all!

10-28-09, 11:54
Asian men face racism and higher price for fuccking a European or american women.

As far as I know, you pay the same price that we'd have to pay, i.e. too much.

If you want to fuck cheap caucasians, go to some economically devastated place like Ukraine, and deal with the gangsters there.

we Asian men can't go to an all blonde or red head bars like would be pattaya in Europe and get laid left and right.

Neither can we.

Even the blonde girls from Russia ask a premium

Import more, they will lose their scarcity value and become economical ;-) They are expensive in places like London or New York also.

Crazy Ami
10-28-09, 16:52
According to the pricing website that does ac bars - www.acbarprices.com - they have local drinks listed at P125. Ladies drinks are priced STARTING at P150, but go up to P380. This is not only the data/prices from the the website, but also from multiple friends that have been "stung" by those prices. Their barfine prices are P1800 (for regular girls) and P3000 for girls that have a red tag (a numbered tag that is red and black).

I was in Love and Music last night. Our group's local drinks were 95 each (SanMig, White Castle whiskey, Tanduhay rum, and chocolate milk, respectively). Could've been because the prices are always that low, or could've been because I was with a manager from another, non-affiliated bar and they knew him, as well as with our girlfriends, and didn't just look like the average tourist. Dunno. The glasses also seemed a bit bigger than other bars, but that could have just been b/c they were shaped differently.

Didn't get ladies drinks/enquire about barfines.

Personally, it wasn't a great bar (girls, even the so-called 'spotlights', weren't that much to look at), but it wasn't terribly different from other medium-sized bars. Only plus of L&M being the big, comfortable couches that will probably be ruined within 2 months. Big minus being that the 'regular' girls were not in bikinis, but in clubbing clothes; only the spotlights/cultural dancers wore bikinis. That's something I've been seeing lately at some bars (Mirrors at Clarkton being another) that's getting on my nerves a bit.

On another, positive note, the open-air beer bar being erected in front of Shooterz and Love & Music looks to be shaping up quite nicely. I shall enjoy having a drink there when it opens, I do believe.

10-28-09, 20:14
I was in Love and Music last night. Our group's local drinks were 95 each (SanMig, White Castle whiskey, Tanduhay rum, and chocolate milk, respectively). Could've been because the prices are always that low, or could've been because I was with a manager from another, non-affiliated bar and they knew him, as well as with our girlfriends, and didn't just look like the average tourist. Dunno. The glasses also seemed a bit bigger than other bars, but that could have just been b/c they were shaped differently.

Just as additional information, I just read earlier today on two separate boards incidents and reports from members regarding this bar. In one case the customers were quoted THREE (3) separate prices by three different waitresses (P100, P120 and P125); in the other case the customers were charged P100 for SML and P125 for a local rum and coke. All of these reports have been posted within the last 36 hours or so. In one of the reports, the price for a ladies drink was quoted as P285 and it was a standard ladies drink.

10-28-09, 20:22
There is corruption & hypocrisy in every country. The difference is: in poor places like s.e.a. or central america, they nickel and dime you, doubling the ferry fare for the tourista. Big deal.

In America, they're gouging us en masse for billions.

I used to think the reason the Commies were f_cked is because corruption is inefficient and hurts you [the economy] in the long run. We did better coz we had less corruption. I still believe that, but now...

I think we are in the fix we are in back here in Yank-land because corruption is as bad as it ever was in the Commie block or your banana republics. The Congress is in the pockets of big biz, and all the money is filtering up "legitimately" only to those at the top. It is a scam - legalized by the scammers. Congress! Lying, phony, cheats. And all of them getting rich. Like Putin. How is that commie worth billions after a lifetime in government?

Finally, I always thought they should just establish a multi-million dollar fund that any congress-person could tap into at any time, for any reason - go anywhere you want, spend anything you want with your family, your cousins, your mistresses, whatever. In the long run it would be cheaper.

Because now, all these guys sell us out for BILLIONs, all for some long-week end-to-the Super Bowl type thing. In the end, my idea costs simply millions, saving the BILLIONs we are losing now - when some dipsh_t sells out to a Military contractor for a $5000 trip to the Bahamas. jack

10-28-09, 20:25
Sorry, forgot this was a site about bangin' hot asian chicks. And not about crying over economics and scumbag politicians. So there was this stripper in Cebu, right...

The Rooster1
10-29-09, 00:50
Sorry, forgot this was a site about bangin' hot asian chicks. And not about crying over economics and scumbag politicians. So there was this stripper in Cebu, right...One time in Cebu camp, I was sitting at Ayalla mall and I had 5 girls come up to me, can you believe it, 5 girls who asked me if I wanted to hang out with them (better known as where is your hotel and lets go bang). And I didn't have to get out of my chair. And guys can't pick up girls in Cebu camp. Need to freshen up with a stiffie after your hangover's and get some balls! And as far as economics went, I forgot, I was in Cebu drinking 45 peso beers and looking at hot chicks.

10-29-09, 02:56
With all the new bars that opened this year in AC. Can someone give reviews on the good and bad of each. Which are recommended. Which is your favorite.

Crazy Ami
10-29-09, 03:19
Just as additional information, I just read earlier today on two separate boards incidents and reports from members regarding this bar. In one case the customers were quoted THREE (3) separate prices by three different waitresses (P100, P120 and P125); in the other case the customers were charged P100 for SML and P125 for a local rum and coke. All of these reports have been posted within the last 36 hours or so. In one of the reports, the price for a ladies drink was quoted as P285 and it was a standard ladies drink.

*shrug* Hey, I'm not trying to promote the place. Like I said before, it's a mediocre bar, the only thing I liked was the couches. But I was very sure of the prices for us, as I was operating on a tight budget that night and was checking everything closely. I'm sure it's possible that they overcharge some and not others. Was just relaying my own personal experience there.

Rob Woodrow
10-29-09, 07:31
Alaska Club was one of the first to do this and they still currently do. In Alaska customers can easily identify cherry girls by the red color of their uniforms. I can say that Alaska did and still does have some of the most "active" cherry girls around.
Good point, but Stargate also ID's girls on mens, which is arguably more helpful since that info isn't on the standard ID.

Krum Lov
10-29-09, 09:56

Can punters please supply me with latest info on BJ bars in Santos St? When I was there 2 years ago, prices were 600P for BJ, tho I got them for 500P. Now I believe they ask for 700P, is that correct? Also, are there any other BJ places near or around that Santos St area that are worth considering? For eg, I remember visiting a place just behind the Central Park Hotel which was great, but not sure if it's still there. Any tips/advice greatly appreciated.


10-29-09, 22:38
With all the new bars that opened this year in AC. Can someone give reviews on the good and bad of each. Which are recommended. Which is your favorite.
From another AC board, an excellent bar report:

Insomnia – I had never been in this bar before until 2 weeks ago. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. Talking to some guys there, they had got stung on some ladies drinks but I’m not sure what the issue was but I heard that they charged someone 190 peso for a vodka cranberry juice customer drink! They have a happy hour worth checking out. Watching the girls swing back and forth on stage did make me feeling kind of sleepy though but watching them slide down the fire pole woke me up!. 8-15 girls on stage, 6 waitresses visible, girl numbers doubled after happy hour ended

Butterfly Rock – now I always get confused as to which bar is named what on this road. I stumbled into the one with the pool table and the dance floor over to the left. The girls were...shall we say..on the older side. The waitresses were friendly. We were told on both visits that we were not allowed to play on the pool table (we were the only customers) as they had a tournament starting. We stayed for 45 minutes but never saw anyone else enter the bar except a Filipino who knocked around a few balls on the table. 10 girls on stage, 3 waitresses

Valhalla – CHANGE THE GODDAM MUSIC! Not many customers like Rick Astley, Abba, Kylie Minogue...I mean come on, where is the Akon, Timbaland, Pitbull, David Guetta, Lady Gaga and so on that get the girls moving! However, this bar must be doing something right as it always has lots of customers and the girls are friendlier than your average fields girls. Happy hour prices seem to fluctuate almost on a weekly basis between 50 and 65 pesos. Service is always friendly and efficient. between 6-15 girls on stage, had second and similar sized group of dancers, 6 waitresses visible

La Bamba – This bar has to serve local drinks in the smallest glasses in Angeles. Its barely larger than a thimble. Some nice girls here who seem to go for the older crowd rather than the younger fellas. two dancer groups, each with about 15 dancers, 6 waitresses

Pony Tails – I stop by this bar a lot because its close to my home. Inevitably it’s starting to get a little repetitive for me. A few drink sluts developing in this bar (in particular tall girl no.195 and her friend). Still I like it....and it must be one of the only bars in Angeles which serve a CAN of coke (not a bottle) for 50 pesos. I’d visit more past 7pm if the drinks were around 60-70 pesos outside of happy hour but despite this, yet again this bar is my favourite DHG bar. If you don’t know where this bar is I’m sure you aren’t going to have difficulty finding it because yesterday they just put up a HUGE Pony Tails sign above the door. between 10-20 girls on stage at any one time, about the same number sat around the dance floor (second dancer group) and one showgirl group of between 5 and 8 girls

Emotions – Line-up ranges between very sexy to plain and ordinary. Prices are a little steep for it’s location and quality of girls. Paying 60-65 pesos a local to watch the girls do the Emotions AC shuffle is not good value in my opinion. You can go to nearby Stampede, Cherrys or Brass Knob and not have to pay more than 50 pesos to see a better line up of girls. between 15-30 girls on stage, 8 waitresses

Candy Bar – One of my favourite bars still. Girls are consistently sexy, service is still friendly and the prices have not changed. Still no reports of ANY scams since opening and management are very customer focused. The consistency of this bar surprises me as many bars at one point or another lose their appeal but day in and day out this bar rocks. The bar has had a few more decorations put up and tweaks here and there which give it a more hospitable feel. Now all they need is to make it twice the size to accommodate its growing customer base. between 8-15 dancers on stage. 5-10 off stage Approx 5 waitresses

Wee Georges – I hadn’t stopped by Georges place in a while and both times I visited the bar had few customers but quite a few girls. Some girls were dancing (not the boring ac shuffle), some watching the large tv at the side of the stage. Many of the girls were sexy and not really one chubby in sight. I’m surprised it didn’t have more customers...I saw several come in and walk out quite quickly I think mainly because the girls did not offer them any interest or eye contact despite the customers trying hard. Worth a look guys and also Happy hour is 50 pesos a local (reduced from 60 pesos). 15 dancers, 7 waitresses visible

Roadies – Line-up here has something for everyone. Everyone makes you feel friendly and at home and the bar is completely hassle free. Music is always fun and the papas an always tries his damned hardest to get the girls in the mood for partying (I never knew there were so many pornographic music videos out there...the Papasan seems to have them all). between 6-10 dancers on stage...maybe 2 groups?, about 6 waitresses visible

Shooterz – I like this sister bar of Body Shop but I liked it even more when they had t-back coyote dancers on the tables. Having the table dancers really brought the girls to the customers and made it feel a less sterile bar. News that this bar does NOT serve double ladies drinks or tiered barfines is very welcome and for these reasons alone we should support this bar by buying a couple of drinks here at least. 2 groups each with between 15-25 dancers on stage. Approx 12 waitresses

Body Shop – A lot of girls...and I mean...A LOT! I wouldn’t say that they are all pretty and with Shooterz opening the quality has inevitably declined a little but it’s still got a lot to look at. Like many bars nowadays, the closer you get to the end of happy hour the bigger and better the line up gets (add Geckos, Shooterz and pretty much all the big bars to this list). 2 dancer groups each with between 15-30 dancers...I wish they would rotate on stage! Approx 10 waitresses

Rhapsody – Visited this bar at 7pm on a Tuesday night and then again on a Monday night and both times the bar was rammed full of customers. Frankly, I don’t understand why (except for maybe their PIatnight friendly policy). The girls were bored (despite having lots of customers and yet the customers seemed to still be having fun. I’ve never liked the layout of Rhapsody and for some reason the sexiest girls always seem to be dancing at the back stage and not out at the front....maybe Hollywood is keeping the best for himself? ;) 5 dancers on back stage, 6 on front stage. no second dancing group. 6 waitresses

Camelot – A lot less dancers than on previous visits. I would say that numbers are down by 50% with the quality down by about the same amount. As always the music in this bar is good but I don’t visit the bar for the music alone. 95 pesos to look at these girls seems like a joke to me. two dancer groups of between 17 and 23 girls on stage, 10+ waitresses

Eager Beavers – The girls are still wearing those damn white socks with stilettos and sandals...Ewww. similar to Valhalla, the happy hour drinks prices seem to change almost on a daily/weekly basis. One day its 50 pesos a local, the next day its 65 pesos a local in happy hour. 8-12 girls on stage, no second dancer group, 4 waitresses

Brown Sugar – A lot of girls. Some quite sexy girls too. I always see guys buying ladies drinks in here but rarely do I see any barfining. I would rate this bar as average on all accounts. two groups of between 15-20 girls on stage, 6 waitresses visible

10-30-09, 01:25

Can punters please supply me with latest info on BJ bars in Santos St? When I was there 2 years ago, prices were 600P for BJ, tho I got them for 500P. Now I believe they ask for 700P, is that correct? Also, are there any other BJ places near or around that Santos St area that are worth considering? For eg, I remember visiting a place just behind the Central Park Hotel which was great, but not sure if it's still there. Any tips/advice greatly appreciated.

ThanksThere are a couple of bars down the street on the side of the Original Orchid Inn.

10-30-09, 06:28
Valhalla – CHANGE THE GODDAM MUSIC! Not many customers like Rick Astley, Abba, Kylie Minogue...I mean come on, where is the Akon, Timbaland, Pitbull, David Guetta, Lady Gaga and so on that get the girls moving! However, this bar must be doing something right as it always has lots of customers and the girls are friendlier than your average fields girls.

Take a look around you, the average demographic of bar customers in AC is more into Abba than Akon.

Krum Lov
10-30-09, 11:19
There are a couple of bars down the street on the side of the Original Orchid Inn.Thatguy, do you mean the places next to the Duke of York in Raymond St?

Darth Sushi
10-30-09, 12:07
take a look around you, the average demographic of bar customers in ac is more into abba than akon.most of the time the girls are just swaying around but once in a while, you'll spot a gal who can give you wood on abba or polka. :d

10-31-09, 01:57
Thatguy, do you mean the places next to the Duke of York in Raymond St?Yeah that the bars. Thats about it for around fields. Those and santos.

10-31-09, 02:44
Just as additional information, I just read earlier today on two separate boards incidents and reports from members regarding this bar. In one case the customers were quoted THREE (3) separate prices by three different waitresses (P100, P120 and P125); in the other case the customers were charged P100 for SML and P125 for a local rum and coke. All of these reports have been posted within the last 36 hours or so. In one of the reports, the price for a ladies drink was quoted as P285 and it was a standard ladies drink.They are calling it the Fields Complex, and it is almost complete. The outdoor beer garden opened two nights ago, called Paradise Beer garden. Owned by the same people who own Gecko's. First rate set up, as one would expect from Gecko's. Then there is H-Rock, a knock off of the international group of similar name, restaurant and live band. Shooters is the more traditional bikini bar, owned by the same people that own Body Shop. Prices aligned with body shop on girls and drinks. Car Wash, also owned by the Body Shop group is scheduled to open in a couple of weeks and is similar to Shooters. Love and Music is a high end bar. EWR runs from 1500 to 3000, similar to other show bars such as Atlantas, Crystal Palace, etc. There are placards on all the tables showing the drink prices, owners and managers are there all the time if a waitress is confused. The invoice is generated by the checker at the bar, regardless of what a waitress quotes, everyone is charged the same. Shooters, Paradise and Love and Music are busy every night, and while all suffer from some growing pains being new, you can meet the owners of all if you have a concern.

Krum Lov
10-31-09, 11:24

Are BJs in Santos Street 600 or 700 P?

10-31-09, 13:29
They are calling it the Fields Complex, and it is almost complete. The outdoor beer garden opened two nights ago, called Paradise Beer garden. Owned by the same people who own Gecko's. First rate set up, as one would expect from Gecko's. Then there is H-Rock, a knock off of the international group of similar name, restaurant and live band. Shooters is the more traditional bikini bar, owned by the same people that own Body Shop. Prices aligned with body shop on girls and drinks. Car Wash, also owned by the Body Shop group is scheduled to open in a couple of weeks and is similar to Shooters. Love and Music is a high end bar. EWR runs from 1500 to 3000, similar to other show bars such as Atlantas, Crystal Palace, etc. There are placards on all the tables showing the drink prices, owners and managers are there all the time if a waitress is confused. The invoice is generated by the checker at the bar, regardless of what a waitress quotes, everyone is charged the same. Shooters, Paradise and Love and Music are busy every night, and while all suffer from some growing pains being new, you can meet the owners of all if you have a concern.
As to the the outdoor beer garden,
1. Is it just a bar to drink and watch sports?
2. Are there hostesses?
3. Are there freelancers?

10-31-09, 14:01

Can punters please supply me with latest info on BJ bars in Santos St? When I was there 2 years ago, prices were 600P for BJ, tho I got them for 500P. Now I believe they ask for 700P, is that correct? Also, are there any other BJ places near or around that Santos St area that are worth considering? For eg, I remember visiting a place just behind the Central Park Hotel which was great, but not sure if it's still there. Any tips/advice greatly appreciated.

ThanksI would highly suggest a girl named Leah at the Black Pearl bar. It's a little run down place right around the corner from central park, but she was the best that I think I've ever had in my entire life for a BJ. She's just a little bit overweight in my opinion but very pretty in US standards not fat at all. Just don't notice my friend the cockroach behind the bar, he's about 4 inches long and hangs out there a lot! There's a couple other women there that look good but I don't think you will ever get the level of service out of them as you can from Leah. She was absolutely amazing. She will hang out with you afterwards as well. If you like the "ice thing" she's good at that too, but I prefer the baby-oil BJ!

I would PM you her contact info but I don't have a paid subscription. It's 700P there.

11-01-09, 02:54
Are BJs in Santos Street 600 or 700 P?
Depends on the bar. Eg. Goobles is 700ps,
further down it's sometimes 600ps.
I think there is even still one bar with 500ps,
but only ugly girls as far as I remember.


11-01-09, 03:45
As to the the outdoor beer garden,
1. Is it just a bar to drink and watch sports?
2. Are there hostesses?
3. Are there freelancers?I don't think all services are complete yet. Understand they are still building a couple of VIP rooms for rent. There is to be a kitchen to serve bar food. At present there are only waitresses, I don't know if they EWR, but not many to choose from if they do. A number of girls hanging around, so perhaps they freelance, but it is not readily obvious if they are there for that. Understand from the owners that girls will be coming soon, but it was not clear how he was going to work that. They have a pool table, did not see TV's for sports. Despite warnings of a pending typhoon, that never happened, the weather has been ideal for chilling out there and watching the goings on the street. Its early days to see what it becomes, but from a construction and layout view its first class.

11-01-09, 03:55
Depends on the bar. Eg. Goobles is 700ps,
further down it's sometimes 600ps.
I think there is even still one bar with 500ps,
but only ugly girls as far as I remember.

Cheers!There is a relatively new bar (last two months) called Underground (UG) on Santos. They have a VIP room, and when the doors close it becomes quite interesting. I think short time and EWR are similar to other bars, but they always seem to have a few good looking girls, and their girls are most accomodating. Its small, but nicely done and is very popular with the locals for different entertainment. Candy Bar, up perimeter road, also has a more liberal outlook to entertainment, and equally has some nice looking girls. I don't think they have a VIP room. Both bars, not knowing short time rates, but standard EWR is 1200 to 1500, like most small bars. The difference being the girls have a more open attitude.

Krum Lov
11-01-09, 10:24
There is a relatively new bar (last two months) called Underground (UG) on Santos. They have a VIP room, and when the doors close it becomes quite interesting. I think short time and EWR are similar to other bars, but they always seem to have a few good looking girls, and their girls are most accomodating. Its small, but nicely done and is very popular with the locals for different entertainment. Candy Bar, up perimeter road, also has a more liberal outlook to entertainment, and equally has some nice looking girls. I don't think they have a VIP room. Both bars, not knowing short time rates, but standard EWR is 1200 to 1500, like most small bars. The difference being the girls have a more open attitude.Hey matius. Intriguing post. But when you say the girls are very accomodating and liberal in UG's VIP room once the doors are closed, can you give specific examples?


11-01-09, 16:39
There is a relatively new bar (last two months) called Underground (UG) on Santos. They have a VIP room, and when the doors close it becomes quite interesting. I think short time and EWR are similar to other bars, but they always seem to have a few good looking girls, and their girls are most accomodating. Its small, but nicely done and is very popular with the locals for different entertainment. Candy Bar, up perimeter road, also has a more liberal outlook to entertainment, and equally has some nice looking girls. I don't think they have a VIP room. Both bars, not knowing short time rates, but standard EWR is 1200 to 1500, like most small bars. The difference being the girls have a more open attitude.

ST rate at this place last time I visited was 700p. Some gals will do you at the place and some will do you at your own hotel =ST leave for 2 hrs or so or 1 shot whichever cums 1st.
And the LT rate here is 1200p all nite (not 1500)


11-01-09, 16:41
Depends on the bar. Eg. Goobles is 700ps,
further down it's sometimes 600ps.
I think there is even still one bar with 500ps,
but only ugly girls as far as I remember.


There are no more 500p ST places on Santos, starting gun is at 600p and you have to haggle for this as automatically they start at 700p.